#megamind salt
ro994art · 6 months
A very specific nitpick I have with 'Megamind vs. The Doom Syndicate'
I don't do text posts here very often. This feels odd, let's just get on with it.
I was originally going to write down a full-on review expressing my utter disappointment and disgust dislike towards the horrible and cheap "sequel" to my favorite Dreamworks movie, Megamind. A sequel which, by now, we all know was nothing but a glorified extended pilot for a Peacock series that I have not watched, but it honestly looks just as mediocre, so I have no current plans to.
Hoooowever, I have since seen many reviews of this "movie", most of which have been able to express my feelings and thoughts pretty well. So it felt like I didn't have much else to contribute to the discourse.
Except for one thing that I have not seen anyone talk about (or maybe they have talked about it and I just haven't seen it), and it was one of the things that bothered me most about the film. So this post's entire purpose is to publicly point it out.
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No, I'm not talking about Keiko herself (although yes, she was my least favorite character and completely ruined the movie and this franchise for me thanks for asking). It's more the purpose of her character.
You see, and allow me to put my cranky old lady pants for just a moment, I believe most people have been able to guess that the entire reason this character was put into the movie was to be a target audience insert. So the 8 to 12 year-olds watching can go "Hey! This character is around my age and has the same interest as me! I'll keep watching for her!" (Do no ask me how well that's going because I personally do not find the excecution of it all that great, but I digress). And although, as a more mature viewer and long-time follower of the franchise, this does feel a bit annoying, having this kind of character when you're trying to appeal to a new audience is, technically speaking, not a bad thing in itself. And when executed well, this can totally work.
But here's the problem.
It makes no sense for a character like this to form part of Megamind's story.
You see, my friends, for those of you who have not seen this movie (which, for your own good, I sincerely hope is the majority of people who are reading this), "Megamind vs. The Doom Syndicate" is VERY explicitly supposed to take place two days after the events of the first movie.
Just two days.
This is explicitly said at least two or three times in the first act of the movie alone (I value my sanity too much to rewatch the film to double-check that fact, but I'm fairly confident in that).
If you all remember, the masterpiece known as the original Megamind movie came out in 2010. Therefore, the most logical thing to assume is that the events of the film itself also take place in 2010, if not before that, right? It's never explicitly stated, but since there is nothing that confirms or denies this, I think it's the default assumption we as an audience should make.
Now, I did not own my first cellphone until the year 2012 when I turned 13 (don't make fun of me for that fact), so, correct me if I'm wrong. But I don't think in 2010, we were seeing thing such as:
Smartphones like the one Keiko has throughout the film,
People using said smartphones to make livestreams in which people leave likes and comments in real time,
Kids who are content creators gaining half a million subscribers in TWO LITERAL DAYS (I cannot stress this enough) by getting information and newsflashes from goodness-knows-where,
App equivalents to TikTok and Instagram with as much popularity as we saw in this,
And overall, just social media getting the same treatment and functioning the same in 2010 as it does in 2024.
I mean yes, in 2010, things such as the ones I listed above were probably beginning to take popularity and to become a thing. But they surely weren't as well-established as they're being presented to us in Megamind "2".
This cheapquel "sequel" is suppossed to be only two days after the first one, and yet, everything that revolves around THIS KID'S existence suggests to us that we're in the 2020's era of internet, influencers, and social media. Heck, the earliest I could buy any of this believably happening is like, 2018. 2015 as a stretch.
We went from 2010 to (at least) 2015 in two stinkin' days.
No sense whatsoever.
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Logically speaking, there's no way TikTok Childstar Keiko was even born in the year the first Megamind took place. Like, her birth year is 2011 at the earliest, and you can't convince me otherwise. Why do you even exist two days after Megamind was renowned as the hero of Metrocity? Please go back to the womb.
(That got personal, sorry. This kid gets too much on my nerves)
"Well, TECHNICALLY since it's never stated when the first Megamind took place, nothing's stopping them from making it so that it's been 2024 all along"
If that seriously does not sound like gaslighting your audience in order to force "hip" references that resonate with the kids watching almost a decade and a half after the original film came out to you, then I don't know what does. I don't even care if "you're not suppossed to think too hard about it" (which is a lame excuse for lazy writing btw), just watching both movies back-to-back, the tonal differences and any chronological references just clash way too much for me to buy this as a legitimate follow-up taking place in the same universe, same city, and even same week.
