#michael is a weird kid and I respect that
raspberry-arev · 10 months
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Michael's actor got confirmed and I wish him all the best, can't wait to see my boi in the show! <3 haters stay mad <3
...I kind of went hog wild with the colors. and shapes. having fun with art is what matters
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reedles05 · 21 days
The Responsible One
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Michael had been odd ever since arriving in Santa Carla. Not a day went by where he acted like he did before the move. Being the oldest sibling meant a lot of things, one of which was taking care of the others when Mom couldn’t. During the entire divorce, you had been there to watch the other two, to make sure they were provided for while Lucy mourned her life moving on. 
And here you were witnessing the downfall of one of your brothers while the other was thriving. Sam had gone and even made friends that were as weird as he was, they had come by and gotten him to hang out while you were home. They were lovely boys, kind and respectful when meeting you. You had waved them off, telling them to be safe and have fun, the streets were dangerous after all. Normally, you would have advised against going out, but Sam needed time away from you. So, you had let him go, but not without something to have on hand in case something were to go awry. You had handed him a pocket knife, not something super dangerous, but something to fend off anyone with ill intent. He had shot you a look, the one where he was insinuating you were being overdramatic, but had taken it when you glared. You were relieved when his friends had awed at you giving him such a weapon, telling him how lucky he was for having you on his side. 
And that had put them in your good books. Sweet kids, Sam was lucky to have them. 
But Michael has been leaving in the night, not returning into early morning. You were worried, admittedly so. You were worried he was hanging around the wrong kinds of people, the kinds that had drugs on hand at any time. Even trying to confront him didn’t do anything, he only grew frustrated at being cornered by both you and Lucy. So, you did what any sane and concerned older sibling would do. 
Follow his ass. 
He wouldn’t get out of this so easily, making Lucy cry was on the list of ‘NO.’ 
And he knew that, so why was he going and doing things that were doing exactly that. 
Dressing yourself to avoid catching his eye, you listened to the tell tale signs of Michael leaving the house. The cracking of the window and the silence that followed. 
So you raced down the stairs and watched as he departed. He was quick, you’d give him that. You chased him all the way down to the Boardwalk. And watched as he met up with four men leaning on their bikes. He conversed with them, laughed and smiled until one of them wrapped an arm around his shoulders. A grimace crossed his face, and so you moved. 
Stepping with purpose, you strutted up to the men and pulled the blonde away from your lovely brother. 
“I’d appreciate it if you didn’t get your nasty hands all over my darling brother, Micahel.”
Michael had tensed, eye widening once he recognized who had saved him from David.
He stuttered, trying to push you away before the others had really gotten a chance to take a look at you. But it was too late, and the men leered. Taking in your appearance, the vampires watched as you scowled at them, especially David. He had been the one to put his hands on Michael, and you had watched it as it happened. 
“I’m sorry, doll, but who might you be? I haven’t seen you around here before.”
David leered. And the rest watched as you remained as you were. Hand still in place on Michael’s shoulder, you scoffed. 
“I just told you, I’m Michael’s older sibling. And he was clearly unwanting of your hands being all over him. Fuck. Off.” 
And David laughed. 
Paul leaned in, eyes tracking every minute detail of you that he could.
“Older sibling, huh? Mikey boy never mentioned you, babe.” 
You looked over at Michael, trying to discern the look he was wearing at the moment. 
You nudged him, prompting him to speak.
“Any reason for that? I thought I was worth mentioning to your dearest friends. You do spend more time with them than you do us anymore.”
Michael opened his mouth, but was cut off by another one of the unintroduced men. 
David interrupted him, pressing a finger to his lips to shush him. 
“He was brushing off someone so hot just to hang with us? How cruel of you, Mikey.”
Marko had been the one to speak, pushing off his bike and approaching you. 
He had gone to reach for you, but Michael’s hand intercepted it. 
God, this was going to be an experience. 
David opened his arms, gesturing to his band of boys. Motioning to each one as he introduced. 
“This is Paul, Dwayne, and Marko.” 
You nodded, noting their names and pulling along Michael. 
“Great, we’ll be leaving now.” 
The one said to be Dwayne had stopped you, stepping in front of you and ceasing your escape. You looked up through eyelashes at him, a scowl overcoming your face once more. 
“I’m afraid I can’t allow you to leave without knowing your name, lovely.” 
Paul sauntered over, grabbing your arm and pulling you into him. 
Michael went to speak but you glared, pointer finger held up to cease his talking. 
“I refuse to give you a name until you explain what’s going on with my brother and you all.” 
David smirked, eyes sharpening. 
“Alright then, we’ll explain everything. Let’s take a ride, boys.”
And that was all they seemed to want to hear, as their laughs started to sound out across the clearing. 
Marko threw out his hands.
“Who do you choose to ride with?”
“Preferably, none.”
But you had to admit, the boys were handsome, and roguishly charming. It was just the fact that they were somehow blackmailing Michael into staying near them. If not, you would gladly spend the night with any of them…or all of them. 
David laughed under his breath, but you saw the gesture. Sucking your teeth, you pointed to Marko. 
“I choose the wild curly blonde then.”
Marko looked shocked, pointing to himself before smiling wide. Cheering, he raced to your side before hauling you up bridal style. Screeching, you held onto his shoulders before slapping his back. He laughed the whole way to his bike, and once you made it, he dropped you on the back. Dropping in front of you, he looked back and smiled. 
“Hold on tight, gorgeous, we’re gonna be going fast.”
And that was all the warning you got before he took off faster than you’ve ever gone before. 
It was…
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staged but i've never watched it and i'm drunk
hello mascot good omens mascot here okay so THE STAGED LIVESTREAAM IS ON SATURDAY BTW. That is a thing that is happening. So. You know. If you're above 18 because @thescholarlystrumpet (and I ig) are responaible adults come and like. Join us. Watch me react to staged and probably die. i'Ll probably share details when I'm not drunk and when it's not nearing midnight.
But until then I'm drinking battery acid (this red wine cost like the equivalent of 2.5 USD) and I am here to summarise staged.
It's about David Tennant and Michael Sheen, who, until barely a month ago, I had no idea existed (we don't talk about Michael sneakily being in Twilight and Passengers I'm actually pretending the Twilight thing didn't happen pklease respect my denial)
It started over Zoom and it's about them rehearsing a play during COVID but like it's scripted so it's a show about rehearsing a play and it stars the actors as themselves very meta very fourth wall
David has hair extensions and Michael does not
David keeps switching locations because he has to quote Michael "twenty children" and they're everywhere. Because of this hellsite that's obsessed with David to an unhealthy level I know that this is not true, he has five children and I can probably give you details and how is this my life
Michael stays in the kitcehn and some watchers think this is a poetic choice it's not David just has to shift because humans are everywhere in his house
Georgia who is David's wife and Anna who is Michael's wife which I also know because of this hellsite both also star in it
They're all neighbours now by the way which this really creepy hellsite was DETERMINED that I know about okay thank you tumblr I'm uh that's knowledge for sure I'm sure they're having fun
Judi Dench is involved and I'm not sure who she is but she's a Dame and she's a very good actress and she's kinda intimoidating and also for some weird reason I associate her with that Cats nightmare fuel even though I didn't watch it but yeah she probably had nothing to do with it
it's uh it's a comedy but I've realised now that in Britain comedy = will make you sob harder than a tragedy but will be more subtle and sneaky about it
god this wine tastes like shit i really need to make money so i can afford better alcohol. any suggestions, maggots? wait this is a summary not a life update
uhhhh the silhouette of one of david's kids appears in one of the episodes
that's all i've got i'm sorry time to go make more bad decisions I love you all byebyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee stay rotten
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sparrowssally · 9 months
*cracks knuckles* Yet another PSA about the Tennant and Sheen families…
Alright, here goes it. I don’t give a fuck if you ship Aziraphale and Crowley. I’m a huge shipper of them myself, so it’s all good! Love them, want the world for them, etc etc. HOWEVER, if you want to:
1. ship David and Michael romantically
2. want to use shipping David and Michael as an excuse to be blatantly misogynistic against their respective partners (Georgia and Anna)
3. want to allege that they are being “trapped” in their marriage by their partners “strategically” having kids
Then get the fuck off my blog. Seriously. There’s no place for you here.
You’re literally hoping that David Tennant, a man with five kids, will leave his wife of 12 years (whom he clearly loves) to end up in a hyper-sexual romantic relationship with Michael Sheen, who would also have to leave his partner as well, with whom he has two young children and who he seems very happy with. You’re literally wanting happy families to get broken apart so that your selfish ship can sail. It’s disgusting and you should be ashamed of yourselves.
