#mer giant moon
ayyy-imma-ninja · 1 month
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the boyos are curious by human things
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naffeclipse · 11 months
Song Fish Amid the Stars
Chapter 3: Salty Air
FNAF Mermaid!Sun & Mermaid!Moon x Reader (SFW)
Then, despite the horrible dread sinking into your stomach, you slowly lift your head. Two large faces, gold and yellow sunshine, old silver, and midnight blue, stare down at you, grinning with giant maws full of teeth. Your heart stutters in your chest.
Word Count: 10,100~ Warnings: Phobias, anxiety, panic, and implied drowning.
A/N: I can't tell you how much fun it is to write a poor terrified reader with very eager and adoring mers. Also, I realize I'm gonna have to add an extra chapter so strike the five-chapter thing I said at the beginning. Whoops. Developing the reader's and boys' relationship will take a bit more than I originally planned. Now, time for that long-awaited reunion!
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idswolf · 2 months
It’s May which means MERMAY!!
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Here’s my giant squid Moon from my silly lil dca mer au and as a bonus here’s the drawing with just the base colors and no background
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bellusastra · 8 days
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The demons never leave
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mwolf0epsilon · 2 years
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Something Something, Doodling Eels & Stuff
Felt like doodling some Eel Side of the Moon AU stuff to get a feel for Were-Eel!Fives's design and ended up having some fun.
Also clashing AUs together is hilarious. I'm sure @milfcutlawquane will agree on that with me (more so than Mer!Rex who's inches away from getting his nose bitten by an angry eel man).
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moonliched · 1 year
Futuristic fnaf mermaid au, aaaauuuauauauu🐠
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For humanity, space travel and alien intermingling is business as usual. Y/N works on a facility on a largely unexplored aquatic planet. Deep underwater and surrounded by caves and tunnels, the building is submerged and embedded in rock. The facility has a rotating team of researchers that study at the place every half year or so, and the last team has just switched out! Y/N just needs to get the facility ready for the next team, enjoy some downtime, and try to track down a tangle of net and chains that went missing a few cycles ago.
And then they find it. In an undiscovered cavern.
Trapping a mermaid.
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Y/N feels totally at home with the fishies, but an intelligent mermaid feral with fear might be a little too much to handle alone.
Especially after he takes an interest in the weird two-tailed creature that keeps coming at him with bolt cutters.
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Y/N works as an all-purpose handyman maintaining the facility, and doing small fixes in the on-site utility tunnels that pump water through the generators. They also regularly exit the facility to maintain the remote generators and ensure the territory is secure with nets and markers.
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This is the first time Y/N has been left totally alone in the facility, aside from a few staffbots, and the resident AI, BON-BON.
Plus something weird is happening. Rumbles in the water create currents and dislodge rock, like the stirring of a colossal creature. It could just be tectonic activity! But probably not.
Some lil facts! Sun and Moon's fins and gills all glow, as does Moon's esca, but they can turn off the glow to better hide. Light takes energy, so if the mers are sufficiently tired or hungry, they can't glow.
The Glamrocks are in this AU, but I'm not saying how yet. We got giant mermaid Eclipse, plus megalohydrothalassophobia (gasp pant.) And an AI that's a little too intelligent and argumentative to strictly be allowed to function.
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The entire facility is located in rock, under the ocean, and is consequently pretty claustrophobic. To combat this the facility is done up all white and large with smooth walls, chunky furniture - think white liminal space futurism. There are plenty of big windows, but as the view is mostly dark water with the occasional weird thing swimming by, it has the opposite effect.
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I got a fic in the works ;0 I do need to decide on a title tho. Idk if anyone will be interested in this AU but i'm in too deep and enjoying myself. And I👏love👏mermaids👏👏👏
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shibaraki · 1 year
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synopsis: when your sailboat is caught in a vicious storm you are saved by a whale sized mer that cannot keep his curiosity—nor his affections—at bay.
tags: GN reader, suggestive, merfolk au, giant mer deku, storms + boating accidents, language barrier, a little angst, fluff, near drowning + mild injury (no detailed desc), courting behaviours, modern fantasy, macro/micro, manhandling (literally), hopeful ending
wc: 6.4K
↳ for the mermay collab hosted by the teahouse server! ↰
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There’s little you remember. A breeze carrying the taste of sea salt grew bitter and cutting. The gentle lull of the waves slowly grew treacherous. Freezing sheets of grey rain blurred visibility, ocean foaming at the mouth. You lurched as the boat tipped, taking a hit to the head on the main mast. Grappling with consciousness, you recall how your body had been flung into the depths, a sharp and endless cradle; cold enough, kind enough, that you quickly lost all sensation.
Then you’re gasping desperately. When your lungs fill with cool night air relief floods your system. An ache wracks your being, muscles seizing and bones rattling, but the only thing you can think is: I’m alive. I’m alive. I’m alive.
Everything comes back in small pieces. You slump back and clutch at your soaked shirt, wincing at the bruising around your lungs with each breath. Above is a wide open sky littered with stars and the moon hangs high. You notice that you’re floating then; not on the surface of the water but in a steep puddle that stops above your waist, clothes entirely soaked. Surrounding you are… walls?
Adjusted to the darkness, your eyes drag cautiously across them. They are curved like a bowl, and seem oddly shelved, quite similar to a cupped human hand except much bigger. As that thought crosses your mind the upper shelf moves, and the two walls turn inward, opening a small crevice underneath you to let the water spill back into the sea.
And then a soft lucid croon vibrates through the air. You feel it deep in your chest; the sound is soothing, like a mother’s hum, pressing on an old, innate need for comfort.
Gravity swoops through your belly as the structure moves. Down come the walls. They lay slightly flat, though still keeping you in a shallow divot. Your eyes squeeze shut and sting. The storm must have killed you because what is plain to see could only be conjured in a dream.
The size of a small blue whale— neither blue nor whale. A soft jaw and a pale face, cheeked covered in what appeared to be sunspots. Full lips parted to warble in quiet wonder, revealing a set of large sharp teeth. Either side of the creature's neck are diaphanous slits. Gills. Smatterings of luminescent green scales trail beautifully from the throat to the shoulders. You notice a glow on the ocean’s surface, the rest of his form hidden below.
Rocked off balance as their head dips, dark tendrils of hair clinging to skin, you are met with a pair of large pupil-less eyes. Vibrant green speckled with white, full of curiosity. A few clicks and a whistle echoes into the night. Your tongue feels like a slab of lead, cloven to the roof of your mouth, frozen by unadulterated fear.
It's a mer. It must be. Mer sightings are incredibly rare. You’re in the palm of a legend. A giant one at that.
What you now presume to be the mer’s thumb passes over you cautiously. You flinch despite his obvious attempt at telegraphing the movement. To someone your size it still happens a little too fast. The sinew in your neck hurts, wrung with tension as the thumb stops an inch short of your crown. Seconds elapse. There’s a light pressure, liquid streaming down your face, a back and forth motion, a low warbling.
The mer is petting you.
“Wha—?” your voice comes out rasped, painful as it scratches the inside of your throat. Dissolving into a violent coughing fit, you curl forward with arms crossed over your stomach as you vomit, crying out through the sharp stabs in your ribs. Overhead, the mer whines, and you’re prepared this time as his hands move.
“I’m… I’m okay, I think,” you croaked, mostly to yourself, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. The acrid taste of blood and salt lingers in your teeth. Suddenly, a warm gust of air knocks the wind out of you— the tremors too. The soft hair on your arms prickles at the sudden chill as the warmth retreats, but you’re grateful to be a little dryer.
When you glance up the mer is much closer. His face has gentled into sadness. He'd huffed a breath over you the same way one might do to keep their hands warm. You are struck by the thoughtfulness. Unlike the old stories this mer seemed intent on keeping you alive. So far he has treated you softly, albeit clumsily, and tried to comfort you. Understanding settles over you accompanied by a sense of helplessness. To this mer you are probably nothing more than an injured baby bird.
“Did…” you try to speak louder, the words strained. “Did you save me?”
The moonlight kisses him just right. His expression blooms when you speak, a reflexive trill building in his throat to verbalise happiness. Beneath the mass of curls on his head there are two fin shaped ears fluttering. Giant as he may be, the mer is… cute, as well as devastating.
You swallow and wince. It feels like sandpaper. “Can you understand me?” you ask, purposefully slow. Any local information gathered about merfolk was either a lie or rumour. Some say they can understand spoken word and others don’t. Perhaps this mer had migrated from far away where the human tongue is different. Or maybe it was his first time meeting a person. That would explain the enthusiasm.
You’re given a plaintive blink. Membranous lids first, outer lids after. The muted roll of the waves fills the silence as you gaze at one another, nearly forgetting your question all together as you’re pulled in— wading through sea glass depths. Two pulsing clicks ripple across the open water and you startle out of your reverie.
He tips to meet you halfway. You steel yourself, unsteady as you try to stand, and choke a laugh when the creature nudges his nose into your middle. He rumbles a purr, as though pleased by the proximity. You shudder when it resonates pleasantly through your body.
“Okay that’s—dangerous,” you strain a laugh, bracing against his nose. Fatigue threads its way into your muscles. The adrenaline is beginning to wear off and giving way to a harsh headache. Your eyes close, the only mercy being that it is dark out. The mer exhales another hot breath against your lap.
“Guess you won’t be talking anytime soon,” you continue aloud. A weak smile curls at your lips as you recline to look at him better, “Sorry if I don’t make good company”.
Seeing him cross eyed makes you laugh, even through the tenderness, and you stroke your hand against his cheek; so contrivedly real looking that it seems like it must be a trick. Licking the salt water from your lips, you drag your palms from freckle to freckle, forming patterns and constellations. His skin is deceptively soft. Smooth and slippery— like blubber, you can only assume.
“You’re so gorgeous,” you lean into the hum he is emitting, low and supple. You reach with fingertips stretched to skim along his lower lashes. Closer now you see the green hues in his hair where the light reflects. Though he might not be able to understand the language you hoped your reverence would carry through in your tone. You think perhaps it does; a faint red glow stains his fin tipped ears and happy whistles quake through your bones.
The saccharine moment is cut short by something splashing nearby. It sounds big. You startle with a yelp, cowering back into the safety of the mer’s hand. Glancing back over his shoulder, face crinkled and lips thin, you thought he looked almost petulant. How unsettlingly human it is.
Collapsing into a puddle of vertigo, you clutch your head as he suddenly turns. A sad trill reverberates in your skull and you’re sliding, the too-corporeal ground rising to meet you. You land with a thump on damp wood where he puts you down, forcing a pained wheeze from your throat.
Another splash. This time it is followed by a stern wailing call that forces a frantic urgency into the mer’s movements. From above he looks between you and the black horizon, eyes wide and beseeching, as though he wanted to impress his intentions with his gaze. You think you get it.
I’ll be back soon, he’s saying. “Go,” you try to smile and gesture to your surroundings. “It’s not like I can go anywhere anytime soon”.
Relief colours his features. Then he’s gone. Sinking into the ocean like a stone, frighteningly silent. The boat rolls over a passing wave and nausea churns in your stomach. You squint through the moonlight, dizzy, and make out the limp flapping material of the sail, now torn and strewn across the deck. Good enough.
You gather strength and stretch to pull it over your form. If drowning didn’t take you then hypothermia would. Dark spots gather in your vision, closing in as you curl into yourself. The ocean rocks you gently in her arms. You can only lie back—on what you now know to be remains of the boat—listen to the rasp in your breathing, watch the flickering stars blur together, and think of how small you really are.
When you wake the sky is bleeding into dawn with the quieting rays of light. Soft enough that you can look directly at the sun and see the blushing canvas it paints. Sitting up with a wounded groan, you stare at the far off horizon. You cannot discern where reality began and your dreams ended, only that at some point you walked between them.
Tugging the tarp close to your chest you survey the surroundings. Pinpricks of seawater spray up the hull. The mast has been snapped in half and the main sails are gone along with the helm. Below the cabin is flooded. Most of the resources you brought, along with the VHF radio, have seemingly gone overboard.
Your lips are unbearably dry. Skin splits, iron mixing with salt. You inhale deeply, lungs bloating with crisp air, and exhale raggedly through the soreness. First priority is water. Like a newborn calf you amble over to the hatch. There are coolers fixed to the floors under the cockpit that you hope survived—
One broken and empty. One mostly undamaged.
“C’mon… Please…” opening the lock is more strenuous than it should be. Your fingers tremble and slip, still numb. A sob wracks your body. Relief buckles you at the knees and you brace against the counter. Inside is an emergency flare gun and an assortment of non perishables, including biscuits and bottled water.
