#meanwhile Whole is just like “.....why am i glowing”
hms-incorrect-quotes · 9 months
Heart: Damn, the power went out.
Soul: Don’t worry, I got this.
Soul: (shakes rapidly and starts to light up)
Heart: What-?
Soul: I swallowed a glow stick earlier
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katyspersonal · 9 months
When a character has covered eyes in any way but lower side of the face is visible (and especially if they are smiling), it sparks SO much yearning in me. Nothing against eyes (what a BB fan thing to say xD), but this is just... so appealing? Basically if Bloody Crow and Annalise only had upper side of their faces covered, I'd simp. If Micolash had his eyes covered? There would be no survivors
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mssainz · 2 months
Pairing: Carlos Sainz x Reader
Summary: Carlos Sainz finally met his son he had with her ex-wife, Y/N.
Warning: None
AN: We are still getting there guys. I'll update as soon as I can. Please bear with me. You can comment down so I can tag you for the next part. I hope you like this one. Love youuuu!
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Cael faced Carlos. He said thank you and gave him his sweetest smile. The smile that he actually got from him. Yes, Cael is a spitting image of his father. He is indeed Carlos mini-me which you think is unfair as you are the one, who carried him for months and took care of him for years.
Looking at Carlos standing in front of you is making your world stop. Your shoes become glued, refusing to move your feet out of the ground and an immense silence dampens your ears. And the moment you met his eyes, your mind started to tell you to run but your body is casually betraying you. All of this made you rethink your decision to come back here.
Fate must be joking with me and this is not very funny.
“Mama, can I still get an ice cream?” Cael said, interrupting your train of thoughts. Your eyes move to your son.
Thank you baby, I think your ice cream will save us right now.
You smiled and gave him a nod of approval. You swiftly reached out for his hand and made a move. Years have passed and you thought you were completely healed and had the strength to face him again. But now that he is here, you realize that your wounds are still fresh.
Cael, get Mama out of here. Please, I'm still not ready for this. Not yet.
You didn't even say thank you to Carlos for returning your son safely in your arms. But before you can even walk away from him. Carlos called out for Cael, which made your son stop and look back at him.
“Wait Cael,” Carlos said and started walking towards you two.
What the hell? Get away from me. I mean from us.
He knelt down to talk to Cael. He is just a few inches away from you, talking with your son, with his son. You stand frozen beside Cael not knowing what to do. You are just trying to read what Carlos is trying to do and what's going on in his mind right now.
“I think I'm also craving ice cream. Can I come with you bud?” Carlos asked, not breaking eye contact with Cael.
Lies. You don't like ice cream Carlos. You are not fond of it. What are you even thinking right now? How can you stay so calm when I am literally about to faint here?
You saw how Cael’s face lit up. That glow in his eyes and that smile in his face, you knew he wanted Carlos to come with you two. No doubt about it you know Cael's expression very much.
“Mama, can he come with us?” Cael said looking up to you, waiting for your response. Carlos also looked at you.
“Mama please,” and there goes Cael giving you his puppy eyes. And Carlos smiling beside him is not helping the situation. You never know that Cael and Carlos combo is something you cannot resist.
“Okay, fine. He can come with us,” you gave in and rolled your eyes. Cael gave Carlos a high five before giggling with each other.
What is going on, seriously? How come these two get along so much when they just met? What on Earth is happening?
Carlos lifted Cael and carried him. Your jaw dropped but immediately brushed it off. You two walk side-by-side towards the ice cream stall. And it is the longest walk you have taken in your entire life. You can't help but wonder why Carlos is not asking you anything.
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You bought two chocolate ice creams for the boys. Meanwhile, you got a pistachio ice cream for yourself. You didn't even want an ice cream in the first place but you needed something to do to lessen how awkward you feel about this whole situation. The three of you sat on the bench near the ice cream stall.
“Mama, what's the flavor you got?” Cael curiously asked while looking at what's on your hand.
“It's called pistachio ice cream, honey. Do you want to try it?” You asked Cael who is now sitting on Carlos lap. You try to focus on your son avoiding Carlos.
He is invisible, he is not here and he is not real.
Cael nodded and gave your ice cream a try. His face immediately wrinkled which made Carlos laugh.
“You didn't like it?” Carlos asked while wiping some of the ice cream at the corner of Cael's lips.
“It doesn't taste good, Mama. Chocolate is better,” Cael said after gulping the remaining pistachio in his mouth. You just laugh at your son's reaction.
You sat there awkwardly until you finished the ice cream. All this time you were munching the pistachio that you got, avoiding having conversation with Carlos. Fortunately, he is also not talking to you and just focused on Cael on his lap. They are casually teasing each other, giggling beside you. You are still puzzled why he is just enjoying the moment and not confronting you. You know he definitely has a clue on what's going on and you can notice that.
After having ice cream, Cael and Carlos decided to play tag. You have never seen Cael this happy. This view feels so wrong but feels right at the same time. It feels so wrong that that the boys have to meet this way. But it feels so right that they are finally having fun with each other.
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The sky changes into its orange hue. Carlos offers to drive you two to where you are staying here in Madrid. You didn't refuse because you were too exhausted to even grab a cab.
“Where are you two staying?” These are the first words that he said to you. After five years of not seeing each other this is where you start your conversation.
“In a nearby Airbnb,” you bluntly replied.
As you entered his car, his scent started intoxicating you. It is still the same. This scent once felt like home but not anymore or as you make yourself believe it was not anymore.
The drive to your place was still awkward. You were in the passenger seat with Cael who is constantly asking you questions about what he is seeing on the road. And you can tell that Carlos is checking on you two in his rear-mirror.
“What was your name again?” Cael blurted out of nowhere while leaning to Carlos at the driver seat.
Wait, what Cael? Baby, you two played together and you didn't even know his name! Now it makes sense to me how you didn't even insist that he is your Papa immediately after he told you that maybe he just looks like him. Cael, I think I should remind you more about not talking to strangers, honey.
“You can call me Uncle Chilli,” You raised an eyebrow on what he just said.
Uncle Chilli, huh?
“Okay, Uncle Chilli,” Cael said giggling. You can see that he finds his name silly.
After almost an hour's drive, you finally arrived at your place. You immediately get out of his car with Cael. Carlos followed you two at the doorstep. You then opened the door and let Cael go in first.
“I think we need to talk,” Carlos said.
“Yes. We need to. That's I'm here,”
I'm calling all the angels and saints, the Avengers, and even Power Rangers. Please give me the strength to talk to this man.
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@seasonswinter @charizznorizz @itsjustkhaos @celesteablack @openthenyoor01 @carlossainzbelongswithme @timmychalametsstuff @viennakarma @charlottef1 @i-love-ptv @evie-119 @somepeoplemaybe @amberpanda99 @gotthatname @karlossainz @wonderfulkawaii
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next part
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moronkombat · 8 months
Self-aware!reader intros with Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Johnny and raiden?
They just think reader is quirky meanwhile reader is suffering from too much knowledge from different timelines and the true nature of their reality.
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"You must keep all the knowledge to yourself."
"And have my head explode, Liu Kang?"
"I am here to help you so that does not happen"
"All these timelines...why can't there just be one"
"There is only one now"
"Are you so sure, Liu Kang?"
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"Got anymore wacky stories to tell me?"
"There was one time where you worked with Quan Chi"
"Ha! That's a good one!"
"I'm glad you still kept those tricks with your hat, Kung Lao"
"Still? It's only thanks to Sub-Zero that I got the idea"
"You've known those tricks your whole life"
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"I wonder when you'll start to glow green, Johnny"
"Like a radioactive super hero?"
"You played something like that in a movie once"
"You know, I should really use these stories you tell for a script"
"They're not just stories, Johnny"
"You're right! They're masterpieces in the making!"
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"You look very different, Raiden"
"Really? How so?"
"Shorter this time"
"Do you have any more stories about that time I was a god?"
"Yes, I do but it'd take awhile to get through them all, Raiden"
"I have time!"
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befemininenow · 4 months
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The fact that everyone around saw you both as two lovely ladies going out as besties made your heart beat with excitement the whole night. It felt more like Galentine’s Day, even though it’s not the 13th. But as long as both of you were really happy, you didn’t care what anyone thought. Somehow, being a girl isn’t as scary as you think.
You thought to yourself, “Why is she doing this for me after what we went through?” After a month of not seeing each other and agreeing to meet up at her place to reconcile, it all made sense. After giving you a nice, feminizing makeover, you saw her face glow in a way girls express to each other when they love something. Meanwhile, you felt your heart beat with euphoria seeing yourself as another girl looking back.
It turns out your girlfriend had trouble accepting herself as pansexual after being taught that being gay was “immoral”. On the other hand, you didn’t know whether you had a fetish for crossdressing or you were actually trans. But when you had countless nights without sleeping or felt distress of not being feminine enough, you realize your feminine feelings are your true identity. “Maybe I am trans. But how can I be so sure?”
Just as you’re about to drop her off at her doorstep, she tells you to stay for the night. “Just the two us. Please. A-as girls.” You blushed quite red upon hearing that. “A-are you ok with me… being this pretty?” “I-I love you… better this way.”
She holds your hand to her doorstep, guiding you like if you’re lost. You see your hands and they’re so delicate, pretty, and feminine. Yet, that’s how everyone saw you today. That’s how your girlfriend sees you. That’s how you saw yourself in the mirror. “Maybe…” you murmur, “maybe I like being a girl.” “That’s because you are a girl.” Looks like you’ll find out your true answer tonight.
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natsglorifiedsimp · 1 year
Do you need something from me?
A/n: Hello everyone!! This is the long-awaited or not, wandanat x reader fic. I have decided that I will not write more frequently I mean I dont already but I guess I'm slowly stopping from writing fics. But if I get the inspiration then I will. My fics are poopies anyway😭
Anyways, ENJOYY !!
