#mob!shawn x reader
belovasangel · 5 years
Au Lait .End
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Summary: Some hero’s hide between the pages of their novels, and the ones who need saving are those who read. 
Pairing: Mob!Shawn x (fem)Reader
Warnings: Blood, swearing, mention of murder, anxiety, angst to fluff, happy ending
A/N: Thank you for reading my first full series! Also this part is really long and I’m super proud of myself.
Start from the beginning
Are final chapters good or bad?
Typically, most fairytales end with an uplifting tone and moral of the story. The princess is swept off her feet and taken to their happily ever after to live with the prince who saved her. It gives a positive outlook to children, the desired audience, that life is worth living. Love is the end goal, as it heals wounds and should keep you going to fulfill your limited time on earth. Our life is something we want ever since we read about it at bedtime, hoping and praying to the universe that our prince charming may come one day. 
Yet, some end with a bitter bite instead. We feel remorse and anger towards the lack of happiness at the end. As we progress from childhood fiction to adult novels, the dialect changes to something that scars us all. Tips on how to survive a fire, to get out of a sinking car, or how to get away with murder. Our television shows shut out the crowns and love, and instead thrusts real life horrors that may happen one day. 
We are taught later, that love comes with a cost. It isn’t as simple as waking up with a kiss, or being saved from a house of seven mini men. Maybe it doesn’t come at all, and we have to learn with that being okay. Or, even worse, love is taken from us, shredded at tender touches and whispers turning in the wind. 
Shawn wasn’t ready to say goodbye. 
As he watched Andrew lock the door, still unnoticed, he began picturing a life where this wasn’t the scenario. One where you two lived on the countryside, living alongside a cat and a few children. A life which Shawn would wrap his tattoo’d and scarred hands along your baby bump, watching the little butterfly kick in response. Where your skin glowed in the beautiful light and he finally learned how to braid hair. 
But this wasn’t a silly fiction book. This was your life. And future. 
Shawn stayed low to the concrete, crawling towards the nearby alleyway to tuck away. Once he had space and safety, he stood up and began running alongside the brick walls, looking up and round for any sort of door. A staircase. Anything to get in. Shawn noticed the fire escape quickly, feeling his heart skip a beat, at the hope he suddenly found. He kept the phone tight to his face, knuckles white from tension. 
“Yeah, well, I didn’t hurt your family, and all I did was put a few holes in your men. Water under the bridge, am I right? However, I never promised that I wouldn’t touch such beautiful,” Andrew paused. Shawn heard your whimper. “Beautiful, woman. Say, does Shawn tell you about what he does?”
Shawn let out a throaty growl after hearing you whine out. He seethed red, readying to punch the taunting brick between him. “Get away from her, she has no business with me.” He put the phone quickly in his pocket, and swiftly jumped up to reach the fire escape. Somehow, being six foot was just enough to give a leg up. As fast as he jumped, Shawn put the phone back to his ear, barreling up the stairs to your store. 
“She’s making you cowardly, Mendes. You kill people! Sell drugs, murder families, take candy from fucking babies, yet somehow a damn nerd found a way to change your mind. You should have fucking killed me when you had the chance!”
Shawn shook his head, hopping window to window in search of the novels and bookshelves. “You don’t know shit about her, Andrew. All you know is her damn store, she was taught to read books, not loads rifles. She doesn’t know my life, she doesn’t know who the fuck you are! Do not get her involved. Get out before you’ll regret it.”
Once he found the window to the second floor of your store, he opened the window, thanking the universe for it being open, and quietly flung himself in. He didn’t care he left it open, or that he was unarmed. All Shawn wanted was to hold you in his arms and shield you from the pain you were facing now. 
He had never been in this part of the store, where the little nook was hidden upstairs. You were right, this was perfect for kids. The colorful beanbags and small shelves of coloring books and crayons were good enough to have any kid entranced. Shawn wondered if you’d do this for your kids, too. 
There was a small clutter downstairs, and Shawn heard it on his phone as well. He quickly padded towards the stairs, peeking over the railing. All he saw was a mass behind the counter, one of your flying hair and struggling arms, and a large body forcefully whipping you around. Shawn barreled down the stairs, trying to get Andrew’s attention. 
“Hey! Get off-”
Shawn stopped, nearly tripping over his feet and biting his tongue. You stood still, body craning up towards the ceiling and head tilted back in a shocking gasp. The store was silent, nobody moved. The tears long forgotten in Shawn’s eyes suddenly slipped, his heart grasping for your hold. His own daydreams flew behind his mind, the one where you two got coffee, where he would have proposed, the wedding, a kid or two. Shawn had envisioned a whole life, and he dreamt of living his days with you, like the fairytale you were. 
But right now, all you craved was a fucking shower. Looking back in shock, your senses were distraught by gun smoke and something wet. As you slowly took a few steps backwards, the body of Andrew slid eerily down you, his blood staining the outfit you were clad in. He hit the ground in a dull thud, slowly surrounding himself in the thick murder you had just committed. The gun was hot in your clammy hands, so much that you let go of the burned handle and cradled your fingers close to your chest. 
You gasped for air, and Shawn was quick to get you outside. He sprinted to your side, easily throwing you into his arms and running for the door while you whimpered and cried into his neck. Shawn’s crisp collar of his shirt quickly absorbed the blood from your fingertips, staining little drops onto the linen. They were either blood, or your own tears. At this point, you were too damned to care.
About three stops down in the subway did you finally react to his touch, weakly squeezing his hand back and turning your head to hide from the lights on the platforms you passed. Everything felt numbed, your senses, thoughts, even the memory of what happened. Yet, when things became too foreign, you looked down to the crusted blood in your fingernails and it freshly pressed your mind again.
Hopping off the line and climbing stairs to the street did you realize you’d never told Shawn where you lived. In a different scenario, you would have laughed. He really did do his research when you two first met. Shawn quickly took your keys from your purse, when did he grab that, and placed it in the lock to your quaint house. Setting the keys down at the door, you led him to the bathroom.
Shawn really wanted to enjoy this moment, hell a small part of him was, but he’d have to push that back a while longer. He had killed and ravaged more families than book series in your store, so a little blood was never an issue for him. You, however, were crafted from J.K. Rowling herself and the most dangerous thing you could do was cut butter for your cinnamon-raison toast. ‘(Y/N)’ and ‘mobster’ were never in the same sentence, or even correlated, until tonight.
And the thought of you alongside him working in with his mafia made Shawn really, really desperate to push these imagines away for another time. Right now, you were centimeters from a panic attack if the remnants of Andrew weren’t scrubbed off. 
Shawn turned on the bathroom light and closed the door behind him. You sat down on the toilet, hunched over with a heavy head in your hands. Shawn admired the cleanliness of your little apartment. It was homey and loved, clearly with many book posters and loose novels along empty spaces. The bathroom was wood and marble, a few succulents and candled scattered. He gathered you must love Pottery Barn as well. Noted. 
You sniffed gently, wiping your eyes and looked up at Shawn. “I’m sorry I ruined the date.” Shawn slowly slipped to his knees, placing both his warm hands inside yours. “You didn’t ruin anything. Gave me a near heart attack, yes. But, you are perfectly okay, right? We didn’t know he would show up.” Shawn saw your eyes flinch at the mention of previous events, so he squeezed your hands in apology. 
“Do you want me to run you a bath?” With a curt nod, Shawn stood up and worked the shower, placing some soap in with the warm water. As it filled, you stood up and began taking off your jewelry, then shoes. Looking over at Shawn, the tips of his ears were red, and his cheeks were spreading in warmth. For the first time since leaving your store, you gave a small smile. “You know, when I imagined getting naked in front of you, this wasn’t the most ideal time I’d want it to happen.”
Shawn turned around slowly, eyebrows raised and a gentle smirk on his now flushed face. “Do you want me to leave?” You shook your head, a slightly bigger smile creeping onto your face. Tears flooded your eyes, some quickly falling. “I don’t want to be alone.”
He nodded, and slowly unbuttoned his shirt, you following suit. 
Shawn Mendes learned that night the most crucial lesson a book could teach you. He was taught that not everyone is strong, that they can crumble and fall. People can be sturdy, sarcastic, and overall bright and cheerful, yet when it’s time to be vulnerable, we all need someone to pick up the pieces. Shawn Mendes began to understand what it meant to love someone, even if he knew it before. 
And you learned not to fuck around with guns.
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preferredrealty · 4 years
Pulse - A Mob!Shawn Mendes Imagine
SOOO This is like a prequel to a Mob!Shawn series I'm working on.
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PULSE - Mob!Shawn Imagine.
SOOO This is like a prequel to a Mob!Shawn series I’m working on.
Bullets whizzed through the air as the bass from the stereo shook the blood splattered walls of the mansion that over looked the city of Hollywood.
Shawn stood with a smirk on his face as he looked down at the man on his knees in front of him, cowering with blood dripping down the side of his head, where Shawn had hit him with the butt of his gun. A tut escaped Shawn’s lips as he noticed blood splattered on his crisp white button shirt. "This was new." He grunted, crouching to press the gun to the mans cheek. "Now, I know your pathetic excuse of a team hasn't got the brains to organize the attack on my men Maxwell but if there is one thing I know you are good at, it's hiring someone to do your dirty work...So!" He chucked pulling the slide of his Glock back loading a bullet into the chamber.
"Tell me who you hired." Maxwell sobbed as the cool metal pressed into his cheek once again, Shawn’s finger resting on the trigger. "Sh-She's a- She works in a club! On the boardwalk! P-Pulse it's called..ask for Daisy!" Maxwell cried. Shawn smirked bringing his other hand up to pat Maxwells other cheek harshly. "Good man Maxwell!" Removing his hand he pulling the trigger, Maxwells body falling with a thud.
Walking out the front door of the mansion Shawn un-buttoned his shirt, opening the trunk of his black Tesla Model S, reaching for the folded white shirt identical to the one he had just removed. Connor and Brian walked out of the house with grins on their faces, the tell-tale smell of gasoline mixing in the air of the tossed two Jerry Cans aside.
Lighting a cigar Shawn took a puff before turning to the two men smirking around the cigar stuck between his teeth. "Clean yourselves up boys, we're going out tonight." Brian and Connor whooped as they climbed into the car, Shawn took one more look at the house before flicking his ashes on the trail of gasoline, climbing into his car as the house went up in flames.
A neon purple sign hung over a crappy looking store making Shawn frown, sticking one hand into the pocket of his black slacks as he scratched his chin with the other, the designer shirt pulled taunt over the muscles of his back making his undo the top few buttons exposing his chest.
Brian and Connor snickers at him, glancing back at the beach where some women were lounging in the last bit of sunshine. "I think Maxwell screwed you over man." Connors head turned to watch two women in skin tight dressed and too much makeup entre the store. "That don’t look like a outfit to go shopping in." Brian whistled. "Come on." Shawn snapped walking into the store.
Bongs, Bum Bags, Flags, Wall Art, you name in you could probably find it in this store. Looking around Shawn couldn't see the two girls making his head turn to the guy at the register of the store. Walking up to him Shawn leaned on the counter looking into his eyes which were heavily blood shot. 'Stoned out of his head.'
"So...not quite the club i was expecting." Shawn raised an eyebrow at the guy who just smiled leaning forwards resting his elbows on the register, placing his chin on the palms of his hands. "I have no idea what you're talking about man." He grinned, eyes lazily dragging towards a neon dollar sign hanging on the wall.
