#mr bang is really suffering
eomcheong-keun-megi · 9 months
*rapping BigBang's HARU HARU aggressively at you*
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emeraldthelynx · 6 months
Gift for @livmadart because Arsène won't leave me alone.
Ran let a long-suffering sigh out through her lungs. Of course Dad was drooling in front of the TV for A Yoko Okino show.
Conan was making himself happy with a thick mystery book on the couch, smirking to himself as he came across sections with clues. Really, he was just like Shinichi, trying to guess the mystery before it was solved. Sometimes she really had to wonder… There was a small, but rapid-fire knock on the office door. It sounded like a little fist. Conan rose his head in confusion. Ran looked down at him. "Conan, did you invite one of your friends over?" she asked. Conan shook his head, staring blankly. "No." he said. Ran looked back at her dad for a moment, then sighed. He was still drooling over the TV. "I'll go get it." she said. Conan's voice spiked urgently as she turned the knob. "W-wait! Don't let him-" The door swung open, and a little boy with a face just like Conan's burst into the room.
"Big brother! I found you!" he said. Ran whirled around, and her dad stared dumbly away from the screen. Conan's eyes were big and he frankly looked freaked out. "Ki- Arsène! I told you to stay at home!" he yelled. The clone, Arsène, dropped his bag to the floor of the office. "But, big brother! How can I stay at home when you're having such amazing adventures without me?" He grinned, eyes flashing a cheeky look. "Besides, you get to meet my hero, Kaito KID! I've got to see him, brother! I've just got to!" he said. Conan glared, and shot off the couch. "No Kaito KID!" he yelled, and started to chase Arsène. Arsène shrieked with laughter. "Ke ke ke! Catch me if you can, brother!" "I've caught you once, I'll catch you again!" "The number of time you've caught me is zeer-o!" "I'll use my sneakers!" "Meanie!" Ran stared at the sight of the two first-graders chasing each other around the couch in a state of half-shock. Her dad slowly straightened out. "The brat has a brother?" he said. Ran looked at this Arsène boy. He looked identical to Conan, if you excluded the bird's nest of hair and the missing glasses. "It looks like it?" she said. Conan lunged for Arsène. "You little KID!" Arsène twirled deftly out of the way, and Conan sprawled onto the floor. The twin looked down at him, brushed his bangs out of his face, and smiled politely. "It's an honor to meet you, Miss Ran." he said. He flicked his wrist, and a blue rose appeared. He grinned. "It's magic!" he said. Ran took the rose, looking at Arsène carefully. "Th-thank you." she said. She looked at Conan. The little boy was rubbing his head, and glaring at his apparent twin. "Conan, you never told me you had a twin brother." she said. Conan glared at Arsène. "That's because I don't like him." he said. Arsène plunked himself down on the couch. "But I like you, tiny detective! I told Papa that I'd be okay staying with you instead of traveling with him, so here I am!" he said, smiling wide and innocently. Dad stood up from behind his desk. "It's not 'okay' for you to be staying here, brat! I'm already taking care of your troublemaking big brother, I don't need another one of you around!" he said. Arsène frowned. "But Mr. famous detective Mouri! My brother has so many adventures with a the great detective! I want to have adventures too!" he said. Dad snorted, but it was clear Arsène was working to his ego. "Little brat. Fine! But you'd better pull your weight and not get in my way on a case like your big brother!" he said. Conan crossed his arms. "Make him go away, uncle!" he said. Arsène ignored him, and instead bounced up to Dad's desk. "Can I call you uncle too, Mr. famous detective?" he said. Dad groaned, and leaned back. "Sure sure. Now stop interrupting me, you're making me miss too much of Yoko's show!" he said, and turned back to the TV. Arsène stood on tiptoe to watch for a minute. Conan slapped his forehead. Ran bent down to him. "Conan, do you really hate you brother this much? You really should of told me you had one." she said. Conan pouted. "But, Ran! Arsène is a lot of trouble! He bugs me as much as Kaito KID!" he said. Ran thought she might of imagined Arsène looking back for a quick moment with an irritated look that wouldn't have been out of place on Shinichi's face, but ignored it. Ran picked up Conan.
"But you still like the challenges that the KID makes, right? So you can't dislike your brother so much you can forget about him. Isn't that right, big brother Conan?" she said. Conan frowned, turned away, but Ran could tell by the way he relaxed his body that he had accepted his fate. Arsène turned back from looking at the TV. "Miss Ran? Can I go up too?" he asked. Conan's body went rigid. "No way! You're not allowed to touch Ran!" he said. Arsène smirked. "Protective much, little detective?" he said. Conan glared. "Little KID magician!" "Tiny tiny detective!" "Meddling magician!" "Nosy investigator!" "Rule breaker!" "Teacher's pet!" Ran slowly felt a headache build in the back of her head. Oh boy, she hoped she wouldn't regret this. She belatedly realized later that Shinichi didn't have a twin brother. Well there went that theory…
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theodorecanaryhood · 7 months
The Apartment Upstairs
Jason Todd (left) x Male reader
Warning: swearing and sexual references
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It was a quiet night for the streets, which made a huge change. Jason tiredly strolled down the hallway as he reached his apartment door.
He heard shuffling upstairs which was strange due to it being coming up so late, but he was too tired to care.
The next day, Jason spent time catching up on some Netflix. He was finding it hard to focus a little as there was some small banging from upstairs.
Jason opened his apartment door as he listened out, hearing someone shifting boxes and such upstairs.
Mr McGregor used to live in 13b, but he was admitted to a nursing home after suffering from dementia.
The countless times Jason used to find Mr McGregor trying to break into Jason’s apartment, thinking it was his own.
The times he would have to remind Mr McGregor it was a Sunday and no post or packages were coming, or that it wasn’t 1984 anymore. Jason used to get called Patrick, which was Mr McGregor’s brother.
Jason always felt sad for the older man, used to play along as to not cause too much confusion or frustration.
‘Hey’ Jason smiled as he saw his neighbour, a young blonde woman.
‘Hey Jason’ she responded, sitting through her baby things, starting to show a little.
Her husband came up behind and handed her a little bag, filled with baby clothes.
Jason smiled as he watched the interaction, and the possibility of another neighbour being lost. A one bedroom apartment wouldn’t be ideal for a newborn.
The laundry room was always dim, smelled funny and was always full. Rarely in the years that Jason lived here, he’d never seen the laundry room empty of clothes.
The machine going on a rampage as it cleaned all of Jason’s clothes, a male figure appeared in the room.
Jason knew just about everyone that lived in this building, advantage of being home all day most days.
Your petite figure was what caught Jason’s eyes first, your h/c hair and e/c eyes. Jason towered over most people, you seemed no exception.
You didn’t speak to Jason, nor did you introduce yourself. You both finished in the laundry room at the same time, Jason seeing as you went up to apartment 13b.
‘Guess he’s my new neighbour’ Jason mumbled to himself.
There was a silence that always filled the halls at this time, however, there was a small argument occurring.
Jason heard it was coming from above, figuring it was coming from you.
Jason made his way upstairs and saw as his new neighbour was throwing clothes at another man he’d never met.
‘Get out’ you shouted as the door shut in his face, the stranger picking up his clothes off the floor as he hurried away.
Jason locked eyes with the stranger, him being red in the face as he avoided contact with your neighbours.
A day must’ve passed, Jason kept thinking about what happened the day before. The entertainment was often. Something by had been happening almost everyday since you moved in.
‘Fuck’ Jason gasped as he saw water coming from his ceiling.
There was a sudden knock on the door, Jason went over and opened it. Only to see you, red in the face and seemingly flushed.
‘Hey, so sorry to bother you. I have a burst pipe and had to shut off my water before it gets worse, just wanted to ask if you have any damage?’ You asked, Jason nodded a little.
‘It just started pissing down, I thought it might be from upstairs’ Jason smiled a little.
You sighed a little as you revealed the wrench in your hand, probably from doing work.
‘I’m so sorry, I hope it didn’t cause too much. I’m happy to pay for any damage’ you offered, Jason shaking his head.
‘No, no it’s fine really. I needed to paint my ceilings. This has just given me some motivation’ Jason joked as the two of you laughed.
‘I realised I never really introduced myself, I’m y/n, I live in 13b’ you held out your hand, Jason shook your hand with a polite smile.
‘Jason, 12b’
You sat on Jason’s couch as he gave you a beer, the two of you got to know each other a little better. Jason told you about the man that used to live in your apartment.