You fumble with the bottle cap, shaking as you bring it to your mouth. It immediately soothes your throat and you begin to gulp mouthfuls, pulling off only for breath. Tearing the biscuit packet open with your teeth you settle back in the spot you slept on. It crumbles, dry enough to stick to the roof of your mouth, but food is food.
Two things are certain. You’re stuck here, and you have no idea how far off course the storm threw you. You shoot the first flare, a bright red vein soaring into the sky, leaving you with nothing to do but wait. The gun had at least three more rounds. Would anybody see it out here?
Another streak of light flares as the sun rises and casts an orange shimmer across the ocean surface. The giant mer crosses your thoughts as your eyes drag over the large indent pressed into the side of the boat. Though unsure if he existed at all you miss the security of his hands.
You lose focus listening to the sea exhale. Barely cognisant of the formless blur spreading like ink in the distance, growing in size the closer it gets. It slows a few feet away and the momentum has waves jolting through the water. Scrambling to grab the side of the boat as it jerks, ice grips at your heart when you notice the huge shadow lingering nearby.
When it rises the blur sharpens and takes shape. Features distort, rippling under the tide, and you daren’t blink. Eyes of sea glass stare back with equal hesitance. Cool morning light reflects off dark green curls, strands laid to a pale forehead, flat and reminiscent of wet seaweed. The surface breaks dramatically, water rushing down his head and fizzling into foam.
You release a staggered breath, realising you’d been holding it. A mer really had saved you. In daylight you can appreciate the sheer size of him. Shoulders near the width of your boat, covered in opalescent scales and dark scars.
Emboldened by your silence a careful hum vibrates in his throat. His gills pulse and flutter as he comes in closer. The sun is eclipsed by his hand, shadows looming across the deck where his fingers come to rest. Careful, retreating quickly when the structure groans, and then returning again, gentler.
“You… came back,” you whisper. Disbelief bleeds into your voice. A needling sensation flows to your legs as you stand. You grasp his fingertip and the mer smiles— a trill behind his lips, stretched warmly across his face, enough to lift the swell of his freckled cheeks. Light undulates brightly in his eyes, swaying like patterns you see on the seafloor.
“It’s good to know I didn’t lose my mind,” a wave of uncertainty washes over you as the mer watches you expectantly. There’s a clear intelligence in his gaze, rapt inquisitiveness, but you can’t yet be sure he really understands. Equally, you know precisely nothing about mer social etiquette. “Does this make us friends? You’re friendly, right? I hope so. I probably taste like shit, you know”.
Ignoring his curious hum you brace against his hand and lean toward the edge of the deck. Illuminated by the sunlit hues, more of his upper body is visible to you. Waves lap placidly up a strong chest, smooth muscled pecs glistening. The scales spanning his flanks are notably larger and thicker.
You wonder the science behind his existence, if it was simply work of the Gods, or there was some reason for him to be so egregiously large. Merfolk have always been depicted as human sized or close enough to it. “...Guess I should give you a name. You’re pretty green. Midori? Too simple. How about Midoriya?”
His finger wiggles slightly with a playful whistle, happy about the name. It bends to curl around you. Even a slight shift causes the boat to dip. What must be an imperceptible movement for him nearly knocks you on your feet. “Ah—Steady!” your yelp scratches at the inside of your throat and nausea pulses hot in your stomach. “Oh, fuck. That sucked”.
Midoriya’s head tilts and he croons. It sounds apologetic. “Just go easy with me, alright? You could probably squash me like a bug,” you squint at the folds in his finger, and further at the gossamer webbing in the spaces between each knuckle as your stomach twists uncomfortably in hunger. Asking him to bring you fish would probably be futile.
Patting the firm heel you move away from his hand and dismiss his solemn whine. For a creature his size he sure was a bundle of nerves. “Don’t panic. I just need to eat something,” you pick the bottled water up once more and sip, keeping it held in your mouth for a few precious seconds. The sun flares as the giant creature moves silently, leaning in closer. He huffs through his nose at the food packets.
“Nu-uh, you can’t have these. They’re mine,” the biscuit falls apart, sodden between your damp fingers. Tasteless and yet not so insipid now that you’re with company. Swallowing thickly, you watch the large body bob and dither beside the boat, scrutinising your every move.
Hell, you’re not even doing anything particularly interesting. This must be how animals feel in zoos.
Dragging your gaze to the skies your thoughts turn toward getting home. There is nothing for miles. Laid out before you is a near seamless horizon, planes blurring together the longer you look. “Hey, Midoriya. Are you the only one out here, or are there more?” Whales were your first thought. They traveled in pods, to your knowledge. “Is that who called out to you last night?”
Midoriya’s answer comes in wide eyed blinks. A self deprecating smile thins across your lips. The lack of response is expected, though you are struck by the quick flash of emotion crossing his expression as you say, “Nevermind. As long as nothing comes around to eat me before I die on this stupid boat”.
Midoriya pouts. Shakes his head and makes it rain. He clicks firmly before descending into the depths again. You panic and scramble closer to the edge, wondering if you’d upset him, but find that he is lazily circling the area back and forth. His hair moves in soft tendrils around his face, dancing along the current. Your eyes widen, mouth open in awe as he dives lower and suddenly—
Opalescent hues of green and red. Breaching the surface Midoriya arcs his body into the air and twists his torso in your direction, arms splayed out in joy. There isn’t enough time to appreciate him all. His lower half is longer than his upper body, thicker at his waist bordered by wispy iridescent pelvic fins that flare in the breeze, another running the length of his spine. The tail tapers, narrowing toward a large fork ending with two broad fins.
He lands with a great splash. Exhilarated laughter shakes your shoulders as you cling to the nearest fixture, swaying clumsily over the oncoming waves. You squint through the thin spray. White sea foam ripples out in wide rings, sparkling softly under the sun and dissolving in the calm.
“Holy shit,” adrenaline numbs the tenderness throbbing in your gullet. Midoriya jumps again as he draws closer to you, this time with less height, and you cup your hands around your mouth to cheer for him. His beaming grin is all sharp teeth when he resurfaces, finned ears vibrating. He looks happy that you’re happy.
Part of you remains one foot in disbelief. You expect that anytime now you will wake up washed up on an old forgotten beach. Another cannot discount how real the mer feels under your palms as you reach for him, the vibration of his pleased hum shaking your bones and warming your belly. Midoriya rises up into the insignificant touch like a pampered feline and forces your arms wider to accept more of him.
A strong briney smell fills your senses. “That was incredible. Were you trying to cheer me up?” plastered to his cheek in some poor imitation of a hug, you press an exaggerated kiss to his cheek. A glow spreads across his skin like circuitry, crossing over his nose bridge, flushed red. It makes the air taste metallic. You feel another warm exhale billowing where his own mouth pouts, pushing against your lap. Tears prickle behind your eyes and you blink them away as the anxiety in your chest recedes, “Thanks, big guy”.
Midoriya keeps you company well into the day, never straying too far. You acclimate to his presence and feel at ease with him by your side. Hair half dry in the softening light of the afternoon sun he lets you coil his waves around your arm with eyes crinkled at the corners. He doesn’t appear to be bored in the slightest.
You’re kept under his watchful eyes as you amble around what remains of the boat for something, anything, that might help you get home. At one point you wade into the flooded cabin and search for the HF radio again only to be bombarded by a cornucopia of concerned wailing. Lesson learned: Midoriya does not like when you’re out of sight. You come up empty handed, vexed and dizzy.
There are a few instances you’re almost tipped over despite Midoriya’s determination to be careful. One by one, you are gifted with more current-smoothed stones and rusted trinkets than you know how to carry. His curious hand pokes at the broken equipment strewn around. You end up rambling for hours, explaining each gifted object to him to keep yourself conscious. It’s not as if the mer is an unwilling participant. You might be unable to understand him but the stuttered clicking and whistles he responds with are as close to conversation as you're going to get. Plus— it’s cute.
Noon elapses and no vessels in sight. Now laid beside the indent left in the hull, your vision rises and falls as the ocean shifts. Midoriya lies parallel to you, on his back, buoyed on the surface and sunning himself. He looks a lot more vibrant than before, as though he had really soaked up the daylight. A true picture of serenity. His eyes are closed for the first time; an opportunity to observe him candidly.
There are deep scars on his arms, and elsewhere too. Healed pink on skin and pallid white where his scales would be. Your gaze drags lower, over his bare front, appreciating the defined peaks of his abdomen. Down to a toned navel where scales climb over his hip bones, pale skin gradually blending into rich green. Further, to the powerful muscled tail elevated in the water. You absentmindedly lick your lips and wonder where his di—
You halt. Heat flashes through his body in a strange mix of shame and arousal and you violently shake your head as if to throw away the thought.
Midoriya hums. Snapping back you meet that drowsy half lidded stare, caught red handed. You gulp and offer a sheepish grin, “Sorry. I just wanted a closer look”.
At that the mer turns noiselessly and broad ripples fan out into the distance. Cautious, you push up onto your forearms as Midoriya proffered his hand, indicating that you jump onto his palm. Your spine straightens with a frisson of excitement.
“You’ll let me see?” you gestures to yourself and then to the others' languid repose. Midoriya’s eyelids blink. He tilts expectantly. “Fuck. Okay. Promise to catch me?”
Click, click, whistle. It’s as good a ‘yes’ as any.
Weak in the knees, you feel your thighs ache as you move. A rush of wind blows over, sharp and chilly. Your pulse throbs and knocks around your skull. It’s more strenuous than it should be to climb down, a deep instinct unwilling to part with the railings, fighting fear as you hang your lower body over the depths.
Midoriya scoops you up delicately. Your stomach rolls at the sudden change in direction, gravity bearing down on you. You land in the shallow of his palm on hands and knees. Head lifted, you lock eyes, and a sonorous trill thrums through your veins.
“What did I say about being caref—Hey!”
He brings you to his chest. Legs unfurl from under your hips as you slide down onto his collar and land feet first in the ankle deep water covering his body, soaking your pants through. Midoriya is safe, solid ground beneath you, buoyed on the ocean surface, yet still uniquely soft in the way relaxed muscle often is.
You keep tension in your abdomen for balance and give a cursory glance, first seeking permission before wading toward the cluster of green curling around his shoulders. A webwork glow blooms quietly across his skin and hems the edge of his scales red.
Midoriya’s pleased face takes up most of your peripheral vision. A plump mouth filled with pointed teeth that could swallow you whole juxtaposed by the wobbly smile playing on his lips. You crouch, knees wet, and brush your fingers against the hard plates decorating his skin. They’re slightly slimy and the smallest ones are the size of your hand.
“They’re beautiful, Midoriya,” you tell him earnestly, grinning. The kaleidoscopic patterns in his irises appear as though they’re dancing. Flecks of white and gold gleam amidst the green. Humming in dulcet tones, heavy streams of seawater rain down on you as his thumb comes to rest atop your head once again. There’s barely any pressure— seems you no longer need to worry that he might accidentally break your neck.
You squeezed your eyes shut, exhaling harshly as the thick rivulets trickled over your face and glaring the second you looked back at him. “You’re lucky you’re so cute,” your nose wrinkles, brine lingering unpleasantly in his nostrils. You think you can taste it in the back of your throat. Deku is busy preening, turned into the crook of his arm and creating waves, flustered by such a simple compliment.
A cherry blush follows the path of your thumb as it returns to smoothing over the tiny ridges impressed into each individual scale; retaining your heat for a few seconds before fading into green. They flash luridly at your words—specifically your praise. Knowing you had such an effect on a mer of his magnitude stokes something in you, possessive and fond, a feeling you’re not sure you’ll ever be able to replicate. But it also confirmed what you had been suspecting for most of the day.
“I knew it. You can understand me,” you accuse breathlessly. It isn’t a question. “You’ve been pretending this entire time”.
Midoriya’s expression wanes. His brows pinch into a doleful frown, eyes crossing to tentatively watch you stand and trudge toward his tucked chin, almost losing balance where his collarbones dip and the water suddenly deepens.
Fingers nudged under your thighs to act as a seat. You startle at the sudden elevation; it’s still surreal to feel the ground collapse beneath your feet, your knees collapsing against the pressure. Midoriya brings you up to his face, letting his tail sink into an upright position. Gasp caught in your throat you frantically hang onto the end of his nose. The large mer whistles quietly. Low and forlorn like an apology.
From up here you’re all too aware of up and down— endless in every direction, surrounded by a flat canvas of blue. He’s the only thing you can see for miles. Bottom low caught between your teeth you turn inward, squashing your cheek against him.
“You know I can’t stay here, right?” you tell him. Midoriya listens attentively. You’re close enough to hear the soft slide of lids drawing across his eyes, stained gills venting as he breathes, the waves crashing against his back. You point to the far horizon, “I need to go home, or close to it. Think you can help me one more time, hero?”
