bubbledtee · 1 year
all of the modern!80s!metallica boys would absolutely wear a shirt that says “I ❤️ MY GIRLFRIEND” out in public for their girlfriends
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I think spock and kirk should travel back in time to more stereotypically homoerotic periods, such as the 1880s, ancient greece, the Renaissance, etc.
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ichayalovesyou · 5 months
Why Do Old-School TV Duos Have SUCH MLM Vibes?!
I think there’s something very specific about the formula and writing style of non-serialized/semi-serialized shows from the 60s to 80s that featured two grown men going on wacky dangerous adventures that makes my gay little literary analysis brain go absolutely off the wall bonkers. I’m trying to figure out why!
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I’m writing this on my Trek blog because I don’t think this pattern in people actually shipping these types of relationships the way they do if fandom as we know it wasn’t born via TOS in syndication. That being said! I also think it has to do with the way these shows are designed that makes myself and others OBSESSED with a specific character dynamic that feels (to me) damn near impossible to replicate in modern television. In a way that’s more than just fandom, it’s in the way TV like this was written at the time!
Further explanation under the cut!
I think what it usually boils down to is this. There’s a charming protagonist whom without the series could not operate, frequently top billed or the title character! (See: Wild Wild West, Starsky & Hutch) BUT he doesn’t have anyone to play off of! So what do they do pretty much every single time? Give Mr. Idealized Vision of Time-Period Masculinity For Genre a second guy to rhyme with!
See but the other guy has to play opposite but parallel to our hypermasculine protagonist. So what frequently ends up happening is that in order to play off our “normal” guy, even though he’s also a white dude, is that he’s still somehow Other.
They’re always perfect for each other, and they always get into scenarios that would be written, shot and interpreted by conventional audiences as romantic IF either one of those characters were a woman! Especially at the time these shows were made in.
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If the one is aggressive, the other is gentle. If the protagonist is violent, his counterpart is intellectual. If the one is stoic, the other is emotional. Which (while one size def doesn’t fit all) usually makes the second guy come off as much more queer-coded (and sometimes other minorities like neurodivergent/disabled etc) than the other because of the traits associated with masculinity vs gayness at the time! Our prime examples in these gifs are Spock, Hutch, Artemus, and also *BJ!
*(M*A*S*H is a bit of a unique case since the show flirts with queerness more openly in ways that people more into the series have explained better than me but I think it still fits the formula I’m discussing.)
Here’s the thing though right? We’ve got two best friends, and the show NEVER really feels right if one of them is missing unless the focus of the story is how A & B operate without each other while trying to find the other one. They stick with and rescue each other unfailingly in scenarios that might destroy a regular friendship.
Hell, there’s often stuff that would emotionally/physically destroy a regular person/character in modern media. But because it’s not serialized they always seem to pull through seemingly through the power of friendship alone or dealing with it off-screen! Emotional consequences? Yuck! (Unless it’s M*A*S*H or Starsky & Hutch, like I said, not monolithic)
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Here’s the thing that some people might say throws a wrench into the interpretation I’m discussing. What about the absolutely non-stop parade of conventionally attractive women the main protagonist (and less frequently the supporting man) goes through?
I would reply: how many of those female characters actually emotionally impact our protagonists as characters long term?
The answer is of course, because it’s NOT serialized, almost none! Kirk can watch Edith Keeler get killed by a car accident and still be making eyes at Spock the next episode. Hawkeye can have a “life changing” romance with a Vietnamese humanitarian woman, then share a blanket with BJ next episode like she never existed!
The Doylist explanation of course is not just the fact it wasn’t serialized but also just, constant, blatant 20th century sexism. Which SUCKS!!! As well as not wanting a long term love interest to throw off the character dynamic of our duderagonists. It’s the 20th century tv equivalent of bros before hoes.
However the Watsonian explanation always seems to result in no love interest EVER being more important than what the two protagonists have no matter whether you think they’re queer or not. No attractive woman could make our reputed babe-hound protagonist abandon his buddy. There’s no earnest romance our more queer-coded supporting man doesn’t end (or get ended for him) often for the protagonist’s sake.
Now some of these women are incredibly well written and straight up GOOD matches for our guys. So why wouldn’t they get involved in something long term UNLESS!! They were in love with each other the WHOLE time?
What if protagonist (frequently the babe hound) doesnt know he’s queer, or knows but doesn’t know he’s in love with his bestie, or any number of similar fruity explanations? The supporting man also runs into this explanation but people tend to believe he’s already aware that he’s queer but either also doesn’t know he’s in love or is keeping it to himself because time-period homophobia and/or thinking (probably not unreasonably) that babe hound is straight?
