#my anxious ass gets so caught up in everything and I stress about work and money and current events and all the usual shit
loptrcoptr · 8 months
Went and saw welcome to night vale live yesterday! I don’t listen to the podcast anymore really, but I bought a ticket on a whim for nostalgia a couple months back, and I’m glad I did. I kept thinking about how cool this would’ve been for twenty-one year old me, I would’ve died to do that back in the day. It was a really fun throwback (and it hits different now that I live in Weirdass Desertville™)
I think the theme for the rest of 2023 should be “do shit/appreciate shit in 2023 that 2013 me would’ve died over having the privilege to do”
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ciellunee · 7 months
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Pairing- Kento Nanami x reader
Genre- angst, smau, hurt/comfort
Synopsis- Nanami is exhausted and snaps at his girlfriend, making him question if he's even capable of her innocent love?
It was almost 11 PM, and nanami was still not home. You were lazing on the couch, waiting for him to return. Nanami has been a little too busy for the past 2-3 months. You and Nanami have been together for almost 3 years now, and the past few months haven't been the best for the two of you.
Every time you tried talking to him, he'd get really frustrated and snap back at you. You understood his anger and frustrations were due to work stress and let him be.
It's been 13 days since you and nanami held a proper conversation even though you share the mansion. You missed him, his tired face made you worry and you became anxious and depressed. You wanted him to leave the job and find another one, a job that doesn't Overwhelm him like this, but you were too scared to present your views. However, today, you finally decided to voice yourself. This relationship isn't going to doom because of a stupid job!
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You knew he didn't mean it. Kento wasn't one to ever hurt you on purpose, let alone make you cry, but today..... it was different.
You want to understand kento tonight aswell, you want to be a doll for him tonight as well. You want to drag yourself to the bed and sleep again, but something just snaps inside you. Your cheeks feel hot, burning water pouring down your eyes, not even realising you're crying, you try to text him back, to tell him you're not his servant but lover, that you demand his respect and crave his love and attention but you're too exhausted to do that. So you stood there, phone in your hand, throat and eyes burning as you let your overthinking get the best of you. *Did he really think you're selfish?*
You didn't realise when you fell asleep in the living room, on the hard wooden floor, face exhausted and strained, cheeks stained by tears you let yourself cry to sleep and for what? Your lover's text? You felt pathetic, "Of course, he was right. I'm always too much to handle he's tired of me" being your exact thoughts before fatigue took over you and your eyes closed.
At around 2:30, your boyfriend entered the home looking absolutely drained. The bags under his eyes are huge. He's done with everything, just wants to be in his love's embrace while he forgets all about his job.
Entering inside, he is met with a tired looking s/o lying on the floor near the couch. His heart sinks as he moves forward to see her face hot and tear stained cheeks. He really never wanted to see you like this, that's why he worked his ass off so that you would never face any difficulties in life. His precious darling could enjoy her life without worrying about deadlines or getting consumed physically and mentally. Nanami never wished to see you like this. His hands shook as he held you close to his heart, mumbling an apology you're too asleep to hear. "It's all my fault, isn't it? I couldn't be the person you deserve. I always wished that you would never get caught in a life where you'll have to trade that glorious smile off for some money, but I did it myself. I don't even remember the last time I made you smile~ You regret choosing me, don't you?"
His eyes gave up, and the stoic jujutsu sorcerer and monotonous salary man nanami kento was bawling. His body shook half from the fatigue and tiredness and remaining from the fact that he became the person he was trying to save you from. His mind played every memory, every moment you two spent together, every time you made nanami smile. Coming home to such a loving partner was his victory in life. It was his achievement. He wanted to protect you, to save your innocent heart, but now he was in his living room crying, contemplating if he ever deserved someone like you?
The next morning, you wake up in your room, your head aching wildly, but you ignore it and search for the only person you wish to see. Did he tuck you in? When did he come home? Where was he? But you could only find a note stuck to the nightstand. "I've got to discuss something really important with my boss, I'll be home soon. Ps- there's some sandwiches and your smoothie in the kitchen. Love (your ken)"
You blushed as your fingers kept going on your Ken. For some reason, this morning felt weirdly positive. Your heart fluttered, thinking you'll finally get to spend some time with your boyfriend after weeks of him ignoring your presence.
After a few hours, your phone dings grabbing your attention, a message from kento pops up~
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hummingbird-games · 6 months
chatty gemmy cathy tonight (who's STILL procrastinating + fighting the anxiety allegations) 🙂
I leave my additional rambling under the cut for your scrolling needs
LOL okay. So. Aside from meager updates and treats on ko-fi, I'm just way too anxious to make a proper new year post??? I've gotten caught in this loop where I want to spill my guts but I don't want to be perceived. So. knowing that most people scroll by posts anyway allows me the illusion that I'm sharing international secrets WITHOUT me acknowledging that I am sharing international secrets. yeah?
as for what I can share here, I've been working--until right now--very quietly in the background and I get a thrill of excitement every time I touch the outline document?? I am also currently job hunting in the hopes of entraining a new place of employment that allows me to pay bills, fund this funky enterprise, and alleviate the physical and mental stress in my bubble of life. yup. but honestly being a game dev is still somehow cheaper than therapy so that tells you EVERYTHING you need to know kjzsfjsjf)
Confession. I was supposed to fucking REST during the holidays. I was supposed to finish my little reading challenge and spend time with my family, and even if the holidays weren't holi-daying, just focus on my family who I do love dearly and could stand to show it more. yeah um so like I got to talking with some friends??? I mentioned this before lol. but I got to talking. and I got inspired. and then the next thing I knew, I was taking time away from what should have been spent on HSD (if I was gonna be stubborn and careless with said rest) annnnnd started working on Secret Project. or what my sibling calls Secret Project 2025--because I told them that this project wasn't supposed to be worked on until 2025.
Would you like take a guess as to what this secret project that will no longer be secret once I hit the "post" button is?
any guesses?? give up?
Crushed #2. Previously under the working title "Folded" which I wasn't married to, and then renamed to "Loved" as I got deeper and deeper into the draft.
As it stands, Loved is gonna need some more "love" LOL!! Crushed was a very fast process from inception to production, mostly because writing Corey was as natural as breathing once I let go and Let God ☠️ Loved is Jacob's POV and um....listen, I love the guy, and I love him for Corey but fucking damn, his ass needed three outlines, all of my attention and wanning energy, a cry session, touching grass, and then the acknowledgment that the first draft was not going to be the final draft.
I really love how Jacob's POV came to be, I loved getting to know him outside of Corey and as his own character. and I loved being surprised by things in the draft. But it's so heavy. It's. Soooo. Heavy. Once again I found myself writing about grief (because 1) i'm so original and 2) because another story needed to be told authentically). But. I don't want it to be this heavy game when it's released out in the world. So when I have fresh eyes I will return to it and figure out if there's parts of Jacob's story that I missed due to tunnel vision that balances things out. and ofc there will be the fun things of getting beta/sensitivity readers because of Jacob being biracial--I've done research but certain things need more than my eyeballs on it--.
I'm gonna be super honest with y'all...it would be bat-shit crazy and an absolute dream of mine to get this game out to y'all by the end of the year. like december 2024. the only thing that's holding me back is HSD (because again that should have my full attention...Crushed is my baby but more players care about HSD and ahahah that's valid). The only thing--part 2--that's holding my back is funds. I VERY briefly considered a kickstarter but I'm still not built for crowdfunding and I've already had enough bad ideas 3 days into the new year, and I should spread it out more 🤧
but yeah. the reason this was supposed to be a 2025 project?? because I selfishly want to get to keegan and oke's story, and I KNEW that to get there, Jacob's came first. So in my infinite wisdom I decided to start now to be "prepared" to finish Jacob's POV later. and then I sat and wrote out the full draft.
anyhoo. there is so. much. STUFF. I wanna say about Loved, and I'm super proud of myself for keeping it kinda vague here, but I promise that if I suddenly get an inheritance from a dead family member, I will put it to good use in getting Loved done AND share all the swirling thoughts in my head about the game. oh and also be able to pay the sensitivity readers for their time and expertise, damn gemini ☠️
not much to say here except if HSD is the main concern, TKD is the second main concern because I had to shelve this baby twice and HBG is overdue on a sapphic story (yes HSD has lovely sapphic content but as a player you can choose not to interact with it soooooo....)
this one will definitely force me to take initiative and reach out to people for all the roles and I still have Great Fear and Low Brain Cells so once I sit down, review the script, and figure out what roles need fulfilling, we can start cooking with oil!
keeping this very short and very vague, but...one of the things I pride myself on and strive to improve and keep up my skills with AND have been complimented on has been encouraged to be in the spotlight in a very low stakes way, but my brain as decided "no pressure" really means "yes pressure" and suddenly I believe myself to be the Worst Candidate. but I'm believed in and I don't want to let people down so it's just...distractions x 10 until I finally exhaust myself and get to work ☠️
i'll get over it just gotta be dramatically anxious first
GOOD TALK!!!! lol and with that, I think I shall leave tumblr and find a soothing activity to participate in 🤣🙃
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panpanpanini · 1 month
personal venting. stream of consciousness bad feelings
god i feel so fucking paralyzed rn. only a certain kind of slow-burn overwhelmed can haunt me like this and this is exactly it. maybe i'm a bit paranoid but i seem very prone to getting murphy's law'd and this feels like another instance of it....the planets were aligning to turbo-fuck me in these last few weeks or something
my year at this house is up and while i doubt i'm going to get kicked out suddenly or anything i have no idea where i'm going to go after this. thanks to the teeth stuff i'm no richer than i was before, the only option i see (if my pending job thing doesn't go through) is to go back to my parents' place and i really, really don't want to. i'm terrified of finding roommates because in my eyes it is not stable. i have no financial safety net so if shit falls through i'm SOL
on the topic of money, i'm not very well off again. as always. this is still the cause of the bulk of my stress. i lose sleep over financial instability.
additionally i caught something relatively recently so i'm also sick. i always get upset when i'm sick because it's annoying, rather like a runny nose that won't stop, so it's not helping my irritability
(i'm still extra salty too, so i've still not logged back into discord. i realize cutting myself off from socialization at a time like this is not a good idea but i don't want to put more fuel on the fire either)
one part of my taxes were filed with an error and now i have to jump through hoops to get the sizeable return that i'm owed which would really, really help my financial situation. i'm really annoyed because i paid someone else to file them and this should have been easy money for me. it's practically an extra paycheck that would bring me closer to pre-teeth issues balance, now i'm panicking a little that i either won't get it or i'm going to get hit with a penalty or something. fuck the us tax system btw
speaking of which, i have also not been particularly vigilant at my job and now that's biting me in the ass. i haven't been vigilant bc something always seems to get in the way, from subpar hardware to insufficient resources to just me feeling unable to reach out for things. when i get into any kind of trouble at work i panic like crazy and it's exacerbated by the fact that my fucking team doesn't feel like they're doing their own jobs. there's disorganization everywhere and i feel like i'm doing everything and i don't even know where to start - and not only do i not know where to start, my superiors don't know either. i provide my own resources for this kind of stuff because i'm supposed to be the expert and my inexperience in leadership (let alone remote leadership) and unwillingness to work beyond my 8 hours is making this extremely difficult. i realize at least two of these ingredients are my own fault and only i can fix them but christ on a stick i wish i didn't overreact so bad. i'm not going to get fired over this or anything but my stupid anxious body disagrees
i owe artwork to people for my teeth stuff. that's still in progress but i can't go any faster than i am and in these bad times i want so bad to do personal stuff, but feel like i can't before all the owed work is out. good, responsible practice but i'm also dying for an outlet between gatekeeping myself from discord and not scratching the art itch. maybe i should write something since rp was my go-to outlet for years but...argh
i can always tell when i'm having a bad time bc i'm torn between social isolation and indulgence and also thinking about the dishes and showering and brushing and and and just seems so arduous in itself. the only upside is that i seem to be going to bed on time but that's not because i want the sleep, more that i get scared of the night in this condition. it sounds so childish but i notice when my self-confidence wanes the darkness--even in my fully-lit hovel--makes me feel so vulnerable. i don't know man, it's that feeling i associate with living in the country, the impression that you are truly alone and there is nothing between you and god. or something like that. it's weird to feel naked and trapped simultaneously but that seems to be the predicament of the week.
all that said i'm gonna force myself to get in the shower now. there's just a lot of what my brain considers 'serious stuff' happening all at once and i'm easily overwhelmed. maybe i'll feel at least a little better with a clean face
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rareslikespastelpink · 6 months
Uh I've been anxious and stressed all week. So anxious that for the last 3 days my heart was beating a mile a minute, not eating as much and having a hard time sleeping. Been waking up at like 2 am almost every day.
I was so stressed my hair fell out again. It looks like it did pre-cortisone injections and so here we are back at square one with hair re-growth.
Monday I was going crazy because I didn't have the option to drive, but my insurance is so good that they got me into a rental the very next day. The adjuster texted me on Wednseday and my car was towed to the dealer as well same day. So things went smoothly with that.
I know it's gonna cost alot, these kids not only fucked my locking mechanism but fucked up my ignition as well. Don't get me wrong, the battery was probably super dead. But not even my lights on the dashboard came on. Even when it wouldn't start, my lights on the dashboard atleast came on.
Also my smashed in window. Fuck those kids. Fuck you for thinking it's cool to steal a car for a challenge and having no empathy for the person you do this too. You're fucking up that persons lively hood you asshats.
And I don't give a fuck about their brains not being fully developed. They can still be taught that trying to steal someones' car is wrong. I do understand we make mistakes when we're young, but this is a huge no no and a big mistake.
