#missing persons on the Gold Coast
How Missing Person Lawyers Brisbane executes different Cases
It's painful for families When a loved one goes missing. In such distressing situations, missing persons Brisbane lawyer play a crucial role in providing guidance, support and legal representation. These compassionate legal professionals possess the skills and knowledge to understand the complexities of missing person cases. This article will explore how missing person lawyers Brisbane carry out their issues.
Carries out Detailed initial consultations with clients
The process begins with a consultation, where the missing person lawyer meets with the close friends or family of the individual who has disappeared. They gather as much information as possible, including personal details, last known whereabouts, and other important documentation.
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Lawyers Conduct thorough research and investigation
Missing person Brisbane lawyer conducts thorough research to gather proof and uncover leads. They work closely with law enforcement agencies, private investigators and forensic experts to collect information that may assist in finding the missing person. This may involve examining financial transactions, phone records and social media profiles, among other avenues.
Having expertise and knowledge to solve legal cases
Missing person lawyers have an inclusive understanding of the relevant legal procedures and frameworks. They can deal with the complexities of guardianship laws, family laws and privacy regulations to ensure that the necessary legal steps are taken to assist in the search for the missing person with surveillance investigators services.
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Missing Persons Brisbane are experts in legal advocacy
These missing persons investigation experts work intimately with non-profit organisations, law enforcement agencies, and other stakeholders involved in missing person cases. They advocate on behalf of their clients and make sure that the investigation remains active. And that all available resources are utilised properly to search for the missing person.
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Lawyers Render full emotional support to the family
Lawyers know that families go through a great emotional toll during such hours. So they offer much-needed support, empathy, and assistance throughout the process. They understand the situation's sensitivity and provide a compassionate shoulder to help families sail through their emotional journey.
Final say
Thus, these are the ways missing persons' Brisbane follow to carry out the investigation. So whenever you face any such problem don't hesitate to ring the numbers of the professionals.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 11 months
I was in Gold Coast, Australia and my mum and I were being driven around by a man who had been missing for 78 years. At the end of the journey, he said to me, “Goodbye. I will never forget you.”
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Golden Poison Frogs: The Gold Standard
Golden poison frogs (Phyllobates terribilis) are a species of frog found only along the Pacific coast in the Amazon Rainforest of Columbia; their total range encompasses less than 5,000 square km;. Their prime habitat is near rivers, streams, and ponds, but the are able to survive in a variety of microhabitats along the forest floor thanks to the forest's extremely warm, humid climate.
The golden poison frog is perhaps noted for its crowning as the most poisonous species on the planet. A single adult contains enough poison in its skin to kill 2-3 grown humans, although the frog would have to be ingested for its toxins to be fatal. However, there is at least one species of snake, the fire-bellied snake (Erythrolamprus epinephalus) which is immune to the frog's toxins and often predates on juveniles. P. terribilis consumes a variety of insects, but gets its poison from the beetles in its diet, and without them individuals lose their toxicity.
Although tiny, the golden poison frog is hard to miss. They are the largest species of poison frog at a weight of 30 g (1 oz) and a length of 6 cm (2.4 in). Females are usually larger than males. The species is named for the most common color moroph, bright yellow, but populations may also come in green, orange, and white. The coloration is a warning to predators to stay away.
Golden poison frogs are typically active during the day. Members of the same sex are highly territorial, but populations within a small area can be quite large. Individuals defend their territory by calling loudly and performing a push-up motion, which can also serve to attract potential mates. The species can reproduce year-round, and both males and females have multiple partners.
After the female has laid a clutch of about 20 eggs, the male carries them on his back up a tree to a bromeliad or small tree hole filled with water. There the eggs hatch as tadpoles after 11-12 days. The tadpoles feed on algae and insect larvae until they metamorphose into froglets, which takes about 2 months. The froglets take a further year to fully mature, and adults may live for up to 5 years.
Conservation status: P. terribilis is classified as Endangered by the IUCN. The species has a relatively small home range, and is seriously threatened by habitat loss. However, there are many private, government, and NGO captive-bread populations across the globe.
Want to request some art or uncharismatic facts? Just send me proof of donation of any amount to any of the fundraisers on this list, or a Palestinian organization of your choice! Proof does not have to include any personal info– only the date, the amount, and the recipient. Even one dollar can go a long way!
Victor Fabio Luna-Mora
Micha L. Rieser
Leighton Pritchard
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le-monchou · 4 months
𝐔𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐚 || 𝐑𝐮𝐠𝐠𝐢𝐞 𝐁𝐮𝐜𝐜𝐡𝐢 || 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭: 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞
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literally a continuation of my day two: sea of lights this fic crossed my word limit twice (first 500 and then 700 so now i'm making it 1000 words) also tagging @midnightmah07 and @owlisbuffering
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as you expected, you don’t see ruggie bucchi for quite a long time after rescuing him from those fishermen- no matter how long you stroll by the sea coast, the only response to his name is the gentle sea foam, something he called the tears of the moon. despite his self-attested illiteracy, the merman whose hair was as golden as the strands of silk woven by the moon from the sun had many stories to tell, and in the short time you knew him, you dared to think of him as more than a friend. 
you groan as you push your hands onto your face, blood rising in the places where they smacked you a little too hard. am i really so starved for romance that i decided to go after ruggie of all people? he’s not even a person!!!! he’s like spongebob- he lives at the bottom of the sea! you sigh as you remove your hands from your face, watching the sky turn a beautiful orange with the sun’s setting, the moon already risen a little bit in the distance. the area around you reminds you of the day you set him free, and you can’t help the second sigh that escapes your lips. 
taking the boat you’d been lent by one of the fishing crews, you set out into the ocean once again, looking for a nice place to sit and admire the moonlight on the water, waiting for a young man who’d probably never come. sitting on a comfortable-looking rock, you toss the petals of a flower ruggie had mentioned liking the look of when he was restricted to your small bathroom onto the surface of water and scream as bubbles pop up, accompanied by a shishishi you found all too familiar. 
“you!” you seethed as ruggie laughed, doing cartwheels with his entire body on the surface. “miss me?” ruggie teased, sharp canines glistening. “i mean, who else are you waiting for on this rock?” you roll your eyes as ruggie laughs once again before quieting down. “anyway, this is really good timing from both our ends- i’m gonna show you my place so you don’t have to worry!” 
“ruggie. how am i going to breathe underwater?” 
“oh woah,” you breathed in the air bubble ruggie had managed to create via a spell he asked the prince about (or so you assumed, because you were reading his lips and he was very distorted underwater), bouncing up and down in the tiny menagerie as ruggie dragged you towards the cave system. “this is where i live,” ruggie mouths as he pushes another vial of potion through the bubble, letting you leave the thing for a bit to swim with him. “this is my home.” 
“it’s wonderful, ruggie.” you smile as he flushes. “i’m serious. you could do so much with a cave system as big as this. show me more!” ruggie harrumphs with flushed cheeks before he grabs your hand and leads you inwards towards his room. at least, if he were human, that’s technically what it’d be, with all the human junk arranged around you and this gigantic skeleton hanging from the ‘ceiling’. “what do you think? arranged it all myself. i mean, leona and jack helped too, of sorts, but it was mostly me.” 
“this is lovely, ruggie!” you beam. “honestly, if i were a mermaid, i’d love to come here and chill with you. too bad i can only swim like this,” you chuckle as ruggie rolls his eyes fondly before kissing you on the cheek. “well, if not now, then maybe in the future,” ruggie starts as he leads you deeper into the cave system, showing you all the marvellous trash from the surface along with the little gems and pearls and gold they find. and as the two of you keep exploring, ruggie realises again that your time together with him is up, so he brings you back to the surface all too reluctantly as you kiss him close to his lips. 
“i loved tonight, ruggie.” you smile as you climb back onto the rock, the boat you loaned still bobbing on the waves of the ocean. “i know it’s a little too early to say this… but i love you, and i hope to see you soon.” something twists on ruggie’s face, something nice and hopeful, and he says nothing as he kisses you goodbye and dives back into the water all flushed, but you think you’ve found your happy ending. i love you, ruggie bucchi.
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sailor-aviator · 11 months
Jake "Hangman" Seresin Series
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Hi! Here is a list of the series I'm writing for Jake "Hangman" Seresin! Each series has multiple chapters and you can find their brief summaries underneath the titles! If you would like to read more you can head on over to my Masterlist! If you enjoy my writing, consider buying me a ko-fi!
Masterlist || Top Gun Masterlist
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Don't Hang'em Til Noon (Complete)
Jake "Hangman" Seresin is a notorious leader within the Dagger Gang of the old western territories of the United States. You, a recently orphaned socialite from the eastern seaboard, find yourself swept off to live with your older brother who has set down roots in said western territory. Determined to to make the best of your situation, what will you do when said outlaw sets his sights on you? (Western AU)
Hanging By a Moment (Incomplete, Ongoing)
Taking place directly after the events of "Don't Hang'em Til Noon," this series follows more of Jake and Scout as they traverse life in the New Mexico territories. A drought has hit the town of Maverick, resulting in that year's crops dying. With little food to go around, the Dagger Gang must turn to unsavory means in order to provide for their friends and family. Additionally, Pete "Maverick" Mitchell and your brother, Benjamin, have established rights to a gold mine that's now drawing in more and more unsavory characters. Will you have what it takes to survive the growing danger?
Meet Me at the Sea (Complete)
Your best friend, Bob Floyd, had insisted you join him for the summer at his family's home along the Carolina coasts. You had been hesitant at first, but ultimately agreed to his request. Now, here you were in a new town with strange locals who spoke in hushed whispers and cryptic retellings about glistening scales, glowing eyes, and haunting songs that echoed from the sea. You didn't believe them at first, but when you wake up on the beach one morning after having fallen overboard the night before, you can't help but think that maybe you hadn't imagine the strong arms and deep, green eyes of the man that had saved you. (Mermaid!Siren!AU)
Fool's Fare (Incomplete, Ongoing)
Captain Jake "Hangman" Seresin had come close to swinging from the gallows more times than he would care to admit. He's stolen, cheated, even killed. The worst thing he's ever done? Broken the heart of a woman. Having broken the heart of the woman whom Davy Jones himself had fallen for six years ago, Jake is now cursed to live as something not dead, but not alive. He's doomed to live a half-life for the rest of his existence unless he manages to obtain the treasure Davy Jones deems most valuable. The problem? He has no idea what it is, and he only had seven years to obtain it. (Pirate!AU)
Two Birds (Incomplete, Ongoing)
Growing up in the midwest meant that you weren't exposed to many of the dangers of the world, and it also meant that you missed out on some of what life had to offer. Taking a leap, you move to New York City with a few personal belongings and the little money you have left in your savings. You become good friends with your roommate and, by extension, the people at the club she works at. However, it isn't long until you catch the eye of not one, but two mafia bosses that rule the city with an iron grip. Will you stay out of their clutches, or will you give in and become another pawn in their wicked games? (Mafia!AU)
Road to Perdition (Incomplete, Ongoing)
The Great Depression wasn't called a depression for nothing. Jobs were scarce, and the price of food and other necessities were rising higher and higher with each passing day. What little money you were able to make went straight to the bank and out of reach from your booze-swilling lech of a brother. It's on one such run that you come face to face with members of the infamous Dagger Gang; a group of, admittedly handsome, men who steal from the banks to hand it back out to the poor. You want nothing to do with them, but that blond-headed devil might just have something to say to the contrary. (1930s!Mobster!AU)
By Its Cover (Incomplete, Ongoing)
The frivolity of high society has never much interested in you. You preferred to spend your time reading, something your sisters couldn't fathom as they spent their time shopping the latest dress styles. The youngest of five children and the fourth daughter, not much was expected of you. You knew you might be married one day, but you hoped beyond hope that it would be to someone that might understand your intellectual pursuits. You begin exchanging letters with a mysterious stranger, and what's more, your older brother's rakish best friend seems to find himself in your path more and more as the season goes on. What's a girl to do? (Regency!AU)
Foul is Fair (Incomplete, Ongoing)
North Island University has a reputation for being a stepping stone for the elite. Generations of families have walked the halls of the institution, going on to have successful careers upon graduation. Only in the last few decades has the school begun to allow omegas earn their degrees from these hallowed halls, and you consider yourself to be among the few lucky ones. You’re determined to prove that you’re more than your designation, but when the cocky alpha in your English class decides to put you in your place, will you fold? Or will you rise to the challenge? (College!Omegaverse!AU)
The Yawning Grave (Coming Soon)
You had always loved the stories your grandfather had told you about the "cunning folk," as he called them. You dreamed of a world beyond our own, but as you grew older, those stories faded into memory. Now, you're freshly graduated from college and on a trip to Scotland with your best friends. What you don't expect, however, is to gain the attention of a mysterious man or the wrath of the woman seemingly with him. You especially don't expect to find yourself in the middle of one of the old stories your grandfather had told you - one where you end up in a world that's not your own and with very few ways out. (Fairy!AU)
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puddle-nerd · 11 months
Hì’i Payoang (Little Fish)
Summary: When Tonowari chose you, he chose not only your Avatar, he chose your tawtute body too.
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Prompt 15 (Size Kink) for my submission for LunasKinktober2023
Inspired by makdoodles’ good loving on AO3, this is taken from a WIP I’m haven’t started posting yet for a full-length story where an OFC was sent to study the Metkayina people around the same time that Jake arrived on Pandora and had to go through something similar of earning their trust by learning their ways. I did change the tenses around to 2nd POV from 3rd. Na’vi Translation: Hì’i – little (size) | small Oel ngati kameie – “I see you” (spiritually (joyful feeling) ) Payoang – fish Tawtute – human | Sky Person Tewng – loincloth Yawntu – loved one | lover | beloved person Story Tags: No use of Y/N, Female Reader, Size Kink, Eating out, Interspecies Relationships, Interspecies Sex, Metkayina | Reef People Clan, Na’vi Biology, P in V, Vaginal Fingering, Vaginal Sex, Creampie
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You sat up in your transfer pod and rubbed your face, your eyes burning with emotion as you thought to yourself, ‘What the fuck am I doing?’
You’d come to Pandora on the same ship that had brought one of your older brothers, but instead of staying in the jungles near him and the Omatikaya Clan while Jake took charge of your deceased brother’s Avatar, you’d been shipped off towards the coast where another, smaller tawtute encampment had been built, this one called Hades’ Vault. All because you’d found out that you had a proficiency for marine biology instead of the zoology and botany Tommy had been becoming an expert in. From there, you’d been introduced to one of the villages and had been invited to learn their ways and at some point, you had begun falling for one of the young divers. What had started out with cautious curiosity had developed into a flirtatious friendship until earlier this evening after you’d passed the dream hut ritual where you had been injected with toxins from an arachnid and swallowed a glow worm to induce a prophetic vision. There had been a chance you could have died from the toxins but the vision that you had seen… a tulkun with a missing fin, a young male Forest Na’vi holding hands with a young female Reef Na’vi, a tawtute ship on fire and sinking, and a group of Forest Na’vi circling a body… well, you weren’t sure what to make of it. And you had survived.
Which led you to ‘the incident’ as you decided you were going to dub it.
You had wandered away from the celebration to take a breather, and the diver you were infatuated with had decided to follow you. You had begun to flirt, which had turned into touching which had turned into…
You shuddered as you remembered the pleasure, he had made you feel and pushed yourself to your feet, stumbling slightly. “You good, kiddo? I take it the dream hut went well?” your supervisor asked. You nodded and he grinned, patting you on your shoulder, reminding you, “Take it easy, do your vid-log, go get yourself something to eat, and relax.” You gave him a thumbs up and ate your dinner while you told the video recording about most of your day, holding back the more intimate details. Whoever ended up watching your videos, well, they didn’t need to know how you’d dug your nails into his back and cried out in ecstasy as he had fucked you over and over again until you had passed out.
Fed and showered, you were feeling restless and decided to take a midnight swim. And what better way to swim in the Pandoran ocean than to put on the faux tail you had made for your tawtute body?
Made of neoprene and silicone, the material of your faux tail settled around your hips and stuck to your plush backside, your thighs, you’re your calves in gold and pink and dark purple, molded to look like palm-sized scales, the end fins wide and long with extra tendrils along the sides to assist your movements in the water. It had been a very, very expensive going away present from a group of your friends for your journey since you’d been dreaming for years about swimming in clean ocean water.
It was one of your most favorite tawtute things in the world.
Underwater mask fasted onto your face, faux tail secured about your hips with only a sports bra as your other covering, you let yourself out of the encampment through a smaller security door and out into the night. You swam down into the coral reefs, smiling as you took in the beauty of the underwater world so unlike your home world. You were safe, closer to the compound, a lot of the bigger predators keeping away, but that didn’t stop the shadow from passing over you. Fear of being eaten raced through you and you ducked into one of the coral reefs, eyes widening as you saw a huge shadow pass over you again, though you still couldn’t make out what had caused it.
Something grabbed your fin.
Yelping, you tried to grab onto the coral but failed as you were dragged out into the open water oh so easily, a band of steel wrapping around your waist and dragging you to the surface of the ocean. “You shouldn’t be out here, hì’i payoang, you heard rumbling into your ear the moment you both were above the water.
