#most hilarious 20 minutes ever animated
banapricot · 1 year
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Doing the Gintober prompts to take advantage of the brainrot.
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bcacstuff · 2 months
Day 2 Highlanders 7 con 20 July 2024 at the Hilton Metropole Hotel, Birmingham
Fan Meet with Richard:
If he's a betting man there will be Rebus 2 (with a wink)
Hasn't read more than 4.5 books (of OL) couldn't get through the Gathering in Fiery Cross
Everyone's really sad about it ending
Doesn't like the stickers chosen for the Rebus books but the author did so he was outvoted
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Charles & David Q&A
As part of training for the roles, they were taught them how to stand and sit using the "Alexander Technique" Demonstrating the "Alexander Technique" of how to stand up straight 18th-century style 👇
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Question: if you could play another character who would it be: David - BJR; Charles - didn't know - fusion of LJG and Jamie
What won't you miss after OL ends - David travel; Charles didn't answer the question but said he'll miss his friends in Glasgow
Who would you go to a convention to see - Charles Eddie Vedder & Robin Kimmerer (author); David couldn't name anyone
Richard, Charles and Jamie Roy play Magic the Gathering (red: a card game) together almost every day when not working
When asked about a LJG series, David said if people want it he'd be up for it and people need to speak up about it
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David and Charles singing O Canada 👍
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Charles can walk on his hands - went back and forth 3x
Richard & Sophie Q&A
What song would describe your relationship on the show: Sophie - Lover (Richard joked Tolerater)
What role would you like to play: Sophie - Black Swan; Richard - Wolverine or Iron Man
Richard & Sam made different animal noises each take during the birthing scene
Hardest scene they had to film: Sophie - physically the ones with the horses; Richard - one where Brianna tells Roger Jemmy might not be his
If you could take a character ahead in time to see something - Sophie BJR to see Frank; Richard Jamie Fraser into the modern world - Richard loves Sam's reactions to modern things
What are you binge watching? Sophie - The Bear; Richard - Queen of the South and BBT
Sophie spoiler: Joey and I were in a tent (Richard adds "in the 80s")
Who would you go to a convention to see? Richard - BBT, Peaky Blinders: Sophie - Friends
They don't really get recognized in the UK but yes in the US "people in England don't really watch Outlander" (Sophie) - when they started in S2/3 it wasn't really "present", especially in Scotland.
Taken anything from set? Sophie very tempted to take the pearls but hasn't taken anything yet; Richard not yet either (made a joke about the musket balls and Lallybroch in the 80s trying not to spoil anything)
What song represents your character - Sophie "Girl on Fire" because she powers through things
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Ed Speleers & Steven Cree
Favourite role so far - Jack Crusher (Ed)
Cree - best part of Outlander is the conventions
Favourite scene was when Bonnet kidnaps Brianna and they explain how he became what he is
Ed read for LJG and they came back to him the next year with Bonnett
Cree auditioned for Dougal (who's the guy who raised $250K for a film then never made the film? - ouch!!). Then they cast Sam and had to make Dougal age appropriate
What era would you time travel to: Ed - 60s: Steven - his early 20s
Sam created MPC and whisky "unlike the guy who embezzled $250K" (ouch again!! Cree used the word "embezzled")
Cree to Sean - how does it feel to be a millionaire? Sean - pass me your phone I'll call Sam and ask him
Cree was offered roles in Bridgerton 1 & 2 and said no after he read the scripts
Cree went on for 5 minutes about how Claire brought Jamie back to life in Monsters & Heroes - it was hilarious
Seems that the 2 of them (Cree and Ed) go way back and are good friends (Ed said Cree was the most excited when he landed the star trek role. They wouldn't ever have crossed paths on OL. They know each other's families too.)
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Funniest lines she couldn't get through - where she asks BPC if the bite was from a monkey and when Ian offers to go looking for Jamie and Claire says "but you don't have a leg"
Prefers to be called Caitriona
They talked about the ending of the books and someone yelled "Sam knows" then she said Sam THINKS he knows
Will be odd knowing they're not going back to Scotland when they finish filming. Couldn't say if they're staying but her husband is from Scotland and her in-laws live there so they will be there in some capacity
Costumes in S8 are her favourite since S2 Paris
Thanked everyone and said how much doing the show has meant to her
Asked if she and Tony share the same musical taste. She thought they said Sam and Steve said "no, your real husband" (she does with Tony, "definitely not" with Sam)
To prepare for Claire & Frank since they had a history, she and Tobias wrote each other letters. Tobias would redact his because he was in MI6. They didn't do anything to prepare for Claire & BJR because she didn't know him
During the rapid-fire someone asked "Sam's whisky or Graham's bourbon". She said Sam's whisky but hasn't tried the bourbon (she doesn't really like bourbon it's too sweet)
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All credits to my reporter at the con (who chose to remain anonymous), including the pics.
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xotication · 5 months
gamer bf kaneki..
he def plays ow, val, cod, & fort.. all the sluttiest games a man can play.
trust he sweats in each game too.
he'd be caught dead before he's ever bad at a game ..
he literally spends most of all his days gaming, it's a lil insane how much he just lets it rot his brain
he never rage quits but he screams so much & it's hilarious
eventually he realizes that he hasn't given you any attention & tells his friends that he has to get off for a couple hours, just for you
ken decides to start streaming one day & that day marked your fucken demise
he sets up a hand & face cam.. when you're against it, he's so confused.
you're sat there for at least ten minutes explaining to him how girls will go feral for this
one day you tune into his stream & you see multiple comments like "for free??" "wish he'd play with me" "why's he kinda.." "the veins.."
on one hand you're jealous, but on the other- you're happy knowing that he's your boyfriend
"baby can you bring me some water please" ken says in the softest voice ever, it damn near has you topple over nd roll around
you bring it to him nd he thanks you with a couple pecks
the chat is going absolutely wild?? both over his voice & him actually not being single
but what could they expect?
ken was a good looking, handsome, pretty, charming boy.. & literally every other word you could think of
he always had that sleepy look & he usually paired it with blue light glasses that made him look all the more nerdy
sometimes he'd even be shirtless & his collarbone would have you gasping for air
on some days ken didn't care about streaming
he'd sit you next to him or even on him & just have you watch him play
he'd look towards you after hitting the nastiest shots/clips on kids to make sure you saw it
some days you ask him if he wants to play minecraft with you & he never objects.. he will always make time for you when you ask for it
he introduces you to the game "it takes two" and streams when the two of you play
everyone ends up loving the dynamic you have & the way you treat each other
eventually chat starts suggesting that ken teaches you how to play the other try hard games.. so he starts with the easier one: fortnite
you think to yourself why any of them thought this would be easy for you bc it has you screaming for kaneki's help half the time you get into a close combat gunfight
he tries teaching you how to build & you end up putting random walls & stairs everywhere
he just laughs at you bc he genuinely finds it easy & can't seem to understand why it's difficult for you ??
"no sweetheart, you actually have to have structure behind your building" "i'm fucken trying ken??" "not hard enough??" "ok then you do it???"
bro builds an 8 story mansion in 20 seconds and it has you gagged
whole chat is like "were you silent or were you silenced..??"
when you start wanting to take gaming a lil more seriously, he teaches you how to play on mouse nd keyboard just like him
he even buys you a cute lil setup, & ofc its right next to his
when he introduces you to val, all the pick me's are targeting ken & it's funny asfk when they find out his gf is in the game too
they're all like "you're shit at the game anyway stfu" like HUHH?? mad bc he ain't yours lmao
also can i mention that ken is a proud "shit on" SCREAAAAMER
he has your initials in different colored keys than the rest of his keyboard
holds one of your stuffed animals on his lap when you're away from home
jokingly asks you for support under the desk (its not a joke..)
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I have a Harry Potter agere idea!!!
Well, technically it's in the marauders era
Cg!Remus or Cg!Sirius (or both, whichever you prefer) with a regressed!reader, who wants to pet literally ANYTHING.
A very poisonous snake, that could kill you if it bites? Reader wants to pet it, while Remus/Sirius is having a heart attack and keeps reader away.
Remus in wolf form? Pet him.
Sirius in his dog form? Pet him.
Just some fluff/crack🙈
I love this idea, it is a hilarious idea! I hope I've done this idea justice! Apologies it's so short and that there's no dialogue, every time I tried to add some it felt weird, like it shouldn't be there. So I just stuck to description for this one 😅
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Pairings: Caregiver!Sirius Black, Caregiver!Remus Lupin x Little!Reader
Summary: You have no sense of what animals are dangerous and which are not, good thing your wonderful caregivers are there.
Warnings: Mentions of Remus being a Wolf and Sirius being an animagus. Mentions of *the* prank. Mentions of little being around dangerous animals.
(Gender Neutral Reader)
NOT Proofread
It wasn't uncommon for you to find random animals within the castle and befriend them however whilst regressed you had a habit to forget how dangerous some animals were. Your poor caregivers Sirius and Remus have nearly had many heart attacks due to finding you holding random animals. The most recent one had been a snake, you'd learnt about it briefly in one of your lessons, not that you could remember which one. You couldn't even remember the snake that was currently happily sitting in your hands was deadly. Remus ended up carefully taking the snake from your hands whilst Sirius took you to wash your hands, but it was safe to say that both boys were shocked at how you were not injured by any animals that you had befriended in your time at Hogwarts.
Well that was until you had found out that Sirius was an animagus and Remus was a wolf. They'd noticed that they felt strangely safe and calm around you.
Remus had noticed first. In fact it was during the prank that he noticed. It had all gone wrong, you were supposed to be asleep but you had decided you wanted to go for a walk around outside the castle. You'd wandered too far and had ended up in front of Remus, who was a wolf. Surprisingly Remus had calmed down. No one knew how you did it but it sure made that time of the month a lot more bearable when Remus had a way to calm down.
