#ml prompt request
trashyangelic · 4 months
I'll be honest I am not good at Sleep Deprived Marinette. Someone take this to make a prompt please!!
I've read many fanfics on AO3 that has "Sleep Deprived Marinette" & "Tire Marinette Dupain-Cheng". So I was wondering if you could do this one... But haven't seen one where Marinette get akumatized when she has sleep deprived on.
Where Marinette get akumatized when she had sleep deprived? Everyone in Miss Bustier's Class had their experience of knowing about Marinette sleeps it is very brutal for them but also knows not to mess with a sleepy Marinette unless you have a death wish coming.
So What if Lila didn't listen to Marinette's warning of letting her sleep in class but she continue blabs. Everyone in the class begin to panic when Marinette started to stir in her sleep as they all witness an akuma going to her.
As soon as Miss Bustier comes in she saw an akuma going to the sleepy Marinette she has been told by Ms. Mendeleiev about Marinette's sleep deprived they are never good sign to wake her up. It made Miss Bustier to go pale as white as she slowly backed away but closed the door to sit at the teacher's lounge hoping this would be over.
Not really? Adrien can see it but really do not want to fight Marinette when she get akumatized. Since he accidentally saw Marinette being Ladybug last night when she had dropped near 3 feet from air for him to catch her in time.
Marinette is not happy being akumatized she decided to give Lila a piece of her mind of waking her up when she told her to stop talking to let her sleep but no she decided to do it anyway this is what happens when you akumatized a sleepy Marinette!
Can someone also add a Character Death as Lila Rossi where she experienced herself being torned into limb and Hawkmoth aka Gabriel Agreste being dragged like a ragged doll being beaten by a Sleepy Akumatized Marinette as for the akuma class finds a way to calm her down? While Adrien had no other choice to fight the Sleepy Marinette but sees Tikki coming to him by dragging Chloe with her.
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wield-the-mighty-pen · 4 months
To cope with my writer’s block, I've decided that I want to do some drabbles!
To make this fun for me, I decided to do 'playlist prompt' drabbles. So, if you'd like, please send me a lovesquare pairing and a number between 1 and 144 and hopefully I'll write a drabble based on the corresponding song in my playlist to that number
My inbox is open, so please feel free to send requests!
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mystic-myrtille · 1 year
45 for the kisses 🥺
First of all I'm so sorry this took so long, but life gets in the way and I just wasn't feeling super motivated. I hope I got this right because this turned more into Marinette pining hard, but I tried my best and I hope you enjoy!
(Also I have a few more of these sitting in my inbox and I will do them! Not sure when, but I'll work on them! I'm just super slow)
#45: Almost kisses
Something was different. Something about Luka. Something about him had… changed.
Well, actually that wasn’t true. Luka hadn’t changed. He was still cool and calm and sweet, just like on the first day she had met him. Since then Marinette had considered him a friend, and she was thankful for his generally relaxing presence in her rather chaotic life. She liked hanging out with him to stroll around the city on his bike, asking him for his opinion on her new designs for stage outfits (he always loved them) or to just observe him as his guitar rested gently in his lap, his fingers cradling the strings and his eyes fluttering shut as he played out people’s hearts. Mostly hers.
So that hasn’t changed.
What had changed though was the amount of times he would cross her mind during the day, which had gone up significantly. Most of the time he would just randomly pop up in her mind for no apparent reason. She’d think about his kind eyes, his smile, the painted finger nails, his colorful hair, his music.
It had been innocent at first and Marinette hadn’t thought too much about it. Thinking about your friends wasn’t anything too unusual. Luka and her were friends.
Good friend even.
She liked thinking about him.
Maybe he even thought about her from time to time.
Because that's what friends do.
Until those thoughts changed. She didn’t know when exactly or how or why, but Marinette was pretty sure friends weren't supposed to wake up in the middle of a night from a dream where said friend wouldn’t cradle the guitar strings but her cheeks instead as he'd slowly lean down, because he was a head taller than her, close to brushing her lips moments before she'd wake up, her cheeks burning to the point where she had to step out just to cool herself down.
The first time there was an inital shock, obviously, and Marinette was considerably more flustered when Luka was nothing more than mentioned in a conversation. But after confessing her dream to Alya, her friend had brushed it off, explaining how that that ‚didn’t have to mean anything‘. Which was probably true, dreams were random and didn’t mean anything. However even that didn’t help her that much, because when she had come to the Liberty again after a few days and saw Luka, she immediately forgot about the meaninglessness of dreams and couldn’t think of anything but her dream, making her blush like crazy. Luckily she could blame the hot summer sun when Luka asked her what was wrong.
From there on, it kept happening.
She thought about kissing Luka more and more.
And it drove her insane.
Becausy why would she even want to kiss Luka?
He was her friend!
Plus, she still had her very real crush on Adrien, of which she'd be reminded by Alya and the rest of the girls ever so often. Even though that whole thing was sort of on hold as of recent now that he was sort of dating Kagami, she couldn't deny that she'd still feel like an electric shock went through her entire body every time their eyes met and he'd give her a quick polite smile.
Nothing about him has changed either. He was still the sweet, kind boy who had given her an umbrella the first day they met.
She should be thinking about him.
She should be dreaming about him.
She should be fantazising about kissing him.
But she didn't.
Marinette didn’t understand, until one day when Luka waited in front of the school forthe band. He had given her a genuine smile when he had spotted her, excitingly asked her about her day and replaced the electric shocks with shy little butterflies dancing in her belly. He’d stand at the bottom of the stairs, Marinette standing in front of him just one step up so they’d were on eye level. And while he told her about his day, she’d sometimes look down to his lips, just for a second, and let herself imagine what it would be like if she just leaned forward a little, because with the way they were positioned, she really wouldn’t have to do much more-
Her eyes widened at the realization.
Of course Luka had immediately noticed the blush spreading across her face, because it was honestly hard not to, and asked her if she was okay, like the concerned friend he was. And Marinette couldn’t do anything but stand there and frantically nod, not trusting her mouth to not do anything stupid. Like kiss him. Or tell him ‚Oh Luka, I was just fantazising about us smooching because I had a dream about that and also…‘
It was at this point Marinette had to admit to herself.
Luka wasn’t a friend to her. He was something more.
Because friends didn’t have that desire to kiss their friends.
But she really wanted to kiss Luka.
Of course, being herself, Marinette knew she could never bring herself to just… go for it. Especially not out of the blue like that. And while she liked Luka, she wasn’t sure how he felt about her. Sure, he was more touchy with her than anybody else and he kept playing her song and he gave her compliments all the time and so much more...
But she couldn’t just kiss him, even though she wanted to.
Even though there had been multiple chances for her to do so.
Like that one time where Kitty section had organized a sleep over. She and Luka had cooked dinner together and at some point he had turned up the volume of the music and had started to dance. He wasn’t exactly a dancer so it looked more dorky than anything, but that hadn’t stopped Marinette from joining him. So they moved around the living room, daning and laughing, until Luka had grabbed her hands and had started to spin her around in circles.
And there was this tingling in her heart again every time Luka pulled her closer just to release her the next second. If she just got onto her tippy toes, she could’ve given him a quick peck on the lips next time he pulled her towards him.
But she didn't.
Another time she had helped him apply eye liner after he kept messing up his right eye. Of course she had offered help and than had found herself sitting in his lap, holding her breath as she drew the wing on his eye lid. She was thankful his eyes were closed because she would've never been able to explain her gaze dropping down ever so often and she had to swallow hard when his eyes fluttered open and Marinette couldn’t tear her gaze away. For more seconds than what was probably appropriate, she remained seated in his lap as Luka kept eye contact with her, not saying anything. Her heart was pounding in her ears. Just a small dip forward and she could've pecked his lips.
But she didn't.
Then there was the time when she had taken his measurements for stage costumes where she could've asked him to lean down just a little more.
Or when she had burrowed her face into his shoulders during a horror movie. She really wouldn't have had needed to move that much.
Or the countless times where they had been sitting on his bed, across from one another as he played her feelings out and she could've just taken the guitar to put it down and moved a little closer, tilting her head to finally act on what she was fantasizing about for weeks.
And yet she hadn't.
Which was probably for the better.
During all those moments, Marinette had wondered why Luka looked at her so intensly, why it was her of all people he danced with, why he always looked so content whenever he played out her heart. That had to mean something, right?
Then again
Luka was very supportive of her crush on another boy, after he had figured it out after their kind-of-sort-of-double date with Adrien and Kagami where Marinette had dragged Luka along so that it would be less awkward for her to be the third wheel.
He had been the one encouraging her to go and talk to Adrien.
He had given her nothing but support.
Would he actually react like this, if he liked her?
How would he have reacted of she hadn’t gone after Adrien, if she had taken the metro home with him? Would that have changed anything?