So yes, "Megamind vs The Doom Syndicate" sucks, and the inclusion of this character and this anachronistic plotline, for me, is a huge reason why. It's insulting to the audience and a clearly desperate attempt to appeal to a new generation of kids that frankly, if Megamind had gotten a genuinely good sequel, they would've liked it all the same, even if it didn't include a 12-year-old TikTok influencer with a half-baked personality and forced role in the story. Because seriously, don't even get me STARTED on how forced her joining the gang felt, holy crap. 😓 But that's a tangent for another day. Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe I'll just leave this meme here and move on.
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This was, of course, only one of many flaws this movie had, but I feel like other people have ranted enough about how the writing, character portrayals, poor animation, bad humor, and lame attempts at world-building did the original Megamind dirty.
Here's hoping one day Dreamworks wakes up, thinks smart, and decides to give us the Megamind 2 we deserve, so we can all happily toss this... project, into the realm of non-canon media, where it belongs.
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megamindbaby · 6 months
megamind more like you’re a mega-me-mad bby girl ugh
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semisolidmind · 1 year
Not sure if someone's made this joke yet but I just thought of a variation of the "No Bitches" meme but it's Macaque instead of Megamind and it says "No Peaches" after he kidnaps Reader from the gang in your regular Isekai'd timeline. I can't draw or photoshop to save my life so I'll leave you with that thought.
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of course the prince of dorkness would come to rub salt in the wound when his majesty physically can’t do anything to stop him
(the monk insisted that the gang think up an actual plan to save reader since this kidnapping may be a bit tougher to circumvent)
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got no asks? i got you pookie, my megamind like brain is producing more so if your having a bad time, you know who to call 😘😘 (/JOKE I SWEAR)
imagine god like!reader trying to persuade yan!beasts into not killing innocent cookies just for not having the power baked into them, and remember my last ask when i asked for a reader really good and comforting and with very good intuition? like they can easily tell what is upsetting them or what they need/what (i don’t really remember but yeah)
so with the empathy god like!reader was baked with along with power, she went to go hopefully end this… and by persuading i mean giving the sweet delectable attention reader refused to give them… with good reasons of course, so dropped down from being away in a secluded place in earth bread, from being distant cause of their unhealthy actions, it’s time to put this plan into action, hoping it work, but if they wanted more of reader, they got to stop with terrorizing cookies
(for clarification: the plan is to just be all soft and loving toward them, then leave to warn the cookies to leave, and if the beasts want more, they actually have to stop)
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To be honest, they probably don't even realize what you're doing is to distract them! Having your loving attention on them is so intoxicating that it's hard to realize that you're distracting them from their goals of chaos.
Shadow Milk Cookie is just above Eternal Sugar Cookie with how much he craves your attention and love. He's always pulling you into watching his plays or just praising him. He gets whiney, begging even whenever you leave. He wants you to stay, give him more attention! What could be more important than him..?!
Eternal Sugar Cookie desires your attention constantly. How does she look? Do her wings look pretty? How does she sound? Every compliment you give her ends up making her more and more infatuated with you! Just please stop leaving.. she gets so lonely..
Burning Spice Cookies finds it so endearing whenever you fawn over his combat style and his warmth. He trained this way specifically for you, so don't think you can just tease him by running off afterwards.
Mystic Flour Cookie always enjoys how you compliment her magic and skills. Be it simple acts to impress you or things more grand, it gets her heart racing, incredibly so. Just don't expect her to be so restrictive whenever you're gone..
While Silent Salt Cookie rarely speaks, it's easy to tell how he flourishes under your praise and compliments. It always leaves him aching for more, but out of all the Beasts, he does have some suspicions about where you go whenever you leave. But he couldn't care less. Just keep on praising him..
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buginateacup · 5 months
Roxanne falls in love with Megamind on day ninety seven.
That might not seem like a lot. Most people would tell you "Love at first sight" and "I just knew"'s aside. Three months is not enough time to really know someone. What if they snore? What if you have diametrically opposed views on stacking the dishwasher? What if it turns out you really are as picky as your ex said about what kind of coffee mug is acceptable in the morning?
