#mmm…skyscraper i love you
vampysquid · 11 months
thirty thousand feet above the earth
it’s a beautiful thing
and you’re a beautiful thing
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archivist-dragonfly · 2 years
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Book 331
Mmm…Skyscraper I Love You: A Typographic Journal of New York
Karl Hyde and John Warwicker
Booth-Clibborn Editions 1997
This is kind of an odd thing. Designed and created by Tomato design collective of London, this “typographic journal of NY” is, I think, an interesting experiment in graphic design and typography. Frankly, I’m not so sure how successful it is, but I admire the attempt. Karl Hyde, co-founder of Tomato, is also co-founder of the electronic music group Underworld, and this book grew out of the process of creating Underworld’s acclaimed 1994 album, “Dubnobasswithmyheadman.”
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kevindrakewriter · 2 years
Mmm... Skyscraper I Love You
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not-the-cheese · 1 year
one sentence(ish) summaries of every magnus archive episode PART 2
(eps 61-110) thank u for the funny comments and tags on the last part i love u guys
the rest of these may take a while as i've caught up to where i am currently in the podcast but i will finish them like in a month i promise
61. the thrilling sequel to man does not open coffin: man DOES open coffin.
62. surely this doctor can find an easier way to scam people out of money than putting them in a little book.
64. this is possibly the plot of laura croft tomb raider
65. mmm crumchy
66. what's the opposite of an unboxing video
67. as close to a coffeeshop au as you're going to get from this podcast
68. Doctors hate him! Man REFUSES to die from tuberculosis!
69. your college's psych department has the worst idea ever.
70. reverse death note
71. not even death will stop this woman from taking the british subway
72. man doesn't want to be low key racist in his last moments before getting eaten
73. police versus the second coming of dark jesus
74. lady is haunted by an ad for coffee
75. mike crew says "uh fuck it let's just put this guy on a skyscraper forever"
76. ryan from buzzfeed unsolved breaks into a train yard and suffers consequences
77. you're not a enough of a bitch to be my real mom
78. man gets harassed by his cousin and then exorcises him
79. you know that chase scene in scooby doo with the doors
80. stupid idiot motherfucking jurgen leitner
81. i have been personally victimized by the sequel to the hungry hungry caterpillar
82. pov: elias threatens to cancel you
83. mannequin takes matters into its own hands after people don't like its pitch for a new window display
84. a hoarder put newspaper on my friend's face :(
85. hey there's maybe a little man upon these stairs?
86. man gets got by a squiggly thing in the dark.
87. plumber is so oblivious to spooky happenings around him that it possibly saves his life.
88. guys i think this guy likes to dig
89. lesbian investment banker finds a new, less evil job: arson!
90. guy who turns people's bones starts a gym where he promises not to turn your bones! (he is lying)
91. i was stalked by lightning for 10 years and i all i got were these stupid scars
92. jonah magnus is a bad friend // another day another elias slay
93. ocd is no match for purple fuzz
94. let the bodies drop gently to the floor let the bodies drop gently to the floor
95. im so sorry my brain refuses to remember what the war ones were about but i think one guy got gently kissed on the forehead so that's pretty nice.
96. diversity wins! the not-quite-human delivery men who stole your identity and business are maybe gay?
97. man gets gaslighted by an entire town about a hole
98. 🎶mister sandman bring me a dream, actually don't, please stay far from me 🎶
99. another one bites the dust
100. archival assistants face off against the general public (they lose)
101. jon finally levels up high enough to unlock an eldritch horror's tragic backstory
103. peppa eats a clown and they cover her in concrete instead of congratulating her.
104. pennywise stole my brother's skin
105. it's world war z baby
106. Something Big Is In Space.
107. man is interrogated about the time he saw thomas the train roasts people alive and also sans is there
108. actor is stalked by mask who liked his monologue so much that it tells its mask friends to come watch.
109. sometimes a family is just a serial killer's daughter and that guy who maybe killed some vampires
110. yeah man those spiders be eating
Part 1 |
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irisintheafterglow · 1 year
You Are In Love (Gojo Satoru x You)
summary: you can't stop dreaming about him, and your friends start to notice a change in your behavior. (2.4k words)
cw/tags: mild angst to comfort, friends to lovers, pining, idiots in love, profanity, elder sorcerers being assholes, pet names (doll, gorgeous, etc), uhh gojo loses his cool and blows up a building lol, kissing, one instance of foreshadowing manga spoilers but only if you squint
note: HELLOO GOJO NATION. ok so i'll be so honest with you, this stupid man was my #1 for so long and i think those feelings resurfaced so i got a little carried away with writing this (it's my longest fic so far, my bad). but yk something about gojo, hawks, and kuroo all being played by the voice actor just gets me. the prompt for this is from the AMAZING @creativepromptsforwriting and was supposed to be a drabble but turned into a full fic. anyways, hope you enjoy it!!
likes/reblogs/feedback are always appreciated!
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“It’s too quiet. Can I tell you guys a joke I heard on TV?”
“Mmm, please don’t.”
“But it’s funny!”
“Ooh, using my first name. Something’s up with you.”
“Something is not up with me, weirdo.” 
“No, something is definitely off with you today.” You thought Suguru and Shoko had stopped listening, but they chimed in with evidence of your odd behavior.
“You said good morning differently,” Shoko added, casually taking a sip of her soda and peering at you over the rim. Her hair sways gently in the breeze outside of the convenience store you four had stopped at before heading back to Jujutsu Tech. You glare at her and open your mouth to defend yourself when Suguru adds his two cents. 
“You tripped up during that last mission that should have been a cakewalk,” which was true, but you thought your mistake had gone unnoticed. The truth was, the spirit had caught you off guard with a simple teleport trick. It warped behind you and unlatched its grotesque jaws to end your life faster than you could blink. You should have been able to predict the movement with your eyes closed, but you’d been too focused on making sure a certain white-haired sorcerer was alive after your group had been ambushed several hundred feet underground. Suguru had given you a curious look after one of his demons saved your ass, and you’d flipped him off hoping that would be the end of it. “And you also flipped me the bird instead of saying thank you,” he shrugged.
“You also finish your food the fastest out of all of us, and today you haven’t even taken three bites,” Shoko says, finishing her drink and standing to toss it in the trash bin. “Something’s going on with you, and I, for one, am incredibly curious as to why.” Satoru watches you with a smug glint in his eye, and it takes all your willpower not to strangle him. 
“As glad as I am to know that you all pay such great attention to my habits, I promise there’s nothing wrong.” The three of them stare at you skeptically but thankfully decided to drop the subject, instead pivoting to who’s most likely to go to jail first (it’s Gojo). 
After the late lunch, you begin the walk back to Jujutsu Tech as the sky transforms into faded shades of orange and pink. The vanishing sun casts shining reflections on the surrounding skyscrapers, bouncing off the windows of speeding cars and zooming trains. Satoru and Suguru walk ahead, playfully shoving each other and almost falling over doing so. 
“Alright, are you gonna tell me what’s going on now that Dumb and Dumber aren’t here?” Shoko asks as she falls into step with you. The sides of your mouth turn down, realizing that she didn’t forget about your conversation at lunch. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to tell your closest friends what was going on; you just didn’t know how to explain what you had dreamed about the previous night and the night before that, and all the nights the past two weeks. 
It began with a look he had given you after a meeting with some higher-ups in the sorcerer world. They had visited Jujutsu Tech unexpectedly, stating that they would be evaluating the skill levels of random students. Out of your group of friends, only you and Satoru had been pulled to be tested. Principal Yaga had instructed both of you before entering the room to give the evaluation your best effort and to not become indignant if they judged you poorly. 
The brass declared your evaluation to be first, and you poured all of your energy into showcasing the power of your Cursed Technique. You even managed to pull off a few strikes of extension techniques that you’d been perfecting for months. Though the entire performance lasted less than ten minutes, you were breathless and light-headed when the panel told you to stop. After bowing deeply, you moved to exit the room, desperate for fresh air, but they stopped you and began listing every single reason why your demonstration was unsatisfactory. Besides “inefficient technique, predictable attacks, weak offense, insufficient defense,” and a general lack of power compared to that of other sorcerers at your level, they informed you that your Cursed Technique was obsolete and would eventually render you useless as more innately talented sorcerers take your place. You were speechless at their blunt criticism of your effort, on the verge of breaking down, but you managed to nod in acknowledgment as you stepped out of the room.
But then you saw him sitting there, waiting on his phone and looking up at you with a bright smile as he stood to greet you. A confusing blend of disappointment, anger, sadness, and loneliness panged in your heart and spread to the rest of your body, and you rapidly tried to blink away the moisture welling up in your eyes while Satoru approached. He was halfway through a snarky remark about you blowing away their expectations when his smile dropped and his eyebrows furrowed with concern. Shit, he’d noticed you crying. 
“Hey, hey, hey, look at me. What the fuck did they do to you?” Dashing blue eyes found yours through the clouds in your vision, and his thumbs gently brushed away stray tears that escaped down your cheeks. 
“Do you think I’m weak, Satoru?” Your voice cracks when the words finally spill out, swallowing hard to push down the sobs threatening to break loose from your constricted lungs. Satoru freezes, eyes searching yours. He doesn’t answer your question immediately, but instead asks again. 
