#muscley lady
roguesart-blog · 1 year
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I saw this shirt on Insta recently and immediately thought of my paladin, Nyx, and the Time™️ she's currently having.
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twistedappletree · 8 months
if nie huaisang married a woman he would still be a malewife im s orry
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dollfat · 4 months
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was hoping to see this post again just so i could comment how weird it is to equate being beautiful/hot with happiness. kind of implying transitioning is only worth it if you end up attractive to cis people
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snekdood · 9 months
me when its an aesthetic pic with a skinny tall white woman: 😒🙄😴
me when its literally any other type of woman or a woman with only one or two of the above traits: 😍🥰😊
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avengedbiologist · 2 years
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Miss Kayonnaise and Miss Penny-farthing.
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tharett · 2 months
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**** This is going to be the last ranfren post I'll make ****
I'm pretty sure some of you may know (and by looking into the community, will probably tell me to "grow up" lololol), the ranfren creator has... a VERY problematic past (that i properly searched and educated myself about)... and I no longer want to associate with their work (simple as that, really)☝️🤓
[Context as to Why I'm Uploading this xd]:
I was in the process of drawing this page (with the intention of uploading it ywy) before finding about the LORE about the making of the Ranfren series, so I couldn't bring myself to NOT upload this after putting a lot of work in for it... and we find ourselves here in this awkward situation :v
So with this, I will bid the series adieu and continue uploading art of my other interests 🙇‍♂️
Eng Translation of my Chicken Scratch Handwriting:
Nyon and Nyen photo:
- ok 1/2 (letters on his shirt)
- Nyon looks too feminine lmao (in my style)
-Nyen (why is he always drawn all muscley??) (Future thare: I now know (HAH))
Luther photo:
[Headcanon Box]
- always unprepared for visitors (doesn't have enough drinks each visit somehow)
Luther (L): "I hope your friends like them..."
Randal (R): "thanks big brother! Woah, an ash tray for a cup!? Cool"
Avalona and Spider Girl photo:
Avalona Mercury (A): c'mon guys! Hurry up! N'hee hee hee!"
R: "I'm on my way ladies!!"
A: "ew you're drooling again hee hee!"
[OC]Hirose Daiki (H): "I'll stick around a bit!"
[Extra Notes]
- HS AU ☆ high school alternative universe
- they all get along like normal teens <3
Comic Strip (LEFT TO RIGHT! Also Numbered!!):
[Contex Box]
- meeting the Ivory Family
[Dialouge + Action Boxes]
H: "oh! Hey Sebastian (S)! What a coincidence! Wanna hang later?"
S: "H-Hirose? What are you...?" [First time meeting Hirose out of school]
H: "I'm also here for groceries?? Lol. Why else would I be here?"
L: "oh? Is he a friend of yours, Randal?" [Lean--]
R: "eeh, I guess? He's a friend of a friend" [uninterested]
H: "hello! I'm Hirose Daiki, Randal's and Sebastian's friend! You must be Randal's big brother, Luther, right?" [Offering hand for handshake]
S: "I told you, you don't have to greet them..."
H: "nonsense!! It's a pleasure to meet you! Hi Randal ^^"
R: "ugh... hi..."
L: "(Oh, he's nicer than the other one (Satoru)!) Well yes! Yes I am- it's a pleasure to meet you, too!" [Flattered Blush]
H: "the pleasure is all mine!"
R: "Seb, let's go to the candy section!"
[Contex Box (2)]
- later made plans to introduce his (Hirose) parents
Traducción de Todo lo que Dije antes pero en Esp xd:
**** Esto será el último blog de Ranfren que haré ****
Estoy seguro que algunos de ustedes saben (y al mirar los tipos de la comunidad, probablemente me dirán que "ctm/no mms" xdxd), el creador de Ranfren tiene... un pasado MUY problemático (en la cual yo tome el tiempo para buscar para que me eduque adecuadamente)... y ya no quiero asociarme con su trabajo (así de simple, la neta JAJA) ☝️🤓
[Contexto de pq subo esto xdxd]:
Estaba en el proceso de terminar este dibujo (con la intención de subirla ;-;) antes de enterarme de la HISTORIA sobre la creación de la serie Ranfren, así que como no subir este dibujo después de ponerle tanto esfuerzo para terminarlo, y pues... ahora nos encontramos aquí en esta situación incomoda :v
Así que con esto, me despido de la serie y continuaré subiendo arte de mis otros intereses 🙇‍♂️
Traducción Esp de mi letra culera JAJAJA:
Foto de Nyon y Nyen:
- ok 1/2 (lo que tiene escrito en su blusa)
- Nyon se ve demasiado femenino JAJAJA (en mi estilo xd)
- Nyen (¿pq siempre lo dibujan todo musculoso?) (thare del futuro: ahora lo sé (JAJ))
Foto con Luther:
[Caja con Headcanon] ("Headcanon" son ideas que son implementados en un personaje(s) de cómo interactuan/como reaccionaría en ciertas situaciones, etc)
- Siempre no esta preparado para sus visitantes (por alguna razón siempre no tiene suficiente bebidas para servir en cada visita)
Luther (L): "espero que a tus amigos les gusten..."
