#minecraft is a game that i will get completely obsessed with for a week or two at a time and then put down for 4 months
This week I've suddenly been all in on big Minecraft builds so here's what I've been working on
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Wanted to build something into this mountain in my survival world so I went with a relatively simple castle. It's pretty much bare inside so no interior pics but it was fun to burrow into the mountain for that effect. I'm also working on a big bridge across a canyon behind it, but it's taking me a while to get anywhere because... survival world, so no pics yet.
And then in a creative mode world:
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Starting to replicate the museum/observatory from Outer Wilds! I've got most of the structure built and am just starting to decorate. I'm just kind of winging it on this one which is why the dome is pretty wonky lol. I planned out the initial base so I had a good-looking circle, but everything else was pretty much just vibes and I'm pretty happy with it. The only part I'm kind of frustrated with is the telescope:
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It's just difficult to make a cylinder (ideally a flared cylinder) on an angle, especially at the scale I'm using. I'll keep messing with it.
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andmaybegayer · 7 days
Last Monday of the Week 2024-09-16
It's Autumn
This is late because turns out there's not really a polite way to finish tapping out your Mondaypost when someone else is already in your bed.
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Listening: a recommendation from the Topic Lords podcast, Ancient Sword Cult by Writhen Hilt. It's about swords!
Epic fantasy metal is a tremendously funny genre.
Watching: Watched Saloum with @thosearentcrimes because we heard it on Kill James Bond and both went "that sounds cool as hell" and it was!
Another great addition to the group of films where guys turn to the camera and go "Hey does anyone else feel doomed."
This is a really tense and well put together crime drama, some top-tier monologues and characters who are going all out. Very much worth watching without looking up too much about it I think.
Reading: Started A Desolation Called Peace a few days ago. Three Seagrass! She's so clueless! Man my girlfriend is so cool it's a shame she's not a complete person.
Having read Memory, then all of The Masquerade, and now Desolation, I think this gives me an interesting look at what I like and don't like about each series. Teixcalaan doesn't spend so much time obsessing over little world details, instead building a culture and atmosphere of empire that I really enjoy. The Masquerade is more on the ground which has benefits, but it's somewhat artificial feeling. It's at its best in the very personal moments around Baru and the other cryptarchs.
Still getting through Desolation though.
Playing: Mine Craft. I've been fiddling with some mods like Distant Horizons which does low-res renders of the world out way further than the stock game. I always get back into Minecraft for like three weeks and then put it down for another year. I have a whole lot of thinking done on how the game design of Minecraft is very cleverly pushing on different kinds of players
Making: Printing again for the first time in a while, more home objects. Finally have an excuse to get dozens of tiny neodymium magnets!
Tools and Equipment: I got a new-ish oscilloscope! Proper digital one too, Hantek DSO2D10. It has one feature I consider a nice-to-have and one feature I consider essential for cramped home lab use.
The essential feature is a built-in signal generator. Sure, it can only do a couple dozen MHz cleanly and "cleanly" is being generous there, but for like a $50 premium over a similar non-generator scope you get a single channel generator with arbitrary waveform capabilities, very handy. Saves a lot of space and makes you more likely to actually use the damn thing.
The nice-to-have is built-in logic analyzer features. Yes, a digital logic analyzer will do this better and cheaper, and yes, you could even just dump the waveform and analyze it on a computer, but being able to poke around on a board and just hit "tell me what I'm looking at here" on a random bitstream is tremendously valuable for speed and comfort.
The DSO series is pretty cheap, they're no Tektronix or Keysight, but they're a damn side better than pure analogue, having used pure analogue for a long time. Just skip it, storage and maths functions are so worth it.
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princesssmars · 1 year
the idea of introducing monet to video games is so cute to me.
like let's say because of her parents words she always thought it was childish, preferring to spend her time time shopping, making connections, or managing her social medias.
but then during summer (in quarantine, no less), she gets a bad cold. her parents buy her the best medicine they can buy along with the help of one of new york's best pediatricians, but the guy just says she needs to "focus on relaxing." sure, whatever.
at week one she's bored out of her mind, and manages to guilt trip you into coming over so she doesn't start banging her head against the wall. when you come inside she starts to regret it because you have that look on your face that says "i'm going to make you do something and you're not gonna be able to say no to me."
you set your macbook on her lap before sitting at the end of her bed, dodging her hand that tries yo tug yours to sit next to her. "here, the solution to your boredom."
her eyebrow raises. "a computer? i'm dying in my room and you get the bright idea to give me a computer."
"dont act catty, i was about to explain," you admonish her while scooting until your side by side, choosing not to tease her when she visibly relaxes, "today you are going to join normal teens around the world and do what most of them do when they're bored."
"make fun of up and coming influencers on instagram?"
"no, you're going to play some games."
at first she is completely over it and this close to literally kicking you out of her bed, but you came all this way and look genuinely excited to show this to her, so she gives you a chance. just this one time.
she unseriously complains while you boot up the computer and open minecraft. and she rolls her eyes so hard she can feel her headache getting worse. you load up your world and she has to admit it looks gorgeous, what you later tell her are shaders making everything look almost cinematic.
you set the computer in between the two of you, guiding her as she moves your character around the village you built. she's tempted to kill one of your farm animals but quickly turns around when you give her a death stare.
for the next few hours you show her the basics of the game, helping her learn how to mine, how to build a cute little house, and how to farm. she won't admit it but by the time she finished building her own home she's completely relaxed, not even noticing that you dozed off on her shoulder.
over the next few days you play more games, ranging from cute slow paced ones like stardew valley and slime rancher to action packed ones like call of duty and gta. she loves bullying people over voice chat and laughs so hard when she gets suspended she nearly passes out.
she orders a switch a week later and quickly becomes obsessed with breath of the wild. the world is so pretty and she likes exploring it. she invites aki to play and he spam messages her "wtaf" when she kicks his yoshi's ass as princess zelda.
you both share a world in new horizons and if you confront her about leaving flowers in your house she will deny it until she dies.
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meowmeow422 · 8 months
I see you like the warriors of hope from danganronpa
Any hcs you can share?
Finally! /hj
Quite a few, tho they may not be the best lol😅
Also, influenced by my 'Princess of Light' AU—basically a universe where Monaca met Makoto instead and was inpired by him.
Oh, and the rest of the Warriors are yanderes cause why not?
If anyone wanna check it out, here! I have some hcs that are specific for that au as well—if anyone is interested, I can post those too.
Anywho, hcs. Tw: angst, dark stuff. I'll add some silly fluff ones at the end so just scroll there if you wanna avoid the heavier drabbles
Monaca Towa
I have a feeling that Monaca is a bit like Cruella and/ or Himiko Toga. She already had some questionable tendencies that only worsen with the way she was treated; she just needed some help but we know how that ended up
Monaca def has a sibling complex. I think she always just wanted a family. No matter what, it's a fact: she was just a kid; a half-sibling was still a sibling to her, yet Haiji was absolutely disgusted by her very existence. (As someone with two older siblings I can't even imagine the pain)
I mean, just look at her wiki. The way it describes what others, what Haiji thought if her? Her own quotes? Yikes
Which is probably why she was so quickly and obsessively attached with Junko; the person who could be her sister—her family
Wanna know the 'best part'? It is canon that she knew perfectly well that Junko not only didn't actually care for them but was using them too. Ouch
Nagisa Shingetsu
Due to what his parents put him through, he abhors games where you have to grind or constantly level up.