“Doll, what the fuck did they do.” You can’t get a reply out in time before his focus snaps up to behind you, and a second later you hear the door roll open, one of the officials commanding Satoru to enter for his evaluation. His large hands hold your face and turn you to look up at him, and you move unconsciously to cover his hands with yours. “Stay here for me, okay?” He glanced at the official waiting in the doorway, blue eyes dark with suppressed rage. “This won’t take long.”
His evaluation lasts two minutes and four seconds. At first, the room was silent and you couldn’t hear any demonstration of Satoru’s technique, almost as if the panel was having a conversation with him before they began. Then, at two minutes on the dot, the room was blown to splinters. The door, the ceiling, the porch, and all of the furniture inside were violently thrown outward in an explosion that made the ground beneath your feet tremble. Curiously, none of the debris had hit you, but you coughed through the dust and saw that the panel hadn’t been so lucky, all of them buried under shredded beams of wood and canvas. And, standing at the center of the room’s remains with a satisfied grin plastered on his beautiful face, was Satoru. He found his way over to where you stood in disbelief and took your hand in his, interweaving your fingers and guiding you away from the ruined building. 
You two walked hand-in-hand in silence back to your dorm, where he seemed reluctant to let go of your hand. Before he walked away, he finally answered your question from earlier. 
“I tell you this not just as your friend, but as another sorcerer. You are not weak. Your technique is special and something that those shithead elders haven’t seen in decades, and they don’t like what they don’t understand. I know the thought of leaving Jujutsu Tech crossed your pretty little mind, but you shouldn’t. People need you here, Shoko, Suguru, Mei Mei...” He hesitated, taking a shallow breath and reaching back for your hand. 
“Me,” he said, his voice low, and his voice got even softer until it was almost a breath. “I need you here.” As quickly as the fondness in his voice appeared, it disappeared. “And, plus, you definitely can’t leave us here with ol’ Yaga. What the hell am I gonna do if I can’t hide in your room while he’s trying to beat my ass?” 
You laugh, and the feeling makes you feel better. He makes you feel better. You smile back at him and finally bid him farewell, and he raises your hand to his lips as he says goodbye. 
After that, he’d appeared in your dreams for two weeks straight. The dreams started as a continuation of what would have happened if you didn’t just say goodbye to him, if you’d invited him into your dorm, or if you’d let him pull you into his. They transformed after the fourth day into what it would be like to love him and receive his love in return: stolen kisses, flirty whispers, and movie dates to name a few. All these dreams added up to the previous night’s nightmare, where a mission had gone bad and he’d been imprisoned with no hope of breaking him free. You’d startled awake covered in sweat, and barely fell back asleep before your alarm forced you to start the day. 
“It’s… hard to explain,” you reply apologetically, and Shoko looks at you with so much skepticism written on her face that you have to turn away and look in the other direction. 
“So something is bothering you.” 
“Yeah, there is. I’m sorry; it’s just really, really hard to verbalize.”
“Can I take a stab at what’s bothering you?”
“If you could actually stab it that’d be great, but sure. Knock yourself out.”
“It’s Satoru, isn’t it?” You stop mid-stride and her face lights up with amusement. “Holy shit, it’s Satoru. You like Gojo Satoru.”
“Jeez, Shoko, go ahead and say his name four hundred million times, why don’t you? But really, what tipped you off?”
“Ten seconds ago when you asked me to stab your problem, I figured it out,” she chuckles, bumping her shoulder against yours playfully. “If it’s any consolation, I’m 99% sure he’s felt that way about you for a while.”
“How do you know?”
“Would you let me off the hook if I said it was hard to explain?”
“Har, har, very funny. Could you at least try?” 
“Mmm, I think it’s better if he explains it himself.” 
“You’re no help, Shoko.”
“Yes, and you love me anyway. But not as much as you love Sa–” You groan, covering your burning face in both hands and increasing the speed of your steps to escape your friend’s teasing chuckles. 
When you finally arrive at school, the stars have started rising and the moon hangs in the sky. You walk in the direction of the dorms when Shoko suddenly unlinks her elbow from yours, winking at you over your shoulder. 
“Suguru, can you help me move something from the gym real quick? I forgot a few things over there.” 
“Sure, but why do you need my help?” Shoko gives him a pointed look and realization quickly washes over his features. “Oh, OH. Okay, of course, sure.” Suguru turns on his heel awkwardly, briskly walking in the direction of the gym.
“Satoru, walk them back to their dorm. Don’t want anything happening to them after their little slip today,” she adds before heading in the other direction with Suguru, who tries and fails to communicate something to Satoru with a nod of his head. 
“Alright, pretty girl, you heard Shoko. C’mere and let me walk you home before she beats my ass.”
“I think you have too many people on this planet that want to beat your ass. And, for the record, I’m one of them.”
“It’s the price of being this gorgeous, gorgeous.” A soft laugh escapes your mouth, and you swear Satoru’s smile gets a little wider. The rest of the short walk to your dorm is just as easy and comfortable, Satoru making stupid comments and you replying with a quick remark over and over until you’re back in the same situation you’d been in two weeks ago. But, this time, you realized that Satoru was a lot closer to you, leaning back against your door with your hand touching the handle but not opening it. You both spend a few moments there, just looking at each other, and his mesmerizing eyes flicker to your mouth when you unconsciously lick your lips. He opens his mouth to say something smart, but you beat him to it. 
“If you’re gonna look down at my lips and say something stupid about it, you might as well do what I’ve been wanting you to do for ages.” 
“Oh? And what’s that, pretty girl?”
You sigh in mock disappointment and look up at him through your eyelashes. “If you don’t know what it is by now, then I guess… you don’t deserve to do it.” His pupils are blown wide with desire, and you resist the impulse to laugh. 
“God, you’re intoxicating,” he says, before pressing his lips to yours. Your eyes flutter shut and you melt into him, arms snaking around his neck while his hands find your waist and hold you up from your knees that have turned to jelly. The first kiss is gentle and experimental, but having the flirtiest asshole in the country chasing your lips as you briefly pull away gives you a newfound wave of confidence, pulling him closer and closer until his body is flush against yours. When you finally pull away from each other and catch your breath, he doesn’t go very far, resting his forehead against yours. 
“You know, I wanted to kill them. Those wrinkly assholes two weeks ago that had the gall to call you weak. And I would have, you know I would have, but you were outside… and you were crying… I just didn’t know what to do. I saw red, and, uh, then the building exploded.” You chuckle at his confession and he presses a kiss to the corner of your mouth, rubbing his nose against yours. 
“I had a dream about you. Well, a lot of dreams.”
“Yeah, me too.”
“Mhmm. Got a little nervous today when I heard you talk with Shoko about liking a boy, but it helps knowing now that the boy is me. And, hopefully, it will only ever be me.”
“You pretentious asshole.”
“You know it.”
“You’re a dork.”
“Yeah, but I’m your dork.” 
“I know you are.”
“And I’m never going anywhere.” He kisses your forehead sweetly, and it’s just like the dreams that had plagued you for weeks before. “Ever.”
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if you enjoy my writing and would like to support me, you can buy me a coffee on my ko-fi! you can also check out my full masterlist here :)
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jeongintwenty3 · 2 years
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pairing: lee know x gn!reader
summary: lee know being all lovey dovey to his one and only
genre: fluff
warnings: a few curse words
author's note: hi! rey here ♡ i'm back after a long break. decided to write ab minho being extremely endearing to his other half cos i am a sucker for soft minho <3 feedback is very welcome. please excuse any misspellings or misuse of grammar ): enjoy loves 🌻
with no reply from you, he made a beeline for the reading room; a place where you decide to spend time once you get home from work. opening the door, he ran to the couch where you were sitting; the gray piece of furniture that's way too big to accomodate the both of you, which he insisted on buying due to the black friday sale but really, he just wants to cuddle the shit out of you while still in outside clothes but don't tell him that.
"hi, min" you giggled. "i missed you".
"did you? guess i have to go on trips more often in order for you to blurt it out loud then".
with that shit eating grin of his, he pulled you into his chest whilst adjusting the both of your position to read more comfortably.
the two of you were enjoying the atmosphere, however minho isn't minho if he's not gonna annoy you somehow. contemplating whether to let you read or annoy you, he chose the latter, and he's not going to leave you alone until you become a flustered, blushing mess.
"babe" he said while poking your sides
"i love you" he said nonchalantly, when actually, his heart was about to jump out of his chest seeing your puzzled reaction but you were the most endearing thing he ever seen in his life.
it would be a lie if you weren't taken aback. yes, you were used to his annoying but loving banters, but every time he says the 3 words makes you feel like a high school kid crushing on one of the seniors. with that, you replied. well, at least you tried to.
"i love you too-"
but minho isn't minho without him trying to confess his undying love for you.
"no!!! i love you most, no denying, nothing."
"okay?" while trying to keep your giggling and butterflies in control.
"only okay?! what do you meeaann by thaaattt"
"you don't get it babe, it's just that i'd build 100 skyscrapers just to see you smile. it's serious"
with an eyebrow raised and still not getting his point, you asked, "what is?"
