#mister solstice
telekinetic-issue · 9 months
1, 3, 20 for the asks
1. Song of the year?
Rusalochki of course
2. Favorite musical artist / group you started listening to this year?
Amaranthe! Sometimes you just need some good shouty music.
3. What’s something you learned this year?
Cat gluteal muscles go over their hips in such a way that in the event they fracture/break a hip they don’t need a replacement they just need a femoral head ostectomy and will form a false joint with the same range of motion
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(The reason I learned this)
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undead-knick-knack · 2 years
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Can't believe these chucklefucks have to be the ones to stop Ludinus
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ghostmistdraws · 1 year
Happy Litha! (Summer Solstice)
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Have Jekyll in a flower crown.
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Hyde made his own Litha Bonfire.
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delcat177 · 2 years
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Happy Solstice, all! Here's a lil man
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And a lil lady, who was trying very hard to Help with a macro shot of the first Christmas cactus to open. Opening on Solstice feels good, I think--this plant is generations old at this point, and it's nice to see the first dancer on it as the cold draws in.
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She loves her throne ❤️
Cal and Bug wish you the happiest long night! May all that is lost be found for you this season. Mine was my copy of Ultra Moon, which has apparently been in the couch cushions for the half year I've been searching for it. Magical!
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tasteoftaldorei · 5 days
I've been thinking about the Relics of the Red Solstice and other powerful items for endgame.
Orym has Seedling enchanted by the Wildmother
Dorian has Gambolcleft inherited from his father
Braius has the Truthbearer armor from the Platinum Sanctuary
Imogen has the Ring of Remembrance from the Arch Heart
Ashton and Fearne already have their shards, but I wonder if they'll get anything additional? Like what if Ashton gets a hammer upgrade? Or Mister gets more powerful?
I'm hoping Laudna will get a Relic of the Red Solstice from the Matron of Ravens. Also hoping that Laura gets to DM as the Matron.
And Chetney... has a fanclub.
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runningfrom2am · 1 year
Protective!Rafe with Y/N saves her from her dad
tysm for requesting this!! i hope it’s what you pictured!!
too much to drink - (r.c)
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tags/warnings: underage drinking, violence, abuse, drugging (not done by rafe), sexual content (implied, not explicit), strong language, slut-shaming/derogatory term (again, not by rafe)
pairing: rafe x reader
wc: 2.9k
note!!: this is like the darkest thing i’ve probably ever written, please PLEASE read the warnings and look out for yourselves, i know this carries some sensitive topics so if any of those things bother you PLEASE DONT READ THIS!! i care about you all and really want you to stay safe.
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Midsummers comes and goes every year, and every year you have the most fun while hiding from the watchful eye of your dad, sneaking in a few (too many) drinks when you can, ever since you were fifteen. You and Sarah Cameron would rotate covering for each other, slipping away from the large groups of adults talking about business and boring nonsense to spend alone time with your boy of the month. You always looked forward to it.
This year, you're finally eighteen. Typically, girls your age would be making their debut with their summer flings, never lasting far into the fall- but since you just graduated, a serious relationship is far from your mind. You're having too much time seizing the day- carpe diem, or whatever that saying is. You've got your flask, and a nifty belt to attach it to your leg under your dress- courtesy of Sarah for your recent birthday. You're more than ready to seize your favourite holiday, the summer solstice.
You walk in with your family, and are almost immediately joined by the Cameron's- your standard routine. Your parents have always been close, your dad's in particular like to spend a lot of time together- allegedly working on some kind of big project, but neither one of them have ever spared a single detail as to what it is, despite it being years in the making.
"Y/N, Darling, you look stunning." Rose greets you with a hug and you smile, politely hugging her back and laughing a little bit as your families make similar greetings to one another.
"You're too kind, Rose. It's lovely to see you again." You grin as you pull away and she looks you over, rubbing your arm gently.
"Oh, nonsense. You look beautiful." She insists. "Rafe, don't you agree? Y/N looks amazing. This dress is something else!" She turns to her stepson, gesturing back at you.
"Mhm. That she does." He agrees flatly, taking a sip of his drink as he looks you up and down. 
You blush only slightly, hoping your makeup covers it. You and Rafe had had a somewhat on-and-off thing going on for some time now, but not something you were ready to admit to either of your families. Occasionally going out for coffee, but mostly you would meet in private. It was awfully convenient for the two of you that your dads did so much work together, you always knew where both of them were, and could more or less run the other way.
"Rafe, take Y/N to grab a drink, yeah?" Rose suggests and he nods, holding his arm out to you. You smile as you take it, trying to avoid leaning too much into him considering your already tipsy state.
"You do look stunning." He leans in to whisper to you, making you blush furiously. 
You lightly smack his chest. "Where are you taking me?" You giggle, following as he leads you past the bar in the crowd, in the general direction of the country clubs locker rooms. 
"There's a bar back here, you didn't know? A private one, kind of a well-kept secret, you know." He smirks, looking down at you only briefly.
"Oh, of course." You agree, gently nudging his shoulder with yours. "Please, lead the way, Mister Cameron."
You make your way through the crowd, blissfully unaware of your father's eyes trailing you the whole way, a scowl on his face as he takes the first sip of his whiskey.
"Come on, we have time for one more- yeah?" Rafe asks against the skin of your neck, kissing it softly while you attempt to get your dress back on.
"We don't and you know that." You chuckle, pointing to the back of your dress where he stands behind you. "Zip?" You ask and he sighs, obliging and pulling the zipper up for you. You adjust the fabric where it sits around your waist, looking in the mirror briefly before turning around to face him. 
Rafe is quick to settle his hands on your hips, pushing you gently back against the counter and pressing his lips to yours. It's gentle, this time, making you ponder the thought of maybe one-day making things official between you two- you'd be a fool to deny the feelings you have for him, and he would admit the same, but right now is just not a good time for either of you. That much goes unspoken.
"You're beautiful, you know." He mumbles, muffled by your lips against his. You giggle, draping your arms over his shoulders and playing with the hair at the nape of his neck.
"So I've been told." You reply quietly, pulling back a little to look him over, eyes inevitably locking with his. "You're not so bad yourself."
"So I've been told." He chuckles, mocking you as he presses another kiss to your lips. 
