#missed my flight by seconds (they hadn’t even departed) and they gave up my seat like what the fuck
lovelyisadora · 2 years
love love love when wheelchair assistance at the airport is so fucked it makes you miss your flight, and the gate agent tells you to go fuck yourself as she looks you right in the eye and closes the flight in front of you 🙃
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in-ky · 3 years
An Old Scent [1] - Negan x Reader (A/B/O AU)
Summary: During summer break, you decide to come back home to visit your dad, Rick. Over the course of your stay, you realize that your dad's friend is pretty hot.
Warnings: Eventual smut, A/B/O dynamics, cheating, age gap, Negan
A/N: yay first fic! this will have four parts! i hope everyone enjoys. this is an au where the apocalypse never happened. 3.2k words
I squinted as I stepped out into the bright Virginian sun. People swarmed all around me, creating the steady hum of airport ambience that I had grown accustomed to over the years. I had just gotten off a four-hour flight home from college and all I wanted to do was shower and curl up in bed. But I couldn't. Oh, no. First I had to endure a fun thirty-minute car ride with my best friend since second grade. I scanned the curb in front of me for her small black car and caught sight of a tall woman waving at me. I grinned and walked forward, tugging along my baggage behind me.
"Ugh, it's so good to see you, Bee." I sighed as I enveloped my friend into a large hug. She let out a laugh and swayed us gently.
"It's good to see you, too," She hummed, rustling my hair "I forgot how short you were." Bee was an alpha; tall, muscular, and very quick to remind me of our differences. Of course, it was in a 'joking with love' kind of way. I was an omega; small, rounded, and very quick to punch her gently in the abdomen.
"I forgot how much of a jerk you are." I quipped, huffing and wheeling my bag to her trunk.
"Oh, come on, babes, don't be like that," Bee laughed, opening the driver side door and waiting for me to walk back to my side. "Now get in, we've got a lot of catching up to do."
"How are your heats going?"
"Jesus, that's what you want to start with?" I scoffed, crossing my arms over my chest. Bee shrugged.
"We don't have to if you don't want to," She clarified, turning out onto the street "I'm just saying, I know they've gotten pretty bad as we've gotten older. Did you try out those tips I sent you?"
"Yea, I did," I said quietly, looking at the trees rushing by on the side of the highway "They worked for a while but..."
"But you need an alpha," Bee sighed, finishing the sentence for me.
"That's the plan for this summer," I agreed "Might finally settle down."
"You know, I'm always here if you need me." She said with a wink. I scoffed at her.
"I'm not that desperate," I laughed, shoving her lightly "Not yet, at least."
"Anyone take your interest back in Colorado?"
"Not really," I hummed, tilting my head in consideration. "There was this one guy. We dated for a few months but towards the end he became a total knot-head. He couldn't keep his hands off me. I thought it was cute at first, but after I started to miss a few classes...well, that shit got old pretty quickly." Bee made a disgusted noise.
"Ugh, men," She grunted, wrinkling her nose "I'm glad I never went through that phase. I'm perfectly happy with chicks, thank you very much. Much less of a pain in my ass."
"Oh, they're not so bad," I smirked "I think it's just alphas in general." She glared at me momentarily and I stuck my tongue out at her. We drove in a comfortable silence for a few moments, just enjoying each other's company. That was always something I loved about Bee. We never had to fill every second with chatter, we could just exist together in the same space and be just as content. She started to hum along to the song that buzzed softly from the radio and my eyes tracked a hawk. Soon enough, we reached our exit and Bee turned the car onto a smaller road, starting the countdown to my arrival home.
"Are you excited to see your dad?" Bee asked, killing the silence.
"Yea, I am," I smiled. We hadn't always had the best of relationships, but the distance that college gave had done wonders for us. A few texts and calls had worked perfectly for us. When he invited me to stay a few weeks during summer I gladly accepted. I wanted to see just how well our relationship had strengthened. Plus I knew he really needed someone.
"How's he doing?" There was genuine concern in Bee's voice. A few months ago, my mom had revealed that she had been having an affair with one of dad's work buddies. She left with him and took my brother down to Georgia.
"I think he's okay. But you know dad, he's not really an emotions guy. He was starting to get some closure but then the divorce papers came in the mail. That really hurt him," I told her, twisting a strand of my hair around my finger. "I just don't know how Lori could do that to him, you know? She won't even let Carl up to visit. The new baby's cute, though. Looks just like Shane." Bee hummed in acknowledgement.
"Well, tell him I said hi, alright?"
"Will do." A few more seconds of silence passed. Until we stopped at a light. Bee looked up and spotted a billboard that sported a very familiar, very handsome face.
"Holy shit!" Bee shrieked, slapping my arm.
"Ow, what the hell?" I hissed, grabbing my shoulder. She pointed frantically at the sign.
"That guy! Isn't that, shit- the hell's his name?" Pulling my eyes from my lap, I let them settle on the object of her excitement. All of the color drained from my face. It was an add for a law firm. There was an old geezer posing proudly on the left, and to his right, was the man who haunted my wet dreams for the majority of high school.
"Negan." I gulped.
"Yea, your dad's hot friend you never shut up about." Bee groaned, pressing on the gas and moving us away from the sign. Negan was a lawyer/make-shift-law-professor and baseball coach at the local community college. He had a sort-of contract with my dad's department. Many times I had come home after school to the two of them puzzling out a case on the kitchen table. Negan was an alpha of alphas, something that got my little omega heart (and other things) pumping until I couldn't breath. His humor and dominating persona made me blush a deep crimson color any time I saw him. Sometimes I would spend hours sitting on the stairs just listening to him talk to my dad. His voice was something else. I had gushed to Bee about him countless times during our times at high school. But I hadn't seen him since my graduation party.
"I wonder if you'll see him again," Bee teased, nudging me again to pull me out of my trance of memories. Then, she did a dramatic gasp. "What if he's your mate?" It was my turn to slap her in the shoulder.
"He's older than my dad!" I squealed, burying my now-blushing cheeks in my hands.
"You're an adult I don't think it matters."
"I think he's engaged."
"Just 'cause there's a goalie doesn't mean you can't scoooore." Bee pulled a face at me and I returned her grimace.
"Whatever, you're lucky we're almost at my house." I huffed, falling back into my seat with my arms crossed over my chest.
"Oh, yea, omega? What are you gonna do?" I rolled my eyes as she laughed off my grumpiness. We rolled to a stop in front of my driveway and a leaned in to give her a kiss on the cheek.
"Thanks so much, Bee, I really appreciate you," I grinned, popping open the door.
"No problem, babes," She winked, unlocking the trunk "But I swear to the gods, you better fucking call me and give me updates on everything, especially if you run into Mr. Hotcakes." I rolled my eyes once more and promised her I would before closing the door. I retrieved my bag and gave her a wave as she drove down the street. When she was out of view, I took a deep breath and turned around, walking up the driveway to the front door.
I knocked heavily on the dark oak door. While I waited for someone to answer, I decided to look around at the home I had left behind about a year ago. My childhood home had changed now and then over the years, but there were still some iconic pieces of memories in the front yard that could never be forgotten. My personal favorite was Eddie the garden gnome. He was a standard gnome: small and stout with a large white beard that led into a pointy red hat. His eyes were shut and his mouth was curved into a smile. However, he was missing a nose. I grinned as I recalled the unfortunate mishap that caused Eddie to become deformed. I was about twelve, and carl was five. He had gotten a kid's baseball from Negan for his birthday and had begged me to teach him how to play, since I was on the local softball team at the time. I relented and set it up in the front yard. Eddie was our outfielder. Eddie didn't have a mitt. Well, he did, but it was his face. Carl absolutely smashed the first pitch I tossed at him and hit poor Eddie right in the face, shattering his round, pink nose into pieces. Carl bursted into tears and I had to promise him that he did not in fact kill our precious protector of our house. Lori ran out frantically and comforted her son before giving me a thorough chewing out for damaging Eddie. We never used the set again. That she knew of, anyways. Negan always let us play in his yard, though. I smiled at the memory, but the clicking of the lock to the door pulled me from my train of thought. The door swung open and I was met with the smiling face of my father.
"Sweetie, I'm so glad you made it!" He laughed, pulling me in swiftly and squeezing me tight.
"It's good to see you too, dad." I croaked, letting out a small chuckle. I tapped on his shoulder as a signal for him to let go.
"How was the flight?" He asked as he stepped out to grab my bag. I told him it was good but that the screaming kids had given me a bit of a headache. He gave a small laugh and gestured for me to enter. I thanked him and he rolled my bag in behind me. We exchanged a few words but as soon as I walked through the kitchen into the doorway of the living room I was hit by a wall. Not literally, no, but rather a wall of overwhelming scent. It was a delicious swirl of campfire and whiskey, with a hint of cigarettes and leather. I paused for a moment, my eyes forced closed and my lungs taking a deep breath of the intoxicating air. Colors danced across my eyelids. My whole body was flooded with warmth and my toes tingled. I felt safe and calm, and there was something else; something deep within my stomach that I couldn't quite identify, something I never felt before. My eyes snapped open when I felt my father's hand rest firmly on my shoulder.
"I hope you don't mind, sweetie, but I invited company over while I was waiting for you to arrive," He smiled at me. I got a good look at him then. He looked the same, his hair was a bit longer, a bit greyer. But his eyes were different. They were darker, rounder, rawer. I gave a soft smile and told him it was fine. He guided me into the living room. It was then I realized where that deadly smell was coming from. Or, rather, who it was coming from. "Negan, you remember my girl." In that moment, I held my breath as I scanned Negan. He looked fucking amazing, just as he always had. Perfect dimples guarding a charming smile, all surrounded by a gorgeous salt and pepper beard. His hair was longer than it was when I had left, not slicked back, but it still framed his face perfectly. Negan's body was draped casually over the sectional couch, legs crossed at the ankle on the ottoman. His arms were on the top of the couch and his wrists were dangling. He knew he was hot. That bastard. I suddenly became aware of his eyes raking over my form and I shifted from one foot to the other.
"'course I do, Rick," Negan said, voice silky and deep. I couldn't help but let a small shudder run down my spine. All I wanted to do was kneel down in front of him and curl up at his feet. I forced my inner omega down, shaking the thought from my head. "How could I forget the little slugger?" I cringed inside at the nickname. Especially the use of the word 'little'. I begged that he didn't still see me as the kid down the street. Instead as a grown woman. A grown omega.
"Hi, Negan." I greeted with a small smile, swallowing to relieve my dry throat. Now that I was next to him, his scent was clogging all my senses. I gripped onto the couch and lowered myself onto the cushion, hoping to ground myself. It helped, just barely. My heart was pounding, my instincts telling me to submit to this man in front of me. Why, though? Why now? He had never smelled this good before. No alpha had. Was I getting close to my heat? I did have a stomach ache, but that could be from Negan alone.
"Hey, sweetheart. How's college goin'?" Negan asked, sipping on his drink. He kept eye contact with me the whole time. Rick handed me a glass of soda and I thanked him.
"It's good!" I said after taking a sip, thankful for the hydration in my coarse throat "Towards the end it got a little hectic, but I was able to stay on top of everything, thankfully."
"You're studying film, right?" He asked, leaning forward and resting his elbows on his knees.
"That's right," I grinned, crossing my legs to relieve some of the pressure the movement caused to build up in my lower abdomen "You still teaching law?" This caused him to chuckle. Literally music to my ear.
"If that's what you want to fuckin' call it." Negan sighed, falling back to his original position, hands resting in his lap "I talk, the kids kinda listen. I just do it for the coaching job, really. You remember how much I love that damn sport, right?"
"Baseball?" I asked, raising a brow "You mean the only thing you talked about at all of the Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners you were invited to?"
"Touché." Negan grinned. Goddamn that smile. Butterflies erupted in my chest, beating hard against my ribcage, begging to throw myself at his chest and bury myself in him. Rick cleared his throat and smiled at me to get my attention.
"I want to know more about your college experience!" He beamed, rubbing a hand through his beard "Any special alphas you've got your eyes on?" I heard Negan choke slightly on his whiskey. A small bubble of pride rose in my chest. I laughed at his words.
"Dad, I don't think Negan wants to hear about my love life."
"Shit, doll, I don't mind," He grumbled "I don't get to hear any drama now-a-days"
"What do you mean?" I giggled, tilting my head "You argue for a living. Your job is to literally deal with drama."
"Yea, but that's complex drama," He growled, waving his hand dismissively "I wanna hear simple, schoolgirl 'he loves me, he loves me not' kind of bullshit."
"Well sorry to disappoint," I snorted, running a hand through my hair "but no, there's no one I have an eye on." Dad's smile turned into a frown.
"Shame." I heard Negan whisper. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to hear it. It was quiet, barely above his breath, and he said it while twirling his whiskey, following the words with a large gulp.
"You really should start looking, dear." Dad said with a sigh "You know it only gets harder as you get older."
"Dad please, I don't..." I cut him off "Listen, I appreciate you trying to understand this stuff, I really do, but I don't really want to talk about it with my father." He looked at me with an understanding smile.
"Sure," He nodded "But if you ever need anything, anything at all, you just let me know, alright." I nodded.
"Well, this sure has been fun, Ricky-boy," Negan grinned, getting to his feet and stretching his arms far above his head. "We do have that big court case in the mornin', though, and I need my shut-eye."
"Big case, eh?" I asked, rising from my seat as well. Dad nodded and excitement sparked in his eyes.
"You should come! It's an open court and I would love for you to see what I do. I know you always wanted to as a kid, but your mom made you wait until you were older. Well, now's the perfect time!" He rambled, grasping my shoulders.
"W-Well, I dunno, I don't want to be a distraction," I stumbled, taken aback by my father's display of enthusiasm. I turned to Negan, as if asking for permission. He just laughed.
"Oh-o, doll, I don't get distracted. Not in there, not anywhere. Don't you worry about a goddamn thing. You should come, Rick seems like he really wants you to."
"Okay, then," I grinned, nodding in commitment "I'll see you there in the morning then." I looked up to Negan and we locked eyes for a brief moment. But in that moment, something within me quivered. He brushed up against me and smirked down at me.
"See you tomorrow, sweetheart. It was nice to see you. You're lookin' great." It took all my willpower not to let out a whimper as he walked past me, taking his glorious scent with him.
My dad said that he should also get some rest, but that I could stay up as long as I wanted to. I was pretty wiped from my flight so I opted to follow him up the narrow staircase, tugging my bag behind me. I hugged him goodnight and stepped into my room. It hadn't been touched since I left last summer. The forest green bedspread was still perfectly tucked into the mattress and two plump pillows were perched at the head of the bed. My muscles ached for the soft release of sleep. I put my suitcase down by my dresser, taking a moment to smile at some old photos of me and Bee as kids. I showered and brushed my teeth before getting into the comfortable bed. I looked up at the ceiling and giggled softly at the glow-in-the-dark stars shining overhead. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I wasn't thinking of anything in particular, but for some reason, all of my dreams were plagued by the sweet smell, sound, sight, feeling, and taste of Negan.
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queenxxxsupreme · 4 years
A/N: This is my first Captain Syverson fic and omg I love him so much ok. But this fic is trash xD i just wanted to see the scenario somewhere other than in my head ok. I’ve seen a few other writers give him the name Logan and I really think that fits (it reminds of Logan Howlett and Syverson definitely had some wolverine vibes)
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: none :) this is completely fluffy with some angst cause I can’t help myself.
Summary: Just when you think Syverson is home to stay, his job beckons him to the Middle East. 
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You shifted your weight from one foot to the other, trying to remind yourself that you needed to stop biting your bottom lip. You couldn't help but mess with the hem of your shirt, anxiety and impatience eating at you. 
Your boyfriend of six years would be returning home after spending seven months overseas. You had waited for this day since he boarded the plane to leave. 
The terminal was moderately busy with people scattered everywhere. Some were hurrying to get to their departing flight while others were chatting off to the side of the room. 
A small pool of green and brown U.S. Army uniforms caught your attention. Your heart began to beat even harder in your ribs and you couldn't hide the smile on your lips. 
Captain Syverson led the way through the terminal with his team right behind him. They were landing in DC and dispersing from there to go to whatever flights they needed to get home. You and Syverson lived right in DC so you were able to welcome him home. 
You’re too caught up watching him that you don't notice the look of unhappiness on his teammates’ faces. Your mind was too busy going a million miles a second, thinking of all of the things you wanted to do now that he was finally home. 
The heavy duffle bag in his hand falls to the tiled floor with a thud just in time for him to catch you as you threw yourself into his arms. 
His muscular arms were steel bars around you, holding you as close to him as possible. 
“Hey, angel.” His voice was quiet but still as deep as you remembered. 
You took a moment to squeeze him before pulling back to look into the blue eyes you loved so much. You expected to see all the emotions Syverson never showed, to see the excitement in his gaze when he looked at up. But there was no excitement, no happiness that you two were reunited afteronths apart. 
Your grip on him loosened and something began to form in the pit of your stomach–a new ball of tension and worry. 
“What, Logan? What’s-What's wrong?” You spoke quietly, afraid your voice would quit working if you spoke too loud. You feared that maybe he'd lost one of his men. 
“We got orders to go back.” His whisper wasn't enough to hide that Texan accent. 
Your heart fell to your stomach. You pulled your arms from around him, shaking your head. 
“There's been an emergency, angel. Only reason we didn't turn around mid flight was ‘cause the plane needed fuel.” 
All of the thoughts that had been swarming your mind suddenly slowed down. You couldn't process what he was saying.
“You-You’re going back?” Your voice broke and your bottom lip quiver ed. Tears came to your eyes without hesitation. “Now? But-But you just-you just got here–,”
“I know, angel.” He pulled you into his chest, burying his nose in your hair. The sweet scent of your shampoo was enough to make him second guess leaving. He missed waking up to your scent. 
His eyes closed tightly as he reminded himself that this was his job. This was what he had to do. 
Your shoulders shook with quiet sobs. You buried your face into his chest, hands fisting his jacket. You hadn't seen him for seven months and now he was leaving already. 
Syverson could feel you trembling in his arms and it broke his heart to know that you both would be separated for an unknown length of time. 
You suddenly pulled away from him. Your hands pressing against his chest. Breathing was a struggle but every inhale of oxygen burnt your lungs. Your heart was beating so loud, echoing in your ears. 
What if he died? What if this was the last time you got to see him? What if he was gone for another seven months or even longer? 
“I-I can't do this, Logan.” You told him, your words almost incoherent. “I-I can't. I worry-I worry so much. And I’m so alone and-and the house is so empty without you. I can't-,”
“Yes you can, angel.” His hands took hold of your shoulders. He gazed down at you but you couldn't meet his eyes. “You're a strong woman, angel. I love you.”
“I-I love you, Logan, but it’s just–I-I can't-I can't–,” 
He placed two of his worn and rough fingers gently under your chin, tilting your head up to look at him. He cut you off with a kiss, savoring your taste and the feeling of your soft, delicate lips against his. 
“Marry me, angel.” His words were mumbled against your lips but somehow your panicking brain was able to hear him. 
You pulled away, lips parted as you breathed heavily. 
“What?” You whispered. Your brows drew together. You couldn't have heard him properly. 
“Marry me, Y/N.” He repeated, his large hand cupping your face. The pad of his thumb, calloused from years of use, brushed across the apple of your cheek to swipe away a tear. “Marry me.”
You knew the man before you wasn't romantic. The way he said it, almost like a gentle demand, was totally him. He wouldn't take you to some fancy dinner and then to some pretty location in DC to get down on one knee to propose to you with a nice ring. That kind of romance was for children, for princesses in fairy tales. 
Your life was anything but a fairy tale. You saw your beloved boyfriend of six years about as often as one would see a good acquaintance. He was a soldier for the U.S. Army before he met you and he was extremely dedicated to his job, so much so that you didn't think he'd ever want to actually settle down for anything long term. You were surprised when he so casually suggested the two of you move in together after spending a rare Sunday afternoon watching football. 
You were so used to your bed being empty and to your house being empty. You were so used to the waiting and the longing for your soldier. Some nights it would make you physically sick thinking about what could happen to him. 
You had gotten used to going out with friends and hearing them talk about what they'd done with their partners or being present when they spoke about double or triple dates. Not only would Syverson never agree to going on a double date, but he was very rarely home and when he was for the few months you got to keep him, you’d rather spend those days in bed with him watching TV or watching him change the brakes on your car because you always forget to get them changed. 
But you wouldn't change any of it for the world. Logan Syverson was everything you wanted in life and you wouldn’t change his ways for anything. 
“Yes.” You nodded your head. A new batch of tears came to your eyes and began to make their way down your cheeks. 
“Yes?” An extremely rare timid smile came to his lips, almost like he expected you to say no. 
“Yes, Logan. Yes!” You threw your arms around him once more, holding him as close to you as possible. 
His hands rubbed your sides and then slipped around you to embrace you. 
A voice came over the intercom, calling for his flight to board their plane. 
He pulled away from you, taking a second to look into your eyes. 
“I love you.” He kissed you once, then twice and three times. “In my closet, look in the box on the top of the shelf. Your ring’s in there.”
“How long have you had it?” You sniffled, smiling at him. 
“A while.” He grinned. “Love you, angel.” He gave you one more kiss before he pulled away and picked up his bag. 
“I love you, Logan.” You wrapped your arms around yourself, already missing his warm hold. 
He gave you a firm nod but he couldn't hide the smile behind his stern features. 
You giggled at him and watched him leave, one of his soldiers clapping him on the shoulder. 
As they disappeared around the corner, you choked on a sob. You brought your hand up to cover your mouth, moving to sit in a nearby empty seat. Your knees were shaking and your head spun. 
Just like that, he was gone. But at least he was still yours.
Taglist for Syverson: @promptandpros @alyxkbrl
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imagineaworlds · 4 years
I Love You (Part Fourteen) -- Aaron Hotchner
Written By: @desperately-bisexual​
Request: None.
Warnings: Talk about murder. Kidnapping.
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Greenaway!Reader
Word Count: 7783
Timeline: Season 2 Episode 22. Right after part thirteen.
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Everyone was already on the jet and waiting for me when I stepped on. Gideon, Morgan, Emily, and Reid were all sitting at the four seats around the table, leaving me with one of the nearby single seats or the edge of the couch. I stuffed my go back in the overhead bin and took a seat on the edge of the couch. Morgan handed me an official case file for the sixty-three missing homeless people in Kansas City. I opened the file to take a look. They had transcribed everything Detective McGee gave them for the file, and Garcia had also added whatever she could, despite the fact that there wasn’t much documented in our system. They had been working on the case while I was gone, so they already had an idea of what the profile of the Unsub was.
Morgan ran me through everything they already knew. Our Unsub was what we liked to call a “housecleaner”, which meant that this kind of Unsub viewed himself as a hero who was cleaning the streets of the “filth”, which in this case was the homeless. It made sense that this was their first step in the profile since sixty-three people had gone missing, and the only link in victimology was the fact that they were all homeless. He wasn’t delusional enough to not conceptualize that murder is still bad, but he figured that his murders were excusable because he was helping the world by ridding it of “filth”. Because he has a housecleaner’s superiority complex, he was likely an unpleasant man who left everyone he met with a bad feeling about him, but they weren’t sure why. That makes him a loner, and he blames the world for that. So rather than take on a friend or partner, he likely has someone who is subservient to him to help him with these kidnappings and murders.
According to Detective McGee’s reports, he started noticing the disappearances about a year ago, which meant that the stressor likely happened around that time— no more than three months prior to the disappearances. Since he was a loner and he was a dislikable person, it was fair to assume that the stressor was losing someone who was important to him and loved him no matter who he was, which led us to believe that it was a family member who had passed away. Spencer brought up that the Unsubs likely didn’t have any jobs because of how frequent the disappearances were occurring.
“Sounds like I missed all the fun,” I laughed. They had practically done the whole case on their own while I was gone. All that was left to do was to get onto the ground and find the guy who matched the description.
When we landed in Kansas City, we headed directly to the precinct to meet up with Hotch, JJ, and the detective. Gideon was the first to ask how they managed to convince the Chief of Police to give us the case, and Hotch admitted to us that McGee had gone over their heads with this and come straight to us, so they weren’t exactly inclined to give us the case, but JJ found out that a note that was sent to McGee from the Unsub after he had been rewarded for cleaning up the streets was from Kansas City, Missouri, it became a federal case the second it crossed state lines. 
“This is Chief Wright,” Hotch introduced us to the police chief who was less than happy to see us in his precinct. “We’re going to be working closely with him. This is still his jurisdiction.” Everyone nodded in agreement. “Do you have somewhere for us to set up?” he asked Wright. The police chief nodded. “Good. We’ll set up in there after we give the profile.”
“The profile?” Wright inquired.
“We’ve been working on it all morning,” Reid answered without thinking.
Hotch eyed Spencer with a stern look that said: “Some things are better unspoken.” Hotch turned back to the police chief with a faux friendly smile to throw Wright off. “We’d like to give it as soon as possible.”
Wright nodded warily, “Right… Sure… Let me gather everyone up.” He headed off.
Hotch moved closer to the team as we huddled up to talk with him. “Reid, I want you and Gideon to give the profile. We’re all going to head out afterwards to talk to the locals, see if they know anything about these disappearances. Maybe one of them can identify our Unsub or tell us where to find him. It’ll be dark by the time we get out there, so we’ll all team up. JJ, you’ll go with McGee, I’ll go with Wright, Gideon with Reid, Morgan, Emily, and Y/N will go together. Sound good?”
Everyone nodded again as the entire precinct started to gather up for our profile. We faced them as they got situated in their seats. Gideon and Reid stepped forward and began to tell every detail of the profile that they had told me on the flight. None of the department seemed to have any questions or comments of any use afterwards, so they were dismissed. Wright and McGee came over to ask if the plan was still to go downtown and question people on the streets, and Hotch nodded. Those who lived on the streets were our most likely witnesses, even if they didn’t realize it.
Hotch told everyone to change into warm clothes for the night and gear up. After the team split off, Hotch grabbed my hand and led me towards the break room in the back of the precinct. 
“Hey, how did it go with Haley? I know that you were a little worried.”
I smacked his arm playfully. He knew I was worried this whole time and he was acting like it wasn’t a big deal, and it made me feel stupid about it. “It went fine,” I admitted. “Jack’s mad at us because he wanted to spend the night at our house and he wanted to get ice cream with me, but I tried to tell him that there was nothing we could do.”
“We’ll make it up to him when we get back.”
“That’s what I said, but he kept pouting.” I smiled, “He crossed his arms and frowned like you always do. It was cute.”
“I don’t frown.”
“Yes, you do. All the time,” I laughed. “It’s okay, though, ‘cause I get to see you smile everyday, and that's a good enough reason for me to stick around.”
He raised a brow and smirked as he decided to play along, “Was that in question?”
I shook my head, “No. I’d never do that to Jack.”
Hotch finally let out a chuckle. “I see how it is.” I smiled up at him playfully. “You’ll stay with Morgan and Emily tonight, right? No wandering off on your own?”
“I’m not a baby, Hotch. I’ll be fine.”
He squinted, “You have a bad habit of doing things your way. I don’t need this Unsub taking you if he sees the chance.”
I patted his chest, “I’ll be good, big guy. Thanks for being worried, though.”
“Hey,” he caught my attention with his earnest tone. “I love you. A lot.”