Randal (R): "¡Gracias, hermano mayor! Gau, ¿¡un cenicero para una taza!? Chido"
Foto con Avalona y Chica Araña:
Avalona Mercurio (A): "¡Vamos chicos! ¡Apúrense! ¡N'hji ji ji!"
R: "¡¡Voy llegando chicas!!"
A: "¡Que asco, estas babeando de nuevo ji ji!"
[OC]Hirose Daiki(H): "¡Me quedo con ustedes por un poco!"
[Notas Extra]
- UA de Prepa ☆ Universo Alternativo de la Prepa/Secundaria
- se llevan como adolescentes normales <3
[Caja de Contexto]
- conociendo la Familia Ivory
[Diálogo + Cajas de Acción]
H: "¡oh! ¡Que tal Sebastian (S)! ¡Que coincidencia! ¿Quieres pasar el rato?"
S: "¿H-Hirose? ¿Que haces aquí...?" [La primera vez que mira a Hirose fuera de la escuela]
H: "¿¿También estoy aquí para el mandado?? Lol, ¿para que más estaría aquí?"
L: "¿Oh? Este es un amigo tuyo, Randal?" [Se inclina--]
R: "eee, ¿yo diría? Es amigo de un amigo" [desinteresado]
H: "¡Hola! ¡Soy Hirose Daiki, amigo de Randal y Sebastian! Usted es el hermano mayor de Randal; Luther, ¿es cierto?" [Ofreciéndole la mano para saludarlo]
S: "te he dicho, no necesitas saludarlos..."
H: "¡¡Tonterías!! ¡Es un placer conocerte! Hola Randal ^^"
R: "ugh... hola..."
L: "(Oh, ¡es más amable que el otro (Satoru xd)!) ¡Por supuesto! Soy el hermano mayor- ¡Es un placer conocerte!" [Rubor Halagado(?)]
H: "¡El placer es todo mío!"
R: "¡Oye Seb, vayamos a la sección de dulces!"
[Caja de Contexto (2)]
- después hicieron planes para introducir sus padres (de Hirose)
Con esto, me despido y les deseo que tengan una buenas/os días, tardes, o noches 🫂💕
And with this, I say goodbye and wish all of you a good day, afternoon, or night 🫂💕
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shaykesqueer · 7 months
@anamelessfool @callmeghoulshit Come get it!
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Femme Mountain my BELOVED
Sister of Sin Mountain my BELOVED
How perfectly me finishing this piece lined up with @forlorn-crows' Mountain March!
Okay I know Mountain isn't really this beefy, I just have a thing for muscley ladies ALRIGHT
Disclaimer: I used Nightshade for the first time on this piece!
Full res on Pillowfort
Commission Slots Available! | Carrd
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eldritchbl4st · 11 days
Her Battle Cry, A Symphony
Karlach x Tav
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Chapter 2: The Chains That Bind Us
Chapter Summary: Irina introduces Karlach to what could be a friend or a foe – and much is revealed as a result.
Tags: Friends to lovers, Slow-ish burn, Mutual pining, Canon rewrite, Named Tav, Third Person POV, Lesbian character(s), Eventual smut, Everyone is a little gay, two big muscley tiefling ladies in love
Word Count: 5,275
OMG I FINALLY UPDATEDDDD!!! I'm so happy I had time this fic is very much a labour of love and I hope y'all enjoy :)
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harlequinchaos · 1 year
Now, how are we feeling about the new mortal kombat? Does it seem kind of fruitier? Why did they make the green one so hot this time around, he's a lizard! Come on people.. I don't know which gay intern got promoted between the last game and this one but the subtext is there.
The really famous one, Cage, Johnny Cage used to be a ladies man in the 90's yeah, he and his wife split up. Yeah.. yeah. AND THEN he goes to live with a bunch of hot muscley men who just break into his house one night? Yeah I dunno about that. And don't even get me started on him and the blindfolded one...
