#me sitting there in sweatpants and eating chips:
verstappen-cult · 1 day
Just a typical evening / night with Max (and his frat brothers) in the early stages of your relationship.
Content. Major fluff & domestic Max.
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A very long and hot shower and your skincare routine after the exhausting day of classes you just had, sounds like the perfect idea. But as you look down at the message displayed on the screen of your phone, you change route. 
[17:45] Max: Wanna spend the night with me?
You’re going to have to leave early in the morning to have time to go to your apartment and change clothes before your first class of the day, but spending the night with Max is totally worth it. 
The walk to the frat house is not long and in no time you’re standing in front of the door, slightly nervous. It doesn’t matter that you’ve been in the house and met most of his frat brothers a few times before; you always get nervous, hands shaking and butterflies erupting in your stomach just because you know you’ll be seeing him. 
The door opens revealing one of the boys and Max’s best friend. 
“How many times do we have to tell you,” He says as a greeting, grabbing your arm to get you into the house. “that you don’t need to knock? You’re basically one of us.” 
“Hello to you too, Lando.” The boy winks and places a kiss on your forehead before going back to what he was doing before your arrival. “Max is not here yet.” 
With just one look around you know that these boys haven’t cleaned the house in days, if not weeks. You remember Max told you about a party they had a few days ago, so you’re pretty sure they have not done anything besides lie around and go to classes. 
You pick up a couple of empty pizza boxes near the entrance and follow Lando into the living room. “Have you eaten?” 
“Yes,” He tries to smile with a slice of pizza in his mouth, hands busy playing FIFA.
“Something other than cold pizza?” Lando shakes his head, too concentrated on the game to pay attention to you trying to clean around. “I’ll see what I can do.”
“Well, hello!” Alex enters the house, followed by George and Oscar. 
“Sorry for the mess.” George gives you a shy smile and a pat on the shoulder, while Oscar waves at you as he plops down next to Lando. 
“All right, I’ll make dinner.” 
They all cheer as you walk into Max’s room at the end of the hallway. 
You make quick work of getting rid of your clothes, changing them for Max’s shirt and sweatpants. You take a moment to breathe in, his scent filling your lungs and providing you a sense of calm. 
You take a few minutes to just lie in bed and text Max to let him know that you’re in the house. If you’re right, he still has half an hour until his last class ends, so you’ll have plenty of time to clean around the house and make some dinner. 
When you join the others, George and Alex are already tidying up and arguing with the two boys who keep playing, ignoring the “please help us” of their friends. You decide to let them be and escape to the kitchen. 
You wash the dishes and get rid of a lot of bad food and empty alcohol bottles before looking in every cabinet for something to cook. There is a lot of alcohol and bags of chips, as expected, but you are lucky enough to find some pasta and frozen vegetables. 
You didn’t notice when Charles and Dani got home, but now one is helping you cook while the other makes some drinks. Oscar grew tired of playing with Lando and is now sitting on the counter telling you all about something that happened during one of his lectures. 
“You should come more often.” Dani says, pouring tequila on a glass. “I’m tired of eating pizza or chips.” 
“You should learn how to cook, then.” 
You immediately turn around, heart hammering in your chest.
And there they are; your favorite pair of blue eyes. 
You want to run and jump into his arms, but feel shy with the boys around. However, Max doesn’t care about anything and simply wraps his arms around your waist from behind, placing a tender kiss on your cheek. 
“Did they force you into this?” He asks, resting his chin on your shoulder. 
“Of course not!” Oscar complaints, getting off the counter to remove the pasta from the heat, just to have something to do, really. 
“I missed you.” Max whispers just for you to hear. It makes you blush furiously, a shiver running down your spine. 
“Let’s eat, yes?” 
You eat in the kitchen, next to Max who rests a hand on your thigh while he eats with the other. Some of the boys sit next to you two, others decide to eat standing, resting against the cabinets. It's a pleasant atmosphere, everyone chatting and joking, drinking the weird mix of liquor Dani was pouring a few moments ago. 
Even though it is loud, you and Max are in your own little bubble, turning to face each other between bites of food and sharing shy smiles. 
When the boys decide that it's time to play a drinking game, you and Max retire to his room. 
Brushing your teeth takes longer than usual thanks to Max who doesn’t let you do anything, arms wrapped tightly around you as he kisses your face. He leaves you in the bathroom when you find a little bottle of face cleanser you left not so long ago. 
When you enter his room, he’s sitting on the bed with a book in hand. 
“I cleared a drawer.” Max says suddenly, not taking his eyes off the book. 
You slowly turn around, frowning. “That’s… good?”
“For you.” He clarifies, finally putting his book aside and letting you see his tinted cheeks. 
“A drawer for me?” 
You can’t help the grin that makes its way onto your face. 
Max shrugs, dismissing the importance of his action with a wave of his hand, and goes back to reading. “You can leave some of your clothes here. And I can make space for you in the bathroom, so you can leave some of your skincare things, too.” 
Your eyes light up as you turn around walking to his chest of drawers, pulling open the first one to see it completely clear. You want to scream and kiss him and pinch your arm to make sure you’re not dreaming. But all you do is slide the drawer back into place and walk back to the bed. 
Max follows your every move with a flushed face. 
You pull back the covers and slip underneath, Max immediately lifting his arm for you to curl up against him. 
“Thank you. This is the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for me.” You say, resting your head on his chest. You feel his sharp intake of breath and fight back a smirk. “You’re a big softie.”
You’re not looking at him, but know that he rolls his eyes. “Shut up or I’m going to place all my shirts back in the drawer.”
“You wouldn’t dare.” He doesn’t say anything, but kisses the top of your head. 
Max loves to read in bed. He said once, not so long ago, that he does it because it reminds him of the summers he used to spend with his mother as a kid. She loved to read to him, and it was Max’s favorite time of the day. 
Watching him read calms you. Watching the way his lips move, repeating the words in silence, or when he’s too invested and makes comments about what is happening, but then remembers that you’re there and apologizes.
“Read to me?” You ask, feeling the exhaustion of the day take over you.
“Of course.” He whispers.
Max rests his hand on your upper arm, caressing your skin, as he begins reading. You don’t really pay attention to what he’s reading, you never do but you love hearing him. His voice is always gentle and calm, and lulls you into a restful slumber. You always wake up rested and energized; sleeping in Max’s arms has that effect. 
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jekyllnahyena · 1 year
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wailing in the desert or when Simon finds his last tether
(gay, tragic, eldritch cowboys innit? thx @fr0ntier for the horror, it’s amazing <3)
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cevansbrat0007 · 2 months
Sugar Fix
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Summary: Your poor attempt at a joke lands you in hot water with your man. Takes place directly after the events in Sweet Tooth and Sweet Tooth Deluxe.
Warnings: Mature Themes, Smut, Ari Being A Menace, Brat!Reader, Discussions of Poor Body Image, Arguing, Manhandling, Mentions of Punishment, Spanking, Pussy Spanking, Spanking, Oral Sex (fem rec), Cursing, Minors DNI
A/N: Written for @writer84. Part of my Sweet Renegades Series. Semi-proofread, not beta'd. All mistakes are my own. Likes, comments, and reblogs are always appreciated. Thanks for reading!
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“God, that was good.” You lean back in your seat, lazily stretching your arms over your head. Your man smiles as he dutifully picks up your plate before briefly giving into temptation long enough to press a tender kiss against your lips. 
“Mm.” Ari hums low in his throat as he repeats the action once more. “Glad you enjoyed it, baby. Still find it hard to believe that you’d never had chocolate chip pancakes before today.”
“Hey! You promised you wouldn’t make fun of me.” You pout, reaching out to swat his perfectly sculpted ass, which was now unfortunately hiding beneath a pair of black sweatpants. At least he’d forgotten to put on a shirt.
Mostly because you were wearing it. 
“And I’m not.” Your man chuckles while adding your dishes to the growing pile in your sink. “I’d never do something so foolish. Especially since we only just made up.” He tosses a wink at you over his shoulder. 
Yeah, and that was mostly your fault.
“I am really sorry about that.” You murmur, feeling a twinge of regret over having subjected your man to several days of the silent treatment. “I should’ve talked to you about that whole business with Charline.” 
“Water under the bridge, baby.” 
Resting your chin on your hand, you watch as your bounty hunter busies himself with filling the sink with hot water and dish soap. Some days it still floored you that you were seeing a man who didn’t put up a fuss about cooking. Or cleaning for that matter.  
“I just meant that I’m in no hurry to have you toss me out on my ass again just yet.” He continues while sudsing up one of the new sponges you’d left laying on the counter. “That’s all I was saying, little Bird.”
“Well that wouldn’t be very hospitable of me, now would it?” You’re quick to counter, allowing your gaze to drop to your bare knees. “Seeing as you were kind enough to break into my home and cook me breakfast.”
“I had a key.” He snorts dismissively. 
“Yeah, one that you stole!” You fire back, doing your best to hide your grin. “From me!”
“What the hell does any of that matter if you were already gonna–” He cuts himself off with a shake of his head before deciding to change tactics. “Look sweetheart, if you wanna argue about semantics can you at least wait until we’re both naked?” 
“I guess so.” Comes your breezy reply as you fiddle with the hem of Ari’s t-shirt. Granted the fit was much too big for you, but it didn’t change the fact that you loved how wearing it made you feel. There really was something to be said for being surrounded by the heady scent of your man. 
“Thank you.” Ari grunts before returning his attention to the stack of dishes in need of a good scrub. “Did you have enough to eat? Can’t have you wastin’ away on me.”
“Sure did.” You beam at him, content to sit back and enjoy the view. No man should be allowed to look that flippin’ sexy while doing simple household chores.
“To be honest, I didn’t even realize I was that hungry until I took that first bite. I suppose that’s what I get for not really eating…” You trail off when Ari turns toward you, his piercing blue eyes locking with yours. “...much over the last couple days.” 
Your pulse speeds up as you watch your Bounty Hunter brace his still-wet hands on the edge of the counter. Which is when you belatedly realize that you probably should’ve kept that tidbit of information to yourself. 
“Little Bird?” 
“Yes, sugar?” You can’t help but wince at the way he says your name. Even still, you decide to stand up, hoping to distract him from the direction his thoughts were taking. “Want some help drying those plates? Because I don’t mind–”
“When was the last time you ate something?” He cocks his head to the side, almost like he’s studying you while he waits for your answer. “And before you get cute on me, baby, I’m talkin’ about before today.”
You can feel yourself physically wilt as you weigh your options. While you tended to believe that honesty was the best policy, sometimes being too honest had the tendency to get you in trouble with your man. 
“I had some toast the other–”
“A full meal.” Ari swiftly interrupts, clearly not in the mood to mince words.
“Well, if you really must know…” Crossing your arms over your chest, you prepare to stand your ground. “I haven’t found myself with much of an appetite lately.” You sniff, ignoring the way his nostrils flare. “Probably on account of our tiff.”
Okay, now that was absolutely true. Because whether this man realized it or not, he had a knack for always making sure you ate at least one proper meal before the day’s end. With him out of the picture, you hadn’t really had any desire to eat. 
Instead of responding, Ari turns to stare out the window, quietly sucking on his teeth as he does. You knew without asking that he was working to rein in his temper before he spoke again, lest he say the wrong thing and start another fight.  
“C’mon Beast, it’s really not a big deal.” You shrug, biting your thumb as will him to cast a glance your way. “Besides, I’m pretty sure these hips could stand to miss a meal or two.” 
While it was certainly a poor attempt at levity, you felt that one of you had to do something to lighten the mood. You startle when Ari suddenly throws down the sponge into the sink, sending water splashing everywhere. 
You watch him slowly dry his hands with a nearby towel before tossing it aside in favor of bridging the distance between you. Good sense and the need for self-preservation has you backing up; however, you scarcely make it two steps before you feel your butt collide with your kitchen table. But your bounty hunter doesn’t stop moving until he’s standing directly in front of you.
“What was that?” He asks without an ounce of friendliness in his tone. In fact, his question comes out sounding more like a dare than anything else. “I reckon I’m a little hard of hearing these days.”
Later, you would kick yourself for taking the bait. 
“Ahem.” Clearing your throat, you can’t help but notice the clench of his jaw. “I said that these hips – my hips – could probably stand to miss a meal.” You repeat, giving him your best prim and proper tone. 
Sometimes the facts weren’t up for discussion. 
Moving with a speed that belies his size, Ari manages to wrap one brawny arm around your waist before using his considerable strength to pin you face down against the kitchen table. Shocked by this sudden mistreatment, you open your mouth fully prepared to protest, only to snap it shut the moment you feel a cool breeze ghost across your bare backside. 
“Try again, sweetheart.” The lawman grunts before delivering a hearty smack to your ass, eliciting a rather undignified screech from you. “Oh? I’m afraid I still didn’t quite catch that.” 
“There’s no need to act like a brute!” You cry as you struggle against his impossible hold. “It’s not right for you to–ahh fuck!” You damn near lose it when his heavy palm connects with your traitorous cunt, the sound of the wet slap echoing throughout the room. 
In that very moment, that sweet bite of pain had never felt so good.   
“Ah, sweetness.” Ari coos, a hint of mocking laughter curling around his tone. “Could’ve sworn I’d fucked some sense into you earlier this morning. Are you tellin’ me my work still isn’t done?” 
You think back to something he’d said when he was busy fucking you senseless. He’d said, or snarled as it were, that you needed a Sir or a Daddy to help keep you in line. At the time you’d assumed that he’d simply got caught up in the heat of the moment. But now… 
Apparently it takes you too long to answer because his next smack has you rising on your toes.  You clench your thighs together, desperate to ignore your body’s response. Although it does little to stop your man from wedging a proprietary hand between them anyway.
“Now is not the time to go quiet on me, little Bird.”
He gently cups your most intimate flesh before expertly parting your messy folds with his thick fingers. A soft cry escapes when he lightly pinches your swollen clit, making your hips buck. 
Sweet Christ! You honestly had no idea just how much you actually enjoyed being manhandled until you crossed paths with this guy. 
“All I was trying to do was answer your question!” You grit out, doing your best to ignore the filthy wet squelch of his palm colliding against your core once more, causing a fresh wave of arousal to dampen your thighs.  
