#must share because i love this movie and not enough people have seen it
shitpostingkats · 10 months
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An Asexual's love letter to Good Omens 2
There's an infamous quote by Neil Gaiman going around, regarding the general vibe of season 2, and many people (I believe humorously) yelling that it could not be further from the truth. Particularly in the last episode, where that happens.
I disagree.
The final episode of season 2 was deeply, deeply comforting to me. 
I am asexual. Have been my whole life. Even before I had the words to describe what that was, child-me had this feeling in their gut of being an outlier, that everyone was exaggerating, or in on some joke, that I wasn’t privy to. Because I was bombarded on all sides by shows and movies and books, telling the same story of love, again, and again, and AGAIN. It’s drilled into our brains with the same fervor as the days of the week, or the quadratic formula. Meet-cute -> misunderstanding ->declaration of feelings ->kiss. More or less steps can be added to account for runtime or complexity of narrative, but that’s the basic structure that a relationship follows. It MUST be, because that’s the formula every character who's ever been in a story goes through, often times when it even feels like an add-on, like it’s only there because this is a story, there HAS to be a romance. And it has to follow the steps.
For a long time, I felt love wasn’t for me, because if there’s only one way to be in love, I sure as hell wasn’t feeling it. 
Instead, the relationship I ended up in looked a lot like what Beezlebub and Gabriel go through. Meeting someone routinely until it starts to feel comfortable. Getting to know them and slowly growing more attached. Eating chips and listening to music.
We like to joke whenever someone asks us how long we’ve been together, because the answer is we just sort of slowly fell into it, and we honestly don’t know when the line got blurred between ‘friends’ and ‘partners’. And, at least for me, a good deal of that confusion, that hesitancy to label, came from the fact that what I was feeling, what we were, couldn’t be love. It couldn’t be romantic. 
We were just quiet and gentle.
And that wasn’t love.
Because it was slow, because it wasn’t physical, because there was no structure aside from consistency and companionship. Because it didn’t follow the Rules.
Then I found myself in stories, and it felt like a revelation.
Beelzebub and Gabriel aren’t the first time I’ve seen a love like I feel represented in a narrative, but it never stops feeling special. And I don’t know if I’ll ever stop celebrating it.
Throughout the sequence in the pub, I kept expecting them to “confirm” Gabriel and Beelzebub. A dramatic line, a kiss, a whatever. That’s what I’ve been taught to expect, after all, that’s the only way a relationship is “real”. Of course, this doesn't mean Crowley and Aziraphale sharing a dramatic kiss is wrong, or that I can’t see why it resonated with so many people, but for me. Those moments in the pub are worth so much more.The last scene might have been literally showstopping, but those handful of moments between the duke of hell and an archangel were the beating heart of the season for me. A simple love story in four scenes. No kisses. No ‘I love you’s. Not even any definition of what. The love Gabriel and Beelzebub have is strong enough for them to both want to shatter their worlds and flee their lives and it's just. 
It's just that. 
Two people in a pub, playing the other's favorite song, giving a little gift, buying a packet of crisps. 
That sequence means far more to me than any kiss ever could.
Love isn’t only real when it's hot and sudden and ephemeral, it can also be
And gentle.
And still romantic.
Still real.
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daisydaisybilly · 6 months
Wild flowers | s.p
pairing: Sejanus x gn!reader
summary: Sejanus finds you in the meadow
warnings: mainly fluff, small mentions of the games and some light spoilers for the movie and book
word count: 800
a/n: saw the movie a few nights ago and wow, I’m me fashion i did like the book better but the movie was still amazing and I have the old therebefore on repeat . I wrote this for my bestie because she couldn’t find Sejanus fics. This probably could be edited better
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The summer air was sweet, the flowers of the meadow had bloomed overnight, as far as the eye could see. Lily of the valley, young primeroses , deep purple violets, and dozens more you couldn’t name.
Hidden behind a massive tree, its leaves shading you from the harsh sun. This time of year in district 12 was unbearable. Only the rich could afford to keep cool, and you certainly wasn’t that.
Six days out of the week you worked in the local doctor’s. It couldn’t quite be called a hospital but it was one of the only places people could go and get medical care.
You lent back against the tree, weaving your hands through the tall grass and flowers. Bees buzzed but gave no mind to you. The day was turning out well, you had brought some fresh bakers bread and a lump of cheese, and a jug of water. Simple and delicious.
The mockingjays song hit your ears, the tune was familiar but the name escaped you. Humming along, some words came to mind.
Here it's safe, here it's warm
Here the daisies guard you from every harm
Here your dreams are sweet and tomorrow brings them true
Here is the place where I love you
Deep in the meadow, a song a local brand was known to play, you had only seen them a handful of times but the songs stuck. Like it had for the birds.
The sound of stones falling and fallen twigs snapping pulled you out of a dream and jumping to your feet, frowning in the sunlight you spotted, Sejanus Plinth.
Sejanus had been a peacekeeper once but shortly after he had found his way to the doctors, where he was training to be a medic. He rarely spoke about this life before 12 but from the times he had (and from what the doctors said) he came from a rich family in the capitol.
“You following me, Sejanus?” you asked. Your tone was serious, his whole body went still. Then you laughed. “Come sit with me then, might even share my food with you”.
In his hand he carried a brown paper bag, “then I guess you can have some of mine”. He dropped the bag in your lap, opening the bag you found cookies.
Now this was proof he was rich, the baker sold cookies but only the other merchants could afford them Sejanus went on to explain, his Ma had sent them, blushing the whole time.
The shy blushed look made you laugh, “that’s very sweet of her, she must miss you an awful lot”.
“Just as I miss her” he replied in a sad voice.
“You might see her again, learn enough and you could go back to her” you said, laying a hand over his. His hands were cold, cold hands warm heart you mama used to say.
“I don’t want to go back there” he said.
What you said next came as a surprise to even her, “I can teach you a few things, like what plants heal and where to find them”.
“You’d do that” he asked unsure.
“Of course. We don’t have many doctors here and if you’re planning on staying I’d teach you”. You stood, putting the cookies on your bag. “There’s a lake deeper in the woods, you’ll find all the best stuff there”.
He followed and stood up looking through the trees, maybe he didn’t trust you and thought you were leading him to his death.
“Hey” you touched his hand again, “keep north and you’ll find the lake then it’s south to get back, you can trust me”.
He smiled and suddenly the sun seemed dimmer, he took your hand and squeezed it ,“okay, I trust you”.
The hike took a few hours, but the sight of the lake proved it was worth it. You found a patch of herbs close by one of the old houses, it might have been someone’s garden once.
You showed him peppermint that helped with nausea, liquorice to reduce swelling, lemon balm for sleep and any others you could make without the book of herbs and flowers you had at home.
“Where did you learn all this?” He rubbed a peppermint leaf between his finger and thumb. You pick a lemon Balm inhaling the smell, smiling.
“My mama was an apothecary, always been my dream to follow in her footsteps. What about you? Do you have any dreams?”.
“To help people anyway I can”
It was so easy to talk to him, somewhere in your heart you knew he’d understand. Maybe it was his eyes, brown the colour of chocolate. Sejanus was sweet, too sweet for the world, you thought that if it rained he’d melt away like sugar.
“I have a feeling you’re gonna do wonderful things Sejanus” I smiled and he smiled back.
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hotvintagepoll · 2 months
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Lena Horne (Cabin in the Sky, Stormy Weather)— Incredibly talented biracial actress, singer, dancer, and activist (she did so much work towards integrating audiences). Because of the racism of the era, she rarely got to be the lead actress but filmmakers loved her so much that they would often create stand alone segments within a film to highlight her beautiful singing, knowing that these segments would ultimately be cut from the film by censors in areas that forbid films with Black performers. Also, she's just so wonderful in Cabin in the Sky as a gold-digger villain who is not the least bit subtle about her intentions. I would highly recommend checking out her work.
Ginger Rogers (Swing Time, Top Hat)—Look I’ll level with you, I’ve never seen her in a musical and I know that she’s an amazing dancer and she’ll be even hotter when I finally watch Top Hat but I’m not submitting her as a dancer I’m submitting her as an ACTRESS. Her comic timing is impeccable!!!!! She’s full to bursting with life and in every role she seems to be having FUN, you can practically feel the twinkle in her eye. With her natural warmth it’s like she’s letting you in on the joke, y’all get to have this fun together! Making me laugh is hot!!! [If you'd like to see Ginger dance, videos below the cut]
This is round 3 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Lena Horne:
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Black American powerhouse singer and actor who faced all the usual bullshit that any BIPOC faced in vintage Hollywood and achieved legendary status anyway. Also a Civil Rights movement icon.
She was a gem
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She was so beautiful and those dimples are amazing! Truly depressing how badly Hollywood treated her because she was black. I would love to have seen what she really could have been if they didn’t cast her in so many yikes roles. She’s got gorgeous eyes and that body! Her joyful smile makes happiness sexy!
Civil rights actress, singer, dancer, actress, she's got the whole package
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Lena Horne was a wonderful singer and actress who largely starred in black cast musicals. While she had a lot of main stream success, she ultimately lost the lead role in showboat (a role she had played on the stage) to a white actress due to hollywood's prejudices. She was also blacklisted during the HUAC hearings, but she still managed to be hot be hot as fuck and have a career spanning decades, working with more well-known stars like Judy Garland in musicals, and working on stage and releasing albums when her hollywood career began to suffer.
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Miss Horne became famous during a period of time when Hollywood had very few meaningful roles for people of color. Although she is more so known as a performer, she starred in two successful all black productions (Cabin in the Sky & Stormy Weather). If that wasn't enough, she also guest starred on the Muppets (Season 1, Episode 11)
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Ginger Rogers propaganda:
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She needs no introduction! An undeniable powerhouse on the dancefloor, and no less talented an actress. I once watched a compilation of cinema's greatest dance scenes and one of her and Fred Astaire's dances was featured, and one of the talking heads said he pitied her for 'having to keep up with him' - or something to that effect. Bullshit, I cry. Ginger Rogers was his absolute equal, and underplaying her incredible skill is downright criminal. I want the 'Cheek to Cheek' sequence from Top Hat to be permanently burned into my memory.
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"Backwards in high heels", as the saying goes (though the pedant in me must point out that she in fact spent her fair share of time leading or dancing side-by-side). One of the earliest twinkle-toed ladies of the silver screen, and in terms of acting/persona, her balance of wide-eyed cuteness and movie-star glamour has never quite been replicated.
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we all know her beloved string of musicals with fred but ginger also has an extensive and varied non-fred filmography that she's great in! a few ginger moments that are important 2 me personally ginger singing “we’re in the money” in gold diggers of 1933, complete with a verse in pig latin bc this whole movie is kinda mocking the concept of anyone actually being in the money in 1933; ginger and una merkel singing a verse of “shuffle off to buffalo” in 42nd street, providing some statler & waldorf-esque commentary on newlyweds from the upper berth of a railway car (interesting that belly was apparently a risque word in 1933 - maybe its bc the lyric is innuendo-ing about out of wedlock pregnancies - and that panties was a term for men’s underthings!); a favorite fred & ginger number
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Ginger Rogers could do everything! She could sing, dance and act. She was hilarious in comedies, moving in dramatic roles (she won an Oscar for Kitty Foyle in 1940) and absolutely gorgeous!
Listen, no shade to Fred Astaire at all, but she both kept up with him step for step and then later went on to WIN AN OSCAR FOR ACTING. (which he did not.) truly a double threat!!!
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One of the best dancers in Hollywood! Her work with Fred Astaire is just incredible.
ONE LINE: "Everything Fred did, Ginger did backwards and in heels" AND THEYRE RIGHT! Rogers was a total dance badass, and a lot of movie buffs know the story, but the Never Gonna Dance number from Swing Time took almost 50 takes, and allegedly by the end of filming it her white shoes had been stained pink because her feet were bleeding. As a note, she looks crazy gorgeous in this number. Watching these two dance is insane. They match up to each other in a way my mom describes as "divine" and she's right. DANCE NUMBERS!
Let's Call The Whole Thing Off (Shall We Dance, 1937, dancing starts at 3:14, they're in ROLLERSKATES)
(Ginger Rogers is the hottest woman ever to live in this number. seeing this as a teenager altered my brain chemistry)
(also watch her feet and how she moves opposite Astaire in this one. We all know our boy Freddie had that precision demon but jesus christ Miss Rogers, let a girl live!)
Pick Yourself Up, Swing Time 1936 (Everyone's seen this one but by god you are going to see it AGAIN!)
Shall We Dance, 1937 (duet begins at 2:34)
Smoke Gets In Your Eyes, Roberta 1935 (There's just something about Ginger Rogers in a slick black dress man)
The Continental, The Gay Divorcee 1934
God she's MAGIC in this one.
Gay Divorcee's Ending Montage 1934
The infamous table and chairs spin happens at about 0:49. Pay CLOSE attention to her in this bc it looks like witchcraft and I feel lightheaded whenever I watch this movie bc shes THAT awesome.
She is a miracle to watch. Sorry for the sheer amount of clips. My entire family is like madly in love with Ginger Rogers.
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softtdaisy · 1 year
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DESCRIPTION I All your relationship with Charles was based on dares. How far can it go before it becomes too much?
PAIRING I Charles Leclerc × fem!reader
A/N I I never thought I would go this far with this story but I'm so happy with the way it turned out. I really hope you will like it as much as I loved writing it 💜
Ever since the day you met, you and Charles had been playing the same silly game. In French, they called cap ou pas cap. The idea was to dare the other person to do something.
It all started during your parents’ wedding.
Being six years old at a wedding was the funniest thing to do. You were watching adults having fun, drinking and dancing together. You were sitting at a table, imagining your own life as an adult. How you would be singing out loud, dancing like tomorrow didn’t exist and finding a cute boy to love if you didn’t have someone already. You imagined all the cool clothes you would be wearing, clearly better than those they were wearing now.
You were so focused on the life you were dreaming for yourself that you didn’t see the cute boy walking to you. “You’re bored too?” he asked shyly.
There weren’t that many children in the room that night. Not many of your parents’ friends brought them. But some couples couldn’t accept to let their children home. Just like the Leclerc.
You knew Lorenzo because your dad had been tutoring him a few weeks ago.
You knew Arthur because his mom came to your place to introduce him to yours.
But you never met Charles. You knew you were the same age, your mothers kept saying you should hang out together one day. You knew he was doing karting which is why you never saw him before. You knew he looked adorable because you’ve seen pictures of him.
You knew that your parents quite hoped you too would fall in love. But you were also big enough to know it was a little too early to think about that.
“Yes, I’m quite done with dancing with adults that try to say something funny. They’re not funny.” You rolled your eyes and made Charles laugh. He sat next to you, taking your answer as a right to stay with you. And it wasn’t like you would ask him to walk away.
“They keep telling me I must be breaking every girls’ heart and I don’t have the courage to tell them I don’t even have a girlfriend.” He sighed and took your drink.
You were acting like little adults in your own world. Drinking like life was too difficult to deal with, when all you had to care about was homework and karting for him. You chatted about some people you knew, mostly your parents’ mutual friends and some of their children like two gossips. And when the photographer asked if he could take a picture of you, you posed like two old friends.
It wasn’t until it was almost midnight that Charles offered to play a game of dares. Taking a picture with Arthur’s comforter. Both sharing a dance with someone the other had picked. Stealing someone’s piece of cake.
It started nicely. You had no idea that this would be the start and the thing that ruled your whole friendship.
You and Charles started to hang out more, or as much as you could since you had to ask your families every time. You had a weekly snack on Wednesday, and you convinced your parents to bring you to as many of Charles’ races.
As the years went on, it became easier to be best friends. You were calling each other all the time, sending stupid texts and would take the bus to each other’s places without your parents being there.
But never did the dares stop. They evolved with you.
As little children, you were still daring each other stupid and innocent things. Telling your parents, a whole crazy story that had actually happened in a movie. Asking Charles to steal his brother’s clothes and wear them for as long as Lorenzo doesn’t notice. Stealing a glass of wine…well this one wasn’t too innocent, and you both developed a hate for wine.
From children you became teenagers. And the dares became more adult. Or you tried to make yourself look more adult. You never dared each other to do dangerous things or anything. Just…stupidest. Like kissing someone you barely admitted having a crush on, missing a karting appointment to go to the beach (to your defense, it was your birthday) or participating in the school theater play. You were still a little mad that this started as a little dare, and you ended up with the main role.
But worse than that, you became teenagers that were slowly developing feelings. And none of you hesitated to dare the other some things that would make them jealous. You did kiss Max Verstappen after a racing kart when, stupidly, Charles dared you to kiss the winner. He thought he would win. He thought he would finally be able to kiss you, even if it was through a game. Thinking it would be less weird for the two of you.
He didn’t expect you to maintain the dare and kiss his worst opponent.
“I can’t believe you kissed him.”
You were in his family car, driving home from the race. His dad was outside, ordering food so you could spend the rest of the evening together at home. Charles was at the front. You could see him with his arms crossed and his angry face through the rearview mirror. “Then you shouldn’t have dared me to kiss the winner.” It wasn’t that you didn’t understand why he was mad. It was obvious. But still, it was his dare. Not yours.
“I was supposed to win!” he yelled, turning around to face you.
“And how is that my problem Charles? I didn’t ruin your race.”
His dad came back right after your reply. So, you didn’t get to hear his own answer to this. But you had time to think about it. The problem wasn’t that you kissed Max, even if you were pretty sure that he wouldn’t be that mad if it was anybody else. It was that you didn’t kiss him.
You spend the whole trip silently thinking about that.
“Charles wait!” you screamed when you were finally at this place and leaving the car. At first, he kept walking like he didn’t hear you. It was Charles: ignoring the problem rather than facing it. Even if the problem was one of his favorite people in the world.
Since he didn’t want to listen to you, you took the fan you brought to the race and threw it at him. “Eh!” he yelled, finally turning around to face you.
“Good, now you’re listening.” You walked to him with a big smile. You noticed how close he was to just walk away again and avoid the confrontation. But you didn’t give him the time. You grabbed his wrist to make sure he won’t leave. “I dare you…”
“Oh god, can we please st…”
“To kiss me. Charles.”
He didn’t expect that. And you could tell from the way his eyes grew big and his mouth opened without a single word coming out. “That’s where the problem lies, right? You thought I would kiss you there. Then I dare you to kiss me now.”
And he did. Because you had promised to never break a dare. And because he had been dreaming about this moment for so long.
So, Charles broke the small distance between the two of you. He approached his face so close to yours that you could feel the air coming out of his mouth. Your eyes stopped blinking to not miss every single moment of this. How he licked his lips. How his eyes were going down and forth between your eyes and your lips. How he brought his hand to your face.
You closed your eyes only when his lips finally touched yours.
It was a simple kiss. One shared but two teenagers who still had a hard time dealing with their feelings. That couldn’t find the line between game and reality.
It would be lying to tell you both didn’t abuse the kissing dare. It was almost like you couldn’t do it otherwise. It would be wrong.
You did it when you were both jealous of someone else. Especially because when you were both 18, you were playing with fire and flirting with more people than you should. You wanted to see which one would break first. Which would stop the game and say it’s over.
As much as you believed in yourself, you were convinced you would be the one giving in. Charles’ kisses were phenomenal. But they weren’t healing your broken heart. The one that kept breaking each time you were seeing him with someone new.
But Charles was the one who changed the game.
You were lying in his hotel bedroom, after partying during the post-race celebration. You were drunk, you were tired, and you were cuddling like it wasn’t hot outside. But you couldn’t resist Charles’ arms, how no matter where you were it will always bring you home. To a safe place where nothing could happen.
You looked at him, lying shirtless, with his wet and messy hair all around the pillow, his hand caressing your back. He looked like a living dream. Your living dreams. The one you had since you were a child. You brought a finger to his face and started to trace his lips. “Kiss me” he mumbled. You weren’t sure you heard him right. You sat up slightly to look at him right when he turned his head to look at you.
“You didn’t ask properly.” You replied with amusement in your voice.
“I don’t want to ask properly anymore.” He said, bringing his hand from your back to your neck.
Before you knew, your face was just above his. One movement and you kissed. One movement and you admit that it was more than a game for you.
One movement that you did.
That night, you didn’t need to dare him to make love to you either. For once, the game was put apart and forgotten.
And during the first weeks of your new and official relationship, you completely forgot about dare. You were living your love naturally. Without the constant thought of asking each other to do crazy things. Then it came back one day. Out of nowhere. For a stupid dare that didn’t even mean something. Just Charles daring you to go skinny dipping in your pool since you were alone.
But hearing him dare you was like listening to a song you haven’t heard in years. Eating a meal you haven’t been eating in months. Seeing a movie you haven’t seen since childhood.
It felt wrong. It felt weird. Somehow a little relieving too. Like nothing had changed.
And so it’s started again. Childish dares like you used to do. More sensual ones now that you were a couple. Stupider ones because you wanted to play with the limits. And sadder ones when you were arguing.
