#me being cranky
sealwithfeels · 11 months
Sometimes I see someone describe a book/thing as 'character-driven' and I recognise it/go check it out and go 'bitch, what characters? Those bland cardboard cutouts who get bounced around by the plot?'
I'm seriously confused by your definition here
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lunarriviera · 8 months
who is the fan writer who first came up with the phrase "relishing in" instead of "reveling in" or "relishing," i just want to talk
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xoxoemynn · 1 month
How I'm currently feeling about there being no S3
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1 or 7, domestic style fluff with my favorite eel?? ♡♡ (it's Floyd of course)
I leave romance vs platonic up to you, gn reader so everyone can enjoy as well :)
Can't wait to see what younc9me up with!!! If you need any help or ideas come bug me, floyd sits in my head constantly like a very annoying song
Warm Mornings; Floyd Leech
Content; Fluff, gender-neutral reader, romance
Content Warning; Some swearing
Word Count; 700+
Author's Note; Who needs a weighted blanket when you have a Floyd? I am here to deliver soft Floyd(TM) hours! (he also sits in my head constantly; the song is the low-quality Funky Town)
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Even when Floyd was dead asleep, he squeezed you, and that was your situation now. You were lying on top of him, and he had you in a comfortable yet strong bear hug. Just tight enough that you couldn’t wiggle free from him. And it was normally fine, but last night someone had left the window open and now it was warm and humid in the room, making you feel sticky.
“Floyd,” you whispered, trying to wake him up gently.
A gentle snore was your answer. You should have expected that though, he sleeps like a damn log.
You tried wiggling around a bit, but Floyd just hugged you tighter on unconscious instinct and rolled over, trapping you under him. Yeah, you were officially stuck. “Floydddd,” you groaned, poking him right above his hips. “You’re crushing me.” 
Usually he would wake up by you repeatedly poking him, but he was out cold, he only just shifted, trapping your face where one cheek was pressing against the mattress, and the other was smushed up against his chest. Normally, you wouldn’t complain about this situation, but it was grossly warm. You were also too far away from your usual ‘escape the crushing weight of my dearly beloved eel route’, which was just tickling his legs and feet. Too bad your arms were pretty much pinned against the bed. 
“Floyd, get off me,” you grumbled, squirming around like a worm on a hook.
Still nothing.
Sighing, you accept your fate. Besides the humidity, it was rather nice. Sure, you couldn’t make out the crashing of the waves on the beach, the steady beat of Floyd’s heart was right up against your ear, and it was slow and steady.
Slow and steady, not two words many people would associate with Floyd. It was a calmer side that only you got to see; when you were overwhelmed, or when he was feeling soft. Yes, he was usually a bundle of energy, but even he had his quiet moments. Within the hurricane, there was always the eye, where things remained still, despite the wild winds outside.
“Mmm,” Floyd groaned, the first sign of life you’ve seen since you’d been sandwiched.
He slowly blinked his eyes, working out the sleep from them, and tilted his head down so he could actually see you, since you were still stuck between his chest and the mattress. “Heh heh, I caught a Shrimpy in my sleep!~” He drawled, voice chipper but still heavy from sleep.
“Yes, yes you did. Can you please get off though, it’s gross out,” you groaned. At least he was cute, which the wild bed head only played in his favour. How can he look so good in the morning? Maybe it’s a mer thing… “Floyd?”
He hadn’t moved, and was instead giving you a wide grin. “Hmm, maybe I should’ve called you Crabby instead of Shrimpy, Shrimpy,” he pinched your cheeks teasingly, “since you look pretty crabby right now.”
You rolled your eyes, “And maybe I should use that mushroom risotto recipe that Jade gave me for our dinner tonight. But that’s only if you don’t get off.”
Floyd narrowed his eyes at you, trying to make out if you were bluffing or not, since last time you were dead serious and did exactly that. But he rolled off of you, grumbling a bit. “Meanie,” he muttered.
You shuffled over to where he was dramatically splayed out, his head slightly turned to you, and giving you puppy dog eyes. Chuckling, you kissed him on the lips, as that is what he was being dramatic about.
Giggling, he captured you in his arms yet again, and trapped you against the mattress for a second time this morning. He was giving you a shit eating smile. You weren’t leaving this bed until he had his share of kisses.  
“Floydddd,” you groaned, but you weren’t annoyed with him, if anything, you were amused. There was never a dull moment with him around.
“Shrimpyyyyyy,” he mimicked your voice with a more prominent whine. “You know the drill!~”
Sighing, you ran your hands up through his messy hair, and brought your lips together, deeper this time. You knew the drill; neither of you were getting up until both of your lips were tired, sore, and most likely bitten… which may not be for a while.
Tags: @azulashengrottospiano, @eynnwwyjth, @hydra-sea, @krenenbaker, @officialdaydreamer00, @twistwonderlanddevotee, @xxoomiii
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impishtubist · 7 months
Funny how it's not mentioned once in the books that Sirius's eyes are grey, but god forbid you make them any other color, meanwhile I can point you to several places in the text where it says "Sirius is tall" and everyone insists that he's short actually.