He does however love cute casual/ mindless stuff; games where you can just turn off your brain and enjoy yourself—games where you don't need to be perfect, you can just be you
He is either completely terrified or utterly apathetic to needles. Like when the school nurse come to give the annual shot, he's either gonna break down or be like 'huh, another one.'
Pretty numb to sensations most of the time. Especially bad during exam week or if his parents have a new theory they wanna 'try out'
Kotoko Utsugi
Panics when men get into her personal space—espeacially fearful of the older/ bigger ones
Has dark tendencies too; it's unfair that she had to go through the abuse, so why not share the pain?
She'd tear some of the girls' skirt or top, or splash water onto them.
She wants other girls to be tainted so that she herself feels less dirty
When she used to act in school plays, she tried to spend as much time at rehearsals so that she didn't have to at her 'other job'
Probably has an eating disorder—mostly cause her mom keeps telling her she needs to be cute or else she is worthless
Jataro Kemuri
His obsession with hatred comes from the belief that while he is despised he is still paid attention too
Afterall, hate and love aren't opposites—they're paralells. Apathy is the true opposite
Jataro would pick being degraded and laughed at 1000× over being ignored
His worst experience was when his mom got so fed up that she didn't even get mad at him, just glared and walked away. A whole day of damning silence
Also, likely why he says random stuff; it confuses others and gives him their attention, if momentarily
Masaru Daimon
Due to his dad's addictions, Masaru flinches at the sight of a lighter
Additionally, he really hates strong smelling substances
He learnt how to patch himself and knew basic medical skills at a young age
As we've seen, he can also be self destructive; bruising himself when he feels like he's not living up to the title of 'Hero'
Lived off instant foods since his dad only gave him meager pocket change for it.
Now, onto the more light-hearted ones!
They like playing the Sims and/ or Minecraft together! Kotoko would design their characters and work with Jataro to build their house; Nagisa prefers playing free/ creative mode cause there's no goals or restrictions to abide; Masaru would likely be the only one hyped to finish certain milestones purely to brag; Monaca, well, she's gonna unleash all her pent up frustrations on those poor Sims/ mobs.
They used to have movie nights together! It was Kotoko's idea since it was an adorbs trend. Initially it was just the girls but eventually the guys joined too. They usually do it either at Monaca's place or very rarely at Jataro's.
They each have different love languages! Jataro's is physical touch, since he never recieved anything from his mother due to her disgust of him; Masaru's is words of affirmation as his dad never really said anything good about him and only talked when necessary; Kotoko's is quality time—since, prior to Monaca, people only interact/ spend time with her they have an ulterior motive; Nagisa's is acts of service—as he never had someone do something for him that didn't harm him; finally, Monaca's is gifts—she's the girl who has everything, but feels like she has nothing—a present, no matter how big or small, as long as it is genuine is precious to her
Speaking of, Monaca prob has a few gifts from the Warriors, and possibly even her other classmates, that she keeps. She says it's just for future blackmail but her heart says otherwise
Masaru is actually a pretty decent cook! He had grown tired of fast food so much he actually learnt how to make some basic meals. He sometimes even cooks for the others—mostly to impress them but still! Though he much prefers eating then preparing the meals
Jataro is awful at cooking tho—in fact, he's banned from the kitchen. He tends to get distracted and ends up putting random things into the mix
I have a feeling that all the Warriors have a 'liking' to Monaca, by different degrees however: Nagisa's is of course pupply love; Masaru thinks that they belong together since he's the Hero and she's the Princess; Kotoko probably sees her as a pure untainted angel that needs to be protected; and Jataro... well, maybe he's just confused lol
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thetomorrowshow · 3 months
🤗 What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
Literally write whatever you want. As much as you want. From the very start i've been writing gratuitous angst because i want to! I have unpublished fanfics of minecraft youtuber pho3n1x from 2017 where i just wrote tons of angst all for me. Don't worry about anyone reading it - and like it's so so awesome for people to love your work but i mean don't worry about offending people. Write the ship/kink/torture/fluff that YOU want to
📛 already answered!
⌛ How long does it take you to write a fic, or a chapter?
Depends. If it's angst that i've been turning over in my head for a minute, it can be really quick. Most parts of trust au are completed within a couple of days of starting. Bad self-care Jimmy fic (unpublished) was one that i worked on obsessively and it was done in like two weeks. Some fics take forever, though - memory loss jimmy fic (unpublished) took over a year, just because i had so many things i wanted to do in it that it was easier to focus in other things. One-shots are usually one day, with an extra day for editing. Chaptered fics take weeks or months, depending on the length!
Ask game
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superchat · 1 year
got any games you’ve been no-lifing lately homie
HIIIIIIII hmm, the last games i rlly poured time into...i was kind of obsessed with AC6 for a while, i played nothng but that for like 3 weeks everyday i think. theres so much i love abt that game, the thing that stuck with me the most was the character writing and how much soul and personality literally everyone had in it...
Most recently, it was starfield cuz im loser and my friend was playing it too, itss a bethesda game for all the good that means as well as the bad. i genuinely love the jank and bugginess of their games...despite it being pretty shallow and whatnot, i still spent like 90% of my time enjoying it
Ive started replaying Signalis too cuz its coming up on abt a year since i last played it and that game has not left my brain at all ever since the first time i beat it. its been a lot of fun! i also started playing FF7 Remake, im confident its gonna brainworm hook me but i just havent put in enough time yet :u i also have been getting the minecraft itch again
My schedule is just. work -> go home -> workout + shower + make food -> thn do things i ACTUALLY wanna do which...is just like 7pm-12pm. and ive been trying to be Done with the day by 10 or 11 cuz ive been using the last bit of the day to just try to lay down and completely space out brain empty before i go to bed
So theres just like. not enough time to do stuff...i get to choose one thing to do. between video games and 3 or 4 other things id like to do, it means i somttimes go a long time without playing much :u
HBU THO? any games youve been rlly into?
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raitrolling · 5 months
ok now i have Brain Power (AAAAE-A-E-I-E-A-) again i can go back to my thoughts on how my ocs would play Cosy Games cuz i always think its funny how people always assign characters who are Nice People as being solely animal crossing or minecraft or stardew players and its always like 'they have really pretty towns and are nice to all the NPCS uwu'
katrin is one of those people who maybe plays for hours one day but then never picks up the game again. shit like animal crossing is too daunting for her because you put down that game for a week and your town is full of weeds and the animals ask where youve been and it is just Too Scary to return to and face your failures
nancor likes to aimlessly wander around in his games and is prone to getting lost. you check your minecraft server logs and you just see him getting mauled by various mobs. hes having fun tho, dont worry about it
ashe is a Sidequest Guy, always doing all the little jobs for npcs because he likes to be helpful :) he agonises for ages over what gifts to give his animal crossing villagers when he sends them mail because he wants to make sure they like it, he needs a Good Grade In Friendships ok. he would also get up to a point in a stardew or harvest moon game where an npc asks to marry him and then he immediately checks with cheran if its okay for him to say yes or if he should turn them down LMFAO
velour is looking up tutorials for how to design the prettiest minecraft houses ever, and trying to make sure his stardew farms are the most Aesthetic ever. catch him awake at like 5am having spent all night redesigning his entire animal crossing island because he's going to livestream a tour for his YouTube channel and it needs to be Perfect
mikiel could care less about video games, and is doing the bare minimum in any game he'd touch. most likely the guy who does all the combat quests in Minecraft like fighting the ender dragon or the wither so other people he's playing with can get all the items
lucy is a Task Guy, and is dutifully doing every single daily chore in the game as well as trying to finish any quests as quickly as possible to not keep any NPCs waiting. loves fishing minigames, and completed his fishing + bug catching sections in the animal crossing museum within like a week after he learned how to time travel
viltau is a Spreadsheet Guy aiming for 100% completion and get the absolute most out of any game he'd touch, but he is also an Aesthetics Guy prone to completely renovating his animal crossing worlds / farming sim farms on a whim because he's gotten bored of how they look. he is just like velour being awake at ungodly hours trying to redo his island, but rather than doing it for fan approval hes just generally Deranged
glas just likes to fuck around and doesn't care about having any long-term goals in their games, and generally just designs shit to weird out any of their friends who visit their animal crossing island or minecraft server. why is there a corner of their island full of dolls? why do they have big meme murals in the nether? why is their cow named 'daddy milkies'? don't worry about it
vallis gets obsessed with any sort of animal raising or breeding mechanic and tends to forget about everything else. yeah his island is full of weeds and he still hasn't paid off any debts, but check out his rows upon rows of perfect hybrid flowers he's been crossbreeding
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artshineaura · 1 year
thinking about that one time when i was younger when i had to be banned from anything sonic for a month.
