#merm peter
emkayoh · 6 years
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So I was gonna wait until I had a whole slew of drawings to post this but considering I never have free time anymore, I don’t know when I would finish that so I’m just gonna post this as is for now and hopefully come back and post more later. 
This is Merm Peter! I honestly feel like I could have done more to make him more mermy but that’s for later... this was really rushed. I have a lil story for him and someone already messaged me with an awesome merm fic that they started and it’s so cool!! So definitely other people feel free to take it away with this but here’s what I’ve come up with: 
- Peter is a sea dwelling merm that was somehow caught by Hydra and experimented on. He’s held in captivity for a bit before he’s rescued by the Avengers. 
- When they find him, they have no idea what to do with him. He’s too injured and sickly to throw back into the ocean but they have no idea what the care and keeping of a merm requires and he seems to not be able to talk. Tony volunteers to keep him at the compound since he has the best facilities to house such a thing and so he assumes babysitting duties. 
- As he nurses Peter back to health, he starts to learn more about him and teach him about the human world, which Peter is initially scared and distrustful of but he learns that not all humans are bad and becomes particularly fascinated by science. He also learns to communicate with humans. 
- By the time Peter is healthy enough to go back in the ocean, Tony has formed a bond with him and he’s sad to let him go. But he knows he can’t keep him in captivity or else he’d be no better than Hydra. But still, after all these months, he’s come to see him as a son... 
And that’s generally it!!! I’m gonna do more drawings and doodles later of Tony and merm Peter interacting, so get ready for that! 
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ecairnsart · 3 years
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for the last day of @peterfelweek  - a mermaid AU sketch for @splendnothings as a thank you for organizing and modding the event!
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Martin: works on one of Peter Lukas’s ships. Is the one to first catch Distortion Michael (aka: the merm) and takes the issue to Jon, thinking they’d know what to do.
Peter: is a boat captain that mainly catches and sells highly prized but endangered animals such as whales, seals and dolphins.
Jon: an Oracle. He was taught by gertrude how to read into the mind’s eye, and lost quite a bit of his humanity when elias murdered her. When Martin came to him with the issue, he was able to direct him to Gerry.
Gertrude: was the original Oracle. She also had an affinity toward witchcraft and dark magic of any kind.
Mary: with gertrude gone, Mary was the most feared witch in London for those who knew what she could truly do. She had a bookshop that sold magical books, spell books, and regular witchy items.
Gerry: once Mary died from self mutilation during an immortality spell gone wrong, Gerry was forced to take over the store. He doesn’t really like the store much, and is neutral toward witchcraft, though he does practice it at times. Knowledgeable on the supernatural.
The Distortion: a parasitic being capable of deception and horror beyond what the human mind can comprehend. It’s true form can only be witnessed under the lens of water- which is where its energy is from. It’s known to drive people mad if they look at it
Michael Shelley: used to be a village boy who worked at the library. He helped gertrude out by bringing her food and trying to keep her company because he thought that she may be lonely. During this time, gertrude was trying to find a way to pacify the Distortion. She decided to sacrifice Michael to its hold- which bound his body to the sea. The curse could only be broken if the body of Michael dried out completely. Because of the way the distortion could lie and fight, that was a near impossible task. Even when dry the Distortion remains bound to Michael so the curse would activate yet again if he ever got wet- adding another layer of impossibility
Nikola: is the ringmaster in a traveling circus known to exploit occult wonders.
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neverlandfaerai · 4 years
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Aight so time for an update on things now that my merms are out of the Winter Event.
Valentine Event
While I’m not taking asks for this, I’ll be sending Gilda/ Pan’s mom to the event so that I can send asks to other blogs. The ask call for that will be posted some time today.
100-Follower Design Giveaway
Doing a design giveaway feels more manageable for me right now, and it’s something I’d like to try this time around! My priority is to have this done before my ask event. 
I took some suggestions about a week ago in a discord server for themes/ Pokémon to design off of, but if anyone has more suggestions to toss up feel free to DM me/ comment on this post! I’m thinking I’ll have roughly 4 designs to give away.
Ask Event
Peter will be flying around with a gang of whimsicotts, probably within the Galar region (or I may make it general). I’ll be taking asks for this event when the post goes up, and also make an ask call to send them over to other blogs.