Well, it probably would’ve been the smater choice, because even when she got Adrien to stop the car and wait for her
she still hadn’t done any talking.
Kagami was onto something when she had noted how hesitant Marinette was.
So she kept the thoughts about his lips and the butterflies in her belly to herself. Kissing dream Luka was good enough after all.
Until Bob Roth had stolen Luka's music and Marinette's costumes.
And Luka got akumatized.
Before running off, he had gone up to her and had confessed his feelings to her, in his usual poetic way.
Which had turned her into a blushy mess and caused her to take a little more time before transforming into Ladybug, fight and deakumatize him.
Everything went back to normal, and she thought even more about kissing him. Because after such a confession, how could she not?
Just before he was about to go on stage, she asked him if he remembered what he said to her. What did it mean? Was it real? Did he feel that way about her? Did he really feel that way about her?
But he didn’t remember.
Instead he put a hand on her shoulder
and said it again. Word for word.
You're the most extraordinary girl, Marinette.
Clear as a musical note.
Sincere as a melody.
You're the music that's been playing in my head since the first day we've met.
And she was lost. Lost in his beautiful blue eyes, looking at her with so much appreciation and love, like she was the most precious thing in the world to him. Actually it wasn’t much different from all the other times he lad looked at her, but now, she didn’t have to wonder if she was just imagining things.
This was real.
He still had his hand on her shoulder and stared into her eyes.
She stared back.
And it felt like time had stopped.
She stood there, heart thundering in her chest, butterflies fluttering through her entire body, her mind racing from „Luka likes me?“
to „Luka likes me!“
to „… would he also like kissing me?“
Never before did she want to kiss him this badly.
If she just took one little step closer, she could tug his jacket, get on her tippy toes and pull him down just a little and finally feel his breath over her lips and slowly close his eyes before the’d both give in, feeling their lips move against each other…
Wait, how was she even supposed to move her lips exactly?
Oh god, what if her breath was bad?
Would she even be able reach him with how tall he was or would he have to slouch over? Would that even be comfortable for him?
Oh god, she was overthinking again!
… What was she supposed to do with her hands?
Oh god!
Come on, just go for it already! That’s what you wanted the entire time...
… But shouldn’t she at least ask him if he wanted it too?
Yes, that would be a good start.
She opened her mouth.
Then Luka gave her shoulder a little squeeze, his smile got wider and in this moment, withthe colorful stage light hitting his face, he looked even more mesmerizing.
The „Can I kiss you?“ died on her lips.
He whispered „Wish me luck“ before he retrieved his hand and took a few steps away, still holding eye contact as long as possible, until he turned around to walk on stage.
Her gaze followed him and her heart sank.
Kagami was right, all she ever did was hesitate. If she just didn’t question her every move and actually followed up on the steps she had gone through in her head. She still couldn’t go through with it, even after him literally confessing to her in such a beautiful way! And she didn’t even say anything back, just stood there like a deer in the headlight.
Luka was in love with her.
She had been in love with Luka.
And she almost kissed him. Almost.
How can this be so hard?
Disheartened, she walked over to stand next to the camera in order to get a better view.
Luka caught her eyes and before going into his solo, he gave her that same loving smile he had given her minutes ago. Her heart sped up again and couldn’t help but smile back.
He had still confessed to her!
Meaning that he actually might want to kiss her, too.
This hadn’t been her only chance. This was just the beginning of something new. There were more opportunities to come for her to stare. To hesitate. To feel. And finally, to be brave.
Feeling more optimisic, she prepared herself to ask Luka after the show. Judgind by the way he smiled at her, she had a feeling he might say yes.
Send me a number and I’ll write a short(ish) Lukanette fic!
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karin848 · 2 years
Wanna draw more fanart so if anyone has any Lukanette prompts (or frankly any other Marinette ship or gen art prompts) for Miraculous Ladybug, let me know!
*DISCLAIMER* This artist has constantly promised to fufill art prompts and then failed to do so. By submitting a prompt request or fanart suggestion, you agree that this artist is a lazy asshole and might not actually start or finish drawing your submitted prompts
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iwasbored777 · 2 years
Can you write an adult Felila smut, but where's Lila's the Paris Mayor and Felix her bodyguard ? I'm feeling that forbidden romance and power imbalance between them rn, but I can't write for shit lol. Idk if you even take such requests, but guess I'll try anyway to find out.
You're really lucky cuz for some reason my Felila obsession is back these days and I was planning to write something like this so looks like we're both happy now and I even got a new opportunity to use my new Felila playlist for inspiration. Btw this is my first ever full s£x scene that I wrote, I usually write just a part or a hint but this is a full smut chapter and I warn everyone that this is exactly what they're gonna find. Well of course Felila is the first ship I wrote smut for (BOTH TIMES (experimental part of a smut scene and now a full smut scene)). I wanted to write Adrienette smut but their angst in previous episodes made me postpone it but anyways I'll stop talking and let you read what you came for. I hope it's good. Also this just smut guys like I said this is not my deepest desire, this is just two fictional characters doing it and of course it's aged up how else would it go?
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Oliver keeps on staring at reader and Felix notices it and gets possessed so he put on a later show for him. Like making out but don’t having full on sex. Then the next morning readers walking to breakfast with a lot of hickeys all over her and she can’t cover it up.
Mine, all Mine || Felix Catton x reader
A/n: thank u for the request ml 🫶 sorry it took me awhile to post this ��
Warnings: fem!reader, possesive!Felix, swearing, smoking, Oliver being sorta creepy
Wc: 864
Felix Catton Masterlist
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GIF by @127png
As Felix listened to your conversation with a few others in the circle of friends around you, his eyes caught Oliver Quick staring shamelessly at you from his window. Taking a long drag, he wrapped an arm around you, his fingers delicately tracing the necklace that bore his initials, all while looking at Oliver.
It took Oliver a few seconds to realise that Felix was staring straight at him, and when he did, he scrambled from the window which earned a soft chuckle from Felix.
For the next couple of days, Felix would often catch Oliver staring at you. It irritated him to say the least, especially since he would stare longer when you were on his lap, or when you were holding hands and walking around campus. Clearly, Oliver didn’t know better.
You were sat on Felix’s lap at a Halloween party, you were dressed up as a slutty maid while Felix was dressed as a cop. “What are you looking at?” You say in his ear, noticing that his attention was elsewhere. His hand on your hip gives you a reassuring squeeze before he smiles at you.
"Nothing," he brushes it off, planting a kiss on your collarbone, but a lingering doubt tugs at you. Your eyes roam the crowded room before locking onto Oliver.
He averts his gaze, sipping his drink briefly, while you narrow your eyes at him. “Do you know Oliver?” you redirect your attention to Felix, and his eyes snap up to meet yours.
“Hm?” He’s caught off guard by your sudden question. “Oliver? He was checking us out,” you casually shrug, not giving it much thought, just noting the observation.
“That weirdo? No. Just seen him around campus,” Felix clears his throat, putting the lollipop he was sucking on back in his mouth, catching your eye. “Stay away from him though, yeah?” His possessive tone lingers as he points his lollipop at you prompting a subtle smirk from you.
“Felix, darling, you know me,” you say in a sultry tone, taking the lollipop from his fingers and sensually popping it into your mouth. Your gaze holds his as you swirl it around your tongue, before innocently looking away, leaving an enticing allure in the air.
Felix subtly adjusts beneath you, and a self-satisfied smile crosses your lips as you sense the impact of your actions. You can feel the growing bulge beneath your skirt, and without a single word, Felix effortlessly repositions you on his lap, now straddling him.
“Have I told you how insanely hot you look in that costume?” His eyes roam down your front, pausing where your outfit leaves little to the imagination. You giggle, playfully tilting your head as if you were thinking.
“I don’t think so,” Felix tilts his head back, emitting a low whistle, his gaze intense on you. “Well, what’re you waiting for? Kiss me.” Your hands find their place on his shoulders.
Felix lets out a deep chuckle, “Yes ma’am,” You both smile before he grips the back of you hair and pulls you close to him. His lips feverishly kissing your lips as you let out a low groan at the feeling of his bulge underneath you.
You leave his lips, trailing kisses down his neck. Felix’s eyes were wide open as he stared right back at Ollie from across the room. He reviled being watched. Unfazed, Oliver didn’t bother looking away, shamelessly watching you as you leave marks on Felix’s neck.
Felix smirks at Ollie, kneading the flesh of your ass, drawing a moan from you. “Let’s get out of here,” he whispers in your ear. Eagerly nodding, you rise, and as Felix playfully slaps your ass, you stumble slightly, but his large hand steadies your waist.
Unbeknownst to you, Felix shoots Ollie a look before winking at him and leading you away. Surely now, Oliver would get the memo and back off.
Walking into the hall, you push your sunglasses higher up the bridge of your nose. With a slightly annoyed demeanour, you cross your arms, acutely aware of the hushed whispers and stares from fellow students.
