#metafictional monday
teaformrholmes · 1 year
While the famous meeting of Sherlock Holmes and John H. Watson, M.D., is well documented (in A Study in Scarlet), the meeting of Conan Doyle and Dr. Watson remains in the imagination. Perhaps these two young writers met in Edinburgh; perhaps they attended some literary society meeting together; or perhaps their similar medical backgrounds led them to the same lecture.
The World of Sherlock Holmes, Leslie S. Klinger
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Holmes and Watson / Tristan and Isolde
BBC Radio 4's Sherlock Holmes, The Devil's Foot (radio drama transcript) /// Granada's The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, The Red Circle /// Metafictional Monday: Tristan und Isolde, @teaformrholmes /// Brayton Polka, LIEBESTOD: On Love and Death in Wagner's "Tristan und Isolde", p. 246 /// The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes, Vincent Starrett /// BBC Radio 4's Sherlock Holmes, The Devil's Foot (radio drama transcript)
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pochapal · 1 year
Curious about what speculations you might have at this point - given the way things are progressing in the first episode, how do you think this episode is going to end? And with that assumption, what do you think the later 7 episodes are going to be about?
i've thought about this a little in the past but i think it depends on if we get another murder in this episode. i first wondered if it would be a one twilight per episode kind of deal but the pacing argues otherwise - we have the clear timeframe of "until monday morning when the storm clears and the police arrive" laid out, which, given how it's taken ~10 chapters to get through the first day, could feasibly reached in another ~10 chapters from now if we keep this pace up. that would be a lot of killing and murders to get through at a rapid pace though so i'm not sure.
one hunch i am sort of toying with is that umineko might be a kind of murder mystery anthology where we get a bunch of seemingly disconnected series of killings with new and distinct casts that all have the theme of "beatrice" in common, except so much of beatrice and the epitaph is tied up with kinzo and rokkenjima that i wonder how that would even work. at this conjunction it's hard to find something that could be thematically extended outside of the ushiromiya family.
i think we could stay on rokkenjima longer if we get more metafictional with it but i'm not sure how likely it is any element like that will appear in episode one since i'm ~halfway through and outside of some unreliable narration and themes on storytelling there's nothing concrete to latch onto. if it did go metafictional there's a chance we could go down the zero escape route where we have a bunch of diverging timelines that build towards a point where everything in conjunction allows the mystery to be solved and lets everyone escape the tragedy alive (something similar to how the culprit in 999 gets exposed through clues in alternate routes) but again. no indication that something like that is going on.
my other hesitation on the zero escape style story construction theory is that apparently new characters do show up in later episodes (the characters that diverged from the alleged "umineko sexyman" concept that people have told me about for instance) and i don't see how that could happen in a closed environment like this.
i have some compelling ideas but i am very uncertain! i can think of these possibilities but the story isn't really hinting towards how it's structured yet so it is hard to say for sure. at this current moment it's all up in the air but once the overall "shape" of episode 1 becomes more clear (such as if the second twilight happens or if beatrice ever makes a physical appearance) then that'll start limiting the possibilities and make it easier to figure out.
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biblioklept · 3 hours
Mass-market Monday | Robert Coover's The Public Burning
The Public Burning, Robert Coover. Banatm Books Edition (1978). No cover designer credited. 661 pages. A 1977 Book Ends column in The New York Times offers a fairly succinct blurb for The Public Burning: The Public Burning is a blend of fact and fantasy, using dozens of real and fictional names. Among the real persons named in this “metafiction” are President Eisenhower, Senator Joseph McCarthy,…
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grandhotelabyss · 3 years
The death of Jean-Paul Belmondo cries out for Breathless as the feature for our audiovisual Monday. There are few films I admire more than Breathless. I don’t know how much of a recommendation this is, to be honest. I am somewhere between a cinephile and a philistine. I have seen Battleship Potemkin and Andrei Rublev, Citizen Kane and The Searchers, The Seven Samurai and Tokyo Story, Metropolis and Aguirre, the Wrath of God; yet something in me is impatient with cinema, the invariable rate at which it passes, never the right speed for me, always too fast (what’s happening? who’s that?) or too slow (I get it already, it’s a field with some trees!). Books are perfect, by contrast, because I control the pace: there are 400-page books I’ve read in two days and 400-page books I’ve read in two months, depending on what I needed or what the text demanded. 
