#mod moros
nevadakincentral · 4 months
Nevada Kin Central
A kin/fictive support blog dedicated to those sourced from Madness Combat. This blog is run by 2 systems and will be primarily moderated by Madcom fictives.
You may request anything the moderators will be available to do through asks along with submitting things unrelated to requests. Some of us may goof off depending on the situation or person so be ready for any of us to not remain very “professional”.
We are allowed to deny any requests within reason. There will be a very small chance of this happening, but it will be stated for future reference.
Since this is a Madness Combat oriented blog be prepared to see depictions of blood, weaponry, violence, and anything else that can be typically found in the Madness universe. you have been warned.
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Come back later...
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k-k-armadillo · 10 months
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moro silky talksprite sketches :)
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How Brazil’s ‘car wash’ anti-corruption crusader fell from grace
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Sergio Moro was once one of Brazil’s most popular public figures. As the face of a pan-Latin American corruption crackdown, the former judge was revered by the country’s rightwing for confronting a venal political system plagued by a culture of impunity.
But since the investigation’s peak more than six years ago, Moro’s star has fallen precipitously, his standing battered by the shifting political landscape, revelations of misconduct and a series of ill-judged decisions.
The man once depicted at rightwing rallies as a barrel-chested superman and seen as a presidential contender now cuts an increasingly isolated figure, with few political allies. In the coming weeks, he faces the potential loss of his Senate seat for alleged campaign financing abuses as well as a Supreme Court investigation into his conduct during the Lava Jato, or car wash, probe.
A conviction in the latter case could bar him from running for office, analysts say, marking an abrupt end to the political career of a man who as a federal judge in 2017 oversaw the conviction and almost two-year incarceration of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, the leftwing leader who returned to the presidency for a third term last year.
“It is important to understand that this is not just about Lula or a politician from one party or the other — almost all politicians are against Moro,” said Camila Rocha de Oliveira, a political scientist at the Brazilian Center for Analysis and Planning. “He is also isolated in the legal community, among the courts, so he is in a very bad position.”
Continue reading.
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onemissrhythm · 6 months
I just played FNF cruel whispers, and I loved it. Though it has many flaws...
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Moroflexible Pride Flag
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Moroflexibility: experiencing mostly attraction to lack of intelligence but flexible in this attraction; being predominantly moro- but flexible in its identity.
Now using a moro- flag with adapted horizontal stripes without triangle/chevron. It can be considered a form of conceptum/objectum.
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That awkward moment when you’re working on Chapter 7 of a fic and you get distracted by a video game announcement. 
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blind-alchemists · 5 months
sorry, Zagreus, I've had your sister for five hours and I already like her more than you.
anyway! I did treat myself and bought the game early and. it's just very good!
in somewhat chronological order, my thoughts after yesterday's session
the music! the music is even more amazing than in the first game and if I'm done, I need to listen to the whole OST on loop
the art!! also even better than in the first game!!
Melinoë is a great protagonist
it's incredibly funny the first god we encounter is Apollo, because Apollo is the guy people modded into the first game years ago
... boy, I wonder what the speedrunning meta will look like for this game (I have very obscure knowledge about Hades I speedrunning meta)
I love the little backgrounds that pop out with the art
oh, right, I jumped into the Hades I EA late, so I never saw the place holder graphics in-game before
the environments!! beautiful.
I shouldn't have played the first game last week. It's fucking with me. where's my second dash??? Why do we start with 30 HP??? where are my death defiances??? weapon mechanics???
of course there's a fishing mechanic again.
I like Hecate's design.
saluting??? what's the lore behind that?
OH. this tone of the story isn't ... quite what I expected. A lot more serious. a lot more severe.
Melinoë doesn't remember her family??? Hello??? what the fuck???
and she keeps talking about her task with such a dutiful determination ... no, I'm not crying. But. That's such an interesting conflict.