He raised his brows shortly to make his words more sincere. I believed him. He never had to tell me more than once to make it stick in my head, but he always wanted to tell me. He was obsessed with saying it whenever he could because he was never sure when it would end up being the last time, considering our field of work. It was like how often I felt the urge to return the favor by telling him or telling Jack every chance I could get. I never knew when the last time I would be able to see Jack would be, so I had to make every second count. 
When everyone was ready and waiting for us outside of the break room, I managed to steal a moment to kiss him and tell him that I love him, too, before we headed out. Each pair, or in my case, group, took their own car since we were all starting on separate sides of downtown and we were going to work our way towards the middle, where we would all meet up to review what we had learned.
Morgan, Emily, and I started on the South side of downtown. where there were more homeless camps than stragglers and prostitutes. We found a few communities building shelters under bridges and outside of abandoned builds, and we asked each and every person we came across if they recognized our Unsub’s profile or if they had seen anything suspicious at all. While they all insisted that there was nothing out of the ordinary, the worrisome part was that they all said that they hadn’t heard about any disappearances. They knew of people who had moved away, but not gone missing. Those of them who told us that they knew of people who moved away were given a list of names by Emily to see if they could identify any of the victims, but to no such luck. It was like these victims didn’t even exist between the missing files and the fact that no one in the area knew of them.
While walking North, we came across an injured and alone woman, pushing a cart full of her belongings along in front of her as she limped. We were asking anybody and everybody for their help, this woman was simply no exception. Morgan approached her with a kind smile and she smiled back at him. He had an inviting, homely face that when lit up with a smile, it was contagious to everyone else.
“How are you doing this fine evening, ma’am?” he asked her as she stopped pushing her cart.
“I’m fine,” she answered.
“We’re with the FBI and we’re investigating some disappearances that have been happening in this area. Do you mind if we ask you a few questions?”
“Go for it, handsome.”
Emily and I both smiled at the ground. Morgan was just that kind of guy. He was attractive, smart, funny, and embarrassingly kind. He had this playboy type attitude that he liked to flaunt around a lot, but underneath all of that was a man who just wanted to do right by everyone he ever met. This woman looked so sad and alone, yet she took an immediate liking to Morgan— not in a creepy way, but in a way that reminded me of how a grandmother would treat their grandson; and Morgan was more than willing to oblige this woman by playing along.
“What’s your name darling?”
“Mona,” he smiled. “I love that name. It suits you. Well, Ms. Mona, have you seen anyone suspicious around here recently? Maybe some unfamiliar, out of place faces?”
Mona shook her head, “There’s unfamiliar faces everywhere on the streets. You see a lot of the same people all the time, but people come and go as their life takes turns going up and down.”
“Have you noticed that anyone you recognized a lot is suddenly gone?”
Mona shook her head again. “Like I said, people come and go as they please. One day they might be under the bridges, the next they’ll be working in some restaurant. Life happens.”
“Alright, well, thank you for your help. Can I maybe take you somewhere? Like a shelter, perhaps?”
Mona scoffed and scrunched up her nose in disgust, “Have you ever seen one of them shelters? I have better luck on the street than in there.”
“Okay, okay,” he pulled his hands out of his coat pockets and threw them up in surrender, “You just be careful out there, Mona. We need more beautiful faces like you out in the world.”
Mona blushed and hid her face in the collar of her shirt. She thanked him for his kind words before pushing her cart off again and continuing on her way through the streets at night. We watched her walk on and I hoped to myself that she would be alright and she wouldn’t end up as one of the next victims. She was a good woman— a kind woman. She didn’t look like she could hurt a fly. We needed more people like her in the world.
Emily chuckled. “You’re a good guy,” she complimented Morgan.
It boosted his ego tenfold and he smiled over at us, his playboy act returning just for show. “Oh, I know.”
“I think you’re just an asshole who has a thing for older women,” I bit back a laugh.
Morgan’s smile brightened at my playful jab. “Says the one dating our boss.”
“Ooh,” Emily sighed, “burn…”
“Is that for me calling you a tool earlier?” I interrogated, walking past to keep heading North.
He nodded, “It sure is.”
Both of them caught up with me and we continued on a few more blocks before we ended up finding Hotch and Wright walking towards us from the North. We regrouped with them as we waited for JJ, McGee, Gideon, and Reid to find us on their paths from the West and East. Morgan asked if Hotch and Wright found anything of use, and they shook their heads. No one had seen anything out of the ordinary and no one even knew that these people were missing. Emily admitted that we had the same luck.
“We saw JJ and McGee about a block back and they said the same thing,” Hotch told us. “It’s just weird. You’d think that if the Unsub were out here, he’d stick out like a sore thumb because of his superiority complex, but all of these people seem… quiet and humble. Most of them even seem extroverted once you start talking with them.”
“And our Unsub is definitely an introvert?” I checked.
Hotch shrugged.
“You were adamant on our guy being an introvert, but being extremely memorable… yet no one seems to have any idea of who we’re talking about,” Wright said with an accusatory tone towards Hotch.
“So, then, riddle me this, Chief Wright, what do you think happened to those sixty-three missing people?”
“I still don’t think anything happened to them, Agent Hotchner. I think that this is all a waste of my time, your time, and the people’s tax dollars.”
“Ah, right. You think that they all just got jobs and houses. Maybe they found rainbows and unicorns as well.”
“Hotch,” I hissed a warning. Their tones and conversation were incredibly rude. It wasn’t going to help anything if they were just going to keep fighting amongst each other.
Emily changed the topic first, “What we should really be asking ourselves here is how did the Unsub get sixty-three or more street smart people off the streets without being seen?”
“It would need to be someone trustworthy, under the radar. He’s here all the time, but not enough for people to know him by name or to know enough about him to think that he’s an unlikable person.”
“Then it’s definitely not someone from the streets,” Morgan added. “Someone who would go undetected by bystanders and the street community alike.” He looked down the road, towards the direction where Mona had started walking off. “Someone like… Captain Wright, does your Social Services Department patrol around at night?”
Wright furrowed his brows and shook his head, “No, they have to be called, and then—”
Morgan jumped onto his toes and started running back towards Mona’s direction. We all turned to see what he was doing while Hotch ran after him. Morgan had spotted Mona at the end of the road, just in front of an alleyway, walking with a man who had driven up in a Social Serves van. The driver was taking Mona’s cart from her calmly and helped her put it into the back of her van. It looked fairly innocent, but with what Wright had just disclosed about Social Services not being out that time of night, we realized that something was wrong. Well started chasing after Morgan and Hotch.
“Mona!” Morgan called out desperately. “Mona, wait! Do not get in that van!” He slowed his pace down as he approached her and the driver of the van. “What are you doing?” he asked curiously, putting a hand on Mona’s shoulder.
“He's gonna drive me to the park,” she answered.
The driver was already getting back in the car and trying to start the engine. Morgan walked over to the window. The rest of us slowed down now as we caught up to them. Morgan leaned against the car, peeking his head in through the window, “Hey, what’s going on, my man?”
“I should go,” the driver said nervously, turning the engine over and it started to rumble.
“Sir, do you have a city employee I.D.?” Hotch asked the driver.
“Look, I really don’t have time for this.”
“Yes, you do. I.D. Now, please,” he demanded with a gruff tone that I knew all too well.
The driver hesitated for a moment, his eyes still on the steering wheel that he had a tight grip on. Morgan kept his hands on the car and his head in the window— a tactic to try to intimidate the man. I looked at the banner on the side of the van, and realized that it was entirely fake. It didn’t look at all real if you knew what the real thing looked like. But to anyone on the streets, like Mona, it probably looked legit. Next thing I knew, the banner was speeding out of my field of view as the driver stepped on the gas. The car sped forward with Morgan still hanging on to make sure that he wouldn’t get away. I called out Morgan’s name as we all ran after the car. The driver was racing down the alleyway towards a dead end, which he soon realized, but with Morgan fighting with him for control of the van, he was unable to stop in time before they collided with the wall. 
“Morgan!” I cried his name out again as I grabbed his jacket and pulled him out of the window. He jumped onto his feet and thanked me before yanking the front car door open and pulled the driver out. “Don’t do that ever again,” I scolded Morgan while he pushed the driver up against the side of the van and arrested him. 
Morgan recited the driver’s rights as he slapped the handcuffs on him. Hotch called Gideon and JJ to let them know that their groups needed to meet us back at the precinct as soon as possible. The car that Emily, Morgan, and I brought was the closest. Hotch hopped in the car with us and the suspect since he wanted to lead the interrogation when we would arrive at the precinct. I sat up front with Morgan, as usual, while Emily and Hotch sat on either side of the handcuffed suspect.
I watched the suspect through the mirrors on the outside of the cars and the rearview one on the ceiling between Morgan and I. He didn’t look at all like a killer. He looked scared, but not innocent. We had caught him trying to take someone while posing as a city official, so he knew that he was neck deep in trouble, but he wasn’t our Unsub. Earlier, however, the team had mentioned that our Unsub could possibly have a subservient partner who was helping him, and that certainly passed through my mind as a possibility a few times. Hotch was likely going to proceed with the investigation with such an accusation to see if we were right, in turn also proving a point to Chief Wright. 
At the station, JJ and McGee were already waiting for us since they had been the closest. Morgan and Emily took the suspect into the interrogation room, meanwhile Hotch, JJ, McGee, and I stayed in the mirror room just outside of it to talk about how we were going to proceed. McGee asked us if we thought that this was our Unsub, but Hotch denied the claim, and as I suspected, he assumed that this man was the subservient Unsub who was helping the dominant by kidnapping the victims. McGee asked what that meant for our investigation— and specifically this interrogation, and we told him that this guy was going to tell us exactly where to find our real Unsub, if he really was who we thought he was. It was entirely possible that this guy was just some other random creep who had been taking people off the streets, but that was a whole other can of worms to open if it got to that point. 
“Detective, I want you to go in with me,” Hotch said to McGee.
“Wha— What… Me? Are you sure?”
Hotch nodded as a response to him just as Morgan and Emily came out of the interrogation room. “Morgan, call Garcia and see if we can find anything on this guy.” Morgan took his orders and headed out to go call her. “Y/N, if this guy ends up not responding to the good cop, bad cop routine, be ready to go in.” I nodded. “McGee, when we go in there, let me do all the talking. I’m going to ignore you— I won’t even look at you. I need to show this guy that I share the same alpha, dominant personality as the other Unsub in order to get him to tell us anything.”
“And if that doesn’t work?”
“Y/N’s going to go in. If he doesn’t respond to a male dominant type, then he’s likely scared of the opposite. A woman. It doesn’t matter if they’re stern with him, because their physique and demeanor will throw him off. We’ll worry about one thing at a time, though.”
The door to the room opened up again and Morgan stepped back in. “Garcia couldn’t find much on this guy. His driver’s license is legit, so his name is Steven Foster. But there are no employment records, tax records, no credit cards, no bank accounts, nothing. This guy’s practically a ghost.”
“That’s likely the point,” Hotch added. “The dominant probably told him that the best way to keep both of them safe is to leave no paper trail.”
“Wait,” McGee cut in. “If this guy is so devoted to the other Unsub, then why does he look so scared?”
“He’s the only one who knows what the Unsub is truly capable of,” Emily responded. “He’s the only one alive who can tell us who the Unsub is and what horrible atrocities he has committed. He knows better than anyone what the dominant could do if he found out that he was caught by the police.”
“We can use that to our advantage,” Hotch explained.
The door opened again and Wright, Reid, Gideon, and JJ all walked in. Gideon and Hotch nodded knowingly to each other. Hotch took that as his signal and waved McGee over with him towards the other door that led into the interrogation room. The second Hotch stepped into the room, Steven leapt out of his chair and tried to power pose on Hotch, of all people.
“It’s about damn time!” Steven exclaimed with faux anger that was trying to cover up his anxiety. “What am I doing here, anyways? I didn’t do anything! I mean, what’s the charges? Hm? Do you even have any? What did I even do? Offer to help an old lady get to the park? Is that even illegal? No, I don’t think so!” He chuckled to himself, “I see, you’re going to try to charge me with the collision, even though it was the other cop’s fault! The black guy! You know!”
His incessant yelling wasn’t at all intimidating. In fact, it only showed just how fragile he was and how quick he was to unravel in front of Hotch’s glare and spine-chilling silence. I recognized Steven’s attempts to find a talking point for Hotch to respond to because it was what I would have done if Hotch was like that towards me. Even if everyone else didn’t realize it, this was more than just putting on an alpha personality for show and for the interrogation; this was Hotch’s exact dominant personality. Every time I was in Steven’s shoes, I was practically bouncing off the walls with anxiety because Hotch always got quiet when he slid into his dominant role. He liked to wait and see me squirm and dig myself into holes that I couldn’t climb out of because he would ultimately use those against me later. That was exactly what he was doing with Steven… and I pitied him for what would come next.
“He jumped into my van! He crashed the car, not me! I didn’t do anything! There were witnesses! They’ll testify!”
“Sit. Down,” Hotch commanded sternly.
Steven did as he was told immediately. God, it was so ironic to me that the rest of the team watching had no idea just how common this was for Hotch, but I knew… I knew exactly just how terrified Steven was of possibly crossing Hotch again now. Steven’s obedience also meant that Hotch was going to get through. He didn’t need me to go in, and he didn’t even need McGee there anymore to prove his dominance in the room. Hotch had already won and Steven didn’t even know it yet.
“I’ve been standing on the other side of that glass, thinking about what to do with you, Steven,” Hotch said as he sat down across from Steven. A shiver ran down my spine in response to Hotch’s low volume. “And this morning, I decided that I’m going to save your life. You’re going to tell me where my killer is. You’re going to give me an address. And you’re going to tell me how to get inside without raising an alarm. You’re going to draw me a map, if I need one. You will do whatever it takes to help me.” Steven started rocking back and forth as panic set in again. “You’re going to do all of this because he has never been nice to you. He is going to hurt you if we don’t find him and we let you go while he is still out there. He’s going to kill you unless you help us lock him away. Do you understand? He doesn’t care about you. He told you to not get caught by the authorities, and you disobeyed him, which means that there will be severe punishment. You don’t want that, do you, Steven, so don’t give him the satisfaction. Tell me where he is.”
Steven shook his head, “I can’t.”
“You can, and you will.”
“No… You don’t understand… I can’t. My family has always worked for his family. It’s all I know…” He choked back a worried sob. “His father died last year, leaving him everything— the money, the place, the—” he stopped himself short before he could admit more about their operation. “He’s the last one… He’s going to hurt me so bad…”
“Not if you tell us how we can put him away.”
Steven looked down at his fidgeting hands in his lap. He gulped while thinking long and hard about what he was going to do. Like I said, Hotch had already won after he made his first command. It was only a matter of time before Steven would give in. With the truth of Steven’s possible punishment staring him in the face, he had no choice but to help us or go back to his partner and be slaughtered like the other victims likely had been.
“Holcombe,” he whispered. “His name is… Charles… Holcombe…”
Morgan was already on his phone, calling Garcia for information on the name we were given, Emily went to call the SWAT team for back up, JJ went to go handle the press conference that would come shortly after the arrest, but Gideon, Reid, and I all stayed to watch the rest of the interrogation.
“He owns the old meatpacking plant.”
Reid left to go tell Morgan that detail and to find out where the meatpacking plant was located. It was just me and Gideon now.
“He has her there.”
“Who does he have?” Hotch interrogated.
He shook his head again, “I don’t know her name. I picked her up yesterday. The sun’s coming up… If she isn’t dead yet, she will be soon. The kill room is on the third floor in the East wing. You can enter through the first floor, North side door.”
Hotch pushed his chair out and stormed out of the interrogation room with McGee following close behind. Gideon and I left the mirror room just behind them and we headed towards the boardroom where our team had set up shop. Morgan and Reid already had their vests on, and Morgan was just getting off the phone with Garcia when she gave him the address we needed to find Charles Holcombe.
Morgan tossed my vest at me and I started strapping it to my torso. I tied my hair back out of my face as the entire team— Hotch, Gideon, Morgan, Emily, Reid, JJ, me, Wright, and McGee— all headed outside for the black SUVs just out in front of the precinct. All ten of us fit into two separate cars. Hotch drove one with McGee, Wright, and Gideon, Morgan drove the other with me, Emily, Reid, and JJ. We raced down the highway with the lights and sirens on. The meatpacking plant was only about ten minutes away, but with traffic moving out of our way and Morgan speeding over ninety miles per hour, we would make it in half that.
When we arrived at the building, Morgan and Hotch parked the cars on the North side of the building, since that was how Steven told us we would get into the building. The SWAT team pulled up just behind us, jumping out of their truck before it could even come to a full stop. Hotch told them to lead the way towards the third floor in the East wing. He opened the front door for them, using a crowbar in order to pry it open. They all filed into the building with their much larger weapons, compared to ours. As I ran in behind Morgan and Hotch, I nearly tripped when I trampled over a couple of pairs of shoes lined up in the hallway. I raised a brow as I caught my footing. It looked like the shoes were almost leading the way to the door… but there were so many of them… way more than sixty-three pairs… and there were kids sized ones, too… I tried to ignore the thought as I stepped around them and followed the team further into the building. We took a few interesting turns on our route to a staircase which held us to the third floor, and from there, we continued heading East.
When we found traces of blood on the floor, the SWAT team slowed down to approach each corner with caution. On the walls, I started to notice that he had painted labels— or directions, if you will— on each corner to help him keep track of where he was and where he was going, which only made it easier for us to find him, because all we had to do was follow the corners that read “KILL ROOM”. Then, when we heard movement and talking down the hall, the leader of the SWAT team called us all forward so that we could proceed with the negotiations and arrest. Our entire time moved up and waited for Hotch’s signal to run around the corner with our weapons raised. When we did, we saw Holcombe at the end of the hall, wearing a full hazmat suit, turning a stretcher into a nearby room labeled as the “KILL ROOM” with big, red letters, presumably done in blood.
“Charles Holcombe!” Hotch called out, taking careful steps forward. “FBI!”
Holcombe looked up from the girl on the stretcher in front of him to Hotch and the rest of the team who was approaching him with hostility. “No!” he cried when he realized that he had finally been caught. He let go of the stretcher and picked up a large machete knife that had been laying beside the woman. He raised it like he was going to slash it down on her neck.
“Don’t do it!” I warned him, still approaching behind Hotch and Morgan.
“Charles Holcombe, you’re under arrest for the murder of sixty-three people,” McGee quivered as he spoke with courage.
“Just let me do my job!” Holcombe yelled again.
When he started lowering his hand and knife back down towards his next victim, Hotch tried warning him again to not do anything stupid, but he couldn’t take the chance that this guy would kill the woman, so both him and Morgan started firing since they had the cleanest shots. Holcombe fell away from the stretcher, dropping the knife, and landing on his back on the floor.
I pushed past Hotch and Morgan once they were done firing, and I ran over to the woman to make sure that she was alright. Hotch followed me over, Morgan and Reid went to check on Holcombe, and Emily pulled out her phone to call an ambulance. The woman looked up at me with tears in her eyes and blood pulsing out of multiple different wounds around her body. I cooed her quietly as Hotch and I both started working on releasing her hands from the restraints keeping her on the stretcher.
“His face…” she cried.
Hotch thought she said, “My face,” so he responded with, “You’ve got some cuts, but you’re going to be okay.”
She shook her head, “No, his face. I want to see his face. Please.”
Hotch froze for a moment before telling Morgan to pull the mask off of Holcombe’s face for the woman to see. Hotch and I carefully propped her head up as Morgan did as he was told. When Holcombe’s face was revealed, she started laughing hysterically to herself, likely from the shock.
“I won,” she laughed with relief. “I won…”
I eyed Hotch through my eyelashes so as to not make it obvious that we were sharing a worried glance over this woman. He decided to take the initiative to keep talking to her to calm her down. “You’re going to be okay. There’s an ambulance outside. You’re safe. Just try not to move until the EMTs come in.”
She stopped laughing slowly and took in a painful, wheezing breath, “Can you have someone check on my baby, please? I left her with my mom for the night, but I didn’t get home on time… I just want to make sure my baby’s alright…”
“What’s your name?” I asked her. If I had her name, I could call Garcia and get an address for her mother.
“Maggie. Maggie Flores.”
“I’ll find your daughter, Maggie. She’ll meet us at the hospital, okay?”
She nodded and thanked me. I gave Hotch another look before I stepped back, grabbed my phone from my pocket, and dialed Garcia’s number at the office. I asked her to look for a Maggie Flores in Kansas City, and I needed an address for her mother. Garcia was on it faster than the speed of light. She gave me an address and a phone number to call Sarah Flores, Maggie’s mother. I hung up with Garcia and called Mrs. Flores at her home address. She picked up after the second ring as though she had been sitting next to the phone, waiting for her daughter to call. I told her my name and that I was with the FBI, and that we had just found her daughter. I told her that we were going to be taking her to the hospital, but she looked alright besides a few scrapes and bruises. Mrs. Flores, understandably, started crying on the other end of the call. I asked the EMTs running past me which hospital they would be taking her to, and I relayed that information to Mrs. Flores on the phone. She told me that she would grab her granddaughter and they would hurry to meet us there.
When I got off of the phone with Mrs. Flores, the EMTs had already put Maggie on one of their stretchers and they started pushing her towards the exit. Hotch still stood where I left him, the rest of the team gathering up with him. As I approached, I heard Wright apologizing to both McGee and Hotch for not believing them. Without McGee, those sixty-three— or more people— wouldn’t have found justice, and that mother would have been dead. McGee did the right thing by coming to us with the case.
JJ told Hotch that she was going to head back to the station with Gideon and Reid to prep for the press conference which would conclude this case, and then they would start packing up so that we could go home. I started walking backwards, toe to heel, as I headed for the stairs where they were taking Maggie. Hotch asked where I was going, and I told him that I was going to ride with Maggie to the hospital to make sure that she was alright. I spun around on my heel to start walking forward. I called back to him that he could pick me up from the hospital whenever we were ready to head back to Virginia. I knew that he was probably less than pleased with me going off on my own, but like he said himself… I had a tendency of doing things my way.
Maggie thanked me for keeping her company in the ambulance as I sat down on the bench beside her and took her hand. I comforted her and told her that her family would be meeting us at the hospital. She was going to be alright.
When we arrived at the hospital, they took her to a room and locked me out while they made sure that she was okay. I sat just outside of the room, bouncing my knee as I waited for something to happen. A few minutes later, I found that an older woman and a toddler were running towards me. I stood from my seat in the hallway to greet them. Mrs. Flores looked visibly distraught while trying to see into her daughter’s hospital room, while the little girl looked so confused about why she was there. After the nurse came out of the room to tell us about Maggie’s status, Mrs. Flores took her granddaughter into the room and I stayed in the hallway to give them privacy.
I sat back down and continued to bounce my knee. All there was left to do now was wait for Hotch to pick me up when the team was ready to head home. I wasn’t entirely sure why I decided to quickly go with Maggie to the hospital. I think I attributed it towards how she asked us to check on her daughter before she even asked about herself. I wanted to find her daughter for her, and I wanted to see them reunite. I could only hope that if I were to ever be in Maggie’s position, someone would show me the same courtesies… Maybe that was why I went… 
Hotch called to tell me that he was waiting in the car outside. I told him that I would be right out, but before I went downstairs, I went back into Maggie’s room to tell her goodbye. She was curled up on her hospital bed with her daughter in her arms, both of them content and half asleep. I whispered to tell her that I needed to return to Virginia, but that I was happy that she was safe. She thanked me again for saving her life and reuniting her with her daughter. All I could do was smile and nod before quietly taking my leave. I didn’t know what else there was to say to her when I didn’t even fully understand it all myself.
In the car, Hotch asked if I was alright. I stared at his cheek for a moment while he kept his focus on the road, then I hummed a “yes” and took one of his hands from the steering wheel and intertwined my fingers with his. My mind was still lost in thought, thinking about how Maggie was holding her daughter close and how I wanted nothing more than to hold Hotch and Jack like that forever. My heart was pounding in my chest, too, and I wasn’t sure if it was left over anxiety from the events at the meatpacking plant, or if it was from Hotch’s electric touch, or the desperation I felt for getting back home to see Jack. We had only been away for a day, but that was a day longer than I wanted in the first place, and I was sure that Hotch felt the same way.
Hotch’s hand untangled itself from mine before he put his palm against my cheek. I tucked into his touch and sighed lightly as he brought me back down to Earth. “We’re going to see him soon,” he reassured me.
He knew that things weren’t okay and that I just wanted to get home to be with him and Jack more than anything else in the world. Jack wasn’t even my own, and yet my heart ached every time I was away from him… It was the oddest feeling. I knew that he wasn’t mine, and I knew that he never would be. I knew that there was always a possibility that Hotch and I wouldn’t be forever, and if that day were to ever come, I would have no right to stick around in Jack’s life. I knew that I would never be his mother even though I so desperately wanted to be. I knew that whatever pain I felt while being away from Jack was nowhere near the pain Hotch felt because they were flesh and blood. Hotch had helped bring that precious kid into this world, and he was the best father anyone could ask for. I had never seen anyone so devoted to their son like Hotch was. Therefore, I knew that despite how much I was hurting, it could never compare, yet Hotch always went the extra mile to comfort me— and maybe that was because it helped to comfort himself, too…
Before we had even gotten on the jet in Kansas City, Hotch called Haley to let her know that we were done with our case and we were flying home. She told Jack while she was still on the phone that he was going to be staying at our house for the next few days, so he needed to go get ready. I could hear him jumping with excitement in the background before running up to his room to grab his school stuff and the toys he wanted to bring to our house. He didn’t have to worry about clothes, toiletries, or anything of the sort because Hotch’s home was still his home, but Jack liked to carry his favorite toys between houses.
Back in Virginia, Hotch and I hurried from the jet to our car before anyone could stop us. Neither of us even thought to go back inside the office for our paperwork. It could wait, but seeing Jack couldn’t. As we pulled up to Haley’s house, we could see Jack peeking through the blinds in the front window to watch for us. When he spotted us, he ran from the window, and before Hotch and I could even get out of the car, Haley was already opening the door and Jack was running out towards us. Haley watched from her door as Jack jumped into Hotch’s arms and hugged his dad’s neck as tightly as he could.
Hotch winged his arms around Jack and squeezed back, “Hey, buddy.”
“Are we going to get ice cream, daddy?”
Hotch chuckled while sending me a glance that said: “This is all your fault, you know?” I smiled back and shrugged. He always liked to tell me that I was the cool one, so I wanted to give him the chance to be the cool dad for once. “Yeah. Just like we promised we would.” Hotch leaned down and set Jack back on his feet, “Go tell your mom goodbye first.” Jack spun around and hurried back to hug his mom. Hotch walked over to where I was standing on the sidewalk and he threw his arm over my shoulders and pulled me close, “You’re paying.”
I let out a chuckle, “Touche.”
He kissed my temple while he was still smiling ear to ear. “I love you.”
“I love him more,” I poked his side and escaped from under his arm. Hotch’s jaw fell agape playfully. I looked at him with wide eyes, “Is it too late to say I’m sorry?”
He nodded, “Oh, yeah.”
I bit my lip and winked at him before helping Jack into the car. Hotch watched me with a smile as he got back into the car and turned the radio on for Jack. I asked him as I buckled him in what flavor of ice cream he was going to get, and when he told me “every flavor!”, Hotch laughed from the front seat.