“And I didn’t much care for your answer.” Ari hums, taking a moment to lazily pet your now glistening cunt. 
And who’s fault was that? Just because the man thought he owned the rights to your body didn’t give him the authority to…to…punish you like this. But when you inform him of that, the only response you get comes in the form of an annoying chuckle. 
“I was joking, damn you – ooh!” You whine, stomping your foot for good measure – both of which manages to earn you another spank. 
“But that’s just it, baby.” He rumbles, taking a break from further abusing your poor, overworked flesh. “Last I checked, jokes were supposed to be funny.” You press your face against the cool surface of the table as two sinful fingers playfully tease your entrance. “And talking shit about these curves ain’t funny, right?”
“Y-yes! I mean right.” In need of a little relief, you attempt to entice your man by wiggling your ass. But instead of doing as you bid, those same fingers soon find their way back to your swollen bundle of nerves, pinching just hard enough to get and hold your attention.
“Glad you think so.” He murmurs, leaning down to brush his lips along the sensitive shell of your ear as his free hand moves to rub soothing circles along your lower back. “And since I’ve finally got you in the mood to listen, how about we talk about something else?” 
Instead of responding, you merely nod – giving him leave to get whatever the hell he wanted off of his perfectly sculpted chest.  
“The next time you get the bright idea to shut me out without givin’ me a chance to plead my case, you had better do a damned good job respecting this gorgeous body while I’m on ice.” The air of danger in Ari’s husky purr has goosebumps rippling along your heated flesh. “Because if you don’t, I swear to God the moment you let me back in, I’m gonna do a lot more than spank this pretty pussy. You get me?”
Still unable to form words, you decide to let your body do the talking. Groaning low in your throat, you arch your hips and wiggle your ass, purposely grinding your cunt against his now drenched palm. 
“Ah, sweetheart.” He rasps in approval, gently nipping your earlobe with his sharp teeth. “You get me. Yeah, you do.” 
As a reward for your submission, Ari takes pity on you by slowly spearing his fingers inside your sopping wet core. Now it’s his turn to groan when he feels your velvety walls flutter around him, eagerly sucking him back in when he tries to pull out. 
“Fuck if my girl ain’t got a greedy fucking pussy.” Your bounty hunter muses, more to himself than to you. “Are you sore? Need me to let you rest some more?” 
In all reality, what he really wanted to do was splay you out on the table and kiss your puffy pussy lips until you were a sobbing, trembling mess. But he’d also settle for burying himself balls deep inside of you too.
Regardless of which one he chose, they both all but guaranteed that you’d remember this particular lesson for days to come. Because no one was allowed to talk shit about his beautiful Bird – not even you.  
“Want you to fill me up again.” You tell him, meaning every word even as his expert touch threatens to rob you of breath. “Help me work up an appetite. Please, Sir.” You tack on the last bit, hoping that might be enough to tip your man over the edge. 
Your now frantic pulse sings to new heights when you’re treated to the sound of Ari’s sweatpants hitting the floor behind you. Apparently he felt that you’d been punished long enough – something for which you were grateful. 
You can’t help but whine when he finally removes his fingers, leaving your empty walls clenching around nothing but air. Anticipation fills you while you wait, expecting to feel the bulbous head of his cock glide its way through your slippery folds. 
However, you’re surprised when he drops to his knees instead. His large, slightly calloused hands grip the backs of your thighs, forcing your legs apart just enough to make his intentions clear. 
“How ‘bout you feed me first, greedy girl?” He growls, possessively nuzzling his nose along the soft skin of your inner thigh. “I have a feeling I’m gonna need all my strength to help your stubborn ass work up a proper appetite.”
“Oo-okaay!” Your legs threaten to give out when Ari’s wide, flat tongue begins lapping at your damp flesh, making a show of savoring your sweet honey. He holds you in place while he feasts, his subtle use of strength letting you know that your only job was to keep still and submit to his sensual assault. 
“Mm...” Ari rumbles, enjoying every desperate little whine and whimper that makes its way past your lips. "Best meal I've had in days." Forgoing his need to breathe, he fully buries his head between your thighs, content to eat you from the back as if he had all the time in the world.
Which he did, especially now that make-up sex was once again back on the menu. 
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joelsgreys · 1 year
lean on me
Post Outbreak! Joel Miller x Female Reader
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summary: It's been three months since you and Joel left your baby daughter with Bill and Frank in Lincoln; you aren't coping well and Joel tries to help you get through it.
pairing: Joel Miller x Female Reader
warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI. BOSTON QZ ERA ((TW)) though it is not explicitly stated, it is implied reader is suffering from postpartum depression. mentions of being unable to breastfeed. angst, hurt, comfort, tiniest hint of fluff at the end.
word count: 3.7k
a/n: this was only meant to be a short drabble, but it ended up getting longer than i anticipated. sorry for more angst.
September, 2020
Joel had known things would get bad.
But he hadn’t expected for them to get this fucking bad.
He glanced across the table at Tess, quietly asking, “She eat today?”
Tess let out a small sigh, shaking her head. “Nope.” She picked up her chipped, ceramic mug and took a sip of crappy, two decades old dark roast coffee and stated, “She didn’t eat anything yesterday, either. Or the day before that or the one before that. I can barely get her to take a fucking sip of water these days.”
“Fuckin’ hell, Tess! We can’t just sit around watchin’ her starve herself,” he hissed at her, his hands curling into fists on the table. 
She shot him an irritated look. “You think I don’t know that already?”
“What are we going to do, Joel? Pin her down and force feed her?”
Joel’s jaw clenched, his lips pressing together in a tight, thin line. He glanced over at you with a heavy, sinking feeling inside of his chest at the mere sight of your current state. 
You were sitting on the bed in the same pair of gray sweatpants you’d been wearing for the last couple of days, your knees pulled up to your chest as you stared blankly, vacantly, out of the window beside you at absolutely nothing. You were beginning to appear frail—the current tone of your skin was so dull, so washed out that anybody who took one glance at you would probably think that you had spent your entire life locked away in some basement, never having seen the fucking sunshine before. The pallor of your skin was only emphasized by the dark, bruise-like circles underneath your eyes, courtesy of the long and sleepless nights you’d been having, especially lately. 
You had fallen deep into a sadness, a darkness—one so deep that you had become nothing but a mere shadow of your former self. You were an empty shell of a human being and it was starting to scare the fucking shit out of Joel. 
“Maybe if we took her to see the baby?” Tess suggested, quietly. She took another sip of her coffee and then set her mug down. “Frank has been wondering why you two haven’t been over there to see her. Hell, even Bill is curious why I’ve been going over there alone.” After having done some digging around, Tess managed to find someone in the QZ who had helped her get her hands on homemade infant formula; it was worth gold and only ever went to officials of a higher ranking who could actually afford it. Somehow, she’d pulled a few strings and the next thing Joel knew, Tess was loading a pack full of cans to take over to Lincoln. She’d made a couple more trips since then, and each time, she had gone alone. “It’s been over three months, Joel. Maybe it’s finally time—maybe it would help her.”
“In her condition?” Joel shook his head, adamantly. “No. For one, she wouldn’t fuckin’ make it a mile down the road before collapsing—from exhaustion, from starvation, you name it. And even if she could make the trip somehow, the truth is, she’s not ready to see her.” He lowered his voice to keep you from overhearing him, although at this point, he was certain that you were too zoned out to even pay attention. Every word was probably going in through one ear and out the other. “I hate to say it, but she’s just not strong enough to see her yet, Tess.”
“And what about you, Texas? What’s your excuse?”
He glared at her. “You really think I can leave her here alone in a state like this while we go skippin’ off to Lincoln together?”
“Good point.” Tess paused and peered curiously at him. “You haven’t even told her what they named her, have you?”
“Don’t think that’s such a good idea right now, either.” Joel held back a heavy sigh as he looked down into his own mug of shitty coffee. A huge part of him wished that she hadn’t told him what Bill and Frank ended up naming the baby. Since then, his daughter’s name echoed in the back of his mind, over and over again, damn near constantly.
“Joel, if we don’t do something, she’s going to wind up—” Tess could see his jaw clench again and she stopped herself, choosing her words more carefully. “She’s walking on thin ice. She’s not eating, she’s not sleeping. She’s already been in lockup twice this week alone because she can’t even keep up with work detail anymore. I know this is hard for you to hear, but if something doesn’t change soon, things are only going to get worse from here—she’ll get worse. You’re the only one of the two of us who actually has a chance of getting through to her and you need to fucking do something.”
“Tess, I’ve tried—”
“Well fucking try harder, Joel. If you don’t, you’ll fucking lose her. You know that, right?”
“I know.” Joel rubbed his face tiredly with both of his hands. He knew it was nothing but the truth that she was speaking, but goddamn the truth fell onto his shoulders heavy, almost too heavy. It felt as though he were carrying the weight of the entire fucking planet. But she was right. If something wasn’t done, he was going to lose you. “Tess, you mind if I have a minute alone with her?”
She nodded and took one last gulp of coffee before standing up from the table. “Yeah. I have to go see Robert and a couple of his buffoons about something anyway.” As she walked past him towards the door, she stopped and tossed him a pointed look. “Maybe today is the day that you finally decide to give her that thing that you’ve been carrying around in your pocket,” she suggested. “We went through a lot of shit for it, Joel. It’s the reason we have been drinking crappier coffee than usual for the last two weeks.”
He nodded, watching her as she grabbed her jacket and left.
After a minute or two, Joel finally pushed himself away from the table and rose to his feet. He made his way over to you, and he wasn’t even the slightest bit surprised at how you didn’t turn to acknowledge him despite the sound of his heavy boots on the creaking hardwood floor. He said your name as he came closer to you, but you remained as still as a stone statue, your eyes still fixed outside of the window.
“Alright,” he said, standing next to you at the side of the bed, both of his hands placed firmly on his hips. “Enough is fuckin’ enough. I can’t and I won’t let you keep carryin’ on like this. Either you get up and get your ass over to that table and eat somethin’ or I’m going to pick you up off of this bed, take you over there, and feed you myself. And don’t think I won’t. I’ll tie you down to the chair if that’s what I’ve gotta do.”
Finally, you turned to look at him. You spoke, your voice sounding just as fragile as you looked. “I’m not hungry.”
Joel’s expression immediately softened.
He couldn’t be tough on you, not in the state you were in—he thought being hard on you would be the way to get through to you, but he just didn’t have it in him to be stern with you, not when you were like this.
“Baby. Please.” He knelt down beside you, reaching for your hand. He winced at how frigid your hand felt in his palm, as if he were holding a block of ice. He brought his other hand up and placed it on top, doing his best to warm it up with both of his. “Look, I get it. I know that you miss her. I know that you’re hurtin’ over her. You might not think I get it, but I do.” He paused, feeling sick to his stomach upon noticing the lifelessness in your eyes. He almost wished that he could see you cry, because at least he would know for certain that you were still in there somewhere—but Joel hadn’t seen you shed a single tear since you’d broken down sobbing in his arms that night in Lincoln. “You just can’t keep goin’ on like this. You don’t eat, you’ve barely slept in weeks. You keep fallin’ behind with all your work assignments and you’ve landed yourself in lockup more times than I can fuckin’ count because of it.”
You simply shrugged, as if you couldn’t give two shits about any of it.
Joel managed to bite back his sigh of frustration. He knew that losing his temper would do nothing more than sink you further into the hole you were currently in. But he was angry. He was just so fucking angry about about everything. Here you were, just slipping right through his fucking fingers, slowly fading away right before his own two eyes and he didn’t know what to do to stop it from happening. He felt lost. He felt hopeless—useless. 
He squeezed your hand out of desperation. He would fucking plead if he had to. “I need you to fuckin’ snap out of it. Please,” he begged, as he continued holding your hand tightly, holding onto it as if he were holding onto dear life itself. “Please, for the love of fuckin’ god, I need you to just snap out of it. If not for yourself, fuckin’ do it for me—do it for her.”
“Snap out of it?” You repeated. “You want me to just snap out of it?”
“Baby, please just listen to me for one goddamn second—”
You snatched your hand out of both of his. “I can’t just fucking snap out of it, Joel!” You nearly shouted at him, speaking the loudest he’d heard you speak in several weeks. “Alright? I can’t snap out of it! My heart is shattered into pieces, don’t you fucking understand that?”
“‘Course I do. Givin’ her up was hard for me too,” he reminded you quietly, resisting the urge to match your tone. 
“And I don’t deny that,” You prefaced yourself. “I know it was hard on you too, Joel. But you’re not the one who came this close, this damn fucking close to aborting her.” You held up your index finger and your thumb close together. You’d started trembling as everything seemed to catch up to you all at once—sleep deprivation, malnourishment and of course, the emotions you had been bottling up inside of you for the last three months. “You’re not the one who carried her inside of your womb for almost nine months, who felt every one of her flutters and her kicks. You’re not the one who had to go through the excruciating pain of giving birth to her in this crumbling apartment, only to have to place her in someone else’s arms and leave her behind three days later. You’re not the one who had to deal with the aftermath, Joel. Do you know how much it fucking hurt not to be able to feed her? How much it fucking sucked to have to wait for your milk supply to dry up because you no longer had a baby to feed?”
For the first time in a long time, Joel was left speechless. 
He didn’t know what to say. Hell, there was nothing he could say.
Because you were absolutely fucking right.
None of what you’d just said to him was a lie. Of course he knew that giving the baby up had been a hundred times harder on you than it’d been on him—mentally, emotionally, and even physically. He thought back to the nights when he would see you sitting there with your own arms wrapped around your chest, knowing you were aching, knowing that although you said nothing about it, you were in unbearable pain from being unable to breastfeed. 
And what could he do about it?
Not a goddamn fucking thing.
Still, Joel had tried. He always made the attempt to comfort you, only to be shot down time and time again. He’d been so used to being the one who rejected any kind of support that, when the tables had been turned on him, he hadn’t known how to handle it. Joel could feel the guilt slowly creeping in as he wondered if perhaps he just hadn’t tried hard enough for you. He was your partner—it was his duty to take care of you, to look out for you, to protect you, and yet here he was, failing to do any of that. 
He could have done more. 
He should have done more.