Sirius had also noticed it. He and the other marauders had got in trouble and therefore weren't allowed to go to Hogsmead. Sirius snuck out anyways whilst the others stayed so he could make sure you were okay. He decided (so he didn't get caught) to go in dog form. Within 20 minutes of following you you had noticed him, not yet knowing it was Sirius. You approached him and let the 'unknown' dog come to you. He went towards you, feeling calm as you stretched your arm out to lightly pet his head.
Neither Sirius nor Remus could ever figure out why you had this calming effect on animals but what they did know is that they believed you truly were the sweetest. Most animals seemed to agree too...
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hantheheart · 5 months
Specially hand crafted headcanons for @spro-o beloved
Two for one deal, MelBan and LanceTris Domestic type shit GO
Meliodas climbs Ban like a cat tree every time he needs something above his height. Ban's just resigned himself to being a perch for his doofy boyfriend.
Ban sometimes just carries Meliodas for the hell of it, but in the most silly ways he can, but the stuffed animal carry like this is the usual. ( I took this screenshot myself)
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Mel likes stealing Ban's jackets. Man already has a problem with clothes, Mel makes it so much worse. He might actually start wearing shirts- THE HORROR
Ban has a "Meliodas is in a kitchen" sense and WILL throw him out the nearest window to stop him from creating something poisonous- or worse, simply inedible
That patty-cake thing they do every time the reunite after a long time?? Yeah, that happens a lot. sometimes they'll just do it when their bored.
Sometimes, they'll just chuck each other. Like, just rear back and see how far they can throw the other. Also a contest, like their arm wrestling.
The silly little contests are how the flirt. It is never ending chaos and the other Sins just wish they wouldn't do it inside building.
Mel will pick up Ban too, but he's more the type to just hold Ban over his head.
They just don't act "mushy" romantic, they can, but most of the time they're bein goofy and silly with their flirting and such
Somehow the cat energy passed Tristan up for Lance and Ban and Mel find it endlessly hilarious.
Lance will make eye contact with Tristan before knocking something over and Tristan will chase him around for like 20 minutes. He usually forgets what he's actually chasing Lance for after a bit and they just end up chasing each other around for goofs.
Tristan is very physically affectionate in that he likes leaning on Lancelot in some way. They end up shoulder-too-shoulder a lot.
When he's feeling especially silly, Tristan will grab Lance by the face and kiss him rather aggressively then let go and run off. Lance'll stand there, starstruck for a minute, before running after him.
this game of chase is their equivalent for Ban and Mel's contests but also something they used to do as kids a lot.
Every time they've ever had to go to fancy events like Banquets or Balls, they tend to hide out in a corner somewhere and just shit talk all the stuck up older nobles.
Lance can at least kind of cook thanks to Ban, but generally speaking. Neither of them should be trusted to cook lest they end up poisoning each other.
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winterchimez · 6 months
things/aesthetic you associate with your moots please!
hi anonie!! it’s been a while since i’ve done tag games like this so LETS GAUR 🤩
im doing for the ones that i talk to most often ✨
@from-izzy my soulmate 🤞🏻(who clearly SHOULD be living in my city instead), sunricyeon!!, ✌🏻level-headed and ☝🏻dum-dum, purple 💜, bunnies 🐰, raccoons 🦝, in constant denial of her love life 😒, long calls & video calls, SAUR, music 🎶, “ALLY HELP ME 🥺”, fellow believer in God, concerts, has 19374848 plans to meet up but our studies/job preventing us to do so 😞 (but we will beat them and meet irl someday SOON BCS I MANIFEST)
@sungbeam my precious lil 妹妹 🫶🏻, blue 🩵, “hear me out….but another changmin potential wip/plot 🤡”, photocards, that wet tree rat pc, if talent was a person its her, care packages 📦, fellow introverts ✌🏻, the one who convinced me to purchase my sony headphones while we were videocalling in the store 🥹, my sleep paralysis demon, “ALLY JIEJIE”, my cutie wookie little sis 😔💗, but also goes 😐 whenever i talk abt sangyeon 🙄
@aimeecarreros the unhinged and wild one in the b*****, 1/4 of sangyeon’s whores, twerking ✨, the best gif maker ever 😤, “so elena…pretty pwease can you gif this for moi 🥺”, BBANGJU 👅, “CORREQUE ✌🏻”, insanely hilarious and unhinged memes and text messages 24/7, the moodmaker of the group, “haysss *inserts stripping meme*”, teasing me 24/7 🙄, pinterest, fashion 😍, bridal dresses 🤍
@snowflakewhispers the SAVAGE, maknae and the demon (lovingly) in the b*****, teasing me is her everyday job atp 🙄🙄🙄, mrs jacob bae, 1/4 of sangyeon’s whores, spitting fire 24/7 🔥, matching sony headphones 🤍, matching macbook colours 🩶, psych & kids 💗, the sunwoo to my eric, apparently is in a messed up relationship/situationship with someone who shall not be named 🦝, the moot who lives the closest to where i am 🥹 (so faster get your ass back here after uni ends)
@daisyvisions the unnie of the b*****, NAUR, that iconic zoom selfie 😌✨, constantly being distracted at work bcs of ✨unholy thoughts✨, podcast 🎧, 1/4 of sangyeon’s whores, also joined in on the fun with elena & ophelia on teasing moi 😔, jerry lee 🤤, doggo 🐶, newnudeshot 😏📸, photoism 🎞️, spongebob memes, BIG SEXC BRAIN 🧠, late night talks while working, always judging me for some reason 🙃
@justalildumpling my dongsaeng 👧🏻, sunricyeon!!, black 🖤, ptsd from windows turning from black to bright blue, “pull a j” aka doing and leaving assignments till the very last minute 😁, “guys…..”, “yall…..”, a simp 🤓, attracted to red flags men (but not anymore 😚), FOODIE CHINGUS, malatang, “guys….can we just call for like 20 mins max…i promise it won’t take long” = a 6-7hours call, late night (or early mornings) video calls, SHE IS A BEAUTY AN ICON AND SHE IS THE MOMENT 😍
@ethereal-engene my long-lost best friend 🥹, JU HAKNYEON 🍊, anime!!, men in glasses 🔛🔝, fellow chinese friend ❤️, cny 🧧, lion dances 🦁, WOOZI (ESP IN LONG HAIR 😩😩😩), matching hakkie pottery pcs 🤍, wips brainstorming ✍️, another cutie lil 妹妹 🥺, arms….and pecs 🤓, editing 👩‍💻, convos abt our studies/work life 💗
@kimsohn kim sunwoo, pinterest, “maya….i had a dream abt sangyeon….”, “oh!”, anime!!, that smiling and then speechless meme, sangyeon drenching himself in water 😀, “so when are you gonna write this”, sunric sluts, tbosas, coriolanus snow, always talking abt being on writers block with one another but eventually gets things done (and sometimes its long af), being caring 🥺, food!!
@quaissants 1/2 of my gremlins 👹, sends me lip gloss sangyeon 24/7, my twinnie 🤞🏻, same birthday & mbti 💗, speaks in such a soft manner like hello 🥺, genshin impact!!, ragnvindr bros ❤️💙, childe 🤓, angsty angst ❤️‍🩹, constantly looking out for me 🥹, men 😃, “i have selective reading”
@sanaxo-o another 1/2 of my gremlins 👹, unhinged as a person, sabrina carpenter 💗, flirty af but then i dont return the favour 😄, sends me sangyeon content 24/7, a great listener and gives me comfort, always checking up on others, ✌🏻level-headed and ☝🏻dum-dum, “LET ME BETA YOUR FICS”, pinterest, “Als”
@stealanity my unnie 🥺💗, always looking out for everyone, the big sister of the net, amazing as a person (i admire you loads), moodboards 😍, aesthetics ✨, a field of flowers 🌹🪻🌸🌺, brave (never afraid to speak up!!), i miss you sm unnie always 🫶🏻, calls me a cutie 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
@cloverdaisies CLO MY LOVE 💚, great britian 🇬🇧, fish & chips, “you have no rights ally ive revoked them”, “you dont love me anymore 🥺” aka clo’s way of making me feel guilty that i couldn’t visit her when i was back in EU (IT WILL HAPPEN ONE DAY I SWEAR I WILL BE BACK 😤😤😤), writing fics for one another 💗, STRONG ASS WOMAN 💪 (who juggles between work and uni all on her own 🥹🫂), “there’s a rat in my apartment”, phone & video calls (which we havent done in a while and we should again!!)
@juyeonszn my fawnie my bubba 🥹, coffee ☕️, zeneration livestream 🙌🏻, crying tgt, unboxing albums ✨, pcs collection, puppies 🐶, anime!!, big sexc brain 🧠, sunric sluts, INSANE MAKEUP LOOKS 😩, delulu is the solulu ✨, education 📚, never-ending talks on dc (which we haven’t done in a while i miss you loads 🥺), my fellow dancer 💃, if cutie was a person its fawnie 💗
@itsbeeble my pookie 🫶🏻, kim sunwoo, another big sexc brain 🧠, taylor swift 💛, eras tour ✨, “ALLY GO TO SLEEP”, eric sohn, ateez & svt!!, memes 24/7, exposing each other’s asses 😄, biker sunwoo 😩, delulu is the solulu ✨, another coffee buddy ☕️, talks abt uni/work life, always bouncing off ideas with one another
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jorisjurgen · 9 months
World of Twelve dashboard simulator
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🎆 halfalight follow
I think if I get knocked out while solo'ing dungeons oen more time local eniripsas will just euthanise me 😭 iop save me
🫂 shards-of-glass-in-the-bar follow
we all have that homie who's not gonna make it.
🎆 halfalight follow
You run an anti-recovery alcoholism blog tho ???
🫂 shards-of-glass-in-the-bar follow
way to be classphobic dipshit.
🐙 podapoda-2-3 follow
Idk i feel like posting about losing your home bc of it isn't very successful and happy pandawa of you.
