#music chat 🎵
honeychips-milo · 22 days
#milo chats🦎- When I talk about random things! #milo answers🦎- When I answer asks! #milo’s ideas🦎- When I share ideas for fics, drawings, etc! #milo draws🦎- When I share drawings I did! #milo and friends🦕 #Kiette🦈🦢/Vacy🦢🦈- Kacy(my oc) x Viette(@red-viewe 's oc) #my moon🌙- When I talk about my darling! #milo’s music🎵- When I share music! #milo’s likesヾ(≧▽≦*)o - When I share things I like!
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jmojellybae · 2 years
You Make Me Feel Mighty Real (Mighty Real)
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Pairing: Robin Buckley x fem!reader
Word count: 8k (yea)
Summary: After an extremely frustrating day at work, there’s only one thing Robin wants to do.
CW: Smut 18+. Strap-on sex (reader receiving) Makeshift blindfold. Makeshift cuffs. Top!Robin. Kissing. Making out. Pet names. Explicit language. Spitting. Praising. Spanking. Rough sex. All characters involved are 18+
A/N: Long opening ahead. I needed to set the scene okay! I’ve never wrote strap on sex before so I hope I did an okay job.
🎵 Enjoy my 80’s Robin playlist here🎵
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The last light of the evening sun began to fade behind the trees as you turned into the parking lot of Family Video, ten minutes before the small rental store was suppose to close. You leaned in closer to the steering wheel, looking around as you drove at a snails pace through the lot. You’re surprised to see how many cars still lingered this late into the day.
“The arcade must be packed tonight.” You muttered to yourself as you struggled to find a parking spot.
You drove around in circles waiting for a spot to be vacated. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, a couple walked out of Family Video and entered a car that was parked right in front of the store. As they pulled out, you stepped on the gas a little too hard but with exceptional deftness, you swung your car around and perfectly slotted into the parking space just as they drove off.
You blew a puff of air through your lips before turning off the car engine. You and Robin were going to hang out at her house tonight, an event you were very much looking forward too. Whenever you had the chance to pick her up from work, you would hang out inside the store to chat with Robin a bit before she had to close up, or until Keith kicked you out for being a nuisance. You check your watch and see that you’ve got about a few minutes to talk to Robin before she had to start her closing routine.
You got out of your car and walked with a little pep in your step toward the door, but when you stepped inside, you could barely hear the welcoming bell above you ring. The store is loud and crowded. You stop dead in your tracks as you take in the chaotic scene around you. There were kids running around screaming at the top of their lungs for no reason, teenagers being rowdy and obnoxious, and several display VHS cases were scattered on the floor. Your eyes land on the register desk, and you spot Steve and Robin dealing with a ridiculously long line. Steve’s usual perfect hair is pathetically flat and lopsided, and your poor girlfriend’s face is so blanched that she looks almost ghostly. Keith runs passed you and almost knocks you over. He’s carrying a comically large stack of VHS cases trying to get them back onto the shelves.
You wave your hands in Robin’s direction but fail to get her attention. You don’t try again and you definitely don’t need to be here right now while the store is in literal shambles, so you retreat back to your car and lean against the driver’s side door, watching through the windows to observe the pandemonium that is Family Video.
8:00pm comes along and there are still a few customers inside the store. Robin comes into view through the front windows and flips the open sign to close. She sees you, and her lifeless eyes light up with incredible brightness. You give her a little wave and blow her a discrete kiss. She smiles wide and ducks her head shyly with blush. She looks back up with apologetic eyes and mouths “sorry” before turning on her heel to tend to the rest of the straggling customers. ‘This is going to take a while.’ You think to yourself. You sigh sadly and reach inside your messenger bag to retrieve your trusty Walkman. You take a seat on the trunk of your car, plop on the fuzzy headphones, and click the play button.
You entertained yourself with music and people watching for a while. The sun has fully set, and the bright lights of the street lamps illuminate the now almost empty parking lot. You check your watch again and see that almost an hour has passed by. It’s never taken Robin this long to close, but you could only imagine how much work they needed to do so the store could be presentable for the morning. You switch off your Walkman just as your tape ended and turned around. Right on queue, Keith, Steve and Robin step out of Family Video looking worse for wear.
Keith grumbles something to his two employees as he stomps away into the darkness of the night. Steve has his hand on Robin’s shoulder saying something to her but unfortunately, you can’t quite here him. Robin’s head hangs low and she nods her head weakly at whatever he is saying. You take off your headphones and hang them around your neck, but before you can jump off the back of your car, Steve finger salutes you in acknowledgement and pats Robin’s back before getting into his car. You wave goodbye to him as he peels out of the parking lot, and Robin makes her way slowly over to you, feet sluggishly dragging against the pavement.
Robin steps between your legs with her head still hanging. She looks so small and defeated that it breaks your heart. You don’t say a word, knowing what a taxing day it must have been for her, mentally and physically. Instead, you open your arms wide and inviting. She steps into your embrace, burying her face into your shoulder. Her long arms wrap around you and she clings to the back of your shirt, bunching up the material tight enough that her knuckles go white.
“I know babe.” You whisper softly into her disheveled hair
You wrap your arms around her and gently rock her back on forth. Robin whimpers against your neck as you rub soothing circles along her back.
“Hey. Let’s get out of here and go back to your house to—mmph!” You’re cut off suddenly by Robin roughly planting her lips on yours. The unexpectedness of it steals the air from your lungs and you have to hold out your arms behind you to keep yourself from being knocked down. Robin moves her hands to your waist, griping your sides and pulling you flush against her. You gasp into the kiss, and you have to forcefully pry her off of you to get her stop. You didn’t want to of course, but you are aware that the two of you are still very much in public.
“Wow, Robin.” You say breathlessly and hold onto her shoulders feeling drunk off the quick but fiery kiss.
Robin steps back, and little embarrassed by her forward actions. She rubs the back of her neck meekly, and looks around to see if she messed up by kissing you so publicly, but luckily, the only people that seem to be outside are the two of you.
“I’m—I’m sorry.” She croaks out, voice thick with exhaustion. “I just missed you so much, and today has been like, the worst day ever.”
Robin wraps her arms tightly around herself and lets out a shuddering breath. You can visibly see her trying to hold in her emotions with incredible effort. You carefully crawl down the hood of your trunk and step into her space. You take one of her hands in yours and give her a soft squeeze.
“Do you want to take a minute before we go?” You gently ask while thumbing over the soft skin of her knuckles.
The comforting touch seems to relax Robin a little bit, and she shakes her head.
“God no, I need to get out of here. I just need to be with you.” She tries to smile, but it comes out crooked and sad.
You nod your head in understanding and bring her hand up to your lips to quickly kiss her knuckles.
“Let’s go then my dear.”
A short while later, you arrive at Robin’s house. Robin practically tumbles out of the passenger side as soon as you park and you can’t help but laugh as you watch her scramble to the front door. You catch up to her just as she gets the door unlocked, and she holds the door open for you with a exaggerated bow.
When you make it inside, Robin presses herself right behind you, eagerly ushering you into the direction of her room. You break out into giggles as she continuously pats your ass urging you to walk faster.
“I’m going! Sheesh!” You shout at her, unable to hide the amusement in your voice.
“Not fast enough!”
Robin wraps her arms around your front, bear hugging you from behind. She leans her entire weight on you, forcing you to walk faster to keep yourself from falling down.
You stumble into her room, almost tripping, but Robin’s firm hold on you keeps you upright. She keeps an arm around your waist and reaches back with other to fumble with the light switch, flicking it on. Robin is chuckling in your ear, it’s an infectious sound, scratchy, high pitched and so very Robin. Her dreary mood from earlier has all but disappeared now that she’s home with you. She launches herself with you still secured tightly in her arms onto her unkempt bed and you land on your side with a thud. You maneuver in her hold so you can face her. Robin is smiling wide, almost blinding you with her toothy grin. You smile softly back at her, bringing your hand up to caress her blush dusted cheeks.
“So…” You begin to ask. “Do you want to talk about what happened at work?”
A flicker of anxiety passes over Robin’s face and she scrunches up her nose like there was a smell of something foul in the air.
“Not really…” Robin’s gaze wanders around the room as she tries to look anywhere else but your concerned eyes.
You prop yourself on your elbow. You know it’s probably better not to pry but you just wanted some reassurance from your girlfriend that she was okay.
“Steve looked pretty worried about you before we left. Did something happen?”
Robin takes a deep breath, considering whether or not she should talk about whatever happened today. She starts to spin her middle finger ring with her thumb, a tick she always does when she’s nervous about something.
“Work was just—a lot.” Robin finally speaks. “I kinda had uh…I kinda freaked out today. It wasn’t pretty.”
You nod. You’ve seen Robin have these “freak outs” before, and your heart aches knowing that she had to go through one at work. You want to inquire further but Robin speaks again before you open your mouth.
“It felt like I had no control of anything today. Steve was just making sure I was alright, but listen—“
Robin waves her hand in the air dismissively and pushes you back against the mattress. She leans over you and plants her lips on yours, kissing you deeply. It’s a kiss that’s just as needy and desperate as when she kissed you in the parking lot earlier. You can’t help but hum contently into Robin’s mouth, you accept that this was a way for her to get you to shut up but you’re not too upset about it.
“I really don’t—want to talk about work right now.” Robin says in between kisses.
“Oh?” You giggle against her lips. “What do you want to talk about it?”
Robin is fully on top of you now, settled in between your legs and her hands on either side of your head. She’s looking down at you with a crooked grin, eyes dark and filled with a rare and dangerous hunger. Your breath hitches when you feel her slightly roll her hips into yours.
“I don’t wanna talk at all.” Robin admits in a low and husky voice.
You inhale sharply. The implication of her words sends a tingling sensation throughout your whole body and you can’t fight the goosebumps that arise on your skin. You take an unsteady breath when Robin leans down and ghosts her lips against your neck. You shiver at the small contact and naturally roll your head to the side to give her better access. Robin lets out a deep, appreciative growl that rumbles in her chest. She fervently applies hot, open mouth kisses to the sensitive skin of your pulse point.
“Robin…” You whimper softly.
Robin bucks her hips into you again at the sound of her name falling breathlessly from your lips, a frisson of excitement ignites inside you at the motion. Robin moves lower down your neck and bites down on the muscle on your shoulder. It wasn’t a gentle bite either, and you hiss at the brief but delicious pain.