NEMESIS!! She's holding her sword aspect!! her design!! her resentment!! her vengeance!! her rivalry with Mel. how Mel calls her Nem. please. tell me she's a romance option. PLEASE.
oh, hi odysseus.
hey, there's hypnos! ... why's he sleeping??? (funny thing is, I got the Charon dialogue that implies he's more useful this way lol)
I cannot. Take. Skelly serious. It's worse because Mel does.
I like Moros' design. The long hair going over the horns? Yeah, that's good.
Mel gets an AXE??? a heavy, double-bladed axe??? (I love women wielding heavy weapons, and as long as the rail doesn't make a return, I'm good with anything after enough time)
I like the new art sprites for reoccurring characters!
ahhh, the good old "we don't trust Olympus so we're not telling them everything" line. understandable, but I figure that's going to blow up sooner or later.
I love Mel's bond with Artemis and Selene and the implication that both helped raise her.
... and I like the predominantly female cast so far
Nemesis can show up in Erebus???
why does every chthonic goddess / titaness sound like they have a thing for Persephone. Nyx already had a few lines like that in the first game. Why does Hecate also have these kinds of lines.
the Hecate fight frustrates me to no end, because I'm very used to more dashes, more health, and more death defiances, and very different weapons :( (I have bet her twice in total so far)
unrelated, but I didn't know I needed a sheep in the Hades art style but it's so damn cute and I want a large art print of it
Archane!! I love how her silks change Mel's avatar
Oceanus is beautiful
... except for the traps. Really not digging the traps. or the maps.
CHAOS??? why are you holding your old form's head??? and why is there an embryo coming out of it??? why do you have wings??? why do you wear a suit??? the new design unfortunately checks all the boxes but upon reflection that is because it fits into that very niche character design trope I've seen in manwha recently and I couldn't put a name on it if I tried
on that note, I also adore Aphrodite's new design!!
not quite sure what I think of the gathering / farming mechanic yet
I do like the incantations, magic, hexes, and arcana though!
HERMES! I also adore his design.
wait, what? Mel's going to Olympus? You're telling me one part of the game is descending into the House of Hades and the other is climbing to Mount Olympus?? (that's my speculation, at least.)
god, I hope the cast of the first game is alright/alive. :(
I hope we also get to see Athena, Ares, and Dionysus at some point :(
on that note, I can't wait for Mel to meet her brother and realize he's the opposite of her lol. I love siblings and mirrors.
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hadesminizine · 6 months
Hello everyone, it's time to
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There is still a bit over a week to sign up for the zine, but we thought it was time you find out who is running this thing!
@thesmartbluebox is our Head mod! You can bribe them with creations of Hermes or Hypnos!
@maxgraydraws is our Graphics mod! To bribe her you can offer creations of Ares or Thanatos!
@zagreussd is our General mod! You can bribe them with creations of Thanatos or Chaos!
@/Stefanyeah who you can follow at https://bsky.app/profile/stefanyeah.bsky.social is our Layout mod! She can be bribed with creations of Asterius or Moros!
Nice to meet you!
The sign ups are still open, fill out the form HERE!
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jurassicjoowan · 6 months
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Concept art of Moros for the Carnivores mod, Phantasmagoria by Dawn, I was very happy to work with her again for another dinosaur design!
Moros, a small tyrannosaur theropod baring resemblance to the youth forms of massive apex predators in its area, leaving it to live a relatively unbothered scavenger lifestyle. The desigb is heavily based on the mod's Tyrannotitan theropod, which is the big game tyrannosaur for the modded experience.
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Due to this resemblance, it follows Tyrannotitan as a sort of omen, as the name Moros is a reference to the god of impending doom. So though this small theropod doesn't actively hunt man, you best keep your eyes peeled for its much bigger cousin...
