#morguna stark
avengers-legacy · 2 years
Astra parece que todos seus irmãos estão bem, eles não tem causado confusão.
Morguna: Bem parece que o imã de problemas de irmão dimensionais, é você princesa. Quem diria que seria a ovelha negra.
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Astra: Primeiro, diz que eles não tem causado confusão, e não que nunca causam ou se metem em confusão. De qualquer forma é bom saber que todos estão bem! Falem que eu disse para se meterem mais em problemas, quer dizer, aventuras. E segundo, ninguém pediu sua opinião Morguna.
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irondad3000 · 1 year
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funnyincorrectmcu · 2 years
Tony: I’m so tired I could eat a horse. Peter: I identify as a horse and this offends me. Harley: I identify as offends and this horses me. Morgan: I offend horses identify me. Pepper: Hold on.  Pepper: *turns to Tony* Why would you eat a horse if you were tired?
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the-mad-starker · 7 months
Starker Fluff: LUV U, from Morgan💗
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For @starksvinyls in @starkerfestivals Starker Valentine's Day Exchange 💗💗
I chose this prompt!
Prompt: Their kid’s first valentine’s day in grade school and them helping prepare
I hope you like it and that my fluff was sufficient 🥺 I don't write fluff much but I had fun writing this!! And of course, the hardest bit was finding a title and I finally went with this 😱 the LUV U, from Morgan💗 is supposed to be towards the entire starker fandom cause I love you guys 💗
Rating: G
Notes: Omegaverse, married starker, mpreg (Peter is currently pregnant in the fic), domestic fluff
WC: 2662
(AO3 Link)
Tony Stark, perusing down the aisle of a local Walgreens? More likely than you think. Especially when he's being led by the hand by his 6 year old daughter, Morgan.
The little alpha girl was determined because she had seen the softest, prettiest blankets and had wanted to get them for her best friends.
“There! There!” She did a kind of hop skip, jerking impatiently in place because of her grip on Tony’s hand.
For such a little girl, her grip was strong but even then Tony just grinned and hurried along. Once they were close enough, Morgan let him go and eagerly reached up on her tippy toes to get the large throw blanket.
Tony could've easily gotten it for her but she was at that age where she wanted to do everything by herself so Tony let her when it was possible.
The blanket was almost bigger than her, a cute turquoise blue that was decorated with cute candy hearts. Once Morgan had it in her hands, she rubbed her face against a candy heart that said “LUV U.”
“It's so soft,” Morgan marveled, “just like Mama’s nest blankets.”
She ran her little hand over the blanket’s surface and looked up at Tony with those honey brown eyes she inherited from her mama and Tony’s mate, Peter.
“Do you think they’ll like it?” she asked with all the seriousness a 6 year old was capable of.
Tony knew a simple yes wouldn't do it so he bent down on a knee and held out a hand.
Morgan offered it to him and Tony took it. He ran a critical eye over it and let out some serious sounding hmm’s and ahh’s.
The blanket was soft and warm, the fabric especially tailored to omegas and meant for their nests. There was even a little pouch area where an alpha could insert an included heart candy shaped pillow. An alpha could scent the pillow and it could be inserted into the pouch so that the alpha’s scent could soothe the omega it was given to.
It was a popular gift given by alphas for good reason.
Of course, the price for it reflected that but money had never been an issue. He could easily get something of much better quality but this was the one Morgan wanted to give. And so, it was the one they were getting.
It really was a cute gift and even though Morgan and her besties were far from the ages where such gifts were really intended for, blankets were common gifts given between friends. Besides, just because it was tailored to omegas didn't mean alphas couldn't receive it as gifts too. Sharing scents between friends was a common gesture of affection, after all.
Overall, Tony thought it was a thoughtful gift for Morgan’s best friends.
“They’re gonna love it, Morguna,” Tony announced, showing his approval.
Morgan gave a large smile and proudly said, “I like it too! And look! There's a few different colors!”
Morgan took back the blanket with a happy smile and Tony smiled too, infected by her enthusiasm.
This time, Morgan watched as Tony pulled a few more blankets, each color getting the young alpha’s approval.
Once their main objective was secured, they checked out the rest of the aisle. Besides getting her besties their gifts, Morgan was also handing out Valentine's Day cards along with a small little gift baggie.
The Valentine's Day aisle was full of gifts. Fuzzy blankets, slippers, and of course, lots and lots of chocolate and candy. Across from the gifts was an aisle completely full of plushies of various sizes.
Tony had the pleasure of helping her load their little basket with goodies to make for goodie bags for the rest of her classmates. For the most part, he indulged Morgan’s choices, especially since she mostly went for cute pencils, stickers, erases, and mini notebooks. They were sold as sets, all intended for the little goodie bags that the Stark family would be setting up.
The little Valentine’s Day cards that sported the Avenger’s faces were ignored. Morgan had seen so much Avengers merchandise that she was mostly immune to it. Plus, for some reason they always made Iron Man’s face a little funky.
Instead, Morgan’s eye was caught by cute little animal themed Valentine’s Day cards which she happily put into the basket.
Tony did turn a blind eye to the little Spider-Man and Iron-man pair of plushies she snuck into the basket. It wasn't exactly easy to ignore when they were as big as her arm.
“For Mama and Daddy,” Morgan told him anyway. Then she held up a squishmallow of Spider-Man that was the size of her hand and asked, “For Morgan?”
Tony was supposed to be the stern parent but he quickly melted to Morgan’s puppy eyes. “How can we have a Spider-Man and Iron-man without a little baby Spider-Man?”
At Tony’s comment, her eyes lit up and she quickly went back to where she found the baby Spidey, only to come back with another little Iron-man of the same size.
Tony should've known and yet, when she looked up at him, offering the toy with the question, “For baby Benny?” Tony could only melt at her request.
Even mentioning the baby that Peter was carrying had Tony turning into a pile of mush. The baby in Peter’s belly was, according to Google, the size of a papaya at week 21. Their second pup, Morgan’s little brother that she was already spoiling.
Peter often blamed Tony for it, but they both knew that their little Morgan was just a thoughtful and excited Big Sister to Be.
“Of course, baby girl,” Tony smiled wide, lowering the basket so she could put the toy in. “We can't forget baby Benny.”
“Course not!” Morgan nodded oh so seriously, a satisfied smile on her face.