Also fuck Hyundai/Kia for their idiotic dumbass response to the situation. And fuck the US for not making it a law for car makers to put immobilizers in cars before selling them here.
If you try to steal someones' property you deserve an ass beating when caught. End of story. Or shot, either one is fine.
And I know once I get my car back, it's gonna get broken into again. So I'm gonna pay it off by the end of next year and get rid of it. I can't have a liability like that sitting around.
I'm looking at either a nissan rogue or a toyota rav4 or even a volvo sedan. It really just depends.
For now I found a kit that turns your car into a push to start, which these bitches can't steal it. So once I do that, I'm gonna leave the doors unlocked and put a note in the window. Also probably gonna find a way to take the emblems off the car. I'll do everything I can to deter these dipshits.
And since this is such a big thing, it might take a long time for them to get the parts for the car. Just ugh fuck them kids.
The sad part is I live in a relatively safe area rightnow as well. But no area is safe anymore if you have a Hyundai/Kia from these idiots. I've even read stories of the cars being stolen while people are at work.
So yeah got 7k left on this loan. My plan is to do 500 every two weeks, even 400 will do it. I just gotta have a very tight budget for it to work, not even including my debts I need to pay off. But I can do it. Probably gonna need a second job to make it possible, it'd only be 2 days a week though.
Then apply for my systems admin certificate, then after that finishes, apply for college. Have no idea where dating will fit into that, but I'm gonna do online classes. Eh I'll find a way to really make it work. This packed schedule will only be temporary and not permanent.
Also try to find a better paying job next year that has more opportunities for me to advance. This job doesn't have such opportunities and so I'm considering it dead end at this point. But I'm not quitting immediately.
Then I didn't text him because he seemed mad at me on Sunday. And that's okay, but what if I fucked up already? Q.Q
I should not have posted after getting his number or questioned his interest in me. Bleh. But it's okay and it's not that big of a deal. My brain is overthinking way too much of what to say. Just say hi it's blah blah and then go from there.
I don't know I'm just scared and going off the adrenaline from everything that's happened.
Can also just ask him questions about himself since I never really talked to him. But that was all a me problem. But it's okay.
I mean he already pretty much knows everything from reading on here since I'm an idiot. But that's okay as well.
As much as I want to stress over these things. I shouldn't or I'm gonna probably over do it and just make everything frustrating.
Also I really don't want to put anymore energy into posting on here. I'm gonna really stop. I know alot of it was me being anxious, scared, paranoid, unmedicated and not being able to regulate my emotions.
But I'm working on it. I want to be the best me I can be, not just for myself but for the ones I care about as well. It's perfectly okay to show emotion and be seen at my worst. Nothing wrong with that at all. But I want to really get it together and be seen at my best as well.
I'd say I'm genuinely a decent person or atleast I try to be and all that matters is that I try. Like I said, my goal is to be a nice person, stop being passive aggressive and just communicate more, stand up for myself more, mind my bussiness and stop worrying about what other people are doing. If they're not hurting anyone who really gives a fuck?
Also when I get into a relationship be a good partner, even with my tightly packed schedule. Cause' next year is going to be really busy.
My goal is to really flourish and if that's what I want then it'll work one way or another.
But yeah I'm done. I want to put my energy into really making things work. Also try to re-kindle old friendships and strengthen my current ones. Now that I feel a bit more stable, I know it's possible.
And no new years resolutions. I'm just gonna take better care of myself, drink more water and eat healthier. That's it. So bye, will probably be on here to reblog stuff, but that's it.
I'm sorry for anyone that had to deal with crap and my shenanigans on here. 😭
I love you! Q.Q
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earlgreydream · 3 years
fed up.
| bucky x reader | smut |
anon requested. reader comes without permission and he punishes her by edging her everyday for like a week straight & your shitty week at work turns into you acting out at home and Bucky is absolutely fed up with your behavior
a/n: both of these are 🥵🥵🥵
cw: edging, orgasm denial, subspace, etc
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“Watch your mouth,” Bucky warned after the second time you’d been disrespectful to him.
Your week at work had been incredibly stressful. Your boss had yelled at you, you got blamed for not getting things done on time, even when it wasn’t your fault, and you’d been overwhelmed to the point of tears. You were fed up, and it had put you in a bad mood. You were typically sweet, but the stress brought out your bratty side, and you just couldn’t help but let your frustration seep into your relationship. Bucky was not a dom to test, but you didn’t care.
“You can watch my ass as I walk out the door,” you snapped back, and Bucky turned to you, pushing his tongue against his bottom lip like he always did when he was mad.
“Come here.”
“I’m busy.” You didn’t look up from where you were trying to peel an orange.
“Come here, now.”
“I said-” you started, but he was on his feet and behind you before you could finish your sentence.
The fruit was pried from your hand, Bucky having no patience for your attitude. You were flipped so your back was against the counter, and Bucky grasped your jaw in one of his large hands.
“Knock it off with the fucking attitude.”
His gaze was warning, and you could tell that he was getting more and more frustrated with you. The look in his silver eyes was dangerous, a clear indication you were on your way to getting exactly what you wanted.
You glared at him, dead set on acting out. Your mood was sour, and you wanted to push Bucky’s limits. You wanted him to he as riled as you were, not caring about any consequences.
“What attitude?” Your tone was obnoxious, and Bucky couldn’t take it anymore.
He let go of your jaw, stepping back to look at you. Bucky took a second to breathe, and to think through his next actions, bringing his fiery anger down to a simmer.
He knew you were doing this to get a reaction. He was very aware that you were likely doing this to get him to bend you over the bed and spank you, that was usually the endgame to your brattiness. He was tired of your behavior, and he wasn’t going to give in to what you wanted.
He leaned against the counter opposite of you and picked up your half-peeled orange. You watched him finish it, and take a small slice before handing you the rest of it. He glanced at you briefly before walking back out of the kitchen, leaving you stunned.
You hadn’t expected that, and you followed him to the living room, where he returned to the novel he had been reading when you mouthed off to him. You watched him for a few moments before timidly climbing onto the couch beside of him.
His sudden calmness and disinterest scared you more than his anger, and your attitude crumbled to pieces. You were afraid to bother him, but you laid down with your head on his lap as he read. He set his hand on your side, his thumb lightly brushing over your top every once in a while. He got lost in the novel, and you were nearly asleep on him when he finished.
He finished the book and set it aside, looking down to see you dozing on his lap. You woke up as he carefully slid out from under you, and you watched as he went to shower.
You laid back on the couch, sighing from boredom. Your mind started to wander to what Bucky looked like in the shower, soap lathering all over his body. 
You unbuttoned your jeans and slid them down your legs, giving in to how horny you were. You closed your eyes as your hand traveled under your panties, getting yourself off to thoughts of your boyfriend in the shower. 
Bucky leaned against the wall and watched you, lured out by the sound of you moaning his name. He watched as you came around your own fingers, your back arching and a loud, high pitched whine leaving your lips. 
“You’re really trying to get into trouble, doll.”
Fear sparked through your belly at the sound of his irritated voice, and you quickly removed your hand. He was glaring at you, displeased by you coming without permission. 
“I didn’t think you would know,” you admitted honestly, having expected him to take a much longer shower, or hang out in the back of the house.
“No? So it’s okay to break the rules as long as I don’t find out?” 
“Well, no...” the whisper caught in your throat, and he raised an eyebrow at you.
“So what were you hoping to happen?” Bucky was causing embarrassment to spread through you, and you felt like a child being scolded for bad behavior.
“I just wanted to get off, because you didn’t-”
“You were acting like a brat, so I didn’t feel that I should help you.” 
The statement hung in the air, and your plan and deviance collapsed, your plan to blow off some steam with Bucky quickly fell into shambles. 
You didn’t need to explain yourself. Bucky knew your frustrations. Although he was sympathetic, it wasn’t an excuse for your behavior.
The thick silence made you tense, and you swallowed hard, regretting your infractions. Bucky helped you up and told you to go shower, going to busy himself with something else.
You were stunned, opting for a longer shower, a little anxious to face Bucky. When you stepped out of the water, he handed you a towel, waiting for you.
“I’m sorry,” you broke the silence.
Bucky pulled you toward him, giving you a kiss against your wet lips. You looked up at him, and he nudged his nose against yours before speaking.
“Dry off and go lay on the bed. No point in dressing yet.”
You nodded, doing what he asked, feeling sullen. The desire to push back against him and be a brat was gone, faded with his lack of aggression. You were afraid now, unsure of what he was going to do to you, because he certainly wouldn’t let your behavior go unpunished. 
You stretched out on the bed, opting to lay on your stomach, hoping your boyfriend would appreciate the view of your ass. Bucky slid his hands up the back of your thighs, squeezing you before pulling your hips up. 
“Just let me know if it hurts,” Bucky kissed the back of your shoulder before thrusting into you. A sigh escaped your lips and you squeezed the sheets between your fingers as Bucky maintained a steady rhythm, rocking into you and filling you up. 
“James,” you moaned his name, causing him to snap his hips faster against yours. 
You tightened around him, teetering on the edge of an orgasm. You couldn’t get there without any stimulation on your clit, and Bucky knew that. He had memorized every inch of your body, everything you needed, and everything you did. 
Your muscles went limp as you sank against the mattress, letting him pound into you until you felt him spill into the condom he wore.
“James, please,” you begged, pushing your hips back.
“Please what, doll?” Bucky was punishing you now, you realized.
“Please let me come!” 
You had twisted to look at him, and he flipped you onto your back in front of him before stepping off the bed to clean himself up.
“Next week.”
“Next week?” It was almost a scream, and he shot you a look.
“Gotta teach you not to be disrespectful,” Bucky kissed your lips, and you pouted, upset by the aching you felt from your needs being unfulfilled. 
“I’m sorry.” 
He laid down with you, letting you curl up in his arms. He held you tightly, kissing you until you grew so tired you couldn’t stay awake. 
Every day that Bucky got home from work that week, he bent you over whatever surface you were on, fucking you roughly but keeping you from orgasming. By the fourth day you were crying, aching with a more intense need than you had ever experienced.
“Please, I’ll be good, Bucky, I’m-” you whined, tripping over your words as you begged him, only to be shot down with the sweet smile that hid sadistic pleasure of you being denied.
Being denied had put you in an especially subby headspace, and when Bucky was around you clung to him. He made sure to take extra good care of you, knowing you were being good and not getting off by yourself. You’d learned your lesson, hesitant to ever do it again after the week you’d been through.
When it was finally the end of the week, you were almost in subspace from Bucky just picking you up and carrying you to bed.
“You’ve been so good doll, I’m so proud of you,” Bucky kissed you as he laid you down on the mattress, practically tearing your clothes off of you.
“I want to be good for you, James.”
He looked into your wide, glassy eyes, and he pressed his lips against your forehead, reassuring you that you were good, and you made him so happy. You slipped into subspace, your mind clouding up. Bucky recognized the signs, and he kissed you all over and loved on you.
“I’m going to let you come. Sound good, doll?” Bucky hummed against your skin, and you nodded.
“Yes, please.”
He smiled at your sweet voice, dropping between your legs. Your fingers tangled into his hair as his mouth pressed against your sex, his tongue moving through your folds and swiping over your clit. Your whimpers mixed with the lewd sounds of Bucky eating you out, knowing it was the fastest way to get you to come. He loved the feeling of you tugging on his hair, and he pushed two fingers into your heat, dragging against your g-spot while his tongue continued to work at your nerves. 
You were crying his name as your legs shook, the pressure finally snapping and granting you the release you had been so desperate for. His name echoed off the walls as you screamed, tightening your thighs around his head. 
When he drew up, a pleased grin adorned his face. You struggled to catch your breath, the aftershocks sending little jolts through your body. He couldn’t stop smiling at how adorable you were, and you reached up to him with weak arms, wanting him to hold you. You stammered his name softly, still deep in the subby clouds, and he gave in once he cleaned his face.
“I’m coming, doll, no tears,” he hummed, pulling you onto his lap.
“Don’t like it when you edge me,” you whispered, mumbling softly. He laughed and you buried yourself deeper into him, pulling the blanket tighter over the two of you.
“I’m done edging you,” Bucky promised, handing you a glass of water and gently urging you to drink it. He went through all of the steps of your aftercare, his full attention on you as he broke you out of your cloudy head. 
“Next time I’m upset from work, can you just bend me over your knee?” You teased Bucky shyly.
“If you ask nicely.”
You promised to be nice, grinning as he squeezed you in a hug.
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9tzuyu · 3 years
who you are
note: mostly made this for my own comfort, but i do hope it helps and/or comforts any fellow lesbians :]. i normally wouldn’t specify sexualities on any characters because obviously everyones going to feel differently about different characters, but like i said this started off for my own comfort bcs i was hashtag goin through it.
prompt: basically just reader struggling to accept themselves as a lesbian. sorry non lesbians :(
warnings: heavy heavy heavy on internalized lesbophobia. talks about comphet (trying to force oneself to like men) and wanting to be ‘normal’
thank u ally for proofreading <3
not tagging anyone just because i don’t want to trigger :[
. . .
you were wrestling with something, natasha could tell that much. your eyebrows were drawn together, eyes lost in a gaze. it wasn’t until the third time tony called your name when you snapped out of it.
“sorry,” you mumbled.
“well are you going to answer the question?”
natasha noted the tapping of your foot, knuckles cracking beneath the table. it was obvious you weren’t in the right state of mind to be answering any kind of question. foolishly, no one else picked up on that except for the redhead.
“what was the question?”
tony sighed, his patience growing thinner by the second.
“i asked if your report was done. it was supposed to be handed in three days ago, remember?”
your foot tapped faster.
“yeah- yeah, i’m almost finished.”
it wasn’t like you to be so late on things like this, you were usually on top of everything.