When it was good, the dares were fun.
When it was bad, the dares were terrible.
“Stop blaming me for your bad performances Charles!”
The Monaco GP was over for hours now. And Charles didn’t win either of the two F2 races. Worse, he couldn’t even finish them. You could understand that he was mad, that he was angry at the team for losing his home race. Here. In front of everyone.
That didn’t mean he had to let it all go on you.
“Then what am I supposed to do, hm?” You hated when he talked like that. Like a pretentious brat who couldn't understand that not everybody agrees with him. Like you were too stupid to understand that he could be angry.
“I don’t know, control your anger? Or at least, not fuming against me.”
“You don’t have to come if you can’t accept my bad moments. Don’t inflict that on me that.”
He wasn’t even looking at you. Drinking a stupid beer on his friend’s balcony, because he didn’t even want to come home and face his parents. Watching the party happening outside like a poor boy that wasn’t invited. It was wrong. He was invited. He didn’t want to celebrate somebody else, selfishly.  
“You’re being mean, Charles.” You sighed, walking to him, hoping you could finally calm him down.
But then he hit. Harder. “You know what?” he asked, not even turning to you like you were important enough. “I dare you to not come to the next race. So, you won’t suffer from my terrible nature.”
He knew you wouldn’t say no. None of you ever said no to a dare. So, you waited a few seconds, expecting him to break it. But that never happened before either. When a dare was said, you had to respect it.
So many things happened in a month. So many things that made Charles regret even daring you this. He should have kept it to himself. Let the anger disappear before saying something so stupid.
He needed you in Baku. He needed you by his side after going through the worst event of his life.
But he dared you not to come.
And you respected it.
You watched your boyfriend doing a perfect race weekend from home. Winning the race for someone that wasn’t there. You should have been there. Hugging him. Kissing him. Telling him how proud you were instead of texting.
It made you realize how bad this situation was. How childish it was.
“This can’t go on.” You told him when he came back.
“What do you mean?” Charles asked without even needing an explanation. He knew.
It was obvious to the both of you that something had changed. That none of you had the heart to play those silly games anymore. But more than that. You both weren’t so sure you knew how to live with each other without them. Your whole relationship had been ruled by dares. Making decisions through them.
“Is this really the life you want for us? Not being able to talk to each other or ask anything without having to put dares between us?”
Selfilishy, you hoped Charles would reassure you. Take the bigger role and make sure you still believe in your relationship.
The truth was he was just as confused and scared as you were. Worse, he felt guilty and knew it was wrong. But he wasn’t sure he was mature enough to stop that.
“I don’t know.” He sighed and you looked at him silently, waiting for more. “I don’t know what I want, I don’t know what we can do. I know nothing ok? Life has been a mess and I know nothing anymore!” You could see in his eyes all the anger and frustration he was keeping for himself.
“I’ve spent most of my life with you. Look what we became.” There was something more in what Charles just said. More than just a fact you already knew.
He spent most of his life playing with you. But now, at 20, was it really the life he wanted? Was it how a sane relationship was supposed to be like? And if you don’t stop it now, how could you know how far you’ll go?
“Charles, I dare you…” you started with a broken voice.
“Wait, no, we can…” he tried to stop you. Because he perfectly knew where this was going. He knew the game. He knew the outcome.
“To stop seeing each other for five years.”
There it was. The ultimate dare. The one you both needed but refused to see. The one you had no other choice to say to finally find a way of getting better. Feeling better.
Being better lovers.
Charles didn’t even try to negotiate or change your mind. Because if you didn’t say it, he would have. For once, he was happy to not be the one taking the rough decision. “Can I get a last kiss?” He asked. No dare. No obligation. Just a request from a broken heart to another one.
And you were glad you accepted it. You kept the feeling of his lips on yours for weeks after that day. It made things a little easier.
At least it did until you started to forget how he tasted. Or how it felt to be in his arms. Or the smell of his perfume. Or how good you used to feel after he made love to you like you were the most important person in the entire world.
Five years was a lot. But you both understood after a while that you clearly need it to grow up and be a better person.
Not seeing him didn’t mean you couldn’t follow his career. You even cheated one day, during the first year, for the Monaco GP. You hide in the crowd to watch him race. A part of you thought that he didn’t win because the universe was waiting for the day you would be together again.
You watched Charles dating other people too. People that weren’t you. People that could touch him and love him like you were supposed to. Like you used to.
That was what made you start a relationship on your own. At first you secretly claimed it was to learn how to be a better girlfriend for Charles. But as the years went on and you noticed he was still with the same girl, you convinced yourself you had the right to be happy with someone else too.
Five years went faster than you thought. When the new year started, your only thought was that you were getting him back. But you couldn’t be sure you would. Maybe Charles loved his new life like it was. Maybe he didn’t even remember the dare or the date you could finally reconcile.
Maybe he didn’t love you anymore.
When Charles received the invitation, he knew it wasn’t a coincidence. As much as it broke his heart to see your name linked with your fiancé, he knew.
Your wedding was happening right on the date the last dare was supposed to end. You were getting married on the day Charles could finally see you again.
Charles didn’t forget about you either. You were always on his mind. When he started a race, he wanted to make sure you would hear about him winning. When he posted pictures with one of his girlfriends, he wanted to make you jealous. When he was alone, he was dreaming about you being by his side. For good.
None of his relationships lasted because he could never love them like he loved you. It wasn’t a surprise that he accepted to come to your wedding alone. Not like he would have brought anyone else, anyway.
“You look…stunning.”
Charles found his way to your dressing room. He waited a little to make sure you were by yourself. He didn’t have the heart to face anybody. Worse, face your fiancé.
But you were alone. Sitting in front of the mirror. Knowing deep well that today would change your life. Either for better or for worse.
When you turned around and saw Charles standing there, you knew the answer.
“You came.” you got up immediately, taking a step toward before stopping. You needed a minute to appreciate it. He was here. The same young adult you left five years ago today was in front of you. Looking more beautiful than ever. Looking more adult, more confident. Exactly like you always imagined Charles to look like in the future.
“You invited me.” He replied. Doing exactly the same thing. Appreciating the view of the woman he loved. Except he had to deal with something more. The sight of you in a wedding dress. Something he always dreamt to see. But for him. Not for any guy. “I would have traveled to the other side of the world to see you today.”
Facing each other, you realized why you decided to get married today. It would be the ultimate proof that your love was big enough to fight for.
“Do you love him?” His arms were crossed against his chest, like he was waiting impatiently for an answer. He looked like a professional negotiator here.
“I said, do you love him?” The way he looked at you directly in the eyes was like the confirmation you needed. You both grew up. None of you need those stupids games anymore to be honest and say what you need to say or do what you need to do. Charles didn’t have to force you to speak the truth by daring you to do it. You were both honest and adults now.
Adults are still in love with each other.
“I don’t.” You started walking towards him like he was the light at the end of the tunnel. The one you’ve been chasing all these years and that you were finally seeing. You knew you could do no wrong by walking to him. “I love you, Charles.”
One second. It took him one second to grab your face between his hands and give you the passionate kiss you both needed. Again, you could feel the determination on the way he was holding you tight, making sure you wouldn’t leave again. Or the way he was kissing you so deeply almost like he needed to discover you again. Entirely. One of his hands got lost on your perfect styled hair.
Charles was here to destroy the engagement you made. So you could make a new one with him.
“Can I make one last dare?” He was breathless against your mouth. It reminded you of the countless times you let your excitement take the upper hand and have sex in the first intimate place you could find. You didn’t even have the strength to reply, too busy thinking about how bad you wanted his lips on yours again. So you simply nodded at his request.
You saw a smile growing on his face. “I dare you to run away with me.”
Eight words. Eight words that you never even wished to hear.
“You can never say no to a dare.” He told you the night you met.
You didn’t plan on saying no today. At least, not to him.
So you took Charles' hand. Or actually offered him yours.
Making a pact. Accepting a dare for the last time.
“I won’t let you go ever again.” He told you once you were sitting in his Ferrari, ready to ride together and forget about the mess your love created.
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
hi! i love your works so much and i have a request ^^ i wanted to ask if you could do a jealous and/or possessive eddie? maybe where steve and eddie are super close to finally admitting they like each other and just need one more push or something, or they're just newly dating. they're both at a gay bar, and steve's been receiving lots of stares and heated gazes from some of the ppl there? maybe a person was brave enough to try but eddie's right beside him watching the entire interaction.
i've come across a fair share amount of jealous/possessive steve in steddie stories and i wanted to see it being eddie for a change. tysm in advance and i can't wait to read the other requests with your amazing writing <3
I LOVE possessive Eddie!!! I really only see it in Kas!Eddie or vampire Eddie situations and I wish it was written more for just regular old human Eddie who just has entirely too much love for Steve to contain his emotions when someone else tries to make a move. I hope you like this little thing (2500 words!) I came up with and the other requests I've been putting out so far! - Mickala ❤️
Robin convinced them she needed support.
Support Steve’s ass.
She was doing just fine from the moment they stepped in the door of this place.
So fine, in fact, she’d abandoned him and Eddie before they even got their first round of drinks brought to them.
Steve sat at the table with Eddie, awkwardly watching as people kept dancing and drinking and making out in dark corners of the bar.
He tried not to look too much, though. He didn’t want anyone to think he wasn’t comfortable here.
Quite the opposite, actually.
He’d been here a couple of times with just Robin: once before he figured out he was into men, once before he figured out he was into Eddie, and once more before this where he tried very hard to be into Eddie and failed.
But Eddie had insisted on coming when he overheard them talking about it, saying he hadn’t been here since high school and could use a night in a place where he could just be himself.
As if he wasn’t always obnoxiously (and beautifully) himself.
Robin had given Eddie a Look, but nodded in agreement, saying it would be awesome to have both her favorite guys there.
Which rubbed Steve a little wrong because he was her only favorite guy.
But he got over it because now Eddie was his only company, probably for the entire night going off of the way the girl with Robin was staring at her.
Ogling her.
Steve sighed. Eddie sighed.
They looked at each other and laughed.
“She do this to you every time?”
“No, usually we stick together. Must feel brave since you’re here with me.”
“Awww, she trusts me.”
Steve rolled his eyes, but there was probably more truth to that than he cared to admit.
Robin was often afraid to leave him alone, but she never hesitated if Eddie was with him.
He felt people staring at him, but he ignored it. He wasn’t here to find anyone and it would be silly to even try knowing that Eddie was right there.
But he’d be lying if he said it didn’t feel good to have people checking him out. He used to thrive on it in high school, feeling seen by anyone was better than being seen by no one.
Then, he hated it. He wanted to be invisible and he wanted everyone to focus on anyone and anything else in the room. He got his wish most of the time.
Until Eddie.
Eddie always included him in everything, pointing out when he was being quiet or moody, asking him questions to involve him in conversations, making sure he understood what Dustin was saying which was a challenge often.
He would touch his arm when he passed by him on the way to grab a drink from the kitchen or let their thighs touch on the couch on movie nights.
He let him come over after work on the nights he was too riled up, needing to let out some of his energy with a walk, but being too scared to do it alone.
So Eddie saw him, and made others see him, and he didn’t always love it, but he accepted it.
Tonight felt different, though.
All these eyes on him meant that people found him attractive, maybe wanted to dance with him or bring him home. If Eddie weren’t here, he’d maybe give it a shot with someone, try to find a way out of this hole he dug himself into with the first guy he’d admitted to himself he had feelings for.
But he also felt Eddie’s eyes on him, practically burning a hole through the side of his face every time he looked out at the crowd.
He felt heat crawling up his neck, to his cheeks.
Having all of Eddie’s attention was a lot for anyone, but especially Steve, who frequently thought about what it would be like to have Eddie’s attention on him in bed, or in the shower, or on the couch, or the pool, or-
“Did you want another drink?”
Steve looked down at the drink in his hand. He’d barely finished half of it, so he didn’t really know why Eddie was asking unless he just needed an excuse to get up.
“Um. No thanks. Probably should just have one anyway.”
Eddie got up with his empty glass and started walking towards the bar.
Almost as soon as Eddie was gone, a taller man in a suit was taking his place at the table.
“Well, hi there, honey. Never seen you here before. First time?”
The guy was older, mid-thirties at least, and probably not the type of guy Steve would want to experiment with. But he was flirting, and he was kind of cute.
Steve could let himself enjoy a little casual flirting, right? It wouldn’t have to lead to anything.
“No, but I don’t come often.”
Steve rested his arms on the table, head in his hand. He grinned at the man, that Harrington charm practically beaming off of him.
“You could come tonight if you wanted to join me in the back.”
That was smooth. Sleazy, but smooth.
Steve didn’t drop his grin, but he shook his head.
“I don’t think I’m interested in just hooking up in the bathroom. Maybe you could buy me a drink?”
He had no intention of drinking another drink, but he figured this guy would lose interest if he showed he was more needy.
He was wrong.
The guy practically tripped over his feet to stand up from the booth.
“What would you like?”
“Oh. Uh.”
“He’s good, man. How about you go buy a drink for someone interested?”
Eddie came out of nowhere. Seriously, Steve had just seen him at the bar a few seconds before he spoke.
“Is this your boyfriend or something?”
Steve cleared his throat awkwardly as Eddie stood taller, more intimidating.
“Does it matter? I’m asking you nicely to go.”
“I don’t think it’s up to you. I asked him.”
Eddie looked like he wanted to punch the guy, and Steve could admit to himself silently that he wanted to see it.
But he didn’t quite understand why Eddie was reacting like this; He’d assumed Eddie would want to try to hook up with someone while he was here and wouldn’t want to spend all his time with Steve.
“Steve? Do you wanna get a drink with this guy?”
No, he didn’t. He hadn’t even before Eddie came back. But a part of him had to wonder if maybe Eddie’s reaction was just to protect Steve from an older guy.
“I actually have to drive us back home so I probably shouldn’t have another drink. Thanks though.”
The guy mumbled something before turning and leaving, shaking his head as he walked to the bar.
Eddie slid into the booth next to him instead of across from him, letting most of their sides touch.
Steve couldn’t help the way his body naturally curled into Eddie’s, the comfort and safety of his body drawing Steve in without effort.
It should have ended there. Steve should have just let himself stay rested against Eddie’s side until Robin was done.
He did for a minute, but then his brain decided it needed explanations.
“What was wrong with that guy buying me a drink?”
Eddie was quiet for a moment, his body tense against Steve’s.
“I just don’t think he was the right kind of person to be buying you a drink. You deserve better than that.”
Steve’s brows furrowed.
Eddie didn’t know the guy, he could’ve been really nice. Other than the propositioning as his first line, he seemed like he was willing to do whatever Steve wanted to get more time with him.
“Who is the right kind of person then?”
“Someone younger. Maybe someone who doesn’t wear a damn suit to a gay bar. This is a casual place, there’s no need to flaunt your super important job. Plus, he could see your drink was still half full, he should’ve known you didn’t want one.”
“You offered me a drink before you got up.”
“That’s different.”
“Because I’m not trying to get you drunk to sleep with me.”
Yeah, and wasn’t that a shame?
Steve dropped it. It wasn’t worth arguing with Eddie and he didn’t want to ruin any of the fun they could have.
“Should we dance?”
Eddie pulled away and looked at him like he’d grown a second head.
“You want to dance with me?”
“Why not? We’ve been abandoned by Robin and the music isn’t bad.”
The music wasn’t bad to Steve. Eddie, however, was suffering through it as it was, and that was without having to dance to it.
“Pleeeeease?” Steve pouted at Eddie, eyes wide.
“You can’t make that face. It’s not fair.”
Steve kept making the face because being fair wasn’t something he cared about.
Eddie stood up, holding his hand out towards Steve to help him stand from the table.
Steve took it, ignoring the way he wanted to collapse against Eddie the second he stood up.
They made it to the dance floor, where a surprising amount of people were dancing in pairs and small groups, enjoying the fact that they could safely here.
Just when Steve turned to Eddie, the music changed to Head Over Heels by Tears For Fears.
Steve tried not to take it as a sign.
Eddie suddenly looked even more nervous, like he’d planned on maybe getting away with just jumping around to the music and now he couldn’t.
Just when Steve was going to give him an out, another guy, this one younger, but not as nice looking, wrapped his arm around Steve’s shoulder.
“How ‘bout we dance, sugar?”
The guy was drunk.
Steve wasn’t interested in ruining his favorite song by dancing with this drunk guy.
“He’s busy,” Eddie said firmly.
The guy backed up a bit, but still had his hand against Steve’s arm, resting there with enough of a grip to keep him upright.
“Sorry, you got somethin’ against me dancin’ with him?”
“Yeah, that’s why I just said he’s busy.”
Eddie pushed the guy’s hand off of Steve’s arm and put his own around Steve’s waist, pulling him against his side with no room for air or argument.
Steve tried to catch his breath, his heart skipping a beat and his lungs exhaling instead of inhaling.
“Maybe you should let him say if he’s busy or not.”
Steve was missing his favorite song to argue with a guy he wasn’t interested in when he could be dancing with Eddie.
“I’m dancing with him. Find someone else.”
The guy rolled his eyes and walked away.
Eddie turned and adjusted his arms so they rested on Steve’s hips.
Steve didn’t know what to do.
“Have you never slow danced before, King Steve?”
“Uh. Just once.”
“Oh? Let me help you then.”
Eddie took his hands in his own and gently placed them around his neck, pulling himself closer to Steve when his hands found his hips again.
“This okay?”
Steve wasn’t sure how this was happening, how this was real.
He just knew he didn’t want it to end.
He rested his head against Eddie’s shoulder, letting himself enjoy what would probably be his only chance at dancing with Eddie for the rest of his life.
“Why do you keep sending people away?”
Why was Steve determined to ruin tonight with his stupid fucking questions?
“What do you mean?”
“It just seems like you don’t wanna share.”
Eddie didn’t respond.
Steve looked up at him, but his face was hard to read in the darkness of the bar.
“I don’t.” Eddie cleared his throat. “I don’t wanna share you. I like having you all to myself. Sorry if I’ve ruined your night.”
He started to pull away and Steve panicked. He couldn’t say that and then leave.
“What do you mean? You haven’t ruined anything. I wanted to spend it with you, anyways.”
Eddie was searching his eyes, looking for any sign of a lie.
“Steve, I-” The song changed, but it was another slow song. They kept slowly rocking and staring at each other. “I have to tell you something. You’re probably gonna hate me and wanna leave me here in Indy.”
Steve gulped. Could he possibly have feelings for Steve?
“I uh. I sent them away because I was jealous.”
“What? Why?”
“Because I love you so fucking much I don’t know what to do with it all the time! Sometimes I hide in the bathroom during movie nights so I can scream into the towels. Do you know how ridiculous that is? I’ve even been caught by Max before and she promised not to say anything if I gave her $20.”
Oh? What the hell Steve, say something else.
“So, I get it if you hate me. I mean, I don’t know how this happened and I have no right to send potential dates away because I want to keep you to myself.”
Steve leaned up and placed a kiss on Eddie’s cheek.
“I’m glad you got jealous.”
Eddie was blushing now.
“If you hadn’t been jealous, you probably wouldn’t have told me all this, would you?”
“No, I guess not.”
“You know what helps with jealousy?”
Eddie looked down at him, more confused than ever.
Steve didn’t wait for him to respond.
“Making out in the bathroom of a gay bar.”
Eddie’s eyes practically bugged out of his head as he registered what Steve was saying.
“You wanna do that? With me?”
“Well, I certainly don’t wanna do it with anyone else. And you won’t let me do it with anyone else. So maybe we should do it together.”
Eddie grabbed his wrist and wordlessly led them to the bathroom in the back of the bar.
It wasn’t empty, but the single stall was available and Eddie made it pretty clear what their intentions were when he dragged Steve right into it, closing and locking the door only a second before his hot lips were on Steve’s.
It was better than what Steve could have possibly imagined, but still not enough.
Now that he knew Eddie wanted him, he wanted everything Eddie could give him.
And Eddie seemed to want to give it all to him.
His lips were almost too much, but Steve couldn’t get enough.
They weren’t even in a bathroom anymore, floating high above the clouds with happiness and contentment.
Until a knock on the stall door nearly made Steve give himself another concussion.
“Dingus One and Dingus Two! Super happy for you both, but it’s time to go.”
“What time is it?”
“It’s nearly one in the morning and we agreed to leave by midnight. I got distracted by boobies.”
“Don’t we all,” Steve said, as Eddie let out a loud laugh.
They opened the stall door and Robin sighed.
“Fix your hair. I’ll be at the car.”
Steve looked in the mirror as she left the bathroom, smirking at Eddie’s reflection behind him in a similar state of disarray.
“So okay.”
“You owe me a dance.”
“What? Why? We danced!”
“But it got interrupted. And I wanna dance with you.”
Eddie sighed, but smiled fondly at Steve.
“I’ll dance with you whenever you want, sweetheart.”
