#mugs rambles
n64gamepak · 1 year
Mario & Luigi Stim Headcanons
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I headcanon Mario with ADHD and Luigi with Autism, so I like to think the brothers have their own unique stims!!
- Mario tends to chew on things alot. Pens, pencils, his nails, bottle caps, but more specifically his clothes. He's a tough chewer, so he tends to unintentionally destroy near everything he chews on, especially his clothing. He's tore shirt collars and sleeves all his life due to it. Because of this, Luigi has picked up sewing, and frequently patches up Mario's torn clothes.
- Luigi is the opposite, he hates chewing on things but likes the feeling of chewlry in his mouth. Sometimes he'll sit around the house with chewlry casually sitting in his cheek, and he loves it because of how grounding it is.
- Mario loves holding things in his hands. He usually holds his overall straps in his hands, but sometimes he holds or hugs Luigi. Whether it's holding his brothers shoulder, hand, or simply hugging him, he loves the feeling of having something in his hands.
- Luigi fidgets with his fingers, and sometimes Mario's fingers too. He'll twiddle his thumbs, tap his fingers, or just play with them in general. It originally started as a nervous habit that he just can't stop now.
- Both Mario and Luigi have echolalia! As kids they annoyed the hell out of their parents from all the phrases they'd pick up and wouldn't stop using. As adults, they only repeat words, sounds, and phrases around eachother.
- Luigi rubs his hands on his jeans, like during the family dinner scene. He loves the texture on the palms of his hands. It's not too rough.
- Mario tends to tap his feet a lot. When he's standing up, he taps them on the ground. When he's sitting down, he knocks and rubs them together or taps them on the floor. Sometimes he bumps his heels against whatever he's sitting on.
- Luigi jumps in place when he's happy!!! He does little happy bounces anytime he's happy or excited, like how he did in the movie when he was talking about their mom calling and complimenting their commercial.
i could make a part 2 with more headcanons if people would like!!
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valentinending · 4 months
Skibbidy toilet rizz
Banbanned from Ohio
Sorry mommy, mommy? I mean mommy, I mean sorry, mommy, mommy, jugs? Huh
Tits, knockers, double ds?..
Bros edging and sorry maxing
Bro lost his mewing streak
Mewing more like mommy? Sorry, mommy?
Crazy? I was crazy once.. they locked me in a room.. a rubber room. A rubber room filled with rats.. the rats made me crazy.. Crazy? I was crazy once.. they locked me in a room.. a rubber room. A rubber room filled with rats.. the rats made me crazy.. Crazy? I was crazy once.. they locked me in a room.. a rubber room. A rubber room filled with rats.. the rats made me crazy.. Crazy?
Baby, you make me crazy
Baby? Like five nights at Freddy's???
Me? Like I'm having a bad bad day
It's about time that I get my way
Steam rolling whatever I see, huh
Despicable me
Yall deserve some brainrot:
@ankle-breaker-101 @projectmoonlightproductions
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yaoitwinklesbian · 5 months
hello, i'm mugs! welcome to my art archive
this blog is solely a place for me to post my art for public archival purposes. i never check this account outside of the times i post.
you are welcome to send in asks! i will answer them when i can <3
i mostly post art for my story show me true colors, which will be tagged as such.
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halemerry · 9 months
Hey everyone what's your favorite mug look like?
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caveiratimida · 4 months
I really wish the Zillo Beast had gobbled up Chancellor Palpetine. It might not solve all the problems of the world but it would have been a great big help.
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lazylittledragon · 20 days
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it felt like AUTUMN today and i’m going into it with my whole pussy so this is a call for everyone to drop me their soup recipes
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ventique18 · 10 months
One person left to hit bingo
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polyphonetic · 3 months
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konjkitkatty · 4 months
Leshy is prob wondering to himself how the hell he managed to attract two cats and had them fight over him
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It is VERY bold to assume Leshy would be wondering how he managed to do it
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laurrelise · 4 days
tragic that even with how lackluster the umbrella academy’s final season was, we never got to see five’s house.
i want to see where the old man lives. how does he decorate? does he live in an apartment or was he able to figure out a cute little home for himself? does he have roommates? did he ever learn how to cook for himself, or does he just eat fluffernutters whenever he’s hungry? does he ever get a mr. pennycrumb of his own? (i know he doesn’t, but a girl can dream) does he ever discover a cafe near his home where a decent cup of coffee can be found?
what coffee maker does he have? where does he buy his coffee grounds? how many coffee mugs does he have? i just KNOW he collects them.
he absolutely goes into little shops downtown and finds one that says some stupid shit like “if my coffee isn’t as black as my soul, i’m not drinking it” and giggles to himself in the corner and then spends way too much money on it because it’s just too good to pass up. he’ll smile to himself on the way home and then put on a pot of coffee to try it out for the first time. he hand-washes his mugs even though they’re all dishwasher safe because he wants to make sure they’re going to be completely untarnished when he wants to use them again. he has an entire cabinet for all of his mugs and one other cabinet for the rest of his glasses and bowls and plates because he doesn’t own a whole lot but he does like mugs. and someone will ask him about his mugs and he’ll properly tell them where he got each and every one, down to exact dates and times because he remembers everything and thinking about when he found his favorite mugs makes him feel less stressed. and whoever asked will not get a single word in and they won’t try to because five is talking about his mugs and he doesn’t get a whole lot of joy from material things but it is the simple things that matter. and five likes the simple things. and five likes his mugs.