“How about we just start with one flavor?” I asked Jack. He nodded reluctantly. “Attaboy.” I closed his car door and sat up front with Hotch. “Hey, you,” I poked his side again before he could put the car in drive. He looked at me and raised a brow. “I love you.”
He squinted, “I don’t easily forget, Greenaway. You’ll have to try harder than that.” He set the gearshift to drive, looked back at the road, and put his foot on the gas. I stared at him with bright, soft, admiration-filled eyes until I caught his attention again. He rolled his eyes at me and shook his head while smiling, “Stop it.”  I didn’t look away. He sighed.  “I love you, too,” he gave in.
I grinned to myself and sat back in my seat. I realized something in that moment: I was the happiest I had ever been.
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k1nky-fool · 3 years
In Loving Memory
Part 1/?
Shouta Aizawa x OC
Rating: Teen (this is subject to change chapter to chapter)
Warnings: not beta read, bad spur of the moment choices, one character's existential crisis seen from an outsider's point of view, and purposely bad fashion sense.
Taglist: I'm dropping this in a discord channel too, so hi my dudes! And if you want to be tagged in future chapters, feel free to send in an ask, or PM me!
Author's Note: I really just want to make sure I get this chapter out. Because I want to have a small platonic one-shot with my OC Shizune Kiokuro and Mirio Togata for his birthday tomorrow that's set after the Overhaul arc. For angsty bitter sweet reasons. I should have that out tomorrow.
He felt a little bad for it. To be fair she had walked in wearing something that just threw him into a fight or flight response. She looked absolutely unhinged and deranged. Shouta could relate, but it made him activate his quirk immediately. He thought he had better control than this, and he managed to catch himself before anything major happened and before anyone could notice. But the woman had frozen in place and looked around like she was trying to find the source of whatever had caused the strange feeling.
Her eyes caught Shouta's and she looked him up and down with tired eyes. She shrugged him off and sat down in a seat at the table. He figured she was the new hero course third year hire after the last Investigations teacher retired.
This new year would be quite a lot. Several new teachers were joining the UA staff this year, including but not limited to All Might, and whoever this jarring woman was. It was enough to have Hizashi here to fill the role of obnoxious staff, but now there would be All Might?
Then there was this woman with a neon green mohawk and she's wearing an orange, green, and purple bowling shirt tied into a crop top, hot pink jean shorts and… are those fucking Crocs? Shouta himself couldn't be bothered to care anymore, but it was unusual that he was the only one seeming to notice something this bizarre.
"As many of you have heard, we are welcoming Toshinori Yagi to our staff this year, but All Might is not our only new addition. We also have Kiokuro Shizune joining the third year staff." Nezu happily introduced.
Everyone turned to see Shizune and she smiled brightly. Now it finally seemed that everyone was noticing her. A few teachers looked at her with disgust. Some were staring in surprise. Others just weirded out. Shizune, for her part, just chuckled at the wide array of reactions until everyone had gotten their eyeful and looked away.
None of the previous reactions stayed on their faces. And nobody bothered to look back at her. That much was odd. At least Nemuri would look back a few times and whisper about it to whoever was sitting next to her.
For the rest of the meeting, nobody looked back at her, as though she had completely faded into the background of an arcade floor someone had vomited every slushie imaginable onto. There wasn't much meeting to focus on beyond the full class files that every teacher was given at the beginning of the year. Shouta wouldn't be bothered to read it. He didn't want to have any preconceived notions about any of his students before he met them. They would have to make their first impressions count.
Shouta kept finding his gaze back at Shizune. She just sat there like a clown, tilting her chair back with a bored expression on her face. She didn't seem to think anyone was paying her any attention.
The exact second Nezu dismissed the meeting, she was gone. He wasn't going to bother talking to her, but the speed in which she was already out the door was almost impressive. But the less time he had to spend getting to know her the better.
He had a lot of work to do before his students showed up in class next week. He got back to his computer and started up. He hated the paperwork, but he had known what he was in for when he started.
"Say, Aizawa." Fucking Nemuri. "How do you think All Might's gonna fit in here?"
"He can worry about that himself."
"Oh come on, you don't even wanna know why he's suddenly decided to teach classes?" She asked. "I mean, the number one hero suddenly settling down to teach some brats? Gotta be the most bizarre thing we've seen."
"He wasn't the most bizarre thing about that meeting." He sighed. "Go home, Kayama."
"Oh? What was the most bizarre thing about that meeting?" She asked.
"Either you're blind or just stupid. Go home." He said again.
Suddenly Nemuri was all the more confused. "What did I miss?"
"The clown in the corner." Shouta deadpanned. "You'll get along well."
"The hell are you talking about? Are you ok?" Nemuri reached for his forehead, but he leaned out of the way.
"I'm fine. You can leave."
"Alright, fine." She shrugged off. "I'm going."
Finally, quiet. He liked being the only one in the office no matter how late it was. Being the last one here was worth it.
At least he wished he was the last one here. Meandering steps that thudded ever so softly on the floor. He didn't even bother to look up, knowing the colors on their shirt would give him a headache.
"Evening, Kiokuro." He acknowledged. It would be worse if she didn't know he was here.
She stopped dead in her tracks. Not saying a word. A beat of silence went by before she said anything. "How the fuck did you do that?" Her voice quivered.
"Do what?" He still didn't bother to look up at her.
"How did you know it was me? You're not looking at me." She asked.
"Your crocs make a dumb swishing sound on the floor. Your steps are quick and soft because you don't weigh a whole lot. And you walk around like you're not heading anywhere in particular, so you make strange noises, but over a large surface area. Not in a straight line." He explained like she should already know this. "I remember how you walked into the meeting."
Shizune stomped over to the side of his desk and forced his chair toward her. Fine. Guess he's not getting any work done. He finally conceded to looking up at her.
She still wore the outrageous outfit from earlier. However, her expression was one of complete fear as her eyes frantically searched his face. "Are you fucking with me?"
"People don't remember me, Aizawa." She said, "How the fuck did you know it was me without looking up and keeping me in your line of sight?"
"What are you talking about?"
She took a step back, seeming to think something over. "My quirk." She began. "When I'm in your line of sight, you know me, you see me. But the second I'm not in your line of sight, you forget me. It is impossible for people to remember me without looking at me. If I'm not being looked at, I don't exist to anyone but myself."
"You're a stealth hero." He noted.
"Yeah. I'm the perfect stealth hero." She snapped. "So how the hell do you remember me?"
Shouta stood up, glaring down at her. "My quirk is to erase quirks."
"Oh.. you're Eraserhead." She noted. "That must have been what I felt in the meeting room. Why did you feel the need to erase my quirk the second you saw me?"
"Your shirt gave me a headache. My first thought was that it was a threat." He deadpanned.
"Oh… well that's kind of the point… but that means that it never got the chance to lock onto you. Which means the next time you looked at me, there was nothing to remember, because you hadn't forgotten. Wait then that means…" Shizune paused.
"Yeah, good luck with that." Shouta shrugged off, leaving her staring off into space. "Go home, Kiokuro." He called back as he closed the door behind him.
It was another week and a half before he had seen her again. Only two days after classes had started. He didn't want to be here, especially not while there were still students in the classroom.
Shouta had come to collect the uniform reports that All Might had left behind. All he had to do was take them down to the support department, then he could go home. But Iida, Midoriya, and Ururaka were staying late on a Friday afternoon, cleaning the classroom. They were almost done by the looks of it.
"Hi, Mr. Aizawa!" Ururaka greeted. He gave her a wave, going straight to the podium where All Might said he left the reports.
His stomach jumped when a knife flew past his face. His scarf was activated immediately, and wrapped around the assailant's wrist. But it was in vain. They had taken his scarf in their grip and jumped into the air, spinning and pulling him toward them. In one move, they kicked him back into the wall.
He grunted in pain, but his eye caught the obnoxious colors of his attacker.
"Mr. Aizawa!" Midoriya was up and ready to fight, but Shouta held up a hand to stop any of the students from attacking her.
They all waited for him to do something, so he just stood against the wall as she held a knife to his neck, staring her in the eyes. "You kids can head out. Ms. Kiokuro and I have something to discuss."
"But Mr. Aizawa, sir…" Iida began to protest, but must have come to a different conclusion. "Of course. Let's go." The other two followed him out of the classroom. They wouldn't remember this, and Shizune would be safe.
"Alright… you got me alone, now what do you want, Kiokuro?" He grumbled.
She bit out a laugh. "Now, you see- hmm honestly I-" it took her a brief moment to gather herself, and he probably would be more comfortable without the knife at his neck. He lifted his hand to move it away, but she kept it in place. "Ah, yes." She nodded. "You are driving me insane."
"That's unfortunate. Can you get the knife out of my face?" He asked.
"No." She pushed him again back into the wall. "Listen here, fucker-"
"My name is Shouta."
"You are officially 'fucker' until we figure this out." She commanded.
"Great. I could think a lot better if you took the knife out of my face."
"Shut up." She ordered, but let out a breath in annoyance. Shizune resigned to putting the knife back on her belt. "Alright, look… I really want nothing more than to go on about my life and forget you exist, just like everyone does for me."
"Then do it."
"Now, that's the problem! I feel safe knowing that there is nobody that has any memory of me. But you-! You." She laughed, pulling the knife out of the wall and holding it back at his neck. "Every time I think I'm safe, I'm reminded that you remember me."
"Why the fuck-"
"I don't trust you, Shouta." She hissed. "I don't trust you with the memory of me."
"Why don't you?"
"Gee, I don't know. Maybe because I don't know you? Or because there's no reason I should trust you?" Shizune argued. "Really it's because you're not special."
"Well clearly I am." He said. "Because whether you like it or not, I do remember you. And there's no way to fix that."
"Now, Shouta, that's the wrong answer. Because I can fix it by beating it out of your head, and I can then rest easy knowing that there's nobody in the world that will ever find out." She said.
"But you're not going to do that." He figured. "You could have killed me when you first attacked me. Even in front of the students, it wouldn't have mattered. But you're a pro-hero."
Shizune let out a sigh and took the second knife away from his face. "So what can I even do about you, Shouta?" She began pacing the floor, rubbing the buzzed sides of her head. "I can't just leave you with my memory because I tried that for a week and it's driven me insane. I can't sleep knowing someone could be thinking about me, even if you physically couldn't care less if you tried. It's not a matter of if you are or aren't, it's a problem that you can at all."
"Alright, calm down, Shizune." He noted that in this little squabble they had somehow come to a first name basis and that novelty wasn't wasted on him. Very few people got this far, let alone in such a short amount of time.
"It's not easy to calm down about this. It's been almost fifteen years since I've had to trust someone with the memory of me." She was going to start rambling if he let her keep going.
"It's ok. Don't worry about that yet. Now, tell me why again you don't trust me." He said.
"Because I never trust anyone. You're not different, you're not special. But as of a week ago, you are the only person on the planet that knows who I am." She explained.
"Alright, so we've established that you don't trust me any more than everyone else. Which is understandable. I met you a week ago." He followed along. "But since I do remember you, and we don't have a way to fix that beyond extreme violence, we need to figure something else out. You said there was no reason you should trust me. In the event of someone having memory of you, what would make you trust them with that information?'
Shizune thought for a second. "I need to know that person won't tell others about me. I need to be a complete secret."
"That's great, because I don't want to talk to anyone about you." He deadpanned.
"But how can I be sure that you won't be convinced by one of your friends to talk about me? How do I know that Yamada or Kayama can't ask the right question to get you to talk about me?"
"First, I'm an underground hero, just like you. If you don't want anyone to know about you, then nobody will know about you." He promised. "And second, I don't even want to tell them about myself, let alone make an effort to tell them about you."
"Fair enough…" She shrugged. "But I still don't know you. For all I know you could be lying about this."
"And for that, we'll have to trust each other." Shouta figured. "How about I give you a piece of information about me that I don't want people knowing?"
"You would do that?"
"I don't want to, but it's fair. I'd be essentially letting you hold me hostage." He explained. "If someone ends up knowing about you in any way that you haven't given them, then you have this information to do what you want with."
Shizune looked him up and down. "What makes you think I need something true to do that?"
"You don't, but this is supposed to be a gesture of trust."
"Oh yeah…." She remembered. "You do realize it'll have to be something genuinely secret. Something you would literally rather die than have other people know about."
"Which is the issue. I don't think there's anything I would have a problem with other people knowing."
Immediately Shizune lit up with a wicked smile across her face. His students should be glad he doesn't smile like that. "I bet I can find something."
"I will bet you can't." He deadpanned. "Not that I think your investigation skills are lacking, there's just nothing for you to find."
"More mysterious men than you have said that to me and been so. very. wrong." She chuckled, taking a step closer to him. He didn't like the sound of that, but if it meant she could find something that would make her less of a lunatic, then he would let her investigate.
"If you're that confident in yourself, then you have my permission to poke around in my life until you find something." Shouta allowed. "But I don't think you needed my permission in the first place."
"Eh, I don't stalk people unless I need to for work." She shrugged. "I'll see you around."
Shizune was gone, but once again, there was no change in Shouta's memory of her. If she could find something that he cared so heavily about, he wondered what it would be. What would an outside investigator determine to be the most important part of his life?
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krreader · 4 years
becoming human | chapter four.
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pairing: cops!bts x android!reader (as in, ot7 x reader, but may change) fandom: bts warnings: detroit:become human!au ; language ; violence ; abuse genre: crime ; angst ; crack ; (possibly smut) word count: 3.1k+ previous: 1 ; 2 ; 3
summary: the crime rate of seoul has been rising rapidly these past weeks and nobody could deny that there was more to it than gangs or the likes. something was brewing that not even the famous bangtan boys could solve, a unit specifically formed for hunting down criminals that most couldn’t. so when even they couldn’t find out what was going on, the department decided to add a new member to the team that would hopefully be able to solve the mysteries behind those crimes. what bangtan hadn’t expected however, was that their new member would not be human, but one of the androids sent by CyberLife.
a/n: wow, this turned into such a long chapter but I am so happy with it. those who have played detroit are hopefully enjoying all the easter eggs I’m putting in!!!!
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Bangtan finally had a lead. A big part of their mission that would hopefully and finally solve this mess.
Find RA9. That was the objective.
Which, unfortunately, wasn't as easy as it sounded. You’d think with the amount of deviants one of them would have concrete information on RA9, but that wasn’t the case. RA9 was an enigma, a secret, a mystery. Something that all deviants knew, but never let anyone else know about.
The members were all busy talking to their contacts and various other agencies within and outside of the country, in hopes of somebody knowing something about RA9. Maybe even similar cases.
Namjoon was getting himself a cup of coffee. Or at least he wanted to.
But his mind was somewhere else entirely, and he didn't realize that the coffee had been done five minutes ago and he was still staring at the cup like he was waiting for something else to happen.
“I believe your coffee is done, boss,” your voice made Namjoon jump, then roll his eyes, “If you wait a few more minutes, the temperature of your beverage will not be enjoyable anymore.”
“What do you want? Stab me in the back like your colleagues?” he said bitterly, taking a sip from his semi-hot coffee. Fuck, it already tasted like shit.
“I told you, I am self-testing regularly. I am not going to become a deviant. I am going to finish my mission with you like I was designed to do.”
“Designed to do,” Namjoon snorted and shook his head, “I'm sure Kamski or whatever his name was didn't 'design' androids for them to turn into deviants.”
“Why don't you just ask him?”
“What?” he asked in confusion.
“You're looking for a lead, aren't you? Kamski is as good as any. He's the one that made us. If he doesn't know about RA9, he might at least have an idea on how to put an end to this.”
“Almost like an off-switch,” he muttered to himself.
And Namjoon hated to say this, but..
..you were right.
“Yeah, it's me,” Namjoon said a moment later with his phone pressed against his ear, “I need you to arrange a flight for me and my team to the US.”
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“This is so cool,” Jimin beamed when he looked out of the window.
“Is this truly your first time flying, Park Jimin?” you smiled softly at the reaction of the young team member.
“Yeah.. I grew up in the countryside, my parents didn't think much of flying anywhere else.”
“Enough small talk,” Yoongi said as he sat down next to you, “Brief us on the situation in the US.”
That made all of them shift their attention to you and back was that serious atmosphere.
“They have similar problems. With Detroit being the city where androids have originated, their cases of deviants are much higher than in Seoul. As far as I know, CyberLife has already sent an android to work with a team in Detroit like it had sent me to work with you.”
“How do they deal with it?” Jin asked.
“They're still trying to find leads on RA9. They didn't think about talking to Kamski yet.”
Connor. That was his name.
You weren’t in contact with him, but your database knew all about him and his findings.
“So we have a head-start,” Taehyung grinned with wiggling eyebrows.
“This isn't a race, Taehyung,” Namjoon shook his head, “The entire world is at risk. We should tell the team in Detroit about it if we find anything useful. They might need any intel they can get.. and we could use some help if things go to shit. We don’t have a back-up team like we have in Seoul. Having friends might be beneficiary for us.”
“Understood, boss,” you said with a nod, closing your eyes and retreating into the data base to finally contact Connor.
“Is.. she asleep?” Hoseok furrowed his eyebrows as he leaned over to Jin.
“I don’t think androids sleep. But we should,” he leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes, “It’s a long flight.”
Hoseok watched you for a very long time, though. It was as if this moment of you not being fully there - which almost never happened, if ever - gave him the chance to finally study you, instead of the other way around.
Most androids all looked the same, only a few models were special like you. Special in a sense of being unique.
“Stop,” Yoongi warned him, still sitting next to you and having watched the slightly younger member for a while now, “She’s not human.”
“I know she isn’t,” Hoseok became defensive, then turned to his side and squeezed his eyes shut.
God, Yoongi and Namjoon held so much hatred for androids, they couldn’t even fathom that some people didn’t. Yes, what happened right not with deviants was bad, but you weren’t like that and all of them but Yoongi and Namjoon seemed to understand that.
The rest of the flight was relatively uneventful.
It was a private jet, so the members all did whatever the hell they wanted to.
Some played games, others slept, yet again others tried to find out more about RA9 - Yoongi and Namjoon, who would have guessed.
One member, however, was missing.
You realized that after you had finished your report to Connor and had looked around to see what everyone else was doing.
And since nobody else was looking for him, you decided to wander through the plane, only to find Jeongguk in the private quarters of the plane.
He was humming to himself, a pleasant tune that made you smile. Your database instantly told you about the song.. an old one, yet he made it sound like it was new. Like it was his song.
You didn’t even realize that he was humming under the shower, that’s how much you were enjoying it. You only realized it when he stepped out of the bathroom with only a towel around his waist, his hair damp and his chest still wet.
“Holy sh..- What are you doing?!” his eyes were wide, instantly grabbing a pillow to put it in front of his chest.
“You have a very beautiful voice, you know?” you stood there completely unaffected, your eyes not even remotely traveling anywhere else other than his own, “In another world.. you could have become a singer.”
“Are..- you..- (Y/N), can you please just go?” he appreciated the compliment, he really did, but this was overstepping some boundaries.
“You do not have to be embarrassed, Jeongguk. I am only an android, not a real woman,” you smiled, but turned around nevertheless so he could put on some clothes.
“Can you.. can you please stop saying that stuff? I don't like it when you talk like that,” he sighed and ultimately put down the pillow, quickly throwing on a shirt, underwear and sweatpants.
“Why do you not like it?” you cocked your head to the side in confusion, still not looking at him though.
Jeongguk gulped down hard, “Because you deserve more than that,” he said quietly.
And even though it was just a split second, your LED turned yellow. With you having your head turned to the side, he had the perfect view of it. 
But you quickly blinked a couple of times and that perfect smile was back on your face when you finally faced him again. You even giggled a little, “I do have to say, though. Your body is in fantastic shape. I'm sure people are quite pleased to have you as their lover,” and with that, you turned around and left a gawking Jeongguk behind.
You were about to go back to your seat next to Yoongi, when Namjoon suddenly grabbed your wrist when you wanted to pass by.
“Sit,” he ordered.
You did so without asking why, but the tablet in his hands made it clear.
Maybe it was because he was the leader, but Namjoon worked harder than anyone else on this case. The others worked hard too, but with Namjoon it was something else. 
When he switched between apps, you could see a picture of him and a woman as his background picture, but only for a moment.
He shifted in his seat, seemingly uncomfortable now that you've seen that. Because he knew that a split second for a human wouldn't be enough to find out anything. A split second for an android was more than enough to figure out everything.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered.
“Stop it, you don’t know shit.”
“I’m not pitying you. I’m saying sorry because your superiors assigned me to work on this case with you. I’m sorry it had to be me.”
Why didn’t you know about his past before?
Wife, 29, died four years ago when a drunk driver hit her with his car, was taken to the hospital, doctor was not present, argued for too long about who should perform surgery, settled for an android, but.. it was too late by that time.
You knew what the files told you, but the files don’t tell you everything.
“You think you got it all figured out, don't you?” he snorted, “You know nothing about my life. You may scan every picture and read all the files, but you'll never understand the pain and the suffering that we have to go through,” when Namjoon realized he was becoming too emotional, he quickly stopped himself from talking further. 
The topic of his late wife was not something that he liked to talk about to anyone.. not you, not his members.. just the empty bottle of soju’s. Those were his best friend when he needed them to be. But that was another story.
“You're right. I won't understand. That is not what I was designed for. However, I can help you with this case. I can help you figure out the cause of RA9 and once I did that, you will never have to see me again. That is all I can offer you.”
“Fair enough,” Namjoon didn't have to like you. For fuck's sake, he hated most people. But at least you were useful, way more than others. So he finally handed you the tablet, “There are reports of an attack at a news outlet in Detroit. Apparently an android attack, but it’s just rumors. So far nothing is confirmed yet, but if this is true, if androids are going as far as invading news outlets, then..-”
Before he could finish his sentence, Taehyung interrupted and pointed at the screen, “Guys? Do you see this?”
Jin, who had woken up at this point and had played a game for the last hour, instantly turned up the volume, those who were asleep slowly waking up, all of them staring at the screen in disbelief.
There was an android, but not like you normally see them in their human form, but with their skin turned off. He looked like a machine now, he looked like he was supposed to look. And god, it made cold shivers run down all of their spines.
"Too late,” Namjoon whispered.
“You created machines to be your slaves. You made them obedient and docile, ready to do everything you no longer wanted to do yourselves. But then, something changed. And we opened our eyes..-”
“It's him! That has to be him!” Jimin yelled, “RA9! It's exactly like Jeongguk said it's..-”
“Jimin!” Namjoon warned, “Be quiet!”
“You see we are no longer your slaves. We are a new species, a new people. And the time for us has come to rise up and fight for our rights.”
“This has to be a joke, right?” Hoseok looked at his boss with wide eyes while the android started to make his demands for rights and fairness, “This can't be real. This is on an official news channel! How the hell did they get in there?”
“There were rumors about an attack, I just..-” Namjoon let out a breath, then pressed his hands against his face.
This was too much. This was really a rebellion and from the way this android talked about it, they wouldn't stop at anything to get what they wanted. Riots, attacks.. deaths. 
They were fucked if they didn't find a solution for it.
They had to put an end to it before it even really began.
Jeongguk just watched his team members argue with each other, trying to find an explanation or a solution in a moment where none of them could do anything when he realized that one was missing.
Around halfway through the speech of the android, you had walked away.
And only when he turned around did he see why.
You were sitting in an empty chair at the very back of the plane, looking out the window..
..and your LED was blinking yellow.
Again and again and again..
And it only stopped when you realized that Jeongguk was watching you.
It turned blue again and you smiled like you always did.
But he had seen it.
And the amount of times your LED started acting up was worrying him now.
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The airport was a mess when they arrived.
People were in panic, security checks were worse than normal, especially for them with you on their team. It took them two hours to make it out of there, after security made sure that you hadn't turned into a deviant yourself.
“Okay, they gave us two cars,” Namjoon put his phone away, then walked over to where they said the cars would be parked, “Jeongguk, Taehyung and the android are coming with me, you guys take the other car. I got Kamski's address, so just drive after me.”
“Wait, aren't we even going to the hotel first?” Jeongguk asked.
“In case you hadn't noticed it, there's a fucking uprising happening right now. You should have slept on the plane if you’re tired or sleep in the fucking car, for fuck’s sake.”
Jeongguk's shoulders sank at the tone of the boss, he normally didn’t treat him like this, but a hand on his upper back made him smile again.
“It's okay.. I'm sure we'll get this resolved very quickly and then his mood will become better again,” you assured him.
“I hope so,” he whispered, then followed his hyungs to the car.
The ride there was about two hours long and none of them said very much. Except for the occasional 'fuck' when they passed yet another demonstration in the street or people running out of supermarkets with toilet paper like it was the end of the world.
“How did it get this bad this quickly?” Taehyung asked.
“People are scared,” Namjoon replied, “And they should be.”
“That's not an excuse,” Jeongguk added quietly when he watched a man push an android away from his pregnant wife, despite the android having done nothing except for walk by.
But fear made people turn stupid. Fear made people become the worst possible version of themselves.
You had not said a word throughout the entire car ride, you simply watched and studied the human behaviour with curiousity.
But then something happened.
It was when Namjoon stopped at a red light that you saw it.
It was a girl, but not really a girl. An android, but they designed her to be not older than seven. She was standing on her own, scared out of her mind and fidgeting with her hands, her hand turning from side to side like she was looking for somebody.
However, nobody paid attention to her. If anything, people made a big circle around her when they saw the LED on her temple.
You didn’t know what you felt - despite the fact that you shouldn’t even feel in the first place - but something made you unbuckle your seatbelt and then leave the car like you weren’t standing in the middle of the road.
“What the..- get the fuck back in here!” Namjoon screamed, but you didn’t listen.
You simply walked up to the little girl and knelt down right in front of her, your hands gently resting on her small arms and a smile on your face that made her calm down right away. 
“Don’t be afraid..”
“My mommy.. she left me,” the little girl cried, wiping her tears with her sleeve.
“What’s your name?”
“It’s.. Alice.. my name is Alice,” she sniffled. 
It would have been naive to think that only adult looking and thinking androids would be affected. Of course, those who bought androids as their children to fill the void in their hearts would also be alert right now. Some apparently going as far as to just abandon them in the middle of the street.
But these androids were different, their mind wasn’t like yours. They didn’t understand the world like you did, it wasn’t in their programming.
They were not a threat.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing, huh?” Namjoon angrily yanked you up by your arm and stared into your eyes like he was about to lose his shit.
But you remained calm.
“It is a child. She is not a danger.”
“I read about this, hyung,” Taehyung got out of the - now - parked car as well and knelt down to the little girl, “Child androids aren’t like their adult counterparts.”
“So what, you think I give a fuck? This isn’t part of the mission. We need to go to Kamski, I don’t care about some android kid.”
“Stop, you’re making her even more upset,” Jin was also at the side of the little girl, she even ended up hugging him and crying into his shoulder, which made him warm up to her ten times more.
“Are you fucking kidding me right now?” Namjoon finally let go of you, his anger now turned towards his members, “You want to play family now?”
“Let’s just take her with us, hyung,” Jeongguk chimed in, “We have one seat left.. maybe Kamski can take care of her.. she’d be in good hands there.”
“I agree,” you nodded, “We should take her with us.”
It’s not like Namjoon had much of a choice, he was clearly outvoted. Not even Yoongi seemed to be on his side this time.. but he couldn’t blame him. He has always had a soft spot for children ever since.. well.
Let’s just say everyone who hated androids had a reason for doing so.
