#miscellaneous <3
aqricus · 2 years
Nipple play is so :(( like just the thought of a mf gripping you by the chest and managing to make you cum with nothing but their mouth or fingers on ur sensitive nips??? Just massaging your tits?
I like to think that aside from Dazai, mfs like Eren, Levi, Dabi n Hawks/Keigo would be into it :( meanies who live to tease
it's so so so hot :(( especially when they're fully clothed and so are you (mostly obvi), working you up just by squeezing your chest and pinching and rubbing your nipples so you squirm and feel your body flush with heat. your cunt has its ownnnnn heartbeat when they make little remarks and comments about it, too, your body flushing with heat and mild embarrassment when they mention how sensitive you are and how you look as if your knees are going to give out, and they haven't even touched you beyond your breasts.
my knees are weak at the thought of the men who do it so nonchalantly, so casual about the entire situation as if they don't have their hands all over your breasts and aren't listening to you whine and twitch. who still look at you so sweetly when you act up, telling you that they'll make you cum, but you have to do it their way. who finally let traces of satisfaction seep into their smile when they watch the triumph slide right off your face when you realize the contrast between their honeyed voice and what they just said to you.
some of them might not even know you're about to cum until you do, having only wanted to do it as an experiment or to mess with you, and their half-hard cock twitches in their pants at the sight. others will know you're about to cum and will either ridicule you or hasten their stimulation to see you make a mess of yourself, amazed by your sensitivity or poking fun at you for orgasming from something like this.
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fixing-bad-posts · 9 months
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[Image description: A long tumblr text post, edited blackout-poetry style. Resulting text is below.]
This website is full of people who r silly. I respond positively to that. (woo)
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incognitopolls · 8 days
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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xxdiamantesicesxx · 1 year
Y’all my phone is broken so I’m posting this from my iPad, sorry I haven’t been active,,, these weeks have been wild but we’re grinding (we’re not)
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uncanny-tranny · 22 days
I recently had to do a project in one of my psych classes, and man, I knew that CBT was used for every little thing, but seeing over and over, "do CBT! CBT is the best for every mental illness!" was so jarring. I'm absolutely biased because of my own experiences, but I just don't think it's as universal a treatment model as it's touted.
If you didn't benefit from CBT, it's not because you're lazy or didn't try hard enough or lacked intelligence or foresight into your own needs. Frankly, it's a therapy model that (I think) shouldn't be the only readily-accessible model and among the only therapy models covered by insurance. Some of us should not be treated in a CBT model and that's okay. It's not a sign of poor character or unreasonable demands, and if you don't think it's a model that works for you, then it's your right to express that!
#mental health#mental health advocacy#it was just so annoying because every resource i could access for this project often ONLY recommended cbt and#that just doesn't seem helpful for a good chunk of people#because i know i never benefitted from that model of therapy#obligatory: i am not against this therapy. me having a negative experience with it is not indicative that i believe it should be abolished'#if it works for you: KEEP DOING IT. cbt is not inherently harmful for MANY people and it's a good and valuable tool for many#but the overemphasis of cbt as the Only Therapy Model You Need sends this message that YOU failed...#...if you don't miraculously recover with that therapy model. it often feels like you'll Fail Recovery/Therapy and you're now a Bad Person#i've tried for over a decade to stick out cbt with a dozen therapists to boot. so i think i know a thing or two about my experiences with it#and overall its an unimpressive model (for me) as someone whos had a history with abuse and miscellaneous mental knickknacks rattling around#it's also frustrating because i genuinely like psych and i love learning about people#it's just. i'm tired of only being exposed to cbt (because i hate it honestly)#i feel similarly about cbt as i do with sigmund fucking frued#anyway i just want other insane people (affectionate) to remember that they deserve to not beat themselves up over this#if you're an insane person reading this: i love you i love you i love you i love you#i will share a slice of cake and homemade bread with you <3
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echosong971 · 8 months
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“Mr. Handsome Idiot”
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skiitter · 10 months
love how loyal the bg3 gang is. like most of these freaks are prickly little assholes and yet by act 3 they're all just like "hey [Insert Companion Here] may be objectively The Worst but so are we and we'll kill you for even the slightest hint of disrespect towards them"
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mayhasopinions · 5 months
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ermmm hi bloodweavers i brought food
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stick-by-me · 5 months
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Worm love <3
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fiepige · 10 months
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More Hobie (and spider-gang/team) GIFs!!!
