#movie aziraphale is a sweetheart
auxiliarydetective · 1 year
So, I've been dropping hints about OCs I've been obsessing over lately that I haven't properly introduced yet and I can't figure out who to introduce first, so... I figured, in my indecisiveness, I'd finally use the poll feature and let YOU decide, my lovely followers! And these intros come with a special treat, because, on top of the usual moodboard-playlist-combo, I made manips (or, in one case, a gif) for them!
Anyways, without further ado:
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Good Omens Fic Rec: Wild Hearts
In the idyllic English countryside, far from the hustle and bustle of the big city, two teachers at Willowbrook Hall set out to transform their students’ lives through the world of theatre. But for Mr. Crowley, the challenge of navigating his long hidden feelings and dear friendship with Mr. Fell may prove to be the greatest drama of all.
Length: 145,589 Words
AO3 Rating: Explicit/ Spice Level 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Best for: Mostly Safe in Public, Human AU, Romance, Slow Burn
Triggers: None
Read it here, fic by foolishlovers
*Minor Spoilers* Welcome to Willowbrook Hall, or as I like to call it, The Gay and Trans School for Gay and Trans Teens. Come meet professors Mr. Fell and Mr. Crowley, and their colorful cast of teens as they spend the school year getting ready for the performance of a lifetime in the school play. This place has it all: hijinks, dances, costumes, drama, and best of all a cat.
What I really loved about this story was how cinematic it felt. Sure, some scenes intentionally reference a movie (Wild Child, so fun and camp!), but that's not what I mean. The whole thing plays out like a movie or its own TV show. We get big dramatic moments of romance and heartbreak, plus fun ones like a mini makeover, the school dance, and the play. And there is tons of subtle foreshadowing along the way that will make you jump up and down when things come to fruition. It's thrilling and engaging, and waiting for updates when this was a WIP was excruciating because I wanted to know what was going to happen next so badly!
The side characters especially are so much fun! I loved the kids and their side plots. Even though we don’t follow their story directly, we see enough to get hooked. Adam and Warlock are standouts, but they aren't the only ones I enjoyed! Honestly, I'd read a standalone from the kids perspective! The teachers are excellent too. I have a soft spot for Newt, who pops in now and then, always a sweetheart. Crowley could be in the depths of heartbreak and still manage a smile for Newt. All the teachers (plus Nina) don't feel like they're just there. I was interested in them, and you really get a sense of how much of a family they all are. It's a real skill to make side characters as interesting as the main duo.
Of course, the main attraction is Crowley and Aziraphale. They’ll make you fall in love with them all over again. They’re the perfect domestic couple well before they admit anything. So many lovely details about them, from note passing and bets, to their shared bond with Beethoven the cat (aka the best character ever). You'll experience everything with them: the highs of gender discovery and euphoria, and the lows of miscommunication and misunderstandings. What drama is complete without that? Yes, they’re a bit thick headed, and yes, a single conversation could have fixed everything. But where's the fun in that? I'm here for the drama! The pang of heartbreak and yearning makes the reunion so much sweeter! They are wonderfully characterized, and yet still have an air and life of their own. Unique to this story, but true to their characters.
You’ll be mostly safe reading this in public. There are a handful of explicit scenes but you should have enough notice to get away from prying eyes. The sex here is delicious and heart pounding! Plus the way that Crowley's gender fluidity plays into those scenes was very beautiful. There are so many reasons to love this story. It's engaging, cinematic, dramatic, funny, and romantic. This was an incredible achievement and I hope you have just as much fun and I did!
Read it here, fic by foolishlovers
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clarcced · 1 year
An Analysis of the Good Omens 2 Title Sequence and Trailer / S2 Theories
(Edit: Almost all of these theories about S2 turned out to be wrong, but some deductions can pave the way to S3. I added edits so certain parts are clearer after watching S2. If you're still curious, let's jump right into it.)
I have some theories I would like to share. This is going to be a long one, so buckle up.
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The title sequence starts off simple: Crowley climbs his way up and Aziraphale flies down to earth, meeting each other.
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On this shot two tombstones can be seen: "HERE LIES THE FORMER SHELL OF BEELZEBUB" and "Here lies... ADAM" ... so hold up. We know that there is going to be a timeskip between GO1 and GO2... But Adam died? The antichrist who singlehandedly beat the devil by shouting at him that he's not his dad, is dead already? Something's definitely up.
[Edit: I have been informed that Adam on the tombstone is not Adam Young, so, no.]
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In this shot Aziraphale and Crowley are in what seems to be Hell by the pentagram on a cave wall on the top right side of the shot, with people (presumably dead, since this is hell) following them, also a desk with an old monitor by a chair on narrow rocks stacked on top of each other... Let's come back to this later.
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While a reenactment of the Blitz plays out in the sequence, a big poster can be seen on the right side. The upper left side of the poster which includes one of the seeming love interests is... shot? Broken?The poster belongs to a 1946 movie by the title "Stairway To Heaven". Here's a part of the synopsis wirtten on the showtimes.com website: "A World War II RAF pilot who is forced to bail out of his crippled plane without a parachute. He wakes up to find he has landed on Earth utterly unharmed...which wasn't supposed to happen according to the rules of Heaven. A celestial court argues over whether or not to claim Carter's life or to let him survive to wed his American sweetheart." If I were to theorize "anything" based on the plot of the movie, I'd say after Crowley disguised as Aziraphale leaves heaven unharmed by the hellfire heaven is confused but keeps tabs on him, as we see Muriel visiting Aziraphale's shop in the trailer. Remember in the trailer when Aziraphale asks Gabriel why he's come to his shop and Gabriel answers "You know when it's like you don't know anything at all and that you're totally certain that everything would be better if you were near just one particular reason." well it is in my opinion %99 right before the beginning of the sneak peek and the sneak peek begins with "...So anyway, that's how I felt that so long as I came here, that something terrible might not happen to me." It was shown in the trailer as if while Gabriel was giving the before mentioned speech almost Aziraphale was thinking about Crowley - well Gabriel may somehow (coming back to this later) think of Aziraphale the same way by how he felt safe coming to his bookshop.
[Edit: Carter is Gabriel, the American sweetheart is Beelzebub.]
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Crowley being Crowley possibly having watched this movie after whatever happens the Blitz between him and Aziraphale, he's gonna spiral to compare the American sweetheart in the Stairway To Heaven (1946) movie to Gabriel. Thus the lashing out.
Oh and Blitz in German means lightning, so this theory could make sense with Crowley producing lightning or Blitz. Not sure about this specific lashing out theory, but I thought I'd just throw it out there.
Moving on!
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First screenshot is from the title sequence with two posters "The Fabulous Ladies Of Camelot" written on them. In the latter screenshot we can see the Ladies Of Camelot and one other person standing behind Aziraphale.
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In this scene in the title sequence Crowley and Aziraphale on stage - Aziraphale being in his Ladies Of Camelot stage costume. The curtains unveil.
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In the title sequence right after the curtains unveil Aziraphale and Crowley fly around each other - which is quite romantic, two hypothetical worlds with a bridge is seen - then the bridge breaks in half and the camera spirals sideways. In the background a type of space phenomenon is seen, which I interpreted with some doubt as a reconstruction by the Good Omens animators/graphic designers of the Hubble Space Telescope's photograph of The Pillars of Creation (Source: NASA). Or it could be a space photograph of something else entirely, but let's entertain this idea.
[Edit: Turns out this specific space phenomenon used in the title sequence is called "Elephant's Trunk Nebula". Pillars of Creation also consist of Elephant's Trunk nebulae, but alas, I was wrong. Thanks to @burbuur for the info!]
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If we take this interpretation and make it into a theory, with the bridge between Crowley and Aziraphale's worlds torn, which are heaven and hell, and what bridges these two worlds is death - who can't be killed (or can they?) as we've seen in the first season - with the metaphorical pillars of creation also being present in the scene, death... dies? Or vanishes? And creation gets out of control? Let us examine this theory.
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In the title sequence after the scene where Crowley and Aziraphale enter a cave, a delivery man with either grey or white wings can be seen carrying a box (0:10).
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Next time we see this exact box is when Crowley and Aziraphale are leading everyone to an old movie theater - the box is reflected on the screen. The only remaining Horseman of the apocalypse - which these boxes were delivered to - is death, so why hasn't it been opened? We saw the winged person carrying the package (presumably after their death, again) but couldn't deliver it maybe? I say not possible, since The International Express Man can deliver anything anywhere anytime, so the reason the package hasn't been opened is because the recipient is either dead or doesn't want to be found.
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Then the audience is transported from two dimensional third person perspective to a third dimentional first person perspective, the screen rips and we the audience walk the bridge through statues left and right - on the left side are winged statues with a warm yellow light barely shining on them, on the right side also stands a winged figure, but a colder white-ish/blue-ish light shining brightly on the statue. This imagery of warm and cold is represented in Good Omens as angels and demons. If we take the "everything is falling apart because one of the pillars of creation is gone" arc and apply it to this shot, it can be said that not even heaven and hell and heaven breaks, but the fourth wall breaks as well - which could be what Gabriel was meant to warn Aziraphale about.
Remember the computer and the chair in hell? Who would have a computer and a chair in hell? Well...
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Also remember Death playing an arcade game in season one? By their style choices regarding clothing, motorbike and games it seems likely that Death is an old fashioned entity, which suggests that old monitor could also be his. In an unreachable spot, the stones stacked on top of each other barely hanging on the verge of falling apart, no one would bother them. A perfect spot, which is now empty.
Also have to point out something I hadn't realized before, but on the left arcade the player with the highest score is Sir Terry Pratchett and even Death couldn't beat his score. Rest in peace legend.
So Death goes missing. Heaven and hell don't care since they're immortal supernatural beings. To make them care, because he wants war, Gabriel goes to Earth to "warn" Aziraphale.
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By his eyes changing color it is safe to assume that his amnesia is controlled by someone or some angels in heaven. Aziraphale and Crowley realize this eventually and lock him up in his own angelic grave.
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Angels coming down in their elevators, demons being thrown off into the sky in the shoots, "It's a getting closer" being thrown out in the trailer a lot (newspaper held by Aziraphale and the song playing in the background)... What does all this mean? Well fellow reader, I'm glad you asked. See that tiny little poster?
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It's Armageddon vol. 2 baby! (Though it can be argued that this poster is a reference to this being the second season.)
[Edit: I have been informed of what The Second Coming actually is. In the following paragraphs, the mention of "Armageddon vol. 2" should be taken as the Second Coming, as I didn't know what it was and used the nane Armageddon 2 in its place.]
Adam is dead, remember? So who is to stop another armageddon? We know that in the Good Omens universe one can be ressurected (Aziraphale after the birthday party reviving the dove in his pocket) so Satan could have been resurrected by Death themselves, which is why they have been missing. [Edit: Satan isn't dead. He was simply beaten in battle. My bad!]
Gabriel is a messenger angel in Christian theology - so his original purpose could be to warn Aziraphale of Satan's revival [Edit: return] but the amnesia factor plays in this case. How would an amnesiac angel warn them? Well he couldn't, so they keep Gabriel away. Heaven teams up with hell (who have no idea what Gabriel wanted to warn Aziraphale about) to find Gabriel. Which heaven knows exactly where he is, but keeps that knowledge to themselves as to stir up the war. Since Death is gone and no one ever dies anymore, Armageddon vol. 2 would be much more destructive.