Felix left about half a dozen hickeys along your collarbone and neck. You didn’t even try to conceal them either with makeup since they were deep hues of purple.
“Move,” You hear Farleigh say to a random beside him as he quickly scrambles and he takes his spot, giving you space to sit in between him and Felix.
Your hand meets Felix’s chest with a resounding slap as you settle into your seat with a huff, “Did you really have to make them this dark?” Felix stops chewing his toast, “Yes, yes I did,” a proud grin adorning his face while you shoot him a disapproving scowl.
“Why the sunglasses, y/n?” Farleigh nudges you, prompting you to take them off briefly. Your red eyes meet his gaze, causing him to cringe. “Put them back on, please,” he murmurs, and you respond with a casual flip-off, continuing with your breakfast.
Locking eyes with Oliver at the table across from yours, you catch him mid-sip. “He really has a staring problem,” you remark aloud. Farleigh and Felix turn towards you simultaneously, asking in sync, “Who?” Farleigh cranes his neck, attempting to look at where you were looking.
“Oliver,” You murmured. “Fucks sake, does he not get the hint,” Felix curses—clearly exasperated—leaving you confused. “What hint-“ Before you could finish your sentence, Felix takes ahold of your chin with a firm yet gentle touch, pulling you into a kiss.
“Jesus, right now?” Farleigh gags beside you, his reaction mirroring your own surprise at the suddenness of Felix’s kiss.
Your manicured nails rest on his jaw as Felix lifts his hand up to flip off Oliver who was staring through the gap of people. He pulls back as you catch your breath, “Swap with me,” He says as he moves back on his seat.
You give him an odd look, “So he doesn’t keep staring at what’s mine,” Felix’s voice was laced with possessiveness as you stand up and move across his lap to where he previously sat, his hands on your hips guiding you.
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marauroon · 19 days
A Remus fic where the reader and him just can't stand each-other but she is literally the only person who calms him when the full moon is near?? (Or just straight up can calm 'Moony')
Like, they both hate being around each other but the reader doesn't fight his proximity around that time?? She lowkey knows
Like; "can you stop that?"
"Whatever it is, yes."
But around the full moon they are suddenly soft on eachother
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remus lupin x gn!reader | fluff | 0.9k | masterlist!!
You hate each other. You despise each other. But there’s three or so days every month when you’re a little less antagonistic.
a/n — i love this type of relationship, thanks for the request ml <3
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You don’t need a phase calendar to know when the full moon is coming up.
You don’t need a lunar tracker, or a magical device.
Heck, you don’t even have to look at the moon.
No, none of that matters. You know when the full moon is coming up, because all of a sudden, almost inexplicably, Remus Lupin decides that he wants to spend time in your presence instead of ripping your throat out.
You can’t say you’re exactly sure when it started, when you mutually agreed to cease your incessant bickering just for those few days over the full moon before returning to your previous hatred.
Just as you couldn’t quite remember how you figured out his little ‘problem’ in the first place.
But here you were nonetheless, sat in front of the fireplace in the Gryffindor common room, with you on one end of the sofa and him on the other.
There was no glances, no conversation, but his foot was extended far enough across the cushions to brush against your knee as the two of you sat in parallel, books in your hands and silence in the air.
“Will you stop doing that?”
Remus looks over the rim of his book with furrowed eyebrows. “Doing what?”
“I can hear you breathing, it’s annoying,” You turn the page of your own book with an exaggerated sigh.
“Guess I’ll just suffocate to death then,”
You give Remus a short hum, and he scoffs.
“And stop moving your leg,” You elbow his calf passively, not hard enough to actually prompt him to move, but enough to act as a reprimand.
“I’ve got pins and needles.”
Don’t sit like that then,” You spare him a glance, he’s already looking at you.
You know he won’t move, he never does.
“I’m fine,”
And you’re always right. Especially this close the full moon.
“No you’re not,”
“No, this is uncomfortable as fuck,” Remus agrees with you pretty easily, tugging the decorative pillow from behind his back with a groan. “Why is this sofa so shit?”
“It’s not the sofa, it’s your joints,” You roll your eyes, turning the page of your book. “You’re built like an old man,”
“Oh, wow, thank you.” His expression matches his tone, deadpan and flat, and very clearly unamused.
“You’re welcome,” Your reply is just as enthusiastic.
“I’m too hot,” Remus complains. You’re sure he’s just doing it for the sake of it.
“Move away from the fireplace then,”
“You’re in the way,”
“Oh for Godric’s—” You exhale exasperatedly, shutting your book harshly on your lap and standing up, making a show of gesturing to your, now vacant, spot on the sofa. “Go on then,”
Remus groans exaggeratedly as he stands, his eyes narrowed in an exaggeration of his frustration with your attitude, and he collapses into your spot like a grandpa into an arm chair.
“Happy now?”
He opens his book with one hand. “Chuffed,”
You grit your teeth with a sigh as you watch him sink into the corner cushions, biting any more unsavoury comments on your tongue as you move to sit on the side by the fireplace.
Although there’s really no point, because he stops you before you can even get two steps away.
“Sit down, don’t let me get in your way,”
“That’s what I’m doing?” You gesture almost sarcastically towards the slowly disappearing indentation on the sofa cushion where he’d previously been sat.
“Don’t sit by there. Like I said, it’s too hot,”
He reaches out his arm without looking away from his book, blindly grazing your side until it lands on your wrist, then he’s tugging you back towards him until you’re basically stumbling into his lap.
“Oh, and this isn’t going to be too hot?” You grumble as you land against his thighs. Even those are bony, and not very comfortable either.
“Just be quiet.” Remus shifts underneath you, pulling your legs over his lap until you’re sat perpendicularly to each other, although occupying the same space.
There’s a few moments of the two of you making small adjustments to the way you’re sitting, how you’re positioned and how to work around having enough space for the both of you to read at the same time.
Then the silence returns, and it’s nothing but the crackling of the fireplace and the occasional turning of a page as the two of you sit quietly in the begrudged agreement of each other’s presence without argument.
“You’re a shit cushion,”
Well, almost anyway.
“Shut the fuck up and sit still,”
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philistiniphagottini · 6 months
feel free to take my request with a grain of salt <3
i’d love love love to read something with gallagher and fem reader maybe, with any prompts from; 15, 16, 20, 40...
or 29, 40, 50, 77... i hope that’s okay, ml ♡
Thanks for waiting Anon. I finished 2.1 yesterday and I felt ready to tackle this. I'm really liking Gallagher at the moment, he's very interesting (and I'm a whore for a beefy man). Thanks for the request, hope you enjoy :)
Smut Prompts
Prompts: 29 + 40 + 50 + 77
cw. smut, penetrative sex, collar & leash (for gallagher), size difference, rough sex, creampie, fem! reader, MDNI
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"Enjoying the view, darl?" Gallagher drawled.
He stared up at you from his position on the floor, messy strands of his brunette hair falling into his half-lidded eyes as a lazy smile crawled over his bruised lips. You hummed softly in response to his question, pulling the leash that connected to his collar tighter. The leather weaved between your fingers as you tugged, the collar briefly constricting his throat as he was coaxed forward. A groan stirred deep in his chest as he crawled closer to you on his hands and knees, only stopping once he reached the foot of the bed. You sat perched above him, a coy smile tilting your lips as you idly twisted the leash around the palm of your hand.
"You look good down there, Pup."
Your teasing words only made the old bartender scoff. Him? Young? How flattering. But he bit his tongue even when the quip still itched at the back of his head. Instead, he kept quiet, allowing you to have your fun, to push and pull him to your every whim or fancy. He liked it when you bossed him around a little. You placed your feet on his strong legs, feeling the muscles tense beneath your touch as you slowly slide your feet along the tops of his bare thighs. His cock twitched between his legs when you cooed his name so sweetly, the tip of his drooling dick flushed a deep shade of red as it struggled to keep still. Gallagher’s gaze lingered on your sumptuous body perched above him, never once wavering as you cupped his face in your warm hand, fingers gently gripping his jaw as you tilted his chin up. There wasn’t a single ounce of resistance as you tipped his head, viewing his face from a different angle as a thoughtful noise bubbled up the back of your throat.
You leaned back as your feet slipped from his legs, your hand leaving his face as you placed it in your lap. You softly pat your leg, the gentle taps of your fingers hitting supple skin making Gallagher’s ears twitch forward at the enticing sound.
"Come to me, I’m sure you know what comes next" you said, a hint of amusement tinting the edges of your voice.
