#millenials killing...
paintaya · 6 months
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pitayatree thoughts in the good year 2024... oh it's so over
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fly-the-pattern · 25 days
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mostlikelyshutup · 1 month
trying to find wall decor that isnt disgustingly millenial and/or ai is making me insane
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aeoris4lovers · 1 year
texts from the mighty nein part two: thelyss brothers boogaloo
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[more texts from the xhorhoes groupchat]
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Ford if he went corporate. Forprate?
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hug-kiss-marry-kill · 5 months
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ineffablydelighted · 1 year
[Cute Omens #3]
That first time Aziraphale visited Crowley's flat (aka: The day Aziraphale met his other children-in-law: Crowley's plants 🌿)
[Future me after ending writing this bit: STOP RIGHT HERE! I didn't expect it to end up being a tad smutty rather than cute but it did so if you don't want to read that: ABHORT MISSION! NOW!]
Crowley: *miracles the door of his flat to open by snapping his fingers**does a reverence* After you, Angel.
Aziraphale: *a little shy* Oh, er, thank you. *already looks everywhere**echoing voice* It is... uhhh... very... rocky. What am I hearing?
[Okay, I might need to precise a thing or two here: in my mind, Crowley's flat somewhat looks like a fancy/modern vivarium, with "human"/entity furniture, natural rock walls, a river flowing all over it and, of course, the humidity that should go with it. Basically, imagine the show's flat with more natural elements... yes, a Despicable me/The Incredibles' villain apartment, exactly!]
Crowley: *enters as well**merely trips for some reason**looks at Aziraphale to make sure he didn't notice**he didn't**acts cool* Oh, that would be the river. And what does "rocky" mean, exactly?
Aziraphale: *looks at him* Wait. You have a river in your flat?
Crowley: *holds himself from sighing* Yeah. I have a river in my flat. Don't make it weird.
Aziraphale: *looks around to find the river's "source"**still cannot believe it* You miracled a river in your flat.
Crowley: *starts being annoyed* Yes, Angel, I miracled a river in my flat. Can we move on or do I need to miracle a lake in the living room to make you talk about something remotely worth speaking about?
Aziraphale: *has started to follow the river to the next room being... Crowley's office, probably?* Annnd you've never had... paperwork... for that?
Crowley: *is closer than Aziraphale expected**watches him startle**super brief inquisitious look* No water bill, so Hell's accountants are pretty pleased, actually. *removes his jacket and throws it on his office chair**same goes for his glasses that finds their way to the nearest plant*
Aziraphale: Oh, o... allright. *shy smile*
Crowley: And are you?
Aziraphale: Hum?
Crowley: Allright.
Aziraphale: *takes a long time to contemplate the question**also, Crowley stays closer to him than usual* Well, we saved the World...
Crowley: Yep, classic Sunday.
Aziraphale: *sad brows*... And my Bookshop has burned down.
Crowley: I know. Sorry it happened, Angel. My Bentley has burned down as well.
Aziraphale: *feels suddenly so guilty* Oh, yes... Sorry about that, by the way. I didn't quite found the occasion to-
Crowley: We can still pop into places until I find a way to repair her. We should be fine.
Aziraphale: Oh, yes, you're right. But, until then, I think we should... um... lay low for a while?
Crowley: Lay low... here?
Aziraphale: Y-yes? *blushes**scared look* I-I mean, only if, uh, if that is okay for you, of course, I-I didn't mean to impo-
Crowley: Angel, I've spent more hours that we could ever count in your Bookshop, it's only fair.
Aziraphale: *little smile* O-okay.
Crowley: *taps his shoulder in a friendly-yet-somewhat-awkward way*
Both: *echange a weird look*
Crowley: Don't think too much about it. *is, himself, thinking too much about it*
Aziraphale: *clears his throat* So, hum... can you... give me... a tour? *tries to smile normally**fails?*
Crowley: Oh, sure thing. Follow me. *one of his arms automatically slides behind one of Aziraphale's shoulders and gently drags him elsewhere*
Aziraphale: *does not remember how to walk properly for a second**looks at Crowley* Ah, sorry.
Crowley: *confused* Nevermind. So. We just leave the office and... Where do you want to go? Left? Right?