"Alright, we really gotta go. We've disappeared long enough." You sigh, wiggling out of his grasp and ducking under his arm.
"Come find me later, yeah?" Rafe asks and you nod, humming your agreement as you step out of the locker room, doing your best to look around, feigning confusion in case someone sees you. Not like looking lost will truly work when you spend so much time in this country club recreationally.
You make your way to the bar and grab a soda, careful as you pull the slit of your dress to pour your liquor into it under the counter. You think you've succeeded, lifting the glass up as you turn around, looking to find your family again, or maybe Sarah.
Making small talk with people isn't your favourite thing, but it's always fun to catch up with other kids around your age, who you normally don't see so dressed up. Especially after a few drinks, and especially, kids you don't see so often. This is why your face just lights up with excitement when you see Pope Heyward. He's working the event, as usual, but he's always been kind to you- which you know isn't easy for him considering the treatment him and some of his friends get from other kooks.
"Pope!" You grin as you see him behind a counter in the corner, making him lift his head from what he was doing. 
"Y/N! Hey! How's it going?" He asks, stepping around the counter as you hold out your arms for a hug.
"I'm so good.." You smile, swaying lightly with your arms around each other. "How are you, though? Tell me what's going on in your world!" 
"Not much, just wrangling drunk girls tonight apparently." He chuckles, steadying you as you both let go of each other at the same time.
"Hey! I am not drunk, how dare you." You whisper, laughing and shoving his shoulder playfully.
"Oh, you? Never. Only everyone else." He nods, clearly not believing you anyway.
"I'm glad you agree." You take a step back to take the weight off one of your feet, wearing heels always has been a pain in the ass for you. You're about to say something else when you bump into someone, jumping a little as it startles you and their hand lands on your arm, steadying your glass for you.
"Hey, sweetheart." Your dad chuckles. "Didn't mean to scare you, I've got some friends who'd love to chat with you. Come with me." He says, quickly ushering you away and hardly sparing a glance at Pope. You look back over your shoulder at him, giving him an apologetic smile and a quick wave as your dad pushes you along.
It's not long before you're swaying on your feet, feeling a little lightheaded. You must have put too much vodka in your drink- which is unusual, you have a decently high tolerance.
You politely excuse yourself, making an effort to get to the bathroom. You suddenly really aren’t feeling well- and you need some space away from everybody else. The room spins around you and you hold your arms out to brace yourself on the nearest surface, the mumbling of people around you only echoing in your ears and you can’t make anything out. Your unsteadiness leads you to twisting your ankle in your platform heel, stumbling forward and someone catches you. Strong arms wrap around your back under your arms and hold onto your ribcage, trying to ease you down. They’re talking to you, but you can hardly make it out.
“Woah, woah- Y/N, are you okay?” Rafe’s voice is echoey, distant, even, and you try and nod.
“Yeah, yeah I just don’t feel too hot..” You mumble, tongue too thick for your mouth.
“Let’s get you some fresh air. Water, please.” Rafe snaps at a waiter walking by, lifting you up and getting you back on your feet.
“Rafe..” You try and speak, truly just surprised to see him. You don’t know why- you knew he was there.
“You’re okay, I’ve got you.” He says, taking the glass from the waiter who quickly returned and holding it up to your lips. Rafe knows he has to get you out of the public eye, and quickly- before your dad sees your state. He assumes you’re just way too drunk.
“Y/N, come on- I’ll take you home.” Your father is there suddenly, carefully but firmly taking you from Rafe’s grasp.
“Do you need help, Mr. Y/L/N?” He offers, your arm settling around your dads shoulder as Rafe stands there helplessly with your glass of water.
“I’ve got her, Rafe. You go have fun.” Your dad chuckles, nodding to the younger boy and carrying you toward the exit. Rafe knows there’s something not right about this- something off about the look in your fathers eye.
He lets him take you outside, deciding just to go and get another drink and send you a text. It’s your dad, for gods sake, he wouldn’t hurt you. As he stands by the bar, only for a few moments, he isn’t comfortable with his decision. He quickly abandons his drink, beelining straight for the door in quick strides, shoving it open and jogging out to the parking lot.
“I am sick of you coming to these networking events and embarrassing our family by throwing yourself at any boy who looks your way! Seriously, Y/N, no daughter of mine should be acting like this- like a damn whore!” Your dad is screaming at you now as you lean against the side of his car, holding onto it to stay upright. You’re hardly processing what he’s saying, tears streaming down your face regardless.
“Dad, wait- I didn’t, no, it’s not-“ You stammer, trying desperately to understand what you were trying to say.
“Don’t act like I don’t know! You’re lucky I even let you live under my roof after the rumours I’ve heard! I’m sick of you sneaking off to sleep with every boy on the island! I mean, pogues? Seriously? I’ve had enough.”
“I don’t-“ You try and protest, but your cut off with a hard smack across the face, leaving your ears ringing as your knees give out.
“Hey, hey- hey!” Rafe shouts, running up and shoving your dad back away from you, eyes dark with anger over what he’s just heard and seen. “Don’t touch her!” He stands between you and your dad, pushing him back again.
“Son, mind your business and get back inside. Now.” Your dad glares at him, pointing to the building.
“No. Absolutely not.” Rafe shakes his head in response. “I’m taking her home. You go back in and enjoy your stupid networking party.” He insists, turning to help you up as you reach out for him, still stunned.
“Jesus, Y/N/N..” He mutters, looking you over as he helps you get your bearings against the side of the truck. “What did you do to her?” He asks your father, looking at him with wide eyes.
“Rafe, leave.” Your dad chuckles a little, trying to save face as best he can. “She’s just had too much to drink- I’ll get her home and-“
“Did you drug your own daughter?” Rafe asks him, looking in disbelief between the two of you.
“When you have a daughter of your own you’ll understand. I did what I had to do to-“
“No, no way. That’s beyond fucked up.” Rafe scoffs, shaking his head as your dad keeps talking.
“To keep her from embarrassing this family even further.” He finishes saying, committing to the idea that what he did was right.
“Let’s go.. let’s just go…” You slur out, holding onto the side of the truck as you try and walk away.
Rafe shakes his head at your dad, backing away from him to get to you. As much as he wants to pummel him into nothing, it’s more important that he gets you somewhere safe.