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cyberrose2001 · 9 days
ratchet save me... ratchet bundle me up in soft fabrics and furnishings... ratchet hold my hand as i lay soddenly like a sickly victorian child... ratche-
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aqricus · 2 years
smth about those who are too strong/powerful for their own good and could snap you like a wishbone on a malnourished turkey without breaking a sweat but treat you so sweetly/gently, like you’ll shatter if their hands press down on you even a bit harder, and you have to ASK them to be rougher. but, when you ask, it hardly takes much convincing for them to agree. as long as you’re sure, they’ll deliver. and they deliver well.
OR slightly to the left, where they’re sickly sweet about the way they treat you softly because they’re certain you can’t handle it if they decided to go all out. sickly sweet, but so sweet there’s a tinge of sour beneath, just a hint of patronization. they tease you, even if you don’t quite catch their words or their hidden meaning. intent on reducing you to a shivering, overstimulated puddle on their strap or cock that doesn’t have to think and should just let them handle everything.
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fixing-bad-posts · 6 months
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i care about your hobbies
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incognitopolls · 3 months
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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xxdiamantesicesxx · 1 year
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Guys looks what I got for my birthday 😩😩😩😩😩😩
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The back 🥰🥰🥰
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darkleysgarden · 2 years
Asmodeus Facts!
As a lore person and Asmo lover, I present this.
I am willing to add more as I think of them or as they are suggested (with proof).
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1. As most people know: Asmo has canonically given Solomon hickeys before.
2. His favorite animal is a resplendent quetzal. (A bird)
3. Asmo unintentionally was a huge factor in the Trojan War starting.
4. Raphael used to scold Asmo a lot, causing him to dislike Raphael. He doesn't feel this way anymore.
5. He sleeps naked.
6. Asmo's biggest fear is turning ugly and essentially loosing all of his worth.
7. He can smell if people are romantically interested in each other.
8. He has had a face lift before.
9. A lot of fan mail is sent to the RAD suggestion box for him.
10. He is *surprisingly* not very flexible.
11. Has referred to Mc as his 'Bestie'. He and Lucifer have also said that he was madly in love with them. So... why not both?
He panics over gaining the slightest amount, down to a kilogram of weight or a millimeter more onto his waist. He also goes on diets and refuses to eat frequently. Satan has also stated that he's seen Asmo sneak snacks in the middle of the night. All of this implies that he struggles with an eating disorder.
13. Mammon once found a 'crazy provocative' outfit in his room that was 'FULL of holes!' (Turns out it was one of his favorite outfits chewed up by moths!)
14. In the Celestial Realm he was known as the 'Jewel of the Heavens'. Simeon states that Asmo is still constantly trying to live up to that standard.
15. Y'know how some people can tie a knot in a cherry stem? Well Asmo can tie a butterfly knot!
16. Asmo's dyed his hair pink before and presumably still does on occasions.
17. Asmo is the one who paints all the brother's nails. And this is typically done with a paint brush, not the average nail polish brush.
18. He always puts on a face mask right before he goes to bed.
19. Asmo prefers smooth red bean paste over chunky.
20. He hates being cold and the downsides of winter, like dry skin. Yet, he does love the aesthetic of winter.
21. He doesn't like carrying people as he believes it will cause him to gain muscle. He believes he's more desirable thin.
22. When he first met Solomon, he was in the middle of crying alone at a bar. Solomon came up to him to ask if he was okay. This, and the rest of their conversations that night, eventually led to their current relationship.
23. He enjoys gossiping with Satan.
24. While most demons dislike uses of pacts, Asmo finds them heavily thrilling.
25. He admits to admiring Lucifer the most.
26. Asmo believes that he can always rely on Satan.
27. Asmo enjoys hanging out with Mammon and becomes proud of him for his accomplishments. Though, he likes teasing him because it keeps him on his toes and he believes that Mammon acts the most foolish out of all of them.