You felt sad when you heard how the man turned out, but happy to know Jason helped him.
The dreaded realisation that the walls are very thin, Jason had heard the ordeal from a few nights ago.
‘He is my ex boyfriend, he slept around and hit me a few times. I moved to get away from him, but he found me’ you revealed, the clothes that belonged to him were what was left over from months before.
Reggie, your ex boyfriend, showed up on your doorstep without any warning, asking for you to take him back. You of course refused.
Jason’s lighting in his apartment was great, it seemed romantic and like a typical bachelor pad. Or a Chad pad.
Jason didn’t seem to have girls or guys going in and out all the time, truth be told, Jason didn’t mention a partner.
It was a few more weeks, the two of you met up a couple more times to hang out. Netflix documentary, movies, drinks.
The two of you began going to bars together, going to movies together. Jason even started taking you to his gym.
You became friends quickly, but Jason still didn’t seem a type to run in people’s beds.
It was refreshing, most of your guy and girl friends always seemed to just want a night of fun with a stranger.
You’d only ever slept with someone that you knew well enough, someone you were dating. That of course, changed quickly one night.
‘Come in, let’s have some more drinks’ Jason slurred, the two of you going inside his apartment for some more drinks.
You both had already had one too many, but why not? You’re home now.
Music playing, not too loud of course as you had neighbours. Drinks, laughing, with the occasional touching of each others skin.
Jason wrapped his arms around you as he gave you a warming hug, you smiled into the hug. The drinks already taking over your system.
The night seemed a bit blurry, but it didn’t matter as it’s morning now.
Shuffling a little, dry mouth from the antics of drinking anything but water, eyes blurry for a few seconds as you felt confused.
Black bedding, you don’t own any black bedding…yet here you were, in black bedding.
‘Oh shit’ you gasped, turning to see Jason fast asleep. Next to you, in his bed.
You screamed internally, realising what you’d done, the two of you had obviously been drinking to the point you both got horny.
‘Oh, good morning’ Jason said, almost as a question as his eyes locked with yours.
‘Morning’ you smiled slightly, Jason looked to see you were both in his bed, neither of you had any clothes on.
The two of you didn’t know what to make of it, the past few days you would go out of your way to avoid Jason. He seemed to be doing the same.
It got awkward too much, you felt you couldn’t just not speak to him again.
‘Can we talk?’ You asked, standing at Jason’s door.
Jason stepped aside and let you in, you feeling like your heart was going to jump out of your chest.
‘Beer?’ Jason asked, handing you one as he opened his and took a big sip.
‘I can’t keep ignoring you, I don’t feel bad about what happened. I just wanted to understand your thoughts’ you said, hesitation.
You still took into account Jason is gay too, but you may not be his type. Though, you couldn’t lie about Jason definitely being yours.
Jason took your hand in his as he nodded a little, eyes looking deep into yours.
‘I don’t feel bad, I wanted to ask you about your thoughts’ Jason admitted.
Seems Jason had the same problem as you, thinking maybe he wasn’t your type. You being his though.
The two of you laughed as you both realised you were getting closer, not just as friends.
Jason leant in as he kissed you, you smiled as you pulled him in.
Jason made it official, asking you for an official date. Not wanting it to be a case of the two of you just going to the bedroom all the time.
The two of you wanted to try and make it work, taking your time with everything. Even though Jason pointed out the two of you had already had sex.
Hands holding hands down the street, still living in separate apartments, Jason kissed your head as he felt thankful to have met you. Thankful to have had that drunken night to gain the courage to take a leap.
The two of you were happy the way it was at the moment, not wanting to rush into the bigger steps, but love was blooming quickly and surely.
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niqhtlord01 · 1 year
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Humans are weird: Not Having It, Death
Alien shape shifter appears: Fear me and tremble mortals, for I am your death.
Human: Bullshit; you’re not death.
Alien: Oh but I am.
Human: Death is covered in chocolate, and I doubt your dry ass is white chocolate.
Alien: What?
Human 2: Yeah I don’t get it either.
Human: What’s not to get?
Human: I am deathly allergic to chocolate, therefore death is chocolate.
Alien: I will not suffer this inso-
Human 2: Now that’s not the same thing.
Human 2: What you are describing is what will kill you, not death itself.
Human 3: At best that could be argued that chocolate is your personification of death.
Alien: I-
Human: Well even if chocolate is my personification of death, and it kills me; then clearly it still is death!
Human 3: *Turns to human 2* He does have a point there.
Human 2: By that logic anything that you are allergic to can be considered death.
Human 3: It’d be gerbils for me.
Human 1 & 2: *Look at human 3*
Human 3: What?
Human 3: I flare up when I touch their fur and my throat closes up.
Human 3: I’d be dead in minutes if I touched one of those furry fuckers.
Human: So death for you is tiny little gerbils?
Human 2: *Snickering*
Human 3: It’s not fucking funny!
Human 3: Those little bastards scamper all over the place and you can barely hear them.
Human 3: One could brush up against me and I wouldn’t know till my throat locked up.
Alien: Are you all implying your species version of death is what you are allergic to?
Human: Well yeah.
Human 2: What else would it be?
Human 3: Well we deal with those all the time so they’re not really as scary as you think.
Alien: Why does death need to be scary!?
Alien: Death is death!
Human 2: Exactly!
Human 2: Which is why death is really being eaten alive by those little fish at malls that nibble on your dead skin cells of your feet.
Human 1 & 3: *Groaning*
Human 3: Show me one instance of that actually happening and I will admit that those little fish are really death.
Human 2: That’s just it!
Human 2: There are no examples because they cover them up!
Human: I have seen our government fail to cover up sex scandals in the highest seats of political power, but you’re telling me that they are really just diverting all their efforts to cover up deaths by little mall fish?
Human 2: It’s a bigger business than you would think.
Human 1 & 3: *Groaning again*
Human 3: You sound more like a pyramid scheme now.
Alien: As fascinating as this philosophical debate is about what death is, I really just want to kill you all and harvest your life essence.
Human: Look at Mr. Fancy britches over here.
Human: *Mocking tone* I’m too important to wait on you, so just die already. Hurdy, hurdy, hur.
Human 2 & 3: *Laughing*
Human: Look, we’re going to let you kill us but we first have to decide on what form of death you take or you won’t get as much life essence.
Alien: *Stops itself from eating Human 3* Wait, really?
Human 3: *Still between the jaws of alien* Oh yeah; when we are killed by the real death we give out a shit loads of life essence.
Alien: Why are you telling me this then?
Alien: Why not save your selves by trying to distract me?
Human 2: Because in our way we feel the least amount of pain.
Human 2: So giving us less pain gives you more life essence; win win for everyone.
Alien: *Sets human 3 down and nods*
Alien: Why not let me kill you each one at a time, so I can be your own versions?
Human: Won’t work now since we all know we have different versions.
Human: We need to agree on all the same version or it won’t benefit any of us.
Human 2 & 3: *murmur in agreement*
Alien: Okay then, why don’t we start what you all think is death and we’ll narrow down from there?
*Six hours later*
Human: Sometimes I’m afraid I’ll get my fingers slit open when I open those little blue candy bars and I’ll bleed to death.
Alien: *Banging head against rock*
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brianwashere · 2 years
saw requests were open so might as well request :p ; imagine being peter parker’s younger brother that also has spider powers and during the snap peter turn dust so most likely aunt may did as well. So reader was most likely homeless for a while until matt murdock comes in as daredevil and becomes a father figure for the reader :)
Kicking my feet and giggling. I haven’t got a req in so long and I love getting them so this made me very happy. So sorry the ending is abrupt I really wanted to get this posted!
If anyone wants another part to this I will write more!
**I do not own any characters or part of the franchise from Daredevil or Marvel**
Paining: Matt Murdock/Daredevil x Male!Teen!Spider!Reader
Genre: family stuff(?) it’s all light hearted
Summary: look at req
Tw: a bit of language, probably; Matt punches reader on accident lmao
Fear’s corner
You seemed to only be scared these past few months. You were scared when you watched your brother climb aboard that flying alien donut. You were scared when you lost connection to his com and phone.
You were scared when you held your Aunt May and watched her turn to dust.
You were scared when the landlord kicked you out and called CPS after she realized you couldn’t pay rent.
It had been two months living on the streets. Two months starving; two months waiting for Peter to come home. Deep down you knew he’d suffered the same fate as Aunt May.
