#might also do a follow up when shes done (cause ive still yet to read that novel tho i WILL after reading dorian gray)
t0kyo-l1ghts · 10 months
it just dawned on me that never once did I share anything regarding my Limbus OCs, cause I wanted to have everything ready - including their art - by the time I posted them, but I'm kind of impatient, so I'll just talk about one of them: Victor Frankenstein. I have a couple good drawings of him so I might attach those in a follow up cause I have most of them on my phone. ANYWAYS, let's get this bread
Victor Frankenstein
Peculiars: Solitary, Paranoid
Weapon: Galvanism (Modified Stun Baton Staff)
Associated Colour: #6B8778 "Rot Green"
Affiliation: Limbus Company
Occupation: LCB Sinner
Literary Source: Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
Associated Sins: Pride, Wrath, Gloom
Base EGO: Never-Ending Hubris
He joins LCB after the creation of the monster, who, in true project moon fashion, is a little bit more fucked up than the source material, as instead of just standing there Menacingly he actually attacks Victor on sight, breaking his jaw really badly. He gets an operation where he's given a prosthetic and is picked up by Vergilius shortly after.
His base EGO art, Never-Ending Hubris, depicts him in his collage dorm wearing the LCB Sinner pyjamas/prison outfits stitching the monster together- who is obscured by a white sheet. There's a couple of mementos like the medal with his mother's picture in it, a family photo, and a seperate picture of Elizabeth etc. The EGO itself would involve him having those electroshock thingies yk the ones doctor's use to revive a patient and him freaking tf out thinking the monster is still out there
The abnormalities I would kin assign to him are Shock Centipede (AEDD), Wayward Passenger (Dimension Shredder), Alleyway Watchdog (Telepole) and perhaps Pink Shoes (Roseate Desire).
His canto I imagine would take place after William and Justine's death, where Victor has a mental breakdown cause he knows he could have done something about Justine's verdict, but probably wouldn't have actually said anything to protect his own pride - much like in the novel. The Sinners try to find the culprit and eventually encounter the monster, who named himself Adam, and this is where we get a mashup of both Victor and Adam's backstory, where we're show the events as they happen simultaneously, though I've yet to think of an ending for it. Maybe they manage to "defeat" Adam, giving Victor the semblance of closure for delivering justice for both his little brother and adopted sister, and sarajinae plays. Idrk tbh, probably.
So far this is all I have for my funny guy, glad I finally got this out of my system tbh, have a nice rest of your day
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kuroimarzipan · 2 years
To return the ask I was unable to answer for you: I'd love to hear your Kingmaker thoughts! Or Wrath, if you'd prefer.
HELP I MISCLICKED BEFORE I WROTE ANYTHING AND HAD TO EDIT THE POST LMFAO anyway im gonna answer for kingmaker only tonight cause i gotta go to bed and i spent too long writing shit out but i might reblog this and add answers for wotr on after work tomorrow lol
Favorite Male Character okay so i could be normal about this. i could. or i could let everyone here know that i mentally put together multiple AUs where esteem got together with dragn after witnessing like three lines of dialogue. yea the smith guy. the one without a portrait even.
BUT if i had to be more normal about it then its gotta be ekun. i just want that guy to be happy and i really enjoy how weirdly well he gets along with esteem. also he's like. the most ruthless good character ive seen in a while which i really find interesting. makes a great minister too. he just has this reassuring presence in your party like hes got your back you dont have to worry. also: dogy :^)
Favorite Female Character
okay so i went into this game assuming kanerah would be my fave and i was like. ready to finally not have to headcanon a romance and shit. and then this bitch named valerie came along. and oh my god she's such a piece of work. so principled. so hypocritical. so abrasive and easy to rile up. she's loyal because she's decided to be loyal. she turns on you for wanting to kill a guy early in act 2 and then turns BACK on him because he hits on her. she doesnt even realise shes gay. ever since she killed fredero because esteem pushed her to do it ive been thinking about it. ive not read the dialogue for her canon straight romance or whatever because honestly i dont care whatever the fuck im doing to her in my head is way more interesting to me. ive done all the stuff for her hellknight ending and im very excited heehee.
Least Favorite Character
kingmaker is interesting in that i had a really poor first impression of a LOT of the companions, but after having gotten to know them, i... honestly dont rlly hate any of them?? there's still a few companions that end up benchwarming for me bc i just like others more, but its really not been like wotr where the party lineup was so polarising for me lmao
WAIT I JUST REMEMBERED JHOD. fuck that guy. i dont even have a particular actually good reason either. i just think his vibes are rancid
Favorite Ship
specifically that moment when hegend drew his weapon and went to attack valerie and the moment combat initiated esteem hit him with the chains of light which was followed by a maximised empowered magma blast from kanerah which one shot him. that felt good
aside from that i kinda wanna see amiri and nilak reconcile at some point??
Favorite Friendship
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i like that ekun the complete and utter loner was the person that taught esteem how to actually have friends instead of just manipulating people into appreciating her. i like to think he figured that out by the time his last quest rolled around. they have this kinda silent trust.
Favorite Quote
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this was such a good moment to me specifically because of the circumstances of esteem having been chased out of its home because of what it is and then having tartuk tell it that it would never understand?? it was COLD AS ICE telling him that before dealing the killing blow and taking his crown. defining moments tbh
Worst Character Death (if any)
i have a feeling this is yet to come for me 🙃
This made me so happy you have no idea Moment
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maybe its silly but thee loyalty these two have hehehe
Saddest Moment
TBH another thing i think is yet to come for me.... i know that last act is gonna hit hard
Favorite Location
the swamp witch's hut... i actually really love the old beldame and all the lil storylines going on in that map so so much it rlly helped me solidify a bunch of important things abt esteem's backstory too lol
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wizkiddx · 3 years
I would for sure read a continuation of the birth photographer fic if you feel comfortable writing it/have time! Xx
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a/n sorry I kinda combined these two together, I hope this is okay!! sorry ive taken so long too!! my requests are still open, just going a bit slowly :)
summary: literally just birth + harry
dad!tom x reader
warnings: childbirth, mentions of fainting, squint for suggestiveness too
“Your doing so good darling, just keep breathin’ like that for me, in-out-in-out”
That had pretty much been the soundtrack to your last 3 hours. And yes it was MORE annoying than it sounds. Of course, that’s also ignoring the insane amount of pain your uterus was putting you through - as it spasmed while the little bug in there was wriggling away. Giving birth was not easy but giving birth with a husband-turned-midwife wittering away in your ear? Un-fucking-bearable. 
“Tom…. I love you but..” Everything had really been starting to ramp up in the last half an hour, you were a panting sweaty mess now. “Please… SHUT THE FUCK UP” Tom would’ve recoiled completely away from the bed because of your tone, if it wasn’t for the absolute death grip you had his right hand in. Instead,  Tom settled for straightening straight up and staring helplessly and dejectedly across the room at his brother - who of course was trying to hold back laughter, knowing it would be very easy for you to switch your target to him. 
Clearly it wasn’t a social call to the hospital, Harry was here under the premise of taking photos when the baby arrives for Tom;  but really to stop his brother from having his own breakdown - as commissioned by you. Lets just say, however scared and mortified Harry was of this ‘event’ he was taking a lot of enjoyment from how his brother was acting currently. 
“It’s okay sir, if you were pushing a watermelon out of hole that normally was the size of a whiteboard marker, I’m sure you’d be a bit tetchy too.” That lady was your favourite midwife and in a lull between the sets of contractions, you actually managed a laugh. Wide-eyed, Tom just nodded jerkily, murmuring some sort of agreement. It was at this point a flash of light reverberated around the whole room, causing you to breathlessly laugh, Harry’s face informing you the picture he just got of Tom was priceless. 
The laughter didn’t last long though, the next contraction had you bearing down on the bed, face contorted in pain as you sucked desperately on the gas and air tube. 
“Okay Y/n I think we might be getting there, let me call the senior midwifes in okay?” The midwife had your legs hiked apart, a blanket attempting to cover your modesty - but at this point she was basically sticking her face in your noon. Modesty was out the window. 
“Already?” Tom was shocked to say the least, from all his reading and research he’d learnt that the average labour time was more like 5 hours. Lets just say, Tom never exceled in school, never much enjoyed reading - which made the hours of highlighting baby books and pregnancy leaflets all the more extraordinary. 
“Babies don’t stick to the script sir.” You could tell she was proud of the pun there, because you know, Tom’s a moviestar. “Professional improvisers, the lot of them.” 
The cream walls of the hospital room very quickly filled with more and more people - Harry staying like a fly on the wall, now nervously biting his nails as he watched an obscene amount of medical people all take their turn oggling his sister-in-law’s bits. This was a weird ass situation. 
Almost immediately it was at the point the midwifes were telling you to push, which after 9 months of holding a baby in (as well as your ill functioning bladder) sounded like an absolute dream. But it was also absolutely terrifying and exciting and horrifying all wrapped in one. Naturally then, after nodding hesitantly at the midwife between your legs, you’d craned your neck across to tom .You might’ve just told him off, for trying to encourage you, but now? You needed his encouragement. 
What met you though, was his face completely drained of colour, mouth hanging slightly open as he hadn’t moved - still staring intently at the midwife. She followed your gaze, only taking half a second to survey the situation before knowingly smiling. 
“Can we get a bit of help for dad please?” Immediately one of the more junior looking midwives was directing (pushing) Tom into the chair next to the floor. Suddenly actually concerned, you looked with wide eyes to the lady between your legs, who you felt bad for not remembering her name. With a comforting squeeze of your ankle she reassured you he’d be right as rain after a few moments of having his head between his knees. Also sensing you needed your support, she arched up, beckoning over to Harry who had an equally bemused look on his face. 
“No - I-um I’m not.” His squeaking protests were interrupted by a large scream on your part, as another contraction tore through your body. Helplessly Harry glanced between Tom, who was still hunched over on a chair with a nurse squatted infront of him; and you, writhing around on the mechanical bed. He didn’t hesitate then, in jumping right to your side, allowing you to start crushing all the bones in his hand too. 
And then it was all happening, a blur of activity and screams. It didnt take long for Tom to pull himself together and then you were flanked on both sides by Holland boys - both giving cheesy encouraging words (which you would’ve again told them to shut the fuck up for, if you’d been able to), Tom also stroking the top of your head. He found it pretty impossible, watching the woman that he loved go through such immense pain - especially when he was technically half the cause. Well… actually more that that, it had been him who had been… well shall we say *needy* those nine months ago. 
“Okay Y/n the heads crowning, I know you’re tired but we need a few more big pushes, can you do that for me?” 
Merely 5 minutes later and the most beautiful sound in the world echoed through the 4 creams walls. You were absolutely spent, eyes closed as you panted, knowing tears were flooding down your face too. Immediately though, familiar hands cupped both sides of your face, a forehead resting on yours. 
“You did it Y/n/n.” His eyes were glassy, watering and red and the way he scoffed a smile in disbelief had you mirroring him exactly.
“We did it.” Your voice was hoarse and scratchy from all the yells of pain but it didnt matter. The midwife calling you by the name ‘mum and dad’ got both of your attention, a title you’d no doubt start getting used to. 
“Meet your beautiful baby girl.” Another choked sob escaped your throat, as  this little roughly wrapped up pink alien looking thing was placed onto your chest. Both you and Tom just gazed at her, completely transfixed at the way she wriggled her head slightly, nuzzling into your chest. Tom gently hovered his palm against her little head, while you pressed down the blanket gently, just so you could see all her features. 
Then a flash echoed around the otherwise silent room, making you all look up to Harry who was gritting his teeth in apology. “Do mum and dad want to smile for the camera?” The question was posed so hesitantly and quietly, really it wasn’t funny either. That didn’t stop you and Tom both pulling out the biggest grins and chuckling away, allowing Harry to capture the perfect moment. Being referred to as mum and dad - it was bloody comical. 
“You gonna tell me her name now?”  You looked from Harry to Tom, nodding in approval for him to spill the beans. 
“Amber. She’s Amber.”
You’d squabbled for months before ending on Amber. It had been a long relentless process, Tom claiming that your baby might just have ended up as ‘as yet untitled’ which you and your hormonal state had stormed out at. It hadn’t taken much to forgive it though, Tom had long since worked out that Ben and Jerrys was the way to your heart. 
The nurses took Amber back to do some tests, properly cleaning both you and her up and after that everything was weirdly calm. Harry had left to give the twothree of you a moment alone and Tom was about to do his turn of skin to skin. 
“This really is it isn’t it?” He murmured, whilst carefully scooping Amber from your arms. 
“Mhmmm… your stuck with two girls who’ll go psycho on you without a moments notice.” He seemed to accept it though, just nodding in response. 
“And I still can’t bloody wait.” His eyes penetrating deep into you, had you blushing like a nervous teenage girl. “ ‘m still so proud of you, you grew this little human.”
“Your not allowed to call her little because you didnt have the ‘little’ thing rip your insides apart.”
“Hey! I’m upset about it too! Was like I had to watch my favourite pub being burnt down.” Of course, trust Tom to make a dirty joke at a time like this.
“Don’t kid yourself, you weren’t watching, too busy fainting.”
“I didn’t actually faint!” This time he protested a bit too loudly, causing Amber to mewl a little and bury her head into the crook of her Dads arm. “I think Ambers just told you to shut it too.”
“You annoy the hell out of…” Your grumbling was interrupted by an impressive, ear-splitting yawn. “ You annoy the hell out of me.”
“But you love me?” He sing-songed, now back to a hushed tone. 
“I hope so, otherwise we’re in a bit of trouble.” He scoffed, but nodded his head, taking the hand that wasn’t cradling Amber to tuck some sweaty, knotted strands of hair behind your ear. 
“I do owe Harry though, he was at least able to stay on his feet.”
“He was a better birthing partner than you too, much much less condescending and annoying.” You sniggered, making Tom pout once again, only wiping the look off his face when you yawned again, rubbing an your eye like a toddler would. 
“If your done insulting me… get some rest love, I got you.” All you did was nod, with a small groan (because below your waist still hurt like a bitch) rolled over so you could fall asleep to sight of the two of them. 
“Got you both, my two beautiful girls.”
hope you enjoyed, would love to hear any thoughts <3
taglist: @hollandfanficlove @hallecarey1
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omegawolverine · 3 years
I love it when people talk about things they're passionate about, tell me something cool!! Anything you want, just something you find interesting or want to talk about :D
hello anon my beloved, I am in a bad mood so you will be receiving a passionate, yet lowkey of pissy rant about why villainizing bakugou makes me wanna vomit and its NOT just because I'm a dumbass kinnie :)
tws: child abuse (emotional and physical), near death expierences, bullying, kidnapping, suffocation, lots of trauma in general tbh. if you've seen bnha then basically just keep all the general triggering plot stuff in mind incase i missed any warnings
also, note: I havent caught up on bnha in a minute, I'm at like the start of the war arc but I barely remember shit there tbh so like. probs missing new stuff. also bnha spoiler warnings lol
so, for starters, the homie bakugou has like,, a good handful of issues that come from his childhood that explain why he's an ass. he was always praised and never actually reprimanded for being a twat which led to him having a huge ego that ended up fucking him over majorly. this ego was something that his mother acknowledged him having, but literally didnt try to fix it with anything other than violence. see here:
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like, instead of trying to help him, she hits and insults him, which is probably what led to his weird inferiority/superiority complex. being constantly told by others that you're outstanding and one day you'll be a top hero because you're rude and aggressive and then going home and being hit by your mother for those exact same behaviors is bound to fucking confuse a child.
so like, now that we've established that its definetly canon that his mother (parents? I think he said parents at some point but masaru doesn't seem like the type so 🤷) hits him though we don't know how much or how often (though if bakugou was as much of a little shit back then ((which as far as we've seen- he was)) then it was probably often), lets talk about how regardless of all that 1) hitting your kids as "discipline" not only doesn't work but is abusive lol like idc if it's spanking/popping them on the mouth for talking shit, slapping them across the face "on occasion", etc. shits not okay 2) hitting your kids!!!! does not work!!!!!!!! it is literally PROVEN not to work!!!!!!!! hitting a child who has done something wrong doesnt teach them to stop doing something it teaches them to be scared of you, which will cause the child to withdraw, removing part of their support system (assuming said abusive parents would even offer that up) and will most likely lead to them thinking they're a bad person, not that their actions were bad, which are two different things. so, ya know, that would clearly have an effect on a kid. like, as someone with a mother who reminds me all too much of mitsuki: I have acted like a complete shitbag and taken my anger out on people to feel better in the past because of the way my mother treated me. though it was nowhere near what bakugou did, I still know first fucking hand what a mother hitting and insulting her child will do, especially if they have no proper outlet for that (friends, a safe place to vent) which bakugou never fucking had.
theres also the fact that just talking to your kid the way mitsuki does (saying it's his fault he was kidnapped because he's weak, all while hitting him) is not??? okay?????? ive seen people arguing that this was just a joke in poor taste but like her son was KIDNAPPED and even if it was a "joke" there's literally NO WAY that would EVER?? BE FUNNY??????? she just sounds like the kind of parent who at the very least says shit without thinking that would traumatize bakugou (because being told right after being kidnapped it's your fucking fault by your mother is absolutely traumatizing) but it comes across as her being emotionally abusive.
mitsukis character as a whole comes across as a shitty mom who doesn't realize she's a shitty mom and thinks bakugou being an ass isn't at least partially her fault even though she's admitted to realizing he has always had an ego problem and doing nothing to fix it except for hitting and yelling which obviously did nothing but make him just as loud and violent as she is.
this is obviously not the entire reason why he's a dick but he was never properly taught that the shit he was doing wasn't okay and people not stopping it and/or praising him endlessly even tho he was a bully is basically the same as encouraging it, thank you very much.
moving on from that, let's talk about bakugous other traumas and how he naturally responds to them. hint: it's with either full blown panic or a fight response (verbal or physical, though usually physical. also sometimes it's the panic followed by the fight response.)
so far in bnha (keep in mind that I am not caught up, I've only read up to the beginning of the war arc and i barely remember those bits so) bakugou has...
nearly died via sludge villain (he was unable to move and was being suffocated to death- keep this in mind)
lost for the first time ever and against deku of all people (this nearly sent him into a full blown panic attack, likely because of that sexy little inferiority/superiority complex combo. think of this as like. gifted kid burnout lite. he has always been the best of the best and now suddenly he is being beaten by somebody who has always been weaker than him, which immediately makes him start thinking he was never actually that good, he's actually a fucking failure, a goddamn fraud)
won the sports festival by default (bakugou counts this as yet another failure because todoroki didnt try his best. had bakugou lost to todoroki full strength, he would've taken 2nd place with a bit of bitching, but he still wouldve taken it rather than refuse the medal as it would be a reminder that he failed. instead of accepting that like UA shouldve, the staff chained and muzzled him on live television and then had all might, his fucking idol, force the medal into his mouth. remember the sludge villain incident and how he couldnt move and was suffocating to death? yeah.)
been kidnapped because of the way he reacted to winning during the sports festival (he was aggressive and tried to refuse the medal because he felt he didnt deserve it and was then retraumatized by being chained up and muzzled. his "villainous attitude" was a fucking trauma response, do not tell me otherwise)
was then chained up once again by the LOV after being kidnapped,,, do we see the "retraumatize bkg" theme yet?