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Heaven could have much more up their sleeves, such as literally making love rain on humanity. With the world's population rapidly increasing making people fall in love with each other could lead to chaos, since there are too many people to love. Coming back to Gabriel "somehow" feeling safe by Aziraphale, when he arrives at the bookshop his eyes are humanly, which suggests that some angelic knowledge is present in his amnesiac mind, but his body is human. Heaven could have made his human body love and feel comfortable around Aziraphale, but not his mind.
To summarize this theory: Death is gone, population is increasing. Love, which is what makes humanity human, is going to destroy humanist values and bring about the downfall of heaven, hell and earth. A second Armageddon.
Thank you for reading this far, I hope you enjoyed reading!
[Edited August 2023]
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mimisempai · 11 months
Nowhere to hide
Muriel organizes a movie night at the bookstore. 
Everything would be perfect if Aziraphale, having had more than enough to drink, hadn't gotten too clingy and affectionate with Crowley. Thus giving Nina, Maggie and Muriel a much more interesting show than the movie on TV.
In need of some levity… so I indulge myself in some fun fluff…
On Ao3
Rating G -  972 words
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Crowley had been unable to concentrate for over ten minutes and didn't know what was going on in the movie they were watching. 
Muriel had come up with the idea of a movie night and, of course, neither he nor Aziraphale had been able to say no. Not that they'd wanted to in the first place. They were both delighted to see the angel thrive and expand their knowledge of the world, whatever that might be.
The current problem for the demon was that Aziraphale, after drinking a little more than he should have, had become very affectionate and clingy. Which normally wouldn't have bothered Crowley if they were alone. But they weren't. 
Nina sat at the other end of the sofa, Maggie cross-legged at her feet, and Muriel sat against Maggie.
However, if they weren't hiding the nature of their relationship, Crowley didn't necessarily feel like being so demonstrative in public.
The demon tried to move a little closer to the end of the sofa to distance himself from the angel, hoping he'd understand, but it was all in vain as Aziraphale's head slid down his arm to rest on his chest, and Crowley had no choice but to wrap his arm around Aziraphale's shoulders to hold him there.
Muriel and Maggie seemed transfixed by what was on the TV, so Crowley glanced at Nina, hoping she was also engrossed in the movie and hadn't noticed. Of course, that wasn't the case, for even though her eyes were fixed on the screen, the expression and grin on her face left no doubt that she had seen it all, and even knew that Crowley was watching her at that very moment.
Worst of all, now, emboldened by Crowley's arm around his shoulders, Aziraphale was not only clingy, but much more affectionate. The angel had started to kiss him on the neck, which the demon was far from finding unpleasant, but then again, not when they had company. 
Crowley tried to nudge him gently, whispering, "Angel, please...the movie's not over." 
He saw Maggie's shoulders begin to shake, followed by a giggle she couldn't hold back.
"All right, my love," Aziraphale replied in a voice so clear that no one in the room could ignore it. The chorus of giggles at his feet and the chuckle to his left proved that they had heard him perfectly, and Crowley couldn't help but blush slightly.
He muttered, "Angel..."
As for Aziraphale, he hadn't moved an inch, continuing to kiss the hollow of Crowley's neck. 
The demon tried to reason with him again, "Aziraphale, please, we're not alone...please stop."
Aziraphale looked up and sulked, "But sweetheart..."
Sweetheart! Aziraphale had never called him that before!
He would never hear the end of it. 
Aziraphale continued, "But sweetheart, I only see you, so it's like we're alone."
Nina chuckled again as Maggie and Muriel swooned together.
"So cute!"
"Aw, how sweet!"
Crowley turned his head to Nina and she mouthed, "Sweetheart."
The demon tried to appear scolding, but the blush on his cheeks and the angel clinging to him made it far from convincing. 
His attention returned to Aziraphale, who was running his fingers over Crowley's face and had just stopped on his lips, "Hm... those lips, I want to kiss them so badly... please Crowley..."
It was too much! 
He tried to push Aziraphale back a little harder, but the angel wrapped his arms around his neck and his lips were almost against the demon's, saying in a pleading voice, "Please... please... kiss me."
Crowley would have succumbed in a second if it hadn't been for their friends, but that was out of the question, so he settled for holding Aziraphale against his chest and whispering in his ear, "Angel... a little patience, all right... I promise we'll soon be able to do everything you want."
He felt Aziraphale nod against him and sighed with relief when the angel just snuggled up to him without trying anything else. 
Nina said softly, "Muriel, Maggie, I think it's time for us to go."
Crowley was grateful, though he knew he would pay for it sooner or later.
Muriel looked up at them and replied with a fake pout, "Too bad, the show behind me was almost as interesting as the one on TV." 
Crowley replied, "You, you're getting more and more cheeky. I don't like it."
"Liar. You love it," Nina muttered.
She was right, of course.
Nina chuckled, "I don't think the rest of the show is for us, honey." 
Then she stood up and approached the embracing couple, leaning over to say in the demon's ear, "You two are adorable. I'm really happy for you. For both of you." 
Then, still with the same smile on her lips, she began to walk away. 
Muriel, who had gotten up, approached Crowley and kissed him on the cheek, "Thanks for tonight. But next time, don't keep Aziraphale all to yourself... sweetheart," and with a burst of laughter, they bounced off to join Nina.
Maggie leaned over and kissed him on the other cheek before saying, "You're so adorable when you're not grumpy."
Crowley didn't know where to put himself, unable to react or evade with his burden in his arms. And all three of them knew it. Traitors.
But as the door closed and he looked down at the angel now sleeping against his chest, he told himself he could handle a little sarcasm.
Aziraphale murmured against his chest, "You're so warm, Crowley, can I stay like this forever?"
Crowley laughed softly and replied, "Anything you want, Angel."
He placed a tender kiss on Aziraphale's hair, and the angel snuggled a little closer to him. 
The movie continued on the TV, but Crowley didn't care as he was much more captivated by his beloved resting in his arms.
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story  🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
Ineffable Growing Love series : here (After season 2)
Ineffable Husbands masterlist : here (Before season 2)
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angel-and-the-serpent · 8 months
Hey guys, My name's angel, and i'm a Nephalarim, (half demon-half angel in their case) I live with my siblings, *more about them later* and I have 2 dogs named Persie and Hades. I was adopted By Lucifer and Chloe, (@morningbloodystar @chloe-decker-lapd) my loving parents, And my parents I've stayed with multiple times, and the parents who have saved my life more times that I can count, Beez and gabe (@g00brielandbeez). My Uncles, Crowley and Aziraphale (@thedemon-crowley, @theangel-aziraphale) My Siblings, @helphowdoiusethis, Avis! my sweetheart of a sibling! @urielwiththegoodhair & @janeway-lover, Abby and her fiance! @hivemindofevilbats Sibling i have just met but i love to peices @eric-the-disposable-demon *star* @professional-termite, Eddie, The One who introduced me to the metafamily! (@angelo-rib-shack) @violet-yimlat The Chaos sibling @fallen-starmaker Trauma Buddies! Amazing person. And im sorry if i forgot anyone! I love you All! On My other side of the family, are my starfly siblings! @sparrow-birdangel MY TWIN. MY BEST FRIEND, SParrow ilysm/p @greatsouthernpansy PANSYYYY @saphisverygaymydudes SAPH I literally know no starfly siblings so @/me if you're one im so sorry I know nobody //YO! Whats up! I'm maggie, The Mod of the blog! Im a Queer, Bilingual, multirace, Nonbinary being, Who talks a lot and has so many different interests. Right now, i love: -Disney movies/Musicals - Kpop And Kpop dances - Scrapbooking - Dr Who - B99 -Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss - And most of all, being the chaotic shitposter you all me for. Thank you to visiting my blog, i really appreciate it! Asks are open, for me or angel! DMS are open to Moots I've interacted with before, and if i haven't, please send me an ask before DMing me,
Have a brilliant day, i love you, and before you go, 🪻FLOWER 🪻
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missninapea · 3 months
🤍An Angel's Comfort🤍
✨A Good Omens fanfic✨
Aziraphale noticed me crying, a concerned look appeared on his face as he walked towards me.
Aziraphale: "Nina, dear..is everything alright? What's the matter?"
I looked at him, tears running down my cheeks. I choked between sobs trying to speak.
Aziraphale spoke in a soft, comforting tone in his voice, it sounded warm and angelic.
Aziraphale: "Go on, sweetling.. Tell me what's bothering you.. It's okay. I'm right here."
Me: "I..." I choked a little, holding in my sobs.
Aziraphale: "It's alright dear, it's just you and I.. He rubs your shoulder."
My eyes start to overflow with tears making my vision blurry. I broke down into loud sobs. Similarly to an infant. Me: "IT'S NOT FAIR! NOTHING IN THIS STUPID WORLD IS FAIR!!"
Aziraphale grew more worried. He gasped a little, hearing my words.
Aziraphale: "Ooh, I know, dear.. life's not fair.. I'm sorry..It's alright, sweetling.." He said soothingly.
I kept sobbing loudly, so much I began to hyperventilate a little. I felt stressed, so much stress I began to feel slightly ill.
Aziraphale: "Shh shh.." He hugs and consoles you.
I hugged him back, trying to fight the urge of a panic attack. But I still kept crying loudly.
Aziraphale: "Shhh.. Look at me, dearie. It's okay.. Nothing in this world is perfect, alright?" He said slowly rubbing my back.
Then I started to calm down.. taking slow deep breaths.
Aziraphale: "That's it, sweetheart. Take deep breaths. Listen to my voice.. Everything will be okay.."
I hugged him more. Slowly running out of tears. The stress and the sick feeling fading away. I continued taking deep breaths.
Aziraphale: "There we go. You're doing wonderful, dear. Just breathe.."
I began to feel soothed and relaxed by the angel's voice.
Aziraphale: "Yes, just like that.. You're okay, Ninapea.."
He kissed my cheek gently. I blushed a little by his sudden affection.
Aziraphale: "I love you so very much.. remember that.."
Me: "Okay..I love you too, Mr. Fell.."
Aziraphale: "Now, why don't we watch some movies while we snuggle?~" He said with a comforting smile.
Me: "I'd love that.."
Aziraphale: "Oh! And let's not forget about the hot chocolate. And I'll bake some cookies for us. How does that sound?"
Me: "Sure." I said, and started to cheer up.
Aziraphale gave me a heated blanket while he started to prepare the hot chocolate. I can hear the angel humming softly from the kitchen. I smiled, admiring his cuteness.
He was done making the hot chocolates, he slowly walked out of the kitchen with two mugs. One for me and one for himself.
Aziraphale: "Here you are, dear.~ A nice toasty hot chocolate for you.~" He said handing the mug to me.
Me: "Oh, thank you.~"
Aziraphale: "My pleasure. Careful, it's very hot.~"
Me: "I'll just let it cool off a bit."
Aziraphale: "As you please.~"
They both sat quietly on the couch until..
Aziraphale: "Oh, right! I forgot to add marshmallows!~"
I giggled softly. I love marshmallows.. especially with hot cocoa.