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marsbutterfly · 1 year
The Boy Who Cried Your Name
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a/n: HI!!!! I'M BACK AFTER SUCH A LONG HIATUS!!!! I MISSED YOU GUYS! This story was based on this postI hope you all enjoy!
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs: none, just fluff <3
2:07am > manjiro: ok this movie genuinely seems really stupid 2:08am > manjiro: i think i'll watch it and tell you all about it during our date tomorrow. 2:11am > manjiro: oh shit, i've seen this actor somewhere 2:13am > manjiro: i know you're asleep but like 2:13am > manjiro: when you wake up can you help me find out this dude's name? 2:13am > manjiro: *image*
It's a Tuesday night, or at least it was when you first went to sleep. The nonstop vibration of your phone combined with the light that comes from it is enough to disturb your deep slumber.
You grunt, eyes squinting as you try to adjust to the brightness. Your warm hand comes out from its place underneath your pillow, only to be received by a rush of cold air that comes from the AC. Your fingers tremble gently while trying your best to type in your passcode, though your brain isn't fully awake.
Ultimately you decide to simply shine the phone on your face in the hopes that it will recognize your features even in the dark of your room.
Before it can even unlock, another notification.
2:16am > manjiro: i am learning so much from this movie already 2:17am > manjiro: did you fucking know that you can make your own butter if you shake milk for long enough?
You can't help but giggle at the sight, 17+ messages from Mikey. Before the two of you became a real couple, he would hardly ever text first, maybe because he could never remember where he put his phone in the first place or maybe it was because he was actually afraid of getting his feelings hurt, after all, a girl like you was hard to come by.
When the two of you decided to become official, his texts became more and more frequent. Most nights, you were forced to put your phone on Do Not Disturb because you desperately needed a good night's rest and lord knows you wouldn't be able to achieve that goal as long as Mikey was awake.
Your thumbs aren't moving at the speed you would like them to, your vision is still partially blurry and your throat is so dry that it feels like you are swallowing nails. Nevertheless, you open the messages to encounter a great variety of content.
Tired eyes skim through the various paragraphs, some quite lengthy as he declares his endless love for you and everything you have done / do for him on a daily basis, describing how you are the most beautiful person you have ever met and how the light that radiates from you reminds him of a sunset lit inside of your chest. How the color of your hair is his favorite because, whenever he sees it anywhere else, he feels like the universe is sending him a small reminder of how lucky he is. You smile at the sight of his gentle words.
However, you can no longer ignore the rain of incoming texts now that he has noticed the "seen at 2:14am" at the bottom of the page. He feels awful for waking you up but he cannot help himself. Every new thing he learns, every new detail of the movie he thinks you will enjoy knowing, he must share with you.
2:15am > manjiro: THIS DUDE JUST ATE HIS MOTHER-IN-LAW WHOLE? 2:16am > manjiro: IS THAT A FUCKING THING THAT SNAKES DO? EAT PEOPLE WHOLE? 2:16am > manjiro: I HAVE TO GOOGLE THIS HOLD ON 2:17am > manjiro: I have learned that, in fact, they can. I'm actually going to jump, I cannot do this 2:18am > manjiro: oh shit, i didn't mean to wake you up, but now that you are here! 2:19am > manjiro: did you know that drinking too much water can kill you? I read it somewhere, let me find the link. 2:19am > manjiro: Oh and also that when the dinosaurs walked the Earth, days were 23 hours long instead of 24?
You take a deep breath, knowing that he is coming from a place of love and care but you can't help but be a bit annoyed. Not wanting to snap at him, you use your full mental capacity at the moment to type a response to one of his many, many texts.
2:19am > manjiro: typing... 2:19am > you: Mikey, I love you, so so much and I wish for nothing more than for you to be here cuddling with me, than to feel the warmth of your body against mine, but you know I have an exam early in the morning. 2:20am > you: but baby, I am begging you, STOP THIS MADNESS.
His texting ceases and it feels like an eternity, certainly long enough for you to regret the way you spoke to him, even if it wasn't malicious or even purposefully mean. You understand that, other than Draken, Mikey doesn't usually confide in anyone else, especially not in a way that makes him seem weak or "stupid."
A sigh escapes your lips and you blink intensely for a few seconds in the hopes of stopping your eyeballs from burning. Time seems to slip by you and the next time your eyes open, twenty minutes have passed.
You bolt awake for a few seconds, heart beating faster than a race car, an irrational fear that you might have missed a message from him taking over you so the natural course of action is to check your texts. It would be a lie to say you weren't a little disappointed that there were no new messages from Mikey in that short period of time and your heart sinks just slightly.
2:41am > you: Mikey, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you, I'm just nervous about my exam and super tired. I shouldn't have taken it out on you. I hope you can forgive me.
Not even thirty seconds go by before the three dots inside of the blue bubble appear at the edge of the page. The full sensation of relief doesn't wash over you until you hear back from him, a simple message, spelled completely wrong because you knew he was keeping an eye out on whatever he was watching on the television.
2:42am > mikey: all gpod bsby, u luv u. (all good baby, i love you)
With a smile on your face, you finally allow yourself to relax and place the phone down underneath your pillow, giving Mikey time for himself as he enjoys his tv time. Now, you are finally going to be able to have a good night's rest before your big exam tomorrow. Eyelids become heavy and your breathing finds its own perfect pattern, your pillow is cold and underneath your covers is warm, everything is simply falling into place.
When you are within seconds of falling asleep, your phone buzzes from beneath your head. You refuse to open your eyes and simply roll over, pushing your body away from the device.
Some time passes and you find yourself in the same peaceful vibe as before, a gentle smile on your face as you fully allow yourself to be submerged in the cold feeling of the ac against your face while the rest of your body is nicely tucked away. The feeling doesn't last long for Mikey, once again, decides to start texting you every few minutes, if not seconds.
You grunt loudly, reaching for the edge of your pillow to pull it over your ear. In moments like these, you truly had to remind yourself of how much you loved him and why because he does, in fact, test what little sanity you have left in you. But you didn't know that all he was doing in that moment was being his usual self: the guy who is deeply and madly in love with you.
3:14am > manjiro: oh yeah 3:14am > manjiro: i forgot to tell you 3:15am > manjiro: good luck on your exam tomorrow, you got this! 3:15am > manjiro: i love you so much <3 3:15am > manjiro: have a great night <3
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ohtobeleah · 2 years
Webb Of Unfortunate Events //
Summary: Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw was and always would be the love of your life. When the pair of you are brought back to Top Gun, neither of you expected Pete Mitchell to be your instructor—a series of unfortunate events leads to your hospitalisation, with Rooster by your side.
Warnings: Angst. Mentions of graphic content.
Word Count: 5.3k
Author Note: Top Gun is definitely not a movie I’d ever thought about writing for—but after watching the first & second movies back to back? Oh yeah, I’m DTF.
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The sounds of thunder filled the heavy silence that was your hospital room, breaking the silence between the steady monotone beeping of your heart monitor. Lightning worked to illuminate everything surrounding you, enough to have Bradley jolting awake after falling asleep, slumped over your bedside. A puddle of drool now soaking a small section of the lightweight blanket that covered your lower half.
“She’s going good, stable.” The nurse, Dot-- softly spoke as she worked to change your dressings. “You know, you can go home, have a shower, eat.” Dot tried to reason with Bradley but his grip on your hand just tightened.
“She didn’t leave me, I won’t leave her.” Roosters voice cracked at the thought of loosing you.
“She’s your fiancé, isn’t she?” Dot asked softy as she worked, she already knew, but to make light conversation was a part of her job, her ability to keep loved one’s hopeful was one of her most valued skills as a trauma nurse. Bradley just nodded in response, a pregnant paused filled the room before another clap of thunder.
“My wingwomen, we were flying a training course before her final mission, god she—she couldn’t eject when things went south and the next thing I knew—” Bradley tried to hold back his tears as he twirled your engagement ring, he’d strung it through his dog tags that draped around his neck. “she was just, gone.”
“Well, Lieutenant Bradshaw I can assure you, I’ve seen a lot of fighter pilots come through here in my day with far less severe injuries who have given up, but Y/n here? She’s a fighter, so you must fight for her as well, because when she comes out of this, she’ll need one hell of a support system.” Bradley bent down to take the palm of your hand to his lips, leaving a lingering kiss. His tired eyes were full of sorrow, trauma and above all longing. Longing for his girl to come back to him.
4 days earlier
“Rooster, he will never, and I mean never allow me to fly this mission so what is the point in staying!” You hissed, shovelling your belongings that were scatter across your dorm back into your duffle bag. “I was set up from the beginning to fail! This is what he does Bradshaw, he gives me an inch and then pushes me back a mile! You of all people should know that he, he pulled your bloody papers!!” You hissed. Grabbing handfuls of your clothing as Roosters grip came down on your wrist.
“I know I know, but hey, hey look at me.” Rooster cooed, his hands cupping your face as his thumbs worked to whip away the tears that spilled over from your waterline. “He didn’t know you’d be here, didn’t know I’d be here, if we’re the best of the best he’ll have no choice, absolutely no choice to choose us, choose you, so please—don’t give up this opportunity, this mission, because Maverick’s our instructor.” Bradley tried his best to talk some sense into you after a very confrontational morning.
“Morning, welcome to you special training detachment, be seated.” Admiral Bates looked you in the eye as if he’d come face to face with a ghost, an unbelievable moment shared between two people, who quite frankly, couldn’t stand one another. The gentle nod he gave you just as you sat down was enough to show you, he could put your bloodline to the side, he needed highly skills, highly qualified, highly recommended and above all, dedicated fighter pilots to make sure this mission fell nothing short of successful. Quite frankly due to the nature and importance of this mission, Admiral Bates couldn’t give a rat’s ass about who your dad was, all that mattered is that somehow, you were sitting before him amongst a class full of the best of the best. “I’m Admiral Bates, NAWDC commander, you’re all top gun graduates—the elite.” You felt Roosters knee tap against yours. With a gentle smirk you looked his way. His smile mimicking yours. “The best of the best.” The pregnant pause Admiral Bates took had your attention right back on him. “That was yesterday, the enemy’s new fifth generation fighter has levelled the playing field. Details are few but you can be sure we no longer have the technological advantage, success now more than even, comes down to the man or woman in the box.” The atmosphere in the room felt heavy, like the weight of the world had just come crashing down around each and every one of you.
“Half of you will make the cut, one of you will be named mission leader and the other half will remain in reserve.” The gravity and severity of the mission was only stating the settle in now as Admiral Bates spoke. Hangman made it a point to look back at you and Rooster at the mention of reserve.
“Reserves reserved for the Nepo duo, isn’t that right, Spider.” Hangman chuckled under his breath. You couldn’t help but to bawl your fist, Rooster just nudged you once again when he saw the fire in your eyes.
“Bite me Hangman, you know I’m ten times the pilot you are.” You snarled.
“Guess we’ll just have to wait and see huh?” Hangman smirked as he chewed his gum.
“Why’s her call sing Spider?” Bob whispered under his breath to Phoenix. “Thought her last name was Mitchell?”
“Nah it’s Webb, as in Spider Web? Lieutenant Webb.” Phoenix explained to Bob who would always be known as Bob or to her— bad-ass on board. “I’m pretty sure Y/n legally took her mums maiden name right before she got her wings.” Phoenix explained to Bob. “All through Top Gun I remember her being Spider, but mostly I remember the utter shock it was when us ladies walked in on Rooster butt naked in Spiders bed after a big night out—couldn’t get that picture out of my head for a month.”
“They lasted that’s what matters, right?” Bob questioned as he watched you squire up with Hangman—Rooster holding your knee trying to talk you down. A hot head if he ever knew one, much like your farther.
“He’s just messing with you, don’t take the bait Webb.” Roosters soothing baritone helped extinguish the fire inside you, settling in your chair to focus once again on Admiral Bates.
“Your instructor is a Top Gun graduate with real world experience in every mission aspect you will be expected to master. His exploits are legendary and his is considered to be one of the finest pilots this program has ever produced.” You watched on as hangman turned the seven colours of bad shit right before your very eyes as he turned to see who was walking down isle. Rooster turned over your shoulder and boy did he wish he didn’t.
“Babe, don’t freak.” Roosters hand came down to rest on your knee, sending a bolt of electricity though your nervous system. Confusing oozed from your pours as you sent him a puzzled look, catching a look at the instructor who had passed by you. “Keep cool or he wins already.” Rooster felt his own panic and betrayal boiling within, but the way he knew this would be one of the most challenging moments of your career thus far made him put his own emotions behind your own.
“What he has to teach you may very well mean the difference between life and death.”
“I fucking hate it here.” You slumped into your chair, your eyes trained on the man the myth the legend himself. “Just take me out now Rooster—end my suffering.” You and your dad, Pete, had always had a rocky and unstable relationship, it all came crashing down when you found out he pulled Roosters papers when he applied for the naval academy. The utter heart ache that had caused Bradley made you want to trade places every damn day. the only reason Pete hadn’t pulled yours was because your mother was adamant you were to be your own person without his impute, without his approval. She would have killed him if he had pulled your papers as well, even if Bradley’s mum had a deeply imbedded fear of her loved ones flying, which by extension included you, the daughter she never had.
“Can’t do that babe, you’re just gonna have to face him.” Rooster whispered under his breath, his eyes burning a whole into the back of Mavericks skull before he turned around to face the class, his eyes instantly falling on you, then to Rooster. “He had no idea we’d be here, look at the shock oozing from his dirty old wrinkles.” You couldn’t help but the let a small chuckle escape.
“I give you Captain Pete Mitchell.” Admiral Bates introduced the man you had been in the shadow of your entire life, the bloodline nobody wanted to work with. “Call sign, Maverick.”
“I have no chance here.” You signed, sinking into your sheet a little low every passing second. “I’m up shit creek without a paddle Rooster, we both are.”
“But he’s not just our instructor he’s my bloody dad, and if I know anything about my dad it’s that he can never and will never let. Go.”
“Don’t do this to your career Webb.” Rooster cooed. “You deserve to be here, you don’t wanna go out like this, this is it, the big one yeah?” Rooster tried to remind you, tried to get you back on target. You paused for a moment, thinking it over, looking into Roosters beautiful eyes, eyes filled with love and support and admiration for you and only you.
“Yeah, well—” You signed, leaning into the man who gave you the ring that wrapped around your ring finger, soon to be married, soon to be honourably discharged in order to live somewhat or a normal life together. the occupational hazard that was an untimely death was becoming too much for you to handle, although you were a phenomenal pilot, this would be your last mission post. Rooster knew that to be put on reserve for your final mission would mean that whoever was chosen, for better or worse, would be the one to dig the metaphorical knife into your chest, twist and turn till there was no hope of survival. You had to prove to everyone, especially Mav, that you were the clear choice, that you were simply the only one who could fly this mission and still come home to those who loved you. Because at the end of the day? Greatness was in your DNA. “Guess my names not on that plaque for giving up huh?” you chuckled into Bradley’s chest as he hugged you a little tighter, kissing the top of your head as he did so.
“No, no it’s not.” Rooster replied softly. “that’s my girl, besides, if you left who’d be my wingman?”
“I hear Hangman’s available?” You teased, Rooster pulled you closer as he ducked to melt his lips with yours. A passion filled kiss that took your breath away, your best friend, your soulmate. Ever since your academy training, you’d been inseparable, basically joined at the hips ever since. Rooster was and always would be your forever man.
“Now that’s not even funny, you’re playing with my life now Y/n.”
“Rooster, Spider.” Pete called out as you and Rooster walked alongside each other towards your stations. “Bradley, Y/n—” He shouted again, annoyance at your attitudes lacing his tone. When you didn’t stop that’s when Pete had had just about enough. “Lieutenants Bradshaw and Webb!” Mav shouted a little louder, gaining your attention as you stopped in your tracks, turning around to face your dad.
“Yes, sir.” You hissed, reluctantly, holding your helmet at your hip. Your call sign catching his eye. Spider. A little bit of your mother.
“Let’s not do it like this, okay, I’m aware you’re both here because your two of the best pilots the navy has to offer, but—"
“But what, you gonna wash me out?” You hissed again, your heartbeat racing in your chest. “I know if you really had it your way old man, I’d be out of here come sunset, but you and I both know out of this bunch? I’m miles ahead, Roosters miles ahead, because I’m you  and he’s Goose.” The mention of his best friend trapped in time caught Maverick off guard, a rolodex of memories flashing before his eyes. “And as much as you’re a dead-beat dad you’re a great pilot and it is an honour to learn from you, sir.” Rooster placed his hand against the small of your back as you stood your ground, chest puffed. Mav just smiled softly, like father like daughter.
“That’ll be up to you, not me.” Mav explained, “Be better than the rest, that’s all it’ll take.” You were better than the rest, he already knew that you both were, you and Rooster where an unstoppable team, completely unparalleled. “Don’t think, just do—”
“Are we dismissed, sir.” Rooster asked, taking over for you as you ran through a rolodex of memories that reminded you just how hard you had to work to get here, to get to this very moment. So close to an early retirement, so close to achieving your goals, to marrying your best friend. Channelling all that anger, hard work, dedication. “Because we have a mission to prepare for.”
“And a wedding I hear?” Pete smirked, your heart racing in your chest as you locked eyes with your dad. “I believe a congratulations is in order.”
“Don’t—“ You hissed, stepping forward as Rooster gripped your forearm. Pointing a stern finger at Maverick you gritted your teeth. The entire class watching on as you squired your shoulders. “Don’t talk about my life like you were ever a part of it.”
“I always wanted to be but you shut me out!” Maverick whisper shouted through his gritted teeth. “You were just blinded by rage to see that everything I did was in your best interest Y/n.”
“It is and always will be Lieutenant Webb to you, nothing more nothing less, sir.” You hissed. Drinking in the sight of your dad as he looked at you with enough sorrow in his eyes to write an apology letter, but without the courage to do so, that meant nothing to you.
“Webb, c’mon let’s go.” Rooster whispered in your ear. Turning on your heels you sighed in frustration. “He’s in your head, get it together before you get in that jet—“
“What version of you is that advice coming from?” You questioned with frustration lacing your tone. “My fiancé or my friend?” Dtopping at your aircraft, you turned to face Rooster.
“Your wingman who doesn’t want to see you go down in smoke because you’re fog headed Spider.” Rooster snapped, stepping in front of you. “Take a minute and walk it off—“
“I’m fine—“ you tried to push past but Bradley didn’t move, not an inch. “Roos—“
“I need you be to more then fine Y/n, c’mon this is serious, we’re in this together and I need my wing woman to be ready to bring her A game otherwise this would have all been for nothing.” You knew Rooster was right. Nodding as you placed your helmet on you sighed. Rooster followed suit, placing his helmet on.
“I feel the need—“ You smirked, Rooster laid his hand out flat as your palm came crashing down against his before your knuckles bumped against his. Finishing your sentence, Roosting smiled down at you.
“The need for speed.”
It was pristine, not a cloud in the sky as you steadied your controls just behind Rooster, specially to his left— you were always on his left.
“Talk to me Spider, how we are looking?” Roosters voice came through the comms calmly, he knew how you were both doing, but this was his way of checking in on you inconspicuously.
“We’re twelve seconds late on schedule—“ You replied. “We gotta move Rooster, we gotta move.”
“Try stay with me—“ Rooster increased his speed as you did his, the G-form radiating around you. “Nice Spider keep up, keep up.” Bells and whistles started ringing in your cockpit, looking down on your radar you spotted a boogie. “Huh, who is it?” Rooster shouted, looking around as he heard your radar sending out warnings.
“Good morning aviators this is your captain speaking, welcome to basis fighter manoeuvres.” Maverick’s voice chimed over the comms with just a hint of smugness lacing his tone. You could practically see the smirk on his face in your imagination, the upper hand he thought he possessed. “Blue team, you’ve been spotted—“
“What the hells he is doing up here!?” Rooster asked.
“I’m a bandit on course to intercept, blue team, what are you gonna do?” Pete questioned as you looked around. Rooster still in front of you—on target. “Spider? Rooster?” Pete asked again.
“Rooster he’s 20 miles left, ten o’clock! 700 knots closure.” You engaged, choosing to lock in. Fight. “It’s your call man what do you wanna do?” You asked as you locked onto Maverick’s coordinates. “Rooster?”
“Continue, we’re close, stay on target Spider repeat, stay on target.”
“Roger roger.” You confirmed, watching as Maverick changed his course. “Shit Rooster he’s swinging around at the north, stand by for pop-up.”
“Be ready on that laser Y/n—“ Rooster replied.
“Copy.” You made sure to be ready on your laser, following Rooster’s manoeuvring close by.
“Blue team, bandit is getting closer.” Maverick’s voice came through the comms once again, angering you to no end. A dangerous feeling to have in the pilot’s seat, anger clouded rational judgment.
“Yeah, we got it Mav—“ You hissed.
“Popping now.” Rooster grunted and groaned. “Where’s Mav?”