Like my pinned post says, I’m not doing plot and I’ll take this whichever way it goes. But I’m going to have a loose plan before it starts. M!A’s will be considered if sent, but I’ll only do them if I feel like it.
The medium I do this in may be sporadic between digital and traditional, since I’ll just use whatever I feel like using in the moment.
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doodleimprovement · 6 years
How!! Does Tony find out about Peter’s merman-ness!! Is Peter half Merm?? Give us the deets please!!
Hi there!
So, Tony actually meets Peter as a merman. He’s a full merm, born and raised in the hudson river, but he has an interest in human stuff, and has a little alcove/hidden place where he likes to investigate things or read newspapers he swiped from the dock workers that take up the side of the river. Tony just kinda discovered him while taking a sailing yacht he has around the harbor. It’s an awkward meeting to be sure. The poor kid panics and tries to say he’s an illusion. Doesn’t fool Tony for a second
The cusp of the story is the turning point in their relationship, and theres a little magic (with a special cameo. take a wild guess) and a lot of Clint making really bad fish-related jokes
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Divided We Fall (OUAT - Peter Pan x Reader) Part 4
Requested by @ajakral
Synopsis: Who said there were no girls on Neverland? Who said Peter Pan ruled over this world on his own? On the other side of the island, far from the mermaid lagoon, the echo cave and the skull rock – that’s where (Y/N) and her girls lived. Because behind every great man there is an even greater woman, what would the king be without his queen?
A/N: Doesn’t star any OUAT characters apart from Pan, Felix and Wendy.
Word count: 2.4k
Part 3 <<< >>> Part 5
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“Up and in line everyone!” (Y/N) ordered and her girls stood in the usual order within seconds, dropping everything they were doing. In a single swift motion, she threw a thick wooden stick to one of the younger girls who fumbled a bit before catching it, out of surprise.
“You can't hesitate, if someone else than me throws something else at you, you need to catch it,” she said and paced in front of the girls. When she reached the same girl again, (Y/N) threw her elbow at her, aiming for the face but this time she caught it before it hit her. “Better,” (Y/N) congratulated her with a smirk.
It was still raining, they had just eaten a good meal, it was the exact opposite of what you called good fighting conditions. Perfect.
“These are the worst conditions you can find yourself in during a fight,” (Y/N) continued. “Pair up!”
In a common movement, all the Lost Girls moved to face up their partner. They paired up with girls of the same strength – (Y/N) shook her head.
“No, not like that. Mingle with the stronger ones, challenge yourself because there is no honor in winning against someone you know you can defeat.”
They changed partners and shared confused looks as they did so.
“Fight, and I want to see you use the elements to your advantage. It's raining, it's muddy, the sounds of nature cover anything else, use it.”
As soon as the words crossed her lips, the girls executed her orders. The smaller, weaker ones attacked first because that's what (Y/N) taught them to do – to strike before their adversary gets a chance to hit them. If you're smaller, it means you're faster. If you're bigger then you can knock your enemy out faster. Sybil and her cunning ways was the first to dive to the ground and swing her leg around to sweep the other girl off her feet and make her slip in the mud.
“Good Sybil! Everyone look at that! That's what I'm talking about. Don't be afraid to play dirty literally and figuratively, Neverland isn't a playground and next time a bunch of Lost Boys come here, I want you to make them eat the ground.”
She made the girls fight and fight and fight again, keeping up the rhythm until they were wetter from sweat than rain. They panted, covered in mud and blood, pointlessly trying to rub away the dirt with the back of their equally dirty hands while dodging blow after blow.
“What the hell is wrong with her?!” Sybil groaned in between a couple punches.
She ducked forward when Dorothy leaped toward her and tried to hit her shoulder. Sybil hurt her shoulder last month, everyone knew that. But it was fair game, she didn't hold grudge against her sister. It was a weakness and she exploited it, like (Y/N) had instructed.
“Shut up or you'll be on watch duty for the next two centuries,” Dorothy replied and attacked again. Her hair kept flying in her eyes and the rain made it stick to her forehead and momentarily blinded her.
“What is it with her today?! Why is she such a pain in the-”
“Sybil?” (Y/N) interrupted the girls' fight and grabbed the poor Sybil's arm. “Got something to say?”
“Yes!” She snapped, letting her emotions take precedence over her head and stepping closer to her leader instead of backing down like a wise person would have. “What's going on? Why are you venting on us? What's the deal with you today?!”