Taglist: @youralphawolf72 @madelineleong @diaryoflife @xxromanoffxx @lissaaaa145 @fxckmiup @mmmmokdok @sayah13 @karmasgxrl @meurgen @simp-erformarvelwomen @snowdrop1026 @ravensinthedaylight @karsonromanoff @aesthelicca
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Wanda and Nat were very conscious when you are asleep. They walk more lightly than they normally should and always ALWAYS make sure to not make any noises. But today you were woken up by a distant noise from the kitchen.
You sighed heavily, they were arguing. Usually, you'd be getting up and cooling off the fight but today you decided to just take the time you need before you become the rational girlfriend.
After some long stalling, you finally decided to head to the kitchen.
"Stop making noises, Wanda," Natasha mumbled. She was holding an end of a banner and trying to reach for the tape.
Meanwhile, Wanda was cooking using her powers. The tray and the mixing bowl were floating in the air. "I am not making a noise. YOU ARE." Wanda irritatedly mumbled. "I'm not the one who's grunting because she can't reach the tape" Wanda rolled her eyes.
"If you're so powerful, why don't you use that damn powers of yours and help me get it." Natasha bites back.
You slap your forehead. They weren't arguing, they were bickering. Again.
"Hurry up Wanda!" Natasha ordered. "I'm gonna slip here." she pointed out.
"Can you slip when you do that tippy toes you're doing right now?" Wanda rolled her eyes again.
"Just help me!!" Natasha whisper shouted.
Before Wanda could use her powers to help Natasha, you handed her the tape. "Thank you" she sweetly said.
"I didn't even give it to you yet" Wanda rolled her eyes for the third time.
"Then who-" Natasha finally turned her head and saw you in your PJs and the morning glows you always have when you wake up.
Natasha ditched the banner and let it hang in there. She quickly grabbed Wanda and grabbed the tray of cookies.
"Wha- Natasha!! I'm not done with my cookies yet!" Wanda instantly complained. "Shush!" Natasha elbowed her.
Wanda looked up, "Oh, Hi" she shyly said. You rolled your eyes, it was like the first time you met again. "Don't give me that 'hi' we've been married for three years." you chuckled. "Whatchu guys up to?"
Natasha proudly presented the cookies. Extending her hand like it was a present. "We made cookies!" she grinned.
"The burned ones are made of Natasha"
Natasha huffed.
"You're made of the stove" she argued back.
"That doesn't even make sense" Wanda shrugged.
"Okay hush you two," you said.
"I thought we agreed we won't tell her I made the burned ones" Natasha still whispered.
Natasha's attention was back on you.
"Now this is sweet and all, but there's no occasion today," you muttered. "And we didn't have plans for today" you pointed out.
Natasha and Wanda bowed their head down in defeat.
"So.." you prolonged. "Do you need something from me?" you asked with one raised eyebrow.
"Well," Natasha started. "We want to go watch a horror movie" she grinned awkwardly.
"No, we made this out of love" Wanda elbowed Natasha.
"Oh please," you snickered. "You won't last a whole minute with a horror movie."
What's funny is Natasha and Wanda fight with guns and have powers and unique talents in terms of combat. And why they're asking you you may ask? It's because they get so scared they are attached to you the whole night and morning until they forget about the movie.
"We promise we're not gonna get scared" Wanda whined.
"You fight aliens and other enhanced people and you two" you pointed your finger at them. "Don't even wanna go to the bathroom without me being in it cause you're scared a ghost will jump on you?"
"Please," they both said in unison. With puppy eyes and a fucking pout.
"Fine." you relented. "But don't you guys ever follow me around the rest of the day" you playfully warned them.
30 minutes into the movie and a jumpscare scene happened and Wanda quickly turned the TV off. Both of them jumped on you causing you to grunt out of surprise.
You cackled wildly. You knew this would happen. And you loved it. Now they're extremely gonna be clingy and you don't even complain.
"I told you we shouldn't watch the movie" Natasha mumbled, her eyes in between your armpits.
"What? You're the one who asked Y/n." Wanda also said in between your other armpit.
"You planned it!"
"Did not!"
"Okay, shush." you giggled. "That's enough for today" you get up leaving them on the couch. "Gotta pee"
"I'll go with you!!" they both said.
"Oh my god, you both are gonna be the death of me"
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writingpencil · 2 months
The Rift
From the forming rips in the earth’s beautiful skin glowed purple; brilliant rays of lavender and magenta combined, with beams of light matching the stars, created wounds that expanded across all of the horizons. Buildings were cracked in half, shattered like feeble glass, and others disappeared entirely, neverminding who or what was inside. Villagers and animals ran from the purple, many unable to escape, crying out for the guardians of the continent.
The Hermit of the mines, TFC, had felt the earthquakes long before they arrived. He noticed the way the monsters began to cower, even ran past him, and how the bats flocked to him for protection. The older man was the first to encounter a rip in the underneath. It had nearly swallowed him whole if not for his quick thinking. TFC gathered up everything he could as the earth rumbled - including the bats - and scrambled out of his mines. Thankfully, the miner sustained few injuries. It was TFC, accompanied by a bird, who reported the strange phenomenon that allowed the other Hermits - the supposed guardians - to act.
Several Hermits had spread out, saving who and what they could. False had led the recovery charge, commanding her fellow Hermits with the grace of a true warrior. However, even with her leadership on the surface, many were unable to be helped. For every shulker of valuables Etho gathered, Beef lost several cattle. For every villager Stress saved, Tango wasn’t able to save entire farms - losing pounds upon pounds of redstone. It was a game of balance, an ability to win but with cost, and no Hermit knew how long they had.
In the meanwhile, the Admin had the rest of the Hermits at the source - as close as they could be, housed in the Entity that seemed unaffected. The Rift had grown significantly bigger, swallowing Grian’s base whole without thought, creating a massive crater. As if it couldn’t get any worse; Xisuma had started looking through code hours ago, but what was dubbed the Rift left no error in the code. There was nothing he could trace, nothing he could find, and nothing he could do. Xisuma looked at the Hermits who were’t on recovery. Iskall and Mumbo were some of the best redstoners, Doc was immaculate at breaking the established universe, Grian caused the entire mess, and Scar was leaning out of the Entity, trying to touch the Rift.
“Scar, no!” Grian grabbed Scar and pulled him back. 
“Get a hold of yourself, Scar!” Doc yelled, pausing his pacing to do so.
Scar blinked. “But it reacts!-”
Xisuma shushed them. “We can’t lose a Hermit. Scar, stay away from any exits.”
“Why am I here then?!” Scar asked, confusion painted in his face.
“You’re-...” Xisuma stuttered. “You’re a terraformer! The Rift is terraforming the earth! We might- we might need you…”
“It reacts…?” Iskall mumbled, grabbing a piece of wood from a chest. The redstoner knelt by the entrance and threw the wood toward the edge of a deep chasm. He jumped back in surprise when a wave of purple snatched the piece of wood, pulling it into purple. “You guys saw that, right?”
Mumbo nodded, kneeling beside Iskall while Doc stood over them. “Why isn’t it doing that to the Entity?”
“It’s the Entity.” Grian answered, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“It could… be a safe space.” Doc said, moving the two redstoners aside to stick his hand out, only to pull it back when part of the Rift extended toward him. “It’s a safe space, oh dear malarky- Grian, how did you do this?!”
Grian scrambled. “I-I built it! It’s just colored glass and ender rods!”
“Ender rods…” Iskall tapped the side of his index to his lips. “Ender rods don’t have a history of teleporting items or people… but maybe there’s something in the glass its reacting to?”
“Glass is just sand-” Mumbo pointed out. 
Doc let out a frustrated hiss .”Sand heated at one thousand degrees celsius -  four thousand at fahrenheit… All of that done in furnace without us interfering. Nothing should’ve gotten into the glass-”
“Well, something did.” Mumbo said.
Xisuma checked the coding once more. “I still can’t find anything wrong with the code. We’re gonna have to go with the natural world explanation - as much as we hate it.”
“Or the unnatural.” 
The Admit and Hermits looked at Grian, who approached the entrance with hesitation. His eyes of lack coal stared at his creation, his wings and body tense. 
“Grian…?” It was Scar who called out his name. 
With a sigh, Grian rapped his knuckles against the stony walls of the Entity.
“Get us down there.” Grian commanded, a faint purple glow appearing on his forehead, under his mess of curled bangs.
The Entity slowly began to move, its heartbeat becoming more alive, surprising the Admin and other Hermits. While the others grabbed on for dear life, Grian stayed standing at the entrance. Once the Entity stretched its legs, it began to crawl toward the crater, walking on the Rift as if it was another floor. Several chests slide around, but never went far, unlike the panicked screaming of the others.
Finally, the Entity stood at the bottom of the rift crater, where the living galaxy’s stars were most intense and clear. 
Grian patted the Entity with a smile. “Good interdimensional being, good Entity.”
There was rumbling in the walls of the Entity, mimicking that of a purr.
“G-Grian… what the heck?!” Xisuma was panicking, more than he should. He witness the entire moon crashing onto a continent, yet a moving rock with legs is what scared him most.
“One problem at a time?” Grian looked down at the portal-esque galaxy. “This is as close to the source as we can get without getting absorbed.”
“As close, he says.” Iskall rubbed the stress away from his eyes.
“Yeah,” Mumbo followed. “As if we aren’t standing on it!”
Doc went by Grian’s side. “Wow… it’s kinda pretty…”
“Don’t get pulled in.” Grian warned, sending a glare Scar’s way. “This should help, right?”
“Grian…” Xisuma said, slowly, as if a warning. “Come here.”
Confused, the avian approached. “What is iiiiiiit- oh my Void-”
On the screen of code, the code had switched from the common tongue the hermits agreed on using, to one of ancient history. Grian’s eyes grew wide seeing it.
“Why would it…”
“And,” Xisuma added. “Yours and the Rift’s coding is the exact same.”
There was a moment of silence.
“What?” Mumbo was the first one to speak.
Xisuma nodded. “Furthermore… only a section of the Rift is present. The rest of the Rift - all the chasms and holes - are not showing up. Does this symbol look familiar?”
