#i freaking love the mccall pack
kitkatwinchester · 1 year
I literally love everything about this.
They're all so clever and so smart and so cute and just have such good teamwork and I LOVE OUR MCCALL PACK! <3 <3
Okay, for starters, that whole little planning and set-up of the lake house plan was so clever and so cute. This is a small thing, but at the start of their little talk, Stiles's immediate defense of Malia ripping up the basement, and that cute little supportive smile he gives her, was just so wholesome and I love them. And then Lydia saying she's "done with high school boys" (which, valid, frankly, given her relationship history), and then turning to Kira and Kira's immediate awkwardness like...
And then KIRA OMG. She's gorgeous, obviously, and she played the foxy fox beautifully, but it was also so unBELIEVABLY Kira to trip and fall down the stairs. Good thing Liam's a hormonal teenage werewolf or that definitely could've backfired. But luckily, it still worked!
And then the intervention at the lake house (("Think of it like an intervention, Liam. You have a problem." "And we're the only ones that can help." Sciles finishing each other's sentences ANYWAYS.), and everyone going through what they are and then there's Stiles.
"Uh, for a little while I was possessed by an evil spirit. It was very evil." "What are you now?" "Better?"
I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!!! XD XD <3 <3 (Though, as a very quick aside, anger issues and werewolf-ing do not mix, so THAT'S disconcerting...)
And then, after all of that, I really appreciate how quickly they all reacted, and how well they all worked together, when they hit emergency mode. Scott and Kira immediately grabbing Liam to get him to the boathouse (Scira! <3), Malia immediately calling for Stiles and him being super quick to grab her and get her to the basement (Stalia! <3), and then that fun little interaction between Stiles and Lydia (Stydia! <3 Stalia can be adorable and I can still have my OTP, okay? XD)...
"Lydia, who throws the best parties in Beacon Hills?" "What? Me, obviously!" "Okay. Then throw a party."
And I bet that's exactly what she's gonna do, because she rocks.
I mean it's just...
In other news, really not loving that we have an assassin to deal with, but I am loving the Derek and Noah team-ups and dynamics, because that's all kinds of fun since Sciles is a LITTLE busy to be helping with that whole situation at the moment.
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(100% not from this season (I can tell by Dylan and Shelley’s haircuts lol), but it's all five of them and I love them, so... <3 <3 <3 <3)
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chloe-skywalker · 10 months
Bad Brother - Scott Mccall
Scott x fem!reader sister
Warnings: none
Word count: 582
Requested:TW imagine the reader is Scott sister and you always have your drawing book sketch book and the pack take a look at it and Scott sees ur depressing art work and forbidden love work and realises he hasn't been he best brother ever. @cokecola4211
Authors Note: Thanks for liking the Mal one so much that you requested this again but with Teen Wolf
Teen Wolf Masterlist
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“Shoot! Y/n/n were gonna be late! Come on.” Maila shouted after seeing the time on Stiles' watch. She jumped up grabbing her bag and y/n’s wrist, pulling her along with her to the class they were gonna be late for.
“Wait-” Stiles called after them but they were already to far away to hear him. “Maila’s sure in a rush. Y/n forgot her sketchbook.”
“Shit. She’s gonna freak. I’ll make sure she gets it.” Scott picks it up. He could tell that a lot of the pages had been used up just by looking at the sides. Throughout the day he hadn’t been able to find his sister to give it back to her, but his will also broke when he couldn’t take it anymore and peaked. But what he found made him keep looking and the more he looked the more concerned he got. The more he realized he hadn't been a good brother.
Later that day after school once Y/n came home she entered their home and sat down in the kitchen where her mom was getting ready to leave for work.
“What's wrong, sweetheart?” Melissa asked upon looking at her daughter and seeing her mood.
“I lost my sketch book at school.” Y/n whined as she rested her head on her folded arms. Not at all happy that anyone could just look in it.
“I’m sure you’ll find it at school tomorrow. Go to the Office tomorrow and see if they found it. “ Melissa suggested hoping that it would help. Y/n was very attached to it so she was sure her daughter was very stressed.
“Yeah.” Y/n grunted that's all she could do.
“I’ll see you and your brother tomorrow.” she told her as she walked over kissing Y/n on the head before leaving to start her long night shift.
“Bye mom.” Y/n could out as her mom shut the door.
With that Y/n decided to grab a snack and headed up stairs to her room. She was alone in there for a while doing homework before Scott came knocking on her bedroom door leaning against the door jam.
“Hey.” he said once, getting her attention. “Found this today. You left it at lunch.”
Y/n looked up and noticed he was holding her missing sketch book. “Thanks. I was worried someone took it.” She replied as she entered her room and handed it to her.
There was a moment of silence before Scott spoke. Trying to figure out what exactly he wanted to say. “Y/n.”
“Hmmm” Y/n hummed not looking up at him.
“I know we’ve been busy the last couple years with all the supernatural stuff-”
“You looked in it didn’t you.” Y/n cut him off, holding her sketchbook tightly to her chest.
“Yeah.” Scott nodded, admitting shamefully. “Y/n, you can talk to me. About anything and everything, at any time. You know that right?”
Y/n shrugged. “We’ve just been so busy and you’ve been dealing with Alpha stuff-”
Scott shook her head as he moved to sit on Y/n’s bed next to her. “I’ve been a terrible brother and I’m sorry. Can we promise we’ll talk more when somethings bothering us?”
Y/n smiled, it was weak but it was enough to encourage Scott. So he pulled her into him, hugging her. Something they hadn’t done in a long time it seemed.
“Yeah, I think I can do that.”
Taglist: @padawancat97
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buckybarnesss · 11 months
I was literally thinking about all the fics where Stiles is like "and then Derek pushed me around 🥺" like... Derek did the steering wheel thing because Stiles made him STRIP FOR A SIXTEEN YEAR OLD BOY.
I started to read an article that opened up by criticizing the "physically abusive sterek ship" and backed out immediately, like you people need to remember that the show exists and that is not based in reality.
Pack mom Stiles.... gah. Stiles would never help Isaac with his homework. Derek would!! But Stiles? Hell no.
Stiles is literally a fucking creep. He walks around telling everyone that he loves Lydia. He has no boundaries. I love him that way. He's a snarky little asshole who would definitely just show up in Derek's apartment one day and Derek would be like "how did you get in here?" And then Stiles reveals that he pretended to be a doordash driver with a delivery and then picked the lock on Derek's front door.
fun fact my url before this one was creeperderek. i am fond of that url. he of loitering at tree lines and creepily disappearing into shadows in the boy's locker room for no fucking reason.
stiles does have a lack of boundaries and really intense anxiety about the people he cares about.
he listens to the police scanner regularly and monitors his father's diet due to his intense, almost uncontrollable anxiety about his father. he's terrified his dad will die and has an intense fear it will because of him.
all of that of course stems from his mother's death when he was so, so young and how claudia in her cognitive decline blamed stiles and accused him of trying to kill her.
this anxiety also extends to scott and melissa to various degrees due to their significance to the stability of his life for so long and why he's irrationally scared to tell his father the truth despite knowing if the sheriff understood what was really happening it would help more than hinder.
than there's other things like how he has a copy to the key to the mccall house that melissa isn't aware of and it's made pretty clear that stiles took the imitative. scott didn't give it to him.
scott doesn't seem all that bothered by this but scott is one of the few people who knows and mostly understand stiles. they live in each other's pockets. scott would be oddly touched but also be like bro what in the fuck? because really, stiles what the fuck?
people find that fucking weird and creepy.
it truly wouldn't surprise me at all if stiles had a copy of the loft key and derek knew he did and said nothing about it because these two are weird little freaks that probably have frequently creeped on each other.
we do get indications they speak outside of what we're shown. two little maladjusted bastards sharing one brain cell to creep on each other.
if stiles showed up in derek's loft derek probably wouldn't even be surprised. in fact he'd tell stiles he took longer than expected, peter did it better and he sucked.
it's so funny that fandom developed the idea that derek sneaks into stiles's bedroom all the time via the window and we literally never see this. it never canonically happens. though it's not said how derek got inside in wolf's bane so maybe a window but frankly i find it more plausible derek just, you know, broke in the house via a door.
putting a read more on this because i had a lot to say lol
stiles and lydia. ooh boy.
sentiment within fandom swayed a lot on these two and i've seen the common argument that sterek fans don't like stydia as a paring because it's not gay, or something to which i say lol no. i, personally, don't ship them romantically because for like 2 seasons stiles didn't see her as person and she mostly ignored his entire existence.
he fixated on lydia in the 3rd grade which would've been around the time claudia declined and than passed away. he held onto that crush tightly, put lydia on a pedestal making her more into an ideal than a person.
there's moments where we see them genuinely connect but there's so many scenes between the two of them until like season 3 that are cringe and uncomfortable. my main issue is that lydia never really says much about it either.
it's like until she becomes a real girl to stiles her position doesn't matter even when we see her be uncomfortable or weirded out around stiles.
we actually do see stiles and derek develop boundaries with each other. stiles uses derek to literally queerbait danny in wolf's bane. both derek and danny seem to realize this as it occurs and derek pointedly, purposefully retaliates with violence which isn't great but it makes it clear that derek is not okay with what stiles did and a line had been crossed. s2 has derek also indicate to stiles it's not okay to touch without permission.
remember the finger tippy taps stiles's gives derek when boyd dies? that's stiles having learned derek's physical boundaries over 3 seasons so that he is able to offer him comfort in a awful, terrible moment.
in conclusion derek and stiles aren't abusive and it's odd people latched onto that idea. they're abrasive assholes to each other and lack boundaries in the beginning because their maladjusted people for various reasons while also just being two little freaks about each other.
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princeescaluswords · 4 months
Villainizing Grief
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I was thinking about @theobule-caul's post here about how often fandom defends its celebration of villains (but only if they're good-looking white male villains) at the expense of female characters and characters of color. What's insidious about this is how subtle it can be, so subtle that fandom can tell itself that it's just telling an alternative story and not actively engaging in racist double standards and erasure of female characters and characters of color.
I can think of no better example than the way the Sterek fandom loves to rewrite the end of Season 3B of Teen Wolf. In Insatiable (3x11), the nogitsune, wearing Stiles's original body, has the oni kill Allison Argent. It was a shocking moment for the audience as well as for the characters. Scott ends the episode having led Allison to her death and holding her cooling corpse. It's tragic.