yeah,, uhm. so like, uhh...
basically i would obsessively talk about sonic constantly at school and it annoyed some people, and while out to eat with my mom and dad i made the very smart decision of just casually telling them about that and how it annoyed me that the other kids at my school were getting annoyed.
they came to the conclusion that i had to be banned from anything sonic for a month,, so i was. i mostly followed the ban but after a point i couldnt take it anymore, so i started sneakily trying to consume sonic stuff online again. i would literally try to hide the internet tabs i had of sonic related things from my parents like it was goddang porn.
i specifically remember one time where my mom was asleep behind me (my pc was in the living room) while i was trying to watch a sonic video on silent, constantly switching between the sonic video and the minecraft website or smth just incase.
eventually a week before the ban was lifted i woke up to this scavenger hunt thing where once i completed it, the sonic ban was lifted for a single hour. and all i did during that hour was watch a youtube compilation of cool sonic cutscenes, i didnt even play any of the games.
this ban also didnt stop me from obsessively talking about sonic at school during the month ban or after. i think im starting to understand why me and my elementary school friends drifted apart.
yeah looking back on this i think my parents were justified in the ban.
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ollyou · 1 year
What mainly got you to like the Origami siblings so much?
TL;DR FOR EVERYTHING: I was obsessed with Olivia and Bobby as family to Mario, and just really found interest in how tragic Olly and the siblings are in general. Then, I had my obsession reignited by the dreaded (/j) “Ollys ship”.
Okay, first I gotta say how I got into the game in the first place!!
To make it semi-brief, I got back into my Mario fixation after years of lessened interest by playing Minecraft…. SILLY, RIGHT? Well, I decided I wanted to listen to video game OSTs while I play with my little sister watching, and naturally, Mario games have always consistently had my favorite OSTs— and actually, my two favorite OSTs of all time (even before this story) are the ones for Super Paper Mario and Bowser’s Inside Story! Eventually I decided I’d listen to more Paper Mario music, and then it led to me getting a short-lived fixation on Color Splash.
While I was listening to Color Splash’s OST in early May 2020, I recall telling my sister, “I wonder when they’re going to make a new Paper Mario game, if they will at all. I’d really wanna play it!”
And then not even a week later, PMTOK was announced. IT WAS REALLY FUNNY AND CRAZY TIMING. I was already at the peak of my Paper Mario fixation, so this was perfect!
Basically I was pretty much immediately excited to see two completely original characters in this game. I thought Olly looked really pretty, too, even though at first I wasn’t sure how to feel about the whole origami stuff. Nonetheless, I was OBSESSED. With the whole game. I vividly remember checking the website for it constantly and watching analysis videos of the trailers, as well as gushing over Bobby (before I even knew much about him at all) to my friend on Sky: CotL…. I also had made sure to watch the Nintendo Treehouse livestream for the game. I watched near EVERY trailer online, to the point that when I played the actual game, it felt like almost nothing was new. I had preordered the game too, on my birthday about a month prior to the game’s release. I WOULD CONSTANTLY TALK ABOUT THE GAME, SAYING “You should buy Paper Mario: The Origami King releasing exclusively on the Nintendo Switch for $59.99 USD on July 17th, 2020” FOR THE FUNNIES. No one I knew was super interested in the game, though, so I was just gushing about it by myself on my private Instagram.
When the game released, I livestreamed myself playing it! And.. my… my first livestream caption 😄😄 was um 😄😄😄😃😄😄
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Again, all silly jokes. I constantly joke about wanting fictional characters… it’s not a creepy thing, TRUST ME….
BUT ANYWAY, this kind of started the “public” gushing over the origami siblings (in quotations because it was only to my friends on a private Instagram account, before I even joined the PMTOK fandom).
Then, of course…
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There goes my crazy attachment to Olivia and Bobby. I was so obsessed with those two (IN A PLATONIC/FAMILIAL WAY + MARIO). The drawing above is of myself playing the role of Mario, hanging out with Olivia and Bobby.
I also was just… super obsessed with how tragic but beautiful Olly was. I wanted to give him a better ending, which resulted in so many of the AU stuff going on. You can see how I felt in the moment in the image above.
The game itself basically got me obsessed with the siblings! But then….
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I started drawing them as people. (I know, the art is kind of ugly. It’s from 2020, cut me some slack!)
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I also apparently wrote this on my designs for them…?! So that’s why my human designs look so basic.
I’d never liked humanizations, because I’ve always had this thing where I hate human characters. However, this somehow changed things for me. These were pretty much my first humanizations, made in August 2020.
Well, that’s great and all, but how am I still so obsessed with them???
The answer is super embarrassing.
I actually had a moment where I was losing interest in PMTOK. This was around early 2021. Then comes along the worst thing to ever happen to me. /j
The Ollys.
I was randomly DMed fanart of me and Sega (Jaded_Is_Jade on Twitter)’s Olly designs by Sega herself one day. Kissing. Passionately. As a joke. It was based off this meme:
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…Unfortunately, I don’t think Sega will ever allow me to share this drawing with the public.
Anyway, as someone who found selfcest absolutely hilarious due to its sheer absurdity and impossibility in real life, I thought this was a new funny recurring joke we’d have.
Yeah. “Joke”. We kept drawing art of the Ollys. It was all funny, but then we moved on to writing fanfics about them. Then, this sort of wound up becoming a symbol of our bond.
The Ollys have been a thing since February 24, 2021. It’s horrifying. I feel embarrassed every time I talk about it, because I don’t want people to think I’m often into selfcest (I don’t ship that stuff anywhere else, but if you do that’s cool, it’s just not my thing because I prefer more… possible ships), but this… somehow got me infatuated with Sega’s Olly. Which is really funny, because I used to say “why do people find him hot??? He’s literally a cube.”
So, now a lot of the obsession comes from the Ollys. They really do hold a special place in my heart, for some godforsaken reason. That, and I just love tragic siblings. And fictional siblings in general. I used to be OBSESSED with Papyrus and Sans’s relationship (in a familial way, ya freaks. /j).