While they waited in line, Tony took a quick picture of their haul and sent it to his mate. Peter’s exasperated but fond response had Tony grinning.
My Love, My Mate, Hubby ❤️
We’re going to have a whole room dedicated to plushies of us and the team, aren't we? 🧐
Tony Stark
Guess I shouldn't spoil what Pepp and Rhodey got the kids.
The conversation ended there as Tony and Morgan were next in line. A few minutes later, the two left and returned home.
There were plans. Plans which involve Morgan going to bed at 8 PM, the latest, but of course, things never panned out the way they wanted.
Morgan was too excited for Valentine's Day and even more so when they returned to find cupcakes waiting for them. Tony and Morgan had gotten the goodies while Peter had gotten the bags and cupcakes.
What followed was a night of chaos, as Peter, Tony, and Morgan worked together to put the goodie bags together.
Between the two of them, Peter was the genius as he set up the empty goodie bags on the table. Tony was regulated to organizing the packs of stickers, pencils, and erasers.
Their Morgan was fairly popular but she only called maybe two other kids her besties. For these, she personally picked out their stuff, but for the rest, Tony took over.
It was messy. It was a little chaotic.
Tony could've easily just gotten some grunts to do this or even easier, just bought some standard goodie bags. But as he was dropping pieces of candy, one by one, into each bag, he couldn't help but watch his two favorite people.
Morgan and Peter were across from him, working on the cards.
“This one for Parker?” Peter held up a card with some cute little frogs and read the front, “I hop we stay friends forever!”
“Oh!” Morgan giggled at the words and nodded. “Yeah, they’ll like that! They like frogs!”
Morgan took the card and focused on writing her classmate’s name with Peter’s supervision.
“P-A-R-K-E-R,” Peter instructed gently.
Morgan’s pencil was steady as she wrote and she echoed back each letter.
“...K… E…R!” She cheered as she finished. “Like this?”
A sweet smile crossed Peter’s face and kissed the top of Morgan’s head.
“Good job, baby.” he said then smiling down at the name, he added, “Did you know Mama's last name used to be Parker?”
Morgan looked up at Peter with a surprised look.
“Your last name’s Stark though! Like mine,” she said, 100% confident.
Peter just laughed and smiled. “Yeah, it's Stark now but before I met your Daddy, my name used to be Peter Parker.”
Morgan’s mouth formed a little O as she thought about it.
“I like it,” she decided, “But I like mama as Peter Stark too.”
Peter laughed again before agreeing wholeheartedly. “I like it too.”
Their laughter and soft giggles had Tony looking up, pausing in his own task. He had caught the tail end of the conversation and couldn't help the warmth that spread throughout his body as he looked at them. His pup. His mate. This moment… It was just part of their daily lives. It wasn't even Valentines Day and all they were doing was preparing for a little kid party.
A moment in time, something normal, and just every day. And yet… Tony felt like he could capture this moment, have it become one of his core memories. Morgan and Peter, their heads bent low as they worked together. Morgan’s little fingers curled around a pencil while Peter watched her, one hand on his pregnant belly, and the other fiddling with another Valentine's Day card.
“Love… M… o… r… g… a… n…!” their daughter cheerfully completed the card.
Morgan then looked up, as did Peter.
“Tony?” Peter asked curiously. He arched a brow even as Morgan reached over to hand the card to the alpha. “Anything wrong?”
He took a second to reply, just taking in the sight of Morgan looking at him curiously and Peter’s familiar and much loved face.
“Absolutely nothing, sweetheart,” Tony replied.
He took the card and continued putting the goodies in the bag. This time, he focused so they could get everything done in time. Even then, he had one ear listening to his mate and pup and occasionally, if he looked up and watched them joke around and write the cards, no one would blame him.
Truly, there was absolutely nothing wrong in his world.
His heart was full and he was not lacking anything in the world when he had these two– his family, his loves. His smile only grew wider when he thought of baby Benny.
There was absolutely nothing wrong and everything right.
After they finished, they were left with several neat rows of goodie bags, each one tucked by hand written cards by their sweet alpha girl. They made sure to praise her. Morgan had inherited Tony’s busy mind so being able to sit down for the hour was an accomplishment. It helped that Peter coached her and kept her attention by engaging her about her classmates.
Once dinner passed and then bedtime, Tony carried their kid to get washed up and from there, Peter took over.
Tony caught a glimpse of them, Morgan squealing as she ran into her room. Her arms were full of the plushies that were bought earlier, as well as the little heart shaped scent pillows for her best friends.
Peter tucked Morgan into her own big girl bed. There were a few blankets from their nest because even though Morgan was a big girl now (her words, not Tony's), she still couldn't fall asleep without the scent of her mama and papa. Tony hadn't protested the loss of their stolen blankets. He may even shed a tear when the day comes that she no longer needed or wanted to be scented by her parents but that day was somewhere far in the future.
By the time Tony came by, Morgan’s eyes were sleep heavy. They only fully close once Tony and Peter each give her a kiss on the forehead, exchanging “I love you”s and sleepy good nights.
Tony left the door open a crack and led his mate to their own comfy little nest with an arm around his waist.
When the lights turned on, Peter let out a soft little gasp when he was met by a huge bouquet of roses set by the bedside table.
“Oh…” He turned a pleased little smile towards Tony. “You know I don't need roses, Tony.”
Since Morgan was born, it felt like sometimes there was a fast forward button pressed on their days. There was just so much to do and so much to plan for. With the arrival of baby Benny, it would only get busier. And yet, Tony was determined to do his best to show how much he loved his mate and to do even these little things like get his roses whether it was Valentine's Day or not.
Tony hummed and wrapped his arms around his mate’s waist.
“I know, darling, but you deserve them,” Tony said. His hands slid towards Peter’s belly and he gently caressed the small bump there. “You're my partner in crime, the omega to my alpha, the mother to my kids– I love you, Pete. You've given me so much, let me give you flowers once in a while?”
“You give me so much more than just flowers, alpha,” Pete said in return. He cupped Tony's face in his palms, and the kiss they shared was as sweet as chocolate.
Tony sighed in contentment and breathed in the scent of his mate, his home.
“Wait– wait, don't distract me,” Tony huffed, pulling away to Peter’s surprise. “I have another gift for you.”
“Oh?” Peter questioned.
“Yeah, sit down,” Tony told him and Peter, with a healthy amount of curiosity, did as he was asked.