Gallagher grunted softly in response as you scooted further back on the bed, tugging on his leash and silently commanding him to follow. The cool, silk sheets beneath your body were a blessing against your heated skin, your blood simmering hotly in your veins as Gallagher joined you on the bed. The mattress creaked loudly in protest from his sudden weight, your heart beat pounding in your ears as he drew closer to you. Your eyes roved over his bare, muscular body as he stalked closer to you on his hands and knees, eyes tracing over every alluring dip and haggard scar littered over his torso. Your breathing wavered as you were completely engulfed in his shadow, a pleasant tingle racing down your spine and pooling in the pit of your stomach as you were reminded by the sheer difference in size between you.
He placed his big, strong hands on your thighs, the calloused tips of his fingers tickling along your plump skin as he smoothed his hands along the expanse of your bare legs. You tutted softly under your breath as you yanked his collar, the leather once again briefly constricting his breathing as his head shot forward and almost slammed into the headboard behind you. You gently swatted at his wandering hands and he immediately pulled them away.
"No touching" you reminded.
A warm chuckle stirred in Gallagher’s chest as he was reprimanded, words you spoke to him earlier in the evening ringing in his head like a chime from a shimmering bell. His hands landed by your sides, fingers dipping into the mattress as you were caged between his beefy arms.
"Sorry doll, gotta remind this old dog sometimes" Gallagher chuckled with a husky purr of your name.
You smiled warmly as you cupped his cheek and leaned up, the smell of alcohol lingering on his breath as his warm puffs hit your heated skin. You placed a chaste kiss to his jaw, the rough stubble of his beard scratching at your skin as you pulled back.
"It’s okay I know you’re a good boy deep down" you chimed as you gently pat his cheek.
You lay on your back once more, head hitting a fluffy pillow as you spread your legs wider to accommodate for Gallagher’s larger frame. Your heart fluttered wildly in your chest as your legs fell open, exposing your wet sex to your lover’s hungry gaze as it opened like a delicate flower in bloom. A noise of approval rumbled deep in his chest at the sight of your drooling pussy, pearls of your arousal dripping down your quaking thighs and staining your skin with the sweet nectar. What he wouldn’t give to dive straight between your supple thighs and lap up the alluring beads. But like the good lap dog that he was he waited patiently, only moving when he was given permission to do so. He remained still as you reached between his thighs, hand wrapping around hardened warmth. A shaky breath fell from his parted lips; dazed eyes swimming in a deep sea of lust as your fingers curled around his arousal and started to lazily pump him.
"I’m sure you know what comes next?" you queried with a teasing lilt at the edge of your voice.
A short chortle escaped his dry mouth, tongue darting over his lips as his hips twitched forward into the languid strokes of your hand.
"Shit, I know I joked I was old but I ain’t that senile" Gallagher replied.  
"Then please me~"
You gently guided his cock between your legs, every hair on the nape of your neck standing up in anticipation as your long eyelashes brushed against your burning cheeks. You rubbed the fat head of his dripping cock against the pretty pearl of your clit, feeling a violent shiver ripple down your back as the mere touch felt like a shock from a live wire. Gallagher’s jaw tensed as he hissed through clenched teeth, his cock sloppily coating the petals of your creamy folds as he drooled with hunger. His spine went rigid when you pushed the tip against your sopping entrance, the tight ring of muscles catching on the sensitive head and causing a broken moan to crawl out of his throat. Your lungs pinched in your chest as he pressed forward, helping to guide more of his cock in you now that he was properly aligned. The tips of your fingers started to tingle as you let go of his throbbing erection, allowing Gallagher to push the rest of the way in. His hips shuddered as his thick cock split apart your silky lips, sinking deeper and deeper into slick warmth as your pussy gripped him so tight he thought you were going to strangle him. You continued to tug on his leash, urging him to stuff more in you as you writhed beneath him, the aching burn of being stretched slowly being completely drowned out from the pleasure of the experience.
Tears clung to the edges of your lashes as Gallagher’s cock crowded your pussy, your insides feeling like they were turning to mush around the shape of him as he sheathed himself fully inside of you. You struggled to catch your breath; mind dizzy as you stared at the spot where you were joined in fervid rapture with dazed eyes. Gallagher’s hands tensed beside you, fingers digging into the sheets and threatening to tear them asunder with a simple tug of his hands. He stay still for a long, tense moment, waiting for you to adjust and give him further orders. The soft clink of a chain ring loud over your shared, ragged breaths, catching his attention as he gazed down at you with a curious tilt of his head. You gently tugged on his leash, foot pressing against the back of his thigh as your heel dug into his skin.
He obeyed your order without a moment’s hesitation, pulling back only for his hips to snap forward and sink back into you. The hot coil in your belly twisted tighter as he dragged his cock through your sensitive walls, making you feel every throbbing vein on his steadily pulsing cock as he languidly thrust into you. Your pussy spasmed around him, desperate to swallow more of him as beads of slick steadily dripped down the sides of Gallagher’s cock. Your nails bit into the leather of the leash, scratching uselessly at the material as the pound of Gallagher’s dizzying girth slowly emptied your head of every single thought. Your head fell back into the comforting confines of your pillow, sweat dotting your brow as the heat inside you continued to writhe and twist, the pressure in your stomach fanning into fiercer flames with each languid movement of Gallagher’s hips.
His heavy panting filled your ears, hot puffs of his unsteady breaths tickling your skin as the mattress creaked along to his movements. You could feel yourself start to tremble along with the bedframe, the muscles in your legs tensing when you felt the tip of his cock slip deeper into you. You whined and moaned his name beneath him, soft tits bouncing along with his movements as the pleasure ate away at your insides like a starving beast. You fought to peel your tongue off the roof of your mouth, swallowing thickly as your lips parted around a salacious moan.
Gallagher grunted above you, eagerly following your command as the pace of his hips started to increase. You moaned sweetly beneath him, legs coming to wrap around his broad waist and allowing him to slip deeper. Another wavering breath crawled out of your parched throat as you felt the heavy head of his cock brush against the soft, gummy patch inside you that made stars waver in your vision. You could taste the desire lingering in the back of your throat with your next shuddering breath, your fingers going numb as you tugged on his leash again.
"Harder" you moaned.
Gallagher let out a shaky breath, sharp teeth gnashing together as the collar cut off his oxygen for a few, precious seconds and made a vein in his head throb until he was allowed to breathe once more. Drool dripped from the corners of his lips, staining his chin and pooling between the scorching valley of your tits as his eyes flickered up to your face. Tears were ready to spill at the pace of his hips as you tried to hold onto the fraying edges of your nerves, your soused walls squeezing around his cock like you were silently frightened he was going to leave. A smirk tugged at his lips.
"Are you sure you can handle it, doll?"
You hissed sharply, lips becoming wedged between your teeth as you chewed on the swollen skin. You nodded your head vigorously, digging your feet into the dip of Gallagher’s back as you urged him to go faster.
"Yes" you breathed.
Well shit. An order was an order. With a deep growl he obeyed your command, choosing a pace that he knew would please you. You threw your head back with an indecent noise, lips abruptly prying apart as you screamed shamelessly into the moonlit night. You would be surprised if anyone could hear it over the violent trembles of the headboard smashing into the wall, the wooden frame just barely holding it together. The wet sound of skin slapping against skin made the tips of your ears burn red hot as his heavy balls slapped against the sensitive globes of your ass, sending violent shudders to dance along your arching spine. Your toes curled hard into the soles of your feet as the bubbling heat inside of you became unbearable, your clit shrieking in delight every time Gallagher’s pelvis hit the sensitive nerve and you could feel the rough drag of his pubic hair on the skin. It was hard for Gallagher to tear his gaze away from the sight of his cock disappearing between your silky folds but his gaze managed to linger on your face when you finally ripped apart at the seams.
The hot coil inside of you abruptly shattered into a million tiny pieces, liquid ecstasy flooding your veins with white hot relief. Your muscles tensed, heart jumping into your throat as you cried out and almost choked on the very air you so desperately tried to breathe. Gallagher swore something foul under his breath as your fluttering walls suddenly gripped his cock tightly, smothering him with blistering, sweltering heat as your sweet juices oozed around his cock. A snarl itched at the back of his throat as his hands dug into the mattress, his brutal pace refusing to taper off as you rode out the intense waves of your pleasure high. The sight of you writhing so exquisitely beneath him almost broke him but he was able to fight off his thrashing instincts before they consumed him.
"Shit-shit, gonna cum" Gallagher grunted, voice hoarse as his throat stung. "You gonna let me cum in you, baby girl? Fuck, please let me cum in you."
Your voice cracked when you tried to speak and all you could manage was a weak nod as you felt light headed with rapture. Once Gallagher registered that he had obtained you permission, he buried himself in you as far as he could, the head of his cock smothered against your cervix as every single nerve in his body overloaded.