Most of my favorite movies are in the horror genre, high and low. I love The Exorcist, Halloween, A Nightmare on Elm Street, The Ring; I respect the horror-adjacent avantism of Cronenberg, Lynch, even Greenaway. This preference is not, I think, incidental to film as a form. Jameson somewhere says film is essentially pornographic, an oddly undialectical thought from the man acclaimed as our foremost dialectician (maybe he convincingly elaborates; I only know the statement as an aperçu I saw quoted online). But pornography is about the entirely seen, the wholly exposed, which is why pornography by itself isn’t art. Horror is about the delicate transaction between the seen and the unseen—the everyday and what lurks in its shadow-side—and as such is the perfect genre for a visual medium consummating its narratives in time, the time it takes to pass from perception to occlusion and back again. All great films, in that sense, are horror films.
But Breathless is among my favorite non-horror films. (This isn’t quite a list of my cinematic favorites, but it suggests where my tastes and interests lie.) Famously adapting American pop into French art with metafictional wit, simulating the over-stimulated postmodern sensibility with jump cuts and jazz, Breathless is grounded in the ensorcelling romance between Belmondo’s roguish criminal and Jean Seberg’s diffident exchange student. Made according to Godard’s waggish dictum that all you need to make a movie is a girl and a gun, It’s a permanent monument to youth on the move. Yet Godard is Swiss and Protestant, hence not only the Maoist didacticism of his later ‘60s work but perhaps also the interest in so Vermeerish an ingénue as the eventually doomed Seberg in the first place. Her inaccessible interior life—the unseen to which the camera has no access, not least in an Americanized world of pop surfaces—provides the film a core of feeling that spiritualizes its cinematic inventiveness, and this with less literalism or solemnity than my other favorite non-horror movie, another urban romance, Wim Wenders’s late-Cold-War fantasy Wings of Desire. The entire film, with English subtitles, can be watched above.
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flatshollow · 5 years
ARTIST STATEMENT: 2020CE, February 10th, a Monday.
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Check out this meme. If you think of Fight Club, you've had a bad childhood.
Legal Notice: Trauma is relative, important regardless of scale.
Preliminary reference(s): Richard Dawkins (1970s):
on Memes, vertical VS horizontal transmission.
Favourite genre of writing to emulate:
"Kurt Vonnegut's metafictions"
Every year you live, your perception of the present is compared to an increasing number of years.
People say that time flies. And they want an eternal summer. What is it worth?
The old folks mention our lives being over in the blink of an eye.
The younger crowds mention our lives being a struggle to chisel our way out.
There's creepy-crawlies and beings, animals or nature, machines, between the gaps.
On the other side, there's a collection of individuals who can't understand "nothingness".
People who want the future historically became obsessed with "moving quick and fast".
The worst part of waiting is when there's some untold dream, that you can't escape.
I prefer to occupy the spaces between emptiness and everything else, in my misery.
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verobatto · 5 years
So I know it's not a Monday, but I cant help it: people love to think that Cas and Gabriel are really close brothers, they're paired so often together in fanfic that way. Dont get me wrong, I L O V E that dynamic, but is there any evidence for this?
Hello my friend @wonderfright ! Sorry x the delay... Busy day!
Ok... Let's check objectively the episodes where CAS and Gabe had an interaction, and then we will conclude... Follow me...
First interaction... 5x08 "Changing Channels"
If I can remember, Gabe was continuously sending away his brother Castiel because he was an impediment for the plans. So we had this short dialogue between them...
GABRIEL snaps his fingers. CASTIEL appears.
DEAN: Cas, you okay?
CASTIEL: I'm fine. Hello, Gabriel.
GABRIEL: Hey, bro. How's the search for Daddy going? Let me guess. Awful.
CASTIEL glares.
For this first interaction and the way Gabe treated him, we just can say, they know each other, because they are brothers. Even Gabe is mocking CAS and his search for God. So, there's enough confidence, as brothers, but it looks like some kind of distant. Gabe had been a lot of time between men as a fugitive.
Second interaction, 9x18 "Metafiction"
They had a conversation in the car, but, it was mostly about information and there wasn't data for us to think about a deep brotherly relationship between them...
But then... The dialogue took a different tint...
CASTIEL: There has been a lot of confusion.
