#midnight sun headers
Promise Me
ft Nanami Kento
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A/N: Some Teen!Nanami angst! IDK why but I've been wanting to write this for a while. Header and dividers all credited at the bottom. Rating: 13+, fluffy-ish Warnings: Sadness, angst, mentions of death and dying Pairing: Teen! Nanami x Reader Summary: Faced with a solo mission, reader finds themselves contemplating their life in the Jujutsu world Word Count: 2301 Nanami masterlist
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With trembling hands, you type out the text message. You’re aware it’s long, more like a letter but in that moment it felt like you would crumble if you didn’t get it all out into words. 
‘Hey Kento. I hope college is going well. You sounded happy when we last spoke. I hope you’re having fun with your friends.
Upper management has assigned me a solo mission. They said it's because they are confident my abilities have reached a stage where I can handle myself and also take down the curse. I know it's because there are no other sorcerers available to accompany me.
Anyway, it's a big step, which is why I called earlier but I know that you’re busy, so I figured I’d text you instead. I leave tomorrow morning. I’m just packing all my gear right now.
And I’ll probably have dinner with my friends tonight and try not to think about the mission. You know how I get when I start overthinking. It’s probably not as big a deal as I’m making it out to be, right? Students take on solo missions all the time.
I have no reason to be scared, right? Management would never assign me to a solo mission they believed was out of my depth, right? I just keep thinking about what it’s like, not having anyone with me. I’ll have to be at my sharpest, so I’m hoping to get a good night’s sleep. 
Call me if you can. Or if not today, then sometime tomorrow? I’ll probably be on the train most of the day but we can still talk. Let me know. I love you.’ 
You hit send and look at your half-packed bag. Each time you attempt to clear your mind, your thoughts threaten to eat you alive. You were terrified at the thought of this solo mission. When management had called you to brief you about it, you had waited for them to tell you who would be accompanying you. The dread that filled your stomach when they said you’d be going alone made you feel like you were carrying around a lead weight. 
This year had been rough. It was the year that Nanami had graduated from Jujutsu High, his college acceptance all arranged, as he readied himself to leave behind the world of sorcery for good. You had attended his graduation, the doting girlfriend, tears in your eyes at how proud you were of him, but also because you knew this meant you wouldn’t see him around here anymore. No more midnight walks, or studying for exams, sneaking into each other’s dorms for little kisses and reassuring hugs. You had never thought his being one year your senior would matter until he had shown you his acceptance letter. 
There was a sense of worry there too, because college meant he was going away from you, but he had held you so tightly, whispering this didn’t change anything. You were always going to be his girlfriend. He would make it work. He didn’t want anyone else. It had been a few months and the long distance was hard but it brought you more happiness than anything around here ever did. 
You continued to pack, glancing at the clock, unable to shake the jittery feeling from your body. It felt like there were a million butterflies in your stomach, and your heart kept pounding even though you didn’t leave for the mission until tomorrow. The innocent morning sun shone through your dorm window, uncaring about the turmoil inside you. You keep glancing at your phone, hoping Nanami will reply, but the screen remains blank. Phantom vibration syndrome kicked in at one point where you could’ve sworn you heard your phone vibrate, picking it up eagerly to check, only to see nothing new on the screen. Your heart sinks with disappointment each time. You knew his schedule and that he was probably in class. He would call you when he could. He’s never not called or at least texted.
As you sit down on your bed, the overwhelming gravity of the situation hits you. You were going alone. There was no backup. If you messed up on this mission…you squeeze your eyes shut. It was one thing if you failed to exorcise the curse. That in some way brought you relief. If you didn’t exorcise it, management would simply express their disappointment and send someone else. But what if…what if…you didn’t exorcise it and the curse…
You gasp, shaking your head violently, trying to rid yourself of the thoughts of death. No, it couldn’t happen that way. You couldn’t die. What you would’ve given in that moment, to not be a sorceress, but to be a normal teenager! To go dress shopping, and enjoy prom, to start writing your own college applications. To know that your life wasn’t in danger and that you would live, live to spend another day with your friends, live to see Nanami again…
Before you knew it, tears filled your eyes, spilling onto your cheeks, and you hugged your pillow tightly for comfort. You remembered how you had cried when Nanami left for missions, out of contact for days, barely sleeping until he sent you a text that his mission was completed and that he was coming back. You remember him training you, always working on your self-defense, making sure your reflexes were honed and sharp. You remember that even when you were sent with a partner, it sometimes didn’t change a thing.
Haibara’s death still hung heavily over everyone, and you think back to Nanami’s expression when he returned from that mission, his eyes dark and solemn, regret lined heavily on his face. It was so unfair, that at the age of 16, he had to endure that. Haibara had been so kind to you as well, the best kind of senpai anyone could have asked for. Nanami never allowed himself to be emotional in front of anyone but had broken down in your arms in the privacy of his dorm room. Neither of you slept well for days after that, often jerking awake in the middle of the night, immediately texting the other for comfort. 
You wondered if something happened to you, would Nanami break down the way he did for Haibara? Would it be equal? Would it be worse?
“Please reply,” you whisper, checking your phone again. Still nothing. Did he not care that you were being sent on a solo mission? Had he finally started to enjoy his life away from Jujutsu High that he wasn’t going to answer you anymore? Frustration fills you and you resist the urge to fling your phone across the room. You curl up into a ball and keep reminding yourself that he’d never play around with your feelings, that he was probably busy, and that he’d call you as soon as he could…
The day passes by in a haze. Still no word from Nanami. You try calling him again but it says he’s unreachable. It only alleviates your trepidation. Maybe he had forgotten you. College was a whole new world after all. You scream into your pillow, allowing self-pity to overtake you. No one understood. Your friends had advised you to break up with him before he broke up with you. That he would find someone else at college, that long-distance rarely ever worked out. 
You fall asleep on your bed in a blur of confusion, unable to ruminate about your situation anymore. 
Nanami is out of breath as he hurdles through the corridors of Jujutsu High. A few students look at him in surprise and recognition, waving their hands at him as he races past, ignoring their greetings of ‘Nanami senpai!’. 
A solo mission…they had the nerve to send you on a solo mission…His breath had caught in his throat when he read your text, all other thoughts wiped blank. He’d immediately talked to his professors stating he had a family emergency and left hurriedly with nothing but his backpack. 
It took two trains to get here, one of which had gotten delayed. He couldn’t not see you before this mission, a damned solo mission, without reassuring you, without holding you tight after so many months apart. 
A left, a right, another left, then he halts in front of your dorm room and knocks softly. “Y/n?”
When you don’t open the door, he grips the handle, surprised to find it unlocked, and enters quietly. He sees you asleep on your bed, your bag set on the floor. A rush of relief and affection floods him as he sees you holding the little teddy bear he’d gifted you before leaving for college. 
‘Hold him when you miss me, yeah?’ He had said to you. You had immediately named it Teddymin, and he was currently tucked under your cheek as you slept uneasily. 
“Y/n,” Nanami says your name louder trying to rouse you, not wanting to scare you at seeing him in your dorm unexpectedly. You stir, then open bleary eyes. It was dark outside. Who was calling your name and why did it sound so familiar?