Robin is unyielding, her rough hands glide across your chest to grope you over your shirt and her lips find yours again in a bruising kiss. You start to writhe and whine beneath her, your body and mind clearly being affected by her hurried pace. Her thumbs swipe across your hardened nipples and you can’t contain the pathetic moan that escapes you. It takes an enormous amount of willpower to pull away from her. You put a hand gently on her chest when she tries to lean back in.
“Robin, wait.”
Robin’s eyes are half lidded and her now swollen lips are parted. She looks completely love drunk and her expression sends white hot heat straight to your core.
“I’m sorry.” She says, voice gravely. “I just—I’m not in the mood for slow, or gentle right now.”
You grip the collar of her shirt at her confession. It’s not often Robin gets like this. Love making with your girlfriend is usually gentle, sensual, and could be drawn out for hours if Robin wanted, all the while she’s whispering sweet nothings against your skin. You loved that of course, but you’re not going to lie to yourself. There were some days that you wished Robin would take you hard and fast more often.
“You promise me you’re okay?” You ask gently.
Robin’s lips quirk up in a adoring smile. She runs a hand through your hair and gives you a quick kiss on the tip of your nose.
“Promise. I’m okay. I um—I think I need this.” She admits casually, albeit a little embarrassed.
A formidable, lustful feeling washes over you thinking about how Robin’s only want after a terrible day at work is to have you.
“Is that okay?” She questions after a beat.
“Yes.” You state enthusiastically without hesitation. “God yes.”
A predatory smirk stretches across Robin’s face and you bite your lip in anticipation. You roll your hips into Robin’s encouraging her more.
“You can do whatever you want with me. Please Robin.”
Robin face plants into the mattress and groans into the sheets at hearing your desperate plea. You laugh at her theatrics but the sound dies in your throat when you feel her hand snake its way under your shirt. Her calloused finger tips dance across your stomach and you arch into the teasing touch, wanting more. Robin maneuvers herself so that her knee is pressed securely in between your legs. You can’t help but let out an embarrassing whimper at the small contact and you can practically hear Robin’s smug grin in your ear.
“I’ve been wanting to hear those sounds all day, pretty girl.” She says, her warm breath on your ear sends a bone rattling shudder throughout your body.
Robin sits up resting on her knees, her freckled face already flushed down to her neck. You lock eyes with her deep blue ones, and she’s staring at you with such intense reverence it almost makes you feel self conscious. She tugs on your shirt, prompting you to sit up. You lift your arms in the air and Robin pulls your shirt over your head, only breaking eye contact for a second before tossing it somewhere behind her. She takes a brief moment to admire your lacy black bra and playfully tugs on the tiny pink bow that’s stitched at the center.
“Matching?” Robin asks with an amused lilt, but she definitely already knows the answer.
“Find out.” You say, biting your bottom lip.
Robin’s hands are on your jeans instantly, expertly unclasping the buttons and nearly ripping the zipper off. She slides off the bed to pull down your jeans and you hear them hit them floor. Robin smiles appreciatively when she see’s you are indeed matching. She methodically traces the band of your underwear with a finger, barely touching your skin and her blown eyes wander all over your body. You huff out impatiently.
“Thought you didn’t want slow or gentle, babe?” You tease.
Robin hums. “Just taking a minute to remind myself how lucky I am.” She answers in a soft voice. Her slender hands move lower to squeeze the plushness of your thighs.
You blush furiously. Robin always stares at your body like it’s the first time she’s seeing it, and it never feels to make you feel so incredibly loved and cherished.
“I just cant believe you’re actually mine”
After the temporary respite to admire you, Robin starts to move a little faster. Her hands work their way undressing you completely and in seconds, you’re now laying bare before her. The cool air meets your heated skin and you’re grateful for the brief relief.
Robin groans and crawls back on top of you immediately. You wrap your legs around her waist and throw your arms over her neck pulling her impossibly closer. She roughly takes your lips again in a frenzied kiss. You gasp when Robin forces her tongue in your mouth, but you gladly welcome the intrusion. Her velvety tongue explores in earnest, sending a sharp thrill straight to your center with every swipe. The material of Robin’s work suit and pants rubbing against your bare skin creates an unbearable friction that you want to remedy quickly.
You start to slip off your girlfriend’s Family Video vest but she swats your hand away to stop you. You whine into her mouth and she smiles against your lips. She pulls back and her mouth curls into a cocky grin.
“You know…” Robin starts to move lower, leaving feather light kisses to your cheek, chin, and neck. “I’ve kinda always wanted to eat you out in my suit.”
“Y—yea?” You squeak. You laugh breathlessly at her assertion but it morphs into a moan when Robin starts to suck on the sensitive flesh just below your collar bone
Robin croons against you and releases your skin with a small wet pop, leaving a bright red mark where her lips were.
“Yep. I fantasize doing it at Family Video too.”
Robin lips and tongue continue their pathway lower and lower, leaving a pattern of cherry red bruises on your breasts and stomach. Your breathing gets more erratic the closer she gets to your soaked cunt and she’s almost there until suddenly, Robin gets up and walks to the end of the bed.
“Robin? Oh—!”
Robin hooks her arms around your thighs and swiftly pulls you to the foot of the bed in one motion. She steps close between your legs and you feel her hips press flush against your cunt. She’s looking down at you with an intense hunger in her eyes. You didn’t quite understand it before, but looking up at Robin towering over you, breathing hard in her work suit ignites something indescribable deep inside you. Your pussy throbs at the sight.
“I think about having you spread out on top of the counter, just like this.” Robin casually gestures to your position.
“Hell. I thought about it today, plenty of times.”
Robin steps back a little and spreads your legs wide. She looks down, and chuckles darkly at seeing a wet spot you left on her pants.
“Guess I’ll just have to use my imagination for right now though.”
Robin sinks down to her knees and plunges her tongue deep between your folds without warning. You cry out loudly at the sudden burst of pleasure, back arching off the bed and hands clutching the bedsheets in a white knuckle grip. Robin moans against your cunt and the tiny vibrations cause you to buck your hips further into her face.
“Fuck, I love the way you taste.” She mumbles, tongue greedily lapping up every bit of your arousal.
You can only let out a strangled whine in response. Robin enthusiastically worships your dripping cunt with reckless abandon, her head moving up, down, and side to side, determined to make sure no part of you goes untouched. She finds your aching clit and wraps her plush lips around the sensitive nub, lashing erratically at it with her tongue. She hooks her hands under your knees and keeps you spread and open for her. Her pace is relentless. Your mouth hangs open like you want to scream but no sound comes out. You sit up on your elbows and Robin is already staring right into your eyes. Her once beautiful blue eyes are now consumed by her blown pupils and a shadow of pure lust darkens her features. You reach down and run your fingers through her messy hair, tugging slightly at the roots, but once again, Robin slaps your wrist away in a hurry.
Robin unlatches herself from you. “I’m in control here, pretty girl.” She says in a gravely voice potent with domineering swagger.
“It felt like I had no control of anything today…”
You recall Robin’s words from earlier, and a wave of realization washes over you. Robin needs this. She needs to remember that she can have control over something after having such a shitty day, and if that that means having control over you, well, you’ll happily let her have it.
You swallow hard before nodding your head submissively. Robin looks relieved at your response.
“Thank you.”
Robin whispers so quietly you thought you’d imagined hearing it. You don’t think you were meant to hear it anyway, because she’s promptly back on your pussy with renewed vigor. She points her tongue and dips it abruptly into your entrance.
“Fuck Robin!”
The act catches you completely by surprise, and you can’t control the throaty moan that escapes your body as Robin swirls her tongue deep inside you. Robin presses her face further into you until you can feel the tip of her nose pressed firmly against your clit. You squirm frantically and you can’t do anything but clutch desperately at the bed sheets to stay grounded. Unable to control yourself, you start to buck wildly into her face, trying to chase even more pleasure than what Robin is giving you.
“Greedy thing.” Robin chastises.
Robin wraps her arms around the top of your thighs, keeping you still. Her blunt nails dig into your skin, imprinting pretty little crimson half moons. You sob pathetically as your movements get restricted. Luckily, Robin doesn’t let you stew in misery for very long. She starts to thrust her tongue in and out of you and the tiny, meticulous, motions has your eyes rolling back in your head seeing stars and the fire burning in the pit of your abdomen threatens to engulf you entirely.
It’s so much. It’s so much and not enough at the same time. Robin knows this, and you know how she can be. She’s definitely toying with you.
“Robin, please I—”
You can’t finish what you wanted to say. Robin lets out a frustrated grunt and climbs on top of you, grabbing your chin roughly.
“Fine, but we’re gonna do this my way. Understand?” She says harshly, but her eyes betray her. They are soft and tender, contradicting her callous voice and they hold a silent question. Robin searches your face for any doubts, but you hold none. If anything, you think you’re turned on more than you have been in a while, and the thought of Robin having her way with you excites you beyond measures.
“Yes.” You emphasize your neediness with a breathy whine and you feel Robin shiver above you.
“Good.” Robin’s voice cracks. You’re not sure if it’s from sudden nervousness, or unrestrained desire but either way, it makes your heart flutter. “Scoot.”
You do as she says, and scoot back from the edge of the bed till your head meets the numerous pillows Robin sleeps with. Robin kicks off her converse before settling on top of you, straddling your hips. You sigh raggedly through your nose when you feel the intense heat coming from her clothed center. She starts to loosen the tie from her shirt collar and you watch her rings shimmer under the light while her long fingers clumsily work the knot. She yanks her tie free and holds it in her palm like it’s some delicate foreign silk. You gulp in anticipation.
“I’m going to blindfold you.” Robin says shakily
It doesn’t come out as a statement like she meant, but more of a question. A delicate one. You trust Robin, and it’s not like you’re unfamiliar to such a thing with her. You sit up slowly, holding her gaze and nod. Robin crashes her lips to yours in a sloppy and possessive kiss. You can taste yourself on her lips, and god, it’s the hottest thing in the world. Robin breaks the kiss and brings up the tie to your face. Your eyes flutter close, the anticipation setting your nerve endings on fire. She carefully positions the piece of fabric around your eyes, determined that they will be certainly be fully covered. Robin ties it perfectly. It sits tight but comfortable on your face and just for good measure, you open your eyes under the material and are met with complete darkness.
“I’m not done.”