GABRIEL: You think? Most angels aren't like us, Castiel. They can't handle this whole free-will thing. They're sheep, drones. But us? We're different. We're rebels... one without a 'cause, one with.
CASTIEL: I'm just a soldier.
GABRIEL: Bitch, please. You've been God more often than Dad has.
CASTIEL (Chuckling) Yeah. Look how that worked out.
GABRIEL: Well, go ahead. Be a soldier all you want. I'm gonna need as many as I can find.
CASTIEL: Why are you doing this, Gabriel?
GABRIEL: I always run...From Dad, from the family. I don't want to run anymore. I want to do what I was meant to do... lead.
CASTIEL: Well, we need a leader. And I'm happy it's gonna be you.
This is two brothers being confident with each other, even if part of this dialogue Gabe was trying to push Cas to a leadership, there's truth in his words. Two brothers sharing.
And then, it gets more emotional...
GABRIEL: We'll never keep these guys out of here.
CASTIEL: I know. So... We fight.
GABRIEL: No. I fight. I lied before. I never watched "Downton Abbey." I was just trying to fit in. Oh, and I do have some archangel juice left. I can hold these boneheads off long enough.
CASTIEL: Long enough for what?
GABRIEL: For you to get out of here.
CASTIEL: No, I'm not leaving you.
GABRIEL: Yes, you are.
CASTIEL: Those guys will cut you to ribbons.
GABRIEL: But I can stall them long enough for you to amscray. And you can take my place.
CASTIEL: What are you talking about?
GABRIEL: The angels need a leader, and it's got to be somebody like us... somebody different.
GABRIEL: I know you don't want this burden, Castiel. Neither do I.
CASTIEL: What if I fail again?
GABRIEL: You won't. You can't.
CASTIEL [suddenly pulls GABRIEL into a hug] Thank you.
GABRIEL [hugging him back]Shut up.
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So here the bond is stronger than in 5x08. There's more emotions and more sharing feelings. Even they had this empathic dialogue about fee will and rebellion.
And because this episode left things to our imagination, we can say was this made by Metatron? If it was... Metatron as an angel, knows very well what Gabe would say to CAS... How they could interact. So, there's truth there too... And if this was Gabe in the flesh ... Much better then... One or the other... We saw a beautiful interaction between two brothers that understand each other.
Third interaction. 13x18 "Bring them back alive"
After taking care of him, Gabe recovered his strengths and he rejected to help (for now) . So Castiel shot at him this quote...
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Trying to get some reaction from Gabe, Castiel knows Gabe always ends doing the right. He just need to think things a little... And in this opportunity, he needed to finish some "unfinished business" first... So this time is less emotional but very significant for both of them.
Fourth interaction 13x21 "Beat the Devil."
In this episode, we had a similar interaction as we had in 9x18, is an open dialogue between them, between two brothers, sharing desires and worries...
CAS: Have you, uh have you thought about what’s next, after we get back to earth?
GABRIEL: Uh, yeah, not so much, seeing as we still gotta find Jack and Mary. Ah, not to mention survive Michael and his super angel army.
CAS: Right.
GABRIEL: Although, I did tick off some, uh, bucket list items recently. Got some revenge. Had sex with a 300-year-old redhead. But what’s next for me? I don’t really know.
CAS: This world is, um, is obviously glutted with angels, but back home in our world you know it’s -- it’s just Naomi and a handful of others. They’re trying to keep the lights on, but Heaven’s dying, Gabriel.
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Gif set credit @astralgabriel
Cas believes in Gabe and this took by surprise to him. Look at Gabe's face. Yes. His little brother has faith in him. This is telling us, they had this kind of relationship in which they can share their thoughts, give advices, and being empathic with each other.
Castiel rarely showed this kind of interaction with his brother. Their relationships are mostly like a Commander with his soldiers. Or mostly like friendship as we saw with Balthazar ND Hannah. But with Gabe... Is notorious how the brother/brother shows up.
So, to conclude my friend. I think they have a big brother/little brother relationship between them, in which Gabe represents the older rebellious brother that doesn't believe in himself and that's why he always ran at first from problems, but his heart is big and he has a hero inside of him... And Castiel is the little rebellious but very nerdy/correct brother who believes in him, because he admires him. And that was my point of view.
I hope I could help you and I really appreciate this question, I loved it!