He only understood when Tony knelt down and took a hold of his foot, one hand cupping the sole whole the other rested on top.
“Oh!” Peter gasped, almost melting back into their nest of pillows and blankets.
“I learned a new thing,” Tony said as he massaged his mate’s aching foot. “I know it was around this time that it got particularly hard when you had Morgan and I felt bad that I couldn't help before… So just lay back and relax, babe.”
Peter had no complaints and by the time Tony was done, he had a fully relaxed mate cuddling into the pillows.
Inside him, Tony’s alpha was very pleased at being able to relieve some of Peter’s pain. He was even more pleased when he came into the nest and spent some time with the baby.
He caressed his mate’s pregnant belly, talking to baby Benny and peppering kisses on Peter’s belly. His soft words were mixed in with soft hmm’s from Peter and those words turned into a wordless pur when the omega started running his hand through Tony’s hair.
“Goodnight, baby Benny,” Tony whispered and pressed one more kiss to Peter’s belly. “Be good and let your mama rest, okay? You can go nuts when you come out, Papa will take care of you.
Peter chuckled, the soft laugher making his belly quiver beneath Tony’s touch.
“You say that now, but remember when Morgan came? You were a mess,” Peter teased him gently.
Tony kindly didn't mention that they had both been a mess as new parents but they had eventually found their way, hadn't they?
Morgan, being a great kid, was evidence of that.
Tony settled behind his mate, spooning against him so he could continue petting the soft skin of Peter's belly.
“I’m a pro now,” Tony protested quietly. “And I'm sure Benny will be a little angel.”
“Mhmm…” Peter murmured, already slipping into sleep. Tony nuzzled in close, kissing the spot right behind his mate’s ear.
He fell asleep to the sound of his mate’s purring, feeling content with his lot in life.
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polizwrites · 1 year
Both. Both is Good
This is a fill for the  WinterIron Discord WinterIron Pride Prompt Party prompt: Day 20: Both Are Good  
Rating: General Pairing(s):  Bucky/Tony/Pepper Warnings/Triggers/Tags:  Polyamory,  Poly-V,  Morgan Stark is a curious child. Summary: “Daddy? Do you love Uncle Bucky the way you love Mommy?”      
Word Count:  437 words
Tony was washing up the pots and pans from dinner when Morgan came over and tugged on the dishcloth he had tucked into his belt.  “Daddy?”
“Yes, punkin?”  
“Do you love Uncle Bucky the way you love Mommy?”   Tony stopped mid-scrub.  He had figured his inquisitive daughter would eventually ask questions about the relationship dynamic between Pepper, Bucky and him,  but he hadn’t expected them quite so soon, nor to be quite so perceptive.
“That depends on what you mean,” Tony replied, drying off his hands. “After all, I love lots of people.  Mommy,  Bucky, Rhodey,  Peter,  and you of course.”  He swept her up into his arms and planted  noisy smooches on her cheeks, making her giggle in delight.   But it wasn’t enough to distract her.
“I mean like getting-married  forever-and-ever love,” she explained.   “We were talking about families at school today and how some of us have a mommy and a daddy,  some only have a mommy or a daddy and some have two mommies or two daddies.”
Tony could see where this was going.  “And did any of them mention uncles or aunts?”  
“Sure,” she shrugged, “and some of them even had a special uncle or aunt living with them, but those kids usually just had a daddy or a mommy, not both.”  
“I see,” Tony replied, trying to figure out the best way to explain a poly-v relationship to a five year old. “Well, it’s like this. I love your Mommy very much, in the getting-married forever and ever way.”
“Which you did - there’s  pictures in the hallway,”  Morgan chipped in.
“That’s right.  And I feel the same way about Bucky.”
“Are you going to get married too?” She bounced up and down excitedly.  “Can I be in the wedding?”  
Tony sighed.  “I wish we could, Morguna. But there’s a rule about not being married to more than one person at the same time.  
She crossed her arms and wrinkled her nose.  “That’s a dumb rule.”  
“No argument here,” Tony chuckled.  “As for Mommy and Bucky, they love each other too, but not in the same way.”
Morgan’s forehead wrinkled in thought, and she slowly replied, “So, it’s kind of like I have two daddies, and a mommy, right?”  
“I suppose so,” Tony replied, just as slowly.  “But like I said, there’s rules, and people sometimes aren’t very nice about things like that.”
“So Uncle Bucky is my secret, other daddy?”  
“Kind of, I guess.”
Morgan looked up at him with big hazel eyes. “Can I tell him that?”
Tony couldn’t help but smile in reply.   “I think he’d love to hear it.”
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Irondad Drabbles
https://archiveofourown.org/works/49600951 by N_Nightshade Just some Irondad drabbles to drive the shadows away. AKA I'm sad and life is hard so I'll run away from my problems by writing about Tony and Peter getting the happy ending they deserve. Also, there might be no Morgan because while I love her 3000, I also love the idea of Peter being the one and only apple of Tony's eye. Sorry Morguna. Words: 586, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Iron Man (Movies), Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, May Parker (Spider-Man), Ned Leeds, Michelle Jones, Loki (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Sam Wilson (Marvel), James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Stephen Strange, Shuri (Marvel), Clint Barton, Bruce Banner, Nick Fury Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark, May Parker (Spider-Man) & Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, May Parker (Spider-Man) & Pepper Potts, Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark Additional Tags: Not Avengers: Endgame (Movie) Compliant, Not Canon Compliant With Movie: Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021), Canon Divergence - Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie), Everyone Is Alive, Domestic Fluff, Platonic Cuddling, Protective Tony Stark, Protective Parent Tony Stark, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, tony stark is a helicopter parent, Protective Avengers, Peter Parker is a Little Shit, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Tooth-Rotting Fluff read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/49600951
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psychiccatpanda · 2 years
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Warm When the Cold Breezes Blow So the ones I finished are the ones that have a little badge from one of the past bingos/events.  :)  The ones with X’s I have ideas for/fics started but did not finish yet.