“Tonowari, what…” you gasped in shocked surprise as he hauled your body up with one hand so very easily onto the back of his skimwing, his grip still secure about your waist as he carted you both to a tiny, nearby island, leaving Hades’ Vault as an unnaturally bright blight upon the horizon. “You are the one who shouldn’t be out here. Didn’t your uncle specifically say that he didn’t want any Na’vi coming close to us tawtutes by themselves? He’ll be furious with you if he finds out.” The diver hummed as his scaled mount neared the shore and Tonowari scooped you up, carrying you, faux tail and all up onto the shore towards a small mauri secured above the sand between huge mangrove roots.
“I woke with your body in my arms only to realize you weren’t actually inhabiting it,” the male Na’vi replied. You flinched, ducking your face so he couldn’t see your emotions. “Don’t worry,” he added, stepping into the hut and sitting down with you laying out in his lap, “I moved your other form into my personal mauri pod and came to see you. I didn’t expect you to be swimming around like a hì’i payoang, though. What is this that surrounds your leg?”
He brushed his hand over your faux tail, examining the material in curiosity.
“In my language, we call it a mermaid tail,” you said. “Mermaids are fictious creatures that would look something like this.” You gesture to yourself, adding, “Only, their scales would be real, not made of material called neoprene or silicon. I had a fake tail created for me before I left Earth so I could swim easier in the water here. Plus, it’s really pretty.” You lifted your legs slightly, showing off just a tad and heard him chuckle. You stared up at him for a moment until he met your gaze, his eyes so warm it made your heart hurt in your chest. “Why are you here, Tonowari?”
His ears twitched and he settled back, getting a little more comfortable with you resting your backside upon his tewng. “We chose each other when we became one earlier tonight, hì’i payoang,” he replied softly, rubbing his fingers over your faux tail once more. “You reside in two bodies, though… but how could I choose one and not the other? I told you earlier I choose you in your Na’vi body. So, hear me now as a tawtute. I choose you. Even if you are so very small now.”
You couldn’t help the giggle that escaped you at his last comment.
Then you looked up at him, replying, “Oel ngati kameie, Tonowari.”
He smiled and bent himself nearly in half, touching his forehead to the top of your mask, replying, “Oel ngati kameie.” He looked down at your faux tail and asked, running his fingers over the material again, “How does this come off, hì’i payoang?” You giggled and with some struggle, you managed to remove it, freeing your bare lower half to his view. His interest immediately stuck as he saw your biological similarities and touched you experimentally between your thighs. “What is the purpose of the hair here?” Tonowari asked, his brow creased in perplexity as he dragged his fingers through the thatch of your pubic hair.
“Oh, it’s, uh, it grows, um, when you – I mean, when a tawtute – reaches sexual maturity,” you say, embarrassed that, while you did clean yourself up down there recently, you hadn’t shaved yourself completely, “and it’s supposed to prevent dust and dirt and germs from… from getting inside to, uh, to prevent infection as well as, uh, to offer protection from friction.”
You let out a whimper as he commented huskily, “You are so small here. So tight… I may not fit… at first.”
Did he mean to…? But he was so much larger than you.
His finger brushing over the hood of your clit with his thumb and pressing between the lips of your cunt with his index finger was your only warning. “Oh,” you moaned, spreading your legs as he pushed in deep until he couldn’t push in any further. Your pleasured little noises seemed to encourage him because he began to finger fuck you, making a soft grunt of amusement.
“You are even softer down here, hì’i payoang,” he teased, “and so wet. I think you like this.”
“Don’t tease,” you moaned. He raised a brow and slid his fingers from your body, chuckling as you whined in protest. He manhandled you out of his lap and onto a cushion, twisting onto his stomach and bullying his way between your thighs. He leaned in, nose snuffling as he scented your pussy, releasing a low groan.
“It’s not teasing if I intend to follow through, yawntu,” he replied, rubbing his nose between the lips of your cunt. “You smell so sweet.” Before you can react, his hot, eager tongue – rough and sandpapery almost like a feline’s – slid along the seam of your pussy lips. Because it was slick and damp with his saliva, though, it felt so enjoyable against your swollen and over-heated flesh and a wail slid from your throat, your hips arching up into his mouth. He chuckled and pressed your hips back down, keeping you still and lapped at you again. “Relax hì’i payoang… I’ll make sure you feel good.”
You nodded and laid back, whimpering as Tonowari pulled your thighs up and over his shoulders, hooking your heels in such a way to keep you open to him. His one arm over your hips and belly assisted in keeping them pressed down and lessen your ability to squirm as he started to lap his rough tongue in the slick trickling out of your cunt. You whimpered and shivered when his tongue dragged over your clit, your hips jolting out of control at the glorious sensation.
“Oh, oh god, oh fuck,” you whined in English, hips making aborted jerking motions against his mouth. “Don’t stop! Please don’t stop!”
Tonowari hummed against you, and while he commented that he didn’t understand your words, he took it as a sign he was doing something right and doubled down, making your toes curl as he lapped at your pussy and clit like a man starved, your whimpers and whines revealing to him what you liked most. Trying not to grab at his hair – it was a huge display of trust and intimacy for Na’vi and you wouldn’t touch him there unless he allowed it of you – you dug your fingers into the woven fabric of the cushion below you. When your breath hitched, he bore his weight down onto you and then it overwhelmed you, your orgasm rushing through you, pleasure so intense you feel close to blacking out as you scream, writhing in his grip. He held you fast, continuing with kitten licks until your body slumped, your breath coming out in heavy pants, fogging up the inside of your mask.
“Holy fuck,” you breathed, trying to catch your breath. “I think that was more intense than earlier tonight.”
Tonowari was still nuzzling his wide, flat nose into your inner thigh as he scented your arousal. Shifting slightly, he eased a finger inside of you and smirked, purring quietly. “Still so small and tight. I think one more will help stretch you further, hì’i payoang…” he commented, kissing your clit and curling his fingers inside of you.
You let out a sharp squealing wail, arching into his touch as best as you can with the sensation of being stretched out sending pleasure skittering like fire through your veins as he slides a second finger inside of you. He feasted on your clit, thrusting his fingers into you at a rapid place. When he curled them in such a way that he discovered the spongey spot that had you seeing stars, body shuddering as you get closer and closer to your second climax.
And then her purred.
It was like having your vibrator pushed up to its max setting and pressed against you in all the right places. It only took a couple more licks to your clit and finger curls inside of your and you came again, the scream you released making your throat go raw. You could feel Tonowari smirk against you as he held you tightly making sure you couldn’t flee from the onslaught of pleasure, rolling his fingers deeper than any human male ever got inside of you.
This second orgasm crashed through you like a tsunami, overwhelming your senses and causing you to actually black out for a moment, this time.
You came to, to Tonowari pulling at your sports bra. You moaned and swatted at his fingers, pushing yourself up on weak arms to sit up. Carefully pulling off the tight material, you moaned, your skin having gone a little red from the prolonged wear. He frowned, caressing the marks left by your bra. “Your tawtute clothing caused you pain, yawntu,” he grumbled. “I much prefer you in a tewng anyway…” His voice trailed off as his focus remained upon your breasts. He groped them gently, blue eyes darkening as he reveled in the softness of them. “I think I might come to enjoy your little tawtute body.”
You smirked until he leaned back down over you and lapped at your breast with that rough tongue of his, sucking the whole swell of it into his large mouth. “Oh, fuck,” you muttered, grabbing onto his shoulders as he slurped upon your breast like a hungry baby.
And while him nuzzling and suckling upon your breasts felt good, great even… he had whetted your appetite.
And you were ready for more.
You whimpered and reached down his body but your arms were just a touch too short to touch him. “‘Wari,” you moaned, pushing at his chest. He pulled back reluctantly. Meeting his blue gaze, you whispered, “I want you. Will you fuck me, now, please?”
Tonowari smirked and reached for the ties of his tewng, stripping himself of the only covering he had on at the moment. The breath whooshed out of you like a gust. He was comparable to your forearm and while you’d seen him earlier this evening when you had fucked him in your Avatar form, in your smaller body he looks absolutely massive. Of course, being that he was over nine and a half feet tall, it would make sense he would be absolutely stacked. Seeing the darker turquoise veiny, little ridges and nubs along each stripe and bioluminescent freckles that decorated the full length of him to the light pink tip of his cock that matched the pink of his nose made your mouth water. The foreskin, however, was a lighter blue and had started to pull back from the pink tip to reveal a delicate little trickle of pearlescent precum tinged silvery blue.
Tonowari breathed deep and smirked, ears flicking forward, blue eyes darkening. His cock bobbed. “I can smell you, hì’i payoang. Are you ready for me?”
“Oh, yes,” you nodded emphatically. “I am so ready.”
This made him smirk and he reached down between you, guiding his cock to your slicked entrance and nudging the head between your puffy lips. “Breathe, yawntu,” he whispered, taking each of your legs into either hand and spreading you wider as he slowly pushed into you. You whined as he slowly worked his way into you. The previous climaxes had definitely helped relax and loosen you but his size is still alot and the stretch of him pressing deeper and deeper inside of your gummy walls stung. You sucked in a shaky breath as he worked himself further into your channel, the pressure of the almost ridiculous sensation of fullness made your body tighten and loosen to consecutively receive his thickness and seizing up to try to shove him back out of your body. Tonowari went as slow as he could, trying not to overwhelm you.
“Oh, fuck,” you whined, clinging to the cushion beneath you with your hips twitching as he inched his way closer and closer to the end of you.
“Don’t force it, hì’i payoang,” he groaned, stroking his thumb over the side of your calf in an attempt to soothe your while he continued slowly sinking further into you. “I know you can take it. Just relax for me, yawntu.” You whined as he continued forward, finally getting to the end of your channel, leaving a little bit left of his length outside of your pussy but you’re stuffed so full and the pressure left you breathless. “How do you feel, hì’i tawtute?”
You panted shakily, whispering, “Need a moment. Sorry. Just give me a moment.”
Your answer made him smirk, pride radiating from his every pore before you inadvertently clenched down on him and his eyes rolled as you squeezed upon his cock. His collected himself and adjusted himself upon his knees, the slight movements making you whimper and clench down upon him harder. “It’s alright, yawntu. You’re alright. Everything’s going to feel even better in a moment.”
Finally, Tonowari began to move.
His first couple of thrusts were measured, tentative as he examined your features closely to see which angle made you feel the most satisfaction. When he shifted inside you and it had your eyes crossing, he smirked once again and began to set himself at a steadier pace, giving off a rumbling purr as he did so.
The pleasure was building up inside of you again as he moved into your cunt with a relentless rhythm that made you whine as that familiar coil in your stomach began to tighten again, a wail working its way up and out of your throat as you slowly rocketed towards your third orgasm all due to Tonowari’s consistent pace. However, as he felt you squeezing down on him harder, that steady rhythm seemed to be unravelling, sweet, hot pleasure building between your legs and causing you to shake and tremble and whine. Your mind was going blank as he rutted into you harder, his hands clenching down on your calves in a grip so powerful it was near bruising. With his sloppier thrusts and his animalistic grunting, his cock suddenly shifted and shoved against the spongey part his fingers had discovered earlier and you began to sob, reaching down between you to touch your clit as he pounded away deep inside of your cunt. He snarled through gritted teeth as he watched you flick and caress your button in the way you liked best, grinding himself deep inside of you and causing the pressure in your belly to intensify to the point of near pain as your orgasm crept closer and closer.
“‘Wari!” you sobbed loudly. “‘Wari!”
It felt like a super nova going off inside your body. Your cunt spasmed around his massive cock, clamping down upon him like a vice so tightly that he only fucked into your pussy with three more pumps before he came with a deep, rumbling snarl. Your cunt grew hotter with your sweet but overwhelming release, pleasure causing your limbs to shake, your eyes to roll back into your head, and your mind to go blank once more, your spine arching as you cum the hardest you have ever cum before in your life, your whole body feeling like it’s breaking apart and being put back together a million times over as your orgasm drowns you in wonderful sensation as his own seed sprayed deep into your womb, so much of it causing your belly to bulge slightly, as if you were pregnant. He moans, glancing down to see you and grinds his cock into that spongey spot once more and you black out.
This time when you came to, sort of because you felt absolutely exhausted and ready to sleep for the rest of the night, Tonowari had settled the both of you into the hammock deeper into the mauri pod. He must have cleaned you up because while you feel only a slight trickle sliding out of your body.
You moaned and snuggled your masked face into his neck.
“Awake at last hì’i payoang,” he asked, kissing your forehead. You hummed again. He chuckled and glanced over at where he had left your faux tail. He smiled, adding, “Perhaps in the morning, we can go for a swim together.” You hummed and settled your much smaller body against his, your fatigue catching up with you. He kissed your forehead again and closed his eyes, snuggling your tiny body upon his chest because he had chosen you to be his, no matter which form you took.
𖥸 · ─────── · 𖥸 · ─────── · 𖥸
Originally Posted: 15 October 2023 Word Count: 3,541
@pandoraslxna, @eyweveng @teyamsatan @lovefrommeelise
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factual-fantasy · 7 months
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Not in my AU she's not! For 2 reasons-
For 1, my AU is built from Mario games and media I personally know/am familiar with. I know a little bit about Mario sunshine and saw a comic where Delfino island was Daisy's vacation island. So I took that info and crafted it into my AU lore! My Daisy's kingdom is populated by Delfino's, and it sits along the coast nearby the Mushroom Kingdom.
The other reason is I only heard of what Sarasaland was like two days ago. I've never played any of the games its from and had no idea it existed. So I didn't add it to my AU and I definitely cant add it now-
But even if I did, I'd have the same problem. Why is Daisy the ruler of these little.. dancing.. skeleton.. guys..?? If she isn't one of them?
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@neo-metalscottic (Post in question)
AAA THANK YOU SO MUCH!! :DD And yeah, that was Wendy and Roy! Though her exact reasoning for crying hasn't been fully thought out yet. I was thinking that she was having trouble putting on her make-up and ribbons.. maybe that was something the Koopalings mom would help her with before she.. well.. :( (Also, I do intend to finish/expand on that comic/idea very soon! :}} )
As for Iggy and Lemmy, they're not twins in my AU! Though they are close, they are very apart in age. I don't know what "older lore" you're talking about.. if you're referring to a game or a show, I have never seen it. :( All the Koopalings personalities and dynamics are just going to be made up/decided by me :)
As for their closeness, what brings them together is their eyes and their love for magic/Kamek.
I had this idea that Iggy was born blind, and Lemmy was born with a lazy eye/cross eyed. Kamek was able to use his magic to restore a fair bit of Iggy's sight and reposition Lemmy's eye. The result is their eyes and faces have unusual colors and patterns.. but they can see! And they are very thankful to Kamek for that.
Also that exposure to magic at such a young age has really drawn them into it.. they're both supposed to be really interested in magic and learning how to use it. Thus their closeness with each other and Kamek!
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@tallchest13-blog (Sent after this post I believe..?.. orr was it this one-- maybe this one??)
XDD Thank you so much!! I'm glad to see so many folks are interested in my interpretation of the Mario bros!! :DD And good luck with your discord RPG! :}
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Well since there are a ton of pirate/seafaring cookies in the game, I assume water isn't a problem. :0 Though it is for Louis becuase he cant swim- (His claw arm is very heavy so he sinks-)
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(Link in question)
Tbh that gets a bit of an eye roll form me. I miss the old days when Golden Freddy was just a terrifying Easter egg in the first game.. things were so simple back then.. 😭
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@jaybleu25 Ah no worries, I understand. Here, take a look at my 1:AM red scribblings XD
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And if its not clear, the last 4 images of that post are all Roy and Wendy :} Hope this helped!
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(Post in question)
AAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH!! :DD And yup yup! That's Wendy! :DDD
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(Link/video in ask)
Oooo :00 what a beautiful song! :DDDD
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(Post in question)
I can see the braid refusing to stay together and eventually unweaving itself. Its all flowy and free~~💫💫
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<XDD ?? Huh??
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I suppose in the actual games the treasure is like that. But I like to imagine my crew finds actual gold treasures 🤩✨✨
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The only version of Robin hood I'm familiar with is the Disney Fox version. I'm not sure what you mean by his "merry band".. 😅
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Hmm.. I don't think so. But maybe Tuna has..? Or maybe that's how Louis could have lost his original arm-
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Probably Seafoam's love.. 🥺💙
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(Link in question)
I feel like Coco would be the one to get pied trying to protect Red. And Tuna would have been the one to set up the trap XDD
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XDD All I could think is of how terrifying the brown creature in the second image is. I MEAN LOOK AT HIM!-
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@neo-metalscottic (Mario bros post in question) (Princess post in question)
AAA THANK YOU SO MUCH!! :D I'm glad you like them! Though I wonder what about the old designs I would combine the new ones.. I fixed/altered all the flaws I saw with the old designs. I'm not sure what I'd keep-
As for Luigi and the Poltergust, he doesn't ever get that. Since Mario is never captured by the Boos, why would he need it? And I haven't decided what to do with E.Gadd yet, if anything at all..
As for Mario and Bowser.. I was thinking that Mario kind'a just said that in the heat of the moment. But he would be willing to take him down permamntly if he ever showed his face again.. but right now Bowser is definitely not causing any more problems for a while.
Mario and Luigi scared the daylights outa him. The hero's of Legend are real, and they're here. Bowser is probably scrambling for means of defense atm and wouldn't dare send anyone over there to cause trouble.
As for the Chain Chomp.. even if Bowser wanted to release it and wreak havoc on the bros/the mushroom kingdom.. I don't think he could. Kamek was unable to control Petey Piranha and rein him back in when he escaped. What make's him think they'll have any control over the Chain Chomp if they release it? It'll probably just turn around and eat Bowser's castle instead- and once its out, how will they trap it again?
