#mountaineering with his pal “Danger”
sci-fi-disney-prince · 7 months
Mountaineering words of encouragement
Posted on Garrett's Instagram story (Feb. 23 I believe)
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11cupids-tarot11 · 3 months
What's going on right now? Need Clarity? A message from Spirit!
Choose a selfie! ☆
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I 🫶🏾 y'all!
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Pile 1- 9 of Pentacles, 9 of Wands, Princess of Pentacles, 3 of Cups, 8 of Cups, 9 of Swords, The Hermit, Ace of Cups, King of Cups, Ace of Wands, 2 of Cups, extra card- Prince of Pentacles.
Bottom of the deck- The Lovers
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Hi my pile 1!
Today I feel like Spirit really wants to talk about you and your work. I heard something about planting roots, could be a literal 9-5 job we're talking about or even a relationship for some of you (I'm picking up on a masculine here), but I'm feeling like it might not be the way you want to to be right now, you're not seeing the results of all of your hard work but the Nine of Pentacles talks about having to climb that last mountain before you can reach the top and rest. This energy here is expressing though we may be so tired and want to give up it's very important you look back and see how far you've come in any given situation, how much you've progressed with maybe in a job, or something that really matters to you like finishing a book or even how much progress you've made in a relationship as well. (My phone buzzed as confirmation, I feel like there's a little bit about love in this reading which is crazy because I'm trying so hard to be diverse and not talk about romance so much but other forms of love too lol). Overall I'm getting don't give up, I know it's a struggle but sometimes it's good to sit back, reflect and remember our "Why". We just need that extra push of motivation, whatever motivates you, even if it's taking a small break before you decide to get back at it again, anything but quit! An example I could use is when I'm working on my Digital Art for a good hour and decide I still don't like how my drawing looks, I get tired but deep down want to finish it soo bad, so instead of giving up I take a break, let my fingers breathe and get a snack before going back at it again, sometimes it's okay to not break your back trying to finish projects no one's perfect.
So I feel like Spirit also wants to warn us of becoming too materialistic, it's clear this message is for someone who's worked hard to get to where they are now, but I feel like you haven't had the time to celebrate that because you're too focused on moving on to the next thing so quickly, we should appreciate and honor and celebrate all that we've done for ourselves even if you haven't reached the highest goal you've set, go out and celebrate with people you love! You deserve it!
So I feel energy like someone putting so much on themselves, I feel like you make yourself your main concern? If that makes sense? Like someone who gets frustrated at themselves because they quit something, someone here overworks their mind way too much, to a dangerous point. You're pushing your body to work so much because of a certain goal and I see here you see yourself as the problem. You are the very thing that crafts your reality but you can also break it as well. You know that saying less is more? I just heard it in my head, like if you stopped focusing so hard on this and live a little you might manifest it better not obsessing over it so much.
I'm picking up on two different messages, one is for someone who hardly has fun, I think the main message for you to overcome some things is to reach out more to people you love, spend more quality time with them! Have fun, go out and just go for a walk or sit in the park! Do something that doesn't feel like a job, you know? For others, I'm getting you might be more introverted, Spirit is encouraging you to branch out more, maybe work is something that you've just always known and been comfortable, but Spirit is encouraging you to go make some friends, step out of your comfort zone a little! Sometimes someone's companionship is all you need and you would've even realize it because if you're like me and hardly care for socializing it's something you can definitely live without, can't miss something you've never had right? Lol.
I feel some anxiety, negative thoughts and bad coping methods that are no longer serving you, but I feel like this anxiety is just coming from being scared, scared of the unknown especially. This energy doesn't serve you, focus on healing this and pushing this energy out of our consciousness, don't expect it, normalize it or embrace it.
I think as time goes on you could slip into a state of wanting to be alone a lot, I think this is a warning if you continue on you'll always be stuck in that energy. I think the hermit also reminds us to consider ourselves better, present and future, encourages to get to know yourself as well, take time to really understand and appreciate yourself.
I think you're a kind person, I'm seeing here you're represented by the Ace of Cups as well as how you see yourself, which means there is self love there, even if you don't see it or feel it's not impossible! Take it day by day, step by step, whatever that looks like for you! You have lots of joy and sunshine 🌞 maybe you're someone who likes to keep a positive appearance and rarely ever show your real emotions especially if they're negative.
I keep picking up on small messages of someone waiting for a specific love interest or maybe just waiting for your love life to get juicy in general.
I feel like someone's hoping for a connection, there's lots of masculine energy here. This is a special message so if you've been hoping for a specific person Spirit knows! I can't get much but maybe that's because it's not supposed to be a love reading, but I did get that message, Spirit hears you. Maybe this masculine is also a person some of you know, like they're in your life already and they have a heavy impact on you. I'm seeing for some of you it doesn't have to be romantic, could be a father figure for those of you wishing to get closer with your father's!
In conclusion, I don't want to say you'll never find a solution to your problems, but I will say life will always be throwing tough situations at us, at any given time, I think the highlighted message here would be that our mindset is the key here, you can't change your situation maybe but you can decide how you handle them. A strong mindset is always important, a clear and positive one. It's not an answer, no, but it's more like encouragement. I feel like Spirit wants to remind you as long as you have you, you'll never really be stuck or lost, you have the power to see the greater good of any situation or the power to visualize and manifest a life or outcome of a situation you want!
Hope you like this reading! Love you! <3
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Pile 2- The Hermit, Judgment, Eight of Pentacles, Four of Cups, The Tower, The Star, Three of Swords, Nine of Cups, Nine of Wands, The hanged man and The World.
Back of deck: Queen of Cups
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So the Hermit is once the fool, right? I feel this card is drawn today to point out that you need to focus on something with yourself. You're being pushed to learn more about yourself maybe, I'm getting this card also signifies someone who mostly spends their time alone, this could be because you're being drawn to focus more on yourself and this could also serve as a warning for some that you could be surrounding yourself with too many energies. Either way this card does signify a change does need to happen. A path needs to be taken. Something needs to be done, let's see what it is!
So currently it's healing, I'm seeing it's something heavy on your mind and heart. Well, with the Justice I hear that you have the option to heal right now, you maybe have been wondering what does healing really mean? and I'm hearing that the Angels Gabriel maybe are present with this card and that the path to healing is about to basically open up for you to take. I want to go into great detail about what I mean but can't find the best words, my book describes it like 'an opportunity to scrape off any remaining bits of mud clinging to your boots'.
I feel like someone here is very focused on healing for the greater good, you have a desire, strong will and determined just to do better for you and with the Eight of Pentacles it serves as kind of a confirmation that your guides do see and hear your efforts. Some of us could even be manifesting greater things, better days and your guides definitely do hear you! Makes me feel like they're hinting that your wish will be granted soon, the judgment card does often hint at justice! ;)
I know it might be confusing or some of you are probably like "what?" But I'm hearing that you'll just get random downloads and be like "oh yeah, duh! I should totally try doing that." A specific message for a few of you lol.
So the four of cups makes me feel like your guides are just pointing out more the need to kind of take a break away from everything and everyone. Maybe you're around people who don't have your best intentions or don't really serve you or your healing journey and spirit warns to watch who we keep around, it might be time to cut some people off. Some of you might be getting invited out, it's okay to reject them and let them down easy, take time for you, it's okay to not be bothered and be in the comfort of just yourself! <33
Right now I feel like you're carrying a lot of tension, anxiety and there's a call to release all of that, a change, I feel like being around people might be causing this anxiety because this is supposed to represent your external energy and you got the tower card, but so far all I'm getting is isolation is good for you, which is making me think there might just be a specific person causing this anxiety, if they make you feel bad they're not worth having around, i had to learn that the hard way whoever needs to hear this 😭 🩷
So we're letting go of burdens, anything that's holding us back, we're getting into really good energy! I love this pile honestly lol. You got the hope card! While all of this is happening, you're going to be passing through really heavy energy I bet, it might feel like you got hit by a bus even but your guides want you to remain hopeful! Try to stay as optimistic and positive as you can be, showing gratitude can also help right now! But good job! You're looking at every corner of your shadow self, you're doing a really good job too!
Okay, see! The three of swords is heavy energy but it does signify ✨ NEW 😍 and BETTER 😩 things for us! If you keep going this road, you're going to find something that really brings you contentment and life will feel good again for you! You're getting justice baby!!! I'M TRYING TO GET YOU HYPED BECAUSE YOUR GUIDES ARE PROMISING EVERYTHING YOU'VE WISHED FOR!! 😍😍 Lol whatever that might look like for you, like lately I've really been wishing for a new apartment, so when spirit says my wishes are about to be granted I'd get real excited because that means I'm gonna find a way to get that new apartment soon! Lol.
So right now I feel like you know you're able to manifest these good things all on your own. I feel like a few of you are like me and it maybe took you this long journey to get where you are now, maybe mentally or also in a physical matter, either way you look back and see how far you've come, you still want so much more and maybe you kinda pick on yourself when you realize that but your working on being content and grateful and moving forward now that you really understand how to now!
So I'm hearing that you might have some fears about never seeing progress, or maybe you're grinding very hard I'm talking day and night and you haven't seen the results you want, but you'll get there! I'm hearing the only way you don't is if you give up on yourself. As long as you have the consistency, motivation and power to keep showing up you will definitely see the results you want!