“He’s five miles out, he’s coming fast—targets in sight.” You followed Rooster as he popped out.
“Where’s my laser Spider—“ Rooster replied as he levelled out. As you tried to get a lock on the target your laser wouldn’t focus in. “Spider any time now!”
“It’s a dead eye, repeat I’ve got a dead eye the laser won’t lock, I’m sorry—” Panic laced your voice through the comms as your tried to lock onto the target below, but your laser wasn’t cooperating. “I can’t get a lock I’m sorry Rooster.”
“Where out of time on dropping blind” Rooster replied with a groan. Trying his hardest to gage the target. Missing by a mile. “Dammit missed! Popping now!” Rooster shouted as you pulled up on the stick, following him up as you pulled seven, eight, nine. Your vision was quick to blur from the force, but you fought it all the way up the side of the course you were flying, the steepest part of the ridge,
“C’mon Y/n, stay with me! Stay with me baby!” Roosters voice kept you from drowning as you came up over the edge. Breaking ten as you pulled back on the stick to level out, gasping for air as Maverick came up hot on Rooster tail.
“Rooster break left it’s Mav!” Rooster went left as you went right, circling back around to have your wingman’s back. Tracking down Maverick like your life depended on it. “Not today old man—“ You hissed as he came up beside you.
“Stay focused on your wingman Spider—“ Pete reminded you as you pulled back and inverted above him.
“Jesus Wenb!” Rooster gasped as he looks behind, watching you fly directly above Maverick. Hovering.
“Oh, shit like farther like daughter.” Bob chuckled from the ground, watching on with the rest of the class from down below, It was always an interesting sight to see you and Rooster fly together, but watching you and Maverick come head to head in a dog fight was much more entertaining, especially when your egos where both as big as each other’s. “She’s got him.”
“Check mate old man—“ You pulled back as you flipped over, falling behind as you locked your laser onto Maverick. “And your dead.” The high-pitched beep signalled that your locked on and fired to kill. You’d brought the Maverick, Pete Mitchell, down. “See you in the afterlife dad.” You teased over the comms, watching as Rooster tailed behind you, leveling out. Maverick was quick to come up beside you, looking over at you with a bright smile.
“Sensational manoeuvring there Spider, congratulation’s—” It meant more than you could ever imagine having such phase come from such an extraordinary aviator, but coming from your dad? It meant slightly more. The shadow less dark. “However, Rooster, Spider, the target was not hit, therefore the mission is still a failure, but that’s enough for today you two love birds.” Maverick tailed out, pulling back as he turned north. “See you back on land.” With a wide smirk, still chuffed at yourself, you and Rooster proceeded to make your way back to base, coming closer and closer to the hard deck as you did. “You know, that was some pretty skilled manoeuvring there Webb, might have to rethink this whole early retirement.” Rooster spoke through the comms.
“My objectives have changed Lieutenant Bradshaw, I may be good at this but the risk to reward ratio just isn’t adding up for me anymore—” suddenly, within a millisecond, something has smacked against your windscreen, bounced off and been obliterated by your engine. “Shit--!”
“Oh fuck, bird strike!” Rooster could here you alarms ringing through his comms. “Shit, Y/n your engines on fire!”
“Climbing, climbing, throttling back, shutting off power to left engine.” The commotion coming from your communications was causing a panic down at base, the class watched on as you spiralled out of control. “Attempting to extinguish the fire.” You explained. Your entire dashboard lighting up like a god damn Christmas tree. “Shit it’s not working!” your warning lights were going ballistic. “Right engine is out I repeat right engine is out.” you cried.
“Webb you gotta eject!” Rooster screamed through your comms. “Eject now I repeat eject, eject.”
“It’s still spinning, attempting to restart!”
“Lieutenant Webb! It’s on fire don’t start it!”
“Throttling up!” Spinning out of control fast and loosing altitude you began to panic. “Shit I can’t get control, I’m on fire Rooster.”
“Punch out Spider I repeat eject eject!!” Rooster could feel his heart beating in his chest a million miles a second as he watched on helplessly.
“Warning lights everywhere, hydraulic Failure!” You repeated. “I can’t control it, I’m going down.”
“God dammit Y/n you can’t save it eject, I repeat eject!!” Rooster shouted loud enough for you to hear him through the noise of your dashboard and the roar of the fire.
“Ejecting repeat, eject, eject, eject!” Pulling your hardest on the eject cords something was so utterly wrong. “Rooster it’s not working!” You screamed. “I can’t eject!” Panic overcoming you as you punched up against the glass of the cockpit, pulling against the cords. The automated warning system began screaming your altitude at you, you were too close to the ground now. Pulling as hard as you could only to accept your untimely fate as you came crashing towards the ground. “Bradley—I love you, so much.”
“Don’t do this to me baby, fight, eject I repeat eject.” Rooster couldn’t help his tears fall as he watched your jet go down. “I love you, please don’t leave me—“
“God dammit come on!” With one finally tug you broke free, your seat ejecting you up through the broken cockpit, glass slicing your skin, fire ripping through your flight suit as you fell through the air, warm and fried. Unconscious instantly from the impact.
“Oh my god!” Roosters shocked voice was the only one who dared to speak. The class on the ground stunned into silence, including Mav himself. “Y/n” Rooster couldn’t hear anything else but his screaming. His panic, his heartbreak. “No, no no no no.” Watching as your shoot pulled way too close to the ground, knowing impact would have been deadly. “FUCK!!!— someone get medic on the way! NOW!” It killed Rooster to have to turn around and leave you behind, but he had to get back to base. He was no help up there. “I’m coming Baby, just hold on, don’t leave me, don’t leave me. I’m coming, I’m sorry.”
“She’s doing well.” The doctor explained to a very tied Bradley. “The broken ribs are probably the least of our concerns but will take the longest to heal considering there really isn’t a lot of treatment options besides bed rest and light duties.” Bradley felt his heart sink into his stomach as he sat beside you and held your hand, you’d only just woken from a three-day induced coma. Your body needed as much rest as it could possibly get. Your eyes were still so puffy they looked closed as you rubbed your thumb up and down the palm of Bradleys hand.
“Broken femur is stabilised, swelling in the vertebra has subsided but I wouldn’t be running any marathons anytime soon.” You tried your best to squeeze Bradley’s hand, let him know it was still okay to smile at the Doctors subtle tease. “Broken elbow and collarbone should heal nicely as long as you give it time, the skin grafts took week to the areas that needed additional support to heal, I’d say a few more days in intensive care to watch for internal bleeding before we move you to general for less monitoring, we’re looking at a three-to-four-week stint.”
“Thanks Doc—” Rooster cooed as the doctor left the room, training back to face you with such a sad and tired look on his face. “Hi—”
“I still can’t remember anything beyond taking Mav out.” You whispered, your head lulling to the side. “Heads killing.”
“I’m just so incredibly lucky your still here with me.” Rooster held his tears back as he looked at you, so venerable, so small. He’d never seen you like this before and hell, he wouldn’t wish this on his worst enemy.
“Probably won’t fly again after this.” You groaned, slightly shifting in your bed. “I’ve never been so scared Babe.” You chocked up, the oxygen being pushed through your nose tickled a little. “I’m so sorry you had to see—”
“I’d rather been there then have someone come to my door Y/n, you know that.”
“Still—” You replied, your body feeling tired as your eyes fault to stay awake.
“You need to rest.”
“Why don’t you go home rooster, you look just as bad as me.”
“That’s because he hasn’t left your side since you were brought up here.” Bob interjected as he stepped into the room.
“Ah it’s the badass on board.” You smiled softly as Bob approached your bedside, his hand coming down on Roosters shoulder. “To what do I owe the pleasure?” You questioned. “Or are you here for Rooster?”
“Well, uh, yeah I was actually, Mav’s been named team leader on the mission, I have a gut feeling he’ll want you to fly as his wingman—” Bob explained. “I just came to gauge the situation before I head over to the Hard Deck—”
“Tell him I’ve pulled out—” You shot Rooster a look of utter shock as you tried to sit up, coughing and splattering as you did so. “Babe don’t—” Rooster rushed to your side to help you sit up slightly.
“Like hell you’re pulling out of this Bradley Bradshaw because if you do then this seriously has all been for nothing and we should have gone home at the very beginning.” You explained. Bob just watched on, he’d never seen you like this before, so mortal. He’d always seen you as some sort of immortal goddess who possessed the legend of Pete Mitchell. “If Mav wants you as wingman you go be his wingman end of story, this is the big one remember.”
“What about you though?”
“I’m confide to a bed for a minimum of four weeks, I’m not going anywhere.” You signed. “I’ll be fine.”
“I’m not leaving you here.” Rooster cooed as he kissed your palm. “Fuck everything else, you are the most important thing to me always.”
“Rooster—” You tried to reason with him, but he just cut you off.
“End of conversation Y/n, no. where done babe, this was it, for both of us.”
“What are you talking about? I applied for discharge just after posting when did—”
“The second I saw you go down that was it, never could I ever put you in that position.” You were stunned into silence for a moment for you scowled at Rooster. “What’s that look for?”
“Don’t throw your career down the drain because I fucked up, I wanted out for months before this, don’t use me as an excuse to give up when shit gets tough Rooster, don’t be stupid.” You hissed, totally mind-boggled. Perhaps it was the drugs.
“That defiantly wasn’t the response I thought I’d receive.” Rooster replied. “How about, after you’ve had some rest, we talk about it, huh?” Bob just watched on a Rooster leaned over to gently kiss your lips. Softly and ever so gently. The harsh reality of the situation had him tossing up whether he was ready to give it all up for the love of his life and if she’d do the same for him. But that discussion would have to be tabled for another time and place.
“I honestly think the two of you should both reconsider, the two of you make an absolutely unstoppable team.” Bob pipped up. You caught his line of sight as Rooster pulled away, you couldn’t help but to chuckle.
“Bob, I almost died.”
“We almost die every day Spider, I just think it’s something you were both meant to do, extraordinary people need extraordinary circumstances to thrive. The pair of you would blow your own brains out with some average mundane nine to five job.” Bob wasn’t holding back, the idea of death scared the hell out of him but at this stage he’d become accustomed to it being an occupational hazard. “Just consider it, please, the both of you.”
“If the pair of you leave imminently so I can get some rest perhaps I’ll sleep on the idea.” You mumbled, looking at the love of your life as he looked at you. “Bob may have a point?”
“Yeah well, he’s a WSO, they’re always right, aren’t they?” Rooster teased as he kissed your temple. Shoving at Bob as they left the room, Rooster turned on his heels for one final glance at you. Blowing a kiss your way as you smiled. “I love you—”
“And I love you.” You replied softly, turning to see your engagement right now sitting back in its box on the little side table next to your bed, a bunch of flowers beside it. “dork” you chuckled to yourself, finding peace with your new reality and the battle yet to come.
“So, are you really not gonna fly this mission of Mav asks you to?” Bob asked as he pressed the doors close button in the elevator.
“I’m gonna fly the fuck outta that mission, for the both of us, and then when it’s all said and done, I’m out, she’s out, and we can just live a normal mundane life, two extraordinary people living an ordinary life in some suburb noone knows how to pronounce.” Rooster replied as Bob just shrugged it off, A bad feeling in the pit of his stomach about this mission. Rooster thought he had it all mapped out, not knowing just how badly the mission would turn and how close to leaving you behind he would come.
Read more Top Gun Fanfiction here
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myobsessionsspace · 2 months
"My last point is that I don't really see JK being a club going person."
I was going to say this a well. I quite don’t get why some people portray him as a party boy when he has shared several times that he’s more of a homebody and feels more comfortable chilling with friends or relaxing at home - which, for an introvert, isn’t surprising at all. He seems like someone who has a small close circle of friends and doesn’t really socialize outside of it. Sure we don’t know him in private and it’s not like he never goes out obviously but I’ve always felt he was pretty transparent and sincere with us. So I really don’t get the need for some fans to portray him as a person he hasn’t shown to be. It’s weird, it’s like he’s not enough for them so they have to twist his personality to make it fit the way they would like him to be. That’s not exactly what I call love, but well..
~Ask Anon is referring to~
Hi lovely!
Right?! Talk your talk 💪
Like how many times has Jungkook shown and spoken about his MTBI?! He’s an introvert through and through. From what we’ve seen he has his select few that he’s himself with and has fun with but we’ve seen him when not working like a dog, at home or working out.
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Introvert in the wild
He drinks at home, due to sasaengs he works out at home, he sings karaoke at home, he cooks at home.
Of course he must do things with people that we don’t see or know about but the pervasive notion that he’s some addict fuck boy boils down to ta few things, the main ones in my mind right now, small mindedness and baseless rumours.
Small mindedness because according to the teen book, movie, tv, fanfic stereotype the dark clothes, piercings, tattoo, bike riding, quiet type can and only ever will be a ‘fuck boy’. He has a group of 97z idol friends that one outing, that made headlines, determined his character from that point forward. What else has he done that warrants such judgements? Drink at home in front of his phone? Have boxing as a hobby? Own a motorcycle alongside owning cars too?
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The Wattpad f*ck boy of their dreams 😑 I’ve literally SEEN countless Wattpad covers, some actually entitled ‘f*ck boy’ or with a fuckboyjungkook! tag, no joke!!!
Rumours because his blonde foreign, dancer, idol, older actress, tattoo artist girlfriends all can attest under oath to his ways, no wait it’s the random online account holders that can attest under oath due to their inside knowledge
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No matter how often he shows himself to be a homebody. No matter how often over the years the members and Jungkook talk about how Jungkook likes to stay in. Jungkook saying he’d rather join in on other people’s plans as he’s not one to do much of left to his own devices. Namjoon saying Jungkook likes to stay at home and Hobi saying ‘he’ll go for Jimin’. Jungkook saying he stays in and when given Netflix suggestions says he’s watched them all, used to stay in and play video games, draw and create etc it’s not enough to shift certain people’s mindset because his outward appearance sets it in stone for them. Oh that and his FICTIONAL music videos where he holds a woman’s hand and starts at another woman’s forehead
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When the camera is rolling for the MV character, the pop idol
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When the camera isn’t rolling for the MV character but to capture the man Jeon Jungkook
There are so many side to this young man who has an aesthetic expression that people will not get over.
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Kind and respectful
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Tender and caring
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Cute. Sorry Jungkook you are a grown man, yes, but still so damn cute!
You’re right in my opinion anon but I will say one thing…
You said: ‘It’s like he’s not enough for them […]’
I say: He’s too much for them, so they have to simplify him to a caricature because him as a whole is someone they can never appreciate, how he deserves to be appreciated. Him as a whole can’t be the person they’ve deemed their fantasy or enemy.
Thank you for your ask😊! As you can tell I needed to get that out and you gave me the opportunity 🙈
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ghouljams · 10 months
I'm really late to the party with this, but I have a fae-like character to share if you're interested 0w0
Basically, he was originally a human who tried to outsmart a fae by tricking it into giving him powers. Sadly, this didn't go too well for him and he ended up reduced to a monster roaming the woods in search of its next meal.
He wanted the power to change his appearance and, the fae, angry at the human for trying to deceive them, gave him exactly what he asked for. The man wanted to test out his new powers and turned himself into a moose, only it didn't work out quite right. His new body was deformed and monstrous and he found he could no longer return to his old human form.
The man can now no longer be considered human, rather a mimic that looks like a 's pretending to be a moose. While he can no longer change his form, he can mimic the sound of people's voices when he hears them, often using them to call out to friends and family, luring them into the woods to be consumed.
He can't speak in his own voice anymore, having long since forgotten how it used to sound, instead just copying the dying screams and begs for help of its prey. (Think the bear monster from annihilation).
I have a picture of him here if you're interested. (Hopefully this link works!)
I wonder if the Witch would encounter the Mimic at any point since she lives near the woods. LMAO I'm just imagining how fun it would be for it to try mimicking Price's voice to lure her over. Or perhaps one of the other darlings considering the Witch might be a little too clever to fall for such a thing.
Oooh I love this, love the horror, plus annihilation is one of my favorite movies. I hope you don't mind if I write a little something because this absolutely inspired me :)
You don't know what it is, but you've seen it, heard it. The crying, the wailing sob of a young woman, the screams of a child. The echoes of it through the thin limned trees and snow. You've watched, crouched behind your garden wall as the moose that isn't a moose wanders past with its strange and horrible cries. It scares you enough to pour salt along your wall, the purest barrier you can think of, a defense actually visible to you. You trust your threshold, but better safe than sorry.
You don't call Price, you should call Price. At least ask him to shoo the thing away. It keeps hanging around. Almost as bad as Price himself, but at least when Price spooks you, you know how to combat it. This thing is... you can't describe the feeling of it. Slick like oil, the magic simply doesn't mix with yours. Even the wisps of it through the cold of Winter give you a clear enough picture to not want it near your fence.
But it feels like it's getting closer.
Price left a little bit ago. You're back to your gardening, crouched next to the asparagus breaking off stalks with practiced fingers. You produce is coming in well this season, probably all the extra time you've been spending in the garden.
"Witch," Price calls behind you, you hum in answer, he must have forgotten something. "Sweetheart," He tries again, almost pleading. You blink, you've never heard that tone before. You stand and turn to face him.
Turn to face the dead glassy eyes of the Moose that isn't a moose as it snuffles at your salt barrier. Your ribs clench tight, stopping your breath before you can draw in a gasp. It's mouth opens to speak again, to croak out Price's voice from behind rows of needling teeth, its lips drawing too far back, predatory. It's ears twitch, listening for any sound of you. It can't get through your barrier, you remind yourself.
That doesn't stop it from trying. It's overgrown and stained horns scraping against the threshold, as it follows the line of the wall. The soft crunch of snow that follows it is too delicate for a beast that size. You turn to watch its path, the sickly matted fur, the raw musculature, you try your best to breath shallow and even. The slick magic around it is so at odds with everything you know about magic. The corrupted wild magic of human ambition and hubris where it meets a petty fae. If you weren't rooted in place you might throw up.
You press a hand to your chest, trying to feel for the strands you'd been steadfastly ignoring. Something to ground you to a feeling of safety and not this overwhelming fear. You don't know what to do but hold onto one of your ties to Price and wait for the creature to give up and leave.
When it finally does go it's with the same wailing cry you've heard so many times. It seems to be directed at you. The punishing sound of it for your ears only, crying over a lost meal. The scratches you feel on the threshold as it continues dragging its horns along it are raw and throbbing. The only solace you have is that for now your barriers have held up. You only hope that the creature is smart enough to recognize this failed attempt as a futile one, that it will find a new area to hunt in.
You'll work on a banishing spell just in case.
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Share Our Skin (part 1).
A/N: Hi everyone! It's been ages since I last posted a fic on here, so I am really nervous.
I have been working on this one for a while now. This is the first part of a wonderfully unhinged request from the lovely @twistedmelodies. Hannah, I really cannot thank you enough for your incredible patience and kindness!
This series is going to have three parts; the first two are building the background for the third and last chapter that is going to be 🔥.
I really hope you like this.
Word count: 8.1K
Pairing: Josh x female!reader
Warnings: fluff, NSFW 18+ONLY, graphic sexual content, oral (f!receiving), protected sex, rat tail Josh.
Summary: You stumble upon a nice little cinema in the city you have just moved to and you meet an even nicer boy, there.
You didn't do that on purpose.
Absolutely not.
But, as you would soon learn, in life you should always prepare for trouble and only hope for it not to become double.
It was safe to say, though, that this time you had fucked up big time.
You had met him at your local cinema.
You had just moved to a new town alone and you had started to explore your surroundings, trying to find some interesting things to do, when you had stumbled upon a nice little cinema, just at the corner of your neighborhood.
You almost hadn't noticed it at first because it was mid afternoon on a Wednesday and it was closed.
The building looked absolutely anonymous but, as you lifted your gaze to the darkening clouds swirling in the sky, promising a storm soon, you spotted a faded unlit white and red sign saying "Cinema" and nothing more.
You made a mental note to try it on Saturday night, though.
You loved going to the cinema, so having one so close was making you feel a little less like a fish out of the water in a town you didn't know well.
Saturday evening came quickly.
You got ready and made your way to the building, finding the sign lit and a small queue of people just outside the door, which was still closed.
You learned that every Saturday evening they showed old movies. That night they were showing "To Catch a Thief", one of your favorite ever.
You waited in line and about ten minutes later you heard the sound of keys giggling and the door finally opened.
People slowly started to move inside and soon you were standing in front of the ticket booth.
The cinema from the inside looked old-fashioned but the atmosphere was warm and inviting. The first thing you noticed upon entering was the salty buttery smell of fresh popcorn that brought you back to when you used to go to the cinema every Sunday afternoon with your parents.
A little sense of nostalgia about your childhood invaded you and you started to get lost into your head.
You were quickly brought out of your tangled thoughts by a voice, nice and crystal clear.
"Good evening, love. What can I do for you?"
The voice belonged to a boy about your age with curly hair and buzzed sides, a perfect heartstopping smile and the most sparkly brown eyes you had ever seen.