A puff of air escaped Shawn’s lips as he dug into his slacks pulling a clip of money from them, sliding $100 over the register. "Nice" The guy grinned nodding his head over to a tie-dye wall hanging. Brian glared at him before moving to pull the hanging back revealing a black door with PULSE painted on it in purple. Standing straight Shawn made his way over, pulling the door open revealing a stairwell, painted completely black with purple neon arrows on the walls pointing down, a dull thump of bass catching his ears. Nodding at Brian and Connor he started to walk down the stairs.
Coming to a sliding metal door at the bottom Shawn grabbed the handle pulling it effortlessly, music and fog like smoke flooding out to greet him. For a second he was shocked that this was hiding just feet from the beach. A giant warehouse like basement was filled with people jumping and dancing to the beat of the music, smoke filled the air making the strobe lights more visible. A DJ was on a platform at the far end of the warehouse, a huge bar lines one side, the other was various booths which was clearly VIP.
"Okay!" He yelled over the music catching Brian and Connors attention. "Brian, you take the DJ booth try and find 'Daisy'. Connor talk your way into VIP! Do the same." The two nodded going their separate ways as Shawn shook himself making his way towards the bar.
Leaning against the bar he caught the bar mans attention ordering a bourbon as his eyes scanned the people around him. As he handed the bar man the money he caught a conversation behind him. "Damn it Daisy! You're a fucking mess." He turned to find a blonde headed girl struggling to carry a red head who was clearly on the cusp of passing out. Sinking his drink he smirked before plastering a false concerned face and large puppy eyes.
Reaching to tap the blonde on the shoulder he lowered his head to her ear. "Can I offer you a hand? You seem like you could use it." A grateful smile made its way to her face as Shawn wrapped his arm around the red head who he now knew as 'Daisy'. Following the blonde through two black double doors it lead to a storage area. Setting Daisy on a box the blonde smiled at Shawn. "Thank you!" She cheered the music now muffled. Her smile dropped as Shawn pushed his sleeves up smirking. "No problem." He chirped before slamming the girls head into a near by shelf knocking her out.
"Now." He hummed looking around finding a gallon of water, he lifted it effortlessly undoing the top before tipping it over Daisy’s head. A gasp came from her as she shot up looking around confused before her eyes met his. "Oh my-" She was cut off by Shawn grabbing her hair roughly. "Daisy, we need a chat."
A figure sighed happily sinking back into a leather chair watching monitors of the club below, people behind her working busily counting money and sorting it into piles. Watching the monitor as two barely covered women made their way down into the club, her eyes watching as Matt, her ever loyal friend adjusting the wall hanging that covered the door to her club before winking at the camera. She shook her head as he took another hit from a bong as the door of the store opened again. She slowly sat forward looking at a mop of  curly hair. Slowly sitting forward the uncrossed her legs, her knee high red bottom heels clicking on the floor. "Holy Shit." She laughed in disbelief standing from her chair, the snug black dress shifting on her body as she pulled open a drawer of her desk revealing a silver Glock, grabbing the gun she walked to the door with a confident grin.
"I don't know you man!" Daisy spat as blood spilled from her lips. "No but you knew Maxwell and I know you planned an attack on some of my guys for him." Shawn hissed as he crouched before her. "Now, either you tell me who you work for or I'll cut it out of you." He glared and pulled a knife from his slacks. Pressing the knife to her cheek he started to apply pressure when the two black doors flew open and a woman walked in.
Ice ran through Shawn’s veins as he locked eyes with her, feeling like a hand had wrapped around his heart and squeezed a audible gasp left his lips as she stepped forward lifting his chin up with a finger, her freshly done acrylic nails digging into his skin slightly. "(Y/N)" He breathed in shock. His eyes still locked on hers as a smirk built onto her lips. "Long time no see baby." Was the last thing he heard before she brought the butt of her gun down on his head with force knocking him unconscious.
Looking at Daisy with a devious glint in her eyes (Y/N) bit her red painted lip with a grin. "This is going to be so much fun."
SOOO feed back? Please? What y’all think? Interested in the series?
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imagines-by-billie · 5 years
could you do an Au mob!Shawn where the reader is really innocent and pure, and people start to question how Shawn and reader got together since their completely opposites.
A/N: I love mob!au’s so much! It’s not exactly what you meant, I think, but it’s pretty cute!
Genre: fluff
Request something for my “Goodbye Celebration”!
You walked into the living room where Shawn was frantically discussing about “what to do next” with Brian. The new dress Shawn had gotten you hugged your waist and flowed around your hips down to just above the knee, just how he liked it.Your eyes connected with Shawn’s over Brian’s shoulder and his expression softened.
“There are guests at the front door. They want to see you, Shawn.”, you tried your best to keep it professional, you knew he shouldn’t be thrown off-guard right now.
“Thank you, darling. Brian, can you tell them to go to my office?”, he said and got up from the couch along with Brian.
“Of course.”, he said and smiled as he walked past you.
When he had left the room Shawn’s hands were on your waist.
“You look gorgeous, honey…”, he muttered into your ear and trailed kisses down your jaw and neck.
“Shawn, you have guests…”, you giggled and pushed him away so you could look at him, “Go take care of that first… I’ll be ready with coffee when you’re done, babe.”
“I love you.”, he grinned, pecked your lips quickly and then went to the door, where Brian was now standing.Shawn excused himself and walked up to his office. You walked into the kitchen and started brewing coffee.
“You’re his weak-spot, eh?”, Brian commented and picked up and apple from the bowl on the kitchen island.
“Sorry?”, you turned around and faced him.
“It’s nothing bad! It’s just… how can a guy like him, get someone so innocent as you?”, he joked.This was a usual question, which you received a lot. You started hearing shouting upstairs and tried to shut it out.
“He’s not like that…”, you said, motioning to the floor above you, “… not with me at least.”
“It’s cute.”, Brian chuckled, “He’s so protective of you.”The door slammed and you heard 3 pairs of footsteps coming down the stairs. The men that had come to visit almost flew out the door.
“I should go and check on him.”, you commented and grabbed the newly warm coffee.
Shawn was a mess when you came upstairs. He had pulled on his hair so much that it was a frizzy mess, not slicked back like it was before. You saw the gun on the table and thanked God he hadn’t used it… you absolutely hated those things.
“Hey, baby…”, you closed the door behind you and put the mug on the table.You managed to grab the gun off of the table and put it somewhere safe. Shawn took a long sip of the coffee.
“Thank you, love…”, he muttered as you went around the back of his chair and softly started massaging his shoulders.
“It’s been a stressful week… why not take the weekend off? We can go to the park, maybe have a picnic. Something to take your mind off this.”, you said softly.
“I’d love to but-”
“Brian can handle business, Shawn. And besides, we won’t be far from the house.”, you said as he turned around to face you, “Please?”, you pleaded.
“Fine… you got me…”, he chuckled.
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iamburdened · 6 years
Reader’s Masterlist #1
Not my stories. Just my favorites from another writers. All credits and support to the original artists.
IMPORTANT: like and REBLOG all the fanfics you read to support the writers, please.
If you liked the fanfic, tell the writer. They will be in cloud nine with your compliment! Show support!
* = NSFW
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Link to all my masterlist (Loki, Shawn Mendes, Tom Holland, Peter Parker, Angus McGyver, Draco Malfoy, Newt Scamander)
Masterlist @waitimcomingtoo
Summary: this is GOLD!!! Read everything here and enjoy this amazing writing. You are welcome.
Christmas Letters @living-dead-parker
Summary: everybody helps Morgan write her letter to Santa. (It’s Stark!Reader x Peter with little Morgan Stark, i mean... how can you not read this?)
Polaroid @spidey-holland67
Summary: May gets Peter a camera for his birthday, and ever since then he can’t stop taking pictures of you. He always kept them in a box in his room, but one day someone finally finds them. 
Secret (@parker-peter-parker)
Summary: After months of dating and falling in love with you, Peter is ready to tell you about who he is. I personally highly recommend this one!!! 🏳️‍🌈
Familly series (@ijustreallylovezebras)
Summary: Peter meets the reader for the first time. The reader has grown up under the wing of all of the Avengers and hasn’t met many new people before. 
How to kiss* (@peterporkerpeter)
Summary: Peter has a crush on Y/N. Y/N teaches Peter how to kiss after he confesses he doesn’t really know how, but soon the little lesson becomes a little less educational and a little more sexual (if you know what I mean).
Dad!Peter (@bibibucky)
Summary: a headcanon about Peter as a father.
Without a word series (@underoos-shield)
Summary: mute peter who struggles through life because he doesn’t speak but finds some purpose because of her.
Mute (@underoos-shield)
Summary: it’s the oneshot that Without a Word series was based. Mute peter who struggles through life because he doesn’t speak but finds some purpose because of her.
Two different cities* (@thorscock-y)
Summary: request: Peter and the reader went to a different city for spring break then it has to do with smut over skype? Where Peter tells her what to do and ends up fluffy but also very smutty?
Dating Peter Parker Would Include* (@eurydiceattheriver)
Summary: a headcanon about dating Peter Parker.
Kiss it better (@underoos-shield)
Summary: basically Peter being extremely cute. Read it!
The report card (@starlight-parkers)
Summary: Dogs are great but your dads Steve and Tony don’t agree. Family!Avengers x reader, Peter x reader. I highly recommend it guys. It’s hilarious!
I can’t believe it (@carry-on-my-pretty-weeper)
Summary: reader gets stood up by her friend at amusement park and find a group of three that needs one more person to have fun. What happens at the end of the night wasn’t expected.
Loving waking (@yourquirkywitch)
Summary: a fluff story about Peter waking up to see you there and admiring the love of his life.
Bunk Bed* (@pinkblushed-doll)
Summary: (Y/N), the new girl, pretty hot, confident and definitely a troublemaker. Peter, the ‘nerd’, who still has toys on his shelfs (he says they’re collector figures) and the good boy from next door. Usually people like (Y/N) don’t have anything to do with people like Peter, right?
Masterlist (@honeymccall)
Summary: her masterlist with her job about Peter.
Masterlist* (@spiderread)
Summary: her masterlist with her job about Peter.
Cuddled (@menalliha)
Summary: A study date with Peter ends with cuddles.
Wearing your clothes (@em-imagines)
Summary: Spiderman is caught off guard when he sees Y/N wearing Peter’s clothes… (Reader doesn’t know Peter is Spiderman).
More Peter Parker fanfic recommendations on this masterlist
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Every step of the way series* (@thothollandd)
Summary: you and Tom are best friends, and you have been for as long as you can remember. After one night, everything changes. But, Tom is by your side every step of the way.
My Queen series Mob!Tom (@itssleepingprincess)
Summary: soft mobster!Tom Holland. Where he’s obviously a ruthless man when it comes to the mob, but when he comes home to his pregnant wife he is super sweet and loving.
Mob!Tom masterlist (@hoefortomhoelland)
Summary: her masterlist for her job about mob!Tom.
More Tom Holland fanfic recommendations on this masterlist
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Unbelievable (@iamburdened)
Summary: He just wanted to meet this new artist everyone seemed to be talking about. But he left with way more than just a painting. (This one is mine. But I don’t have a masterlist for myself so I will put it here.)
Handmade (@shawnm521)
Summary: a cute boyfriend!Shawn x a very talented seamstress reader. Read it!
Her guitar (@shawnm521)
Summary: Shawn is upset so his girl try her best to cheer him up.
Happy (@maybiemendes)
Summary: being in tour for so long has a bad side. Shawn misses his girlfriend so much that he can’t take it any longer. That’s when he sees her in the crowd, but she was really there or it’s his imagination?