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b1k4 · 1 year
Hello people or even better: Simblrs! (I just discovered this word)
My name isn't Bika, but you can call me that or Bia. I am an artist and I have always been an artist, I was born an artist and I will die an artist. I'm 22 years old and I live in Brazil. I'm bi or pan, whatever you prefer to call it, as long as you know that I don't discriminate, I hate everyone equally!
I've been playing The Sims since I was 5 years old, I met watching people play, I fell in love right away and until today I don't know why. I've always played to escape reality, to escape my disturbing brain and be able to listen to the silence for a few hours.
Despite having a career of 17 years (lol) I am very young in many things. For example, I started using mods last year (2022), I found out about animations/poses and etc just 3 months ago, I also found out about the world of The Sims or the Simblers just a month ago.
I love creating things, I love drama, I love romance, I love details, I love life is strange vibes, I love clichés and I love important moments. So, expect to see everything here.
Feel free on my tumblr to be friends or enemies if you want, to comment, to support. I'm a very open person, I love receiving tips, criticism, learning about new things, so feel free to help me whenever you want!
This text was made in the google translator and badly corrected by me, so forgive me. My english is very good but it's insecure lol
Olá, pessoas ou melhor: Simblrs! (acabei de descobrir essa palavra)
Meu nome não é Bika, mas podem me chamar assim ou de Bia. Sou artista e sempre fui artista, nasci artista e morrerei artista. Tenho 22 anos e moro no Brasil. Sou bi ou pan, como preferir chamar, desde que saibam que eu não discrimino, odeio todos igualmente!
Jogo The Sims desde os meus 5 anos de idade basicamente, conheci assistindo pessoas jogarem, me apaixonei logo de cara e até hoje não sei o pq. Sempre joguei pra escapar da realidade, pra fugir do meu cérebro inquietante e conseguir escutar o silêncio por algumas horas.
Apesar de ter 17 anos de carreira (kkkk) sou muito nova em muitas coisas. Por exemplo, comecei a usar mods ano passado (2022), descobri sobre animações/poses e etc apenas há 3 meses atrás, também descobri sobre o mundo do The Sims ou os Simblers apenas há um mês atrás.
Eu amo criar coisas, eu amo drama, eu amo romance, eu amo detalhes, eu amo life is strange vibes, eu amo clichês e eu amo momentos importantes. Então, esperem ver de tudo aqui.
Sintam-se a vontade no meu tumblr para sermos amigos ou inimigos se quiser, para comentar, para apoiar. Sou uma pessoa muito aberta, adoro receber dicas, críticas, aprender sobre coisas novas, então sintam-se livres para me ajudar sempre que quiserem!
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translatingtradutor · 14 days
[Entrevista] Interseccionalidade - experiências como multigênero e pardo
Entrevista entre o blog e @cepheusgalaxy
A interseccionalidade é o fênomeno em que pessoas de diferentes grupos sociais enfrentam desafios muito especificos por ser parte de ambos os grupos, ao invés de só um. Essas experiências se sobrepõem também nos quesitos de descriminação e opressão da sociedade. Como pessoas trans*, devemos estar abertos a descobrir as interseccionalidades alheias da comunidade.
Trazemos hoje uma entrevista com Angel, uma pessoa dos grupos pardo e multigênero, para responder algumas perguntas sobre sua experiência com ambos.
Multigênero -> Uma categoria de identidades de gênero em que a pessoa se identifica com mais de um gênero
Exorsexismo -> Preconceito contra pessoas não binarias e a normalização da binariedade do gênero como apenas homem e mulher.
Neopronomes , neolinguagem e linguagem neutra -> A criação de pronomes novos na lingua portuguesa, já que não há pronomes tradicionais que falem com um gênero neutro sobre a pessoa. Os mais comuns são elu ou ile, assim como a adição de "e" ao invés de "a" ou "o" quando dando gênero a adjetivos dessa pessoa e afins.
Gostaria de se introduzir?
Meu nome é Angel, moro no interior da Bahia e sou estudante de Ensino Médio. Eu sou cogênero e me considero transmasculino. Meus pronomes são elu e ele e também sou aroacé.