I get wanting to have queer representation, it’s greatly needed and there is always room for more of it. However, wanting to assign a queer identity to someone who hasn’t publicly acknowledged that they identify that way is NOT okay. I don’t care who they are, celebrity or not. If you want to see queer representation, then Aziraphale and Crowley are RIGHT THERE. Don’t wreck real people’s relationships with their partners—and their friendship with each other—just because you want your ship to sail. If for some reason David and/or Michael want to come out in the future on their own, then that’s for them to do when they feel comfortable, and speculating about their identities without them saying anything is just weird and gross.
AND ANOTHER THING! All y’all who write essay-long posts analyzing every single social media thing about Michael, David, Georgia, and Anna: y’all need to get a fucking life. Go outside. Touch grass. PLEASE stop treating these very real people like they’re puppets in your grand romance story. I guarantee you that their lives are probably not NEARLY as fascinating and scandal-filled as what you think they are. And believe it or not—because I know y’all LOVE to use this as “evidence”—people are allowed to not be all smiley and lovey-dovey in selfies and photos with their partners, and for many people, teasing their partners is part of their relationship! *gasp* I know right?? Shocking. It literally doesn’t mean anything that Georgia and David tease each other or that Michael and Anna tease each other, and that they all occasionally aren’t smiling in photos with each other. That’s normal person behavior and I’m begging y’all to understand that.
I know this post probably isn’t going to be seen by the weirdo people who need to see it the most, but whatever. I just really needed to get this off my chest.
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chavahlahdraws · 1 year
okay i see you’re obviously a fan of hmc, as you should, but i have a question cause i read the book but people on tiktok pissed me off (as booktok usually does i’m about ready to get rid of it) and a lot of people were saying it’s weird that people love the relationship even though sophie “didn’t really love him” because she was charmed. but i was like no y’all i thought she really loved him?? like she stays with him to have a kid right so???
ok. here is a real way to comment on this yippee! this is actually aweslome because i get to do my little sophie rant.
first of all and most importantly - sophie was never charmed by howl. quite the opposite, really, which i would argue is how she fell for him in the first place.
“Oh, confound that gray-and-scarlet suit!” Sophie said. “I refuse to believe that I was the one that got caught with it!” The trouble was the blue-and-silver suit seemed to have worked just the same. She stumped a few steps further. “Anyway,’ she said with great relief, “Howl doesn’t like me!”
this is by far one of my favorite sophie moments in the whole book: and i understand the confusion here for more than one reason (will explain more later!) but clearly she’s using the gray and scarlet suit as a euphemism because she’s in denial. after everything she’s seen of him, sophie refuses to believe that she could fall in love with someone who is so intrinsically flawed—however, as we find at the end of the book—they’re the same in that respect.
howl is by no means a bad person or an evil person in the slightest, and despite herself sophie falls in love with him because of his kindness (like most people do, anyway) here’s some times that they bond …
More about Howl? Sophie thought desperately. I have to blacken his name! Her mind was such a blank that for a second it actually seemed to her that Howl had no faults at all. How stupid! “Well, he’s fickle, careless, selfish, and hysterical,” she said. “Half the time I think he doesn’t care what happens to anyone as long as he’s all right-but then I find out how awfully kind he’s been to someone. Then I think he’s kind just when it suits him-only then I find out he undercharges poor people. I don’t know, Your Majesty. He’s a mess.”
“Behold the new Royal Wizard,” he said. “My name is very black.” Then he began to laugh, much to the surprise of Sophie and Michael. “And what did she do to the Count of Catterack?” he laughed. “I should never have let her near the King!” “I did blacken your name!” Sophie protested. “I know. It was my miscalculation,” Howl said.
Howl pointed a shaky hand up toward the canopy of his bed. “That’s why I love spiders. ‘If at first you don’t succeed, try, try, try, again.’ I keep trying,” he said with great sadness. “But I brought it on myself by making a bargain some years ago, and I know I shall never be able to love anyone properly now.” The water running out of Howl’s eyes was definitely tears now. Sophie was concerned. “Now, you mustn’t cry-”
“If you come out here alone, bring your stick to test the ground with,” Howl said. “It’s full of springs and bog. And don’t go any further that way.”
As she had feared, the hard black-and-white daylight coming through the broken wall showed her that Howl had not bothered to shave or tidy his hair. His eyes were still red-rimmed and his black sleeves were torn in several places. There was not much to choose between Howl and the scarecrow. Oh, dear! Sophie thought. He must love Miss Angorian very much. “I came for Miss Angorian,” she explained. “And I thought if I arranged for your family to visit you, it would keep you quiet for once!” Howl said disgustedly. “But no-”
Howl rose up on his hands and knees with a scramble. “I can’t stay,” he said. “I’ve got to rescue that fool Sophie.” “I’m here!” Sophie said, shaking his shoulder. “But so is Miss Angorian! Get up and do something about her! Quickly!”
Howl looked a little sad, but he said, “We were both hoping you would. Neither of us wanted to end up like the Witch and Miss Angorian. Would you call your hair ginger?” “Red gold,” Sophie said. Not much had changed about Howl that she could see, now he had his heart back, except maybe that his eyes seemed a deeper color-more like eyes and less like glass marbles. “Unlike some people’s,” she said, “it’s natural.” “I’ve never seen why people put such a value on things being natural,” Howl said, and Sophie knew then that he was scarcely changed at all.
and finally…
“Sophie,” said Martha, “the spell’s off you! Did you hear?” But Sophie and Howl were holding one another’s hands and smiling and smiling, quite unable to stop. “Don’t bother me now,” said Howl. “I only did it for the money.” “Liar!” said Sophie.
howl and sophie are meant for each other! they compliment each other immensely, and it’s difficult to describe how well they do so concisely. what i can pin it down to is this: nothing is secret between them. they operate like best friends as well as they do as lovers; they never let anything slide between them! sophie refuses to take howl’s shit when he crosses a line, (and howl vice cersa, especially when sophie is putting herself down) but they also know each other well enough to truly know their intentions when they say anything. a great example of this in hmc is this whole conversation:
“Why did you pretend to run away? To deceive the Witch?” “Not likely!” Howl yelled. “I’m a coward. Only way I can do something this frightening is to tell my self I’m not doing it!” Oh, dear! Sophie thought, looking round at the swirling grit. He’s being honest! And this is a wind. The last bit of the curse has come true! The hot grit hit her thunderously and Howl’s grip hurt. “Keep running!” Howl bawled. “You’ll get hurt at this speed!” Sophie gasped and made her legs work again. She could see the mountains clearly now and a line of green below that was the flowering bushes. Even though yellow sand kept swirling in the way, the mountains seemed to grow and the green line rushed toward them until it was hedge high. “All my flanks were weak!” Howl shouted. “I was relying on Suliman being alive. Then when all that seemed to be left of him was Percival, I was so scared I had to go out and get drunk. And then you go and play into the Witch’s hands!” “I’m the eldest!” Sophie shrieked. “I’m a failure!” “Garbage!” Howl shouted. “You just never stop to think!” Howl was slowing down. Dust kicked up round them in dense clouds. Sophie only knew the bushes were quite near because she could hear the rush and rattle of the gritty wind in the leaves. They plunged in among them with a crash, still going so fast that Howl had to swerve and drag Sophie in along, skimming run across a lake. “And you’re too nice,” he added, above the lap-lap of the water and the patter of sand on the water-lily leaves. “I was relying on you being too jealous to let that demon near the place.”
sorry for the chunky quote, but this is super super important for our two silly little characters and their dynamic!!
and as for the misconception that sophie was charmed by howl:
mrs. pentsemmon actually hints when she meets sophie that she cursed the grey and scarlet suit herself (out of jealousy, though she’d never say it) and the original passage says that;
The trouble was the blue-and-silver suit seemed to have worked just the same.
Sophie knows for a fact that she felt the same about Howl when he was wearing the blue and silver suit that she did when he wore the enchanted one, and she knew from that that she most definitely wasn’t affected by the charm.
also! a little note about misconceptions in general: the first time i read hmc, the ending scene felt out of nowhere. but that’s how subtly dwj worked in the character development throughout this story! at it’s core hmc is a character based story, and howl and sophie are the most important characters (sophie especially!) but in the first read through i think we all focused on the plot a little more since we didn’t know that was what it was. every read through since, i’ve seen how howl and sophie fall in love in real time! and it’s undeniable then. :3
anyways! relationships written by a woman always win fr. thanks for listening to my rant if you made it this far. and my good friend @thatfoolsophie if you have anything to add, please do to this already crazy long post lmao :3
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My Hazbin Archangels;
Asks about them are more than Welcome
These are very developed OCs so at this point I need to make masterpost for how my interpretation of them works
Listing I'm using is;
Lucifer, Michael, Raphael, Uriel, Gabriel, Jophiel, Zadkiel |__________________| |___________| |__________________| ^ ^ ^ Elder Sister syndrome, Forgotten middle children, family babies
I don't include Azrael mostly cause weirdly intense and underappreciated job are covered by Michael and Lucifer and I feel it would undermine both of their supposed isolation, you can only have so many outcasts and loners in a group of seven that are also a team.
