#meanwhile i am in the middle of a shouting match the whole day while trying to manage nothing but admin
velvetcloxds · 8 months
i miss being a teacher’s assistant and working with my babies and doing what i love and working towards something good
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icequeenoriginal · 4 years
What if you made a fanfic where bowceit puts a spell on roman where roman sees bowceit as virgil and virgil as bowceit
Author’s Note: I am so so so so so so so sorry. You asked this over a year ago, maybe longer but I got so distracted that I did not get to it until now. I was never going to abandon this, even if the AU is basically over. I hope it was worth the wait. I love the prompt by the way.
Mario AU belongs to @sugarglider-s
A03 link 
Warning: Brainwashing, mistaken identity, misunderstanding, fighting, villain but sympathetic Deceit, crying, yelling (Let me know if I missed anything)
Pairings: Prinxiety and Logicality 
Title: The Original is Always Better
It was supposed to be a fun day.
It was rare for Patton’s and Roman’s free days to line up with one another, even rarer for Patton’s, Logan’s, Virgil’s, and Roman’s free days to line up but on a Saturday at the end of the month, the stars finally aligned for such a thing to occur. They would have to thanks Remy next time they see him. 
Patton had come up with an idea for them to have a picnic on Emile’s island. They could make a whole trip out of it. They could visit Emile, swim in the ocean, lay on the beach. 
“That sounds like a perfect idea dear,” Logan replied, which made Patton smile and blush.
Roman nodded, “I can bring my beach ball, I haven’t used it in ages!”
“Could be nice to get some sun for once,” Virgil added.
And so the day was set, they would leave before sunrise in Patton’s pink plane. That way they could get as much of the day in as possible and a certain snake wouldn’t see them leaving the Mushroom Kingdom.
Patton and Logan spent the day before preparing the food as well as packing. Roman and Virgil meanwhile, came up with games as they packed. 
It was going to be a great day.
Keyword: Was.
As the main four were happily planning their getaway, Bowciet was sulking in his throne room, nothing his servants weren’t used to. 
He had suffered another bitter defeat by the Sarcastic Brothers. Plan after plan, he could never win. He would get so close and those annoying jumping brothers would always stupidly find a way to beat him. 
And the worst part? After they were rescued, the princes would go on and on about how they were so happy that they were saved by their wonderful boyfriends.
“What do those princes even see in those two lowlife peasants plumbers anyway?!” Bowciet exclaimed.
“Because they’re cool?” A Gomba suggested.
“Because they are kind?” A Koopa offered.
“Because they don’t kidnap them?” A hammer bro adds.
Bowciet growled and blew fire at them, making them run out of the room in pain and fear. Bowciet slumps back into his chair.
What his minions said was absolutely ridiculous. They were completely not cool, cool people do not ruin the plans of a king! They were both a four at best and they weren’t THAT strong. Logan could jump pretty high sure, but he was as boring as a textbook. How could Prince Patton ever be attracted to that? And Virgil, an anxious freak who jumps at his own shadow, Roman likes that?
Bowceit knew he would be a much better match for the princes but they never give him a chance to prove it. They usually turn their back to him when he puts them in their cells and ignores him. How rude of them. 
No matter how many presents and compliments he gives, they never give him a chance. Roman even had to gall say they both could not stand the sight of him.
They could not stand the sight of him.
But they could stand the sight of those plumbers.
Bowciet smirked, his newest plan was forming in his mind. 
He summoned a Magikoopa to his throne room.
“Yes, your majesty?” The Magikoopa said as it entered the room.
“I need you to make me a spell, as quickly as possible.”“What kind, your majesty?”Bowceit smirked, “Illusion”
As much as Virgil hates getting out of bed early, and boy does he hate it, he was very happy to find out that the seats on Patton’s plane leaned as flatly as possible. He sleeps through the entire plane ride with Roman run his fingers through his hair. Virgil breathes in Roman’s scent. He smells like the flowers in his garden and the tea he makes. Mainly honeysuckle and strawberry, it causes Virgil to dream of running through the fields with Roman. It is them alone, with only the flower-covered valleys and the warm sun. 
In his dream, Roman’s smile rivals the sun, as if it doesn’t do that in the real world. Dream Roman runs a bit of head, a gap is starting to form between them. It made Virgil a bit nervous but Roman only looks over his shoulder and smiles. “Follow me!” Dream Roman shouts happily, “Don’t stop following me.”“Never” Virgil whispers.After a few more minutes of Virgil chasing Dream Roman, Dream Roman stops and stands in the middle of the endless field. 
Virgil stops a few feet behind him and pants, trying to catch his breath. Dream Roman turns to face him and lifts up Virgil’s chin gently. Virgil blushes and Dream Roman smiles at him.
Dream Roman smiles back and says, “It’s time to wake up Virgil.”
The dream ends as Virgil begins to blink, he feels someone is shaking him awake. He turns to the source of the shaking before immediately freezing when seeing how close Roman’s face is to his.
It did not matter that this was how Virgil normally wakes up, Roman always makes him freeze with how beautiful he is. Virgil can’t help himself as he scans every feature of Roman’s face as if he was seeing Roman for the first time.
Roman smiles softly at him, flashing his pearly white teeth, “Hey sleepyhead, we are here.”
Virgil nods quickly, face completely red with blush. “T-Thanks Ro.”
Roman kisses his forehead before pulling him up and out of his seat. Virgil can barely keep up as Roman runs out of the plane, having to hold down his hat as they go. 
Virgil has to squint when the light suddenly hits his eyes. Once his eyes adjust, he gasps at the sight in front of him. The beach sand is crystal white and very warm when Virgil touches it. The water is cyan blue, so clear that you can see the fish swim through it. The palm trees are ten times Virgil high with huge lush leaves. It wasn’t like Virgil hadn’t been to Emile’s island before but you don’t really have time to stop and smell the roses when an evil snake monster kidnaps your boyfriend.
Patton quickly rips off his shirt and jumps into the ocean to swim around, having changed into his swimsuit on the plane. Logan soon joins him, making sure to put out the picnic blanket and the picnic basket.
Virgil yawns, “I think I’m going to take another nap. The warm sand is just too tempting.”Roman giggles, “Okay then babe. I’m going to make a sandcastle next to you then.”Virgil had to physically stop himself from swooning. He knew that Roman had a bunch of stuff planned for them to do together and Virgil knew that Roman generally did not want to give up what he comes up with but he always does it for Virgil. Virgil is always his priority. 
Virgil pulls Roman into a kiss before laying down. 
Roman blushes, “What was that for?” Virgil wasn’t always one to initiate kisses.
Virgil covers his face with his hat to block out the sun and to hide his blush, “Just felt like it.”
Roman smiles at Virgil, his heart soaring with love for his boyfriend. Virgil always found a way to be sweet without trying. It was one of the things Roman loved about him.
Virgil woke up again to someone shaking him. This time it was his brother so Virgil was far less jumpy this time.
“What’s up, bro?” Virgil asked sleepily 
“We are about to eat lunch and I figured you would want some,” Logan replies 
“Lunchtime? How long have I been asleep?”
“You slept through the entire morning.”
“Did I miss anything?”“You missed Roman joining us in the ocean then he and Patton make this giant sandcastle,” Logan says as he points to a sandcastle that is about two stories tall. It looks like a miniature version of Patton’s castle except on the front, instead of a glass window with Patton holding a rose, it is a drawing of Patton and Roman made into the sand. Roman peeks his head out of the sand castle’s window and waves, “Virgil! My love! You are awake! Look what we made!” 
Virgil’s eyes widen in shock at how big the castle is and how it can hold both Roman and Patton. Roman does not seem to notice this as he exits the sandcastle with Patton.
They all sit on the picnic blanket and Patton serves the food. They eat are given their favorite sandwiches and favorite kind of chips. Patton also packed potato and macaroni salad for them all to share. 
“What do you guys want to do next?” Roman asks between bites.
“Hmm…Oh! What if we went for a walk around the island?” Patton suggests.
“That sounds absolutely wonderful Patton! I have been meaning to take note of the flowers around here to expand my garden!” Roman replies
Virgil snickers, “Do you even have any garden space left Princey?”
Roman waves him off, “I can just start a fourth garden.”“FOURTH?!”
“Instead of debating Roman’s plant obsession, we should finish our lunch so we can begin our walk,” Logan says while waving his hand to silence his brother and his brother’s boyfriend.
The other three nod in agreement and eat their food in relative silence.
Once they pack up their things and changed on Patton’s plane, the four head deeper into the island. They pass by plants and bushes that are twice their size but they oddly seem to be walking on a mostly clear path. Roman runs a bit ahead, hardly able to contain his squeals as he sees all the plants in front of him. He scribes a quick drawing of them into his little orange notebook. Virgil is standing next to him, holding his umbrella and smiling at his boyfriend’s antics. He adored Roman’s passion and will do anything to not let that fire die.
Eventually, the four come across an empty field. It has patches of leaves all around it. They all look at one another, something feels off. It seemed too quiet, none of them were used to pure quiet.
Patton squats in front of one of the patches of leaves. “It looks like the bed Emile has.”
Logan nods “The Emiles must collect leaves and make beds that they sleep on.”
“Why aren’t any of them here?” Virgil asks, nervousness creeping into his voice. 
“They might all be doing something right now.” Roman offers, hoping to calm his boyfriend.
No one else replied, there was no way it was something as simple as that, it never was. Patton moves to investigate another pile of leaves when it suddenly begins to shake. Before Patton can react, a Goomba jumps out, causing Patton to yelp. Patton falls on his back as the Goomba lands just by his head. Logan quickly stomps on it and helps Patton up.
Two dozen more Goomba jumps out from under the other piles of leaves surround the four of them. The four each take out six Goombas but don’t have time to celebrate when more of Bowceit’s minions surround them. 
Roman bursts into laughter “No originality Bowceit? Oh well! I’m going to make this fun for me! Whoever defeats the most minions gets the first swing on Bowceit!”Logan, Virgil, and Patton all exchange a look before all smiling and nodding. Unbeknownst to them, Bowceit was smiling too, his plan was working exactly as he expected. 
The four fought the Koopas, not noticing that they were being moved further and further away from each other. They push Logan and Virgil to one side of the field and Patton and Roman to the other side. Once they were where Bowceit wanted them, he sent Hammer Bros. towards them.  They throw their hammers between the two groups, forcing all four of them to be on their own and surrounded by Koopas. 
Bowceit smirks and walks out from behind the tree, receiving glares from all of them. “Well, well, well…look what the Koopas dragged in.”
All four of them groan, making Bowceit hiss at all of them. “Rude.”
“What do you want Bowceit, this time?” Logan says, annoyance and bitterness dripping from his mouth. 
“Oh please Logan, as if you do not know,” Bowceit replies as he looks at his gloved fingers.
Logan rolls eyes, “Of course…well since you are up to your old tricks, I might as well use mine!” Logan then jumps up in the air, well over the enemies. He lands a punch square into Bowceit’s jaw. As the two begin to scuffle, Virgil takes out the Koopas on their side to go help Logan fight Bowceit. 
On the other side, Roman starts to take out the Koopas near him. That is when he notices that the Koopas near him and Patton are running towards Virgil. Roman immediately feels suspicious. Bowceit normally sends the most amount of Koopas at Roman. He looks around and that’s when he spots it.
A magikoopa, directly diagonal from Patton waving its wand, ready to cast a spell. Roman runs to Patton as fast as he can.
“PATTON!” Roman yellsPatton turns to him confused, “Huh?!”The magikoopa fires the spell.
Roman shoves Patton out of the way and yells in pain as the spell hits him and knocks him to the ground. 
“ROMAN!” Virgil shouts and jumps over the group of Koopas. Logan kicks Bowceit away from and turns to the group of Koopas, ready to take them out so they can’t stop Virgil. He pauses, confused when he sees that they are not following Virgil, just standing. Logan turns his head to Bowceit and sees him smirking. 
Virgil quickly helps Roman up, “Ro! Are you alright?”
Roman blinks at him before grabbing his arm and throwing him across the field. Everyone but Bowceit freezes in shock. Virgil hits a tree and rubs the back of his head in confusion.”
Bowceit smiles, “Not the one I was intending,” Bowceit shrugs, “But I can’t complain!” Bowceit walks to Roman and smiles, opening his arms. “Excellent throw my dear”
Roman giggles and blushes. Bowceit takes cups his face and Roman leans into his touch, shattering Virgil’s heart.
Bowceit turns his head to Virgil with the evilest grin on his face as he carcasses Roman’s cheek. 
Virgil went numb. 
Virgil will be the first to admit he has a lot of fears. Some odd like jumping too high he gets lost in space and some serious like burning to death in lava. This, however, was worse than any fear of his.
Bowceit winning. 
He had gotten one of the princes. His prince. His Princey. And Roman looked happy in his arms. Roman’s normally kind and playful grin was replaced by a devilish and evil grin. And his eyes…
Oh god, his eyes.
One thing Virgil loved to do was just stare into Roman’s eyes. Roman’s eyes are normally warm, brown, and playful. His eyes now…they were ice blue. Piercing ice blue that sent daggers into Virgil’s heart. 
Bowceit picks up Roman bride style pulling the giggling prince close. Bowceit sends him a wink and runs off with Roman. 
Logan, who has been frozen in shock the entire time, takes a step forward only to have to dodge a hammer throw at his head. Logan narrows his eyes at them but something purple catches his eyes.
Logan sees his brother shaking, on the verge of tears. Logan is livid. He jumps up and stomps down hard on two Goombas. He angrily but silently takes out the rest of Bowceit’s minion in the area. Logan is panting by the time he is finished but ignores it to run over and check on Virgil.
Virgil clings onto his brother as he tries to get himself to breathe. This was not the time to panic, but it was also the perfect time to panic. Did this have to be Virgil’s life right now?
It took a while but Virgil was finally able to get his breathing normal enough to think straight. Patton made sure to give him a big hug just to make sure.
“Okay, okay,” Virgil pulls away from him “So what the heck just happened?!”“Language!” Patton shouted. Just because it is a stressful situation does not mean he will be allowed to curse.
Virgil blinked at him before shaking his head, “What happened to Roman?”
Logan pauses for a moment before replying, “Clearly, he has been brainwashed in some way. Most likely by whatever that spell was.”
“Right, right, great, great! Now how do we fix it?!” Virgil asks, already feeling his panic returning. 
“Well, it’s a spell, right? We need to find a magikoopa,” Logan offered.
Virgil nods, “Right, right. That makes sense. Of course, it makes sense. Is it always this hard to breathe?” Virgil says as he pants.
Patton pats his back as Virgil tries again to catch his breath. 
Logan puts his hands on Virgil’s shoulders, “Virgil. You are my brother. I will do anything for you. I will get Roman back.”
Virgil smiles and puts his hand on one of Logan’s hands, “Thanks bro, now let’s go kick some magikoopa butt!”
~Roman laughs as “Virgil” carries him through the island. “Virgil” jumped through the air, making Roman hold onto him tightly.
This was surprising to Roman. Virgil was never this energetic after a fight Bowceit. Though, to be fair to him, this time did not require traveling through nine different worlds to get to said fight. 
Roman was happy about this small change. Normally his poor stormcloud would be too drained to want to do anything but cuddle in their shared bed. Roman wouldn’t mind if it was because Virgil enjoyed it, he minded that it was the only thing his love could physically do that did not strain his body.
Well, now was not the time to think about that. Now was the time to admire “Virgil’s” jumping skills. He knew both Logan and Virgil hated their jumping ability but that did not make it any less impressive. Though, Roman did think it was odd that “Virgil” seemed to land so loudly. He figured Virgil would be the lightest on his feet, after Patton and him of course. You can’t spend your youth dancing and not be.
Roman had no time to think about it as he gasps, nearly jumping out of “Virgil’s” arm. “Virgil” stops moving to prevent Roman from falling out of his arms. 
“Stop! Stop here!” Roman demands.
Bowceit raises an eyebrow, “Why?”
“Look at those flowers!” Roman untangles himself from “Virgil’s” arms and motions to the flower field in front of him, “I have never seen such amazing and huge flowers!”
Bowceit would admit that the flowers in question were…okay looking. They were very tall with bright pink flower petals. The petals were very vibrant pink with white accents. Bowceit feels his piranha plants were much nicer.
“We have to see more of it!” Roman shouts as he points to the field. 
“Maybe later, I have something much more fun in mind.”
Bowceit had a plan. He would convince Roman to come back to his castle and marry “Virgil”.
“What could be more fun than this?” Roman asked perplexed. What could be more them than running through a flower field and fall into each other’s arms only to stay there and watch the sunset?
“Well I was thinking we could go to Bowceit’s castle–” Bowceit begins only for Roman to cut him off.
“Pffft, we spend enough time there, too much time in my opinion,” Roman says with a laugh. 
Bowceit did his best to hide his annoyance with that statement. The spell may make him look and sounds like Virgil but unless he acted Virgil, there was a chance Roman could peek through. 
“Yeah but you knocked him out, maybe we could trash the place?”
Roman made a very perplexed face and Bowceit sucked in his breath. After a few moments, Roman bursts into laughter. “We do that too much too. Come onnnn, please?”
“I just…had a funny prank idea we could pull on him!” “Virgil pushed.
“I promise we can do that next time but when are we going to have a quiet moment and who knows how long these flowers again?”Bowceit did not have time for this. Another problem with the spell was that it only lasted until the sun went down. That is what he gets for rushing the creation of the spell but he wanted this done today. So much for being eager.
How would Virgil react to Roman’s begging? He knew virtually nothing about the younger plumber due to not caring to. The only thing he knew was he got upset easily which either led to tears or him getting punched in the face by the purple plumber. 
He did once overhear Roman describing a painting Virgil apparently did for him to Patton when they were both in his dungeon but he doubted it could help him in this situation. Unless…
“Alright, but just long enough for me to get a…drawing in,” “Virgil” replies, almost hesitantly. 
Luckily for him, Roman’s pleading face morphs into a soft accepting smile, “Of course dear. Then we can do whatever you want afterward.”
Bowceit smirks, “Excellent.”~
A magikoopa was flying peacefully when a green shell suddenly came flying at it. The magikoopa had no time to react before it was knocked right off of its broom and falls to the ground. 
The magikoopa screams as it went tumbling to the ground. It hit the ground with a thud and it grips its head in pain. 
Once its vision cleared, it gasps as it sees it is surrounded by a very angry Virgil, Logan, and Patton. All three of their arms are crossed and they are glaring daggers into the magikoopa.
The magikoopa scrambles onto its butt as it looks at the trio, absolutely terrified. Before it can try to escape, Virgil grabs it by the robe and drags it to make it face to face with him. 
It squeaks, “Don’t hurt me! I didn’t do anything wrong!”
Virgil growls out, “You were there! You cast a spell on Roman! Now tell me what you did to him!” 
As Virgil is talking, Logan walks around him to be behind the magikoopa. “Just so you know, Patton and I won’t hold him back.”
“In fact, we will help,” Patton says, his voice sounding like a horror movie villain.
The magikoopa began to sweat profusely. “It-it was an illusion spell!” it squeaks out.
“What kind of illusion spell?” Virgil asks, tightening his grip on the Magikoopa’s robe.
“It made Bowceit look like you and you look like Bowceit to Prince Roman! If it hit Prince Patton, it would have done the thing to Logan!”
 “That must be why Roman attacked you when you touched him,” Logan says as he rubs his chin in thought.
“Alright so now tell us how to break the spell!” Virgil shouts. 
“I am not telling you anything!” the magikoopa says, acting as if its voice was not completely shaky.
However, before Virgil could do anything, Patton rips the magikoopa away from him.
Patton glares at the magikoopa with nothing but malice with his eyes. “You are going to tell him so we can save my best friend or you are going to deal with me,”
“Like you can hurt a fly!” The magikoopa barks at Patton.
“I only hurt those who deserve it, and you for one, deserve a lot.” Patton throws the magikoopa to the ground in anger. He pulls out his umbrella and swings it down on the magikoopa.
“WAIT!” the magikoopa screams.
Patton stops just as the umbrella is about to hit him. “Yes?”“I’ll tell you everything! I swear!” the magikoopa pleads, getting on its hands and knees.
“Then start talking,” Patton says with a glare. 
“There is no way to break the spell!” Patton winds up to swing again.
“BUT! THERE’S A BUT!” the magikoopa “The spell will end when the sun goes down! His plan is to marry the prince before then as you!”
“Anything else?” Patton asks
“Bowceit Jr. made me come up with a spell to make himself taller.” the magikoopa replies, looking down at the ground in shame before bursting into tears. 
The three of them look at each other, very uncomfortable. They slowly back away from the crying magikoopa and head off to find Roman.
Roman had a great time in the flower field. He was able to collect some seeds of the flower and have a nice walk through the field with “Virgil”.
Though “Virgil” seemed to be awfully quiet, not having anything to say to him.
It strikes Roman as odd. Sure, Virgil was always one to keep to himself. When Roman would boast and brag to his Thomases and Talyns, Virgil would walk silently next to him with a smile on his face as he intently listens to whatever Roman has to say.
However, when they are alone, Virgil becomes the more talkative one. He would go on about his adventure with Logan, his ideas for songs, and anything that was on his mind. 
Roman figures that something must be wrong. With him being uncharacteristically pushy earlier and with him not saying anything, there must be something going on in his mind. 
“Mind if we rest in the tree for a bit? My legs are a bit sore.” Roman asks while pointing at a tall tree.
“Virgil” shrugs and follows him. Bowceit knew it was a bit late in the afternoon but he was sure they still had enough time to complete his plan. He goes to sit next to the tree but stops to watch Roman climb the tree. 
“What are you doing?” “Virgil” asks.
Roman stops his climbing. “What does it look like? I’m sitting in the tree.” Roman replies, almost laughing.  
“But why?”
“Because we always sit in trees together?” Roman replies, looking very confused. 
“Oh? Oh! Of course! Sorry, I completely forgot.” “Virgil” scrambles up the tree after him. Roman continues to climb up confused. 
Roman sits on a high branch that overlooks the island. Bowceit could see that the sun was beginning to go down. He frowns, he is running out of time. He was nowhere near his castle with the wedding chapel. He doubts that there were any wedding chapels on Emile’s Island, there were hardly any buildings at all.
“Alright, what is wrong? Don’t tell me it’s nothing, you wouldn’t be frowning if something wasn’t wrong.” Roman asks, his arms crossed so there was no room for discussion. 
Bowceit was stuck. He began patting his sides nervously, it was a habit he has always had ever since he was younger. 
As he was doing that, he felt a small box in his pocket. The ring! He had completely forgotten that he had it on him with everything going on. 
Bowceit tried to hide his shock at discovering the ring but he clearly did not do it well as Roman cups his face. 
“Stormcloud, tell me, please. You know you can tell me, anything babe.” Roman asks gently. 
Bowceit’s finger’s rest of the ring box. This was his last shot. 
“I have something to ask you,” “Virgil” asks as he slips his hand into his pocket. 
Roman is confused, he knew Virgil put his hands in his pockets when he was nervous but he had no idea what was making Virgil nervous. 
“Will you…?”
“Will I?”“Will you…tell me why you like me?” 
Bowceit didn’t know what possessed him to ask that question. It was always lingering in his mind. Why them and not him? He was a king after all! With minions and a huge castle,  not to mention very adorable children. So why did the princes date the plumbers? They are plumbers, what exactly do they have to offer?
Roman’s frown was deep that Bowceit was so sure that it would cause permanent frown lines. He takes a deep breath and says, “Okay, I am only going to say this once more. So make sure it stays in your brain this time because you know I hate repeating myself.” Roman emphasis his point by poking “Virgil” forehead. 
“Alright, alright, I get it.” “Virgil” replies, waving Roman off, “Just tell me.”
Roman makes a show of clearing his throat, tapping his chest, and do some vocal exercises. “Alright. First off, I demand as your prince and loving boyfriend that you never doubt our relationship again. I know you get anxious about a lot of things but we should not be one of them, my stormcloud. I adore you. I love how cautious you are but are still willing to jump over literal lava when I am kidnapped. You are strong and a hero. But that is not all I like. I like it when you sing when we sit together under a tree and read a book. I like doing nothing and everything with you because it is you. You are an amazing artist and musician. You are an amazing brother and boyfriend.”
Bowceit is shocked, to say the least. He has never heard Roman talk this soft or sweetly. The ring felt heavy in his hand.
“And secondly, I don’t just like you, I love you.” Roman says as he puts his hand on “Virgil”’s hand that is resting on the tree branch. 
Bowceit looks down at their hands before looking up at Roman’s face. He is smiling, the most loving smile Roman had ever given him. Roman’s now blue eyes seemed to shimmer with joy and love.  
This is all he ever wanted from the prince. And yet…
It felt wrong. This was wrong. 
He squeezed the ring box. He had to make a choice. 
As this was happening; Logan, Patton, and Virgil seemed to be running around like chickens that have lost their heads. They first headed straight for Bowceit’s castle after talking with the magikoopa. They were shocked when they did not find Roman but rather the danger noodles making a gigantic pillow fort in their father’s throne room.
They headed from world to world afterward but they could not seem to find Roman anywhere. They made it back to the Mushroom Kingdom before deciding to take a breather. 
Once they arrive, Virgil walks up to the closet tree and punches it. He immediately regrets this action as his anger quickly turns into pain. He sticks his wounded fist into his mouth to silence any curse words that threaten to escape. 
Patton pulls him into a hug, gently rubbing his back. He rocks Virgil back and forth in an attempt to soothe him. Virgil tears up, though he is not sure if it is because of the pain or the sadness he has been trying to suppress all day. 
Once the pain dulls, Virgil pulls away from Patton, and Patton lets him go. Virgil tends to pace when he needs to calm his mind down. 
Virgil paces in front of Patton’s castle, almost biting his nails but stopping when he remembers he has gloves on. “AGH! Where could they possibly be?!” Virgil shouts in anger.
“We will find them, Virgil,” Logan replies.