“Y/N Y/M/N if you walk away right now don’t bother ever coming home!” Your dad shouts at you as Rafe gets to you, supporting you with an arm around your waist as he stares back at your dad. “You can kiss your trust fund goodbye! If you want to sleep with pogues you can live like one for all I care!”
Rafe bites his tongue as he guides you back to his own car, fishing in his pocket for the keys with his free hand. He gets you in the passengers seat and buckles you in as your head drops back against the headrest, hardly able to support its own weight.
“Y/N/N, hey, can you hear me?” Rafe asks, reaching up and grabbing your head gently to look at your cheek, checking for cuts or bruises. He frowns when he sees your cheek red and feels it burning under his fingers- it’ll have a nasty bruise tomorrow. He pulls out his phone and texts Sarah, telling her they have to go- right now. She had been looking for you most of the night too, surprised when you disappeared more than usual.
You just hum in response. You know you’re safe now, and you don’t have to exert as much energy to say anything at all.
“I’m gonna take you back to my house. We’ll get you cleaned up, and, uh, yeah. We’ll figure shit out.” He nods, more to himself than to you. He gently lets your head rest back and he shuts the door, seeing Sarah running over from the building, a confused and worried look on her face.
“What happened? Is that Y/N?” Sarah asks her brother, looking in the window.
“Yeah, her dad fucking drugged her. I walked out to him hitting her and yelling at her about shit that didn’t even happen.” He explains, opening the drivers side door.
“What? Oh my god.” Sarah replies, opening the back door and climbing in. “Oh my god, should we take her to the hospital?”
“I think she’s fine… Let’s just go back home and figure out what to do.” Rafe says, quickly starting the car and driving out of the lot being careful to avoid any potholes. He’s never driven so carefully.
Sarah helps carry you in, quick to grab water, some towels, and a bucket to place by your side of Rafe’s bed. It’s not likely to be pretty when you wake up. By the time you get back to Tannyhill, you’re hardly conscious, and Sarah has to hold every door for Rafe as he carries you in.
They don’t know what to do besides get you into bed when you get back to their house. Sarah helps you change into some of her pyjamas while Rafe decides to wait outside the door. He wishes he could get you something to eat, watch a movie together, do something normal, but you can hardly keep your eyes open. It would honestly surprise him if you knew where you were.
“What do we do?” Sarah whispers to him as he walks back in, both of them standing over you passed out in his bed.
“I don’t know.” Rafe mumbles, shaking his head. He can’t take his eyes off you.
“Should we call the cops?”
“They wouldn’t do shit. They’re as much in Y/D/N’s pocket as they are dads.”
“Well, we can’t take her home.” Sarah thinks out loud. “I don’t know how long she can stay here, dad will take his side for sure. I could bring her to John B’s tomorrow?”
“No.” Rafe shuts that idea down. “I’ll figure it out… You go to bed, Sare.”
“You can’t protect her here, if that’s what you’re thinking.”
“Then I’ll leave too. Get us our own place, I don’t give a fuck.”
“What? You guys aren’t even official- how do you think she’ll feel about moving in with you?”
“We’ll figure it out, okay? Just leave us alone. Please.” He sighs, rubbing the sides of his head. He doesn’t know what to do. He really doesn’t. All he knows is that he has to keep you safe.
Sarah rolls her eyes at him and leaves, giving you a worried glance over her shoulder before shutting the door quietly behind herself.
Rafe crawls in bed next to you after taking his suit off, watching you sleep and trying to pretend everything is normal; trying to pretend that he was allowed to bring you home after Midsummers because this is where you wanted to be.
You look so peaceful, but as the bruise starts to develop on the normally soft and unscathed skin of your cheek, Rafe dreads having to explain what happened to his parents in the morning. He doubts anyone will even believe him.
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taglist: @bookishbabyyy @madelynie , @mutual-mendes , @slut4drudy , @winterrrnight , @totalswag, @sadfury @fullfledgedemo @rafemotherfuckingcameron , @urfaveluvr , @chenslucy , @hxnnah-397, @s-we-e-t-t-ea
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
It's not much but I have five dice made from the knuckle bones of sheep for you. Be careful not to loose one, as while five is a very lucky number, I find four to be very, very unlucky. If one day you should find there are six, don't panic. Simply choose one and bury it under a bush.
Tim had plenty of contingencies for just about anything that could happen, and he knew this would happen eventually. Both of them did. In fact, they had gone over possible plans together and chosen a cover story ahead of time. But now that it was time to use it? Tim felt internally nervous. It was never a good thing to have to explain to your family full of detectives that you have a secret boyfriend.
The story they settled on was one that was easy for them to maintain due to not being able to see eachother much because of both of their rouges galleries. They decided to go with a classic "star crossed lovers who could never be together for they are of two different worlds", which narrowly beat out "Romeo and Juliet".
When asked about his boyfriend, Tim will gladly tell his family about how his boyfriend is beautiful and strong and smart, but also dumb and silly and sweet. He will tell them stories about the time Danny got ice cream on his nose and insisted he could reach it for three full minutes while going cross eyed trying to reach it with his tongue, followed by the time Danny single handedly knocked Mister Freeze out for interrupting their date. The family remembers the time Freeze just showed up in Arkham after spraying ice for two minutes, knocked out and tied up, ready to be put in a cell but they could never figure out what happened.
However, no one gets to meet Tim's mystery boyfriend until a night when Tim was supposed to be off. It's the March Equinox so of course a villian decided to attack. Tim and Danny help Dick, Jason, and Damian with the fight, grinning internally when they notice the time. After the villian is all wrapped up and their plot to end the city at midnight is done with, Tim's own alarm goes off and he immediately hugs Danny saying in the softest voice he can manage, "please don't go."
Danny has a sad look on his face as he hugs Tim, using his powers to slowly turn himself invisible as he replies, "I'm sorry my dear but I have to. The veil is thinning again." Danny nuzzles the top of Tim's head, voice getting more distant with each word, "but I'll be back in a few months. The Solstice isn't that far away. I'll see you then, I promise."
