#buff lass
roguesart-blog · 1 year
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I saw this shirt on Insta recently and immediately thought of my paladin, Nyx, and the Time™️ she's currently having.
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mogwaei · 2 years
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Hazy dreams
[Mao ⚔ Solas]
(reposting because I added tasteful drapes instead of ugly black boxes - full spice on my twitter @/spiced_eggmog)
>link to my fic "Ouroboros"<
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shadowkira · 1 year
My ass and tail too dummy thicc. Got stuck between a bed, a wall and a stool. I cannot move, sit or lie. My companions are.... probably annoyed af.
Edit: I'm so glad that I had to literally smash everything in my vicinity to solve that. Amazing. For a hot second I thought she was stuck partially IN the wall and just glitching.
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inhidingxoxo3637 · 2 years
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Maybe he was a bad kid and his ears are like that because his mum would pinch him by the ear when he got in trouble
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Thinking about reader finally stumbling onto one of the dogs shifted into their human form. Maybe Soap raiding the cabinets in the kitchen for a late night snack? Reader obviously freaks tf out about a whole ass man in their house... but the rest of the force are still in their dog forms. Reader's confused why their once very protective dogs are completely okay with this strange man in their house, and why this man is claiming to be one of her dogs.
(Note that these answers are non-linear! I’ll be having fun with a few more asks/requests as if this hasn’t happened yet 😉)
All you wanted was some water to ease the dryness in your throat, but as soon as they noticed you picking up your phone from the bedside table, the dogs kept tugging at your clothes to hold you back—something they never did. You swatted them away without thinking much of it, though, too sleep-adled to think that maybe, just maybe, they were doing it for good reason.
And then you saw the man in your kitchen.
“Why are you naked.”
It wasn’t much of a question. More of a statement—or an exaggeration, really—because he wasn’t naked. He was just wearing sweatpants that hung low on his hips, exposing a deep V-line and a happy trail that would’ve had you drooling if not for the sheer strangeness of the circumstances. At first, you weren’t even sure if you should be afraid—because it was comedic, the way he locked eyes with you, halfway through chomping down on a spoonful of cereal from not even a bowl, but a mug.
He swallows hard, and that’s when you grab a knife—earning several barks from your dogs. At you. Not him.
“He’s literally the intruder here!” you argue back. “You bark at, like, every other guy? What about him?! He’s massive!”
“Aw, thank y—“
“That wasn’t a compliment!”
The man’s smile tightens as he slowly puts the mug and spoon down, and lifts his hands as if in surrender. 
“Easy, lass,” he continues, eyes darting between your face and the knife. “I’m a friend.”
“The fuck you are—“
“Look. Look.” He gestures back and forth between himself and the dogs, who stand in place between you two. “You’re missin’ a pup, aren’t ya? Foxhound that gets into everything? Soap? Thah’s me!”
‘Me?’ What the hell was this guy thinking? But sure enough—just as he said—Soap was missing from the group. It was just Price, Ghost, and Gaz—all tense like you. If not more so. Gaz offers a whine in negotiation, stepping forward to get you to back up a little further, away from the stranger. There’s a beg—no—an intelligent plea in the Labrador’s eyes that nearly makes you falter, unsure of reason or rhyme.
Unsure of yourself.
“That’s— that’s not possible,” you laugh nervously, reaching for the phone in your pocket. “Dogs don’t turn into people, or vice versa. Now get out of my house or I’m calling the poli—“
— “Wouldn’t do that if I was you.”
And now there’s a third fucking person. Standing in your kitchen. Right where Price used to be. And now the shock runs cold, adrenaline gone in place of confusion. And a quick skip through the stages of grief into acceptance.
“Well,” is all that gets out of your mouth. “Shit.”
The world spins, and everything goes black. You’re out like a light. All you see is ‘human-Price’ moving forward, then darkness, and the sensation of two arms catching you before you hit the floor.
The boys hang around until morning light after that, sitting in the living room in dead silence. At least until Gaz gives a final suggestion.