But ninety seven days happens slowly. Bit by bit, a week at a time, only a day of which is spent in his company. Somewhere between two years and three when he's got her tied to a chair again, rolled up close in his own, elbows on his knees, hands dancing between motes of dust in the air as he explains reverse electromagnetisation and conjoined power components and his eyes are so big and bright and his mouth is stretched wide as he makes another pun about something that only makes sense to someone with an advanced mathematics degree (which neither of them have) and that should make her roll her eyes and shoot back an even worse one about something like meganetic attraction.
But he's there and he's fun and he's silly and he talks to her and while she's still realising what this rising light blooming in her chest means she leans over and closes the distance between them.
She kisses him lightly, teasingly, just a soft brush of lips on the surprised slack sag of his mouth and Roxanne feels an odd urge to giggle that she's managed to catch him off guard for once.
She kisses him because she likes him, because he never makes her feel dumb when he explains how his inventions work, because she wants to know if his mouth is still as expressive when on hers, because his beard looks soft and she's always wondered, because she's wearing her favourite shoes, and because its a Tuesday and she always has better luck on Tuesdays
She kisses him for a hundred different reasons.
But mostly because she wants to. Megamind, for his part, when she sits back again, (kindapping chairs are not comfortable to lean sideways on), still sitting there dazed, a clicking sound coming from his throat like his voicebox has stalled and has to work its way through restarting, almost explodes out of his chair. "I- you- Miss Ritchi, what?"
Megamind falls in love with Roxanne on day five, and day thirteen, and day twenty nine and forty seven etc etc. He falls in love with her every time she asks a question and every time she laughs and every time she makes his brain work that little bit faster to keep their conversations going.
He dreams of kissing her. Wistful daydreams while he waits for her to wake, blurry fantasises as he puts finishing touches on giant robots and flaming death traps. He dreams of kissing her slow, fast, in between. He dreams of stolen kisses, shy kisses, kisses to her hair, her cheeks, her temples, her hands.
And then firmly tells himself he's being ridiculous and decides to chase any thought of love out of his brain again right up until he sees her again.
He never let himself dream of kissing her lips.
Roxanne drags her lower lip through her teeth, savouring the taste of salt and tilts her head at him, "Hi," She says, braver than she feels, "I think I like you."
That seems to throw him even more than the kiss, "You do?"
"Yeah," She wishes he'd sit down again, looking at him from this angle is really doing a number on her neck, "I really do."
"That," Megamind hesitates, "Could be a very bad idea."
"Because I definitely really like you."
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starleska · 7 months
just finished watching Megamind vs the Doom Syndicate and i have some thoughts!! please do take this with a grain of salt as i'm just one person; i absolutely do not want to rain on anyone's parade!! if this is your favourite movie, don't worry about the gripes of some stranger on the internet 🥰
let's start with the positive!! despite what some people are saying there are things to enjoy about the film, and i think that lies in the fun of Megamind's old crew. although Behemoth looks a little phoned-in and Pierre Pressure was an easy joke, i really enjoyed the designs for Lady Doppler and Lord Nighty-Knight. the scenes they were in with Megamind were definitely the most engaging!! but that's...about where my enjoyment of the film ends. i think the film's biggest sin is the enormous amount of exposition-dumping and telling rather than showing. there were so many times where characters just...stated things about themselves, or spoke aloud why they were feeling the way they are. they're like...character notes that a writer jots down to keep track of emotional journeys. it really breaks the immersion and makes the characters feel mechanical, clunky, and a bit of a hivemind. Megamind and Roxanne in particular feel quite stripped of their original personalities, which is such a shame. then there's drastic reduction of chemistry between Megamind and Roxanne. canonically, this movie only takes place a couple of days after the events of Megamind, but the two are barely affectionate with one another to the point that it's weird. perhaps it was written as them being comfortable with one another, but at times it almost felt like there was dislike between the two of them...especially from Roxanne's side!! Megamind is hardly recognisable compared to his lovestruck counterpart from the first movie, and Roxanne's bold, caring nature seems to have evaporated. it makes it very hard to get invested in their relationship at all 💔 speaking of Roxanne, i find it such an odd choice to make Roxanne have an existential crisis about being dissatisfied with her life just a few days after the events of the previous film...you'd think she'd want to take it easy for a while! i feel this characterisation of Roxanne does her a lot of disservice, and reduces