#miracle grow
jeynearrynofthevale · 5 months
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dogearedheart · 6 months
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tornado1992 · 7 months
Miles’ tails are way bigger than the rest of his body. That allows him to fly, and even though it makes him look way tinier than he is (and he is already too little for his age) he doesn’t mind.
He will never outgrow his tails, it doesn’t matter how many vitamins he takes or how much physical therapy he gets, spending the first four years of his life living off garbage scraps and eating less than once a day stunted his growth forever.
Good news is that he’ll always be able to fly, bad news is that he’ll never achieve the younger sibling goal of being taller than your older brother.
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byclairs · 1 year
like i can’t imagine being jonathan finding out my whole world aka my little brother is dead and then my mom believing he’s still alive and wishing so badly that i could believe her too but having to fight against that and tell myself that she’s just in denial and i can’t let myself hope at all because someone has to be the rational one
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kindahoping4forever · 6 months
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Luke via Shan Rizwan on IG
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Nanami frantically digging through Shoko’s pamphlets and googling “how to give the ward you just met a sex talk” after the last chapter, this poor man needs a Xanax and a 12 hour nap SO badly right now 😂😂
fantastic chapter btw!! I love love love maki and am fully prepared to be terrorized by her plan—terror for her having to deal with the Zenin and terrorized because that girl is batshit insane and can do anything she sets her mind to ❤️
(I have a sneaking suspicion that her plan involves that mysterious “Okkotsu Yuuta as the world’s most unenthusiastic honeypot” tag, and OH BOY OH BOY am I on tenterhooks to see what insanity (positive) Maki comes up with)
Hope you have a great day!!
Nanami, frantically rushing to r/Parenting for this fucking hurdle of fatherhood:
I (27M) may have discovered my newly adopted son (16M) is in a relationship of indeterminate and possibly intimate nature with his three (15F, 15M, 15M) friends. I need emergency advice.
I only met/took in my eldest a few days ago. Those days have been extremely trying, and have unfortunately placed a very stressful burden on my son. I have tried to support him in any way I can; however, the young character of our relationship makes me fear overstepping his boundaries. I do not want to rush anything which may damage any trust he may form in me in the long run.
As a result, I do not believe having “The Talk” with him would be appropriate at this juncture. However, I fear it may be necessary.
I recently approached him while he was visiting with his close friends in a private room. I knocked (from what I believed to be a respectful distance designed to preserve his privacy) and heard a series of… disconcerting noises. His friend (15M) then proceeded to claim that he could not open the door because they were indecent. The door was quickly opened, and all parties were clothed, but this and other behaviors between the group make me wonder if they have something deeper than friendship between them.
His previous parents were neglectful, and the main influence he has had in recent months is… a rather sorry role model. I believe the assumption that he has not yet learned of safe sexual practices is appropriate. I want him to be comfortable with me before we speak of such matters, but I also want him to be safe in the present.
A complicating factor is that one of his friends (15M) rather frequently wears a hyper realistic panda costume. I bear absolutely no judgment or prejudice against any of his potential partners and support him in his relationship. However, I do not actually know the specifics that should be covered in a talk given the particularities of these partners.
Another complicating factor is that one of his friends (15F) would have been better off being raised by wolves than the sorry excuses of humanity that raised her. While I fear that I may overstep boundaries by speaking with my new ward about such topics so soon, I would most certainly overstep boundaries by broaching the matter with her. At the same time, I cannot deny my suspicions that such a conversation would be desperately needed. How should I proceed?
The fucking comments:
what is wrong with you and your life
there is no way you are a real person
ThatOneGuyinthePandaCostumeTokyo.com is this them
your kid is a furry
Nothing in Nanami’s years of teen parenting prepared him for that moment. The man discovered types of panic he did not know existed. POV you’ve known this boy for three days max and you’re the person Responsible For His Wellbeing and mid crisis you have to figure out 1) if it’s too soon in your relationship to give him the safe sex talk 2) if you can even avoid the safe sex talk if what seems to be happening is happening 3) would it even be appropriate to give the safe sex talk to the people he would be potentially having sex with and 4) is he a furry.