You got the world card as your outcome! This is a possible outcome, the world represents completion usually all things of a happy ending basically! Which means this is how your outcome will be! You do big work and receive big rewards from the universe! You're going to be sooo happy, you're on your way to your biggest achievement yet I feel! Congratulations! 🤭😍
I also heard a message about someone needing to further develop their spiritual growth!!
Hope you enjoyed!! 🩷 Love you sweetie piez
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Pile 3- Eight of Cups, Temperance, Three of Cups, Seven of Cups, Princess of Wands, Ace of Cups, King of Swords, The Emperor, Princess of Cups, Ace of Swords, Two of Cups.
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Hii! ☺️ So there's a message for you in pile 2! Specific for some of you, maybe if you felt drawn to more than one pile I highly recommend checking it out because I could not stop channeling that!
Let's get into your reading now!
So you're currently in an era of change right now, moving away from toxic energies, environments, mindsets and/or situations, I'm hearing it's because you're embarking on something new and you want to have a fresh clean state basically. Good for you! I totally resonate with that, it's a very good example of bringing home a new puppy even though you already have a dog, you still buy the new dog it's own toys and personal items because you can't just take the old dog's things and give it away, you have to start all over again and buy fresh items, you know? Weird example but this is the best I could explain it 🤣 I don't even have a dog so bare with me lol.
So I see that you're currently questioning how to go about this, and I get the feel that the Temperance card is telling us that we have that answer within. I think Spirit really wants to remind you to listen to your inner child as well, not only that but all parts because it's very important, even our shadow selves. So I feel like that's something you're going to be going through, mental clarity. This energy is a lot like pile 2! There's an overlapping message! Pretty soon you'll be gaining insight, like you'll be receiving downloads and messages from your team and everything will just "click" for you, yk? 😭 Lots of magical energy in all of the piles today it's crazy. I think you're also going to be learning how to balance yourself out, you're going to Intuitively just know because you've done the work searching every part of yourself!
So I see some tension and desire around three of cups, maybe someone here could be wishing for healthier connections, maybe there's some fear of being alone even and it's triggering some healing to be done around that area.
So like I said earlier, you're going to be receiving some intuitive messages that will bring you lots of clarity which is confirmation with the Seven of Cups, it'll just come to you, you might receive an important dream soon! So just keep on keeping on lmao basically stay true to your goals and keep forward on your path!
Okay okay I see you working on moving into your Princess of Wands energy! So the Princess part is like someone who's still learning, so you're going to be in an energy that you're in control of! I feel like you're already represented by the Princess of Wands energy and you're just working on being Queen now! You're going to learn how to utilize your personal energy, creativity and sexual power. Okay so you're going to need this new energy for the path you're going down, you're going to shine through it, literally you're a star whoever you are lmao other people see your energy too, you're someone people look up to! You're embarking on a new journey, I feel like I keep repeating myself a lot but even in my tarot book it says the exact same thing in the card description as the messages I'm channeling from Spirit 🤣 I've gotta start a YouTube so I can show you guys more! Or would you guys prefer if I just included pictures? I don't for aesthetic purposes but let me know guys!
Anyways, back to YOU lol,
So I see you wishing for lots of abundance like love maybe, doesn't have to be very deep and serious like marriage but I feel like a few of you want a baby and someone that loves you and it's a dream of yours, but you're probably putting that dream to the side right now to work on yourself which is good! That way when you are ready to receive you'll know exactly what to do with your gifts, treat them nicely lol! I do see a promising future for you where you receive all of that plus the self love from yourself which will already come first before anything, I think it's really beautiful energy I really like this pile 😭 I love you whoever you are, you feel so sweet!
OOO I see a King of Swords in someone's future? I feel like this is a romantic for a few of you because you also have the Two of Cups as your ending card which represents union to me. My book describes this person as fascinating, and talkative, they'll be very good at providing you emotionally and physically wise! I feel like after all of this work you're finally getting the connection with someone you've been waiting for!
Gender doesn't matter here, but you might see yourself as the Emperor, even if you struggle to, the outside world does too! You're a born leader, you're strong and intelligent enough to LEAD the team! People respect you I feel like, you're very hardworking, you like to set goals, some people might call you a nerd lol 🤓. I feel like in school you were the one who took control in group projects, you're very outspoken and an outgoing person, people love to be around you!
You might not have had many relationships, I'm hearing you might be kind of scared of love and have some hope and fears around it, you'll be discovering your own love language I hear ☺️ how precious omg.
So someone around you with the Ace of Swords suggests that someone you've already had your eye on someone for a while, a few of you might even be in the talking stages still! Either way you might already know who you're coming into union with 🤣 Crazy! For others of you, you will be meeting this person soon! A complete stranger you'll just bump into within divine timing on the weirdest day of your life!
So the Two of Cups is your outcome! With the two of cups it means you'll get the perfect person you've been waiting for! Which is what you've been wishing for, right? (Me too😭) I'm seeing that picturing your perfect person will help manifest them! Some of you could be dating after heartbreak as well I'm picking up on, for those of you who are single you'll be glowing! People will notice and compliment you a lot more. You're just ready to receive while being in your Queen energy! Real hot girl shit 😍 lol I love that omg.
Lots of water energy, someone could be a water sign, Pisces, Scorpio or Cancer or have those placements heavily in ur chart. Someone here could like the color blue or purple or those colors might be significant for you. The number 4 might also be significant. Someone could wear red a lot.
I hope you enjoyed this reading! Love youuu!!!
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to-thelakes · 6 months
Luke coming home one day (after moving in together) and finding reader in bed with a mountain of pillows in his spot so they won't feel lonely when he's gone (Roxy is there too somewhere)
pillow pal
pairing; luke alvez x fem!reader
summary; luke comes home to you snuggled up to his pillows.
warnings; pure fluff, luke draws a gun bc he is worried but no danger, just pure fluff
notes; just a short little fluffy piece of luke coming home and finding reader asleep in bed. it's so cute, he's so cute, AHHHH
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It had been a long day and Luke could feel the exhaustion in his bones. He was used to being tired, he was used to being forced to be alert at all times but it was exhausting. So, when he returned home, all he wanted to do was crawl into your arms. When he was wrapped up with you, his mind finally slowed down and he was able to stop being so alert. He could just focus on you, in the present and that’s all his mind was craving.
When he walked into the house, it was quiet. The two of you had moved in together a few weeks ago and so, he had become used to the sounds of you cooking or baking or singing or just simply existing in the space. But it was quiet. His body - still on red alert - went straight to the worst case scenario especially when Roxy didn’t appear. He grabbed his gun from its holster and lifted it up, walking through the house.
He cleared every room but nothing looked out of place. At least not downstairs. He wasn’t sure if that was a good or bad sign and so, he headed upstairs. He took the stairs slowly, avoiding the steps that he knew would creak underneath his heavy feet. 
Once he was on the landing, he headed slowly towards the bedroom. He nudged the door open and in the mid-afternoon sun he saw you. You were curled up in your shared bed, your arms wrapped around the pile of pillows that you seemed to be using as a substitute for him. His heart melted and he slipped his gun back into its holster.
You were safe. You were fine. You were just tired. He didn’t blame you.
Roxy was lying on the end of the bed, snuggled up to your feet as the two of you slept contently. But when Luke closed the bedroom door, Roxy’s head shifted up. Her eyes blinked open and Luke smiled softly as he walked over to give her pets and scritches behind the ear.
“Hello, my sweet girl,” He mumbled as he scritched under her chin. Roxy was constantly pushing her head back into Luke’s hands, desperate for any sort of attention from him and when Luke drew his hands away so he could get changed, Roxy stood up.
She jumped off the bed and trotted up to Luke who couldn’t help the soft chuckle that escaped his lips. He knelt down and while he gave her the proper attention she deserved, you woke up. Your eyes blinked open, barely remembering what century it was, let alone what was going on. Your head turned from side-to-side. The sun was still up but where was Roxy?  The familiar warmth was gone and in your daze, you looked to the end of the bed to see Luke knelt there, stroking her. 
You let out an involuntary gasp of excitement before you sleepily yet quickly clambered off the bed and threw yourself at Luke. He managed to stand up just in time to wrap you up in his arms and Roxy barked excitedly. You chuckled, nuzzling your face into his neck.
“You’re home. I missed you,” You mumbled against his skin as you held him tighter. Your arms wrapped around him so tightly that if it was anyone else, it would have been painful.
“I missed you too,” He muttered. You didn’t want to let him go but when Roxy was still barking and jumping up at the two of you, you pulled back and grinned down at her.
“Your daddy’s home, isn’t he? Are you happy? I’m very happy,” You said to her as you knelt and she pushed her face into your body, wanting attention too. You chuckled and hugged her, stroking her fur as you looked up at Luke. His shoulders had been rigid but they were relaxed now and an easy smile made its way across his face.
“Back with my best girls,” He mumbled. You grinned and nodded.