“Y/n.” Your eyes fly open and you quickly sit up, unable to believe it. 
“Kento?” You whisper his name disbelievingly, feeling tears well up in your eyes again. 
“I’m here.” He sits on the bed, drawing you close to him. You still can’t believe it. Were you dreaming? Was he really here? You grip his sleeve, hear his heartbeat, feel the warmth of his skin, and start crying unrestrainedly. All day, you had tried to keep it together, tried to convince your friends, convince yourself, that you had control over this. That you weren’t fazed about being assigned to a solo mission, that you were proud that management trusted you.
But Nanami’s presence breaks your composure, vulnerability showing through. “Why are you here?”
“Where else would I be?” he asks gently, patting your back. “I couldn’t focus in class, not after seeing your text. I’m sorry for not replying but I was basically catching trains all day to come see you.”
“You did that for me?” Your heart swells with love for him. 
“Of course. I just couldn’t…leave you alone, knowing you’re going on this mission by yourself. I had to see you.”
Silence falls between you both, listening to each other breathe. You wipe away your tears and take a steadying breath. Nanami hesitates, then asks, “Y/n, are you sure this is what you want to do? You graduate this year. You can leave all this behind.”
His words root themselves deeply in your mind and you find yourself considering it. Would it be possible to escape this? This unending cycle of fear for your life? “I don’t know. Everyone I know, everyone we know, is part of this. Could I just leave it all behind?”
“You can if you want to,” Nanami insists. “It’s hard, but trust me, it’s peaceful. I don’t want anything happening to you y/n. I’d never be able to forgive myself if I don’t give my best effort to get you away from here.” 
You know he means it, otherwise he wouldn’t have come all this way to see you. “You don’t have to make a decision now. We’ll talk about it after you get back from your mission.” He strokes your hair, reassuring you. 
“I will come back right?” There. You had asked the question that had been festering inside you all day. Nanami freezes when he hears you and his embrace tightens even more. 
“Of course you will. Why wouldn’t you?” He swallows, forcing himself to not think about any other answer to your question. After Haibara, he can’t take any more losses. He couldn’t lose you too. He’d break and probably never be made whole again. 
“I’m going to talk to Gojo. This will be your first and last solo mission.”
You wanted to protest but secretly, you’re relieved. “Would it work?”
“I can try. It’s reckless to send you without a partner.” He pulls away to frame your face in between his hands, heart breaking as he sees your look of apprehension. “Don’t worry. You will get back safely. I know your ability. You are a talented sorceress.”
Hearing his vote of confidence somehow carried more weight than management’s. “I really needed to hear that,” you say in a shaky voice. He embraces you again, gripping you so tightly it hurts but you couldn’t bring yourself to tell him to stop. 
“You’ll come back. We’ll dance together at your prom. You’ll graduate. And I’ll make sure you never have to face something like this alone again.” He says all the things he wishes for you, wishes for both of you because honestly, he can’t imagine a future without you anymore. The conviction with which he says his words fortify you, and you finally manage to pull yourself into a better headspace. 
You wish he could accompany you on this mission, but understand that management could turn this into a cascade of litigation. He had disappointed a lot of people when he had left the school, and you couldn’t risk him using his abilities since he had forfeited his privilege to use them when he had surrendered his rank and title as a sorcerer. 
He presses a chaste kiss on the top of your head. “I love you. Promise to come back safely to me.”
“I will. I promise.”
Nanami doesn’t sleep for the next few nights. Finally, after 4 days, he sees the text message from you. 
I’m back.
It was only then that he allowed himself to break down and cry, not with grief like when Haibara died, but with relief that you had made it.
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all dividers+support banner by @/ cafekitsune Header image
If you don't wish to be tagged, please DM me, or if you only want to be tagged for certain posts, fill out the form here. I only tag for SFW posts atm.
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daisies-daydreams · 11 months
Rugire (Werewolf!Soap MacTavish x F!Reader)
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Header Source: Pexels
Pairing: Werewolf!Soap x F!Reader Category: Smut (18+) Warnings: Heat Cycles/Rut, Implications of Pheromones, Human Genitalia (Soap/Reader), Breeding Kink (like HEAVY breeding kink), Mating Press, Doggy Style, Full Nelson, Unprotected P in V Sex (you know the drill), Creampies, Monster-Fucking, Swearing Word Count: 1k+
Summary: Your hot werewolf boyfriend creampies you. That's the "plot".
A/N: Written for the Spooky Month poll I did! (The reader already knows that Johnny is a werewolf before the story). I’m sorry if it’s shit. :P
"Are you going to shift soon?" you asked. Your boyfriend, Johnny, frowned and rubbed the back of his neck. The two of you were sitting outside at the firepit, the sun just dipping past the horizon. You sat snugly in his lap, arms hooked around his thick neck. He tilted his head side to side.
"Kind of," Johnny sighed. His sapphire eyes stared into the flickering flames from the pit as he rubbed your side. "It's more...intense than my usual shifting," he said as his face flushed.
"How intense?" you asked as you snuggled against his chest. You listened to his heartrate quicken as you brushed your cheek against his pecs. He swallowed.
"Well, you see...I just want to-" he paused, his face a deep shade of cherry red.
"Fuck someone's brains out?" you piqued. Johnny's eyes widened as he laughed nervously.
"Er, well...yeah," he grunted. Your lover blinked as you adjusted yourself on his lap, your crotch just barely brushing over his. You smiled as you smoothed your hands over his shoulders.
"It'll be okay, Johnny. I'll help you," you whispered in a low, husky whisper as you ground your hips forward. Johnny narrowed his eyes as he grabbed your waist.
"Careful, bonnie," he husked with a wry grin, his thumbs brushing over your hips. You bit your lip before pecking his cheek.
"When will it happen?" you asked before kissing at the corner of his jaw. His breath hitched as he squeezed his eyes shut.
"Tomorrow night," he whispered. You nodded before gently kissing his pink lips, letting your touch linger before you pulled back.
"I look forward to it," you grinned cheekily.
You slowly stepped inside your bedroom, the lights turned down low as your lover heaved within a large, padded down nest of blankets. You swallowed thickly as you moved closer, your hands fiddling with the bottom of your thin lingerie as you watched him rut into your pillow. 
“Oh, mo chridhe,” Johnny whined as he shoved his face into the mattress, his sharp hips desperately grinding against the pillow as a sheen of sweat coated his flush skin. You sucked in a sharp breath when you saw the rippling muscles of his back and thighs, his now massive body covered in a thick coat of hair. You gasped when he snapped his head towards you. 
His dark pupils overshadowed the bright, sparkling baby blues of his eyes. He flashed his large canines as he swiped his tongue across his upper lip.
"Bonnie," your love grunted as he continued to hump against the soft pillow, his face mixed with ecstasy and pain.
“Johnny,” you whispered as you came closer. You squeaked when your love whipped his head over, only to rub his cheek against your hand.
"(Y/N), please...I need to feel you," his breathing stuttered as his cock swelled between his legs. "Please," he gasped. A searing wave of arousal swept through your body as you shivered. You placed your hand on his arm, his muscles twitching beneath your touch before you climbed next to him.