Especially after all the friction he’d caused from the beginning of your pregnancy. From letting you go to those crooked motherfuckers for a procedure that could have cost you your life, down to the way he had treated you the night you’d brought up Sarah, it seemed as though all Joel had been doing was fucking up, time after time. 
Seeing the expression on Joel’s face, you immediately knew what he must have been thinking. Your eyes widened and you quickly uttered a nearly breathless apology. “Joel, I’m so fucking sorry—”
He stopped you, tightly shaking his head. “No, don’t be. It’s true, it’s all fuckin’ true.”
Finally, after three months of bone-dry eyes, a warm tear slipped out, falling down the side of your face. Your entire body shuddered as the flood gates opened and more followed in suit, each one falling faster, harder than the last. The next thing you knew, Joel had pulled himself up onto the mattress beside you, pulling you into his arms just as you had started sobbing. With one hand, he delicately cradled the back of your head as you cried and cried into his shoulder. The other rubbed a soothing circle into your back over and over again. 
And just like that night in Lincoln, Joel just held you, waiting patiently as you finally allowed yourself to release each and every single one of your emotions out into the open. He didn’t say a word to you, nor did he attempt to stop the tears—he just held you close, merely using his touch to silently let you know that he would wait as long as he had to until you were finished.
“Joel,” You sniffed his name, your hands clutching fistfuls of his shirt.
“I’m right here, baby,” he assured you, holding you even closer against him, as close as humanly possible. His heartbeat was right in your ear and you closed your eyes, listening to it and letting it calm you. “I told you I wasn’t gonna let you carry this pain alone, darlin’. You remember that?”
You nodded against his chest, whispering, “I remember.”
“Well then, you’ve gotta let me help you,” Joel said into your hair. “For three months, I’ve been tryin’ but you just keep pushin’ me away. It doesn’t work like that. I need you to lean on me. I need for you to let me back in and help you because the road you’re headin’ down right now is a dangerous one.” 
Opening your eyes, you pulled away from him slightly, just far enough to meet his worried gaze. You could see the absolute fucking hell that you had been putting him through and felt your heart clench painfully inside of your chest. “I know I can’t keep going on like this, Joel,” You admitted softly to him. “Believe me, I know that. I tried so hard to get a fucking grip. There have been so many days where I think to myself, today is the day that I’m going to get my shit together. But then I just think of her sweet and innocent little face and I just fall apart all over again.” You muffled another sob with the palm of your hand.
“Oh, baby.” He gave your body a gentle, but firm squeeze. If he could take your pain away, all of it, and carry it along with his own, he would do it in a fucking heartbeat. 
You swallowed harshly. “I know she is far better off where she is, Joel, I know that she is. I never want her falling into the hands of FEDRA. It kills me to think of her being here in this shitty fucking place, going to their shitty fucking school.” Your voice broke at the mere thought of it all. “We know what would happen, Joel. As soon as she comes of age and meets their requirement, they will put her through their recruiting program. After her training, they either deem her worthy of becoming a fucking ruthless officer or they will give her the shittiest civilian jobs making her work for scraps of nothing, the same way they do to us.”
Joel sighed, rubbing your back again. “I know, baby. I know. It’s why we did what we did. We did what we had to do to spare her from that shit.”
“But then there’s this selfish part of me that wants her back so badly, so fucking badly that it makes me fucking ache,” You confessed, guilt lacing your tone of voice. “I just want the hurt to stop. I want to be at peace with the decision that we made, but the way I miss her, it feels almost impossible. I feel like I’ll never be able to accept that this is the way things have to be.”
“You have to accept it—we have to accept it. We ain’t got a choice,” Joel spoke the truth to you as gently as he could, though he knew it wouldn’t make a difference.
“I know,” You whispered, your eyes glazing over with fresh tears.
He stared at you for a moment and then pressed his lips against your forehead. Deciding it was time to show you what he’d been keeping a secret from you, Joel reached into the pocket of his jeans, pulling out a small, crumpled up wad of brown tissue paper. With one of his arms still around you, he used both of his hands to unwrap the tissue paper only to reveal a delicate silver chain—a bit too old to be shiny, but still in good shape nonetheless. Joel picked it up and tossed the tissue off to the side. He held it up in front of you to give you a better look at it. 
A single white pearl hung from the chain. 
“Joel, where did you get this?” You gasped lightly, taking it from him with trembling fingers. You didn’t even want to know what the hell he must have had to do or trade for it. Sure, jewelry was one of the most useless items that anyone could possess in this world because it no longer had any monetary value, but if someone wanted something bad enough and another person had it, then advantage was going to be taken somewhere, somehow. 
“Don’t you worry ‘bout that, darlin’.”
You glanced up at him, an incredulous look in your eyes. “Joel.”
He almost chuckled, knowing you wouldn't let him off that easy. “I’d mentioned to Tess that I wanted to get you somethin’ special to carry around with you, somethin’ that would remind you of her. Tess said a pearl was the birthstone for June, and so I asked her to help me find one a few weeks ago. She found some guy and I cut a deal for it. But that’s all I’m tellin’ you.”
Joel took the necklace from you and beckoned for you to turn around for him. Moving your hair aside, he reached around you and clasped it at the back of your neck. “I’d rather only you wear it when you’re here in the apartment. Once you go outside, it stays hidden in your pocket so no one sees it, alright?”
You turned back around to face him. “I don’t even know what to say. I can’t believe you did this for me, Joel.” You reached for his hands and held them tightly in your own as you shot him a sincere, grateful look. “Thank you.”
He leaned forward, lightly brushing his mouth against yours. “Baby?”
“Yes?” You murmured against his lips.
Joel squeezed your hands, hesitating for a moment before he said, “I know I’ve only ever said it to you once—that night. Outside of Bill and Frank’s place. But I need you to know that I love you. The truth is, I’ve been lovin’ you for a long time now. Never had it in me to admit it, not even to myself.” His eyes met yours in such a tender way that you felt a part of your broken heart begin to heal itself. It was just a small part, and you knew that unless you had your daughter back, it would never mend itself completely. Still, it was enough to give you a sense of hope. It was just enough to remind you that you would be able to find the strength in you to survive this pain. If you had any reason to keep going, it was right there it front of you. It was Joel. “I love you. I’m gonna do everythin’ that I can to help you through this. All you’ve gotta do is lean on me, alright?”
“I love you, Joel.” Though you’d said it to him once before, it still felt a bit foreign to say out loud.
It felt right, though. And it felt right hearing him say it to you. 
Reaching up, you lightly clasped the pearl in your hand. You leaned into Joel’s chest and felt him wrap his arms around you. 
“Y’know,” Joel said, breaking the momentary silence that had fallen over you, “Tess said Frank’s been wondering why we haven’t been over to see her yet. I know it might still be a bit too soon for you, but—” He let his sentence trail.
Though he didn’t say it out loud, you could hear it in his voice.
He wanted to see the baby.
“I’m not ready for that just yet,” You admitted. “I want to see her more than anything, but look at me. I’m a fucking mess.” You paused, clutching onto the pearl a little tighter. “Maybe we can try in a few weeks? What do you think?”
Joel kissed the top of your head. “Soon as you’re ready, say the word and we’ll go.”
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lazyjellyfish300 · 1 month
Camping with Miguel🏕️
AU Co-worker!Miguel O'Hara x AFAB!Reader
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Synopsis: an innocent camping trip with your friend from work, Miguel, what could happen?😏😏
WC: 1.1k
A/N: feeling self indulgent with summer coming soon. Tbh I think Miguel would HATE camping, he'll do glamping in a cabin but not a tent bc he's so huge and his back hurts, but let me dream for a sec okay🤭. Outline format bc lazy and tbh don't feel super good about this one and did it on a whim but it was fun to get out! Inspired by lyrics from the song "Candles" by Daughter. 🖤🏕️
@leonsbimbogf @thatone-writer
-Imagine going camping with your older co-worker and friend Miguel, somewhere remote in a national park, deep in the forest with not a soul around in sight
-it was your idea since both of your dates bailed for the weekend, befriending one another initially when you both grumbled over Janet at the office's potluck, and the pitiful end of year pizza party, obvious tension between both of you for months, finally worked up the courage to ask him to do something, figuring you might as well since neither of you had plans. 
-Miguel makes you get in the passenger seat after seeing how silly you look behind the wheel of the enormous flatbed pickup truck you rented, both of you from the city have no clue what you're doing
-when you arrive, evergreen trees shrouding the small campsite, biting chill of mountain wind brushing your face as you step out, breathing in the crisp temperatures of the remote woods and releasing it with a deep sigh 
-you bicker over the tent, finally allowing Miguel to set it up himself, when he insists that you're doing it wrong while you pout in a camping chair, attitude slowly leaving your body as you begrudgingly eat one of the sandwiches from the cooler, some chips, and a cold soda, realizing you were just cranky due to hunger and the long drive.
-Miguel smiles, telling you playfully to save some for him, to which you flip him off. 
-he feels sweat trickle down his forehead watching you try to wield an axe and chop some firewood, approaching you with hands raised, telling you to slowly put it down. 
-you're suddenly feeling really turned on when you watch him roll up his flannel on his thick hairy forearms, grunting as he brings the axe down, chopping the wood like it's nothing, using his collar to wipe his forehead as he pants, those wavy brown locks of his falling in his face. 
-later, as the sun goes down, and the temperatures drop, he can't help but admire how adorable you look in your oversized sweatpants and hoodie, wanting to just pull you into his arms to stop you from shivering. 
-you share amazing conversation and silly banter you're throwing back and forth as you sit around the fire, your camping chairs pushed close together, your socked feet in his lap under a thick warm blanket with one of his arms resting on top of your legs, roasting you some marshmallows over the fire, telling him when to rotate the skewer so it turns a lovely golden brown on all sides (except he wasn't paying attention the first time, lighting it on fire on accident and you giggling as you watched him cutely panicking, trying to blow it out, but not before it became a crispy charred mess) 
-thinking about eating s'mores and your face getting warm as you nurse your Stella Rosa wine in your tumbler while he sips beer from a bottle.
"Did you feel a raindrop just now?" 
-but soon the sprinkles come down harder and harder, until it's a full on rain shower, your fire burnt out and scrambling to save the food, your chairs, and anything else you don't want to get soaked as you run towards the tent, zipping it up behind you, sighing with relief and laughing together as you hear the rain get more intense. 
-"How long are we stuck in here?" You ask. Miguel shrugs, pulling you protectively closer to him.
 "I don't know..." He whispers.
-your teeth are chattering, you're standing there half hunched over in the small tent while Miguel quickly unzips the sleeping bags and lays the blankets over the large air mattress, telling you to get in next to him underneath your fortress of warmth as you cling to each other in the chilly tent. 
-thinking about how both of your shaking gets less and less frantic as you hold each other in the quiet tent, listening to the rain ceaselessly pelting the outside in lulling rhythm. 
-thinking about his chin resting on your forehead, the smell coming off his body smoky from the campfire with the faint musk of a man who's been working in the sun.
-he jokes that your body heat between both of you would transfer more quickly if you were both naked.
-his lips part as you look up at him, asking if he wants to test that theory. 
-your teeth are chattering again as you both struggle to strip down, frigid air obliterating both your bodies in a sea of goosebumps, practically pouncing on each other again under your nest of blankets when you're both bare, electricity and pure want permeating all throughout your body when you feel his skin against yours for the first time
-imagine his full lips with the slightest dust of the bitter cold on them then the feeling of his warm tongue sliding into your mouth with a little groan, deepening kisses gradually with an increased appetite than before, the crisp taste of beer on his tongue mixing with the fruity bittersweet wine on yours.
-Miguel's cheeky smile and the playful, sweet kiss he plants against your lips at you biting your cheek in embarrassment to stifle your whiny pleas as he coaxes his fingers inside your weeping cunt,
 "You don't have to be quiet, baby. There's nobody around to hear us, but you and me..." 
-the chill that runs through your body when you're nice and wet, ready to be fucked when he pulls you up so you're straddling his lap so he can watch your pretty face as you slide up and down his cock.
-you gently pull at the curls at the nape of his neck, fingers curling into fists as you drown inside scarlet seas. 
- you're looking at each other with a fresh set of eyes, wide like a crime scene, your passion the culprit. Lines that weren't meant to be crossed but you did it anyway as he slowly, gently, passionately, tenderly makes love to you for the first time. 
-he hypnotically paints your clit with his fat tip, warm and wet massaging between your lips, 
"Mirame...." (Look at me)
-a sharp intake of air between his teeth as your warm cunt hugs him so tightly all at once, his rough hands gripping the tender flesh of your hips, guiding you back up his length before letting you slide down it again, smirking when you whine
-steady soft tempo in the dark, as he soothes you with the sound of his voice, gently, and carefully moving his hips underneath you, rippling underneath you like a wave, until a ring of creamy arousal pools at the base of his cock, your love mixed with his as he brings it to your lips, telling you to taste it as you begin riding him again.
"We taste so fucking good together..."
-a steamy bubble of heat between your bodies shielding you from the cold of the outside as he rolls on top of you for another round, rainy prelude to a passionate night, bodies molded together like they were intended for the other despite never meeting before as the storm rumbled across milky skies underneath a dim crescent moon.
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luveline · 3 months
need need NEED more hop x reader w el they are the CUTEST
“So she’s coming?” El asks. 
Hopper pushes a glass of orange juice in her direction. “Mm-hm.” 
“And she wants to see me.” 
“Yeah, kid, she wants to see you.” 
Eleven’s hair curls just under her ears. Hopper hadn’t suspected her hair would be curly once it began to grow, but it waves gently, and tighter the longer it becomes. He doesn’t know how to take care of it. He only just taught her how to use shampoo and conditioner without leaving all the suds in. 
She scratches it. “What are you looking at?” 
“Nothing.” He ruffles her hair. “Eat your breakfast. You can get changed when you’re done. You need me to help you find something?” 
“No. I like choosing.” 
Hopper knows. She isn’t good at matching yet, but she’ll get there. 
She eats her breakfast too quickly, doesn’t drink her juice, and doesn’t put her plate in the sink before she goes, but Hopper doesn’t bother getting mad. He’s trying to be less moody. He’s also trying to be understanding; she’s learning to be a normal kid. Most normal kids are slobs. 
