#most of the class found it rather funny and a few people even said they agreed
kyasarinkishinuma · 1 year
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Summary: The new merc in town's been dropping by Reader's café lately, and she can't help but wonder if the food is all he comes back for.
Pairing: Cloud Strife x Reader
Themes: Fluff, café setting
AO3 link
“Today’s special, please.”
There he was again. That stoic merc everyone in town had been talking about lately. Rumour says he was a rather unsociable man, but… 
He came to your café once, and had been coming back since. Once a week, Thursdays, 2pm flat. Every single time.
And for a guy who had such an intimidating reputation… Well. He surprised you with his politeness every time he came in.
“Coming right up. Take a seat.” Bowing respectfully, you retreated within the confines of the kitchen to cook up Cloud Strife’s meal. Today? Spaghetti with garlic bread. Simple, but comforting. Your homemade food was what your regulars coming back weekly. Or at least that’s how it had been before.
“Thank you for waiting.” Within a few minutes you came back to your sole customer of the day. He had taken a seat by one of the three round tables sitting outside the abandoned wagon you had sought refuge in lately. Not as charming as those higher-class cafés and restaurants, that’s for sure. Business… had been rough lately. Yet the mercenary gratefully accepted the meal, mumbling a polite ‘thank you’ before he picked up his utensils, seeming to hesitate in your presence. You smiled warmly.
“Dig in.”
That’s all it took. The switch was immediate, from polite and poised to absolutely famished. It was funny. Endearing, even. Every time the blonde had come into your café, he ate like it was his first meal in days.
“More, please.” 
And with his manners? Almost boyish, the way he’d stare at you expectantly with his hand outstretched as he gave his emptied plate back for another serving.
“I got you covered.” 
Back into the kitchen you went, and back you came with another healthy heapful of spaghetti for the man. Cloud never had much to say, so you usually did most of the talking when he’d drop by. He didn’t seem to mind it. Never really gave any elaborate answers to your small talk, but you didn’t mind it either. Sometimes people just need a break and some good food.
“When’s the last time you ate?” You asked by the time Cloud was on his third plate, and finally starting to slow down a bit. It was almost fascinating, to watch him wolf it all down like it was nothing. And deep down, you didn’t really judge. He didn’t seem the type to have a loving family and warm food to come home to.
The man paused. “This morning,” he answered after a moment, before going back to eating. You raised both brows at that, a hint of amusement gracing your smile.
“And you’re this hungry?” 
Strife shrugged. “It’s part of the job.”
“Is it a SOLDIER thing?”
Cloud stopped eating then, and you found yourself regretting those words. Had they been a bit too bold? Of course most knew about the merc’s former association to Shinra. Whether the rumours were founded in truth or not didn’t matter when the glowing eyes gave it away. You had been about to apologize and to excuse yourself when the man turned his gaze to you, freezing you in place. Those mako eyes… Not annoyed. Calm. Thoughtful. They swept over your surroundings then, the dirt and grime of the Midgar slums.
“Your café hasn’t always been like this, has it?” The man spoke out of the blue, taking you by surprise. He seemed to take your stunned silence as an invitation to continue. “You’re a lot better at this than the other locals. You worked someplace big?”
You could only stare at the sudden bombardment of… Compliments? Were these compliments, coming from a man who fought monsters straight from your nightmares for a living? Finding him staring back expectantly… You could only assume he was being genuine about this. Or perhaps he simply wasn’t realizing the nature of what he had just said.
You nodded then, finally getting your voice back. “Yeah. I used to own a café in Sector 1 before the Mako Reactor blew. My home was destroyed, so I had to move.”
It was Cloud’s turn to be silent, blinking a bit as he processed the information. His emptied plate seemed to have long been forgotten now, the fork sitting idly next to it.
“Sorry about your home,” he spoke after a moment, turning his gaze back to the plate in front of him. You simply showed a smile, genuine and grateful.
“That means a lot.” A pause. “So… Are you still hungry?”
“What’s that damn merc up to anyway?! We told him the meeting was at 3 tops!”
Seventh Heaven was in chaos as always, with the members of AVALANCHE running around in disarray as Marlene chased after them, giggling excitedly. Tifa? Unfazed through it all, showing her impatient friend a smile from behind her counter as she prepared him a drink to calm his nerves. But… Barret was right. Where was Cloud?
“If he’s not here now, I don’t think he’s coming.” Tifa hesitated to speak the words, out of fear that Barret would just explode. Truth be told, though, they needed not be spoken at all. It was a blatant fact. Cloud… was a difficult guy to grasp. And he didn’t seem to care too much about this AVALANCHE stuff.
“Damn spikyheaded ass! I’ll show him!!” Barret’s outburst was almost comedic as he stomped around on his seat, waving his hands around. But even he seemed to come to terms with the situation as he calmed down, heaving a heavy sigh as he crossed his arms and slumped onto his seat. No point in getting so worked up over it. “Y’don’t suppose he’s at that café again?”
“Thanks for the meal.” Cloud always left so soon. He never really stayed for the small talk like most of your regulars had before the bombing of Mako Reactor 1. You never asked him to stay, though, simply showing him a smile as you got his cheque ready for him. But today… You did want to ask him one thing, before he left.
“Cloud.” He hummed, head snapping up at attention to meet your gaze as you spoke his name. “Why… do you come here? Why come here when there’s all those other big, nice cafés in the sector?”
The man furrowed his brows then, his gaze falling to the side as he shrugged. “I like your food.”
You frowned a bit then, watching him attentively. That couldn’t be all of it. You… felt it. There was something more. Was he hiding something?
“I’ve heard rumours…” You felt your heart race in your chest as you gathered the courage to address the question that had been burning in your mind since the first time he had returned for ‘today’s special’. “That… You don’t come here just for the food.”
“Why would he go there when he can have free food here?! It’s part of his damn pay! That guy don’t know how to show some damn gratitude!”
Tifa couldn’t hold back a chuckle as she watched Barret get riled up all over again, swinging his arms around. Even though Barret had a point, and it stung her heart that her childhood friend avoided spending any more time than necessary with AVALANCHE… Tifa was starting to think she may understand Cloud’s motives a bit better.
“I think… It just helps him to have someone who doesn’t expect anything from him.”
No favours, no battles. Just a warm meal and a ‘thanks’.
“...Maybe I don’t.”
Cloud’s answer came in the end. He stood then, your shocked eyes burning into his face as he slung his sword over his back and dropped a generous portion of Gil onto the table.
“Keep the change. I’ll see you next week?”
You found yourself unable to answer, cheeks burning in the slightest as you watched him stalk off back the way he came in that calm, unfazed way of his.
But when he had gotten up to leave…
You could’ve sworn you saw him smile.
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This is for the high school AU because I completely forgot Liu was there, but can we get some head cannons for him?
High School AU Liu Headcanons
Warnings: Violence, Manipulation, rape mentioned but it's brief, alcohol.
Bro is a loner like EJ, but just like EJ it's by choice. Liu isn't really the type to want a lot of attention, and honestly wants to be mostly unknown.
Liu doesn't really do drugs like the rest of the people in the High School AU, but he does drink alcohol, he has a whole stash hidden in his closet. After what Jeff did to him, bro is still severely traumatized, even tho he forgave him, so he copes through alcohol. One time his parents found it and he was grounded for over a year, but that was his freshman year, he's grown now.
He found out about you through his brother. The two of them were walking home together and Jeff just wouldn't shut up about you, so this caused Liu to try to figure out who you were.
The moment Liu saw you, he fell in love. The way you walked, the way you talked, and just your overall appearance was like a drug to him. He came up to you after school when you were sitting on the curb waiting for your friends to leave their classed. Liu is a charmer and kinda flirtous, so that's what he did when he came up to you. The two if you talked for a while, and he made you blush a few times and got you to laugh.
Liu is so protective it's not even funny. Bro doesn't take shit from nobody, not even his own brother, and it's caused him to get into a shit ton of fights, and Sully instigated most of them.
Liu on his own is such a sweetheart, or that's what he wants you to think. He always offering to walk you home and giving you gifts. But this boy is crazy two faced, Sully doesn't influence him as much as he let's on. Liu is extremely smart and plans his moves carefully, so whenever he slips and let's his darker side shows, he lies and says it was Sully, even if Sully wasn't active.
Not gonna lie to you, Liu is extremely arrogant and full of himself, just like his brother. It's not obvious at first, but if you pay attention to his words and actions you start to catch on, but once you two start dating it's just so obvious.
Liu's main goal is to get you to date him, mostly because he has a massive crush on you, but also he doesn't want anyone else to have you. But once you two start dating, that's when you realize how much of a monster he is.
You didn't know he was an alcoholic until the two of you started dating. When you came to his house, he opened his closet and pulled put a bottle of liquor. And he's a violent, Emotional drunk too, so if you say something that pissed him off, you better run.
Liu is also extremely patient, which is a positive and a negative. He's willing to wait months until the two of you start dating, but if you're crying and pissed off at him because he said something that actually cut deep, he'll just sit there and wait for you to stop. Liu's pretty apathetic, and he may be extremely protective over you, he can honestly care less when you're mad at him because he hurt your feelings while he was drunk.
He kinda has a EJ situation going on. Kind, caring, calm and mysterious at first, but once you two start dating, you're trapped. Because Liu is possessive, once he has you, he's not letting you leave him. The moment you bring it up, Sully would slap you, not Liu, Sully.
You know about Sully, but you never actuly got meet or interact with him, and once you do, you never wanted to leave Liu so fast. Sully is a monster, he's pinned you down and placed a gun to your head, begging you to try and fight back, and he pulled the trigger to. You though you died, but then you heard, laughing? When you opened your eyes, Sully was laughing while saying that the gun was empty, and how cute you looked all scared and shit.
One thing about Liu too is that he could care less about sex. His sex drive is so fucking low, and he'd rather beat the shit out of you if you fucked up then fuck you. So, unlike most of the people in this AU, he's not a rapist. He respects your sexual boundaries and he also could care less about sex.
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daughter-of-sapph0 · 7 months
The people arguing that "oh it's just a silly word don't be so mad" reminds me of the comic "Trigger Warning: Breakfast" and how even the simplest word can hold memories of trauma for someone else.
not to be too personal, but you're absolutely right. my experience isn't the same as everyone else, but I've specifically grown up and dealt with a shit ton of trauma.
I was raised and treated as a boy up until high school. but never one of "the boys". I was always an outcast. as young as first grade, I remember even the teacher saw me as something other than a boy. she said "they boys in this class are way too loud" and when I said I wasn't talking, she said "oh not you, I was referring to the Boys". the few friends I had treated me differently than the other boys at school. I was constantly told I wasn't allowed to enjoy something or participate in an activity because it wasn't for me. I was excluded by boys and girls my age.
I was called a faggot in 2nd grade. at that time I didn't even know what being gay was. it certainly wasn't talked about the same as it is today, and definitely wasn't mentioned to 8 year olds. but I remember it, as clear as day. Marcus called me a faggot because I committed the unforgivable homosexual crime of wearing velcro shoes. I didn't even know it was supposed to be bad at first. when I told a teacher "Marcus said my shoes make me a faggot. what does that mean?" they wouldn't tell me, and instead said I should learn to tie my laces.
I went to a small catholic middle school. there were 18 kids in the entirety of 6th grade. I don't know why or how, but most of them found some aspect of my personality to hate and use against me. "you like Nintendo games? you draw anime? you play with Legos? you don't like basketball? you answered a question in class too quickly? you've never had a girlfriend? your uniform is a handmedown? well then you're just a faggot. a downey (a nickname they had for people with down syndrome). a pussyboy. a cocksucker. a retard. an n word (I was white, and so was everyone else in my grade, so this one made the least sense).
I told my dad that I was being bullied because I didn't play basketball. instead of defending me, calling the school, teaching me strategies to deal with bullying, or even just showing an ounce of support... he taught me how to fight and forced me to sign up for basketball. I played basketball for all three years of middle school. jv in 6th grade, varsity in 7 and 8th. I sucked. I scored maybe 20 points in all my games throughout the entirety of three years. I was the shortest player, not athletic at all, had terrible hand-eye coordination, and just outright sucked. I wanted to quit every single day. I skipped going to practice and hid in the bathroom. I never felt like I was part of the team. they always excluded me. the coach gave me about five minutes of game time out of pity, only at the end of a game and only if we were losing terribly. every other time I was on the bench the entire game. not that I cared. I'd rather not play at all.
I got a girlfriend in 7th grade mainly out of peer pressure. there was a girl I liked in the 6th grade, who I'm just gonna call P for privacy reasons. me and P were really close friends. we liked the same video games and youtubers and shows and music and art. she was super creative and funny. although neither of us knew why, she was bullied as much as I was. looking back, we both had severe undiagnosed autism and adhd. I never really liked her romantically though. I thought she was nice and really wanted to hang out with her and I even kissed her a couple times. but I really wasn't interested in women at the time. when I told her, we had a huge break up that summer, they told everyone I cheated on them, and we didn't talk at all for most of my 8th grade. eventually we got back together, and were friends in high school. it seems really mean to say that the only reason I dated her was to stop people from calling me gay. but it was part of the reason why I did date her.
I was in chorus in middle school. I was a pretty good singer and had a nice range. I was always bullied because of it, but I didn't care. chorus met every month at one of the catholic high schools. it was a big meeting of people from all the catholic schools in the county. and at the end of the year there was a big performance. it was the one thing about catholic school I actually honestly enjoyed.
there was one kid who was probably the biggest bully. Jacob was the only person shorter than me, and was probably bullied just as bad as I was when he was back in 5th grade before I arrived. and he took out all his anger on me. constantly picking on me, punching me, slapping me. he used to sit behind me on the bus and poke my head. I tried to move seats and change busses. but nothing worked. one day, I was fed up. I used my father's advice and slapped him in the face. not hard, but enough to say "stop fucking with me".
Jacob ran home crying. he told his parents, and his parents called the school, and the school called my parents. I was suspended for a week, because I lightly slapped a bully in the face after he repeated punched me and called me a retarded faggot pussyboy. even though I told teachers and parents multiple times that Jacob was a problem, no one cared until he started crying.
I was forced to write a handwritten apology to him. I fell behind after being out of school for a week. I was forced to quit chorus. I had to call my grandma, who was dying with cancer at the time, that I wouldn't be at the chorus concert she had been looking forward to all year.
I attempted suicide twice. once by cutting, once by hanging. I felt like shit. I felt like no one, not even my own parents, cared about me. I had no idea what was wrong with me. after one of my teachers got aggressive with me and pulled my arm too hard, I tried to run away from home. I was too afraid to tell them what happened, because either they wouldn't believe me, or I'd get in trouble for being a victim of abuse. to this day, I've never told my parents that one of my teacher's grabbed me. but I do know that the particular person in question is no longer a teacher, and also probably dead too.
I went to a public high school. not too many people from middle school went to the same high school, but a few did. namely P and Jacob. freshman year was rough. I took chorus class, but did really badly in my other classes. I didn't realize it at the time, but I had major major major depression. near the end of that year, my mom took my to a psychiatrist. they prescribed me vyvanse and lexipro. at first I didn't want to take any pills. I had the horrible idea in my head that they would change me and make me a different person. but eventually I did start taking them. my suicidal thoughts went away, my grades improved, and I started making more friends.
sophomore year was much better. I hung out with P and friends from chorus a lot. I took an art class with the best teacher ever. I started to explore my sexuality since I finally had a support system. I became more active on tumblr and remade my blog which I still have to this day.
about halfway through the year, there was a school shooting. it happened right in front of my art classroom. I saw someone get shot and fall to the floor. as our class hid, hearing the paramedics desperately try to save a girl from being shot through her skull, and armed cops storm the halls, I cried and wondered how this could happen, and why it was happening to us. because someone was shot right in front of our classroom, they had to clean up the hallway before we were allowed to evacuate. eventually we were moved to a different room, but not before being escorted by a tile floor stained red with blood. I found out that a classmate of mine, J, was shot in the head and was in the hospital in critical condition. another boy was shot in the leg and injured. and the shooter killed himself. I held out hope that J would survive. when I heard that she was taken off life support, I stopped taking my pills, and regressed back into depression.
school was canceled for about a month after that. everyone was hurt. our entire class was given therapy. I spent years trying to get the image of a dead body out of my head. I looked for support everywhere I could. I was active on a social media platform called google plus at the time, which was like if reddit and 4chan had a baby, and that baby was a website populated by 13 year olds who made an account to comment on youtube videos and decided "you know what? what the hell. I'll use this". it was absolute hell. when I talked about my experience and survivor's guilt, I was bullied and harassed and called a liar and told to kill myself for trying to "take away people's guns".
eventually, I met a friend in my Spanish class. his name was T. and he helped me through a super rough time in my life. we were close, both identified as pansexual, liked the same video games, and both used tumblr. we soon started dating, and he helped me learn more about transgender people. it was at this time I started to identify as nonbinary. no one treated me like I was a boy, so why should I be bothered to identify as one? this was so freeing. I felt like a massive weight had been lifted off my shoulders.
I started going to my local PFLAG meetings and talking about my experience with others. meeting other queer people, both in school and out of school, helped me feel... normal.
junior year was healing for me. I started driving lessons, took chorus again, took an art class with T, and spent more time with him. eventually, I started to realize that being nonbinary wasn't right for me. I wondered if I could identify as a trans woman, but felt I didn't deserve to. I didn't want to play into the autogynophile myth, and I felt like wanting to be a woman was something that other people deserved but not me. being online during the rise of jkr's hate movement against trans people did not help at all. but with tons of love and support, T helped me, and I started publicly using she/her pronouns at school.
I told my mom, and I'll always remember the day I came out to her, Feb 7th 2019. the day I started living. she started taking me to her woman's group therapy, and there I spoke with a therapist who diagnosed me with gender dysphoria and recommended I start hormones as soon as possible. I was put on a wait list, but had no idea what the time frame would be like.
coming out to my dad was worse. he was cutting fish on the back of his truck with a huge knife. I told him "hey, the reason my is taking me to her therapy sessions. it's because I think I might be a woman. I think I'm transgender." and after a pause, I told him "I'm sorry" before running inside and crying. for the briefest of moments, I was worried he would hurt me with the knife. I know now that he would never do such a thing. but I at the time I was scared of him and how he would react.
that summer, me and T broke up since they were going away for college, but we remained friends. it was also around this time where I started to learn a bit about kink and s&m. I also changed my blog name to daughter-of-sapph0 at this time I'm pretty sure.
summer ending quickly, and I started senior year. I was dual enrollment, which meant I took high school classes in the morning and courses at community college in the afternoon. I had some amazing high school teachers, but was unfortunately stuck with Jacob for two of my four classes. I also took sociology and art courses at college. I was starting to feel better about myself. it was around this time that I started looking into Judaism as a religion, and considered converting.
around the end of 2019, I was pretty active online. I had a decent presence on twitter, mostly in telling transphobes and nazis to kill themselves. my main claim to fame is calling Graham Lineham a sad pathetic wet fart who spends his time jerking off to tranny porn and then going on twitter and saying we deserve to die. he replied to me directly and called me a groomer, despite me being 17 at the time. I pointed that out, and asked him if calling minors "pedophiles" on twitter is why his wife left him, only to be blocked by him immediately after. that was honestly my proudest moment ever.
it was also around this time that I made the worst mistake of my life. I posted a selfie on a lesbian subreddit, and received a few positive comments, mainly from other trans lesbians. and then I had my first ever stalker. this person harassed me everywhere. I complained to the mods, but all they could do was ban them from the subreddit. they somehow managed to find my tumblr, and then my twitter. they made multiple accounts and sent me rape and doxx threats daily. I tried reporting them everywhere I went. when I spoke out and went public about my abuse and stalking and harassment and rape threats, they called me a liar and started a smear campaign against me on twitter. I went pretty inactive on tumblr, completely remade my twitter, and never touched reddit again. eventually, the harassment slowed down.