The cold winter winds rattled your bones and caused you to pull the threadbare ski jacket closer to your body. You shivered and kept moving down the street.
Tonight was a shitty night. You never stopped your spidey-work because you knew if Peter was here he’d want you to continue. Tonight was too cold for it, the suit doesn’t exactly provide thermal insulation, and the suit that was a gift from Mr. Stark was only for emergencies.
As you wandered through Hell’s Kitchen you searched for any grocery stores or restaurants with accessible dumpsters so that you could dig through and find food. You squinted at the sign of a large glass door entrance and saw it was a grocery store.
Walking around to the dumpster, you took a running start and scaled the wall, not so gracefully landing on top of the dumpster.
You grabbed one of the two lids and threw it over. The heavy black plastic banged against the green rusted metal and you cringed.
The black bags seemed to taunt you, reminding you of how low you’ve sunk in only two months. You shook your head and jumped down, beginning to tear through garbage bags upon garbage bags.
You found an unopened granola bar and ripped the packing open, gobbling it down without another thought. You gulped heavily, pushing the last of the granola down and taking a large gasp of air. You got back to searching for more food.
That’s when you got the feeling. Your spidey-senses were tingling. You grabbed ledge of the dumpster and threw yourself over. A man in a red suit with devil horns landed in front of you. Stumbling back, your back hit the brick wall of the dumpster.
“Hey, hey. Calm down.” He said collectedly.
You gulped and easily jumped over the brick wall, taking off in a sprint.
“Hey, wait! Hold on!” The man called.
You sprinted even faster, any stranger chasing you and telling you to ‘hold on’ was an automatic threat.
You could hear footsteps following you.
‘Holy shit. This guy’s fast.’
You ran down the dark streets, trying to find somewhere to get up higher. You turned down a pitch black alleyway and jumped onto a fire escape, scaling it as fast as you could. You grabbed the ledge of the building and dragged yourself over it, gasping for breath.
Two red boots blocked your vision and you shot up. The man punched you right in the eye before gasping suddenly and gripping your hoodie.
“Jesus, you’re just a kid, aren’t you?” The question was more rhetorical but you shook your head ‘no’ anyway.
He didn’t need to know your age or that you were on your own. You began to flail to get away but air wasn’t reaching your lungs. The man let you go and you broke into a coughing fit. Collapsing to the ground, you wheezed for breath, desperate for air.
“Hey, hey kid, breathe. Breathe. In and out.” He spoke softly to you.
You followed his instructions and realized there was a weight on your back. This stranger was rubbing soothing circles on your back.
“There you go, just calm down, Kid.” He comforted.
You couldn’t bring yourself to pull away from the first positive touch you’d had in a while.
“Do you have somewhere to go?” The vigilante asked.
You shook your head, seeming to forget that you shouldn’t be telling him this. He sucked in a breath.
“I know someone I can take you to, ok?” The devil said quietly; silently asking if you would go.
You just nodded pathetically. Trying to get up was very wobbly for you. The man helped steady you though.
“You’re in no condition to jump rooftop to rooftop,” He said, seemingly to himself. “We’ll walk instead.”
You just shrugged half-heartedly, suddenly feeling very tired. You met his mask and he gestured near the ladder expectantly. You raised an eyebrow at him but began your descent down the fire escape.
You finally reached the point where you could jump off. You landed on your feet, but your knees buckled and you fell back. The man was standing over you in a second. He reminded you of Peter some.
Peter would always be the first one by your side if he thought you were hurt.
You stood up slowly and dusted yourself off.
“Follow me.” The red man instructed.
You caught up to walking beside him. You glanced around the buildings and cleared your throat.
“So uh…what’s your deal, huh? You just go around finding homeless kids to shove into randos’ homes?” You asked, trying to fill the void noise.
He seemed surprised you could talk and fumbled over his words.
“I am Daredevil, protector of Hell’s Kitchen.” He stated.
“Wow.” You said, unimpressed. “So is that like—the full name or is it just Daredevil?” You teased.
He huffed out a laugh, seeming to realize the ridiculousness of his introduction.
“Just Daredevil.” He smiled.
You nodded some.
“So this ‘guy’ you know…is he like..some foster care guy…?” You really didn’t wanna go into the system; you’d met other homeless kids who had ran away from their foster families because of how awful it was.
“…no. Would you rather he be?” Daredevil responded.
“Hell no. I think I’d rather die.” You laughed some.
The silence was more than slightly awkward. You cleared your throat. Your eye throbbed.
“Soooo…why’d you punch me?” You swung your arms back and forth.
He choked at that.
“Thought you were a criminal. And an adult. Most people don’t run unless they’re guilty.” Daredevil explained.
You hummed in acknowledgement. It was his turn to ask questions now.
“So how’d you just…jump that wall like that?” He asked.
“Oh uhhhh. Parkour…?” You tried.
The red man nodded some, though he didn’t look at all convinced.
The rest of the walk went well. He stopped at an apartment complex and buzzed in.
“Fourth floor. Room 14.” He stated before running off.
You raised your eyebrows as you watched him scurry off.
‘What a weird guy.’
You just shook your head and began your ascent to the fourth floor.
When you got to the fourth floor and room 14 you paused, hearing various crashes and curses. A few seconds later the door opened and a scruffy looking man appeared. He was dressed in a wrinkly t-shirt and pair of sweatpants; he was staring right over you.
You started to regret coming into the apartment complex.
“Uh…the devil guy told me to come here.” You stated.
He blinked and his face morphed into one of what you supposed to be surprise. It more just looked like over exaggerated confusion.
“Yeah come in,” the brown haired man opened the door wider for you to pass through. “I’m Matt. Matt Murdock.” He said with a smile.
“Yeah…so you’re uh…some kinda—“ You made a vague, random gesture with your hands.
Matt just blinked and waited for the end of your sentence. It was then you noticed his eyes didn’t actually track and movement or shifts of light.
“Forgive me for asking, but are you blind?” You attempted to ask politely.
At that he cracked another smile and laughed some.
“Indeed I am. I hope that won’t be much on a problem.” Matt grinned at you.
“No! No of course not!” You rushed to explain, at which he laughed more.
“Calm down, Kid—“ The rest of his sentence faded out as you zoned in on those three words.
The words that had been uttered to you not half an hour before. By the same voice. Matt seemed to catch on that something was wrong.
“Everything alright, Kid?” He asked concerned.
“You’re Daredevil, aren’t you?” You swallowed thickly.
He huffed out a disbelieving laugh.
“No? Why would you say that? Why would I even know Daredevil?“ Daredevil started.
“Your voice is the exact same as his. And you’re the only one who’s ever called me ‘Kid’ before.” You explained.
He pursed his lips, looking more disappointed in himself than anything else.
“Yeah I’m—I’m Daredevil.” He awkwardly stated.
“So…you’re not really blind?” You knit your brows together.
“No, I’m blind it’s just that I can—it’s hard to explain, let’s just get you settled in for now.” He changed the subject.
It left you more confused but you supposed you had no better option but to agree. You hadn’t slept on anything remotely related to a couch in two months and you couldn’t wait to get the best night’s sleep of your life.
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cookiesandcosplay · 4 months
So! I Found an AU suggestion and this is the result. Inspired by the post linked, please feel free to give any feedback or comments.
Word count: 1.3k
Trigger warnings are in the tags!
@thecoolkids-things @genocidecomics
Too many. So many…
Remy LeBeau had fought everything he could, pulled children from the wreckage of splintered buildings. Grotesque infrastructure mangled and broken as the vile metallic beast tears through the once safe haven that was once Genosha.
Streets once filled with music and beauty, now ran red with bloodied rubble and bodies.
Horror. The smell of death. The sound of screeching beams filling the air. As he moved to take down the Sentinel, seeing it take off towards the gardens, Gambit pulled his trusty bow-staff from his pocket, a poorly planned plan sprouting to his mind. A kinetic surge. Shock the damn thing from the inside, take out the belly of the beast and it’ll drop where it stands.
His beloved Southern Belle had already taken a blow, Magneto eliminated before her very eyes as she was rooted to the spot by a cage of the old man’s own design. He can imagine it felt like hell. Seeing the closest thing to love torn away from you in a flash… It had broken him, watching her be wrenched from him during the dance at the gala. Even if she wasn’t his to lose, even if she’d already told him that he was just the Swamp Rat waiting in the wings? Watching as she glided through the air, bare skin brushing against the hands of the Germanic old fool. It’d broken him. Hurt him on the deepest of levels. He’d never held her like that, now it seemed he never would.
