lycheeleeches · 2 months
I was going down memory lane and the urge to draw these freaks again, came. Not fully satisfied with how they look but I personally think it’s a massive improvement from how I used to draw them
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It’s nice to see how much I’ve improved :D
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darkcademiasss · 2 months
When its 3am but the grumpy morally grey caracter had a 'oh, oh' moment as they stare at the sunshine character all while trying not to have a panic attack.
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you see the reason intrulogical works so well is because logic is the only side that could possibly handle intrusive thoughts when they're bleeding into your creativity, activating your anxiaty, and messing with your morality. applying logic lets you place yourself outside of the thoughts and see that they don't actually say anything about you.
and also because the on-screen dynamic is fucking glorious everytime
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renomonarch5058 · 10 months
(Guess who’s on a Sanders Sides hyper fixation lol) Imagine the salt circle thing with demons but it’s Remus and a soap circle lmao
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sil1ycat · 7 months
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[Emojis: Roman, Patton, Virgil, Remus, Logan, and Janus]
Sander side emojis because yippee I love sander sides!! Virgils is kinda hard to read when it's tiny so might remake it at a later date.
(Check pinned post for DNI & Usage!)
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Remus, exasperated: Oh my fucking god... Remus, appalled: Oh my fucking god... Remus, excited: Oh my fucking god... Patton: Hey, Remus... do you think you can think of something more creative to say than "Oh my... effing... G-O-D"? Remus: Oh, sure thing, pops... - Remus, the next time anything happens: Good Lord Who Fucks...
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joe-spookyy · 1 month
so glad it’s not illegal to use lycanthropy as a metaphor for obsessive compulsive disorder cause i’d be in jail big time…. but i’d still be right give me one werewolf character you can’t apply an ocd lens to. exactly you cant. it’s about the guilt and the lack of control and the feeling like you’re irreparably bad or a monster and the fear of hurting others and the anger and. it’s perfect.
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padfootastic · 1 year
it’s funny that people write remus as this badass who’s almost rolling his own cigarettes and smoking joints in the common room or wtv when that guy gives me the exact vibe as those kids in school/college who would fake cough when walking past someone smoking while making full eye contact.
or, the scared kid who’s terrified of even being near smoker because they were a sickly child and they don’t want their lungs to shrivel and die + they’re terrified of their mom
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confused-wanderer · 6 months
Why does no one take advantage of the fact that the sides can literally dress one another? Gimme Remus and Roman arguing about something, Roman getting heated and swearing to chop off Remus’ limbs and keep them from regrowing when Remus suddenly smirks, and points behind them.
Roman just hears a “WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK” before he turns around and sees Virgil there, in a very.. revealing and jaw dropping outfit that makes his brain make dial up noises for the next ten minutes while Remus just laughs at him and Logan sighs in exasperation wondering if he should just make a bet with Patton to get them together at this point.
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I want to read some good fluff or angst (preferably with happy ending but not necessary) so does any of you have any fics or writers suggestions??
As long as there isn’t any smut you can suggest it as I’m a bit bored and tired of smut sorry
Writers you are ofc also welcome to shoutout your own work <3
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lycheeleeches · 2 months
Draw Virgil on the roof with Patton yelling at him to come down before he hurts himself but Remus encourages him to stay on the roof ‼️💥
(I’m exploding i LOVE ur art, I must eat)
Oh thank you <3
my requests weren’t open so this was a surprise but luckily enough I was going to open them so this works out
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Hahaha hope this is enough to satiate you
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casurlaub · 1 month
Can we please agree that liking a character doesn't mean you have to explain away their every bad call? And that disliking a character doesn't mean you have to overlook their good qualities to have them fit your narrative? No one is just this or that. It's always a range.
The lack of nuance in parts of this fandom annoys me so much. And let's please drop the double standards - finding excuses for every 'bad' thing character A does while demonizing character B.
Dumbledore is no super villain. Yes, he put defeating Voldemort over Harry's (emotional) needs. He isn't some supportive father figure, but he's not responsible for the war nor everyone's decision to join in. 'He raised an army of children' - um no? Because if so, he, the greatest wizard of the age, did a shitty job. In both wizarding wars it was just one group of friends joining the Order, not a huge number of former students. So either super-smart Dumbledore seriously sucked at recruiting, or maybe he didn't try all that hard?
James wasn't some prime example of social justice warrior from the very beginning. Yes, he had - to some extent - a set moral code, he hated the Dark Arts, and he certainly never used dark curses on others. But he found it entertaining to hex students at random. He was a classic bully; he did it because he could and because he found it funny. He enjoyed it. But that doesn't mean he had no good traits - he cared for his friends, befriended Remus (practically an outcast), and later he changed. I can't get over the people who find excuses for Snape's bullying of his students, of literal children when he's an adult, but seem to think James was the worst person to ever exist.