I had been out as a woman for about a year now. the misgendering and harassment at school was infrequent, but manageable (okay that's a lie). but I do have one positive memory. me and a few other seniors had permission to drive to school. one of those seniors was Jacob. and he drives like a fucking asshole. him and his friend both drive at the exact same speed on the only two lane road, making it impossible for me to pass. one day I tried to pass my driving in the median, only for them to speed up. I needed to get up to like 80mph before I was able to safely pass one of them. the other one quickly sped up and passed me. as the road changed to one lane, I was trapped between them, as one of them constantly break checked me and the other tailgated me. after I got home safely, I got both their plates and reported them for irresponsible and reckless driving. idk if anything came of it. but the next day I asked Jacob's friend if he drives a red truck because his driving sucks. he said he didn't, some other short white boy did. I said "oh sorry. you two look exactly the same, so I can't tell you apart" and he came up with the incredible comeback "you look like a girl", to which I responded "yes, thank you for noticing." this was honestly the proudest moment of my life.
the second half of my senior year was going pretty well. really the only things that could ruin it are a spike in transphobic violence, my stalker coming back to harass me even more, and a massive society-halting pandemic that puts everything on pause and ruins my dreams of college and sends me into a depressive spiral that I try desperately to heal through sex. good thing that wouldn't happen. right?!?
I'd write more, but I'm exhausted. it's late for me right now. I'm sorry for using this anon to traumadump and give my whole life story, but I feel it's important to share.
I have ptsd. I've struggled with trauma and depression and suicide my entire life. I've constantly been seen as lesser, unworthy, disgusting, horrible, wrong. sometimes it's big things like constant bullying or rape threats or someone trying to kill my while driving. other times is as simple as a single word.
I'll refrain from giving the 2020-2024 life story for right now. but I hope that reading this at least gives you a bit of insight into the trauma that I had to deal with growing up. and I'm one of the lucky ones. I have supportive parents and friends and therapy and hormones and basically everything I need to survive. and I still attempted suicide multiple times, I still have trauma, I still was harassed and threatened and stalked. imagine how much worse it is for other people who aren't as fortunate as me.
it's "just a word". if it's so small and meaningless, then you can just choose to not use it. it's not that hard. we're asking, begging, for the bare minimum level of respect here. and you can't even give us that.
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stealthclaw1 · 28 days
Silly Game Time: Who are some of your favorite magician characters? And what do you like about them?
They can be of any class or variety of magic-user (wizard, witch, sorcerer, warlock, healer, druid, etc.), of any race or species, so long as using magic is *primarily* their thing in the story. Not just something they do occasionally, but something that is a major element of their role and their identity.
One of my favorite wizards that I’ve grown fond of the past few years since getting into Middle Earth is a popular one: Gandalf. I love the inspiration and words he gives to the Fellowship, his fondness for the common folk like the hobbits, his wit, all the good stuff you’ve likely heard many times, so I won’t spend too much time on him.
My two favorites that I have come to love fairly recently (last year or so now) are characters from Warhammer Fantasy and Warhammer the Age of Sigmar: Nagash and Balthasar Gelt.
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Nagash, also known by such names as: The Great Necromancer, the Supreme Lord of Undeath, the Undying King, the Great Betrayer, and He Who Shall Not Be Named, is one of THE most powerful wizards in the fantasy setting of Warhammer. Necromancy wasn’t even a THING until he made it. He raised zombies and skeletons, he created vampires, he was so powerful that when his attempts to cast spells to kill all life on the world to turn into a kingdom of the dead it was always treated as a genuine threat because to do so was FULLY in his power. To the point when the End Times of the setting came about and he returned, the very Chaos Gods were terrified of his power. Even the world literally ENDING AND EXPLODING didn’t stop him, because by that time he had consumed all of the gods of death and the afterlife to become a full blown god himself. In the Age of Sigmar he’s only become more powerful as god, now having a realm of his own known as Shyash. Almost everything that dies has its soul go to Shyash and belong to Nagash, and god help you if you’ve done anything to displease this petty jackass of a god. He’s condemned souls to tormented existences as wraiths in one of his armies, the Nighthaunt I believe, for the “crime” of being a healer or doctor and prolonging the life of those whose souls belong to him (which is everyone, he’s entitled like that lol).
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Balthasar Gelt, while also a bit of an asshole, is more on the “haha funny asshole things to read about” way rather than Nagash’s “funny to watch a guy in fiction being the Ultra Worst” way. Balthasar Gelt is a very powerful wizard in the Lore of Metal. An expert on all things with metal, such as transmutation. He once paid for a ship to take him to a city in the Empire of Man, I think it was Altdorf(?), in bars of gold for the trip. A day or two later, the captain of said ship found that the gold bars he was given had turned back into lead. It should be noted: transmutation isn’t temporary in this setting, there was no need for those gold bars to become lead, Gelt just did that to be a dick. He got a bounty on his head for it, but the problem is that shortly after this he became one of the leading people of the Empire, I think as head mage(?), so it’s not like anyone can ACT on that bounty. I only found out about this guy like a month ago but he’s become a favorite of him to learn about lol.
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fort-cozy-mcblanket · 2 months
Hi friend!! :D
Why did you start watching TBBT if you hated it so much? Sounds like traitor behavior to me...
There isn't really a simple answer for this. My history with The Big Bang Theory is long and I don't actually know if I remember everything that happened exactly along the way. The problem with significant moments is often you don't realize they are significant until much later. If I had known how things would turn out, I would have tried to pay more attention.
I first heard about The Big Bang Theory when I was in high school, probably within a year or two of when it started airing. At the time I was deeply in love with Friends and that alone was reason enough for me to not like TBBT; every other sitcom just felt like a poor imitation that paled in comparison. In 2010 I made my first tumblr blog where I posted pretty much exclusively about Friends and I remember feeling so annoyed whenever TBBT gifs found their way onto my dashboard. Another reason. This wasn't fair of me, I know, but that was how I felt.
And I did catch parts of TBBT here and there around this time, but I never found it funny. It always seemed to be Howard saying something creepy or the characters being mean to each other. So I didn't bother trying to watch much more of it. I didn't really know anyone who liked it anyway, so it didn't matter.
But then a few things happened.
I was in college and taking some TV production courses and the professor had us work on recreating some TBBT scenes in collaboration with one of the acting classes. One of the scenes was from The Pirate Solution and I remember being behind the cameras while the student playing Raj read the line, "Okay, please don't take this the wrong way, but I would rather swim buck naked across the Ganges with a paper cut on my nipple and die a slow, agonizing death from a viral infection than work with you," and it was the first time I ever laughed at something from the show. I mentioned it to my roommate later and she said that TBBT did have some good parts. I wasn't exactly convinced but I did start to think a little better about it.
And then, still in TV production class, Mark Cendrowski (TBBT's director) came to visit us and work on some scenes. He was so nice and it was a lot of fun and afterwards I remember feeling kind of bad that I got to have that experience when I don't even care about the show, instead of someone who is a fan. It was around then that I started to think maybe I should give it a chance.
But then I didn't really do anything. A few months before graduating I got really into Bob's Burgers and that was pretty much all I cared about for a few years. In 2014 I started my Bob's Burgers tumblr blog under the username eroticfriendfictions and proceeded to build an even bigger audience under that. TBBT was at the periphery of things. If asked I still said I didn't like it and most people I knew also didn't like it, so life continued on.
I don't know exactly when it was that I first saw Amy. All I know is at some point I was flipping through TV channels and caught part of some episode with her in it. I still didn't like the show, but I saw her and thought, Oh. It's you, you're The Favorite. It's the most conclusive evidence scientists have to prove the existence of love at first sight.
I still didn't start really watching TBBT until around 2016. At that time I was working multiple part time jobs and I also picked up a freelance project that was pretty tedious but paid decent and could be done from home just whenever I had spare time. I wanted background noise while I worked on that and somehow ended up with TBBT reruns on the TV. It then became my go-to and I watched a good deal of the show during my time on that project.
But I still had complicated feelings about it. There were parts I enjoyed, but also parts that I felt were hard to watch. I adored Amy so much, but so many of the jokes from her early episodes boiled down to, 'She never had any friends! She doesn't know how to act because she's never had friends before!! Isn't it funny how she never had any friends!?!' In some ways, it felt like I was being punished for liking her, for not wanting to point and laugh at her. Nevertheless, I kept watching and I was slowly getting won over. I actually got to a point where I started reading Shamy fanfiction. I can remember some of the fics. I can remember illegally streaming The Opening Night Excitation because I hadn't caught it on TV yet.
And then that freelance project ended and I just stopped. I stopped watching and I stopped reading the fics and I went back to Bob's Burgers. I brushed up so close to the TBBT fandom right then, I don't actually know how I managed to prevent it. I felt the fixation forming and somehow reversed it, which shouldn't have been possible for me. I guess I wasn't ready to give up Bob's Burgers yet. Sometimes I wonder how things would have been different if I had.
Fast forward to 2020 and the pandemic. I lost the full-time job I'd had for 2 years and went back to watching Friends for comfort. Threw myself back into it, actually. Started thinking about sitcoms in general and rewatched some others as well. When I got a new job offer a thousand miles away from where I lived, I realized there was nothing holding me where I was and took it. I moved to my new place at the end of 2020, decorated it with all the Friends merch I could buy, and started the new job. And at the end of a long day of training, I found myself putting on TBBT reruns.
So finally, in early 2021, I decided to binge-watch the whole show properly. I had nothing left in me to fight it any longer. There were still aspects of the show I didn't like, but my love for Amy and Shamy finally won out.
And now here I am.
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grapecaseschoices · 1 year
I loved the ori facts. I was wondering if we could get some val and hiyam facts as well pls. 🥰
Val Montemer
1) Their middle name is Ariel.
2) I think I've said before that they are really into cars and tinker in a garage. Nothing official, a hobby and they let them have their own spot.
3) Val's closet is filled with leather jackets. Which is fine because the rest of their clothing is rather cheap, mostly just white shirts and jeans. Though they have a few polos, like those weirdly colored and patterned one teenage boys wear. Like some weird puce green and maroon stripped thing. It hurts Nate's eyes and soul.
4) Despite dressing like a greaser and a 19 year old college skater as well just styling their hair the same, Val went to cosmetology school. Did well in it. Their focus is in hair. Tina and Felix are the only ones who make use of their skills these days.
5) Their favorite films are the Rush Hour ones [to Adam's exasperation and fondness. Val is one step away from saying "Do you understand the words coming outta my mouth?" To the wrong person. It really is a miracle they haven't yet.] And they love anything Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew related -- well they haven't seen the CW show yet.
6) Val is allergic to latex. They found out yhe first time they tried a kiwi in middle school.
7) Val has phasmophobia. It isn't severe but yeah they have a fear of ghosts. Which is funny because they would sometimes follow conspiracy theorists on YouTube and stuff.
8) Surprisjng to most: Val is a big tea drinker. They don't hate coffee but it isn't something they seek. They have 0 tattoos. And only two piercings; they did to prefer black studs.
9) Nate and Val don't like each other. But they're doing better. They're so different. Nate TRIES, of course, but Nate is Nate. However, for Val -- has pushed too many buttons. Still they make an effort for the team.
10) ooc fact: Val is my shortest (5'1") and youngest (24 at start of book 1) detective. Val might be one of my shortest IF characters, period.
Hiyam Vinke
1) In another life, I could maybe see Hiyam doing something corporate. She gave a go at pre-law and they took business classes. (Her parents definitely would have preferred it) But music was always her heart. And she always wanted to see her name in lights. Maybe she could have been an entertainment lawyer but I don't think she would have been happy.
2) Hiyam has this ... lowkey obsession for anything with wings and a stronger one for anything that can fly. I don't even fully know why zjhshshe. I mean I do but -- It sounds weird because she is just so brash but I think sometimes she does feel a bit caged. Maybe it is expectations, maybe it is preconceptions. I will figure it out yhe more I ponder her, I'm sure. I'm not sure how much of it is actual people caging her or how she just sees things. [I kind of feel like it is a mix]
But when she and Seven broke up, she replaced Seven"s initials with a butterfly.
3) Hiyam is an acts of service kind of love/friend. Less in the 'makes breakfast for you' [though she might] and more in the you're stranded, half drunk, and don't want Orion to know. You know you can call Hiyam at 2am and she will show up. Some complaints but she will show up with water and a blanket. She is not yhe little things friend but she is there when needed.
4) Recently learned that Hiyam has a soft spot for Rowan. And she is more fond of her fans [as a whole] than expected.
5) She is 6'0".
6) She did ballet from kindergarten [maybe earlier) well into HS. It was one of the few things her parents consistently showed up for. But music needed her focus, so she gave up performing but she still occasionally practices [no one knows]
7) She used to play chess with Devyn before Orion showed. And of course read up on it because she was so bad. She couldn't stand losing and I think that was around yhe time she had to let ballet go, so in her mind she refused to "quit" on something else. But she never got into it into it until the crush peaked.
8) Hiyam has two dogs. A French Bulldog and a Rottweiler.
9) She has her tongue and belly button pierced, on top of her ears.
10) ooc fact: She is my one of two glasses wearer [Val being the other] and my only other smoker outside of Andy. [Gonna get more glasses folks]
Ty for the ask!!
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3xm-draconic · 2 years
JoJo's Bizarre little Adventure. Chapter 20: Work In Progress.
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Chapter 20: Work In Progress.
“I’am really proud of you bossu, have fun on your first day!” Doppio cheered as he handed Diavolo his bag lunch, “thanks Doppio, I’ll be back home at around 7”, “I honestly thought you were all joking when you said you are getting jobs… I half to say this is a little out of character for you” Kira chuckled, DIO scoffed and dramatically rolled his eyes “oh please! I, DIO will bring in enough money tonight so we won't have to worry about rent for the next month!”
“So who is going to be watching funsize?” Diego turned to the others, “my fellow pillars will be watching her alongside DIO’s followers Tarence and Vanilla Ice”, Karz replied, “oh ok, I called HP and she’ll be dropping by incase they need anything”. Valentine looked at Diego “oh that reminds me, I called Blackmoore and he will be joining them too, I’am a little scared about last time” he sighed worriedly.
Pucci patted the former president’s shoulder reassuringly “don’t worry Funny, I am sure she will be safe”.
Pucci, Kira and Doppio drove their regular route to work while the others took the bus or in Diego’s case he just transformed into Scary Monsters and ran.
DIO and Karz found Moriho City College of Art to be a quite…interesting place.
It was a small building consisting of a renovated old fire station, the top floor was the college residency area, the main floor was the kitchen and cafeteria, the basement had been turned into a storage room and the garage was now the art studio. However…the decorations in this place were rather bizarre.
The walls of the building, both inside and out, looked like frescos of acid-fueled fever dreams. There was a ginormous lama constructed out of junkyard scrap standing guard by the front door and there was a section in the studio where Karz was 99% sure various bottles of paint had exploded.
“Oh hello! Welcome to M.C.C.O.A are you here for our free creative writing classes?” The overly cheerful desk lady chirped, her coffee stained teeth on full display, “um…no. I, DIO, am here to model for the artists!” DIO said with all the flare of a soap opera drama queen, “we heard from Santana that you are looking for live models to paint” Karz smirked. “Wonderful!, just sign in and enter one of the smaller rooms towards the back and we will get you started soon”.
Karz and DIO fought over the pen for a few seconds before writing down their names and wandering over into the small art room where several people sat at easels around a small platform, “hello everyone and welcome back to live nude model painting!” the instructor, another overly cheerful and probably over-caffeinated woman called.
 DIO’s mouth broke into a wide grin, “d..did I hear you right?, did you say nude models?”, the instructor turned to him “oh yes…are you..er uncomfortable with this?” she said worriedly, DIO’s grin just got wider “nope”.
Diego was having the time of his life!                                                                               
He felt like he was back in his glory days as a famous jockey…except he’s now a yellow and cyan utahraptor currently bobbing his way through downtown traffic off to deliver pizzas. Diego loved all the fame and good publicity he was getting, Moriho was a crazy bizarre town full of noise and…well..weird stuff. Seeing a raptor in a pizza delivery hat with a delivery bag saddled onto his back strangely fit in.
People were taking videos, pictures and tik-toks (is that what those are called?) of him running past or of him dropping off food and collecting tips. Diego was making his way through the local park to his next delivery, enjoying the fresh air “I’ve missed this, the admiration of everyone, the spotlight, the cheers…even if most people think I’am some sort of animatronic, it’s still fun” he thought to himself as he zipped past a familiar blond asshole in a wheelchair.
“GYRO! YOU SAW HIM NEARLY CRASH INTO ME!” Johnny protested, “I saw him…what do you want me to do about it?” Gyro chuckled, “WELL DON'T JUST STAND THERE, WHEEL ME AFTER HIM!” Johnny snarled, Gyro sighed and started to chase after Diego while pushing Johnny in front of him, “seriously?” Diego rolled his eyes, he couldn’t tell them to leave him alone due to him being unable to speak in his full raptor form but he could annoy them by going places Johnny couldn’t…like the stairs to the park pavilion.
The two men and raptor raced through the park, dogging pedestrians, trash cans and shrubs as the prehistoric pizza delivered dino lept from the bottom step all the way to the top. 
“GET BACK HERE YOU OVERSIZED ANCIENT CHICKEN-NUGGET!” Johnny cursed, Diego stood at the top of the steps shaking his tail at him “just try and catch me Jostar!” he smugly growled.
Diavolo was about to die…from boredom.
Practically no one was shopping at the sephora besides some teenagers and a small group middle aged woman and elderly ladies, “God this is so fucking boreing” he whined. For almost three hours there was nothing to do besides watch people and occasionally ring items up at the register, Diavolo swore he had more fun in the infinite death loop than doing this job.
“Oh hi Dia how are things going?” Valentine said as Diavolo sat next to him in the mall food court “not great Val, I would rather relive my 88th death than go back to work”, “oh, how’d you die in that one?” Valentine looked at the ex-don with concern and curiosity, “eaten alive by a giant version of myself…in which he died choking on me” Dia grumbled back as he took out the packed lunch doppio made him, “........oh….” Valentine replied with a mixed look of horror and humor.
“How is your end of the job hunt going?” Diavolo asked as he ate, “I got one almost immediately” Valentine grinned excitedly “it’s at the moriho zoo cleaning the food court”, “moriho has a zoo?” Karz interjected excitedly, “hey big bird nice to see you and banana man are back from the art college” Diavolo snarked. 
DIO huffed “they payed us quite well, 180$ in fact”, “I got kicked out” Karz snarled, “how’d that happen?”, Valentine and Diavolo asked in unison, “I transformed parts of my body into various plants and animals….and that scared them”, “ah yeah I can see how that would alarm people…weird they did that considering moriho’s reputation for crazy shit” Diavolo sighed, “I’am going back next week” DIO said with a cheeky grin “no doubt I’ve made an impression”. Valentine turned to Karz “hey maybe you’d like to work with me at the zoo?, I heard they have an opening at the gifshop”, “I would enjoy being around animals but I don’t like humans asking things from me, I’ll try over in the Barns and Nobles, I’ve always loved books”.
Meanwhile at the Apartment…
“DAMN IT TARRENCE!” Vanilla Ice howled as the younger darby hit his racer with a red shell, “sorry Ice” he chucked back, “this game is irksome” Wammu growled as he narrowly swerved his racer away from a banana trap, “I think it’s fun” Santana smiled as he finished first, “who knew thousands of year old vampire gods could play mario kart?” Tarrence laughed.