C-u my friend! 😘💕
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This weekly roundup includes fics written (at least in part) during the 1k1h sprints and/or the Weekend Writing Marathon events.
Fics are ordered first by fandom, then by word count from smallest to largest.
a perfect family holiday by @tryslora
Harry Potter || Lavender/Hermione || general || no major warnings apply || 1,328 words
Summary: Hermione brings Lavender home for her first Weasley holiday.
Other tags: Established Relationship, Mistletoe, Christmas
Nigerian Job by @treefrogie84
Leverage || none || general || no major warnings apply || 614 words
Summary: The Nigerian Job from Eliot's PoV (originally published on Tumblr several months ago)
Other tags: episode coda, The Nigerian Job, grumpy Eliot Spencer
Cold Black Cloud is Comin' Down by @treefrogie84
Supernatural, Wayward Sisters || kaia nieves/ claire novak, Claire Novak & Dean Winchester || general || no major warnings apply || 767 words
Summary: Wayward Sisters episode coda. Claire talks to someone else who lost everything.
Other tags: post-major character death, fresh and naked grief, episode coda, song fic
Editing v. Suggesting by @treefrogie84
Supernatural || Amara & Chuck Shurley || general || no major warnings apply || 1,136 words
Summary: His deadline is in two days, he's been stuck for a week and he has no idea what happens next. So Amara comes to visit.
Other tags: metafiction, writer's block, siblings
angel with a cherry pie by @tryslora
Supernatural || Dean/Castiel || teen & up || no major warnings apply || 1,981 words
Summary: “Heaven must be missing an angel,” the customer says. Castiel frowns. “I’m sorry. What?” In which everyone's confused and awkward, and Meg ships Destiel.
Other tags: Coffee Shop AU, Meet Cute, Awkward Pickup Lines
Resurrection by @tellthenight
Supernatural || dean/cas || teen & up || no major warnings apply || 2,500 words
Summary: prompt: “I thought I lost you” kisses: The breath is knocked out of both of them with the force that they collide with. Hands grip the back of t-shirts and palms are pressed up and under shirts, holding them close, feeling the warmth of their skin. Palms are pressed to cheeks, thumbs swiping away tears until their mouths collide messily, the world seeming to disappear around them.
Other tags: dean dies and comes back, deancas, canon-typical violence
First Comes Love (chapter 11) by @tellthenight
Supernatural || dean/cas || mature || no major warnings apply || 4,300 words
Summary: Cas Novak planned to never see his ex Balthazar again, but when his sister Anna gets engaged to Balthazar’s brother their wedding means an unavoidable face-to-face that Cas isn’t ready to have. Dean Winchester is moving to Massachusetts soon after the wedding to further his education and get one step closer to his dream job. It means leaving his brother Sam and best friend Cas behind, but they both tell him to go- it’s about time he pursued his own dreams. When Cas confides in Dean about the situation with Balthazar and the added stress of showing up at another family function ALONE, Dean offers to go along. He’ll happily keep Balthazar and any concerned family members off Cas’s back, and one last road trip together sounds like a blast.
Other tags: fake/pretend relationship, spn AU, weddings, sharing a bed
my anchor, rescue me by @tryslora
Teen Wolf || Derek/Stiles || teen & up || author chooses not to give major warnings || 2,014 words
Summary: Stiles has been wandering for hours, but it feels like days. He's beginning to wonder if he'll ever find the witch and collect the magical whatsit, or if he's going to be wandering this path through the woods forever.
Other tags: Near Death Experience, Magical Stiles, First Kiss, Happy Ending
Hale’s Howlers by @tryslora
Teen Wolf || Derek/Stiles/Jackson, Derek/Jackson || explicit || no major warnings apply || 3,518 words
Summary: Stiles regrets the day he told Scott he'd owe him for trading shifts MONTHS ago because here he is, stuck working on New Year's Eve, when Jungle is packed to the gills for the return of hometown heroes, the band Hale's Howlers. Until he ends up outside, finds out who's with who in the band, and better yet, who might want him to join in...
Other tags: AU (band, bar/pub), Polyamorous Negotiations, Free Pass, New Year's Eve
Leather and Glitter by @alecjmarsh
The Penumbra Podcast ||  Juno Steel/Peter Nureyev || explicit || no major warnings apply || 6,515 words
Summary: For a case, Juno and Peter go to a biker bar. When Juno puts on an old pair of leather boots, Peter decides that he would rather stay in.