And oh yeah, they could beat it. All they'd need is 1 super star and the Chain Chomp would be flattened in a matter of seconds. ⭐💪
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I know absolutely nothing about him or the game he's from. :( He's made of wood I think..?
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@astaherussy (Post in question)
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And don't worry! I don't intend to rush anything <XDD --I'm trying to take my time thinking the lore through and filling in plot holes-
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(Post in question)
<XD Well I don't wanna ramble about the lore until its a little more set and stone. I don't wanna say "this is my idea!" and then 15 minutes later go "well actuallyyyy...."
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Maybe so! XD I wonder if its like that in the games.. 🤔
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Ooooo I could see that! :00 That could be Urchins weapon maybe!
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(Post in question)
XD I guess great minds think alike? That, or Rosalina is just really cool-
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I'm sure they've faced all that and more! :00 Also thank you!! :))
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kordyceps · 8 months
OK I mean obviously I'm reading your steter stuff on AO3 but I'd love to know if you have an all time favourite? Either your fave of your own work, or fave of another author's that you rec/reread/still think about a million years later (or both lol)
Oh man, okay, sorry for taking so long to reply to this ask! But it's such a good one and I unfortunately have the memory of a gold fish, so I needed to do Research™ (aka reread all my favs again lmao) so I could answer it properly. 😂
I only have one Steter fic of my own atm, so I guess that's my de facto personal fav for now…
But as for other folks' work, god, there are sooooo many great Steter fics out there!! So these are just a handful of my top favs, and definitely not a comprehensive list!
Five Times Peter and Stiles Troll the Pack by taylorpotato Rating: M | 2.5k | requires an AO3 account to read Stiles and Peter yell at each other in Polish, misleading the pack into think they're fighting, when in reality it's all just like completely fuckin' filthy dirty talk lmao. Short, but very funny, and such a perfect capture of their mischievous dynamic. 10/10, would recommend!
The Devil You Know by Twisted_Mind Rating: E | 11.6k Peter is there for Stiles when no one else is, and uses that to slowly manipulate his way into earning Stiles' explicit trust. And ooooh boy, is it so delicious and spicy. God damn! Cards on the table: this fic definitely won't be for everyone since it wades into some darker waters. But oh my god do I love love LOVE Peter's characterization in it. God, I feel like I could write a whole damn essay about this fic, but then I'd just end up spoiling the whole thing LOL. Just--if you like darker, manipulative Peter and enjoy your sweetness just a wee bit twisted, then 10/10 would recommend!
The Prince and the Pease by luulapants Rating: E | 47k | requires an AO3 account to read Medieval/Royalty AU where Peter is forced to cede his claim to the throne and become a "guest" of King Deucalion's as part of a peace treaty between the two kingdoms. Stiles, who is suspiciously far too mouthy for your average servant, is gifted to Peter as a bedwarmer. This one does such an incredible, masterful job at translating the characters into its setting and time period. The sass, the wit, the wordplay! You can definitely tell the author knows their shit, and my god is it fantastic. The plot itself is also so satisfying -- lots of great ups and downs, and, ugh, just so good! (Be sure to read p2 for the full ending btw!) Needless to say, 10/10, would recommend!
Keeping him (It's all about intent) by sittinginmytincan Rating: M (& E for oneshot sequel) | 121k Stiles winds up slingshotted into his own future, where it turns out he's married to Peter Hale of all people. His only way back is with Lydia's help, but she's gone mysteriously missing somewhere on the east coast while investigating some strange disappearances. Man, this fic….. I feel like the writer for this one must have received a checklist of things I'm into and decided to mark nearly every single one of them lol. Time travel, woke up married, magical theory, an enthralling af plotline -- and it's so thorough. Like, everything is so incredibly well thought out, the characterization is on point, and the development of Stiles and Peter's relationship is just chef kiss. Definitely 10/10, would recommend!
The Striking Complication by aurevell Rating: T | 118k I don't even want to write a summary up for this one because the mystery of it all and peeling back what's happening piece by piece is, imo, the best way to experience it. This story is intense as fuck, near relentlessly oppressive, and impossible to put down. It keeps you constantly at the edge of your seat as you try to figure out what is going on and how Peter and Stiles will survive it, with these heart-wrenchingly sweet breather moments sprinkled throughout. If you enjoy time loop stories, this one is an absolute must read! 10/10, would recommend!
build-a-beau by veterization Rating: E | 41.5k Tired of his dad always worrying about him being single, Stiles decides to pay for a fake boyfriend service so he can finally get his pops off his back about it. It goes about as well as one can expect a fake texting boyfriend you accidentally catch real feelings for can go lmao. This fic is wonderfully witty, with really fantastic banter between the two of them, and it's just so very fun getting to watch the pretend part of their exchanges slip more and more into something genuine. 10/10, would recommend!
Under the Songbird's Wing by mia6363 Raing: E | 87k Stiles is captured and held in captivity alongside Peter, Deucalion, and Satomi Ito. To survive, Stiles runs through lacrosse drills and tells stories, eventually persuading his fellow cellmates out of their shells and establishing a profound, unbreakable bond between them. This one is HEAVY, folks. Like, heavy heavy. But, god, it's also such a beautiful exploration of the characters and the bonds they develop through shared captivity. I don't even know what more to say, really, it's just haunting and lovely and awful and wonderful all at once. In the mood for something that hurts? Then 10/10, would recommend!
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madam-whim · 8 months
The Gold Road Reveal and my thoughts on it
I’m gonna start this off by saying I love ESO. I have been playing since 2017 and I’m pretty much doing everything the game has to offer. Quests, dungeons, trials, antiquities, sometimes PvP. That being said, this post will include lots of criticism that I feel (or know) is shared by many other fans.
But first things first, let me start off by listing some of the things on yesterday’s stream that had me bouncing in my seat:
The new zone is absolutely stunning! There’s a lot of variety to it and it does look very pretty. Exploring it will undoubtedly be fun and a feast for my eyes.
Also, Fennorian will be there, so I know there will at least be one well-written character that my Vestige has an actual bond with.
The scribing system being more of a roleplay thing – I don’t know what some people were hoping for, but I’m glad it’s not some Big Damage For Those Who Are Good At Maths kind of system. It still allows for a more unique playstyle, and I suppose it’s going to turn out like always: Do whatever you want in open world spaces, but keep your bow backflip heal out of veteran content.
And maybe the biggest “Yes!” moment of the evening: Ed Stark being the zone lead for Gold Road. While I did not like High Isle as much (too predictable for my taste, but at least it had recurring characters), he was responsible for Greymoor and Murkmire as well. I thought Greymoor was fantastic (good quests, excellent new characters alongside very familiar recurring ones), and Murkmire… well, I think Murkmire suffers greatly from being “the DLC that came after the Daedric Triad” so to speak. It kind of fell into the void created by a storyline spanning a full year (or even more, if you count the setup for the whole thing, which really began with the Varen’s ghost and Darien’s letter in Wrothgar and the Gold Coast sweetroll killer quests). I think that’s why lots of people don’t seem to like Murkmire very much despite it having great storytelling. My point is this: I do have some hope that after the fiasco some recent DLCs were story-wise, Ed Stark will at least make sure Gold Road makes sense.
And now for the criticism.
Ithelia’s design (Whenever, wherever, I want to kill Hermaeus…)
… yeah, about that. As one of my friends put it, she looks like Shakira with wings.
They really could have done so much better. The way she is now, as @akaviri-dovah said, she really just looks like a Meridia clone who somehow stole Jyggalag’s crystals, which is funny on so many levels (more on that later). Suffice it to say that I personally think the design choices are kind of lazy, given that we already have an angelic-looking Daedric lady.
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Also, what’s with this picture? This kinda makes it seem as if she originally looked. Um. A lil different from the way she is now. In any case, I’m just gonna call this a missed opportunity for something more unique. I do like the glass shard aesthetic, I just wish they’d taken it in a different direction.
Dragon Break Princess Ithelia, or something like that
Now I know Dragon Breaks have to work differently from what Ithelia does, but I am kind of wondering what the consequences of her fate-altering abilities are. How do you alter fate in a way that threatens reality (with reality consisting of past and present events, with all possible versions of the future being possibly-real until one actually happens) without altering the timeline? Just by removing a possible future? Then one could argue that any Daedra could do the same just by manipulating people. Granted, it’s possible that Ithelia sees all possible futures and can do whatever she likes with them, but even then, she’d only be influencing what can become reality, not what already is. So how can she be THAT dangerous?
Right now, it just seems to me that they needed an adversary for Hermaeus Mora, and since his big things are knowledge, secrets and fate, and they couldn’t very well make a Daedric Prince of Anti-Intellectualism or a Daedric Prince of Snitching, she had to be a fate-altering type of Daedra.
At this point I’m still wondering how she even works, because how does she not accidentally cause Dragon Breaks? And if she is that damn powerful, how on earth did Mora alone manage to pretty much remove any trace of her? Which kind of brings me to my next point.
Memory Issues
I know, I know, Ithelia is not the first “new” Daedric Prince. (Which makes her stolen Jyggalag crystal vibes rather funny if you ask me.) And I don’t mind her being crazy powerful either, because so was Jyggalag or else he wouldn’t have been cursed. But that, to my knowledge, required several other Princes, whereas Ithelia apparently got owned by Hermaeus Mora alone, who then erased all memory of her. Which is not only quite the feat given how powerful she has to be, but also a very weird thing for Hermaeus Mora to do. I kinda thought stealing memories was more Meridia’s style. This entire part does not quite make sense to me yet and seems a little out of character, but well. By the way, speaking of Meridia…
Meridia-baiting the players
At this point, ZOS have to know we’re getting tired of waiting for villain Meridia. Everyone I know who is even the least bit interested in ESO’s storyline wants to see it. And I’ve seen people get their hopes up in recent days (new Meridia/Dawnbreaker-themed music box, the Ayleid ruin hint on the fragments sent to streamers…). Even in the twitch chat, there were people hyped about what they thought was Meridia, and who were disappointed when they were told it was Ithelia. And yes, I am absolutely saying they did this and made her a Meridia lookalike on purpose. But I’m well aware that we haven’t gotten any new hints about either Meridia or a certain someone since Greymoor, and that chapter will be four years old soon. Even I am beginning to give up, as much as I hate to say it.
By the way, I really did NOT appreciate Matt Firor name-dropping Darien right at the beginning. If you’re not planning to do anything with him, just let it go. I know absolutely nobody who appreciates being fed very tiny hints for two years and then being left in the dark for four years straight. If you don’t want to pick that storyline up again, just stuff the man into the Old Life quest and be done with it.
Honestly, once again, I’m gonna say this is a MASSIVE missed opportunity right here. ESO’s 10 year anniversary is coming up, what could possibly be better than to go back to the roots now and reward all those loyal players with the story they are waiting for? I distinctly recall Molag Bal telling me to watch my step around Meridia, and the setup is all there. I’m honestly disappointed that there is no Meridia content at all. And this ties in with my final point, albeit vaguely.
“Recurring” characters
Ah, yes, we do love recurring characters. Sometimes. We do love it when a fan favorite comes back – a character who’s accompanied the Vestige over the course of an entire story arc or has made multiple appearances over the years and has become beloved by many players, and, most importantly, who is well-written, i.e. has a unique personality. And that’s why “recurring characters” is not always a recipe for success when it comes to getting people hooked on a story.
It is when it’s one of the five companions, or a Ravenwatch member, or your main alliance buddy (Raz, Naryu and – oh, wait, yeah, us Covenant babies don’t have one anymore). It also works when it’s a character we’ve run across several times already, like Alchemy, who I know tons of people love, or my favorite walking disaster Revus Demnevanni.
But it’s certainly not working when it’s a character we barely know anything about, and who isn’t a hit with the community. Like Eveli’s brother whom I had to google because I could not remember who he was. He’s from a prologue quest. Nothing more. That’s not a “beloved returning character”.
ZOS have several of those just lying around, and they’re just not using them. And even the base game had so many characters that were there over the course of several zones, that were well-written and at least memorable to the degree that people would recognize them with just a little reminder, like Indaenir or Holgunn and Walks-in-Ash or the Vanos siblings. Hell, we haven't seen good old Vanus Galerion in a while. They are ten years old now and deserve to be dragged to the surface again.
Okay, I’m done now!
This concludes my rant (because that’s what it is, I’m aware). I just want to say again that this is not be dragging ESO through the mud, this is just me pointing out that the devs (especially the writers) could do so much better if they listened to their lore nerds and story-interested players more.
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gh0stbeeee · 1 year
tell us more about the death note/h2o crossover please 👀
Warning, tiny bit of dark content near the end. But like, it's death note sooo...
Rikki = Light
Emma = L
Cleo = Misa
Lewis = Matsuda
Miriam = Kiyomi
Zane = Mikami
Kim = Sayu
Elliot = Near, Mello, Matt
Miss Chatham = Ryuk
Now, despite character assignments I'm still giving cannon siblings. So Sayu is still Light's little sister, the wammy boys are L's etc. The roles are based off of personality, so not everything fits and I'll move things around. Like yeah, Ryuk is Chatham because him as a weird old ocean man with ominous advice is hysterical.
Starts of pretty similar, will diverge.
Light and Misa go to high school at the Gold Coast, Australia. Light's mother is a marine biologist that works at a nearby institute, while his father still works in Japan as the chief of the NPA.
Misa lives there with her parents, and is close with Light. Ie, she follows him around and he puts up with her. She is also good friends with Matsuda, who studies with her occasionally.
L is the new transfer kid, who Light doesn't like because he keeps on challenging his intellect. Plus he's weird.
So of course Light gets put in a group biology project with him, along with Misa.
While brainstorming where to research, L asks about Mako Island. Light says the Island and the waters around it are too dangerous. L (in essence) calls him chicken.
That weekend, the two, and an unwilling Misa, take Sachiko's boat out to Mako. And the gas tank leaks. So, they row the short rest of the way to Mako.
Of course, there's no phone service, and no one will look for them until after the weekend. Light and L bicker on the beach until Misa makes them go setup camp on the shore, then look for higher ground to try and get reception.
While looking, Misa falls in a hole. L goes in to help her. Light falls into trying to lend them the rope. Stuck down there, they look for an exit, and find the moon pool.
After oooing and aweing, they figure out the pool is connected to the ocean due to tidal rings. They plan to swim out after L scopes it out. Problem, Misa can't swim.
But after encouraging words and promises to help her, they all get in the pool as the full moon rises over the mouth of the volcano.
Weird bubbles happen.
But they ignore it, swimming out to the ocean and back to their camp near shore, getting dry and going to sleep.
The next morning they go into the shallow water to look for samples for their project since they have nothing else to do.
And they all turn into fish.
They freak, Misa screams, it's a mess. They all crawl onto shore to try and figure this out, and as soon as they're dry, they turn back to normal.
Misa refuses to touch water again. L needs time to process what just happened. But Light, the little getter he is, goes for a swim.
And he loves it, it's the most awesome swimming experience he's ever had. Way better than swimming as a clumsy human. He convinces L, then Misa, and after they all start to get used to their tails, they're having the time of their lives.
Now, they can push the boat back to the mainland, and say that "luckily" the gas tank leaked right as they were getting back.
They get what they need for the project, and like the dorky 16 year olds they are, swear a pact to never tell anyone about this.
(Touta finds out a week later when Misa tried to go to a pool party.)
Miscellaneous/Plot Points
Misa shows up at school the following day in total beach girl aesthetic, including beach curls, shell/pearl jewelry, flowy clothes and wedges. L nearly smacks her upside the head. Light does.
They turn the moon pool into their own little hangout! Misa gets them all to buy fairy lights, tapestries, blankets, pillows, and even shelves for all of their stuff, along with a crap ton of batteries for the lights. It turns out surprisingly cozy.
They all hang out a lot for obvious reasons, which puts a chip in Kiyomi and Teru's shoulder. They've tried to be close to Light to no avail, but suddenly this L guy, and Misa who is now more than tolerated, are suddenly thick as thieves with him! They get bitchy with the two, especially L.
Misa made them all fishing net pouch-belts to put cool things they find during swims in.
The pool starts to look like a little treasure trove, since there is a LOT of cool stuff to find and the bottom of the ocean.
With the sheer amount of pearls and mother of pearl they find, Light starts to make accessories out of it. Misa is overjoyed and accepts the items with joy. L likes to watch Light tinker. Light doesn't mind him there.
The three, especially Light develop a superiority complex in regards to other people. It's based in insecurity about not being human anymore, but they do feel superior because of their powers.
L goes research nuts. A large portion of the moon pool wall looks like a mermaid conspiracy board, he wants to find any possible explanation. Light helps where he can, impressed with L's brain.
L was the first to find his powers, when he froze Kiyomi and Mikami to a wet sidewalk. Next was Light, after he boiled his annoying history teachers coffee all over his desk. Misa found her power a few days after, accidentally flooding her bathroom when she tried to bath.
The first full moon was... not good. Ryuk randomly showed up at the beach to warn Light, who discarded his words as meaningless blabbering. The three of them went moon crazy, and swam in the ocean until Misa got caught in an illegal fishing boat net.
The next morning, the boat was found sunken and destroyed, the charred and frozen bodies of the small were found with it.
None of them swam for three days.