The angel went back to the kitchen. He looked in the pantry and got a bag of squishy marshmallows.
Aziraphale: "Ah, perfect.. Found them, dear!~"
Me: "Ooh yaaay~"
Aziraphale came back with the marshmallows and sat down next to me.
Aziraphale: "And I know how much you love marshmallows, darling~" He said with a playful wink.
My cheeks flushed at the way he winked at me. He noticed the blush on my face.
Aziraphale: "Aw, dear..~ You look so lovely with those rosy cheeks of yours.~" The angel said sweetly.
I giggled as I scooted closer to the angel.
Me: "Thanks..~"
I kissed his cheek gently
Aziraphale: "Oh, you cheeky little minx..~" He said playfully. "Hmm.. shall we get started with the cookies, love?~"
Me: "Mhm..~" I said, feeling content and happy.
I love that angel so much. <3
The End♥️
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Delicious Dinner Date
Delicious Dinner Date
by GayDemonicDisaster (scrapheapchallenge)
Aziraphale, the hapless cook who just wanted dinner and ended up summoning a date. Remember that scene in the Elvira movie where she tries to make a casserole and accidentally summons a demon? Yeah. You can see where this is going. With additional spicy consequences, enjoy some crack flavoured smut.
Words: 3535, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett, Good Omens (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Crowley (Good Omens), Aziraphale (Good Omens)
Relationships: Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens), Aziraphale & Crowley (Good Omens)
Additional Tags: Crowley is Summoned (Good Omens), Aziraphale Has a Vulva (Good Omens), He/Him Pronouns For Aziraphale (Good Omens), Crowley Has a Penis (Good Omens), He/Him Pronouns For Crowley (Good Omens), Accidental summoning, Crowley Loves Aziraphale (Good Omens), Aziraphale Loves Crowley (Good Omens), Top Crowley (Good Omens), Bottom Aziraphale (Good Omens), Crowley is a Sweetheart (Good Omens), Crowley is a Tease (Good Omens), Aziraphale Is Trying (Good Omens), Aziraphale is a Mess (Good Omens), Crack, Crack and Smut
From https://ift.tt/O0I7qUt https://archiveofourown.org/works/43715668
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blond-jerk-tourney · 5 months
Blond Sweetheart Tourney List of Participants
A bracket for sweet and caring blond characters (cause not all of them are jerks) 💛
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Full list of participants under the cut. The image & list do not reflect matchups. If they're struck out, then they're out of the tourney!
George Emerson from A Room with a View (1985) Kazunari Miyoshi from A3! Act! Addict! Actors! Finn 'the Human' Mertens from Adventure Time Buddy from Air BudKaren Hayes from Amulet Isabelle from Animal Crossing Lewis Smith from Bang Brave Bang Bravern Barbara Millicent Roberts aka Barbie from Barbie (doll line) Max Tate/Mizuhara Max from Beyblade Jack from BioshockShiemi Moriyama from Blue Exorcist Buffy Summers from Buffy the Vampire Slayer Annabeth Chase from Camp Half-Blood Chronicles
Macrophage from Cells at Work!Sabrina Spellman from Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Cinderella from Cinderella (1950) Kurda Smahlt from Cirque du FreakYumoto Hakone from Cute High Earth Defense Club Love! Kaede Akamatsu from Danganronpa Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu from Danganronpa Noelle Holiday from Deltarune Lief from Deltora Quest Rose Tyler from Doctor Who Lucy Westenra from Dracula Thistle from Dragonmaster Marcille Donato from Dungeon Meshi Laios Touden from Dungeon Meshi Thorolf Kveldulfsson from Egils sagaHarriet Smith from Emma Sora Harukawa from Ensemble Stars Arashi Narukami from Ensemble Stars
Nazuna Nito from Ensemble Stars Phoenica from Epithet Erased Sierra Petrovita from Fallout 3Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy VII Prompto Argentum from Final Fantasy XV Hoban "Wash" Washburne from Firefly Vanessa Shelly from Five Nights at Freddy’s: The Movie Princess Melisande from Flight of Dragons Alphonse Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist Van Hohenheim from Fullmetal Alchemist Kaveh from Genshin Impact  Rose Nylund from Golden Girls Aziraphale from Good Omens Ryan Evans from High School Musical Marzipan from Homestar Runner
Roxy Lalonde from Homestuck Dave Strider from Homestuck Shadow from Homeward Bound (1993) Yellow Diamond from Houseki no Kuni Aileen Lauren Dautriche from I'm the Villaines, So I'm Taming the Final BossNagi Rokuya from IDOLiSH7 Tsumugi Takanashi from IDOLiSH7 Erina Pendleton Joestar from JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Miyuki Shirogane from Kaguya-Sama: Love is War Mikage from Kamisama Kiss Penny from Kindergarten 2 Elle Woods from the Legally Blonde movies Fantine from Les Misérables Audrey from Little Shop of Horrors (1986) Max Wonder from LOL Suprise OMG tweens (doll line) Princess Peach from Mario games series Steve Rogers from MCU Reigen Arataka from Mob Psycho 100 (team joined!) Snorkmaiden from Moomintroll series Louis James Moriarty from Moriarty the Patriot William James Moriarty from Moriarty the Patriot Applejack from My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Megan Wiliams from My Little Pony G1 Naruto Uzumaki from Naruto Himeno Ran from Ohsama Sentai Kingohger Basil from OMORI Donquixote Rosinante aka Corazon from One Piece
Angela “Mercy” Ziegler from Overwatch Avery Kelly from Pale Farma de Medicis from Parallel World Pharmacy Sally Brown from Peanuts Will Solace from Percy Jackson  Ryuji Sakamoto from Persona 5 Christine Daae from Phantom of the Opera (Visual Novel) Regina Berry from Phoenix Wright: Justice for All Nana Alba from Plus Anima Yellow from Pokémon Adventures Lillie from Pokémon Sun and Moon
Jane Bennet from Pride and Prejudice (2005) Tenma Saki from Project Sekai Monk from Rain World Sunny Madison from Rainbow High (doll line) Adam from Record of Ragnarok Rocky from Rocky Horror Picture Show Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon from Sailor Moon Big Bird from Sesame Street Adora from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power Kiki Seiran from Snow White with the Red Hair Honey from Space Dandy Loid Forger from SpyxFamily Emil Västerström from Stand Still Stay Silent Luke Skywalker from Star Wars Daniel Jackson from Stargate (1994) Samantha Carter from Stargate SG-1Peridot from Steven Universe Kara Zor-El/Kara Danvers/Supergirl from Supergirl Colette Brunel from Tales of Symphonia Rapunzel from Tangled Richard Ranasinghe de Vulpian from The Case Files of Jeweler Richard Elan the Bard from The Order of the Stick Hunter from The Owl House (team joined!) Bubbles from The Powerpuff Girls Lady Aurora from The Day Boy and the Night Girl Hank Venture from The Venture Bros.
Wally Rosette from The Villain School (OC of @hershelchocolate) Ceinwyn from The Warlord Chronicles  Emma Sano from Tokyo Revengers Dawn from Total Drama Vash the Stampede from Trigun (1998) Jessica Ushiromiya from Umineko Asgore from Undertale Thorfinn from Vinland Saga Daisy from Warrior Cats
Fernsong from Warrior Cats Goldenflower from Warrior Cats Cereus from Wings of Fire (art by SpaceshipEarth) Kinkajou from Wings of Fire Sunny from Wings of Fire Tau from Wings of Fire (art by Spirit978) Sundancer/Marissa 'Mars' Newland from Worm/Parahumans (art by @faultlinescrew) Vista from Worm/Parahumans Edgar Linton from Wuthering Heights
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catheewolf · 5 years
I Love Him Like That
Hello! So i finished reading the movie script, and I feel like this crowley is also cool, and that he needs a nice boyfriend who would love him just for who he is. Oh wait...Aziraphale already does that! So I made a story about it!  Enjoy ~
It was a dead end. It was impossible for Movie crowley to escape now. He turned around and backed himself against the wall. He looked at everyone who had chased him down to this alley. He gulped and frowned. They were his others versions with accompanied by the angels. They didn’t look pleased with movie crowley, and he assumed that it had to do with how he expressed himself about...certain things.
Out of nowhere, there was an explosion of light between him and the crowd. Movie crowley flinched and covered his eyes. He opened them and started to blink only to see that movie Aziraphale was now infront of him. One hand extended protecting movie crowley.
“Thats enough” Movie aziraphale said to the crowd. He was in his angelic form dressed in a white robe and resplendent as always. Everyone stared at the angel...and seeing that nobody was going to say something anytime soon, movie Aziraphale looked over his shoulder and asked “Are you alright, dear boy? Movie Crowley nodded, and then focused on the angels that started to do the same with their demons.
“please dear, there is no need for that”
“we just want to talk”
“about what exactly?” Aziraphale turned to gaze at the three angels who were now in front of him.
“he treats you like sh*t”
“Its clear as day that he has no interest in being here. He sees no value in being on earth-”
“and he has no respect for you”
Movie aziraphale stared at the versions of his demon. He immediately sensed their love for the versions of himself that it was almost palpable. The sight infront of him was heart warming.
He sigh and snapped his fingers, his white robe being replaced by his white suit. “Very well. Lets take this conversation somewhere else shall we?”
“I think thats a-
“TERRIBLE IDEA” Movie crowley intervened. “Besides, I have work to do at the nightclub and-”
“a nightclub!?” why the f*ck do you have a night club?”
“hmm, interesting...”
Movie crowley made a face and then looked at his aziraphale who had placed a hand on his shoulder. “My dear, lets hear what they have to say. Besides, this is a rare opportunity! Oh! it never occured to me that there were more of us! just look at them! You are ever so handsome in any version! and- *GASP* they look so good in a bow tie!” Movie aziraphale was now gushing over their other versions without realizing that his optimistic attitude made them blush in delight.
Movie Crowley grumbled “nugh...FINE” and Movie Aziraphale beamed at him “excellent!” He snapped his fingers and soon appeared in his museum.
“Um, hello. Uh, its not that I dont like this place, but wouldn’t it have been better to miracle us to the bookshop?” Tv azi asked.
“hm? what bookshop, dear?” There were many gasps made and movie aziraphale looked at everyone whose expression where that of shock.
“Your bookshop! you...you don’t...?”
“You don’t own one?”
“Oh! sorry no. I don’t own one, never could have run one anyway. I wouldn’t know how”
“And who said that!?”
All the aziraphales looked horrified, even the crowleys looked slightly concerned before staring at crowley with a scowl. Movie crowley flinched and looked away.
“Listen” Movie Aziraphale started “I know that you all have something to share about crowley, but if you would let me” he looked at every single one in the room “I would like to speak first about the matter. Please?” He asked gently.
Everyone looked at each other, some shrugged and others just looked concerned, but at the end they all nodded.
“Thank you” Aziraphale said with a smile. He took a deep breath, and started with “I love crowley”
The sight before him made him smile and giggle. The crowleys had their jaws drop to the floor blsuhing at how easy this angel had said such a phrase, and the aziraphale’s were wide eyes and blushing to. Some had their hands on their cheeks steaming.
