#might as well post it now))
fettiowi · 1 year
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Also, thinking about this thing i drew like almost 2 years ago in my notes app and never posted
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leafstem · 6 months
A man
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duckiemimi · 5 months
i had a drafted rant about how kenjaku bowed out too quickly and how so many things are left ambiguous with them gone and lo and behold: 257. thank u jjk, the gift that keeps on giving
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crazyexdirkfriend · 6 months
(excerpt from Neverland, Baby! that didn't quite make the cut- might as well post it here)
“We can go somewhere else,” you say. You more mouth it than anything else. The music is too loud, leaking in under the heavy bathroom door like the faucet leaks from the pipes below the sinks into the cracks on the sticky linoleum. Your heart is still in your throat, worried you’ll be caught even though you know no one around here cares. 
It was some J name you didn’t catch. But J name has his hands on your belt loop and he’s stopped, shaking a little, midway through undoing it because the door opened and now someone is taking a piss in the stall next to you. You hope he hasn’t got stage fright because he’s got this evening stubble thing going on and you’re eager to get back to the carpet burn. 
If you’re being perfectly honest, this isn’t your scene. But neither is waking up in some dickhead’s apartment the next day and watching him trip over a way that gets you to leave quicker. Neither is making over-easy eggs in your single frying pan while some poor sap beats around the bush looking for his missing sock under your bed before he makes an excuse to leave without it and you retrieve it from its hiding place just to throw it into the trash once he’s down the stairwell. 
You think you have a thing for flight risks. You were never challenged enough as a kid. Now you’re obsessed with overcoming the only lasting challenge you’ve ever faced; making people stay. 
“Maybe I should go,” J name says, high pitched and panicked, dropping your belt like it’s hot. It’s not his scene either. He has a paler patch on his finger, class ring shaped, and is wearing board shorts. You can smell wannabe tourist a mile away; a tourist because he won’t stay here, a wannabe because he wishes it was because he didn’t belong here, but he does. So far back in the closet, he’s refound God in the form of an anthropomorphic lion and he’d rather let it bite his head off than crawl back out. You know his type.
“You should stay,” you say, biting down hard on his neck. He sucks in a breath of air before remembering he’s supposed to be pushing you off. 
“I should go,” he insists, but you don’t let go of him, don’t stop pressing him against the stall of the door until he follows it with, “but can I have your number?”
You have a cellphone, were probably the first guy outside of San Francisco to carry one. They’re bricks and the telemarketers that give you background noise while you’re writing at three in the morning keep saying that one day they’re going to get smaller but the pockets of your pants are huge and it still doesn’t fit. You’re good with numbers though. And you carry a pen. 
He holds his arm out for you in the dark and you spit the cap of the biro across the stall before scrawling Dirk and ten digits across his arm. Maybe he also owns a cellphone. Maybe he’s the kind of guy who’ll call you from a pay phone while his wife sleeps upstairs. You can’t wait to find out.
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quadrilioquy · 2 years
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you’re so uncultured, prowl, gosh
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snowthedemonfox · 2 years
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rise is trending again lets go boys
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baby44girl · 2 years
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cure-stardust · 1 year
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Hell yeah I love Project Sekai
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bittersot · 7 months
Light(ADHD) and Void(the me without ADHD) are mixing again, and I don't know what my personality, thoughts nor opinions are anymore. I feel like In drawing a blank thinking about my own identity.
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polygonate · 7 months
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a short comic about uhh dont worry about it
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danielcalmdown · 1 month
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The day after the tribunal
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reference-artist · 1 year
for those who may stumble upon this blog—
hiya! I'm sym n I usually just use this blog to reblog art/photos I think are aesthetically pleasing! I'll tend to tag it with the thing in question that made it give me inspiration in the photo, as something to find it a little easier. I also reblog art/creative tips from time to time, which can be found in the #reference tag.
this is a sideblog. my main is @kindlecorner!
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u3pxx · 9 months
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old silly comic that i will most likely never finish bc my art style has changed way too much since last january for me to be able to draw in the old style consistently across all panels
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recycledraccoon · 5 months
What if....
Damien and Danyal Al Ghul are twins. Danyal takes heavily after Bruce but Damien is a perfect mix of their parents, and he came out of the artificial womb first, so Damien is decided to be the heir.