Between the inherent closeness of being narrative foils. The regularly scheduled life or death drama creating sometimes insanely romantic (in the narrative if not a literal sense) drama between the two. The revolving door of weekly women they never seem to get attached to enough to leave one another. The non-serialized nature resulting in sparse personal information/history about the protagonists as a result.
I think between the very NATURE of the way tv shows were written at the time. Plus the way fandom was shaped by a dynamic that has rippled through how media works and is interpreted by fans for decades upon decades. It’s not hard to imagine getting really emotionally invested in the possibility of the protagonists being in love is a fantastic way to enjoy the media!
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In conclusion, it’s really fun and easy to go “these bitches gay! Good for them good for them!”
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kelin-is-writing · 4 months
kelin may i hear more about rockstar touya \(★ω★)/
I was planning to post other headcanons before going for these, BUT I’ve got some for Rockstar!Touya that are pestering my mind these days and your asks come in the right moment, so bear with me please 🤧
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The first time Touya knew that he wanted to become a rockstar was in middle school, right at the age of thirteen, his influent CEO of a father was trying to mold him into a carbon copy of himself to rival Yagi Toshinori’s Enterprise. While taking a break from studies, he saw his sister watch on TV a rock concert of “Loudness” and to say Akira Takasaki is his role model is the least. That’s a true legend to him.
After “Loudness” and Akira Takasaki, he discovered “Metallica” and Kirk Hammett which made him go like “HOW??? HAVE??? I??? MISSED??? ALL??? THIS???”, scolding himself for taking so long to fall in love with the electric guitar and its sound. The next week he’s blasting full volume “The Final Countdown” by Europe inside the Todoroki Mansion like the good old stamp rock fanatic he is, getting himself scolded and grounded by Enji who is a fan of traditional Japanese music so yeah…
At one of the Todoroki family gatherings during the weekend, he was scrolling down his phone looking first of all where to take guitar lessons and second for a guitar to buy, but he knew his father would never agree to get him one. That’s when his grandfather, peeking at his grandson’s phone, butted in and asked Touya if he’s interested in music. He wasn’t sure if it was a good thing to answer that question, since he’s the father of his father, but he did and hell has it been the best thing he did!
On his fourteenth birthday, Enji’s father bought Touya his very first electric guitar, a good old Fender Stratocaster CUSTOM MADE for him. It’s snow white like his hair and has a his name engraved on the bottom left side of the guitar, while on the other side there were engraved tiger’s fangs, all in turquoise… The color of his eyes. And this has been by far Touya’s best birthday ever.
After finishing Middle School he choose to attend an Art School, taking the music classes as main classes of course; he may or not have done it to piss off and raise Enji’s blood pressure from how mad he got for choosing something different from Finances and Management. Oh his father was livid and Touya was so proud of himself for that.
He has formed a rock band, of which he’s the guitarist and vocalist, with Tenko Shimura (Bassist&Vocalist) and Shuichi Iguchi (Drummer) called “The Villains”… Are we even surprised about this name? Really? Because I am not. Tenko suggested, Iguchi supported strongly and Touya just went with it because complaining and thinking about another name was “Too much effort”. He likes it a lot but will never admit it.
At the age of nineteen, Touya owns a Fender Stratocaster (Custom Made), an Elite Stratocaster, an ST-83-80 Japan (1983) black, Lone Star Strat, IC350 black, IC50 black, ICHI00 white, Gibson SG Standard mahogany and a Jackson Pro Series DK Modern HT6 MS. He also owns four acoustic guitars for songwriting, like a Martin GPC-X1E, Martin 000-28 Modern Deluxe, Taylor GS Mini-e Rosewood SN LTD and a Taylor AD22e. Did he pay all them with Enji’s credit card? Hell yeah. Did he do it out of spite? Absolutely. Did he care about his father’s blood pressure rising even more? Not even remotely.
His favorite groups are Loudness, Metallica, Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, Europe, Scorpions, Slipknot, Three Days Grace, Green Day, Skillet, Linkin Park, The Rasmus, L’Arc-En-Ciel, UVERworld, Nirvana, Guns N’ Roses and Evanescence to list some, because there are many more he adores honestly. He isn’t a picky ear as long as the song gives him chills and inspires him, being someone who’s driven by emotions that’s what makes him likes something he hears.
