#msn fanfic
sunofmoon · 2 years
neymar, going to sleep: good night, leo. i love you.
leo: i love you too, ney.
neymar: we love you too, luis.
luis, in the middle of the bed: thanks, i was feeling a bit left out.
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dreamonseems · 1 year
The Other Woman Part 2
Erling Haaland X Female Reader
Summary:Reader and Erling have been best friends since they were young. Reader is in love with Erling.
Ok, so I was going to make two parts, but then I thought I wanted to make three parts so I can explain Erling side of the story, so Part 2 is Erlings' thoughts.
I also write these super late at night, and I'm half asleep, so sometimes I don't proofread it as good.
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As the evening unfolded, during the birthday celebration, Erling couldn't shake the nagging feeling that something was awry. Deep within the recesses of his heart, an unsettling intuition took hold, whispering elusive secrets he yearned to uncover. It had been apparent for some time that a cloud of turmoil loomed over his friendship with Y/N, a tempestuous storm brewing silently beneath their surface interactions. Desperate to bridge the widening chasm between them, Erling had made countless attempts to breach the walls Y/N had erected around her emotions, only to be met with impenetrable silence.
With each passing day, the contours of their once-undying friendship morphed into something unrecognizable, leaving Erling grappling with an unsettling truth. He ached to pinpoint the precise moment when the tides of their connection had irrevocably shifted, but such admission required a vulnerability he was not yet prepared to embrace. Yet, if he were to trace the labyrinthine pathways leading to this inevitable juncture, he couldn't help but acknowledge the indelible mark that Isabel had imprinted upon their shared narrative.
Isabel's arrival had been an ethereal catalyst, forever altering the delicate equilibrium of their bond. Erling's innermost being recoiled at the thought of admitting it, for to do so, would be to confront his own culpability. But the undeniable truth remained interwoven within the fabric of his consciousness—a chilling awareness that their dynamics had begun to metamorphose from the moment Isabel graced their intertwined lives.
In the midst of the lavish festivities, Erling's gaze flickered discreetly towards Y/N, a longing etched upon his features. Her eyes, once vibrant with laughter, now concealed a world of unspoken pain. He yearned to unearth the depths of her anguish to bridge the yawning chasm that threatened to devour their once-untainted connection. Yet, he remained tethered to the fringes of uncertainty, unwilling to confront the inevitable truth that lay dormant within his soul.
As the night wore on, conflicting emotions danced across Erling's countenance. Love and concern mingled with the fear of irreparable loss. With each passing moment, the weight of his unexpressed feelings threatened to suffocate him, a relentless reminder of the delicate tightrope he had treaded for far too long.
Deep within the recesses of Erling's being, a secret of immense weight lurked, its existence shrouded in fear and guarded by layers of apprehension. For an eternity, he had harbored an all-consuming love for Y/N, a love that burned with an intensity known only to the hearts of star-crossed souls. Yet, the sheer terror of unmasking his emotions, his fear, held him captive within the confines of secrecy. He couldn't fathom a world in which their cherished friendship might disintegrate under the weight of his confession.
Day after day, Erling wove an intricate tapestry of deception, dexterously masking the yearning that pulsed through his veins. Each step he took was a calculated maneuver, designed to protect the fragile bond they shared, the bond he held so dear. The prospect of losing Y/N's friendship, of shattering the bond that held their worlds in harmony, was a fate too unbearable to contemplate. So he locked away his feelings, determined to preserve their connection at any cost.
Time passed, and within the labyrinthine corridors of Erling's heart, his love for Y/N grew with an unyielding fervor. As a young teenager, he grappled with the intricacies of his own heart, attempting to decipher the enigmatic language of love.
In a rare moment of courage, Erling decided to lay bare the truth that had taken root within him, to unravel his heart and give it as an offering to Y/N. The day was etched in his mind, a moment of hope and trepidation that unfolded with each passing hour. But as fate would have it, destiny played a cruel hand. Unbeknownst to Erling, the universe conspired to test the boundaries of his resolve.
In the hushed corridors of Y/N home, Erling unwittingly overheard Y/N confiding in a friend, her words a dagger that pierced his heart. The revelation that she viewed him solely as a brother—a confidant untethered by the chains of romantic love—shattered Erling's spirit. Devastation engulfed him, threatening to drown the flame of his love beneath the torrential waves of desire. In that agonizing moment, he made a choice—a choice to bury his love deep within the recesses of his soul, to shield Y/N from the weight of his emotions, and to preserve the precious friendship that had sustained them through the trials of time.