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orphicrose · 6 months
Ok so i just saw your Hosea x child reader and it was amazing (obviously) now I'm wondering if you could do Hosea x reader who's an old friend. The reader has a somewhat stable life, used to be a doctor but moved to a small cot in the mountains. They kinda keep in contact via letters but not really that often because the reader isn't too keen to gi into town and send out mail. What if Hosea has to introduce the reader to the gang at some point, like what if they are on the run again so Hosea leads them up the mountain onto the reader's property to kinda hide there. At first reader doesn't recognize Hosea because they haven't seen each other in a long time, but then he invites them all in, maybe he's even got enough room for all of them and the reader is just this sweet old man, same age as Hosea who treat everyone with respect if they deserve it, helps them out, doesn't judge etc. Hosea is just so glad that his family and his crush best friend are getting along.
Colter (Hosea x Male!Reader)
Note: In an au where Hosea takes the gang to readers home instead of colter. Thank you for the Request!
Warnings ! ! None
W/C : 1.1k
The harsh wind was suffocatingly cold, rugged mountainous landscape making travel near impossible. The atmosphere unforgiving, and bleak. The van der linde troops struggling to maintain life, every exhale met with a cold cloud. Huddling together in the back of the wagon to invade at each others warmth. Arthur shivered on his horse uncontrollably, him and Dutch shouting back and forth.
"There's nothing out there, Dutch!" He yelled over the heaving of ice through the air, powerful enough to pull him from his horse.
"Keep looking!" Dutchs voice broke as he shouted back.
"I know a place, keep going north!" Hosea gripped at the reins on his icy seat atop the wagon.
"You heard him!"
The group travelled the treacherous land, having no other choice but to push on. A flicker of life in the distance shining hope down on them, a small cabin revealing itself from the harsh winter.
Hosea let himself in first, letting the group know there was no danger. The beautiful heat from the raging fire hit them hard, offering instant relief from their dampened cloths. But perhaps they should have knocked, first. As a strange man had the barrel of his gun pointed at Dutchs head.
"Easy, yn" Hosea stepped forward, hand stretched in front of him.
The old man slowly dropped his weapon,, eyes lighting up at the sight of Hosea.
"Hosea! Long time no see old pal" His arms pulled the man into an embrace, Hosea appreciating the extra layer of warmth. "Caught in the Blizzard, I see?"
"Oh you know me. Always getting myself into life or death situations" He patted his old friends back and then retreated from the hug, pointing to the shivering group of people behind him. "Speaking of, don't suppose you could help a old bunch of delinquents?"
Y/n stood there for a second in thought, frail hands touching at his chin. "Well, There's not a lot of space but I don't mind sharing it for a few nights. As long as y'all don't reck the place"
"Of course, y/n. And no need to worry, we will repay your kindness. We have some skilled hunters amidst our criminals." Hosea pats Arthur on the back rather hard, an indication to his next mission.
"I'm sure you do" Y/n chuckles, inviting them inside.
"We really appreciate this, what was it, y/n?" Dutch offers the man a hand.
"Thats right" He returns the hand shake and smiles warmly at the charismatic man.
"Dutch, I suppose you could call me the leader of these 'bunch of delinquents'"
"Ah, I see" Y/n gave Hosea a knowing look. Having spoken about him in the letters they shared over the years. The moment took a turn when Pearson and Javier began to heave in the injured Davey. His pale skin mimicking that of the snow that surrounded them.
"He's not going to make it for much longer if we don't do something" Abigail moved everyone out of the way as they hauled the almost corpse from the bitter cold.
"Bring him in here" Y/n waved his hand as he cleared the wooden table sat in his small kitchen.
At least 20 minutes of tireless work and tense vibes had passed, y/n doing his best to stop the bleeding and prevent infection. Davey was in a stable position, his body being warmed by a fire as he lay in a makeshift bed on the floor. Still remaining still and in a deep sleep. But alive nonetheless.
Everyone had found a space to settle in. Drying out their clothes around the room, and taking the time to finally rest. John, who had been picked up on the way, lay similarly to Davey. Still and wounded. The idiot was mauled by wolves. Luckily for him, his horse braved the blizzard enough to get him back to the group in time.
The rest of the men sipped on hot beverages made by y/n, enjoying the company of good stories and a warm shelter. Taking it in while they could, for the morning to come could only bring worse obstacles.
"I was a Doctor, years ago. Saved Hoseas life countless times. But, as most people do these days, I had bad people after me. Had to move somewhere more remote. Its really not that bad in the summer." Y/n sat, leaning on his knee on the floor with a coffee in his hand.
"Saved my life" Hosea scoffed. "You bandaged up a little scrape for me. A child could have done that"
"It was a bullet hole wound you terrible man" Y/n laughed, playfully shoving him.
They chuckled together. Listening to each other as they shared their silly stories. Ones about when Arthur was a boy, or how they'd picked up John as a child.
"We can't put into words how grateful we are for the shelter, Y/n" Dutch put a hand to his heart.
"My pleasure. Think of it as a sorry for almost shooting y'all earlier"
"Don't worry about feeding us. Pearson over here has been our designated chef for years now. I can't imagine he is about to quit now" He pointed to a larger man in the kitchen, making conversation with Swanson with a bottle in both their hands. Y/n chuckled and nodded.
"Well, good luck finding food or even fresh meat. I have to sacrifice myself once every two weeks at the moment to make it into the nearest town"
"Valentine?" Hosea questioned
"Yeah, that's the one. Not to far South-East of here" Y/n had planted an idea in Hosea's head. That would be where they will find themselves next.
The group found themselves drifting to sleep as the night grew old. Scattered on the chairs, the floor next to the fire and any space they could find. But they were warm and they were ok.
Y/n and Hosea moved to the bed, away from the swarm of people on the floor. "You are welcome here whenever you need, old friend" y/n got himself into bed and patted the empty space next to him.
Hosea gladly took the invitation and plated himself in the warmth of the blanket.
"Noted, y/n" They shared a smile, before letting themselves fall to sleep.
It had been weeks since they had left the mountains, and settled in Horse-shoe Overlook. Hosea thought about y/n most days, wondering how he was getting on. He still hadn't replied to the last letter he sent. But he will be waiting with anticipation. Perhaps he should take a trip up there soon.
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websterss · 2 years
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SUMMARY: Here’s a little werewolf au I conjured up. The supermoon overpowers Stiles control resulting in a casualty.
WARNING(S): ANGST, mentions of dying
PAIRING: Werewolf!Stiles Stilinski x fem!Reader
A/N: Hope you guys enjoy it! ♡ Feedback is always welcomed!
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You didn’t expect to become the only human in the pack. You see there were two humans in the pack, You and Stiles, but after what happened to Stiles, he didn’t have much of a choice. Stile’s life was at stake. He was practically on his deathbed. So, you had to turn to your only option left, Scott. Scott bit Stiles to save his life. It was hard enough as it was, but Stiles becoming a werewolf, now that was even harder. He had a hard time trying to control his shifting. But he had his friends to help him along the way.
“Tell me again why we’re here?” Malia asked. She clearly wasn’t in the mood to attend another pack meeting.
“Because there’s a supermoon tonight, and we need to make sure nobody does anything stupid.” All eyes turn to face Liam.
“Oh, come on, it was one time.” He whined.
“Yeah, and it’s forever engraved in our heads,” Stiles told him. 
“It was really hot out that night.” He shrugged.
“Beacon Hills usually is during the summer.” Stiles quipped.
“Okay we get it guys, knock it off you two.” You gave a playful stern look to them. Whether those two believed it or not they were the best of pals. Liam looked up to Stiles and Scott, but he would appreciate it more if the guidance didn’t consist of the constant sarcasm and teasing. 
“Y/n’s right, we have a serious matter, this isn’t like any other moon we’ve been through, the supermoon will make us more aggressive, stronger, even violent, and we have to stay alert at all times, we can’t risk anyone getting hurt,” Scott informed his pack.
“Or killed,” Malia said. 
“Exactly.” Scott nodded.
“So how will we be able to control it?” Hayden questioned.
“We have chains, shouldn’t that at least help get you all through the night?” Lydia said.
“It’s not enough, everyone would break free instantly.” Scott shook his head. 
“What about mountain ash, would that hold you guys back?” Mason suggested. 
“That’s not a bad idea.” Stiles nodded.
“Great problem solved! Um, but what are we going to do about the human in the room?” You pointed at yourself.
“The human…will stay as far away from any of us.” Stiles flailed his arms around gesturing to the supernatural beings in the room.
“I want to help.” You pleaded.
“No, I’m not risking putting you in danger.”
“I am perfectly capable of staying away from danger.” Stiles stood silent. His shoulders slumped. You were gonna give him a migraine. He looked away shaking his head.
“What, I can!” You raised an eyebrow.
“Just stay home tonight Y/n, please, just go home.” He pointed to the door. Every one of them avoids your gaze. 
“Scott.” You looked at the alpha. 
He sheepishly looked up at you, then at Stiles, who shook his head no. 
“Stiles is right. You could get hurt, Y/n. So stay home okay.”
“Fine.” You muttered. Little did he know you weren’t going to listen to him. 
“Okay, I think that’s enough mountain ash to keep you guys’ in.” Mason got up and dusted his palms on his jeans.
“Good job Mason.” Lydia stood beside him behind the line of mountain ash. They decided to keep them all in the library for the night. Scott, Hayden, Liam, Malia, and Stiles were all chained up to poles, the mountain ash was for just in case. All of them could feel how the super moon was affecting them. They let out grunts and growls. Fur growing on their face, claws coming out of their fingernails. It was a recipe for a disaster.