🤹 mysteryrystery follow
Anyone in this thread smoke hemp
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🌌 somethingquietplace
Like a sworn knight, I serve you. You are my beating heart, my lifeline. Neither Bonta nor Astrub would be home, if you were not by my side...
Yet, why do my hands yearn for freedom, the way a butcher yearns for a wild animal?
🌛 quartziwindy follow
Are you ok op.
🕸️ osamodas-loves-spiders follow
isnt op that one guy with 50 side blogs who got accused of being a part of the bontarian royalty and classfaking being an ecaflip.
🌌 somethingquietplace
Do you swear on your heart that you can truly believe a person with a life and a career would post on this site.
#Mind your buisiness. #not osu
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🥧 amakna-news-official follow
does anyone know if the demigod goultard is still out there marrying people//...
i n;;eed h;im.
🍄 124-lancer-lancer follow
When you die and go to externam not even being hosed down will help clean your soul. You will not reincarnate for 999 years.
🆎 alphabetcounter follow
e: 13; n: 11; o: 11; l: 7; a: 6; r: 6; i: 5; t: 5; u: 4; d: 4; 9: 3; h: 3; y: 4; s: 3; w: 4; g: 2; c: 2; x: 1; m: 1; v: 1; b: 1; p: 1; f: 1
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🌌 somethingquietplace
Went on a fishing trip with my family.
Here are some photos I took there, including photos of the snappers the three of us caught. Sufokia is beautiful this time of the year.
        Keep reading
🌌 somethingquietplace
I'll delete this reblog a bit later for organization purposes, but I wanted to take this moment to thank you all for your comments.
Also, I did not know that there was a fishing community here, for all the decades I spent on this site. The more you know.
#It's nice to get back in the groove of things... #Such a hectic year. #I just need some peace and quiet. #And maybe then I'll feel better. #Though sometimes I do ask why I keep doing this. Just everything in general. #...A hot chocolate will fix me right up though. Always does. #Delete later
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🔰 noobdefencesquad follow
I know most ppl are like..,, 100% over talking about that one fuckin xelor that reversed time for like 20 minutes. like yeah hes evil but he saved my whole life. i spilled coffee on my passport and then WHOOM time reversed and shit. and i woke up 20 minutes earlier, threw up, and decided not to go anywhere near my documents with liquids ever again.
can i get a wahoo for grandpa genocide. like he really fucked up but he did do a solid one to at least me. i just feel like enough years had passed for me to speak my truth
🌒 ten-o-cock-and-a-half follow
It's not a laughing matter, people died. And it was a yet another case of media representing xelors as crazy and evil.
Try to put yourself in the mindset of the victims.
🔰 noobdefencesquad follow
im a xelor too and i think this is fucking hilarious soo yeah.
try reincarnating into a different class in next life! hope this helps.
🌛 quartziwindy follow
I agree with the second rb, but is nobody going to mention their url??
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👾 pixiiiii-piratika follow
I know we all have our role models for adventurers we'd like to marry or become or steal the gender of or whatever, but idk it haunts me that some of them may be on this site. Imagine someone like master Eva reading what ppl had written about her or her husband. scary.
🎁 doggrillsougi follow
I hope ush galash can feel when i post about sending him psionic shadow assassins. i hope he fucking feels pain. Every single time.
🎶 foggy-has-no-spoons follow
what did a random bontarian noble do to you. also isn't he dead.
🎁 doggrillsougi follow
OK SO. this made me realize that most people genuinely don't know about the murder dungeon allegations.
To summ it up, he lured in people to rob his house, put them in The Murder Dungeon (actually a tower, but... rule of funny. it sounds funnier that way), and Bontarian government did NOTHING about for years, and even placed a statue in his honor despite that.
Now, this might sound like a conspiracy theory, but most of us in the demigod drama community know that Ecaflip demigods just... fake their deaths a lot. So there's a very big chance he's still out there. He's fucking out there.
And I want him to know, that I am sending psionic brain warriors to him. And to the king too.
THE ONLY reason this turned into a thing everyone knows is due to an anonymous leaker from within the palace. I fucking hate this kingdom.
🌹 theflowerofsadida follow
The city of good, btw
yet another reason i am a proud brakmarian despite not liking djaul LOL
🐙 podapoda-2-3 follow
👾 pixiiiii-piratika follow
oh god what happened to my post.
🌛 quartziwindy follow
there are like, theories on who leaked it btw, considering a bunch of diplomats had access to the documents. Though I won't point any fingers towards anyone in the palace in particular. 👀
if it would keep him doing this, I could kiss that guy who did this, on the lips, I would. or like, give him a pizzlarva.
fr fr.
🌌 somethingquietplace
It's every Bontarian's civil duty to try and make the city a little bit better. I think these motivations are both unneeded and unwanted.
Though the pizzlarva bit is funny.
👾 pixiiiii-piratika follow
arent you that one guy with whos been here for like 20 years and got accused of being a part of the bontarian royalty and classfaking being an ecaflip.
did you do this tumblr user somethingquietplace. did you.
🌌 somethingquietplace
I'm running a combination OSU, photography, and fishing blog where I post poorly written poetry at 4AM.
Please stop with the "you're never beating the allegations" jokes.
#not osu
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angelically-crying · 10 months
|: Call of Duty HC 🫶 :|
Note : This is my first post, other than the intro post, so Don’t get all mad if I misspell anything or I have a certain HC you don’t agree with. 💕
Characters mentioned : John price, Simon Riley, John Mactavish, Kyle Garrick, Kate Laswell, Nikolai, Alex Keller, and Farrah Karim ‼️💕 the sillies
John Price-
Greatest and most stressed father of the year award.
💥 silly Quokka smile💥
Y’know those iq ads that show the older you are, the less you know? He gets so offended by that so he tries playing it to show he isn’t dumb, but gets pissed when they just aren’t interactive and send him to the download page.
He’s an animal dude, he can rock with any animal you put him next to. But I am guessing, personally, that he was like obsessed with black bears specifically. Nobody knew why. He just found them cool and amazing as a kid, and still does.
He has that old dad cough that sounds like he’s dying of influenza. AND DONT GET ME STARTED ON HIS SNOR—
You know how some dads hug and sway you and themselves as you hug? He does that. He got that treatment when he was younger, it conditioned onto him. When he first did it to Simon, MF was confused as shit and gave the most horrendous and judgmental side eye after they finished the hug.
speaking of the others, They will get spooked like cats when Price suddenly sneezes like a bazooka or coughs like he just smoked 20 packs of cigarettes at once. Especially Kyle, he most definitely had a heart attack the first time he heard Price cough twice in a row thinking he was dying.
Supportive ahh bisexual dad.💕🥺
Gives off “Hey Gay, I’m Dad!” Jokes if you came out to him.
Simon “Ghost” Riley
I both Can and can’t see why people simp for this man.
sure, He makes booktok people horny af for his mask and deep British accent, his tattoos, the fact he could break their neck in one morsel of strength but would decide not to if he knew them, etc etc.
but that’s most likely from trauma, both unresolved and buried down or spoken about like jokes but gets angered when someone jokes about it. (Both is me. I’m those examples. Yippeee ‼️)
breakfast. He isn’t picky but he is. Beans? Fuck that shit, Burn. BURN. However, the most darkest and traumatic tasting coffee ever grounded from the pits of hell itself just made for the traumatized Masked man? Sure. Call it a cup of FUCKING JOE.
Though he doesn’t sneeze or cough like Price does, He sleeps dying influenza patient Victorian man style. First time he and Soap were forced to sleep together, Soap woke up miraculously early, thought he died and cried there for 20 minutes before Ghost woke up all tired like he was hibernating.
I think he loves Riley for not only is she just adorable and a great dog, She is the best thing to have when dealing with snakes.
He was fixated on one animal when he was younger. Motherfucking Raccoons. He found them so hilarious and goofy as a kid, he now fell in love with a man who is the human embodiment and reincarnation of the raccoon king.
One pet peeve Ghost has is when someone smacks their lips. No matter what, you smack your lips, he smacks you too. He’s that badass mum that goes “Keep smacking them lips, I’ll smack you.” While cracking his knuckles viscously.
Traumatized gay man. 😔💪
John “Soap” Mactavish :
Listen, He likes bubble baths. That’s a pretty well known fact. But.. Have you ever considered.. He may try doing Romantic dates in a bath tub? He’ll do those corny but sweet rose petal trails to a bathtub filled with bubbles and rubber ducks with a goddamn rose in his mouth seductively.
anyways, hope your happy with that visual. He most definitely does the continuous bumping his wrists together, not knowing he’s saying ‘hard sex’ in ASL. (I did this multiple times, both before and after. It’s unconsciously stuck to me. I fear myself only.)
If he ever visited England to see his boyfriend Lieutenant, Ghost, nobody could fucking understand him. But when Ghost visits Soap, Everybody sounds so fucking confusing to Ghost that he just walked out into a forest for a lap. Like when people read a cringy sentence and have to put their phones down, walk around their house two or three times, before going back.
He makes fun of Kyle whenever Helicopters are mentioned in a convo, just like making puns to piss him off.
“ Oi Gaz, do ye like the band ‘The fall out boys’? ” while giggling like a mean middle school girl. 😔✊
He likes frogs. Did as a kid, still does now. But the catch is, He cannot go towards one if his entire life was on the line. Like, He finds them cute but nearly pisses himself when They jump towards him.
silly little bisexual ‼️😊
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick:
So. You wanna hear my head canons of my Husband? /Jkjk—
I could imagine this dude was judgmental as a kid, full on mama’s Boy conversation with his mama like “ Let me guess, Aunt Stephanie said this! She is always talking crap about you, Mama, but I don’t see dad coming home with a new hickey every weekend. “
when someone goes low, he goes the lowEST.
I like to think he has a sister or two who influenced him on skincare, periods (for if he pulls anyone with period hauntings), and how to style various hairstyles just so his sisters didn’t have to pay a shit ton of money for the same hairstyle.
Do any of you guys just.. think this man bakes? Just baking when he’s bored or stressed. No thoughts. Just cookies.
