#megan’s fics
imyourbratzdoll · 1 year
Hi, babe! Can I please request something with soft dark!Jennifer where she and reader are not official (although madly in love) and get distant, until Jennifer sees her with someone else and is like "not on my watch 🤨"? Reader loves her too but she's an insecure bean and thinks Jennifer is out of her league, hence why she goes after other people. 💕💕
hi baby! I hope you like it! thank you for requesting this!
summary - jennifer doesn't like others touching what's hers.
the gif I use isn't mine, divider by @newlips
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Jennifer was seething. How dare you smile at someone who wasn’t her. How dare you let this person touch you. You were hers. Was this why you haven’t spoken to her in so long? Because you were too caught up in someone else? You had been ignoring her recently, becoming more distant even though you both had confessed your love for each other. She rolled her eyes. She knew she should’ve made it official with you. Of course, your pretty little head couldn’t understand you were hers, even without the dumb title.
She made her way over, her hips swaying with each step. Your head turned in her direction at the sound of her heels clicking. She smirked when your eyes widened, mouthing ‘hey baby’ before she appeared before you, eyeing the person who dared to be in your presence. “Hi, sugar. Who’s your friend?” Your eyes fall to her lips as they fall into a deadly smile, feeling yourself become putty at how gorgeous she is. 
“U–um… This is…” Your mouth opens and closes, slowly blinking as you become lost in her eyes. Your heart nearly pounds out of your chest, forgetting about the person next to you until they clear their throat, awkwardly saying their goodbye’s before quickly rushing off.
She leans forward, cupping your chin in her perfectly manicured hand and stares into your eyes. “Whatcha doing with them, baby? Don’t you know your mine?” Her eyes flicker between yours and your plump lips, “Hmm?” She pouts before smirking. “I’ve been worried, my little sugarplum. You’ve been avoiding me.” You blink more, staring into her pretty eyes. Jennifer’s thumb strokes your cheek. “Answer me, baby.” 
“I–uh…” You gulp, feeling your heart race as you smell her sweet vanilla scent and the cherry lollipop she had recently been sucking on, wishing you could taste it from her tongue. “W–why do you care so much… It’s not like I’m your type. I’m just… Me.” You pout, shivering as she glares down at you. 
She pouts, her hand moving down to grip your throat softly. “Why wouldn’t I care, baby? Don’t you realise how much I care for you? You’re so sweet and pretty and all mine.” She whispers, leaning closer and pressing a sweet kiss on your plump, pouted lips. “Always taste like strawberries.” She hums, licking her lips. 
You whimper, leaning into her touch as your eyes begin to flutter. “B–but you’re out of my league….” 
Jennifer giggles, her other hand coming down and resting on your hip. “No, I’m not, baby girl. We’re in the same league. The prettiest of the bunch.” Her hand returns to cupping your cheek, nodding your head along with hers. “Yes, we are, baby. So pretty and soft. I love you so much.” 
You whine. “I love you too.” 
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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generalllimaginesss · 4 months
Here’s a little piece based on Megan Moroney’s song Reasons to Stay.
Warnings: angsty bf! Jack, toxic relationship (you can usually tell if I’m depressed or not based on what I post lmao), but like this is really really toxic so don’t read if that’s a trigger for you. I think I made myself go crazy while rereading it.
Reasons to Stay
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I asked Jesus for a sign
And today I haven’t cried
It’s only 2 p.m. but that beats yesterday
So I guess that’s a reason to stay
The status of having an NHL boyfriend was alluring to a lot of girls. The fame was something that always felt new, thousands of people, strangers, screaming the name that you hold near and dear to your heart. The money eased the fear of bills and gave a freedom the average person would never experience in their lifetime. The influence that you hold as a WAG always playing in the back of your mind anytime your finger hovered over a button to post a picture, wondering if the caption was classy enough to hold your status.
The truth is that looks can be deceiving. The girls that threw themselves at Jack made for a constant state of insecurities to pool in your brain, sloshing around anytime Jack was home late or turned his location off. The money bought things that made you smile, a Louis Vuitton here, a Mercedes there, but the feeling of being in debt to the man that let hate spew from his mouth anytime you accidentally stepped out of line pulled at your being, anxiety grasping at the freedom, one not capable of being present without the other.
Was it really freedom?
Was it the price of freedom?
Maybe the price was the amount of tears that flowed when he rejected an outfit for you to wear.
“You’re not leaving in that. I don’t date sluts and that makes you look like one,” his reasoning rang, slicing through your ears and bouncing around anytime you bought clothes.
Today was a good day, though.
He had kissed you goodbye, asking if you would be making dinner tonight.
He’d be home tonight, you thought, willing yourself to think positive and fighting against the urge to dwell on the fact that he had come home with a hickey the night prior. He insisted it was a hickey, but you weren’t too sure about that.
But he’s yours tonight, that’s all that matters. That keeps you going; the possibility that tomorrow he will be yours is your driving thought. So you went about your day as if the life you were living were a dream and that you were living the life as the girlfriend of a famous hockey player who made millions.
Maybe it’s normal to have to be small. Maybe you just have to compensate for the huge platform that he had. He had earned it after all.
Seriously, what did you do other than keep the house tidy and go to his games? That’s normal….right?
You just had to tell yourself that it would be ok. It would be harder and messier to leave than try to push through.
And when you’re drunk at 3 a.m.
You don’t call your ex-girlfriend
It’s been a couple months since you
Brought up her name.
So I guess that’s a reason to stay.
The guys had gone out after a win, guys only. No girlfriends or wives. That’s what Jack said, at least. They were celebrating the guys achievements, some records broken, and it was just for them.
That was fine with you. He had an amazing game: his second hatty of his career. He needed a night to let off some steam and just be a boy.
The picture of him and Nico with Jack’s ex looming in the background was just a coincidence, yeah? Jack said she was a puck bunny, so she’s probably just going from guy to guy.
As soon as he walked through the door, the smell of bourbon wafted through the air, attaching itself to every air molecule in the apartment and meeting you like a familiar friend. This wasn’t the first time he had come home in this state. It wasn’t even the 5th or 6th.
“You’re up,” Jack’s words were slower than normal, the effort to produce the words coherently proving to be more tasking than normal. He took in the view of you curled up in an Ugg blanket on the plush cushions of the couch, noticing the lines that the tears had been drawing for the past hour. He took note, but not responsibility. He told you where he was and what he was doing, no harm no foul.
“Just couldn’t go to sleep,” Your voice was weakened, something you despised about yourself. You used to view yourself as strong and independent. Sticking up for what was right was was something you took pride in, but being in a relationship with Jack had slowly chipped away at that, so nonchalantly that you were the skeleton of who you once were before you could do anything about it.
Jack’s balance teetered from the left to the right, making a ship at sea during a storm look like a walk through the park. He stumbled as he tried to take his shoes off, a cue that you learned meant you needed to help him.
He did so much for you, so would it really be awful to just help him out?
As you slipped one AirForce off, you took notice of the bruises that feathered his legs, probably from the intense game tonight.
You could feel courage bubble, coming to a boil before you made your next statement, “I noticed your ex in a picture that Nico posted…what’s that about?”
“Baby,” He slurred, attempting to tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear but pulling it instead, kissing your forehead after you winced at the tension. “You’re the only one that matters,” And with that he sucked you right back into his intoxicating blue eyes. They held a secret confession of his love for you. One that only you could see and he could feel.
But you don’t try like you used to
You don’t look at me the same
You used to say you’re sorry, now
Whiskey’s what you blame
How much can a heart take
‘Til it’s really your last chance
I’m a giver, but I’ve given all I can
We both know that I ain’t one to walk away
But I’m runnin’ out of reasons to stay
Things hadn’t always been like this.
Jack hadn’t always been like this.
He used to surprise you at work with two dozen roses, or wrote sweet love notes on sticky notes and stuck them to your vanity. He used to put in effort.
He used to want you.
What were you thinking, of course he still wanted you. He wouldn’t be in a relationship with you for the whole world to see if he didn’t want you, right?
He hadn’t bought flowers in a long time, though, and the sticky notes had slowly made their way to a drawer for safekeeping, none there to replace them. The vanity was bare, loneliness radiating from it every time you passed it, the feeling resonating in your soul.
It was as lonely as you.
Jack had come home drunk again last night, the smell of the liquor laced the words he shot at you with a poison that made them burn when they hit you. Everything that came out of his mouth felt like lashes against your skin.
“You’re so fucking boring, Y/N! You think you’re so perfect and you’re not! You think you’re better than everybody around you, but you’re not! You’re a fucking bitch, you cunt!”
He went on like that for at least an hour, going on and on about how he deserved better, how he could have anybody he wanted but settled for you.
It hurt even worse because it was so untrue. You battled with yourself for years because you compared yourself to those around you constantly. Jack knew this. He had been there for your breakdowns when your family had made you feel like a disappointment, or when you never thought you would be as pretty or talented as the other girls in the hockey scene.
Did he just forget this?
How were you going to smooth this over with him?
It felt like all you did was make excuses for him just to be able to live with him.
How did he completely change you? Wreck you? He had gutted out who you once were and left the bare beams that held you up. He had conditioned you to allow him chance after chance, no matter how bad he had fucked up.
And you just let him.
As the sun played a game of peekaboo through the curtains, you had made up your mind that you couldn’t justify the way he was treating you anymore. It was wrong.
The smell of bacon and eggs lured you into the kitchen to see him shirtless, standing over the stove as he busied himself with making breakfast. His back muscles flexed as he maneuvered about the stove. He looked perfect, as if he hadn’t verbally assaulted you and your character last night.
Before you could say anything, he had sensed that he was being watched, catching a glimpse of you as he turned his head slightly to the left.
“Morning. Didn’t wake you up, did I?” His voice was raspy, probably from partying for most of the night, but it sounded like he cared. It was refreshing.
“N-no. Um, I just felt like I should get up,” Reassuring him felt like an attempt to just keep the peace. Don’t say anything to set him off, don’t be combative. He’s cooking breakfast for you, so everything’s ok.
“Good. Hey, about last night…I’ll be honest I don’t remember what I said, but if it was bad it was just from me drinking too much. The boys may have gotten me to drink more than I normally do…” he trailed off as he plated the breakfast he had made for you, placing it on a placemat at the bar and pouring a cup of coffee for you, 3 creams and 2 sugars.
He remembered.
“Yeah, don’t worry about it,” You walked to the bar taking a seat.
The morning consisted of the two of you genuinely enjoying the presence of the other, catching up on what’s going on in each other’s lives and promising to not let it get this way anymore.
Before Jack left for practice, he had placed a kiss to your lips ever so gently, “I love you,” he whispered, his voice soft and sweet.
How was this the same Jack from last night?