“I think that’s our cue to leave!” Mason started tugging on Lydia’s upper arm.
“Good idea.” She nodded her head in agreement. They ran out into the hall hoping that the mountain ash was enough to keep them from running wild into the night. When they thought they were good, it just got worse. They saw you walking past them. Lydia immediately calls after you to retreat.
You walked towards another set of doors pushing it forwards, the door creaking in response. You stood in the hallway. Staring down the dark eery hallways. There wasn’t anyone around. You never liked school at night. That gut feeling in your chest was telling you to turn back, and you almost did, except the low growl behind you caused a chill down your spine. You spun around slowly, your breathing labored as you now face what you were scared of encountering tonight. Your boyfriend was in full rage. You keep still in your tracks as two glowing eyes stare right back at you.
“Stiles.” You slowly stood. The only response was a grunt and heavy breathing. That further told your flight or fight response to take a step away from him.
“This isn’t you okay, it’s the moon taking control of you.” 
“This is me!” He roared, making you flinch.
“No, it’s not!” You cried out. You took each step back with caution.
“Baby, just, just find an anchor, okay? Yeah, an anchor, okay. Think of me.” You nodded.
“The only thing I’m thinking is wanting to sink my teeth in that pretty neck of yours!” 
Oh you were in total shit.
“Stiles please, okay. You have to fight this!” You pleaded. You couldn’t stop crying.
“Y/N!” You whipped your head to see Lydia and Mason approaching you. Stiles took your distraction as an advantage, rushing forward, full charge, the collision of your bodies was enough to knock you off balance. You slipped on your feet falling on your back.
“Stiles...” You whispered out in pain. You watched him slowly hover over you looking at you as if you were prey. Your eyes widened fearing the worst to come.
“No!” Lydia screamed, she was running to you as fast as she could in her heeled boots. Mason watched in terror as you screamed out in agony. 
You didn’t know what was happening. It felt like a blur. You felt a tremendous amount of pain in your chest, your senses were going numb. You were going in and out of an unconscious state of mind. Then everything seemed to go dark. Stiles had finally stopped, his brain slowly starting to process what he just did. His claws were dripping with blood. Your blood. His eyes went back to their original chocolate brown. He hesitantly brought a hand to your face caressing it softly. His eyes trailed down to the gory sight of your chest and stomach covered in claw marks. His doing. He let out a shaky breath as his eyes found your face again. His hand hovering over you, not wanting to further touch you, but his heart was trying to reach out for you
“Y/n? Y/n, hey, please wake up.” He whispered. “Y/n, please!”
“Stiles!” Scott’s voice rang out like an echo. Footsteps could be heard beating down the hall, growing closer to the messy sight of you laying still in Stiles’ arms.
“No, no, no! Y/n!” Stiles yelled out. He brought you into his chest, rocking you back and forth and kissing your temple. Your head pulled back. Eyes closed. Your whole body was limp. You were practically weightless. He could no longer hear your heart beating.
“No, baby, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” He choked up. “Open your eyes, let me see them again, please...” He weeped.
Scott, Malia, Liam, and Hayden didn’t hear the rhythmic beating in your chest no more. You were gone. Lydia was on the floor weeping for you.
Stiles had a feeling that someone was going to end up hurt, he knew the risks of the supermoon, but he didn’t think you were going to be the casualty of tonight, nor did he think that he would be the one to take away your life. Sirens could be heard from a distance. It wasn’t the ambulance though, it was Stiles’ father and Deputy Parrish.
“Stiles...” Sheriff Stilinski ran up to his son, his gaze stopped on you. “Oh god...Is she?”
“Yeah,” Lydia responded.
“Oh god…” Sheriff Stilinski ran a hand down his face. It was bad enough he was dealing with all the supernatural stuff, but to see you, his son’s girlfriend lying dead in his arms was worse. He saw you like his own daughter and wanted to keep you safe, but then again no one was ever safe in Beacon Hills.
“I killed her dad,” Stiles muttered. 
“Stiles-” His dad started.
“No! She’s dead because of me. She’s dead!” He shouted out. All gazes suddenly fell on him.
Everyone knew what would happen if they ever took an innocent’s life. They’ve heard the stories. They knew the outcome. They knew how Derek ended up.
“What?” He cried out. 
“Stiles…your eyes, they’re blue.”
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redwinterroses · 2 years
Boatem, on any given day, was probably gonna be two things:
Obviously, the first was “chaotic.” That surprises no one, yeah? Raise your hand if you’re surprised that Boatem was chaotic. 
See? No hands. It's a thing that is known. You got your end crystals and tree wars and mountains going up over night and ravagers raining from the heavens… Boatem was the home-sweet-home of chaos. And it lived there very comfortably.
But the second trait that Boatem had, on every day that end in Y, wasn’t quite as obvious. 
It was "secretive."
Hah. Yeah, I see your quirked eyebrow of skepticism. Look buddy, I had a bird’s eye view of the whole thing and I can tell you this for sure: the only reason none of those morons got caught out in their big secrets was that they were all too busy being cartoonishly self-conscious to notice literally everyone else doing the same thing.
That thing being, specifically: pretending to be human.
Yeah. You heard me. Human. Pretending. As in: none of that lot are human in any way, shape, and only occasionally in form.
Take Mumbo for example. Dear old Mumbo Jumbo, my personal nemesis—and also the member of Boatem I got to see up close and personal the most.
Lucky me.
He somehow managed to hide it right under everyone else’s nose, which I can only chalk up to years of trusting friendship mixed with a hilarious lack of awareness. His shapeshifting abilities have never been more unstable than they were in Boatem—maybe it was the chaos bleeding through, or the way that world was a bit unstable even from the very beginning… Either way, he turned into a living potato right in front of all of them and they barely blinked. 
A potato.
Night after night I had to listen to him pacing around in his storage room, muttering to himself about how dangerous it was to be a shapeshifter living with a bunch of humans. How he was putting a lot at risk and what fibs he was going to tell to play it off as some sort of joke or prank. I started keeping a scratch tally of how many times he said “Oh dear. Oh dear."
I ran out of space about two weeks in.
But it’s not like any of his neighbors were going to notice anyway. “Living with a bunch of humans,” my big wishbone. 
Human. Hah. Right, like “human” Pearl—the alien who ducked her feathery antennae in her hair any time someone came around, who floated around her base like gravity was frickin' optional? Pearl, who nearly got caught with her antennae out every time someone ran past and jumped like a skittish rabbit enough to raise anyone’s suspicions… Except her clueless Boatem pals.
Or “human” Scar, who never even hides his vexy teeth when he grins, but somehow everyone acts like they don’t notice. Maybe he uses some sort of glamor on them—not like I’d know. Magic is ticklish territory for my type. All I know is that for someone who loudly proclaims to be human—a thing no human has ever actually had to do—he didn’t go to much effort to act like one. 
And then there’s that Impulse guy. I’m not sure what he is, but the one time he got close enough to peck he nearly roasted my tail feathers. Plus it seemed like all you had to do was say his name and he’d just… show up.
Downright creepy if you ask me. Not like no one ever does. Don't bother talkin' to the guy who has a view of everything for 18 chunks--no, just blame him for your dumb redstone door breaking.
Anyway. The one Mumbo seemed most desperate to hide his “secret” from was… that other one. I don’t even like to say his name, to be perfectly honest with you but I know you know who I’m talking about. The wing-appropriator. The merry prankster. The one who watches you with eyes so dark you never know where he’s looking. 
And people say I have beady black eyes.
I don’t even know why Mumbo bothered trying to hide it from Gr… from him. Or why he was trying to hide what he was from the rest of them. Or how they never noticed the extra pairs of wings that would sometimes flutter about, or how he always saw when people were trying to prank him—even if it looked like he was asleep. 
But I’ll admit it was hilarious watching them dance around each other like a couple of hens avoiding a creeper—except both of them were hens and they each thought the other was a creeper. 
Somehow—somehow—none of them ever noticed the others. Who needs camouflage when you've got friends this oblivious? Anyway, come on—we all know none of them would actually care if they revealed their precious secrets.
I kinda hope they never do, though. Five best friends, none of whom are human, all convinced that they're the only alien-vex-demon-shapeshifter-thing-nonhuman in the bunch?
That's a joke even this bird-brain can appreciate.
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theneworchestra · 5 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media
The next move into the modern era is NOW! Here at the Kinito Leisure and Entertainment Company, we pride ourselves on always looking ahead into the future. And it couldn't be clearer to us: folks, the future IS digital desktop assistants on your personal computer! And that's why we, along with our top programmer Sammy Chamberlain, are excited to take this first step into the future with our new line of virtual desktop companions! Each one is tons of fun, and offers a variety of different functions!
Are your kids in need of some excitement in their lives? Or are you just looking to relax after a long day? Either way, look no further! Your old pal Sam the Sea Anemone is here to light up your world with goofy jokes, exciting games, creative story writing, and most importantly: endless amounts of fun! Your little ones (and little ones at heart) will be entertained for hours by this funky little fella! Let's go with the flow! Download SamBUD today, and have some sea-soaked fun!