B1: Interrupted by Supervillains -  The Knack to Flying with Flair: Or, in Other Words, Hold My Hand - A WinterIron Round Robin - Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark - General
B5: Domesticity - Burn the World Down for You (Chapter 18) - Bucky Barnes/Brock Rumlow - Explicit (though this chapter is not)
U1: Shelter - Find a Home With You (Chapter 4) - Bucky Barnes & Tony Stark; Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes - Teen
U2: Hurt/Comfort -  Something to Get Me Through the Nothing - A WinterIron Round Robin - Tony Stark/Bucky Barnes - Teen
U3: Takeout/Pizza -  The Devil Is in the Details (Sign on the Dotted Line) - Chapter 3  - Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark/Clint Barton - Teen
U4: Inclement Weather (Swapped!) -  Warm When the Cold Breezes Blow - Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark - Gen
U5: Retirement - Burn the World Down for You (Chapter 17) - Bucky Barnes/Brock Rumlow - Explicit
C1: Wrong Number - The Devil Is in the Details (Sign on the Dotted Line) - Chapter 1 - Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark/Clint Barton - Teen
C3: Free Space -  Find a Home with You (Chapter 3) - Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers; Bucky Barnes & Tony Stark  - Teen
C4: AU: Royalty -  Morguna and the Green Queen - Bucky Barnes & Morgan Stark - Teen
K1: Newspaper Clippings - Flawed Hypothesis - Epilogue (moodboard) - Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark - Mature
K3: James Rhodes/War Machine - Too Good to Be True (Chapter W Is for Weddings) - Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark; James Rhodes/Carol Danvers; Steve Rogers/Natasha Romanov - Mature
K4: Til Death Do Us Part - Burn the World Down for You (Chapter 16) - Bucky Barnes/Brock Rumlow - Explicit
K5: Secret Admirer - Grab My Pen and I Write Up a List - Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark - Gen
Y5: Warm and Fuzzy Feelings - Part One: Avengers Assemble - Bucky Barnes/Clint Barton - General
Adopted: Picture of Clint boosting Bucky into a small opening - Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf? - Bucky Barnes & Clint Barton - Gen
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sash-au · 1 year
Morgan Stark-Potts
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Full Name: Morgan Harriet Stark-Potts
Aliases: M, Morgs, Morguna, Steel
Affiliation and Relationships
Team: Iron Legion (Co-Leader)
Relatives: Tony Stark (Dad), Pepper Potts (Mom), James Stark-Potts (Brother), Tonya Stark-Potts (Sister)
S/O: Elsa Martinez
Close Friends: Penny Rhodes, Cassie Lang, Cooper Barton, Lila Barton, Lacey Hill
Pets: Alpaca (Gerald; Family's)
Age: 21
Birthday: December 2
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Lesbian
Height: 5'6"
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Brown
Mental Illnesses/Disorders/Etc: Anxiety
Species: Human
Unusual Features: n/a
Powers and Origin
Powers: n/a
Origin: n/a
Place of Origin: New York City
Personal Information
Citizenship: American
Occupation: HR Employee at Stark Industries
Education: In College (Business Management; NYU)
Language(s): English, Spanish, Italian, French, Latin
Personality Type: INFJ
School Information
Starting Year: 9
Starting Class: 2B
Notes and Trivia
She doesn't really like being in the spotlight
She used to play softball
She can't cook worth shit
She's a stickler for grammar
She skateboards
She was emo in middle school
She plays guitar and likes to write songs
She's always very stressed
She's not a morning person
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incorrect-spiderson · 5 years
Peter, points to T’Challa: Alright Morgan! What is this?
Morgan: A cat!
Peter, points to Natasha: Okay, and this?
Morgan: A spider!
Peter, points to Bucky: Good! How about this one?
Morgan: Wolf!
Peter: Great job Mo! Last one is super easy.
Peter, points to Sam:
Morgan: An Asshole!
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avengers-legacy · 2 months
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Capítulo 1: A Stark pede ajuda.
O prédio diante deles é imponente. Cheio de vidro que refletem a lua naquele momento, as ruas principais sempre estão cheias, mesmo naquele momento tarde, as pessoas ansiosas saindo de seus trabalhos e entrando nas lanchonetes, restaurantes e bares para deixarem o estresse do dia ou semana para trás. Mas as duas figuras na motocicleta fazem o contrário, deixam a mesma estacionada e vão na direção do prédio comercial. Não são uma dupla diferente, mas dois adolescentes chamam atenção naquele lugar, principalmente que os estagiários saíram a horas atrás.
— Com licença — o homem atrás da enorme mesa chama, o garoto olha na direção da garota, se afastando do botão do elevador que sequer havia apertado — Precisam ser identificados no computador e revistados.
— Nossos nomes não estão aí, temos ordens apenas para subir. — a loira toma a frente, o garoto pouco atrás, mãos dentro do casaco, seu rosto em uma seriedade tranquila.
Diferente da loira, os olhos azuis são sérios e existe uma força neles, insondável em uma intensidade inabalável. Seus olhos são frios de uma forma perturbadora para uma adolescente de sua idade, e o porteiro sente um calafrio em sua nuca, como um sexto sentido de que não iria querer aborrecer aquela menina. Não há nada de incomum nela, o casaco de couro marrom é antigo e um pouco puído, ele sente que deveria reconhecer de algum lugar mas não encontra e ele consegue enxergar apenas a calça jeans. Não há nenhuma bolsa, nada. Assim como o garoto, de olhos claros, queixo quadrados e uma barba bem aparada, dando um ar de mais velho, mesmo que sua pele e expressão entreguem a jovialidade. Diferente de outros casais, que o homem coloca sempre sua esposa ou a mulher que esteja mais atrás, sendo o primeiro a abordar a mesa e falar, esse não parece nem um pouco disposto a isso, esperando pela garota resolver.
— Estou apenas fazendo meu trabalho senhorita, tenho que cadastrar todos que entram e saem, com quem foram falar, assinaturas e foto. — ele começa a teclar, não quer olhar naqueles olhos novamente.
— Ligue para a Stark e ela vai liberar nosso acesso sem nada dessa baboseira. — a loira gesticula como se as medidas de segurança bem sérias fossem absolutamente nada.
Ele havia perdido as contas de quantas vezes tinham reuniões mensalmente sobre as medidas de segurança, que sempre são servers e duras quando a Sra. Potts está, e aumenta, quando Morgan Stark a acompanha. As consequências são a dispensa imediata sem quaisquer direitos assegurados, e ele já ouviu que poderiam ser piores. Ele pega o telefone no momento que ele toca e atende.
— Portaria, boa noite.
— Olá Jared, deixe os dois subirem, não precisam ser registrados ou revistados. — Morgan Stark é educada o suficiente para saber seu nome e consciente de si mesma para apenas mandar e desligar na sua cara.