But uh, yeah! They're a little pod, very protective of eachother :)
Misa likes to find starfish that match their hair colours and stick them on the boys' hair. They don't come off :)
It's the wammy boys that notice something up (they including Sayu are 10 btw) and they end up finding some of L's research. Watari just said it was probably a hobby when they showed him, but when they go to Sayu and they find a type of shell that is only found at diving depth in Light's room, they begin to think their theory of mermaids is warranted.
The trio is annoyed by the snoopyness, and now that they were technically murderers there was another level of urgency to keep this secret.
Unfortunately, mermaid hunters and scientists do start showing up, as "sitings" have increased due to underwater cameras.
Stakes rise and the three begin to ponder the benefits of staying. And the risks of going.
They start sabotaging. Finding the groups, their plans and evidence under the guise of mermaid enthusiasts. It works mostly, except for one group that keeps coming back. L finds himself impressed with how easily Light can manipulate them.
The three start going farther away during swims, able to go to places like Fiji or the Mediterranean in under an hour due to their extraordinary tails.
There is relationship drama. Misa is realizing her crush on Light is going no where, and he and L have started to become closer. Eventually they get over it, but lawlight is end game.
Kiyomi's jealousy deflates over time, and she begins to appreciate Misa without Light clouding her mind ;)
That's all for now I think! BTW, blue tails for mermen isn't on a whim, it's cannon in the h2o sequel Mako mermaids :)
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Return II
Author's Note: Sadara goes to Kvatch AU.
If there was one thing Sadara missed, it was colors.
She'd spent so long in the Red Mountain region, and then in that little room at the Argonian Embassy that she'd almost forgotten there could be more to the world than red, brown, black, and gray.
The green, rolling hills, the ivy over walls. The blue sky stretching out overhead, the ocean or lakes beneath. The West Weald as she passed it, the beauty of the Gold Coast.
It was not what she felt with Voryn, this sensation of being where she was supposed to be, but there was still a sense of rightness, that soon twisted painfully. If only, she thought, if only she could have him here. But he would never leave Morrowind - he thought little of anything beyond the confines of that province, barely left the Heart Chamber, much less Red Mountain itself!
She had been safe there, perhaps, but towards the end she had felt rather like a princess from a fairytale locked in a tower, tucked away and secluded from nearly everything that made life worth living.
What kind of life would that have been for her and little Sunnar? Queens of the dead. Ladies of a House both feared and reviled, served by monsters and ghouls.
Could you not have thought of this before you let him put the babe in you?
The trip to Kvatch took another day to finish, and by then Sadara was more than ready to walk again. The carriage had been mostly empty, but still, carrying as much in the way of gold and valuables as she did it made her nervous. It was a small fortune to her.
"We will make our own way," she said again, under her breath.
Sunnar mewled to be fed in response.
The owner and publican of the Dragon's Roost inn was an elderly Bosmer woman named Galawen that despite being four feet high on days she didn't have to stoop and who weighed less than a hundred pounds was a veritable force of nature.
Sadara had taken a temporary job there cleaning up, easy enough to do with a babe in a sling around her neck, and was witness to a lot of the woman's antics.
She did not keep Pact, although no one seemed to say anything to her about it. She turfed out drunks with the strength of someone half her age and twice her size...and Sadara envied her greatly for the strength of her personality.
"You're a force to be reckoned with," she said to Galawen, "I've never seen so many men tell me to be careful around someone that wasn't some sort of obvious threat. You seem nice, but...I have never had the best judgment."
"Bah, the drum making would leave too much evidence...oh! Who is THIS?"
The woman's expression changed on sight of Sunnar, who was currently engaged in gumming her mother's fingers.
"My daughter," Sadara said with a smile, "She's quieter than most babes I've seen. I hope she hasn't been an annoyance."
"Of course not!" Galawen gave her own smile, "Are you stopping here on the way to Anvil?"
"No, I...we're hoping to make Kvatch our home," she said, "I had hopes of opening an alchemy shop, but that seems to be a family enterprise, though the Temple is happy to get the occasional healing potion off me."
"You have the money to open a shop? Why are you working here, then?"
"I was poor once...and it brings in money." Sadara shrugged. "I want to have something coming in, in case the worst should happen and I should happen to lose what I've got."
It was a habit she would never kick, she was sure.
Over the next few months she and Galawen had this conversation many more times, and eventually, the little Bosmer had a proposition.
"Why don't you buy this inn from me?"
"Why should you want to sell it?" Sadara asked. "I'm not sure I'd have quite the sum necessary for it in any case. A small shop maybe, but an entire inn?"
"I'm not getting any younger, and I never had children," Galawen said, "I've got no one to pass it to, and I don't want the city to turn it into a barracks."
Eventually they worked it out that Sadara would get the inn for a reduced price, and be officially listed as the new owner. Galawen would slowly hand duties over to her as she was less able to do them, and be provided for in her dotage.
Sadara did not relax, but it eased her mind a little to know the matter of income was settled.
Fortunate, because she had felt unable to sing with the enthusiasm she'd always had before. She still practiced to not lose her skill, but instead of music flowing from her fingertips and out through the lute, she could find no happiness in the exercise.
The small shrine she had built to her ancestors in the corner of the room she shared with Sunnar had yielded nothing. She felt the definite presence of someone, but with the same sensation of speaking to a crowd with their backs turned.
They saw her, but they refused to acknowledge her.
She supposed she could understand, but continued to make offerings anyway.
Forgive me, she prayed there as she did in the chapel of Akatosh, Please forgive me for what I could not do.
There was never any answer, no voice to give a comforting word in this pain that no one seemed to share.
Or so she thought.
Sunnar sat before the shrine late one evening months later, giggling and waving her hands at something unseen. A few steps closer, and Sadara heard it: a male voice, strong, firm, singing a song of some kind.
"Nu kan, nu kan, nu kan metanane anya..."
The words were Ald Chimeris, and Sadara had a vague feeling she'd heard them before.
"We dare, we dare, we dare to choose life," the male voice went on. It stopped and she saw--just the faintest shimmer, the slightest outline.
"Are you one of my ancestors?" she finally found the courage to ask.
"In a sense." The figure became clearer, and smiled at her. Suddenly it was clear. She had seen his face before...laid out in metal.
She was on the point of dropping to her knees when he spoke to stop her.
"Why should you kneel?"
"To beg your forgiveness, as I have to do with the others," Sadara said, "For failing to--to--"
She gulped, to stop the tears from rising.
"You did not want to murder one whom you came to love. I would not have been able to do it either, for all the jabbering the Temple likes to do." He gave another smile when she picked up Sunnar, and made a face at the babe. He was rewarded with more giggling. "You'll have to forgive me...I never had children, though I desperately wanted them."
"It's--I don't mind." Sadara gave a weak smile. "What would you do, now, in my place?"
"If things were different, I would pray to Azura for guidance," he replied, "But she refuses me now, as I am sure she does you."
"I have heard nothing since 'you have earned what you will get, failed incarnate!'" Sadara lowered her head. "She would scold me now and then while I was...in Red Mountain, before I left, but..."
"She boils in inaction, and bursts with rage. It is her way, much as she does not like people to know of it."
"But what shall I do?"
"Live," Nerevar said faintly, "And whatever comes, know that I will be with you."
Sadara reveled in Nerevar's spectral embrace, the first touch of its kind she had felt in over a year.
Whatever would come, at least she was not alone.
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Ridin’ The Waves 🏄‍♀️ | Javy “Coyote” Machado Imagine
Takes place before, during and after the events of TGM
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TGM masterlist
Characters & Pairings: Javy “Coyote” Machado x pro surfer!reader (romantic), dagger squad (platonic)
Content Warnings: fluff, profanity, pop culture references, details of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics | female!reader (she/her) | wc: 9.1k
Requested 📨 yes/no (for @a-court-of-roscoe-and-baby)
Premise: From the moment she could walk Y/n L/n belonged to the sea. Riding the waves that started as a hobby, only to lead her to the world’s greatest sporting stage. It would take time before her dream of Olympic Gold would happen as surfing had yet to be recognized by the IOC. But in her pursuit of becoming the greatest female surfer of all time, Y/n found who she believed was the closest person to paradise.
Note: I gotta say writing athlete/Olympian!reader imagines with the dagger squad are truly some of my favorite. Gosh I cannot wait for next year because that means…..2024 Olympics 👀 Guys I’m almost done with my semester! I have less than two weeks and all i have left to do is a paper and final project !! Almost to the finish thank goodness and then I move in with my friend before starting my summer job! Hope y’all enjoyed this work and let me know what you think!
Be sure to watch the video I linked during the Rock’s segment. I didn’t make it up it actually was a segment during the opening ceremonies on NBC’s coverage.
“Is this heaven?” He laid on the surfboard beside her, feet in the water with the warmth of the sun hit his back. A cool breeze was starting to set in as the most beautiful sunset was before him, painting the sky an endless murrel of pink and orange. Only the subtle echo of the low tide filled his ears. Javy pressed his cheek onto the board, finding her smile which made his own appear at her words.
“More like paradise.”
Everyone had their own definition of paradise. Maybe it was the quiet plains of Montana or the mountains of Appalachia. Maybe it was strolling down the streets of Paris with the Eiffel Tower in the distance. Rain pouring down on New York City with a steaming cup of tea in hand or driving down the Pacific Coast Highway with “California Love” blasting through the radio. Reading a book by the fire next to their soulmate, dancing with strangers at a concert. Ask anyone what they viewed as their own personal paradise and the responses will vary.
Y/n L/n felt she was in paradise almost everyday of her life. Waking up to the view of the ocean while birds flew overhead. Feet hitting the sand as she ran to the waters with her board, anxiously waiting to ride the waves. Salt water coating skin and hair, sun beaming down.
From the moment she could walk the beach became her second home. Having grown up on the island of O’ahu Y/n learned how to surf before riding a bike. Her parents surfed. As did her siblings. Getting an instructor wasn’t needed with a family who knew everything there was about the art of surfing. Y/n received her first board at age four, and from then on her life was devoted to the water. Owning more swimsuits than t-shirts and shorts by the time she reached fifth grade.
She was a natural at best. Always predicting when and where the best waves would be. Timing the push up so perfect others—even her family—were unable to keep up.
“C’mon, leave some for the rest of us,” her brother would groan, missing a wave due to her swooping in at the last second. Y/n only laughed in return.
“Gotta be faster than that.”
Her parents, surfers themselves, were basically her coaches. On weekends they were waking her up at the crack of dawn, breakfast on the counter and telling her to be on the beach when she was done. Then of course she had to apply sunscreen, the substance coating every inch of her skin. Once on the beach a thirty minute run and stretching was mandatory before she could get in the water.
Skipping such a step would have her sore all night.
“We’re gonna work on your 360, cutback, and tube ride before finishing the day with cleaning up your alley oop.”
“If I don’t make a lot of mistakes can we watch Lilo & Stitch after dinner?”
“Yes, that is a fair deal.”
Mistakes? What are those? Mistakes weren’t in Y/n’s nature and if they occurred it was a rare sighting. Only time Y/n ever did mess up on a maneuver was when she was first learning it. Once she had it down it was impossible to lose.
All the friends she made loved going to the beaches after school and on weekends—getting all their homework done during the school hours so their entire afternoon was free. They signed up for competitions together, Y/n entering her first at age 14 for the 2004 Juniors season after competitions in regionals since age 11. “You’re gonna win the comp, Y/n.”
“Oh stop playing,” she brushed her best friend off, only to hear the murmurs of agreement from the rest of the group.
“I’m serious! You catch the best waves and ride them perfectly. Those judges are gonna be amazed on Saturday—I bet you’ll even get a sponsor.”
Her best friend was right. Not only did Rip Curl—THE Rip Curl want Y/n to be the face of their new campaign, but the surfing world would know her name for generations to come.
“Welcome back to our coverage of the 2004 ISA World Junior Surf Championship here in beautiful O’ahu, Hawaii here on ESPN. We’re dwindling down on the final competition with the defending champion from last year's event, sixteen-year-old Carolina Kanoa, and newcomer, Y/n L/n. If you’ve been watching the competition then you know all eyes have been on the fourteen-year-old native of Kapolei here on O’ahu, who scored the highest in her heats and received all tens in the quarterfinals after a perfect run.”
“It was quite the sight, Tom. I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone so effortless in this competition. Y/n’s delivered a captivating performance each wave she’s catched—always getting the first one in her heats and pulling out a big score putting her high on the leaderboard. I wouldn’t be surprised if we see her on top of the podium today.”
“For anyone watching at home who are new to surfing or just want a little refresh on the scoring system, here is how it works: a panel of five judges determine a score one through ten, ten being the best, for each surfer on their wave based on degree of difficulty, innovative maneuvers, combination of major maneuvers, the variety of said maneuvers, and the speed, power, and flow. The highest and lowest score are thrown out leaving the remaining three, which are then averaged out. Now a surfer can catch as many waves as they please but only the two highest scoring waves will be added together to give the total score for that heat. From there competitors are eliminated until there are two finalists.”
Treading water, Y/n paid close attention to the scene in front of her. With only three minutes left on the clock, she was one wave away from crowning herself the Junior World Champion.
“Give me a sign,” she breathed in the salty air. Her thoughts were answered seconds later by a chill running down her neck, gaze snapping to the left where she saw the water draw back. Springing into action, Y/n paddled towards the forming wave, timing it at the perfect moment to end the competition on a bang. She heard the crowd cheer when she stood up, increasing each maneuver she did until finally riding out the end of the wave right as the bullhorn sounded.
Her heart pounded, “Did I just win?” Damn sure she did. Nothing could describe the feeling of holding the championship trophy at the top of the podium. And what made it ten times better, an ambassador of Rip Curl offered her a sponsorship. Before long Y/n’s name and face were plastered across all their campaigns. After winning the ISA Junior World Championships three years in a row—making her a household name in surfing—Y/n went on to senior international competitions. From there her glory only skyrocketed.
ISA World Surfing Games, World Surf League, Rip Curl Pro, Big Wave Tour, Vans Triple Crown of Surfing. Y/n’s little shelf of trophies turned into a full length china cabinet. Traveling back and forth from O’ahu to America. Sometimes even going to South America and Japan for international comps. By age 19 she had created her own maneuver earning her even more attention due to the level of difficulty.
“I don’t see what the fuss is about?” She chewed on a piece of spam, leaning her elbows on the kitchen counter. “All I did was add a couple of extra spins on my aerial.” Her mother gave her a bewildered look.
“That move in itself is difficult, Y/n. Not many perform it in competition and the fact you successfully landed one—with your little spoof nonetheless, people are gonna be amazed.”
“Well, I guess I just got lucky.”
Following high school Y/n turned professional and moved to Honolulu to attend the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa where she studied sports management with a minor in sports science. A family friend had an old Volkswagen Type 2 and Y/n was happy to take it off their hands, fixing it up to have the perfect beach van. Once classes were done for the day Y/n was packing it up with her board, cooler, boombox, and her closest friends.
“You sure this thing isn’t gonna break down on us?”
“Don’t insult Sandy. She’s as good as new,” okay that was a stretch, the van was literally 60 years old, “and I filled her up on gas this morning so we shouldn’t find ourselves on the side of the road.”
“Thanks for the confidence, Y/n. Much appreciated.”
It wasn’t uncommon for people to recognize her on campus. Having generated a public image in surfing—which many of her peers were also involved in—meant she was bound to hear, “Hey, you’re Y/n L/n?” “Oh my gosh I’ve been watching you compete since you were a junior competitor.” “Congrats on winning the Pro this year.”
There were times professors kindly asked, “Can you sign this for my kid? They’ve been into surfing lately and you’re their favorite athlete.” Taking photos with supporters happened occasionally as did giving advice to those wanting to get into surfing. It was a nice feeling for the woman to be able to inspire people and share the sport she loved.
Expanding the art of surfing to the world.
Four years of college seemed to fly by fast. Y/n was surprised she managed to pull through with a 3.6 GPA and graduate Cum Laude with everything in her life. A lot of the competitions were during the school year so Y/n had lots of work on her plate—thankfully some instructors were reasonable and allowed her to get an advance on the material. But she completed her degree with immense relief, aiming to get a career in sports going either by becoming a trainer or manager following her retirement from surfing.
“Y/n, It’s so great to see you again this year at the World Surf League World Championship. You recently graduated from the University of Hawai’i, you’re set to compete in today’s finals to defend your title—how many would this be for you? Number seven?”
Y/n chuckled with the reporter, brushing away a stray piece of hair. “Lucky number seven, yes. I’m so happy and grateful to be competing today—excited to hit the water and try to catch the best waves possible. Regardless of the outcome today I’m just really happy to be here again. I always look forward to this time of year—being able to compete and after working so hard in school this last semester, it’s definitely a relief to not have to worry about finishing a paper last minute once this comp ends.”
“There’s been recent talk of surfing possibly becoming an Olympic sport after much demand following the London Games this year. What are your thoughts? Do you think it’ll be featured in Rio and if so are you going to try and make the team?”
Since becoming a professional sport in 1959 following the first West Coast Surfing Championship in Huntington Beach, California, surfing had yet to reach the greatest sporting stage. The Olympic Games. Held every four years where thousands of athletes from around the globe come together to compete for the chance at gold. Duke Kahanamoku, the father of modern surfing and three-time Olympic freestyle swimming champion having won gold at the 1912 and 1920 Games respectively, first advocated the sport to be in the Olympics back in 1920. Had it not been for him, surfing may not have become as popular in the world as it was.