Other tags: Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, except there's a tiny bit of plot, Leather Kink, Juno’s mysterious past, Sub Peter, Dom Juno, Both of them being possessive, Pole Dancing, Hand Jobs, Frottage, Blow Jobs, Riding, Light Bondage, unfortunate references to Cecil Kanagawa
Regrets by @tryslora
Voltron: Legendary Defender || Shiro/Keith || teen & up || major character death || 1,642 words
Summary: Shiro loved him. Shiro never expected to lose him.
Other tags: Temporary Character Death, Happy Ending, Angst, Grief
the new kitten by @tryslora
Welcome to PHU || Ángel/Tony|| general || no major warnings apply || 1,038 words
Summary: A family snippet after Gabi is surrogate to carry Ángel's child to grow Ángel and Tony's family. Tony wants to introduce their first child to the new baby. Ángel just wants to say thanks.
Other tags: Future Fic, Fluff, Original Child Characters, Shapeshifters
Not Your Love Song (Chapter 34) by @tryslora
Welcome to PHU || Rory/Kit || teen & up ||  author chooses not to give major warnings ||  2,909 / 100,404 words
Summary:  Rory spends time with Thorne and Stormy, getting some important band work done, while Kit is off doing dangerous things elsewhere. It's a decent distraction, at least.
Other tags: Soulmarks, Magic, Ace POV, Trans character
Missed Fortunes: Family & Friends - 1&2 by @tryslora
Welcome to PHU || Carolyn/Serina, Kit/Rory|| teen & up || author chooses not to give major warnings || 5,118/112,197 words
Summary: Carolyn meets with Pawel to pitch a rescue of Sam from the dreamscape. After, she finally gets to catch up with Rory, and get to know her twin's boyfriend.
Other tags: Original Fiction, Serial Fiction, Magic, College, Tarot
Missed Fortunes (Family & Friends 3 & 4) by @tryslora
Welcome to PHU || Carolyn/Serina || teen & up || author chooses not to give major warnings || 6,634 / 118,831 words
Summary: It's time to try to bring Sam out of the dreamscape that he's been lost in. The problem is, that means going into the dreamscape, and dealing with the repercussions of what that might attract in the aftermath.
Other tags: Magic, Shapeshifting, Tarot, Shadows, Demisexual POV
Have you posted a fic written at least partially during a WWM event? Submit your fic here by midnight EST Monday and it will be included on next Wednesday’s WWM Fic Roundup post.
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infactforgetthepark · 3 years
[Free eBook] The Number of the Beast by Robert A. Heinlein [Classic Science Fiction]
The Number of the Beast by the late Robert A. Heinlein, a pioneering recipient of the SFWA Grand Master Award, is his classic science fiction novel, free for a limited time courtesy of publisher Phoenix Pick Press.
This is their featured Free eBook of the Month for June, and was originally published in 1980 by Fawcett. The story is set in Heinlein's “Future History” sequence, and is a world-hopping spaceship adventure with metafictional and deconstructive storytelling elements, which he develops into his “World as Myth” idea most strongly in this novel. An alternate version of the story was written more conventionally as The Pursuit of the Pankera, recently rediscovered in manuscript form and posthumously published by Phoenix Pick Press who are offering a tie-in discount sale on it, if you're interested.
Offered DRM-free through probably Monday, July 6th (the monthly selection rotates on the first Tuesday of each month), available worldwide directly at the publisher.
Offered worldwide @ the publisher's special promo page (DRM-free ePub/Mobi bundle, requires valid email but no payment info; follow the instructions in the cart to reset the suggested price to $0.00)
As an additional bonus, the alternate story version The Pursuit of the Pankera is offered for $5.99 as an ebook special (regularly $9.99), or in a discounted paperback or hardcover printing if you prefer, as well as a hardcover of _The Number of the Beast, if you want the set of both.
Additional tie-in sales are offered on the same page for other Heinlein fiction and non-fiction titles in Phoenix Pick Press' back catalogue, from $1.99 to $3.99 each (a discount of $2-5 off the regular prices), including the new Caezik Notables imprint version of the novel Friday, with a new introduction by Richard Chwedyk.