Robin’s voice makes you jump a bit unaware that she got closer to you. Her hands roughly grab you and flip you over so that you’re laying flat on your stomach against the bed. A salacious moan falls from your lips at being manhandled and you can hear Robin laugh behind you, sounding all too pleased with herself. Your ears perk up when it sounds like Robin is undoing her belt buckle. You turn your head but if you course you can’t see anything. You’re about to sit up but Robin straddles your upper thighs just below your ass, keeping you down.
“Give me your hands.” Robin commands.
You bury your face into the sheets and let out a drawn out whimper. You reach behind you with both hands and Robin promptly grabs them. You feel cool leather on your wrists and you can only assume it’s Robin’s belt. Robin takes her time, intricately looping her belt in and out, until finally, you feel cuffs form around your wrists. You give the makeshift hand cuffs a test, attempting to pull your hands apart but surprisingly, Robin’s got you secured pretty damn good.
“Where’d you learn this huh?”
“Got bored one day.” Robin answers brazenly.
You feel Robin lean on you, pressing her weight into you a little. You practically purr at the comforting weight, and she rolls her hips, grinding into your ass. She moves her lips to your ear, nibbling at the earlobe.
“You look so pretty like this.” Robin coos. “All tied up just for me.”
“Robin please. I need something. Anything.” You cry out. You press your backside in time with her grinding to give significance to your desperation, trying to chase any kind of friction.
Robin kisses between your shoulder blades and you feel her weight leave the bed. You lift your head, trying to hear what she’s doing, and then it hits you of just how restricted you are. You can’t see, you can’t move. You try and move your arms again but your wrists are met with leather digging deliciously into your skin. Your brain short circuits thinking about how much control Robin has of you right now.
Robin sounds like she searching for something underneath the bed, and you know exactly what that something is. A shiver runs down your spine when you hear a box slide across the floor.
“Been a while since I’ve used this on you.” Robin says in a throaty voice.
God. Robin is about to fuck you senseless with a strap on. You feel arousal drip out of your cunt as you start you start clenching around nothing in anticipation. The bed depresses behind you with Robin’s weight, and your ears twitch when you hear what you believe to be Robin taking off her clothes, followed by the indistinguishable sounds of buckles being fastened and tugged. You lift your hips in the air like a pathetic dog in heat, making sure Robin see’s just how wet and ready you are for her.
“I’m gonna fuck you so good, god—” One of Robin’s hand grips your ass so hard you fear the flesh is already bruising. The cold metal of her rings brand you like a fire hot poker.
“Robin, please, please, please.” You beg on the verge of tears, but you can’t even feel embarrassed about it. You know you sound pathetic, but the desire to have your girlfriend inside you is making your mind hazy with pure lust.
Robin lifts your hips up higher and then pushes a plush pillow under you, keeping your back arched and hips elevated. You feel a rush of cold air on your pussy and thighs, acutely reminding you of how soaked you are.
“So perfect, and mine.”
You feel the rounded tip of the plastic cock brush again your entrance and you try to chase it, but Robin’s ironclad grip on your hip keeps you still. You only just managed to hold back a sob.
“Be patient, pretty girl.”
Robin’s voice is so raspy and low it’s almost unrecognizable. Robin rubs the head up and down your slit, making sure to coat as much arousal on the toy as possible. You jolt every time she presses against your clit, the languid motions make dizzy.
“Robin I can’t—”
Your words morph into a high pitched moan when the head starts to penetrate you. That beautiful, euphoric burn of being stretched has you whimpering into the mattress arching your back more, making it easier for Robin to slip into you. Robin hums appreciatively as she breaks through the initial resistance and the smooth length of the toy gradually glides inside you. You clench around the cock, greedily taking in every inch. It takes immense self control on your part not to push back against Robin’s hips and fuck yourself. Not like you could anyway. Robin’s fingers dig harshly into the flesh of your hips, anchoring you as she pushes deeper inside.
Robin groans when she finally sinks the entire length into you, buried to the hilt, causing your thighs to quiver from the sensation of being completely filled. Robin stills for a moment, letting you adjust. You flex your fingers erratically in your cuffs, trying to grasp at anything to steady yourself, but to no avail. A wave of helplessness crashes over you, but it only excites you more. The length of the toy slides out of you halfway and you hear Robin sigh breathlessly.
“Shit. You’re so wet, you take me so easily.” She says, pushing back into you again.
You’re definitely aware of how aroused you are, judging by the absence of resistance the second time Robin slowly thrusts into you, but by the third lazy thrust, you test the waters a bit and push your hips backwards, attempting to silently communicate for Robin to go faster. Robin chuckles arrogantly.
“What do you want?”
Robin suddenly pulls out of you, and you wail in agony at the loss of fullness. You struggle against the bed, kicking your feet and blindly bucking your hips, but Robin swiftly brings a hand down against your ass in a scolding slap. The force ripples your skin, you twitch and yelp at the shocking contact. The pretty rings on Robin’s fingers only add to the brief, sweet pain.
“Tell me, pretty girl.”
“Fuck! Robin please fuck me. I need it—need you so badly—ah!”
Robin plunges herself back inside you almost angrily and starts a brutal pace. The noises that come out of your mouth are borderline inhuman, mixed between strangled sobs and choked gasps. The intense, repeated motions of being filled and empty again, again, and again at such an insane pace shatters your mind into oblivion. The only, singular thought your brain can comprehend anymore is how good it feels to be fucked so roughly by your girlfriend.
Her grip on you hardens like a vice and she tugs back on your hips in time with her ruthless rutting, determined that you take the full length of her cock every time.
“That’s it…you can take it.” Robin shakily grunts, and she promptly slaps your ass again.
Blinded and bound, all you can do is helplessly lay on your stomach and take it, just like Robin wants, but you do so happily, deliriously. Robin’s tempo doesn’t relent, and your face is getting buried deeper and deeper into the mattress the more she pounds into you. Loud sounds of skin slapping into skin reverberate off the walls along with your nonsensical, vulgar drivel.
“Fuck— Robin, you’re so fucking deep.” You sputter, it was difficult to form a word with Robin’s incessant thrusting. “You feel so good inside me. So fucking good.”
Your voice trails off into incoherent babbling. You barely register the small whimper Robin squeaks out, clearly affected by your breathless praising. Robin hunches over you, and you feel her hands brace close by your shoulders on either side. Her new angle reduces her movements to short, but deep ruts, and the head of the silicone cock continuously prods the innermost parts of you. Despite your blindfold, it truly feels like your vision blacks out for a moment, and your insides burst into flames from the overwhelming friction. The divine mix of pain and pleasure has you blathering repeatedly into the sheets with whiny cries. “Oh my fucking god” and “Yes, yes, yes” are the only constructive sentences you can even vocalize anymore.
Robin keeps the harsh momentum for a what felt like hours. You know somewhere deep in your scrambled consciousness, that it hasn’t been that long, but whatever magic Robin is doing has you loosing control of all your senses.
Robin pants harshly above you, her pace faltering a bit.
“I love you—love you so much.” She says, with surprising tenderness. “Fuck—”
Robin slips out of you unexpectedly and the sudden reprieve shocks some of your senses back into you.
“No, don’t stop Robin please—put it back inside me.” You plead over and over until your speech turns into pitiful, begging gibberish.
Robin takes a second to soothe you, tucking away some of your hair that’s stuck to your face with sweat.
“I’m gonna get these off you.”
Robin loosens the leather belt from your wrists and slowly slips them off, careful not to cause any unnecessary discomfort and throws it to the floor. Your arms fall limply to your sides and a great relief washes over you. Robin then takes away the pillow that’s under you
“Turn around, pretty girl.” She gently orders.
You try and lift yourself but your arms tremble with the effort. Robin helps you turn over so that you’re on your back and she reaches around your head to untie your blindfold.
“It’s gonna be bright.”
You make a sound of acknowledgment and Robin, with an extreme amount of delicacy, takes off the tie and tosses it. Your eyes flutter halfway open and it takes a moment for your vision to adjust. You blink away tears but you can see with a lot more clarity now. Robin is settled between your legs, staring at you with both intensity and concern. Her whole body is covered in a sheen of sweat, strands of honey hair stick beautifully to her face and forehead. Your eyes dart downward, and you see the glistening cock pointed right at your entrance, twitching slightly at any subtle movements.
“Robin please keep going you can’t—can’t leave me like this.” You gasp out, exasperated, clutching her arm like you’re afraid she might disappear at any moment.
Robin lets out a humorless laugh, shaky with relief, knowing she didn’t hurt you or go too far.
“Oh, I’m not done with you yet.” Robin leans over and hovers over your quivering body and you wrap you legs around her waist instinctively. “Just wanted to get a good look at that pretty face when you cum around me.”
Robin kisses you deeply, passionately, like she wants to devour your entire soul, and you would absolutely let her if that’s what Robin wanted. You whimper in her mouth, unable to contain your overflowing desire. Robin curses under her breath, and reaches down between your sweating bodies to grip the length with purpose. She positions the head at your entrance and watches your mouth hang open and eyes flutter when she starts to slip inside you with ease. Robin groans deep in her chest when she buries herself deep inside you, like she could actually feel everything.
“Yes…” You hiss through gritted teeth, savoring that amazing feeling of being stuffed until you couldn’t take anymore.
Robin hooks her hands under your knees, pressing down firmly to keep you spread and open. She starts pumping her hips at a slower pace than before. It’s still a fast tempo, but now her only focus is making you feel as good as possible instead of outright fucking you like an animal. Robin’s stomach muscles shift with the strain of keeping a good rhythm, and you admire the way the soft glow of the low light plays off her body. She starts to roll her hips slightly upward, the head of the cock grinding against the swollen sweet spot inside you with every thrust.
“Oh shit—”
Robin starts to moan softly, and you can tell by her hard edged breathing and flushed cheeks that the friction of the harness is giving her pleasure as well.
“Oh god, Robin.”
Her name falls from your lips like a prayer, like you were pleading to the skies for rain after a summer’s drought. Robin holds your gaze, bewitched by your blissed out expression, and she swells with pride knowing she’s making you feel so goddamn good. You feel the coil in your lower abdomen tighten with boiling pressure. You just need a tiny bit more to get where you want to be.
“Robin, I need—fuck.”
“Mm, I’ve got you, pretty girl.”