Atsuhiro is their homeroom teacher, at the Art University they attend, who introduces them to Giran, a friend of his, who has an agency for new talents and after they sent him six of their songs wants to launch their very first album by August to make them debut at the “Rock In Japan Fes.”
Touya, being the emotional driven type of musician, is the one put to write the lyrics for the band’s songs and most of the times are hits, especially because his and Tenko’s voice brings to life the emotions of the lyrics in a way that it reaches the listeners right into the heart and soul.
You will never catch Touya’s fingers empty, there’s always rings decorating them and some rings are even custom made by his cousin Geten, who owns a Jewelry shop that he promotes a lot on his social media. One of his most precious rings is the one that he got made for him, with his birthstone carved in it, when he turned eighteen.
He has three earrings on his right ear: an helix, mid helix, conch and low helix. Four on his left one: two helix, a low helix and one on the lobe, plus three nostril piercings on the right side of his nose.
After “The Villains” debuts and proving his father that he could succeed through music without his help nor his name, Touya owns now a black card that he lets Fuyumi and Shoto use to their heart content.
Last, but not least, be ready to be the muse of Touya’s songs the instant he falls head over heels for you. The moment it happens everything, and I mean everything, to him becomes about you driving Tenko and Iguchi to pure exasperation.
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zahri-melitor · 29 days
Batman v Ra's Al Ghul, by Neal Adams: A Bronze Age fever dream of a comic, written in 2019-2021.
Neal Adams caps off his over 50 year career with DC comics by...them letting him write a book for the first time in a decade.
Now, Adams is famous for his Bronze Age artwork, not his writing, and it's deservedly so: this is not the comic you would pick up if you were interested in award winning writing. But I have to say, it's actually something far more fun than 'good writing'.
I think the easiest way to describe the incredibly wild vibes of this title are 'Adams writes a multiverse Bronze Age time travel AU fic', where the cast technically consists of a modern set of characters (Dick is Nightwing and both Tim and Damian are Robin), but all of the characters are drawn, talking and acting like they just walked off a page in 1974 or so.
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For assistance, that's: Dick in the yellow with the very 70s black vest; Tim in the blue t-shirt; Damian in the red t-shirt; and Bruce in the suit. You end up keeping track of them in this title by their haircuts.
Bruce and Damian here cannot remember anything about being Batman and Robin; Dick and Tim appear to have shown up with a fantastical story that cannot be proven (as I said, this has INCREDIBLE reality hopping AU vibes).
Some of the characters have been mindwiped. Some of the characters are robot duplicates. A whole list of characters Adams helped create show up largely because he created them (seriously Kirk and Francine Langstrom show up for a couple of pages mostly to give Dick and Tim an airlift into a difficult to reach entrance to the Cave). Nobody sounds particularly in character at any point, but that's not really a problem in this comic, because what it really is is a giant jolt of Bronze Age style writing nostalgia direct to the brainstem.
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They don't make comics like this anymore and reading one written in the 2020s like this reinforces why.
Deadman's brother Aaron and sister Zeea show up; his brother is busy pretending to be an alternate Australian version of Batman called Marvin O'Hearn, and his sister is a psychic running around in the most 70s outfit imaginable controlling things and mindwiping Bruce on Ra's orders.
(And yes, if you too just asked 'Boston Brand has siblings???' the answer is 'kinda sorta but definitely not these two', however given Adams was writing Boston in 1968 at one point he's got as much right as anyone else to claim there are additional siblings)
There's a group who PRETEND to be the Court of Owls but secretly are a group of industrialists called The Money who want to control the world via paying for legislators, judges and industry (and yes I realise that sounds exactly like the Court's thing, but Adams was almost 80 when he wrote this, he can have an expy Court if he wants one).
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Bruce pretends to be Matches for a good chunk of the back end of this comic and it actually acknowledges that Matches Malone was a real gangster before he died and Bruce stole his identity (something other writers and the fandom often forget), because Adams wants one more spin with the character he designed.
There's also a moment in the sixth issue where one of Ra's pet scientists tries to sell a panel of Gotham execs on a perpetual motion machine based on electrolysis as his replacement for the current Gotham power generators and at this point I lost it giggling at the portrayal of Ra's as a cheap charlatan.