Como você descreveria seu gênero mais detalhadamente? Você se consideraria alguém na categoria multigênero (pessoas com mais de um gênero)?
Eu diria sim que sou multigênero, e antes de achar um termo que me coubesse eu costumava pensar que meu gênero parecia uma sopa. Vários pedacinhos de vários gêneros misturados numa (?) coisa só.
Hoje eu diria que apenas uma parte dele é uma sopa; eu tenho dois gêneros: Uma sopa confusa que eu chamo de 'metade genderqueer', e uma parte meio fluida, mas sempre neutra ou masculina que eu chamo de 'metade genderfaun'.
Como foi sua jornada para se achar cogênero?
Foi bem engraçado, na verdade. Quando comecei a me questionar eu olhava mais em identidades multigenero, e fiquei um tempinho como bigênero até que achei gênero fluído.
Depois disso eu só fiquei meio "eu n sou bem isso, mas talvez um pouquinho disso aqui com isso aqui". Eu tinha meio desistido de achar um termo preciso a essa altura.
Aí certo dia, sabe o blog @aroacesafespaceforall da comunidade aroace? Um novo mod, Ray, tinha chegad, e elu (? Esqueci os pronomes) disse que era cogênero e reblogou um post explicando o termo. Foi tipo quando aquela lâmpada acende em cima da cabeça dos personagens de HQ - eu falei, "é isso!".
Foi bem incrivel achar um termo certo e flexivel como esse depois de ter desistido de procurar a um tempo. Fazia algumas semanas eu vinha usando genderfaun porque explicava mais ou menos metade da minha experiência perfeitamente. Mas eu deixava o resto de lado e dizia "ah eu sou um pouco disso aqui (não-binário)"
Então, bum, cogênero!
De qual modo você acha que seus gêneros se interagem?
Meio que como duas metades. Uma tá sempre lá, mudando e "liderando" talvez? E a outra está do lado, influenciando meu senso de ser e sendo bem obscura.
Oque você acha da interseccionalidade - a sobreposição de diferentes identidades que causa problemas específicos a individuos de ambas?
Eu acho um fator essencial para discussão de opressão e privilégio, o que torna muito frustrante quando muitas pessoas a ignoram. Eu gostaria que ela fosse mais considerada.
Qual a sua relação entre ser pardo e transgeneridade? Acredita que eles se interseccionam frequentemente?
Essa é uma pergunta um pouco difícil de responder, eu acho. Talvez porque eu não conheça muitas pessoas negras trans. Como uma pessoa negra de pele clara, eu sofro menos racismo que meus colegas de pele escura, mas sei que compartilhamos essa característica. Como uma pessoa trans, eu só acho comunidade online e na gringa; como pessoa trans e parda, eu sinto como se nunca houvesse um espaço para ambas as minhas identidades em conjunto.
Como moradore do nordeste do Brasil, acredita que a cultura nordestina teve influência na formação tanto da sua transgêneridade quanto negritude?
Quanto à minha transgeneridade eu não saberia dizer, mas da minha negritude sim. Estando sempre cercado de pessoas pardas e negras, muitas com a pele mais escura que a minha, eu acho que às vezes me sinto menos negro, mesmo que nunca branco.
Já controu, ou planeja contar, sobre ser cogênero para o público? E para família e amigos?
Me assumir é uma missão que ainda estou fora de cumprir. Para mim eu diria que ainda é um projeto de longo prazo. Contei para um dos meus pais que era trans, mas nada sobre a totalidade desse meu gênero.
Você sente que falar da sua identidade vai ser uma tarefa difícil em aceitação e explicações que terá que dar? Por quê?
Eu não consigo estimar como a situação e meus relacionamentos iriam mudar quando me assumir, então acho que por isso estou cauteloso.
Você acredita que não ter uma única identidade de gênero afetou seu tratamento pelo resto comunidade trans e/ou comunidade LGBT?