Grian tared at the screen, slowly nodding. “That was the original Rift…”
“As much I don’t want to say it… G, the Rift is connected to you-”
“I know.” Grian cut Xisuma off. “I know what I have to do.”
“What do you have to do?” Iskall asked. 
Grian went back to the entrance then tapped on the Entity’s walls. “Let me leave. Get them home.”
“G?” Scar took a hold of Grian’s arm, pulling him back. “What are you doing?”
Grian paused, avoiding looking Scar in the eyes. “S-... say hi to Jellie for me, okay?”
“Wh- Grian, what are you talking about? What are you planning?” Scar cupped both of Grian’s cheek, forcing the avian to look at him. “What are you doing…?”
“I-...” Grian closed his eyes, sighing out a deep breath. He took Scar’s hands and set a small, rectangle shaped device in them, not allowing Scar to see. “You and Mumbo take care of him, hear me?”
“Grian?-” Before Scar could utter another word, Grian jumped out of the Entity. “Grian!”
A chorus of Grian’s name could be heard following Scar, all in vain. At once, the Entity scrambled out of the crater. Xisuma and Doc held back Scar, not allowing the terraformer to join Grian. The sudden sound of infinite glass shattering echoed in the Admin and Hermits’ ears, mixing with the quickening thump thump thump of the Entity’s heart.
The entire world shook at its core, sending waves of pulsing energy, rattling the ground and knocking down all, even the birds and Hermits who were using elytras. Even the Entity lost its footing, causing the few inside to spiral. It seemed to last hours until, finally, everything stopped. The earthquakes ceased, the wounds had healed themselves, leaving no trace of the Rift. 
“Ow…” Scar shoved a dazzed Mumbo off of him. He attempted to stand, but a rush of nausea hit him like a bullet train. His head spun in the worst of ways, so Scar remained lying on the floor of the Entity.
“Is… everyone okay…?” Xisuma sat up, shutting his eyes tightly.
“I’m alive, if that counts…” Mumbo groaned. “I might need to go on another vacation…”
Iskall held up a thumb and Doc hissed lowly.
“Grian…” Scar tried once more to get up. “Where’s Grian…?”
“I don’t know-” Xisuma was the first to stand, stumbling toward the entrance. “... everything looks normal. I think we’re at Mumbo’s vault?”
“Impossible…” Mumbo was second to stand, peaking his head out of the entrance. “I don’t see Grian’s base.”
Doc pulled up Iskall, allowing the shorter man to lean on him. “Wasn’t it swallowed up?”
“I-... excuse me, Mx. Entity?” Mumbo wasn’t entirely sure who - or what - he was speaking to. Or if it would listen. “Can you move? We want to see the bridge.”
Slowly, the Entity hopped down from Mumbo’s vault and turned toward the bridge. The Admin and Hermits felt collective sorrow. Grian’s base wasn’t there, nor was the bridge. Any trace of it was left in the moon shaped portal, more damaged than it was previously.
Xisuma hopped out of the Entity, making sure it was safe before helping the others out. He pulled up the code, finding nothing. “No sign of Grian…”
“Nether?” Iskall asked.
“Where’s the nearest portal?” Xisuma glanced at the moon portal.
Even in the Nether there was no trace of Grian or his influence on the continent. Everything he has built, apart from the Entity, were erased, while every other building was repaired with subtle cracks - like scars. However, all the villagers and animals lost did not return. No amount of searching gave results.
“The only thing left to do is… rebuild.” Xisuma said, once every Hermit was in attendance for the gathering.
They were not about to abandon this continent. Not like the last one. 
This time they all could do something. 
“Hey, Scar?” Bdubs approached the unusually quiet terraformer. “Guess who I found!”
Scar looked at Bdubs, expecting nothing, but being filled with painful joy. “Jellie!”
“Yeah!” Bdubs handed the beautiful cat over, holding back giggles as Scar held her close. “I found her on a tiny island surrounded by the purple stuff before it poofed! She was totally unbothered! She has the luckiest nine lives ever!”
“Thanks, Bdubs…” Scar felt a lump swell in his throat. Cool tears rained down his heated cheeks, falling onto Jellie’s fur. “You… you didn’t see Grian anywhere, did you?”
Bdubs pouted his lips. “No… I didn’t… I’m sorry, Scar.”
“It’s fine.” With a small sniffle, a wipe of his eyes, Scar forced a smile. “He’ll show up, I’m sure of it. Hey, I’ll catch up with you later to help with rebuilding. I gotta do something.”
Bdubs didn’t look convinced, but he nodded anyways. “Okay, dude…”
Scar carried Jellie away, chewing on his lip and peeling the skin off. Jellie mewled in protest, shoving herself against Scar’s mouth to get him to stop. It worked, mostly. At least his hand her occupied. He never opened his other hand, where Grian’s strange rectangle was still waiting to be revealed. Scar wasn’t sure if he should look at it.
It was Grian’s. He said to take care of it- him. Take care of him.
Slowly, hesitantly, Scar unraveled his fist.
“A… tomogatchi?” Scar furrowed his brows in confusion, turning on the rectangular tomogatchi to see if there was anything else. The screen flickered blue, then three lighter blue dots appeared, doing the wave for a few seconds. “What in the Vex- OHMYELVENKISSES-”
Square eyes opened on the device, blinking at Scar as its mustache appeared. Scar nearly dropped the poor thing as text appeared.
“Oh my Vex, it talks-”
My name is Grumbot! Of course I talk! He/They please!
“Grumbot…?” Scar could physically feel the buffering circle in his brain. “Oh, from the mayoral campaign! That was a long time ago, oh my Vex-”
Hello, Mr. Scar! Hello, jelly kitty!
“Hi, Grumbot, how- why- I thought you were left in your box?”
No, sir! Not for long! Fathers brought me with them!
“Fathers- right, Mumbo and Gr…Grian…” Scar couldn’t help but frown.
Yes! Where are my fathers, sir? I want to see them!
Scar looked around at the remaining Hermits, seeing if Mumbo was around. It wasn’t hard finding the tall, lanky man of black and red, and Scar nearly sprinted over. “Mumbo! Mumbo, hi!”
“Hi, Scar, I was looking for you-” 
“What a coincidence! I was looking for you!” Scar held up Grumbot. “I think- I think Grian meant to give him to you.”
Mumbo took Grumbot-gatchi and gave the little device a gentle kiss. “Hi, buddy…”
Scar watched Mumbo talk to Grumbot, unable to see the text.
“I’m, uh, I’m alive, Grumbot… Yes, I’ve been eating- no, no projects have been keeping me up. Grumbot-...” Mumbo was silent for a long time. “Grian is gone, Grumbot… we don’t know where he is. And… Grumbot, don’t overheat, we are still looking… Of course I’m not going to abandon you- Scar is gonna help me take care of you, okay?”
“I am-?”
Mumbo looked at Scar with an unreadable look - a mix of glaring and desperation. “Yes. You are. Grian asked you to.”
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bethanydelleman · 7 months
Northanger Abbey Readthrough Ch 30
Despite having ten whole children, Mrs. Morland notices that Catherine is acting oddly and is concerned about it. She waits a few days before talking to Catherine, which honestly sounds very wise, kudos to her. Then she gets it into her head that the high life at Northanger Abbey has ruined Catherine for home. She's wrong of course, but she is trying her best. How often do parents understand their kids anyway?
I think Jane Austen gets a kick out of bringing in a hero, unlooked for, mid paragraph. It happens here with Henry Tilney, who shows up during Mrs. Morland's search for an essay, it happens with Mr. Darcy turning from the stables at Pemberley, and with Captain Wentworth's arrival in Bath!
I just love this so much:
He was not ill-inclined to obey this request, for, though his heart was greatly relieved by such unlooked-for mildness, it was not just at that moment in his power to say anything to the purpose. Returning in silence to his seat, therefore, he remained for some minutes most civilly answering all Mrs. Morland’s common remarks about the weather and roads. Catherine meanwhile—the anxious, agitated, happy, feverish Catherine—said not a word; but her glowing cheek and brightened eye made her mother trust that this good-natured visit would at least set her heart at ease for a time, and gladly therefore did she lay aside the first volume of The Mirror for a future hour.
Henry can't talk, Catherine is just sitting there all heart eyes. It's so cute! It's so real! I love it so much. I can't even.
Mrs. Morland runs out of things to talk about and Henry finally lightbulb-moments his way into a walk to the Allens. Which Sarah ALMOST RUINS! Thank you, Sarah. Oblivious younger siblings remain a timeless problem. But Mrs. Morland luckily catches on and sends them on their little solitary walk. Mrs. Morland's "silencing nod" seems to be much more effective than Mrs. Bennet's winks at Kitty, by the way.
Such a short proposal description, but it's so lovely:
Some explanation on his father’s account he had to give; but his first purpose was to explain himself, and before they reached Mr. Allen’s grounds he had done it so well that Catherine did not think it could ever be repeated too often. She was assured of his affection; and that heart in return was solicited, which, perhaps, they pretty equally knew was already entirely his own
Now, a lot of people hate this:
I must confess that his affection originated in nothing better than gratitude, or, in other words, that a persuasion of her partiality for him had been the only cause of giving her a serious thought. It is a new circumstance in romance, I acknowledge, and dreadfully derogatory of an heroine’s dignity; but if it be as new in common life, the credit of a wild imagination will at least be all my own.
I have already talked about why a girl liking a boy first is bad (stupid notions of female modesty basically), but I don't understand why people dislike this so much. Yes, it wasn't love at first sight, but there is nothing wrong with liking someone because they like you first! That is literally what happened with Elizabeth Bennet! And it's not like that is the only reason Henry proposed, he realized that she is awesome! It was the regard for him that made him take notice, but that isn't why he defied his father, rode over, and proposed.
I love this, what did the Allens think of them? A very short visit to Mrs. Allen, in which Henry talked at random, without sense or connection, and Catherine, wrapt in the contemplation of her own unutterable happiness, scarcely opened her lips, dismissed them to the ecstasies of another tête-à-tête
Am I saying I love too many things? I WILL KEEP LOVING THINGS! This book is the best! I love it with my whole heart.