“… You think we can pass it off as a dream?”
Bonus Thoughts:
You do, in fact, wake up as if it were a dream. Because you’re back in bed per usual, and the house is in order, and the dogs are piled around you like nothing ever happened. You eye them all suspiciously, then slap yourself. Because what kind of weirdo imagines her pets as hot, tall, buff men? Pervert.
Meanwhile, the boys are just exchanging the quietest glances before you settle back in bed. Because for a good few seconds, they think they’ve been discovered.
Also Soap has suffered a collective *bap* from everyone because it’s what he deserves for threatening their free food supply.
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cinnamokittykat · 4 months
Roomates! Soap x Ghost x Konig 🤭🤭???
Oh boy
Like, all of them as roommates for each other? Or with the reader? I'll try and write both but just a disclaimer, I'm not great at MLM content for various reasons lol, if that's what you were looking for :/ So, disclaimer, I'm not poly either so please forgive my mistakes here.
Room mates w/o reader:
- The first thing that comes to mind for me is that the grocery bill would be insane. 3 big, buff men living in an apartment, or more likely a house together.
- Also in my experience guys don't tend to shop very well for themselves so the fridge would be a bachelor situation.
- I do think that Soap would be the one to keep the food situation in check the most? He would at least try to make the groceries balanced
- If this isn't gay polyamory, then I feel like König would get yelled at once or twice for walking around naked
- IF IT IS GAY POLYAMORY‼️‼️‼️ then they most definitely like to walk around shirtless.
- Ghost and Soap cuddle each other on the regular :3
-They all cuddle, they had to get custom big furniture to fit them all together comfortably.
-Soap cooks for his boyfriends the most. Ghost burns things every time somehow.
-They have a tiny little black cat who loves all of them dearly. Koenig sat on a black shirt once, but everyone else thought it was her and he almost got kicked out of the giant bed that night.
-Thankfully she walked in the room right after. She was profusely cuddled. She is also just generally a very spoiled cat since no one really wants children.
Room mates x Fem! Reader
- The boys all had different reactions to you moving in. Soap was excited, he was all for having a new friend, and a cute girl like you around the house
- Ghost, on the other hand, wasn't that for it. A strange girl moving in with 3 strange men? Is she insane?
- König was in the middle. As nice as having a female roommate sounded, he also felt as if it was a less then smart decision on your part.
- It doesn't take long for them to all come around to your presence.
- As the weeks go on, they catch themselves sneaking glimpses at you while in the house
- Sometimes when the stars align them and it's just you and one of them home alone, you often find yourself cuddled up to Ghost or König on the couch more often then not. Soap has already been openly flirting with you at this point, so he does more overt things like taking you out or making food for you.
- As time passes by, you find yourself being taken out to more fancy places, you start receiving nice gifts, all thanks to their lavish mercenary salaries. Eventually, it all comes to a head and you come home one day to them sitting in the living room together.
- "We need to talk." says Ghost. You sit down nervously in an armchair. Johnny clears his throat. "It seems like I'm not the only one who's been treating you, lass." König stares silently with his arms crossed.
- "I wasn't aware it was anything serious..." you stutter out. "Oh, it doesn't have to be, we'll help you move out and everyone can forget each other." Koenig replies. "Wouldn't want to make you choose, you can't date all of us."
-Your heart ached upon hearing that statement. You came to love all 3 of them over the course of living there, but he was right. "Well hold on there, who says she can't?" said Johnny. "You haven't even asked her yet!"
-The men turn to look at you again. "Well, lass?"
-"I... I suppose we could give it a try. If you all are good with it."
