#might have to live on FA and such instead
jesamjdbutfurry · 2 years
i have. potentially 7 commissions being worked on rn. i may have gone overboard on this batch, will slow down afterwards.
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amalisam · 28 days
Great! I was fired from my job today because I am Palestinian. :)
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Hi, I'm Amal, a Palestinian architect from Gaza! I traveled to Germany two years ago to support my family back in Gaza. Since we lost our house, shops, and all our sources of income, I've had to shoulder the financial burden alone. It's been incredibly tough for me in the last eight months to send money to my family weekly, especially with the ongoing war destroying our income and causing prices in Gaza to skyrocket. There were days when I had zero money for days on end. I even had to downgrade from an apartment to a single room to cover my expenses and rent. I also lost my company; yes, I had a small architectural firm in Gaza. I had dreams of seeing it grow, but everything crumbled.
Now, both my family and I are without homes and jobs. This is unbearable! Is being Palestinian a curse, or what?
I really can't bear it anymore. Isn't it enough that our photos are all over social media platforms, appealing for donations on GoFundMe? What bothers me the most is that the innocent people who donate to us are just like us, struggling to pay rent and taxes, already burdened with their own hard lives. On top of that, I feel like a burden to them. Why should nations pay for the consequences of the stupidity and brutality of their leaders? They might start World War III instead of stopping genocide!
Four months ago, I fell victim to someone in a high position in Egypt who pretended they would evacuate my family for 20k, instead of the 40k. To some of you, this might seem like a small amount, but for me, it was all I had. Why does the world agree to suffocate us? Why do we have to pay money for our lives at all?
I feel daily ashamed for not joining the protesters; I keep asking myself if I get arrested, they'll kick me out. But to where? I am completely without a home to shelter me if I was kicked out! What will happen to my family? Who will support them? Why are we being exterminated, and our children slaughtered?
Why was I fired? 💔
Why is this world so cruel? 💔
A Thousand Whys and Whys!
I needed to vent my anger. Thank you to everyone who read this.
Title: A Normal Day for a Palestinian Abroad
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woso-dreamzzz · 6 months
Not German
Hardersson x Teen!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: You're not German
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Magda doesn't often get phone calls from her manager. Most of the time it's emails or good old-fashioned letters in the mail so when she gets the phone call, she's a little confused.
She's even more confused when the topic turns out to not even be about her but you instead.
"Does y/n hold German citizenship?"
Magda's confused. "Huh? Erm...I don't know, why?"
"Was she born in Germany? Is that where her birth certificate is from?"
Magda laughs slightly. "Which one?" She turns serious though as anxiety swells in her gut. "Yeah, she's got a German birth certificate. And a Swedish one and a Danish one."
She hears her manager swear on the other side of the phone.
"What's wrong?"
"Germany are interested."
"Interested? In what?"
"In having her play for their under-fifteen team."
Magda laughs again. "They can't do that. She's not German."
"Legally, she is. She was born in Germany. She's lived there for more than five years. She was registered in a German school while you and Pernille were at Bayern. Under the eligibility rules, she meets the criteria."
"She's not German," Magda insists.
"It's called jus soli - the principle of birthplace. She was born in Germany. She has citizenship. They can call her up if they want."
Magda swears. "They can't," She insists," I...I won't let them. We've settled. We're good where we are. She's too young to be shipped off across the world to a country that-"
"To a country that's interested in her? A country whose language she's fluent in? A country that she's grown up in?"
Magda grinds her teeth. "A country that shouldn't be trying to poach the future star of Sweden or Denmark. How did they even find out about this anyway? It's sneaky. She's not theirs to have."
"No! She's barely fourteen! She's not going to Germany!"
"Who's not going to Germany?"
Pernille appears in the doorway, still wrapped up in her coat from where she's just gotten back from dropping you off at training.
"y/n." Magda's still grinding her teeth. "Germany want her."
"For what?"
"To play on their youth team."
It's not often that rage flickers on Pernille's face but this is clearly one of those times.
"She's not eligible to play for them," She says firmly, as if her speaking it into existence will make it happen.
"Apparently she is. Some stupid law about being born in Germany," Magda replies, turning her phone onto speaker.
"They can't have her."
"That's what I said."
"She's too young to go off to Germany by herself."
"I said that too."
"You're missing the point," Magda's manager says," They're inviting her to play for them. It's not them saying she has to or them pretending that they're her only option. Just an option. She's not registered with them so they put out feelers with the Swedish FA who put them in contact with me."
"She's not German," Magda insists again, feeling her throat tighten.
In her mind, Sweden and Denmark were always going to be the only option for you. One day, one (or both) would want to call you up for the senior team. One day, you would choose which of your mothers' footsteps to walk in. One day, you would either be wearing Sweden or Denmark's colours at an international tournament.
She hadn't even considered that your birth and time spent growing up in Germany would mean that you might not end up in either her's or Pernille's team.
"Listen, Germany knows that. They know that but they also know who her parents are, they know she's on track to be one of the best keepers in the world. They know that she speaks the language and she's smart. To them, securing her now could mean she chooses them when she turns eighteen and all three of us know that when she hits eighteen, she's going to be great. It's tactical for them. Sure, they lucked out on her meeting all of the eligibility criteria and, sure, it's completely underhanded and sneaky of them but, ultimately, it's no one's decision but hers. She's not registered with them. If they want her they go through me and they go through you. But they want her and a decision needs to be made."
"A decision has been made," Magda says," The decision is no. They can't have her. She's too young to go to Germany by herself. She's too young to be mixed in with the politics of this all. It's confusing and I won't let it happen."
Pernille's nodding firmly at her side even though Magda's manager can't see them.
"It's...Magda, I understand what you're saying. I do. None of us want her in German colours but...it's not your decision to make. It's hers."
"She's not here right now," Pernille says after a long stretch of silence," She's at practice."
"Talk to her when she comes home," Magda's manager says," Let her make the decision."
You think Momma and Morsa have had an argument when you slip through the front door after having been dropped off back home by your friend's mother.
The vibe at the dinner table is frosty and you glance between your mothers awkwardly.
You're not entirely sure what they could have argued about but it's making your dinner very unenjoyable.
"So," Morsa says finally, putting her cutlery down," What do you think about Germany?"
Momma shoots her a look and your eyes dart between them.
"Er...Are we moving again? Back to Germany?"
Morsa's eyes widen. "Why? Is that something you want? You want to go back to Germany?"
Momma keeps glaring at her and horror swirls in your stomach.
"Are you two breaking up?" You ask quickly, looking between them in disbelief. "Is that why you're asking about Germany? Is one of your moving to Germany and you're sorting out who I'm living with?"
You stand up quickly, your chair clattering to the ground.
"I-I don't want to have this conversation."
"No! No, princesse." Momma reaches out to grab at your wrists, pulling you into her grip. "Me and Morsa aren't breaking up. We're not separating. We're not moving to Germany."
Morsa scoffs.
"We're not moving to Germany, Magda!" Momma snaps before pulling away, her tone softening," I'm sorry for worrying you, princesse, but me and Morsa got a call today."
"A call?"
You're guided back into your seat.
"A call," Morsa says. Her hands are clenching and releasing on top of the table.
"And...This call had nothing to do with you two separating?"
"Nothing at all," Momma assures you," It just threw us."
"And it's about Germany?"
"You were born in Germany," Morsa continues, though her eye twitches like it did all those years ago when Leah Williamson gave you her shirt," And you went to school in Germany, when you were younger. Do you remember?"
"I only went to school once a week," You reply," You home schooled me the rest of the time."
"We did but it was still a German school you went to."
"I guess. What has this got to do with the call, though?"
"My manager called earlier. Germany's interested in inviting you to their under-fifteen team."
"Oh." You sink down in your seat. You don't like where this is going at all. Both of your mothers had played for their youth teams. They were always going on about how much of a good experience it was for them.
You hadn't been called up for either Sweden or Denmark just yet.
You don't know if you really want to go to Germany to play.
You laugh bitterly. "Germany, huh? I'm...I'm not German."
"Under the law, you are. And under the eligibility criteria, they can ask you to play for them," Momma explains.
"Oh..." You play with your food. "When do I have to leave?"
You don't want to play for Germany at all. You don't want to play for anywhere but Denmark or Sweden. But Momma and Morsa always go on and on about how much it improved them to play in the youth teams. You don't want to let them down.
You don't see Morsa's face fall at your words. "You want to go?"
"Do I have a choice?" You sullenly look at your food. Suddenly, everything tastes like ash in your mouth.
"Of course, princesse," Momma assures you," You always have a choice."
"You won't make me play if I don't want to?"
"Of course not."
"And-And Germany won't force me to play for them either?"
Morsa lays a hand on your arm. "What makes you think that Germany will force you to play for them?"
"Tia Tana said once that she and the Spanish team went on strike and then they all got called up during their next international break."
"This is a youth team, princesse," Morsa says," They have no right to ask that of you and they'll have to get through me, Momma and Sweden and Denmark to make you. You don't have to play for them if you don't want to."
"And you won't get mad? You always say that playing on the youth teams developed your skills."
"We won't get mad," Momma says," You don't want to play for Germany?"
"Okay. Then you won't play for Germany."
"That simple?"
"That simple."
You breathe out a long breath as your body finally relaxes, all of the tension bleeding out of the room.
Morsa is in a similar position, finally looking relaxed for the first time since you got home.
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houserautha · 1 month
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These Destined Touches
Summary: Feyd-Rautha’s POV from Part 4. You know what scene I’m referencing.
Pairings: Feyd-Rautha x F!Reader
Word Count: 741
Warnings: female masturbation, male masturbation. A lot of masturbation.
A/N: You don’t necessarily need to have read These Destined Ends to read this, everyone needs to be able to enjoy Feyd masturbating. (But you should read TDE)
"Do not be so easily influenced by a girl," the Baron had sneered at him. Smoke billowed from his lips, and Feyd had tried to focus on it instead of the urge to strangle his uncle.
He hated that the Baron saw through him so effortlessly, had exploited his weakness like turning over a rock and exposing the wriggling bugs underneath. Feyd did not like weakness. He had pruned all of them from his mind — or, at least, that's what he thought.
Feyd was out on an errand for his uncle, collecting payment from someone on his endless payroll. Usually he enjoyed these errands. More often than not they ended in violence, in a chase, in the clean swipe of his blade across a jugular. He practically lived for the resulting warm spray of blood on his face. But he found himself loathing the task because it took him from you.
He wanted to know what you were doing, what you were thinking. He wanted to see the glint in your eye when he purposefully provoked you.
Feyd needed to purge you from his mind.
So he sought out a well known tailor on the planet and commissioned a dress for you, knowing that you would sooner gouge out your eyes than deny him and let him triumph. Feyd wanted to humiliate you thoroughly, strip you of your confidence and drive you from his thoughts.
He hadn't expected you to strip, however, to stand naked before him like some sort of resplendent goddess. Feyd couldn't drink you in fast enough, committing to memory every inch of your body and the way your nipples pebbled in the cool air or perhaps with your own arousal. It had done the opposite of what he wanted, rooting you even more deeply into his mind.
"I'll see you at dinner," he said flippantly. He had turned and strode from the room before you could notice his tented pants.
Feyd's anger stoked his hardening cock, though, no matter how much he tried to will it away. Eventually he gave up in soothing his desire — it wouldn't go away, not as long as the sight of your naked form was still burned behind his eyelids. And so he stormed to your shared quarters, flinging open the doors to search for you, the searing words he wanted to unleash burning his tongue. But you were nowhere to be found.
Then he heard it: the sweetest sound, breathy and needing, over the roar of the shower. It stopped him in his tracks. Steam poured out from under the door of the bathroom.
Feyd dared closer.
And there it is again.
He can feel heat pool down to his cock, swollen head twitching at the sound of your whimpers and moans. You’re pleasuring yourself.
“Feyd,” he heard you sigh.
Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
Feyd, fearing that you might catch him — or worse, he might cum right there — slipped out of the chambers. His feet carried him to his strategy room, blissfully dark and empty. The door has barely closed behind him when he’s fumbling for his pants, his cock.