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its-your-mind · 1 year
The Mighty Nein, a party of adventurers, relatively powerful and minorly magical, rolling up to a Harvest Festival and promptly:
Their warlock hit a young mother in the face with a beanbag
He then tore another beanbag on his own breastplate and spilled sand all over himself
Then the two buff ladies in the party (both stronger than him) threw him face-first into the carpet while trying to help him throw the beanbag better
A blue tiefling throwing a beanbag straight up in the air and getting it caught on her horn
A terrifyingly large buff woman with a giant sword throwing a bean bag approximately four feet
Their sneaky disguised goblin friend got clocked as a goblin at the literal first booth she went to
The buff ladies from before walk over to and promptly shut down an intentionally impossible strength game by soundly beating it twice in a row
The blue tiefling buying out the entirety of the stock of caramel apples as soon as they come out of the oven and passing them out to her adult friends
The purple tiefling buying an obnoxiously large tapestry with gaudy religious iconography with probable chaotic intent
The definitely-not-a-goblin girl absolutely demolishing an archery game and then proceeding to discuss with her friend how best to eat the live rats she won
The large muscley lady beating the army's strongest fighter in an arm-wrestling contest.
The blue tiefling (old woman disguise edition) vandalizing a temple with large pink painted hearts, then scurrying out giggling
Receiving two (2) individual invitations to join the army, and then one (1) individual invitation to join a mercenary group
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misc-muses · 3 months
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"Sooooo what else do you look for in a long-term partner? Do you like muscley guys? How about guys that eat an entire stack of pancakes without getting sick? Or are you more of a girls girl? I know some ladies that are looking for someone to feed ducks at the pond with them! Or go on long night walks! Ooh, maybe you could drive to the aquarium and look at the fish! Fish like to smooch!"
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wyrm-with-a-why · 11 months
What if humanformers Tfa Megs was a chubby yet muscley black lady with vitiligo because his cybertronian form was clearly darker before
This is random but it’s how I perceive her
I want to grab Megatron’s waist so bad
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mewmewgirl101 · 1 year
Reason why Buffy doesn’t deserve some one who nice sweet kind caring romantic helpful strong hot sensitive loving selfless. See how horrible she is and how proud of herself she is one and she made at her self for loving spike and takes the anger of loving him out on him. Buffy you love him so being so horrible to him and wait your just mean.spike doesn’t need a soul and Angelus doesn’t as horrible to you and everyone and you ( yells in frustration ) but hey Buffy if you don’t want spike step a side cause he’s mine now
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No Buffy your beneath him he’s way too nice and kind and good for you you’re deserve some who treats you like you treat spike them saying what you to to spike then I thought you like it cause you act this way to spike I hate her so much I wish I could kick that b****’s butt. Then hold and comfort spike and let him cry on my shoulder as I rub and his very muscley back. he’s just sweet little cinnamon roll who deserves better than Buffy. Team spillow he deserves a nice girl like willow.the bad boy and the sweet nice sweet girl I would love to be in Buffy’s shoes. And then she said he’s just convent you do know what that makes her sound like even more so when she admits she’s using him to feel something. It makes he sound like some s*** h**** b**. I don’t use those words cause there not lady like and am a lady.
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crabbng · 6 months
I wanna know what inspired you to make Teraat shes my favorite I love wizard lady she reminds me of Roxy lalonde a tiny bit of Rose lalonde, Olette from kingdom hearts and Momo from my hero love the smart girlie
love all those (idk who olette is)
tera came from the game guild wars 2! as a player character. within that world she's a mesmer who was doing very nerdy sciencey stuff with magic, so that transferred to kos super easily!
i made her years and years ago, but iirc, i made her to be a bit of a foil to her sister nev, who does muscley strong stuff and is like.. emotionally mature? not to say tera is immature.. i guess nev is just more naturally empathetic.
but honestly i could be remembering that totally wrong 🤣🤣 i could have had some ulterior motive, idk
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reverse-hermit · 7 months
need a muscley lady to break my ribs
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purplekoop · 1 year
oh yeah if they put Witch Kiriko in the Credits shop for Halloween then. well uh. RIP to her mythic skin as far as I'm concerned.
I mean I'm not like a super frequent Kiriko player, I'll usually just pick her in my rotation of not getting bored playing the same support too many matches in a row, but uh... yeah her Mythic is kind of the worst one so far by a decent margin in my book.
Also while the rest of the Season 7 pass from what we've seen so far looks kinda... mneh, gonna be honest the western gothic creepy theme isn't really landing with me, at least the (kind of unrelated besides "dark and spooky") Hanzo Mythic actually looks pretty solid. Bad news is that it's... uh... Hanzo... so uh. huh.