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iamjacksragingboner · 10 months
Could potentially write some very self indulgent Soap caring for mildly injured reader because I’m stuck with a broken foot and hate when people try to look after me (but it’s fine if it’s a big strong buff silly man who could crush my skull with his tits if he so chooses)
Just imagining Soap who, despite your complaining, has been doing everything he can to keep you off your feet. You’re getting up to get yourself a cup of water? He’s already pushed you back onto the couch and is sprinting to the kitchen to get it for you. The TV remote is just barely out of arms reach of you, so you’re rolling over to grab it? He’s already laying his body weight directly on top of you to stop you from grabbing it first.
Just Soap who is trying his darnedest to be so helpful, because in his words, “yer so frail! A gust of wind could knock ye down, lass, and we cannae have that. Here, let a strong lad like me get it for ye.”
You’re not even in a relationship with him, he’s your next door neighbour who happened to see you struggling to open your front door while balancing on your crutches. He’s taken it upon himself to move into your house for the entire time you’re healing, cooking you meals (this man can’t cook for shit but he’s trying his best and that’s what matters), keeping your house tidy, hell, he’ll even go so far as to carry you from room to room if he thinks you’re looking slightly worse for wear today.
You barely know each other and here he is trying to convince you to let him wash you.
“Ye need a shower, lass, and I hardly think ye can stand up for that long to wash yerself, I’ll do it for ye. Out of the goodness of my heart and all that.” There’s a dog-like grin that stretches across his face, his teeth bared. “I won’t even peep, lass. Promise!” He says this with one hand pressed on his heart, and the other crossing his fingers behind his back.
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aj-lethal · 5 months
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A big buff wolfy lass is one way to get your food delivered on time, just don't make her wait if you don't want her to enjoy your meal instead.
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nuclearpasta · 1 year
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Say goodbye to Blue. He’s staying behind to recover, but he’s in good hands.
Read Ten Earth Shattering Blows!
Read ahead, get behind the scenes and more!
Chat on Discord!
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nxghtdoll · 1 year
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Ariendel, Executioner of Summerset
another big lass because I can't help myself but create buff ladies,,,she likes mint and turquoise colors :)
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badasserywomen · 2 years
tbh i'm surprised your viking skadi isnt buff!
I was just in the mood to make a bosomed lass who is a buff woman enjoyer instead. She's living her best life with all the hot vikings
Skadi still stronk though.
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runawaymarbles · 2 years
@ the terfs on my post, i am so sorry that you are so naturally weak and frail. i am sorry that you are just a meek little lass and the whole world exists to imprison you. i’m sorry that your voice is just so high and squeaky people mistake you for a mouse, and the only way you can fight back is to lift your trembling fingers (so close to fainting) to type words into my notes about how much stronger everyone in the world is than you. I’m sorry that all you needed was one drop more of testosterone to become naturally buff and she-ra esque and you didn’t make it.
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vallcry · 3 months
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The fighter of my new dnd campaign! love a buff lass
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loupy-mongoose · 1 year
Are there any other mew “breeds” than pigmy like Mo and there for Randy is/was taller than Akoya and Persim who are bulkier and fluffier than Randy and it seems like Joy is somewhere in the middle! I love all of this btw I love how Akoya’s absolutely RIPPED.
There likely are/can be other types out there, but whether I bring them in or not is up to the whims of my imagination. I don't generally think of "breeds" when I design my Mews, with Rosie's pygmy-ness being an exception.
I love my buff lass. :3
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proxyedgy · 2 months
Hi your tags on my post reminded me to ask you this. Who in unib do you think is the most transgender do you have like a top 5 list
"do you have like a top 5 list" the phrasing on this really took the air out of me lmao I didn't actually. Never really thought much about it before. But no time like the present right? Here's my two cents:
Cisgender (Unaware)
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[ID: Byakuya, Mika, Seth, Wagner and Tsurugi. End ID]
I don't think these kids know transition is even a thing.
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[ID: Chaos, Phonon and Orie. End ID]
They walked the path of self-discovery and came out more sure of themselves. Good for them!
Gender: Guy
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[ID: Enkidu, Waldstein, Gordeau. End ID]
They're guys. Y'know, fellas. They radiate 100% gender confidence.
