#mental health pokemon blogs
pokebloggingnetwork · 2 years
(Only 1 is currently active;)
Name: Marcus "Marc" Arduinna
Pronouns/Terms of Address: He / They / Rua
Age: 20
Occupation: Service pokemon trainer and pokemon therapy expert in training!
Pokemon: Zorua!
Current Region: Johto
Support Pokemon?: Zorua!
Evil Team Affiliation: It's Complicated™ (it's not he just wants to be special)
Appearance/Distinguishing Traits: Relatively short guy with gingery brown hair and so many freckles! Always some sort of plant debris on him, no matter how hard he tries to look professional.
heck yeah!
MOD: @duskrua / @marcooze
Name/Nickname: Chloro / Frosty / Duskrua
Follows From: Private for right now due to blog size :P
Pronouns/Terms of Address: He / They
Adult or Minor?: I am an adult!
Comfortable with Adults/Minors Interacting?: Yep! Just keep things respectful and appropriate!
Our blog has been on hiatus for quite a while due to the research we put into our asks taking. Alot of energy hahaha. But the resurgence of pokemon blogs has really sparked up my motivation again and inspired me to finally roll up my sleeves and renovate it!
Due to my eyestrain issues, I add small words in coloured text between some paragraphs to help break up my longer textposts. They'll always be in one colour per post as to hopefully not bother others with different eye issues, though!
let's go!
Links: @disabledpokemontrainerheadcanons
Account Does RP?: Not in the past, but will be trying it out soon! You can request whether we answer with RP or not either way when you submit an ask :)
Extra: Would LOVE to interact with other pokeblogs while in character! Feel free to! :D
Good luck and have fun, y'all!
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phoenixfiiire · 3 months
Tentatively maybe returning tomorrow, maybe... friday? Depends on vibes and what me and Sera are doing.
There is going to be a rule change for my own comfort. This sounds ominous and for all I know it is but I don't have the energy to really write it out eloquently so I'm just going to ramble in tags for now.
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bbharmacist · 5 months
Hello everyone. I am happy to inform you all that, given the situation, Counselor Agave's office hours will, per his request, be "extended to 24/7 on-call". I would also like to reiterate that auxiliary staff of the Nurse's Office and associated on-site medical facilities will also be available 24/7 for any situations of immediate threat or concern. We want you to both be and feel safe, and part of that is knowing that we are available to help.
-Hunter the Gallade
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octocringe · 1 year
Is looking for people to follow still a thing on tumblr?
I need people to follow please!!!! If you're into/you post:
- art!!!!!
- character design
- personal little stories and thoughts and like blogs i guess
- farming games
- nintendo stuff
- kirby
- sonic
- minecraft
- animal crossing
- doll collecting
- pokemon
- fashion
- textile art
- mental health info/sharing of experiences and struggles (avoiding triggering content tho!!!!)
- lgbtq+ experiences
Please interact!!!! Just leave a comment or a like and I'll go look at your stuff and probably follow ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I find it so hard to find interesting blogs on tumblr so it would be super helpful... thank you!!!
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its-a-me-squishy · 1 year
Because I am struggling with bad anxiety and panic attacks I figured it would be nice to have a plushie with me all the time. Since I live in an environment where it's not really accepted to be little or to "not act as an adult" I always was too scared to do so. But since my anxiety and panic attacks got so much worse and I am trying to heal and stand up for myself I thought I would start with a small step.
Everyone, meet Fuzz. (Mommy helped me pick the name)
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He is an old, lil boi from the 90's and a nice lady agreed to me adopting him. He has the perfect size to fit into my bags and hands, is perfect to position because he got those little pearls in his butt and has my most favorite kind of texture for his fur.
And just look at his adorable face - to melt for!<3
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pikaychuwu · 1 year
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i’ve been out everyday for a week!! only up to 15mins from home but still a massive improvement :3 pokémon go is a wonderful motivator 💖
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island-ghost-dj · 11 months
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Age: 26
Gender: Nonbinary They/He
Sexuality: Gay/Poly (no partners yet)
Background story below! Keep in mind the triggers in the tags please.
Honey is a transmasculine nonbinary. For the sake of this audition, he will be named as Honey and uses the pronouns He/him and they/them.
He has an older sister and a younger brother. Growing up he had a lot of anger issues and was speculated to be on the autism spectrum but never received specialized help or therapy for it. Honey was straightforward to anger and was physically aggressive to other children younger than him and to his younger brother.