You aren’t prepared for the mer to sulk. The lower half of his face slips beneath the water and you’re face to face with a freckled forehead. Looking up at you now, eyes big and round like a puppy, he blows air out from his mouth to create a sad burst of bubbles. You had vastly underestimated his attachment to you; and your own fast-grown affection for him.
But he nods anyway, setting you back on the worn deck and righting his posture. Unfounded guilt squirms in your chest, tightening as you relays the plan in simple terms, knowing that these would probably be your final moments with him.
Get nearer to the shore and fire a flare. That was the plan. He pointed in a specific direction when you asked if he knew where the land was. Unable to understand his complex vocalisations you simply needed to trust he could do it. Easy— the day will darken so the flare will be more visible against the gloaming. You could play the fool and claim the tide brought you in. Most importantly there was no risk of Midoriya being seen and put in danger.
As the sky dims the sun begins to sheath itself below the horizon. The numbness spreading through your limbs at least meant you couldn’t feel the cold.
“We don’t need to get too close,” you kneel over the edge of the bow to speak to him. Hands that held you delicately are now wrapped around the hull, ready to push. “Your kind stays hidden for a reason, right? I don’t want people trying to come after you”.
You consider the gleam in his gaze. Appreciative and amused, as though he found it endearing that you would be worried about him. “That confident, huh?”
Receiving a toothy grin—eyes closing and smiling with him— you find you’re no longer nervous.
Consistently gentle, Midoriya guides the boat. The ocean parts around the oncoming obstruction and leaves behind a long trail of foam. That red network of veins returns, glowing across his upper body as the velocity increases, his powerfully muscled tail working to propel you forward and glinting in the warm evening light.
You call for him to stop when the distant skyline becomes uneven, the familiar bumps and divots of mountains near your port town and the islands surrounding it. The mer brakes abruptly, tall waves crashing up over the deck as your body is thrown backward, narrowly missing the broken mast. You can hear the various gifts he gave you rolling into one another over his frantic stuttered clicks as Midoriya tries to get a look in.
“I’m okay! I’m alive,” barely, you think. There’s a worrisome pain in your rib you can’t let yourself think about. The ground beneath you tips as his fingers come to rest on the boat's edge. You begin to slide on your ass, unceremoniously careening toward him, vertigo flooding your senses.
Midoriya catches you, murmuring at your spluttered curses. Abruptly, you cover his mouth and swallow the acrid bile crawling up your throat, mustering up a tired glare. Heart palpitating, it echoes harshly through your body. The muscles in your legs are heavy like wet sand and your vision doubles, overlaps, and then rights itself.
“Starting to think you like manhandling me,” you croaked teasingly. It’s a testament to Midoriya’s attentiveness that he hasn’t accidentally killed you yet. Though you wouldn’t be surprised if most of your organs had completely rearranged themselves given how you’ve been thrown around in the past few hours.
The playful air dwindles when reality rears it's head. “…I guess this is it, hero”.
There’s that sad sorry sound again. Melancholy bleeds into the atmosphere as silence befalls the two of you. Staring intently at one another, committing faces to memory; kiss curls tucked behind ears, faint sunspots, scales of green and honeydew, the luminescence that belies his true emotions. You wondered what Midoriya saw as he looked back at you. Just a silly lost human.
“Thank you, Midoriya,” your palm cups his cheek, thumb stroking beneath his eye, a touch that probably feels like an itch. He leans into it anyway. “You saved me twice now. I’ll never forget this”.
A mellifluous song thrummed in his throat. You feel the vibrations under your hand and it seeps honeyed and sweet into your bones. Outlined in soft evening light against a dusky sky, Midoriya nuzzles you one last time.
You’re anchored by unexpected grief when he sets you down. The hull rocks as the tide rolls. Water cascades down his scarred forearm as he lifts it up, fist unfurling to reveal a single scale. His scale.
You gape. “You’re giving me this…?”
He suddenly looks painfully bashful you scrambled to take it; a scale still wrought with luminescent colour, alive, still connected to him in ways he may never understand. Having it, holding him. Even after you were home Midoriya would be with you.
Emotion swells within you, struck by the trust you’ve been given. Merfolk remain a mystery for a reason. Human greed knows no bounds and money would be no object if you decided to sell him out.
“Thank you, I—I promise I’ll keep it safe. And you, Midoriya. I won't tell anyone,” you vowed, cradling the scale close.
Shadows widen across the bow as he then rises up ever so slightly. Midoriya dipped his chin. Your eyes reflexively clenched shut at the wet pillowy press of his lips taking up the entire left side of your face. A kiss. Seawater rivulets drop down to your collar, soaking into the fabric. Before you can speak he does it again, lower this time. Mouth pressed to your front, beginning at your chest and ending at your navel. A purr rumbles in his throat. You shudder, thighs clenching as the titillating vibrations reverberate between them.
When Midoriya pulls back his finned ears are vibrating earnestly and his scales flush red. The surface of the water is suddenly displaced and the waves are forced in every direction as he darts away from the boat with a trill, resurfacing a few feet away. “I see how it is. The type to hit and quit, eh?” your voice grows louder, lips twitching into a besotted smile. Egregiously lightheaded and giddy, you yell out, “I’ll miss you, Midoriya! Don’t forget about me!”
Midoriya responds in kind. He waves coyly—understanding more than he lets on—yet remains at a distance until the flare is lit. It arced far into the darkened sky with a quiet hiss, casting a spotlight over your stranded vessel, and only when lights blink in the distance does he disappear from view.
You tuck the scale into your waistband, concealed beneath your shirt. The rescue boat approaches at high speeds. Garish red with a v-shaped hull, cutting through the sea to reach you. There’s a five person squad sidling up at your side, immediately tending to any major injuries and tightly strapping a thick orange life jacket around your upper half.
“What happened?”
“Got caught in the storm last night. Was stranded until the tide brought me in”.
“Do you know your name?” You give it in full along with your birthday. “Are you dizzy? Nauseous?” More than they can imagine.
Concussion, they tell you. Fractures, probably.
“What’s all this?”
“Oh, that…” you turned to gaze at the collection of things Midoriya brought to you throughout the afternoon. “That was there when I woke up here”.
“Strange. Maybe a mer took a liking to ya,” the man, Oda, grins. His mouth is crooked, speaking in a tone meant to be playful.
“What makes you say that?”
He blinks, expression dimming. “Never heard the stories?” You shake your head. “Sailors used to say finding gifts an’ sea stones on board was an omen. Especially the shiny ones. Meant a mer wanted to seduce you”.
Another voice, their name escapes you, interrupts. “Eh? I thought they did that whole singing thing?”
Oda yanks a blanket around your shoulders with more force than necessary as he shoots his crew mate an exasperated glare. “That’s sirens, idiot”.
“What’s the difference?”
You tune out their bickering, acutely aware of all the polished stones in the pile. Of the scale hidden flat to your back. You look to the calm dark surface, throat swelling at the implication. Hand held to your left cheek you feel the plush impression of Midoriya’s lips like a phantom. Accepting his offerings— what had that meant? To him, to you?
The muffled voices come back into focus as Oda rounds on you once more, encouraging you onto the rescue vessel. “C’mon, let’s get’cha home. And don’t stress the big stuff, we’ll tow your boat in”.
You can’t take your eyes off the ocean, aching. The distinct feeling that you have misplaced something incredibly important sits poignantly in the recesses of your mind. It sees you to the dock, strong-armed into an ambulance because your legs have forgotten what solid earth is, and when the doors slam shut to obstruct the view your chest hollows out.
The hour is past midnight and the streets are empty. Miraculously you're mostly unharmed. You make it home with bruising, hairline fractures and a bad concussion. Your body looked a bit like a pollock painting if you squinted, blue and black converging on one another around your skin, vascular threads of purple hemming your ribcage. Painkillers dulled the pain enough that movement was tolerable.
Oda kept his word, decent enough to salvage your things. They are lumped together in a crate hidden in the doorway, an ever present reminder that what happened was real, not a figment of your concussed imagination. The scale remained awkwardly concealed under your shirt. You peel off your clothes, taking it between your hands. Vision adjusted to the darkness, you see a fleeting shimmer passing through the ridges, reflecting on your bedroom walls before dimming.
You climb into bed, plagued by thoughts of Midoriya. His plaintive farewell song, the reverent stars in his eyes whenever you spoke, the affectionate lean into your every touch. You should leave it alone. Let it be. A sane person would allow the memory age naturally and change into a story to recite over sake for years to come. After all, sometimes things just happened to you, like gravity or grief— or being the object of affection for a mer about the size of two school buses.
Scale cuddled to your front, the memory of his mouth laid itself against your sternum. It pins you to the mattress and begin to hum. The notes are almost tangible, echoing through skin, close-lipped and soothing. A final thought bleeds into your consciousness as it slips:
You hope you can find him again.
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gglitch1dd · 2 years
Day 3: Exploring Eachother
Mershark Kirishima x Human AFAB Reader
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You always loved taking a walk on the beach, when suddenly, the most beautiful voice was calling to you, from beyond the waves
(NSFW Warning)
Warning: Two dicks tbh. Mentions of abandonment. Reader not believing that Kiri is a masc mer. Oh well... seeing is believing. Fish Katsuki appears at the end.
You had always loved visiting your gran by the sea. She lived to a house right by the sea, just a bit above sea level where the water wouldn’t touch it if the oceans rose at night. She lived a bit away from the town because she believed in beings that lived under the waves, older than any human could live up to. She used to tell you of all the things she would do to help them. She would sit you by the waves, the water by your feet and warm sand under your hands and tell you stories of her advantages.
She would tell you of the handsome and beautiful mers that she was friends with and all the times they would take her under the waves to a world beyond your imagination. She told you of times where she would help provide food for them when the fisherman had overfished one too many times.
Your parents always told you to never listen to her. Your father often told you how she had swallowed one too many drops of sea water in her life. Of course, your gran knew that everyone thought she was crazy, but some of the villagers knew she wasn’t and she knew she wasn’t too. She had always hoped that one day when you were older, she could introduce you to them so that you would love them just as much as she did.
But that day never came.
With gran gone, you didn’t have anyone to visit by the coast anymore and there were not anymore visits. However, once you had learnt that your parents wanted to sell her cottage, you couldn’t let that slide. So you offered to drive to the coast and find some way of convincing them not to sell it or at least to let it be rented out. Which was how you got to the coastal town of Yuuie. Most of the villagers remembered you, recalling crazy times with you and your gran. They were glad to hear you were going to be at her cottage, but they advised you above all else.
Don’t go walking out at night by the coast.
Most of them said that’s how your grandmother got bewitched by the sirens. You obviously thought that it was just a bunch of townspeople nonsense.
Which is why you made the stupid decision to head down to the coast at night. It was a beautiful night, with the wind blowing cool air in your face, the smell of the sea at your back and salt and sand lined your calves and feet. You smiled in happiness at the beauty of the ocean. It was breathtaking. Even with the moon just over the horizon and the waves deep, dark and abyss like, it still was like no other view you had ever seen.
As you hummed to yourself as you walked the coast, you stopped as you heard something. Floating to your ears, amongst the sounds of the waves crashing against the coast, was a voice. You kept moving forward hearing the voice grow louder and louder. It was singing. Gorgeous singing that had you enchanted before you even realised you were. As you walked forward, almost in a daze, you noticed that the voice wasn’t feminine. It was masculine. A voice unyielded and free. You found yourself heading towards the base of a cliff and giant rocks. You could tell the voice was coming from here.
You moved around and then you found a dark hole that led into the unknown. Thoughtlessly, you followed the voice, having to get on your knees and crawl in. It wasn’t a long crawl until you could stand at your full height. The voice was louder now, echoing in the dark tunnel of the cave walls. Now accompanying the voice was the dripping of water and slight twinkle. You moved deeper, following a luminescent blue light.
Soon you found yourself standing in the darkness, blue light illuminating your face as you were left in shock. Sitting in front of you, on a rock, I shit you not, was a long red-haired being of the sea. Your mouth dropped in shock. They were moving their head side to side as they sang, enjoying the toon of the song. You noticed multiple scars on their back and by their waist was where skin blended into a thick tail that reminded you of a great white shark.
“I don’t know when... I don’t know how...”
You were left flabbergasted.
You had found motherfucking Ariel and you were literally about to cry. “Ariel?”