You were sure that you had to be going crazy.
If I go find somebody new
I’d lose your mom and sister too
You know me and how much I hate change
So I guess that’s a reason to stay
And I ain’t perfect either, we all make mistakes
But that don’t change
The Michigan sunset was absolutely breathtaking. The orange and purple hues painting a picture so perfect that it could never be replicated on a canvas. The distant sounds of the guys on the lake could be heard in the distance, the chill of the wind carrying the hoots and hollers from the water to you and Ellen, sitting on the deck attached to the back of the house.
The smell of the deck and the sound of the hundreds of frogs from the water felt like a dream, one that you never wanted to wake up from.
“Jack would probably kill me if he heard me say this, but I really hope you two get married soon. I’d love to have you as my daughter, you know? These boys are a lot sometimes…” Ellen chuckled as she nodded to the boys in the distance.
The comment caught you off guard, a response in favor felt forced, but how were you supposed to tell her that her son was making your life a living hell?
“You’d have to take that up with him,” You smiled at her, not revealing the relationship that was slowly eating away at you.
“I promised to never pressure them to do something that they weren’t ready for, so I’ll let him choose the right time. I just know we all love you. Anytime the other two call home they always ask how you’re doing. I know they talk to Jack about you, too. We didn’t think he’d ever be ready to settle down with a girlfriend, much less one as amazing as you,” She went on, pulling her jacket tighter around her as the absence of the sun left goosebumps on her skin.
“It’s getting cold out here, let’s head inside and you can help me make dinner. I believe we have some wine if you’d like some,” She stood up and headed to the kitchen, waiting for you to follow suite, you smiled.
It was almost a sad smile, grateful that even though Jack wasn’t the man he should’ve been for you, his family loved you. They made you feel safe and loved. They were a safe haven from the toxic tendencies that Jack had taken up when the two of you were in New Jersey.
“I’d love that, Ellen.”
The sound of bare feet padding rapidly against the blades of grass that ran from the dock to the deck made you and Ellen turn your heads towards the window, watching on as Quinn, Luke, and Jack were racing towards the house.
Luke won, his long legs giving him an unfair advantage against his shorter counterparts. Quinn came in second as Jack has tripped over himself.
“What’s for dinner?” Luke panted, reaching for a water bottle out of the fridge and attempting to sit on the couch.
“You’ll find out after you change out of your wet swim trunks,” Ellen gave him a stern look, him raising his arms in defense as he left to go to his room for dry clothes.
You felt an arm snake around your waist, the smell of lake water and sunscreen following behind it. At first you jumped, worried that you had done something wrong.
He chuckled at the sudden movement, not realizing that he was the problem.
“Jumpy, are we?”
You smiled, trying to not cause an issue with him.
“Sorry. Wasn’t expecting you to be so cold,” You felt nasty as you lied through your teeth.
After a few minutes, he finally decided to retreat to the shower to wash the day off of him. You took in your surroundings while he was away.
Quinn and Luke played the Xbox while Ellen prepared the vegetables for dinner and Jim smoked the meat outside. You had been loving this family for years now. You and Ellen had become so close, easily somebody you loved as if she were your own mother.
Jack wouldn’t be the only person that you would have to let go of if you were to leave. As much as you loved his family, it was only natural for them to take his side, something that you understood and admired. You could only wish somebody would take up for you no matter what, and he had 4 people willing to do that for him.
You couldn’t imagine the thought of having to start over with somebody new, having to meet their parents for the first time and being disappointed that they weren’t Ellen and Jim. Being disappointed that their siblings wouldn’t pay the extra money when they accidentally forgot to keep your Snapchat streak going since it was almost 4 years long. Quinn and Luke texted you almost as often as they texted Jack. You were like their sister.
The thought of starting over was enough to have tears stinging at the corner of your eyes. Whatever Jack had done, you couldn’t expect him to be perfect. He’s human, after all. You’d stay if it meant you could keep the Hughes in your life.
I'm runnin' out of patience
Damn, I hate to say it
I'm runnin' out of patience and grace and at the end of the day
Findin' last resort reasons we're okay
Ain't a good reason to stay
“Jack you have purple bruises all on your fucking neck! How stupid do you think I am?!” You barked at him as he sat on the couch facing you.
“Stupid enough to think this is the first time this has happened,” His smug smirk and body language made you want to hurt him. You wanted to hurt him as bad as he’s hurt you for so long now.
“I hate you. I fucking hate you, Jack Hughes. You are the most disgusting person I have ever met and I hope your life becomes a living hell that you can never get out of,” The words came out calmly despite their harsh meaning. It was eerie, making the hairs on Jack’s neck stand up.
“Where do you think you’re going,” He watched as you made your way to the shared bedroom, hearing the sound of a suitcase zipper open.
He jumped up, heading straight for you, but froze as he watched you throw clothes into the suitcase. When that one became full you found another one to shove your clothes into, until the only things left were things you didn’t normally wear.
“What are you doing?” He spat, realizing that the grip he had on you was being relinquished.
“What does it fucking look like? I’m done. I’ve gone crazy trying to love you and I want out. I can’t do this anymore!” You tried to yell, but your throat constricted as it tried its best to sob. You refused to give him the satisfaction of seeing you like that, though. He had put you in this state of survival long enough.
“You’re going to regret this…” He trailed off, following you as you threw everything into your car.
“Maybe so, Jack. But I will never regret it as much as I regret falling in love with you. You are an awful person, and I hope everybody will see that one day,” You slammed the door shut and put the car in reverse.
As you made your way down the driveway and street, Jack’s figure became smaller and smaller. Nobody would ever make you feel this way ever again, and you felt sorry for whoever fell into the trap that is Jack Hughes after you.
HAHA IM SO SORRY!! Also this in no way reflects who Jack is in real life because I, obviously, don’t know him personally. This was so bad though, so I’m actually really sorry.
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meggannn · 2 months
Burnt Blood Melinoë & Zagreus | 3k | general | thanks to @kesla for betaing!!
Melinoë’s long-awaited family reunion does not go as planned, and she returns to the Crossroads with enough strength to bring only one person back. Nobody warned her that her brother’s returns to the Underworld have always been a bit… macabre.
Zagreus awoke with a jerk, eyes wide open to the heavens. One hand clutched for a missing weapon; the other shot up to his throat. He turned his head and spit up onto the grass.
“Oh,” he croaked, “it’s dry.”
Melinoë stared at him. “I’m sorry?”
He ran a hand through his hair, shaking it quickly, as if on instinct. “This isn’t the Pool of Styx.”
“No, young lord,” Hecate’s deep voice replied from somewhere outside her vision; she only had eyes for her brother. “I am the Witch of the Crossroads, Hecate. Be welcome in my domain.”
“Pleasure, Lady Hecate.” He closed his eyes again and leaned into the ground, wincing. “Sorry. I would bow, but I’m not quite sure why I’m horizontal. I normally bounce back from death faster than this.”
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redwinterroses · 1 year
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Yeah so. You should go read @silverskye13's fic about Tanguish and Helsknight and experience my suffering. /pos
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blooming-gwens · 17 days
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I'm pleased to inform you that the wait is over! Here is CHAPTER TWO of For Everything
Chapters: 2/
Fandom: Spider-Man: Spider-Verse (Sony Animated Movies)
Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Miles Morales/Gwen Stacy | Spider-Gwen Summary:
~Perhaps they were meant for each other. It was written in the stars—stars meant to burn out in their all at once powerful surge. Stars meant to fall. Bright, burning and then gone. And in its sudden demise, no one would even remember it was once there, lost in the infinity of severed constellations.
That was the way of the universe. That was the way it had to be.~
Alternatively: Gwen Stacy is doomed but Miles Morales’ love might save her.
Please feel free to reblog to support and share my work!
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its-captain-sir · 2 years
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been reading a tale of spirits by @unorthodoxx-page and I'm absolutely obsessed with their friendship HSLDHFNSKBDLSJF
some close ups under the cut!
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I'm actually incredibly proud of how Raph turned out for this hjaldhakdhsf thank you rottmnt animators for making your characters out of easy shapes <3
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etheral-moon · 2 months
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happyhauntt · 5 months
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OH, CAPTAIN!, a harry potter fic.
─── summary: Megan Wynne Jones wants to be the best. The eldest daughter in a family of muggles, she has always had a strong will. The big sister, the reliable one, she has always been there. Always. Above all, though, she wants to be the best at Quidditch. Megan makes the team in her second year, in the midst of turmoil brewing at home. She might be the youngest on her team, but she’s fast on a broom and quick-thinking. She knows all the plays, she knows how to score. She’s good. One day, she might even be the best. but there’s one person standing in her way: CEDRIC FUCKING DIGGORY. He’s a year older than her, and just a tiny bit better. Their rivalry makes the team better, they push each other to be the best, and as much as she hates him, she admires him, too. When he’s made captain, she admits he deserves it. She’ll get there one day, even if she has to kill him for it. It was a joke, though. She was supposed to earn the captaincy. She was supposed to become better than Cedric, and prove herself as the best. IT WASN’T SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN LIKE THIS.
─── warnings: canon-typical violence, religious trauma, major character deaths and near-deaths, pining in spades, graphic-ish descriptions of injury in later chapters, angst angst angst.
─── fic tag.
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broiderie · 3 months
Lost Princessa: Meet the Reaper 28
Alright. It's a doozy. I'm talking like twice or three times the length of most of my chapters, but y'all voted for it. Here it is.
Do not steal my shit. This is the only place this is posted and there's a damn good reason for it. People have been waiting a long time for this chapter.
WARNINGS: cussing, 18+ only, unprotected sex (do as I say, not as I write), oral sex (f receiving), etc. It's fluffy porn for the last 2K+ words, okay?
Also - the first time I've EVER published something like this so be gentle. Better yet - be specific if you like it because I probably won't have the guts to write more like it if you aren't.
In Santo Padre proper, Hank parked the bike outside the best restaurant in town. He locked down their helmets and offered Megan his arm as he escorted her to the hostess stand.
“Good evening. Do you have a reservation?” the young lady asked.
“Should be under Loza,” Hank said, squeezing Megan’s hand gently.
“Yes sir. We have your table all ready for you. Please follow me.” She led them inside where they checked their jackets and then took them to a table that was fairly private. “Your server will be with you shortly. Enjoy your meal.”
Hank pulled Megan’s chair out for her and guided it in before taking his own seat.
Megan looked around with wide eyes. “Holy shit, Hank. I don’t know how to act in something as upscale as this.”