Aziraphale: *even more confused* I don't know, hum... Left? *shrugs his shoulders in a shy way*
Crowley: *holds himself from thinking how cute it is for approximately 0.2 miliseconds**smiles more genuinely* Left it is, come on. *Takes Aziraphale's hand without warning*
Aziraphale: Cro-
Crowley: *releases Aziraphale hand as if nothing happened except the fact he felt Aziraphale's heart beating so fast he could feel it at the end of his Angel's figertips**clears his throat* These are... My biggest pride. *looks at his plants with dad eyes**hands on his hips*
Aziraphale: *is looking for a mirror to check if his blushing is obvious or super obvious**cannot find one**looks at the plants* Oh, Crowley, they are most lovely!
[One of the plants shows its gratitude by making a red flower bloom right in front of Aziraphale]
Aziraphale: *approaches it**looks at Crowley* Did you do that?
Crowley: *raising an eyebrow* I thought you did. *suddenly looks at his plants with utmost severity*
[The plants starts shaking]
Aziraphale: *what-now face*
Crowley: *angry AF**threatening mode status: hella activated* So, you're telling me you could grow flowers... THE... ENTIRE... TIME?!
Aziraphale: Cr-Crowley, stop, you're scaring them!
Crowley: *gritted teeth* Apparently, I didn't scare them ENOUGH. *theatrical gestures* What did I tell you all? GROW BETTER! Is that so difficult to understand? Angel! I'm talking to you! IS IT?
Aziraphale: *does movements but eventually stops every single one of them right in the middle* I...
Crowley: *approaches Aziraphale*
Aziraphale: *recoils*
Crowley: *catches Aziraphale's arm and pulls him closer**whispers* Angel, I need you to back me up on this.
Aziraphale: *torn between blushing and being intimidated**as always, ends up doing both**whispers back**kinda panicking* I do not know what you expect me to do, Crowley!
Crowley: *tries not to focus on the fact their temples are touching*Just follow my lead.
Aziraphale: *removes himself from the temple-to-temple situation**unsure but pretends to have 100% understood* O-okay. *awkward thumbs up*
Crowley: *out loud**starts pacing* I am so, SO disappointed in you lot. *points at Aziraphale* And he is disappointed in you, too!
Aziraphale: *says nothing*
Crowley: *looks back at Aziraphale* Angel.
Aziraphale: Oh! Yes! I... I am... very, um... *tries to frown his eyebrows in a threatening way* displeased by your... attitude!
Crowley: Exactly! And you don't know me when I'm disappointed he is disappointed. *marks a pause trying to remember something important**remembers* This is Aziraphale, by the way.
Aziraphale: *waves in New Girl arriving in High School in the middle of the school year* Hello?
Crowley: And if HE is disappointed, oh, I swear to you, come Hell or High Water, I will make anything responsible REGRET IT 'til the end of their days.
Aziraphale: There's no need to be- *catches Crowley's threatening look starting to turn at him and him only**too loud* HE IS A DEMON, YOU SEE? He knows things I could never even imagine!
Crowley: Exactly! And now, time to make an example out of one of you! *aims for a smaller plant and lively grabs it*
Aziraphale: *follows him with little stressed steps* Are you sure about that, Crowley?
Crowley: *high-pitched voice**still theatrical* DO YOU HEAR THAT?! How sweet of him, but you know me and how much I am not. Swee-t. *gets out of the plant room**yells from afar* THIS IS FOR HIDING THINGS FROM ME, IT'S GOING TO BE SO PAINFULL!
Aziraphale: *still following but looking everywhere to not hit a wall or something* C-Crowley, can we talk about this?
[The little plant shakes like crazy in Crowley's hand]
Aziraphale: *is an Angel after all**unsure but tries to take the plant out of Crowley's hands*
Crowley: *higher-pitched, scandalized voice* Wot the Hell are you doing?! *surprised yet swiftly turns to avoid him*
Aziraphale: *almost falls to the floor*
Crowley: *catches him by a bit of his almost-two-centuries-old jacket, avoiding Aziraphale's face to hit the floor 0.5 seconds before impact**still holds the little plant in his other hand*
Aziraphale: *blinks way too much looking at the cold floor* Cro-Crowley!
Crowley: Damn you, Angel! *pulls him back up**reproachful voice*
Aziraphale: I am... SO sorry... I just...