"I'm here, Johnny," you murmured softly. The whole room spun as your back was suddenly flush to the nest of blankets. Your chest rose and fell rapidly as you watched his eyes glow with a hint of silver. Your eyes bulged when you saw his massive, flushed member throb above your barely covered, slick pussy. You shivered as he brushed the tips of his sharpened claws over the crotch of your midnight black lingerie.
“Tryin’ so hard to hold back…but I just can’t stop thinkin’ about fillin’ you up...over and over,” Johnny groaned as he suddenly ripped the crotch of your lingerie in one swift motion. You mewled as the cool air kissed over your wet lower lips, your walls pulsing around nothing.
“Need you, Johnny,” you whined as you rolled your hips forward. Johnny panted as he spread your legs apart, a deep, low growl ripping from his throat as he gazed at your slick slit. You gasped as he threw your legs over his broad shoulders, a hungry twinkle in his eye.
"Been waitin' to do this for so long," he breathed before shoving his face into your dripping cunt. You threw your head back as he lapped along your juicy slit with his wet, long tongue.
“Ah!” you keened as you gripped the sheets, your body becoming overwhelmingly hot with each stroke of his slick muscle. Johnny purred as he dragged his tongue up and down, the tip of his tongue swirling over your tight little hole.
You squealed as he suddenly shoved his long, thick tongue deep inside your walls. His nostrils flared as he puckered his lips over your pussy and eagerly thrusted into your soft canal.
"R-Right there," you breathed as your walls fluttered around his tongue. The feeling of his claws raking across your thighs made you whine and arch your back. 
“J-Johnny, fuck,” you panted as he devoured you. His canines glistened in the dim lighting of your room as he curled his tongue up and put pressure on your g-spot. Your vision grew blurry as you cried out with pleasure. A sweet yet musky smell suddenly flooded your nostrils, making your legs shake intensely. “Baby,” you sobbed as you ground your hips against his face. Johnny snarled before he puckered his lips again and made a loud slurping sound. Your eyes rolled back as a flash of white blinded your vision. Your orgasm tumbled through you like a tidal wave, your body and mind trembling with pure ecstasy. Johnny pulled off of your slick cunt with a “pop” before he snatched the back of your calves. 
Your eyes widened as you were suddenly bent in half, your knees touching your shoulders as he sank his heavy cock deep inside you. The stretch was almost too much, his throbbing sex nearly splitting you in two as he bottomed out. Your jaw went slack as you buried your nails into his thick shoulders, your toes curling as he began to rapidly thrust inside you. The musky smell grew even stronger as Johnny panted against your neck. Your whole body glowed with pleasure as he pounded deep inside you. You squeaked when he shoved his tongue inside your mouth, the taste of yourself so unfamiliar as he tangled his tongue with yours. 
“Mine,” he muttered against your lips before diving back in. Your walls pulsed around his massive shaft as you moaned into his mouth, your tongue gliding across each other’s hungrily. You broke with a slick “pop” as Johnny curled his hands around your calves, his cock driving into you at a desperate pace. 
“Oh my God!” you cried out as your orgasm suddenly ripped through you. You threw your head back as your pussy gripped and hugged Johnny’s shaft, drawing a deep, guttural growl from your lover. 
“F-uck,” he choked before stilling his hips. Your whole being lit up with a euphoria as you felt something pop deep inside you. You raked your nails over the ridges of his muscles as you felt his cum gush against your cervix. You babbled his name as his hot spend rushed out, soaking the inside of your thighs and the sheets below. Johnny huffed against your neck as his breathing slowed. 
“That…that was-” you gasped as he suddenly spun you around, his dick still lodged between your over sensitive walls as you lay on your stomach. Johnny quickly shoved his cock back inside you before rocking his hips forward. You mewled as his hands gripped your waist while he pounded into you from behind. You screamed into the blanket, your ass bouncing against his hairy abs as the room filled with the sound of skin slapping against skin. 
Johnny panted as he kept a brutal pace, his sweaty body rubbing against yours as you drooled onto the sheets. 
“Mmm,” you murmured incoherently as you felt another pop ripple through your center. You gasped as more of his cum bursted from between your sexes and oozed over the back of your thighs. You mewled, the soft fabric of the blankets becoming soaked with your tears of bliss as he filled you past your limit. 
“J-Johnny-“ you slurred as he took you into his large arms. His eyes were glowing a bright blue as he licked over his canines. You gasped as he curled his arms beneath your knees. You released a silent scream of pleasure as he sank you down on his thick member. You drooled and rolled your head back as Johnny bounced you on his cock, his hips snapping upward as his cum flooded his hairy lap. 
���Oh fuck,” you squealed as your clit throbbed and walls pulsed around his length. Your head spun as you gripped and clawed at his taut arms. 
Johnny husked as skin slapped against skin. You gasped as your legs shook in his grasp, your toe-curling orgasm shaking you to the core. Your walls were completely stretched open as you felt his cock twitch for the last time. You shuddered as he filled your heat once more, the warm, gooey feeling of his spend making you melt from the inside out. 
Both of you panted as Johnny held you still, his cock stuffing all of his cum deep inside your hole. You mewled as he nuzzled his face against your neck. 
“That’s a good lass,” Johnny murmured. 
Thank you for reading! ❤️
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cacoetheswriting · 1 year
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a best friend eddie story + collection of drabbles
pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader total word count: 31k tags/content warnings: best friends to lovers, slow burn, mutual pining, suggestive & mature themes, adult language, use of pet names, emotional hurt / comfort, self-doubt / insecurities, recreational drug use, topics of death / grief — pls also read cw's for each part & if i missed anything, let me know!
summary: a story about two kids trying to navigate through love and loss, inevitable goodbyes, various reunions, friendships and hardships, joy, heartbreak, plus surviving the upside down - all to the sound of Janis Joplin's Pearl.
& psa: images used in the header don’t depict readers physical attributes! these are also described vaguely, if at all, in the story.
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⪼ your first conversation with eddie (october)
⪼ eddie realises he might like you as more than a friend (march)
⪼ eddie comes to terms with his feelings, pushing you away in the process (may/june)
⪼ last moment with eddie before you leave for college (august)
⪼ eddie & reader catch up on the phone (september)
⪼ a kiss, a fight, & the end of a friendship? (november / december)
⪼ the letters (november / december)
⪼ a rather dramatic reunion, after months of not speaking (june / july)
⪼ eddie & reader try to navigate through their feelings (october)
⪼ can celebrating nye together lead to a kiss at midnight? eddie for sure hopes that it can (december)
⪼ valentine’s day
⪼ eddie and the end of the world (march)
⪼ apologies, confessions, and plans for the future (may)
⪼ the start of something new (august)
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a/n: the following are some songs i think they fit perfectly with their story, so i wanted to share them with you.
janis joplin - me and bobby mcgee | conan gray - the exit | dolly parton - i will always love you | the weekend - die for you | måneskin - the loneliest | kate bush - oh to be in love | u2 - sunday bloody sunday | red hot chilli peppers - eddie | ethel cain - sun bleached files | leonard cohen - hallelujah | boston - more than a feeling | taylor swift ft. bon iver - exile | red box - why so few | milky chance - frequency of love | janis joplin - cry baby
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main masterlist
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"Stay wild, Moon child,"
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Hello! The names Luna, it's nice to meet y'all!