“My deal-” (Y/N) began, talking between her teeth and tightening her grip on Sybil who winced in pain. “-is my business. You stay quiet and do as I say, or you can run off into the jungle and throw your little pity party there. If you interrupt training once more, I'll personally see to your punishment.”
Sybil turned a few shades whiter and her pupils lost in size. Fear sizzled in the air as rain showered them.
“No dinner for you tonight. You're on first watch. Dorothy-” (Y/N) said and the girl's eyes moved from her friend to her leader. “-You pair up with Tina and teach her the basics again, she still can't throw a proper kick.”
She didn't say a word but moved over to where the young blond girl called Tina stood, with her arm hanging each side of her body, trembling in fear. The partner was already walking towards Sybil to face her new adversary.
“Congratulations everyone, you get two more hours of training and you can thank Sybil for that. I'm leaving but don't think for a second that I won't know it if you stop before I say it's over.” (Y/N) clapped her hands – the signal for the Lost Girls to resume their fighting. “If you're not too sore to move tomorrow, it means you did it wrong.”
“If every muscle in your body doesn't scream for you to stop then you haven't given it all yet,” Pan philosophized while circling around the heavy breathing girl at his feet. “Do better or die out there.”
“What's out there?” (Y/N) asked before rubbing the blood away from her split lip.
It didn't stop the bleeding though, and bruises were already forming here and there all over her body. She simply couldn't do it – what he asked of her was too much.
“Why, the world of course!” Pan said with a smirk. “If you're not tougher than the world, it'll kill you, don't you know?” He knelt down to be at eye level with (Y/N) and she had to refrain from spitting in his face. “Get on your feet little lamb, or the big bad wolf will get you.”
“Who's the big bad wolf in this dumb metaphor?” (Y/N) scoffed in disdain, blood dripping from her nose as she slowly stood up, along with Peter. “You?!” There was so much scorn in her voice that she couldn't even blame Pan for the following blow.
Her feet left the ground and (Y/N) immediately raised her hands before her face to protect herself and closed her eyes, ready to take the blow, get the air knocked out of her and to receive another bruise in some painful place. But it never came. (Y/N)'s jaw was still clenched in fear and anticipation when she dared open one eye to see what was happening and the only thing she saw was that Pan wasn't there anymore. Or rather, she wasn't with Pan anymore.
Not a second ago she was surrounded by trees and now she stood on the edge of a cliff by the sea. Neversea was a forbidden place – no Lost Boy was allowed to get in the dark waters. Most of the island was surrounded by sharp rocks anyway, there was only one sand beach, the rest of Neverland was as hostile as one would expect.
A series of sharp edged rocks led the way to the water several meters below. Despite the seemingly deadly territory she was in, the call of the void was strong. Tempting. It was mesmerizing, it sang to her and (Y/N) stepped forward against her best judgment.
“Hello?!” (Y/N) screamed out. Her voice echoed against the rocks but no one answered. “Where the hell am I now?” She wondered out loud.
There was still no answer but this time around she heard voices. She couldn't make out what they were saying but she wanted, needed to know and it somehow made her take another step towards the edge. The sound of the waves hitting the bottom the the cliff was loud and regular, it lulled her and covered the voices she tried to hard to decipher. Her feet moved as though thy had a will of their own. It felt a little wrong, (Y/N) wanted to fight against this invisible force that compelled her to move but this urge didn't take precedence over the need to find the source of the chants.
Where did it come from? Who was singing so beautifully? Whose void pierced through the mist of the sea? It was pure madness but her raised foot hovered over the void – there was no more ground to put her foot on but she couldn't stop moving forward, the wind pushed her from the back and the voices pulled her toward the sea.
“What are you doing, you foolish girl?!” A voice exclaimed from behind her, snapping (Y/N) out of her reverie.
She felt a tight grip on her upper arm and was abruptly pulled back on the land, away from an imminent death. It was like being ripped out of a stupidly vivid dream too fast and waking up feeling dizzy and lost.
“Pan?” (Y/N) asked confusedly. “Did you hear this?”
“Of course I did, everyone does. Don't listen to them, they'll lure you to a certain and painful death.”
This at least made her come back to her senses.
“What the hell was that? Get your hands off of me!”
“I just saved your life, I would advise you show a little gratefulness,” Peter scoffed and released her once he had dragged her far enough from the sea and its mysterious call. “It's not my touch that you should fear but the sirens. If they got their hands on you, you'd be a goner.”