“you told me you would have it ready by today. this is the fourth time this month that you’ve done this. you’re dragging your ass and the rest of us are getting pretty tired of it.” a collective agreement could be heard from the team. all eyes were on you waiting for a reply.
if you hadn’t felt anxious before, you most definitely did now.
“it won’t happen again.” tony blew off your statement and rolled his eyes. you shifted uncomfortably, nauseous from all the negative attention.
you couldn’t help but wonder if they knew. maybe that’s why they were being so short. it made sense after all.
natasha tried making her way towards you, but she was stopped by steve’s hand on her shoulder. you were well past gone by the time she managed to scramble away from him.
your back pressed flatly against the wall, tears steadily falling down your face. hatred was all you felt. hatred towards yourself. 
why couldn’t you be like the rest of them? why didn’t you belong? 
granted, you knew there was absolutely nothing wrong with being gay. that was never the issue. the issue was the fact that it was yourself, that there was no possibility for you to ever be attracted to men. 
you were sure it would be a phase, that it would pass, that you would forget about it and never think about it again. you tried to go on dates, tried to form a relationship, tried to enjoy having sex with them. none of it worked, no matter how much you forced yourself to believe it would. 
all you could think about was how sick and disgusting you felt. and the shit representation didn’t help your case at all. the media hardly ever portrayed a good, well-rounded lesbian character that wasn’t problematic, over-sexualized or dead. 
the media only reiterated the fact that you were supposed to want men. you were supposed to find the right guy and fall in love with him, call him your husband and start a family. 
a knock on your door pulled you away from your thoughts. you shuffled your way back to your feet, drying your eyes for good measurement. 
natasha stood patiently, eyes drilled on your doorknob. if it were up to her she’d be picking your lock, but she knew that would be crossing a boundary. she went to knock again when your door swung open. 
“hi nat.”
“hey,” her voice was soft. “you’ve been crying...” she pressed her hand against your face, thumb rubbing the top of your cheekbone. 
you shrugged. it wasn’t like you could deny her, your red eyes had already given away the truth. “yeah.” 
she hummed, “may i come in?”
you hesitantly moved out of the way to let her through, cursing at yourself for finding her so attractive. 
“you know you can talk to me, you always do. why haven’t you said anything?” natasha moved to sit on the edge of your bed. “you’ve grown quiet these past few days, it’s not like you.”
“i’m just tired, worn out from work i suppose.”
she nodded, though she knew better than to believe such a lie. natasha could always tell when you were lying, something you both hated and loved at the same time. 
you sat next to her after a friendly tap on the bed. her gaze made you feel like a little kid in trouble. it was as if she already knew and was prepared to say the worse.
“i don’t believe you.” 
“well, i don’t know what you want me to tell you, nat.”
“how about the truth?” you scoffed purely out of defense. “and what good would that do?” 
“it might relieve whatever you’ve got on your heart.” you met natasha’s eyes and your lip immediately began to quiver.
“i’m afraid you won’t be able to look at me the same.” 
she softened, taking your hand in hers. “there’s nothing in the world that would change the way i see you.”
“you say that now, nat, but-”
“i wouldn’t say it if i didn’t mean it.” 
you thought about it further. natasha had never been one to judge someone based on the things they’ve been through, the things they’ve done or the things that make them who they are. she saw people the way they were, nothing more, nothing less. 
but what if she didn’t like you or see you the way you were? you weren’t sure you could handle the aftermath if that were to be the case. it was bad enough you struggled to accept yourself, natasha’s disapproval would only break you. 
“i’m a lesbian.” a lump in your throat began to form and you found yourself crying once more. “i tried so hard, i tried everything i could think of, but i can’t, i don’t like men.”
you coughed, choking on your words. 
“i don’t understand, nat! i don’t understand why i can’t be normal. why can’t i do it? if i just liked men i would be okay, i would be fine, i would be fucking accepted.” you paused for a breath of air. “i just want to be normal.” 
natasha was taken back by your confession. it was nothing near what she thought it would be. she expected you to tell her you’d been stressed or that you were scared for the next mission. 
“i’m sorry, i-”
the spy quickly cupped your face, tilting your chin upwards as a hint to meet her eyes again.
“look at me, c’mon, hey. you have nothing to be sorry for, don’t ever think that you do. i love you for who you are. there’s nothing wrong with being a lesbian. you’re normal, you’re who you are, who you’re supposed to be. you are real. i promise you are.” 
without thinking you leaned into natasha, clinging on to her for dear life. her arms found their way around your body, hands rubbing your back up and down. 
“you should be proud to be who you are, not ashamed. and if you’re not proud of yourself then please know that i am. i am so, so, incredibly proud of you, sweetheart.” she finger brushed your hair as you continued to cry. “shhh, you’re alright baby. i’m sorry you’ve been dealing with this alone.”
“it’s okay nat.” she gave your body a small squeeze, frowning at your response. “you shouldn’t have to feel like you need to force yourself to be someone or something you’re not. you don’t deserve to struggle so much for your own acceptance as a lesbian.” 
you nodded, though she could tell you weren’t fully convinced. “the only opinions you should care about are your own and the people you love and cherish. i know that’s easier said than done, but it’s true. besides, what you told me just gives me something more to love about you.” natasha finished off with a delicate kiss to your forehead. 
“this means a lot to me, nat. thank you, for everything really.” 
“oh sweetheart i should be thanking you for trusting me with such an important part of you are.” you shied away, a growing smile forming on your face as you leaned into her shoulder.
natahsa smirked, clearly aware of the effect she had on you. “who knew you could be so cute?” 
she rose her hands up in surrender, “alright, alright. i’ll stop on one condition.” 
“what’s that?” you mumbled. 
“would you let me take you out for dinner tonight? i’ll show you just how beautiful it is to be with a woman.” 
“yeah, yes- yes please, that’s fine.” natasha could’ve sworn she heard your heartbeat quicken and she had to refrain from letting out a small laugh at your flustered state. 
“we need to clear that little mind of yours. i’ll be back here at seven on the dot, okay?” a pat on the leg caught your senses as you watched her stand. the last thing natasha heard was the soft “okay” fall from your lips as she walked out the door.
you’d never been happier to be a lesbian in your life by the end of the night. 
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stylesberries · 3 years
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Summary: Harry wins a Grammy. You weren’t able to be there. Or were you?
Word Count: 2.0k
Pairing: Harry Styles x fem!reader
Genre(s): filthy smut
Warning(s): sub!harry, a little degrading, daddy kink (a little different from the usual one)
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“Harry, you’ve got it. You’ve got nothing to worry about, my love.” You spoke softly looking at Harry’s anxious expression through FaceTime.
“I know, baby. I just can’t help it, you know?” He let his eyes fall to the side of the room.
“Harry, you worked your ass off for this album, every song is so special. You don’t need an award to prove it, but please know that you deserve all of them.” You tried to soothe his worries and stress in the best way you could being so far away from him.
“Now go, honey. You have a long day ahead of you tomorrow. Go get some rest, okay?”
Knowing Harry, he would never hang up first because of how much he wanted to keep talking to you. You took it upon yourself to be the one to do so as the responsible one in the relationship.
“You’re right, Y/N. I’ll call you tomorrow before we start, okay?” He smiled softly, looking at you as if you hung the moon.
You looked at him apologetically.
“Baby, I have an exam tomorrow at that time don't you remember?” You spoke to Harry, smiling at him gently.
Your words seemingly made Harry upset. However, he tries his best not to show his obvious disappointment.
“Oh. Yes, I remember.”
“Harry, right here,” Jeff spoke, leading Harry to their table after Harry’s performance.
“Ah, yes okay.”
Harry followed right behind Jeff, his mind far from the said table.
Anxiety and worry filled his thoughts and he felt little to no relief as he didn’t get to speak to one person who could soothe his overflowing brain activity.
You’ve got nothing to worry about, my love.
“I’m okay. I’ve got nothing to worry about. We will talk after she’s done with her exam.” Harry spoke under his breath.
He sat down at the table next to Jeff after greeting everyone and waited for the announcements of nominations and winners in each of them.
Throughout the nominations, Harry kept checking the time to see if he would be able to get a text from you at least. However, no matter how much time passed he saw no notification from the person he most wanted to see them from.
“And the Grammy goes to,” the announcer paused as Harry struggled to get his thoughts together.
“Watermelon Sugar - Harry Styles!”
Snap out of it. Snap out of it. Snap out of it.
Harry kept looking at his lap, struggling to comprehend what’s happening around him.
He turned to Jeff with disbelief written across his face, the thought that kept swirling in his mind being:
“I wish I could hug her right now.”
“Aren’t you coming in?” Harry asked Jeff as he exited the car, his hand wrapped under his new Grammy.
“I’m not. Enjoy the night, man. You deserve it.” Jeff spoke weirdly as he closed the door behind Harry and waved at him with a suspicious smile on his face.
“Enjoy my night? Don’t you want to come in and drink with me a bit befo-” Harry spoke as he watched the car with Jeff in it drive off.
Harry stood dumbfounded by both Jeff’s words and his sudden departure.
“Well,” He thought as he shrugged and turned to walk towards his house. Keys kept jingling as he turned them to unlock his door.
Walking into the dark hall Harry turned back to lock the door behind himself and take his shoes off to walk through the house towards his room.
As he reached the door to open it he saw a small light in the dark of the room.
Completely confused now, he saw a lit candle on the floor in the middle of the room.
His first thought was to walk to it and blow it out, forgetting to turn the lights on, too busy thinking about the mysterious candle in the middle of the room.
Bowing down to the candle, Harry took it in his hand and blew it out.
The moment after he felt darkness overwhelm him as a wet tongue pressed itself against his neck.
Horror wrapped itself around the man’s frame before being replaced with comfort as he felt a familiar scent enter his nostrils.
“Y/N,” Harry called out for you in the dark, with a need to be enveloped in you.
“Mhm? How’s my Grammy winner doing?”
“I missed you so much,” Harry spoke to you as he tried to get up and turn to hug you.
“Ah-ah, Harry. I still have some business with you here.” You spoke as you wrapped a blindfold over Harry’s eyes and kissed him on the cheek.
“Fuck. You’ve got something for me?” Harry asked bowing back down with his back turned to you.
You wrapped your hand around the front of Harry’s neck squeezing a little to earn a light groan from him.
“Maybe I do.” You spoke, feeling him squirm as his body was now pressed against your chest.
“Oh, baby. Look at my good boy! Why are you squirming so much?” You kept teasing Harry as your hand tightened its hold around his neck, blocking the air from entering his lungs.
“Ah,” was the only sound Harry managed to push out of his chest as he felt his head lighten.
Your other hand wandered down to his chest. Harry was still fully dressed in his suit but you didn’t mind it. Your hand fell upon the growing bulge covered by the fabric of his trousers.
“Mhm!” Harry whined loudly as he felt your touch, not being able to see anything only made him more sensitive to every little touch of yours.
“What does my boy want?” You ask Harry, moving your hand up and down his boner.
Harry kept whining as he expected you to take action already. However, you had other plans.
“Come on, Harry. Be a good boy and tell me what you want me to do to you. It’s your day so I won’t be too strict. Just tell me what you want me to do.” You spoke right into his ear, hearing a faint moan leave their home between his lips.
“I-,” Harry tried to speak, only to have his dick squeezed to a point where he couldn’t say anything aside from gasping like a little bitch.
“Yes? What was it?” You asked him, releasing the tight hold you had around his dick.
Gasping for air, as he was still being choked by your other hand, he tried to speak again.
“Please,” Harry started, not feeling you squeeze him this time.
“Good start, baby. Continue.” You spoke sternly as you waited for the man in front of you to finally push out the words you’ve been waiting for.
“Please touch my dick, daddy,” Harry whispered the last part, almost to himself.
Your hand stopped moving, as the other one loosened around his neck.
“What did you say?” You asked, taken aback at the word he called you.
Harry froze, his eyes closing under his blindfold.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t-” He spoke fast, wishing he didn’t say anything in the first place.
“What did you call me.”
At this point, it wasn’t really a question. You wanted him to repeat himself.
“Daddy.” Harry caught on pretty quickly, knowing exactly how your voice changed when you were getting more and more turned on.
“Hm. Daddy, huh? If only all the people who watched you perform today knew how much of a filthy slut you are.” You finally pulled his dick out of his pants and pushed your other hand’s fingers into his mouth.
“Ah- daddy please,” Harry muffled around your fingers, swirling his tongue as he spoke.
You stroked him fast right from the start, only stopping to pull your hand to your face and leaning over his shoulder to spit onto your open palm and go back to stroking him.
“Fast,” Harry whined as you didn’t slow down, making his head swirl.
“I’m not slowing down. Filthy whores don’t get to choose when they cum. You cum when I tell you to.” You spoke into Harry’s ear, your lips against his skin.
Whines kept getting louder and louder as you kept stroking faster and faster, watching as the man in front of you fell apart against your chest. His breathing became sharper and his hips started following your hand’s movements. Normally you would’ve punished him for not staying still, but today was a special day, so you would let it slide.
“Harry?” You asked, as your hand moved faster, if that was even possible at this point.
He didn’t have any strength in him to answer you as his moans were the only sounds he could make now.
“I will count till three and you will cum for me.” You spoke, your words full of domination.
“Three.” You ignored his desperate want to postpone his orgasm, as he was still on the way to reach his high.
Harry whined, desperately trying to concentrate on the feeling of you stroking him to try to cum to your count down. The sensation was so overwhelming that he felt ringing in his ears and spit running down his chin around your fingers.
His writhing quickened as he was trying to catch up with you, who was obviously not giving him any time whatsoever. Your hand did not give him a single moment to rest and showed no mercy to his sensitive dick and its almost-red tip. Precum was being smeared all over his tip, mixing with your spit as his tears were mixing with his spit.