Even if he had expected the pain, it didn’t make it any easier to accept. He wasn’t ready, doubtful really that he ever would be.
Since the tortuous visions courtesy of Mr Sinister back at the mansion, LeBeau had had his fears. His doubts. His outright heartbreaking paranoia. But that all paled in comparison to the hearing the way Rogue saw him. A man who could never touch her. Not in the way she felt mattered. Not in the way she wanted. Needed. His heart had shattered as she made her admissions in his room. Speaking about how he was never going to light her up the way he brightened the rest of the world. That his touch was able to light up everything around him, but not her.
But even now, he’d lay down his life to keep her safe, a Devil’s Advocate. The truest gambit that may not pay off on his end… But the surviving mutants would be safe. She would be safe. Rogue is laid somewhere east, knocked out of flight (hopefully consciousness) from the charged motorcycle he’d launched into her to prevent what was essentially a suicide attempt in a rage filled move of vengeance.
He had no wish to die, but Hell… If he had to go, he’d sue better than the thieving swamp rat he was always seen to be. As he steels his gaze upon the vile kaiju creature that moves for the distance, taking a final millisecond to appreciate that she won’t see him suffer. Closing his eyes for a moment more, obsidian and ruby eyes fall closed for a brief moment, the Cajun taking a final breath as he coils himself to run. “Gambit ain’t got a chance… but the rest ah ya do. Content qu'elle ne soit pas réveillée pour voir ça.” The words meant for no one but himself. Muscular legs move to spring forward.
Until a hand grasps his arm, turning him away from the metallic monster with force. Sections of reddish brown hair and stark snowy bangs falling from the intricate braided bun that had once contained the curly manic locks. Emerald eyes shine with tears, as her body floats before him. The tattered red dress and running eyeliner may have seemed imperfect, but only showed the ferocity and tenacity that embedded her spirit. “Rogue no, Cher, I—“ The words are cut short, broken by lips against his. Heady, desperate as he feels a weakness in his body, gentle warm hands cupping his jawline to steady him as the strength starts to leave his body. The glow that once surrounded his staff begins to fade, a groan leaking into Rogues mouth as his wide eyes fall closed. His body starts to droop, falling into a state of weariness.
Releasing his jaw, Remy falls to the ground, the knees of his white suit trousers scuffed in the dirt. “Sorry Sugah… But this is how it has to happen. You light up everythin’ you touch. Even me.” Her body rises in the air, a heavy pink glow surrounding her as she looks down at the Cajun. A deep black seems to flash in her eyes for a moment, the darkness alight with a loving silence. An apology that she prays Remy can recognise. For the slightest moment she meets his gaze with a weak smile, only to whoosh away again, grabbing rubble and tossing it with the kinetic charge to draw the threats attention.
The shriek of green energy beams follow her, the Southern Belle weaving and bobbing around each ray. As a kinetic charge breaks a large crack in the Sentinel, she rushes forward, gritting her teeth as she generates the heavy kinetic field around herself. Her skin is on fire, her bones ache, her blood is boiling and her muscles are starting to seperate. Her voice is weak, the vibration of her vocal cords causing her more pain than breathing as she pushes on. “Ah feel you, Sugah, ah feel you!”
With a final push, Rogue breaks through the large crack burying herself in the swarm of wires and metallic veins inside the shell. A rasping brutal scream fills the air as the terminal blow leaves her body. Fingers wrapped around metal tendrils, limbs tangled in the wires and leads.
A bleeding pink glow envelopes the night sky, a mushroom cloud of Sentinel shrapnel spreading across the sky. LeBeau watching from the ground, he’s sick to his stomach, soundless, left in a state of shock. His fingers dig into the dirt, gripping as his head drops for a moment, he’s on all fours. Trying to muster the strength to recognise what he’s just seen. Sweat beading on his brow, blood streaking from his nose under the duress. Eyes clenched shut, he grits his teeth, jaw straining until a breath is finally released, a scream filling the air. “Rogue!” The scream is guttural, he can taste the metallic tang of blood as he howls.
Clutching at the bow staff again, he pulls himself to his feet, stumbling as he tries to run towards the gaping hole in the street. Adrenaline coursing through him, the drained energy not enough to hold him back as he sees a deep drop in the pavement. He throws himself into the hole, soot and dirt streaking the white suit as he skids the bowl-like drop. Hitting the bottom, there’s a limp body sprawled in the dust. Red fabric, singed and messy hair framing a face with blood streaming from her ears and lips.
“No… no, Cher no.” The words are weak as he crawls to the form, pulling away the lingering shards of metal tendrils, throwing them away as he pulls her body into his lap with no hesitation. A shaking hand supports her head, the other taking her hand.
Sobs rattle in his chest, his breaths shallow, almost wet as blood clings to his throat. Her chest unmoving, her emerald eyes closed as small sections of hair smoulder, pale skin marred by charcoal and bloody scrapes. The hand holding hers traces gentle circles on her palm, pulling it against his cheek. Her fingers are limp, unmoving, pale as the blood no longer circulates.
Desperately he holds the hand tight against his face. Whimpering words the only sound that fill the air as survivors step closer to the pit.
“S’okay, cher. Gambit’s gotchu. He ain’t lettin’ go. Gambit’s gotchu.”
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oldirontender · 1 year
i have a literal addiction to staring at images of henry on the ttte wiki so im making this post as a compilation of all my favorite henry faces. bc his face means so so so much to me.
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first ones first. a lovely guy. love his lips in these illustrations. i usually cant stand defined lips on the engines but the earlier railway series artists just GOT it yknow. anyway i rate this face a 7/10
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oh ho HO!!!! a lovely man indeed. i love how hes illustrated by Dalby so so much. like LOOK AT THIS GUY!!!!! i rate this face 8/10
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AHHH!!!!! WAAAAAHH!!!!!!!!! the start of his :>. the :> is my life force and its the thing that keeps me going every day. i love his :> so so so so SO much. any face with the :> gets at least a 9.5/10. which is this ones rating.
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O _ O
i like this one. 7.5/10
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HE. HEHEHEHE. HEH HEHEHEHH .. ..... :> *kicks my feet in delight* ... .... ...10/10
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HE SUFFERS DREADFULLY AND NOBODY CARES. 8/10. he looks like hes in desperate need of ibuprofen. love him for that.
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>:((((((((    >:((( HES SO PISSED BHGAHHADHAHARBRBH. 8/10. also this artist is my favorite of the railway series. i love you john t kenny. i love you so much.
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>:[ stupid fuckign BITHC!!!! STUPID!!!! GRAAHH!!!!! 8/10
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THIS ONES SO GOOD IDK WHY I JUST REALL Y LOVE HIM SO MUCH. 10/10 i wish his face wasnt in the snow so i could make it my icon on discord.
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ok moving on to the model series. sorry i dont really enjoy how the other railway artists draw henry as much as these 2 artists
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ho. ho he ha. he ha ho. oh oh ohoh oh oho hehehehehehehehehehehhehe. he is SO pissed. SO angry. angry but in a LOVELY way. he serves so much cunt. 9/10 i love when they use this face.
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HES SO. GRRGHRGRRHRHRGRHRGHRHGRHRG *bangs my head against my wall* 9/10.
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this one is also so so so sos SO good. i mean its WONDERFUL. i wanna pet him like a gerbil. feed him some seeds and watch him run around on a little wheel in his cage. 10/10. makes me smile. makes me :)
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reminder that he suffers. 9/10. he is on the verge of tears. *mr krabs voice* we should put him down
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<:O. i like his lips on this face a lot. he looks a little gay. 9/10
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9/10. henry ur shupposhed to deliver fish not shwim with them
and finally
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reminder that he suffers. DREADFULLY. 9/10
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cornie-heesan · 5 months
Part One: "Leave me out in the forest to rot"
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Staring| non idol! Bang Chan x fem!reader
Featuring| Other members of stray kids as supporting characters
Started| April 30, 2024
Ended| ???
Part| 1/???
Word Count| 789
A/N| This is going to be a multi-part fic where each chapter will come with it's own set of warnings to adequately fit each one.
pt. 2| All of my writings are works of pure fiction. In no way are they representative of the idols mentioned in them. If you don't like them, don't read them.
pt.3 The writing style of these parts will vary depending on the situation. Some parts may be written in 3rd person 'You' form or through the perspective of a narrator.