For a traditional television hero, the next episode would have been about Scott coming to terms with the love of his life dying in his arms, but Teen Wolf chose not to do that. The first scene in the next episode is Chris Argent instructing Scott on how to create an effective cover story about Allison's death, implying in the line "it's what we do" that Scott can't grieve right now. He must be the leader that he never wanted to be. Instead, other people -- Stiles, Isaac, Chris himself, and even freaking Ethan (notice a pattern) -- get emotional scenes which express a reaction to Allison's death. Scott won't be able to mourn Allison until the season ending montage, where he gets ten seconds of silent crying in his dining room (as I frequently say at this point - Don't strain yourself, Davis). Instead, Scott spends the final episode focusing entirely on saving Stiles to the point that even after such loss, Scott won't contemplate Stiles's sacrificing himself to save others.
Jeff Davis did know his audience. He knew that he should have only white male characters get to express feelings about Allison's death in The Divine Move (3x24). Scott doesn't. Lydia doesn't. Noshiko doesn't, and it was her oni that killed an innocent girl. In fact, Scott won't mention Allison by name until the Benefactor (4x04) -- four episodes into the next season -- when he's forced to tell the Sheriff that her name is a key word for the dead pool. He won't get to actually verbally admit that she died because he led her to fight the nogitsune until Monstrous (4x10) when he's talking to Liam and even then doesn't have time to actually express more than a fleeting emotion about it. Scott won't perform any sort of mourning until the first episode of Season 5. For a relationship that Jeff obviously considered one of the cornerstones of the series (so much that it was the focus of the reunion movie), it seems strangely thin, doesn't it? But Davis understood how little his audience cares about a character of color's feelings.
But don't worry! Here comes the Sterek Fandom to the rescue! They will give Scott the opportunity to grieve! Yay!
It appears all the time; it's very popular. When you look at stories where Scott is a Bad Friend or Stiles is Pushed Out of the Pack, it is very frequently due to Scott's reaction to Allison's death. There's a new story today where Scott is angry and blames Stiles. Don't worry, Scott will be made to apologize for grieving by the end of the story. In various and numerous stories, Scott has been lectured or scorned by his mother, by Derek, by Lydia, by the Sheriff, or by Peter (!?!?) when it's made perfectly clear that Scott McCall's primary and unending mission is to focus entirely on Stiles's emotional state and accept anything that his "best friend" decides to do, whether it's show up drunk to Allison's funeral, abandoning Beacon Hills, refusing to talk to Scott and instead choosing Jackson to be his new best friend or sleeping with a Hale.
The twisted part of this is that the Sterek fandom takes what happened in canon -- Scott sets his grief aside to take care of Stiles -- changes it to its opposite in their writing, and then uses that grief to make him the bad guy. It might seem strange, but it serves very specific purposes.
Doing this undermines Scott's and Allison's relationship as the predominant relationship of the show. Sterek fandom has been wanting to do this since Season 1. It's necessary for them to argue that Scott didn't reject Derek or Peter because they were brutal and selfish, he rejected them because Scott was obsessed with Allison. The fact that Scott clearly wasn't -- especially in this situation -- reinforces the canon reason that Scott wouldn't follow Derek or Peter, and it is hard to write apologia for a villain character if the lead protagonist had a legitimate grievance against them.
Doing this denies Scott's virtues as the lead protagonist. This is basic bashing. Even though canon Scott again and again showed compassion and concern for people he had every right not to do so (to the point that Stiles keeps scolding him about it), if they can portray Scott as focusing on his own emotions, they can argue that he's essentially selfish. Think about that -- they leapt at a chance to show a boy grieving for the girlfriend that died in his arms in order to convince their audience he's a villain.
Doing this makes it easier to conjure a relationship for Stiles and a white male character which supplants Scott's relationship with Stiles. It isn't enough for them to craft a relationship between Derek and Stiles (or Jackson and Stiles or Peter and Stiles) that didn't exist in canon -- which are completely legitimate ships, by the way -- because they also have to destroy his pre-existing relationships in a feat of bitter envy.
On the surface, it might easy to miss the connection between allowing a character of color to grieve and using it to promote white male characters (and defend white male villains), but it exists. Grief isn't bad in Sterek stories if it's Stiles or Derek grieving. Grief is bad when Scott grieves (someone other than Derek or Stiles and even then he can be scolded for even thinking that his grief is on the same level as Derek or Stiles's). This is exactly what the original post was talking about it when it complained about "sometimes transplanting whole story/personality elements of characters of color / female characters onto their white villain faves to explain why they're 'sympathetic' while also denigrating the CoCs/FCs for the exact same traits." Grief, as Jeff Davis perceived, is only heroic when a white man does it. In a character of color or a female character, it's an obstacle.
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Ok I loved your Brett imagine and I have a request if you are taking them still where the reader is studying to be a doctor and working alongside Melissa at the hospital maybe during med student experience and they bring in a member of the pack and they’re all amazed at how calm and level headed the reader is and Brett is so proud when he hears members of the hospital calling her Dr? 🥹
Pairing: Brett x Fem!Reader
Warnings: brief mentions of blood.
A/N: Thank you so much for the request! I'm so glad you liked my other fic and I hope you enjoy this one. Also, I'm always taking requests but if you're ever unsure, it'll tell you on my pinned post whether my requests are open. (y/l/n = your last name)
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It had been a slow day at the hospital. People had been filtering in and out every so often with minor injuries but nothing too serious had happened thus far. A sense of restlessness crept over you as you slumped over the front desk, watching Melissa McCall tending to a patient. You'd been working alongside her as part of your med student experience, and needless to say, she was brilliant. You admired her.
But as much as you loved it here, you had to admit that you did wish things were more hands on. Most days, you were confined to the front desk, filing papers and arranging appointments. It was pretty rare that you were able to deal with patients. But you didn't mind much, because the times that you did deal with patients, it was gratifying.
However, it seemed things were about to get a little more 'hands on' when paramedics came crashing through the doors with someone on a gurney. And when you heard the name of the new patient, you immediately sprung into action.
"Oh my god, Liam?" You called, slipping out from behind the desk and making your way over to him.
When you saw the blood, your first instinct was to freak out, because he was your friend and it seemed like he was severely injured. But then you remembered, he was your friend, which meant you had to stay calm. You had to keep your composure if you wanted to do this the right way.
Voices seemed to clash together in all the commotion, but you were able to discern the voice of your attending as they asked you a question. "Doctor (y/l/n), taking into account the patient's injuries, what do you suggest we do?"
You quickly swept your gaze over him, desperately racking your brain for a response. You could see clear head injuries, which gave you only one answer. "We need to take him down to neuro for a CT."
"That's right. Well done, Doctor (y/l/n). Are you going to accompany us down to neuro?"
You gave your attending a quick nod, before helping them escort Liam down to neuro for a head CT.
"Is he gonna be okay?"
You turned to look at Scott, who was watching you nervously from the other side of Liam's hospital bed, offering him a small smile in response. "Well his healing seems to have kicked in, so I'd say he's gonna be just fine."
Scott released a breath then, relief washing over him as he stared down at his friend. He was pretty beat up, but he was going to be fine.
You gave Scott a reassuring nod, before leaving him alone in the room with Liam. And when you approached the front desk, you were surprised to see Brett leaning against it, a small smile appearing on his face when he saw you.
"Hey." He grinned, his hand immediately reaching out to tangle his fingers in your hair.
"So uh, I hear you're a doctor now." He smiled, his fingers still absently trailing through your hair.
"Oh, so you heard about Liam huh." You assumed, considering that was probably the only reason he was here right now.
"Is he...is he okay?" Brett finally asked after a moment of silence. "I heard it was pretty bad."
"Yeah, he's fine. Do you...wanna go see him? Because Scott's with him right now, but I'm sure you'd be okay to go in."
"No, no, I'm...I'm good." He paused for a moment then before his lips twisted into a smile. "Doctor (y/n)."
"Shut up, I'm not technically a doctor yet."
"Yeah, well you're a doctor to me." He smiled, his fingers coming to brush along your cheek. "I'm proud of you."
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[Main Masterlist] [Brett Masterlist]
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lifblogs · 5 months
(Teen Wolf anon) Popping over from @evilwriter37's blog to gush a bit. Hope you don't mind. I have not been able to stop thinking about that Scott McCall & Jim Lake Jr. post you made. On one hand, a crossover between two of my favorite shows? Yes! Jim and Toby freaking out over werewolves being real and Stiles and Scott freaking out over trolls existing while Claire and Allison - and/or Kira - bond over their weaponry? 100% yes! (Tho i will probably try and write my TW/Dresden Files or my Supernatural/TW crossover ideas first. But you never know) On the other hand: It is official. I have a type. Put a longer dark haired, clean shaven boy who crosses off all the 'hero personality' boxes in front of me and you have my favorite character.
Add in mama’s boy and we have the perfect recipe. Literally the first thing I noticed about Jim within 5 minutes was that he reminded me so much of Scott. And they’re both such good people, and it’s not boring. I feel so many people say morally good characters are boring, but they’re not. They sacrifice, they fight harder than someone else might, they lose hope, they gain hope again, they lead, they love. None of that is boring, and all of that defines both Jim and Scott.
I can totally picture Lydia and Claire reading all of the troll books together, and Stiles trying to butt in, and Toby just takes him out for tacos instead, telling him girls are magic (and then Stiles figures out a hack for reading the books in secret). Whether with Kira or Alison I think Claire would find their weapons skills impressive, and might want to spar with Kira. No, I don’t know who’d win. I picture a lot of draws.
I think if Stiles ran into any of the Trollhunters antagonists he’d kind of just stand there, say something sarcastic, and then start running. He might try hitting them with a bat first, and then said bat would break immediately.
Meanwhile Jim and Toby meeting all these creatures they’d start talking to each other really fast, fire off questions to Scott’s pack, stare im disbelief.
I think Scott might actually smile the first time he interacts with a troll. Blinky would like him.
It’s just too good! I’ve been thinking about this for years. Why did I not say something earlier?
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fluffypotatey · 2 years
Okay so it's only loosely a crossover (the characters don't directly interact until the end) but whatever.
Anyway, after 1500 years, Excalibur has become....kinda like Mjolnir (hammer of Thor) meaning it's semi-sentient and Will Not let itself be picked up except by A) Merlin, B) Arthur, or C) someone it knows to be worthy. The bitch don't stay in the lake, either. It goes where it's needed, and right now, that is the Clusterfuck of Beacon Hills, where it appears buried in a rock (commit to the bit) and when the pack finds it, everyone has a good laugh bc they think it's a prank....except none of them can pull it out. Even with super werewolf strength.