Whether you're a student buried under mountains of homework, or an adult drowning in a sea of responsibilities, don't worry! Your old friend Jade the Jellyfish is here to streamline your life in a new and exciting way. From managing your system and keeping your computer safe from threats, to assisting with homework and tackling all sorts of busy work, your friend Jade has got your back! So don't get swamped with busy work any longer! Install JadePAL now, and rest easy at last!
KinitoPET (NEW!!!):
Finally, at long last, the most awaited addition to the lineup is finally here! Your dear friend Kinito the Axolotl combines the best parts of his buddies' work, and then goes one step beyond! With his new-and-improved R.R.A. technology, there's no limit to the things this cuddly little creature can do! From entertaining the kids (and kids at heart), to managing your system and preventing dangers, and even engaging in realistic conversations, Kinito truly is the ultimate companion. So why wait? Download KinitoPET today, and make a new friend for LIFE!
With so many options at your disposal, we understand that it'd be hard to pick just one. But don't worry! For just $5.99, or by entering the unlock code you recieved with your physical purchase, you can upgrade to the Kinito & Crew Friendship Club, which will not only enhance your current desktop assistant, but will also allow you to have all three companions on the desktop AT ONCE!!!
This also means no more having to switch from one to the other; now they can all work together, like best friends should!
So why wait? Unlock the full potential of Kinito & Crew, and join the Friendship Club today!!
Hey, so uh... yeah! This is a new thing I decided to do for the heck of it. I know I tagged it as an "AU", but I dunno if I'd call it an AU in the traditional sense... it's more like a "what-if" kinda scenario, ya know?
What if Kinito wasn't the only one to get a desktop assistant made?
Do those count as AUs? ...Eh, maybe.
Anyways, I hope you enjoy, nonetheless!
(Also, please try to ignore the specks you see. I've tried to clean my phone camera and it hasn't worked out, so just... yeah. Just bear with me on this one. Anyways... yeah. See ya.)
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frodo-with-glasses · 1 year
More Reading Thoughts: The Shadow of the Past
"The blame was mostly laid on Gandalf." Whatever you did, you've been officially labeled a Disturber of the Peace...
Something about "but the growth of hobbit-sense was not very noticeable" cracks me up
I love the fact that Frodo kept throwing birthday parties for Bilbo after he left. It's so sweet.
I would much rather go to Frodo’s Hundred-weight Feast than Bilbo’s Party of Special Magnificence, actually; twenty guests and several meals “at which it snowed food and rained drink” sounds much more my speed X-D
“Bilbo isn’t dead.” “Where is he then?” “🤷‍♂️”
F in the chat for Folco Boffin, who was mentioned like once in this chapter and never comes into the story again
"Merry and Pippin suspected that [Frodo] visited the Elves at times, as Bilbo had done." TEA???
Frodo's wandering in the autumn has such an evocative and melancholy feeling to it. So much so that I wrote a poem about it last year...
Part Two of me wishing the movies could have shown the Dwarves passing through the Shire on their way to the Blue Mountains
Sam be like "Dragons and Ents are real, I tell you!" and Ted Sandyman like "press X to doubt"
Our first glimpse of Sam's unassailable trust in Frodo and his wisdom 💚
And now! Exposition dumping, with Gandalf.
I hate the fact that I can't see or hear the word Eregion without getting war flashbacks to Amazon's Rings of Poopy
Ooh, remind me to write an essay about the invisibility power of the Ring(s)...
"[Bilbo] would certainly never have passed on to you anything that he thought would be a danger." Oh boy, would you look at the time, it's Crying About Adoptive Relationships O'clock
"'There wasn't any permanent harm done, was there?' asked Frodo anxiously. 'He would get all right in time, wouldn't he? Be able to rest in peace, I mean.'" OH BOY, WOULD YOU LOOK AT THE TIME—
Literally Gandalf: "Hobbits are my special interest"
"It is quite cool." It sure is, Gandalf. Wicked. Radical, even.
Low-hanging fruit, I know, but I had to 🤣
Speaking of low-hanging fruit, here's a joke I made two years ago about the "until Spring had passed into Winter" line:
He threw a luau barbecue one breezy summer night/Invited all his turtle pals to come and have a wiki bite/The turtles started walkin' there as Lance began to swing/The one that lived across the street arrived there in the spring...!
"I wish it need not have happened in my time." "So do I, and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." Still a line that goes so, so hard, right in the middle of this exposition dump.
I like how in Gandalf's story, he makes Deagol talk normally, but Smeagol still has all those verbal idiosyncrasies that are iconic to Gollum.
I'm still trying to remember who it was that pointed out that the last syllable of Smeagol is the first syllable of Gollum. Blew my mind when I saw that, I tell ya.
"I can put it no plainer than by saying that Bilbo was meant to find the Ring, and not by its maker. In which case you also were meant to have it. And that may be an encouraging thought." "It is not." 🤣🤣🤣
The thought of Gollum creeping through a window to snatch a baby from a cradle and eat it is at least seventeen different kinds of Not Fun. Thanks, Tolkien.
I have very little to say about Gandalf's retelling of the Ring's story—and Frodo's frightened and naive questions—except that it's almost as hard to tear your eyes away from the book as it is for Frodo to throw the Ring into the fire.
"I do really wish to destroy it! Or, well, to have it destroyed. I am not made for perilous quests." Oh, Frodo, bby...
I love how Sam's spying is so artfully foreshadowed here X-D You just go whistling away down that path, buddy! Nobody suspects a thing!
All Frodo has to say is "I suppose I'll have to go running into danger alone to keep everything and everyone I love safe, even if it means never coming home again; it's a pity, but I'll do it" and Gandalf is like "Frodo have I mentioned lately how much I love you and hobbits in general". Which. Mood! Big mood!
Good gracious did I need Sam and his comic relief after this heavy chapter X-D Bless you, Sam, you loveable dummy
I wonder what hobbit idiom Tolkien "translated" into "Lor bless you, sir". I'm not sure the hobbits have a concept of Eru Illuvatar as a benevolent God who hands out blessings; and if they do, I somehow doubt they'd have quaint little figures of speech like this. But I'm just nitpicking at this point because it's fun.
"There ain't no eaves at Bag End, and that's a fact." SAM 🤣🤣
"Mr. Frodo, sir! Don't let him hurt me, sir! Don't let him turn me into anything unnatural! My old dad would take on so." Have I mentioned that I love the heck out of Sam?
Frodo is "hardly able to keep from laughing", which, MOOD!
Sam heard that Mr. Frodo was going away and audibly choked. GAH I love him so much
Frodo sure knows how to threaten Sam LOL
"If you even breathe a word of what you've heard here, then I hope Gandalf will turn you into a spotted toad and fill the garden full of grass-snakes." 🤣🤣
"'Me, sir!' cried Sam, springing up like a dog invited for a walk. 'Me go and see Elves and all! Hooray!' he shouted, and then burst into tears." Oh, Sam. I love you.
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linddzz · 7 months
Oooh wip game! Do tell more about the Audacity in Human Form pretty please 👀🤲🏻
So the actual idea I had for the entire Issue that gets in the way of them getting together was:
The Time Out Orb followed by all the forced personal growth in Season1 gave Morpheus juuuuust enough self awareness that he has started to figure out who the common denominator of all his failed romances is. Combine that with his human fetish and you get him actually kinda being afraid of what he might do to Hob if they went All Out Romantic.
Which leads to: The moment he lets himself admit to himself what his feelings are, he's doing the internal equivalent of desperately holding himself back like a beast on a fraying leash, while horribly aware that Hob keeps doing the equivalent of serving himself on a platter to said beast.
(he has NOT grown enough as a person to know that if he doesn't want to keep having these tense moments of Temptation then he maybe should take a break from seeing his Good Buddy Pal.)
The upcoming chapter is probably gonna be the longest of them all, and it's where Morpheus has his little "Oh. Oh. I'm. Not gonna be able to be Chill about this" moment :)
From Hob's POV the "holding himself back on a leash" is gonna keep looking like this little moment from the chapter after next:
”You have no idea, do you?” Morpheus’ whisper thrums in the air. It makes the floorboards shiver. The eyes flash like daggers, and his voice slides into tones of a wyrm shifting in the deepest depths of the darkest cavern. “You must not, to dare me so flagrantly.” This is supposed to scare me. Hob thinks. In a way, it sort of is. There is a bit of his instinctual hindbrain that knows he's being stared down by the most dangerous thing he's ever come across. The terrified hindbrain gets his heart up to speed, and it begins to pound in his chest. It's a bit of him that is clanging the bells and reminding him that Dream is temperamental, proud, and as unpredictable as a forest fire. “I must not.” Hob answers. The bit of him that remembers what self preservation is thinks he shouldn't be smiling right now, shouldn't be tilting his head so he can better see the way those two stars are blazing. “Such bravado.” The voice is softer, a razor slicing through silk in a dark room. Then it gets stronger, pulsing through the air in a way that pushes at Hob's skull, though it sounds like Morpheus is half talking to himself. “Perhaps I should make it clearer. How wrong you are. How much I deny. How much better that is.” One of Dream's hands moves in a flash that stops only a few inches up between them, fingers curled like talons where it hovers in the air. Once, on a ship, Hob stood at the highest point in the crows nest, swaying with the black night water so, so far below. The sky was the expanse of stars that it used to be everywhere, before cities drowned them out. And from that high, swaying point, feeling like the smallest thing on the earth, he watched a storm rolling like a mountain towards them. The edge of it was a curved wall, an unstoppable churning, the black of it swallowing the night and bursting it with explosions of lightning. He couldn't die, but that didn't seem to mean much when he was a tiny thing high above the black sea, beneath the black sky, with the black lightning-toothed storm consuming it all on its way towards him. It was, present company excluded, the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen. “Maybe you should.” Hob breathes.