When it came to the Olympics, Y/n loved sitting by the tv to watch Team USA. Witnessing historic moments and record breaking finishes she was in awe of every athlete who came across the screen. Swimming, diving, track, gymnastics, soccer. So many sports events in a single fortnight. She hoped surfing would become an official sport in the Games. For she too had dreams of an Olympic gold around her neck.
Pausing for a moment, Y/n smiled at the thought of her becoming an Olympic Champion, “I think a lot of us can agree that we’d like to see surfing become part of the Olympic family. It’s one of the oldest sports and has its own professional circuit for decades now—I mean we’ve got people here today from Japan, Italy, El Salvador and Australia. Why not include it? And you can definitely expect me to be training the moment it is.”
It would be four years before Y/n could make do with that promise. On August 3, 2016, two days prior to the opening ceremonies of the Games of the XXXI Olympiad, the IOC announced surfing would finally be an Olympic sport.
“Exciting news for the surfing world,” the headline appeared on the screen of ESPN’s afternoon coverage, “the International Olympic Committee has just confirmed the sport will be introduced for the first time in its history at the Tokyo Olympics taking place in 2020–marking 100 years since surfing legend Duke Kahanamoku first started advocating for it to be featured. Professional surfing isn’t new to international competition having debuted at Huntington Beach, California in 1959. Since then there’s been several meets featuring surfers from all over the world—the most recent being the 2016 Rip Curl Pro where ten-time World Surf League champion Y/n L/n claimed the title once again for the fifth time since her senior international debut in 2007. L/n is just one of many professional surfers who’ve advocated for surfing to be in the Olympics over the years and expressed interest in competing for a chance at gold. With the confirmation by the IOC this morning, I’d say we’ll be seeing her at the trials in four years.”
The morning after the announcement Y/n headed to the beach to find her father propping her board into the sound. “So four years, huh?” Y/n crossed her arms over her chest, feeling the wind breeze past them.
“Seems like a long way, but it’ll be around the corner before we know it.”
“We better get started then.”
Morning, afternoon, evening. Every day Y/n was on the water catching waves left and right. Perfecting maneuvers, getting air in her aerials. When taking breaks she’d go on runs and to the gym. She still participated in yearly competitions and surfed with her friends, but her training habits became more intense as she prepped for Tokyo. When she wasn’t sleeping, eating, or competing she was on the water.
By 2019 Y/n had accumulated the most titles won by a female surfer with ten ISA World Surfing Games—formerly the World Surfing Championships, ten Rip Curl Pro trophies, five QuickSilver pro Gold Coast, five-time triple crown winner, and the 2016 champion of The Eddie Aikua Big Wave International. Winning The Eddie and becoming the first woman in history to do so after the event returned from a seven-year hiatus had Y/n on the front page of several sports magazines around the world. It was a huge accomplishment. Pushing Y/n as the favorite to win gold in Tokyo.
Towards the later end of the year, October in fact, Y/n found herself on the sunny beaches of San Diego, California. August to November were the best months to surf in the area, being it was late summer going into fall where the heat wasn’t excruciating. Still one had to wear a wetsuit to even touch the water.
Y/n was in town to visit an old friend from college and to help the Pacific Beach Surf Club with their beach cleanups and participate in a charity competition. Having traveled in San Diego a few times she was no stranger to the club and welcomed with open arms. Volunteering in their cleanups was the least she could do to prepare the beach for the charity event.
When they finished they all changed out of their clothes into wetsuits, wasting no time to hit the waves. “Hey!” Her friend yelled from where she was treading water, tone teasing, “be sure to leave some for the rest of us, yeah?” Y/n threw her head back in laughter.
“I make no promises!”
Anytime Y/n surfed out of training or competition she felt so free. No pressure to be perfect. No shouting from her father. No commentary from the sportscasters or questions from reporters. Only her, her board, and the beautiful sea.
She cheered on her friend and the people in their cleanup group when they caught waves. Complimenting them whenever they did a cool trick. In return they whistled and hollered for her. They soon developed an audience from the shore. Children and adults alike stop to watch them in awe. Instantly drawn to Y/n who glided effortlessly, guiding her board into a tube ride.
Unbeknownst to the surfer, a group of navy pilots had stopped their game of dogfight football to observe the show.
Jake whistled, “Damn she’s good.” Mickey agreed.
“I don’t think I’ve seen someone surf like that. She’s a natural.”
“Probably has been doing it for years,” Bradley commented, fixing his aviators. Natasha and Bob hummed in agreement.
“I think I’m in love,” Javy breathed out, simply in awe of what he was witnessing. The most beautiful woman he’d ever seen showcasing talent on a board he could only dream of possessing.
He wondered what her laugh sounded like, seeing her head tilt back at something her friend said. Even from the distance her smile was breathtaking. Hair pulled back into a tight bun, body adored in a wetsuit to combat the cool water. A cheeky smirk thrown at her peers when she started paddling toward a forming wave. Standing on the board like a pro and making all kinds of turns and tricks Javy knew he’d wipe out the second he attempted them. Speaking of wiping out, she hadn’t done it once.
Jake nudging him from the side snapped him out of his daydream, “Go talk to her.” At the nod of his head, Javy realized she was running across the sand, stopping when she got to an area of coolers, towels, and backpacks.
“No!” He hissed, eyes reading, ‘are you crazy?’
“Why not? Just go up and start complimenting her. Ask her how long she’s been surfing. That’ll start a conversation.”
Javy scoffed, “Easy for you to say, Mr. Ken Barbie Doll who doesn’t need a confidence boost when talking to women.” Jake went to rebuttals but the sound of Reuben coughing stopped him.
“Uh guys….” He lifted a finger, their gazes following to find a family of four approaching the young woman. They couldn’t hear what was being said, but seeing her take a notepad from the little girl before scribbling in what appeared to be an autograph followed by the father snapping a photo with his phone, it was enough to conclude she was someone.
“Are…is she signing autographs?” Javy wondered aloud. He watched her sign the little boy's boogie board, posing for a photo with him before kneeling down to be on both the children’s level and smile for the camera. Hell even the parents wanted a photo, one of her friends coming over to hold the phone while they positioned themselves on either side. Then finally the whole family had a group one, saying their goodbyes and thank you’s to the woman who waved as they left.
“So she’s kinda famous,” Bradley said the obvious, everyone in a daze. Probably trying to figure out who the woman was, as none had recognized her as an actress or singer.
While they were busy investigating, Y/n unzipped her wetsuit leaving her bikini underneath and pulled on shorts with a graphic t-shirt overtop. “What are you guys doing after this?”
“We’re gonna grab some drinks at The Hard Deck. You down?”
“The Hard Deck?” She repeated with a tilt of the head. Never had she heard of the place.
“It’s that bar over there,” Y/n turned to the direction her friend was nodding at, eyes landing on a building not far from where they stood. “Great vibes, but I must warn ya it’s always filled with Navy fellas.” Y/n perked up slightly. Having lived on O’ahu all her life she was familiar with Navy personnel. After all, Pearl Harbor was located just on the coast of the island.
“Yeah, Miramar is not too far from here. It’s where the pilots train so expect to see some in flight suits.”
At around 6 the group packed it up and headed for the bar. Upon entry Y/n saw exactly what her friend had warned. The place was buzzing. Servicemen and women on every corner, music blasting from the jukebox. They approached the bar top to order a round of beers before settling over by the high top tables, splitting the group up since there were about eight of them.
“Check it out, Machado,” Payback clapped his friend’s back, making him turn to where his attention was. Javy’s eyes widened upon seeing the surfer.
“Did they just get here?”
“Looked like it. You should talk to her—especially since this is the second sighting in mere hours.” The pilot rolled his eyes.
“I don’t wanna come off as a creep, Fitch. What am I supposed to say ‘Hey, sorry if this is weird but I saw you surfing earlier—can I buy you a drink?’ She might throw me to the sharks.”
Natasha shook her head, “men.” A moment later Penny arrived with a tray of beers, placing them down on the seat beside Bob where the guys were shooting pool, “delivery for my favorite dagger squad.”
Thanks were sent her way followed by Jake asking, “Say Pen, you know those guys?” The bartender glanced over her shoulder to see who he was referring to, nodding with a smile.
“Oh that’s some members of the Pacific Beach Surf Club. They were cleaning up the beach earlier for tomorrow's charity competition. Expect the place to be packed if you drop by, it’s always a madhouse. This year they’ve got some of the best surfers participating.”
“Do you know if she’s one of them,” Javy tried to act cool when pointing out the woman.
Upon Penny’s smirk, the answer was clear, “Unless my eyes are deceiving me, I believe that’s ten-time world surfing champion Y/n L/n.”
“Ten?!” Mickey repeated, “Holy shit.” Around him the others were matching his expression. Javy immediately grabbed his phone to type in the name. Sure enough the image of the woman seated at the table appeared on his screen. Clicking on the Wikipedia page he started to read aloud for the group the opening paragraph.
“Y/n M/n L/n, born y/b/m yb/d, 1990 is an American professional surfer from Kapolei, O’ahu, Hawaii and a ten-time World Surf League Women’s World champion, the most titles won by any female surfer to date. L/n made her debut at the World Surf League Junior Championships at age 14 in 2004 in her native O’ahu, winning three consecutive times before turning to senior international competition where she’s won a total of forty world titles—including becoming a five-time triple crown winner. As of 2016, L/n is the defending champion and first women to win the Eddie Aikau Big Wave Invitational. She is set to compete at the first ever U.S Olympic Trials in hopes of making the Tokyo Olympic Team where surfing will make its debut at the Olympics.”
“Well I’ll be damned,” Jake peered over Javy’s shoulder, watching him scroll down to view Y/n’s career statistics. Mickey appeared on the opposite side, whistling under his breath. Natasha took out her own phone to search herself, Bradley, Bob, and Payback all glancing over to see.
“She’s literally called the greatest surfer of this generation,” Bradley pointed out. “Talk about intimidating.”
“Now you gotta buy her a drink, Machado,” Payback concluded, igniting another glare from his friend. “Say you pulled an Olympian.”
“I’ll take it to her,” Penny offered, and before Javy could stop her the woman was back behind the bar. They watched her take a Corona from the cooler, add a lime and proceed to the table the athlete was at. “From the gentlemen by the pool tables,” Penny smiled at Y/n, nodding to the group, “the one the blonde is pointing at.” Turning her head, Y/n saw the guy in question pushing his friend’s hand down, a reddish hue on his cheeks when they made eye contact followed by a wave.
‘Well hello there,’ she thought, smiling at the handsome man. He was in a pair of basketball shorts and t-shirt reading NAVY in bold letters. The group he was with all scattered to make it look like they weren’t eavesdropping when Y/n approached, Corona in hand, “Hi.”
“Hello,” even his voice was attractive. Everything about him was. From his clear smooth skin to his dazzling smile. Toned arms and legs.
“Thanks for the beer.”
“Anytime,” he tipped the one in his hand, Y/n clicking hers against it. “Sorry if this is weird at all. I saw you surfing earlier and was trying to muster up the courage to come talk to you….but couldn’t find the words to say.”
Y/n smirked, gesturing to an empty pool table, “how about a game? Maybe it’ll help loosen your nerves.” Moving to a cue Y/n sees his grin widen, “I’m Y/n by the way.”
“I’m Javy, but you can call me Coyote.”
“Coyote?” She repeats with a chuckle, “That’s an interesting nickname.”
“Callsign actually,” he politely corrects before explaining he was a naval aviator. Grabbing his own cue while she sets up the rack, he added, “Wasn’t my doing.”
“Then how’d you get it?”
“Um…” he made a face, as though he was embarrassed to say. “I’ll tell you if you win this match.” A sound between a scoff and a laugh escaped her.
“So that’s how it’s gonna be.” Javy raises his hands in defense, laughing with her. “And if you win?”
His own smirk appears, “You give me your phone number…maybe even let me take you out.” Biting back a grin and fighting the warm feeling in her chest, Y/n removes the rack leaving the pool balls neatly centered.
“Challenge accepted, Coyote.”
It was safe to say both came out as winners that night. Though Y/n won the game and got the scoop on Javy’s callsign origin, he walked away with her number and plans to have dinner the following night after her charity event. Javy made the promise to come out and watch her surf, excited to see her in action. Hearing Y/n talk about the sport and her accomplishments was even cooler in person than reading it off the internet. From her amateur days to becoming a full blown professional. Winning countless championship titles, being the first woman to win The Eddie and her dream to win gold at the Olympics.
Javy was smitten.
“I’ll see you tomorrow then?” She smiled when they reached her van at the end of the night. They talked for hours to the point they lost track of time. It was 11 o’clock and she had to be up at five.
“You said it starts at noon?” At her nod Javy continued, “I’ll be there. And I look forward to our dinner plans after.” Y/n felt the heat rise, hoping it wasn’t displaying on her face.
“Me too. Thank you for a fun night, Javy,” feeling bold, Y/n leans to place a kiss on his cheek. The action leaves him stunned, smile growing bigger as she pulls away. “See you on the beach.”
Now Javy had loved the beach before meeting Y/n. But his love for it and the ocean only grew the moment he watched her ride the waves. Cheering from the sand as she dropped down and glided the tide with ease. It made him want to stay there forever.
He understood quickly why she was regarded as the greatest female surfer of all time. Yeah it was a charity competition and not a world championship, but Y/n treated the waves no differently. She was a beast. Total control of her board, little to no mistakes.
Their dinner date was filled with laughter, flirty sarcasm, stories so outrageous one would think they were bluffing. Javy spoke of his time at Top Gun and his friendship with Jake. Y/n told him about her college days. Both engaged in conversations about dreams and aspirations. Yeah they had their dream careers, but one can always dream bigger. Dream about friendship, dream about love.
Dream about the future.
When the night came to an end, Y/n laid her head on the pillow with a smile on her face, “I think this might be paradise.”
23 July 2021–The Hard Deck, San Diego California.
“It’s almost time for USA!” Javy hushes everyone, grabbing the remote to increase the volume. The place was packed mostly with the squad's friends, colleagues, the Pacific Beach Surf Club, and college students from UC San Diego. Togethery they were gathered to watch the opening ceremonies of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.
The Tokyo Olympics.
Finally after a whole year of waiting the Games were finally being held. A global pandemic sure would be the only thing to stop the most iconic two-week sporting event in the world.
And Javy’s girlfriend, 12x World champion Y/n L/n, was there to be part of surfing's Olympic debut. Gold on her mind.
The two had been long distance the majority of their relationship, but FaceTimed nearly every day with promises to visit as soon as restrictions were lifted. Y/n traveled to San Diego in the winter of 2020 to mark the couple’s one year anniversary. Then Javy flew to Hawaii in the spring, spending two weeks in Kapolei where most time was spent surfing and late night drive on the beach.
“There’s no place I’d rather be,” he sang at the top of his lungs, windows rolled down .
“Than on my surfboard out at sea,” Y/n followed, smile wide on her face with her hair blowing in the wind.
“Lingering in the ocean blue.”
“And if I had one wish come true.”
Together they sang, “I’d surf ‘til the sun sets beyond the horizon!”
Y/n tilted her head back, “‘Āwikiwiki, mai lohilohi. Lawe mai i ko papa he’e nalu.”
Belting out together once again, their voices echoed in the night, “Flying by on the Hawaiian roller coaster ride!!”
“‘Āwikiwiki, mai lohilohi. Lawe mai i ko papa he’e nalu.”
“Pi’i nā nalu lā lahalaha. ‘O ka Moana hānupanupa.”
“Lalala i ka lā hanahana. Me ke kai hoene i ka pu’e one.”
“Heel, hele mai kākou ē.”
“Hawaiian roller coaster ride!”
During the Olympic surf qualifying event in Huntington Beach the whole squad was in attendance to cheer Y/n on. Javy embraced her in tears, lifting her onto his shoulders to the hollars and whistles of their friends and family.
Y/n was officially an Olympian.
Now usually during the parade of nations of the opening ceremonies Greece is the first to enter the arena followed by the countries in alphabetical order with the hosting nation entering last. Having waited a whole year due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the world was excited to get the Games started. But to everyone’s surprise the order of the parade of nations would proceed differently than prior Olympics.
Greece still entered first, followed by the Refugee Olympic Team and then the nations paraded in based on where they fell on the Gojūon system. Japan would be the last country to march in, but for the first time ever the hosting countries of the next two Olympics entered before the hosting country. And what were those two countries?
France and The United States of America.
Paris was set to host the upcoming 2024 Games just three years away, and then in 2028 Los Angeles gets the honor once again of bringing the world together. The last time LA hosted was in 1984, and the last time America itself hosted the Summer Games was Atlanta 1996.
“Okay everyone shut up!!” The tv was turned to the loudest volume possible, all in attendance falling to hush whispers.
“Everything changes,” Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson’s voice echoes through the speakers, his silhouette figure walking into an empty arena. “The longest wait of their lives is over.” The beat of the music gets louder, building in pressure. “And the combination of their blood, sweat, and tears,” his face is revealed under the light, “finally arrives.”
The beat drops in time with the image of fireworks rocketing from the Rio arena, an announcer’s voice stating, “this is the moment that you all have been waiting for.”
“It’s not easy to bring the entire whole planet together,” the Rock states, “and it certainly wasn’t tonight. But, here we are.”
“It’s finally here.”
“The Olympics are finally here,” Gold Medalist Simone Biles grins.