The singing stopped. “Ariel?” The deep voice asking, turning around to face you was a beautiful face, with ruby red round eyes and thick lashes. “Who in All Might’s seven seas is Arie-” He stopped talking as you both looked at each other face to face. His face dropped once he realised that you were not a mer talking to him. His pupils constricted in fear and worry. “It’s a human...” He stated. “Oh my All Might, it’s a human.” He voiced out in disbelief. For a moment, nothing happened between the both of you. You just stared at one another, shocked to find the other there. You watched as his pupils blew out as he gasped with a bright expression with a smile. It was then you saw razor sharp teeth that were lined to perfection. “A HUMAN!” He shouted in excitement as he held his hands to his face.
Your face was split into one of slight confusion at the sounds he was making. It sounded almost like cat noises. You tilted your head. However, that was short lived as you watched the red head dive into the waves. Your face fell at that. He left.
You took a few steps forward closer to the rocky pool. “Hello.” You voiced out uncertain as you took a few more steps forward. “I’m sorry I scared you.” You apologised. “I promise I won’t kill yo- wow that’s a stupid thing for a human to say.” You voiced out to yourself. You shook your head as you got closer to the glowing pool. You went down on your knees as you brought your face close to the pool, hoping you would be able to see him again. Maybe if you made some high-pitched noises as well, he would come back.
However, you didn’t have to, as not more than a meter away from you, peaking out of the surface were two round red eyes. They looked at you with interest at your presence. You looked at him in surprise to find him back. He tilted his head as he swam closer to you, slowly. You stared right back at him. He stuck his whole head out the water, allowing you to see the gills that were still open underneath the water. He smiled broadly up at you. Even though his smile was lined with sharp teeth that could no doubt cut you with little to no effort, his smile was beautiful. Real and almost as bright as the sun.
“A human. A real human.” He whispered in surprise and excitement. “It has been ages since I’ve talked to one of you guys again. I can’t believe it. I-” You watched as the merman talked to you, but you didn’t understand a word he was saying. It all came out in sharp trills, growls and other noises you couldn’t understand. He seemed really invested in what he was saying to you. You didn’t want to interrupt him but you really wished you knew what he was talking about. “And this is so-” He noticed your expression and his expression dropped. A smile left his face as he stared at you with his mouth in a thin line. He pointed a finger to himself. “You don’t understand me, do you?” He asked. Considering you didn’t answer him back, just staring at him, he took that as a yes. He sighed with a shake of his head.
As fast as lightning, before you could even realise what was going on, he grabbed your head between his hands and pulled your face to meet his. Your eyes widened at the kiss. His eyes closed as he used his tail to reach your height out of the water easily and kiss you. He was rather warm for a fish. His hands were wet but they weren’t slimy like you expected. Before you could even freak out that you were kissing a merman, he sunk back into the water, letting go of you.
“Sorry about that.” You heard him say in your language. Your eyes widened in surprise that he was speaking to you and you could understand him. His voice was much lower and really suited him. It was rather beautiful just like the rest of him. “I forgot you don’t speak Mer.” He spoke truthfully as he scratched the back of his head, in embarrassment with a short giggle. You found him cute. He placed one webbed hand onto his broad chest. “I am Eijiro, of the Kirishima clan.” He introduced with a bow of his head.
“Uh...” You forgot your name. You placed your hand on your chest and followed his actions. “I am Y/N of the... the L/N clan?” You sounded rather unsure whether you were saying that right, but considering his face lit up, you probably did. “Are you a mermaid?”  You asked.
His face scrunched up at the question. “A mermaid! Do I look like a femme to you?” He asked clearly offended by your question. He folded his large strong arms over his chest with a glare.
Your eyes trailed the part of his body that you could see. He had round rather feminine eyes with thick lashes and blinked in a slow way that reminded you of that of a siren effect. He had long thick red hair that pooled around him in the water that suited him perfectly and even his cut-out features seemed soft in some places. His chest was large and broad, thick pecs on his chest with a body covered in muscle but since he seemed rather relaxed, he had a rather soft effect to him. He had a smaller waist though, that made him have a sort of hourglass figure. Honestly, whatever gender he was, he screamed gender envy to you.
You leaned back with your arms up in surrender. He let out a grunt with a huff, happy that you took back your statement wordlessly. He pointed a finger to his chest. “I’m a mershark. A masc Mershark.” He informed you, puffing up his chest a bit more in pride.
That’s when you truly took notice of how big his body was. He was huge, even though he was making himself seem smaller. His broad body was no doubt bigger than yours and if he was out the water, he would no doubt probably be twice your size. He had cute little finned out ears that moved every now and then. You tilted your head as you poked his nose. Kirishima looked down at his nose and twitched it and frowned as he felt his head become a bit lightheaded at the tap. He had a real sensitive nose. He then smiled again and looked back up at you.
“What do you use your nose for?” You asked him.
“To smell!” He grinned up at you. “I breathe through my gills in water, so I only really use my nose for smelling things.” At that last point you heard him sniff. Kirishima moved closer to you as his eyes trained on you in interest. “You... you smell...” He sniffed again, following his nose to the end of the pool.
He was trying to find the scent that followed you. He finally took notice of how you smelled and he wanted to know more. However the pool only went so far. He put his hands on the edge of the pool and with no issue whatsoever, he pushed himself up. Your eyes widened at his large build up close. His large muscle stacked arms, held him above water. Water dripped down his muscles and thick skin as he leaned over down to you. You looked up at him with a heated face as it finally realised that you were faced to face with a predator that could easily take control over you. He sniffed closer to you. At any moment, you got ready to punch him in the nose, just like you would a shark.
He stopped for a moment. “You smell nice. Really nice. What is it?” He asked as he tried to sniff over your body, trying to find the origin. You fell back on your butt trying to put space between him and you as he sniffed you inquisitively. He bent down to sniff at your chest and then down your stomach until he got freakishly close between your legs.
“Oi!” You pushed his face away with your foot. Easily disorientating the mershark. “That’s not nice!” You scold him. You pointed a finger at him in disappointment. You watched as his ears fanned down almost like puppy ears and his pupils went big. He let out a whine as he frowned. It was a cute sound, almost like a sad puppy. “You don’t go around sniffing people d-down... down there.” You frowned, trying to block of your embrassed expression.
Kirishima looked down as he took in what you were saying. “Hm... but that’s how we make friends and introduce ourselves to potential mates.” He told you honestly.
“Well when we want to make friends or... or meet someone, we talk to them, Eijiro. We talk.” You emphasised. “Like how I am talking to you.”
His eyebrows furrowed as he thought over what you said. “So... are we friends?”
You hesitated and shrugged. “If you want to be friends.”
Kirishima’s face lit up as he nodded his head furiously.
That’s how you became friends with your redheaded mershark fellow. With him, you could barely keep track of time, because the hours would just slip by. He was such a sweetheart and really just cared for all of those in his pod and all around him. For a mershark, he really wasn’t vicious or blood thirsty at all. Maybe it scared you at first, how easily his eyes would home in on the fish you would bring for him to snack on, but you soon got used to it. He was funny and great at story telling.
He would tell you stories of when he was just a seapup and would navigate the oceans on his own. Apparently, some mersharks were a lot like regular sharks, lacked the necessary paternal instincts to raise their kin. So once mershark pups would learn to swim and grew in their sharp talons and teeth, they were left on their own. It made you cry when you first heard about it. At first, Kirishima was very confused as to why water was coming out of your eyes, but then he saw it as a sign of sadness. He apologised for making you sad, but you tried telling him that it wasn’t him necessarily making you sad. To make you feel better, he told you about how he had met his aunt and her mate and were raised by them.
“Most sharks are real nice.” He told you as you sat with you feet in the water with him floating on his back, his hands resting on his abdomen. “They really just mind their own business unless their hungry. Mersharks are nice too, but we’re a bit more aggressive.”
“How come?” You asked as you raised your eyebrow at that.
Kirishima hesitated as he thought of an answer to that. “Uh…  It’s hard to explain.” He told you. He sighed as he sunk a bit lower, swimming back to float vertically. He swam closer to you, placing his arms on the edge of the pool, and resting his head on them. “Everyone sees us as predators so we aren’t often received well. It causes some tension and natural bitterness towards others because of it.” He explained to you.
You nodded your head understanding why mersharks might behave in such a way. “Ah…  I see.” You looked down at Kirishima who was looking up at you with wide red eyes. You smiled down at him, placing your hand on his head. You moved your hand to behind his ear to scratch there. “Well, you’re nice Eijiro.” You informed him. This earned you a cute purr like rumble and smile as he leaned into your hand almost like a cat.
He also told you many tales of his adventures and mishaps with, what sounded like a very violent friend, named Katsuki of the Bakugou clan. He was apparently a very pretty but also rather angry merman. A prince apparently. He was the son of the chief of the pod and took his job rather seriously. Kirishima had expressed how he wanted you to meet Bakugou, but the merman was very sceptical of humans, so Kirishima would have to butter him up first.
His pod lived in the area (underwater of course) and hunted in the waters around. The fisherman usually stuck to one side of the coast so they were able to hunt on the other side without harm. They did however hate it when the big ships came by with their large propellers and big nets catching and scaring away all the fish. That was never fun for them. They also didn’t like all the pollution and how the seas were getting warmer. However Kirishima said they were adapting alright, so they should be okay. Besides, the town was rather eco-friendly, so they didn’t have to worry much here.
He told you all about the members of his pod like his best friends Bakugou, Mina Ashido, Hanta Sero, Kaminari Denki and Kyouka Jirou. He also told you more about his aunts, Yua and Takea, that he absolutely adored and loved with all his heart because they took him in. He told you about all the fun traditions the pod had and whenever they migrated to deeper waters for events.
He also told you about how his one friend Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, another mershark, had recently just got paired with a mermaid named Istuka Kendo. Apparently being paired was like getting married, but the way he made it sound, made it much more interesting. There was apparently so much food collected for the occasion, then there was some ceremony where they marked each other's shoulders (apparently tapping your nose on someone’s shoulder was a very intimate thing), then there were celebratory games. He had so much to his people and his life that he wanted to tell you, but he also wanted to learn about you.
Like how come humans had little fingers on their feet (toes) and what they were for. Why did you all have short nails and rather blunt teeth. You all seemed really bad at hunting by yourselves. Also why you all liked making so much noise. Why did you give each other rocks when you love each other? Were you coping penguins? Also why do you guys take all the penguins? Why didn’t you guys have gills on your necks? How do you know when a year has passed? Why did you treat your females so differently from your males? Why do you sometimes have more than one mate in a life time? Is it because you have so many choices?
He was really confused with how humans worked an with every one of his questions, you grew more confused in human kind as well.
Over the next few weeks, almost every single day of yours was spent with Kirishima, hidden away in your cave with the giant mershark. Plus, everything was so eased between the two of you, you didn’t think much about your next meeting with him.
“Are you sure this is okay, Eijiro?” You asked him as you sat beside him.
Kirishima lay back in the sand with most of his lower tail in the water for comfort. He nodded his head in affirmation as he tried to stay comfortable. He had his elbows supporting him as he leaned up slightly to keep his eyes on you. “I don’t mind. We’re learning about each other. I think it’s fine.”
You glanced between him and his body. He was indeed as big as you thought he was. If you lay down next to him, you probably would equally to half his height. You carefully brought your finger up to tap his nose. You watched Kirishima’s eyes dilate before he let out an annoyed groan and covered his nose away from you. You giggled at his reaction. He hated whenever you gave his nose any sort of attention. He glared at you but you just giggled. With that out of the way, you looked at the now closed gills on his neck. You leaned closer to them, you tapped one. For a moment nothing happened. You hummed, noting that they stayed closed above water.
Continuing your inspection of him your eyes wondered down to his skin. He seemed to have thicker skin than you, even on his supposed human half. On his arms, you admired the muscles that made them up, watching his large and tough hands with sharp talons for nails. Considering he was a predator, it made sense to you for him to have them. You continued down to his waist area, where tanned skin melded into his great white lower half. You put a hand there trying to feel if there was much of a visible difference. Only slightly.
You turned to him inquisitively. “Does this hurt when I touch it?” You asked.
Kirishima shook his head. “No. Feels normal to me.”
You hummed at his answer, really interested in his anatomy right now. You decided to leave him be and go down to his thick grey tail. You noticed that sharks weren’t smooth like dolphins. They appeared that way but they had small tooth-like scales for skin. You admired how his underbelly was white while the rest of him was more of a dark grey. He seemed to also have more fins than a regular shark. However, you couldn’t get far because you noticed something.
A slit.
You turned your head to the side. It was small, in line with the centre of him and rather hidden away. You had never noticed it before. You wondered what it was for. You raised a finger to touch it.
“I wouldn’t do that if I was you.” Kirishima warned you with a slightly worried expression. He seemed really worried about whatever the slit was and you interacting with it. “It’s getting real close to that time of year and I don’t think you’ll get the reaction you want out of it.”