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wifiwuxians · 2 months
songXiao Pokémon au
full disclosure i am a pokemon casual. i enjoy it but only own one game and don't really keep up with the new guys (despite including a new guy as you will soon see)... so my points are...
XXC's beloved pokemon pal is an absol. he has had her since he was an abandoned toddler wandering through the mountains. the two are joined at the hip and live in almost complete isolation, shunned from society due to superstition. even so, they venture down from the mountains when they know disaster will strike the nearby villages, and try to help as many people as they can. XXC was raised by an old woman with vast knowledge of medicine and mysticism.
SL is the guardian of chien-pao, ensuring it does not escape confinement and bring ruination upon mankind. he has been trained for the job since infancy, and honestly expected to be tasked with guarding a horrible monster, but over time, he and chien-pao have grown closer, with SL actually spoiling the ice kitty on occasion when nobody is looking. still, he is aware of the risk, and takes his duty seriously, even if he cannot view the pokemon as a creature of pure hatred.
XXC and SL meet when an earthquake shakes the mountain, causes rocks to fall on the temple guarding chien-pao, and sends it running. the startled beast begins to cause havoc around SL's town, and the townsfolk understandably are panicking because first, earthquake, and now This Literal Being Of Divine Hatred is loose. and now there's also a fucking absol. XXC and absol evacuate as many people as they can as SL wrangles his poor icy friend and tries to calm him down. when they manage to evade disaster and are kind of sort of hailed as heroes, they step aside and find a moment to talk and get to know each other better
they're immediately bound by their past of solitude, ostracization, a strong sense of duty and a love for their shunned pokemon. turns out their pals get along too! even though SL still has to keep a close eye on chien-pao, he knows the temple needs to be rebuilt, and, frankly, seeing his feline friend out in the open like this, he feels wrong putting him back away. talk of a new temple, on a midpoint of the mountain- far away enough from civilization to not be disturbed, but not far enough that helping is a hassle - is exchanged between the two.
their idea for a temple gradually becomes an idea for a temple AND GYM. not that they're going to make kids battle a legendary but they would like to train others in the ways of helping the community and strengthening their bonds with pokemon who, at a glance, may seem spooky and dangerous.
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kovacs-of-courage · 1 year
Odd Company
There will be a day, that despite all of Legend’s groveling and pseudo frustration, in which he’ll come to terms with the odd quirks, and frankly bizarre habits of brothers.
Today was not that day.
They were deep within the bowels of a temple, what Legend assumed used to be a place of religious reverence. The crumbling statues, chiseled with their hands clasped together in prayer, which were placed around certain sigils of the golden goddesses gave him that guess, and the biblical-esque commandments that littered the floor. 
They’d decided to split up at the entrance, to cover more ground. The temple was built into the side of a mountain, its entrance made in the bust of a mighty warrior ages past, or maybe ages future?  Legend gave up on trying to tell what timezone they were the moment that Valor tried explaining to him the common history of his era. 
Once inside, Legend offered to handle the higher floors, which got a raised eyebrow from more than a few of his brothers. He typically liked to be in the front seat of whatever danger they might be facing, so the idea that he wanted to head topside, where there’d be less traps and less monsters, stuck out to them. Legend had his reasons, like how most of the locked doors and sealed chambers that these types of temples contained tended to be on lower levels, and the keys to access them tended to be located as far and as annoyingly away as the architects thought possible.
Before he’d gone up the stairs, Traveler volunteered to go with him, if only so he had someone to watch his back. 
Legend appreciated that.
What Legend did not appreciate, was what Traveler was doing now.
“Y’know I’ve heard people say that licking these things lets you commune with the gods, but you have to boil them first.”
Legend, arm deep in a rusty, dusted chest, froze for a moment, if to contemplate what in the golden realms was Traveler talking about. He sprung up from the chest, and turned to see Traveler holding--
Was that a frog?
A luminescent, red spotted frog was held in his friend’s hands. It glowed brighter and hotter than any lantern, Legend could feel the heat radiating off of it’s bumped, textured skin like it was coming from a campfire. He didn’t know how Traveler was holding it, visibly excited no less.
“Let’s not do that, and seco-wait, wait, who says this? Who are you talking about?” Legend asked, more confused than irritated.
Traveler made a pondering hum, thinking over his experiences. He put the frog under his armpit, much like how a student might carry their book bag, counting on both his hands.
“Well there was that old man selling potions outside North Castle, and he told me that right before Zel--Dawn had to detain him on charges of alchemy without a license. That was a shame too, because they were good potio-”. “Oh so the illegal chemist told you, and now licking random animals is fine.” Legend said, cutting him off.
“Don’t get on your high horse here, you catch bees as a hobby, beekeeper boy.” Traveler retorted. “Oh?!? And that’s weirder than the animal licking? Name one other person who says licking frogs is a thing you should do.” Legend exclaimed.
“Fine, I will! There was a pastor in Saria that had them as home medicine for common diseases, and they worked fine.” Traveler said. “So that's a weird pastor, and the illegal potion dealer- fantastic track record.” Legend said.
“So when you meet old men in caves and woods, what they say is “advice” and “tips”, but when I take advice from strangers, it’s bad?” Traveler inquired, a hand on his hip. At this point, Legend’s head was in hands, in disbelief he was having this argument. “Oh Nayr-YES, YES, because I don’t just go with every random hint I’m told! I think critically about it.”
Traveler shook his head, still holding the frog under his other arm, who was strangely content in watching them fight.
“Nope, no, nado pal. You told me that the magic powder in your pouch was from gathering mushrooms in lost woods for a witch, how is that any different from the potion seller, and the frog.” Traveler said.
“Well she didn’t get arrested for one.” Legend shot back.
“How is she going to get arrested if Ganon had driven the royal family, and the actual government, into hiding?” “That’s semantics!” Legend said, crossing his arms.
Traveler didn’t respond, as a set of stomping footfalls up the stairs at the room’s entrance grabbed their attention, they both readied their swords in an instant, preparing for whatever monster had come to check on the noise.
“What are you two TALKING ABOUT”
It wasn’t a monster, and for some reason, Legend wished it was.
Wind stood in the doorway, a scowl painted on his face. 
“We can hear you from the basement, you keep screwing up Twi and Wild’s timing on a puzzle.”
“We thought you two were in danger.”
Legend was unabashed, not turned away by Wind’s anger. He wasn’t leaving this without proving his point, so help him Din.
“Oh Traveler’s is going to be, REAL soon if he goes through with what he was doing.”
Wind whipped to face Traveler, and noticed the frog, and his expression changed to one of sudden realization.
“Oh were you going to lick that? You know you’re supposed to boil them first?” “For the LOVE O-”
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dooplissss · 4 months
Long time lurker, saw your tag, go off about emmett and his gf im nosy.
thank you beloved i am kissing you if you so desire
ok. god. where do i start. ok so my oc Emmett is my newest dnd pc, he's. his life sucks so much.
my beautiful little guy had this lovely life on top of a mountain in the town of Annona, a quaint colorful place that is a bit of a tourist destination. His dad died about 8 years ago, right before his family adopted his little brother Eliseo, and so Emmett and Eliseo are really close to their mom Jazmin. They run a small restaurant together and importantly Emmett's dad was essentially the spiritual leader for the town for their goddess Mama Pallay (pal-lay), so losing him put the whole town in a bit of a tizzy. It wasn't said outloud that Emmett had to take his place but it certainly was implied, he just wasn't ready to take it up yet. Maybe someday, just not now.
Cue Marasmus, a little mushroom on the hillside that was plucked and sold at the farmers market, where Jazmin picked him up and served him to Emmett for dinner. She didn't know what would happen next, she really didn't and she's gonna seem like a bad guy but she isn't. Emmett ate this mushroom and it began to eat him alive, putting Emmett to sleep and walking and talking in his place until Emmett was barely conscious for months at a time.
Then one night at a congregation Emmett was about to feed a mushroom to his brother and it Woke Him Up, he wasn't asleep inside his body anymore. And he ran, he went home and packed his things as fast as he could only for his mom to block his way. And she knew that voice in his head, Marasmus, by name, begged Emmett to stay. Emmett escaped her grasped and ran away from home as far as he could, all while this voice in his head is yelling at him to turn back.