SO YEAH. I WENT OFF… A LOT… BUT I HOPE SOMEONE FINDS THIS INTERESTING!! I’d be happy to answer more questions in the near future, so if anything is confusing here, please ask away!
Thank you for the ask! ^_^
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writinggremlin · 5 months
If you could relive any of your memories, which would it be?
Hm... that's a difficult one. So many memories to choose from. Do I want something recent, or something from the distant past? I think choosing just one might be too difficult, so here's a couple instead lol:
Maybe the first time I went on a long walk. That was last year, sometime in August. I was already going outside and messing around for a few hours on a regular basis by that point, but I always stuck close to home, mostly for fear of getting in trouble.
One day, while I was out, a friend of mine on Discord asked to vc with me, and I almost never turn down an opportunity to talk lmao. They were out on a walk themself, and showing me some interesting things about the trail they were on. Eventually I got motivated enough to just say "fuck it, we ball," and start going myself.
What ultimately ended up happening was me surprising myself by walking all the way out to a grocery store that I thought was far away. I freaked out a little bit once I figured out where I was ngl lol. I still do freak out if I go further than I thought I could lmfao.
But I digress. Seeing that I had some time left, I decided to explore some more, see where else I could go. Ultimately this lead to a walk that lasted 3 hours. I went from a mostly sedentary life, to walking for 3 hours straight. Needless to say, it hurt, I was sore, there were blisters on my feet-- but even so, I found that I loved it. I loved exploring, I loved the adventure, I loved learning about the area, and I loved learning about myself and exactly what I'm capable of.
I've been going on long journeys at least once a week ever since. Usually I go down to the library for a bit before coming back. I got a bicycle back in March for my birthday, and I've mainly been using that since I got it. Well-- up until last week, when I tried (and failed) to ride through mud and ended up face down on the concrete. I'm ok, but I don't think I'll be riding again for a bit lol.
Another memory that'd be fun to relive is wayyyyy back, almost 11 years ago now. I loved to play Minecraft, I was obsessed. Any time I was allowed to play on the computer, you fucking bet I was playing Minecraft. If it weren't for a bug I encountered on my old computer that made the game literally unplayable, I probably would still be just as obsessed today ngl.
But back then, there was one small server that I absolutely adored: Meepcraft. It was primarily a towny/economy server, and back then, it was bustling with people. I was also starting to develop my first oc and my first ever plot/storyline at the time too.
So I guess it wasn't too much of a surprise that I somehow ended up becoming friends with a roleplayer, who ended up being my first ever RP partner. I didn't even know at the time that that was what we were doing. We never discussed it, we never planned anything, I just kinda caught onto it one day and played along.
I'm pretty sure that was also the first whump scenario I've ever written too, even though I was completely oblivious to the concept of whump and angst lmao. It was something heavily inspired by Warriors (yes, the cats), specifically about the Dark Forest. It was my main character, Mist, getting plagued by nightmares where her Evil Half (unnamed at the time, but she'd eventually become Ember), tortured and tormented her. Any injuries sustained in the nightmares would happen to her in the waking world too. ...And that's about it. Just nightmares. The plot never really developed that much lmfao.
Meanwhile, my rp partner was getting wacky with it. I can't remember much of the plot, but it involved herobrine, because of course it did. Eventually one day they went out and fought him; a brave battle to fight, I'm sure. They ended up winning, and I remember them teleporting me out to a random forest that they had set on fire to kinda give the impression of Epic Battle Was Fought Here, and I was struggling to figure out if they had actually legitimately just fought herobrine, or if they had just started a forest fire and lied to me lmfao. Poor young kid me couldn't tell what was out of character, and what was rp sometimes lmfao.
Our friendship ended like many made in that time and place did; they logged out one day, and simply never came back. I miss them sometimes. I hope they're well. Some part of me secretly hopes to somehow run into them again someday, though that's probably very unlikely lol.
Anyway, fun fact about that server: it's somehow still up and running! It's extremely very dead, but it does still exist and a few people do still get on!! Getting on there nowadays feels nostalgic and slightly uncanny ngl lol. It's that hollow feeling you get when seeing an empty mall; a place that was once bustling with people and activity, now silent and deserted. Sure, it's somber, but also not inherently bad, y'know?
Anyway-- this post is getting longer than I thought it would, so I think I'll leave that there lmao. Thanks for the ask, it was fun to share some stories about my life! Sorry if the ending got a bit sad there lmao.
To everybody who's read this far: thank you for reading through all of this! Feel free to send in more asks, this is fun!! I hope you have a wonderful day/night/life! Stay safe!
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mxdotpng · 3 years
i want to know yoo jonghyuk's opinions on video games so bad. he probably thinks cooking mama is pretentious. his favorite final fantasy is probably ff3 and ff13 bc nobody's played if & everyone hates it, respectively. he's speedrun minecraft hardcore mode at least 4 times. He Has Opinions on Balan Wonderworld.
#.text#orv#i want to hear his opinions on balan wonderworld so fucking bad. you dont get it#yoo jonghyuk: while its gameplay is nothing special and arguably is the reason why the game is so awful to play and considerably ruins#any chance of liking this game. balan wonderworld has an art style that is generally well developed and character design that is some of th#kim dokja: the theme from the first world has been stuck in his head for the past week and any time i mention it he tries to kick me out#yes hes a 'pro gamer'. no he would literally never touch call of duty or some such even if it cost him his life.#lee hyunsung and yoo sangah would play animal crossing together. :)#lee hyunsung likes the calm games. stardew valley. minecraft. animal crossing.#so does yoo sangah but she also just really likes it when she can go batshit. let her kill people or something#i think jung heewon and han sooyoung would both really like rpgs but if you ask them which ones and why#you would get completely different answers. han sooyoung probably thinks kingdom hearts is really fucking stupid#and jung heewon is probably knee deep in every ff ever. if you ask her her fav zelda she'll point to all of them. hope this helps#speaking of kh. lee gilyoung and shin yoosung both love kh but for completely different reasons#shin yoosung is obsessed w the theories and lore and character development aspect. she really likes the trinity trio & namine.#lee gilyoung thinks the entirety of it is stupid as fucking hell but he eats it up so much. he cried laughing when goofy died in kh2#he probably really likes days though. he would think riku is cool n he is wrong riku is a dork gilyoung god how many times do i have tk tel#i cant for the life of me fathom what video games kim dokja would like. he probably doesnt.#if he did hed like the ones that make him think. he is that type of person.#trying to think of games like that. all i can come up with is nier. he is forbiddan from nier though bc he would misinterpret#literally all of it & i would kill and end him for it he wouldnt get it he wouldnt get it alright. he wouldnt understand. its abt love.#yoo sangah and han sooyung meet cute in like. a call of duty lobby. god sorry that sentence is so fucking funny hang on#assigning every character a zelda game. yoo jonghyuk really likes the more puzzle based ones. his fav newer one is probably tp#kim dokja is bad at zelda. his favorite is probably oot bc its the only one hes played. han sooyung thinks mm is a masterpiece (shes wrong)#yoo sangah likes albw. ravio is just a funny little guy! an lee hyunsung would probably like. botw/ss. bc hes a romantic at heart i know it#lee gilyoung likes oot. shin yoosung thinks its overrated. she is right. her fav is probably wind waker or ss. maybe links awakening#jung heewon. dont ask her abt her zelda opinions theyre too long and complicated. cant even comprehend which would be her fav#torn between her not ever playing zelda & her having played all of them. i am sure though she found out abt the series#when listening to someone in a drunken haze infodump in the bar she worked at at like 11pm. i know it. i Know it. bc its rlly funny#i feel like im forgetting someone..... it happens. im tired. and i started this post bc i had a dream abt them.. i wish i could remember it
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sharpace · 2 years
I have been gone for a while but I'm back with some more game time headcanons!!