Sirius has a ton of good qualities; I could write an essay about it. But guess what, that doesn't make the prank thing okay (no matter if Remus cared about it). The same goes for the Snape bullying and his condescending (cruel) behavior towards Peter. And his treatment of Kreacher, who was oppressed, not the oppressor. And why do we applaud him for 'forgiving' Remus in PoA for not trying to get him out of Azkaban? What's there to applaud? He was in Azkaban because he thought Remus was the spy, did we forget that? How do we expect Remus to suss out that Sirius thought himself clever enough to outsmart not only Voldemort but also Dumbledore? Sirius isn't on some moral high ground here. He wasn't in Azkaban because of Remus but because of his own arrogance and lapse of judgement.
Remus isn't some impersonated moral code. He isn't 'the sensible one' by default. He makes a ton of shitty, truly awful decisions (roaming Hogsmeade while a werewolf, not telling Dumbledore about the secret passages or Sirius's animagus form in PoA even after Sirius, the alleged mass murderer with an agenda of killing Harry, broke into Harry's dorm, abandoning Tonks...). But he isn't some master manipulator with a hidden agenda either. He was driven by his self-loathing first and foremost. And when did it become worse to be a bystander than to participate in the actual bullying? (I'm not saying it's okay, but how can we find excuses for James and Sirius, but Remus is super evil for doing... nothing? When it's stated that Snape was following him and trying to uncover his secret to get him expelled? Shocking he didn't feel all that sympathetic.) Of course he is passive-aggressive, of course he was selfish/cowardish, I don't know, but he isn't evil? He's usually kind (ffs, he even felt pity for Greyback), and his issues are in the end all rooted in his endless self-loathing. That doesn't excuse it. It doesn't. But it doesn't mean he's acting like he does because he's an inherently bad person. This idea of inherently 'bad' or 'good' people is naive and harmful anyhow. Besides - I feel some standards imposed on him are impossible to meet, when the same people are quick to explain away James's/Sirius's/Snape's flaws. Remus is suffering from massive childhood trauma that he's forced to relive every month, he's stigmatized for it by society his whole life, but he himself is supposed to just 'let it go'? Without therapy or anything? Right...
And even Lily isn't a saint. She's fighting back a smile when James is bullying her (supposedly) best friend?
Snape is no tragic hero whose every wrong is justified because he turned around and sacrificed himself. Of course, he was brave. Of course, he had a shitty childhood. That doesn't give him a free pass. He was up to his eyes in the Dark Arts when he arrived at Hogwarts already, he invented curses like Sectumsempra while at Hogwarts, he sold the 'love of his life' to Voldemort. And even after he 'changed' and overcame his fascist views, he bullied children he was supposed to take care of - as a grown man. Not only Harry, but also Neville, Hermione, Ron, who knows how many others. So, yeah, cool, he protected their lives 'when it counted' - 'when it counted'??? You don't belittle your students, you don't insult them, you don't threaten to poison their pets no matter what happened to you when you were a kid. You're an adult, take responsibility. Easy as that. What happened to you may be an explanation, but not an excuse. And do we really think he didn't strike back at James and Sirius? That it was just James and Sirius and him taking it lying down without doing anything himself? I don't.
It's entirely natural to relate more to one character than another and to feel more sympathetic towards them. But let's move away from this 'all or nothing' way of thinking.
To me, they're all beautiful because they're flawed. It makes them real. I don't want them to be stripped of their flaws, not even my favorite characters.
Don't take Sirius's darkness away, don't turn Remus into the ever gentle voice of reason or the super selfish master manipulator (same goes for Dumbledore) and ffs don't excuse Snape's fascist views and bullying of children.
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there’s something to be said about the fact that janus is the most professional out of all the sides. i genuinely think that he’s the only side playing his part because it’s his job, and not because he has any personal feelings attached.
virgil showed signs of genuinely wanting to be accepted and loved by thomas and the other sides. logan definitely values thomas’s validation a lot and becomes sad when he doesn’t get that validation. remus.. might actually be the second most professional side. but since he seems to work under janus (janus sending him over to thomas and telling him what to do), i guess a lot of that professionalism comes from janus himself. remus isn’t as stupid as he seems obviously, but he doesn’t have a clear-cut agenda like janus does.
i just think it’s interesting to see a side who is only concerned with thomas’s well-being because it’s their job and they want to do a good job. even janus’s frustration at thomas not taking his advice and later his excitement about thomas acknowledging his points came off to me as someone dealing with their kinda shitty boss (no offense to c!thomas, i just imagine that’s how janus views him lol). of course, janus has some fun at his job but i mean, i would too if no one ever listened to me and i’m automatically labelled as the bad guy.
all of this is slowly beginning to change since janus seems to be getting closer to patton but i guess we’ll have to wait and see if they actually become friends or if they’re more like coworkers on friendly terms.
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justjanusthings · 2 months
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enby-trash-rat · 24 days
Patton: I'm worried about you...
Remus, dunking oreos in whiskey: Hm? Why?
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