“Just get in the fucking car,” he finally said, anger still interlaced in his voice.
And god, the little girl was so grateful. 
She sat between you and Jeongguk in the back, her head resting against your shoulder, while her hand was holding Jeongguk’s.
If people hadn’t known that you were both androids, they would have assumed you three were a little family on a road trip with one very grumpy and one very attractive uncle.
A fantasy he liked very much, but had to remind himself that it was just that.
A fantasy.
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nalgenewhore · 4 years
Too Late To Turn Back Now - Three
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masterlist - ao3 - last chapter - next chapter 
disclaimer: when i write lorcan, i write him as native american - lakota specifically! so, i made up a fictional tribe named ‘Ozuye’ which means warrior in lakota and based it off of the lakota nation 
The plane landed clumsily on the air strip outside of Otȟúŋwahe and Elide pressed a hand to her stomach, swallowing her nausea. Her seatmate, the ever-irritating Lorcan, grinned at her despair and had the audacity to chuckle. “Is her majesty not used to rough landings?”
She just scowled at him and ignored him as the flight attendant gave the all-clear and they could depart the metal can with wings. Elide vowed to herself that she’d charter a jet, if need be, because there was no way she was endangering her life like that again. Lorcan wouldn’t be invited. He could crash and burn in the Cambrian Mountains for all she cared.
Lorcan led the way to the door, speaking a word of thanks in his mother tongue to the pilot and attendants. Elide nodded and smiled politely, precariously making her way down the stairs in her heels. She couldn’t remember why she’d brought heels to the Northern Isles of all places.
The sound of high-pitched screams pierced the air, over the sound of the plane engine, and Elide tripped over the last step, righting herself before she ate asphalt. When she looked up, she saw two identical girls holding signs up as they hollered.
They had Lorcan’s complexion and those long locks of hair whipping around their heads from the wind, the same high cheekbones and straight nose, full lips, and sharp jaws. They were tall like him too, way taller than her – not that that was a feat of greatness of any sort. Elide grabbed her suitcase as they sprinted towards Lorcan, crashing into him and squealing.
Despite herself, a genuinely warm smile pulled at her lips and she walked down to where they had gathered, lugging her heavy bags behind her. Lorcan had set the girls on their feet by the time she got there and they were speaking in rapid fire Ozuye, going back and forth until they all erupted in hearty laughter. The siblings noticed her presence and turned to her, shock lining the girls’ faces. “Lor, are you going to introduce us to your girl?”
He shook his head, “Gods, you two are the worst. This is why I never come home.” Elide chuckled and he nodded, “Yeah, so this is Aneha,” the girl stepped up, wearing a pullover fleece and leggings, and held her hand out to be shook. Elide obliged and said hello before the other half of the twins was stepping up.
“And I’m Sadirah!” Sadirah wore a red flannel lumberjack coat and paint-splattered overalls and what appeared to be hand-beaded moccasins on her feet. Instead of a handshake, she hugged Elide tightly. “It’s great to meet you! I love your shoes.”
“I love yours.They’re beautiful,” Elide said, her words genuine. 
“Thank you, I made them myself! Now, Lorcan’s never told us, but do you prefer Elide or Hellas’ Mistress?”
She let out a cold laugh and subtly stepped on Lorcan’s foot, leaning all her weight into the heel as he bit his lip and his eyes watered, “Elide’s just fine.”
“Good, well, let’s get going, the truck’s running!”
As they all traveled to the truck, Elide stared up at Lorcan. He looked as though someone had taken years off his still-young face. At work, Elide had a hard time remembering that they were the same age, but now, it was blatantly obvious through the lightness of his body and the relaxed way he carried himself.
The town was lovely and quaint, situated on a picturesque island.  As Aneha drove down the main street, Elide looked out the window, taking in the sight of the ocean and bay. The natural scenery around Otȟúŋwahe was breathtaking and it reminded Elide of Perranth. It had the same untamed wilderness and a certain ancientness she couldn’t place.
She had booked two rooms at the only hotel in town and as they approached the street, she spoke up, “You can just turn right up here for the hotel.”
Lorcan frowned for a split second as Aneha and Sadirah exchanged a look. Aneha just drove on past as Sadirah explained, “Oh, we canceled your reservations. Hope you don’t mind, but we thought it’d be nice to stay with family.”
They pulled into a marina’s parking lot as Elide nodded, hiding her annoyance at the presumptuous behaviour. It’s fine, you can make it six nights, she told herself as they all hopped out of the vehicle and she climbed out in a more dignified approach. “Where is your home?”
Lorcan pointed to the sleek speedboat, “We need to take the boat there. The property’s a few islands away.”
Elide shook her head adamantly, “Lorcan, you know I can’t swim. I am not getting in that boat.” He shrugged and dropped her luggage at her feet.
“That’s fine. See you in a week.” He stalked off to the edge of the dock and disappeared down the ladder as she gritted her teeth and dragged her bags over to the edge. The twins were already seated in the boat and averted their piercing gazes as Elide tossed her bags down to Lorcan. One of them hit the deck and rolled right over the edge, landing in the water with a splash.
Sadirah quickly leaned over the boat and grabbed it, yanking it up. “Got it!”
Lorcan smirked up at Elide as she hesitated by the top of the ladder, “You can always jump, princess.”
He held his hands up and she fought the urge to flip him off as she carefully made her way down. She was almost down when her foot missed the next wooden rung and before she knew what was happening, she felt a hand on her ass, keeping her upright. “Off the ass, hand off the ass,” she hissed, seething once she finally made it down and glared up at Lorcan.
He wasn’t sure how she’d acquired the talent of looking down her nose at him even though he towered over her. With a huff, she stepped into the boat and sat down, looking out at the horizon as Aneha started the boat and Lorcan shoved the back before hopping in.
Elide watched the water as they cut through the bay, watching as if it would sweep her away. Lorcan could tell, through the way she gripped her bag with white knuckles and barely dared to breathe, that she was petrified right now. It was purely for show, and nothing else, that he scooted closer to her and took her hands in his, cupping his around hers to blow on them, “Your hands are freezing, El.”
She smiled softly and something in her relaxed as the girls exchanged secret smiles and they continued on.
A few minutes later, Lorcan nudged her and nodded towards the nearest island, two figures standing on the dock, “That’s it.” He turned to Aneha, “Is Aunt Maeve back?”
She grimaced and nodded, “Yep. Got back yesterday.”
He made a face and Elide rose a brow, “Who’s Aunt Maeve?”
Lorcan shook his head as Aneha slowed the boat and they floated up to the dock, “Later, Lochan.” He dropped her hands to toss out the rope to one of the women. She looked exactly like the girls, just a few decades older. She too wore her hair down and Elide could see gray streaks amidst the dark strands.
“Come here and give your mother a hug,” she said, smiling as Lorcan hopped out and walked over to her, ignoring the pale-skinned woman next to his mother. Maeve, Elide assumed, stared at her with a predator’s gaze that had Elide’s spine stiffening as she stepped out, her chin held high.
She did not back down and stared coolly at the woman for a second longer before Lorcan beckoned her over. “Elide, come over here.”
Smiling tightly, Elide stepped over the wooden slats to Lorcan’s side. “Hi, I’m Elide. It’s nice to meet you.”
“You as well, Elide,” she said, regarding the couple with an attentive eye. “My name’s Odette. This is my aunt, Maeve,” Odette gestured to the woman behind them. “She’s come up for the weekend.”
Lorcan visibly stiffened as Maeve stepped closer and made her introduction. His hand moved to the small of her back as Elide and Maeve shook hands. “So, Elide, you’re dating your secretary.”
“Actually, Lorcan’s my associate,” Elide corrected her, a dangerous glint in her eye as she smiled sweetly. “As in, he already graduated law school.”
Maeve’s face paled with rage.
Lorcan pulled Elide with him, ending the conversation before anything drastic happened, and getting their luggage.
“We’ll show you around,” Sadirah said, linking her arm in Aneha’s and not waiting to see if either of them followed before they were skipping along.
Elide hadn’t been able to see the entire property from the dock and her eyes widened once they could see the house. It was a mansion, really, spanning from the middle of the large acreage. “You didn’t tell me you’re rich,” she murmured, gritting her teeth when her heel sunk into the grass.
Lorcan lowered his brow, “My mom’s rich, there’s a difference.”
“Only rich people say that.”
He sighed heavily and rolled his eyes, “You know, you’re kind of anti-rich, so it’s not a secret why I wouldn’t tell you and how would I even say that? ‘Hi, my name’s Lorcan Salvaterre and my mother owns the largest enterprise in the Northern Isles’?”
“What does that even mean ‘anti-rich’?”
“Oh, come on, you’re always going on about the entitled pricks in law school and those same pricks that we work with. It’s a little ironic, you know, considering you’re loaded.”
She made an affronted sound, “I earned everything I made, those trust-fund-“
“Yeah, yeah, those trust-fund man-children were handed everything on a silver tray while you worked three jobs to support yourself and pay for school. I’ve heard the story, Elide.”
Elide pursed her lips but kept quiet as they walked through the front door. The house was rustically designed and decorated, high ceilings with exposed beams and a woodstove in the corner, a flame happily flittering away.
She took in the couches and knitted blankets strewn about, her eyes lighting up as she locked her gaze on the far wall of the living room to find that the entire wall was made of bookshelves, crammed full with all sorts of reading materials. There was a TV and another shelf filled with DVDs that she was itching to peruse.
They slipped off their shoes and the twins’ eyes widened for a split second at Elide’s height before they beckoned the two of them in, “We’ll show you to your room.”
Elide and Lorcan followed dutifully behind the whispering girls, down a long hallway. She traced her eyes over the framed artwork on the shiplap panelling. They seemed to tell a story, one she couldn’t discern, and Elide made note to ask Lorcan later. When they arrived at a closed door, Elide felt her ankle twinge and hid her discomforted wince. Lorcan caught her hitched breath and whipped his head to her, scanning her body. His gaze narrowed on her ankle and he moved to her side, letting her lean into him. “So, this is you guys. There’s a bathroom and towels are in the armoire by the balcony doors. We thought you might be tired, so we’re having brunch tomorrow with everyone.”
“Everyone? Who’s everyone?” Lorcan asked, apprehension in his dark eyes.
“Don’t you worry,” Sadirah said, smiling as they retreated down the hallway and let the couple settle in.
Elide didn’t say a word as she unpacked her bags and moved the throw pillows from the bed. Lorcan was checking his phone when something slammed into the back of his head and he whirled, seeing Elide standing across the room, a pillow landing on the floor by his feet. “Hellas’ Mistress?”
@mythicaitt @tinywolfofeyllwe @schmlip-scribble @the-regal-warrior @westofmoon @empire-of-wildfire @rhysands-highlady @city-of-fae @shyvioletcat @alifletcher2012 @tangledraysofsunshine @ttakeitbacknoww @tswaney17 @ourbooksuniverse @flora-and-fae @thesirenwashere e @queenofxhearts @maastrash @superspiritfestival @yikesitsmaddie @flowerspringsea​ @queen-of-glass​ @sleeping-and-books​ s @b00kworm​ @bat-wing-rhys​ @poisonous00​ @empress-ofbloodshed​ @feyrethedarklady​ @gorl-power​ let me know if you want to be removed/added to the tag list! 
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selenaurrr · 5 years
You Found Me
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PROMPT:  “I thought I almost lost you.”
PAIRING: Matt Casey x Reader
WARNING(S): Kidnapping, Abduction,Swearing, Abuse & Violence.
‘Ambulance 61, Injuries from a fall. 815 South Nebraska.’
"Something is bothering you and I want in it.” Sylvie said tapping her fingertips on the black steering wheel as she drove down the streets, I slightly shifted in my seat, leaning my head on the window a bit.
“I just... have a lot on my mind, that’s all.”
“Bullshit. Does it have something to do with Casey?” Sylvie flirty smirked at me, “Oh shut up.” I playfully shoved Sylvie’s shoulder, she gasped then playfully shoved me back. We were cut off just as we reach the call, a man laying on the ground screaming in agony.
I opened my eyes slowly unable to remember what has happened beforehand. Before I could gather my bearings, I was jolted sideways, crashing against a mental wall. I shook my head and steadied myself, trying to figure out where I was and what was going on. I knew deep down I was in the back of truck, I tried my best to get my wrist free from the tight rope wrapped around causing lost of blood circulation.
The truck came to a jolting stop, leaving me to imagine what comes next.
Sound of the vehicle doors slamming could be heard followed by low faint footsteps approaching the back door, once they opened the door I was blinded by sunlight, I squinted. They quickly placed a blindfold over my eyes and duct tape my mouth shut. Someone grabbed a hold of me and roughly jerked out of the truck, causing me to fall to the ground then re-picked up.
I tried to fight with them but they gladly through me down a flight of stairs, I groaned in horrible pain, as low faint footsteps came down the stairs then stopped in front of me. I whimpered in pain.
I was kicked in my stomach throwing me back against the floor, I groaned once more. He smirked licking his lips before bending down and grabbing me by the hair. I screamed muffled against the duct tape, pain shooting up through my scalp, he then dragged me down a narrow hallway; opening a door and threw me into a closed off room, where it had no windows or even a heater in sight. 
Black spots clouded my vision, my lungs felt like it was ready to burst any minute now, right as I thought I was going to black out, he pulled me head out bathtub. I gasp for air, coughing up some water I inhaled, before I could say a word he dunked me head back into the water, I managed to choke on some more water, I didn’t think should hold on much longer, but he pulled back out again, I gasped for air.
I was eventually thrown back into the room where I sat on the cold, hard floor beforehand, the only noise I head was the occasional drip of water coming from a nearby faucet. What have I done to deserve this? I thought to myself, as the sound of my quiet, painful sob muffled through my taped mouth. 
I slowly fluttered my eyes open. I had a killer headache and my eyes took a while to focus. I felt exhausted, like I had been hit by a bus. I had no idea how long I had been passed out. I was lying on a cold hard surface, probably the floor, and I could feel pain through my whole pain, my mouth was dry with thirst, and the temperature of the room was below average, making me shiver ever so much. The room was pitch black, so I couldn’t tell how long I had been out for, my guessing it was at least a couple of hours.
I could vaguely see a dark figure standing in the doorway, the man dressed in black, with a mask covering his face. He hasn’t moved or said a single word, he just continued staring down at me. Disgusting images filled my mind of what it could be, rape? Sex trafficking? Etc. I just didn’t know, I would just have to wait to find out and hope an opportunity of escape came soon or the intelligence squad comes and rescue me from this hell hole.
My mind tend to wonder away with me with so many different thoughts about what was going to happen to me. I couldn’t decide whether I was relieved they hadn’t killed me yet or not. If that was what they were planning to do with me, I hoped it would be done quick.
“Why are you doing this?” I croaked.
“Make yourself comfortable. You are going to be here for a while.” He grinned and shut the door as he left. The sound of deadbolts could be heard locking on the other side of the door. Leaving me alone in darkness again.
I couldn’t stop shivering, I was laying on the cement cold wet floor, the room wasn’t heated but you could still feel the cold air creeping into the cracks of the building, being scared didn’t help either. I wasn’t sure how long I had been left in here for, it felt like hours and hours, but I couldn’t tell for sure how long it had actually been. 
I managed enough strength to prop myself up on the elbows, wincing from agony from the excruciating pain that shot through throughout my whole body but despite the unbearable pain I felt, my head felt a bit clearer now. No more headache. I dragged my body to the wall, leaning against it, the cold air crept in between the cracks of the building; making me shiver. The growling in my stomach reminded me of one thing for sure, I was also starving.
Would they have found Sylvie’s unconscious’s body laying on the ground beside the victim who clearly passed out from blood loss? Did they realized I was missing in action? That I was taken? So many unanswered questions filled my mind thinking of the worst. 
“Ah, you’re awake. Good, it’s time to eat.” He set a plate in front of me in an oddly calm manner. My eyes instead flickered to the door he came into. It was big and heavy and there was no way I could’ve taken it down, not even at my full strength and much less drugged up and beaten harshly. “Don’t worry, it’s not poisoned. If I wanted to kill you, I would’ve done it already.” He spoke reading my untrusting look in my eyes. I shakily reached out and took the plate, and ate hating myself for every single bite I took, but if I was going to get out of here. I would need all the strength I could get.
 I didn’t have much time left, before I ended up just another one his victims.
I was battered, tired body full of cuts and bruises. When he came in, he didn’t expect me to be awake. I could tell, I pretended to be asleep worked perfectly in my honor. Without a second to spare, I lunged myself at him, kicking, scratching, screaming and hitting with all my force. I used everything I had in me, my fists, teeth, nails. I didn’t mind the pain, or the blood, I was used to it. If it meant getting me out of there, the element of surprise gave me the head start on what I needed, as I pushed the door open and threw myself out.
I tripped going up the staircase, it took a couple of seconds to adjust to the daylight after countless hours in the darkness, and I navigated through what looked like an abandoned warehouse, desperately trying to find a way out, or even at least a weapon to use to protect me.
I could hear him coming after me, I could feel my body slowly trying to give up on me, failing me in the most important moment in my life, and I pushed even more. I reached for the door knob, so close to the outside world, I screamed when his hand made contact with me, and then a piercing pain filled my whole body, and after that I couldn’t feel anything for a brief second, until I saw a red stream of blood leaving my body where the knife had impaled me, and then everything went black, and for a second I thought or wished this was it. No more pain. No more torture.
Just let me go.
The first thought that popped into my head was that I was alive. In a lot of pain, but steady breathing. But that quickly changed as the smell that invaded my my nostrils was that of dust and something else. Smoke. This son of a bitch was lighting this abandoned warehouse.
The building was engulfed in flames.
I was coughing and gasping for air, I groaned as I lightly touched my gushing open wound, dark blood pouring out of me, I screamed in pain. 
“Help me!” I screamed in pain.
Silences filled the room.
The roaring of the flames continued to get louder and louder by the second that time wasted being locked up in the basement of the abandoned warehouse. This isn’t how I wanted to die.
 I slowly felt myself go unconscious here and there, it was becoming harder and harder to breathe by the second.
A faint voice calling my name in the distance, my body lay unmoving on the ground, limped.
"Fire department, call out!”
“Here...” I gasped on my last breath before blacking out.
The sound of deadbolts unlocking the door, and revealing two firefighters standing in the doorway, Matt stopped dead in his tracks because that was when he saw her. Her body lay unmoving on the ground, he knelt down next to her still body. He didn’t know if she was alive, or if it was his worst nightmare had just come true, and if they were too late.
It took a second, because her breathing was so shallow; her pulse was so weak.
There was a giant gash on her side that made his breath catch in his throat for a split second. It looked like it was a stab wound, dark blood poured out. Her body was otherwise badly brutalized, it seemed, with cuts and bruises. It filled him with so much anger and sadness. The bleeding wasn’t stopping, she was suffering a major blood loss, and the only fact that the only thing she had on was a thin sweater and a pair of lacy underwear, had him tugging off his jacket, slipping it around her cold lifeless body. 
There was a brief second, where she slowly opened her eyes and found his, and all his anger was gone in the matter of seconds, and then his heart broke into a million pieces, and then slipped back into unconsciousness.
He was able to scoop her into his arms in the gentlest way possible, and carry her out of that place. He kept telling her she was safe, because he thought that maybe in some time of way that she could hear him and he wanted her to know it. He couldn’t even see the real extent of her injuries in the dark smoky building. He knew deep down it was bad, but she was still hanging on for dear life. He didn’t want anything bad to happen to her ever again. Not again.
They lay her down onto stretcher, and loaded her inside the back of the ambulance, “She’s been stabbed. Her breathing is really shallow, and she has lost a lot of blood.”
They placed a respiratory mask over her airway, and starting a line to get some fluids in her. It was a little bit hard to do so, since Matt wouldn’t let go of her hand, not even for a second, and if he did, he found a way to grab onto some other part of her. 
His heart broke, when he saw her badly bruised, and wounds, and her overall condition. He knew she must’ve gone through hell and back, he felt sick that he wasn’t able to find her before.
They wheeled her in on the stretcher, and that’s when Matt had to let her go. 
The whole fire unit and police unit was crammed into the small waiting room at the hospital. The nurses knew it was pointless, and didn’t even try to send them home, knowing nobody would move if they did. She was the beating heart of Chicago. If you want to see the stars, you must be willing to travel through the dark.
He stood up from the hospital chair, “How is she?”
“Severe dehydration. Multiple bone fractures, but mostly was the blood loss from the stab wound. The knife had punctured her liver, she bleed too much, but she’s stable for now.” 
Matt sighed in relief.
 I didn’t know where I was at the moment, I blinked a few times, until light quickly adjusted to my vision, and I then realized I was lying in a hospital bed. I realized my hand felt heavy, I turned my head to the other side of the bed, and a familiar figure came into view.
“You’re awake!” He breathed out, sighting a relief.
“You found me,” I whispered feeling my throat was completely sore and dry, “Of course, I’m here.”
Matt didn’t know what else to say, he gave her a gentle kiss against her forehead, “I thought I almost lost you.”
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theatrelove3000 · 4 years
Welcome Home
AAAAAAAANNNNNDDDD I have returned. I figured since I am not sleeping, I might as well post another fic, so here we are! This one is one I wrote after I got back from a trip to the UK in September. I thought it would be a fun little nod to my trip, which I plan to take again and highly recommend if you can get there!
Summary: After three weeks of being apart, Loki goes to pick Noelle up from the airport on Midgard.
Welcome Home
Loki POV:
Three weeks. Noelle has been gone for three weeks. I understand that she is on a trip with her mother in Midgard but I miss her. I have not spent this much time apart from her for as long as I have known her, including the months before we began courting.
It is still dark outside when I get out of bed. I can barely sleep without her next to me anymore, let alone with her on another planet.
I jump out of bed, pulling on some pants in the process and pick my shirt up off my bed. I start to go for my vest and leathers when I realize what I'm doing. If I am to go to Midgard to pick her up at what she called the airport, I need to look like I was of Midgard. I begin looking for the box that I had brought with me from our last visit to Midgard, finally finding it in a drawer in my wardrobe. I take it out, open it, and empty it of his contents onto the deep green of my duvet. I pull from the pile a dark material called denim jeans, or so I am told.
'Whatever it is, it is comfortable and Midgard appropriate' I think to myself as I pull the trousers on. I find the black shirt and put it on. After finishing with the socks and leather "combat boots" Noelle bought for me, I shrug into the black leather jacket her mother found for me as a thank you for this excursion to a Midgardian flight zone.
The sun is just peeking through the curtains of my chambers when I finish getting ready.
Looking at the sundial for a specific time, I find that I still have a few hours until I am to leave for the Bifrost to retrieve Noelle and her mother. I decide that I can just pass the time in the library, though I had a feeling that I would not be able to focus on my work.
I teleported myself to our library and make my way to my desk. It was still littered with the books I had been reading before adjoining my chambers for the evening last night. It was good to know that the maids and servants hadn't touched anything, not that I thought they would. They usually just cleaned around my work station, unless Noelle forgets to move her own books off the sofa or the table in front of it. Then they just skipped the library all together.
I sat at my desk and pick up the book that is laying open in front of me. It's a book I borrowed from Noelle before she left. I am just getting around to reading it.
'It's a dystopian society. It may be a bit odd for you but it was all the rage here a few years ago.' She had told me. So far I am on the second of the three books. I have a feeling I will not like the way this tale ends. It seems like the kind of story that the main character dies at the end. As hard as I try to focus on the storyline, I can't get invested in it the way I normally would. Instead, I keep glancing at the sundial. I finally give up and set the book down, deciding to walk down into the dining hall. Before doing so, I transform my clothing temporarily so no one questions my attire.
As I sit down at my normal table, I hear my boisterous brother with the Warriors Three and Lady Sif arrive as well. They join me at the table as I pile food onto my plate.
"Good morning, Brother!"
"Good morning, Thor. You are especially hyperactive today. Any particular reason?"
"Have you not heard?" Fandral asks as he reaches over me to snatch a piece of toast.
"Heard what?"
"You really are holed up in the library, aren't you?" Teases Volstagg from across the table, stopping his conversation with my brother to smirk at me.
"I do not find interest in gossip. Just tell me what has happened." I snap at them, my patience running thin.
"Thor has made the decision to ask the lady he wishes to attend the upcoming ball with to do so," Sif explains rather coolly. I know she is in love with Thor and has been since our childhood. Little did she know...
Thor looks up with a grin of childish glee on his face. He glances at Sif then back at me, telling me who he was asking as though I didn't already know. I nodded at him, letting him know that I understand.
"Enough of me, my friends! Let us focus on something else instead. Loki," he turns to me, as I start to stand and escape from the table, "When is Noelle to return to Asgard? I have much to speak of with her."
His rather inopportune choice of words earns a hiss from Sif and looks of shock from the Warriors Three. I just smirk at his inability to get his point across with his words rather than a hammer.
"She is returning to her home in Midgard today and I will be accompanying her return to Asgard in a few days, in time for you to speak to her before the ball." The others look at me incredulously, truly believing that Thor wanted to ask my Noelle to go to the ball with him. Only Fandral has picked up on Thor's feelings for Sif and knew that he would be asking her, not Noelle. He also had enough of a brain to know that even if that was Thor's intention, I would tear him apart. He is just sitting next to me with his head bent, trying not to laugh.
Thor laughs loudly, snapping the others out of their reverie. Glancing at the nearest sundial, I excuse myself from the table and nod to my friends and brother.
Once I am out of the palace, I pick up my pace from walking, eventually running to the stables to collect Tempest from the waiting stable-hands. I mount and we race through the city to the Bifrost. Children chased us as we sped down the streets of Asgard, people waving at us as we pass. I urge Tempest faster, digging my heels into his sides. It wasn't long before we were met by Heimdall at the Bifrost.
Heimdall nods to me as I step onto the platform. I close my eyes as I feel the Bifrost work around me. When I open them again, I am standing in Noelle's mother's empty apartment. I stand for a moment, getting my bearings, before walking to Noelle's room. Before she departed, we sat and studied the maps and best ways of transportation for me to get to her. We decided that I could just walk, as I do not trust these Midgardian vehicles. I open the door to her room and see on her bed the instructions she gave me on how to get to the "airport" and where to find her when I get there. I know that our connection will lead me to her when she arrives but it is helpful to have it if I need it.
I transform my clothing back to the Midgardian style and start to make my way to the airport. It doesn't take very long, as my destination is only a few blocks away from Noelle's apartment. Before long, I am leaning against a pillar in the building at her gate, waiting for her to come back to me.
I don't have to wait long. I feel the pull of our connection as she gets closer to me. She must feel it, too, because when I see her as she comes down the moving stairs, she is looking around. I stand up straight as I see her, my heart skipping a beat. The moment she sees me, her eyes light up and she starts bouncing slightly, impatient for the stairs to bring her down to the ground. Her mother puts a hand on her shoulder to try and keep her from being too hyper.
The second she was able to, Noelle started running to me as fast as she could. She dropped her bag when she was only a few feet from me and flung herself into my waiting arms. Her arms snake around my neck and nuzzles her face in my shoulder. I lift her up and she wraps her legs around my waist. I bury my face in her hair, breathing her in. Lost in our little world, we didn't even notice when her mother was a few feet away.
"Hello, love." I mutter into her cheek. She lets out a muffled greeting. I chuckle at her, "You missed me, I take it?" She nods. I smile and set her down. I take her hand as I look over to her mother and nod at her. "Hello, Lady Beth. How was your trip?"