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Name: Luna Dark
Age: 14
Godly Parent: ☀️Apollo☀️
Appearance: Midnight blue eyes, short and fluffy chocolate brown hair, lots of freckles, terribly pale despite being a literal child of the sun, has a sun birthmark on the back of her neck
Sexuality: Aroace
Gender: Genderfluid
Pronouns: Any
Height: 4'11
Year rounder: Yes (she no no wanna school)
Favorite Siblings: Octavian and Nico
Hobbies: Figure skating, crocheting, hitting people with tables/chairs
Skills: Archery, hand to hand combat, fighting with daggers, stealing
Wepons: Bow 'n arrow, dagger, sword, chairs/tables
Song she relates to: Girls by Marina
Other characters: Cyrus Nova, Coral Emerson
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Yello! This is essentially a self insert teehee :3
Heres lunas wepons:
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( @just--a--random--human--being thanks for the sword!!!)
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If we're mutuals and your not on this list let me know!!!!
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This account is run by
I also run a nico blog
And I have a writing blog
And a dc rp blog
And also a marauders rp blog
And maybe even a shifting blog
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♡#shush mortals luna is speaking♡ IC~
☆#creator is speaking so listen☆ OOC~
♧#luna lore♧ LORE~
◇#lunas insta◇ INSTA POSTS~
♤#lunas twitter◇ TWITTER POSTS~
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headers from @dedheaders
Deviders from @saradika
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destimnesia · 3 months
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⠀⠁ ⠀⸻⠀DEVIL'S MANNER is a template set containing one post and one header available on my ko-fi tier MIDNIGHT CLUB ($4/m) and MIDNIGHT SUN. It comes with textures.
don’t repost nor reupload don't reuse my layers don't claim it as yours personal use only credits are MANDATORY
⠁ ⠀one icon and one header: icon: 400x400 header: 1500x500 post: 506x900 coloring not included; it is 'wilted iris' by kaushmii
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oreosmilkshakes · 2 years
Heavenly Promises
Summary: Witness the coming of a new era between Wakanda and Talokan with the matrimony between you and Namor.
Pairing: Namor/K’uk’ulkan x reader
Fandom: Marvel- Black Panther Wakanda Forever
Word Count: 1,227
Warning(s): Fluff, fluff and more fluff :D
A/N: I did a little research on what a Wakandan wedding is supposed to be like and I lifted a little inspiration from T’Challa and Ororo Munroe’s wedding in the comics. You can also see my terrible knowledge about royal stuff ;-;. Also, the language reader speaks is Xhosa. But here is the mini sequel (and final!) to Pulchritudinous Promise that everyone wanted! Enjoy and comments appreciated!   A/N 2: Should I put my header in my fics or nah? I feel it defeats the purpose of putting a pretty gif of the character tho...
To part 1: Pulchritudinous Promises
Taglist: NIL
The cool breeze shook tall, green trees lightly. The sound of leaves rustling combined with waves crashing lightly against the sandy shores were music to [Name]’s ears. She slowly leaned back on the makeshift hammock, feet and back aching. She adjusted the low ends of her sun dress, heaving a tired sigh. A hammock wasn’t the best place to rest but it was the best she had for the moment. Before K’uk’ulkan would come and retrieve her. Nearby, Talokanil and Wakandan warriors stood guard, eyes sharp with weapons in hand, ready to attack any intruders that dared to get close.
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[Name]’s eyes glanced up to the tall palm trees shading her from the warm sun. She was thankful for it. Her dress was starting to cling to her damp skin. Her muscles eased, hands clasped together as she gave in. She allowed her mind to drift and it drifted far indeed. Her thoughts brought up past memories, specifically, her coming-together with Talokan’s King.
[Name]’s lips pursed, anxiety clouded her mind as she watched her maidens whizzing around the room, ensuring her wedding wear was ready. Shuri was finishing up on her cap, its colour a shade of black, gold and blue with a splash of emerald green, the material was soft vibranium. She could see herself in the mirror, donning her Black Panther suit. But it was different. It was decorated with emerald green, representing Talokan’s side. She had to admit, it was the perfect addition to her vibranium suit. A maiden brought over her necklace, jewels decorated each chain and a large gem in the middle that sat above her breasts.
A loud sigh left her lips and that took Shuri’s attention away from the cape and to her sister.
“Sister, what’s wrong?” The young princess smoothed out the fur on the cape before approaching the older woman. [Name] looked up at her sister, gloved hand touching the large, green Jade that sat on her chest. “Just nervous,” “Nervous? Why are you nervous, sister? This is a happy day, a day that will be remembered by our future predecessors,” Shuri pulled a chair, sitting beside [Name].
“I know, Shuri. But this wedding..I’m getting married, Shuri. There is so much I have thought about. Like, how often will I see you and Mother? Or will Wakanda be safe if I’m not around during the six months. Or..What if I can’t be the perfect wife to K’uk’ulkan?” She looked up at Shuri and the young princess had a sympathetic smile on her lips. Shuri took her sister’s hands, clutching it tightly.
“You love him, don’t you?” [Name] nodded slowly, biting her lower lip.
“And he loves you, sister. I know he does. I have seen the way he looks at you with each visit, sister and I know he loves you. You are the perfect woman for him and an amazing woman entirely. There is nothing to be nervous about and you don’t have to worry about Wakanda. I’m almost completing the Midnight Angels,” Shuri smiled brightly.
A knock came at the door and it squeaked open. “Princess [Name], Princess Shuri, the ceremony is about to begin,” A runner reminded. Shuri stood, grabbing the cape. The two maidens moved to pick up the long ends of the cape, moving with Shuri as she fastened the cape around her sister’s neck. [Name] had tears in her eyes, pulling her sister in for a hug as soon as she was done.
“Thank you…Shuri,”
Shuri let out a soft laugh, a growing lump in her throat as she felt hot tears pricked her own eyes.
“Now, let’s get this ceremony completed. I don’t know how long I must wear this dress,” She joked and [Name] laughed lightly.
[Name] could hear loud ceremonial music playing, interchanging between Wakandan and Talokanil. She could see K’uk’ulkan behind the eyes of her Black Panther helm. He was dressed gorgeously in his own ceremonial robes, which shared the colours of Wakanda. His wear was decorated with gold and jade jewels and almost instantly, her worries elevated. She could see Shuri beside Mother, who seemed to be holding back happy tears at the sight of her oldest daughter getting married. Her heart ached a little to see her mother’s tears but she knew it was for a joyful reason.
The ceremony went by like a blur, heavy drums played in the back with both Wakandan and Talokanil dancers moving to the beat. They didn’t need rings to showcase their marriage for their word and ritual was enough to bind both powerful beings together.
The helm retracted and slowly, [Name] looked up to face her new husband. She could hear faintly as the Elder Statesman announced, “Bast has blessed this couple! Pity anyone who would stand in the path of their happiness and their love. Now, let us celebrate this new merging between our two worlds!”
[Name] had both arms around K’uk’ulkan’s neck and the smile he wore on his lips was the biggest she had ever seen. She felt his strong hands snake around her waist, leaning in slowly.
