#merlin the poisoned chalice
kyuyua · 2 years
Me, wanting to rewatch some of Merlin before it’s gone forever and I have to resort to illegal websites: what’s the gayest episode
The Poisoned Chalice:
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pippin-katz · 3 months
Merlin Was Truly Willing To Die For Arthur From The Start
Okay, I know we talk about The Poisoned Chalice all the time, and how gay it is, but I don’t think any of us truly acknowledges how fucking insane Merlin is. Please consider this.
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Merlin drinks the poison not knowing:
what kind of poison it is
how lethal it is
how fast acting it is
if it has a cure
if the cure is something Gaius can make
if the cure is something Gaius can make fast enough to save him
What the hell was Merlin's plan?
He would have died. It's arguable that he does die, but his immortality brought him back.
Gaius couldn't make the cure the key ingredient was in a dangerous location and difficult to get to
the poison was magically enhanced it was enhanced by Nimueh to act faster than normal, effectively cutting their timetable in half
Arthur could've been prevented from going after his fight with Uther, he only decides to go possibly hours later, after talking to Morgana
Arthur would've died without Merlin's aid, he would have died in that cave and the cure never would've made it back
it was already too late Arthur gets the flower back, but he gets arrested and locked up, the flower gets crushed, and only gets to Merlin after Guinevere sneaks in and Arthur hides it in the food
the cure required magic Gaius had to use magic to activate the cure, so if he couldn't have gotten Guinevere out of the room, he couldn't have used it, and there was a strong possibility that he wouldn't have had the strength to do it because of the lack of practice
Merlin possibly died anyway he's immortal, and his breathing and heartbeat stop for a significant amount of time before he wakes up; I've written about it being possible that he's able to die and come back to life
So if Merlin was mortal, he would have died, and there was no way for him to know that they would be able to cure him prior to drinking the poison.
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He had known Arthur for maybe a month if we're being generous. They were still on rough, getting-to-know-each-other terms. Merlin was still adamantly opposed to the whole "destiny" thing. Despite all of that, he willingly drank that poison without any hesitation.
That is fucking insane.
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localspacelesbian · 6 months
so how many times do we think Merlin died in the show?
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aceofwhump · 23 days
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BBC Merlin 1x04 "The Poisoned Chalice"
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cynthia39100 · 5 months
Merlin rewatch -- S1E4: The Poisoned Chalice
Merlin & Arthur end scene
This scene is the reason I love this episode so much.
It started with Arthur casually dropping by the infirmary. I liked that small smile when he spotted Merlin not dying on the bed but sitting upright and eating. He then noticed Gaius and gave him a little nod. Good kid. (Also that short brown jacket suited him so well!)
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Another gorgeous shot with them looking into each other's eyes ~ A hint of teasing was still in Arthur's voice when he said " Still alive then." but his expression and his movement were very gentle. Then he just turned all honest and soft. When he reminded Merlin to work the next day there was none of the usual demanding tone even though he bulged his eyes and try to look threatening.
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I also liked that he played down his attribution in this save-Merlin mission, just like he didn't brag about his heroic deed to Morgana earlier. " A half-decent servant is hard to come by," he said. Just a roundabout way to praise Merlin's courage. He probably didn't think his achievement was nearly as brave as Merlin's. Merlin was an incompetent servant yet was willing to drink poison for him. Whereas Arthur had all the skills he needed for the quest and only survived because of an unknown sorcerer's help.
Merlin didn't think that, of course, so he called Arthur back and they had this gorgeous exchange.
The lines were so simple yet conveyed so much. It might be the first time they truly stood on equal ground. They were always casual with each other of course, but it felt like a new level. Before, it was "a brave, funny peasant" or " a prat but good-hearted prince". Now, they were two persons who were willing to risk their lives for one another, despite the restriction of their respective rank, and they recognised this shift in their relationship in this short exchange! Beautiful, beautiful scene.
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canonsensical · 3 months
Do you ever watch an episode of Merlin and know you've read gay fanfiction less gay than this?
This is only episode 4. They hardly know each other.
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messages from Merlin Official Poisoned Chalice:
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the reactions:
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He is
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stressed-and-queer · 10 months
Reasons why Merlins s1 ep4 "The Poisoned Chalice" is one of my favorite episodes (spoilers)
Gaius giving Merlin a fake proverb and Merlin calling him out on it
Merlin: "Someone has to keep the place running"
Gaius: 🤨
Merlin gets so excited he gets to go to the ball and it's adorable
The iconic outfit Arthur picks out for him
Gwen teasing him about the hat
Arthur looking back at Merlin clearly amused
The moment "Clara" confirms that Arthur's cup is poisoned he immediately leaves to save Arthur
Arthur keeps on trying to take a sip of the cup thinking the speech is over only to be interrupted again 🤣
Merlin: *Takes Arthur's cup*
Arthur: #annoyed
Uther asks Merlin for proof about his claims about the cup being poisoned and Arthur immediately goes into protective boyfriend mode
Arthur got so worried when Uther decided he would drink the wine
To the point that he tried to drink it himself knowing there was a possibility it was poisoned.