You glanced between his face and the slit. You then turned to him blank faced. “You’re a femme aren’t you?” You asked him.
Kirishima’s face fell at your question only making you giggle. “For the last time, I’m not a mermaid nor a femme.” He arched his back slightly, raising his lower waist area where your attention was. “If you really want to know, check for yourself.” He raised his hands, almost trying to say that he tried to warn you.
Deciding to go against the loud sirens going off in your head, you decided to touch his slit. At first nothing happened, however you did notice that the area around it was rather soft. You stuck your finger through it, making Kirishima take a sharp inhale at the breach. His face was flushed pink slightly as he looked away from you embarrassed. You removed your finger, noticing a sort of slick like substance leave the slit. You looked at your hands and then down at the slit and then back at him. You were literally about to accuse him of lying to you when you now noticing something peeking out from the slit. You tilted your head in surprise at the sudden appearance of something. You tapped it a few times. It was soft. Smooth but it seemed to be getting harder. It looked eerily like something you had. Before you could comment you then noticed that it was growing.
Rapidly growing.
Until you found yourself face to face with what you could only think of calling, a dick. Actually there were two of them. You tilted your head in wonder at the both of them. You touched one of them making him twitch. You heard Kirishima whine at that. You turned up to look at him. His face flushed as he bit down on his bottom lip, his hands balling up the sand underneath him so that he couldn’t lose control and possibly hurt you. You returned your attention back to his twin cocks. You wrapped your warm hands around the base of them, your fingers couldn’t even touch. It was coated in that slick like substance you notice earlier. You moved your hand up and down and then you noticed from the end of it, a white substance, trickled down in a drop.
Kirishima let out a soft groan. “If... if you... I don’t want to hurt you. It’s close to mating season and I really don’t want to harm you.” He let out worried for your safety.
“Do I... do I just put it… them… back?” You asked.
“Uh no...” He let out nervously with a chuckle. “They sorta just goes back on their own after a while. Just ignore them.”
“Well it’s kinda hard to ignore when your cocks are out, Eijiro.”
Kirishima furrowed his eyebrows and tilted his head. “I don’t know what a ‘cock’ is, b-but...” Kirishima closed his eyes briefly as he relaxed for a moment. You hadn’t stopped your touching or prodding on him. He let out a soft moan, trying to remember what he was saying before getting lost in the pleasure that he scarcely felt outside of mating season. “I... I don’t think I have that. Those...” He pointed down to what you were still holding in your hand. “Those are tendrils.”
“Why do you need two of them?” You asked shocked. He shrugged as an answer to your question. You looked between him and his coc-... tendrils? Yah you weren’t calling them that. You sighed feeling ass though you had put yourself into quite the situation that you didn’t know how to get out of. Well, at least you could cross off giving a hand job to a merman off your list. “Seems like we need to put them away then.”
“H-How…” Kirishima looked at you hesitantly. “How are you going to do th- Fuck!” He moaned out as you licked the heads of his cocks. You moved your head back shocked that he didn’t taste as salty as you thought. You hummed as you brought your mouth to the head of one while you moved your hand up and down the other. Kirishima whimpered at the feeling of your hot mouth on his cocks. He didn’t understand why you had put your mouth there, no one was supposed to do that, but at the same time, it felt so good that he didn’t want to tell you to stop. “Oh... oh fuck. That’s... that’s good.” He expressed to you, his eyes closed as he tried to control himself and not grab onto you and probably fuck your face.
You tried to focus on dragging your tongue around his sensitive length. He was pretty vocal but tried to hide it by biting down on his bottom lip and partially covering his mouth with his hand. The sounds he released went straight to your sex, only encouraging you more and more. You continued to move your hand up and down his other cock, using the precum that dribbled out of it to make gliding your hand easier.
He wiggled and writhed in your grasp. Kirishima tried so hard not to hurt you. He really didn’t want to hurt you, but you were making it so hard for him to push his instincts back. You were making it so hard not to just grab you and rut against you as if he had no other goal in life. “Fuck, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry but...” Kirishima apologised profusely as he brought his hands down to the back of your head. “I’m so sorry but I need your mouth.” He apologised as he forced you down around his cock till he was hitting the back of your throat. He bit down on his bottom lip, his eyes rolling back in ecstasy. He groaned out loudly as he held you down. Tears sprung in your eyes as you chocked against his cock, you tightened your hand around the other as you braced yourself against his tail. Remembering that you couldn’t breathe, Kirishima pulled you off his cock for a second.
You gasped, saliva dribbling out of your mouth. “Holy-” You didn’t even get to finish your two word sentence as you mouth was forced back onto his cock, your warm cavern providing shelter for the normally cold blooded mer underneath you. Kirishima whimered at the feeling as you swallowed around him, trying to take him in deeper.
“Oh my All Might’s seas.... fuck... I’m gonna cum. I’m... I- I'm so sorry but you’re just so...” Kirishima groaned as you held you down for a few seconds. That’s when you noticed the twitching of his cocks and the sudden explosion of cum in your mouth. Kirishima rolled his eyes back with a moan as he thrust into your mouth. You choked almost immediately at the overwhelming amount of it all in your mouth. You tried to swallow as much as you could but coughed, removing your head gasping for air.
You coughed at finally able to breathe. You sat back trying to finally get air back to your lungs. Unlucky for you, Kirishima was far from finished. Suddenly you found yourself on your back. You coughed as you looked down at the huge mershark that now had you pinned to the sandy floor of the cave you were in. “E-Eijiro... Wha...” You tried to cough out, but everything you were saying was met with a silent mershark on a mission. His pupils huge as he was trained on your body underneath him.
He spread your legs easily, pulling at your short and easily tearing through them with his claws. You gasped at the violent action as he found himself finally face to face with your sex. He stopped for a moment, taking notice of how different it was from femme mers. He moved slightly back, settling between your legs as he watched your sex. It was already glistening with slick which he knew as a good thing. He sniffed again, affirming that he was right. The nice smell was coming from you. Inside you most probably.
Maybe you humans also got affected by pheromones too. He sure hoped so.
Kirishima’s mouth got closer and closer to your sex. “Uh... Eij...” His eyes flicked up to you. You looked embarrassed as you looked down at him. You squirmed under his heated gaze. “Be careful with the teeth.” It was then that he remembered he couldn’t just, quite literally, eat you.
He nodded and without another word, he licked up your slit making you tense. His hands easily gripped your thighs as to hold them in place to allow him to access you without hindrance. Kirishima groaned as he moved back, his eyes practically black as his pupils took most of his eyes. He seemed to find his new favourite place. Deciding to dive back in, he licked and sucked at your sex making you whimper and squirm.
For a man who was half fish, he seemed to be really excited about this. Really excited, because it felt as though you couldn’t catch a break with him. You whimpered as your thighs tensed around him. Kirishima flicked his tongue up by your clit. You thrusted down against his face on instinct and he stopped for a moment. You had let out a moan that was louder than the rest. So clearly that was a sensitive spot. Focusing on the nub that was starting to harden and make itself known, Kirishima gripped you harder as he sucked against you.
Your hands balled up the sand as you moaned, grinding down against his face. You were too caught in ecstasy to care about much else. You moved one hand to bury itself in his red locks of hair. You pulled him closer to your sex, wanting him- no... needing him closer. You whined and cried out as he continued his onslaught against you. Lapping and drinking you up as if he was a man starved, as if there was no greater thing in life than to serve you and give you pleasure.
Kirishima wiggled squirmed in the sand, already lost in your pleasure alongside you. “O-oh. Oh fuck, Eijiro.” You whimpered as you felt the coil in your stomach tighten as your thighs started to tremble. You felt your heartbeat increase as you knew you were going to fall off the cliff of pleasure, hard and fast. “Shit! Shit. Eijiro I-” You tensed for a moment, before rolling your eyes back and moaning loudly. “Fuck!” He didn’t stop as he continued to suck on your clit and lick up your slit, prodding at your hole in alternating movements. You were tense as you came hard against his mouth. You finally relaxed down against the sand, your breathing heavy and your eyes closed in relief.
However, Kirishima didn’t get the hint. He continued lapping you up, not letting a drop of your slick escape his tongue as he viciously continued to eat you out. You whimpered at the overstimulation as you started to quiver in his hold. Your whimpers sounded like music to his ears as he continued to lick and lap at you.
Then Kirishima heard a chirp. He stopped for a moment and turned his head away from you to look at the pool behind him.
Staring with judgement was another set of red crimson eyes. They glared for a moment, looking at you and then at Kirishima. The mysterious mer had blond hair that fell down with the water. Kirishima perked up at the familiar face. He smiled broadly, slick and cum dripping from his chin and face as he looked over at his friend. He then glanced at your still heavily breathing state, with your legs spread wide for the blond’s eyes to also see. “Look Y/N, it’s Katsuki!” He told you, but you weren’t really listening as you tried to finally relax and catch your breath.
Kirishima pulled his body over to the water closer to the blond. The blond lifted the rest of his head out of the water, orange finned ears moving down as he hissed at Kirishima almost scolding him. Kirishima seemed unbothered with the hostility as he chirped over at Bakugou.
“Shitty hair, what the fuck are you doing?” Bakugou asked glancing between you and the redhead mershark. “Eating a human! You know how much serious trouble you can get into for doing that!” He reminded Kirishima. Eating humans was forbidden now, due to how advanced and determined humans were when one of them died. “It could put the whole pod at risk.”
“Come on, Katsuki. I’m not eating them! I’m just licking and tasting. Don’t you want a taste too!” He asked with a whine as he moved closer to the blond.
Bakugou’s eyebrows bunched up in confusion as he looked at the redhead with judging eyes. “Taste of wh-” He was interrupted as Kirishima’s lips were on his.
Now that caught your attention. You moved your head up to find the two mers sharing a kiss. Kirishima was first to move back, happily glad about what he had done. He had a grin on his face as he looked at the blond mer. Bakugou licked his lips, tasting you on his mouth. He didn’t say anything. You watched as the blond mers’ pupils went wide as he turned his eyes to you. Specifically, to your sex that he could still see easily. You knew that predatorily gaze.
You tensed.
Now there were two of them.
<KiriBakuDeku Monstertober Week>
<Previous Day> <Next Day>
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melanirana · 10 months
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Finally got around to make my Meet the Artist! Nothing to fancy, just the basics.
Very Fanf, specificly Sun and Moon, focused. I do both art and writing, there is still space for improvement (in my opinion) but it's going well. bit slow when it comes to writing tho.
My AUs
Ocean Symphony Fiasco : Your standert Mer! AU. Sun and Moon are Mers traped in a zoo after being caught from the ocean at a young age. Y/n stumbles and tumbles their way in to the zoo and becomes Sun and Moons caretaker.
Ocean Symphony Fiasco Masterpost
Ocean Symphony Fiasco fic
Magic and Scales : Y/n is a dragon, Sun and Moon are living pupets designed to be the kings jesters. Y/n accidentally kidnaps Sun not knowing he is alive. Now Sun and Moon have to live with the fact that at any moment a giant dragon could show up at the castel looking for attention.
Magic and Scales fic
Witch au : A smal witch au where y/n stugels to do any kind of magic the way they want it to go. Sun and Moon are their familiars that go turned into harpyes by accident. This one is just fluff and feel good vibes.
Oh yeah! I got a ko-fi now :}
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echantedtoon · 29 days
Ocean Deep Ch8 An Unexpected Chain Of Events
(Warnings: Rengoku is in REALLY BAD shape with wounds, blood/possible blood loss, and a few giant fish hooks embedded in him. Mentioning of blood. Mentioning of attempted kidnapping. Mentions of Rengokus poisonous barbs. yn has to do CPR on Rengoku.
If you need a refresher on the mer cast-
Suma: (all blue) Halfmoon Betta Fish mer
Hinatsuru: Strawberry Peacock Cichlid mer
Makio: Golden Dragon Koi mer
Kyojuro Rengoku: Lionfish mer(you can follow the link below and see what he looks like there.)
If I don't describe CPR accurately I apologize. I looked instructions up on YouTube to get as accurate of a scene as I could.)
Tags: @shadyd3ar @six-eyed-samurai @lavenderdrxp @jjamsbangtan
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The day was beautiful this morning.
With the sunlight sinking into the room through the window. The birds singing outside. Beautiful fresh smelling air. Beautiful visions of nature right outside of you looked. A bright blue sky. Fluffy white clouds. Yellow sun. Flowers of every color. Green plants everywhere. Trees providing shade as the wind rolled by. An absolute picture perfect scene for what could very much be a good day. Nothing in the world to worry about. Nothing to do. Just peaceful quiet and nature.