It was so much but almost not enough. He wanted more. He wanted to cum all over your hand as he was desperately trying to for twelve minutes already, his oversensitivity standing in the way.
“One. Now.” You spoke into his ear, your words wrapped in authority.
A forced orgasm flushed over Harry’s whole being as his eyes rolled back before closing and his breathing became heavier. It felt as if he was washed over by a big wave that showed no mercy to his weak body, pushing him under its waters, as if wrapping him in a warm duvet. His hearing only allowed faint noises to reach his brain, and even those were heavily muffled by the ringing in his ears.
A faint voice finally reached him after the third try. Immediately after he felt the blindfold being tugged off of his eyes and light moonlight entering his vision.
“Is everything okay?”
She spoke with such gentleness and love, genuinely worried for him being in this state of stun. However, the authority was still present in her voice.
You had already pulled your fingers out of his mouth at this point, your other hand living his tortured cock as well. Pressing your lips against the crook of his neck, you kept looking over his shoulder to watch his eyes start to open, his breathing going back to normal.
“Are you feeling good, baby?” You spoke once again, knowing well he didn’t hear you last time.
“Mhmm. So nice, daddy.”
The little shit enjoyed riling you up just as much as you enjoyed taking the result of his riling up out on him. A knowing smirk fell upon Harry’s face as he waited for you to give his hair a painful tug he always enjoyed.
He wondered what other pleasures you would bestow upon him on this special day.
“I hope you understand that the only reason I’m taking it easy on you today is the fact that it’s an important day for you, okay?”
“That’s one more reason why you shouldn’t take it easy, daddy.”
Pushing your buttons was his favorite thing to do because he knew what followed right after.
“On all fours.”
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© all right belong to stylesberries. do not repost or modify.
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zambie-trashart · 3 years
Caught in My Chest 2/2
Marinette looked around her classroom taking her seat in the back and no one even gave her a second glance except Adrien.
"Marinette, since you missed so much class I can help you after school today if you feel up for it," Lila said sweetly before fake wincing. "Or maybe not my port has been acting up lately," Lila said crocodile tears coming to her eyes.
"Port?" Marinette asked and Alya glared at her from the front of the classroom. "Wouldn't that mean you have..." Marinette started holding her right arm where her piccline was.
"Go on Marinette ask her!" Alya yelled holding Lila close.
"But that's, I just..." Marinette started. "I was just discharged from the hospital with Hodgkin's Lymphoma," Marinette finally said and all faces turned toward her.
Never before had Marinette seen the class so mad at her all because of a lie. How Lila had gotten a hold of this information was unexplainable but the fact that she would turn it around was unspeakable. "I can't believe you would say you have cancer just to try and show up Lila Marinette! You know she was recently diagnosed!" Marinette's breath was caught in her chest and she felt like she could never breathe again. Adrien stood up red faced and shaking.
"You're all idiots! Lila has been playing you since day one and the only reason why I haven't said anything is because I didn't have any proof," Adrien said and Marinette looked at her former crush in shock. "If any of you even bothered to do some research you'd know what a monster she is." Lila looked at Adrien angrily.
"What do you mean proof?" Lila asked trying to keep up her hurt persona.
"Medical records," Adrien said slapping them down on the table. "Also the fact that Marinette here has been in a healthy relationship with Damian Wayne for almost a year now and the fact that he is paying for her treatment and housing her after you turned her parents against her is another factor." Lila's face started to turn red.
"You have no right to go through my documents," Lila said picking up the files.
"I mean if there were any there, your bill of health has been clean for years Lila, Marinette's on the other hand not so much," Adrien said. "That's all I needed to say, we can wait and do more have later when Damian gets here but I can't say he'll be as nice about it. Marinette is the only family I have left and I'm not going to let you drag her through the grass anymore," Adrien added going to sit in the back of the classroom next to his friend.
"You didn't have to do that," Marinette said leaning on his shoulder. "But I appreciate it kitten," Marinette said winking and Adrien knew he was busted.
"I'll always be here for you M'lady," Adrien said and class started without delay.
Lunch rolled around and everyone was conflicted, Lila had lied to them about a deadly illness about so much, and Marinette, who they treated like garbage, was the one who was really sick. A large sigh could be heard from the door and two boys with black hair stood in the doorway one pushed sunglasses to the top of his head smiling and the other's face was stone cold.
"Alright, students of Francois Dupont, my name is Dick Grayson and today we're going to be talking about some certain behaviors of slander toward our name," Dick started and the whole lunchroom froze. "Recently we have heard from a patient of our program to help cancer patients around the world that there has been some issues, we are here to clear that up." Students suddenly noticed that he was reading from a screen on his wrist. "I sound like a robot," Dick whispered to Damian who rolled his eyes.
"Furthermore, patient 13078, Marinette Dupain-Cheng of the Wayne Foundation clinic was taken under our care at time 4:37 on March 30, 2021, she was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma and moved to urgent care on April 2, 2021, after a biopsy on the first of April, 180 days of treatment are being provided and paid for in full. Lila Rossi who is not a patient of the Wayne foundation clinic has been seen harassing the patient which can cause stress levels to increase and therefore panic attacks which lead to trouble breathing and a shutting down of her lungs or windpipe in general if Miss. Rossi does not comply with our orders or removal from the school and distance from Miss. Dupain-Cheng, then we will be forced to take more forceful action..." Dick continued.
"Is this really necessary? Just stop messing with my girlfriend and apologize you assholes," Damian said and Dick sighed putting his arm down.
"Marinette, we know that things will never be the same but we're here to fight this with you," Alya said and Marinette felt tears well up in her eyes. Even if these people had been nothing but cruel to her she still wanted their support.
"We'll help you in any way we can dudette," Nino said wrapping an arm around her shoulder.
"That really means a lot guys but I need time to get over this with people who are truly going to be at my side, I'll appreciate everything you do though," Marinette said getting up and walking over to Damian with Adrien following close behind.
"You did what you thought was right beloved," Damian said and Marinette just smiled sadly. Damian looked over her head at Adrien who stared right back. "I think I know someone who might be able to make us all feel a little happier during this time, I'll see what I can do," Damian said leaving the superhero duo together to call a friend who could certainly bring the sunshine into Marinette's life again.
"A lot is about to change kitty," Marinette said holding the blond's hand watching Damian talk on the phone.
"180 days of fun M'lady," Adrien responded and suddenly a boy landed next to Damian and ran over to Marinette.
"Ready to kick some ass future Mrs. Wayne?" the boy asked and Marinette just chuckled blushing. She could already feel the weight being lifted off her shoulders.
The first few weeks were hard, she had to work to stay awake and study, keeping up with others was becoming a challenge.
The second month was painful but then again there was poison in her body constantly being flushed in and out.
The third month, radiation started, she was scared but she knew it had to be done.
Month four, she was almost done they said maybe even healed soon.
Once they had the caner isolated, she just had to have that laser there and then, hopefully, it would all be over.
Marinette had 180 days of meeting Damian's self-proclaimed best friend Jon by her side being whatever he needed her to be, she had the best partner she could ask for who was there to talk to her whenever she was scared, and she had Damian, her rock in the ocean.
When Marinette went into the doctors office and read off her paperwork, tears flooded her eyes as she bit her lip trying to contain her smile.
She was cured. Sixteen years old and she fought cancer and won.
She walked into school looking at the anxious faces of her peers.
"I've wanted to tell you something that I've known since the beginning of treatment, I'm moving to America after this was over, there's something about being here that makes me feel tied down. I did it, I fought and won a war far bigger than myself but somehow there's still something that I feel like I need to do or say, like there's something caught in my chest," Marinette said smiling sadly. "Lila never said anything, and that's what stings the most but I know I leave you guys as better people and you'll never make the same mistakes again, I want you to know I forgive you, every one of you." Marinette looked over her classmates one last time eyeing their expressions of tear-filled faces. "I have a flight to catch, bug out," Marinette said taking Damian's hand and walking past Jon and Adrien at the door and out of the school.
For the first time in a long time, Marinette felt her heart flutter as she took a deep breath and got on the plane.
a/n: This was such a hard story to write for me and I'm so happy to anyone who is reading and hope you enjoyed this experience. It has actual factual information in it and maybe you might have even learned something which would be cool huh? I hope to end up like Marinette in the next 163 days. thank you for reading
Taglist is closed due to story being complete: @hateswifi  @crystalangelluna @liquid-luck-00 @thatonecroc @ive-tumbled-down-a-rabbit-hole @professionalfangirl1738 @mochegato @wannajointhecrabcult @ranger-gothamite @moonspiritwolf1 @mochinek0 @toodaloo-kangaroo @ash-amg @enchanted-nerd @mewwitch @zorua-adorable @jumpingjoy82 @coolspidermanmusicflower @yazz-frost  @bugsy05 @rhetoric-question-mark  @myazael @rosep16 @elmokingkong @kking13 @heaven428 @vixen-uchiha @arcticfox487 @toodaloo-kangaroo @battybatbat 
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no-shxt-sherl · 3 years
late night banter
AN I’ve started writing this short imagine a few months ago and finally found the motivation to finish it. I hope you like it.
Summary Corpse’s significant other had a bad day that lead to a spa-session with lots of fluff.
Warnings fluff. lots of fluff (i think)
The days in quarantine seem to be longer than normal. It’s like time is no longer passing in its regular pace. I’ve been up and about all day and work just hasn’t been treating me well today. On my way home I decided that I would treat myself today and call it a selfcare-day. Making some final purchases on my way, my face began to light up a bit more as I neared the all familiar apartment complex. As I was walking into our shared apartment, I could already hear my boyfriend talking in the next room. He is playing video games with his friends and I usually make it a habit to not disturb them. I’m just dropping my bag on the counter and kick of my shoes. Feeling more at ease, I go into the kitchen to make me some tea and to check my socials for anything new going on.
After a few minutes, my tea is ready to serve.
“Babe, is that you?”, he shouts.
“Yeah, it’s me, Bubs!”, I shout back over my right shoulder.
I slightly grin when I hear his soothing voice. That man is my kryptonite, my comfort person. As I’m putting sugar in my tea, I feel two strong arms wrap around my waist from behind. He nuzzles his face into the crook of my neck and I simply lay my head back against his and close my eyes.
“I missed ya”, he speaks into my neck while embracing me tighter. I place my hands on his and begin to draw small circles.
“I missed you more, bubs”, I answered with my eyes still closed.
We stayed in this position for a few minutes and my mood was getting better and better. His hugs work like a stress reliever. I can literally feel the weight falling off my shoulders as I fully relax into his touch.
Feeling stripped of the negative energy that surrounded me before, I turn around in his embrace and sling my arms around his neck. Still smiling, I look into his eyes and admire his beautiful features. I reach one of my hands into his slightly curly hair and pull him down to me, so that our lips connect in a sweet movement. He rearranges his hands on my waist to my lower back and pulls me into him even more. Smiling into the kiss, he begins to shower me with sweet little pecks to my lips and the rest of my face. With an even bigger smile on my face, I welcome the swarm of butterflies back into my stomach and try to playfully escape his lips’ attack. It is sheer unbelievable how I still feel the same as when we first met. He is just meant to be with me and I with him.
“Is your game already over?”, I ask him as I lay my head back to look into his eyes again.
“No, we’re having a pee break just now”, he says still holding me tight.
“You should go back then before they’re wondering where you have wandered off to, bubs”
“Don’t worry about them. They’ll survive. You’re more important”, he answers while taking my face into his hands and planting another kiss on my forehead. I close my eyes and smile into his soft touch. Lifting my own hands up, I place them on his. With my eyes still closed, I grab his hands and bring them down between us. I look at him again and see the worry in his eyes. He was starting to get anxious. With my thumbs, I draw small circles on the back of his hands while holding up our eye contact, trying to reassure him.
“Don’t worry about me. I was going to the bathroom anyways to have a little selfcare-session. Just go back to your game. I’ll be okay. I promise”
I reach up to give him one more kiss to convince him to just go back to his friends and then try to walk away from him. As I was about to turn my back to him, he reaches for my hands and kisses my knuckles. He might not be the best with words, but I know exactly that he is trying to tell me with his actions that he is here for me. I give him an appreciative smile and let go of his hands.
I don’t know how much time has passed since I’ve entered the bathroom, but I took my sweet ass time in the shower and finally dressed myself in fresh and comfy clothes. With my music on full volume, I didn’t notice him standing in the doorway of the bathroom, watching me while I was putting on my face mask to continue my spa-like evening. I was in my own zone and completely gave myself to my music, meaning hips were swaying and my own music video choreography was getting performed. My mood entirely shifted to the better.
Just as I was getting to my favourite part of the current song, a low chuckle caught my attention. I turned around and saw him leaning against the doorframe of our bathroom door with his phone in his hand, its camera focused on me. As I got a look at his face behind the phone, I saw him smile. I love his smile. It took a while for him to fully open up to me and give me an honest to God, almost child-like smile. First time I made him laugh, like laugh for real, I knew he was it. He is my human, my other half.
“Bubs, stop!”, I said, laughing and blocking my face from the camera’s view. He just chuckled again and put away his phone.
“This will be a nice addition to my little collection”
Not knowing what to answer to that I just playfully stuck out my tongue at him which made him smile once again.
“You can be quite childish sometime”, he said while still leaning in the doorway.
“I don’t know what you mean by that”, I said playing dumbfounded while slowly making my way over to him. He didn’t see it coming. As I was finally standing in front of him, I grabbed his head and rubbed my cheek against his. He started to laugh and tried to half-heartedly squirm out of my grip. When he noticed that I won’t let go of him, he started to tickle me. Both of us were just a laughing mess at this point.