You were at a loss of words.
Your expression must have been incredibly funny because he giggled and repeated himself, his smile deepening even more,making a tiny dimple appear on his left cheek.
It was even worse.
He had the cutest giggle you had ever heard.
You had to bite the inside of your cheek to prevent yourself from getting lost into your head again.
You blushed furiously and averted your eyes from his face, starting to stumble over your words making him giggle again, sweetly.
"Uh…I-I…" you tried to say but your brain didn't intend to cooperate.
You were making a fool of yourself and blocking the line. You heard people behind you starting to complain and you shook your head to finslly get a grip on yourself.
"Uh… a ticket please" you managed to say without looking at him and rummaging inside your purse for your wallet.
"It's 10$" he said, still smiling and as you handed him the money, your fingertips touched his and you felt a little jolt of electricity.
His fingers were warm and soft.
When he handed you the ticket he also slid a little chocolate bar your way.
When you frowned, he spoke.
"It's on the me, don't worry" he said gently and you blushed even more, thanking him in a sliver of voice and scurrying away absolutely embarrassed.
You kept scolding yourself for looking like an idiot in front of everyone.
When you entered the cinema room, you felt a nice warm feeling spread in your chest and again you remembered how much you loved and you missed cinemas.
The room brought you fifteen years back.
The cherry wood of the walls and the low golden lights made you feel at home.
The red velvet seats were incredibly soft to the touch and looked absolutely comfortable and well-kept.
The floor was covered in a dark grey carpeting that muffled your steps.
Like an enthusiastic child, you slowly made your way down the central corridor tracing your fingers dreamily against the side of the seats and scanning the room for the perfect spot.
Once you found it, you pulled down the seat and sat down on the soft cushion.
You started rummaging inside your purse for your phone and found the little chocolate bar the ticket-boy had gifted you and your stomach rumbled.
You had already had dinner so you weren't hungry. But you always had a sweet tooth so you couldn't resist.
You unwrapped the chocolate and took a bite.
Your eyes scanned the room slowly as you let the chocolate melt on your tongue. Inevitably your mind kept conjuring up images of the boy that had made your brain go blank and you mentally slapped yourself again for the terrible first impression you made.
Suddenly, the light faded out and the white screen came to life, making you momentarily forget about the cute boy and your clumsiness.
You lost yourself in the images.
Grace Kelly's dresses were a dream and Cary Grant was absolutely stunning. You were transported back in time by Hitchcock's virtuosity.
Before you knew it, the end credits were rolling slowly onto the screen and the light were turned on again.
People started to exit the room quietly and you stood to follow them.
You were the last one to exit.
The boy wasn't behind the register now, but he had a broom and was carefully sweeping the floor near the exit door.
He lifted his eyes from the ground as you approached the door and was quick to grab the door handle and open the door for you, like Cary Grant had done in the movie, you noticed.
Such a gentleman, you thought, a delicate blush covered your cheeks and his at the same time.
You thanked him. As you stood there ready to go home, he let go of the broom, leaning it against the wall and offered you his hand.
"I'm Josh," he said with that same big smile and bright eyes as before.
You reciprocated the greeting and introduced yourself too, shaking his hand.
He repeated your name slowly, rolling every letter on his tongue and you found yourself staring at his full lips moving.
He kept your hand in his for a second longer than what was considered usual and you couldn't help but notice his warmth and softness, compared to your icy skin.
You both blushed as you shook hands and let go, awkwardly standing one in front of the other in silence
"Well, I really have to go now," you said to break the silence.
"Good night, Josh" you added with a small smile and you saw his eyes twinkling upon hearing his name rolling off your tongue.
He wished you good night, too, as you exited and slowly started to make your way back towards your flat.
When you crossed the road, you couldn't help but turn around and look towards the building.
A warm smile spread on your lips before you could stop yourself when you saw that he was already looking at you from behind the cinema glassdoor.
As you caught him staring, he swiftly hid behind the wall but showed up again seconds later with a guilty grin and a hand rubbing the back of his neck, a bit embarassed.
God he is so sweet, you thought and blushed under his gaze despite being so far away from him.
He waved at you and you reciprocated, feeling something stir in your belly, like a hundred butterflies spreading their fluttering multicolored wings.
That night you couldn't fall asleep for hours and when, finally, sleep graced you, your dreams were haunted by beautiful brown eyes and contagious smiles.
You woke up with a jolt to the sound of your alarm clock. You cursed it because it had interrupted the sweetest dream you had ever had.
Of course you were dreaming of Josh.
You were afraid that you were starting to develop the biggest crush on that little cinema guy.
By the end of the week, you were sure you were madly in love with him.
You couldn't go five minutes without thinking about him and you hated yourself for that.
You didn't even know him, how could you feel that way for him already?
On Saturday evening you decided that you needed to see him again, the thought of his smile was more or less the only thing keeping you from saying to hell with everything. The week at work had been absolutely draining so you really needed a breath of fresh air.
And, of course, the cinema was the first thing that came to your mind.
This time they were showing "Pulp Fiction". You had already seen it millions of times but you didn't mind as long as you could see him again.
There were more people waiting outside than the last time.
When you entered, you saw him there, tearing tickets and serving popcorn and beverage to customers, expertedly.
Your heart started beating wildly as you waited for your turn.
Finally, you were in front of him again.
When he saw you, you were graced with that heartstopping smile that your brain had replayed hundreds of times in your dreams.
He greeted you using your name in his usual sweet tone and you tried not to swoon in front of him.
"How are you tonight? Ready for some Tarantino?" He asked playfully and you nodded, unable to control your smile.
"Yes, I am. I've seen it many times but never in a cinema, actually" you confessed as he gave you your ticket and change.
"Oh, it's way better on the big screen, trust me" he said and winked as he handed you the little bag of popcorn you had ordered.
You blushed at the gesture and entered the cinema room.
You chose your usual spot and you started eating popcorn waiting for the movie to start.
The film was almost finished when you reached the bottom of the popcorn box, feeling the little grains of salt under your fingertips.
And something else too.
There was something inside.
You took the item between your fingers and brought it out of the box. Thanks to the light coming from the screen you saw what it was.
It was the same chocolate bar that he had offered you the first time you met. But it wasn't alone. It was attached to a little strip of paper folded on itself.
You detached the chocolate from the paper and unfolded it.
Despite the darkness, you could see what had been handwritten inside.
"This is to make it up to you for last Saturday night. I should have at least offered to walk you home. I shouldn't have let you go out alone at night. I am so sorry. I would have never forgiven myself if something had happened to you. I hope this doesn't come off as rude or creepy but here's my number, don't hesitate to text me when you get home safe or whenever you want to know what films we are showing.
P.S. Please, ignore this if I am overstepping.
Josh :)
You blushed instantly and unconsciously brought the paper close to your heart as you felt butterflies go crazy in your stomach.
Nobody had ever been so thoughtful with you.
You couldn't stop smiling and, as the credits started to roll on the screen and the light switched on again, you stood and walked out of the room to see if he was there.
You wanted to thank him for his kind gesture, but once you were in the hall, he was nowhere to be seen.
An old man with round glasses and kind eyes was sweeping the floor, exactly like Josh had been last Saturday.
You were a bit disappointed.
You wished him goodnight and walked home.
Once you arrived home, you decided to text that number anyway.
With trembling fingers you typed a brief message.
Hi, Josh. I found your message inside the box. Thank you for your kindness. I have just gotten home safe. Please, feel free to text me the scheduled films every week, thank you.
P.S. You were right! The film was so much better on the big screen!
You signed the message and before you could start mulling over it and overthinking, you sent it.
A few minutes later, your phone vibrated on your nightstand.
I am glad you got home safe and you enjoyed the film.
Sweet dreams!
You felt again those damn wings flutter in your chest. You read the message hearing his voice in your ears and you blushed even though nobody could see you.
You were already smitten with him.
That night you dreamt about him again.
It started like that.
Every Thursday he texted you the scheduled movies and every Saturday night you texted him when you got home safe.
He was always so sweet every time you saw him and every time you fell a little more in love with him.
Every Saturday night he kept offering you the same chocolate bar, hiding it inside your popcorn box together with a little slip of paper where he wrote little anecdotes about the movie you were watching.
He told you he was a film nerd, but you were honestly impressed by the extent of his knowledge.
One Saturday evening, the weather looked awful but, after a long week at work, you didn't really feel like staying at home. And you needed to see him, his smile was more or less the only thing that helped you keep your sanity.
You had spent the entire afternoon baking a cake for him, to thank him for all the times he had offered you a chocolate bar and shared his precious knowledge with you.
You had opted for a chocolate fudge cake, since he gave you major chocolate vibes.
Dark, sweet and captivating. The website described the recipe with those three words and they made you think about him, immediately.
The recipe wasn't exactly easy, so you spent all afternoon mixing and stirring ingredients and then wiping and cleaning the kitchen.
Once the cake was in the oven, you showered and started to get ready to go out.
You had been so busy that you didn't even heard your phone vibrate with a message and then a phone call.
When everything was ready, you placed the cake in a box and exited your apartment.
The sky was dark. The clouds swirling fast and looking menacing and an intermittent rumble of thunder could be heard in the distance.
You grabbed an umbrella and walked to the cinema.
Once you arrived there, though, you were very surprised to find the sign unlit and the doors closed.
You checked the time on your watch and noticed that the cinema was usually open at that hour.
You knocked but the lights inside were off.
You started to worry that something had happened to him
You knocked again, just before a loud thunder shook the glassdoor.
You flinched at the loud noise but your heart flooded with relief as the lights inside switched on and you saw Josh make his way towards you with keys in his hand.
His smile was a little surprised but beaming as always.
"Hi, darling, what are you doing here? The storm is about to hit" he greeted you and said, looking up at the darkening sky.
"You didn't read my text, did you?" He added then, still smiling, at your confused expression.
You panicked and started rummaging through your bag for your phone.
"Hey, hey, calm down, it's ok!" He said placing a warm hand on your arm. "I texted you to tell you that tonight the cinema was closed due to the incoming storm. I even called you but after one call I didn't insist because I thought you were out with somebody and I didn't want to bother you." He said sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck and smiling, a little embarrassed. His cheeks pinkened slightly.
"Oh, I am so sorry Josh, I spent the entire afternoon baking this cake and I didn’t look at my phone." You started rambling, then added in a sliver of voice, "this is for you, for your kindness and sweetness"
You handed him the box as you started to back away from the door.
"Hey, darling, please don't go. Stay. I am really happy to see you. I don't want you to go away and…" he stopped for a second before continuing, casting his eyes down to the pavement.
"And I don't really feel like staying here alone working during a storm, so please stay" he said quickly, his cheeks pinkening even more.
"You can even choose the film tonight, it will be a private screening" he added and winked, playfully.
You blushed at his sweet request and after a few seconds you agreed. In reality, you had decided straight away to stay, but you didn't want him to believe you were too desperate.
His smile beamed even more when you accepted and he motioned for you to take his arm.
Then he closed the door behind you and escorted you inside like a gentleman, thanking you profusely for the cake.
You were really afraid he could hear your heart beating wildly in your chest at the thought of spending the evening alone with him.
He started leading you to a part of the cinema that was restricted to the public.
He opened a door, flicked on the lights and motioned for you to enter.
At that moment, you understood that he had taken you to the very screening room. You had never been inside one and you were mesmerized by everything you saw there.
You gasped and he chuckled.
"Here's were the magic happens" he said while spreading his arms wide.
You started to take a look around but you were interrupted by his voice as he placed the cakebox on the table and opened it.
"Wow, love! This cake looks delicious! How did you know chocolate is one of my favourite things in the world?" He asked, his eyes glittering with happiness.
"I just guessed" you answered sheepishly, blushing at his compliment.
He looked at you with a strange light in his eyes but the moment was interrupted by a loud thunder that shook the whole building.
You both flinched at the loud sound.
"Now, I really have to sort these new films that arrived today. But you can do as you were at home, you can choose the movie you want to see and I'll set it up for you while you get comfortable on the seats downstairs." He explained.
He pointed to a staircase that lead to the cinema room downstairs.
"Are you sure you don't need a hand with those films? I can help you so we can sort it out quickly and watch the movie together." You asked tentatively. You really didn't want to watch the movie alone while he worked.
It didn't seem right to you.
"Well, I don't really want you to work on Saturday night, really. I can do it myself, it won't take much time. Thank you, darling, but you just have to choose the movie and relax" he said sweetly, motioning you towards a closet full of rolls of film.
He left you there and you started to take a look around among all those movies.
This was honestly one of your dreams coming true.
You always loved movies and you always wanted to know what happened behind the door of the screening room.
You felt giddy being in such a special place.
Your eyes landed almost immediately on one of your favorites of all the times.
Your friends and family mocked you because whenever there was a movie to choose, you always picked that one, without even caring about how many times you had seen it.
"The Shining" was written in bold red lettering on one side of a roll on the bottom of the closet.
You picked it gently, trying not to make the others fall to the ground.
You assessed the weight of the film between your hands and you felt like a little girl with her favorite toy.
You turned around and he lifted his gaze from one of the boxes of new films.
He spotted the title immediately and bit his lip with a beautiful smile.
You heard him mumble something low under his breath but you caught it anyway.
"God, you are perfect" he whispered before catching himself and giggling, noticing that you had heard him.
You blushed and so did he.
You really didn't want to watch the movie without him so you told him and offered again to help him.
"I'd love to see this, but only if you let me help you with those boxes first, I really mean it, Josh" you said and you saw as he mulled over your offer.
You knew he had refused your help only because he was a gentleman and didn't want to make you work on a Saturday.
You also knew that four hands were better that two, so you really wanted to convince him.
"You don't want to end up like Jack, do you?" You said tauntingly, referring to the main character of the movie.
"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, remember?" You continued and you saw his smile beaming again at your reference.
"All right, you sold me, darling," he said chuckling "I could really need some help. Plus, it's been a lot since I last watched that masterpiece, I'd love to see it again with you with the cinema all to ourselves. But only if you promise me that, after, you'll eat that cake with me" he added, pointing a finger at you.
"Ok, now tell me, what do we have to do?" You asked him, curiously.
"We have to classify these rolls briefly and then order them alphabetically on that shelf" he explained and you sat next to him, ready to work.
In less than an hour, you had finished and, meanwhile, the storm seemed to have passed. An occasional rumble of thunder could be heard far away.
He started thanking you profusely but you quickly interrupted him saying that that wasn't that big of a deal.
In reality, the truth was that you had loved spending some time alone with him. His presence was absolutely captivating and his eyes beaming while he told you every little thing he knew about those films. You could have listened to him talk for hours and hours nonstop about his passion.
"Now we can finally relax" he said, gently taking the roll you had previously chosen and starting the various machines that occupied one side of the room.
You watched mesmerized as he made quick work of operating the projector and you gasped when you saw the first images light up the screen in the cinema room from the little window in front of you.
He winked at you and you tried so hard not to swoon you had to bite your tongue.
"Here we go, love, let's go search for the best seats," he said, grabbing the cake box and guiding you down the stairs with a warm hand on your back.
You felt the butterflies go crazy in your stomach again at that simple touch.
He guided you to the center of the seats and motioned for you to choose.
You sat down in the same place you always chose and he sat down next to you placing the box on the seat next to him.
As the opening credits started to roll on the screen, he came closer to whisper into your ear.
"Wait here, I'll just go get two forks for the cake and I'll be right back" he said, his warm breath hitting your neck, making goosebumps raise onto your skin.
A few minutes later, he came back with two forks and two cans of coke. He settled them on the floor next to you.
As you thanked him, he opened the cake box and handed it to you, along with a fork so you could take the first bite.
"No, Josh, the cake is yours, you have to take the first bite. I really hope you like it" you said.
Worry started to creep up on you. You were mentally retracing the recipe steps for the millionth time to check if you had forgotten something.
You watched with bated breath as he sank the fork into the soft cake and brought a bite to his mouth.
He started chewing slowly and moaned in pleasure at the enveloping taste of the cake.
"Good Heavens, this is delicious, love. You are the queen of chocolate cakes." He said still chewing and looking at you, amazed.
You sighed in relief and watched mesmerized as his jaw clenched and unclenched with every bite he took.
You were quickly brought out of your reverie when he motioned for you to get a taste, too.
You had to admit that it was really good, and the perfect treat for a movie night with him.
As you ate and watched the movie, every once in a while he moved closer to whisper little anecdotes about the movie into your ear.
You usually hated when people disturbed you during a movie, but, with him, it was different.
His voice was so soothing and soft that you didn't want him to stop. You would have spent the entire night just listening to him talk about anything and everything.
After some time, you heard a sudden loud thunder and, all of a sudden, everything was dark around you.
"Oh, fuck" you heard him groan as you rummaged through your bag to get your phone and turn on the flashlight.
Its white light illuminated the room casting a spectral glow on everything.
"I can't believe it" he said again, dragging a hand on his face.
Another crash of thunder shook the building.
Then he started giggling. And you couldn't help but mirror him.
"Ok, I think that the storm decided that we shouldn't see anything tonight." He scoffed and you giggled, helpless.
Silence encompassed the room, then. The only sounds you could hear were his regular breathing and the harsh wind outside.
Suddenly he stood up with a new idea.
"Ok listen, I am pretty sure there are some candles under the stage. A few years ago this was a theatre, so there are a lot of scenery in the storage closet" he said with a hopeful look into his eyes.
"Let's go, lead the way" you said and stood up next to him.
You followed him through a door and down some narrow steps that led behind the white screen.
You almost fell on the floor because everything was extremely dark despite your flashlight.
He caught you before you could smash yourself to the ground and grasped one of your hands in his to keep you from falling again.
His skin was so soft and warm that you felt a little shock of electricity at the contact.
He guided you down the corridor and stopped in front of a door. He unlocked it and entered, bringing you with him.
The room was packed with all kinds of handpainted scenery.
He spotted the box of tealights and matches next to the very door and grabbed it. He handed it to you and grabbed what looked like a big pile of velvet fabric that was on a table.
"What is that?" You asked and he snickered.
"Those are the old velvet curtains of the theater. In case we get cold" he said and you laughed
"That's creative" you said and he chuckled.
"Let's go back, it's too dark in here" he said in a spooky voice.
"That sounds like a last line before getting killed by the monster in a horror movie" you whispered and he giggled.
Once you were back into the main cinema room you started placing tealights all around you and slowly the room was immersed in the golden light of many tiny flames.
You both decided to move to the first row of seats, right in front of the stage, so there was more light.
You sat down next to him again and you both listened in silence to the storm raging outside.
Then he turned towards you and spoke.
"I am glad you are here but I am sorry that you are stuck with me instead of being in the comfort of your house. '' He said sheepishly.
"I am happy to be here with you and not alone at home, honestly" you answered him, turning towards him, too.
His flawless skin was glowing golden in the feeble light of the candles and his eyes were the same shade as the chocolate cake that lied abandoned on the floor.
You lost yourself inside them.
He had the innate capacity of drawing you in, like a magnet.
You couldn't control yourself and, honestly, you didn't want to.
Before you knew it, his lips were pressing against yours, hot, soft and so gentle.
You felt your head spin as your heart melted from that simple kiss alone.
You were shocked when he pulled away and he must have seen it in your expression because he immediately started apologizing.
But you didn't hear a single word.
Your mind froze in the exact moment his lips parted from yours, depriving you from their warmth.
There was only one thought occupying your mind.
Without thinking, your hands snaked on the back of his neck and you dragged him towards you again, pressing your lips against his and successfully interrupting his ramblings.
You felt something under your fingertips and smiled in the kiss as you understood that the hair at the nape of his neck had been braided in a little rat tail.
He placed one of his hands on your hip and a little groan escaped his lips as his fingers came in contact with your skin, left bare by your shirt riding slightly upwards.
He squeezed your hip and you whimpered into his mouth, parting your lips and allowing him to deepen the kiss.
When his warm tongue caressed your bottom lip, something into your brain snapped.
Without further thinking you climbed on his lap and lost yourself in the kiss that turned every second more heated.
Both his hands came to rest against your cheeks and the sound of smacking lips filled the room making your head hazy.
He parted from you then and chuckled at the whine that left your mouth.
You couldn't tear your eyes away from his perfect plump lips, glistening in the golden light of the candle.
Both your breaths were ragged, your faces flushed but you couldn't care less.
You started kissing again and this time his hands started to roam your body, quickly slipping under your clothes.
As his hands slowly traced your back and moved to your front, inching towards your breasts, you stopped him biting his lip lightly. You grasped his rattail and tugged at it, making his head tilt back with a low groan.
That sound went straight to your core and you knew there was no going back.
You needed to have him.
"Fuck, love. I can't get enough of you" he confessed against your lips and you shivered at the low register of his voice.
He kissed you again and started fumbling with the hem of your shirt.
"May I take this off?" He asked gently and you nodded quickly.
He took off your shirt and you shivered, feeling exposed in front of him.