The pressure snapped as he buried himself to the hilt inside you with a loud grunt, balls tight and cock kicking with each heavy spurt of his cum. Ropes of his hot, viscous seed coated your walls, the heat his body provided occupying your hazy mind as you were filled to the brim. He pumped every last drop into your greedy pussy, your snug walls milking him dry as the warmth overflowed and dribbled down your quaking things in thick rivulets. The pace of his hips finally ceased as he held himself above you on unsteady hands, arms straining to keep him aloft and prevent him from crushing you under his sturdy weight. Leather bit into his skin as you tugged his leash, forcing him to come closer. Your shaking legs untangled from his hips and finally dropped back on the mattress, your cramping muscles singing with relief. Gallagher brushed strands of damp hair off your face as he leaned forward, his forehead bumping against yours as your noses touched. Your heavy breaths mingled as you purred in content beneath him, not even complaining when he removed himself from you with a loud and wet pop.
"Doing alright sweetie?" Gallagher drawled.
You nodded as you swallowed thickly. "Yeah, I’ll be right."
You idly pat his hair, threading your fingers through the soft, brunette curls as you fondly rubbed your hand through the messy strands. "Good boy."
Gallagher leaned into your touch, happy to accept your praise. Your legs fell open once more as you tugged his leash, drawing his attention to the apex of your thighs. You ran your other shaky hand between your legs, fingers becoming sticky with the mixture of your combined spend. You shot Gallagher a sly look. It may have looked seducing if you weren’t feeling so boneless. He thought it looked cute, the shy look in your eyes and the soft smile on your face.
"Clean up your mess" you mumbled softly.
Gallagher rolled his shoulder until the stiff muscle shifted back into place with a satisfying pop. He shot you a lazy grin. "Yes ma’am."
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aangelinakii · 3 months
Hi I saw that your requests were open and I wanted to know if you would be interested in writing a headcanon where Jason's s/o is also a vigilante (they have powers maybe, like Violet Parr's with force field and invisibility); and strangely enough the villains quite like them (in a platonic way) they don't mind reader at all and actually have a type of frenemy thing going on? Wouldn't it be funny if while fighting the villains would just be like "I'll kill you Red hood! You too Batman and... oh hey reader!vigilante name :D how you doing? Have you thought about my invitation to the villains party?!"
If you accept my ask you can make as crack fic as you want, it is a funky prompt so 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ but feel comfortable to decline also 💖
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— you're alright. him, however...
summary : you're on patrol with your equally as vigilante boyfriend, when you come across some havoc in the night. the two of you need to work together to defeat them. but it's less easy for jason tonight.
before you read : this will be a superrr unserious fic, so if you aren't prepared for some silly stuff to happen, you just aren't on the level of this fic
note : thank you so so much for requesting pumpkin !! or is that a jack o lantern ??? either way, i love your anon emoji, and i thought this request was so funny !! i turned it into a fic instead of headcanons because i had a better idea for it, so i hope it's what you wanted !!! again, thank you for requesting ml <3
second note : sorry it took a few days to write up,, i went through a mini writer's block, but i hope it's enjoyable nonetheless 🫶🫶
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when you and jason had left the apartment to go on patrol that evening, neither of you had really been expecting to find the condiment king breaking into a closed mcdonald's to steal their condiments. and of course it had to have been you two to find him.
no one ever wanted to come across the condiment king. you're probably sitting here assuming it's because of how indubitably evil he is, and how his plans always invoke terror into the streets of gotham; the reason no one wants to find him is because it will make the night a lot of work in terms of saving the city.
well, you're wrong. sure, he made the night far harder than it needed to, by squirting ketchup and mayo all over your patrol gear.
one, it made you stink for the rest of patrol – and when you're out looking after the city, you can't exactly go home and change. two, it's incredibly difficult to get out of clothes, for the condiment king had chemically altered his condiments of attack to thicken when oxidising; it's like trying to get sticky tapioca out of a metal sift.
he'd spotted jason first, who'd jumped down from the shadows to apprehend him. after all, the condiment king had only just bust the door open; he was quite a poor excuse for one of gotham's villains.
there was joker, penguin, two-face... for batman's case, he'd encountered space villains, which seem a lot scarier due to their near-invincible powers.
but you two had been stuck with the condiment king.
"AH!" he screamed, jumping back at the sight of the taller male, scrambling for his tubes and fire-guns. "you shouldn't be here!"
"me?" jason gravelled from beneath his red helmet, his head tilting and white eyes glowing menacingly. "i think we both have two very different ideas about that."
without warning, red and yellow squirted all over jason's front, causing him to step back in surprise, groaning at the growing stench.
before him, the condiment king yelped as his condiment guns were kicked from his grasp, as you sprung from the shadows.
"no can do, buddy," you breathed, watching his guns scatter to the ground, the tubes attached to their bottoms popping as they ripped from the bottles. "besides, haven't you heard about the boycott? why not use taco bell nacho cheese?"
the condiment king gasped, stepping back as you arrived, though his worry ceased quickly as he registered the sight of you. "oh, (name)! didn't realise you were out tonight."
"didn't realise you were, either, buddy."
you moved to stand behind him, taking his wrists and pinning them against his back, slapping a pair of cuffs against the skin. "but you understand why i have to do this, right?"
with a sigh, the condiment king nodded, his stature weakening. "yeah, i suppose so... hey, did you ever receive my invitation?"
"invitation?" the red hood repeated wearily, hands still avoiding his messy now-orange chest.
"uh.. i did, yeah," you chuckled as you tightened the handcuffs around his wrists. "i'll have to see if you can make it, yeah? find someone to bail you out if you can."
"invitation?" jason repeated once more. "what invitation?"
with a smile, the condiment king looked up at the red hood, completely disregarding the sauce he'd messed his clothes up with. "it's my birthday in a few weeks. i invited (name) and some other people, no big deal."
from behind his mask, jason looked over at you, and you could practically feel his quizzical glare on you. "you were invited to this nutter's birthday party?"
nonchalant as ever, you gave a nod, accompanying it with a half-shrug. "yeah, i'd ask to invite you, but something tells me you wouldn't be too wanted there."
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redocity · 6 months
ooo what about buck & reader at maddie and chimney's wedding and buck's trying to coax reader into dancing but they're a lil shy and it's soft and cute and you can decide whether they're already together or not!!
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buck has an inherent knack for involving you in absolutely everything even if you’re happy to sit on the sidelines, and sometimes you question whether it’s just coming from a place of friendship.
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WARNINGS: alcohol, swearing
evan buckley x gn!reader || fluff || 1.7k || requests open!
a/n: now this is what i’m talking about 🤭 thanks for the request ml <33
₊ ⊹ masterlist!!
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The porch light you’re sat under serves as both your respite and your downfall.
It’s strong enough to light your phone screen and make your prosecco glitter in a way that makes your tipsy brain extremely satisfied, but it also lights you up like a glowstick as you avoid the terrace turned dance-floor like the plague.
You’re more than content to sit with your sparkly drink and watch as the rest of the team joke and dance under Maddie and Chimney’s lead, their house transformed into the perfect reception party venue with the help of Hen and Buck’s manual labour.
It really was something to celebrate, two people you’d come to consider as family being joint together under an eternal promise of love and sole devotion to each other.
But apparently your form of celebrating wasn’t ‘celebratory’ enough for a certain someone.
“Come on, time to dance,” Buck plucks the flute glass from your palm, replacing it with his left hand instead to pull you to your feet.
“Oh no I’m good-” You shake your head with a small laugh as you tug a resistance against his hand, intent on remaining firmly sat in your chair.
It did not matter how much you’d had to drink, the idea of dancing in front of a group of people, your honorary family or not, made you want to dig yourself an early grave.
“Come on, we’re at a wedding reception, we’ve gotta dance,” Buck had decidedly had at least a few more drinks than you had, although you’re sure you’d be in a similar situation even if he was stone cold sober.
He always made an effort to include absolutely everyone, which mostly meant you.
Actually it always meant you.
It wasn’t like you were being left out or anything, you just didn’t have the outgoing nature of the rest of your team when it came to being out of the fire station, which often left you in your own little bubble off to the sidelines.
It wasn’t like you weren’t content with that either, and that was something that Buck knew.
But he still made an effort to get you directly involved anyway.
Buck’s gotta Buck you suppose.
He gives a soft tug on your hand to try and prompt you to stand again, and you give it another bout of resistance with your lips pressed into an awkward line. “You can go and dance if you want,”
“No no,” Buck takes it upon himself to finish your glass by tipping the whole thing into his mouth, to which to gesture outwards in mild exasperation. “We are going to dance,”
“I am not drunk enough to dance in front of a group of people, and you just downed the possibility of that happening,” You shake your head in feigned disapproval as he puts the glass back down on the table, and he mirrors it himself, completely undeterred.
“We can get you another drink,” He gives your hand another tug, a little harder this time, his usual boisterous behaviour only amplified under the low buzz from his alcohol consumption. “You gotta have fun,”
“I am having fun,” You allow him to pull you to your feet this time, making a show of exaggeratedly sighing as you meet his eyes with your own.