her more to plot functionality. Roxanne doesn't strike me as the kind of woman who'd be starstruck re: some kid's online following and decide she's inadequate by comparison. again, a lot of the things we love Roxanne for were just quite...absent, from this movie. you could predict what she was going to say well ahead of time, because she was just following the beats of the plot 😓 and the time-retcon...isn't it a bit weird that Megamind is a complete Internet n00b? it's one thing for him to be a bit out-of-touch with Gen Z (as he's relatable to us neurotypicals given his alien grasp on certain concepts), but he seems completely baffled by the concept of streaming and followers at all, and this movie takes place in a post-2020 timeframe. it's odd because Megamind is already established as a tech genius in the first movie, and we know he's somewhat affiliated with Internet slang by his use of LOL : ) when texting Roxanne!! perhaps this is a small nitpick that can be explained away, but it seems like a baffling choice and an excuse to write in a trendy character for the kids to relate to 😵 then, moving onto Keiko...she wasn't terrible by any means! but i wish she was more than a social media influencer to get Megamind with the times. if she's Megamind's number 1 fan, surely she would have been his fan while he was a villain...couldn't that have made for an interesting moral dilemma along with the return of the Doom Syndicate: having a child trying to follow in his previously-villainous footsteps? what about Keiko being taken under the wing of the Doom Syndicate after Megamind became a hero? 👀 those are my thoughts for now...i do hope all those talented Megamind fans will build upon these flaws in the movie and create more compelling stories from it 🙏💖
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diagonal-queen · 8 months
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Ruby Gillman: Teenage Kraken/Meet the Gillmans vs Luca
Critics, Reviewers, Comment section, News outlets, etc.
TOP 10 things Ruby Gillman: Teenage Kraken/Meet the Gillmans copied from Luca.
Child: Mom can we watch Luca? Mom: We have Luca at home! Luca at home
Luca, but American.
DreamWorks’ Ruby Gillman: Teenage Kraken/Meet the Gillmans is just like Pixar’s Luca but with a girl.
What if Luca was a girl and it happens in Florida?
DreamWorks: Can I copy your homework? Pixar/Disney: Yes but change it a little. DreamWorks: Ruby Gillman: Teenage Kraken/Meet the Gillmans
It will just like Antz vs A Bug's life, Shark Tale vs Finding Nemo, or Megamind vs Despicable Me.
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(Art by F16 - Lift Those EyebrowsPublished: Nov 7, 2010By jbwarner86. It’s not her opinion! It’s just a comic.)
I'm going to be honest. I love DreamWorks movies, so I might be bias. But everyone is entitled to their own opinion. This is mine! I'm tired of everybody calling their movies ripoffs! Hollywood only cares about Disney and Pixar. They're the studios that get all the awards, except once in the blue moon. The media has many times shown bias towards Disney. Not to mention people who don't think of animation as art or think anything animated is made by Disney.
A movie can have a completely different animation, characters, tone, plot, humor, message, story arcs, execution, etc. But as soon as it shows even the smallest similarity with another movie that came out around the same time or worse comes out after it then it's labeled as a ripoff and if not it's constantly compared to its older film siblings.
Even Rise of the Guardians gets compared to Avengers because it came out around the same time, in 2012, and has characters that form a team to stop a bad guy. Seriously!?! 
(That’s actually a fun parody!)
What's next? In this movie, people breathe, walk and talk it's just like the other movie where people breathe, walk and talk. Totally the same!
I get it. People want to describe a movie in the shortest amount of time possible without getting anything away and using a vastly popular movie that most people watched or is so prevalent that most know it in great detail even without watching the movie itself. But those descriptions are mostly misleading and are stretching a lot to find anything similar, as I previously mentioned.
There are hundreds if not thousands of things that go into the making of a movie and even changing one thing can make someone love, hate, or feel indifferent about it.
You might love Avengers but hate Justice League, love Cinderella but feel meh about Sleeping Beauty, and vice versa. They are what a lot of people would call ''the same movie'', ''similar movie'' or ''basically the same''.
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Unfortunately, I don't think it's ever going to change. Not everybody has the time or wants to listen to hours of essays about why a film is great or bad, and it’s especially hard to praise something without getting into spoilers.
And I need to remind you that you have your own will, opinions, and tastes. It sounds pretentious but a lot of people seem to forget that. Even if the person describing a movie to you is someone with whose opinions you many times agreed or knows you personally and knows what you like and dislike or even you may think ''I hate - insert what you hate in movies here - ! No way I'm going to like this movie.'' and then you watch it and love it.  