“Y-you think there is a way for Mirtillo to play?” Blackmoor stuttered as he took the pizza rolls from the oven, “it’s ok, I like watching them play more” Mirtillo chirped back from her seat on the coffee table, “alright Ice you lost this round, it’s my turn” HotPants chuckled as she took the controller from him, “I hate this stupid game” Vanilla Ice hissed.
Mirtillo snacked on a piece of caramel corn while watching the others play the game Tarrence brought over, “hey Mr Wammu, how did you get to be such a good fighter?” Mirtillo squeaked, “I trained under my masters, Lord Esidisi and Lord Karz” Wammu said proudly, “do you think if I trained with them I could be as good as you?” Mirtillo said, her big eyes shimmering with excitement, “perhaps little one, I can tell you have a strong spirit in you and hope it is nurtured well”.
After the villains had returned home and said goodbye to their fellow antagonists they sat down for dinner, it was pizza Diego had brought from his work.
“So how did everything go?” Pucci asked, “good…at least we have enough to cover rent for this month and hopefully we will have enough saved up for christmas” DIO reassured him.
Late into the night while they slept Mirtillo laid wide awake, her whole body hurt and ached but that’s not what was keeping her up. Mirtillo struggled to sit up and looked out the window above the nightstand her bed sat on, she’d had another nightmare about Sting…but this time Cioccolata was there, once again she was helpless to protect them and herself, they were all the same nightmare.
Mirtillo would be back in her village that day, the day everything went to shit. She would be in the mushroom patch with her mother collecting tiny shrooms to pickle, roast or grill and eat later when the warning horn would blow signaling an oncoming raid. Mirtillo would relive her mother and father’s deaths but after Sting would come in and slice off her wings the scene would change, she would then be falling, falling away from Valentine, Karz, DIO and the others. Deeper and Deeper she would plummet straight into the maw of Cioccolata, only his mouth was that of a sharks, it had row upon row of mangled misshapen teeth that spiraled down his throat. She could only watch as the villains and the light faded from view and she was crushed into suffocating darkness.
Mirtillo hated it, she hated how she would cry every night because of these nightmares.
Mirtillo whipped hot tears from her eyes as she looked out at the moon from the window, it was pushed up slightly open.
Mirtillo folded her tiny hands together like how she had seen Pucci do “I don’t know if you can hear me or if you will even listen to me but I know Pucci talks to you, he asks you to watch over us and to give him strength…I ask you to give me strength too. I ask that you make me bigger and stronger so that I can defend them and myself…please”.
When Mirtillo opened her eyes she saw the strangest sight coming towards her. A little glowing blue moth, it fluttered in through the window and rested at the edge of her bed, she could feel something coming from it.
A strong energy pulsed from within it drawing her to try and catch it, Mirtillo crouched down and although it hurt tremendously she held her tongue and watched the moth closely, it reminded her when her father took her cricket hunting. She watched it crept along and when the time was right she pounced, throwing her body into the moth, sending both it and her to the nightstand and pinning it under her. Mirtillo looked around to see if she had awakened anyone but found Valentine and Diego both sound asleep.
The moth bussed frantically, pinned beneath her knees, she stared at it, entranced by it’s soft cerulean glow. 
Mirtillo was reminded of a bedtime story her mother would tell her, about a folk hero called Hob the clever good fellow eating the mystical glowing heart of a golden fish that gave her incredible powers, she could run as fast as a gale of wind, out witt evil spirits and monsters, stop rivers or create them and tame or slay fierce beasts. 
She could even grow as tall as a human (Mirtillo learned that’s what tallfolk call themselves) and was strong enough to move mountains…
Mirtillo eyed the glowing moth…hungrily.
Mirtillo rested her hand on the moth’s abdomen, she could feel it’s little heart racing beneath it’s carapace, she unsheathed her claws and in one swift motion she plunged her hand into it’s body. The moth shrieked in pain but it was too low pitched for anyone but Mirtillo to hear.
It’s still-beating glowing heart dripped lapis colored blood down her hands and arms, Mirtillo opened her mouth wide and ate the heart raw. 
Once she had finished Mirtillo dragged the moth corps over to the ledge behind the nightstand and dropped it over the side hiding it, she then whipped the blood from her hands on the curtain and went back to bed.
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loweandgray · 4 months
THE NEWS CAME on a Thursday evening. It was a fairly normal Thursday evening. They ate lasagne for dinner. Aurora was sketching in her corner, the baby was asleep and her parents were watching the news. It was too late, anyway. Adrian Gray was already dead. His editor had arranged a meeting to discuss the final draft of Adrian’s new book only to find him slumped over a heavy manuscript with bold lettering titled Calm Until the Dark. That manuscript was now in Aurora’s bedroom. It felt strange, to think that was the last thing that had ever touched him while he was alive. It felt even stranger to be at the funeral, full of people she didn’t recognise. 
The reception was held at Adrian’s house. The house was timeless, graceful, and probably a few decades old. It was rendered a soft, faded white, three stories tall, rectangular and well-proportioned. There was a deep porch that wrapped around the front of the house. The first floor was originally several rooms but Adrian knocked the walls down to create a wide, open living area. The walls were painted white apart from the southern wall, entirely made from glass. Aurora lingered by the wall-sized window, tapping her nails against her glass of water. She watched her parents talk to the attendees - strangers offering hugs and condolences. She found it bizarre - half of these people didn’t even know her brother. 
“My deepest condolences.”
The voice wasn’t one she recognised - it was smooth and deep, like velvet. It belonged to a man she hadn’t seen before. He was tall, taller than her father, and he wore the most exquisite suit she had ever seen. It was a deep navy blue and was made from a material she couldn’t recognise. On his head he wore a matching wide-brimmed hat - it was a nice hat - and underneath, his untidy hair was golden brown and fell in messy waves. She blinked, wondering why the man was wearing sunglasses inside. They weren’t the type of eyeglasses that darkened when the sun came out - polarising lenses, she thought they were called - they were dark sunglasses - dark enough that she couldn’t see his eyes, even though he was standing right in front of her.
“Thank you,” she frowned. “You too.”
The man smiled thinly. “Funny things, funerals. They seem to be more for the living than the dead.”
“Yes,” Aurora agreed. “Or for strangers that only knew of Adrian through the news.”
“Your brother was dearly loved,” he said simply.
Aurora looked at him. “How did you know him?”
“We were old friends,” the man said, but was cut off by the unfortunate sound of Aurora’s Aunt Prudence, talking rather loudly about the cause of Adrian’s death.
“That woman has no class,” Aurora muttered. 
“Did you know?” He asked.
“That he had a condition? No. We got the call at around 7pm. His editor had found him unconscious when they were supposed to be meeting. He was already gone by the time we got to the hospital.”
“I’m sorry,” the man said. “Are you okay?”
Aurora looked at him. “You’re the first person that’s asked me that. Most people are talking about his condition or the will.”
The man nodded. “Like I said, these things are more for the living than the dead.” He checked his watch and then bowed his head. “I’d better be off. I wanted to pay my respects.”
Aurora nodded. “I never got your name.” “Jensen Lowe,” he responded and held out a hand for her to shake. She shook it and the man disappeared into the crowd. She found it strange he didn’t once take off his hat despite being indoors. Adrian had some strange friends. 
An excerpt of the first chapter.
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mojo-oyedeji · 10 months
A Really Hot Day.
The hallways of Evergreen Academy were bustling with life, except for the one that led straight to the greenhouse. The late afternoon sun streamed in through the completely glass atrium, heating up the ground to near unbearable levels, and making Cassius all the more annoyed with his companions to his botany class with Miss Delaney.
He could feel the sweat soaking into his uniform and melting the gel in his hair as he scanned the spacious hallway for an escape. There was zero reason for it to be so hot. English weather always got more drab and dreary during autumn, which was the season they unfortunately found themselves in, not happier.
The sun felt like it increased the intensity just to spite him. He felt like pulling out a bag of buttered popcorn to spite it back.
A deep, feminine voice with a Yorkshire accent brought him out of his annoyance.
“She’s sooo fit,” Gen Breckenridge said from beside him.
Gen had long, shiny brown hair that seemed to blow in the most cinematic way whenever the lightest breeze blew by. She also had some of the bluest eyes he had ever seen, only edged out by a mutual friend, Charles.
And Cassius had only ever met one other person who hated their full name like Gen did. Her full name was Genevieve, which was nowhere near as bad as ‘Edgar’, the second person he knew. She hated it anyways, and would sock anyone who called her that in the jaw, unless they were a teacher.
“Gen,” Cassius groaned, “sock it about Helena for a second.”
“Shhh!” She hissed. Her face cheeks were a light shade of red. “Don’t say her name out loud! What if someone else heard you!”
“No-one else is here, Gen,” Lisette Mistry said from beside Gen. “Relax.”
Lisette was Gen’s roommate. Even though it physically pained him to say so, Lissy was the George to Gen’s Cassius. Aside from a few differences in the thickness of their eyebrows, the bridges of their noses and their ears—Lissy had thicker eyebrows and a stronger bridge, while George had slightly bigger ears—Lissy and George looked very vaguely alike: short brown hair, brown eyes, fair skin, and long, long necks.
George even had a growth spurt recently, finally making him taller than Cassius and everyone else in their eight person friend group. So in revenge, Cassius took to calling him a giraffe.
He chuckled a little as he imagined George telling him to shut up in his Californian accent. Warmth spread through his chest as he then thought of George’s stupid little smirk that lit up Cassius’ day, and the sparkle of his eyes whenever Cassius said something that George found remotely funny, and the way his heart would flutter any time George laughed.
Even though he was a sweaty mess, the warmth he felt relaxed his muscles and brought a small and slightly dumb smile onto his face.
Thank goodness I have my next class with him, he thought. I get how Gen feels. Maybe I should stop saying Helena’s name…
“Cass!” Lissy yelled right in his ear. Her voice echoed around the atrium. “Were you listening to a word we were saying?”
“Huh?” Cassius replied. “Sorry, but no.”
“Cass!” Gen admonished, rather dramatically. “This is serious. What do I do?”
“What do you do about what?” Cassius asked. The next word he said left his mouth before he could even stop himself. “Helena?”
Cassius slapped a hand over his mouth.
“Shhh!” Lissy and Gen hissed. Gen managed to get even redder.
“Gen,” Cassius started, “I’m sorry—”
Gen held up a hand to stop him.
“Can’t you understand why I don’t want you yapping about her name everywhere?” Gen asked, exasperated. She shook her head and scoffed. “I don’t even know why I thought you would understand. You wouldn’t.”
Cassius did understand, even though he only reached that understanding right before he opened his mouth.
“Gen—” Cassius started. But she was on a roll.
“You never think, Cass,” Gen sneered. “It’s always about Cassius Grey. It’s always about you. You’re a real arse sometimes. Do you ever think about how the things you say affect people?”
Cassius frowned. “I said I was sorry—”
“Apologies won’t change anything.”
Cassius’ frown deepened. Gen always did this. He agreed she had a right to be upset this time, but she never let people finish their apologies and would ice them out for weeks after. Then when asked why, she would say they didn’t apologise. And she acted this way even when she was in the wrong.
“She’s sort of right, y’know?” Lissy said. “Saying sorry won’t change it.”
Cassius rather angrily noted Lisette would make matters worse by always agreeing with Gen. He understood, because he would do the same for George, and George would do the same for him. He definitely understood that some arguments needed to be let go for the sake of cohabitation, but Lisette took it to another level. No matter what Gen said, she would nod or give a word of support. At least he and George had limits.
What he couldn’t was understand why.
“Exactly,” Gen said. A smug smile stretched over her lips. “But I guess I shouldn’t have expected anything different.”
“Look who’s talking,” Cassius snapped. “Clearly you’ve lost the plot since you think I’m the self-centred one here.”
“I haven't lost the plot,” Gen replied. Her accent got thicker. “I just see things for what they are.”
Cassius’ annoyance mounted. He grumbled and fanned himself furiously. The warmth from before had turned into a fire, and definitely not a good one.
“By gum,” Gen said, fanning herself. “It’s maftin’ in here.”
“Oh, you’re just noticing?” Cassius snapped. “I guess you’re not just self-centred, you’re also daft.”
“Cass!” Lissy admonished. “Now you’ve gone too far.”
“Really?” Cassius said incredulously. “I’ll show you too far.”
He glared at them both and imagined Gen’s expensive leather tote bag bursting into flame. He would have imagined it blowing up outright, but he decided to be nice and give her a chance to put out the flames.
Gen and Lissy screamed as flames erupted from the bottom of the bag. Gen threw it on the ground.
“Cass, stop!” Gen yelled. She pulled out a short stick—her wand—from her blazer pocket and aimed it at the bag.
Cass folded his arms. “No.”
Gen and Lissy glared at him.
“Cass,” Lissy warned.
Cassius raised an eyebrow. “D’you want me to do the same to your backpack?”
Lisette gave him a hurt look, but still shook her head. She offered to try and put out the flames with her foot, but Gen held up a hand with a fiercely defiant look on her face.
Gen stared hard at the bag, said two words in French and a powerful blast of water shot out from the tip of her wand, dousing the flames that left only a small column of smoke to show they were ever there.
Then, as soon as the smoke cleared, Gen aimed the jet of water at Cassius, and kept it aimed at him for a long time. He was soaked from head to toe by the time the water had stopped.
Lissy and Gen chuckled with their hands clasped over their mouths as Cassius wiped the water from his face with a completely neutral expression, but his internal thoughts raged like the fire he now wished he set on Gen’s head.
Lissy noticed. He hated her empathetic magic, mostly because it meant he couldn’t keep a secret or lie. It would have upset him, but he wasn’t necessarily trying to hide his emotions at that moment.
“Okay, Cass, calm down,” Lissy pleaded. “Gen, let’s calm down. Dry him off.”
“Why should I?” Gen hissed. “He’s the berk here, not me. And I’ll definitely not dry him off if my bag’s damaged.”
“That ugly thing?” Cassius asked. “I’d be doing you a favour.”
Gen glared at him and aimed her wand at him again. White sparks blossomed from the tip, like she was charging up a firecracker. Cassius kept his neutral expression and kept calm. Electricity was connected to fire, and fire was one thing Cassius knew how to control well.
“Stop!” Lissy yelled. “Gen, just check your bag.”
Gen gingerly picked up her bag and noticed there was no damage to the ridiculously expensive leather. Cassius wished he actually made it a damaging spell, but the poor animal that died to make that ugly, green, monstrosity of a bag didn’t deserve to be further disgraced.
“Oh,” Gen said, turning it over. “My bag is fine.”
“So what exactly were you trying to tell me about Helena, again?” Cassius asked. His tone dripped with so much annoyance and anger it could’ve drowned all three of them in the hallway.
Wait, hallway, Cassius thought. I forgot about class. Shoot.
Gen opened her mouth, no doubt to hiss at Cassius for daring to mention the untouchable Helena Wallis by name once again, as if saying her name three times would summon her right from the middle of her arithmetics class—and he only knew that because Gen just had to tell both Cassius and Lissy about Helena’s daily timetable.
But Lissy read his mind and spoke before the sound could even leave Gen’s lips.
“We’re late for class,” Lissy said, panicked. “Miss Delaney is going to bury us under the yarrows!”
The three teens stared at each other in turn, and bolted down the way they were walking before. Gen pushed Cassius, which would have normally tumbled him to the ground, but his body had gotten far more solid over the summer, and he barely stumbled.
As the rush of movement pushed Cassius’ tie and hair around and made them flap in the wind, he couldn’t help but think of two things.
First, hanging out at lunch would be extremely uncomfortable until Gen calmed down or decided she needed something from him. Second, the water may have cooled him down from the heat outside, but it washed away all of his hair gel. His hair had already started sticking up.
He vowed to get Gen back for that.
0 notes
ravagedarkness · 2 years
Spider-Man: Home Rebuilt, Chapter 9: Something Brewing
I hate to admit it, but if felt good to give Spider-Man a break for the day. I still listened to the scanners, but Shadowcat and Frictor were very active and held things down. It was a pretty good feeling, knowing there were others willing to help out in this city – ones I could work with without there having to be an Avengers level threat to deal with. So, with that in mind, after my nap, I did different things around my apartment. I did some quick chores such as throwing out the trash and cleaning up around the place. I took time to iron the clothes I decided to wear for the interview and put together my portfolio. After that, I went over my notes and exercises for class. With the exception of me sewing the holes and tears in my suit, I didn’t do anything Spider-Man related.
Monday rolled around. Nothing too unusual happened. I went to class then I went to Peter Pan to see MJ and Ned. Betty, Kitty, and Craig swung by not too long after. The latter two knew they didn’t need to be there, but they stopped by anyway just to check out the spot. As we all sat at the counter, talking amongst ourselves about different things from Craig’s new haircut to the upcoming dance, I thought to myself that this was the first time in a long while that I enjoyed a Monday.
The next morning, I woke up to my phone vibrating. Groaning, I sat up before I reached over for and grabbed the device. After unplugging it from the charger, I checked the name on the screen.
Craig Pierre, Jr.
I raised my eyebrows before I accepted the call and put the phone to my ear.
“Hello?” I said.
“Yo!” Craig greeted. “Did I wake you?”
“...Yeah.” I cleared by throat after I realized how raspy it sounded.
“My bad, man. I would have called you a little later, but Scott wants you to swing by ASAP. He wanted to discuss our little group project and get you up to speed on what everyone else been working on.”
It took me a good ten seconds for me to realize he was talking in code. “…I’ll bring my notebook.”
Thirty minutes later, I was at their apartment. After Craig opened the door for me and greeted me, I took a moment to take off my shoes. I was then ushered towards the kitchen table, where Scott and Kitty were already seated. There was a large spread of breakfast food – waffles, eggs, bacon, sausage, toast, fruit, a carton of orange juice on ice, and more. It was the kind of breakfast spread you’d see in movies featuring the typical nuclear family.
It always boggled my mind whenever the father would be on his way to work, and he’d just grab an apple.
“Grab some food,” Scott said as I took a seat at the table.
I nodded as I picked up my plate and used my fork to gather a bit of everything on my plate. After that, Craig said a quick prayer and everyone began to eat.
“Thanks for the food,” I said to them.
“You’re welcome,” Scott said. “I figured it’d be best to discuss things over food, especially this early in the morning.”
“And especially with what we gathered,” Kitty added.
“Is it something major?” I asked, looking at them in worry.
“Something major is brewing from what we can tell,” Scott replied. He set down his fork and leaned back in his seat. “I was able to see my friend with the dart that hit you. After some analysis, he found that the contents within the dart were a rather dangerous cocktail of chemicals – basically, it was mixture of active ingredients found in pesticides and chemicals used in animal sedation. While I’m sorry you got hit by it, it was better you than a civilian or even Craig and Kitty.”
I raised an eyebrow. “Why is that?”
“Because they’d most likely be dead if they were hit.”
“To that end, I don’t think the aim was to kill you,” Scott concluded. He then looked towards Craig.
“Yeah, funny thing happened after I got my hair cut in Harlem,” Craig began. “I talked to a few people. One of them told me to follow The Stock Market. I thought homie was just brushing me off. But I watched the markets on Monday. Turns out, there was a lot of stock in Hammer Industries being bought. And from what I can gather from Twitter, there’s a rumor of there being a huge announcement coming soon.”
“You think they’re connected to what happened on Saturday?” I inquired.
“It may be a stretch, but the dude I got this info from is usually solid, so I’m going to say yes.” Craig then scoffed. “It doesn’t explain everything, but it would explain what Kitty told us last night.”
“Yeah, about that,” Kitty chimed in. “I couldn’t find a police report. Apparently, all of the men were let go without consequence. I was able to hack the NYPD database. From what I can gather, these men were let go due to the robbery being a government exercise.”
I quickly stood up. “I’m sorry, what?!”
“That was my same reaction, standing and all,” Craig commented. I looked at him briefly, then back at Kitty.