"ended all might" (he literally blames himself for all mights retirement because had he just not have been weak, all might wouldve had more time, right?)
my point with all of these is that bakugou has been severely traumatized and has then had his trauma responses (aggression, fight) used to further demonize him. not all people with trauma react the fucking same and the way the fandom just refuses to acknowledge anger as a valid form of trauma response is gross as hell.
moving away from that topic, bakugou has literally never had any actual friends, they all just used him and didn't care about him which absolutely will fuck up a kid, especially one who already has all that other shit going on. bakugou deadass never had a support system or people to help him grow as a person, let alone properly work through his fucking emotions so it's not surprising that he would take out his bullshit on the one person who tried to help him especially considering he saw dekus actions as him thinking he was weak. bakugou was raised to not seek help, he thought somebody strong shouldnt ever need it, so for somebody like deku (who bakugou percieved as weak and helpless already) to offer up help? deku must obviously think bakugou is even weaker than him, what other explanation could their possibly be!
speaking of which, there's his heaps of insecurities that he basically hid by being a twat and bullying others for most of his life. kid was so insecure he bullied deku for fucking years cause he thought deku looked down on him, thought he was better than him, etc. and that only got worse bc his idol then decided to take deku in, train him and even give him his quirk. there's probably some shit im missing but still he's got issues and always has had issues. that being said, he's actually improving and working them out now which is what makes him a really good, interesting character. it's also nice to see a character who is a dick without some tragic backstory (like his backstory is sad but its not the classic "my family was fucking slaughtered and i turned into a raging bitch who murders people" type shit) bc that rarely happens and it's like most assholes don't actually have a story like that they're just assholes lol
now lets talk improvement! lil bitch has been getting better since he got into UA and im so happy abt it!! he had a rough start what with deku suddenly having a quirk and all but like he is really improving now and it highkey shows that bakugou just mostly needed people who 1) didn't constantly praise him and actually criticized him instead 2) actually fucking punished him doing stupid shit and 3) some motherfucking friends
Since going to UA he's gotten actually feedback from teachers about his weaknesses and how to get stronger, he's lost against others, hes been told he has a shit attitude and is a dick, told he should be nicer and leave deku alone, etc etc. He hasn't gotten in trouble too much with teachers but others give him shit for what he does and aizawa has punished him too, while still acknowledging that bakugou is an amazing and dedicated student, something which no one else had done up til that point. and uh???? homie actually has friends who like,,, don't use him and also call him out when he's a dick. like specifically kirishima has done this shit and him and bakugous relationship is clearly very healthy and beneficial for the both of them. makes me feel all happy n shit, ya know
bottom line is: while it is absolutely valid to dislike or even hate bakugou because he is a massively flawed person who has been very cruel to others, villainizing him for the way he acts which in large part seems to be from a lack of guidance, a shitty mother and heavy amounts of trauma, is fucking awful. his actions cannot be fucking excused, he needs to apologize and continue to grow, but he is also a fucking teenager, who is just now being told that the way he acts is unacceptable by people who dont fucking abuse him (and I swear to god if any people who think mitsuki isnt abusive interact with this fucking post I will fullstop hardblock you, I do not fucking care) and actually treat him like a normal person instead of some prodigy child or someone who needs to be fixed.
people are free to debate my points or whatever bc I know some of this stuff is up to interpretation but like. dni if you're just here to say you hate bakugou for xyz reason or that he's irredeemable. also especially dni if you compare him to fucking endeavor yall bitches make me gag.
anyways thxs for the ask anon <33 sorry this is a kinda messy info dump lol
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lunar-lair · 3 years
ok say hello to my insanely new oc who ive made entirely to be a villain who is still an excellent adult and a decent parent, probably. cares too much abt kids. think reigen mob psycho with a drop or two of milla. worked under Nick From The Mailroom and was actually in on his scheme.
has always been rather cold and brash towards adults, but is more caring towards kids. in my brain he has a brooklyn type accent? rough and tumble, walks around without a tie, yknow? they keep him cause he sorts mail real good, though.
(added a read more because this got INSANELY LONG AKSKSK i spent like an hr on this h)
he was a delugeionist, but only because he kinda just wanted to rip the world apart a little; lysandre vibes, thinks a lot of it is scum and needs to go. thinks the *psychonauts* are scum and need to go. hes psychic but suppressed it, think aquato parents but extra toxic about it, and straight up just saying being psychic is unnatural. wouldnt go to loboto parent lengths tho. so he adopted that thought of 'being psychic is unnatural and wrong', which contributed to a lot of self hate that was never learned out. likely, he realizes hes a shitty person and thinks he needs to go too. so like...yknow hank, dbh? kinda the vibe im gettin right now. way more formal, of course, and while usually gruff, is more polite when its needed; can and *will* beat the shit out of you verbally in a factual way, though, and can talk more street-lingo if hes talkin to real thugs. (probably winged it on his own after failing college or smth, hes got the vibes.)
anyways, its this plot where he slinks off and starts planting mistrust in the psychonauts or something. and inevitably he just...shows up and starts kidnapping people. dismantling things from the inside and all that. he left and formed a group who also hated psychics at some point, likely friends of his parents and friends of friends, all from his hometown. all of them fight *insanely* dirty, and a lot of them are insanely vulgar. the kids are supposed to be kept away.
but theres a line to follow here.
this man is a fold to raz. hates the psychonauts, hates being psychic, adopted his parent's hate of psychics, hates the *world.* raz is young and unburdened and unjaded...mostly. hes not the shock of water some young characters can be when it comes to being the foils of other characters; think steven with a villain or something, right? but raz is sassy and a little jaded, and not total sunshine positivity.
hes a child this man could look down on and not be immediately annoyed by, who is worried by yet respects raz's realization of the world as it is, however little that is.
and yet raz is still his foil. he still mostly loves the psychonauts, despite it all, he loves being psychic, for the most part, he dodged adopting his parents previous values, he still seems to have an even view of the world as a whole.
raz is jaded, if only a little, but he moved past it and accepted that things could still be bright. this man is jaded, but he stayed in his stormclouds, never looked for the sun.
ok where. was i. RIGHT ok so. at the beginning of this...story? the man finds raz being talked down to by one of the office workers; someone with weak psychic powers whos insanely jealous of his prowess. an adult who envies the young prodigy. and theyre giving him some insane task to do, like cleaning all of the closets within the hour, but hes saved the world twice, so he smiles and nods along, because he said he would help around the motherlobe, and this adult is asking him to do something that seems simple enough.
and this guy, internally, goes 'bitch.' for a good long second bc 1. dude even if you envy a kid, kinda fucked to show that?? not their fault 2. WHY are you asking a 10 year old to do that. why is there a 10 year old here. holy shit thats a 10 year old oh my god hes so tiny (no one told him there was a 10 year old because they knew hed stomp right up to management but. regardless. he is going to stomp up to management after this and no one can really stop him. except maybe raz well see)
so yknow. dude fixes his slight slouch and walks forward and politely tells this woman that 1. hes 10 why are you jealous of him and 2. hes 10????????? and shes like shit hes 10. and apologizes. and walks away
and raz is VERY ?? bc she was doing what? why is him being 10 important? and its that young part of you that gets pissed when people try to keep you from doing things because youre young and hes DEFINITELY yet to learn that piling responsibilites that should be handled by adults onto a child is fucked up in its own special way (looking at you ford, *nick*)
and the dude calmly explains because yea. he gets that. and he still sounds gruff and a little peeved but he squats down to razs height and he talks simply and factually, telling him straight on why it isnt right.
and. huh. people dont really do that for raz. except for sasha, sometimes, everyone likes to dodge the truth a lot with him, because hes 10, and sometimes, hes too nice to tug it out of them.
and this guy, this man that raz is already polishing a trophy for 'good adulting' in the back of his brain with his striking statements about how adults should handle things and kids should-kids should...get to have fun. not be traumatized.
for the shock on his face when raz said hed already saved the world a couple times, whats some closets. he reigned it in, said that its weird he saved the world, because thats usually their jobs.
and this guy offers his hand on instict before he stands up, even though he doesnt seem very sweet and kind like the adults that usually offer raz a hand. and he takes it, i think. he takes it.
warm. warm, a little nice.
reminds raz of his dad, maybe. he wonders if this man has any kids himself, but keeps his mouth shut, because he thinks he already has the answer, and its yes.
(he doesnt have any. he would wish he did, but he knows hed fail to raise them right.)
and when he stands, he asks raz what he was asking that woman for, and he says hes doing tasks around the motherlobe because his papers are still coming in. the man doesnt ask. (he knows what 'papers' means, realizes this is the tiny junior psychonaut every room in the damn place has been buzzing about, and he has fucking words for forsythe.) he just offers for the kid to sort mail under his supervision.
and that sounds boring. at least, it usually would.
this man is interesting, and a good...person? a good adult? hes...hes new. hes new, and calm, and a little like sasha but a lot not, and he thinks he trusts him.
so raz grins and says yea, mail sorting sounds nice.
(debatably, raz does not take his hand. hes too jaded when it comes to adults. debatably, he does not feel any warmth from this man who has taught him every adult has been telling him wrong. debatably, im projecting. but thats the whole point of ocs, hm?)
and then holes crop up in motherlobe systems. people are kidnapped.
raz keeps seeing the strange man, keeps telling him things, keeps hearing back, gruff and factual and a little annoyed, but raz can almost-just-barely tell its not at him, with the way he talks.
he can tell. he can tell.
he can never tell. this man is making sure he can tell.
raz trusts the man, is still polishing that trophy for 'best adulting' he has settling in the back of his mind.
and then the man comes with a militia.
he did not seem jaded. he did not seem hateful. he never showed any anger or hate towards raz.
but thats because he knows kids dont deserve it.
an excellent moral or two. a rotten, broken heart.
and at first, they keep the kids away, because these people fight dirty, because this isnt their battle, because the man has been sending emails about why 15 year olds are in a secret psychic agency.
(he does not mention raz. by razs second visit, he had just marked the boy down as another reason to hate the psychonauts as a whole, and especially its higher ups.
hes also regretting his alliance to nick by about the third. if he had known the man would puppet a child as if they were a toy, he would have organized his own rebellion ages ago.)
but eventually, the psychonauts need all hands on deck.
they send the children to find the missing agents.
the interns are fought on the way. some of them avoid the child, know the boss would pummel them.
they get to the base, and the strange man, the one with the broken trophy for 'best adult' (still barely-polished, because hes still so sure) still nestled in the back of razs brain, is still there.
the junior psychonauts are spotted. one of the guards throws a few rocks aimlessly.
they surprise them. one almost hits raz.
its intercepted instead.
and the other junior psychonauts watch as this man, their enemy, a villain, in their eyes, reprimands the other man for even accidentally daring, for even trying. for doing something they might have done just a month or so ago, if they had decided he was too much weirder than they already had.
and he yells something like, "Why the hell is he even here?! This is an enemy base, of whats a rebellion! This is a *10 year old*! What kind of adult sends a child *near* something like that?!" and he truly sounds angry this time, raz finds. hes too angry to keep it in. he still sounds gruff and oddly proper. raz is standing there, arms hanging. hes baffled in a specific way, the way he was every time the man's brow furrowed when he mentioned a harrowing story, the way he was the first day they met.
and he asks, a little quiet, a little small, a reminder of how young he really is, "Why are you still trying to keep me safe? We're supposed to be enemies now."
And his brow furrows further before flattening out, and he tilts onto one leg, and he swears he almost kneels to a knee.
He cant believe it. He really cant.
"You're 10." he says simply, softly, that factual way. "You shouldn't even be here."
and raz pauses. the interns freeze.
"...well, here I am."
and i think...it would be so intriguing if this was done halfway out of the mind, because this man is so against anything psychic. it would be so *compelling.*
so raz steps forward and asks again, asks why hes doing this.
and the mans eyes harden, he tries to turn off that soft heart, trying to remind himself of all that he hates. because he hates the psychonauts, because he sort of hates the world.
and raz asks why he could ever hate the psychonauts, head tilted, before listing off the few he knows to be true. but other than that, how? and ok, the world sucks a little, yea, hes seen that, gets that.
and he appreciates that this kid isnt totally gung ho about existence.
but he hates that he isnt, too.
and its this back and forth. everything the man hates, why he hates it. raz saying why its good but admitting why its bad.
and hes swayed, just a little.
but the man stands up from the kneel hed inevitably instinctively put himself into, and walks forward, hand held out yet again.
"You shouldn't be in the Psychonauts," he tells him, soft, factual, brow furrowed. "Come with me. I'll bring you back to your parents, or wherever it is you want to go."
raz contemplates. thinks, for a long moment.
he grabs the mans hand, warm and firm, yet again, for a terrifying moment.
before he reaches up to slap a mental door on his forehead, and astral projects into it.
he thinks this man is good. thinks hes just jaded.
thinks hes the best adult hes ever met, one who just happens to hate a lot of things.
hes only 10.
hes not letting someone who can tell him so clearly whats wrong and right for adults to tell him go that easily.
aaaand yknow. raz does his razzy thing. learns about why the guy hates the world and the psychonauts and himself. helps him learn that its not all bad, that he was excellent to raz, and still is, that things can be bad and good all at once.
the man concedes that raz is very capable, very smart, and can do a lot. but that doesnt mean he should have to.
raz tells him, though, that he likes working for the psychonauts. its his dream. and he realizes some things he was told to do were kinda screwed up, now. that maybe, in honesty, he was dealt a bad hand.
but hes done what he can with that hand, and he ended up with a royal flush.
and uh! yknow!! then raz leaves his mind and he calls off the rebellion! its like a rhombus of ruin type adventure, except without the villain being present beforehand. its just not clustered in insanely close with a ton of other wild shit.
anyways this got really long? sorry?? its an oc i just saw good adult and slight father vibe potential in the vibe i instantly got on him and then i went feral???? rip maybe someone will read this and if you did. congrats i honestly really liked how the whole foil and good-yet-bad and consideration of raz being 10 thing worked out. this oc is almost like our representative in the psychonauts world the way reigen is for the audience in mp100. yea :) i match them up a lot but thats just cause they vibe a lot. anyways its 1:40 am now and i spent abt an hour on this hope it vibed mildly byeeee
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synoxshots · 4 years
The Master KOTFE Adventure
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My latest project has been playing through KotFE on master mode.
Why ever would you want to do that? you may ask, and I have asked myself the same thing. In short, it was a mix of having a light sided empire toon that I didn't want the autocompletes on, and the fact that he is also the best geared character I've ever had and the discipline I've had most experience playing. And I've run through KotFE quite a few times so, freshening it up I guess? 
So this is how it went. This isn't a guide - more, a record of my experiences as I went through. As ever, some things I found easy others might find hard, and (more likely, lbr) vice versa. 
The gamer:
I play a Rage Jugg, wear Descent of the Fearless set, gear level 306 with a full set of 286 augments. So - very well geared, but not fully optimised stats wise. Experience wise for this - I'd done a few chapters on vet mode before with a Guardian (Focus) and Powertech (Pyrotech) though not always at max gear (probably in the 290s when I first gave it a go), and I like trying to solo group content like vet fps (master for Red Reaper only) because I don't love myself, I guess. A smidge of ops experience. I'm reasonably competent as a player but also prone to stupid, I don't claim to be great by any means.
Chapter I
All went smoothly, died on the last fight against the BD-148 elite skytrooper - but that was just because I forgot about heroic moments existing, given that half the chapter is spent without a companion. Used my enraged defence a few times but never really felt at risk of dying. Apart from the one time when I did, obviously. Marr goes up to 28 influence automatically. Lots of mobs can be skipped as they're already engaged in fights.
Chapter II
Quite a few mobs you can skip around. Valkorion heals you though he's not a companion so no heroic moment. Last monolith did get me close to death sometimes, so there was a bit of running away so I could heal up a bit more, and making good use of defensive abilities. But no deaths on this one!
Chapter III
I died twice on this one, both were easily preventable. The first was against the Ground Assault Walker (massive droid before the bridge) and pretty much because I hadn't raised Lana's influence yet, so I upped it to 20 before starting the fight again and cleared it very quickly. Sidenote: a while back I bought a bunch of Spiced Aric Tongue from the Jawa scrap peddlers as I didn't know what else to do with all that, Lana accepts it so it's a nice quick way to up her level (Koth likes it too, a lot, which is handy). Second death was against like, a handful of skytroopers when I was shutting down the reactor and really it was mostly because I wasn't paying attention properly, though Lana died both times at this point. There's another fight where these prototype skytroopers keep swarming and I was a bit nervous because there were kolto stations there and I couldn't entirely remember how intense it got. The answer was...not intense at all and I definitely didn't need them. The final fight on this one is the two Zakuul knights but they didn't cause me any problems. All in all I'd say the deaths I've had so far have all been my own fault.