“I love crowley” he repeated “I love everything he does. He is so wicked, cool, handosme, aaaaand....” at that he turned to look at movie crowley who looked away from him for he knew what was coming “deep down a little bit good”
“He stood up to the devil himself! even after being offered to be the boss in alpha centauri, he stayed”
“cause you cheated...” movie crowley mumbled
“Yes, but you could have ignored it and left, but you didn’t”
Movie crowley shrunk more into his shoulders and hissed.
“Sure, he doesn’t like earth, he cheats at checkers, he runs a nightclub, and does many other (bad) things on earth, but thats how he is. He acts like a demon should, and I do not expect him to behave in another way. Of course he says things that...well...hurt...but don’t we all?”
Movie aziraphale saw something happen to his other versions.
“Crowley here is not meant to love, but I am, and I have...so much love to give, that no matter how many times he cheats, says mean things to me, or tried to leave without me....I will always forgive him, and my love for him will not change because I love him like that, and he likes me too...in his own way”
“He is my best friend, I’d help him anytime, follow him if he were to ask me-”
“really?” Red head crowley asked
“of course” Movie aziraphale answered.
“I do not wish him any harm...in fact it makes me happy that he stayed. I’d be so lonely without him” Aziraphale put his hands together “so please, do not hate on him. He did something good for the world despite his dislike of it...”
“But...he is so mean to you...” one of the aziraphale’s said. His hands were then taken by Movie Aziraphale’s own who hold them affectionately.
“thank you...for your concern my dear, but I’m alright with it, he won’t scare me off with those manners of his anytime soon”
“Besides” Movie aziraphale movied to the other crowleys “look at these demons! aren’t they cool!? So handsome and wicked!” The crowleys were now blushing at this version of their angel gushing over them.
“Tell me, don’t you all love them for who they are?” Movie aziraphale looked at all the Aziraphales who looked at each other and sigh “We do”
“I know” movie aziraphale smiled “I can feel it”
After everyone left, Movie Aziraphale walked towards his Crowley and placed his arms around his shoulders. His chin now layed on crowley’s hair.
“I meant every single word I said to them”
“nugh....i know...you always did”
“......I love you too” crowley mumbled.
“what was that?”
“I’m not saying it again angel” crowley said through clenched teeth
“Oh Crowley please! say it one more time I didn’t hear it!”
“Tough luck then, cause ya ain’t hearing it again anytime soon”
Aziraphale saw how crowley’s ears turned slightly red and he hugged him tighter to himself with a big smile.
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Good Omens Crowley x Reader
A/N: sometimes we all need some demon fluff, don't we?
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A quiet noise of the TV is heard in the background, it's one of your favorite million-times-seen movies you know by heart, so you don't even have to pay attention to know what's happening on screen. And frankly you don't pay attention to sounds either because of a song stuck in your head. You catch every second of this moment, the first time your beautiful demon lets himself doze off on your chest. And it really pleases you to feel his weight on top of you, to feel his soft hair tickling your neck, the way he hugs you tight.
A touch
From your real love
It's like heaven taking the place of something evil
You can't resist slipping your fingers into his red locks, very gentle, afraid to wake him. Stroking back and forth, in circles, you can't get enough of this sensation, tenderness mingled with sweetness and serenity overwhelms you.
You hear steps and a second later Aziraphale sneaks in, some concern in his face is now replaced by the beatific smile, he stands still gazing fondly.
"Aahh, you two, there you are," he whispers, "looking so... so sweet, so... so cozy, aren't you?"
You can't help but smile back, "I so fuckin' love him," you murmur - not really in reply but maybe you just revel in admitting it again - and put a tender kiss on the top of Crowley's head keeping ruffling his hair, "So fuckin' love," and Aziraphale nods knowingly.
"Oh!" he flusters, "I've made a cocoa for you! And oh, if I knew you'd not up to it now," he feels confused. No offense but you always find that confused Aziraphale is quite something.
"My dear angel, for me cold cocoa is no less tasty than fresh, so I'll gladly drink it later, thank you so much!" you reassure him.
He places a mug on the table carefully and you continue, "And yes, to be honest, nobody makes it more delicious than you," it's rather dark in the room to discern, but you sense angel's cheeks getting pink.
He comes closer and kisses your forehead, "It's so nice to hear," then his meaningful glance goes to your sweetheart, "He does love you too, very much. Obviously," a manner he pronounces this word makes you chortle every time.
Crowley mumbles some confirmation through his sleep and slides along you until he gets comfortable nuzzling into your neck and you sigh pleasured by sudden extra touch. Just a one little sigh, but most likely it sounds just a little more obscenely than it should, because now Aziraphale seems to be in haste.
"Well, I, I have to go and finish some... some paperwork there," clearly he likes the view of you two, but he's too delicate to stay here.
"Please come back anytime you want, dear," you keep scratching Crowley behind the ear like he's a big cat, "I'm going to bake something for you tomorrow, how's this?"
"Sounds tempting," he grins at the inside joke and leaves the room.
You reach for the TV remote control and hear Crowley's indistinct protesting mutter as you take your arm off his shoulder. You hurry to push the "off" button and lock him in a tight embrace again.
"You're the most precious thing in the whole world that I have," you whisper, "My beautiful demon," and chuckle when he immediately responds by a long low "mmmhmmhm" and a tiny nip at your neck, still sleeping, though.
'Cause I love you so much
I fall to pieces
Your legs are intimately entwined with his under soft tartan blanket and you close your eyes at the feeling of your full body contact. Could you ever think you'd be so pleased with where life takes you? Lazy carousel of soothing dulcet thoughts flows through your mind and probably nothing else can warm your heart more at the moment than this powerful eternal entity lying at ease and trustfully in your arms. And a light cocoa fragrance around you. ❤️
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bonniebird · 4 years
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Halloween Event
Read early on Wattpad
Read early on AO3
“Great! The blood-sucking Brady Bunch!” - Jacob Black
“Do you have any other emergency werewolf contacts?” - Stiles Stilinski
“Every day is Halloween, isn’t it? For some of us.” - Jace Wayland
“During the day, I don’t believe in ghosts. At night, I’m a little more open -minded.” - Tate Langdon
@joeynihil​ and Peter Rumancek’s Halloween ~ Moodboard
“You don’t know much about magic.” - Nick Scratch
“When you turn to a bat, where do your clothes go?” - Spike
“And now it’s time to send in our cute little secret weapon.” - Ivar Ragnarsson
Halloween with Eric Coulter {Moodboard}
“She used to tell me that a full moon was when mysterious things happen and wishes come true.” - Ivar Ragnarsson  
“What an excellent day for an exorcism.”-  Peter Hale
“Blah blah, vampire emergency, blah” - Rebekah Mikaelson & Theo Raeken
“You are too precious for words, why I could just… eat you alive!”  - Hvitserk Ragnarsson
“So is the devil, Halloween Santa?” - Lucifer Morningstar
“I’ve got the devil in me!” - Lucifer Morningstar 
“I always wonder if it’s better to bury two bodies in one place or spread them around. I’m sure there’s a right answer, but I never want to meet the person who knows it.“ - Maze / Lucifer Morningstar
“What is this guy, Witch-ipedia?” - John Constantine 
“You only have one super power, and it is your breasts.” - Elijah Mikaelson 
“It’s Halloween; everyone’s entitled to one good scare.” - Eric Northman 
“Stop calling it a haunted house. It’s not even scary.“ - Seeley Booth
“I know you’re joking, but on the off chance you aren’t, no.” - Victor Zsasz 
“Every day is Halloween, isn’t it? For some of us.” - Eric Coulter
“Those guys at the impound. Did they really smash my car?” - Dean Winchester
“I’m the guy that’s gonna save your ass.” - Eric Coulter
Halloween with Theo Raeken moodboard - Theo Raeken
“You can’t commit crime on Halloween!” - Barbara Kean
“I do believe in killing the messenger. Know why? Because it sends a message.” - Mick Rory
“It’s so sweet. He looks just like a little entrée.” - Ripper!Stefan Salvatore 
“During the day, I don’t believe in ghosts. At night, I’m a little more open-minded.” - Harley Quinn
“If this is a joke, I’ll kill you!” - Eric Coulter
“So, what can a teen wolf do?” - Cora Hale
“It’s Halloween; everyone’s entitled to one good scare.” - Aziraphale {Good Omens}
“The witches are coming.” - Bonnie Bennett
“I know that you hate Halloween, but stick with me, and I promise you, you will love it.” - Nick Scratch
“Shh, I’m Googling sex spells.”  - Madison Montgomery
“I am, what psychiatrists call, alpha male.”  - Eric Coulter
“Aren’t you worried that, one day, all the forest animals are gonna band together and fight back?” - Jacob Black 
“Bitch, I will eat you!” - Spike {BtVS}
“You know how I think Halloween is for jerks? Well, this Halloween, I was the jerk. I’m sorry about tonight.”  - Leonard Snart
“You really are a witch.” - Jace Wayland
“I’m the guy that’s gonna save your ass.” - Jace Wayland
“I am, what psychiatrists call, alpha male.” - Klaus Mikaelson 
“Vampires pretending to be humans pretending to be vampires … How avant-garde!” - Klaus Mikaelson
“Shh, I’m Googling sex spells.” - Stefan Salvatore 
“Shh, I’m Googling sex spells.” - John Constantine 
“Are you ready for some Halloween fun?“ - Eric Coulter
“She annoyed me, so I killed her and buried her in the yard.” - Eric Coulter 
“I’m supposed to call you first when I find a dead body?”  - Peter Hale 
“Can someone kill him again, please?”  - Kol Mikaelson
“I’ll be a good little witch.” - Theo Raeken
“I just think a lot of undead roaming the streets could lead to problems. For instance, farmers’ markets selling actual farmers.” - Theo Raeken 
“Shh, I’m Googling sex spells.” - Theo Raeken
“There’s a monster outside my room. Can I have a glass of water?” - Jasper Hale
“I am, what psychiatrists call, alpha male.” - Eric Coulter
“You really are a witch.”  - Geralt of Rivia
“Shh, I’m Googling sex spells.”  - Eric Northman
“If this is a joke, I’ll kill you!”  - Barbara Kean
"This is my costume. I’m a homicidal maniac. They look just like everyone else.” - Rosa Diaz
“Well, as someone at a high risk for a spook-related death, thank you.”  - John Constantine
“Dear Diary, a chipmunk asked me my name today.” - Klaus Mikaelson
“I have a meanness inside me, real as an organ.“ - Gina Linetti
“You’re horrific and you are hired.“  - Jerome Valeska
“I am commanding. Calmly, but commanding. No more witchcraft.”  - Maze Smith
“I am, what psychiatrists call, alpha male.”  - Eric Coulter 
“Have you picked out a costume yet?“ - Maze Smith
“Well, as someone at a high risk for a spook-related death, thank you.”  - Harvey Bullock
“I’m just sitting here. Feeling like the devil.” - Damon Salvatore
“Shh, I’m Googling sex spells.” - Eric Northman
“No, you weren’t part of this. Get back over to the loser side, loser.” - Winn Schott
“I need help carving these pumpkins.” - Temperance Brennan
“I’m the guy that’s gonna save your ass.” - Anakin Skywalker
“This is ridiculous! What could be scarier than one of us?” - John Shelby 
“There’s no such thing!” - Elizabeth Swann
“I am, what psychiatrists call, alpha male.” - Gina Linetti
“Bitch, I will eat you!” - Victor Zsasz
“Okay, all right, now. Come on, no one died, alright? Look, there may have been some maiming, okay? A little mangling, but no death! That’s what I call an important distinction.” - Zelda Spellman
“She annoyed me, so I killed her and buried her in the yard.”  - Barbara Kean
“Yeah, well, you being happy isn’t really a big priority of mine, since you stabbed me twenty times with knives.” - Victor Zsasz
“It’s kind of ironic. The more care you put into a murder, the harsher society judges you.” - Jerome Valeska
“No, it’s not! That’s just something mortals say to make themselves feel better.” - Lilith / Madam Satan
“Welcome to my nightmare, I think you’re going to like it.” - Jerome Valeska
“Stop calling it a haunted house. It’s not even scary.” - Ava Sharpe
“I died in a trapeze accident?” - Jake Peralta
“Okay, all right, now. Come on, no one died, alright? Look, there may have been some maiming, okay? A little mangling, but no death! That’s what I call an important distinction.” - Lucien Castle
“It’s Halloweek. I do the full seven days.” - Rosa Diaz 
“If this is a joke, I’ll kill you!” - Jason Todd
“Vampires are real. They’re usually not the cape-wearing, "mwah-hah-hah-ing” types, but rather people with ordinary jobs who just happen to consume blood.“- Jasper Hale
“We came, we saw, we kicked its ass.” - Eric Coulter
“I always wonder if it’s better to bury two bodies in one place or spread them around. I’m sure there’s a right answer, but I never want to meet the person who knows it.“ - Elijah Mikaelson
Roman Godfrey Halloween ~ moodboard
@joeynihil​​ and Sabrina Spellman Halloween ~ Moodboard
“Do you have any other emergency werewolf contacts?”- Derek Hale 
“I need help carving these pumpkins.”- Derek Hale
“Those guys at the impound. Did they really smash my car?” - Dean Winchester
“We came, we saw, we kicked its ass.” - Rebekah Mikaelson & Theo Raeken
“I see something in your future. Something… frightening.“ - Bonnie Bennett
“There’s a monster outside my room. Can I have a glass of water?”