Let's talk about the new fortnite update. They removed building from the game so now it's pretty much a regular battle royale (thank you obsessed flatmate for this info XD)
Viktor hears that there's a new major update and sees it as his time to wrench Jayce's arm into playing with him at least once more. And it works!
Jayce is absolutely terrified. He, unlike Viktor, is acutely aware of what the update is and he knows in his soul Vik will be distraught but the only other option is to tell himself - so, no thank you, he will play the damn game.
It starts off normally. They play no fill just to get into the swing of things and Jayce is literally sweating buckets. So tense that V clocks on, promising he'll be on his best behaviour this time so there's no need to worry.
It takes exactly 1 minute of gameplay before V realises he can't get materials and it dawns on him. No more happy-go-lucky sniping, trapping Jayce in rooms or watching him build them a house. You have yet to see a man's mood drop so hard. He barely manages to finish the match in the immense sulk (and minor tantrum) he's thrown into.
Jayce spends the next week in affection overdrive. Coaxing him to play Cooking Mama, just so he can buy excessive amounts of ingredients, mini spa days, refusing to say no to him over anything (which Vik takes complete advantage of, no longer is he restricted to 3 packets of Haribos a day. He shall rot his teeth as much as he likes thank you very much).
Eventually V gets over it but fortnite is definitely a sour spot for both parties now and will remain uninstalled and unmentioned.
Jayce is still a little upset that V doesn't get his gremlin dream game though so he searches for something that allows both building and sniping. Cue Minecraft...
I promise I have more (minecraft included haha) but I've been running on 3 hours sleep for god knows how long so Imma drop this and coma before writing the rest XD
I love how much the Gamer AU has progressed tho. Absolutely beautiful. I hope you've been well too tho and not overworking yourself!!! <3
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Who needs horror games when you have a cryptid boyfriend?
HELLO!! I was wondering if you were around! Hope everything's well with you!
Me too!! It's bananas to see its growth! But I'm having so much fun. And thank you for inquiring after me!! I'm doing well! Spacing things out and queuing things up has certainly helped with me keeping myself at a healthy, enjoyable pace without burning out. I have so many thoughts and stories for this AU that I want to share and want to try to get as much as I can out as I can!
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bubblyhoney · 3 years
sarah i have thought of another fic request or like a cute idea i guess! i didn’t have anyone in mind when i thought of it so you can write it for whoever you want honestly :)
okay so the reader is a streamer but streams games like animal crossing, standew valley, etc. then (insert who you’re writing for) says they don’t like that game, but later ends up buying it and the reader is like “i thought you said you didn’t like this game” and they’re like “well i like you” and they confuses their feelings and they end up playing the game together and reader gives them a tour of their island or farm
i feel like this request isn’t good, but the scenario seemed cute and i wanted to share it. sorry if this is confusing or just too specific cuz i know it can be hard to write requests like that! but yeah i hope it gives you inspiration and you like the request <3
new horizons
warnings: language, a Marvel reference (hint: natasha said it about tony), stupid idiots who don’t realize they like each other, use of pet names, Uno rage, Hasan Piker's presence
words: 1473
tags: sapnap x gn!reader
A/N: i’ve been trying to catch up a little on my requests (i’ve only got a couple so i’m not super overwhelmed) but school and outside life has been taking up most of my time so this one took me a while to make! tbh— ive never played animal crossing so i did google some of the game mechanics and i apologize if anything is inaccurate about the game…. but i liked relaxing and writing this cute one so thank you for requesting hails :3
requests/inbox status: open
“This game is trash.”
Your head quirks, fingers stopped on the screen. You’re in the process of giving your character a cute new nickname; it’s kind of hard to decide between “awkward dude” and “elderly skater”.
“Excuse me?” Your chat comes alive with emotes and ‘KEKW’s, obviously entertained by you and your almost-more-than-friends-friend.
There’s a story for that later.
Sapnap’s rough laugh comes through your headset and he audibly swallows, the sound of a water bottle dropping onto his desk echoing.
“I’m just saying—it’s boring. It’s like Minecraft but you don’t like… do anything.” The grainy image of his bearded face shifts and you see him pull out his phone.
“It’s— you can’t even compare it to Minecraft! It’s a completely different game system—you actually interact with other people live in the game.” You huff out a dramatic sigh, slumping in your chair with a pout. “Just because you go into this lucid state where all you know is ‘touch block, hit George’ doesn’t mean this game isn’t fun.” (He scoffs at your awful impression of his voice. Your viewers love it.)
“Jeez,” he mumbles, fumbling with the cap of his water bottle. “Touched a nerve there, bud.”
You roll your eyes, getting back to the village in the game.
“Don't ‘bud’ me.”
The call falls comfortably quiet, the sounds of him tapping obsessively on his phone and you clicking away filling the silence. A gentle bedroom-pop YouTube playlist remains in the background, prompting you to hum along and glance at the chat to see a flood of “check twitter” and “Y/N TWITTER!!”.
“What happened on Twitter?” You mumble, confused, and pull the website up on another monitor. Sapnap just makes a curious noise, swinging back and forth in a circle. “Oh my God,” you say to yourself, fingertips brushing your parted lips.
“Hasan Piker just followed me and retweeted one of my not even remotely political old tweets. Like from a year ago.”
“That’s— wow. Congrats?” Sapnap’s voice cracks, and his ears flush pink the tiniest bit when you glance at his face on Discord.
“I’m gonna go on record and say that he could get it.” You shake your head in disbelief.
Sapnap falls uncharacteristically non-hyper-verbal, so you look past the frenzied chat and to his screen— wait. He muted and turned his camera off.
“Um,” you start, furiously typing question marks in your private chat. “Where’d you go?” You mute and turn screen share off for your stream, concerned that he might’ve fallen off his chair and broken his neck and needs you to call the ambulance.
The characteristic ding of a twitter notification sounds through your bedroom, and you look at your phone quickly.
“That’s where I went.”
Sapnap Tweeted: “all Y/U stans can choke on my dick”.
“Jesus, Sapnap,” you say, and rapidly refresh to read the replies. This tweet was deleted. “That’s so— that barely makes sense, bro. Why— literally what?”
His snicker floods your ears and you relax in your chair. Crisis: averted. “Don’t fucking— what’s wrong with you?”
“I thought it would be funny,” he offers, shrugging, and fiddles with the straw in his water bottle, smile fading. “And also Hasan pisses me off.”
“Why, ‘cause he wants a piece of this? Jealous?” You think back to your viewers, knowing they’re probably spamming question marks and coming to ludacris conclusions about both of your absences. No offense to them. You remember your stan days very vividly.
“I mean, kinda.” He rubs once at his nose, glancing at the camera (and what feels like you) before taking a sip from his water bottle.
“Wow.” You watch one strand of his hair fall from beneath his hat and brush against his full eyebrows. “I’m uh—I’ll get back to my stream. You coming? Or is it time for a Sapnap-snack?”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” He snorts and leans his chin onto the balance of his arm.