He loved otters as a kid, but now finds Pallas cats better.
trust that he has heard tea from nearly every country that even agents don’t know about.
Bisexual. Leaning more towards mlm but nonetheless free-styling .
Kate Laswell :
the queen. The majesty. The LESBIAN MUM.
I like to imagine her wife is the ultimate mastermind, Like Kate is just the boss of tf141 but instantly does any bidding her wife asks her to do.
She’d be a great aunt, Mum would be even better.
I bet she met her wife in either a serene area like a flower shop or a bloodlust filled chaos like the battlefield. Two ways this could go. No in-between. Retired lesbian medic, Or Flowershop owner.
Kate seemed like the girl to like Penguins for not only their cuteness but their habitats , their diet, their life, and everything about them.
Would I be wrong to say that she most definitely got a piercing when she was a teen but took it out some time later?
She’d be a great friend to have, she’d be the one who’d order for you if you’re nervous.
You cannot FUCKING. DENY. That she has a border collie with a sweet name like Dolly
She has a wide range of music, but Music from Dolly Parton inspires her. Just imagine it.
a canonical lesbian with immense sarcasm.
Alex Keller :
Mmm the white man. /jk
He seems like he’d be the average uncle. I actually have an uncle that looks sorta like him, but balding brown hair and is named Corey.
He most definitely had a golden retriever or Siberian husky as a kid, some dog breed that’s hella energetic.
i can imagine how Any dog interaction he has now, they always try at least once to steal his leg like fetch.
He regretfully wore old spice when he was a teen but thankfully stopped after smelling himself.
He seemed to have played baseball as a kid. He just gives off that vibe.
He most definitely mispronounces easy af words on accident when distracted.
speaking of that, he seems to be a baking when stress kind of dude but also, if he did that, he’d pause halfway through cause he got distracted then forgets what he was doing. The only reminder being the burning kitchen after thirty minutes of distractions.
Silly little pansexual ‼️💕
Farah Karim
would i be wrong to headcannon that she would be the best muffin maker? Like even better than Gaz and Laswell.
She is so pretty ‼️
her favorite animal once was hedgehogs but now it’s lionesses. A massive change but both great animals.
I bet when she was a kid that she would threaten to bite people, and when in fights, actually did bite people. Worth it. (i have done this before as a kid. Proud af)
She would rock those black a leopard print sunglasses mums wear to beaches. Just think of it.
I wanna think that she had once owned those rabid chihuahuas and called the dog something sweet and unsuspecting like “Mr. sprinkles” for the fun and hell of it.
silly little demiromantic bisexual 🫶💕‼️
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moondancer35 · 1 year
Soooo I watched the Miraculous movie.
I have some thoughts.
(Spoilers under the cut)
First, my pros:
1) The animation. Oh my god the animation. It felt too good to be true in all honesty. It took me a minute to get used to it, but once I did, I was in love.
2) The character designs of Adrien, Marinette, and Gabriel are all BEAUTIFUL and so are their hero counterparts. Plagg and Tikki are also adorable and I love them.
3) Ladybug’s yo-yo is gorgeous. All of the gold detail work makes it look so much more alive and charming. I fell in love with the promo featuring it the second it came up on my feed.
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LIKE LOOK AT IT ITS GORGEOUS WHAT EVEN?? If they ever make a display yo-yo that looks like that I’d lose my everloving mind. I love the yo-yo :)
4) Canon footage of Gabriel actually caring about Adrien’s well being??? No way!!! When we saw that hug, me and my friend freaked the fuck out because Gabe was actually being a good dad?? But seriously, the Gabe rewrite was very necessary in my opinion. He shows real, genuine remorse for his actions for one of, if not the first time in the entire cinematic universe and having him regret what he did in the movie was very, very needed. Especially with the shorter run time.
5) Fu is a weirdo and I am living for it. The way he chases Marinette through the street after she saves him is hilarious to me. He was an absolute delight to watch and he managed to make me laugh more than once.
6) The sparring scene on the rooftop? Best scene in the entire movie and I will fight someone if they try to argue with me. You can practically taste LB/CN’s chemistry as the scene unfolds. The way they’re fighting against one another yet still working together?? Ugh. Brilliant.
7) The instrumentation was amazing. All the little motifs and parts tying the music to one another? Absolutely brilliant. I wasn’t a huge fan of the singing, nothing against Lou and SQVARE, it was just jarring to hear the Marinette voice drop. Thank god Bryce didn’t do the vocals for Adrien though I would have cried.
Now, it’s time for my issues (oh boy)
1) The entire movie felt rushed, ESPECIALLY the second act. They should have just committed to 2 hours in my opinion. Just 20 more minutes would have helped IMMENSELY with the pacing.
2) The character designs, overall, were quite jarring. Especially for background/minor characters. Something was always off. There are a few of the design choices that became sort of running jokes with my watch party. (Alya’s eyebrows, Gabriel’s chin and his long hair.)
3) A couple of the character rewrites were great. Some of them? Not so much. My specific gripes are as follows… Marinette falling for Adrien because he helped her up and called her weird. Same goes for Ladybug reluctantly helping Chat up during the fight. They could have done so much more with both of those scenes but they had to be rushed because of the cut run time. Also they butchered Plagg’s character and I am NOT here for it.
4) Most of this movie felt like a montage. It kinda was since they were trying to fit the entirety of the Gabriel arc into an hour and 40 minutes. I keep saying this, but they needed that extra 20 minutes in all reality.
5) I love the fact that the movie belongs to LadyNoir, we needed some good LadyNoir content because we get none in the show. What I don’t love, however, is that Adrien and Marinette didn’t really have any screen time at all. Just showing them interacting a little more would have been nice.
6) They cut The Wall Between Us. This is just a personal bias. I’ve been in love with this song for literal years. I’ve learned how to sing it in French simply because it brought me so much joy. I’m so upset they cut it but I don’t fault them for it. (At least it’s still on Spotify 😭)
Final thoughts:
This requires a bit of a storytime. My sister isn’t that into Miraculous. She watched the movie with me (and one of our friends) last night and she overall liked the movie. She brought up a good point about it though. “I feel like you have to know the show to see the movie but if you’ve seen the show it’s a little underwhelming because you expect it to be a certain way and it’s not.”
I fully agree with this sentiment. The first time Adrien’s name is even said is around 30~ minutes into the movie and that’s not really good storytelling for people who haven’t seen the show. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely adored the movie, I can tell it’s going to be a comfort film for me. There were just a LOT of plot issues, story inconsistencies, and overall just weak writing. But that’s okay! The plot is really simple compared to the show and that’s also okay! My gripes with the movie are just because I want the best for these silly little animated superheroes.
Overall, this movie will always be a 10/10 in my heart, it makes me so freaking happy that the movie finally released, but if I’m being fully objective it’s gotta be a 7/10. The pacing issues and some of the awful characterization really drags the movie down, but that’s just my opinion.
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Howdy 📯 You got a minute to talk about nonsense with me? (it's fun, I promise :D)
For some reason, I got a feeling that you've already been asked this, but I shall ask you nonetheless
/You can imagine us both on a talk show, if you want/
Do you have a favorite birb? (Or any favorite animal for the matter?)
What inspired you ✨ to create Birdbrains? Specifically, Gilbert's au character. Because I know that that guy has always been associated with birds, but in the same time he only has Gilbird in canon. And you need to do a lot of research for every chapter to be able to portray a believable ornithologist. You captured his persona perfectly ✨ 👌, I had a friend who liked ornithology and they're always spraying people with random bird facts, it's so funny 😂
Speaking of which, is it hard to do research? There's so many details you put into these, it's so impressive
Was there any moment when you for a reason decided to just come up with your own fact? Were there many? 😈 or not?
Your bits are hilarious, how much time does it take to come up with a joke?
And lastly, what is your favorite bird fact? 🐦
Thank you for answering, here's some sweets 🍭🍬🍫 :)
I think you're severely overestimating my popularity, no one's asked me these questions before.
I do have a favourite bird! And a favourite animal too! My favourite bird is a raven! And my favourite animal is a bat – not any specific kind of bat, but the very concept of them! I also really like snakes. I am perfectly aware those are all... edgier animals, but when I was in third grade, we had to do a project on our favourite animal, and I didn't want to do a cat or a dog (or a horse), so I settled on a bat. Maybe I was always a little edgy?
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Look at the pretty raven, it's so clever and pretty.
Just as I wrote in the tags for the first part of Birdbrains, I really did look at a duck for a little too long. Then I thought about the Bad Friends Trio and how they're always portrayed as these cool guys who everyone likes... And Gilbird... And then it clicked. I was struck by the insane thought "wouldn't it be funny if the BFT were bird watchers?" Then I of course had to have spamano, and I always liked prucan – how to make them connected? platonic romerica and North American bros, of course. Why they would meet? Well, hunting and birdwatching take place in the same areas... And in some odd 20 minutes after looking at a duck, the outline for Anatinae was formed in my brain. The Gilbird – Gilbert connection is what carries this entirely, that and the fact that Gilbert is actually not awesome, he's a losernerd who's not afraid to show it, and that makes him awesome. I'm SO glad you say I captured the ornithology spirit, because I don't actually know any bird watchers or ornithologists. 🥲
The research is part of why I haven't managed to write the next part (fruk being idiots who are hard to write is the other reason). For every single main part of birdbrains, I read through the wikipedia page for the chosen bird, spend time to figure out the subfamily for the bird, research symbolism and actual bird behaviour of the bird in question... It's a lot. For most, I've had 4-5 dedicated pages open for research purposes. While writing Cyanocoracinae, Youtube even began recommending me videos of blue jays, because I had watched a few videos to learn what their calls sounded like. It's a stupidly large amount of research – and bald eagles have no excuse for how hard it was to find their subfamily. Subfamilies are apparently a little bit of a strange label in the first place, but at this point all main parts has to end with -nae, because I think it has a nice ring to it.