But Stiles can.
(Deaton almost has a fucking stroke when he sees it)
And the rest of it is kinda just vague monster fighting shenanigans at this point, tbh, with plenty of Sterek (obviously) and also Stiles learning magic (I swear I'm not bitter) and at one point there is a dragon that does not get slain but very politely agrees to find a different plot of land to claim after "the blade-bearer" asks her to please leave.
Legit Merlin and Arthur only show up in BH at the end, after the crew is Tired and Bloody and Just Wants A Nap, and Merlin's like, "Christ, can you never stay where I leave you, you overgrown letter-opener?" to Excalibur, and Arthur is just like, "DON'T BE MEAN, MERLIN, hey, kiddo, can I have my sword back now?"
Leaving the rest of them to just be like "..........." bc they just met THEE King Arthur and Wizard Merlin, and they were dressed like a spring break Chad and his prep-goth lesbian wife.
lmao love how Merlin and Arthur come like they've just finished their honeymoon (well deserved tho)
but yes of course Excalibur ends up at Beacon Hills (a beacon for the supernatural am i right? eh?) just sitting pretty in its rock, chilling. it probably didn't even expect to be picked up by anyone other than Merlin or Arthur. sure, Merlin had said "someone [the sword] knows to be worthy" in his spell, but that was never meant to actually happen.
then the McCall Pack saunter in (well, maybe not saunter....more like stumble into the sword's domain because of some outside force or something) and begin their fun little challenge to see who gets to pull the Excalibur out of its stone. it's the most fun the sword's had in ages. then fucking Stiles Stilinski goes to pull out the sword as a joke.....and Excalibur feels its hold on the stone loosen.
oh dear
and you know, you'd think the sword would be pulled out for Scott (main protag and true alpha, all that jazz), but the sword is in Stiles's hands, and now all of them are freaking out (Stiles is the most smug he's ever been, much to the annoyance of everyone).
and then after all the shenanigans are over and our lovely Arthurian duo come in to retake Excalibur. cue Arthur and Stiles becoming petty rivals over the sword because i said so.
Stiles: Finder's keepers Arthur: Uh, no, that's my sword Stiles: And you abandoned it for a couple centuries, and it chose me, sooooo...mine now Arthur: Merlin-- Merlin: No, no, the kid's got a point. I mean, you were dead for 1500 years, give or take Arthur: ....yOU thREW the dAmN sWOrd iN thE fUCkiNG LAKE
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sterek-ao3feed-archive · 10 months
The Lost Art Of Keeping A Secret
https://archiveofourown.org/works/49491640 by RyeDomaine Stiles didn’t do foxes, not since that whole thing with the Nogitsune, and nearly killing Allison. Especially not supernatural, appear-in-your-bedroom-unannounced foxes. And when the fox stood up and locked eyes with Stiles, he’d naturally freaked the fuck out. He managed to speed-dial Derek before the fox had leapt at him and everything went black. OR Stiles becomes a member of the fang gang, but not as a wolf. Words: 7684, Chapters: 3/?, Language: English Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: Underage Categories: F/M Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Allison Argent, Alan Deaton, Erica Reyes, Vernon Boyd, Lydia Martin, Sheriff Stilinski (Teen Wolf), Peter Hale, Isaac Lahey, Cora Hale, Malia Tate Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Additional Tags: Everyone Is Alive, Suddenly Female Stiles Stilinski, Female Stiles Stilinski, Werefox Stiles Stilinski, Post-Nogitsune Stiles Stilinski, crossdressing as a disguise, Pack Alpha Derek Hale, True Alpha Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Werewolf Pack Co-Alphas (Teen Wolf), look I love them both too much don't make me pick a side, Not Canon Compliant read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/49491640
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usermischief · 11 months
I go wild over 3B because Stiles was a missing person not once but twice that season, and both times, this is followed by death and chaos. What the hell did Coach and the teams think of Stiles reappearing just moments before Coach got shot? This is the very first time the teams have seen Stiles since he was declared a missing person, they had no idea he had been found, yet not one of them has time to ask questions. Were there any students who had a late night in Riddled and heard their phone go off with an Amber Alert for Stiles because a kid going missing at the same time as an attack should probably be grounds for sending one out? Imagine waking up and learning your classmate went missing, was found in a coyote den, went to the hospital, there was some kind of an attack on the hospital that killed/injured who knows how many people including your other classmate and the police aren’t revealing who did the attack or even how the wire ended up on the ground, and the other classmate went missing again. I’d transfer out so fast. Also, let’s not forget, the first classmate turns back up just in time for the coach to get shot and for there to be a bomb at his father’s workplace, and the bomb threat on your school bus contained his father’s name plate. Also, you’ve seen this kid around a few times after this and you’re pretty sure there’s corpses with more color in their skin than him, he was briefly unable to read for a bit there and kept zoning out like he didn’t know where he was and this happened right before he went missing so maybe that had something to do with it, and his friends are all acting super weird about him, they keep talking like he’s responsible for the recent deaths but they also act like he’s not responsible so it’s freaking Schrödinger’s responsibility up in here. In addition, the kid injured at the hospital briefly turned up and as you walked to the doors after making up a test you missed last week, you saw him trying to murder those twins he hates for some reason (you once overheard those two asking McCall if they could join him in his probable/hopeful-cult that he calls a pack, only for Stilinski to laugh and shut them down and Lahey to jump in and say they helped murder Boyd a bit ago so they can get fucked. You’ve never forgotten Lahey threatening to murder them and Stilinski nodding emphatically like he thought this was a fantastic idea; you make a note to avoid ever touching those that the “eye for an eye” twins love because evidently they believe in revenge homicide. You ducked your head down and refused to think about anything they said and prayed the bit about claws was a metaphor, you’re drawing your line at werewolves existing), and you really hope that was just makeup on his face. McCall’s ex-girlfriend and the new girl are both there, trying to stop this, and why does she have a sword?! You pretend you see nothing and ask your parents about how they feel about moving across the country, you want to get as far away from this as possible. 3B is such a wild ride from the perspective of the students because they have to be noticing some things, there had to be some sort of notification sent out that the sheriff’s son had gone missing and this occurred when the hospital was attacked (and the students would know the timing because Coach brings up Stiles and Isaac at the same time to the team), and the very next time they see Stiles, the Coach gets shot. Also, Danny was right there when Ethan and Aiden had their fight that Isaac stopped, other students were probably around as well. The fact that there are any students left after 3B is perhaps the biggest mystery of all, how are parents letting their kids attend this school? It’s like Hogwarts in terms of danger really
And it's not getting better in the next three seasons.
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jflemings · 2 years
some of my random, oddly specific teen wolf headcanons
- Scott can play the harmonica. 
- The McCall Pack members all get the two bands, or some variation of it, tattooed on them after the war. Liam, Stiles, Malia and eventually Theo all have the bands whereas Lydia, Mason, Corey and Derek all have the circle variation.
- Derek did them on the supernaturals. - Corey’s didn't need as much flame as the others because of his dominant chameleon gene but it still hurt like a bitch. - Liam and Malia blacked out from the pain whereas Theo “took it like a champ” according to Stiles. Scott and Theo had a long conversation about the reason why he didn���t black out and for the first time someone other than himself knew what happen when he left Beacon Hills.  - Liam’s bands are on his right bicep, opposite to Scott, Malia has the bands on her left ankle, Theo on his left forearm, Stiles around his right middle finger.  - Lydia has the small circles on the back of her neck above her spine, Derek on his back below his triscallion, Mason on the outside of his left ankle And Corey on the inside of his right.  - Both Kira and Isaac get the tattoo later on. Kira on her right wrist and Isaac on the right side of his torso. - Liam gets asked about it once by a professor that saw both Scott and Malia with the same tattoo when they were visiting and he responded “it’s a family thing” and left it at that
- Liam’s acrobatic abilities come from the few years he did gymnastics as a kid. he quit early on but continued to tumble because he liked it so much.
- Stiles and Liam both have ADHD.
- Malia went to Paris and connected with Isaac. They became great friends and bonded over the endless stories of the pack.
- Derek took Malia to meet Cora in South America.
- Lydia helps Liam, Corey and Mason with their maths, biology and physics homework. She acts like it’s a bore but everyone knows she loves to bond with the younger members of the pack.
- Much like Scott and Stiles took Liam and Mason under their wings, Lydia did the same for Corey when she realised how out of place he felt sometimes. They go out for breakfast whenever Lydia is home from college.
- Alec took an immediate liking to Theo despite Theo only being an ally and not a pack member when he met everyone. 
- Alec was also the only person ballsy enough to ask (in front of the entire pack) why Theo wasn’t at a pack meeting because quote “He’s basically pack anyway, I mean he literally lives at Liam’s house”.
- That's how everyone (besides Scott, Argent, Mason and Corey) found out Theo’s living situation.
- Malia basically knew anyway because one day in Scott’s kitchen she asked Liam “why do you smell like coyote?” Liam shat himself. 
- Despite their mutual hatred for each other in the beginning, Theo and Malia get on quite well.
- Liam and Theo are not only a good team when it comes to fighting but also to board games. They teamed up for monopoly once and beat everyone so bad they aren't allowed to team up anymore.
- Scott, Stiles and Theo reconnected after they finally captured Monroe. The three of them sat down with Melissa, Argent and Noah to clear the air. 
- Stiles and Theo were closer than Theo and Scott when they were kids which is why Stiles knew something was up when Theo came back to town.
- Liam’s moms’ name is Jenna 
- She is a saint
- Lydia has double jointed thumbs and freaked Alec out when he first joined the pack.
- Malia is allergic to peanuts.
- Alec can’t ride a bike.
- Kira loves cool ranch Doritos.
- Theo is a really good soccer/football player.
- Mason loves red velvet oreos.
- Corey absolutely despises them.
- Hayden and Theo would secretly played soccer together when Theo still went to Beacon Hills High.
- Liam is an aries.
- Stiles hates the McDonalds pickles.
- When Isaac first meets Liam they get into a fight after Isaac mistook Liam for an intruder in the McCall house.
- Scott is actually really uncoordinated, so much so that Melissa was still shocked that he made the lacrosse team even with his werewolf abilities.
- Melissa’s right hook is lethal.
- Chris is the one that found out Theo was living in his truck.
- Kira is a really good liar.