Chapter IV
This...did not go as well. And I'm not entirely sure why, just bad play on my part I think mostly, sometimes there are days when I just play like trash *shrug*. Not timing things like enraged defence, heroic moments and so on very well which meant I died a few times to wildlife - twice the larger bosses, twice mobs of normal/strong ones. Yeah... Kept upping my companion influence so all three (Lana, Koth and HK by this point) got up to 27 but I think even higher than that may be needed as they just didn't seem to be healing well. 
Chap V
I was a bit wary heading into this one, as it was one I'd run before on vet mode and remembered having trouble with the skytrooper waves. I was less geared then though, and had less companion influence doing that, having now taken everyone up to about 32. I didn't record any deaths on this though had a near miss - but I had saved my enraged defence/heroic moment and so on and hit them at the right time. Hey, I'm playing smarter! 
Chapter VI
I found this chapter easy when I'd run it on veteran not long before, but that was not the case on master. Died the first time against Oggo, that was my own fault though, although he does have one particular ability that hits very hard. Then came the Scions. Ohhh boy. The first two you face killed me, fair enough I hadn't had a chance to raise Senya's influence yet. The second two, Venat and Berusal, caused me pain. The good thing is that when fighting the pairs and you take one down, if you die the other doesn't respawn. The other good thing is that Venat and Berusal can be pulled separately, the bad news is I found this out after a few attempts. And Berusal still killed me on his own the first time. I was not having a fun time. And then you face Heskal without a companion. It takes a bit of tactics. I tried to damage him whilst he was doing Debris Storm, though still had to avoid the red circles. Turbulence gives a lot of damage, so had to hastily get out the way/interrupt it. He also stuns you which isn't fun. Valky pops up and offers you an out after the first phase, unfortunately I decided to stay true to character and not take it. Bad times were had. I went to lunch. I asked a friend to help. My internet got switched off before that could happen. I found out I was able to summon a companion...I know I'm not supposed to story wise, and I'm not sure if you can normally (there's a lot of times when companion summon buttons are greyed out due to story restrictions) or if this was only because I'd previously logged out...but suddenly the fight became a lot easier. Funny that. Sigh. Moving on...
Chapter VII
Honestly not much to say about this one, nothing that caused me trouble. A lot of it is in the open world so regular difficulty rather than scaled to master. 
Chapter VIII
This one wasn't much trouble either, did die once when stuff was on cooldown, once in the final Arcann fight. Kiting him over and hitting the conduits there is a big help as they stun him, that is probably very obvious but I've literally never bothered with them on story or vet mode. We're halfway there!
Chapter X
This one also gave me a Time. The problem I had was when you come up against Faedral and Zaamsk. My first thought was the difficulty was because I hadn't raised Kaliyo's influence (oops, but you get her on the spot and I didn't have gifts handy...or at least the ones I thought she liked she didn't actually) (this is how I found out that agent!Kaliyo and alliance!Kaliyo have different preferences, apparently this will also apply to other - but not all - returning companions). But I raised her to 28 and still kept dying. It's a bit of a nasty fight honestly, and the guide I looked at said that juggs...aren’t ideal for it. Crowd control and interrupts are very handy. I kept getting really close to getting one of them down and dying just before I could, super annoying because it's another of those where if you take one down and die, you only have to face the other one. I took a break and read the guide more closely, watched some videos, and ultimately just decided to bring someone along to avoid the pain, or maybe share in it. I still died but we got through them. The fight against Tayvor Slen, the boss fight of the chapter, took a couple of tries with two of us - the first time I got stuck in a red circle and pretty much insta-killed. There was a bit of a close call on the second attempt but it was under control really. The achievement then comes through for chapter completion, all you have to do then is get out of the Overwatch, all things rosy right? Oh how wrong they were. A bunch of Zakuul Knights came along and literally just slaughtered us, full on, one-shotting us both - it was hilarious and extremely confusing because why?? how?? Did the bonus mission to get the prisoners to escape (look out for the glowing terminal, it says 'Overwatch Prison Logs' when you hover over it) - they one-shot a few Knights but then disappeared on us too. Who knows. But we got through it.
Chapter XI
A much nicer one though still had a handful of deaths. Where you meet up with Havoc Squad there's ambush of Skytroopers, followed by a couple of walkers - and the walkers beat me. They cast circles that I just couldn't get out of in time to save my health, even with my defensives. I'm not sure if they were the type to follow you or a sort of stamp move (I should have looked at the cast bar, come to think of it) - I suspect though it was the latter and so it wouldn't be an issue on a ranged character. The fight though does continue around you if you die so you don't lose the progress you make, just use the med probe, revive and rejoin. I only took Jorgan to level 7 because that was all the gifts I had, but most of the mobs were just regular trash, typically 3 at a time, which was no worry. When you attack the base the Knights are a bit harder - there's one round the back that does stealth strikes and that's a difficult one to face. I died - the respawn to medbay actually puts you inside the part with the forcefield you're supposed to take down, and then you can't get out of it...I maintain that I did find a way past the forcefield but it doesn't work as a cheesing method. Use your med probe, otherwise it's quick travel out and re-enter your phase. The final battle is a big droid (I forgot the name of it). It spawns a bunch of smaller droids, just ignore those and go for the boss - I didn't the first time and that's why I died - I lost Jorgan, I had two Knights chasing me whilst the droid put up shields, it didn't go well - second time I did it in less than a minute whilst using a heroic moment.
Chapter XII
This one you don't have a companion for, though it's not a big deal - for the most part my main enemy, as tends to be the case on this chapter, was the map. I think the regular mobs are scaled down a bit for playing without a companion. You can pick up an animal to help you as well, which you may as well do as things just die quicker. It runs off in caves. Valkorion does take your health down a fair chunk before he gives you his beat down but it wasn't so bad. Vaylin though took quite a few attempts. You can't interrupt her so you have to be on the ball with your defensives and timing them all, which includes the shield and medpac given in your temporary bar for the chapter. Really the medpac isn't that effective so don't count on it. There's a lot of running around as she casts red circles. Probably easier with a character with more self heals. I got through it after a few efforts, after getting close a few times, though even then I was still low on health by the end.
Chapter XIII
Yeah, this one was no trouble really, and that was with Gault at only level 4 influence. If things get hairy whack a bit more on him, there's no real mechanics to pose problems. As ever, good practice to stay out of circles on the boss fight, you have Vette there as well so a bit of extra damage going and yeah. Nothing to worry about.
Chapter XIV
Another that was nice and simple, I didn't even have any gifts to give Torian so was wandering around with him on level 1. Just a matter of timing defensives and heroic moments in that case. Lots is open world, too. Final boss fight was no problem at all.
Chapter XV
Reading guides for this put the fear of god into me, so I was pleasantly surprised to find it better than expected. The bosses were the toughest parts. The first is the Skytrooper Constructor, that one does spawn adds after a while as well. It killed me a couple of times but really I'm not sure what the best strategy was so I just went for the classic, burn it as fast as I possibly can and making use of heroic moment/defensives as well. The GEMINI droid at the end had me worried. That took 3 attempts (maybe 4, I think it was just 3 though), one of those my heroic moment was still on cooldown and Senya died quickly on it too. It was really just about managing defensives effectively as well, running away when she has the red cone in front of you, using the heroic moment for extra speedy damage. It was a close call in the end but my enraged defence came off cooldown at the perfect moment, thank you Grit Teeth. I wouldn't say this was an easy chapter by any means so quite proud of myself for getting through it on my own! The other thing I would say is watch out for the lasers - they don't do lots of damage on story mode, but on master they one-shot you if you get caught in them! The other various traps I probably got through easier than I have on the lower difficulties which may just be a testament to this being like, my fifth complete kotfe run at this stage haha.
Chapter XVI
The final chapter...and the one I was the most scared of. Took Lana up to lvl 50 in preparation...she duly died early on in the first boss anyway. KJ-931 is the first boss - I say first boss, there's still a high rank enemy immediately before that I died to a few times anyway and needed a heroic moment to beat. First attempt against KJ I actually came really close. Stay out of the aoes - there's a white circle and a yellow cone, as well as a big red laser thing where you have to rush to the corner and if you can - micromanage Lana well enough that she doesn't get caught up in them too. So I learnt that I am not good at micromanaging companions like that. Take the turrets rather than the shields, definitely - apparently the shields also have limited use, the turrets pull aggro as well as giving you damage so they're very handy. Sometimes on this fight I got one-shotted very quickly, others I managed to hold on a bit - but it was the first attempt that was my best run until I actually did it. Honestly I can't say what the trick was to finally getting it right...just a lot of blind panic and luck. Second boss is Dara Nadal - I found it easier to just go for the intense burn on her - put down the turrets, use a heroic moment, set Lana to damage as well and burn. Still took a few attempts on her but each time I was getting very close so I knew I would get there.
And then came Arcann. Ooooh boy. I'd been reading guides and watching videos in preparation but there's still a lot to keep on top of. I decided to use the Marr & Satele Special Saber rather than my usual one - having the benefit of being able to run around quickly was handy, and the other ability reflects damage from his saber attack. This took many attempts - some that went very quickly, some that got him to his final phase. Rather than going into specifics I'm going to link to this video as it probably explains what to do best (it’s handy for all the bosses). You really have to watch for the moment he gets to ~25% and stands in one spot - if you aren't able to do the shield whacky he will kill you straight up. My first time running towards him with the shield in that very last phase I died on the way up. It took me a long time and a lot on repair bills but this is another one I was very proud of for getting through on my own as there were times I didn't think I would.
General stuff:
I would say doing this is not for the light-hearted but it’s certainly possible! Apart from one chapter where I grabbed a friend I got through them all on my own
Some classes fair better in certain chapters than others. I went with my Jugg all the way through, but if you have the characters geared and you know them well enough - and you're doing this for the cheevos rather than going through the storyline - you're likely better off mixing and matching as you go. There were many occasions I wished I had range.
You will die to trash mobs. It is a fact of life. It feels embarrassing in the early chapters, you come to accept this and move on.
Companion influence helps a lot. Koth, Lana, and Senya all like delicacies (especially Koth, that man can eat) - you can grab these from the Jawa vendors in the cartel bazaar on fleet.
Med droids are also a booming industry thanks to the amount I've spent on repairs in the course of this.
There are more mechanics compared to story mode, and some that exist in story mode that you just notice more on master. But apparently the difference between vet and master is just artificial - more health and hitting harder. 
Going Commando is another good resource for their experiences playing through.
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quinintheclouds · 4 years
Hey, I just read your post on ADHD/EFDD and was just wondering if you have read any research articles on this and if you have, could you tell me which ones because it all sounds super interesting and I need to choose a topic for my psych lit review and I’m thinking about doing something to do with all the stigma around and misconceptions about different mental health disorders.. it’s totally okay if not tho, I know it’s a big ask, but thanks anyway
That sounds like such a great topic!!! I would be HONORED to help :D 
The first person I think of when discussing the term EFDD is Dr. Russell Barkley. He’s one of the leading ADHD experts, and has been a spearhead for studying executive dysfunction in people with ADHD for decades. Very much ahead of his time compared to the DSM. I’ve had his book “Taking Charge of Adult ADHD” recommended to me so many times, but have yet to read it.
Here’s some free stuff, though! 
[reblogs appreciated because Tumblr hates posts with links and I wanna make sure this anon sees it!]
I tried to include some short stuff and longer stuff, some articles, images, videos, and comic recs, so you can choose based on your current energy and focus level :) I’ve also bolded links and key points of each source if you like skimming. Let’s go!
Here’s an interesting article/study on EFDD! They found that “ADHD [is] associated with deficits in inhibition, managing one’s attention, self-directed speech and rule-following, self-motivation, and even self-awareness [...] ADHD therefore involves deficits in self-restraint, [...] selfsensing and imagery, self-control of emotion, and self-directed play for problem-solving.”
Thank you for motivating me to look up some articles, because I learned some new things, too! For instance, they assert that ADHD could also be called SRDD (Self-Regulation Deficit Disorder), but conclude the article by saying either SRDD or EFDD fits better than ADHD, and that the terms could be used interchangeably, because SR (self-regulation) and EF (executive function) are effectively talking about the same things. So his assertion is that even if the name ADHD never changes, it can still be scientifically classified as either of the other terms. I believe in recent years he’s preferred EFDD more and more.
[note that the above article/study is from 2011, back when we were on the DSM-IV, so a lot of research has been done since then]
If that article’s a bit wordy or you want something more visual and up-to-date, here’s a really detailed PowerPoint presentation used during the 2018 ADHD Symposium! It’s long but well-organized so you can just read the big headers or you can read all the bullet points explaining it. Keep in mind this was a lecture, so some of it probably made more sense in person. I’m glad I read this, because I realize the terminology I’ve used is slightly off: according to the Symposium, there aren’t “subtypes” of ADHD, but the different names (ADHD-PI, ADHD-PH, and ADHD-C) are really just used to show the prevalence of certain symptoms in that individual. So they’re all terms for ADHD, but “subtype” was poor word choice on my part. 
Oh! I just found a video of him giving a lecture in 2012 using many of the same PowerPoint slides! Here ya go! It’s a bit longer than the other videos I’ve linked below (13min), but it might make the slides easier to interpret :)
If you want a really short and basic overview, here’s a video explaining 5 main ways executive functions affect the brain and how they work differently in people with ADHD. [I put the video below as well if you wanna stay on tumblr] It’s from 2010, but it holds up. It only covers 5 big ones, so remember (if you can) that executive function affects EVERYTHING and the symptoms will affect everyone differently and at different levels. 
This is just the most basic overview and a good place to start:
Here’s one where he talks about our Time-Blindness! (below) I was going to pick a couple favorite quotes to give you an idea, but that’d wind up being a transcript of the whole video because HE GETS IT. This is from 2014, but I CANNOT recommend it enough!!! He mentions that ADHD doesn’t have a deficit of attention, but rather a deficit of intention. He describes us as having a near-sighted sense of time, and talks about deadlines, “laziness,” etc.
 ALSO he talks about how our brains DON’T CONNECT our knowledge to our performance (back of brain to front) like everyone else’s, so we have the same level of knowledge and intelligence, but can’t access and use it the way others can. This is why teaching skills and organization/memory/time-management tips isn’t helpful -- we can learn them, but our knowledge and action centers are separated, so actually doing them/sticking with them is just as hard as before. 
If you don’t watch the whole thing, at least skip to 3:29 cause that part’s really funny and relatable (ok the whole thing is relatable):
And of course, I highly recommend the YouTube channel How to ADHD! I have a couple friends who work on it, and they REALLY know their stuff! (They’re the ones who taught me during a game night that RSD isn’t a real term and it should be called “rejection-sensitivity” as part of the emotional dysregulation umbrella) 
I went looking and found this video (below) has the BEST explanation of it that I’ve seen in such a concise, entertaining way. I hadn’t seen this one before, but it even covers some of the things I mentioned in that post your ask is about! Especially the Internal Restlessness that I mentioned as the true “hyperactivity” we all share; even though some of us also express outward hyperactivity, both presentations come from the same restlessness in our brains.
^^^This has some great examples, visuals, animations, and different ways of explaining and thinking about our symptoms! If you want more about this, the description has a bunch of links to their sources! Jessica and everyone else who works on this channel is great at making the videos watchable for people with ADHD (even if we have to rewind sometimes)
Here's Jessica's official Twitter @HowtoADHD! (I was today years old when I found out that she follows me)
And if you want something REALLY short and simple, here’s a 2 minute animation comparing living with ADHD to trying to film a movie with a director who keeps falling asleep [below]
If you like comics:
My favorite ADHD comic artists are: ADHD Alien [@ADHD_Alien on Twitter and @adhd-alien on Tumblr]; Dani Donovan [@danidonovan on Twitter and @danidonovan on Tumblr -- we’re somehow twitter mutuals and she is such a sweetheart. She has some really good infographics, too!!]; ADHD Bri [@AdhdBri on Twitter and @adhdbri on Tumblr]; and dreamadept [@yume_dango on Twitter and @yume-dango on Tumblr]
They’re all well-researched, funny, genuine, intelligent, insightful, talented artists who depict ADHD in a very accurate and relatable way. Go check ‘em out and support them! :D
I’m gonna stop there for now, but PLEASE feel free to add on to this with other sources, questions, videos, thoughts, comic artists, etc.!!! Hope this helps someone out there!
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cuddlepilefics · 4 years
Lullaby and good night
Fandom: Stray Kids
Sickie/Little: Minho
Caregiver: Jisung
 Minho’s POV.:
Our next comeback was approaching and 3racha had only finished up in the studio very recently. Now that all their tracks had been finished, it was the dance-line’s task to come up with choreographies. Being the oldest member of the dance-line, I felt a sense of responsibility, so I pretty much took the lead and spent most of my time in the practice room. In my free time, which was mostly at night, I went to the studio to practice my vocals. I knew I had to improve my singing, I read all the comments online, saying the only reason I was in the group was for my visuals. As much as it honored me that Stay found me handsome, as much did it hurt to hear I was good for nothing. Some nights I skipped entirely, not going back to the dorm at all and meeting up with my members for practice the next morning. Often it took a stern conversation with Chan-hyung to drag me back and get some rest. Couldn’t he see that I needed more time to practice? That I needed to work more to make up for the talent I was lacking? I hadn’t gone home after practice last night, instead dancing for another three hours before dragging my sore body to the studio to go over some of the new songs. I hoped with enough practice I’d get my lines down to perfection. It weren’t many anyways.