I surrendered after a few minutes of his sweet torture and squirmed out of his touch to get a good look at my work. My face mask smeared all over his face as I had planned. He looked ridiculous with light blue stripes of facemask all over his face. I laughed at his dishevelled state.
“Oh, I’m so sorry, bubs. Was that me?” I made fun of him. He just looked at me amused.
“I guess now that it’s already on, we can both get a face mask together” I said all smile-y and innocent, as I turned away from him to grab the container with the facemask in it.
“You could have just asked me to join you, baby” he whispered in my ear as he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I looked up into the mirror in front of us and saw how he smiled at me.
I turned around in his embrace and planted a small kiss on his nose. He scrunched his nose in reaction to my gesture. He looks cute that way. Corpse returned my affection with a small peck to my lips. My heart skips a small beat as we just look at each other in silence. I love him so much. I’ve never felt so at ease with another person in my whole life. He has my heart, my soul, my everything.
“Let’s get our spa night started. My face mask won’t put itself on, babe” he said while bumping his nose against mine. I grinned and started to spread the face mask evenly on his face. Tracing his features and taking in his whole face, as I do so often. He is beautiful.
As I finished putting on the facemask on both our faces and started cleaning up the bathroom, I could still feel his gaze on me. I turned to look at him and raised my eyebrow questioningly. He just smiled back at me.
“I can’t believe how lucky I am to have you with me. I was always convinced that everything in my life is just temporarily - love, friendship, fame – but for once, I feel like this is gonna be permanent. You will be permanent in my life. I never wanna lose you”
I was used to his sudden outbursts of affection but this confession did catch me off-guard. It’s not like we never said that we loved each other. We made each other understand through other non-verbal methods. We know about our mutual feelings, but we’re taking it slow because we both get overwhelmed too easily. I know about his fears and insecurities and he knows about mine. Nonetheless, we never directly talked about our future. I felt my heart grow bigger with every ongoing second. I want this - us - to be permanent as well. He is my home and I wanna be his.
“I love you”
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unprofessional-bard · 3 years
Have it Your Way
Unprofessional Bard's Masterlist
Request: yooo you should totally do a nsfw bigby wolf x f! reader 👀 Mr. Wolf going apeshit bc of work stress is lit
Pairing: Bigby Wolf x Female!Reader
Warnings: A lil bit of tension, then pure smut with (fluffy?) after care: Rough oral (m! receiving) and unprotected vaginal sex + fingering & Bigby going beast mode, so a lot of biting and scratching~
Summary: The sheriff is more than grateful to find you in his office after a rough day at work.
Word Count: 3.521
Author's Note: I got a little carried away while writing this sjsnsjdnjss I hope y'all enjoy reading this as much as I did writing it 😅
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Out of the corner of your eye, you see a fast approaching figure to where you were standing. You raise your head to see it's Bigby and he looks- well, pissed.
"Finally," You sigh as his steps slow down when he sees you. His knuckles are bruised and bottom lip cut, not to mention the bandages wrapped around his forearms and elbows. His frown dissolves just a little bit when you show your concern to him: "What the hell happened?"
"Woody happened," He growls and walks into the office before you can reach for his hands to take a closer look at his wounds. You follow him inside quietly and close the door. "What are you doing here, anyway? It's late."
He's right, it's around midnight and it was a little uncharacteristic of you to show up this late and at his office, instead of his apartment.
What you and Bigby have... it doesn't really have a proper name. Two people enjoying each other's company is a light term, fuckbuddies is a little vulgar for the both of you. There's sex, a healthy amount of it, but not too much romance. No romance at all, in fact. You weren't dating or anything, friends with benefits would be the closest term. People probably guessed you two had something going on, but it lacks certain emotions and behaviours to confirm their thoughts.
And you're okay with it. He's a bit of a wreck, truth be told - being this town's sheriff takes its toll on him, but by the gods he's one attractive man. Your relationship with him fit his aesthetic well, too. Surprisingly you hadn't caught feelings for him yet, but seeing him all beaten and tired like a puppy made your heart ache. You felt a strange responsibility of taking care of him, not like a wife and certainly not like a mother... but the instinct was there.
"I've been trying to reach you the whole day," You say calmly, not wanting to get on his bad side. "I got a little worried."
"I was out," He lights a cigarette and turns around to face you, leaning against the desk with crossed arms. "Nothing I can't handle... the usual stuff."
"You okay, though?" You take a step forward and take his chin in your hand gently, studying the cut on his bottom lip. "Come back to my place, I'll take care of this, hm?" You say, indicating his wounds. "If you want, of course."
His frown is still present and he senses that you're afraid: Afraid of pissing him off more and tries to calm himself for your sake, to no avail. He's confused about your sudden closeness - not physically, but because of your offer. You? Want to take care of him? We didn't agree to catch feelings, he thinks and his nose scrunches up with curiosity, trying to understand what was going on.
"Why? Are you a nurse and not telling me?" He takes a drag from the cigarette, but his tone comes off more annoyed than teasing and he notices the shift in your tone when you reply.
"Christ Bigby," You roll your eyes and turn around to leave. "If you want to be alone, just say so."
Before you can reach the door handle, he grabs your wrist to stop you, turns you around and places his hands on your waist. Your annoyance dissipates the moment his eyes lock with yours: "I didn't say I wanted to be alone..." He pulls you closer while pushing you against the door, then places a ghostly kiss on your jaw: "I need you."
"Here-?" You try to ask but when he lightly bites on that soft spot he knows so well on your neck, you interrupt yourself with a quiet gasp.
"Here..." He growls, suddenly gets impatient and kisses you deeply. His tongue is quick to find yours and you wrap your arms around his broad shoulders, which he takes it as his cue to grab your thighs and lift you up. Another gasp mixed with a soft moan leaves your lips when your core brushes against his erection - you'd worn a slip dress before going down to his office, so his hands easily sneak under it to push it up until your upper thighs reveal themselves to him. He was too busy giving all his attention to your lips that he was caught a little off guard when his growing erection met with your clothed pussy.
You're a little overwhelmed by how he's trying to hold back, because he's angry and clearly wants to blow off some steam, but doesn't want to hurt you in the process - it excites you and you want him to be rough, actually, so you bite his bottom lip when he digs his fingers into the soft flesh of where your thighs meet your ass. He pulls back suddenly and for a terrifying moment you think you bit the cut part- you didn't mean to hurt him, but luckily he doesn't seem hurt but rather bewildered.
He holds your gaze for a torturous few seconds and you just squirm against him impatiently: He hears your heart rate pick up and it's because you're excited, so he asks: "You want it rough, sweetheart?" You nod in fast motions, expression somewhere between desperate and aching and it makes him harder, if that was even possible. "You sure? I won't be gentle-"
"Just fuck me, Bigby," You whine, to his surprise. "You're angry: Go ahead, take it all out on me."
You feel his growing nails dig into your skin, then he kisses you once more, rougher than any kiss you shared with him.
There's a moment when you're spontaneously turned on by one another: The thought of him fucking you until you forgot your name made you literally anxious (in a good way) and to see you this hungry for him drove the sheriff absolutely crazy, which made him rougher and it made you... It's like a vicious cycle.
Your hands are trembling as you devour each other against the door, a desperate need to fuck overcomes the both of you. It's as if, the seven deadly sins were demons and Lust had possessed the both of you. Bigby groans and bites your neck and for a moment you swear his fangs had grown sharper - it startles you and makes you moan.
"Lock the door," Bigby growls into the crook of your neck and drops you after you nod in his arms. You hear him clear his desk at the speed of light as you turn to lock the door, but before you can turn back around, he grabs your hips and places kisses along your shoulders. The heat radiating from your body makes him go, quite literally, feral.
"Up," He murmurs after he turns you around harshly and you don't waste a second to jump into his arms. He carries you to his desk with three steps and places you on the empty spot like a trophy. He admires you for a brief moment, admires how ruined you looked and grins to himself: It was all because of him.
You snap him back to reality when you grab his black tie and pull him towards you, placing him between your legs and kissing him. It's a lot more messy this time, all teeth and tongue as he tries to pull his erection out of his pants.
Just then, there's a knock on the door: "Bigby?"
"Bigby, are you alright?"
It's Snow White. The both of you go incredibly still and Bigby feels himself get soft at the sound of her voice.
"I'm busy, Snow!" He growls, angrier than before.
"Is everything okay? I heard a-"
"I'm on a call, can we talk later?" He speaks loudly and you bite your lip at how unfortunate you two are and to calm your breathing down.
"Okay, sorry," She sounds a little offended, but you could care less, because Bigby leans back and away from you after she returns to her office.
"Charming," You take a deep breath then stand up. Bigby looks a little embarrassed and you feel a little awkward, but immediately come up with a solution. Instead of speaking, you pull him back towards you, slowly, by his belt until your back hits the edge of the desk. He gives you a quizzical look, but you just smirk: "We're not done yet."
You keep eye contact when you drop onto your knees not a moment later, and he almost chokes at the sight. He lets you pull his cock out of his pants as he puts his hands on the desk to lean on for support. Your touch (and the view alone) is enough to make him go harder by the second and his knees buckle when you pump him a couple of times. If it were up to you, you wouldn't rush it and take proper care of him, make him sing for you- coax it out of him rather than rush him, but the sheriff was impatient at the moment- and so were you.
A broken moan leaves his lips when you place a kiss on the tip of his cock and take him in your mouth right after. You see him struggling to stand still and his eyes close as you start to bob your head in a steady rhythm, taking more of him with each move forward. You moan around him at how big he felt inside your mouth- not that it was a new feeling or anything, but his cock was a delight anywhere inside you; especially when he hits the back of your throat, just like he did now.
An animalistic growl escapes him, a bit louder than he likes, when he sees just how much of his length you took in your mouth and his hands find themselves in your hair. You grab the sides of his thighs and tap them, signalling him to start moving and let him fuck your mouth. You hear him groan at the feeling, which makes you moan and dip a hand into your underwear to touch yourself. His pace is rough and fast, but the doesn't go too deep for a while and enjoys the feeling without literally choking you.
"Fuck," He grunts out when he hits the back of your throat again and sees his cock completely disappear into your mouth. When you gag, he pulls out to let you breathe, a thin line of saliva connects the tip of his rock hard cock and your parted lips. There are tears at the corners of your eyes, but by god it's so worth it. You retreat your hand from your underwear and smirk at him at the best of your ability while breathing heavily.
"Up," Bigby growls and picks you up from on your knees and sits you on the edge of the desk again. He places himself between your legs, removes your underwear to the side and impatiently (but carefully) inserts a finger inside you.
A trembling gasp falls from your lips as you watch a second finger join the other not long after. You want to tell him that you didn't need him to stretch your walls, so you try: "Bigby, please, I need your-"
"Trust me, sweetheart," But he interrupts, looks into your eyes and stops his movements. "You're gonna need this."
You swear his eyes glow yellow for a moment, but before you can look deeper you throw your head back when you feel a third finger inside you: "F-Fuck!"
"Shh," Bigby smirks and kisses your neck. "You want Snow to hear what we're up to?"
Maybe, you think, but the word gets mashed up and leaves your lips as a shallow moan instead when he does come hither motions with his fingers. You tense around him and the sweet smell of your juices drives him absolutely mad.
That's when he had to pull out, because his claws are out, his fangs and yellow eyes are glowing and you whine at the contact loss. He lines himself by your entrance and whispers against your burning cheeks: "You let me know if anything hurts, okay?"
You quickly shake your head and unintentionally hold your breath, but immediately let it go as soon as he pushes into you.
He's big. Bigger.
"Fuck," You choke out and bite his shoulder through his shirt. He goes still for a moment and allows you to adjust to... a new experience.
"Shit..." He growls and immediately gets rid of his shirt. A round of teeth marks appear on his skin, he looks at it and smirks as you try desperately to not come and make it last a while. Your hands instinctively reach for his hairy chest and connect behind his back. He holds you close by your hips and pushes a little further: "You're so tight, sweetheart..."
You can only moan in his hear, the stretch bringing new forms of pleasure and pain to you, making you dizzy. Suddenly, you move yourself forward and sit yourself on the edge of his desk and completely take in his cock, letting out a cry.
"We should've gone to your place," Bigby breathes and chuckles darkly, then proceeds to fuck you.
You want to reply, but (you guessed it) you can't; you rest your head on his shoulder, ready to bite down in case you got too loud. With your hands and legs wrapped around his back, you let yourself relax in his grip and let him reach deeper into you. You could technically let yourself go completely and he'd still hold you upright, thanks to his hard grip on your shoulder and waist.
Your moans become more frequent and high pitched and his pace is a little out of rhythm, but he's absolutely ruining you.
"Oh Bigby," You whimper, letting him know that you're about to cum.
He's lost, completely, between your moans, heat and trembling legs. Neither of you realise his claws beginning to break through the skin a little, but when he does he immediately switches the place of his hands to the backs of your shoulders. He partly lays you down on the desk and bends himself over as he drives into you, the new angle making him let out a gruttal growl and you lose it. You have to bite on his shoulder again to keep you from crying out as you come undone- A sound so divine and loud (although muffled), it drives Bigby over the edge as well, making him bite you in the neck in return.
Your legs tremble as he empties his seed in you, his cock reaching the deepest parts of your insides and giving you the pleasure of your life.
"H-ah, fuck," You breathe out when he pulls back both from your neck and inside you. He immediately checks for marks and you can see a guilt ridden expression spreading across his face as he calms down.
"You... I'm sorry-"
"Bigby," You interrupt him with a snarky smile, matching with your (literally) fucked state. "I asked for it and you gave it to me. No need for apologies." He still can't help but worry and run his thumb gently across the bite mark on yout neck: "It'll heal by next day."