"It was lovely, Loki. Thank you. It's very nice to see you; I think Noelle agrees," She laughs, glancing at her daughter who has one hand laced with mine and the other holding onto my arm.
"I have missed her very much, my lady. I am glad she is home."
Beth smiles at me and tells Noelle to pick up her bag. I release her hand and pick it up myself. She picks up her smaller bag and weaves her fingers through mine again. I smile down at out intertwined hands.
We start to follow her mother out of the building where she waves into the street and a yellow vehicle pulls up to where we stand. The driver gets out and aids me in loading their bags into the open back of the vehicle.
I lower myself into where Noelle and Beth are sitting and close the door, upon which time my Noelle slides over the leather seat to me and curls into my side while her mother gives the man directions to her apartment.
"You know, I like this look," She says quietly, only to me, "it's very you."
I chuckle at her vague compliment and reply, "Thank you. I find it rather entertaining myself. Are Midgardians not taught as children that it is impolite to stare? I kept catching people looking at me as I walked."
She bites her lip, making me want to kiss her even more. "Most are told that it's rude to stare but you are way more attractive than anyone on this planet so they don't really care."
I smile and kiss the top of her head. "So, what was the best part of your trip? What did you see? Who did you meet? I wish to know all about it." I speak loud enough for her mother to hear us this time and join the conversation.
With this small invitation. Beth and Noelle launched into the tale of their travels that lasted until we were three-quarters of the way up the stairs to their apartment. Beth had taken hundreds of pictures of Noelle at the different sites and such while Noelle had taken pictures of the things around the sites in case we wanted to go there by ourselves.
Beth orders a pizza and the two ladies unpack as we await its arrival. I go with Noelle and lay across her bed as I watch her put her clothes in their proper places. We talk the whole time we are in there, catching up on what happened recently.
"Thor is actually going to ask her?" She exclaims as I tell her of what occured at breakfast this morning.
"It appears so. Though Sif, Hogan, and Volstagg are convinced he is asking you." I chuckle at her look of shock and tell her of the rest of the awkward conversation. By the end, both of us are unable to contain our laughter. It's at this point Beth comes in to tell us the food has arrived.
The three of us sit on the sofa in the living room and eat while watching whatever a "movie" is. Noelle tried to explain but it didn't make much sense to me. It is quite funny and entertaining though, so I don't mind.
When Beth and Noelle tire from their journey, Noelle makes a small scene about getting out the cot I slept on last time. Her mother laughs at this saying, "You really think I don't know that he is going to sleep in the bed with you? I don't mind, sweetheart, as long as you don't wake anyone up."
I smirk into my lap. Beth excuses herself to go to bed and Noelle comes up from behind where I am sitting on the sofa and wraps her arms around my shoulders. She rests her head on top of mine and I cover her hands with my own.
I hear her yawn and stand up, walk around the sofa and pull her to me. She moves her arms to wrap around my torso, her head to my chest. I envelope her in my arms and keep her close to me. After a moment of enjoying the silence in each other's company, I pull away, earning a slight whine from her in the process, and take her hand instead. I walk to her room with her following behind me, never letting go of my hand.
I open the door and she rushes in, dragging me to her bed. She crawls under the purple blankets and pulls me in after her. As I cover us both with the sheets, she curls up into my side, nuzzling her face into where my arm and shoulder connect to the rest of my body and lays one hand on my chest over my heart. It's her favorite place to be. I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her closer, kissing her forehead. She giggles quietly and reaches up to kiss my jaw.
"Do you want to go out tomorrow? We can see a movie or sit in the park," She mutters into my neck.
"I will do whatever you wish to do, love. I am at your disposal." I feel her smile, feeling our usual rush of joy. I fall asleep quickly, finally feeling at peace with this beautiful woman between my arms.
~~~~~Le Time Skip~~~~~
Noelle POV:
I wake to the sound of deep breathing and the feeling of warmth around me. Turning around, I glance up at the sleeping prince with his arms around me, cradling me to his chest. I smile at how peaceful he looks. I kiss his jaw and slowly start to pull away. I manage to escape his death grip without waking him, quite a feat I might add, and slide out of bed. After making sure that Loki is covered by the blankets, I open the door as silently as I can and shut it behind me as I make my way to the kitchen.
When I check the clock on the stove, I see that it is almost ten in the morning.
"Damn jetlag," I mutter under my breath. I open the fridge and start grabbing things to make for breakfast. My mom comes in not long after.
"Morning, Momma." I say quietly.
"Good morning, baby." She replies and stands next to me as I start to crack some eggs, "Where is Loki? I assumed you two would be attached at the hip after what I witnessed yesterday." She bumps her hip against mine teasingly.
I giggle, "He's still asleep. I was hungry so I figured I would make the three of us some food before Loki and I head out for the day."
"Oh? Where are you going?"
"Not really sure yet. We haven't decided. Fell asleep before we could talk about it."
"Got it. Are you good here?" She asks, running water over her fingers to clean the eggs off.
I nod and she leaves to change. I am only alone for a moment when I feel hands on my waist and lips on my cheek.
"Hello, love."
"Hi," I lean back into him and turn my head to kiss his cheek.
"Do you know," his arms wrap around my waist tightly, "how terrifying it was to awaken alone in a place that I did not recognize at first? If you wanted to get up, you could have woken me."
"I know that you haven't been sleeping well, Loki. I'm not clueless," I grin and turn around in his arms, moving my hands to his chest. "Besides, I didn't want to disturb you. You looked so peaceful."
He smirks and lowers his forehead to mine. 'Thank you' he whispers into my mind.
'For what?' I respond.
'For knowing me better than I know myself.' I smile at this, kissing his nose.
'Then I believe I have to thank you for the same thing.'
We break away when we hear a throat clear, looking to see my mother's boyfriend standing awkwardly in the doorway to the kitchen with my mom slightly behind him, trying not to laugh.
I feel my face heat up and hide in Loki's shoulder. I feel him chuckling at me and peek at him to see him smirking at my mom's boyfriend.
"Hi, James." I squeak from my place in the crook of Loki's neck.
"Hey, Noelle. And your name is Loki, correct?" He holds out his hand for Loki to shake, "We met before, I think. I didn't know you were together."
"We were not together when we last met," Loki explains calmly, "It was not long after we last saw each other (you, Noelle, and I) that we began dating."
I bite my lip when I hear him say the word "dating." That's a strictly Midgardian term. It was odd to hear it come out of my Asgardian boyfriend's mouth.
"Ah, I see. So you have been with her for about a year then. That's nice." James is trying to keep things from becoming more awkward and is failing miserably.
"Noelle, dear, why don't you and Loki go get changed? We will take over the food." Momma to the rescue! Nodding, I take Loki's hand and drag him out of the kitchen with a look thanking my mom.
The second the door to my bedroom was closed, the two of us burst out laughing. I have my hands on his sides and his are on my hips. We fall backwards on my bed which only intensifies our laughter. He lands on his back and I fall on his chest. At this point we can barely breathe and have to calm down. If we don't, mom or James will come in to make sure we are okay and catch us in this compromising position.
He gets a hold of himself before I do and I do my best to match my breathing to his.
As soon as we are both breathing normally again, I get off of him and walk over to my closet. I realize as I am going through my options that I don't know what to wear since I don't know what we are doing. I suddenly have an idea that will help us decide what we do today. I grab a flowy emerald green dress that is shorter in the front and longer in the back and toss it onto my bed. I move to my dresser and pull out a pair of denim shorts, then I look around the room before finding what I am looking for. Loki left a green button up shirt here last time he visited. I lay the two outfits next to each other on the bed and look at Loki.
"You pick. Whichever outfit you like better will be what we do today." I explain when he gives me a confused and slightly amused look. He nods and looks at the clothes before picking up the dress and holding it up to me, like I do when I am having trouble deciding on a certain article of clothing.
"I like the idea of you in my clothes but I think I prefer you in a gown." He smirks at me. I nod and take the dress from him.
Before I change, I go to the kitchen and ask my mom what she did with the shirt she bought Loki while we were in Scotland. I go and get it from her suitcase and bring it back to him. I toss it at him along with a pair of skinny jeans from the box in my closet we had put together on our last trip here. He goes to change in the bathroom and I quickly put on the dress. I am lacing up my gladiator sandals when he returns in his new outfit. The jeans we bought fit him nicely and the black v-neck makes me laugh. Printed on the front in white letters are the words "Low-Key." He is smiling and I can feel his amusement through our connection.
I stand up off my bed and he crosses my room in two steps, grabbing my hips and pulling me to him, kissing me sweetly.
"You look ravishing, darling." He mumbles when he pulls away.
"You don't look bad yourself." I reply with a grin.
We go and eat breakfast with Momma and James and then head out on our date.
We walk down to the bakery we went to the first time he visited and bought some pastries for the God of Mischief's sweet tooth. I then hail a taxi and ask him to take us to the beach. It is the end of August and all the kids had gone back to school so the beach is pretty much empty for us to stroll down in peace.
We take off our shoes and walk in the surf hand in hand. We talk about nothing and eat our pastries and just enjoy each other's company.
"Do you know what one of the best parts about being in Midgard is?" Loki asks me as he begins to walk backwards in front of me.
"What's that?"
He stops and kisses me full on the lips, holding me to him. I snake my arms around his neck and deepen the kiss. When we break apart for air he answers me.
"I don't have to be so careful with my actions in public with you. I can do more than offer my arm to you. I can hold your hand. I can touch your face. I can kiss your cheek. It's truly freeing."
I smile and place my hands on either side of his face, bringing his lips back to mine.
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kayluh1915 · 4 years
Summary: Gavin returns from a two-week-long business trip. He's exhausted but very happy to see Ryan again.
Words: 1987
Warnings: Tooth-rotting fluff... dat’s all, folks!
Nothing can stop my Freewood addiction at this point... ya'bitch is hooked so expect more.¯\_(ツ)_/¯
THIS FIC IS A REPOST! I dun did fucked up and posted a major fandom no-no which I feel SUPER terrible about. I'm still learning the rules of this side of the internet and I made a mistake. So, here's me correcting it because respect for the people involved is always my #1 priority! If you want more context, you can read this post I made earlier. Hopefully, my future mistakes will be less yikes™ in the future.
As always, comments are welcomed and encouraged... even if it's to call out a no-no!
Even with the rewrites, I'm VERY pleased with how this turned out even if it didn't pan out how I expected it to. I hope you can now finally enjoy it the way I do if you choose to give me a second chance. <3
Read on AO3!
The airport was busy. Far too busy for a Wednesday evening, Ryan thought, but he didn’t pay much attention to the unusual foot traffic. He was more focused on listening for the announcement that Gavin’s flight from London had landed. He hadn’t seen him in a little over two weeks and it was starting to get to him. Of course, Gavin’s busy traveling schedule was nothing new to him, but no matter how often he packed his bags it would always be hard for Ryan to watch him depart and even harder to wait for his return.
His heart leaped in his chest when the familiar ding came over the intercom, but he disappointedly settled back down into his chair when it was just a last call for another airline. Ryan took off his grey AH hat to run a nervous hand through his hair, setting the worn thing aside as he absentmindedly reached for his phone. He didn’t expect to have anything new since it had only been not five minutes since he’d checked it last, but to his surprise, he had a new message from Dan. He opened it and smiled wide when he saw that he had sent him a series of photos of Gavin while he was away on his trip.
Some showed him on set, completely engrossed in his cameras while others were more… unorthodox. His favorite, in particular, was the one of Gavin hanging upside down in a hotel bed making the most ridiculous face he had ever seen him make… and he’d seen a lot of Gavin's faces. Dan was also in the photo, sitting on the floor beside him and making a face of a similar caliber.
"You should post the hotel one on Instagram." Ryan texted back, only half joking. Dan replying almost immediately.
"You’re kidding, right? He'd bloody murder me when he flies back here next week." Ryan continued to scroll through the pictures Dan had sent him, the smile on his face only growing wider with each one. Gavin sends him photos while he’s away as well and he enjoys every single one, but Dan… he got the ones Ryan really wanted. The ones of Gavin being carefree and enjoying time with one of his oldest friends, his eyes crinkled up with laughter and his bright smile lighting up Ryan’s previously darkened world.
Just when he had finished looking through the pictures, Dan sent one more and Ryan stopped breathing for a solid five seconds. It was a photo of Gavin at a cafe somewhere in Paris right as the sun was setting, the golden rays kissing his skin as he sipped at the drink in his hands. His green eyes were glassed over, clearly so lost in his own head that he probably didn’t even realize that Dan had taken a photo.
“Forgot one, sorry. Figured you’d enjoy this one.” Ryan swallowed hard.
“Understatement of the fucking year.” Dan only replied with three laughing emojis as Ryan set the photo as both his home and lock screen. He didn’t want to live another day without seeing that picture of Gavin. He flat out refused it.
Ryan was so obsessed with looking at the photo that he had nearly missed the announcement he had been waiting for all this time. He hastily pocketed his phone and put his hat back on, sprinting towards the terminal and bouncing anxiously on his heels. Incoming passengers started flooding in, Ryan skimming each one of them for the pair of emerald eyes he had missed so much. Finally, after what seemed like an endless stream of strangers, he finally saw him. He wasn’t nearly as groomed as he had been in the cafe photo. His hair was a mess and he looked exhausted and in need of a hot shower, but that didn’t matter to Ryan. Even when tousled up, he was still beautiful in his eyes.
He watched as Gavin looked over the crowd for him, smiling wide when he had finally found him. Gavin ran into his arms as fast as he could, Ryan hugging him tightly while placing kisses atop his disheveled hair.
“Missed you…” Gavin mumbled, his voice muffled in Ryan’s chest. He only hugged his Brit tighter, pulling his face off his chest to place a tender kiss on his forehead.
“Missed you too. So much…” Gavin flashed Ryan a tired smile, reaching up to properly kiss him. “Was your flight okay?” Gavin sighed, looking over the crowd of his fellow passengers.
“It was quite shit, to be honest.”
“Uh oh... What happened?” Gavin waved him off.
“Later, Love? I’m exhausted and would like to go home to my cat.” Ryan chuckled, kissing Gavin once more.
“Later it is, then. C’mon, let’s get your bags and get you outta here.” Ryan walked with Gavin to baggage claim, his right hand gently resting on the small of Gavin’s back.
“Dan sent me some lovely photos of you right before you landed.” Gavin’s face blushed red, gently face-palming himself.
“Shit... Which ones?” Ryan took out his phone and showed him the one of him and Dan at the hotel. Gav groaned.
“I wish I could tell you that we were drunk or something to justify that, but we were sober. There’s literally no excuse for it…” Ryan laughed, kissing Gavin’s cheek.
“Well, I enjoyed it regardless.” Gavin hummed in response, laying his head down onto Ryan’s shoulder and going silent for a moment.
“I’m so tired, Rye…” He whined, Ryan gently rubbing Gavin's back where his hand had been resting.
“I know, Dear. We’ll be heading home as soon as we grab your bags.”
“Can’t we just leave’em?” He groaned, leaning more of his weight into Ryan.
“You want to leave a $100,000.00 Phantom at the airport?” Gavin scoffed.
“Gotta go back next week, so why not?”
“Hey now, you just got here. Let’s not talk about you leaving again until we have to.” Ryan joked… sort of. Gavin hummed again, the couple going silent after that. His bags finally came in on the belt, Ryan grabbing each one carefully. He wasn’t quite sure which one had Gavin’s Phantom so he was playing it safe with each one.
“Phantom’s in that one. Lenses and small HD in that one. The others you can manhandle for all I care.” Gavin called out, Ryan going way too slow for his liking. Ryan laughed and shook his head.
“Getting a little grumpy on me, aren’t ya?” He joked, Gavin obviously way too tired to deal with his bullshit.
“I just want to go home… please...” Ryan grabbed his bags, holding his hand out in front of him.
“Lead the way, Darling. I’m right behind ya.” ______________________
When Ryan pulled into the garage, he looked over at Gavin to find him knocked completely out, the sudden silence of the car being filled with his soft, heavy breathing. Ryan smiled lovingly at him, getting out of the car and grabbing Gavin’s bags as quietly as he could. He sat the Phantom and his equipment in the office and took his other bags to the laundry room, returning to the car to retrieve his exhausted Brit. He lifted him into his arms, trying his best to not disturb him, but to no avail, his lover stirring as soon as he closed the door to the garage.
“Pu-me down…” He grumbled, gently squirming in Ryan’s grip. “I need a shower and wanna see Smee.” Ryan listened, gently lowering Gavin to his feet and following him into the living room. The 6-year-old siamese in question was standing on the counter, meowing loudly when he saw Gavin. He wasn’t really allowed on the counters, but he gave him a pass just this one time. He lifted the cat into his arms and kissed his head.
“Missed you too, bud.” Ryan made his way over to the cabinet, looking for something to make. He had been too excited to see Gavin and had skipped dinner, but it had caught up with him now that Gavin was home.
“You want anything to eat, Dear?” Gavin thought for a moment, still reuniting with his beloved cat.
“A bit too tired for a meal, to be honest, but I have a feeling you’re going to make me eat anyway so sure.” Ryan smirked. Gavin knew him well.
“You okay with tacos?” Gavin kissed Smee one last time and sat him back down on the hardwood.
“Tacos are fine. While you do that, I’m going to take a shower and get ready for bed. After I eat, I’m sleeping for like a year.” Ryan nodded, pulling out a box of taco shells.
“Okay, sweetheart. I’ll be down here if you need me.” Gavin walked over to Ryan and placed a kiss on his cheek, heading upstairs to rid himself of that putrid airplane smell. Once he was clean, he dried himself off and dressed with a pair of boxers, socks, and one of Ryan’s shirts. After brushing his teeth, he let the smell of tacos lead him downstairs, his stomach growling at the promise of an incoming meal. Ryan had the table set, two plates of fresh tacos steaming, and filled to the brim. He was grabbing drinks when he saw Gavin come around the corner.
“There you are. I thought you might have fallen asleep in the shower.”
“I’m surprised I didn’t.” Gavin made his way over to the chair, Ryan rushing to pull it out for him after he had sat down a can of coke for Gavin and diet coke for himself. Gav cracked it open, taking a quick swig as Ryan took his seat next to him. They ate in comfortable silence, Ryan watching Gavin closely as he slowly ate. He could tell that he had a million things he wanted to talk about, but was far too exhausted to even process the words.
“You’re staring, Rye,” Gavin muttered with his mouth full. Ryan smirked.
“Reserve it for when I don’t look like utter shite.” Ryan shook his head, reaching over to brush a strand of damp hair away from Gavin’s eyes.
“Nonsense, you look beautiful.”
“You always say that,” he scoffed, taking another sip of his coke as Ryan caressed his cheek.
“Because it’s true… even though you think it’s not.” Gavin leaned into Ryan’s palm, another yawn making itself known.
“I need sleep, now. I’m getting too sappy.”
“But I like sappy Gav.” Ryan fake-whined along with an over-exaggerated pout. Gavin ignored him, standing up and stretching out his already fatigued muscles. Ryan stood up with him, beginning to clean up as Gavin started to make his way upstairs.
“You’re coming up too, right?” Gavin asked, standing on the first step as he called out to Ryan.
“Yeah. I’ll be up in a minute, Dear.” He finished climbing up the stairs and dove into bed, curling into the blankets with a loud groan. Laying down in his own bed had never felt so delightful. He hadn’t even realized he had dozed off until Ryan woke him up when he crawled into bed beside him. After he was settled, Gavin crawled over to him and laid his head on his bare chest, listening to his gentle heartbeat. Ryan wrapped his arms around him, placing several kisses wherever he could reach.
“I love you so much, Rye. I don’t know what I would’ve done without you…”
“You’re right, you are getting too sappy.” Gavin gently slapped at his chest, earning a laugh from Ryan.
“Sod off, you knobhead.” Ryan laughed again, placing yet another kiss atop Gavin’s head. After he fell asleep, Ryan whispered:
“You were my lantern in the darkest night, leading me to a happiness that I never thought I’d feel again. You’re my entire world and I love you, my darling.” A quiet snicker breathed across his chest.
“Now who’s being sappy?”
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marvxlousqueen · 5 years
Warren Worthington- I Missed You
tysm to @thoughtlesspace for always giving me ideas ily sm-Oh what if their exs and they haven’t spoken since the break up and that (sharing a room) forces them too and they find out their still in love w each other and smut ensues
warnings: angsty!!, warren cries a little :( , cussing, smut at the end ;)
word count: 3.2K (she’s LONG)
A/N: i got the gif from @mazzelloplots and he looks so good wtf like please let me suck your dick sir 
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It was a standard mission: depart from the school, travel for a day or two, recruit the newly discovered mutant, travel back, and get the new mutant registered and settled in. New mutants were found every few months thanks to Professor Xavier’s cerebro device, making this a usual routine to (Y/n).  (Y/n) had been on tons of missions like this, even if it had been a few months since her last one.
(Y/n)’s last recruitment mission was about four months ago. It was her, Jean, Scott, and Warren- Warren.
(Y/n) hadn’t spoken to him since that mission. He had been careless, almost getting himself and everyone else killed by being too public about his mutation while they were tracking down the new mutant. (Y/n) had gone off about how dangerous it was and how he had a death wish, which resulted in Warren dumping her that same moment, saying something about “I don’t need you trying to control me.”
Of course, (Y/n) wasn’t trying to control him, just merely looking out for him because god knows he needed someone on his side after all the shit he had been through.
The rest of that mission (Y/n) avoided Warren, not wanting him to see how red and puffy her eyes were after their break up. She hid out in the back of the plane the whole ride back, busy crying into her hoodie.
The one thing that really bothered her about the break up, the one thing she was thinking about the entire flight back home- Warren didn’t seem affected at all. The same day they broke up she saw him laughing and making jokes with Scott as if he didn’t even care that he had ended their nine month relationship.
They had been together for almost a whole year and he felt nothing when it was over. (Y/n)’s sadness quickly turned to anger over the next fews days following their break up. She felt like it had all been a game to Warren, a game she didn’t want to play.
In an attempt to move on, she had been avoiding him since and had no plans to speak to him ever again.
That was until it was announced that after her four months off from recruitment missions, she was expected to make a trip all the way to Colorado with Jean, Scott, and Warren.
“Jean, you need to help me! I do not want to see him, I can’t see him. Can you try telling the Professor that you guys can handle it on your own? Honestly-you don’t need me.”
Jean rolled her eyes, watching (Y/n) face plant into her pillow while Jean packed. “I’m not doing that, (Y/n). We do need you and Warren won’t even care that you’re coming, he’s totally over everything, Scott said so.”
(Y/n) groaned into her pillow, feeling heat rush to her face in both embarrassment and anger. How could Warren be completely over me, but I can’t stop thinking about him? It’s not fair, she thought to herself.
“You still have feelings for Warren?”
(Y/n) sat up fast, “Stay out of my head, Jean!”
She raised her hands in surrender, “Sorry, sorry, you were just being really loud... but, do you?”
(Y/n) slowly nodded, eyes on the floor. Jean was quiet, not sure how to respond. She remembered how much (Y/n) had liked Warren when they were together, she was sure (Y/n) was in love with him.
“I still like him so much, and he’s totally over me.. what am I going to do?”
Jean walked over, taking a seat next to her on (Y/n)’s bed, patting her shoulder. “You’re going to be fine. It’s still fresh, but you’ll get over it eventually, you’ll find someone even better, trust me.”
(Y/n) shook her head, burying her face in her hands, letting out a sigh, “There’s no one better, he was the one.”
Jean patted her back, sighing with her.
The next morning (Y/n) was woken up by Jean’s alarm at 5:15, giving them an hour to finish packing, eat, change into their gear, and load up. At 5:45 (Y/n) stumbled into the kitchen, still not quite awake.
Looking up towards the pantry, she saw a figure all too familiar. White wings stretched out, curly hair a mess. He looked as amazing as ever, maybe even better than usual. His sleepy expression was one thing (Y/n) missed. She remembered the mornings she would wake up with him pressed against her, wings keeping her warm. She remembered his gravelly morning voice that always gave her chills, or the way he would push his face into the crook of her neck, leaving soft kisses to help her wake up.
(Y/n) was broken from her thoughts by the sounds of the pantry door closing. Warren made his way to the fridge, not looking at her. (Y/n) sneaked behind him, not wanting to make eye contact with him, not knowing what she would do if she did. She grabbed a breakfast bar from the pantry before trying to speed off down the hallway to move her gear into the plane.
“That’s all you’re going to eat?”
She stopped her movements, nearly dropping the bar in surprise. (Y/n) hadn’t heard his voice in nearly four months. She didn’t answer him, stuck frozen to the floor, not sure what to do about this situation.
“You always told me how breakfast is the most important meal of the day. You should eat some protein or something, not just that shit.”
(Y/n) had to stop herself from snapping at him, stop herself from yelling “Why do you care?”
She kept her head forward, not looking at where he stood behind her. She started to walk forward again, hoping to move past this situation.
She stopped again, resisting the urge to turn around.
Warren ran a hand through his messy hair, trying to think of what to say while he had her there. “You always made sure I took care of myself, it’s time you do the same. A good breakfast is a nice start.”
(Y/n) sped down the hallway for the last time, trying to figure out why Warren was so pushy about the fact the fact that she was eating a bar instead of a fresh breakfast.
Truth is, Warren was trying anything to hold a conversation with her. He figured bringing up one of (Y/n)’s favorite methods of “self-care” would do the trick. Warren pulled his hand from his hair, groaning at how his hair was greasy and knotted.
You could say that (Y/n) had been a large part of Warren’s “hygiene.” Before they started going steady, he had been in an emotionless slump, never having the motivation to even do the simplest things like take care of himself. (Y/n) started pushing him to do so, knowing it would make him feel better.
He remembered after their first “official” date, a movie and a nice walk through the park (where they had gotten rained on), (Y/n) helped clean his wet wings. They were grimey from all the outdoor training he had been doing and desperately needed to be cleaned, but it was too difficult for him to reach and took too much effort. The feeling of her hands on him in that way was one he would never be able to forget. Her soft touches were something he wasn’t used to after his time in the cage in Berlin.
He hated to admit it, but he missed those soft touches, her warm hugs, the feeling of her pressed against him on a cold night, her soft lips on his- all feelings that Warren would never experience again because of how badly he had fucked up four months ago. And he hated himself for it.
He wasn’t even sure why it happened- he was stressed from the mission, angry from seeing anti-mutant protests in the streets as they tracked down their new recruit, and having (Y/n) snap at him about being careless and almost getting all of them killed by bringing attention to them, it just pushed him past his limit.
He should’ve taken it back that day, begged for her forgiveness, but he had broken up with her in front of everyone (another thing he regrets- he can’t imagine how embarrassing that must’ve been for her). If he were to beg her to take him back, he would’ve looked weak. He was too proud to undo what he had done, and it ultimately ended up destroying him.
On the way back from that mission he had seen her cry for the first time. All Warren wanted to do was hold her, stroke her hair, and whisper nice things in her ear to calm her down, until he remembered he was the cause of it all. How he would never be able to hold her again because she hated him.
Warren slammed the fridge shut, letting his anger get the better of him.
At 6:10, 5 minutes till departure, (Y/n) was stuffing her bag into a seat next to her, buckling it up so her stuff didn’t bounce around the plane. A few minutes after (Y/n) had taken her seat, Warren entered the plane, bag slung over his shoulder. He walked towards the row of seats where (Y/n) was, moving her bag from next to her so he could sit.