He gently grabbed your arms with which you tried to cover yourself and caressed them, taking them slowly away from your body to admire you with care.
You had a very simple bralette on, but he was looking at you like you were wearing the most expensive Italian lace lingerie he had ever seen.
You blushed but he was quick to comfort you.
"Has anybody ever told you how beautiful you are?" He asked and you bit your bottom lip before crashing your mouth against his, his tongue soothing your need.
Your hands gripped the hem of his tshirt and you pulled it upwards, admiring him as he took the hint and slipped it off with a smug smirk.
He was astonishing, the perfect tanned skin of his chest was glowing against the deep red velvet of the seat he was sitting on.
You started kissing his neck nibbling at his skin and reveling in the little whiny breathy sounds escaping his reddened lips.
His fingers traced your spine, making you shiver, and they slowly inched towards the button of your jeans.
His expression was tentative when he looked at you, silently asking your permission to remove them.
You nodded and he winked before slowly unbuttoning them.
With some effort and chuckles, you managed to take them off with his help.
When you sat back down in his lap, he was quick to place his hands on your bare thighs, kneading the skin gently.
You never felt like that before.
As you sat there almost naked, a deep hunger overcame you, observing him taking in every little detail of your body.
Suddenly his lips were pressing featherlight kisses along your shoulders, where the straps of your bra sat against your flushed skin.
One of them slid down your arm and you shivered.
He kissed you again and his lips started a path down your throat and down the center of your chest.
"Josh" you heard yourself whisper as his fingers traced the other strap making it fall, too.
"Tell me, love" he whispered back, leaving open mouthed kisses on your neck.
"I need you, please" you whispered down to him, like a secret, even though nobody was there to hear.
"You want me to take this off?" He asked, tracing the hem of your bralette with his pointer finger.
You nodded and he smiled sweetly giving you what you needed.
He took his sweet time admiring you then, making you blush as you sat almost entirely naked in front of him.
He looked in awe, his eyes sparkled as he looked at you.
Then, his lips encompassed one of your nipples while his hands grabbed your hips and pushed you further against him.
You groaned as you felt his erection press against your core.
You started grinding against him and his breathing picked up as his mouth kept spoiling your chest, nibbling and sucking.
After a while, though, his hands stilled your hips completely.
"Baby, you should really stop this, or soon it will be game over for me" he smiled, out of breath and a little embarrassed.
You smiled at him and blushed, apologizing.
His hands on your hips gently pushed you upwards making you raise on your knees, still on his lap.
You rested your hands on his shoulders as he started placing a trail of kisses down your tummy and towards your lower abdomen.
When he reached the hem of your panties, he looked upwards and you forgot how to breath.
His eyes were wide like a deer in the headlights, pupils blown out, making the soft shade of brown disappear completely. His breathing was ragged and you shivered as it hit the damp trail that his lips had left on your tummy.
What he did next made your soul leave your body.
A little smirk appeared onto his lips as he took the little bow that sat at the center of the hem of your panties between his teeth and tugged at it before letting it snap back against you.
You whimpered and he chuckled. Then his mouth moved downwards, placing gentle hot kisses on your still covered mound.
"You want me to kiss you here, don't you?" He whispered looking up at you for permission and caressing your slit through the fabric with gentle fingers.
"Please, Josh, yes" You begged him and you shivered as his thumbs hooked on the sides of your underwear, pulling it slowly down your legs.
He groaned at the sight of the wet fabric parting from you and you shivered as the cool air of the room hit your flushed skin, squeezing your eyes shut.
"Hey, love, look at me, please" he whispered and you lowered your gaze.
He kept a steady eye contact as he slid down the seat just enough for his mouth to reach your center comfortably.
Both your hands were gripping the velvet seat behind his head, but when his mouth was close enough to your core that you could feel his warm breath hitting your wet skin, one snaked into his curls, gripping them tightly.
That simple gesture spurred him on and in a second his mouth was on you, his tongue lapping up and down your slit, parting your lower lips and making your breath stop in your throat.
You were holding onto his hair so hard you were afraid that you were hurting him.
Little breathy sounds escaped his lips as he ate you out at the perfect pace.
You felt his fingers slowly reaching between your legs and you stiffled a moan.
"Baby, let me hear you, nobody is here, you are safe" he whispered onto your skin and next thing you knew his name was echoing in the room alongside thunders as you slowly started to unravel.
He slid a finger inside slowly and started stroking your clit with the tip of his tongue in quick circles.
You shivered.
You were close.
"Josh" you gasped as he added another finger and curled them harshly, making you almost double over him.
Before you knew it, you were coming undone on top of him, clawing at his shoulder and his curls.
He parted from you slowly and you bit your lip at the sight of his lips and chin glistening with your arousal and his puppy eyes looking up at you wide and in awe.
"You did so good" he said against your lips before kissing you deeply.
Your hands reached quickly for his belt and you unbuckled it.
He groaned as your fingers pressed against his crotch while you were trying to free him.
When he was finally free from the confines of the fabric, you gasped.
He was beautiful, girthy and veiny. It made your mouth water.
You started stroking him gently and you saw as his head lolled backwards again the seat, exposing his neck.
You licked a stripe up his throat and stopped at his ear, tugging with your teeth at the little silver hoop that adorned his lobe.
Suddenly he grasped your wrist.
"Baby, careful" he said out of breath and you understood.
He was close.
"I want you Josh" you whispered onto his lips as thunders kept booming.
"Inside" you punctuated and he nodded.
He placed you on the seat next to him and stood, getting rid of his pants and reaching in his back pocket.
He fished out a condom and sat back in the same spot.
You climbed again on top of him, shaking lightly with anticipation.
You watched enraptured as he rolled it on himself and groaned in need.
His hands reached for your hips and guided you up.
He nodded towards himself signaling to you to grab him and guide him where you needed him.
You did so with trembling fingers and his voice immediately came to soothe your nerves.
"Don't be nervous, baby, it's just me. Take your time" he whispered onto the skin of your sternum that covered in goosebumps.
You kissed him and, at the same time, slid his tip a few times along your slit.
When you were ready, you lined him up with you and started to sink down slowly.
Both your gazes were trained between the two of you as he slowly entered you.
By the time he was fully inside of you, you were biting your lips so hard you were sure you were drawing blood.
He felt amazing inside, the sting of the stretch took your breath away completely at first but it slowly dulled.
You both exhaled shaky breaths and he held you still to let you adjust to him.
"You feel amazing, Josh" you whispered onto his lips.
"You feel like heaven, love" he whispered back, clenching his jaw, trying so hard not to move.
You moved, then, sliding up and then back down and feeling him caress your walls beautifully.
You started riding him at a slow pace and watched mesmerized that every time you pushed back down on him, his brows knitted together.
His eyes were shut and his mouth was parted, letting out whispered whimpers of pleasure every time.
You kissed him, deep and slow like your rhythm, but soon it turned famished and your rhythm quickened, with the guidance of his strong hands on your hips.
Your legs were burning, the effort of keeping your body upright when he was eating you out paired with the one you were enduring now started to make you move a bit more erratically on top of him and he was quick to notice the slight change.
"Your legs are hurting, aren't they, baby?" He whispered into your ear hoarsely.
"Yeah, a bit," you said out of breath "it's been a lot since I last…" Your voice trailed off and your face flushed in embarrassment.
"Hey, it's fine don't worry about it," he whispered pressing his nose in your cheek "let me help you"
He stopped you and stood carefully, with you still on his lap, showing his strength.
You wrapped your legs around his hips and pressed your body completely against his.
You were both covered in sweat and glistening in the low light.
He started walking backwards and soon, you were sitting on the side of the stage with his body between your parted legs
He managed to move the both of you while staying inside of you. You were impressed.
You admired the toned muscles of his arms as he flexed them to keep you close to him.
Once your body relaxed back, he searched for your gaze and you nodded, giving him permission to move.
He took the lead and set a quick and deep pace, hitting places you didn't even know existed inside of you.
The first thrusts made you slip down, so you were laying on your back on the stage gripping the edge tightly and looking up at the ceiling.
But you missed the eye contact with him so you managed to bring yourself back up.
You kissed him again and your hands tangled in his hair, making him moan in your mouth.
Suddenly he grabbed your ankle and hooked your leg in the crook of his elbow, opening you up even more for him.
His next thrust shook your entire behind, making you clench harshly around him and you couldn't help but claw at his back.
"Are you close, baby? I can feel you squeezing me so tight" he whispered into your ear as he kept his pace, strong and steady.
You nodded, unable to speak and slid your hands down his sweaty back and on his ass, digging your nails in the supple muscle there.
He groaned and angled his hips so he could hit your sweet spot repeatedly, while simultaneously stroking your clit with his thumb that he had previous wetted with his tongue.
A thunder so loud that rattled the walls muffled your cries as you hit your climax, enveloping him in a vice-like grip.
He followed soon after, the sounds escaping his mouth were unbridled and heavenly and echoed into the room sinfully.
His body fell limp against you, his damp forehead pressed to your shoulder as he tried to calm down his heavy breathing.
You tried to do the same, feeling his hands caressing your back gently.
He slowly pulled out of you and kissed you sweetly.
When your eyes met the both of you were still panting, with flushed cheeks and disheveled hair, but you couldn't hold back a little embarassed giggle at how the night had escalated.
"Thank God there is no one in here or that would have been a hell of a 18+ show" he whispered playfully into your ear and you cackled loudly.
He helped you get down from the stage and grabbed some of the tissues you had brought for the cake to clean you up gently.
Then he grabbed your clothes from the seat and handed them to you.
"Don't run away, I'll be right back" he said and walked towards the bathroom with his clothes in his hands.
He came back with other clothes on, a white tshirt and black jeans and brought you a clean tshirt too, so if you wanted to change.
It was black, with the cinema logo in bold red lettering and it reached you mid-thigh, like a perfect sleep tshirt.
You sat back in your respective seats and ate some more cake, chatting about your favorite movies.
After a while, you started yawning, the tiredness of the day was starting to making itself known.
He looked tired too, but the storm outside wasn't subsiding in the slightest, so you were stuck there with the lights still out.
Then you saw it.
The deep red velvet of the curtains folded on one of the seats.
He noticed your gaze and chuckled.
"We had the same idea, love" he said and stood helping you, unfolding the fabric and placing it on the floor.
Quickly you had set up a makeshift bed in the middle of the cinema room.
You laid down feeling extremely awkward but giddy to be there with him.
The velvet felt extremely soft against your skin end despite it being old, it was clean.
As you laid down, his arms brought you closer to him. You could feel his breathing, steady and calm on your neck and soon you were drifting off, listening to the wind whistling outside.
In the morning you woke up in his arms. You were a bit sore due to sleeping on the floor and other activities but you felt extremely at ease with him close to you.
He looked so soft, with sleepy eyes and his usual contagious grin on his lips.
It was hard to part from him but you had to go to work so you had to leave him there.
"Have a good day, love" he said in a hot whisper against your neck and you forcefully parted from him, knowing that if you didn't, you would end up tangled in the curtains with him, again.
But at work you couldn't focus, your mind kept drifting off to him.
And you spent the entire week thinking about him.
On Saturday you went to the cinema as always, they were showing "The Shining".
His smile at the register was very flirty and warm.
The evening went on as usual, but when the movie was almost over, you felt someone touching your elbow in the dark.
It was him.
He motioned for you to follow him and you ended up in the same showing room as last time.
Before you knew it you were pressed against the wall by his body, his lips hot on your neck and his hands sneaking around your body.
"Did you miss me, baby?" He said unbuttoning your jeans and sinking down on his knees.
"God, you don't even know how much" you whispered back, biting your bottom lip and sinking both your hands into his hair.
Taglist: @gvfpal @sammyslappers @spark-my-nature @highladyofasgard @sparrowofthedawnsworld @jessicafg03 @doodle417 @hellowgoodbye @ejoygvf @jaketlover @jakekiszkasbabymama @objectsinspvce @indigostreakmorgan @witchofendora @myleftsock @gretavanshmeat @gretasfallingsky @giraffehippy @jennasometimesreads
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darling-i-read-it · 11 months
Not Fun Dreams
Dalton Lambert x fem!prophet(esc)!reader
Word Count: 6.1k
Warnings: insidious 5 spoilers, some angst, canon level events/violence (descriptions of the readers visions as violence and never being good), shared trauma, a lot of unedited fic lol 
Author’s Note: This ended up a LITTLE LONG good lord lol. I just kept going! I hope you enjoy love, it ended up being a little less angst then I wanted to have some sort of preunderstood relationship. ALSO i made up the art school dalton goes too because I couldnt’ find the name or remember if it was mentioned. When will this movie be available to watch whenever i want smh. Anyway, enjoy!
Requested: by anon, your dalton fics were amazing and if you’re still in the mood to write for him i got an idea! dalton with a prophet esque reader. maybe not full out but maybe they have dreams or in certain places they can see what will happen there but doesn’t get the full event ( mostly negative/horrific things because this is the insidious universe and nobody can have nothing). id imagine they’d be more reclusive than dalton because even though they’re both obviously very traumatized reader constantly has to see these horrific things and not know how to stop them. knowing possibly from a young age where you and the people you love will die. the trauma bonding. the protectiveness. imagine the drama if she knew the whole time he could astral project and didn’t tell him, like being childhood friends and going to the same college as you saw something in a dream (one of the dorm scenes) and are trying to prevent it. i’m an angst girlie through and through and this movie made me worst. please don’t feel pressured to write at all, and i hope you have a great day/night! 
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director/creator
(not my gif)
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When you were a kid it was much more simple. It made far more sense to you when your imagination was stretched as far as it could go. It was clouded by the guise of childhood, never knowing what was supposed to happen and what wasn’t. You figured that when you went to sleep and pictures flipped in your head piercing like a migraine, everything was normal. Your parents told you it was just dreams, even when the dreams started to get darker. You saw flashes of people’s faces, drenched in fear as they faced something unknown. The nightmares got worse. You insisted they weren’t nightmares. Children dealt with weird things all the time. 
It helped when the boy next door flew away in his sleep. 
Everyone must have these little gifts then right? All the children had a perk that slightly scared them, one they told their friends about that their parents didn’t pay much attention to. 
You’ll never forget the day Dalton moved. He left the house he had grown up in so that his parents could move somewhere bigger, somewhere to raise the new baby. You remember his little face, matching yours. You had never had a friend you cared for so much. It felt like the world could be taken on when you were with Dalton. 
“Are you sure you have to go?” you asked, quietly. You knew the answer to the question, even then. You had had an awful nightmare the night before. You had seen flashes of Dalton in bed, tubes surrounding him, IV’s in his arm. 
“My mom says so,” he muttered. You were hunched together in the corner of his house. Now empty, it seemed much larger. You didn’t like being in places that seemed to be experiencing change. You saw enough change. 
“But I’m worried,” you whispered. “Something might happen to you in the new house.” Your voice was hushed. Even then, you knew it was no use in telling his parents. No one would believe you. But you had to warn him because if anyone trusted you, it was Dalton. 
“Maybe it’s just another one of your not fun dreams,” he said quietly. He had gotten used to protecting you from them. You were often shaky when you woke up. He had seen it after a sleepover, cold sweats dripping down your petrified face. “Not one that would come true.”
You had known the lady down the street would trip down the stairs and die three weeks prior. But no one cared to check with the little girl who had silly prophetic dreams. 
“But what if it isn’t.” You pouted, a genuine pout. Dalton put his hand on yours, in a way only children could do. The most innocent of gestures. A sign of good faith. 
“I’ll be okay.” Even then he didn’t believe his words. He had been wandering further and further out in his dreams. You told him to stop, that it scared you. He insisted they were nothing like your dreams. His weren’t real. 
“You ready to go guys?” Josh Lambert asked. He walked up behind you, carrying a book at his side. 
“You’ll call right?” you asked quickly, suddenly overcome by emotion. Dalton nodded eagerly. 
“We’ve got your number, don’t worry,” Josh assured you. “We won’t be that far, right Dalton? Just down the road.” Dalton wanted to disagree but he didn’t. He just nodded, not ready for you to leave his house. Not ready to leave it himself. 
“I’ll call everyday,” Dalton promised. 
After a couple weeks he stopped calling. Your parents wouldn’t tell you why. Just that he couldn’t come to the phone. You could see him in your dreams, desperately lost and you had no way of helping him.
You woke up with a start. 
As you grew up the dreams started to become less violent. They were always violent in nature but sometimes you could wake up and not feel panicked. You looked at your bedside table, the orange bottles staring back at you. Some were for panic attacks, some were for general anxiety, some to help you sleep. You debated taking one, wondering if you could stick it out for the day. The thought was quickly dismissed. 
You had dreamt of Dalton. 
You hadn’t dreamt of Dalton since you were a kid, since you lost touch. The memory of it became so blurry over time. There was no way you could have blamed him for it. In hindsight you blame your parents and the cycle of time. You went to different schools and there was no reason to stay in touch because you couldn’t ever see each other. 
You grabbed your phone off the side of your bed. You hadn’t seen much. 
Dalton. Older, taller, handsomer. A full man now, though you weren’t sure why you were surprised. A school, the name of the school just barely on the tip of your tongue. You wrote down everything you remembered furiously. The feeling of dread. A familiar creeping of darkness that you couldn’t quite place. Your dreams were sporadic. Whatever you had dreamt of could still be months out. 
You got out of bed and walked down the hallway. You were packing for school yourself, eager to leave by the end of the week. The car was almost packed with most of your things. 
You reached for your parents phone book. They kept it beside the fridge, even though it was ancient and most of the numbers were outdated. You had given them grief about it before. Everyone had numbers saved to their phones now, what was the point of a phone book?
You ate your words as you flipped through the pages, looking for Lambert. Sure enough, both Renai and Josh were separately listed. You reached for your phone, trying Renai first. 
It rang for a while, leading you to believe the number might’ve been wrong. Then there was an answer and a kind voice spoke on the other end. 
“Hi! Is this Renai Lambert?” 
“This is her. Who is this?” 
“Hi Mrs. Lambert! This is kind of weird but my name is Y/N. I used to be friends with Dalton when we were kids?” There was a beat of silence and then a laugh, one you remembered well. You had always liked Renai. She was endlessly kind, always offering you lemonade when you came around. You could still hear her playing songs on the piano while you and Dalton ran around their house. 
“Y/N! Oh goodness, it’s been a while hasn’t it? Why are you calling now?” You smiled, happy she remembered you. 
“I just randomly dreamt of Dalton last night and hadn’t seen him in years. I was wondering if he still lived with you or if I could talk to him?” 
“For sure! Gimme one second.” She moved away. You could hear a muffled call for Dalton. The phone returned to her ear. “How have you been?” 
“I’ve been good! I’m going to art school at the end of the month,” you offered. 
“Really? So is Dalton! Oh, here he is!” There was a moment as the phone was passed along. You cleared your throat. 
“Dalton?” There was another beat of silence. You thought maybe he didn’t remember you, which would be slightly awkward. You would have to re-explain everything before he would even believe a word that came out of your mouth. Then he spoke. 
“Y/N?” You let out a breath of relief. 
“Yeah.” He scoffed and you could picture him shaking his head in disbelief. 
“What’s up? Are you okay?” Still the same protective boy he had been when you were kids. 
“I had a dream about you last night and I wanted to call, see if you were okay.” Another moment of silence. You wondered if Renai had left the room.
“A not fun dream?” he asked quietly. You nodded, looking down. 
“Yeah.” You could hear Renai in the background. 
“She’s going to art school too.” 
“Really? Where are you going?” 
“Western. Not far from home, at least, where home used to be.” 
“Me too,” he breathed. “Who would’ve thought?” You bit the inside of your cheek, wondering what it would be like to be back with Dalton again. You had never felt so understood like when you were with him. 
“When do you leave? We should meet up for lunch.”
Dalton Lambert had gotten tall. You noticed that first when you saw him. He stepped right out of your dreams and onto his dorm room flooring. You had just missed Josh who had eagerly scurried away. Your parents had left you too. Now you and Dalton were finally in a place where you could hang out away from adults, which was a weird feeling when you were together. 
He had texted you his room number and you knocked on the door. When it opened, he hugged you. It wasn’t awkward or weird. In fact, it felt like you had finally come home. 
“How are you?” you asked. 
“I’m okay,” he promised. He ushered you in. “I’d be better if you told me what your dream was about.” You shook your head. 
“It was just you being here.” 
“You have good dreams now?” You shook your head. 
“That’s the whole thing.” He gestured for you to sit at his desk or at the empty bed beside his. You sat down on his bed anyway, putting your feet up to your chest like you were a child. “I don’t. But I remember feeling bad when I woke up, like something was coming.” You looked over at him. “How are you? How are your dreams?”
He paused for a moment, like he was glitching or buffering. You tilted your head. 
“My dreams are fine,” he answered finally. “Not nearly as interesting as yours.” You nodded slowly. That wasn’t exactly the answer you were expecting to get but you trusted him to open up when he was ready. “So do you think somethings gonna happen?” 
