#moriarty scenario
kazvha · 1 month
William helping you study maths
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Another groan escapes you. You've been studying for the upcoming maths test, but the questions and even the solutions don't make any sense. How does one even come up with these approaches?
Frustrated, you bury your face in your palms, which stops you from the urge to bang your head against the table so that you don't have to look at these numbers anymore.
"If only Liam was here," you mutter. Your boyfriend would certainly be able to explain the topic to you. You would like to go and ask him, but he was surely still busy with work.
With your head lying on your desk now, you gaze into the void while hoping the papers beside you will disappear into nothingness.
Shortly after some minutes, someone knocks on your door and a familiar voice reaches your ears. "It's me, can I come in?"
It was William.
Immediately feeling energized again, you spring up to open the door for him. "Liam! What a pleasant surprise! What are you doing here so early?"
"I finished work earlier today," he smiled warmly, "What are you doing right now? I thought that we could take the lunch break together."
Your face falls. "Oh I would love to, but these math problems have been giving me a headache."
"Is that so? Let me help you then." His ruby-colored eyes take a look at your unorganized desk which is full of notes and exercises.
"I couldn't ask you to do that Liam, you can have your lunch break. I'll join you later maybe."
"No, it's alright darling." He walks up to your desk and pulls up another chair beside yours. "Spending time with you is much more enjoyable than taking my break alone. Besides, you know I love solving math problems."
Your heart melts and you decide to take a seat next to him. "I'll gladly accept your offer then. You're really helping me out here."
As you expected, you finally understand the topic after William takes his time to carefully explain each of your questions. You appreciate that he even answers your dumb questions without making fun of you for problems that should actually be crystal clear to you.
"It was really that obvious? How did I miss that..." you grumble, throwing your head back into the chair.
William chuckles as he pats your back. "Well, you know how it works now and that's what matters."
"You're... right. Thank you for helping me Liam, I was really desperate there. Honestly, I was one second away from burning everything down", you admit and hope that the look in your eyes conveys how grateful you are.
"I'm always glad to help, love", William answers with amusement in his voice. At the same time the sentence leaves his lips, his stomach growls.
You snicker and ask him, "What do you say about having our well-deserved lunch break now?"
To which William clears his throat and still tries to reply in a refined way despite his cheeks gaining a rosy tint. "Having it now would be more than alright for me."
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yandere-romanticaa · 9 months
Omgg I am obsessed with your recent mtp Yandere William posts. I am a sucker for Yandere William but for his darling to be a Yandere for him also?? That’s just chefs kiss. I love how he acts obviously to his darling’s pinning! I can see him testing his darling and putting them through an emotional rollercoaster whenever he “mistakes” their gestures as innocent and friendly or getting close with other women. Like darling is contemplating whether they should march over to him talking to the women flirting with him and grab him by his tie and pull him away or stay put but glare daggers at him and the woman.
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He'd act so coy, the perfect gentleman. Why, he is only making small talk with the ladies who came up to him, it would be rude to turn them away! Social protocol is unfortunately something to consider here and as a gentleman from a noble house, William can't turn down the women most of the time, particularly if they catch him off guard.
The faces you make are like a drug to him. William is a man who can read you like an open book, there's absolutely nothing you can hide from him. Even as you do your best to stay hidden in the shadows he can still make out the bitter frown on your face and if looks could kill, every single woman that surrounded him would already be deep in the ground, serial killer style.
You have no idea that William feels exactly the same when it comes to you too.
Men are slimy dogs who will do practically anything to get their hands on a woman.
In a way, he's no better.
Whenever he thinks that some fool has a chance with you, William makes his move. Bloodshed is not ideal but it is not completely off the table either, more so if the gentleman in question thinks that he can just have you as he damn pleases.
William always has to hold himself back from scoffing and pinching the bridge between his nose whenever he's talking to these morons. To think, that these men could come close to your level is preposterous. They do not even bother to see the absolute radiance you possess, if he could William would kiss the ground you walk on. He wants to worship you, give you his entire heart, body and soul, it's all you deserve and so much more.