(There is also a sneaky joke that only works if you know what British salad cream is; there's this sequence of the kids talking about Alfred making sandwiches with 'crappy salad dressing' instead of mayonnaise, only this tray has been made with mayo...and it's a hint that Alfred has been replaced by a robot. I laughed; I suspect it might be non-obvious to American audiences)
This is not a comic to read if you are interested in 'main continuity' or 'coherence' or even 'good writing'. However if you want some wild antics that feel like someone's 3am fanfic AU written in pure Bronze Age vibes and to see the last work of one of Ra's Al Ghul's creators? Give it a chance. You'll never be able to predict what's on the next page.
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undead-cat-in-space · 20 days
Thinking about Star Trek references in X-Men
There are like at least two times when someone is watching Star Trek in the X-Men movies:
Hank in X-Men: Days of Future Past
The Egyptian children in X-Men: Apocalypse
And I noticed both times the Star Trek scene being shown mirrors the theme of the movies in which they appear.
Days of Future Past:
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This is a scene from The Naked Time, where the Enterprise travels back in time. (We can hear Kirk say “We’re going backwards in time.”) Which is literally exactly what Logan is doing in that movie.
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Now, this is a bit less on the nose, because there’s no dialogue highlighting what’s happening in the movie. But this is Who Mourns for Adonais?, where Apollo, an ancient god, is being confronted with modern humans and grappling with the fact, that they don’t worship him anymore. This mirrors what En Sabah Nur is feeling in this moment, as an ancient mutant god coming to terms with the 80s mutants.
It’s also funny how both times Deadpool makes a reference to Star Trek it’s specifically to Kirk and Spock (arguably K/S), and both times he’s talking to Wolverine:
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distorted59 · 1 year
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Enjoy your stay here, babe!
oneshots/stories ❂
A Week In San Francisco (part 1 - part2) 80s!James Hetfield x Hammett!Reader - (eventual) smut
Breakfast is Served (request) 97!Jason Newsted x reader - (angst/fluff/slight smut)
Bite me please (request) 93!Kirk Hammet x reader - (smut)
drabbles ✯
aftercare with current!James
modern!90s Jason bf
Jason taking care of you (while on ur period)
headcanons 𓆃
Cliff Burton
Lars Ulrich
James Hetfield
Kirk Hammett
prom with 80s James
working on !
80s!Lars Ulrich x Reader - smut
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burningexeter · 7 months
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Attack On Titan: Deathwatch
An Adult Swim Original Series
Only On Toonami
What is it —
A full-blown American made animated sequel series to the Attack On Titan anime that is also a female-led spin-off starring Historia Reiss and Mikasa Ackerman as the protagonists.
Trina Nishimura as Mikasa Ackerman
Bryn Apprill as Historia Reiss/Christa Lenz
Zelda Williams as Daniella Ryback
Kiefer Sutherland as Tobin Foster
Bruce Campbell as Brisco Walsh
Kirk Acevedo as Sam Vahue
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Four years after both the Rumbling and the Battle Of Heaven and Earth and one year after the epilogue, we find that the Queen Of The Walls is no longer Queen Of The Walls as we at first follow Historia Reiss, now going by her former alias 'Christa Lenz', who's currently residing in Manhattan, NY (yes, you read that right and you'll get the detailed explanation later) with her daughter Ymir, having put aside her crown and role as ruler of Paradis in order to give herself and her child a new life that's as ordinary as can be. But the chance at said new life and starting over doesn't come easy in any way, shape or even form as Historia is struggling to live a normal life with her kid as a modern-day person in the Big Apple for she's working an underpaid job as a hospital nurse, is already behind on rent, lives in a closed down bookstore she turned into a home and top it off, she owes debt to three dangerous people who are tied to the criminal underworld running drug trafficking in the big city.
It's through the latter that one of the three she owes payment to takes an interest in her and drags her into said underworld where after Historia betrays and (spoilers) shoots her the first chance she gets once she gets a sniff of enough money to pay off her debts and give both her and Ymir the life they want, the person reveals that not only (more spoilers) do they have grotesque regenerative and contortionistic powers but that said person is none other than Mikasa Ackerman herself.
Against her will and being given the same abilities as her, Historia is forced to not only marry Mikasa and be her wife but also be part of what Mikasa's been truly plotting only for it to unfortunately go south due to the effects of other storylines interweaving with each other and ultimately leads Mikasa down a path of redemption and letting go of Eren Yeager while it leads Historia down a path of hope and letting go of her girlfriend Ymir, her husband Wolfgang and her sister Frieda.