Yes I did make up all the titles based vaguely on translations and mythological roles, it felt weird for just Luci to have something like "the morningstar"
Originally called Angels of Creation or Heirs of the Almighty; they were uniquely Imbued with powers of Creation and raised as His own offspring. (He kinda had to there was nothing else)
Each was hatched in tandem with a realm they were charged with overseeing the development of; in line with the Seven Days of Creation.
Later these seven were named the Archangels and designated the highest authorities within Heaven; however most their duties are distant from the rest of Heaven's hierarchy, the most involved they get is in delivering commands, as God is rarely willing to talk to anyone other than them.
While they were all hatched over the course of a single week, the order was still very important as it defined the chain of command; so much so that the oldest two were called twins just cause they were equal in power. (practically speaking, they're all septuplets)
They all call each other brother, only three have genders, only two are men and Luci's mostly doing it as a bit. They can be a child, a kid, a hatchling, or a fledgling of God but never a son or daughter, isn't gender fun?
Day 1: Lucifer
‘Let there be light’
Lucifer(he/him); the Morningstar, Herald of Creation. The fallen one the brother below Made to be incapable of worship so he could never be satisfied with God's perfection alone and would seek out other paths to take creation.
(which does count as a neurodivergency, angels are inherently creatures of worship)
He'd find flaws in his brothers' realms and expand them into something entirely unique. He was less in charge of anything and more excluded from the control of anyone else. He also regularly got into arguments with their Father for shits and giggles, giving his very reverent brothers fucking heart attacks. (they assumed he was allowed to do this because he was the favourite and not perhaps the other way around)
Day 2: Michael
"the Heavens are separated from the Earth",
Michael(he/it); the Divineblade, Archangel of Law and Truth, Highest of All Angels, Charged with the creation of the Heavens and all other angels.
Most devoted to the Father's will; Chronic workaholic and quite resentful of his own personhood, all he wants is to be God's perfect tool but he keeps having feelings. Well-respected as a leader by his siblings; relentlessly bullied by them (out of love) as a brother for being unable to comprehend 'outgrowing their first intended purpose'. Hes got a famous polite stoic demeanour that's equally infamous for being broken by Lucifer's anything and nothing else. He is getting steadily worse at his job and its going to break him any day now.
Day 3: Raphael
"the waters are gathered, the earth brings forth life"
Raphael(all/they); the Healingspur, Archangel of Life, Keeper of Balance, Charged with the creation of the seas and vegetation.
Mediator of the twins' constant arguments, most consistent voice of reason in any room; Michael's right hand and the only reason he remembers to eat(they don't need to but its good for them). Gentle and controlled but also quite stern. Very strong sense of empathy that is systematically destroying them as they face others on their worse days over and over again. They are the most aware of how Lucifer absence is tearing each of their brothers apart and how unwilling anyone is to even acknowledge it; they have pretty much resigned themselves to the approaching all-out breakdown, there's not much a healer can do before the injury.
Day 4: Uriel
"the sky is filled with signs of days, months, season and years"
Uriel(all/they); the Aflameword, Archangel of Knowledge, keeper of the sun, stars and archives, Charged with the creation of constellations and planets.
Likes things quiet and tidy. Ordinarily quite reserved; preferring to keep to themselves, focus on documenting and organizing and simply observe the others. But unwilling to be resigned, has stepped up as the only one willing to call Michael on his bullshit, like refusing to officially promote Raph to second in command despite them already taking up all of Lucifer old duties; and even hesitantly but directly questioning their Father on some things, which is a lot for any of them. Has an arrogance streak, doesn't enjoy reminders of what they don't know; especially that they are just as in the dark about God's big plan as anyone else.
Day 5: Gabriel
"the earth is filled with creatures"
Gabriel(all/they); the Paragonecho, Archangel of Order, Keeper of progress, Charged with the creation of creatures and their instincts.
Gabe is a somewhat of a Hermes figure, Michael’s left hand. Quick and always eager to provide their services to anyone who asks; especially known for getting last minute tasks down for Michael. Their wings buzz like a hummingbird at the speeds they fly. Always set on efficiency with a reputation for being deadly serious but is secretly bit of a prankster. A gremlin when they get their mind set on something and will regularly startle others out by clinging to walls or ceilings. In charge of most of heaven’s military and had A bit of a complex about being weaker than Michael despite being the soldier of the seven.
Additional; a Channel suited for Him also sometimes called a sockpuppet, they can be possessed as God's vessel to act as his direct body and voice (without the negative repercussions to their body and mind or discomfort to Him other angels or creations would cause)
Day 6: Jophiel
humans are brought forth as caretakers of the earth
Jophiel(she/her); the Ribbondance, Archangel of Passion, Keeper of Beauty, Charged with the creation of humanity
Highlight of every room she enters, quick-witted and an equal to Gabe, even a challenge to Michael on the battlefield. Always up for a good challenge, puzzle or debate. An open prankster, Gabriel is her hidden accomplice. Will defend the potential of humanity to her last breath, a more and more controversial stand; she's pretty upset at never getting to finish her masterpiece since she lost a lot of control of mankind once free will was introduced, she still tries to influence them probably more than she's really technically allowed. Knows about politics.
Day 7: Zadkiel
creation was finished, and the day was blessed
Zadkiel(all/they); the Righteouspeace, Archangel of Grace, Keeper of the Holy day, Charged with miracles and blessings.
Detached, muted and kinda smug but well meaning. They try but they don't really know how to interact with those of their equals. Their devotion rivals Michael’s but they’re quieter. Insecurity about having such an unclear purpose next to the other seven has let them entirely give themselves over to faith. If it happens, Father means it. Spends by far the most amount of time on earth(Gabriel is a distant second) and has strong opinions on every individual sect of Christianity and how they build their churches. They are continually surprised by how out of touch their brothers and rest of Heaven is to the religion that worships them, come on guys at least Our Brother Down Under has an excuse.
Additional; also a Channel suited for Him
The youngest three are very close on account of being shut up out of important arguments and being left to gossip upon themselves
Michael tries really hard to convince himself Lucifer is The Enemy (he can't live with the alternative) but the other five are of the opinion "He transgressed, he got punished, still being angry at this point is just petty" and still want to be in his life. However, they still don't really get what he was trying to do, Lucifer is also hung up on how none of them came to check on him.
He didn't see any of them for 5 000 years and when he did it was Michael holding a sword to his throat and demanding to know why he was on earth.
From Luci's perspective; the fall very nearly killed him and only didn't because the Sins found him before he bled out; it was then years of painful recovery that never quite healed right. It wasn't like there was anything in hell that could hold a candle to the power of an Archangel, he would know. There was nothing stopping them, he was always there for them when they needed him, but when he was scared and hurt, they just abandoned him.
From their perspective; archangels were, and still are, assumed unkillable, and practically indestructible. This was the first time Father had ever punished like this before and they were terrified. No one was willing to risk it now that Falling was on the table; now that they saw He absolutely was willing to sacrifice His children for the Plan, whatever it was.
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bleue-flora · 2 months
Wait I actually love how Sam and Quackity are Dream's safe people in the playdate au :[ 'cuz when he's feeling bad Sam will keep people away and Quackity knows how to keep company while being quiet so he doesn't get worse :[[[
Idk why but I keep imagining the kids somehow showing up on the real dsmp and the shock on everyone when all the kids immediately want Dream (because Dream is safe and he doesn't let people be unfair. Even when he's a stick in the mud he's safe)
(Sorry really really spinning them in my head. Baby Quackity hiding on C!Dream's cape and on his head C!Dream is just chanting "Don't flinch form the baby don't flinch from the baby don't flinch from the baby dont-")
Rude how can you forget Punz, Dream’s bff lol XD. But I mean safe people may be a bit of a stretch. Sam is also autistic (wait did I mention Dream is autistic? Oops yea that’s why he is often seen as weird by the other kids and manages to kinda get isolated even amongst people as a result) so he also understands and respects the need for peace and quiet from people. He can often just go home when he gets too overstimulated but Dream doesn’t really get that option (since Vik and Lazar take naps in his room), hence why he hides in the slide, so Sam often keeps him company and keeps people away when he’s having a meltdown. Sam is also a peacekeeper as well as the one helping everyone with their creations and stuff whether they need help tying their shoes, help blowing up a floaty, sewing one of Michael’s eyes back on after Sapnap was a little too rough with him, or fetch the water for Foolish’s sand castle.