Hank laughed a little. “You’re doing fine, mi reina. Relax. It’s not as stuffy as it seems. I bring Mama here for special occasions. I promise, you’ll be just fine.” He leaned forward and took her good hand in his. “Besides - you don’t have to be anything except yourself. We don’t even have to order here. They just serve us the meal prepared for the evening. No decisions. No menus. Just us and dinner.” He couldn’t resist kissing her knuckles again as he watched her settle at his touch.
A waiter appeared at his elbow inquiring as to what they’d like to drink. Megan ordered water and Hank did as well. “We won’t be needing the wine list either,” Hank told him with a smile for Megan.
The bread and salad came out soon after they’d both gotten their drinks. As they ate, they talked softly about anything that came to mind. By the time the main course arrived, Megan was as relaxed in public as she could be. 
Hank was in the middle of telling Megan a story about when he was a young man in the military when their waiter appeared again to refill their water glasses. “Pardon me, but Mr. Galindo sends his regards and would like to buy your table a round of drinks,” he informed them.
Megan stiffened and looked around before clocking Miguel Galindo at a solitary table on the balcony. His head of security - the mercenary with the braids - stood near him. He raised a whiskey glass to acknowledge her look. 
Hank nodded. “You can tell Mr. Galindo that we appreciate his offer, but we’re not drinking tonight. Thank you,” he said levelly. 
“Very well sir,” the waiter said before leaving them to eat in peace. 
“What the hell does he think he’s doing? Megan fumed quietly. “There’s no way he thought that would be well received.”
Hank reached across the table to clasp her hand again to steady her. “Easy, mi princessa. THe more he sees it bothers us, the more outrageous he’ll get. Just ignore him.” He gently rubbed his thumb over her knuckles. “Deep breath. Don’t let him get to you.” 
Megan took a deep breath and squeezed his fingers before she started eating the steak and vegetables that was their main course.
Once the main course was finished, the waiter appeared again to clear their plates. “Would you like dessert?”
Hank grinned. “What is it tonight?”
“Triple chocolate brownie with vanilla ice cream.”
Hank looked at Megan with a smile. “What do you think, mi amore?”
Megan cracked a smile and bit her bottom lip.
“I do believe that’s a yes. We’ll take one,” Hank laughed. 
While they were waiting on their dessert, Hank reached for her hands again. “Still up for dancing after this, mi reina?”
“Of course. You promised to teach me how to really dance.” She grinned. “Tío Marcus has taught me some of the formal stuff, but Coco swears I look like a stiff.”
Hank laughed. “Alright. There’s a little dance club down the street-”
“Excuse me. I hate to interrupt -”
Hank sighed and looked up to find Miguel standing by their table adjusting his cufflinks.
He watched Megan sink a bit in her chair. “Mr. Galindo. What can we do for you?” He reached to guide Megan around the table to bring her closer to him.
“I didn’t want to interrupt, but I couldn’t help but notice that your sling is off, Ms. Morales. Is that wise?” Miguel asked. 
Megan looked to Hank in a panic without saying anything, so he pulled her around to sit on his knee. “Megan was cleared by a doctor earlier today. We’re actually celebrating that tonight. Was there something you needed?” Hank asked, gently rubbing the small of her back over the low back of her dress.
Miguel raised his eyebrows. “Ms. Morales - your voice has changed. I was under the impression that you were an officer in the M.C. Surely you can answer for yourself.”
Megan rested against Hank and took a deep breath. “Mr. Galindo, I am the Armorer of this charter, however, I’m not a voting member. I also don’t speak for the club on anything. Hank or another member will always be the one to speak instead of myself. That’s just how the structure of our organization works.”
Galindo smirked. “Ah, but we weren’t discussing business, Ms. Morales. We were discussion your personal safety. Perhaps you would do better with my organization watching out for you.”
“Either way, Mr. Galindo, my caballero or my father or godfathers will always speak for me first. They will always protect my interests,” Megan stated confidently. Hank nodded and placed a kiss to the side of her head.
“Surely you don’t see me as a threat, Ms. Morales. I’m a friend of your godfather. I’d like to be a friend to you.” He cut his eyes at Hank. “What’s preventing this relationship from becoming a friendship?”
Hank rubbed his hand up and down Megan’s bare back again and smiled. “Mr. Galindo, Megan can befriend whomever she likes. However, she also is still recovering from the abuse she suffered at the hands of people in a position of power over her. Because of that, she doesn’t feel comfortable discussing things with people that she doesn’t know. That’s where her club comes in. That’s where her family comes in.”
Megan settled against Hank’s chest and leaned her head against his shoulder as he continued to soothe her with his touch.
Miguel nodded and seated himself in Megan’s abandoned chair. “So, how can I gain your trust Ms. Morales? My business runs on trust. I don’t like not having yours.”
Megan sat up again, but continued to lean into Hank for courage. “Mr. Galindo, trust takes time to build. You have to give me time to get to know you and your organization. Time to see that you’re trustworthy.”
“Time? You need time?” Miguel ran his pointer finger over his top lip. “I can give you time, Cariño. On one condition…”
“What is your condition, Mr. Galindo?” Megan asked, lacing the fingers of her good hand through Hank’s where his hand rested on her hip.
“You allow me to attempt to earn that trust from you.”
“What do you mean?” she asked.
“Simply… allow me to be… friendly. Accept my gifts. Allow me to speak to you freely on the street without someone to hide behind.” He flashed her a charming smile.
“Mr. Galindo - it’s a free country. You can speak to anyone you’d like. Megan will speak with whomever she pleases. She can accept gifts from anyone - but you cannot require that of her if she is uncomfortable with you. You cannot intimidate mi princessa into trusting you.” Hank squeezed Megan’s waist comfortingly. “No one will ever force la princessa de los Mayas y mi reina to do something against her will again as long as any members of the Mayans M.C. survive. NOw - if you will excuse us - you’re interrupting our celebration. If you’d like to arrange a meeting to discuss la princessa, I suggest you go through proper channels.” Hank’s voice was smooth and calm the entire time he spoke to Galindo, but Megan could feel the tension in his body beneath hers.
Miguel nodded decisively and smirked at Hank’s protective speech. “Very well. Perhaps I will go through the proper channels then. See if I can’t get her as liaison.” He stood and straightened his suit jacket. “Until then, it was wonderful to see you looking so… well, Ms. Morales.” He paused to run his eyes over Megan where she sat. “Enjoy your… celebration.” He gave a mocking not to them and swept out of the restaurant. 
As soon as he was out of sight, Megan wilted into Hank as he cuddled her close. He could feel her trembling as she fought to keep her breathing even. “Easy, mi amore. You did beautifully.” He pressed kisses to her hair and used both hands to stroke her back and arms. “Shh. You’re alright. I’ve got you. He’s gone.”
Megan focused on her breathing as it seemed like a bubble of tension in the restaurant popped, releasing a wave of chatter from the other diners. She got herself under control and quickly sat up to give Hank a weak smile.
Hank cupped her cheek in his massive palm and soothed over her cheekbone with his thumb. “There’s my girl.” He pressed a soft kiss to her lip and smiled.
Their waiter reappeared with fresh water and their dessert. “Here you are sir, miss. Can I get you anything else? We appreciate how calmly you took your dinner being interrupted by another guest. My manager would like you to know that tonight’s meal is on the house as a thank you for your patience and kindness.”
Hank smiled at the much smaller man. “Thank your manager for us. I think mi reina would appreciate a cup of tea if you have time.” He smoothed some hair that had escaped her braids out of her face softly as he rocked her.
“Of course. I’ll be right back with that, sir.” The waiter hurried off.
Megan took one more deep breath in through her nose and out through her mouth before she smiled at Hank. “Sorry. I froze.”
He kissed her forehead before pulling the dessert close and offering her one of the spoons. “You did just fine, Princessa. Let’s finish dinner and see if you still feel like going dancing afterwards.”
After finishing their dessert and a cup of tea for Megan, Hank guided her back out of the restaurant. He gently helped her into her leather jacket and took her back to his bike.
“Alright, mi amore. Still feel like dancing tonight? I’ll understand if you don’t,” he assured her.
Megan smiled up at him. “I don’t want him to succeed at spoiling our date night. I’d love to go dancing with you.”
Hank lit up. “In that case - let’s leave the bike here. There’s not much parking over by where I want to take you. Do you mind walking?”
“I don’t mind at all. It’s a beautiful night.”
Hank guided her to the inside of the sidewalk and took her good hand as they walked down the street. It wasn’t very far at all and Megan grinned when she could hear the music. “Ready to go dancing for the first time, mi princessa?” Hank asked, pressing a kiss to her knuckles and lingering teasingly.
“Ready.” She smiled up at him, giggling when he guided her into a spin right there on the street. 
They rounded the corner and entered a plaza that was lit with strings of lights. The club door was just a few yards away when Megan froze. Hank stopped and turned to check on her with a frown. “Mi amore? What’s wrong?”
Megan pointed to the door where a man with familiar braids stood talking to the bouncer. 
“Fuck. Asshole. He delayed us on purpose because he was sending his errand boy ahead,” Hank growled. “Either he’s waiting inside to ambush us again, or he’s paid off the doorman to keep us from getting in.”
Megan sighed and pressed her face into Hank’s bicep. “I really don’t want to deal with him again. He makes me anxious.”
Hank pulled her close and let her tuck herself into his broad chest before he wrapped his arms around her tightly. “Then we won’t, mi reina. We can dance another night. We can go home or even back to the clubhouse with your papa and tíos. If you want, we can call the guys and have them bring the girls from Vickie’s - make our own dance club at the clubhouse…” He kissed her hair gently and rocked back and forth to settle her.
Nestor caught sight of them and smiled before patting the bouncer on the shoulder. 
Hank struggled not to lose his temper and go a few rounds with the cartel security. He focused on Megan in his arms and got angrier when he heard her sniff back tears. “Oh Princessa. Don’t cry. Don’t let that bastard steal our night.” He loosened his hold until he could tilt her face up to his and kiss her gently right there on the street corner. “Say the word, mi amore, and the club will arrive in force to go in with us if you want to dance in there tonight. You won’t have to deal with him. We’ll shield you.” He wiped the lone tear that slid down her cheek gently.
“No. Let’s just go home.” She shook her head. “No use in getting into fights with the fucking cartel over it.” Her eyes pleaded with Hank to let it go. “Let’s just ignore him and go home.”
He searched her face for a minute. “Alright, mi reina. Alright.” He turned her around and headed back towards the bike. 
Once they were back at the bike, Megan sighed. She looked so upset still, and Hank couldn’t stand it. He kissed both sets of knuckles and then her lips before he smiled down at her. “Well - at least I won’t have to shoot anyone for hitting on my gorgeous girl tonight. You really are so beautiful I’d probably have had to fight to keep you to myself in there.”
That got a watery chuckle from her as he leaned down to press a deep kiss to her lips. He pressed her close to his body and smiled as she fought to catch her breath after they broke apart. 