“Every day is Halloween, isn’t it? For some of us.” - Ripper!Stefan Salvatore
“No, it’s not! That’s just something mortals say to make themselves feel better.” - Jace Wayland
“This is ridiculous! What could be scarier than one of us?” - The Mikaelson Family
“If I have to hear doppelgänger one more time, I’m going to have to learn how to spell it.” - Elijah Mikaelson
“In this whole wide wicked world the only thing you have to be afraid of is me.” - Kol Mikaelson
“Clothes make a statement. Costumes tell a story.” - Gina Linetti
“You only have one super power, and it is your breasts.” - Rosa Diaz
"I have never met a vampire personally, but I don’t know what might happen tomorrow.” - Theo Raeken
“You seem to be doing so well without witchcraft.” - Nick Scratch
“I always wonder if it’s better to bury two bodies in one place or spread them around. I’m sure there’s a right answer, but I never want to meet the person who knows it.“ - Halfdan the Black
“You know how I think Halloween is for jerks? Well, this Halloween, I was the jerk. I’m sorry about tonight.” - Lydia Martin
“They’re embarrassed about their spells not working anymore.” - Malia Tate
“Blah blah, vampire emergency, blah” - Bella Swan
“Do you have any other emergency werewolf contacts?” - Peter Rumancek
“Can someone kill him again, please?” - Peter Hale
“I have a heart. I keep it in a jar on my desk.” - Katherine Pierce
“Shh, I’m Googling sex spells.” - John Constantine
"It’s the witching hour somewhere.” - Jughead Jones
“People think if they put on a costume they can just get away with anything they want. Halloween is Christmas for jerks.” - Ray Palmer
“Please tell me you did that for dramatic effect.” - Jacob Black
“Can someone kill him again, please?” - Emmett Cullen
“I must go in. The fog is rising.” - Arman the Dragon
“I knew something came through the portal.” - Ivar Ragnarsson
“Well, we can’t start killing people. We’re getting life back to normal. And killing people isn’t normal, sweetheart.“ - Nora Darhk
“Are you eating raw pumpkin with a spoon?”  - Sweet Pea
“You know what they say about (Town). No one who dies here ever really dies.”  - Jughead Jones
"I want to stab you to death, and then play around with your blood." - Sweet Pea
“I'll come to the party, but I'm not dressing up.”  - Sweet Pea
“I’ve seen enough horror movies to know that any weirdo wearing a mask is never friendly.”  - Sweet Pea
“Hand over the candy, old dude, or we egg your house.”  - Sweet Pea & Jughead Jones
“Time for the real Halloween show to begin.”  - Sweet Pea
“Should I be concerned about you causing me any trouble?“ - Sweet Pea
“Danger doesn’t lurk at every corner. It’s just hanging out, waiting for fear and horror to show up.”  - Jughead Jones
“I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.”  - Sweet Pea
“Time for the real Halloween show to begin.” - Dorcas Night
“She used to tell me that a full moon was when mysterious things happen and wishes come true.” - Dorcas Night
“Who hired you? Who do you work for, the pizza man?” - Damon Salvatore
Halloween with Jughead Jones {Moodboard}
“Are you possessed? Again?” - Stiles Stilinski
“Does my costume look spooky to you?” - Sweet Pea
“I need help carving these pumpkins.“ - Tommy Shelby
“Shh, I’m Googling sex spells.” - Theo Raeken and Rebekah Mikaelson
Halloween with Vanessa Ives {Moodboard}
Halloween with Samantha Stephens  {Moodboard}
Halloween with Toni Topaz {Moodboard}
Halloween with Sweet Pea {Moodboard}
Halloween with Cheryl Blossom {Moodboard}
Halloween with Betty Cooper {Moodboard}
“During the day, I don’t believe in ghosts. At night, I’m a little more open-minded.” - Seely Booth
“Vampires pretending to be humans pretending to be vampires … How avant-garde!” - Eric Northman
“I know that you hate Halloween, but stick with me, and I promise you, you will love it.” - Amaya Jiwe
“You seem to be doing so well without witchcraft.” Clary Fray & Allison Argent
“First rule of witch club: don’t talk about witch club.” - Madam Satan / Lilith
“Who hired you? Who do you work for, the pizza man?” - Zari Tomaz
“She used to tell me that a full moon was when mysterious things happen and wishes come true.” - Peter Rumancek
“Happy Halloween, asshole!“ - Rosa Diaz
“Hello, something scary happening!“ - Kyle Reese
“We sent (Y/N) to the Ghost World to save the day again.” - Allison Argent
“If she realizes that we’re killing people for food and not for God, she might not like us anymore.” - Vampire!Ivar Ragnarsson & Roman Godfrey
“We can have our own Halloween here.” - Roman Godfrey
“You are too precious for words, why I could just… eat you alive!” - Ivar Ragnarsson
“Have you come to sing pumpkin carols?” - Sweet Pea
“How was I to know? It was just floating by.“ - Sweet Pea
“It’s Halloween! Everyone gets a chance to be someone else, let their hair down for awhile.” - Sweet Pea
“You only have one super power, and it is your breasts.” - Elena Gilbert
“Yeah, well, you being happy isn’t really a big priority of mine, since you stabbed me twenty times with knives.” - Sweet Pea
Halloween with Marko {Moodboard}
“I know that you hate Halloween, but stick with me, and I promise you, you will love it.” - Sweet Pea
“I know that you hate Halloween, but stick with me, and I promise you, you will love it.” - David (The Lost Boys)
“I’m the guy that’s gonna save your ass.” - David (The Lost Boys)
“I’m supposed to call you first when I find a dead body?” - Sweet Pea
“Aren’t you worried that, one day, all the forest animals are gonna band together and fight back?” - Sam Emerson
“Good. No fangs yet. You’re doing fine. Your ears aren’t even pointed yet.” - Scott McCall
“You are too precious for words, why I could just… eat you alive!” - David (The Lost Boys)
“Yeah, well, you being happy isn’t really a big priority of mine, since you stabbed me twenty times with knives.” - Brett Talbot
“Are you possessed? Again?” - Peter Hale
“We don’t like you. Now, shut up and help us.” - Eric Northman
“What is this guy, Witch-ipedia?” - Eric Northman
“Shh, I’m Googling sex spells.” - Nick Scratch
“Vampires are real. They’re usually not the cape-wearing, "mwah-hah-hah-ing” types, but rather people with ordinary jobs who just happen to consume blood.“ - Dorcas Night
"This is my costume. I’m a homicidal maniac. They look just like everyone else.” - Tommy Shelby
“Hasn't anyone told you, second hand smoke kills.“ - Prudence Blackwood
“I know you’re joking, but on the off chance you aren’t, no.”  - Klaus Mikaelson
“We sent (Y/N) to the Ghost World to save the day again.” - Theo Raeken & Rebekah Mikaelson
“Just because it's a love story doesn't mean it can't have a decapitation or two.” - Klaus Mikaelson
“You seem to be doing so well without witchcraft.” - Allison Argent & Nick Scratch
“You are too precious for words, why I could just… eat you alive!” - Damon Salvatore
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ao3feed-mcufemslash · 3 years
Horoscopes and Zodiac signs Part 1
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/JkDxcw9
by LUmbrellaCoffeemug
In this preview fic, Crowley, Aziraphale and Larissa find their horoscopes.
Words: 425, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 5 of The Prophecies of Reality
Fandoms: Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett, Good Omens (TV), Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Black Widow (Movie 2021), Hawkeye (TV 2021), Jessica Jones (TV), Arcane: League of Legends (Cartoon 2021)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Aziraphale (Good Omens), Crowley (Good Omens), Original Female Character(s), Original Characters
Relationships: Aziraphale & Crowley (Good Omens), Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens), Aziraphale & Crowley (Good Omens) & Original Female Character(s), Crowley (Good Omens) & Original Female Character(s), Aziraphale (Good Omens) & Original Female Character(s)
Additional Tags: Fluff, Astrology, Horoscopes, Stars, Crowley Loves Aziraphale (Good Omens), Aziraphale Loves Crowley (Good Omens), Crowley is Good With Kids (Good Omens), Aziraphale is Good With Kids (Good Omens), Soft Crowley (Good Omens), Soft Aziraphale (Good Omens), Crowley is a Sweetheart (Good Omens), Crowley is So Done (Good Omens), Aziraphale is "just enough of a bastard to be worth knowing" (Good Omens), Aziraphale is So Done (Good Omens), Zodiac signs - Freeform
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/JkDxcw9
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one-with-the-floor · 4 years
Love Thy Neighbor (or at Least Give Him a Chance)
Day 2 of @ineffablehusbandsweek
Today’s meet cute: Aziraphale has just moved in and desperately needs a favor--and if babysitting his godson is what it takes for Crowley to get his number, heck, that’s just what he’ll do. Also on AO3 right here!