Sugar series* (@t-i-n-y-d-i-n-o)
Summary: Shawn is the CEO of a very large architecture company, and he wants someone to come home to every night. He doesn’t pay you for sex or anything like that, he just likes to spoil you and treat you like the princess that you are. 
Late* Dom!Shawn (@smallerinfinities)
Summary: 2k of filthy Dom!Shawn smut.
Soft spot (@shawn-and-poppin)
Summary: the reader is…a super important person…[her dad is a gang leader]…and Shawn is her super tough, badass body guard who is typically an asshole and only has a soft spot for her.
Masterlist (@sinfulshawn)
Summary: her masterlist with her job about Shawn.
The Rise of an Omega Series
Summary: Amelia is part of an anti-werewolf cult, not by choice though. But all her life turns upside down when her life is on the line and she is saved by a werewolf. She has a choice, go back to her old life and pretend nothing happened, or stay with Shawn’s pack, and face the truth about herself.
(this one is also mine)
My alpha, my omega series* (@begginyouformendes)
Summary: where reader is a new omega and Shawn shows her the ropes and realizes he’s a big softy even though he’s an alpha.
Passing the test (@planstonightbaby)
Summary: You and Shawn are put to the test by the werewolf council. But will you two crumble? Or will Shawn fall to his knees for you??
Honey series* (@wanderingmendes)
Summary: Alpha!Shawn needs to teach his mate to respect him in a way she will not forget.
It’s always been you (@shawnm521)
Summary: where Shawn meet his mate when they were just kids and the connection between them just got bigger trough the years.
Werewolf!Shawn AU Masterlist (@softboyshawn)
Summary: it’s her masterlist for her jobs about Werewolf AU. She has more in her complete masterlist.
Hollow (@fawn-mendes)
Summary: a quick thought i had about werewolf!shawn losing his mate. Angst af.
Pregnant mate ( @begginyouformendes)
Summary: alpha!Shawn can’t stay away from his pregnant mate, too happy for the new family member.
Night terrors (@shawnm521)
Summary: Werewolf!Shawn, Hybrid reader (she has wolf ears even in human form). Reader has a really bad nightmare and Shawn is there for his mate.
Mates* (@infiniteshawn)
Summary: soft!Werewolf!Shawn meet his mate during a wedding party.
What Luck @softboyshawn
Summary: it’s amazing. Read it.
More Shawn Mendes fanfic recommendations on this masterlist
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unicamendes · 5 years
Just thought of an idea, relating college!shawn and mob!tom interesting.., two brunette boys with secrets in a bad love triangle with the reader. Erhhh, idk I’ll see about it.
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justsortadoit · 5 years
Kiss The Girl
wow i did not expect this to be liked as much as it was wow okay. so i decided this shall be a timothee chalamet story, if it’s x read or an oc story, i’m still figuring that out so for now it’ll be an x reader, so please let me know if you’d prefer it to be x reader or for me to make an oc !!!
this chapter should be read while listening to the song Play With Fire by Sam Tinnesz ft. Yacht Money. maybe i’ll make a spotify playlist for this if it’s going to be a legit thing yeah?
warnings: sexual stuff (hinting at smut), blood, gore description, stalkerish antics, swears, fun times ?
step one. 
step two: them.
after our date, you went home. you were swaying and hardly could pay for your over priced uber. oh how i can’t wait to see you in my car. how pretty your hair will look while the wind combs through it.
but now it’s 6:45 a.m. and you’re getting ready for your 7:30 jog. after the jog you’ll come home around 8:20 and proceed to get ready so you can get coffee before your 9:30 class. that class is my least favorite. if only i had known you’d be in it. i would’ve applied and then my job would’ve been so much easier.
you just love to keep me on my toes don’t you?
she laughed softly, brushing her hair into a half up bun. she gently tugged a few strands out to frame her face. she looked back at her highlighted text book, mentally thanking the previous owner for marking the shit out of it.
“...then the professor nearly had her on her ass! he had jumped onto her table just to make a point, but god... his ass was wonderful-” serenity paused, glancing over at her dazed friend.
“hey, you okay?” she asked gently, placing a tanned hand onto her arm.
yes, are you okay? i wonder what’s on your mind now. was it the disgrace of a man you went out with last night? maybe the exam coming up in the next few days...or maybe something else? enlighten me. please.
now serenity was a pretty girl. dark brown eyes, dirty blond hair. her skin was a tanned by a tanning bed, she always claimed she missed California’s never ending sun. she had been from a small county just outside of the exciting city of angels.
she wore the normal California aesthetic; tank tops, jean shorts, messy buns, and a never ending plethora of shark tooth and sea shell styled jewelry. but since the city of Seattle was cooler, she changed her shorts out for jeans and her tank tops for cropped tops and cropped sweaters.
“hm? oh now i’m, i’m fine. just a lot on my mind. deadlines, looming exams, and exuberant professors who jump on tables,” and you paused, oh this is my favorite part.
your pale pink lips parted, a light laugh leaving them. a laugh that made any sirens song sound out of tune. a laugh that could make angels weep at the pure beauty of the sound. i wish i could bottle it up and keep it to myself. a sound so heavenly should be heard always. a sound that will always be heard once you and i are finally together.
serenity nodded, giving her friend one last pat on the shoulder before their phone alarms rang, signaling that it was time to start to head across the courtyard for their final class.
“so y/n, i was thinking after classes we can go get some drinks in our system before we turn in for a long night of studying?” she had asked, her eyes glinting with a familiar sign of pure mischief.
you sighed, fighting a smirk. “of course, i can never pass up free drinks.” and there it was, the doors to your favorite class.
our class.
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yesitsmewhataboutit · 2 years
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Mob!Tom Holland x Reader
Tom needs to blow off some steam after a long day, and you’re right there to help him
Warnings⚠️: 18+, hair pulling, rough sex, choking, breath play?
Tonight was the night Tom had been waiting for, for ages. He was closing on a big deal and tonight was the last meeting he had to go to before it was all done. Tom was dealing with weeks of stress and looked forward to tonight cause then, would get a break, no more meetings, no more stress, no more idiots that don't know how to take directions. Tom had left earlier in the day, and he wouldn't be back until later in the night.
At the meeting, everything was going smoothly. Tom sat with the two men he was doing business with, his hands placed on each leg, his face unmoved from his usual business look, and his eyes baring into the eyes of the men. This meeting's scheduled for only the three of them, none of their men, wanting to make sure everything was totally set.
"So, we're all on the same page?" Tom asked, his voice monotone and serious. "I don't think we are. Our agreement was for everything to be equal. After looking into a few things, it seems you'd benefit more from this deal," one of the men states.
Tom sits up in his chair, "And how is that any concern to you? You both benefit perfectly fine." The men exchange a look. "We talked on the side. We want a bigger cut. Both of us. In return," he shrugs, "I don't know, maybe we don't downsize your personnel."
Tom's eyes darken, his facial features turning clear to a more annoyed expression. "I'd advise against it," he speaks deeply, "It wouldn't go well for you, Shawn." The man laughs, "Says who?" Tom stays silent a moment, only staring at the man before his expression softens. A smirk tugs his lips as he watches Shawn slightly stiffen from the clicking sound of a gun right next to his head, tilting his head over to find Harrison, Tom's right-hand man, holding a gun to the back of his head.
The man next to Shawn, Miles, rolls his eyes, putting his hand to his belt and pulling his gun, aiming it at Tom, who sits unbothered. Tom tilts his head with a smug grin when Miles stiffens just like Shawn, hearing the second click of a gun, now next to his head, tilting it to find Harry, Tom's brother and closest associate next to Harrison.
"You bastard," Miles growls as he lowers his gun. "Now, Shawn, Miles, we shall be signing off on the arrangements, right?" Tom asks the two men who scowl as they nod and pick up the pens to sign the paper. Tom stands, buttoning his suit jacket as he walks over to the men, picking up the files and placing them in a folder. "It is, always, a pleasure doing business," he says, sarcastically and he nods his head for Harry and Harrison to lower their guns and follow him.
Even though the meeting went well, the rest of the day was still stressful. When Tom was dropping off the files, he found out a few of his personnel decided to, again, not follow his orders, resulting in a financial blowup that he needed to take care of, meaning he beat them up. But pissed him off, and cause of some other technical issues, he had to restrain from killing them.
At home, you had just finished making yourself food. You were standing in the kitchen, whipping up a small spill on the counter, when you felt cold hands wrap around your waist. You hadn't heard him come in, but you sucked in a breath, feeling the rings on his fingers against the skin under your shirt. His hand makes its way to your stomach, pulling you back, so your back was against his chest while he leaned his head to your ear.
"How was your day?" Your voice was quiet, knowing the answer couldn't be good, feeling how tense his body is against your back. "You know your safeword, love?" Tom asked, his voice low, and if anyone else heard it, they'd thought it was a threat. "Yes," you answer, already bracing yourself.
Without another word, Tom grabs the back of your neck, stepping back and pushing your chest down into the countertop. You let out a surprised gasp when you feel his crouch pressing into you, his cock hard against the expensive material of his suit pants. Tom leans down, tightening his hand on the back of your neck. He turns your head and crashes your lips together as he slowly grinds into you from behind. You moan into the kiss, feeling his hand travel to the front of your shorts and pull them down.
He pulls down your shorts and underwear in one swoop, pulling you up by your neck and turning you around, wrapping his hands around your torso and lifting you to sit on the counter, immediately dropping to his knees. He pulled your thighs over his shoulders and dove into your folds. His tongue shot out, lapping around your lips and then diving into your cunt. You moan, gasping and letting your hand fly to his hair and tug at it, causing him to groan into your cunt.
You recognized this, the way Tom was acting. You knew sometimes he'd come back from work irritated and pent-up, and any time he was like this, he would be rough with you, taking out all his anger on your poor cunt. Tom wouldn't talk much, a few sentences here and there, but his focus would be on his own high, but that didn't mean Tom wouldn't care at all about your pleasure. He would still make sure you were ok, making sure if you wanted to safeword, you could.
Tom brought his hand to your clit, rubbing it quickly as he felt your thighs start squeezing his head. You let out a loud moan and tug hard on his hair as you cum, grinding on his face as you bite your lip, coming down from your high. Tom pulls back, his slightly hanging open as he peers up at you from between your legs. He whips his mouth on his sleeve, not caring about getting his suit dirty.
He pushes you back on the counter as he stands, his hands going to his pants, unbuttoning and zipping them down, pulling them down enough to get his cock out, stroking it a few times. You kept your legs open, ready for him to push in, but instead, his hand flew to your throat, squeezing it as he brought your faces together in a kiss. The kiss was rough, hungry as he kept a tight hold on your throat, only leaving you a bit of room to breathe.
Out of nowhere, Tom pulled away, pulling you by your throat off the counter and pushing you to your knees in front of him. He glared down at you, a look that told you to open your mouth. You did, waiting for him to enter your mouth. In one swift thrust, his cock went down your throat, making you choke and gag around him, causing him to let out a deep groan from the feel. "Atta girl," he said under his breath. You felt tears already streaming down your cheeks but ignored it, doing your best to relax your throat.
Tom took barely a few seconds before bringing his hips back and thrusting into your throat. He had a tight hold on your hair as he moved back and forth at a fast pace. You did your best to move your tongue around him, trying to give attention to the vein on the underside of his cock that you knew was sensitive. He cursed loudly and bucked his hips all the way down your throat, holding you there, smiling and laughing when you fight against him, struggling to breathe.