“That means you like to take a little snack break mid-stream and come back approximately nine hours later and you didn’t even eat.”
“You know what— fuck you.” He flicks the camera as you laugh at the look on his face.
The teasing mood is easily kept as you switch games from Animal Crossing to Uno, all the while slamming Sapnap with +4’s and skipping the newly-arrived BadBoyHalo at any chance you can get. It unironically pisses him off and he has to take a Sapnap-snack break midway through (only a fifteen minute break this time, during which you and Bad take a “What Kind of Bread Are You?” quiz). The rest of the night is filled with devious cackles (you), loud and sudden bangs that sound suspiciously like someone hitting their desk in anger (Sap) and the stupid barking of Rat, AKA Lucy (Bad). She’s cute but a menace to the sound quality of Bad’s microphone. You sign off stream around 2 a.m. with various forms of thanks and kisses blown to the camera. It’s been a refreshing night, actually; you’ve been busy organizing a partnership stream all week and all your friends have been busy filming or editing or what-not. Quackity had time for a little Roblox every couple of days, though. He’s got your back.
The next time you see Sapnap is after a two hour stream of him try-harding in Valorant and you finishing responding to an email from your partnership in the VC.
“Okay, I’m back.” You hear him shift in his chair and click a couple more times on his keyboard. You perk up in your chair, closing the email browser you’d been looking at.
“Do you want to play anything else? I’m down for anything.”
“Absolutely not Uno. You can go to hell for giving me 6 cards that one time,” he jabs. You scoff, crossing your arms and leaning back in your chair.
“Okay, the +4 was on me but it’s Bad who gave you the last two. That’s not my fault, sweetie.”
“Yeah, yeah,” he mumbles, trailing off as the clicking of his keyboard stops. “Hey, um—Guess what?”
Your heart beats loud in your ears at the tone of his voice. He sounds nervous; that’s never good.
“I’m scared to guess,” you try, playing with a little Minecraft dog figurine you have on your desk with fidgety fingers. “What?”
“I bought Animal Crossing.”
Silence. You stare at his discord icon blankly, trying to reroute the wires of your brain.
“Tell me you love it.”
“Well… I haven’t actually played it— but you said you liked it, so.”
“So,” you repeat him, ears warming but continuing on. “Is that what you tell all your friends when you buy something they like? That it's because of them?”
He seems to choose his next words carefully, pausing a beat to consider your questions.
“Well, I don’t have a crush on all of my friends.”
“You—what?” You stutter, caught off guard and stumbling. What did he just say? “Don’t tell me you mean you have a crush on me.”
“I’m almost positive I just did.” His discord icon stares right back at you, taunting.
“You know, you’re very casual for someone who just admitted they like-like me.” Your cheeks flush pink and you have to press a hand to your chest to keep your breathing sounding stable.
“Yeah, I’m kind of cool like that,” he offers, a huff of a laugh punctuating his statement. The conversation moves into a lull that you can’t help but know is because of you. He must expect you to say something about it, right?
“You are very cool, Sapnap.” You tilt back in your chair, sucking in a breath to prepare yourself for your next words. “And—Isortakindofhaveacrushonyoutoo.”
He must understand you, for you can hear the grin in his voice when he asks “Really?”
“Y-yeah.” You feel like a preteen again, all shaky and giddy in front of the boy you just asked to a middle school dance.
“Um, alright. What do we do now?”
“I don’t know,” you answer genuinely and swing in a happy little circle in your chair. “We could play Animal Crossing.”
“I’m down.”
You swear you’ve never heard more beautiful words.
He keeps his camera off for most of the time you two play, too focused on creating his island and asking you questions about how to fish to turn it on. He silently flips it on when you help him decorate his lawn, needing to show you in real-time the decorations he has bought and where you think he should put them. He looks cute. I mean, of course he does. He always does.
You tell him goodbye late in the night, eyes saying a little more than just “see you tomorrow”.
You like him. He likes you.
It’s even better when you two have matching gardens.
A/N: anybody and everybody (especially my precious hailey) let me know what you think!! :]
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ouatsqincorrect · 2 years
ok so i have many thoughts about this family and their secret obsession with video games and i'm very excited to talk about it.
it starts one night during family dinner when henry suggests they play one round of mario kart (they end up playing five)
he doesn't expect them to become so competitive, but these are the people who are used to kicking ass on a daily basis and they just wanna see the little guys cross the finish line
snow worries about the safety of each character and takes the longest to choose who she's gonna play (ultimately, she goes with baby mario because "he's just so cute" but she's still afraid he'll get hurt somehow--henry explains that's not how it works)
zelena tells rumple he should be bowser and finds herself to be incredibly funny
everyone (except henry) is shocked when regina wins the game and beats them all, and emma can't help but be proud of her
(regina's the best at any video game they play. she had 18 years of free time during the first curse and this woman knows how to play video games)
playing video games together becomes a part of their regularly scheduled family dinners (which are supposed to happen only once a week but end up happening much more frequently--regina claims her house has been taken over, no one denies it)
emma hears noises coming from downstairs one night and goes to investigate. she finds rumple trying to "practice" so he can beat regina (he never does)
(snow usually ends up going the wrong way on the track, sometimes she gets distracted by flowers in the background)
belle is good at it and nearly beats regina one time (david's the one to beat her eventually, and it's completely by accident)
they play other games together too. they get really competitive at super smash bros. henry tries to teach them how to play minecraft, belle builds castles and zelena runs around blowing things up
snow likes playing the sims (she finds it really funny one day when her sim regina decides to wear a hot dog costume)
they try to play overcooked one night but it ends with zelena yelling and david crying over a lost plate of meatballs
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kirishimaswife2819 · 4 years
Them Playing Minecraft Survival With Their S/o || Midoriya, Bakugou, Kirishima, Todoroki, and Kaminari
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Pairings: Izuku Midoriya x Reader, Katsuki Bakugou x Reader, Eijiro Kirishima x Reader, Shoto Todoroki x Reader, and Denki Kaminari x Reader
Summary: What it’s like playing Minecraft survival with the boys
Word Count: 1.4k
A/n: So, I do this weird thing where I’m obsessed with Minecraft for like a week, and don’t stop playing it, then I forget it exists for like anywhere from 1-3 months, then remember it exists and the cycle just goes on like that. And I remembered Minecraft existed earlier today, and I decided to write this. Anyway, I’ll try to get some requests uploaded tomorrow, but I’ll have to see if I’m in the mood to write them or not. Anyway, I hope you all have a great day/night! -Danielle <3
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Izuku Midoriya:
He’s very peaceful when he’s playing Minecraft
He’s not in any rush to get to the end and spends a fair amount of time working on building farms for various animals and food
When you guys play together, you do pretty much everything together and don’t leave each other’s sides for the whole game
You guys also share all your resources, and split the stuff up evenly between the two of you
When y’all go caving, you each might split up for a few minutes to go into different parts of the cave and find different things, but he’d rather not stay apart for too much longer
He’s literally so calm and doesn’t generally get too mad when he dies
It’s literally impossible for him to not tame any pet he finds, you probably have a countless amount of dogs, cats, and birds, yet every time he sees an untamed one, he’ll be like, “Hey, Y/n. Do you have any bones/fish/seeds?”
“Izuku, you have like fifty at home. No.”