Gender: Gal
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[ID: Uzuki, Kaguya and Yuzuhira. End ID]
They're gals. Y'know, lasses. They radiate 100% gender confidence.
Gender: Old
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[ID: Kuon, Linne and Chitose (Linne's previous body). End ID]
You can't tell me Kuon and Linne give a damn about gender after all this time. If Linne were reincarnated into a 2m tall buff macho (You know Waldstein would raise her to be muscular if he could) Kuon would still call her "little sister" with a glance. Their gender binary is "little sister/big brother".
Gender: On Thin Fucking Ice
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[ID: Carmine. End ID]
Lad. Why are you, as a man, also a menstruation joke? Carmine is too tired, calcium defficient and unmedicated to think about gender. Transition won't save her yet, please feed my bony boy first.
Gender: Trans Flag Pallete
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[ID: Hyde, Londrekia. End ID]
@/cr-s01 made some lovely trans palletes mods for these two so when I think of them I think of the transgender flag. Personally I'm more accepting of a trans reading of Hyde. I'd put Lodrekia on Cisgender (Unaware).
Gender: Robot
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[ID: Vatista. End ID]
She is aware and chooses not to participate in gender. Based.
Gender: As The Pendulum Swings
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[ID: Hilda. End ID]
Hilda is so fucking wonderful and I adore her. She brings me so much joy. So for me she's both cis and trans it really depends on the mood and the dysphoria of the day. Schrodinger's Gender.
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[ID: Merkava and Nanase. End ID]
These two are trans, no caveats. Merkava is going through an average dysphoric tuesday every day of his life, bless him, I'd start eating people too if it got me out of being misgendered. And Nanase...
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[ID: Picture of younger Phonon and Nanase from Phonon's Arcade Mode in UNIB. End ID]
Yeah, so happy for her <3
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au character list
ice queendom au info p1 p2
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Izanami- -feedee/feeder - 1,200 lbs
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Bast Ozymandias - feedee - 2,300 lbs - futa and balls size same has yang.
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Ruby schnee - feedee - 6,977 lbs
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Skadi schnee - feeder - weight  buff - 280 lbs futanari - length 10 inch girth 9 inch  balls size grapefruits 
Fantasy rwby au p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7
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Ruby rose race - giant - feedee - height- 580T- weight 4.5S - futa - length 60T - girth 70T - balls size are about the same size has a Megoliath grimm.
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Weiss schnee race -dwarf - feedee/feeder - height - 3'4 feet - weight 980lbs
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Blake belladonna race Dragokin - feeder/feeder - height humanoid form about 6'4 feet - dragon form 36 feet - weight humanoid 1,800 lbs dragon form 2S or 4 tons. - futa length -9 inches - girth - 10 inches - balls size - watermelons
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Yang xaio long race human - feedee - weight 990 lbs
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Neo race Fae - feeder - height 4Sp - weight 3Du - futa - length .40 cm -girth 25 cm - balls size grapes
Super hero au
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Ruby rose/matter eater lass - hero - feedee - weight - 2,599 lbs
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(body type)
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Weiss schnee/ice duchess - hero - feeder - weight 5,990 lbs
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(body type)
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Blake belladonna/Bellabooty - hero - feeder/feedee - weight - 2,000 lbs
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(body type)
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Yang xiao long/Helio Drakon - hero - feeder/feedee - 3,200 lbs muscle
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Neo/mad hattres - villain - feeder - weight - 135 lbs
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cinder fall/emerald empress - villain - feeder - weight - 139 - lbs
The owl house
Magical exploration p1 p2 p3
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Luz noceda - feedee weight 180 lbs
Dragon ball
future trunks timeline
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Android 18 - feedee - weight 7,200 lbs
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Videl - feeder - weight - 120 - lbs
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Bulma - feeder - weight - 138 - lbs
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android 17 - feeder 980 - lbs - all in ass
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(ref for 17)
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Chi-chi - feeder - weight - 1,790 - lbs
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