He's more than happy to see that you feel the same way. All he needs to do is bide himself just a little bit more time and he can go in for the kill.
You will be his. There were no doubts about that.
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sickficideas · 5 months
moriarty brothers illness headcanons :)
- very easily motion sick. it's not as bad on trains or carriages but anything on water is guaranteed to make him feel nauseous
- prone to fevers...they're not always very high, but sometimes he'll be working all day with a low grade fever and no one will have a clue. once it gets high enough, though, everyone starts to notice, but William will usually keep working until someone makes him stop (and at that point he's a pushover)
- everyone is aware of his tendency to suddenly fall asleep (undiagnosed narcolepsy lol) but it's worse when he's sick, and he's much more difficult to wake when he's sick
- post-The Final Problem, he's gotten more sickly, and he's much more aware and accepting of when he needs to rest. he's often super faint and dizzy and has issues walking for long periods of time, so he always takes Sherlock's arm when it's too much
- Sherlock laying with him when he's not feeling well, giving him tummy rubs when he feels nauseous and making sure he's comfortable enough to sleep uninterrupted...William often makes himself feel worse when he worries about his family and even though Sherlock understands his pain he's gotten good at derailing his thoughts
- he has to take daily medication for his heart...if he ever misses a dose or the formulation is off, it's obvious - he's pale, dizzy, and faint all day. he will absolutely get irritable too. William will notice it coming on when he gets a little snappy
- he's generally pretty sickly, despite denying it, and he's not good at hiding anything or taking care of himself. anyone other than William has to tread carefully with accusing him of being sick because he'll get defensive. most of them have learned to just tell William if something is wrong with Louis instead of confronting him themselves. but Louis hates that even more, William worries too much about him 💔
- he has a very sensitive stomach...not only with food, but his stomach reacts to unpleasant sights and smells too to a certain extent. if he sees something that makes his stomach churn he'll turn around, cover his mouth and breathe hard through his nose and that usually works okay. he's used to his stomach hurting but tries to avoid throwing up at all cost, especially in front of others
- he is ridiculously good at hiding when he doesn't feel well. like William, he can continue working despite his condition, but he's much more stubborn about stopping. usually it works out in his favor but there has been a few times where he's truly needed help
- Mycroft has personally witnessed him very politely excuse himself to throw up and come back and seem perfectly fine, like nothing ever happened :) Mycroft thinks it's kind of attractive
- Albert is a pro at throwing up 🙏 it doesn't bother him much at all, and because of this he's very good at taking care of his brothers when their stomachs are sick
- he's not sick very often and generally has a good immune system, but stress will usually be the reason he falls ill. he's also fallen victim to a hangover every now and then too lol
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pillow-anime-talk · 10 months
hello, can i ask for prompt 1 + family fic with william from moriarty the patriot pls 🙏🏻
# tags: scenario; current marriage relationship; slice of life; light romance; mostly fluff; also a bit of comedy; family!fic &kids!fic; daddy!william is so precious; pregnancy mention; xxi century; sfw
includes: female reader ft. william james moriarty {mtp}
author’s note: hi! this request- so cute!
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1. “Let’s watch some movies from Studio Ghibli (or Disney, or Pixar)!”
Every evening was a kind of ritual and the best form of relaxation for you, your husband and your two children; first you had supper together (usually delicious sandwiches with cheese and lots of vegetables, baked sausages and oatmeal cookies that your daughters absolutely loved), then it was time for a bath full of fun and laughter – your girls liked so much spending time in a bathtub filled with white foam. They also enjoyed to splash William with water and thus pretend to be two cute whales. At the very end, it was always time for fairy tales and conversations between the four of you. Of course, your daughters were the ones who set the rules so they always chose your evening entertainment. With a bowl full of popcorn, hot tea and dimmed lights, everything seemed to have its own unique atmosphere. When winter comes, the only light brighten up the living room were golden Christmas lights and candles. However, due to the fact that it was currently summer, only one small lamp in the corner of the room was on, not disturbing anything.
“... Let’s watch some movies from Disney!” Lily – your older daughter – screamed and jumping on the couch, and you just laughed as you turned on the TV. Netflix really was a useful thing in your apartment and you definitely couldn’t function without it. Especially when you had two kids.