“I'd rather throw myself off this cliff and get eaten by magical creatures than have your filthy hands touch me – and I already told you multiple times that I'm not scared of you.”
Peter dropped his hand and looked at her more intently, making her feel as though he was seeing right through her instead of at her. (Y/N) shivered of disgust and repressed the urge to rub away the feeling of his touch on her skin. He didn't believe her, that much was obvious, but she wouldn't contradict him again. If he wanted to underestimate her then so be it.
“You disappeared, well done,” he eventually congratulated her as though she accomplished some extraordinary deed.
It must have been pretty fantastic since he barely acknowledged her perseverance - if not skill - during their training sessions but suddenly complimented her.
“I didn't do it on purpose,” she said, chin still raised high. There was no point in trying to pass it as talent, she did it on accident and wouldn't be able to do it again if he asked her. “Where are we?”
“The mermaid lagoon,” he scoffed in a way that suggested that he hated this place. “Don't let the pretty name fool you, it's the most hellish part of this entire island. Mermaids will lure you to a certain death if you let your guard down for so much as a second.”
“While you're all rainbows and butterflies and do not threaten my life at all,” (Y/N) snickered sarcastically, earning a stern glare.
She expected Peter to physically punish her for this bold comment, to suspend her in the air, tackle her to the ground, or magically strangle her but he did none of it and simply turned around - trusting she would follow him and not be stupid enough to take a chance on the lagoon. It was a tough choice for her nonetheless and (Y/N) seriously considered running in any other direction than the one Peter was. Thoughts ran wild in her head for a second, but she just literally vanished in thin air before his eyes and he still managed to find her, so how could she even hope to escape by foot?
“Move!” He barked at her form a fair distance. “Training's far from being over, I see you still have some fight in you so you go back at it until you're too tired to insult me.”
(Y/N) thought that she'd have to be dead for that to happen, but she still obliged and silently followed his steps through the thick greenery of Neverland.
At the end of the day, Peter couldn't simply isolate himself from his Lost Boys endlessly and he had to return to camp after a few more hours of sulking at his thinking tree. Even he couldn't call it anything but sulking. Denying this to himself was pointless and he was in his damn right to act like a child if he wanted to – he was the ultimate forever child, who could blame him for acting like one?
“Shadow,” Peter called from the top branch of his tree, high enough to give him a view of the creek and Skull Rock.
It appeared almost right away, as though it constantly lurked in the dark, waiting for its master to whistle. For this alone Peter despised it but he couldn't deny how useful it was. It complete missions like no Lost Boy ever did. The only person who ever came close to this was (Y/N) – that is, until she turned against Peter. Felix could rot in his tree for all Peter cared, he was a poor second in command most of the time, but still the most capable of the Boys. It really spoke volumes about the state of Pan's little army. Pitiful.
The Shadow floats in the air before Peter, blocking his view and waiting orders like the perfect silent soldier. Peter often thought that if the Shadow could talk it would quickly go from his favorite to least favorite minion.
“What's she doing?” He asked in a flat voice – he didn't know why he felt so compelled to fake detachment when he spoke to the Shadow, but he did it. All the time. There was no other way he knew of to deal with the jumble of emotions he felt.
The Shadow shook its faceless head in defeat. Peter had grown to learn how to interpret the Shadow's body language. The Lost Girls' camp was sizzling with tension today, probably like his own camp. (Y/N) was a mess of wild emotions she refused to deal with, and she let out the steam by giving the rough side of the hand to her girls. He sighed deeply. As soon as he raised a hand toward the sky and flicked his wrist, the rain stopped. Peter rarely changed the weather the way he just did, but he knew that (Y/N)'s mood wouldn't improve as long as the storm went on.
“You won't be giving her the usual flower, today I need you to do something else for me...”
A/N: I know I take fucking forever to update, thanks for bearing with me y’all, you’re the best!
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wickedwitchoffeels · 8 years
Ariel, Peter Pan and Merida :)
Ariel: Where do you think you belong, and why? 
in a sort of metaphysical way, the ocean, because i am merm. More realistically, fuck if i know. 
Peter Pan: Something from your childhood that you still love.