Everybody and their mother makes fun of Shark Tale on the internet but I think it's funny (Polish dub). Almost no one talks about Monsters vs Aliens in a flattering light but I love it. Everybody seems to love the Guardians of the Galaxy movies but I found them unfunny.
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Maybe I just didn't find those videos yet.
So, when you hear someone compare one movie to another take it with a huge spoonful of salt.
Can't wait when the Wizard of Once movie comes out and everybody will compare it to Harry Potter because it has magic and the main boy character has black hair.
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What movie do you think gets this unfair treatment?
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polaroidbills · 2 years
08. no bitches?
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pairing! - non-idol!jungwon x fem!reader
synopsis! - inspired by reckless by madison beer - jungwon promised y/n to never break her already damaged heart, but can he really keep it?
word count! - 743
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october 14, 2021 @ 6:55 p.m
(y/n's pov)
the sound of the welcoming door bell rings through our ears.
the door opens, revealing heeseung.
"hey guys! come in!" he allows us to walk in.
immediately i see jay cooking, sunoo chilling on the couch, riki looking for ice cream, and sunghoon and jake playing video games.
"jay's just cooking dinner. i think it's tteokbokki," heeseung shuts the door.
"where's jungwon?" i question.
"oh he said he'll be a bit late," he shrugs.
"oh okay," i mumble as chaeyeon pulls me away, ending the conversation.
20 minutes later, it's now 7:15.
jungwon's still not here.
"yah! jake what the hell!" sunghoon shouts.
we're all playing mario kart and jake hit sunghoon with a shell. everyone laughs.
the door bell rings. "jake go get that," heeseung orders, immersed in the game. "fine."
"yes! i won!" sunghoon celebrates.
"jungwon hey!" everyone turns to the door. jungwon walks in with a smile and we all greet him.
running up to him i hug him, "i was waiting for you, what took you so long man?"
"heh, sorry my mom needed help with the laundry, took longer than i expected," he laughs hugging me back.
"okayyy! break it up or get a room!" jake shoves his hands in between us to separate us. we laugh awkwardly.
at dinner, jay places his tteokbokki on the table.
"hmm it's delicious," i say surprised.
"right! jays cooking is for real the best!" riki agrees and everyone starts digs in.
"so what should we do tonight?" sunoo starts a conversation.
"hm.. i was thinking we play party games. you know like truth or dare and whatever," heeseung suggests.
"yeah! and then we can watch like a movie or two!" riki adds and everyone agrees, finishing our food.
after placing our dirty dishes in the dishwasher, we all gather in the living room. as i was about to sit down next to jungwon when chaeyeon squeezes in between us and sits down.
"so who wants to start?" jake says making everyone confused. "huh?"
"truth or dare? hello? okay fine. whatever. heeseung, truth or dare?" everyone comes to realization.
"ohh~ hmm, truth."
"is it truth that no ones asked you to the spook-a-thon yet?"
we laugh and "ouuu"s are heard.
"yes," heeseung salts.
"it's giving megamind, no bitches?" everyone laughs.
"okay okay i get it, but to be fair jake, the only bitch you get is your dog, layla," he smirks and everyone bursts into laughter. jake rolls his eyes in defeat.
"anyway, hmm chaeyeon, truth or dare?"
"uhh you know what? dare."
"ouu shes getting bold," everyone jokes.
"okay... i dare you to sit beside the hottest guy here," heeseung dares.
"easy," chaeyeon gets up and sits right in between jake and jungwon.
"ouuu," everyone shocked, as well as me.
"so is it jake or jungwon?" heeseung asks
"i didn't pick truth~," chaeyeon mocks.
"okay okay, hmm let's see... oh y/n truth or dare?"
"i dare you play the pocky game with sunghoon," chaeyeon smirks.
"oh shit~,"
"damnn," everyones baffled.
i grab a pocky stick and walk over to sunghoon nervously. i sit down and place the stick in my mouth. facing sunghoon, he places his mouth on the stick, not making eye contact with me. i thank him for that. as we inch closer i get even more nervous.
almost an inch away, i can't take it anymore. i was about to break it, when sunghoon went for the last nibble. his lips brush against mine and we quickly break the stick.
my eyes wide open and not being able to chew the pocky. claps and laughs were heard from the others.
"woww!" chaeyeon hollers.
"okay moving on," i change the subject. still sitting beside riki and sunghoon, i don't make eye contact with them.
"my turn. hmm riki, truth or dare?" i turn to him.