In an act of outrageous obscenity, Robin spits down between your legs, saliva coating your quietly aching clit. Your body twitches at the sensation. Robin forgoes holding on to one of your legs to circle her thumb over the sensitive nub. You jerk and your eyes roll back in your head from the added pleasure.
“Please don’t stop Robin, don’t fucking stop—!” You yell out.
Robin wouldn’t dare stop. She finds a rhythm where she can fuck you and work your clit with relative ease. Both of you fill the bedroom with moans and breathless gasps. The bed starts to creak in time with Robin’s movements, beads of sweat fall slowly down the sides of her face from exertion. The sight, sounds of everything have you teetering on the edge. You feel the walls of your cunt clench tight around the cock and Robin’s thrusting become a little bit staggered.
“ ‘m close—”
“I know, I can tell.” Robin exhales sharply. “Cum for me please. You can do it, pretty girl.”
Your bite your lip, and you focus on Robin’s thumb frantically stroking your clit at the full force of the cock massaging your inner walls. The burning pressure that’s been building up within you all night finally breaks.
You’re grateful that there’s just the two of you in the house, but you’re also sure that you just alarmed the whole neighborhood with the guttural moan that breaks out of you. Your back arches off the bed, suspended in pure ecstasy. Robin makes a noise of pure delight at the sight of you becoming completely unhinged from such a powerful climax. You feel it everywhere, igniting every nerve ending in your body. Robin eases her movements on your sensitive clit, but continues to fuck you assertively through your orgasm, loving the way you’ve tightened around her. Blinding stars take over your vision when the tip of the cock keeps hitting that particular spot inside you. It almost makes you numb. After a few seconds, the sensitivity becomes too much, and you swiftly reach down and grab Robin’s wrist in an unspoken plea.
“ ‘s too much.”
Robin stops immediately. She leans down and kisses you sweetly, and it’s the most gentle thing she done all night. You wrap your arms around her neck and bury your hands in her hair, not caring about the dampness.
“You’re so perfect.” She murmurs.
You whimper against her lips when you’re hit with tiny aftershocks that cause your hips to jerk into her, and you wince. Robin kisses you one last time before leaning back to slowly slipping out of you, careful of your sensitivity. You groan when she fully pulls out of you, mourning the loss of fullness despite yourself. Robin rests on her knees catching her breath. You watch her, captivated by the way she looks. Robin takes a deep shuddering breath and runs a hand through her wet hair, and it’s all just too incredibly sexy.
Robin’s features have gone back to her usual softness. She takes in your trembling body and vacant fucked out gaze, proud of herself for reducing you to such a mess. Robin unfastens the harness and slips it off her hips before tossing it to the side. You whine childishly and make grabby hands. She smiles adoringly and crawls across the bed, plopping down next to you. You face one another, embracing in a tangled heap of sweaty limbs and soft breaths.
“Are you okay?” Robin asks, her voice heavy with exhaustion.
“More than okay.” You smile and cup Robin’s face. “What do you need?”
“You don’t have to do anything, pretty girl”
“But I want to.”
Robin hums and nods wordlessly. You start to move lower down her body, but she stops you.
“I want you just like this.”
Robin grabs your hand and guides it between her legs. You brush against her center, both of you gasping when you make contact with her wetness. Her eyes softly fluttered and she bites her bottom lip when your fingers dip past her folds. You work your fingers up and down Robin’s slit slowly, gathering up arousal.
“Shit—” Robin mumbles under her breath.
Robin hip’s jerk forward hen you find her clit, desperately trying to chase more friction. You stare into each other’s eyes as you lazily rub small tight circles. Her lips part and her blue eyes glass over from the pleasure of the gentle motions.
“Just like that.” Robin sighs, content with the soft and unhurried pace. “I’m already so close—fucking thing was rubbing against me the whole time.”
You don’t move your fingers any faster than what Robin needed. You keep your easy rhythm while Robin tiredly bucks into your hand. She starts breathing sharper, hot breath mixing with yours and she screws her eyes shut in concentration. You’re a little disappointed you can’t see her pretty eyes anymore, but Robin’s inevitable orgasm more than makes up for it. You pressed your forehead against Robin’s and you couldn’t stop the way your breathing picked up at the sound of her soft moans.
“I’ve got you babe, just let go.” You whisper.
The sound of your voice is all Robin needed to get herself over the edge. Her body goes rigid briefly, legs quivering when her orgasm delicately sneaks up on her. Her climax was gentle, beautiful, and exactly what she needed. It envelops her like a warm blanket and she curls into you slightly, wanting to hide in the feeling forever. Her mouth opens, breath caught in her throat for a silent moment before she turns her head and groans into the pillow. You stop moving your fingers letting Robin prolong the pleasure on her own. Her hips move in a broken rhythm against your hand until her body goes limp. You carefully withdraw your hand and wipe your fingers clean against your leg unabashed. Robin looks up from the pillow, and you take the opportunity to kiss her forehead, not caring about the faint taste of salt from lingering sweat.
“That was—shit. That was perfect.” Robin slurs.
You snort. “I didn’t do much.”
Robin laughs and shakes her head. “No I meant everything about tonight, silly.”
She lays on her back and pulls you closer to her. You snuggle up close to her side, swinging your leg over hers and draping your arm around her torso. Robin lazily drags her fingertips up and down your back and you practically melt into her.
“I’m like, the luckiest woman on the planet. No, no. The whole universe.” Robin punctuates her statement by gesturing wildly into the air.
She kisses the top of your head, and you could practically float with how light you are feeling.
A few minutes pass by and neither you or Robin has said a word for a while, content with just basking in each other’s warm presence. You idly play with the rings on Robin’s fingers until a wave of exhaustion hits you like a freight train. You feel your eyelids start to get heavy, but Robin makes a noise like she wants to say something.
“What’s wrong?” You ask.
“I tripped a little kid today.” Robin blurts out.
It takes a moment for you to process what you just heard. You sit up, blinking at your girlfriend in confusion.
“You what?”
“I tripped a kid today. On purpose. At work.”
Robin purses her lips, looking both amused and ashamed at her confession.
“What?! He was being a little asshole. He kept running around the back of our counter after I kept telling him very nicely to stop! God knows where his parents were, and the day was so shit. I just couldn’t take it anymore.”
You breakout into a laughing fit, completely taken off guard. Robin laughs with you, hearty and coarse.
“Yea, yea! I sneakily stuck my foot out when he kept running laps around our counter and—” Robin claps her hands together and you jump at the booming sound. “Right on his face. Kid was crying. I felt bad for a moment but Dingus was turning red trying not to laugh and seeing his stupid face made me laugh. God, it was bad.”
“You two are terrible.” You wipe away a stray tear from your eye.
“No doubt.”
Robin‘s stomach growls suddenly and loudly. You quirk an eyebrow at her and she rubs her stomach a little embarrassed.
“Sorry. Didn’t realize how hungry I was. I had to skip lunch today.”
Despite how tired you feel, you could go for some food. After tonight’s vigorous activities you definitely worked up an appetite. You crawl on top of Robin and straddle her waist. She looks surprised, but doesn’t complain. Her warm hands come to rest on your thighs.
“How about we take a shower, first at foremost, and then we raid your fridge for sustenance after?”
“Yes. Shower. With you. Yes definitely.” Robin replies a little too excited.
“No funny business!”
Robin sits up and cradles you in her arms.
“You should know by now that I am the CEO of funny business.” She winks.
You groan, cringing at Robin’s terrible joke. You grab a pillow and playfully hit her on the side of the head with it. She falls back into the bed, pretending like she just got knocked out, tongue comically sticking out of her mouth. You roll your eyes and get off her, making your way toward her adjoining bathroom.
“Robin if you don’t get in here I’m locking the door!” You shout.
“I can’t. My loving girlfriend just knocked me out cold.”
“Yep okay fine I’m coming!”
You peak out from the door frame. “You are? But I thought I said no funny business?”
This time it’s Robin’s turn to groan.
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riacte · 7 months
Space Opera AU dashboard simulator 2 (but there's plot if you squint) (probably worse than its predecessor)
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🚀 renthepilot
HAPPY BITRHDAY TO ME!! I TURN 7!!! :D :D :D <3 <3 <3 RD
❤️ falsewell
Happy 7th birthday Ren! :)
🚀 renthepilot
Thank u FalsE!!!!!! :DDDDDD >.< RD
🍵 cinnamontea Follow
... Why is my 17yo ET1blr mutual talking to a 7yo on Sunblr. I came here for analysis posts but apparently she's babysitting her cousin or perhaps a strangely intelligent dog??
❤️ falsewell
I mean, I would be worried if a 7yo was piloting the glider I race in 🤨
🍵 cinnamontea Follow
🍀 et1vision Follow
Chat do you remember when we found RK and QoH's Sunblr accounts from when they weren't famous and were just two kids in illegal races. Because it was hysterical. Hands up if you thought falsewell was someone's canon url and not QoH herself.
🪓 handoftheking
That interaction was pretty cute to be honest. Ren's still 7 the last I checked.
🪸 hoes4redking Follow
[deep sigh] littlewood at the scene of the crime as always
#WHYYYYYYY is he chronically online #he needs to be stopped and locked up #i bet he scrolls through the treebark tag every day #he knows Too Much #do you think he brings up sunblr during dinner #and etho and bigb look at him like hes insane
7,207 notes
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🔥 yaoihell Follow
save me queen of hearts
🔥 yaoihell Follow
queen of hearts
🔥 yaoihell Follow
queen of hearts save me
🏐 apollos-dodgeball 🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀 Follow
Congratulations on the prophecy!
[Beep boop, this is a gimmick blog!]
🔥 yaoihell Follow
what the actual fuck.
🌼 fast-and-bifurious Follow
i think i hauve the plague
47,981 notes
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🫐 toxicblueberry Follow
hi babes the demons in my head won so new fic!!
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i'm your biggest fan, i'll follow you until you love me, pa-pa paparazzi
pairing: the red king x blue stalker (they/them) (exterra 1 rpf)
summary: why are you as a bounty hunter so intent on hunting ren down? what do you want to do with him? pin him against a wall and kiss him until he's breathless and melting like putty in your hands?
word count: 10.1k
tags: enemies to lovers, angst, hurt no comfort, whump, ust, no actual smut, making out, blood, slight knifeplay, submissive rk, open ending
Keep reading
🏹 queenofheartsfanclub Follow
Listen, I don't do RPF, I can handle Treebark (because I have eyes), but this is crossing a line. Especially after the accusations by RK. I think his evidence is pretty compelling.