When he reached high school, he realized how awful he was in the past and tried very hard to amend his mistakes. He went out to the people that he bullied in the past and apologized for his behavior, which was mostly met with appreciation with the exception of his younger brother. This change in personality made him more responsible and his parents granted him permission to own a single Pokemon for himself. After much consideration, he went on to select a Cutiefly, who was imported from the Alola region.
His younger brother began to resent and distance himself away from Honey, which Honey was worried about. Honey tried earnestly to make things better but as his younger brother got older, his brother grew more aggressive, mirroring his past self. Though this behavior was concerning, his parents did nothing to enforce better behaviors and enabled the younger brother to meet his needs.
His brother became resentful after Honey became successful in his personal romantic relationships, being able to date people, where he couldn’t attract anyone due to his personality.
Honey began to grow as a person and came to the realization that they were trans. So eventually he began to seek hormone treatment before moving on to receive procedures so he could become more masculine. This involved face masculinization surgery, surgery to make his voice deeper, a top surgery, and even a hysterectomy.
His parents and older sister were a little surprised with him coming out but gradually became more supportive over time; with his older sister being the most supportive. However, his younger brother became intolerable and more resentful of Honey ruining his childhood and blamed him for his depression and lack of friends. The younger brother declared himself to be an only sibling, not seeing his other siblings as family. The younger brother hated Honey for his past actions and for being trans.
Honey was rather well liked in his community and family. He had a good number of friends and worked hard to be healthy and to become a better person. Quite the polarizing opposite of his brother who couldn’t prosper or muster enough effort to become anything better than himself.
His younger brother began to leave horrendous comments and tried to sabotage Honey’s mental well-being and health, by stealing his medication, destroying his property, and bullying him. Honey voiced these concerns to the family who would then argue with his younger brother. The brother would stop for a few days and then start doing the same things again.
While he was helping his mother cook dinner, he noticed that his Cutiefly had gone missing. When he went out to search for his partner Pokemon, he saw that his younger brother had tortured his Pokemon, cutting its wings and limbs off with a kitchen knife.
The rest of the family came to the scene of the fight after hearing the two brothers yelling and fighting. The two were separated until the authorities came. Honey was rushed to the nearest Pokemon center to be treated for their wounds. Honey survived his attacks but his Cutiefly did not.
At this time Honey was not a Pokemon trainer, merely an owner. His Cutiefly did not fight battles and the two would instead cultivate a garden together.
After seeing what his younger brother had done to his dear Pokemon, Honey attacked his brother, who sliced his mouth, leaving behind a scar at the corner of his lip. He was then stabbed at his chest, the intense pain resulted in him in a dizzy haze and left incomprehensible.
After his brother was sent to jail, Honey became depressed and miserable; blaming himself for the death of his Pokemon. His parents didn’t know what to say to him and avoided him throughout the day, leaving behind messages on sticky notes and text messages. His older sister didn’t live at home and had her own personal life so she couldn’t comfort or give Honey the peace he needed.
Honey mostly lingered in the garden where he had spent the most time with his darling Cutiefly. One night while stargazing, he found a Duskull wandering through the sunflowers he had planted. Though his heart was not ready for another Pokemon, he was kind to the Duskull and the two would sit in silence, stargazing.
That same night, Honey ran away from home.
The Duskull would only appear at night and would flee at the first sight of Honey’s parents. One particular night, on the former Cutiefly’s birthday, Honey did not come out to the garden. He cried in his room over the loss of his departed friend. The Duskull heard his cries from the garden and phased through the walls, bringing with him a small flower from the garden, mimicking an action that the Cutiefly did prior to their death.
It was through this action that Honey concluded that the Duskull before him was the manifestation of the Cutiefly’s soul and love that he had for him. Without telling anyone, he captured the Duskull, presenting to him a luxury ball to which the Duskull responded by gently tapping its head against the pokeball, to allow himself to be captured.
He went on to accomplish a childhood dream of taking on the Elite Four. But due to his untreated anxiety and depression, his once Duskull turned Dusknoir became increasingly violent and aggressive to other trainers and Pokemon in an attempt to protect Honey.
There was an incident where Grim, his Dusknoir savagedly attacked another trainer’s Pokemon so severely with psychic damage it caused a seizure. Honey was then taken into police custody and ordered by a court judge to seek help at a mental health facility.