The next morning, I met up with Hyunjin and Felix to work on our choreos. The young Aussie was having a tough time, often messing up and being on edge the entire time. I saw his hands shaking every time he lost a step and his brows were furrowed as though he had a headache. Being a little myself, it didn’t take long for me to put two and two together. The poor boy was trying so hard not to slip but the stress was slowly getting to him. He wasn’t even there for a full hour before I decided to be a good hyung and send him home. It took a while for Felix to accept my decision, he didn’t want to hold us back and be a burden and I knew exactly how he felt but after quite some pushing from Hyunjin and me and a call to Chan, the dance-line maknae let the leader collect him from the practice room. From that on, it was only Hyunjin and me. We hadn’t even danced for that long but we were both drenched in sweat. My limbs ached and my protested with every movement. I doubted my dongsaeng felt any different but he put on a battle-face and soldiered on. Hyunjin really was something, though sensitive most of the time, when it came to dancing, he was pure professionalism. Not once did he complain about me torturing both of us with endless reruns of the same sequence. It was easy to work with him and seeing him be strong and push his exhaustion and pain away, gave me the strength to do the same.
We cut our lunch break short. Hyunjin gave me a proteinbar from his bag because I had eaten my last for dinner last night. I’d have to go back to the dorm soon to refill the snack-department of my practice bag. The break was just long enough to catch our breaths and force down a proteinbar and some water. Sure, it wasn’t a full meal but if we ate too much, the sharp movements would make us queasy. My eyes were burning and my head ached but on second thought, everything ached, so all I could do was suck it up and hope we’d finish soon. I was really craving a shower and my bed at this point. We had only resumed dancing for a few minutes, when my eyes were starting to bother me, well, bother me more than before. The bright overhead lights seamed distorted, casting strange shapes. I really shouldn’t wear my contacts for days on end. Blinking rapidly, I tried to clear my vision from the shimmering distortions before looking over at Hyunjin, squinting in an attempt to see him clearly. I’ve probably been staring at him for too long because he gave me a questioning look. The room suddenly shifted sideways before everything went black.
When I came to again, the first thing I heard was a loud howling noise quickly changing in pitch. It was too loud, my head was pounding and the noise didn’t help with that at all. Why couldn’t it just be quiet? I wanted to sleep. There were broken and half-suppressed sobs somewhere close. But where? It sounded a lot like Hyunjin. Trying to open my eyes, I failed as my eyelids seemed to be glued shut. There was a pressure around my hand, which seemed to come from the same direction as the sobs. Finally managing to blink my eyes open, I quickly closed them again and groaned as I hadn’t expected it too be so bright. I felt my hand being squeezed and I gave a weak squeeze back. There was also a voice that I didn’t recognize, words blurring together incomprehensible. Just wanting to sleep, I decided to ignore the voice and kept my eyes closed. It was too bright to open them anyways. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t go back to sleep. As soon as I became aware of the moist stickiness, with which my pants clung to me, it was too uncomfortable to get another minute of rest.
Through all the commotion, I kept my eyes closed. Why wouldn’t they stop bothering me? Is it too much to ask to just be allowed some rest? There were hands on me and my bed was shaking. I tried swatting the hands away but I wasn’t strong enough. My clothes were pulled on and suddenly I felt cold. Was I naked? My breathing quickened as I felt helpless and violated. All I had wanted to do was sleep off the pounding headache behind my temples. Oh thanks, someone had put a blanket on me. The commotion was slowly dying down and I dared opening my eyes again, though only a crack. The reassuring hand in mine had disappeared for a while but now I could feel it again. Looking over, I was faced with a tearstained Hyunjin. “H-Hey, you’re awake, hyung”, he smiled shakily. Trying to speak, I head to clear my throat a few times before I was able to get a sound out: “J-Jinnie? Wha’ happened? People were touching me, my head hurts.” – “It’s ok, hyung. They were only helping”, Hyunjin promised before breaking into tears again, “We were dancing together when you kept staring at me. I asked you a few times what was wrong but – but-…” – “Jinnie?”, rasped, squeezing his hand like he had done to me before. My dongsaeng just continued to choke on sobs, clearly terrified of something. But what?
I wanted to reassure him but how could I when I didn’t even know what happened? I was still so unbelievably tired but I couldn’t go to sleep, knowing my dongsaeng was crying next to me. The door opened and in piled my friends. Chan sat down on the bed next to my, taking my hand into his, while Changbin pulled Hyunjin out of the chair and into his arms. “Hyung?”, I looked at him with pleading eyes. The oldest sighed, studying my face: “You don’t remember what happened, do you Min?” I shook my head a bit, waiting for an explanation. “Hyunjin called us because you suddenly collapsed and had a seizure. He called an ambulance, which took both of you here, we followed”, the leader explained calmly but in his eyes I could see he was anything but calm. I had heard anything clearly but for some reason I couldn’t comprehend his words. They made no sense to me. Why would I have a seizure? I never had one before. My hyung must have sensed my confusion because he added: “The doctor said it might have been caused by sleep deprivation but they couldn’t confirm it yet because no one knew how much or rather little sleep you had gotten recently. To me it sounds likely because there were too many nights you didn’t come back at all.” Refusing to meet Chan’s eyes, I stared at the blanket in my lap, which seemed to confirm his suspicions. “I don’t think I have to tell you that you should have taken better care of yourself. You’re one of the oldest here and I know I haven’t been the greatest role-model but not even I have ever taken it to that extreme”, He frowned disappointed. Fighting tears back, I tried to explain myself: “It’s just, all those comments online, reminding me of my lack of talent. I just wanted to improve myself for Stay.” Great, with that confession I have earned myself another round of ‘Why we are not supposed to read comments on social media’, but I knew they meant well giving me a talk.
Another hour, many compliments for my skills and hugs from everyone later, most members went home, promising that one or two of them would come back later to bring me a bag with some clothes and my toothbrush. Much to my dismay, I learned that I’d have to stay at least one night for observation. Chan and Jisung stayed after everyone else left. I was grateful for their presence because I still needed to come to terms with what had happened. I had talked to a doctor, who had explained my situation again. It gave me hope because he said it might never happen again if I make sure to take good care of my body. His words were very inspirational to me: ‘Rest is a right, not a reward.’ I will probably make a poster of this and hang it in the 3racha studio, so others could also benefit from this man’s wise words.
No one’s POV.:
Chan and Jisung stayed to keep Minho company. The dancer kept a cool exterior to reassure his friends but the two knew he was really shaken-up inside. The trio continued talking, about everything and anything, trying to distract themselves and the mood in the room was considerably light. Until a nurse came in, that is. She wanted to give the dancer an IV, which would also be useful for administering medication for the pain. The atmosphere turned sour and Minho squirmed uncomfortably. He hated needles. Jisung quickly took his hand, trying to calm the older down. The nurse gave them a sympathetic smile as she had seen the same scene multiple times. Her promises, it would only be a tiny pinch and it would be over before Minho knew it, fell on deaf ears. When she took another step closer, needle in hand, the dancer couldn’t take it anymore. He screamed, trying to pull away from Jisung, who was holding onto his wrist. Then, as if a switch was flicked, he crawled back to the rapper, clutching his shirt. “Jiji, nuh let Min huwt!”, he sobbed, his breaths coming in short strained puffs. The nurse quickly put the needle down out of sight, taking a few steps back to give them space. Chan and Jisung had both paled immediately after noticing how Minho had slipped. They were terrified of it happening with a stranger in the room, afraid the little would be treated with disgust. Jisung was quick to sit on the edge of the bed, an arm wrapped around the dancer as he whispered soothing nothings and tried to help the other to slow his breathing down. At the same time, Chan studied the nurse, hoping for any clue on how she thought about little space.
A few minutes later, Jisung had finally managed to talk the little down and the nurse considered it safe to approach them again, without a needle this time. “Hey sweetie, can you tell me how old you feel right now?”, she cooed, crouching in front of the pair. All she got was a whimper from Minho, who pressed himself closer to Jisung, and the stunned looks of Chan and Jisung. She smiled at their confusion: “Regressing in age is a not too uncommon coping mechanism. People only thing it’s uncommon because everyone’s ashamed of talking about it. What’s bad about creating a safe space for oneself? It’s harmless, unlike taking drugs or self-harming as an outlet.” She wasn’t wrong there and her acceptance helped Minho build the courage to meet her eyes. When they were going to give the IV another try, Chan silently disappeared out of the room to call the members at the dorm, asking them to also pack Minho’s beloved cat plushie and a pacifier.
“Min, I’d need to give you some medicine but to be able to do that, I’ll have to put a small tube into the back of your hand”, she tried carefully. The little’s eyes went wide and he shook his head furiously. Jisung rubbed his back, hoping to be able to convince him: “Kitten, I know you’re scared. Hyung knows. But don’t you feel icky?” Minho sniffled and touched his head, whimpering a pitiful: “Ouchie.” – “I know, bubba. She’s going to help with that, if you let her. You trust Jiji-hyungie, right? I wouldn’t let anyone do anything that’s bad for you”, the rapper promised, “You’re my brave boy, aren’t you?” Minho whined loudly, he knew Jisung was right but he hated it. “Usually when we have to give a child an injection or IV, we let them sit on their parents lap”, the nurse mused. Jisung didn’t have to be told twice to kick of his shoes and sit down on the bed properly. He pulled the little onto his lap, who quickly buried his face against the rapper’s neck. Taking a few deep breaths and inhaling the caregiver’s soothing scent, Minho held out his right hand, stretching it far away from his body. “You’re so brave, kitten. Hyung’s really proud of you”, Jisung praised. The nurse wasted no time, afraid the little’s burst of confidence would be over before she’d have the needle in. It was really only a small prick and Minho didn’t even have the time to cry out before it was over. Quickly wrapping a few layers of bandage around the dancer’s hand to make sure he wouldn’t accidentally pull the needle out, she stepped back and smiled. She walked over to a cabinet and pulled out a small piece of paper, chuckling: “A brave boy like you totally deserves some stickers.” – “Stickers!!!”, the little squealed, accepting the sheet and studying it. Jisung grinned, glad the fuss was over, and reminded: “What do we say, Min?” – “Tank chuuu!”, the dancer giggled. With a satisfied smile, the nurse connected the bag of fluids and painkillers before leaving the room.
Chan returned and listened to Minho boast about his knew stickers, while they waited for their friends to arrive with the dancer’s necessities. “Hyung, I’m going to stay here with him tonight”, Jisung announced, still sitting on the bed with the little on his lap. The leader nodded, he had already expected this given the rapper was Minho’s main caregiver and the two were extremely close. They kept playing around for a while, the dancer giggling happily, IV already forgotten, till there was a knock on the door. In came Changbin and Seungmin their worried faces brightening at the sight of the happy little on Jisung’s lap. Their worry had doubled when Chan told them Minho had slipped but it now melted away completely. “Hey there, little one”, Seungmin laughed, walking over and ruffling the dancer’s hair, “You gave your Jinnie-hyung quite a scare”, noticing the little’s frown, he was quick to add, “Don’t worry Jinnie’s fine.” – “Look we brought Soori”, Changbin distracted, pulling the plushie from the bag and handing it over. Cuddling the stuffed cat close to his chest, Minho looked up with sparkling eyes and mumbled: “Tank chu, Binnie-hyung.”
Changbin and Seungmin took Chan back home with them after saying good bye to Minho and Jisung. The rapper gently helped the little to change out of the hospital into his own clothes, making sure to pull the bottle and tubing through the sleeve first and guiding Minho’s hand, so he wouldn’t mess with the IV. The energy and excitement, that had fueled the dancer while the other members were present, soon ebbed away and the exhaustion that had brought him into the current situation caught up to him. “Is there someone sleepy?”, Jisung cooed, running a hand through the little’s hair. Minho gave a small nod, yawning widely while he rubbed a fist against his eye: “Wan’ cuddle Jiji.” – “Okay baby, scoot over a bit”, the rapper requested, climbing under the blanket too, “Here, hold on to Soori, she wants cuddles too.” Clutching the plushie, the little snuggled up against his caregiver, who pulled a paci from the bag and slipped it between the little’s lips. “Go to sleep, kitten. Hyungie will sing for you, ok?”, Jisung hummed, he was hoping Minho would be able to catch up on the sleep he was lacking, “Good night, little one.”
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mistersourwolf · 4 years
A Lover from the Unknown- Geralt x Reader
Pairing: Geralt x Reader
Word count: 2.4k
Warnings: None really, hints at smut but no nsfw in this piece.
Request: Hey could you possibly do a geralt request where he saves and falls for a girl who is set to be killed cause the mayor of a town deems her a monster. She has powers to be able to control the elements. She's not a monster but part of a race that was wiped out. Maybe marks glow on her skin depending on what elements she uses
Summary: Y/N has lived most of her years captive inside the castle due to her magical abilities. Being treated as an experiment, over time her anger builds up. One night a storm rips through the town she resides in and the mayor is furious. Before she could meet her demise, she fell suddenly unconscious. Only in the morning would she realize what and who had spared her that night, saving her life. The two decide together to go on a journey to help discover who y/n truly is.
A/N: This is probabaly one of the most elaborate pieces I’ve written. It took me entirely too long to write it but I’m so glad because I’m just in love with the final results. I tried to get as accurate as I could to the request which I believe I did though I didn’t include markings which I envision would be a crackling turquoise glow as her emotions overwhelm her. So use your imagination as you will. Also, if you think Geralt talks to much, he just might if you’re basing this off the show. I’ve seen the show and have been reading the books and Geralt talks far more than what he does in the show so please don’t take it as out of character, it is very much in his nature to talk. Anyways without further adue ... A Lover from the Unknown.
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You sat in the corner of your room rocking back and forth with your knees pressed against your chest, slowly becoming more panicked as the thunder broke against the roof in a loud bang. You knew this was all your fault, attempting to stand to your feet, you gazed out of your window, the whole town was being ripped to shreds. Rain hit the ground furiously, each drop setting a new fire. The tavern was completely destroyed and fires were raging in the distant neighborhoods, clouding the night sky with soot.
You were to blame for this chaos, unsure of what you were and with nobody to guide you, your anger had disturbed nature’s balance. It was your doing but not your fault, after all you rarely saw anybody but your own reflection. With little interaction with any other humans aside from the guards who would bring you your meals, it’s understandable why you would be enraged. You had been held in the castle for far too long, a prisoner to the Queen. As she ordered her servants to poke at you, as if you were a guinea pig, as if you were a freak, you grew more and more angry by the day. Previous to this event, you had summoned wind storms, manifested tornadoes and sinkholes but the day you made hail come down the size of boulders, they had to force an elixir down your throat, one that left you in a trance for days. But this—this storm was much different than the last.
Suddenly, the doors to your room flew open abruptly. Two men, both of them head to toe in a suit of armor came rushing in, demanding you to come with them.
“What?” Your eyes widened, “No please!” You cried as they grabbed your arms dragging you from your bedroom.
“Foolish girl, what have you done?” They muttered, pulling you along the castle halls.
“I don’t understand!” You cried, “You have to help me please.”
The guards said nothing, pushing through the doors of the tower, revealing a smoke littered atmosphere. You could make out the sounds of townsfolk screaming as the fires spread, their screams pierced the night air from miles away. Horses trotting through the ruins made horrific sounds as you were thrown to your knees. Your flesh slid across the dirt, causing you to wince in pain.
Slowly, footsteps made their way towards you, sloshing in the sludge of the dirt. You, sure that you would face your demise right then, hesitated to look at who stood above you. In your gut you knew, it was the mayor. He had been the mayor in this town for quite some time and despised of creatures who possessed magical abilities. You’d come to face him before and his threat, his penalty he’d deliver was far worse than being prisoner.
“Pitiful girl, what have you done to my town?” He yelled, crouching down beside you. “I spared your life once before, I won’t make that mistake again!”
You whimpered, tilting your head up slowly to meet wicked eyes. He was furious and veins showed clear through his forehead. “Get her up, onto the horse will you?” He phrased his command as a question to the guards but it was perfectly understood that it was a demand. That if they didn’t pick you up and place you on the horse that second, they’d be subjected to your fate as well.
You squirmed as the men complied, throwing you on top of the horse. At this moment, a lightning bolt shot from the sky, frying the men in their metal gear. You let out a scream, horrified as they dropped to the dirt. Simultaneously thunder cracked through the air once again, a demonic rumble. The horses kicked the dirt, terrified but obedient. Your hair blew violently in the storm watching the mayor struggle to his horse. He called out to you, a string of curses that you couldn’t make out. Your arms wrapped around the mare as if they would protect you from your own doings. Confusion grew on you as you smelt in the air lavender, chamomile and a powerful mixture that surely was a magical concoction. The mayor gripped the dirt, on all fours as he continued to make it to his horse. Your eyes grew heavy, starting to flutter shut. As your body grew calm, the storm eased and your hair blew gently in the fall night. Just before your eyes shut for good, you saw a man approach the mayor and in a swift movement, his elbow collided with the mayors crooked nose and he fell unconscious as did you.
When you awoke, the smell of the earth was so pungent you could nearly taste it. Immediately you sat up, glancing around the rather dingy, colorless inn. You were laid not on a bed, in fact there were no beds in the room, only a cot, one which appeared old and unclean. You stood up, the floorboards creaking beneath you, a deafening sound. The sun was starting to rise and gleamed through the broken window, dimly lighting the room. Where in the hell were you? You recalled the storm from the previous night, one you had caused surely. You remembered the mayor threatening your execution, a threat he would have surely followed up on. A man who emerged from seemingly nowhere and then—.
A tall figure entered the door to your room, closing it behind him.
“You’re awake.” He murmured, walking over to his bag to store something away.
You didn’t feel frightened but confused, “Where the hell am I?” You asked the white haired fellow.
He answered, still turned away from you, “Maybe the question you should be asking yourself is ‘What the hell am I’.”