Ele desliga e a garota já estava caminhando novamente na direção do elevador enquanto o garoto acena de cabeça na direção dele com um sorriso de canto educado. Os dois não estão sozinhos no elevador então James puxa gentilmente Astra, pela cintura,  para mais perto e acena cumprimentando as pessoas que entram, diferente de sua namorada. As pessoas lançam olhares breves e nem se dão ao trabalho de cumprimentar de volta. Há a tensão de sempre por seu corpo inteiro, perceptível para ele feito um livro aberto. Eles finalmente ficam sozinhos mas a tensão ou seriedade não deixam a loira.
— Você sabe que isso é uma informalidade, certo? — ele se aproxima dela e luta contra a vontade de beijar seu pescoço para a relaxar.
— Não, é uma informalidade. — ela se afasta, fugindo de seu toque — Morguna simplesmente não me chamaria para um lanche da tarde.
— Ela poderia — ele suspira pelo olhar que recebe de volta — Se você começasse a chamar ela de Morgan ao invés de Morguna…
— É o nome dela, certo? — sua irredutível namorada devolve debochada
Eles haviam subido e desceram tudo,  sequer havia apertado os andares inferiores quando o elevador parou e uma autorização robótico foi ouvida. Morgan está diante deles, braços na cintura e a cabeça é erguida quando eles saem, há uma tensão igual a de Astra em seus ombros e expressão, mas há um pânico também.
— Preciso de ajuda extraoficial. — ela começa direto ao ponto.
James entra no espaço e depois de um breve abraço começa a olhar ao redor do que parece ser armazém de caixas pretas e outros projetos inacabados. Ele se limita em olhar para trás, Astra não havia entrado mais do que sair do elevador, mãos dentro dos bolsos do casaco de sua mãe e está diante de Morgan que havia parado de falar, analisando a loira diante dela. 
— Geralmente quando as pessoas precisam de ajuda, elas dão mais informação — o grunhido de resposta de Morgan e o olhar que ela o lança é uma súplica. 
Ele se senta na poltrona perto da bancada com uma cafeteira e frigobar. Uma trégua silenciosa entre as duas é determinada quando Morgan gesticula para dentro e sua namorada caminha na direção dele, observando ao redor vagamente, sua curiosidade sendo restrita. Ela senta no braço da poltrona em que ele havia sentado e olha para Morgan.
— Isso é sobre a carga roubada? — ele não sabia disso, muito menos Morgan que a olha, choque estampado em seu rosto. — Nova Asgard tem um informante dentro do mercado de contrabandos.
— Certo, você é uma princesa — Morgan devolve revirando os olhos, Astra fica ainda mais tensa e ele resolve intervir.
— Astra é uma líder, sim. Ela sabe sobre o roubo, onde nós entramos?
— O que foi roubado é confidencial e são apenas protótipos — ela explica rapidamente, ocupando uma cadeira que estava na bancada — Minha mãe não deu falta ainda, estou acobertando. Não quero que isso se espalhe e vire um alvoroço na imprensa, então, conheço vocês e resolvi pedir ajuda.
— Precisamos saber o que estaremos resgatando. — reforça Astra, as duas trocam olhares novamente — O potencial destrutivo, quem roubou, como, medidas de segurança. Não posso simplesmente colocar minha equipe em campo sem saber muito, são suas vidas em jogo.
— Disse a garota que é uma bomba atômica ambulante. — resmunga Morgan, Astra se levanta, pronta para devolver a resposta mas a Stark ergue as mãos em rendição e fecha os olhos apertado — Desculpa, não dormi direito. É um antigo projeto de armamento do meu pai, não deveria estar mexendo com ele. Sabe a arma que foi usada por Agente Coulson em Loki? — os dois confirmam de cabeça. — Uma arma em potencial daquilo, mas menor. São duas delas, mas ainda são instáveis. Eu não consegui arrumar o tranco direito ou balancear o peso. Se não for guardado ou qualquer outra interação, as duas podem explodir com potencial de bombas para derrubar uma quadra inteira de prédios. Não quero falar com a SHIELD ou SWORD ou qualquer corporação assim, quero recuperar e colocar em segurança, discretamente.
— Para sua mãe não saber? — devolve Astra, as duas se encaram de novo. — Tem alguma forma de rastrear essas armas?
— Pensei que tivesse contatos nesse mercado de contrabando — devolve Morgan, ele se levanta dessa vez, pronto para intervir.
— Eu tenho, mas envolve falar com mais pessoas sobre o problema, coisa que você não quer. Se tiver outra forma de rastreio, podemos roubar antes de chegar a qualquer pessoa, mais fácil. — ela dá de ombros — Posso pedir para Fitz rastrear o calor, mas se tem GPS nas caixas.
— Eles devem ter desligado a essa altura.  — ela resmunga, frustrada, se levantando também. — Não quero envolver mais pessoa nisso. Acha que conseguem lidar com isso sem envolver os outros da sua equipe?
É a vez de James olhar para a Stark com desconfiança. Sempre calmo e paciente, pronto para servir de intermediário entre as duas mulheres de gênios fortes, ele observou-a primeiro, tentando encontrar alguma mentira, qualquer coisa. Sua namorada levanta do braço da poltrona que sentava.
— Eles são nossa equipe…— ele finalmente fala, tentando convencer a outra, seria mais fácil com todos da equipe envolvidos. 
— Eu entendo — sua namorada tem as mãos na cintura enquanto a Stark tem os seus cruzados na defensiva, as duas se encaram longamente, esperando, não querendo dar o braço a torcer — Podemos tentar primeiro apenas nós três, mas se necessário, você pode confiar neles.
— Eu apenas gostaria de controlar quantas pessoas ficariam sabendo, e com muitos de vocês envolvidos…— ela suspira enquanto anda na direção da bancada — SHIELD ou SWORD podem se envolver. 
— Nós vamos ajudar, mas você precisa ir para  casa, descansar e comer algo — há olheiras mascaradas por maquiagem e ela está de mau humor, ele conhece tempo o suficiente para reconhecer a falta de descanso. 
— Eu posso comer — ela concorda — Podemos ir nessa lanchonete boa.
— Nós precisamos pensar — intervém Astra.
Ele já consegue perceber a forma que seus ombros e pescoço estão mais tensos. Ela tem a expressão bem conhecida por todos, bem sério, ele simplesmente sabe que ela está mordendo forte e alivia a pressão na mandíbula quando o pega observando.