"Good thing we're fables, huh?" He sighs and you nod as you readjust your underwear and dress, then get off the table with shaky legs which almost makes you fall, but Bigby catches you gently.
"Let's take this back to my place now, hm?" You chuckle against his neck and place a small kiss there.
Reassured, he picks you up bridal style and offers you a small grin: "Agreed."
A second round hadn't crossed your mind while you were going up to your apartment.
He gently sat you down on your bed and asked you if you needed anything. You decided to take a look at his wounds from earlier today, so you sat there and studied the bruises on his knuckles and lips, while his seed continued to make a mess of your panties.
"You wanna stay over, or...?" You offered as he came out of the bathroom and, after taking his clothes of, joined you in bed.
"Let's get rid of this, hm?" He said and helped you out of your dress. It wasn't an intimate moment, per se, but you couldn't help but feel shy when he took your dress off- he hadn't even spared a look anywhere other than your face.
"What's wrong?" He asked, noticing you shying away, still keeping his eyes on yours.
"Nothing," You smiled softly when you realised this and let him help you with your panties.
When he took them off, however, he couldn't help but look down at the mix of cum leaking from your pussy; it made his breath hitch and you bite your lip. He gave you a look- the look...
... and that's how you ended up face down on the bed with Bigby right above you, pounding into your pussy. Your knees were holding your lower half up, while your arms were under your pillow and your face was resting, or rather, buried in it. Bigby's claws made their presence known around your hips and waist, then one hand reaches into the back of your neck and firmly holds it, pressing you down more. He throws his head back and closes his eyes, moaning at the pleasure- pure pleasue. The sounds in your room are just a mess of skin slapping  against skin, the occasional creaking of the bed and your constant moaning mixed with his.
He's close and so are you, you've had your relationship going on for long enough to understand when he's going to cum and vice versa, his pace becomes faster than you thought possible and you clench down on him. He sneaks his arm under your chest and pulls you up against him, on all fours. You're holding yourself up by the underside of your forearm and hand, while one of his hands grabs at your breast and squeezes it as he lets out yet another growl.
"Ah- Bigby," You breathe out and hold onto his arm across your chest. He inhales your scent deeply and with sounds close to brief shouts, he finally comes, once more, inside you. He sees the stars when he does and it triggers your second orgasm.
An earth shattering experience to say the least.
You both collapse to the left in a spooning position, breathing hard. He gently pulls out of you while holding you close: "Fuck..."
"Indeed," You chuckle, mind hazy with the aftershock and eyes closed, calmly resting in his embrace. Once he manages to recollect himself, which is a few long minutes later, he immediately starts searching your body for the marks he left. "Bigby, I told you it's fine-"
He simply ignores you and continues feeling guilty as he stares at them: "I... I'm really-"
"If you say I'm sorry one more time, I'll kick your ass," You smirk, looking at him with lazy eyes. You're too content -satisfied and utterly fucked- to move, the heat making it easier for you to fall asleep: "Sheriff or not."
He smiles at you fondly and kisses your shoulder- he seems more at ease: "Okay... Let me clean you up, then."
You hum, agreeing and letting him slip off the bed. Nothing seems to be significantly important to you at that moment. Perhaps tomorrow, things will go back to being difficult, but at that moment, it was just you and Bigby.
He comes back with a warm, wet towel and proceeds to clean your inner thighs. The sight made him feel a couple of things at once: A type of warmth, not caused solely by lust but the type that painted his cheeks red with... fondness? Sincerity? Something much more?
He didn't want to think or talk about it, even though the former was a bit impossible as he was cleaning and admiring your ruined state with an unintentional sprinkle of guilt. He then starts cleaning the small amount of blood that drew and you let him, not without adding: "If you feel that bad, you can make it up to me by coming here..."
He watches you pat the empty spot he was lying on moments ago and he complies, drops the towel on your nightstand after he's finished cleaning you and crawls under the sheets.
You slowly turn around and place your half asleep form on his broad chest, spreading an arm across it and lay your head on where his arm and body meet, dozing off as soon as you felt one of his arms around your waist and the other on your hand.
Sleep quickly catches up with Bigby too and his eyelids slowly start to close, his nose against your hair and an extreme comfort surrounding him because of your presence; right before he closes his eyes, his own thoughts echo in his mind: We didn't agree to catch feelings...
Oh, no.
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hydroponicjj · 3 years
No Body, No Crime [2]
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Female!Peterkin!Reader
Word Count: 3k+
Warnings: Mentions of Drugs/Alcohol, Swearing, etc
Summary: Rafe is finding himself having trouble trusting Y/N, even after what she did for him.
A/N: Hello! This is the second chapter of No Body, No Crime. Please enjoy and, let me know if you’d like to be on the taglist! <3
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「 ₊˚.༄ 」
The entire drive over to Topper's made you extremely nervous. Your stomach felt as if it was in a knot that couldn't be undone.
It only got worse when you began to recognize the scenery of Figure 8.
It was unusual of you to be so anxious.
Usually, you’re hyper-focused. You don’t have time to worry about all the possible things that could go wrong but, Rafe made you feel different.
Typically, the two of you would only interact in passing. Oftentimes in the kitchen at his house when you needed him to help you reach something on the top shelf.
Now, you’re about to see each other in a brand new light. Going from strangers to...
Honestly, you didn’t really know how to classify this blossoming relationship, considering it hasn’t started yet.
Turning a corner into a neighborhood, you recognized Topper's mansion almost immediately.
It was the second house on the right with pillars and a baby blue door. There were tiny American flags pitched in the yard with small lights showcasing their entrance.
There were so many cars parked on the street and in the driveway that it was nearly impossible for you to get close without clipping a vehicle.
Finding a good spot near the sidewalk, you emerged from your car, making sure to check that it was locked (a habit you learned from your mother).
Drawing closer to the front door, you spotted Rafe.
He was sitting ominously in a rocking chair on the porch, looking out into the yard.
"Hey." You called out. He broke from his intense gaze and glanced at you.
"Shit, I totally forgot that you were coming." He pinched the bridge of his nose, turning his head.
"Well, I'm here so.." You trailed off, taking a seat next to him.
Instantly, Rafe began to draw away from you. You noticed but refrained from commenting on it, not knowing what his problem was.
It wasn't long after that the tension started to fill the air. You’re usually the one keeping your distance from him, not vice versa.
“Are-Are you going to say anything?” You asked, nervously.
You had no idea what made his energy shift from the last time you spoke to him but, this wasn’t the same Rafe that you saw that afternoon.
“What do you want me to say?” He replied sharply, glancing over in your direction.
You were taken aback by him, “Rafe. You asked me to meet you here. I have no idea what the hell is going on. So, I just— I wanna know what’s happening.”
He froze, inhaling deeply. It was clear that he was searching for the right words to say that would get his message across.
“Y/N, I don’t trust you. You might be Sarah’s best friend but, you’re also the sheriffs' daughter.” His voice was cold and distant.
He genuinely viewed you as some kind of threat. Less than 7 hours ago, he was more than willing to rope you into whatever he had going on, and now, you’re just a burden to him.
You scoffed, “You seemed pretty happy to get your drugs back this afternoon. Was I the sheriffs' daughter then?”
“I stole from my mom, Rafe. That’s not something you just do for fun. Especially when you have a lot to lose on your end, okay. So, if I rat you out, I’m going down too.”
Guilt instantly flashed behind his blue eyes. It was evident as his features began to soften and he lowered his eyebrows.
He began to speak but, you cut him off, “Listen, Rafe, I don’t expect us to go out and get matching tattoos anytime soon but, we have to learn to trust each other, or else this thing isn’t going to work.”
He chuckled lightly, flashing you a crooked smile, “Yeah.” Rafe replied simply.
The loud booming of music coming from inside filled the silence.
“Didn’t you graduate high school yesterday?” Rafe asked, quirking his head to the side.
“Yeah... I-I did.” You replied, still surprised.
You weren’t valedictorian like your mother planned but, you were pretty damn close. Still, it wasn’t enough to satisfy Susan Peterkin so, you spent the entirety of graduation sulking.
You didn’t even get a chance to enjoy your High School graduation.
A sour taste formed in your mouth as your throat began to get tighter by the second.
Rafe noticed your sudden discomfort, “Well, you’re at a party. Why don’t you go inside and have fun? Celebrate the milestone.”
“You should celebrate too. I mean- finishing your first year of college.” You acknowledged, awkwardly trying to shift the conversation toward him.
“I took a gap year. Too many things to do and not enough time.” He shrugged.
You were so entranced by the way Rafe spoke. He wasn’t like you, who felt the need to give the deepest, most profound explanation for everything.
He was simple.
You liked simple.
Standing up, you extended your hand in his direction, “Come on,” you paused, grabbing him by the wrist, “We’re going inside.”
“No no no,” he protested, “I already told my friends I was leaving so,” Rafe resisted your grasp, staying firmly in his seat.
“I think we can handle Topper and Kelce.” You scoffed, giving him a playful look.
Rafe knit his eyebrows together, contemplating. It had already been an extremely long night. But, he was having a hard time pulling out the response from his chest.
"Shitttt," He drew out, "What the hell. It'd be nice to see you pull the stick out of your ass and relax."
Eyes lighting up and a smile tugging on your lips, you yanked on his wrist again. This time, he rose from the rocking chair, peering down at you, "Don't make me regret this, Peterkin."
"How could you possibly regret anything when you're with me?" You sent him a sly wink.
Twisting the front-door handle, you entered the Thorton household.
Your senses were instantly triggered. Your ears struggled to determine which was louder, the music or screaming of teenagers. Your eyes reacted to the fluorescent light projected on the ceiling.
The scent was absolutely putrid. Sweaty bodies and alcohol were not a good mixture, not under any circumstances.
"Ugh," Covering your nose with your right hand, you peered back at Rafe. He seemed completely fine.
This was normal for him.
Watching as he maneuvered around this situation with such ease inspired you.
Rafe was a complete mystery to you. Although with every interaction, he became less of a riddle, it was still a challenge trying to figure him out.
Abruptly, someone from behind you yelled, tearing you from your trance, "I said that you'd be back!"
Turning around, you saw Kelce and Topper making their way towards the two of you.
"Yeah, yeah," Rafe responded, playfully, drifting closer to his two friends.
A mere seconds later, Topper noticed you standing at a feeble 1 and a half feet shorter than Rafe.
"Holy shit," He gasped, "A-Are my eyes deceiving me, or is Y/N Peterkin at a party?"
This caught Kelce's attention and, he certainly couldn't resist making a sly comment, "How's your mom? Is she still 6 feet up the Pogues ass or....?"
Scoffing, you began to walk away but, something caught your shoulder.
"Listen, she's a bitch but, not as nearly as much as you think." Rafe defended.
You couldn't help but laugh, “Thanks.”
Yes, it was a shitty, backhanded compliment. But, it was coming from Rafe Cameron so, that's the best you're gonna get.
"Yeah, I'll believe it when I see it," Commented Kelce, turning his head to look around at the scenery.
“Rafe,” Topper paused, “Are you trying to get even more fucked up tonight?”
Glancing at Rafe, you noticed how tired he looked. Drooping eyes and hunched shoulders gave away how he was feeling.
“No, he has other priorities on his mind.” You chimed in.
“Ohhhhhhhh.” Kelce raised his eyebrows.
Wiggling two fingers between the two of you, “Are you guys....? You know?”
“Shut the fuck up, Kelce. You’re a goddamned idiot.” Rafe rolled his eyes, pushing his friend lightly.
“Relax. I’m not gonna swoop in on your girl. Just curious who you’re fucking this week.”
Glancing up at Rafe, he appeared extremely fed up with the current conversation.
“Come on, man,” Topper said, pulling Kelce by the shoulder, “Let’s leave these two alone. I’m sure they’ve got loads of shit to catch up on.”
The two walked out of the entryway, side by side, and floated right back into the epicenter of the party.
“Why do you do that?” You questioned, almost instantly.
Looking in your direction, he responded, “What are you talking about?”
Sighing, you began, “You willingly hang out with Dumb and Dumber,”
“You could be surrounded by people that are on the same intellectual level as you. Yet, you surround yourself with people like those 2 that are only interested in being so high that they can’t remember their name.”
Rafe shook his head, “It doesn’t matter.”
There he goes again. Being simple. Summing up everything he has to say in a mere 3 words.
"He deserves better than that." You thought but didn't say.
In your head, you could see Rafe walking away from the conversation and, you wanted him as close as possible (because you're not used to parties.... no other reason.... of course).
"This is stressing me out," You commented jokingly, running your hands through your hair.
If you weren't so hyperaware of your surroundings, you would've missed the way that Rafe was glancing at you.
He looked as if he was trying to decipher what was going on in your head.
“Come on.” He nodded his head in the direction of the living room (aka where 90% of the party-goers were).
You grinned slightly, “I was deprived of partying my entire 4 years of High School. I don’t think I should start now.”
You turned around and sat on the love seat in the Thornton entryway.
“You dragged me back in here so, the least you could do is sway your hips to some shitty music.”
“Maybe.” You smirked, teasing him.
“Alright, I’ll find Topper and Kelce. I’m sure they’ve got something interesting for me.” Rafe began to exit the room.
“Fine,” you rose from your seat immediately, catching his attention.
You shook your head in disapproval, “So manipulative.”
A smug look was plastered on Rafe’s face, “Yeah, well.... it worked.”
He shrugged and sent you a smirk.
「 ₊˚.༄ 」
You had never felt so free in your entire life.
It was surprising that such a wild atmosphere made you feel a sense of comfort and enjoyment, rather than fear and anxiety.