Às vezes me sinto um pouco ignorado de vários lados diferentes. Há discussões sobre pessoas trans de diferentes tipos e sempre alguém as coloca como inimigas, assim como, às vezes, colocam-se as pessoas queer mais jovens como inimigas do estranho e diferente que sempre esteve aqui.
Essa divisão antagônica sempre me frustra. Se eu sou de ambos os lados da discussão, por que temos que ser inimigos? Não deveríamos ser uma comunidade?
E sobre ser de pele parda, acredita que afetou seu tratamento por essas comunidades?
Não muito, sendo minhas únicas experiências em comunidades online. Mas eu me sinto um pouco alienado [quanto a essas comunidades mesmo sem isso].
Quanto as discussões antagonicas na própria comunidade LGBT, você se preocupa com a direção do discurso dela no momento? Como isso te afeta no seu caso?
Nessa situação específica (da discussão de transandrofobia) eu me sinto realmente frustrado.
Porque o exorsexismo é completamente ignorado da discussão, que seria beneficial à conversa, mas por algum motivo a discussão está centrada em termos extremamente binários de "oprimido - opressor" e "mulher - homem". E ter minhas experiências negadas é extremamente frustrante, no outro lado também.
Realmente, a descriminação com pessoas fora do binário tem sido bem vista ultimamente, principalmente quanto ao uso da linguagem neutra ser tão utilizado como arma.
Muito. Às vezes me irrita como a única vez em que linguagem neutra é usada é como piada ou paródia.
Como pessoa que utiliza também neopronomes, como se sente sobre essa situação? Já teve alguma interação desprazerosa ou descriminatória sobre seus pronomes?
Em inglês já tive algumas experiências bem duvidosas. Como algumas pessoas alegando que transmascs usando "it" era auto depreciação. Também me irrita.
Em português, eu ainda estou no ensido médio, certo? Uma vez perguntei a uma professora de portugues o que ela achava de pronomes neutros. E ela disse que os achava desnecessários pois complicariam a linguagem e pessoas mais velhas teriam dificuldade de entender, ignorando como a língua portuguesa é rica e mutável e outro ano tivemos um novo acordo ortográfico! Ela também tentou dizer que de pronomes neutros nós já tínhamos "isto" "isso" e "aquilo".
Você já retificou ou pensa em retificar documentos? Como você se sente sobre a impossibilidade de botar mais que um gênero, "cogênero" ou outras identificações na sua identidade brasileira?
No meu caso, eu acho que minha metade mais definidora em relação ao meu gênero é a identidade masculina. Eu não acho que me importaria muito, mas me frustra como outros indivíduos não podem se fazer reconhecidos e se sentirem representados como eu.
Qual foi a parte mais difícil da sua transição até agora?
Sem dúvida nenhuma, me assumir! Ainda estou reunindo coragem e fazendo planos, mas tirando isso, com certeza escolher um nome que me represente. O próprio nome "Angel" ainda é uma tentativa e estou tentade a mudá-lo, mesmo que o aprecie muito.
Tem algo que gostaria de dizer para as pessoas de vários gêneros e/ou negras da comunidade?
Talvez que não estamos sozinhes. Mesmo que estejamos cercados de pessoas brancas ou cis ou que não tenhamos uma comunidade muito definida, sempre tem mais de nós. E que eu espero que sempre possamos nos apoiar.
Agradecemos Angel por compartilhar sua experiência de interseccionalidade entre a comunidade trans*, de vários gêneros e parda. É de especial importância falar com alguém como elu, que vive todo dia lutas em mais que uma frente.
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nevadakincentral · 4 months
HIIIII I’m mod Moros a Deimos fictive and I go by any pronouns!!!