He was literally willing to do that for a servant he met 4 EP ago
Continuing with the point that they met 4 EP ago, they've known each other for like what, a month at the most and Merlin was already willing to die for Arthur
"but if it's poisoned, he'll die :('
Arthur was so fucking worried when Merlin drank the wine, you could tell just by the way he stood
*Dramatic music playing after Merlin drank the wine for a dramatic pause* Merlin: ...It's fine
The fact that the poison took a few moments to kick in. Idk it made it seem more realistic
You cannot convince me Arthur wasn't planning on somehow getting Merlin back from Bayard
When Merlin starts to choke, Arthur's face immediately drops. There's just a look of pure worry and dread
When Merlin falls to the ground unconscious, Arthur is there by his side in a matter of seconds
Arthur didn't even think twice when he picked Merlin up to carry him to Gaius's physician chambers
Arthur asking if Merlin was going to be ok
Gaius explains how to save Merlin, and how dangerous a journey it would be and Arthur is still willing to go to save Merlin
Gaius: A single drip of venom from the Cockatrice would mean certain death
Arthur: Sounds like fun!
Morgana has so much faith that Arthur would save Merlin she wasn't even worried
She relieved Gwen from her duties for the rest of the night so she could take care of Merlin!!!
"I can't stand by and watch him die!"
" Then don't watch"
The ways those lines are delivered are sooooo good omg
The way Arthur leans against the fireplace
Morgana is the one that convinced Arthur to defy his father and save Merlin
Merlin saying a spell in his sleep
And Gaius having to cover for him because Gwen was literally right there
Gaius immediately knows it's Nimue that poisoned the cup when he finds out the poison has been magically enhanced
"He's just a boy"
"Have you seen your son recently?"
Merlin literally moans Arthur's name in his sleep
"Art-Arthur, Arthur...ngh" -Merlin s1 ep4
Even when Merlin is literally dying and unconscious he's still trying to save Arthur
The whole act that Nimue puts on that Arthur falls for instantly
When Arthur flights the Cockatrice with his sword. I love all the fancy movements Bradley had to learn for the role of Arthur
Merlin moaning Arthur's name pt2
Merlin tries to warn Arthur that it's a trap in his sleep
"Who are you!"
"The last face you'll ever see"
Merlin moans Arthurs name pt3
"Do not let Merlin die because of something I did"
Arthur is willing to be put into the stocks for a month if it means Merlin gets the antidote
Arthur reaching for the flower through the bars of his cell
The way they snuck the flower out of the cell
"That's disgusting, you would be ashamed of yourself you're old enough to be her grandfather"
"I'm proud of you Arthur, never forget that"
Arthur went to check in on Merlin to make sure he was doing ok
"Arthur....thank you"
"You too, get some rest"
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dryadalisliv · 10 months
Would have been even better if Arthur died because he took a blow that was intended for Merlin.. like Mordred was fkn mad at Emrys and that was his revenge.. but Arthur intercepts the sword,, so that when Merlin ‘failed’ for the first time in saving Arthur, it was Arthur’s first time actually saving Merlin in return.
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lesbicosmos · 2 months
thinking abt the fact that whenever anyone tries to tell merlin that he's just arthur's servant and he has no reason to care about him as much as he does, he's so quick to be like "no actually he's my friend" but then whenever it's the other way around and someone tries to tell him arthur cares about him too, he's all "no im just his servant"
these two are from the SAME episode
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green-ajah · 1 year
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BBC Merlin (2008 - 2012) ⤷ Episode 4 “The Poisoned Chalice“
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It was through working out the social implications of necromancy in a world where soulmates exist and how it would be even more taboo than canon, and any potential ways to get around that (because I'm trying to keep Lancelot around, dammit) when I remembered that Merlin fully dies a couple times throughout the show. And in a world where you can feel your soulmate die? The angst is unfolding and it's glorious
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dont-let-me-eat-pears · 3 months
arthur really out here defying his father and risking his life to save merlin 4 episodes into the show
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aceofwhump · 23 days
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BBC Merlin 1x04 "The Poisoned Chalice"
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cynthia39100 · 5 months
Merlin rewatch -- S1E4: The Poisoned Chalice
Cute Arthur moments
Arthur’s slow-mode clapping in the opening was hilarious lol
Arthur’s mischievous smile when he went to fetch the “ official ceremonial robes for servant". Poor Merlin. He was so excited. I think it showed their friendship progression? They could be pranking each other now. Well, it’s still a bit one-sided but I’m sure Arthur wouldn’t begrudge Merlin if he did.
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Arthur tried to drink but couldn’t because Bayard and Uther had a lot to say lol Such a child.
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I love Arthur’s sweaty hair ~~ He looked beautiful in the whole episode, but especially good with the messy hair and the eyes that were made bluer by the lighting in the cell 💕.
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He looked so CUTE after he set the flower on the plate and Gwen smiled at him ~~~ He looked like a child, sitting on the floor, dodging eye contact, embarrassed of his awkward acting. Aww Arthur, we knew you were a good man~ 🥰
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I also like the way he looked up to make sure Gwen got the flower out. He looked authoritative even in the cell. (Also he looked super hot behind the bars, in that slutty red shirt with his chin tilted up ❤️)
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overflowing-glass · 1 year
Look if a Merthur fic doesn’t start with them fighting then I don’t want it
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