Maybe it was the fact that you clung to Rafe for the majority of the time.
He was such a social hotspot.
People of all ages and demographics were speaking to him. He kept the conversations brief and, it was clear that he wasn't very interested.
Nevertheless, he was dragged into a game of beer pong, and (with the help of Topper and Kelce) he agreed to play BUT, only if you did.
At first, you were hesitant, having no idea how to play but, there was something inside of you that hated the thought of saying no to Rafe.
You indulged him and decided to play, with the exception that you didn't drink, considering that you had to drive back home to the Cut.
It took a few tries for you to actually get the hang of things but, Rafe helped a lot.
He would often adjust your form, wrapping his arm around your waist and tugging you in another direction.
It made you nervous yet excited having him in such close proximity to you, whispering in your ear which direction to throw the ball.
Ultimately, the two of you ended up winning against Topper and Kelce (who were pissed that they lost to such an inexperienced player).
That was the beginning of the fun.
After that, you didn't feel the need to cling to Rafe as tight as you had been before.
You went off and had conversations with people that didn't go to your High School, which also meant they had no clue who your mother was.
You used to be extremely familiar with Figure 8 and you often found yourself missing it from time to time.
It was very nice to be able to surround yourself with people that weren't foaming at the mouth to run and tell your mother everything they saw.
It wasn't until you began to dance, swaying your hips to the beat that Rafe found you again.
"Y/N, I--I need a ride home." He began, speaking in a low but rushed tone.
"What?!" You yelled, not being able to hear him over the music.
You took a glance at him and, he looked horrible.
His eyes were extremely red and he reeked of alcohol and plenty of other illegal substances.
Not only that but, Rafe seemed extremely jittery. Almost as if something bad was going to happen if he didn't leave immediately.
Seeing the stress of the situation, you gripped Rafe by the arm and tugged him out of the hectic scene and into the nearest quiet room.
Finding a bathroom right before the kitchen, the two of you entered.
You sat him on the edge of the tub, crouching in front of him.
"Rafe," You paused, clutching the sides of his face, "Look at me. What's going on?"
Opening his eyes, he began to speak, "Please, just, please. Take me home." He buried his head into your shoulder.
You were stunned by his actions, having no idea what drug he took that made him act like that.
But, now was not the time to question Rafe, he needed your help and after all the progress the two of you made that evening, you weren't going to leave him behind.
"O-okay, okay. Yes, I'll take you home."
You stood up, continuing to hold his arm, afraid that he'd fall back into the tub.
"Rafe, can you stand? Can you walk?" You asked.
He nodded then rose, towering over you.
"Here," You directed him towards the sink, "Splash some cold water onto your face, okay?"
He did as you told him, gathering a scoop of water in his palms and splattered it onto his face.
After, he seemed slightly more coherent but, not nearly enough.
The two of you emerged from the bathroom. You were still clung to his arm, leading him in the direction of the exit.
Once, you left the inside of the house, you were bombarded with cars from all angles.
It then hit you that you had to park on the street.
As you led Rafe down the infinitely long driveway, you cursed in your head, upset at the universe for making you work against gravity in order to keep him from face-planting.
Finally, making it to your car, you reached in your pocket and unlocked it.
Opening the door to the passenger's side, you plopped Rafe in the seat and buckled him in.
You ran around the front of the car, trying to get back to Rafe as soon as possible.
"Rafe, do you have everything? Your phone, wallet, keys?"
"Mhm." He replied, setting his head on the back of the seat.
With that, you took one last glance at Rafe and put the car in drive.
「 ₊˚.༄ 」
Pulling into the driveway, you noticed that the Cameron household was quiet.
The only light coming from inside was the glare of the TV from Wheezie's room.
"Rafe, we're here." You said, shaking him. He had fallen asleep seconds after you started driving.
He didn't waste any time getting out of the car. Unbuckling his seatbelt and opening the door, he headed in the direction of the garage.
As he approached, it opened.
"I know they're rich but, damn, motion detected garage?" You commented, continuing to watch, making sure Rafe made it inside safely.
It wasn't until you started saw him stop that you noticed a figure standing in front of him.
It was Ward Cameron.
You knew Ward was going to give Rafe crap for staying out late, partying so, the least you could do was try and cover for him.
Emerging from your car, you walked towards the garage.
"Rafe, I need you to do it, okay? I don't want Sarah getting involved-" You caught the end of what Ward was saying before he stopped.
"Y/N!" He greeted, a smile on his face.
"Hey, Mr.Cameron." You waved awkwardly, sending a forced smile.
"Thank you so much for bringing this one home," He grabbed Rafe by the shoulder, pulling him into a side hug.
"No problem! I just needed his help with some things. The least I could do was take him home." You replied.
"Yeah, yeah," Ward nodded his head, looking back at the door.
"Listen, Y/N, thanks for putting in a good word with your mom. We really appreciate it."
"I'm sorry?" You knit your eyebrows in confusion.
"I got a call from the station today saying the charges against Rafe had been dropped. All of us are so thrilled that we can resume a normal life and move past this." He placed a hand on his chest.
You had no idea what he was talking about. Your mom wasn't home yet. There was no way she could've seen the drugs had been taken from her safe yet.
But, you had to play it cool, not wanting Ward to ask any questions "Sure, sure." you answered.
"Okay, welp," He paused, "Have a nice night, Y/N. Come by tomorrow and see us." Ward finished, hurridly.
With that, he turned around swiftly and went back inside his house, through the garage door.
That entire interaction was odd. You had never seen Ward act so tense.
Also, you couldn't help but wonder what was so urgent that Sarah couldn't do?
It had been less than 24 hours and, you're already wrapped up in things you couldn't begin to comprehend.
"I need to sleep."
Walking back to your car, you entered the driver's seat.
Putting the car in reverse, you exited the Cameron house and began your journey back to the Cut.
TAGLIST *strikethrough it won’t let me tag*: @oopsiedoopsie23 @a-bolanos @cocobutterqween @gabiatthedisco @athenastarkey @halsmultibitch @water13 @avaspringtime @niamhvivo @haterpenny @nerdypartytrashpsychic @casually-kook @mynameberose @malfoylaufeysonweasley
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5 Times Musa wore Riven’s clothes
Read here or on ao3 here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29376804
The Alfea Games is a bullshit annual tradition. It's an exam masquerading as a tournament, just a way for the teachers and high rankers of the Kingdom to see who they want to pluck out of the Academy and take for their army, or task force, or some other random position Riven could really not care less about.
Still, he's competitive, and if there's one thing he likes doing, it's beating Sky.
He slashes, a dagger in each fist, at the Burned One projection and it falls to its knees shrieking.
The stands are full of students cheering, and Riven gets a rush at their applause.
"Show off." Sky pants from beside him, as Riven's tally flicks up to 7, and Sky's stays stubbornly at 4.
"Jealous, much?" Riven grins; relieved when the half-time bell chimes because his legs are sore, and the late afternoon sun still burns as it begins to dip out of the sky. He and the other Specialists head over to the shade and he rifles through his rucksack for some water as Sky goes to kiss Bloom, who's leaning over the rail; red tresses swaying in the breeze.
"You were amazing!" Bloom gushes, and Sky beams at her, and Riven mimes throwing up.
Someone laughs.
He turns to see Musa, headphones around her neck, hair in pigtails, and-and-
In his jacket.
She's wearing his jacket. His leather jacket. It's draped over her shoulders. Her bare shoulders, because she's wearing some strapless, form-fitting purple dress, and Riven's coat, she's wearing Riven's-
"You okay, man?" Sky asks, and Riven realises they're all looking at him, and he's still looking at Musa, and her big, brown eyes are lit up a sort of hazel in the red setting sun.
He nods, waving them off, and chugs more of his water, trying to temper his heartbeat.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Musa asks, more quietly, her irises flaring purple. Her eyebrows stitch together worriedly. "You're like- really anxious. It's just a game."
"Stay out of my head." He hisses furiously, petrified that she might be able to see, might be able to tell-
She leans away from him, scowling. "Fine. Whatever."
He's grateful when the bell rings again, but his winning streak is gone. As the flood-lights turn on and the sun disappears, he misses target after target. He keeps getting pinned by fucking rookies and everyone else's tally continues to jump up as his dies on a plateau.
He can see her, in his peripheral, wearing his jacket and she probably doesn't even know it's his. She probably doesn't know how she looks in that leather swamping her frame, the collar resting at her neck, where the skin looks so soft that-
"Fuck, dude," Sky curses, hauling Riven off his ass. "Pull yourself together."
"She's wearing my jacket." He snaps, and Sky looks at him blankly for a moment, before he groans.
"Dude, I know you're like, against sharing, but she was freezing and it was just lying there. I'd have given her mine, but Bloom had already-"
"It's fine, just-" Riven tries to shake it off, "I'm focused."
He can't help a final glance over his shoulder, to see Musa leaning sleepily against the railings, headphones now secured over her ears, resting her chin on her arms. On his jacket sleeves. She's lit by the silver floodlights, and her eyes are half-closed, and he wonders what she's listening to. He wonders-
The Burned One knocks him to the ground, and the buzzer blares.
The next day, traces of her perfume linger on his jacket, swirling around him the way she does, always, in his thoughts.
It's sweet, like honey and vanilla, like home-spun sugar and toffee.
He'd found his jacket right on the bench where he'd left it after the game: the stands empty, the game over. It had been folded neatly and left just beside his things and he'd slid it on and tried not to replay their interaction in his head.
Today's a new day.
As part of Sky's new scheme to become the best boyfriend in the history of boyfriends, they've been sitting with the Winx Suite most lunch times. It's not exactly Riven's idea of a good time. He feels some horrid mix of guilt and irritation whenever he looks at Terra, and Aisha glowers at him like his very proximity will end in her getting a suspension. He spends most of the time arguing with Stella, and trying (failing) not to look at Musa while Sky and Bloom stray the line between PDA and go get a room.
When he gets to the cafeteria and heads for the table, he's surprised, and maybe a little thrilled, to see that it's just Musa at the table.
She stands up as soon as she seems him.
"Good, the others just left. They wanted to have lunch out by the lake. Bloom has apparently ‘found a place’. C'mon, we can catch up."
He has no option but to follow her, and sure enough, half-way across the field is the whole merry-fucking-gang. Riven doesn't know how to feel. Sky could've texted, if his brain was capable of fathoming anything other than Bloom when she was nearby. Were they even going to invite him? Was he going to get to the cafeteria to see an empty table? They probably wouldn't have missed him anyway, he thinks bitterly.
And yet- Musa was there. Waiting.
He looks at her thoughtfully, and her eyes flash purple when she catches him. She winces. "It wasn't like that." She says, "they were caught up in the idea of going there. They weren't purposely trying to leave you behind."
Jesus Christ, can't she just-
"I'm sorry," she barrels on, as they fall into the same steps, almost caught up to the others. "I'm trying to respect your privacy and everything, I'm working on it- my control isn't great at the moment."
"You should work on that." He mutters.
Her shoulders slump dejectedly. "I know."
Well, fuck, he didn't mean to- he swallows hard. "I'm tanking my field training." He says, trying to ignore her look of surprise at this freely-offered information. "Great at everything else, but camouflage? The element of surprise? I'm struggling. It's hard. I also fucking hate it, so there's that."
She huffs out a small laugh. "I bet you just like the thrill of attacking someone face to face. None of that 'sneaking up on you' bullshit."
He grins before he can check himself, and she catches it, and smiles too.
"There you are!" Bloom calls excitedly, "c'mon, we're gonna use Stella's ring."
Riven hates to give Bloom props for anything- and it isn't because he doesn't like her, or anything like that- he's just reluctant to acknowledge anybody's good traits since they all seem so loathe to see any in him- but the lake is nice.
Large and leafy green, surrounded by trees and over-hung by the clear blue sky. There's a sunbeaten deck strutting proudly into the middle, and Aisha strips out of her clothes to reveal a swim suit, and in three great strides, dives in like a dolphin.
The rest of them stare after her in awe.
"Are you always wearing that under your clothes?" Riven asks, toeing off his shoes, watching as Aisha tumble turns and glides through the water like a dolphin. She smiles at him from the water, and he's surprised by the look of it on her face. For the first time, she looks relaxed. Stress-free. Content.
Bloom and Stella change into their swim suits, as he and Sky just strip down to their boxers. Bloom wolf-whistles, and Sky blushes.
Riven puffs his chest out, winking at Stella who scoffs at him. He turns to find Musa. She's shrugged off her coat and shoes, and is rifling through her bag in confusion. She's too pre-occupied to notice his abs. Riven tries not to take offence.
"I can't find my- oh shit." Musa groans, thumping her head. "I left it back in the fire circle."
"Oh! Don't worry, Musa," Terra says brightly, as she sits, fully-dressed, on the mossy bank, with a stack of books beside her. "You can sit this one out with me!"
Musa turns to her with a smile (that to Riven, looks fucking forced) just as Bloom and Sky jump in. They scream, splashing Stella who cannon-balls in after them. Riven watches Musa's face, can see the hidden longing in her eyes.
A part of him wants to tease her, entice her in by saying how much he wouldn't mind if they decided to go skinny-dipping instead, but he knows it ultimately wouldn't work. Instead, he reaches for his discarded black tee, and tosses it to her.
"Should be long enough to preserve your modesty," he says, going for casual and heading for the dock. "Considering you're such a short-arse."
Musa sticks her tongue out at him, but she eagerly turns to get changed and Riven plunges into the lake to resist the urge to watch.
The water is warm and licks at his skin as the sun beats down onto his shoulders. It's deep and he can't quite graze the bottom, and he's suddenly, a little stupidly, grateful for knowing Sky. Grateful that he gets to be here. He floats on his back, staring up at the sky and letting himself just bask in the moment. As the water laps in his ears, he can hear the others laughing, Aisha swimming, Stella screaming, and the sun warms red spots onto his eye lids, marvellous colours in the dark- so he opens them.