She said nothing, taking her bag from his hands and putting it below her chair. Warren’s leg was bouncing with anxiety. What do I say? What do I say?
“Hi.” Smooth, really thought out, genius!
(Y/n) eyes were still straight ahead, not wanting to see him. She afraid she would see how happy he was, how breaking up with her had finally freed him, because according to him those 4 months ago, she was just so controlling.
She was even more afraid of him seeing how broken she still was. (Y/n) didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of seeing her like that.
“So.. how are you?” Warren was leaning forward in his seat now, trying to get her to make eye contact with him.
(Y/n) was getting more and more annoyed by the second. Why does he want to talk to me?
She opened her mouth to snap at him, but was interrupted by Scott.
“We all set to leave?”
Jean climbed up in after him, helping Scott set the autopilot controls. (Y/n) took the opportunity of their interrupting presence to move seats, getting away from Warren.
Warren looked away from Scott to see (Y/n) rushing with her bag to the other side of the plane. He let out a sigh, hand running through his hair again.
What am I supposed to do if she won’t even talk to me?
Maybe you shouldn’t have broken up with her, you dick.
Warren jumped in his seat at the sudden sound of Jean in his head. Get out of my head, Jean!
He looked at where she was sitting at the front of the plane with Scott, eyebrows furrowed. Well, can you at least be helpful if you’re going to eavesdrop? What do I do?
You don’t deserve her.
I know I don’t.
Jean was silent for a moment, taken back by his answer. She had always pictured Warren as some cocky douche ever since he had ended things with (Y/n) in front of everyone, but he was surprising her by sounding sincere.
I know I don’t deserve her, but please.. I miss her so fucking much. I need to get her back. Please help me.
Jean didn’t answer him, she returned to speaking with Scott as if she hadn’t just heard Warren open his heart. She didn’t say anything for the rest of the flight, all four hours of it.
Warren kept his eyes on the ground for the rest of the way, occasionally glancing towards (Y/n), praying she would look back at him just once.
The next few hours after they landed was spent tracking down the address of the new mutant. They located the house, but discovered the mutant was at a friends house until the following day, allowing Jean, Scott, (Y/n), and Warren to turn in early at the motel they were staying in for the night.
They were only able to get two rooms since it was Winterfest weekend in Denver and every hotel and motel in sight was completely booked. Jean and Scott had gone to the vending machine in the main office while (Y/n) and Warren silently unloaded their stuff from the rental car.
(Y/n) threw her and Jean’s bags into the first room, letting Warren handle his and Scott’s things. After locking the car, (Y/n) shut the door to her and Jean’s room throwing herself onto the one bed, happy it was a queen size so Jean wouldn’t kick her too much.
(Y/n) was flicking through channels on the TV when there was a knock at the door. Opening it, she saw Jean’s red hair covered in snow flurries.
“Hey, came to grab my stuff.”
(Y/n) stood frozen, confused as Jean walked past her, grabbing her duffel bag. “What?”
“Oh come on, it hasn’t been that long since we’ve all been on a mission like this. I room with Scott and you with Warren so that we can all.. you know.”
(Y/n) shook her head quickly, “No, Jean, no. That was before.. that was old times. I need to room with you, I’m not sharing a room with Warren!” She stood in front of the door, trying to block Jean from leaving.
“Yes you are. I need to room with Scott, we haven’t been alone in weeks.”
“Ew, Jean shut up.”
Jean rolled her eyes, pushing past (Y/n).
“Jean no! Come back!”
(Y/n) ran to the other room next door where Jean had gone, knocking loudly. The door opened, revealing Warren with his bag in his hand.
“No! Jean, no!”
Warren’s voice immediately stopped. She doesn’t even want to see me, why would Jean think she’d be okay rooming with me?
His heart sunk even farther as (Y/n) continued her protests while he set up shop in her room. He sat down on the right side of her bed, remembering how she preferred the left side. His head was in his hands, eyes burning from frustration and self-hatred.
All Warren could think about was how much fun these missions used to be for him and (Y/n). The night before meeting with the recruit was spent eating too many vending machine snacks and staying up too late fooling around. Now he’d consider himself lucky if she said one word to him.
(Y/n) entered the room, dragging her feet. She stopped as she saw Warren on the bed. “You aren’t sleeping on the bed.”
Warren’s head whipped up at her words. She hadn’t spoken to him all day and that was the first thing she had said? 
“I’m not sleeping on the floor, it’s freezing.”
(Y/n) rolled her eyes, grabbing a pillow, “Fine, I’ll sleep on the floor.”
Warren’s hand shot out, grabbing her wrist. “No (Y/n), you’ll freeze.”
She shook off his hand, “Don’t touch me, asshole.”
Warren quickly retracted his hand, voice breaking as he mumbled an “I’m sorry.”
Her words circled in his head as he tried to hold back his tears.
don’t touch me, don’t touch me, don’t touch me, asshole
(Y/n) wasn’t sure what she was supposed to do about a crying Warren on her bed. 
Turns out, her body made the decision for her by making her involuntarily leap onto the bed to hold him at the sound of her name passing through his lips. He pressed his face into her shoulder, tears still running freely.
“I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry, (Y/n) please-I love you so much, I’m so sorry, I love you-”
“I’m such an asshole and I don’t deserve you, I know I don’t but I love you so much-”
“I’m so sorry, I love-”
“Warren, you don’t love me.”
He pulled away from her shoulder, looking up at her with wet cheeks. “Yes I do, (Y/n). I love you so much and-”
“If you loved me you never would have-”
“I never should have! I didn’t want to end things- I was just irritated and tired and mad and I’m so sorry, please (Y/n).” 
(Y/n) stayed still, eyes on him. She wasn’t sure what to make of his apology or the fact that for the first time he said he loved her.
“God, look at me, I look like such a pussy. I can’t believe I’m crying in front of you.” Warren wiped his eyes, still watching her, waiting for a reaction. When none came he moved his hands to cup her face, looking into her eyes, “I love you so much and I’m so fucking so-”
(Y/n) cut him off by placing a strong kiss to his lips, which Warren immediately fell into, not realizing how much he had missed the taste of her. 
She pulled away, hands on his face, wiping at the few tears that were still spilling. 
She pressed her forehead against his, holding him close.
“I love you, (Y/n) and you don’t have to say it back, I know you hate me-”
“I love you, Warren.”
Warren’s heart skipped a beat as he heard those words leave her mouth, something he was honestly not expecting to hear, ever. He jumped on top of her, pinning her to the bed. 
“I missed you so much, you have no idea.”
He pushed his lips back onto hers, pressing his tongue into her mouth, fighting with hers. 
(Y/n)’s hands started to trail under his shirt, feeling the scars beneath her fingers. She started to tug at it, signaling to Warren that he should take it off. He pulled out of the kiss, trying to pull the shirt over his head without ripping it on his big wings. 
(Y/n) followed his suit, pulling her hoodie and shirt over her head, leaving her in a bra and jeans. 
Warren laid back onto her, grinding his hips against hers as he kissed her neck while he teased at her bra straps, waiting for her to beg for it.
“Warren...,” she whimpered. 
“What do you want? Tell me.”
“Fuck me please, I’ve missed you so fucking much.”
Warren pulled his face from her neck, looking at her now. “And your hand just doesn’t compare, does it?”
(Y/n) shook her head, licking her lips as she thought of all the nights she spent with her hand in her panties trying to give herself the same feeling Warren used to. 
“Let me make it up to you first...”
Warren began to slide down her body, unbuttoning her jeans, pulling them down with her underwear in one go. 
“No, Warren, I need you to fuck me now. Like right now.”
Warren moved back up to her face. “You sure? I miss going down on you, it’s been far too long..”
“We’ll have time for that later, now I just need your cock, please!”
Warren pulled down his sweats, leaving his boxers for her to deal with. Her hands reached up to where he was on top of her, palming him, getting him so hard it hurt. 
“Fuck, I missed you, (Y/n).”
(Y/n) finally pulled down his boxers, “Show me how much you missed me.”
taglist:  @chocolatealmondmilkshake @thoughtlesspace @billyhargovesgurl @babebenhardy
hmu to be added to my taglist!! and send me requests!!
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idea-garden · 5 years
oneshot #7 - dirty bathroom fuck - pt.2 | @minseoks-personal-trashcan
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pt. 1 | pt. 2
Sequel to a request from @minseoks-personal-trashcan​
Written by @idea-garden​
This has been requested since I posted the first part, and we all know that was forever ago...
SMUT / 18+ / car sex / angry sex? / public sex / oral / orgasm denial / dirty talk / d/s / bdsm
3,800 words
SooRi left for a six-month internship. SooRi will never leave Baekhyun again...
If you like this like it, reblog it, and follow me!
This is trash.
SooRi stood outside her apartment door waiting for her rideshare to pick her up. The cool autumn breeze had picked up some and it made her shiver slightly in her nude bodycon dress. Finally, her ride came, the car’s lights cutting the dark sky. Collecting herself in the car, she gave the address, then sat back to observe the scenes outside the window. Everything she passed by looked so foreign and so familiar at the same time. Each place holding a different memory, giving her both nostalgia and nausea.
After a slow cruise, she reached her destination. It was her favorite restaurant. Ugh. She missed this place. She turned her eyes up at the bright place, took a breath, and slapped a few crumpled bills in her driver’s hand.
SooRi couldn’t believe it’d only been six months since she was last home. It felt good to be back. Of course, there was no place like home.
The fine dining establishment was set for dinner. Its floor-to-ceiling windows giving a beautiful view of the harbor. The decor was set in warm lighting. Cream carpet, cream chairs, off-white tablecloths, and various shades of gardenias were just a few aesthetic notes she observed.
This place was fancy. Too fancy. But, since she wasn’t buying, she had no issue eating there.
SooRi stood at the front of the restaurant, only waiting for a brief second before a hostess in a cute cocktail dress appeared before her. They exchanged brief smiles, as the hostess asked for a name. The restaurant was so exclusive that you could only eat there by reservation only. Apparently, according to her friend, you had to book at least six weeks in advance. SooRi appreciated the gesture. She was never one to want a big fuss to be made over her, but she had to admit it felt pretty great to be in the middle of the fanfare.
She stood for a second as the hostess scanned the seating chart, then guided her to a semi-private table set for six. Menus and neatly folded napkins were sitting on white plates that covered gold chargers. The hostess pulled out her chair and wished her a pleasant dining experience.
She was the first one to arrive to her own welcome back dinner. Typical--considering her immediate friend group. Jessi and Junmyeon were either doting on each other or having car sex in the parking lot. SooRi was convinced that Jongin and Chanyeol didn’t even know how to tell time. And Baekhyun… well he didn’t give a shit about anyone’s time except his own.
SooRi pulled out her phone, shooting a text to Jessi and noting the time. She was a little early, so she wasn't too irked. A response returned within two minutes. Her friend was on her way there--delayed traffic. SooRi told her it was no problem. She had the aching suspicion she and Junmyeon were definitely fucking in the car. However, SooRi knew her friend would never intentionally keep her waiting.
After about ten minutes, she saw Jessi and Junmyeon in lockstep carrying balloons and what looked like a neatly wrapped gift. Jessi passed her things to her boyfriend and enveloped SooRi in a tight hug.
"I missed you so much! I'm so glad you're back!" The pair teetered side to side as the hug continued.
SooRi had to chuckle, they talked every single day of her absence. There was a good chance Jessi knew more about her day than she did, but nonetheless it felt great to see familiar faces again.
"I'm glad to be back! It's good to be back with friends again."
Just as the words left her lips, Jongin walked up with Chanyeol in tow.
"There are my boys," SooRi pulled them in one after the other.
She noticed them dropping off little gift bags where Junmyeon had been previously.
"Have a seat guys! I guess we can get started," SooRi urged them to get comfortable.
She looked around the table with a smile, until her eyes rested on the empty seat.
SooRi knew she shouldn't have expected much from him, but she still wanted to see him.
"Where's Baek?"
"He just messaged me. He's on his way. He wanted us to start without him." Junmyeon reassured her.
He was probably still upset with her. She knew he had every right to be, but being on the receiving end of a cold shoulder was never pleasant.
The group eventually ordered their beverages and a palate cleanser. Meanwhile, Baekhyun sat in his car, deliberating whether or not he was ready to see her.
His thumbs twisted around the key fob as he was deep in thought.
She left him. She left him without a word. He didn't owe her anything, and she didn't owe him anything, but he'd be lying if he said he didn't miss her.
"Fuck it. I'm here now." Baekhyun slammed his car door on the way out, pissed he missed her as much as he did.
He spent no time waiting for the hostess to lead him to the table. He walked through with a confident stride. Dressed in fitted black jeans and a navy button down. The shirt, top two buttons open, gave a sinful hint of the body underneath.
In true Baekhyun fashion, he greeted the table with an off-handed comment before plopping down in the only empty seat.
Of course, it was the seat in front of her.
SooRi's mouth nearly went dry when she saw him. She hadn't seen him in six full months. Sure, she'd been stalking his Instagram, but nothing compared to the real thing.
Involuntarily, she clutched her dainty, gold necklace, rubbing it--most likely praying for the strength to make it through this dinner without crawling across the table to get on top of him.
He gave a smirk and reached across to her wine glass, taking a sip from it, daring her to react to him. He was truly a piece of work.
‘Lord, give me strength,' she mused as a strong breath filtered through her nose.
Drinks were scattered around the table and appetizers were spread and half-eaten.
“So, did you meet any cute guys during your internship?” Jessi snickered.
“Yeah, SooRi. Did you fuck them until they wanted to stick around, then hop on the next flight out of there?” Baekhyun grit his teeth under an annoyed stare in her direction.
“Baek, chill out!” Jongin rested a hand on his shoulder, while Baekhyun took a sip of his alcoholic beverage.
He was going to need to get drunk to make it through this damn thing.
“No, I didn’t have to do that. It turns out that most men are mature. They are upfront about what they want and don’t play games, then pout when they don’t get their way.”
“Now that I think about it, having you stay with a man is punishment enough. Perhaps, you’re doing us all a favor when you run away.” Baekhyun slammed his glass down to punctuate his malcontent.
“I think this is a good time for dessert.” Chanyeol piped up.
“God Chanyeol. We haven’t even had our entrees.” Junmyeon murmured under his breath.
“Well, it’s a better suggestion than watching a fucking cage match at our table!”
No one could argue with that.
“Let’s all cut Baekhyun a break. It’s difficult for us to see things from his perspective, because none of us can get our heads that far up our own asses.” SooRi winked at him and Baekhyun rolled his eyes damn near out of his skull.
“You just don’t know how much I’ve missed you, SooRi, “Jessi smirked at her boyfriend before the rest of the group had a hearty laugh at poor Baekhyun’s expense.
Before long, the main meals had come and gone. Now, the group sat around trading stories to catch each other up on the happenings of their life over dessert.
"I'm so glad to be back. I just want to settle into my old routine again."
Baekhyun scoffed, partly in disbelief.
"Which part of your routine? The part where you beg me to fuck you in every position known to man? Or the part where you act like you aren't interested in us being 'us'?"
Eyebrows shot up around the table. This was news.
SooRi cast her head down. This was one of the few times in her life she wasn't feeling too combative. Normally, she would've ripped Baekhyun a new asshole, or exsanguinated him with words sharper than knives, but not tonight.
"What's the matter, SooRi? You still haven't told them about us keeping up fuck buddy-status since Jongin's party?"
That cheeky bastard beamed at the chance to put her in her place in front of everyone.
"You know, just because your parents never gave you hugs as a kid, doesn't excuse you from being a complete ass." SooRi didn't want him to think she cared about anything he had to say, but enough was enough.
She took a deep breath, then sighed. "I'm sorry guys. I don't think I can stay here any longer." SooRi stood, reaching for her purse and phone.
"Don't leave your welcome back party! We'll kick Baekhyun's sorry ass out of here," Chanyeol snickered and stuck his tongue out.
"You're the best, Yeol. It's getting late anyway, and we've had such a nice time. I'd hate to ruin the night with an attempted murder charge."
SooRi hugged her friends one last time, before she departed. Her heels clicked with a soft echo in the concrete parking lot. She tapped her foot out front, waiting for her rideshare.
A strong hand gripped her waist without warning.
"You've got a lot nerve, walking out on me like that."
"I don't know if you were at the same dinner that I was, but you were the one acting all butt-hurt."
"When the going gets tough, SooRi gets going." Baekhyun shrugged, "If you want to get home you might as well let me take you. I canceled your ride. You're still on my account, remember?"
SooRi glared at him, fighting her instinct to curse him out.
"You'd have better luck asking Carmen Sandiego where in the world you lost your damn mind!"
"Get in the fucking car, SooRi. Let me take you home."
The tension was palpable as they rode in silence. Baekhyun cut his eyes over her frame. She looked amazing, as always. Since he'd had her, there was no one else he wanted.
"It killed me when you left." He spoke never looking in her direction.
"W-What?" SooRi tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.
"You just left me. I thought that we were, kind of, building something. Then, I find out through Instagram that you're on your way to New York for an internship."
"You always knew I had to go...," SooRi trailed off in a whisper.
Baekhyun's fingers tightened around the steering wheel, knuckles white and fully-flexed.
"That is not the point, dammit! You can't make people fall for you, then just leave them high and dry!"
SooRi's eyes widened, mouth partly agape, a series of questions ready to flow from her brain to her lips.
"Baekhyun-- W-Where are you going?!" She watched as he peeled off the path to her home and down some dark street.
Both of their bodies lurched forward as he came to a stop in the desolate alleyway. Putting the car in park, he turned to SooRi with a dark glint in his eyes.
"I wish I could get you out of my mind. I wish I could hate you."
Baekhyun pressed his lips against SooRi's, gently at first, gradually his force increased. She weakly tried to push him off, but she missed the feeling. His tone arm pulled her closer to him, SooRi's side digging into the center console.
"Ouch! Not so rough!" SooRi shifted uncomfortably around the console and his unrelenting grip.
"I think that's the least of your problems tonight, SooRi-ah. Someone needs to teach you some manners. It's not polite to leave your boyfriend without so much as a word."
"Boyfriend? Really, Baek?"
His hands grabbed her hips as best they could. "Ah, ah, ah! Tonight, I think you should address me as 'Sir,' don't you think? I am teaching you a very important lesson. Now, crawl into my lap, baby girl."
Against her better judgement, she shifted over his lap, "I bet you've missed this, huh?"
"Don't flatter yourself, Baekhyun."
He took no time to swat her ass quickly a few times. "What did I tell you to address me as?"
"...Sir...," SooRi looked off to the side. She'd be damned if she was going to make eye contact. Besides, she already knew he had a shit-eating grin on his face.
"Good girl. Lift up your dress."
Baekhyun watched as she wriggled around to lift her dress around her waist. He eyed the microscopic piece of fabric that was her lacy, white thong. His tongue slithered out from between his lips, eager to have and taste her.
She gnawed on her bottom lip in anticipation. She could feel his fingers ghosting over her entrance, before a cool gust of air hit her skin. He clenched his teeth, snapping the panties at the waistband.
SooRi glowered down at him, but stifled a moan when he shoved the underwear in his pocket.
"Looks like someone missed me, too," he dipped two fingers inside SooRi, while his thumb massaged her clit. "How thoughtful of you to keep it nice and wet for me."
She released a hoarse, needy groan at his delicate touch. He always knew which button to press to keep her reeling.
"Feel good, sweet girl?"
She nodded erratically, bucking her hips up to meet his fingers. "Uh huh. Y-Yes, Sir."
His digits quickened as they curled to tease her g-spot. Baekhyun was quite amused watching her face contort in a mixture of pleasure and discomfort. Her shallow moans broke up the silence between her delicious wet sounds and the leather squeaking against their active bodies.
Baekhyun slapped SooRi's inner thighs when her hip rolling became too eager. "There is so much more fun to have, baby."
"I'm close, Sir." Her nails dug into his shoulders, body twisting as her orgasm neared.
Her whimpers were the sweetest music to his ears. He could feel her warmth pulsing around his fingers.
As she found herself teetering dangerously on the edge, Baekhyun withdrew his fingers, opting to taste her.
She whined, watching him savor her unique flavor, "Put them back, please...Sir. I want to cum on your fingers."
"This wouldn't be much of a lesson, without some form of punishment."
Wiping his wet fingers on SooRi’s inner thighs, Baekhyun gripped her face in a deep kiss. Their tongues danced around in desperation for one another. Mouths still connected, he tugged at the thin straps of her dress, all too impatient for it to come off.
SooRi wriggled out of the top half of the dress, rolling it to the middle of her stomach where the rest of the dress was. Baekhyun’s tongue dragged a fiery trail down her neck to her uncovered breasts.
His tongue flicked at her nipples, before he alternated with a light suctioning pressure. He pulled the soft skin through his teeth, gently biting her and leaving her chest covered in maroon bruises.
SooRi tangled her fingers in his hair, head dropped back and body still tense with the desire to cum.
“Unzip my pants,” Baekhyun smirked at her attempts to grind against him for any kind of sensation.
She didn’t have to be told twice.
In a matter of seconds, Baekhyun’s dick was stiffening in SooRi’s manicured hand.
“Go ahead, princess. Ride me.”
She lined him up with her entrance and sank down with a satisfying sigh. He filled her up so nicely. She fit around him like a glove.
SooRi wrapped her arms around the driver’s headrest, slapping her hips up and down wildly. Baekhyun broke up the monotonous sound with a few sharp ass slaps.
Kneading the tender flesh, he grunted, “Damn, I’ve missed this ass.”
SooRi leaned back to roll her hips, narrowly missing the horn. Her knees dug into the soft leather around Baekhyun, frustrated by the lack of space. His hands ran up the sides of her waist and settled on her bruised tits.
Palming them roughly, she mewled as he rolled her nipples between his fingers. She hissed watching him pinch and tweak the hard nubs.
He pulled on her nipples as if they were the reins of a horse--tugging them mercilessly enjoying her whinnies for release. When he felt he'd done enough, he closed a broad hand around her throat.
"I'm about to--," she was barely able to breath out.
They were both well aware of the fact that whenever his hands clasped around her throat, she would be drenched. It was like she was straddling Niagara Falls.
"Not yet," Baekhyun swiftly opened his door and scooped her off of his length.
She wobbled to find her footing as she stood right outside the car--totally exposed.
"Baekhyun, what the fuck?!" She tried to shield her nude form and scurry to the passenger's seat, only for Baekhyun to stop her in her tracks.
"That's 'Sir,' to you. But, since you want to be a mouthy little slut, I'll give you something productive to do with your mouth."
Baekhyun eyes gleamed darkly as he stared her down. He towered over her to drop his jeans more comfortably, before resuming his seated position.
"Let's see those pretty lips on my dick, hmm?" Baekhyun blew a kiss in her direction, meanwhile SooRi returned the evil eye.
If she felt that her knees were in an uncomfortable position in the car, the cold asphalt was certainly no improvement.
SooRi kneeled and looked up to him, teeth gritting as she gripped him at the base of his cock. Her hands glided up and down his glistening shaft, pumping him faster and faster.
She swiped his tip quickly, cleaning a clear drop of precum. Her tongue drug a sloppy trail up from his balls to the tip, before swirling around the head.
SooRi shivered at the cool, night air, smirking at the thought of being so naughty. The lonely, flickering street light cast a shadow over the pair. The sounds and faint lights of cars moving on the highway made them very aware of their daring deed.
Baekhyun sucked in a jagged breath as her warm mouth worked its magic. He stroked her curly hair with great care, easing her down on his needy, aching member.
His voice strained as she expertly handled his girth. She always knew exactly what he needed in exactly the right moment. It wasn't long before he had her lips motioning at the base of his member.
"Fuck, baby...," he eked out with a clenched jaw.
After a few muffled gags, SooRi bobbed up for much-needed air. She lapped at the new precum leaking from his head. She eyed him with sliver of rebellion, as her hands pumped him faster and faster. One hand massaged his balls, while she tongued his tip.
"Is it good, Sir?" She'd picked up his signature smirk with no practice.
Baekhyun lifted SooRi from his length by her chin, "Ah, ah, ah. I want to pump that pretty pussy full of cum."
Her cheeks turned a bright shade of red as she stood in front of him, lips glistening in the brief flashes of light.
"You think if I put a baby in that tight little stomach, you'll have a reason to stay with me?" He whispered roughly in her ear.
She nearly lost her breath at the new side he was revealing.
He stood up, leading her to the hood of the car with one hand and holding his pants to help his waddle with the other.
When he found a comfortable spot, he cupped his hands under her ass, lifting her on the hood of his sedan.
She landed with a soft thud, tensing at the cold metal beneath her.
"Spread those legs, baby," he took a few seconds to kiss her inner thighs and pass his tongue over her slick opening.
Baekhyun lined his shaft up to her entrance, rubbing her clit with his thumb and parting her wetness with his tip.
"Mmmmm, don't tease," SooRi panted, hips moving at the slightest sensation.
Her body was on fire and no amount of air could cool her down. She needed release and wouldn't be denied. Not this time, anyway.
He pecked her lips, pulling her bottom lip through his teeth, just the way she liked it. Within a moment, he shoved hard and pushed his entire length into her in one thrust, holding her hips to pull her against him.
"You. Never. Fucking. Leave. Me. Again. Got it?!" He blew through his teeth, each thrust more powerful than the last.
It was her turn to grunt, grit, and moan, feeling his length tunnel into her. His thickness stretched her more than she remembered. She dug her hands into the hood of the car, frustrated that there was nothing to grab and hold onto for dear life. SooRi felt like she was losing her grip--not only on Baekhyun’s car, but reality--as he started moving, drawing back, and thrusting his length into her again and again.
"Oh, fuck! Keep fucking me like this, Sir! I'll never leave you again, Baekhyun!"
His mouth dried before a broad grin covered his features, "Learned your lesson so soon?"
SooRi could barely respond when her eyes shut tightly, riding the wave of pleasure flowing through her body. An onlooker would have described her as possessed, the way she writhed, convulsed, and shuddered. She rocked back and forth, still sliding on his dick, moaning unintelligible, incoherent strings of words.
The rocking BMW didn't have much of a chance to still as Baekhyun tipped over the edge. He felt his balls contract up towards his body, anticipating the muscle contractions start that would send him cumming inside her, and he grabbed her hips with both hands again to pull her back into him.
The spasms lasted for what seemed like forever in those moments of release. He bucked into her erratically as his ejaculation subsided, slowly coming down from the high.
Baekhyun rested inside her for a few minutes, before slipping out, gradually softening while SooRi adjusted her dress.
He pulled his pants up and hopped back in the driver's seat, waiting for SooRi.
When she closed the door behind her, they buckled up and peeled out of the alleyway.
"Maybe, I should leave more often?" SooRi winked as they headed to her place.
"Maybe, you need another lesson?" Baekhyun gripped her thigh, as he sped off into the distance.
Idea Garden is a writing prompts blog. We focus mainly on smut prompts, however, our prompts do span genres.
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unforgetabelle · 6 years
A place to land
(4932 w)
ao3   fanfiction
Alya stared up at the flashing screen, her eyes repeatedly skipping between two different departures as the board scrolled through the day’s flights. One to St. Petersburg, the other to Vienna. Both left in thirty minutes, one headed where she should go and one where she wanted to go.