"can't you see?! i love you soooo so much i don't think i want to continue living without my other half. i might not make it"
smiling, "i think you can manage just fine without me, min"
grabbing your book and bookmarking it before leaving it on the table behind, he pulled you onto his lap, making you face those oh so adorable eyes. "i can but i don't want to, i'd be a fool to take you for granted" giving you the smile that will easily make you fold. "so i guess you're stuck forever with the handsome, talented, smart, loving, adora-"
your cheeks were reddening and you only managed to laugh, "okay i get it! and i'm totally okay with that, love. that sounds great."
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sonder-paradise · 1 year
𝐆𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 — 𝐂𝐡𝐮𝐮𝐲𝐚 𝐍𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚
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◊ ft. chuuya nakahara, gn!reader
◊ genre. comfort, chuuya's hopelessly in love with you
◊ a/n. it's been a while since i've written for tumblr.
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Chuuya is a man of many talents. He wants to believe he is anyway. But there’s a lot he’s unsure of after the moon greets the city and he’s left alone with his thoughts. So, when the sun rises and kisses the city skyline, he watches it with a heavy heart. The mood of the week sinks like a boulder in the ocean. 
It’s incredibly lonely in the sky. 
He doesn’t fly about too often. Only when he wants to see the sunrise and prays for someone, anyone, to stop this torrid void in his chest. The gravity around him settles once more and he allows himself a brief moment to tumble down, down, down in the vastness of the city. Skyscrapers rush past him, guiding him down to the ground. His stomach plummets along with his body. 
And then it all stops. That familiar red glow redefines him and he’s floating once more. That elation evaporates from his body and he stares up at the sky once more. It’s not like him to do something so idiotic. Even if he is in control of his own body and the abilities it holds. 
He stuffs his hands in his pant’s pockets, staring down at the cracked sidewalks of Yokohama’s city. The sun soaks the stores and streets with a stunning golden hue. Nothing seems to be alive as if the entire city has disappeared. The emptiness in his chest tightens and grows. 
Then, his phone vibrates in his back pocket. He shifts his expression into an unreadable frown, before delving to pick it up. 
“Nakahara speaking, what’s up?” 
“Chuuya, what are you doing up so early?”
His eyes glimmer a vibrant blue and he’s staring up from the sidewalk at the golden city. Your voice sounds soft and tired. He can imagine how sweet you appear with sleep buried in you eyes. 
“That’s a good question… I could ask the same for you.” 
“Last minute work…” 
A pause lingers in between them and Chuuya can make out the rustle of your clothing. 
“I couldn’t sleep. Bad dream.” 
Ah, shit. 
“Chuuya, I know you don’t have dreams.” 
He pauses, swallowing thickly.
You knew. Of course, you knew.
He had told you before and that’s all you needed to remember. You would ask and he would be at a loss for words all over again.
“Sorry,” he thinks a little, “I don’t know why I said that.” 
You laugh on the other end of the phone. The noise is gentle and quiet as if you're trying not to wake someone up. 
Chuuya clicks his tongue, feeling his cheeks warm from partial embarrassment and partially the sound of your laughter echoing through the phone. 
“Shut up. Why did you even call anyway?” 
You stops laughing on the other end, seemingly thinking over the answer yourself. He wants to comment about how you shouldn’t have spoken in the first place, but the words trip on his tongue when you speak again. 
“I don’t know either, honestly. I think I was just tired and thought about you.” 
He clears his throat, covering his face with his free hand. You're too much sometimes. He wants to say that you should be saying that to someone you love, or that you're certainly much too tired for these sorts of phrases. 
But he doesn’t. 
He’s not sure he wants to. 
What if your answer scares him?
Instead, he sighs into the speaker. 
“Want me to pick you up?” 
“Mmm… That’d be nice. I was about to fall asleep in the office.” 
“Let’s not do that. I’ll be there in fifteen.”
Chuuya remembers the first time he met you. There was a tenderness about the meeting. Regardless of the outcome, he confided in you. Your outstretched hand was one he was always willing to take. He grasped onto it and held it so tightly he feared he would scare you away. 
But as he tumbles into the office, spotting your figure snoozing away at her desk, he can’t help but fear so much more. Your face is buried in your arms and the coagulated arrangement of items on your desk including an intimidating pile of paperwork makes his chest fill just a bit. 
You stir, blinking back the exhaustion from your expression. Then, you smile. It’s a quiet and tender smile. Chuuya feels it engulf his chest and take over his body. 
He’s enraptured by you utterly and entirely. 
But he sighs, shaking his head as he strides over to you. He clicks his tongue, reaching over to brush away a loose strand of hair. You look up at him and chuckle, taking his fingers in her own and clasping it to your cheek so as to bury yourself in the palm of his hand. 
His chest swells and he sits at the desk. 
“Thank you for coming…”
“No, thank you.” 
“What do you mean by that?”
You stir slightly. Your eyes meet his and for a second Chuuya’s worried he’s shown you too much of the side he tries to keep away from others. He attempts to suppress that, taking his hand away from your skin. 
“Nothing, forget it… I’ll drop you off at your place.”
You shakes your head, leaning back against his arm. His face burns deeper by the second, but he takes it slowly this time. 
“No, let me just rest for a second. Stay with me.”
“Fine… But just this once.” 
He can feel your light breath against his skin. He hopes that you can’t feel his pulse through his veins. It feels just about ready to ignite into hot, molten flames. He covers his face once more, trying to remember the last time he felt so strangely… relaxed and alert all at once. 
But he takes in a deep breath, looking down at you again. 
His chest feels so full all of a sudden.
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Taglist: @todorokichills @alittlesimp @greenshirtimaginesii @darlinqserenity @nameless-shrimp @whorefordazai @requiem626k @missrown @nonsense-corner @kiyokoxd @jessbeinme15 @starglow-xx @shadyteacup @scul-pted @kuraxmasha @yochicoz @pompompurin1028 @trashykawahq @swrdemon @life-sus @foolishestchildofchilds @fyodorscello @planetxiao @dazaiaiko @chuuyasboots @allisonlol @questioningmyownexistence @sebtomm @nullified-kiss @nathansside @cuteflowers-101 @sigmafied @boombboi @scarletta-ruan @skgch @httpsobi @dazaiscum @thekaylahub @luciferspen @dazaisfavgf @alice0blog @irethepotato @kageyama-i-want-tobiors @disa-ster @mastering-procrastinating @aestellia @killmewithafanfic @ay-chuu
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moonbeamwritings · 2 years
next time
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wc: 1.9k
warnings: dabi being a menace (as always), injury and violence mention
PART 2 →
You’ve been in a lot of hairy and otherwise life-threatening situations as a pro-hero. There’s the time you got pinned under a car, and that other time you were held at gunpoint. Oh! And there was even one afternoon where you’d ended up strung up by your ankle from a skyscraper window. Dangling 400 feet above cold, hard cement really encourages a person to reconsider their life choices (but apparently not enough to make you quit your job).
So curling up against the cool, stinky metal of a dumpster in some back alley in Hosu City with notorious League of Villains member Dabi crouching in front of you like the cat that got the cream, all things considered, really isn’t that surprising.
Your leg is busted, so you can’t run. And with the heavens above as your witness, you’d tried. The only good it served was to send bile up your throat and white hot pain shooting through the meat of your thigh. Not smart. Your side burns and blood bullies through the gaps between your fingers, sticky and wet from the blast of a scummy criminal some ten minutes earlier. You hunch further against the dumpster, the adrenaline racing from your bloodstream leaves your body feeling tired, limbs leaden. You can’t fight anymore.
Feeling defeated, you huff a sigh and close your eyes. “Here to cut off all my limbs, leave me for dead? Isn’t that what you villains get up to on Monday nights?” 
“Dismemberment isn’t really my thing, doll.”
“Arson then? That seems to be more your speed.”
Dabi offers you a lazy smile. “Arson’s fine.”
“Mmm, nice,” your side throbs and you wince. “Well? Hero barbecue tonight? ‘M sure the League would love that.”
Your comment goes ignored. “It’s nice to see you again, little hero. Rough night?”
“Weren’t you taught not to play with your food?”
He shrugs, rocking on his heels like he’s having fun with you. “I could’ve killed you the last…” he stops, pretending to think. He makes a show of counting on his fingers before he invades your space, grin morphing into a smirk. “Three times we’ve met like this. Don’tcha think I would’ve done it by now?”
You groan, head lolling back until it makes contact with brick. “Touché.”
“Who did this to you anyway?” Dabi punctuates the question with a curious prod at your thigh. You slap his hand away with a hiss, and when you do, he’s quick to switch focus. Not one to be deterred, his hand moves to grip your chin, tilting your head to one side and then the other, eyeing you carefully as if he’s looking for something. You let him.
“Some criminal we’ve been after for the last few weeks. Serial murderer, all around bad person. The usual. Pretty nasty quirk, too.” You bite back a smile. “You know him?”
“Sounds like me.”
“Ha ha. Very funny.”
He leans closer, hand stilling along your jaw. “I could find out for you, but it’ll cost ya.”
The offer hangs heavy in the air. He looks so honest, so earnest despite the smirk that sits on his lips and the teasing glint in the turquoise of his eyes, that you feel a tug in your ribcage. You want to take the bait. You shake your head to remind yourself that this is probably exactly what he wants — some hero like you to owe him a favor so he can exploit you later. A win-win for him and, ultimately, a crash and burn, win-lose for you. You humor it, though, if only to see what that cost is.