“Yes!” Added your younger one – Sophia – and William caught her mid-jump and sat her down on the mattress, handing her a bowl of still-warm popcorn. “Let’s watch some movies from Disney!” She repeated the words of her sister two years older than her, then busied herself eating the salt corn, which crunched loudly in her mouth.
“I want to see Ariel!”
“Mommy, no! Please, please play movie with Merida! I miss Merida!” She spat a few grains onto the sheets. William sighed as he picked them all and placed everything on a handkerchief on the glass table next to the huge sofa.
“Hmm... How about Mulan?” You asked quite seriously, putting your hand on your left hip in the process. In your right hand you held a small black remote control and you were ready to turn on one of the fairy tales on the platform. Your daughters looked at you with wide eyes, then at each other and squealed happily, clapping their hands and nodding their heads in agreement. You sighed with relief. In the last month, you’ve watched ‘The Little Mermaid’ twelve times and ‘Brave’ fifteen times...
“Mulan! Mulan!” They screamed as they ran across the couch and you turned on the movie. William, on the other hand, tried to calm your kids, fearing that one of them would fall or, worse, break something. Although your daughters were your perfect little versions, they definitely had Albert’s character...
“Shush, peanuts! Focus on watching Mulan and Mushu’s adventures!” Your husband said seriously, though out of the corner of your eye you saw him fighting the urge to laugh at the sight of your laughing children.
When the Disney fairy tale began, and you sat next to the younger girl, you turned your head slightly to your partner, who was watching the well-known story with curiosity.
“... Wouldn’t you like to have third daughter?” You asked with a chuckle escaping your lips and William raised his right eyebrow.
“I’d prefer a son... At least we could watch ‘Cars’ or ‘Toy Story’...” He replied quite seriously and you just grabbed your stomach lightly. In the darkness, however, your beloved did not notice it.
Well... Maybe this time you both will have the son Will wants? But you didn’t want to tell your husband yet. His birthday was coming up soon, so you tried to keep it a secret until that day and make it a present.
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getosbf · 1 year
Sherliam is actually the worst ship to do an amnesia/memory loss au though,,, if either of them loses their memory after all theyve been through the other would just crumble
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tulipsforvin · 9 months
Parchment of Growth
William J. Moriarty x Stubborn!Reader
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You've just bloodied your hands with somebody else's blood for the second time (the first being a total accident) in your life; the blood of an infiltrator in the Moriarty Residence staining your cheeks and dress. Your anxiety was palpable.
You're gasping for air — chest heaving as you storm out into the open, grassy fields right outside of the Moriarty Residence in Durham. It's a private, desolate area with no prying eyes & ears to scan over your obviously distressed form.
William follows you shortly, breathing equally heavy before he pauses fifteen to twenty steps behind you, your back facing him.
He inhales deeply, catching his breath before parting his lips open to speak:
“...(name).” Your name rolls out of his tongue with the utmost tenderness, eyes soft and eyebrows furrowed - an expression of concern plastered across his handsome features.
“Don't.” You warn him, holding up a flattened palm as you catch your own breath - still not facing him.
William exhales shakily, a brief silence hanging over the atmosphere before he languidly nods his head; even if you can't see him. He clears his throat before speaking.
“Alright.” He whispers, voice utterly soft.
It's silent, completely silent.
Rain has been drizzling over the fabric of your clothes for a solid 5-10 minutes since the two of you have been here now and except for the occasional howling of the wind, only the rain is heard - the scent of petrichor wafting into your nostrils. You finally decide to speak.
“I didn't want to kill him, William. I really didn't. It was an accident, I promise. I panicked and—” You bite down on your lower lip, cutting yourself off shortly.
“I'm aware. You don't have to explain yourself to me, (name). It wasn't your fault.” William murmurs, taking a step forwards towards you.
“Look at me.” He says.
You don't say anything for the first few seconds before begrudgingly turning to look at him. He stiffens at the sight of your tear-stained face with light blood spattered over your cheeks and clothes.