If you refuse to give him some then he goes out and finds it on his own and comes back for the animal, so there’s no escaping it
He’s not really focused on beating the Ender Dragon, he only really remembers that’s what he supposed to be doing when he gets bored
It probably takes y’all like nine months til you finally get around to beating the Ender Dragon, and you play for like four hours every two days or so, since you have school work to focus on as well
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Katsuki Bakugou:
Warning, he blows your shit up when he gets bored, so make sure he doesn’t get bored while your playing together
He’ll share a house with you and the same storage area, but what he finds is his and what you find is yours, unless you both agree to share it
He focuses on actually beating the game, for the most part, but occasionally he likes fucking around and doing random stuff
Katsuki sucks at building, since he’s more focused on the actual game than making anything look nice (he also can’t build to save his life, but if you asked why he’s so bad at it, he would use the excuse that I just mentioned)
Doesn’t waste his time on taming animals, except for wolves
He gets two wolves, breeds them, and then makes an entire army
If you piss him off bad enough, he will not hesitate to make them all stand, before hitting you, so that they all attack you
He doesn’t play too often, since “school work is more important”, but you probably play, at the minimum, once a week, but most of the time you play twice a week
You would probably end up beating the game, after a few months, but it honestly depends on how often Katsuki decides to blow up your stuff, or just blow up stuff in general
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Eijiro Kirishima:
He likes to try and build and make your world look nice, but he really sucks at it, but don’t tell him that or he might get upset. You called something he built ‘weird’ once and he took it personally, and didn’t want to play the game anymore
He’s always sort of got the goal of beating the Ender Dragon in the back of his mind, but he mostly just focuses on building and having a good time
He only has about one, at most two, of each pet, but he gets emotionally attached to them and if one of them dies, he will probably cry, and he also insists on hosting a whole funeral and building a grave for it (honestly, I would do that too, so I can’t blame him)
He also will give you all of his resources, without you asking, and you’ll be like, “Kiri, why don’t you have any armor” and he’s like, “Oh, I gave you all my iron. It’s fine though! Don’t give it back, I can live without armor!”
Then y’all get an aggressive war of passing back the iron between the two of you, until you get sick of it and just take the iron (but you sneak on his phone/computer after he goes to do something and you make him armor and put it on him)
This man protects you with his life, like you’ll be fighting like one skeleton and he’ll be all dramatic and try to protect you
It’ll probably take like a year or longer to beat the game when you’re playing with Kirishima, because he likes to, not necessarily mess around, but he likes to waste time on building useless stuff and playing with your animals and all of that
You two play almost every day for at least an hour, unless you have the day off, then you play longer
He really enjoys playing with you while your cuddling, and it’s one of his favorite things to do
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Shoto Todoroki:
He had never played Minecraft but then he saw Kaminari playing it and asked him what he was doing, and then after Kaminari explained the game to him, he went to you and asked you if you’ve played it before and if it was fun
He has no idea what he’s doing, so he follows you around the whole time, as you try to teach him how to play the game
You’re going to have to teach him literally how to do everything, even if it’s simple, he lacks common sense when it comes to these kinds of games
He is the most gullible person too, like if you tell him a certain something about the game, that very obviously isn’t true, he will believe you
Once he gets a hang of the game, he still chooses to follow you around, and if he doesn’t he’ll ask you what you want him to do while you’re off doing something
He doesn’t tame any animals, because he doesn’t really see the point in it
You always have to tell him what he should do, if you don’t then he’ll sit there and just wait for you to tell him to do something
Shoto actually has a lot of fun playing the game, since he’s never played any video games before and as much as he just sits around doing nothing except staring at your screen and waiting for you to tell him what to do, he still manages to have a good time
How long it takes you to beat the game, is solely based on on your pace and your pace alone, since Shoto will just go along with whatever your doing
You two don’t play often, just whenever you two get bored and want to play something together
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Denki Kaminari:
Depending on the day, he’s either really focused on actually playing the game, or he’s fucking around the whole entire time
Most of the time it’s the latter though
This man made an entire army of chickens and a very poorly built castle for them as well
He doesn’t tame too many animals, maybe a few of each, but that’s about it
He’s not a big fan of building, unless it’s to do something stupid with the building (e.g. the castle for the chickens)
Freaks out at the sight of any monsters, even though he has no problem killing them
Denki has a tendency to rage when he dies, but it’s never too bad
You guys share all of your resources, and if you try to not share with him, he will bug you until you do (he’s totally willing to share his with you too, though)
He thinks its funny to hide the item you’re looking for in a chest (if it’s like string or something that’s common and easy to get), so you’ll go out and get some, only to come back and find the item you were looking for in the same chest you were looking in before
Plays Minecraft at least two hours a day, but most of the time longer than that
Sometimes he even tries to sneak and play it during class, but the teacher always catches him within like two minutes because he talks to himself when he plays
If I’m being completely honest with you, you and Denki probably never make it to the end of the game because you’re too busy messing around, but both of you are perfectly fine with that
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obeiii-mee · 4 years
Hey! Sorry to bother you with a second ask but i thought this one would be cool. Fluffy headcanons of the demon brothers watching scary movies with MC??? Somewhere MC gets scared, and some where they don't? Thanks again!! :)
It’s no bother!! I love getting requests from you guys! The more, the merrier. I sort of hc that the brothers and MC do have movie night every week or so and with them being demons, they tend to levitate towards the horror genre. Thank you for sending this, this is really cute :)))
Without further ado—-
The Brothers watching Scary movies with MC:
-Haha mf already knows how this is going to end
-He warned you, he really did
-The horror movies DevilDom has to offer are nothing, and I mean nothing, like the ones from the human world
-I’m not going to go into detail but imagine Two Girls One Cup, in a less kinky and more gorey way (then times that by 10)
-But you were adamant into giving it a go and he literally could not deny you in that moment
-Because you were giving him the puppy eyes
-That’s like, the finishing blow you use every time to get your way with him and as far as you know it’s the only one that works so-
-He expected your reaction to the last second
-You were traumatised for lack of a better word and you were basically watching the whole film through the cracks between your fingers
-Seeing you in that state was like a punch in the gut but he couldn’t stop himself from throwing in a subtle ‘I told you so’
-“I told you watching something like this before bed is a bad idea, MC.”
-He might be a bit condescending and judgemental at first, but he’s probably going to baby you a bit for the rest of the night
-Because he feels bad he allowed you to watch it in the first place
-He will start muttering words of comfort to you later because he’s certain you’re going to have trouble sleeping
-Because of that one time, he’s very hesitant to let you watch another horror film anytime soon
-But he will relent eventually (especially if you want to watch a human horror film as those are technically less extreme)
-If it makes you happy, he will go through with it, even if he has to let you cling onto him for the rest of the day
-Besides, the way you cuddle into him while you’re watching a horror film is very cute and endearing to him
-Ah yes, the most effective method of waking up the entire House of Lamentation at 3:00 am
-Mammon screaming his own vocal cords out in his room as he tries to get through his human’s favourite horror movie without dying of a heart attack
-It was his idea because he’s definitely the type to go: “Yeah let’s do this, it will be fun. Don’t get too scared alright MC? The Great Mammon will be here to protect ya.”
-And then ten minutes in, he’s basically in your lap
-Half an hour in, he turned himself into a demon burrito with his blankets
-You were enjoying the movie, laughing at the stupid sound effects and poor quality while Mammon next to you has wrapped himself in like two dozen blankets and pillows
-“Mammon you’re going to overheat.”