I have!! No idea for what I’m going to do so I’m mainly here for moral support and to be the coolest mod (/J PLS DONT KILL ME OTHER MODS TY <3)
I’m most likely going 2B (haha get it?) doing what 2B & Tricky doo
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mewintheflesh-2 · 10 months
GB hosts a minecraft server for all the other Mikey’s to play on whenever they want. No creative, most exploits are banned. Has the mod where you get a players head if you kill them.
Mikey lives in a house in the sky OBVIOUSLY. Lots of parrots, ATLEAST 5 of each color. The server lags a lot when he makes them do their silly dances. Keeps a few phantoms as pets too. Has like 5 dragon eggs in his house and will go out of his way to bully any land or sea animal he sees by naming them dinnerbone. Has like 5 shulker boxes full of enchanted elytra. Is the main person everyone goes to when theirs breaks or they lose it after dying.
Nightsky ALSO lives in the sky, but he made a point to build his base higher up than Mikeys just because. and also lives nowhere near him. Refuses to speak with him and if they’re in room together they just keep punching eachother over and over again until someone just brings out their sword and kills the other. Then the other comes back, get their stuff, and the entire thing repeats. Nightsky has more kills on Mikey than Mikey does on him.
When nobody else is online, Fuse just gets on and does the weirdest shit to everyone’s bases. Puts villagers name tagged dinnerbone in peoples living rooms tied to the ceilings with chains. Red stone as blood across all the floors. Builds weird secret lab rooms in their homes. Kills all their villagers and steals their animals for himself.
Merryweather made his base in a cherry blossom biome, with a dark, Victorian aesthetic. Got GB to add in a gambling mod just cause.
Vamps made his home in a woodland mansion that was conveniently close to spawn. Killed everything inside and just took it over. He likes to fly around a lot at night. Almost uses as much elytra as Mikey does. Also has a hoard of bats he keeps as pets :) Got GB to add in a mod to add in a rare item in game that allows you to transform into a bat and fly around like a little freak.
McCoy has tried to blow up everyone (except Moro’s) bases with TNT. For some reason Marius’s and Fuse’s bases ended up with the most damages
Speaking of McCoy and Moro, they both live together!! They live in a winter spruce biome :) McCoy originally didn’t have a base, but Moro offered him to live in his house, and they’ve just lived together since. Their house is very cozy and winter themed. Moro even built an ice rink by their house just for funsies. GB ended up modding in hot chocolate literally just for them as a little gift.
Also speaking of Marius, he lives in the middle of the ocean. Made his own artificial island beach resort. Most of the others enjoy just popping in every once in a while, but McCoy and Moro avoid it like the plague. Which isn’t hard considering how far it is from spawn and their base.
Also speaking of Fuse’s house, It’s just a 50 chunk wide underground lab. Nothing too big :). Every weird thing you can do with mobs you can fucking think of. Somehow has an entire 15 shulker boxes full of bedrock, and 50 shulker boxes full of netherite blocks.
Keeps all his stolen animals in weird decrepit rooms with zombies and shit in them. If you want your animal back you’re going to have to let him kill you so he can put your head on his giant wall of everyone’s player heads. And also give him netherite. Has an entire shrine of himself as the centrepiece of the main lab room. If you go into the lab you’re going to have to die and lose your items to get out.
Had a weird hallway of armour stands that hold the armour and more heads of the people he’s killed. If you try to steal it back he will blow up your base and steal all your items.
Once he farmed for a whole bunch of charged creepers to the point where anytime anyone ever looked in the direction of the room housing them, their game would crash. He ended up releasing them out into the wild one day, and for the next month you could not go an hour without someone being killed by one. GB and Nightsky had to go out of their way to kill all of the ones they could find because they just got so fucking tired of dying to them. They ended up dying like 15 times in the process, 12 times for GB, 3 times for Nightsky.
Will hit anyone hes talking to with a sword atleast once in their conversation. It’s like a weird custom at this point except he gets very mad if you do it back. Will chase you down and kill you if you do.
Has a shulker box full of spawners for each type that can spawn in the wild. Will fill your house with cave-spider spawners if you make him mad enough.