🫐 toxicblueberry Follow
dead dove do not eat. i am aware this is a fucked up dynamic but it's fictional. it's not like the real blue stalker has a toxic codependent attraction to the guy they're assigned to kill (btw i mained qoh so i completely understand where you're coming from)
🫐 toxicblueberry Follow
🏹 queenofheartsfanclub Follow
so do you wanna kiss before the haters get to you?
🫐 toxicblueberry Follow
of course. can we get married
#love can be found on the battlefield in more ways than one #fave post #annoying treebark fans fuck off!!!!!!
1109 notes
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🌹 fyeahroseduo Follow
Coming out as a falsedog shipper is harder than coming out as gay
🦇 starshipspachelbel Follow
Time is not real
🌃 nightpatrols Follow
I had vivid flashbacks. I feel faint. This post caused so much drama omfg. I need a treebark equivalent on my desk by 8am sharp next morning
🪓 handoftheking
Coming out as a Treebark shipper is harder than coming out as bi
🌃 nightpatrols Follow
#HES IN OUR WALLS #HE STARTED THE SHIP #this is gonna sweep the next unhinged moment poll #??!?1!?!???!?!?! #HATE THIS LUMIAN GLOWY ASS #btw for non et1 mutuals: this man is literally bi #yeah hes really gay for his pilot. yeah we all know #theyre always holding hands and shit #edit: DID HE REBLOG THIS AT 7:30AM #IDK HOW PLANETZONES CONVERSATION WORKS #*conversion #listen i failed school 2 years in a row ok 😭
19,626 notes
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🎵 daily-music Follow
Music video of the day is: R8cer Boi by Avril Lavigne!
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🎵 daily-music Follow
who the fuck is renn dog
🎵 daily-music Follow
who has little wood
🎵 daily-music Follow
why are y'alls twink racers larping as royals from medieval era planet earth
🎵 daily-music Follow
sorry for calling the queen of hearts a twink. im sorry women
#im so done with yalls bullshit #who are these people #why do they show up in my tags
898 notes
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typingbunny · 1 day
I’m so into you 🎶🎵🪩
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Imagine clubbing with Tara and your colleagues and a certain doctor decides to tag along …
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Not too explicit but I’m still putting a little warning bc there are implications of alcohol and sex🍸
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You initially went out with your colleges to celebrate wrapping up the newest case of an influx of wanderer attacks near the national park. The attacks had finally started to cease after months of exhaustion for all of you.
After a while Tara suggests that you guys check out the new club in the area. At first you’re a bit hesitant because you didn’t plan on staying up that late nor drinking too much but decide to just spontaneously ditch that thought and tell yourself to live your life and make the most out of it.
And you did …
Within less than 40 minutes of arriving at the club, you’ve had at least 6 random guys coming up to you chatting you up or buying you drinks. Now, accepting drinks from strangers is always a tricky situation, but you figure that since you have so many of your close friends with you, you’ll be fine (let’s be honest Tara convinced you to take the offer)
“Pleeeease it will be fun pinky promise. AND don’t you think it would be incredibly rude to not take the drinks? I mean they’re freeeeee soooo? We can even share them with the others.” Tara tries to convince you with her damned adorable puppy dog eyes and it worked.
Right now you two, plus Jenna who you’d much to her chagrin just pulled along to the dance floor, are singing and dancing while the others who tagged along are sitting in a booth near the back of the club, enjoying themselves over said free drinks.
Most of them are colleagues from your division. However one of them is Zayne.
He had texted you earlier this evening asking if he should pick you up from work, but after telling him your plans for the night he went offline for a good minute before texting you back mentioning that Greyson wanted to check out that new club for the longest time so the two doctors tagged along.
While Greyson is pretty outgoing and a kind soul you still didn’t take him for a clubbing sorta guy. Speaking of not much of a clubbing sorta guy: even less than Greyson you had taken Zayne for someone who likes to party. He normally doesn’t drink alcohol nor does he particularly enjoy dancing, at least not that you know of.
Earlier when the two doctors joined your group, you were slightly taken aback by seeing Zayne in an all black outfit rather than his white lab coat you’re used to seeing him in. Of course you’d seen him in different outfits before, his so-called casual attire: a grey trench coat over a turtle neck or a white dress shirt and tie but the black button down hit differently. You felt like a medieval man lusting after an exposed ankle, the way your eyes were trained on that one little top button he left unbuttoned. You felt your cheeks redden and slightly ashamed when he caught your stare and you quickly cast your eyes elsewhere avoiding his piercing gaze, but you could still see a corner of his mouth rising from your peripheral vision.
Fast forward to now, you three girls are still dancing and singing your hearts out on the dance floor when a guy comes up to you and starts dancing with Tara. She is blushing hardddd and you immediately know that he is exactly her type. You go girl! It doesn’t take too long and they are in their own little world and as a slower more sensual song starts playing you and Jenna take that as your cue to take a few steps aside.
“I need a drink”, Jenna shouts over the music and as neither of you is really feeling this song you huddle over to the bar. Jenna orders a Gin Tonic and you take a Martini.
Soon another guy approaches you two and starts up a conversation. He is wearing a tight white T-shirt that leaves little to the imagination with how low his v-neckline is. He has what the kids call old money blonde hair that is parted in the middle and frames his face nicely, it’s giving beach boy. You snort internally as his appearance reminds you of “I do beach” Ken because that’s the vibes he gives. You scold yourself for being mean reminding yourself that he is just trying to get to know you. As he speaks, you notice how perfectly white his teeth are and even though you couldn’t care less you try to focus on what he is saying over your loud thoughts and the even louder music.
Meanwhile, Zayne has been eyeing that entire interaction practically ignoring Greyson who has been chewing his ear off since they arrived, rambling about a farming simulator game, one of his patients introduced him to today. He has always been a bit of a yapper but in a cute way as he tends to talk with his whole body and face the more excited he gets. He is quite into farming and dreams of living on a farm once he settles down.
Suddenly the blonde guy puts a hand on your waist and Zayne’s grip around his glass tightens until his knuckles turn white. Due to the distance he can’t make out what the guy is blubbering about, but he’s certain that it’s no more than brainless bullshit anyway. Watching the guy weasel around you, getting way too comfortable, Zayne starts counting down the seconds in his head as his patience runs thinner, the alcohol in his system not helping his situation.
A wave of relive washes over him as he watches you detaching yourself from the guy.
That’s my girl
Zayne relaxes a little bit. He knows you can fight your own fights, but for multiple reasons he cannot fight the urge to keep his eyes trained on nothing but you.
One of your favourite songs starts playing so you try to get away from this guy. You excuse yourself and try to get Jenna to accompany you to the dance floor.
“Nah I’m good” she reassures you as she holds up her half full glass.
Going up to the dance floor all by yourself is intimidating but you can’t skip dancing to this song just because of some nerves or getting self- conscious. Gathering all your confidence you strut to the dance floor as you remember how cool you thought Zendaya looked dancing by all by herself in that new movie of hers and you’re determined to embrace that spirit.
The first 3 seconds feel a bit awkward but once the singing starts you lose your all inhibitions. You feel the base rushing through your body, vibrating within you, the adrenaline pumping through your veins and you feel like the hottest girl in the club.
You’re not the only one who thinks so, as Blondie from the bar respawns and approaches you from behind. You had been feeling eyes burning themselves onto you and you figure it was him.
Well it wasn’t. Well yes it was but not only his.
Zayne’s resting pulse is back to 180 as he watches those grimy hands rake themselves over your body. Without another word he stands up and leaves Greyson to talk about how you maximise your crop and turn it into the ingame currency to invest into something to convert it … whatever.
That guy was getting on your nerves but you ignored him for the most part until you felt a hand on your hips.
“Sorry buddy but I’m not up for touchy”, you lightheartedly tell him off hoping he’ll back off.
He doesn’t.
“I said I’m not up for touchy”, you repeat a little louder because maybe he didn’t hear you over the loud music.
Still not reaction. Suddenly his right hand travels up your side heading straight to your chest.
“Did you not hear her?! Even from over here I could hear her so maybe you want to get your ears checked I know a few specialists I can connect you with.”
Zayne stares the guy down as he looms over him. Zayne isn’t much taller than him, maybe an inch or two, but the guy all but shrinks as Zayne seems to be crushing Blondie’s hand that had been exploring the landscape of your body with his own scarred hand. You notice that Zayne’s sleeves are rolled up now, which grants you a prime view of his forearm muscles flexing as he increases the force with each passing second. Zayne leans down to the guy and whispers something you can’t hear into beach Ken’s ear and he immediately shuffles away.
“Thank you” you shout a little awkwardly over the music, still swaying back and forth to the rhythm trying to seem unbothered by this whole thing, blocking thoughts of how attractive his (over-) protectiveness is. Girl what is wrong with you?!
Zayne looks you up and down, eyes flickering up to your eyes and then slowly down your body again. You do feel vulnerable and exposed at how openly he is gawking at you but it’s also an incredible ego boost to know that he is looking at you like you’re a glass of water in the dessert.
Oh, baby, look what you started
The temperature's rising in here
Is this gonna happen?
Been waiting and waiting for you to make a move
Before I make a move (ooh, ooh)
“No need to thank me” he leans into you, his lips almost brushing the shell of your ear.
“What did you say to make him react like … that?!” Zayne flashes a smile and looks away for a second before his gaze darkens.
“Don’t think about it too much. That’s not meant for your precious ears to hear.”
Your stomach does a little flip … stupid butterflies.
So, baby, come light me up
And maybe I'll let you on it
A little bit dangerous
But, baby, that's how I want it
Puzzled, you cock your head to the side and a strand of hair falls into your face. Without thinking twice, Zayne reaches for it and gently brushes it behind your ear. Your skin is burning at the soft touch and you want more.
“Dance with me” you ask as he eyes you with a look you can’t fully read. No reaction. “Come on Zayne, humour me, please .”
“I thought you’re not up for touchy”, he teases and you can’t help but smile. Would Zayne be touchy? Seems unlikely.
“Well it’s different with you”, you respond and Zayne raises his eyebrows a little like he often does when he feels intrigued or challenged.