He glided his digits along the underside of it and then circled the head, breath hitching in his throat as he imagined your hand in placement of his. Feyd dragged his fingers up over his slit, gathering the pre-cum and slicking his cock with it. He groaned. Goaded by the image of you naked, he gripped the length of his member and began stroking it, hips bucking in response to his touch.
Feyd conjured the memory of you, summoned to mind what it might feel like to plunge his cock inside you. He thrusted faster into his hand. Would you still look at him with that glint in your eye as you rode him?
His hand blurred over his shaft, wrist snapping to wring out his own pleasure. Feyd closed his eyes as his orgasm crested, breath sawing from his chest faster and faster. “Fuck!” He growled.
Cum shot from his throbbing cock, over his hand and stomach. He worked through the climax and the shuddering aftershocks, lids fluttering, tongue darting out to wet his parted lips. Feyd lingered for a moment, then quickly went to work cleaning himself and fastening his pants. He licked up the residual black cum from his fingers, plotting exactly how he was going to get you back for this transgression at dinner.
@moonsoulk @heartarianagran @torchbearerkyle @unicoreads @taleah @mamawiggers1980 @jovialeggsbailiffsoul @harkonnin @avidreader73 @unicorntrooper @beebeechaos @kamcrazy123 @wo-ming-bai @m-indkiller @kpopnstarwars @dacreshoney @stopeatread @the-na-baroness @therealslimshady-1 @unnisumi @aoi-targaryen
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mssonepiece · 6 months
You said you wanted one..
Satoru Gojo x Reader
From this poll.
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You and Satoru have decided to take the next step in your relationship by moving in together. You've been dating for five years now, and after bringing it up so often you decided to shoot the bullet and ask Satoru if he really wanted to find a place to grow and start a family of your own. You were nervous asking him such a question at first but he agreed that you'd been dating so long that you might as well live together. Adding that it would be much easier to sleep in the same bed when you aren't having to travel to each others houses every night. It's been a serene few weeks breaking into the new house and creating new habits. Picking a house that suited both of your requirements was very stressful on you and finally being able to relax knowing all the furniture was in place, was everything that you needed with this move. With everything being in order, you and Satoru were able to spend days at home resting on the couch or in bed. The move has brought you together much closer than you've ever been. It felt like you didn't need anything else from life in this moment. However, Satoru walking past a pet store on his way from work couldn't help himself from getting pulled into the shop. He took his time browsing around all the fish, birds, dogs, and eventually cats that were in the back of the store. There's a range of colors to pick from of small kittens, they have to be at least 3 months old. Instantly Satoru knew that he had to bring one of these kittens home to you. He remembers how you mentioned loving animals and wanting a few of your own one day, which is only temping him to buy one more. A yellowish-orange kitten with a cream colored patch covering half of its face stretches up the glass as far at it can reach, catching Satoru attention. He can't help but let out an audible 'aw' at its actions, smiling brightly at the thoughts in his head. He takes a minute to watch all the kittens play before walking up to the staff to show them which cat he will be taking home.
You got home from working at your office job about an hour ago, deciding to unpack a few of the remaining boxes lying around the house to tidy up a bit. It’s an attempt at trying to keep yourself busy while waiting for Satoru to get home from a "hard" day of teaching, though after a while you notice it seems to be taking a little longer today than normal. It’s not long before you get tired of emptying boxes and opts for putting on a tv show to past the time instead. Half an hour later the click of the front doors lock and the footsteps of Satoru's boots pulls away your attention from the show you put on. "I'm home," He shouts in a sing-song tone. "and I got something for us!" Closing the door behind him and taking his time to take his shoes off. You lunge off the couch and walk through the living room/kitchen to where the main entrance of your newly shared home is.
"Hi baby. Whatchu get?" You try getting on your tippy-toes to look around his frontside. He was attempting to hide something in his jacket but wasn’t doing a very good job as he was revealing the surprise to anyone in front of him. Satoru giggles, doing his best to not just show the cute kitten he's got on his detour to his lover. "Hey!" dragging out the 'y' when he still doesn’t show you what he's hiding. "Show me already Satoru!" You grab onto his sleeve, starting a small tug of war with him and his arm. Finally you pull him to face your direction with all your might, all he says is a quick 'tada' before presenting the small orange kitten to you in his large hands. "Oh my god.." Your jaw drops for a moment. Before you can register what's going on you're grabbing the kitten out of Satoru's hands.
"Be careful!" He jokes.
"I know. Oh my god Toru. I can't believe this! I've literally been wanting an orange cat for so long!" The smile on your face is more than worth it to Satoru.
"The worker said that this was one of their favorite cats in the store and she's such a little cuddle bug." Satoru laughs at the employees words, enjoying the view of the new responsibility. "She was climbing all over me on the walk home. She's a cutie, just like you sweetie."
"Aww. Really? That's so cute!" Your smiling so hard its starting to hurt but your certain your already in love with this kitten Satoru got. "I love her!" Cuddling the kitten up to your face you feel her purring lightly. Satoru feels a rush of heat flow through him as he watches his girlfriend with the small animal. His smile is also starting to hurt his face but he doesn’t care.
"What should we name it?" Satoru grabs your waist and pulls you into him. He has the perfect view of his girl and his kitty.
"It! Satoru!" You pet the kitten comfortingly as if it understood Satoru's comment. He rolls his eyes, giggling at the face you make and taking the chance to pull you closer. "We should name her.. hmm" You look down at the kitten to see if it'll ignite any ideas in your brain. "How about-"
"How about we name it Suguru?" Satoru chuckles.
"Shut up. We aren't naming her Suguru." You roll your eyes which only making Satoru laugh larger. "We need to pick a cute name, not our dead best friends babe." He juts out his bottom lip. He looks so cute that it makes you laugh. Your laugh always makes Satoru's heart do cartwheels, it makes him feel lightheaded knowing that he's the one making you laugh or smile. He drops his head to your shoulder, nuzzling his face into your neck. The kitten puts its small paws on his face, causing another cute laugh from you. "Aww, you look so cute together." He smiles at your comment, bringing one hand up from your waist to pet the kitten. "Let's name her Honey. Because her furs the color of honey, and she's super sweet." There's no response, you only feel Satoru nod and his hair tickling you from in your neck. You're sure you haven't dropped the smile from your face since Satoru walked through the door. Who would have guess he would have gotten you the kitten you've been wanting to get yourself for years. You always put it off due to work, worried that you wouldn't be home enough to actually take care of a kitten. Now with Satoru around it will be much easier to raise an animal. His warm breath against your neck and collar bones is relaxing, and the view of him petting and admiring your new kitten is causing butterflies in your stomach. You let out a satisfied hum as it seems life could never be better than it is now. Finally moving in with your long-term boyfriend, having a beautiful home, a stable job, and now a new pet to top it off. It truly feels like you are starting a family with Satoru after all these years..
Would y'all be interested in a part 2?
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anitalianfrie · 2 months
Hi hi I’m relatively new to MotoGP so I don’t know if you maybe made a post about this before already but! What’s the accent variety like in the Italian lads? Bc I learnt Italian for a year and I loooveee love picking apart accents and silly lil language things but I’m just not used enough to spoken Italian to identify any variation from the standard. I’ve been told tho that Bez has a notable accent but do any of the others as well?🤔
accents ask accents ask stay calm! (sorry i am. very passionate about accents) also disclaimer: i am very much not an expert! i'm just having fun here
okay so, all the italian riders (that are important to me) come from one of these three places: Emilia-Romagna, more specifically Romagna, even more specifically near Rimini*; Lazio, more specifically from Rome; Piemonte, more specifically from around Turin.
*only exception is dovi who was born a leedle more in the inland. but only a leedle.
Here's a map where I have circled the zones of interest
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(yes the circle around Turin is enormous it's because I'm not searching on google maps the minuscule ass place cele lived in)
You can hear the Romagnolo accent in Bez, Vale, Enea, Luca, Dovi, Mig, with various degree of intensity. Luca is probably the one with the less strong accent, but it's still very identifiable. There are of course still some differences in the way they speak (i noticed that for some reason Vale tends to open his e more than bez, sometimes making a ⟨ɛ⟩ sound rather than a ⟨e̞⟩ sound). Their accent is caractherized mainly by the way they say the s, the z and the c, that they tend to almost hiss. Here's an example of Bez saying his surname, and somebody from another region saying it. (first the person with the other accent, then bez)
In the audio you can also hear the e thing i was talking about: in Romagna they tend to close it more then they do in some other places in the north (for example the other guy is from Lombardia)
Between all of them, Bez's accent is probably the strongest. I once said that hearing him talk feels like being slapped in the face by a piadina, and I will repeat it.
Both Franco and Diggia are from Rome, but to be honest, Franky's accent is almost unperceptible. Really difficult to clock. Diggia has a stardard Rome accent, but not that strong. People from Rome have a very distinct accent (and also probably one of the easiest to do) characterized by the frequent use of dialectal terms. You can hear it for example in the c and g, that tend to be a bit more guttural, and the l tends to become a r. Also, due to the dialect thing, they tend to cut the verbs: for example fare becomes fa', andare becomes anda'.
For the Piemontese accent, we encounter a slight problem: I am also from Piemonte, and therefore it's harder for me to clock how strong the accent is. The main thing that you can hear about this accent is the o, that tends to become more of a ou. Prime example in this baby cele clip, when he says 'porte'. Adorable. Also, around Turin they tend to close the e (while we, from the secret location i'm blogging from, tend to open them). People from Piemonte also tend to say 'neh' a lot, but I don't have clips of Cele saying it because it's quite informal. I might try do to a deep dive later. And I can't say much more about this accent because as I said, I can't really hear it.
You might have noticed that pecco is nowhere to be found in the list up until now. That's because his accent INFURIATES me. He's from Piemonte but doesn't have the accent, and instead has a slight Romagnolo accent. Here's a clip from this year's Sanremo that made me cry in pain.
Another thing you might have noticed is that the guys from the northen regions (Emilia-Romagna and Piemonte) will frequently put an article in front of people's names, even if grammatically incorrect. Il Cele. Il Bez. Il Pecco. L'Enea. Il Vale. We just do that. You will not catch Diggia ever saying it, because people from the centre and south of italy just don't. do it.
I hope this was somewhat idk. interesting? useful? if you have some more questions do ask i love to talk about these things
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thevelria · 9 months
Are you looking for a vampire? (vampire!Gojo x fem!reader) (SFW)
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Author's note: I've never written vampire Gojo before and I haven't even seen too much of fics with him as a vamp. So I wanted to try something new since I love vampires and I love Gojo.
Also huge thanks for my lovely @ladycheesington as always <3
warnings: mentions of blood but other than that it's pure flirt and fluff
Big yawn and an even bigger stretch eased your pain. It was dark, late at night but you were still working on the research. As a journalist at a famous newspaper you had to sacrifice your sleep from time to time. You never complained, though, because you loved your job, your coworkers and surprisingly you had a wonderful boss. 
Supernatural stories of yours made into a series in the magazine. Your readers loved your work and nudged you for a while to come up with something about vampirism. Weeks, even months have passed and you kept searching for any proof of their existence.
As you were walking down the street you felt like someone followed you. The bit of a rainy night, the chilly wind and your lack of sleep made you think your mind played a game with you. 
The key slid easily into the lock and heard that clicking sound before opening your front door. As you stepped in you took off your shoes and placed your umbrella into its holder a funny feeling rushed through your body.  “I’m so tired.” you mumbled as you walked into the living room and turned on the lights. 
Crystal white hair and a pair of piercing blue eyes greeted you. Instantly you froze in your action as the shock took over your body. You wanted to scream or run away but instead you stood still without a slight move. A few seconds passed when you grabbed your phone in your pocket and tried to dial the number of the police. Before you were able to hit the call button the device simply disappeared from your palm. Your eyes widened and your lips parted. 
“I’ve heard you were looking for a vampire.” the raspy voice broke the tense silence and you snapped your head to the unknown man. The second you noticed your phone in his hand you frowned. “Okay, this is interesting.” you thought to yourself. 
“Who are you?” you breathed heavily. “What do you want? Why are you in my home and how did you get in and…” you kept shooting all the questions without a break. 
“Easy.” he chuckled. “As I said I’ve heard you were looking for a vampire, so  thought I would visit you.” 