And so, as the seasons unfurled, Erling found solace in the embrace of destiny. The serendipitous arrival of Isabel, a celestial interloper in their intertwined tale, presented him with a semblance of respite—a diversion from the unspoken desires that lay dormant within. In her presence, he discovered solace, a fleeting sanctuary that temporarily eclipsed the depths of his concealed love.
For an ephemeral moment in time, Erling found himself ensnared in the bewitching allure of Isabel. Her radiant beauty, her intellectual prowess, her athletic prowess—she possessed every attribute that society deems desirable in a partner. In her embrace, he experienced fleeting contentment, a respite from the tumultuous emotions that had plagued his heart. He allowed himself to be consumed by the illusion of happiness, surrendering to the allure of a love that appeared within reach. They loomed perfect together, a great match.
Yet, beneath the surface, guilt gnawed at Erling's conscience. He was acutely aware that his connection with Isabel was shrouded in a veil of transience. Though she envisioned a future brimming with shared dreams—cohabitation, marriage, children—he could never summon the same fervor for their envisioned life together. The image of Isabel as his wife, the mother of his children, failed to materialize within his mind. Despite the passing of two years in her company, he remained incapable of envisioning a future in which they were bound as one forever.
Desperation clung to Erling's heart like a persistent specter, urging him to grasp onto the illusion of happiness he had crafted. He yearned to dismiss his love for Y/N to sever the tendrils of affection that tethered him to a realm of unrequited longing. He made valiant attempts to mold his emotions, to will himself into loving Isabel. But try as he might, he could never conjure the the same passion for Isabel. Like the one that resided within him for Y/N. She held the key to his future, the embodiment of the love he craved with an unquenchable thirst.
Yet, despite his internal struggle, Erling persisted in his endeavor to embrace the connection he shared with Isabel. He willed himself to reciprocate her love, to envision a life interwoven with hers. But the truth, raw and unyielding, remained steadfast—his heart belonged to another, to Y/N.
In the depths of his soul, Erling harbored an understanding that the time for farewell was drawing near, that the small bond he had forged with Isabel was approaching its twilight hour. Though he fought against the inevitable with every fiber of his being, he knew that the path he treaded alongside Isabel could not sustain the weight of a future built on half-hearted devotion. The shadows of his unrequited love for Y/N cast a pall over his relationship, eclipsing the light of their shared moments.
Erling's heart, torn asunder, longed for resolution—a resolution that could only be found in the arms of his beloved Y/N. Within her, he glimpsed his future.
In the dimly lit room, Erling found himself ensnared in emotions, his very essence hanging in delicate balance. By his side, Isabel, unaware of the tumultuous tempest brewing within him, observed the ethereal figure of Y/N as she took center stage. With each passing minute, Erling's grip on reality seemed to wane, as if the air itself grew thin and elusive. His breath, once a steady rhythm, now faltered and hitched, as if the weight of unsaid words pressed upon his chest.
As Y/N's gaze met his own, a surge of electricity coursed through Erling's veins, igniting a primal fire within him. His heart, a captive beast, roared with a ferocity that threatened to escape his chest. Fear gripped him tightly, like icy tendrils coiling around his soul. He wondered if others could perceive the intensity of his emotions, if the sound of his thunderous heartbeat echoed in the cavernous void around him.
Y/N's voice, laden with a poignant vulnerability, weaved its way into the of his being. He could not comprehend the meaning behind her tears, the significance of the melancholic melody that filled the air. Questions surged within him, their answers eluding his grasp like wisps of smoke. What did her tears signify? What did the song whisper in its haunting verses? And why, oh why, did her gaze remain locked on him alone?
Amidst the storm raging within him, one truth pierced through the haze of confusion—enough was enough. The time for cowardice had come to an end. Erling's resolve solidified, like molten steel forged in the fires of determination. He could no longer deny the yearning that pulsed within his veins, the fervent desire to break free from the chains that bound him to a love that was merely a shadow of his true desires.
With a trembling heart and newfound determination, Erling knew that he had to release Isabel from the grasp of his half-hearted affections. She deserved more, deserved to be pursued by someone who could love her without doubt. And as for himself, he had to embark on a perilous journey, chasing the elusive future that beckoned him with outstretched arms.