It was there he gained the nickname Honey. The facility had strict food regulations so whenever he wanted something sweet, he would eat a spoonful of honey.
After staying at the facility for a year and a half, Honey was let go.
It was through his inheritance that he received land property from his deceased grandfather that he would travel to the Alola Region to run his own onsen business.
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unown-sanctuary · 1 year
Gives you an asterix unown
Again, due to an expected influx due to a "certain time of year" for the species coming soon, I am afraid we can't accept residents unless they need specific medical attention. As much as I hate to turn them down, if I don't set boundaries I won't be able to support any Unown for too long. I hope you keep good watch over that Unown *, though! They are excellent at star jumps!
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czv-hops-kalos-arc · 2 years
How's your head, Hop?
. . .
What?- OH- right!
Uh-. Yes my head is okay now, never better!
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notabipolarbear · 2 years
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I managed to get one of the violet and scarlett figures 😊 Things have been difficult lately when it comes to emotion regulation. I'm finding it hard to control my emotions. If I get angry I can't control it very well and I get stressed out and cry. I'm waiting on DBT therapy. Might get a workbook and see how I get on with it while I wait for in person counselling. I wonder what is wrong with me. I really want to know. Fed up waiting ..
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jupiters-thunder · 6 days
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& welcome to my first blog post. I'll be honest, I had a tumblr before. I used to bullshit on it hoping id be tumblr famous (like many of us wishes in highschool). However, now that I am older I have a new perspective on what I want it be.
Like many of you I struggle with mental health. I want to use this page to vent my everyday feelings, share stories, and repost things that I find beautiful, fit my mood or just things I relate to.
I also hope in someway, I help someone else who is struggling. I pray that by reading my stories someone else feels validated in similar situations they experienced.
- j
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kitakami-zorua-kin · 3 months
Speaking of opinions, I don't get why so many of the other people here treat you like some... I don't even know what to call it? I mean as long as you keep it respectful you are a delightful, if aloof, conversation partner?
I like talking to you actually. I kinda don't see a need to be mean to you? I guess some people have a hard time dealing with the fact that you are very direct in the way you communicate, which is a them issues honestly I grew up with a Grandma having that character trait so I actually prefer getting things told as it is, which may hurt their feelings cause they aren't used to words not being sugar coated.
Ok onto more pleasant things then people being babies in the face of truth, your furret, what's your favorite and least favorite thing about it behaviorwise? Also what's your favorite food and snack? Mines would be fried egg on toast for food, simple I know, and berries especially pecha's and bluk's.
And finally do you have a favourite joke/pun if yes which? If or if you wanna answer that too, what's your favourite type of music?
//yay character tag earned *final fantasy victory fanfare plays*
Yay your emo onion doesn't hate me, seriously though he's fun to talk to if you don't try to smite him for being terminally 14 and from a town in the sticks. Like I used to be semi like that, didn't live out in the sticks, so I just dial up the way I used to think a bit and it sorta works? (HFHDHDGD HELP I just realised I'm consciously trying to act like an edgy teenager to communicate with him 🤣). Also that video post just now? I love a certain purple element about that. I'm so excited to see your rendition of this story it's shaping up super good, question though cause the Internet was no help, what's blanket unreality?
... People tend to be assholes, from my experience. They're either going to step all over you or think you're a monster, no matter what you do.
Yeah, maybe.
Copper...? Heh. He sure is sweet... I like how expressive he is. No need to second-guess how he's feeling - he makes it very obvious. I guess... I don't like how much he worries. For a Furret, he sure worries a lot, especially lately... As for food... I like anything with apples, really. Favorite joke, huh...? Think it went... Why'd the normal-type cross the street? Audino. ... it's kind of stupid, actually. I don't... really listen to a lot of music. I'm not sure, honestly.
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littlemxhoney · 11 months
Affirmation for Streamers 🤍
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2sgf · 2 months
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Solstice ☀️ Sol ☀️ Sunny
he/him ⭐ they/them ⭐ she/her
28 years old ; tme two-spirit first nations wo/man
@mermen is my moonlight 🌙
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★ minors do not follow or interact thank you
☆ white supremacists, transmisogynists, sex bioessentiallists, TERFs, and anyone who follow these kinds of beliefs will be blocked
★ if you notice i've interacted with anyone who follows the above ideology or they have interacted with me, please let me know! i might have not noticed
☆ feel free to dm me any donation posts or anything else you need boosted. i will do my best to boost it during the day.