- The Yukimura family stayed in Beacon Hills even after Kira left despite the fact that they said they were going to move back to New York. Ken works at the local university.
- Mason made a powerpoint for Liam’s 21st birthday and made a point to put in his 6th grade yearbook picture at the beginning. 
- When Corey wants to propose to Mason he goes to Liam (as well as mason’s family) for his blessing.
- Corey, Mason and Liam all get into UCLA
- Chris is really good at using a yo-yo
- Pack members take turns in bringing the parents food while they're at work, including the Geyers.
- Theo is the one that leaves the Sherriff with a packet of chips or a donut along with his usual healthy lunch order. - Mason’s food is always home cooked. - Malia usually just drops by the hospital with bags of snacks for Melissa and David.  - The first time someone bought Jenna lunch at work is was Scott as an apology for keeping Liam out so late one night in freshman year. He makes a habit of it and does it whenever he can. - He thinks he’s slick but Jenna knows who it is.
- The first time Scott and Liam get called True Alpha McCall and True Beta Dunbar they both get extremely embarrassed.
- Derek and (secretly) Peter pay for group and individual therapy for the pack. 
- Stiles was in the chess club in middle school
- Noah still calls Stiles mischief 
- Corey’s powers develop over the years with the help of Theo. 
- He figures out he can phase though solid objects and people as well as phase into people’s bodies and feel all their insides.
- it freaks everyone out. Especially when he accidentally did it to Stiles once and he literally grabbed the bone in his forearm.
- The glowing eyes don’t come until the summer between sophomore and junior year of college when the whole pack is back in Beacon Hills to deal with yet another threat. Scott does his True Alpha Roar that  makes the ground shake if you focus hard enough and Malia, Liam, Derek and Theo’s eyes glow blue and gold respectively. Then Liam turns to Corey with a ‘Holy shit! your eyes” 
- They’re a brilliant lime green that turn into more of a blue-green when he turns invisible
- The pack (+parents) place bets on Liam and Theo getting together.
- Their bets are this:
Stiles has $50 on a Thursday and a pack dinner  Lydia has $100 on an angsty fight in the rain with a kiss because duh  Stillinski has $45 on Theo’s truck  Scott and Malia team up and chip in $40 each on Theo’s kitchen making breakfast  Mason has $120 on Liam finally getting fed up with that one girl in Theo’s 8am class that cannot take a hint and then picking a fight with Theo afterwards because “he’s a jealous mf like that” Corey has $70 on Liam’s room at the Dunbar-Geyer household at thanksgiving  Melissa and Argent have $60 on the school library because you know what? everything happens there anyway Peter, of all people, puts $170 on the hospital I’ve heard the stories, Malia don’t look at me like that  David offers $100 for UCLA because Mason and Corey tell me things, Jenna. okay? they tell me things  Jenna chips in $130 for Theo’s front door David, I'm telling you if Liam was going to tell Theo how he felt he wouldn’t even be able to get through the apartment  Derek overconfidently puts $350 on life or death situation because have you met them?
- Derek, Lydia and Peter (of fucking course) win 
- Derek and Lydia split the $1,275 prize money between themselves and only give Peter a gift card to a diner in town that’s been open forever
- Erica is a lesbian
- Boyd and Erica have the triscallion engraved on their headstones.
- Erica was basically a math genius 
- Boyd wanted to be a lawyer
- The remaining Hales get together once a year for an (attempted) civilised Christmas to themselves.
- Derek, Malia and Cora all rip on Peter the whole night.
- on Scott’s 25th birthday Liam gifts him a photo of him, Scott and Stiles that was taken at a lacrosse game a few weeks after Liam was bitten.
-on the back of the photo Liam wrote “To my alpha, one of my best friends, and the best pack dad anyone could ever ask for. Thank you for loving me for who and what I am” 
- That same year Scott gifted Liam a photo of the both of them from that same night, an in action shot of Liam scoring a goal and Scott behind him with his arms in the air cheering.
- the note on the back reads “To my right hand man, my first bitten beta and best little brother I could ever ask for thank you for giving me a chance. I'm always in your corner”
- Corey and Liam both make UCLA’s lacrosse team. Scott and Stiles throw a pack party to celebrate.
- Kira goes to Malia when she wants no-bullshit advice about anything.
- Liam is lactose intolerant but chooses to ignore it.
- Theo can skate.
- Scott and Liam play the guitar, Stiles can play the drums and Kira plays bass. on more than one occasion the pack have joked about them starting a band.
- Kira has a small tattoo of a fox on her hip.
- Lydia says she hates reality tv but made Kira and Malia watch Love Island with her.
- Theo gets dragged into it as well.
- Theo moves out of the Dunbar-Geyer house when Derek offers him an apartment in his building. 
- Allison was an extremely talented artist.
- Mason is a movie buff.
- Stiles still makes sure Noah is eating right.
- Hayden played softball and danced as a kid.
- When Scott goes off to college and Liam is having a particularly hard time he goes to the McCall house and has dinner with Argent and Melissa.
- Scott knows how to knit.
- True to her fox nature, Kira is a really good trickster and will more often than not team up with Stiles or Lydia to mess with the pack. 
- Because of her years living as a coyote, Malia is light on her feet and accidentally scares members of the pack when she just appears behind them.
- Theo’s wolf-coyote dna means his senses are sharper than the other supernaturals.
- After Monroe’s initial attack on Beacon Hills, The sheriff and Parrish put together a task force that investigates supernatural crime within Beacon county. Scott and the pack are listed as expert consultants on all official documentation and help whenever they can.
- Derek, Theo and Scott hang around the station as an extra set of eyes and ears when they've got the time.
- Melissa is in charge of the supernatural unit at the hospital with the help of Liam’s dad. It helps David come to terms and understand the supernatural.
- Liam can surf (he has a surfboard in his room in s4e11) 
- Liam leaves all his shit at Theo’s place, even before they get together.
- a spare change of clothes, a toothbrush, throw blanket, coffee mug, you name it, it’s there.
- Theo doesn’t realise this until Alec points it out one day, to which Theo denies and Liam just gives him the flattest look ever and says “you’re drinking out of my coffee mug, I just brushed my teeth with my spare toothbrush and Alec is sitting next to my throw blanket”
- Theo shuts up after that.
- Jenna adores Alec 
- Alec lives with the McCalls and has a great relationship with Melissa.
- Melissa bakes everyone cakes on their birthday. 
- Argent teaches Alec how to fight from a hunter’s perspective when Melissa isn’t home.
- Stiles couldn’t confidently swim until he 9.
- Isaac doesn’t move back permanently to Beacon Hills until Monroe is captured but he goes back and forth between France and California all through the war.
- he also lives in Derek’s building.
- Cora comes back from South America for Scott’s 25th birthday since the pack threw a massive surprise party for him.
- Everyone was there. Everyone. - Stiles was in charge of the guest list and almost didn’t invite Jackson bc it’s Jackson “I don’t care lyds he’s not coming” - He goes. - They toast to Allison, Erica, Boyd, Aiden and Deucalion. - There are lots of tears and it really hits Scott that yes, they've lost people near and dear to them but the people in the room with him are alive and healthy and that’s all he’s ever wanted.
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kitkatwinchester · 11 months
Okay, waaaaay late reaction, because I was too busy trying to process what the F*CK just happened, because HOLY SH*T!
I'm gonna say it.
I am.
Season 3 is still my favorite. Void!Stiles is still my favorite villain, and all of the whump and hurt/comfort that Season 3 had as a result of that was amazing. Plus, most of my favorite Sciles moments are in Season 3.
Season 4 100% has the BEST writing and storytelling that Teen Wolf has had as of yet.
Like, obviously, there are two more seasons after this, and I still have two episodes to finish out this season, but given everything that I've seen so far....NONE of the writing up to this point can compare to this. Absolutely none of it.
I mean, the PUZZLE PIECES here. The THOUGHT that went into this. The twists and the secrets and the reveals and the THEMES...
If Season 3 wasn't as Sciles heavy as it was, Season 4 would 100% be my favorite.
Sorry not sorry.
And maybe I'll take that back when I finish out the season, because maybe I'll be disappointed by the ending, but given how well they've been doing so far...I doubt that.
I mean, in this episode alone, we get...
The amazingness that is Derek's speech. "Then let's send a message. Let's make something perfectly clear to anyone with a copy of that list. It doesn't matter if they're professional assassins, hunters, or an amateur who just picked up a gun. Anyone who thinks they can hunt and kill us for money, is gonna be put on another list. Our list. They get to be a name on our deadpool." (I cheated and copied that from the transcript, but it was too good not to.)
The reveal that Meredith was behind this under Peter's indirect orders, followed by the still present confusion over who is really manipulating who between the two of them. (My vote goes to Peter, by the way, because he is obviously WAY more complacent in this than he is letting on.)
The immense trust that all of these characters have in each other as they all do their parts to try to stop this--Noah and Parrish trusting Lydia and letting Peter go, everyone on the deadpool trusting Scott and company to protect them, Meredith trusting Lydia to do the right thing despite everything her brain is telling her, Stiles trusting Malia's instincts in the lake house room, and Stiles trusting Lydia when it came to the floor and the wine--and how all of that allows them to keep each other safe and finally stop the deadpool, HOPEFULLY once and for all. (But there are two more episodes, so who the f*ck knows at this point.)
The puzzle pieces and discoveries of all of the effort that had to go into making this deadpool--Peter manipulating Meredith, the automatic payments from behind the lake wall, the not-really-wine stain (or rather, lack thereof), the slew of hunters and assassins that were being sent out, and the not-yet-fully-figured-out partnership between Kate and Peter. (I mean, seriously. I've gotten really good at predicting this show in a lot of ways, and although I was definitely still suspicious of Peter, there is NO way I could've seen ALL of THAT coming.)
And then honestly, probably my personal favorite, the persistent reminder that being a monster doesn't mean you have to act like a monster, and that although so many of them are "violent creatures", who constantly fear that their natures will take over, it's their love and kindness and loyalty and protectiveness and trust and hearts that will keep them from ever fully crossing that line. (Though, I will say, Scott was scaring me QUITE a bit, and I'm soooo glad Stiles, Malia, and Lydia managed to stop the deadpool so that the cell phone ringing could snap him out of it, 'cause that was a LITTLE too close...).
And on top of ALL of that, we still get all of our amazing relationships--familial, romantic, platonic, and everything in between--and some amazing character growth and character moments that just make the season even better than it already is.
I mean, seriously, what more could you want??