“Oh yeah? What do you want?”
A hum, and then silence. Your heart leaps into your throat, goosebumps rising across your flesh as Dabi shrinks the gap, closer now than he’s ever been. So close you can feel the movement of air with every exhale, can smell the cigarette smoke and cheap whiskey that cling to his clothes, his breath. If he’s trying to do what you think, you’re not sure you’ll have the strength to stop him. Realization sits heavy on your chest as your hand curls around the collar of his leather coat — you don’t want to stop him.
His lips are a hair’s breadth from yours, one tiny push would be all it takes to finally connect them, when he pauses. You feel his lips quirk up. A ghost of a smile. Dabi chuckles somewhere deep in his chest, voice barely above a whisper as he tells you, “I don’t know if you can afford it, little hero.”
You don’t know if you can either, but the heat settling in your cheeks and the half-lidded gaze staring back at you is enough to make you want to try. Anything to close that gap. And still, you can’t bring yourself to move, to even speak. You must look like a deer in headlights as Dabi’s eyes flicker between your eyes and your lips.
With the words caught in your throat, Dabi takes the opportunity to break the silence. “How ‘bout this, sweet thing,” he croons, hunching closer so his lips brush against the shell of your ear. “You go home, lick your wounds in your pretty little penthouse apartment, and I’ll take care of the dirty work, hmm?” He presses a featherlight kiss to the space beneath your ear. “He’ll never touch you again.”
His palm cups the curve of your jaw, fingers brushing against the baby hairs at the nape of your neck. “And next time, when you’re feelin’ better, then we’ll talk about…” He pauses to bring his lips close to yours again, scarred skin hovering over your mouth, but never quite touching. He’s teasing. “... this. How does that sound?”
Next time. The phrase rings in your ears, and you’re sure it’s more than your injuries that are making you dizzy. It sounds good, really good, but the voice in the back of your head screams as you think it over. This is dangerous. It’s bad enough you’ve met him more than once and have only half-heartedly tried to restrain him one time, but now you find yourself dancing in a moral gray area, hand-in-hand with one of Japan’s most wanted criminals.
You chuckle, little more than a weak exhale that sends a splinter of pain shooting between your ribs. Your hand doesn’t move from the collar of his jacket. The dance continues. “I don’t know if I can really condone the whole murder part of that plan.”
Dabi laughs and pulls away, thumbing at your jaw before finally dropping his hand. “You heroes and your damn moral compasses.” A smirk follows a beat of silence. “But the other part you’re okay with?”
“Mmm,” you hum, eyes shut and teeth clenched. “Ask me next time.”
Next time. You’ve sealed your fate with one simple phrase. A promise written in the air between you.
Dabi scoffs, but his smirk doesn’t falter. “You’re certainly something, little hero.”
He eyes you again, though you don’t see it. A look mirroring care, concern, crosses his features as he takes in the hole in your hero costume, exposing a mess of crimson that mingles with black and blue. Blood pools beneath your thigh. He could kill you. You’ve laid yourself bare for him, injured and alone. Too trusting. All it would take is a flicker of his quirk and there’d be one less hero running around, one less loose end to worry about. But as he crouches in front of you, he can’t bring himself to do it.
He’ll let himself stew about all of these bullshit emotions later, but for now, he moves to stand, holding an open palm to you. You blink up at him dumbly when you drag your eyes open, and he sighs, pretending to be exasperated. “What? You wanna sit here in the trash all night?”
“Hey,” you moan teasingly, dropping your hand in his. “These trash bags are actually quite comfy, given the circumstances.”
“Just,” he rolls his eyes and pulls you to your feet as gingerly as he can. When he gets you standing, he takes your weight, wrapping his arm around your waist. He’s careful to watch the wound in your side. “Shut up already.”
As he guides you to the mouth of the alley, he continues, “Your friends make a habit of leaving you behind?”
“Solo job tonight,” you suck air through your teeth as another wave of pain rolls through your muscles. “No one to leave me behind.”
“Just our luck then, huh?”
Your arm curls a little tighter around his shoulders. “Just our luck.”
Dabi shoots a look up and down the street, and once the coast is clear, guides you over to a bench on the sidewalk. His arm lingers around your waist for a moment, warm palm pressed into the curve of your hip. Hesitant. 
After a beat, two beats, he lowers you onto the bench, and without so much as another glance, turns heel down the sidewalk and disappears into the shadows again.
“See you around, little hero.”
Everything hurts and the smell of blood hangs in the air as you sit on that steel bench, letting the chill of the metal seep into your tired muscles. You pray that it steals the warmth that Dabi has left in his wake. Your fingers shake as you pull out your phone to call for an ambulance, a feeling stirring somewhere deep in the pit of your stomach. 
Tipping your chin up to the sky, you watch as your exhale creates a fleeting, misty cloud in the cool night air. “God, I really hate Mondays.”
Given your injuries, it’s easy to talk your agency into giving you the time you need to recover, and you relish in it. Days off are rare, rarer still as a pro, so you spend them lazing around your apartment and nursing yourself back to health — just as Dabi suggested. On this particular day, your movements are slow, lazy as you make your way to the kitchen. In your haze, you almost don’t notice the single red rose sitting on your counter, a note tucked gently under its petals.
“You’re welcome.”
Though you’ve never seen it before, you know that handwriting as if it’s your own, and without a second thought you scramble towards your living room, practically falling over yourself to turn on the news. Has the story even broken yet? Who knows about this? Just you… and Dabi?
They cycle through a few other stories and you bite at the skin of your lip until a familiar face flashes on screen. Your mouth hangs agape, heart thundering against your ribcage and pounding in your ears as the news anchor describes the warehouse fire that killed the fucker your agency had been chasing, the one that had left you in that alley last week. No one knows how the fire began, she explains.
But you know. The note, your gut, tells you as much.
The rest of the report falls on deaf ears as you sit frozen on your sofa — rose hanging from your fingers, tea kettle whistling on the stove.
Despite the myriad of unanswered questions that itch at your skin, you know four things with certainty. First, Dabi, despite having ample opportunity, has not tried to kill you. Second, he definitely killed that guy on your behalf. Third, he knows where you live.
And above all else, you’re undeniably, irreversibly fucked.
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bleedingichorhearts · 5 months
𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐌𝐚𝐲 𝐂𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: 𝐒𝐜𝐲𝐥𝐥𝐚
𝕬𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗: For those who are dangerously curious and greed for their appearance.
𝕿𝖆𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖉: @kit-williams, @egrets-not-regrets, @bispecsual, @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan, @sleepyfan-blog.
TW // Convinced! SMUT/NSFW.
|°𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐌𝐚𝐲 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐬°| |°ᴛᴀɢ ʟɪꜱᴛ ᴀᴘᴘʟɪᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ°| • {𝐒𝐜𝐲𝐥𝐥𝐚}
Tumblr media
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫: 𝐇𝐲𝐝𝐫𝐚, 𝐋𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 & 𝐀𝐬𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐮𝐬
A great, horrid, mythical creature combined from three bodies to make one with the glowing eyes of the deepest blue galaxies. Its height never comparing to the tallest statues made from the hands of Man-Kind.
However, its three heads never fail to scare all when there was supposed to be one. The long, dark blue scales of their necks wrapping around their main solid and scaly body like a python, protecting it. Some spots having a lighter blue where their softest points would be, but don’t be fooled from the obvious. They are always watching. Their 12 midnight blue, squid-like tentacles silently treading the waters it claims, keeping it afloat. Waiting for its next sleepy meal to swallow whole.
𝐍𝐞𝐮𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬:
All three of them share the same mind, something like telepathy. So it’s extremely hard to find an opening to escape. Especially when one or more heads find you rather appealing to look at. If you do manage to bypass their eyes? Props to you, you have earned yourself some time in air jail.
For being a huge ass myth they are quite a curious monster. They love to watch and watch as you would cook some fish they have gifted you for your survival or try and get a peek at your soft flesh when you undress for a “shower.” They get shooed away however, leaving them all the more curious. What did their little Serpent hide from their eyes?
Three heads will also offer you regurgitated humans for a source of food for you. Their heads all tilting in every direction when you don’t seem to like the offer? How else is he to feed you? …by fish you say? Well why didn’t you say so? He’ll regurgitate all the schools of fish he’s eaten too… How many do you want?
Also, for a monster that eats sleeping captains and crews. This Scylla provides a rather soothing sleep experience with your body laying between their rather warm, scaly pecs(man boobs) of their body as they would just float backwards in the water. Their clawed hand gently cupping over your body, giving you protection against the elements and the splashy waves of his territory.
Sometimes, these connected bois love to waterboard you and watch as you would get increasingly frustrated with the power of the water splashing on you. Your hands gripping at your sides before you finally decide to crawl up into your cubby hole where he can’t reach you. Unless they wanted to water you out of there, but they learnt their lesson quick when they did before, having a rock thrown at them and logged between their scales. Plus, they got “grounded” from staring at their little Serpent.