“I don’t know. I think I’ll know more later,” you promised, though you only half believed it.
“The last time you dreamt about me I went into my coma,” he said quietly, cautiously. He opened up to you quickly, knowing what it was like to be friends with you when you were a kid. There was something so special about being known before you even knew yourself. 
“I know. That’s why I found my parents' phonebook and called your mom.” 
“At least you’ll be closer this time around,” he suggested. “You’re welcome to hit me in the head if I start drifting off when I’m not supposed to.” You laughed gently. 
“Good to know.” You looked up at his wall. He had started to put drawings up. His mom was in the one above his pillow, at her piano. She looked just like you remembered her. “How is she?” you asked. Your eyes scanned the room. “Oh man, how is Foster? Cali?” 
“Good, good, they’re all good,” he promised, laughing a bit. “My parents got divorced a couple years ago. My dad is slightly losing it.” 
“As all dads do.” Your eyes scanned the wall. There was a picture of his brother. Another of his grandmother, who you only met every once in a while. Above her was a picture you recognized. It was you. You when you were a kid, in a room you no longer remembered. “Is that me?” He cleared his throat. 
“Your call had me looking through pictures.” You glanced at him, smiling a bit. 
“I loved your house so much. It was like a second home to me.”
“It was a first home to me.” You rolled your eyes. 
“We have so much to catch up on. Tell me everything. I have nowhere to be.”
Dalton’s room became a second one to you. It was serendipitous, moving from swapping houses to swapping dorm rooms. The transition felt comfortable and seamless. His roommate Chris moved out because she was a girl so you mostly got the room to yourselves. 
A couple weeks in, he started to have nightmares. Nights where you recognized the look on his face when he woke up. It was the same look he had after he had wandered too far, daring you to go with him. When he woke up he looked just like a kid still. Big wide eyes, confused. 
You sat on the spare bed. Dalton had fallen asleep half an hour before but you couldn’t bring yourself to leave. There was nothing wrong with just falling asleep there. You had done it before and you would do it again, waking up to his alarm for his early class. 
You laid your head down on the pillow, scrolling on your phone. The night had fallen, indicating that you should let yourself drift off into sleep. You raised your head a bit, wondering if you could easily find one of Dalton’s shirts to wear to sleep instead of your uncomfortable day one. You should’ve asked him before he fell asleep. You stood up lazily, rubbing your eyes. The room was only illuminated by the nightlight at Dalton’s side. He had fallen asleep with a pencil still in his hand, his sketchbook still out on his side.
You groggily slipped the pencil out of his fingers, putting it on the desk. You grabbed his sketchbook, looking at what he was looking at. It was still just lines on a paper, soon to be something beautiful. You put it aside. You were about to turn around when he woke up with a start. 
He lifted his head completely, almost ramming into you. You jumped, startled. 
“Woah!” you exclaimed. He was breathing heavily. He looked up at you, eyes wide. You met his gaze, almost positive what had just happened. “Did you wander off?” 
“In your sleep. Did you project?” He was silent for a moment, still trying to catch up on whatever it was going on in his head. He didn’t say anything for a second, staring at you with bewildered eyes. “Dalton?” 
He finally opened his eyes up to speak but was cut off by a loud screeching. You put your hands over your ears, wincing. The fire alarm was going off. Dalton scrambled out of bed, looking at the door. He rushed forward, pushing it open. 
Down the hall, all the other students were leaving their beds. Most were still muddled with sleep, wearing nothing but their pajamas. You peeked your head out behind him. He grabbed your arm and started to bring you down the hallway to the stairs. It was too tight for everyone so his grip was iron tight, weaving through the confusion. You pushed through the door to the stairs, moving with the herd down. You glanced back, trying to find the source of the confusion. 
You emerged outside into the night. It was freezing. The group dispersed into the courtyard, everyone looking back to the building you had just left. You brushed against Dalton behind you, who had finally let go of your arm. You couldn’t see anything in the building, nothing to indicate a reason everyone was leaving. 
“Do you see anything?” you asked him. He shook his head. 
“No.” You shivered, suddenly very aware of how cold it was. 
“Maybe it was a drill,” you suggested. He nodded slowly, not wanting to argue as his eyes scanned the building. 
Someone was yelling something in a megaphone you couldn’t make out. You tried to find the source of the voice to no avail. 
“What are they saying?” 
“False alarm,” he said, like it wasn’t a question. You furrowed your brows. 
“How can you hear that?” 
“I pulled it,” he said, finally. You turned around to look at him. 
“How? You were right there with me the whole time.” 
“I did it in my sleep.”
“If you knew it was a false alarm, why did we come out here?” 
“Because I wasn’t sure.” His voice sounded far away. You looked back at the building, completely safe in the backdrop of the night. You turned back to him. His look was dreary and unreadable. “You should probably go back to your room,” he said, voice still far away. You tried not to take that badly. It just seemed random. 
“Okay,” you said quietly. “Are you okay Dalton?”
“Yeah, yeah I’m good.” You nodded slowly. People started to pass you, going back inside. 
“Want me to walk you back up?” “I’m okay,” he assured you, some of the life returning to his voice. 
“Alright…I’ll see you tomorrow?” He nodded quickly and started to walk into the crowd. 
The next morning you woke up in a daze. You couldn’t quite remember what happened the night before, all of it glossing over your memory like a blur. You grabbed your phone off the side table, your roommate still snoozing away. You had a text from Dalton and a text from Chris, his old roommate. 
Taking Dalton to that frat party tonight. Wanna come? 
You opened that one up first. Dalton at a frat party? You almost snorted. You hadn’t been back in his life for very long but it didn’t seem like his vibe. You opened Dalton’s text next. 
Sorry about last night. Had a weird dream and woke up weird. 
You texted him back immediately. 
No worries. Are you really going to the frat party tonight? 
Almost immediately a little bubble showed up in the white box. You laid your head back down on the pillow. It felt like you had only taken a nap because of the weird in between moments. A text came from Dalton. 
Supposedly. Chris wants me to go. Do you wanna come? 
You glanced at your calendar. 
I have a test in the morning, I think I’ll pass. Thanks for the invite tho :) Try not to get too drunk! 
You opened Chris’s texts back up too to answer her as well. As you were typing out your response, Dalton texted you again. 
Are you sure??? I could get lost, drunk and suggestive. Who would protect me from the onslaught of potential girls? 
You rolled your eyes harder. 
Chris will! 
You turned off your phone to get ready for the day. 
You sat on your bed in your dorm room. Your eyes were dropping off to sleep, phone down on your comforter, computer open as you looked at reference pictures. Your sketch book was open, though it didn’t have anything except the bare bones of some sort of idea. You hummed to the music coming from your phone, mind wandering from your work. 
Your roommate had gone to the same frat party as Dalton. You were by yourself tonight as the sun dropped. It was becoming more clear that you just wanted to go to sleep tonight to wake up rested for the test. You picked up your phone, pursing your lips as you tried to decide if giving up homework was worth it for the night. You had no new texts from Dalton or Chris except a picture from Chris’s phone of the two of them there. You smiled a bit. Dalton looked awkward and out of place. It was good that he was branching out. 
Finally you set your things aside. There was no use in trying to do any more work when you were still catching up on sleep from the night before. 
As you placed your head on the pillow a simultaneous pierce through your skull erupted. You grabbed your head at the familiar feeling. Usually you only got visions when you were asleep, waking up to some sort of horrific memory. 
A bathroom. It felt cold, like ice, like the ground hadn’t been stepped on by humans in years. A boy was there, his face shrouded by the toilet. He gripped the sides but his hands didn’t look real. Something was wrong with him. You couldn’t tell what it was. The sound of the door opening, a creek, a sudden stop. 
You dug your nails into the skin on your forehead, willing it to stop. It had been so long since you were awake when this happened. 
Before it subsided you could see Dalton in the doorway. The dread returned, the same dread you had when you were a kid and he was moving away where you couldn’t protect him. You let out a breath that you had been holding. Your hands were shaking. 
Usually you wrote down what you saw, quickly jotting down things you could remember. Typically nothing would stand out for you to take immediate action. This time you jumped out of bed, quickly putting on slip on shoes. You were wearing shorts and a hoodie, clothes to sleep in, when you ran down the stairs. You had never been to the frat the party was at tonight but there were still fliers everywhere and you assured yourself you would find one. 
Thankfully, right on the pole outside of the building was a green poster with the address. You knew where Greek Row was, not more than a five minute walk from your dorm. You turned towards it and started to run. 
By the time you got there you were already exhausted. You crashed through the door, entering a chaotic scene. There were people everywhere, ramming into each other, sloshing drinks on people’s clothes, too drunk to care. You scanned the crowd. You pushed through people, to the staircase. There were people hanging out there, leaning against the railing, leaning against each other. You walked upstairs, searching for a bathroom. The doors were mostly locked. 
You ran right into Chris, leaving the bathroom. You peeked inside but it wasn’t the one from your vision. 
“Woah! You decided to come after all! What are you wearing?” 
“Where’s Dalton?” She gestured to a door down the hall. You rushed towards it, almost tripping over yourself. You swung the door open. Dalton was on the ground, half under the bed, face filled with fear. “Dalton!” He snapped his head back up at you and then back in the air. There was nothing there. “Did you..did you see that?” 
“There was something-” You fell to your knees beside him, helping him out from under the bed. 
“What did you see?” 
“A kid in the bathroom. There was someone in the bathroom and he was-”
“Dead.” Chris emerged at the door frame. 
“What are you guys talking about?”
“Have you been astral projecting lately?” you asked him, voice low and serious. His eyebrows furrowed. 
“Have I been what?” You stared at him for a long time, unsure what he meant. Maybe he just didn’t want to say anything in front of Chris. 
“Dalton come on.” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said and he felt honest. He grabbed your hand, willing you to believe him.
“When we were kids you could walk around in your sleep. Your soul left your body or whatever.” You paused, trying to read his face. “You don’t remember?” 
‘No,” he said, honestly. 
“What are you guys talking about?” Chris repeated. 
“We should go,” you said quickly. “We’ll talk back at the dorms.” You helped Dalton up. 
Though she protested, Chris left the two of you alone in Dalton’s dorm. The explanations coming out of his mouth weren’t something she trusted and she trusted you to make sure he went to bed alright. Though she did feel bad for dragging him along, unsure if the drinking had something to do with his abnormal reaction. 
“We have to call your parents,” you said as he sat down at his desk. He shook his head. 
“I can’t.” 
“Yes you can. They know what happened here and why you don’t remember it.” You hadn’t known everything about Dalton being in a coma but you didn’t expect him to remember nothing of it completely. He detailed not even remembering being sick. They moved into the new house and then the rest of the year was nothing but a blur. 
“I wouldn’t believe you if I hadn’t just seen it,” he breathed. You grabbed his phone off the table, opening it up. “Wait-” 
“No wait. We have to call your mom. She’ll know what to do.” 
“But this could just be something completely normal. You said I could do it before I went into my coma.” 
“And then you went too far, Dalton. I don’t actually know how far too far is but I know you’re already too close to it.” You held up the phone for him. “Call her.” He looked at you, eyebrows knitted. He looked at the canvas at his desk, completely covered in black, a red door created at the edges. There was something at that door he couldn’t remember anymore. He set his jaw and grabbed his phone. 
“I don’t think this is gonna help.” 
“Put it on speaker.” 
The phone rang for a moment but no longer than that. Renai answered quickly. 
“Hello? Dalton?” 
“Hey mom.” 
“It’s nice of you to call,” she said, half jokingly. “How are things there? Are you settling in nicely?” 
“Yeah mom, that’s not really why I called.” He gave you a look as you sat beside him eagerly. “I’ve been having these dreams and Y/N said you might know something about that.” 
The line was silent for a moment. 
“What kind of dreams?” 
“I can see my body when I leave it. Like I’m walking around in this other world.” 
“Is Y/N there?”
“Right here Mrs. Lambert.” She paused again. The tension seeped from the phone. You met Dalton’s eyes. 
“Maybe I should just come up there and talk to you in person. Can Y/N stay with you until I get there?” 
“What? Mom, you don’t need to come all the way up here.” Shuffling came from the other line.
“It’s too hard to explain over the phone. I’ll be there in the morning.” 
“No, mom.” He took a deep breath. “What happened? Tell me now.” His hands were wrapped tightly around the phone. He had grabbed your hand. You couldn’t remember when. 
“You and your father don’t know,” she said quietly. “We made it so that those memories were suppressed. I don’t know how it came back.” She shuddered. “When you were in the coma you went somewhere Dalton. For three months, we lost you.” 
“A place called The Further.” Her voice was gravely serious. He stared at the ground. The name sent shivers down his spine, like all that repressed childhood fear came back. “You got lost there and things tried to take your body. Your dad went back to find you and…something else came back instead of him.” Dalton looked at the door painting on his desk. 
“How do I stop it?” 
“I don’t know honey. I’m coming down.”
“What about dad? What if he’s going through this too?” 
“I’ll get your father. We’ll come together.” Dalton had nothing to say to that. It must be serious if they were going to stay together for a long period of time like the drive up to school. “Stay with Y/N.” There was a beat. “I love you Dalton.” 
“I love you too mom.” 
She hung up the phone. For a long time you just sat there in silence. You hadn’t ever gotten those answers before, the ones you had only gotten glimpses of when you were a kid trying to sleep. 
“I remember the demon trying to get you,” you whispered. “He was dark…with red,” you said. “I had nightmares about him for months. I kept seeing him get closer and closer but no one believed me.” 
Dalton looked over at you, his look unreadable. 
“He’s trying to get me again,” Dalton muttered. “I can feel him.” 
You shook your head. That was the last thing you wanted to hear. You stood up, letting go of his hand. 
“This is bigger than us. There’s this whole other world and you’re going to it and it’s so close-” 
“But if I don’t go to it then-”
“Are you gonna stay awake? Forever?” Dalton shut his mouth. “Repressing the ability didn’t work so what else is there to do but enter the place?” You shivered. Just the memory of your visions sent chills down your spine. “I haven’t seen the demon recently. I’ve just seen you.” 
“Maybe that’s a good thing.” You nodded. You paced, unsure what to do with all the fear in your body. “We just have to wait till the morning, then my mom will be here.” You both knew that might not solve anything. Still, you nodded. There was nothing else to do but wait.
 “I’m staying here with you.” 
“I don’t wanna be alone anyway.” He shook his head, voice far away. This dorm had started to become a safe haven, despite the places your brain went when you were asleep. It felt much better than your own dorm with the roommate you hardly knew. You’d likely be getting a text from her in the morning, wondering where you were again. 
You sat back down on Dalton’s bed. 
“Are we gonna try and stay awake all night?” He shook his head. 
“If I wake up I’ll just stay right where I am.” 
“That sounds easier than it will be.” It was already late, nearly midnight. You were tired and your heart was starting to slow down now that the problem didn’t seem as pressing. You rubbed the sleep out of your eyes but it didn’t do much.
“Are you ready to sleep now?” he asked. You nodded. 
“I really thought I was gonna go to bed early tonight. Looks like I’ll be skipping the test in the morning.”
“I don’t want you to do that. I’ll be fine by myself.” You shook your head. 
“No way. I’m staying here until your parents show.” You yawned. “But I should probably go to sleep soon.” He glanced at the bed on the other side of the room. He knew you would go there automatically if he didn’t say otherwise. He couldn’t exactly explain it but he would just feel safer if you were closer to him. 
He could explain it but suddenly that feeling was scarier then wandering off into The Further. 
“I’ll take that b-”
“You could sleep with me.” You raised an eyebrow at the suggestion. Without so much as a beat you answered. 
“Okay.” He let out a breath. You got up. “Scoot over then.” He looked up at you and your willingness to be so close to him.
“I’ve gotta change.” 
“Then change.” He stood up, walking to his drawer. He shuffled around in there for something acceptable to wear. Usually he just wore his boxers and a shirt but suddenly that felt so revealing. He could see you in the corner of his eye, getting under the covers and getting comfortable. 
You tried to pretend it wasn’t a big deal to you that he asked even though your heart was in your throat. 
“Don’t look,” he said. You made a dramatic gesture of covering your eyes. He took his shirt, facing away from you. You peaked between your fingers, admiring his back as he quickly slipped the other shirt back on. When he undid his belt you covered your eyes again. 
“You can stay awake,” you offered. He turned off the lamp on the desk, leaving only the nightlight. He moved the blankets aside so he could sit beside you. 
“I’m exhausted from finding out my memory was erased.”
“It sounds so dramatic that way.” 
“What would you say?”
“Hypnotism.” He put his head against the pillow, facing you. It was rare you were at eye level. 
“That’s dramatic too.” 
You sat there in silence for a moment. You hadn’t seen his face so close to you since you were kids. It was just like the sleepovers you had when you were a kid, just a little less innocent. 
“Are you scared to fall asleep?” he asked, voice a whisper now.
“Sometimes. Tonight I am. I don’t wanna dream about you.” He should be feeling awkward, being so close to you. Instead he felt more comfortable than ever. 
“Then don’t.” 
“I’ll give it my best effort.” Your eyes were so heavy. They closed without you even thinking about it. 
“I’m gonna be awake a little longer. I think I’m gonna sketch.” 
“Okay Dalton,” you whispered and it sounded so incredibly childlike. He sat up a bit, leaning against the headboard. He grabbed his sketchpad off the table. You nuzzled your head into the pillow. “Do you mind if I use you as a pillow?” you asked quietly. 
“No. Not at all.” 
You moved forward a bit and then your head was on his lower chest, arm over him. He put his hand over your back and suddenly sketching seemed much less important than making you comfortable. 
“Goodnight Y/N.”
Neither of you had set an alarm. 
Renai and Josh showed up early at 7 the next morning, the sun still slowly coming up. Renai knocked on the door, antsy to see her son. She had explained everything to Josh on the way over. He was pleased to find he wasn’t crazy. 
The knock went unanswered. She took a deep breath and knocked again. 
“You don’t think it’s unlocked do you?” she questioned. Josh tried the doorknob. It opened with ease. They shared a look. 
The other bed was still unused. Laying in the other bed was you and Dalton. You were on his chest, a pencil lazily in his fingers. He was hugging you with both arms, cheek pressed against your head. 
Renai couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief. 
“They’re okay,” she whispered. Josh nodded. He wanted to smile at the sight. It felt right. 
“Should we wait for them to wake up?” 
Renai couldn’t help but feel unhappy when Dalton slept. Even years later, whenever he slept in, she was checking on him constantly. 
“They’ll understand.” She approached him, sitting at the edge and nudging his shoulder. He groaned. He was okay. He was there. You nosed your face further into his chest. 
Neither of you had any nightmares that night. Your sleep was as black as it should be, consumed by each other's arms.
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saras-almanac · 28 days
I’ve seen this idea or comment multiple times: That Tommy has no character. Which is either on its own or in connection to not understanding why anyone likes BuckTommy apart from two hot guys together. I’m not going to get into the second one here, but the idea that Tommy has no character is just false and either a completely failure in media literacy at best or a blatant ignoring of canon at worst.  
Now do we know everything there is to know about Tommy? Absolutely not, and I’m not trying to claim otherwise. But I would also point that question to any of the other characters on screen: Do we know everything about Bobby, about Chimney, about Buck, etc? I would say No, we don’t. I think the one we have the most information about is Buck just purely because the framing of the first season being about his growth and also because Buck is just such an open book about pretty much everything in his life and feelings. But even still, I don’t think we know everything about him. And that’s okay!
But back to Tommy—we actually do know a fair bit about him and have seen him grow and develop a bit. When we met him in “Hen Begins” in season 2, he’s not outright rude but he is very much, “not gonna put a target on my back here” because of Captain Gerrard (and/or perhaps because he had already realized his sexuality or was beginning to uncover it). When we meet him for the first time chronologically in “Chimney Begins,” he’s more rude and pretty dismissive of Chimney’s offer of friendship, even actively avoiding him. Again, this could be because of Gerrard, the environment here where it didn’t feel like anyone was really friends per say, or it could be down to what Eli tells Chimney: That these guys are not going to let just anyone in until they prove themselves, especially not a probie.”
However, the thing that shows the most about who Tommy is and his growth is his time in “Bobby Begins,” where it’s clear he’s got a really solid friendship with Hen and Chimney, making bets about the new Captain, going out for drinks, having those looks in the engine as Bobby gets them lost. It’s clear in the narrative in season 2 that Tommy, for all of being in only 3 episodes, has grown and changed a lot. (Which is why I find it so ironic that so many people criticizing this “retcon” of Tommy’s character always forget to mention Bobby Begins where it’s clear that Tommy’s friends with Hen and Chimney. I get that some fans want a full apology, but to me it reads like that probably already happened, or at least a conversation, a clearing of the air. Not everything needs to be directly spoonfed to you.)