And now, I'm gonna stop typing there, because I am honestly just soooo eager to keep going, and I REALLY need to make sure Peter doesn't kill Scott (which I think will be easy to avoid, because he has a whole pack to protect him gosh darnat--also f*ck you, Peter), and honestly, I just 100% need to see how this ends.
Soooo many good things in that episode (so many good things in this SEASON!!!), but this is the gif we're going with, because YES!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Season 4, Episode 11, here we come!!
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(I adored this theme with every fiber of my being when it was in Supernatural, and I love it EVEN MORE in Teen Wolf. <3 <3 <3 <3)
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houseofperfecttaste · 2 years
Scott McCall - Do I Know You?
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"Y/N!!" Was the last thing she heard before falling to the ground clutching her stomach and her head hit the pavement hard. Before she closed her eyes she saw Scott running towards her.
Scott's POV
I was sitting in the hospital chair next to Y/Ns bed, I stared at her tears brimming in my eyes blaming myself for her being in a coma for 3 months. How could I be so stupid to let her come with us to fight the Oni?
"It's not your fault Scott. She’s a great fighter and can take care of herself but the Oni was just smarter. There was nothing you could’ve done.” Stiles said placing his hand on my shoulder as I placed my head in my hands running my fingers through my hair.
"How is it not my fault? I'm the one who let her come with us. I should've been protecting her and now it's my fault she's been in a coma for 3 months." I thought about how whenever she looked at me her eyes were filled with love and she always had the biggest smile on her face. She was the light of my life, best thing to ever happen to me. I closed my eyes thinking about the time before we left.
"I don't want you coming."
"Too bad, I'm joining. I can take care of myself." Y/N said packing a bag with a few guns and bow and arrows.
"I know you can. I don't doubt that but this is too dangerous for you. I can't risk you getting hurt or losing you." I sat on the edge of her bed pulling her down onto my lap smiling at her. I rubbed her thighs kissing her shoulders and neck then her lips. She placed her hands on the back of my neck deepening the kiss and I placed my hands on her waist pulling her closer if possible. After a few minutes of a gentle make out session she pulled away to catch her breath.
"I love you Scott McCall. Forever and always."
"Look." Stiles said rushing out to get my mom and I rushed to her side as her eyes started to flutter open. I grabbed her hand in mine kissing it holding it to my chest as everyone pooled into Y/Ns room.
"Y/N. Y/N hey." I smiled down at her happy tears falling from my eyes and I placed my hand on her head stroking her hair. She looked around the room looking a little frightened but who can blame her she just gained consciousness.
"I'm sorry do I know you? Any of you?" She looked at me then at everyone else and my heart sunk. She had no idea who I was, who any of us were. All of our memories gone. I looked at everyone who had frowns on their faces and I sighed caressing her hand.
"Y/N it's me, Scott. Your boyfriend. Stiles, Lydia, Malia, Liam.." I started naming off everyone hoping she would remember someone or something but nothing.
"I'm sorry I don't know any of you." My mom started asking her questions asking her how she was feeling and my mom placed her hand on the small of my back leading me away from Y/N. "Give her some space sweetheart, she's a little freaked out." She said as we both glanced over to Y/N and I nodded biting my lip.
Hours later I went home looking at my wall that had pictures of Y/N and I all over it and I started crying because the love of my life had no idea who I was and there was a possibility she'll never remember.
"Scott, she'll remember you just have to help her. Tell her how you guys met and have been inseperable since, tell her stories about fun times and things she's done in life. Remind her of all her memories with you and all your guys' friends." My mom said coming to stand next to me looking at the pictures also. I turned to her and engulfed her in a hug crying into her shoulder as she rubbed my back. She gave me a kiss on the cheek before heading back to the hospital.
I saw the same nurse from earlier today come back in and I gave her a small smile. "Will I be able to remember who all those people are? Get my memories back, anything?" "In time yes. It'll be frustarating, it'll come back in pieces but you just have to keep trying." I felt so guilty for not being able to remember who they were and small tears fell down my cheeks.
"Y/N it's not your fault at all. We're all going to help you get your memory back no matter what it takes." Melissa smiled at me warmly and I felt safe with her smiling back. She let me know that I'll have to stay in the hospital for a few more days and after a few tests and scans that I would be able to leave the hospital and go back home.
~ A week later ~
I was back at home my parents showing me photo albums trying to get me to remember and I threw the album down next to me on the bed in anger not being able to remember anything. "Y/N sweetie you have a visitor." My mom said and I nodded letting her know it was okay for them to come in.
"Hey Scott." I smiled moving over on my bed to let him sit next to me. He hesitated for a second before sitting next to me. He placed a photo album on his lap looking at me. "I uh brought this for you. But I know you've probably been looking at them all day so take your time." I grabbed the album from his lap and started looking through it. Nothing clicked in my head and I closed it gently placing it in front of me biting my lip and looking at Scott.
"I'm sorry Scott. I want to remember I want to remember you so bad, our memories, everything. But even though I don't remember it's good to know that I had a great taste in guys." We both laughed and I leaned my head on his shoulder. I looked at my phone and saw that it was 9:30 at night. Scott also saw the time and got up to leave when I gently grabbed his arm stopping him.
"Please stay." I whispered and he nodded climbing in next to me and he laid on his back awkwardly and I smiled lightly snuggling closer to him wrapping my arm around his waist resting my head on his chest as he wrapped both arms around me holding me tightly.
"You used to love cuddling and falling asleep like this. You always said that you feel safe and protected and that nothing could hurt you."
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do you know of any were-creature sheriff fics? (naturally i mean, not bitten or turned) or stiles' spark comes from his dad instead? i get the appeal of claudia being the 'thing' that makes stiles special bc *trauma* or whatever, (or the magic of the stilinski family), but stilinski is his fathers name and i kinda wanna see the sheriff rock some magic
Let's see what I can find!
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Mid Air Love Message by Hexandecimal
(1/1 I 645 I General I Claudia/John)
Jan 'Just call me John' Stilinski never believed his parents when they told him he'd learn to love his shift. His parents only cooed at each other and laughed at his incredulity, but how was he supposed to like being a pole? He wasn't even made out of something cool like his dad. He's carbon fiber. What's he going to do, try out for track and field and hope for the best?
The not!fic of how John learns to appreciate the other part of himself with a little unknowing help from the girl of his dreams.
Teen Wolf 2.0 (Season One) by AceOfSpaids
(1/? I 818 I Teen I Sterek)
When Stiles was fourteen his entire family died in a house fire; his sisters, his brother, grandparents, everyone. His dad was the only survivor, though in a way it was like he died as well. Stiles and his mother were lucky enough not to be home. After everything was sorted Stiles and his mom moved to Poland, to get away. Years later Claudia gets a message and needs to go back, and when he feels his bond break he has to as well.
Or; What would happen if Stiles, Derek, and Scott all switched roles? What if the writers weren't assholes who exploited Sterek instead of actually giving us Sterek after at least season 4 like they should have? What if there were people to help the literal TEENAGERS trying not to get themselves and everyone else in Beacon Hills alive while under constant threat from the supernatural and murderous hunters?
This fic is here to answer those questions.
Overlooked by psychoticmusic
(2/2 I 1,933 I Teen I Jackson/Lydia)
Stiles is fed up with Scott and decides to leave the McCall pack. Stiles also learns something new about his heritage.
Home Is Where The Heart Is by Adegolas
(3/? I 2,249 I Not Rated I Sterek)
Stiles Stilinski is a born wolf, who has to live through the death of his mother and survive the trails of life.
Worth Fighting For by Therapeutic_Steter
(1/1 I 2,372 I Teen I Steter)
anonymous asked: young Peter has a big fight with Talia+parents and his now on the way to his BFF Stiles, to get some support and Stilinski-family-feels.
Fighting Chance by Kindred
(3/? I 3,114 I Mature I Sterek)
Stiles staggered into the loft holding his bleeding arm
All the Secrets I Never Told You by Salios
(1/1 I 6,100 I Teen I Sterek)
When they're warned of an incoming hunter-threat, the pack prepares for another fight. Instead, they realise that someone might not be who they appear. Stiles comes to terms with his own feelings and decides who to trust.
Hidden Truths by LoveGD
(10/? I 17,381 I Explicit I Sterek)
Stiles is tired. Tired of always having to hide who he is, and what he can do. When the Pack kick him out because he's a "useless human", Stiles goes to visit his paternal Uncle and comes back ready to kick some ass. With the Alpha Pack lurking in the shadows, it's time for the Stilinski Family to show who's boss!
Nothing or all in by brewhaha
(25/25 I 28,713 I Teen I Sterek)
People say things can't get any worse but as somebody who has seen ferals Argents, Alpha packs, darachs, chaos demons, the dread doctors, the wild hunt and more all before finishing high school I know anything will get worse. The world is ending and it's all thanks to Scott freaking McCall acting like everything he does is right, Deaton being a shady mother wanting more power and Gerad Argent trying to be the biggest kid on the playground. Everybody is dead and the only ones who are left are me and Derek. It turns out there is a hail mary in the form of time travel. Derek is something called the lord of all that walks or the delta of shifters and I am Sprawiedliwość na wszystkie or justice for all because mom was the nematon.
A Forgotten Spark by Phlinting
(13/13 I 35,123 I Mature I Peter/John)
Noah Stilinski always knew something was missing, but it took the death of his son and some seriously heavy drinking for a few very important memories to shake loose. The question now is what the hell is he going to do about it? And can he trust Peter Hale to actually help?
This story starts with Stiles's death several years after the TV series ended, but don't worry, he won't stay dead. I wouldn't do that to one of my favorite Teen Wolf characters.
Delta by Rhiw
(22/22 I 93,828 I Mature I Sterek)
Stiles and his father have been the only two werewolves in Beacon Hills since they moved there seven years ago. In fact, Stiles had never even met another wolf that wasn't related to him. Which would be fine except that he was a Delta - a Third, a Breeder, whose only purpose in life was to find a nice big, strong Alpha or Beta to breed them like the bitch he apparently was. But, again, given the lack of werewolves, Stiles pretty much thought he'd never have to deal with any of that.
Then one night his father gets called out to a murder scene in the Preserve and Stiles can't help but go check it out.
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princeescaluswords · 2 years
It never fails to ~tickle~ me when the same stans that deem Scott a ~colonizer~ of werewolf culture will proudly say that the land ~belongs~ to the Hale family whom, last I checked, were white people. They deploy terms like colonizer yet firmly believe the land is "Hale land" ignoring the Native Nations that resided and reside on what is currently known as Beacon Hills, California. You know... the state that has some of the most tribes right behind what is known as Oklahoma.