Danny almost isn't visible as Tim holds him as tight as he can, like if he clings tight enough his boyfriend won't slip through his fingers. Tim gives Danny a kiss before he says, "I will await your return with baited breath as always. Perhaps some day we'll find a way to anchor you to this world." Danny almost isn't visible and his voice is hardly a whisper as he replies, "if only it were that easy my dear." With the final word, Danny vanishes fully and goes intangible so Tim's arms slip through where he was. Tim stares at the place he knows his boyfriend is for a few moments, trying to think of sad things so his heart broken voice sounds convincing as he says to his family, "I'm going home."
Tim has to grapple to his boat house as fast as he can so that his family won't see him break out into laughter over how well he tricked them. Dick looked like he was going to cry! Danny shows up and says, "guess who got Kitty to record their faces while invisible." This only makes Tim laugh harder. Truly this was the best idea.
You scheming fuck /lh. I was so so enraptured and then I remembered that these two gremlins are mischevious little bastards.
Oh I adore this so much. How long do they play this up for? I know that the bats are now both EXTREMELY wary and also want to help Tim find a way to be with his boyfriend. They start trying to experiment and figure out ways for Tim to let his boyfriend through the veil. Issue: that’s not at all a problem.
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ludinusdaleth · 2 months
Fun New Facts/Details About Artagan From His Comic Series
(spoilers for the tales of exandria ii: artagan comic run! this was such a (fey)wild ride to read 💚)
-this is the second comic to feature artagan with freckles & extremely expressive ears, and also portrays him with catlike eyes. he can also grow a tuft of a chin-beard! my bearded artagan agenda wins
-we know from egtw that artagan was originally banished from exandria for creating a cult around a whale carcass. we learn in this comic series he named said whale fucking mister demeanor.
-he has been to fey court 4,012 times, by his approximation
-if this wasnt a more blatantly obvious fact than "the sky is blue": artagan is bi/pan. but cannot in any capacity keep up any relationship.
-the first mortal he ever met and befriended was a human named gol. at first gol thought he was an angel or savior but by the end he felt artagan was a curse from the nine hells, for all the chaos & discord he wrought on his village, turning them against each other via pranks and then. whale carcassing
-want to know why arti hates the theatre? good news, we now know! he used to adore the stage before a few fae put on a play mocking his entire life. he interrupted, threw a fit, and said he'd improv his role, but was boo'ed for interrupting the show. so. he set the stage on fire. yes there was a kill count. no he does not care
-he has a unique relationship to keyleth. she's still pissed at him for killing vax, but she is the only one in the fey court hearings he trusts to help him escape - and she does, as artagan points out she owes him for vilya. she drags him through (literal) mud about his actions and does not hold back on how disgusting she thinks he is, but she snaps him into near-clarity, and she's surprised but accepts that humility.
-the term Jestie is canon. i win!
-this isnt a new fact but god. jester & arti love each other so much.
-keyleth & jester band together and are the only two to defend artagan in court, keyleth even going against vox machina's judgement. both acknowledge he has (indirectly) saved the world and shown kindness to them, and jester insists that he is changing (and artagan thinks, he is. he really, really tried to be good, for them. "oh, gals. i may not have always done good, but... those times, i really did. for them, i did."
-sammanar & elmenore are astounded anyone would defend artagan, but lower his sentence, from eternal imprisonment...
to mortality.
the end of the fourth & final issue stated to be continued at the end, so we'll see where this goes! i have only a rough idea where in the timeline this series takes place, post campaign 2, but this is definitely a new development i am curious to see if permanent. even in echoes of the solstice i think that canon can fit somewhat if we stretch it but i really dont know when this mortal stretch begins or maybe ends! either way, he's presently utterly terrified.
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captainremmington-13 · 7 months
All the Rumors are True (or are they?)
A Bellova x Coriolanus One-Shot
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DISCLAIMER: I don’t own The Hunger Games franchise, the images above, The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, or any of the characters in this fic other than Bellova, Oliveria, and the Solstice Festival. I also do not condone the beliefs or actions of Coriolanus or Bellova.
Summary: The Monday after the Solstice Festival, Bellova confronts Coriolanus about gossip she’s been hearing concerning him and an unknown girl doing…scandalous things in the alleyway behind the train station. 
⚠️Warnings⚠️: lots of swearing, mentions of alcohol consumption, allusions to sexual acts, Bellova and Coryo are both very mean to each other in this
A/n: This takes place the school year before TBOSAS occurs, (the equivalent of their junior year of high school). Also, I HIGHLY recommend you catch up on my series, A Lady Made of Snow, before reading this.
“Miss Reginelle! Mister Snow!” 
Professor Satryia Click’s voice rang throughout the classroom, causing the two students to break their intense eye contact with each other. 
“I appreciate that you are both so invested in the discussion topic,” she began, giving them a small smile. “But please try to lower your voices and use kinder language while conversing.”
“Yes, Professor Click,” Bellova and Coriolanus said in unison. She nodded in satisfaction, turning back towards the projector screen. When she was no longer looking, Coriolanus gave Bellova another scathing glare.
“You’re infuriatingly stubborn, has anyone ever told you that?” he hissed.
“You do, almost every day,” she said, smirking. 
“And yet, you still refuse to change your ways.”
“If I did, nobody would be around to keep your ego in check.”
He huffed in annoyance. “Bitch.”
“That’s no way to show self-control, Coriolanus,” she said mockingly. “But I suppose that adds merit to the rumors.”
He tilted his head in confusion. “What rumors?”
Bellova smiled widely. “Wouldn’t you like to know.”
Professor Click assigned the class a short worksheet to complete by the following day, and dismissed them a few minutes earlier than usual. As soon as she’d given them permission to leave for their lunch break, Bellova quickly gathered her things and exited the classroom, trying to hold back a smug smile.
As expected, she barely made it down one flight of stairs before Coriolanus grabbed her by the arm and pulled her out of the crowd.
“What the fuck - get your hands off of me, Snow,” she said, faking an angry tone.
“What the hell were you talking about earlier?” he asked, keeping a firm grip on her forearm.
She gave him an obviously exaggerated innocent smile. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, Coryo.”
Coriolanus’s eyes bore into hers, and she briefly wondered if he would push her down the stairs if he could get away with it.
Instead, he dragged her down another flight of stairs and into an empty classroom. Swiftly shutting the door behind them, he let go of her arm, but stood in front of the only way to exit the room. 
Bellova sat down on a desk, crossing her arms.   “I don’t understand why you’re so mad.”