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• First things first, what's up with the modern-day Manhattan, New York setting? Here in Deathwatch, it's revealed at least here in the anime continuity that Marley and Eldia are only just ONE side to this universe as the rest of the world is perfectly fine and exactly as it is today with said rest of the world having completely ostracized Marley, their allies and Eldia in absolute horror and disgust but now after the events of the series finale, the modern world is now paying full attention to their side now that 80% of them were wiped out and the Titans are gone. This is introduced to us through Historia watching CNN on one of the hospital's flat-screen TVs.
• The show will not only go back to its grounded and grittier roots of the first two seasons of its predecessor as no matter how big and fantastical as it gets, it still remains somewhat grounded or grounded to some degree especially with the characters, action sequences and scenarios but also be done in the animation style of the first two seasons of its predecessor as well with Mikasa and Historia being in their S2 designs to which they fully acknowledge their new appearances.
• As for who the other characters are, I won't give anything away however I will only tell you about two to give you a good taste of what I'm cooking — Tobin Foster (Kiefer Sutherland) is at first what appears to be another criminal who is an enforcer keeping things in line only for it to be revealed that he's in fact an undercover FBI agent ready to take this drug operation down while Sam Vahue (Kirk Acevedo) is an escaped prisoner on the run who's not only guilty of his crime but is also used as a pawn in the chess game that the characters including Mikasa and even Historia are playing.
• Now let's get to the good stuff with Mikasa and Historia — here after the bird returned her scarf to her that Eren wrapped around her when they first met, Mikasa starts off as a totally different person but not in a good way. She's now a deadly and extremely dangerous bounty hunter who at first hunted and killed modern-day criminals and is currently working certain gangs against each other for her own gain. Top of that, her personality is different too.... she's cunning, smooth-talking, twisted, sadistic, boisterous, vile and controlling with a dark sense of humor and enjoys tormenting Historia. At least, that's how she starts off. For as it goes on, Mikasa begins to open up to Historia once she realized she and her have a lot in common with each other and starts showing a softer side to her. It's this softer side that romance begins blossoming as well in this dark underbelly. They start becoming a genuinely loving and caring couple with Mikasa doing whatever it takes to protect Historia, her beloved wife. It's shown that the two of them, despite their horrifying start at the beginning, do truly love each other and end up becoming a power couple right down to where whenever one of them is in trouble, the other is always there to get her out of it.
• Others added into the mix are flat-out horror elements, the animation being more expressive and fluid, Mikasa's body movements being cat-like, it having brutal but grounded violence on the same level of something like Oz and Bound, the fourth image above being the looks and outfits of Mikasa and Historia and last but not least also showing flat-out sex and full-frontal nudity.
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• Just for fun, both Mikasa and Historia will have their bumbling, screw-up and boobish moments like these three examples throughout to show that they're anything but perfect yet it makes sense in the context of the show because Historia is getting back into any sort of actual action before she became Queen and Mikasa thinks that she's been through so much and has fought against so many odds that she makes no mistakes at all.
• Another thing just for fun is that there will be a few easter eggs here and there sprinkled in from other media that anyone whose a fan of all sorts of different types of said media can catch quickly. For example, Historia uses a black Egyptian book to beat a certain character on the head multiple times.
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idyllic333dreams · 1 year
No because modern 80's Kirk would have a nsfw twitter acc I JUST KNOW HE WOULD
(Feel like he would be pretty big on tiktok and insta Because he's Just so pretty and so cool AND he probably would be Into cosplay as well)
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celluloidstyle · 1 year
pump up the volume (1990)
director: allan moyle
costume designer: michael abbot
production design: robb wilson king
set dec: tina treglia (peterson)
cinematographer: walt lloyd
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BEING WEIRD ISN'T ENOUGH not sure why i like this pin, but i like it.
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this film takes place on the cusp between the 80s and the 90s, but i loved that these kids drove these 60s/70s(?) cars, i think to signify that they were low income and couldn't afford modern cars? but i love the atmosphere in this shot.
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not the greatest screencap, but i adored everything janie (lala sloatman) wore. the cat-eye glasses, the oversized pink pearl earrings, the ponytail scarf. even though i related to nora's artsy side, i wanted to be janie.
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mark (christian slater) is like two different people. at home, he wears cool retro bowling shirts embroidered with the name "dick" and sasses his parents, but at school he wears bland clothing (like he wants to blend into the background) and acts all shy.
i also just really loved mimi kennedy as mark's mom, marla, using a teacup to ash her cigarette into, i just thought it was so posh!