Closest to my heart are Prince of Egypt and Star Wars. Prince of Egypt because i was raised watching it but it made the transition from me watching it from a Christian perspective to not and still is absolutely amazing (which...is a whole topic in of itself, and a testament to just how good it is), and Star Wars because I was raised with it as well but with the new movies it truly feels like it’s become “mine”. 
Merida: What are you most passionate about?
Right now, catching Mesprit, Azelf, and a goddamn female Snorunt to evolve into a goddamn Froslass 
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lyrics-code · 7 years
Welcome To The United States Lyrics - Frank Zappa
Welcome To The United States Lyrics – Frank Zappa
[includes Narrhalla-Marsch (trad.) and a quote from Louie Louie (Richard Berry)] [Reiner Romer:] Ladies and gentlemen, here he goes, Peter Rundel, he seems to be disgusted. Whatever. Ridero ridera! [?] Ha ha ha! LAUGH NOW! (HA HA HA HA HA!) Be quiet! Von seiner Werkbank zu uns heute Abend hergekommen ist unser Hermann Kretzschmar wolle merm reinlasse? Laugh now! (HA HA HA HA HA!) Welcome to the…
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emkayoh · 4 years
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I thought this could use a re-design, so here’s Spider-Merm 2.0! I tried to base it off his FFH suit a bit... maybe I’ll do some more Avengers?? 
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the-record-briefs · 8 years
March 15, 2017: Briefs
Wilkes Playmakers present 
 "Law and Order: Fairy Tale Unit 
 This Friday, March 17, The Wilkes Playmakers present  "Law and Order: Fairy Tale Unit", directed by Nichole Wyatt. While no stranger to the Benton Hall stage, Wyatt is making her directorial debut for the Wilkes Playmakers.  
           In the fairy tale criminal justice system, the characters from fairy tales and nursery rhymes are represented by two separate yet equally ridiculous groups: the fairy tale police who investigate fairy tale crime, and the fairy tale district attorneys who prosecute the fairy tale offenders. These are their stories.
           Cast includes: Bill Hurd: intense voiceover, Hansel, Sneezy, 3 bailiffs gruff; Tyler Burch: CHUHCHUNK; Jaxon Walker: Location and time; Sydney Lambert: Detective H.D. (Humpty Dumpty); Holly Lynn: Detective Cindy (Cinderella); Savannah Rash: Zelle; Sleeping Beauty; Ken Abbott: Jack, Grumpy, 3 bailiffs gruff, Pinnochio; Adrian Boles: Jillian, Happy, 3 bailiffs gruff; Tina Powers: Gretel, Judge F. Godmother;  Chloe Sheets, Blind Mouse 1; Tayley Rash: Blind Mouse 2; Madison Stanley: Ugly Duckling, Blind Mouse 3; Abi Fairchild: Officer Gold; Tyler Burch: Robin Hood, Little Dog;   Evan Anderson: Captain Hook, Muffin Man; Jeannie Green: Bashful, Queen An; Evan Zelensky: Doc, Peter Peter, court reporter sprat; Lauren Jarvis: Asst. D.A. Merm (A mermaid); Bekah Gardner (Little Bo) Peep; Owen Piotrowski: B.B. Wolf, Fiddle; Modio Chaves: Pig 1, Spork; Jada Call: Dopey Pig 2; Andy Coldtrain: Pig 3, Dish; Hunter Lynn: Sleepy, Executive Assistant D.A. Stiltskin
           Law and Order: Fairy Tale Unit was written by Jonathan Rand, is produced in association with Playscripts Inc, and funded in part by a grant from the NC Arts Council.  
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Wilkes Playmakers rehearsals at full steam ahead
By HEATHER DEAN Record Reporter
The Wilkes Playmakers are in the last few weeks of rehearsal to present “Law and Order: Fairy Tale Unit”, directed by Nichole Wyatt. While no stranger to the Benton Hall stage, Wyatt is making her directorial debut for the Wilkes Playmakers. Of the adventure of first time directing she said  “What a Fun and crazy journey this has been. I’m so excited about the work we have been able to complete over the past few weeks. I would like to thank my cast for their dedication and hard work. As well I would like to extend my gratitude to Wilkes Playmakers for allowing me the opportunity to direct.  I would encourage everyone to come see all the hard work we have put into this.  If anyone is interested in directing whether it is your first time or your 100th time I recommended this amazing group of people!”