Insanity? Probably. But you walked slowly to your desk, grabbed your laptop and placed it on the table before you took a seat right in front of the unknown handsome man. “I swear I’ll be so ashamed if he’s going to kill me.” you thought.
“Are you trying to say you are one of them?” you frowned.
“I’m not trying, I am literally saying that.” he smirked and flashed his fangs slightly. Your eyes widened and you gulped big. 
“Well, I might regret this but would you give me an interview then? First you could start with your name…” you clicked your tongue but regretted it instantly. Maybe giving an attitude to a vampire wasn’t the best idea. On the other hand he just chuckled and nodded. 
“I’m Gojo Satoru, nice to meet you.” 
After a few minutes of basic and boring questions, such as how old is he, where he comes from etc, you asked him about his past. Gojo surprisingly answered every question you asked him. He talked for hours about his home, he described the centuries he lived in with so much detail it amused you. 
“You’re telling me you were turned in the 1700s?” your eyes widened. 
“Exactly. It was a messy night. I was drunk and reckless and blinded by those big, fat boobs.” he cleared his throat. “I mean I was tricked…”
You pulled a slight smirk while shaking your head a bit. “Power of the boobs.” you whispered.
“You know I can hear you, right?”
“Sorry.” you felt as the blush crawled upon your face.
After talking about the 1700s he stopped out of the blue.
“Why did you stop?” you looked up at him confused. You noticed him staring at your neck like a beast gazes at its prey. “Uhm, it would be a shame if you killed me now.” you tried to hide your nervousness. “You know, before I publish your story and all…”
“I would never hurt you, darling.” he growled. 
“Will you continue? I think we just got to the end of the 1700s.”
“No, not tonight.” he slowly stood up and pushed back the chair. The confused look on your face made him chuckle. “I won’t tell you everything at once, so I can see you tomorrow night too and the day after.” he smirked. 
You blushed from head to toe, you had no idea what was gotten into you but this crystal white haired man definitely had an effect on you. 
The next night you were more eager than you expected. You were sitting in the living room waiting for the vampire. Excitement and fear were mixed in your mind and you had to admit it was going to be harder to handle than it seemed in the beginning. Sweaty palms rested on your thighs, slightly squeezing your own flesh and hoping to ease the tension. Then like a flash of light he appeared in front of you, sitting on the chair lazily once again. 
“Shall we start?” he crossed his legs as he laid back in his seat. 
The upcoming nights seemed exactly like this. You were sitting and waiting for him. There was one thing, though, that kept changing night by night. The feeling of enjoyment. The euphoria he gave you every single time he appeared in your home. You started to feel more and more comfortable around him. He never even once showed any sign of threat, he always acted polite and gentle and maybe he flirted a bit but you weren’t sure about that. 
The realization hit you hard when you noticed it was supposed to be the last night you met him. The story, his story, was about to come to an end. You didn’t want that at all. 
“Hello, beautiful.” he greeted you with his typical sweet smile, flashing his mesmerizing blue eyes at you. “Before we start I have a question I need to ask.” 
You nodded without any words. 
“Would you like to go on a date with me?” he said it as if it was all natural to ask.
“Excuse me?” your eyes widened.
“I like you and you like me too.” he shrugged.
“How do you know that I like you?” you raised one of your eyebrows.
“Oh, drop the act, sweetheart. I can hear your heartbeat. It speeds up the second you see me, whenever I smile at you or compliment you. Oh, just like now. It’s really sweet, you know.” he kept teasing. 
“Okay, okay, fine. Stop it, please.” your cheeks became as red as a tomato. 
“I take it as a yes.” he chuckled as he reached his hand out for you to take. 
There was a huge ferris wheel in the city with cabins which seemed like the perfect place for a date. While you were sitting in it he told you the rest of his story. The way he got into this city and how he heard about you. You tried to focus on his words, you really did try but couldn’t take your eyes off his pinky rose lips. The single thought of feeling his lips against yours drove you wild. Gojo noticed it and playfully made a joke.
“You should take some notes, darling. but you can taste my lips later, if you still want to.” 
Suddenly you choked on the air and cleared your throat. “I wasn’t looking at them like that.” you snapped back. But you both knew it was a lie. You were definitely looking at them like that. 
Satoru leaned so close you could smell his minty breath. “You sure?” he whispered. His words sent shivers down your spine and you lost it. With one quick move you grabbed the back of his neck and crashed your lips against his. His lips tasted just as you imagined if not even better. The second you felt his tongue entering your mouth a soft moan escaped you which encouraged him to keep going. 
After a few sloppy kisses the ride ended you had to leave the cabin. Satoru kept silent but frowned his fingers with yours and you walked to a park hand in hand. 
Billions of thoughts were rushing through your mind when you arrived at a bench and you decided to sit down. The charming vampire kept talking and talking, adding bits of details to the story to be full. A slight smirk crawled upon your face as you started to draw little circles into his palm. Satoru read you like a book, he knew what you were thinking about.
“Are you really sure about this?” he leaned so close he was able to lick your neck. 
“Please!” you begged as you tilted your head a bit, giving him more access. 
At first it felt painful and weird but just a second later the uneasy feeling was replaced with joy and pleasure. You couldn’t help but moan into the night as he kept sucking gently on your neck. Everything happened so quickly you didn’t even realize when it was already over. 
Not even a single drop escaped, he savoured all of it. Maybe the adrenalin, maybe the lack of sanity but you wanted to kiss him more than anything. And so you did. You kissed him. It was a sloppy kiss, an aggressive one and you still tasted your blood on his tongue. 
Even if you were ready to spend the night with this charming vampire he appeared to be a gentleman. 
“We should stop before I lose my control, darling.” he broke the kiss and laid back a bit. 
“What if I want you to lose control?” you teased as you bit his lower lip. A dangerous growl escaped his mouth. His super speed allowed him to take you home in a heartbeat. 
Before you even realized you were laying on your bed and were about to experience how a vampire acted when he lost his control. 
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differenteagletragedy · 3 months
Baxter thought that going back to Golden Grove after so many years away might have been a good experience. Healing, in a way. He at least believed that he wouldn't feel like a walking open wound like he did when he'd left.
But, like so many times before, he was wrong.
Being back in his old hometown left him with a particular kind of ache, one that he was hardly expecting. He'd wanted to reclaim it in a way, walk you down the streets he use to ride his bike on when he was a kid, show you everything -- only his happiest memories. But every single place looked dark now without the hazy happy light of youth to blur it into something better.
He thought that when he saw the old convenience store that he'd think of the boys club, picking out snacks with Qiu and Ren, sustenance for adventures. He'd always reminisced on his own, it had always been a sad thing, but he wanted to desperately for it to turn happy with you. Instead, he pictured the last time he and his old friends came there together, how distant things felt and how hard he tried to hold onto them, how frustrated he was that he just couldn't seem to do it.
Moments like that kept happening -- you wanted to see his dance studio, see the place where that passion was born, but driving by hurt so much that Baxter made an excuse as to why you couldn't stop. When the car passed by the diner, you suggested the two of you pop in for lunch, and his hands clenched the steering wheel so hard they hurt.
After a few times, he stopped making excuses. Not because he was adapting, but because you stopped asking.
That night in the hotel, he felt so incredibly on edge in a way that he hadn't in a long time. He thought he'd been gone from this place long enough to have put all his old hurts behind him, or that at least he'd buried them down deep enough that they wouldn't pop up again, but he was wrong. Being back here, being reminded of how broken he'd been here, was a nightmare. He was scared.
And when he got scared, he pushed people away.
"It's ok," you told him softly, kneeling on the bed behind him as he sat on the edge, wrapping your arms around him. "It's ok to be sad."
Baxter wanted nothing more in that moment than to be the kind of person who could easily accept that kindness, but in Golden Grove, he'd morphed back into that pitiful little boy he was then -- cold, distant, pushing the best parts of himself down so they didn't get hurt. He pried your arms off of his shoulders and let them drop.
You were sweet -- you were always too sweet to him. You put your hands back on his shoulders, gave him a kiss on the cheek, tried to console him. Every tender touch drove home the thought -- the fact -- that he didn't deserve it. He didn't deserve you.
He stood, walking to the window. From there, he could see so much of the town. The backdrop to his beginnings, the place where he'd grown and been taught how worthless he was. He still remembered the whispered remarks he heard about himself, the dirty looks, every one of them well-earned.
Golden Grove felt like a black hole then, one that was quickly swallowing him up. He knew he wouldn't be there forever, it would be just a few short days until he was back in sunny California, but at that moment, he didn't feel like this feeling would ever leave him.
So he left you.
Baxter heard himself distantly telling you his thoughts -- a carefully calm version of them, anyway. It was reminiscent of the way he'd broken up with you years ago after the summer you spent together in Sunset Bird, with him assuring you that you wouldn't miss him, not really, and that he wouldn't bother you again. He blocked out your tears as best he could, and your pleas for him to just stop and talk about things. He'd already made up his mind.
It was easy enough, logistically, he thought. You didn't live together, and you didn't even live in Prism Vista -- it was a long distance relationship you'd formed since Jude and Scott's wedding, and he could make that distance work in his favor now. And before he ran the risk of letting himself be swayed by you, he started putting the distance in place right away by grabbing his bag, still unpacked, and leaving the room.
He wouldn't make this mistake again, he thought to himself. Because that's what you'd been, a mistake, he was sure of it. A beautiful, warm, life-changing mistake that he'd never make again.
You'd be all right, Baxter knew that. You'd find someone soon enough, someone who could give you everything he couldn't.
And as for him, he wouldn't be foolish enough to love someone again. Not ever.
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Shadowsan: Goddamn it, the printer broke while printing out Carmen's birthday invitations. Ivy: Well, what are they supposed to say? Shadowsan: "Carmen's birthday". Ivy: So, what do they say instead? Shadowsan: "Carmen’s bi". Ivy: Ivy: Works out either way.
Player: I’ve never asked someone out. How do you even do it? Ivy: Oh, what I do is, I look them up and down and I say: “Hey… how you doin’?” Carmen, scoffing: Oh, please. Ivy, to Carmen: Hey, how you doin’? Carmen: Carmen: giggles and blushes
Zack: That’s the longest worm I’ve ever seen. Player: That’s a snake.
Ivy: I love them both, but how do I propose to two people? Shadowsan: Two different restaurants, one person at each restaurant. Twice the dessert, twice the applause. Ivy: Won’t people think it’s weird if there is a third person just sitting there, though? Shadowsan: I saw someone feed their pet peacock crème brûlée from their mouth at the French place on the corner last week: I think faux third-wheeling at an engagement is the least of your worries.
Vlad: To be honest, I'm kinda pissed that I'm not asleep in bed next to the love of my life in a cottage with no obligations other than watering my vegetable garden.
{I really need someone to clarify whether they're brothers or two deadpan Russians that Just Look Like That. Because they give such Gay Stone-Faced Lovers but idk. hm. [Looks at the To Steal Or Not To Steal Dip™️*] oh okay}
Boris: Do you want to explain the text you sent me last night? Vlad: It was autocorrect. Boris: Autocorrect wrote "You're so hot. Please step on me."? Vlad: Yes.
Boris: I want to be with you for the rest of my life. Vlad: Damn, that sounds like a marriage proposal. Boris, getting down on one knee: That's 'cause it is.
Boris: We should be partners. Vlad: You mean like, partners in crime? Boris: Yeah… that’s precisely what I meant.
Dr. Bellum: There are 20 letters in the alphabet, right? Cleo: Nope, there's 26. Dr. Bellum: Ah, I must have forgotten U, R, A, Q, T. Cleo: Aww, that's cute, but you're still missing one. Dr. Bellum: You'll get the D later ;).
Cleo: The stars are so beautiful… Dr. Bellum: They're just giant balls of gas. Cleo: You know what, if you're just going to ruin this, then- Dr. Bellum: And yet none of them are as huge as my love for you. Cleo: Oh…
Chase: I just wanted to say that over the years, I have come to regard you as… people I met.
Chase: What’s up? I’m back. Zack: I literally saw you die. You died. You were dead Chase: Death is a social construct.