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n64gamepak · 1 year
I made a post earlier about how I believe Luigi is autistic, and I want to elaborate on it a bit!
Please keep in mind, having these traits doesn't necessarily mean you have autism. Not only that, I'll be analyzing Luigi using my own personal symptoms and traits as an autistic adult. It's important to mention that autism is a spectrum, and how one autistic person may present could be vastly different to another autistic person.
I'll be focusing on Luigi's portrayal in the recent Super Mario Bro's Movie, since that is his most recent portrayal, along with some general personality traits commonly seen throughout the games
This may include spoilers. Read at your own risk.
In the Mario Bro’s plumbing commercial, Luigi seems physically awkward- Almost like he doesn’t know how to position his body, and comes off as physically awkward.
Luigi tends to lacks balance, as seen when he nearly slides off the van in their Plumbing commercial when leaning against it. Not only that, Luigi is commonly portrayed as clumsy. He trips over his feet, loses his balance, and just is overall not physically comfortable in his body. Autistic people sometimes are physically clumsy, and we tend to easily lose our balance, trip, and bump into things.
In the scene with Mario and Spike bickering, Luigi seems to not understand what is socially acceptable to say, or what might be deemed “embarrassing” to admit. He seems to lack social skills, and tends to let Mario do the socializing (or guide him through it)
Adding onto that, in the scene immediately after where They have their first customer- Luigi, again, says the supposedly wrong thing, and backtracks when Mario panics.
Overall when Luigi speaks, he tends to stammer and seem awkward and almost lacks confidence in his speaking skills. Some autistic people struggle with verbal communication, sometimes even going fully mute. Autistic people might also be prone to stuttering and fully restarting our sentences. Sometimes the words that leave our mouth don't match the words we want to say in our brain!
Luigi tends to do the classic “T-Rex” arm pose throughout the movie, usually defaulting to it.
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From a general point of view, Luigi is often portrayed as very sensitive and overly empathetic, and some autistic people are very emotional and highly empathetic to the ones around them, even if they don’t physically show it.
There's probably so much more, and this is just from what I remember right off the top of my head from the movie.. I would love to do a bigger, more in depth analysis on Luigi and how he exhibits many autistic traits. I'd love to know if others would prefer a more indepth, deeper analysis of this too.
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valentinending · 26 days
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Vent under the cut
Okay, don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my parents, but I genuinely feel like they fucked me up.
I was never really taught how to clean my room having a stay at home mom who would always do it by choice when I was young. When I was 8, she started to look into jobs and she didn't have anymore time for that.
And that was fine. If she had ever taught us how to do it ourselves. Having two easily distracted and emotionally sensitive children sharing the same room and expecting them to clean it all by themselves? That's a riot. Especially when they don't know how.
Needless to say, they got pissed. We wouldn't be able to eat anything until we had either gone what they deemed too long, or finally cleaned up.
It absolutely sickens me that I was once caught eating paper, and the only thing that got taken was my markers because I had colored on the paper.
They wonder why I don't feel like I have anything important to say to them.
Nothing in my life has ever felt important after my primary and middle school years.
I don't think they ever wanted to hurt me, but it's sucks not being able to remember anything from my childhood, and it sucks not feeling worth anything.
I love myself as much as I can, but I could never truly believe that someone else legitimately cares. It terrifies me
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simpingforcys · 2 days
Can't stop thinking rn about King Candy in his Royal study, sitting across the large table that is his desk looking over papers of the kingdom and new designs for karts or the race. Half of it being actual paper work about politics, the other half being just his own ideas of how to make the game slightly more about him.
He could give himself a new racing outfit, though he's very fond of his gloves and racing goggles (a color he chose himself that definitely didn't give away anything about him). When he feels his eyes getting tired, he gets none other than the other sized glasses he somehow always has on hand. They look so silly oversized on him but no one else is around (aside from Sour Bill to bring him what he needs every now and then).
And everything he signs in the signature he created for his King Candy disguise. He can't sign things as TURBO, and definitely not in crooked, wild letters that look like graffiti with a pen. I'm willing to bet he had to teach himself (or coded in himself) hand writing to sign as King Candy.
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autisticshizuo · 2 months
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first hawaiian shirts and sweater + shirt in this heat and now tracksuits? why did they got hit with the middle age crisis fits..
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averagetmntfan · 6 months
Hey mug Stacy 49% ok how do you feel about that know?: \
“I guess That’s better..-i think I’ll just..shut up for now so I don’t say anything stupid..”
He looks kinda..guilty. They didn’t know this would happen..I guess she really was bad at socializing.
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objectum-culture-is · 3 months
My best friend just found out I'm objectum and they just went "it's pride month, Object rights, I guess!" Omg I love them so much 😭
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