Crowley was watching nothing on the TV when his doorbell rang. He blinked and squinted towards the window. It was still absolutely pissing down rain. Even though it was barely half six, it was dark enough to be the middle of the night. Whoever was out ringing doorbells in this weather was either extremely lost or extremely young and troublesome. But if it was one of the village kids, Crowley reasoned, they wouldn’t ring twice if he didn’t answer. He could continue his mindless evening and not get pulled into something ridiculous and probably detrimental to his reputation as a man who did not walk around the village covered in mud. Crowley stared at the front door, willing it to reveal its secrets without him having to get up. The door acquiesced. The doorbell rang twice in quick succession this time, and Crowley finally groaned and flopped off the sofa.
“Village is down the road to the right, mate, probably drove right through it and didn’t even notice…” Crowley trailed off, staring. There was a man standing on his doorstep, and he was possibly the most bedraggled, incongruous, and gorgeous man he’d ever seen. His pale hair was plastered to his face, looking weirdly Roman-soldier-esque the way it curled on his skin, and somehow his soft grey eyes only added to the image. His face was soft, though, nothing chiseled or severe about it. It was the sort of face that could really carry a smile, and make anyone else want to smile, too. The man didn’t have an umbrella, or a raincoat, or even a normal coat to keep the wet from seeping through to his clothes, and his blue shirt was soaked through. Crowley noticed that the buttons weren’t all lined up right.
“I’m so sorry to bother you,” the man was saying, twisting a ring around his pinky finger. “I’m having a minor crisis, I promise I wouldn’t be here without warning if it weren’t an emergency, but Dierdre Young said you sometimes watch her son Adam for her? And the other kids?”
Fucksake, Crowley thought. Those eyes should not be able to get bigger. “Er, yeah. I’ve watched them a few times.” A few times was an understatement. He’d been babysitting The Them since they were crawling.
“I hate to ask this,” the man said, and Crowley was a little bit shocked to find he sounded sincere. “I know it’s horribly last minute, and if you have other plans or—or if you just don’t want to, whatever it is it’s fine, really, but… my godson is with me for a few weeks, and something’s come up for work and I really can’t afford not to go, and that’s terrible of me I know it but I’ve just moved and I’m not quite on my feet yet and I’m already going to have to drive in this damn rain and…” The man yanked on the hem of his shirt. He looked close to tears. Crowley could see it even through the pounding rain.
Crowley didn’t babysit kids he didn’t know. Too many variables, too many parents who ignored issues and then left him to figure out what to do when their kid started having an allergic reaction or a totally preventable meltdown on his watch. Normally, he’d have pointed the man toward Ms. Tracy, the village’s collective odd grandmother and the other usual babysitter.
But the man in front of him was standing out in the rain asking him a little desperately for help, and somewhere in Crowley’s decidedly cold black heart something gave in.
“How long do you think you’ll be gone?”
“Oh—oh! I’ll be back by tonight. I hope before his bedtime, there shouldn’t be traffic this time of night but the rain might slow me down… but I should be here to pick him up before ten, I promise I’ll do my absolute best for that.”
Something else in Crowley’s heart wiggled and squirmed. “How old is he?”
“Five. He’s the same age as Deirdre’s boy, I’ve been hoping to set them up for a playdate but there just hasn’t been time… ”
“Give me two minutes,” Crowley said suddenly, and closed the door in the man’s face. That was probably rude, he mused, but there were more pressing issues. Namely that his heartbeat seemed to have decided it wanted to try its hand at percussion music, and Crowley’s ears were going to be the drums. He stood with his back against the door and stared in the direction of a wall while he tried to get his mutinous heart to understand that he should not be having palpitations over a man he’d just met, regardless of how pretty his eyes were.
He’s also very considerate and seems to care about this kid a lot, his heart rebutted. All that on top of the eyes. And he looks incredibly soft and huggable, did you notice that?
Crowley had noticed that, thank you very much, and had deliberately decided to not go there. He didn’t need any additional sources of embarrassment.
When exactly two minutes were up, Crowley sucked in a steadying breath and swung the door open again. The man was still standing there, looking half worried and half bemused.
“I can keep an eye on the kid till ten,” Crowley said. The man gasped and pressed a hand to his mouth in relief. Crowley’s heart did an uncomfortable flopping thing. “Does he have any allergies?” he continued, telling himself there wasn’t a squeak in his voice.
“No, nothing.”
“Anything medical at all? Anything I might need to know in an emergency?”
“No, no he’s perfectly healthy.”
“And his bedtime is?”
The man’s face went red. “Well, it really should be half eight. But I’ll admit I usually let him stay up till half nine or ten when he’s with me.”
Crowley shrugged. “No problem with me. He’s your kid. Or, well…”
“Close enough, really. I really can’t thank you enough for this. I promise I’ll pay you as soon as I can, I’m not asking for a favor here—”
“Nope, nope,” Crowley interrupted, shaking his head. “I don’t do pay. I’m alright as is, save it and buy the kid an ice cream next time you’re out.”
The man stared at him. His eyes had gone very big again. “Oh.”
Crowley’s face heated, and he felt a sudden urge to pull his own shirt hem. “Just, er, just call me if you’re gonna be late, yeah?”
“Of course! Of course, absolutely, I’ll call as soon as I’m on my way home. Here.” He clumsily passed Crowley his phone, trying to keep it out of the rain. They exchanged contact info, and Crowley tried to tell his idiot of a heart that he wasn’t being given his number, just an emergency contact. His heart, as ever, ignored him.
Crowley snuck a look at his phone while the man ran back to his car to collect his godson. ‘Aziraphale Fell’ the contact page read. “Aziraphale,” he murmured, trying it out. It fit, he decided. An odd, nice sounding name for an odd, nice man.
Fucksake, this was gonna be a thing now.
Aziraphale returned a moment later, leading a little boy in a bright yellow raincoat by the hand. Crowley noticed with amusement that the kid’s hood was made to look like a duck, with eyes stitched on and a little bill sticking out. His boots were orange duck feet. Cute. The kid looked up at Crowley curiously. Crowley gave him a wide, silly grin, and the boy giggled.
When they got inside, Aziraphale immediately crouched down to speak to his godson. Ding! Another point for him! Crowley’s brain yelled. Crowley decidedly ignored it.
“You’ll be good for Mr. Crowley, won’t you, Warlock?” Aziraphale was saying. The little boy nodded solemnly. “Thank you, dear.” He kissed Warlock on the forehead, then stood up again. “I’ll be back as soon as I can, I promise. I really can’t thank you enough—”
“Don’t worry about it,” Crowley waved him away. “Really. If I didn’t want to I’d say no.”
Aziraphale gave him a hesitant smile. “You’ll call me if anything—?”
“Long as you call if anything goes wrong your end.”
“I will. I promise, I will.” Aziraphale crouched down to give Warlock another hug. “I love you, sweetheart.”
“Mhm,” Warlock said. Crowley choked down a laugh.
Aziraphale tried to thank him twice more on his way out the door, and Crowley shooed him away both times. Normally he would have found that kind of dawdling irritating beyond belief, but from Aziraphale it was just… it was sweet, he admitted to himself. He thought Aziraphale was sweet. As he stood by the front window with Warlock and waved at Aziraphale’s departing car, he gave himself a moment to sit in the excitement of meeting someone new. Someone who lived close, no less, and would likely come to Crowley to babysit in the future, too. Maybe Crowley could show him around the village, help him get settled. He could unpack boxes or paint bedrooms, if Aziraphale hadn’t quite finished moving in yet. Or he could introduce Warlock to the other kids, and Aziraphale to the other parents—godparents, guardians, all the same to the kids—and maybe… maybe somewhere in there they could go out for dinner. Get to know each other. Just maybe, this might be someone he could build something with.
Then Aziraphale’s tail lights faded into the pounding rain, and Crowley snapped himself out of it.
“Right!” he cried. “So, Warlock. Have you had your dinner yet?”
Warlock nodded. He seemed like a quiet kid. Would probably be a great balance to the rambunctiousness of The Them.
Crowley grinned at him. “Well, if you’ve already had your dinner, then there’s only one thing left to do.” Warlock stared up at him, wide eyed. Crowley leaned down to whisper conspiratorially. “I’ve got ice cream in the freezer. What do you say to early dessert?”
Warlock said yes, very enthusiastically, and they spent the next few hours eating ice cream and watching movies. Crowley had figured he’d have to pull out some games later, or find a book to read him, but by the time movies were getting old Warlock was falling asleep on the sofa. It was an easy night. Warlock was an easy kid. Crowley was already looking forward to babysitting him again.
At 9:57 on the dot, Aziraphale rang the doorbell. Warlock didn’t stir, so Crowley picked him up and brought him to the door. Aziraphale was just as thankful as he had been earlier, and Crowley brushed him off just the same. Aziraphale roused Warlock enough to get him into his raincoat and boots, then let the little boy fall back asleep on his shoulder.
“I… I hope I’ll see you again?” Aziraphale asked softly as he headed out the door. The rain had finally slowed to a drizzle.
“Yeah,” Crowley answered, trying to hide the fact that his heart was trying to pound its way out of his chest. “And, uh. Doesn’t just have to be with the kid, if—I mean—I mean he’s a great kid, loved having him, was great, but, uh…”
He stammered to a stop, because Aziraphale was smiling at him. “I think I’d like that,” he said.
“Oh. Er… good. Me too.”
“I’ll see you soon, then.” Aziraphale shifted Warlock in his arms and turned towards his car. “Goodnight, Anthony.”
“Ngk,” Crowley said. “G’night. Night, Warlock.” He was immensely grateful for the nighttime shadows covering his blush.
Crowley stayed in the doorway as Aziraphale drove away. Then he fell back onto his sofa and scrubbed his hands over his face. Leave it to him to fall head over heels for a soft man with a kind voice and a sweet kid on the first meeting. This was going to be excruciating.
Well. At least he knew he’d be seeing Aziraphale again. And he had his number. Wriggling around to get access to his pocket, Crowley pulled out his phone.
hey he texted. was really nice to meet you. think we could get coffee sometime?
As soon as the messages were sent he flung his phone onto the farthest chair in the room and pressed his hands over his eyes, pushing the anxiety back with a force. But it was only a minute before the mobile buzzed, and he was lunging across the room to get it back.
I’d like that :) he read. Crowley felt an uncontrollable grin spread across his face. He was just about to whoop and go finish off the ice cream in celebration when the phone buzzed again.
You’ll have to wait for me to find another babysitter, though
Crowley laughed, his grin never fading. np, one sec he texted back, then swapped over to another conversation.
Only a moment later—Ms. Tracy was going to be absolutely insufferable about all this—Aziraphale messaged him again.
Okaaaaay, never mind the waiting then. How does this weekend sound?
It was Thursday. Crowley practically bounced on his feet at the thought of seeing Aziraphale again so soon. sounds perfect he replied. Aziraphale sent him another smiley face emoji, and Crowley really did whoop then. He had a date. He had a date, with a guy he really liked, and who seemed to really like him. And who was really good with his kid, to boot.
Crowley got ready for bed in a happy daze that night. And when he slept, he dreamed of pale blond hair and a rain-dark blue shirt, and of a sleepy little duckling in a raincoat.
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agerefandom · 4 years
Evenings of Eternity (Chapter Two)
Fandom: Good Omens
Words: 2,500
Summary: Crowley has been many things throughout the millennia, but he’s never been a child. He finds himself curious about the idea of childhood, and Aziraphale offers to help him explore that curiosity. (regressor!crowley, cg!aziraphale) 
Content Warnings: None I can think of! New, voluntary, and uncertain regression: Crowley and Aziraphale are still figuring out how everything works.