So far, I don't think I've come up with my own facts. Misunderstood things, grossly simplified the difference between ravens and crows, and taken symbolism, jokes, and metaphors way too seriously – sure. Pheasant bashing is purely based on how fucking dumb all the pheasants I've ever seen are. Those birds want to die. But I try to stay true to reality, in case there's an ornithologist Hetalian out there. I don't want them to get mad at me for not knowing my stuff. XD
The jokes though. I'm glad you think they're funny! The jokes aren't that hard to come up with. Most are puns, after all, and some of them I think of while researching. Generally, I just go with whatever would be sillier. I live off of the silly.
My favourite bird fact is a bit hard, because there's so many in my head at this point. But last year when I went to Jungfraujoch in Switzerland, I learned about the alpine chough (there's just something about black corvids), and how it nests at a higher altitude than any other bird. Their eggs have adapted to this low oxygen atmosphere, and has a smaller loss of water too. Not to sound like Gilbert, but they're really cool.
Thank you for the candy! <3
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sunny-cyrus · 2 years
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Okay :]
(in response to this post)
Sunny omori BJ Cyrus
Film Critique; South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut
Fun fact! The movie is called “South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut” because of the original title “South Park: All Hell Breaks Loose” but the MPAA forced them to change the title. So Trey Parker and Matt Stone came up with a worse name in spite, the title also in itself a double entendre. 
    This movie came out on June 30th 1999. It’s a tv movie on the long running show South Park. It’s 81 minutes long, and the director is Trey Parker, the same guy who made the show (co-creator Matt Stone but he’s not the creative direction of this show/movie). It ended up making 83.1 million in the box office, its budget was 21 million USD and it got an 80% on rotten tomatoes. This movie is actually a musical, making fun of the Disney Renaissance thing at the time when they were making the movie.
• One review I found that describes this whole movie perfectly is “This is probably one of the best adaptations to a cartoon I’ve ever seen. To start things out, I love the writing. It’s brilliant, smart, and entertaining. And don’t get me started on the music, it’s probably one of the best soundtracks to an animated movie in film history. With songs like “What would Brian Boitano do?” And “Blame Canada” being earworms to the brain because of them being REALLY catchy. And despite being an over 20 year old film, the movie still feels very funny with the edgy, raunchy humor that South Park is known for, and I think it pulls off REALLY well. So if you ask me, this is a must watch film if you are a fan of South Park or just wanting a fun, hilarious movie, South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut is WAY worth your time. Just don’t watch it while the kids are around.”
• The summary as shown on it’s about page; In this feature film based on the hit animated series, the third graders of South Park sneak into an R-rated film by ultra-vulgar Canadian television personalities Terrance (Matt Stone) and Phillip (Trey Parker), and emerge with expanded vocabularies that leave their parents and teachers scandalized. When outraged Americans try to censor the film, the controversy becomes a call to war with Canada, and Terrance and Phillip end up on death row -- with only the kids left to save them.”
Most of the people who voiced/played in this movie are Trey Parker and Matt Stone themselves. There’s also Mary Kay Bergman ( someone who has voiced over 400 characters in media so you'll be bound to know one of her voices), Isaac Hayes, John Venzon, and Marc Shaiman. Some other voices were audio samples and guest voices. 
The movie was based on the first season episode called “Death” Parker and Stone wanted to continue the idea of the parents protesting against a tv show they found inappropriate for children. They originally made that episode with a movie in mind too. 
Elements of this movie are the songs, considering that the movie is a musical there’s exactly sixteen songs. Each of them is phenomenal and amazing. They were written by Trey Parker, someone who has written many other songs before and also Marc Shaiman wrote the songs along with Trey Parker. For example “Mountain Town” is the song that introduces the main characters; Stan Marsh, Kenny McCormick, Kyle Broflovski and Eric Cartman where they go towards the movie theater which then introduces the main conflict of the movie. Every song is so amazing and well written, they also move the plot along. 
Elements and things that could’ve been improved, isn’t really anything. The music was great, the storyline and different plot points were interesting and tied together well. The only complaint I was even able to find was the time the movie came out! There’s not much to pick at for this movie, there may be one inconsistency with the movie and show when comparing, Sheila Brofoflovski hates Canadians in the movie even though she has an adopted son who’s Canadian. Although that was covered in the end of the movie when Kyle points it out. She was too focused on the thought of protecting children from adult things that she lost focus on her own children’s needs.
Usually when Trey/Matt make stuff it’s to be funny. But when they try to be funny it isn’t just offensive humor, even though that’s what everyone usually thinks south park is. It’s always some kind of commentary on what’s happening and then spewed into a parody of things and the perspective of fourth/third graders. The elements into making this movie was like making a longer, more impactful musical version of just another episode of South Park. The animation is paper cut outs of little people, the whole point of it is to look crappy. 
Although originally when making the pilot for the show they had done stop-motion animation with paper. Now and especially with the movie, the animation is made using Alias|Wavefront PowerAnimator, running on SGI O2 and Octane workstations. Though the characters are mapped they have a paper texture to keep going with the stop-motion paper cut out style. One of my favorite shots has to be when Cartman uses a broken chip that was implanted into him which shocks him when he swears. But because it was broken he could zap anyone when he swears, so when he goes to defeat Saddam Hussein there’s a 360 shot of Cartman with lightning around him saying many swears to send Hussein back to hell.
The elements in this film, musical based and advertised as inappropriate, do really impact this film. The music pushes everything along. The swearing and such shows how children act and it’s a commentary on how parents will push the blame onto the media for how their children act and how it’s their job to make sure children aren’t watching. Which is also a thing about kids watching South Park. The incorporation of Kenny always dying but being sent to hell this time to fix Satan and Hussein’s relationship so they don’t go to earth and overrun everything because if Sheila kills two Canadians (Terrance and Phillip) then they can rule everything. 
I love this movie. I unironically would put it in my top five list of favorites movies. It’s truly iconic and I do listen to the songs from time to time. I’d definitely recommend it if you’ve seen the first few seasons of South Park. 5/5 this movie is still funny and good to this day. 
Unnecessary fun facts about this movie
• The film was released on DVD in the US on November 23, 1999, with a VHS release initially exclusively as a rental.
• South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Original Song for "Blame Canada".
 • As a joke, Parker and Stone attended the 72nd Academy Awards ceremony in drag, It was later revealed on 6 Days to Air that they were high on LSD during the pre-show and the ceremony.
• In the 2001 edition of the "Guinness Book of World Records," "South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut" was awarded "Most Swearing in an Animated Movie." According to their data, the film contains 399 swears (including the 144 F-word
South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut Wikipedia. ww.wikipedia.com
In text citation (Wikipedia) 
“South Park Archives” southpark.fandom.net
Accessed since 2005
In text citation: (Fandom)
Logan J. Fowler. “1999 Movie-versaries: South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut”
“If I have one negative thing to say about the movie, I think releasing two years after the show premiered may have been a bit too early. Even though the show has been on for 20 years, it may have been better to wait until later in the run, something for fans to feel rewarded for. “
What're your thoughts on the movie? How was my critique, what grade would you give me lmao
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screechthemighty · 2 years
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I posted 4,270 times in 2022
That's 600 more posts than 2021!
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#a queue? in my blog? (more likely than you think) - 317 posts
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Longest Tag: 140 characters
#i've been re-reading the repcom novels lately and that made this already very good and correct post feel more like a punch to the face so!!!
My Top Posts in 2022:
Everyone shut up, this is actually hilarious
235 notes - Posted October 20, 2022
Marc: ow, the fuck is up with this migraine *checks the news* oh. lunar eclipse.
Steven, nervous: marc what's that got to do with anything
Marc, taking a double-dose of aspirin: ........
Steven, even more nervous: marc what DOES THAT-
288 notes - Posted May 14, 2022
The real reason Moon Knight wasn’t in Infinity War/Endgame is that Steven would’ve absolutely verbally decimated Thanos within five minutes of hearing his stupid motivation monologue, I said what I said and also I’m right.
290 notes - Posted July 15, 2022
It needs to be pointed out
Fenrir has the family birth mark
322 notes - Posted November 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Marc: I'm so good at masking, no one is ever gonna know.
Also Marc: Making too much eye contact to compensate. Visibly holding a ton of tension all over his body. Can't socialize with strangers because he doesn't know the script. Same two outfits. Lets Layla or Frenchie take the lead whenever possible and just kind of hovers in the background.
559 notes - Posted June 22, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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tankmiral · 2 years
Spongebob moves in hack download
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(Hopefully the new season of the TV show will be just as good!) Go see this movie.When you get a 404 error be sure to check the URL that you are attempting to use in your browser.This tells the server what resource it should attempt to request.
#Spongebob moves in hack download movie
If you're a long time fan of Spongebob, this is a great movie to relive your childhood a little bit more. The live action visuals were impressive, but during those scenes, the comedy hit a dry spell until the last moments of the movie. All in all, this movie would have been a 10/10 if Spongebob stayed anchored, and never had left the water. Thankfully this part only lasts about 20 minutes, and moves onto one of the greatest movie endings, tying it up all in a bow with a nice rap battle that came out of nowhere (Creators of Epic Rap Battles of History), and some interpretative dance from Squidward that parodies his famous dance moves from a previous episode. Also this movie is sure to leave you wondering "what will happen next?!" As you can never quite predict what the writers will throw out at you (others have compared this movie to an acid trip, and I don't want to spoil anything, but I found it a rather enjoyable one) The only thing I did not like was the "superpowers" part, (this was the part that turned me off in the first place) as I felt some of them tried "too hard" to make the audience laugh, and it just didn't feel like Spongebob. (Listen for the "my leg!" recurring gag!). Not only this, but the jokes and gags are hilarious, and only occasionally fall short, but when they do, they make sure to make up for it. (If you ever watch/re-watch this movie, take a good look at the facial animations during the 2D parts, they're absolutely brilliant). I found every frame enjoyable, and it almost has a Ren and Stimpy like feel to it which made me appreciate it so much more. The 2D animation is the best animation I have seen in a LONG time.