The squad's reaction to being told they're the chosen one Chase: I will not let you down. Ivy: Sounds fun. Zack: K. Julia: No, I'm fucking not. Carmen: Do I have to be? Shadowsan: Please god, I am so tired.
Shadowsan: Wanna hear some dark humor. Ivy: Yeah, I love dark humor. Shadowsan: Alright. Shadowsan: Turns off the lights Shadowsan: Knock knock. Ivy: Turn the damn lights back on.
Zack, washing the dishes: Who the fuck used this pan?? Zack: Wait. I the fuck used this pan… Ivy: It was you the fuck. Zack: It was I the fuck… Shadowsan: Who cooks rice in a pan? Ivy: They the fuck.
Carmen: trying to buy a Father's Day card at Hallmark Carmen: Excuse me, do you have any that just say "You are my dad?" Associate: Well, I- Carmen: How about "You witnessed the murder of my actual dad?" Associate: No…Wait, wha- Carmen: You know what, I'll just get a blank one. Carmen: writes You are a father. This is a day. Here is a card.
Shadowsan: What must it be like to live in your head? Are there happy ponies in there? It’s really something how utterly delusional your optimism is. If I didn’t hate you so much, I might even be impressed. Chase: Huzzah! I got a heavily qualified and slightly sarcastic compliment from Shadowsan!
Ivy: Its hard to resist, I'm really sorry- I mean, considering your approach so far, you had us tied here for- what? Hours? And you haven’t even had us confirm what exactly we are! Chase: What are you then? Ivy: I'm a Virgo!
Zack: I once tried to play a pirated copy of Garfield Kart, when Garfield jumped out of my PC! We are currently married with three beautiful children and a summer house in Lisbon.
*The Dip from To Steal or Not to Steal {no seriously they slayed. Those little gay boys served every bit of cunt within the timespan of three and a half seconds}
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ALSO, The Entire Video, which is fucking amazing. Masterpiece.
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mymoodwriting · 4 months
Because You're Mine
Female!Reader x Werewolf!SKZ
Genre: A/B/O
Warning: Paranoia, Anxiety, Bullying, Abuse, Biting, Blood, Isolation, Insomnia, Drugs, Medication, Pills, Tears, Betrayal
Words: 3.4K
Chapter Five
(Prev//Next) (@starillusion13 @salfetkablog @youngunknownwitch @loveforred @hydroyaksha @luvyev @meowmeeps @azazel-nyx)
Prompt: With omegas completely removed from society, they needed their own communities and institutions to grow. All your life you had lived and gone to school alongside your fellow omegas, and orphaned alphas. You had managed to keep yourself together, but now at the university level, keeping your secret had grown impossible. You had to face your fears and make friends with an alpha eventually, and now was the time.
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“This can’t be real…”
You wanted all of this to be a dream, even going as far as pinching yourself, but you didn’t wake up. The video was still present on your phone and you were in the real world. You weren’t sure what to do, how to process this, and then a knock at your door startled you.
“Y/n.” You heard Minho’s voice. “Are you alright?”
“Fa… fine!” You yelled. “Just… uh… going to bed…”
“You sure? I-”
“Good night!”
“Ah, okay, good night.”
You should have been sleeping by now, but your racing heart and scent might have been noticed by Minho as he passed by. Once you were sure he was gone you quietly snuck out of bed and went into the bathroom, bringing a blanket with you. For the rest of the night you stayed in the tub unable to fall asleep even when you tried. You weren’t sure you could face anyone come morning, so you got ready for the day and left the dorm before anyone was up. You attended your classes, but you certainly weren’t all there. Occasionally checking your phone to see if that video was still there, or if it was just a figment of your imagination. It wasn’t.
You barely registered the bell ringing to signal class was over until someone accidentally bumped into you. The room was nearly empty so you quickly grabbed your things and headed out. You weren’t really paying attention, thinking you’d get to your next class running on autopilot, but instead you were grabbed and held back. It took you a second to register Hyunjin standing before you, and when you did you quickly pulled yourself away. He didn’t seem concerned about that, but he did seem to be worried about you.
“Hey, what happened this morning? You missed breakfast.”
“You mean domesticate them.”
Hyunjin’s words from the recording rang in your head, causing you to take a step back. Of course he took a step forward, not wanting to create a bigger distance between you. Which ended up with you having your back against the wall.
“Why… why are you here?”
“I had a free period, and wanted to check in. Are you okay?”
“Fine. I’m fine.”
“You sure? You have us all worried.”
You were feeling uneasy with Hyunjin’s gaze on you. Knowing those kind eyes and precious smile were all lies. It was impressive that you had been holding yourself together for this long, but you knew you were gonna break at any moment. You needed to get away from him before he realized things were not in fact fine.
“I need to get going.”
You offered a nervous smile and tried to get away, but Hyunjin followed you, grabbing your arm more forcefully this time and holding you back. Despite your fear there was another feeling inside you, something that told you to defend yourself. In the moment it seemed that instinct took over and you quickly reached over to bite Hyunjin’s arm. He yelled and let you go, which prompted you to run off as fast as you could. You couldn’t just go to your next class as he would know and might follow you, so you went into the bathroom.
You grabbed onto the sink, taking in deep breaths to calm yourself. Although when you looked up at the mirror your eyes went wide. There was blood on your lips, and you suddenly registered the taste. You quickly turned on the faucet and cleaned yourself up, trying not to let the panic consume you. Although it was easier said then done as your legs gave out on you and you collapsed to the floor in tears. You weren’t in a good headspace to be doing anything, and you struggled to breathe. It was just you in this place, alone, with no one to lean on. You weren’t sure how much time passed before you settled down on your own, regaining your composure.
You certainly weren’t gonna go to class, as you wanted to be alone. At this point there was only one place to go, even though it was scary. Your dorm. It should be empty, and you could lock yourself in your room while you figured yourself out. Before heading out you checked the time to make sure the halls wouldn’t be so crowded, and then made your way back to your dorm. Thankfully you got there without interruption. You planned to just lock yourself in your room like you did last night, but as soon as you set foot in the dorm you heard a voice. You thought to run but then Chan appeared, giving you a surprised smile.
“What are you doing back here so soon?”
“Wa… what are you doing here?”
“I asked you first.” Chan stated. “What happened this morning? You snuck out without a word, not even a note.”
“I… I just had a lot on my mind.”
You tried to give a reassuring smile and get away, but Chan stood in your way. The smile on his face put you on edge, but you knew Chan wasn’t just gonna let you walk away.
“What’s wrong?”
“I’m fine.”
“You’re lying. You know I can tell. So what’s going on?”
“I… I…” You had to say something. “The pills…”
“Your meds? What about them?”
“I don’t like it.”
“Y/n, you know you need to take them. If you don’t you’ll get sick.”
“But it still feels weird. I wasn’t told about this until it was necessary, and it just doesn’t sit well with me.”
“It’s part of your biology and perfectly normal. There was no point in telling you and making you worry about it until it was time.”
“I guess… it’s just a lot has changed and… I don’t really like it…”
“I know change can be scary, but it’s also a good thing. And speaking of your meds, I know you didn’t take them this morning, so come on.”
Chan took your hand and brought you over to the kitchen, getting your meds and a glass of juice. It honestly had slipped your mind in the morning, and you would have rather taken them on your own than to do so in front of Chan like this. You took the pills and then retreated to your room. Like last night you locked the door and then hid in the bathroom, the blanket still in the tub, feeling safe enough to relax. Although letting your guard down open the floodgates for more tears. You cried for a while before you decided to take a hot shower, hoping that would help you calm down. It was soothing, and nice, giving you a moment to just breathe.
  You needed to run away from all of this. Honestly you probably should have done that a long time ago. You didn’t know anything about the world out there but surely it was better than here. Once you finished your shower you changed into some comfy clothes, planning to just lay in bed until you could go back to the bathtub. Then you heard a knock at the door and got nervous. You figured it was one of the alphas again, but to your relief it wasn’t.
“Y/n, you in there?” You heard Jisung ask. “You missed classes today.”
You slowly opened the door, seeing that Felix was right behind Jisung, giving you a kind smile.  They asked if they could come in, bringing you some snacks as well. You could use some company so you let them in.
“Are you okay?” Felix asked, sitting on your bed. “Do you feel sick?”
“No, no, I’m alright.”
“Look, I’ll be honest with you.” Jisung admitted. “Chan sent us to check on you, but we’re also worried. We haven’t seen you all day, and I can smell the anxiety on you. Are you sure everything is okay?”
You were far from okay, but you had been asked this over and over again. This time it was different, and you wondered if you should tell them the truth. It was something you kinda wish you could forget, but at the same time, it was very important that you knew what was really going on. Jisung and Felix were your friends, they were omegas like you. They should know what happened that night.
“If I tell you the truth… promise you won’t tell the alphas?”
“Y/n, what’s going on?” Felix questioned. “You’re scaring me.”
“Yeah, of course, we promise.” Jisung confirmed. “You know I can keep a secret.”
It was kind of horrific, to show them the video. Maybe you just didn’t want to be alone in your madness, but either way, you showed them the truth. They listened intently, growing confused and worried as the voices kept talking. When the video finished there was just silence.
“What… what the fuck was that?” Felix questioned. “Those… what are they talking about?”
“Remember that night when the alphas cooked for us…”
“That was real?” Jisung wondered. “I wasn’t sure that happened… I don’t remember going to bed after eating…”
“Me neither…” Felix added. “I thought it was just some weird dream not… this… what did they do to us?”
“I don’t know.” You admitted. “But after that night they started giving us medication, all the omegas take pills now. It must be covering something up.”
“Wait, you think they did this to every omega on campus? I understand drugging us but… the others?”
“The dorms…” Jisung mumbled. “All the omegas dorm in one place… and there’s a strict curfew… they could literally gas the whole building… and they’d really never know…”
“So then… are all the alphas in on this shit?”
“No idea. They could do this to the other omegas without anyone else knowing, but we’re an exception, so they asked the alphas here to cooperate.”
“What… what are we supposed to do? I can’t just… face them… I… I feel sick…”
“I felt like that too.” You said. “I still feel sick actually…”
“I… what do we do…”
“I’m sorry… maybe I shouldn’t have told you but-”
“Y/n, you’ve been losing your mind all day because of this.” Jisung took your hands. “I’m sorry you’ve been dealing with this alone. Something like this shouldn’t be kept from us…”
“I’m scared… I don’t know what I’m supposed to do… the only option I see is to run away… but that won’t be easy.”
“We’ll figure it out together. We’ll get out of this together.”
There was a sudden knock at the door, startling all of you. Jisung held your hand tightly, all three of you sticking close together.
“Hey, y/n, can we come in?”
You really didn’t want to, arguing with both Jisung and Felix, but all three of you hiding like this wouldn’t look good. Eventually Felix got up and unlocked the door. The other three alphas walked into the room, keeping close to the door.
“You guys okay?” Minho asked. “Having a sleepover?”
“We’re fine…”
“I don’t want to take up too much of your guys’ time.” Chan explained. “But Hyunjin told me what happened this morning, and he wanted to apologize.”
“This morning?” Jisung questioned. “What do you mean?”
“I bit him…” You mumbled. “… sorry…”
“No, I’m the one who needs to apologize.” Hyunjin admitted. “I didn’t mean to upset or frighten you. I’m really sorry.”
“I’m sorry too… I didn’t think I’d break skin…”
“You broke skin?” Felix asked. “Really?”
“It was an accident…”
“Speaking of.” Chan interrupted. “I want to check your teeth, y/n.”
“What? Why?”
“That bite was very strong. I think your fangs are coming in.”
“My fangs?”
“Yes, that’s why I want to check.”
You didn’t like having the alphas in your room, let alone have Chan get close and examine you. Although you could see he was adamant and probably wouldn’t go away unless you agreed. You were still holding Jisung’s hand, agreeing to Chan’s request. He came over and had you show him your teeth. He carefully reached over, moving your upper lip so he could see your teeth better.
“You’re good, and your fangs are definitely coming in.”
“What about us?” Jisung asked. “When do we get ours?”
“They’ll start coming in soon, as will your claws. It might feel a bit weird, but it’s perfectly normal.”
“Do you have yours?”
“Yeah. We alphas get them much earlier in our lives.”