"uh truth," he hesitates.
"is it true that yooha has a big crush on you, so she joined the dance team to be with you? and you have feelings for her too?"
"yes.. i mean i think it is? i can't ask her straight up, you know? but i so like her..." riki scratches his head feeling awkward.
"okay my turn!" riki claps happily.
"jungwon, truth or dare?" we all turn to him and he looks a little uncomfortable.
"i dare you to do the pocky stick game with y/n."
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previous masterlist next
author's note! - pocky game ayee! no bitches?
taglist 🏷️ @boowoowho @fadedluvv @hursheys @enhacolor
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ive done an excise before of limiting characters to one word before. I think it would be helpful to list out the core four words for the Tobacco AU as it stands now.
this'll get long as i got a few things im working through
Southern, Supernatural, Steampunk, Poor
southern: Richsten is in the south. and southern food and culture are sort of essential to the au. I didn't want to be in new york. so its not. Tobacco, sweet tea, and shifting seasons define the world. its in the characters and in the city. I like the idea of an overlooked city due to it not being important to the world stage, but being super important to those that live there. Like my home town lol
Baccy cant be herself without this as part of the setting
it also is why electro is dressed the way he is. plus that's a reference lol
Supernatural: Ghosts are freaking fun. And scary. Salt and silver has always sorta detered them. So that goes into Baccy's defenses.
i think there needs to be a separate tool kit for dealing with ghosts. and a sliding scale of what works. Baccy could have like a belt of salt bags to carry around. and sage to burn. her ghost belt! lol. and for stronger ghosts she'll need holy water, mantras, chants, and prolly symbols. Destruction of what holds the entity to this plain of existence is also a method.
Knowing the name of the entity makes it easier to expel them from people and places. I think there might be a funny little place for daredevil as a traveling blind 'priest' who expels demons and ghosts, whose batons are tipped in silver and whose knuckles are decorated with the same metal.
if the ghost knows your name it can control you.
not sure what im going to do with a ghost giving Mysterium his name. Maybe it makes it mentally harder for people to connect the dots, even if it seems obvious that mysterium is Quentin.
I also want to involve sound in some way. like ... tonal magic? Where certain pitches or tunes hold power. idk
steampunk: I love the steampunk look. i think it pairs with the ghosts neatly, as victorians were obsessed. and it fits with the old vibe richsten has. Its why ocks arms are colored the way they are lol. and why mysterium has some coppery look. Steampunk mostly informs the look.
semi related point:
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I love the idea of something like this for Tremors (Montana aka this world's shocker) kinda janky looking with hydraulics and powered by steam from a pack on his back. still working on drawing it lol.
and lastly
Poor: Almost everyone is scraping by. Even the city is past its heyday and is declined. Baccy builds her suit herself and stitches it back up after each fight. goggles? from the trash. Skirt? left over leather she scraped from the stable. and she has to help her grandfather run his business. I feel like offering help from a hand already at a loss is more meaningful. idk. She doesn't have much, but she's going to share what she can.
Montana is facing down the harsh realities of being a single 'father' at 19. he has to do whatever jobs he can and builds the Tremors suit from the trash.
but poor is not a core word just in its monetary definition. Ella has poor living conditions. She should be able to go out an participate in everyday life. She just needs mobility aids. but her father denies her this.
I guess my fallout and skyrim influences are leaking through. i guess to be like dnd i could list out other influences: A-Team, Smokey and the Bandit, history museums, and Megamind.
(ill have to sort these ideas into the doc later AHHHHH that do is whoo boi ahhh)
that all aside. I should write more for this au. its warm to read. like home.
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ratsoh-writes · 2 years
Hans: dont tease me or I'll change it to either no bitches or no booty
*from the megamind meme lol*
*Hans blushes and Nicky sees he has Rats as "Tiny Not yet-Lover"
Nicky: awwwww she will get mad at the tiny tho
Salt: pff she will. If you want her to love you though, just give her pizza or Pepsi.