A little less conversation
And a little more touch my body
You feel like you’re about to explode as he places his hands on your waist. His touch is less careful than you had expected and the fact that he can use his hands as a makeshift corset around your entire waist makes you even more hazy than the heat emanating from his body. He smells like expensive cologne, something woodsy and spicy, as degenerate as it sounds: manly. It’s more intoxicating than any of the cocktails you’ve had.
With every passing second the tension between you two grows thicker and your dancing gets more heated. Zayne being a pro at holding eye contact is practically undressing you with his eyes making you feel as naked as if your little black dress was pooling around your feet when in reality there is something else pooling and it’s between your legs. Why does he have to be so tempting-?!
You can’t help but stare at Zayne’s lips wondering if they are as soft as they look like. This isn’t the first time you’re having these thoughts but the first time you’re actually thinking about acting upon your intrusive thoughts.
“Kiss me-!”, you all but plead looking up at him like you’re worshipping him like your god.
'Cause I'm so into you, into you, into you
Soft. So incredibly soft. Soft yet forceful. That man kisses you like he is starving and you are more than willing to be the sacrificial lamb to his hungry wolf.
You still can’t comprehend that his lips are crashing against yours as you taste a faint trace of mint and alcohol while his tongue is exploring your mouth.
As you embrace him to get closer, as if that’s even possible with how you’re grinding against him pressing your chests together you’re sure he can feel your hard nipples through the fabric of your dress, your hands find his neck and Zayne suddenly moans into the kiss.
Of course you abuse the newfound information and start playing with his hair at the nape of his neck. Zayne’s grip around you tightens and one of his hands travels down to your hips drawing you closer as he shamelessly toys with your ass. As if that’s not enough proof that your doctor has completely lost control over his desire for you, you feel a different kind of proof against your lower stomach; proof that is about 7 inches long-
Got everyone watchin' us
So, baby, let's keep it secret
A little bit scandalous
But, baby, don't let them see it
This is crazy. You’re making out in a club with your childhood friend while everyone, your friends, your colleges, your literal boss can watch you.
Yet the only thing on your mind is that you don’t want this to end. Ever.
Zayne is the first one to break the kiss and you instantly worry if it has caught up to him that you are doing more than PDA, you’re practically putting on a show others would charge money for or record it to put it on adult platforms.
Tell me what you came here for
'Cause I can't, I can't wait no more
I'm on the edge with no control
And I need, I need you to know
“How about we get out of here angel?”
“Yes please” , you breathe out pathetically as you feel like you’re making a pact with the devil.
Zayne takes your smaller hand in his to guide you through the crowd, his broad physique functioning like a snow shovel as you trail behind him like a lost duckling.
However, he quickly notices that he’s practically dragging you behind him and checks in if you’d rather not leave with him telling you that it’s okay.
He’s on an entirely wrong track and him checking in with you only heightens how much you feel like a puddle in every way possible.
You’re struggling well because firstly you’re wearing your highest heels + you just made out with the hottest man you’ve been in love with for a literal decade so of course your legs feel like they are going to give in any given moment.
Confessing the state your legs are in even while omitting the reason is beyond embarrassing because of course Zayne knows what’s up, but your cardinal need to be alone with him and repeat what you just did as soon as possible but this time horizontally, outweighs your ego.
Zayne, pragmatic as usual, has a quick solution for the problem and throws you over his shoulder and starts to carry you out of the club. He makes sure you’re decent but you can still feel your face turning red especially with all the blood that had been flowing between your thighs no rushing to your head. On your way to the door, you can spot the people you came here with eyeing you two as they laugh like someone cracked a joke.
As you pass Jenna on your way out because she is still sitting at the bar, you’re 99% she actually said “Use protection. I need you at work.”
'Cause I'm so into you, into you, into you
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Btw these are the outfits I’m referencing
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Me and my husband ♥︎
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mari-writes · 2 months
Bokuto is surprised, but pleasantly so, when Akaashi invites him out to a concert.
The first year setter is quiet off the court. He spends most of his free time with his nose in a book or a mug of tea, and doesn’t really seem the type to be into live rock music.
“You don’t have to say yes,” Akaashi mutters, nervously pulling at his fingers. “I just… I know you enjoy listening to music. And I thought you might like this band. I really do, but I’ve never seen them perform. And my parents don’t want me to go alone, so…”
Bokuto smiles, oddly charmed at his friend’s awkwardness. He and Akaashi have been on the same team for the better part of a year, but he’s still learning more about him every day. 
“I’d love to!”
They meet for the show at the train station. Bokuto spots him and calls out, waving both his arms as he jogs over. The first thing he notices is that Akaashi looks different in street clothes. He’s seen him in his school uniform, his volleyball kit and training attire, pajamas and even casual wear. But never like this.
Akaashi wears a pair of slim fit jeans, a long-sleeved shirt with the band’s logo on front, and a pair of suede ankle boots. His hair is styled slightly, and Bokuto does a double take when he spots a touch of black liner drawn onto his eyelids.
Bokuto feels a bit undressed in his joggers, t-shirt and zip-up hoodie. “You look nice,” he says, ears feeling strangely warm.
The club is already open when they arrive. The show is sold out, and hopeful fans converge at the entrance, trying to get in. It’s sort of chaotic, but eventually their tickets are scanned and they make it inside.
Finding a spot in the crowd is a challenge. Despite being tall, they keep getting jostled and blocked. Bokuto hovers an arm behind Akaashi, not quite touching but protecting his friend from sharp elbows and heavy feet.
“Wow, they’re popular, huh?” Bokuto can’t help but gape at the amount of people, all packed into such a small space. 
Akaashi nods. “They might need to book a bigger venue next time…”
They enjoy the opening act, chatting in between the songs. Despite the crowd, Bokuto is happy to see Akaashi loosening up, relaxing. He seems to settle comfortably into the noisy environment. 
He also looks excited. Very excited. He’s trying to hold back, but there’s this gleam in the boy’s eyes. A spark. He keeps eagerly glancing at the stage as the crew sets up for the headliner.
When the band finally comes out, Akaashi cheers, bouncing on his toes and clapping. Bokuto snorts and nudges him teasingly. Akaashi nudges back, and they both chuckle.
The band is great. They’re fun, energetic, but grounded in how they play together. The lyrics are a bit abstract and poetic, some of it going over Bokuto’s head, but that’s okay. He’ll ask Akaashi about it later.
Speaking of—Bokuto has a hard time concentrating on watching the band itself, as he keeps stealing glances at his friend, unable to look away for too long. Akaashi sings along to almost every song, face raw with emotion as he’s clearly moved by the lyrics. 
The club’s lighting illuminates the boy’s profile, accentuating his sharp cheekbones and jawline. He jumps up and down during the fast songs, and then sways in place, eyes closed as if in a trance when the rhythms slow.
He’s sort of… beautiful. Captivating. Bokuto wonders absently if that’s a normal thing to think about a friend.
The band plays for nearly two hours, coming back for an encore before taking a long, grateful bow together at the front of the stage. Akaashi’s eyes look a little glassy as he claps so hard his palms redden. 
“Did you have fun?” Bokuto asks once they make it out of the club. The streets are dark but lively, full of fans still buzzed from both alcohol and adrenaline.
Akaashi nods. “I did. Th-thank you for coming with me, Bokuto-san.”
“Hey hey, it was great!” He grins. “I’ll have to check out their albums!”
The train ride back is mostly quiet. Exhaustion—from the late hour, and standing/dancing for so long—is definitely catching up to them. Thank goodness it’s not a school night. Bokuto is unsure if he could’ve made it to morning practice.
Bokuto hops off at Akaashi’s stop and walks him home. His friend tries to stop him, of course, but he insists. The night they just had together… it felt different. Special. Something about it makes Bokuto want to prolong it for as long as possible.
“Here we are!” He grins, shoving his hands in his pockets and rocking on his heels. “Have a good night, ‘kaashi!”
The boy nods, moving to leave, but then he hesitates. Bokuto watches curiously as his hands ball into fists at his sides. He takes a long, controlled breath, and turns back to Bokuto.
For a few moments they just stand there on Akaashi’s doorstep, a few paces apart, staring at each other. Bokuto wonders what he’s missing. Is Akaashi okay? Should he—
“Can… can I hug you, Bokuto-san?”
Akaashi’s voice is soft. Timid. So much so that Bokuto thinks he misheard. But no, the boy is looking at him eagerly, waiting with bated breath.
Bokuto smiles for perhaps the hundredth time that night, nods once, and opens his arms wide.
The hug is different than others they’ve shared, among teammates or after scoring a point. Akaashi’s long fingers dig into Bokuto’s back, and his nose burrows into his shoulder. 
A profound sense of contentment washes over Bokuto as he returns the embrace. He feels warm. So warm. He catches a whiff of something pleasant—is it cologne, or just Akaashi himself?
When they do eventually part, Akaashi is quick to lower his gaze as he walks backward towards the house. “Good night, Bokuto-san,” he says politely. “Safe travels home.” 
With that, the boy turns on his heel and hurries in through his front door. With a final click, the door closes and he’s gone.
Bokuto releases a shaky breath. He continues to gaze at the house, half expecting Akaashi to come back out and… do what? He’s not sure. Why does it feel like he’s still missing something?
He has to force himself to leave. He takes one last look at the house. His friend’s bedroom window is now illuminated by a soft glow, and he thinks he catches a glimpse of the boy’s silhouette within.
“G’night, ‘kaashi,” he whispers, as if it’s a secret. “Sweet dreams.”
Please appreciate how nervous Akaashi must’ve been asking his crush, his STAR, out to a concert. At the end he’s probably pacing his bedroom freaking out about the hug. 😅 Thanks for reading! Please comment/share if you enjoyed! It really helps me out. —Mari💕
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gadflystings · 6 months
Sky doodles:
My sis entering the voice chat with her MUSIC 🎶🎵🎶
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The other day we were doing our cr and Haru came to us. She looked at us and said "What a crowd!". RuRu said: "We are not a crowd, we are your children, mom". Fresh said: "I'm not a crowd, I'm your nephew" forgetting he is a grandson for Haru. After beind corrected, he was confused and froze for about a minute, silent.
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I'm not a crowd...
I'm a nephew!
You are a grandson.
When we got splitted by servers we usually use something like "we are splitted" or "separated". Only Fresh always says that he is "torn" (in Russian it can be used in this situation too, but talking about connection, not a person, because the meaning becomes a bit... different). One day when Fresh told he was torn again Lissa continued his phrase and said "into thousands tiny Freshes". Now it's our family joke and Fresh asked to sketch his tiny cute copies:
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Fresh, where are you?
