#mod 🪷
mcyt-transcripts · 7 months
mod list!!
hi. yes. theres multiple of us now. howdy.
admins! #mod 🪼 (jellyfish): anon ^_^
mods! #mod 🪷 (lotus): @dearfizz
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star-oni-stimz · 9 months
Ok, so I may not have my replycons yet, but... SCREW IT! I'm going to work on my (single) request anyway! (Tomorrow because it's been a busy night)
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idolality · 3 months
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🍨👛 ❛ Adonis Otogari stimboard ⏎
꒰ᐢ x/x/x - x/x/x - x/x/x ᐢ꒱
₊ ˚ for @strawberrysnipes day 3 event ꒰꒰🎀꒱꒱
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sweetfessions · 6 months
Hot take from myself and the other mods:
Complaining about something bothering you or letting something off of your chest isn't toxicity. People need to learn not everything will be sunshines and rainbows. ^_^
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BPD Culture is when you don't hate that person, but getting pissed off when someone (usually new) talks to your FP because now their attention is diluted and you get much less of it than before. -🪷
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ask-tighnari · 6 months
I have hit four teachers with wet sponges today.
I applaud your aim, sponges are hard to throw.
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ayumi-darling · 2 months
🌷--Lingering Feelings--🌷
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⚠️Spoiler Alert for Upcoming game⚠️ fluff and confusion shizz--read at ur own risk
sypnosis: Ayumi in Yuki's perspective. He is dumbfounded about her and some other things.
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Sparks flew as Yuki wired the last of the wires of his latest invention, the early morning sunlight streamed through the small windows of his small inventing room--a humble abode he considers a place of relaxation for his mind, a place where he can't be disturbed by anyone or anything. "Yuiii!˜ With the exception of one.. Those luscious black strands bounce from her shoulders witn no effort at every step she took on the spiral staircase, a tray of muffins and a cup of coffee with a strong aroma that indicates it's his favorite brew.
Despite the sweet smell of freshly baked muffins and strong aroma of black coffee, a distinct scent of cozy vanilla stood out to his senses, a scent that felt like he knew for centuries. A familiar figure, short and dressed in soft pastels entered his vision, a warm smile that made him flutter inside--that he wished to never feel--Gosh, why was she perfect? Let alone, perfect for him?? "I made you some muffins and your favorite coffee" The walking angel sat beside him, placing the tray of treats--treats she took the time to make herself, just for him-- the small action was accompanied with her eyes just sparkling with what he could've sworn was concern and just affection towards him, why does she care so much? Why does he care? "You weren't in your bedroom when I went to wake you up for breakfast, so I figured you were here" The lady's voice was gentle and sweet, it itched a part of his brain he never knew existed. He took the coffee and a muffin, silently munching on the delectable treat she prepared. Yuki could only give her a faint smile, weary from his long night. When he's locked on creating something, he would forget about time and boy.. This woman knew him like the back of her pretty hands... "I forgot to tell you I was staying up late" Yuki said in between munches of his muffin and a sip of coffee, he watched as the girl stood up and tidied up a little, smiling at his little inventions. "I know" Ayumi replies in sing-song, a gentle laugh escaping her rosy lips. A melody in his ears "I told Cal you couldn't attend this afternoon aanndd I chose your sleepwear for you and changed your sheets for you" A gleeful helper she was. Facing him with hands on her hips as the sun casted a heaven-like glow on her. Her warm gaze doesn't change but her actions speak volumes of worry towards him. "Promise me you will rest at least until later this afternoon, you look like you could faint at any moment!" Ayumi exclaims, concerned etched on her adorable features that Yuki can't help but chuckle, his baritone voice like a vibration in the atmosphere around them "Alrigh' alright.." He stood up with a stretch, stealing glances at the short little gremlin who watched his every move with determination and no-bounding concern. Even with short stolen glances was she just so perfect to look at, what captivated him even more is the way she made him feel--confused yet alluring-- Who knew that someone as respected and powerful as him Would obey the words of a woman who can barely match his strength? A woman who made him feel more than a pawn. A woman who kept him straight and grounded. A woman who made him feel things he never though he could feel. A woman who made someone as smart as him rip his hair off in confusion. A woman who made him feel loved..
He was down bad for her, nothing captivates him more than that short little gremlin and it was so confusing. Why her? Why him? She shouldn't even be here in the first place. ---🌸----🌸-----🌸----🌸-----🌸---🌸----🌸-----🌸---🌸---🌸--🌸 He stares at the ceiling, he didn't bother to wipe the oil from his face before he laid down, staining his sheets with a black smudge on his cheek. His hair disheveled as he tossed a nd turned in his bed. Her smile Her laugh Her eyes Her face Her scent It all felt to damn familiar, sending a wave of comfort and tranquility in him. Like he knew it for years. Yet, at the same time It was like unconsciously does he act aloof, his guard up--despite it faltering from time to time--and a sense of unease. Does he hate her? Of course not but, it feels like it and at the same time he doesn't. Thinking so much about these unconscious feelings made him groan his face onto his pillow. Did prolong exposure to more non-witch acts made him fumble a nerve in his brain? He is confused, but one thing was for sure; Ayumi cares for him, she really does Whether he feels happy or uneasy around her, he's still grateful for everything she displays around him. For his case, he doesn't know what else he feels aside frome grateful, he knows he feels something else and when he does find out about it, he denies it--It was that damn confusing--With all this buzzing on his head, like an eternities worth of troubles...he always stumps himself with this one question; How will he be able to Love like you?