“I'm not fit for this- this mission. I'm not fit for you. You shouldn't have let me be by your side. It was an idiotic decision. My conscience is burdened. Someone like me? I'll tarnish your reputation. What if I ruin everything you've built?” You croak out, looking down at the ground shamefully.
You hear his shoes striking the Earth as he approaches you closer, carefully, cautiously.
“Let it tarnish away, then. Your actions do not define who I am.” He says, reaching his hand out to gently cup your face in his warm palm.
“I'm still- I'm still stuck in the past. I still carry the burden of killing someone innocent. I can't go on.” You retort, eyes shut tight.
His thumb brushes against your cheek as he speaks to you most adoringly.
“Unpack your burdens, piece by piece. I will help you sort through them. And I will continue to do so, undeterred, until it is light enough for you to unshackle yourself from them and move forwards.” His words are more like soft murmurs than words, barely audible yet completely comprehensible.
“It'll shadow your ambitions. What if I burden you?” You counter, sniffing.
“That weight is something I am willing to carry, (name). I choose to love you. I choose to take care of you, willingly.” He whispers.
“Allow me to heal you.” He cuts you off.
“It's a tempestuous journey.” You quip.
“Then I'll weather the storms with you. Let me be your shelter, (name). Let me love you.”
“I've made many mistakes along my way here. How can you accept me, when I can barely even tolerate myself?” You shake your head.
“Let mistakes be the ink that writes on the parchment of growth, (name). Together we can create a masterpiece from all the lessons learned, I promise you.” His thumb grazes against your lips in a heart-throbbingly sweet way.
“Still, it's not—” You open your mouth again to say something against his words once more. You see William sigh softly in exasperation, looking at you with mild amusement.
He doesn't let you finish your words when he leans in close towards you & presses his lips against yours softly, gently and most tenderly, bringing his hands to your hips and closing his eyes - pulling you up and closer towards him so you're standing on your tiptoes and letting your weight rest on him comfortably.
You stiffen in his arms by the sudden action, palms flattening against his chest almost reflexively before eventually relaxing into it and reciprocating his warm, comforting kiss.
William doesn't let you pull away, smiling almost smugly against your lips with soft endearment when you attempt to babble something about him being unfair against his own lips.
I assume he'd finally found a way to shut you up.
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you ever set out to write some terrible OOC crack-treated-seriously porn but you have to do some kind of setup for it and then you end up with this and you're like damn it I just wanted to write a scenario that all but three people will loathe why are these characters being emotional so rude
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stories2you · 2 years
If your requests are open, can I Ask moriarty brothers and Sebastian Moran with very short S/O who's normalny sweet and cheerfull but turns out to be a suprisingly great brawler who can be extremely brutal in fights? :)
As a shorty myself, here's my answer;
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Man is a giant to you
Heck the moment you step into the Moriarty house, everyone (except for Fred) are giants
William would try to hide his fondness of your height
But fails
He has that one sweet smile just for you
He's whipped
Especially in bed
intimately and comforting
He'd hold you tightly into his chest
you'd even fall asleep while hugging
smol y/n fights
yknow how cats are cute, soft, floofy?
until they attack?
yep. thats how you are.
Will is amazed and shocked
but nevertheless, he's worried about you
until one day, someone messed with you while you were shopping together
you smacked the culprit with the new skillet you just bought
man is speechless
"Oh dear, you did well. Let's go get a cup of tea." he'd say as a reward
"Thank you, honey."
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You'd help him around in the kitchen and the manor
He'd find it adorable that you cant reach some spots
But he'll gladly help you
From passing the cloth to him
To him carrying you in his arms so you could do it yourself
It's just because he doesn't want you to get hurt from climbing on the stool or whatever
Set after timeskip
You and Louis are happily married
William is home
But there are some assholes that are still talking shit about Albert and Will
Without any hesitance, you flipped the chair you were sitting on at the culprit
It's been awhile since Louis saw you fight, but he's still surprised by your skills no matter what
He's even surprised to see you brawling with a man who catcalled you
You were pregnant at the time, belly has shown, but still strong as ever
Louis is too surprised and amazed
By your strength despite being in a vulnerable situation
"Are you okay, my dear?"