Sad, sad Scylla. :’(
𝐒𝐦𝐮𝐭 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬:
First of all, the head is phenomenal. The three of them didn’t think their little Serpent tasted so good from the inside when they finally see what she hides from their gaze. Their tongues lapping down at her tiny folds and bud, tongue fucking you, gaining this… tasteful liquid on their tongues. Mmm, this was definitely a far better meal than humans whole. Despite it being very small portion, but damn are their senses strong.
It actually took them a second that “liquid” was your arousal being spent on them, but when they figured that out? They didn’t stop. Getting aroused on your arousal towards them. Their hips thrusting in the air, creating waves in the water with their tongue still fucking you on their hand. Your pretty little cry’s and screams begging up at them for many, many things.
Will fuck you on their tentacles as an alternative, cause I mean, this Scylla is the size of a skyscraper. He’s not going to fit unless he has an ability to get small. So their tentacles will do for their watchful pleasure. All their eyes on you as their clawed hands will work at their cock. Pumping their girth while they (gently) piston into you with their tentacles coated in your climax.
If they do manage to get small, you bet your pennies they would absolutely rail you to The Trenches and back. That ache of being too big for you hooking them quick. Don’t even have a chance to register the size change before you’re pinned underneath them with his pre-cum coated cock sliding though your folds with ease. Driving themselves to the hilt. Their mission? Breed.
Your body will most likely be covered in his semen by the end of the session. All heads nuzzling up against your really breathless form. Cooing at how well you did on their tongues and tentacles while he still paws at his own cock. Their tongues cleaning you up as well of his own cum and yours before they would put you down in his nest/seabed for a much needed rest.
Very happy Scylla! :D
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nalgenewhore · 2 years
the way old friends do
rowan x aelin, elide x lorcan, modern au/neighbours au/platonic soulmates au, word count: 2920
Winter had finally arrived in Orynth, and Aelin could not have been happier. She used to loathe her commute home, when she had to trudge through the dreary downtown core which was a jungle of concrete and glass skyscrapers. Snow made everything better, she decided. 
Aelin loved everything about winter. The snow was her favourite part, of course, and the fashion. With all the necessary layers, the possibilities were endless.
She tucked her chin into her soft scarf as the wind picked up and blew snowflakes into her red cheeks, but even that wasn’t enough to dim her cheer.
Her love for layering inevitably bit her in the ass when she got to her door after having climbed up to the fourth floor. Aelin panted a bit, positively drowning in her sweat. 
She swung her bag around to dig for her keys. Just as she found them, buried under all her other junk, the door across from hers opened. Aelin turned and smiled easily at her handsome neighbour. “Hey there. Fancy meeting you here,” she teased.
Rowan huffed a soft laugh, stepping out into the hall. “I thought I heard someone huffing and puffing up those stairs.” He walked over to her.
Aelin gasped in offence. “How dare you?” She hit his chest with her leather gloves. 
He cupped her face in his hands, still chuckling when he leaned down to kiss her. “Come over,” Rowan murmured. “Feel like I haven’t seen you in ages.”
Humming against her boyfriend’s lips, Aelin thought for a moment. “I don’t know…” she said as she pulled away, “I wouldn’t want to interrupt your peace and quiet with all my huffing and puffing, would I?”
Rowan smirked, “Well, maybe I can make you huff and puff for another reason.” The moment the words left his mouth, he wrinkled his nose and grimaced. Aelin did the same. “That was… bad. But still, come over? Please?”
She laughed before kissing him again and letting him pull her over to his door. “Yeah, I’ll let you make it up to me for that horrible line.”
The look he gave her, pine green eyes smouldering, made her stomach twist deliciously.
“Oh, I will.”
A while later, the only sound that filled Rowan’s room was soft pants, though it wasn’t Aelin huffing and puffing this time. 
She grinned proudly as he rolled over, effectively pinning her to the bed, again. “Round three, already?” Aelin purred, her arms twisting around his neck. 
Rowan kissed her, but he didn’t push further than that. “Not yet,” he said. He brushed her hair back from her forehead, looking utterly satisfied with himself. Pushing himself off of her, Rowan got out of bed and donned his previously discarded pants. “I’m going to shower.”
Aelin lifted her arms above her head and shamelessly stretched her bare body like a cat. “Mmm,” she groaned, easing the light strain in her muscles. A smug grin pulled at her plump lips when Rowan’s appreciative gaze burned over her skin. “I’m gonna eat something and call Ellie.”
Her boyfriend made a little face. “Why’re you calling Elide? You saw her this morning, didn’t you?”
“So?” Aelin asked, frowning. “I have to tell her I won’t be home tonight. She’ll worry if I don’t.”
Aelin lounged in his bed for a couple more minutes before finally rousing. She put on one of his t-shirts and used a pair of his boxers as shorts. 
She wandered into his apartment while she tapped Elide’s number into her phone, but when she passed by Rowan’s roommate’s room, she paused. “Ellie?” she said, moving to stand in Lorcan’s doorway.
Elide was in her own boyfriend’s bed, although while he slept, she was working on a knitting project Aelin hadn’t seen yet. She was about seventy-five percent sure that it was her birthday gift. Aelin was excited – that rich maroon wool was gorgeous, and she’d always wanted a piece made exclusively by Elide. 
Her friend smiled, her hands stilling. “Ae,” she all but squealed. Elide put down her knitting, then covertly covered it with the blanket. “What’re you doing here? I thought you were working late tonight.”
“Oh,” Aelin waved her hand dismissively, “I finished early, and Rowan caught me outside.”
Elide smiled, gesturing her inside. 
Aelin didn’t hesitate, nevermind the unconscious man. “Have we ever spent the night at the same time?” She gasped, oddly ecstatic about that. It seemed fun, for whatever reason.
“I don’t think so,” Elide said, clutching hands with Aelin. “It’s kinda fun.”
They went silent when Lorcan sighed deeply, but the man only turned over mid-sleep and slept facing away from them. Elide capitalised on the opportune space. “Sit, sit with me.”
Aelin frowned a bit, nodding her chin towards the mass of man behind Elide. “He won’t think it’s weird?”
“Probably, but he’s asleep,” Elide reasoned. 
Aelin didn’t need to be told twice. 
When Lorcan woke up, he wasn’t sure how long he’d been asleep. He could feel someone next to him. The knowledge that it was Elide made the corners of his mouth curl up. He turned over, instinctively reaching for her. 
He froze when his hand landed on a waist that was certainly not Elide’s. Without daring to breathe, Lorcan looked over and saw his worst nightmare. Quickly, he snatched his hand back, but not quickly enough to avoid waking Elide and Aelin.
Two pairs of eyes opened up to stare at him, though the girls themselves remained motionless as they spooned. 
“Are you serious,” he asked, his voice deadpanned. “In my bed, right next to me?” Lorcan glared at Aelin before levelling his eyes on his girlfriend.
Elide gently moved Aelin’s arm to sit up. She smiled sleepily at him, looking so soft and joyful that he couldn’t stay mad. “Hi, baby,” she whispered. Her fingers came to rest on his jaw and the side of his neck while she kissed him. 
He melted a bit, wrapping his arm around Elide’s waist, fully indulging in her embrace. 
She hummed in appreciation. Elide pressed a little closer, putting her other hand on his chest while she sucked on his bottom lip. 
The thought of Aelin was shoved to the back of his mind, out of sight.
At least it was, until someone started flicking the back of his hand. 
Lorcan pulled away from Elide abruptly. “What the fuck?” Over Elide’s shoulder, he narrowed his eyes at the blonde menace, who was still flicking his hand. “Aelin.”
“You’re interrupting.”
Elide looked over at her friend. She clicked her tongue, “Honey, play nice” She batted Aelin’s hand away from Lorcan, then distractedly kissed his cheek. “Sorry, baby. Aelin, say sorry to Lorcan.”
“Sorry to Lorcan.”
“Aelin,” Elide chided.
“It’s fine.” Lorcan wasn’t the smartest man, but he knew when to pick his battles. Even if he was the smartest man, he would never try to come between Elide and Aelin. It was a suicide mission. Instead, Lorcan just smoothed his hand over Elide’s head. “Do you two want tea?”
“Ooh, yes,” Elide said.
Aelin piped up as she wrapped her arms around Elide from behind. “Yes, please.” She addressed Elide, “Ain’t he sweet? You trained him good.”
He gave her a simpering smile. Admitting defeat, he got out of bed and scrubbed his eyes. He grabbed a hoodie and pulled it over his head. “Alright, I’ll be back.”
As he left, Aelin and Elide resumed their cuddling position, though they faced each other.
Nothing about their friendship was what he considered normal. When he first started dating Elide, it freaked him out, but he’d gotten used to it. It took him a while to learn his lesson, though. Lorcan still didn’t completely understand it. All he knew was that Elide loved Aelin like no one else, and Aelin felt the same about Elide. 
In the hallway, he ran into Rowan, who was exiting the bathroom. “Hey.”
“Hey, man. Is Elide over?”
He nodded, “Yeah, she’s with Aelin.”
Rowan frowned a bit. “Where?”
“In my bed.” Lorcan answered with a flat look.
His roommate started a bit. “Wha- doing what?”
He shrugged, “Napping, I guess.”
Rowan crossed his arms. “Napping?”
“Mm-hmm. They’re cuddling.”
“In your bed?”