In that moment, amidst the bittersweet emotions, Erling made a silent vow. He would cast aside his fears, discard the cloak of uncertainty, and venture forth into uncharted territory. His path was uncertain, fraught with risks and unforeseen twists, but he knew deep within his soul that it was the only path worth pursuing.
As the final notes of Y/N's song reverberated through the air, echoing the symphony of their intertwined destinies, Erling's gaze met hers once more. And with unspoken words and untamed passion, their eyes locked, silently affirming the mutual understanding that change was imminent, that the threads that bound them to their current reality were fraying. The time had come for Erling to seize his own fate, to pursue the love that danced just beyond his reach, and to chase his future with unwavering determination.
Part 3
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I've nearly finished the first chapter of a summer 2010 phanfic where Phil visits Dan's family home for the first time 👀 👀
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ambiguouslady42 · 1 month
Remember Summer Days
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I wrote my first fanfic. This will be reminiscent a tad to my own teen years. I'm playing with it and seeing if I can make it into a small series.
Synopsis: A hopeless teen girl has a meet-cute with the ever, handsome Satoru Gojo.
Note: This will mostly be intense fluff. I wrote this for me, but if you would like to leave feedback or notes, you can always DM me.
If you're a minor or an ageless blog, I will block you. No questions asked.
You were an awkward 16-year-old. You look back at this period and wonder how you did so little and so much. Concert ticket stubs, movie stubs, CD’s, posters. You certainly had many adventures, but you were a homebody who loved to daydream. You daydreamed of the day you would meet someone that you knew would change your life; the day came. It was the summer of 2007. His name was Satoru Gojo.
You were just cruising by high school at this time in your life. You were ambitious to pursue any career path from a politician, teacher, or a librarian. You were involved with a bunch of clubs because you were friends were involved in them. Your excited demeanour about making change and sharing ideas sometimes caught up with you; at times, you were the center of such critiques like “They’re so annoying, why do they even bother to come?” or “Is there any way that we could ditch them during this event”. 
Socializing at times was very difficult at school. At best, you had one friend, and even at times, you felt that you couldn’t really interact with a lot of your classmates. Your interests differed from that of everyone else.  Nobody has seen the movies that you have seen. Music? Most of the student populous didn’t listen to bands you listen to like Interpol, The Smiths, or The Strokes. If they did, well they weren’t part of your social circle. Your interests made you feel like an outsider. 
On the days you felt the most uncomfortable for speaking up or wanting to crawl into yourself, you would ride the rail line to head over to your favourite record store. It was a two-story building. It had everything you could possibly want. Vinyl, CD’S, cassettes, and the best part: movies. You felt a comfort in knowing that this store had everything that anyone could be searching for, if they knew where to look.
On this particular day you were looking at French films, particularly Amélie. Your best friend shared that it made an impact on her. You were talking to her on MSN Messenger during the weekend and discussed 
[Mariella]: I just watched Amélie this last week. It’s soo cute.
[You]: What’s it about?
[Mariella]: It’s about a girl who is destined to help others, but along the way, she falls in love with her soulmate.
[Mariella]: Nino Quincampoix <333
You figured today was a great day to build your movie collection. As you were about to grab the DVD box, you noticed a tall figure across from you. You were standing right across from him. He had the flare of cool that you know you stood no chance in. What stood out to you the most was his white hair and round sunglasses. You thought to yourself “Of course they would wear sunglasses indoors. Wonder what their eyes look like.” You continued to stare.
He caught you staring. You wanted to shrivel up into a ball. You began to sweat. Suddenly he started to move towards you. You saw him circling through the aisle of DVD’s and then he was standing next to you. 
“Hi…” he said.
“Oh…hello”, you said back.
You could feel your face getting hot, but he still didn’t move away from you.  The first thing you notice is the DVD’s that he’s holding. You recognize a couple of 80’s movies You notice Gremlins, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, and Back to the Future.
“That’s quite a collection you have there”, you said. 
“Oh, these? I just thought I’d finally be able to grab these classics. Have you ever seen any of these?” he says.
At this point, you’re getting pretty comfortable. With a sly smile on your face: “Of course I have. Who has not seen any of these movies?” 
He gives you a confident smile: “Well then, tell me about Ferris Bueller’s Day Off”.
  “Well first of all, hi. I’m Isabel”
“Nice to meet you, Isabel. I’m Satoru". 
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fnifegames · 2 years
introducin... SMALL TOWN EMO, a "gay boy" game for GameBoy!!! 🧷💀
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Small Town Emo is a queer GameBoy game made in GBStudio by Fnife Games! Play as "Ken" an emo teen with an awkward gay crush on his best friend, Fergus.