So much Hale centric fic has Manifest Destiny undertones/overtures, preaching about "territory" and "the fat of the land" with implications that Beacon Hills can only thrive if the Hales are in power. Similar to Simba having to reclaim his space in the delicate, sacred circle of life so that Pride Rock can flourish since it has become barren since the usurper Scar took over.
So many fics talk about how the Hale family settled in the area but none actually acknowledge they're SETTLERS. And rich ones at that. They built Beacon Hills but who was displaced as a result? Was there a history of segregation? What of the Preserve? Which Indigenous nations stewarded the land?
I love how your Kira fic touches upon this briefly by having Deaton talk about the history of Indigenous people who cared for the land and how the Druids asked them for permission with the nemeton. But it's the only one I can think of that does this.
I've heard how some people defend it with "the Hales descend from the indigenous wolves" but why are they white?
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When reading your question, I was struck by this phrase "deploy terms like colonizer." Because, that's exactly what they're doing, isn't it? They're using the term without regard for the greater context and without caring if the term actually applies or not. Above all, they do not even attempt to make their own views consistent. Why? Because they've been told that since this is fiction and it has no greater meaning, there is no need to determine if their actions are ethical.
So, let's do the opposite.
The first step is to make a good faith effort to understand their point of view. How can Scott McCall be seen as a colonizer? It's only possible if you consider "Teen Wolf" werewolves as having a distinct and independent culture, one to which Scott did not originally belong. He can also be seen as a colonizer if he entered that culture's space without invitation in order to exploit the resources within that space. This would be aggravated if he attempted, by force or manipulation, to alter that culture to serve his needs more effectively. The ultimate expression would be if he took possession of that culture by asserting authority over it.
To parts of the fandom, they interpret werewolves having a distinct and independent culture, that of "born wolves." Scott is a "bitten wolf" so he is an other; he does not belong. Scott is seen as taking the benefits of the Bite and using them to get a girlfriend and making first line on the lacrosse teams, yet rejecting the source from which he drew those benefits. He is seen as rejecting the "born wolf" way of doing things, including their sense of justice and their respect for the authority of an alpha, and -- especially in Season 2 -- demanding that the Derek, a born werewolf, stop building a pack. Finally, Scott's rise to True Alpha is seen as illegitimate usurpation of the authority in the culture, which should belong to the established hereditary rulers.
Given this interpretation, calling Scott a colonizer is a possibility -- unfortunately for them, it is almost entirely wrong.
Werewolves in Teen Wolf do have distinct cultural practices, such as the spiral indicating revenge, the pack symbol tattoos, but most of them are connected to their supernatural nature. But they are also part of the greater human culture in which they live. Derek and Peter play basketball and they enjoy it. Satomi enjoys Go and is a practicing Buddhist. The twins are motorcycle freaks. But more importantly, they don't hold born wolves in greater regard than bitten wolves. The only advantage we actually learn is that born wolves have an easier time learning control, and that only makes sense since they live in families where the practice is established. Satomi is a bitten wolf, and Brett and Lori -- born wolves -- being in her pack is not seen as a disruption of the natural order. Most of the wolves on the show do not reveal if they are born or bitten. So, Scott being a Bitten wolf does not make him an outsider anymore than Satomi is.
Scott also does not exploit being a werewolf to get a girlfriend or make first line. He was already working toward First Line and made it before he even understood what was happening to him. Exploitation requires a will behind it. Allison didn't go out with him because he was a lacrosse star; she did it because he was kind. His rejection of Peter's and Derek's arguments in Seasons 1 and 2 weren't his rejection of werewolf culture; they were rejection of their individual decisions. Deucalion, the Demon Wolf, scorned Peter "Don't throw me in with sociopaths like your uncle," and Peter scorned Derek "you haven't exactly been Alpha of the Year." When Scott tried to stop Derek from biting teenagers, it wasn't because he was rejecting the cultural practice. He rightfully saw that Derek biting them was only putting the four teenagers in harm's way.
The ultimate argument against Scott as Colonizer is that he never never uses his True Alpha status to try to force anyone outside his pack to obey or follow his mortal dictates. His conflict with Peter in Season 4 is Peter's goal. Stiles is part of his pack by choice in Season 5. He doesn't scorn the Primal, and he asks for allies. His only use of the status of True Alpha is a bluff on Aiden, which Aiden ignores without consequence.
But we already knew this, didn't we?
So what difference does it make? Well, there's a common sentiment on this site that you shouldn't to judge anyone for their behavior in regards to a fictional world, because, as they argue, it's not real. But their behavior is real. If they employ important real-world concepts like colonization in discussions of their favorite fictional material, that's real. And it has real consequence. Deploying the concept of colonization as short hand for "why wasn't this story centered on rich white men?" is no longer limited to your immediate friends group. It's now read by thousands if not tens of thousands.
We all love the Chris Fleming meme about learning about something in an unrelated post? People learn and repeat what they learn, and labeling a Latino protagonist as a colonizer of rich white men and getting away with it teaches a lot of people the wrong thing.
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pretoriafics · 3 years
Teenage Dream
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I think this one is the most fun thing I'd ever written. Maybe it can be a new series, I don't know. What do you think?
You were just reading smut fanfics about Derek Hale before sleep. When you woke up, you find that someway, you got into the Teen Wolf universe. Word count: 1.890 Pairings: Different Dimension!Reader x Derek; Different Dimension!Reader x Platonic!Scott; Different Dimension!Reader x Platonic!Stiles Contain: It's pretty fun; You dying of shame; AU Warnings: English is not my main language <3; Inappropriate language PART 2 ALTERNATIVE VERSION TEEN WOLF MASTERLIST
It was a calm night. You were lying on your bed with your bedroom in darkness. In your hand, you were with your cell phone. You had just read on Tumblr brand new smut fanfic with Derek Hale, one of your most-loved fictional characters. You found another one with Stiles - a platonic fluff fic this time -, and you will read it when you woke up. You were almost sleeping, and you are not capable of reading it now. You just have to sleep.
You put your cell phone on your bedside table and fell asleep quickly. But when you woke up, you found yourself in a different and familiar bedroom. You sit on the waitress and look around.
It was a sunny morning outside, and you were still in your cheesy kitten print pajamas. The bed, the walls... Everything sounds familiar to you: It was Scott McCall's bedroom. At first sight, you thought it was such a real dream. However, when you stood up from the waitress, you hit your little finger on the bed.
You sat on the waitress, holding your foot. Damn! That pain's too real for all of that to be a dream. While you grab your foot, you look around again. You could smell cologne and some low noises from outside the house. A little bit more confused right now, you stood up and walks around the bedroom. Getting close to the window, you could see a familiar jeep.
No, no, no. It was impossible. All of this is just a hyper-realistic dream.
You walk in wide steps to the bathroom and look at you through the mirror. Well, you are the one reflected there. What the hell? Should you go downstairs? Should you stay right here, waiting for something happens?
Hell no.
You take a deep breath and open the bedroom door, walking downstairs on tiptoes. Then, you heard two familiar voices.
"I don't know, Stiles! She just appeared in my bedroom!"
"How she is? Does she have scales? Fangs?"
"She's just a normal girl. We have to do something! If she is a psychopath creature?"
"Scott, I'm serious. We need to call Derek."
"No! We don't need another sociopath near us. We need to take care of it all by ourselves."
You heard Stiles let out a long sigh.
"You even know how to control yourself yet, Scott. Derek is used to dealing with strange things like this. We have to call him."
"Shh! She woke up!"
Well, you were exposed.
You finish getting downstairs and walk close to the living room frame. Scott and Stiles were in the middle of the room, and they look at you scared. Your eyes got widen, and the room dives into a weird silence for a few seconds. Yeah, you aren't crazy: Somehow, you got into the Teen Wolf series.
And when you realize it...
"Oh my gosh." You put your hands on your head, in shock and so excited at the same time. "Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh!"
Scott and Stiles look at each other with a 'what the hell?' in the eyes. You turn yourself to look around. Yeah, it was Scott's house! Your inner teenager was freaking out.
"Scott..." Stiles looks at his friend "Calls Derek."
Scott already was with his cell phone in his hands.
"I'm already calling."
Man, how did you get there?! Excited, you open the door and runs outside without care about being in pajamas in the middle of the street. Derek finally answers Scott's call.
"Derek?! Oh, thank god!"
Scott almost could hear Derek's muscles get tense.
"...What happened?"
"There's a girl who suddenly appeared on my bed, and she's freaking out!"
"What do you mean with 'suddenly appeared'?"
"Suddenly, Derek! She wasn't there in a second, and then she just was!"
And then, you saw Stiles' jeep. Oh, man, you loved that jeep so much!! Excited and freaking out, you ran to the jeep. Stiles almost had a heart attack.
"No, no, don't touch my jeep!!"
But it was too late.
"Oh my gosh!!" You touch Stiles' jeep just as if it was of gold.
Stiles run to you, and Derek starts to understand that something pretty wrong was happening.
"Scott, who's yelling? You know what? Forget it. I'm coming. Took this girl in your bedroom, don't let her escape."
Derek turns the call off, and Scott puts his cell phone in his pocket. Scott approaches you, and Stiles hasn't the courage to approach you yet. So, he was just staring at you, praying that you don't do anything with his precious jeep.
"Hey!" Scott calls you, and you look at him. His voice was hesitant, but he was trying to control things "I think you should get into the house. I mean, right now."
You blink your eyes repeatedly at Scott, frozen in your place. Yeah, you were inside your favorite series when you were a teenager, with all your favorite characters... But, you know about Beacon Hills. The city was full of secrets and dangers. Until yesterday, you could see Scott and his friends escaping from death numerous times. This time, you will be the one who does it.
And this is not good.
"...Oh my gosh."
This time, your words were not from excitement but fear. Man, you're so fucked up.
You swallowed hard and got into Scott's house. The boy looks at Stiles, confused.
"I thought that took the girl inside my house would be harder."
They got into the house, looking at your shape sit on the couch. Now, you look terrified.
"Uhh..." Stiles looks at you, trying to find out something "How did you-"
"You guys need to send me home! Something went wrong, and I came here."
Scott and Stiles look at each other. It was Scott's turn to say something to you.
"What exactly went wrong?"
"I don't know! Look, I was just trying to sleep on my bed, and when I woke up, I was here."