“Can we have dessert?” El shouts from her room. 
“You can have a snack later.” 
“You can have some chips once you get dressed. Are you still hungry, or–?” 
“Snacks,” she says, turning on her radio. 
Hopper nods, laughing to himself when there’s a knock at the door. He’s been waiting to see you all weekend, and he walks to the door with a terrible smugness about him to let you in. 
“Hello,” he says, wedging the creaky frame open with his shoe. 
“Hi, handsome.” You look up into his eyes, fresh-faced like you’ve had a good scrub and dressed for a day in the house in cuffless sweatpants and a hoodie he thinks might be his. “Wow, nice shirt, hotshot. What is that? The Hawkins Police Department fun run of eighty two? That’s vintage.” 
He leans down to kiss you hello. 
“Oh, hi,” you flirt. 
You’re confident when you know you’re loved, he’s found. Still the homespun woman he knew you to be, but affectionate once you’re comfortable. He smiles into your mouth and pulls you tight to his chest, lifting you off of your feet for a millisecond before placing you back down. 
“Where’s my girl?” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he says. 
“El?” you call. You slide around him to find her but turn back, “Did you ask her about the hugging?” 
“She says it’s fine.” 
“Like, she wants to?” 
It had been a strange conversation. Hopper is used to telling El things, or being told things by her. He didn’t ask her what she likes for breakfast, he just kept guessing until he found the right stuff. She never asked him if she could sit in his side during movies, she just inched closer until he put his arm around her. 
“She wants to,” Hopper says. She’d seemed perturbed by the question, sure, but it ended with her happy little smile through a handful of popcorn. 
“El?” you call again. 
“Kid! Your best friend is here!” Hopper shouts. 
Thunder from her bedroom, a door swung open and slapping the wall. “Y/N?” she asks, the skirt of her dress swinging as she pauses in the doorway. 
You smile and step forward. You’re tentative but excited all the same, laughing as you wrap your arms around her shoulders, and pat her back. “Hi, beautiful.” 
“Where have you been? It’s two weeks.” 
“Yeah? I didn’t mean to not see you for so long, I’m sorry.” 
“Hop says you have lots to do.” 
“There’s a leak in my bathroom,” you take her by the shoulders. “Aw, this is nice. When’d you get this? It’s light and summery.” 
“Hop… from a catalogue.” 
You raise your brows at him, grinning. “That’s nice. How many did you get?” 
“We got five.” 
“Five! From the catalogue!” You hold her hand. “Hop must really like you, huh? Who can blame him?” 
El looks down at your joined hands. Hopper feels his skeptic heart softening. “He likes you, too.” 
“But do we like him?” you joke, letting go of her hand to put your arm behind her back instead. You give Hopper a look. 
“What?” he asks. 
“I was thinking we’d go out for milkshakes?” 
Hopper bites his tongue. El has a birth certificate now, she’s his daughter, she can’t be taken, but going out with her into the world draws stares and derision alike. People can tell she’s abnormal, and he can’t stand that. She doesn’t deserve to be gawked at for talking a little slowly, or messing with stuff she doesn’t understand. 
But he doesn’t want her feeling punished for those things either. 
“Get your jacket, El.” She beams, rushing for her room. “She’s gonna love the jukebox,” Hopper says. 
You meander back into his arms, kissing his stubbly cheek. He pretends to nudge you away.
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hutchersonsgurl · 7 months
You are off the hook daddy Josh Futturman
Paring female reader with Josh futturman
Smut warning ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️
18 +
You and Josh have been dating for over a year now. Josh adores the ground you walk on you are at Josh's house while he's playing video games and you want attention 😉😉
Your laying on his bed while he sits in gamer change he asked you to come over to his place instead of yours that was a mistake obviously you always seem to find yourself being ignored by your man for a stupid video game you have been laying on his bed watching him play and completely ignore you and your getting mad obviously
"Hey babe I'm getting something to eat from down stairs you need anything "? You ask lovely
Josh looks up at you from the screen for a second "yeah could you get me some pop and maybe some chips thanks baby" he says facing the screen
Ugh that stupid game you think to yourself as you walk downstairs but then you remember you brought a bag here and you have some new lingerie in it so you walk over to your bag and grab the lingerie and walk into the downstairs bathroom
You put on the tight black and lacey lingerie on fix your make up for a second then make sure to push your boobs out and walk out into the kitchen and grab his snacks thank God his parents aren't home you think as you walk up the stairs to his room
You walk into his room and set down the snacks by him he thanks you as you do you lay down on his bed
"Hey babe look at me for a minute you say with a smirk"
He turns his char around and his jaw about drops as he sees you he takes off his headphones and throws it on the floor looking at you hungrily
He crawls ontop of you looking at your curves around your body practically drooling at this point
"Like what you see baby?" You ask
"Oh hell yes" he says in response
He pulls off his shirt looking down at you
He touches your panties that are already wet for him
"Oh you are all ready wet for daddy" he says with a smirk
He reconnects his lips with yours hungrily, tilting your head up by the back of your neck.
His hands slide down you body as he continues to kiss you.
He pulls back and breaks the kiss and he pulls down you panties
He stares at your cunt looking hungry and you can tell by the look in his eyes he ment business
He unclamps your bra taking in your breast he grabs one with hand and then he's sucking your niple softly biting it
A Serge goes through your body as he does you let out a soft moan
He pulled away and grabbed your tender thighs, spreading them open
He slides down to get to eye level of your cunt . He licked a stripe up it, not breaking eye contact, before plunging in two fingers Your eyebrows curled upwards as you looked in his eyes. He bit his lip, focusing on his movements, fingers curling inside your wet cunt.
continued to finger you, your legs inching wider and wider.
You felt that knot build up in your stomach, moans starting to escape from your lips. You didn't care how loud you were, no one would hear you his parents weren't home Your sounds just made him hungrier and he thrusted faster. Wet squishy sounds filling the room. With a final moan coming from you, you cum around his fingers, thighs clenching. He pulls his fingers out and he sucks on them while maintaining eye contact with you the whole time
He slides down his sweatpants to reveal his massive boner in his boxers he pulls down his boxers while looking down at you while biting his lip letting his cock free
He spread open your aching thighs once more, lining himself up to your gaping opening. He leans in to the crook of your neck, teeth grazing on your shoulder as he slid in, your pussy swallowing his length whole.You whined when he entered you, as you grip on to the bedHe started moving in and out, slow but deep. He breathes loudly in your ear, sending shivers down your spine and making your hairs stick up erect. Your moans in his ear make him greedier, speeding up, hitting that same spot inside of you repeatedly. The two of you stayed silent for most of the time, letting out grunts, groans and moans but no words. Just focused on the pleasure of the moment. He pulls out and lays on the bed next to you he rolls over and he kisses you once again" I'm sorry for ignoring you for my game I hope that makes it up to you baby " Josh says with a smirk on his
"You are off the hook daddy" you say as you cuddle with him
Might of gotten a tad bit carried away but I hope you like it !
More Josh futturman fics coming soon !
No edits
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f1goat · 1 year
mistake(s) x lando norris + part six
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In which you keep making the same mistake over and over again by fucking the boy you hate the most.
masterlist - playlist
part one part two part three part four part five
warnings: smut but with a plot, 18+ | english is not my first language fem!verstappen reader x lando norris
Lando: maybe it doesn’t have to end yet ;)
You look at Lando his message. A few minutes earlier you texted him to thank him again for today. Of course you smile about his response, but this time you can’t actually do something. You’ve gotten your period since yesterday. A bit disappointed you text back Lando.
Y/N: i’m on my period :(
Lando: fuck, i didn’t exactly mean sex
Lando: just come over x
Your smile grows bigger. Quickly you text Lando back that you’ll be at his room in fifteen minutes. You roam around your hotel room to gather some of your stuff. Just to be sure, you also pack some things for if you spend the night. When you look at yourself in the mirror, you feel the urge to change into other clothes. Right now you’re wearing sport leggings and a sweater. You resist the urge, it’s probably fine to go to Lando in this outfit. He’s wearing sweatpants half of the time with you. 
A few minutes later you’re standing in front of Lando his hotel room door. You knocked a couple times but Lando isn’t opening the door. You wonder where he is. It doesn’t take long before you find out. Lando quickly walks to you when you hear the elevator opening. You notice the shopping bag in his hand. Before you can ask any questions, Lando already starts talking.
“Sorry!” He tells you first, “I thought I could be back before you but there was this slow lady in front of me at the register.” 
You let out a soft laugh. Lando opens the hotel door in the mean time. Together you walk into his room. Without really thinking about it, you quickly sit down on the couch. You watch how Lando unpacks his shopping bag. You notice multiple bags of chips, sweets and more. Are there more people coming over as well? You don’t believe that Lando eats that much. 
“Have you invited anyone else as well?” You ask Lando. 
“No,” he quickly states, “or did you want me to?” He sounds a bit unsure after his question. 
“No,” you tell him, “but you have food for at least ten people.”
Lando lets out a laugh. “I didn’t knew what you liked,” he tells you. 
“So you bought everything?” You reply with a small laugh. 
“Not everything,” Lando says a bit unsure. You just laugh. 
A few more minutes later you’re cuddled up against Lando on the couch. Together you’re watching a comedy movie. It amazes you how easy things are going between you and Lando today. Maybe he really is changing for the better. 
“I know a way to thank you for today,” you tell Lando teasingly. You just thanked Lando again for today. You’re still amazed by all of it. Even now when you just watched a simple movie with him. It just feels right. Lando raises one of his eyebrows, waiting for your next move. He knows a way as well, he can only hope that the both of you are thinking about the same one. Since he saw the way your ass looked in those leggings he couldn’t focus on anything else anymore..
You move a bit to change your position. You search eye contact with Lando while pulling a hair tie from your wrist. Silently you put your hair in a ponytail. Lando smirks. This is looking like the same thing he had in mind. 
While maintaining your eye contact with Lando, you change your position again. You sit down on your knees in front of Lando. In the same silence as before, you slowly pull down Lando his pants. Teasingly you palm his boner through his boxers. After a bit Lando lets out a soft grunt. You apply a bit more pressure. You keep teasing Lando. 
“Y/N,” Lando says your name while letting out a soft moan, “Do something.”
You smile innocently. Then you decide to test him a bit. You look up at Lando while you pull down his boxers. Instead of giving him what he wants, you slowly stroke his cock. 
“Babygirl,” Lando groans. 
You continue your slow movements on his dick while looking at him. It amazes you how good it feels to have Lando looking like this because of you. He looks somehow frustrated but still pleasured. You’re not giving him enough and that’s exactly what you’re going for right now. You move your face a bit slower to his dick, you press a small kiss against his tip. 
“You’re such a tease,” Lando grunts.
“Ask me nicely,” you tell Lando with an innocent smile.
Lando groans. He realizes that this is nothing more then his karma. How many times did he make you beg for something? Way too many probably. It’s only fair you’re teasing him as well. But still. He doesn’t ask. Right? 
You slowly lick around the tip of his cock. Even slower you put your lips around it. Only for a second and then you remove your lips again. You continue the slow stroking you were doing before.
It’s that moment that Lando realizes that he does ask. He would be an idiot to let you tease him like this for the rest of the night. 
“Blow me?” He asks you. 
You stop your movements. It’s a beginning but you know he can do better. 
“Hmm,” you say, “not really convincing.” 
“Fuck,” Lando grunts. He keeps his silence for a few seconds while thinking about what to say. It’s unfair how you can make him feel like this. It’s even more unfair that he’s about to ask you again. 
“Please babygirl?” Lando asks, “Just do something.”
You show Lando a sweet smile and decide that it’s enough for now. You move your head down a bit. Slowly you let your tongue slide around Lando his cock, before taking it in your mouth properly. You quickly increase your pace while trying to take in as much of it as you can manage. 
Lando moans. Fuck. It has to be even more unfair how you can do this to him in only a few seconds. He already starts to feel close to his orgasm. He wishes this could go on for forever. It keeps amazing him how good you are at everything you do to him. Sometimes he thinks back about the other girls he fucked before you, or the girls that gave him a blowjob. How is it possible that not even one of them came close to being as good as you are? It just feels so right with you. Everything does. 
You notice the way his cock starts to throb. You can’t suppress a proud feeling. You like the fact that you’re the one who’s making feel Lando like this right now.
“If you don’t want me to cum into your mouth you better move away,” Lando tells you. 
You don’t move away. Actually, you do the opposite. You manage to take him even deeper. Lando lets out a hard moan. Only a few seconds later you taste the saltiness of his cum that’s quickly filling your mouth. Without really thinking about it you slowly continue your movements until you notice that he’s completely empty. You swallow his cum. 
Lando pulls you back onto the couch with him. He puts you onto his lap. You show him another innocent smile. 
“Don’t show me that innocent face,” Lando tells you, “not after what you just did.”
You chuckle. Lando presses a kiss against your forehead. Then he lets out a soft sigh. “I can’t believe I begged you to do something,” he says, “I never asked for anything like that before.” 
“You must really like me then,” you joke. Lando smiles. You should know how much he likes you, he thinks. He almost says it, but he doesn’t dare to. He doesn’t want to ruin things between you two. 
Later that evening you’re still laying on the couch with Lando. Neither of you want to end the evening. Tomorrow Lando his media duties will start and his race weekend will begin. You want to enjoy the time you have with him, but you know the night has to end. Both of you are tired. 
“Maybe I should head back to my room,” you tell Lando after a bit of doubting. 
Lando doesn’t think about his answer. If he did think about it, he probably wouldn’t have said it. But the words are coming out of his mouth before he realizes it. 
“Stay,” Lando says, “Please?” He is surprised of himself when he hears himself asking for it. 
“Don’t you want to sleep?” You ask Lando surprised.
“Yes,” Lando tells you, “We can sleep together. Right?”
“Why not?” 
A loud knock on the door awakes you the following morning. Lando is awaked by it as well. He presses a kiss against your forehead while telling you a good morning. After that he gets out of the bed, putting on some sweatpants and walking towards the door. You wonder who’s at the door. 
Lando walks a bit annoyed towards the door. He’s wanted to spend his morning a bit different then this. When he opens the door, he’s standing in front of your brother. What is Max doing at his door this early? 