Quackity on the other hand is very competitive and devious. Like the boy who’s always playfully fighting with other boys and making everything a competition. He’s also the - I learned this new cuss word our parents don’t want us to use and I saw these older kids playing this game of two truths and lie where if you get it wrong you get slapped (or something I don’t know… hopefully you know that kid I’m talking about). He’s also the one to throw out insults and start fights easily. He often ends up having to come apologize to Dream later and check if he’s okay and tries to cheer him up with some new game he learned.
Now that’s an insane idea, though the dsmp is far too explicit for them lol. (No babies btw just kids some pretty young like Lazar, Vik, Schlatt, George and Jack, with Slimecicle as the youngest but he still walks and talks and plays with his older brother, Quackity, before his oldest brother, Purpled, puts him down for a nap.) They all just huddle behind c!Dream, scared of the other members. And Dream is just trying to remind himself that the kids behind him are not trying to stab him in the back. They just want to go home to the real world or get food or whatever and their Dream was always the one to go to. C!Dream is definitely not bitter by this btw nope, definitely not, not sure what you’re talking about, he is absolutely 100% not jealous of everyone being kid Dream’s friend…
Imagine they come to the dsmp when c!Dream is still in prison and they break him out (get c!Techno to break him out like he does in canon) because - Dream is the safe one who usually has all the answers surely he knows how to get us back to our world… When c!Techno shows back up to the audience of anxious kids waiting inside his house with c!Dream hidden in the cape in his arms, c!Philza rushes all the younger ones over to his house so they don’t see the bloodied and injured shape he is in. They tell them c!Dream just needs a bath and rest instead of that he was tortured and needs medical attention. C!Techno and c!Philza being the bad parents they are (they did not sign up for this!) don’t push back against the oldest kids being stubborn and demanding what’s going on. They ended up proving to be helpful hands at least… When c!Dream is healed and wakes up, the kids pounce on him asking numerous questions in excitement and apprehension. On one hand he hasn’t had positive human touch in ages and welcomes it, on the other there are too many hands everywhere and he can’t watch them all. They think the scars are really cool, poking at the sensitive tissue and asking where they’re from, he’s forced to make up wild stories of adventure, pretending their trophies of long ago and not torture from a month ago. He tries not to flinch everytime someone refers to one of the kids as Quackity…
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thequarterkid · 3 months
Teen!Michael Afton x fem!reader
Prologue & Chapter 1
No warnings for this chapter
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(Main updates on Wattpad, same user)
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"Like how all good romance stories start, the protagonist moves to a new town, then meets their best friend.. or they meet their one true love. Doesn't really matter, because they meet one of the two first and either have a cute, sentimental, cringy, funny, or whatever else moment together that could shape their relationship for the rest of the book.."
The boy huffed out in boredom, interrupting the speech his older sister was giving him.
"I don't careee." He groaned out, "Mom, can we please get something to eat? I can feel my belly eating itself!" The boy continued to complain. He really didn't know when to stop talking, that was one of his bigger issues, just running his mouth anytime he pleased. Y/N wasn't too fond of people like that, but for him, she had to make an exception.
"Connor, be quiet, we ate like half an hour ago! Also, if you're too bored to be hearing me talk about my book, then like," she paused for a moment, not knowing what to come up with. "Just look out the window or something, daydream! That's what I do." 
Her brother just stared at her. "That's because you're mentally challenged." The woman in the drivers seat intervened, she sent a cold glare through the mirror as a warning. "Sorry..." The boy mumbled, looking down at his feet. "It's just what Justin said, though." Mentioning the name of Connors old 'friend' made their mothers blood boil. The kid had no respect.
"Yes well, Justin, will not be filling your head up with offensive terms any longer, that's for sure!" Their mother said. "You'll make new and better friends, hopefully ones that will inspire you to be a better person. Although, you might be the inspirer, Y/N!" She giggled at her own comment, "Teach these teenage hooligans some manners!"
"How do you know Y/N will make friends? She couldn't do that in our old city." Of course Connor had to pipe up, but he quickly shut down once he felt a kick to his leg and his older sister staring him straight in the eyes. Silence filled the car once again, moves were always awkward, for everyone. But where they were moving to felt worse.
They were going to Hurricane, a city in Utah. She wouldn't be surprised if the locals started yelling at them in their weird accents, Southern? Western? One of the two. Of course the scenery definitely changed from what their family was used to, from the beautiful Northwest shores and the green forests of Oregon to the partly green and very red landscape of Utah.
"This place is a desert.." Y/N said under her breath as she watched the town from out the car window. They had reached Hurricane, now all they had to do was reach their new house. Oh the joy.. "I hope our house is at least cool, right Connor?" She turned to her brother for his answer.
"I better get the biggest room." He said.
"Mom gets the biggest room, she's the adult, remember?"
"Well then I better get second biggest."
"Second biggest goes to me."
"What?! Why?"
"I'm older than you!"
Their mother had to pop in to make them stop bickering like they usually did. "If you two don't stop I'll kick you out of the vehicle and make you find your way to the house." That shut them right up.
She sighed and went back to watching out the window, watching the buildings, what greenery there was, the other cars, the people, all flashing by. At some point when they were at a red traffic light she saw a group of boys, that were probably around her age, messing around on the sidewalk.
They laughed and pushed each other around, until one of them fell, a rather small and skinny boy, than they laughed at him. The one on the ground mocked them and got up, he must have said something weird or wrong because it made one of the other boys run at him until they were in a chase, leaving the other two behind.
'What a strange city this is going to be.' She thought to herself.
Chapter 1
It had been about a week from when they moved into their new house. When they did get there on the first day it was already the evening, so for bed they put some pieces of foam down, laid the sleeping bags on top, and went to sleep. Over the past few days they had managed to get a good set up in there house going, even if they still had a few things to unpack. The house wasn't bad Y/N had to admit, she thought it was rather cozy, and she absolutely loved her room.
She resided on the second story like the rest of the bedrooms. As soon as you'd walk into her room you would have her closet on your left and you'd be looking straight of the window, which had a seat so you could sit and watch whatever happens on the street below. The window itself also opened up, it gave her access to part of the roof, where it was luckily not to steep so she could sit there too if she pleased.
That's what she did that day, read a few books, unpacked her and set up the rest of her room until she was finished, and now stared out her window. She did decide to go outside when she saw her brother in the front yard, she was curious as to what he was doing and how he was setting in.
When she went out she could see Connor dribbling his basketball in the driveway, the ball repeatedly hitting the worn and cracked surface made a sound that she almost made her believe it was echoing, and that the neighbours could hear it. "Hey Connor." She called to the boy, making him turn to look at her. "You doing alright?"
He shrugged, "Ya, just missing our old city. Mom said I'll get used to this place though, so I guess I'm alright." Connor looked down at the sun bleached ball in his hands. "Why'd we move hear again?"
He asked looking up at her.
"Grandmas' been lonely ever since Grandpa passed. Mom just thought she would need some company, even if we had to leave everything behind." She didn't know how he forgot already, although, that was basically his thing. Forgetting the most important of things and remembering the dumbest stuff. She had no idea how his brain functioned the way it did, with the amount of stupid stuff he's done.
"Oh yeah.." Connor threw his ball against the wall of the house, just above the garage door. They needed a hoop for him, in their old neighbourhood they had a basketball court pretty much right across the street, so Y/N and her mom could keep an eye on him but still remain on their property. The ball bounced farther then what Connor expected and it rolled onto the road, though it still was close enough to the sidewalk, this made Connor more careless when retrieving the object.
What the siblings couldn't see was the bicycle hurtling down the road, and as Connor ran out to snatch the ball back the person on the bike had to hit the brakes hard. The bike toppled over a bit but the person riding it caught himself with his foot. "Christ!" The boy yelled out when he almost hit Connor, strands of brown hair fell as the boy looked down at her brother, who had shrunk down in shock and was holding the ball to his chest. The boy stared at Connor, his blue eyes wide.
Neither of them said anything so the boy huffed out a breath and continued riding down the street, he didn't say sorry, he didn't curse Connor out, he just left. But he left too quickly because Y/N wasn't able to reach him in time and apologize for her brothers recklessness. She just let the air out of her lungs and took a moment to process how bad that interaction could've gone.