"What are you?"
"Nothing, I'm just human. Do you guys did something that could have brought me here?"
They denied with his heads, so confused as you. Scott and Stiles were relatively new to the supernatural world. So, they are completely lost. You bit your inner lip, thoughtful.
"Something big made it. I mean, I'm definitely not from here."
Scott and Stiles stare at you with a scared gaze. Then, you all hear a car noise: It was Derek's Camaro. He was parking in front of Scott's house. Your eyes got widened when you saw it. Oh, man, you absolutely haven't the maturity to deal with Derek. Well, first of all: You were reading smut fanfic about him last night. Worse: It was an imagine! And you even want to remember the fact that, when the show got to its end, you and your best friend made tattoos. She tattoed the McCall Pack symbol on her arm, and, well, you tattooed a small triskelion between your boobs.
Man, you were dying of shame. It is such an odd situation. Anyone would never know about your tattoo or the fanfics.
Derek got into the house, and his eyes run to you immediately, and then he looks at Scott and Stiles. You felt your cheeks burning. Such an odd situation!!
"What the hell did you do?"
"Nothing!" Scott said, too nervous "She just came out of nowhere."
Derek narrowed his green eyes to Scott and Stiles, and then he looks at you. You already knew what he could ask you, so you started to talk.
"Either do I! Look" You took a deep breath, trying to contain all that mess of feelings inside of you "I was in my bedroom sleeping, and then I woke up here. But there something pretty important you guys should know about me: I am definitely not from here. When I came from, anyone of you exists. You all are fictional characters from a tv series."
The room dives into a weird silence. Scott looks at Stiles.
"Uh... Stiles... She's not lying."
"Oh, man, I was born in the wrong dimension. Hey," Stiles looks at you "What the girls think about me? Do they like me? Do I have many fans?"
Stiles began to approach you, but Derek grabs him by his shirt, avoiding an approximation.
"We don't know about her yet, so stay right there."
"Oh, c'mon" Siles looks at him and gives a few steps close to Scott when Derek unleashes him "I'm pretty sure you're curious as well."
"I'm not. I just want to know what the hell is going on."
You narrowed your eyes to Derek. You know why he wasn't interested to know about him. So, you started to talk.
"Are you sure? I mean, everyone thinks you are the most wronged of all."
Derek stares at you, unmoved by your words. You should know he would be suspicious about you. He stares at Scott and Stiles.
"She will stay with me until we know she is not a problem. I'll investigate to know how she came here."
What?! No, no, you have no maturity for that. You felt your cheeks burning again. Man, it was just like on fanfics!
You objected.
"Hell no! I'll stay here."
Without a drop of patience and calm, Derek rolled his eyes.
"You'll stay here? With Scott and his mom? So what do you will tell her about your presence at her house?"
Okay. Your plan was stupid. Also, it was funnier when Derek was rude to Stiles. With you, it was just annoying. You cross your arms in front of your chest, not so sure about what to say. He let out a long sigh of annoyance and took your arm. You widen your eyes standing up from the couch. You look at his hand on you, and then you look at him.
Derek drags you in the door's direction and looks at Scott.
"Something went too wrong for this girl to be here. Tell me if you find something else."
"Wait!" Scott gives a step forward into you and Derek's direction "She can't stay a little more? We need to, uh... Investigate."
"Let your stupid curiosity for another time, Scott."
You whine in annoyance while Derek drags you in his car's direction. A few minutes ago, you would be freaking out of getting into Derek's Camaro. Now, you are just too pissed off to care.
"Let me go! I know how to walk!"
He opened the passenger's seat door and released you. Derek didn't talk anything, just stares at you in a silent order. Pissed off, you cross your arms in front of your chest, stubborn.
"I'll not come in!"
Derek gets closer to you, giving you a deadly glare.
"Get in the car. Now."
You swallowed hard. Oh man, this part wasn't like the fanfics. It was not sexy at all. Actually, it's a bit scary.
Pissed off, you get in the car, and Derek closes the door, getting into the driver's seat. You look at Scott e Stiles through the window, thinking that maybe it would be better if you stay with them. However, you haven't a choice. All you have to do now is try not to be killed by the first supernatural threat that appears in Beacon Hills.
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andreafmn · 3 years
I'm Not Afraid - Chapter 1
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Word Count: 3,325
Characters: Female Reader Argent Character, Original Male Argent Character, Derek Hale, Allison Argent, Scott McCall, Stiles Stilinski, Isaac Lahey, Lydia Martin, Chris Argent, Jackson Whittemore
Story Description: (Y/N) Argent arrived at Beacon Hills to put to rest her father's sister, Kate Argent. For the first time, her family has decided to settle down and sustain a life in this interesting small town. After 17 years, (Y/N) has the opportunity to establish interpersonal relationships but will she be ready to face the complications that come with relating to her cousin's, Allison, friends; especially, the infamous Derek Hale. She will face the adventure of being associated with the Derek and McCall pack as well as being faced with the discovery of certain aspects of her life she never imagined.
*DISCLAIMER* I do not own in any way Teen Wolf, all credits of the pre-established characters, script, and storyline belong to Jeff Davis and MTV Network. The only thing I own is Argent Reader insert, her immediate family, and her storyline, as well as her effects in the others' storyline.
Chapter: 1/?
Chapter Description: (Y/N) finally arrives at Beacon Hills for the funeral of her aunt and meets a certain wolf to which she feels a special connection.
A/N: Second fandom I'm writing for. I love Teen Wolf so much and the trope of hard Derek but only soft for you makes my heart sing. If you enjoy my writing I’ll also be posting them in AO3 and Wattpad along with other stories (I also hope to start taking requests if ya’ll want) Hope you enjoy and all constructive criticism is encouraged.
Next ->
Chapter 1
I hugged the black coat to my body as hard as I could whilst pushing through the sea of press. Our family's last name became quite known after the reports about my aunt, whose burial we were attending. She had allegedly burned down a house with people in it.  She killed them in cold blood. I hugged my grieving uncle and his less grieving wife, then my cousin who had a painful look on her face. I hugged her the longest. She let herself crumble on my arms, sobbing uncontrollably. Even though she was a horrible person she was still our aunt, family.
I took my seat behind Allison when my father, my mother, uncle Chris, and aunt Victoria stood up. Allison didn't lift her head and neither did I. I just tried to comfort her.
"It's been such a long time I don't expect you to call me grandpa." We both looked up to see a white-haired man who resembled the Argent features. "Don't worry about it, just call me Gerard." He hugged both of us, an overpowering aura emanating from his being. When we were engulfed, I looked to the side and saw two boys squatting behind a gravestone. If they were hiding, they were doing a horrible job at it.
"But I prefer Grandpa," Gerard said walking to his seat. I sat back down and drifted off during the whole ceremony. Once it was over, I joined my parents and we drove to our new house. I have a feeling that life here will be very interesting.
That weekend I decided that I had been putting working out off for too long. I changed into comfortable workout clothes and gave food to my dog, Brody. I headed out the door, put my earbuds on, and started to jog. I really didn't know where I was going since it was a new place for me, all I know is that I kept running until I reached the woods. The bad thing about this, I had no idea how to get back home. Even though I knew of this sidetrack and I knew I would be late to get back home, I kept running, needing a release from the mundane feeling of being new in town and having to reunite from our estranged family in a funeral.
I had gained a lot of momentum. God knows how fast I was running at this point that is until I hit something, it almost felt like a wall. When I looked up, I saw a very handsome guy. Spiked hair, green eyes, and slight stubble. If it weren't for the fact that I was already sweaty I would have started to sweat showers of how nervous I was. That is until he opened his mouth.
"Watch where you're going." He growled at me.
"How about you fucking move and not be a prick?" He looked at me with big eyes, probably in surprise, but quickly changed to his menacing look. Who was he trying to fool?
"Well, this is private property, which means that you're trespassing, meaning you should pay more attention to your surroundings."
"I'm sorry but a burnt-down house with almost no walls or roof is barely a property. So, how about you stop being an idiot and I can be on my way." I started to jog once again but he gained my attention once more.
"You're new here, aren't you?" I turned around to face him.
"What's it to you?" He raised his eyebrow.
"I'll take that as a yes." The cockiness oozed out of his pores.
"And why the hell should that matter?"
"Because no one would dare talk to me that way."
"Who would be afraid of a little sour wolf?" He tensed up. "Dude, chill. I'm just kidding. But I doubt anyone would be afraid of Mr...."
"Hale. Derek Hale." He said extending his hand to me. Gee, after screaming at me he wants us to be acquaintances. I thought about not shaking his hand, but I didn't want to be rude. Well, more than I have been already.
"(Y/N). Argent." I shook his hand. Strong grip. Suddenly I felt a rush of déjà vu; I had met him the day before. "Wait, aren't you that guy I accidentally hit with my grocery cart yesterday?"
"Yeah, that really hurt. You hit my ankle. You could've had me limping."
"But you're not, so be grateful I didn't break your ankle." He laughed. "Damn, if I had known how cocky you really were, I would've hit you harder."
"So, you admit that you hit me?"
"Oh yeah, of course, I hit you. Accidentally that is."
"Yeah, yeah."
I looked around trying to find where the hell I had come from but there wasn't even the slightest trail as to where I was to go.
"So, miss (Y/N). Do you even know your way home?"
"No, but I'm sure I can find my way back." Then, he took keys out of his pocket and pointed to his car.
"Come on, I'll drive you around and you just tell me when something seems familiar."
"And why should I go with the guy that almost ripped out my throat for bumping into him? For all I know you could be driving me to my death." I crossed my arms over my chest, and he let out a loud sigh.
"Look, I'm sorry for snapping. But I'm trying to be nice. That doesn't happen very often."
"Alright, Mr. Hale. I'll let you take me home just because you are being nice now, after being a prick, and I'm exhausted."
"See, no one can resist me." I rolled my eyes at his cockiness. Seriously does he buy cans of it on eBay?
"Don't get cocky with me. I can punch the living daylights out of you." He chuckled and started to drive.
We drove for about 20 minutes until I finally recognized the curb that led to my house. Upon arriving at my driveway, I got out of the car and walked to the driver’s side.
"Give me your hand” For some reason, I felt compelled to do so. He took a pen and wrote down a number. "Call me if you ever need a tour of the town."