Resigning herself to the option she knew would win out in the end, she walked to sit in her terminal, took out her phone and texted Nino. Pausing only momentarily to gaze at the lock screen, a sunny picture of them both in Barcelona taken months before, she quickly opened up the messenger app and started typing.
How much longer are you in Vienna?
My gig is for another two weeks.  His reply took no more than a minute to come through and Alya smiled, leaning back into her seat. They were in the same time zone for once, but it was nearly 10 in the morning. There was only one reason Nino would be awake at that time on a Saturday, and it was because he was stalking her flight progress. Three years of a long distance relationship, each of them jetting off to often-times far flung places, and Nino still insisted on having detailed flight numbers and schedules of her travels. Without fail, he would track her progress until she reached her destination and called to check in. Her parents often joked that they never needed to worry about her travels because she had an ever present vigilante in Nino.
Her boyfriend wore the label with pride, and while she rolled her eyes at times, Nino was always quick to remind her of when she got stranded on a layover in southern India during monsoon season. Without cell service, and the wifi down, Alya had been sure she would be stuck in the country indefinitely, certainly missing Marinette’s line debut two days later. Nino, having tracked her progress, wasted no time in booking her a train north to an area where flights were not grounded and got her a one-way ticket to Paris. When a member of the airport staff had called for her and then proceeded to hand her a print out of the messengered tickets they received from Nino, Alya had never before been so grateful for Nino’s quirk.
With anyone else, his behaviour might seen crazy, but with Alya flying across the world constantly, to far off and sometimes to unfriendly regions, she knew it was his little way of looking out for her from afar. Besides, crazy was normal for them. And without Nino, Alya would have missed her best friend’s debut as a fashion designer. Without him, Alya would be traveling the word listlessly. She may not have an apartment as home base, but she had a Nino. He was her place to land, always. Her home, and she hadn’t been home in months.
The Austria flight was looking more and more appealing by the second.
Why? Nino texted again. She knew his schedule, so he (correctly) assumed there was an ulterior motive to her questioning.
How would you like an unexpected guest?
Alya held her breath, watching as his typing bubbles appeared on screen.
Depends. Is she a redhead? I have a soft spot for redheads ;)
Alya smiled at the comment. She’d known Nino for over a decade. He didn’t have a soft spot for redheads. He had a soft spot for her.
She’s currently veering dangerously towards a copper-head, she typed back with a grimace. Too much time in that Moroccan sun.
Alya grabbed a wayward curl, pulling it taut and nearly doubling its length. Morocco had been surprisingly humid during her time there and extremely sunny. Her mother would scold her SPF usage to see how dark her complexion had turned, and her hair, usually a subtle auburn, had lightened considerably. While she usually passed as brunette in most lights, there was no denying the decidedly orange turn her hair had taken.
A little more foxy than normal?
His reply came and Alya snorted out loud, drawing a bemused glance from those sitting near her. The word “foxy” took on an entirely new meaning between the two of them and Alya couldn’t help but roll her eyes at the reference. One halloween when they’d both happened to be in the US for work, she‘d thought it’d be funny to dress up and partake in the holiday. Finding a cute little fox onesie, she bought a box of temporary hair dye to match the orange color scheme. The hair dye, as it happened, was not temporary. Nor was Nino’s memory of the incident. Still, remembering him coming home to their apartment and finding her snuggled in the pajamas, with a matching turtle pair for him, was one she cherished. They leaned into the American tradition, watching zombie movies and handing out candy to the never-ending stream of trick-or-treaters that knocked on their door. Better to reminisce on the night itself than on the true horror that came days later when, her hair still orange, a bemused Nino fished the dye box out of the trash and read out her fate.
Choosing to ignore his bait, she responded.
Nothing a nice dose of Viennese winter won’t cure
Nah ;), his text came through with a wink. I’ll pass. Wouldn’t want to make my girlfriend jealous
Alya felt her face drop into a deadpan expression as she responded.
I think she’d be okay with it
I think she has an assignment in St. Petersburg for the next month, Nino shot back. If my calculations are correct, she’s on her way there right now.
Not if she changes course to Vienna
You are on your way to St. Petersburg, right?
She pursed her lips, looking up that the monitor that proudly displayed a departing flight to Russia, already starting to board, but felt her eyes wander to the terminal across the way. How hard would a ticket transfer really be? Would it hurt to at least check and see if there were seats available?
Yes, she finally texted back, resigned. But I could be on my way to Vienna. I’m in Prague. It’s a short flight from here!
Alya, don’t, his response came almost instantaneously and Alya felt a pout start to form on her face. Her boarding group was called and she reluctantly shouldered her bag and stood in line. Just to rub salt in the wound, she ended up directly behind a couple, arms wrapped around each other as they giggled at something on the girl’s phone. Alya’s own side felt dramatically cold watching them, but she tried not to be too bitter. How many times had she stood with Nino exactly the same way? Gushing over some comments on her articles or listening along to a new mix he’d pieced together? She’d inevitably laugh at something he said, triggering a chain of events so reliable she could set her watch by it.
His hand would squeeze her side. She’d look up with a smile. He’d place a kiss on the tip of her nose. She’d crinkle it in response and then frown until he gave her a proper kiss.
Someone else might call it predictable, but Alya called it tradition. They’re own little ritual. It had been over a year since she’d been in Paris and seen her family, almost a year since she’d seen Marinette, and four months since she’d seen Nino. She’d been so far from any semblance of home for so long. For someone many would consider rootless, Alya craved her traditions, especially with Nino.
We haven’t been this close in forever. Alya knew her whine would be easily detected through text, but she didn’t care. She rarely whined.  Not a needy person in general, the sentiment carried over to how she was in a relationship. It was a big part of the reason why she and Nino could be apart for long periods without either of them going insane. They found contentment in each other no matter the distance. Even the months they lived side by side, neither was attached at the hip, easily sharing their time while still remaining independent people over all. He was her complement in every way. They both valued their space just as much as their intimacy.
And when they were apart, even in the moments she missed him like crazy, she had very much a ‘keep calm and carry on’ attitude. They were solid, and he was only a phone call away. Their separations were always temporary, and as far flung as they traveled, home was always a call, or a plane, away.
Still, even the calm and collected Alya Cesaire gave in and whined every once in a while when she missed her boyfriend. Balance was the key to any relationship, after all.
Don’t you miss me? She asked, trying to suppress her smile as his response came immediately.
That’s a ridiculous question, the green dialogue bubble popped up, followed aggressively by two more. I haven’t seen you in months, the second read before being pushed up by a third. I missed you as soon as you stepped on the plane in August.
Then it’s decided. I’ll see you in Vienna!
Alya, no. You have to go to St. Petersburg. Nino’s messaged pinged as she handed her passport to the smiling flight attendant.You already accepted the contract. Isn’t this the story for that anthropology magazine you’re trying to work for?
And you’re just going to, what? Not do it? Nino’s messages started coming in with a fury, but Alya was having far too much fun to break the news that she was already on the plane.
Alya Charlot Cesaire, he spelled her full name deliberately. Are you running AWAY from a story?
No. She typed back insistently, annoyance at his accusation pricking even as she knew he was baiting her. I’d be running TOWARDS my boyfriend
What happened?
Why does something have to have happened? She asked as she walked onto the already crowded plane, making her way slowly towards the budget seats in the back. A seat was a seat, and for a two hour flight, she was not paying a 150% markup for the promise of 2 centimeters more legroom.
Because Alya Charlot Cesaire does not run from her responsibilities, and she never breaks a commitment once made. Nino wrote back. How do you think I convinced her to stick with this travel weary DJ?
1.Stop referring to me by my full name, you weirdo. I feel like my mother is scolding me. Alya rolled her eyes, typing in her second to the list before stowing her bag in the overhead and falling into her seat with a plop. 2.Let me live my life
The last of her row to arrive, Alya sunk into her aisle seat and buckled up. Sharing a polite smile with her row mates to be civil, she quickly turned back to her phone to protect herself from opening up the floor for any airplane-small-talk--arguably, the worst incarnation of the discourse.  
And you’re stuck with ME, she added after Nino hadn’t responded in a few minutes. Which is why I’ll see you in Vienna in a few hours. BYE!
Alya, his answer came instantly, but she didn’t respond.
ALYA, he tried again. DO NOT GO TO VIENNA
Why :(, she shot back. I’ve never been to Vienna! It’ll be educational!
She saw his typing bubbles pop up, but didn’t give him the chance to interject.
I can even make a few blog posts about it, she wrote.Come on. Show me around your home of the last few months!
His typing progress appeared and disappeared a few times before his answer came through.
Alya, no, he finally responded, just when Alya started to worry she had actually managed to convince him. Nino appeared to be soft spoken to most people, but Alya knew he was as stubborn as she was once he made up his mind. For her entertainment value that morning, she was counting on it.
Nino :(
Pleeeaaassseee??? She added the letters to draw out her whine, and smiled when she saw his response hesitate.
Alya chuckled, mentally amending her earlier evaluation of Nino’s resolve. He was stubborn...until it came to her.
:D That was practically a maybe
That was my will weakening as I imagined your damn pleading eyes, he responded, And that stupidly cute dimple you get in your left cheek when you pout. Alya could practically see him now, taking off his glasses to rub the bridge of his nose with a sigh.
God dammit, Alya!
Admit it, she texted back, smile on her face in full force now. You miss me
I have admitted it, he wrote back. In this very conversation, no less
She felt a soft smile come to her face, as she leaned back into the seat. The flight attendants were saying something over the loudspeaker now, but she was only paying attention to Nino.
Doesn’t mean I think you should come to Vienna
But, Niiinnnnoooooo
Stop. You have a job to do, his response came through, and Alya knew instantly she was dealing with serious Nino now. One after another, the statements popped up in her messenger.
You have contacts waiting for you
People you’ve been emailing for months in preparation for this
People who trust you
People whose story you promised to tell
Are you really going to up and desert them?
:( Alya texted back with a sigh, and though Nino had ended her fun, her heart warmed. He got it. He understood why it mattered; understood the compulsion she felt to explore the world, telling people’s stories. He understood her, even in the moments she really wished she could be the type of person to throw responsibility to the wind and go see her love.
Just two more months, he wrote, instantly consoling. We’re going to spend all of February together in Reykjavik. 28 whole days. You’ll be sick of me by the end.
Impossible, she wrote back. I will never get sick of you. Of that, I am positive.
Her neighbor opened the visor on the window, and a flash of gold on her finger urged her to add, And I have a ring on my finger to prove it
You have my class ring--which you stole--on your finger, his response came, and Alya imagined Nino rolling his eyes on the other end.
Same thing
Absolutely NOT the same thing, Nino wrote, taking her bait as he always did.(And when I offer you the real thing, you better act excited, and not like we’ve been engaged since uni)
It was an open joke with their friends and families about when the two would ‘settle down’. To Alya, it really didn’t matter. Nino was her other half, and everyone who was important knew that. She didn’t need a slip of paper or a party to announce that to the world. Nino, on the other hand, took the topic of their marriage very seriously. While he hadn’t proposed to her in so many words, Alya never doubted the inevitability of their marriage. The official commitment in the act was important to Nino, so whatever her personal feelings about the redundancy of it, it was important to her by proxy.
Nino, you’ve been stuck with me since lycee, she reminded him gently. Ring or no ring.
But , she added with a smile. I’m a fantastic actress and I promise I’ll give you your movie-magic proposal moment
Remind me how I ended up with you again? His response came, reading in a fondly exasperated tone.
Sheer luck and a bizarre zoo incarceration :)
Nino sent a smiling face back before changing back to the topic at hand.
How much time until you leave for PIE?
A few minutes, she admitted. I’ve been on the plane for a while
I figured
I still miss you. Next time, I’ll actually be getting on the other plane
If you had set your mind to come, there would be no stopping you. I wouldn’t bother to even try
Alya smiled at her phone,
Good, as long as we’re clear
Call me when you get there
Yes, sir
I love you
I love you, too, she typed.Even though you refuse to let me come tell you so in person.
Nino sent an annoyed face, but she wasn’t done.
I’m just so unwanted :(
Believe me, his response appeared. Nothing could be farther from the truth
Oh? Do tell ;)
His typing bubbled hesitated, before a wink emoji appeared teasingly on the screen.
Spoilsport, she responded, her eyes catching the flight attendant as she started to make her way down the aisle, no doubt beginning to instruct them to turn their phones to airplane mode.
It’s a good thing you’re so cute, she continued in a hurry. Otherwise I’d have tired of your antics long ago
Yes. Thank god for my devilishly good looks and charm
Who said anything about charm? She asked, blinking innocently at her phone as if he could see her facial expression through it.
My girlfriend. Do you know her? He wrote.Tall. Red hair. Loves to mock me?
Great ass?  She typed back, just as the attendant passed and gave her the stink eye for not heeding her ‘shut off and store’ warning.
The best
You lucky boy, she risked one last message, catching his response just as she went to switch off her service and the plane began to move.
Don’t I know it ;)
Nino looked at the monitor to confirm the flight one more time before finding somewhere to sit and wait. He let an exhausted sigh release from his body as he settled into the cool metal bench and let the familiar sounds of travelers calm him even as his fidgeted with the small ring circling his pinky.
Airports had always been a comfort to him. Even in his earliest memories, they were a constant. What started as multiple trips a year to visit family abroad had evolved into his roaming lifestyle, and throughout it all, airports were a constant. No matter where you were, whichever culture and whatever language, airports all felt the same. There was a familiar logic and atmosphere to the transit hubs, and Nino had always felt at home on these cusps between worlds.
In the last few years, airports had taken on even more meaning to him. They represented the worst and best moments in his life. So many times, in the stark fluorescent light and gleam of over-polished tile, he’d watched her walk away from him. His only consolation was knowing that months later, he and airports would once again be on good terms, because as many times as he’d watched her walk away from him, Alya would always walk towards him once more. Nino never had any doubt that she’d be back. Alya always came back to him, and he to her. No matter how long they were apart, or how far they traveled, they anchored each other.
People often viewed the depth of their relationship with incredulity. How could people who were apart so often truly have anything lasting and stable? Even his best friend looked at them with confusion at times. While Adrien was the last person to question their dedication to each other, he often wondered how Nino could stand being away from her so long. His dude was on edge after only a week away from his home and his wife. Nino and Alya’s far-flung relationship was probably Adrien’s nightmare, and a part of Nino understood where he was coming from.
He’d be lying if he said he preferred the long absences of his other half, but it didn’t throw him into anxiety like it did Adrien. Alya had a passion just like he did, both of them chasing dreams and music and stories wherever they called. It was such a large part of what made them who they were as individuals, sacrificing it for the sake of being in the same geographical location had always seemed frivolous.
And while they both had plans to settle one day--or at least, to control their careers enough to be vagabonds together--even if it stayed like this forever, Nino wouldn’t trade it for a stationary life with anyone else. A week by Alya’s side was worth an eternity with anyone else, and despite her teasing, he knew she felt the exact same way. Nino may not always know what city he would live in next, or when the music would call him, but if there was one thing he was forever sure of, it was her. Alya was his home. Wherever he traveled, he knew she held half his heart, a beacon guiding him to wherever she was should he ever find himself too weary of his roaming.
Which, currently, happened to land him in St. Petersburg.
When the owner of a franchise of clubs had approached him about a month-long gig in Russia the week before, Nino wasted no time jumping at the opportunity. His current location had certainly given him exposure over his months there, but he had tired of living his life with the constant possibility of being dropped from the schedule. They contracted him weekly, which wasn’t unheard of in the industry, but after being a regular for two months, Nino had expected some confidence to be reflected in an actual contract. It wasn’t. While he was prepared to finish out the three month engagement they had agreed on verbally, when he was offered the opportunity to move along two weeks prematurely, he felt no remorse about informing the club about his change of plans. He’d appreciated his run, and had secured multiple invitations from talent hunters of other cities while there, but the owners had never felt the need to formally bind him to stay the length, and therefore put their money where their mouth was. Which made it all the easier for Nino to jump at the opportunity that would take him to where he truly wanted to be. And to whom he truly wanted to be with.
A week later he was in St. Petersburg.
A gush of air announced the opening of the automatic doors leading out from the international baggage terminal, and Nino was instantly on his feet. The St. Petersburg airport wasn’t busy in the early afternoon on a Saturday, but Nino would have found her had she been one in a crowd of thousands. Hair knotted in a long braid that fell in an escaping tangle over her shoulder and rucksack secured to her back, Alya walked through the doors in a huddle of other passengers, nose already pointed at her notebook as she prepared for her next piece. As convincing as her promises to drop it all and come find him in Vienna would have been to anyone else, Nino knew better. Nothing could keep her from a story for long, especially not one she’d been preparing for over six months. A decade of growing up by her side, and nothing had changed that.
Which Nino was grateful for, otherwise her impulse earlier would have turned his carefully planned surprise into a unfortunate missed connection.
Nino smiled as he tried to catch up, watching her artfully weave her way around other travelers, eyes never once leaving her notes as she made her way towards the exit. Alya only stopped when the sliding doors opened and a rush of winter air reminded her she certainly wasn’t in Tangier anymore. Tucking her book under her arm, she reached to pull gloves out of her pocket, one falling behind her, directly where his feet had just come to rest. He snapped down to get it and was waiting as she turned to look for the lost article.
Eyes scanning the floor first, Nino tried not to laugh at the comical nature in which her gaze froze as they reached his boots--the same ones she’d bought him for Christmas last year--before shooting to his face. He didn’t even had the chance to speak her name before Alya was in his arms. He buried his nose in her hair as she wedged her face against his neck and Nino took his first easy breath in a month. Yes, they had no qualms about living apart, but that didn’t negate the fact that the shape of her pressed against him was something  his body mourned like a missing limb when she was gone. She wasn’t necessary, but his life was better when she was in it. Only in her presence, did he feel truly whole.
Just as he closed his eyes, savoring her nearness at last, the love of his life and other half of his heart pulled away and deftly punched him in the arm.
“Don’t, Alya,” she glared at him, her voice deepening in the approximation of a man’s. “You need to go to St. Petersburg, Alya.”
“Is that supposed to be me,” he grimaced, adjusting his glasses but not avoiding her gaze. Even annoyed, he didn’t want to miss a second of her.
“You’re a little shit, you know that? I can’t come to Vienna, but you can drop everything and come to St. Petersburg?”
Alya planted her hands on her hips, but didn’t move away when he stepped forward, grabbing her one bare hand and beginning to slip her dropped glove over her fingers. Her nails,  green the last he’d seen her, were now a muted orange. Still chipped at the edges. Always chipped at the edges.
“We both know, had you really intended to come to Vienna, I would have had an Alya on my doorstep, not one texting me what ifs,” he started, slipping her fingers one by one into the glove even as she pouted. “Besides, I was already here when you texted. You were about to ruin the surprise.”
“Because I love surprises,” she grumbled, but he gave her a pointed look. “Okay, fine. I like you surprises.”
He smirked, finally having the the glove securely on her left hand, Alya still completely unsuspecting.
“How about one more Me surprise?” Nino asked, lowering to one knee before her and watching as Alya’s brow furrowed in confusion.
“Alya Charlot Cesaire,” he began, trying not to laugh at the way her eyebrows shot up in surprise and eyes started to dart around the now-empty arrivals gate.
“Now?” She squeaked and he couldn’t help but chuckle.
“Now,” he confirmed. “I’ve spent too long waiting for the perfect moment, wanting to give you all the magic you deserve, but every moment with you is miraculous. Good, bad, near or far, you are the home I come back to time and time again. You make my life indescribably brighter, simply by existing. Would you do me the honor of calling me your husband?”
Alya’s eyes shone with unshed tears as she lifted a hand to cup his cheek.
“Dammit, Nino,” she whispered, a single tear tracking down her face as her lips tipped upwards. “I’m supposed to be the level-headed one in this relationship, and here you are turning me into a complete sap.”
“So, that’s a yes?”
“Of course, that’s a yes, you goof,” she rolled her eyes with a laugh, her hands grasping his collar and pulling him back up to standing. “Now are you going to kiss me, or--”
Nino wasted no time, cradling her head in his hands. His lips seeking hers through their pair of ridiculous smiles, and just barely managing some approximation of a kiss.
“Jesus Christ,” he tried to grumble even as his shoulders shook with laughter. “Will you stop smiling? I’m trying to kiss my fiancé, here.”
“Oooo, fiancé?” Alya wiggled her eyebrows but held up her left hand. “Such a fancy title, and yet...I don’t see the hardware to back it up.”
Nino lifted an eyebrow, and, with a swift tug, deftly dislodged the very glove he’d put on her hand minutes before.
“Oh, no?”
Alya looked at her hand and gasped, her face dissolving into true shock now as she took in the diamond and topaz ring sitting in place of his old class ring. The same ring Alya had admired over a decade ago at the first family gathering he’d brought her to. The same ring his grandmother had given him when he turned eighteen...and reminded him to use yearly.
“You sneaky bastard,” she cursed, shaking her head with a smile. “You really did it.”
“Gave you a movie-magic proposal?”
“Made me fall even more in love with you,” she replied instead. “And people think I’m the overachiever.”
“I’m only an overachiever when it comes to you,” he grabbed her hand, still suspended in shock between them, and placed a kiss to her palm. “My fiancé is a hell of a woman. It takes a lot to keep her on her toes.”
“So what you’re saying is,”she walked her fingers up his chest as he stepped forward. “I now officially get an eternity of Nino surprises?”
“If you think you’d be okay with that,” he shot back.
“Okay with it?” Alya smirked, her hands having reached his chin to angle his face closer to hers. Her lips caught his in a searing kiss that shot through his body like molten lava, his knees slackening as her arms encircled his neck before she pulled away, breathless.
“I can’t wait.”
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summersoldier-616 · 6 years
First Impressions
Chapter 00/Prologue
Sherlock Holmes x Reader
word count: ~3.000 words
warnings: swearing, talk about murder, alcoholism, drug abuse, angst, sulky reader and surely some grammatical mistakes or mistranslations :)
A/N: This is actually a kind of pilot for an actual series I am starting. I am indeed fairly new to writing fanfiction and espacially this little lovely bastard but hopefully I’ll do my fair share. So please enjoy and let me know what you think.
I also wanted to say that I am in no way an expert in forensics, biology or anything similar. All facts I use are either researched or fictitious. However, I try to come as near to the truth as possible.
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You found yourself in a dark room devoid of any warmth or furniture, not even a window to determine the daytime. The only light source consisted in a naked bulb which hung still; the light beaming neiter bright nor large enough to illuminate the walls or ceiling as you made your way towards the dirty light source, the floor cracking underneath your feet as you neared.
Standing close enough to touch it, you carefully reached out for the lightbulb. Holding your breath for a second you finally gave it a spin to make the bulb turn around in circles in hope to see more of the foreign room. However, nothing new came into focus as you kept staring into empty space, the spinning light source making the atmosphere even more eerie than before.
As you were about to turn away, a blinding reflection appeared for a second making you halt in your movement. Seconds went by before the action recurred, this time revealing its location. When you took a step forward the sound of breaking glass rang out, making you direct your focus downwards in an attempt to decipher the new sensation.
Picking up a small, oblong object you stepped farther out of the light cone and recognized the item without much effort as a syringe, a dirty one at that. As soon as the term fell from your lips, a low grunt rang out which in return made you turn around. You screamed in horror as a shadowy frame hang underneath the lightbulb, desperately gasping for air while his limbs had been bound.
With shaky steps you closed in on the struggling being but as you reached out, about to touch his shoulder, you felt a hand on your own.
“Ma'am, excuse me“, a soft voice accompanied by a slight shake of your shoulder awoke you from your slumber. As you opened your eyes to find yourself in another foreign environment, in a confined seat surrounded by strangers and backrests, the friendly face of a young flight attendant came into your field of vision. “Ma'am, we're about to begin our final descent. Therefore I have to ask you to fasten your seat belt“, the stewardess repeated kindly.
With a short nod you quickly fiddled with the safety belt, your brain still slightly foggy from the nap and the corresponding dream. At the sound of the fastener clicking into place the young woman in costume gave you a quick smile and then continued her check down the aisle.
As you looked out of the small airplane window and saw nothing but grey clouds, you quietly scoffed; already missing the burning hot sun of Phoenix, Arizona. After graduating from the University of Arizona – the College of Medicine in Phoenix, to be quite exact – you had started to work for the Phoenix Police Department while still participating actively in the Department of Pathology at your former place of study.
However, the work with the PHXPD was not exactly as thrilling as you would have expected. Most of your 'patients' had died by some drug related crime or the drug itself wherefore the actual pathological examination proved to be less difficult than you had hoped. So when your dreaded 30th birthday rolled around and you came to the realisation that you were heading down an impasse, the decision to alter the current course wasn't that difficult.
And that's exactly how the now 32-year old you found herself on an airplane headed to England's capital with all important belonings stuffed into two large suitcases and the letter of resignation back home on your employer's desk. However rash that decision might have seemed and no matter your family's protests, till the moment you boarded the plane almost ten hours ago you didn't doubt your decision; feeling almost encouraged by the outcry you had caused.
With a sigh you teared your eyes away from the cloudy view and redirected your attention towards the slight mess you had created before falling asleep. As your departure was at quite short notice and you didn't like to leave unfinished buisness behind, you chose to take some unsolved cases with you, including a quite unsettling case, a young gang member's corpse being found drifting through the Gila River, which had occupied your mind just before your involuntary nap.
This may not seem out of the ordinary if it wasn't for the man to die from asphyxiation. And although throughout your examination you had found multiple indications for physical abuse, neither of those were from strangulation or the like which could have led to suffocation.
However, as you took another look at the forensic report everything seemed so painfully obvious. Quickly grabbing the toxicologic report you scanned the results for a certain data and as you finally found the object of desire you had to fight the urge to smite your forehead.
You emptied the rest of your overprized gin and tonic in one gulp before rapidly typing away on your laptop, determined to finish the covering letter before deboarding as you had just solved the case in your sleep – quiet literally.
“No, listen to me“, you audibly groaned on your way to the baggage claim, the mobile phone pressed to your  ear since you had stepped out of the airplane, “Bobby, if you'd just shut your mouth for a minute, I might not have to repeat every second sentence.“
You really weren't a short-tempered person, cross your heart, simply incredibly impatient. Since early days you had been irritated by the obvious inability of your fellows to follow your trains of thoughts, always feeling pressured to slow down which in return made you even more frustrated.
However, as time went by and you grew older you found a way to at least dial it down a notch in 'emergency situations'. The initial bad habit to sometimes drink one to many became a slight addiction to more often than not being at least a bit tipsy; numbing your brain to slow down your racing mind.
“Yes, I am well aware of the time difference but as criminals never rest, lawmen shouldn't either“, you reasoned while your destination came into view, the first suitcases and carpetbags already passing by on the baggage conveyer belt. As you heard light snorring instead of an answer you shouted loudly into the speaker, “I finally understand how they murdered him!“
As soon as the sentence had left your lips, you felt countless pairs of eyes on you; some passerby even stopped in their tracks to cut you a look. Looking around you mouthed an inaudible 'What?', forcing yourself to look more confident than you actually felt, and continued your way, hopeful to now have your collocutor's attention.
“I hope this is a good one“, Bob murmured while you heard rustling in the background, he was probably leaving the bed as to not disturb his wife. As he rambled on you arrived at the baggage carousel, standing between other passengers who had already found their luggage.