He stayed buried in your throat, grinding his hips into you and keeping your head pressed firmly against him. He lets out a long sigh, pushing you off him. You fall back, gasping for breath as he looks down at you, unbuttoning his suit jacket and removing it, throwing it on the counter. Tom kneels down, a sadistic smirk on his face as he cups your cheek, whipping a few of the tears away with his thumb as you continue trying to catch your breath. "You ok, darlin?" he asks, his voice almost sounding soft, sincere, but you knew him, you knew he's not finished with you. You could hear the teasing tone in his voice.
You nod, "Yes, Tommy," you say quietly as he leans closer, ghosting your lips with his and whispering, "Good." He grabs your arm, pulling you up with him as he stands, turning your back to him and pushing you doing on the counter again. He wrapped his hand around his cock, thrusting into you without another thought. He groans, wasting no time pulling his hips back and starting his rough pace. You bit your lip, waiting for the slight pain to ease away as the intense pleasure of him thrusting against your g-spot shows.
In no time, your moaning, making weak attempts to push back against him and meet his thrusts. Tom puts one hand on your waist and another in your hair, pulling it hard and pulling your back up against his chest. Tom throws his head back, tightly closing his eyes as he moves the hand in your hair to your neck. You moan, feeling his hand grip tighter than before, his rings no doubt leaving marks. You put your hands out, trying to stabilize yourself on the counter, to no use.
"Fuck, FUCK." Tom yells and pushes you down against the counter again, thrusting hard two more times before he feels your walls clench around him as you cum, sending him off the edge as he groans, continuing to pound into you as hard as he can to ride out his high. You both pant, catching your breath. His hands glide down your back, eventually grabbing your waist and slowly pulling his cock out of you.
Tom tucks his cock back in his pants and reaches over, grabbing a tissue to clean the cum starting to drip down your thigh. He pulls you from the counter, gently picking you and carrying you to the bathroom. He moves you, so you wrap your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck while he holds one hand on you, using the other to start the bath.
Once it was ready, he lowered you down in the bath. Tom kissed your forehead and dimmed the lights before leaving the bathroom. He wasn't gone for long, coming back naked, but with clothes in his hands for when you both get out. He sets them on the side and climbs in the bath behind you, letting you rest between his legs, your back against his chest.
"Thank you, love," Tom finally said quietly next to your ear after a few seconds. After that, no words are exchanged between you, only the steady sound of your breathing. Tom loved you, he loved you with everything in him, and he was thankful that when he needed it, you were always there. Especially nights like this, when he needed to blow off some steam, you were there, ready for him, and as his thank you, he'd be there for you after. He'd sit in the bath, cleaning you as you rest, and after he'd wrap you in warm clothes, taking you to the bedroom and turning on the tv, cuddling until you fell asleep.
Ahem: @ambrodias @tomhollandfics
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tommydarlings · 3 years
Perfectly wrong | t.h
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A/N: Finally a 'song oneshot' again! The song is called 'perfectly wrong' from Shawn mendes! Maybe listen to it while reading this! Hope you like this one as much as I do! anyway, enjoy! :) ily,liz <3 (pls don't let it flop yeet)
pairing: mob!tom x mob!reader
warnings: swearing
w/c: 1k
Requests: CLOSED
Summary: You and Tom were made to kill each other, but are you able to do that when you secretly love him?
this handwriting = the lyrics of the song
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masterlist || taglist || requests (in my masterlist)
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"Do it y/n" he said quietly.
Taste the poison from your lips,
Lately, we're as good as gone,
Oh, our love is drunk and it's,
Singin' me my favorite song.
Tom and I were the biggest enemy's you can even find. We hated each other with a special kind of passion. And we are supposed to kill each other, we should have done it already years ago, but everytime when we get the chance to, we screw up and just run away after the one person told the other 'next time I'm gonna end you' what is bullshit every single time.
Me and you, we were made to break,
I know the truth, but it's much too late.
Now you were standing a few feet away from him with your gun pointed at him while he was laying helplessly on the floor.
Now or never y/n.
You're perfectly wrong for me,
And that's why it's so hard to leave.
Now you can kill him easily.
Yeah, you're perfectly wrong for me,
You're perfectly wrong for me.
Just pull the trigger and he's not gonna be your problem anymore-
"FUCK!" you yelled before you threw your gun on the floor and leaned your back against the wall. Then you started to sob and cry quietly.
All the stars in the sky could see,
Why you're perfectly wrong for me.
"I knew it" Tom whispered before he stood up and walked over to you. Now standing infront of you. But you still didn't stopped silently crying, the tears were flowing down your face slowly. "Why haven't you done it y/l/n?" Tom asked smugly even though he knew the answer. You shaker your head quickly before you looked him in the eye.
Oh, you know how much it hurts,
Every time you say you hate me,
But when we're makin' love, you make it worth it,
Can't believe the places that you take me.
"You exactly know why Holland" you whispered with your eyes closed. "I know that I know it, but I wanna hear it coming out of your pretty mouth darling" he smirked but at the same time you were able to see some sadness in his eyes and smirk. You laughed quietly, with your eyes closed again, tears still running before you answered,
"Because you mean something to me" you whispered quickly. He cupped your cheeks in his big and veiny hands. "I know darling, and guess what, you mean something to me too, why do you think I haven't killed you all these times when I had the chance?" you just stared at him before you laughed quietly.
There's no use, we were made to break,
I know the truth, and it's much too late.
"What's so funny?" he asked.
You're perfectly wrong for me,
And that's why it's so hard to leave,
Yeah, you're perfectly wrong for me,
Oh, you're perfectly wrong for me,
All the stars in the sky could see,
Why you're perfectly wrong for me.
"That's all bullshit Thomas. You know that we can't do this! We can't do this to our business or to our family Tom! My dad will kill you, my dad will kill both of us!" you cried out quietly. He swiped a few tears away before you added,
"I'm so sorry Tom, I'm really, but we can't okay? W-we just c-cant- no please d-don't" you said as he started to lean slightly forward. You turned your face to the side quickly. "Look at me y/n, c'mon" he whispered. You slowly turned your head so that you looked his directly in the eyes.
Oh, and why I can't quit when you break my heart open?,
I need you more than I know, oh,
and I can't resist when you're up against my skin,
I never wanna let you go.
"N-no, w-we shouldn't Thomas, we s-shouldn't" you said quietly. He gently started to rub your cheek with his thumb while you started to cry even harder and shed even more tears. "Don't cry darling, I don't like seeing you cry" he said quietly while he still stroked your cheeks gently.
You're perfectly wrong for me,
And that's why it's so hard for me,
Yeah, you're perfectly wrong for me, mm,
Yeah, you're perfectly wrong for me,
Hate that you know that I won't leave,
Yeah, you're perfectly wrong for me.
"I should have never fallen in love with you, fuck" you whispered to yourself quietly. "You love me?" he asked. You nodded before you started to smile. "There's the smile that I love so much" he added before he started to smile too. "I've fallen in love with you too" he whispered before he leaned even closer. "Just because we shouldn't do this, does not mean we can't" he whispered before he kissed you and of course you kissed back immediately. He picked you up and you slowly started to make out.
Yeah, you're perfectly wrong for me,
And that's why it's so hard for me,
Yeah, you're perfectly wrong for me, yeah,
Oh, you're perfectly wrong for me,
Hate that you know that I won't leave,
Yeah, you're perfectly wrong for me,
Yeah, you're perfectly wrong for me.
"You know, I never thought that we end up here" Tom laughed. You just finished your funny business. When you know what I mean. Now your in one of Tom's boxers and one of his t-shirts. Your head laid on his chest while he stroked your arm. "I thought that we would kill each other before we even get the chance to" you replied with a tiny smile.
"I love you my darling" he said before he kissed the top of your head. "I love you too Tommy" you said before you kissed his neck gently.
It was was wrong, but it was perfectly wrong.
-`ღ´- ᶫᵒᵛᵉᵧₒᵤ -`ღ´-
@goodgirlgonetom @majo240820 @misshale21 @itstaskeen @pure-ghost @justafangirlduh @elizabeth-brown @roseke @onyourgoddamnleft @lovelyxtom @hallecarey1 @zspideyy @elizabeth228
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lu-morningstar · 3 years
Jealous - Shawn Mendes
request: hey can i get a jealous shawn imagine? we argue and then it’s fluff no smut please
a/n: i have been writing this since it was requested, featuring Tom Holland :)
pairing: Shawn Mendes x female!reader
word count: 1933
warnings: angst with happy ending, mentions of mental health (implied depression and anxiety)
Feedback, comments, likes and reblogs are always appreciated <3
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You and Shawn met when you were chosen to feature in one of the remixes of his song Stitches, he was a rising singer on the Billboard charts, and you were Nick's young promising actress and singer; both of you wanted to make a career out of what you loved. That was almost 5 years ago, a period in which the two of you collaborated on a song for your second album, attended each other concerts, and more moments that, after being friends for a couple of years, ultimately led to a romantic relationship blossoming between the two of you. After a few months, it became public to the world, and everyone decided they had something to say and/or wanted to get a piece of their relationship.
Things calmed down until you were cast in Cherry, an indie movie by the Russo Brothers, meaning you had to leave LA for almost 3 months to film in Cleveland with Tom Holland. He was the main actor in the movie, and you were the supporting actress that played a significant role in his character's life. Since several of your scenes with Tom were filmed outdoors or in a semi-public location, sometimes gossip sites would take photos of the both of you and leak them to the public, having a field day by making you look like the villain of the story. It wouldn't bother you so much if they weren't taking a toll on your relationship; Shawn started to ignore your texts, cut your calls short, and ultimately, canceled his quick trip to Cleveland. Yes, he was busy with the making of his album, but he was also feeling jealous from out-of-context pictures and made-up stories from the tabloids. 
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"...I just don't think we should talk about this through the phone, Shawn." You murmured to avoid dragging more attention to yourself, you were running late to the makeup trailer, but you didn't want to end the call yet; you were hoping he would finally drop the subject. 
"Then how are we going to, y/n? I can't leave LA and you can't leave Cleveland." even though he couldn't see you, you shook your head as you heard the sound of an acoustic guitar in the background, meaning he was in a writing session. 
“You can, you just didn’t want to-" 
"I can’t Y/N, I really can’t. I’m way behind on some songs and-"
"You said that the same last time, Shawn. And honestly, you are the one being unreasonable here. There's nothing more than friendship between Tom and me." you recalled him. He was silent, making the distorted voices and guitar sounds louder in your ear; you still caught some of his breathing through the device, though. "Alright, I don't have time Shawn. I'm already late to work, call me later." you ended the call as you arrived at hair and makeup, ready to become someone else to forget your current problems with your boyfriend. 
It was way past midnight; you were in your trailer, already done with a bad day of shooting, and in the comfort of your bed when he called again. The conversation was okay until he brought back the whole unfunded jealousy thing, then you reprimand him for going out with his friends when he said he was too busy with work, and it just escalated quickly from there. You ended the call, having enough of his false accusations and lack of trust. How blind was he to not see you were hurting? And that he was partially causing it. 
It was the last conversation before he stopped answering your calls or texts. 
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After almost 6 hours of flying, you arrived at LAX airport past noon; your assistant and bodyguard were waiting for you due to a mob of people waiting for you. You took some pictures and made small talk with them before saying goodbye and getting into your car, a Range Rover that would take you to Shawn's condo. You didn't appreciate the view on your way there, too tired and emotionally drained from the movie scenes you filmed; to say this film was a challenge was an understatement.
Once you got home, you dismissed your assistant and telling her to notify your driver that you were leaving in 40 minutes.