The alphas all showed off their fangs, Minho displaying his claws as well. You nodded nervously, trying to hold yourself together. With everything done the alphas just made sure you guys were alright and then excused themselves. You all relaxed once they were gone, and Felix locked the door again. The whole thing left a bad taste in your mouth. Everything seemed so normal, but that wasn’t the case.
“So running away… is the plan.” Jisung confirmed. “How do we do that?”
“No idea.” You said. “But we’ll figure this out together, right?”
“Of course.”
Nothing had really changed, but you weren’t alone anymore, and that was important. It wasn’t exactly going to be easy to keep yourselves calm, but you all knew you had to play pretend. After you all calmed down some more, the two retreated to their rooms, and you forced yourself to go to bed, really needing some sleep. You did pass out for a while, but you had no idea how many hours you actually slept. At least come morning you were in a slightly better headspace, so you could probably face the others. Maybe just for a moment though. Your plan was to say good morning and skip breakfast, but that didn’t work out.
“You skipped breakfast last time.” Hyunjin commented. “That’s not good for your health.”
“You should eat.” Felix added. “Come on.”
To your surprise both Felix and Jisung were pretty calm, a stark contrast to last night. Felix came over to your side, and you couldn’t help but question what he was doing under your breath.
“I know, but if we avoid them they’re gonna know something is up.”
“How can you both be so calm?”
“If all of us reek of anxiety they’ll be suspicious. Trust us, we’re not okay.”
Despite your plan you took a seat at the table, sitting between Jisung and Felix. You didn’t eat much, but managed to leave with the other two without issue. It seemed that Felix and Jisung were way better at hiding their emotions than you. It kinda made sense, you always just ran away from these type of things. You thought maybe today would go better, but that was a little too much to ask for. After your first class a few of your peers came up to you.
“Ya! Aren’t you that girl that bit Hyunjin?”
“What the hell is wrong with you?” One questioned. “He’s like the sweetest guy ever, how could you fucken bite him?”
“It was a misunderstanding…”
“How do you even know him? You don’t seem like the type of omega he’d hang around.”
“Please just leave me alone…”
“Have you even apologized? Or paid him back?”
“What the fuck are you doing?”
Hyunjin shoved the others away from you, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. You knew he was probably trying to help, but this was the last thing you wanted from him.
“Hyunjin, I-”
“We’re friends, and we’re cool. So stop harassing her.”
“Sorry, we were just-”
“I don’t care.” Hyunjin looked at you. “I’ll take you to your next class.”
You couldn’t reject his offer as he pulled you along. Although once you were alone you pulled yourself away. He took a step forward but then retreated, remembering how things went last time.
“You’re really popular…”
“I’m very social.”
“And good looking… so you attract attention… you did the same thing when we first met…”
“Please keep your distance from me… I don’t want trouble…”
“Uh… yeah, yeah… sorry…”
“I’m gonna go, I’ll see you later.”
You hurried off, intending to go to class but needing a minute to cool down. You ducked into the bathroom, splashing water in your face and calming your breath. You weren’t sure how long you could do this.
In order to keep yourself together you’d limit your interaction with the others in the dorm. You tried to be polite, but it was still hard not to freak out. Although you think they eventually got the hint as they also took a step back. At most you’d get a greeting, but they weren’t really socializing with you. It was good, but it also made you suspicious. You still had that video on your phone, maybe one of them had discovered it, but then again, you would have been confronted about it already. You tried not to get so paranoid, but that wasn’t easy.
“So what exactly is the runaway plan?”
“Well we certainly can’t do it during the day.” Felix commented. “Too many eyes, surely someone would notice us going off campus.”
“Well obviously we do it at night.”
“The problem then is the alphas.” You said. “They could randomly wake up and catch us leaving… and even if they don’t, if they see we’re gone in the morning they’ll worry. Hyunjin caught up to me after my first class…”
“Not to mention we need to figure out supplies and where we are going.” Jisung added. “I haven’t found any maps, so I guess we can just pick a direction.”
“We need to do this soon…”
“Huh? Why?”
“I don’t know… I just feel like the alphas are onto us…”
“Well… I do have an idea.” Jisung admitted. “Hold on.”
Jisung left your room for a moment, returning with his backpack. He rummaged around for a moment before pulling out some gummies.
“How is that supposed to help?” Felix questioned. “Candy isn’t exactly a good thing we should take with us.”
“This isn’t candy, it’s melatonin gummies. You know, to help you sleep.”
“Why do you have those?”
“I had some trouble sleeping…”
“And how does this help?” You asked.
“Oh, well, if we get a bunch of these and feed it to the alphas, we’ll be sure they’re knocked out. Then we can make our escape without worrying of being caught right away.”
“We can do it on a Friday night.” Felix added. “That way we can leave a note saying we went to get food so when they do finally wake up, they won’t immediately think we’re missing. And since it’s the weekend we don’t have classes so no one else would notice our absence.”
“That’s not bad.” You mentioned. “But how are we supposed to get enough gummies? Where did you even get them, Jisung?”
“I… I got them from the med bay… I told the doctor I was having trouble sleeping and he gave me some.”
“Okay, but he won’t give you a lot just cause you ask.”
“Hm, good point.”
“Maybe we can ask our peers to get some and buy it off them.” Felix suggested. “I could probably get some myself. This is something we can work with.”
“Yeah, I think so too.” You said. “We just need to get everything in order.”
“Hey guys!” You heard Minho shout. “Can you come to the living room for a sec!”
Even if things had been weird in the dorm, you knew you couldn’t just ignore this. So the three of you made your way over to the living room. Minho and Hyunjin were on the couch waiting for you guys. It felt like they wanted to talk about something which started to make you nervous.
“What’s up?” Felix asked. “And where’s Chan?”
“He’ll be here in a minute.” Hyunjin explained. “But we do need to talk about something.”
“Which is?”
You all stopped when you heard the door unlock. You expected to hear Chan, but he seemed to be a lot noisier than usual. He came into the living room with a smile on his face.
“Great, you’re all here. I’d like you guys to meet our latest roommates.”
Three others appeared behind Chan, bringing their bags along with them. They looked around the dorm, but all smiled and waved at you guys. They weren’t entirely strangers to you, remembering their faces from before. They were the other candidates to join the dorm before Hyunjin was picked. You felt your heart sink, realizing that the alphas now outnumbered you two to one.
“Well.” Jisung mumbled. “We’re gonna need a lot more gummies.”
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tiny-pretty-sana · 7 months
i will take good care of you | mina x chaeyoung
pairing: mina x chaeyoung genre: fluff warning/tags: au, stablished relationship, domestic girlfriends w/c: 3.1 k a/n: i’m back with more fluff but i promise you i’m trying new things. sorry in advance for the mistakes you might find because english is not my first language but especially because it’s 7 am and i haven’t slept ໒꒰ྀིっ˕ -。꒱ྀི১. i’m still surprised by the response the first thing i’ve ever posted got, so i’ll be happy if this one receives half as much love as that one did. feel free to leave any comments, feedback, suggestions or requests 🤍
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After Chaeyoung hadn't stopped sneezing and blowing her nose since she arrived soaking wet from the rain the previous afternoon, they decided that canceling their Sunday date would be the best option. Their visit to the botanical park has now been replaced by a day at home watching movies. The exam period is coming, so it was reasonable to make Chaeyoung stay at home so she doesn’t get worse. It takes them some time to decide, as the younger one felt guilty because they had already bought tickets, but Mina manages to convince her girlfriend to stay on the couch with a blanket, tea and a box of tissues beside her while she goes out to buy medicine, her favorite snacks and some ingredients to make miso soup.
"I'll take good care of you" is the last thing she says before kissing Chaeyoung’s lips and leaving the apartment.
She would be lying if she said she isn’t surprised to see that when she's back in their apartment, her girlfriend is still in the same place where she left her half an hour ago, only now she has a book in her hand instead of the mug of tea that now sits empty on the living room table. As Chaeyoung focuses on her book, she places everything she got in the kitchen and grabs her Nintendo to continue building and decorating her Animal Crossing island on the other side of the couch. Moments like this are the favorites for both of them, they just need each other's company as they spend time enjoying their hobbies in a comfortable silence.
They are both introverts who enjoy spending time at home playing video games, reading, drawing,writing, assembling Lego sets or watching movies. It's something they've always enjoyed separately, and since Chaeyoung accepted Mina's proposal to move into her apartment, it's become something they do together. Now, across the room, across the couch or using the other Nintendo Switch controller, they have someone with whom they share playful glances, smiles, exchange thoughts, talk about their days at work or college, about lives or share their problems. In moments like these, they just need to feel each other's presence. For them to be in silence doing their own thing while intertwining their legs under the blanket doesn't feel much different from a date outside in a nice place. 
It's these things that make Mina wonder if they'll always feel this way or if it's a passing thing that will end when she gets used to living with Chae. Meanwhile, on the other side of the couch, Chaeyoung underlines the sentences in the book that remind her of Mina and thinks that she stay in this moment all her life without ever getting tired of seeing Mina in front of her focus on her videogames with the tip of her tongue sticking out, concentrating on the game, just like she does when she cooks a new recipe or when she prepares some presentation for work.
An hour later, Chae puts the book away, takes off her glasses and holds the bridge of her nose with two fingers "I can't focus, I have a headache" she complains, making Mina sit up immediately "Let me get you a glass of water so you can take a painkiller". Chaeyoung gestures for her to get back to sit with her. "Don't worry, I think I just need to get some sleep" she says as her girlfriend looks at her with a doubtful face "I promise I'll take it if my headache doesn't go away" she replies, earning an indulgent smile from Mina.
As soon as her girlfriend falls asleep on the couch she goes to the kitchen to make some miso soup, lunch for both of them and looks up movie recommendations on her phone while waiting for the water to start boiling. And of course, tea is a must. 
It seems that sleep was good for Chae because when she wakes up, she seems to be in a better mood and even a bit more talkative, so they spend lunch talking about what movie they should watch. When they’re done, Mina takes care of clearing the table and cleaning the dishes despite Chaeyoung's refusal when her girlfriend tells her to brush her teeth and go back to the couch.
"Mina-chan!" she whines. "It's just a cold, don't treat me like I'm dying. Let me help you."
"Your exams are coming up and you and I both know that if you get sick now, you'll only be more anxious because you won't be able to do as much as you'd like. At least one of us has to be responsible" Mina says, giving her a scolding look, and Chaeyoung has no choice but to nod her head and follow her directions.
Mina doesn't have to explain herself for her girlfriend to get the message since the cold is due more to Chaeyoung being careless than to the sudden rain of the previous day. In the morning, when the gray clouds covered the Seoul sky and didn't let even a ray of sunshine show, they both commented that good rains were on the way and they hoped that at least it wouldn't be so heavy as to spoil their Sunday date. Exactly that date in which both should now be holding hands, smelling the fragrance of the flowers and taking a thousand photos and maybe, in the case of the art student, doing some sketches or drawings. And despite this, and despite Mina's recommendations, Chaeyoung decided to go out without an umbrella, arguing that her new raincoat would be more than enough and that, unlike the umbrella, it would not ruin her outfit. But in case that hadn’t been enough, for when she arrived completely wet down to her socks and even clothes under her raincoat when Mina reprimanded her for not having listened to her, the younger girl explained that in fact it wasn’t because she wasn’t carrying an umbrella but because she, Dahyun and Tzuyu decided to run and dance in the rain when they left the library after an intense studying session. 
Knowing that her girlfriend's two best friends were involved, she wasn’t surprised by what happened. Separately, Tzuyu and Chaeyoung are quite quiet, introverted and they rather go unnoticed, but if they get together with Dahyun nothing good can happen. Apparently in one of their classes this week, a teacher lectured them about youth, art and living life, which inspired them enough for them to spend at least an hour in the rain several days later in the middle of a storm.
Considering what happened, she wasn't going to take Mina's point away, but that's not going to stop her from complaining. "Oh come on, it's a silly cold" she snorts and before she can continue speaking, she sneezes so hard that her glasses fall off. "Okay, but don't take long" she relents. 