“No, no. No, we won’t!”“Virgil–”
“No, no Logan, don’t you dare! Don’t tell me we will! Because we have looked everywhere! We went to every Zone, fuck, we’ve been to his castle! And even if we do find them, they probably are already married. That’s probably why we can’t find them because they’re on their goddamn honeymoon! It’s over! He’s gone!”
Virgil pauses, the weight of his words hit him, “He’s gone…I lost him.” He nearly fell backward from it. He begins to hug himself, trying to catch his breath. 
Logan is completely lost. He wants to reassure his brother but he doesn’t know what he could possibly say to help him. He had no logical positive explanation. The logical explanation is that Virgil is right. He did not know what to do. 
Luckily, Patton does. 
“So you’re just going to give up?” Patton says, making the two brothers turn to him. His pink sleeved arms arm crossed and he is glaring at the pair. 
“You guys are only heroes when it’s easy for you? Now that you’re in a hard spot you’re just going to stop?” Patton says angrily 
“Well, dear, there is not–” Logan starts but Patton silences him with a hand raise. 
“Don’t ‘dear’ me! And don’t you dare say there is nothing you can do! What would Roman say? What would Roman DO? Do you think he just sits around and waits for you guys to save him?’“No…” Virgil replies “He never gives up. H-He would keep trying…”
“That’s right! So you need to do that too!” 
Virgil is silent for a few seconds before standing up straight, “You’re right…”
“What was that?” Patton says, his face morphing into a smile. 
“You’re right!” Virgil shouts, determination coming back to him, “I am not going to give up! Because I am not a quitter!”
“That’s right! So what are you going to do?!”
“I’M GOING TO BREAK BOWCEIT’S FACE!”Patton blinks at him, “…What else are you going to do?”
“Oh uh save Roman. THEN BREAK HIS FACE!”
“Okay, kiddo.”
“Maybe you won’t have to,” Logan chimes in. 
Both Virgil and Patton turn to him and say, “Huh?” 
“Think about it, where was the first place we checked when we knew Bowceit had Roman?”
“Bowceit’s castle, but he wasn’t there,” Virgil replies, still confused. 
“And when we saw that they were not there, where did we go?”
“To every other place, we know Bowceit has a tower.”
“So that means we didn’t check…?”
“…THE ISLAND! THAT SON OF A BITCH NEVER LEFT THE ISLAND! WE GOT TO GO!” Virgil screams before taking off in a run. 
“Virgil! Kiddo! We have to take the plane!” Patton shouts after him. 
“Oh right.”
“Cover your eyes and follow me.” “Virgil” instructs Roman as they climbed out of the tree. Roman raises his eyebrow skeptically but covers his eyes with one hand, using his other hand to take “Virgil’s” hand. 
They walk for a while before Roman hears what sounds like running water. “May I open my eyes now?”
“Not yet, not yet, Count down from..from 300.”
“Virgil” sighs, “Please? For me.”
Roman rolls his eyes behind his hand, “Okay, okay. But this surprise better be worth it. One, two, three…”
Bowceit steps back from Roman with a frown. He shakes his head and runs away as quietly as possible.
He could not believe that he was actually doing this. He should be jumping at this opportunity and fast, the sun was starting to go down. He looks over his shoulder at Roman still counting. He sighs and continues to walk away.  
Damn his stupid conscience.  
Once the plane touches the ground on the island, Virgil runs out of it. He is prepared to rip this island to sherds to find his beloved. Luckily he only has to run for a bit before he finds Bowceit. 
He jumps up and goes to punch Bowceit but Bowceit dodges. Virgil lands and gets into a fighting set “You…”
“I’m not here to fight,” Bowceit says putting his hands up in defense. 
Virgil rolls his eyes, “Wow, that’s a first, but I do not care. Where’s Roman?”
“He’s down that path,” points, “He’s fine, just counting.”
“What? Why is he counting?” Virgil asks, prepared to hear something about a bomb. 
“He’s counting down until the spell breaks. Go and get him.” Bowceit says. 
“How do I know you’re not lying?” 
“Because I’m heading to my airship by myself. But don’t believe me, it doesn’t make a difference to me.”
Virgil stares at him, and he can’t find any indication that Bowceit is lying. “…Why are you doing this?”
“I don’t want to win this way.”
Virgil looks at him in utter shock. 
“Oh pick up your jaw from the ground plumber. Don’t read into this. I will marry one of those princes, just not like this.”
Virgil couldn’t hold back his smirk, “Not if my brother and I have anything to say about it.”
Bowceit smirks as well, “We will see.” He salutes Virgil before stuffing his hands into his pockets and walking off. 
Virgil’s smirk morphs into a relieved smile. He takes off to Roman, he’ll break Bowceit’s fave another day. 
~“Three…two…one…” Roman removes his hand “Oh my gosh…”
The lake he had been brought to was surrounded by Evening Primroses and Moonflowers. The sky was filled with bright beautiful stars. Roman smiles at the scene before turning around. Standing behind him is Virgil, staring at him with his bright brown eyes. 
Roman runs over to him and takes his hands. “This place is beautiful. Did you find it on one of your adventures? Wait, don’t tell me. I want to listen to the wonderful sounds of this place.” Roman looks around with a smile before his eyes land back on Roman.
His brown eyes. His soft, warm, and oh so loving brown eyes. 
“Stormcloud, why are you crying?” Roman asks as he cups Virgil’s hand and wipes the tears away with his thumb.
Virgil lets out a watery laugh, “Nothing baby, I just love you so much.”
Roman kisses his nose “And I love you too. And I will always love you.”
Virgil grins, “I know.”
@corkeecoderyt @Per-seph-o-nee @Ohshrekmyheck @3milystuff  @Asymmetricalgarbage8888   @fairytailtwists  @sanders-sides-rebloger  @sanderssidesfluffyangst  @unikornavenger @0callmevirge0 @gloomingwitch @roxiefox24 @ijustreallylovesanderssides @unisaurioamorfo @mycatshuman
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blackmissfrizzle · 5 years
Playing Games
Summary: The reader uses her best seduction techniques on her man.
Pairing: black!reader x Florian Munteanu
Warnings: Smut and creepy dudes 
A/N: Based on this video of Florian admiring some food. 
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It was all fun and games until you had to pay up. For his next big fight, Flo had sworn off sex and sweets. At first you thought you could manage and be the supportive girlfriend, but your libido and taste buds were saying, “Hell no!”
Florian said you didn’t have to give up sweets with him, but he wouldn’t budge on the no sex. He wanted to pent up all his energy for his opponent who kept talking shit.
Unfortunately, you only lasted a couple of weeks before the sex ban was getting to you and making you petty. First, Flo thought it was cute how you would flaunt and brag about the delicious goodies you were eating. It wasn’t the first time he gave them up and it wouldn’t be the last time either, but now you were starting to get disrespectful.
It all started when you saw his instastory of him at his favorite bakery, admiring all of the baked goods he couldn’t have, when an evil idea popped into your head.
Florian was frustrated. He hasn’t had any sweets, alcohol, hookah, and most importantly sex in weeks. Also, his opponent up’d his trash talking by talking about how Florian couldn’t handle all the ass you had, and he probably wasn’t dicking you down properly. Never had he ever wanted to beat the living shit out of someone before.
Right now, he needed a reprieve. All he wanted to do was shower, eat dinner, cuddle up with his girl and watch a movie. But once he stepped into the kitchen, he knew he wasn’t laying one finger on you.
When he entered the kitchen, he was greeted to the lovely but torturing sight of you eating a cake from his favorite bakery, dancing in your lacy black and red lingerie set.
Tucking his hands inside the pockets of his gym shorts to keep from reaching out to you, he tried his best to keep his face expressionless as you started to moan at the decadence of the dessert, knowing he was watching you intently.
“Like what you see Mr. Munteanu?” You teased before licking excess icing from your lip.
“Not particularly.” Flo smirked, pushing off the doorway, leaving you in the kitchen pouting.
You followed him up the stairs, admiring his broad back and reminiscing the good times when you used to claw at it.
He turned back at you, raised an eyebrow at you following him and then proceeded to your room. Flo dropped his gym bag with a loud thump and immediately began stripping.
Sitting in the middle of the bed, cris crossed applesauce, you enjoyed the show.
“I know what you’re doing Y/N and it’s not gonna work.”
“Whatever do you mean?” You played coy, your voice going a tinge higher, eyelashes fluttering.
Florian leaned on the bed towards you, he captured your lips in a heated kiss, no longer able to resist you. “I’m frustrated too, baby. But you can’t try to seduce me into sex. Now put on some clothes.”
Jumping from the bed, you stood in front of the giant, trying your best to intimidate him. Florian was the first man to make you feel small, which was hard to do. “What’s gonna happen if I don’t?”
Clenching his fists, Florian did his best not to wrap his hand around your throat because he knew that’s what you wanted. So instead, he glared at you like one of his opponents in the ring and brought his face dangerously close to your face. “Keep on, princess and you won’t walk for a week once this match is over.”
Your dumbass should’ve listened, but you didn’t. Knowing you had to no immediate consequences made you act a fool. Your loungewear got skimper and skimper with each day closer to the fight.
Flo almost got your ass after a night out with your girls, that time wasn’t your fault, but you knew he wanted to out that sexual frustration to use.
Arielle wanted to go out because she just broke up with her trifling ass ex, everyone else was stressed from work, and you were just sexually frustrated. So, naturally alcohol and some ass shaking were in need.
You and the girls were twerking and shouting a bunch of ‘ayyy’, ‘yasss’ and ‘get it, bitch’ when you heard, “Damn I bet Florian don’t know what to with that fatty.”
Whipping your head around you saw that it was Bryan ‘Steelo’ Henderson, the other boxer Flo was fighting, creepily leering at your ass. “Boy, go on somewhere and don’t worry about me and my man. Worry about your upcoming loss,” you eyed him up and down before flipping your hair and dismissing him.
“Nah, your man thinks he’s hot shit cuz he was in one movie, but he ain’t laying a hand on me. I’m knocking him out and then I’ll give you some of this daddy dick and show you how a real man fucks.” Steelo gripped your arm to turn you to him and on instinct you threw your drink in his face.
“Nigga, who the fuck you think you talking to like that?” You were heated and was ready to fuck this Godzilla looking motherfucker, but you weren’t trying to catch a case, so you stuck to cussing his ass out.
The constant buzzing of his phone pulled Florian out of his conversation with Masias. He thought it was Y/N’s friends alerting him that she was drunk, acting a fool and that he needed to come get her.
Instead people were ating him in a live Instagram video of you pointing your fingers in Steelo’s face, arguing with him.
Him his crew hurriedly paid for their unfinished dinner and rushed off to the nearby club. During the whole ride couldn’t stop watching the live and its comments.
Damn, it looks like she about to swing on this nigga.
Florian now you really got to beat his ass now.
Shittttt, I don’t blame my man Steelo shooting his shot. Do you see that wagon????
Oh, I’m buying the fight now. Shit’s about to be WWIII!
“You good, bro” Masias asked from the front, noticing Florian’s leg bounce up and down.
“Yeah. I just don’t know if I’ll be able to hold back once I see him. I’m kinda hoping Y/N gets to him first.” Flo admitted, without looking up from his phone.
A small smile formed on his lips as he watched you argue with Steelo. He knew you weren’t too far away from hitting him. You were a recreational boxer with a short temper and quick hands. If Steelo wasn’t careful he would be catching a quick fade.
When the car pulled up to the curb, Flo jumped out of the car before it could completely stop. Entering the club, he saw everyone circle around Y/N and Steelo filming the entire encounter.
The club got quiet after a girl yelled, “Hey, Big Nasty is here! Shit is about to pop off!”
After hearing the girl, you smiled at your man pushing his way through the crowd. Him in his SAMCRO hoodie and gold chain made you forget about Steelo and ready to jump his bones.
Once you were within arm’s reach, he gently shoved you behind and stood toe to toe with Steelo. “That’s the last time you put hands on my girlfriend, do you understand?”
Steelo rolled his shoulders as if he was preparing for a fight and pointed a finger at you. “You need to teach your bitch some manners and if you can’t I’ll volunteer to do so.”
Simultaneously, both of you crooked your heads to the side, trying to figure out if this fucker really said what you thought he said. Florian was quicker on the uptake, but you were right behind him and were able to grab his wrist before his fist went flying towards Steelo’s face.
With the strength of an Amazonian goddess, you pulled Flo away and out of the club. Meanwhile, Steelo kept running his mouth, “Yeah run off like a little bitch! I’ll have your ass knocked out in the first round.”
On the ride back home, Florian said nothing, but he held your hand in his, silently letting you know he wasn’t mad at you.
As soon as you were through the threshold of your home, Flo was on you. He ripped your dress down the middle and didn’t look the least bit sorry.
All he kept murmuring was he needed a little taste as he stripped you down, but his trainer had called to check on him fucking ruining your chance at some type of sex with Flo.
From that night on Flo slept in the guest room to resist temptation and your seduction. He wouldn’t even budge when he heard you loudly moan while touching yourself. All Florian knew was that as soon as the fight was over, he was gonna have his way with you.
Florian’s ban worked it’s magic because Steelo was ko’d within the first minute. That’s what that motherfucker gets for talking all that shit.
Karma was a bitch and just like Steelo, you knew you had to pay up. With the adrenaline from the fight pumping and all his pent-up sexual frustration, Flo was keeping his answer short in the post fight interview. Usually, he was friendly during those, but you could tell he was itching to get to you.
Looking down at your pussy, you patted her and gave her a pep talk. “Okay, girl we’re in it for the long haul. This is what we trained for. Get ready because Daddy isn’t gonna take it easy on us for the next couple of days. Thank God I took a vacation from work!”
“Bitch, I know you not talking to your coochie,” Arielle interrupted you.
“Hell yeah, I am! I’m debating should I be praying that I’ll still have my walls after tonight. Florian is about to wreck my shit! Oh, imma die,” you panicked. Teasing Florian was fun until you remembered it would catch up to you eventually.
Arielle laughed at you and gently pushed your shoulder. “I told you stop playing with that man like that. Now I gotta speak at your funeral and say, ‘Here lies my best friend because the dick was too bomb.’”
You glared at Arielle about to cuss her out when you saw him. Everyone was moving out of his way and exiting the room, because they could sense some shit was about to go down.
Noticing your eyes change from annoyance to fear and anticipation, Arielle turned around to see Florian making his way to you. She turned back at you and smiled before she followed everyone else out. “Good fight, Flo. See ya’ll later or never,” she mumbled the last part.
“Thanks,” he grunted, watching Arielle walk out.
Running to meet your man halfway you jumped into his arms. Even though you knew he was about to ruin you, you still had to congratulate your man. “Baby, I’m so proud of you! All your hard work paid off.” You nuzzled yourself into the crook of his neck and kissed alongside it.
Flo said nothing, he just backed you into the wall and bunched up your dress around your waist. Steadying one hand around your waist, the other went to your dripping core. “No panties, tonight?” Flo ticked his head to the side. “Huh, I guess you knew Daddy needed easy access tonight.”
Pulling his shorts down, his dick sprang free, bobbing up and down against his stomach. Your mouth watered at the sight, its been so long since you saw it and you wanted it in your mouth. Clutching to your boyfriend, you begged him, “Please let me suck it, Daddy.”
Florian moaned at the sound of you begging and he wanted nothing more than to fulfill your needs, but he was under a time constraint. “Not now, baby. When we have more time you can, but right now I’m about to pound my pussy and it has to be quick. That okay with you?”
Shaking your head yes, Florian kissed you and you moaned into his mouth as he savagely thrusted into you. Both of you broke the kiss once he started getting into his rhythm. “Fuck, I miss this pussy. Daddy’s so sorry for neglecting you.”
“Daddy, please,” you pleaded, already wanting to cum, not even ten strokes in.
“Not yet,” Flo gripped your chin to get you to look at him. “I hope you got all your rest earlier, because I’m fucking this pussy all night long and getting you pregnant tonight.”
Florian was digging in your pussy so well; you didn’t care about the wall scratching up your back. And to get back at him for making you feel so good, you tighten your walls around his dick.
“You naughty little girl,” Flo grunted, wrapping his hand around your throat. He started thrusting into wildly until he stilled, shooting his load into you. Before you could cum, he pulled himself out, fixed your dress, and tucked himself into his shorts.
Standing there shell-shocked, you were surprised Flo didn’t take care of you. He chuckled at your expression and pressed his lips to yours for a quick kiss. “What? You thought I let you get off easy? Baby, you should’ve known not to play such dangerous games. Now make sure, you don’t let go a drop of my cum while I take my shower. Then, I’ll fulfill my obligation for my appearance at the club and then I’ll fill my baby for the rest of the night.”
Your boyfriend kissed your forehead before heading to the shower, leaving you there contemplating if all your little games worth it. You smiled to yourself and thought, Hell yeah, I’m about to get the best dick of my life. Game on, Mr. Munteanu.
  Tagging: @honeychicana @crushed-pink-petals @titty-teetee @thickemadame @munteanhore @twistedcharismaaa @thottyantics @songficsbyrissi @writtenbymar @autumnsoidier​ @blackgirlreadsfanfic​ @lovelymari4​ @lotusss-flowerbomb​ @dumbchick​ @chaneajoyyy​
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shhhlikeme · 4 years
“Losty Aone” / “Losty Mountain Man🏔” Series:
Outtake Collection #6
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A/N: 1 word, 5 letters: D R A M A
Pls peep the vote at the end! I know there are not very many of you who read this so I want to make it enjoyable for y’all 🥰 it’s sooo important to me that I write what makes me happy
Hours After You Noticed Aone For The First Time And Had Lunch Together! 🤫🥩
With a very discreet bounce in his step, Aone Takanobu walked into the Date Tech boys volleyball team changeroom after exchanging numbers with you after school.
Upon entrance, the entire team jumped him, tackling him to the ground while shouting praise and acclamations of joy loudly!
Aone was actually grinning, shoving the boys off of him to pretend that he was annoyed.
But anyone could tell that this mountain man was on cloud 9!!!!
Futakuchi reached out his hand to help Aone up and the mountain man took it. They shared a look that only Aone knew meant his best friend was happy for him. Proud of him.
Actually, Kenji’s look was one of happiness and pride, yes, but it was also full of nerves for his friend’s potential heartbreak. But Aone was too overjoyed inside to pick up on that.
“So Y/N finally knows your name!” Koganegawa yelled as he jumped on Aone’s back.
Shrugging the big boned setter off, Aone blushed. He has never been happier in his entire life and it was kind of embarrassing that the whole team knew why that was.
“I’m very happy.” Aone nodded at his team who smiled brilliantly back at him. “But please, do not get your hopes up. I’m trying with everything in me not to get mine up, in case Y/N decides she doesn’t like me. She and I are just going to start talking for now. And for that I am grateful.” Stomach in knots, Aone bowed to his team in thanks for all the encouragement and praise.
“But Aone-senpai, Y/N asked you to lunch! We all watched you guys, she looked ecstatic talking to you and she even glared at these other girls in the hallway because they were checking you out!”
Aone’s heart dropped. “She did?”
Kenji smiled, patting him on the back. “Saw it with my own eyes too, big guy.”
Aone felt like he was so happy he could sing, but he knew how odd that would look coming from such a big and serious guy like himself.
“Oh. Well... that’s quite nice.”
What a turn of events! This morning, Aone was going through another day with a heavy heart because the love of his life would never like him back. Then, it only took him defending you against the class snitch for everything to change......
✏️ Earlier That Day ✏️
Aone was sitting in class like any other day, doing his work, listening to the teacher intermittently and your daily conversation with your friends. The teacher excused himself to run a club errand for 20 minutes, trusting the class to stay quiet and complete their homework. Like most typical high school classes, the volume raised as soon as the teacher stepped out. Aone glanced over at your talkative self for the 15th time that period and noticed how much you were glowing because your team had returned last night placing second at Regionals. You looked radiant, absolutely stunning with your brighter smile and louder angelic laugh.
In Mountain Man’s daydream, he imagined telling you that you looked beautiful today followed by a congratulations for placing second. You would rush over to him and kiss him in thanks then start ripping his clothes off so that you could—
“Y/N! I am sick and tired of you and the rest of the popular kids not listening to the teachers instructions! What part of ‘stay quiet’ is hard to understand in that pea brain of yours!?!??!”
To Aone’s left, sitting in his row, he looked for the yelling voice. It was who everyone (except Aone) called ‘the class snitch’ and school mascot: Tsume Lian.
Also known as Y/N’s arch nemesis.
Seating looks like:
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Y/N glared at him.
“Tsume, no one was talking to you.”
“I know that, dork!” He fumed. “BECAUSE WE ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE TALKING! I’m trying to do my homework as asked, and you and the popular crowd just ignore everything the teacher says and it’s disgusting! I’m tired of it! I want you expelled!”
Aone noticed Y/N’s startled expression at the prospect of being expelled, because he knew from overhearing your conversations that your parents were this close to sending you to Seijoh to get your grades up and live on campus there. According to your gossip last week, if you failed another class or got another complaint from a teacher then your parents would under no circumstances allow you to cheer again.
Aone clenched his fists tightly around his pencil because he couldn’t stand the idea of seeing Motomu or Kindaichi drooling over you at his enemy school.
One of Y/N’s friends who Aone knew as Kusa, spoke up in defence of Y/N. “Oh shut it, Tsume. Us chatting isn’t bothering anyone else.”
“I don’t care! You cheerleaders think you can do anything you want and that’s that!! YOU WILL face repercussions if I can help it!”
Kusa feigned fear. She turned her entire body toward him in her seat, meaning business. A bitch had time today.
The entire class gave this drama all of their undivided attention when they witnessed that move, ready for the show like:
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“Oh yeah?! And why are you just snapping about this now, huh? Why not before?” Kusa snapped. You put a hand on your friends arm, silently trying to tell her he isn’t worth her energy.
“Because I realized just how selfish, inconsiderate, and deplorable you good-looking, popular women are! You don’t deserve to be bowed down to like I thought! You should be treated like everybody else!”
“What are you talking about?” Y/N interjected. “No one treats us like that. Even if they did, we don’t ask them to nor do we ask to be popular and we especially don’t ask for special treatment, Lian. Why are you so mad??? Get your life.”
Aone smirked to himself. In all his years of crushing on you he has never seen you look so fierce and he too put his pencil down to enjoy what was a different and fiery side of his crush. It made him want to fuck the shit out of you, you looked so sexy. Aone found he liked every side of you.
“I did have a life. I was a mascot and—“
“—And you were spending too much time looking up our SKIRTS instead of hyping up a CROWD, making the first years uncomfortable and borderline stalking Y/N so badly she asked that we terminate you! You are lucky she kept that to herself for so long! 🤬 And THAT’S why you’re mad!”
The class collectively gasped. Some whipped their phones out to snapchat the gossip. Aone widened his eyes in silence, since he was in between, he was looking back and forth at the fight like a tennis match.
Hahahaha 🎾 
Live footage of the classes reaction when Kusa READ TSUME FOR FILTH:
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Tsume went red with anger, but anyone could tell that he was guilty guilty guilty !!!!
“When the teacher returns, I’m telling him and the principal the truth that you Y/N are a bully and you constantly disrupt the class! Who do you think they’re going to believe?! Their best student? Or their worst?! Say hi to AobaJohsai summer school for me!”
You frowned, scared out of your mind because Lian was right. The teacher’s believed everything he had to say and ever since you exposed him for sending you creepy messages and inappropriate pictures from a fake account that you knew was his, the class snitch has had it out for you. Even if the cheerleaders had your back, your parents would just think they are trying to protect you and never believe it! Tsume Lian was smart and dead set on planning your demise. It was unfair. You wanted to cry. Kusa whispered something to you in encouragement but you could feel the back of your eyes warming due to impending tears.
Meanwhile, with Mountain Man - Today was a day of firsts in his ‘Crushing on Y/N’ book. It was the first time he’s ever seen you glowing because of the Regional results, it was the first time he’s ever seen you so sassy, and now............. Aone notes that today is also the first time he’s ever seen you on the verge of tears before.
Unlike your glowing and your sassiness, Aone decided that he hated the last first more than anything in the world.
It consumed his emotions, how badly he didn’t want to see you cry.
“You really are slimy, Tsume. Wait until Katana hears this.” Kusa spat, rubbing her hand up and down Y/N’s back to soothe you as you willed your tears not to fall.
Seeing you so sad, Aone’s heart clenched.
He knew what it was like to be hurting but he never ever wanted that for you—not ever.
“Hey Y/N-chan, why don’t you show me that video your mom got of our reaction to us placing second yesterday?? I’d love to see it.” Kusa has accurately distracted you because she texted Katana what was happening and Katana knew just what to do until she got there.
You smiled, thinking about the overwhelming happiness from yesterday when your team placed second. You whipped out your phone and showed Kusa, smiling and giggling in a matter of seconds as it played.
Aone was glad you seemed good.
He turned to look at Tsume, who seemed to be raging inside. Shooting daggers at the two cheerleaders because they weren’t crumbling under his threats. They were laughing, in fact. Ignoring him as if he didn’t matter. Aone could tell Tsume was a ticking time bomb with how mad he was. His anger toward you looked severely unhealthy.
You let out a rather amusing laugh with Kusa as you two pointed to your screen and Aone’s heart skipped a beat because he loved that laugh so much. God, he is so fucking whipped.
When you laughed like that though, it sent perverted-snitch Tsume over the edge, bubbling over in anger like a piping hot kettle.
Aone watched him with studious eyes as Tsume took a deep breath to say something else that Aone was sure would stop your harmonious laughter that he adored......
“Y/N—“ Tsume started, but without warning, THE AONE TAKANOBU, DATE TECH MIDDLE BLOCKER, OUR MOUNTAIN MAN, interrupted him! Stopping all speech in the class with his simple, deep-voiced command:
“Leave her be. She’s having fun.”