“I am a very happy man, [Name]. My mother would have loved you,”
[Name] flushed darkly, lips pursed. “I know she would. I will love you to the stars beyond,” And the handsome smile that graced the King’s lips grew bigger.
“In yaakunech, in reina,” (I love you, my queen) K’uk’ulkan leaned down, slowly.
[Name] leaned up, lips barely brushing together. She could feel his warm breath fluttering her upper lip and felt her cheeks heat up.
“Ndiyakuthanda nam nkosi yam,” (I love you too, my king)
Their lips met in a deep kiss, surrounding cheers and music got louder but [Name] only focused on her husband and so did he.
K’uk’ulkan had done nothing but show her so much kindness and showered her with love and she did the same. She was welcomed with open arms into Talokan, the people took [Name] in as their new queen. When [Name] was crowned the new Queen of Wakanda, K’uk’ulkan became the royal consort, an honorary King. In her absence, her Mother would lead the kingdom, of course. The six-months agreement still stood but K’uk’ulkan had agreed to ease up that specific agreement.
Aside from that, [Name] could not ask for a better life. She had an island all for herself so she could live on land when she missed it. The island was protected by Wakandans and Talokanil warriors regularly while [Name] stayed in the little house, tending to herself while K’uk’ulkan was away for his own duties. But when he returned, they would always fill their house with love, the final touch to their marriage.
[Name] never stopped thanking Bast for this life she lived.
The sound of waves splashing hard against rocks pulled [Name] out of her trance. She turned her head, watching as K’uk’ulkan left the waters with his spear in hand. The woman smiled widely, carefully leaving her hammock to approach her husband. He leaned in, sharing a sweet kiss with his wife.
His hand moved to [Name]’s engorged belly, thumb caressing lovingly. [Name] clutched to K’uk’ulkan’s side as she leaned in to rest her forehead against his. He exhaled lightly, feeling a light kick to his palm.
“Welcome back, my king,”
“I have return, my queen, my princess,”
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elbertsbabygirl · 5 months
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Title: Shadows of the Heart: A Birthday to Remember
William rex x reader
Fandoms: ikemen villians
Note: I hope you enjoyed this reader fanfiction with us celebrating Williams birthday I am sorry if it's not like a professional writer this is just my first writing a fanfiction series but I promise to do better soon when I am used to it ok 🎉 happy birthday our William🎉
Header and spacers :@natimiles
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In the dimly lit chambers of the villain's stronghold, the anticipation of William Rex's birthday hangs in the air like a tangible presence. The clock ticks steadily towards midnight, marking the onset of another year for the enigmatic anti-hero.
**William **: "Another year, another chapter in this endless saga. What surprises does fate have in store for me tonight?"
As the clock strikes twelve, a haunting melody resonates through the corridors, drawing William's attention to a figure silhouetted against the moonlit backdrop.
"Happy birthday, William. I come bearing a gift for the one who walks the path between darkness and light."
A flicker of curiosity dances in William's eyes as he regards you, his unexpected visitor, with a mixture of intrigue and bemusement.
**William *: "Ah, my dear robin, fluttering into the shadows once more. What have you brought for this weary soul?"
Your heart swells at the affectionate nickname, a testament to the bond that has formed between you despite the chaos that surrounds you.
"I thought this might offer a glimmer of solace amidst the shadows that cloak your world."
Hand in hand, William leads you to a secluded alcove beneath the star-strewn sky, where the weight of his burdens seems to lift, if only for a fleeting moment.
**William **: "Here, under the watchful gaze of the stars, we can speak freely, unencumbered by the expectations of the world."
As the night unfolds, William's guarded facade begins to crumble, revealing the vulnerability that lies beneath.
**William :**: "My dear robin, you have a way of peeling back the layers of my defenses, revealing truths I've long kept hidden."
In the quiet hours before dawn, bathed in the soft glow of moonlight, you find yourself drawn into William's embrace, the barriers between you melting away like frost in the warmth of the morning sun.
"With you, William, I feel as though I've found a home amidst the chaos. You've shown me that even in the darkest of times, there is light to be found."
**William **: "And with you, my dear robin, I've found a sense of purpose I never thought possible. Together, we can face whatever challenges lie ahead."
As the first light of dawn breaks on the horizon, casting a golden hue over the world, William Rex stands before you, his heart laid bare in the quiet intimacy of the moment.
**William *: "On this day, with you by my side, I feel as though I can conquer the world. My dear robin, you've given me a gift beyond measure."
With a tender smile, he reaches for your hand, his fingers intertwining with yours in a silent vow of unwavering devotion.
As they stand on the precipice of a new day, William and his beloved robin face the future with courage and determination, knowing that whatever trials may come, they will face them together.
"Happy birthday, William. Here's to many more adventures, and to the love that binds us, stronger than any chains of fate."
**William **: "And to you, my dear robin, my partner in crime and in love. With you by my side, there's nothing we can't overcome."
Hand in hand, they step forward into the dawn, ready to embrace whatever challenges and joys the future may hold, secure in the knowledge that their love will light the way through the darkest of nights.
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lunarmoves · 9 months
When the bright sun washes away
And the sky is covered up with a soft blanket
The little buttons you call stars seem to find their way
Right into your heart
Oh you wish to feel them,
to touch,
to be them
But how will that happen?
To see the sky’s gems?
The universe is kind,
she knows what you want.
And the universe gave you all of her stars
But be careful, the stars will haunt
–Ray of midnight storm ⛈️
Hi Hallo Name’s Ray and I love your little fics and your i don’t know how it’s called, uhhh the one that I highlighted that thing and you so cool and awesome and stuff and I’m just a hopeless poet you know?
Anyway hope I made you smile, I hope you like the poem :]
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WAHHHH Ray of midnight storm ⛈️ u are so precious to me!! thank u for enjoying my silly fics and for the poem!! its so lovely!! personal fave lines hv to be “the little buttons u call stars… / right into your heart.” and that last line!! “but be careful, the stars will haunt” I GOT SHIVERS!!! i think “and the universe gave you all of her stars” is a.. tagline???? bio??? no idea what its called. tumblr header? i dunno LOL.
actually some backstory for it, it was originally gna be “and the universe said i love u” but then i realized that i inadvertently copied that from the minecraft end poem and i was like no i cant. so i just changed it to the star version bc i used to tell my friends that they deserve all the stars in the universe 🕺✨ voila, lore!!
thank u again for the wonderful poem u are also so very cool and awesome 😊 happy holidays!!