That was what your normal morning would've been on your day off. When you woke up at a reasonable time and woke up at a normal time. However this wasn't your normal morning. Now was it?
The wind felt nice against your skin as you walked along the dirt road and towards the pathway where the river lied. It was pretty early in the morning too. Two maybe three o'clock. A yawn bubbled up the woman's throat and made it out as a hand instinctively went to cover her mouth. Usually you would fear going outside anytime during the night but desperate times called for desperate measures. You were running out of food. All these scraps would only go so far before someone got the idea to start charging you money for that too or by the ways things were going, soon there wouldn't even be any scraps left for you to be handed. Your only hope right now was to rely on old scraps and providing the food yourself. Under the covers of darkness to avoid any suspicion.
Your door had opened quietly and you stepped out of your house and into the quiet, barren streets. The moonlight shining down and kissing your form. A shiver running down your spine from a warm breeze ghosting over your form. It would be a good night to fish. The door closed softly as you started walking towards the woods outside the town, fishing line curled up within your right hand. The moon shown down upon the forests illuminating the night bright enough for you to see and watch as the trees swayed im the warm breezes and hear the peaceful rustling of their leaves and lullabies of the crickets. It was just so beautiful and lively. You always loved doing this. Not when it was dark and scary however. It was more beautiful in the daytime. 
The sweet smells of flowers and grass were encouraging your lungs. Combined with the warmth of the summer air warming your muscles and urging them on. Both made you feel as light as a feather on your mere feet and the ground felt soft under you. It would've been nice if you weren't constantly looking side to side at every shadow that danced in the limited moonlight thanks to the grey clouds looming overhead. Step after step. Faster and faster. You fearfully started to speed walk through the pathways and around a corner of a house as soft dirt pathways turned into grassy floors of forests as you excitedly entered the beckoning woods. The moonlight being blocked out a bit because of the swaying trees and branches and clouds but you could still see perfectly fine. The river sso many people liked to fish at during summer wasn't too far from where you entered. It was just nearly a quarter of a mile into the woods. You loved coming out during these warm months and enjoying the view but ever since the disappearances -...You kept your distance. The way you found the river was walking through a bush and having to blink when a flurry of sparkling lights glared your eyes for a second.
Blinking your eyes adjusted to the beautiful and wonderful sight of a dark beautiful river reflecting the moon on its surface and sparkling as if the reflection had its own stars and consolations within its ripples. Completely untouched and waiting for you to touch its soft silence. Soft footsteps approached the gleaming water and a carbon copy of a woman appeared in the gleaming reflections. She stared up at the original mirroring the actions of the woman above. The woman's fiddled with her line and the small contacts she brought along with her. A hook with a big, juicy worm stabbed on the end of it dangled over the woman in the dark reflection before dropping into the water and rippling the reflection woman away back into the darkness of the waters.
Shaking hands fed the line lower and lower into the blackened waters. F/c eyes darting around the area. Every creaking branch. Every swaying bush. Every tall blade of grass. They all could hide a monster ready to carry you off to be their next meal. Next Bride. Next victim. The fast paced breathing was only matched by the beating of your heart in your chest. 
This was where those three girls disappeared last year, and near where the fourth girl disappeared. 
It was a stupid, STUPID idea!! ...But were you really just going to let your friends go hungry? No. No you weren't going to let that happen. The responsibility of their survival was solely on you for the moment. With a shaky inhale the woman returned to her work. Feeding the line into the wide river's darkened waters before kneeling down to sit upon the side of the water. Trembling. Nothing but the wind and cold for company. 
Rippling, rippling water. Sparkling mirrorer of the stars and moon. Swaying lazily with the flowing currents and keeping in time with the bobbing line of life keeping it tethered to the above world. With a lazed fortune in mind for the woman, a pull tugged onto the line and it was enough for her to pull up a feast big enough for a small person for a day.
You frowned as you gazed at the small catfish wriggling on the end of the line. This wasn't as big as you hoped. It was enough for a small human like you to have for lunch but that's about it. It wouldn't fill up a mermaid for an entire day! But..you couldn't afford to throw it back. A fish was a fish. And you'd have to get more. The line was thrown back in once again sinking back into the only black abyss of the waters. You sat there gazing at the blackness around you with nothing but the flopping fish for company. Every sound was amplified as in the silence made them louder. You shouldn't be here in the woods. You should be at home in your comfy bed asleep and waking up to a good morning where you'd make yourself breakfast before cleaning a little bit and then relaxing on your day off. But no. Here you were in the same forest where four girls disappeared just last summer fishing in the middle of the night just to feed three mermaids that you never really asked for with your poor town suffering the consequences. 
You should've headed the old tales-
The sweet sunlight kisses the world good bye as the sun set on the world. Wishing it good bye to make way for the cruel night that way ahead. Bathing the world in darkness tinted in white by his sister the moon as she dawned her best war paint and climbed higher into the darkened sky to claim her rightful place as Queen of the dark realm. That readd a sign to all her dark children that tonight would be the night for mischief and mayhem. Danger and chaos.
Death and undead.
Beware the full moon that comes to rise in the sky.
Beware the monsters who lurk and live amongst the world.
Beware of those who seek out their own entertainment.
So lock your doors up tight when the full moon appears. Barricade all your windows. Block up any chimneys. Hide away in your deepest closest. Arm yourself with your finest weapons. Speak not a word and be silent. Sleep not a wink and keep alert for they will all spirit you away.
Mischievous fae. Blood thirsty vampires. Carnivorous werewolves. Fire breathing dragons. Scheming demons. And so many more.
Those who refuse to heed the warnings are fated to die to be spirited away never to be seen again. So hide away and don't make a sound. Never answer the door no matter what. And above all else be weary.
You jumped as a thunderclap in the distance overhead echoed throughout the sky. Your head looked up instinctively and stared at the still lit up sky and the dark grey storm clouds that scattered across it like some shattered jigsaw puzzle. The sight of it worried you making a frown appear on your perfectly spooked face. The chilly wind blowing over your body once again as you shivered. 
You were tired. Exhausted even as the night went on. Darkened shadows filled the skies with darkness blocking out the light as your catch slowly grew. One by one. Until you jumped as a giant crash of thunder rolled along the sky making you jump and look towards the sky of darkness. You deemed it time to go then. Quickly pulling in your line up and gathering your fish, another clash of thunder made you jump. The wind picked up hammering branches against each other. Yep. Time to go! You just threw the string of fish over your shoulder when- 
You froze when you heard it. A distant cry of the Water's surface breaking just a few feet away from you to the right as you turned your head. The sounds of something coming from the other sides of the bushes. You couldn't move. Couldn't speak. As fear gripped your neck tightly and your eyes stared at the cold wind blowing the bushes around. The mud squelches and splashing sounded..BIG. POWERFUL...But also-
T H U D- ! ! !
You jumped as SOMETHING BIG. Collapsed.
You still didn't move. Panicking internally. What were you supposed to do?! Get your neighbors?! You wanted to go back...but what if it was someone who did need help? Or what if it was a wild animal? WHAT IF IT WAS A CREATURE GETTING READY TO CARRY YOU AWAY NEVER TO BE SEEN AGAIN?!...Ok. maybe not. Calm down. It was just.. probably just a wild animal! Yeah! It was probably injured or something! In which case you better leave anyways. ...Buuuut if it WAS an injured animal like a deer then maybe you could just use it for food! You guessed it didn't hurt to just take a quick look. Right? Slowly you stopped and looked back towards the bush. Your bare feet touching the ground gently and quietly enough to not make yourself known.
Your breath hitched in your throat.
Quietly you stepped closer as and closer and CLOSER to the bush silently. Slowly stopping right in front of the bush. The wind blew swaying it's branches creepily and looked like thrashing arms. You grabbed a handful and silently and slowly pulled them back.
And you froze at what you saw-
The winds howled as the darkness crept across the skies. The darkness behind the bush shielded your form from the moonlight which cascaded down between the trees and clouds in the sky. The shadows danced and branches creaked as the wind blew them about. Like arms beckoning you closer to grab you away in their rough grip. Drag you into the shadows never to be seen again. You cracked an opening in the branches and looked out. The darkened sky looked out over the entire area. Tree branches swayed and night fell upon the ground. However you froze as your eyes met a sickening sight.
R E D.
The coldness of the air bit down hard on your skin, like painful bee stings pricking your skin. The terror far greater than seeing a thousand wolves sunk in. A hand flew to cover your mouth as a foul urge to vomit rose and a sickening copper smell filtered through the air.
That was the color painted everywhere on the ground displayed before you. And there...lying face down slumped over was a man's body. A canvas for the color. Your eyes shrank in terror and your ears gained a ringing sound all on their own drowning out any noise.
Right there lying right in front of your face. How-...How did this happen?! Where did it come from?! You wretched yourself away from the bush in shock and leaned over slightly. The urge to vomit riding as you did everything you could to keep it down. The bush branches snapping back into place hiding the sight from you. Automatically you gave a few coughs and gulped down air in an attempt to calm yourself head spinning. There was a dead man on the riverbank! Oh gods! What if someone thought you were responsible for this!? You could be tried for murder-
How did you know he was actually dead?
That one thought made you freeze in your tracks instantly. That's right...How did you know for certain that he was dead? You just merely saw him covered in blood with a gash on his back. Your head turned back to the bush. He...he could've been hurt and tried reaching your house for help. What if he was laying there suffering?! That thought perked you back up into going back to the bush and cautiously reaching out to slightly pull the branches again. The body was still there unmoving. It...sure LOOKED dead but you couldn't tell in the dark. If he was still alive..you had to help him. You couldn't just leave someone to bleed out. The unmoving form still remained unmoving even as you noisily pushed through the bush and stood right next to the head. It was then that you again stopped dead in your tracks both shocked and horrified as the clouds overhead parted enough to allow more moonlight to light up the area truly revealing who or more accurately WHAT was laid in front of you 
A pale torso of blood covered skin sank down into the mud. Skin slowly melted away into fiery orange and red scales smooth and polished like that of a snake..Or fish. A giant tail full of fins sank deeply into the muddy bank before disappearing under the waves of the water that lazily hugged his body. F/c eyes widened to the size of plates.
..No. wait-
Your eyes narrowed more in the darkness. A mer-..Man???
It was definitely a man. You could tell by how Large the body was and how muscular the exposed skin was. In the limited moonlight you were able to make out long blonde hair that mostly covered his face and he laid in a position that suggested that he'd collapsed by himself instead of being washed ashore by the river currents. But the question still remained...Was he still alive?
You hesitated again ...but slowly you reached over to the face laying on its side and touched the long strands covering his eyes. It was .. surprisingly soft and silky to the touch and you slowly pulled it away from the face to examine it. The right side of a man's face greeted you. You nearly jumped back at what you saw.
"Oh my gods."
A fish hook was just mere inches from his face. One of those thick metal ones that they used to catch tuna, small sharks, and other large fish. You immediately grabbed it pulling it safely away from him. What was this doing here?! A few more centimeters and it could've handed his face if he chose to move, splayed out on the cold unforgivable ground unmoving. His right eye exposed from pulling his hair back was closed obviously either unconscious or dead, and read streaks ran down his face in water dripping patterns from a cut on his forehead. However...that wasn't the strangest bit. Your hand instead went to almost touch his lips and flinched back feeling a weak warmth across your fingertips. You reeled back in shock, hand to your chest, and jumping. His body was still warm!!
The hook was thrown aside along with the line of fish you caught thudding into the wet ground. Hands grabbed his right shoulder and HEAVED. Barely moving an inch, but slowly the body turned, and with a thud he was collapsed onto his back. A shocked gasp escaped from your throat upon eyes seeing his front body. Oh gods...So much blood. His body was practically DRENCHED in the red color! And you found out why. A large gash across his front from his left shoulder and ending just above his right hip was exposed to you. Definitely bigger than the gash along his back. And there was a third smaller gash along his right collar bone ending near his bicep. There was so much blood..How was he even still alive!? Wha-..What happened to him?! What caused him to get like this?! Thick broken strands of what looked like broken strands of rope was laid out all over his body, curiously you grabbed a piece and pulled it off him. What used to be a net maybe? You continued pulling it all off of him the hardest part having to walk into the river a bit and slide it down his tail in order to slip it off his tail. So much for a dry dress. The ropes were thrown aside and wet squelch sounded as you pulled up the hem of your now soaked dress to go kneel by his head.
It provided you a better look despite the limited moon light. You could get a better look at his injuries noting there was more than you expected. More BLOOD than you expected. It seemed most on his head came from either his mouth or from the cut on his forehead. There was also more cuts on his tail, but thankfully none of them looked very deep or if they were they weren't bleeding which was also good. But you also noticed something else. Something else very important about him. 
He was also wearing jewelry.