Growing up in the League is hard, but Damien excels in a way that Danyal doesn't, because for all the potential Danyal has, he hates the killing and there is a rebellious streak evident even as young as they are. A rebellious streak is a...very dangerous thing to have. Grandfather won't kill Danyal, for as ruthless as he is he doesn't kill his own lineage. But that is not to say that the additional "training" Danyal goes through is merciful.
Damien and Danyal love each other, not just as brothers but also in the way partners do when they don't even have to blink to anticipate the others actions in the midst of action. Which is why Damien, not even yet six, can see the way Danyal is being broken down under the burden of their joint legacy.
So many times, in so many of the universes in which he exists, Danyal Al Ghul is or is seemingly killed, of which is the catalyst for his escape from the League of Assassins, and his brother is left behind thinking him truly dead.
In this universe, when the Demon Twins are out on a training mission (an assassination of a target so easy it's beneath the League for anything other than the simplest of first training missions) a massive earthquake occurs.
They are alive at the end, but both their communication devices are beyond repair. Damien is more roughed up than Danyal at the end, but both are dirty and bloodied.
This is an unprecedented opportunity, of which Damien knows deep down he will never get again.
He loves his brother deeply, but Danyal is weak, always hesitating before the kill, hands shaking. Damien loves his brother and fighting side by side, but he values more the quiet moments when Danyal is looking at star maps and trying to match them up with the sky above their home or making snarky comments about their trainers under his breath. (After when they can't hear Damien doesn't laugh but Danyal always knows he agrees and is amused.)
Grandfather's and Mother's additional training to bring Danyal up to Damien's level is making Danyal go quiet and emotionless and Damien is selfish.
(Damien convinces his twin brother to leave the League of Assassins.)
Damien drags himself to the rendezvous point and returns home alone, reporting the target dead and his brother lost under rock in the quake, body unable to be recovered. He is colder, furious at the world and himself. He pushes and pushes and PUSHES himself. He is the last remaining of a set and he will prove himself perfect to carry the title of Heir perfectly and without reproach. He is more loyal day by day, the guilt his selfishness and betrayal of his family a deep sting he can't ignore.
Talia does search, but so many bodies were lost or unidentified inside mass graves. She grieves and then refocuses on her remaining son without looking back. Grandfather laments the loss, but cares little for the spare in the long run.
Meanwhile, Danyal hid himself long enough to sneak onto one of many transports filled with foreign aid. He is small and sneakier than any average stowaway, and remains undetected all the way to the US.
He doesn't go to Gotham to find his father, but picks a direction at random and leaves, until eventually he's picked up and put in the system. Bouncing around until one day, not long after he turns seven, the Dr.'s Fenton and their young daughter are visiting in their search to adopt their second child. (A combination of genetics and radiation from their earliest experiments in college leaving the pair with low fertility rates and very high risks if they ever did get pregnant. The two get procedures early on and adopt Jazz when she is still fairly young, but wait until she is a bit older before adopting again.)
Danyal Al Ghul had an older twin brother.
Daniel Fenton doesn't think he could handle having an older brother again, but an older sister is acceptable.
Danyal left to go full civilian, and when Damien had sent him off decided he would carry that knowledge to his grave if he must. He tells no one, and does not even mention ever having a twin when he goes to live with their Father in Gotham. If Mother did not tell Father of the deceased son, then neither will Damien.
Danyal Al Ghul is dead, and Damien will keep it that way.
(The greatest secret is this: The two have never lost contact. It is very easy, during a natural disaster, to steal a pair of burner phones, each with one number only on them and prepaid with enough stolen funds to last years. Danny smuggles his with him in one piece, Damien smuggles his in pieces, ready to be hidden and repaired when necessary. He checks it scarcely, but every few months is enough to make sure his twin is alive. When he goes to live with Father in Gotham, they communicate a bit more frequently. This remains his most fiercely protected secret.)
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starstruckodysseys · 5 months
the latest fhjy ep having “murder of a minor” in the content warnings: okay, it’s a big, terrifying fight and it’s entirely possible one of the bad kids goes down. we’ve been through this before, it’ll be fine
the actual murder of a minor happening:
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ciearcab · 10 months
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old hades piece i never finished cleaning up
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