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again, loving janie's dangly statement earrings, and the colour combo with her floral bolero (?) and sweet pink dress. i didn't love nora's (samantha mathis) outfit as much, but i was intrigued by the piece she wears over her dress. it ties at the back of her neck, and i think again on her lower back, so it's like a... halter vest? the turtle necklace is pretty dope, and though you can't see it in this shot, she is also wearing purple and white striped tights.
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paige's (cheryl pollak) bedroom is a dream! the floral wallpaper and the white bed are so lovely, but the seafoam green radio really makes the colour scheme pop.
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man i wish i had a teacher this cool! ellen greene as jan emerson (do they call her miss emerson in the movie? i can't remember), wears the coolest outfits, and she is introduced in this amazing mustard suit accessorized with a turquoise bolo tie! the look is amazing, but it also alerts us that this film takes place in arizona.
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paige, doing her WASP thing in an oversized sweater over a blouse, with a string of pearls. it's the necklace that does it for me.
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i mostly just wanted to see how many celebrities i could identify in this shot: keanu reeves, johnny depp, george michael, kirk cameron, corey haim, richard grieco... (stole this image from imdb as it was much clearer than my screenshot)
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i forgot that plaid wallpaper was a thing and i think it's due for a comeback. particularly loving the plaid (shirt) on plaid (wallpaper) in this scene, so cozy, like a cabin!
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so many things to love in this scene: number one, the heart curtains; number two, the kitten sweatshirt (the kittens look like they might be puffy and i can feel it in my mind); number three the "homework causes brain damage" sign on the wall--classic! number four, the clear lamp filled with gumballs? and the cow hanging from it! number five and six, the blue radio and the clear phone! i want one!
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did you notice that the tissue box in the highschool staff room is the same as the tissue box in the depressed student's room? do you think it was the same box?
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nora's room reminded me of my own room in highschool-- walls plastered with images, and plenty of candles. i think nora might have been one of the prototypes for the manic pixie dreamgirl.
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Believe It Or Not I Care
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mazz's (billy morrisette) denim and leather look is good.
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an example of one of mark's drab shirts, but also nora's completely adorable velvet blouse with a peter pan collar! also, i'm learning that the next time i wear a collared shirt, i need to add a long statement necklace.
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so this scene is near the end of the film, and i loved mark's shirt here. i also realized that it's more of a cooler, bolder look than he has previously worn to school, so i think it's supposed to symbolize mark coming out of his shell and revealing more of his true self at school/in public. look at me, i get things.
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finally, loving this floral blouse and braided leather suspender on miss emerson. i would probably wear this.
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BONUS here's a picture of drew barrymore at "an event" for pump up the volume (according to imdb), i'm assuming it's the premiere, just looking cool and badass. i need that jacket.
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another bonus: this adorable promo photo of christian & samantha <3
anyways, most of these pics are my own screenshots, but you should check out higher resolution images on imdb. i couldn't find any articles about the wardrobe in this film, but i did find this 30th anniversary article that was interesting.
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bubbledtee · 1 year
Just thinking abt how modern!80s!kirk the type of bf to go out of his way to buy you little stuffed animals and squishmallows. Like.. stopping at stores by himself just to look for them and gift to you. And you know that he lives to lay in your piles of stuffies 😭 he'll come home with a big walmart bag and give you and haul of all of then bc he's so proud :(
this is so real. and i feel like james does this too.
you’ll be on your period or just had a bad day and he’ll (james or kirk, up to you) will come over to your place with at least two new squishmallows and your favorite snacks and candy. when you ask him what it is, he’ll pull the plushies out with the biggest smile on his face and tell you their names because of course he memorized their names from the tags before he even bought them for you. he’s just so proud of himself for getting you a gift, and when it makes you get so happy he’s so happy and udgjejrkfkf this is incoherent but i just wanna see james laying in my pile of squishmallows rn
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heavnlyhetfield · 2 years
if i were modern 80s!james’s gf, i would try so hard to convince him to let me pierce his septum. I FEEL LIKE HED LOOK SO GOOD WITH A SEPTUM PIERCING IDK
him already having his ears pierced multiple times (modern 80s!james would have gauges, bc i said so) and he’s afraid of how much it’s gonna hurt
“aren’t they, like, the most painful ones to get on your face? what if i sneeze it out?”
“jamie. you’re not gonna sneeze it out. hold still, you big baby.”
and after he gets it he realizes oh shit i look metal as fuck. once it heals he’s constantly sticking weird shit in the piercing hole and sneaking up on you or posting it on snapchat with the 0.5x camera. also, kirk lets you pierce his tongue… for obvious reasons
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particlewaveform · 1 year
hello, I've seen you Star Trek posting a lot and I've gotten curious.