WARNINGS| none really, besides cussing because I am the way I am. This part is short. Trying to ya know, set the scene with this series lol
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There are certain things that some would consider the simple joys in life. For example, reading a book, painting a picture, or even listening to a favorite podcast. However, those who do not enjoy some of these activities would rather you suffer a horrible day and spill an entire hot pot of coffee where coffee is not intended. 
Y/N is one of those simple pleasure kind of people- whereas her coworker Jeongin is one of the world’s biggest haters of her happiness. This is how the three opening baristas of The Cup House start their morning. Agonized screaming, cursing, and a whole batch of coffee wasted.
“Yang Jeongin, I swear to god when I get my hands on you- your ancestors will detest your very existence!”
“Fucking bite me, Y/N! I am not listening to that stupid podcast anymore!”
Felix watches in pure horror as the youngest of the baristas throws a dirty dish rag at Y/N- only adding fuel to the fire. From his couple of months working here, Felix has determined that the relationship between you and Jeongin borders on homicidal siblings. If one of you is worked up, then the other is right there to make it worse than it needs to be. 
“Guys! We literally open in two minutes!” Felix tries his best to start cleaning up the coffee around the two of you bickering- next thing he knows you’re standing behind the counter in nothing but the lacy bra you told him about over the weekend. 
“I swear to go Jeongin when I tell Mr. Kim about this bullshit he’s revoking your access to the fucking tips.” 
All the commotion leaves all three baristas too distracted to hear the bell above the door. Y/N and Jeongin are bickering back and forth as Felix tries to hand Y/N a dry shirt to cover up with before any customers, let alone their boss see what’s happening.
“Wow… When Han said there was interesting service here, I didn’t think he meant this.” There’s a low whistle that causes the baristas to freeze- before turning to the two men on the opposite side of the counter. Jeongin and Felix recognized them as two of the employees from the music store across the street- a place they frequented often on their shared days off.
Y/N tries to keep her blush at bay when her eyes met those of the purple haired customer- he grins sheepishly trying to keep his eyes at a respectful level. Damn this man and his cute fucking dimples. Y/N snatches the shirt from Felix before glaring at Jeongin "Fuck you, Innie," her shoulder checks his as she storms by- blush crawling up her neck.
"Did we just witness a breakup?" Changbin snorts leaning against the counter "If I ever dated Y/N- I want someone to leave me out in the forest to rot." Jeongin scoffs before turning towards the kitchen to make a fresh batch of coffee. Chan watches him wide eyed before meeting Felix's already exhausted eyes- "They are friends through Y/N's younger brother. So like, by proxy they have to dislike one another."
Chan slowly nods, "but, why was her shirt off?" still confused about what The Cup House was all about "IN, spilled an entire batch of black coffee on her. I didn't stop their fighting in time to stop the strip show, unfortunately." Felix sighs grabbing the cups for their regular orders.
"I'd smash" Changbin smirks in the direction Y/N wandered off towards before a heavy slap landed on the back of his head "Shut the fuck up Bin,"
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"Wait," Han stops the music playing throughout the store "You guys walked in and Y/N just had her shirt off?" He can't believe that "The one day I don't offer to go get the coffee!" He yells before getting a response "Dude, she didn't even spare me a glance. I doubt she would've noticed you with the way she was going in on Innie," Changbin snorts
"But she's so mommy when she's yelling like that" there was no hesitation with Han's response. He's always had a bit of a thing for women who yell and degrade him. Chan's eyebrows furrow as he looks away from his laptop. "You two need professional help," he says while grabbing his headset to pull over his head.
"Goooood morning, ladies and gents it's Chan,"
"And ya boy Han- thanks for tuning into 3racha. All things music and a little bit about our personal lives," at this Changbin snorts "More like ninety-five percent our personal lives and five percent music."
"So, here's my first question out for the twitter audience- how would you react if the cute barista across the street was just serving you in her bra?"
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So, this is part one. I wanted to use this as an introduction to the series. Also, to introduce the personalities- somewhat- of all those involved. You'll learn a bit more about the personalties of Chan and Y/N the further we get into this.
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danganronpa96 · 10 months
Ahhh, my question actually got answered, thank you! I'll make sure keep the rest of my questions here from then on, hehe.
As for my next one: How would the deceased participants of DR69 react to the executions of DR96 (especially Bojack's relatively short but gut-punching one), and vice versa (as in the deceased DR96 participants reacting to DR69's executions)?
These afterlife mfers cannot catch a break can they haha
DR69 deceased -> DR96 executions
Hiroshi — Most were confused, and a little freaked out, when a hoard of giant purple monsters were chasing down Hiroshi. Dedede was very peeved when Monotora tripped up Hiroshi, essentially sending him to his death. Ashley supposes executions are never fair like that (although was a little interested in the Onis).
Kaidou — Cue Fluttershy crying for at least 15 minutes after watching his execution (the final scene only made it worse). Miku found it interesting Nesos used Kaidou's weaknesses against him (poor gym skills, tendency to fantasize etc.). Mario felt a bit of nostalgia when he saw Kaidou smile at Saiki before he gave into his injury.
Mai — Although she didn't react outwardly, Teto found it pretty heartbreaking how Kurumada and Latte tried to help Mai by banging on the glass (because she would've done the same for someone she liked too). Fluttershy and 2D could relate to Hayasaka more who was too shocked and afraid to move. Mr. Krabs thought the ginger-Mais were in poor taste (and was happy to at least see everyone refuse them after the execution).
Bojack — Brian could relate to Bojack's morale to ends things as soon as possible despite exploring all the possibilities the execution had to offer. Peter was confused when the pill bottle floated atop the pool, so Brian had to begrudgingly explain what happened to him. Sans thought it was pretty scummy of Nesos to use a location very connected to Bojack (similar to his own execution).
DR96 deceased -> DR69 executions
Mario — Kaidou kept cheering at the screen in hope for Mario's survival, but what really got him was when he faced death head-on as he was cornered by Mono-bowser. Hiroshi thinks Kaidou must be upset at that, but Kaidou sees it as very admirable (as it was similar to what he said about trying to be strong before dying).
Ashley — Ena would've probably gotten attached to Red in 0.1 seconds after seeing him save Ashley from falling, and then subsequently go onto sob ugly tears once Red was unfairly killed as well. Kaidou and Mai both pat their shoulder to console them.
Teto — The more metaphorical approach to the torture Teto suffered would've left a mark, even if the execution was faked at the end. Being forced to live her greatest fear (rejection of someone she loves) really resonated with Mai, and Yuri.
Sans — There were definitely a few gasps when Nagito stepped in to try and save Sans, only for him to receive an injury too. Mai thought it was really bittersweet as she could tell how much the two cared for each other. Hiroshi, on the other hand, kept wondering how it was possible for Monokuma to keep respawning like that (hidden copies?).
Brian — The moment when he pulls out the gun was definitely a shock to some. Bojack probably thought "just like me fr" and then Retsuko stopped letting him watch any more executions.
Final — Walter was still coming to terms about how a holographic teenager managed to take over the world. Most were quick to pick up on the pattern of executions everyone received. When Teto pinned down Miku last minute so the others could escape, Yuri found it very interesting how selfless Teto had become to go against someone she loved.
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shy-urban-hobbit · 1 year
It was the eyes Vesemir noticed before the Cat medallion. Granted, they were more luminous than last time thanks to the mutagens but Vesemir had never forgotten those bright green eyes.
The small boy, no more than a toddler really, continued to shiver as he clutched at the front of Vesemir's armour, peering up at him through bangs dripping with both rain and river water with large, bright green eyes which looked almost too large for his tiny, thin face. Truly, the little tot was lucky Vesemir had been passing when he did, he tried not to think about if he hadn't heard the boys screams.
"Almost home, Lad." He said, tucking his cloak more securely around the boy. He hoped they were almost home anyway, the boy had merely pointed when Vesemir had asked him where he'd come from, where his mother was. Vesemir had swung them both onto his horse with nothing but a direction and a prayer which grew more desperate as no dwellings came into view. He hoped that the boy wasn't part of one of the nomadic communities who wandered the continent, he'd never find them in this weather.
"Aiden, Aiden!!?"  A frantic voice called out from around the next bend.
"Mama!!" The boy - Aiden apparently - squealed as a woman came into view, making a beeline for them. Vesemir dismounted and placed Aiden on the ground, still wrapped in his cloak.
"Aiden! Oh Gods Aiden what have I told you about wandering off!" She cried, scooping him up and smothering his face with kisses before turning her attention to Vesemir, this close he could see they both had the same eyes.