Notes: This is the final chapter for Good Omens so far, but I do plan to write more! Let me know if you have any specific requests or ideas for this fandom, and I’ll be happy to add them in ^-^
(Don’t forget to read chapter one if you missed it!)
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In the end, they settled on a date and wrote it on the calendar, just like their weekly game nights. Crowley protested having it on the calendar in the kitchen, but Aziraphale found him staring at it one morning, drinking his coffee and smiling slightly.
The date grew nearer and Aziraphale made his quiet preparations, occasionally asking Crowley’s opinion on this or that. He was picking up some of Crowley’s nerves, hoping that everything would go well and he wouldn’t do anything wrong. From his research, age regression could be a very vulnerable experience, and Aziraphale didn’t want to make Crowley feel that he’d made a mistake trusting Aziraphale with it.
They agreed that for the first try, Aziraphale would make the plan. He would create a space where Crowley could be surrounded by the external factors of being a child, even if he couldn’t create a mental space for it yet. Discovering from scratch what childhood felt like wasn’t going to be easy, and both of them were aware of it. They agreed that there was no pressure on either of them, that both of them could step back at any time, and that it was perfectly alright if it didn’t work out.
Knowing all of that didn’t make it any easier to fall asleep the evening before, and Aziraphale found himself lying awake for an hour that felt like a century. Eventually, he managed to drift off to Crowley’s familiar rasping breaths beside him.
The late morning light shone into the cottage, the leaves of the plants casting shadows across the shelves and the floors. Aziraphale walked down the hallway, taking a deep breath as he paused in front of the bedroom door.
He was ready for this, for whatever the day would bring. If it was awkward and it didn’t work at all, that was fine. They had already planned a movie to watch in the evening as adults. If it did work and he was responsible for a five-year-old today, that was fine too. If it was anywhere in-between, he was prepared to adapt and ready to learn. Everything was fine, he just had to open the door, wake Crowley up, and start their day together.
He brushed his hands over his apron and then rested his palm on the doorknob, twisting it open and pushing his way into the dark room with a decisive motion.
“Crowley? Crowley, love, it’s time to wake up.”
“Hrrrn?” Crowley rolled over in bed, already twisted up in the sheets. He wasn’t a blanket hog when he shared the bed, but as soon as Aziraphale left he always made himself into a little burrito. It was adorable.
“Come on, sleepyhead.” Aziraphale sat down on the edge of the bed and ran a hand through Crowley’s hair, scratching gently at his head. “Breakfast is already on the table.”
“Oh nooo,” Crowley muttered, turning his head into the pillow so that his voice was muffled. “It’s today.”
“It is today!” Aziraphale said, continuing to pet Crowley’s head. “I made chocolate chip pancakes.”
“Sounds good.” Crowley’s voice was reluctant, and his face was firmly in the pillow.
“I know they’re your favourite, so I made them just for you,” Aziraphale told him. “Only the best for my favourite little one.”
Crowley finally rolled over, but only so that he could put his hands over his face and make an embarrassed whining sound. Aziraphale almost raised his eyebrows: it wasn’t a reaction he’d seen from Crowley before, and he hoped it meant he was on the right track.
“Alright, I’m opening the curtains, so keep your eyes closed!” Aziraphale said, rising from the bed and shaking out his skirt. He was wearing his favourite baking outfit, a yellow tartan dress with a floral apron tied around his waist. It made him feel like he was on the cover of a magazine, and he loved the colours.
He opened the curtains with a flourish, and sunlight came streaming into the room. Crowley had slept in late to give Aziraphale time to prepare, and the day was already nearing noon.
“Do you want to choose your outfit today?” Aziraphale asked, as if it was a question that he asked Crowley every morning.
“Yes,” Crowley said, and finally sat upright. He was so loveable in the mornings, his hair a mess and his pupils narrow slits against the light. “I want to choose.”
“Alright, do you want the blue shirt or the red shirt?”
“Red shirt.”
Aziraphale obediently pulled out one of the shirts they had bought together, a plain red t-shirt that wasn’t too far out of Crowley’s comfort zone, but was miles away from his previous outfits. “And shorts or pants, sweetheart?”
Aziraphale had expected that, and he pulled out a pair of black jeans. Again, not too unusual, but still looser than anything else that Crowley owned. He scooped out a pair of underwear and a new pair of striped socks, putting them all in a pile at the bottom of the bed.
“Do you want me to stay?” Aziraphale asked, as Crowley reached towards the clothes.
“Stay,” Crowley nodded.
“Do you want me to help?”
Crowley shook his head, so Aziraphale waited and watched Crowley get dressed, tossing his silk pyjamas carelessly on the floor. He stood patiently by the door until Crowley had all of his clothes on, even his socks.
“That’s not where your pyjamas go, little one,” Aziraphale said, and Crowley blinked at him with genuine surprise before glancing back at his crumbled pyjamas. “Could you put them away for me?”
Crowley frowned, but he obediently picked up the pyjamas, folded them, and walked over to put them in the right drawer.
“Good job!” Aziraphale praised, holding out his hand. “We can make the bed later, I think it’s time for breakfast.” Crowley already looked slightly overwhelmed, so Aziraphale wiggled the fingers of his outstretched hand. Crowley immediately walked over to hold his hand, and Aziraphale guided him out through the living room and into the dining room.
“There are the pancakes!” Aziraphale said, pointing to a very large stack on the table. “Are you excited?”
Crowley nodded, although Aziraphale could tell that he was still more anxious than anything. Aziraphale pulled out his chair and let him get settled, before sliding two pancakes onto a plate and starting to cut them up. Trying to decide what kind of a child Crowley wanted to try being had been hard: being a baby, a toddler, a seven-year-old, were all very different from each other and equally foreign to the two immortals. They had settled on an older toddler for the first try, so Aziraphale carefully cut the pancakes into bite-sized pieces and added the maple syrup before setting them in front of Crowley with a plastic fork.
Crowley scowled at the plastic fork, but used it to stab a piece of pancake. Aziraphale beamed, proud of how hard Crowley was trying to push past his own discomfort and how little he was trying to hide from Aziraphale at this moment. It was going more smoothly than he had expected, and as Crowley put the first bite of pancake in his mouth, his eyes lit up and he started to eat the rest at a much faster rate.
Hiding his fondness, Aziraphale turned to the counter and began stirring together some chocolate milk, pouring it into a sippy cup and giving it one last shake before putting it in front of Crowley.
Another double-take at the brightly coloured cup, but Crowley picked it up soon enough and started sucking at it, clearly enjoying the chocolate milk. Aziraphale had more of a sweet tooth between the two of them, but he’d never seen Crowley turn his nose up at something that was chocolate.
“Is it good, sweetheart?” Aziraphale prompted, sitting down to his own plate.
“Uh-huh!” Crowley ducked his head after his energetic confirmation, seeming embarrassed. Aziraphale beamed at him.
“I’m glad.” Aziraphale tucked into his own breakfast, watching Crowley struggle with the blunt plastic fork. He had chocolate smeared across one cheek and on the back of his hand already. I’ll have to wipe that up, Aziraphale noted absent-mindedly, and was struck by a wave of newness, mixed with an odd nostalgia for something he’d never had.  
Sure enough, at the end of breakfast, Crowley’s face and hands were smudged with chocolate, and Aziraphale wiped him off with a wet cloth, dropping a kiss on his forehead when he drew away. Crowley squirmed under the attention, but even that was unusual. Crowley usually tapped on the nearest surface when he was uncomfortable, but now he was just wiggling back and forth slightly, his hands wrapping around each other. Aziraphale gave him a reassuring smile and rinsed off the cloth.
“Alright, love, do you want to go outside or stay in to watch some cartoons?” Aziraphale asked as he cleared the table.
Crowley thought about that for a few seconds.
“Outside,” he decided.
“Outside it is.” Aziraphale left the chocolatey plates by the sink for later and returned to Crowley, who was pushing his chair back from the table. “Up you go!” he said, scooping Crowley into his arms and propping him on his hip. Crowley, although tall, had always been quite light. It was easy for Aziraphale to carry him with one arm wrapped under him and another one around his back.
Crowley settled against him easily, curling his hands into the fabric of Aziraphale’s dress.
“Maybe it was silly to wipe all that chocolate off,” Aziraphale murmured to himself as he carried Crowley down the hallway. “You’re just going to get all dirty outside.”
“No I won’t,” Crowley said defiantly. His voice sounded no different from normal, but somehow Aziraphale could tell that he was finding an inner child instinct much faster than Aziraphale had expected.
“Alright, I believe you,” Aziraphale told him, and pressed another kiss to Crowley’s cheek before setting him down on the front-hall bench. “Do you want to wear your new shoes?”
“Yeah!” This got a more excited response than anything else had before, Crowley swinging his legs forwards energetically. “Lights!”
Aziraphale knelt down in front of him, his skirt spreading out on the tile floor as he reached over to pull out the sneakers. Undoing the Velcro, he guided Crowley’s feet into them one by one and then did them up. Crowley resumed swinging his feet when Aziraphale stood up, testing how tight they were. He grinned at Aziraphale freely, kicking his heels into the bench he was sitting on and laughing when the shoes lit up with bright red lights.
“Very hip,” Aziraphale assured him. “You’ll be the talk of the town.”
“Uh-huh!” Crowley popped up to his feet, a sudden surge of motion. Aziraphale stopped him before he could run for the door, offering him a pair of plastic-rimmed sunglasses with little car stickers where they hooked behind the ears.
“Here you are, it’s very sunny out there.” Crowley reluctantly slipped them on. “But still don’t look directly at the sun,” Aziraphale added. “It’s very dangerous.”
“I know that,” Crowley grumbled.
“Good. I like your eyes the way they are,” Aziraphale said, and put on his own running shoes before opening the door.
Crowley was out like a shot, running down the garden path and into the sunshine before Aziraphale could step outside.
“Don’t run too far!” Aziraphale called after him, and Crowley’s carefree laughter came back to him. Crowley was spinning in the sun, just outside the garden fence, his arms out-flung to either side and his face tilted upwards.
Aziraphale relaxed when he saw that Crowley wasn’t going anywhere near the cliffs, and turned back to close the door. He wandered down the path, checking on the flowers and the tomatoes as he made his way towards the still-spinning Crowley.
“You’re going to fall over if you keep that up,” Aziraphale admonished. They could consciously stop dizziness, of course, just like any other function of the bodies they inhabited, but he doubted that Crowley was in a space to do so at the moment. At least the grass looked nice and soft under his feet.
Crowley obediently stopped spinning, and then tried to take a step forward towards Aziraphale and fell over sideways with a comedic shout of surprise. His shoulder hit the ground hard, and he rolled to a stop on his back, staring up at the sky.
“Are you alright?” Aziraphale called, suppressing the urge to run forwards and make sure Crowley wasn’t hurt. They were made of tougher stuff than that, and there was no need to hover.
“I… yeah.” Crowley pushed himself up to a sitting position, and looked over to Aziraphale. “I’m fine.”