Description Robert A. Heinlein’s The Number of the Beast, originally published in 1980, follows the adventures of Zeb, Deety, Hilda, and Jake when they are ambushed by the alien “Black Hats” and barely escape with their lives on a specially configured vehicle (the Gay Deceiver) that can travel along various planes of existence, allowing them to visit parallel universes.
However, unknown to most fans, Heinlein had already written a “parallel” novel about the four characters and parallel universes in 1977. He effectively wrote two parallel novels about parallel universes. The novels share the same start, but as soon as the Gay Deceiver is used to transport them to a parallel universe, each book takes the readers to a totally different parallel world. From that point on, the plot lines diverge completely. Although some later passages may be found in both books, most of them are, fascinatingly, given a totally different context or perspective.
The other manuscript was never published, and there have been many competing theories as to why including significant co`pyright issues in 1977 due to some of the material used in the book. It was also reported that Virginia Heinlein did not like the original manuscript and convinced Heinlein to re-write the book (which was then published as The Number of the Beast).
Over time the manuscript was largely forgotten, although it survived in fragments. A recent re-examination of these fragments made it clear that, put together in the right order, they constituted the complete novel that is finally being published as The Pursuit of the Pankera (and is offered for sale below).
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teaformrholmes · 3 years
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We regret, Anon, that this format of submission is only semi-functional, as illustrated by what can be seen of your ask. As discussed in the admin tag, this blog’s mod and its creator are different people, which means that the ask box is not accessible by the person making/queuing posts. That person is @oldshrewsburyian​ (greetings.) If you want to ask a question, you can either tag @teaformrholmes​, the most efficient method, or hop over to the mod’s ask box if you insist on the cloak of anonymity.
“Facts about Sherlock Holmes” is not a straightforward thing to request, moreover! There are always Watson’s famous lists in STUD, but those were made before he knew Holmes very well... and that’s before even touching the Watsonian/Doylist question, and the question of how much the good doctor is telling us, and what he might be concealing or altering in his narrative, and why.
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davidpwilson2564 · 4 years
Monday, November 2, 2020
Can’t do much as I keep thinking about the election. 
I don’t think it’s just me...being freaked out.
Try to read a few pages of William Styron.  I recall now...that he tells the sames stories more than once.  Metafiction. By that I mean he gives several accounts of episodes taken from life...maybe not his...
The fence around the White House reenforced.  Now said to be unscalable.  The right will blame the left for any damage done.  The left will blame the right. 
Note: I start to get on the elevator... The super with two young policemen.  Their shiny golden badges.  They are looking for a trespasser.  Lately some packages have been stolen.  The thefts are on video tape but I don’t know if anyone was later caught. 
For plywood people business is booming.  A row of stores boarded up. 
Monday Night Football.  Brady playing for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.  Geez, he’s forty three and can still throw a tight spiral.  The Buccs sneak out a win against the Giants, who’ve only won one game this year.  Not a great year for New York pro football. 
Vivid dream in which (the late) conductor Chris Keene walks right by me, walking at a clip, his mannered somewhat stiff walk. 
Tuesday, November 3, 2020
The dread day has arrived.  Can’t do much.  No surprise.  The whole thing has sickened me. 
To achieve anything, no matter how inconsequential, is important...  I get a haircut.  As things go (as we wait for our democracy to end) this is a big deal. 
Beautiful weather.  More boarded up stores. 
Later: Begin watching the returns.  Terrible idea.  My stomach is upset and I have take several doses of Alka Seltzer. 
Later: In the wee hours there is a rant from the White House.  Trump having a hissy fit...wants to stop the counting of votes.  Says there is widespread cheating, etc.  Says his lead in Pennsylvania suddenly disappeared, etc.  But one wonders if the continued counting might work to his benefit. 