“Yeah, a lot of the NYPD weren’t too thrilled,” Kitty continued. She took a sip of her orange juice. “But as it is, I’m going to ask that you keep your head even more on a swivel when you go out on patrol. I know we will.”
I sat down, scoffing as I shook my head. “Spider-Man can’t catch a break,” I deadpanned.
“On a lighter note, you and Ned doing anything on Saturday?” Craig asked.
“I got nothing. But I don’t know about Ned. Why?”
“I was wondering if y’all are free to go outfit shopping… for the Valentine’s Day dance.”
Kitty quickly looked at Craig. “You’re going?!” she exclaimed.
“…Yes. DJ Veras apparently got hired to do the dance. And since I’m her runner, that means I gotta be there, too. So… if I’m going to go, I best dress the part, right?” He didn’t sound the least bit excited. Kitty, for her part, couldn’t hold her excitement. So, she stood up, phased through the table, and wrapped Craig in a huge hug.
“I’m so excited!” Kitty exclaimed as she rocked Craig back and forth. “I can actually go now!”
Craig grimaced. “Yeah, yeah, yeah.” He looked up at Kitty. “You could have gone without me.”
“So you can stay home with Scott while y’all talk about the single life? I can’t let you suffer that alone.”
“…First of all, I’m still here,” Scott reminded her, causing her to let go of Craig and give him a sheepish look. “Second of all – and I mean this respectfully – your dating life has been just as dry as ours.” Craig visibly cringed. I drew my lips into my mouth.
Kitty took in a breath and nodded. “…I walked right into that one.”
“Face first,” Craig added.
“Oh shut up!”
We continued to eat breakfast. After we were done, I left with Scott to school. The day proceeded as normal. I swung by Peter Pan, I hung out for a bit with MJ and Ned then went home. I spent some time studying and chatting with the other American Idiots before I went on patrol. I even ran into Shadowcat and Frictor before we helped put an end to a gas station robbery. All in all, it was nothing out of the ordinary.
And then Wednesday came around.
Wednesday morning, I was in the Daily Bugle’s building. I was dressed in my interview clothes – a simple black and white suit with a red and blue tie. I was seated outside of J. Jonah Jameson’s office, waiting patiently. I had my portfolio with me, along with my camera, which I kept in its carrying bag. Both of them were in the seat to my left. I knew he was having a heated discussion with somebody. It took me all of my willpower not to listen. I wasn’t an eavesdropper. But enhanced senses made it hard not to take everything in. I could even hear someone in the office take a sip of some kind of liquid.
Speaking of liquid.
I looked up to see Betty, who held out a cup of coffee for me. I nodded as I took the cup. I then moved the camera bag and the portfolio off of the seat next to me so she could sit.
“Thanks,” I said graciously.
“Anytime,” Betty replied as she sat next to me. “I’m sorry it’s taking a while. Jonah is in there with Robbie.”
“Officially, he’s the editor-in-chief here at The Daily Bugle.” She then leaned towards me and whispered. “But between you and me, I believe his main job is keeping J. Jonah Jameson from going too far off the deep end – a morality chain of sorts, as a certain website would call it.”
“Heh, if what I saw so far is Jonah in check then I’d hate to see him off his leash, so to speak.” I took a sip of the coffee. I tried hard not to grimace, but apparently not hard enough for Betty not to notice. She chuckled. “Sorry. It’s… not my usual brew.”
“No need to apologize. It’s drugstore coffee. It’ll keep you awake, but that’s about all it has going for it.” She then smirked. “Of course, it probably doesn’t help that it’s me serving you and not your favorite barista.”
I face felt warm. I looked down at the cup of coffee for a moment. I then looked at Betty. “Do you think MJ likes me?” It was an earnest question. I legitimately wanted to know if MJ still had any semblance of feelings towards me she had before the spell. I wasn’t quite sure she did. Or maybe I was just too unconfident to really see for myself. But I was on Step Three of my list, and I needed to make sure that going to Step Four would be worth it.
Spider-Man, ladies and gentlemen – brave enough to take on bank robbers, gangs, and extraterrestrial beings, but too much of a loser to have confidence in his ability to read a girl’s feelings. Isn’t duality fun?
Betty scoffed. “Like you as a friend, or a potential significant other?” she asked. “Either way, that would be a yes.” She looked forward at the door to Jameson’s office. “She doesn’t let a lot of people get close. And when she does, it’s usually because a person makes quite the effort. But you? You’re different. She only knew you over a few weeks, but you have her attention. She talks quite a bit about you at school, and she curbed a lot of guys trying to ask her out to the dance since she asked you out to it. Plus, she doesn’t smile much around people she only sees as an acquaintance, let alone go and check to see if they’re okay because they got the feeling something was up with them.” She looked back at me. “You like her, don’t you?”
“I do,” I admitted. Well, I can’t say admitted. I didn’t just like MJ. I loved her to death, and I’d love her until my dying days, I was sure.
“Show her a good time at the dance,” Betty suggested. “…And… maybe just hang out with her without the rest of us American Idiots.”
“…Maybe I– ”
I didn’t get a chance to finish my statement. The door to Jonah’s office suddenly opened. Angrily waltzing out of the office was a black man with salt and pepper hair. He looked none too pleased as Jonah walked after him.
“I’m telling you, Robbie, this is going to bring great things to both The Daily Bugle and this city!” Jonah yelled. The man who I assumed to be Robbie stopped in his tracks and quickly turned towards Jonah, pointing a finger at him.
“No, this whole thing will blow up in our faces!” Robbie yelled back. “And when it does, I’ll have to help you pick up the pieces, as per usual! Just do me a favor and keep me out of this bullshit until then!” Robbie turned and was about ready to walk away until his eyes and landed on me and Betty. “Betty, who is he? And is he here for an appointment with me?”
“This is Peter Parker,” Betty said. I stood up and brought my hand out for him to shake. “He’s here to interview for the photographer job.”
“Pleased to meet you, sir,” I greeted.
Robbie took my hand and gave it a shake. “Just Robbie will do,” he replied. He let go of my hand. “Do yourself a favor and go home before you end up a regular part of this circus like I am.”
“Hey!” Jonah exclaimed. Robbie ignored him as he addressed Betty.
“I’m taking the rest of the day off. Any assignment from me that you get done, just leave it on my desk.”
“Yes sir,” Betty replied.
Robbie nodded before he walked towards the elevator. “I’m sick of this shit!” he muttered underneath his breath, though, with my hearing, it was clear as day.
The room remained quiet for a bit as Jonah took in a deep breath to calm himself. He then suddenly looked at me. “You, you’re a photographer?” he demanded.
“Yes sir,” I replied. “Would you like to see my portfolio?”
“I don’t have time for that. I got places to be and things to prepare for. So here’s the deal. Hammer Industries is holding a press conference tonight at The Downtown Conference Center at eight o’clock. I want you there at six. I’ll pay you 24 bucks an hour in straight cash. You take good enough pictures, and I’ll hire you on as part of the staff here. Deal?”
I was given pause. Hammer Industries was having a press conference. I remembered the talk I had with Scott, Kitty, and Craig on Monday morning. Could this be the answer to who or what could have been targeting me? Well, there was only one way to find out.
“…Y-yes.” I cleared my throat. “Yes sir.”
“Good. Betty, make sure his credentials are set for tonight.”
“Will do,” Betty replied. Jonah nodded before he walked away. After he was gone, she turned towards Peter. “You didn’t have anything planned for tonight, did you?”
“Just studying,” I said. “But I stay up pretty late anyway, so I can delay it by a few hours.”
“Okay. Well, come with me.”
About thirty minutes later, I stepped out of the building. I had my press badge in my camera bag. I checked my watch, making sure I had time to get to school early. I did. After that, I pulled out my cellphone dialed Scott’s number. After a few rings, he picked up.
“Hello Pete,” Scott greeted.
“Hey Scott,” I replied. “…Um… I need to talk to you.”
“Is everything okay? You’re not feeling any complications, are you?”
“No. I just had some new information for my part of the group project and I wanted to know if I can run it by you.”
“…I see. Where are you now?”
“I’m outside where The Daily Bugle is located.”
“Stay there. I’ll pick you up.”
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laurafett · 2 years
Stress Relief
Eddie Munson x afab! Reader
-Eddie invites you over to his place after you had a rather stressful day at work and promises to take your mind off this busy day-
SMUT! Minors do not interact!!
No mentions of readers appearance, no use of pronouns, no mentions about sexuality, skin colour, weight etc. (If I missed something please tell me)
Warning: best friends to lovers, suggestive language, smut, dirty talk, face sitting, praising, hair pulling, mentions of cum, fluff (If I missed something let me know)
I don’t really like this one but I don’t hate it either so here you go.
Please keep in mind that this is not beta read and englisch is not my first language.
Eddie sat beside you on his bed. It was in the middle of the night, probably 4am or something and the both of you were sleep drunk. You laughed at everything the other said, made stupid jokes, which weren’t funny at all, but to you everything was hilarious right now.
The man invited you over after you told him about a specific hard day at work and promised that he would be able to get your mind off of all the stress you had been through today. Knowing he would be able to stick to his words, you packed your bag, got into your car and drove over to his place; ready to spend a weekend with your best friend.
It was hot in his room, with the AC not properly working and it being in the middle of July. Wayne promised you he would fix it at some point but with all his work he still hadn’t found the time. Which was fine because it meant that you would be able to see Eddie shirtless most of the time.
And to be honest, Eddie didn’t mind either because it meant that you would sit in his room with nothing more on you than an oversized shirt and panties. Occasionally you would wear some short pajama pants, but he wouldn’t complain as long as he would be able to side eye your naked thighs from time to time.
The both of you had been friends since the day you moved to Hawkins. You weren’t happy about that decision at first but after meeting the metalhead, everything turned out to be not as bad as you thought it would be. 
You grew up together, went through puberty and some of the most embarrassing moments in your life, never leaving each other's side. And you were glad that you had a friend like him.
The man beside you rested his head on your shoulder and tried to calm down his laugh by turning his face into your shirt.
“No way he actually did that.” His laugh was muffled through the fabric.
“When I tell you, I was so shocked. Who thought Gareth could actually pull someone like them?”
Throughout the years of high school it was hard for you to find friends besides Eddie. You got along with a few people you had classes with like Robin and Steve; and from time to time they even asked you to hang out with them but this was about it. 
Even Eddie was able to find people who liked to spend time with him and to your luck, they also liked you. Over the time you grew close to the boys from his Hellfire club and you would spend a lot of time with them. You didn’t know it but your best friend loved to see you being so comfortable around his friends. He wanted you to like them.
A long sigh left Eddie’s lips. “Jesus Christ, I can’t believe I’m the only member of the club who is still single. I mean there are freshmans who have fucking girlfriends.” He slowly shook his head. “Do you remember the time when I had a more exciting love life than them?”
You did and it tugged at your heart to remember those days. You never told him, but you’ve always had a crush on him. Since you saw him in his black bathing shorts when Wayne took you to the outdoor pool in Hawkins. It was harmless back then, you were a teenager and thought he was cute. But now, being an adult with more experience and different feelings? God, you really wanted him. 
You’ve had sex with some people before, it was never serious though, but you mostly did it to get over the fact that your friend would never like you the same as you did. And well, a few years later and it still didn’t help you to get rid of your feelings for him. But he didn’t need to know all that. 
“What about you?” He didn’t remove his head from your shoulder while he spoke.
“What about me?” Your eyelids were heavy and time seemed to fly past you.
“Do you have a person you always wanted to pull but never got the chance to or messed it up?” His question shook you awake, ripped you out of the soggy state your mind was in.
“I- I don’t think I have.”
Eddie could hear the nervous tone in your voice and removed his body from yours. He sat up straight and looked into your direction. A smirk was playing on his lips.
“Aw, don’t get shy on me now. I can hear it in your voice, there is something, or better someone, you didn’t tell me about.” 
You were wide awake now. Trying to come up with a lie, but your mind was blank. 
“Eddie, you know me better than anyone else. I can guarantee you that if there would be someone I’m interested in, you would be the first to know about it.” Trying to seem convincing you looked at him. 
There was a shit eating grin on his face. “You’re lying. I can’t believe you’re lying to me!” He pointed a finger at you. 
“I promise I’m not ly-”
“You want me to go first?” His white teeth flashing at you, he stopped you mid sentence. 
The both of you talked about everything and more than once you had to listen to the stories about the people he hooked up with or the horrible dates he went on. You wanted him to be happy, you really wanted but you couldn’t deny that everytime he told you about something like that, your heart broke into a million pieces.
But curiosity killed the cat and so you nodded at him. 
He shifted his body weight, leaning closer to you, almost laying his head on your belly while he looked up at you from underneath his long, dark lashes. 
Your heartbeat was going so fast that you were sure he could hear it. 
“Do you remember the day we all passed our math exam?”
A confused look painted your face and Eddie laughed at the sight.
“You, Gareth, Jeff and I wanted to celebrate. We were in the 8th grade and none of the other kids invited us to their party. God, we were such losers.” He laughed and let his head drop onto your stomach.
“We went to lover’s lake on our bikes, to go fucking skinny dipping. What a fucking stupid idea.”
You chuckled at the memorie. It was stupid, but it was also one of the best nights of your life. 
“We all got undressed and I was so nervous because-” He stopped and drew in a long breath. “Because I’ve had a crush on you for years and I was seconds away from seeing you naked.”
It felt like your heart stopped for a few seconds. With wide eyes you looked down at the man who still had his face buried into your stomach. You could feel his hot breath through your shirt and the way his lips curled into a playful smile. 
“We decided to keep our underwear on just in case any of the other kids would come around and steal our clothes and I was so glad we did that because, fuck.” His head turned back to you and his dark eyes stared right through you. 
“You gave me my first boner that night.”
Your jaw dropped and all you could do was stare at him in disbelief. His laugh halled through the small room.
“And from that night on, it was over for me. You had me wrapped around your finger and I didn’t even care. And as we grew older you got hotter every day. I mean, do you remember the outfit you wore when you went on to the date at the vanity fair? Jesus H. Christ, I don’t even remember which fucker you went there with but, fuck me. I never got so hard so fast.”
Heat was creeping up your body as you listened to his words. He was fucking insane. You could feel the familiar twists in your lower stomach as he spoke. Everything he said turned you on.
“So yeah, my answer is you. Even though I actually never really tried to pull you because I know you’re not into me.” The smile on his face became more gentle, like he was ready to face your disapproval of this whole situation. 
Still staring at him, you tried to hold yourself together. Your thighs were arching to press themselves together to get at least a little bit of friction. You didn’t need to move to feel that you were wet, you knew it.
“I’m sorry if this made you feel uncomfortable. I shouldn’t ha-”
“Summer, 9th grade of highschool. You invited me to watch your guys' band practice. It was hot as hell on this day and you wore an old Black Sabbath tank top. I watched you play. You were sweaty and your hair, which was shoulder length at this time, was wet.”
His doe eyes never left yours as you talked. You still remembered every detail of this day.
“You played the guitar and the veins on your arms were visible. I felt that tingling feeling in my stomach but didn’t know what it was.” A laugh escaped your lips as your eyes drifted to the ceiling. “I already had a crush on you but after this day? I was head over heels.”  
Eddie’s head almost bumped into your chin as he rushed to get into a sitting position again.
“Wait, are you serious?” Turning your head back to his, you nodded while pressing your lips together. 
He let out a few shaky breaths, he tried to speak but everytime he opened his mouth no words came out. 
“So your answer is the same as mine?” He spoke so fast you almost couldn’t make out what he said.
“Me? Sure, I always wanted to fuck myself. But, I’m pretty certain I already crossed that line a few times.” A smirk pulled at your lips as you watched his frustrated expression.
“No I- for fucks sacke. Why are you doing this to me?”
You laughed when he ran one of his hands through his brown locks. One of yours reached out to grab his chin and turned his face into your direction. 
“Yes, Eddie. My answer is you. I always wanted to pull you but I never tried because I was sure you only saw me as a friend.” The confidence you had seconds ago was gone. 
His eyes bored into yours. He looked down at your lips, just for a second but you didn’t miss it.
“Can- can I kiss you?” Eddie’s voice was silent, barely above a whisper.
“I’d be disappointed if you didn’t.”
Not wasting another second he connected his lips with yours. At first it was slow, careful as if he was afraid to do something wrong. 
The two of you broke the kiss after a few short moments and just looked at each other. His chest was havening and you could feel his breath against your wet lips. 
“Can I do it again?”
“Yes, please.” 
In a heartbeat his lips were back on yours. With one hand he grabbed the side of your face and with the other he dug his fingers into your lower back, pulling you closer to him. A moan escaped you at his sudden eagerness. 
This kiss was sloppy and rough. His tongue made its way into your mouth and swallowed the next moan you couldn’t hold back. Moving your hands into his hair, you pulled him closer to you, making him groan.
The hand he had on your lower back moved, gripping the side of your thigh so he could lift it up and pull you onto his lap. As if you weren’t already the most turned on you have ever been, feeling his clothed erection between your thighs made an audible whimper leave your throat. 
He used the opportunity to let you of your mouth and made his way down your neck. Throwing your head back, you gave him better access to the sensitive skin. While marking your throat with his teeth and lips, his hands went to your waist and guided them into a rocking motion. 
The man moaned against your wet skin as your clothed core came in contact with his hard dick. 
You were dry humping, like some fucking teenagers but even now he could hear how wet you were and it drove him absolutly insane. Fingertips digging into your skin, he licked his way back up to your mouth and started to attack your lips with his once more. 
“I’ve waited so long for this.” He breathed between heated kisses. “I already know what I want to do to you, do you trust me, sweetheart?”
Hastingly nodding your head, one of your hands went down to his naked chest, lightly scratching your nails against his skin.
“Yes. Fuck, yes. You can do anything you want to me.” Eddie smirked into the kiss, he loved to hear your voice in such a desperate tone. 
“Alright, then let go of me, okay? Just for a sec while I-” You could hear him grunting as he tried to move away from you. Lifting your hips just a little, you could see what he wanted to do and your heartbeat picked up its pace. 
Sliding down his bed, he positioned himself underneath you. Your clothed pussy almost right above his face. He wiggled a few more times until he found a comfortable position and looked up at you, a satisfied grin plastered on his face. 
“You’re fucking breathtaking from this angle.” You whimpered at his words. Even though you were on top of him, you felt so helpless. He was in control and you loved the feeling of being at his mercy.
Without a warning he used one of his fingers to touch your heat through your underwear. Inhaling a sharp breath, you drew your eyebrows together and looked down at him. His eyes were fixed on the sight above him.
The wet patch that formed on the fabric covering your core turned him on more than he would’ve ever thought. A part of the cotton was slightly bleached and through the color difference he was able to see how wet you actually were. 
As his ears picked up at the sound your wet folds made as he touched them through your panties, his hips bucked up. “Fucking hell.” He muttered under his breath. 
Slowly, he hooked his finger underneath one side of the piece of clothing and revealed your wet cunt to himself. Not being able to hold back, a deep moan slipped from his lips, making your insides burn at the sound.
“So fucking pretty.” He whispered to himself as he let one of his fingers glide through your wetness. 
Your hands grabbed the headboard, looking desperately for something to hold on to. Eddie took his sweet time admiring you, taking in every inch of what he had in front of him; and as much as you loved him for that, you grew desperate. 
“Eddie.” You moaned his name, trying to give him the sign to finally do something. The man’s eyes shot up to yours. 
“So eager, darling? Guess I can’t keep you waiting any longer if you look at me like that.” With his left arm sneaking around your thigh he pulled your body down and made you sit on his face. 
The sensation hit you all at once. His nose against your clit, while his tongue was already licking through your folds, making you shudder above him. 