“Have you seen Y/N?” Max asks him directly. 
Before Lando can answer, Max already continues.
“I wanted to take her to the breakfast, but she’s not in her room and she’s also not responding to my texts,” Max explains. 
You hear the conversation. What to do next? You realize you have put Lando in a difficult situation now. You can’t expect him to lie to his best friend for you, right? With a sigh you get out of the bed as well. Quickly you put on some clothes. When you walk out of the room, you notice the shirt you’re wearing. Fuck. Maybe it isn’t a smart move to wear a shirt from Lando when you walk towards your brother.
Lando is doubting about his answer in the mean time. He knows you can probably hear what he’s about to say. He doesn’t want you to know that Max knows. But he also doesn’t want to lie to his friend, Max is probably already anxious about where you are. 
“Hey Max,” you greet your brother. 
Surprised Lando looks up at you. He didn’t expect you to show up like this. It doesn’t take him long before noticing the shirt you’re wearing. Fuck. It’s unfair how you already look this fuckable this early in the morning.
“Sorry, I was still asleep. I didn’t see your messages,” you continue. 
Max lets out a laugh. “I knew you were here,” he tells you. You’re a bit surprised because of Max his words. Before you can ask about it Max already continues, “See you two at the breakfast in a few minutes?” He asks you and Lando. Both of you nod. 
“Why did you show Max you were here?” Lando asks you when Max has left. 
You’re making yourself ready to show up at the breakfast. You take a look at Lando. Should you tell him about your suspicions? Since you and Lando have been seeing each other, or better said have been fucking each other, you already knew it wouldn’t take long before your brother would find out. They are best friends. You didn’t expect him to lie for you. It was only a matter of time before Max would find out. Since a while you already thought Max knew.
“I thought he already knew,” you tell Lando honestly.
Lando doesn’t reply. Should he confess about his earlier mistake of telling Max?
“Why would he show up here otherwise?” You ask.
“It slipped out,” Lando confesses. 
You laugh. “I guessed so,” you tell Lando, “It doesn’t matter. You two are close friends, I already thought it would happen.”
“It was an accident,” Lando states.
“It doesn’t matter,” you say, “I do hope you’re not sharing details.”
“So you and Lando huh?” Max asks you later that day. 
“Oh you already knew,” you tell Max, “Lando confessed and I’m not an idiot. I knew it wouldn’t take you long to find out.” 
“So, you like him?” Max continues to ask.
“I fuck with him,” you state bluntly. 
“That doesn’t answer my previous question,” Max replies.
“He’s Lando,” you sigh.
“That’s still not an answer.”
“Maybe I do,” you confess, “but I don’t hope so. It won’t take him long to grow bored of me.”
Max chuckles. “I don’t think so,” he states, “I’ll be pretty surprised if that ever happens.”
“Don’t lie Max,” you sigh, “We both know how he is.”
“I think you don’t have it figured out yet.”
Mentally you thank Max for making things more complicated once again. You can’t forget his words. Does he actually think that there’s something more then just sex going on between you and Lando?
small filler chapter :) hoping to bring some drama to the next chapters
part seven
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ateezscupid · 1 year
mingi smut 46,57
46. “can you feel how much I want you?”
57. “please, don’t ever stop!”
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seductive ✩ mingi 𝗑 f!𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋
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plot - mingi’s horny after work !!
genre + warnings - smut, fluff and overall crackhead energy, switch!mingi, switch!reader, oral, dirty talk(?), praise, mingi’s being a cute whiny baby in this one
wc - 1.28k
tags - @felixs-voice-makes-me-wanna check pinned post for tag list info!
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“mingi!” you call out from your bedroom window. you just saw him leave his car and now he’s walking into the building. he heard your voice from down below and waved. seeing you made him feel better after going through hours of work.
you jump out of bed and run out of your shared bedroom, skipping to the door opening it. just as he turned the corner in the hallway, you were peeking your head out waiting for him. you squeal in excitement and dart out, running down the hallway and jumping into him. he dropped his bag and wrapped your arms around you.
“i guess you missed me?” mingi looks at you. “you haven’t run out and hugged in a long time.”
“i missed you so so so much, i was bored!” you pout. “but you’re home now so i feel better! how was work? was everyone annoying? did you get stuff done? did you guys have a pizza party?”
“y/n, we don’t really bring food into the studio. i mean, we had a few donuts and chips. and before you ask, yes, i did save you some.” mingi kissed your cheek.
he sets you down and picks his bag up again, putting his arm around your shoulder and walking back to your apartment. once you two went inside, he threw his bag on the couch then plopped down next to it. you were always confused to why mingi would come home worn out. all he did was stay in a studio? what could be he doing that makes him this tired?
“do you want a massage or something? you’re always so exhausted whenever you come home. now that i think about it, why are you so tired when you come home?”
“i have to repeat the same lines over and over again, baby.” he groans as he sat up. “and i go there early in the morning. i cant sleep while i’m there, and if i do, it’s only for ten minutes.”
“aw,” you coo, strolling over to the couch and sitting next to him. “poor min. do you want something to eat? will that make you feel better?”
“no,” mingi looked you up and down, leaning into you and pushing his face into your chest.
“mingi, no.” you tilt your head. “you’re always horny whenever you come back from work, can’t you take a break?”
“how the hell did you know i was horny?” his eyebrows raise.
“you always push your face into my tits when you’re horny.”
“no i don’t!” he scoffs sarcastically. “i grab your thigh when i’m horny. they’re two completely different actions, i don’t know how you messed that up. and i thought you loved me!”
“mingi, shut up, i do love you! but you need a break, my legs are still worn out from yesterday.” you okay with his hair gently.
“they didn’t seem worn out when you ran up and tackled me like a quarterback in the hallway.” he muttered as he glared at you. you roll your eyes playfully.
“why are you glaring at me?” your head tilts.
“i’m hoping you’ll spontaneously combust.” mingi says jokingly. you push his chest and stand up, but he pulled you back down onto the couch. though this time, you were on his lap.
“okay, let’s make a deal.” you turn to face him. “if we do have sex, i wanna be in charge.”
“what? you cant even get on top of me without being embarrassed, so how are you gonna take charge?”
you narrow your eyes and place your hands on his shoulders, turning around completely and straddling him. you push him back against the couch cushions and bring your hand down to his sweatpants, which were tightening around him because of his boner. you chuckle slightly and rub slowly, earning a hushed moan from him.
“dude, how are you moaning and i just touched you?” you smile, leaning forward and kissing his cheek. “i just wanna try topping for once.”
“can you feel how much i want you?” he whispers, thighs shaking slightly. “oh fuck me,”
“shush, that’s what i’m trying to do.” you felt his raging boner through his pants, and it almost made you want to drool. his size never really intimidated you, it only excited you, and he was aware of it. you’d always be excited to suck him off or jerk him off when he asked you to. it was fun hearing him groan knowing you were the one bringing him pleasure.
you pulled his pants and boxers down just enough for his cock to come out. you didn’t expect it to be all red and veiny; pulsing, in need of someone to touch it. he was in the studio all day, so to see him this hard kind of surprised you. you grabbed onto it with your palm, causing mingi to flinch and throw his head back.
“eyes on me.” you demand, using your free hand to grab his chin and pull his head back down. you gently start to stroke him, squeezing whenever you got to the top to play with his tip.
“fuuck,” mingi groans, hands grabbing onto your backside. “please, i’m so hard. it hurt so fucking much to walk.”
“i bet it did, huh?” you bring your hand down, now using both hands to stroke him. you twist and turn your hands, looking down for a moment to spit on it and continue your movements. mingi didn’t know where to put his hands. he was grabbing onto you, then the couch, then your thighs, he was everywhere.
“oh fuck, shit shit shit, where the hell did you learn to do this!” he looks at you, eyes puffy and lips swollen, aching for you to kiss them. you lean forward and peck him on the lips.
“i watched a few videos to prepare for this very moment.” you say as you scoot off his lap and get down on your knees in front of him, now shoving his cock into your mouth.
“good fucking go—fuck, i feel like cumming!” mingi whined as his hips bucked up a few times. he was falling apart and struggling to hold himself together in front of you, which made you want to keep going. you continue to stroke and suck him off at the same time, earning all types of pornographic sounds to come from mingi’s mouth.
“y/n—y/n, slow down,” he sucks in a breath. the urge to cum was gradually increasing and it was bubbling in his stomach, like butterflies flying all over the place.
“y-y/n, i’m—“ he stammers, chest heaving up and down. “f-fuck, please, don’t ever stop! don’t fucking stop, ah—“
mingi’s hand goes to grab a handful of your hair, pulling like his life depended on it. your nails dug into his thigh but he could care less. all he was thinking about was cumming into your mouth.
“please, please, please,” he begged. mingi begged. that was the most attractive thing you’ve ever heard him do. you bobbed your head faster, which helped him reach his breaking point.
“oh god, oh fucking hell, stop stop stop, shit, i’m cumming—i’m-“ his body twitches as he dumped his load in your mouth, shameless moans leaving him. you help him ride out his orgasm as you slowed your movements, slightly overstimulating him and making him whine. you take your mouth off and let go, swallowing everything and not leaving a drop.
“that was fun, right?” you giggle. “you did so good, you sound so adorable when you moan! you should do it more often!”
“oh, shut up.” he blushed from your words. “but, it was…nice. thank you, love.”
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whorediaries-09 · 1 month
the wound won't close
pairing- sirius black x auror!reader warning(s)- hurt/comfort. a/n- it's about you fell in love with something that loves you back and that my friend is sirius black 🗣️🗣️
little train. series masterlist.
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remus slid a plate of pancakes across the table, along with a big old cup of sirius' personal poison-the earl gray. the cup is brightly maroon, chipped from the edges as it touches his lips. sirius takes a small sip, letting the liquid burn down his throat.
'you still got it.' sirius chuckles. remus bemused, scoffs. he slides his long fingers into his sandy locks before answering.
'eat. put some flesh within your madness.'
'well you'd know all about the madness within the flesh, wouldn't you?' he says.
'you never came, sirius. the letter. i showed up and stayed there for about two hours, waiting for you.' sirius gulps before answering him.
'i ended up into a pub. i don't know why or how, but i did. the question is how did you get here?' remus moves his lips to answer, but when you enter the room, coddling with the little owl perched on your shoulder, he thinks better of it.
'he is asking me how i came here.' the owl nips at your ear before flapping it's wings and sitting beside sirius' plate, taking away little nibbles from his pancakes.
'well... i'm working on trying to justify the prejudice against half-breeds. i can't directly do it since i don't have the position in the ministry to, but for that i need a few statements. remus is the only werewolf i knew so.. well i've been in contact with him. that is basically the root of why me and remus know each other.'
'so you're just an angel from heaven.' sirius replies, taking another bite.
'i don't care who is who, padfoot. i need to know what happened.'
'james made peter the secret-keeper the last moment, upon my wishes. he faked his own death to frame me for the murders he committed. the bastard cut off his own finger-apparently the only thing they found from that night.'
'so you're not to blame?'
'no. you know i'd rather die than kill james! he was my family!' he exclaimed. he dropped the fork onto the plate.
'you know, i suspected you to the spy' he whispered, almost ashamed. you could see blood rush underneath his pale skin as tears welled into his eyes. the thought of getting back an old friend was of great joy to him. the thought of not being lonely again was hauntingly beautiful.
'you look like you're about to pass out, sweetheart.' sirius commented, huffing on your state. your papers were spread across the table, your hands stained with ink as you went through the necessary documents. remus had already left for home, leaving you to nurture for him. sirius had taken a nap after his breakfast, leaving you with enough time to sit alone with your thoughts.
'i know.' you replied. with tired limbs, your stretched your aching body. having sleepless nights wasn't of much absurdity to you. you'd spent endless of sleep less nights practicing your spells to be at the position you were. to be an auror at twenty four wasn't something of a joke, yet you'd managed to do it just the same.
even if that meant losing friends and family.
'what are you doing anyway?' he asked. he walked around the table, sitting in front of you. he was carrying a dark blue cup, steam pouring out the rim.
'i'm looking over the things i require and how many people's shoes i have to lick to change a few laws,' you answered, your eyes averting to his form as you answered. his loose linen white shirt was unbuttoned, revealing an intricate design of tattoos on his chest. black sweatpants hung on narrow hips. you could see tattoos emerging from the expanse of the skin on his legs too.
'are you feeling better now?' you asked, collecting your spread out sheets in an orderly fashion. sirius nodded.
'i am, thanks to you and moony.' you packed your things into your bag, handing him a little piece of paper.
'here's my address, sirius. if you need me, you can write to me. your owl will find me'
'are you leaving now?' he asked, looking at the piece of paper tucked into his palm.
'yes.' you said. a brief moment of sadness flashed on his face before he quipped you with another request.
'stay, you're tired.'
'no, i...i'm not' you answered, trying to stifle a yawn half way through your statement. it leaves your lips anyways. he smiles, in a comforting manner, as he rests his face on his palm.
'you're a pathetic liar,' he states, 'you can rest here as long as you want to. i have a free room down the hall.' nervously, you rub the back of your head, trying to avoid the burning gaze upon you.
'that would be of major inconvenience-i don't think-' before you realize, has his index finger on your lips. how he got up from the chair to be standing in front of you with such fast agility was a mystery.
'it is not of any inconvenience, i assure you. it's an extra room! for guests! you're a guest aren't you?' he said. you couldn't quite meet his eyes, afraid you'd be lost in the depth of them.
'i- uh- you're hungover-'
'sweetheart, look me in the eye and tell me if i'm hungover.' he said, sliding a finger under your jaw. you looked into his eyes, trying not to get lost in them.
'i- okay you win. i'll rest,'
'see, i told you! you should listen to me more often.' that earned a tired laughter out of you.
original idea posted by - @lilwnet
taglist - @reggieisfit @siriuslycaptainofthedawntreader @jamespottergf @eternallybipanicking @fictional-magic @iamgayforyourmom1510
taglist (for series) - @urbansaint
(if you want to be tagged please send a request through my inbox.)