Cast includes:
Bill Hurd: intense voiceover, Hansel, Sneezy, 3 bailiffs gruff; Tyler Burch: CHUH­CHUNK; Jaxon Walker: Location and time; Sydney Lambert: Detective H.D. (Humpty Dumpty); Holly Lynn: Detective Cindy (Cinderella); Savannah Rash: Zelle; Sleeping Beauty; Ken Abbott: Jack, Grumpy, 3 bailiffs gruff, Pinnochio; Adrian Boles: Jillian, Happy, 3 bailiffs gruff; Tina Powers: Gretel, Judge F. Godmother;  Chloe Sheets, Blind Mouse 1; Tayley Rash: Blind Mouse 2; Madison Stanley: Ugly Duckling, Blind Mouse 3; Abi Fairchild: Officer Gold; Tyler Burch: Robin Hood, Little Dog;   Evan Anderson: Captain Hook, Muffin Man; Jeannie Green: Bashful, Queen An; Evan Zelensky: Doc, Peter Peter, court reporter sprat; Lauren Jarvis: Asst. D.A. Merm (A mermaid); Bekah Gardner (Little Bo) Peep; Owen Piotrowski: B.B. Wolf, Fiddle; Modio Chaves: Pig 1, Spork; Jada Call: Dopey Pig 2; Andy Coldtrain: Pig 3, Dish; Hunter Lynn: Sleepy, Executive Assistant D.A. Stiltskin
 Law and Order: Fairy Tale Unit was written by Jonathan Rand, is produced in association with Playscripts Inc, and funded in part by a grant from the NC Arts Council.  
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emkayoh · 6 years
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Some suuuuuper quick sketches of the Mer Peter AU... now with Tony Stark! 
As I said in the last post, Peter is a merm that was kidnapped and experimented on by Hydra, the Avengers rescue him and he’s nursed back to health by Tony at the compound and they end up forming a bond. 
I do not have the willpower to finish any of these sketches but if anyone wants to take these and color them, by all means feel free. My hand hurts. 
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Auditions for  Law & Order: Fairy Tale Unit this week
In the fairy tale criminal justice system, the characters from fairy tales and nursery rhymes are represented by two separate yet equally ridiculous groups: the fairy tale police who investigate fairy tale crime, and the fairy tale district attorneys who prosecute the fairy tale offenders.
These are their stories....
On Monday January 16, and Tuesday January 17, auditions will be held at Historic Benton Hall, for  “Law and order Fairy Tale Unit upstairs in the Auditorium at 6:30 p.m.
Law and Order: Fairy Tale Unit is a hilarious one-act play that is a parody of the long running television series Law and Order. This play follows the TV show’s format complete with three characters who actually play the Chuh-Chunk sound effect, the Location identifier (“Main Street”), and the Time identifier ("11:16 AM").
The first half of the play follows detectives H.D. and Cindy (Cinderella) seeking out the “perp” who destroyed two houses and may be after a third.
The second half of the play finds district attorneys Stiltskin, Merm, and Queenan making a case to prosecute convicted felon B.B. Wolf.                            Characters from fairy tales, Mother Goose rhymes, and fables make appearances as witnesses, members of the jury, store owners, neighbors, officers and judges. Many characters are referred to by a nickname and sometimes have only vague references to their fairy tale origins.
Half the fun for the audience is deciphering who is who!
Setting: Far Far Away
Time: Present
Law and Order: Fairy Tale Unit can accommodate up to 60 actors. There are 46 speaking roles. Roles available include: Intense Voiceover; Detective H.D.; Detective Cindy; Zelle; Jack; Jillian; Hansel; Gretel; Ugl D; Officer Gold; Pinocchio; Capt. Hook; Doc; Happy; Grumpy; Bashful; Sleepy Sneezy; Dopey; B.B. Wolf; Executive A.D.A Stiltskin; A.D.A Merm; 3 Little Pigs; Queenan; 3 Blind Mice; Robin Hood; Sleeping Beauty; Muffin Man; Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater; Cat; Fiddle; Cow; Little Dog; Dish; Spork; Judge F. Godmother; Court Reporter Sprat; and the Three Bailiffs Gruf.
All ages are welcome to audition for these roles.
The play is being directed by Nichole Wyatt, veteran Playmaker, and first time director.
     Law and Order: Fairy Tale Unit is licensed by Playscripts, Inc.  and written by Jonathan Rand.    
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