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the-nothing-maker · 2 months
Hades Game 1 use of heavy black lines/areas... You live fondly in my memory...
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starheirxero · 7 months
contrary to popular belief, the “t” in “tsams” does not actually stand for “the”, it stands for “transgender”! hope this helps 💜
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timemachineyeah · 1 year
I think in the next Animal Crossing, you should have to earn your control over the environment. And I don’t just mean working to get terraforming, I mean, like, earning it before getting to decide where other people’s homes are and stuff.
Idk, the deserted island is fun but I kind of hope in the next one we’re back to being a new face in an already established rural community. And you can still progress to moving absolutely everything on the map and decorating each square foot and flower to your liking, but, like… these other people have lives of their own.
I like knowing a rando isn’t gonna move onto my carefully curated flowerbed and ruin my path, but I don’t like how much the villagers in ACNH feel like fashion accessories rather than neighbors.
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coquelicoq · 1 year
gurathin, thiago, indah...starting to get the sense that if murderbot didn't have any specific person playing the role of "someone i deep down respect who i'm convinced hates me" at any given time, presaux would have to assign someone, for enrichment purposes
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talkethtothehandeth · 3 months
Me: I fucking hate everything I don’t get why I’m even alive it’s so pointless I don’t even do anything anymore because my body is breaking down so much that I can barely leave my bed, WHY would anyone want me I can’t deal with this anymore I don’t even know what’s wrong with me I can’t do anything without fucking up im literally the worst person to ever exist i really should just die
*pain medicine kicks in*
Me: oh.
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cyancherub · 10 months
rly not a fan of ppl imposing their idea of fun on me under the assumption that it's also my idea of fun
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cowboy-robooty · 3 months
imma be ngl guys like everyone hates the state of the internet rn yada yada but fo real something that makes me really sad is how memes are now. like. idk theyre not funny anymore because they die in 6 days and get used up n sucked dry like a goddamn succubus ate it up. Maybe its because I was a kid when memes had long ass life spans but idk they were just so much funnier and felt like they had charm in referencing yknow? Even just saying "meme" now feels a little cringe and overused. Idk like saying the cake is a lie or referencing scatman n shit like that that doesnt make sense unless you like using the computer was really fun to slide into convos and events n just anything really. It gave you a sense of companionship when someone irl picked up what you were putting down. Im probably just a cranky old man looking at stuff through rose tinted nostalgia goggles, but seriously, i miss the longevity of memes and stuff. sometimes I realize I havent gotten a little heehee out of something because its referencing a modern/current meme in years now. Shits still funny of course humor will never die but I only really get a chuckle out of stuff thats genuinely witty and plain good jokes/posts. It feels a bit sad that I dont think its possible now to make new online inside jokes that'll get me to laugh purely from the fact im referencing an inside joke anymore.
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always-a-joyful-note · 3 months
If you didn't want a toxic codependent and clingy found family, then you shouldn't have paid attention and cared for us, toxic people
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rozugold · 2 days
Eating sucks, sleeping sucks, drawing sucks. I hate being sick
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peony-pearl · 1 year
You know what I think about? (this is under a readmore bc I get a little intense there’s nothing bad under here I’m just worked up lmao)
The fact that they made sure that Azulon and Ozai were THE BAD GUYS (which they are) by getting Ursa to go into a loveless marriage, make Ursa abandon her home and family to rub salt in the wound and make sure we know she’s the victim (which yes this is a horrible situation)...
and yet Iroh and Lu Ten are NOWHERE in the background or flashbacks. Perhaps it was for pacing and yes I can understand that, but it’s so convenient that he’s not around to show the uglier side of his past; and yet we can deduce that Iroh was most likely complicit in this because he has a son who was most likely conceived by a woman who had to undergo a similar situation to Ursa. Maybe she was nobility and had an idea that this was going to happen, but she still would have been plucked from her home and forced to cut ties.
If the FN royal family was doing terrible things, then Iroh was doing them too and practically LEADING them because he was THE CROWN PRINCE!!! His change of heart means JACK if it’s not shown how much he’s grown!! SHOW me darker Iroh who is proud of the man he was until it cost him his entire world!! I love this character to death and I want to see his growth acknowledged!!! IT’S PART OF HIS ENTIRE CHARACTER IS CHANGE!!
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scamoosh · 7 months
this is gonna sound whiny but nonbinary ppl can immediately tell when u just see them as their agab jsyk👍 its just frustrating 2 b surrounded by other queer ppl and even in those communities without fail if i make any comment abt period cramps or having worked in childcare or shit like that theres an Immediate shift to like oh okay ur actually a Girl got it . like . there was anothr nonbinary person i used 2 kno who had zero problem using the right pronouns for me until they heard how high my voice was on a call once ☠️
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