1.275 hours of "gameplay"!
Play in 4 mind-boggling colours!
8 mouthwateringly hilarious collectible memes!
97% pure walking & talking - no pesky action!
Priceless minigames, including "bullet hell" and "pimple popper"!
Engaging cutscenes - poorly AND quickly drawn!
Immersive simulated MSN Messenger sequences!
Hand-picked, faithfully recreated fanfiction tropes!
Complete linearity, only the vaguest illusion of choice!
thx bye
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babycharmander · 5 months
take me back to the days of having two or three different IM services running, an IRC window, and multiple firefox windows open to different forums.
the forums have unobtrusive banner ads at the top and bottom. your avatar on one forum is 200x200 and other people are amazed when you tell them the forum allows avatars that big. your forum signature has links to your dA, FFN, the java chat for your chatroom, your personal website, and some adoptable dragon. one user shows off the fact that they just got photoshop by making a newer, fancier signature banner. there's at least six active RP threads in the RP subforum, and a user has started a new sprite comic in the art subforum. there's multiple new threads in the other subforums to check out, and some new posts on that thread about That One Episode. you reply again, notice your forum rank has gone up, and take a screenshot to upload to iownjoo to show your friends later.
your friends have silly goofy animated avatars on AIM and one of them has one of those funky talking ones that reacts to whatever they type. one of your friends on MSN Messenger has sent you the giant laughing head animation again because it makes them laugh. you and your friends change your MSN Messenger names to matching Homestar Runner quotes.
you upload another 100x100 icon to your LiveJournal account, this one an "angry" one featuring another favorite character of yours. new posts from one of the fandom comms excitedly speculate about a new episode. one of the fanfic comms you follow is hosting a new challenge.
the IRC chat is somewhat active at the moment. someone uses a script to announce what music they are listening to on winamp. one person has changed their quit message to another goofy quote. a troll joins, and one of the mods jumps on the chance to use that funny new kick message they'd thought up. someone makes a dumb typo and the channel's topic is changed to incorporate the typo.
you check on some fansites to see if they've gathered any news on the upcoming games. one of them has scans they claim are from a Japanese magazine and are Totally Real. you get the feeling they're not, but you're amused anyway. there's new art on one of the oekaki boards on one site--someone spent three hours on an absolute masterpiece of a drawing, while some kid drew a stick figure and clearly left the window open for fifteen minutes to satisfy the "spend at least 15 minutes on a drawing" rule. another person posts a quick drawing of their persona sobbing because they accidentally refreshed the page and lost the image they'd been working on.
someone jumps on AIM and frantically tells you to check out one of your usual forums. when you refresh the page, you immediately crack up to find every instance of the letter "a" replaced with "BAD WROD" because a moderator accidentally messed up the swear filter. sadly, you and your friends are laughing too hard to think to take any screenshots to immortalize this moment before it's hastily corrected.
the internet at this time is not a perfect place, but you will not realize what you have until it is long, long gone.
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13eyond13 · 1 year
my online fandom experience in 2007-2008:
-First learned about Death Note by randomly seeing L in an AMV on Youtube in late 2007 and being intrigued by how he looked. Have never watched an anime in my life but wanting to know more about this emo lookin' dude. Found some website where I could stream it, immediately getting spoiled for his death by somebody in the comments on episode 1 (the 2000s was RAMPANT with gleeful spoiler trolls, these were the days of people driving by Harry Potter midnight grand opening lineups for the new books to scream SNAPE KILLS DUMBLEDORE type shit)
-Binge-watched the whole show in a couple of days. Immediately haunted by the "what if"s of Lawlight and start reading fanfiction.net fics about it. Wrote a gushing review on a fanfic and start talking in emails with the writer who writes back to me. I think at the time the most popular Lawlight fic on the site was Poison Apple by RobinRocks (which I didn't read, because I didn't like reading AUs back then, nor did I like the idea of mixing Death Note with Disney princess imagery... my absolute fave fic was Coexistence is Boredom by sakurazukamori6, which was still being updated at the time)
-The Another Note novel and the How to Read 13 were already out, so most of the stuff the fans know now about the characters was already known and being used in the fan stuff by then. I bought the entire manga set at my local bookstore and read the first five volumes of it, but not the rest (because back then I was one of the people who lost a lot of interest in the plot once L was dead)
-Got invited to follow a popular fanfic writer's Death Note LiveJournal where people are doing most of the things you see them doing here, analysis and shipping and fic and memes. However a lot of the journals and communities were private and accessible by invite only, so I only ever saw stuff there as it was filtered through the journal of that one welcoming fandom friend I made
-Got into random private email conversations with the odd fan once I start posting my own fics on ff.net (I wrote one of the very first Beyond Birthday fics). At some point I remember a girl who called herself diane-chan from somewhere in South America emailing me a doujinshi she had scanlated (I think it was called Taikutsu by Balgus REC) and emailing some pics and penpal like letters back and forth. Connecting with other fans was a very slow and individual-like experience compared to something like connecting over social media is now. There wasn't much of anything like online group chats taking place in real-time, per se. I suppose MAYBE you could create one on MSN Messenger or something, but the experience of being in a fandom in general online was just much more fragmented and based on personal individual relationships, I think. Unless you were meeting up with people in person at conventions or something...