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xhikers · 5 months
sleepover - k.jh
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pairing- kim junghoon (xikers) x reader
synopsis- you convince junghoon to have a sleepover!!
warnings- mentions of food, reader is shorter than junghoon, idol!junghoon, lmk if i missed anything! (lowercase intended)
word count- 1k
requested- yes
junghoon rummaged through the pile of potato chips, looking for the bag that matched the image that was forever in his brain from seeing you hold it so often. he had started practicing with the rest of the xikers members again recently after his injury, and was getting back into his routine of stopping by your place on the way back to the dorms.
     as usual, he stopped by a local convenience store to pick up something for you on his way. he was finally able to find the flavor of chips he knew that you loved and saw you eating so frequently. 
     he scanned the rest of the shelves, looking for anything else you might like before walking up to the cash register. he thanked the friendly cashier, who had most likely become very familiar with junghoon at this point, and continued on his way to your house.
you were sitting on your bed, scrolling through the tv channels for the third time as you waited for junghoons arrival. you were always happy to see him, but especially tonight. you had been waiting for what felt like hours before you finally heard a knock at your door. you jumped out of your bed and let him inside of your room before embracing him in a long hug. 
     “you act like you didn’t see me last week” he laughed, setting both the black backpack on his back and the grocery bag on the carpet of your bedroom to return your hug.
     “hey! a week is a long time!” you laughed along with him, knowing that it really wasn’t that big of a deal.
     you hesitantly let go of him, leading him to sit on the edge of your bed with you. junghoon picked the shopping bag back up, handing it to you.
     “i uh.. got these for you” he said, sitting next to you. 
     you pulled the bag of chips out of the plastic bag, recognizing them immediately.
     “you remembered that these are my favorite!” you beamed, looking down at the snack in your hands and then up at junghoon. 
     “thank you so much!” you gave him a quick kiss to show your appreciation and pulled open the bag of chips, popping one in your mouth and offering another to the boy next to you. you leaned into the wall next to your bed. you nodded your head towards the empty space next to you, motioning him to sit next to you. 
     “i can’t stay long.” he frowned, looking back at you as he leaned into your wall. 
     “aww, why not?” you asked, leaning your head on to his shoulder.
     “it’s getting late and i still have to walk back to the dorms, so i don’t want to wait until it’s too late.” 
you sighed, knowing that he was right. it’s not like you wanted him to have to walk back all alone in the dark. 
     “you should sleep over!” you suggested, wiping the frown right off of your face. 
     you watched junghoons face as he thought about your idea. he has slept over at your house many times before, he probably even had some of his clothes stuffed in the back of your closet somewhere. you could see how exhausted he was from practice, causing you to urge him even more. 
     “please!!” you laughed. “it’ll be fun!”
junghoon laughed along with you at your attempt and agreed.
     you climbed over the mess that was your closet, sure that you had seen one of his black sweatshirts in the corner. you finally found the sweatshirt, handing it to him to wear with his sweatpants from practice. 
     after changing, it didn’t take him long to get settled under a mountain of blankets on your bed. you had turned on a movie and gotten some snacks along with the chips that junghoon had purchased earlier, but at this point you were more focused on taking pictures of a laughing junghoon, what looked like 20 blankets, and the sheet mask you had forced him to wear. 
     “you look like an idiot.” you told him, referring to the mask that you were also wearing.
     “you promised that if i wore this you wouldn’t make fun of me!” he looked up at you, pretending to be offended. 
     “okay okay fine…” you chuckled, eating a handful of popcorn and turning your attention to the tv across the room and placing your head on junghoons shoulder once more. 
     after a while, you felt yourself drifting to sleep with the warmth of the boy next to you and his many blankets. despite the bowl of popcorn resting on your lap and the sound of characters conversing in the background of the movie, you were able to fall asleep. 
     you woke up to the feeling of a cracking, dry film on your face, realizing that both you and junghoon had left your sheet masks on all night. you peeled yours off and threw it into the trash can in your room, doing the same with junghoons, waking him up in the process. half of his blankets had fallen onto the floor in the middle of the night, allowing him to stuff his face into your pillow and mumble incoherently to you. 
     “come on, it’s time to wake up” you said as you shook his shoulders, encouraging him to get out of bed. 
     it took a while, but you finally managed to wake him up. he had to leave almost as soon as he woke up in order to film content with the rest of the members. 
     “okay do you have everything?” you asked him, looking around to make sure that he hadn’t left anything in your bed or on the floor. 
     “yep i got everything.” he replied, gesturing to his backpack.
     you pulled him down by his arm, kissing his cheek before finally sending him off. 
    “text me when you get there, okay?” 
he just nodded to respond, kissing you back, this time on your lips. you gave him a look, hoping for an actual response. 
     “i always do.”
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narcissistshandler · 1 year
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𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿. male reader x lee jinho (how to fight/viral hit)
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀. dom!amab reader, sub!jinho, top reader implicit, assassination attempt, talk about murder, paranoid jinho, reader calls Jinho "deer" (not in a very affectionate way), captivity (?), blowjob, deep throat, spanking implicit. minors dni.
𝗮/𝗻. lee jinhoo argh. I lied, that shit has 2.9k words. I'm rewatching hannibal, what inspired all this erotic murder talk, I can't help it. likes and reblogs are welcome. Part one here.
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You insisted he wasn't a prisoner, the rickety glass walls, the Internet access, all the doors to the luxurious penthouse in central Seoul open at his leisure. Jinho disagreed. Your control was smooth, mischievous, so light that anyone else could agree with you and surrender to your meticulously placed words. Jinho knew better than that. The chip removed from his phone prevented him from making or receiving calls, and the tight, armed security at the front door and the rest of the building prevented him from having contact with the outside world. He could not be trusted, was your argument, he could slip through your fingers at the first opportunity and to stop that he needed to be trained. Like a damn house dog.
Jinho wasn't going out of his way to please you, despite seeming to have accepted his new routine, between eating, sleeping and exercising, he occasionally found time to kill one of the men you put to watch him. He would spend two or three days quiet, peaceful, and the next day he would cook a human tongue for you. You were hard to piss off, you weren't bothered by his silent teasing, with the body left like a gift spilling blood on the living room carpet, and you weren't bothered by the scar cutting your stomach that Jinho had given you with a kitchen knife. Instead you smiled at him, brought him expensive gifts, treated him to fine dinners and started to keep your promise ── he watched the news slowly changing public opinion about him, about how everything was a big conspiracy against him and how he had only been a pawn used in a larger game, a political power game. And so, as the image of the politician who previously helped him became more and more dirty and How to Fight's subscribers dropped, Lee Jinho found himself able to step out into the sunlight again. At least could, if you didn't keep him locked up.
Jinho thought he could live a little in the role you wanted, until you trusted him enough to give him an opening, until you gave him the power that would be your own downfall. It wasn't hard to wait months or years, he'd done it before. Sitting in front of a whiteboard that was slowly taking shape, wearing sweatpants and a black t-shirt, Jinho was trying to stay on paper. Your eyes were on him, he could feel it. The silence in the empty room you had given him to serve as a studio was only interrupted by the soft strokes of the brush in his hand and the rustling of the pages of the book you were reading. But even after two weeks, Jinho still didn't know exactly what your intentions were. Keep him like a trophy wife? Use him as a sex toy? Or was this all an excuse to keep him trapped, cut off from the outside world and unable to exert any power, against you or anyone else? Maybe the news was fake, created to deceive him. Maybe you never intended to help him. Maybe he should kill you, right here and now and be done with it all ── stick the wooden brush across your eye and revel in the dread on your face, smear himself with your filthy blood and and…
"What are you thinking about? Your gaze turned dark." Your voice woke him up, amused. Jinho doubted you would still find it amusing if he spoke his thoughts out loud.
"I'm thinking about what it would be like to kill you," he tried, as normal and placid as talking about the weather.
"Oh?" you exclaimed. "And how would you kill me?"
Jinho turned around on the stool to face you. Sunlight burst through the glass wall, spilling like liquid gold over your tranquil figure as you sat on the turquoise sofa in the huge room filled with only two paintings on the wall, a deer took shape in one, and what looked like the animal's ribcage split open and filled with bloody flowers painted the other. Your watchful eyes were already on him, seeming to bore right through him. Book discarded next to crossed legs, face resting against hand, entertained, comfortable, confident… Jinho wanted to rip all those positive emotions out of you with a knife.
"With this brush." He turned the object between his fingers, the perfectly manicured brown wood gleaming in the light, the Kolinsky sable bristles at the tip stained dark blue. "Simple and quick, I'd poke your eye out before you even had time to blink, maybe the brush would break if I wasn't careful with my strength, but that would only make everything even more painful for you."
Your mouth opened, then closed, as if searching for the right words, before finally speaking. "And then?"
"Then I'd prick the other one with my fingers and hang you with the same hand smeared with your blood, wood sticking shallowly into your eye so the fun wouldn't end so soon." Your eyes dropped to his hand, the fingers long and elegant, deft even as they closed around that knife, touching it with as much mastery as when he held his tools of art. Your tongue darted out to wet your dry lips. An electric current shot through Jinho's traitorous body, he continued, unable to make the words stop coming out, "You would scream, beg me for mercy and I wouldn't have."
You didn't look scared, your calm made him uneasy.
"They say there is no murder more intimate than one committed with one's own hands," you said.
"There's nothing intimate about killing animals, whether with your bare hands or a knife."
The clock on the wall ticked, the low sound deafening in the silence that filled the room. Their eyes met, turbulent with strong and unusual emotions. None of you dared to dodge, feeling as if a war would be lost if did.
"Do you think about hurting me often?" You broke the silence, voice sounding low and deep.
Jinho looked at your pretty face, not a hint of anxiety or dread, the soft lips and vulnerable neck, the skin so so easy to crack and tear. And he replied, feeling as if were confessing his darkest sins:
"Every day."
Jinho chuckled, the sudden sound surprising even himself as it reverberated in his ears. A smile of its own spread across your lips, free hand slipping over the linen fabric of your pants. Unconscious, Jinho followed the movement, his mouth suddenly dry as your hand slid between your legs and up, squeezing the obvious erection there. Unable to look away even when you rubbed your cock, Jinho didn't know what he was supposed to feel. You weren't normal, he was feasting on images of you in pain and suffering and dying and there you were ── hard, hard for him, hard for the aggressive words that came out of his mouth, hard for the image of Jinho above you, cold face and blood painting his clothes, like a holy painting. The blood seemed to run faster in Jinho's veins and he forced his feet against the ground, afraid to fall.
"It turns you on," Jinho said in disbelief, realization hitting him hard. "Sick bastard, do you want me to kill you?"
Your brow furrowed, finally looking displeased with something he said, but your hand didn't stop moving against the hardness in your pants, thumb stroking the wet stain growing in the fabric, breath coming out in soft puffs. Something in Jinho's body wanted to reach out and touch you. He stifled that desire.
"Get too close to my eyes and I'll break your fingers. No, I don't want to die." You snorted, opening your legs to give Jinho a better view. He wanted to look away, to mock you, but he couldn't, swallowing hard as a groan escaped your mouth, fingers pressing your outlined cock against the fabric. "But the idea is exciting, isn't it? You're hard too."
Jinho's legs pressed together against your gaze, suddenly very aware of the heat in his body, the hardness in his sweatpants, and the hungry look on his face. He wanted to devour you, touch you and hurt you with the same need.
"Come here," you said ── an order, because you didn't ask and didn't like to be refused, the scarred marks on his thighs and ass reminded him well of that.
Jinho blinked, trying to get his head back in place, it was difficult when in your presence. Putting the brush in place and getting to his feet, he walked towards you, taking his time, the pride still there despite how many times you've worked to break it. Your hands worked on the button and zipper of the pants and even before the next order, Jinho already knew what you wanted from him.
"On your knees, hands behind your back." He ground his teeth, but obeyed. Your hands were close to his face, reaching into your pants to pull a thick, heavy cock out, head glistening with precum. It had been inside him before, an irritating little voice reminded him. Once, the day he took that ridiculous deal. His ass clenched at the memory. Kneeling between your legs, erection dangerously close to his face, Jinho squashed the instinct that screamed to bite your cock off as soon as you tried to put it in his mouth. It wouldn't kill you, but it would be painful enough, an everlasting memory searing your skin. "Open, deer."
The pet name make him grind his teeth, managing to see the painting of the deer on the wall out of the corner of his eye. If you were trying to tease or humiliate him, he didn't know.
Against whatever primal instincts screamed in his mind, Jinho opened his mouth, almost eagerly as you brushed the tip of your cock against his thin lips, wetting them. Contrary to his thoughts, his body seemed to have other ideas, tongue darting against his lips to capture your taste, moan catching in the throat as salty pre-cum flooded his senses. He pursued your taste, leaning forward so he could lick the sensitive head, seeking more of that taste, unlike anything he'd felt before. A sigh fell from your mouth, heavy hand falling against the back of his neck, something in that sound drew him in, soft lips closing against the bulbous head in a careless suck. Everything about his movements was sloppy, it was obvious that Jinho had never sucked a cock, but the inexperience of that powerful and dangerous man only seemed to make you even harder.
You grabbed a handful of his hair, pulling him back. "Open it for me, sweet." You guided your cock with the hand to his willing mouth, tip sliding easily into the wet heat. Fingers tangling more tightly in the strands of his hair. "I'm going to teach you everything you need to know, so relax for me."
Jinho rolled his eyes, that superior attitude still untouched even with your cock pressing into his mouth.
"Use your tongue," you ordered, hips slowly pushing your length into his mouth. Your cock filled his mouth, hot and heavy against his tongue, salty with sweat and pre-cum, the tip against his cheek. He found himself moving his tongue, following its length and dragging against the prominent veins near the head, curious about how it would feel. You moaned above him, one hand slumped against your thigh, squeezing the fabric of the pants, the other caressing the skin at the back of his neck. "Suck it for me, deer."
Lips pressing against you, Jinho sucked, the wet, obscene sound echoing in the silent room, his skin heated, cock twitching between the legs. Spit pooling in his mouth, he made an attempt to move the head, spittle running down the length to your full balls as part of your cock pulled out of the heat of his mouth. His breath huffed against your damp skin.