Nanami was not prepared to be confronted with this particular challenge of parenting. Especially because Megumi gave Tsumiki the puberty talk, no one’s been brave enough to give her the sex talk, and the entire teen parenting group has Megumi as too Baby in their minds to have even contemplated giving him any talks.
You have NO IDEA how excited I am for that tag.
Thank you for your kind words! I’m glad you liked it!
#I have unilaterally decided that Megumi explained to his own sister the miracle of her changing body#in my mind Tsumiki had no real parental influence prior to Gojo#her mom sure as hell didn’t explain periods to her#both Gojo and Nanami assumed Shoko would explain puberty to her#Shoko did not do that#she also had spent years lying to Gojo about what a woman’s time of the month meant#he believed it had something to do with the full moon#it sounded much like lycanthropy#he did not know blood would be involved#tsumiki in my mind had been slightly isolated from her peers growing up because of what was happening at home#she also did not know that blood would be involved#megumi knew#Megumi had read a book on it just in case#and then Tsumiki got her period. she thought she was bleeding internally. Gojo thought she was bleeding internally. there was hysteria.#they both thought she needed the hospital because she was dying#megumi sat them both down. told them if anyone made eye contact with him he would kill everyone in the room and then himself. if they ever#talked about this again he would kill everyone in this room and then himself. he was on a hairpin trigger.#there would be no follow up questions or discussion after. he will kill them all.#anyone it’s one of Tsumikis favorite memories even though it was mortifying#the fact that her little brother silently learned about puberty so he could explain it to her if he had to sort of was a big confirmation#that he loved her. and Megumi loved so quietly. it was just nice to hear.#sea glass gardens
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conceptofjoy · 25 days
making sense of why hal was made at 13, theres the obvious answer of everyone starting their story at that age, but its also the age around where the kids start to be aware of themselves and the relationships they have with others. what is their role in society and how do people see them? and like sympathy is obviously a learned process that spans over time, but i think middle school age is around where that begins to form.
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eastbluecrewed · 2 months
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my babys the best trio to ever do it
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something-of-a-hermit · 2 months
K did anyone else notice Crowley had longer sideburns in season 2 and instead of the sideburns covering his tattoo he just moved his tattoo down his face?
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Bc I haven’t seen anyone say anything about it
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lassieposting · 1 year
Oh fuck it's just occurred to me that like
1) The Little Palace was designed by a very old, very paranoid Grisha who's spent his entire life being hunted and persecuted for existing
2) The Little Palace was built with at least one secret passageway Alina didn't know about, which brings her out into the grounds somewhere. There are most likely dozens of these hidden tunnels - they're escape routes for when the otkazat'sya inevitably turn on the Grisha and Kirigan finds himself with a school full of kids to evacuate.
3) In S2 at the Spinning Wheel, Nadia says that the First Army raided the Little Palace, and Nikolai is sheltering the survivors. There's a decent number of them, by the looks of it. More than a handful. Probably all those who were close enough to an exit passageway.
4) Kirigan wasn't there to open up the tunnels and lead everyone out, and neither was Baghra. So the tunnels can't be truly secret. Enough Grisha knew about them to vanish under the First Army's noses and escape. I'm picturing that one scene from Ye Olde X-Men 2: most of them got out through tunnels that weren't on any of our schematics.
5) This means it's likely that the Little Palace has its own version of those fucked-up shooter drills they have to do in America. The procedure for something like that would have to be drummed into these kids from as early as possible, just like they train you to respond to the fire bell, because otherwise in the rush and the noise and the confusion, they'd just panic, and that would cause chaos. They all need to know where their closest emergency exit is, how to open it, where it leads, how to check for nearby soldiers before emerging, where to go next. So that when they need that knowledge, it's become second nature. Instinct. Like young prey animals - just as Baghra taught him.