“What did I just say?” Lorcan frowned. “Are you stupid, or something?” He shook his head and made to go into the kitchen. He was hungry. Lorcan figured after he made their tea, he’d make dinner too. Maybe a stir-fry.
Of course, he’d make enough for Elide, and if he made enough for Elide, he’d have to make some for Aelin. Neither of them ate meat, but he had tofu, so that wasn’t an issue. He’d probably have to make some for Rowan too. “You want stir-fry? I’m making some for Lee and Aelin.”
Rowan snorted, “My girlfriend just kicked you out of your own bed to cuddle with your girlfriend, and you’re making her food.”
His shoulders shook with laughter. “You’re whipped, man. What happened to you?”
Again, Lorcan shrugged. It didn’t really bother him anymore. He’d been dating Elide longer than Rowan had been dating Aelin, and he’d known her before then, too. “If you wanna go and tell Aelin to get out, be my guest.” It’s your funeral, he thought.
Rowan straightened his shoulders and rolled his neck. “Maybe I will.”
Lorcan held in his laughter. “Maybe you should. What are you, chicken?” He taunted his friend with an arched brow. 
“I’m not chicken.”
Laughing, Lorcan went, “Bawk, bawk, bawk.”
“If I’m a chicken, then you’re a little bitch. You let them walk all over you,” Rowan accused. He lifted his chin in challenge. “Watch this.”
“Oh, I will.” Lorcan leaned against the counter as he watched his friend saunter towards his room. 
Less than a minute later, Rowan came back, looking like a whipped dog with its tail between its legs. High-pitched cackles followed him, and Lorcan didn’t bother hiding his smirk. “How’d it go?”
“Shut it,” Rowan growled. “Fuck, they’re terrifying, why didn’t you tell me?”
Lorcan chuckled unkindly, “You had to learn.” His roommate sent him a murderous glare. The kettle started to boil, and he nodded his chin towards it. “Can you get that? They want tea.”
It seemed Rowan had gotten the message that Elide and Aelin’s requests should always be acquiesced. He filled two mugs, leaving them to steep. Leaning his hip against the counter, he pressed, “C’mon, don’t you find it a bit,” Rowan made a face, “weird that they cuddle like that?”
“Not really. They tell me we’re missing out on the,” Lorcan made air quotes, “‘joys of platonic physical intimacy’, whatever that means.”
“I hope you know I’m perfectly fine missing out on physical intimacy with you,” Rowan retorted.
Lorcan held his hand to his heart like he’d been shot. “Damn, Ro. You really know how to let a guy down easy.”
“Shut up, dumbass.”
After another minute, the girls came out of Lorcan’s room, chatting amongst themselves. Elide pranced over to Lorcan and wound her arms around his waist. “Can I help with dinner?”
“Mmm, no, it’s ok,” Lorcan told her. “I'm thinking mee goreng."
“Ooh, that sounds good,” Elide smiled. She half-turned to address the other couple who were similarly entwined by the island. “Do you two want to watch a movie tonight? There’s that new whodunit that looks fun.”
Aelin nodded, “Movie night! Rowan, you in?”
“Mm-hmm,” he nodded. He exchanged a look with Lorcan, the both of them communicating that neither one of them really had a choice in the matter. 
Lorcan leaned down to kiss Elide’s head. “Why don’t you go sit down, and I’ll make dinner?”
Elide didn’t need much convincing to seat herself at the kitchen island and wait for their meal to be made. Shortly after she did, Aelin joined her while Rowan fixed their teas to each of their likings. 
“What agreeable boyfriends we have,” Elide teased. She delicately sipped, then grinned at Rowan, “Thank you, Rowan. It’s perfect.”
The silver-haired man inclined his head. “My pleasure.” He left the women to their teas, first going to change before he returned to help Lorcan with dinner.
Some years ago, the two of them had met while working in the same restaurant. They had both been hired as chefs until Rowan decided he preferred being behind the bar than in the kitchen. While neither still worked at the same restaurant and Rowan had moved on from the industry entirely, they’d stayed close friends after. 
When Aelin and Elide finished their mugs of tea, Rowan made them their preferred cocktails – a French 75 and a gin and tonic, respectively. He gave them a plate of snacks to tide them over for the time being. 
The women took their appetisers and moved to the living room to start their movie.
In the kitchen, Rowan and Lorcan moved just like old times. Efficient, flawless, knowing what one another needed with minimal communication. 
Aelin sipped on her delicate, sparkling drink. She studied Elide with twinkling eyes. “So, Ellie, I saw your new knitting project. Anything special?”
Her friend looked back at her, a knowing grin ghosting over her heart-shaped lips. “I haven’t a clue what you’re talking about, my dear,” she answered. 
“Alright, Lochan,” Aelin narrowed her eyes. “Keep your secrets. You know I won’t rest until I figure it out.”
“Things will come to you when they come to you,” warned Elide , “and not a minute sooner.” Aelin might be a word-class sneak, but Elide was well practised in foiling Aelin’s attempts. She drank some more of her cocktail while the guys finished up in the kitchen. 
They snacked on Rowan’s first offerings, talking about their days. 
Just as they finished their drinks, new ones were delivered alongside bowls of fragrant, steaming mee goreng. 
Aelin moved to sit with Rowan on the loveseat, leaving the dark-haired couple on the oversized armchair.
Elide smiled as Lorcan took his seat next to her, leaning over to kiss his cheek. “Thank you, love.” She curled into his side while he wrapped an arm around her. “And thank you, too, Rowan.”
He inclined his head, “You’re welcome, Elide.”
As she took her first bite, Elide groaned in satisfaction. “Babe,” she mumbled around her full mouth, “is so good!” With another hum, she used her chopsticks to push more noodles into her mouth. 
Lorcan smiled and dug into his own bowl as Rowan started the movie. 
If either one of them thought they could enjoy a peaceful movie-watching, they were kidding themselves. 
Aelin and Elide took great delight in theorising who the real killer was. Their cunning minds solved and subsequently ruined the plot for their boyfriends, who had been perfectly happy to remain unaware. 
“I told you the ruby necklace was important,” Elide declared. 
To be honest, neither Rowan nor Lorcan had noticed the ruby necklace. Her boyfriend just gave her a congratulatory kiss before the men got up to tidy. 
Elide moved to sit with Aelin. They pored over the plot, exchanging clues the other hadn’t picked up on and devising conspiracies for the next movie. 
They stopped short of re-watching the same film, if only because Rowan had set up some work he needed to get done at the kitchen table. Aelin pranced over to him, giving him a hug and expressing her gratitude for their delicious dinner. 
Elbows locked together, the duo retreated to Rowan’s room to continue their conspiratorial conversation. 
It was just past midnight when Rowan shut off his laptop. He scrubbed his eyes as he got to his feet, then yawned. 
Rowan padded through the quiet, dark apartment to his bedroom. His roommate’s door was shut, and while he hadn’t seen anything, Rowan assumed Elide had gone to sleep with him. 
He was mistaken though as he walked into his room, stopping short. Rowan stared at his bed, where Aelin and Elide were peacefully snoozing. The smaller brunette slept with her head nestled on his girlfriend’s shoulder, Aelin’s arm wrapped snugly around her. 
The scene was entirely too similar to the position he typically found himself in with Aelin.
As he stood silent, Rowan sorely weighed his options. If he woke them up to demand his bed back as well as his girlfriend, then he’d be incurring the wrath of the both of them. Plus, if he did that, then upsetting Elide would no doubt set Lorcan on the warpath.
Resignedly, Rowan sighed to himself and grabbed his sleep pants before retreating. He got changed in the bathroom, then walked to the bedroom across from his. 
Opening the door made Lorcan wake up. He made a noise in the back of his throat, “Ro?”
“Your girlfriend,” Rowan all but growled, “stole my bed. And my girlfriend.”
Lorcan’s laugh was rough from sleep. He flipped the other half of his duvet up and tossed a pillow onto the empty side. “You can sleep here, but we are not spooning, I don’t care how much you want to.”
“I would rather live in Hellas’ cold, dark realm before I spoon you.”
As it turned out, the next morning, when Rowan woke up more rested and refreshed than he could remember being, he was pressed against Lorcan’s side. 
Lorcan’s eyes slit open when he felt someone staring at him. He looked down at Rowan, his eyes widening only for a minute before he smirked. “You just couldn’t help yourself, could ya?” he laughed. 
Without shifting positions, Rowan put his head back down, “Shut up, dumbass.
an: arent they cuuuuuttttiiieeesssss <3
tag list (lmk if u want to be added!): @sassyhobbits @empress-ofbloodshed @the-regal-warrior @celestialams @icecream52 @elentiyawhitethorn
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spiralfucker · 5 months
Tagged by @futuredaysbycan hiiii adéla ^.^
rules: pick a song for every letter of your URL and tag that many people (i feel like mine is too long 💀)
Perdonando - invisible
Running away - the residents
Effigy - ministry
Terror in the depths of fog - akira yamaoka
The number song - dj shadow
Yes - manic street preachers
Halo - depeche mode
Attack ships on fire - revolting cocks
The court of the crimson king - king crimson
Mmm… skyscraper I love you - underworld
Ars moriendi - mr bungle
Cruel - Tori Amos
Heliosphan - aphex twin
Insect / suspect - pigface
Not anymore - nine inch nails
Eutow- autechre
U don’t have to do it pls ignore if this is annoying but I tag @nothingstudios @autism69 @hagfishslime @002700 @troutreznor @galvestonmud @sparklebussy @chuckyray @twinprime @yveltal
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tortugatalks · 2 years
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𝗖𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗹𝗲-𝗟𝗶𝘁 𝗗𝗶𝗻𝗻𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗪𝗞 𝗩𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗮𝗶𝗻𝘀|ᴴᶜˢ
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a.n. wine and dine? wine and dine! paisley paver and rex will be exempt from these hcs ahahem... i have yet to fully watch their eps, but they'll be here soon! trust 🤝
𓆉 gender neutral reader
𓆉 established romantic relationship
𓆉 no warnings!