His personal phone chimed from his suit jacket pocket which gave him an idea. He pulled it out and started typing furiously. It dinged again - multiple times in a row - alerting her to the amount of responses he was getting. By the time the dinging stopped, he was grinning ear to ear.
“Alright, Princessa. Plan B. Let’s run to the grocery store for some extra ice cream and head home. The night’s not over yet.”
Hank encouraged her to take her time choosing snacks at the store. They got ice cream and topping for it as well as candy of all sorts. 
“What are we doing?” Megan giggled as Hank reached for a giant bag of M&Ms. 
“It’s a surprise, Princessa. The rich bastard can’t ruin this plan.” He grinned down at the loaded handbasket. “Anything else you want, mi amore?”
“I don’t think so. There’s so much.”
“Gotta have options.” His phone chirped again and he checked it. Whatever was on his screen made him smile in satisfaction. “Let’s head home.”
Back on the bike, Hank felt Megan relax into his back as soon as the wind hit her. When they stopped at a stoplight, he reached back to rest his hand on her bare thigh, stoking the soft skin that he couldn’t feel through his leather riding gloves.
At the ranch, Megan saw that the lights had been turned on inside, but there were no bikes or van parked outside. Once Hank cut the bike’s engin, Megan asked, “Who’s here?” as she removed her helmet.
“No one anymore. I had the Prospect come set some things up for us and then leave the lights on.” He smiled as he guided her off the bike first before dismounting along with her.
“Did you tell Papa what happened?” she asked quietly.
He shook his head. “Not yet, Princessa. We can tell him tomorrow morning so that he and Bishop can handle it. It’s not going to blow up our night.” He pulled her close and leaned down to kiss her gently. “Let’s go inside.”
Inside the ranch house, everything looked normal in the entrance and the living room, so Megan was a little puzzled. Hank helped her remove her leather jacket and hung it with his before leading her into the kitchen to put away the ice cream. That’s when she noticed it.
Hank had asked EZ to clear the patio of everything except the love seat to the side and the brick fire pit. String edison lights were hung from the rafters holding the roof and a fire had been laid, but wasn’t yet lit. One of the stereo systems from the clubhouse had been hung as well and the projector and screen from their movie date were back in place playing Latin dance music and showing video of some kind of festival where dancing happened in the plaza. 
She went to the patio doors and smiled brightly at the set up. After putting the ice cream in the freezer, Hank joined her at the doors, wrapping his arms around her from behind and swaying gently. “Now we can dance as much as we want and no one can interrupt us,” he whispered, pressing a soft kiss to her left temple. “And if you get tired, we have all the snacks for a movie instead.”
“This is amazing. You didn’t have to do this -” she said, leaning back into his embrace.
“Mi reina, you were disappointed that Galindo was able to pull strings like he did tonight. I promised you dinner and dancing - so that’s exactly what you’re gonna get.” He smiled and caught her left hand in his right and spun her gently all the way around. “Ready for that dance?”
Megan popped up on her toes and kissed him. “Any time.”
Hank led her out onto the patio and lit the fire pit quickly before finding the remote that controlled the music and sliding it into his jacket pocket. He changed the song to the one they’d first danced to in Mama’s backyard before offering Megan his hand in the most over the top gallant fashion he could manage. “May I have this dance?”
Megan laughed, throwing her head back until she calmed enough to take his offered hand. “Of course, good sir.”
Hank drew her close and into frame for a proper dance before taking the lead. He could definitely tell the difference this time. Megan never looked away from his face to check her feet. She just trusted his lead. 
She smiled up at him as he spun her gently before catching her and lowering her into a dip. “You ready for the next step, Princessa?”
“What’s next?”
He chuckled. “Time to move. Just follow my lead.”
When the song changed, he started dancing her around the patio. It took a few minutes, but she found her footing in the movement. She glanced down to see that she was keeping beat and laughed.
Hank released her hand to guide her chin back up to meet his eyes. “Eyes on me, mi reina. You’re doing just fine.” He watched as she bit her bottom lip before meeting his gaze again. “There’s my girl.”
Megan felt heat spread through her veins and thought it must be visible on her face. The hand that Hank had on her waist slipped back to stroke the skin that was at the small of her back as she moved a little closer to him. “Hank?”
“Sí, mi princessa?”
“Kiss me?”
He smirked a bit before leaning down to press a soft kiss to her lips as the song swapped again. A much slower song started and he guided both of her hands up to the back of his neck asw he pulled her closer still.
Megan pouted up at him, making him laugh. “What’s wrong, mi amore?”
“That doesn’t count as a kiss.” 
He pressed his forehead against hers with a cheeky smile. “Oh really? What kind of kiss were you looking for?”
“This kind.” Megan pressed herself up to kiss Hank deeply as her hands slid into his haid to pull him closer. 
Hank couldn’t resist and pressed her completely against him with one hand stroking the bare back exposed by the dress that had been teasing him for hours as the other slid up to support Megan's head and neck. He let her lead the kiss as much as he could before she let out a tiny sound of pleasure that broke his carefully held control.
He gentled the kiss only enough to allow her to breathe before he backed them up to the loveseat. When he felt it at his back, he sat - pulling her to straddle his lap. For the first time, he felt like he could safely enjoy her being on top of him. He reveled in it. 
Megan settled into the comfort of his wide lap with a smile. Even with the brace still on her right wrist, this was the most Hank had allowed her to do in a while. Her hands went back to his soft hair as she kissed him again. 
Hank’s hands stroked the skin of her back and shoulders before one slid down her body to her bare thigh where her skirt had ridden up. He traced the bike shorts she was wearing before sliding his hand around to cup her ass through them and pull her hips tighter to his as he guided kisses across her jaw until he could nip her ear gently. “See, mi reina. Dancing at home has it’s advantages.”
Megan let out a breathy giggle as he rocked her hips into his. 
He smiled against her skin before exploring further down her neck with his kisses.
Megan allowed her head to fall back as he brushed his lips along the cleavage the neckline of her dress exposed and let out a small whine when he stopped. 
He chuckled as her trance was broken and she pouted at him again. He gently kissed her once more while rocking his hips up into hers. “Is this what you want, Megan?” he asked quietly. “Is it? You know you are the one calling the shots, right?” He cupped her neck with one hand and her hip with the other and waited until she met his eyes. Megan’s pupils were dilated so far that he could barely see the deep brown color that he had come to love so very much. “This is your choice.”
She smiled at him in such a way as to make his breath catch in his throat. “I know, Hank. You are always my choice.” She wrapped her arms tighter around his shoulders and rocked her hips against the hard ridge in his suit pants. “I want you. All of you…”
He buried his face in her good shoulder as he pressed kisses to her skin. Once he’d calmed down enough, he smiled up at her. “Then we should take this behind locked doors.” He paused to press a kiss to her lips. “Go inside, mi reina. I’m going to put out the fire and cover the electronics and then I’ll meet you in our room.”
Megan searched his face for a moment before smiling down at him. “Alright.” She slid off his lap with the help of his guiding hands and shivered a bit when he sat forward on the love seat to kiss her stomach through her dress.
Once he was standing, he released her hand with a kiss and patted her ass to send her on her way inside. As she crossed the threshold of the patio doors, he started shutting everything down for the night. As he turned off the music, he realized that the speaker system was the outdoor ones - but they looked newer than the ones at the clubhouse. And the projector had been mounted to the rafters this time as well.
He went around the corner of the house to get the bucket of sand that Taza kept for putting out the fire pit and saw brand new boxes for the electronics broken down and ready to be burned. He laughed and shook his head. The Prospect must have told Taza what he’d been asked to do and Taza sent him shopping. Probably with Creep along to choose the right things to create a more permanent outdoor theater for the house. He shot a text off to Taza to thank him for making this easy for him, then grabbed the bucket and went to smother the fire. 
Before he went back inside to unplug the lights, his phone dinged with a reply and he checked it. “Anything for her, Hermano. She alright? Why the change of plans?” it read.
Hank paused and responded - “She’s fine. I’ll explain in the morning.”
An immediate reply came through saying “Good. See you in the morning.”
Hank locked his phone as he shut and locked the patio doors. Once he’d unplugged the patio lights, he plugged his phone in next to Megan’s on the kitchen counter and turned to the hallway to meet her.
In the bedroom, Megan had taken the time to remove her makeup and wash her face. She sat at her vanity unpinning her braids as he walked in and leaned in the doorway. She was humming contentedly and he waited for her to notice him before joining her in the bedroom.
Megan’s eyes met his in the mirror and she smiled. “Thought I’d go ahead and wash my face.” She let her warrior braids fall to brush her tattooed back.
“Need some help, Princessa?” he asked, pushing off the doorframe and closing the door behind him and locking it. 
She smiled up at him as he joined her at her vanity. “Of course.”
He pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “Want your jewelry off?”
“Yes please. And my hair down.”
He smiled again and removed her necklaces, placing kisses beneath each clasp before undoing them. He helped to remove her earrings carefully as well before replacing her cord and silver necklace from Taza. He felt her shoulders relax as soon as it was back in its place around her throat. Lastly, he removed her new pearl bracelet and put it away in her jewelry box.
He reached for the small scissors that Taza had shown him to use to cut the bands on her smaller braids. He carefully snipped each band and threw them away before he started to unravel Megan’s hair. He watched her face relax as the tension from her heavy hair released. Once it was all unraveled, he gently massaged her scalp and watched her eyes close in bliss. Once he’d worked over her scalp well, he picked up the brush she used to detangle it and brushed it out so that it laid to her waist over her dress. “Better, mi amore?” he asked, smoothing her silky hair.
She opened her eyes to meet his with a smile. “Yes. Thank you.”
“You are so beautiful, Megan.” He bruised her hair aside to kiss her bare shoulder. 
She smiled and tilted her head to give him more access to her neck as she watched him in the mirror.
Hank took advantage of the exposed skin and pressed kisses up her neck until he reached her ear. “Alright, Princessa. You’re sure?” he whispered.
“I’m sure, Hank.”
He kissed her temple before shedding his suit jacket and the button up so he was just standing there in his slacks and a white wife-beater tank with his tattoos on display in the dim lighting of the lamps. He offered Megan his hand to help her stand and when she took it, he guided her close to him. Once she was pressed to his front, he used one massive hand to tilt her chin up so he could look down into her eyes. “You tell me to stop at any time, mi reina. Anytime.” He stroked a gentle thumb across her bottom lip. “Promise me?”
Megan’s wide trusting eyes stared up at him and she blinked. “I promise.”
“Good girl.” He pulled her closer against his chest and kissed her deeply, stroking his hands over her still clothed body.