Coriolanus walked towards her, his tall figure towering over her. She met his gaze, not a hint of fear in her eyes. 
“Tell me about the rumors you mentioned earlier, or I swear, I’ll make you pay.”
“Someone’s worked up,” Bellova said teasingly. After noticing Coriolanus’s fists clench, she decided to finally tell him. It wasn’t worth getting in a physical altercation over. “Alright fine, it has to do with the Solstice Festival last Friday.”
“What about it?” he pressed.
“Something about a dare that Festus put you up to after we were all relatively intoxicated.” She relished in the way that his body went rigid at her words. “So you do know what I’m referring to, hm?”
“What exactly are people saying?” he demanded, his voice raising.
“You and some girl did some…dirty things in the alley behind the train station. You know, kissing, some discarded clothing items, and someone ending up on their knees.”
Coriolanus’s pale and slightly hollow cheeks turned a pretty shade of pink. “Fuck,” he muttered. “I don’t even know who she was. It was dark, and we were both drunk.”
Bellova was tempted to push for more details, but realized she really didn’t want to know them. She did have one question for him, though:
“So I suppose you’re not pure as snow anymore, hm?”
He looked away from her. “Shut up.” 
She scoffed. “If you’re going to become a player, just own up to it.”
“I’m not!”
“Sure, sure,” she said, trying not to let her anger ruin her composure. “But you flirted with anything in a dress at the event. I saw the way you were eyeing Clemensia.“
“I wasn’t-“
“Either get better at lying or don’t even try to, Coryo.”
He narrowed his eyes, stepping even closer to her. “Fine. If you want to talk about indecency, Bellova, let’s talk about the things I’ve heard about you and Felix.” 
“Coriolanus, you-“ 
“Is it true that he took you home with him after the end-of-year gala last year? And that you spent the night there?”
Bellova sneered, standing up to get in her rival’s face. “You know damn well that isn’t what happened. You were with me when I got into my car, for fuck’s sake!” 
“That hasn’t stopped people from talking,” he continued, smirking down at her. “People think think that you-“
“I know what they think!” she snarled, shoving him backwards. “Thanks to that bitch Oliveria, everyone is convinced that I slept with Felix just to get into the good graces of the president. But we never even fucking kissed, and we were never a couple. You know that everything you’ve heard concerning him and I are bold-faced lies.”
Coriolanus shrugged. “Yes, I know.”
“Then why the fuck did you bring it up?”
“If you have the right to get on my nerves, I should be able to do the same to you.”
She scoffed. “You’re such a child.”
“That’s rich coming from someone who’s jealous of an unknown girl right now.”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” 
“Admit it; you wish you were the girl I was with in that alleyway.”
Bellova would have killed him right then and there if she wouldn’t have gotten expelled for it.
Instead, she pushed past him, storming towards the classroom door. “You’re full of shit, Coriolanus Snow.”
He laughed condescendingly, further infuriating her.
“Who’s the bad liar now?”
She whirled around to face him, her eyes flashing dangerously. “Fuck you!” she screamed, throwing open the door and slamming it behind her.
Bellova felt her temper begin to bubble over. She knew she had to get to somewhere private, or she’d end up taking her aggression out on some innocent passerby. Rushing to the nearest restroom, she locked herself in a stall and leaned against the wall, panting heavily. 
She couldn’t understand why she was so angry. Sure, it was normal for her to be agitated when Coriolanus got on her nerves. But she usually didn’t lose her composure like that.
Perhaps it was him bringing up Felix, despite knowing the real story. He had been present when she denied his offer to bring her back to the presidential mansion. But many people firmly believed she and Felix had a one-night stand, earning her the reputation a “gold-digger”, despite her family’s already abundant wealth. 
Or perhaps it was his suggestion that she was jealous of that random girl. Anyone else would be too afraid to imply such a thing, but not Coriolanus Snow. He was a cocky bastard who thought far too highly of himself.
Or, worst of all, he could be right.
Maybe she did want to be that girl.
But it was in the past now, it couldn’t be undone. 
Of course, that didn’t mean she couldn’t find out who she was, and make her pay. 
After all, sexual intercourse on Academy grounds was punishable by permanent expulsion. If the dean somehow found out about her (and only her) escapades during the Festival…
it would simply mean that she got what was coming to her.
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TAGLIST: @daenerysqueenofhearts, @squidscottjeans, @euphemiaamillais, @gracieroxzy, @effectwalker, @mystargirl-interlude
Author’s Note: Thank you for reading! Please let me know what you think in the comments! If you have any one-shot ideas, pls leave a comment below or send something to my inbox!
Also, let me know if you want to be added to the tag list for “A Lady Made of Snow”!
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thetwstwildcard · 10 months
“The emotions are sometimes so strong that I work without knowing it. The strokes come like speech.”
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Full Name: Des Carriedo
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Sexuality: Pansexual
Birthday: August 27
Star Sign: Virgo
Height: 194 cm (roughly 6'4)
Eye color: Pale teal
Hair color: Dark brown fading into grey tips
Homeland: Land of Hot Sands
Dorm: Ramshackle (formerly Heartslabyul)
Club: Horseback riding club
Year: 2nd
Best Subject: Music
Worst Subject: Ancient curses
Favorite Food: Sea Salt Ice Cream
Likes: His sisters(Lyss and Ire), art, music, poetry, sculpting, theater, old literature, flowers, the night sky, baking, and helping Yuu
Dislikes: His parents, seeing Lyss overexert herself, forced physical activity, cruel people, people who use others, dried out paint tubes and controlled creativity/"having to do things by the book"
Hobby: Sketching his dormmates
Personality: Soft spoken, poetic, loyal, when drawing/creating his expression is blank. He may seem stand off-ish but it is because he tries to be respectful
Unique Magic: Cálmate- the ability to quell someone's emotions if he touches them with all 5 fingers. Can be used on people overblotting, though it is dangerous. He takes the person's built up emotions two fold. He can build up several emotions but it becomes more taxing on his mental state. He does art to expell these extra emotions
The younger brother of Lyss Carriedo and Ire Carriedo
His UM opposes hers (she riles herself up and he calls her down)
Is friendly with the ghosts of ramshackle and school portraits
He's pretty neutral about his emotions so his personal emotions may seem a mystery to the fact that if they belong to him or not.