“Yeah, I’m hyped up.”
“Can’t wait to show the world what I got.”
The image shows Dwayne once again, “Tonight we are all so lucky to witness the hardest workers in the room.” Then it changes to athletes training, from gymnast Sam Mikulak to sprinter Noah Lyles. “The athletes who are a brilliant tapestry of talent, commitment, and drive.”
“Drive, drive, drive!”
“Now what was once considered unthinkable just one year ago has become a glorious reality. We come together united to celebrate the Olympians who exemplify the very best in all of us.”
🎼 legs are shaking, hands aching, 🎼
Simone Biles appears, determination in her gaze as she races down the vault runway. “It’s Simone’s party and everyone else is just a guest,” Tim Daggett’s voice cuts in during the clip of Simone at the World Championships, followed by the Rock.
“She is absolutely the greatest gymnast the world has ever seen. But even if there’s nothing left to prove, there’s a chance to launch herself even higher into the rarest air of immortality.”
As Simone lands her vault, it transitions into Katie Ledecky entering the pool. “The most dominant swimmer in the world.” “It’s just ridiculous!”
“She swims like a machine created to wreak havoc and decimate with impunity.”
“Katie Ledecky smashes her own world record!”
“But in reality she’s about the nicest person you’ll ever meet,” the rock’s face returns, bearing his own smile like Katie. “And kindness matters. Always.” Track star Noah Lyles running takes over. “He makes running as fast as you can look the way it’s supposed to look.”
Dwayne grins, “Damn fun.” The next athlete featured was the one they were all waiting for.
“On dry land she’s impressive, in the water she’s simply lethal,” the Hard Deck erupted in cheers, Y/n flashing onto the screens showcasing her drop in during the WSL World Tour.
“That’s my baby!!!” Her name appeared in big bold letters like the others, ‘Y/n L/n. Kapolei, O’ahu, HI.’
“Monstruos wave for Y/n L/n, but she handles it like a pro.” The clip shows her pointing to the sky in victory following her win. “She’s here to prove why surfing should’ve been in the Olympics ages ago,” the Rock looks proud, “and look cool as hell while doing so.”
The tone of the video shifts, bringing forth the raw and emotional reality of athletes who’ve given every inch of their soul to be on the world’s greatest sporting stage. “They’re kids from Minneapolis—.”
“Kenny Harrison!” A girl crosses the finish line in joy, soon embraced by her father. “Raleigh.”
Fellow surfer and native Hawaiian Carissa Moore is shown, “And Honolulu.” A baby in a stroller being pushed by her mother. “They’re working moms with unfinished business.” Allison Felix with her daughter.
“This is what makes all the sacrifice worth it.”
Simone Manuel becoming the first Black woman to win an individual Olympic gold at the 2016 Rio Games. “The barrier breakers who’ve proven the power of the platform.”
“I can’t begin to tell you what this means for the sport of swimming in the United States.”
“There’s Jordan—!” A montage of Gold medal winning teams flashed. The Fab Five. The women’s soccer and basketball teams. The women’s rowing team. The Fierce and Final Five of U.S Gymnastics. “And the teams that have dominated for generations with no intention of changing the script for this one.”
“Get the gold medals ready. Again!”
“These awe-inspiring multi-talented athletes are taking on the world.”
🎼 ‘You bring me back to life.’ 🎼
Between the music and feel good montage, some of the viewers in the hard deck were having trouble holding back tears. Chills racking up their body. It made them want to get out and start training to be a world class athlete.
“They really are the best of us. They’re bringing us together.”
“That’s a new world record!”
“And they’re about to give you, at long last, the greatest two-week spectacle the world has ever seen.” Close ups of Team USA’s Olympians rolled, Javy wiping his eyes when Y/n appeared. “It is their Games. It is our Games.”
Absolute chills.
“Ladies and gentlemen, I am so grateful to have the honor of presenting to you….Team USA.” At the last word the Rock disappears, cutting to Team USA entering the Tokyo dome—the American flag flying high, “USA! USA! USA!” Though they couldn’t hear the cheers from the Hard Deck across the ocean, that didn’t stop the building from erupting in whistles. It was only the opening ceremonies so one could imagine what it would be like come the 26th and 27th.
When Y/n hits the waves for a chance at Olympic gold.
Tsurigasaki Beach, located 40 miles from Tokyo, was the place where it would all happen. The damp sand beneath Y/n’s toes felt comforting. Although the overcast skies made her worried. Tropical Storm Nepartak caused the waves to be more aggressive and unpredictable. It was going to be an interesting day of competition.
After qualifying with a big score in her heat the previous day, Y/n was set to compete in the quarterfinals that morning. From there the semi-final contestants would be decided, going straight into the event before finals that afternoon. Three events in one day if she made it all the way to the end.
“I’m going to be so sore tonight.”
Shortboard in hand, Y/n raced to the water the second the horn sounded. Instant shivers along her arms from the cold feeling. Cloudy skies prevented the sun from heating the water, “goodness gracious.”
Quarterfinals breezed by. Y/n started off strong with a score of 7 for her first wave, going on to claim two more, another 7 and an 8 bringing her total score to a 15. Putting her, American Carissa Moore, South African Bianca Buitendag and Japan’s Amuro Tsuzuki into the semifinals.
“Stellar performance by Y/n L/n of the United States. She had a bit of trouble on her second wave—which we can’t blame her for; many competitors have been having difficulty today due to the impact of tropical storm Nepartak on the tide. L/n’s score of 15 puts her at the top for the quarterfinals, but that can all change when we return for the semifinals in the next hour. It looks like she’ll be up against Japan’s Amuro Tsuzuki for one of two spots in the gold medal match.”
“That’s how you do it,” Javy clapped at the tv, the footage replaying Y/n’s competition highlights. “Semi-finals here we go.”
During the semis the pressure was on. Y/n could feel it all over, anxiety coursing when the horn sounded. Thirty minutes on the clock, ticking down to eliminate either her or Amuro. Usually her luck turns out for the better whenever she gets the first wave, however, Amuro beats her to it. Catching the next one Y/n focuses on pulling speed and managing her flow into the maneuvers, receiving a score of 6.2 on her first wave, 8.3 on her second and 7 on her third. Unfortunately a wipe out early on her fourth and final wave results in a score of 3.
“Is that gonna be enough?” Jake cringes, noticing the look of unease on his friend's visage. Y/n appeared shaken from the wipe out. Very rare has she ever messed up greatly in competition. But there’s always a first for everything.
Javy had a paper in front of him, writing down Y/n’s scores and the ones of her competitors to predict what she needed and if she was qualified to the final round.
“Her six and seven will be dropped, putting her at 11.30,” he taps the pen on the bar surface, “if Amuro doesn’t get another wave in the next,” Javy checks the time, “two minutes then it should put Y/n through to the finals.”
Amuro did in fact catch another wave before the horn sounded, ending their round in the semis, but it wasn’t enough. Her total score accumulated a 7.43, eliminating her from the final competition.
“One more,” her father/coach took a hold of her shoulders. “You’re almost there, Y/n.” Almost to the gold. “Rest up, you got one hour.”
He didn’t have to tell her twice. Picking up a water bottle and plotting on the sand Y/n downed the liquid and munched on an apple. To pass time she scrolled through Tik Tok, sent a selfie to Javy—who sent one of him and the squad back—and called her family in O’ahu to calm her nerves. She had already talked with Javy that morning before quarterfinals, promising to FaceTime him after the finals.
It was nerve racking. Regardless of how the event went, Y/n was guaranteed the silver medal. USA would take home both Gold and Silver in surfing’s debut being fellow American Carissa Moore beat out South Africa’s Bianca Buitendag in their round.
One competition left.
Bidding good luck to Carissa, Y/n took her position and waited for the horn. Thirty minutes on the clock. Thirty minutes to a gold medal.
“Here we go,” Payback announced in time with Y/n paddling out to sea. Javy rubbed his hands together, eyes glued to the screen.
“And the two Americans are off in the first ever gold medal match for surfing. Carissa Moore, the 2019 WSL World Champion, and twelve-time title holder Y/n L/n head-to-head to declare who will become the woman to win surfing’s first gold medal. Both have exemplified great performances today—it’s not easy doing a quarterfinals, semi-finals, and finals all in one day, but these pros make it look easy.”
“There she goes!” Nat shouted, earning cheers at the bar when Y/n caught the first wave of the competition.
“Kicking off with the first wave, in just two minutes of the clock starting is Y/n L/n. Dropping in beautifully, easing into the wave…..Straight into an roundhouse cutback, which she does flawlessly. Bottom turn, I think she’s gonna try and do a off-the-lip right here….and she nails it! I think she’s hoping to elongate this wave as far out as she can. Carving now and finishing with a 360 into an Ariel. Wow! That was a great start by Y/n.”
“Yeah that’s what I’m talking about!” Javy shouted over the cheers, grin plastered wide only to brighten more when the score came back a 8.7. “HELL YEAH! LETS GO!”
Carissa’s wave was impressive. She managed to hold it down with complicated moves to earn a 8.5. Both women scored huge on the first waves followed by 7s across the board. Nearing the final five minutes Carissa managed to get a 6.43.
“She can’t get anything lower than a 6.23,” Javy felt sweat pool on his forehead, suddenly feeling hot in the bar despite it being the ass crack of dawn.
“She’s got this,” Nat patted his back.
The clock was ticking down. Two minutes to go and Y/n had yet to find a wave. Placing her palm onto the surface, she took a deep breath, “please, give me a sign.” Not a moment later she felt something in her say to look right.
There, brimming about fifteen feet away, was the perfect wave.
Wasting no time Y/n’s chest planted to her board, paddling as fast as possible. Her heart was pounding, salt water splashing. Positioning herself in front of the forming body, Y/n silently called out to whoever was listening for strength.
“Wow she’s going for that huge current out on the west side. Moore is too far back—it’s gonna be L/n on the final wave of the women’s competition. With one minute to go she’s dropping in—.”
Y/n allowed the adrenaline to consume her, giving it total control as she dropped in. The highest wave of the competition yet, Y/n knew she’d be having a tube ride with how it formed. Picking up speed, she knelt slightly, paralleling her chest with the wall of the wave, the water curving around her. Blocking the world from her view.
It was just her and the sea. No one else.
Closing her eyes briefly, she pictured she was back on O’ahu in the water she grew up in. Sun beating down and gentle hum of seagulls.
Like she was in paradise.
The image left as quick as it came. Y/n snapping out of her daydream to exit the tube ride to the cheers of her father on the beach, curing back into the wave to finish on a high note by performing her signature Ariel. Smiling the whole way down just as the horn signified the end of the competition.
“And there you have it folks. The women’s surfing finals has officially come to a close—Y/n L/n ending her Olympic Games with a remarkable last wave. Absolute perfection with speed, precision, and control. That’s gonna be the highest score for her I feel.”
“C’mon, c’mon,” Javy bit his nail, knee bouncing from the anxiety of not knowing. Carissa’s total score was displayed first, 14.93. Y/n’s lowest was a seven, highest 8.7. Her final wave was amazing, but judging was unpredictable. Anything could happen.
Then in the blink of an eye the hard deck exploded.
“I don’t believe it! Tens across the board for Y/n L/n bringing her total to 17.00!! Y/n L/n has won the gold for the United States—Carissa Moore with the silver. USA goes one and two in women’s surfing at its Olympic debut!!! Take it all in, we are witnessing history,” the screen shows Y/n and Carissa embracing, leaning over their boards to congratulate the other, “Team USA has much to celebrate, the world of surfing has their champion. Y/n L/n adds gold to her name—surfing’s first Olympic Champion here in Tokyo!!”
Y/n laughed the entire time she paddled to shore, raising to her feet to race towards her father. She was soaking wet but he didn’t care. “You did it!” He yelled, kissing her head with tears in his eyes. “You’re an Olympic champion! I’m so so proud of you!” Soon they were greeted by Carissa and the rest of Team USA’s surfing members. The two women were lifted onto shoulders, American flags draped over their backs with photographers surrounding them.
It was a moving image. Two women from Honolulu and Kapolei, Hawaii won surfing’s first Olympic silver and gold medal. If only Duke Kahanamoku could be there to witness.
Back at the hard deck celebratory drinks were served and toasts raised to Y/n. Javy barely contained his emotion, eyes watering the moment her name came back the winner. Natasha and Jake embraced him in a hug, the guys whistling and hollering. Penny rang the bell.
“She won! Oh my God my baby is a gold medalist!! This is the best day ever!!”
The entire podium ceremony Y/n was on cloud nine. Placing the gold medal around her neck, she took a moment to stare at it. Disbelief and awe in her eyes. ‘Wow, I actually did it.’
When the national anthem came to an end Y/n did the traditional bite of the medal for the cameras. Posing with Carissa and Bianca afterwards, Y/n was ushered to interviews.
“Hello, Y/n,” the reporter beamed, “congratulations are in store—what an amazing moment for you. You’re the first gold medalist in women’s surfing at the Olympics. How does it feel?”
“It’s absolutely a dream come true. For years the surfing community has wished for this—to be in the Olympics and for me to be part of its debut, winning the gold medal…I-I can’t put into words how much this means to me. I’m so grateful and honored.”
“You’ve been around for a while now,” the reporter mentioned, “2004 was the first time we saw you and you’ve gone on to have a stellar surfing career. Winning the WSL World Surfing Games twelve times now—competing when it was still called the WSL World Championships and became the first woman to win The Eddie Aikau Big Wave Invitational in 2016. This is your first Olympic Games, surfing will be at the Paris Games in three years. Can we expect to hopefully see you there?”
“I wouldn't rule it out,” Y/n winked with a giggle. “Paris is in three years and I would love to return to the Olympics again. After dreaming for so long I don’t want to let it go so easily. Of course anything can happen between now and 2024 but with my family, friends, and boyfriend cheering me on with their endless support…” she gave a cheeky shrug, “I’m gonna work hard and get back in the water once I’m home.”
“We’ll be rooting for you, Y/n. I don’t think the surfing world is ready to say goodbye to you. Anything else you’d like to say before you have to go. Anyone you’d like to say thanks to?”
Instantly the Olympian brightened, eyes locking on the camera. “I wanna give a shoutout to my hometown of Kapolei on O’ahu—the place where this journey started on the beautiful beaches and waters of my home. To my family and friends, thank you for your love, support, guidance and always cheering me on even when the going gets tough. My dad, who’s been my coach since I was seven is with me here to share this win, I couldn’t have done this without him. To my San Diego family watching, you better save me a beer at the Hard Deck when I come visit next week,” she winks, knowing the squad would get a kick out of it. Then Y/n softens, “and finally to my boyfriend, Javy, who’s with our friends in Fightertown. I love you so much, thank you for being my rock during quarantine and pushing me to do my best. I can’t wait to see you and this is for you.” Holding up the medal, Y/n blows a kiss to the screen before saying goodbye to the reporter.
Upon landing in San Diego two nights later, Y/n was greeted by a celebration from her friends. Members of the Pacific Beach Surf Club were there, as were the dagger squad. Javy met her in the middle the second she exited the terminal, lifting her in his arms. “Finally your back!! I’m so fucking proud of you!” Setting her down, he kept his arms around her and the two jumped up and down like school children in a heap of laughter.
Finally they calmed, sharing a sweet kiss. “How was your flight,” he walked when they pulled away, moving to grab her carryon back.
“Long,” she moaned, leaning into his side. “But worth it.” Soon she was surrounded by their friends. Congratulations all around, Mickey asking to see the medal, Jake saying all her drinks are on him, Nat telling her how much she missed having another girl around. “I missed you guys,” Y/n pouted, “man I wish you all could’ve been there.”
“Don’t worry, Y/n/n,” Bradley patted her shoulder, “We’ll be there in Paris.”
“That’s quite a bit away, Roo.”
“Yeah,” he shrugged, “but there’s no harm in planning now.”
“Let’s let the woman rest before kicking her training mode into gear,” Javy teased, earning a playful nudge from his girlfriend. Together they got her bags and headed straight for The Hard Deck. They drinked, they danced. Javy and Y/n had a rematch of their pool game.
“This feels a bit like deja vu,” she smirked, chalking up her cue. Javy winked, puckering his lips in an air kiss causing her to laugh.
For a week Y/n stayed in San Diego before flying home to Hawaii with Javy. Again she was greeted at the airport by her family and friends she’d grown up with. The local news station was present, students from schools wanting to join in on the celebration. It felt amazing to be home after two weeks away.
They settled in at her Honolulu home, finding the perfect place to display her medal and ordered take out since neither was in the mood to cook after a 6 ½ hour flight. Once finished with dinner Y/n gave her boyfriend a knowing look, “Wanna watch the sunset?”
She didn’t mean sitting on her porch or even the sand. No, she meant taking the boards and laying out on the sea as the calm surface of the water kept them afloat.
Javy agreed, rushing to get his swim trunks on while she put on a swimsuit. Grabbing their boards they locked up the house and jogged the quarter of a mile to the beach, paddling out to get a front row seat of the descending sun. Colors of bright orange and pink painted the sky. A beautiful contrast to the deep blues of the ocean.
“Is this heaven?” He whispered, finding her eyes staring back at him from where her cheek pressed to the board. All the love conveying in the simple look. And with her gentle words, Javy felt all the worry and unease he ever experienced lift from his soul.
“More like paradise.”