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allamericansbitch · 2 years
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Hi everyone! Here’s the newest addition to my Creator Shoutout Series (january 29 - february 5)! For info about the series, I explained it in the first post here, but generally, it’s to show appreciate to editors and their creations that i love from the past week. To track this series or look at previous shoutouts, please check out the tag on my blog *creatorshoutouts. Have a great week everyone!
taylor swift: lavender haze music video gifset by @tswift
only murders in the building: 2x05 gifset by @trueloveistreacherous
the last of us: 1x03 gifset by @buckysbarnes
taylor swift: lavender haze as album covers gifset by @newromantics
normal people: connell waldron gifset by @birthdaysentiment
everything everywhere all at once: screenplay gifset by @milflaszlo
taylor swift: midnights era music videos gifset by @eliorperlman
the last of us: 1x03 gifset by @heartmis
succession: shiv roy in season 4 gifset by @kenshivrome
taylor swift: web weaving gifset by @thatwasthenightthingschanged
the last of us gifset by @attackoneyebrows​
ethel cain: sun bleached flies gifset by @usercannibal
taylor swift: midnight rain gifset by @taylorswiftdebut
wednesday: enid sinclair gifset by @wednesdaynetflix
the last if us: 1x03 gifset by @tessas-thompson
taylor swift: lavender haze music video gifset by @cametotheshowinsd
the last of us: bill x frank gifset by @obiwan
everything everywhere all at once gifset by @shegos
taylor swift: sylvia plath gifset by @jonismitchell
up (2009) x the last of us gifset by @buckley-robin
the last of us: bill x frank gifset by @nickoffermen
taylor swift: lavender haze edit by @rep-meow-tay-tion
glass onion: tv tropes gifset by @justaleapoffaith
taylor swift: midnights gifset by @venka
sharp objects: 1x04 gifset by @moonlight
set it up gifset by @daisylouisejohnson
taylor swift: midnights music videos gifset by @somuchstardust
the last of us gifset by @elliejoel
stranger things: max mayfield gifset by @seaoftr
taylor swift: hits different gifset by @paintedtaygolden
the office: 2x01 gifset by @jackharlows
10 things i hate about you: kat stratford gifset by @riley-keoughs
taylor swift: lavender haze gifset by @frankieslewis
the last of us: bill x frank gifset by @theedorksinlove
the shining gifset by @breakfastiffanys
taylor swift: midnights era music videos gifset by @tayloralison
stranger things: steve harrington gifset by @enbyeddiemunson
wednesday gifset by @tylrgalpins
gilmore girls: jess x rory gifset by @highqueendreamgirl
taylor swift: album covers gifset by @glendoll
the last of us: 1x03 gifset by @maygrant​
taylor swift: midnights lyrics gifset by @eliorperlman
the last of us gifset by @richardgrimes
taylor swift: dancing with our hands tied gifset by @rogerhealey
the menu: margot gifset by @kitherondale
carly rare jepsen: the loneliest time music videos gifset by @usergif @usersmidnights
taylor swift: you’re on your own kid x all to well short film gifset by @labyrinth
selena gomez: revival gifset by @alexstewart
the menu gifset by @trashcora​
taylor swift: lavender haze icons and headers by @newrcmantlcs
the office: pam x jim gifset by @daisylouisejohnson
the last of us: bill x frank sidelines gifset by @simon-eriksson​
taylor swift: pantone colros gifset by @coldasyou
the last of us: bill x frank gifset by @yenvengerberg
f.r.i.e.n.d.s: monica x chandler gifset by @nessa007​
taylor swift: lavender haze gifset by @antoniosvivaldi
stranger things: nancy and mike gifset by @dcbicki​
taylor swift: bejeweled gifset by @lovestory
taylor swift: dorothea​​ x midnight rain parallel gifset by @thatwasthenightthingschanged​
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lovelytsunoda · 2 years
jetlag // esteban ocon
summary: estie bestie and y/n miss each other like hell. he’s just come back from a race weekend, and she’s gone to a hen week in another time zone
what time is it where you are, I miss you more than anything (...) you say good morning, when it's midnight. going out of my head alone in this bed. i wake up to your sunset, it's driving me mad, i miss you so bad.
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dear sweet estie bestie knew that he was in love the moment that he saw her for the first time.
they met in normandy, she was the typical small town girl and he was the newly-minted city boy returning to his roots
hallmark movie waiting to happen
they dated for about a year and a half before he took her to brazil for the grand prix and proposed at the foot of the christ the redeemer statue that looks over rio de janeiro
eight months later and the wedding is drawing ever closer, set for the winter in st. tropez
and with that also comes the hen week: planned by y/n's friends with minor input from esteban and kept a total secret from y/n.
there was just one large problem with the planning
y/n was due to leave the day that estie came back from a race double header race weekend.
that's three weeks without them seeing each other in person, and suddenly estie didn't want to go back to paris. not if y/n wasn't going to be there.
they were already facetiming every day despite time zones.
"are you excited for your hen week, mon tresor?"
he's sitting in his hotel room, eating a room service breakfast. y/n is in the home office, finishing paperwork and looking over the last of the fabric samples for reception tablecloths. nobody told her that planning a wedding would be that difficult.
"as excited as i can be. monica still won't tell me anything. i miss you, though, esteban. i don't like knowing that you're coming home and i'm going to be in another time zone. it's like the roles are reversed this time."
"i miss you, cherie."
"i miss you too, estie. get home safe, okay? i'll see you next week. and i'm gonna call you so often that you get annoyed at me."
there's a purr from under the desk, where estie's cat was curled up against her ankles. y/n looks down, lifting the black cat onto her lap
"i think bijoux misses you more than i do." she laughs, scratching the cat behind the ears.
esteban wasn't prepared to come home to an empty apartment, that hasn't happened since he was single. bijoux nuzzled into his leg, and he sadly knelt down to pet the small cat
"guess it's just you and me, buddy."
y/n is halfway to hawaii already, monica finally told her where the hen week was going to be
she texts esteban almost as soon as the plane lands to tell him that she got there safely.
he calls her almost all the time, like the lovesick boy that he is
"enjoying the sand and sun, mon tresor?"
"its a hell of a lot better than rain in normandy. sorry for leaving you with those tablecloth samples."
"it's no biggie, cherie. but goddamn, i had no idea that there were this many different shade of pink."
"that's the last thing we need to do, so if you narrow it down to three and send me a picture, i'll help you decide."
"the house doesn't feel like home without you."
heart softens
"i know, amour. i'll be home soon."
"je t'aime, y/n."
"je t'aime, estie."
"y/n, are you on the phone with esteban again? this week is supposed to be about us!"
apologetic looks and reassuring smiles
"i know, monica. and i'm having so much fun with you guys. it's just been three weeks since i saw estie in person. i miss him like mad."
between nights of mixed drinks, karaoke and dancing under moonlight, she's sending texts to her fiancé, pictures of the big island, the occasional risqué mirror selfie
estie calls in the middle of one of their hikes, she's balancing on a large rock to try and get a signal so they can facetime
shes always happier after she's talked to esteban, to her bridal party's dismay
"tell esteban to stop interrupting our girl time!"
estie is filling his days with team meetings, workouts and media commitments, just biding his time until the love of his life comes back home
keeping himself distracted so that he can't think about how much he misses her.
she's doing the same thing, distracting herself with trips to the beach, romance novels and wilderness hikes up the side of a volcano
and then she's due to fly home.
estie is up early, driving his renault to the airport, a little sign in the backseat that reads "welcome home, mon tresor."
she gets off the plane, an entire horde of bridesmaids, the maid of honor and a few other girls that weren't in the wedding party but she felt it was important to have them with her in hawaii anyways
she's not the first one to see esteban, one of her bridesmaids is.
"hey y/n, isn't that esteban?"
she looks over and sees him there with the giant heart shaped sign on neon pink bristol board, and she practically launches herself at him, giggling as this linaky beanpole of a man picks her up and spins her around in the middle of arrivals
"i've missed you, mon tresor. did you enjoy hawaii?"