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Zach Varmitech
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━ wild rats, wild varmints—ugh! it's enough to drive any evil genius insane! what better way to rid yourself of these burdens than to have a nice candle-lit dinner with your love? and you know what...? that actually sounds like a feasible idea! that settles it. he'll call in his zachbots and have them prepare the table and food for you and him. up in the city sky within his skyscraper, that's where! this is a night truly well deserved after all. your host? him of course!
━ type of guy that thinks he has it all planned out, but in execution? mmm, perhaps not. ever seen those really long tables in the movies? where two people sit opposite of one another and there's this entire space left in between? yeah, you both will be seated at one of those. it looks formidable and exquisite, sure, but when you two actually talk to each other? mans is just yelling out 'WHAT?'s whenever you speak and it's really not that efficient. he ultimately, and rather begrudgingly, has a zachbot seat you closer to him. does it kill the vibe? for him, probably, but for you? not so much!
━ his zachbots will be your waiters for tonight ooh la la, but like, c'mon, they're not entirely the best at double meanings and social cues. can't read the room! you'll have zach call them over to "fetch" him a bottle of wine and the bots take it a little too literally. it's chaos, but honestly? you'd be lying if you said you weren't having the time of your life.
━ little romantic moments with the self proclaimed genius inventor are few and far between, but in this moment, he likes to indulge in the fact that he's the one in control. no distractions, no green boy or blue boy to be seen; just you two. tries to be sauvé, and it works out for him at the start, but there's bound to be a few slip ups here and there. i.e. when he mistakenly initiates a flower protocol that instantly has his bots waltzing in with bouquets. they're decorated in pretty black wraps and ribbons, and for a second his face is crimson. he panics and yells that now wasn't the time and he tries ever so hard to get you to think that the flowers that just so happened to be your favorites "weren't" for you.
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Donita Donata
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━ she's worked terribly hard. fashion designing, evil schemes, organizing runway shows; it's an exhaustion that has her extremely burned out! so... why not plan a dinner date just for her? yes!! tell her about it and there's already sparkles in her eyes. she talks a lot about the kind of scented candles you'll have, the luxury wine, the appetizers—oh, she just has to call in dabio! and it must be in her glamorous mansion too! she gets so into it and completely forgets that you were the one who was supposed to be planning the night, but oh well!
━ dresses up nicely in luxurious clothes she knows you'll like! she's quick to put together something for you too, and without a doubt, its definitely matching. even dabio gets his own little fancy suit! (he'll be your lovely waiter for the night, of course!)
━ all lights are dimmed to a light pink once the clock strikes night time. if you're to pull out her chair and get her cozy in her seat, she'll let out a low but a loving hum. consider her impressed! bonus points if you compliment her, but c'mon, she already knows she owns the look! through it all, the mood is relaxing. conversations consist of casual flirtatious comments, plans for the future and so on and so forth. loves maintaining eye contact with you, so when you speak, you'll typically see her resting her chin on the palm of her hand with her elbow resting on the table, eyes trained on your face. if you're one to fluster easily, she'll have herself a fond laugh <3
━ would absolutely love to slow dance with you. stand up from your seat, offer her your hand and she'll be pleasantly surprised! she'll rock with you in your arms and give you tiny squeezes here and there. she loves toeing with the line of propriety and can be a bit of a tease every now and then!
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━ the sweetest ever! he hardly has any time for himself considering that he's always assisting donita with her fashion work. you gotta convince her to lay him off work for a bit, if just for one day! much to your surprise, she gives in to your wishes. just one day, though, but that's all you need before you're off planning a relaxing homemade date night for the both of you. tell dabio about it and he's just as happy, if not more than you! very excited and can't wait to spend the evening with you. he insists that he helps you cook, and you just can't say no to him <3
━ the dinner date isn't as fancy as the former two, but it holds a lot of love. despite not being on the job, dabio is ever the gentleman! he's fully decked out in the clothes donita made for him, he pulls out your chair for you, gifts you flowers, compliments you—the works! but of course, the dinner date is meant for him as much as he treats it like it's for you. if you happen to have a gift for him, he'll be on cloud nine! rest assured, whatever it is, he'll cherish it forever (or for as much as he possibly can!)
━ dinner talk is filled to the brim with laughter and conversations about practically anything you two can think of! he, however, loves to listen to you talk. whether it's about your day or your interests, dabio patiently and intently listens to everything you have to say while he eats and chimes in with a few comments of his own.
━ serve him some wine or offer to get up and get him a second serving and this guy has got hearts in his eyes! he absolutely adores your kindness and is very much appreciative, but don't think for a second that he won't do the same for you. he treats you like royalty and c'mon, to him it's only fair!
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Gaston Gourmand
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━ prepare to have yourself the most delicious and exquisite dinner you've ever had. having a dinner date was his idea and he takes it as an opportunity to woo you with his killer culinary skills and romantic gestures. the location he chooses isn't the most grandiose, but it's sweet with you in mind. he opts to dine somewhere familiar: out in the open (preferably next to a lake or river) in the foldout cafe area of his camper—string lights galore! surprise, surprise, he doesn't tell you what he has planned, but you know he's up to something with the way his tone dances as he speaks. all he does manage to tell you is for you to dress in comfortable clothes come night time! doesn't have to be anything particularly fancy—you'll look great in anything!
━ doesn't take long before he gets started on the cooking. everything will be made a la gourmand! he would like for you to feast on a rare dish, but it seems that whenever he does try to go and hunt something, green grape and blueberry are always there. he mulls over the thought a bit and ultimately decides that he doesn't want to go through all that for tonight at all. besides, he has exceptional cooking skills! whatever he makes will be jaw dropping and drool inducing either way.
━ very cheesy in execution. he does that thing where he covers your eyes with his hands as he leads you to his makeshift café. he pays close attention to your reactions and his heart swells with pride once you catch a whiff of a dish that smells particularly tasty! once he takes his hands off your face, he puffs out his chest with every compliment you throw at him. he may not look the part, but gourmand is determined to impress you!
━ as your dearly devoted partner, he takes full responsibility in serving you and making you feel content through and through. doesn't expect you to eat all proper, rather, he enjoys seeing you scarf down your dinner plate. he loves to talk big, his ego blinding, but he does like hearing you talk. he lets you get your own way in everything you do, not expecting anything other than the same from you in return <3
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Sum, ergo cogito, ergo dubito
Silent. Silent. Silent.
I’m driving your car with you sleeping in the seat next to me
Like a baby, you twist and you turn
You’re travelling fast like a bird in a dream
You are a child waking from a long and dreamless sleep. Is it still today, or have you slept into tomorrow (and tomorrow, and tomorrow, until the days buried you as much as the sand)? Gentle hands brush away the grains, but your voice is so soft that they cannot hear you over the sound of their own heartbeats.
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You are the first to dream.
In the dream, you are shaping coarse sand with your hands. You lift a handful, and it feels like the shifting of mountains. You drag your fingertip through the dirt to make a twisting line and hear the roar of moving water. You breathe and feel the rush of clean, bright wind in your hair.
Suddenly, you are far, far, far up in the air, higher than you've ever been. You have gone to the very top of Freehold's tallest skyscrapers, but this is much higher, and you see the world below with much greater fidelity. It is a beautiful green world, much greener than any place you've ever seen before.
It looks like home.
I was a moving thing
Before I was a human being
I was the ice before it melts
I was the tree before it fell
My dear, come near
Do you understand what is happening?
Look at it go, look at it dance over the sky like a rocket
A love machine, a cinematic dream
So pure and it hurts when the beauty is lost in the speed
‘Cause everything matters to me
(To me, to me, to me, to me)
I am the first to dream.
The dreams can happen at any time. A veil drops in front of my eyes and I see strange, moving images. I am someone else, or I am myself, reimagined. I can't say. In the dreams, I shape planets with my own hands.
At first, I believe I am mad.
You are a moon. You feel heavy, so heavy, but to the stargazer you hang weightless in the sky. When the stargazers call out, you do not answer. They would give themselves up for you; abandon their own dreams to chase you. You love them too much to condemn them so.
Crawl beneath the earth
To feel the hunger and the thirst
If you could fly and be the bird
Then you would see the forest burn
My dear, come near
Do you understand what is happening?