Megan’s hands explored his chest and sides as she let out the tiniest little whimper. When he paused, she whined and reached to pull his head back down to kiss him again. She ran her good hand through his ruffled hair and stood on her bare toes to reach him better.
Hank cupped her hips over her dress and lifted her until she wrapped her legs around his waist without stopping the kiss. He finally broke it to laugh a little because she was giggling. He walked them to the bed and laid her across it before peppering kisses across her face and neck.
She grinned up at him as he paused to catch his breath.
He reached to cup her face again. “I love when you smile at me like that.”
“Like what?”
“Like you’re the happiest woman in the world and I did something to make you that way.” He pressed another kiss to her lips before deepening it. He slid his hand to her knee where it rested against his side and eased his touch up her leg beneath the skirt of that deep red dress. He was expecting to encounter the bike shorts again, but instead found only the smooth skin of her thigh. He buried his face in the crook of her neck with a moan. “Makeup wasn’t all you took off, mi amore, was it?”
Megan ran her casted hand gently down his back over his wife beater and stroked the back of his neck with gentle fingers. “Don’t need shorts if I’m not on the bike…”
He made another strangled sound as his hand encountered lace which made her giggle again. “You alright, Hank?” she asked.
He kept his face buried in her skin and nodded. “Gimme a minute.”
Megan relaxed beneath him where he laid on top of her, supporting his weight  on the arm by her head. She marveled at how he was rock steady above her as she traced the muscles of his back.
“Princessa, that’s not helping. I’m trying real hard not to embarrass myself right now.” He picked his head up with a smile before rocking his hips gently against her.
Megan reached to stroke the line of his jaw with her good hand. “I won’t break, Hank. The sling is fully off and all that’s left is the soft cast. You won’t hurt me.”
He kissed her inner wrist and nodded. “I know, but you were so hurt for so long, mi reina. I don’t want that for you again. Especially because I lost control.” He slid to the side a little to rest on the bed beside her as he pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. “Besides - I know that this -” he gestured between the two of them. “This isn’t something that’s been your choice in a long time. I don’t want to be like him.”
Megan smiled and moved to snuggle closer to his body heat. “You aren’t him though. You’ll never be him. I’m not afraid of you and never have been.” She made solid eye contact with him. “I love you.”
Hank took a moment to scan her eyes for any hesitation, but found none so he drew her into a deep and loving kiss while guiding her hands back to his chest. 
Megan could feel that he was still hesitant to push her, so she tugged at the white tank top he was still wearing before whispering - “Off.”
When Hank sat up to remove it, Megan reached to undo the side zipper on her dress. He never took his eyes off of her as she shed it carefully - revealing the white lace panties he had only felt during their make out session. Her chest was completely bare since she’d shed the sticky bra at the same time as the bike shorts. She watched his jaw tighten before reaching for him to unfasten his slacks.
As her fingers fumbled with the zipper, Hank’s hands explored the now familiar skin of her torso.  He stroked her skin gently while surging forward to kiss her again with more heat in it. 
As soon as the zipper released, Megan stroked the hard ridge of his cock through the cotton of his boxer briefs causing him to moan softly. He broke the kiss to slide out of his slacks and sit firmly against the headboard before offering her his hand in invitation.
She didn’t hesitate. She took the offered hand and moved to straddle him, sitting firmly over that pronounced ridge in his underwear and shivering in pleasure at the feeling.
The heat that he could feel through the two thin layers of cotton was overwhelming. He cupped the back of her neck to pull her into his kisses before trailing more over them over the soft skin of her neck and shoulder. When his kisses hit that soft spot, right below her ear, Megan couldn’t resist a small moan of satisfaction as she rocked gently in his lap giving her body some of the stimulation it craved. 
With his left hand, Hank moved to cup a bare breast, gently thumbing and rolling the hard nipple as he diligently nibbled sweet spots on her neck and ears. His other hand slipped down to stroke teasingly along the top band of her panties.
Her hands alternated holding his head close to where she so desperately wanted it and stroking the muscles of his arms and abs.
When he pulled back a bit to catch his breath, Megan didn’t give him a chance for his brain to re engage and start overthinking again. Instead, she returned the favor, exploring his tattooed skin with wet kisses and nibbles. She traced the now familiar ink of his chest with her lips before nuzzling the nautical star just beneath his clavicle.
Hank reached to pull her higher on his body so he could catch her breast with his lips. She arched to offer him full access which he took advantage of - tracing around her sensitive breast with his tongue before catching a nipple to suckle - enjoying the soft noises of pleasure she let out. His fingers slipped under the final lace covering her to tease her cleft, causing her to buck into his touch with a whine. He chuckled and swapped breasts as her hand clutched at his broad shoulders for support.
It didn’t take much encouragement for him to part her folds to find her clit. As he stroked the first circle over it, Megan’s breath caught in her throat and he noticed her arms shaking trying to support her weight against him. Her cast rubbed his skin as she shifted.
He nuzzled her breasts. “Easy, mi amore. Don’t hurt yourself.” He kissed up her body to catch her lips in a deep kiss before muttering “Let me help…” against her lips.
He quickly wrapped his free arm around her back to hold her against him. Without ever losing rhythm, he flipped their positions and laid her back against the bed beneath him again. 
As soon as he settled her into the covers, he paused to look at her. Her dark hair sprawled across the blankets they had chosen together. Her lips swollen from his kisses. Her breasts rising rapidly as she enjoyed his touch. That’s when it clicked for him. She really meant it. He was her choice - and he’d be damned if he didn’t worship her the way she deserved. 
Megan whined as his fingers left her slit.
“Shh,” he hushed her gently, leaning to kiss her softly on the forehead. “Patience, Princessa.” He hooked his fingers into the sides of her panties before guiding them down her legs as his lips trailed kisses down her small body.
Once she was completely bare beneath him, he pecked kisses up her skin again until he could kiss her lips. “You are so beautiful,” he whispered before resuming laying on his side over her to enjoy her kisses again.
When she was so involved in kissing him that she tried to roll over to press into his body, he gently pressed her back onto her back before trailing his hands along her skin again and teasing her entrance with a single finger as she whined. 
“Hank, please - don’t tease me -”
He smiled down at her. “Never.” He eased a finger into her tight tunnel and she arched off the bed as his thumb found her clit again. She was so wet she was practically dripping, so he pulled out and added another finger, catching her cry of pleasure with a kiss. He eased into a rhythm with his fingers and thumb - watching her build quickly for him.
“There she is. Gonna cum for me, Preciosa?” On his next press inside her, he hooked his fingers up to rub along her top wall. He knew he’d found it when Megan cried out and her hands scrambled for purchase against his chest making him chuckle a little. He shifted his weight to catch her hands in one of his before gently, and with a mind for her brace, trapping them against him. “Come on, Princessa,” he whispered, watching her body language. 
On the next thrust of his fingers, her eyes popped open to meet his and her mouth opened on a silent scream as her entire body tensed and she came for him.
Hank eased her through it as he watched her body spasm before relaxing into him panting for breath. He slowed his hand and released her arms to hook a finger under her chin an guide her into a deep and gentle kiss. 
He tried to ease his fingers out of her without triggering too much oversensitivity, but she still twitched and whimpered. He hushed her gently and gathered her to his chest to let her breathing regulate. 
Once she was breathing regularly again, he eased back to grin down at her a bit cockily. “Alright there, Princessa?”
Megan giggled. “Mmmhmm.”
“Good. Do you want more or do you want to stop?” he asked, smoothing her hair down her back as they lay on their sides still pressed closely together.
She tilted her chin so she could look him in the eyes. “I really want all of you…”
He smiled and moved to kiss her again. “Then you’ll get it, mi reina.” He nudged her back onto her back before reaching to tease her entrance again. “That’s my girl. Oh Princessa, you’re so wet…” He eased his fingers back inside her as she arched for him. He started slow and gentle to be sure that her oversensitivity had passed before brushing sucking kisses down her throat - focusing on a spot between her neck and left shoulder to leave a light mark beneath where the collar of a t-shirt would cover.
When her soft whimpers turned to a whine, he eased further down to kiss and tease her breasts. She arched as he stroked that spot inside her again and he sucked a nipple hard making her cry out. “That’s it- Good girl-” he breathed into her skin as he kissed further down.  “Let me taste you, mi amore…” He nuzzled further down, guiding her good hand to his hair before he pressed a kiss to her hip. “Just a taste - then you can cum for me again…”
Megan whined and tugged his hair. “Hank - want you-”
He kissed her hip again, nibbling another mark into her skin. “You’ll have me - but I really want to taste you. Let me?” He looked up at her to meet her eyes - blown wide with the pleasure his fingers were giving her.
She met his eyes and bit down hard on her lip before nodding. 
Hank immediately moved to swipe his tongue through her dripping slit. Broad flat licks from his pumping fingers to her clit before circling that sensitive bundle with his tongue.
Megan’s fingers tightened and clutched his hair as she cried out a writhed. When he sucked gently at her clit and crooked his fingers again, she screamed and came for him again.
This time, Hank didn’t let her come down fully. He eased up a little, but kept up the stimulation as he shed his briefs. Just as she suddenly started spasming again, he slid his fingers out and moved to sink his cock inside her. 
Megan screamed again in pleasure as Hank sank halfway inside on his first thrust. Her hands moved to clutch at his back as his face buried in her good shoulder with a groan and a string of broken Spanish.
He eased back and thrust back in with a gentle roll of his hips until he was fully seated inside of her. He peppered her skin with kisses as he gave her time to adjust. When she finally relaxed beneath him, he propped himself on his elbows so he could look down into her face. “You okay, mi reina?” he panted, struggling to be still.
She nodded and tried to lift her hips - “So good. Hank - move please-” she begged through harsh breaths.
He started gentle but felt her shifting to take him deeper and adjusted his strokes until she was crying out again and digging her nails into his tattooed back. 
He moaned as he felt her tightening down on him. “Good girl - gonna cum soon. Need you close-” He shifted to put more power behind his thrust and snaked a hand between them to thumb her clit again. 
“You close, mi amore? Gonna cum on my cock like mi reina deserves?”
She nodded frantically and tried to bite off her scream as she exploded, triggering his own release. He thrust through both of their highs before easing off until he practically collapsed on top of her. After a few breaths, he pulled her close and rolled them so she was on top as she shuddered through the aftershocks. As she relaxed, he eased out of her causing her to whimper.
“Shh. Easy, mi princessa. Rest.” He pressed kisses to her tangled hair and stroked her skin soothingly. “You are so perfect. So perfect.” He looked down as both of their breaths evened out to see her eyes closed and a content little smile on her lips. “Rest a minute - then we’ll get you cleaned up.”