“Not enough fun in my opinion,” Once you’re standing upright, he takes it as an open invitation to pull you onto the makeshift dance-floor, taking both of your hands in his own to ensure that you don’t try to slip away on the way there.
It’s innocent enough, and not exactly revolutionary in the land of Evan Buckley’s casual affection, but under your slightly alcohol-induced haze, the brushing of his fingers against your palms makes a warm feeling shoot up your arms and settle in your chest.
“I don’t even know how to dance-” Your tone comes off as mildly self-deprecating, something that Buck does not take lightly as he wedges the two of you into a small area that hasn’t yet been taken over by your drunken coworkers as they sway and jump around to the pop-rock song playing in the background.
“Dancing is subjective,” The way he furrows his eyebrows suggests that he’s offended at you even suggesting that you’re not good at something like being able to dance, and he tugs and pushes at your arms gently in alternation to put the two of you into a rhythm that matches the beat of the song. “As long as you are having fun, it doesn’t matter what you look like,”
The motion is enough to break a small smile onto your face, a short chuckle escaping your mouth as you entertain his musings by returning the push and pull motion of his arms with your own.
“Plus,” He bends his elbows to bring himself a little closer to you, leaning to speak against your ear over the music. “I think everyone’s too drunk to tell you have sloppy dance moves,”
“Hey-” You open your mouth in feigned astoundment, a sharp laugh joining the gasp that leaves your mouth.
“You’re so stiff,” Buck finds great enjoyment in laughing at your inherent lack of ‘grace’ when it comes to dancing, his hands sliding up your forearms to hold your elbows and try to loosen up your joints by massaging his fingers into your skin. “Relax,”
“You are way too excited,”
“My sister just got married to one of my closest friends, of course I’m excited,” Buck tilts his head to the side slightly, the warm overhead lighting hitting his eyes in a way that makes them look like he’s standing in front of a sunset.
“And you’re also completely shitfaced,” You can’t say much considering the four glasses of prosecco you’d had yourself, but you could just tell that Buck was going to have a hangover tomorrow.
“So?” He tilts his head downwards ever so slightly. “I’m having fun, drinking, eating good food, dancing with my best friend, just— soaking up the good vibes you know?”
You can’t really argue with that.
“Uh huh, right,”
“I am right,” Buck gives you that over-confident smirk, the one that’s become his trademark, and the one that has so much more of an effect on you right now than it ever has before this moment in time*. “All just good vibes*,”
You can hear the song fade out underneath Buck’s rebuttal, with the next song being remarkably more calm although still just as bright as the one before it.
“Here’s what I’m talking about,” Buck gives a nod in satisfaction at the new tune. “Let’s teach you how to dance,”
“What?” The word leaves your mouth more as a laugh than a question, and it’s like Buck ignores you completely as he lays your hands onto his shoulders and slides his down to rest gently against your sides, right over your ribcage.
It truly was remarkable how he was always so gentle despite himself, and it was not helping the way you were already perceiving him tonight.
“Now, dancing is really just swaying if you think about it,” He uses his hands like an example for his conclusion as he guides your movements with them, literally swaying your weight between your feet as he mirrors you in doing the same. “That simple,”
He chuckles like he’s just told you some revolutionary secret. and you honestly can’t be sure whether it’s the alcohol talking or just Buck being himself.
Either way, it’s enough for him to break out into a soft smile, one that washes over his features like waves on the shore and settle into his muscles like water into sand. “See? You’re doing great,”
“I’m not doing anything,”
“Sure you are, you’re letting me push you out of your comfort zone,” He tilts his head forward towards you a little, smile ever present on his face. “That’s something,”
You let out a small breath, lowering your head to rest it against his shoulder momentarily. “Whatever you say,”
“That’s exactly what I’m saying,” His eyes chase yours for contact once you pull back enough that he can see your whole face again. “You should let me do this more often,”
“How about no?”
“You know you can’t resist me,” Buck chuckles at your denial. “I always get you in the end,”
“I suppose you do,” You let your head tilt to the side as your expression slowly mirrors his in the content smile you have washing over your face. “Maybe I’m just a pushover,”
“Or maybe,” He leans forward a little, halting your swaying for a second so he can put emphasis on his words. “You just like spending time with me like this,”
“That too I guess,”
Buck chuckles at your response, something you reciprocate yourself as you rest your head against the curve of his shoulder once more with a sigh.
He was right. Dancing is fun. Although probably only because he was the one you were dancing with.
Either way, you knew you were going to be leaving this reception party wondering exactly what you meant to Buck, and more importantly, what he meant to you.
But right now, all you needed to focus on was the gentle pressure of his fingertips against your sides and the gratified look in his eyes.
Everything else could wait until tomorrow.
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bonbonbee · 5 months
hii!! i love ur work its so cute can u possibly write some non-cliche highschool prompts?? thank u sm
tysm ml (ㅅ´ ˘ `) & of course! i love this request sm
non-cliche highschool lovers
contents by @bonbonbee
imagine your legs touching under the desk. you both notice, but no one dares to move.
if your s/o plays a sport: going to their games and cheering them on & wearing their jersey numberrr
^ "you came." "wouldn't miss it for the world."
^ "you look good with my number." "i'd look better with your last name but that's a conversation for another day."
meeting up between classes to stroll around the school, giggling and trying not to get caught.
staying up late for each other and barely being awake at school the next day ᯓ ᡣ𐭩
meeting through a mutual friend
being lab partners.
^ teacher: "and the last pair is _____ and _____! projects are due on friday." you look across the room to find a familiar pair of eyes and once you do, you share a knowing smile.
swapping cute lil care baskets once in a while with snacks, clothes, and small goodies ૮ ˶´ ᵕˋ ˶ა
this one is my personal fav being private. everyone knows you're dating, but no one knows the details.
them sending you an absolute TSUNAMI of memes, even if you try to keep up it can get a bit passionate ..
them using your first name in their english class essay 🥹
^ "i got a 95 on my essay!" "good job, i'm so proud of youu!!" "what can i say.. ur my good luck charm (。•̀ᴗ-)✧"
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trashyangelic · 12 days
Just had an idea why not ask Gimmi to switch places for a wish.
This happens in Season 5 Episode 26.
What if Marinette made a suggestion to Gabriel before he make the wish but exchanging Lila Rossi's Life for Emilie Agreste's life to live as an exchange.
So that way Lila Rossi and her existence doesn't exist from their timeline and counterparts universe and won't be bothering her or Adrien's life. Cause if it where to happen or some reason Cerise/Lila will escape.
Cause we all know Lila Rossi aka. Cerise Bianca can be very tricky to get her in jail but she has tricks up in her sleeves that she can escape from jail just to ruin Marinette's life.
If anyone wanna try this... Some magic can have loopholes.
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mystic-myrtille · 1 year
#76 for the kisses post. I would love to see it when you have the time/energy to do it~
Thank you so much for the request :D
#76: Kisses all over the face
After having dated for a good amount of time, Luka had learned a lot of things about Marinette. Things like how she was an excellent cook, or a fast learner when it comes to playing guitar (she could actually play an F chord after a week), or the kindest, bravest, most talented, cutest girl in the whole wide world. And how she was a crime fighting, strong and badass superhero, who could take on every supervillain that dared to mess with her or her loved ones.
But of course, every hero had their arch nemesis, and Luka had quickly learned that there wasn't a single akuma or evil butterfly man that would ever measure up to the true villain of her life story: getting up early.
Luka opened his eyes at the beeping of the alarm, followed by a growling next to him and his girlfriend pressing her face into his shoulder. He smiled and carefully reached over to grab his phone and turn the alarm off.
„Good morning, sleepy head,“ he whispered into her bangs as his hand traveled up and down her back.
„Mornin'“ she mumbled, not looking up at him but instead trying to pull him a little closer, if that was even possible. The best thing about sleepy Marinette was that she was cuddlier than regular Marinette, who already was very cuddly, and Luka was very weak for her tight embrace.
„Have you slept well?“, he asked.
„Not enough, still need five minutes.“
Luka chuckled. Of course she would say that.
He just needed to motivate her a little.
„Don't you have a meeting to attend to today? For your dream internship at Audrey's? The one you were so excited about when you were accepted that you did a back flip and almost fell into the Seine? You don't want to be late for that, do you?“
Marinette growled again.
„Don't care, want sleep,“ she mumbled again. Luka smiled against her forehead. Sleepy Marinette certainly didn't have her priorities straight.
Luckily, he had another idea.
He pushed her bangs aside and gave her a kiss on her forehead.
„Who allowed you to be so damn cute, anyway, my love?“, he said as he rolled her on her back, leaning on his arms above her as he kept kissing her forehead.
Marinette made a humming sound, clearly enjoying the shower of affection she was receiving.