There’s about 5 redstone masters on the server. Nightsky, Marvin, McCoy, Mellan, and Fuse.
I like to imagine GB’s just out trying to solve an anomaly that’s been plaguing many different universes and he just gets a text saying “Hey, Fuse is trying to kill all your animals.” And he’s just like “God fucking dammit not again.”
Moss, Mellan, and DL all live in the same house, but have here different houses they switch between living in periodically. Moss lives in your standard tall birch forest, lives next to a lush cave biome, Mellan lives on top of a mountain (he made his entire base into a fucking rave house), and DL lives in a dark oak/mushroom biome.
Moss is also one of the main farmers on the server. Has 50 shulker boxes full of golden carrots. And another 50 full of golden apples.
Mellan will always hide the weirdest shit in anyone’s bases that he visits. Not Fuse level weird but still weird nonetheless. Built a giant penis on top of Fuse’s lab just because.
Maharth “does not have time for minecraft” so he does not play on the server unfortunately and also fortunately for him
Mirri is a cosmic being and does not know how minecraft works. He tried to play once! But he broke the computer just with his mind after getting very frustrated with not understanding the game or technology. Whoopsie!! He ended up not coming back to earth for like a month after that because he felt bad about it. Also accidentally removed an entire 5 chunks of land in the process of breaking the computer. I think Mirri and GB are good friends :)
Marvin has a room in Fuse’s lab he can just come and crash in. Speaking of Marvin! His house is very redstone powered. Like, everything. Almost everything is automated, had farms for almost everything you can think of. You need any mob drops? He’s got you covered. Sugar cane? Sand? He’s got plenty! Life totems? Oh he has more than he knows what to do with.
Got GB to mod in trains into the game jsut so he could build a railway line to everyone’s bases (except for Mikey’s and Nightsky’s, kind of. The rail line just lead to a nearby spot to their bases.)
This has lead to all sorts of shenanigans as you might be able to tell with the nature of the rest of this post. The railways have been blown up like 70 times AT LEAST. Marvin kept having to fix them and he got very frustrated with everyone about it. GB ended up having to make them indestructible, but that didn’t stop people from just putting bedrock on top of them *coughcough*Fuchsia*coughcough*
Mrithun’s house!! Potion brewing lab. Whatever you need, he spot you, just give him some diamonds and you’re good to go. Has 5 shulker boxes full of each type of potion.
MANTIS!! He’s a bee farmer obviously. Has accidentally killed many people with his bees before. Prime person for any honey you might need. His bees keep accidentally ending up in everyone’s bases which is weird considering how far away some of them are from him. He swears he didn’t do it, and he didn’t, but like half the server thinks he did and he’s just fucking with them. Owns like 500 bees.
Once, all of his bees dissapeared. He asked around the server with no answer until he got to Fuse’s lab, which upon opening the door, he was swarmed by hundreds of bees. He put in chat “Found my bees.” And Fuse responded with just a smiley emoticon. It took him like a week to get them all back to his farm.
Magnus!! The one who defeated the ended dragon by himself when nobody else was online. Everyone was very upset to the point GB had to make sure that it respawned just so everyone who wanted to could have a chance to defeat it themselves. Among those, Nightsky and Mikey were not included. His house is very mystical, has a shit ton of amethyst block adorning the walls, floors, and ceilings all over his base. Also farms skulk and uses it in his house as well. Looks like a wizards house on the outside. A lot of purple and magenta stained glass and a lot of sea lanterns. Also!! A lot of items from the lush cave biomes.
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Brazil: Former Car Wash star Moro to be probed for procedural fraud
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In yet another battle surrounding Operation Car Wash (the vastest anti-corruption task force Brazil has ever seen) and its legacy, Senator Sergio Moro of Paraná — who rose to prominence for his work as a federal judge overseeing the operation — will face an investigation for procedural fraud in a case not related to Car Wash cases.