When the dishes are clean, dry and in place, Mina returns to her side of the couch and gets ready to watch the movie, but she doesn't put it on, so she looks away from the TV and when she turns her head, she meets the huge expressive eyes of her girlfriend, who looks at her like a like a kicked puppy. She laughs softly and shifts her posture to lie down behind her and be the big spoon. It’s then when her girlfriend considers pressing the play button.
Only ten minutes pass until Chaeyoung says "The movie was recommended by Nayeon-unnie, it's probably good. I didn't know she studied film in college" she says, to which Mina simply hums as she concentrates on what the characters are saying and what the subtitles say, as there are parts in Japanese that she doesn't want her girlfriend to miss. Occasionally, Mina whispers in her ear some of the lines or words that she feels are oversimplified in the subtitles, but it's still Chae who keeps talking the whole time. She describes what happened in the scene as if they weren't watching the same thing, comments on how neat the costumes are, talks about how beautiful she thinks the composition is, suddenly switches to the Japanese occupation in which the story is set, asks about something she doesn't have time to read, laughs when she realizes that just like the protagonists, one of them is Korean and the other one is Japanese, she then clarifies that in this case it is the Korean who has to learn Japanese... and Mina starts to be slightly annoyed. 
She’s a person who enjoys silence and is easily overwhelmed by too much noise or loud voices, like when they get together with their other seven friends and there are a lot of conversations going on at the same time. She knows it's something she needs to keep working on, but if anything, a red line for her is people talking while watching series or movies. Just like her beloved girlfriend is doing right now, who doesn't seem to pick up on the little interest her rambling receives, being answered only with monosyllables, short sentences and humming. They have been watching the movie for a while now and she’s squirming in her seat because of the discomfort and her urge to say or do something about it. her urge to get it over with is interrupted when she remembers that the girl in her arms is sick and what she needs right now is more care, the least she can do is listen to her thoughts and concerns. Even if she has decided to share them right while they are watching a movie in each other's arms. 
Just when the scene in which the protagonists share a moment of intimacy comes and takes Mina's breath away, Chaeyoung speaks and it takes all of Mina’s will to restrain herself and take a deep breath until she hears what her girlfriend has to say now. "Mina-chan, don't move away; it's cold."
And that's when Mina puts all the pieces together and moves her hand to her girlfriend's forehead. As expected, it's quite warm compared to hers and then she leans down to place her lips on her girlfriend's forehead, who without quite knowing what Mina's intentions are, smiles in anticipation of a kiss on her forehead.  "Baby, you have a fever" she says softly. "Pause the movie. I'll get the thermometer and some medicine." That's certainly not what Chae, who now had her eyes closed ready to receive the next kiss on her lips, expected to hear. Mina can't help but laugh at the sight before her, but she quickly gets up to get everything she needs from the kitchen and bathroom. After a year of dating her, she should know better. 
Luckily, there haven't been many times when one has had to take care of the other while they were sick, but enough times that Mina knows that Chaeyoung starts talking non-stop when her fever starts to rise. It's something that will always make her giggle, it's an odd trait that she finds adorable. "Was I talking that much?" Chae aks to her girlfriend, realizing what's going on, to which Mina nods and chuckles. "I was about to lose it" admits the older one, making her girlfriend blush. "Sorry, I didn't realize" she apologizes and Mina shakes her head as she gets up to grab the thermometer and a couple of other things.
"Here" she says as she returns with the thermometer the box of pills, a sachet of vitamins and a glass of water. "You should uncover for a while, Chaeyoungnie" she says, using a soft voice as she tries to take the blanket she is wrapped in, but her girlfriend grabs it and looks at her with a pout "But I'm so cold". Mina laughs softly "Yesterday you didn't seem to be bothered by the cold, come on, let’s get the thermometer on you". 
Mina wasn't mistaken, the thermometer after five minutes reads 39°C, and the first thing she does is pull the blanket aside this time for real and go get a towel. After taking the medicine, they play the movie back on and now that Chae is starting to feel worse, it’s no longer being interrupted by her ramblings, but by all the times Mina has to get up from the couch to re-wet the towel, until she checks her temperature again and it has dropped a few tenths of a degree. Before the movie is over, Chaeyoung falls asleep. She has replaced the blankets with her girlfriend and now is curled up resting her head in the crook of her neck, she warms her hands under the older one's t-shirt and has one of her legs between hers. Mina, now unable to move and not knowing where the remote is, ends up watching the movie alone until the last word of the credits because she finds it impossible to wake her girlfriend when she is sleeping peacefully in her arms.
Fifteen minutes have passed — maybe thirty or an hour — at this point she doesn't even know and she decides it's time to go to bed. She carefully separates her body from her girlfriend's and whispers sweet nothings, trying to wake her up. "Chaeyoungnie, let's go to bed" she whispers for the tenth time and this time she finally gets a "Hmm?" but nothing else, so she decides to take charge of the situation and gets up to pick up her girlfriend until she sees the restrained smile on her face that ends up giving her away. "You're awake! Come on, let's go to bed." Chaeyoung shakes her head and uses her sick privilege, and those eyes with which she gets anything from Mina, and asks her to carry her to their bed.
It doesn't take long for them to fall asleep, but at some ungodly hour of the night, the younger one doesn't stop moving and shivering, thus waking up the older one. Still asleep, with her eyes half open and the dim light coming through the window, she gropes her girlfriend's forehead to check her temperature and when she notices the hairs of her bangs soaked in sweat, she sits up right away and looks again for the thermometer and the towel. This time it reaches 40°C so she immediately uncovers her and places the towel on her forehead, also cooling her face and neck down making her shiver and whimper. "Mina-chan?" she asks with her eyes closed as she doesn’t have enough energy to open them. "I'm here. Your fever is up again, but don't worry. Try to sleep; I'll take care of you" she reassures her and when she sees her weakly nod her head, she caresses her face gently and runs her fingers through Chaeyoung's sweaty hair.
That's how she spent the rest of the night, cuddling her girlfriend, wetting the towel with cold water from time to time and checking the temperature, which didn’t drop below 38ºC all night long. Between one thing and another, she has had time to drink two coffees and has taken the laptop to get ahead of work, knowing that it is best to spend the day with her in case she has to take her to the doctor. When dawn breaks, Mina writes an email to her company informing them she won’t be able to attend work today, she presses enter and listens to the beep of the thermometer, checking that the temperature has finally dropped. She places the laptop on her bedside table, takes off her glasses, deactivates the alarm on her phone and finally lets herself fall asleep.
The sun finishes rising, illuminating the entire room, this time it is Chaeyoung who wakes up. Beside her, she finds her girlfriend with noticeable bags under her eyes, her glasses and laptop beside her just like when she suffers from insomnia. This time, she’s also holding the towel with which she has been using on her forehead all night long. Although the image melts Chaeyoung's heart, she can't help but feel a pang of guilt at the thought that her girlfriend has had to spend the night awake taking care of her because of her poor choices. Soon, the guilt is replaced by the warmth she feels in her chest as she looks at her girlfriend, thinking how grateful and loved she is. After a year together, she still finds it hard to believe that a person like Mina is in love. And not only in love but willing to love her even more with the hairs of her bangs sticking to her forehead from the cold sweat of fever, or like that time when, after finishing her sculpture project, she suffered a contracture and had to help her bathe for five days, or when she drank so much with her unnies that she spent half the night vomiting with her head stuck in the toilet while Mina held her hair and just like today, she then prepared miso soup for her on each of those occasions. According to her, it works to cure everything.
With a smile on her lips, she carefully strokes Mina's hair and covers her with the blanket as she feels her cold skin making her wake up. "Take the medicine. I'll make you some breakfast in a little while, give me five minutes" she hears her say in her newly awake voice. And, unlike the day before, Chae accepts the offer as she feels she doesn't have enough strength to stand for more than five minutes.
True to her word, in less than fifteen minutes, Mina enters the room with a bowl of miso soup. "Thank you, Mina-chan" she says as she picks it up and places it on the nightstand to cool down a bit. "No problem. I made it yesterday, I just warmed it up" she shrugs as the other shakes her head. "It's not about the soup, it's about everything. Thank you for taking care of me and loving me so well. I love you" she clarifies, earning a smile from the girl in front of her. One of those gummy smiles that makes her eyes practically disappear. She says nothing, simply caresses her cheek and reaches up, seeking a kiss from her girlfriend, who, instead of joining her lips with her whispers "You're going to get sick" by way of warning, a warning they are both willing to ignore. "That's not going to stop me. I can't think of a better plan than spending anothers day at home with you instead of going to work. Besides, what was that thing your teacher said for you to end up in the rain... Live, feel, eat, love, laugh, travel and kiss without thinking about tomorrow?" She teases her girlfriend again about the rain incident and Chaeyoung nods her head before kissing Mina. "I guess I'll have to take good care of you" she whispers against her lips.
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Please Don’t Jump (It’s Christmas) - Charles Leclerc x Reader
Pairing - Charles Leclerc x Reader
Word Count - 1.8k
Content Warning - Mentions of suicide, swearing
Synopsis - You send Charles a text, and Charles thinks you’re about to do something very bad and he realises he doesn’t think he could ever live without you. Meanwhile, you are off doing something else, completely unaware of Charles’ worries.
Author’s Note - This is inspired by the song Please Don’t Jump (It’s Christmas) by Dallon Weekes. It’s a really good song and I wanted to write a suitably depressing fic to go along with it but I thought, no, I won’t, I’ll write something wholesome and cute instead. So while this is kinda sad at the start, I promise you it has a happy ending. Enjoy!
“Fuck, (y/n), answer your fucking phone!” Charles grumbles into his phone, before hanging up and throwing it onto the bed in frustration.
“No answer?” Arthur says from his position resting against the door frame.
“Does it look like she answered?” Charles yells. He feels the tears pricking the corners of his eyes as he shouts at brother. He’s not angry with Arthur, not really. He’s just scared, scared you were about to do something stupid.
It was just a text. A few words on a screen, but they terrified him to his very core.
‘I’m doing it. I’m sorry Charles. I love you ♥︎.’
Those words, the words you had typed and sent before going to do god knows what. Throw yourself into traffic? Jump off of a building? Charles’ mind was racing as he couldn’t help but imagine all the horrible ways you might have… No, he couldn’t even think that word. He didn’t want to think that you would, that you could. It’s selfish, but he can’t help but think what he’d do without you. You were his best friend, his world, and though he’d never said it out loud, he loved you. Fuck, he loved you so much it hurt, and he was terrified he wouldn’t ever get to see you again. The way that you laugh at his stupid jokes, the way you smile so warmly, the way you squeeze him just a little too tight when he hugs you. He would have cherished each of these stupid things more if he knew that any time could have been the last.
“Where would she go? People tend to go somewhere they feel safe when they…” Arthur says, and Charles’ eyes go wide.
“I know. Wait here, she might come back. If she does, tell her I’m out looking for her, and then text me immediately, yes?” Charles says, and Arthur nods.
Charles grabs his discarded phone from the bed and races out of the door, skipping the elevator, it takes too much time, instead opting to sprint down the stairs as fast as his legs would carry him.
If you’re anywhere, anywhere at all, it’s on the roof of your old building, the place you grew up, the place you both used to camp out under the stars when you were kids. You’d lay together on your mother’s sleeping bag, filled with marshmallows and your mum’s hot chocolate, and try and pick out all of the constellations in the sky. Charles remembered those nights so fondly. Even then, he thinks he was in love. He might not have realised it at the time, but he was. He’d loved you for as long as he could remember, and he knew he couldn’t bare to be without you.
The doorman doesn’t stop him as he makes for the elevator. Everyone in this damn country knows who he is, he could probably break into a jewellery store in the middle of the day, empty the cabinets, and they’d probably thank him for it. He thought about the stairs, but going up is a lot harder than going down, and he had been slacking on the cardio the past few days due to the festive season.
Charles bursts through the doors and up onto the roof, looking around to see it empty. You weren’t there. A sob escapes his lips as he looks around, hoping you were going to magically appear, and he could hold you, kiss you, tell you it was all going to be okay. But you didn’t appear, Charles was alone on the rooftop, and you weren’t there.
Charles’ phone starts to buzz in his pocket, and he fumbles to grab it, his hands shaking.
He is greeted by your smiling face on the screen, and he exhales a shaky chuckle. You’re still here. You’re alive.