The class:
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The class went silent because they’d never really heard Aone’s voice before. :S
Still riled up, the class snitch took one look beside him (he was too distracted before) as to locate the voice. Once his eyes set on the verrrry muscular and verrrry mountainous man sitting between him and Y/N, he decided it would be smart to not be riled up anymore. A drop of sweat leaving his hairline, Lian scanned Aone’s gigantic body with his eyes, seeing that the volleyball player just barely fit in his desk—he gulped.
Aone had a relaxed expression, meaning to say what he said nonchalantly, but one needs to remember that Aone’s relaxed expression looks like this:
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Needless to say, the ex-mascot almost pissed himself.
Is that Y/N’s b-b-boyfriend now? Tsume wondered to himself in panic as several more drops of sweat ran down his face.
“O-o-ok-o-o-oka-okay-y....” Tsume stuttered out as he turned back to his school work.
Five minutes later when the teacher came in, Tsume had nothing to say. He only had a sweat damped stack of homework to give him before he fled, not waiting for the bell of dismissal.
Did I frightened him? Aone thought.
He didn’t mean to. Sincerely. He was as gentle as giants come (except in bed if you rile him up enough or when someone is bothering you).
The class went back to normal and Aone continued working too.
But one person didn’t—no, couldn’t go back to normal:
You sat in your seat still slack jawed because someone you didn’t know came to your rescue and quite possibly single handedly stopped your expulsion. How have you not noticed him before?! He is gorgeous!
Tall, muscular, handsome. Shiny white hair, beautiful lips. And he came to your defence.
In your opinion , he was a FINEASS mountain man! 🏔🤤
Yes ma’am!!!!
Anyway, while everyone was talking, working and minding their own business—including Aone—you slid out of your desk and bounced over to his happily.
“Hi! Thanks so much for defending me a little while ago!”
Bitch, this was you: ☺️😊😄
lost ass
Aone raised his head to look at you, jumping back slightly because he never even heard you approach. He stared up at you with a heart that stopped beating, absolutely speechless.
WHAT IS HAPPENING? He thought. YOU WERE TALKING................TO HIM? You were NOTICING..............HIM?!
You reached over to touch the handsome giant’s arm in his sweater, smiling at him endearingly.
“I’m Y/N! It’s nice to meet you!”
yeah you lost af, bitch 😐
Aone wanted to say something, he did. But he was just too shocked that the girl he thinks about nonstop, the girl he wishes was his, the girl he just had a wet dream about last night, was talking to him and only him for the first time.
Takanobu always thought you two would first speak because of Futakuchi or the teacher but not because of him.
Aone couldn’t fathom the fact that HE made this happen! HE was the reason you were over here!
Aone: 🤯🤯🤯
It was ALL. TOO. MUCH.
He couldn’t speak.
You removed your hand from his arm, silently chastising yourself because you shouldn’t touch people without permission.
Not that Aone minded. That boy would want you to touch him anywhere, on anyday, at anytime that pleased you.
“Sorry.” You looked down shyly, then met his serious expression again, wanting to be sure he knew how grateful you were for his help.
“Um.... you probably don’t know this but you getting that pervert to leave me alone is quite possibly the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me. And you did it for a stranger like me, no less.”
You tucked your hair behind you ear while holding his gaze. Aone could only nod because his throat was dry. You looked so incredibly perfect up-close and he wanted to make sure he remembered this. He just couldn’t speak.
Feeling a little awkward now because you just tried starting a conversation with this FINEASS classmate of yours to only get a nod in return, you laughed timidly.
“Okay, well I guess I’ll...” you turned on your heels so you could make your way back to your desk with your L. “....see you later.” You finished, telling him over your shoulder.
Much like when he defended you against Tsume, Aone didn’t know what came over him then: maybe it was all the memories of him feeling heartbroken that you’d never notice him or return his feelings—maybe it was the promise he made that he would do something toward pursuing you if you would just notice him first—or maybe is was because his best friend Kenji would have his HEAD if Aone told him he let you walk away right now without trying....... after TWO YEARS.........that compelled him to respond to your “see you later” bravely, FINALLY UTTERING WORDS TO YOU FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HIS ENTIRE LIFE:
^Asked Aone, just as you were walking away from him.
You stilled, feeling excitement in your body because he answered. You spun around and jumped back in front of his desk. You gave him a questioning look.
You responded, “When, what?”
Even though he was melting under your attention, Aone couldn’t give up now. He had to shoot his shot. This may be his only chance.
“When is later?” He elaborated.
Huh? You thought.
You blinked at the stunning classmate. What is he—OH, does he mean.....
“As in...when will I see you again?”
Aone nodded at you, holding his breath.
You massaged your chin, thinking 🤔.
You can admit you wanted to know more about this gorgeous man who came to your rescue. There was something about him that made you feel safe and warm. You couldn’t quite place it. You’ve never wanted to spend time with anyone outside of cheerleading more than this guy—so you owed it to yourself to explore that small feeling, right?
“Okay. Well, how about now? Lunch is after this period. Would you want to have it with me?!” You asked cheerily.
Though he didn’t show it, inside, fireworks went off in Aone’s mind, heart, and stomach...!
Actual footage:
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Aone nodded quickly. Way too quickly for someone who did not want to come across as the most eager beaver in the world.
But he was...... and you noticed. It made you smile.
“Okay. So when the bell rings you can walk me to my locker and I’ll put away my stuff, then we’ll go to yours....then we can go head to lunch together. Sound good?”
Aone nodded quickly again!
You gave him the big smile that made him become a simp for you in the first place and you took your seat again.
Takanobu was so excited he literally almost stood up to spin the hand clock that hung up beside the door himself so that time could go by faster. He couldn’t even move to text Kenji because he knew his hands would shake.
He just sat there, his mind whirling mad until the bell finally rang. You said bye to Kusa and watched as this blonde hottie stood up from his seat, towering over you.
God, he was so freaking HOT! You wanted to jump him.
At the same time students filed out of the class, Aone turned to you as he collected his things then slung his bag over his shoulder.
“May I carry your books for you, Y/N?” Mountain man asked sheepishly in his stern voice.
Your heart fluttered by how cute and sweet he was to ask!
“Umm, sure! Thank you so much!” You smiled and handed your heavy books over.
You two walked beside eachother and Aone held the door open for you. You didn’t know why he was being so nice but you couldn’t lie that you felt very charmed.
You looked up at the handsome giant with curious eyes after he called your name.
“My name is Aone Takanobu by the way. You introduced yourself before, but I did not answer. I’m sorry. Either way, I knew who you were already. It’s very nice to meet you.”
Your smiled widened as you bounced on your feet while walking. “Very nice to meet you too, Aone Takanobu. I’ve actually heard of you before.”
Aone’s eyes lit up like 👀
“Wait r-really?”
Omg precious bby 🥺🥺🥺
“Yes. At a cheerleading sleepover. All good things, don’t worry. It’s just funny because I said that night how hopefully I’ll meet you and now here we are!”
Aone chuckled as he held open another door for you. When he did and you two walked down another hall, he caught sight of two very conspicuous volleyball players (one looked eerily like Justin Bieber, the other looked big boned) hugging eachother and slumping down to the ground at the sight of you and Aone. Aone rolled his eyes, thinking that they were lucky you never noticed your surroundings.
“Here we are.” Aone repeated, shooting a secret thumbs up at his friends who were on the verge of crying.
Nearing the end of an enjoyable lunch for both of you where you spoke a lot and Aone listened with heart eyes: he pulled your chair out for you, he was responding, he was chuckling, and overall hanging onto your every word, never wanting your time together to end. You became rather smitten.
“The bell is gonna ring soon, Aone. I just want to thank you again for buying my lunch and spending this time with me! I know it was super random!”
Aone got lost in your eyes as you said his name, because he’s never taken a moment to analyze how nice it could sound if it was caressed by your voice. Also, he’s never heard his name said by someone so beautiful (when it wasn’t being said in a question). He was BATHING in joy.
Although Aone didn’t answer and he’s maintained his stoic expression the entire lunch, deep down you felt that this man had a thing for you. He was very intense so it was quite obvious. But since you enjoyed the lunch so much and you were starting to have a thing for him, too, you wanted to confirm:
“Also, Aone-san, I’m happy to know that you can say more than 4 words 😲! I asked my friend earlier and she said you basically never speak.” You exclaimed, fishing.
Aone smirked, feeling the need to defend himself on that front. “It is true that that is the consensus of the majority of people who come in contact with me. However, that is because there exists few people, that I feel inclined to speak to.”
Hook, line, and sinker. Your eyes twinkled at his words. He looked like a jock but sounded so eloquent! You loved it:
“Oh wow well you spoke a lot to me today so I guess I must be a little special then, huh.......?” You twirled your hair around your index finger as you asked, causing Aone to almost drool.
listen, you...kind of..... wanted mountain man.
And you were only flirting minimally okay.....minimally, so don’t judge
You just wanted to know if your suspicions were right that he had a little crush on you or if he saw you as a friend
Aone looked down at you, thinking of a way to respond to you asking if you were special to him.
“This is our first time speaking. So I am not entirely sure if you’re special yet...” He started.
You quirked your eyebrow attractively, anticipating how he would end that sentence.
“...But I hope that even after this lunch ends I can take you out again a few more times, Y/N-chan—somewhere nice and off-campus, perhaps—so that I can truly decipher whether you are or not.”
You quirked your eyebrow even higher, impressed by the smooth way he told you he wants to keep seeing you!
“I’d love to.” You accepted, making Aone smile.
He was absolutely stunning when he smiled, it was almost unfair.
The bell rang.
“Mind walking me back to my locker, Aone?”
Aone stood on internally shaky legs that he willed to be normal. “Of course.” He took both yours and his tray and dumped it out before escorting you out of the cafeteria.
✏️ Back in the Locker Room ✏️
“We are happy for you, Aone.” Kenji patted his large friend on the back.
“I had your voice in the back of my mind, Kenji-san. I owe this happiness to you and your support. I know you’re worried that I’ll get my heart broken and be crushed but I’m thankful for you supporting me anyway. You will forever be my brother.”
Taglist: @crushzone @galagcica
Outtake #7: CLICK HERE
Upcoming outtakes (NSFW):
Losty Aone answering Kenji’s call while you’re having sex. He told you to please wait but...um....no. Hang up, buddy 😈
When you tease poor Losty Aone during class and make him want to f*ck you hard
You telling Aone that you’re horny before his game knowing you’d be cheering next to him the whole time being suggestive
Sending Aone a nude for the first time
First Kiss (In which Aone gets his first urge)
Discovering Aone’s ear kissing kink
Upcoming Fluff outtakes:
Aone on your first birthday as a couple
The official confession
Aone Embarrassingly telling Y/N about the things he did when he was crushing on you :/ (cupcake, donation, wet dreams, hoping to be your tutor, etc!)
When Aone fills in at one of your cheer practices!
Aone having to save you from your annoying admirers
Send me an ask/message/comment below with the number(s) of the outtake you really want me to write and the ones with votes will be done
Say “Losty Aone Story nsfw number ___” or “Losty Aone Story fluff number ___”
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Dreams Can Come True: Chapter 4 Prettiest Dude Around
Chapter 3-Chapter 5
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“Y/n, meet the Eight Precepts of death.” Y/n stepped fully into the living room to be met with 10 individuals. “Well, Eight Precepts of Death and Company more like it. Guys, this is Y/n,” Chrono gestured to Y/n to introduce herself. “Hello, I’m Y/n L/n, but please, call me Y/n.” They all said some sort of ‘Hi’ or ‘nice to meet you’ and also heard a few whistles, which elicited a glare from Chrono, and snickers to be heard. 
The first to step forward was a fairly tall male wearing a black cape looking thing, a black bowlers hat and a black plague mask. “It’s nice to see you again Y/n,  I’m Shin Nemoto, Nemoto is fine.” Y/n nodded, she remembered seeing him at the ‘interview’ with Overhaul. Next was a younger, slightly shorter looking male with blond hair that went over his right eye. “Toya Setsuno, nice to meet you. This quiet guy here with me is Soramitsu Tabe, I’d let him introduce himself but he’s not really a talker.” Tabe then let out a string of ‘I’m hungry’ and ‘eat’. “Next to step up was three big looking guys, like tall and muscular, pretty scary looking actually… “I’m Yu Hojo.” “Rikiya Katsukame” “Hey there pretty lady! I’m Kendo Rappa! But you can call me da-“, Before he could finish his…statement a middle aged appearing individual slapped him upside the head. “I sincerely apologize for this boys’ actions” The one named Rappa seemed to whine from the hit, and growl at being called boy. “I’m Hekiji Tengai, it’s nice to meet you Mistress Y/n.” Y/n nodded polite fully and smiled. “HEY! HEY YOU!” Y/n looked around confused for a second, until Chrono tapped her shoulder and pointed to the floor, where she saw a…stuffed bird? Said stuffed bird then jumped over to the floor in front of Y/n and Chrono “I’m mimic, Manager of the Eight Precepts. AND I DEMAND RESP-“ This time it was Chrono who interrupted, by softly, but firmly kicking Mimic across the room. “That angry plushie is mimic, he talks a big talk but he really won’t do anything.” Chrono shrugged “YOU COME OVER HERE AND SAY IT TO MY FACE CLOCKSWORTH!” Chrono just rolled his eyes, “Whatever you say shrimpy.” Next, a drunken man stumbled over “AAaaannd I’m D-deeiidorio Sssakakii. Niiicee to meeeet ya shweett stuff.” The strange man somehow managed to slur out before collapsing back onto the couch. “Hello dear, I’m pops, retired leader of the Shie Hassaikai. I’m also Eri’s grandfather, thank you for taking care of her.” A very nice older male introduced him self. “Its no problem! Really, Eri is an absolute sweetheart, and Kurono has been a really good dad to her. I’ll do my best to be a good mom.” Pop’s face seemed to light up at the mention of Y/n being Eri’s mom. Meanwhile, Chrono’s face was slowly going red, afraid of what his adopted father would spill about him. “Mom eh?” “Well, Eri asked if she could call me that, and I really don’t mind. I always wanted to be one anyways.” “Well, that’s very kind of you. The girl needs a positive mother figure. I’m sure you’ll do a fine job. Who knows, maybe you’ll help this hopeless idiot grow up some.” The elder said as he ‘lovingly’ whapped chrono upside the head. Chrono just pouted, rubbing the spot he was just assaulted. “Hey! I’ve been doing pretty good! Right Eri?!” The little girl made her way over and hopped into her grandfather’s arms. “Of course daddy!” “See” “Buuut it is good to have mommy around. Especially since mommy can draw, and cook and do my hair. Oh! And-“ “Okay that’s enough outta you pumpkin.” Chrono said while Eri giggled and made her way back to her play room. Y/n just giggled. “Kids these days…” He complained crossing his arms and leaning against the wall. “I don’t know, she might have a point.” “Who’s side are you on anyways!? I thought you were here to help me!” “I was, but now, I’m not so sure.” The Eight Precepts and pops and mimic were sitting back, watching and enjoying the scene that was unfolding. Especially since it was painfully obvious their dear old pal Chrono had a ‘little’ crush on the young caretaker. The two playfully went back and forth for awhile, before accepting defeat. Y/n was then dragged by Eri back to her room to play dress up, while poor Chrono was mercilessly interrogated by his ‘friends’. “SOOOO Chrono. What is your relationship with Y/n?” Setsuno asked, while stalking over to Chrono, ready to attack. Chrono was carefully trying to sneak out of the room, but was unsuccessful when Katsukame blocked his way, and sat him down at the table across from Pops, who had Nemoto by his side. The rest of the bullets gathered around the table, and blocked off the exits. Conveniently Overhaul walked in, and joined the group around the table, and after asking what was going on curiously sat down next to Pops. “So, son. Are you going to tell us?” “I’ll never tell…” “I wouldn’t be too sure about that.” Chrono dangerously glared, “Shin, you wouldn’t dare..” “Oh I would, Chrono, or as Y/n would say Kurono.” Chrono’s face went a slight shade of pink, causing the members to break out in laughter and shouts. While those seated at the table just smirked. “Son, I’ll ask you once more, what is your relationship to Y/n?” The room went silent. “We’re just friends…” “With or without benefits?” One of the precepts muttered, causing Chrono to die inside, pops to break out in laughter, and Overhaul and Nemoto to snicker. “I’m gonna take that as without!” Rappa shouted, falling to the floor in pain from laughter. “Do you like her?” “Yes.” Chrono immediately glared at Nemoto. “Ohoho? Really? That’s interesting, Kurono,” Overhaul smirked, smirk more noticeable since he was only wearing the surgical mask. “That doesn’t mean anything! I could just like her as a friend!” Nemoto sighed and rolled his eyes under his mask. “Do you like her, romantically?” The room went silent again. “Yes.” Chrono slammed his head down onto the table as the room erupted into more noise. Pops came over to Chrono and patted his back. “Now now son. No need to be upset. You merely have a crush! It’s nothing to be embarrassed about! Besides, Eri has taken a liking to her, and I could use more grandchildren!” Chrono shot up at that. He had avoided that topic enough times with Eri, no need for his adoptive father to get in on it as well. Deciding to spare his friend (For now anyways) Overhaul sent the others back to work, or to at least stop being loud. Chrono sighed, sinking into the couch. Now what was he gonna do? Everyone except Y/n and Eri knew, and he doubted the others would keep their mouths shut for long. Or at all for that matter. Nice going Hari. You’ve liked the girl for a whole two days and everyone already knows…the heck am I gonna do? I can’t just tell her, she doesn’t feel the same way I do. She can’t. I’m dangerous, a killer, and she’s sweet, kind, innocent. *internal sigh* Chrono then stood up and made his way to Eri’s room to check on her. When he got there, he noticed the door was open. In the room, Eri was dressed up in one of her princess play dresses, while Y/n was wearing a fake feather boa and Tiara. Y/n was currently styling Eri’s hair into an intricate updo, finishing the look off with a plastic tiara. “Look at you Eri! The prettiest princess around!” Y/n said while spinning Eri around the room. Eri giggled. “You’re a pretty princess too mommy!” “I think you both are pretty princesses.” Chrono said, entering the room, hands in his pockets. “Daddy! Come play with us!” “Okay, what are you guys playing?” “Dress up!�� He internally sighed again. Knowing against his daughter and crush he was no match, and instead of putting up a fight, let go of whatever he had left of his dignity and sat down, letting the two females have at it. When they were done, he was covered in glitter, strawberry lip gloss, and stickers. “You look so pretty daddy!” Eri said in awe. “Just the look I was going for. Thanks sweetie!” Eri giggled as her dad gave her a kiss on the cheek. “Aren’t you going to give one to Y/n too? She helped!!” “Ee-ri! You don’t have to Kuron-“ He cut Y/n off by giving her a kiss on the cheek. Y/n’s cheeks went pink, and she got lost in wonderland for a few seconds before snapping out of it and smiling, letting out a sweet giggle. “Well, it’s not finished yet.” Y/n the put a purple boa on Chrono’s shoulders. “There we go. Now it’s finished.” Y/n and Chrono looked into each others eyes, each adult smiling at the other. “Hey Uncle Nemoto! Hi Uncle Setsuno! Do you want to join us!” Y/n stifled a laugh when Chrono grimaced as he heard his two friends names being called. “*snicker* No. No that’s okay Eri, just came to-to see your dad *wheeze*” Setsuno barely got out, as he and Nemoto broke into more laughter. “I don’t know why you two are laughing. Daddy looks awesome and pretty!” Eri put her hands on her hips as she scolded the two men. “Oh yeah, no doubt he’s the prettiest *cackle* prettiest dude around!” Nemoto got out, before being chased out by Eri, for laughing at her ‘masterpiece’. “*Huff* Those two are so immature.” Eri pouted while crossing her arms over her chest. “They sure are Eri.” Y/n said, while starting to take off Eri’s make up. “Mmmhmmm. Boys are so weird.” “Yup!” Y/n said. “Hey!” Chrono said, looking over to the two females. “Sorry Kurono, but it’s just the truth.” He sighed, knowing this argument was also going nowhere. “Alright Eri, why don’t you go to the kitchen and start eating dinner, Uncle Hojo is cooking tonight so go ahead sweetie.” Eri nodded and ran to the kitchen. Y/n then finished taking her makeup off and started on Chrono’s. “Sorry about the glitter…you’re going to be finding it for weeks.” Y/n nervously laughed. “It’s alright, raising a little girl I got pretty used to it I guess.” He laughed. “Take off your jacket, I’ll wash it for you. I have to wash my clothes anyways. I’m going to try to stop the glitter before it spreads.” Chrono nodded and took off his rain coat, while Y/n admired how fit Chrono was. Under the raincoat, Chrono wore a simple fitted white t-shirt with white pants, tucked into black boots. She had to admit he looked good. Sure he was lean, but the man was no stick. He had some muscles. “Here, thanks by the way.” “O-oh don’t mention it. I should thank you for putting up with that!” Chrono smiled, “It was my pleasure.” Unbeknownst to both adults, they both felt the soft, warm fuzzy feelings for the other. Unfortunately for them (and the reader lol) neither one believed the other felt the same.  “Alright, we should probably head to dinner.” “Good idea” With that the two made their way to the dining room. Where they were met with snickers and whistles.
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imaginesmai · 5 years
Peter Parker - See the light (9)
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Peter is getting his shit together! Watch out, this is coming to an end!
Small sneak peek
First part
Second part
Third part
Fourth part
Fifth part
Sixth part
Seventh part
Eighth part
Plot: after Peter’s ‘betrayal, everything goes back to normal. Or so you thought, because you’re about to discover something that might change your life. Meanwhile, Peter is trying to find his way back to you.
After what felt like forever, you were forced to stop. Your hair, that had been still on the long braid, had reached its destiny; it had caught something sharp, and you were pulled back with such a strength that you hit your elbows on the ground.
You found yourself hanging from the air, crying as you tried to pull it free. It was pretty well tangled, and the tears were only making it more difficult to solve. If Peter was there, he could have helped you. If Peter was there, he would have saved you from those men for the second time. But the boy was sailing away on a boat, and you were starting to hyperventilate.
“No, please” you muttered in desperation. “Come on, come one!”
The sudden sounds of grunting and shouting had you pausing, and then turning the corner came your mother. Cape flapping behind her as she ran towards you, hair wild and eyes worried. You caught yourself from crying harder.
“Treasure” your mother called, closing in on you. “Oh, my Y/N”
“Mother” you breathed out. It sounded just as sad as when you had been sick back on your childhood, and had called your mother ‘mommy’; although that time you didn’t get a slap. The hair had fallen free finally, and you crawled to meet her.
“Thank god” she pulled you in her arms, hugging tightly. “I was so worried. I saw them try and grab you, and I was so, so scared, treasure. Oh…. Are you alright?”
You pulled back, and your mother took your face in her hands, wiping at the falling tears. It all finally hit you; Peter had left. Peter had taken the satchel with him and had left you to some strangers. You had trusted him with the secret of your magic hair, and he had sold you like a piece of meat. You cried harder when you thought about how he had kissed you, and pulled your close and had offered you a chance out.
“You were right” you gripped her dress in your closed fists. “Everything – you were right, mother.”
“Of course I was, Y/N” your mother sighed. “Now, come one. Let’s go before they wake up”
“I’m sorry, mother. I-I, I really am.”
Your mother smiled tightly. Since the last time you had seen her, something had changed on her eyes. They were harder, colder; more hateful. But you didn’t notice, because you were too busy dying from heartbreak.
She helped you up, and looked back while you walked gripping her arm. On the ground, stood the two brothers that had been an essential part of her plan. Without them knocking out the boy or threatening him with you, she would have never gotten you back. She didn’t regret telling them about your hair; they wouldn’t see you again, no one would.
After all, your little adventure had been good for her. Now, no one could take you away from the tower.
Sounds returned first, then light. Peter groaned as his head throbbed, and then he tried to rub his temple, where a bruise was probably forming; but his hands wouldn’t move. In a spike of panic, he pried his eyes open to see that he was standing on a small ship, tied to the pole and with his hands bounded to the wheel.
“What?” Peter asked himself, his voice groggy.
He tried to pull his hands free, but his movements were lethargic, and he could feel his skin being rubbed raw from the ropes. Peter had always being an anxious boy, and as a kid he had had a lot of panic attacks; he could recognize the signs of one. Trying to avoid it, he tried to search for something familiar. He was inching closer and closer to the kingdom. He knew the shore, he knew the guards that were waiting for him, he knew his heart hammering in his hears¸ he knew the satchel.
He knew the satchel.
The boat bumped against the docks as it reached land, and the noise alerted the guards.
“He has the crown!” a deep voice shouted.
The shouting that rose up caused Peter head to swim, and he suddenly remembered how he got into the whole mess in the first place.
“No” he muttered, his body finally giving in to the rope’s restrictions. “No no no no no, Y/N – Darling! Y/N!”
The guards boarded his ship and someone grabbed his arm. Peter couldn’t care, he couldn’t care about any of them because you had been left on that island with those murderers, those rapists, and he was on land. He was too far. He struggled against the grip, still looking back to the other shore.
“No, no! We need – I need – Y/N! Y/N!” Peter screamed, shouted and kicked. “Please, guys, we need – I have to help her. Y/N!”
“And… that’s it” she pulled the last flower from your hair and a wavy strand fell into your face. “The last of it, finally”
Gothel slipped off the bed and made it for the door before she stopped. Your eyes stayed trained on your lap, one of the flowers resting between your hands. It was purple too, the colour you had learned to hate in the last hours. Purple, the colour of happiness. Purple, the colour of the things you couldn’t have.
“Treasure” she said, sounding genuine. “I really did try to warn you. Tell you about what was really out there. The world is dark, and cruel, and mean. If it finds the slightest ray of sunlight, it destroys it”
The biting tone in those last few words made you wince, and your mother ignored her daughters’ actions.
“Now, wash up” Gothel said, seeming to switch into a whole new personality. “I’m making supper. I bought some things to make your favourite. Don’t be too long!”