#Spongebob moves in hack download series
Sponge Out of Water is an absolute TREAT for both old and new fans of the series alike, and the movie kept me entertained to the very end. I was expecting this movie to be the nail in the coffin for the Spongebob franchise, and I was legitimately concerned that I would never see a good thing come from the series ever again. Let me start off by saying, before I saw this movie, based on the trailers, my expectations were as low as they could possibly be.
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pascalpanic · 3 years
Drunk Words (Frankie Catfish Morales x f!Reader)
Drunk Words / Sober Thoughts part one of two
Summary: Frankie’s drunk off his ass and needs a ride home. PART ONE of a two part Frankie fic
W/C: 2.7k+
Warnings: language, copious amounts of alcohol, Frankie is absolutely shitfaced
A/N: THANK U TO MY BABE @sanchosammy for this idea!!! I love it so much I fuckin LOVE my baby frankie
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As you roll over in bed, you groan. You’ve been up for about 20 minutes now, unable to return to the blissful sleep that had been enveloping you before. The time on your watch now reads 3:07. You frown and grab your phone, lying on your side. The light is bright enough to make you squint, and you smile at the text thread you’ve received from Frankie tonight.
The man brings nothing but happiness to your life. You really do love Frankie, not just platonically. You want to hold his big and strong hands, want to lift up his ball cap and kiss him on the forehead, want to fluff the hat hair he always gets from that Standard Oil cap. More than anything, you want to softly kiss that little patch in his beard. It’s just existing there, perfectly clean even when he’s almost at a full beard. His tough fingers scratch it and you giggle, looking away when he asks what’s so funny. Nothing, Fish, you immediately reply. Fishie, if you’re feeling a little more flirtatious.
Frankie might be feeling the same, you’ve noticed lately. He’s a little more touchy with you. He hugs you longer than the other men, makes you dance with him when a good song comes on. He lets it happen when you steal his ball cap and wear it, where he’d scold and smack any of the other men for it. He lends you his flannel when you’re cold, wrapping it gingerly around your shoulders.
It’s been a long time that you’ve been friends now. Just recently, you’ve come to appreciate him differently. The way he hugs you warms your heart still, but it makes your heart race and your hands sweat. It makes you want to lift your face from where it rests in his neck and kiss him softly, your fingers working into that little bald patch on his jaw.
Even now, as he’s clearly drunk, you adore him. How can you not?
Frankie 🚁: attachment: one image
You open the photo and laugh. It’s a blurry selfie of Frankie, an arm draped over Santiago’s shoulders. The two men make faces like they’re going to bite the other, and it makes you chuckle aloud. You can see his fluffy curls peeking out from beneath the cap, and you desperately want to play with them. The image is blurry, showing that it must’ve been moving while he took it.
Frankie 🚁: missing u tonight, Santiago says he doesn’t like me when you’re not around
Frankie 🚁: holy fuck their new beer is really good, you gotta try it soon
Frankie 🚁: lol I fuckin love the nachos here
Frankie 🚁: snati is so annoying, pls get him away from me
Frankie 🚁: u r probably sleep sorry :((((
Frankie 🚁: can we got o a zoo soon?? I wanna see animals 🦫🐈🐕‍🦺🦡
You laugh out loud at the words, at Frankie’s terrible typing. He must be shitfaced. He’s hilarious when he’s drunk.
The last text was only four minutes ago.
Me: Alright, Fishie. Stop drinking and eat something. No more beer.
Frankie 🚁: ha I’m drinking that Coffey shit… Kalua?? isk but it’s so gooood
Your phone rings, filling the screen with your profile picture of Frankie. It’s a photo of him smiling, his dimple evident. Your cheek is pressed to his, grinning just as wide. God, he’s so fucking cute. You love him so much.
You take a second and stare at the photo before pressing the answer button and putting it on speaker. “Hey, Fish.”
“Hey,” he laughs, dragging the word out long and slow. “S’a shame you weren’t here, Will’s been buying all night.” His words are slurred and woozy. You can hear the roar of the bar behind him.
“Ah, so that’s why you’re shitfaced,” you laugh into the phone.
“Precisely,” he slurs, a smile clear in his voice. “I can’t drive.”
“I’m glad you realize that. What do you want me to do about that? I can have an Uber coming your way in ten minutes.”
“Will you pick me up?” He asks, his voice like a child’s. “Fuckin’ Ubers cost money, ‘n I just wanna see your pretty face.”
“Frankie,” you warn but feel your body warm at the notion.
“You got a cute little nose,” he laughs. “Just wanna boop it. Can I boop it? Just go… boop, boop boop. Right on the nose.”
You sigh. “Fine. I’ll be there in twenty minutes. You’re so fucking lucky I think you’re cute.”
“Thank you,” he practically sings. “See you then. Mwah.”
You throw on a hoodie and walk to your car, not caring to cover up your patterned flannel shorts that you sleep in. Your hair is messy, you don’t have makeup on, you don’t really give a shit. It’s Frankie.
Once you reach the bar, you shoot him a text, and the four men stumble outside. “Yo!” Benny calls and rushes over to you. It’s clear his normal balance has left his body for the night, his body a little wobbly. He’s an excited drunk. He slams on your window until you lower it. “Hey, you missed out on a good time,” he grins. His words blur together too.
Frankie follows behind him, an arm thrown across him. He’s still got a little balance. “Missed you so much, cariño. Santi’s being an ass.”
You look up at Will. “These fuckers need a ride too?” He’s the responsible one of the men, even when intoxicated.
He shakes his head. “Got an Uber coming. They’re staying at my place tonight.”
Frankie puts a hand on the car to steady himself. “Knew you’d come. Pretty girl always comes through for me, even at 3 A.M., thank you,” he slurs happily, his eyes half open.
Santiago leans against your car. “Hey gorgeous. We missed you.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you roll your eyes. “Get the grizzly bear in the car.”
Frankie laughs at the words. “Ooh, I like that. Big and fluffy but murderous.”
“I’m about to get murderous if you don’t get in the car right now, Francisco Morales.”
“Oh, snap!”
“Shit, man.”
Benny gives a whistle. The men all make noises in commentary and laugh, Will opening the door. Frankie flops down inside. Benny ensures that all of his limbs have made it in and shuts the door. “Don’t party too hard with him tonight,” Santiago calls and you roll your eyes.
The two of you drive off and out of the bar parking lot.
“Hey, Fish,” you say, snapping your fingers in front of his face. “Buckle up. I’m not getting in trouble for your dumb ass.”
“You always do, though,” he mumbles and tilts his head to look at you. “You’re so good to me.”
“I’m a fucking saint,” you sigh sarcastically. “Seriously, buckle up. If you can’t do it yourself, we’re going to the ER for alcohol poisoning.”
“No,” he whines and pouts at you. “Just wanna be close to you. Wanna just…” he trails off and rests his head against your shoulder. “Mm. There. Your skin is so soft.”
“That’s my hoodie, Frankie.”
He takes a deep breath in through his nose, the scent clicking in his addled brain. “No, that’s my hoodie.”
He’s right, you realize. You grabbed a random sweatshirt and pulled it on before leaving. You’re the one who’s always cold at gatherings, leaving Frankie to share one of his many layers with you. You smile a bit. “It’s comfy.”
“I like it better on you. I really like you in my clothes, you know that? Wear them way better than I can. You just look so cute and so little.”
“Frankie, I’m 5’9,” you refute and glare down at him, where he looks up at you with puppy-dog mocha-colored eyes.
“Just look so small in ‘em. I’m like 6’0, you know that.”
“I do know that, Francisco. You remind us all the time,” you laugh, removing his ball cap and tossing it into his lap. “Still shorter than Benny. Get that hat off and I think you’re shorter than Santi.”
“I’m taller than him,” Frankie whines at the reminder. “How come Benny’s the baby and he’s so tall? He’s like a fuckin’ giraffe up there, can never see his stupid face,” he pouts.
“He’s too tall for comfortable hugs,” you nod in agreement. “And Santi is too short. And Will is too fucking awkward,” you laugh. You purposely leave out the bit about how perfect hugs from Frankie are, how much you dream about them and crave them.
His dark brows furrow as he looks up at you with glazed eyes. “Wha’bout me?”
The car stops for a moment as a light in front of you turns red. You smile down at him and push his messy curls from his forehead. “I like hugging you. You’re comfy.”
“Ha, grizzly bear hugs,” he slurs. “Y’should call me that more often. I like it when you call me things the boys don’t. Makes me feel tingly,” he laughs, lovestruck as he looks up at you.
“Yeah, like when they put the meds in before they steal your teeth.”
“Steal your teeth?” You laugh loudly, toying with one of the curls. “Do you mean get a tooth removed?”
“Same thing. I don’t like it when they do it then. I like it when you call me stuff though. Fishie makes me laugh and feel happy.”
“Oh yeah?” God, he’s so fucking precious. He looks at you like a puppy stares at their owner, pure and unadulterated love radiating from them. “I’ll need to call you Fishie more often then.”
It’s quiet for a while. Frankie’s head still rests against your shoulder. He can feel all of the tiny muscles move as you steer and navigate the car. He likes the way they move, making his drunken head even more floaty. After a few moments, he shifts to lean against the car door, just watching you.
The music drifting from the radio is soft and quiet. You almost think Frankie’s fallen asleep, since he’s so quiet, but you look over and see him gazing over at you. “Penny for your thoughts, Fish.”
You’re expecting something stupid. Frankie is quite the philosopher when he’s drunk, always asking odd rhetorical questions. ‘Is a muffin an unfrosted cupcake?’ has always been a favorite of his. He’s never quite made up his mind about it, waxing poetic about the difference in the two baked goods.
He always says something stupid, but this time, his sober thoughts become his drunken words. “You’re the most absolute prettiest woman I’ve ever seen,” he smiles at you, those pink lips curled into a soft smile. It shows off his dimple, and you want to scream from how cute he looks. One of his big hands reaches over and cups your face.