And this is the kind of fear and constant hypervigilance Kirigan and Baghra have been living with their entire lives, without even the benefit of a relatively secure, long-term home literally built to protect them. It's no wonder the pre-Little Palace Grisha are so messed up.
And he's probably had older Little Palace Grisha over the years, people like Fedyor, questioning whether it's really necessary to still be making these kids think they're at risk like that. The Grisha have been at peace with the crown for over a century! This is a relic from a crueller time, surely. And he brushes it off every time, because at some point in his history, he learned better. He's learned from his failures.
6) After Anastas put a bounty on his ambitious General's head and named him heretic, the guards say, "Thought you [and Luda] could quietly train witches under our noses, did you?"
So he's already helping teach other Grisha, even then, and we know from Luda that the king is now having said Grisha rounded up. And there's nothing he can do. If he goes back, the king will have his head. So when he next aligns himself with the crown as his own descendant, he's learned that unless he puts safeguards in place, it will be the Grisha he's protecting who will suffer whenever he butts heads with the monarchy.
And he turns out to be right. Pyotr and Vasily have neither the balls nor the strength to meet him on the battlefield, so instead they target whatever Grisha they can get hold of - the half-trained students, the researchers, servants like Genya - and blame them for whatever treason they're accusing him of this time. The escape routes were still necessary. They've always been necessary.
It just? Really hit home how fucked up this world is for them, like. Even within the 'safety' of the Little Palace, the Grisha kids would never truly be able to avoid or forget the fear and hatred the world at large has for their kind, or the danger being Grisha might place them in if their protector falls out of favour with the royals. Ravka might not experiment on them or burn them alive, but they're not safe. They never really were. They've only ever been used.
Convenient weapons, or convenient scapegoats, and with no say in any of it.
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i've started to think a lot about how one might manage being non-binary / trans in a post-soviet country. atp, as a russian, i think i was immensely lucky to have been able to use they/them pronouns for a while, in a confused-but-still-got-the-spirit social circle anyway--they didnt know a thing about being non-binary but supported me nonetheless. i myself have met nb and queer individuals too, even without socialising much. but now im wondering how do people go about the actual process of transitioning on hormones here. well, how they did, anyway.
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duusheen · 1 year
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It's Simone's birthday!! To celebrate, the family musician played some melodies while the couples danced on the improvised dance floor, and those who didn't dance enjoyed all the food ���
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sunmisbf · 4 months
who remembers
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nana2009 · 5 months
Lil bby Danny sparks so much joy in me, especially in grub form. Did any of their other kids go thru a grub phase, or did their more human looking kids stay as babies?
hehe thank youuu!
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pls accept some old doots that i still like :P
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only danny and Will went through the whole process of grub metamorphosis since they have a more "trollish" anatomy compared to benny and kanika, who grew up like normal babies(despite kani matching more like a troll internally-speaking, uuhh...?) if hatching is already dangerous to a normal grub, imagine them!
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apollos-boyfriend · 28 days
also it's so fucking funny that thh has like. some of the most "unlikable" starting cast. it's such a jarring introduction to the series. like in general when it comes to first introductions sdr2 and v3's casts try to be very friendly and welcoming upon first meeting, or if not that then at least entertaining/over-the-top in their meanness like kokichi or hiyoko, but then you look at thh and it's like. these people genuinely do not fucking like you nor each other and are honestly annoying as fuck. celeste would sell any of her classmates for a single corn chip. hifumi. toko has placed a curse on anyone that's not byakuya. junko literally wants all of you dead.
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// mpreg , pregnancy
There’s something intensely hilarious and fitting about imagining a Wei Wuxian who, as Wei Wuxian does, finds a way to get himself pregnant, only to act like a Harvest Moon/Stardew Valley farmer and go about business as usual. Pregnant Wei Wuxian out in the fields tending to his crops as if nothing was different.
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