“Oh yes, you’re probably right,” you pondered sarcastically, “stranger who kidnapped me!”
“Kidnapping? Ive been accused of worse.” He grunted, shifting his body to face you.
You sighed, walking back to the cot to sit down. “Who are you?”
“You first, what are you?” He pestered.
“Me first? What are you, a child?” You scoffed, but gave in to him, “I’ve been asking myself that question for years, I’ve got only a sliver of an idea. I know I can make the ground beneath me crumble and swallow us whole, that I can create storms of dust and pull lighting out of a clear blue sky. But I don’t know why I can do that, I don’t know what I am and I’ve only ever been prodded at.”
After a moment of silence, the man spoke again, “I’m Geralt of Rivia, a witcher.”
You were surprised by this but like him, showed no reaction to what you were told.
“Okay, Geralt of Rivia, you’re a witcher so tell me why did you save a monster?” You asked quietly.
“You think you’re a monster?”
“Everyone does, I’ve hurt people and that sounds monstrous to me.”
“Hmm.” The witcher grunted, unsure of what to say.
“What do you think I am?” You asked, staring at your feet.
“Talkative.” He teased.
You grinned and the two of you sat in silence for a while, watching as the sun finally rise, lighting the entire room. Why he had brought you here you had no idea, most likely it was the safest place for miles. You hadn’t been outside the town in nearly a decade, held captive inside the castle. If you could’ve brought that castle down you would’ve but the Queen had it enchanted so no magic, not even your own could effect the tower.
“Teach me.” You blurted, “Teach me to control my magic.”
“I wouldn’t know how to teach you.”
“Says who?”
“History,” Geralt said turning his head away from you. “Any more questions out of you and my ears might just bleed.”
“Then I’d be the one taking care of you,” you teased, “and surely you wouldn’t want that.”
You stood up, walking over to the white-haired man, his eyes the color of the sun. You didn’t realize how good looking he was but it was clearer than ever in the light of the early sun.
“And I’m not asking you, I know you will aid me just as you already have.”
He peered down at you, an annoyed yet intrigued expression. He was impressed by your persistence.
“So,” you said, running your fingers over his chest. “Have you a lady or can I repay you for this lovely debt?”
“I have no one and you owe me nothing.” He never broke eye contact with you and neither did you, which surprised him as most women struggled to keep his gaze.
“You don’t understand what you’ve done for me, truly.” You trailed your fingers up his chest, wrapping a hand behind his neck. “And you look just as broken as me so I insist.”
You pulled him in closer, leaning forwards to kiss him, gently. His lips moved in sync with yours as his hand moved to the small of your back. His lips were soft and his touch was nostalgic for you. You failed to remember the last time anyone wrapped their arms around your waist and so you soaked in every moment of his touch.
He broke the kiss, staring down at you, “What is it with women and magic?”
This was an odd statement, but verified you were not the only magic woman he had come across. Ignoring it, you felt him grip the back of your thighs, lifting you up on his waist and in response you wrapped your legs around him. He backed you against the wall, laying kisses along your neck and jawline. With a tug of your dress, he managed to remove it all while still pinning you to the wall. His eyes gazed over you hungrily, a bright yellow of which you never questioned.
After moments of pleasure and curses echoing the room had come to a stop, you felt yourself stand on your feet again, pulling your dress over your shoulders. The witcher stood in front of you, pulling his clothing down over his torso and fastening his pants. You remained in silence, glancing out the windows to seem occupied. You didn’t notice the witcher still staring at you and the marks on your neck that he left.
“Don’t let anybody tell you what you are,” he spoke, “A monster, a coward, a sex symbol or a fucking gnome, those names are nothing if you know your worth.”
You gazed at the witcher, blushing at his words. But something about him told you he wasn’t practicing what he preached. He carried himself with pride but his aura said something entirely different, that he was caught between embracing who he was and despising his own kind. You could see the world had made him feel that way, that witchers are to be spited.
“Do you?” You questioned, staring intensely at Geralt trying to get a read on him.
“Hmm,” He muttered, ignoring the question. “I’ve never seen anyone with your abilities and I’ve seen almost everything there is to see.”
“Yes, well I’ve heard several variations, you know the first being I’m a monster and brought to this Earth by the need for a balance between good and evil, I’m clearly the latter. Another says I’m a mutant, though there aren’t mutants like me as far as I’ve seen. Lastly, the mayor who sought after my death believed I stemmed from a line of ancient gods and goddesses who were thought to be mythical but he insisted they were real and that my bloodline is that of theirs. I don’t know if I believe that as those gods would’ve long been dead before my birth.”
The witcher analyzed every word you said and wasn’t phased by the mention of gods and goddesses. “I don’t know if any of those variations are true but I know a trusted bard who does his research.”
“Where might this bard reside?” You jumped excitedly, smiling broadly as you were excited by the thought you would finally find out who you are. At this same time your excitement bubbled up, the wind began to pick up outside and a strong breeze came through the shattered window, occupying the room.
“Hey,” Geralt spoke loudly over the wind, noticing it was your excitement which initiated the sudden breeze. “I don’t know for certain if he will be of help but it’s worthy to note your magic is tied to your emotions.” He walked over to you, placing his hands on either sides of your shoulders, staring down into your hopeful eyes. His touch was calming and your adrenaline settled inside of you and thus the wind came to a slow. Geralt observed this and interpreted that you had connected him as an anchor. His face suddenly softened and you hadn’t seen this expression on the witcher yet.
“Come on,” Geralt said, grabbing his bag from the floor, “before you blow the inn away.”
You followed him out the door of the inn and into the outdoors, where the odor of the musky inn didn’t follow and instead was replaced by the scent of Lilly flowers and petrichor, both of which you hadn’t smelt in ages. A lovely mare stood outside, the sun reflecting of its coat beautifully.
“Roach, this is—“ Geralt paused, embarrassed he had never got your name.
“Y/n.” You chuckled at the fact of him talking to his horse. “Roach? For a mare?”
“A pretty name like Y/n for a monster?” He said jokingly, annoyed by your commentary. You let him slide, laughing at the witcher.
“A jester I see, lets get going shall we?” You suggested, letting him mount himself on top the horse. He offered a hand out to you which you accepted, climbing atop the horse.
You started towards your journey, one seeking a know-everything bard to help teach you of your kind. The soft breeze whispered freedom as you laid your head against Geralts back, watching the trees pass you by. Soon enough, you’d learn of your origin and it was liberating to no longer be trapped in the four walls of your room in the castle. So you closed your eyes, inhaling the scent of flowers and pollen as the sound of the rushing wind took over your mind and put you at ease.
—Let me know if you’d like to see a part two as I already have some plot ideas :)) thank you
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Humans are Space Orcs, “Nest.”
Finally guys, some fluff! Based on some comments made by @beckitty and @digitalmagpie on Compromised Earth.  I was inspired by the idea and thought it would be fun to write, and would totally make sense, so. I hope I did the idea credit.
Enjoy the fluff, and thank you all for reading.
Sunny was mad.
Sunny was also worried, but that was mostly overshadowed by just how pissed she was. Adam was being an idiot, the biggest idiot, the king of the idiots. If he kept this up any longer he was going to upgrade himself to the god of all idiots, and it seemed like it was up to her to get something done.
Adam was in a bad way.
He could be fine, she thought, if he was given the time he needed to rest and recuperate. He was exhausted, and short twenty minute naps were going to do nothing to help that exhaustion. She knew enough from Krill to know that the human body required sleep to recover from injuries, and the Steel Eye armor had practically destroyed his body. There was muscle strain, extreme inflammation, the overdose, internal damage, nerve damage, stress fractures etc. etc, and despite all that he was still answering the call of the UNSC.
The stress of his job, and his inability to say no to other people and their needs was going to kill him. He felt obligated, by his job to make sure that everything went well, he assumed because of who he was that he was in charge of protecting earth, even the entire universe if he had to. He was taking on weight that he was not obligated to take on.
Even the UNSC was well aware of how sick he was, and despite taking his help, they seemed concerned about him, and she had no doubt they would be ok if he decided to take time off to recover. There were other men and women in the universe who would be willing to take on the weight he was trying to bare.
Yet he wouldn't listen to her.
Sitting on his chair in the UNSC command room, fighting back sleep, and no ability to walk, he was running himself into the ground.
She needed to find someone who could rein him in.
And she thought she had just the idea.
She left him, though she didn’t want to and made a quick call before walking into the room and quietly whispering to some of the Admirals standing off to one side of the room during break.
“I will not be accepting no, but I thought you should be aware.”
They looked at her and nodded, “We can take it from here.”
“Thank you. I hope you understand that this isn’t a reflection on him.”
“The reflection on him has to do with the fact that he refuses to leave. Do what you have to.”
She nodded turning and walking over to where Adam was sitting slumped in his chair half asleep pale as a ghost. He had insisted the IV be removed so he wouldn't be so distracting. She had argued, he had been stubborn
She walked over putting her arms around him and hauling him to his feet. His head lifted in exhaustion bright green eyes glazed over with exhaustion,”Sunny?”
“Just relax. We are going to go get you some sun during the break.”
He was too tired to be sceptical, and just walked with her.
She could feel his feet dragging, and occasionally his legs would give out under him, but she wrapped one arm around his waist and the other arm around his chest to hold him upright until they finally made it outside to the front of the building. In comparison to the inside, where the lights were dark and the mood was darker, the day was bright and warm. The sky overhead was blue and the ground before them was lush and green. Overhead the sun was warm and bright.
An automated lawn mower was roaring in the distance filling the air with the sound of freshly cut grass.
It made sunny mouth water.
She let Adam sink onto the curb, his head in his hands and lifted her head looking this way and that for signs of life, for the people she was expecting. She heard them before she saw them, the screeching of rubber on pavement, a sound that wasn’t exactly common in a world where everything could hover.
Sunny turned her head and watched as the ancient, four door pickup roared around the corner and skidded through the parking lot. Sunny could feel the aggression spilling off the thing in waves, and when it gunned towards her, she almost worried that she was destined to be roadkill.
However, the tires came to a screeching stop just before them.
Adam lifted his exhausted head and blinked eyes focusing blearily on the front of the car, and as soon as he did, his eyes widened.
Sunny peered through the front windshield where a small, blond- hair woman in a red flannel was hunched behind the steering wheel eyes narrowed face contorted into a predatory snarl that made sunny think twice about having made that call. In the seat just next to her, a greying human male was white knuckling the crash handles.
A door was thrown open and then slammed shut.
Martha Vir stormed around the front of the ancient truck, whose engine popped and rattled as it cooled down.
The look of anger fled from her face at one moment, to one of concern as she knelt on the curb looking over her son with piercing blue eyes wild with concern. Mr. vir wobbled stiffly from the cab of the truck forced to pry his hand from the crash handle.
“Mom… what are you doing here?” Adam said in confusion as she tiled his head this way and that, pressing her hand against his forehead, grabbing his hand to examine the inflamed wounds still evident from the steel eye implantation.
It was clear by her expression that she knew exactly what had caused those scars. 
“What-did-they-do. They made you wear the suit again! I swear to the lord above I am going to kill every last-”
“Mom!” his voice was weak, “No one made me put it back on….. I…. asked them to.”
She stared at him in confusion, “What?” “I had no other choice.” His voice quivered a little though he tried to choke it down. Clear evidence that humans were more likely to drop their guard in front of a caregiver, no matter how long past.
She rested her hand on his cheek, “But why… Adam….” 
“It’s what I had to do.”
“And the drugs….”
All was silent for a moment, and he lowered his head.
The stormy expression on her face grew thunderous. 
“I’m sorry…. I couldn’t…. Take the pain.” 
Sunny was surprised to see she didn’t even look mad. Instead she hugged him holding him to her chest his head resting on her shoulder for a long moment. Jim came to sit next to them one hand resting on his son’s back.
“It’s alright, we’re here to take you home.”
He lifted his head, “Home, no, I can’t I have….”
“I don’t care what you have. You aren't in any kind of shape to be doing any kind of work.”
“But mom the burg could attack earth at any-”
“I don’t care if the burg is attacking,I don’t care who is coming. I don’t care if it’s the rapture, and Jesus is descending from the sky on a chariot of fire, you are coming home.”
“Adam you are not the only thing standing between earth and eminent destruction, now argue with me again…. I dare you.”
Sunny had never experienced such intense eye contact in all her life. And she thought her own mother had had a mean glare. As soon as Adam made eye contact with his mother, it was over, Sunny saw the fight drain out of him and he simply nodded his head.
He glanced over at sunny, “You called them didn’t you.”
Sunny lifted her head, “I did.”
“Because you won’t listen to me, but I knew who you would listen to.” 
His father leaned down, and with one strong calloused hand, he helped Adam to his feet, “Come on Kid, let's get you home before your mother levels the UNSC.” He chuckled, “Thought she was going to drive the truck through the front door.” Adam snorted, too tired and weak to actually laugh.
His legs gave out before he made it to the car. His parents caught him, doing their best to hold him up.
Sunny intervened, lifting him easily off the ground and into the back of the truck, she then followed after allowing him to rest his head on her leg as he lay across the back seat.
Jim and Martha got back into the truck, Martha grudgingly allowing her husband to drive. 
After a moment she reached a hand back holding a water bottle out to adam.
“Drink, this better be done by the time we get home.”
“Drink your water!”
He shut up, finishing the water in a few minutes. It wasn’t a second later that the water bottle clattered to the floor, and Adam was out. Sunny sat in somewhat awkward silence as they drove down the highway.
Jim glanced at her in the rear view mirror, “You alright, Sunny.”
“Yes, sir. 
“Enough leg room?”
“Yes sir, just fine, sir.”
“My name is Jim, Kid, you can use it.” 
Er, “Of course, Jim.”
After another few minutes of awkward silence, Martha turned around in her seat to look at sunny, “What happened?”
Sunny wasn’t entirely sure what she was and was not allowed to tell them, but she didn’t want to find out what would happen if she didn’t, “The Burg declared war on the GA, and then proceeded to attack the Gromm homeworld for the warp codes that would give them access to the rest of the GA. They landed on the planet and were dug in inside an energy field with a plan to attack and charge our line within a day. Adam and his advisors determined the best course of action would be to attack them first and detonate their ship’s engine. Adam made a call…. I had no idea what he was doing. Both Krill and I tried to stop him when we figured it out, but he made it clear that he would find someone else if we didn’t do it. He….. he wasn’t doing so well, but he began the battle without any drugs….. Halfway through…. Well he just couldn’t handle it. He took them, and we finished, but he overdosed. Krill saved his life, but, he just hasn’t slowed down since. I can’t get him to, no one can…. So that’s when I called you.”
She stared up at martha worried that she would be blamed for not stopping Adam.
It seemed as if it might tilt in that direction, but Jim piped up, “Thank you for taking care of him, Sunny. Adam…. He’s always been stubborn. A weird mix of stubborn and not being able to say no.”
They turned off the highway and cut through the suburbs finally pulling up to the familiar house under the unassuming blue sky.
Sunny stepped out pulling Adam with her, who only partially woke up.
She carried him to the door and into the house following Martha back to a guest bedroom,where she set his hat on the nightstand, and woke him up long enough to get him to kick off his shoes and pull off his uniform jacket.
Then and only then was he finally allowed to lay down. Sunny wasn’t sure if he was even awake for the following few minutes where, like a mother bird, the human proceeded to construct a nest out of pillows and other soft things. He had a pillow under his head, and a pillow under his legs, and if that wasn’t enough, he was then surrounded on all sides by pillows. That done, she took a moment to check the sounds left by the Steel eye armor, cleaning a few of them up and bandaging over with clean gauze. She lay a hand on his forehead checking for fever, and by extension, and infection.
He shifted in his sleep.
She then went hunting through a closet which was hoarded at least two dozen more blankets. 
She left the window open allowing the warm sunlight and cool air to breeze into the room, covering his legs with the blanket, but leaving his arms and chest exposed to the warm sunlight.
Finally done, She then ushered Sunny out of the room, leaving the door cracked slightly, where it could be seen from down the hall in the kitchen. Sunny stood awkwardly in the living room for a time her back facing the window where sunlight was beaming through onto the floor. Dust moats churned and rolled in the sunlight.
Martha sat at the table while Jim stepped outside to get some work done.
Sunny shuffled her feet awkwardly before.
“Thank you for…. Coming so quickly.”
Martha looked up at her, her bright blue human eyes cutting and cold.
“I would do anything for my kids.”
Sunny shifted her feet and looked down quietly and before realizing what she was saying, “I wish my mother had been more like you.”
There was silence.
Martha worked her jaw for a second before curiosity got the better of her, “Are…. Drev mothers not protective of their children?”
Sunny shook her head, “No…. not at all…. Just not…. Mine.”
“Oh…. I’m sorry…. What…. Happened?”
Sunny looked away and shrugged, “Oh I was a disgrace. A crippled abomination that should have been tossed into the fire at birth.”
Martha stared at her, “Don’t you think that’s a bit exaggerated.”
Sunny turned to look at her, “No… That’s what happens if you are born crippled. You are tossed into the fire.” 
Martha stared at her mouth open, “They what!.... But how…. Why… why would anyone do anything like that….. And you. You look fine.”
Sunny turned to look out the window, “My mother was a great general. She won land in all directions of the compass, but after my brother, she was never able to produce another child…. It is very important in Drev culture to be able to produce kits.” She turned to look at martha, “Drev mothers give birth near the mouths of volcanos, and if the kit doesn’t hold up to standard they are thrown into the fire for their spirits to be recycled. My mother was…. Unable to get rid of me…. I am very small. I think she hated me because I was a symbol of her weakness, and she just couldn’t handle that.”
Martha had gone very quiet staring on at Sunny in surprise and….  a hint of something else in her bright blue eyes.