-Ships didn't have ship names like Lawlight back then! It was either called L/Light or Light/L, because whichever name came first in the pair indicated who you liked as the top (or the "seme;" people would often say "seme" or "uke "rather than top or bottom back then). They were treated almost like two totally different ships, and you definitely had to tag your fics accordingly or else people would get mad (I am very glad that ship names now exist)
-Omegaverse didn't exist back then either! That was a whole new world I had to get familiar with once I got back into this fandom around 2016 lol (and I still have never really fully got onboard tbh)
-Watched the occasional fan videos on YouTube, often things like Windows Movie Maker slideshows set to music with fanart of the characters or cosplays and the like
-It used to be REALLY hard for me to find clips of the show to use or edit or anything like that. The English dub still wasn't out yet anywhere I could watch it when i was into the show in 2008, but I remember hearing L and Light's English voice clips and thinking that L's was great and Light's was a bit cringe in comparison to the Japanese one. I wanted to watch it again but I didn't want to have to have an internet connection at all times to watch it, so I bought some shitty ripped illegal DVD of the Japanese dub on eBay from China, and it came with extremely lolworthy broken English subtitles (stuff like Light reading that passage out loud in class and the subtitles saying "the wisdom of the sheepus"... that one is burned into my brain)
-Trying to connect with other fans in person about it was not really possible for me where I lived? Being into anime was considered extremely cringe at my school at the time. And other people I knew who had watched or read Death Note either simply weren't that interested in it anymore to the same degree, or were usually straight dudebros who were only into it so far as to think about which character was smarter than which
ANYWAY I say all this just to reminisce, and I will always enjoy how easy it is to connect and share the content with the other fans like it is nowadays, because I remember the days when that was much more difficult hahaha
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agonizedembrace · 8 months
◈ get to know the mun.
pen(name) : han
pronouns : she/her
zodiac sign : cancer sun / capricorn moon / sagittarius rising
taken or single : @kalijhomentethi ♥
three facts.
i play a lot of games other than league! one of my primary games i have a lot of hours / time invested into is xiv ( over 6k hours .. ) i'm a slightly retired raider atm ( plan to return in the next expansion ), and am a quad legend! ill eventually go back and do top but i still need a bit more of a break from it all.
a bit more of a silly one but i had over 150 hours in bg3 while it was still in early access. i was that devoted to shadowheart ( who i have a blog for btw! )
your local unhinged jungler -- i mean, i like playing ship duty in lethal company :)
platforms :hmm, i've been a bit of everywhere. but most of my experience would be on tumblr, i've been here on and off since like 2013. back in the ye olden days i used to rp on skype, msn and aol ... though i was so young i'd hardly call that rp sdsdfhskdfhds i do sometimes rp on discord too.
plotting / winging it / memes : i work best winging it tbh, but i don't mind plotting, and i also work really well off meme prompts that turn into threads / etc if there's communication beforehand.
muse preference.
gender : i typically write female muses? i cannot recall a male muse that i have written ( or .. ever, save danny phantom when i was a kid for shitty lil fanfics LOL dfkjsdkjfh )
multi or single : i typically stick to single ship, building my character's story over a progressing relationship. that said i don't mind writing one offs from time to time. and for someone like eve, that's a bit more common.
least favourite faceclaims : i.... do not have any :salute:
fluff / angst / smut.
fluff : i am the biggest slut for fluff i cannot lie. i just find it so cute and unfortunately it doesn't fit eve at all so JFDHSkhf thankfully i have shadowheart for that.
angst : THAT SAID... man i love angst so much, it's p much what runs this blog. especially after my latest drabble that i wrote.. sometimes i find it's much easier to get into those raw and brutal emotions -- which in turn can create some beautiful writing and experiences that i can never get enough of.
smut : i tend to keep explicit smut off my blog save for some occasions, but i won't write that with anyone but my girlfriend. i'll do fade to blacks or leave it vague otherwise, as it's not typically something i'm always comfortable with sharing, despite my muse.
tagged by : stole this from @khadah hope that's okay 🫡 tagging : you!