Here is a nice rendering of Henry's conversation with his father if you like fan fiction:
In Just Defiance
Now the crazy thing is how important John Thorpe was to the plot. His bragging about Catherine's wealth is the whole reason that Catherine was able to visit the abbey and probably secured her relationship with Henry Tilney, Thorpe's second interference has her sent home in disgrace, the catalyst for Henry's proposal. I don't even know if Henry and Catherine would have got together if it wasn't for that stupid idiot Thorpe! What a weird story!
I love John's lies though, exaggerating wealth and then poverty:
The expectations of his friend Morland, therefore, from the first overrated, had ever since his introduction to Isabella been gradually increasing; and by merely adding twice as much for the grandeur of the moment, by doubling what he chose to think the amount of Mr. Morland’s preferment, trebling his private fortune, bestowing a rich aunt, and sinking half the children, he was able to represent the whole family to the general in a most respectable light.
and then
They were, in fact, a necessitous family; numerous, too, almost beyond example; by no means respected in their own neighbourhood, as he had lately had particular opportunities of discovering; aiming at a style of life which their fortune could not warrant; seeking to better themselves by wealthy connections; a forward, bragging, scheming race. The terrified general pronounced the name of Allen with an inquiring look; and here too Thorpe had learnt his error. The Allens, he believed, had lived near them too long, and he knew the young man on whom the Fullerton estate must devolve.
"lived near them too long" is a great way to describe neighbours who have grown tired of each other.
It says that John is, "spurning a friendship which could be no longer serviceable" which makes me think that he actually ended things with James, not the other way around. Come on, James!
I love Catherine's ultimate conclusion about General Tilney, because I'm totally with her! He's the worst:
Catherine, at any rate, heard enough to feel that in suspecting General Tilney of either murdering or shutting up his wife, she had scarcely sinned against his character, or magnified his cruelty.
Oh the romance of it all, and the first time Henry defies his father:
The general, accustomed on every ordinary occasion to give the law in his family, prepared for no reluctance but of feeling, no opposing desire that should dare to clothe itself in words, could ill brook the opposition of his son, steady as the sanction of reason and the dictate of conscience could make it. But, in such a cause, his anger, though it must shock, could not intimidate Henry, who was sustained in his purpose by a conviction of its justice. He felt himself bound as much in honour as in affection to Miss Morland, and believing that heart to be his own which he had been directed to gain, no unworthy retraction of a tacit consent, no reversing decree of unjustifiable anger, could shake his fidelity, or influence the resolutions it prompted.
I do think it's a sign of Henry's growth that he finally defies his father, but I also get the feeling he's just never had any reason to go against him. It's my impression that he mostly maintained a civil relationship with his father so he could keep visiting Eleanor. Catherine is just the first thing to be important enough for him to fight back. *heart eyes*
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localguy2 · 2 months
Soooooo... DR Lloyd.
Yeah, he has fucked up badly in S2, Visions and Teacher wise
Let's talk. (S1 and S2 spoilers)
Right, DR Lloyd is genuinely so interesting, and mainly because he fails at SO MANY of his personal goals, ironically, in an attempt to achieve those goals, because he has the right mindset.
But he makes the wrong decisions...
First of all, I wanna bring up his Visions:
So we already know that there's been an ENTIRE year between Season 1 and Season 2 of Dragons Rising, so really quite a while.
And according to Lloyd himself, he's been having these visions since after the Imperium Source Dragon thing when they saved the world again.
So... Seriously, why didn't he just tell the others?
From a pure logic perspective this sorta doesn't make any sense, this isn't Wildbrain Era or Crystalized Lloyd, this is a whole new him, most accepted theory for the Merge is that it's been 5 years since it happened (6 by the time of S2), and we still don't know how much it's been since pre-merge and Crystalized.
Lloyd's obviously had time to heal and get in a better mental state, his behaviour switch from Crystalized to Dragons Rising is enough evidence of that not to mention overall Demeanor.
He doesn't have his Seasons 11-13 trust issues, or his Crystalized anger issues, so... What gives?
Now granted, some people might see that this is a bit insensitive or inconsiderate towards Lloyd, but given how much he's been through, how much he's grown and how much he should trust the ninja (which he VERY MUCH DOES BY THE WAY, Ep3 of DR Season 2 with his little chat with Nya, and the countless times she's comforted him during the Season), it calls into question as to why he didn't tell the ninja about his visions...
And like, I'm sorry but at this point this seems like extremely overlooked potential, Zane???
Like, there's literally a guy on your team who's had visions, terrible ones at that, before, why not go talk to him about it??
I'm just, really confused specifically by this aspect...
And another aspect, this being his Teaching:
Forgive me if I start insulting Lloyd but WHAT. IS. HE. DOING?????
I am not holding back with this one, because this just seems like a massive oversight on his side that, depending on you view it, seriously fucked over the team majorly...
And you know why I find it so inexcusable?
1 Word: Wyldfyre.
The glow she's had when it comes to her fighting skills is actually insane, if you've watched the last 2 Episodes of Season 2 you'd KNOW how well she fought against the Wolf Clan, and Wyldfyre is not really even Lloyd's thing, she's more Kai's thing.
Granted, Kai's not taught her Spinjitzu, and he should be given shit for that as well, but when you compare her to Sora?
Yeah it sorta falls apart...
Sora didn't even know how to jump up high enough while preforming the moves for Spinjitzu, meanwhile Wyldfyre is fresh off of her injury and she's moving crazy quickly around every enemy.
That and... Arin.
Lloyd has no excuse for Arin, straight up.
Arin's got the motivation and drive to learn new skills, he's the same kid that managed to solo learn a weird form of Spinjitzu, with self taught ninja moves PURELY from watching his heros fighting.
So why, in the bloody hell, did Lloyd double down on his unique Spinjitzu, that he hasn't been able to get better at for the last year despite extensive training, instead of at the VERY LEAST teaching him Spinjitzu basics?
Again, 1st Fang ninja statue is designated to those who need to learn Spinjitzu first, and it's criminal that ARIN out of ALL people, had to be PUT in it.
And I have to say, all that considered + Lloyd's constant attempts at reassuring Arin like the kid missed up, and the times he told him to be patient, it really puts a bad taste in my mouth for Lloyd.
Lloyd you are not helping, Arin's been more then patient, and he's not gotten better any single bit at his Unique Spinjitzu or fighting Skills, this is a you problem and you don't even realise it.
You're trying too hard to be like Wu, when in S1 you should've at least gotten a small hint you don't have to be like him, like not even full acknowledgement, just a hint!
This might seem a bit rambly and emotion fuelled so I'm sorry for that, but DR Lloyd frustrates me with his decisions, don't get me wrong I still like him, the show emphasises the importance of Mental Health a lot of times through him, by Representing panic attacks and his extreme anxiety using him, and that's awesome!
What isn't very awesome however, is all the aforementioned problems with his character (that I find at least).
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inhuman-obey-me · 1 year
💎 with lucifer please!
jksgvdsl this is so late that literally a whole entire new OM game has come out since, I am SO sorry for the delay on this one!!
"The more the diamond glitters, the more it can deceive." - Lucifer
(Nightbringer 8-A spoilers below the cut!)
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It's a beautiful day in the Celestial Realm. Light shimmers off the ground like magic, and a gentle wash of warm sunlight glows upon everything in sight. Greenery entwines itself elegantly over the splendid white marble of the palace. It's the kind of day that reminds Lucifer of everything that makes the Celestial Realm so lovely. His home, the only home he's ever known. The only one he's ever wanted to know. Beautiful, shining. Perfection.
Just like he's supposed to be.
That's why, the first time Lucifer had descended to the Devildom, he was sure he would not be impressed. His landing seemed to confirm it -- the soil was awful, the chaos too noisy, the endless dark of the sky casting a veneer of unease over everything.
And then there were the demons -- wicked, abominable monsters, tricky and untrustworthy. There wasn't a moment to let his guard down., in a place like this. The demon prince had greeted him warmly, sure. The prince's butler was ever smiling and polite to him, if a tad derisive about the angel's alarm at the blackberry filling inside his cake. But Lucifer refused not to be too careful. He knew all about the ways demons used their honeyed words to manipulate the innocent into doing their bidding.
So certainly, the prince's goals, as he described them, seemed lofty and admirable -- a shining future for the betterment of all. But the more the diamond glitters, the more it can deceive. Demons are not to be trusted. Isn't that right?
Yet it is he himself, the illustrious morning star of the Celestial Realm, who finds himself lying and deceiving lately. The ideals that the demon prince espouses, suspicious as their speaker may be, do seem righteous, and Lucifer cannot understand why his Father keeps dismissing them out of hand. Meanwhile, his beloved sister's trial awaits, just days away, and she seems destined to find no mercy. Conflict swirls in his mind constantly, thoughts he knows he can't share with any of the other angels. Especially not with any of his fellow seraphs, his heart drifting away with the pull of his secrets -- from Michael, from Raphael, even from Simeon.
Of course, he knows how sharp Simeon can be. Easygoing though he may seem, he has never been so easily deceived. He's sure, sitting across from him even now, cheerfully chatting over tea together, that his dear friend can tell just how much has been weighing on his mind, even if he doesn't know exactly what that weight is about.
But he doesn't ask, and for that, Lucifer is grateful.
"Raphael," Simeon says instead, "why don't you sing for us? Lucifer has been away on business so often lately, I'm sure he misses hearing your song."
The younger seraph nods seriously. His voice is clear and light as he begins, as if purifying the very air it fills with his music. Simeon, brown hair gleaming golden with sunlight, hums quietly along with a sweet smile, and reaches over to refill his friend's now-empty cup.
As the warm floral scent wafts up gently off the drink, slowly the thoughts swirling in Lucifer's head begin to finally melt away -- at least for now. At least for today. He can let himself have this -- one beautiful, shining day in the Celestial Realm, relaxing with his closest friend and just enjoying the perfection of it all.
Soon, he thinks to himself. Soon, there will be no more lies. No more deception.