Three weeks later, I walked inside the school to meet up with Allison. I moved here with my family since dad had some business taking float. Being the new kid in town is never fun. I would know. I switch schools almost every year. The pro and con about this would be not being attached to anyone. Usually, I'm the one who doesn't talk to anyone and is called a freak. A derogatory term given to people who are way too different from others, but a title I wore proudly.
"Oh my gosh, (Y/N)! How have you been?" Allison wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tightly. It was as if she hadn't seen me just three weeks ago.
"Hi, Allison. I've been good, getting acclimated to the new town. You?" You would think that because we were cousins, I would be more affectionate towards her but honestly, I wouldn't see her again for like three more years, so what's the point?
"I'm good. A little rocky at the start of coming here but good." Then, a boy with a buzz cut and one with great brown hair walked by and smiled at Alli. "Ooh, you should come meet my friends. Stiles, Scott!! Come here." The boys turned around with goofy grins on their faces.
"Hey, Allison. Who's this?" Buzzcut kid said.
"This is my cousin, (Y/N). She just moved here from Virginia."
"Pleasure to meet you. I'm Scott." The one with the great hair said.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Stiles." I shook their hands and smiled.
"Nice to meet you, too, buzzcut." Allison and Scott laughed but Stiles only ran his hand through his hair, suddenly becoming hyperaware of his lack of locks.
"Allison. Who might this sexy lady be?" I rolled my eyes. The last thing I need is a narcissist with a god-complex trying to get close.
"Oh, Jackson, this is my cousin, (Y/N)."
"Hi." He extended his hand and looked me up and down.
"Hi." I smiled sarcastically, and when I didn't extend my hand, he dropped his.
Finally, after standing awkwardly behind Allison whilst her friends talked, the bell rang. Talk about saved by the bell.
"Hey, (Y/N), what's your first class?" I checked my schedule.
"Um, chemistry."
"Oh, good, then you're coming with us to Mr. Harris' class," Scott said pointing towards him and Stiles. I smiled and walked behind them.
Once we got to the classroom everyone turned to me, the ever-present sign of being new in the class evident in the stare of my classmates.
"Um, hi, my name is (Y/N) Argent and I'm new." The teacher, whom I guess is Mr. Harris, turned around to face me.
"Oh, yes, Miss Argent. Welcome. You will be sitting next to Isaac Lahey. Lahey, raise your hand." Once Isaac raised his hand, I noticed he was sat near Stiles and Scott. Two people I was trying to avoid. As I walked past, I accidentally pushed Stiles' book on his lap, startling him, resulting in an awkward descent from his lab stool onto the floor.
"Hi, again. I guess we are gonna see a lot of each other for the rest of the school year." I nodded and he scratched the back of his neck. "So, um, what school did you come from?"
"Lancaster High," I responded whilst writing down what Mr. Harris was writing on the board. Stiles kept trying to talk to me, but I would only give him short, cold answers or just ignore him. That is until Mr. Harris called our attention, that's when he finally got the memo to shut up.
"I'm sorry to bother you, but I just wanted to introduce myself since we're gonna be seated next to each other all year. I'm Isaac."
"I figured." I tried giving him my best smile. The vibe he was giving off seemed like he needed it. "I'm (Y/N)."
"Well, nice to meet you, (Y/N). Now I'll leave you to the class because if I don't I know I'll be failing even more than I am."
"Oh, well, maybe I can tutor you some time. I'm actually really good at science. My mom was a chemist professor once upon a time so I'm bound to understand all this."
"Really?!" His puppy eyes seemed to light up and I nodded. "That would actually be amazing."
"Sure thing. Now let's get back to class."
After Chemistry finished, I put everything in my bag as quickly as possible and sped to my next class, Math. Thankfully, none of Allison's friends shared this class with me but I did share it with Isaac.  I didn't consider him much a friend but more an acquaintance in desperate need of help.
As the day progressed, I noticed the rest of my classes were shared with one or more of Allison's friends. They all tried to strike up a conversation but were quickly discouraged when met with my one-worded or vague answers. Especially, Stiles. He tried especially hard to get answers out of me, only being met with the occasional laugh or stare at his comical occurrences. He seemed like the kind of person you could just open up to. The same could be said about Scott. His shy nature was alluring, and he portrayed himself as a very trustworthy and loyal being.
But I would not allow myself to let them in. My whole being yearned for a real friendship, someone to share nothing and everything; never again.
At lunch, I sat outside and ate my food quietly, a book in front of my face to shield my eyes from the sun the prevalent stares of my peers. After some minutes of appreciated loneliness, the empty table was filled with conversating teenage bodies. I smiled politely but, in my mind, I was cursing them out.
"So, (Y/N), how's your day been?" Allison asked whilst munching on an apple. I swallowed what was left of my bite and answered.
"Fine, thank you." This time no one pressed on after my short answers, finally getting the hint of my disinterest. In the corner of my eye, I saw Isaac sitting under a tree munching on half a sandwich. I excused myself and went to join him, heavily enjoying his tranquil aura.
"Oh, hi, (Y/N)." He smiled sheepishly.
"Hey, Isaac. Is that all you're eating?"
"Yeah. I'm not very hungry." He looked down as if he were ashamed.
"Nonsense! Here," I gave him the other half of my burger and another bag of chips I had in my bag. "You can't tell me you're not hungry. You're a boy in peak development."
"Thanks." He smiled as he continued munching on his food. I put on some music and we continued eating in silence. No conversation required.
The day went on smoother than it started. Classes flew by fairly quickly and the incessant chit-chat seemed to diminish. During last period I was like every other student, anxiously waiting for the bell to signal the end of the school day. When my pleads were answered, I packed the necessary book into my bag and left the rest in my locker, expertly avoiding any more social encounters. Quickly, I made my way to the waiting open car door of my father's car, ignoring Allison's beckoning me t.wards the small group of friends.
"How was your first day, darling?" My father spoke up breaking my attention from the scenery.
"Like any other first day I've had." I smiled. "The towns might change but school is always the same."
Finally at home, we were greeted with the sight of my mother cooking; people were coming over.
"(Y/N), honey, Chris, Victoria, and Allison are coming over tonight. So, go do a quick workout and come back to get ready." I nodded and ran to my room to change into workout clothes.
My routine would normally consist of waking up, working out, go to school for a dreading eight hours, come back home, workout again, do my homework, eat, and go to sleep. I lead a very monotonous life and it had been this way since I could remember. One of my earliest memories was of my father teaching me archery alongside Allison, a great distraction to our always disrupted home life. As I got older, my father started training me in boxing and knife maneuvering. How would these skills help me in life were still a mystery but I felt safe knowing them.
I got changed and decided to take Brody out with me on a quick jog through the woods. "Hey, boy, ready to go?"
He jumped on me which I took as a yes and started for the woods. We ran down the same trail I had been going on for the past three weeks. Mostly, I went down this track in hopes that Derek would make an appearance, and today was not the exception. As the ruins of his house came to view so did his tall figure.
"Trespassing again?"
"It doesn't count if I know the owner." During our greeting, Brody's leash slipped out of my hand and he ran to jump on Derek, leaving slobbering licks on his cheek. "I'm so sorry."
"Don't worry about it." He chuckled and helped me bring him down.
"I guess he likes you, even though he doesn't like anyone but me. Guess you're special."
"Maybe." He grinned.
Out of nowhere, I hit him in the shoulder. "What was that for?!"
"For trying to run me over with your shopping cart two days ago. It was uncalled for."
"No, it was revenge. You hit ME first. In the ankle."
"You're still on with that. Come on, sour wolf. That happened three weeks ago, and it was an accident."
"Whatever. Come on, I'll give you a ride home. It's getting kind of dark." This had also become part of my routine. After "bumping" into Derek he would offer to drop me off at my house, claiming it was for security.
"Okay, we're here. By the way, the offer to show you around town is still up. Just call me whenever." He said as he stopped the car in front of my house.
"Alright, will do, and thanks for the ride, Derek. I'd invite you in, but my family is coming over."
"No worries, maybe another time."
"It's a date. Anyways, thanks again. See you when I see you."
"Okay, goodnight."
"Night." He waited until I entered the house and drove away.
"Munchkin, is that you?" My father screamed from the kitchen.
"Yeah!" I screamed back.
"Okay, well, go take a shower and get ready your uncle will get here soon."
I hurried up the stairs and hopped in the shower letting the hot water stream down my body calming any aching muscle that was palpitating. In my room, I searched through my closet for an acceptable family dinner outfit, deciding a grey sweater and black jeans would be enough. I braided my hair out of my face and went downstairs to help my mother set the table.
After we put the last plate the doorbell rang.
"I'll get it!" I ran to the door and was greeted by my uncle. "Uncle Chris!" I jumped and he hugged me. There was no doubt that he was my favorite family member, his presence was always welcoming. His wife on the other hand was as cold as the winters we spent in New York. She was nice but absolutely scary. "Hi, Aunt Victoria."
"Hello, (Y/N)." I hugged her and said hi to Allison.
"Come in, guys." They walked in and I closed the door behind them.
"So, (Y/N), how have you been?" Uncle Chris asked while stuffing his mouth with mom's famous lasagna.
"I've been good. I mean, moving all the time takes a toll on you at first, but I got used to it. It's easy now to pack it all up once the school year ends."
"Oh, honey, that must be so hard on you," Victoria said. I could not read her tone, her words spoke in sympathetic notes with an underlying melody of sarcasm.  Not knowing what to answer, I bit my lip and nodded.
The whole evening was spent on us catching up and eating, laughing, playing games, but the good times came to an end when the clock hit 9:00 pm. It was stupid to set a curfew, but my mom usually had everyone in bed at this time, 10:30 as of late.
"You better come around the house more often." Uncle Chris demanded and hugged me.
"Yes, sir." I raised my hand to my eyebrow and saluted, as did he.
"Let's go, Chris. And thank you for the lovely dinner, Rebecca," Victoria said linking arms with my uncle and smiling at mom.
"No problem. Come by any time." They talked for a bit more and after they left, I went upstairs to change for bed.
"Momma, I'm gonna go to sleep."
"Okay, honey. Goodnight." I went upstairs, brushed my teeth, and put my hair in a ponytail.
Before bed, I made sure everything I would need for the next day was packed into my bag and made sure my alarm was set. I pulled all the throw pillows from my bed and set them aside, then making my way to the window to draw the curtains. Something caught my attention in the backyard, though. My eyes squinted trying to make out the figure in front of me. Blinking the confusion away, I made a double-take and looked back at an empty yard. I laughed to myself as I crept into bed. Why would Derek be in my backyard?
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