“Shit.” Was all you managed to say with your dry throat and your head in the clouds. 
Your nails dug into the wood of his headboard, fighting the urge to grind down against his face. His tongue lapped at your hole while his nose nudged against your clit, again and again and again. Wordless moans and high pitched sounds left your mouth. You were long gone, already on cloud nine. 
Pressing his fingers into the skin of your thigh, you were sure you would see an aftermath of that on the next day. His hands were the only thing that kept you grounded right now. Sitting on your best friends, Eddie fucking Munson’s, face, was maybe the best feeling you’ve ever expirienced. Actually you were pretty sure it was.
“You taste so fucking good.” His raspy voice moaned against your sensitive clit. “I’ve dreamed about this. About you sitting on my fucking face and moaning so loud that everyone can hear it. Fuck, sweetheart, you’re a fucking vision right now.”
His praising words made the knot in your stomach tighter. Not being able to resist any longer, you bucked your hips against his face and grinded against his wet mouth.
“Fuck yes, darling. Ride my face. Ride my face until you cum all over it.” In his words he pulled your body down even further. If you were able to form at least one clear thought you may would have been concerned about him not being able to breath. 
But to be honest, if this was the way Eddie would be going to die? He would be more than happy about it.
His groans and affirmative words sent vibrations through your whole body and you were not able to hold back any longer. 
Your whole body tensing above him, the coil in your abandoned snapped and you came undone on top of his face. You squeezed your thighs around his head, keeping him in place. As if he would have moved away from you now. 
One of your hands went to his hair and grabbed it. You pulled at the fistfull of dark locks and moaned his name loud enough for his neighbors to hear. 
Eddie was about to go crazy. His left leg twitched and his hips bucked up into the hot air around him. He was in heaven. He could feel his balls tightening and before he knew he cummed into his black sweatpants. 
His groaning and swearing rode you through your orgasm. The white noise in your ears finally fading out, you were able to hear the sounds, the man underneath you, made. Relaxing the muscles in your thighs, you freed him from the cage around his head.
But he still didn’t let go. Eager to taste every single drop of your release he kept his tongue buried in your cunt. 
You squealed at the overstimulation and light tears formed in your eyes.
“Eddie, please.” Hearing your wavering voice he stopped. His eyes, which he had closed to really savor your taste on his tongue, opened and he looked up at you.
You really were a sight to behold. The makeup on your face was slightly smudged, your lips were parted and swollen; breathing hard he was able to see your nipples through the shirt you still wore. Your eyes were shimmering with tears of overstimulation and your eyebrows were drawn together in pleasure.
A loving smile appeared on his face. 
“Are you alright?”
You didn’t trust yourself to speak so you just nodded your head and brought out a raspy laugh. The man laughed with you, not able to contain his happiness any longer.
“Oh, fuck me.” Was the first thing you said when you slowly lifted yourself off of him and let your tired body fall next to him.
“I think you’ll have to wait a little bit longer for that, sweetheart.” He breathed with a laugh.
Confused, you lifted your head and looked down at him. Your eyes widened at the picture in front of you.
“Did you cum in your pants?” You asked in disbelief. 
“You make it sound like it’s a bad thing. Of course I’ll cum in my pants when I have the most gorgeous person, to ever walk this earth, ride my fucking face. It was the best orgasm I’ve ever had.” He smiled at you. Genuine. 
You laughed at his words and shaked your head, so you would look up at the ceiling. Still high on the adrenalin which was pumping through your veins, you didn’t notice when Eddie got up and went out of the room. 
A few seconds later he came back with a wet washcloth, kneeled on the bed beside you and carefully cleaned you up. After this was done he got rid of his sweatpants and underwear. Not bothering to put on any fresh clothes, he got into the bed again and laid down beside you. 
One of his hands reached out and stroked your hot cheek. Slowly you turned your face into his direction. A warm smile was on his lips. The expression on his face was nothing less than pure adoration. He loved having you near him, especially now. He never thought he would be able to share such an intimate moment with you. 
He lifted his upper body forward, into your direction and held himself up on his elbow. He brought his face closer to yours and traced his nose over your soft skin. You could still smell yourself on him. 
“I never actually liked any of the people I’ve been with. I just thought they could distract me from you and the fact that we would never be more than just friends. And maybe also because I hoped that I could make you at least a little bit jealous.” He chuckled into your skin and a lovesick grin sneaked onto your face. 
“Well you did make me jealous. A lot actually. We are such idiots.” Your body was warm again. Not because it was summer, not because the AC was broken or because you just had the best orgasm of your life. The feeling of knowing that he liked you just the way you did, made you warm from the inside and all giddy. 
“I guess this is official then, huh?” His face drew back from yours, just enough that he was able to look into your eyes. 
“I think so, yeah.” Your right hand came up to move his messy hair out of his face. 
He leaned down and pressed a short but passionate kiss onto your lips.
“Thank God, I don’t have the strength to listen to another speech from Wayne, Gareth and Dustin about how we should finally talk about our feelings and stop acting like stupid teenagers.”
You giggled against his lips. “Well, it seems like we were the only people who didn’t notice, huh?”
“Probably. Jesus, they are never going to let go of the fact that they were right.”
“Well, credit to whom credit is due.”
You pulled him down into another kiss and for a second you thanked your stressful job for pushing you into a situation like this. 
 I’m always happy about feedback, likes and reblogs :)
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kpostedsum · 3 years
high | d.m
summary: you find an unhealthy way of coping after draco cheats on you
warnings: drug use (marijuana) angsty¿, cheating, illusions to sex
song: habits - tove lo
a/n: this fic isn’t meant to romanticize drug use in any way. i also know nothing abt weed so LOL and very rushed & not edited
masterlist | taglist
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I eat my dinner in my bathtub
Then I go to sexclubs
Watching freaky people gettin' it on
It doesn't make me nervous
If anything I'm restless
Yeah, I've been around and I've seen it all
you had a few minutes left of your charms class which was your last class before the weekend. you wanted nothing more than to get out of here and cuddle up with your boyfriend— who was enjoying his free period right now.
draco was one of the best boyfriends you could ask for, the frequent dates, gifts, and attention— it was more than you could wish for.
“you’re excused. you essays are due at the beginning of next week” snapes monotone voice dragged on as you quickly packed up your things and made your way to the slytherin common room.
I get home, I got the munchies
Binge on all my Twinkies
Throw up in the tub
Then I go to sleep
And I drank up all my money
Days get kinda lonely
entering the slytherin common room your eyes immediately searched for a certain blond boy, yet he was nowhere to be found. you made your way to the boys dorms in hopes of finding him there but you’re quickly interrupted by two familiar voices.
“why hello y/n, marvellous weather we’re having today aren’t we?” theo asked looking towards the ceiling and smiling as if he were outside, blaise blocking your path as he did so.
“i’m not sure what weather you’re talking about since we’re inside but i am okay thank you” you responded with a chuckle, trying to make your way past blaise.
“wait y/n” he stopped you. “can i borrow the astronomy notes? i would ask luna but i can’t find her anywhere” blaise continued.
they both seemed awfully on edge and anxious, you figured it was just quidditch nerves getting to them since there was an upcoming game this week.
“i have yet to finish my astronomy notes, but i did see luna in the great hall if you want her notes. now if you’d excuse me i’d like to see draco” you said trying to push past the two boys who still wouldn’t let you through.
“forget malfoy! let’s do something instead, we’re so much more fun than him, right blaise?” theo said giving blaise a pointed look as he threw his arm around your shoulder.
“right you are nott, let’s go!” blaise continued also throwing his arm around your shoulder and leading you away from the boys dorm.
“what? no, i have plans with draco. now excuse me” you said pushing them both off and heading towards dracos door.
as you get closer to his door you can hear heavy breathing, pants and skin slapping on skin. you’re confused, you figured draco would be taking a nap or running over drills for quidditch practice. the closer you get, the louder the noises become.
“pans, you feel so good”
you recognize that voice anywhere.
You're gone and I gotta stay
High all the time
To keep you off my mind
Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
High all the time
To keep you off my mind
Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
quickly you turned your head towards blaise and theo who had their heads lowered in shame, refusing to meet your gaze. “is this some kind of sick joke, are you guys pulling a prank or something because this isn’t funny” you said seriously not wanting to believe what you’re hearing from inside of your boyfriends dorm.
“we’re sorry, we tried to convince him not too but he wouldn’t listen” theo muttered silently.
it felt like your world was breaking apart slowly. just not too long ago you were excited to spend a weekend with your boyfriend who you loved so dearly, the same boyfriend who you’ve been dating for years, the same boyfriend who gets jealous about how much time you spend with his mum rather than him.
with shaky fingers you put your hand on the door knob and quickly pushed the door open, already preparing for the worst.
there he was, wrapped up with parkinson in the same bed you two shared not even twenty-four hours ago. her body straddling his naked, just like yours was doing the night before. you stood there frozen, mouth agape— not even knowing what to do with yourself.
“baby, i can explain, just please— y/n please don’t leave” draco said pushing pansy off of him, shuffling on his pants and reaching out towards you.
“dont touch me, malfoy!” you yelled and everyone froze. “you lost the right to touch me the minute you even thought of touching her” you continued sending both him and pansy a glare with tears threatening to slip from your eyes.
“darling please, i can explain—”
“no draco, we’re done just leave me alone, please” your voice cracking at the end as you pushed past blaise and theo rushing towards the girls dormitory.
Spend my days locked in a haze
Trying to forget you babe
I fall back down
Gotta stay high all my life
To forget I'm missing you
Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
it’s been days since you last left your room, days since you last saw draco. daphne would come by and check on you but you’d always dismiss her, wanting to be alone. regret is one word to describe how you’ve been feeling— you gave him everything and he threw it away so carelessly for a quick hook up.
you missed waking up against his smooth skin in his embrace, tracing the lines and scars across his porcelain skin as you waited for him to wake up, the way he’d try to kiss you in the morning without brushing his teeth and you wouldn’t let him because of morning breath— but he’d still do it anyways.
you missed him, but he didn’t want you anymore.
maybe it was something you’ve done, you’ve been quite busy with work recently so you haven’t been spending as much time with him as normal. he was probably lonely and trying to seek the attention you lacked to give him.
getting up, you stared at yourself in the mirror picking yourself apart. you were pretty, it was a well known fact around hogwarts, maybe he thought she was prettier. she was the life of the party and always up for some mischief whereas you preferred to do stuff in silence and would rather be with a small group of people. maybe he liked how exciting she was in comparison to you, she probably brought a spark of excitement to his life that you couldn’t.
dreading to feel something you quickly showered and got ready to leave your room hoping to run into a specific set of twins.
Pick up daddies at the playground
How I spend my daytime
Loosen up the frown,
Make them feel alive
I'll make it fast and greasy
I'm on my way to easy
“well what can we do for you today” fred said to you with a cheeky smile plastered across his face.
“do you have any muggle herb left?” you asked in a low voice making sure no one heard you.
“maybe we do, maybe we don’t” george said. “how much are you offering in exchange though” he continued.
“ten galleons for three ounces, is that enough” you said pulling the galleons out of your pockets and placing them in george’s palm.
“it was a pleasure doing business with you” they said in unison as fred placed the tiny baggie in your pocket so no one would see.
once you returned to your dormitory you quickly pulled out the pre-rolled muggle herb, lit it and let yourself forget.
You're gone and I gotta stay
High all the time
To keep you off my mind
Spend my days locked in a haze
Trying to forget you babe
I fall back down
Gotta stay high all my life
To forget I'm missing you
you started showing up to class late with red tired eyes, not caring about the looks you got. at this point every one knew what had happened but you couldn’t bring yourself to care.
the muggle herb brought you a sense of bliss and freedom, a new feeling you haven’t felt before but something that you now craved.
“are you high right now?” draco said as he sat himself in the seat beside you.
“since when do you care about what i’m doing” you said sharply, not wanting to talk with him.
“love, you don’t smoke. who gave that stuff to you, i’ll kill them—”
“no you won’t.” you said turning towards him. “you won’t do any of that because you don’t own me and i’m not your girlfriend anymore. so mind your business malfoy, i’m sure parkinson’s waiting for you”
the rest of the class you both sat in silence working on potions that draco did most of since you weren’t in the correct mind state and he wasn’t willing to let his mark falter over your slip up.
you find it amazing how even when you’re on drugs he still looks amazing. the way his nose curves perfectly with a slight bump, and the way his hands move with caution as he pours the potion into the waste bucket.
“look, i’m sorry for what happened with pansy. it didn’t mean anything i swear, i don’t know why i did it but i regret it with my life” draco said breaking your thoughts, he looked older than normal and had dark circles underneath his under eyes. you wondered why he looked so distraught when he wasn’t the one who got cheated on.
“a sorry isn’t going to fix this draco” you told him. he knew you were right but he didn’t want to admit it. he hadn’t talked to pansy since the day you walked in on them, the guilt has been eating him up inside. he stayed silent and didn’t bother respond to you, he knew anything he said would have made the situation worst than it already is— but how he wished you were still his sweet y/n.
“now if you excuse me, i have some fun to attend too” you said leaving him alone as you made your way back to your dorm.
Staying in my play pretend
Where the fun, it got no end
Can't go home alone again
Need someone to numb the pain
You're gone and I gotta stay
High all the time
To keep you off my mind
over the last few weeks, you couldn’t remember the last time you were sober. you started skipping classes to smoke and avoiding your friends so they’d stop questioning your habits.
you were forgetting and that’s all that mattered, you didn’t care how it was affecting your health— it made you feel better. sometimes you wished there was another way, another way to forget how he held you at night pressing soft kisses to your skin, another way to forget the way he took pansy the same way he took you. you wonder if he feels as sorry as he looks, he’s the one who cheated so he can’t possibly care that much.
you hear two knocks at your door which quickly break you from your state making you more attentive, cleaning yourself up and opening the door. there stood draco— his eyes red as well, like hes been crying.
“y/n listen, i know what i did was wrong and that i tried to pretend it wasn’t me but please. i didn’t mean too, you mean the world to me. i miss you so much love.” he pleaded with you.
“y’know draco, i miss you too” you admitted. “but i’ve found a way to forget about you, maybe you should do the same”.
Gotta stay high all my life
To forget I'm missing you
taglist: @mauvea @teenwolfbitches28 @ilygw @nic0lodean @s1ater @henqtic @justreadingficsdontmindme @i-love-scott-mccall @harmqnia @gwlvr @alishahpotter
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pufflocks · 3 years
Ok ok lady kuroo oneeeeee..
Kuroo fucking bottom male y/n in the school bathroom by pressing y/n again a wall and just fucking his brains out
Summary: Skipping with your boyfriend sounds fun. Right ? You were being rather bratty during lunch.. Maybe some discipline in those dirty stalls would whip you up straight. ♡
"-Come on, speak up. You were just saying how you'd much rather be doing something else." -T.K ❣
An: Please excuse errors. I most definitely rushed this out my drafts.
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Warning: Degrading • Dacryphilia • Minor Gagging • Minor Slapping • proof read
Cast: Bottom!M!Reader x Tetsurou Kuroo
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It was lunch time. Or passing time some others call it as for some people would play on their devices or talk to their friends.
That's exactly what you were doing earlier, you decided to drag out the topic of how you think your boyfriend is just so protective in your conversation.
"Sometimes I wanna fuckin' breath-"
That's what you said, no ?
You were sitting next to and telling this to your boyfriends bestfriend, Kenma. He however just gave a light sigh saying something how could he help. Fingers diddling with his switch frantically. He obviously wasn't much help in situations like this, you know, but your mind was side tracked with your boyfriends glare.
He was eyeing you down word for word as he silently watched you across your guys' table with your friends.
Watching you move shy hair strands from his bestfriends face and giving Kenma tips on his game. Not tha you had any particular idea in the game.
Why are trying so hard to be buddy buddy with him ? If you didn't even interest Kenma in any sexual form or other.
Tetsurou most definitely wouldn't let this just go by easily.
Lev only looked at his friend beside him then back at you in awe.
Yaku on the other hand had his eyes darted in his lap to his phone. No need to be in this conversation.
'Did he actually say that-?' He thought.
The chopsticks in Kuroos hand slipped from his fingertips as he chuckled under his breath. He didn't think you were this fucking down bad to get some dick.
All you really had to do was just ask. How fucking hard could that task be ? Could have easily fuck after school or at one of your guys' house. Gladly.
No doubt you would be coming back to this table with a dazed expression.
"Meet me in the bathroom, bubs." He whispered to you as he got up from his seat his dark aura following him out of the lunch room doors.
Yaku rose his head from his lap as his eyes darted your way, in disbelief, you were giggling happily as if you weren't about to get folded in half.
You got up from your seat leaving your barely eaten meal and two stunned friends, and one who's eyes were glued to his switch.
'Which one did he go to-' Thought unable to finish as you got pulled into a hard warm chest of someone you could only guess your lover.
You sensed his tense form as you shyly looked up to his face to only be met with dark pools of jealousy known as his eyes.
A shiver transferred to your head all the way down to your toes as a boner slowly began to form in your pants. Even when he was jealous and frustrated he could always be seen getting flat out drunk on his cat like existence alone.
And right now all you wanted from his noir existence was a dead. Good. Fucking.
"There something on my face or something ? Or are you imagining me as my bestfriend instead of me ? Your fucking boyfriend."
His words felt cold with a tinge of heated anger. He couldn't be truthfully angry at you could he ?
The only response he got from you was a shy shake of your head 'no'.
Gotta play like you didn't want your arse pounded like a dog in heat just a second ago.
You thought about your next moves as your pants got tighter by the second and your now playful and mischievous boyfriend glared down at your form.
Not all the time did you see the man get hot and bothered up front like this, not in school at least.
Close within eachother faces, hot tension in the air. The heat coming off his body specifically was close to a bonfire in the summer, and you were his slightly charred marshmallow being close to the heat.
Melting into something deliciously horny.
" 'M just horny 'n wanna be fucked really hard today-" You whined. Never being the one to exactly whine and beg, but the last time you masturbated was about half a month ago !
It wasn't your fault he was so busy and such with volleyball though. He msdevsyre to have time for you every so often. Outside and inside of school he was the best boyfriend.
"Oh. Didn't notice you were so greedy. Why not ask me after school ?" He bluntly stated. Funny his he asked this and your erection is straining against fabric as you speak.
You tugged on the bottom of his uniform catching him off guard slightly. "If you don't fuck me right now, Tetsuro Kuroo I might just consider getting with Kenma !" You barked.
Tetsurou only smirked like the mischievous damn cat he was.
Leaning closer down to your face, "Alright then. When we get back from the stalls, I dont wanna here a word about the cum leaking out of your abused ass." He whispered for your ears only as he flicked a slightly erect nipple outside of your school flannel shirt.
¤ y.p.o.v ¤
"Yes, yes." I mumbled. My nipples were being stupidly played with.
"Bathroom.." I said. He only nodded, retreating his hands.
Making our way down to the bathroom was audibly quiet. Only our footsteps being heard throughout the silent halls.
My eyes skimmed his posture and tall stature as I noticed his bulge. Soon enough it was going to be forcefully filling me in some dirty stall.
I look up at Tetsu and see his unusual stoic face fall into something familiarly mischievous as he caught on to me.
The sexual appeal and aura was never lost as we made our destination. Thankfully, we made it to the bathrooms without me jumping on him right there and then.
"We're here and let's hurry this up, pretty boy. I dont feel like getting in trouble for fucking you between classes again." He stated. I only scoffed and chuckled lightly.
At this point I dont care if we skipped a few minutes just to fuck. Did it once, I'm sure we wouldn't get caught twice.
Walking in the bathrooms, the first thing I do is pull him down for a kiss. Reminding him that I'm still feeling it.