Hypothetically speaking someone wants to watch it where does one start?? What do you suggest?
o hi there!!! so technically you can start whenever you want - some series reference previous series a bit more than others but if youre sticking with 80s-2000s trek it doesnt make a big difference (new trek such as discovery, strange new worlds, lower decks..... its a whole other ball game you really need context)
so now its rly all about the vibes you want!!
2009 movies: a LOT of new trek enjoyers got into the series through these ones - theres only 3 movies and their pacing is p much like most modern media so theyre easy to consume. more actiony than the rest of star trek. they are gonna have people like kirk and spock and bones etc
ToS (the original series): the OG! what started it all! this is the technical START of the series but its got really slow pacing so it might be harder to get through. this is THEE epitomy of submarine warfare but we love it. makes up for it by silly 60s shoestring budget, sass, COLOUR, and the most iconic charas in star trek (kirk, spock, bones, uhura, scotty - its a great time!)
TNG (the next generation): another really good place to start the series (this was my start as a kiddo) essentially this is the trek most people think of and sets the vibe. good pacing, consistent story, more modern graphics, and provides most of the worldbuilding for the whole series. the vibe here is mostly diplomacy > action but dw we still got silly scifi happenings. this will have picard, riker, worf, data, etc
ds9 (deep space 9): tumblr's darling child. the MOST gay and chaotic out of any of the treks - its insane how good (and bad) it can get. this has some carryover from tng but doesnt effect the story at large. a drawback for most people is its based on one spacestation so theres little to no exploring which is the bread and butter of star trek - it makes up for it by delving deeply into the alien races that live nearby instead of having them The Alien of the Week and never talking about it again. big themes of Imperialism/resistance/spirituality which is just Chefs Kiss. has characters like sisko, julien, garak, dax, kira, obrien, quark/odo, worf again
Voy (voyager): ever wonder what these ships are like in a crisis situation? ever think "wow star treks idealism would be hard to hold up without support and safety?" WELCOME TO STAR TREK: SURVIVOR. ship gets stranded hundreds of years from home and has to make the long journey back with little resources, allies, and a stedily degrading ship and crew. VOY weirdly has a bad rep but its v good and i just chalk that up to weird nerd sexism about the first female captain (Janeway my beloved). ofc it has its ups and downs like EVERY star trek series. crew becomes very much like a found family and theres tons of exploring since everything is new and exciting! has people like Janeway, Chakotay, Tuvok, Seven of Nine
ENT (enterprise): we've had a LOT of starships called Enterprise but this is the first! this predates the federation which is the defining theme of star trek in general. it heavily leans into a low tech astronaut feeling instead of scifi science magic. got canceled when it was just getting good and i really think its worth a watch. has people like Archer, T'pol, hoshi, Shran
tos: Classique 60s hijinks
tng: diplomats in space but cool
ds9: chaotic gays in space
voy: oh god everything wants to eat us
star trek itself is really a love letter to life, humanity, and the possibilities of space - i grew up watching it and its really been one of the most impactful medias of my life. if you do try it i hope you enjoy it and have fun!
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yowlthinks · 1 year
Numbers Game
Something happened today in the way of mixed age social group dynamic and I am still thinking about it. The key question I am still struggling with is what is better, what is healthier (for all the participants): segregate the participants by age with lower and upper limits, or just let everyone who wants to be part of the group be there? And then if we say "better", for whom exactly is it better?
A few days ago a massive GO fandom WhatsApp group was founded and pretty soon it swelled to nearly a 100 participants globally. Did you know you could reach 1500 (one thousand five hundred) unread messages in a group by just not looking at your phone for a couple of hours? Neither did I, but now I know. Anyway, it was lovely, just as this whole fandom is, and among all the one-liner chatter there were some really nice more in-depth discussions about life. It was a little overwhelming, but I liked it.
Now, the age of participants varied, you could see that straightaway, but that was not a problem, because it wasn't like there was anything in the discussions that you could not discuss with a teenager. But then today the inevitable question of "how old are you" came up and apparently some members were shocked to find out the age differences. When you're 36 and a 16 year old asks you "What are you doing here?", I'm not gonna lie, it stings a little.
You want to turn around and tell them that in those 20 years since you were their age you have not, in fact, disappeared. You still read and write fanfiction, enjoy a good meme and generally are allowed to have fun. Yes, even if you have a job, kids and all those other adult things. Especially, because you have all those other adult things and they weigh on you, but you are still you and it is good to remember that. You want to turn around and scream that you are not "old and boring". That you need that little happy corner to dive in and let yourself go happily unhinged over fictional characters. And you have every right to do it.