28. Demon's have to give their human pact mate something to allow summonings. Asmo gifted Solomon a gigantic oil painting of himself. It was notably his favorite 'selfie' at the time.
29. He is a dog person. He prefers big dogs to little ones.
30. He's never read the student handbook despite being on the student council.
31. Is actually pretty good at juggling a ball with his feet. Good enough to score 5th place out of the 15 characters.
32. Satan has allowed him to copy off of his homework before.
33. His birthday is May 15th, making him a Taurus.
34. He put together Levi's human world outfit.
35. He hates his true demon form, something Mammon often jokes about.
36. Asmo is the weakest brother in terms of strength. He gets worn out incredibly easily. (Maybe because of fact 12 and your refusal to gain muscle or weight. What am I going to do with you, love?)
37. A large amount of his fan base calls him 'daddy'.
38. He frequently teases Levi about having no friends.
39. Really good at rock-papper-scissors.
40. Doesn't really care what happens to him as long as he looks cute during. Even if it's a terrible curse.
41. He is an extremely emotional drunk. He will start sobbing when intoxicated in the slightest.
42. He is not ashamed about his own dirty mind. He even calls out Mammon for having one too.
43. Ass or Tits? Asmo chooses ass.
44. Doodles in textbooks. He even left a kiss mark in Solomon's once when borrowing it.
45. Lucifer practically goes, "Keep the door open" Whenever he catches Solomon, Mc, or anyone else hanging out with Asmo.
46. Isn't good at silly faces. He ends up looking gorgeous instead of silly.
47. Can be horrifying when angry. Beel is more scared of an angry Asmo than an angry Lucifer.
48. Mc is practically the first ever person to like him romantically and not sexually. He has said that no one before Mc has ever complimented his personality before, only his looks.
49. Loves bonding with his brothers even if they're completely opposite of him. He remembers more about Ruri-chan than any of the other brothers (hinted at) just because he actually cares to listen to Levi and bond with him.
50. What part of his body does he wash first when bathing? Well, you'll have to bathe with him to find out~
51. He held his first Asmofest/Asmo gathering 7 days after his birth. These are now held several times a month. He spends time with people he likes, usually drinking. Lucifer is present at most of them.
52. Asmo once wished to have 8 heads. His brother's made him give up on this dream.
53. Asmo requested that Levi write him a novel. This novel was called Space Pajama Party: The Great Beauty War. The hero of the stories name was 'The Hero'. The Hero is based off of MC and the character Atan is based off Levi.
54. According to Asmo, he looks best shot from the left at about a 40 degree angle.
55. It's highly likely that Asmo was the main designer for the guest/Mc's room. Comparing his room to the room, his influence is obvious.
56. He owns an absurd amount of clothes, beauty products, and bathing products.
57. He is terrible at remembering stuff about other people. He even failed a quiz about Solomon, who he considers himself to be insanely close to (This, presumably, does not apply to MC).
58. He works as an influencer on DevilTube and Devilgram. He also does designing. He designs products, clothes, etc. These designs are most notably shown at Majolish but can be seen all around the Devildom. He usually doesn't get paid in grimm for designing, receiving products, and samples instead. He says he prefers that in all honesty (He'd just buy the stuff with grimm anyway).
59. He used to be close to Belphie back in the Celestial Realm. Beel even said that Belphie was practically glued to Asmo's hip.
60. Asmo is the one who came up with the name 'Team Solomon'. Barbatos wasn't a big fan of the name.
61. He was implied to have fucked Santa Claus
62. Even though he is the shortest brother, he often looks taller because he wears heels.
63. Asmodeus knew of Solomon's horrible cooking skills before any of the others. When Solomon tried to serve everybody at the Demon Lord's castle, he purposefully didn't eat any of Solomon's cooking.
64. Asmo is really sensitive about his brother's compliments. One compliment from any of them could bring him to tears easily.
65. During the retreat to the Demon Lord's castle, Asmo becomes heavily affectionate for MC. One of the things he first does is inspect them head to toe, checking their ears, teeth, fingers, etc. This supports him saying that he wishes to know EVERYTHING about MC and potentially any other lover.