"You took a breath as you lean back on the couch, the place was clean and tidy, with some vanilla scent in the air, it was the work of the cleaning service and not Shawn, who was clearly too busy to clean his place or pick you up from the airport. You knew that after that call it would take a lot of time to move to a better situation. 
After a quick shower, a change of clothes, and a stop at a fast-food chain to get a bite, you arrived at the studio where Shawn was recording. Luckily, you didn't disrupt any song recording, but you did interrupt what Shawn was telling his sound producer to do with a snippet of the song he was currently working on. You apologized to him and everyone in the room for interrupting their creative moment.
"Why don't we take 10, guys," Shawn said, taking in your presence in his space. Their coworkers, including Teddy, said their hellos on the way out, leaving Shawn and you alone in the room. "What are you doing here?" he asked you before sitting on the couch, far away from the console, and you.
"What do you mean with what I'm doing here, Shawn? I leave for 3 months, let you know that I'm arriving today and you can't even tell me you are not picking me from the airport."
"I'm busy, y/n," he said raising his voice, spreading and moving his arms around to signal the place. "I can't just cancel studio sessions for you," you looked down, pouting to his harsh response, playing with the sleeves of the hoodie you decided to wear; it was his. "not when the album needs to be done next month." he ran his fingers through his hair and tugged on some strands as he leaned back. "I'm under a lot of pressure."
"Oh, and you think I'm not? The Russos told me we might have to reshot in 3 months. You think I wanna feel or look like this again?" your voice broke, tears inundated your eyes, you blinked to don't let them free fall.
You accepted the role of Emily knowing that she was a character with diverse feelings and changes in her life, perhaps not like Tom's character, but still complex in her own way. What you didn't know was that interpreting her would be very emotionally exhausting, to the point of losing yourself for a moment and confusing her life with yours. You knew that Tom was going through the same thing, even worse some days, that's why his brother was there during production. You just wished Shawn could have been there too for you, but he was too busy in LA. That's why you were hanging out most of the time with him, talking about how challenging it was to interpret these characters was what helped both of you to don't let yourselves get lost in them. The Spiderman on-set anecdotes were great too to distract you from shooting until midnight or really early in the morning.
"Babe, I didn't know you-" he got up from the sofa, getting close to where you were standing, almost in the same place since you arrived.
"I told you how I felt," You interrupt him, your bottom lip jutting out and your voice breaking again, but this time the tears do fall on your cheeks, making a river that ends on your neck. "and you know what you told me? 'I'm writing with Ed Sheeran tomorrow'." You both said the last line together, with almost the same deception tone in your voices.
He took a couple of strands and engulfed you in a hug. You have always found his arms comforting, but this time it felt like they were trapping you and cutting your air supply. You broke the contact, inhaling all the air you didn't know you were missing as you wiped the tears from your face. You noticed how his eyes were glossy and his cheeks were redder.
"I'm sorry," he looked at your eyes and wiped a tear from your left cheek. "I'm so sorry, y/n" He kissed your temple and held your face with one of his hands before hugging you again; it was warm and comforting again. 
After that, the both of you sat down on the couch of the living room; it was neutral territory, a good place to start talking about the jealousy Shawn had towards your friendship with Tom and your resentment towards Shawn. It took some weeks and more conversations to sort things out but it happened; Shawn and you were going stronger than ever. You also decided to take some therapy sessions, to talk about the events of your relationship and the blurred line between you and Emily. It helped you to interpret her again for a scene the Russos wanted to incorporate in the film. 
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After doing press almost non-stop for the past 2 weeks with Tom and the directors, the night finally arrived. The movie would be out for all the world to watch it. No nerves at all, right? 
"Nervous?" Shawn asked as the limo took a turn, the place of the event was getting closer and closer. 
"Yeah, but the good kind." 
"It means you care, love." he took your right hand with his left one, giving it a tight squeeze before pressing a kiss on it.
You arrived at the premiere hosted by Apple+, a man opened the door seat, Shawn went out first and gave you his hand to help you out of the car. People were shouting, and some flashes of the photographers' cameras blinded you for a second as you walked the red carpet with Shawn, your left arm interlocked with his right one. The flashes made the fabric of your grey Givenchy suit shine more, a pair of matching heels, minimal jewelry, and natural glowy makeup completed the look for tonight.  'She's glowing, like a goddess' he thought, as he held you from your waist now. 
Pictures were taken but when the photographers, realized that one of your rings, the one on your left ring finger, reflected more lights than the others they went crazy. The shouts got louder, asking for more poses and pictures, the both of you smiled, indulging them. After more pics and interviews on the carpet, everyone went inside the theater to watch the movie.
The next day was plage with pictures and articles about the movie, and about the engagement reveal at the premiere. Pictures of you looking at Shawn while your left hand was in his pec, showing the ring he gave you a couple of weeks ago, in the privacy and comfort of your new shared house. And of him looking at you when you were staring at the cameras. And his personal favorite, the one with his brown gaze on your y/e/c-colored eyes, making the both of you smile wider. 
‘Y/N Y/L/N & Shawn Mendes engaged!’
‘Shawn Mendes officially off the market! The Canadian star is now engaged to Cherry’s actress Y/N Y/L/N’ 
‘Y/N Y/L/N shows off engagement ring on movie premiere’ 
'Cherry’s actress Y/N Y/L/N talks engagement and movie struggles' 
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My masterlist
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belovasangel · 5 years
Au Lait .2
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Summary: He found you hiding in plain sight. You found him between the pages of your novel.      
Pairing: Mob!Shawn x (fem)Reader
Warnings: Fluff/sarcasm, mentions of violence, foreshadowing (if you squint)
A/N: Mentioning You, a Netflix show. Spoilers early on, so be forewarned 
Part 1
Maybe Joe Goldberg was on to something. 
Take that with a grain of salt, because becoming a stalker and finding a victim, breaking into her apartment and killing her one-night stand might not be the best way to win someone over. His morals were corrupt, which we can all agree, and his sociopathic tendencies revolve around trapping his love for his own mental gain are pretty ridiculous. Sounds familiar in this modern day, huh?
However, what Joe Goldberg got right, in the whole twisted storyline, is that owning a bookstore is a damn fairytale every day. Lining the shelves with books ranging in complexity and diversity, bound together by a bonding agent that preserves stories longer. Glue, string, leather, it’s exciting to guess the contents of books judged by the paperbacks. How you would never guess that Winnie the Pooh was loosely based around mental illness, or that Crime and Punishment kept a blatant focus on merciless murder. 
Some authors chose to write about mundane topics that show the blunt reality of life, love, and daily struggles. The occasional whimsy take on adolescence and summer flings going into winter memories. There’s beauty in the simplicity of topics, and authors can sculpt such visions into pieces of extended art. It’s astonishing.
Yet, you’ve never been more shocked to see a familiar face push open your door. The bell rang above his head, inches from his slightly bruised face. As he looked around in interest, brows furrowed and shoulders tensed, you called out. 
“Finally found me, eh? How long has it been, three days? A week?”
You stepped out from behind a shelf, gently placing the book in your hands correctly in the empty slot before approaching the customer.
“Yeah, three days too long. Nice to meet you, (y/n) (l/n).”
Shawn held out his hand, a smug smile on his slightly swollen lip. It was busted in the corner, and half his face was raised and red, purple on the peaks. There was blood on his knuckles, per usual. As you gently placed your hand in his for a quick shake, he let out a sigh. Shawn’s shoulders immediately fell with the small contact, something you caught quickly.
“Don’t worry. Remember the ‘arrangement’ that I had to fix? Still working on it. You should see the other guy, princess. Not to brag, but he’s worse.”
You bit your cheek, choking down a laugh. “You’ve done it, I’m swooning.” Shawn nodded knowingly, looking around the store finally, gazing at the displays and shelves of books. The store was big for being a hole-in-the-wall, having a second floor dedicated to non-fiction and a quiet reading nook. You were proud, to say the least.
“How long has this store been here? I can’t say I remember seeing it.”
You began talking towards shelves you’d previously been tucked behind, signaling him to follow. “Been about two years coming up. I worked throughout high school and even a year in college to save up. Can’t tell you how much elbow grease it took to shape her up, but you wouldn’t know that feeling, Mr. Mendes.”
As you began placing books in order of author, Shawn reached down to grab some as well. “What are you implying, that I haven’t worked a day in my life? You’d be surprised.” Shawn stepped forward, reaching over your body to place a book higher up on a shelf. 
“You inherited your mob throughout bloodline, once it landed in your lap, the people who had worked longer took the dirty work. You just like throwing punches, big boy.” He scoffed, reaching out and holding your wrist. Looking up, you realized the close proximity between your bodies. 
“I worked harder than anyone in my blood to get where my mafia is today. My great grandfather started the job, and I intend to continue what he created.” You felt his breathe on your lips. A flush creeped onto his cheeks, realizing where he stood. “Don’t you want more from life, Shawn?”
He let go of your wrist gently, stepping back with his smirk. “Aw, you care. How cute.” You rolled your eyes, picking up the empty box and walking to the front of the store. “Come on, haven’t you wondered what it feels like to be free? Do spontaneous things without worrying about who will be there, or how many guns you need to carry?”
Shawn hoisted himself onto the check-out counter and watched you fiddle around the register. He bit his lip, recoiling at the sudden pain and then licked the blood slowly starting to bubble up. “I’ve always been this way, princess. It’s too late to save me now.” You looked up from the pen you were playing with, setting it down to place your hand on Shawn’s knee. 
“If you ever need a break, to get away or even have someone to talk to, you know where I am. You know my name, my work, hell you probably know my address and net worth.” He gave a genuine smile, nodding gently. “But, you can’t bring your mob troubles in here. Please, keep your work away from my beautiful novels. They crave tender love and attention, not bullet holes.”
He scoffed, and placed his hand over yours. “Thank you, (y/n). I’ll try my hardest.” Shawn tore his hazel eyes from you to look at the wall clock near the door. “I need to head out, I have a meeting tonight.”
Hopping off the desk, your hands were still intertwined. “Thank you for stopping by, Shawn. It was nice to have you here, even if it was for a few minutes.” He brought your hand to his lips, placing a gentle kiss. “The pleasure is all mine. Hopefully, the next time you see me I won’t be so roughed up.”
As he reluctantly let go of your hand, Shawn gave you another smile, a small nod, and walked towards the door. 
Maybe Joe Goldberg was on to something. Just, maybe. 
Part 3
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preferredrealty · 4 years
Wrong Place, Wrong Time - A Mob! Shawn Mendes Series
I recommend reading PULSE first, its the prequel to this. 
Part 2
PLOT: When a ordinary waitress (Y/N) (Y/N) witnesses a murder after working late at the diner one night, the last this she expects is to catch the eye of Shawn Mendes, a known gangster.
Hope y’all enjoy! Feed back of any kind is appreciated💛🌻
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“Now you make sure you get home safe, ya hear?” (Y/N) turned to smile at Deloris, the older waitress she worked with who treated (Y/N) like a daughter. “I will, I’ll text you when I’m home.” Deloris nodded pulling her think black coat on over the baby pink waitress uniform. “Have a good night with Jerome.” (Y/N) grinned knowing it was date night for the married couple of twenty years. With a cheeky wink Deloris walked out the front door, throwing a wave to (Y/N) as she locked the doors and shut the blinds. 
Feeling energy left over from the rush of a Friday evening in the diner (Y/N) walked over to where the aux cord was connecting her phone hitting shuffle on her music.
Filling up the mop bucket she sang and danced along to the music as she cleaned, taking advantage of the wet floor as she slid along, a giggle escaping her as she almost slipped. 