"I'm fine, just tired. Little bean was cheering for me when I was hitting that person."
'I married a great wife'
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Despite being within the smaller side
Albert was more impressed than surprised by your strength
From multitasking house work
To helping out in the missions
There are disadvantages due to your short height
But you'd find ways to reach and hide
Which made you a great spy alongside Fred
Back when he was in prison, you'd always try to make him smile and comfort him
And he was appreciative of your efforts
And made him love you more
After his release, he was caught off guard when you managed to hurt Moran by hitting his pressure point
"Looks like you've lost, Moran. Good job, My Love"
"Oh no, it's nothing. He deserves it for not doing the housework."
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There was once people thought that you were either siblings or parent and child
It was a good advantage for disguises but
He's your one and only
But you called him.... Daddy
He was attracted by your personality, which slowly made him notice your physical traits more
Your short height made him smirk
Teases all the way
Until he had said something to try to cheer you up, but made it worse
You had squeezed his hand so hard that he screamed
And you even took your anger out by punching a sand bag
That left a mark of your small fist and the force
'Did I marry a cat or a lion?'
"Sorry honey, did that hurt?" You'd ask
Another smirk
Y'all know where's that gonna lead to.
tbvh, i'd like to hug all of them. i love tall people, they're so nice to hug. can i have a william please? I'm sorry, I hope you enjoy! Sorry if it's rushed.
~ Mayu
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kimbap-r0ll · 2 years
This might be a bit confusing for you to write so I'll try to explain. How would the Overblot boys act around an s/o who is like William James Moriarty from Moriarty the Patriot? Ignore this if you please.
Hi, thank you for the ask! I just went with the basics of this character, I never saw the show but I am familiar with him nonetheless
Overblot students with a William James Moriarty!s/o
You guys are almost identical if it wasn't for the fact that Riddle isn't very charismatic
The two of you regularly have study sessions together, and I can only say that you guys definitely have things like book clubs together. Very dark academia haha
I feel like he really admires your talents in things like speeches or in smarts alone. The two of you might make it a fun challenge to do mental chess from time to time (like an invisible board, I think there's a story about this somewhere on the internet)
Overall, nothing that big, just that the two of you are very similar
He can't stand how you're so suave sometimes, but other than that he doesn't really care.
You don't have to be formal with him in his opinion, but you never seem to let go of your formalities. He might get a bit annoyed but he knows he won't have issues presenting you to his family haha
Does admire your leadership skills. You're able to pull rowdy Savanaclaw students together, which is impressive!
Overall, nothing that big either other than that he feels like he's sometimes dealing with another Azul, just a bit nicer
Y'all are the same except you aren't trying to build a cafe mafia haha
You guys definitely make it a challenge to see who answers the most questions or who has a better chess streak. It's very nerdy to people, but it's adorable nonetheless
He wants to be like you - suave, charismatic, and just perfect in everything. Tell him that he's just all those things too and he'll be a puddle of shy love haha
Similar to Riddle, he admires you but that's the biggest thing. He won't have troubles and will see you as an idol
He loves how smart and how charismatic you are. Honestly the two of you are very similar
You guys both have to watch Kalim's back sometimes since you guys are pretty much on the same page when it comes to trusting strangers.
I feel like you guys have mini reading sessions together, just sitting together on the Scarabia cushions and carpets (very cute!)
Overall, he admires your overall charisma and smarts, but he also loves hearing about what you are passionate about. Please talk to him about anything!
You guys are like the most fashionable, aesthetic, power couple out there
You guys have this air of charisma, of dark academia that just looks and feels right. He always liked the way you spoke and how smart you were, so it fits well!
He likes studying with you but also likes hearing your interpretations of films or books, so please talk to him about anything!