“I tried for her to be the best warrior I could. But in truth, I am not talented in battle. When the Drev war came, I thought I could win her love through valor, though I should have known better by then.” She looked at Martha feeling a horrible clenching feeling rising up in her chest and stomach, “What I did to Adam…. It isn’t excused by any means, but at least now you know why I did what I did.’ She looked down at her hands, “But instead of winning my mother’s love, she blamed me for my father’s death.”
“Your father…. Died during the war?”
“Yes, he was killed by a Steel-eye soldier during the last push.” She raised a hand, “Don’t worry, my father died an honorable death in battle…. I was happy for him. Once again my mother went against our customs and turned her sights on revenge.” Sunny siged taking a seat at the table resting her hands together atop the polished surface clasped lightly together.
As she sat a sudden touch of warmth on her hand made her look up.
Martha Vir had a hand over hers and was looking at her with an expression Sunny had not seen on the human’s face before.
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright.”
“No, it’s not. No one deserves to be treated like that.”
Sunny chirped half heartedly, “It’s past me now. “She glanced towards the door, “Besides, I have people who care about me now, and they make it pretty clear that I am worth far more than what my mother said.”
There was another silence. The distant sound of laughter reached them from outside, “I am sorry, for the way I treated you. I shouldn’t have done that.”
Sunny chirped again, “I hurt your son, you would have to be crazy to trust me, or even like me all that much.” “Still, I should have been willing to trust his judgement…. He’s my youngest, and sometimes I forget he’s his own man.” She laughed, “Every time I picture him he’s still eight years old.”
“Are you sure he isn't” 
The two of them laughed.
The door creaked open just then, and Jim stepped into the house a handful of dandelions in one hand. He seemed surprised to find the two of them laughing with each  other, but just as pleased, “What did I miss.”
Martha smiled, “Nothing important. What do you have there?”
“Well, I was just getting rid of these from the lawn, and I was going to throw them away, but.” He glanced at sunny sheepishly, “I thought I heard Adam mention that you liked eating them, so…. I bought them inside instead. Forgive me for overstepping or mishearing.”
Sunny perked up a bit at the sight of the little yellow weed, “You heard him right.”
Jim looked relieved, handing Sunny the flowers and coming down to sit  at the table. Sunny munched on the flower rather happily. 
“Please eat them all. I hate those little yellow bastards.”
Martha looked over at Sunny, “Adam ever taught you how to play cards?”
Sunny shook her head, “I’ve seen him play, but we usually do other things.”
“Might as well do something while we pass the time.” Jim reached out to open a drawer revealing a few decks of cards. “Prism, turn on the sports channel.”
A blue light flashed around the upper edge of the ceiling, and a projection bloomed to life at the center of the room.
Martha began manipulating the cards between her hands adding a pleasant shuffling sound to the air.
Sunny growled at the screen.
“What, you don’t like the Strikers?”
“No, their coach is a D bag and Marcos can’t throw to save his life.”
Jim laughed, “Finally someone who gets it. Only Jeremy was ever into football, but they’re his favorite team.”
“That’s what I said.”
Sunny chirped happily, and Jim laughed.
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reliciron · 4 years
Decided to write out the important bit of my jedi consular’s backstory. 
It should be noted that he doesn’t technically want to die, he’s just very scared of his master and doesn’t see any way to escape. 
That said, at the end of the day he does try (and fail) to die by throwing himself at some jedi, so please don’t read if you’re uncomfortable with that.
Go to the northern reaches of Brentaal IV. There you will find a small Jedi temple: the place where Grand Master Satele Shan first trained.
It has enjoyed relative anonymity since, but this must change.
Infiltrate the temple. Slaughter everyone within. Show the Jedi that nothing is safe from the Sith.
Do this, my clever acolyte, and I will raise you from the shadows.
You will be my apprentice.
Dust kicks up as he races across the northern plateaus on his stolen speeder bike. It will take hours to track properly, with the damage he left behind. But by then he’ll have either completed his mission…
Or he’d be dead.
He clenches his teeth.
She was mad. She HAD to be.
He shakes his head.
No. His master is many things, but not mad.
Just calculating. And he may be a mere acolyte, but he hadn’t survived this long without learning some of the game.
If her words were true, the Sith would send a platoon, or at least a full squad. Make a show of the massacre to demoralize the Republic and Jedi Order both.
One lone acolyte would not be enough to guarantee victory. Indeed, it was very likely that he would not survive the attempt at all, even with 6 years of careful training from his master.
He’d been her faithful servant. Her knife in the dark. She’d liberated him from Rattatak and kindly taken him under her wing as a boy. He’d learned to wear the Force like a shroud. Hide himself from sight and strike from the shadows.
She gave the word, and he carried out the sentence. A name, a picture, a place, and they’d be dead in a matter of days.
He couldn’t be her apprentice. No matter his talent, he was Rattataki. And as far as the anyone else knew, he didn’t exist.
He KNEW this. She’d said it so many times. But now she was offering it to him.
It wasn’t real.
And the impossibility of the task only affirmed his suspicions.
He was not MEANT to succeed.
He did not exist, yet as more Sith and Imperials fell before him it became harder and harder to keep his existence secret. And she would never let him go, not when he knew so much of her secrets.
He was a liability now. One she hoped would take care of itself in a pointless attack on a temple.
He should run. He SHOULD, but he CAN’T.
His throat goes tight and he slows down a bit as the temple’s coordinates loom on the navigation computer.
He’d tried to run once, before he’d truly understood how much of a PRIVILEGE it was to have been chosen by his mistress. He couldn’t recall the ‘how’s and ‘why’s anymore, but he remembered the punishment had gone on for well over a week.
Run and I’ll find you, little one. And I will not be so merciful the next time.
If he tries to abandon his duty, he’d die all the same, but she’d make sure to make it hurt. At least the Jedi would make it quick.
If its one thing the soft-hearted fools abhorred, it was making a being suffer.
There was no way out for him, but an end by their sabers would be better than by her hand.
It had been laughably easy to enter the temple. The roomy interior had given him plenty of space to cloak himself and slip through without being noticed by the guardians. He’d made it all the way into the empty training room, where he’d entered a vent near the ceiling and used it to gain access to the meeting room.
Inside there were a handful of masters and their attending padawans, likely a collection of the strongest jedi in the temple. An incredibly foolish target.
But that was the point, wasn’t it.
He could have killed a great many by now. Picked off padawans one by one has he slithered through the building. Had he actually believed the lie his master had told him, he would have.
But he didn’t. And now these Jedi were his best chance for a swift end.
As he grips his lightsaber, he wonders, not for the first time, what his mother would have thought of him. He didn’t remember her, or much of Rattatak for that matter. But he hoped he’d grown to be a strong son, one who might have made her proud, had things been different.
He muffles the sound of the grate being opened, curls his toes over the edge of the vent frame, and leaps.
The creature had seemed to come from thin air.
A calm discussion with his fellow masters about possible changes to the curriculum one minute, and a whirl of dark robes and red light the next.
By the time he and the others managed to pull their lightsabers, 3 padawans lay crumpled on the floor with the attacker ready to strike again.
The battle had been vicious.
Master Evren nearly had a leg taken off, and Knight Balrus fell in a burst of lightning before Ixal finally got in under its guard to slice up through it’s hood.
It screamed, bringing its saber up in mindless defense as it clutched its smoking face, but it was a futile effort. He followed through, ducking its arm and spinning around behind to carve his saber deep across it’s back.
It folded like a house of cards, crashing to the floor in a heap of dark robes.
Not dead, but also not getting up any time soon.
Healers and medical droids are called, and to everyone’s relief no one was killed. But it still left them with a host of very injured jedi, and a deeply wounded assailant who should have never made it this far.
Once the others have been seen to, he and the few other jedi of rank gather in the assassin’s room.
The scans the droids provided them with were both enlightening… and disturbing.
A juvenile rattataki male, approximately16 years of age. Signs of extensive, long-term electrical trauma, 18 healed fractures, and general malnutrition. And that was all underneath the damage he himself had caused in the battle. Evidently he’d blinded the man - no, boy - in one eye, and his final strike had severed his spine. He was now paralyzed from the waist down.
Stars above.
It’s about an hour more before the boy comes to, numbed heavily around his injuries but not sedated.
They needed to speak with him, and it absolutely could not wait.
Even so, none of them are prepared for the tsunami of terror that all but knocks them off their feet.
He chokes and tugs desperately at his restraints, every inch a panicked child despite the destruction he’d wrought only a few hours ago.
It makes his stomach roil to know he’d not fought a man, but a boy.
“Peace, young one,” he says softly. And the single remaining eye fixes upon him.
A muscle jumps in the rattataki’s jaw before his face goes eerily blank, at odds with the fear still saturating the Force around them.
“My name is Master Ixal. I’m afraid you’ve committed some rather serious crimes here today, but I would like to talk, if you wouldn’t mind.” When all the boy does is stare at him, he smiles, “May I ask your name?”
There’s a long stretch of silence before the answer.
His accent is Kaas-ian, but given that he’s an alien, there’s a very good chance that he was a slave.
“Is that your name, or the one you were given?”
He blinks, as if trying to parse the meaning.
“Did you ever have a different name?”
Something small and fragile flickers across the part of his face that is still visible.
“…. Faun.”
He sighs. Good. Not so far gone that he won’t answer questions entirely, “Faun then. Can you tell me why you’re here?”
“My master sent me.”
A sith then. Were they truly so desperate as to use children?
“They sent you to attack us?”
His eye closes and he seems resigned.
“Who sent you? Are there more coming? Why is the temple being targ-?”
“It doesn’t matter, kill me and be done with it.”
“I killed your people and infiltrated your temple, is that not enough?!”
He seems desperate then, like a frightened animal, and the fear redoubles in the Force.
“Easy now,” he assures, “You killed no one, all those who were injured survived.” He frowns, “And you will not die for it. We certainly won’t be letting you go, but you will live and be treated fairly. But I can promise you, the more you help us now, the easier things will go for you in the future.”
Instead of being assured, the young man barks a harsh, bitter laugh.
“What, future?! I failed to die! Now my master will come for me to correct my failure!” He positively whimpers and shrinks in on himself, “She’ll be so angry! She’ll make it hurt! Why can’t you just kill me!”
They’re all taken aback by the outburst, but as his words start to sink in a sick feeling begins to settle in to Ixal’s stomach.
“What do you mean you ‘failed to die’?”
“You think I am a fool?!” he spits. “What else am I to believe when she gives me such an impossible task and promises rewards I knew could never be!” He sags onto the hospital bed. “I do not exist. She cannot allow me to be tied to her, and I was no longer worth the risk.”
He truly feared this master of his so much that he would willingly undertake a suicide mission? Stars above, what had this woman done to him?!
He shakes his head. They knew the why now, but not the how.
“How did you manage to make it all the way into the meeting room? You would have had to pass several guardians.”
The boy huffs, voice still raw and wavering, but evening out as they entered more neutral territory. “Your security is poor and my master trained me well. I cloaked myself in the Force, muffled my presence, and walked right passed them.”
A hint of pride threads through the fear in the air, but already a few of their number have left, unable to take such overpowering emotions.
Cloaking is a rare gift. That this young man is capable of doing so, well enough to fool full fledged jedi, is both dangerous and intriguing. Between that, his combat ability, and the hyper-projection of his emotions, they were dealing with a powerful force user, no matter his age.
It only occurs to him now that the young rattataki could have likely killed dozens of padawans and younglings before being discovered.
But he didn’t.
An idea starts to form but he’d need to consult his fellow masters first.
“Thank you, Faun, you’ve been very helpful. Please rest for now. We will speak again later.”
The boy looks wary as they leave, but more than likely the sedatives are already being administered through his drip. He won’t be conscious for much longer.
The discussion is heated, with several knights and masters arguing against it, but after consulting the Jedi Council, they finally come to an agreement.
They would attempt to rehabilitate Faun.
Turning a sith was notoriously difficult, but his youth would work in their favor.
The skills of an assassin, Force-cloaking especially, where nearly impossible to teach to jedi. Too close to the dark side for many to want to risk learning. But as much as they may wish otherwise, sometimes those skills were needed, and if they could earn Faun’s loyalty they’d have an invaluable ally.
It would be a long and delicate process. Mind healers would be needed to try and break the chains his master had instilled in his mind, and the physical reconstruction and recovery would be just as taxing.
There was no guarantee that it would work at all, but he genuinely believed it was worth a try.
The poor boy had been through so much. With a bit of work they might give him a second chance at a fulfilling life.
Dark-side or no, the Force practically hummed around him in a way Ixal had not seen since young Satele. He didn’t know what part this young man might play, but he had a feeling he may yet prove essential in the future.
This would not be the end the young man had sought, but a new beginning.
From there it takes a long time to deprogram him, and they need to install several internal cybernetic bypasses in his spine to get around the damage. At the end of it, he’s got a pretty serious scar that runs from right shoulder to left hip, a few numb patches on his lower back, and his eye is still blinded. He learns to hide his accent, too. And he’s somewhere in his late 20s-early 30s by the time the game starts.
He was sent to Tython as a fresh start for his padawan training, since no one there would know who he was, aside from the Council.
His companions don’t find out until they’re fighting the First Son and Syo tells them to try and get them to leave or turn on Faun. Zenith almost does leave afterwards, but after a long discussion they all stick with him.
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vannahfanfics · 3 years
Needed Part IV
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Before you read, here’s Part I, Part II, and Part III! 
Category: Romantic Fluff
Fandom: One Piece
Characters: Monkey D. Luffy, Baby 5
Requested By: Wannabekurt (Ao3)
Baby 5 kneeled before a wooden tub, her hands wrist-deep in sudsy water as she scrubbed a kimono against a washboard. The rhythmic scrapes of the fabric against the wooden ridges were soothing, in a way, bringing a content smile to her lips. She lifted the sodden clothes to inspect them, and decided that they were sufficiently washed. As she rose, water cascaded from the soaked fabric, puddling down into the grass. When she turned, a few small dewdrops splashed against the skirt of her own kimono, a simple red-purple color patterned with white flowers. She walked to the clothesline and draped the drenched kimono over the string, pinning it with a pair of clothespins. She then turned, looking at the pile of clothes she still had left to wash. All in a day’s work, but at least I’m being helpful!
While Luffy and half of the crew traveled to Whole Cake Island to rescue Sanji, Law had led another party of the Straw Hats to Wano, where they would infiltrate the population and gather information on their targets, Orochi and Kaido. They had been split apart for some time now. Baby 5 had settled in a small village, taking odd jobs for money. Today, she was helping a housewife do laundry; she couldn’t keep up with her gaggle of five children running around, and Baby 5 had been happy to volunteer her services. It was clear that the family was of eager means, so she was intending not to take any money at all. She'd rather just do a good deed for the sake of doing so. 
“Batama!” called a pleasant voice, and for a second, Baby 5 didn’t respond. Then, she recalled that she had assumed a different name while traveling in Wano: Batama. She whirled around with a shout to see her employer walking out of the house, a toddler in each arm. Baby 5 rushed forward to take one, causing the woman to smile pleasantly. “Ah, thank you. Are you done with the washing yet?” 
“Not yet,” she admitted shyly, not wanting to admit that she’d spent a good thirty minutes following a pretty butterfly around the garden. “But I’m getting there! I’ll get it done, I promise.” 
“Don’t worry,” the woman chuckled with a dismissive wave. “Anything you can do helps.” After setting the toddler down in the grass, Baby 5 walked back to the wash tub, kneeling back down and wrinkling her nose at the feeling of water soaking into the bottom of her kimono. Still, she had to work hard! She picked up a yukata from the pile and dunked it into the water, allowing it to soak up the liquid before she started scrubbing. The mother also set down her other daughter and watched her two children play in the grass. 
Baby 5 watched the two toddlers run in circles around the yard, chasing one another with excited squeals. She couldn’t help but smile; they really were cute. She had long dreamed of having a family, abandoning piracy so she could rear children alongside a loving husband. Things hadn’t turned out quite the way she intended, though. Traveling with Luffy, she’d spend a long time on the seas. But that’s okay, she smiled and picked up the yukata to begin scrubbing it against the washboard. I want to see Luffy become Pirate King. 
The thought of her lover made her heave a sigh. She hoped he was all right. She had faith in him just as much as the rest of the crew, but she couldn’t help but worry. Big Mom was an emperor, after all, far deadlier than any enemy that Luffy had ever faced— and he only had half his crew with him. She hoped that he would stick to the plan and escape with Sanji, but if Luffy was anything, it was hot-blooded and reckless. There really was no telling what he would do if he got fired up enough. 
“Ah, have you heard?” 
Baby 5 perked up as a neighbor came trotting up into her employer’s yard, holding an infant to her chest. She looked alarmed, but not in a bad way— more like excited? Baby 5 continued to scrub the yukata, not wishing to look like she was eavesdropping, though that was exactly what she was doing. She drowned out the giggles of the two children still tearing around the yard to catch the two women’s conversation, straining her ears. 
“Apparently pirates have infiltrated Wano!” the woman gasped, making her friend put her hand to her mouth in shock. “Yeah, yeah! They just landed a few days ago and are tearing around causing a ruckus. I wonder if they’re here for Orochi…” 
“Be careful what you say!” the other hissed, looking around with a frightened look. “His spies are always lurking around. It’s one thing to be hopeful, but you know what they do to people who so much as breathe a hint of rebellion. It’s best not to talk about this.” 
“Still,” the woman said, looking down at her infant with a smile. “I feel the winds of change blowing…” 
The winds of change were blowing indeed, and Baby 5 was determined to catch them. She returned to her task with gusto, eager to finish her work soon so that she could gather more information on this crew of pirates. Surely, this was news that the rest of the Straw Hats had landed on Wano and were searching for them! Baby 5 finished the laundry just as the sun met the horizon. She did end up refusing payment from the young mother, but was unable to escape without a package of rice balls. As she set off down the road, she munched on one, heading to the nearest tavern. Alcohol always made tongues wag, and if rumors were beginning to fly, then a bar was the best place to sieve them. 