She waltzed from the room, taking the staircase down in stride and leaving you in silence. You sighed and fell back onto your bed, the flower falling to the ground. It was then crushed, the petals destroyed and it’s middle reduced to nothing. Instead, you searched in your pocket for the little flag Peter had given you.
You didn’t want to look at it, but it was your only gift from the city. You had loved your time there, and if you could, you weren’t sure if you would decline the offer of going back. The life, the laughs, the sun; those were things you could only dream about in the tower you were locked in.
You blinked up at the ceiling. Millions upon millions of painted stars stared back at you – each one slightly faded and cracked with the tower’s plaster. You had painted those when you were a child, sneaking up on your mother to use the ladder. You wondered what Peter would have said about them. He had proved to be a huge nerd of astronomy and the universe; you smiled sadly.
Downstairs in the kitchen, you could hear the pots and spoons clanking as Gothel prepared dinner. You allowed yourself to start to tune out all the noise, just focusing on the ceiling above. Besides starts, there were random forms too. Some of them you had remembered since you were a kid, drawing them everywhere behind your mother’s back. She had destroyed everything, but you had managed to sneak some in the drawing of the ceiling.
After a little bit more of staring, you noticed.
One of the shapes of the ceiling was awfully familiar. A golden sun, with multiple curved rays that you had seen somewhere. As if your body knew what you were looking for, your hand clenched the flag. You raised it up to your line of vision, and checked how every detail matched with the one in the ceiling.
That was the sun of the missing princess.
Peter hated how the cuffs felt on his wrist. They were rough, dusted and he was sure they were stained with blood. He had always preferred rope, if he was to choose. But that day, as the guards entered into his cell and chained him, he couldn’t bring himself to protest. He was quiet as the guards pushed him to his feet, stumbling and almost hitting the ground.
They had fun, for a while. They pushed him around, tightened the cuffs more than necessary and held his arms with too much force. Peter felt as if they were going to pull something apart. There was a blonde one, that seemed to hate him the most; he gripped his hair and made him kneel and kicked him a few times. They laughed, but Peter didn’t talk.
All he could think about, was how scared you would be. He had left you, and the guilt was drowning him; worse than when they died.
Peter was dragged through an endless corridor, and he knew he was going to die. That was what happened to criminals like him, and the proof was all the people he passed by as he walked, or was dragged. Murderers, rapists, thieves, ruffians… and him, which only crime was to let the girl he loved away.
He had his eyes down on his feet, his old and dirty boots that would carry a corpse in some hours, or minutes. Suddenly, he heard a familiar voice, and with his last strength, he lifted his eyes. Something flashed in his peripheral, and he allowed his eyes to drift to the left, finding the brothers watching him being pulled across the cobble.
Fury, rage and emotions that he had never felt coursed through him as easily as blood, and he planted his boots on the ground. With a grunt, he elbowed the guard on his left in the gut and the man tumbled to the ground. The second tried to tackled him, but Peter body checked him violently, and the guy fell.
Peter took his opportunity.
He lunged towards the cell, grabbing by the crook of his shirt the one with the patch and pulling him against the bars. His eyes must have screamed everything Peter felt, because for the first time both brothers looked scared and hopeless.
“How did you know about her?!” Peter shouted, almost lifting the man from the ground. “How did you know about the girl?!”
“She – she told us about her!” he shirked back, looking for help in his brother; who was hiding in the back of the cell. “Her – her mother! S-she told us about the hair!”
“Her mother – what?” Peter’s grip loosens a bit.
“She promised us the crown! A-and to have you!”
Two sets of hands were suddenly back on him, and they pulled him down the hallway once more. Peter tried with all his might to go back, tears pricking at the back of his eyes as rushed thoughts ran through his mind.
“No, wait!” Peter cried out. The brothers had moved to the corner of the cell, and looked at him with wide eyes. “She’s – she’s in danger! Her mother is dangerous – wait, stop!”
Peter grunted and struggled, trying to break free; but the guards were having none of it anymore. So, when the captain stopped in front of him and both guards halted, Peter almost toppled to the ground. His panic, his anxiety and fear were raising to the roof; how could he help you if he was as trapped as you? He started to think in all the things your mother would do once your in her grasp, and he wasn’t even sure you were alive anymore.
His chest started to convulse and it felt like the whole building had fell on top of him. The struggling weakened until it was just a chant of please to let him help you. Before the guards could smack him unconscious, the captain gave a hard open palm to the door. He looked angry, annoyed, and Peter realized the only thing he could hear was his beating heart.
“… the password?” Peter saw a small slot sliding open, and thought that he recognized the eyes. “I can’t let you inside if you don’t tell me the password”
“Open up right now!” The captain screamed, pounding the door. Something similar to relief ran down Peter’s spine when he recognized the eyes from the man who helped you scape from the tavern.
“The password first”
“What are you talking about?”
“Not it” the man made a tsk noise, and Peter almost smiled. He let himself relax against the guards grip.
“Open the door!”
“Are you even trying?”
“Look, I’m going to give you to the count of three” the captain glowed, and got in a defensive stance.
Suddenly, the eyes on the slot turned wide, comically, and there were some laughs behind the door.
“Oh, watch out”
Before the captain could react, a wrench was coming down over his head, and the man crumpled like paper. The guards, after watching the big, scary man that collect unicorns from the tavern, started trembling. They only lasted two more seconds before bolting out in the opposite direction. Peter finally smiled happy, and watched as his cuffs were unmade.
He nodded quickly to the man who had unmade them, and smiled gratefully to the rest. Now, he had a princess to save.
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I've got this idea for sometime now and I know I'll never gonna do anything with this so I'll share it with you all.
If any of you wants to do something with this shit be my guest. Btw this is some selfindulgent shit.
This has been in my drafts for months.
A friday night out with your friends. Just your average group of people in a bar drinking and enjoying eachothers company.
This bar was one of your favorites because of the ambient, not too classy and just enough of that calmly home feeling to make you feel warm and welcome.
Not to mention the live music playing every night. Each artist bringing a little of their soul to play off on that stage where all the patrons were able to see and listen.
You suggested this specific bar to your friends because of one thing, the drinks were really good and not too expensive, and maybe also because friday nights a certain musician came in to play it's a posibility. Okay, it was only for him who are you kidding.
You frequented that bar enough times to know that he came every friday to sing a couple of songs then he'd have one or two beers before leaving.
By this time you already knew who he was, the barman told you he teaches music in an after school program that originated from Horace Green. The barman already knew of your little crush on him and was trying to get you to try and talk to him but you were too shy of a loser to actually go and say hi to him.
One of your friends shooked you out of your thoughts and handed you your drink, she saw your distant stare.
"You alright there dub? You seem distracted." she asked with concern in ver voice.
"Which is funny considering you were the one that bring us here. You wanna leave already or something?" another one chimes in.
"No, no. I'm fine." you said trying to compose yourself for them "I was just thinking, nothing to worry about." you hope they buy it and not press more on the matter that you were expecting someone intenly watching the front doors. "what were you guys talking about?"
You try to jump in the conversation but out of the corner of your eye you see the doors open.
And then you see him.
Dewey Finn, the man who's been running on your mind the whole day in anticipation for this moment. The man who sends you a thousand buttlerflies everytime you hear his melodic voice singing. He's fanally here.
He goes to do a little chat with the barman. Your eyes focus on him for a little too long. Long enough for you not to notice that your friends were also looking at you and thanks to your staring they noticed Dewey as well.
They all excange knowing looks that were only confirm by every second that passed and you were still staring at the poor unsuspecting guy.
A witress blocks your view of the musician bringing your table some food.
"So..." your friend adressed you after the waitress was gone and you started to dig in "Were you going to go talk to him or just stare at his back whole night?"
Taking in the question you suddently notice you're the center of attention, all eyes were on you "What are you talking about?" you said trying to play dumb.
"Come on, everybody saw the way you were undressing the guy at the front bar. A little bit more staring and you'd drill holes on the back of his neck"
"Please. She was totally looking at his butt. No way the holes were going to end up in his head" your face was aflame, pretty sure they all could see your red blush even with the caramel lights of the place.
"No I wasn't" you insist "I was just looking at the different drinks they have on the menu posted on tbe wall. Might wanna try something new"
"Something new... Like the guy with the guitar at the front bar?" They kept at it.
There was no escape, they won't let you go out of this. You know very well they'll keep it up until you confessed to them, which you were known to avoid at all costs.
With a deep breath you finish the glass you were still holding onto and stood up "I wasn't staeing at him, if you don't believe me I don't care. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to the bathroom" you really needed some cold water on your hot-red face.
Meanwhile Dewey went on stage to get his things ready, so when the barman was free he took a stroll to the table you and your friends were at.
He told your friends all they needed to know about your little 'dilema' with Dewey and that he tried effortlessly to get you two together.
He left your table after that and went back to work. Your friends were estatic, comming up with ideas of what to do with you.
And they got one, you were fucked... Well they hope you get fucked at least.
Just as you came back from the bathroom the sound of guitar strings being played sorrounded you. Sweet honey filled your ears and your heart fluttered when Dewey started to sing.
You were so dumb stroked you didn't even notice your friend on your right gave you a full glass of beer.
So entranced with the music and musician you downed the whole thing before the song was over.
Dewey usually sang three songs each night.
By the time he finished you were three full glasses down.
You were, by no means, drunk you had enough acohol in your sistem just to be in a "overconfident" mode.
So overconfident that you let out a "That guy is so fucking cute" loud enough for your friends to hear.
They all wore matching grins.
The plan comming into play.
"You know, you should go an tell him" one friend on your right tells you.
"Haha I can't do that" you said laughing at the idea of just going and talk to him.
"What's the matter? Are you scared?" everybody howls at that.
Oh they did not just implied that you are scared of something like that. Overconfident you was scare of nothing!
"I am not scared!" you kind of shout.
"Oh yeah? Go and tell him you think he's cute then!"
"Fine I will!" and you march for were Dewey was.
He was sitting on a bar stool looking at his phone while drinking.
At the middle of the way your shy self rised up over your overconfident one and scramed at you. What were you doing?! How do you talk to him? How in the world are you going to tell him he's cute?? This was a bad idea.
While your mind was debating your feet didn't seem to care and continued on their way.
By the time you finally decided you were going to turn around and go back to your table a voice surprised you.
"Hi. Can I help you with anything?" you look up and see. See him.
You never got this close to him before, barely two feet away. He had beautiful brown eyes. Eyes that were looking right at you waiting for an answer. Oh shit you had to answer! Your brain scattered and was looking for what to say. Think of something!
You felt eyes on your back too. Then you remembered your friends. Your friends. They fucking knew! Oh, shit they knew. How?
Making up a lie you answer Dewey "Oh, hi! Yeah, I- I'm just here because my friends kinda made me? Would you fake talking to me for a while until they calm out?" you shoot him a smile you hope seals the deal and he believes you.
"Of course. I mean, I wouldn't have to "fake it" if we just small talk, right?" oh my god his smile was brigth enough to lift your worries and made you forget everything around you.
You just smile like a dork at him, standing in front of him not sure what to do with your hands.
Everything was going okay, mindless banter of the wheater, music. It was perfect!
But your friends weren't buying it, they knew you were staling. So one of them shouts at Dewey "SHE THINKS YOU'RE CUTE!"
You freeze. Well this is it. I'm going to die after I kill my friends.
You were going to make a run for it when you hear "Is that true?"
Looking at Dewey you felt silent for a minute.
"Do you really think I'm cute?" that genuine smile catched you off guard.
Enough to make you speak without thinking "Of course I do! You're hella cute" Were did that come from?
He just giggles at that. Is he... Is he dashful? This man is going to be the death of you!
"Why, thank you!" he takes a good look at you "You're pretty cute too" and he sends you a wink.
Now you think he's gonna be the death of you.
How fucking dare he make your heart stop for a second. And that wink made your legs tremble. You were so fucked.
"Wow, um. Thanks a lot! I'm gonna go now. My friends are waiting-" right when your body started to move he speaks.
"Wait! Won't you like to sit with me for a bit? I mean if it's no trouble. I understand if you don't, it's okay" just when you thought he couldn't get any cuter here he is, trying to make you stay. You were going to die.
"You're so kind but my friends-" you can't finish because of a voice shouting over you again.
Dewey laughs at that and your reaction.
Whe you get your hands on your friends they'll!!-
"I guess you'll be staying with me for a while" Dewey says with a smile, beckoning you to sit next to him. And you do.
That's all I got. I don't know how to continue.
The plot was that he also noticed you when he performed at the bar. Then the sexy times happens.
But I can't write so all I have is this
Okay, bye.
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T.J. Goodman and Cyrus Kippen
AO3 Link
“I have no idea if this is the cutest or the dorkiest couple outfit you two could have come up with,” Buffy said, adjusting her red and gold tie.
“Says Hermione Granger,” Cyrus retorted, gelling up his hair, frowning as he tried to get it to look *just* right. “You got the flashcards, right?”
“I did,” Buffy said cautiously. “And I think T.J. is going to flip when he sees all of this effort you put in.”
“Of course he put in all this effort,” Andi said, straightening out her bow tie. “Besides, I think I win at the nerdiest outfit.”
Both of her friends groaned. “It doesn’t count if you’re going as an actual nerd!” Cyrus said. “And I still can’t believe I lent you my old glasses for this.”
“You don’t even use them anymore because the prescription is out of date,” she argued back. “Besides, look who’s talking about borrowing clothing items.”
“This is different,” he said as a matter of fact.
“Why is it different?”
“Because...this is the only way to sell it...Besides, my outfit belongs to Buffy.”
“And you can keep it. That is from two basketball teams ago,” she said. Finally Cyrus smiled when he got the hair right and pulled on a zip-up hoodie, leaving it open so that the Jefferson Middle School Basketball jersey underneath was visible.
“Well? Ladies?”
“Whoa…you’re selling it,” Andi said.
“Yup. You look like him.”
Cyrus looked in the mirror and smirked. “I’m no longer Cyrus Goodman. Until Midnight tonight, call me T.J. Kippen.”
Soon there were knocks at the Goodman’s front door. It was the GHC’s dates for the night, and Jonah, all in costume ready to see their other halves. Jonah wore a Shazam costume since everyone said that the actor who played Billy Batson looked like him. He wasn’t really into costumes all that much but they all begged him to the point he felt like a total jerk if he didn’t wear it.
Marty was dressed up like Ron Weasley, so even though he also wore a Gryffindor robe and tie, he swapped out the usual sweater for a burgundy one with a big gold “R” on the font and even found a twig, snapped it, then wrapped an ungodly amount of tape around it. He knew Buffy would commit and stole some of her dad’s old law books to carry around.
Amber wore her cheerleading uniform, but kept her hair down and curled, only putting up a small section into her giant hair bow. Her sneakers were shining white. Her couple outfit with Andi would be the nerd and the cheerleader, but with a gay twist. Instead of fighting for some boy like Taylor Swift’s “You belong with me” video, they were dating each other.
But T.J.’s won out of those guys, and he was excited to see Cyrus’s interpretation. He was dressed up in a patterned button down, had a messenger bag, and even slicked his hair down some. Just in case, he had the old Bar Mitzvah sweatshirt tucked in the bag just in case people didn’t realize what he was doing.
Cyrus’s mom opened the door and T.J. immediately put on his cheesiest smile and went “Hello, hello, hello!”
Mrs. Goodman couldn’t help but start laughing. “Oh my god, I’m not sure if this means you two hang out too much or you two are perfect for each other.”
“Both.” Marty and Amber said together.
“Hey, don’t hate,” he said back to them. “So...where is the wonderful, amazing, puppy-dog of a human being T.J. Kippen?” He joked.
“All three of them are upstairs,” she said. “And I want pictures of you all before you leave for the party!”
They were all headed upstairs and knocked on the bedroom door. Cyrus, dressed as T.J. was the one who opened the door and both boys almost lost composure immediately. They tried not to let it show, but they quickly took a breath and looked looked at each other. “Cyrus, My man,” Cyrus deepened his voice as much as he physically could. “You look Niceberg.”
T.J. had to bite his tongue for a second so that he didn’t laugh and he started talking, getting more and more excited and speaking faster as he did. “Wow Teej, you look absolutely amazing because you are amazing because this is going to be the best Halloween ever and you’re wearing a hoodie that matches your eyes and your jersey which you always look super hot in…”
“Oh my god, what did we sign up for,” Amber groaned and moved past them to go kiss her Nerdy Andi.
“I’m just gonna hang with my totally fly Cy guy,” Cyrus said, pulling a step stool from behind the door and standing on it so he could simulate the reverse of the height difference between the two. Jonah actually broke down laughing at that.
“And I get to be with my super cool, absolutely amazing boyfriend,” T.J. said, looking up at Cyrus. So that’s how it felt for him. T.J. was suddenly very aware of his own height.
“Good god, and I thought we were bad with out-extra-ing each other,” Marty said, putting his arm around Buffy’s shoulders. “Let's get to the party before this they somehow derail everything.”
“How would they even derail it?” Andi asked.
“Sure, act like we aren’t standing in front of you,” T.J. said.
“Do not underestimate my brother’s narcissism,” Amber said. “The sooner we’re out in public, the more guaranteed we are for having the two stay within a PG rating.”
“Hey, just because I can shoot three pointers with ease, or cross the court in seconds flat, doesn’t mean I am so self-absorbed,” Cyrus said, and everyone but Buffy and Andi looked at him in awe.
“What did you say?” Marty asked.
“What? Just tossing out some b-ball lingo. I’m just saying that it doesn’t matter that I truly rock because I can shoot nothing but net from half court, I’m just that amazing of a point guard,” he said. “But I’m an even more amazing boyfriend to my muffin of a man.”
T.J. was staring at him open-mouthed. “H..how?”
Buffy sighed and pulled a twenty dollar bill from her robe pocket. “I regret this so much...you all honestly could not begin to imagine.”
“Now I understand completely,” Marty said. “Come on, we have a party to get to.”
Everyone piled into the Kippen minivan that Mrs. Kippen allowed them to borrow, with T.J. driving and Cyrus in the passenger seat. “Are you sure you should drive, Underdog?” Cyrus said, back in T.J. mode. “I mean, you did almost fail your driver’s test.”
“I aced the written part and technically passed the driving part by like...a point,” T.J. replied. “I’m sure I’m fine for one night. Besides, your mom thinks I’m a good influence on you.”
“You totally are, you got me to start getting help for math. It was totally Niceburg.”
T.J. hissed under his breath, “I said it that word one time….”
Cyrus smirked at him from the passenger seat.
Marty opened his mouth and Buffy cut him off. “If you say blimey or bloody hell, I’m throwing you out of this car.”
Marty closed his mouth.
“I’m feeling very single right about now,” Jonah said.
“Ironic considering just about everyone attracted to men has had a crush on you,” Buffy said. “Except for me. You were too...swoopy for my type.”
“You know...like Justin Bieber back in the olden days? Swoopy.”
“And now I’m…?”
“Still a little swoopy, but much more human.” Everyone let out noises of agreement.
“Human?” He raised an eyebrow. “Ironic considering I’m dressed like...well…” he swished his Shazam cape.
“Dude, you were above the whole world back in the day,” Cyrus said. “Like some unattainable god! I couldn’t even just say Jonah when I talked to you. I had to say your full name.”
“Wow...so wait...you had a crush on me?” Jonah asked.
“Ladies and gentleman, the most oblivious man on earth,” Marty announced holding his arm out and presenting Jonah. “Raise your hand if you’ve ever been attracted to Jonah Beck.”
Everyone in the car except for Buffy and Marty (and obviously Jonah himself) raised their hands.
“Wait...Andi and Amber I know because I’ve dated both of you on and off...Cyrus...well...yeah I can see that...but...T.J.?”
“Yeah T.J.,” T.J. said. “Why else do you think I was a total dick to you in little league...or just a dick overall?”
“Never doubt the powers of heterocompuslivity and internalized homophobia,” Cyrus said.
“That intense?” Jonah asked and literally everyone except Buffy in the car shouted “YES!”
“Yeah Jo, you and I are the only non-queers in here as far as I can tell.”
“As far as you can tell?”
“Well, I know I’m straight,” she said. “You haven’t said straight or otherwise.”
He paused. “I mean...I’m into girls…”
“Be free to be,” Marty said. “That’s all that matters.”
“Sounds good to me,” he said. “So Buffy is the only confirmed straight, and I just have a question mark dangling.”
“Hey, still unique even among the majority,” she teased.
The party was being held in some warehouse downtown, and everyone was in costume, some as a couple, most as a standalone costume. Buffy and Marty were just playing around with each other, daring the other to the tabletop games and later, to who could stay in a kiss the longest. People told them to get a room, and those people got the finger.
Amber and Andi spent the whole night dancing and mingling with other people in costume, though sometimes a guy would try to hit on Amber and brought a friend with them to hit on Andi. They always seemed confused when she said that she was in a relationship, and then once or twice, got so annoyed that she pulled Andi in by the bow tie and kissed her deeply.
T.J. and Cyrus meanwhile, continued their shenanigans, pretending to be the other, complimenting both themselves and the other, being all sappy with each other. T.J. even sat down for most of the evening so that Cyrus could stand and keep the height difference.
People loved seeing how in sync the couple were, and even let them choose several songs over the course of the night so the two could dance together. They were even able to reunite almost everyone and do a reprise of “Born this Way,” except this time one of T.J.’s hands was occupied by Cyrus holding it tightly and kissing the back of it. They ended their night with the final chords of the song and kissed each other deeply on stage while everyone cheered. Buffy and Marty also kissed next to Andi and Amber who kissed as well. Jonah jokingly hugged himself tightly and jumped up and down.
They were all pretty much exhausted by the time they were leaving and thankful that the Macks agreed to host the group sleepover, with the rule being that they all had to sleep in sleeping bags in the living room to police each other.
T.J. and Cyrus were the last ones awake and they were cuddling, leaning against the couch, using their sleeping bags as blankets as they watched some Disney movies on mute with subtitles on as to not wake up the others.
“Hey,” T.J. said softly, his arms around Cyrus, who was using him as a pillow. “You know I love you, right?”
“Yeah,” he said sleepily, smiling up at T.J. “I love you too.” They leaned in and kissed each other softly. “I love you Mr. Goodman,” Cyrus teased.
“And I love you Mr. Kippen,” T.J. teased back, his fingers dancing playfully over Cyrus’s palm. “You know...I actually kinda like the sound of that. Mr. Goodman…”
“I was about to say the opposite,” Cyrus said back, his eyes close to closing. “I prefer the sound of Mr. Kippen.”
“How about a compromise then,” T.J. said, starting to get tired as well, but wanting to stay awake for as long as Cyrus was. “Mr. Goodman-Kippen.”
“Mr. Goodman-Kippen,” Cyrus yawned that last part. “I really like that...I can’t wait…”
T.J. watched him fall asleep, breathing evenly against his chest and turned off the T.V., adjusting the two of them so that they were lying down and making sure that Cyrus didn’t wake up. T.J. thought about his plans of surprising the group with a trip to Disney World for their senior year graduation trip, and then presenting Cyrus with a very special small box with a special and important gift inside. He smiled at the thought and laced his fingers with Cyrus’s. “Yeah...can’t wait either…”
Tag list: @theobligatedklutz @anarcoqueer1994 @honey-aes @luzawithoutu @tyrus-and-the-swings @losrgeekwhatevr
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Here we are. 5000 words of conversation, sexy bits, and more conversation. Features Dewey being soft, a liberal smattering of quotes from classic literature, a little naughty stuff, and a whole conversation with Frank that at no point turns into a shouting match. I’m so proud of all of them, I really am.
I’m dedicating this one to @virtualfindingsdocumented, just because.
It’s been four days since you and Frank fucked in his office and you more or less rejected him, and he has been avoiding you ever since. He’s succeeded at it too, which is kind of impressive when you think about it, seeing as you work together in a single building, however large. Meanwhile Ernest has picked up on the persistent awkwardness between you and stepped in to function as your primary superior instead, without commenting or asking what happened, for which you are very grateful. You wonder if he somehow knows, but surely that’s just you being paranoid?
Although you also wonder why he hasn’t initiated any amorous contact between you two either...
Daytimes thus ruined, you start focusing more on your nightly duties.
Tonight you’ve spent most of your time with Dewey categorizing reports from a volunteer stationed in sub-Saharan Africa, different countries depending on the month. The subjects of the reports are so diverse, it makes you wonder just who this volunteer is, that they have such a broach scope of interests.
Still, it’s not enough to keep your mind off what happened with Frank, the scene you witnessed yesterday with Ernest and the other concierge, and the nagging sense of doubt that’s starting to take a hold of you. What if Frank really has been right all along?
“You’re distracted tonight,” Dewey remarks. He’s sitting by one of the many reading desks in the library, a novel open in his hands. He does that sometimes, lets you work while he reads, fiction instead of the occasionally dry reports you have to shift through all night.
“Enough to distract you as well?” you ask.
Dewey smiles. “Just about. Did anything happen?”
You debate whether to tell him everything, but you’d really rather not. “I don’t want to talk about it right now,” you say.
“Do you want to talk about something else, then?”
Dewey’s love of talking never ceases to both delight and depress you. Delight you because you love talking with him about anything and everything long into the night, depress you because a man so fond of conversation shouldn’t be forced to live his life virtually alone in a hidden library, with very few people to talk to.
You face must reflect your inner gloom, because Dewey frowns. “Everything all right?”
You shake yourself. “I’m fine. What are you reading?”
Dewey allows you to change the subject by holding up his book. Lady Chatterley’s Lover.
You can’t keep a grin off your face. “Pornography for the discerning gentleman.”
Dewey puts a hand on his chest in mock-outrage. “How dare you slander such a fine piece of modern literature?”
“I wasn’t aware that was what I was doing?” you reply playfully. “I happen to think there’s much to be gained from reading quality erotica.”
“Do you now?” Dewey asks, and you can practically see him already mentally compiling a list of books to show you in the future.