I'm so mad I'm not missing this one but I missed Cyber Demon Genji and Knight Tracer AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH I'm so so eternally enraged I missed that one. Genji's is just cool and Tracer combines my favorite DPS character with an awesome fantasy knight theme, while Hanzo is. one of the few characters in this entire cast of nearly 40 that I don't like all that much.
I guess to get out my other Mythic thoughts (since I have all the others):
Zeus JQ: Grinded the hell out of Season 2 to just barely get this one in time and it was vaguely worth it. Gonna be stiff competition replacing this one, the effects are cool but to be honest the main appeal is just the big muscley lady getting to show off. Not a fan of the red/pink coloration but that's my only complaint.
Amaterasu Kiriko: Again, the worst Mythic so far imo, and honestly one of my least favorite out of Kiriko's skins in general. Better than her Season 1 BP skin at least, but really this one just doesn't play into Kiriko's design in any interesting ways for me, it just makes her generically fancy. The options don't really do anything for me either, all of them just slightly change the amount of "meh" it makes me feel.
Emperor Sigma: A bit mixed on this one honestly. Still like it overall, but it's got a few shortcomings that make it my second least favorite. The overall design is slick, but it's another one where the variants are a bit of a letdown. The ugly beige color option just does nothing for me, but the default black and purple is a combo I don't have much issue with sticking to. The shoulder armor options are kinda whatever, and while I love the M Bison hat plus eyepatch head, the other options are just... eh. Also, while the overhauled visual effects are fantastic, especially the tractor beam ult, there's a change I'm oddly not super fond of in this skin, that being his voice lines. This is petty, but like... I don't like how mean this skin makes him. I mean, I get that's the point, the space dictator isn't meant to be friendly, but Sigma being a calm, likeable goober most of the time despite being on the bad guy team is part of why he's such a fun character to me, so the flattened characterization is kind of jarring. let me be the silly floaty space man without all my voice lines telling my teammates to get on their knees. Overall great skin, but I have enough reasons to unequip it sometimes. Sigma's got some phenomenal skins, and even some of his Epics like his OG Talon skin are fantastic, at least to me.
Wargod Ana: Of the ones I own, this is definitely my favorite. Just in concept I adore it, of all the options to make the Null Sector mechanisation gimmick into a Mythic skin, Ana was such a cool choice. She's not a super "grandiose" character normally, but the subtle theming of this "ultimate war machine" makes her feel so cool and plays with her aesthetic in such a distinctly cool way. Shoot, the dubiously canon lore for the skin is cool too. The idea of a Null Sector bot that was made in an attempt to copy Ana's combat skill, but got corrupted because of her memories is such a cool way to reflect on Ana as a character that I'm almost a little mad Wargod isn't her own character?? This shows in the voicelines too. While Sigma's personality deviation put me off there, for Ana it feels a bit less... conflicting? Instead of taking a morally complicated but friendly character and turning him into a simple bad guy, this takes a slightly jaded but thoroughly good-hearted and good-acting character, takes her good parts away, and leaves the ruthlessness that was still there in the original. Plus, the voice lines aren't as outright mean, but feel effectively menacing. The change to "You're powered up, destroy them" is so simple and almost goofy, but feels so cool in practice. But that's not even going into the skin itself. While some other Mythics have some neat reference point for their style, Wargod Ana is just a perfect medley of the Null Sector suite of aesthetics. Each of the color variants is something used by existing PvE enemies. The designs also just feature bits and pieces of Null Sector bots too. Not only that, but the armor variants also serve as iterative upgrades. The first variant looks almost like a slicer that grew into gangly human proportions, with exposed, primitive-looking limb mechanisms. The second variant meanwhile, while my least favorite, now actually looks like a Null Sector mini-boss unit. The third one meanwhile feels like a proper character on par with Ana herself, with actual cloth over her legs and a more complex and organic-looking design overall, almost like a bride of frankenstein counterpart to Ramattra. Speaking of, her rifle options also directly reference the man himself, with the first variant having the claw-and-orb part of his Void Accelerator towards the back, while the second has a ribcage-like design reminiscent of his torso. Also points to this one for being arguably the highest percentage of variants I'd actually consider using, the middle body design is a bit meh, and looks actively kinda bleh with the third color option, but aside from that they look great. It's hard for me to swap off the default purple and white, but combining the red color with the third body variant is a hell of a combo too. There's even more great details! The audio effect changes are great as ever, especially for Nano Boost, but her gun also just sounds super satisfying to shoot too. And like!! With her beach ball emote, the beach ball is replaced with a Null Sector bomb guy's bomb!! Come on, how is this not the best Mythic yet.
...this post was just me hoping I could get Witch Kiriko without paying money and turned into an essay about Wargod Ana. oops.
anyways the next mythic skin should be King Dedede Reinhardt.
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