Putting away the mop and turning the lights off, she made her way into the kitchen she stopped and glared at the large garbage bag sitting by the door groaning. “Damn it Greg!” She huffed slipping on a pair of rubber gloves, as DNNC - Still Good busted through the headphones she just tucked into her ears. “Swear I’m gonna beat that boys ass some day.” She groaned nudging open the back door, heaving the heavy bag out into the ally behind the diner. 
“We just started talking and taking to into fighting-“ she sang softly throwing the bag into the large bin outside. “We’re still gooood together-“ her eyes widened as she turned and found four men frozen mid fight staring at her. She slowly stepped back only to bump into a chest. Looking up at a ginger who was holding her arms by her sides she gulped and closed her eyes. 
A scream left her lips as she watched the curly hair man shoot the two men in front of him as another guy stood wiping blood from his lip. The sudden adrenaline flooded her veins. Throwing her upper body forward she then threw it back, the back of her head colliding with the mans nose. “Oh fuck!” He yelled his grip loosening enough for (Y/N) to pull her arms free. 
Without looking back she ran, her white Fila trainers beating against the concrete as she ran. Her lungs burned and tears stung the sides of her eyes but the adrenaline kept pushing her and soon she found herself sitting on the couch of her apartment with her hands tucked between her legs and her eyes staring unfocused at the blank TV.
It was like she was on Auto Pilot. She woke up with a pounding headache, showered, had breakfast and was off to work without a second thought. 
Breezing through the morning, the usual people came in for breakfast before work then went on with their day. 
Deloris stared at (Y/N) as she cleaned the same table for the third time before she smacked the piece of gum in her mouth, sticking the pencil she had he doodling with into her Afro. 
“(Y/N)? Baby you okay?” She muttered as she put her hand on (Y/N)’s arm. Jumping as the girl whipped around with wide eyes.
“Honey what happened after I left you yesterday?” She asked ushering (Y/N) to sit down. 
“I- He- They-“ she shook her head as tears filled her eyes. “There was a fight- a gang? I don’t know but I- I’m a witness to something.” She paused looking at Deloris with pleading eyes. 
Deloris looked over her shoulder, the diner now empty beside one older couple at the far side. “Okay, okay now listen to me.” Deloris took hold of (Y/N)’s hands. “Did they see you leaving here?” She bowed her head as (Y/N) nodded. “Okay they’re going to come here. They’ll probably wait to get you alone. You act clueless. You didn’t see shit y’hear?” (Y/N)’s eyes widened as she nodded. The bell of the door breaking them apart as a family walked in. “Now get out of your head baby, if you clean this table once more it might fall through.” A giggle left her lips making (Y/N) laugh along standing. Auto Pilot taking control again.
It was later in the evening during the dinner rush that (Y/N) felt eyes on her. She had clocked the curly haired man out of the corner of her eye as she set down a families order before walking away with a smile, straight past him with her head held up confidently into the back kitchen as if to her a order. 
Once the swinging doors shut her knees turned to jelly as she grasped the counter. Deloris looked up from the freezer she was digging through to find (Y/N) as white as their aprons. “Which one is it?” Was all Deloris said her eyes peeking out the hole in the wall they used to pass food out from the kitchen. “Curly hair, white suit.” Deloris nodded pulling the pencil from her hair and note pad out “find the strawberry ice cream will you?” She asked before disappearing out the doors. 
With the ice cream in hand (Y/N) walked out the doors and stayed behind the counter making a strawberry milkshake, looking in the reflection of a cup above her to see Deloris taking his order and walking back. She tore the order off hanging it on the clip with the rest of them while standing next to (Y/N). “Big order, he’s gonna be here a while.” Chewing on her lip (Y/N) cursed softly before walking to the table next to his dropping off the milk shake. “Enjoy honey.” She smiled at the kid who ordered it before walking away. 
“Just leave!” (Y/N) whispered to herself cleaning down the counter as the man sat with one arm over the back of the booth, the other playing with sugar packets on the table. 
Deloris blew out her cheeks as she passed her with a large tray of dishes, walking into the back of the kitchen. 
(Y/N) continued to clean, humming along to the juke box as she walked to the other end of the diner drifting off into thought, almost screaming when she turned to come face to face with the man. 
“Jesus Christ! Can I help you?” She asked with more attitude than intended her hand squeezing the rag she was holding. “I don’t know maybe you can.” He grinned at her. “Do we know each other?” He questioned, eyes staring into hers waiting for some kind of reacting. Keeping her face cool (Y/N) pulled a confused face. “Sorry I can’t say we do?” Shawn tilted his head. “I swear I’ve seen you somewhere....recently.” She felt his breath brushing over her forehead with how close he had got, the sudden feeling of having her personal space invaded made her push a hand to his chest pushing him back. 
“Look pal, I don’t know you. You don’t know me. End of.” She glared up into his eyes. Raising an eyebrow Shawn put his hands up with a grin. “My bad sweetheart, now that I think of it I’m sure I’d remember someone as beautiful as you.” Unable to stop it a scoff leaves (Y/N)’s lips as she props a hand on her hip. “It’s almost closing time, order something or leave.” She sassed before walking around him, making her way onto the back kitchen, dropping like bricks to the floor as the doors closed, the ringing of the bell at the door signalling he left. 
Deloris dropped to the floor next to her, her eyes searching for any injuries. “Where did the sass come from?” She couldn’t help but giggle. “Hear that huh?” (Y/N) said with a small laugh as she lay flat on the ground feeling her heart pounding in her chest. 
Shawn climbed into the back of Brian’s car with a smirk still on his face. “So?” Connor asked. Shawn leaned back in his seat nodding his head. “It’s her but I don’t think it’ll be an issue-“ he paused as he watched her dance through the window of the diner, the other waitress dancing with her holding a ketchup bottle as a microphone. “-I think I’ll come back tomorrow, just to be sure.”
Brian turned in his seat to face Shawn, his two back eyes and bandaged nose almost making Shawn burst with laughter. “You sure this isn’t about you wanting something else?” He let out a yelp and Shawn tapped his nose. “Just drive.” He grunted looking back into the diner seeing her laughing and was unable to stop a smile spreading onto his own face.
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idy-ll-ique · 4 years
Pairing: Mob Boss!Sebastian Stan x F!Reader
Requested: Nope
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Warning: Age gap, One (1) Non-Consensual Kiss, mention of violence, blood, death.
Summary: Y/N and her friends decide to visit the new bar that opened in their city. Unfortunately, things don't work out well.
Author's Note: I didn't post something for a long time so here y'all go. I don't really know what I've written but I'm still putting this up lmfao
"Are you sure we should be here? This place looks kinda shady," I muttered, clutching my best friend's t-shirt from behind as we walked into the dimly lit bar. He scoffed as the other two guys behind me sighed.
"Loosen up, sweetheart! You'll have fun here! Look, they're playing songs and the bar looks pretty loaded," Trystan chuckled. Jack, who stood in front of me, nodded. Shawn patted me on the back, grinning. The four of us were out for a few drinks: the boys told me there was a new bar in town and we were here to check it out.
We walked up to the bar and sat down in front of the bartender. "Four beers, please," Jack ordered and the bartender nodded. I glanced around the room, one of my hands still on Trystan's thigh. "Will you chill? There's nothing to be afraid of here!" Trystan sighed loudly.
"Fine," I mumbled, suddenly noticing someone's eyes on me. He was a very handsome man, I decided. Sitting at a booth alone, he was drinking wine. His Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed the drink. I looked away from him, staring was rude. I joked around with my friends as we had our mugs of beer.
I was laughing at a hilarious joke Shawn cracked when a gunshot echoed around the room. I screamed, shut my eyes and covered my ears.
"You three! Step aside!" I opened my eyes to see a man standing in front of me, a smirk on his face. I recognized him immediately. Three of his goons took hold of Jack, Trystan and Shawn, pulling them out of their seats. They held guns to my friends' heads. "Mr Dalton, please, spare them—"
"You don't tell me what to do and what not to do, sweetheart," he drawled uninterestedly, raising an eyebrow at me. I looked around the room, cringing a bit when I noticed that I was the only girl around. Everyone, including the man who was looking at me before, were staring at me.
They all had shocked expressions on their faces, except that handsome man. He looked like he would burst out in anger any second now. "What do you want?" I whispered and my breath hitched as Dalton's hand reached forward.
He was about to caress my cheeks when the handsome man jumped to his feet, flipping the table in front of him. He took out a gun and pointed it at Rogue Dalton, the mobster boss who was currently… ahem… touching me. That man's jaw was clenched hard. "Ah, Stan. Long time no see, my friend," Dalton said with faux affection, smiling at Stan.
"Leave the girl alone," Stan growled, glaring at Dalton. "Oh, you wanna have a night with her, too? We can arrange for tomorrow," Dalton snorted. I scrunched my nose.
A night with Dalton? Did he mean sex? Hard pass, he had a reputation of being a womanizer. "Let her go, I'm warning you!" Stan yelled. "Or what? Don't tell me you know this girl. Wittle Sebastian Stan has a girlfriend? How cute," Dalton crooned and I cringed at his tone.
Ah, so the name of the man who was currently defending me was Sebastian Stan. I had to say, it was a nice name. At least he was on my side, I couldn't believe I thought he was a creep. How did Rogue Dalton know him? They talked as though they were rivals. I think Sebastian belonged to a mob, too.
Dalton's hand reached out and grabbed my jaw, forcing me to look at him. "You don't have a choice in this, baby girl, you're coming with me. I'm not letting a pretty bird like you escape," he hissed in my face, forcibly pressing his lips to mine.
I screamed in my throat, my eyes going wide. I kept my lips sealed tightly, not allowing his tongue entry in my mouth. "Oh, you wanna play hard to get, huh? I see how it is. Whatever you wish, ma'am." He pulled away and raised his other hand, smacking me across the face.
Tears brimmed my eyes, it hurt so much. "Y/N—" Shawn tried yelling but was silenced by the man holding him at gunpoint. I glanced at Sebastian with wide, scared eyes, silently begging him to do something about Dalton.
Sebastian was glaring at Dalton, seething. I could see his chest heaving in the dim bar. "Evans!" he yelled all of a sudden, startling me. Now who was Evans? A few seconds later, at least 15 other people entered the bar. Wait, did Sebastian run his own mob?
Dalton's men were greatly outnumbered by Sebastian's. "Fire!" Sebastian screamed and his men started shooting at Dalton and his goons. I screeched, hoping I wouldn't get hit by a bullet.
As soon as Dalton let go of me, I jumped off the high-stool. Sebastian beckoned me over and I ran to him. I threw my arms around his shoulders, burying my face in his neck. "You're fine, I got you," he whispered to me, wrapping his arms tightly around my waist. He turned around, shielding me from the bullets that flew across the room.
He rubbed my back to help even out my breathing. I stayed how I was until the bar went quiet. "It's okay to look."
I slightly pulled away from Sebastian and peeked over his shoulder. Rogue Dalton was lying on the floor, dead. So were all his men. Shawn, Jack and Trystan were fine, hiding under a table. "Thank you," I told Sebastian gratefully. He gave me a soft smile. "No worries. I'm glad you're safe."
I took a few steps away from Sebastian, nodding at him. I walked over to my friends as they came out of hiding. "Thank you, Mr Stan, for saving our friend," Jack said thankfully. "It's quite alright, really. I'm glad I could help. How are you guys? Everything okay?" Sebastian asked worriedly.