I was...
... torn
into thousands tiny Freshes.
Just me and a random imaginated moth. My real moth has grown up. ♥ I'm happy to see he has his 150 wl and starts doing cr-s for his friends. It seems i look at newbies again thinking it would be good to find one who would like to be a bit adopted for a long period. o___o
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lastbluetardis · 10 months
If you’re still taking TS songs for Ten/Rose AUs….🎵
I will be the first to admit I’m not a Swiftie (I like her music, though) I just want to see you come up with some more 10/Rose AU’s!
I'm definitely still doing this! I'm having way too much fun merging my love of Taylor Swift with my love of Ten/Rose AUs 😂
Song: Dancing With Our Hands Tied
AU Idea: This would make for a great forbidden/secret romance story. I would write maybe a historical/ye olde fic where James and Rose come from two vastly different social classes, like maybe royalty and peasant or something to that effect. And the one from royalty (James, I'm thinking) doesn't want the responsibilities of being royalty, because maybe he isn't even next in line, so why does the royal family even care about what he does or where he goes. But it's all about maintaining the image of fancy-schmancy hoity-toity perfect, untouchable, unobtainable perfection, so his parents are trying to arrange a suitable marriage for him. He then runs away from the castle to slum it as a commoner, where he runs into Rose, who recognizes him straight away ("Really, mate... the whole kingdom knows your face, but you thought you could blend in undetected?? You're stupider than I thought." *incoherent spluttering* "Oi, I'm the prince! Have some respect!" *smirking* "Well the royal prince is standing ankle deep in cow dung...")
Suffice it to say he's smitten, and he begrudgingly goes back to the castle because turns out a handsome, marriageable prince out and about the village without any guards or soldiers is a bad idea. Not to mention any villager who's angry about his parents' reign.
So he goes to the castle and, like a dumb-dumb, he never got Rose's name. The next time he sneaks out, he takes better precautions with disguising himself, and he searches the whole town for Rose. He finally finds her and is is trying to act like it's a coincidence he ran across her again, but they both know better. But lucky for him, she likes him too. They get to chatting and regularly meet up in secrecy for a while, slowly falling in love over the course of several glorious, uninterrupted months. Until finally they're found out and James is forbidden from contacting her again, and Rose is threatened to stay away from the prince.
Neither of them listen *insert interesting and romantic conflict resolution here* and they come out to the entire kingdom as being in love, and James announces that if he couldn't marry Rose, he wasn't going to marry anyone. *insert family drama here* Eventually the king and queen reluctantly agree to let James get married to Rose, but they all live happily ever after :)
Send me a 🎵 and I’ll shuffle my Taylor Swift playlist
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helloiamadrawer · 4 months
Class 1-A Boys + music they listen to 🎵🎧 (PART 1)
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Ojiro and Shoji would a b s o l u t e l y vibe together to meditation music, yk like the two most calmest bois of 1-A inviting each other to their dorms to chat, study or hang out to meditate after training to find some inner peace within themselves 😊✌️
Koda gives Animal Crossing vibes so much (probably plays Animal Crossing too 🥺) so he would listen to cutecore music for enjoyment, maybe a a bit of lofi if he has to study. Nervous boi would be so scared of showing off his music to his classmates because of how they would feel about it 🥺
Izuku loves all pop songs from 2000's to now pop music. But if you ask who is his favorite artist...probably Shawn Mendes, Harry Styles or Boywithuke. The first song he got attached to was 'Stitches'. Other types he likes are techno and dubstep
One time, after dinner at the dorms, Izuku and Todoroki were washing dishes in the kitchen and Izuku had his headphones on listening to said song and little did todoroki know..broccoli boi started ✨singing✨ it. His lovely voice ringing through the room, making the peppermint haired boy look at him in suprise. And poor boi din't notice it until he glanced back and immediately started apologizing and blushing like a mad man lol.
Todoroki was always a man of variation but he was never introduced to much music cause you know...
Until one day..he was just scrolling around youtube and all he could see was everything ✨slowed and reverb✨
It couldn't go away from his field of vision he clicks on a slowed version of Dancin by Aaron Smith and let me tell you when he did this
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HE DID THIS jsgakjsbgiua
Starts to literally v i b e in his dorm room. It's like he's been teleported to another world where he can zone out and dance and when the song ended, he wanted more. Now everytime you see him, he has his earphones in listening to the sweet sounds of reverbed music (until he has to go to bed ofc cause he has curfew) and has about 200 songs on his Spotify playlist (he clearly hasn't stfu about it 😂) but outside of his new addiction, he also likes techno like Izuku does. Definitely plays it on his speaker too if hanging with the DekuSquad
When baking, Sato likes to play some indie music cause for some strange reason, it naturally speeds up the baking process for him. Yes, even the song from Lazytown Cooking by the Book (it's a guilty pleasure
Random headcanon: he gained a liking for broadway music and he had a theatre kid era once before he got into the whole baking/cooking spiel.
Tokoyami is the MOST obvious one of them all. He just loves being the emo/alt lord and loves metal/heavy metal to death. I mean probably every time he sees a new metal band he'll seek them out to see if they're good or not. He did come across a band that Kuroiro showed him once when Class B came to the dorms after the whole training tournament the band was called Nemophila ⬇️
He liked it, buuuttt he wanted 'more power' so he asked him what other bands he liked so he sent him this⬇️ Broken by the Scream
He took one look at the album art and literally thought that his twin emo is fooling him but when he listened to it holy shi- it's so good WhAt so much power 🤟😯 mans was even more shocked that it was an ✨all girl✨ band (yes even a girl did the deep voice) he was s h o o k e t h but in the greatest way possible, he even recommended this song for Jirou to listen and he NEVER does that. He includes it in his playlist and discovers there's more songs by them. He doesn't mind playing it out loud sometimes but he feels like it's only for him not being selfish or anything metal is a genre he treasures to him and doesn't give af what ppl think of it PERIODT.
Part 2 is coming soon since this part was sooo long than expected hope y'all enjoyed this part 🤟✨
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the---hermit · 1 year
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Beloved bee in my lavender plant and iconic buildings from the city.
I am vibing to the new pvris album while I lay in bed cuddled up with my blåhaj after a day of catching up with a friend in the city. Me and my uni buddy met up to have a chat, walk arkund mindlessly and eat sushi. It was a lovely day, it wasn't even as hot as I had anticipated since there was a bit of a breeze, which was perfect. I'm not gonna lie to you before taking the bus this morning I had a wave of random anxiety, and I had to take my meds and coach myself on the fact that everything was going to be fine (as it was), but still I am more and more aware about the fact that recently I have to be kinder to myself because my anxiety is louder than usual. In the end it was a really relaxed day, so I count it as a win and I'll try to keep it in mind for other days that start like this.
Chill hobbit summer activities of today:
Read first thing in the morning
Practiced Irish on duolingo
Took my meds because I needed them
Had a lovely day with a friend
Walked quite a bit
Payed attention to being hydrated enough while being out
Browsed a bookstore but didn't buy any books (I was very responsable even though I was very tempted by one)
Good music
Quality time with my brother watching animal videos and generally being idiots
📖:Juniper And Thorn by Ava Reid (one chapter in and it's very promising)
🎵: the whole Evergreen album by PVRIS (and it's going to be like this for a while so prepare to be very bored with music updates in the next while)
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🎵 Disco Elysium, Pt 1
3. "I've got to agree -- your theory sounds the most plausible."
IDIOT DOOM SPIRAL - "Isn't it? All the pieces fit together perfectly. That's how I know it's right..."
"Anyway, to each his own. You want to hear any other stories?"
2. "I've already seen some weird shit on this case. A headless jockey in a tracksuit fits right in."
KIM KITSURAGI - "Hard to argue with that, I suppose."
IDIOT DOOM SPIRAL - "That's the reality situation for you. You think you got a handle on it, then *BLAM*! It throws some wild shit at you..." He takes a long swig, then smiles. "That's why it's critical to stay well hydrated."
3. "That's nothing. I've got an even *crazier* story."
IDIOT DOOM SPIRAL - "Yeah? Why don't you go eat shit, Tequila? There's no way you know a better one than that."
"What about the Col Do Ma Ma Daqua? It's a magical self-replicating sound!"
"The Gnome of Geroma dissolves its victims with acid."
"The Giant of Koko Nur is as big as a mountain."
"There's the Kind Green Ape. It's very kind… and green."
"Yeah, actually -- you're right. Nothing comes to mind."
IDIOT DOOM SPIRAL - "I have to admit, that's pretty high-concept. Still not as awesome as a headless rider in a FALN tracksuit, though."
4. "Okay. Whatever became of the Headless FALN Rider?" (Conclude.)
IDIOT DOOM SPIRAL - "No one knows. Some say he stalks Martinaise to this day, and can be seen near the canal when the clock strikes midnight." He makes a spooky gesture with his free hand.
KIM KITSURAGI - The lieutenant smirks. "He won't though, because it's just a stupid legend."
ROSEMARY - "Aye! I saw him one night when I were right shit faced!"
7. "Be seein' you." [Leave.]
KIM KITSURAGI - "Okay, let's step aside for a second, I have something I want to talk about."
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Hold that thought, Kim.
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BONUSES: Stopped obsessing about sexuality
Maybe you should *stop* obsessing about your own -- and other people's -- sexuality? Feels like it’s about time to do that. You’ve thought about this for *eight hours*?! Not only should you stop, you should tell Kim you've stopped obsessing about other people's sexuality too. I'm sure he'd appreciate it. Unless you already got him killed because you were obsessing about your sexuality. (There’s no way of telling from within your brain, but for your own sake: please say you didn’t.)
Ok, what is it?
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KIM KITSURAGI - "I've been meaning to have a little chat with you about your sense of *style*."
"My *style*? What about it?"
KIM KITSURAGI - "It's, well, a little *eclectic*, don't you think? How would you even describe what you're wearing?"
CONCEPTUALIZATION [Medium: Success] - 'Eclectic' is for pop music with 'indigenous' percussion. *You're* a sartorial maverick.