— Não podemos ir para minha casa, a base ou qualquer prédio da Stark ou sua mãe pode se intrometer. — ela esclarece, preocupada.
— Podemos comer algo na lanchonete que ela falou e discutirmos isso — ele insiste, ela apenas aceita e vai na direção de onde vieram.
James pega o casaco e a bolsa de Morgan, entregando o casaco primeiro depois que ela consegue liberar a chamada para o elevador. A morena coloca os dois e os guia pela saída dos fundos. Eles saem pelo ar de Nova Iorque enquanto Morgan, que havia colocado o capuz do casaco verde musgo sobre a cabeça, continua a falar e gesticular sobre os hambúrgueres dessa lanchonete, que funciona vinte e quatro horas, ela havia acrescentado. 
— Será legal, ter você conosco — eles fala assim que terminaram os pedidos e a garçonete saiu da mesa.
— No mínimo será interessante — ela concorda com ele.
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irondad3000 · 1 year
So, in Ironman 3, Tony tells Pepper that he can't rest because he has to protect her. His nightmares weren't about New York, it was about what comes with it and how he might not be able to protect Pepper from it. Years later, another person joined the 'I will protect you with my life' list, it was Peter Parker. And when the New York nightmare came true, Peter was with Tony in space. Tony didn't know how to protect him, and he couldn't. He rides the spaceship with Nebula, thinking that this is the end. If it is, he'll be able to see Peter, and maybe Pepper if she died too. But he gets saved, he realizes that he has to live that nightmare, the one that Wanda showed him but alot worse, not his friends but his kid. And his first words after he gets out of the spaceship are "I lost the kid". He said it knowing that he will have to live in that nightmare.
5 Years Later
He has another person added to the list, Morgan, his four year old daughter. He loved the simple life, keeping his loved ones away from the fame of the Starks. Morgan was amazing, he loved her more than anything, but we all know that she wasn't a replacement of Peter. When the avengers come, his response was "I won't even", he can't risk his happiness. Later when he saw the framed picture with Peter, he felt greedy, he knew he had to try, for Peter. So he tries, and succeeds. He was happy but scared. A feeling he can't explain. He asks Pepper about it and she says "But will you be able to rest?", she knows what Peter meant to him, and he will keep blaming himself untill Peter is back and safe. So he gives it a try, he gets Peter back, he knows that he is safe. Now he wants to live with his family(Pepper, Morgan and Peter). But he realizes that he has to sacrifice himself. For them and for Peter he does it. He wanted to be with them, but let's remember the name of the list, 'I will protect you with my life'. He only did it when he knew that they were safe. He wouldn't have sacrificed himself on Titan, knowing that Peter is alone on a random planet in the universe. But now that they are safe, he can, he didn't want to but he had to. He was in pain when he saw Peter trying to talk to him, but he didn't know how to comfort him, so he just kept his eyes on him and listened to every word he said. Now that he knows that they are safe, he can rest. And Pepper knew it, and she said it. He really wished that he could be with them, but them being safe is more important than anything for him.
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funnyincorrectmcu · 2 years
Harley: Peter, do your thing. Tony: No. Uh-uh. You really think that just because you get Peter to say “Please? For me?” every time means I’m gonna do what you want? No! Not this time! MJ: … Ned: … Harley: … Morgan: … Peter: Please? For me? Tony: … Tony: …dammit.
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Store Worker: Would Mr. Tony Stark please come to the front desk?
Tony, arriving at the desk: Hello, is there a problem?
Store Worker: *points to Peter and Morgan*
Store Worker: I believe they belong to you?
Peter and Morgan, simultaneously: We got lost
Tony: I didn’t even bring you guys here with me-
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rebelmeg · 4 years
AU August - Day 3
Time Travel Au - Prequel to Iron Savior
Tumblr media
The recording of Tony’s voice stopped, and Pepper stared at her left hand, the engagement ring and the wedding band both glinting there.  She didn’t really notice or care when her vision blurred, letting the tears run down her cheeks.
FRIDAY’s voice was far more tender than an AI should be able to manage. “It’ll be alright, girl boss.  It’ll work.”
Pepper bit her lip hard, trying to stop shaking. “I’m so scared, FRIDAY.  Of both outcomes.”
“I know.  I am too. But it’ll be alright.  Mini boss won’t let it be any other way.”
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polizwrites · 10 months
PoliZ’s WIP Update - 22 Nov 2023
Combining last week & this – I was on vacation and on the go, so didn’t manage much in terms of a word count.  I touched 3  fics (3 WIPs)  for a total of  1139 words.
On Ao3, I posted: 
No Sensation to Compare With This -  1990’s AU with Rhodey and Tony meeting Carol and Maria at a bar just off base before a test flight.  (Tony/Maria endgame)
A Close Call - pre-War Stucky with pining!Bucky and love confessions.
Beaten to the Punch -  WinterIron College AU - Tony & Bucky as camp counselors with mutual pining.  
I have  18 semi-active WIPs  😬 with my  current  deadlines being  the WinterIron Bingo which wraps on 16 Dec and Stucky’Verse Bingo which wraps on 22 Dec.  
See  below cut for what I’m working on/planning to work on - arranged more or less by bingos/challenges/etc.  As always, feel free to send me   prompts or plot bunnies as well as asks regarding  any of these projects  or any other WIPs I’ve got out there.   Interaction really helps feed the Muse and keep me motivated!
Seek & Destroy Collab
After reading @psychiccatpanda‘s amazing   Morguna and the Green Queen, I  got the itch to explore the Soldier’s POV and talked  Faustie into   collab’ing with me!  We’re working on a new part of the series, and I’ve  contributed about 900 words towards the  2500-ish we have so far.   Going to see if I can squeeze any of my BBB squares into this fic.
WinterIron Bingo  - [WIB_R1]   (Ends 16 Dec 2023)
I have twenty-one  fills completed for this brand-new bingo event that I’m helping mod! 
* B column squares for the Iron Soldier badge (complete a bingo with a single work). – Alpha Tony Stark, “That was not my intention.”, James Rhodes, Alpine loves Tony and Blind date.   Need to figure out an angle on this - possible remix of  A Sugar-Coated Pill?