"Thank you...Witcher." 
Vesemir didn't miss the way her grip tightened slightly on her son, "Ma'am." He inclined his head, "Your son had a bit of a run in with a water sprite but suffered nothing a warm bath won't fix."
"He let me ride his horsey." Aiden stated happily, seemingly finding his voice now he was back with his parent.
"Yes, I saw sweetheart. I haven't money enough to pay you but I can offer you a meal and shelter until the rain clears, this is no weather for anybody to be travelling and the nearest town's miles away."
"My thanks, that would be much appreciated."
It was the following morning before the rain let up enough for traveling to be possible.
"My thanks again for your hospitality." Vesemir said as he finished saddling up his horse.
"Thank you for saving my son. If you ever pass this way again our door is open to you."
"Bye bye, Mr Witcher!" Vesemir stumbled slightly as Aiden hugged his leg, grinning up at him.
"Goodbye Aiden." Vesemir pat his head a little awkwardly, not expecting the hug, "Be a good lad for your mother, you hear."
"This is Aiden of the Cats, my companion." Lambert stated, staring the other Wolves down as they came forward to inspect the newcomer as if he was just daring them to say something. From how close his son was standing to the other Witcher and how their scents seemed to mingle Vesemir was willing to bet the last of his gull they were more than just 'companions'.
"Aiden." Vesemir surprised everyone by wrapping an arm around Aiden's shoulder to guide him inside the Keep, "Welcome to Kaer Morhen."
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formosusiniquis · 1 month
first line tag
I was tagged by @fuctacles, thanks 💕
RULES: post the first lines of your last 10 fics/chapters posted on AO3 (if you have less than 10 fics posted, post the first lines of all your fics) and try to draw some conclusions
Gonna Y/N on his Wattpad til we're Canon (Stevie week)
“What are we doing, Stevie?”
2. I'm in chainmail, baby I'm impressed (Stevie week)
It starts with a blouse.
3. find your Suzie (Stevie week)
It’s been a long summer.
4. Robin's Guide to the Care and Feeding of Your Newly Adopted Former Mean Girl (Stevie week)
On July 4th, 1985, Steven Joseph Harrington died in the Starcourt Mall Fire.
5. future in your hand (signed, sealed, delivered) (Steddie Summer Exchange)
Dear Eddie, Mrs. Simpson says I’m supposed to thank you for volunteering to be my partner even though you’re a fifth grader.
6. i'll play giles, you be spike
"There's a vampire in the nonfiction section."
7. have your cake
The bakery has a stupid name, is the first thing Tommy thinks when Carol tells him where he's supposed to meet her on his lunch break.
8. in the library there lived a hobbit (Stranger Things Reverse Big Bang)
They didn't really write advice columns for men who work with kids and suffer from terminal cases of baby fever.
9. Am I the Asshole?
AITA for being concerned about my girlfriends living situation?
10. Lineage
“What are middle names for?”
Conclusion: Apparently my shorter/sillier fics all tend to start with a bit of dialogue. While my "serious"/angsty/miscellaneous fic starts with either a short punchy sentence or something that establishes the voice of our perspective character. Didn't actually expect to notice anything in my own writing so that's kind of neat.
Some zero pressure tags to @cauldronoflove, @grasslandgirl, @aberfaeth, @sevenmerrymagpies, @stevespookington and anyone else who wants to give it a go
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bullet-prooflove · 2 years
Partners!Joe: Part Two - Partners - Joe Velasco x Reader
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Tagging: @plaidbooks​   @misscharlielulu​   @witches-unruly-heart​   @shay-o-fiction​   @kimm4710​   @ednastvincent​   @storiesofsvu​   @magic-multicolored-miracle​  @rosaliedepp​     @cycat4077​   @crazy4chickennuggets​   @cixrosie​   @themisunderstoodblackswan​   @im-just-a-mississippi-girl​   @mysoulisasunflower​
Part 1: Safe Haven
The construction site was just like any other you had been to but then again you were no expert on places like this. It was going to be a mall before the development funding ran out. There were chunks of concrete and rebar left in ruined piles, scattered around the location. It was a large site, once you got inside the development there wasn't anything for what seemed like miles, the perfect place for a clandestine meet up.
The road was awful, you could feel yourself bumping up and down in your seat as you sped down it in the undercover police car. Joe's headlights were still lingering in the distance as you tailed him.
You got it, you really did. The two of you had been woken up in the dead of night by a phone call from Benson informing you of the situation at Joe’s apartment building.
After trying Joe’s place and finding it empty, Hector Ruiz had decided to beat a location out of his neighbour Mr Gutierrez. He’d left the elderly gentleman with three broken ribs and a dislocated shoulder. Joe had been inconsolable. You had seen him shut down almost instantly as the doctor told them the true extent of Mr Gutierrez’s injuries. It had been harrowing to see the kindly old man so banged up.
You’d seen the look in Joe’s eyes as he sat beside Mr Gutierrez, and you knew that Joe was going to kill Ruiz. The other man had brutally murdered so many people over the years and now he had hurt his friend. Probably would have killed him if someone hadn’t called the police.
Joe was already leaning against the trunk of the car when you stepped outside of your own vehicle. Your hand was already on your service pistol, flicking open the black holster on your hip as you approached him. You were both already clad in Kevlar, Joe crossed his arms over his chest, the muscles in his jaw tight as he reviewed you.
"I thought I managed to lose you back there when the road forked." he told you.
“You’re not that good Velasco.” You responded, taking up residence alongside of Joe. You withdrew your gun from your holster, wrapping both hands around the grip. You were about to go up against a guy twice your size and body weight, a guy who had spent his entire prison stay building so much muscle he’d been able to take down three cops last time they tried to restrain him. This all came with the added bonus of CIP, a rare disorder that left him insensitive to pain. Most CIP sufferers didn’t live past their twenties because of the condition. Ruiz was now in his mid-thirties.
"Don't try and stop me." Joe warned you as the roar of a car in the distance invaded your ears. Joe already knew what had to be done. He dreaded the thought of how many other people would suffer at the hands of this monster it was that thought that had led him to make his decision.
"I didn't come to stop you, Joe." You muttered; your eyes fixated on the twin headlights in front of you as they drew even closer. "Whatever goes down tonight I've got your back."
There was a moment of understanding between the two of you.  Someone was going to die tonight, and you wanted to make damn sure it wasn't Joe. Maybe the two of you would be able to even the odds and give each other a better chance against this animal. You’d seen the files, what he had done to the bodies of the people he’d murdered, how he brutalised them.
"You ready?" Joe asked you as Ruiz's truck came to a halt alongside your car.
"As I'll ever be." you muttered, raising your weapon as Ruiz got out of his car.
Ruiz was huge, bigger than you had realised, you'd seen him in pictures, but they did not do him justice. His shoulders were wide set, and his gargantuan frame matched his height. it was clear from the glint in his eyes that he was a predator, he loved the smell of blood in the air, the violence. You knew pure evil when you saw it.
"Really like this place." Ruiz called out as he walked towards you step by antagonizing step. "A lot of fond memories here."
Joe said nothing, his lips pursed into a grim line as the words penetrated his ears. He knew that it was meant to rile him, and he liked to think that he was above it but damn it if that kid's broken body didn't flicker through his brain like a grotesque snapshot. It was what he had managed to put Ruiz away for back then, but then there’d been another trial and the son of a bitch had gotten out.
"You owe me five years." Ruiz rumbled, his voice sounding like thunder as he climbed back into the car.
There was moment, a very fleeting one where you thought that Ruiz was just going to get back into his car and drive away. That's what you would have wanted to happen. Instead, he did something much worse. He drove the car straight at you.
You weren’t sure who fired first you or Joe, but you could hear the echoes of your weapons as you both shot at the radiator and the windscreen. You dived out of the way in opposite directions as Ruiz fought for control of the car against the spiderwebbed glass. You hit the ground hard, your gun flipping out of your hand and landing in the dirt a foot away as you impacted with the concrete.
There was moment where you couldn't breathe, the air rushing out of your lungs and the only thing you could hear was a loud roaring in your ears as you lay on your stomach, struggling to draw breath through the agony that vibrated through your entire body.
"Jose." you croaked before sucking in a shaky breath, allowing the flow of oxygen into your lungs.
Your adrenaline began to kick in. You could feel it like a narcotic flooding through your veins as you struggled to your hands and knees.