TGM Tag list: @avaleineandafryingpan , @caitsymichelle13 , @poppyalice2001 , @cutelittlepotatofry , @luckyladycreator2, @americaarse , @elenavampire21 , @back-tooo-black , @wildellaa , @artemissunn , @pinkpantheris
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mesetacadre · 4 months
Hello! This probably isnt the type of anon ask you were looking for but in case it is: Is there anything you would recommend for someone interested in the history of maps and atlases? Especially for navigating the sea
finally an ask about geography! god I love cartography.
Sadly I haven't had the time yet to accumulate bibliography, so far I've read Maps and Civilization, by N. J. Thrower (2002), it's a pretty good summary of the history of Cartography, and it isn't that eurocentric either which is great. I've also heard Cartography by E. Raisz is good. [Open those links with an adblocker please, I recommend ublock origin, because I don't know if they redirect to somewhere else without it]
Probably the earliest maps made for navigation were those of the nautical charts from the current day Marshall Islands. They were created using a grid of sticks alongside curved sticks for the ocean currents/winds and beads for the individual islands. It took a long time for colonizers to figure out exactly how to read these charts since their interpretation was an important secret to keep. These charts covered from just a few islands to thousands of kilometers of ocean and currents
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Next, I'll take a big leap in time to the portolan charts. These maps were mainly made for navigation between ports in the Mediterranean between the 14th and 15th century, though they were used in other places sometimes, and they had an influence on the earliest maps depicting the Americas. Portolans are characterized by the windrose lines, which are a series of lines representing directions which all emanate from a compass rose. These maps had multiple compass roses.
The purpose of this type of map was to help mostly merchants to find their bearings and to chart efficient routes between ports, they could trace a line between whichever two ports, find the closest parallel windrose line, and they knew which compass direction they had to follow. These maps assume a flat earth, so they were only suitable for regional travels, like the various trade routes within the Mediterranean, and got less accurate the further you wanted to travel. This also made them unsuitable for the open sea.
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This is a portolan made in 1466 by Petrus Roselli. It has this shape because maps made for navegation were drawn on animal hides, not paper, so the neck of the animal was preserved and sometimes used to hang or tie the map down, sometimes the scale was placed there, or another compass rose. Notice how it's decorated, there is a snake/lizard in the north of Africa, the Red Sea is literally red, and it's generally filled with drawings. This is because the portolan charts that have survived are predominantly those that were taken from real charts used in navegation and then decorated to give as gifts. This particular copy was probably gifted to some noble or rich person to hang on their wall, with decorations. Some of these maps that survive even have gold leaf on them.
Also notice how the coast's shape is very spot on, especially compared to maps from only a couple hundred years earlier:
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This is Al Idryssi's General World Map, from 1154. It has been flipped N-S for comparison's sake, Arabic maps were generally drawn with south on top, sometimes with the east on top. Don't get me wrong, it's still a very good map for the time, but the coastlines don't hold a candle to any portolan.
Going back to the portolan, the coasts were very accurate because that was their purpose, to navigate from coast to coast. But you'll notice that there's basically no real useful information in the interior. The rivers are mostly guesswork, and the only consistently correct thing is the place where they meet the sea. And that's all I can talk about the interior, because these maps did not have an interior. This was part of the reason they were so heavily decorated when used as gifts, because they only showed windrose lines and port locations. Scotland is missing!.
This style of decoration was carried over from T-O maps, which I won't get into here but they are still a very interesting stage in map history.
There were a couple of very important schools when it comes to portolans: The Italian school(s), the Portuguese school, and the Mallorquine/Catalan school. The portolan I've shown above is from this last school, which also produced the most representative portolan of this time, the Catalan Atlas, by (possibly) Abraham Cresques (a Jewish person too!!) in 1375
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It showed the world between the Atlantic and the far east, with a lot of compromises in detail the further east it goes.
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This is the portion that shows the Mediterranean, stitched together so it's continuous. Notice the similarities with the 1466 portolan: The red sea, the north african snake (it's actually supposed to be the Atlas mountain range), the loss of detail in the North Atlantic and North Sea, and the very opulent decoration. It has gold leaf which I mentioned earlier, the sea is colored in, it has blocks of text describing either the region or some history, each city has a flag representing the political entity it belonged to, and much more. Also notice how, at the top, the drawings and letters are upside down. This is because this atlas was designed to be placed flat atop a table, so you could look at it from all sides.
Side note, this map contains a portrait of Mansa Musa, the ruler of the Mali Empire in the 14th century, who was probably one of the richest people to have ever lived. The portrait from this map is the one you've probably seen if you've ever learnt about him
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It also has this flag for the Golden Horde, which you will definitely know if you've played any map game set in this period
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Anyway, back on topic
The first map to properly show the Americas was Juan de la Cosa's, made in 1500. It is important not only for being the first, but it was also made by someone who was present in Columbus' first 2 voyages
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(the Americas are in green)
It's very clear how it not only still uses the portolan style of windrose lines, it also carries over those maps' decorations. By now, however, the world that was to be represented was getting too big for portolan maps, which as we've discussed assumed a flat earth, so it began to be ditched for actual projections, like Waldseemüller's from 1507, which used the same concept as Ptolomey's projection from all the way in the 2nd century
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Which is when we get to the misunderstood Mercator projection. It was not made to exaggerate the northern hemisphere over the equator. In fact, the land it exaggerates the most was the one inside the arctic circle, where almost nobody lived except for the native peoples to those regions. The fact that the southern hemisphere seems to be disfavored is because there is simply less southern land in that hemisphere, so there is no land to exaggerate where the Mercator projection would exaggerate. In fact, Antarctica (at this time they did not know about Antarctica, and the mass of land was the theorized Terra Australis, a supposed landmass that would balance the bigger amount of land in the northern hemisphere) is very much exaggerated in modern maps. This projection was created for navigation at sea, since any straight line drawn on this projection is also a straight line in the actual globe
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Mercator's Mapae Mundi from 1569 still had the portolan windrose lines, a clear nod to the navigational tradition this map was continuing. The fact that this projection became so popular and the "standard" way to represent the earth has shaped most people's perception of the earth, but that's not the projection's fault, it's the people who decide to use an unfit map instead of actually proper projections like Robinson's. A big reason why Mercator's projection is so overused is because it's rectangular, no doubt.
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thecampjuicebox · 11 months
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Just in time for Halloween, a loose interpretation of a lovely request from @xxevilbunnyxxsblog! I hope I do this idea justice, as I've been having a lot of trouble with the original concept that was requested. It's been brewing in my mind for a few days now. Certainly taking some creative liberties here, but it should be good (hopefully). Here we go, this is a long one.
Aeterna Amantes
Pairing: Astarion x Tav(f)
Rating: 18+, Minors DNI
POV: 2nd person
Warnings: Angst, fluff, biting, very brief usage of a dagger, teasing, mutual pining, possessive dom Ascended Astarion x newly turned spawn sub Tav
The slender branches of baren trees rustle in the night air above your head, full moon casting a faint white light over the tired city. A shiver rumbles the vertebrae in your spine. Gods, it's frigid. Your brain fizzes in excitement as you slowly approach the castle nestled just outside the upper city, fingers wiggling in your black lace gloves. It's been 5 years since you've last seen him. 5 years of agonizing want. Worry. Astarion's ascension had driven a wedge between the two of you that seemingly nothing could remove. His arrogance, his lust for power, how easily he cast you out of the palace. The visions of that day still sting in your ears. You had challenged his decision to make you one of his spawn. Begged for there to be another way. You loved him, and he, you. But that wasn't enough for him. He longed for eternity. Something you were entirely too hesitant to give him. You had fallen ill in the castle, barely hanging on to the fragile thread of life. He prepositioned you that very night. Offered you an immediate cure. When you denied him, he became a different person. He spat, he ranted and raved. Oh, how he yelled at you. Pointed towards the door and bared his fangs to threaten you. Told you to leave or he'd kill you right in your shared bed chamber. Your heart aches in your chest at the memory and you blink hot tears away from the corners of your eyes.
Whispers of the extravagant event had circulated around the town, every high lord and lady enthralled with the preparations of it all. The wealthiest members on the Sword Coast planned to travel into the city. It was a shock when the invitation arrived to your home. The post master joked with you about the fancy gold seal on the letter and you rolled your eyes, fully expecting some pompous letter outlining how big of a mistake you had made by defying the vampire Lord back then. You opened it with trembling fingers, the words seeming to bounce right off of the parchment and read themselves in Astarion's voice. A voice you'd hoped you had forgotten by now.
"Dearest Tav,
It is with great pleasure that I ask you to accompany me to my Liar's Night Masquerade. You will come, won't you? Arrive adorned in your finest silks and lace for I would expect, nor accept, anything less from you. I do request you wear that gown I had made for you all those years ago. The one that hugs your delicious curves and accentuates your beauty the way no artist or canvas has ever been able to. You look truly captivating in it and I miss the sight of you twirling around the halls, your hair swirling around you like the dark embrace of the very shadows we dwell in. Do not forget your mask. It is all part of the fun, after all. Find me in the ballroom once you arrive, we have much to discuss. I shall see you on the 30th night of Marpenoth. I will be awaiting your correspondence, my love.
Lord Astarion Ancunin."
Now, the night has arrived. You'd spent ages getting ready, making sure each curl in your hair was perfect. Taking care that each ruffle and seam on your expensive gown would be to the vampire's liking. Not once did you stop to consider.. Why did it matter so much? Truth be told, you still love the fanged tyrant. Still ache for his commanding words and sweet touch. The ruby amulet Astarion had gifted you the night after his Ascension rests on your collarbones, twinkling in the light of the large lanterns illuminating the walkway to the castle. A simple touch that, you hope, will sweeten the vampire's words even more tonight. Your hair falls in perfect ringlets that rest on your bare shoulders, each step on the cobblestone jostling the locks around. You approach the steps and carefully ascend them, grasping the thick layers of silk and lace of your dress in your trembling hands. An armed elven spawn stands stoic next to the door. Piercing red eyes stare down at you.
"You remember who I am, Feno."
You carefully lift the black lace mask covering your eyes and blink up at the tall spawn. An expression of realization twists on the elf's face and he curves his thick lips into a smile.
"Ah, Tav. Lovely to see you again. We've been expecting you."
He reaches for the iron handle of the door, carefully pulling it open to grant you access to the lavish castle. Pumpkins line the velvet black carpet that leads into the foyer. Lanterns and pillar candles are nestled between the colorful collection of gourds, very dimly lighting the way towards the heavy oak doors of the ballroom. The faint sound of an orchestra of bards rings through the halls and you follow the melodies, another well-dressed pair of spawn pulling open the grand doors for you. The scene is exquisite. Overwhelming. Every lord and lady on the Sword Coast dances and twirls happily, golden chalices resting in their hands, surely full of the finest wine that Baldur's Gate has to offer. Horith, one of Astarion's spawn that you became rather close with before you had disappeared, places a gentle hand on your shoulder. You jump, startled by his touch and he leans in to whisper quietly against your pointy ear.
"The master is waiting for you. Right this way."
A muscular forearm bends out for you, sparkling eyes piercing your own. You nod once and wrap your arm around his, fingers resting against the soft silk of his coat. Your free hand reaches down to gather your dress as to not step on it and you begin your walk to the expectant vampire lord. Eyes follow you from all directions. Horith gives your arm a gentle squeeze of reassurance. "They've all come for you." A look of confusion knits your eyebrows together. For you? Surely this is a misunderstanding. You'd been invited to this ball in the same fashion as everyone else, hadn't you? Lords and ladies bow and curtsy as you pass by and your breath hitches in your chest when your eyes settle on him. Astarion sits comfortably in a velvet chair well past the crowd, the platform he rests on raised enough for him to spot you and your escort over the heads of his other guests. A path clears in front of him as if by force.
"My love. You've come.."
Horith releases your arm and bows to the vampire lord, remaining bent at the waist as he descends the stairs to capture your hand in his. Gentle lips brush over your lace-covered knuckles and your cheeks burn crimson. Time seems to stop around you. The dancing. The merriment. All put on pause for this one moment. Your heart thumps audibly in your ribcage as Astarion turns your hand over and presses a kiss to the pulsing vein just at your wrist.
"You've really come.."
His red eyes flick to yours through the small leather mask that covers just the top half of his face and your knees nearly buckle beneath you. The softness of his voices makes your skin burn beneath his touch. He missed you. Maybe as much as you've missed him. Gentle hands reach out to grasp your hips and pull you to him, his slender arms wrapping around you tightly. The guests resume their dancing, music and the taps of feet overwhelming your senses. Nuzzling his nose into your hair, he inhales deeply, your familiar scent of lavender and orchids making him shudder.
"Follow me. We need to talk."
Hasty steps carry you down the hallway to the right of his lavish chair, the loud sounds of the party disappearing behind the two of you. Large golden-framed paintings of the vampire and his various spawn line the walls. He leads you up a winding staircase and down another hallway to the massive oak double doors of his boudoir. His grip on your hand tightens and you wiggle your fingers playfully, following him once he slips into the dark room. Un-lit and half melted candles drip down the sides of the black iron candelabras on the walls. With a snap, Astarion lights just enough to illuminate the area you're standing in, gentle firelight dancing off of your hair and the bright red ruby resting on your chest. His curls flow perfectly down the black leather and velvet of his Masquerade attire, the small black mask covering his eyes giving him an air of mystery. You'd know those eyes anywhere, though. You're caught off guard by the force of the vampire pressing you into the wall, soft lips crashing against yours in a long overdue kiss. Mouths move in unison. A small whimper escapes between your lips, driving Astarion to kiss you harder. Slower. To savor every moment he has with you now.
A smooth tongue flicks out against your bottom lip, begging for entry. You part your lips in acceptance. Tongues wrestle, teeth bump, hands wander. The smooth black lace of your dress hugs the supple curves of your body perfectly and Astarion's hands intend to explore every part with ease, exactly like they used to.
"Astarion.. You said we needed to talk."
You break the kiss, chest heaving. He slips his mask off, tossing it onto the neatly made up bed to your left. A trembling hand reaches up to stroke his hair back, the vampire beginning to pace back and forth before you.
"I had an entire monologue prepared. I wanted to yell at you. Chastise you for leaving me.."
You interject, heat rising in your throat at his words.
"You told me to leave, Astarion. Or have you forgotten?"
Footsteps pause, Astarion's eyebrows knitting together and he shoots you a glance that could petrify an ogre. He palms at his eyes for a moment before continuing on.
"No, I haven't forgotten. I had hoped you'd come tonight, is my point. I had a plan. A plan to make you submit to me. To convince you to stay. And then you.. You show up. Looking like-"
He waves his hand in your direction, motioning up and down your body.
"-That. And now I.. I can't think. I have hundreds of spawn. Slaves. Men and women that would slit their own throats for a chance to enjoy my company. Drive a stake through their own heart just to hear me utter their name. They wait, with baited breath, for my commands. And none of it means anything."
Shaking his head, he wipes a tear from beneath his eye with his thumb. The pathetic tone of his voice makes your heart sink into your stomach. You weigh your options. Staying here with him would mean eternity, the very eternity that made you uncomfortable in the first place. You could slip away into the night and leave, never to see him or this castle again. Leave Baldur's Gate forever. Your stomach churns, hot bile burning the back of your throat. Another night without your pale lover could be the end of you. Shaking your head, you continue towards him, a delicate hand cupping his cold cheek. His eyes meet yours. Tender. Ardent. A composed smile curves the vampire's lips upwards.
"None of it means anything without you here. All the nights I begged and pleaded to any god that would hear me.. For you to return to my side to become my consort. Ascension has meant nothing without my love."
You cradle his face in your hands now, gaze matching his. He sighs at your clement touch and leans into you. A light tingling sensation travels up your spine causing you to pull your bottom lip between your teeth. Your next words nearly catch in your throat and you clear the lump there, speaking softly up at the vampire.
"Astarion... M-Make me a spawn so I may remain by your side."
A heavy gasp forces its way into his lungs, eyes blown wide with surprise. He quirks an eyebrow at you and traces his fingers down your side, following the seam of your dress.
"You're sure?"
Tender kisses speckle the side of your neck, over the front of your throat, and down to the other side, little nips at your flesh making your hips squirm. Stalwart fingers wrap themselves around your wrists and Astarion backs you towards the deep red wall behind you. Your back makes contact with a thud. He presses your wrists together to make it easier to hold them both in place with one hand, his now free hand reaching down to the sheath tucked snuggly next to his thigh. A silver dagger tip suddenly presses itself into your sternum. You freeze. Heat travels down to your core and you squirm beneath the blade. Cold lips and hot breath meet your pointed ear, the blade pressing ever so slightly harder into your skin.
"If you ever try to leave me again.. I will kill you myself."
Nodding meekly, your hips press forward into his, searching for any sort of friction the vampire will allow. His thin lips curve up into a smirk, tongue jutting out to trace a line up the side of your neck. Without warning he rears back and sinks his fangs into your flesh. Shards of ice soar through your veins and your eyes roll back into your head. The pain is much deeper than you remember. Stars and speckles float around your vision as Astarion consumes you, little dribbles of blood trickling down and staining your skin. Your arms go limp, your jaw slack, back bowing off of the wall for a moment before you slip away.
"Lady Ancunin, I do hate to disturb your sleep.. But I've set out some clothing for you. The master requests your presence in the throne room once you're dressed."