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hikarry · 3 months
For the ask game, to distract you from your french: 19, 36, 37
Bless your heart, honest to God!
19. Tell me a story about your writing journey. When did you start? Why did you start? Were there bumps along the way? Where are you now and where are you going?
I started writing stories properly when I was about 12. It was also when I started reading. My best friend and I were addicted to this anime and we used to roleplay on MSN (remember that? Boy, I'm old) and we kinda just...ended up writing a collection of 6 books with vampires and whatnot - we were also watching The Vampire Diaries at the time, who's surprised
I still have the word files of all 6 "books". They are not...polished. Far from it. I told her I would do it and...well, it has been 12 years so they are never seeing the light of day ever. They were really bad.
Since then we started writing together some vampire fiction until I started breanching out on my own and at 14 I started writing a shit tone of Once Upon a Time fanfiction. It was the most I ever wrote for any fandom. I wrote for OUAT for around 3 years. And no, I will never tell yall where those fanfics are, but they are still out there.
I had a period somewhere where I also tried to write some originals and Ladybug fanfics but eh. Never went far.
Then I kinda stopped writing because I was extremely depressed from 17 to 2021. In 2021 I watched Yuri on Ice and got extremely inspired and wrote some one-shots and fics I never finished and are on ao3 to die, honestly. Then from the beginning of 2023 to November 2023 I had a massive writer's block and didn't write shit until I started writing Good Omens little imagines here on Tumblr and eventually wrote a one-shot for ao3 and I'm currently posting a 27 long fanfic there too. And I'm also already working on another project.
Good Omens really inspires me a lot, not only because the characters and the universe is THAT good, but because I love studying religion (even though I'm an atheist/agnostic myself) and history and this fandom gives me the chance to play with both! It's perfect! I plan to keep writing for this fandom for a long time. Probably after season 3 too. And after it slowly dies down, which is sad but inevitable
36. They say to Write What You Know. Setting aside for a moment the fact that this is terrible advice...what do you Know?
Depression. Anxiety. Panic.
I love exploring those in my fics and...well, we have Crowley, don't we?
37. If you were to be remembered only by the words you’ve put on the page, what would future historians think of you?
God, am I gay and mediocre. That's what's going to be in the History books
Ask Game
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ardent-fox · 1 year
Tag Game Masterpost
Got tagged by some wonderful humans, including @celestialmickey, @energievie, @creepkinginc, @metalheadmickey and @look-i-love-u to complete these fun tag games, thank you and spring blossoms to each of you! 💐💙
✨️ Tag Game Tuesday Wednesday ✨️
Name: Lyds ⚘️
Age: 34 for another 4 weeks or so 🗓
Where in the world are you? Europe, middle of nowhere📍
The meaning behind your URL: 'Ardent' is one of my favorite words, husband calls me Foxxy cause of my red hair, also it sounds like 'ardent fucks' together so cheeky win 🍑
Your second favorite color: Dusty pink 💕
Any pets? Jasper the bun 🐇
Favorite season: Spring, I feel as if I'm in love with the whole world during it, it kicked in earlier this year and I'm absolutely fine with that 🌸
Last thing you read: Galladrabbles. My brain has been doing its cute thing where it can't focus on reading or writing anything longer than that for the past few weeks 🙃
Last song you listened to: I played the Crazy Ex Girlfriend soundtrack while getting ready to go out, so Gettin' Bi (which has become an anthem of mine ngl) 🎵
What are you wearing right now? A hoodie with a crumbling print of a tattooed and pierced out princess Jasmine taking a selfie, black sweatpants and socks with chihuahuas wearing Santa hats on them, my go-to sexy at home look 😅
A hobby of yours: Writing fanfiction and planning our home makeover, both usually taking place only in my head 💭
Your comfort show or movie: Got several, going with Pride and Prejudice (the 1995 BBC miniseries) this time 📜
And finally, what are you up to today? Had a monthly supply of hay delivered to me this morning, went to a job interview that went surprisingly well, did some chores and now I'm chilling here 😎
✨️ Tag Game Fandom Edition ✨️
Your name: Lyds 🌸
Your age: Still 34 😅