After letting her relax in his arms, he gently eased out from under her - soothing sounds escaping him as she whined at him moving. He scooped her up and went in to start the shower for both of them. He helped to clean her up and combed through her hair to remove the worst of the tangles. Then he snuggled her dozing body against his beneath their blankets and drifted off to sleep with his nose burning in the crown of her head and her right back where she belonged to sleep - practically on top of him.
20 notes · View notes
imyourbratzdoll · 1 year
could u possibly write jennifer check x fem! pillow princess reader
hi my little bunny! not going to lie... writing this turned me on😭I hope you like it!
summary - your jennifer's little pillow princess.
warning - smut, girl on girl, oral sex, fingering, dom jennifer, sub reader.
18+ only please, the gif I use isn't mine, divider by @newlips
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You lie naked and shy, clutching your cute stitch plushie tightly. Your eyes are wide as you stare at the goddess-like woman above you. Your thighs squeeze tightly together, feeling your cheeks heat as she stares down at you. She places her hand on your legs, causing the area to feel as though it’s on fire. “Open your legs for me, princess. Let me make you feel good.” A whimper slips from your lips, feeling slick build between your legs. Jennifer crawls on top of you, her hand slowly moving up your thigh as her lips connect with yours. You whine into her mouth, moving your lips with hers, and your legs slowly fall open as you relax into her touch. “Good girl.”
Jennifer slowly moves down your body, placing soft kisses on your cheek and down to your neck, moving to your breasts. She grabs your plushie softly, forcing it to the side so she can reach your plump flesh. “So beautiful and soft, princess.” She kisses one, moving to your erect nipple before she wraps her lips around it and begins to suck. You moan, arching your back as she swirls her tongue around it, smirking into your skin before she moves to the other and gives the same amount of attention. You whimper as her finger connects to your swollen button, rubbing it gently. “So wet, princess. Is it all for me?” You nod, watching as she makes her way between your legs. Your legs try and close as you feel her breath on your core. Your eyes connect as she kisses your inner thigh, reaching your sopping cunt. “You going to be a good girl for me and lie back? Let me do all the work?” You nod, biting your plump bottom lip. A moan escapes you when she leans forward, licking up your cunt to your swollen clit. 
Your grip tightens on your plushie, whimpering as she begins to suck your clit into her mouth. She flattens her tongue, swirling it around before moving down to your hole, licking, and she begins to fuck you with her tongue. Your back arches, and your eyes roll to the back of your head. “O–oh! Feels good!” She moves back slightly, licking your arousal off her lips and smiling as you whimper and try to reach her head. Her perfectly manicured fingers connect with your clit, rubbing it before moving down and pushing them inside slowly. She smirks as she curls her fingers into your sweet spot, thrusting them, watching you lose your mind. “R–right there! Feel so tingly!” 
Jennifer moves back to your cunt, sucking on your clit as she fingers you, humming as you taste so good on her tongue. Your eyes roll to the back of your head as the vibrations shoot through your body, legs threatening to close around her head. Your hand that isn’t clutching your plushie moves down and tangles in her hair, pushing her closer to you as you feel your end approach. “Cum for me, princess. Let me taste you.” You begin to babble, your mind slowly slipping, and your eyes cross. Your juices squirt out of you and cover the goddess between your legs. You sag into the bed, your grip loosening and soft whines escape you as she continues to lick and suck, cleaning you up. “You taste heavenly, princess. Did so well for me.” Jennifer moves up your body, cupping your cheek as she presses her lips onto your plump ones, slipping her tongue into your mouth, allowing you to taste yourself. Her other hand moves to your hair, tugging softly and enjoying the soft moans that pass your lips. 
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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crown-ov-horns · 2 months
I know this is from Constantine (I think), but the character design so gives fem!Crowley
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She especially makes me think of Lady Crowley in my ideas, because not only is she incredibly beautiful, there's this fierceness to her, and a hurt in her eyes. Her stare could both be the Queen of Hell, and a survivor who eventually grows her claws.
I also think of fem!Crowley when I look at her (a character who briefly appears in Medici: Masters of Florence), just make the outfit black...
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meggannn · 4 months
Gold from Fire Ed/Ling, Greed | 4k | teen
After several weeks on the road, Ling has learned how to sense brewing arguments between his companions even from the corners of Greed’s mind; a very useful skill, when traveling with Edward Elric. Unfortunately, most of his advice goes to waste.
Ling stalled, one fork out. “Ed? You sure you don’t want any of this?”
“Not hungry.” A loud rumble sounded from across the room. The idiot had probably gone to bed without dinner, too angry to face the others downstairs and too worried about their dwindling funds to order room service.
Ling rose, taking his meal, and waved the carton in front of Ed’s nose, smiling when his closed eyelids twitched. “It’s already paid for. Growing boys with automail need their nutrition.”
Edward jolted up, grabbed the carton, and dug in. If there was a way to eat a meal out of spite, Edward Elric would be the one to do it. “You’re an asshole.”
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tophsazulas · 1 month
One more spoiler for my verse, but this thanksgiving, Betsy will be getting an abortion. In this version, it’ll be similar to Fiona’s in canon (my shameless moots know what I’m talking about).
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syneilesis · 1 year
[fic] Grading papers
Grading papers
Ikemen Prince | Part of Cybird University 'verse | Chevalier Michel x Reader | T | 905 words ao3 link
Home slippers on, you pad towards the living room to discover Chevalier on the couch, reading glasses on, a paper on his hand and a stack of the same beside him, wearing the most remarkable frown you have ever seen in the entire time you’ve known him. The ends of his brows are so pulled down that you’re afraid that they’ll be stuck there permanently. Not that his scowling face is ugly, of course, but he’s just as beautiful if not more when smiling.
A/N: I mentioned this once before, but I wanted to write a self-indulgent college/university AU for ikeseries. It's just going to be a low-stakes writing exercise, to de-stress from the major fic projects (i.e., novelist AU, ocean water fic, Kanetsugu fic). Reader will always be (unless indicated) of unspecified gender. I will write for other characters too, when the mood strikes.
The first fic for this verse is, of course, about Chevalier 😂 I don't know how to write fluff; this is the extent of fluff I can write lmao. Also, sorry for the corniest ending – I didn't know how to end the fic lol
The apartment is quiet when you open the front door, dim but with enough light at the end of the hallway for you to see a pair of oxfords arranged neatly on the top of the shoe rack. A smile creeps onto your lips without your bidding, soft warmth spreading from your chest, which tempts you to just shake off your own shoes. You refrain from the urge, knowing that he wouldn’t be amused about it.
Home slippers on, you pad towards the living room to discover Chevalier on the couch, reading glasses on, a paper on his hand and a stack of the same beside him, wearing the most remarkable frown you have ever seen in the entire time you’ve known him. The ends of his brows are so pulled down that you’re afraid that they’ll be stuck there permanently. Not that his scowling face is ugly, of course, but he’s just as beautiful if not more when smiling.
You place your bag on the adjacent couch, your eyes never leaving him. “Is it their arguments this time?”
Chevalier doesn’t spare you a glance; he encircles something in the paper with the fountain pen you’d gifted him five years ago. You’d agonized over what to give him for his birthday at the time. Chevalier’s the sort of person who has everything, and you were desperate to make a good impression that you resorted to consulting Clavis of all people.
In the end, you decided on something elegant but useful.
“It’s obvious that this one didn’t read the assigned cases,” Chevalier says after a few moments. Then he immediately clicks his tongue and underlines a whole paragraph.
You peek into the paper, and have to suppress a wince. The margins are filled with comments, the body peppered with copyediting symbols – it’s a bloodbath. Silently you send a thought for the poor student who’ll receive that paper next week.
“Could’ve been worse,” you say, circling around the couch to approach him from behind. “They could’ve inserted another Please marry me after I graduate Professor in the essay. I still remember the exact moment Dean Sariel’s blood pressure rose.”
That had been an interesting week. Everyone in Chevalier’s department knows that despite his cold and ruthless personality, he’s still a popular professor in the university. Students have to fight each other to get a slot in his courses. His ice-prince reputation doesn’t deter them in the slightest. You suspect that some students fail his course on purpose to retake it next year. When asked about it, Chevalier would just glare, frown, and roll his eyes.
One had been bold enough to insert such sentence in their essay. You were there the moment Chevalier read the words. It was like watching a critical scene in slow motion: his eyebrows shooting up, eyes blinking twice before widening, glasses sliding down his nose, expression slack; then, as if flipping a switch, his face rippled into an offended scowl, storming out of the apartment and marching straight to the dean’s office. You’d been worrying over what he’d do, so you scrambled after him.
(The day Chevalier returned the papers, he made the class go through the most excruciating recitation known to man. Some didn’t survive, some returned a changed person; even today alumni and seniors still talk about That Incident in whispers, as if Chevalier has eyes and ears everywhere [which: possible].)
Chevalier ignores you and continues to grade the paper. In the years you’ve been together, you’re already used to his cold tendencies. Although he’s not an affectionate person, you can feel his love in other ways.
You press your hands on the backrest, flanking Chevalier’s head. “Why didn’t you ask your TAs to help you with grading?”
“There was no need. I can finish this tonight.”
Very efficient, very competent. Very grumpy. You grin at the crown of his head.
“If you need moral support –”
“I don’t.”
“– then I’m just here, at your beck and call.”
There’s a minuscule pause, fleeting, and if it wasn’t for your proximity you wouldn’t have noticed it. But you did, and that reassures you to proceed with your plan.
Your hands slide down to his shoulders, encircling him. Chevalier gives no indication of resistance or anything at all, so you press further, bending down to bring your face near his. Playfully, you say, “How about I give you a kiss on the cheek, for motivation?”
You tilt your head to do so, but in a surprise twist, Chevalier turns his head so your lips smack against his. You blink, caught off-guard. His eyes are bluer through the lens of his glasses, his forehead smooth and absent of creases.
He moves slightly for a better angle then closes his eyes, nibbles on your lower lip. When he retreats, Chevalier wears a look so smug you can’t do anything except to laugh helplessly and fondly.
“Did that motivate you?”
“Hardly. You just have to stay and keep trying.”
You grin at that, your heart brimming with such affection for this man. “Guess I should,” you say, unable to keep the softness and warmth in your voice.
Chevalier transfers the stack of papers to the coffee table as you settle beside him, leaning on his shoulder while he goes back to the essay. He snakes his free arm around you, pulling you firmly against him, and then it’s back to being quiet again.
Quiet, but warm.
1. I wasn't able to include it in the fic, but you (reader-chan) work at the ministry of foreign affairs. You met some years ago because the ministry consulted Chevalier about something related to his expertise (he's a professor of International Relations, with specialization in int'l law). You worked directly with Chevalier, and the sincerity and diligence with which you conduct your work had made an impression on him.