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cheshire-silent-cat · 9 months
Peas in a pod
Pairing: Jason x fem! Reader
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Warning: suggestive, cussing, angst, dramatics and exaggeration, made up location .
Scenery: Let’s imagine that the titans forgave Jason but still had mixed feelings about his presence or what he stood for, and even though he wasn’t a titan anymore he still worked with them when necessary from time to time, and this was one of those times .
***************story begins here************
📞“Dick?? Look this is a pretty shitty time to call” Jason said as he hid behind a wall to dodge rapid fire bullets from multiple angles.
📞”sorry to interrupt but it’s urgent” dick spoke from the comfort of his computer room, as he researched his next mission’s location.
📞 “Alright so what’s up” jason said as he heard the last man fall to the ground.
📞”it’s about our next mission, at a hidden kingdom, the aim is to recieve intel about it and include it in the database. Dick spoke proudly
📞“Tch. That sounds like a job for explorers, why am I needed” Jason said mounting his motorcycle.
📞“Your mission is to go undercover and retrieve the all powerful seer, they are said to serve as a core battery for the attacks of this kingdom” dick continued as he read the files.
📞“Oooo sounds exotic, anyways I do need a vacation, alright I’ll meet at the tower now” Jason spoke loudly as his motorcycle roared to its destination.
The next day the whole team were briefed about the plan and before they knew it they were standing on the grounds of innominatam, now all they had to do was journey to the floating capital which was reached by a special aircraft during their journey they learnt a number of things, they learnt that the capital floated over a ridiculously deep pit that could not be reached by any aircraft’s known to man, “it’s a special day here at innominatam, there will be an important meeting at the capital with all sorts of noble people, the seer will be one of them visiting us, bringing us good fortune” the pilot said excitedly, “can you tell us about the seer” korry asked, “well from what I hear, the new colony (land claimed) is quite promising which means more rich resources for us, although progress is currently being thwarted by a very small amounted group of rebels, I guess because of that our leaders have summoned the team of diplomatic members (usually kept away from the public) of innominatam to investigate among those diplomats will be the seer, I’m so excited” the man giggling while landing the aircraft, “enjoy the sights that innominatam has to offer”.
They all walked, keep a good distance from the other people while scheming, “now we just need to find away to get Jason close to the seer-“ dick spoke but was interrupted by a white robe wearing important looking coordinator “you there!” He yelled and Jason pointed to himself, the man briskly walked towards Jason “yes you! Aren’t you supposed to be with the seer? What the hell did you do with your suit!” The man scolded and behind his mask Jason just looked confused so he stayed silent, “hello? You are one of the seer’s guides are you not?” The man asked again, “yes? Yes! Yes I am! I just got lost could you umm help me out?” Jason said with sweaty palms trying so hard not to seem suspicious, “ugh you guards of nowadays are so stupid, come along” he said practically pulling and shoving Jason in the right direction, “hmm that was easy” gar joked, “gotta hand it to him, the kid is good” korry laughed sarcastically, “we are actually screwed” Rachael chimed in. “Alright everyone you know the plan, now move out” dick orders and they all split up disappearing into the crowd.
Meanwhile with Jason, it was like he found his people, barely an hour in and he found it easy to talk with the other guards they all walked infront of the seer, and Jason had to steal a few glances, you were stunning, your skin glowed, you were adorned in gold and moved gracefully in your black dress, your short tight curls covering your eyes at all times but you managed to see clearly, you were the same age as him or maybe a year younger, but as the other two guards talked Jason couldn’t stop staring at you well that was until the other guards started talking loudly and you twitched a bit, it was such a slight movement that even if he being a detective in his own rights, had blinked he would have missed it, this made his attention shift towards the guards in-front of him.
“I’m actually looking forward to those rebels showing up” one of the guards giggled loudly
“When they do show up I’m going to smash their skulls open” the other guard replied
“Well I’m going to take them down for good and then that will be the end of the rebellion” the first guard spoke again, trying to turn it into a competition. “What if I just fight you” the second guard replied again landing a punch on the shoulder of the first guard as they yelped in pain. “Let’s focus guys our main goal is to protect the seer and anyways we can just take them down together when they come, that’s why they sent uhhh three of us” Jason spoke up trying to verbally separate them, the mere words of teamwork and togetherness disgusted Jason to his core but he had to sell the part.
And even though Jason did the right thing by trying to diffuse the situation before they drew too much attention, at the end of the day the other two guards were jug heads (honestly a miracle they managed to keep you safe until now) “three this” one of the guards said throwing a huge punch at Jason, Jason crosses his arm to block it taking a step back to stiffen his stance bumping into you and knocking you to the ground, a large number of gasps could be heard, followed by a pin dropped silence from the entire room. Now Jason was never nervous, never ever had he not been outspoken or struggled to speak, he was a confident man and yet here is was a stuttering mess at the attempt to explain himself to you, a girl he just met tf? Who was he right now?? “I’m umm uhh I’m so sorry.. I uhh, the thing is they ummm, let… let me help” he said stretching his arms to you already halfway up “I’m fine” you said looking up at him, both your eyes hidden, “what?” He asked confused as to why you didn’t feel embarrassed “it’s okay, it was bound to happen really” you spoke in your usual soft voice, “I uhh umm…okay” Jason said finally giving up on explaining himself and just accepting your forgiveness, “now please wait here, i must now attend to my duties”
You said walking by the now saluting guards into a tent and as you disappeared into the curtains of the tent Jason followed your every movement with his eyes.
You being summoned was a rare occurrence because not just anyone could summon you, however today you had been summoned by the leader herself specifically for the purpose of sharing the knowledge your visions provided you of the future. “My Kuria (leader, this is what nobles and diplomats call the leader) I have arrived” you said entering the tent. The leader wasted no time and spoke “y/n tell me what will happen in my nearest future” she said with authoritative hand gestures and you clasped your hands together elegantly as though you were praying “my Kuria I foresee the rebels staging an attack on this very day in this very place, however they will be cornered but before then they kill seven aristocrats which will include 2 of my guards and myself once I am dead the rebels will be apprehended and the rebellion will reach its demise here” you concluded, with a relieved tone the leader spoke again “thank you y/n, that’s all I needed to know, you may go” she said and you did. From the moment you stood on the grounds of the floating capital you knew you would be a casualty but you weren’t fazed by the facts after all it’s not like you didn’t already know how exactly your life was to turn out and as for your death you had already accepted it,
You walked out of the tent now standing next to Jason once more, “the capital is very beautiful this time of the year, I truly wish I could have seen more of it” you said as you turned to Jason who was surprised you were speaking to him, “well uh there is still a lot of time” he said trying to lighten the mood, “that’s quite a nice thought but no” you lowered your head and smiled in defeat, you spoke so softly it tickled the ears of Jason in a sweet sensual way even when you were being serious, just then there was a loud explosion and as the smoke cleared a voice boomed through the crowd “leader of innominatam, leave our land alone, this colony has reached the end of its timeline now leave” they spoke, and according to your vision the time of the attack was punctual and without any warning they began slashing those who stood in their way and the aristocrat’s began fighting back, your guards lunged at the rebels with the first two getting taken out almost immediately, the rebels may not have looked like much but they were quite strong, now it was between them and Jason, they ganged up on him dislocating his shoulder forcing him to lay on the ground conscious but unable to fight or do much of anything really, now standing before you was a rebel towering over you it’s blade over his head threatening to strike you down and yet you refused to move, standing and watching thinking to yourself that afterall this was your fate all along. “Thank you guard you did your best” you spoke and suddenly Jason realised what you had meant, you had known that Jason would fail, that this would be the outcome, you had accepted it with all of your heart, but for some reason Jason, HE COULD NOT.
Using what little strength he had left, he lunged at you pulling you out of the way forcing you both to roll away from the rebels and him unto you, being the purest thing in the land it was ghastly to think that someone would touch or be seen with you in such a way, you both stared at each other for what felt like hours, shaken by the situation the rebels lost their focus and had to retreat, realising where you both were you both separated from each other, touching your head as it hurt from the impact of the floor, the furious crowd closing in on the both of you, it was unspoken of to touch not to mention lie on the seer in such a provocative way, “unbelievable” someone shouted, “disgusting” another yelled, “this is unheard of” one shouted trying to topple over the large number of voices shouting protest however the one that tore through the crowd was the leader in all her glory “the rebels have fled, y/n this is not the scenario you predicted” she said angrily, “this…. This isn’t what I saw….I-I don’t know what happened I-” you protest, still dazed as to what just happened, “hang on a second, this was my fault” Jason sat up coming to your defense, “Jason? Jason! What’s going on there” dick asked from their spy communicators laced in his ear “clearly it was your fault GAURD, how dare you interfere with the duties of a member of my court, how dare you touch a deer so provocatively!!” She said enraged “forgive me I-” Jason pleaded, knowing fully well that he did not have it in him to fight, but the leader interrupted “you will be executed for this” she demanded and the crowd closed in on you two but came to a sudden stop at the appearance of the titans “you have two options let them go or face us” dick said taking a stance with the rest of his team, the crowd continued their movement closing in once more “it’s always the harder choices” he said preparing to fight, in a panic you took Jason’s healthy hand “run” and raced to the edge of the capital “wait!!!!!! What are you doing?!?!!!!!” without even the slightest hints of hesitation on your face you both leaped of the edge and into the large deep pit below, the titans quickly looked at the edge with no sign of either of you, their new mission was to escape this fight and hide.
Meanwhile with you and Jason, as you fell into the very deep forbidden pit, still holding Jason, fuelled with determination once you caught sight of the ground below you, you took Jason’s steel pocket knife and fiercely dragged it into the pit walls to slow your speeds, the blade managed to drive deep into the wall stopping you both from falling any further, you both were now a reasonable distance away from the ground and Jason took the first leap down, and then you let go of the knife, not like he doesn’t have more replicas of the weapon, “what the fuck just happened” Jason said taking off his helmet, simply forgetting he hadn’t disclosed his identity to you, as he revealed his face at that moment it began to rain, it never rained on the capital because it was too far up in the sky but it did rain below. “Who are you” you said moving back practically quaking in fear, he certainly wasn’t a guard he had no markings and he had hair, he wasn’t a civilian because he spoke English that you had learnt in your many studies rather than the native language of innominatam. “Hey it’s ok, I don’t want to hurt, I would never, ummm my name is Jason, fuck this is a mess” he said his tone mixed with frustration and concern but all still genuine so you knew you could trust him “y/n” you said “huh?” Jason looked confused “that’s my name….y/n” you emphasise looking away to hide your blushing smile, it was weird to say your own name since you were constantly referred to as seer and nothing else.