Your first fandom(s): Not sure what qualifies, but probably House M.D. 🩺
Your current fandom(s): Though my hyperfixations are always changing, Shameless/Gallavich is the only fandom I actively engage in 🧑🏼‍🤝‍🧑🏻
How did you first get into fandom? I was part of a Tim Burton/Johnny Depp RPG message board where I played 3 characters and we also used to write what I now realize was fanfiction on the spot over MSN. A bunch of us were obsessed with House M.D. and someone must have mentioned fanfiction.net to me cause I got hooked on reading Hilson and Huddy stories around the same time 👀
How long have you been engaging with fandom spaces? The RPG/House era started in 2008, but I didn't become active on Tumblr and AO3 until getting involved in the Shameless fandom as of April 2022 🗓
How often do you read fanfics? When my brain is in the right place, I'd say a couple stories a week 📱
Top 3 characters from your current fandom(s): Ian gallagher, Mickey Milkovich, Castiel (still going through Supernatural and loving every bit of it) 💙
Have you ever written a fic for a fandom? If so, shout it out! Yes, still at one completed ficlet and a Galladrabble collection on my AO3, not counting the 5-6 WIPs I have in my docs 📂
Have you ever drawn fanart for a fandom? Nope, can't draw to save my life 🙃
Share a personal headcanon that you feel very strongly about: Probably not the most original one, but Mickey never liked his full name until Ian stated he thought it was beautiful. Him using it in his wedding vows is symbolic of him reconciling with the darkest parts of himself and accepting them before offering his whole self to Ian, a declaration of love for both of them in his own way. The fact that it somewhat mirrors the act of him apprehensively coming out in front of his own hostile audience, only to confidently show his self-acceptance and love for Ian in front of their favorite people 6 years later is just icing on the (wedding) cake 💖
You’re trying to convince a friend to get into your current fandom(s) with you. What episode, clip, or scene are you showing them? The "I can explain this" scene when Mickey gets shot in the ass and the social worker appears at the Gallagher house, it's peak Shameless madness 😄
And finally, what does fandom mean to you? A sanctuary of creativity and comfort where we can all be, make and enjoy whatever we want, the closest thing to utopia there is 🫶
Tagging @ian-galagher, @sickness-health-all-that-shit, @gallawitchxx, @gardenerian, @squidyyy23, @juliakayyy, @whatwouldmickeydo, @auds-and-evens, @thisdivorce, @sleepyfacetoughguy and whoever sees this and would like to play! ✨️
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arianadevareux · 2 years
Show some love! 📺💖
Tell me ten of the most niche characters you’ve ever searched “x reader” fics for, and then share this with ten of your favourite people
Oooh this one's fun! Also ily anon.
I usually look up more character x oc, so I lumped it all into one! I also excluded the things I've looked up just for the fuck of it* and only included characters I looked up because I'm attracted to them.
Capricorn from Inkheart (the movie, as I haven't finished the book yet.)
Senji from Deadman Wonderland
Habit from Everyman Hybrid
Charles Lightoller from Titanic
Moira from The Princess (2022)
Greg Davies - the actual real life comedian. Bonus: David Mitchell
Mac's Dad from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Comte de Reynaud from Chocolat
Andy French from Mission Hill
Deacon from Water World
*Looking through my AO3 history and uncovered "Martin Luther King Jr. gets busy with the green M&" so like I don't think that counts.
I'd give anything to be given a list from everything I've read fanfic. Like gimme my MSN boards history. My Quizilla history. I was lookin up some shit on there.
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waywardfeathered · 1 year
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@knightinsourarmor said: When did you start writing on Tumblr? Who is an author that inspires you? OTP for your muse?
Munday Meme    /    ACCEPTING ↷
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When did you start writing on Tumblr? :: Spring of 2013. I had been roleplaying mostly in private with friends (msn messenger, private forums...) for many, many years, and was on the so called regular side of tumblr since 2010 as well, so I suppose I caught whiff of the RPC through that? This blog, since June 2018.
Who is an author that inspires you? :: There’s not one specific author. I love to read, both books and fanfic, and I pick up phrases, analogies, themes, etc. from anything I read.