You nod, putting down the paper you were sifting through and walking up to him. “Indeed I do.” You perch yourself on the edge of the desk, just close enough for your thigh to almost touch his arm, and pluck the book from his hands. You flip back to the first page, but instead of reading it yourself, you hand it back to Dewey. “Will you read it to me?”
Dewey clears his throat first, then begins, “Ours is essentially a tragic age, so we refuse to take it tragically. The cataclysm has happened, we are among the ruins, we start to build up new little habitats, to have new little hopes. It is rather hard work: there is now no smooth road into the future: but we go round, or scramble over the obstacles. We’ve got to live, no matter how many skies have fallen.” He stops, closing the book and looking wistful. “That about sums it all up, doesn’t it?” he asks.
“I wouldn’t call it a ‘little habitat’, this place you’ve built. It’s rather enormous, actually.”
Dewey smiles wryly. “But it is amongst the ruins nevertheless.”
“I like the last part. ‘We’ve got to live, no matter how many skies have fallen’. It sounds hopeful.”
“It speaks to the determination of the human soul,” Dewey says, “That we continue to live and hope for a better future despite all the tragic things that has happened to us in our lives.”
“I suppose it does,” you agree, “or our foolishness.”
“You’re not foolish,” Dewey says with sudden intensity.
You snort. “Oh, but I am. Just ask Frank.”
Dewey grabs your hand, making you freeze. “I’m not asking Frank; I’m telling you that it’s not a fault to still have hope.”
You sigh, shoulders slumping. “Right,” you mutter, turning your hand over and allowing Dewey to hold it. It’s comforting, an effortlessly affectionate touch. “Can we just read the book tonight?”
“It’s not the most obvious bedtime story,” Dewey warns.
“I’d still like to hear it,” you say.
Dewey squeezes your hand once and then lets it go. “As you wish. Come on.”
You’ve never been in Dewey’s bedroom before. It’s furnished almost exactly like the rooms in the hotel, but it feels warmer somehow, lived in. Books are piled on every available surface, and yet it doesn’t seem cluttered.
Dewey hands you the book, and you climb onto the bed with it in hand, making yourself comfortable against the pillows. You watch Dewey remove his jacket, vest and tie. Then he joins you on the bed. Lying on top of the bedspread as you are, it doesn’t feel like a sexual situation, just an intimate one.
Dewey sits up against the headboard and places a pillow behind his back, shifting to get comfortable before reaching out silently to make you hand him the book. You do so, and while he flips through the foreword, you inch closer to him. Without looking up, Dewey raises his arm in invitation, and you happily accept his offer, moving around until you’re lying on your side next to him, your head pillowed on his shoulder, his arm curled around you.
He starts reading, his voice low and soothing, and you allow yourself to let it wash over you. You have no idea how much time passes, with the two of your lying there, but for the first time in a long while you feel truly secure.
You start to drift off a little at some point, but you don’t really notice until Dewey pauses, and leans down to whisper, “Are you sleeping?”
“Mmm,” you hum, keeping your eyes closed, “maybe a little. Don’t stop.”
“I demand an attentive audience,” Dewey says teasingly. “Mr. Lawrence would be appalled if he knew I was squandering his words on someone who’s asleep.”
“I’m not actually sleeping,” you protest, but Dewey closes the book nonetheless, even as you open your eyes and crane back your neck to give him a reproachful look. “Can we continue tomorrow then?”
“After we’ve finished working,” Dewey promises, the corners of his eyes crinkling as he smiles down at you.
Something in the mood shifts, and you both feel it. Dewey’s smile softens, and you take a shuddering breath, closing your eyes as he leans down towards you.
The kiss is gentle, but not at all hesitant. Dewey’s lips moving smoothly over yours, coaxing you into responding. You kiss back lazily, parting your lips when Dewey pushes his tongue against them, groaning with pleasure as he explores your mouth. He tastes like Earl Grey tea.
You take your time undressing one another, constantly getting distracted by kissing instead. Dewey has no qualms letting you set the pace and remove his clothes as you see fit, one piece at a time, each of them tossed thoughtlessly to the floor. You revel in the control you have over the situation, so unlike what you’ve been getting used to.
Dewey is pale, even paler than Ernest or Frank, and his chest is covered in irregular freckles. You trace a finger lightly over three of them, located just above his right nipple. “There’s so many,” you observe, amused by how a bunch of them create a trail down his stomach, towards his crotch. “It’s like a treasure map.”
Dewey snorts, his abs tightening as he tries not to laugh when you inadvertently tickle him while charting out a course to the edge of his underwear. “I’ve never thought of them like that.”
“Obviously,” you say, resting your fingertips on his lower abdomen. “That’s because I’m cleverer than you.”
You both laugh at that, knowing that it’s not even remotely true.
Dewey gets a hold of himself first, his eyes still glinting with mischief as he reaches to stroke your cheek. “Why don’t you show me where they lead?”
You give him your most sultry grin, and without further ado you slide your hand into his underwear and curl your fingers around his cock. He inhales sharply as you start stroking him while using your other hand to push down his briefs, giving you more room to touch him. He’s hot and hard in your palm, and he makes the most delicious little sounds of pleasure when you touch him, spurring you on.
You try to keep focused, but when it becomes difficult when Dewey leans down to kiss you again and slides his hand down the middle of your abdomen, pausing at the edge of your panties. “Yes,” you breathe against his lips. “Yes, please.”
His fingers slip under the fabric and continue south. You let out a moan when they briefly rub against your clit before moving on, two of them slipping up inside you. You let out a sigh, shifting your hips upwards to make it easier for Dewey to reach deeper inside you. When he proves capable of firmly rubbing your clit with his thumb while moving his fingers back and forth, you lose your focus entirely, eyes falling shut, only just managing to continue stroking his cock, you’re so lost in your own pleasure.
“Fuck,” you exhale. “You’re good at that.”
Dewey makes a little sound, somewhere between pleased and aroused. You open your eyes to find him looking at your raptly, his cheeks flushed bright red and his eyes impossibly wide. It’s not difficult for you - knowing him as you do by now - what’s the cause of that particular reaction.
You make a note to gently tease him about it at a later date, but right now you’re just going to exploit it. “So good,” you breathe, “You’re so good to me, Dewey, please don’t stop.”
Dewey catches onto what you’re trying to do and lets of a strangled laugh, but he doesn’t stop, rather he buries his face in your neck, sniggers turning into moans when you keep talking, a mix of encouragements and compliments falling easily off your tongue while you quicken the movement of your hand and cradle the back of his head with the other.
It's Dewey’s turn to struggle with keeping his wits about him, but you don’t mind the uneven stimulation you’re getting right now, not when he’s thrusting into your hand and making increasingly desperate noises against your throat. “Please,” he chokes. “If you don’t stop I’m gonna-” you tighten your fingers and he gasps.
“Come?” you ask, turning your head and kissing his temple. “I want you to. Come on, baby, come for me.”
His orgasm seems to take Dewey by surprise, judging from the way his hips suddenly jerk forward and the strangled cry he tries to muffle against your shoulder. It turns into a long, deep-chested groan, his body shuddering while he spills over your hand and stomach. You keep stroking him through it, whispering soft nothings in his ear until he stills again.
“I’m sorry,” he murmurs, his voice a little hoarse. “I was meant to focus on you.”
“I did try my hardest to distract you,” you point out. “We’ve got time.”
Dewey pulls back to look at your face. He looks amazing, hair ruffled, cheeks flushed, eyes still shining with pleasure as he smiles at you, wholly unguarded. “We do,” he agrees, leaning down to kiss you firmly before moving down to kneel between your legs. You tangle your fingers in his hair as he puts his mouth on your cunt, trying to anchor yourself while he licks your clit, sliding a couple of fingers back inside you. It doesn’t work, you got no control left to grasp at. You come crying out Dewey’s name, glad that only the books are around to hear you.
You lie on the bed afterwards, still naked, watching Dewey get up to get dressed, and you find yourself reciting from memory, “’Then he stood there, above her, fastening his breeches and looking down at her with dark, wide eyes, his face a little flushed and his hair ruffled, curiously warm and still and beautiful in the dim light of the lantern, so beautiful, she would never tell him how beautiful. It made her want to cling to him, to hold him, for there was a warm, half-sleepy remoteness in his beauty that made her want to cry out and clutch him, to have him.’” You breathe in, sadly. “’She would never have him.’”
Dewey stopped dressing the second he realized where the words come from, looking at you just like Mellors looked at Constance in those lines, eyes dark and gentle. Then he smiles. “I thought you hadn’t read the book.” 
“You really thought I hadn’t read Lady Chatterley’s Lover? I’m insulted.”
“Then why did you ask me to read it to you?” Dewey asks, although he must know.
You tell him anyway. “I like the sound of your voice. I wanted to just... listen to it. Lie here and not care about anything else.”
Dewey’s smile turns melancholy. “I hope it helped.”
“It did,” you tell him, honestly.
Dewey walks back over to the bed, sitting down on the edge, and reaches out to brush a lock of your hair off your forehead, tugging it behind your ear. He strokes your cheek, and murmurs, “’He had no idea what she was thinking, but to him too she was beautiful, the soft, marvelous thing he could go into, beyond everything.’”
You turn your face into the palm of his hand and breathe deeply, trying to keep yourself from tearing up. Things would be a lot simpler if you’d just fallen for Dewey and no one else.
But it’s too late for you to go back, you’re caught in this situation of your own making, and you have no idea how you’re going to get out. You suddenly feel very helpless.
“Hey,” Dewey says softly, and you realize that you’ve started crying despite your best efforts to contain your emotions.
“I’m fine,” you try to say, but your voice breaks pathetically halfway through and it’s painfully obvious that you’re far from all right.
Dewey lies back down on the bed and gathers you into his arms, quietly holding you and gently stroking your back while you sob into his chest. He seems to understand that there’s nothing he can say right now that will help, so he doesn’t try.
It takes you a while to cry yourself out, but gradually you regain control of yourself, although you don’t try to withdraw from Dewey’s arms even when your tears have started drying. “I’m sorry,” you say, voice rough.
“It’s okay,” Dewey replies. “You’re under a lot of pressure. It’s understandable.”
Oh, he has no real idea of how bad it really is. You sigh, keeping your face hidden in his shirt. “It’s pathetic.”
Dewey makes a disapproving noise. “You’ve got a lot to cope with, you shouldn’t be this hard on yourself.”
“I’m literally endangering my entire mission because I’m incapable of controlling myself around your brother.”
“Well,” Dewey says, not sounding the least bit put off by you mentioning your affair with Ernest, “He can be very charming, when he wants to be.”
And that’s exactly the point Frank has made time and time again, that Ernest is charming when he wants to be, only now that it’s delivered without the usual vitriol you get from Frank, and you find yourself forced to consider the implications instead of stubbornly refusing to listen just because you feel spoken down to.
“I’m going to fix this,” you promise.
Dewey plants a kiss on the top of your head. “I have faith in you.”
That makes one of us, you think. “Can I stay here tonight? I promise I’ll be careful sneaking upstairs in the morning.”
“You can stay as long as you like,” Dewey replies, and you believe him.
Moving right onto the Next Chapter
You wake up slowly, immediately noticing that you’re not in your usual bed. This one is softer, and the sheets are crisper. But even in your half-sleeping state you remember last night, so you don’t panic. You can hear Dewey moving around in the en-suite bathroom, humming under his breath, the tap running. He’s probably shaving. You stretch, hoping it’s still early enough for you to make it upstairs without alerting Frank to the fact that you stayed down here, knowing he won’t approve of that level of risky behavior. Not that he approves of anything you do at all, but still. You’ve decided to try to mend some fences.
You suddenly feel another presence in the room, and your eyes fly open.
A Denouement, standing in the bedroom door, arms folded across his chest. For a split second you do panic, but then you take in the tightness of his mouth, the carefully blank facial expression, disapproval only visible in the hardness of his eyes. Frank. Your cover is intact. You force yourself to relax.
That’s when you notice you’re still naked and you somehow kicked off the sheets during the night. You quickly sit up and reach for them, jerking them up to cover yourself. You can feel your cheeks growing hot.
Frank rolls his eyes. “In case you’ve forgotten, I’ve already seen you naked.”
“Mostly naked,” you correct him. Which is true, he never saw you without a bra. Doesn’t stop you from feeling silly now that he’s pointed it out.
Before Frank has a chance to reply, Dewey appears in the bathroom door, already fully dressed apart from his jacket. “Ah, Frank,” he greets, tone perfectly relaxed. “Good morning.”
The look Frank gives him is less displeased than the one he aimed at you, and there’s a hint of understanding hidden somewhere beneath it; he knows why Dewey would do something like this. Doesn’t mean he’ll accept why you did it, but at least he isn’t angry at his brother.
“I brought you breakfast,” he says. Then he looks at you pointedly. “I’m afraid there’s only enough for one.”
Right. Time to go. You glance around in search of some clothes.
But before you get a chance to move Dewey dismisses Frank’s subtle order with a wave of his hand. “I’ll go upstairs and get some more,” he says breezily. “You wait down here, I’ll be you if someone asks.”
Frank opens his mouth to protest, but Dewey is already halfway across the room, stopping only to pick up a jacket that’s been draped over the back of one of the chairs in the room at some point while you slept. He puts it on while walking past Frank, giving him a pat on the shoulder as he passes by him. “I’ll be right back.” And then he’s gone.
Leaving you and Frank alone with no means of escape. “Very clever,” you mutter, already feeling very awkward.
“Indeed,” Frank agrees, looking similarly uncomfortable, although it’s only evident from the tension of his upper body. You still spot it though.
Neither of you move, speak, or look each other in the eye for an excruciatingly long time. Finally, Frank sighs, unfolds his arms, and turns to leave the room. For a second you wonder if he’s just decided to wait out in the library, but then he returns with a tray in his hands. He puts it down on the bed by your feet, and you take in the frankly impressive array of fresh fruit, your stomach growling embarrassingly loud at the sight. Frank must have heard, but he doesn’t say anything.
Adjusting the sheet to keep your covered, you inch forward until you can reach the food. You pick up a large piece of mango and withdraw again, nibbling at it. Frank remains standing silently at the foot of the bed, as still as a particularly imposing statue. You swallow the mango and lean forward again, going for a slice of melon next. Retreat. Eat. Lean in for more. Repeat. Not awkward at all.
“You want some?” you ask, just to break the silence.
“I already ate,” Frank replies curtly. “It’s half past seven.”
Shit. That’s a lot later than you’d hoped. People will be wondering where you are. Time to panic again.
“I told your colleagues you’re sick,” Frank says, sensing your distress. “I figured you’d be down here still.”
“You did?” you ask, shoulders relaxing minutely.
“Yes,” Frank replies. “You weren’t in your room, you weren’t with Ernest. Not many other places you’d be.”
“I’m sorry,” you say automatically. “I meant to sneak upstairs before anyone noticed.”
“I figured that too,” Frank says, and that’s probably the most acknowledgement of your good intentions you’re going to get. Still, you promised Dewey you would make an effort to mend your relationship with Frank as much as possible. If only you knew how...
Then, much to your surprise, Frank lets out another sigh and sits down on the edge of the bed, his body stiff as a board, as if he’s poised for a fight. When you don’t give him one, he eventually drops his shoulders a little and plucks a piece of pineapple off the tray, eating it in silence.
This goes on for a while, the two of your taking turns picking food off the plates, not saying a word. Dewey would be proud, you think bitterly. Or maybe he would. At least you’re not arguing. Yet.
Just as you can’t take anymore and open your mouth to say something, anything, Frank beats you to it. “Dewey thinks we should talk.”
Frank finally looks at you, eyes narrowed. “You disagree.”
You straighten. “I didn’t say that.”
“You implied it.”
“I didn’t.” Your voice has already sharpened, and you can see Frank starting to withdraw. Not physically, just from the conversation. That won’t do, you can’t keep letting every interaction with him end in a fight. “I didn’t,” you repeat, softening your tone. “I mean, I definitely agree with him.”
“So you’re willing to apologize?” Frank asks.
You’re this close to lashing out at him, but then you realize that’s what he’s expecting, what he’s trying to goad you into doing. You won’t give him the satisfaction. “Depends on what you want me to apologize for.”
There’s a hint of surprise in Frank’s eyes at your self-restraint. “Just the usual,” he says.
“I’m still not going to apologize for being with Ernest,” you tell him. “But I shouldn’t have questioned your loyalty to the VFD. I was trying to provoke you.”
“And...” you take a deep breath. “I’m sorry that I hurt you.”
Frank looks away. “I suppose this is... satisfactory. As far as initial apologies go.”
“Gee, thanks,” you mutter under your breath. You reach for a cluster of grapes and start picking them off one after the other just to busy your hands. Once you’ve got a good handful, you brace yourself and hold out your hand in a silent peace offering.
Frank stares at it. Then, very carefully, he reaches out and takes a couple of grapes. He pops them into his mouth and chews them slowly. Silence settles once more.
It’s only slightly less uncomfortable than it was before, but that’s better than nothing. You’ve mostly accepted that this is going to be the extent of your conversation when Frank speaks, his voice carefully smooth, his eyes fixed on your hands rather than your face,
“I apologize for treating you so rudely when we first met. I have my reasons for disliking your presence here, but I shouldn’t have taken my anger out on you. You did nothing to warrant that reaction.”
You stare at him in shock. That’s... you didn’t expect that at all. “I’m... okay. I mean, I accept your apology.”
“And I accept yours. In case I hadn’t made that clear.”
Wow. You could get used to this kind of open communication with him. “I’m glad,” you say.
“I still think you’re making a mistake.”
You nod, dropping the empty grape sprig on the tray. “Duly noted.” You reach for another piece of fruit just as Frank moves to do the same, and your hands bump into each other. Both of you withdraw.
You look up. “Frank?”
It takes him a few second, but when he does lift his gaze to meet yours his eyes are neither calculating nor cold, they’re... questioning. Even a little hopeful.
Right, time for one more leap of faith; very slowly, you lean forward over the tray, giving him plenty of time to rebuff you. To your immense relief, he doesn’t. Instead, he turns to face you head-on and when you reach him, he closes his eyes. Your lips meet in a slow, gentle kiss. He tastes like the fruit you’ve been eating with a hint of coffee lurking underneath, and for some reason it makes you smile. You feel him doing the same, his hand coming up to carefully cradle the side of your face, his thumb stroking your cheekbone. You sigh into the kiss, blindly reaching down to push the breakfast tray out of the way so you can get closer. You drop the sheets on your way, but it no longer matters, especially when Frank’s other hand slides around you and settles on your naked back, warm and steady as he pulls you close to him.
“Excellent,” someone says from the doorway, and you and Frank jerk away from each other.
Dewey is leaning against the door frame, holding a piece of buttered toast and wearing the biggest grin you’ve seen on his face since meeting him. “I am a genius,” he says and takes a bite of the toast, chewing loudly. “A goddamn genius.”
“Don’t speak with your mouth full,” Frank says an air of gentle exasperation that makes you certain that he’s been telling Dewey this all their lives. The thought makes you smile.
“Whatever,” Dewey replies cheerily, “I’m still brilliant.”
“All you did was force us to stay in a room together,” Frank points out. “Hardly the work of a mastermind.”
“But it worked,” Dewey counters. “And that’s what matters. Now, don’t mind me, I’ll just...” he slides over and picks up the half-empty tray of fruit. “... take this, and then I’ll leave you alone. I’ll be accepting your gratitude in the form of a greatly improved working environment all around. See you later.” And then he just leaves, a spring in his step.
When you turn your attention back to Frank, you catch the tail end of an eyeroll, but it’s a good-natured one for once. And when he notices you looking at him, he actually smiles. “He’s going to be insufferable for days,” he informs you.
“Oh, I realize that,” you reply, smiling back. “I don’t mind.”
“Yeah, you wouldn’t,” Frank says. “You’re going to be just the same.”
“Insufferable? I thought you thought I was insufferable already.”
“Yes, but this is a whole new brand of it. I don’t think I can handle you smiling at me like this for an extended period of time. It’s... unnerving.”
That doesn’t nothing to wipe the smile of your face, as a matter of fact it just makes it grow wider. “You should enjoy it.”
“I am,” Frank says with a startling level of honesty and you are almost taken aback by it. He must have surprised himself with his newfound candor as well, because you can see the tips of his ears growing slightly pink. “I mean-...” he begins.
“Don’t,” you cut him off, pressing one finger to his lips. “Don’t say anything else. Just... let’s enjoy this for a while.”
Frank starts rolling his eyes again, but before he gets a chance to say something potentially sarcastic or otherwise situation-ruining, you remove your finger, grab his shirt collar and jerk him towards you, tilting your head and kissing him firmly. You feel him exhale through his nose, but he relents without further protest. That’s all the invitation you need to climb into his lap, not caring how it must look, a naked girl in the arms of her fully-dressed boss. It’s actually kind of thrilling, and the feeling of his suit against your skin is really nice.
Frank indulges you for a little while, kissing you and stroking your back with one hand, tangling the fingers of the other in your messy hair and just holding on. But it only lasts for so long, before he tugs you back. “You need to go upstairs,” he tells you softly.
Lesser people would have pouted, but you’re a mature adult, so you settle on sighing in annoyance. “Why?”
“Because once he hears that you’re ‘sick’, Ernest is going to show up at your door with gallons of overly-sweetened tea and dozens of old family remedies for the common cold, just dying to nurse you back to health.” He doesn’t sound bitter about this, it’s just a fact he’s stating. “You should be there to indulge him.”
You try not to smile, but you don’t manage fully. “All right. I’ll even drink the tea.”
“The sweet tea is the important part,” Frank agrees. “A true volunteer would refuse it.”
“Lucky for him, I��m just a random concierge.”
“You’re hardly random,” Frank mutters, mostly to himself. He kisses your cheek. “Now, get dressed, and hurry.”
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kookie-for-you · 5 years
Royal Flush, Chapter 3
Previous Chapter
“So for the order of member debuts, it’s going to start with Yeji,” our manager, Soonbok, said, hitting a button on the keyboard, bringing up the two photos of me for the debut, one in that cute fluffy skirt and the other in a pair of high waisted denim, high tops, and a crop top.  Our concept was all about the duality of feminine style—the sweet, cute side and the more punk and rebellious side.  Or, as our manager called it, “Sugar and Spice.”
Jisoo’s hands flew to her cheeks.  “Oh, Yeji-eunnie you look so good!  How did you look so perfect?”
“Why me first?” I asked, feeling my heart speed up with nerves.  I critically examined the photos.  In my opinion, they weren’t anywhere close to perfect.  My hair laying weird in one photo, and my legs were way too thick, even after the editing that I’m sure had been done.
“You’re the center, and the visual,” Soonbok explained.  “Bang PD-nim thinks that you’ll grab the attention first, and get people excited for everyone else.”  I nodded slowly, unsure how I felt about that reasoning.  I had a feeling it was a little bit less exciting being called the visual than it was for Minji to be called the leader, or Jisoo to be called the lead rapper.  It just felt like less of an earned position.
“Who’s next?” Jahyun asked, clapping her hands excitedly.  
Soonbok obliged, clicking to the next slide of her powerpoint.  “After Yeji, it will be Minji,” she told us.  Minji’s photos were lovely.  Her bleached blonde hair popped against her tan skintone, and the blues and reds the stylists put her in looked amazing on her.  “Then JJ.”
JJ.  That was Jisoo’s stage name.  Her name was Jung Jisoo, and in English her initials were JJ. Sometimes I forgot she had taken one, since we all still just called her by her name.  We’d have to get used to calling her JJ more, at least for during interviews and things.  Jahyun had taken one too—Juliet.
I’d been offered a few stage names too.  Roxy, Stacey, Maya.  In the end I’d decided to keep my own name though.  Kim Yeji suited me.
“After JJ is Juliet.” I realized I’d basically missed Jisoo’s pictures.  I made a mental note to look back at them later.  Meanwhile, now Jahyun’s adorable face was smiling on the screen.  I was surprised by her edgy photo though—I hadn’t been on set for those photos, and had yet to see them.  It almost seemed wrong to see our bubbly and cute maknae posing in combat boots and ripped jeans, but she pulled the look off as effortlessly as she did so many other things.
I could tell Jahyun was proud of the pictures as well, so I leaned over and wrapped my arms around her shoulders, giving her a squeeze.  Her grin grew wider as she snuggled back into my arms, craving cuddles as usual.
“Haneul-eunnie is last?” Jisoo asked, looking to our eldest sister sitting on the end.
Soonbok nodded, giving Haneul a kind smile.  “Haneul’s energy is so kind and calm, she’s a great way to round out the group and make people feel secure that the group is grounded.”  Soonbok always had a way of delivering information in such a nice way. Maybe that was why she was (secretly) all of our favorite manager.
Haneul’s pictures were pretty too.  She’d had her hair dyed a dusty pink, and they’d done her eye makeup to match with sparkly pink eyeshadow in the soft pictures, and hot pink eyeliner in the edgy ones.  I found my eyes drawn to how impossibly small her body seemed to be—before Haneul had even been a trainee, she’d trained for years as a ballerina, and her body shape told that story.
Minji sighed, looking equal parts nervous and excited.  “Having a schedule for the photos makes debut seem all the sooner.”
Haneul nodded.  “Only two months now,” she said, and I felt a shiver run through me.  Was I excited?  Terrified? What if the fans hated us?  We had a lot to live up to.  I’d been on social media, and I’d seen people speculating about us, and how Bangtan set such an example for us to follow.  It was a lot to take in.
Coming up after Bangtan would provide us with a lot of opportunity, certainly.  People would be watching us right away.  We’d start out with probably bigger shows and interviews. There were even already talks of a small tour around the US early next year.  But there were drawbacks too.  We would get away with a lot fewer mistakes than an average rookie group.  Everyone was going to be watching Royal Flush.