You’re a part of the dawn where the light comes from the dark
You’re a part of the morning and еverything matters
Here we are, an atom and a star
You’re a part of the movement and everything matters
(To me, to me, to me, to me)
The clinicians at BrayWell call it "interplanetary relocation maladjustment psychosis": a psychobabble catch-all for mental disturbances that they can't explain. Other people, searching for certainty, call it "prophecy." But all I can offer is a loose, tangled connection that I painstakingly unravel when I dream.
|| I am drawn to a bright and attentive star. I speak to it through movement, through feeling. It understands implicitly. ||
You are a lighthouse keeper. You are watching over a sleepy coastal village as the storm clouds roll in, and you are flashing the signal lantern, faster and faster and brighter and brighter, but they do nothing. You are trapped on an island, in a tower, signaling desperately that It is coming, and still they do not run. They are going to die—and if you do not run, you will die too.
Who is calling me for the emergency?
Who is listening to the sirens singing?
I’m watching a storm turn into form
And the clouds of the world like a burst
It dances and it twirls
On top of the world, it is good and it hurts
Now, I stand before a crowd. Their murmuring is the bone-deep rumble of shifting tectonic plates.
A screen behind me plays looping, blurry footage of the Traveler terraforming Venus. The images radiate with pale light. We've watched this footage many times.
|| I glide through space as if through water, tugged in nine directions by nine impulses. ||
You are leaning out over the ocean. Sometimes the fish brush against your fingers and believe that they have felt the divine; sometimes the tide recedes, and the fish do not know you except by your absence. And today, you strive with all your might to reach the water, because It is here, the great dark shadow of the shark parting the water like a knife, and you cannot warn them, but you must. You must try. You cannot bear to lose even one more.
We are stood and somehow calm
Within the madness of the storm
With no solution for the scared
Tasting pollution in the air
My dear, come near
Do you feel my hand? It is there
Look at it go, look at it dance over the sky like a rocket
A teacher, a simulated dream
A cure, a cure for the hurt
And the pleasure you feel is real
In front of the crowd, I sway a little, a copse of trees bending in a dream-wind. I can't help it. I'm dreaming more often than not.
|| There is whispering from the deep-dark, alluring and terrifying—a reminder of things left behind, bittersweet and abhorrent. ||
You are carrying a tower of books. If you recited one title each second, you would not finish before the heat death of the universe. And every year, every day, every minute, Its hands add more to the pile. A man reaches for one of the books, for you, and you want so very badly to reach back, to take his hand and tell him that you must bear it just like he must, forever, the memory engraved in quartz—but your hands are full.
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(Exhale) inhale
(Exhale) inhale
(Exhale) inhale
(Exhale) inhale
(Exhale) inhale
(Exhale) inhale
(Exhale) inhale
You’re a part of the dawn where the light comes from the dark
You’re a part of the morning and еverything matters
Herе we are, an atom and a star
You’re a part of the movement and everything matters
(To me, to me, to me, to me)
A crackle of static on the screen behind me brings me back to earth, resettling my feet firmly on the ground. These people have come here for my insights.
I lean forward and speak to the crowd. Four tenets, aching with truth:
You are a prisoner. The cage is so small that you can barely breathe. He screams at you to share your gift. You would not give it to anyone who thought of it so. It is a burden, a terrible weight that you have already asked too many to bear, to be crushed by. You could say all this, and more. You do not.
Who is calling me for the emergency?
Who is listening to the sirens singing?
Quelque part avant l'aube
Quand la lumière veut nous voir
Quelque part dans le monde
Un oiseau s'endort sans bruit
Toi et moi, dans la nuit on trouvera
Quelque part où déposer les fleurs qu'on a cueillies
Pars avant l'aube
The Traveler is a force of benevolence.
You are reaching over a chasm, into which countless paths feed like arteries. You are trying to reach the people on the other side, but you cannot bridge the gap alone. You watch them turn, one after another, to walk down, down, down into the abyss, until It consumes them entirely. You are as surprised as anyone else when one of those wanderers comes back up the path, still reeking of decay, and reaches back to you.
Take from our world no more
Take from our world no more
Take from our world no more
Take from our world no more
Quand la lumière veut nous voir
Quelque part dans le monde
Un oiseau s'endort sans bruit
Toi et moi, dans la nuit on trouvera
Quelque part où déposer les fleurs qu'on a cueillies
Pars avant l'aube
The Traveler is a sentient being with free will, dreams, hopes, and fears.
You are drowning. The water roils, dragging you down, and you are tired, so tired. The deep, dark ocean has gotten into your lungs, droplets of ink dispersing in silver blood. This time, you think, this time It has won. But when you look up, you see a figure diving toward you, fighting their way down through the suffocating waves, reaching out just like you've reached out to them, so many times before.
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Quand la lumière veut nous voir
Quelque part dans le monde
Un oiseau s'endort sans bruit
Toi et moi, dans la nuit on trouvera
Quelque part où déposer les fleurs
The Traveler will save us.
You have so little strength left, but you do have it, that last gasp of air in your chest. You reach back—and in your hand is a sword.
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The Traveler will leave us.
Dread not the darkness in your heart. Be free.
**This is why the Light wipes away memory. It strikes away the pain of the past to break the pattern. To create the possibility of grace.
The Light offers escape from endless cyclic violence.
The Light is the hope of grace through the grace of hope. The possibility to be more than what reason allows us. Because by acting unreasonably, we escape reasonable limits.
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klaxzy · 1 year
Mmm skyscraper I love you!
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specksizedgoddess · 7 months
"She was tall, when she stretched her arms up, she was like a skyscraper..." Mmm, kinda cliche to go with the skyscraper--tall simile "...and goodness how I wished I could be the window washer on her armpit" Oh-ho ho, the description wasn't about the girl it was about you, you musk-loving pov character. ^ Thoughts I had while reading a thing, which subsequently made me think of you. So, uhh, thinking of you <3
dshhschd gosh-
I'm flattered!! And thats just my thought process normally- people should be skyscrapers and I should be cleaning them~ shxhhdhxbf gosh :3
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darkstache-angel · 2 years
Fall For You
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 761
Pairing: Darkiplier x gn!Y/N
Tags: ANGST , attempted suicide (not successful) , ambiguous ending (not quite happy, not quite sad)
Dark sat in the shadows of the night over the rooftop. Downtown LA was always prettiest at night with all of the lights and clouds intersected by the skyscrapers. He would often come up alone and think about the day, relaxing on his own. It became his safe space.
Celine found joy in letting out her screams here. Damien liked to contemplate the fall and end of their suffering. Dark liked that they were quiet. They didn’t argue up there, they were peaceful and left to dream. 
On this particular night, Anti had lashed out. He’d called the man emotionless and pointless. Nothing but a manipulator. Of course, he understood the reason for this outburst. He had been emotionless every time Anti had exploded. Every time he lashed out, Dark couldn’t help but just let it happen, believing he deserved his anger. There were times he was cut, nearly stabbed, and once when he was pushed into a counter that he had a scar from the corner cutting into his side. 
This time, he found himself just quietly contemplating the feeling of the fall. He wondered about the feeling of the crash. What would it feel like to break his bones and his neck and let it all go? The peaceful quiet would envelope him… he would be free of the constant bickering in his head and all around him. It would be nice.
That’s how he found himself standing on the five story roof top, staring down. When he heard the hum beside him, he didn’t startle. He just sighed.
“Aren’t planning on jumping, I hope.” He looked over to find you sitting beside his feet. “I heard what Anti said before he left.”
“Mmm… It was quite the show.” Dark slipped his hands into his pockets. He felt the breeze swaying him forward ever so slightly. He enjoyed the dance with death edge.
You nod in agreement. “Such a beautiful night, pity he had to strike you so deep.” You look up at the demon with a blank face. It was calculated as you knew Wilford was hiding in the bushes at the bottom of the mansion in case Dark decided to test death. You looked back out into the city. 
“His words were just that.. Words.” Dark murmured, glancing down at you. 
You knew that was a lie. Those words that Anti spoke were the few things he was insecure about. You were lucky he didn’t strike a darker chord. It was close when he started going into how he couldn’t even save you from death, how could he expect to save anyone else? Dark knew that was the path he was taking, but you had grabbed Anti and kicked him out. You had been furious while Dark simply stood in his place, cheek bleeding from the thrown knife that nicked him. 
“You did your best back then. And I appreciate all that you did. You freed me from the mirror.” Your words were honest, but they seemed to hit a wall. Dark nodded a bit. You both knew that Wilford still didn’t understand the concept of death, but that if he did, he would be very sorry for what he had done. You both chose not to remind him. Going mad meant he didn’t have to suffer like you both did. He didn’t have to replay the memories every day.
The air became chilly as Dark leaned forward just slightly. You reached out for him, grabbing his wrist as he fell. Without a sound, you fell as well. He held you to his chest as he turned mid air. He would bear the brunt of the force on his back as you two plummeted towards. It was quieter than you expected.
“I love you, Darling.”
His words were soft in your ear as you buried your face in his neck. Then, the rushing air stopped as your falling slowed. A familiar voice called out from the ground.
“I called in some help,” Wilford said as you were safely lowered to the ground. Marvin the magician stood beside you guys as Dark was lowered to his feet. You didn’t respond, just looked up at Dark with a curious expression. He looked back with a blank stare, just like always. Then, he leaned forward and kissed your forehead before turning to Marvin and thanking him with a nod. He left the scene hands in pockets and head held high. 
But the shell of Damien curled up and looking particularly dead inside told you three the truth of his feelings. 
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