"i missed you more, babe. i can't wait to tell you all about it."
making out right in the middle of the arrivals section
raucous cheering from the bridal party
and a few wolf whistles
they barely leave the bedroom for the next three days
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theha1r · 8 months
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#THEHA1R an independent FANDOMLESS portrayal of steve harrington from netflix's stranger things. written as an original character. with stranger things (+ many other) verse(s) available. as very deeply beloved by pluto
a study in: you're on your own kid (you always have been), changing for the better, you save everyone but forget yourself, god save the prom (king), caring so much you feel as though you'll bleed to death with the pain of it, lost innocence, growing up far too quickly, never being anyone's first choice, i was sunshine (she was midnight rain), made it all look painless - man am i the greatest?, don't want money - just someone who wants my company, you can start a family who will always show you love
affiliated with: heartfelt (& all of kenna's blogs), inspotlight (& all of hales' blogs), childrenofslumber (& all of nicky's blogs), tcrnadcwarnings / drummerdaines / brokenhcrt / hollowkidds, wintersreplies, anxietytold, lovesworthy, milleroptimism, patchedstars, hellsfavor, depictedblue & malka-lisitsa
unaffiliated with the stranger things rpc, i will not follow back solo stranger things blogs, or stranger things-based multis. please do not follow or interact if you are one. billy hargroves & jason carvers are also not welcome here
pinterest board | playlist
mun is 27. they/them. est
discord: thesmallestplanet personal blog: plsx3 robin buckley sideblog: robbiebucks list of muses i write on discord
credits: base icons of joe keery in stranger things season 1 & season 2 by helpersofindie, & season 3 & season 4 by argentangelhelps, psd california dreamin' by robsources & the upside down psd by imgonnaeditstuff, icon banners here comes the sun by underesources, header & pinned graphics by hellsfavor
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isabellafm · 2 years
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GO MIN SI, 21, CIS WOMAN, SHE/HER. — Is that ISABELLA CHOI? A SOPHOMORE originally from MANHATTAN, NY, they decided to come to Ogden College to study ART HISTORY AND FRENCH STUDIES. They’re THE NEPO BABY on campus, but even they could get blamed for Greer’s disappearance.
Lux Lisbon (The Virgin Suicides), Margo Tenenbaum (The Royal Tenenbaums), Daria Morgendorffer (Daria), Estella Havisham (Great Expectations), Anya (The Midnight Club), Rebecca Doppelmeyer (Ghost World), Darcy Lewis (Thor), Rue (Princess Tutu).
lipstick stains on a Diet Coke can, brass brushed hand mirrors, the echo of an empty theater, baby pink leg warmers, little white lies, long museum dates, empty wine bottles, showing up late with a large coffee, the lingering scent of Chanel No. 5, Greek tragedies, stacked gold jewelry, vintage designer handbags, book pages worn from multiple reads.
Amy Winehouse, Me And Mr. Jones.
Mitski, Drunk Walk Home.
Videoclub, Amour plastique.
Joep Beving, Sleeping Lotus.
Fiona Apple, Left Alone.
Hozier, Shrike.
Delibes, Coppelia: Act I - Ballade.
Tchaikovsky, The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66, No. 4h - La fée de lilas.
The roommates seemed like a duo from hell, both legacy students from Manhattan, daughters showered in privelege and beauty and secrets. Their fathers brushed shoulders at Manahattan dinner parties, and their mothers gossiped over brunch. They appeared to be friends since childhood, to anyone on the outside, or within their social circles, but there was always an emotional wall built between the two. Maybe because of the way Greer could never hide from Bella, never fully, and never her secrets, not even behind a locked door. Isabella was too observant, too aware, and all too keen on judging whoever came and went through suite 208. There was an arragement between the pair: as long as the space was respectful, clean, quiet in the mornings and calm in the evenings, the secrets would die on their way into the hallway. Bella knew she needed Greer, whether or not she liked the fact, and Greer knew she needed Bella, all the same.
Isabella ached an escape from her family name since she could remember, desparate for fame and a ballet career all of her own. Her mother’s family is known across South Korea, generations of wealth sparked by the country’s industrial revolution, and her father is known around New York City as an accountant for the elites. Their business deal of a marriage created their only daughter, their prized possession. Bella can admit she had it easy, best ballet academies and tutors to help with the endless missed school days, but she never planned to apply to Ogden, the way her father had, until a knee injury ended her dreams. A large donation to the school’s cultural studies department, and wouldn’t you know it? Easy acceptance, and now, she’s on her way to whichever arts related job she could wish for, thanks to her family names. 
FULL NAME: Isabella Areum Choi.
NICKNAMES: Bella, Iz, Ari (family).
BIRTH DATE: July 11, 2001.
ZODIAC: Cancer sun, Capricorn moon, Pisces rising.
LANGUAGES: English, Korean, French, German, Japanese.
ORIENTATION: Heterosexual heteroromantic.
HEIGHT: 5′5 / 167 cm.
HAIR COLOR: naturally black, currently with brown highlights throughout. 
EYE COLOR: dark brown.
TATTOOS: 111 on her inner forearm; ballet slippers on her ribcage; simple heart on her inner, left pointer finger.
PIERCINGS: first earlobe piercing on each ear.
CLOTHING: feminine and tacky; ballet and 90′s inspired, lots of florals; long skirts, frilly socks, mismatched patterns; tights and leg warmers; gold jewelry and a daily gold cross necklace (yes, insert religious trauma); doc martens, vintage handbags; whites, tans, browns, pinks. 
MAKE UP: a natural look; claw clips, messy pony tails, and pigtail braids; lip gloss and mascara; highlighter and cream blush for special occassions; also a fan of a lip tint or lipstick.
POSITIVES: passionate, devoted, intelligent, thoughtful, creative, trustworthy, insightful.
NEGATIVES: pessimistic, dramatic, pretentious, morbid, secretive, blunt, sarcastic.
SKILLS: crying on command, ballet, sewing/hemming. 
HOBBIES: practicing ballet, reading, yoga, listening to podcasts, jogging, watching films that make her cry, collecting vintage purses, currating oddly specific spotify playlists, daydreaming.
EXTRACURRICULARS: book club, art club.
EXTENDED: Bella has a soft heart underneath the staged exterior, though there’s very few to see the sensitive side of her. She can be patient, but stern with those close to her, caring for them in a way she craves to be cared for. She’s one for some tough love and blunt advice. Not the most cheerful person, she’s often quiet and reserved, preferring to speak with intention rather than to fill the silence. Her sarcasm can fly over people’s heads with her dry delivery, and she’s the type to give an answer as a joke before offering the truth. Hyperboles are common in her language, and frequently, she’ll enjoy drama for the sake of drama, confusion for the sake of confusion. She’s very closed off, even to people who have known her for years, yet those very close to her would know how lonely she is. She’s beginning to find comfort at Ogden, away from the constant purpose that was ballet, but at the end of the day, even if she won’t admit it to herself, she seeks acceptance amongst her peers.