He chuckled in the kiss. Wrapping his rather long arms around my waist, picking me up as I tossed my legs over his waist. His muscular body holding me up as if I weighed like air.
"Bubs.. About fucking you into these stalls. You know why I'm gonna go rough right," I nodded slowly. Giving him a few small hickies on his neck.
Faking my innocence for a better fuck is always worth while. He took that as a thumbs up as he once again let out that noir chuckle of his.
"That's good to know babes~"
Further movements were heated skin to skin touches and kitten licks and bites of each other. Some movements pornos could never mimic.
His calloused fingers gripping my throat, forcing eye contact as he smirked on how wrecked I already looked. I would say it was embarrassing if my mind wasn't attracted to his knee gliding across my tight pant front.
"Looks like you need to get that attitude fucked out of you from earlier, hm ?"
My mind barely focusing on his wolfish voice as he licked a long strong underside of my jaw, making me visibly shake and quiver slightly. The contact we shared in this cramped stall has me gasping for air the more I think of someone barging in. Any second I could literally bust thinking of how he would fuck me harder, the two pairs of feet on ther other side of the stall merely nonexistent to us.
"Tetsu please- I want it really bad~ I was bad wasnt I ?" I was becoming desperate as I slithered my hand down to his own very visible, erection.
He groaned lightly before chuckling and kissing me once more. I know he knows that my actions with his bestfriend weren't intentionally to hurt him, but what if I had fucked his bestfriend-
My thought was intruded as he flipped me over the stall door and shucking my pants off my body. Doing the exact same to his own as he harshly pushed into me.
I choke out a long groan of surprise as he held me against his clothed chest. "Ah-! Wait Tetsu!~" I was hushed by long fingers. Poking and prodding on my tongue to my throat.
He whispered in my ear, "Shh, now what if we get caught and I get in trouble for fucking you ?~", nibbling on my earlobe tantalizingly slow.
Hot breath we shared as his dick ushered in and out of my puckered hole. Minding you that we had no lube so the burn of him dragging himself in and out of me was a blinding pain.
My hands made attempt of pushing him away. Drool just at the corner of my mouth, fingers still at work.
He got the idea, pulled out to the tip, and lazily drooled on his shaft. His shape successfully returning to it's desired place.
"Can't have you hurting too bad. Even though this is a well deserved punishment~" He smirked at his own comment.
Right. I got myself in this situation and every second of it I loved. So close to the spot aswell-
"NGH–! Hah~ Shit Tetsu~ Right- Right thereee~!!" I shut my eyes closed tightly. My dick dripped precum as every few thrusts directed to my prostate.
"I found your spot, hm ?~ My baby finna cum soon ?~ Want me to jack you off or should I not, keep in mind your not off the hook, love.~" He mocked as his hands gripped my left leg, sandwiching between the stall door and my lover.
His other hand on my dick refusing of ejaculation. The new angle and pressure on my cock making my head fall back.
God I felt like I was going dumb and on his dick !
"PLEASE— I NEE- AH!~ I NEEF TO CUHM!~" I babbled. I doubt he heard me clearly though
Tetsu spat in his hand as his hand rapidly started to glide across my shaft. The slick palm feeling heavenly on my member. It was all so overwhelming !
Drool finally making it's way down my chin and hicked up throat.
"Bubs- Fuck-! Babe I'm finna cum in this sweet ass. Better keep in too~ Let Kenma and everyone else know you have a boyfriend~" He grunted near my ear as I frantically nodded my cockhead probably a pretty red now, completely swollen and wet.
"Cu- Cuhminggg!!~" I slurred as a particular harsh thrust shoved me off the edge and the knot in my stomach grew and snapped.
I felt a gush of his semen flow in my abused hole as he grunted and stilled ministrations. His cock head snug on my sore prostate.
"I- I hope you remember my words from earlier bubs. Wasn' playing." He scoffed as he checked out my blotchy neck and slobber slicked face.
The sight, I'm sure was obscene as he spread my cheeks. Cock head only inserted by the tip in hopes none of his hit substance fell on the bathroom tiles.
"Fuck Y/n.. Do this shit again I might just have to fuck you in front of Kenma~" He said tauntingly, slapping my ass aggressively as I eeked I surprise.
"I'm gonna leave first and you get cleaned up alright ? Don't want people to notice that we fucked like rabbits in the stalls." He said helping me with my clothes back on my body. I was too braindead to do about anything.
" Kiss.." My words coming out slurred. He looked up at me as he was helping me put my slacks on now. Leaning in giving me a long kiss.
My body leaned into his as I dragged my arms around his neck. Humming in satisfaction as I parted the sensually deep contact.
"You're so cute after sex !" He exclaimed as I ruffled his hair giggling now off my high.
He cleaned up after a few more shared pecks and left first as I sat on the toilet for about 6 minutes.
I checked my phone fir the time and I saw that it was nearing the end of the lunch hour.
'Fuck !'
I splashed some water on my face quickly before ushering to my next period. Being early wasn't so bad I suppose.
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fernweh-writes · 3 years
Hey, can I maybe request the slasher with an S/O that is a native German speaker and that she has a hard time speaking English? Or just a s/o that isn’t a native English speaker?
Like she can understand English really good but when she has to speak she begins to stutter and maybe how she pronouns words is kinda wrong? And that she is really insecure about it and her accent and afraid that it’s not understandable what she says?
I already say thank you really much!!💕
I’m always more than happy to write wholesome slasher hc’s! Hopefully I titled this correctly, if not please correct me.
Slashers x Non Native English Speaker
Michael Meyers
This boy is not fazed by anything ever, reacts to nothing. It’s safe to say his poker face is absolutely unmatched. You won’t have to worry about weird looks or an annoyed response from Michael.
His patience is also unmatched. All that stalking takes time you know. So he’s more than okay with giving you time to say things correctly if you need it. In other words, it’s okay take your time.
Always makes sure to nod so that you know he heard what you said and understands you. Secretly enjoys hearing you to talk and thinks your accent is endearing. He makes sure to let you know he’s paying attention so that you’ll keep talking.
Of course, Michael isn’t very affectionate and is overall kinda awkward. He is good at reading you though and can pick up on the fact you’re insecure about he way you talk. Expect some awkward head patting whenever you get frustrated when trying to pronounce something correctly.
If you hate being corrected though then Michael is your perfect match. He doesn’t talk so he’s never going to say anything about it. Wouldn’t correct you even if he was talkative though.
Anyone at work giving you a hard time about your accent and stuttering at work? Oh, they turned up missing and were later found dead? That is truly unfortunate, who knows how that happened, that’s so weird.
Bo Sinclair
He’s an ass, it’s in his nature to tease you for your accent and stuttering. Bo would spontaneously combust if he wasn’t able to pick at you. It’s all lighthearted teasing though, so don’t take any of it to heart.
However, if someone else teases you about the way you talk well… they’ll be beyond Vincent’s repair to put it lightly. Refuses to have someone who makes fun of you immortalized in his town.
Bo also has that thick southern accent which means you can tease him right back. Oh you didn’t pronounce something correctly? Well at least you don’t say ya’ll’d’ve. (Means ya’ll would have for those who might not know)
Southerners just take every word and find a way to shorten them or shove them together so you have plenty to make fun of him for. Although he finds it funny when you try to mock his accent.
Bo would rather die than admit it but he does find your accent and stutter cute. He’s also entertained by the way you try to pronounce things from time to time and can’t help but to laugh at you with you.
Vincent Sinclair
He’s pretty indifferent about the whole thing. If you can respect the fact he can’t talk, then he can respect the way that you do talk.
Is always quick to reassure you that there’s no need to be insecure or embarrassed about your accent or mispronounced words. He doesn’t want you to think you’re inconveniencing him in any way because you’re not.
If he can deal with his brothers ridiculous accents then what makes you think that he can’t deal with your accent. You probably pronounce more accurately than Bo or Lester could ever dream of.
Bo is teasing you? Vincent dares him to say royal. Go on Bo, say it since your such a scholar, go on, do it. Bo will never make fun of you again.
Vincent is very patient and encourages you to take all the time that you need to say things right. He’s not going to rush you, it’s not like life is busy in the little town. Even if he’s busy with work he has plenty of time to listen.
Having someone just sit and talk to him while he works is refreshing. Please just sit and talk to him about everything and nothing, he adores it.
Brahms Heelshire
Brahms has plenty of free time and plenty of lessons. Honestly, I would be surprised if he didn’t know a few phrases in at least one different language.
Would be more than happy to learn your native language if you’re willing to teach him. Brahms is smarter than you would think and is quick to pick up at least a few phrases. Immediately wants you to teach him how to say I love you in your language though.
Also just likes to hear you speak in your native language. He may not understand it, but he thinks it sounds pretty nonetheless.
“Be good to him and he will be good to you.” If you’ve been good to him he’ll be patient and kind to you. Doesn’t mind the way you might trip over words or mispronounce them. His patience will only wear thin when he’s upset with you but even then he’ll normally just shut himself back into the walls.
The Heelshire mansion is full of books and you’re expected to read to Brahms every day. Once Brahms reveals himself he uses the time you read to him as an opportunity to teach you how to pronounce words correctly. He makes sure to be polite when correcting you since you’ve been so sweet to him.
Thomas Hewitt
He enjoys just listening to you talk to him. It doesn’t matter what you talk to him about, he simply enjoys the company and loves that you’re able to fill the silence.
Won’t allow any of his other family members to even mention anything about the way you talk. He remembers how much he hated being made fun of for his appearance and refuses to let anyone ever make you feel that way, especially his own family.
Of course, Luda Mae is more than patient with you. You make her son happy so she’ll make sure that you feel comfortable and at home in the Hewitt household.
Thomas always seems to be able to understand you. Maybe it’s the fact he doesn’t talk that makes him able to understand others really well. You can always pick up on what he means just by gestures and expressions and he can do the same for your mispronounced words.
Makes sure to let you know that he finds the way you talk adorable. Honestly, he’s in awe of just about anything you do. Thomas loves you to much to ever view you in a negative light.
Billy Loomis
He has a habit of always correcting you when you mispronounce words which can get old pretty fast. Billy doesn’t mean for it to be rude but his attitude always makes the way he corrects you to seem like an insult.
Would probably act like he can’t understand you sometimes because he simply thinks that it’s funny. No one said that Billy was ever a nice person.
Although he’s allowed to make fun of you, anyone else who tries will quickly become his next victim. You’re his to make fun of anyone else who tries must have a death wish.
Does his best to be considerate if you tell him that you’re insecure about your accent and the way you trip over words sometimes. He’s not the best with emotions or making people feel better but he’ll make sure that you know it doesn’t bother him.
Feels bad if he ever makes you feel bad. Billy does have a tendency to go to far even though he’s better at reading the room than Stu could ever be.
Stu Macher
You thought Billy was bad about the teasing? Stu really doesn’t know when to stop joking around and be serious for once. For a serial killer you’d think he’d be better at reading people, but Stu does a terrible job of it. Takes the teasing way to far.
When he finally figures out he’’s hurt your feelings though he makes sure to be more considerate of what he says. Uses grand gestures as an apology and only uses actually saying I’m sorry as a last resort.
Even though he teases you, he really doesn’t mind your accent or stuttering. You’ll be lucky to even get a chance to talk considering that Stu loves to talk and does so all of the time. He does not shut up.
He’s big on making sure you don’t feel insecure when talking around him though. Even though he loves to hear himself talk it’s no fun if you’re to nervous to add to the conversation.
Goes around telling people he has a foreign babe.
Jesse Cromeans
Jesse isn’t fazed by your stuttering or heavy accent. In fact, it’s probably one of the things that draws him to you. To him, it makes you seem innocent and Jesse loves the idea of someone as corrupt as him having someone as sweet as you love him. Thinks he has you wrapped around his finger when really, it’s the other way around.
Preston would be the one to give you hell about it and Jesse will kick his ass before the smart ass comment can even leave his mouth. Spann would be the one constantly correcting you because she thinks that she’s so prim and proper. Jesse will make sure she keeps her mouth shut as well.
Sometimes he has to make sure that he understood what you said. You’re phone will ping with his best guess of what you just tried to say with a bunch of question marks around it. He’s doing his best okay.
Absolutely loves it when you talk to him so he makes sure that you don’t feel insecure when talking to him. You’re to cute to just sit there and say nothing, he wants to know what’s going through your cute little head.
Keeps an eye on you at work and in public. No one gets away with teasing you, especially not girls who could only wish that they were you. We all know that Jesse targets women.
Asa Emory
Honestly, he would see you as something exotic for his collection.
He’s an entomology professor, not an English professor, he could care less about your accent and mispronounced words. He also has a lot of patience but Asa still won’t hesitate to give you an annoyed look when he’s busy.
Unlike most of the other slashers he’s not going to tease you for the way you talk. Asa has more class than that. Instead, he’ll tease you about the way you begged for him to give you what you wanted.
Won’t tolerate anyone else joking around about your accent since he knows your insecure about the way you talk. He’s an intimidating person and he uses that to his advantage. Besides, if they keep trying they won’t be alive much longer anyways, Asa will make sure of that.
He still corrects you from time to time. If you’ve been having a rough time he won’t, he doesn’t want to make you feel worse. But if he thinks you’re able to handle the criticism he’ll correct your pronunciation. Believes that you have to learn the correct way to say things at some point right.
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jisungsmochi · 3 years
favorite crime - na jaemin
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favorite crime - na jaemin 
this is the second installment for my SOUR series! you can read jeno’s one here! 
a little bad boy!jaemin x troubled (?) but still a ‘goodie goodie’ reader // strangers to friends to partner in crime to strangers again :/ 
word count: 7.2k 
summary: “It's bittersweet to think about the damage that we'd do
'Cause I was goin' down, but I was doin' it with you” 
who would have ever thought that, jaemin, the quiet boy you met in detention, would become your first love? getting involved with his shenanigans was probably the worst thing you could have done in your life. you were lucky enough to love someone like him, someone who excited you, scared you, and most of all, loved you back. but what happens when his actions suddenly have consequences? 
a/n: this summary sucks but i liked writing this alot,, explains why it took me so long to write it oops. 
tagging the bestie: @skrtbabe
Know that I loved you so bad
I let you treat me like that
I was your willing accomplice, honey
as you walked into the near-empty classroom, you made a beeline for the closest seat to the window. if you were going to be stuck in detention for two hours, you might as well have a nice view. you let out a short sigh to yourself, one hour and fifty eight minutes to go. the supervising teacher was lazily marking her class’ essays, completely choosing to ignore the entrance of na jaemin. he gave her a subtle scoff before stumbling past the desk, making his way to sit behind you. you heard him roughly place his bag onto the surface of his desk. you’d be lying if you said you didn’t want to look back and see what he was up to. jaemin was always a mystery to you, and to everyone else in the school. despite keeping himself away from the majority, people had quite a lot to say about the boy. you heard rumours that he got stabbed (which you didn’t believe at all) but your classmate, haechan, insists he had video evidence. if anything, you don’t think you had ever spoken to jaemin in your entire life, but that was all about to change.
thirty minutes into detention and you were beyond bored. everybody was either catching up on school work or trying their best to not be caught on their phones. you opted to staring out the window, eyes following the movements of a particular butterfly. eventually, the butterfly decided it was time to leave your line of sight, causing you to let out a short huff. you heard a soft chuckle, belonging to the previously silent boy behind you. you slowly turned to face him, his eyes immediately latching to meet yours. he had his chin perched on top of his right palm, a cunning grin on his face. you gave him a glare,
“what are you laughing at?” you faintly whisper to him. this caught him off guard, he didn’t expect you to sound so stern.
“an explosion is about to happen” you grew to be more confused, what is he talking about?
“i’ll be right back! s-stay where you are!” your teacher suddenly blurts out, rushing out of her room as fast as she could. the rest of the students all looked over at eachother, some even opting to leave detention entirely.
you turned back to the snickering boy, who clearly had something to do with it.
“what the hell did you do?”
“put laxatives in her coffee” your jaw dropped, how the hell did he manage to do that?
“w-what’s wrong with you?”
“what’s wrong with you? learn to live a little” he suddenly stood up, slinging his bag across his body. his eyes still stayed on you, silently asking for you to follow him. this was one hell of a first impression. you weren’t sure what took over you in that moment, but you found yourself trailing behind na jaemin like a lost puppy as he led you both out of the school gates. he didn’t speak much to you, aimlessly walking to wherever the hell he needed to be.
“so what did you get into detention for?” he suddenly asked you, causing you to stiffen. you weren’t a stranger to getting into trouble, your short temper often being the root of your issues. but you weren’t exactly the most comfortable talking to new people.
“ah you’re a bit shy? i’ll start then, i stole lee haechan’s clothes after gym practice” he smirked to himself, feeling some sense of pride.
“that was you? he was running around school butt naked because of you” you couldn’t help but chuckle at the memory of seeing two full ass cheeks after your history class.
“that’s what he gets for claiming that he has proof i got stabbed? which is ridiculous by the way” jaemin shakes his head before coming to a complete stop. you slightly bump into his right shoulder, quickly stabilising yourself before looking at the quiet cafe infront of you.
“hungry?” you nodded in response, following him into the cafe. he seemed to have known some of the workers, earning you a free croissant and hot chocolate.
“so, i told you why i got into detention, now it’s your turn” he chimed, clearly entertained by having you as company.
“i punched kim yuna in the face” you slightly cringed at your own words. you weren’t the one to be physical in your confrontations, but this girl really struck a nerve.
“sheesh, i saw her earlier, you gave her nose a good bruising, i must say” he couldn’t help but find the entire thing entertaining. this was so odd to you, every person that had witnessed it, thought you went crazy. but here jaemin was, laughing at the situation.
“you think this is funny?” you asked curiously, rather than in a judgemental manner.
“well yeah, i don’t know why you did it, but she probably deserved it” he shrugged, taking a bite of his own pastry. you felt your shoulders begin to relax, infact your entire demeanour had changed. jaemin was the only person that didn’t push you to admit your faults and apologise. he didn’t need to know the whole story, he just took your words for what they were.
the next hour consisted of you and jaemin, sharing stories on some of the mischievous things you had gotten up to in the past. from small things like setting off stink bombs during an exam, to running from the mall cops after stealing a pair of pants from a store. jaemin liked your reactions to his stories, at first your face would be full of shock, then turn into some sort of enlightenment. he found it quite endearing to watch. he wasn’t too bad on the eyes either.
“need me to walk you home?”
“i don’t need you to do anything for me” jaemin just smirked at your response,
“but i wouldn’t mind if you did”
“ah i see how it’s going to be”
“what do you mean?”
“our relationship, it’s going to be very push and pull” what on earth was he on about?
“you got that from just spending a few hours with me?” jaemin nodded, shoving his hands into his jacket pockets.
“i think we’ll be spending a lot of time together” was all he said back. if you had told yourself earlier that day, that you’d become na jaemin’s partner in crime, you’d punch yourself in the face. but this was only the beginning.
from that day onwards, you would purposely seek out jaemin’s presence. whether it be you walking to the most isolated parts of school, or simply trying to get into detention in the case he was there again. as a result of the laxative prank, jaemin had earned a two week long suspension. you had caught wind of this information from the school’s chatterbox, haechan. you’d think after being humiliated by jaemin, he’d keep his name out of his mouth.
you decided to visit the same cafe you accompanied jaemin to, incase he was hanging out there. you weren’t sure why you wanted to be around him so much. if anything, you were more at risk of getting another detention, or becoming a social outcast. but you were going to take those chances.
as you entered the cafe, your eyes scanned near and far for any sight of the black haired boy. you were about to give up, when you heard a voice,
“stalking me now?” you immediately froze, too nervous to turn back. you felt jaemin’s hand on your shoulder, slowly turning your around to face him.