“Fuck, (y/n), where are you? Are you okay?” Charles says, his voice barely there as a single tear drips down his cheek.
“Yeah, I’m fine. It was okay actually, not as painful as I would have expected.” You say, and Charles furrows his brows in confusion.
“A-are you calling me from the afterlife?” He whispers, his eyes wide.
“The afterlife? What the fuck are you talking about? I just got out of the piercing place.” You say, and Charles slaps himself in the forehead at his own stupidity, chuckling slightly in relief.
“The piercing place, fuck, I thought you were gonna…I…” Charles says, unable to form a coherent thought, just so happy you weren’t about to do what he thought you were going to do.
“What? I told you the other day, I wanted to go and get my tongue pierced, but you said it was a stupid idea and would almost definitely get all gross and infected.” You say. “Wait, lemme switch to video, I’ll show you. It’s not gross, I promise.”
The phone vibrates against Charles’ ear and he presses the button, and your face shows up on screen once again, this time you were sticking out your tongue, your eyebrows raised. Your expression changes as you see Charles’ flushed face, and the background that was almost definitely not his flat.
“Are you okay? Where the hell are you? That looks like the roof of my parents’ building.” You say, your eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“It is, I.. uh… I’m stupid, I thought that text… I thought you were gonna…” Charles attempts to say, but he can’t quite finish the sentence because he still can’t bring himself to say those words.
“You thought I was going to what? Kill myself?” You say, a confused look on your face.
“Uh, yeah, yeah, I did.” Charles says, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.
“Charles, I might make a lot of jokes about it, but I would never do it. Especially not on Christmas Eve. Besides, I’m in therapy, I’ve got my pills, and I’ve got you. So I’m happy.” You say, offering him a sweet smile.
“I make you happy?” He asks.
“Of course you do. I love you.” You say, sticking out your tongue at him once again, revealing the small silver piercing in the centre of your tongue.
“But do you mean it? Because tonight I had a lot of feelings, and time to think, and I love you too. But like, I love you love you. I think I always have. I genuinely don’t know what I would do if you weren’t in my life.” Charles says, and you stop in your tracks.
“Wait there, I’m not far away.” You say, before hanging up the phone.
You pick up your pace as you walk down the streets, your heels clicking against the concrete pavements. There was no way you were saying what you wanted to say over the phone. No way.
After your brisk walk, a trip in the elevator, and the few steps up to the roof, you spot Charles sat on the edge of the roof, looking out at the city.
Your heels clicking alert him to your presence and he turns to you, spotting that your arms were full with the sleeping bag and a jug of hot chocolate.
“I called in downstairs, and she’d just made a pot. She hates the tongue piercing by the way, I don’t think anyone likes it but me.” You say, holding the sleeping bag out to Charles.
He takes it and lays it out in your usual spot, not saying a word.
“I didn’t want to say it over the phone. It felt artificial, you know. This feels better.” You say, taking a seat on the floor and pouring yourself a mug of the creamy hot chocolate.
Charles sits next to you and takes the other mug, taking a sip of the beverage which warms him up in the cold winter air. In his rush to find you, he didn’t even stop to grab a jacket, and so his arms were bare in the mild Monaco winter.
“You cold? Here, get under my scarf.” You say, wrapping your scarf around both your own and Charles’ shoulders, forcing him to pull closer to you.
“I’m sorry, If I freaked you out, or scared you with what I said. If you don’t feel the same, that’s fine too, I just-“
You cut Charles off mid-sentence as you press as soft kiss to his lips.
“Every time I say it, I mean it Charles. I love you. So much.” You say, smiling sweetly at him.
“Really? You’ve always meant it?” He questions.
“Always. Ever since we were kids and I’d sit here and make up constellations to try and impress you.” You laugh, taking another sip of your warm drink.
“You made those up?” Charles asks, and you chuckle.
“Yep, I know fuck all about astronomy. But you thought stars were cool and I wanted to impress you.” You say.
“Hmm, well you were very good at making stuff up about stars. I believed every word.” Charles says, and you rest your head gently on his shoulder.
“Ten minutes ago you believed I was going to jump off the roof.” You say, and Charles chuckles, shaking his head at his previous actions.
“Yeah, yeah, I am stupid, we don’t need to get into that one again.” He says.
“But you were willing to run around the city, arms bare, trying to find me and stop me. You have such a beautiful soul. That’s why I love you, Charles Leclerc.” You say, and Charles presses a soft kiss to your forehead.
You sit up, turning to face Charles as you press your lips to his for a real kiss. You wrap your hands, which are still warm from holding the hot chocolate, around his neck to pull him closer as he deepens the kiss. Charles wraps his arms around your waist as he pulls you closer, but you’re interrupted as you wince and pull back.
“Are you okay?” Charles asks, his eyes wide with concern.
“Yeah, yeah, just no french kissing until this thing heals.” You say, sticking your tongue out to point at the silver ball.
“Noted.” Charles says, before gently pressing his lips to yours once again, only to quickly pull away.
“You okay? Does the piercing gross you out?” You ask, fiddling with the ball between your teeth.
“No, it’s not that, I actually kinda like it, actually. No, I left Arthur in my flat, he’s probably still terrified.” Charles says as he pulls out his phone to begin texting his brother.
“I have an idea.” You say, taking Charles’ phone out of his hand and opening the camera.
You snap a quick photo of you kissing Charles on the cheek, a shocked expression on his face.
You type a quick response and hit send, passing the phone back to Charles.
‘Not killing myself, got my tongue pierced. Your brother is cute, likes the taste of metal apparently.’
Charles reads the text and chuckles, shaking the head at your crude reference before wrapping his arm around your shoulders.
You stay there on the roof together until it’s well past midnight. Christmas Day. Just staring at all the stars and constellations you once pretended to know to impress a boy you like. Who would have thought that, ten years later, you’d still be sat together under the stars, but this time, you both knew how much you loved one another.
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autumnmobile12 · 1 year
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All right, this scene is a contentious one to say the least.
I want to look at the elements that make up this part, starting from the very beginning.
After waking up in Gresit, Alucard had one goal:  Kill Dracula.  Throughout Season 2, he’s determined, he has points of dry, sarcastic humor, but as a whole, his personality is pretty grim.  He is absolutely unwavering in his determination.
Once Dracula was dead, though, he now has to live with the guilt of not only killing the father who loved and raised him but also the guilt over being unable to save his mother when she needed him.  When Lisa was taken, Alucard was traveling, and though he never explicitly says this, I would bet anything that ever since that night he has asked himself, “Why wasn’t I there?  What could I have done differently?  If I had done _______, she would be here right now and none of this would have ever happened.”  Alucard is a rational character.  He understands that what happened to Lisa was a cruel accident of fate.  She was accused of witchcraft, and he and his father were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.  They couldn’t have predicted her death, they couldn’t have changed it.
But this is how the Bargaining Stage of Grief plays out.  This is what sets him apart from Trevor and Sypha by the end of Season 2.  Between the three of them, Sypha still has her family waiting for her.  She still has her people and the optimism to still see the brighter future.  (Which is a trait she never fully loses.)  As for Trevor, he had already lost everyone he’d ever loved, and so he definitely already went through all the messy stages of grief to the point of sad acceptance that his family is dead and now he has to live with that.
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Alucard can’t identify with that kind of acceptance yet, for either of his parents. The grief is too raw, and so I believe his decision to remain behind while his companions left without him was a form of self-punishment.  In spite of the understanding it wasn’t his fault, he doesn’t believe he deserves to be happy after everything that happened.  Sure, he says he needs to protect the accumulation of his father’s knowledge, and while that might have been true, I feel like he had other options.  The show demonstrates that magic is capable of the impossible, so I feel like there should have been some kind of spell that could be engineered to keep his father’s/the Hold’s collection from being destroyed or looted.  If he asked Sypha and Trevor to stay and help him, I think they would have.  Instead, he watches them leave without asking them to visit or even expecting to see them ever again.  And we leave him finally breaking down over his losses.
All this to say he was not in a good headspace when Sumi and Taka showed up, which they picked up on and exploited to their advantage.  (The guy was talking to dolls he’d made to resemble his friends, and he was mimicking their voices in pseudo-conversation.  Funny conversations, yes, but damn, that coping mechanism…)
The first thing Alucard tells them is he ‘will not be hunted,’ but there is a disturbing irony here.
Attacking them indicates that his guard was up and he was ready to end lives if he had to.  Self-preservation is on point.  It’s Sumi and Taka who de-escalate the situation.  “We mean you no harm.  We came to ask you for help.”  They’re smiling and laughing by the end of this initial encounter.  They tell him their story.  “We’re these poor, innocent waifs from a distant land searching for a way to save our people.  Pity us.”  They present themselves as non-threatening, wide-eyed victims who only need help, which is a ruse he unfortunately falls for.
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“It’s time for your reward.”
It makes my skin crawl how despicable that one line of manipulation is.  This is the chink in Alucard’s armor:  the idea of guilt that persists after the mother he couldn’t save and the father he killed, especially the latter.  Understandably, although Alucard recognizes what he did was necessary, the fact he’s committed patricide is weighing on him.  There was Sypha’s words of comfort at the end of Season 2 that was it was ‘okay to love the man,’ but neither she or Trevor are around.  This leaves the opening for the toxic, false comfort of Sumi and Taka’s manipulation.  Here they are introducing the conflicting idea that what he did is worthy of praise.
Couple that with the factor that at this point, he’s only known them for a few days at most.  Obviously, that’s nowhere near long enough to establish an emotional connection that’s strong enough to say,  “Yes, I want to be with this person.”  But his silence is not consent; in fact, I see this as fear that if he does not go through with this like they want, it will make them leave him like Sypha and Trevor did.  Again, they are playing on that fatal loneliness.  Coercion.
Soft words, soft voices, and that is he what he needed to hear.
And Sumi and Taka knew exactly what to say.
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Back in their flashback about Cho, Sumi and Taka talk how they ‘studied’ her, studied the way she fought, and learned about her weaknesses for years.  This is the subtlest bit of foreshadowing I’ve found so far in the series.  It shows that Sumi and Taka don’t hunt vampires the way Trevor does.  They’re formidable fighters, yes, but they were not born and raised to hunt like the Belmonts were.  They don’t have that specific training or discipline, so they make up for it with deceit.  They ingratiate themselves with their prey, observing them and looking for the weak point.
Alucard said he would not be hunted.
But he was.
The entire time they were there, Sumi and Taka were studying him the way they studied Cho.  They saw Alucard’s loneliness and they took full advantage of the trust he gave them.  He invited them into his home, fed, and looked after them, he saw himself as their friend while the whole time they were looking for a way to kill him.  They were continuously asking about weapons, magic, off-limits rooms in the Castle, when the Castle could be fixed, etc.  They were trying to zero in on the ‘kill room’ where he would be at his most vulnerable.
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It’s hard to say how much of Sumi and Taka’s story was true given the outcome, but I’m inclined to believe it was but with one caveat.  I don’t think they helped their fellow prisoners escape.  I think they were the only survivors.  There’s no evidence of this other than the fact I think it’s suspicious that they left their friends behind to seek help.  Okay…Japan is a long way from Wallachia.  They couldn’t find anyone closer?  They didn’t try to smuggle more people away?  They don’t even mention their people in their angry ranting before they try to kill Alucard.
There’s also the brief line where they say they were given to Cho’s court as children.  It’s not clear whether or not their parents were forced to give them up as tribute to Cho, but that’s irrelevant if they themselves felt betrayed and abandoned by the people who should have loved and protected them.  There is the later line where they say everyone lies to them.  With that, I think they were so far in the fog of grief and anger that in their minds, they were unable to recognize Alucard could have been a genuine ally to them, and they only saw him as just another vampire who was evil and needed to be killed.
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The beauty and the tragedy of both Alucard and Lisa’s characters is that they are both so incredibly kind and selfless, and they want to believe in people.  Even when the Bishop’s henchmen came to her home, Lisa didn’t immediately jump to the conclusion of witchcraft and fear.  She asked if the Archbishop was ill and if they needed her help.  When they started tearing apart her home, she told them whatever they wanted she would give it to them.  She didn’t try to run.  She tried to explain calmly about her medical practice and that what she did helped people.  Her undoing was a man who meant her harm.