Jason gave you a heart stealing smile before looking up to observe the situation and recall the event that had taken place before looking back at you, gaze filled with concern “I have no choice” he said “what do you mean” you replied “you know exactly what I mean” he spoke again “n-no” you protested, “don’t be stubborn, I have to get you back up there” he yelled with a concerned tone, and you stayed silent “why would you do this” he asked “they were going to execute you” you tried to fight back. “Who gives a damn, there are tons of heroes like me in the world” he said waving his arms, he stopped to look at the rain, your thin clothes already drenched and as much as he would have loved to gaze at how nicely the fabric stuck to your figure, his main priority right now was to seek shelter, and it didn’t help that he already knew that you sprained your ankle during the fall and just wouldn’t admit it, but what he knew for sure was that if you both stayed in the rain any longer it would not be a good start to surviving the night, pacing around he inspected the vast valley, pacing up and down and his frustrations began to build, “you’re a seer, what do we do now” Jason asked and for the first time ever you did not know, you felt frozen in place with actual ice frost grabbing unto your shoes as you tried to breathe, wasting no time, Jason picked you up (bridal style) and began marching, as fast as his legs could go after a while of walking he found a cave.
He placed you on the ground gently, feeling sorry for your drenched state but still finding so much beauty in you. Using your hands you parted your hair, showing off your crystal like eyes fixated on his, “thank you” you said softly and Jason actually turned into a blushing mess right in front of you, he was so out of whack, that while attempting to shield his face from you all he could spout out in response was “I’ll umm start a uhh fire”. It’s not like Jason did not have experiences with girls it was that they were not usually so gentle and kind hearted especially to him, it made his heart flutter without explanation.
Sitting closely to the fire in silence the atmosphere of the cave was tense, “are you normally that rough with all girls” you said staring at the fire, “n-no I was trying to-“ “save me, I know… I’m grateful, but still it felt different” you interrupted him, staring at you own palms before abruptly crawling to his side with eager eyes, and spoke “you’re a hero, does it usually feel like that…. When you save someone”, “what? No, it never feels like that, whenever I save someone, it’s usually just for fun or as a duty, this was different” Jason said staring at his own palms, “duties suck” you added before laying your head on Jason’s shoulder, at first he tended up so hard if you weren’t so oblivious you could almost hear how nervous he was but after a few moments he relaxed himself fully and your soft body felt amazing.
For the next few days both you and Jason got to know each other better although neither of you had confessed their feelings you found comfort in one another, the pit was hellish with such little to eat but compared to the past traumas in both your lives this predicament was a vacation, without reception Jason could not reach the titans all he knew was that they were still on the island because he had you so they would come eventually, to make matter worse your ankle never healed and with every passing day the pit got colder, on this particular day, your thin fabric clothing was doing you no favours, insisting you were fine your body shivered, unwilling to deal with your stubbornness Jason took off his leather jacket and dumped it on your head, you reluctantly put it on, feeling his body heat and smelling his cologne up close, it actually smelt good.
Later that night you were restless, tossing and turning at your side of the cave, “something wrong princess” he asked, that was a new one, putting your hands to your face you turned away from him “I can’t sleep is all” you spoke and after a few moments of awkward silence Jason finally replied “then why not come sleep over here, promise I’m comfortable”, reluctantly you scooted beside him, sitting you tried to imagine how you would make this work exactly, when suddenly you felt the pressure of his hand at the back of your head gently guiding your head to his chest, which to be honest was surprisingly comfortable, once asleep you wrapped your arms around him and when sunlight hit your face, determined to remain comfortable you turned away, Jason also still asleep had one hand on your back and the other behind his own head, after what felt like an eternity of peace and silence, you began hearing voices from various directions, “should we wake em” gar said, “they are kinda cute like this” Tim added in his most fan gushing voice ever, feeling irritated and thinking it was Jason messing around you raised your hand to cover his mouth, “gotta agree with Tim there” kory added, “yeah we don’t have time for this, Jason!” Dick ordered, “Jason shut up” you whined, turning further to the other direction, “sorry princess, that’s not me those are my friends, shit friends but still friends” Jason spoken eyes still closed clearly ignoring his rescuers, “we will meet you at age plane then” dick said and the titans left, “but seriously we do have to go” Jason concluded, annoyed you rose up, “so annoying” you muttered, “ahh so you do admit that I am very comfortable to sleep on” he teased, puffing your cheeks and looking away, “your friends are waiting” you tried to get a pass, “not until you admit it and trust me they will not wait forever” Jason said with a half serious tone, “fine, yes you are very comfortable to sleep on” you said rolling your eyes, “see was that so hard” he teased further, “no” with an amused face you shook your head, “atta girl” he concluded and you were more than ready to go, “oh yeah before I forget, do you want to come with me to back to the city” jason asked looking away bashfully, “really?” You asked, “ummm yeah, it’s a bit dangerous, and unstable but it would be….. nice having you around you know” jason tried gathering his words as he scratched the back of his head, “jason I would love to” you said, and you could see the joy spread on Jason’s face, “alright let’s go then” Jason said giving you a piggy back ride, as you both walked off to meet the others.
The end
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c-e-d-dreamer · 4 months
I had to come here and say how much I loved the Elucien sequel to your regency series so much! All these ACOTAR men are such simps for their wives and made for regency 😍 is there any chance we'll get Feysand next? I would love to see Rhys and his non traditional courting methods 🤭
If I tell you what happens in Regency Feysand, will that count? 👀
Unfortunately, the chances of Regency Feysand escaping what is just my daydreams for now and becoming actual written words are low. And the chances of me taking those written words and actually publishing them with my name attached to them? Even lower.
But here's what happens in my head and daydreams...
Now that Nesta and Elain are married, it leaves just Feyre in the house with their parents, and unsurprisingly, she's like get me the fuck out of here. I cannot be around Mama anymore. So, she decides she's going to go visit Nesta in Glasgow!
Now, Rhys is of course like Feyre, darling, you can't travel all the way to Glasgow alone. I will accompany you. Like the gentleman I am.
And then shenanigans ensue.
For example, at the second coaching inn they stay in, there's only one room and one bed. And Feyre is like aren't you going to offer to sleep on the floor like a gentleman? And Rhys is like didn't you spend the last 2 days calling me a prick and not a gentleman? Didn't you say you want a man who views you as a partner? Why don't you offer to sleep on the floor? Or better yet, why don't we share the bed? And we all know Feyre is stubborn, that she'll never back down. So of course she shares the bed with him. And she swears she hates it!
Also, they're attacked by highway robbers. Because of course Rhys brought his flashiest carriage to impress Feyre but that's now back fired! Meanwhile, Feyre is fighting off these robbers like a badass and Rhys is like seriously. Marry me. I'm in love.
But they eventually make it to Glasgow in record time! Feyre is like after spending days with this man, get me as far away as possible. So she's stalking through the house looking for Nesta desperately. And Rhys is like I wouldn't do that if I were you, we arrived earlier than expected. But Feyre scoffs and swings open the study doors only to find Nesta and Cassian in a compromised position because it's Nessian. What did you expect? It's awkward for everyone except Rhys who's like I told you so.
But it's really seeing Nessian that starts to soften Feyre. In case you didn't pick up what I was hinting in the epilogue of But I'm Only Looking At You, Nesta is pregnant. But even more than that, Feyre is just shocked to see her sister like this. Her cold, stubborn sister, who would only marry for power and never for love is happy. She's wearing her hair down. She's glowing and not just from the pregnancy. She's smiling and laughing. Cassian dotes on his wife hand and foot. Very clearly adores her. Also, he's made her a partner at the MacLeod factories. Feyre is confused by this but Cassian is like Nes is the smartest person I know, of course, she does all the factory books. Feyre is just very much surprised Pikachu at the whole thing and is like is this what a marriage could actually be??? And meanwhile Rhys is in the corner there like yes. Now marry me lol
I haven't reached the point in my daydreams to know what the resolution would be exactly but hopefully reading all that was still fun and gives you the fix you were looking for 🥰
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cryiling · 1 year
I've seen lots of ppl mentioning how zelda, the unknown (zonai?) girl, and several of the champions descendants have glowing gems that look like the tears on the wall from the previous trailers. imo they, excluding the unknown girl, were probably given these as a gift from zelda for helping the kingdom and aiding link with the divine beasts. tulin probably got teba's maybe bc he was playing with it at the time? or teba passed it onto tulin to encourage him to do great things?.. hang on I'm going somewhere with this let me point out 3 more things
I haven't seen anyone talk about this, but before this trailer got released, we had no idea when totk was taking place. like how far into the future was it?? it just wasn't very clear. but with this trailer, like we literally still have tulin as a small kid, and riju doesn't look like she's aged that much, so honestly only like 5 or so years should have passed. but then why does hyrule look so different?? like I get that they were rebuilding and stuff but NO WAY did they do all that in such a short amount of time. so the flow of time is kinda weird
everyone thinks that the unknown girl is zelda's zonai counterpart, like she's the original zelda on the tapestry from 10,000 years ago and I TOTALLY AGREE. but y'all are like how is she there?? I GOT U JUST HANG ON FOR ONE MORE POINT
in the scene where link reaches out for zelda but misses and zelda keeps falling, someone pointed out that it looks like she started glowing, maybe travelling back in time?? and im like YES but have u CONSIDERED...
zelda is not the only one travelling back in time!!!! everyone that has a tear jewel (which means the champion descendants) got transported back to 10,000 years ago!!