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aaimiller · 5 years
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New comic today! Twelve juicy panels. Link in my bio. . . . #thecupking #webcomic #mondays #eleanor #comic #comics #comix #makecomics #illustration #drawing #instacomics #metafiction https://ift.tt/2MYBzBJ
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atrickoftime · 7 years
Prompt Challenge for a rainy April
Hi folks! Prompt Challenge as promised. Feel free to write or draw. If it gets enough momentum I'll print and ship some participants their own work! ALL ARTISTS WELCOME (writing, design, illustration, ect.) How you interpret the prompts are up to you. TAG YOUR WORK WITH MY URL SO I CAN FIND IT - or message me and let me know you're participating 😃 Also reblog/like. Bonus ( bonuses will help when doing the rest): List of 100 things that you are obsessed with artistically. List of 100 fears. Day 1- Liminal fantasy in which someone is looking for something lost. The lost thing must hold a metaphorical meaning as well. Day 2- A time warp has appeared somewhere conspicuous but the past and future cannot be changed only learned from. Day 3- An item you have in your house is suddenly magical. Day 4- May be science or government but someone has gone too far. Day 5- What if you went to your happy place and couldn't get out? Day 6- Why did you name your space ship that rediculous name and the consequences. Day 7- Time cannot pass the same for both characters. Day 8- Those left behind on mythical adventures. Day 9- All about the monsters in your town (metaphorical meanings listed afterward). Day 10- What does it mean to love profoundly? Day 11- Something you're horribly afraid of comes and just wants to chat. Day 12- Is that THING really here? Day 17- MICROFICTION MONDAY - you can only write one line and a title. Alternative for visual art- something really small with a total Day 18- Literally make something today that makes you smile. Day 19- Make and flesh out a character who embodies a value of yours. Day 20- Now throw that character into an incident where they meet someone who has an emotional whole that defects that value (as in the might want the opposite but need that thing this character has: think Evie and V from V for Vendetta or Max and Furiosa). Day 21- free style. Day 22- A ghost that you can't shake. Day 23- A mythical creature appears telling you that you're a chosen one. What do you do? Day 24- METAFICTION MONDAY - we meets as you want, add layers or don't. Go nuts. Day 25- Choose your own adventure. Alternatives for visual artists: different versions of the same image. Day 26- Fantasy involving your actual childhood home ( or a place you associate with your childhood). Day 27- Pandemic but with a twist. Day 28- Why fight honorably or for what matters? What matters anyway? Day 29- Robots and what it means to be real. Day 30- Nonfiction: your story. Why do you make your art and how did it start? Thanks for joining!
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studylustre · 8 years
hi carol! in singapore it is 4:30am right now and i'm up because i have an exam on monday that i am completely unprepared for. it's a 2-hour paper for a university module called 'metafictions and the novel'! i quite like the course materials but the workload is just i n s a n e. it's making me wonder if i'm suited for university, y'know what i mean?
hello cutie!! aaAAH are u sure ur ok staying up so late?? i’m glad ur working hard but please don’t push urself too hard - u still need to rest!! good luck with ur exam on monday - i know it’s challenging, but please don’t underestimate your abilities. you can do it!! uni is tough, but so are you 💗
weekly sleepover 🥀  send me an ask about anything - lets get to know each other better!
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tnews-blog2 · 4 years
MICHAEL R. JACKSON And JERICO BROWN Win Pulitzer Prizes In Drama And Poetry
On Monday, these two guys were nominated to win the #Drama and #Poetry categories for the #PulitzerPrize.
#JerichoBrown won the Pulitzer Prize for poetry with #TheTradition, his third collection of poems he published in April 2019.
Let’s not forget about #MichaelRJackson, who was selected to take home the Pulitzer Prize for the Drama category. His 2019 musical - #AStrangeLoop - was what landed him the award along with winning the 2019-2020 Best Musical awards by the New York Drama Critics Circle. His musical will makes its fourth run at the Woolly Mammoth theater this fall at Washington DC.
Jackson is now the first gay black writer to win the prize with his musical theatre work. The musical production also didn’t appear on Broadway but managed to land the drama prize. The judges described Jackson’s musical work “a metafictional musical that tracks the creative process of an artist transforming issues of identity, race, and sexuality that once pushed him to the margins of the cultural mainstream into meditation on universal human fears and insecurities.”
The judges also had something to say about Jericho Brown’s work as well. They called his poetry work “a collection of masterful lyrics that combine delicacy with historical urgency in their loving evocation of bodies vulnerable to hostility and violence.”
The Louisiana native is believed to be the first gay black man to win the poetry prize. The Tradition, his poetry collection, focuses on the growth of adapting to terror such as shootings, rape, murder and other tragic experiences of unarmed people by police.
Those who were successful in the arts and journalism field since the 1917 were awarded the Pulitzers. The ceremony was virtual due to the current pandemic of the coronavirus.
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teaformrholmes · 4 years
Orlando di Lasso’s Penitential Psalms, for anyone who’d like to investigate the subject of one of Holmes’ little monographs
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