Trystan slowly took his hand off his forearm and I saw blood. "You were shot? Come to my place, I'll have you fixed in no time," Sebastian sighed and we walked out of the bar. "Excuse me, don't mind me asking, but… are you a mobster boss, too?" I asked Sebastian curiously.
"I am, yes. Most of the time I'm in Romania, but I got bored. I came here and met Dalton. We didn't get along, as you'd have witnessed," he replied. "Now what, though? We leave the dead bodies as they are in the bar?" Jack asked.
"Why not?" one of Sebastian's friends, a handsome, dark skinned man grinned at us. "Oh, yeah, by the way, these two are my friends, Anthony Mackie and Chris Evans. I don't know your names," Sebastian chuckled. "I'm Y/N Y/L/N, these three are my friends, Jack, Trystan and Shawn. We go to college together," I smiled.
"Good, what are you studying?" The seven of us got into Sebastian's 7-seater car. Chris drove, Anthony sat next to him. Sebastian, Trystan and I sat in the middle while Jack and Shawn sat behind us. I was sitting between Sebastian and Trystan.
Sebastian put his arm on the backrest, around my shoulders. Unconsciously, I shifted closer to him. I trusted Sebastian a lot, he saved me from molestation. "We're all studying mechanical engineering," Jack grinned.
"Yeah, there aren't many girls in our batch. Y/N was quite lonely all the time, so we made friends with her. It's been 3 years," Trystan chuckled weakly. "That is sweet of you guys. I assume you're the same age?" Anthony chortled. "Yeah, we're all 26," Shawn nodded.
We soon reached Sebastian's place and got out of the car. My jaw dropped— that mansion was huge. "Whoa, you live here?" Jack gasped loudly. "I do, yes. Come in, I'll take you to the infirmary." Sebastian and Trystan walked towards the infirmary. Jack and Shawn decided to go with them but I stayed back with Anthony and Chris.
"May we show you to the sitting room, o fair lady?" Chris joked, holding his hand out. "Certainly, o kind sir," I laughed, taking his hand. They took me to the sitting room of the mansion. I sat on one of the couches while Anthony told someone to make hot chocolate for me.
Hot chocolate sounded really good right now, so I didn't argue. "Um, is he always this friendly, Sebastian?" I asked the two men. They glanced at each other.
"Not really, no. He's usually very intimidating. I don't know what happened to him. It's fun to see him like this, caring and friendly. This might be the first time he's acting so nice," Chris explained. Wow, I got lucky, I guess. "That's awesome. He seems young, too." I bit my lip, blushing softly.
"Oh, he's 38. I think you'd make a pretty good couple," Anthony snorted. "What makes you think he'd be interested in dating me?" I huffed, running a hand through my hair. "Literally our previous conversation. His behavior changed when you were in danger, Y/N."
He got me there.
Sebastian POV:
"So, uh, what's Y/N like? What does she enjoy doing?"
Jack and Shawn laughed, startling me. "I knew that question would come up! We give you our blessings, you'd make a brilliant couple. Just be yourself, dude and show her affection. She likes affection. Trust me," Jack grinned.
I smiled softly as Trystan sat up, his arm wrapped in a bandage. "Why don't you guys stay the night? I can have 2 rooms prepared, one for Y/N and the other for you three," I expressed suddenly.
"That would be great, thank you very much! You're too kind for a mobster boss," Shawn smiled. "Y/N has my heart and you three are her best friends, this is the least I can do for you," I chuckled, running a hand through my hair. We walked out of the infirmary and I decided to take them to the sitting room.
When we were close to the room, I could hear boisterous laughter coming from inside. "I was so relieved when I found out that I passed my test. I didn't even study!" Anthony and Chris were doubled over, clutching their stomachs, tears in their eyes. Y/N was giggling to herself, a mug of hot chocolate in her hands.
My eyes lit up when I noticed that the mug she was holding said #1 Mobster. It was a gag gift from Chris, but I kept it because I loved it so much. Here was a girl I liked, drinking hot chocolate from my mug, sitting on the couch in my home. That scene warmed my heart.
I walked into the room and they all looked at me. "Seb, hey," Mackie smiled. I nodded in acknowledgement. "Are you doing okay, Y/N?" I asked her softly, sitting next to her. "Yes. This was really good," she chuckled, glancing at the mug.
I put my arm around her shoulders and smirked slightly when I saw the blush that arose on her cheeks. She snuggled closer to me, laying her head on my shoulder. I took the empty mug from her hands and kept it aside. For a few minutes silence fell between us; I stared at Y/N's face while she looked down at her lap.
I was about to say something when I suddenly noticed the silence in the room. I took my eyes off Y/N and looked around. There was no one else in the room except for us. "Where did everyone go?" Y/N asked me quietly. "To sleep, I guess. It's late, you should go, too." Y/N whined, clutching my t-shirt.
"My head hurts and I'm tired," she sniffled. I gathered her up in my arms, pressing a long kiss to her forehead. By now, the both of us were aware that we obviously had feelings for each other. We weren't fools. "I'll take you to your room," I whispered in her ear. I carried her bridal style when she nodded, wrapping her arms around my shoulders.
Y/N fell asleep on our way to her room, which I found extremely endearing.
"Y/N, wake up," I whispered as I put her down on the bed. She yawned and blinked her eyes open. "Hm?" she moaned. "Wear this." I opened the wardrobe in the room and took out my t-shirt, handing it to her. I kept my extra clothes in this room. The t-shirt was extremely loose and soft.
"Thank y—" Before she could finish the sentence, I strode over to her and cupped her cheeks, intensely staring into her eyes. "What?" she mumbled shyly. "Do you like me?" I asked her, gently stroking her cheeks with my thumbs. "I— You know..." she stuttered, looking away as a blush spread across her cheeks. That confirmed a yes.
I desperately wanted to kiss her but I also didn't want to make her uncomfortable. From such a close distance, I could see some small cuts on her lips left from when Rogue had forcibly kissed her. That thought alone made my blood boil.
So instead of kissing her on the lips, I gave her a sweet peck on the cheek. "I really like you, too," I smiled at her. She grinned at me and threw her arms around my neck, hugging me tightly. My smile widened unconsciously when I hugged back.
After the hug, Y/N changed her clothes while I respectfully looked away. Then I gave her one more kiss on the cheek and walked out of the room.
I hurried towards the dining room, late. It was 10:30 in the morning. When I finally entered the room, everyone inside looked at me. I glanced around, stopping when I saw Y/N. She was still in the t-shirt I gave her last night, a cup of coffee in her hands.
Jack, Trystan and Shawn were wearing the clothes I provided, too. "Hey," I smiled, walking towards Y/N. She smiled when I put my arm around her shoulders, kissing her temple. "Ooh, did you two fondue?" Anthony asked excitedly, causing me to roll my eyes.
Chris blushed as the four youngsters looked around, confused. "Fondue…?" Jack asked slowly. "Sex." Jack and Trystan went bright red while Shawn smirked. "Did you?" he asked Y/N in a teasing, affectionate tone.
"We didn't. We said we liked each other and hugged, that is it."
"I believe it's official, then, Y/N and Sebastian are dating!" Chris grinned. "Hurray!" Everyone cheered as I gave her a sweet kiss on her lips, chuckling. I pulled away and the two of us shared soft smiles.
A/N: Hi, leave a like!
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sunnysidevans · 4 years
𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲 - 𝐌𝐨𝐛!𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐦 𝐃𝐫𝐲𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐥𝐞 | 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞
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Part One | Part Two
Pairing: Mob!Ransom Drysdale x Reader
Summary: Hugh Ransom Drysdale is the biggest mobster in Massachusetts with many connections, what happens if Ransom finally meets his match?
Warnings: 18+, Violence,cursing,nsfw, angst, slow burn kinda 
A/N:  I know I’m always apologizng for never posting these in a good amount of time, I truly am sorry uh, I really do hope you enjoy, One part left! but I hope this part makes up for it. Happy Reading! :)
First Person Point Of View: 
                                        5 Months after first meeting…
    After meeting Ransom your life turned upside down, tensions were high in every business transaction, you looked over your shoulder every single day, even just getting the mail. Were you scared? Of course not, you just knew what Hugh was capable of. The constant chirping of the phone rang at exactly 5 AM, on the dot. Rolling over and answering quickly, you sigh “hello?” the tiredness in your voice was evident to Steve as he sighed “Ma’am-” you cut him off before he could continue “I”m not 80 Steven, ma’am is not necessary, boss is just fine, what is going on? Why are you calling me at 5 in the fucking morning?” Steve sighed on the other end of the phone again. “He’s done it Boss, He got a hold of this morning's shipment, I- I had every man on and somehow he got to someone and we have a mole…” he trailed off as you sat up immediately in bed and looked around “A-A mole?!” you yelled as steve nodded, not as you could see it “Yes boss, I’m very sorry.. I have everyone in the office, take your time” he hung up the phone as you took the pillow to the face and let out a heavy scream. How could this have happened? 
    As you arrived at the warehouse, everyone knew they were in trouble as you tossed your expensive Gucci coat on the dusty table. “Okay I need everyone in the office, now” you seethed, turning towards them as they followed slowly, as a woman you scared the 6’5 175 pound men. “Now” you sighed out heavily looking between everyone as Steve stood beside you, you knew Steve wasn’t your mole, he was loyal to you. You clasped your hands together and watched the nervous faces of your men. “Now, how the fuck did Hugh fucking Drysdale get my shipment?” you seethed hands on your hips watching the faces turn to panic, except one, calm as a cucumber. “Jake..” you sighed softly, plastering the biggest and fakest smile you could on your face “yes ma’am?” he asked, turning to the front of the group. In the blink of two seconds you grabbed steve’s gun from his pocket and held it to him “what the fuck did Drysdale give you for you to turn on me?” you asked walking around the table to watch the nervousness set in on jake's face “H-He offered me something I couldn’t pass up” he stuttered, “you mean to tell me… he offered you more than I have? I have a trust fund for your babygirl set up, I have paid your way for you to buy a house, supply for your wife and you mean to fucking tell me you got an offer you couldn’t pass up?” you seethed watching his face as your grip on the gun pointed at him tightened. “Yes.. I didn’t want to do it boss really, He just gave me something I couldn’t pass up. I truly am sorry.” he shook as he held his hands up, None of the men in the warehouse had seen this type of rage on you before. “Y/N..” Steve said quietly “put the gun down, this isn’t your part of the gig remember..?” he said walking to you slowly but before he could get to you, Jake was on the floor clutching his leg. “Get him the fuck out of here” you seethed tossing the gun on the table, walking out the warehouse and to your parked car. Time to pay a certain Drysdale a visit. 