Darkness fell over you, you could feel the apprehension sending a chill up the nape of your neck before Ruiz's large hand enclosed on the back of your Kevlar vest hurling you upwards like a rag doll.
"I see you bought a friend." Ruiz rumbled in an amused tone before his huge hand enclosed on the scruff of your neck. His fingers dug in, scratching across your skin as he applied just the smallest amount of pressure. You were under no illusions; this man could snap your neck in an instant if he wanted to. You reached up behind you, your nails scrapping flesh of his face as you clawed at his eyes.
His free hand grasped your left wrist, twisting it cruelly in one fluid movement.
The noise was sickening, you heard the bone in your left forearm snap before the excruciating pain erupted through every single one of your senses. Someone was screaming, you could hear the hoarse, violent noise carrying through the night air like a wounded fox and it took you a moment to realise that it was coming from you.
The second time you hit the ground, it was with a force that stunned you. The breath rushed out of your lungs, cutting your scream short as your head hit the ground with an audible crack. For a moment you saw nothing, there was only a darkness sweeping into your vision accompanied by that horrendous lance of hot pain. Ruiz cackled, his footsteps moving away from you as he sought out more worthy prey.
It took a few more moments for your sight to clear and when it did you could feel wetness streaking down your cheek. You could hear the grunts, the impact of flesh and curse words as Ruiz and Joe went at each other. You cradled your broken arm to your chest, the fingers of her your hand seeking out your service pistol.
Joe was in a bad way, each punch that Ruiz landed was another blow that Joe couldn't afford. His face was bloody, his nose and mouth bleeding as he panted. He grasped the lapels on Ruiz's jacket before driving his fist straight into the other man's nose. Ruiz reeled back for a second, only a second before he used the back of his hand to smash Joe across the face, knocking him to the ground with enough force to break a couple of ribs.
The palm of your hand enclosed around the Glock, it fit like an old friend as you gripped it tightly, your hand slick with blood and sweat. Ruiz was already on the move; picking up a largest slab of concrete he could find before lifting it high above his head as he approached Joe. Your right arm swung up; the gun nestled firmly in your grasp. You squinted against the blood in your eyes before squeezing the trigger.
The bullet hit home, striking him in the back. You saw Ruiz jerk suddenly before he turned around to face you. His expression was full of pure unadulterated rage as his beady eyes focused upon you once more. He took a step towards you, the slab of concrete still clasped between his meaty hands as he raised it high above his head.
"You are fucking kidding me..." You muttered, using your sleeve to wipe the blood from your face and aiming higher. You took a single breath, inhaling deeply and focusing on your target before pulling the trigger.
Ruiz’s head snapped back, his eyes bulging as he looked down at you in shock, his stocky body wavering from side to side. You didn't move, holding your breath instead as you waited to see which direction the giant concrete slab was going to fall. Ruiz toppled backwards, taking it with him.
Joe was already in motion, stumbling towards you. He lingered over Ruiz's corpse, his dark eyes staring down at it before he prodded it with his boot.
"Please tell me he's dead." your words came out like a sob. You could feel yourself going cold, a chill seeping into your bones as you clasped your arm tightly to your chest.
"He's dead." Joe confirmed.
Already he was stripping off his jacket and draping it around your shoulders. Your skin was clammy and cold under his touch as he pressed his palm to your cheek. You were starting to shake, and he could see that your gaze was becoming glassy and unfocused. He couldn't take any more risks, not tonight.
It took him a few seconds to locate his phone but when he did, he was surprised to find that although the screen was cracked the device was still functioning. The shivering was getting worse, he could see the tremors vibrating through your body as you clenched your jaw tightly against the chill. Joe wrapped his arm around your shoulders as gently as he could, sheltering you with the heat of his body. You nestled against him, tucking yourself into his side as Joe raised the phone to his ear and called for help.
Love Joe Velasco? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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There's a guy who owns a tiny little record shop. There's a well-known musician who just wants to shop undisturbed by fans. There's a lot of Carly Rae Jepsen. There's implied Weather Husbands at the end. There's now peace and quiet in my head after this thing ATE MY BRAIN.
100% AU (Empires Pix & Scott) 100% Minecraft characters/personas, not CCs (/stink-eyes at AO3's 'RPF' tagging decisions) Rated Teen & Up because of language (no, seriously; plenty of fruity language in this one, family-friendly this ain't) Disclaimer: Not my fault if you end up with that song as an earworm (you can share my suffering, damn it)
Hopping from one foot to the other in the kitchen as he waited for the kettle to boil, Scott perused the mug cupboard and agonised over which one would give off the right vibe. ‘Blow me - I’m hot’ ‘Little Miss Cunty’ ‘10/10 - would bang’ ‘sorry, ran outta milk, had to use jizz’ He sighed. He really needed some friends with slightly more… classy taste in gifts. Finally, he settled on ‘Calm your tits and put the kettle on’ for Mr Fucking Gorgeous, and ‘I’m so fabulous I poop rainbows’ for himself. It was the best he could do under the circumstances.
I'm not even sorry for this one. It wouldn't leave me alone, so I had to get it out of my head so that I could go back to my main story.
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pico-digital-studios · 4 months
#ask the blur gang
How do you feel about cartoons where it's main character is just a ruthless maniac? I mean, Mr. NM and Bugs at one point shot someone at a Opera for coughing too much during they're seperate performance.
Neither of them regret it
OMT!Tails: Okay! Here's our second question from @mcgamejolter!
EX!Alice: He must've heard about the new "three-questions-per-user" rule going on.
OMT!Tails: Yep! Anyways... "How do you feel about cartoons where its main character is just a ruthless maniac? I mean, Mr. NM and Bugs at one point shot someone at an Opera for coughing too much during their separate performances. Neither of them regret it." I mean, I don't mind it all that much as long as they remain a good person deep down.
CR!Sonic: Well said, buddy.
Nitro: And even then, I'd say they got to know when it's time to know when to throw in the towel and get out of a nasty situation. Yes, Bugs bit off a bit more than he could chew with the hound race shenanigan but still emerged victorious, though after Daffy made that genie angry, there was no way in heck he was gonna stick around in that treasure cave.
D-Sides Mighty: Speaking of... Mr. Needlemouse hasn't come back just yet from the last question. Cindy must've definitely got him bang to rights.
Nitro: She told me before he's busy trying to draw himself a fresh set of privates after getting squirted right there with toxic cartoon-killing dip.
Nine: Heh. Knowing him, if he was here for this question, he'd be like "Oh, I could pummel a genie of a lamp with no difficulty whatsoever! TROLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!"
OMT!Mina: Pft! And risk a few days being shrunk to the size of a pearl in a clam? That would hinder his luck a bit.
CU!Sonia: Close sesame!
CU!Sonia, CR!Sonia and CR!Manik laughed together at that one.
EX!Alice: On the topic of cartoons, did we tell some of you guys about Toontopia before?
CR!Sonic: Go on, Alice. Please tell us.
EX!Alice: It's what was once Toontown and is a home for MANY hand-drawn cartoons, including the Looney Tunes crew and Mickey's gang. Over on their end, Mickey and his friends left Disney behind after... one too many mishappenings on Disney's behalf.
Pana: You're telling me. What's with all that live action stuff tryin' to act superior to the cartoons?
BK!Amy: Oh? Pana!
OMT!Tails: How and when did you get here?
Pana: You, er, left the door open upstairs, Tails. I just got inside.
OMT!Tails: Ah, fair.
CR!Sonic: So what's Toontopia like?
OMT!Mina: Me and Tails went on vacation there a couple of months before Crimtake's strike, and it's a really colourful and lively place to be in.
Nitro: Heh, you said it! Me, Amelia and Melanie stayed over there for some time as well, and I got to gathering some other Disney companions over to Mickey's freshly-built Disney World area. Heh, Ethan must've been gushing when I managed to invite WALL-E and EVE over.
D-Sides Mighty: Wait, Melanie?
OMT!Tails: That's your new boyfriend, right?
Nitro: Heh, yep! Trust me; I made his abusive precursors suffer for their misdeeds big time. Well, except one, who's got the least worst punishment and just wanders in mirrors.
Mini Sonic: Hmm. So that's why I saw a little girl looking back at me through a mirror the other day. At least she didn't creep me out.
CR!Manik: And to be fair, it at least gave me not paranoia, but the comfort that I'm never really alone in life.
OMT!Tails: I'm gonna go see what we can do about her after getting her out of the mirror prison. In the meantime, thanks for the question, MCStudio!