Connor slowly got up and looked over at Y/N, still a bit shocked but had enough thoughts to say something, even if it was unimportant. "He wasn't wearing a helmet." This just made Y/N stare down at him but not say anything. "Like imagine he went flying, he would've gotten really hurt." Connor tried to lighten the mood. He was not doing a good job.
"You would have gotten really hurt if he crashed into you!" She exclaimed as she walked over to the side of the garage where she had placed her own bike. The only response she got from him was a shrug. Y/N sighed and punched the bridge of her nose. "Look, I'm going out. There's this place called Fredbears Family Diner that I want to check out, do you want to come with me?"
"Not really." Connor shook his head, then seemed to think for a moment. Could you get me something from there if you can, please?" He asked politely.
"Why not." She agreed, she didn't mind spending money on him when it was stuff like this, plus she had plenty on her. "I'll see you later. Just remember to stay inside, if you have to go outside go to the backyard, just please don't get injured while I'm away." She turned and started to get seated on her bike before remembering something else, "Oh, and mom is coming home at 9!"
Her younger brother nodded, marking everything down mentally, hoping he'd recall it later. He looked down at his watch, "You have 8 hours before she's home." Then he headed for the front door, he was probably going to play with his cars.
"See you in a bit!" She waved to him and headed in what was hopefully the direction of the diner.
It was also the direction in which the boy on the bike was going.
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ennard-is-near · 3 months
Bite of ‘83 placement
I think it has to come first. I think people sometimes put Charlie’s death or Elizabeth’s death first in the timeline, and I respect most FNaF takes, so it’s fine if you want to do that. But personally for me it has to come first, and in this essay style post I will explain why. Everything is completely subjective to me, I will say “I think…” a lot and just know that that’s a more of a “In my version of FNaF” than a “In the only version of FNaF”. Also I call Crying Child Evan, mostly for simplicity’s sake. Cool? Alright, let’s go.
First off, I know why people sometimes put Elizabeth’s first. If Evan is scared shitless of the animatronics, it might be because he either saw what happened to her or William is trying to make him afraid of them. However, he’s a little kid, and kids tend to be scared of stuff like that. (My little sister is scared shitless of Chuck E. Cheese and there is no reason for that.) Also the SL cameras in his room but I don’t know if that’s enough evidence for placing his death after hers. Honestly, I don’t know why people put Charlie’s first, maybe it’s because she had that weird “life giving” thing in the second (???) game’s mini games and so Evan wouldn’t have been able to poses Fredbear without her. Or maybe it’s book related, honestly not sure.
From here, I will break this up into a few categories. Broadly, it will be why it has to be first for William’s character and why it has to be first for Michael’s character. Let’s start with uhhhh…
Michael’s character
A couple small things first: I don’t think he meant to do that, obviously. I just think he’s stupid (like really stupid) and didn’t think about his actions having consequences. I don’t think he planned the prank or whatever, I’ve seen a couple people depict it as something he thought about doing beforehand and I don’t think so, I think it was probably a random idea he had two seconds before he did it. I also don’t think he was doing in for William’s approval, not consciously at least. As an older sibling myself, I can confidently say that it’s fun to be a dick to your younger siblings sometimes, especially when they cry about it. His motivation was probably “hahaha this is fun.” Also, I think that it was entirely his fault. He suggested it and Fredbear was a performing animatronic on stage that he was old enough (maybe like 12-14) to know was dangerous. There was no tampering or unusual springlock failure that “shouldn’t have happened” or “shouldn’t have had enough force to do that.” IMO that was exactly what was going to happen and he should have known better. What did he think was going to happen?
My points (In no particular order)
I think Michael and Elizabeth exist in the same house after the bite of ‘83. She says “I know it was an accident” (which is a line I am insane about) in the SL secret night and I don’t think she would say that if she hadn’t been around during and after the incident. Also I just think they should. Imagineeeeeee the dynamic.
That is NOT the behavior of someone who has even considered that his siblings could die. Like if he’s already down a little sister and he doesn’t want his little brother to die, why the fuck is he doing that? If the thought even crossed his mind that Evan was capable of dying then he would not have been putting him up by that thing’s mouth.
And as a continuation of that…That is NOT the behavior of someone who has already lost a sibling to animatronics?!?!?! Even if he didn’t know how exactly Elizabeth died he has to know she went missing to something relating to Circus Baby’s Pizza Word. If tragedy already struck at a Pizzeria why would he be doing that. I know he’s stupid but he cannot be that stupid.
This is a good inciting incident for him. Like if this is the first bad thing that happens to this guy, that is way cool. He has never experienced loss ever and now he’s completely cooked and will have to spend his entire life insane (sorry I don’t make the rules.)
Isn’t it more fun when there’s a horrible guilt about Michael causing all of this? Like he can tell himself that it’s all his fault that his father lost his marbles? He can say that if he hadn’t done that none of what followed would have happened to him or anyone else.
And…isn’t it more fun when he’s sort of right? Isn’t it more fun when our protagonist, if in the smallest way possible, kicked the chain of dominoes that lead to everything that happened in FNaF. Not his fault that his father goes/is insane, obviously, but the things that happen wouldn’t have if he hadn’t done that. It’s so fun if we follow a guy indirectly responsible for everything that went down who is desperate to make up for it.
William’s character
This gets a little more complicated, but for me he was a pretty solid father before the bite of ‘83. Not perfect, but imagine a dad. That’s him. He’s obviously got the capacity for murder but he wouldn’t do something like that unless pushed. Y’know? He’s like the amount of crazy that most people are.
But I only have one point, really.
It makes him more interesting.
It makes his promise more meaningful. If everything William Afton does in pursuit of “putting [his son] back together.” It’s so much more impactful and reasonable if he’s killing with a goal.
If he isn’t a grieving father, why would be killing people? Seriously? Why would he have Circus Baby? Why would he kill Charlie? Felt silly? That’s stupid.
Also a good inciting incident for him. Having your own son killed by one of your animatronics (and your other son) could probably make a guy lose it. The bite of ‘83 is a good tragedy to prompt a spiral to madness. To the need to make other people feel how you feel, feel how it feels to lose a child. (And at the same time discover the way to bring them all back)
It just is more interesting (to me personally) when he’s not entirely evil, but is a broken and grieving man who sort of gets lost in the sauce on his way to bringing his son back from the dead.
Final thoughts?
It just makes more sense (to me) and is more fun (for me). That’s all.
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mxlfoydraco · 2 years
What are your favourite fics with Draco in them?
This is a bit broad though isn’t it? I can name a few with varying degrees of Draco focus.
I’m gonna cheat and name Here's Looking at You Kid by @little-shit-soph first, which is a George/Blaise fic but the latest chapter was Draco POV with Drarry and it was brilliant! Also reccing the fic as a whole, I love it.
The Man Who Lived by @e-sebastian (253k)
Draco breaks a cup, and one thing leads to another. A story of redemption, tattoos, dreams, mistakes, green eyes, long conversations, and copious amounts of coffee.
Set in New York twelve years after the war.
Heal Thyself by @astolat (46k)
"Are you going for the course?" Lovegood asked. "You have the NEWTs.”
“What course?” Draco said, then, “No, don’t be ridiculous,” when he realized she meant the notice pinned up on the board he’d been staring at: Applicants To The Introductory Mediwizard Course For The Coming Term Shall Present Themselves In The Chief Mediwizard’s Office By August 24th.
“Oh, I thought you might,” she said. “Well, goodbye.” And off she wandered again in her addled way.
Away Childish Things by @letteredlettered (153k)
Harry gets de-aged. Malfoy has to help him.
There Is Always the Moon by @firethesound (159k)
Draco's life after the war is everything he wanted it to be: it's simple, and quiet, and predictable, and safe. But when a mysterious curse shatters the peace he'd worked so hard to build, there's only one person he can trust to help him. After all, Harry Potter has saved his life before. Now Draco has to believe that Potter will be able to do it one more time. (A remix of If the Sun Goes Black by pasdexcuses)
Nor All That Glisters by @sweet-s0rr0w (110k)
Lonely and frustrated on house arrest, with no prospects for the future, Draco begins brewing Felix Felicis in an attempt to improve his lot. Just in the short term, of course. He isn’t a total idiot.
But before long he finds himself with a thriving business, a nice flat, some actual (albeit irritatingly Gryffindor) friends, and a very satisfying sex life. What’s more, no-one is hexing him in the street. And Harry Potter is single, and gorgeous, and giving Draco decidedly interested looks.