Tommy coming back in season 7 has shown a bit more growth, as well as showing us sides of him we haven’t seen before. His patience and kindness with Buck and the newness of their relationship and Buck’s sexuality. His humor being dry and a little dark—“We’re all gonna die anyways” or even him suggesting to give Buck flying lessons because his fees are competitive. He’s open with his vulnerabilities when he feels safe enough to do so—immediately sharing his own jealousy at the 118 to Buck when Buck’s talking about his jealousy, telling Buck he cut the date short because he didn’t want to pressure Buck. To me, it shows maybe more growth or just another side of him because we only saw him in connection to his friends, where as Buck is a love interest.
Is this a lot of information? I guess it depends on what you want. Do we know his favorite color or his interests or how he romantically woos people or what he likes to do on his days off? I would argue that we do know a decent amount of that—he likes monster trucks, I assume watching romantic comedies as his favorite movie is canonically Love, Actually, he enjoys craft beers, knows and participates in Muay Thai, has a car lift in his garage so must know something about cars or mechanic stuff, is a pilot and firefighter, enjoys flying for fun on his days off, and has a trivia / karaoke thing (I’m still not sure if it’s a karaoke trivia or trivia at a karaoke bar, the wording confused me but whatever). Honestly, that’s more information than we have about any love interest Buck or Eddie have ever had when they were just starting a relationship.  
And that’s also a huge point that I think is being missed by these types of arguments: Buck and Tommy are just starting a relationship, as in they are just getting to really know each other. So there is more to learn and uncover about each other. And honestly, we the audience are probably not going to be privy to a lot of that because it’s an ensemble show. So instead, they’ll likely show us that they’re moving forward and getting more comfortable with each other when they do interact—the kiss in the hospital reads to me as two people who’ve been spending time together and getting to know each other a lot more where they feel more comfortable. Hell, even just Buck’s change from his hesitance in episode 5 to his confidence in episode 6 is supposed to show his growth in accepting his sexuality and comfort being with Tommy.
The whole point is that the show sketches the outlines and maybe fills in some spots, but they sort of expect you to be able to still see the bigger picture of things. We know the outline of Tommy and are waiting to see it all filled in. That’s why he’s such an intriguing character and love interest for Buck—because he’s developed enough as his own person but there’s still enough blank spaces to explore with. He is the most developed love interest that Buck’s ever had, but he’s still just become Buck’s boyfriend so there’s still more to learn about him. That’s what dating and being in relationship with someone is: learning about them, their likes and dislikes, and what they are like in relationships, seeing if you’re compatible. So while there is already a massive head start in characterization than anyone else (except maybe Abby but even she wasn’t a fabulously written character and was honestly a terrible protagonist), there’s still more to learn about him and that’s a good thing. And while I can’t speak for everyone who ships BuckTommy, I can say that for me, it’s so fun to extrapolate on the bare bones of character and see how they develop in canon.
Tl;dr: Tommy does have a character. It's just a lot of showing and not telling and some people can't handle that.
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apompkwrites · 2 years
schoenheit stardom || vil schoenheit
masterlist characters: vil (platonic) genre: angst contains: breakdown, cyberbullying, online rumors summary: the story of (name) schoenheit. notes: ah its them the pretty <333 contemplating how much of our beloved brainrot should be canon in these fics, ngl... anyway, short fic short fic! prob need a clearer direction for these but :| parts: [og post] | [schoenheit stardom (1)] | [schoenheit upbringing(2)]
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the lights were too bright. the cheers were too loud. your costume was too hot. your chest felt heavy. ah, and you were shaking, too.
even though the cheers were loud, you couldn't hear them. you couldn't hear any of the words they were shouting as the main actor and actress stepped up center stage, clasping the other's hand and taking a deep bow. and then another. and one more for final measure.
ah, and now you were clapping. your hands hurt. your eyes did too. could someone turn down the lights already? the show had ended already, right? so someone, for the love of seven--
"turn off the lights!"
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schoenheit shame: (name) schoenheit cries out demands during final bow
"what is this?" were the words that awaited you as vil slid the phone in front of you. you squirmed uncomfortably on the couch.
where's father? you wanted to ask, but you bit your tongue. you knew where he was. as per usual, he was off on set doing god knows what part and he would be back at god knows what time. you didn't even know what the show was. or was it a movie?
"did you not hear me?" vil huffed, slapping his hand on the table. "what. is. this."
and that left you alone with your big brother. he was... overbearing, to say the least. not much of a "big brother" character from what you've seen in shows and movies. no, no, no. he was much closer to the villains he hated playing so much.
but you never really did have the heart to tell him that. he was your precious big brother and you knew (or, at least you hoped you did) that he wasn't like that at all. he was just... bad at explaining himself sometimes. yeah, that's all. maybe you were just taking it the wrong way!
"i understand that... stage plays can be a bit overbearing for you," vil sighed, shaking his head. "but you must be able to endure them. you are a schoenheit, after all."
and there it was. the way that the world viewed you was nothing more than another schoenheit. the way your brother viewed you was nothing more than another schoenheit. and you were sure that the way your father viewed you was nothing more than another schoenheit.
that's all you were to everyone. just another child in the schoenheit legacy. except, you didn't live up to those expectations.
you were fairly good at acting, but you knew that most people who cast you only did so to have a famous name in their production. they didn't care for your actual ability. and that eventually led you down the road you were on now. most reviews you saw were criticizing you.
lol how lame.
(name) sucks at acting. really took down the whole movie.
i couldn't focus on the movie. their acting was trash.
you were never good enough for them. you were never good enough for those people because your beloved father and brother were leagues above you. you didn't act good enough like your brother. you didn't act good enough to be a schoenheit.
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SCHOENHEIT SECRET: (name) schoenheit illegitimate?!
magazines were always the worst. gossip tabloids loved to hold onto any juicy theory they can get their hands on. it didn't matter if it was real. it didn't matter if there wasn't a single ounce of evidence. all that mattered was that it would pay and get people talking.
i bet they were picked up off the streets wwww
i can't believe they would actually be related. vil is too good to have any shared DNA with that thing.
they're not related! i worked at the hospital when (name) was born!
they're probably adopted just for attention.
your hands shook, the phone containing the "news" and comments trembling with them. and yet, despite the anguish bubbling in your chest, you continued to scroll. you looked through each and every comment, letting every word soak up and bounce around in your mind. their words all blurred together like flies around a rotting corpse.
"make them stop," you used to whimper to no one. back when you were younger and the comments were few and far between, you would cry out at the slightest bit of rejection from the public.
now it had become your life, your reputation. all you knew were those cruel words someone typed hiding behind a screen. and yet, despite them only being words, it was as if you could hear them screaming at you.
and as much as you wanted to beg for them to stop again, you knew it was all futile. you knew that no matter how much you cried and pleaded, no one would help you.
no one would help you because you were a schoenheit.
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taglist: @brokenncrown @help-meplz @destinationdesignation @rainys-personal-garden @kalims @sxftiebee @luxaryllis @auld-a @the-dumber-scaramouche @ayra2452008 @tinywho-man
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holdinbacksecrets · 2 years
your first i love you with seventeen
“maybe it’s cliche to say you know me best, but it’s true. maybe it’s cliche to say we only live once, but i spend my nights pondering those words, and every time my thoughts end up on you.”
seungcheol: “i told you i love you two years ago when i was drunk, and you never mentioned it. i didn’t forget. it was the first thing i thought of the next morning, and i could barely look at you. did you notice? i’m ready to say it now because i finally believe i’ll be ok if you don’t feel the same way, even though i hope you do.” 
jeonghan: “my best friend slept over last night… you’ve met her... a hundred times it seems, but she started talking about you, and i wasn’t expecting her to. i felt this pride as if the words she used to praise you were somehow meant for me too. i’ve known how i feel, but that moment was laced with something more: something so assuring that the emotion is love. i’ve never known it like i do with you, and i’ve found myself wondering if this is it. it must be, certainly because i think of you with the same enchantment as my favorite things, and i don’t mean the chipped mug in my pantry or the blanket i’ve had for years. i mean the smell of the earth after rain, and the times the clouds absorb the color of a sunrise. my love for you is beyond what i thought was possible to hold in my hand, and yet…” 
joshua: “i feel like i’ve loved you forever. i used to invite you over for dinner when we were just kids, and i’d smile to myself when i made a place at the table for you. i’d ask my mom for the blue cup because it’s the one you’d choose after school… i want that to be my routine for the rest of my life. i want to meet you at the dining table. those years weren’t nearly enough.” 
jun: “you’re the only person who came to my university graduation. i love you. i knew when you fixed the tassel on my cap and kissed my cheek for a picture. i wanted more just because with no camera around. i love you.” 
soonyoung: “your parents invited me into their home so sincerely. your mother held my face between her palms, and i had to close my eyes beneath the intensity of her gaze- her sweet gaze. you squeezed my hand when we filled the living room after dinner. i knew what it meant: a silent you did it, but it felt like the stars. i’m in love with you. i want to talk to your parents whenever they’ll have me. i want to look through all the pictures in their albums on the bookshelf. i want to wrap my fingers around blades of grass in the backyard, reminiscing that night with you beside me, sharing words and smiles in twilight’s breeze. it felt like heaven.” 
wonwoo: “last night you held my hand when i was crying during the movie. i hadn’t realized you spent any time watching me. i swallowed the loudness because i didn’t want you to ask why i was crying harder, but your thumb rubbed my hand like you already knew. since the first day we met, you’ve seen me. it wouldn’t make sense for me not to love you.” 
jihoon: “thank you for walking with me to the grocery store and remembering the things i forgot to add to my list. i love you, and that i’ll always remember.” 
seokmin: “you invited me to the show. you looked at me with so much warmth when you told me you wanted me in the audience. i felt my hands cover my heart when your face consumed the big screen. i whispered my love for you among a sea of shouting, among a sea of people who would understand if i told them, without knowing how deep it goes, without knowing i’ve woken up to your face on a handful of my favorite mornings. i love you.” 
mingyu: “we spent the entire day at the hospital, and i never saw you frown. you asked the questions i didn’t have the energy to. you looked at me after the doctor spoke for my reaction, to see if you needed to step in. i told you for days you didn’t have to come, and i was fine going alone, that i didn’t want to ruin your day off. you never listened. you told me you promised to go the next time you could, and i’m so glad. i wish it didn’t feel this hard to admit when i need someone, but it is. maybe that’s because i came to know the look of resentment in my parent’s eyes, and i’m terrified of you watching me like they have. for now, your eyes are warm, and i love you. i love you for so much more than what you did today, but the final piece slid into place when i saw you in my doorway this morning. you spoke so softly. i was just waking up, but you came over early, said you wanted time to make me tea… make sure i didn’t forget anything. i practiced the way it would sound in the shower: my first, true i love you. i whispered it into the stream.” 
minghao: “my heart kind of hurts when i look at you, but i’ve decided i don’t mind because it goes away whenever you look back or say my name. i’ve come to love my name and brown eyes and you.” 
seungkwan: “this isn’t the first time i’ve tried to tell you how i feel. it happened last year on your birthday. i bought one of those blank cards and filled its white with all the honesty in my heart. but i couldn’t give it to you. i couldn’t make your big day about me. i couldn’t write myself into your memory and tarnish the celebration if you didn’t feel the same way. i kept the card, and i’m ready to give it to you now. if anything, the love has grown, but the words are still… i would write the same ones in this moment for you.” 
hansol: “you’ve eaten so many meals on my balcony; i love you.” 
chan: “there’s something about seeing you do what you love… seeing you on stage. it all comes undone for me in those moments, and tonight was just the same. i have no idea who stood beside me, but i told them i love you. they said they do too, and it made me laugh. it made my heart burst. now it’s time to tell you. i’ve said it a hundred times already, but the meaning’s changed. it continued to grow and bloom, so now there’s all this love—petaled love, pollen love all over my fingers—i hope to share with you.” 
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flameof · 3 months
Okay, Gundam SEED Freedom has completely taken over my brain for the past 24 hours. I ABSOLUTELY MUST GUSH LORE AND PUT IT DOWN SOMEWHERE.
Naturally, there will be major spoilers for Freedom below the cutoff. If you don't want to be spoiled, then TURN BACK NOW, PLEASE.
Okay, we good? Good.
First the lore: A major theme throughout quite honestly the entire SEED series is that of Destiny. Rau le Creuset believed it was humanities destiny to destroy itself, Gilbert Durandal believed humanity would be happiest if their destiny was determined by genetics, and Foundation, the nation introduced in Freedom, follows in Durandal's footsteps, only to a more violet degree.
The main thing that differs Foundation from Durandal is the existence of Accords; basically Ultimate Coordinator MK2. At some point between Ulen Hibiki's initial experiments that created both Kira Yamato and Rau le Creuset, and Durandal being a part of whatever it was when he devised the Destiny Plan (as well as whatever created Rey za Burrel), two particular individuals were a part of the overall scheme. These two were Aura Maha Khyber (the blonde loli), and Lacus' mother.
That's right. Lacus Clyne is an Accord. She, alongside Orphee Lam Tao (blonde dude), were designed with the express purpose of running the Destiny Plan as a couple. Arranged marriage between Coordinators is no big surprise, let's be real. Hell, Lacus was probably genetically coded to be attracted to Orphee, shown in the movie by certain scenes (not show how else to describe them).
But, as you might guess (or know, if you've seen the movie), Lacus still chooses Kira over Orphee. Why? Well, time for some theorycrafting.
It's my believe that the main message of Freedom is one of Nature VS Nurture. Who we are genetically vs Who we are, raised by our environment.
Kira Yamato is a First Generation Ultimate Coordinator, so while he's outstanding compared to normal Coordinators, he pales in comparison to the Accords. But, Kira always said he was more than just the byproduct of Ulen Hibiki's hubris. More than a child of Ulen, he is a Yamato; raised and nurtured by Caridad and Hamura Yamato, after being entrusted to them by Via Hibiki, his mother by blood. Kira's kindness may very well be engrained into his DNA, but it was something he was taught to value by the Yamato's. He could have easily become conceited, like so many other Coordinators, but he didn't.
Just the same, Lacus Clyne, as far as we knew up to Destiny, was raised by the late Siegel Clyne, who almost certainly taught her to value people based on who they are, not what they represent. She can be cunning underneath her cheerful exterior in her youth, but she gravitated towards Kira because he was Kira Yamato; the kind boy who stuck his neck out for a stranger.
A wise dragon once said: Destiny is little more than the sum of our choices. I feel this quote perfectly encapsulates the core of SEED as a whole, not just Freedom. Destiny shouldn't be something chosen for you; it should be something you yourself choose. And in the end, Lacus chose Kira. A common theme in Freedom was the idea of 'Loving someone because you need them', which Lacus herself refutes with "You don't love someone because you need them; You need them, because you love them". Its a sentiment that Kira actually shares, when the woman holding Lacus at knife point threatens to cut our her tongue, or gouge her eyes out, and see if Kira still loves her then, Kira's immediate response... is of course I'd still love her; she's Lacus.
The Destiny Plan, laid out by Durandal, and worked on by so many, like Aura and Lacus's mother, was (ha ha) destined to fail, and I believe it all comes back to the choices two parents, unrelated to each other, made for the sake of their children. Because Via Hibiki got Kira and Cagalli to the Yamato's and Athha's, and all because Siegel Clyne taught Lacus to value the kindness of a stranger, over the power of your destiny.
Funnily enough, I'm remembering a line Kuzzey says back in SEED, about just how much work went into making Lacus's voice the way it is. Turns out; a lot.
It also makes me wonder if Meer Campbell was something of a backup plan, since she sounds identical to Lacus.
Okay, gushing about the new lore done. Now, let's talk about the awesome.
First off: The Immortal Justice is a Shinn Asuka suit, not an Athrun Zala suit. I don't make the rules, but Athrun never sat his ass down in the Immortal Justice.
Next, Agnes Giebenrath can literally be described as 'Coordinator Flay Allster', and I appreciate her for that.
Then, there's all the callbacks to other characters that had passed away, specifically Nicol and Natarle. Those two had complete maneuvers and tactics named after them. They're gone, but never forgotten.
As I mentioned in my last SEED Freedom post, Athrun did stuff with the Z'Gok that would make Char envious. The way Athrun handled that machine made me think he was Master Asia, Undefeated of the East.
Next, as we all well know by now, the way Athrun managed to get one up on the Black Knights' ability to read his mind; by thinking about having sex with Cagalli.
Next! Once more Mu La Flaga proves himself to be the man who does the impossible... by face-tanking FREAKING REQUIEM WITH THE AKATSUKI! Man practically said he had to stop doing that.
Then, there's the new warship, Millennium. Not only is it state of the art, but Murrue, once she starts captaining it, gets her own assault deck where she controls FREAKING GUNBARRELS! The Millennium is a warship sized Moebius Zero!
Finally, for the last thing I want to gush about: Shinn Asuka. Just... all of him. From the fact that he's calmer, earnest, stands up for Kira, drinks his 'respect' juice, and at the end, when he gets the Destiny Gundam back, he faces off against four of the Black Knights, and kicks their asses... WITHOUT TAKING MAJOR DAMAGE. Not only that, but STELLA LOUSSIER makes a comeback, proving definitively that Shinn Asuka is the Kamille Bidan of the CE era, by protecting Shinn's mind from being probed by the Black Knights, freaking them out by going all nightmare on their asses (which is probably just a representation of them being scared by just how much darkness is in his heart), and then immediately followed by him putting the F91 to shame and using the much meme'd about afterimages to kick ass and take names. Shinn may have lost to them before, but only because he wasn't using the machine literally built for him. Also, before I forget, when Shinn went SEED mode during that same battle, the Black Knights couldn't read his mind. Shinn's instincts are just that good.
Okay. I'm done. I've gushed all I can.
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hanasnx · 6 months
some updates while i’m here. i miss you! whether you’re a casual enjoyer of my blog & i see you in my notes, or my mutuals, or my followers, i’ve been thinking of you :) rare vulnerable moment i do cherish this blog and all your well wishes. thank you very much. i was right, typing is a huge strain and taking a break has been very good for my hands, so i’m going to keep at it.
some things:
don’t be afraid to keep sending me asks! they’re a great joy to me, i love seeing a notif in the inbox. i’ve gotten a fair few already that i’m excited to respond to when i can come back.
i did post a fred weasley drabble and not that i have to explain myself but i wanted to say i’ve been watching the harry potter movies. i’ve never seen them in their entirety, and the earlier ones have always been christmas movies in my house so to speak so i figured id give them a fair shot. i did read the books, and i’ve seen bits and pieces of the movies (hence my interest in fred weasley when i was a tween, but seeing him again made me wanna write for him for the first time in years)
also! a very kind anon told me earlier that my response to someone wrongfully making an ai chat bot of my content was an overreaction. it was “not that deep,” i believe was the colloquial term used. so the inherent content theft of ai invading free creative spaces is solved everyone! well done! very special thanks to the anon that let me know i was overreacting towards something i am passionate about and had a strong feeling towards! wow :) i never would’ve seen it like that. genuinely i am sorry anon that you’re ugly irl and your mommy doesn’t love you, which is why you feel like you can’t have a backbone over certain things. maybe you should stop consuming the free content creators provide on tumblr because you feel so secure in criticizing the selfless service <3 it’s giving: “im an old bigot that thinks ppl must be talentless and stupid when they work at mcdonald’s, but i’m still going to eat the food from there.” you’ve been blocked btw so you’re not offended by my use of free will when making free content on the internet for your grubby little hands to get a hold of and your smooth brain to criticize my right to share my personal opinions.
because the internet is the way it is, getting “hate” online has never really bothered me since i’ve always been a person with a large enough platform for years. it’s very easy for me to ignore and block and never answer whoever has decided to send some worthless hate message. which is probably why i almost never get hate anymore but it does happen occasionally. this was different since it wasn’t an attack on me per se, more so someone trying to admonish me for having a fair reaction towards something offensive. so i’m here to tell you it’s alright to treat strangers on the internet as strangers. you’re allowed to reinforce boundaries. you’re allowed to tell people you do not appreciate their actions towards you, and don’t leave room for argument. i am a very direct person, which means i told that person firmly that they needed to delete that ai chat bot they made of my au without my consent. and i did it without remorse. and i was told “it wasn’t that deep.” well it was. and it is. it is that deep because it’s deep to me, and i know it’s something that happens to others and it is that deep to them too. so what’s the problem in it being that deep? there is none :) let things be deep. be sincere. it is very important.
also if you make ai chat bots without creator’s consent when using their content you’re a piece of shit and doing a disservice to the very person you’re trying to exalt. take a step back and reevaluate how ai harms your interests rather than progresses them as well as the creators you claim your respect and cherish. you’re a victim of propaganda, my friend! and i prolly wouldn’t have made this post if anon hadn’t said anything. so maybe they should’ve kept their mouth shut since they didn’t wanna see shit like this so bad lmfao
now that that’s out of the way, i am sending wet fat sloppy kisses to everyone’s lips tell me when you receive them
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