"Breathe through your nose. No biting." His eyes were sharp, letting your length fall from his mouth to catch breath, even with his cheeks flushed and moisture pooling in the corners of his eyes, there was wit there. Do not tell me? He would probably say it if he wasn't afraid his voice would crack. You held your cock, stroking yourself through all the saliva Jinho had wet on you, thumb squeezing the sensitive head carelessly. Heat blooming in his stomach, it took everything in Jinho not to squish through the sweatpants, he didn't want to give you that satisfaction. He dug his nails into his arm hard behind his back, trying to anchor himself to something so he wouldn't sail away.
"Let's try something different," you said, voice steeped in pleasure as you slowed down stroking yourself close to his face, legs tensing as you stopped the movements, dick visibly twitching.
You took a deep breath, directing your cock to line up with Jinho's mouth. Parting his lips, Jinho couldn't help but groan as that thick, heavy cock slid back over his tongue. He closed his lips around and sucked, but you were already pushing farther back, into his throat. His hands were shooting out before he knew it, pushing your legs, head pulling out of your grasp. He was immediately released, coughing and wheezing, saliva running down his chin.
You pushed his hair back, seeing the sight of tears falling down Jinho's flushed face before he wiped them away, throat still fighting involuntary contractions and the feeling that he was going to throw up. You waited until he recovered before pulling him back to the front. "Let's try again."
"I'm going to kill you," Jinho threatened, voice low and husky, broken.
"Until then, you're going to make me come, so open your pretty mouth for me."
The words of protest stayed on his tongue, but Jinho couldn't voice them, opening the mouth to take your cock back, more eager than he would ever admit to anyone, even though anxiety not felt in years gnawed at his insides. Jinho breathed in through his nose, relaxing his throat as you began to slide deep, slowly, thick cock threatening to choke him. His throat constricted immediately, gag reflex kicking in as the head of your cock reached in too deep. His eyes closed in an effort not to cough and gag, tears running down the cheeks, not realizing he had moved the hands to press against the front of his pants.
"That's it, deer. Stay open for me. Just relax." Firm hand holding him in place and forcing him to stay still as your length pressed deep, fucking past the tightness of his throat, Jinho didn't expect his body to react so strongly, heat under his breath and an unknown pleasure bubbling in his stomach. He made the most beautiful sounds as your cock slid down his tight throat, but all he could hear was you ── your heavy breathing and soft moans and words of "you are so beautiful like that", "good boy", "touch yourself for me" and "you've been made for my dick", clouding his senses. He rubbed himself into the pants hard and fast, groaning against you each time the thick fabric dragged against his cock head, making a mess on his underwear.
Jinho willed his throat to relax, feeling your thick cock twitch as his throat flexed around it. Lashes grew heavy and wet, nails squeezing his length through the fabric until the stab of pain had his feet squirming against the floor. He dragged his teeth against your cock, lightly, in a threat or a tease, none of you knew, but the movement had your hips stuttering, groin pressed against his nose as your cock twitched one last time thrust deep into his mouth, before cum in his throat, forcing him to swallow so he wouldn't choke. Jinho whimpered, thumb squeezing the damp head of his cock, hips rocking against his palm in search of his own release.
"You can come Jinho." Jinho wanted to say that he didn't need your permission, that he would come even if you said otherwise, but the words make something inside him snap. With the salt filling his throat and your cock softening inside his mouth, Jinho's breath hitched for a minute, his whole body tensing… His cock spilled into his pants, saliva running down his chin and moaning around you. His ears go numb and he thinks he might need a few minutes to get back to reality, his legs shaking, his whole body shaking.
You gently pull back, cock sliding out of his mouth and Jinho lets his head fall against your thigh, teeth pressing into your skin hard enough to draw blood. For a second you think he might be looking for an artery in an attempt to make you bleed to death, the thought makes your flaccid dick twitch. You let him dig his teeth into you, fingers stroking his sweat damp hair and head against the back of the couch. You knew you made the right choice, Jinho would soon become your perfect pet, attempts to kill you or not.
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cuttergauthier · 6 months
Family Snow Day
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Female reader x Timo Meier
word count: 0.8k
Masterlist | Masterlist
Warning: Fluff, Domestic Timo
y/d/n = you're daughter's name
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I Opened my eyes and looked at the alarm clock to see that it’s 6:30 a.m. We forgot to close the curtains last night so I could see the snow falling outside. I reached for my phone to check and see if Y/d/n had school today. Our daughter is currently in Kindergarten and she is the light of Timo and I’s Life. Looks like because of the weather the school is closed today which means it’s a snow day for Y/d/n, thankfully Timo had the day off today so Y/d/n is going to be excited to be able to spend it with both of her parents.
I put my phone down on the nightstand and turned around to see my husband lying on his stomach still sleeping, his face facing me, he looked so peaceful. I know for a fact that Y/d/n will be walking into our room in a few minutes. She does this every morning, she’s a morning person so It's rare if I have to wake her up in the morning since she’s usually pretty good at waking up on her own.
I reached out and softly stroked my hand softly on Timo’s cheek, he stirred before his eyes opened when he saw me he smiled. He groaned, blinking softly before reaching forward and giving me a peck on the lips.
“What time is it?” he asked once he pulled away.
“6:30 a.m. it’s also a snow day, I checked and the school is closed due to the weather.” I said softly.
He groaned before pulling me to his chest. 
“Why are we awake then?” he asked, making me giggle.
“Because you and I both know that no matter what our daughter is going to walk in here any second” I teased.
“Do you think we can convince her to go back to bed?” he asked.
I smiled before shaking my head.
“Not a chance” I said 
Not even a second later our door opened and our daughter came running in before climbing up on the bed.
“Mommy, daddy did you see it’s snowing” she said excitedly, jumping into our arms. Timo and I both smiled. 
“Is it? I didn’t realize” Timo said, teasing before tickling her. She started giggling in his arms.
“Mommy save me” She said through her giggles.
“Of course baby” I said before pulling her softly in my arms and placing a kiss to her forehead.
She cuddled into my arms, while Timo smiled happily at us.
“Guess what sweetheart, today is a snow day so you get to spend it with mommy and I” Timo said softly to her. 
Her eyes widened and a smile broke out.
“Really?” she asked, surprised.
“Yes, what do you say we start this morning with pancakes?” I ask her.
She nodded her head excitedly. Pancakes are her favorite breakfast.
“Perfect, let’s go to the kitchen.” I said, I got out of bed and helped her down the bed.
“Can daddy and I help Mommy?” she asked before taking my hand so we could walk downstairs to the kitchen.
“Well of course” I said happily. Timo also got out of bed and we all made our way downstairs to the kitchen.
I got the pan ready, Timo pulled her up and sat her down on the kitchen island while he helped her stir the ingredients in a bowl.
“What do we want in our pancakes? Blueberries or chocolate chips?” I ask both of them.
“Chocolate chips” They both answered, making me giggle.
“You got it” I said, I got the chocolate chips out of the cabinet and gave it to Timo so he and Y/d/n could mix it in with the ingredients.
 Y/d/n and her father are so much alike it amazes me, I adore my family, I couldn’t ask for more.
Once the pancakes were ready and we finished eating I cleaned up the dishes, while Timo went and got Y/d/n for the day. Since we are going to spend the day at home, we thought we would all dress cozy and watch Christmas movies.
Christmas is only a few weeks away so we thought it would be a good activity.
Once I was done I made my way to Timo and I’s room and dit my morning routine before changing into some sweatpants and one of my Husband’s hoodies.
Once I got back to the living room, Timo had set up everything and both him and Y/d/n are sitting down on the couch. Y/d/n was cuddled up to him. I smiled at the scene before making my way to them and cuddling up to Timo on his other side. He wrapped his arm around me and placed a kiss on my forehead before smiling.
“I love our family” he whispered in my ear.
“So do I, I couldn't be happier” I said smiling up at him.
“Shhh” our daughter said Concentrated on the movie, making Timo and I laugh.
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vex91 · 1 year
Ahn Yujin - A visitor
Pairing: Ahn Yujin x Female Reader
Fandom: IZ*ONE / IVE
Requested by: @luvjanexx
Request: hii can i request yujin x ive member reader fluff
yujin ad reader being cute on vlive please and thank you !!
Summary: During your most recent vlive, Yujin decides to pay you a visit and stays for the rest of the live.
A/N: I love fluffy Yujin, thanks for requesting <3
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3rd's POV
Y/N is here!!!
Are you at your dorm rn?
Comeback when?
"Hi guys. Yes I'm at the dorm right now, in my room to be exact. I was actually bored so I decided to turn on the live and talk with you all" You said, reading the comments. People were slowly tuning in and you continued talking with your fans about random topics like what did you eat that day or what you planned to do tomorrow.
"Yeah, other members are still doing their photoshoots. I finished earlier than everyone today" You answered another question about the other members whereabouts and laughed when you remembered their faces when you told them that you finished for today and could go home.
Poor members lmao
Y/N won life today it seems
You continued talking with your fans until you heard a knock on you door "Come in" you yelled and soon the door opened, revealing your leader in her full glory. She was in her sweatpants already which meant that she came back some time ago. She was also wearing a gray hoodie with a hood pulled on her cap. In her left hand she had a bag full of what you could see be different kinds of snacks and drinks.
"It looks like we have a visitor today guys" You laughed at the camera as Yujin started dancing her way to you. You turned your phone a bit so the camera could catch at least a little bit of your leader being a loveable fool as you often said.
Soon though you had to put your phone to the side so it could show you and Yujin who took a sit next to you after pulling her hoodie of, leaving her in a simple white t-shirt. The cap stayed on her head as she greeted the fans "Hi guys. It's Yujin who managed to finish her today's schedules" She made a V to the camera and looked at you to signal you to do the same. After looking at each other for a few seconds you turned to the camera and made a V of your own, earning a happy "Yay" from Yujin.
They're so cute together🤭
The V queens are here✌
We're gonna be fed so well today :>
"Are the others still working?" You asked her as you started looking through the bag that Yujin brought "Rei and Jiwon finished before me but they went somewhere together. Gaeul unnie and Hyunseo are still busy" You hummed at her answer as you continued looking for your favorite chips. Yujin used this time to read some more comments, giggling at one specific "You guys look like a couple right now" You quickly looked up and noticed that you indeed looked like a couple, mostly because of Yujin's cap on your head and her arm being wrapped lazily around your waist.
Omg they do look like one :0
Starship probably doesn't have them on a gun point this time
They're my parents idc
They're accepting their fate I see😈
The live continued with some occasional jokes about your relationship, Yujin being her flirty self and you actually becoming flustered over some of the things she said. Your not so small crush on Yujin didn't helped the situation too, it only grew during this live.
"They asked us to hold hands" Yujin said and looked at you with a teasing grin as she put her hand out in front of you "Come on, I'm waiting" You sighed and connected your hand with hers. You did hold hands occasionally but only now you realized how your hands fit perfectly together, so much that you've even started questioning if it was true or if your mind decided to play tricks on you.
Suddenly Yujin brought your hands to her face and kissed the back of your hand. It was so sudden that you couldn't help but gasp lightly as your face started heating up. Your heartbeat started being faster as you looked away from Yujin and onto the comments.
Woah Yujin so flirty😳
Is our ynnie blushing?
Omg she's blushing :>
We're being fed so well today🤭
"Did I made you flustered?" Yujin looked at you and you slapped her shoulder repeatedly in order to get her attention away from you which only made her laugh loudly "Y/N is so cute right guys?" Yujin looked at the camera again, pulling you more into her embrace because after the whole holding hands thing you pulled away from her a little "Oh shut up" You mumbled but still cuddled more into her side.
You heard your members downstairs and looked at the time "We're here a while now. I guess it's time to say goodbye" You started as you and Yujin got closer to the camera "I'll do another live tomorrow so you can come back here if you had fun today. Are you going to visit us again unnie?" You asked Yujin as she nodded "Probably yeah. We'll see if Rei lets me, lately she's been complaining that she wants to be on one of your lives too" You laughed when you imagined Rei complaining, she must have looked so cute.
Before you realized it Yujin kissed you on the cheek before you could end the live "There was a comment that told me to kiss your cheek" She said with a smile and you only managed to nod as you ended the live. Honestly you didn't had to know that there was no comment like that and Yujin just made that one up.
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Le Capitaine
Summary:The reader gets a call from Kylian telling her important news
A/N: This can be part 2 to "suprise" the previous Kylian Fan fic I wrote or it can be it's own part it's up too you how you wanna read it
Also don't play the song yet I'll let you know when though
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Kylian just left for the International break and he's meeting the rest of the French team today for the first time after the world cup, I'm sitting in the living room scrolling on my phone while eating my chocolate chip cookies,that rest on top of my bump
Kylian was so happy to leave the house and meet his teammates, he wouldn't shut up about how excited he is to see them again
As I'm scrolling on my phone I see that the FFF has posted on their Instagram story
I see the reel of the players arriving
That's until I see Kylian
Wearing, his Jean's, turtle neck ,shades and nikes with a long coat
I'm so glad I picked the look out for him because he looks more handsome than he usually looks, instead he wanted to wear sweatpants and a hoodie
Before Kylian left (play song above)
"Put those back in the closet"
"No, I'm putting them on"
He puts the clothes in the closet and walks out asking
"What must I wear then?"
"Here I already picked out your outfit while you were in the shower"
"Ooh this looks nice"
"I know, now go get dressed"
He grabs the clothes and starts walking to bathroom until he stops in his tracks
"What, what is it"
He turns around and runs towards me, grabs my face and starts kissing my face,then he bends down,lifts my shirt up and kisses my belly
He looks me in the eyes and says
"J t'aime"
"J t'aime Aussi,what was that for?