I can't say much else other than that you guys probably modeled together at some point. The internet went wild over it haha
He was so scared to meet you at first, thinking that he wasn't that good for you, but you approached him first
Admires how you can present yourself with an air of confidence in front of a crowd. He would rather hide behind you at parties than face people so that's usually how things go haha
He might introduce you to his favorite manga and anime so you can deep dive into them. It's super cool hearing from someone so smart anyways
Idia loves you for who you are, but overall he admires you (though you scared him a bit at first haha)
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ayasenisan1713 · 9 months
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deescade · 2 years
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Moriarty the Patriot (love triangle + confession scenario) click and drag game!
warnings: flashing images
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Game notes • How to Play
Please use a browser other than Google Chrome to play because the GIFs always lock onto their first frame on Chrome. Safari and Firefox work, please try those
If you're on mobile, screenshot the gifs either as a set or individually
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yandere-romanticaa · 10 months
Just thinking about the extent William would go just to kill his rivals in love. But his darling knowing all about this and eating up. Just like, “please William, tell me how you deceived us all.”
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Going off a little bit back on this post, I just love the thought of William's darling also being a yandere. The beauty about this man is that he is doing all of these things and they're actually horrible - murder, theft, fraud, blackmail. He does them all with a smirk on his face. William proudly sees himself as a devil but never in his wildest dreams could he have pictured that his little lover could be just as sly as he is.
You beg the man to tell you everything, he better not leave any details out no matter how gruesome or bloody they are!! You are no damsels in distress which he takes good note of. Truthfully, you really do need some tough skin in order to even consider being with this man.
William won't lie though, he is pleasantly surprised by your attitude. As per your request, he leaves nothing out. He tells you what weapons he used and how, which parts of the body he sliced and what arteries to aim. Your aim must be true and mind set - do you wish to torture or kill your victim, that is something you need to be 100% sure of before setting off on this bloody journey. He watches your reactions like a hawk, your scrunched up face and furrowed eyebrows are so... cute.
He can't help but blush.
You don't notice the scarlet red that blooms on his pale cheeks, too immersed in his story. My, what was he to do with you? William had no plans of ever including you in this, you were too precious. He won't ever allow you to be in any compromising position, he won't ever allow you to kill.
Even so, the Lord of Crime can't help but to have his breath taken away as he looks you dead in the eye, pure devotion looking right back at him.
William has no idea that you are more than ready to slaughter anyone for him. Man, woman or child, you didn't care.
No one was safe.
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xxelfmamaxx · 2 years
Is it just me or does Sebastian from Moriarty the Patriot
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Looks like Kuroo from Haikyuu-
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pillow-anime-talk · 2 months
may i please request prompt 49 and 51 for William James Moriarty from mtp?
Like the reader is as smart as william and helps him with his plans and stuff and they both fall for each other but can't be together?
Thank you, have a great day!!
# tags: scenario; kinda lovers/enemies; unrequited love; light romance; mostly drama; also angst; reader as police inspector; mention of murder and blood; nsfw
includes: gender neutral reader ft. william james moriarty {mtp}
author’s note: long time no see. sorry for that but thank you sm for your request; due to the rules i only chose the one number you asked for :) i hope you like it, love u all
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49. “I told you this is how it ends.”
You looked with visible regret at the figure sitting across from you, on an uncomfortable chair in a cramped room lit by dim white light. Next to you stood your friend and co-worker, who is a five years older than you, and opposite your person, with a calm expression on his face, sat William, who just a few days ago was drinking tea with lemon with you, and today he was accused of murder. And with particular cruelty.
The young man, however, didn’t reveal anything; no sadness, no bitterness, his eyes showed no positive or negative emotion. Just plain emptiness, interspersed with the flash of a lamp above the three of you.
“What made you kill Sandy Moriarty, née Lonewood?” Asked a young policeman, also a profiler by profession. “She was your sister-in-law after all.” Your eyelid twitched with slight sadness. Sandy was Louis’ partner; they had been together for over two years. You even had the opportunity to meet her – she had foxy hair and calm eyes, and she was a talented painter. “Moriarty answer to me.” The uniformed man’s voice was low and firm. Unlike your expression: soft, full of despair.
“… Well. I had my own reasons, sir.”
“What reasons?”
“It’s all my business, sir.” Your co-worker just sighed, looking at the accused with a disbelieving expression. His nose wrinkled and the whiskers beneath it twitched slightly.