Crowley: Why did you do that?!
Aziraphale: I just... I don't...
Crowley: *grunts**quickly walks away*
Aziraphale: *follows him clumzily until, oh, that's the kitchen*
Crowley: *opens the window*
Aziraphale: *expects him to dramatically throw the plant away*
Crowley: *puts the plant next to a dozen others on the balcony*
Aziraphale: You-
Crowley: *puts a finger on Aziraphale's lips* Shhhh.
Aziraphale: *looks at Crowley's finger**blushes*
Crowley: *yells back**looks for something in a random cupboard* OOOKAY, TIME FOR THE DOUBLE CHAINSAW TREATMENT! *activates the machines*
Aziraphale: *recoils, a hand on his lips*
Crowley: *gives him a "help me here" look*
Aziraphale: *awkward winking**dramatic ethereal being* OH NO, CROWLEY, DON'T DO THIS! I'M BEGGING YOU!
Crowley: YOU AIN'T SEEN NOTHING YET, ANGEL! *evil laugh*
Crowley: *takes an empty flower pot**throws it out of the window*
[Noises of a car accident down there]
Aziraphale: *out of his role* Crowley!
Crowley: *shrugs his shoulders**uncertain**checks out* Uh, it's... nothing, Angel!
Aziraphale: *pushes him away without thinking* I don't believe y- CROWLEY!
[Evident scene of two cars having collided because of one having its windshild abruptly crushed by a random flower pot happening]
Crowley: *awkward smile* Well... We saved the world, so... Two cars, I mean, *little misplaced laugh* It's not... that serious, right?
Aziraphale: *points at the exterior**severe out of nowhere* Repair this! Now!
Crowley: *astonished* You... wait a se- sure. *reverses time to avoid a silly car accident**the flower pot has vanished though**hand on a hip**ready to have his revenge* Satisfied?
Aziraphale: *feels the balance shifting between the two of them again**knows he is in trouble**recoils* I-I didn't mean to... Y-you know... say it like that, I...
Crowley: *walks towards him in a snakey way* Oh, really? Because, from where I stand, it feels like you just gave me an order, Angel.
Aziraphale: *not-so-reassured, high-pitched voice* Nooo, of course not, I-I would nev- *bumps into a statue representing... two angels wrestling?!**cannot go further**looks at Crowley, alarmed* Well, I mean, I might have- but you- *weird worried noise* uhhh...
Crowley: *enjoys this way too much**gets closer* Do you really need me to explain how this is supposed to work, Angel?
Aziraphale: *Quirinus Quirrel's laugh* I-I-I... I really didn't mean to- *gasps*
Crowley: *has just taken Aziraphale by the back of his neck**smirks* Of course not, but you still did, and I wonder... *draws him closer until their noses touch**lower his voice* How do you intend to make amends to me, Angel?
Aziraphale: *tries to get away**reminds himself of the statue - how weird of a decorating choice is that?**looks at Crowley intensely* I-I... have... no idea, I...
Crowley: *gets even closer to the point they can only feel each other's breaths now* Hum? Yes? Does not sound like the beginning of an apology I'm expecting, Aziraphale.
Aziraphale: *never heard his name being said like that**heart racing**eye flicker*
[They exchange a rather ineffable gaze.]
Crowley: *smirks again**puts his lips on his Angel's and talks on them* This is your last chance to stop this before I lose my mind.
Aziraphale: Y-you... *gasps like a shojo character**impressed eyes**weird arm movements**almost inaudible little yell* Aaahhh...
Crowley: *intense gaze**whispers* Don't. Panic. You knew what would happen before stepping a foot in here, right?
Aziraphale: *closes his eyes for a second**tries to gather some courage**looks back at Crowley**mumbles* Yes... yes, I did.
Crowley: Finally. *tightens his grip on Aziraphale's neck and presses his lips on his*
Aziraphale: *opens widly his eyes for a second before closing them too hard**indulges with abandon**invites Crowley to press harder by doing it himself*
Crowley: *grabs Aziraphale's hair**time for some tongue action*
Aziraphale: *moans in unholy**grabs Crowley's scarf to pull him closer if that is even possible*
God: And it was possible, obviously! Look at them, Lucy! Look! Satan: How many times have you replayed that moment, exactly? God: *defensive* Nearly two hundred! In other words, nothing! *laughs in Naughty Almighty* Satan: *before leaving* You're gonna owe my lot's channel a crazy, crazy fee this month. God: AND I REGRET NOTHING!