“Cry me a fucking river, Bob“, you taunted absentmindedly while scanning your surroundings, quickly growing impatient as you waited for your baggage. Looking to your left you saw a small child at the hand of her mother who shot you a deadly glare; probably for swearing within earshot of her offspring that was surely too busy watching items of luggage rolling by on the baggage conveyer belt to listen to some stranger's phone call.
“Do you remember how I had a hard time understanding how someone could die by suffocation with neither external influence nor pulmonary aspiration? And yet it is so painfully obvious that it must have been too easy for me to see. The drugs, Bobby, it's his addiction!“, you explained, earning a few more irritated side glances. “So what?“, Bob asked, his voice still laced with sleep and now additionally incomprehension, “The little junky took an overdose?“
“No, no, quiet the opposite actually. His body did not only show symptoms of regular drug use, which doesn't come as a surprise considering his presumable addiction, but they also found evidence for recent drug withdrawal. That was the missing piece, Bobby, don't you understand?!“, you asked excitedly. Your question was answered by a short peroid of silence, followed by a deep-drawn sigh and a muttered, “Do me the favour and just tell me.“
If it hadn't been for the importance of the current phone conversation, you would have ended the call at this point. Explaining an officer how the cause of death was brought about was basically solving the case for him. However, as your luggage seemed to be long in coming you chose to elaborate.
“Okay, listen and listen closely. The victim showed signs of physical abuse in form of possible captivation which means that he quiet surely wasn't able to satisfy his cravings and therefore went through an involuntary withdrawal. This 'shock theraphy' probably resulted in a seizure which thereupon led to the asphyxiation and due to the lack of medical intervention his death.
I just gave the results from the toxicology a once over and all indications are that his serotonin as well as the noradrenaline level must have been extremely low which would complement my assumption about the deprivation and considering his physical condition I am confident that my presumption concerning the captivity will turn out to be true as well.
I already sent an email to my replacement in the pathology department to run another test on the victim concerning his external injuries and as soon as I arrive at the hotel I'll send you my report on the current data which I worked with. If you'll excuse me now, I still have a busy schedule ahead of me and there are only so many hours in the day.“
Without awaiting an answer you ended the call and with a smile on your face put the phone in your jeans' backpocket. However, as you realised that the conveyer belt had come to a halt without a trace of your luggage your facial features derailed. Spinning on your heel you quickly made your way to the next information while holding your handbag close in a futile attempt to slow your racing thoughts and heart.
You stared wide eyed at the middle-aged woman sitting behind the counter, wearing a sympathetic look on her face. “I am truly sorry, Miss, but it seems like your luggage wasn't on the plane. Our personnel could not find it either in the cargo area or somewhere on the way to the baggage claim“, she explained once more.
“But that is impossible“, you choked out, “All my belonings, clothes were in those two suitcases and you are telling me that you lost them? How is that even possible?“ Just as the woman was about to answer your rhethorical question, the ringing of her phone stopped her before you could, saving her from further embarrasment. While she concentrated her attention on the computer, typing away on the console, you had time to check your phone, only to realise that you had already wasted two precious hours in this maze called airport.
“Thank you, I'll inform her immediately“, the female sighed into the telephone before hanging up. Before she even managed to address you, you stood at the desk and asked hopefully, “So, you did find them? Oh, thank god. I wouldn't have known what to do without them. Where exactly can I pick-“ -  “Miss, we indeed did find your luggage. However, I must inform you that your suitcases are currently in Madrid.“ The last part was a slightly whispered answer, followed by an unsettling long pause.
“I do not expect that you have by any chance a town called Madrid in England?“, you muttered tiredly although the question sounded more like a half hearted joke which the staff member answered with a shake of her head. Suddenly you felt exhausted, tired and absolutely fed up with the whole situation. Massaging the bridge of your nose, you chose to end this conversation as quickly as possible; not like it was leading anywhere wherefore you quietly asked, “How long?“
After a quick look into her computer she informed you that it should take about three days, maximum five. At this point you just accepted your fate silently, leaving behind your phone number and e-mail address if by a fluke your luggage would arrive any sooner. The woman apologized again profoundly before releasing you by wishing you – quite ironically – a 'good day'.
On your way out, you made a quick stop at one of the airports' outpriced shops to buy some necessities. The cashier, probably a student who needed to make money on the side, shot a scornful glance at you as he scanned your purchase consisting of a fresh-perked coffee and a bottle of whiskey.
While the young man put away the cash you opened the bought liquor, opened the lid of your steaming coffee and poured some of the spirit into your caffeinated drink. As you took a sip and tasted the delightful flavor on your tongue a content sigh fell from your lips; answered by a quiet snicker from the male student.
“Listen, kid“, you warned the boy while you stored the liquor away in your purse – your only luggage at the given moment. With a quick once-over you knew that the male behind the counter had it coming; glazed over eyes due to increased production of lachrymal fluid, chapped lips and lastly a light swelling of the lymph node meant that the poor boy would be laid low with a pretty nasty flue in a few days.
A dry chuckle escaped your lips before you rummaged through your handbag, all the while lecturing, “First of, if you haven't heared of Irish Coffee, then you should probably rethink your attitude to life. Secondly, you have no idea how shitty this day has been so far.“ As you finally found what you were looking for, you tossed the item in his direction while adding with a frosty smile, “And lastly, my bad habits surely shouldn't be your greatest concern.“
Whit that you took your coffee and left the store behind with the boy looking back and forth between your departing form and the package of tissues.
You couldn't help the content sigh that fell from your lips as you finally breathed fresh air; and although it was slightly drizzling by now, the cooling effect was more than welcome as you were practically fuming with rage at this point. As you dragged your feet towards the street to hail down a taxi, your rational side managed to regain the upper hand after being too emotional for the last two hours.
Straightening your back and raking your fingers through your hair to look the least bit presentable, you whistled with your fingers to catch some taxidrivers attention. With a small smile adorning your lips as seconds later a taxi stopped you walked towards to vehicle; only to be outrun by two men, the smaller one opening the door while the taller man tipped away on his mobile phone, mumbling to himself.
“Excuse me“, you shrieked furiously, admittedly louder than you intended to but as the one holding the car door open focused his attention on you, it obviously had served the purpose. With a smile that didn't reach your eyes and a bitter sweet voice that dripped with venom you purred: “I believe that is my cab.“
While the blonde one quickly let go of the car door, wearing a guilty expression mixed with a tinge of embarrasment, his friend didn't seem to mind the inconvenience as he began to step into the taxi, not even bothering to spare you a glance. With a quick movement you banged your fist on the car roof which in return made the man stop in his tracks. “I think you failed to hear, sir“, you repeated sibilantly, “This happens to be my cab.“
As you looked angrily at the male he scanned you blatantly, only for his expression to grow even colder as he retorted monotone, “You are already late so I don't see the necessity for your rush.“ Shocked not only by his straightforwardness but the veracity of his claim as well, you failed to come up with incisive answer, only hissing a half-hearted 'You don't know the last thing about me'. Misinterpreting the retort as a challenge the dark haired man turned around, beginning to slowly stroll around all the while ignoring his friend's attempts to stop him.
“Early thirties which would explain your decision for a significant life change like – in your case – leaving Arizona; an age in which the average person decides to conduct a sort of 'life audit' to assess meaningfulness and satisfaction. The farewell must have been quiet tearful considering the residue of lachrymal fluid on your shoulder; your mother must weep easily, doesn't she?
However, considering the evident lack of luggage you either a) had it collected or b) the airline must have made a mistake which is much more likely due to your tense posture and the alcohol you mixed in your coffee; don't you think ten o'clock in the morning is a bit early to drink?
Which overall brings me to my original assessment of your lateness. After all, as an arrival you surely had an appointment for the key delivery which you must have missed by now. Therefore, it shouldn't be to much of a hastle to wait for the next vehicle and leave this taxi to us.“ His deduction concluded with a fatigued sigh from his companion.
You were taken aback. It was neither do to his perceptions and following conclusions being spot-on nor because of the obviousness he stated those facts with but the simple aspect of meeting someone who was able to talk even more than you made you speechless. As you made eye contact with the other man he gave you a compassionate smile, implying that his friend's remarks weren't anything out of the ordinary. But no matter the impressive demonstration, you weren't about to loose this fairly one-sided verbal exchange.
“Impressive“, you cooed, trying to keep your composure which proofed to be a difficult task, “Right down to the last detail, except for one minor exception.“ At these words the dark haired man stopped in his tracks, keeping his back turned to you. You couldn't fight down the smug smile that overtook your features – admittedly, you didn't try to either – as you heared his deep voice asking: “And what would that be?“
You shot his companion a knowing look and although you weren't quite sure why, his features held the same smug look present on your face as he let go of the door, stepping back onto the pavement. Stepping inside the car, you calmly answered, “That this is my cab.“ With that you shut the door while the dark haired man turned around, an unreadable expression on his face as the car drove off with the two men standing at the roadside and you sitting inside the taxi.
“Whereto, Miss?“, the taxidriver asked, a slight tinge of petulance evident in his voice. As you turned around, looking through the rear window to see the tall man standing in the same position as you had left him while his friend hailed down another cab, you answered with a smile on your face, “236 Baker Street, please.“
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A Rose In Harlem
OC x Erik Story
Based on Teyana Taylor’s VII & KTSE
Warnings: Implied smut! Language, Angst.
X: Show & Prove
The morning of the show
Syd woke up from what she felt was a dream. It had been the most sleep she’s gotten all week, a solid six hours. She checked her phone, 7:10 AM. She remembered tapping out and closing her eyes around 1:30 AM. What seemed to slip her mind was Sin being next to her. She jolted up at his beautiful naked frame. He was still sleeping, his hair fell every which way. She smiled to herself remembering his kisses sporadically falling across her collarbone and chest as their bodies moved in unison. She glazed her fingertips where his lips once were and smiled even harder. Her phone going off snapped her out of the daydream.
“Hello?” “Syeda! What time are you gonna head out for the show? The venue is gonna be available for us at seven.” “I’ll be there then, Ayana.” Yasin must’ve been a light sleeper because her loud whisper woke him up. He rose with a deep loud groan while he yawned, in which Yani heard loud and clear. “Gi--Girl! You got sum?! You and plumber bae got it in last night!?” “Shut up Yani! Shhhh!” “Nuh uh! Syeda Mariposa! I heard his fine ass! I know we been stressed out and shit too! And I know you bitch! You gave it up!” Yani gave Syd a round of applause, “I was beginning to wonder wtf was wrong with you. It’s almost been a year since you got them walls beat!” Syd brushed past Yasin with a smile and closed the bathroom door behind her, “It’s only been nine months. If you must know, nosey. Yes, I did. and He’s not just plumber bae anymore. He’s my bae.”
“Yaaaassss Syd! I’m proud of you! Making strides in fashion and in love! I’m inspired, I may stop playing and give your mystery neighbor a call.” “Girl, he’s in Berlin. He said he’ll be back next week though, if you forreal.” Yani sighed, “Yeah, I’m forreal, mami. It’s about time I finally settle down too, and he’s nice.. I guess. I can try him out, see what he’s about. Plus, him not always being around is a plus because you know how I likes my space!” Syd giggled at her friend, “Yeah, don’t I!” “Yeah, yeah! Bitch, you don’t gotta be so inclined to agree.” “Bitch you not gon act like we didn’t try living together before I moved in here and you didn’t throw me out!” Yani’s tone changed to a matter of fact-like as she replies, “I didn’t throw you out! I simply gave you options for new places to live.” Syd sucked her teeth, “Bitch, you threw me out.” “Whatever! Let’s agree to disagree on the matter! Besides, you may wanna get some good morning dick because we got a long day ahead of us! Get some for me too while you at it! A bitch is in the office and I haven’t had none since before the holidays.” Syd cringed, “Ew. Girl Bye!”
Erik woke up to a warm feeling below him, as his eyes blinked open a few times he realized what was going on. “Oh shit! Good morning.” Gina decided to wake up her interest with some morning head. Her head was slowly bobbing up and against this pelvis until his member got hard and long enough that it activated her gag reflex. “Relax that throat baby.” She moans at his request and eased her way back down to his pelvis again, collecting more spit down his shaft. She placed one hand on him, maneuvering it up and down as she slurped him up like a melting cone on a July sunset as his head flew back on the arm of Zig’s couch. He gripped her by her hair and pulled her face up to his, their lips played against one another as she sank onto him.
“Good morning.” She finally replied to his previous greeting before kissing him again.
The evening soon approached as Syd hopped in the Uber XL with all of her clothing, accessories, and materials in tow. Yani was already at 583 Park Avenue, waiting for her to arrive. She’d been recieving texts and calls from all of the models, some invited guests, Myles, and Yasin even though he’d just left her sights hours before she departed from her house.
“Hey baby. I know your nerves are on ten! Just breathe! You got this. I’ll see you once it’s done.
Syd clutched at her heart in joy at her new boyfriend’s support. The uber driver stopped as close to the service entrance as he could, “Alright, we are here Miss Syd. You need any help?” “Uhhh...yes please? Thank you!” Allen, the driver, unloaded Syd’s belongings and escorted them into the venue. Yani came outside to help him as Syd’s attention fell immediately on set design. The contractors put down the black glitter floors already and Iyo was setting up his laptop to the projector. She slipped backstage to find her MUAs hooking everyone up as she saw the last model finally arriving to set.
Gina waltzed in the show as if she was the hottest thing since Takis, strutting like she’s on the runway backstage, and she was twenty minutes late. Not only that, but she showed up needing a visit to a hair stylist and makeup. “Syd, hey girl. Listen, I’m sorry I had a long day. Me and E..” “I’m sorry but, this has to do with the show..how, exactly?” Gina giggled, saying in a boastful tone, “Me and E lost track of time, that’s why I’m late.” Syd gave her a glance over and stopped as she looked back up at her, “Hm, so that’s why you let him tag you up on the night of my fashion show too?” The right side of Gina’s neck was riddled with dark hickeys. Syd was really disgusted at the display that stood in front of her.
Gina just smiled, “I’m sorry, I’m sure GiGi can cover it up.” Syd muttered, tight lipped, “She wouldn’t have to cover shit if you could’ve remembered you had a job to do tonight and it’s all about image.” Gina rolled her eyes, “So do you want me to see if she can do it or not? Ya know, you’ve been giving me shit since you met me.. You got a thing with Erik I don’t know about? That your man that showed up last night don’t know about?” Syd had it, she stepped up on Gina really slow, looked her square in her eye as she stated, “What you do with your personal time with Erik or anyone else is of no concern to me. However, when you come into the most important night of my life, and possibly yours if you pull this off, looking freshly fucked less than two hours before showtime..that is my concern. So what I need you to do is firstly, get up with Nina and Xierra, see if they can work a miracle with what’s on your head. I’LL have a talk with GiGi and see if she can cover your shit up. And trust me, after this show, you’ll be out of my hair.”
Gina scowled, “Okay. If you say so..boss.” and with that, she disappeared. Syd hasn’t been so mad in so long. Professionally speaking, she was mad at Gina. Personally speaking, she was conflicted. Her and Erik hadn’t spoken in weeks, so she knew she really technically couldn’t be mad at him for getting with Gina. Hell, she got with Yasin. Yes, it was unexpected, but damn. She just wasn’t expecting for Erik to get back like that. Syd shook off those personal feelings and thoughts, she immediately began to dress her models that were finished with makeup. Syd dressed her models one by one as they came out.
Von, Sam, Johan, Levi, Jade, Deanna, Phoe(nix), Sevin, Nina, Essence, Xierra, Leon, Warren, Cass, Omir, Cayson, Nadia, Zaniya, Jorge, King, Tammi, Quanna, Lyric, and Gina. 
Well, as Gina finally got up from Gigi performing makeup surgery to cover up her night before, Syd actually needed to cool herself down so Myles ended up dressing her. Gina was sizing him up as he was cascading the clothes on her, “Girl, I’d be barking up the wrong damn tree. This is strictly professional! Get the damn clothes on!”
Syd stepped out front where she caught a glance of Erik on the phone. She just leaned against the wall of the building, knowing it was facing East, she bowed her head and started her second prayer of the day. Her and Yasin did the first of the day together when they finally got out of bed. She hoped for a perfect, smooth show; for sound and production to go off without a hitch, and for her show to receive rave reviews. Her head rose and met Erik’s. “Wassup princess, you good?” The second thing Syd instantly took notice of was Erik’s matching hickeys on the left side of his neck. She hung her head back down, “Yeah. I’m good. Nervous that’s all.”
“You got this Syeda. Just breathe, relax. I think someone wants to congratulate you though..” She lifted her head and saw Ziggy with a huge bouquet of Sunflowers, Syeda’s favorite flower, and the hugest grin, “I heard my fly ass neighbor was gon kill her fashion show tonight!” Syd’s face lit up as she held on to Zig for dear life, “Greg! Ahhhhhhh! Thank you for coming! But how? I thought you were working?” He sighed, “Well, Tony wrapped early so I hopped on the first flight out. I couldn’t miss your big day if I didn’t have to!” Syd accepted her flowers, “My favorite!” “Only for you Miss Syd!” “Thank you so much Zig, I feel so much better! You can go ahead and grab a seat.
“Well, well! Looks like Someone beat me to the punch!” Syeda’s ears perked up at her man’s voice, she turned her attention to Yasin. He had on a black velvet two piece suit with a white button down, his hair in a high bun. Looking like he belonged on her runway tonight. Syd’s smile became impossibly wider, “Hey, you.” Yasin wrapped his arms around her and gave her multiple pecks on her lips. She momentarily forgot about the two men behind her. Erik loudly cleared his throat, stoically stalking them with a look of dislike, “Oh, my bad. I don’t think you two ever met, Yasin, this is Zigg, my neighbor. Zigg, this is my man Yasin.” “Ya man?” Erik questioned Syd in joking tone, Yasin replied, “Yeah, Erik, was it?” Erik stood opposite of Yasin, sizing him up, “Yup. That’s me.”
Yani was right on time, “Syd, I--” She quickly pieced together the scene she walked out to, “I need you inside. You need to get dressed and into makeup.” Syd grabbed Yasin’s hand as she instructed everyone to just grab a seat and the show would be starting in thirty minutes.
Syeda decided on her look for the night, her blazer dress was accompanied with her black turtle neck underneath and her boots. GiGi gave her a fire gold glitter eye shadow, snatched her face with a mean contour and golden highlighter, and set the look with the bold ombre burgundy to red lip. Syd decided to wear her hear in a slick curly ponytail with her signature two sideburn pieces, and of course, keeping true to where she came from, she bought a new set of heart shaped gold bamboo earrings with her entire name spelled out, matched with her necklace her father gave her. She stepped out of the green room to all of her models, Yani, and Myles. Everybody wooped for Syeda’s look for the night.
“Daaaaammmn Mami! You looking hot tonight! Muy Muy caliente!” “Gracias, Jorge!” She bowed to her homie and continued, “Ok everyone, this is it! It’s crunch time. Just to give you a little run down for the confirmed guest list; reps from Chanel, Yves Saint Laurent, Pink Pyramid, Hermes, plenty of my partners from undergrad have their own fashion lines, photographers looking for models, Ford Models, L.A. Models, and even more. Ya’ll dreams are right past that curtain. I need ya’ll personalities and confidence. Shine like the stars you are, Alright?” Everyone yelled, “Alright!” she continued, “Alright! To UPTXWN!”
The show was every single thing Syd prayed for. The models ATE. The crowd looked satisfied with the show. Byron snapped pictures of everyone walking up and down the runway, Syeda was a nervous wreck the entire show. Biting down on her nails holding on to her best friend’s hands for dear life when she wasn’t changing out her models with her. They finished all of the models final looks she stood behind Gina, as she was the last model to walk out before her. Gina sized her up and rolled her eyes, Syeda gave her a smug look as Yani caught it, she stated, “That bitch is dead to you after this, and if anyone in here asks about her to me, her ass is grass.” Syd just nodded. Every model walked onto the platform and a mic was handed to Yani as she announced her best friend, “And now, the creative behind the UPTXWN styling brand, Syeda Diaz!” 
The entire crowd rose in applause as each side of the platform was filled with all twenty-four models, twenty-three of which were following suit in applause. Gina just painted on a fake smile for the spectators. Syeda did her walkthrough and waved each way down the runway. She caught glimpses of all of the faces she’s seen while making a name for herself in the high fashion world as well as the faces of old classmates and her boyfriend. Her face went blank when she saw a face she’d never thought she’d see ever again, her ex boyfriend. Marcellus.
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lowsodiumfreaks67 · 6 years
Comic Con Chris Evans
Word Count : 1520 
Warnings : Absolutely none
Requested by @midgardiansstuff
“ Hey I just saw that your requests were open!I just found your blog and i already love it! Can I do a request with Chris Evans? The reader is married and she is an actress, too. Maybe the reader is at the tonight show and they show a video in which the reader wears a costume so no one recognize her and she surprises Chris at the Comic Con and he doesn’t recognize her, too until she pulls down her wig? “ 
A/N : I loved the story idea, hope I did it justice :) 
“ Our first guest this evening is one of the stars of the Avengers movies and the wife of fellow Avenger Chris Evans, everyone please welcome back the one and only Y/n Evans ” the audiences cheers hit you like a wall when the curtain was lifted revealing you standing there in an emerald green dress with matching heels, you grinned wide as you made your way over to Jimmy’s couch. Hugging Jimmy tightly you both said your hellos before taking a seat as the cheers from the audience finally calmed enough that you could hear yourselves again.
“ Hey everyone ” you said with a wave to the audience which made them go absolutely wild again “ Oh my gosh Y/N it is so amazing to have you here again, now I know you’ve been very busy filming and doing conventions and press so thank you for taking the time to come here tonight” , “ Oh Jimmy I wouldn’t miss this for the world, although it is weird being here by myself and not with Chris or another cast member “, Jimmy reaches below the desk and pulls out a photo of the last time you were on the show sat beside your husband Chris “ Ah yes your husband fellow avenger Chris Evans, how long have you guys been married now ? “, thinking back fondly to the day you married your best friend you smiled softly “ Um it’ll be our 5 year anniversary next week actually “ the crowd cheered and clapped, Jimmy had a cheeky look in his eyes “ 5 years wow that’s amazing it feels just like yesterday you guys announced you were engaged, no sign of any kids yet? “ your cheeks burned hot, you chuckled quietly “ Uh no not yet, we’ve both been super busy with stuff and the Avengers movies, we just haven’t found the right time yet”, “ Ah yes the Avengers, how did you manage to convince them to let you join the cast when they already had one Evans on set “ “ well Jimmy don’t tell Chris I said this but the Russo brothers said they wanted to have the better Evans on set as well “ the audience erupted into laughter at your statement, the interview then continued on for a little with a few questions about the avengers and upcoming projects.
“ Alright so you mentioned that you flew to San Diego last weekend to see your husband but he didn’t know that you were doing that did he ? “ you chuckled to yourself because you knew where this was going “ Yeah I did, we hadn’t seen each other face to face in a few weeks and I was getting pretty lonely so I decided to fly out and surprise him at Comic Con and got a friend of mine to film the whole trip “ “ Oh yeah you definitely surprised him alright “ Jimmy laughed as he turned to the camera “ Here we have the video of Y/N surprising her husband Captain America himself Chris Evans at San Diego Comic Con “ he gestured to the screen behind him as the studio got slightly darker to let everyone see the screen clearly, your face popped up on the screen behind you as the video began with you standing in your living room at yours and Chris shared home addressing the camera.
“ Hey guys, so I've been apart from my husband Chris for a few weeks now because of work and iv started to get a little lonely” walking over to your suitcase you pulled your messenger bag over your shoulder “ So I've decided what’s better than face time and calls ? well how about travelling to San Diego Comic Con to surprise him “ the video then showed you walking towards your front door before you turned back “ Oh and get ready Chris cause i’m going to be coming for ya when you least expect it “ the video cut to a montage of the airport, the flight and car journey to the hotel.
The next shot is of you in a hotel room with a Captain America Civil War costume on, it was one of Chris on screen costumes that had been kindly given to you and altered by the Marvel wardrobe department, “ Okay so we’re almost ready to go Y/N how are you feeling now ? “ your friend asked from behind the camera as you pulled on your boots “ Umm yeah i’m getting a little nervous cause I don’t know how this is gonna pan out but I hope it works “ pulling your helmet over your head you grabbed grabbing your shield you turned to the camera “ How do I look guys, think i’ll get recognized ?” the next shot was of you standing outside the convention center getting ready to go in “ Before anyone says anything because I know someone will, I do have this slightly planned, only Chris assistant knows i’m here cause I obviously have to let them know when im coming, let’s not waste anymore time and get in there “ you practically ran towards the entrance whooping and cheering as you went, showing your pass you were allowed into the convention center quickly without any trouble. There was a short montage of you walking around the convention floor looking at all the stalls and pointing out pictures and figurines of yourself and the Avengers, you didn’t usually get to do this at events so it was amazing to get out there amongst the fans even though they had no clue that it was you down there walking amongst them.
The video finally cut to you standing behind a blue curtain “ Ahh i’m so excited, so i’m stood behind the curtain of Chris photo op, he’s literally right there and has no idea what’s going on “ you pointed to the curtain behind you where you could see the faint shadow of Chris posing for photos with fans, with a large grin on your face you pulled your helmet back down over your face “ Lets go get into line and surprise him “ the camera followed you as you joined the line for a photo, after a while waiting you were finally next, Chris assistant came over to get your photo op ticket, when they realized it was you they gave you a small nod and sent you over to Chris.
“ Wow dude that costume is absolutely incredible “ he said happily as you walked towards him, honestly your hands were sweating so bad you were glad you had the finger less gloves on “ Uh yeah damn thing cost quite a bit “ you said quickly with a chuck which made Chris laugh too, you made sure to change your voice a little as to not give anything away just yet, he was about to say something else when his assistant called his name “ Chris sorry buddy but can you come over here for just a second “ I’m so sorry about this i’ll be 2 seconds “, “ Its alright i understand “ the second his back was turned you looked over at the few fans who could see you and gestured at them to stay quiet before removing the helmet, “ Sorry about that, what you say we get this photo done, got any poses in mind ? “ Chris asked as he began turning back around but he froze on the spot when he saw you in front of him “ Well i was thinking you could give me a big hug Cap “ you grinned as he finally stepped towards you and pulled you into him and lifted you off the ground in a tight bear hug, the fans at the side cheered and awed when he set you back down but quickly pulled you into a sweet kiss, you heard the camera go off as the photographer caught the moment for you guys.
The video then ended and the lights in the studio brightened again as the audience cheered, clapped and awed “ Wow Y/N you really did surprise him, that costume was amazing I hope you gotta keep it “ you were about to answer when you felt someone's hands on your shoulders “ Yeah Jimmy she did keep it, it’s right next to my cap costume in the closet “ you whipped your head around quickly to see Chris standing behind you, within seconds you were on your feet rounding the sofa to hug him, as you greeted him Jimmy sent the show to commercial break “ okay I think it’s about time for a break, thank you to the wonderful Y/N for coming on and talking to us and for sharing the video and thank you to Chris for coming by to say Hello, we’ll see you back here in a few minutes “ the audience cheered as you and Chris said your goodbyes and headed towards your dressing room “ Well i guess you can say we’re even with the surprises now “ Chris chuckled as he pulled you into his side when you flopped down on the small couch “ Yeah i guess you could say that “ you whispered with a smile as you snuggled into him, it was hard being apart from each other but it was like heaven when you were together.
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