“i-i no it’s not what it looks like-“
“it’s fine, you must have missed me, no?” he let a cocky grin land on his face. you just rolled your eyes, ready to walk right back out that door.
“let’s get up to some trouble today” he gripped your wrist gently, dragging you out of the cafe. he didn’t let go of you, once again, you were aimlessly following him. why did you let him do this to you?
jaemin wasn’t too much of a talker, he tended to try and speak with his eyes. you found it interesting, the way he expected you to know exactly what was on his mind. he eventually stopped walking after reaching an abandoned building. you were beginning to feel slightly anxious, noticing that the sun was slowly setting and the breeze was getting cooler. jaemin plopped his carry bag on the concrete floor, you heard clinking sounds erupt from the bag. he moved to pull out a few spray cans.
“ever graffitied?” you shook your head,
“not spray painting, but i’ve drawn some not so pleasant pictures in the bathroom stalls” you shrug as he handed you a can of bright yellow spray paint. he slightly chuckled at your anecdote, which made you look down at the ground.
“well you won’t get in trouble for messing up this place”
“what is this place anyway?” you start to shake the can, watching as jaemin started spraying onto the blank wall.
“somewhere i come when i don’t feel like going home” you weren’t sure if you wanted to press him to elaborate, so you just nodded, beginning to spray a random design of your own.
jaemin found hanging around you quite amusing. you were always up for anything he wanted to do. you seemed so cheerful about the simplest things, and never pushed him to explain the questionable things about himself. you were a lot different than the people he would usually surround himself with. but like many things in na jaemin’s life, they often went sour very quickly.
And I watched as you fled the scene
Doe-eyed as you buried me
One heart broke, four hands bloody
jaemin had asked you to accompany him to the abandoned building one night. you were half asleep and freezing to death as you approached his car. it was quite beat up, making you worried,
“is this thing even safe to be driving?” you groan as you wrap yourself in your large puffer jacket. jaemin had previously insisted you bring a sleeping bag and pillow. you chose not to question it, too tired to argue back with him.
“don’t disrespect my sweet ride! be grateful i didn’t make you walk in the cold” he scoffed before starting the engine. the car ride was fairly quiet, you were drifting in and out of sleep, in which jaemin noticed. he thought you looked so peaceful, so he tried his best not to make any sharp turns or run over many speed bumps. in a matter of time, he parked the car, gently wiggling your shoulder. you woke up instantly, feeling his cold hand on your cheek. you furrowed your eyebrows before following him out of the car. he led you to the same wall you both had graffitied on before, but this time, it seemed to have become a complete picture.
“i wanted to show you this! isn’t it cool?” he gleamed, pulling you to his side, slightly rubbing your shoulder to warm you up. you quickly ignored his touch, focusing back on the wall. it was a mirage of different doodles and words that must have meant something to jaemin.
“this is amazing, you did this all by yourself?”
“yeah, i really wanted to see your reaction”
“what does it all mean?”
“it’s kind of a representation of what goes on in my mind? i’m not the best with expressing my feelings with words, so i decided to let it out on this wall” jaemin spoke with such ease, his voice filling your ears with warmth. he pulled you closer to him when he saw you shiver,
“care to share?” you slightly joked. jaemin never got too deep with you, so you assumed he would brush the comment off. but he just stares back at you, his eyes piercing into your own. you held your breath as he leaned in closer to you.
“sure thing” he slowly leads you back to the car, turning on the heater as you both wrapped yourselves in sleeping bags. you were huddled up in the back seat, your head leaning on his shoulder as he played with his fingers.
“i never had an outlet for my imagination. my parents weren’t the most warm or loving people in the world. i barely remember anything from my childhood, except for the unpleasant memories. when i started hanging out with some of the older kids, they showed me the ropes of their crew. they taught me how to graffiti, how to carve things with a pocket knife, you know, basic seventh grade stuff” he let out a soft chuckle, but you didn’t laugh. instead you placed your hand over his, feeling the coldness shoot through your body.
“i-i don’t like showing how i feel. because i think it makes me weak, or pitiful. that’s a bad way of thinking, but i can’t help it. so i let out my frustrations here, by either spray painting or smashing random things. it’s nice to get it all out” he stops speaking, his posture suddenly stiffening. you lifted your head from his shoulder, forcing him to look over at you.
“i’m here to listen to you. you don’t have to result to destroying things in order to reveal your feelings. you can just talk to me next time, okay?” you assured him, tightening your grip on his hand. jaemin just nodded, his eyes faltering from yours. why were you so considerate towards him?
“wanna know why i punched yuna in the face?” you saw jaemin crack a smile, nodding frantically.
“she said some things about my family, how they only took me in because they felt sorry for me. see, i’m actually a foster kid, my real parents weren’t in the ‘right state of mind’ to take care of me. well, in the eyes of the law atleast” jaemin didn’t know how to respond, opting to pulling your head back into his shoulder.
“i know she was just trying to rile me up, my foster parents aren’t terrible. but hearing those words just struck a nerve. how can people be so judgmental?”
“that’s just life, love. everyone will always have their own opinions, but it’s up to you, on how to respond. or you can simply choose to ignore them, it’s always worked for me” jaemin started tracing small patterns on the back of your hand, feeling his eyes become drowsy.
“but i don’t want to always ignore my problems. i want to be able to face them, how else will i grow as a person?” you sighed,
“we grow each and every day, most of the time we don’t notice. you’re doing better than you think. sure, you’ll grow up soon enough, you’ll develop your own identity, but for now, enjoy the moment. don’t care too much about what others think, this is your life to lead” jaemin looked down at you, feeling a warm sensation reach his heart.
“for someone who doesn’t like speaking his mind, you sure give some great advice. promise we’ll be there for eachother?” you pull out your pinky finger from his grip, watching as he blinks for a few seconds. you sensed some hesitation, but blamed it on him being tired. eventually, jaemin linked his pink with yours, sealing it with a gentle press of his lips. you couldn’t hide how flustered you had gotten, burying your head in his chest as he started stroking your hair.
“thankyou for being with me tonight” he mumbled as he felt himself fall asleep,
sometimes jaemin would leave you hanging for days on end. at first you would get concerned, mainly for his own safety. you were never sure what he got up to in his spare time, and to be honest, you didn’t want to know. but after a certain amount of days, he would pop back into your life that nothing happened, as if no time had passed. today was one of those days. he was sitting on your bedroom floor, flicking through your history notes. you couldn’t pry your eyes away from him, he looked so peaceful.
“you’re so much smarter than me” he huffs, scratching his head as he closed your notebook.
“no way, i’m pretty average. you’re more street smart than i am” jaemin perks up at your words,
“i guess i am huh” he smirks to himself, making you slightly smile.
“i can help you study if you want, you need a pass, right?” you scooted over to him, sitting so that your shoulders brushed against eachother.
“well yes, technically. but passing doesn’t secure i’ll get into college. not that i can even go” he shrugs, eyes focused on his rings, beginning to fiddle with them.
“what do you mean?”
“i don’t have the grades, my parents barely have any money saved for my college fund. i don’t have a job, you see the issue here?” you sensed him stiffen up next to you, this topic clearly striking a nerve within him. you placed a hand on his shoulder, gently squeezing it,
“you know college isn’t for everyone. i’m sure you will be able to live a good life” jaemin knew you were trying your best to cheer him up. but these were constant thoughts and struggles he had been dealing with for what seemed like a lifetime. he knew you would never fully understand, and he couldn’t be mad at you for that.
“y-yeah, i’ll be fine” he sighs, linking is fingers with yours. you worried about jaemin so much, it slowly began to take over your mind. you caught yourself thinking about him more often, how you wanted to be there for him during his dark times. but jaemin always shoved off the idea of getting too deep with his emotions. sure, he trusted you with most things, but there was always a thought in the back of his mind. you were way too good for him.
“what is this?” you smiled brightly at the boy standing across from you. he was leant up against your locker, gift bag in his hands, shoving it towards you.
“a token of my appreciation for our growing friendship” you chose to ignore the last word, your feelings towards jaemin still being undecided.
you slowly open the bag, your eyes landing on a small box. you furrowed your eyebrows, before opening it.
“t-this is beautiful, jaemin. how did you afford this?” you gasped, pulling out the shiny necklace from the delicate box. it was a silver chain, that sparkled under the light at just the right angle. there was a small pendent latched onto it, a butterfly.
“don’t worry about that, do you like it?” he grinned at you, taking in your ecstatic reaction,
“of course! i cant thank you enough!”
you pull him into a warm hug, arms tightening around his torso. jaemin chuckled softly, bringing his arms to wrap around your frame, slowly swaying you side to side.
“being there for me is enough, i promise”
The things I did
Just so I could call you mine
The things you did
Well, I hope I was your favorite crime
the following few days, jaemin went MIA again. you were beginning to become annoyed by his lack of communication. you wanted to believe he was gone for good reason, but something in your gut sensed something worse was happening. that’s when you decided to go to the abandoned building, remembering he often went there when he wanted to be alone. not having a car of your own caused many issues in your life. like right now, you were huffing and puffing once you hopped off your bicycle. you quickly set it aside, making your way to the building. before you turned to the main corridor that you met jaemin in many times before, you heard hushed voices, one belonging to the boy in question.
“we need this deal done asap. no excuses” a deep voice echoes through the building. you couldn’t get a good look at them without being caught, so you remained hidden behind a huge slab of concrete.
“b-but what if they think i’m scamming them because i’m new?” jaemin squeaked. you had never heard him so worried before.
“well you better think of some way to get them to buy, we can’t risk anymore losses. take this as initiation into the big boys club” what the hell was going on?
soon enough, the small group of men had left the building, walking past the concrete slab you were hiding behind. you let out a sigh of relief before rushing to jaemin. his eyes widened at the sight of you, part of him wanting to yell at you for being so stupid.
“what are you doing here?!” he was mad.
“i could ask you the same thing” you scoffed. jaemin suddenly became quiet, eyes avoiding yours.
“what’s going on? and i want the truth. the whole truth” he just sighed, dragging you back to his car. you folded your arms, in disbelief from what you had heard prior.
“i-i’m helping them with some deals okay? it’s just a side hustle to get some cash, i want to get out of this town. this is the only way”
“what are you dealing? drugs?” you gasped, watching as jaemin snapped his neck to face you.
“yes, it’s not as bad as you think-“
“not as bad? they’re literally part of a gang. do you know what happens to people who don’t seal these deals?” you couldn’t believe what you were hearing.
“i know the risks. but i’m desperate. i just need enough to buy an apartment in another city and finally start my life” jaemin doesn’t know why he’s bothering trying to explain this to you. he brushed his fingers through his hair roughly, letting out a groan as he did so.
“when i said there are ways for you to live a good life, i didn’t mean deal drugs. i meant get an apprenticeship or something! literally anything but this”
“there’s nothing you can do to change my mind. i already swore i’d do this deal. i need the money. you wouldn’t understand” jaemin struck back, feeling attacked by your words.
“what the hell is that supposed to mean? i-i can’t do this. come back to me when you’ve come to your senses. this is stupid and you know it” you rush out of his car, causing jaemin to trail behind you as you stumbled to find your bike.
“come with me” you stopped in your tracks.
“come with me to the deal. i-i don’t want to go alone” he says barely above a whisper,
“you’re crazy if you think i’ll follow you like a lost pup-“ jaemin pressed his lips on yours, hands stuck to your waist, gently rubbing your sides as he deepened the kiss. your words became jumbled as he continued to kiss you. as much as you wanted to argue back with him, feeling his lips on yours was only something you had experienced in your dreams.
“please” he whispered, pulling away from you momentarily.
“o-okay” you whispered back, hands now on his shoulders. jaemin smirked with pride before pulling you in once again. he led you back to his car, dragging you into the backseat. he began trailing kisses down your neck, erupting a pleased sigh from you. and just like that, you were wrapped around his silly little finger.
you were now seated in the passenger seat of jaemin’s busted ass car. your nerves were off the charts, and so were his. you had never seen him so anxious before, he was breathing in quick successions and couldn’t stop shaking.
“just get it over and done with...okay? get in and get out” you try your best to ease his nerves but how much could you really say? you were encouraging him to commit to a drug deal, this was not how you expected your friday night to go.
jaemin just nodded, clutching onto something in his jacket pocket. he pressed a soft kiss to your forehead, gently stroking your hair as he did so.
“thankyou for coming with me” he mumbled. you just nodded, trying to ignore your intense gut feeling that something was going to go wrong. he led you by your waist into the noisy bar. you kept your head down, allowing jaemin to gain sight of the clients. he didn’t let you approach the group of men, so you tried to distract yourself with a random fruity cocktail from the bar. it wasn’t enough to push aside your worries.
after what seemed like hours, you caught sight of jaemin, who seemed like he was in a rush. he quickly scooped you away from your seat, swiftly leading you out of the bar. before you could even open your mouth, he interjects,
“no time for questions, get in the car now” he harshly shoved you into the passenger seat. now you were more worried than before.
“what the fuck is going on?!” jaemin didn’t answer you, starting the engine of the car. before you could press him any further, the same group of men rushed out of the bar, eyes scanning for the boy next to you. this wasn’t good.
“may or may not have given them the wrong amount...nothing a little hide and seek can’t fix!” jaemin tried to laugh it off, but you knew he was equally as scared. his dingy car wouldn’t start, adding to the panic in the atmosphere. the group of men were already in their own vehicle, approaching jaemin’s car rather quickly.
“fuck fuck fuck” he began shouting, slamming his foot on the accelerator as the car hurled forward. in a matter of time, he was speeding down the street. he probably ran a couple red lights and a few stop signs, but he wasn’t fazed. you on the other hand, were about to throw up. jaemin kept taking sharp turns to throw off the car chasing you, he barely looked back. you were terrified in this moment. anything could go wrong, one wrong turn, and it could all be over. soon enough, he stopped right outside the all too familiar abandoned building. he was out of breath, the adrenaline still present in his system. you were completely frozen, still in shock at what had occurred.
“wasn’t that riveting?” he smirked. he fucking smirked?
“are you kidding me? that was fucking insane. d-don’t do this again. i don’t want any part of this anymore” you began tearing up, feeling your heart pump out of your chest. jaemin’s face dropped as he tried to hold your hand, in which you pulled away immediately.
“t-take me home. please.” he didn’t say anything back to you. he respected your wishes and took you home safely. you didn’t even want to think about the punishment he would receive from the gang for messing up the deal. the only thought of your mind was your own safety. jaemin risked your safety this time around. you would have done anything for him, but in this moment, you were beginning to regret it. na jaemin was trouble. and you needed to stay away from trouble.
staying away from na jaemin was harder than you thought. subtle glances from across the classroom or school courtyard wasn’t doing you any good. so you sought refuge in the library. somehow he managed to find you there too.
“y/n, please, talk to me” you continued to read the novel you weren’t interested in, trying your best to remain angry. he sat across from you, pulling down the book from your face, eyes begging to meet yours.
“there’s nothing left to say” he just sighs, never seeing you be so stubborn.
“i know what i did was wrong, i shouldn’t have put you in that posit-“
“can we please not discuss this here? where anyone can hear us?” you quickly interrupt him, pulling him to the school parking lot. out of habit, jaemin led you to his car, opening the passenger side door for you. you got chills as you sat in the seat once again, the memories flooding back.
“i-i’m sorry. i shouldn’t have brought you into it. i just didn’t want to be alone...you’re the only person who doesn’t make me feel alone.” jaemin could barely look at you, too embarrassed of being vulnerable.
“you know how i’m against what you’re doing. and i know i can’t change your mind. i just can’t keep worrying about your safety. it hurts me knowing that you could get hurt one day” you began sniffling, which made jaemin’s heart ache. he pulled your face to meet his own, staring at your soft features. he slowly guided his fingers to wipe away your tears.
“don’t worry too much about me, love. i’ll be just fine” he pressed a soft kiss to your lips, and just like that, you were dragged right back into his arms.
“be careful” you whispered against his lips,
You used me as an alibi
I crossed my heart as you crossed the line
And I defended you to all my friends
jaemin wasn’t careful. not in the slightest. he showed up at your window, hands clutching to his lower torso area as he stumbled into your room. you hushed him to be as quiet as he could but you immediately knew something was wrong. he practically fell to his knees, soft whimpers and sighs leaving his mouth. you quickly moved to turn on your lights, taking a better look at the boy in pain. your eyes travelled along his face, covered in scratches and bruises.
“you good with playing medic tonight?” he joked, trying to relieve the tension. but you were not having any of it. you pulled him into your bed, allowing him to lay on his back. he had an array of cuts over his body, including a large gash on his lower lip. you swiftly rushed to the bathroom, grabbing your not so impressive first aid kit, but it would have to do for now. you tried your best to disinfect what you cold, until you reached his torso. you saw there were specks of blood leaking onto his t shirt, which made you more worried than you were initially. jaemin just sighed, lifting up his shirt slowly. your eyes were glued on the painful wound plastered on the right side of his body.
“d-did someone stab you?!” you felt tears prickle the side of your eyes. how could he be so stupid?
“n-no, its just a cut, it’s not even that deep” he tried to play it off, but the moment you pressed the cleansing wipe onto the wound, he winced.
“stop playing the tough guy. i hate when you play tough guy” you groan, trying your best to tend to his wound. jaemin watched as your expression changed from one of concern, to annoyance.
“hey, don’t be mad at me, okay?” he brought his hand to hover over your thigh, gently stroking his fingers on the surface.
“i’m sorry” he whispered, trying his best to sit up, but you immediately pushed him back down. you moved to lay next to him, allowing yourself to finally look him in the eyes.
“i can’t always be here to take care of you like this, jaemin. as much as i want to, there are going to be times where i just can’t. you have to understand that”
“of course, i didn’t expect you to be my personal nurse or anything. i just don’t want you to leave” his words sank deeply into your thoughts.
“i-i won’t leave”
“thankyou. i promise i will take you out and we will have fun. like old times. we can go on a road trip, or even that stupid homecoming dance you keep talking about. i’ll do anything to make it up to you because i ca-“ he immediately stopped himself, clutching his side.
“just get some rest, we can continue this discussion another day. goodnight jaem” you just sighed, turning on your back to face him. jaemin didn’t know why he couldn’t finish his sentence. he does care about you. more than anyone else in the world. but why couldn’t he just say it?
you on the other hand, were too busy imagining your future with jaemin. would he be there as your partner in crime for life? or was he just someone passing by to teach you a lesson? you weren’t too sure you wanted to find out.
“y/n, principal lee wants to see you in his office” your economics teacher informed you during class, eyes of classmates following you as you left the room. you swore you hadn’t done anything remotely mischievous lately, besides snatching a cheat sheet for the upcoming final.
“ah yes y/n, please take a seat” principal lee invited you into his office. you tried your best to stay focused on the stubby man in front of you but you couldn’t ignore the two police officers standing to the side.
“you wanted to see me, sir?”
“yes, these officers are here to ask you some questions. don’t worry, you aren’t in trouble. they just need some information for their investigation” he explains as best he could, shifting the conversation over to the two officers.
“as principal lee mentioned, we just need information. are you comfortable with us asking you a few questions?” you slowly nodded, hands beginning to clam up.
“we have reason to believe your friend, na jaemin, has been involved in an incident that occurred last thursday. he claims he was present with you that night. can you confirm this?” you immediately froze. you swore you didn’t even blink. that was the night he came to your window, all banged up a bruised. but you couldn’t tell them that part. so you went with a variation of the truth,
“yes, he was with me, we often study together and watch movies on thursdays.” you tried your best to maintain eye contact, not wanting to draw any more attention.
“have you noticed anything odd in his behaviour lately?” you knew they were just following protocol, but you weren’t prepared for any of this.
“not really. he is quite reserved naturally, but there hasn’t been anything too alarming, in my opinion” the officers just nodded, scribbling down your words.