The sweet voice of a vampire spawn stirs you from the heavy shroud of sleep. You rub your eyes and stretch upwards, taking care to grasp the silk blankets surrounding you up and around your bare chest. The previous night is a complete blur. All you know is, you ache. Inside and out. A gentle hand reaches up to prod at the side of your neck and you wince at the still fresh puncture wounds. Scanning your surroundings, your eyes fall on the young woman. A thin, pale half-elf, eyes dark like garnet. You give her a gentle smile.
"I do appreciate it. I'm sorry, what did you call me?"
"I-I... The master has instructed that we all refer to you as Lady Ancunin, m-madam. I apologize."
Your lips curve into a frown at her frightened nature and you arise from the bed, naked body shivering from the cold air of the boudoir. You stand before the trembling elf and place a hand against her smooth cheek.
"it's quite alright, child. Please tell Astarion I'll be right down."
She nods and scurries away, leaving the silk garment Astarion requested you wear on the edge of the bed. Lifting the thin fabric into your hands, you examine it for a moment. A burgundy dress made of the finest silk that Faerun has to offer. Featherlight fingers slip the dress onto your frame and you move towards a mirror. You gasp quietly. You can't see yourself. You lean in towards the image of the boudoir behind you, eyebrows raising at your lack of reflection. The curls in your hair managed to hold from last night, your fingers finding the stray ringlets. The locks feel softer. Stronger. Your skin feels smoother. Your senses are heightened now, the sound of the spawn throughout the castle completing their daily tasks buzzing in your ears. And you're hungry. So painfully, devastatingly hungry.
Quick steps carry you to the throne room and you find Astarion handling business with one of the many magistrates of the upper city, quills and parchment passing back and forth between the two men. His eyes flick to yours when you enter the room and he beckons you to him. The magistrate quickly turns his attention to you, bowing without a second thought. "Lady Ancunin." You smile sweetly at the gentleman, making your way to the pedestal that Astarion's throne rests on, the velvet rug beneath your feet a comforting sensation. The vampire lord pulls you into his lap and strokes the back of your hair lovingly, pressing little kisses to your shoulder. The magistrate collects his scrolls, leaving the room quickly as you settle into your spot. Astarion's hands rest on your hips and toy subconsciously with the soft material of your dress, a quiet growl leaving him. His lips travel up the side of your neck to rest against your ear.
"You look beautiful.. And you'll stay beautiful forever. Thank you for trusting me."
"So I'm your spawn.. What will happen to me?"
Astarion tuts, shaking his head quickly.
"Spawn is such an ugly word. I prefer.. Consort. Don't you worry. You have supped of my blood. It will be no trouble to extend a fraction of my protection to you."
"Am I going to be.. Different?"
Your lover tugs your back closer to him, his teeth leaving little marks along your exposed shoulder and he mumbles against your skin.
"You will be stronger, swifter, sharper. But you won't be different. You were already perfect before. It's hard to improve."
Your head leans back to rest against the vampire lord's shoulder. His embrace is comfortable. Safe. Your fingers meld with his his as his arms wrap carefully around your thin torso.
"So what now?"
A firm grasp on your thigh sends a shockwave through your core, your teeth clamping down onto your plush bottom lip. The vampire lord chuckles behind you and relaxes back into his seat, hands resting on the sides of your thighs now.
"As much as I wish to.. Sequester you in a deep chamber of my palace and keep you all to myself, there's much to be done. First we'll take Baldur's Gate. Then, we'll take the world. We'll dominate it until the sun itself melts. And then... We'll give ourselves to the night."
Fingernails dig into your skin, hiking up the deep red dress that just barely shields your otherwise naked body from the elements. Warm breath fans out over the back of your neck and you tremble at the new sensation, hips wiggling. Astarion grunts at the sudden friction against his lap and presses you firmly in that spot.
"Will you still drink my blood?"
Salacious fingers prod at your thighs and hips. You grind your rear against the lap beneath you and grin at the little sounds you earn, hands reaching back behind you to tangle in your lover's hair. His lips press firmly to your neck, tongue lapping at the healing wounds.
"Of course I will. And you'll drink mine. I can't wait to taste your lips after you've tasted me.. You must be hungry, my love. You shall feed. We must take care of your.. Cravings."
You groan at his words, hips finding a steady rhythm now. Astarion stands and lifts you with him bridal style, piercing red eyes telling you all you need to know about what comes next.
"Aeterna Amantes."
"Lovers forever. Until the world falls down."
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miaatiny · 8 months
Dazzling- P.SH
Chapter 2
Warnings: lots of angst, reader misses home, reader almost gets r*ped, Seonghwa still a hoe, mdni!!!!
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You have been traveling for 4 hours now. Seonghwa was still seated across from you and has barely said a word. The air was progressively getting colder, signaling you were getting closer to Azure. You had started shivering even though you had a shawl over your shoulders but even that couldn’t protect you from the coast of Aurora’s nasty cold winds. Seonghwa seemed to take notice if this.
“Are you cold, y/n?” He asked. His tone was always so cold, as if we was scared to show any emotion towards anyone. Even him speaking your name sounded mike disdain. Nevertheless, the nodded at him as you tried to tuck your arms into yourself for warmth. Seonghwa looked out the window signaled for you to look.
“We’re almost to Azure. We’ll be crossing the land bridge soon. That’s how you know you’re entering Azure territory.” You looked out the window and noticed what Seonghwa was talking about. A mile or so up ahead was the land bridge that crossed over a small gorge. No doubt connecting to the harbor.
“Once we cross the land bridge, we’ll head into Azure. You’ll be able to see the harbor from your right.” You nodded at his words. You knew the harbor was the biggest trade route in Aurora. Azurians were very proud of it. You continued on for another hour until the harbor came into view. You have never seen so many ships in your life. The harbor was gigantic. You could see fishers on the docks, people going on and off ships to transport cargo. There was a market on the harbor as well. You seen people walking around, trading merchandise and conversing with others. Even with the weather being well into the twenties, people were bundled up in fur coats and going about their daily lives.
The carriage approached the palace gates. Guards were dressed in the traditionally Azure colors, dark royal blue and gold. The color was pretty, but you were used to red and silver. That was definitely going to change now. You pulled up to the palace and seen citizens watching from outside the gates for the princess’ arrival. Seonghwa stepped out first and reach his hand out for you. He had the same uninterested look on his face like always. Never smiling, always careless. At least towards you. You grabbed his hand and stepped out of the carriage. “Here.” Seonghwa said as he covered your face with the veil on your crown so your face wouldn’t be seen. In Azure, it was customary citizens did not see the princess’ face until her wedding day. Seonghwa took your hand in his and led you towards the palace doors. You had never seen the inside of the palace before but the sight before you was unimaginable. Gold columns lined the walls, the stairs went up both sides and met at the top. Maids and guards were lined up down the hall to greet you as you came in.
A woman came up to you and bowed. She was around your age of 20 and very pretty. Lady y/ln, my name is Anastasia. I will be your maid while you live here in Azure. I’m pleased to welcome you to our palace.”
“Go ahead with Anastasia, y/n. Get settled in. I have to meet my parents to let them know of our journey home.” Home. The word sounded so foreign to you still. Seonghwa began walking down the great hall into the royal hall to meet his parents. Anastasia took you hand to follow her. She led you up the left side of the stairs to where your chambers would be.
“You will be staying here until your wedding night. On your wedding night, you will move into the prince’s room. It is customary here in Azure. Soak up all the alone time you can get.” Anastasia giggled. The room was lavish. It was cold and white accented. The bed was big even for one person. Off to the front of your room you had your own bathroom. It was equipped with lavish soaps and scented bubbles.
“The queen made sure you would have the finest things here.” Knowing the queen loved you, even if her son did not made you feel a bit better. At least you knew someone was on your side.
Evening had set in and Anastasia had dressed you in a plain royal blue gown as you were preparing your first dinner in Azure. She had fixed your makeup and put your hair up in a messy bun type hairstyle. She guided you down towards the dining hall and opened the doors for you. Seated at the table was your future in laws but Seonghwa was no where to be seen.
“Ah, y/n! Please, have a seat.” Your father in law said. Anastasia pulled the chair out for you and you sat down. You were seated across from an empty chair, assuming that’s where Seonghwa would be seated. Your mother in law was seated next to you.
“Seonghwa tells me your journey here went well, dear.” She smiled graciously at you. “Yes, it did. It was very cold though.” You said with a smile.
“We’ll have to get you a fur coat then. We’re are having dresses made for you that will help you endure the cold a bit better.” She said, picking up her wine glass and taking a sip. Seonghwa walked In through the doors, two females behind him. They were holding onto his arms giggling. You noticed your mother in law send them a glare and they quickly dissipated to the other side of the room. Seonghwa sat down across from you without even looking your way.
“We may eat now.” Your father in law said. You had begun taking small bites. As hungry as you were, you didn’t want to seem disrespectful. Anastasia was going around the table pounding more wine into your glasses. You noticed the two women that had walked in with Seonghwa were shooting looks your way and whispering to each other. Anastasia reach down to whisper in your ear.
“Don’t pay them no mind. They’re just bitches. They aren’t good for anything.” You looked up at her, stunned and she giggled. Dinner was going smoothly. You all talked and laughed amongst each other, besides Seonghwa. He stayed quiet most of the time.
“Y/n, tomorrow I will be taking you to be fitted for your wedding gown. I would like to give them enough time before the wedding to get it fitted. If you don’t mind.” You mother in law said.
“No, that’s perfectly fine.” You said with a fake smile. It was becoming too real. You didn’t want this, but you couldn’t do anything to change it. You were bound to this man, this family, this land. You briefly looked at Seonghwa and seen him rubbing his forehead like he was in pain. He hated the idea of this. He didn’t want to marry, let alone marry you. When his father told him he was set to marry the princess of Calor, he was outraged. He wanted to pick his bride when he was ready to marry. If he was ever ready. he was promised that right. It was stripped away from him just because of the alliance. He had tried every way to talk his father out of it. Alas, his attempts were unsuccessful. In just five days, he would say goodbye to his bachelor life and take you as his wife whether he liked it or not.
Dinner had ended and the queen had asked Anastasia to stay behind to discuss some things. You were walking back to your room when a hand had touched your shoulder.
“My, my. The princess is as beautiful as they said.” You turned around and seen a young man standing there. He was dressed like a prince and had a sword on his side. “My name is Jackson. I’m a friend of Seonghwa’s. I come from a land far away from Aurora. You gave him a small smile. “Well hello Jackson. I’m princess y/n.” You gave him a small curtsy.
“I’ve been told a lot about you from the king. He’s mentioned you were from Calor. I heard its very warm there, no?” You giggled. “Yes, its a lot warmer than Azure.” You appreciated talking to someone outside of the royal family. It was a bit smothering talking to your future in laws sometimes. Speaking to Jackson was like a breathe of fresh air. You both had kept talking and he offered to walk you back to your chambers.
“It was very nice talking to you. I wish you didn’t have to leave.” He put his arm on your shoulder and his touch had made you very uncomfortable. “Y-yes, I’m very sorry. Tomorrow I’m being fitted for my wedding dress and I need some sleep after my trip.”
“That bastard Park doesn’t really deserve you, you know.” Jackson slid his hands down your back and gripped your hips tightly, preventing you from moving. He leaned in and began planting kisses on your neck. “He’s not even married to you yet and already he’s unfaithful.” Tears were forming in your eyes. Your throat was burning, you couldn’t speak, couldn’t cry for help. Jackson began tearing your dress down your shoulders, exposing your breasts. He opened your door and threw you down on your bed. You began sobbing loudly, hoping someone would hear you. He was biting your neck and shoulders. You trued to push him off of you and he only held you tighter. It was no use. He had you. Just as you were about to give up, Jackson was suddenly yanked off of you and thrown into the wall of your room. You could hear punches being thrown to his face but you were unaware of who was delivering them. Anastasia came to your side and helped you off the bed and covered you in a blanket. You got a clear look at who was punching Jackson. It was…Seonghwa?
You were in complete shock. Seonghwa was delivering punch after punch to Jackson’s face. Jackson fell to his knees on the floor. Seonghwa’s knuckles were bloodied and he was panting. He grabbed Jackson by the collar.
“Stay the fuck away from her.” Seonghwa spit. He threw Jackson back against the wall and the guards came in to take him away. Seonghwa came over to you and inspected your neck which was littered with bruises from Jackson’s lips. He pulled your dress up over your halfway uncovered breasts. He looked at Anastasia.
“Get her a bath and in a new dress. Immediately.” And with that, Seonghwa turned around and walked out of the room.
You were sitting in the bathtub in your assigned bathroom. Bubbles floated around you. You had asked to be left alone. You had scrubbed your body multiple times to get him off you. You felt disgusting, dirty. It wasn’t even your fault and you felt so ashamed. There was a knock on your bathroom door and Anastasia poker her head in.
“Miss Y/n, whenever your ready, the prince would like to speak with you privately. I’ll give you time to get changed.” She closed the door gently. You got out of the tub and dried off. You slipped on your night dress and walked out to see Seonghwa sitting on the edge of your bed with his head in his hands. You leaned against the doorframe and he looked up. He had been crying.
“What did Jackson say to you?” He asked, sternly.
“W-what do you mean?” You shuffled from one foot to the other in nervousness. Seonghwa got up and walked towards you.
“What did he tell you?” Seonghwa voice got colder. You swallowed hard. Why was he acting like this? This was worse than what he normally was. You sighed.
“H-he told me that…you were unfaithful and didn’t deserve me…”
Seonghwa swore under his breath and as he ran his hands through his hair.
“Listen here, princess. I don’t want any of this. I don’t want to marry you. I don’t want to marry anyone. If you thought I was going to he your knight in shining armor and the perfect husband, your completely wrong.” He spat.
Tears were forming in your eyes again. You knew he didn’t want to marry you. You didn’t want to marry him either, but you never thought he would feel this strongly about it.
“I’m sorry about what happened to you. I truly am. But I’m not the one for you. You need to go back to Calor where you belong and talk your father out of this.” With that, Seonghwa walked out of your room.
What were you going to do now?
Whew! Part 2 of Dazzling is done! This chapter was a bit different but unfortunately it doesn’t stop there for our princess. Thank you to everyone who has joined for Dazzling! There is surely more to come!
miaatiny, 2024
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scotianostra · 2 months
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On August 1st 1967 Queen's College in Dundee became a fully fledged university in its own right and was renamed the University of Dundee.
The history of what would become Dundee University stretches back to 1881 when University College Dundee was founded. Its creation owed much to the wealth gathered in Dundee through the jute and textile industry. The prospect of establishing a university in Dundee had been under discussion since the 1860s. It was made a reality with a donation of £120,000 from Miss Mary Ann Baxter, of the hugely wealthy and influential Baxter family. Her cousin, John Boyd Baxter, the Procurator Fiscal for Dundee District of Forfarshire, was heavily involved in the discussions and also donated monies. As the main benefactor and co-founder, Miss Baxter had definite ideas about how she would like the college to run and took an active role in ensuring her wishes were fulfilled. The deed establishing University College stated that it should promote “the education of persons of both sexes and the study of Science, Literature and the Fine Arts”. As well as promoting the education of both sexes, Miss Baxter insisted it should not teach Divinity, and was adamant that those associated with the university did not have to reveal their religious leanings. Baxter’s role in establishing University College, Dundee was noted at the time by Scotland’s most notorious poet, who has always had an association with the city, William Topaz McGonagall who wrote: Good people of Dundee, your voices raise And to Miss Baxter give great praise; Rejoice and sing and dance with glee Because she has founded a College in Bonnie Dundee University College, Dundee became part of St Andrews University in 1897, under the provisions of the Universities Scotland Act of 1889. This union served to “give expression to local feeling that there should be a vital connection between the old and the new in academic affairs.” Initially, the two worked alongside each other in relative harmony. Dundee students were able to graduate in science from St Andrews, despite never having attended any classes in the smaller town. However, over time relations became strained, particularly over the issue of the Medical School and whether chairs of anatomy and physiology should be established in Dundee, St Andrews or both, setting the stage for the tensions that would place some strain on the relationship between the two institutions in the decades ahead. By the mid-1900s separation was being proposed. A 1954 Royal Commission led to University College being given more independence, being renamed Queen’s College, and taking over the Dundee School of Economics. In 1963, the Committee on Higher Education under the chairmanship of Lord Robbins recommended in its report to Parliament that ‘at least one, and perhaps two, of its proposed new university foundations should be in Scotland’. The government approved the creation of a university in Dundee, and in 1966, the University Court and the Council of Queen’s College submitted a joint petition to the Privy Council seeking the grant of a Royal Charter to establish Dundee University. This petition was approved and, in terms of the Charter, Queen’s College became Dundee University on this day in 1967. To mark the event and the University’s independence the people of Dundee witnessed an unusual event as hundreds of students filed up the Law dressed in red academic gowns. At the top they admired the stunning views – “an arresting vision in crimson” – before heading back down to the newly designated Dundee University. Fifty years on, and Dundee and St Andrews universities enjoy a warm relationship, very much in the spirit of friendly rivalry. Both are in the world’s top 200 universities and are among the top ranked in the UK for student experience. The combined strengths of Dundee and St Andrews have been recognised as an “intellectual gold coast” on Scotland’s east side. Other highlights in Dundee University’s history include the formal merger of Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art with the university in 1994 and the Tayside College of Nursing and Fife College of Health Studies becoming part of the university from September 1, 1996.
And in December 2001 the university merged with the Dundee campus of Northern College to create the Faculty of Education and Social Work.
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