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cynosdaydream · 2 years
𝘍𝘰𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶, 𝘮𝘺 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 (𝘱𝘵.1)
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Some decisions are irreversible. (Thoma x GN Reader)
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Golden Hour- JVKE
↺ ᴿᴱᴾᴱᴬᵀ ‖ ᴾᴬᵁˢᴱ ≫ ᴺᴱˣᵀ ˢᴼᴺᴳ
Word Count: 0.79k
Content warnings: none
Author's notes: Hello!! I am back to writing after a very stressful and disappointing exam season. I hope you enjoy this short piece, part 2 will be uploaded hopefully within the next week or two. Not proof read btw
The visions hunt decree seemed to have an impact on the Nation Of Eternity. Many had lost their lives, and some even suffered a relatively worse fate than that. You had seen countless people’s visions taken from them, and the lifelessness in their eyes were like knives through your heart. Citizens cowered in fear daily, praying that they weren’t next.
“Love, I’m going out to get some groceries, do you want to come?” Your lover called from the living room, ready to head out of the door. You declined with a smile, explaining that you still had a few assignments / reports to finish up. Scribbling away on the piece of parchment, a sudden sinking feeling settled in the bottom of your stomach. You ignored it, brushing it off as a side effect of eating too much hotpot yesterday, even though you usually didn’t experience this.
The gradual increase in the sounds of rain prompted you to halt your work for awhile, instead opting to take a break by eating a snack. The world outside the window seemed to blur as you spaced out, mindlessly munching on the snack you chose. Subconscious thoughts about Thoma also managed to drift into your mind. “I wonder if he’s already finished”. Realising this, you smiled to yourself. “He somehow manages to appear in my mind even in his absence.” You must have saved the world in your previous life to deserve a boyfriend like him. Just as you were getting lost in your thoughts, there was a sudden, sharp knock at your door. You weren’t expecting any visitors today, were you? “Maybe Thoma came back early” you thought, making your way towards the front door, expecting to see your blond lover outside with hands filled with groceries and a bright smile on his face. Instead, your heart dropped to your feet when your eyes met the ones of a shogunate infantry. Three of them, to be more precise.
“Excuse me, is there something wrong?” you were thankful that your voice came out steady, successfully masking your nervousness. Anxiety levels shot up to the roof when the one in the middle pulled out a piece of parchment, which you assumed was not going to lead to something good. “Under the vision hunt decree, we are here to seize Thoma’s pyro vision.” No. This couldn’t be happening. You’ve seen how those people who got their vision seized turned out. The joy and liveliness in their eyes that were once prominent and noticeable fizzled out like a dying spark. The change may not seem so drastic to people who have only heard of what it’s like, but to those who have witnessed their loved ones go through this… you couldn’t let this happen to Thoma. You would much rather sacrifice yourself for him ten to watch him turn into an empty shell of what he was before. That was when it hit you.
“This is not a request, (mr / miss / mx) -” the infantry’s booming voice was abruptly interrupted by your own. “I-I’ll hand over my vision instead.” barely choking the words out, you still managed to look them straight in the eye. The three men glanced at each other. After a painfully long silence, one of them said, “I guess that would be fine.” With trembling but sure hands, you unclasped the vision from your body and placed it into the hands of the infantry. When the whole ordeal was finally done and over with, you shut the door with a bang and slid onto the floor. Now self-doubting thoughts were swirling around in your head, "Was it really worth it?" "Yes. It was." you had to verbally affirm yourself to believe it. Just then, there was a knock at the door again. Did the infantries come back, demanding Thoma’s vision instead of yours? Meekly prying open the door to peek, you were relieved to see the emerald green eyes of your lover. “You’re back” “I’m happy to see you too, ___. Although you look slightly fatigued. Did something happen? Was your workload particularly heavy today?” Ah. How were you going to tell him?
Tensing up, you led him to the sofa without a word, gesturing for him to sit down beside you. The way you fidgeted with your hands with a distressed expression alerted Thoma that something was not quite right. Something happened while he was getting groceries. While you were determining how to break the news to him, his eyes scanned your figure to see if he could find any physical signs that would give him a clue as to what had occurred. His eyes widened when he noticed that your vision was not attached to your body.
“Sunshine, where did your vision go…?”
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f1-disaster-bi · 2 years
Did you just kill him?
Poor Eloise. This is 💔 surely you wouldn’t do that to her.
Pleading that you finish than leave it ambiguous
I did not kill him and to fix things, here you go ❤️
Daniel felt as if he had been in a daze for the last few hours since he had stepped out of the car. With only a few laps left and how extensive the clean up was, they had ended the race five laps from the end.
There was no way Daniel would have gotten back into the car. He knew his team knew that when they had looked over to see him on the ground, Eloise tucked into his chest as she sobbed, asking for her Daddy and clutching at him. Not one of them would have asked him to step into the car, not after she had seen Lando's crash.
Currently, Eloise was sleeping in his arms. Michael and Jon had both offerred to hold her, citing that his arms must be sore after the race weekend and holding her for hours but Daniel had shook his head. A kind nurse had brought them a blanket to drape over her as they waited in the hospital's private waiting room.
"He's still being examined. He hit his head pretty hard a few times, and as a result we want to make sure he has no brain bleeds or is suffering a servere traumatic injury to the brain", a doctor had explained to them when they had amanged to get through the crowd of journalists at the track to go to the hospital.
Daniel wasn't sure how long it had been since then. Zak had come and gone, asking Jon to keep them updated. Andreas was sitting in the corner, he had refused to leave, too concerned about Lando and about Daniel and Eloise. Michael had left briefly, running to get them snacks and drinks and to grab Daniel a change of clothes that weren't his McLaren gear, but Daniel had refused to let go of his daughter.
Her ran his fingers through her curls softly, dropping kisses on her head from time to time. His hands and arms holding her close so she could relax. His heart broke a little every time she sniffled in her sleep or he looked down to see the little tear marks that were left from when she had cried herself to exhaustion.
"Mr Ricciardo?", a nurse called softly, her head peeking through the door, "You and your daughter can see him now if you like"
Daniel swallowed hard as he stood up. His limbs stiff and his heart hammering.
"Do you want me to take her?", Jon asked softly, taking the blanket from them.
"No", Daniel managed to get out before he was moving, following the nurse passed a series of rooms until they were met by a doctor coming out of one.
"Ah there you are. Mr Norris is resting. He has a pretty severe concussion, and a break in his hand from the impact of the crash. We will be keeping him a few days to monitor his head injury, and he won't be able to race for at a minimum four weeks", the doctor explained, gesture to his chart but Daniel wasn't really listening. All he wanted was to see Lando.
After a few moments, the nurse opened the door for him and it took a momet for his eyes to adjust to the dim lights but then he saw him.
"Hi babe", Lando managed to get out, wincing as he spoke and closing his eyes.
"Hi", Daniel swallowed back tears, moving to the bed and sitting down with Eloise still tucked in his arms, "You scared us"
"Is she okay?", Lando asked and Daniel could hear the guilt in his voice.
"She will be, and so will you", Daniel promised, reaching out a hand to take Lando's in his, his eyes noticing the absence of Lando's ring before spotting it on the bed side table.
For a moment their fingers entwined, and Daniel just soaked it in. Soaked in the fact that Lando was still here. His heart was still beating, he was just banged up and bruised right now.
And then Eloise was moving, grumbling just like her father did when woken too soon and she pulled away. Her eyes blinked up at Daniel softly, a small hand rubbing her eyes before she leaned her head against his cheek and then she was gasping.
"Daddy!", Eloise whispered, she'd gotten much better at it as she'd gronw older.
Lando, depsite the pain he must be in and the cast on his left arm, reached out for Eloise as Daniel gently helped her crawl into his arms. Her own going around Lando's neck as she kissed his cheek and Lando hugged her. It made Daniel wanted to cry and he had to look away for a moment to push it all down.
"Papa, come here", Eloise's demand made him look at them again as she patted the bed at Lando's side.
"Sweetheart, Daddy needs rest, not me squishing him", Daniel tried to laugh but it broke a little in the middle.
"Danny, just come cuddle us. I'm okay, I promise", Lando whispered, holding up his right arm and Daniel didn't resist. He allowed himself to strech out on his side and wrap an arm around the two most important people in the world to him as Eloise curled into Lando's chest.
They'd be okay, Daniel reassured himself, they were together and that was all that mattered.
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