„You're so affectionate. What's gotten into you so suddenly?“, she giggled and moved her head back a little so that she could look at him through her long, beautiful lashes. She looked perfect even right after waking up. Just what did Luka do to deserve her?
„What kind of question is that? I love giving you all my love and appreciation, preferably for the rest of my life,“ he replied and the smile she gave him was everything.
His lips moved from her forehead to her temple, from there to one cheek, then her nose to the other cheek, every single one a brush of his soft lips against her soft skin, tender but still full of feeling, and every single one getting a tired little giggle out of her.
„Hm, your kisses are the best,“ she whispered and wrapped one arms around his torso while her other hand played with his messy hair.
When he moved lower, to her chin, along her jaw and down to her neck, she squealed a little.
„Luka, that tickles,“ she laughed and he lifted his head to look into her eyes.
„But it still seemes like you liked it,“ he noted. Her hand moved from his hair to lightly stroke his cheek.
„Yeah, I did“ Marinette replied and tilted her head. „Although I feel you forgot something.“ Her eyes dropped to his lips while biting her own. Luka smiled, lowering his head to brush his nose against hers. „Did I?“
„Yeah, you did,“ said Marinette and he slowly moved a little closer, cupping her cheek, feeling her warm breath on his lips and the distance grew smaller and smaller.
But just as their lips were about to meet, he suddenly moved away and hopped out of bed, leaving behind a confused Marinette staring at him with wide eyes.
„What are you doing?“
He grabbed his shirt and started to dress himself.
„If you want more kisses,“ he grinned at her, „you have to get up now and come have breakfast with me.“
Then he walked over to the door and opened it.
„Are you trying to lure me out of bed?“, asked Marinette.
„Well, do you want kisses or not?“
She continued to blankly stare at him for a few more senonds, then she sighed.
„You're the worst,“ she said, „But your stupid plan worked.“
She climbed out of bed while Luka laughed. „I love you, too.“
He made good on his promise five minutes later, when he found himself pressed against the kitchen counter by his no longer sleepy girlfriend.
Send me a number and I'll write a short Lukanette fic!
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fizzywashere87 · 2 months
notes: OMGIE YESSSSS THIS IS CUTE (it has been rotting in my inbox for a few weeks months and this i apologize for) also i didn't know if you wanted hc's or a fic so i js went with a fic for this one BUT I HAD SO MUCH FUN WRITING THIS TYSM FOR REQUESTING ML I HOPE YOU ENJOY!! 🫶🫶
Warnings: Gn! Reader, Fluff? Slight crack ig, Rushed at the end kinda
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Think Babes, Think!
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Raphael and his brothers were training in the dojo, as usual. Nothing new, nothing to bat an eye for, though Raphael was somewhat distracted. This was not usual.
What was he thinking about that made him so distracted you ask me?
Who's them?
He's gonna try and flirt with them today, that's why he's so worked up.
Raphael is put against Donatello today in their sparring matches, and while they circle each other just waiting for Master Splinter to give them the 'go,' Raphael can't seem to shut his thoughts up.
They probably don't even like you back.
You're an ugly, gross mutant, they're human and just perfect, no human wants to be with a mutant, nonetheless one like them.
Ugly green freak-
His anger was beginning to show on his face. Donatello noticed, raising a non-existent brow, he started, "Uh- Raph-"
Raph lunged at Donnie right away, which the taller turtle narrowly dodged, causing Raph to tuck and land on his knees for him to quickly get back up again. The rest of the sparring match was a blur, Raphael was just angry.
He came back to his sense when he heard Donnie groan from the floor as he stood over him panting slightly. He wasn't as angry as he was a few seconds ago, but the feeling of anger definitely lingered. Donnie got up, Leo and Mikey were already seated on their knees, Leo having won that match. "Uh, Raph, you look, like extra angry dude-" Mikey spoke up prompting Raph to whip his head at his younger brother and send him a glare.
"I am not angry." He spoke through gritted teeth, Mikey put his hands up in mock defense as Donnie and Raph go to sit on their knees beside their two brothers. Master Splinter stands in front of his four sons his hands clasped behind his back, the boys wait to hear what he's about to say, Raph, with an angered look on his features.
"You boys did-"
"Casey! Cut it out!"
"I didn't do nothin' red!"
"Say on God, we both seen you Jones!"
Master Splinter sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose at the certain ruckus going on at the new arrivals if you'll call them that, Leo also seems to sigh, the rest of the brothers unphased.
At the sound of their voice, Raph's anger was immediately lifted a ton, and he thought about his plan to flirt with them today. He didn't know how he was going to do it, but he was going to. His attention turned back to his sensei when he heard another sigh come from him. "You boys did well today, remember your strengths, hide and let go of your weaknesses. We will resume our training tomorrow."
"Hai sensei!" The boys say together, bowing slightly before getting up and meeting their human friends who're in the living room.
As the four boys walk in, April gives a warm smile and wave, (Name) flashes their usual grin, and Casey continues munching on popcorn. Donnie runs to April first much to Casey's dismay and he gets ready to pick a small fight. Mikey, as usual runs to grab a comic book and he plops on the couch next to Casey, giving (Name) a fist bump, Leo also walking over to greet and join his friends. (Name) looks to Raph who seems to be taking the soul out of that poor punching dummy.
(Name) walks over to him, smiling slightly. "Hey Raph, what 'cha up to?" They ask talking over his quieter grunts. He pauses for a moment, looking at them and sighing slightly, (Name) didn't pick up on it.
"Nothing, just punching." He replies, crossing his arms, they look at the dummy and back at him, nodding in understandment. He really wanted to say something sweet to them, something that would give them the hint. This was so, so, not like him. He's not supposed to care about this, the only thing he's supposed to care about is punching aliens and taking down Shredder. So why, why was he so persistent with this?
Although now that he thinks about it, he may have to be a bit more straightforward with (Name). There was that one time...
"Hey." Raph says as a greeting, seeing (Name) walk into the lair, they plop down on the couch next to him, and he sets his comic down.
"Hey Raph! What's up?" (Name) smiled and started idly tapping their foot on the ground. This was his chance, why was he doing this? Never mind that he's doing it, no matter how soft he comes off as.
"You," he clears his throat, "you look cute today." Raph says mentally cursing himself at the way he sounded and how they easily could've taken that as him implying they don't look cute everyday.
(Name) pauses for a moment, taking in his words. A bright smile etches across their face and she gives him a thumbs up. "Thank you Raph! You look pretty good yourself!" They stay quiet for a moment before speaking up. "You okay? It's totally not like you to give out compliments like that!" (Name) tilts their head a wave of concern washing over their adorable human features.
Raph was dumbfounded, shocked even. He stayed quiet for a moment as he processes how his flirting just flew over your head. Were they playing dumb with him to avoid rejecting him? he wouldn't blame them... (Name) was a human and he was an ugly green freak!
"What do you mean?! I can't compliment people?!" He plays the angry and defensive card to get out of that one.
(Name) watches as he punches the dummy, looking over how his muscles flexed at certain points, taking it all in. They wished he seen them the way they do. Why can't he like them back?
Raph stops his punching and turns towards (Name), he took a deep breath and sighed. "(Name), can I ask you something?" He sounded almost nervous? What was wrong?
"Of course Raph! What's up?" (Name) asked slightly concerned, it could be anything at this point. (Name) was hoping he'd get it over quickly so they don't have to wait any longer in suspense.
"Would you," Raph clears his throat, "Would you want to go out sometime?" His tried not to wince as his voice took on a higher pitch at the end.
(Name) thought for a moment, was he asking them out? Probably not, either way they would love to go. "Sure!" They smile, "Any specific reason?" They ask curious as to why Raph of all people would want to go out with them.
Raph sighed audibly through his nose. Welp, this was going to be all or nothing. Time to rip the bandaid off for this one. "I was asking you out on a date." He crosses his arms he scoffs. "Forget it, you wouldn't want to go on a date with an ugly green mutant. Stop playing stupid with me." Raph walks off, angry and a little sad.
(Name) pauses for a moment, as if something wet had just hit them in the face. "What?" They mumble. "Raph wait!" They call out and Raph pauses.
"What do you want?" Raph turns around to face them again, although he didn't really want to. (Name) lightly jogs up to him. "I would love to go out with you, I just didn't think that you liked me like that..." (Name) says rubbing the back of their neck awkwardly.
Raph raises a brow, a small smirk on his face. "You really are that dense." He said crossing his arms, getting an eye roll from (Name)."Where were you thinking we go?" (Name) asks, referring to their up coming date, completely disregarding his (lighthearted) insult.
"Mr. Murakami's place, it's not like I can go anywhere else." Raph says as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. (Name) shrugs and nods. "You do have a point there." They smile at him and plant a kiss on his cheek.