But then I guess, if you are 16 and you have this fandom where you run away from school, parents and teen angst, you want to have this as your own world. You think people who are in your fandom are essentially all more or less like you. And finally someone understands, someone knows your suffering!! And when it turns out that apparently there are people closer to your parents' age enjoying these same things, well, it feels like a betrayal. Like some sort of spies infiltrating your fortress of happiness, and you want to turn around and shout at them. How dare they take this from you?! You are already going through so much, and now these old boring people dare to steal this one happy thing from you?!
The thing is, Internet is great at mixing people and bringing them together. And fandoms are a place where discussions happen, which wiuod never happen in real life. And to get those discussions, it is good to have different perspectives, and yes, this diversity includes diversity of age.
It is also good for teens to know that life does not end after 20, or 30 or 40. Or even 50, or 70. Life only ends when you die. And there is noone who should police what you enjoy as long as you are doing this without harming others. You do realise that the first modern fanfiction authors are pushing 70 and 80 now, and can you honestly tell me that these people suddenly lost their ability to imagine and enjoy the things they love? I bloody well hope not, because being ale to enjoy what you love is what makes life worth living. It is just a little uncomfortable to think your gran is probably not averse to reading or at least imagining Kirk/Spok stories in her head, yeah, probably saucy ones too. This thought doesn't really fit the narrative, so you push it away. But knowing that it is possible, makes the thought of being an old person a little less scary. "I will still be me".
Anyway, long story short, there is now a separate group. It is smaller and also devoid of stickers (did you know WhatsApp has stickers?! I had no clue, I don't know if it is a generational or cultural thing, but whatever), and I hope it will be a joyful place and full of discussions.
That "what are you doing here?" still stings a bit. But I guess, it is the right thing to let the teens have space wherever possible, they are going through it all, so let them be.
And hey, look at me, having fun on Tumblr, coping with being in my mid-30ies so well.
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defconprime · 1 year
You seem to have read quite a lot of Star Trek novels. Have you noticed any distinctive change in the novels' style throughout the decades? I mean changes in plot types, characterization, tropes, themes, etc.
I would say in the 70s and early 80s it was a lot of stuff delving into Kirk and Spock’s relationship, sometimes bordering on slash. Then in the late 80s and through the 90s it was more explorations of the friendships of the crew. When they had carte blanche to do whatever post Nemesis the books were just focused on Big Things Happening. Not exactly sure the new books have a stylistic commonality yet, or there aren’t enough of them to figure it out. Since Kristen Breyer is one of the modern Trek novelists and also heavily involved in the writing of the new shows the new books seem a little more controlled in what they can do, although there was one that had a lot of great background on Tilly that may be sorta semi canonical. Hope that helps!!!
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scotianostra · 1 year
Tumblr media Tumblr media
The Merchant Maiden Hospital was founded on the 4th of June, 1694.
The name of the Merchant Maiden Hospital is a wee bit of a misnomer by modern interpretations of the word ‘hospital’. In fact, the role of the Hospital was the housing and education of women who had fallen upon hard times, rather than a place for curing the sick.
The chief contributor was Mary Erskine (after whom one of Edinburgh's schools is now named). She purchased the original house and garden-grounds near Bristo Park. In 1694, Mary was approached by the Company of Merchants of the City of Edinburgh to help establish a hospital school in the Merchants’ Hall in Edinburgh's Cowgate. Mary generously donated 10,000 merks for the foundation of the Hospital.
Later, in 1704, Mary Erskine went on to found the Trades’ Maiden Hospital in Edinburgh, which was situated on the eastern side of Argyle Square. The book, ‘Old & New Edinburgh’, comments that “the hospital was intended for the daughters of decayed tradesmen and was a noble institution, founded in 1704, by the charitable Mrs. Mary Erskine, the liberal contributor to the Merchant Maiden Hospital [who] was a joint foundress of both.”
The school later moved to the building shown in the second picture, situated beside the Meadows, which was begun in 1816. It is of Grecian character, and accommodated about 80 girls between the ages of seven and seventeen.
The building included sleeping accommodation, three school-room, a meeting room, a kitchen, washing house, laundry and a chapel. The highest floor consisted of a series of rooms, extending the whole length of the building, used for drying clothes during the winter months.
A grave marker remembers Mary Erskine in the city's Greyfriars Kirk-yard.
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