★ i always read abouts, carrds, rentrys, & pinned posts! i might forget to like posts after, or might unlike them after some time to keep my likes clean
☆ i try to keep others' blacklists in mind but if i forgot to tag something, feel free to send me an ask or a message! i will do my best to remember but the dissociation might fuck with me so if it's something important but niche you need tagged, i might need multiple reminders so just unfollow if you're worried about it...
★ disabled, neurodivergent polyfrag system
☆ remade on july 18th 2024
art blog: @solsunbeam
more about under the cut! ^^ not necessary to read
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☀ my socio-political beliefs: land back, pro palestine, anti-colonization, harm reductionist, anti-canada and anti-usa, anti capitalism, defund & dismantle the police, prison abolitionist, anti child family services, pro family reunification, better funding for social services, pro universal healthcare (including mental health resources, optometry, AND dentistry), antipsychiatry, pro universal basic income, decriminalize drugs, sex bioessentialism is rooted in white supremacy, and may all the catholic churches burn down thank you
☼ i don't 'debate' any of the above with anon asks. if you want more info on why i hold these beliefs, you can ask me privately via message. though, i may block you if your vibes are bad. if you deeply disagree with the above, then i rather you block me than try to convince me otherwise. i'll save us both the time and just block you.
☀ in general i block whenever i feel i need to
☼ i occasionally post about the above, but this blog will also contain a mish-mash of my interests, personal posts, fashion pictures, nature pics, and like.... idk whatever ✌🏽
☀ mutuals this is your sign to ASK FOR MY DISCORD! come. enter my dms. let me send you pictures of my cats.
☼ interests: poetry, art, films, fashion, video games, animation, plants, comics, child welfare, trauma recovery, disability rights, tarot, witchcraft, the occult, linguistics, lolita fashion, and all kinds of other stuff
☀ video games: kingdom hearts, fire emblem, legend of zelda, animal crossing, final fantasy, supergiant's hades, minecraft, mario bros, pokemon (mostly gens 1-5), sonic the hedgehog, undertale, deltarune, // anime/manga: witch hat atelier, dungeon meshi, sailor moon, revolutionary girl utena, yugioh duel monsters, card captor sakura, madoka magica, hunter x hunter, ghibli movies, and other stuff lol
☼ alters may or might not tag their posts as [alter name].txt feel free to refer to them as their name! but we all respond to the collective name as well <3
☀ my final message...... peas and lov on planet erth....... goodnight
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bluejay-flies · 2 months
I’ve been thinking, and I’ve decided to put this blog on an official hiatus. I’m sure you guys have noticed the lack of posts recently, and that’s because I’ve just lost a lot of creative motivation recently. I think it’s burnout, and as much as I hate to put the story on pause when it’s already been so slow going recently, I think it’d be better to take a break than risk even worse burnout. 
I might still posts some silly shitposts and artfight attacks depending on my energy level, and I do have a silly interaction comic planned with the wonderful @pokemon-ash-aus that I plan to complete. But thinking about getting the main story done has become more stressful than enjoyable. 
I’m not sure how long this hiatus will last, it’s really just when I feel comfortable continuing the story. Sorry if this is disappointing to anyone (I’m disappointed too) but I’m trying to put my mental and physical health above content creation. That being said, I hope to start posting art again soon because I love this community and everyone in it so much, and I don’t want to miss out on anything. 
Thank you guys for being so understanding in the past with this type of thing, it’s been a long time coming but I kept procrastinating making an official post. I hope everyone understands :)
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((OOC PSA Re: Villain Blogs))
((I've been seeing some more villain/antagonistic-leaning blogs pop up in the Pokemon IRL community lately, and personally I love it. No one loves anything more than a villain to hate, right? However, there's been some backlash towards some of these guys--harrassment, even death threats in some cases--so this is my little reminder to the community-))
((Writing villains is hard BECAUSE these people know they are creating and playing sentient hate sinks, but said hate sink DOES NOT demonstrate their own ideals. Sending hate mail to people who are trying their best to be the worst, for YOUR FUN as well as theirs, is not only incredibly discouraging but also incredibly terrible for people's mental health.))
((After all, imagine how hurt you would feel if you received death threats just for having fun with the character you're playing now.))
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