* G4 - AU: College Students –  Posted  Beaten to the Punch this morning - WinterIron mutual pining College AU  that crosses over with my Volunteering Together square.  It came in at 553 words.
N3 - FREE - filling this with  Somewhere To Turn - a WinterIron No Powers AU with mall security!Bucky and  young!runaway!Tony. It’s crossing over with my BBB Cold square -  I’ve tweaked it a bit since posting on Tumblr (coming in at 881 words) and it will go up on Ao3 1 Dec.   
* O5 - Gentle – use this poem as inspiration?
Stucky’Verse Bingo Round 1 - [SVB_R1]   (Ends 22 Dec)
Thirteen  fills, two WIPs and a couple of ideas.
* A1 - Harem - crossover with CABB Secret/Forbidden Relationship - Bucky and shrimpy!Steve are both concubines who love each other more than their lord. I poked at this a little for 71 words.
* B4 - Sugar Daddy -  looking for inspiration - combining with CABB  Nov Adoptable: Sugar Baby.  Possibly shrimpy!Steve and beefy!Bucky?   
* A4 - Fairy Tale Curse  - this seems custom-made for a continuation of Beyond the Beast😁  Nothing written yet, other than some Vague Ideas.  
* C3 - FREE -  probably using this for Chapter 2 of   Half of the Flesh and Blood That Makes Me Whole   - a Bucky POV remix of at least the first part of Take What Was Wrong (And Make it Right), which is currently sitting at  52 words.  I’m expecting at least one more chapter, possibly two, depending on how far I want to take the remix.   
C5 - Last Resort -  Posted  A Close Call  to Ao3 last Friday.  A pre-war Stucky ficlet with protective!pining!Bucky - also filled my HHB  Dealing with Extreme Cold,  and WFB -  Huddling for warmth squares  (250 words) along with Whumptober Delirium prompt. It came in at 827 words. 
Bucky Barnes Bingo  - [BBB_R5]   (Ends 10 Jan 2024)
I’ve got  sixteen fills,  four WIPs,   and a couple more Vague ideas.
* B5 - Cold  - see WIB  FREE square
* U3 - Fireplace -  Working on a 1980′s No Powers WinterIron fic set at a ski lodge where Tony’s being wooed by poetry and love letters that Bucky wrote to someone else.   Started poking at this as a crossover with a Love Letters prompt and it’s sitting at 129 words.
* C2 - Yelena Belova–   The plan is to use this prompt in the next chapter of Peresmešnik,  (aka Three Avengers and a Baby), which is currently sitting at 1303 words (600-ish of which are mine).
* C3 - FREE  - the October BBB Discord party resulted in a hilarious Mob AU communal story  (mobster!Bucky & clueless!Steve plus Clint&Natasha&Scott shenanigans)   that several of us did/are going to contribute to Rashomon-style.  
* C5 - Marriage of Convenience/Pretend Couple -  next chapter of   Lady Natasha’s Consort and Lord Steve’s Companion.    Got a spark of an idea the other day that might get me a bit further on this fic.  
* K3 - Magic -  Aro!Bucky healing with a kiss idea?
* Y3 - Alpine  - see WIB Iron Soldier combo.
* Y4 - Forgotten Things -   using this for Chapter 4 of   You Can’t Stop It With a Gun  - it’s sitting at  116 words at the moment.
* May Adopted - Insomnia - finally got this filled with The Dead of Night, which also filled a Flash Fiction Friday prompt [#FFF211 An Old Friend] along with my JBB FREE square. It came in at 317 words and will post to Ao3 before this event ends.
* August Adopted: Take the Shot - sounds like a WinterHawk fic to me… maybe cross over with JBB Touch-starved?  Whumptober/Fictober possibilities as well. 
Tony Stark Bingo Round 7  - [TSB_R7]   (ends 15 Feb)
Seventeen  fills and one WIPs, with a couple of ideas in play.  
* S1 - Galaxy - possibly use in final chapter of   Never More to Go Astray ?  
* T2 - KINK: Cock-blocking 'bots -  I still want to combine this with  the  Fictober Day 27: prompt   "I don't know if they will accept this."   
* T3 - A pairing you've never done -  Posted   No Sensation to Compare With This  – inspired by @rebelmeg’s  Wingmen and Airmen, Flirting and Flying  - it’s a remix/spinoff of the first chapter, where Tony flirts with Maria Rambeau while Rhodey and Carol get to know one another better. It came in at 1093 words. 
* T5 - Shawarma - possible crossover with SAUB Canon Divergence – Battle of New York-related?
* A2 - KINK: Concubine - possible crossover with SAUB Gentle Dom
* A3 -  FREE  – @SomeSortofItalianRoast and I are looking at collabing on a  Steve/Tony/Scott fic - maybe throw in a Comfortember prompt?  
* R5 - Doppelganger/Evil Twins -   The Flash Fiction Friday prompt [#FFF214 Broken Mirror] got me at least a good start on the idea I’ve been playing with for this square. I posted NamNori on Tumblr and have a general idea of how I want to build on it to also fill my SAUB AU: Crack square. It’s currently sitting at 360 words.
Stony AUniverse Bingo  [SAUB_R1] (ends 15 Feb)
Another brand-new bingo I’m helping co-mod!   Six fills, three WIPs and several  crossover ideas already!
* S1 - Edging - Filled this with Ringing in the New, where Tony makes a suggestion to improve/change up their love life. It’s a crossover with a Flash Fiction Friday prompt: How Do You Use ‘It’? and came in at 324 words - I will post it to Ao3 before the event is over.
* S2 - AU: Crack - see TSB   Doppelganger/Evil Twins
* S3 - AU: Wings - see SVB FREE square
* S5 - Accidental Baby Acquisition - see BBB Yelena Belova
* T1 - AU: Fantasy -  CoffeeOwl shared a really cool dragon!Steve/indebted!Tony prompt in the ACB Discord server that I may be playing with for this.
* T4 - AU: Canon Divergence - see TSB Shawarma above.
* O2 - Omegaverse - I have a Vague Idea inspired by  @kandisheek’s lovely art piece.  
* N2 - Mutual Pining - crossover with CABB Royal Knight?
* N3 - Gentle Dom - see TSB KINK: Concubine above
* N5 - AU: Multiple Identities - Posted  The Secrets We Keep  to Tumblr.  It’s a first person alternating POV ficlet with mutual pining (and secret identity) Stony.   It came in at 314 words and will get posted to Ao3 before the event ends. 