"but crow," you say, "why would they even go back in time? and how?" and honestly my reasoning here is less confident, but I feel like, a couple years after defeating ganon, he comes back as ganondorf and that's when he attacks link's arm and burns it. meanwhile 10,000 years ago, the zonai zelda probably had some sort of prophetic vision with her goddess powers? and she saw that in the future there would be mass destruction from ganondorf or whatever, but she also saw that they somehow had the ancient zonai relics (the tears)? and she used her own on her necklace to bring them back to her time so that they would be able to prevent this whole thing from occurring
which ofc brings up SO many other questions like if they're playing with the timeline then how much will the future change?? why did the zonai hylia only bring them back then, and not when the first calamity from pre-botw happened?
anyways those are my thoughts! 😗 honestly the more I think about it the less confident I am in this theory (u should have seen me 7 hours ago I was vibrating in my seat thinking I cracked the secret code). but I really just see no way for like tulin and riju to still be around but for the world to have changed so drastically, yk? if yall have other thoughts on this though then pls lmk!!
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sideblogformindtrash · 9 months
Got a little lazy with it tbh
CW: Substance abuse/drugs, abusive family, pet whump, trafficking, classism/ableism,
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…He was clearly way out of his league in this part of town.
Everything there looked repulsive to him, from the agglomerated apartments in tiny unkempt buildings, to the dark maze like alleyways filled with trash and inhibited by homeless, the smell of smoke and urine, people high off their minds lying in the corners and the prostitutes in front of their shiny brothels.
There were lots of runaway pets here too, who had escaped their masters but found themselves unable to survive in any decent way.
If he found one of those, it would be a bonus, but it wasn’t required.
No, he just needed to find the dirtiest, messiest person he could. This poverty ridden district was perfect for it.
Meanwhile, Farlan wore an expensive suit. The watch on his wrist cost more than some of those houses, and his cologne fought bravely against the smell of filth. He touched his eye lightly, the skin there still sore and swollen from being beaten by his father.
And that's why he was here, in the first place.
Then, he saw it.
Leaning against a pile of trash bags on the floor, a cigarette between his lips that he barely seemed conscious of, clearly fucked out of his mind.
And he was. Odd.
While most he could pinpoint to body modifications - tattoos, including ink black up until his elbows, horn like piercings on his head, a black and green mohawk - he also had other details that just… didn’t seem possible.
His ears, for once, seemed too large to have been just operated. And his hands were shaped and crooked in ways he didn’t think was possible to get chirurgicale, almost claw-like, and eyes glowing an unnatural shade of green.
He was perfect. Just the biggest fuck you he could have to his father, who loved all things pristine and controlled carefully under his tongue.
‘Fuck you looking at, fancy boy?” the man barked, and Farlan realized he had been staring for far too long.
He got up in a second, baring sharp teeth as if about to bite him, twitching and turning out of control, eyes red and dilated. He seemed like he could give him rabies - and was also quite attractive.
It was also kind of funny to see him trying to be intimidating, when he was so short compared to Farlan, and far too scrawny.
“...You are perfect,” he says, smirking.
“...that I am,” the guy replies, slightly fixing his posture “Are you here for a fuck?”
“Something like that”
“It’s gonna cost yah…” he lowers his head, noticing the watch on Farlan’s wrist “a lot”
“I’ve got money” He shrugs, examining the guy better. He sees no barcodes, but his arms and hands are pitch black until up to his elbow… “And I’m on the market for a freak. Are you a pet?”
“Well, I can bark if you’d like me to,” he replies “Collars too, but again. It will cost yah”
Well, not a pet then. They are never that calm when they are found out.
He rolls his eyes.
“How’s this for the whole night?” he asks, pulling some notes out of his wallet “We are going to a party”
…He flinches back, then eyes the money. It’s a lot…
“...How many guys…?” he asks cautiously.
“Just me” he says back “You won’t have to do anything to anyone else. I just want you there”
He narrows his eyes, tempted by the money but not liking his words.
“Why, then?” The asks.
“...There’s just this old man I want to spite”
“Your ex?”
“What - fuck no!” He makes a grossed out face.
“Your dad then”
“You are fucking nosy for some whore” he says, getting aggravated now. Fuck, even in this hellhole people gotta get on his nerves “Are you up for it or not?”
…He considers it a little longer, before getting and pocketing the money.
“Fine. But if you want me to fuck someone else later - you’ll pay me extra”
“Don’t worry” he rolls his eyes, thinking no one there would even want to fuck something so filthy “...Let’s go”
He calls up a cab, pushing the twitching, shivering thing inside of it. And he stinks, almost as bad as that sewage space.
He knows the point is to have him be repulsive, but he at least needs a shower, or Farlan himself will end up vomiting.
He gives the cab driver the address to the hotel. It’s been fully closed for his father’s party, and brimming with his fancy guests.
So he thinks he will be mad as fuck to see him arrive with something as fucked up as this crack whore he found on a ditch.
And it will be his own fault, for taking his pet again despite his protests.
He notices he’s grinding his teeth, and pressing on the bruise again. Fucking hell.
"So…" the whore asks, his demeanor changing into something soft and submissive. It's almost pet-like, but with pets there's always fear behind the submission. With this guy… there's something dangerous bubbling. It almost makes it better "...What do you want me to be like, love? Tell me your fantasies… I'll make them true"
Farlan smirks. Would be cute if he wasn't so dirty and so out of his mind, whatever drugs he had used making him shiver and twitch, making quick moves with his head to the side.
"What's your name?" He realizes he didn't really ask. He doesn't even know if it's appropriate to.
"Orfeu" he replies, moving closer and leaning his head on Farlan's arm.
It takes everything on him not to shove him aside, and he makes a mental note to throw that suit out later "And your…. Sir?"
He smiles, and very hesitantly pets his dark hair. Hell, he hopes he doesn't have lice.
"You can call me Farlan. Mr. Farlan. Although sir… is quite pleasing as well"
He purrs, moving even closer. Farlan holds his breath, and when the whore moves to kiss him, he just shoves him off.
He catches a glimpse of hurt on his eyes. He might have missed it if he didn't live for so long with pets. But he soon recovers, purring louder.
"Hmmm will you make me beg for you siiiir??" He pouts.
"I'll make you fucking shower" he replies.
"Oh you're really a dick" the whore replies and closes his eyes, leaning back against Farlan.
"Hey. Don't sleep" he demands, shaking him.
He quickly fixes himself up, staring ahead…
He moves all of a sudden, and thankfully the window is open for him to throw up out of.
Fuck… This dude is not just fucked up, he seems to be genuinely having trouble. He sits back, cuddling up to Farlan with some drool running down his cheek.
He's already regretting this plan… but they stop at the hotel and it's too late to go back now.
He doesn't miss the way the clerk twists his nose at their new guest when he opens the door for Farlan.
The whore just flips him off, and Farlan realizes he can barely stand at this point, leaning on him for support.
"Man, you're a fucking mess" he complains, dragging his whore back to his room, immediately pushing him towards the bathroom.
He doesn't protest, giggling a little as Farlan starts to take out his clothes….
Then Farlan stops.
He… never had this before. He's never been with anyone who wasn't a pet. Even if a whore isn't all that above one… he still feels like it's different.
"Uh… is this okay?" He asks, taken back to the times when he actually bothered asking his pet.
He just giggles "of course love-" and he takes Farlan's hand, putting it inside his pants.
Farlan pulls it out immediately, grossed out.
The whore steps back, once again seeming hurt.
"What? I'm not giving you cooties dumbass" he says, and bares his teeth, then seems to remember his place "...sorry. Sir. Would you rather just watch?"
He offers, rolling his hips.
"Yeah" Farlan says, still staying close enough to catch him if he falls "hm. Don't they bother you?"
"...what? My massive badonkadonks? No. They are hot" he replies, tossing aside the cropped and freeing his breasts "Do they bother you?"
"Yeah. I mean. Not yours. Mine did" he stutters "I got them out as soon as I could"
That seems to surprise Orfeu, making him smile.
"...Oh. So it's t-cock on the menu today"
Farlan can't help but giggle.
"Yeah, sure," he shrugs.
"Well I'm good with it too. No worries" he winks, taking his shorts off and dipping his fingers down there, with a forced moan.
"...less touching and more washing" Farlan demands, seeing as the guy is just masturbating now.
He shrugs again, getting the sponge and side eyeing him.
Then, he turns around, and Farlan's eyes go wide.
…Scars. Made by a whip, he'd recognize it anywhere. But that's not the worst. His back was turned into a single bruise, likely by a belt.
"...If you aren't a pet" he replies "what's that bruise about?"
"...You got a bruise too, sir, and I'm not making stupid questions about it"
He loses it for a moment, pushing the whore against the shower wall, pressing him there. He doesn't seem phased.
"If you are a fucking pet, I might as well keep you to myself. Or maybe return you to your owner" he threatens.
"If I was a fucking pet, I'd have stabbed you already"
They stare at each other, water falling between them.
Farlan let 's go.
"Then why are you hurt?"
"Rough play, love. Costs extra" he replies dismissively and goes back to washing his sponge.
He's not convinced, but drops the subject. It's not his problem.
"There. I'm clean now" his whore whimpers, wrapping himself on a towel "what now… Sir?"
"Now you dress this" he replies, tossing him a dress. It 's plaid and very short, but it does fit him nicely "Good. I hope you are ready to party"
…initially it goes as planned.
The men look at him, Gerard's son, arriving with some dirty, drugged up street whore who looks like the spawn of Satan.
They whisper and stare, and Farlan is more than pleased about it. He's even happy to tell them where he found him.
They even seem to stop hurting his pet a little, the e white haired thing hanging from an intricate shibari built where his father placed him.
They hurt him.
Even from a distance, he can spot the blood and bruises on him and he's furious. No one should hurt his pet other than him.
But he can never fucking win.
Soon, he's pulled aside by his dad. Despite the blank expression, Farlan's learned to recognize that man's anger anywhere.
"What the fuck were you thinking?" He hisses, eyeing Orfeu who just waves and giggles, way out of his mind "bringing this fucking crackhead here?"