OTP for your muse? :: Destiel, hands down. But I’m very much a multishipper; to name a rarepair I love and rarely get to play with, I fucking adore Rowena/Cas. I’m a lot more variable shipping in roleplay than in fic; I’d pretty much only choose to read Destiel, but I’d write just about anything I can see chemistry in.
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dhampiravidi · 1 year
"Marvel Reveals New Covers for Capwolf & The Howling Commandos"
me, sarcastic: oh wow. they're finally turning fanfic into canon.
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drcloyd · 1 year
For the emoij ask; 💖👀🎉🤗
Much love 💙
💖 What made you start writing? oh man, that was so long ago i barely remember. i do know i first started writing doing roleplay on msn groups (it was a wolf rp??). i forget how i got into fanfic, but my first fandom i wrote for was gilmore girls. 👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please! crying cat rolling away.jpg. i don't really have anything concrete, i'm not sure if i'll ever publish another fic? i do have like a vague idea for quentin comes back from the dead magicians fic but i haven't really done anything with it.
🎉 What leads you to consider a fic a success? me actually managing to finish it lmao.
🤗 What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
just write!! get something down on the page.
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benevolentgodloki · 2 years
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○  NAME:  Pirate
○  PRONOUNS: She/her.
○   PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: tumblr IMs for introductions to discuss threads or chat to established role-play partners, Discord for a select few I gel with or especially if you're part of a server I'm in/a group thread is being written (I get overwhelmed with notifications so I can't have too many people in separate places). Asks for everything else!
○    NAME OF MUSE(S): Loki
○    EXPERIENCE/HOW LONG (MONTHS/YEARS?): Idk like 22 years or something? I've been on tumblr for 10 years.
○    PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED: MSN, Skype, Discord, RolePages, Vulpine Imperium, Fantasmic, tumblr
○   BEST EXPERIENCE: Meeting my best friends through fanfic and role-play
○    RP PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS: Vague posts/call-outs/drama, persistent negativity, repeatedly dropping threads or refreshing entire blogs and moving before we can develop a relationship, splicing dialogue/writing it retrospectively in posts, openly complaining about something without being considerate to who might be reading it, jealousy, being fandom police, Pirate whining hypocritically about all this
○    FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT: A decent mix of all tbh. Over exposure to fluff or smut can get dull for Loki. Too much angst hurts him. I like hurt/comfort. Also, my 'smut' is not the same kind of smut that word tends to make you think of. I'm not really one for mechanically jamming two muses together anyway. My 'smut' can be quite plot heavy so it's more erotica-ish? If you don't like smut usually but you're curious, you can try it out with me (if Loki's interested) and see if you like how it goes. I've converted more than one person who didn't like usual smut to start with :P Absolutely no judgement on people who just like to get right on in there, it's more jarring for me without build-up and exposition. Sometimes I'm even happier to fade to black if we've done a lot of the same old thing.
○    PLOTS OR MEMES: Light plot or memes. I don't like heavy plotting unless we've been discussing something specific and got excited. I like to pants my way through threads usually until we spark something up. I don't reblog memes often but established partners can check my /memes tag and send things in and if I want to turn it into a thread I will!
○    LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: Short to medium. I'm very succinct with what I write and I don't always do a lot of introspection because Loki's a trickster so getting in his head sometimes reveals too much to a partner. I've also read too much Pratchett so I get to the point quite fast, except when Loki's waffling the hell on. Sometimes I do get 'hooked on a feeling' or there's a lot to say and the replies get longer. With partners I'm not always a fan of long posts unless there's a good reason for it e.g. Smaugie does lots of awesome exposition and world-building and character stuff. Some peeps however are fleshing things out a lot or they end up godmodding so it's very difficult for me to explain what my character was doing or to further the plot without my brain crying.
○    BEST TIME TO WRITE: Late morning to early eve
○    ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): I find lying incredibly uncomfortable unless I'm acting, so no XD I am also not a magical frost giant god with a religious following. I am however bisexual, pagan, and wish I could physically flip my biological sex and appearance at a whim. I don't like to take hard opinions on anything so I'm very middle-ground trickstery, but I'm also obsessed with order and schedules due to my (likely) autism. I'm also far more clever than I am wise, though I think I'm gradually exchanging Intelligence points for Wisdom as I get older. God I hope so.
TAGGED BY: @paragonrising :D
TAGGING: Anyone who hasn't done this before or wants to do it again!
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taylorrama · 2 years
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Here, have some Azumanga Daioh character MSN screen names me and my friend made up for a fanfic in 2006.
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