"Pick me up at 8 on Friday!" (Name) skips off to go hangout with April who was seated on the couch engrossed in her laptop for school. Raph was left there with pink cheeks and wide eyes, his jaw slightly agape.
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@fashionablysouly @serendipitous-girl
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lucyswinter · 8 months
i love love LOVE your writing! i have a request for you. jonathan crane taking care of sick reader, praising her for taking medicine, loving on her, etc. i am going through it rn and want jonathan to take care of me
pairing: jonathan crane x sick!girlfriend!reader
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genre: fluff
warnings: none!
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(a/n): TYSM FOR THE REC ML!! I know I took a long time to answer this but I hope you are feeling better ❤️‍🩹
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“Sweetheart, I’m home!” You hear each beat as Jonathan’s shoes connect with the hardwood floor. “Where are you pretty girl?”
“Here Jon” you call to him weakly, a rasp tainting your already debilitated voice.
“Baby?” Jonathan asks worriedly he finally peeks around the frame of your opened doorway. He sees you lying in bed, your nose red and tissues everywhere, and his brow furrows. “Oh, sweet girl, what happened? Are you feeling okay?” He pesters you as he sits down on the bed next to you and puts the back of his hand against your forehead. You flinch a little at the initial shock of coldness from his fingers. “Oh, you’re burning up love. I’m going to take your temperature really quick.”
“No, Jon, i’m fine.” You plaster a fake smile onto your face “It’s just a little cold it’s really noth-“ You begin protest, but you’re quickly interrupted by a sneeze. That was not helping your case…
“Don’t take this the wrong way, but you sound awful, my love. Just let me take your temperature to make sure we don’t need to take you to the doctor. Alright?” He puts a hand on your face and gently stroked your cheek.
“Fine” you grumble, turning away from Jonathan’s hand to release another beastly sneeze.
He grabs a thermometer from the dressed besides your bed and quickly turns it on. “Okay, open wide sweetheart”
You open your mouth, allowing him to softly place the cold metal tip of the thermometer under your tongue. You sat uncomfortably with your mouth wide open for what felt like an eternity, until you heard the little beep ringing in your ears, signaling Jonathan to pull it out, allowing you to close your mouth.
You look for to him to see his brows furrowed “What’s my temp, doc?”
“You’re 102 degrees, sweetie. I don’t think we need to go to the doctors, but you’re definitely sick. Why don’t I get you some water and ibuprofen?”
You nod softly. He leans down to give you a kiss on your warm cheeks, and walks out of the room to go get you water.
He walks back in moments later holding a glass of water and a pink pill. “Here baby, take this.” He hands you the pill and puts the water on the beside table. He sits down next to you again and strokes your cheek.
“Oh my sweet sick girl. Can you take that pill for me, love?” Jonathan asks you quietly.
You nod before opening your mouth and placing the tasteless pill on your tongue. You take the glass of water from beside you and takes swig, washing the pill down with it.
“Mmm good girl. There you go” he smiles at you, rewarding you with a kiss on the forehead. You yawn in response, prompting him to chuckle.
“Sleepy, are we?” He asks through a laugh.
You nod again and he hums as he softly moves you to the side so that he can lie down on the bed next to you, his nose nearly touching yours. He leans his chin up and gives the tip of your nose a small kiss.
He smiles at you as you blink, eyes heavy with tiredness. He turns away for a moment to put his glasses on the bedside table.
“It’s been a long day, hasn’t it, my love.” He whispers to you as he plays with a strand of your hair.
“Yeah, it has.” you answer, your voice quiet and slightly congested.
Jonathan glides his thumb from your hair to your cheek, stroking it in a relaxing rhythm that only pushes you closer to sleep. He puts a final kiss on your nose and then pulls you against his chest. “Well, it’s time for bed now, my love. You need to get some sleep.” He orders softly.
“But Jon, you’ll catch my sick” you whisper sleepily into his chest.
“Shh, I’ll be fine, baby. You just get some rest, sweet girl. You’re probably exhausted.”
♡ ♡ ♡
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moonstruckme · 11 months
Hello again!! (How are u!!)
I saw this thing going around of characters being written with the prompt “who did this to you?” And I think that could be especially delicious with Peter (TASM ofc) 😋 could work as reader being the hurt one or even .. vice versa!! Mayhaps Peter got hurt and the reader is the one to bust someone up, and shows up to class with a broken nose lmao whatever interests you more
- Lots o love 🍁
Thanks for requesting ml!
cw: bloody noses
tasm!Peter Parker x hothead!reader ♡ 878 words
“Just give me a name, Peter!” You’re storming after him, no help at all as your boyfriend pinches his nose closed between his thumb and forefinger, looking around the kitchen for something to stop the bleeding. “Why won’t you tell me?” 
“Because—” Peter finds the paper towels, wadding one up and stuffing it under his nose. “—because I don’t need you running around Brooklyn with a baseball bat over my bruised nose.” 
“It could be broken!”
“I would know,” he says, oddly confident. Peter leans back against the counter, tipping his head back and closing his eyes. Your heart aches to see him in pain, but the blood it’s pumping feels like fire, and you prefer to focus on that. “I appreciate that you want to avenge me, sweetheart, but I can handle myself.” 
You give him a deadpan look even though his eyes aren’t open to see it. “Pete, you know I love you just as you are, but you’re not exactly built like a fighter.” 
“I’m stronger than you think.” 
“Be that as it may,” you go on, rolling your eyes at his macho (and in your opinion, completely delusional) self-assessment, “I want to help.” You move closer to him, placing a hand under his head to support the awkward angle of his neck. Peter opens his eyes to give you a grateful look, and you take the paper towel from him, checking to make sure his nose is still bleeding before putting it gently back in place. “I just want to know who did this to you,” you say softly. “Please, honey?”
Peter eyes you, but you see the endearment taking effect, the slight softening in his features and the twitch his hand gives on the counter, instinctively reaching for you.
“It’s not a satisfying answer,” he says after a minute.
“That’s alright,” you encourage him. “I’ll take anything.” 
Peter sighs. “Alright, I didn’t want to tell you because it’s embarrassing.” You feel your eyebrows pinch, but stay quiet. “I saw some guy stealing a lady’s bike in Bushwick, and when I tried to grab it from him, I nailed myself in the face with the handlebars.”  
You feel your eyes go wide, and Peter’s mouth curves on one side in a sheepish half-smile.
“That’s not embarrassing,” you say. “You were trying to help. Anyway, it sounds to me like it was the bike thief’s fault.” 
Peter actually laughs, then grimaces, hand flinching toward his nose. “Yeah, I thought you might say something like that. Can’t give you a name there, baby. I was distracted, so all I saw was the back of his red beanie while he was running off.” 
You pout at him, stroking at the skin beside his nose tenderly. “Well what were you gonna do, chase him down? Then you might’ve really gotten beat up.” 
Peter’s cheeks color faintly pink. “Yeah, maybe. Anyway,” he moves on quickly, taking on a satisfied tone, “there’s no one to get revenge on. I did it to myself.” 
You hum noncommittally. “Well, I’m sorry you got hurt.” 
Peter grins, and when he removes the paper towel this time, the bleeding has stopped. “Thanks, pretty girl,” he says in a familiar tone, hands finding your hips and angling them against his. “If you wanna make me feel better, I’ve got some ideas.” 
You do make him feel better. And the next day, you come into class feeling a lot better too. 
“Shit,” Peter hisses when you sit down beside him, reaching over to turn your face towards the light so he can better make out the bruises around your nose and the dried blood still crusted around your nostrils. “What the hell happened to you?” 
You shrug, enjoying the feel of his hands on your face. “You should see the other guy,” you joke (though really, you wish you had thought to take a picture). “Anyway, now we’re matching.” 
“When I said it’d be fun to match at school someday, this is not what I meant,” Peter insists, thick eyebrows knit together worriedly. “And who’s the other guy? Did you find a bike to beat you up too?” 
“Better.” You smirk. “A bike thief.” 
It’s possible you get too much enjoyment out of watching Peter’s face as it slackens, eyebrows moving gradually upward as his eyes widen in realization. “Wha—but, sweetheart, there’s no way you found the same guy. Did you just pick a fight with some random bike thief?” 
“No, I think it was him.” You quirk an eyebrow. “Tall, red beanie, giant tattoo on his neck?”
Peter’s lips part in wonderment, and you have your confirmation.
“I figured those guys usually work in the same area every time. So when I saw a dude with a red beanie stealing a bike in Bushwick, I was pretty sure I had the right guy.” 
“So, what?” Peter scrubs a hand through his hair. “You went and riled him up until he punched you in the face? Baby, what were you thinking?” 
You roll your eyes. “I got even,” you clarify, leaning back in your seat as the bell rings. “Anyway, your nose might just be bruised, but his is definitely broken. Like I told you, you should see the other guy.” 
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