66. He doesn't like washing the dishes because it makes his skin rough.
67. To some peoples surprise, he is really good with kids. He even worked with them in the human world. Though, Satan commented that he wouldn't trust his kid with Asmo. He also often makes inappropriate jokes in front of Luke. But, he just shrugs them off and tells Luke that he'll understand when he's older.
68. Asmo enjoys "healing music"
69. (😏) He's a switch. He's quoted to have said, "I'll make you squeal for me!" As well as, "You wanna try some other spots too? Go ahead, I'm all yours." These are two of many lines that help imply this.
70. Despite what many think, he does have standards. He also is not appreciative of randomly being used as an object of beauty or sex. Though he's admitted that he can easily see the good in everyone and finds everyone a little bit attractive in their own way. He also says that he flirts with people so often because his happiness spreads to others and ends up making more people happy. So many people like him, because he likes so many people. Simple as that. But, this doesn't mean he will appreciate just anybody.
71. He didn't have an Asmo gathering for an entire year after the fall. His first one was held with MC as an honorary guest. Solomon couldn't make it.
72. He's implied to like fortune and horoscopes.
73. He doesn't like shopping with 'drab' shopping bags.
74. Asmo tends to photobomb and photo taken around him because he believes he is the most photo-worthy person/thing in the area.
75. He's seen to be unapologetic to any exes he has. He may even flirt with them despite them being annoyed with him.
76. Asmo is seen to heavily miss the Celestial Realm after falling. He repressed most of the feelings for awhile, but they overwhelmed him the first time he saw Simeon and Luke after everything happened.
77. He listed his pronouns on his FabSnap account as Fab/ulous
78. Asmo had trouble calling him and his brothers 'demons' instead of 'angels' for a while after falling.
79. He frequently calls Solomon 'his'.
80. He has a pair of flower earrings that he wears all the time.
81. Asmo, along with his brothers, have all experienced hate for being angels, ex-angels, and demons in different contexts.
82. He has an entire photo album dedicated to photos of himself as an angel.
83. Asmo is not only lustful, but has shown many signs of bloodlust. He even brings up ripping out MC's heart and tearing it open to see if they were telling the truth.
84. He openly admits to being turned on at random.
85. While his brothers fight over bathing order, Asmo likes to go have a nice long bath in his own bathroom just to taunt them.
86. Asmo is pansexual. Good for him.
87. He gets insecure if he doesn't get reassured of MC's love constantly. He texts demanding 'I love yous' and demands compliments.
88. Asmo likes to wear what Mammon calls 'skimpy underwear'.. (And more lingerie!)
89. He very rarely gets more than annoyed. Very rarely even gets annoyed. He isn't seen transforming into his demon form at all during the main story out of anger (And so far from what I've played in Nightbringer). Though, I have seen him transform once in a Devilgram, but he quickly calmed down in seconds.
90. Asmo thinks that drool is unattractive on a man (probably any other gender too, he didn't clarify). He often tells Beel this as a life lesson. (This also presumably does not apply to sex.)
New On May 15th:
91. Solomon has a very hard time saying no to Asmo
92. When giving out gifts, they frequently feature his face. If you're lucky, you may even find yourself with a nice new set of lingerie.
93. Asmo is good at singing, writing, and composing songs. Anywhere from a ballad to hard metal. He even sings live!
94. Solomon once gifted him bath salts made by an incubus. The affect of the charm was SO STRONG that Asmo had to drink an antidote made by Solomon. (It tasted surprisingly good)
95. Asmo is insecure about the fact that he is unable to use his charm ability on MC.
96. In Nightbringer, Satan says that Asmo is the brother he hates the least.
97. Asmo's favorite way to spend his birthday is with people close to him, not with big parties.
98. Asmo really dislikes bugs.
99. Asmo has gathered so many products that he can find something in his collection that works for people with completely different hair and skin from him.
100. He loves flowers, candles, soaps, whatever smell-filled things he can find. (Me who takes allergy medicine on the daily: bro you're gonna murder me the second I step foot in your room.)
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