Navigation time!
[While needing you to consider that, most of the time, the scenes are randomized and do no necessarily follow one another at all]
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bibleofficial · 1 month
obsessed w gen alpha
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#stream#literally the kill them w kindness philosophy 😭😭😭#gen z & millenial urge to respond w smthg like ‘unfortunately u too were brought into this world kill yourself’ AKSKAKKSLAKALAKLAKALA#this was on a. post of op asking ‘is there smthg wrong w my sea monkeys’#like how are u being snide in a reddit community that surrounds a ‘first pet’ for children aged like 8-13#literally all they had to do was top up their water like they’ve an amazing colony - it’s flourishing !! i’d be proud ??!??#like when i had my first sea monkeys as a child i had to aerate the tank so the said pour it into a cup back & forth so i put it in a#blender but the bottom didn’t have like the blender bit so it was. a straw#so i poured them into the floor & cried#i was DEVASTATED#but still ALSKALSKALSKLAKALS LIKE IDK I DEFEND SEAMONKEYS THEYRE SUCH A GOOD FIRST PET & THEYRE SO FASCINATING#like idk it’s just ???? w most hobbies u should just be nice bc it’s not like ur making fun of someone in a TOBACCO or LIQUOR subreddit#like even in the pigeon reddit u can get some cunts but like u can … tell when it’s a child asking a question or looking for advice ….#well child or ‘young person’ i don’t want to be like a 16 year old is a child but they certainly are constrained financially so they can’t#like ‘go out & but a dog crate’ to put it in but u can advise them on where they can take it for like vet help or resources on how to keep#an injured animal comfortable#like idk I JUST THINK it’s SO important to make these spaces comfortable & accessible for children bc sometimes their friends or family#won’t be interested in a hobby like BIRDWATCHING but if ur ONLY surrounded w other children misinformation will proliferate#i should just be a teacher or work in some sort of community outreach like idk i just like working w young people#& old people !!!! but i like young people like omg helping them find their passions & pushing them in that direction#ooohhhh how MOTHERLY
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ladyy--lazarus · 1 year
Gen Z would have loved getting the dELiA*s catalog in the mail like we did in the 90s/00s. Check it out if you don't know. They're a "sub-brand" under Doll's Kill now, which makes me sad because it was about expressing yourself and feeling good/empowered, but Doll's Kill has the porn vibe I'm not into. Nostalgic for back when before Pam Anderson was exploited with her homevideo tape but was just a happy young celeb and Playboy was still considered scandalous but sexy (don't get me started on its origin and how it printed child p0rn) and porn didn't permeate the mainstream and rotted mens brains to the insane degree like today. Honestly, it wasn't that great then, but I would have never thought things would change so drastically. It was full speed rapid change once 9/11 happened. There was still a sort of innocence and naivete in childhood and culture in the 90s. I know I'm rambling but I miss my friends who died so fucking young and writing each other handwritten letters and birthday cards and talking on the phone for hours and burned cds and dvds being a new thing and dial-up internet and riding bikes all day.
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byregot · 2 months
I’m tired of people using the generation they were born in as an identify marker
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fly-the-pattern · 5 months
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knifearo · 10 months
got first "you're not special for not fucking people" anon hate on this blog!!!!! congrats everyone we have made it to the scope of people who have nothing better to do than [ checks notes ] send hatemail to people who are literally not doing anything. HUGE achievement aspecs i'm so proud of you all <33333333
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jessaerys · 1 year
s2 / the L successors arc is so funny to me because it truly encapsulates what it is like to reach your mid-twenties and suddenly be deeply out of touch with the youth whom are running circles around you. light yagami voice: what the fuck is a "tik" "tok"
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endlessandrea · 2 years
Saidiya Hartman talks about the right not to work on the Millenials are Killing Capitalism-podcast
"In the immediate aftermath of slavery, modalities of subsistence, which would enable people to not work are criminalized. And we have the incredible privatization of woods, of lakes, of all of these avenues of subsistence. This is part of the violence that has been necessary to produce a working class everywhere in the world. No one volunteers to sign up for wage labor. Subsistence has to become impossible and immiseration drives you to the market to trade your skin, to trade your height as you quoted earlier.