2. Chevalier currently supervises three graduate students, one of whom Clavis annoys regularly.
3. Once, Chevalier crossed swords with Professor Kenshin from the history department (they're both kendo/fencing enthusiasts). It was the talk of the campus for a whole month. It even made the front page of the student newspaper.
4. After reading that please marry me professor essay, Chevalier stormed into Sariel's office and announced that he was going to fail a student for not taking his course seriously. Sariel had to convince Chevalier that there's a better way to handle the matter; thus, The Recitation Incident came to be.
5. You and Chevalier have been living together for three years now.
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thefanficmonster · 3 months
Can you do something about the Clarke kids (Little Hope) getting a pet? I love your writing so much btw!
Hi dear! Thank you so much for the adorable request! I hope you enjoy 💌
Fandom: The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope
Warnings: None
Genre: FLUFF, Domestic Fluff
The Clarke Family Adopting a Pet
It was Megan's idea, let's get that straight right off the bat
Like any kid, she'd go to her friends' houses and see their adorable pets and want one of her own
Much to her dismay, however, her parents always said no
To her favor, though, her persistent asking and negotiating wore down her siblings
Mostly Anthony and Tanya
Dennis took a bit of convincing - not really, he just wanted to appear unbothered - but they got to him in time
Just in time for Megan's birthday when the three of them went behind their parents' backs and came back to the house with a puppy in their arms
Megan's joyful squeals and cheers could be heard for miles
It's safe to say Anne and James weren't happy
The matriarch of the family was a lot quicker to warm up to the adorable creature
She even helped brainstorm some names for the cutie
The Clarke family rarely finds common ground and the name picking process was no different
Until they did eventually agree on the name Leo
James was a lot less accepting toward the new member of the family
He even gave his older children the silent treatment for a good week
He tried to keep up the ruse longer but it wasn't effective
Especially not after they found him sitting on the living room floor, playing with the puppy with upmost joy lighting up his face
In the end, Dennis, Tanya and Anthony took silent credit for bringing this new light into their home
Megan got the pet she'd been begging for for years
And James and Anne found great enjoyment in spending hours with the pup, ultimately bringing them closer
Seems like getting a pet really does solve plenty of problems
We're gonna ignore the carpet they had to throw away because of Leo's 'accident'
And all the chewed up shoes
It's all a small price to pay for all the smiles and laughter he's brought into the Clarke home
Tagging: @hopeveon
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millylotus · 1 year
Rise of the TMNT x Young Justice
Everything's the same but during the Krang invasion the Justice League and Young Justice are dealing with the Krangified people, and protecting the civilians with evacuations. The Team are the ones to find the boys on Coney Island, noticing Raph's phantom form, and the bright light that came from Mikey's portal to the prison dimension. Aqualad and Miss Martian decide to go over and check it out to see what's up.
The boys are disoriented and aren't really able to hide from the two. M'gann senses them when she does a cursory scan of the island. Raph and Donnie are very protective of Leo and Mikey who are both passed out and weak.
- - -
M'gann and Kaldur paused as they made eye contact with two of the four mutant turtles in front of them.
The purple one started slowly hissing barring their teeth at them raising their bo-staff, while the red one growled at them with their twin sai gripped tight.
M'gann clenched her fists, eyes shifting white prepared for a fight, Kaldur raised his hand in front of her.
'Wait Miss Martian, they're protecting someone else, see?' He said within their mind link.
M'gann squinted looking behind the giant mutant, catching a glimpse of two smaller mutants. One in blue who looked like they went through hell, and a smaller orange one curled up next to them shivering as specs of orange spread across their skin.
'Oh, alright diplomacy then?' She asked.
'Diplomacy.' He responded.
"We mean you know harm, we're with the Justice League we simply came to help." Kaldur said, projecting his voice to the turtles.
The red one slowly stopped making noise, and glanced back to their downed friends.
"We don't want any trouble from the League, but if you could get us back to the mainland, we'll be out of your hair." They said,
The purple one whipped their head to the other with a look of shock on his face. "Raph! The Fuck."
"Calm down Donnie, we can trust them a little. I mean Miss Martian and Aqualad aren't really human either, they'd understand." The newly identified Raph said.
Kaldur nodded, "That is true, we can get you across the bay no problem. Miss Martian?"
"Calling Bio-Ship now." M'gann said, at her words the Bio-Ship flew over silently, opening its doors when it landed.
M'gann walked inside Kaldur following, he glanced back at the mutants, who hadn't moved. Kaldur nodded to the ship. Raph picked up the blue turtle, while Donnie picked up the orange turtle. Kaldur smiled at them and continued inside with the turtles behind him.
The group sat in awkward silence as they crossed the bay, M'gann looked back at the turtles, the two awake and beginning to tend to the others' injuries.
M'gann took a breath"If you don't mind me asking, what were you doing over there? We saw something big and red, and a flash of light. Was that you?"
Donnie looked up at her as he wrapped the blue one's arm. "You could say that." Was all they said.
Raph sighed, "Sorry it's just we've been running on adrenaline for the past 24 hours or so, But yes that was us."
Kaldur nodded in understanding, "I do have to ask if you know who attacked New York."
Raph grimaced before responding, "An ancient colonist alien species called the Krang."
"Wait the Krang!" M'gann shouted.
"Do you know of them?" Donnie said, head whipping up to her.
"Of course, although they're more or less a myth back home. I took a mythos elective back in what humans call middle school. From the stories the Krang attacked our sister planet, Earth, first in the solar system because it had more resources useful to them. A small army went over to help, killing almost all the Krang with help from Earthlings. Then using a mix of now primitive Martian tech and Earthly magic, they trapped the remaining ones in another dimension." M'gann was a bit breathless by the end of the story.
Kaldur hummed, "I don't believe Atlantis has any of those myths, at least I don't think. I was never one for myths to begin with."
Donnie looked away pulling up his wristband, quickly starting to type out M'gann's story, for later.
"Now that I think about it, I think I've seen a few murals at Mama's hotel, of Earthlings fighting against the Krang." Raph said, finishing up the orange turtle's bandages.
"Where are the Krang now though?" Kaldur asked.
Donnie looked up, "Well there were three left that came out of the portal. We killed the smaller one by closing the portal on it and their Technodrome. The leader is back in the prison dimension, we don't know where Sister Krang is though." He grimaced at his own words, "Lemme check in with Dad real quick." he muttered.
"Wait, do the others know Leon made it?" Raph asked his brother.
Donnie blinked, looking down at the blue turtle who was probably Leon, breathing softly, "Well shit they are so gonna freak, don't wanna be there." He turned his tech band to Leon and took a picture, before sending it to someone, then quickly turning it off. That didn't stop the notification noises from quickly racketing off.
Raph raised a brow at Donnie "You should answer that."
"If I'm answering you're answering." They hissed out.
Raph froze, as the thought of having to face a probably lived father dawned on him, "Alrighty then."
- - -
They exchange contact info so they can talk more to the League about the invasion. M'gann and Kaldur drop them off at the docks at their request.
Once the Bio-Ship is out of sight, the boys are quickly tackled by Splinter, April and Junior. Who then berates the older boys a bit for not calling them about Leon's survival. But aside from that the movie goes as originally shown.
M'gann and Kaldur report back to Batman about what happened, telling them what little the turtles told them about the invasion. The League wants to meet the brothers soon, so the two call them up. They set up a meeting for two-weeks later, on top of Run of The Mill's front building.
- - -
The four hero’s stood on the rooftop two adults, Batman and Black Canary, and two teens, Miss Martian and Aqualad. They were waiting for four other people to show up for a meeting, scheduled for two minutes ago.
“They’re going to be late.” Black Canary said.
“We came early on purpose to see if they would.” Batman responded.
Miss Martian grumbled, ‘First meeting and they’re already being tested.’
Kaldur nodded, ‘As is the world of heroes.’
Then they heard the sound of movement, people making their way to the rooftop behind them.
The heroes turned around to face the oncoming group.
Three humanoids landed on the roof. Raph and Donnie had returned, Raph now wearing an eye patch over his right eye, both now having bandages wrapped around some parts of their body. The other person was a very tall sheep mutant, some taller than Raph. They were scowling a bit, but that seemed to be their resting face.
A short silence floated over the roof before the sheep mutant stepped up to Black Canary and Batman. “My name is Baron Draxum, and my sons have told me that the Justice League wants to talk on the matter of the invasion. Am I to assume you two are the superiors here.”
Batman nodded, not saying a word.
Black Canary nodded with a smile, raising her hand for the sheep mutant to shake, he did. “Yes two of the Leagues apprentices, Aqualad and Miss Martian’ motioning over to the two who waved at the three, Raph and Donnie waved back, ‘Told us about the meeting they had with your children, along with the fact that you most likely know more about the invasion than us. We were wondering if you could provide us with some more information on the attempted invasion.”
Draxum stood for a second in thought before nodding. “We can work with that. But under the circumstances, you will respect the boundaries we will set, and if not then we leave, no three count system. Understood?” He said with a raised eyebrow.
“Of course, we don’t intend to cause you or your family any harm.” Batman said, understanding their secrecy.
As the adults talked the teenagers had separated themselves from the conversation after Raph and Donnie had given a synopsis of how the Krang got out of their prison dimension. The heroes agreed that they would need to circle back to Foot Clan at a later date.
“So Raph and Donnie was it?” M’gann asked, trying to start up the conversation.
“Well my full name is Raphael, and theirs is Donatello. And thank you for helping us on Staten.” Raphael said with a toothy grin, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Lord knows we’d hate to have stayed on that trash heap any longer.” Donatello mumbled, tapping away at their wrist phone.
“If you don’t mind me asking how old are you two, you seem too young for a lack of a better word. I’m seventeen, and Miss Martian is sixteen. We've been on the same apprentice team for a little over a year now.” Kaldur said.
“Oh I’m seventeen too, and Don’s sixteen. What’s it like working with older heroes, like you do, I’ve always wanted to be like a full fledged hero.” His voice rose in excitement as he spoke.
The two quickly delved into their thoughts on hero and vigilante work, and what they did.
Donatello sighed, shaking his head fondly as he watched his brother talk about one of his main hyperfixations with Aqualad.
“Can I ask what you’re doing?” Miss Martian asked Donatello.
“Oh this, well my green ally I’m playing the wonderful game Run 3, the most interesting flash game I’d say.”
M’gann laughed lightly, “I’ve heard of flash games, but I thought they were destroyed?”
“Yes but the moment I heard, I backed up all my favorites and then some. Let me show you some.”
The two started talking about old nostalgic games from American kids' childhoods.
“The children seem to be getting along.” Batman said, turning the trio’s attention to the teens talking to each other amiably.