It didn’t take her long to hone in on the gossip. Apparently these pirates were the talk of Wano, as most of the talk in the bar concerned them. Baby 5 sat at the bar nursing her sake, taking slow and careful sips while filtering out the useful information. Once she confirmed their last known location, she paid her tab and bid the bartender goodnight. The pirates apparently weren’t far, so she could make it on foot. Traveling at night was dangerous, especially with the enemy’s forces skulking about, but Baby 5 was more than capable. Besides, her desire to reunite with Luffy clouded all of her judgment; her heart skipped in her chest as she hurried down the road leading out of the village, a smile plastered on her face. 
The sun filtered through the trees of the bamboo forest, dying the skinny stems a bright golden-green. The only sound was the scuffing of her sandals in the dirt path and the wind whistling through the thin leaves of the bamboo. As time and Baby 5 marched on, the spears of light piercing the green gradually changed angles with the setting of the sun. Dusk began to descend as the light faded further, and Baby 5’s pace began to slow, nervousness setting in. Crickets chirped within the depths of the forest, falling silent whenever something rustled within the gloom. Baby 5 jumped each time, nervously looking around. Yet she could see nothing within the gloom clouding the fronds.
Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea, she thought while wringing her hands. Maybe she should have tried to rendezvous with one of the other members and then they together could search for the rumored pirates. There wasn’t even a guarantee that it was Luffy, if the rumors held credence at all. Baby 5 realized her folly as she slowly came to a stop within the forest, surrounded by darkness and all alone. 
Yet… She could not bring herself to turn back. What if it was Luffy? He could be in Wano all alone. He might need me, she thought, heart stirring. If he’s here, I have to find him! 
A particularly loud snap yanked Baby 5 out of her thoughts. She morphed her hand into a pistol and looked around wildly, the stars doing little to illuminate the dense bamboo forest. When she whirled around the check behind her, her stomach dropped into her stomach; two large silhouettes were outlined against the indigo sky. She gulped thickly as their shadowy forms encroached on her; she took an offensive stance and pointed her gun at them, narrowing her eyes. 
“Identify yourselves or I’ll shoot!” 
“Threatening two of Orochi’s officials? That’s not very smart of you,” came the low, threatening voice. Baby 5 swallowed thickly as they stepped out into the moonlight— two burly forms in yukatas with katanas strapped to their hips. Baby 5 morphed her other hand into a shotgun and pointed it at his companion, her eyes flicking back and forth between them rapidly. “A Devil Fruit user, eh? Orochi could have use for a woman like you…”
“I have no intentions of working for him!” Baby 5 snapped. As the two split apart to begin walking a semicircle around her, she stepped back, making sure to keep both the guns on them. 
“Oh, it wasn’t an offer, sweetheart,” the other chuckled darkly. His katana gleamed in the starlight as he drew it from the sheath. The scraping sound it made made Baby 5’s heart thump. Law had instructed them to lay low, and murdering two of Orochi’s underlings wasn’t exactly following those directions, but it was beginning to look like these two goons wouldn’t give her much of a choice. 
“I’m warning you. I will shoot you,” she threatened. 
“Do that, and Orochi will have your head on a pike within a week,” the other goon chuckled darkly, drawing his weapon as well. Fat chance of that! She thought and cocked both the guns. At the clicks, the two thugs snarled and leaped at her in unison, but before she could shoot, the bamboo fronds rustled wildly. She looked to her right just in time to see a sandaled leg— a very long leg— erupt from the bamboo and plow right into one of the goons’ heads. He flew sideways at the force, crashing into his friend. Both of them flew off to her left, disappearing into the bamboo. She looked at the broken-off stalks in shock, then slowly turned to the elongated leg in front of her. 
The rubbery leg slowly shortened, a torso and a head following. When she spotted an arm holding a straw hat down against messy black hair, Baby 5’s eyes alit with excitement. 
“Luffy!” she squealed, changing her arms back so she could jump forward and embrace him. Luffy cried out in shock when Baby 5 crashed into his chest, and he grabbed her hips on reflex. A big grin spread across his face in the next second, and he leaned down to nuzzle into Baby 5’s voluminous tresses. 
“Baby!” he cried in delight. “I’ve missed you…” 
“I’ve missed you, too!” she beamed, hugging him tighter. She breathed in deeply, admiring his scent of salt and sea spray and a hint of roasted meat. Her eyelashes fluttered as the aroma calmed her. “I’ve missed you so much…” 
“I know,” he hummed and rubbed soothing circles in her lower back. “It’s okay. I’m here now!” She looked up at him, chin perched on her chest and eyes dewy with joyful tears. He lifted his hands to cup her cheek, his thumbs rubbing over the smooth, rosy skin, before leaning down to peck her on the nose. “I’m here now, Baby.” 
She blinked, the tears beading up over her eyes and flowing down her cheeks. Luffy gently swept them away, continuing to smile down at her like she was all he needed. She hoped so, because he was all she needed in this crazy world. He pecked her on the lips this time, and then she buried her face into his chest, snuggling into him as close as she could. She knew that soon their trial would begin and they would go to war with the dragons of Wano, but for that moment, she just savored being in the arms of her beloved, the one who needed her.
Enjoy this oneshot? Feel free to peruse my Table of Contents!
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navettephoenix · 3 years
river of blood
Chapter 1- Decision
summary: A strong human. Not a human, but an angel, and she's come to save us all.
wc: 649
A/N: ive written this for seven months, and i still hate the first chapter. it feels like its not interesting yet but this is really all i can market to you. now, with the new ideas that i have, i feel like this was made to test your morals and you really cant have a single opinion on anything. also, everything is basically backwards (youll see what i mean later)
"Are you positive about this?"
Ceitara was an angel spirit who was formed under the goddess Honerva. There were no actual motives behind creating someone new, just that she wanted someone strong to be in charge of the world.
It was 14 years for Ceitara,  watching from the sidelines as the world became more and more destructive. People died, leaving behind families who grieved and missed them. She couldn't do much, she was very young compared to her counterparts.
All she wanted was change, and peace between everyone, and not a single person could provide that other than her.
As an angel, her powers were unlimited, not that she had many uses for them. The only important ones were those that she chose: attack, healing, mind control, illusion, and protection. The sixth was among some that she couldn't activate, and frankly, she didn't know all that much on how to use it.
That went with protection, also. Among the angels, she was not known for looking out for herself, rather making sure that everyone else was okay while she risked the consequences. They loved her for that, but the goddess hated how she could be so compassionate.
It would cause a problem later on.
"Ceitara, if you do this, your powers will be compromised."
One in human form, she wasn't allowed to exit until her body died, essentially giving her a second chance. Her power usage would drain her human body, possibly to a point where she could die.
"You must follow every rule on the contract, or there will be punishments."
That could kill her also, but she was more worried about something they call the "weak state". She didn't know much about human bodies, but this entailed things that seemed dangerous.
"When a modified angel disregards a law, they will be warned with the 'weak state'. Formally known as 'the state of quick death'.
This entails: mood disorders, sensitive hearing, and bloody noses. This can be easily seen due to the darker color that the eye may have.
It can last from a couple of days to the rest of the human lifetime based on severity of the case."
Up to the rest of the human lifetime. Simply, she would become weaker and weaker until she died.
Due to the angel's private operation, the amount of rules were astounding, but only a couple made actual sense.
1) Cannot use power for herself (unless using protection).
2) Cannot reveal information about angels.
3) Cannot reveal information about herself.
4) Must always stay true to name and angel ideology.
"What is angel ideology?"
"Over the past years that you've been here, everything that you have learned, and everything that you go by."
Name was also a question too, but Honerva was referring to what they stand for. After all, she was the goddess of destruction.
Entering the material world wasn't difficult, but there were some things done behind Ceitara's vision.
She was there, in the middle of a grass field. Her skin was bronze, and corresponded to her dark, shoulder-length hair. What didn't correspond was the bright blue eyes she had. Modified angels had light colored eyes to notice the change when they're using their powers.
Her irises flashed red for a moment before letting her gain full control of the body. She was muscular, and not too short for her age. It was weird how it seemed like she'd spent her entire childhood trying to become stronger when she didn't even have one.
She looked around her noticing the tall walls that separated the large population of people from herself. She didn't exactly luck out with the location.
Afterwards, she immediately forgot those memories, her mind being cleared from any information that being an angel provided.
She instead focused on getting to the Survey Corps.
And though it'll take years, it would help her get closer to the goal of peace.
to be continued
if you enjoyed this, you can read the rest here or here, but i still am updating every other day. and if you get confused, ask me a question:) i tend to pile on information without meaning to, so it might get overwhelming at one point. also, if you have general questions (for the story) ill answer those too.
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myarmsaretoolong · 4 years
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@whumptober2020​​​​ Prompt #30: “Now Where Did That Come From” - Wound Reveal | Ignoring an Injury | Internal Organ Injury
Word Count: 1019
Warnings: Blood (Minor) | Hospital Scenes
Synopsis: Tony thinks they just might have finished their mission unharmed, Peter has another idea
Read Under the Cut | Read on AO3
“Did you see that, Mister Stark?” Peter and Tony flew - and swung - through the streets of New York after yet another successful mission. Tony found himself unable to hide a smile at the excitement Peter still found in catching a bad guy. “He walked straight into my web-grenade and then, boom!” Mid swing, Peter turned to face Tony and mined an explosion. “Didn’t even see it coming.”
Tony grinned, thankful it was hidden behind the suit. “You did a great job, kid. Training’s really paying off.”
“And then when I taser-webbed his accomplice when he was down! Did you see that part?”
“Yup. Surprisingly I saw it all. Say, there’s something I wanted to talk to you about.” Tony turned a corner, Peter following not far behind.
Tony took a deep breath, part of him couldn’t believe he was about to ask a kid this. But then again, Peter wasn’t most kids, and he was more than ready. “How about we step up the training a little? Bring in some of the others on the team, new styles of combat, that kind of thing. ‘Cause since the best part of the team decided a life on the run was better than a little bureaucracy, we’ve been a little lacking on manpower.” He waited a moment for the kid to reply, but he remained suspiciously silent. Probably just in shock.
“Not saying that you’re a shoo-in to become an Avenger, there are a lot of barriers before that. Your slightly scary Aunt, for one. But it’s something we can figure out.” Tony paused again. Still, Peter didn’t reply. You could say that Tony’s dad-sense started tingling. “If that’s something you want, of course. Kid? You wanna say something? I thought you’d be excited.”
Tony turned mid-air to look back at Peter, only to find he wasn’t there. His brow furrowed in worry. “Pete? Friday, where is he?”
“Over here, Boss.” Friday indicated a small figure sprawled out on a rooftop a couple of blocks back. Tony’s heart fell out of his chest as he raced back to Peter’s side.
He lay on his front, one arm flopped over his head and the other awkwardly tucked under his body. Clearly, he’d collapsed, thankfully he had the good sense to find a rooftop, first, rather than fall to the pavement below.
“Kid, come on.” Tony rolled Peter into the recovery position, bile rose in his throat when the suit’s gauntlets came away bloody. “Fri, run a full scan.”
“Already done, Boss. It appears Mister Parker has a penetrating wound to his abdomen. I recommend getting him immediate medical attention.”
“Right.” Tony scooped Peter into his arms and took off in the direction of the Avengers Facility. “Alert Doctor Cho, we’re coming in hot.”
“On it.”
Tony looked down at the limp, fragile body of a person he’d come to love cradled in his arms. “Hold on, Pete. Hold on.”
* * * 
Tony and May stood from their chairs outside the medical bay as Doctor Cho stepped out. They’d only been waiting for about an hour, but it felt like years.
May stepped forward, “Please tell me he’s okay?”
Doctor Cho offered a polite smile. “He will be.” May’s shoulders sagged the moment the words left her mouth, for a moment, Tony thought her legs were going to give way too. “The stab wound narrowly missed his descending aorta but punctured both his liver and stomach. We had to perform surgery to fix the damage, and thankfully managed to avoid septic shock. All in all, I’d say he’s very lucky.”
Lucky was certainly not one of the words Tony was thinking, but he couldn’t find the space to care as relief filled every inch on his body. 
“He’s still under from the surgery,” Doctor Cho continued. “Though it should wear off very soon. He’s also going to need a few days of bed rest to recover fully, even with his metabolism.”
May chuckled, “That’s not going to go over well. Peter had the flu once as a child and still got dressed for school despite hardly being able to walk without throwing up.”
“That sounds like the kid,” Tony muttered. Suddenly, he was starting to rethink his previous offer of Peter joining the team, at least until Peter learned when to tap out. He turned to Doctor Cho. “Can we go in?”
“Yes, of course. He should have someone there when he wakes up.” Doctor Cho stepped aside and allowed Tony and May to pass. 
The room was empty aside from Peter laying in a hospital bed, somehow he looked even smaller when surrounded by monitors and medical equipment. He lay flat on his back with a blanket pulled up to his chest, arms lying at his side with an IV in the back of his hand. Tony tried to tune out everything else and just focus on the gentle rise and fall of Peter’s chest. Focus on the fact he was alive.
May walked to his side and half-sat half-fell into an armchair that Cho must have set up. She slipped a hand into Peter’s and brushed his hair back from his face. “Oh, Peter,” she whispered. “How’d you get yourself in this mess, huh?” She didn’t say it harshly, and of course Tony had given her the full story when she arrived at the compound. Tony had a feeling she was talking more about Spider-Man than this particular incident.
Tony watched May with Peter feeling like an intruder, he half considered slipped silently out of the door, but he couldn’t bring himself to take his eyes from the kid. May looked over, her eyebrows knitted together.
“What are you doing, come over here and sit down.” She gestured for him to join her. He fell into the chair on the opposite side, his fingers subconsciously twisting themselves through Peter’s hair. May smiled, eyes shiny with tears. “He’s going to need his family here when he wakes up.”
Tony had to bite his lip to hold his own tears at bay. His eyes fell on Peter’s, wishing them open. “Yes. Yes, he will.”
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hobbitkiller · 4 years
She-Ra, Supergirl, and Tangled: A Tale of Three Female Relationships: Part 2
For those of you just tuning in, I’m taking a deep dive into 3 female relationships in 3 of my favorite tv shows that all turned into toxic messes at some point. The point of this series of posts is to exam these relationships, where things went wrong, whether there’s a chance for redemption, and what conclusions, if any, we can draw from these relationships about media’s representation of female characters and female relationships.
Oh, and shipping, ‘cause this is tumblr after all...
So, in Part 1 I gave a summary of the female relationships in question in these three shows (Adora and Catra, Kara and Lena, Rapunzel and Cassandra). I also summarized how these relationships began and when they started to go wrong. If you already know that stuff because you love these shows too, you don’t necessarily have to go back and read it, but doing so is always encouraged.
In this installment, I will be exploring 3 themes related to the festering resentment within these relationships: Mother Knows Best, Chosen Ones, and Itty Bitty Boxes. Follow the jump to get started!
I’ve heard a few people claim that Mother Gothel is not a top tier Disney villain. She doesn’t have the following that characters like Scar or Maleficent have. However, at the same time, I’ve heard many people saying something along the lines of “This is my mother.” There’s something uncomfortably familiar about Mother Gothel in Tangled. I recognized the same putdowns and microaggressions that I used to get from my stepmom in Gothel’s targeted jabs at Rapunzel’s confidence throughout the movie...all done with a smile and “It’s for your own good” attitude.
A lot of media focuses on the relationship between fathers and sons. Mothers in Disney have historically been silent or dead. (Except Perdita. That bitch was awesome). 
This, of course, makes it interesting that 5/6 of these characters have verbally (and in some cases physically) abusive, manipulative mother figures. And for Adora and Catra and Rapunzel and Cassandra, that mother figure is the same.
Here are our three abusive mothers:
Shadow Weaver who raised Adora and Catra:
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Lillian Luthor who is Lena Luthor’s adoptive mother (and played by the absolute joy to watch that is Brenda Strong):
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And, of course, Mother Gothel who kidnapped and raised Rapunzel for most of her life and is the SPOILER biological mother of Cassandra:
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There are, of course, good mothers sprinkled in. Rapunzel’s biological mother, Queen Arianna is great once she actually gets lines in the TV show. Lena’s birth mother was also, by all accounts, a very kind and loving person. Kara has two moms, and while both have flaws, both are inherently good people (particularly Eliza Danvers, her adoptive mother).
However, in spite of the presence of some positive examples of motherhood, the relationships between all three of these pairs is heavily influenced by the three narcissistic women above.
All three of these women are dishonest, withhold affection only to give it away as a special treat, and actively manipulate their children. Yet, at the same time, the children can’t help but seek approval. Adora and Catra both feared and desperately sought approval and affection from Shadow Weaver. Lena tries to cut ties with her family, but keeps being drawn back in when Lillian admits pride at her accomplishments or that she does, in fact, care about her. Rapunzel sought affection from Gothel growing up because she was her one human contact, and, when Cassandra learned the truth of who her mother was, Cassandra desperately wanted some validation that the mother who abandoned her loved her on some level.
These mother/daughter relationships scarred 5/6 of our characters (Kara has her own hangups about her mother, but not on the deeply psychologically scarred level as the other five.) 
Adora is mockingly called paranoid by Shadow Weaver for understandably thinking the woman who lied to and manipulated her her entire life was up to something. Catra pushes everyone in her life away emotionally for fear of being hurt (only to create a self-fulfilling prophecy when they leave due to her behavior). Lena is constantly scared of being “betrayed” and manipulated. When she’s hurt by Supergirl asking Lena’s boyfriend to snoop on her, she says it was “something my mother would do.” When she and Kara first became friends, Lena was reluctant to do so because of the trust issues from her family (Lex Luthor is obviously also a manipulative, abusive jerk). Even Rapunzel, the embodiment of sunshine, has lingering trust issues. In the Season Three episode “Beginnings” she explains to Eugene that one of the reasons she likes Cassandra is because Rapunzel spent 18 years with someone who lied to her, whereas Cassandra was forthright and said what she was thinking.