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basslinegrave · 1 year
mutant mayhem was good, loved the animation a lot
also they got quite creative with the dubbing, it was still a bit cringy but the idea was there, it feels like slovak dub is slowly getting tolerable
more thoughts not story spoilery but just in case under readmore cuz i do mention specifics so. slight spoilers under the cut
i just dont know who was the main target audience because as a family movie, i saw that people that grew up on tmnt disliked it, but if it was for teens it had too childish moments, but at the same time the audience being all kids was odd because they wouldnt get most of the jokes i think? and while the references were like. 'yeah every young person knows this', for some 'everyone knows this', i actually dont think 6 year olds have seen those things. like they mentioned a buncha animated movies (perhaps just in this dub, but im gonna assume they did it in the original) and i would say yeah kids watch some movies but i doubt parents make their kids watch ratatouille and megamind. they make them watch cocomelon and shit so like, many jokes were for teens and young adults imo but the story itself was very much toddler tv /hj
plus like, a lack of teen stuff for a movie for tweens, so i would say its for like, 10 year olds? but also not? i have no idea. conclusion: i wasnt the actual target audience but it made me laugh and since im pretty childish it made me feel like a teen again... i wish i was a teen again....*cries*
it was pretty chaotic too towards the end so its like a 7/10 for me. i also felt dizzy from caffeine and reallt had to pee at some point so i kinda didnt pay full attention during some fights but still 😶 also i liked the music used a lot but it could have been a teeny tiny bit betterrrr i did expect more so thats why. without any expectations it would be better
im gonna update my movie ranking if i even posted that
also spoiler spoiler spoiler but
the milking thing was funny and i feel like much funnier in the slovak dubbing because oh my god. but i also fear r34 so much. they are not safe unfortunately which sucks ass but 20% of the movies vocabulary being milking them its like. ahhhh stop youre making it worse this is gonna happen now. (it was funny though especially the machine)
note: taking the target audience thing with a grain of salt, just being affected by the airing time being 4:30pm - basically baby movie time, and the movie previews before the movie being paw patrol and such. But they also played such things before spiderverse, so. so. yeah. (also the paw patrol trailer was cute i have seen the first one online out of cuteness curiosity and it was adorable, not planning to watch this one but it was cute as hell)
0 notes
chaos--mode · 2 years
favourite colour(s): red (particularly like, deep wine and cherry reds) & orange
favourite flavour(s): vanilla, chai, peanut butter, cotton candy, sesame, sea salt
favourite genre(s): supernatural/paranormal horror, romcoms, disaster movies, whatever tf things like treasure planet/atlantis/sinbad are
favourite music: pop punk, punk rock, bimbocore, alt & indie
favourite movie(s): (get ready for the weirdest list of movies you've ever seen lol) someone great, megamind, nope, patient zero, treasure planet, sinbad, atlantis, oxygen, httyd (all of them), parasite, the mummy, wendell & wild, burlesque, brightburn, into the spiderverse, the sea beast, umma, the grudge, breakfast with scot, bliss, booksmart, words on bathroom walls, tau, gunpowder milkshake, dumplin', the lovebirds, fear street trilogy, willy's wonderland (sssshhh)
favourite series: stranger things (doi), arcane, first kill, brand new cherry flavor, i am not okay with this, tales from the loop, she-ra (2020), all of us are dead, parasyte the maxim, alice in borderland, love death + robots, russian doll, the flash (but only s1-4), the chair, centaurworld, sweet home, trinkets, archive 81, q-force, everything sucks, the legend of korra
last song: AVA by natalie jane
last series: recently did a rewatch of the flash s1-4
last movie: i actually have no idea. i think maybe when i went to see the new black panther in theaters?