And he's been running ever since, while this awful thing possessing him tears him down and tells him he should feed people mushrooms that he doesn't understand the purpose of. He's done some dangerous things to get rid of this thing but nothing works, it always brings him back to life with more and more rot every time. So now he's a Pact of the Undead Warlock and hates every second of it
Then comes Yulissa, this lovely 6'6 deer firbolg who is so sweet to him. They run an errand together where she accidentally gets dunked into the ocean and Emmett offers her his gloves and she's immediately like. Oh. This man is so sweet. I think I'm a little in love with him. and Emmett (and me) is completely oblivious to this until later on he divulges some of his story and Yulissa promises she's here for him, he's not alone anymore, and he instantly falls in love against his better judgement. he has nothing he can give to her but she doesn't ask for anything other than to like her, not even love her just tolerate her and he can't help being head over heels for her
And now it turns out Yulissa is supposed to be a human sacrifice and over his already dead body will that happen, he's gone from so woe-is-me to I need to save her and I'll do anything it takes to get there, we will get our happy ending, I need her to see her worth just as she sees the worth in me. also they are purple and yellow bc i love complementary couples so much and they just AUGH
like he's basically a shambling corpse thats slowly rotting away and this person sees him and says 'I'm going to protect you, you've been through enough, let me help you' when all he's heard in his ear is consume consume consume i'm. i'm crazy about them. i could go on and on and on and i sure have i'm just having such a fun time with them. and it helps that the friend i'm playing in the space with is so fun and always has such brilliant ideas about them and we're just circling each other around this sweet little ship that could and i'm just having blast ok post over
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ithinkineedamoment · 18 days
1. Neon Bible - Arcade Fire
1 of 1000 - Recordings
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This project is almost 15 years in the making. Had I been wiser at the debilitating age of 12, I’m sure writing for the sake of writing would have come to me a hell of a lot more naturally than it does now.
Regardless of that, it looks like a 26 year old me is finally getting around to it.
At the tail end of 2010 - I was living in Ramstein, Germany where I found a copy of Tom Moon’s 1000 Recordings to Hear Before You Die. I (my dad) bought it for $15 and there I went becoming evermore insufferable thinking I’m the first person who ever discovered 10 by Pearl Jam. I quickly found two more versions of the “1000... before you die” list - movies and places. Armed with these three lists, I set out to conquer the “best” of the “best” and do obviously do it before I die.
Lofty goals.
But I’ll unpack that I’m sure in a later essay.
Since that time, I’ve plowed through 430 albums, 574 movies, and 142 places. But what of it? What does it matter? Is it enough to watch “Schindler’s List” in a double feature with “The Sound of Music” once and think I can fully process what I’ve experienced? Fuck no!
So in an effort to combat that insanity - I’m starting this project. I will write something on each and every entry of these lists. Will some be long? Absolutely. Will some be short? I hope so. But what is the point of consuming what is meant to be essentials of a lifetime and not give it a second thought? There is of course the argument that these lists are arbitrary and are actually heinously filtered through the lens of old, Cis, straight, white men and women. This idea will undoubtedly come up several if not a thousand times and I don’t think I can ignore it. What I’ve gained, however, from venturing down this yellow brick road of content is greater than the sum of its parts and that is what is interesting to me. How has inundating myself with this “canon” for most of my life shaped who I am and where has it led me?
So as an artist who is constantly stonewalled by the mere act of creation, I asked myself - where do I start? How does this project begin?
Randomly, obviously. I had Sergio scroll through the lists and pick whatever caught his eye.
Somehow, picking Neon Bible by Arcade Fire makes sense.
With this very first entry I begin with The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, the 2013 adventure comedy starring and directed by our pal Ben Stiller. For the uninitiated, this movie features Ben Stiller as Walter Mitty, an employee at Life magazine who is forced on a Carmen San Diego-esque adventure to find Sean Penn in the mountains taking pictures of snow leopards. And it ROCKS.
Everything from the settings to the humor to Adam Scott’s haircut screams the spirit of adventure. I remember sitting in the theater watching this movie having goose bumps down my arms as Mr. Stiller ran for that plane - reading the Life Magazine motto: “To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls, to draw closer, to find each other, and to feel, that is the purpose of life.”
Fuck meeee, it’s good.
My depressed ass sat there smiling and crying - thinking of how much of the world was out there - all the places I’ve never been and the adventures I’ve never been on. It was enough to keep me going, even if it was only for the rest of the day.
The part that I really want to draw attention to, however, is the song that plays over the scene that I just mentioned. As the words of the motto appear hidden in the scenery, a sick fucking guitar lick kicks in. Suddenly, the absolutely bonkers Arcade Fire hit, “Wake Up” is blaring through the speakers and I am transcended. From their 2005 debut album Funeral, “Wake Up” has been included on all sorts of best songs of 2004, the decade, the century, of all time lists. With lyrics touching on the embarrassment of youth and the gift of growing up, it’s one of the most inspirational songs I’ve ever heard...
(until I listened to the soundtrack and realized that to SOME people, the song “Wake Up” was never in the movie and instead the absolutely DNA-altering Jose Gonzalez song, “Step Out” took its place. Dear Reader, please note it’s a detail I’m moving on from since these songs exist simultaneously in my head for the same reason and since I have Google I found out a licensing issue made us all watch a different version of the movie. Leave me alone).
Ever since that day - whenever I’ve embarked on a new journey, I’ve played these songs. When my plane took off from Germany back to the states, when I walked on my college campus for the first time, whenever I start a new job - they become the soundtrack to my life. “Children, Wake up” to “House on fire leave it all behind you”. It’s the music to my proverbial first steps into my new life.
So again, it’s fitting then, that the first recording, the very first essay of this project, is Neon Bible by Arcade Fire. Their sophomore album released in 2007, Neon Bible is an extrospective triumph of organs and religiosity exposing the world for what it truly is in this post-9/11 hellscape. Full of angst and persistent drums, it’s truly no wonder how this album crosses the boundaries of what is Indie and what is mainstream.
Relistening to the album this morning and thinking about this project, it almost makes too much sense to start here despite its randomness. Take for example the opening track, “Black Mirror” which in my sleep depravity I could have sworn was the intro to “Changes” by David Bowie. Here, Win Butler muses on the notion of the “black mirror”, an unrelenting echo of all the worst parts of ourselves and our world. Impossible to separate from the contemporary connotations of the words “black mirror”, we quickly realize this album is not interested in the joyous release of
Funeral. We’re confronted with screens, cameras, and content - the black mirror of a sleeping iphone or of a buffering video. What does it mean to see ourselves in that reflection? We’re beholden to it.
As we continue through the album, we’re bombarded with rising crescendos of emotions that dissipate uneasily like unlit waves at night - “Black Wave”. There is no comforting exaltation or resolution of discord. It’s isolating! Butler says so himself in “Intervention”: “We’ll go at it alone”. As the number of black mirrors around us increases, the time spent as an individual also increases. It’s interesting that so much of the imagery evoked in Neon Bible is that of the ocean - black, reflective, ever expansive. This brings to mind another song from a few years later: Los Campesinos!’s “The Sea is a Good Place to Think of the Future.” It should be obvious enough from the title as to why I think this is relevant. The rocking guitar of this jam sways back and forth like the crashing of waves as the lyrics wax poetic on what it means to be alone - “and all you can hear, is the sound of your own heart” - and how hopelessly small you can feel in front of an unchanging ocean before you - “A thousand years, no getting rid of me”.
This cynicism, this anger, I feel is what fuels this album. There is no joy in the face of the “Ocean of Noise” in front of us. There is no reconciliation at the church of the “Neon Bible.” There is nothing new I can say on our modern relationship with technology or media here that hasn’t been said already in a New York Times Op-ed. We are losing control of ourselves to an ocean of influences, media, thoughts, and content. We can scream, and we can shout, but the only escape - according to Arcade Fire - is the place where “No Cars Go”, the liminal space between turning off the lights and before we fall asleep. There, we are finally free from the world and all its power over us. This is the craven freedom that brings the album its only truly joyous song.
So I guess it’s now that I’ve realized the point of this essay - the point of this whole project. I’ve spent years of my life thumping the bible of a church that doesn’t care about me. These lists have become a religion - a system of other people’s beliefs in what should be exalted and glorified. I’ve consumed the content I was told to consume and thought what I was told to think. I don’t think that I’m alone in wanting to challenge “the canon” either. There will always be an unavoidable conflict between what is experienced and what should be experienced; I’m just no longer interested in justifying one over the other. I refuse to let the ocean carry me away. Just as Arcade Fire has ushered me into new phases of my life, Arcade Fire will now usher in a personal rebellion that hopefully will manifest itself across this project where I can Reflektor on what it means to be me.
I have no idea what this rebellion will look like - but my body will no longer be its cage.
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deusexlachina · 2 months
Wannabe Warden Part 20: Emo Warden Bethany cannot catch a break
At this point, all that I need to do to end the story of Aveline Hawke is to read my mail and then pop over to the delightfully-named Gallows, whereupon the mage-templar whole thing will spiral out of control and lots and lots of people will die. I don't want that, so despite my quest log telling me to read my mail, I simply don't. This makes sense because this story is being narrated by Varric "Never Reads His Mail" Tethras.
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"But what about Anders?" you ask. "Isn't he conspiring in the shadows?" Well, dear reader, he can't do that if he's not in Kirkwall. So I take him with me on an adventure. And when I say adventure, I mean Emo Warden Bethany Hawke has been attacked. In her Warden base. Again.