 * * * 
Two hours later, we were mid-dance rehearsal.  We’d just finished another run-through of our debut song when our choreographer gave us a break to rest and have some water.  I smiled as I saw Jahyun dramatically collapse onto the floor right where she stood, reaching up to drag Jisoo down to lay with her.  The two of them giggled as they cuddled up next to each other, sweaty as they were.
I followed Haneul over to the side of the room where our water bottles were.  Somehow, she already had mine and handed it to me.  “You look exhausted,” she joked, pushing a sweaty strand of my hair from my face.  
“Not really,” I replied, taking a long drink of water.  It was still cold and fresh—the insulated water bottles Haneul had bought for all of us were so good.  “Minji?” I called out, handing our leader Jahyun’s water.  “Take that to the kids, please.  They’ll forget to hydrate.”
“What do you think of being the first member debuted?” Haneul asked as Minji scampered off to deliver water to the maknaes.  Haneul and I both took a seat resting our backs against the wall, watching as the tiny leader was coerced to joining the other two who were now starfishing in the middle of the studio floor.
I shrugged.  “I mean…it’s not like it means much,” I said, trying not to seem too nervous about the idea.  “So they’ll see my face first.  It’s not huge, they’ll see Minji’s the next day, and then Jisoo and Jahyun and you.  We’re a group.”
“Jahyun is already planning out her first twitter post once we gain control of the account,” Haneul said with a smile and a shake of her head.  “She wants so badly to make a good first impression on the fans.  It matters so much to her.”
“Yeah,” I agreed.  Too easily, Jahyun could be seen as just a silly teenager who was excited about becoming a star.  But us—Royal Flush, and the staff—we saw how hard that girl worked every day, even while still going to school and growing up.  Her family were all the way back in Daegu.  Jahyun might have given up the most of any of us for this, and she kept a smile on her face the whole time.
So often were people going in and out of the studio, we didn’t really notice when the door opened, but then a voice called our attention.  “Hello, Royal Flush.”  Simultaneously, all five of us looked over to see all seven members of Bangtan standing in the doorway.
I don’t know how we all managed to get to our feet and bow so quickly.  “Hello Bangtan-sunbaes,” we replied, almost in unison.  I heard Jahyun giggle nervously, and I looked over to see her halfway hiding behind Jisoo.  While I watched, I saw Jisoo pinch Jahyun’s elbow in an attempt to get her to calm down.
Kim Namjoon was the one who had greeted us.  “We thought it was about time that we came and saw you all.”
By now, all of us had finished bowing.  My eyes moved from one member to the other, too entranced by the sunbaes to focus on one. Jeon Jungkook seemed to be focusing on his leader and avoiding our eyes, Park Jimin gave a cheerful wave, and when I caught Kim Seokjin’s eyes, the saucy man winked at me.  I felt a furious blush rise in my cheeks and ducked my head, terrified that my face was now the same color as my hair.
Minji stepped right into her role as leader, stepping away from the group and bowing again to Bangtan. “My name is Kong Minji, sunbaes,” she introduced.  “I’m Royal Flush’s leader.”  
Haneul stepped forward as well.  “I am Li Haneul,” she said, bowing as well.  “I’m the eldest.”  Haneul looked over at me expectantly.
When I looked over the group again, my eyes met with Min Yoongi.  They seemed to lock with mine just the same way they did in the practice room.  I wondered if he had told his other members—well, other than Namjoon and Jimin—about how we’d already met.  “My name is Kim Yeji, sunbaes,” I said quietly.  “I’m…Yeji.”
I heard Jahyun snicker so quietly I’d almost felt I imagined it.  A tiny smirk showed up on Yoongi’s face, though it was gone in a second.
“Ah, another Kim!” Seokjin said, throwing his head to the side to whip his bangs from his eyes.  “Tell me, Kim Yeji, how does it feel to be the second most attractive Kim at Big Hit?”
My blush came back full force, exactly at the same time as Namjoon and Taehyung both shoved and shouted at Seokjin playfully.  I simply forced a giggle, ducking my head down again and pulling my hair in front of my face.
“You’ve made her shy, hyung,” Jimin protested.  “Don’t let him be a tease, he never knows when to stop.”  The boys laughed, including Seokjin.
Jisoo took her chance to give another bow.  “I am Jung Jisoo, sunbaes, but you might know me by my stage name JJ.  I’m the main rapper for Royal Flush.”
“And I’m Yuk Jahyun.” The maknae didn’t wait a second to introduce herself, clearly eager.  Her bow was as bouncy as her personality.  “I’ll be debuting as Juliet.”
“You’re the maknae, aren’t you?” Taehyung asked with a smile.  He slung an arm around Jungkook, who was still being very still and quiet, avoiding eye contact.  “Our Jungkookie can give you some tips on debuting so young.”
“Oh yes!” Jahyun said, nodding.  “I’d be honored to learn anything sunbae had to teach me.”
“We were hoping to catch a sneak preview of your choreos, if that’s all right with you?” Namjoon suggested. His calm smile and demeanor really radiated out of him, putting me almost at ease again.  “It looks like you were taking a break…”
“Of course, sunbae,” Minji agreed, and when she looked around the rest of us nodded eagerly along. “We can surely run through our debut choreography again.”
“Fantastic!” Seokjin exclaimed.  His exuberance seemed only to excite Jahyun more, and she giggled while bouncing up and down and clapping.  Bangtan made their way further into the studio, joining the staff who had been watching us from one side of the room.  As Haneul and I placed our waters down and rejoined our members in the center, I took the time to observe the way our sunbaes interacted with each other.
It was so easy, the way they walked and talked.  Namjoon and Seokjin seemed to be discussing something together as they both stood at one end of the group.  Taehyung and Jimin were both clearly whispering teasing words to Jungkook, as his red cheeks and stifled laughter seemed to imply.  He repeatedly shook his head at them and shoved them away as they attempted to hang off of his shoulders.  Hoseok watched them and occasionally added a ruffle of Jungkook’s hair.
Yoongi seemed to stay off to the side.  He’d chosen to crouch down, and was simply staring at his shoes, seeming deep in thought. While I stood there, wondering what he was thinking, he looked up and our eyes met once again.
I looked away quickly. I really needed to stop that.
We quickly got back into the very familiar starting position for our choreo.  I started in the center, and knew every eye would be automatically drawn to me.  I’d have to be careful not to make any mistakes.  The choreography wasn’t exactly easy, and Royal Flush was no exception to Big Hit’s love of precision and synchronization.  It would be noticeable if we weren’t together.
It was just another run-through.  I couldn’t be nervous.  I looked down at the ground, ready in my opening position.
When the music started and the first eight beats went by, my head popped up right on cue, and after that, I wasn’t really aware of anything that happened.  My body got carried away by the music, and by the long hours of work and the sheer memorization of this dance.  I forgot who was even in the room and just focused on dancing as good as I ever had.
The second the music stopped, and all five of us had stuck our ending positions, Bangtan broke out into applause.  My cheeks burned automatically, and I felt a sheepish grin on my face.  “Wow, our juniors are the best,” Hoseok kept repeating.
“Really, Royal Flush, that was awesome,” Namjoon said, standing up from where he’d crouched down next to Yoongi to watch.  My eyes slid over to Yoongi, who was simply nodding along to what everyone else said. He looked tired.
“Oh man, I’m going to be singing that song later,” Taehyung commented.  “Jisoo-ssi, that one line you have?  Deck of cards with five queens in one hand, I’d call that a Royal Flush, that is such a killing line.  Did you write that?”
“Yes, with Yeji-eunnie’s help,” Jisoo said, and I smiled in receipt of the acknowledgement.  “Yeji-eunnie is great at lyrics.”
“She is great at dancing, too,” Hoseok said.  “I couldn’t keep my eyes off you, seriously.”
“Haneul too,” Jimin interjected.  “I can tell, you must have a background in modern dance or something?”
“Ballet,” Haneul said with a smile and nod.  Jimin nodded as well, and smiled along with her.
“As much as we’d love to stand here and compliment our juniors all day, Bangtan does have practice as well,” Namjoon said.  He threw an arm around Jungkook’s shoulders.  The maknae had seemed to brighten up during the performance, though he hadn’t said anything.  “We will leave you to your practice, Royal Flush.  Minji-ssi, is it all right if I get your cellphone number, so I can text you when our groups can meet up for a meal sometime?”
“Yes, of course, sunbae,” Minji said hurriedly trotting over to her bag to grab her phone.  Most of Bangtan wandered out with smiles and waves from them and bows from us.  Haneul gripped my arm tightly.
“Can you believe Bangtan liked our dance?” she whispered in my ear.
I looked at her, a little surprised.  “I thought nothing shook you, eunnie,” I teased.  “They’re our seniors, of course they like us.”
“They could have ignored us, but they didn’t.  And Park Jimin complimented my dancing.  ME,” she repeated, seeming in shock.
While I couldn’t understand why she was surprised someone would enjoy her dancing, I understood the feeling. “I know,” I repeated, watching as Namjoon left, last of his bandmates.  “It feels like things are really starting to come together.”
“Like this is real,” Haneul added.  I nodded.
“Yeah.  Like this is real.”
Next Chapter
A/N:  If you would like to see a GREAT idea of what Royal Flush’s dance/performance aesthetic is like, I highly recommend ITZY’s dance rehearsal videos.  I use them for inspiration when it comes to Royal Flush.  The Dalla Dalla dance rehearsal is a great idea of what Royal Flush’s choreography looks like, with the members as follows:
Yeji-Yeji (I decided this BEFORE I knew this member’s name was Yeji, I was shocked)
Ryujin-Jisoo (JJ)
Lia-Jahyun (Juliet)
8 notes · View notes
generaldevi · 6 years
Rating: Mature
Characters: Donquixote Rocinante; Trafalgar D Water Law
Pairing: CoraLaw
Warning: None
Length: ~ 4600 words
Crossposted here and on AO3 
The amazing @seequret illustrated my fanfic <3  Go check their account and their fanart! 
Two days after the coffee machine-incident Rocinante stood in front of the mirror.
“Uhm …” He turned around with a frown on his face. Not only did the Hoodie not match his style (Yes! He had a style). It also restricted his movements.
This was not what Rocinante had in mind, when he took one of Laws favorite hoodies and tried to put it on! Not only did he hear the seams creak from time to time, he was also sure that some of them did not survive the tension Rocinante had put on them.
The Blonde was built far bulkier than Law. His boyfriend had a rather slender figure, meanwhile Rocinante’s torso was sturdily built and his shoulders were way wider than Laws. He tried to lift his arms, just to hear another seam give in.
“Oh.” He should have done this with a different Hoodie, not with one of Laws favorites. He was going to kill him. This was how he, Donquixote Rocinante, would die. Restricted in a too small Hoodie, half suffocated, half cut into pieces by his boyfriend. “Hmpf.”
If only Law had not looked so good in Rocinante’s sweater. The Blonde could not describe the feeling that got a hold on him, as he saw his boyfriend leave the bathroom while wearing one of his blue hoodies. Something primal. He thought that his heart would burst in his chest, too full of love. He had wanted to claim and mark. An unusual urge for him. Rocinante was by no means a possessive boyfriend. Never had been. He understood very well that Law needed time for himself and that the dark-haired man enjoyed most of his free time alone. Well, a lot of free time was not exactly the right wording, considering he was planning to finish his studies a year prior to standard time.
Law enjoyed brooding hours and hours over his lecture notes and medical books. Days were spend in the laboratories at universities, practical anatomy lessons, dissecting, skinning and what else Law had to do there. Most of the things grossed Rocinante out. He still listened to Law, whenever he wanted to talk about these things. He seemed rather excited about cutting open humans… One of the few things that actually got him to talk. Law was introverted and taciturn. In addition to that, he often answered (if he answered) in a rather blunt way, sometimes going far in the direction of being savage. Most people were put off by that.
Rocinante had worked himself through that shell of Law and found a person inside, that he wanted to love and hold dear until the end of his life. Law had been there for him and supported him through quite a few fights with his brother, as well as the break-up with his fiancée. On the other hand, Rocinante had helped Law through the first years of university and the huge student debts. Giving him a place to stay and a person to talk to, whenever he felt like the worries were circling him and negative thoughts were crushing him down. Suppressed memories washing over him like waves. He had made Law go out and actually find a few friends, helping the boy with his unsocial behavior.
It took him a while to realize, that their friendship had turned into something more. Rocinante had been the first to admit. Slowly, he had realized that the warmth he felt around Law was more than a deep friendship. It was different from what he felt around coworkers and other friends.
It had been a time of confusion and Insecurities. What if Law rejected him? What if those feelings were misinterpreted by him? Rocinante had never been with a man before. In addition to that, Law had never been with another person at all.
It took some time for Rocinante to admit his feelings and even longer, to accept them. After coming out to Law, all his insecurities were swept away by Laws acceptance.
As unsocial, blunt and bratty Law might have been from time to time. At that moment, it seemed like he had known for a long time, as if he had just waited for Rocinante to be sure of his feelings.
He could still remember Laws words.
“We are living together. We are doing all things couples do. Not that I know, but.. you know.”
There was the hint of a smile on Laws lips, as he looked up to Cora-sans blushed face. He stepped closer, reaching out for the hand of the Blonde.
“We can try it out. If you want of course. Cora-san?”
Yes. There had been a question in his words. Maybe Law had not been so sure about this, as he had tried to make it look. Maybe he had also been scared, that they could lose their friendship. Possible…
“Cora-san?” The way he had said his name. Rocinante could remember it clearly. It sounded so vivid, nearly as if-.  Rocinante’s head snapped towards the door and he stumbled forward, trying to lock it. Oh no. He had been daydreaming, again!
“D-do not come in!” He shouted, maybe a bit too loud, maybe sounding a bit too worried and panicked. Oh no, no no. Did he forget the time again? He thought, he had more than enough time left, to clean this mess. He also needed to get rid of the evidences. No. No. No!
Law frowned. If his boyfriend was panicking like this, something was up. This voice usually meant that the other one was up to no good. He opened the door at the same time with Rocinante losing balance and falling face-forward to the ground. With a loud thump and a painful gasp the heavy body crashed on the wooden floor...
Rocinante wished, once again, for the ground to open up and swallow him whole. His face was burning when he looked up to the other one. Law would be pissed. He disliked it, if people touched his things without permission. More than once things like this had ended in an argument. Just because Rocinante wanted to do a favor, like washing Laws clothes. Somehow, he had managed to make them shrink, because apparently, he washed them too hot. There was also one incident with a flatiron that he was not allowed talking about (and neither was he allowed to use one ever again. Not that Rocinante intended, considering the trip to the hospital, considering the remaining ugly scar on his broad chest).
“H-hey, Law!” The Blonde tried to smile. A big grin to hide the embarrassment written on his face. He was not successful. Slowly he got up, raising to his full height. He was more than a head taller than the other one and still he felt incredible small under Laws knowing gaze. Law noticed the Hoodie. Of course, he did.  Law was very observant after all.
The tight fabric was stretching visible over Rocinante’s defined chest. Like a second skin, it stuck to his firm body. The black print in the middle of his torso started to tear.
Rocinante swallowed dryly, gazing at Law. Was he angry...? Oh, fuck. Yes, he was. “What are you doing there?” Law stepped inside, closing the bedroom door and locking it behind. He licked his dry lips, cold eyes meeting the startled look of his boyfriend. “I, err- uhm, Law...?” Oh, there was that voice. Apparently, Law was in a bossy mood
“Law, mh...” He extended his arms, wanted to pull the other one close, but raising his arms felt difficult with the tight fabric restricting him. Another squeak of the threads holding together the fabric and Rocinante halted. That… did not sound good.
“If you destroy my hoodie, you can move to the couch for the next month”
The other man whispered before stepping closer. Rocinante did refrain from moving. He remained completely still. Law circled him, licked his lips while doing so. He wanted to be mad. Once again, Rocinante had overstepped his boundaries. They had talked oh so many times about this. Why did he have to touch his clothes? As if, his clothes had not already suffered enough under their relationship! He glanced behind Rocinante and frowned. Oh no. He had not just emptied half the wardrobe to find this Hoodie. He was going to kill Rocinante. He would kill his boyfriend. Maybe he should crack open his skull and examine his brain. Was it possible to find the reason for Rocinante’s clumsiness in there? Law was positive about it.
He liked cleanliness. Things had to be in order. His side of the wardrobe was neatly organized. Clothes folded and put away, sorted after color and type, while Rocinante’s part looked like a disaster. Law was sure, that he had been tidier as teenager than Rocinante was now! It was an absolute mess. Colorful shirts were mixed between plain looking sweater vests. In the middle of the mixture were some Jeans, some socks and his briefs. It was a nightmare! Law had tried to tidy, clean and organize. It was a futile attempt. By now, he had given up any hope in changing his boyfriend’s wardrobe behavior. Sacrifices had to be made in a relationship. Big sacrifices…
Then again, Law was surprised that he was not exactly mad at him. At least, it was not the only thing he felt right now. Rocinante wearing his Hoodie. His scent, sweet and smoky at the same time, a bit like burned caramel, would linger on his clothes. He liked that thought. It was, as if he could carry a bit of Cora-san wherever he went. At least, as long as he would wear that Hoodie.
Rocinante tensed under the touch of Law. He let his finger run over the seam at the side of the Hoodie. Feeling how stretched the fabric felt under his scrutinizing touch.
“I should be mad at you. Cora-san.” His voice was a soft whisper, as he stood behind the other one, smirking. He knew it made Corazon nervous, when the other one could not see him during an argument. It nearly felt, as if he felt threatened by him in these situations.
“I do not know how many times I told you not to touch my clothes.” “Law!” Rocinante whined. He noticed by now. Law was not mad, not anymore. He wanted to play. This was not his I-am-mad-voice. It was far from that.
“Explain yourself.” Law’s voice was a soft whisper against his back, as he leaned in, pressing his body against the backside of Corazon. He made sure, that Cora-san had to focus on his words, listening to him carefully. Meanwhile his fingers wandered to the others chest, feeling the print of his hoodie there. Damaged.
“Uhm...” Rocinante closed his eyes. Okay, he had been right! Law wanted to play the dominant one! He smiled to himself. A little grin appearing on his face, while Law could not see it. Law had a bossy behavior from time to time, but usually as soon as they were touching, he preferred to let Rocinante take control. Right now, it felt different. Not that Rocinante minded.
He could feel his boyfriends’ fingers wandering over his chest, caressing him while feeling the print. Did he want to tease him? Or did Law try to figure out how damaged the chest piece was? Probably the latter…
Both was fine, as long as Rocinante was getting some physical attention from his partner. It was rare these days with Law being busy in university and himself working extra hours. Rocinante had not expected Law being so touchy so soon again!
“Law. Do you remember a couple of days ago?” When Law did not respond, he explained further. “The coffee-machine-incident?”
The soft caressed turned into a scratch of his chest. Yes. Now Law remembered. Dark hours in his life.
“I liked the way my Hoodie looked on you. I liked how you put it on, even though you are picky about your clothes. I thought, maybe you like it too, when I wear something of you!” And to be a little honest, Rocinante always had been jealous of his past-girlfriends who could borrow and wear his clothes. They could wear his oversized wardrobe, feeling comfy and safe in his too big shirts and jumpers and he was not able to put theirs on! Not that he minded wearing a girly shirt. Most of his clothes had some kind of hearts, bears or stuff like that on them. The only problem had been their size, way too small for him. He had hoped that with Law being a man as well, the size problem would not have been that difficult. Oh, how wrong he had been.
“You thought, if you put on a hoodie of mine, it has to be my favorite. Not any random one. Not a plain black one, which cannot be damaged like this. No. It had to be the yellow one. The one you bought me years ago. Right after we got together. Instead of just asking you surprise me with half a ripped Hoodie because you do not realize that it is at least three sizes too small?”
Law sighed, pressing his forehead against Rocinante’s back. As much as he had wanted to play earlier, right now he was not sure if he wanted to shake his boyfriend or cuddle with him. Goofy Cora-san.
“You are unbelievable” he sighed heavily before breaking away from Rocinante. “Can you put your arms up a bit more? I help you getting free.”
With a frown, Rocinante raised his limbs, staring at the other one.
“Stop sulking. If I make you think, destroying my clothes will get me in the mood.” While talking he tried to pull the Hoodie over Corazon’s head. He got quite a glimpse of, what it must feel like to deliver a child. Big head, too tight tunnel, ripping-. He was definitely not in the mood anymore.  “No. You would probably make me go to university naked. I would not have a single pair of pants left to wear.”
“I am not pouting! And hmpf. Watch it! Do not rip out my hair!” He whined. God dammit. How did he even manage to put it on in the first place?! “As if I am that desperate!” He knew very well to give his partners the time they need! They had been dating for nearly a year, only gentle touches and hot make-out sessions, before they had shared more intimacy with each other! “And ouch!” It was quite a struggle to get rid of the Hoodie but after a final pull Rocinante fell backwards, landing on his behind, while Law held his Hoodie like he won some kind of a price.
“You are not?” Law slowly raised one eyebrow, wet tongue gliding over his lower lip, before he inspected the piece of cloth. Good. No permanent damage. The print had suffered, the seams as well. At least he could still wear it. After folding the piece neatly, he put the Hoodie back into the wardrobe before returning to Corazon. Why was he still sitting on the carpet in front of their bed? Was it so comfortable? Apparently. Idiot boyfriend. Way too attractive with his ruffled hair und blushed face.
Rocinante stretched his hands towards Law, gesturing him to move closer. As soon as the other one was in his range, he pulled Law towards him. The Blonde laughed when Law lost his balance and landed on top of him. Laws pointy knees were digging in his thighs. It hurt. Rocinante did not mind. It was worth it!
“Mhmhm” With a happy hum he wrapped his big arms around Law, pressing the slender body against his own.
“Got you.” He beamed, grin spreading on his face, while Law seemed rather grumpy. At least he was not trying to get up, instead he rested his head on Corazon’s shoulder, abusing it as bony pillow.
“Mean. I wanted to help you get up” He murmured against the warm skin.
“Oh? That is cute, but I captured you! Mine!”
Law frowned before biting the offered shoulder. Corazon’s entire chest started to shake with laughter. Law could not rest on him like this! His head was vibrating, due to the movement! Another bite. “Hey!” Rocinante continued to laugh and giggle, while turning his head to the side, trying to reach the others neck. He wanted to give him a little love bite. “…!!” Law moved away, pulling his shoulders up and saving his neck from the vicious attack.
“No.” He tried to remain grumpy, which was incredible difficult considering how hard Corazon tried to attack his neck. He could feel tall hands sneaking up his lower back, rubbing little circles there.
“Law! You are mean!” Silence. „Law!!“ Silence. „Law~ will you let me touch your neck, if I- “He tilted his head backwards, looking at the pile of clothes he had made, while figuring out which Hoodie of Law to wear. It was a mess. He was amazed Law did not go berserk over it.
“If I, uhm, help you clean that stuff? We can organize my… wardrobe too, if you want!”
In an instant Law tilted his head to the side, giving Corazon access. No need for a verbal reply.
“That was easy. Too easy.” Rocinante murmured to himself, before kissing Law’s neck.
“And Law?” He nuzzled his nose against Laws neck. “I would never let you go to university while being naked. All mine! Mine!”
“Hmpf.” Again, he did not receive a proper reply from Law. Corazon did not mind. He never minded. He understood the other one without words.
It was their first shared free day in weeks. Law had endured his exam-phase and finished some of the papers for his practical course. After passing each exam with top-grades and getting the approval, that he was allowed to enter the final phase of his studying, they had decided on celebrating. There was no better way, to celebrate than staying at home and enjoying each other’s company. Something that had come a little bit too short in the last weeks.
They had enjoyed breakfast in bed. Afterwards they had moved over to the living room, crashing down on the cushions and just lazing around. It felt like heaven to the Blonde. No business calls, no available times for the family, no brooding over lecture notes and no chemical stenches sticking to clothes, skin and hair. Heaven.
Rocinante was laying behind Law on the Couch. His body was pressed closely to Laws slender frame. One of his hands had snuck under Laws oversized shirt. He caressed the warm skin, plastering little kisses and pecks over his Laws shoulder at the same time.
“Law~” It almost sounded like a little plea, when his hand moved higher, thumb circling the nipple. Rocinante smiled, when he felt it harden under his thumb.
“I need a new Hoodie.” It would have been a normal statement, but the pouting undertone in Laws voice proved Rocinante different. He gently bit down in Laws shoulder, not knowing how to react.
“And why do you tell me that… now?” He mumbled against the soft skin, before kissing the little bite mark.
“Wanted to tell you, before you get too excited, you know.” Law was glad, that Rocinante could not see his face. There was a little smirk. It indicated how much he enjoyed teasing his partner. Law liked playing hard to get. It was a fun thing to do, with a partner as eager and willing like Rocinante.
“Hmpf.” There was a deep sigh and Rocinante rolled on his back. Too excited Law said? Well, too bad! He could feel his hard member straining against the fabric of his shorts. Too late.
“Owh. Come on.” Law rolled over on top of Rocinante. They locked eyes for a moment, before Law gave him a little peck on the lips. “Winter is coming and I do not want to freeze my ass off. The top laboratory is always freezing.” Rocinante sighed and let his hands rest on Laws lower back, before sliding them a little bit deeper. “Why don’t you order them online?” “Because you said, you wanted new clothes too. Your last Hoodie did not survive the cooking incident, right?”
“Thought so. Take a cold shower, get ready and…-“ His amber eyes started to glint, when he felt the relentless massage of his behind, “Get your hands off, if you want to keep them!”
Slowly, very slowly Rocinante lowered them and closed his eyes in defeat. Law was such a tease. With a little glare, Law got up, leaving Rocinante behind in his state of arousal and wanting.
While Rocinante took a (hopefully cold) shower, Law changed into rather warm clothes. With a warm dark-blue Hoodie and some comfy jeans, he waited for Rocinante to finish his shower. It took the Blonde some time, until he left the bathroom, naked.