“Yes, they tend to be social.” Draxum said gently, smiling at his sons.
“I’m sorry but how long have your sons been fighting as vigilantes?” Black Canary asked.
Draxum smiled with pride, “A little over two years now, although their first few months were mainly just sneaking out of the house.”
Black Canary nodded, “Do you want them to keep this up?”
“They are naturally very active, they’ll have to put that energy somewhere, running around and fighting is good for them. And they genuinely enjoy what they’re doing, helping people. I’d say yes, although they’ll need more classical training, Raphael was the only one to go out of his way to do so for a while, can’t just rely on talent.” He deduced.
The two nodded before sharing a glance, then Black Canary spoke up, “Would you be partial to allow them to train with the League, or the apprentice team? They would be happy to have new allies.”
Draxum pursed his lips, he knew this topic may arise. Lou and him had even talked about it some, of course the boys didn’t know that, they hadn’t wanted to get their hopes up too early. “I’ll have to talk with their father, and them, but it could be a possibility. We did make something for you to communicate with us though. Donatello come here and explain the phone please.” He called over to the teen.
Quickly Donatello’s attention was drawn to his father, he walked over a bounce in their step and pulled out an old looking phone/walkie-talkie. “This is a T-talkie, basically a personalized walkie-talkie with its own frequency that I myself found and isolated. Connecting to my very own satellite that at the moment is only really able to go around North America.’ He handed the dark green walkie-talkie to the heroes, with a flourish, ‘Tell me how it works when you use it somewhere else.” Their eyes shone with excitement.
Draxum smiled at his son, “I’m sure it will work perfectly Donatello.”
Donatello smiled widely at him.
Black Canary smiled at the duo, “Thank you Donatello for the T-talkie,’ She turned back to Draxum, ‘We will be sure to get in contact with you again.”
The other three had drifted back to the center of the roof.
“Alright, Miss Martian, Aqualad it’s time to go.” Batman said.
The heroes said their goodbyes and left the rooftop.
“Well that went well.” Raph said proudly.
Draxum nodded, “Now let's get back to the lair before the others destroy it.”
- - -
Mikey and Leon are disappointed that they couldn’t go with the other three to finally meet the heroes.
That’s when Draxum drops the bomb that Black Canary and Batman had suggested the kids could work with Young Justice.
The boys are really excited and are begging Splinter and Draxum to let them do it. The parents send them to bed, so they can talk about it. Draxum is for it, saying that it would do the boys good, and Splinter is on the fence because he doesn’t like the idea of the kids being exposed to so many people. They decide to leave it till they can talk to the League about it tomorrow.
- - -
Red Tornado sat on the couch in the living room in Mt.Justice, quietly reading a book Kid Flash had lent him. ‘The Great Gatsby’ They found it more interesting than they thought they would be.
The sound of a communicator sounded off next to them, he glanced down and saw the T-talkie that Black Canary and Batman had left with them. Setting the book down they picked up the walkie-talkie from the couch and answered.
“Hello?” They asked into the phone.
“Am I to assume you are a colleague of the people I met with yesterday?” A deep voice asked from the phone.
“It depends, are you the father that met with Blake Campbell and Brady Martin?” They were careful with their words like always, he knew that Draxum was most likely the person calling, but you could never know.
“Yes I am, and I’d like to talk about the sports team that they elected my children to join.”
“Of course, Ms.Campbell is here at the moment I’ll go get her.” Red Tornado got up and sent a message to Black Canary that Baron Draxum had called. She responded quickly saying she’d be there soon.
“My name is Reamonn Turner They/He, I am one of the team’s caretakers.” They said,
The Zeta tube went off in the distance, too low for Draxum to possibly hear.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you Xir, I’m Barry Draxum He/Him.”
Dinah walked into the living room, and waved at Red Tornado. He nodded back.
“A pleasure.”
They handed the phone over to Dinah who took it with a nod.
“Hello Draxum, it’s good to hear from you so soon after our meeting.” She said,
“Yes to you as well. I’d like to talk about my son's involvement in this team. Their other father is here as well.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you Ms. Black Canary’ – An old accented voice said – ‘My name is Splinter.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Splinter. Now what exactly are you concerned about?” Dinah thought the boys had mentioned a mother to M’gann and Kaldur so she hadn’t expected another parent. But who was she to judge, she and Ollie had a semi-open relationship themselves.
- - -
So they talk through some things, specifically the Hamato’s privacy about their lives and mutation. Where the boys would be going to meet with the team. How long they would stay at Mt.Justice. Dinah assures them that the League won't dig too deep into their mutations much.
Splinter explains that two of them are still rather weak and won’t be leaving home for some time to heal, about two weeks or so. Dinah understands and they schedule to meet in two weeks when the children are fully healed so they can meet the Team at Mt.Justice.
The Team gets a heads up a few days before the meeting that a few vigilantes from NYC will be coming over for an introduction.
- - -
The Team sat around the living room waiting for the possible new additions to their team.
Artemis and Kaldur were sitting on the couch watching as M’gann, Dick, and Conner were playing uno. With M’gann absolutely sweeping the floor with the other two. Wally was pacing around the room, messing with things and stimming with nervousness and some excitement.
Their mentors were standing near the digital command center quietly talking to each other.
The teens were all connected through their mind link chatting.
`Okay so is anyone else just like generally suspicious of the newbies’ Wally asked flopping down on the couch by Artemis.
‘Donnie and Raph aren't that bad’ M’gann placated
Conner rolls his eyes but doesn’t say anything.
‘Keep forgetting you two met them already.’ Robin said to Kaldur and M’gann.
M’gann shrugged, ‘I mean you guys could have come with us after the invasion.’
Wally groaned, flopping onto Artemis’ lap, who flicked his nose in annoyance. He gave her a cheeky smile, Artemis rolled her eyes at him.
Kid looked over at M’gann, ‘Well yeah but I didn’t want to run over water then alright, besides the League had us helping out that band of Brownie Troops and their crazy leader.’
‘They were certainly interesting.’ Dick said, smiling as he hit M’gann with a +4, who then squawked in offense, Dick smiled mischievously. ‘Shoulda seen that coming M’orzz.’
‘Oh you are on Grayson.’ She said with a wicked grin.
Conner sighed and put his cards at the bottom of the drawing deck, and looked up at Kaldur, ‘What exactly are they like, M’gann said Donnie was into tech or something.’
Kaldur tilted his head in thought, ‘I didn’t talk much with Donatello, Raph spoke to me more. He said he and his siblings had been acting as vigilantes for about two years now. He’s very passionate about doing what he does, very strong morals.’
Conner nodded with a hum.
“Get ready they’re on their way.” Superman said.
The Team got up and walked around the couch, going to stand by their respective mentors around the room.
The sound of the Zeta Tube went off. ‘A-58 Baron Draxum, B-41 Orange, B-38 Red, B-39 Violet, B-40 Blue.’
‘Looks like they’re already part of the team.’ Artemis projected lightly.
The first to come into view was a tall goat mutant wearing a teal hanbok. He held himself high and looked around the room quizzically. Then a much shorter turtle mutant bounded down the hallway to the goat man’s side, along with three others walking not far behind.
“Hi I’m Mikey or Orange – They chirped – It’s a pleasure to finally meet you all!” Mikey smiled wide at the assortment of heroes and apprentices.
Wally smiled, dashing over to Mikey “Hi MIkey I’m Kid Flash nice to meet ya.”
And first contact was made.
Miscellaneous Bullet Points
The turtles are nice, if a bit eccentric yeah but what teenager isn’t. The Heroes beside Kaldur, Miss Martian, Black Canary, and Batman, needed some time to wrap their heads around extremely anthropomorphic mutant turtles and a goat,
So like dynamic wise I think Raph would get along with Kaldur and Artemis, they just seem like they’d all be buds
Do random shit they probs shouldn’t and bringing out the chaotic gremlins in each other
I think Donnie would get along with Megan, tism recognizes tism really and they’d have the same taste in music
They’d bake together, because I think Donnie bakes pastries b/c it’s so difficult and they like to one up people with their skills, but Megan would be just as good as them, and they would bond over that
Conner is mildly jealous but not like really insecure about it
On the topic of Conner he and Leo get along swimmingly, like Leo and Robin tried to but they could not start their own mirror image. So Leo gravitated to Conner and they are bastards together often
Reckless boneheads who go all out on eachother in a kinda “Do it you won’t, pussy” way, it’s ridiculous
Mikey gets most along with Wally and Dick the most, Dick in the sense that they’re both the youngests and smallest and like to cause some chaos, Wally in the sense that they have pretty similar personalities and actually like to hang out together, unlike Rob and Leo
Instead of Megan being white and solely based on the Hello Megan actress, she also takes inspiration from J’onn’s human form. Along with having watched like all the Lou Jitsu movies she could find back home on Mars, so she kinda looks like Lou too
I just feel like white Megan makes no sense considering she’s living with her uncle and I know they’d get shit for it from humans
Megan ends up showing the turtles Lou Jitsu, and when they find out the turts are already obsessed they all geek out together over Lou Jitsu, they end up introducing her to more Jupiter Jim, who’d she’d only seen like once or twice in crossover movies
Anyway the turts don’t need a lot of training but they do need low stakes practice, just learning how to hold back when they’re going up against people who don’t bounce back like Yokai and mutants do
Training for them kinda goes like how Conner’s training went, lots of frustration but they got it eventually
Draxum gets roped into being a den mother for a bit during a school break or something, the cave wasn’t on fire persay but a lot of furniture was new, and not for the reason of just feeling a new style
Around that time is when the team finds out the turts were built with war in mind they get a bit weird, but Conner’s whole situation having already happened, they get over it pretty quickly
Dick starts looking into Lou Jitsu and his disappearance one day, when he overhears Donnie and Megan talking about it
He doesn’t find alot but he gets a couple consistent threads, with Big Mama being involved, it probably being a kidnapping, and Lou maybe being alive for awhile after
Eventually the boys get to invite Splinter, April and Caseyx2 to the mountain
April and Casey quickly befriend Artemis and Wally, I can just see them being ridiculous and loud together
Junior would be more shy and stuff but Megan would notice and seek him out and introduce him to Conner, and they all become buds, Junior really likes Wolf so much
Megan and Dick actually notice how much Splinter acts like Lou Jitsu in some way
They both end up connecting the dots, Dick wants to grill Splinter on what happened, and Megan goes all fangirl and is so happy to finally meet one of her idols, one who she assumed was dead already
This idea slash prompt is completely up for grabs with credit or something. I just don’t have the energy to like write something big about this crossover, even though it’s so fucking cool.
This has literally been sitting in my drafts for weeks now, def would like to hear other people’s ideas on a crossover between YJ and ROTTMNT.
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