Was scouted by the Solstice Watchers for his UM
Transfers to Ramshackle after the Heartslabyul chapter due to Lyss pushing him to not always worry about her
Is seen as a prodigy in both magic and creative skills
Is the main creator of all the new decor Yuu adds to Ramshackle
Made his own piercings though Lyss did his piercings
Calls everyone Miss/Mister/Mx for respect so he uses last names mainly (if they have one) regardless of if they are younger than him
Was a club suit when in Heartslabyul
Is very "disney princess" with being good with animals and children
In the Japanese dub, Lyss is "onee-san" and Ire is "onee-sama"
His horse is named Ava
While he bakes a lot for his dormmates, he doesn't have a sweet tooth
His eyes change colors based on the emotions he takes from others. If his eyes are brown to black he may be close to passing out from too many strong emotions
Has a large michelangelo-esque tattoo on his back
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telekinetic-issue · 2 years
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Sometimes I doubt he’s actually a cat
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All I want for winter solstice is to see you smile
Everyone's excited for Gale's feast. Astarion feels a bit sad he can't eat any of it, but the wizard has a surprise for him.
To avoid confusion: In one of my other fanfics Halsin and Tav had named the owlbear cup Naïlo, which means 'night breeze' in the Elven language.
Another fic is mentioned.
Also: Merry Christmas, Hanukkah, Holidays, Winter Solstice, Yule, or whatever else you're celebrating! Take this little sweet, fluffy, wholesome fanfic as a gift, snack, or treat :)
Waterdeep was covered in snow, looking peaceful and jolly. Gale was rotating in the kitchen, preparing the feast for Winter Solstice. Everyone else had been shooed out so that he could work his other type of magic by himself.
Astarion helped Shadowheart decorate the fir tree in the living room while Tav sat on the floor and tried her best to weave a wreath. Scratch and Naïlo seemed a tad confused about the fuss everyone was making and observed the bustle in interest. Tara, on the other hand, napped on top of the piano, utterly unbothered by everything that was going on.
"I thought you're a gentleman who places the star on top of the tree for me," Shadowheart teased.
"It's not my fault I'm too short to reach it," Astarion retorted, miffed.
"Our lovely Mount Halsin would be useful now," the cleric grinned. "Maybe he can save the day when he comes back from shopping."
Astarion glowered.
"Need help?" Tav chuckled.
"Yes, darling."
The bard got up, wiped her hands on her trousers, walked over, and picked Astarion up with ease. The vampire spawn couldn't hold back an excited giggle. Smirking, the cleric handed him the star ornament and Astarion put it over the top of the tree.
"Perfect," Shadowheart smiled and the vampire spawn preened.
With a grunt, Tav put Astarion down again and he wrapped his arms around her neck to kiss her.
"Thank you, darling."
"You're welcome, love."
"Aww," Shadowheart cooed, grinning from ear to ear.
As soon as Astarion had let go of Tav, she pulled the cleric into a kiss too. Then, they went back to work.
Gale had overdone himself. The table was beautifully decorated and he'd placed a small menu card at each seat. Impressed, Halsin picked his up and read the four-course meal.
"Wow, this sounds better than anything served in a restaurant," he praised.
"He's a genius in the kitchen," Morena, Gale's mother, replied proudly.
"Indeed. Nobody cooks fish quite as deliciously as Mister Dekarios," Tara chimed in, already licking her mouth in anticipation.
Everyone at the table snickered amused.
Astarion felt a bit wistful. He wasn't able to stomach anything other than blood, thus, he hadn't had the pleasure of eating solid foods for over two hundred years. Usually, that wasn't a problem, he was used to seeing his loved ones eat, but today, he was hit by a wave of melancholy. He watched as Gale served everyone a small bowl of clear broth with a few vegetable chunks in it, decorated with fresh chives. Astarion was jolted out of his thoughts when Gale placed a soup plate in front of him.
"Uhm..." Dumbfounded, the vampire spawn stared at it. "You know I can't eat anything without getting violently ill, do you?"
"Of course, but I have created this soup especially for you – a whole menu to be precise. Made only from blood, of course. As a gift. For the solstice. I hope you can stomach and enjoy it."
Astarion was overwhelmed.
"Really?" he muttered. "Just for me?"
"Yes," replied Gale, smiling warmly. Bashfully, he leaned down and kissed the vampire spawn's cheek. "Happy Winter Solstice, Astarion."
The addressed blinked away the tears that threatened to spill over and nodded silently. The wizard gently brushed his hand along Astarion's shoulder before sitting down next to him.
"Enjoy your meal. I hope it's to everyone's liking."
They started with their soup and showered Gale with praise who blushed prettily.
"Wyll and Karlach are truly missing out on this," Tav remarked.
"Well, they're at a fancy dinner party at the Ravengard Mansion. After all, Karlach must impress her soon-to-be father-in-law," Shadowheart grinned.
"That poor thing's surely suffocating in her fancy dress and bored to death," snickered the bard and everyone burst into laughter.
Hesitantly, Astarion dipped the spoon into the soup plate and tried the dish. It was pig's blood, but it was spiced.
"Did you use pepper and nutmeg?" he asked, pleasantly surprised.
"Yes. Plus, salt and a bay leaf. I tasted it to make sure it's palatable."
At that, Astarion laughed.
"You ate it? No way!"
Flustered, Gale cleared his throat and averted his gaze. Smiling, the vampire spawn placed his hand on the wizard's arm.
"It's wonderful. Thank you."
Astarion finished his soup happily, letting it warm his belly. He could almost trick himself into imagining that it was fresh blood straight from a vein.
The next dish was a salad with fresh lingonberries and garden cress. Astarion got a blood jelly instead.
"It's made with lamb's blood, gelatine, cinnamon, clover, and orange peel" Gale explained to him.
The vampire spawn cut off a piece of the jelly with the fork and tried it. When he started chewing, the typical flavours associated with the Winter Solstice exploded in his mouth.
The next dish was a lovely plate of turnips, beetroot, mushrooms, and venison with a spicy pepper sauce. Astarion's main course was a blood sausage. Carefully, he cut it open and let the silky smooth texture linger on his tongue. He tasted deer blood, salt, pepper, rosemary, and thyme. Astarion felt like crying.
"Everything alright?" whispered Tav, caressing his hand.