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This time I learn that their base is in Ansburg. Ah, yes! Good old Ansburg! I discreetly look up Anburg to see where the fuck this is and you know where it is? In the fucking Free Marches. They took Bethany away from her home in the Free Marches to a Warden base elsewhere in the Free Marches. Could they not have...just let her live in Kirkwall with her family? For that matter, why don't they have a base in Kirkwall? It's got a route to the Deep Roads right there, and if you don't feel like going underground, there's often darkspawn on Sundermount.
"At least the Wardens let me come," says Bethany. Not to Kirkwall, just to the Vimmark Mountains (right next to Kirkwall), to face her attackers head-on. They generously deigned to let Bethany actually defend herself, and they can't even spare any Wardens to come with her, because apparently an assault on their base by an unknown enemy is not Grey Warden Business.
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An unknown enemy, I reiterate, that is based in the Vimmark Mountains, which the Wardens should know full well is very much their Business, because (as I will learn later, in approximately fifteen minutes of bothering to investigate) they built a prison there for Corypheus, the most dangerous darkspawn ever. What do they have going on that's more pressing than this? I'm starting to think the Grey Wardens just don't like my family. But why? Unlike nearly everything else about the Grey Wardens, this mystery will be explained. But why they didn't go themselves will not be.
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Unlike the official Wardens, Anders bothered to come to help Warden Bethany. Anders has joined Bethany in being an emo Warden. He complains that Meredith could be burning down the Circle of Magi, not realizing that his own actions are the catalyst for her doing so and Kirkwall is objectively safer without him.
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Unfortunately, Aveline doesn't know that either, so she cannot stop his plans. But she can accidentally delay them. Accidental heroics are Aveline's bread and butter. (Being a Grey Warden is her jam, so she'll have to go without jam, which is truly a grim fate for any posh British Ferelden girl).
Ostensibly, Bethany's attackers are from the Carta. Technically they are, but they've drunk darkspawn blood and now work for Corypheus, the most dangerous darkspawn ever and apparently not Grey Warden Business. I learn this in a conversation with Gerav, who I also learn (while Anders looks on awkwardly) is Varric's old friend and the original inventor of his crossbow, Bianca. I glean all of this in about two minutes before Gerav tries to kill me and dies just as quickly.
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I fight wave after wave of assassins making my way to their boss. Well, really Corypheus is the boss, but this is their more immediate boss. He's darkspawn middle management. A fellow who goes by the name of...Rhattigan!
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Rhattigan used to be just a petty crook scurrying around in the sewers like all the other rogues in the Free Marches, but now that he's drunk Corypheus' blood, he is inspired to greater heights - so much so that he has littered his base with deadly traps that can instantly kill any of us.
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Varric dutifully narrates to Cassandra all the ways the traps "could've" gotten Aveline & Pals. Aveline could have charged forward only for a blade trap to activate and kill her instantly as it pops out of grooves in the floor that WEREN'T THERE BEFORE IT TRIGGERED AND VARRIC COULDN'T DISARM THEM WHAT BULLSHIT.
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Or Aveline could have tried to go around the blade trap only for Anders to follow by her side and step right on the blade trap and die instantly. Or she could have tried to manually corrall her party through the tiny gap between blade traps in an attempt to completely circumvent the blade trap only for all three companions to step right on the blade trap and die instantly.
But, after a gruelling fight that costs me an embarrassing amount of resources, I spring a trap of my own. I manage to get my entire squad up the fucking stairs, which means that his pet Bronto, which he calls Wanka, cannot reach any of us, which is good because I hate Brontos. On the stairs, I methodically wipe out his archers and then - with his allies gone, I have him backed into a corner. Literally.
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With Rhattigan dead, it's time to face an ancient evil sealed in the Vimmark Mountains. Not Corypheus, this is another guy. Malvernis. Who's Malvernis? Well. He's. A real bad dude. He devours the living and turns their bodies into slime. And that's...about all anyone knows about him. I make him appear by touching his Pulsing Obelisk with my Warm Orb. He's very dangerous, nearly as hard as the Ancient Rock Wraith which I fought at the end of Act 1.
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This fight has three phases: first, you fight a bunch of skeleton archers while he decides not to exist or something. Then he summons more minions and he's a mage. Then he turns into a dragon who can unleash firestorms, which would be very deadly if I hadn't given everyone flameproof runes. Except Bethany, who has no rune slots and thus dies a lot. But it's nothing compared to the TAINT in her VEINS. Even then we'd be wiped out, but I courageously run far away from the dragon and distract him with my long-suffering dog (the little blue circle left alone in the distance) while Anders spams Martyr until he gets his revival off cooldown, and if he dies I use a Mythal's Favour.
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I bring people back from the dead so much that I quickly run out of injury kits and elfroot potions and eventually just leave people with next to no hit points, putting them in a vicious cycle where they keep dying more and more until they hit the maximum number of injuries and cannot possibly have less health.
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Unfortunately, that was not Corypheus, so I have to go back to Rhattigan's base to uncover the mysteries of the Vimmark Mountains.
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ghostypetrainer · 2 years
in all these "ingo turns into a pokemon" aus, i'm just wondering how gear station changes, bc you can't tell me emmet wouldn't want things to be pokemon-accessible for his brother. like does arcanine ingo have a sizable fire pit to chill in? does absol ingo have, idk, some kind of panic button thing he can press when he feels danger particularly strongly, along w specific keys to elaborate on what kind of danger it is? (idk how danger sense works w absol, just spitballing here.) did emmet ever try to jokingly build some kind of cold storage room for zoroark ingo's needs in the summer? is there some kind of climbing structure for sneasler ingo, along with grippable writing utensils for those claws if sneasler ingo ever wanted to do paperwork since he can't battle? not to mention for when akari comes over and SHE'S a pokemon...
(of course i think ingo would do the same for pokemon emmets, i just think that there are more pokemon ingo aus lmao.)
hmmm... this is an excellent question!
I think Absol!Ingo doesn't precisely need a panic button when he senses danger- he can just howl for that. And then point or lead them in direction of the sensed danger, so he's able to convey that without needing to use words. If it's the type of danger like say, someone about to fall on the tracks, he can simply intervene and yank them back with his teeth (using an article of clothing of course).
I feel like in the Giratina's Deal AU where Ingo is turned into a Zoroark he probably ends up with an ice type Pokemon as a companion much like zpau!Ingo does... a buddy. A friend. a pal. :3
If Sneasler Ingo wants to climb, he can just go hang out at Twist Mountain! Generally he's in control of his urges since this isn't like. a permanent transformation in that AU, so he never really gets the impulse to simply climb stuff. Alas, he does just kind of pass over paperwork to people with actual hands, lmao.
Arcanine Ingo mostly just follows Emmet around all day and acts as the Gear Station mascot when he's in Dog Mode... he just chills out. No accommodations needed.
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HELLO MOD SLEEPY!! glad you actually made this blog!! it's always nice to have a place for recs like this!!!!!
if you (or any readership!) could rec a certain niche of fic for me, i'd love it—i'm always looking for lighthearted horrortale sans fics, they're a rare find, but a nice one. (i have an intense I Can Fix Him Mentality, and i do also just enjoy seeing that guy happy...) as long as there's no horrible unending torment and angst, anything goes! i'm a total selfshipper, too, so if you find any nice reader insert fics i always appreciate those!
many thanks and wellest of wishes,
Thanks for asking! Here are some fics I found that might fit what you're looking for!
The Haunting of Collimore Manor by CAECAE (Mature, Incomplete)
Told In (YOU/YOUR) Y/N Collimore, a deceased mage that now haunts her family's manor must now deal with a group of skeleton intruders as she unlocks more of her forgotten past. Only thing is, these intruders don’t seem to be leaving any time soon…
Relax, Pal by Nonfigurativt (Not Rated, Incomplete)
When you first lay eyes upon him, you're not sure what to feel. He is terrifying, you feel the need to hide. But after seeing him from time to time, you see past the first dangerous aura he emits, and you soon develop a little crush. Then he finds you staring, and you get encouragement to finally talk to the guy. ‘Hey, I’m sorry I called you a whore, but uhh… you’re my soulmate? And I’m literally so unloveable so… Good luck with that?
His Starry Night on You by Witchcraftandwine (Mature, Incomplete)
some people have a picture on their body, a connection between them and the one who is meant only for them, these marks are soul marks. When your mark flares into beautiful focus after a life altering event you realise that while experience may have made you jaded against romance, fate had other ideas.
The Pit by bugbra1n_404 (Not Rated, Incomplete)
How fucking stupid you were. Your first mistake was stepping foot on that damn mountain. Your second mistake was going the same trail your dad went. Your third? That was believing you were at the top of the food chain, but then again, would you have been able to predict the broad, lumbering, manic, homicidal monsters below the mountain?
A Bit(ty) of a Hard Time by guro_kuro (General Audiences, Complete)
You help foster bitties and have been doing so for years. You come across one case that absolutely calls for you to help this poor bitty whose been neglected and abandoned. Though, it's quite hard when the bitty you're fostering doesn't want to be anywhere near humans and resists all help. That doesn't stop you, and you have all the patience in the world and can show him that there's more to this world and you'll get through to this bitty through love and support. or horror bitty finds love in a world that didn't give him any
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