The motion to investigate Mr. Moro was greenlit by Supreme Court Justice Dias Toffoli on December 19 but made public by cable news station GloboNews on Monday.
This latest complaint about Mr. Moro’s actions as a judge revolves around the plea deal agreement signed by Tony Garcia, a former Paraná state lawmaker. He agreed to record (or at least help federal marshals record) incriminating conversations between himself and politicians and high-court justices — authorities not under the jurisdiction of trial courts (which formally made them out of Mr. Moro’s reach).
Mr. Garcia claims to have levied the accusations in 2021, but said that judges close to Mr. Moro failed to take action on it. That would change early in 2023, when a judge ideologically close to the Workers’ Party took charge of Car Wash cases.
Continue reading.
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sewers-headmates · 2 months
Hi! Could I& request an alter linked to radioactivity somehow? Besides that everything's mod's choice, feel free to surprise me& 🙂
been a bit since i made a brainmade alter let’s see if i enjoy it!
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Name: Radium, Moros, Edwyn, Nero, Mikey, Electric, Savior, War, Beast
Age: permaTeen
Gender: transmasc, chemicallexic, chemcoric, radioactivegender, hazardgender
Pronouns: he/him, they/them, chem/chemical, chem/chems, rad/radiation, radio/radioactive, hazard/hazards, ⚠️/⚠️s, ⛔️/⛔️s, ☣️/☣️s, ☢️/☢️s
Sexuality: gay
Species: radiated humanoid
Source: brainmade
Roles: manager
cisIDs: shapeshifter, green/black/brown hair, brown/green skin, mexican, fangs, asocial, autistic, green/white/black eyes, radiation
transIDs: transBlind, transPunk, transPowers, transRadiationPowers, transDPD, transADHD, transCaneUser
Paraphiles: auto(necrophile), sadomasochist
Other Labels: polyamorous
Appearance: i made 3 alt ones for you because i made 3 designs t-t
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i hope you enjoy the silly lil fella! feel free to change whatever you want!
-mod max
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medouse · 3 months
list of current insanity but in no particular order
hades 2 i cannot stress how often i have been thinking about the hades games. i might have quieted down a bit but it occupies a solid chunk of my brain. do not ask how many notes i have on my phone related to hades. please do not ask how many melinoë wips there are in csp when i should be drawing other things. theres an oc idea in the works. orz. the divine (spoiler) theory hasnt left me at all and dont even get me started on what ive been cooking about moros-
dragon age. sorry. it'll get out of my system soon. working on modding origins. ive schemes. plots. going to power through all games. i have it all charted out. tabris, andras, chansid hawke, canon adaar, noncanon solavellan playthrough. might throw in a modded mage mahariel or a brosca run for shits and giggles, but we shall see.
dnd. kapriçi is so morally dubious i love an 8'1" goliath woman with just the most bizzare vibes. i love her so much the problem with dnd ocs though is they have an audience of like. 5 people. i dont even know where to start but you know its so jover when i start making a family tree for ocs. you know its jover.
guild wars 2. mmorpg brain is BACK full force i got enabled to make an engie. neonach is so gorgeous, and im planning on retiring drisleach in hot. pour one out for the salads. neons gonna be my proper commander i think so... ough. its so pretty i wanna draw it. i made it like yesterday maybe day before and its so pretty. i have so many screencaps of it already.
pillars of eternity. one of these days my black ass is going to sit down and write a whole thing about pallegina més rei and there is nothing you can do about it. nothing will stop me. i miss iðunn and i wrote a lot for her but im kind of thinking about making someone new. still a cipher though. you'll have to take cipher out of my cold dead hands. the writing will come back. it might even stay up this time. what a world.
basically its so over for me just leave me in the trenches theres simply nothing for it. we should all count our lucky stars that i have yet to get far enough in either pwotr or kingmaker to be fully in that brainrot too but its only a matter of time.
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