-“Don’t be silly human, I’m a demon who lives in hell. I can take high temperatures the same way I can take this damn movie!”
-He doesn’t take either of them well
-Mammon and the horror genre don’t mix well together to begin with
-So even if you might enjoy horror, he doesn’t react well to it at all
-And he’ll be low-key relieved if you tell him you guys don’t have to watch any sort of horror film for your date night
-“Well I guess if you don’t want to, then we don’t have to. Can’t make my human do something they’re uncomfortable with eh?”
-But if you do watch a scary movie with him, be sure to show any sort of physical affection to him as often as possible
-You don’t have to say anything, just hold his hand or let him put his head in your lap or something
-It might stop him from screeching like a female sloth in heat
-The last time that happened, his brothers weren’t too pleased with him
-They about to recreate the horror film scenes onto him, bring the popcorn have fun
-For some reason, I feel like he doesn’t get scared easily while watching stuff
-I mean, after decades of obsessively watching animes with brutal character deaths (like Attack on Titan style) and grotesque horror games that are pretty nasty even to demons, let alone humans;
-A horror film, from the human world or even DevilDom, doesn’t do much for him
-It will have to have very good psychological horror in it if you want the hairs on his arms to stand up in anticipation
-Tension is a big deal for him and he will immediately shut off the TV if there are any cheap jump scares
-But, if you manage to find just the right thing for him?
-You’ll both be hiding under the bed in no time under the bathtub more like
-Hell, if the film you’re watching is that good, he might even be holding onto you for dear life without realising it and getting flustered about it
-For weeks afterwards, any sound that is remotely similar to one from that movie will probably send both of you into panic
-You came to his room one night because you’ve had a nightmare about the stupid film and legitimately thought there was a fucking demon serial killer in your room
-So you wanted to stay in his
-“But what if there is a serial killer in your room and now you just led it to me MC????”
-It’s all jokes, there’s no question he would lock both of you in his room and then stay there with you wide awake until dawn
-You’re his best friend after all, he would have to be completely heartless to leave you on your own! (Besides Levi is terrifying when he wants to be)
-One time you were sleeping over and the sound of fumbling woke you tf up
-And Levi immediately turned into his demon form, like he was ready to throw hands with this fictional murderer that supposedly sneaked into his room
-“Ah never mind, it’s just Mammon breaking into your room again to steal your Ruri-Cham figurines and sell them on Akuzon.”
-“Oh OK.”
-I’m playing Minecraft
-Believe it or not, Satan doesn’t care much about horror movies
-Don’t get me wrong, he loves watching his brothers shit their pants out of fear in the middle of one while he silently smirks to himself because watching other people suffer brings him euphoria
-Especially if someone actually manages to find a film that is excellent enough to spook Lucifer, because then he will be cackLING
-But, overall, he watches a lot of shows revolved around drama and crime
-That’s his thing
-However, he won’t turn you down if you’re up to watching a scary movie with him
-Any time spent with you is valuable time seeing as it won’t be long before his brothers start hogging you again like the cockblockers they are
-He is honestly surprised to find out you seem to be rather amused by those sort of movies
-So, even if it’s not inherently something he does on the regular, he would definitely watch a scary film with you if you enjoy them that much
-But in exchange, he makes you promise to read with him until bedtime rolls around (imagine Lucifer having a fucking curfew for his brothers and you lmao)
-So for the rest of night you guys just read together, ya know, like sappy romantics
-Tbh, this man will do almost anything with you as long as both of you are having fun
-He knows it’s not likely, but he insists on sleeping in the same room that night just in case you have nightmares and he needs to comfort you
- :)
-Satan is a gentleman. Idk how many people that don’t play OM expected to hear this
-Why would you want to watch a movie when you could be watching him???
-I mean, you would rather watch all that gory stuff on the TV than his beautiful face?
-He may get salty over a fucking movie tbh
-Horror films aren’t something he generally looks for while trying to pick a movie to watch
-He can definitely handle them better than Mammon but it’s not something he takes great pleasure in watching
-But the first time he ever sits down with you to watch one, he’s very intrigued to see your reactions
-You started feeling the sensation of absolute dread creep in at the very beginning and you were trying your best to act like you weren’t getting affected by what you saw on the screen
-But you were
-You went from “I’m grown ass adult, I can watch a fucking horror movie, no problem.”
-To “Welp, not enough of a grown ass adult for this-“
-And Asmo thought the way you tried to hide your nervousness was very mesmerising in a way
-He was planning on flirting with you during the movie anyway, but now that you were pressing himself against him?
-Oh boy, Oh boy
-“Darling if you wanted to touch me, you could’ve just said so. Making the excuse of watching a movie is unnecessary.”
-Nightmares? What nightmares? You won’t have time to have nightmares ;)
-haHAHA funny inappropriate joke
-It’s Asmo, it’s mandatory to have at least one of those added in here
-Beel will show up if there’s food and that’s that
-He doesn’t care what type of movie is playing on the TV as long as he has a bucket of popcorn next to him at all times
-Horror films aren’t something he can’t handle, he’s a demon like the rest of his brothers and he is used to...violent deaths and such
-He doesn’t get scared but there are times where he gets attached to the characters
-Especially movies with actual good and not cringeworthy dialogue
-Therefore, when they die, he gets sad even if they’re just fictional and their death had no real impact
-He also thinks that the way you can watch these things without flinching is impressive
-I mean, he can watch it and so can his brothers because they are demons
-They’ve done worse things than the things you see in horror films
-But you’re a human! So it’s weird to see you watch a person get repeatedly slammed against a wall until their neck snaps without batting an eyelid
-Overall, he does not have an opinion on scary movies
-He gets a bit emotional when a character he really liked dies
-But other than that, he’s just focused on eating
-And occasionally patting your head affectionately
-He doesn’t really like horror films because there’s a lot of screaming and tense music and he’s just trying to nap in your lap (rhyme)
-He doesn’t really need sound effects like that in the background while he’s trying to sleep
-But one day he was like “Hey, what if I show my favourite human this particular scary film?”
-And he did
-And he’s internally dying and feeling guilty and yet so flustered because of you
-It’s like you suddenly turn into this very fidgety and anxious mess and he thinks you just look....cute
-At some point you were getting overwhelmed and sprung up on your feet to turn the lights on
-And he just grabbbed your wrists, pulled you down next to him and let you press your head against his chest
-As mentioned, he’s a little shit and will tease you for being such a scaredy cat
-“That was the most predictable jumpscare and you still flinched, wth is wrong with you lmao.”
-But at the same time....
-“Relax. It’s just a horror movie. You’ll be fine. Besides, I’m here. Like I would let something bad happen to you.”
-That’s sweet, even if the tone of voice may not imply it because he’s such a brat-
-He actually really likes holding you for once, because usually he’s the little spoon
-He’s still a bit of a sadist so I imagine him sitting there and watching this while giggling to himself
-Isn’t he the cutest, laughing at other people’s misery and their never ending suffering?🥺🥺🥺 UwU
-Ah well, at least he has the decency to spoil with affection afterwards and make sure you have no nightmares that night
-You know, as payback for the horrific shit he made you watch with no warning
OK, I think I made a decent job of this even though it took longer than it actually was meant to. Thank you for reading though. I’ve got so many requests to go through and I’ve been feeling motivated lately so yeah!
See you soon
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