   As your mustang swerved into the parking lot of ransom’s office out approached ransom in his stupid cashmere sweater. “Well this is a nice surprise” Ransom grinned watching as you stormed up to him, slapping him clear across the face. “What the fuck?!” he seethed watching you “That is for stealing what is mine you fucking prick” you snapped “I took ONE shipment from you, ONE. not two not three, one. And you think that gives you the right to take six from me?! And to take one of my best employees?!” you  continued to snap on him as he watched you, a smirk on his perfect face. “Oh does the baby not like being beaten at her own game?” he laughed as finally the ordeal was over on the outside as it finally moved to ransoms office. “Don’t you dare turn this on me ransom, I took one shipment from you to teach you a fucking lesson and you take six from me! Where the fuck does that add up?” you seethed standing there hands on your hips in the pants suit you threw on this morning as the door closes. The tension in the room was thick, you could feel it, ransom could feel it. Jupiter could probably feel it. “A lesson?” he laughed darkly. “you think that is a lesson?” he chuckled, walking closer to you as you backed up slowly towards the door. “You want to see a lesson little lady?” he asked, grabbing your chin roughly between his thumb and pointer fingers, you winced softly but not loud enough for the asshole to hear you. Soon enough you are against ransoms desk, hands first, ass out, facing him. “Did you pick this outfit out for me? This pretty Gucci outfit? Wouldn't it be a shame if something happened to it?” Ransom smirked as you snarked back “ransom dont you fuckin-” as you were mid scentence, ransom tears the pants down, tearing a hole in the seams. “What the fuck?!” you gasped, looking at him over your shoulder “that was too expensive for that Ransom!” you shouted as you soon felt his hand against your cheek. “Red is your color dear” he remarks on your red lace panties you had purchased long before meeting him, if you knew you’d be bent over his desk you would’ve chosen a bit better attire. You whimpered softly as ransom switched between the left and right cheek and slowly sliding his hand down to your core, where he already found the red lacy underwear soaked. “Is this for me? Does slapping me get your little pussy wet for me?” he smirked at the shutter you let out as he slowly finally turned you around. “Naked, now.” he watches the smirk on your face as you shake your head “you do realize… I don’t answer to you?” you asked smirking as the both of you undressed in a haste, you admired his toned chest, how could someone so arrogant and assholeish be so.. handsome? Slowly running your hands up his chest he catches your wrists mid way “nope” he shakes his head and soon your face first against his desk, a sharp breath can be heard from behind you. “God, for being a little bitch you sure do have a nice ass” he smirks as he can hear the scoff you let out “just get on with it asshole, i haven’t got all day” you seethed, seeing him tear the drawer of his desk open from the corner of your eye. Ransom slid the condom on slowly as he spread your legs with his knee’s watching the slick run down your lips, he licked his lips. “To think you got this wet over me” you can hear the smirk in his voice as he finally  brushes your clit with the tip of his fingers, you shiver. “Ransom..” you sigh, already fucked out from one swipe. “What was that?” he asks, leaning closer to you. As he leans closer you gain the leverage to turn and push him into the chair behind him, standing over him. Ransom hits the chair in a huff as he watches you, how did you even manage that?. You smirk watching as ransom gets comfortable in the seat “well” he smirks “take your throne then angel”. You straddle ransoms lap as you watch his smirk, pushing your hair off your shoulders you slide down on his length slowly, you both letting out a sigh of relief as finally, for you finally fucking knowing that and proving your theory, he was indeed packing, for him to finally know if you were as warm as he imagined. “Fuck” he seeths grabbing your hips to help you start moving, not even giving you a chance to adjust to his size. “Oh fuck” you sigh, holding his chest as you start to bounce on his cock “feels good huh?” he smirks from under you, holding your hips “oh shut the fuck up” you seeth bouncing faster tossing your head back. Ransom runs his hands up your sides to your breasts, cupping them in his huge calloused hands tweaking your nipples between his thumb and pointer finger as you gasp loudly, “Oh fuck, ransom” bouncing on his length faster he smirked “oh you like that huh? Having a cock in your tight pussy and your nipples played with? Oh how sweet” he groans as you start circling your hips holding onto his hands tighter. Ransom is over it fast and quickly picking you up and moving to the desk, you laying ontop of god probably his mortgage bill who knows moaning loudly as he rocks his hips into yours. “Fuck angel, your squeezing me so good, are you gonna cum for me baby? Huh? Is the baby gonna cum?” he smirks, you  slapping his arm “shut the fuck up and make me cum dick” you gasp as he thrusts harder, hitting the spot that has you arching your back moaning loudly on his desk “fuck yes please right there” you gasp. Ransom grips your thigh roughly, watching your face as you arch your back off the desk, reaching down finding your bundle as he begins to thrust harder. “C’mon angel give me a good one, I know you can do it.” he smirks as you slap his arm roughly, shaking as you cum around him, shaking along with your thighs as he groans cumming in the condom shortly after. Ransom pulls out and tosses the condom in the trash as he turns to you pushing his hair back out of his face, with a straight face. “That concludes our business deal. Talk soon, Partner”
Taglist: @hsmtmts-stranger-things-stan​ | @onetwo3000​ | @cristinagronk16​ | @shawn-youth​
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parkeraul · 5 years
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Tom Holland
Don’t repost any of these works somewhere else. Requests are open • Askbox • ↺  Main Masterlist.
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Guide Fluff ‒ ❀ Angst ‒ ☾ Smut ‒ ❈ Author’s fav ‒ ♡ Readers’ fav ‒ ✤
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▹ Imagines & Blurbs: 
Do You Also Notice? ‒ ❀ Summary: Tom accidentally exposes his relationship with Y/N during a live video. | (Blurb)
Why Are You Up So Early? ‒ ❀ Summary: Tom watches Y/N sleep not as smoothly as he wanted to be. | (Blurb — Prompt list) 
We’re Not Just Friends And You Know It ‒ ❈ Summary: Tom wants to go further and ruin the friendship deeply. | (Blurb — Prompt list)
Ruler ‒ ❈ Summary: Reader can’t seem to let Tom solve important things, distracting him. | (Blurb — Prompt list — Mob!Tom)
Upside Down ‒ ❀ Summary: Trying the Spider-Man kiss with Tom is harder than it seems.
Can You Feel Me? ‒ ♡ | ❀ Summary: Tom can give away too many things when he’s drunk.
Wish ‒ ❀ Summary: Convincing Tom on giving him a Christmas present is practically impossible.
Me Necesita ‒ ❈ Summary: Tom can’t take the mysterious girl of his wet dream out of his mind.
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▹ Series: 
Boyfriend ‒ College!Tom & Shawn Mendes • Tom&Shawn x Reader Prologue ‒ [❈ • ☾] Part 1 — Part 2
Romance ‒ Soulmate!Tom  •  Tom Holland x Reader Prologue ‒ ☾ | ♡ Part 1 (Soon)
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Peter Parker
Requests are open • Askbox
▹ Imagines & Blurbs:
Don’t Say You Love Me ‒ ❀ • ☾ Summary: Peter reveals a list of things to Y/N that she wasn’t quite expecting.
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Fanfic Recommendations: Here.
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Last Updated: February 9th, 2020.
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tommydarlings · 3 years
❝𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐲𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐫𝐛 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭❞
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Hey! This is my first blurb event! :) Im kinda excited to start this and to read ur requests! :) I´m gonna post my second ( #2 ) prompt list soon! You can use more than one prompt! 
The event starts NOW!!! It will be open until March the 24th, basically exactly 1 Month! 
masterlist || taglist || requests || prompt list #1 #2
𝐑 𝐮 𝐥 𝐞 𝐬 : 
❍ I only write x fem!reader 
❍ I´m not writing any threesome 
❍ I will probably mainly write angst and smut 
❍ I would really like it when you use my two prompt lists for ur request 
❍ Please don´t write an entire story by yourself, it´s fine when u send me the prompt number + the person you want me to write 
❍ Please send me ur Requests only through my askbox 
❍ I´m only gonna write about these people: Tom Holland, Peter Parker, Arvin Russel, Shawn Mendes, Harry Styles 
❍ AU´s are allowed, example: prompt list #1, 16 & 33 w mob!tom 
❍ Please don´t send me something that includes alcohol  
❍ This is a blurb event, means, i´m not gonna write something with an higher word count than 0.5k - 0.6k 
𝐖 𝐡 𝐞 𝐫 𝐞   𝐲 𝐨 𝐮   𝐜 𝐚 𝐧   𝐟 𝐢 𝐧 𝐝   𝐦 𝐲 𝐰 𝐨 𝐫 𝐤 :
❍ Under ´#blurb event´ 
❍ In my masterlist by the person under ´blurbs´ 
stay safe and enjoy! 
ily,liz <3 
@goodgirlgonetom @majo240820 @misshale21 @itstaskeen @pure-ghost
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softguks · 5 years
alone // t.h.
pairing // tom holland x reader
warnings // insecurity??
she studies him. studies him hard, eyes narrowed and brows scrunched up until her vision goes blurry with tears. she studies the way the sleeves of his crisp, white button-up are rolled up, showing off his elegant and sleek black watch. the black tie is slightly mussed, crooked to one side, his hair a mess of brown curls that aren’t quite curls and yet aren’t quite straight strands either. his polished shoes that click off against the cold floors that match the cold and hardened look on his face. one that has taken years to get perfect. his jawline is sharp, cheekbones sculpted to perfection, the collar of his suit slightly ruffled.
she doesn’t recognize him anymore.
he’s not her tom anymore. after years of brutal training and harsh conditions, he’s been sculpted perfectly into the “perfect child”, the golden heir, the glory of the holland family. he’s lost himself in the midst of it, taking on a position he doesn’t want, and yet he can’t stop.
he chases after perfection, craves for pride and success, and now he’s gotten it. he’s the boss of the mob, the most feared in the city, and yet he feels empty and angry all the time. his emotions are bottled up somewhere deep, hidden behind the walls he’s built. he can’t let anyone in, because alone is what he has, and alone protects him.
after all, no one can hurt you if you don’t let them in, right?
she is living proof of it. he loves her. god, he loves her with every fiber of his being, every piece of him, with his entire heart and soul. he hates how vulnerable he is, madly in love with her, and yet too much of a coward to say it. it blossoms like warmth, like burning embers of a fire stretching throughout his whole body. and yet insecurities and fear are enough to extinguish that brilliant flame of beauty.
alone is what i have. alone protects me. it’s burned into him, set into stone, a mantra that he chants every time, and yet he only falls harder and faster for her. he wants so much to soak in her affection, and any chance of touch between them makes him greedy.
her skin is soft, she smells like strawberry and vanilla. her hair is silky and soft, her eyes tired and pretty broken things he holds carefully in his hands. he loves it when she presses a kiss onto his cheek, the way her lips press squarely against his skin in both a sensual and tender manner. he loves it when her fingers dip into tie swell of his hair, a hint of a smile tugging on her lips. the lopsided grin as she laughs at something he said.
she looks pretty. she always does, and yet there’s something soft and personal held in his heart as she hums through the house, the faded blue hue of her overalls complementing the striped yellow of her shirt. her hair is pulled into a ponytail, strands framing her face as she dances.
his heart aches with something he can’t quite put his finger on. he’s cold, hard on the outside, a thick mask solidified over the years. and yet on the inside, he’s broken, still persisting in the broken pieces that he’s tried so desperately to piece back together.
one day he’ll tell her. the three words of longing and declaration burning in the back of his throat, so poignant he can taste it on the tip of his tongue. but today is not that day. but when she smiles up at him, eyes gentle with care and heart bursting with adoration for him, he realizes something.
tom doesn’t want to be alone anymore.
hi! i wrote this in the span of ten minutes, so i’m sorry if it sucks, but please reblog and leave a comment or some feedback!
@angelsparkers ari! because you wanted me to tag you for the mob boss! tom fic. thinking about writing some more hehe. ❤️
permanent taglist: @sunrise-shawn @curlsofshawn @tell-me-when-ur-ready @particularnervous @artemissravenclaw @heyits-claire @shawnieeboyy @turtoix @leiamutuals @waiting-to-be-myself @michellemxndes @devilmendes @imaginashawnns @autumnlyholland @goldenmndes @ly--canthrope @shawns-sunflower @peacedolantwins2 @justanotherfangurl272 @meowinggiraffe-blog @emma1the3queen @shawn-youth @feliciaceciliamariajacobsson @loserloverb @ykicantbefoundwithyou @causeshesinlovewithme @mendes-monarch (lmk if you want to be added/removed)
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