The addressed nodded silently, he didn't trust his voice at the moment. The bard gave him a knowing look and squeezed his hand gently before continuing to eat. Shortly after, Astarion felt Gale's warm hand on his thigh. It wasn't a sexual gesture but a comforting one. The vampire spawn took a deep breath and finished his meal.
For dessert, Gale served them apple ice cream and cookies. Astarion got a blood sorbet and when he took the first spoonful, he tasted the unmistakable bouquet of Tav's and Gale's blood as well as a hint of peach.
"You remembered my favourite fruit?" Astarion murmured. His heart hurt.
"Of course. Why wouldn't I?" Gale replied with a smile.
The vampire spawn swallow thickly.
"Because I don't eat. Why would you remember such a trivial thing when I'm not -"
Astarion burst into tears, startling everyone at the table. With a whine, Scratch placed his head in the vampire spawn's lap and started licking his hand. Naïlo chirped in concern, observing Astarion from across the room with big, yellow eyes. Gale was frozen in place, not knowing how to react, thus, Tav pulled the vampire spawn into a hug.
"In two hundred years, no one has ever - Nobody cared enough to -"
"It's alright, love," the bard whispered, stroking his hair, and Astarion kept crying bitterly into her shoulder.
"I - I didn't mean to make you cry. I'm sorry," Gale muttered.
"No, no." Astarion barked a watery laugh. "I'm not - not hurt. I'm - happy."
He detangled himself from Tav to turn around and fall around Gale's neck.
"You made me very happy," he mumbled.
The wizard sighed a breath of relief and pulled Astarion closer.
"Good," he told the vampire spawn.
"It's so heartwarming how you all treat each other," remarked Morena, smiling softly. "I can feel the love you share for one another. It's a beautiful thing."
"Forsooth, Miss Dekarios," purred Tara.
When the celebration was over, Morena had gone home, and everyone was ready for bed, Astarion lay down next to Gale and pulled him into a passionate kiss.
"Thank you, for everything. I'll never forget what you've done for me. I love you."
"I love you too," Gale replied with a heated face.
Smiling, Astarion kissed him again until the wizard was breathless. Then, he snuggled even closer to him, basking in the calming, comforting scent of Gale and lavender.
"Happy Winter Solstice, darling."
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Happy anniversary to Critical Role—and also to Laerryn Coramar-Seelie banishing two primordials with her Leywright. We are in the front row of history tonight, apparently, as the moment of solstice draws ever nearer. As always, I have bingo cards for you. 43 words, all listed below the cut. You can grab your own card here at BingoBaker.
If you would prefer NOT to play with a card with a red background, please use THIS BingoBaker link; the call lists are identical, this second link just has regular black on white text instead of the red styling.
"Ira causes problems" does not need to be him turning against the party. It simply needs to be a problem in some manner.
"Problem at skyship" does not need to be caused by Ira.
"Party split further" is for any smaller group splits into an even smaller group, i.e. Fearne and FCG split from one another or Laudna and Chetney split from the others.
"Party re-split" requires first "party reconvened". That square is for if the entirety of Bells Hells regroups, but they then split again.
"new ally" is for anyone that we did not already know was allied with the party. Any Ashari and Janina (should she appear) do not count as we already knew they were allies. This is for completely brand new people.
Just as last week, "PvP" and "friendly fire" differ in that PvP requires a willful betrayal of the party and friendly fire is everything else.
I'm glad to answer any questions about bingo squares during, after, and into the week.
Good luck—to all of us.
contact Caleb and Beau
contact Keyleth
coin flip
tracker orb checked
locket presented
something stored in portable hole
Potion of Possibility consumed
Little Mister
Xandis gets hurt :(
Ryn located
mage hunter golem spotted
Ira causes problems
problem at skyship
Liliana appearance
Ludinus appearance
Morri appearance
Otohan appearance
Janina appearance
Reilora mentioned
Judicator appearance
antimagic disabled
friendly fire
party still split
party split further
party reconvened
party re-split
Vanguard killed
new NPC named
new ally
no initiative
Bloodlust save
Charisma skill check
Perception check
Investigation check
Arcana check
Stealth check (individual)
Stealth check (group)
Survival check
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edward-hydes-letters · 3 months
(A slightly aged-looking letter smelling of pine with an olive green wax seal. On it contains a message.)
Mister Edward Hyde,
This is not an invitation, but a demand by the High Fae. Your presence has been requested on the summer solstice exactly. If this date changes, your attendance is still wanted. Please let us no if you can come or not. It's in the woods, but the food is free.
Count to 20. Tick tock.
Regards, The Pacific Court
(A small stamp of what looks like a shamrock closes off the letter.)
(The first section of this letter is burnt, scratched off, and any kind of dismemberment one can do to a piece of parchment… only the very bottoms remains, and it’s written in cursive…)
I… truly cannot tell if this is a real document or a practical joke.
In any case, it has gotten Hyde very upset and he’s receded into our mind. If this is a practical joke made by one of you omniscients, it’s in very poor taste. And if it’s real, then there must have been some mistake on the… Pacific Court’s part.