“You’re drunk,” you shake your head, looking back at the road. “Don’t be stupid.”
“No, I mean yeah. Kinda drunk and really stupid, ha, but I mean it. You’re so fuckin’ pretty, cariño.” The backs of his fingers trace across the side of your face, resting on the side of your neck now.
You look down at yourself, still skeptical. “No, I know what you’re gonna say,” he pouts, beating you to the punch. “You’re in your pajamas and your hair is all messy ‘n whatever, but you’re so pretty. Your face is so cute. I love your nose. Just wanna…” he leans over and makes good on his promise for earlier. “Boop,” he coos as he pokes the tip of your nose, smiling wide. “You’re so cute. The guys make fun’a me because I never shut up about it.”
“Oh really?” you ask, raising an eyebrow and laughing.
“Yeah. Santi says I’m in love with you,” he murmurs, sitting back against the car window.
You gulp as you force yourself to grip the steering wheel harder, staring at the white dashes separating the two-lane road. “Yeah? What do you have to say on the matter?”
“I’m kinda thinkin’ he might be right.” His voice is small and quiet.
You shake your head again, eyes watering from the honesty. There’s no way he can think that. He’s shitfaced. He doesn’t mean it, there’s no way. He’s never been more than a friend, done anything to indicate romance.
Or… maybe he has, you reflect. He pays for your drinks most nights. He’ll order something you want and share it with you. He’s always a little touchier than he is with the boys. “You don’t mean that,” you say quietly, swallowing hard.
Whatever common sense he has left tells him to be quiet, so he does. He sits there silently for the rest of the drive, the tension palpable between the two of you. When you finally reach his house and park, you hold your breath. You don’t know what to do, what to say, but you can’t just let him go inside without saying anything. He sits up a little straighter as he realizes he’s come to a stop.
You bite your lip and look over at him. “I should help you inside.”
He nods and you turn off the car, putting the key in the pocket of your hoodie. You get out and walk to Frankie’s side, opening his door. He reaches his arms out to you and you chuckle a little. He looks like a helpless little child.
“Alright, grizzly bear,” you grunt as he swings his feet out and you help lift him to his feet. His arms cling to you tight until he’s standing up.
“Thanks,” he murmurs and wraps an arm around your shoulder when he’s upright.
“Don’t thank me yet,” you chuckle.
Using you as a crutch, he walks alongside you and into his house. He fumbles with the key until you open it for him, then lock it behind you. He leads the way to his room, opening the door and sighing as he sees his bed.
“Not yet,” you say as he tries to get to the bed. “Come on.” You pull his flannel off, leaving him in the t-shirt underneath. “Okay, go on.” He flops down onto his bed with a happy noise. Once he’s down, you unlace his boots and pull them off, then his socks.
Standing at his side, you undo his belt. “Woah,” he laughs. “‘M way too drunk for that, pretty girl. Kinda wanna though.”
“Shut the fuck up, Fish,” you laugh and thread it through the loops, tossing it aside. “I’m getting your clothes off so you can sleep.”
“Oh,” he sighs, giggling drunkenly as you pull his pants off. “Kinda feels like we’re gonna fuck.”
“Maybe another time,” you tease and pull the covers over him. Pushing his curls from his face, you softly kiss his cheek. “Call me when you’re sober, okay?”
He frowns and grabs the hand on his face with both of his rough palms. “Don’t leave me,” he pouts.
“Frankie,” you sigh and look at your watch. “It’s 3:35 in the goddamn morning.”
“Then stay the night,” he begs. “You said you like hugging me. I want you to hug me all night long,” he sighs, kissing your fingertips. You smile softly. It’s a good offer, you have to admit. He makes it even harder to say no. “I won’t be able to sleep if you’re not here when I wake up.”
“Lots of things can happen while you’re asleep, Fishie. I can-”
“Mm, Fishie,” he says with a smile, his eyes fluttering closed. “Come snuggle with me, pretty girl.”
You sigh as you look at the man. It’s not like you haven’t spent time pressed into his side, watching a sports game or a movie. You and Frankie are affectionate friends. He looks so warm and inviting, his body radiating heat. “Fine,” you give in. “Only because I’m cold.”
“Not ‘cause you like me too?” he asks and rolls over, leaving room for you.
“We can discuss that when you’re sober.” The spot he laid is warm and cozy, his body heat making it perfect for you. You slide under the covers next to him and he wraps his arms around you, pulling you into his chest.
Frankie presses a sloppy kiss to your head, smiling. You can hear his slow and steady heartbeat. “G’night cariño,” he mumbles, lips still buried in your hair.
“Goodnight, Frankie,” you whisper.
He falls asleep almost instantly, and you’re close behind him. You’ve never been more at peace than when you fall asleep in Frankie Morales’s arms.
read part two: SOBER THOUGHTS
@remmysbounty @mishasminion360 @softly-sad @blo0dangel @binarydanvvers @sleep-tight1 @apascalrascal @randomness501 @spideysimpossiblegirl @notabotiswear @pedro-pastel @sanchosammy @lv7867
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symphonicmetal101 · 3 years
Over-Tired OM Boys HCs
Here's the initial thing that got me started thinkin bout the boys, but here ya go-
- this man, once he hits overtired, is extremely gullible, which is why he locks himself in his office until hes done what needs to be done
- also cannot keep a train of thought for more than 20 seconds and it drives him nuts
- and then he loses his focus even more because he's upset
- you tried knocking on the door once, and told him when you closed your eyes, you couldnt see and needed to go to the doctor
- man went from frustrated to concerned in a heartbeat, only after opening the door realizing how foolish he had just come across
- but now the door was open and you had access to him, and reluctantly he let you drag him to bed
- Will deny it ever happened, and if you bring it up, expect a punishment.
- Though he is grateful you made him rest so he would not become the laughingstock of his brothers
- over tired bby will ramble until he forgot what he was talking about and space out for a solid ten seconds before snapping back
- it doesnt matter if you're listening intently or only half listening, he makes no sense what so ever.
- If you can record him without him noticing you (which is easy to do in this state) and play it back once he's rested he's either facepalming and blushy for the nonsense he spewed or he managed to pick out what he may have been trying to say and gets super excited, going off on another more understandable tangent.
- Gaming is a priority
- Sleeping is not
- Levi usually ends up just tired, not wired but dear lord when he does-
- All that energy and passion he pours into the way he speaks about anime and manga?
- Its physical now...oh and hes slightly more extroverted
- Though its a rare sight, over tired Levi works out and rambles about whatever it was that made him stay up that long, and hes doing it all in your room
- Over tired Satan is a rare sight, though it happens often, as he holes up in his room
- He gets an impulse to clean, and will tidy and clean and organize his books, though it never lasts
- and theres no escape, he will start crying if he feels you arent paying attention or if you're about to leave
- Depending on who you are, he either becomes 10000000% testier, or hes a giggly mess, there is no in between
- Finds everything funny, but will get pouty if it came from someone he doesnt really like
- Over tired Asmo is rare, likely the rarest of all the boys to see, save for Barbatos
- but he is a chaotic little fucker
- dear god
- He will raid the fridge and pantry worse than Beel, specifically when hes on a diet-
- Then MC you're either in for one hell of a story from Asmo, most of them his not-so-proud drunk moments that he never talks about for that reason but he cant stop himself-
-his laugh sounds even more high pitched than normal, and a little maniacal, and he finds everything he says hilarious
- you will go on an adventure probably
- spaces out randomly, and also cries easily, dont point this put to him and say yes to his adventures, he'll change his mind a thousand times on the way- just go with it
- overtired Beel happens quite a bit, usually after the victory of a game and the adrenaline starts to wear off- and then he still has stuff to do
- but instead of "oh" and maybe a small laugh when he realizes what happened its more ".....oh" and then he looks like he's having an existential crisis
- you will have to physically lead him to bed after that, he's too busy thinking and slowly eating whatever is in his hand
- he snacks to keep himself awake, and poor himbo man is even more gullible than usual
- will want to cuddle, but wont ask when hes like this
- out like a bulb immediately
- The Avatar of Sloth? Over tired? yes it happens unfortunately-
- He gets even grumpier than usual because he can’t sleep
- Then at night its just restless tossing and turning
- yes even the seemingly flawless butler gets overtired, but opposite of Asmo, he is far better at concealing it
- Usually happens when he intentionally sleeps through important meetings and days for Lucifer back to back to back
- It’s another excuse to hold you though, so he might make himself over tired more often
- You will see him stifle yawns
- And when given instructions, his eyes widen slightly with concentration as he whispers the instructions over and over under his breath so nobody can hear, but its clear his lips are moving
- he cannot be bribed
- he can be intimidated though, and how you ask?
- “threaten” to go tell Beel or Dia because you know full well if they were asked, they would carry Barb back to his quarters if you can’t do so on your own-
- no he will not sleep
- Usually that’s enough to convince him, but you have to stay near to make sure he doesn’t leave until he’s well-rested, otherwise he’ll leave as soon as possible and try to get back to work
- buuuut if you’re “on guard” or in bed with him- well he might have a few extra minutes or hours to spend with you
- overtired Diavolo is rather rare, as Barbatos is very strict with the prince's schedule
- Still though if Diavolo truly wants to keep going...all Barb can do is prepare for the future
- Which uh...just means being able to drag the prince to his quarters
- If you thought he was lively before, being overtired is kinda like giving caffiene to a squirrel for him
- Until he suddenly crashes....which, depending on how you like his company, can be unfortunate as his kick can last for hours
- Simeon goes into zombie mode when he's overtired
- He hates to admit it, but it tales every oumce of strength to not fall asleep in the middle of classes
- Not that Luke would let him
- He's a little dazy, a little slow, but even just a power nap gets the angel going again
- Babie boy, don't stay up with the big kids-
- an overtired ten year old follows a certain progression
- grumpy, denial in need of sleep, chatterbox, chatterbox, chatterbox, chatt- oh he fell asleep in the middle of his sentence
- will not acknowledge anything in the morning, even as he walks out of his bedroom instead of the random place he slept, instead carrying on the conversation he left half finished the night before
- hah
- he has spells
- who needs sleep?