Isabella comes from two lines of wealth, her mother’s family wealth spanning decades in South Korea and her father’s family wealth found working as a hedge fund manager. Anyone who’s anyone would know of the union of the Lee and Choi family and how it brought the Lee’s influence into America.
Her family’s the type to buy impeccible art pieces only to safely tuck them away in storage, own the building where they live in the penthouse suite, and slide through life on the zeros in their bank account. Their daughter never asked for anything, because it would be given before she asked. 
Since birth, a precious only child, Bella’s been sheltered away from the ugliness of the world. Sure, she was displayed at dinner parties and large gatherings, but her parents always kept her at arm’s length from many of her peers. Not that she’d have time in her schedule, anyway. Once her mom adored the idea of a ballerina daughter, her days began and ended with ballet lessons, tutoring and French lessons sprinkled into any spare moments.
She grew up with an intense adoration for the arts, and any kind she could get her hands on. Film, music, literature, theater, dance, opera — it consumed her, especially anything dreadful or emotional. As well as her dream of being a prima ballerina. There isn’t much of a story to tell, after all. She ate, slept, and breathed ballet, even regularly missing school and important social events doing so. Proms, dances, birthday parties, Christmas vacations; she wasn’t always allowed such luxuries, because she had to practice, of course.
Freshly 18, the dream she envisioned came falling down. Patellar tendonitis, or “jumper’s knee,” halted everything she’d been working towards, including her acceptance into Juilliard. Sure, she’d be able to dance, stretch, move, be active, with some physical therapy, but going up en pointe? Isabella had to tell her mother that she’ll never see her on stage ever again. Her last pair of pointe shoes are still hanging above her bed, in her dorm room.
Good thing daddy’s alma mater was easily swayed with some donation money, and Bella chose to study art history, maybe find a job at a museum or become a collector, like her mother. She’s still lost on her new dream, because her entire life revolved around the one thing she fully lost. With no more audience to impress, it was a fresh start, and it was frightening.
Things had begun to go well, a roommate that boosted her social status and a bunch of peers who fluttered at the thought of her family’s money. Until Greer went missing. Bella’s left confused, concerned. At first, she laughed; of course Greer took off. Sounds just like her. Now, the situation is no longer funny. She never thought she’d miss having a roommate, but her phone’s constantly on the news pages.
Currently, she’s trying to get through the semester, same as everyone else: spends her mornings in her daily routine, practicing ballet at the private ballet barre in her bedroom, attends her seminars and lectures, and secretly enjoying all the parties and events the school throws. 
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noloveforned · 2 years
my yo la tengo triple-header drew to a close last night, just in time to get ready for my show tonight on wlur from 8pm to midnight. tune in live or check out last week's show at your convenience!
no love for ned on wlur – march 10th, 2023 from 8-10pm
artist // track // album // label the replacements // god damn job // for sale- live at maxwell's, 1986 // rhino the tubs // illusion, part two // dead meat // trouble in mind rizzo // spin this // phoning it in // sympathy for the record industry mhaol // bored of men // attachment styles // tulle qinqs // edgar allan poe // qinqs 7" ep // goodbye boozy yo la tengo // outsmartener // today is the day ep // matador carambolage // fußgängerzone // carambolage // tapete new bloods // oh, deadly nightshade! // the secret life // kill rock stars peter ivers // terminal love // terminal love // warner bros. gina birch // i am rage // i play my bass loud // third man ono // i wonder why // kate cincinnati // american dreams mogwai // take me somewhere nice // rock action // matador mess esque // liminal space // armour your amor 7" // (self-released) zander raymond // park // separate in space // (self-released) lucy 22 and lawrence lui // formosa // formosa digital single // (self-released) sun ra and walt dickerson // space dance // visions // steeplechase malcolm jiyane tree-o // umkhumbi kama // umdali // mushroom hour half hour theo croker featuring ego ella may and jeff parker // somethin' (extended take) // by the way ep // sony masterworks julius brockington // in the back of the churchyard // the united chair // barely breaking even mach-hommy featuring left lane didon and big cheeko // wellness cheques // notorious dump legends, volume two // (self-released) maxo featuring keiyaa // one day at a time // even god has a sense of humor // def jam u.s. girls // just space for light // bless this mess // 4ad free love // all the same to me // inside // lost map kate fagan // come over // i don't wanna be too cool (expanded edition) // captured tracks dot dash // lonesome sound // madman in the rain // the beautiful music the reds, pinks and purples // ghosts again // heaven's dreaming ep // (self-released) screen prints // words can't really say // european jeans // fastcut
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sruthisms · 1 year
Brand guide commentary
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The overarching theme/ motif for my brand guide is the ocean - I chose something that reflected my flexible, go-with-the-flow personality as I feel like that shapes the way that I navigate through the world. As I wanted to go with a flowy design for my logo, I researched logos with similar aesthetics for inspiration, such as Coca Cola’s logo. Ultimately, I decided to go with my initials for my logo - the ‘S’s in the logo, which are the initials of my first and last name, resemble two interconnected cresting waves. The sun behind the waves serves as both a background to better highlight the letters and a way to represent the heights to which I can reach, given that the waves reach beyond the top of the sun. The colours in the logo is those of my colour palettes referenced later on my brand guide.  
I went with three different colour palettes for my guide - the primary one is Ocean, with varying shades of blue and green to represent the different shades of ocean water in the daylight. The two secondary palettes are Sunset and Midnight, to represent the ever-shifting colours of the ocean. The different palettes ensure that there are varying colours to be utilised in the necessary contexts and background colours. Colours from the different palettes can also be used together for greater contrast if they are of similar saturations, as seen in my resume. The colours and flow in my resume are meant to resemble a beach, with the yellow as the sand and the blue as the ocean. The contact information section is placed over a pale blue background on its own for greater contrast.  
The two fonts chosen for my brand guide, Optima and Hubballi, are streamlined and versatile, being professional for any setting while still adding a layer of personality. Optima can also be formatted in bold and italics, making it ideal for titles and headers for emphasis. The stark visual difference between the two fonts also provides contrast.
My business card is minimalistic, utilising the colours and shapes in my logo - the back of the card inverts the colours used for the background and the sun, while displaying my information in the font Hubballi.
Some challenges that I faced were deciding on a cohesive theme - I had trouble deciding whether I should work on my logo first and develop the theme accordingly from there or vice versa. Ultimately, I decided to choose a personality trait of mine that I wanted to reflect most strongly and to develop my guide from there accordingly. I also struggled with deciding on how complex or minimalistic the elements in my guide would be, as initially I wanted to go with more shades and elements to better reflect the ocean but I decided that a more minimalist approach represented me better. 
InDesign was very useful in formatting the guide accurately, especially with the detailed markers and rulers. Illustrator also provided me with useful tools to design my logo, like the gradient tool and the brush tool. 
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valtoswife · 2 years
Just wanted to say that I love your colorings and also your header is the funniest thing ever, the midnight sun trio in a nutshell
Thank you! Also omg yeah you’re right it is them in a nutshell lol, I love those three so much
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lookninjas · 2 years
"Midnight Sun," Nilufer Yanya. I'd link it, but I literally just got the same upstream header error message I got when trying to log in to spotify earlier, so.
(Maybe the real death cookie was the one from spotify that makes you clear your cache to do literally fucking anything.)
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