"Well… you took my pet so… I needed some company" he replies, grinding his teeth.
"Farlan, you…" he stops, taking a deep breath and glaring at Orfeu "You, whore. What are you called?"
"...Orfeu. Whore's fine too"
"...I'll pay you ten thousand to serve my guests tonight"
Their jaws drop.
"Holy shit -"
"You can't fucking do that" Farlan yells, half to Orfeu, half to his dad. He holds his arm "No- no I paid for you-"
"Hmmmm. He paid a lot more" The whore replies, stumbling out of Farlan's arms and into Gerards.
His dad stares down at Farlan, as he goes to announce Orfeu to the guests.
…he leans against the wall, feeling utterly defeated.
At least, that seems to distract the guests from his pet, and a few hours in, he manages to take it back to his bedroom.
He sighs, some tears dropping down his face when he washes the pets back.
The little thing knows better than to ask about it. He just silently sobs, having his own wounds and pain to bear.
"...it's okay" he whispers, massaging the white hair "... it's over. I'll take it easy on you this week"
The pet nods, affectionately nuzzling him.
…it kind of repulses him. It's hard to care about things he has no control over. Things he can't even protect, knowing he'll eventually lose him.
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shimmerbeasts · 6 months
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@weavertali gets a small experimental starter set in a hypothetical Star Guardian Verse.
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The one aspect of being a Star Guardian, which Jinx had never really been able to warm up to properly was the whole duty part. "You have a responsibility to protect the world." "Star Guardians kill monsters. We do not harm people." "You must learn to temper yourself, Jinx." "Star Guardians are not chaotic." Blah, blah, blah! Boring! Super boring! All Janna's drivel ended up meaning for Jinx was: "We hate you being you. Stop being you and start taking things more seriously."
On some particularly bad days, Jinx thought it to mean: "You do not deserve those powers. You do not deserve to be a Star Guardian. First Star must have made a mistake when it chose you."
Today's training session had been a disaster. It probably hadn't helped that Jinx had been paired with Janna out of all people. Whose idea was this?! All the veteran Star Guardian had done was complain about Jinx's form and her 'enthusiasm for violence', giving some stupid vague warnings about darker impulses leaving you open to corruption. Horse shit! Janna was full of dinosaur doodoo.
Eventually, she had gotten so sick of the constant berating that Jinx had used her powers to quickly half-teleport and half-fly away. She needed to be alone. She couldn't handle Janna right now. She couldn't handle Poppy either. Miss World Hero had stared after her as she had flown away like the very idea of leaving training was somehow punishable by death.
They could all go to, well, not really hell. More like a starless night. Wherever Star Guardians go after they die. The void? Double void? Was that a thing?
Jinx had settled down on the brim of a chimney, her feet dangling precariously off the edge. The chill of the night air kissed her bare skin but the First Star's power was like being your own heater. Jinx barely even shuddered. Shiro and Kuro were circling the guardian, noticing her gloomy thoughts. Despite the lack of wings, both magical mediums were more than capable of flight much like their mistress.
Unlike other magical mediums, which were soft and fluffy looking, maybe even cuddly, Jinx's creatures looked more like the beasts of a horror tale. Shiro had settled down beside her, his white skull with glowing red eyes making the slim ocelot-like creature so very hard to read. Sometimes, he looked even less physical, safe for the bones of his face. His white pelt was dotted and sprinkled with pale grey or silver dots, markings and stripes.
Kuro, meanwhile, had a long serpentine body, though Jinx always swore his hide felt more like touching a shark than scales. Even his black fur was so dense and fine, it seemed to blend into his hide. Sharp claws prickled her shoulders as the cat's upper body craned sideways and peered up at Jinx. Kuro's tail wrapped around her body in a tight hug. Much like Shiro, he had not shut up, softly meowing and purring at her.
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"I am not in the mood, guys", Jinx said with a defeated sigh as she snuggled against both mediums. "Kuro, your idea with the firework is cute and all, but my heart ain't in it. Why did anybody think making me spar with Janna was a good idea? She was just gonna pester me anyhow."
She cupped each of her cat medium's horrific chins and fondly looked into their eyes. "You think I am a good Star Guardian, right? There is nobody who wreaks carnage quite like me. I mean who needs starlight anyway? Just tell me what has to be blown up." She laughed and the mediums laughed alongside her.
However, Shiro suddenly got up and floated into the air. Growling, he put his ears back, his weird feathery decoration around his neck bristling. Kuro looked up too, snarled in alarm and swiftly turned himself invisible. Even around other Star Guardians, her rocket launcher rarely showed itself. Almost as if he knew Shiro created enough problems of his own.
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Mistrustfully, Jinx rose too and reached up with her hands. Shiro swiftly morphed into her trusted Gatling Gun, which the Loose Canon of a Star Guardian was now directing at the approaching figure. She called out: "Whoever you are, I may have skipped training today, but I can still whoop your ass!"
Her fingers flexed around Shiro's trigger as the figure came closer and closer. It took every ounce of the miserable pile of patience, Jinx possessed, to not give in to the urge to fire wildly at the approaching assailant. Jinx had never taken the whole difference between friend and foe seriously.
However, it paid off that she had waited for as the figure came shooting closer, Jinx recognised a fellow Star Guardian. The pale, rose-coloured hair, the fair brown skin and that whitish-pink dress with its long golden and rose-coloured bands attached to the sleeves were easily recognisable.
"Taliyah?", Jinx called in surprise and lowered Shiro, however, she did not allow her rocket launcher to turn back just yet. Kuro's claws dug deeper into her skin as his eyes bore deeply into the other Star Guardian, still completely concealed. "What are you doing here? Did Janna send you?"
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Meanwhile (not in The Pit (tm))
"Why am I even here?" Artemis whispers to Holly flying next to him. Artemis isn't uncomfortable with the types of people they've met but Holly definitely is and she's been glaring at him for hours now even though she refuses to leave his side.
"Remember Jayjay" Holly says.
"The lemur." Artemis replies dryly.
"The lemur you sold to extinctionists"
"You may recall that afterwards I repented and went back in time to save him. It was a perilous ordeal."
"I know, I was there too."
Artemis flourishes a hand as if to say 'There you go'
"You also kidnapped me and held me for ransom" she accused.
"We all make mistakes Captain Short. One I could not have made successfully if someone hadn't broken protocol."
"Your crimes are not MY fault!"
"Excuse me for interrupting" a very polite voice came from a tablet displaying a glowing red circle, encased in a floating bubble. "If you are questioning whether you belong here it is recommended you seek out the wizard"
"The wizard," Artemis replies unamused, not a question but a clear bid for an explanation nonetheless.
"Yes, the wizard. If he judges that you are innocent he will grant a wish."
"What did you wish for?" Holly asks, she could feel 2 sources of magic emanating from the tablet, though neither felt like the magic she was used to.
"Oh no, no, the wizard chooses the wish he will grant. He provided me with a glamour. It should force the humans I interact with to confer upon me basic civil rights and bodily autonomy." There is amusement in the voice at the last phrase. "He believes this will prevent the Artificial Intelligence version of a lobotomy that is scheduled upon my return. I think he is giving my humans too much credit." And with that the bubble floats away.
"I guess we should look for a wizard" Holly says at the same time Artemis says "I'm not going on a wild goose chase for some wizard."
"Don't give me that look," Artemis continues "I'm not being difficult, I just don't see the point and it feels a bit too 'Wonderful wizard of Oz' I don't need a heart or a brain or to click my heels three times."
“And you must be The Wizard.” Artemis says very collectedly considering he only just avoided tripping over The Wizard’s table. A table that just materialized in the middle of the convention space, along with a blond elf wearing a ridiculously oversized wizard hat and his crystal ball.
“Artemis Fowl the Second,” The elf replied ominously. “Would you like to know your fate?”
Artemis studies The Wizard’s set-up for a moment and states: “Your crystal ball is plugged into a computer. This entire aesthetic is a ploy and I doubt you control anymore magic than I have in my right eye.”
The Wizard’s serious façade crumbles as a grin breaks through. “Oooh they said you were smart. Dead wrong though kiddo. Name’s Taako.”
Behind Artemis, Holly coughs to stifle a startled laugh. Taako doesn’t even pause.
“I’m not sure what the ball is connected to, but convention staff gave it to me a while ago and it knows Everything!” He hikes the table skirt up to reveal a computer. Which. Y’know. Sufficiently advanced technology, magic yada yada. “It even knows that you used to have a fairy eye before you…” Taako takes a moment to put on reading glasses that had been hanging from a chain around his neck. “[REDACTED FOR MAJOR SPOILERS]. Huh. Odd”
“Also I so can do magic!” At a flick of his hands a cup of tea starts to float and a spoon stirs it rapidly.
Artemis takes a measured breath and turns to leave, but The Wizard keeps talking at him.
"I know all about your whole redemption arc thing too, but you have done things wrong unfortunately."
"And which of my dastardly deeds landed me here?" Artemis engages.
"Kidnapping your best friend for ransom."
"Hold up," Holly interrupts, suddenly unamused. "I was *not* his best friend when he kidnapped me, or for a long while after."
The wizard winces a fraction. "Yeah, Mags is struggling with the linear nature of time. She was quite literally born yesterday!"
"Mags?" Artemis asks.
"Convention staff, real sweetheart," The Wizard waves his hand dismissive. "The point is I can't grant you a wish. But! I am well within my rights to curse you!"
Artemis's eyes flash with something other than his careful disinterested act.
"I curse you with...." a dramatic pause, because Taako is nothing if not an overexcited theater kid.
"The power of friendship!"
Behind Artemis and Holly a young man and an orange cat land in a crumpled heap.
The boy looks up confusion melting into delight. "Artemis!"
"Prosperity," Artemis sighs and gives Prosper a hand up. "Firestar." He notices that The Wizard and his tables have vanished.
"Friends of yours?" Holly asks.
"More like ex-coworkers"
(Artemis, Prosperity and Firestar as current co-workers over at @white-boy-bracket)
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