“Cora-san” Law sighed and crossed his arms in front of his chest, trying to resist the urge to look at the others body. It was not, that he was embarrassed by the nude. It was just, that the other’s touches, his trying and wanting, affected Law too. Before they indulged in any carnal pleasures (yes, Law named it that way), he wanted to get things done! By now he knew, as soon as he let Cora-san get into it, they would not leave the bed for quite some time. Law was not going to do some stupid shopping after being sore in many different places.
“You are no fun” Rocinante grumbled before finally putting on some clothes. “Okay, I am ready now. Where do you want to go? Any place special in mind? We could get some coffee too” The nearest shopping mall was in the middle of the city. There were many different shops, cafes, smaller restaurants and bars. They had to drive there anyway, they could also spend some couple time there.
“As much as you disliked the idea of going to the city earlier, you seem rather eager now.” Law noticed and leaned against him for a second. A simple touch, a small gesture of showing Cora-san how much he appreciated it.
“You love the coffee from the small Café in the city. And I love you~” Rocinante grinned, when he noticed the frown in Laws face.
“Awh, c’mon.” He laughed before taking his keys and leaving the apartment. Law trailed behind him, smiling a bit to himself. Stupid, goofy boyfriend.
Once they entered the shopping mall, Law took the lead. Rocinante just walked next to him, wondering why Law suddenly seemed like he had a specific goal in mind. During the few times, they had gone shopping together, it was more of a getting to the first shop, checking if they had clothes in Rocinante’s size and then leaving as fast as possible. Sadly, it still took some time to find fitting jeans for the Blonde. His above average size made it difficult to find clothes in average shops. Law was more choosy than Rocinante, but at least he had a wide variety of clothes to choose from. So even with his picky attitude, he still found fitting clothes easier.
“Since when do you bother with this shop?” Rocinante raised one eyebrow before eyeing the well-known brand. It was one of the most famous shops for big and tall people. The wide range of different coloured clothes were a bit too much for Laws taste. At least according to his own sayings.
“Since I went there to get a new Hoodie for you and found something.” His voice was quieter than usual and he avoided Rocinante’s eyes. A clear indicator that he was trying not to blush. “Just follow me” Now Law sounded annoyed. Rocinante grinned. It was rather cute in his opinion. The Blonde trailed behind Law, nearly running into his boyfriend, when he stopped in one of the corners in the shop. “There.” While pointing towards a few pieces of clothing Law looked up to his boyfriend. Hopefully he would like it!   “….Law!” With one quick pull, Rocinante pressed Law towards his chest, holding him close in a tight a hug, “….These look perfect! I just hope that they have them in the fitting size.” Law sighed, leaning against the taller one. Oh please, no one should see them like this. Law had never been fond of public display of affection. People hugging, groping and kissing in public had always weirded him out...
“Cora-san?” He looked up, smiling in a sly way, “I told the cashier to put two of them aside… for us. Urgh- Cora- I cannot breathe!” Rocinante squeezed him even tighter, restraining not only Laws movement, but also his ability to breathe. “Oh, sorry, uhm- I am just happy. How, when, why?!” Law turned his head to the side, feeling a bit embarrassed. Of course, he had expected Rocinante to be happy. He just had not expected an outburst of emotion like this.
“I was frustrated, because you had to work over-time, even though we wanted to cook together. I had already left university, so I tried to distract myself. Went shopping and well, found these hoodies. I called yesterday if they still had them in our sizes.”
Rocinante nodded, before he noticed something. “Our sizes?” “Yes, our sizes. One for you, one for me. I do not want you to ever ruin one of my Hoodies again with that big chest of yours” He poked his index finger against the others chest, glaring at him.
“So whenever you feel the need to take my clothes now. Hmpf. Oi. Cora-san. If you cry, you will sleep on the couch tonight!” With these words, Law turned around and walked towards the cashier table. Even though Law was sure, that the Hoodies would fit, he still wanted to let Rocinante try them on!
The Blonde meanwhile stood in the corner of the shop. His eyes still watery. Laws threat was probably the only thing, stopping him from crying in the middle of the shop. Oh yes, he was the emotional one. He had cried more than once in their relationship because of … cute things the other one had done. Much to Laws embarrassment.
“No tears Corazon!” Law said in a hard voice, before pushing something warm and fluffy and rose-coloured into his hands. “Try it on, hmpf, I will try on the blue one.” “Yeah, uhm.. Thank you.” He went into the changing cabin next to the one Law was in, before taking a closer look at the Hoodie. It was a soft pastel pink colour and it felt really soft and nice. He could definitely get used to that fabric. He pressed it against his chest, sighing because of the warmth the felt. As coldhearted as Law might seem from time to time, these moments showed clearly, how much Law felt for him.
Law had pulled the Hoodie over his shirt, before looking into the mirror. The light-blue colour with a hint of teal suited him. It reminded him of the bear-Hoodie he had stolen from Corazon. The heart symbol on the right side of his chest was not printed onto the fabric, but embroidered. Like this it should last longer…
“Owh, you also have a little heart?” Rocinante asked after leaving the changing room. “You look wonderful in the hoodie!” There was a big grin on Rocinante’s face, when he approached Law and stood next to him. With his arm around the other one, he looked into the mirror. Rose and Blue. Embroidered heart left and right. This was wonderful. “Law. This is the best idea ever.” He leaned down towards the other one, kissing him gently on the forehead. The hoodie might warm his body but Law warmed his heart.
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dcwastelands · 5 years
For Honor Event - Part 2- July 20 2019
An hour, give or take, and a half dozen jugs of water, either quaffed or poured directly on people, later, and everyone had mostly recovered from their ordeals in the drinking contest. With today's contestants back in fighting form Gaius, the ghost, mounted their steed and began the trot toward their next battleground, grabbing a flagpole out of the ground as they marched "COME CHAMPIONS! FOR WE NEAR THE END, THY FINAL CHALLENGE AWAITS!"
Well Braces' arm was feeling a little better, still he didn't know how exactly to feel about being here, maybe it hadn't been such a great idea to come descend from heaven when it was none of his business and was still none of his business ever since he died. Was he doing more harm than good, being here in such a well, rusty state?
He followed onward, only hoping this ghost would be able to be taken out with a fair amount of ease.
Lolo had been on the wayside for most of these matches; and she still wasn't sure how she felt about direct interaction quite yet. She clutched flounce's carrying strap worriedly, hoping this wouldn't be the day she had to use it and if she did....she wouldn't make a fool of herself.
Spanx walked with everyone toward the final location. One event left. She hoped it was something she was good at whatever it was.
Considering how terrible his luck had been up to now, this last event couldnt be too bad. It seemed like he got the worst out of the way already. And despite being wet,  things were almost over.  With a grunt, he'd saunter over to the next event.
Obi walks alongside with everyone, and hey, the alcohol to body size distribution thing was true. Ain't that some shit? But hey, looks like they were a step towards completing these trials.
The ghost would lead his opponents to the bridge over the stream, the prop castle standing on the other side. Bringing his horse to a stop in the middle of the bridge he would turn towards the group and firmly stab the flag into the stone before raising his lance and loudly proclaiming “HERE THIS KNIGHT MAKES HIS FINAL STAND, I DECLARE THAT I WILL NOT ALLOW ANYONE TO PASS THIS BRIDGE, AND WELCOME ALL WHO WOULD CHALLENGE MY CLAIM, MAKE THY GREATEST ATTEMPT TO PASS ME AND SEIZE THIS FINAL VICTORY, OR BE THROWN OFF IN SHAME!”
Crown bounced up to the front of the bridge, doing a few stretches, she hadn't participated in anything to this point and wanted to at least be there for the finale. She'd wait for everyone to be ready before bounding onto the stone tiles of the bridge ahead of everyone else.
Spanx moved forward, carefully keeping an eye on the others, her shield raised. She didn't plan to  get across herself, but maybe she could help someone else in that department.
Lolo made a small move forward; Braces ending up farther out than he wanted to be; he'd have to take on the ghost at this distance, wouldn't he....
Gakuran was hesitant to charge out front. So he played it safe and only took a few steps. Considering their current position, he might ant to pace himself.
Obi took his first steps towards the bridge and wow was this thing shorter or was he just tall? Definitely the second option.  But hey, slow and steady wins the race. Just be careful out there, Crown child.
The ghost chuckled to himself as his opponents set foot on the bridge, he'd rear his horse back before charging forward, knocking Crown to the side before taking his lance and swinging it around him, knocking Braces and Crown away from him.
And as expected Braces got knocked back; he tried to use the pole he still had to get a swipe at the steed's legs but...it didn't really do much. He scurried off forward, trying to get back to the center some. He might suck but he wasn't going to lose.
Lolo, on the other hand, noticed the ghost was coming in close and decided to....retreat immediately. Not yet.
The ghost stops just before hitting Spanx. She lets her shield down a bit and charges forward, giving the ghost a nice tap with her shield hoping to slow him down a bit and catch up to the others to help them get the rest of the way home.
Crown, having taken a few hits and being nearly thrown off, runs back to the center of the bridge to give herself some defense in case the ghost gets her again. Meanwhile, the ghost having taken a few hits against himself notices the obvious threat of the girl running ahead of the pack, twirling his lance to hit back his attackers before turning and moving up towards her as much as he could.
Still recovering from the drinking, pre and post event made him a bit sluggish. He couldn't manage a good hit but at the very least kept it distracted. "The whole points just out running it right?" He  questioned near Lolo and Obi. "If we keep its attention maybe we can win." Before being pushed back a bit.  Gakuran braces himself to be pushed back and recovers for a follow up.
Well, not like the archangel was expecting some kind of sparring. Blocking with Guinness, the giant of an angel is knocked back, nearing the edge.  Hearing Gakuran's suggestion, he nods in response. "Just keep it busy, yeah? Sounds good to me."
Braces hopes moving toward crown and letting the ghost be preoccupied with someone else while he moves unassumingly works. He's surprisingly quiet as he makes the one slow, solitary movement.
Meanwhile, Lolo is hiding behind the angels yet, still unsure if she wants to actually face off against it herself. Flouce is extended to its full, shining form now...just in case. "I think so? It works as far as a strategy goes, I guess..."
Knowing she probably could take another one of those hits, and that he can effortless knock everyone down if we all got too close, Spanx decides to move forward instead. She's gotta make sure she can be enough of a distraction for the guys ahead when they get a bit closer.
And Lolo moves so she's right behind the ghost, almost, clutching Flounce nervously. She couldn't do much but buying time? That she could do.
Braces was pretty sure he was in eyeshot of the ghost now, and pressed onward.
Gakuran would do his best to tank. His natural roll, as he expected his offense to be lacking in this offense. He was proven right when he attempted another attack and failed. "Whatever you two up there do, don't stop running!"
The ghost would push back his attackers once more before speeding after Crown, who was running as fast as she could to stay as far away from the ghost as possible, the ghost gives an annoyed grunt as she managed to just stay outside of his reach.
Giving Guinness a good rev, Obi swipes at the ghost.
Aaaand is subsequently knocked back. Welp, he felt good about that hit nonetheless.
Lolo got pushed back by the ghost strike that wasn't targeted at her so much, but she was behind the angel that was targeted and she tried to brace the hit as best as she could with the pole end of Flounce. She moved beside Gakuran accordingly, stopping to stoop the weapon's pole on her thigh as she caught her breath. geez
The ghost wizzed passed Spanx and she knew this was her last opportunity to slow him down some. She ran into him with her shield and connected.
Regaining movement, Obi moved towards Gakuran and Lolo, looking ahead to Crown sprinting towards the other side of the birdge. God speed, dotter. God speed.
Having been pushed back into Lolo was a set back, but didn't stop him. He moved forward confident they had at least won. Even if he hadn't been able to do much.
As Crown continued to sprint down the bridge the ghost chased her down like a bat out of hell, he would have caught up with her, had it not been for Spanx's attack, the last in a long line of the contenders doing everything they could to slow him, throwing off their mounts speed by just a hair, a hair that allowed Crown to just manage to reach the finish line. She would throw her hands up in triumph as the ghost planted their lance into the ground in defeat and dismounted.
Braces was just barely behind Crown; but it didn't matter, what was done was done, and he gave a sigh of relief as he himself passed the finish line, raising a fist up at chest level.
Lolo took a few steps forward before sitting down; this was it, the ghost was dismounted. There wasn't much more to really do, was there?
Looking towards the other side of the bridge, Obi smiled warmly as he looked over at the young blonde, hands raised in victory. That's his godkiddo right there.
"Good Job you two" Remarked Gakuran to Lolo & Obi. "Crown won it for us but our team work cant be ignored." He even gave an acknowledging nod toward Spanx whom got the final winning blow. But now there was nothing to do but wait and see the result.
Spanx shot up in excitement and shouted, "Good job Crown!!  I knew you could make it!!"
She gave a small laugh. "Yeah....I guess so." Maybe that was all she had to do, really.
Crown met Brace's request for a fistbump with a palm to his knuckles, not really supposed to high-five a fistbump but she was distracted, she couldn't believe she got to take part in her first knight games, and even more, she won! That starstruck look on her face only temporarily being broken by the ghost giving off light. The ghost would address the others “WELL DONE CHAMPIONS, FOR VICTORY OR DEFEAT, THOU HATH GIVEN THIS OLD KNIGHT ONE FINAL CHANCE TO TAKE TO THE FIELD AND CLAIM HONOR, FOR THAT I THANK THEE.” He'd fiddle with his helmet some before taking it off, revealing a perfectly round stark black head with round beady yellow eyes “IT'S STRANGE, WITH THIS I FEEL, COMPLETE. He'd look around at the party “ONCE MORE I THANK THEE ALL FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART, I FEEL AS IF I AM FINALLY READY TO MOVE ON.” As he said this his body started to fade into motes of light that blew away on the breeze, leaving behind only his lance planted into the bridge.
Huh...that was a feeling that Obi hadn't felt in a while. A job well done. No excessive fighting, no property damage, just getting work done. He gives a small salute to the knight as he dissipates.
"Rest easy."
He didn't even really care that the bump was as halfhearted as it was because....well, it had been a while since he'd seen something like this.
A peaceful passing.
It was such a simple thing, really, but ...he felt his eyes grow warm, and a smile snuck up on him.
"Fare the well, sir gaius." Braces walked over slowly as the light settled.
He planted his own pole nearby, hand lingering on it.
Lolo never really had the opportunity to see something like this; she was still so used to a lot of the blowy-uppy fighty parts of the whole angels and ghosts thing. She knew this sort of thing happened, but theory and practice are a whole other thing....and while the explosions were really cool and all this was...she felt a certain way. She barely knew this ghost, but it ...it felt good to just watch him leave with simple defeat.
She'd never seen a ren faire. How long had he been there before they came? How long had he waited?
She just sat and watched, still on the ground.
"You're welcome," She said, ever so quietly.
Spanx released a big sigh of relief while watching the ghost dissipate. He was nice, and she was relieved that they were successful without having to resort to violence. Well her back would disagree on that point.
Crown would gaze at the ghost's remains as they drifted away before giving a small bow and saying “Rest in peace, good sir knight.” Meanwhile it would seem the handlers had commandeered the van, having parked it at the start of the bridge, honking the horn to signal everyone to get in. Once everyone was gathered around the handler that gave the briefing would congratulate them all “Well done everyone, we're glad to see repenting the ghost went off with... I think only one broken bone? Also possibly some liver damage, you can get that checked when we get back to Psi if you're worried. Anyways, hopefully this was a valuable experience to you all. Now, are we good to get going or does anyone have to do something before we move?” The driver handler tapped their foot on the pedal impatiently, ready to head back to Psi.
Content with a job well done, Gakuran gave his silent goodbye to the ghost. Moving back to join the Handlers in the van. He was ready to take a nice relaxing nap and unwind from a long day getting beat.
Damn, that was right, his arm still was sort of borked up. Thankfully he didn't have to do much in the last leg, but now that all the adrenaline was starting to wear off, yeah that hurt. "Maybe?" He gave a bit of a groan as he sat down. Honestly he was hoping he could walk it off, he's dealt with worse dealing with ghosts anyway.....
Lolo took a while getting up and getting Flounce packed up, but as she was running back she gave one final glance ove rher head before finally taking a seat.
"Does that happen a lot?"
He nods in response to the driver's ready to go, waiting for everyone to head in before he could take his seat. He does however give a thumbs up towards Spanx and gives his god daughter a ruffle of the head. "You all did good out there."
"Thanks Obi, that means a lot coming from you." She began to shuffle back into the car, still stretching her aching muscles.
Reassuring hand on shoulder for Spanx. Ah, the after ghost fight aches. Granted for Obi that would be couple with a few good city blocks being decimated, but the sympathy is shared. He's an oldboy after all. But hey, she did a good job.
With everyone seemingly finished up for the day the handler closed the van door and hopped into the passenger seat, shuttling the party back to Psi to rest after a job well done.
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ethompson928 · 6 years
We are Bulletproof (BTS GANG AU) Part 11
Previous Chapter / Next Chapter
Namjoon stared blankly at Suho.
For the first time since she had met him, Ally was certain that Namjoon was speechless and at a loss for words at this revelation.  Namjoon set his jaw and looked firmly at Suho;
"How do I know you're not lying?"  He asked the fellow gang boss across from him in the small but luxurious bedroom.  
Suho chuckled and rubbed his hands together before sparing a glance in Ally's direction as she sat quietly on the floor by the window that faced out onto the main street that the casino overlooked.  "Namjoon, let's be real here, if I wanted my men to attack you we would have done it by now.  But honestly, why would I need to attack you, we've left each other alone and let each other work without getting in the way.  We have been co-exisiting together for a few years now without any issues or fights for a good while now and what good would it be to spoil it now...I'm a reasonable man and am quite happy to work peacefully but if you want to start something..."
"We're not looking to start anything!"  Namjoon interrupted Suho in the middle of his sentence, he stood up and Ally followed him with her eyes.  "We came here because we wanted to find out if it was your men spying on us.  I agree that things have been peaceful between us and that benefits me and my boys greatly.  The less enemies we have the better, but all it takes is for one gang to get too greedy for domination and then people die."
"I understand completely where you're coming from Namjoon I really am.  What intrigues me is this wonderful creature you've recruited into your team...tell me is she one of Seokjin's new girls?  She looks too pretty to be involved in that now."  Suho camly replied now walking over to a small side table in the room and uncorking a beaker of brandy and picking out two glasses from the undercarriage of the desk before pouring a small amount into each glass before offering Namjoon one.  He took it, keeping direct contact with Suho.  
"You don't talk to her, this is between me and you.  She's a special case, desperate times, desperate measures.  She's working for us now until circumstances state otherwise.  Well what strikes me odd is to who is stalking my boys and our home."  Namjoon commented.
"Now that is the question."  Suho replied quietly more to himself but loud enough for the occupants of the room to hear.  He played with the rim of his brandy glass before downing what was in the glass and putting it down heavily back onto the table with a loud slam that made Ally jump.
She had been sitting quitely as the men discussed their business.  Not daring to make a sound or move but she listened carefully.  Her eyes moved back and forth from Suho and Namjoon as they talked like she was watching a tennis match, she didn't know who was winning but Suho seemed to be serving as he was asking most of the questions and all Namjoon could do was listen and answer.  They were on Suho's turf they came with no weapons and were only armed with their wits and any hand to hand combat that they knew...or lack thereof for Ally.  She knew she had more lessons coming up with Jungkook in her free time and she was not looking forward to it...not one bit.  
"Are we to assume this is some new group?"  Namjoon asked tilting his head to the side.
"Possibly..." replied Suho "or it could be a group that has been under the radar...most groups are too scared to go up against the big boys but they're getting braver."
"What about your ones...the ones who broke away?  Could it be them?"  Namjoon asked thinking back to a regrettable incident that occurred several years prior when Bangtan was first finding their feet in the gang world.  
"What they do does not concern me in the slightest...their business is their own..."
A knock sounded at the door.
"ENTER"  Suho shouted before continuing to reply as the door opened.  "I don't think it would be them...they have concerns to deal with elsewhere.  Ah, Chanyeol...come in."
Ally glanced towards the open door, in walked a tall boy who had the loveliest shade of chestnut coloured hair Ally had ever seen.  He was wearing a white turtleneck jumper and a pair of black jeans and black shoes.  His hair was ever so slightly curled at the tips, making it look really fluffy.  Ally questioned whether or not it would be inappropriate to ask if she could run her hand through it, but thought better of it.  
"Sorry to interrupt" the boy known as Chanyeol said as he stopped several paces away from his leader and placed his hands behind his back.  "We found two of Bangtan's boys hiding in a back room hacking into our severs and cameras.  What would you like us to do with them?"
Suho chuckled and adjusted his suit jacket, turning to Namjoon he smiled ever so slightly.  "Well, that depends...they came into our territory uninvited and hacked their way into the computer system.  But, given that we have been on good terms, I'm in a good mood to let you leave.  I'm feeling generous this evening.  Get them out of here before I change my mind."  Suho waved his hand submissively and turned away from Chanyeol to reface Namjoon.
Chanyeol nodded.  "Understood".  He replied, as he turned to leave, his eye caught the young girl sitting on the floor against the wall of the room, he stared for a few moments and Ally looked innocently back at him.  The room went quiet.
"Anything else you needed Chanyeol?"  Suho asked catching Chanyeol's eye, who then coughed an apology under his breath, made eye contact with Suho, nodded and quickly left the room and closed the door behind him.  
Suho watched him leave out of the corner of his eye, as soon as the door closed he turned back to the other two inhabitants in the room.  
"Don't mistake my generosity as kindness.  I'm warning you now Namjoon, you're treading on thin ice here.  Anymore intrusions or anything I believe to be an attack on me or my gang.  You will not be so lucky, understood?"
"Crystal."  Namjoon replied and he closed the top button of his blazer and offered his hand to Suho.  "I wouldn't have it any other way."
"Oh and keep an eye on that child you seem to have taken on.  Other gangs might see her as an easy target.  Wouldn't want an innocent to get killed now would you?"  Suho replied.
Namjoon merely nodded and walked over to Ally and pulled her up off the floor by her arm before leading her towards the door.  Pushing her out in front of him, he gave Suho one last glance before pulling the door closed and walked out into the hall where Ally waited for him.
"That went well."  She laughed slightly.  
Namjoon had to turn his head slightly so that she wouldn't see him smile at her sarcastic comment.  
The whole gang had gathered to fill Suga in on what had happened an to evaluate their next step.  
"Well, it went a little differently to how we wanted it to but now we know what's going on.  It isn't Suho's boys."  Namjoon stated, he had taken off his blazer jacket and had rolled the sleeves up on his white shirt and was holding his hands in a praying position under his chin.  
"How do we know he isn't lying?"  Suga asked.  
"They would have set a trap, they knew we were there...if they were meaning to attack us, they would have done it there and then...not let us go."  J-Hope replied calmly.
"What do we do now?"  Ally asked she had taken her shoes off and was now flexing her feet after walking around in heels for most of the night.  She wasn't allowed to wear converse.  Jin wouldn't let her.  Jin had put his foot down the minute she asked and threatened to ground her if she didn't wear heels.  Ally had smartly replied, you're not my mother.  
"We have to find out who it is that is targeting us...if it's not Suho then who is it?"  Taehyung asked who was pearched at Jimin's feet and Jimin messed with Taehyung's hair, who kept trying to playfully bat him away.  
"Even so I think we should keep an eye on Suho's group, they may have let us go but you never know what they could pull.  They're not our main priority but we need to see if they change their mind on letting us go so easily."  Namjoon answered.  "Jimin, Taehyung...I want you to keep an eye out for any suspicious.  We'll just continue as normal until this group give us reasonable cause to act.  If it is some rookie group trying to test their luck, we'll easily scare them away.  But for now we need to make whoever it is believe that we're not onto them."
Ally listened intently to the boys as the continued to discuss other plans, she felt like a huge weight had been lifted off of her shoulders after the proceedings that evening.  She couldn't wait to get into bed and go to sleep.  She was absolurely wrecked and could hardly focus on everything that aas going on around her.  But she was soon cut short when Taehyung talked over to her:
"You're gonna come out with me tomorrow after you're training with Jungkook, isn't that great?!"  He had a huge smile on his face.
Ally chucked and nodded, it wasn't long before Namjoon dismissed them all and they headed up to their respective bedrooms or off to do whatever they pleased.  Getting into the room that she learned to call her own after much resistance, she quickly changed into her sleep gear and Ally fell onto her bed and a happy sigh left her mouth.
She closed her eyes and allowed the darkness to lull her gently over to sleep.
Meanwhile Namjoon rubbed his jaw and paced the length of his office.  If it wasn't Suho then who was it, Namjoon didn't like not knowing the answers.  His intelligence and strategic abilities were what had set him apart from other leaders.  He wanted to keep his boys safe, he honestly cluldn't day yet if this girl was going to be a danger to them and he wasn't sure what he would do next with her.  People had noticed she had gone missing, her name was trending on social media and get picture was in the news every once in a while.  If she was going to stay with them she'd have to be careful.  Namjoon could only hope he made the right decision keeping her alive.
"Whoever you are, I'm gonna find you." Namjoon muttered, taking his mind off the topic at hand and turned himself in for the night.