A thick gold chain was around his waist like a belt almost. His ears were pierced with a few small gold earrings that you only noticed thanks to the moonlight making them shine. Some kind of golden bands were wrapped around his left forearm, and finally a few rings were on his fingers. OOOH boy. Your eyes widened when you saw them. They were studded with big diamonds and other precious jewels. Whoever this man-..merman was, it was obvious he had access to some kind of wealth. Taking a closer look..He also was very handsome under all of the dread. Briefly your panicked mind wondered if all mermaids were like this or if it was just the ones you came across.
You reached out to touch it his neck for a pulse. F/c eyes smoothed over the body still wet and warm from the turbulent journey down the river. However the water droplets dripping down the body was expected, as was the smears of crimson blood from the injuries. What was not expected was the lack of movement coming from his chest. The woman froze again upon blankly staring down at the unmoving chest as a horrible reality was finalized right then and there. 
The horrible realization struck her as hard and quick as lightning made out of bricks. Her breathing hit he'd as her knees dropped next to his chest. Hands raised shaking and panicked as she stared panicked at the bloody body..Quickly the woman's hands reached out to shakingly pat at his cheeks.
"Please wake up. Pl-Please wake up!"
Unresponsive. Eyes remained closed silently drifting away from the world as peacefully and slowly as a leaf flowing down the pond. The woman above only being a distant audience- Until she refused the reaper his claim that day. 
Hands pushed themselves onto the unmoving chest. Hands interlocking. Arms stiff. And then the first of many pushes down. 
"Wake up!"
Sweat beaded from your forehead as you rapidly delivered a series of pushes down until you reached to the count of thirty in your mind. Stopping abruptly and grabbing his head. Nose pinched, head tilted back slightly, and not hesitating to place your mouth on his to deliver breaths. Sweat coated your face as you continued the cycle. 
Rapid pushes.
"Come on. Come on."
More breaths.
"Fight it!"
Rapid pushes.
Tears helped up in your eyes. A sob nearly escaping. The darkness and distant thunder overhead mocking your attempts at what seemed to be a lost cause. Gleeful in your failing. A shaking added to the woman as she went to quickly place her mouth back onto his- and then he choked.
The movement of him against you caught you so off guard that you actually tumbled backwards out of fright, the mud making a loud splat sound as you fell into it. If the dress wasn't ruined before it certainly was now. However that was the farthest thing from your mind as the body convulsed with coughs escaping the mouth- Two hands grabbed him by the shoulder as you heaved with a loud grunt to pull him onto his side. 
"That's it. Good. Good." A hand gently rubbed his back as you held him there. A gasping choking sound like a drowning man finally getting to land. "You're doing great. Keep breathing."
HE WAS ALIVE. HE WAS BREATHING!! He was still not in good shape but he wasn't dead! Thank the gods! The gasping choking sounds continued for a little bit making you wince as you watched him. His mouth hung wide open exposing a few fangs you wearily eyed. The girls had fangs too but his were much more sharp and pointy. His eyes squeezed shut and his brows tightly furrowed as he gasped and every so while spat. Until eventually his head laid upon the ground exhausted. Chest rising and falling deeply. 
For a moment there was nothing.
The sounds of creaking branches, wind, and heavy breathing were the only things heard besides the distant sounds of thunder in the ever darkening skies. Nothing but you staring at him in this point frozen in time as a hand encouraging rubbed at his back.
Then ever so slowly his eyes opened.
You froze when you first saw the whites of those eyes. At first they were confused blinking the blurry vision away only to be greeted by the darkness. A moment of longingly staring ensued, until the eye turned to stare up at you. You froze at the unusual eyeball staring at you. It was unlike anything you've ever seen. His pupil instead of the usual black was a pure white surrounded by a ring of red that was in turn surrounded by a secondary ring of orange. It made contact with your f/c irises and stopped there before widening in surprise. Your face stained in crimson red and mud brown. There was nothing but the tense breathing for ten seconds before the entire face slowly turned to you. The wet hair cling to his face, semi stained by the blood, and mud smeared on other parts of his body that wasn't already caked in water and/or blood. He just ..Laid there. Staring up at you. Right in the eyes. As if he couldn't believe what he was seeing. His fire like eyes stared at your eyes then looked down at the lower half of your face and the crimson smear. It looked like he's seen a ghost. 
You jumped back as his arm moved, pulling your hands away from his body and leaning back. Eyes wide as the limb shook enough to be mistaken for a frightened worm. You flinched. Was he going to attack you?! Drag you down into the water?! Drown you?! You were going to die and for what?! Helping him?! Your eyes clenched shut awaiting your fate!
A shaking hand reached up and-!!! Gently touched his mouth in bewilderment. 
"....Did you ju-just k-k-kiss me?"
You lowered your arms slowly. Even more slowly as the most hoarse man's voice you ever heard came from the merman. You stared at him wide eyed as he stared up at you. "....W-What?"
"Ma'am, I am hu-humb-b-bly flattered-" He was BARELY able to hold up a badly shaking hand. "-bu-but I am a h-..*cough cough* ha-happly mmmarried man."
You stared at him blankly for the longest time just staring. His voice sounded like he desperately needed a glass of water for a dry throat. ".......SAY WHAT?!"
"I u-understand that I happen to b-be a- about b-but I as-sure you that I am l-like..Super married. *Cough cough cough*" He coughed a few times covering his mouth as you still stared shocked.
"I-I didn't kiss you!!," you squealed out horrified. "I was admitted CPR!!"
"I-Is that W-What humans do to court?"
"Wha- NO!! YOU WEREN'T BREATHING!!", You shouted at him red creeping up onto your face. "IT'S A MEDICAL TECHNIQUE!!"
He slowly blinked at you.. before speaking. "Oh. Well t-that is more sense. *Cough cough*"
You ignored the red in your face. "Just..Who are you?"
"I-I could be ask-asking you the same thing. W-What is a hu-human girl *cough* d-doing here?"
"Night fishing. Are you feeling ok?" You hesitantly raised your hands towards his body but stopped shortly of touching him.
"Not at all! I'm in incredible pain!," he shouted in a raspy voice making you wince at the volume.
"SSSHHH!! Keep your voice down!," you whisper shouted at him looking around the darkness. Who knows who..or WHAT could hear him?! "Is there anyone nearby who can help you? O-Or maybe family?"
"Nope! But i-if you help pu-push me back into t-t-the river then I might be *cough* a-able to get back!"
"... Can't you not move with your injuries?"
You again just stared at his face..then at his body..then back to his face. Oh no. NO! Nonononono!! This could NOT be happening to you! Not now! Not again! You couldn't get further involved into this! 
"Is there anywhere you can go for help?"
"N-Not around here."
You should walk away now. You had already did your good deed. He was alive and he could take care of himself! You shouldn't be getting anymore involved. In fact you even stood up and turned making him blink from where he laid in the mud-..Mud. You turned back around. He was weakly and pathetically staring at you from the mud like a piece of junk to be discarded. Helpless. Unable to find for himself. If a wild animal like a bear or wolf didn't get to him first then someone else could find him and..Who knew what could happen to him? And that's only considering if he didn't die from his injuries first. ..He breathed heavy and turned his head upwards as two feet stopped in front of his head. You looked back down at him. A crash of thunder illuminated each other's faces.
"Just out of curiosity, do you know what a piggy back ride is?"
The house was silent. Nothing but the thunder overhead and the wind scratching against the window and the raindrops beating against the rooftop as the sun still stayed hidden for another hour or so. 
T H U D-!!
The door flew open, hitting the fair wall behind it causing a loud thud to ring out throughout the otherwise silent house. 
You pulled yourself into the house slowly step after slow step. Into your home until you collapsed onto the floor. A series of thumps and thuds rang out as bodies and objects fell. You fell exhausted onto your side breathing in and out gasping for air like a drowning man. Her body felt somewhere between numb and in pain, especially her back. Her entire body soaked to the bone because of the pouring rain and she was still covered in mud and blood. Only now she was soaked too. Only good thing about this was that no one would be outside to see her. Seriously. Why did mermaids have to be so darn HEAVIER than they look?! A large hand reached out to gently grab your shoulder. Still gasping for air, you opened your eyes to stare at the merman collapsed onto the floor next to you. Despite his condition being much worse than yours, he still looked concerned for you.
"Ma'am, are you alright?"
A crack of lightning rang out allowing you to briefly see his face better in the dark. You waved him off way plopping with a wet smack sound onto your stomach and weakly rising up to your hands and knees. You had to close the door. The rain still poured outside in the dark hours of the morning as you weakly crawled to the doorway, giving a weak but worried look around, and then closed the door before collapsing onto the wooden frame. The mermaid watched you carefully with a worried but curious.look on his face. 
"My apologies!"
You weakly waved him off again just catching your breath. Man. Your back was killing you. Even the other three weren't this heavy. Speaking of which ..How the hell were they going to react when they saw you bring a complete stranger back with you? You really were insane for doing all of this.
The merman gave a look around from where he awkwardly lay down. "..Your abode looks highly warm. But how are you supposed to raise guppies here?"
Suma's voice echoed throughout the home only drowned out by the storm and you tiredly lifted your head up. However you weren't the only one that froze when hearing the voice. The merman had frozen stone cold at the voice.
"Y/N?! Y/N, Y/N, Y/N!! YYYYYYY/NNNNN!!!", Suma continued calling when you didn't answer her right away. 
He. FLIPPED. Literally. He flipped around landing on his stomach startling you by his sudden action. Hissing, pushing himself up onto weakened shaky arms as he stared down the way towards your bathhouse. 
Silence rang out other than the rain and a crash of thunder shaking the windows once more.
"... Kyojuro?!," one of the girls called back however you were so shocked by what was happening you didn't register who it was.
Recognition flashes across the man's face. Shaking breath rattling his chest mouth agape in those breaths. 
Fwap- "Gah!?" 
You toppled over as the end of his burly tail slapped into your. Desperation. Hesitation. Adrenaline. All pumped through the veins. Come here. Go. His mind told him. Claw after desperate claw again perfectly clean wooden floors as he raced . Mind reeling with the knowing NEED to be closer to the warmth his heart was attracted to. 
"Hey! Come back! Your wounds will get worse!," you called out to him as he desperately clawed away at a pace faster than you thought possible.
Despite your screaming muscles, you forced yourself to stand up and quickly walk after him as his form disappeared down the hallway. You turned the corner and looked down said hallway just as the man was clawing the bottom of your door with hissing desperation like a wolf frustratedly digging after a rabbit hole. Eventually he got it open pushing the door aside with a grunt and just-..Stopping. staring wide eyed into the bathroom. After about five minutes you slowly began walking down the hallway while keeping close to the wall just in case. The silence continued until the man's head raised higher. Tears starting to whelp up in them- Before without even a warning he just as quickly clawed his way into the room making you again pause.. Before quickly approaching. What was going on?! What if he hurt them?!
However when you hit to the doorway, you paused. In shock of what you saw on the other side. 
"Kyo!! Kyo!!" Suma called out for him crying historically as she held out her arms to him.
It's ok! He was here! He was coming!
Desperately and desired needs to be close. The desperation was met with open arms as you watched the three desperately crying mermaids clawing desperately at him. At first you were scared that they were attacking him by the way Hinatsuru just wrapped herself around his neck and the other two grabbed his sides and PULLED. Making them all tumble back and into the water, a giant splash noise resonating throughout the room as water sloshed over the sides and droplets rained everywhere.
Footsteps approached the tub as you leaned over the side. She might've been crushed under his weight..You stopped. You blinked. You stared down at the scene before your eyes. Two emotions hit you. Absolute confusion and fluster as your face went red seeing Hinatsuru and the merman in the middle of.. Passionately kissing.
The kiss was deep but passionate, like lovers who've been apart for years. He held her so close to him as she gripped his cheeks. Both had tears streaming down their faces before a long held back sob escaped the pink mermaids throat and made them break a kiss only for Makio to take her place latching onto him to kiss him over and over and over for what seemed like eternity. Suma cried loudly as she desperately cling to his back, curled up and tears smearing the mud stain on his shoulder.
"NEVER!!" He shouted. Hugging two crying warmth givers to himself. "Never, never, never again." He repeated that mantra. Their warmth satisfying a deep hole made in his chest finally being filled again. "It's been so long..I'm never  letting you go again."
A shadow fell over them all as you stared bewildered. "..Just who are you?"
"... Apologies." He didn't look up. Didn't care. "I am called Kyojuro. You may back away now."
There wasn't really an answer until Suma looked at you, blinked, and then shrieked. "Y/N'S BLEEDING!!"
Uh oh.