"I'm just thinking how lucky I am to have you in my life"
"You're so corny" I say with a bright smile that can't resist giving
"Now go get dressed" I say and I push him to the bathroom"
I finish packing his clothes and zip his bag up and putting it on the floor
Then I feel my stomach get kicked from the inside
"Ooh" I say putting my hand on my stomach
"What is it?" Kylian asks
"She's kicking" I say
"Can I feel"
I sit on the edge of the bed and Kylian goes on his knees and in between my legs , then slightly lifts my shirt up"
He puts his hand on my belly and the baby starts kicking where is hand is
Kylian slightly laughs and looks at me
I smile at him and he does the same
"Hey little one, are you giving your mom trouble? Huh, I can already tell you're gonna be a hand full when you get here"
"I can't wait for you to be here, you're gonna have the best mom in the whole entire world, she's gonna love you to death, and I'll be here to protect you from the dangers of the world, I promise, to always try to keep you happy and love you no matter what happens, and we promise to support you and your dreams and wishes no matter what they are"
As I hear Kylian speaking I end up crying,I don't know what it is but I think it's my hormones
It warms my heart to hear him speak like that
I know it won't be easy being a mother and all but I know that if I have Kylian, it'll be manageable
He stands up and towers over me and looks me in the eyes
He wipes my tears away and pulls me up, and kisses me
"Don't cry, you're suppose to be happy"
"It's tears of joy"
He kisses me again and wipes my tears
I pull away and sniff a little
"Ok,come on you're gonna be late"
He grabs his bags and rolls them downstairs
"J t'aime"
"J t'aime mon Amour"
He kisses me one last time and with that he's out the door
Present Time
I get off the couch and head to the room to take an afternoon nap
2 hours later
My phone ringing wakes me up
I see that it's Kylian face timing me
"Oui, what happened is everything fine"
"Yeah everything's fine, everything is great"
"Oh then what is it then"
"I have very big news"
"What is it"
"Wait are you ok you sound down"
"Yeah I'm fine I was just sleeping"
"Oh, sorry"
"It's fine, now tell me the big news"
" ok I didn't want you to hear it from Social Media, so I wanna tell you now"
" so I just got out of a meeting with the coach and he said I'm gonna be the Captain of the Team"
"What?, are you joking?"
"No I'm being serious they're announcing it in a few hours"
"Babe I'm so happy for you and I'm proud of you as well"
"Merci, I miss you so much"
"I miss you too but we'll be together again, I promise"
"Yeah, I know"
"Kylian, come on bro we gotta go" I hear someone in the background say
"Ok babe I gotta go, but I love you and I'll see you soon, ok"
"Give the baby a kiss for me"
"Love you"
And he hangs up
I sigh again and go to the kitchen to go make food for myself
The rest of the day is spent watching movies and serial Killer documentaries
The next day Fayza comes and picks me up and we head to the airport
We're suprising Kylian at his match tomorrow
"So hows my gran baby" she ask when we're on the plane
"She's fine she's been kicking a lot recently"
"That means she's healthy"
"Have you been ok though, I know how all this can strain you, I don't want you to be stressed it's not good for you and the baby"
"Yeah I'm fine, I don't know honestly, I'm really scared though"
"Of what?"
"Being a mother, and Kylian is not going to be there most of the time he's going to be training and playing matches and I don't blame him, and I know he's gonna want to spend as much time with her but still, I don't want to be alone"
"You won't be alone, you'll have me and I'll be there for you every step of the way"
I look at her with tears my eyes and she pulls me into a hug
"Thank you Fay"
"No problem sweety"
After we arive we head to the hotel and I immediately want to sleep
"Get some rest I'll see you in the morning ok?:
"Ok, goodnight Fay"
"Night sweetheart"
I head to my room and fall asleep the minute my head touches the pillow
The next morning Fay and I are watching our favorite series because the game is only tonight so we'll only get ready a bit later
In the meantime Fay and I are having a girls day in the hotel
"Are you excited to see him playing"
"More than excited, I can't believe he got picked to be captain"
"Yeah me too"
Later in the day
"Are you ready to go"
"Yeah, let's go"
We had to car and and drive to the Stadium
When we get there we find them warming up and doing they're warm up routine
I take my seat next to Hugo
"Salut, Hugo, ça va"
"Tres bien et toi"
"Salut Fay" he greets Fay
"Bonsoir ,ça va"
We hug everyone else and we watch them carry on with their routine
"They were just here like 30 minutes ago, they came to say hi
"Oh it's fine we wanted to suprise Kylian anyway and we don't want him to see us yet"
"Aww how sweet of you"
"He's lucky to have you in his life"
" so am I"
The match starts and we watch with our full attention nobody saying a word
But half time We're 2 point up and the Netherlands haven't scored
At the end of the match we won 0-4
To say I was proud of Kylian would be an understatement
His first debut as Captain of France and he's scored 2 out of 4 of the goals for France
I see him celebrating with his teammates
He faces Hugo and Raphaël and gives them a Wave
Until he spots me at first he looks like he can't believe it then reality sets in and he runs towards us and I run towards him to give him a hug
"DON'T RUN YOU'LL HURT YHE BABY" he says with a smile o his face
But I don't care u just run even faster into his arms
"You're here, you're here, you're here, how are you here"
"You didn't think I'd miss your first Match as Captain did you?"
"I thought you were at home"
"Nope I came to support my husband"
"I love you so much"
"I love you more"
"I really am lucky yo have you in my life y/n"
"And I'm happy I'm in it"
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k9iriz · 2 years
𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞
𝘳𝘩𝘦𝘢 𝘳𝘪𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘺 𝘹 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
𝙨𝙮𝙥𝙣𝙤𝙨𝙞𝙨 ; 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙧𝙝𝙚𝙖’𝙨 9 𝙢𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙝 𝙟𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙣𝙚𝙮 𝙥𝙧𝙚𝙜𝙣𝙖𝙣𝙩.
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“flaws and sins.”
march 13th, 2021 ; 3 month mark.
“You’re barely showing.” You smiled, seeing her tiny belly pop out her oversized shirt, as she rubbed your stomach, yours being a little more visible, but you tried hiding it nonetheless.
“Your belly is showing more than mines.” Rhea laughed, as she kissed your forehead.
The three month mark was up and coming, who was worse? You were.
Your cravings, fits of rage, and your parents were taking care of you both.
But rhea was a lot more calmer on the side, she had to deal with it, knowing it was double the trouble with you two pregnant.
But she had a higher sex drive than you, so she possibly had to sleep it off.
“You’re taller, so you wouldn’t show as much.” I laughed, looking in the fridge, pure empty.
You both had wild cravings and you two ate everything.
“Andddddd we need more groceries.” You turned around, seeing rhea eat the last of the egg whites and strawberries.
“You’re eating my strawberries!” You exclaimed, frowning as you were close to crying, you hated it.
You two pregnant was a constant fight, between food and who ate what, it was outrageous.
“That’s because you ate my blueberries for my egg whites.” Rhea shrugged, before she playfully ran with her food, you chasing behind her, playfully hitting her as you two played.
You were still mad even though they were gonna be replaced.
may 5th, 2021 ; 5 month mark.
You two grew day by day, you guys got even clinger, and even didn’t leave the house for certain things die to rhea being noticed easily, you showed up at work, you worked as a nurse, so your belly was hella visible through your scrubs, you two couldn’t fit your old clothes.
Rhea on the other hand? Her body was still so amazingly in shape, her belly was so perfect, she started to move around more than you did, even though she did media at her house due to maternity, nobody knew you two were pregnant, her constant fear of the news getting out, irked her because she was a private person.
You didn’t tell anyone because you two were barely in the spotlight and nobody knew where you two went, social media questioned you two being absent and went missing at the same time.
@rhearipley_wwe :
guys i’m fine! im still doing media from home with family, just taking some time off, please respect my wishes and ill return sooner than later! love you guys! 👹⚖️!
Today you two had appointments to find out gender, but you two would want a small get together gender reveal, you two were overt nervous, and excited, but you two were even more happy to give birth.
“I c-can’t fit my p-pants!…” Rhea struggled, starting to cry as she wanted to throw a fit, making you throw sweatpants at her, and a matching hoodie to go with them.
“You’re not supposed to wear jeans while pregnant, aren’t you trying to hide it?” You joked, throwing your hoodie over your head as you adjusted it, you smacking your teeth, you were poking and visible, rheas height had her advantage.
“You’re acting like you’ve been pregnant before…” Rhea mumbled, putting on her sweatpants, rolling her eyes.
Your attitudes clashed ALOT.
“Na, im just smart.” You carelessly laughed, fixing your sweats to an adjustable hiding place.
“My mum is taking us.” Rhea stuffed her hoodie, as she waddled to the top of the stairs, you following you.
“You walk so cute.” You smiled, following behind her.
*2 days later*
“My mom has the cakes, i think she’s on her way.” You rubbed your belly as you were in a white training bra, a pink pin on my top, rooting for a girl for me, then another pink one for rhea.
Rhea had two blue ones on, sitting on the kitchen island, eating some chips.
“You really are a traitor.” You giggled, sticking your hand in her chips before my mother and hers walked in with the cakes, smiling as they were so fancily decorated, with our names on them.
“You two fighting again?” My mother laughed, placing Rhea’s cake in front of her, as her mother placed mines in front of me.
“You two are gonna cut into them slowly, and the inside has filling in it, so you’ll see the gender once you cut once, and pull the knifes out of them.” My mom explained, handing us our plastic knifes, before i giggled.
“I’m so excited!” Rhea squealed, softly eager to cut her cake.
“On the count of three…” Rhea’s mom counted.
We both cut the cakes, opening our eyes as i pulled the knife out of mines, blue was all over my knife, making you smile, rhea squealed, pulling hers out.
Hers was pink, it was everywhere, due to her rushing to cut it, as she licked the knife, wiping some of her filling on my face, before you wiped yours on hers, you two had Polaroids of the cute moment, taken by your mothers, it was a sweet moment.
“I love you.” Rhea kissed your cheek, as your bellies collided, feeling laughs erupt from her.
“Love you more sweetness.” You blushed, grabbing her face, kissing it multiple times.
september 23rd, 2021 ; 9 full months.
You two were huge, like big, but Rhea’s was huuuge, you two were in one of the rooms for the nurseries, decorating one.
“Why do want her nursery filled with black?” You laughed, feeding rhea strawberries as you two were on the floor, just spending the time together before you two would give birth at any time.
“Because, the Addams Family themed nursery would be so cool!” Rhea exclaimed, biting the strawberry before she rubbed your thigh.
“Okay…?” You laughed at the idea, but knowing rhea she was so serious.
“It’s my daughter.” Rhea laughed.
“It’s my daughter too.” You co-signed, eating a blueberry.
“What theme you’re gonna have for our son since my ideas are ‘tacky’?” Rhea asked playfully.
“different shades of blue, white and grey.” You shrugged, this was so last minute.
“Maybe for me, shades of pink, i used to love pink.” Rhea spoke, you smiling instantly.
Everything was coming together, but you two were beyond prepared.
Rhea’s parents did my nursery with some help of us, and me and rhea finished the girls nursery, within 4 days, wanting it all to be extra special.
Your little family was coming together, and you couldn’t be more happier.
Your phone wouldn’t stop ringing, opening it, twitter blew up, seeing a u known person take pictures of you and rhea walking out of a hospital, swole and all, she had on a cropped hoodie, and i had on a hoodie, seeing our bellies present.
so that’s where they went…they look stunning pregnant!
her wife tho >>>> they are so big! 🥺
october 30th, 2021 ; rhea’s water breaks.
“Why is the bed soaked?…” you croaked out of your sleep, feeling your bottom half wet, nudging rhea, as she moved slightly, groaning in instant pain.
“Did you pee on yourself…” you asked, sitting up as rhea had trouble getting up, with some of your help, feeling instant pain, again.
“I think i did…”
“What’s going on?” Rhea’s mom peaked in, with my mom following behind her, seeing rhea cry in pain, i frowned, rubbing her back.
“She peed herself, and woke up in pain, the whole bed is wet.” You spoke, kissing her cheek, trying to calm her down.
“That doesn’t smell like pee…” my mother added.
“I think her water broke.” My mother added, comforted rhea as her pain grew, as she rocked back and forth, whining in pain.
Rhea was due anytime in October.
Hours of being stuck in labor, she finally gave birth on october 30th, 11:13 p.m. , her birth was quick and easy, no epidurals, no drugs, just clean and natural.
her name was Aria Claire Bennett, 5 lbs, 2 oz.
october 31st, 1:26 am ; your due date.
Your water broke that morning, feeling your pain increase as rhea was in the hospital, under recover watch as you did everything and anything to force it to break yesterday, you got to hold your daughter, and rock her and spend the day with rhea, until it was your turn.
Rhea was there, the next room next to you, as you gave birth, natural to a healthy baby boy, giving him a unique name.
Kairi Zachary Bennett , 6 lbs, 5 oz.
he was so pretty, he looked more like me than rhea but he shared some genies with his second mother, and our baby girl looked so much like rhea.
Pretty eyes and everything.
“Sup’ champ.” Damian walked in, as rhea was freely breast feeding, seeing her bestfriend Raquel behind them, and her sister as she was overwhelmed with joy, as you were in a wheelchair, catering to your baby as well.
“You two hid this from us?” Finn laughed, as Sasha squealed, playing with kairi’s hand, as most of her workers came and supported us.
“They are so cute!” Naomi cooed to Aria, her smiling, she was already loved.
They both were.
“When did these two pop out?” Rhea’s sister asked.
“I got my Halloween baby.” You giggled, as you watched Sasha rock Kairi, smiling instantly.
“I wanted them to be twins so bad…but she was born yesterday actually-” Rhea playfully rolled her eyes, handing her to Finn, groggily smiling.
“They are so adorable!!!” Sasha gushed.
“I want a baby.” Raquel frowned, gushing over the babies.
“Could you guys keep it a secret until we’re ready to announce it please?” You asked.
“It’s kinda too late for that…someone leaked you two leaving a hospital and twitter has been blowing up for weeks from you two…” Rhea’s sister added.
You and rhea looked at each other, shrugging as you two still weren’t gonna tell the world about them just yet.
“But you know we won’t. It’s your privacy.” Naomi added.
“You look sleepy.” You smiled lazily, fixing your gown, holding her hand as your belongings were moved to the other side of the shared hospital room, your wife was filled with boy welcome balloons, and roses from some of your workmates.
Rheas was filled with pink welcome balloons, and some pink roses, you two were loved and adored.
“I never thought we’d be here.” Rhea smiled, as you kissed her forehead, you two were beyond tired, but great duo you two got to share this experience together.
and it’s nobody who could replace it.
double trouble. 💙 & 💞.
30 & 31st, evil twins? ❤️
and this was so cute for me to write, i love it here!
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