Aziraphale couldn’t put his finger on what had changed, but he was well aware that the tumble had jolted Crowley out of the relaxed headspace he’d found. He was back to the Crowley that Aziraphale was familiar with.
“Do you want to go back inside?” Aziraphale asked, still fighting the urge to run forwards and scoop Crowley into his arms.
“Yeah.” Crowley pushed his sunglasses up so that he could rub his eyes. “I think I’m done for today, if that’s alright.”
“Of course.” Aziraphale finally approached, sitting cross-legged on the grass next to Crowley. “You can be done whenever you want.”
“It was short,” Crowley sighed. “But it was nice.”
“Oh?” Aziraphale could feel himself brighten at the off-hand comment.
“I think I’d like to do it again, either with you or by myself.” Crowley rolled the hem of his t-shirt between two fingers. “It was nice.”
“I would be happy to do it again with you,” Aziraphale said. “I had quite a bit of fun.”
“Did you?” Crowley was watching him from the corner of his eye, unwilling to meet his gaze head-on.
“Absolutely.” Aziraphale nodded enthusiastically. “You know how much I love playing the housewife every once in a while, cleaning the cottage by hand. This was even better than that, I’ve never felt so… human.” There was no other word for the feeling, like all the centuries could fade away into a single lifetime, like there was nothing above and nothing below but only the here and now. As though there were no obligation to how they had been made, and only the life they created together.
“An angel who wants to be a housewife,” Crowley chuckled, lying back on the grass and letting the childish sunglasses slide back over his eyes. “Sounds like the plot of a terrible romance novel.”
“Hallmark card, romance novel… at least I’m not someone’s idea of a tragic gothic hero,” Aziraphale said, poking Crowley in the side and relishing his laughter.
“You get one novel written about you and they never forget it,” Crowley griped. “Stop tickling me and lie down, angel. The sunlight is warm and you’re blocking it.”
“Oh, if I’m disrupting your basking,” Aziraphale said graciously and laid down next to Crowley, shifting closer to him and letting Crowley wrap an arm around him. The two of them laid under the noonday sun, breathing in the seaside air and closing their eyes to better savour the warmth. Everything that wasn’t them and their cottage seemed very far away, and Aziraphale felt properly at peace.
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charliesshitposts · 5 years
[Crowley whining while walking into IKEA with Aziraphale]
Crowley:I thought we were coming here to eat at the Food court.
Aziraphale:I said we could eat AFTER we picked out a couch for your flat. I’m getting tired of sitting at the desk. Now come on *drags him*
Crowley:*makes his legs stiff,whines louder* I don’t wanna gooooooo.
Aziraphale:*groans* Crowley...*spots the children’s waiting area,goes up to the security guard in front of the door,pulling Crowley along* Excuse me sir. What does it take for someone to get in there?
Security Guard:You have to be under 11.
Crowley:*face up against the glass of the children’s waiting area* Look it angel! They’re watching Disney movies.
Aziraphale:*to the security guard* I’ll pay you 50 to keep him in there while I do my shopping.
Security Guard: *thinks about it* 150 and I’ll have the employees in there give him a snack.
Aziraphale:*handing him the money* Deal.
[Leaves Crowley,goes to shop and eventually settles for a nice grey couch,comes back to get him afterwards,gets let into the little area where miniature bean bag chairs have been scattered everywhere. Crowley in the back by the wall sharing popcorn with a 7 year old]
Crowley:*mumbles while bringing popcorn to his lips* I love this part.
Aziraphale:*crouches down next to him,whispers* Crowley? We need to get going.
Crowley: *whispering* But I’m having fun. *chewing* Bruce never knew his father. Did you know that Angel? That’s quite sad.
Aziraphale:*chuckles* Sweetheart If we don’t leave now we won’t be able to go to the food court. They close earlier than the store.
Crowley:Right now?
Aziraphale:Right now.
Crowley:Can we watch this later then?
Aziraphale:*nodding* Of course. Now come on. Let’s go get some churros.
Crowley:*talking to the 7 year old as he stands up* I’ve gotta go. Good luck with your spelling test tomorrow. I hope you pass. *takes a handful of popcorn and follows Aziraphale out*
***i always use the spn tags***
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malereader-inserts · 5 years
To Your Days Off
Fandom: Good Omens Pairing: Aziraphale x Male!Reader x Crowley Summary: You remember the first time your boyfriends came to hang out on your off day from work. Word Count: 1,403 Request: “Could I get some soft poly!ineffable husbands headcanons?”
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It’s not often that Crowley and Aziraphale crash at yours overnight, but when they do, it’s the next day that’s pretty eventful at least to say. You remember the first times your significant others, your idiotic boyfriends called you up in the dead of night. Drunk and refusing to sober up.
So, you grabbed your sweatpants and threw on a hoodie as you grabbed your car keys. 
Usually, it was would be idiotic to have a car in London as public transport was car much quicker but you travelled a lot out of London, so that’s why you had a car. Sighing, you plugged in your phone to put your playlist as you drove to where both your boyfriends were handing out. 
Parking up in front of them, with Aziraphale leaning against Crowley’s shoulders - drooling a bit as the demon was taking another swing of the wine before pushing it to the sleepy angel.
You run your hand through your hair, shaking your head as you got out, “Oi!”
The two brightens up when they hear your voice and starts to grin when they see you. You rolled your eyes as the two stumbles towards you.
“Hello, sweetheart,” Aziraphale says affectionately, wrapping you up into a hug and nuzzling his face into your hoodie, “Missed you.”
“Hey, Azira,” You greeted tiredly, “Missed you too.”
What you found out is when the two are extremely tired (rare case since they are of celestial beings) or drunk they get more affectionate, needier and most definitely clingy. Not that you minded, it was nice to be loved and cared for. You kissed your angel on the nose as he stumbles his way into the passenger seat. 
You opened your arms and allowed Crowley to dive into them, you let out a small umph as the demon, just like Aziraphale, buries his head into your hoodie. You stroke his hair because you know that makes him feel good. Crowley sprawls out in the backseat as you get into your seat. 
You considered dropping them off to the bookshop but you considered against it as you drove past the building to your apartment.
“You missed our stop,” Aziraphale says, wide eyes, tapping you on the arm.
“I’m aware,” You hummed, nodding, “I’m not taking you two there.”
Aziraphale becomes silent as you could hear Crowley starting to doze off in the back. Pulling up to your parking, you beckoned the two, waking Crowley up, up to yours.
“Bedroom, down the hall to your right.”
You pointed the dark hallway as the two celestial beings made their way towards your bedroom. You huffed as you followed, shaking your head as you see your boyfriends flop onto your bed.
“Are you mad?” Crowley asked as he watched you rummage through your clothes, taking off his glasses and placing it beside him, “What are you doing?”
“Why would I be mad at the two of you?” You asked as you flung your clothes at them, “Comfier clothing, I do not need the two of you whining about your creased coat - I’m looking at you, Crowley!”
Crowley fusses, whining about his precious clothing as Aziraphale happily changes into your knitted sweater and pyjamas pants as Crowley changes into your short sleeves grey shirt and a darker shade of sweatpants. The two flop on to the bed and within seconds they were snoring.
You chuckle as you picked up Crowley’s clothes from the floor and kisses his temple, then moved to Aziraphale’s clothes, lightly kissing him on the cheek as you folded their clothes and put it on the dressed.
You looked at the bed and figured there was no point in trying to squeeze in so you shut the lights off and head out to the living room, you got yourself comfortable on the sofa and returned to sleep.
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Aziraphale woke up first, he doesn’t sleep often and Crowley sleeps like the dead, but the angel did admit that when he woke up it was refreshing. Sitting up, he examines the room and smiles so wide when he sees Crowley stirring awake.
“Morning, my dear,” Aziraphale greets, as Crowley sits up, “I’m guessing this isn’t your room.”
“Nah,” Crowley states loudly, “Too...bright..”
The two of them gets up, Crowley grumbling about the wall colour decision, noting their clothing had changed as the venture down the hallway to hear you snoring from the sofa.
“Oh dear, it seems like we’ve invaded (Y/n)’s room,” The angel concluded as Crowley made his way over to you, “Oh, Crowley, don’t-”
Too late, the demon fell on top of you, jerking you awake. Aziraphale sighs as he makes his way over, leaning over you as you come to your senses. Rubbing your eyes away from sleep as Crowley wraps his lanky arms around you.
“Morning,” You mumbled, blinking, “Crowley, you’re squeezing me too much.”
“I missed you last night in bed,” he grumbles as Aziraphale leans down to put kisses on your face making you giggle.
“Well, I had two drunken celestial beings raiding my bed, there wasn’t much space to fit in,” You informed them, “Hey, you need to scoot I need my breakfast and I know you guys don’t eat-”
“Oh!” Aziraphale exclaimed, pointing upwards, “I can make us crepes!”
The angel hurried towards your kitchen to look for ingredients as you try to pry yourself out of the demon’s grabby hands. You slide out onto the floor as Crowley pouts, you give him a peck before joining your other significant other in the kitchen.
Letting yourself up onto the counter, Crowley walks into the room exclaiming he was going to make you your coffee whilst Azirapahle got himself busy.
You never asked why they just don’t miracle up you your breakfast and coffee, but you remembered overhearing the two discussed in how to date you because they’ve dated each other for quite some times and being over non-human being, it was easy to maintain the relationship.
However, when you were added to the equation they were willing to show small gestures by hand than just snapping their fingers. You thankfully take the mug from Crowley as you take a sip you almost spit it back into his face as you cough.
“You put salt, not sugar,” You say as Crowley frowned at your reaction before using the teaspoon he was using to tap against the mug.
“Easy fix, my human,” Crowley says affectionately, watching you with his snake eyes as you take another sip, enjoying the bitter taste.
“Eat up, sweetheart!” Aziraphale exclaims, coming up behind the demon with a plate of crepes.
You smile brightly, placing the mug down beside you and accepting the plate of breakfast and placing it on your lap. You quickly devoured it as Crowley slung an arm around his angel, but watching your fondly. Aziraphale smiles and leans into his demon as you take your last bite.
“That was brilliant, thank you, honey,” You thanked, jumping down and cleaning up the plate.
It was Azriaphale’s turn to be just a tad needier as he wraps his arms around you and placed his head against the in-between of your shoulder plates.
“Now, that’s something,” Crowley muses, allowing his long arms engulf the two of you.
“Alright, we have the rest of the day to cuddle, just-” You wiggled out of their grips, “You two are lucky I’m off from work.”
“I’d allowed them to make you come off work,” Crowley shrugs his shoulders, “I’m very tempting, you know?”
“Of course you would, want to watch some movies?” You shake your head, not doubting his ability to be a demon.
The two looked at each other before dashing to your living room, shaking your head in amusement as you picked up you half drank coffee mug to were your boyfriends were relaxing on.
Aziraphale always taking the right side as Crowley takes the left, letting you squeeze in between. Crowley conjuring a blanket for the three of you as the two decided to crush you with their weight, sensing they wanted your cuddles.
“Alright boys, what is this time?” 
You asked as you allowed yourself to run your hand through Crowley’s locks whilst Aziraphale draw small patterns on your skin, tickling just slightly. 
“Anything you want, sweetheart,” The angel says, softly and gently.
The two didn’t care, if you were with them that was enough for them. 
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