Stop taking the Felix? You must be joking…l
All Life is Yours to Miss by Saras_Girl (114k)
Professor Malfoy's world is contained, controlled, and as solitary as he can make it, but when an act of petty revenge goes horribly awry, he and his trusty six-legged friend are thrown into Hogwarts life at the deep end and must learn to live, love and let go.
A Big Black Sky by alexmeg (90k)
Draco shifts his head as he turns to look at Scorpius, his cheek touching the pillow. "Did you know that…" He pauses, his throat convulsing, and it sounds audible in the silence, besides Michael's steady, even breathing from the other bedroom.
Scorpius is staring back at him, in wait of something new to learn, a beautiful and intelligent child. He has Draco's mind. He has Draco's eyes and nose and mouth and hair. He is his. All his. All he has of Michael are his wild curls and the green of his eyes, and sometimes he looks into them and imagines that they aren't Michael's, but someone else's.
Draco leans his head closer, biting the quiver out of his lips before he breathes a laden and shuddering exhale, and he whispers, "You are my star in a big black sky."
Sourdough by @academicdisasterfic (17k)
Draco writes romance novels and doesn't leave his apartment much. Harry bakes bread and sells it to Draco. Draco is quite weird. Harry might like that.
Waiting By An Open Door by @femmequixotic and @noeeon (29k)
Draco starts following Potterwatch secretly during the War. He wishes Potter would come save him too. But that sort of thing only happens in fairy tales, and Malfoys don't get fairy tale endings, do they?
Soup-pocalypse and The Great Curry Cataclysm by @norelationtoatticus (104k)
Eleven years after the war, Draco Malfoy leads a quiet, boring, and perfectly respectable life, thanks very much. Or, at least he does, until a sudden and very unexpected veela awakening causes him to throw soup all over Harry Potter in the middle of the Ministry cafeteria.
you've got the antidote for me by Kandakicksass (20k)
When Harry Potter unintentionally severs their soulbond before it can fully form, Draco Malfoy resigns himself to a slow death and decides not to burden Harry with a soulmate he's made it very clear he doesn't want.
He's never been selfless before, but for Harry, he can try.
Kept in Cages by @sweet-s0rr0w (76k)
Deep in the heart of the Ministry lies the Beast Division: a hidden room where ancient beasts roam, and winged creatures soar, and grumpy giant ferrets eat all your biscuits unless you keep them well hidden. Draco Malfoy would know – he’s been working there for five years now, after all.
Meanwhile, on Level One, ex-Golden Boy Harry Potter is stuck in another interminable policy meeting, completely unaware of the mysterious comings and goings just three floors below. But when a giant snake emergency requires the assistance of a Parselmouth, Harry finds himself thrust, unprepared, into Draco’s weird and wonderful world – and naturally, he can’t keep away…
Modern Love by @tackytigerfic (61k)
Harry Potter, of all people, knows that life isn’t always fair. And no one gets to be happy all of the time. But surely there’s something more—something better—than a rubbish Ministry job, and a lonely old house, and that feeling that everyone out there is doing a better job of living than Harry is.
And it really doesn’t seem fair that Draco Malfoy is back in Harry’s life, all of a sudden, and even though he’s wandless, and living with Muggles, and making his mother cry with his lifestyle choices, he’s happy. So what's he doing right, that Harry isn’t?
Because things don’t really change, do they? And if Harry can’t be happy, he’ll settle for a good night’s sleep, some posh antiques, and the opportunity to find out what Malfoy has been up to for all these years.
And that’s what starts it all.
Here's The Pencil, Make It Work by @6balls (49k)
Harry thinks "Why is Malfoy working in a coffee shop in muggle London?" is a much simpler question than, "Are you going to accept that auror offer and, if you don't, what will you do?"
Burn the Witch by @lettersbyelise (95k)
When Harry Potter is sent in to investigate Draco Malfoy’s successful potions company, posing as Draco’s bodyguard, he doesn’t know the case will launch a series of events that will change his life — and Draco’s.
A story about choices, scars, Chopin piano pieces, and finding all kinds of love in the most unexpected places.
Who we are in the shadows by @quicksilvermaid (99k)
What happens when you’re forced to become the very thing you despise?
Ex-Auror Harry Potter, tossed out of the Ministry for something he had no control over, has been looking for a way back to his former life. When he comes across Draco Malfoy in the criminal underbelly of Wizarding London and in need of protection, Harry figures bringing him in to face the Ministry's justice is his ticket back to everything he's lost.
But nothing is exactly as it seems. Not even Harry himself. And as he gets drawn further and further into Malfoy's world of honour and deception he finds himself questioning everything he thought he knew—about his childhood nemesis, the Ministry job he misses so much, and most of all, about himself.
What happens when you’re forced to see that you were wrong?
Changing Tides by @carpemermaidtales (109k)
Draco has spent half of his life spouting the things his father has taught him without much thought about how he feels about what he says. When he unexpectedly comes face to face with the Dark Lord, he grapples with the harsh realities of the world and struggles with his changing views on life. Instead of doing what’s expected of him fifth year, he joins Dumbledore’s Army and learns how to defend himself, how to make his own choices, and how he can be something greater than his father’s example as he grows into his own man rather than his father’s shadow. The choices he makes change both his and Harry’s fates, intertwining their paths until they converge.
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alexxncl · 1 year
masterlist | all lessons | season 2 | lesson 22 | lesson 23.2 | lesson 24.1 | lesson 24.2
first of all...MICHAEL
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why is his name in japanese ??? WHAT DOES HE LOOK LIKE GODDAMN IT
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sobs i love them sm they're the brothers ever
also think it's very interesting that we got put in a part of mammon's memories before the rest of his brothers were his "brothers"
mammon didn't have anyone to look after, he only had people to look up to at this point. he was still able to be naive and make mistakes and be a kid, but once the rest of his brothers were born, he tried to be like lucifer
but he's not lucifer, and you can tell how much that shit still messes with him to this day
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"michaels cool or whatever but lucifer is a whole different breed" type shit
PEAK little brother energy
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is this lucifer's insecurity about supervising someone, is it truly him just wanting the best for mammon, or is it a mix of both?
bc we know how much he adores mammon, and how much he respects michael
but he's also well aware of how much mammon looks up to him
is he worried that taking mammon under his wing will taint his image in mammon's eyes? is he worried that he won't live up to mammon's expectations? to michael's? to his father's? is it a mix of all three, or is it something entirely different?
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*insert gumball sobbing incoherently* i love them so fucking much SHUT UP
the fact that it took a memory of lucifer specifically to pull him out of his breakdown
i'm gonna do a whole separate post on that bc i'm sitting here almost in tears just thinking about it
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asmo my baby my love what is going awn
it'd be weird if they had the same exact thing happen to asmo next, so i think it's gonna be something exploring his insecurities without the whole memory dreamscape thing
but like...how?
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j3st3r-13 · 2 years
*clears throat*
dad trevor, with the reader being their teen kid (can be fem or neutral doesn't matter)
trevor philips with a teen!kid
anon this is my fucking jam
let's be honest here you were either the result of some hookup or he found you on the street. it really doesn't matter because your dad loves you no matter what 100% of the time.
you could try and kill him and he'd be like okay crazy calm down and go back to bed.
depending on the time period wade and chef are your uncles or brad lester and Mikey are your uncles. either way, your the most protected kid on the planet, nobody and I mean nobody fucks with you.
trev will teach you how to shoot from the moment you can hold a gun. you scap with whoever whenever. uncle M says that you inherited feralness from your dad (he's right)
you are the only one who can calm Trevor down, sometimes you can't but mostly you can. you are also the only one he would ever consider giving up meth for.
sorry sweetie he would die for you but he won't give up his criminal lifestyle for you. he's gonna die with a gun in his hand whether you like it or not.
trev teaches you everything you know, how to read, write, hotwire anything, ride a bike, fly a plane, and load a gun. he's your sole teacher which probably isn't good in the long run, but he's fun.
Trevor's suicidal tendencies are gone with you, he can't imagine leaving you behind, especially by his own hand. its the main reason why he forgives Michael he gets it now.