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Tis mermay and trying how to incorporate Cron, Earrh and Moon in Merformers but i think i got it (mostly)
Big underwater world. Unicron injured from a fight barely awake falls deep to the bottom of the water floor.
He crushes lot of abandoned dead eggs but one. His blood is absorbed into the egg and it comes back to life and creature inside grows
Some time passes Moon finds him slumbering..Earth pops out staring him down with dark eyes and munching on a "fish" (she collects parasites from body of her savior and eats them Cron is a sleeping buffet basically)
She refuses to leave the area. Moon not being a deep dweller creature(eventualy he adapts) tries to visit as much as he can and keeps her company and teaches her stuff(and tries to give her better diet because "No! Stop that that is not healthy! " *cue her chewing faster*)
Once when she convinced him to sleep in the area Moon almost cried histericaly when the giant in his slumber shifted and hugged Earth and by proxy Moon to himself
The two used to(moon saw her doing it and decided to teach her properly and joined in) groom scales of Cron when he still slumbered (if Unicron knew he rumbled happily once during these he would deny it forever)
When Unicron wakes they all start traveling together. She outgrows Moon but is not bigger than Cron
That all i got happy mermay 🧜
Ooooh this is a fun merformers idea! Allow me to mess with it a little bit!
In the beginning, Primus and Unicron were twin leviathans born of the same pod. Primus was intended to settle and brood, raising generations of new life forms. Unicron on the other hand was created to guard and destroy the threats to his brother's fledgling offspring. Their conflict began after Primus grew to see Unicron as a threat to his firstborn. Unicron didn't like sharing his brother and Primus would rather die than watch his children be slaughtered.
Thus, they fought. In the end, Unicron was cast away by Primus's thirteen firstborn. Unicron fled to the deep parts of the world, hiding away in places where Primus's children would be unable to handle the pressure and thus leave him to recover in peace. He bitterly planned his revenge even as he fell into a deep slumber, unaware of the fact that the place he had chosen to reside was filled with the pods of a creature killed in his and Primus's skirmish.
Deep in the trenches and slumbering his injuries away, Unicron's blood infused the pods he slept upon. Most were unable to handle the taint and perished. Some grew too quickly and emerged malformed, dying soon after their birth. But one of the pods received the perfect amount of Unicron's blood, and it was from that pod that Earth was born.
Colored like the kelp that grew further up in the trenches, Earth was perfectly hidden as he fluttered about the form of the one she immediately claimed as her father. After all, mothers merely lay the pods. Fathers say with them. Unicron may not have looked like her in the slightest, but to Earth, that was irrelevant. He watched over her, and she in turn cleaned his wounds, removed parasites from his scales, and ensured that he was in as good as health as possible. She only left Unicron's side to feed on the plant life further up the trenches closer to the surface.
That was how Moon found her. He saw her merrily collecting kelp and other plants to take back down into the trenches and he decided to follow her. As one of Primus's second generation spawn, he was larger than the rest and his and his siblings purpose was to fill the void left by Unicron. Of course he had to investigate a young mer without a guardian.
He almost lost his mind when he found just who Earth was returning to and caring for. He tried to get her to leave, but Earth was having none of it. She did not know his language, but she made it quite clear that Unicron was her father and she had no intention of abandoning him. With no other choice, Moon resolved himself. He couldn't leave Unicron unobserved, especially not when a strange creature like Earth was guarding him. She was not strong, but she was... interesting.
Moon took it upon himself to visit her whenever he could. He forcefully adapted to the deep and learned to force his body to glow brighter than normal to pierce the gloom of the trenches. Slowly, he earned Earth's trust, and together they worked to keep the Unmaker comfortable. Moon did so in order to hopefully keep the slumbering leviathan calm. Earth was just happy to have someone to teach her how to clean her father's scales properly. As time passed, Moon grew larger to compensate for his extended time in the deep, and Earth became stronger. They came to rely on each other.
Moon would go up and drive away threats that were too much for Earth to handle. Earth would in turn forage and hunt for food for all three of them. Unicron didn't eat much in his slumber, but every now and then he stirred for a snack, which Earth was all too happy to provide. Mars and Pluto became involved when Mars took it upon himself to set up shop on the surface near the trenches. He was afforded protection in exchange for his silence regarding Unicron. Pluto was a pain to convince to say out of it, but he too agreed to leave Unicron alone in exchange for regular cleaning from Earth who was quickly becoming well known for her gift in putting scales in order.
By the time Unicron woke, he had unintentionally garnered a pod of four leviathans, one of which was technically his spawn. Did he still want to crush Primus? He wasn't entirely sure anymore. After all, despite their disagreement, Unicron couldn't exactly find himself disappointed in Earth or her choice of companions.
Moon made killer meals.
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 1 month
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The Celestial Moon Giant
he is finished at last!
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naffeclipse · 8 months
Excuse the rambling but we have our own mer au and possible crossover potential just crossed our mind and we need to ramble (its not gonna be made canon to our au, but still)
Our mer boys are a leviathan species, which typically is very solitary, but some families are unusually social. Moon was born to one of those families, but they disappeared when he was very young, leaving him alone and desperately needing social interaction, so he goes off and does the only thing that can get the leviathan mer gossip chain going (hoping to get attention); killing something your size or larger, the more fierce the better....baby Moon was about the size of an orca so......
In canon that fight doesn't go well for him, if Sun hadn't saved him he wouldn't have made it, but how hilarious would it have been if the orca he'd chosen was Eclipse (who would be considered a different mer species, not leviathan class. Fully grown leviathan Moon's hand would be about the size of Eclipse's whole body). Eclipse just living his life and suddenly a mer comes up and tries to fight him, but from the body language the strange mer is like, the human equivalent of a 6yo, even though its basically the same size as him
Moon would still very thoroughly lose the fight (Eclipse is probably smart enough to leave when another giant baby mer covered in spines comes to the rescue, but he's still an adult and he can handle a mildly venomous baby), but man would that be a thing that would baffle Eclipse for a while, what the hell was that giant baby and why did it come out of nowhere to fight him for no reason? He fought back because it was in his territory, but the baby didn't even seem to be from the north??? (Would he be unnerved if he met a fully grown leviathan later? If he was it would probably only last the length of time it took for him to realise the adult leviathan had no interest in fighting or eating him, after that he just wouldn't care)
(You've reblogged art of our boys before actually! This one! They're not fully fully grown here, but they're close!)
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Anyways! Sorry for all that! Had to get that idea out there or else it'd keep taking up brain space bye!
Ahhh, that's so cool to think about a little crossover! And I remember your pretty mer art!!! Love seeing the boys as giant fishies ♥
As for Orca!Eclipse handling a large baby mer, he'd be so, so confused, and a bit harsh towards an aggressive other creature, even if said creature is technically a little kid—think an adult dog snapping at a puppy to remind the younger one to respect the older one. Not being harmful but still correcting the bad behavior.
When another enters the area? He's even more confused and just, wondering where these babies' families are. It is terribly wrong to have ones so young alone, but with that, he wouldn't want to stick around in case the much bigger adults came looking for their offspring. He'd put some distance but watch them from afar to make sure they turned out alright!
(He'd be very unnerved by a mer-creature so much greater than him. Eclipse is used to hunting and eating prey larger than himself, but not facing a predator so much larger than him)
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kandidandi · 1 year
Had a dream where Y/N was sunbathing on the beach and giant mer moon comes out of the water. He ends up blocking the sun and complains about how y/n is gonna get themselves sunburnt
Y/N doesn't listen and pulls out a giant harpoon gun from who knows where because some giant random fish is yelling blub blub at them (y/n can not speak fish :[ )
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sleepyfan-blog · 1 month
Author’s Note: This is the second part of mer-Nadesir’s fic! Previous. Next
Tagged: @egrets-not-regrets @kit-williams @bleedingichorhearts @the-pure-angel 
Warnings: none
Summary: You meet up with The Night Lord you freed a little while ago.
You felt drawn back to the beach, since your encounter with the injured Night Lord. You'd done research on him after your initial encounter, and were quite surprised to read that Night Lords - at least according to the internet - were apparently viewed with deep and terrified suspicion from their allegedly violent and cruel nature. You wondered how accurate those accounts were - or if the people telling them had been taunting the mers in some way.
The Night Lord you'd encountered had been initially wary, but he'd been trapped and injured. He'd been flirty and grateful once you'd helped him get free, so not all of them were the nightmarish terrors of the deep that hysterical internet posts had ranted and raved about. Perhaps it was simply because the posters had approached the Night Lord in question incorrectly? Or maybe they'd been fucking around and found out that taunting the giant fish-man was a really bad idea, and went to whine about it online after managing to survive.
You'd not seen him again after that first encounter for over a month. Then again, from what you'd managed to gather, Night Lords seemed to prefer deeper waters and avoided most costal places unless they were having territorial disputes with different kinds of merfolk. No one could agree on how m any different kinds of merfolk there were, as they came in dozens of colors and patterns and species. You hoped that he was healing up well from the netting-wounds. 
The moon was full and hung high in the sky, and the stars shone beautifully. You'd debated for a while with yourself - as a medical professional, you could easily find work wherever it was you wanted to live, and the urge to stay in one of the small coastal towns along the coast was almost too much for you to handle. The ocean was fairly calm tonight, with the occasional rippling wave that washed up the beach. You quickly found that your feet led you to the water's edge, your sandals quickly getting wet as the warm waters lapped at your feet.
It would be really, really dumb to go swimming out in the ocean at night. You could so easily vanish beneath the waves, never to be seen or heard from again...
But still, as you looked out over the calm ocean waters, the desire to take off your clothes and go swimming out into the sea was nearly overwhelming. With how dark the night was and the brilliance of the stars, you wondered briefly if it would feel like you were swimming among the stars. 
As a child you'd wanted to know what it would be like to see those distant lights. To explore worlds beyond the Sol system. To explore the galaxy, but alas, the age of space exploration was not going to happen in your lifetime. Not for several generations at least.
You hardly notice where you are and what you're doing until a large, clawed hand lightly envelops one of your shoulders, a vaguely familiar voice calling out to you from behind and above you "It's not safe to go swimming at night, little mortal."
You blink and look up into the worried face of the handsome Night Lord you'd helped over a month ago. A small smile appears on your face as delight and relief flood through you. You reach up with one hand to touch his, lightly squeezing it "I... I know. But I really, really wanted to swim, for some reason. How are you? How have you been? Is it rude if I ask you what your name is?" You tell him your name, still beaming happily, genuinely delighted to see him again.
"I am doing well, and I have been teased by several of my older brothers for getting caught in one of the industrial nets, but I have also been learning how to better spot them and avoid them. I am Nadesir. We should head to the shore. Mortals like you do not swim very well, and there is an undertow in these waters that comes and goes unexpectedly." He responds, a small frown appearing on his face as he looks you over in concern.
"I... If you really think that's important. I'd rather stay out here for a little while, at least." You ask, pouting up at him a little, despite the fact that you know for a fact that he's right. You should go back up on the shore. But you really, really don't want to. A subtle itching that intensified and lowered at times that you'd managed to more or less ignore had finally, finally stopped. You were very unwilling to get back out of the water when that maddening itchiness had finally subsided. You were also admiring the way that the light of the moon highlighted his high cheekbones and made the endless inky pools that his eyes had turned into in the night were deep enough for you to happily drown in. 
"I... If you are sure. I will stay close by, in case something happens." Nadesir decides, still watching you with concern. He fidgets a little, pulling out a silvery-white bloom from one of his armor's pockets. "I... I found this a week ago and thought of you. Would... This is yours, if you want it."
An awed smile appeared on your face as you carefully took the flower and tucked it behind one of your ears, not really having a good place to put it, as you realized that you'd taken off your clothes in order to go swimming... Not that you found that you minded being naked in the warm waters. "Thank you, this is beautiful."
"Almost as much as you are..." He murmurs, something akin to reverence in his eyes as he looks down at you, awe and something softer in his eyes. 
"I... What? You... you're quite handsome, too." You respond, a warm blush appearing on your face as you lean into him, humming a little.
"Thank you." Nadesir rumbled, one arm gently wrapping around your waist as the two of you floated together in the ocean waters.
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trickstarbrave · 5 days
If you were to rewrite Moon-and-Star from the start, or started it now, would you make Nerevar trans ? I think he is in most of your works outside this fic
I think I probably would. I wasn’t as sure in many of my hcs but I started rly hcing him as trans a little after I started moon and Star
That said. It would be tricky to avoid Voryn knocking Nerevar up. But Voryn feels like the type of mer to be like “oh wow look at that. Nerevar’s pregnant with my child. Better marry him to protect the child and secure his loyalty. Can’t have the father of my child running off to join some other house now can we?” And giving his brothers a giant middle finger.
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