- bastard also pushes himself too far, but disguises it with more ease than anyone else, at least until its just the two of you
- He tends to run his hand through his hair more often, fidgets more
- hes a little jumpy too, so continue with caution if you dont want to be turned into a frog-
Anyways, I know its been a hot minute since I posted anything really uh...substantial? I guess this will have to do?? I'm going to be travelling for a bit, so I apologize for slow updates, also dont have the patience to make a queue
Thank y'all for supporting me anyways, it means a lot!! Keep an eye out for the next OC Hunger Games~
Love ya!!
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immaculatetfs · 3 years
Hey! I have a story idea. What if a group of bros decide to go cow tipping on a farm and the farmer is a wizard. He stops them and attaches cow bells to their necks slowly transforming them into cows. Their utters produce muscle milk which he sells in stores.
Can do (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)
                                                     Muscle milk
*Animal TF*
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Jaques Caleb and Chad had been best friends since starting school together. All three had been quick to meet on the football field, their loud, immature humour making the trio thick as thieves, all the while making the rest of their classmates dismiss them as egg-headed and obnoxious, stereotypical jocks. This bond between these three only strengthened as they grew into their late teens.They spent most of their time together either working out, playing football or partying. There was a rumour that back in the 50’s there had been a tradition for highschool leavers to go cow tipping on their last day, a practice that had been outlawed after perpetrators had mysteriously disappeared. Perhaps it was this that gave Caleb the notion at the school ball afterparty.
“YOOOOO BROOOO We should go cow tipping Broo” he slured
“What? Nah bro well miss the party” replied Chad as he made out with his girlfriend
“WeRe gOnnA MIss ThE pArTY, nah man. It's gonna be a RIOT. Don't you wanna uphold the Greenfield tradition?” Mocked Caleb
“Nah man, come with us , it's gonna be HILARIOUS” Jaques chimed in
“Ugh you guys are such idiots. Seeya babe” Chad gave his girlfriend one last long kiss and the trio left the party’s smell of deodorant and booming music, their heads swimming  with fireball and beer and mouths chuckling as Caleb made ribald remarks of what they would do to the unsuspecting cows.
They chose a field that was about 20 minutes away from their school that just scraped the outskirts of town. They believed that nobody would be looking out as the last caught tipping was ages ago, but still wanted a quick escape. 
After climbing over the wire fence, the three made their way up a hill to the nearest heftier, a large cow with swollen udders and belly, likely late in the stages of pregnancy. 
“Nah guys we shouldn't do this, it's wrong” said Chad, having sobered up on his walk there, but both of his mates ignored him entirely as they usually did. The two snuck up to the side of the slumbering animal, creeping up until they had hands right against her hide. 
Caleb looked left to Jaques, who gave him a stupid grin.
“STOP” a deep, mature voice commanded. They  froze. Behind them a man had appeared, seemingly out of nowhere
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“What are y’all doing on my property this time’a night” he said in a thick southern drawl
“You kids doin’ some cow tipping?”
They were unable to move, each standing like statues in the cold, night air.
“My bad, y'all can move now” he waved his hand
Suddenly they could breathe again
“Sir, We didn't do anything!” pleaded Jaques
“Yeah sir! Nothing!” Caleb paroted 
The stranger sighed. Well I ca……..
“Well do anything, just don't call the cops on us! I have a scholarship and iy that happens...!” Caleb cried out, interupting
For a moment there Caleb thought he saw a sinister sparkle in the strangers eye, but it  was gone as fast as it had appeared, if it was ever there at all
“Well i've been needing work done round here recently, how's that sound?”
The sobered younger men agreed, reasoning  it was better shovel some hay than get caught breaking the law.
“Great, Follow me” 
He led the group to a large shed, heavy with the pungent smell of animals. They could hear cows mooing
I’ll need y’all to stick these round yer necks” the farmer pointed to three huge, steel cowbells, attached to leather harnesses that laying together on the barn floor.
“What?” exclaimed Caleb
“Put it on or do I need to tell the cops what I saw tonight?” the man said darkly
Begrudgingly, the three men lifted up the heavy metal bells and clasped them around their necks, struggling with the weight. 
“Don't we need better fitting ones? This is almost down to my belly button, and it's so heavy as shit!” complained Jaques
“Oh that's gonna right itself now don't you worry kid” the man clicked his fingers and all three of the jocks began to feel queasy. “Now y’all will stay here now wont you? I need to go get some things.” The man walked out of the barn, followed by an *click* as the door was locked.
The three jocks looked at each other, a mixture of fear and confusion on each of their faces. 
Suddenly, Caleb moaned.
“Oh guys, I feel really fucking weird” he said. He felt his balls tight against the fabric of his underpants, and when he looked down he could swear his bulge was bigger
“Guys, what’s happening?” His bulge was definitely getting bigger
“I don't know, but it's happening to me as well!” Jaques stared in horror as his sack grew with exponential speed until became so large it was visible against his baggy workout shorts 
“Ohhhh” moaned Caleb as his jeans tore apart with a RIIIP and his engorged sack spilled out, exposing himself for all his bros to see. 
Bonus pic
“What the fuck is that!” he exclaimed “It looks like a, a …”
“An udder”
Behind them, the farmer had returned with two buckets in hand. He was grinning
“The fuck is happening? I thought we were just gonna shovel some shit and be done?” the panic was clear in Caleb’s voice
“Never said nothing ‘bout that, told y’all that I needed work done. I ain't had no new muscle milk cows for a while, bout time I got myself a breeding pair or two” he smirked at the terrified jocks
“Speaking of” he looked over at Chad, who was growing a bulge of an entirely different sort than Caleb and Jaques. While their balls swelled to inhuman size, his member was growing longer and longer while his balls dropped lower and lower. His dick’s tip thinned, losing its mushroom-shape and becoming slender and pointed. Chad stared at his new member in horror, “I'm becoming a Bull” 
“There's a smart kid! and what are thems bout to be?”
The stranger walked over to Caleb, grabbed his member and gave it a firm tug. Orgasmic pleasure rolled over Caleb as thick musky cum squirted out his erect cock from his full sack, causing him to moan
“Hear that? yer gonna be a cow. Looks like you two are coming along nicely, rest of yer new nipples should be coming bout now”
And so they did, pushing out of the two jocks swollen new udders emerged round fleshy nipples, each was a size and thickness that made indistinguishable from what had been their loved cocks.
With the udders fully formed, the farmer tugged the two shell shocked jocks over buckets, his skilled hands milking them simultaneously. At first, hot jets of thick white pungent cum squirted out of their udders, but as the rhythmic tugging and squeezing and massaging continued, the content of these spurts became thinner and turned pink until what they excreted was entirely warm, creamy, muscle milk. The farmer dipped his finger into the liquid for a taste. Satisfied,  he then took the entire bucket and chugged, with each gulp his already toned frame grew harder and harder, his muscles expanding. “ ahh always best fresh.” he exclaimed, wiping his mouth of the warm, rich, creamy substance. 
the already muscular jocks began to bulk as well, though not solely with muscle. Their stomachs, pecs and asses swelled bulbously with muscle that was then smothered with a thick layer of wobbling fat. This expansion left the clothes of the men as little more than rags. Their fingers merged together, nails thickening and darkening as their thumbs sunk into their hands, all the while the same was happening to their feet concealed by their worn sneakers. Soon in place of hands and feet, the jocks had hooves 
As his body bulked up further, Caleb’s centre of gravity began to change. For a precious few seconds he wobbled and flailed, until ungraceful falling onto all fours. Try as he might, he would never again stand up. Jaques had better luck, keeping balance until he felt a harsh shove on his thick muscle ass and he too fell on his new hooves, humiliated.
Chad’s bull cock had been hard and throbbing all the while watching this, pumping him to the brim with raging bull hormones. He was overcome by the tide of  testosterone, surrendering to base animal instinct. Nothing mattered save eating sleeping and fucking. Gone was all of his higher brain functions His body expanded thicker and thicker as he grew to a size that put his two  bros to shame. From his head he felt a splitting pain as horns flushed out through his skin. No longer capable of speech, he roared in pain, a sound that deepened as it went on, becoming entirely animal as his vocal chords rearranged. He fell onto all fours, his feet and hands having been replaced with hooves and raw muscle.
As all three stood on all fours, the transformation accelerated. They felt as their organs rearranged in their massive bellies, their stomach splitting into five chambers as to better digest huge amounts of food. They lost control of their bowles, leaving piles of filth behind the widened holes. The taints of Jaques and Caleb sucked into their bodies, changing into the fertile wombs of muscle milk cows. The pheromones that they released drove the new bull into a frenzy and he mounted Caleb, who had only moments before been his best bro.
“I’ll leave you three too it, see ya tomorrow bright an early for milking” the farmer left the barn, not even bothering to even close the door. 
The skin of the young men began changing, it hardened, thickening into a rough and thick hide as short, pink hair sprouted across it. The last thing to change was their heads, noses moistened, becoming wide flat across their faces, eyelashes grew and hair fell from their heads. The men’s ears elongated into cow ears, being covered with the same hair that was now thick across their bodies. Their mouths pushed out, becoming snouts as their screams of lust as they mated lowered to base, animalistic grunts, moans then finally moo’s. Finally, Jaques and Caleb began to lose their minds, Chad having already succumbed to his base animal lust. Memories of being human disappeared from them, lives at school and at home, their crushes, their best and worst games everything was replaced with memories of gorging on grass, being milked (or mounting) and restfully sleeping in the barn. 
Despite this, there is evidently still present a bond between the three .The two new cows are inseparable. The same might be said of our new bull, though his mind would treat anything with a hole as an intimate friend
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