“thankyou for your time, if we were to need any more statements from you, would you be okay with that?” you simply nodded, wanting nothing more than to get back to class.
“great, we’ll be heading off now, thankyou principal lee, and y/n” you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding in. what in god’s name happened that night?
“why were the cops coming out of the office? did you do something?” your friend, jimin asked you as she rushed to your side.
“n-no, they were asking about jaemin” you sighed. you didn’t want to tell her much, knowing she wasn’t his biggest fan.
“y/n, you have to stop hanging out with him so much. he’s bad news. i mean, he’s got the cops questioning you? is that someone you really want to be with?” you knew she had your best interest at heart, but she didn’t know jaemin like you did. no one did.
“don’t talk about him like he’s some pest in my life. he makes me happy, okay? i’d do pretty much anything for him” you huff, beginning to walk away.
“but would he do anything for you?” her words made you stop in your tracks. she was right to question that. god, even you questioned it sometimes. would he?
And now every time a siren sounds
I wondеr if you're around
'Cause you know that I'd do it all again
jaemin insisted he take you to the homecoming dance — he even pinky promised you.
“jaemin! i’m so excited for tonight, what time are you coming by?” you excitedly squeal into the phone, making jaemin slightly chuckle.
“uh love, i-i don’t think i can make it tonight” you felt your heart drop.
“what? why?”
“i have some business to take care of. i promise you i’ll take you out soo-“
“i think you should stop making promises you can’t keep. hope you have fun doing whatever you’re doing” you immediately hung up, wiping the stray tears from your face. you quickly pulled yourself together. showing up alone to the homecoming dance after you told your friends you were going with jaemin, was probably one of the most embarrassing things you had ever experienced. they all felt pity for you, dragging you to dance, trying to get you to forget about jaemin. but nothing was working. you were beyond disappointed, partially in yourself, for believing he could actually keep his promise.
the moment you got home, you saw someone sitting on the steps just outside your front door. you let out a loud sigh, hoping he heard everything. you wanted to push right past him and go to bed, but jaemin trapped you in his arms. you felt something was off about him. he was stiff as a board, he didn’t say anything to you. you finally got a glimpse of his face, his right eye was swollen and there was a slight gash on his cheek. you immediately gasped, all your anger towards him had fizzled away.
“w-what happened?” you barely whispered, bringing your hand to the side of his face. jaemin winced as he felt the touch, quickly pulling away.
“finally got what was coming” he tried to laugh it off, but he knew you weren’t going to laugh back. instead, you allowed him to follow you to your room, hoping your parents were fast sleep.
jaemin slowly made his way to sit on your bed. you felt like he had something else he was hiding from you, but your main focus was yet again, tending to his wounds.
“i’m getting some real déjà vu right now” you sighed, cleaning his face. jaemin tried his best to not move, but everything stung. he really got it bad this time.
“i’m sorry for breaking my promise. i know how much the dance meant to you” he softly muttered, eyes avoiding yours.
“i-it’s okay”
“no it’s not! you do so much for me, and i couldn’t even do this one thing for you. i feel so shitty. why do you even keep me around? i’m deadweight and that’s trouble for someone with wings” he scoffs, replaying harsh words he had heard from others in the past. you slowly plucked away the medical kit, turning to face him properly. (a/n: not me using a quote from the show ‘panic’)
“you’re not deadweight...you’re a good person, jaem. you’re good to me, that’s what matters” you gently push away the stray strands of hair that covered his forehead. he smiled at your touch, leaning into your palm as you brought it to cup his cheek.
“i love you”
you almost choked on your own saliva...he loves you?
“yikes, not the response i was hoping for” he yet again, tried to relieve the tension with a joke. but you weren’t having any of it.
“can you be serious for one minute in your life? you can’t just say something like that and not expect me to freak out! i mean, do i love you too? of course i do! i would be stupid not to, but jaemin, you cant just spit that out of nowhere!” you began pacing around your room, which made jaemin smile even wider.
“well i just did. and i mean it” he stood to meet you, standing in the middle of your room as he held your shoulders in place.
“s-so what happens now?” jaemin hesitated for a moment, did he just ruin everything?
“we can’t be together”
“i-i can’t do that to you. i can’t let you be with someone like me. i’m constant danger. the cops are going to get me one day, and i don’t want you to see it happen” he started rambling, you were barely understanding anything.
“this makes no sense. you’re telling me that you love me but you can’t be with me? why would you do this to me?” you started sobbing,
“i-i don’t expect you to understand. i just needed to tell you before...” he paused, pulling you closer to him. but you pushed yourself away. you didn’t want to hear anymore but forced yourself to listen. you needed answers.
“before what?” you gritted through your teeth,
“before i leave” your eyes widened, tears stopped flowing for a moment. you couldn’t make out any words, allowing jaemin to explain,
“i cant stay here, not in this town. i need to go somewhere else. somewhere they won’t find me. somewhere i can start over” he sighed, sitting back down on your bed.
“take me with you! we can go tonight, i don’t care where i am, as long as you’re with me i’ll be okay!” you begged, pulling out your duffel bag from under your bed. but jaemin quickly gripped your wrists, pulling you to sit with him on the bed.
“y-you can’t come with me. it’s not fair on you, or me. i want you to have a better life, a life with no regrets. you have so many goals, i can’t hold you back from them. i won’t” he insisted, holding your hands in his as he pleaded you with his eyes. you weren’t thinking straight, everything became so overwhelming.
“why are you doing this to me? i cant do this without you! i cant get through all of this without you. please don’t leave” your hands began to shake. jaemin brought them to his lips, placing soft pecks on each knuckle in an attempt to calm you down.
“you can. i know you can. because you’re you. an incredibly loyal, intelligent and courageous person. you don’t need me. if anything, i need you more” he smirked at the last part. you kept shaking your head, not believing anything he was saying.
“just promise me one thing?” he whispered, leaning in closer to you so that your foreheads touched.
“don’t forget me. don’t forget all the things we got up to. i had so much fun with you, more fun than i’ve had in my entire life. i can’t thank you enough for everything you’ve done for me. i love you, okay? i’ll always love you” finally, he kissed you. his hands dragged to your waist, rubbing over the soft skin. you shined into the kiss, partially still upset with his departure.
“can we just have one last night together?” you pulled away, wiping away the rest of your tears. jaemin softly nodded, pulling you down onto the bed, wrapping his arms around you.
“thankyou for being my partner in crime. i’ll miss you” he sighed, gently scribbling random doodles on your arm with his fingers.
“i miss you already. maybe one day, we’ll meet again? i don’t know, am i being silly?” you didn’t want him to answer, afraid he’d break another promise.
“you’re not silly at all. we’ll see what life has planned for us” he responded. that was enough for you. you’ll leave it up to fate. you were just happy you were spending one last night with the boy you loved so dearly.
It's bittersweet to think about the damage that we'd do
'Cause I was goin' down, but I was doin' it with you
Yeah, everything we broke and all the trouble that we made
But I say that I hate you with a smile on my face
Oh, look what we became
you awoke the very next morning in an empty bed. your heart sunk, knowing jaemin was gone had finally hit you. your eyes drifted to where he once was, landing on a piece of paper.
‘go to the building for one last goodbye. i hope you like it.
- jaem <3 ‘
you quickly got changed and rushed there as fast as you could. would he be there to bid you farewell? you weren’t betting on it, but was still curious as to what he had to show you. you made your way into the building, your eyes cascading over all the graffiti. finally, you saw exactly what he left for you. he painted over the mural you both worked on. it had been replaced with a painting of a butterfly. its wings were all different colours, you could tell he spent ages on it. you finally reached the bottom of the artwork, a small inscription was engraved,
‘for the one with the wings, keep on soaring’
“so cheesy, i hate it” you joke to yourself, smiling at his words. this was his final gift for you. as you admired the painting once again, memories of all your little adventures came rushing back. everything you did together seemed like an eternity ago. although you wished you had confessed to him sooner, or kissed him harder, you knew that he was gone for good. jaemin wasn’t the time to keep many promises, so you’ve learnt. you started to put your faith in the universe. if you were meant to be, then you would meet again. but for now, you were content with everything you had gone through together. you were grateful to have known someone as amazing as jaemin, and you would never take that for granted. you only hoped he would do the same, no matter where you both were in life. you hoped you could both grow wings and soar through life without any regrets.
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down-in-devildom · 3 years
Idk if you’d be interested in running with this concept, but I’ve always kind of liked the idea of Lesser Demons (or at least other demons) trying to get to the brothers through MC. How would the brothers (whichever you wanted to do ig) react to seeing that MC is being used? Originally I thought it would be extra angsty if the MC had a crush on the other demon, but you can take the idea wherever you want to if you’re interested!
First off, I am very sorry for taking so long with this prompt. My brain went on vacation and it was hard to get in contact with it. These turned out super long because I wouldn't shut up so I'm splitting these 3 and 3. Next part can be found here: Part 2 Anyways, thank you for your patience and enjoy!
MC being Used by Lesser Demons (Lucifer, Mammon, and Satan)
CW: Violence, Torture, Manipulation, Murder...general demonic behavior
Lucifer was used to demons wanting something from him. He was one of the most powerful demons in the Devildom and he did not make mistakes in his opinion. With power and prestige going hand to hand in the social hierarchy, it was in almost everybody’s best interest to try to get in a higher demon’s favor
To say Lucifer was hard to get close to was a severe understatement. He had built so many walls around himself after the fall and only Lord Diavolo was brazen enough to crash through them, until MC came along, that is. They were just so foolheartedly friendly and open to anybody that approached them. They demanded his attention, rather he wanted to grant it or not.  
It was hard not to notice the Lesser Demons that swarmed the MC like flies all of a sudden when he started to walk MC down the hallways at RAD from time to time. The other demons looked absolutely pathetic with how much they scrambled trying to impress the MC and do little favors for them. They would collect notes for them or conveniently find the pen MC had lost in their shared Spellcasting Class. It was all harmless to him at first until Lucifer started to notice one Lesser Demon in particular kept popping up almost like clock-work.
Lucifer brushed it off as a fragile budding friendship until MC started to look at the other demon with bright smiles and their eyes would shift to the demon in fleeting glances. No reason to get bent up by MC having a crush but the Lesser Demon appeared to have started to notice and was getting a bit too cocksure about their advantage. They would soon be found hanging around MC more than Mammon.
Usually MC would wait outside the student council office for him to get out when his workload wasn’t too hectic but soon it became both MC and the Lesser Demon. After a few times of Lucifer’s alone time with the human being interrupted by the other demon trying to lay on some thinly veiled praises to his hard work, Lucifer was getting irritated. The Lesser Demon would walk between Lucifer and MC and would sometimes not even give MC enough space in the hallways to walk side by side with them, leaving them to lag behind. MC would always hang on the Lesser Demon’s every word and wild gestures but not once did the demon look in their direction or give them time to speak.
One day, when Lucifer walked out of the student council room, it was only the Lesser Demon waiting for him. He asked where MC was and the other demon had the gall to say that the MC suddenly had an errand to run and could not make it. The Lesser Demon then started to commend Lucifer on putting up with such a weak human and how much self-control he had not to just consume them with how blindly trusting they were. Rather or not MC genuinely had errands to run that day or they were sent away to get something this demon wanted in an attempt to get Lucifer alone, the Avatar of Pride was not going to let this opportunity pass to get rid of some of the more annoying pest that have clung to him recently.
“You are correct. It is quite hard to hold back. You may understand more than anybody how irritating it is when you are being bombarded by demons that do not know their place trying to take advantage of Lord Diavolo’s exchange student. Or rather, I’m I speaking more from a personal experience?”
Lucifer takes a sickly amount of pleasure from watching the color drain from the Lesser Demon’s face as they try to stammer out excuses about having to find the MC to help them with their errands. The Lesser Demon does not get very far at all before being strangled by Lucifer in his full demon form and teleported to the dungeons where their screams echoed off the walls but nobody outside could hear.
The next day, Lucifer informed the MC about their little demon friend having to go to the countryside to take care of some family business and had to drop out of RAD. Rather or not MC knows enough about the Lesser Demon to know that would be a lie, Lucifer did not care. MC can heal from a little broken heart but the Lesser Demon will have a hard time healing from being torn limb from limb. It is so much easier to concentrate with one less fly buzzing around and it would seem like the other Lesser Demons picked up on the warning without him having to hang the corpse up from the rafters.
Mammon was used to people and demons alike wanting things from him. He was The Great Mammon and despite his attitude, he was really strong. There is a reason why so many witches want to do things for him or let him “borrow” something from them. They want to be repaid tenfold but too bad because Mammon owes nobody nothing!
Now, one thing that Mammon will have to begrudgingly admit is that he likes hanging out with MC almost as much as he likes getting expensive items and Grimm. So it comes to no surprise when a Lesser Demon first tried to spend time with the MC when they were already going to spend the whole day with him, although he didn’t tell them that, he was throwing a mini tantrum. The dumb demon had approached you both while at the cafeteria and asked to sit with you all. MC was way too nice sometimes and readily agreed and so now Mammon had to share.
Mammon’s tune quickly changed when the Lesser Demon nonchalantly gave both him and the MC some gold earrings that they claimed they bought on accident and couldn’t return. Ah, well, who was Mammon but a generous demon for taking these off their hands. And the gifts didn’t stop. Each day, Mammon was slowly losing his precious alone time with the MC but he was gaining so many luxury gifts and trinkets that he didn’t notice anything amiss right away.
The Lesser Demon was always around whenever Mammon and the MC were together and they all started to get closer. Soon enough, when MC and Mammon were hanging out in his room one day after pretending to study and just laughing at videos on DevilTube, MC said they may actually like the Lesser Demon. Like, like like the demon?!
The two actually agreed to hang out that coming weekend and MC was super excited. This was the first demon outside of the student council that they have really interacted with and they were a bit nervous to see how things panned out. MC asked Mammon to kindly not try to tag along so that maybe they can move the relationship forward into something a little more than just friends.
Mammon was trying to act like he didn’t really care that the MC had a date but then he started to fidget around and couldn’t focus on the funny videos. Why would they decide spending time with the Lesser Demon was better than spending time with him? Sure, they gave some really awesome stuff away but he is pretty sure he can get more Grimm in a night at the casino than the Lesser Demon could earn in a year!....Maybe it wasn’t about the money though.
The day of the date, Mammon followed MC, ya know, to make sure that they were safe. Mammon peaked at the Lesser Demon and MC from his spot in the bushes at the public park and watched. MC walked up to the waiting demon and looked to be pretty excited judging from the large smile on their face. The Lesser Demon doesn’t really acknowledge them at first and keeps looking around searching for something. When the MC appear to speak again, the Lesser Demon’s face seems to contort out of its friendly façade and into one of irritation before they push a wrapped gift into the MC’s chest rather hard and walk away.
Mammon was rightly mad about the Lesser Demon just leaving the MC and decides to swoop in and save the day. He casually walks by the meeting place and “happens” to run into the MC. MC appears like they aren’t that surprised to see him but hands him the wrapped gift that Lesser Demon gave them with slightly watery eyes and says it was actually a gift for him. Mammon is too mad and busy sorting out his feelings about the MC possibly being ditched in hopes that he would show up, that he had to quickly remove himself with the excuse that he was going to run to catch up with the Lesser Demon and thank them for the present.
Mammon was unnaturally quick with how fast he ran after the other demon. He was sure the MC was out of sight before grabbing the demon and forcefully shoving the small, palm sized wrapped box into the Lesser Demon’s mouth, as far down the throat as he could get it while the other demon struggled against the assault and for air. When Mammon was satisfied about not even being able to see the present from the entrance of the demon’s mouth and the throat was expanded unnaturally, he rushed back to the MC’s side and offered to get them some ice cream, his treat...this time. If the MC wonders why the Lesser Demon suddenly stopped showing up at school, Mammon just said their luck ran out at the casino or something and they were too embarrassed to come back to RAD.
Satan is not very approachable to the average demon. He was polite, smart, snarky, and an unabashed animal lover, but not approachable. Maybe it had to do with him being the Avatar of Wrath or it can be because he would sometimes treat the demons around him more like lab rats than individuals. He was a gentleman though and it was fairly easy to build up some sort of rapport with him if a demon had a great thirst for knowledge and knew how to stay out of the way when his patience thinned. 
MC was one of those rare instances where he did not seem to expect for them to understand the finer workings of a particular particle spell to get his respect and it would seem other demons have taken notice. Satan enjoyed the quiet moments where he and the MC would spend hours reading their respective books in the royal library or when they would visit one of the local cat cafes and have laps full of lazy little kittens. The tranquility did not last forever it would seem because a few demons suddenly appear to think that they have what it takes to approach him.
Things were innocent enough. MC had texted Stan ahead of time that some Lesser Demon in their Potions class was really struggling and had begged to study with them to ace the next exam. It would come to no surprise that MC’s grades improved thanks to Satan’s meticulous note taking so the MC thought that he could help the Lesser Demon as well. Plus, the MC seemed a bit desperate to make some friends outside of the circle they found themselves forced into. Satan begrudgingly agreed. It was only an hour or two and he can still get some time in with MC away from his brothers afterwards.
The. Demon. Will. Not. Leave. Satan is practically grinding his teeth with how close the Lesser Demon decided to sit to him at the study table, spouting nonsense about having poor vision. Demons don’t even need eye corrective measures! MC bought the flimsy excuse though and was trying their best to quiz the Lesser Demon on material they went over in class. The other demon was doing suspiciously well answering the questions for a demon worried about their grades. When it was the MC’s turn to answer the questions on the cue cards, the Lesser Demon was being unnecessarily harsh. They wouldn’t give the MC enough time to reply before blurting out the answer or would snidely elaborate on certain topics well past the scope of the exam needed when the MC was able to speak in time.
Satan was trying to not cause a scene in the library but he could feel his resolve cracking. What made matters worse were the little glances the Lesser Demon would give him out of the corners of their eyes whenever they found themselves able to spew out more information about subjects. The more the Lesser Demon talked, the more MC seemed to shrink in on themselves and the Lesser Demon appeared to be getting some sort of pleasure out of it. Could this dimwit of a demon not feel the temperature of the room start to plummet?
Satan had to excuse himself from the library to catch his breath and walked down the halls for a bit to calm his nerves. He was on high alert so he wasn’t all that surprised when he heard footsteps try to quickly catch up with him before someone gently grabbed his elbow. He didn’t lash out because he recognized the sound of the MC approaching well before they caught up to him. He turned around to face them just to see the MC looking off to the side looking a bit embarrassed. They quietly explain that they were trying to impress the Lesser Demon with their knowledge of Potions but it did not appear to be going all that well.
Satan gave off a bit of an irritated snort but it wasn’t directed at the MC. Of course he could tell that the MC was trying to show off but the Lesser Demon seemed set on trying to make an idiot out of them. MC is way too kind and trusting to know when some demon was blatantly being malicious and trying to use them to make themselves look good. So Satan decided against fighting his sin and was going to release some steam. He told the MC he was going to get their stuff from the library really quick and they can head to the cat café to help unwind after a productive study session. “Wait just a moment, please, MC”.
When Satan stormed back into the library, his demon form was on full display. Not that it would serve as much of a warning to the Lesser Demon when Satan immediately captures them and uses his claws to gouge their eyes. While the other demon was wailing and crying about their eyes, he got fed up and threw them out one of the giant stained glass windows. The other demon should’ve known better than to cause such a ruckus in the library. When Satan met the MC in the hallway with both their stuff and without the Lesser Demon, he said that the other demon decided to drop out of RAD suddenly because they could not keep up with the studies. Suspicious? Yes. Does he care? Not particularly...
Did I need to describe the violence? No. But these guys are demons so I feel like making them not so friendly sometimes. Please keep an eye out for part 2-Leo
Part 2 found here
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