Cassandra’s mother issues are a little more complicated. When she was four, Gothel abandoned her in order to kidnap Rapunzel and Cass was adopted by the captain of the guard. Cassandra has deeply repressed this memory by the time we meet her when she’s 22/23. Then, she’s given a glimpse of what life was like with Gothel:
Early in the series, Cass talks about how her father instilled in her the value of “earning my keep.” It’s clear here, though, that love as a transactional relationship had been instilled in Cassandra early in life: “And when it (love/affection) came, it came with strings.” 
This transactional view of relationships is something shared by all 5 members of our “bad moms” squad on at least some level. Adora constantly feels the need to fix things and be useful to her friends. Catra thinks if she just wins enough or is good enough, maybe Shadow Weaver will finally love her. Lena’s approach to relationships largely revolves around buying things for them and trying to unilaterally solve their problems for them without their input. Rapunzel has to go through an entire episode to learn that you can’t buy friendship through doing nice things, and that she doesn’t have to. Cass ties her self-worth deeply to her usefulness to others. They all struggle to find internal validation at times.
The other way mothers play a part in the downfalls of these relationships is the element of competitiveness. This is an issue with Adora and Catra and Rapunzel and Cassandra. As previously stated, both of these couples share a mother figure. And, in both of these couples, there is a deep resentment on the part of the non-golden haired child toward the other. Shadow Weaver did not hide that Adora was her favorite. She frequently praised Adora while berating and abusing Catra even when both had done equally well. Even when Adora abandoned Shadow Weaver and Catra for the rebellion, SW was more concerned with getting Adora back than appreciating the loyalty and accomplishments of Catra. 
Mother Gothel literally gave up Cassandra to take Rapunzel.
Both Catra and Cassandra feel completely overshadowed by the blonde in their lives, and part of them can’t help but think that, if only Adora or Rapunzel were out of the way, or had never existed, maybe they would have been chosen as the favored one.
This, of course, brings us to our next topic:
I’ve never been a big fan of Ron Weasley. I didn’t read the Harry Potter books until I was in my twenties (yes, compared to many of my readers, I’m old), and I think this lead to me being less charmed by his humor or bullying of Hermione than I otherwise might have been. I found his temper aggravating and he is just...the worst...in the sixth book. Like, he purposely starts dating someone to punish Hermione who had already asked him to Slughorn’s party because Ginny pointed out that Hermione had probably kissed the guy she was dating TWO YEARS AGO. No, seriously, read that book again. That’s what happened. Then the seventh book happens and it turns out Dumbledore KNEW Ron was going to ditch the team at some point...
That being said, as I sat down to write this novel-length meta, I found myself thinking about what it’s like to be the support team for the “chosen one.” In the seventh book, Ron could have stayed at home with his pureblood family. He would still be in some danger due to their involvement with the Order of the Phoenix, but it would have been a lot safer than traveling around with “Undesirable No 1.″ Yet, because he loves Harry, he chooses to go on this mission. 
In the three pieces of media we’re discussing, 2/3 have literal chosen ones--characters with specific destinies of supernatural origin: Adora and Rapunzel. Kara also largely fits into the trope as someone sent to earth from afar to “save us.” As I somewhat jokingly said in the first part, all three of these pieces of media feature a blond super-powered person who needs to save the world.
Can you imagine what it would be like to be the best friend or “sister” of the person who’s “burdened with glorious purpose”?
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On the one hand, it’s constant fear over that person’s safety and wellbeing. On the other, there’s a bit that can’t help but feel resentful. Imagine having a friend that overshadows every accomplishment you’ve ever had seemingly by virtue of just who they are.
Now, of course we know that it’s no easy road being a chosen one. There’s a lot you have to sacrifice, and it usually involves injury, near death, and a boatload of trauma. And the support teams know this. For some, it’s never an issue. But for others...
In She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, Adora, to Catra, always had the presence in her life of a chosen one, even before she got the sword and became She-Ra. Shadow Weaver had sensed something powerful about Adora when she was a baby, and thus treated her as the “Golden Child” to Catra’s “Scapegoat.” 
This idea of the “Golden Child (GC)” versus the “Scapegoat (SG)” rolls a bit into this issue with “chosen ones.” In toxic, narcissistic families, parents often hold up one child as the great one while the other is the one to blame for their problems. Think Olga and Helga in Hey Arnold! (Is that reference too dated for some of you guys? Man, I’m old. Also, I remember finally being old enough to realize Helga’s mom was an alcoholic and it blew my mind.) This also usually entails encouraging a level of competitiveness between the siblings.
In some ways, it’s like a “chosen one” is the whole world’s golden child. Anyone who researches this dynamic knows it’s abusive to both the GC and the SG, which is clearly displayed in She-Ra when Adora is stressed by the pressure of expectations and the knowledge that her mistakes will most likely be taken out on Catra. That doesn’t change the fact that Catra resents the positive attention (the adoration if you will) Adora gets--that, no matter what Catra achieves, it will be nothing compared to Adora.  This resentment is a big part of what fuels the escalation of their personal conflict leading to one of the saddest pieces of animation since Fry’s dog died sad and alone on Futurama. In the Season 1 episode “Promise.” (This is, by far, the best episode of the series), Catra airs all of her feelings she’d been repressing about what it felt like living in Adora’s shadow--how it made her feel like a “side kick,” something Adora never consciously tried to do and is shocked to discover.
Cassandra on Tangled:The Series has similar feelings about her role in Rapunzel’s life. Not only is her best friend the one with the magic hair and great destiny, but she is also her boss and monarch. Aside from the two songs I included in my last post, “Waiting in the Wings” and “Crossing the Line,” this conflict is best demonstrated early in Season One in the episode “Challenge of the Brave.”
Cass didn’t suffer abuse in quite the same way Catra did (though Gothel was the worst mom for her first 4 years), but she does feel disrespected and overshadowed by Rapunzel even before learning about Gothel. In “Crossing the Line”--a song many likened to “Let it Go” when they first heard it, Cassandra lays out these feelings further:
There’s a line between the winners and the losers.
There’s a line between the chosen and the rest.
And I’ve done the best I could,
but i’ve always known just where we stood.
Me here with the luckless.
You there with the blessed.
Now, when this song first came out, there were negative reactions from some fans. How could Cassandra call someone who had been kidnapped and locked in a tower with the neglectful and verbally abusive Gothel for 18 years “blessed”? But, from Cassandra’s perspective, Rapunzel still gets everything, power, respect, etc., purely because she was born a princess while Cass has worked incredibly hard her entire life to achieve one goal, becoming a guard, and is constantly denied.
With Lena and Kara in Supergirl, the resentment, again, is mostly between Lena and Supergirl for most of their relationship. Multiple times during the show’s run, Lena has expressed concern about human’s relative helplessness in the face of aliens like Supergirl who have power. This is why Lena sees some of her shadier actions such as making Kryptonite or trying to give humans super powers as justified. She doesn’t go to the extreme levels of hatred that her brother Lex does, but that distrust in those who are naturally more powerful runs throughout the family as does the resentment that aliens have seemingly usurped the leadership role among humanity that should have belonged to the Luthors.
What makes this interesting is that, in most of her relationships, Lena, as a billionaire, is the more privileged and powerful one. This is really best demonstrated in her relationship with James Olsen, whom she orders around as his boss while buying him expensive gifts and going behind his back to fix his legal problems. And for much of their relationship, this is how Lena sees her relationship with Kara. It’s not a manipulative or cruel thing. Lena just sees Kara as her adorkable reporter friend who is hapless in the face of danger.
Then, all of these preconceived notions come crashing down when Lena learns that Kara is Supergirl. Suddenly, she learns that her hapless friend was actually playing her the whole time--that she was stringing Lena along and pretending to be only human. 
Lena’s resentment may not be as explicit in this case as Catra’s or Cassandra’s, but it is layered within all of the emotions Lena Luthor is pretending not to have.
This, of course, leads us to our final subject for today.
I’ve mentioned a few times throughout this novel-length meta the word “repressed.” Catra, Lena, and Cassandra are not good at expressing their emotions in a healthy manner. Much of this can be blamed on the aforementioned mother figures and the trust and intimacy issues that having narcissistic, abusive parents can lead to. 
Narcissistic parents often place the burden of maintaining the emotional wellbeing of the family on the children. It is your job as the child to make sure they don’t get upset. It is you who has to keep the cool head and maintain the facade of positivity. Parents like Shadow Weaver, Lillian Luther, and Mother Gothel do not see it as their responsibility to help their children regulate emotion or address it. To them, “negative emotions” are character flaws.
Of course, anyone who’s watched Inside Out knows that emotions aren’t inherently good or bad and feeling, addressing, and understanding them are vital to good mental health.
Too bad Inside Out wasn’t there for Catra, Lena, or Cassandra growing up.
Instead, each of these characters has learned to bottle up and hide emotions like sadness, fear, hurt, and true, deep anger. Lena even outlines her approach to such feelings when helping Brainy, an alien who is basically like an organic computer, solve a problem:
I was not the only person that was reminded of this gem after that scene:
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Putting emotions away in an imaginary box is a real technique for keeping yourself from becoming overwhelmed in a situation where you need to focus. However, “forgetting the box existed” is not the appropriate use of the boxes. They need to be opened, and the feelings addressed. 
Catra is interesting, because in some ways she’s very vocal about her frustration and anger. Yet, that surface level frustration manifests in yelling at her friends and subordinates over their job performance or just being a general jerk. It’s not an expression of her true, deep feelings. Catra doesn’t let anyone see the deep levels of hurt she feels when Shadow Weaver manipulates her to join Adora. Instead, she just almost destroys the world...as you do. Season 4 in particular features a Catra who is more mean to her friends than ever before, yet she is still repressing so much of her true feelings to the point of mental and emotional collapse.
Cassandra also struggles to express her feelings, particularly to Rapunzel. Part of it might be because Rapunzel is her princess, and it’s not Cassandra’s place, but it’s also something she struggles with in general:
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The above line occurs in an episode where Rapunzel knows Cassandra is mad at her and keeps pushing her to share her feelings. As we can see, Cass is not a big fan of that. Even though they talk at the end of the episode, it’s clear that there are still some hurt feelings on Cassandra’s side that she doesn’t express until she has electric blue hair and is singing a rock ballad about “Crossing the Line.” This is also fascinating because, as previously stated, one of the reasons Rapunzel likes Cassandra is her honesty. But, like with Catra, Cassandra can be honest about surface level annoyances, but intensely represses anything deeper.
All three of these characters let their emotions fester until they become deadly infections that poison their relationships, not just with their best friends, but with everyone. Many of these relationships could have been diverted from their dark paths if there had been more honest and open communication both between the characters and internally. If Lena acknowledged the real reasons why she was hurt when learning Kara was Supergirl, if Catra had been honest about feeling overshadowed and pitied by Adora, if Cassandra had expressed the pain she was feeling in her relationship with Rapunzel, things could have been different. Instead, those feelings have turned toxic.
Blond Bulldozers 
I Don’t Care (I ship it)
Just going to do 2, because 3 subjects were a bit much.
Hope to see you there.
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1heartfanfics · 4 years
Never goes away
Trigger warning: DEPICTIONS OF EATING DISORDERS and general mental illness
Please please do not read if this is a stresser or a trigger for you.
“Ooh, this ones really good! I think this might be my favorite. What do you think babe?” Andrew asked, taking another bite. They were at a bakery doing a cake tasting to decide what kind they wanted for their wedding. 
“Oh, um, yeah it’s pretty good,” Zayn said, giving Andrew a tight lipped smile. 
“Okay, so it sounds like you guys are leaning towards white cake and you seem to like the lighter ones better. Here’s a buttercream for you guys to try,” the lady who had been helping them handed them each another plate with a bite sized piece of cake. 
Andrew watched as Zayn’s face went pale - well, even more so - as he stared down at the bite of cake. They’d already tried a handful, but the pieces were small enough that it probably hadn’t even amounted to once normal sized piece of cake yet. But Andrew knew that this was worse for his fiancee. 
“Hey, you don’t have to,” Andrew said quietly, putting a hand on Zayn’s leg. 
“But this is important,” Zayn said, looking at him for the first time since they’d gotten here. Andrew could see the fear in Zayn’s eyes. 
“I know it is, but if you don’t want to do this I can just choose one, it’s okay,” Andrew said.
“What do you guys think of that one...?” the lady trailed off when she saw that they hadn’t touched the one she’d given them.
“We’re just talking about them, could you give a moment please?” Andrew asked. 
“Of course,” she smiled, heading back behind the counter to give them some space to discuss. 
“You don’t care?” Zayn asked. 
“No, I don’t mind. I know that you don’t care what kind of cake we have,” Andrew said.
“I’m sorry, I know I should care about this stuff, it’s just...” Zayn sighed, staring down at his hands again. 
“You don’t have to apologize for this, it’s not something you can help. Why don’t you go look at ties or something next door and I’ll meet you when I’m done. It shouldn’t be too long, I’m really leaning toward the last one we tried,” Andrew said.
“Thank you,” Zayn said, sounding relieved. “I promise I’ll help you with the rest of the planning, cause I do care about it, just... just not this.”
“I know,” Andrew said, then leaned forward to kiss Zayn, before he got up, putting on his coat and heading out the door.
Andrew tried the piece in front of him, amazed to find that it was even better than the last one! This was definitely the one. 
“Well, what do you think?” the lady asked, entering the back room again.
“I love it! I think this is definitely the one,” Andrew smiled. “Zayn had to be somewhere, so he left the decision to me,” he added, feeling the need to explain.
“Ah, perfect! Very trusting,” she laughed, “Now we have a couple frostings to consider,” she continued, rushing back to her kitchen. 
Andrew sighed, glancing toward the door. He really did enjoy this, wedding planning was so exciting. Zayn had gotten pretty excited too, even though it wasn’t really his thing. But trying cakes had been too much for him. Andrew had been worried about this part, but Zayn had insisted that he’d be okay. 
Meanwhile Zayn had sunk down onto a bench just outside the shop. He dropped his head into his hands, breathing heavily. He could feel all the cake he’d eaten churning inside his stomach, even though he knew it wasn’t that much, since the pieces were so small and he’d taken small bites. But something about the number of them added up to be much more in his mind, and it made his stomach turn. 
See the thing is, Zayn didn’t really eat sweets. Like almost never. Not since... Zayn shook his head, trying not to think about it, but it was too late. His mind was already slipping back into the past. 
“Hey, you’re here early today!” Andrew said, walking towards Zayn to hang up his gym back as Zayn was grabbing a rag to wipe down machines with. 
“Yeah, felt like getting a head start on you,” Zayn said, flashing Andrew a smile. The truth was, he’d eaten some potato chips last night after his salad because he was stressed about his test tomorrow, so he had to burn off the extra calories with a longer workout today. 
“Well I better get started then, can’t have you out doing me,” Andrew smirked, pulling off his sweatshirt.
Zayn had met Andrew several weeks ago after they’d used the racks next to each other a couple days in a row. Andrew had introduced himself after his workout one day, and they’d been talking, or well... maybe flirting, ever since. They seemed to be here at almost the exact same times every day. Except that Andrew didn’t go every day like Zayn, but he didn’t know that. Andrew also didn’t know that Zayn was usually here multiple times a day... this was his third workout today. Damn potato chips.
“Hey, you okay?” Andrew asked, snapping him out of his thoughts.
“Huh? Oh, yeah I’m fine, Just a little worn out from school and stuff,” Zayn answered. 
“Yeah, evening workouts suck cause you’ve already done your whole day and stuff. But it’s the only time I have,” Andrew shrugged, following Zayn over to the squat racks. They’d been working out together some, spotting each other and stuff. Last week, they’d even gotten drinks together after they were done. 
Truth be told, Zayn really liked Andrew, and he could tell that Andrew felt the same. But he was afraid to let anyone get too close. He knew that Andrew would try to stop him if he knew. It turned out that it wouldn’t matter anyway, because that day would be the day that he found out, whether Zayn wanted him to or not. 
It was the last set of squats that did him in. He had one round left, 10 reps. He’d already been feeling shaky for most of the workout, after all the potato chips the night before were the last thing he’d eaten. Stupid. So by the time he got to rep 5 he really wasn’t feeling so good. His legs were shaking, sweat pouring down the sides of his face and his chest. 
When he did the next squat, his vision started to go dark. Zayn knew he was going to pass out, and he was holding 130 pounds on his back. He forced his aching legs to straighten back into a standing position, straining against the weight. 
“Get it off,” he managed to get out.
“What?” Andrew asked from behind him. “You good?”
“Take it,” he swallowed hard, fighting against the darkness, “take it off,” 
He didn’t hear what Andrew said after that, but he felt the bar being lifted from his shoulders. Then he gave in, letting the darkness take over his vision as he crumpled to the floor. 
Zayn wiped the tears off of his face, he hadn’t thought about that day in a long time... Andrew had called an ambulance, even rode with him to the hospital. Zayn had woken up with an IV in his arm, Andrew sitting in a chair next to his bed, looking worried. 
‘You have to eat,’ Andrew had said, gesturing to the tray of food sitting in front of him.
They’d had a long talk, Zayn telling him everything, even though they still hardly knew each other. But even so, Andrew had felt so bad for not noticing what Zayn was doing to himself. They started dating shortly after that. 
Andrew had helped him get better. Helped him to eat healthier and exercise less. Helped him to love himself for who he was. In fact, he probably wouldn’t be alive today if it wasn’t for Andrew. 
The thing about eating disorders though, is that they never really go away. Maybe you learn to manage it, push those feelings away, shove the old habits somewhere deep down where you can’t get to them. But they’re always there. Those feelings and those habits, the mindset, it never completely goes away. 
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