* Y4 - AU: Soulmates  -  @chrissihr  posted a cool idea about Animated soulmarks, where  only your SM sees your mark move - may try to do something with this!  
Captain (America) Bottom Bingo - Round 2 [CABB] (ends 28 Feb 2024)
I signed up for a 3x3 card for this bingo and have four fills, one WIPs and a couple of crossover ideas.
* A2 - Secret/Forbidden Relationship - see SVB Harem
* B3 - Royal Knight - see SAUB Mutual Pining.
* Nov Adoptable: Sugar Baby - see SVB  Sugar Daddy.
Post July Break Bingo  [JBB_23p] (Ends Apr 2024)
One fill on my  2x3 non-fandom-specific card - still working on  potential crossovers.
* A1 - “It’s you. It’s always been you.” - This might fit in with my TSB Doppelgangers/Evil Twins fill NamNori above :: ponders::
* B2 - Character’s personality is split into two different beings – I’ve never played with Bucky & the Soldier being two different people, but this seems like the perfect opportunity! Will see what might be a good crossover on BBB or WIB (or even SVB)
*  C1 - Touch Starved – another good fit for a Bucky-centric fic. (Steve or Tony or Clint) possibly crossover with BBB Take the shot?
Steve Rogers Bingo - Round 3 [SRB_R3] (ends  15 Jun 2024)
One fill  - need to ponder possible crossovers, especially with SAUB, SBV   & CABB.  
* C5 - Exes to Lovers  - crossover with  CABB - "B1 - "All I wanted was for you to be happy."  – Bucky or Tony as the Ex?   SAUB S4 - Arranged Marriage  might be an additional crossover  
* D1 - Multiple Submissives -  crossover with  CABB - C3 - Bath/shower sex  and SAUB  Y1 - Pre-Serum Steve Rogers?  
Build-A-Bucky Bingo [BaBB_R1]
Another fun year-long  event from the folks at  @buckybarnesevents!  Each month there’s a list of prompts and you choose (at least) one  each month for your card!
* November:  Crackfic  - see  BBB K4 - Accidental villany
Warm and Fluffy   Bingo  - [WFB]   (no end date)
Four  fills on my card, courtesy of   @warmandfluffybingocards  
* N1 - Wingman -  see  TSB A pairing you've never done. 
* G2 - Huddling for warmth - see  SVB  Last Resort. 
 * O5 - Volunteering Together – see WIB AU: College Students
On  other creative fronts:  I am working on a DuckTales   Stuffed With Character figure for a commission and have gotten the requests from all three   Marvel Trumps Hate  auction winners - seven figures total!
If  you’re looking for one of a kind gifts for birthdays or other celebrations (besides this coming Christmas), check  out Stuffed With Character    over on Facebook for a full list of my designs (now over 150!).   These soft stuffed figures are  mostly Marvel and monsters, but I have some Star Wars, Star Trek, DC   and Disney figures as well. Plus I love to take custom design   requests  for any fandom!
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menatiera · 4 years
You want a fight. I’ll bring a war
Title:  You want a fight. I’ll bring a war Collaborator: Menatiera Card Number: 3109 Square Filled: Morgan Stark (adopted square) @tonystarkbingo Ship: none Rating: T Warnings: canon-typical violence Summary: A man approaches teenage Morgan Stark with a knife in hand. Poor man. A/N: Morgan’s fighting style is based on Systema ;)
‘See, Dad, you’ll owe Uncle Bucky something when I get home,’ she thought as she faced off the man in front of her.
Morgan wasn’t afraid. There was no need to be. Her breaths came even and deep, down to her stomach and then let out, as all the teaching from Bucky and Natasha echoed in her head.
Breathing is life. As long as you breathe, you’re alive. Keep breathing, that’s all.
The man was bigger than her - way bigger - and had a knife at hand. Morgan mentally snorted. Not even a gun. Amateur.
She didn’t fix her gaze on the weapon, she let it roam over the man as a whole. She’ll get the knife, first thing. But she couldn’t forget about the man while doing so.
The man stepped closer and Morgan opened her arms, just a little bit, her posture relaxed and her stance loose.
Stability is a myth, Natasha had taught her, you’ll have to be fluid, always on the verge of movement, not rooted in one place. You’re balanced in inbalance, ready to correct yourself.
His dad had never wanted her to learn how to fight. It had been Morgan’s wish, and she was her father’s daughter: of course she went for it. She had prodded Aunt Nat and Uncle Bucky until they gave in and started to train her.
The corner of her lips tugged upwards as the man got into her personal space. Just like she had wanted to. He was stronger than her, so she needed him close to be effective. Close enough that she could plaster herself over him effortlessly - if it were a different man and a different situation.
When the knife moved forward to be pinned to her throat, she struck too - both hands flying to stabilize the man’s wrist as she stepped forward and twisted her hips, slipping past the knife point and pressing herself to the side of the blade. Then she turned again, just a bit, forcing the knife backwards and out of the man’s hand. It was just a blink of eye, really, and the weapon was in her hand already, blade snug against her forearm and her grip steady on the hilt. Her smile blossomed a bit more.
No matter the size, no matter the build, if a person with a knife faces an empty-handed opponent, there will be blood, Natasha had warned.
That’s why it was always the first step to either remove the knife from the fight or be the one who holds it. No matter the price of that action. It was better to be bleeding and alive than being dead.
Using her opponent’s surprise, she took another step forward, slipping under the raised hand of her attacker, barely flicking her wrist to leave a shallow cut as she moved behind the man and turned back to face him again. Swift as a hawk and sly as a fox, the saying echoed in her head again. She was quick, she knew that, and she was well-trained - two things that her attacker wasn’t. Brute force was on his side, but brute force had nothing against a girl who learned how to fight from two ex-Russian assassins.
Use what’s hard on you to hit what’s soft on them, Bucky had said, fist, knee, elbow, all game. Target their weak points: their neck, ankle, waist, shoulder. The human body might be an amazing construct, but it’s barely wired together at the joints. Hit where it hurts the worst. And you’ll win without breaking a sweat.
She grinned up, a good two heads smaller than the man, and weighing maybe third of him, and she smiled, confident, enjoying the rage on his face and the uncertainty in his eyes.
It was a damn shame she had always been taught to end a fight as soon as possible and neutralize her opponents as quickly as possible. She was just starting to enjoy this.
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