(im imagining you an older teen like 19/20. traces age)speaking of Michael you were heartbroken to find out uncle mickey was dead, and you mourned him alongside your dad, only to find out he's alive and well?! you practically kick the door in yourself.
you cant forgive uncle M for a long time but you do enjoy that you have your best friends Tracey back. It's a heartwarming reunion and even jimmy takes a second away from his dick and his game to hug you.
if you are an older teen like 'the 20's'20s then you might date franklin or Lamar,(only if you wanted to and I was gonna include trace but it is kinda weird ) anyway trev would be furious and pleased if you dated someone like frank. he knows and respects frank but franks also shit scared of your dad win-win.
your dads is surprisingly cool with you dating as long as it's all age-legal and shit. he doesn't care if you hook up/friends with benefits but if you dated so he'd wanna know as soon as. mostly so he can do his whole scary dad routine. ( he does this for fun, he trusts you to be smart and date who you like, I mean he fell in love with a mexicans wife he held hostage)
when you get older you'd move into a nearby trailer, taking up the whole block. It's funny TPI trailers are a mess and yous look semi-decent.
overall, Trevor an amazing father, not a very conventional one but someone you can turn to and trust. he's your friend first but a protective father second. he loves you and you have some badass parents
oh god I dont even wanna think about something sensible...
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puhpandas · 11 months
Evan and Greg are basically your oc's!, what is your interpretation of Micheal in the modern au. Also how does mike not see Evan as a person?
Also flashlight duo is super cute
Has Evan ever been bullied at school?
the ocification beam hit them too hard...
I view Michael in my flashlight duo universe as being like. not how a lot of people portray him. as in he doesnt lash out for a reason. he isnt acting that way towards Evan because William told him to.
it's for sure affected by William's own actions, but as in Michael subconsciously learned those things. he isn't even on William's side really. he sucks as a father to both of them. it's just that michael doesnt respect Evan enough to see him as someone who is supposed to be on his side
Michael subconsciously learned growing up that everything Evan is is bad. and the cool people his age see people like Evan as weak, so he does too.
he lacks any emotional maturity, so a lot of his actions towards Evan are out of his own boredom and resent. he genuinely thinks his reactions are funny. if he ever did realize what he did was wrong, he would have to actually realize. he knows fully that what he does hurts Evan. he just doesn't care. he hasn't developed the intuition he needs to care. you know?
and Michael is around 16 if evan is 12. it's not that hes too young to understand, it's the lack of good parenting, or literally parenting in general. if Evans life is hell because everyone around him hates him, then that means its true. it means the people in hurricane dont like people like Evan (a boy who at his age should be getting manlier, but isnt. sensitive and emotional and physically small and lanky. evan literally has anxiety and paranoia and is neurodivergent and people dont really acknowledge that but they notice. and they don't like it)
the people in their town suck and are mean and so is Michael's father. so of course hes going to stick to what hes been taught and to everybody else who also believes it and is on his side. he was never taught that what hes doing is wrong. hes a bad person but it's a product of horrible parenting and the worst town in the world
in contrast to Michael, in the neglect and bullying Evan has faced its made him kinder. he is the one facing it so he wants to be kind to others instead of being like the people he hates.
I dont want to say he would be more in tune with his emotions than Michael because he wouldn't be. before Gregory, he was so unstable and miserable he was just a big ball of anxiety and emotions. he didnt understand his emotions and have that country mile on Michael's own emotional maturity because he didnt have it in him to learn
and by that I mean he didnt even like himself enough to want to help himself. hed been taught that theres fundamentally something wrong with him that makes him bad and weird and not like anyone else who's impossible to 'fix'. and hed been hearing that since he was a young kid, so of course hed believe it.
but then Gregory comes alone and slowly tries to strip away what Evan had been taught just by being kind to him and repeating kind things. the opposite of what everyone else did.
and that is what makes Evan begin to change for the better. the first thing he learns is that Gregory doesn't think something is super wrong with him that makes him bad and stupid so he starts to believe it a little, too. he begins to see how maybe how hes being treated is unfair and its him seeing himself as worthy of kindness that makes him upset on his own behalf. and what that means is he has better self esteem when before he was so insecure he could never even defend himself a little bit
and its after he gains some respect for himself that he learns how to help himself. he actually thinks he deserves it now, so with his support system in Gregory and his family he learns how he works. he learns what his phobias are and what sets him off and how to calm himself down. and of course he hoped all the way through that changing could be what 'fixes' him and the people around him wouldnt hate him so much. but like I said before its that self respect that confirms it's for himself and not for others
of course that stuff doesnt go away, but he improves. the people around him do notice. they dont care enough to say anything, they're more just suprised or happy hes shutting up in that mean way of theirs. but I think after a while of Evan being comfortable with Gregory and improving himself he would one day just snap.
before, he had layers and layers of nervousness and fear and anxiety and insecurity stopping his very high emotions from boiling over. and with the newfound respect for himself comes the anger on his own behalf of how hes treated.
so i feel like one day he would just blow up with all the emotion without the insane amount of fear stopping him. and it doesnt help, not really.
before, evan wanted to please michael and his father. but now that he wants them to know how much he hates them and how much they hurt him, they are pleased.
he gained more respect but in the worst way. not the way he wanted.
but back to their relationship, I think post-all of this, evan wouldnt want anything to do with him. let's say Michael does have a wake up call when they're both older. hes already ruined his relationship so much its unsalvageable. he caused evan to develop fundamental issues rooted deep (anxiety and paranoia, general things he learned about the world and certain people/groups and traits that he'll have to remind himself arent true) inside of him.
his family had their chance and they blew it hard. evan is definitely in the right to want nothing to do with him or William and to continue growing up and living and laughing with his actual family in his heart. they never get to make it official, but that doesn't matter.
anyway I went on like. a lot lol. for anyone who havent read my oneshot series this is based completely off of that au of mine and in my mind is canon to every oneshot if you do read them. thanks for enabling me to talk about flashlight duo lol you can tell I put so much thought into them every day its crazy
edit: to answer your actual questions lol: it's not that Michael literally doesn't see Evan as a human person, it's that he doesnt respect him enough to treat him with human respect. you know? everything evan is he has been taught is bad and worthless so that's what he thinks. so by extension evan is too
and yeah evan does get bullied at school. I always imagined it was less bullies pushing him into lockers and stealing his lunch money (Williams ass does not give him lunch money let's be real) and more that they just treat him awful. hes either invisible or in the way and then they dont care to be super rude to him. they dont just spout their exact thought process out but they all think of him badly and view him as a big joke. its less blatant meanness and more just treating him awful in general and that's what makes Evan think its normal and that hes asking for it when its not.
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onboardsorasora · 1 year
Haven't had a whole lot of time to write lately, but I really wanted to hammer out a little update on these two idiots (affectionate). Moar Tennis AU!
Part 1 | Part 11 | Part 13
Part 12! - Figured a change in POV would be fun for this
Blake sighed and looked despondently over to an equally over it Mike. At least he had a partner in this chaos. Because clearly he was put here on this earth in this moment to suffer. 
Another breathless giggle punctuated the air and Blake watched as two grown men, two world class athletes at the top of their game in their respective sport giggle at dick jokes on a tennis court. 
“You’re kidding me, that wasn’t even funny.” Blake complained, reaching an exasperated arm out to point out the problem just in case Micheal forgot or wasn’t paying attention. The roll of his eyes was all Blake needed. 
The problems in question were on their knees in the service box, giggling so hard that they couldn’t breathe. To be fair, Blake expected this from Daniel. Daniel could hear the wind blow differently and start a chortle, sometimes (only sometimes) Blake wondered what went on between those ears. The mop of curls and bright smile disguised that the current world number one only had two modes; tennis and….whatever the fuck this was.
When they met Max, he seemed like a very straightforward fellow. Serious mostly, but clearly genial when he was ready. Unfortunately, he hadn’t anticipated that Max was truly the same brand of stupid. None of them did really. 
Scotty didn’t warn them, Mark didn’t warn them. Hell, Christian could have said something. But no… everyone said them getting together was a good thing and everyone noticed how happy they both were. Apparently Max was a lot more agreeable on the track some days, and less snappish with media on others. And that was great, truly it was. Honestly, Blake was happy for them.
But did no one care that for that to be a thing and a benefit, Blake had to put up with……..this?!
Micheal looked over unhelpfully, they watched from the covered benches, figuring it was best to just let them tire themselves out like toddlers. It was summer break for Formula 1, and tennis also had a bit of a break going as well. But Wimbledon was around the corner, so there wasn’t that much time to fuck around.
But Max had invited them all on vacation to a resort off the coast of Italy, as both a way to congratulate Daniel and his team for Daniel winning Roland Garros, taking home the whole thing. And also as a way for them to all relax a bit before everything started up again.
Daniel had been all too happy to flex his rudimentary Italian muscles. Blake had drank that first night to forget the heated look in Max’s eyes at hearing his boyfriend hold a conversation with an older lady in a different language. Apparently, that did it for him, who knew.