“Y/N, I’ll be right back. I’ll go get some papers and things. Keep an eye on him.” You only nodded at his words, never taking William out of your sight. His long blond hair fell unruly over his forehead and his chest slowly moved back and forth.
As soon as Alois left the small room, devoid of furniture and color, your hands trembled slightly and your eyes turned to the right wall.
“Who are you protecting, William? Tell me.”
“… For your safety, let it go. It’s not a matter of solving the mystery of who stole the little child’s candy and why. Just accept it all that it just had to be like that and let it go.”
“Why?” You repeated in a slightly more confident voice, and your eyes met the ruby ones.
“I told you this is how it ends.” He whispered. “I’m not from your world, Y/N. And I never will be. You wanted to protect me, I appreciate that, but it won’t always go your way. We’re too different.” He added, and after a while the door to the room let in a bit more cold and light. Your work partner stopped next to you again and threw a few photos and descriptions from the scene on the gray table, pursing his lips at the same time.
The photographs showed the silhouette of a woman in a beautiful yellow dress, with a large smear of scarlet blood and several bullets around her.
Whatever your intentions were, you certainly wouldn’t be able to help William anymore, who in your eyes at that moment was just a murderer hiding behind a mask of a calm smile and pale skin. Although your heart was obviously burning like a hot coal, you couldn’t do anything more than look at the photos and move one of them closer to the blonde male.
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baggedbloodandmilk · 1 year
Bruh i didn’t think it’d take me this long to write a DAMN ONE-SHOt
Sobbing rn
Oh, to be in London 1866 just to see William kill nobles and Sherlock cause some sort of explosion
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blueberry-writer · 2 years
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Hello everyone! I'm Blue and in this blog i will write stories,scenarios and head canons of characters from my favourites anime x (gn!/fm!)reader!
I would LOVE have request from you guys!
Bungo stray dogs:
ᴬʳᵐᵉᵈ ᵈᵉᵗᵉᶜᵗⁱᵛᵉ ᵃᵍᵉⁿᶜʸ
➼Osamu Dazai
➼Doppo Kunikida
➼Akiko Yosano
➼Edogawa Ranpo
➼Nakajima Atsushi
ᴾᵒʳᵗ ᵐᵃᶠⁱᵃ
➼Nakahara Chuuya
➼Akutagawa Ryūnosuke
➼Michizō Tachihara
➼Gin Akutagawa
➼Oda Sakunosuke
ᵀʰᵉ ᵍᵘⁱˡᵈ
➼Edgar Allan Poe
➼ Lucy Montgomery
➼ Mark Twain
ᴰᵉᶜᵃʸ ᵒᶠ ᵃⁿᵍᵉˡˢ
➼Fyodor Dostoevskij
➼Nikolai Gogol'
ʰᵘⁿᵗⁱⁿᵍ ᵈᵒᵍˢ
➼Saigiku Jouno
➼Suehiro Tecchou
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Moriarty the patriot:
ᴹᵒʳⁱᵃʳᵗʸ ˢⁱᵈᵉ
➻William James Moriarty
➻Albert James Moriarty
➻Louis James Moriarty
➻James Bond/Irene (please specify in which arc)
➻Sebastian Moran
➻Fred Porlok (only sfw)
ˢʰᵉʳˡᵒᶜᵏ ˢⁱᵈᵉ
➻Sherlock Holmes
➻John H. Watson
➻Mycroft Holmes
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Vanitas no carte:
➸Jean-Jaques Chastel
➸Noè Archiviste
➸Dominique de Sade
➸Chloe D'apchier
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I probably forgot some characters- if so, just ask and I'll see what I can do!
✎I will write: sfw, nsfw, fluff, dark content and angst✎
!!The only thing i ask is that please be polite when you write me request! (kindness will be returned&lt;3) !!
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…..𝓸𝓷𝓮 𝓶𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓪𝓵𝓼𝓸 𝓫𝓮 𝓹𝓻𝓮𝓹𝓪𝓻𝓮𝓭 𝓽𝓸 𝓰𝓮𝓽 𝓱𝓾𝓻𝓽
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