The right not to work is a right that is not tolerated under a capitalist regime. It doesn't even matter that you might wind up being unhoused, unfed. That fact of not working makes you vulnerable to forms of state harassment, police harassment, and targeting.
In Wayward Lives I have this quote from the Grundrisse where Marx is quoting some (?) 18th-century (?) plantation owner talking about the idleness of the ex-slaves. Now that they are no longer enslaved, they don't want to work and they certainly don't want to work for you. This is what we also see in those (?) for freed men. How do you then transform the formerly enslaved into an acquisitive, dutiful working class? For me, the beautiful character of Black anarchy is that it's always said "no" to these forms of command and conscription. There have been forms of mutual aid societies, forms of collective organizing, forms of simply getting by by sharing your place with ten other friends, so maybe one of you works every two weeks.
In that there is an understanding that there is no gold pot at the end of the rainbow of wage labor. That even though there is the threat of punishment and arrest and even imprisonment, that is often the consequence of such action, it represents an astute understanding of the operational logic of racial capitalism, and what it's intended to do is to extract, exploit, accumulate at your expense. No matter how hard you work, you'll ultimately not be going to make enough money to sustain your survival. Every other vehicle of social organisation, the newspaper, movies, the governing ideology, is about the moral responsibility to do so, to step up, to be an actualized person. To resist all that and to say no, well, that's a great thing.
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massesriseup · 1 year
Alright I'm back for now. Kids keep getting shot and that shit is absolutely unacceptable. I'm not someone who is at the forefront of breaking news so, yes, this is a few days late.
So what the fuck with the gun usage? I thought the whole argument about gun rights included comprehensive training on how to use them and appropriate uses for self defense. Does that often include shooting teenage girls turning around in your driveway? Or teenage girls who mix up their car with yours? And to follow them to their own car so you can get a good shot? Or a teenage boy who politely knocks on your door because he's at the wrong address? I don't own a gun, and I don't support gun ownership, so I haven't gone through much of a gun safety training but something tells me that these scenarios are unacceptable based on the charges facing these horrible people and the fact that anyone with an ounce of ethics would never just start shooting the first chance they get.
This is another reason I believe we SHOULD take away most guns. Obviously we, the American people, don't deserve to own any weapons stronger than a bow and arrow, and even then I'm not sure most people should have that either.
How sick must you be to have been waiting for a chance to take a life? It reminds me of the sickos from my high school that had open conversations about joining the military so they could kill lots of people and to think that that could be living next door makes me sick. And anyone who thinks that way should feel ashamed if you can feel at all.
And to think, too, that so many gun owners claim to be Christian and can't wait to break the commandment "thou shall not kill." I find it really brings into question a lot of those "Christians" beliefs. Those kinds of people are surely only faking their faith. (Which isn't to say all Christians are faking it, just these people waiting to hate and kill in direct contrast to the spiritual laws they claim to follow and against the literal figure they claim to try to emulate who said love one another unconditionally.)
And let's talk about the school shootings happening lately. Those guns seem to keep being purchased legally. Maybe they shouldn't be legal. Anything more advanced or powerful than a simple shotgun should be banned and those shotguns should have STRICT laws and regulations around their purchases. They should know every single thing about the purchaser and have frequent psychological check-ins with past purchasers. The children and future of this country should never have to fear for their lives when they go to school. They should never have to fear for their lives anyway but especially when they're forced by truancy laws to go to a building that has minimal security at best. A couple of metal detectors and having a front office lady buzz in visitors isn't actually all that secure.
But of course, we don't want to fund those death traps to make them less deadly. ThEy'Re iNdOcTrInAtInG OuR ChIlDrEn. Fuck you and your dumbass opinion. If trying to make these kids good people in the midst of their trauma is fucking indoctrination, then good, they should be. They should be better than you. They should get into a position where when they're in power, they recognize old faults from previous generations and work to fix it and work to heal what has been historically broken. If you can't recognize that as a good thing, then you are once again a bad person and you should feel ashamed at your selfishness and ignorance. This country has been made a global laughing stock because of people like you.
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