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🎀 TAGLIST! 🎀 @colum-nina
Author's note: This is something that came out of nowhere--phewww--I got exams coming up and I had to ge it out, also this was like on the spot and wasn't drafted from my notes lmao.
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talons-mcyt-help · 5 months
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✧ — hotguy stimboard ; with anything blue and orange !
[for: anon]
🔵🔵🔵 / 🔵🏹🟠 / 🟠🟠🟠
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the-npd-culture-is · 8 months
NPD culture is preferring culture blogs that will actually say something about your submission because it makes you feel special even if they do it for everyone else because we're all special and awesome and amazing
YES! i understand the importance of replying to people, because from personal experience i know how important it is to give people attention since it's also something i need often and struggle with, that's why im making the additional effort to try and reply personally to all y'alls asks even if that makes me take more time to post them. also i know that answering to everyone may make someone feel less special, but the key here is that everyone's special and cool in their own unique way that no one else except them can be. plus hey, we all have npd (or almost), so we're cool and awesome by default ;) /lh pos gen
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fictionkinfessions · 5 months
really random thing to say but I remember that I had a little bird in my canon.. it was a House Finch if I'm not wrong?? omg she was SUPER pretty, her name was Kyong!! She used to try and eat EVERYTHING she saw for some reason, though..
one time she attacked sonic just because she could.. I have no idea why, she just beefed with him most of the time.. the other times she didn't attempt to attack him were bc he gave her food or a pebble or just anything slightly shiny
still a pretty gal despite how much chaos and havoc and despair she caused :3
#🪷🌹‼️ (I checked, nobody else had the sign off ‼️ also I just realized I never said who I was or anything oh gosh.. so uhh.. hihi!! Amy Rose here!! Oh, I'm also a fictive, saying this just in case!!)
(if any blaze or metal is seeing this, ILY!! TAKE CARE AND DRINK WATER PLEASE)
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hazyaltcare · 7 months
Hi! Can I please get a Ghost from Hollow Knight typing quirk suggestion? Thanks so much! (Gonna nyoink anon tag 🪷🌙 if that's okay!)
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Hello! Thank you so much for your patience <:B
Multiple of us tried to work on this, but, we have only been able to do it now. So I hope you like these suggestions.
Typing quirk suggestion for a Ghost kin from Hollow Knight
Replacing the letter "O" with ⚫, "0" (zero), or ● to symbolize Void
Replacing the letter "O" with ⚪ to symbolize a Soul Vessel
Replacing the letter "X" with ⚔️ and "I" or with 🗡️ to symbolize one's nail
Replacing letters with 👻, maybe an "A"
Using all lowercase or all italics
Bug puns and wordplay, such as using "bugger" as an insult, using "shell" to refer to one's body, "claws" for hands, "mandibles" for mouth, "antennae" for ears, "nymph" "larvae" or "grub" for children, "imago" for adults, etc.
Ghost and knight-related puns and wordplay, if you so choose.
Using fancy brackets to sandwich your words like a higher being, like this:
⊱⊰ (just fancy)
⩤⩥⫷⫸ (nail-shaped)
< > (is also nail-shaped but not as fancy)
Emoticon/kaomoji of yourself, which you can adjust to your liking:
( ( ) ) ( ( ) )
(⚫⚫) (O O)
Mod Vintage (🦀)
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star-oni-stimz · 9 months
○●○Mod 🪷 intro○●○
Hey! My name is Dawn/Lotus!
Requests: Will be added to to-do list
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I am a splitroject, Garmadon is one of my sources, I'm a different flavor than Mod ⚔️ :P
🪷Request types
Canon/Timeline questions
🪷Personal discomforts
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🪷||Tag list
🪷||Replycon cred
Dividers cred
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idolality · 3 months
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🍨👛 ❛ Aoi Twins stimboard ⏎
꒰ᐢ x/x/x - x/x/x - x/x/x ᐢ꒱
₊ ˚ for @strawberrysnipes day 7 event ꒰꒰🎀꒱꒱
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sweetfessions · 6 months
You don't need to go on a hiatus because you feel bad about making a mistake. Having an inaccessible blog is bad, yes, but you don't need to leave forever. You can just add Prin text. It isn't some massive sin that you have to leave forever about or post about what a terrible person you are.
I've seen so many blogs start talking about how horrible and disgusting they are just because they realized their blog isn't very accessible. I have seen blogs make multiple posts insulting themselves over this.
And I mean this as politely as possible, stop whining and just edit your posts, it's that simple. And making multiple posts about "oh my blog is inaccessible I'm such a horrible person I'm sorry" in a row, stopping and then making the same posts months later just feels like you're trying to gain pity.
You don't need to make it into some big thing, you insulting yourself isn't going to make my screen reader work better or make fonts any less hard for me to read. Just put in the effort to be better, stop using fonts, provide plain text and image ids, and that's what matters. And I'm pretty sure most people agree that actually taking steps to improving your blog's accessibility is way more helpful than just beating yourself up over stuff.
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ask-welsknight · 2 months
Howdy hey wels!
What's your favorite food?
Hm...I'd say my favorite food are chocolate chip cookies! Especially warm fresh ones.
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ask-tighnari · 9 months
Heya, Nari! How was your trip? See any cool plants while you were gone?
For the mod: Welcome back! Are you alright?
I found some Rafflesia Arnoldii, Ficus Virens, Victoria Amazonica.
There were many.
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