They spent the first two days chilling and partying and generally having a great time. That ultimately led them here, at the tennis court of the resort because dumb and dumber thought it was a great idea that Daniel teach Max how to play tennis. There wasn’t much teaching or tennis happening, between the groping and giggling. It was like watching two teenagers poorly try to hide that they were sexually aware. 
They haven’t even started drinking for the day yet and Blake felt like he already needed several shots. He wasn’t a babysitter damnit.
“What do you want me to do again?” Max called across the court, they seemed to be controlling themselves again.
“Just stand there and when I do this, you try to hit it back.” Daniel called back, mimicking a serve.
Max nodded, face focused. “Got it!”
They were quiet for a moment while Daniel presumably tried to regulate his serve to not actually kill or hurt Max when
“My name’s Jeff!” Max called out in a weird accent. The noise that Daniel released could only be constituted as a squawk, before he crumpled to the ground in tears. Again.
“The dick cannot be that good.” Michael muttered, which made Blake snort. He was massaging the bridge of his nose, not that it helped in any way, but it was useful to keep him from going over and strangling his friend slash client.
He cannot possibly suffer through any more of this. He wasn’t getting paid enough to. He wasn’t a babysitter, damnit!
“Hola todos!” Daniel screeched, which sent Max into another tizzy.
Michael and Blake released twin sighs of exasperation. They were totally babysitters because these grown ass men were children.
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dear-indies · 24 days
hello! maybe i am misremembering, but i do remember you reblogged some guides on how to write characters, such as stereotypes to avoid when writing characters of color. do you have a tag or a list of guides for how to write disabled characters and stereotypes to avoid? i am only hard of hearing and even that is a weird experience that often isnt similar to other peoples expereinces, but i would love to write more disabled characters and want to make sure i am listening to disabled people and are respectful about the character im creating! thank you so much for all the amazing guides and info you are putting out! your masterlists have helped me find some amazing faces and are super useful ♥
Hey anon! When I research characters, for this instance characters with disabilities, I google the disability and then "stereotypes" or "what not to do" or look on Youtube because there's so many people on Youtube educating others about their disabilities.
The following speak about their disabilities in videos!
Special Books by Special Kids interviews a variety of people (not just children!) with various disabilities. Alyssa, a part of the team, also has mental health disorders which you find a video about here!
Jessica Kellgren-Fozard who has hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsy, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome and hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos syndrome with Marfanoid phenotype causing blindness in one eye and deafness.
Chella Man who is deaf and uses cochlear implants, have done several interviews and videos on the past about his experiences!
Molly Burke who is blind, has a guide dog!
Lucy Edwards who is blind.
The Blind Life , Sam who is blind.
Matthew and Paul, Paul is blind, uses a cane and has a guide dog.
Alex1Leg who is a leg amputee.
Footless Jo who is a a foot amputee and a stroke survivor.
Spencer2TheWest who is a double leg amputee.
Squirmy and Grubs, Shane has muscular dystrophy.
The Frey Life, Mary has Cystic Fibrosis.
Chelsea Bear who has Cerebral Palsy.
Annie Elainey who has is autistic and has EDS.
Gem Hubbard who is a wheelchair user.
PARALIFE, Craig and Claire, Craig is paraplegic.
Mason Branstrator who is paraplegic.
Roll with Cole & Charisma, Cole is quadriplegic.
Jordan Bone who is quadriplegic.
Angela Rockwood who is paraplegic - links to her Instagram!
Jade O'Connell who has Tourette’s syndrome.
Lewis Capaldi who has Tourette’s syndrome.
Zach Kornfeld who has ankylosing spondylitis.
Georgia Rankin who has skeletal dysplasia.
Taylor Nicole Dean who is a recovering addict.
Documentaries / life stories:
Michael J. Fox who has Parkinson’s Disease.
Celine Dion who has stiff-person syndrome.
Ryan O'Connell who has cerebral palsy, created and stared in "Special" which is an semi-autobiographical show.
Kayla Harris who is a wheelchair user with a spinal cord injury, created and started in "We Might Regret This".
Some other things!
A Guide to Writing Disabled Characters - Tumblr page!
Mobility Aids playlist (wheelchair users)
Mini Masterpost: Sources for Writing Wheelchair Users
Writing Wheelchair Users
+ will add more when I remember them!
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charliedawn · 2 years
Hello 🤗 do you remember when you made a slasher x asexual reader??, how about this time is aromantic
This is my first request on Tumblr and I hope you have a great day 💕
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I mean Jason wouldn't care. A friend is a friend.
He would be happy to have someone sticking around long enough not to run away as soon as he appears.
He would try to respect your wishes and not to frighten you.
He would feel like the confession might be important to you, so he will keep it in mind and not do anything that would feel too personal.
However, if he did have a crush on you.
He would find it difficult to communicate and basically run out of the room when you arrive.
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"Not into all the lovey-dovey stuff, heh ? Good for you. And good for me too.."
Pennywise hates physical contact and doesn't like making any effort.
Having an aromantic reader by his side would be to have someone willing to stay with him without making things weird.
Besides, him and Penny cannot technically fall in love. So, you wouldn't have to worry about that.
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Penny is a being whose love language is TOUCH.
He can't help it and will try to touch you every chance he gets.
See the problem ? He may eventually try to show you his love with words and make things awkward very quickly..
Penny *giggles and wraps his arms around you* : "I LIKE YOU, HUMAN !"
Yeah..Will try his best to keep his distance though. Better stick around his brother at the beginning though..
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"Good for you, kiddo. Believe me when I say love is bullsh*t. You're better without it."
Jack has been married and was basically trapped in the marriage.
He knows all about the downsides of love and would be happy to live without the complications.
At this point, his only love is his bottle of whiskey he keeps around.
Jack *offers you a glass* : "Come on. Let's have a toast on being sick of love. Good riddance."
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Five : "Believe me, you won't have to worry about me."
The boy is 100% dedicated to Dolores and reserves all his love for his mannequin.
Besides, Five is usually awkward around people he likes. The fact that you are aromantic would make things far easier for him.
He would be able to talk to you without actually holding back, scared of what you may think of him.
Five : "...and this is how Klaus managed to stuck his hand in the cookie jar and it was only hours later that he admitted it to me and asked me to jump back in time to dissuade him. Can you believe it ? Me ? Telling Klaus not to do something ?" *bursts out laughing*
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"Aro...Aromantic...Arrow...What a funny name. You know what it makes me think of ? Tarot without the t's. So, congrats kid, you're a whole card game."
J is open-minded.
As long as you don't say that you're a sympathiser of Batman, he's cool with you being whatever.
Besides, J is not very romantic. He would be if he feels it necessary, but would be as happy without it.
He would also offer you a job and wouldn't have to worry about the "matters of the heart" holding you back or stopping you from doing your job. (like Harley)
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Now, Michael is going to be thrown off because he believes in romance. He was a happy family man before his sudden shift to a slasher.
It's because he cares about his family and loves that he can't help seeking them out, even though Myers will probably kill them at the end.
If you're in a relationship, he will feel betrayed by the sudden confession.
However, Myers wouldn't.
Myers *waits a few seconds before writing down* : "Alright. Good."
Michael is the heart and Myers is the knife.
But, the knife can be more understanding than the heart on rare occasions.
Besides, it would be another person he wouldn't worry about killing.
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Brahms : "..."
Poor boy wouldn't know what to say.
It means no hugging, no hand holding, no sweet kisses ?
You would very sadly not be his type in a more-than-friends relationship, but he would support you nonetheless and be your friend.
But, you would have to expect some exceptions. He would sometimes hug you out of the blue and tell you things that may make you uncomfortable.
But, don't hold it against him.
It would be difficult for him to accept that you cannot have romantic feelings for anyone, but he would eventually get used to it and accept you nonetheless.
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Norman : "Hello Aro, I'm Norm."
Norman would make sure to tell you that it doesn't change a thing.
He likes you. He likes you.
That you're aro or not doesn't matter to him, as long as you are a good friend and a hard worker.
He would support you.
Even though, he could sometimes forget.
Norman comes from an era where romance and good manners were almost worshipped.
His mother forced him to become the perfect gentleman, so he may sometimes act lost or confused around you.
But, give him time. He'll eventually figure it out.
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Now that I think about it, Freddy might very well be aromantic.
He does have sexual wants, but he doesn't believe in love.
He believes in casual buddy-buddy sex.
Freddy *smirks* : "I mean..I ain't gonna kick you out because of it. Love is complicated. I understand."
Freddy would 100% go on a date with you and wouldn't make it weird. Congrats. You would hit it off pretty quickly.
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