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meggannn · 6 years
LOL YOUR ROOMMATE?? I can't stop laughing omg
god did i ever share the full story of what happened with my housemate last year? i think i bitched about her a little bit but here’s the full write-up of my six months with that housemate. unedited and probably full of errors and discrepancies sorry cause im going off entirely from memory
i’ve now moved out of this apartment, but i was there for a year with three other girls. two of them i got along with fine, and we introduced ourselves to each other before we moved in because that’s common courtesy to see if we get along right? but basically before any of us could talk or interview candidates for the last spot in the apartment, this girl, i’m making up a name and calling her emily, this random girl named emily basically came in and signed on for the spot on the lease without talking to any of us. uh, okay? so we eventually all get in a group chat and talk and introduce ourselves and plan to move in. day one:  emily moved in before me and i moved in a few hours later. i walk in and see the kitchen and she’s already covered the fridge with magnets and pictures and paper clippings featuring…. herself. like, a few of them had her friends, but most of the pictures were of her. basically. am i crazy or is that fucking weird? so from the get-go she just seemed……. if not privileged (which i also knew she was later), then definitely some sort of weird type of entitled but i couldn’t tell if it was maybe just cultural differences? (she was russian but had grown up in the states. idk)
anyway. she had this boyfriend who would come over occasionally, it was no problem since we didn’t talk and just waved hi to each other occasionally. but from the first week she and another housemate who lived on the far end of the apartment were both having trouble sleeping because someone else on the floor was blaring their tv loudly all hours of the night in the room next door. after several weeks of not being able to sleep through the night, they’d pretty much had enough and managed to track down whose apartment it was, and it turned out to be this elderly black woman’s apartment. i don’t really know if the woman understood why they were so upset because i think she might have been going slightly senile as well, so i think maybe the tv, or the volume, was something she wasn’t entirely aware she was doing? but the other housemate, i’ll call her veronica (who is more chill but was still upset) understood that this was probably not a fight they wanted to pick. veronica noticed that the elderly woman had a middle-aged male visitor, who looked like family, come visit the woman a few times a week and take care of her/take out the trash etc, so veronica decided to wait until she saw the visitor again to talk to him about lowering the volume or turning the tv off, or maybe getting his relative headphones or something. but emily, like….. kept pushing it every single night. every single night for the first month or so she’d stomp across the floor and rap on the door loud enough to wake up the entire floor (the walls were thin and it wasn’t a big building). and most of the time the woman didn’t respond, but there was one notable time someone else got fed up enough to wake up at 2am and yell at emily (deservedly so) for waking up the whole hall. all of which i heard very clearly because my room was next to the main door to out apt.
things escalated when i overheard emily talking to her friend on the phone about the situation and then she mentioned that in retaliation, she went over in the middle of the night and put vaseline on the woman’s door handle. i was kind of stunned and disgusted that a grown ass adult (she’s at least a few years older than me, i’d guess late 20′s/early 30′s?) would do something like that???? but anyway a few nights later iirc, once again in the middle of the night, i was woken up by a shouting match down the hall because apparently the male relative had come back to check in on who he said was his mother, and HE WAS PISSED, UNDERSTANDABLY SO, AT FINDING MY ROOMMATE IN THE MIDDLE OF PUTTING VASELINE ON THE FLOOR CREVICE UNDER THE DOOR. LIKE. THAT’S NOT JUST PETTY BUT REAL FUCKING DANGEROUS TO DO TO AN ELDERLY WOMAN. he basically shouted at her and she kept talking about how she can’t sleep for months because of the noise, and whatever, but she stomped back to our apartment and they had this argument loudly at the door (remember, my room was right next to the front door). i listened to it for a couple minutes wondering if she would like, acknowledge what she did was wrong? and it became clear that she was so focused on the noise she wasn’t listening to this dude, so i came out and i tried to be a voice of reason. the guy was understandably really pissed that she would do something like that and i apologized for her and said she was wrong to do that (she had stomped off back to her room meanwhile) and he seemed grateful to talk to someone who wasn’t batshit crazy in the meantime so he mentioned that he had grown up in this building all his life before moving out so it hurt to see someone treat his mother this way who had lived here for 50 years or something. and after that i was just thinking like, jesus, this is so not the kind of fight you want to have with a family like this as a white woman in a gentrified apartment complex. like at some point you need to realize this is not your fucking place and if you must settle things, do it civilly or just dip out entirely.
i think emily eventually apologized and he accepted and they found out that the tv wasn’t even coming from the woman’s room at all, but from someone on the floor above who THEY also had had problems with for months.
veronica was away on a trip i think during this climax, but before, while it was still escalating, i was talking with veronica and veronica mentioned she and emily had bitched about the noise to each other often, but veronica said she drew the line when emily basically started making her complaints race-themed ever since she found out the elderly woman was black. etc the complaints turned from “it’s too loud” to “this neighborhood is so ghetto” and “that’s what black ppl are like” and stuff like that. veronica wasn’t cool with that, so she planned on handling any other complaints herself directly so she could resolve things like a normal person, but ever since veronica mentioned that i knew emily was a pos
emily also complained about people partying/drinking on the street outside till ~11pm, which imo isn’t too unreasonable, like normal people do, and basically being too loud or whatever. on some level i get it cause she had to go to sleep early to go to work early, but also at some point i was just wondering how she functioned as a human being in the real world
ANYWAY THE STORY I TELL AT PARTIES IS THIS ONE, THE ONE IN WHICH SHE LEAVES (i will try to keep this as short as possible while still giving you all the details you need to understand just how fucking weird it was):
in early november, emily group messaged everyone asking if her boyfriend could come live with us. to her credit she said she wouldn’t do it unless everyone was ok, and she waited to hear back from all of us. i was out of town at the time but i remember being really put off by this idea and i was going to say no, when i noticed that my two other housemates had ALREADY said yes in the chat. just like that. i was stunned. what? like, no follow-up questions or “we dont even really know him” or “how is this gonna work”? were they fucking insane?
i messaged her privately saying i really wasn’t comfortable with it, for xyz reasons. among those being 1) rent, because nowhere did she offer to split the rent five ways instead of four (they were basically going to split her room between them, which, no). 2) fridge/living space, which was small enough with four people to one apartment as it is, and 3) just overall “i dont fucking know him” atmosphere. she messaged back saying she understood, and i got to asking why this was so important to her to do now, because she mentioned she wanted to do it “asap” if we’d said yes.
and this is where my “no” turned into “hell fucking no.” she told me this:
in response to my question of if she’d want to put him on the lease, she said no, she wouldn’t want her boyfriend on the lease in case “something happens so she could just tell him to leave” (raising my question: what, exactly, do you expect to happen? maybe the landlord, who lives in the building, finding out someone’s living here illegally? bc THAT WOULD DO IT FOR ME)
she was marrying him in december which is why she wanted it to happen “soon” so they wouldnt be living apart. i asked why she couldnt just wait until the lease was up to do all this, to which she said:
her boyfriend’s green card (he was russian) had expired so he was now paying month to month and that’s when i realized, oh. bitch he’s using you for a green card marriage and you’re trying to inconvenience all of us instead of owning your life like an adult, or something
at some point during the conversation she like tried to bribe me with a couple hundred extra dollars per month “to cover the cost of the extra utlities/wifi/inconvenience,” which i politely declined. this was when i said basically “look i never got the sense you particularly liked living here (massive understatement) and i think that it’d work out best if you moved out, which you’re clearly already planning to do”
and she did start looking immediately. at some point while she was looking i overheard her talking to veronica mentioning that he was a huge fan of putin and she’d asked him to like, politely, stop?, lmao because she didn’t like his entire yknow politics, and he basically said “i’m sorry, i can’t betray my personal/national identity, i just really believe in putin” or whatever the fuck and i thought to myself, this bitch is marrying him anyway for some godforsaken reason
i don’t know why i hoped that she would be any more considerate moving out than when she moved in, but somehow i was still surprised when the sublet she picked out was someone she never introduced us to or mentioned before, she literally just said “hey here’s your new housemate and when she’s moving in” and dropped us a phone number and facebook page.
one last thing: while emily was moving out, veronica mentioned to me that she was really pleased i stood up to her because she felt massively uncomfortable with the situation too. i asked why she didn’t say something, and she said she talked to emily privately airing out her problems, and emily had managed to talk her into accepting that sort-of bribe privately off message, and emily told her ‘just say yes’ in the chat, so she did and was kind of kicking herself for it after. (our other housemate was off doing fuck knows what at this point; she was gone for weeks on end leaving us to take care of her guinea pigs for her with little to no warning.)
but then, veronica says, the big thing that astounds her is that this wasn’t even the same boyfriend who she’d had when she’d moved in. six months had passed by this point. SHE HAD BEEN DATING GREEN CARD GUY FOR LIKE, THREE MONTHS WHEN SHE DROPPED THIS ON US
and then she moved to fucking harlem, one of the yknow most diverse neighborhoods in the city known particularly for its black heritage, so i guess have fun honey
(her replacement somehow turned out to be just as bad as she was, so you can imagine why i was eager for my lease to end in may)
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turtlebolt718-blog · 6 years
My Hero America ch6 (A parody of My Hero Academia)
By: Team Sugar Russia (Aka: Zeus, Fox, SeaStar905, Festus, Darci, Pennywise, Loading…, and Wild-Tiger)
Chapter 6: The One Man Band
Curt and I were both villains for the match. We discussed our plan during the ten minute set up.
“So… You know Krieg from last year, what’s his quirk?” I asked Curt.
“Well, I’m afraid I can’t say much about him from last year. He didn’t really talk a whole lot, but I do know that his quirk has something to do with radiation, and I know that if he touches us, there’s a good chance that we might die. Luckily, there’s a small chance that he or the teacher will actually let him take his gloves off, but it’s still something to keep in mind.”
“Oh, well that’s nice.” I quivered.
“Like I said, he’s not going to make much physical contact. I’m pretty sure he is ground based, so we should probably pick one of the top floors and then you can cut off the power, so he can’t see that well.”
“Are you saying my quirk can actually be useful?” I perked up.
“Yes, that is exactly what I’m saying, your quirk wasn’t working out for you because you were on the hero team, but now that you are on the villain team, it works out perfectly!”
“Oh, so my quirks really only good for being a villain?” I sighed.
“Exactly!” he gave me a thumbs up, I walked over to the corner of the room and sat down facing the wall.
“Hey, what are you doing?”
“Contemplating existence.”
“Was it something I said?”
“No.” but it was something he said, I just didn’t want to say it. However, my moment of pure depression ended up short circuiting the whole building, so the plan was already working out perfectly.
“Alright, Sophia! That’s exactly what we needed.” He said in the darkness. Then the  intercom blared, “Okay students, may the test of Heroism and villainy begin!”
“Don’t worry Sophia,” Curt sayed in a light-hearted tone, “We got this one in the bag!”
Just as he said that, the whole building rumbled.
“What the hell was that?!” I shouted. The whole building began to get hotter and hotter. Even the edges of the cutouts began to singe.
“We need to get out of here!” I grabbed the cutouts and began to book it to the roof, having the windows light my way.
“Sophia, wait!” Curt called after me. Since I knew this floor plan in advance I managed to reach the roof rather quickly. Curt followed soon after.
“Well now we’re stuck on the roof. Why did you do that?” he asked me.
“You said he was ground based and if we need to we could jump to another building. And the cutouts were in danger.” I explained.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right. Okay, well we should be safe here for now.” He let out a sigh.
“You sure about that?” We both turned around and saw that Krieg was right there, midair, hovering by the explosions coming from his hands. “Hello there.” he said. We both jumped back and white stuff began to envelope Curt.
“Sophia, get back. I’ll protect yo-” and just like that, Curt was blasted off the side of the building. Krieg Laughed.
“I’m sorry, it’s just that that idiot thought he could beat me in combat with his lack of skill and weak quirk. Anyway, I’ll be taking those cutouts now.” He held his hand out like he was expecting me to just hand them over. And I probably should’ve done it. After all, there’s no way I can beat him with his quirk. How can I be expected to incapacitate him. I began to walk over to him. What am I doing? I know I need to do something but I’m not sure what I can do. And then I realized. I’m a villain, villains play dirty. I’ve been thinking of playing the hero. I continued to walk forward, this time a little more quickly. I then tossed one of the cutouts to him and while he was distracted trying to catch it I took my chance, I rushed towards him and before he had time to react, I pushed him off of the building.
Meanwhile, outside the observation room sat Iris and Barry.
“So….should we be doing something?” Iris asked.
“My name is Barry Allen, and I am the fastest man alive.”
“Yeah, I’m too lazy too.”
I ran into the building with the rest of the cutouts while Krieg was falling. I tried thinking of my next step. I was down one hostage but I still have 4 left. If I can make it out of the building then I can probably run and try to stall like Barry. And then the building rumbled again.
Iris just stared. “....What was that about?” Barry just shrugged.
The building began to heat up again, faster this time. The whole building began to glow from the heat and I knew I had to get out somehow. I can’t run back to the roof, he would expect that. I couldn’t run out of the entrance, I was on the 3rd floor. So I did the only option left. I jumped out of the window. Luckily it was much softer due to the heat so I could actually break it. But then I realized something, I was 20 plus feet in the air with no landing strategy or any idea what a landing strategy was. I closed my eyes. So this is it, this is how I die. By jumping out of a window in a simulation. I mean, it’s probably better than having to deal with everyone else in my class but I had so much to do. Also, how long does it take for me to fall 20 feet? I opened my eyes to see that I had landed on Curt.
“Oh, sorry.” I got up quickly. Curt groaned and slowly got up.
“It’s fine, I softened some of my bones so neither of us would be harmed too much.”
“You can do that?” I asked.
“Yeah, my quirk allows me to manipulate the bones in my body however I want.”
“That’s cool.”
“Yep,” Curt flexed, “My quirk is pretty usef-” and he was blasted away. Krieg had shown up with a slightly burnt cardboard cutout in glove.
“Enough chit chat, we’re in the middle of a fight.”
I turned around and ran.
“Hey, get back here!” he shouted. I heard another explosion and saw him blast past me, he stopped and turned around, he made another explosion that propelled him towards me, I ducked but he managed to grab one of the cutouts. This continued until I only had 2 cutouts left. What the heck am I supposed to do, If I try to do anything he can just make another explosion and either propel himself or send me blasting off like Curt, who was currently nowhere to be found.
“Give it up, your quirk isn’t going to help you out here and I can tell by the way you move that you have no struggle experience.” Krieg trudged towards me. “Among other things, I’m likely smarter than you, I don't want to brag but this entire time you’ve been doing exactly what I expected you to do. So you have 2 options: submit now, or I blow you up just like that idiot in the leotard.”
While he was monologuing, I began to look around for anything I could use to help me get away from this guy, and then in the distance I saw Curt, charging in at full speed. I tried to move myself so Krieg’s back was turned to him. I turned my attention back to what Krieg was saying.
“ ...and thus, Mardoza, Guardian of the Pebble, fell to his knees, and passed from this world, leaving behind the mighty weapon, for he knew that, one day, its power would be acquired once mo-”
“SNEAK ATTACK!!!” Curt lunged at Krieg but was quickly blasted away.
“You see? You see what I mean when I call this guy an idiot? News flash,” He turned towards Curt. “Sneak attacks don't work if you yell ‘sneak attack’.”
While his back was turned I then proceeded to sneak up on him. Krieg turned around and I punched him square in what I was assuming was his jaw. Krieg stumbled back and I began to book it once more.
“How was that for a sneak attack?” I shouted behind me. Then the sirens outside blared.
“Okay, students. Time’s up. Because the hero was unable to capture all hostages in time, that means the villain team wins.” Mr. Koro announced.  
We all went back to the observation room, Curt looking mostly fine but his costume was a little worse for wear. We gave Mr. Koro the now toasted hostages.
“Okay, time for grades.” Mr. Koro snapped his tentacles. How is that possible? “Krieg, I expected more from you, your strategy was great for getting your opponents to fall into your trap, but you allowed too much harm to come to the hostages. The purpose of this exercise was to see your classmates’ strengths and weaknesses as well as putting others before yourself. So minus points for hurting the hostages, although you did save the majority.”
Krieg crossed his arms and sat down, like he was about to have a fit.
“Curtis, you did good to stay in the fight a lot longer than last time. Using your quirk to make sure your body took minimal damage from the explosions was very smart, but do try to use more strategy in the future. Charging in without thinking will only get you and others in danger.”
“Sir, yes, sir.” Curt saluted Mr. Koro.
“And, Sophia. I must say, you improved a lot in the short time between your first match and this one. You took advantage of your opponent’s restrictions and even managed to hold your own for a little bit in combat, Good job.” He held up one of his tentacles in a thumbs up motion, only without any thumbs.
“Thank you, sir.” I nodded. Compared to my last fight I was certainly feeling less useless, so that was good.
“Okay, class. That’s it for today, let’s all get changed and head back to class, you may head home once the bell rings.”
“Hey Barry! Wanna come over to my place to play video games?” Iris asked, a grin on her face. “I got Walumario Party!”
Barry just nodded.
We all got changed and headed back to class.
“Good job, newbie.” Taura patted my shoulder. “You showed that stuck-up brat.”
“Who?” I asked.
“Krieg, mr. hazmat suit guy.” She pointed at him near the front of the group.
“Oh, him? Sure he’s cocky but I don't think he’s stuck up.” I told her.
“That’s just because it’s the first day, just wait and you’ll see what I mean.”
“Yeah, he’s no good.” Iris added, stretching. “Also, Jesus Taura, where’d you learn to tie knots?”
“A ninja never reveals their secrets. Also, Where’d Killena go?” She wondered, putting her hands behind her head.
“Knowing her, probably wrestling with Dy or something.” Iris yawned.
“tttttttttaaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuuUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAA!!!” Kil charged down the hall straight towards Taura.
“Uh oh… Welp, time to run!” Taura turned on her heel and darted down the hall. Kil raced by Sophia and Iris, cursing loudly. “YOU GOT ME IN TROUBLE AGAIN YOU DAMNED NINJA! DON’T THINK I FORGOT!”
They both disappeared around the corner. A moment later a large blast of lighting shot across the hall, hitting the wall. Killena walked proudly back around the corner, dragging Taura behind her by the ninja’s scarf. Taura looked perfectly ok with this.
“Mr. Koro also said you were getting the detention too. I’m not letting you walk out of here.” Kil growled, and Taura sighed, throwing her hands up.
“You’re the one who keeps trying to stab everyone.” “IT WAS A JOKE! I TRY TO KILL EVERYONE!” Killena threw her hands up, dropping Taura’s scarf.
“Ow.” Taura said monotoned, as she sat up. “Fine you win, I’ll go to detention.”
We all made it back to class and went home except for Taura and Killena. First day of school was….interesting…. to say the least.
Character: Krieg Blitz
Quirk: Nuclear: His body is made of radiation and can create simultaneous nuclear explosions, everything living he touches dies. Expect Dy, he feeds off that.
Age: 16
Hair: Unknown
Eyes: Unknown
Height: 5’9”
Personality: Sarcastic, Entitled
Ideals: Become CEO of his father’s business
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alcoholichatrack · 6 years
06/19 (a fic for dazai's bd)
pardon the mistake i make in this, its really unplanned since i have work so yea...maybe crappy? i dont have an ao3 account so i will post it on my tumblr...my first ever completed fanfic...here we go~
a Dazai’s birthday fic
I have always wonder why am i born on such melancholy season, a summer that rain nearly everyday. However rain is an important essence to hydrangeas blooming.
Colors of blue, purple,pink,white are base off the different PH level in the water that they are shower with daily.
Rainy seasons are often describe as gloomy and moody for majority people especially kids or those who have an outdoor activities planned.Not everyone despise or hate the rain,like me,it's nice to have cooling rain drops on your skin and its a free bath! Wellll what i don't understand is this word called “Birthday”, yea it is certainly meaning the day you are born but what is it to celebrate such day when my only wish is to stop existing? I do hate this word and dreaded for this day to arrive therefore i did not mention or give an answer to the date and month of my birth.
Joining the Armed Detective Agency does change my perspective of every single little thing be it happy or sad also how people express their emotions...not the whole world is filled with harsh,cruel people or choice… i guess they have gave me what a family suppose to feel...warm and kindness...smiles that have no hidden objectives to it.
Its June 19th today.I do have plans of attempting another suicide later at the end of day… I do also expect that the members of ADA to throw a party of me turning a year older hoping to surprise me. Stopping in front of this door with a bronze plated name that i always open without hesitation or even to take a second look at it, it is the door that brought what Odasaku wants me to do, the ability to be in the light saving and helping people instead of shooting them down coldly. Family huh…
Steeling my nerves,putting on my best smile as i open the door into the bright noisy party as they shouts “Happy Birthday” in chorus. Balloons that decorated the office, a big rainbow cakes and lots of food, cheerful cheeky smile with all the amount of effort just to surprise me. I am honestly surprise as the scenes unfold before me… Atsushi-kun broke my inner thoughts by putting a cone-shaped hat crowning me as the birthday boy of the day and Fukuzawa gave a short speech of thanks for my years of commitment before everyone sings the Birthday song for me, even Kunikida sings along with with a reluctant look that makes it the  most entertaining thing of the party. Slices of cake being pass around after i make a wish(as they insists about) and blowing off the candle. I got questioned by nearly everyone about what wish did i make while receiving gifts of different shapes and size wrapped in colorful papers.
In the amidst of joyous noise, a chime followed by brief vibration came from my pocket as i went ahead to check my phone. Grinning, as i expect to receive a mail with a single sentences of :”You know where and what time to meet later.” Snapping my phone shut as the crowd around found a new question due to my facial expression that gave it away, persistently questioning me who is the sender and what is in the mail yet all i reply with is a smile, giving no solid answer.
Time passes fast as the day is reaching its end without any major incident while everyone bids goodbye and goes off once it hits 6pm.Like wise, i packed up all the presents, deciding to drop them off at home first before the rain can soak them wet. While setting off to my final destination of the day, it starts to drizzle lazily before turning into a full blown bone soaking storm.Even with the sudden progression of weather i still stroll towards the train station without hurry. It's a short train ride to the stops where Chuuya stays and a few minute walk to the place his apartment is located at. It's a average neighborhood with some tall apartment here and there while traditional house scatters around too. While passing by one that have two storey and very old looking yet charming traditional house, the garden is in full bloom of hydrangea stops me on track due to one thing, the amount of different color hydrangea makes me curious of how it happens even while they grew from the same soil? Without noticing, i took a step into this random property and find a small plastic transparent box at its doorstep, taking a close look, it is filled with assorted color of hydrangea. That is strange...it is as if whoever stays here knows my birthday… looking around the garden and veranda checking if there is anyone around yet i did not find anything suspicious. I decided to take this beautiful box of hydrangea along with me since it is inappropriate to not accept a gift, meanwhile, i did not realise that the rain have stop as i lost in small thoughts of finding whoever owns that property.
Once i reach the apartment building, i sent a quick mail to Chuuya in case he needs more time to prepare my surprise~
Stopping outside his slightly ajar door as if he have been waiting for me for quite a while, pushing open the door as what unravels in front of my vision impress me greatly...a small cake sat on a western garden style table in the middle with two matching chair and freshly blew green tea arrange beside it. The red hair man dress in nearly as red kimono stoods trimming the roll of  hydrangea on his balcony that however, blooms purple and blue. Not that i am disappointed,Chuuya did not turn around while he speaks to me, “Lock the door and sit down, Osamu.” It is rare for him to use my name… Smiling as i settle down and whines, ”Ahhh Chuuya~ My clothes is damp~ Will you get me some dry clothes to change? My bandage too~” This trick always works on him, as he turns around and give me glares with an annoyed expression, he threw me a warm towel that is on his couch as if ready for me, even though he have a foul mouth and bad temper...he still cares for me… Chuuya finally joins me as he sat down laying those small balls of hydrangea on the table while he lits the only candle on it. “Make a wish,you idiot” he says in a soft tone, something that is rare too, that tone. I did as he says, closing my eyes focusing on something while it did not takes long as a warm sensation presses onto my lips,opening my eyes just in time to see Chuuya’s beautiful feature in close range, long eyelashes and fair complexion.It did not take long before he realise my stare while blushing trying not to meet my graze,like a shy maiden in love,chuckling at his embarrassment.
He rudely brokes the romantic atmosphere by blowing off the candle complaining how hungry he is and when ahead to cut the cake. Not a fancy dinner in restaurant or a noisy party either as we both ate in silence like how it was last time...when we celebrates each others birthday even while others don't remember. Now, each of us have people who cares so spending such quiet time for just two is difficult and rare.Looking up at my companion who stops eating and starts grazing at me, i give my best idiotic shit eating grin as he quickly react with a disgusted face, “Chuuya~ You did not wish me Happy birthday yet~ It won't be a perfect birthday without your wishing you know that?~”rolling all this sweetly out of my mouth as he makes a small “hrmp” sound before mumbling it. “Happy Birthday, Osamu…” while looking away again as i laugh this time,”Thank you, Chuuya” sincerely thanking him without a hint of playfulness nor sarcasm,i continued “Thank you for being here all the time…” slowly i look down, without warning, he stood up suddenly and hug me. I… buried my faces in his soft curls of red hair while he gently pats my back as if comforting a over stressed child who lost its way or goal…
We stayed there for a while as if time have frozen,as i suggested sitting on the couch since it looks uncomfortable for our petite size hatrack( he did not wear hat ever since the time i steps in?!). After much struggle, i manage to lie on his lap as fatigue took over me, i fell asleep,strange peaceful sleep surrounded by hydrangea and Chuuya who stands out from all the blues and purples....I wish desperately that morning won't arrive, even if it do, please let him stay with me...forever....
Chuuya continues patting Dazai without a complain while slowly falling asleep....
Its raining, warm summer rain that falls on my cheek feels like i am the one crying, yet i am not alone, a deep blue umbrella tilt towards me as i turn around, “You will catch a cold idiot, have those bandage finally rot your ability to think? You know...you reminds me of those hydrangea…”Chuuya pointed to those blue hydrangea in the park “Blooming in a specific season, fragile yet brilliant...right?” I silently nod, “That is why i grew them, since it reminds me of you, Osamu.” Chuuya’s voice fades away as i dive deeper into sleep....
I woke up to bright sunlight that shines on my face cruelly to find that Chuuya is gone,leaping up in panic to find him in the kitchen cooking breakfast like a housewife, smiling at how he ties his hair gently and his flowery scent from the soap he always use. Quietly, i approach and hugs him as he yelps in surprise chiding me at my childish move. Laughing like this makes me forget how much evils i have done yet at the same time, the good things i done will over weights evil one day,redemption? Maybe...
dont kill me plz...thanks alot for reading *laughs nervously*
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