Let’s hope Robert never hears of this document or poor Edward would never hear the end of it…
-Dr. Henry Jekyll
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On Christmas Eve, Ebeneezer Scrooge fell asleep in the server farm of his Cryptocurrency mine. In the background, the soft wash of LED displays and gentle hum of cooling fans filled the basement. He'd recently expanded his operation, having gotten a great deal on hardware in the Cyber Monday sales. So he was sung to sleep by the gentle guzzling of electricity and the slow accumulation of what might (by some) be considered wealth. Throughout the long night, he was visited by three ghosts. The whole business played out more or less as you'd expect, so we won't overly dwell on it here. Where things really started to go FUBAR was when Scrooge awoke… Looking out the security cameras on the snowy morning, Scrooge spied an urchin child. He pressed the buzzer on the speaker and cried out to them! "You, boy! What day is it?" "What? I can't hear you." "Hold on, I'll come upstairs!" Scrooge ran up the dingy stairwell of his minimalist and kinda grungy compound, stopping only to disarm his top of the line security system. He stepped out into the brisk winter, and very nearly forgot to reset the alarm in his excitement. Then he remembered he had prime numbers in there, damn it! So he did reset the primary alarm, but didn't bother with the non-lethal countermeasures, and that was something at least. "Thanks for waiting!" He huffed. "So, boy … what day is it?" "Not a boy!" Came the shrill reply. "Girl, then! What day is it?" "Not that either!" "Look, kid, this isn't a game of what's your fucking gender. Just tell me what day it is!" "It's solstice day, sir!" Said the urchin, looking up at a dishevelled Scrooge with their big urchin eyes. "Wait, really? …You're sure it's not Christmas? I fell asleep on Christmas Eve…" "I guess you slept for near a year, then, ‘cos I celebrate solstice and it's the gods-damned solstice." “I don’t know how to process that!” Cried Scrooge. “Maybe there’s a specific detail you can focus on to ground you?” Suggested the urchin, in a surprisingly helpful bit of trauma advice. “OH!” Exclaimed Scrooge. “Tell me, child, the butcher’s nearby. Does it still have that big turkey in the window?” “The butcher’s closed down six months back, I’m afraid! But I think there’s an Amazon Fresh around here somewhere?” Said the urchin. “That’ll do!” Scrooge rummaged around in his pockets. “Here, take this printout of a Jpeg of a poorly drawn frog and go buy me the biggest turkey you can find in Amazon Fresh. Then deliver it to Bob Cratchet!” “Even Amazon won’t take your NFT bullshit as currency, mister!” “Okay - I can give you cash.” Scrooge paused for a moment. “Do you have Venmo?” “I’m a street urchin.” Replied the street urchin. “Of course I have Venmo.” “Great. I’ll transfer you now - keep the change.” “I don’t mean to look a gift crypto bro in the mouth, sir, but aren’t you famously stingy? Like, your name’s literally a synonym for tight-fisted penny-pinching.” “That’s the old Scrooge. I got visited by three ghosts last night and now I’m a new man.” Said Scrooge, proudly, before added conspiratorially, “At first, I thought I’d just drank a bad batch of Soylent. But they were pretty convincing in the end.” “So you’re going to donate all your money to charity or start a non-profit or something?” The urchin said with open-mouthed awe. "I don't know. It's kind of ambiguous. I might do those things, or maybe I'll keep being rich and be a bit nicer? "Okay, so now you're closer to a Bill Gates rather than full Musk/Bezos on the scale of evil billionaires.” The urchin looked directly into the camera for a full three seconds. “And we’re supposed to celebrate that? “Look, it was pretty fucking radical for its time, okay?” Said Scrooge, snapping his fingers to stop the urchin breaking the fourth wall any further. “Are you gonna buy the turkey or what?" “I dunno, man. On the one hand, it feels like if you really changed your tune, you’d do more than buy one turkey for the single poor person whose name you know. On the other hand, you said I could keep the change. So this really is a bind for me…” “If I’m honest,” Said Scrooge, “I really didn’t think it would be this difficult to be charitable. No wonder Elon is the way he is.” “Sigh.” Said the urchin. Saying the word out loud, rather than just sighing, which I think tells you something about the level of frustration here. “You know what, this isn’t gonna work.” “Huh?” Said Scrooge, somewhat nonplussed. “Spot! Here, boys! Heel!” Called the urchin. In the distance, a low rumbling growl could be heard. Out of the shadows of the misty winter morning, a giant three-headed hound emerged, its jaws snapping at Scrooge in triplicate. “AAAARGH!” Yelled Scrooge, now so nonplussed as to be minused. The urchin pulled out a matte black flip phone, decorated with a few tasteful flowers, and made a call. “Hi Persephone, it’s me, Charon.” Said the urchin. “Yeah, I’m up here on psychopomp duty. Yup, it’s the Ebeneezer Scrooge case - y’know, the tech bro who drank too much Red Bull and had a heart attack? Well, we gave him another shot this year, but he’s still a bit of a dickmagnet. He’s made some progress - he understands basic empathy - but we’re still a bit stuck on the ‘myth of the benevolent billionaire’ stage.” In the background, the sound of screaming tech-bro and snarling monster dogs was fading into the distance. “I think we’re gonna call it for the day and give it another try solstice.” Charon continued. “Yeah, Cerberus is dragging him back to the underworld now. Yeah - he did a great job as the three ghosts too - definitely earned a treat. Cool - see you in a few.” Charon flipped the phone closed and took a deep breath. They took a pair of bronze coins out of a pocket of their ragged hoody, and placed them gently over their own eyes. “Hades bless us. Everyone.” They said to no-one, then disappeared.
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thevalleyisjolly · 2 years
A non-comprehensive Apogee Solstice showdown wishlist:
Keyleth and Caleb team up to curb-stomp Ludinus into the fucking sand.  Shapechanging into dragons optional but optimal
Fearne tries to pickpocket Beau and/or Caleb
Bells Hells returns to their roots and distracts the guards around the key/anti-magic generator by faking a ghost haunting.  Just, in the midst of the battle of the ages between Ludinus and some of the most powerful people in Exandria, there’s Bells Hells Scooby-Doo-Magooing their way through a mini dungeon crawl.
Fearne tries to flirt with Beau and/or Caleb
Tense Liliana confrontation that ends with Beau sneaking up behind her and choking her out with her staff. “What? I didn’t kill her, look, she’s just unconscious!”
Crucial decision comes down to FCG flipping their Changebringer coin
Crucial decision where FCG has to choose between a self-sacrifice move that would take out the enemy but also mean the deaths of his friends, and choosing to live in order to save their friends but that means not managing to stop the enemy in time
Dorian shows up fifteen minutes after the Solstice with fantasy Starbucks
Laudna and Orym combined HDYWTDT on Otohan. Bonus points if Laudna just launches Pâté like a dead rat grenade at Otohan.
Alternatively, Otohan is busy fighting all of Bells Hells at once when she gets sniped like a filthy casual by Mister and his Flame Seed gun
Lita appearance!
Dusk shows up fifteen minutes after the Solstice with the Unseelie Court and fantasy Starbucks.
Imogen turns on the party. Just for a little bit, but it’s pretty dicey for a minute there.
Suddenly, when all hope seems lost, the Darrington Brigade shows up.  Hope is not necessarily restored, but y’know what, the ducks are an inspiration to us all.
*to the rhythm of Here Comes the General* Here comes J’mon Sa Ord!
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