Lisa’s arrest is mirrored in the moments before Alucard kills Sumi and Taka.  Even though he realizes what’s happened and the situation he’s in, realizing they aren’t with him out of love and this was all a manipulation, a trap, and even rape——even though he realized all that, he still wanted to help them.
Right before they die, he is begging them to listen, that is their friend, and he can help them. The world is not against them.  These aren’t the words of a man trying to save himself.  He is living admirably up to the virtues he learned from his mother.  He waited until the last possible moment before choosing to save his own life over theirs. And his last line to them is, “I never lied to you.”
There’s no condoning what Sumi and Taka did to Alucard, that is an undeniably fucked up thing to do to a person and the plot accounted for it by killing off their characters.  However, I do feel these two are a testament to how anger and hatred will destroy a person and are a kind of foil to characters like Isaac. Isaac was horribly abused in his past and he had every reason to resent humanity, and yet by the end of his arc, he was beginning to let go of his anger and start a new life where he could be happy.  This is the lesson Isaac learns by the end of Season 3 whereas we leave Alucard again weeping alone with the memory of people he couldn’t save:  his mother and father and the two people he thought were his friends.  Again, he is grieving.  “I was a good friend to them, wasn’t I?  I helped them, didn’t I?  What did I do wrong?’
The answers are yes, yes, and no, he did nothing wrong.  Grieving is coming to terms with that.
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And finally, we have the gruesome way in which he ‘displays’ their bodies outside the Castle as a means to warn off other travelers or intruders.  Impalement was a very degrading means of execution.  It was excruciatingly slow, extremely painful, and those who faced this sentence would suffer for hours if not days in public.  You see the rage and humiliation he feels, and so by impaling the corpses, he in turn inflicted that humiliation on Sumi and Taka.  It’s probably as close to the ‘eye for an eye’ mentality as he gets.
A recurring theme throughout the series is innocence against the brutality of a cruel world.  Characters like Sypha, Alucard, and Lisa can give all the kindness they have to offer, but they can’t change the fact that people like the Judge and Bishop exist.  Characters like Trevor and Isaac lost their faith in humanity and found it again with the help of people like Sypha and the Ship Captain.  And characters like Dracula, Carmilla, and even Sumi and Taka, lost their way entirely and were swallowed up by their rage and pain.
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uchihaharlot · 1 month
Heyooo, how are you, bro?
I hope your health is better now!
I have one innocent request.
"How would all Uchiha act if they finds out that you are self-harming?" (Mostly Madara pls😏)
I don't know if it's allowed topic... but yeah.
NSFW; TW self harm; minor mentions of injury; small prologue;
Before I go into this hc, I want to expressly tell anyone who reads this; whether we are mutuals or not. Whether you like my writing, like me or don’t or whatever.
My blog is a safe haven. You can openly message me, befriend me on discord (ask for my handle) or interact in the comments. If you feel like there are people who don’t care enough as they should. I just want to say that, I do. I don’t know who you are, what you’re doing. But I love you. Do not think for a single iota that your existence is merely coincidence, I’m not by any means a holier than thou individual and I’ve had my fair share of this isn’t worth living for: but trust me; it is and then some.
Madara comes from an era where you put your best fist forward when things aren’t right. His level of resolve is steel cut and unwavering…but seeing you hurt yourself as an outlet, doesn’t sit well with Madara. And he’s into good old fashioned methods of healing…sorta. Expect to be tied up to his bed; not in the way you’d like either. For days he will keep you there, turning your body so you won’t get bed sores. Feeding you and letting you up to the toilet fa few times a day, and once at night if needed. All of this until you finally talk it out with him, and agree to find a better solution to figuring out how to express your feelings/pain. Insists on being around you every second of the day.
I won’t lie, seeing you hurt yourself this way; it makes him cry. Do you want Obito to cry!? He’s inconsolable when you won’t even consider him as a vent source. And, while he won’t selfishly make it about him. He will openly admit most (ok all) of his faults in the hopes you would share your own. Whatever it is, Obito is sure that there are far better way to convey the message you want to share. Suffering in silence is only so fool proof.
No. No, no. No. Shisui one hundred percent won’t stand for it, and despite your protests of him almost catapulting himself off a cliff, he will tell you the error of his ways. Undoubtedly will make sure that you understand that even his own potential sacrifice would have been fruitless, and that you shouldn’t compare apples to oranges. And from there, Shisui will spend countless hours, days and nights proving to you just how sacred human life is. He inadvertently blames himself for some of this, you mentioning his almost demise opens old wounds and Shisui takes the opportunity for you both to grow and evolve. He wants to be a role model; not the reason you justify it.
In a way; he’s bereaved. This is highly unusual for you, and Itachi’s keen eyes (and new prescription glasses) catch a glimpse of your fresh wounds as he lightly snatches your arm. ‘Why would you do this?’ and ‘that’s not a logical reason to purposely harm yourself.’ Are a few of his stern words to you. Itachi is a no nonsense man, and he won’t tolerate you hurt yourself. If he was a true jerk, like he tricked many to believe for the longest time; he’d put you in Tsukuyomi and really give you something to think about. But instead, he inundated you day in and day out with his concern. Hoping that if you see one person who cares; you will eventually open up.
Sasuke, traumatized by his older brother—not once but twice and more, lived in excruciating detail his own parents death, several times over. In the matter of three seconds; he understands your grief. Whatever you might be going through, I think when it comes to seeing other people suffering—especially as adult Sasuke, he can’t cope with it, and rarely did for himself. Which is sort of mkes him the besy person for this. He also doesn’t mince words and tells you straight out that you’re only causing yourself more harm in the long run. His method of cut and dry reality checks come in waves, when you think he’s not watching you, he’s right there. Don’t under estimate his capabilities. You’re on his radar and Sasuke won’t hesitate to use his techniques to get you talking; the sooner you find the root cause of your problems. The better, take it from someone who let their pain fester until it boiled over, it’s not worth it.
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vasito-de-leche · 5 months
so i’ve been looking through the role atlas since i read your post about the covers and so far i’ve seen a few interesting? things and so starting off with blonney
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(in the arcanist magazine) her cover is worded differently compared to other arcanists. it says ‘an arcanist work’ instead of the usual ‘an arcanist’s work’. like the ‘a supernatural work’ thing you found. as we know, arcanist’s work pretty much means a pure-blood(?) arcanist, or at least brought to sentiency by an arcanist (in darley clatter’s case, to name one).
‘arcanist’s’ implies there being a creator of that arcanist, which would probably be their parents. but blonney’s only says ‘arcanist work’, so she fits into the category of an arcanist but it doesn’t mention anything about her ‘creator’. maybe she somehow acquired arcanum powers and was originally human? but then that would be in the infected’s territory now. (i don’t know blonney’s backstory so i don’t know if there’s an explanation found in it, but i might research it when it’s not in the middle of the night).
anyway, her exhibition thing is also worded differently. usually, it goes ‘exhibited in…’ etc etc, but hers says ‘first put on exhibit… remained on display…’. i think, for the rest, exhibited means how long they’ve lived, or at least something like that. that includes the possibility that they may have been reversed during the years they’ve lived in due to the storm, safely assuming that they have been affected by it, so the foundation can’t exactly track it properly. but based on the wording in blonney’s cover (‘remained on display’) it could mean that blonney hasn’t gone through a storm yet (again i dont know if its been proved or not because i didnt pay attention to the last event), so the foundation has pretty much been able to track her ‘exhibition’ and movements for the past years (1990s-2010s, it seems).
this is getting a bit long so im gonna have to cut it short here ! majority of this is just me spitballing and being incoherent at 10pm, methinks, but i want (no pressure) to hear your thoughts on this!
aand and and eating your art. your art and writing are very edible. i dine like a king whenever i see you post
oh hello and tysm for the ask, I love discussing this stuff!
I think I wrote that post the day before the release of the A Nightmare at Green Lake event, so I didn't take those characters' profiles into consideration! But now that you brought it up, I'm looking and comparing profiles, only the characters released during THAT event seem to have this small difference?
I don't have Jessica, but I do have the other three - so for reference, here's Horropedia and Tooth Fairy's profiles.
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Their wording matches Blonney's, and looking at the fandom wiki's article for Jessica, she also seems to fall in line with this little change.
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Overall, this seems to be a small mistake from the translation team, since no one else has this sort of wording?
I only have Diggers from the previous event to this one, the Theft of the Rimet Cup, but Pickles and Melania are consistent as well.
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The same can be said for the current event, Journey to Mor Pakh.
Shamane releases in February, but I think we can assume his Cover profile will follow the same regular pattern as the rest.
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I have to admit that I entirely ignored most of the Theft of the Rimet Cup event because the plot was extremely boring to me, so I can't talk about what happens in there in detail to start theorizing and whatnot - but I did read A Nightmare At Green Lake.
When first reading your ask, I thought that maybe there was a shared theme between the characters that could explain this little difference - like how in A Nightmare at Green Lake, the most prevalent theme is that of belonging.
In Blonney's case, she had to act as a human despite her arcanist heritage because of the benefits that came with a human identity, as well as the fact that she could play into the "dumb, blonde bimbo" stereotype and get away with anything because of her family's connections.
As for Horropedia, he was adopted by a human man - his grandfather who introduced him to horror movies - and a lot of his voicelines hint towards him not being able to fit in within the Foundation's standards and getting into a lot of trouble because of it, hence his admission into Vertin's group at the end of the event.
Jessica is implied to be a product of Zeno's crossbreeding between a "changeling" and a "North American deer woman" - being the only one of her kind, plus the fact that she only has critters to keep her company, cause her to be lonely and extremely attached to Blonney.
Tooth Fairy's specific backstory/event is a little blurry in my brain, but I remember that she comes from a very famous arcanist family - the Campbells - whose connections allowed Tooth Fairy to study something related to arcanists health? But she wasn't taken seriously and she discovered that her human mentor was corrupt, leading her to abandon that route and become a dentist for the Foundation (but feel free to correct me!)
So the shared theme of belonging was there, I could argue that hey, the wording is different because none of these characters' "creators" - in this sense, not exclusively biological but those in charge of them - are true arcanists. Blonney's parents faking their human status, Horropedia's human grandfather, Jessica's existence being a product of science gone wrong, Tooth Fairy's mentor being a corrupt human, etc.
But then, we find this exact type of character and themes in Journey to Mor Pahk - Kaalaa Bauna hides her status as an arcanist during her time at the university because she knows the stigma that she will face and how little respect arcanist related research gets. And even so, her profile follows the general one, instead of the ones from A Nightmare at Green Lake.
So with that whole thought out of my brain, for now I'm willing to believe that it's just one of the many little translation errors within the game.
Oh! And while I'm at it, in relation to the post you're referring to - this isn't related to the weird wording, but I said in that post that Lilya, specifically, had a very convoluted way of describing her time period that didn't match the other main characters who were alive and within the Foundation as the same time as her.
A few weeks after I posted that, me and some friends in a R1999 server started talking about that and turns out that Lilya DOES have a canon age in CN - she's 17. And in retrospect, I'm assuming that this specific change done to her Cover profile in global to obscure her age was done because of underage drinking issues, since she does drink and she gets drunk during one of the flashback boss battles - meaning she was even younger at that time.
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frithwontdie · 1 month
Pls share your tips for nature preservation
Sure. Like I said in the last anon ask. Use vinegar cleaner instead of harmful over the counter products. Weed killer made from vinegar, salt, and Dawn dish soap. If your food goes bad. Don't throw it away. It can be turned into compost soil. Or if you live out in the country, walk out in the woods and leave it. That'll way it won't go to waste and a critter won't go hungry.
Also what @unclejingo stated in the other anon post.
Get a Litter Spike: Take it with you on walks in the woods and bring a medium sized garbage bag with you. Don't have to go crazy but you feel good for having done it.
Also, you can make your own homade toothpaste and mouthwash without harmful chemicals.
Also as @stillnotwriting mentioned, make soap from tallow aka cow fat.
You can also make soap without Lye, I believe @forknightshonor has the link.
Or if you don't want to make your own soap, you get it here:
Hope this was helpful.
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