currently reading: the lost girls of camp forevermore by kim fu
currently watching: the new season of alice in borderland
currently working on: trying to get my nwn d&d campaigns going, in the "heavily considering it" stages of starting an online publication/company w my roommate
Tagged by: @edxmunson ♡
Tagging: i always feel awkward tagging people in these so if you'd like to do this consider this me tagging you ♡
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diana--williams · 2 years
English movies 2015-2005
The Age of Adeline
Fifty shades of grey
Crimson Peak
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2
The Martian
The Intern
Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials
Insurgent (The Divergent series)
Jupiter Ascending
Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation
The Boy Next Door
Inside Out
Fantastic Four
Ant Man
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Jurassic World
The Good Dinosaur
Hotel Transylvania 2
Love, Rosie
Seventh Son
Kingsman: The Secret Service
Victor Frankenstein
The Man who knew Infinity
X Men: Days of the Future Past
The Fault in Our Stars
Vampire Academy
The Maze Runner
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Dracula Untold
I, Frankenstein
Mr. Peabody and Sherman
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1
300: Rise of an Empire
Kingsman: The Secret Service
The Amazing Spiderman 2
Rio 2
The Theory of Everything
Guardians of the Galaxy
That Awkward Moment
Transformers: Age of Extinction
Big Hero 6
How to Train your Dragon 2
Step up: All in
Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb
Seventh Son
The Mortal Instruments: The City of Bones
The Conjuring
Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
Man of Steel
Oz, The Great and Powerful
Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters
G. I. Joe: Retaliation
Jack the Giant Slayer
Iron Man 3
Star Trek Into the Darkness
The Croods
The Wolverine
Thor: The Dark World
Now You See Me
Monster's University
The Smurfs 2
Despicable Me 2
Safe Haven
Romeo and Juliet
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2
Journey 2: The Mysterious Island
Snow White and the Huntsman
Pitch Perfect
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
The Amazing Spider-man
Mirror Mirror
Step Up: Revolution
The Hunger Games
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
Life of Pi
The Avengers
Rise of the Guardians
Hotel Transylvania
Underworld: Awakening
Dr. Seuss' The Lorax
Taken 2
Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted
Ice Age: Continental Drift
Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance
John Carter
Titanic 3D
Monsters Inc.
Finding Nemo
The Twilight Saga: The Breaking Dawn Part 1
Crazy, Stupid, Love
I am Number Four
Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows
Sucker Punch
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1
Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides
The Art of Getting By
Real Steel
Green Lantern
Captain America: The First Avenger
X-Men: First Class
The Smurfs
Kung Fu Panda 2
Transformers: Dark of the Moon
The Adventures of Tintin
No Strings Attached
Jane Eyre
Mars Needs Moms
Monte Carlo
Puss In Boots
Happy Feet 2
Two Brothers
The Twilight Saga: Eclipse
The Twilight Saga: New Moon
Remember Me
Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief
Alice in Wonderland
Black Swan
Barbie in a Mermaid Tale
How to Train Your Dragon
Love and Other Drugs
Despicable Me
The Last Airbender
Clash of the Titans
The Losers
Piranha 3D
Iron Man 2
Tron: Legacy
Shrek Forever After
Toy Story 3
The Spy Next Door
Diary of a Wimpy Kid
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
The Karate Kid
Knight and Day
The Sorcerer's Apprentice
Step Up 3D
Eat Pray Love
Nanny McPhee and the big bang
Barbie: A Fashion Fairytale
Resident Evil: After Life
Its Kind of a Funny Story
Easy A
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
The Tourist
Gulliver's Travels
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
Sherlock Holmes
Angels and Demons
The Da Vinci Code
The Proposal
17 Again
Confessions of a Shopaholic
Land of the Lost
Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs
Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian
Underworld: Rise of the Lycans
Star Trek
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
G. I. Joe : The Rise of the Cobra
Bride Wars
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li
Astro Boy
The Princess and the Frog
The Young Victoria
Dorian Gray
What Happens in Vegas
Step Up 2: The Streets
Journey to the Center of the Earth
10,000 BC
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
Kung Fu Panda
The Incredible Hulk
The Day the Earth Stood Still
The Eye
Babylon A.D.
Hellboy II: The Golden Army
Scorpion King 3
The Scorpion King 2: Rise of a Warrior
Dr. Seuss' Horton Hears a Who!
Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa
The Forbidden Kingdom
Slumdog Millionaire
The Golden Compass
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
Ghost Rider
Evan Almighty
Music and Lyrics
National Treasure: Book of Secrets
Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer
Shrek the third
Spider-man 3
Alvin and the Chipmunks
Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked
Resident Evil: Extinction
Step Up
The Devil wears Prada
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
Night at the Museum
Monster House
Mission Impossible III
Ice Age: The Meltdown
Just My Luck
X-Men: The Last Stand
The Ant Bully
Underworld: Evolution
Happy Feet
The Pursuit of Happyness
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
Pride and Prejudice
King Kong
Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Aeon Flux
Sky High
Fantastic Four
The Son of the Mask
Tom and Jerry: Blast off to Mars
The Ring Two
She's the Man
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bambiraptorx · 2 years
Currently in the middle of brewing an essay about how Megamind and Metroman both represent different sides of the neurodivergent experience, idk if I'll post it tho
Edit: the essay has been posted, it is linked in the reblogs
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sidsinning · 3 years
Dreamworks constantly switching between Ls and Ws
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
The range is wild
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