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littlemissclandestine · 3 months
Hello you! 💜
Glad you stopped by. Hello. Hi. Howdy! 🤠
∧,,,∧ ~ ┏━━━━━━━━┓ ( ̳• · • ̳) ~ ♡ Welcome to my blog! ♡ / づ ~ ┗━━━━━━━━┛
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⭐ I'm 💫˙⋆✮ Stargirl ✮⋆˙ 💫 -> Call me Star, Des or Clan or whatever you prefer. That's what some people call me hehe
🌍 I'm a short British gal. No I don't have an accent like that
👕 Dresses and me? Nah. I'm a tomboy. Barbie can do one.
🐈 I have a kitty who is just a complete and utter floofball -> Adore animals in general. We don't deserve them
💙 If I had to pick a favourite colour, i'd say turquoise/blue. -> Though, I really love black and you know what? Purple and pink are starting to grow on me... (I appreciate all colours!)
🎵 Music-wise, I don't have a particular genre I listen to most. Love a bit of everything. -> The Weeknd is my go-to, however. XOTWOD ;) 🎮 I'm a video game enthusiast -> Fave video game series would probably be Metal Gear Solid but I have many games I'm fond of 🪖 Currently obsessed with COD. MW is my jam and TF141 are my comfort characters -> I'm also an unhinged Adler fangirl if you haven't noticed already. Yes, i'm very self aware, thank you ;) 🎨 In my leisure time, I love to draw, make edits, dance etc. I also love acting and photography. What can I say? I'm a creative! ✏️ I occasionally write and make ocs as well (I will share them some day soon hopefully) . -> Not a fanfic writer really but i love doing headcanons. Those fics I have written will never see the light of day. Well...maybe
See below for examples of hcs I've written: ✦ Soft!Russell Adler x Reader pt.1 ✦ Soft!Russell Adler x Reader pt.2 ✦ Soft!Vladimir Makarov x Reader (requested) ✦ Adler & Makarov Comfort Hcs pt.1 (requested) ✦ Adler Comfort Hcs pt.2
💬 Wanna chat? Feel free to message me on here or add me on discord! DM me for my username :)
#🎬: Star on air ( ˃ᴗ˂ ) ☆ -> me just talking about random things. text basically.
#Star answers asks! ( ˃ᴗ˂ ) ✰ -> does what it says on the tin
#Star writes headcanons! ( ˃ᴗ˂ ) ✰ -> self explanatory hehe
#Star's edits ( ˃ᴗ˂ ) ✰ -> my edits. no surprise there (though i don't share many)
#Star's bottomless waffles ☆ -> waffle posts, character analysis, essays, that sorta thing. serving ya waffle on tap ;)
#Star's been tagged! ( ˃ᴗ˂ ) ✰ -> tag game stuff!
#Star's gettin' arty ( ˃ᴗ˂ ) ✰ -> art stuff by me
[redacted] -> ??? (BOCW) [redacted] -> ??? (BOCW) [redacted] -> ??? (MW) [redacted] -> ??? (MW)
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dividers by @bluviddes <33
>>> Last updated: 18/04/2024
🔞Minors, please do not interact with me or my blog!
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awritingcaitlin · 4 months
💥Find the Word!
Thank you @kaylinalexanderbooks for the tag! (Sorry it always takes me forever to get to these!)
My words are: wonder, stop, cope, attempt
Tagging: @tananaphone, @saphoblin, @nanashi23, @sentfromwolves, and @italicised (no pressure)
Your words are: small, scissors, song, slip, and some
Snippets from Siege under the cut! (It's on my mind.)
She looked around the small room. It had a bed, a bedside table, a washstand, a dresser, and a small closet to hang things. Rinnie had paid for rooms not so well-equipped.
She put her hands on her hips and looked back at the dress. She was going to pay for this room too.
Taking the scissors, she went to the mirror. Her hair was well and truly a mess. Half of the left side was burnt off to where it fell barely below her ear. Chunks and pieces from the back were missing length too. It was hardly a wonder she’d gotten so many strange looks earlier in the day.
She went to trim some on the right to make it even, but couldn’t make herself cut it. She was afraid of making it worse somehow.
Lowering the shears, she decided she’d go downstairs and just ask for some help if possible. If not, she’d ask where a barber might be. If that was what she was supposed to do. She never really cut her hair beyond maintenance trims that she did herself.
“Somebody’s gotta be the first,” Adrian said.
The reality of it was, Rinnie didn’t want to draw too much attention to herself. She lingered in the kitchen.
The third song started with a mixture of instrumentals and a call and answer between the woman fiddler and man on a drum. The other woman played her flute, the first man played his guitar, and the last man played some boxy instrument Rinnie had no name for. It was a lilting tune with simple chords.
Rinnie swayed to the music. When it swelled and sped up, her swaying turned back to bouncing. Everyone took turns singing, round-robin style. There was power in the music. Rinnie felt the energy in the room. Now people started dancing.
Just in time for the music to stop abruptly, like sometimes happened with Timernan songs. The first woman began her call again and motioned for the audience to answer.
“Within the normal or expanded margins, Sir?”
The mask on the General’s face slipped a little, giving a glimpse of the real person with real doubts underneath. “The expanded limits, Eigen.”
Of course.
Eigen knew the answer to this one as well. Roughly. Very roughly. One could never account for all the variables. Now the Margin of Error was twenty-five percent. General Sobel was willing to sacrifice as much as a quarter of Eigen’s men to get them where he needed to be.
“Yes, Sir. In theory, this operation would proceed within the expanded margin of error. That said Sir, the timing and weather would have to be perfect. We could not cope with that fog that’s cropped up.”
Rendon’s other guard threw his hands up. “Hey, I never really liked this cult anyway!”
“Traitor!” Rendon spat. Or, attempted to, anyway, considering his collar was particularly tight around his neck. He continued flailing. Killian’s response was to pull him off the ground by his collar.
“You know, I get it, some people don’t like to talk to me. So instead, you’re going to have a little chat with our Evianne Priestess.” Forcibly, Killian turned Rendon to Rinnie.
Rinnie looked Rendon in the eye and a shudder went up Adler’s back.
“I should probably offer you a chance at salvation,” she said, her voice cold and merciless. “But you held a gun to my friend’s head in cold blood and you probably wouldn’t accept anyway.”
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melly-watches-racing · 4 months
Drive to Survive Episode 7 Thoughts…
RYAN REYNOLDS… top F1 car impression there dude. I actually love him
“Where’s our hospitality?” LOL
So far this is a bit of a shit episode won’t lie
What a move on Stroll from Gasly
🎵Around the outside… around the outside🎵
Pierre is clearly not enjoying this
Actually forgot about the double double DNF
The French Civil War of 2023 was actually quite entertaining
Love when the tires come off like Polo mints makes me laugh
it’s the ominous music for me
It’s all a bit odd the circumstances around Omar’s dismissal.
It’s kinda sad won’t lie watching him walk away with his little case
Awkward that chat with Christian
I’ve spent the whole episode thinking about how pretty Pierre’s eyes are
Pierre’s Dutch GP drive up the grid was amazing
Pierre’s podium made me so emotional at the time and again now
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theradiocast · 7 months
This is my other and first account @cloudy-lifee
I'm mostly a traditional artist but I do do digital but only sketching
I'm open to chat but just know I'm✨ weird ✨
I also take art request so yeah!!
I love horror!! And music 🎵🎵🎵🎶🎶
I have anger issues so yeah
Here my persona also
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I'm a horny goblin 🙃🙃🙃
So yeah that's it for now also you can ask me stuff I'll answer!!
One of my favorite songs....
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m3lanie-x · 14 days
🌸 Welcome to Neurodivergent friendgroup!! 🌸
✨ A Sanctuary for Neurodivergent people ✨
*🧠 About Us:*
Welcome to Neurodivergent friendgroup!, a serene and inclusive space created for neurodivergent individuals to connect, share, and thrive. Our community is dedicated to providing a supportive and understanding environment where you can find friends, ask questions, vent, and access valuable information. Neurodivergent friendgroup! is a safe haven where everyone is accepted and celebrated for who they are.
*🌟 What We Offer:*
🤝 Friendship & Connection: Meet like-minded individuals, form meaningful connections, and find your tribe.
❓ Q&A Zone: Ask questions, share experiences, and gain insights from a supportive community.
💬 Venting Channels: Express your thoughts and feelings in a non-judgmental space.
📚 Resource Hub: Access a wealth of information on neurodiversity, including articles, videos, and personal stories.
🎨 Creative Corner: Share your art, writing, and creative projects, and find inspiration from others.
🎵 Soothing Sounds: Relax with our curated playlists and find comfort in music.
*🌿 Why Join Us?*
🌈 Inclusive Environment: We celebrate diversity and ensure a safe space for everyone.
💖 Supportive Community: Our focus is on empathy, understanding, and mutual support.
🛡️ Safe Space: Moderation and guidelines to ensure a respectful and secure environment.
*🍃 Join Us Today!*
Come and be a part of Neurodivergent friendgroup!, where you can be yourself, find support, and connect with others who understand. Click the link below to join our warm and welcoming community!
🌸 Neurodivergent friendgroup! - Your safe space to connect, share, and thrive. 🌸
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mvybanks · 1 year
2k celebration!!!
THANK YOU SO SO MUCH for 2000 followers!!!
this is going to sound a little silly to some people, but i’m incredibly insecure about every single thing i post and the fact that 2000 people would actually follow me to read the stuff i write is wild to me! i never would’ve thought more than a couple of people could’ve liked my writing, let alone 2k😫 i just wanted to show my appreciation by spending some time together so, to celebrate, i’m going to take you guys on a road trip with me; let’s spend a couple of days together <33 :
👀—> hey! let’s play ‘21 questions’ : you can ask me about my opinions on a character/actor (not necessarily obx related), or just a question about myself, and i’ll answer truthfully!
🍟—> ugh, getting hungry; wanna stop for a snack? : give me a character (jj, pope, sarah or rafe!) and a thought and i’ll write a concept/blurb!
☕️—> it’s coffee time! : let’s chat and get to know each other, you can tell me about yourself or about your day, you can ask me advice on something if you want; just two friends sitting down for a coffee!
🎵—> boring! let’s listen to some music!! : send me a song and i’ll write something based on it!
💌—> wanna play one last game? : FMK!! give me three characters (they could be from any show, not just obx) and i’ll tell you which one i’d fuck, marry or kill🫣
+ big thanks to @sweetestdesire because her celebration event inspired me to write this!!!
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