Just in time to see Musa standing on the dock.
Suddenly, all his attention is on her. Her long, tan legs on display, his tee, his t-shirt, tickling down past her hips, and she jumps.
Okay. Turns out it's not a leather jacket thing. Anything that's his looks good on her. He could look good on her.
He watches for her when she re-surfaces, as she joins in splashing Stella, and he waits, waits, waits, until- victory.
She swims over to him. A little way away from the group, to where he's treading water alone. The t-shirt clings to her and he wants to touch her and-
"Hey," she says, with wet hair and water droplets on her eyelashes. "Thanks for the tee."
He shrugs. "I'd rather you'd jumped in without anything on."
She hits him, but finally, finally, he gets her eyes on him. They linger, as the water rivets roll down the breadth of his shoulders, his chest, down to- her eyes flicker away, cheeks red.
"Don't be shy," he purrs, "I'm hot. It's not a sin to look. You're hot too. Dancer’s body. Bet you're flexible."
"Wouldn't you like to know?" She murmurs, before her eyes flash purple. He tries not to let it irritate him. He hates the violation of his privacy, but he knows she can't control it- but she turns away from him, and he follows her gaze to Terra, sitting balefully alone. "If I do what I'm gonna do," she whispers, and his heart trips up a little, at her whispering to him over the water, pulling him in closer. A secret just for the two of them. "Promise you won't tell anyone."
Riven grins. "I'm great with secrets."
Musa takes a breath, before she stares at Terra, face tense with concentration, eyes shimmering purple.
Riven turns to look at Terra expectantly. "You're mind-controlling her?"
"No." Musa mutters, still focused, "I'm just trying to increase her confidence, trying to-"
Terra looks up suddenly, and Musa hurriedly grabs Riven's arm to move behind him.
"The water does look good!" Terra calls, "is it warm?"
"Oh, it's lovely, Terra!" Musa hollers back, "you should come in!"
"Yes! Join us!" Bloom sings, from her position perched on Sky's shoulders.
Terra wavers. Riven can feel Musa's hand curled around his arm, her body against his back. "I don't have my costume!" She yells.
"You're wearing like five layers," Stella calls, "you can spare one."
Terra chews on her bottom lip, and Riven turns his head to whisper: "can't you boost it anymore?"
"I'm trying." Musa insists quietly, "I can't manufacture it. I can only enhance what's already there."
"Terra," Riven yells, startling her, "if you come in, I'll let you dunk me."
Sky bursts out laughing, and Terra giggles.
"Well, I can't resist that!" She says, getting to her feet. Riven turns away, looking down at Musa who's beaming up at him.
"Wow." She says, pressing her lips together to hide the glee in her tone. "That was very sweet."
"Fuck off." Riven mutters, but his eyes are on the collar of his wet tee as it clings to her skin. "I only did it because that was bloody painful to watch. By the way, is there anything else you can do with your powers that I should watch out for?"
Musa tips her head contemplatively. "Actually, yes." She lifts her hands and cups his face. He startles a little, at her fingertips against his jaw, before he sees her eyes purple and shimmer, and then suddenly, a weird emotion clouds into his head. It's familiar yet foreign, it's-
"It's meant to be gratitude." Musa says, when her eyes are back to normal and she's panting a little, "I'm not great at-"
"I got it." He reassures her, “I felt it."
She smiles, pleased, pushing away from him to swim further to the centre of the lake.
He watches her go, mind reeling. More powerful than he thought, though he's not sure why he's surprised. He can still feel her hands on his face. He wants to swim after her, but Terra and Sky corner him, eager to see him dunked.
It marks a turning point for the group as a whole.
The afternoon at the lake has softened grudges, strengthened bonds, and Terra talks to him more over lunch. Aisha doesn't bore him so much, not now he can see her for more than a stuck-up rule-follower. He and Stella get along as well as they usually do, but their barbs seem less sharp than before. Bloom has always been pretty accepting, and Musa-
Well, she's Musa.
She's making him lose all sense of normalcy, of sanity, because that's the only reason he'd agree to this fucking slumber party.
"No, I think it was better over there." Sky says, changing his mind for the fourth time, as Riven struggles under the weight of the mattress. The entire floor is covered with pillows and cushions and Sky needs to make up his mind before Riven kills him. "No, no, you were right- put it back."
"Jesus," Riven groans, setting it down and spotting the stack of Disney Princess movies. "We're two guys about to sleep with five girls, and you're suggesting we watch Pocahontas?"
"They won the coin toss," Sky shrugs, "besides, I always liked the little hummingbird."
The girls arrive after Laurie, the RI for the floor, has done her final rounds. They shuffle into the room on tiptoes, and Riven closes it behind them, meeting Musa's eyes. Her hair's down and loose around her shoulders, and he's never seen it like that before. In her soft looking, cotton pyjamas, some rainbow sweater, she's more enticing than usual so he busies himself with the popcorn as Sky sets out the rest of the snacks.
"This is a nice set-up, guys," Bloom grins, getting comfy right in the middle. Sky joins her, and soon, the lights are off- bar Stella's glowing little ball- and everyone's shuffling into place.
Bloom and Sky are cosied up to one another, and Aisha and Terra are tucked neatly into one corner. Stella fancies herself above the ground, and lies on Sky's bed, half her attention on her phone.
Musa settles in the other corner, leaning against a mountain of cushions, and Riven debates for about half a second before he joins her.
"Hi," she whispers, sounding pleased, "wanna hear a sad story?"
Their thighs are touching. Her fleece pants are warm against his bare leg, and the cushions are ridiculously comfortable, and she looks so different with her hair down, her face almost obscured from him. "Sure," he whispers back.
She points are her bare feet. "I forgot my socks."
He snorts. "If that's your idea of a sad story-" he breaks off into a hiss when she cruelly presses her toes onto his shin. "Jesus, they're fucking ice." He complains, and she laughs, tossing a kernel of popcorn into the air and catching it perfectly between her teeth.
He reaches over her, feels her entire body stiffen and does his best to ignore it, opening one of his drawers and pulling out a pair of mis-matched socks.
She takes them gleefully, leaning down to pull them on. Her shirt rides up and he catches a glimpse of her lower back, and when she sits up- she catches him. Their eyes dart away from each other, and the first hour of Pocahontas is a stiff, awkward affair. The darkness seems to electrify the space between them and Riven's too afraid to move. Musa seems to be feeling the same way, but then Terra starts singing along with the song, and the the air relaxes a little.
Then, somehow, in Little Mermaid 2, Riven's oddly invested in Melody and her pull to the sea, when Musa sighs, sinking back further into the cushions, resting her body weight on Riven, looking completely content.
"You comfortable?" He teases, and she smiles lazily up at him, wiggling her toes in his socks.
"Very comfortable." She says, and he isn't thinking when he says:
"You're insufferably cute, you know that?"
He regrets it immediately, but it's slipped out, and Musa barely seems to notice his panic. She just yawns, and then she- she- rests her head on his shoulder, and her hair fans down over him, and tickles his arm.
He feels, suddenly, the rather vicious urge to protect her. He's on high-alert, for some reason, for any intruder, because she's here, half-asleep, resting against him. So trusting. So vulnerable, and-
The DVD menu chimes on repeat, and when Riven looks up he realises that everyone else is asleep, and Stella's orb of light has vanished into darkness, and that it's well past midnight.
Slowly, gently, he rests his cheek on Musa's head, feels the way they're tucked in together, and he closes his eyes.
He's not sure how it happened.
How they can go one minute from a group of friends binging Disney movies, to out here, in the woods, watching Bloom's fucking fire wings and surrounded on all sides by Burned Ones. Real ones. Not projections.
The girls are all glowing, eyes burning, and there's splashes of water, tangling ivy, shooting flames, blinding light and Musa: shouting locations as she tracks them.
"Try to project lethargy!" Aisha screams, clutching one arm, as Sky slashes a Burned One along the chest.
Riven jams two sharp jabs into the torso of another, and growls over his shoulder. "She's already fucking tracking them, Aisha! Why don't you just water-board them some more?"
Musa doesn't mediate their bickering, just whirls and points and says "Another three over there, I can sense them. They want Bloom!"
Sky and Terra immediately run over to Bloom, who has fire burning along her shoulders, and it's so arresting a sight that Riven doesn't even notice when the Burned One crumbles into ash beneath him.
He doesn't notice when another hisses just to his left. He can't get his blade out in time, and it has one deformed hand around his throat, claws pricking into his skin when Musa's suddenly shoving him away, taking his place, and he just has time to notice, to scream- when she lunges forward, and stabs the monster in the chest. It howls, and she yells out in unison, her voice shaking with agony, a sound that'll haunt him.
The Burned One crumples, and Musa with it.
"Musa!" Stella cries, racing over, trying to get closer, but Riven blocks her, taking Musa's chin in his hands, tilting her face up. There are tears stained along her cheeks, and her eyes are still rimmed purple.
"I felt it," she gasps, clutching Riven's arms, still shaking, "I felt it die, I felt it-"
"It's okay." Stella insists, voice shaky, rubbing Musa's back. "You did amazing, you did so great."
Musa clenches her eyes shut. "I've gotta- I can feel more of them."
"Take a minute." Riven pleads, trying to catch his breath, feeling blood move sluggishly down his own neck. "Take a minute, you just fucking saved my life, you're allowed a goddamn minute."
His entire being seems to light up at the small, strained smile she gives him. Stella sees the smile too, so she shoots Riven a look that says keep going, moron.
He doesn't need her prompting. "And what a sexy knife move. Where'd you get that blade?"
This earns more of a laugh from her. Relieved and a little hysterical sounding, but a laugh nonetheless. She holds the blade up, and its blue handle glints in the moonlight. "Stole it from you." She says, and he wants to tell her it isn't the only thing she's stolen from him. She has everything he is in the palm of her hand, and she saved his life. She hands the dagger back to him, and he shakes his head.
"Keep it. You look hot with a knife in your hand."
Musa laughs again, still a little choked up, and the two of them help her to her feet. He doesn't want to let go for her, but she sniffles, nodding, so Riven just sticks close by the rest of the night.
They defeat the burned ones with minimal injuries. Aisha's leg is broken, and Terra's bandaged it as best she can, as they limp back to the school. Dowling and Silva meet them half way, overflowing with worry and gratitude, and at their insistence, Riven collapses into a bed in the infirmary as they tend to his neck.
They put Musa in the bed beside him, and he sees claw marks on her ribs, and it's a good thing the Burned Ones are dead, because it's the only thing stopping him from marching right out into that forest to have their heads.
He's on his way back from the drinks table, two glasses in his hands, when he notices that Musa isn't there anymore.
Terra points to the back door. "She needed to step out. Mind fairy thing."
Riven nods, setting down the drinks and heading for the exit.
It's a warm summer night, and the air is humid, and Musa's standing out on the grass, gazing up at the stars.
She must feel his mental presence, because she turns and smiles.
He heads over to her, and she steps easily into the circle of his arms, and he holds her tightly.
Here they are. At the Alfea Ball, dating. Their three month anniversary is coming up soon, and Riven has something in mind. He's excited to see her reaction. But right now, he just basks in having her in his arms. She's a vision, in a lace-sleeved, indigo dress, her hair up the way he likes, and heels that mean she doesn't need to tiptoe to kiss him.
"Sorry," she murmurs, "got a little loud in there."
"I don't mind," he reassures, dropping a kiss onto her head. He feels her shiver, so he shrugs out of his tux jacket and drapes it over her shoulders. As pulls it around her, she looks up at him, soft and smiling, and his throat goes a little dry. "What?"
"Nothing," she shrugs, "you just look very dapper in your tux. I'm feeling it." Her hands slide up onto the plane of his chest, and he grins, nipping at her nose.
"Shall we get out of here, then?"
She hums in agreement, but tangles her fingers into his hair to pull him down for a kiss. As usual, the heat flares down to his stomach, and he pulls her tighter to his body.
"We should get out of here," he insists, kissing at her jaw, "or we'll definitely get suspended."
Musa laughs, and she leads the way back to the dorms.
Once there, he whispers, low and greedy into her ear, to take off everything but his jacket.
"Is this some sort of kink?" She asks delightedly, once his tux suit is the only thing on her gorgeous body, and she's straddling him, thighs spread over his, her fingers dragging through his hair.
"I don't know," he admits, even though he knows it's only a thing for him when she's involved. "I think I just look really good on you."
She bites his neck and scratches his down his back, and it hurts and he loves it, and she looks down at the marks like a satisfied kitten with tiger claws. "I look good on you too." She whispers, and he kisses her again.
And again.
And again.
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cursestothemoon · 3 years
Out of Time
Cedric Diggory x Fem! Ravenclaw! Reader
Requested: yes
warnings: mentions of death, nausea, and one curse word (ass)
Word Count: 2508
Summary: Cedric’s crush is chosen to be Hogwarts champion and he can’t help but put off telling her about his feelings. But when he finally does, is it too late? ✧✧✧
Cedric moved quickly, he was on the edge of the right side of the castle and sure to be late to arithmancy that was so unfortunately held in the complete opposite side he was on.
He knew it was stupid, ridiculous really. The way he’d started to learn your schedule in order to casually bump into on your way to class. He’d never tell his friends about it either, rather answering that it just happened by chance, everyday, almost every class.  
The worst were the days when you didn’t even notice him. Usually when you saw him you’d offer a quick wave, gentle smile, anything that let him know you were aware of his presence. But some days you were in too much of a hurry, nose shoved in a textbook trying to cram the last bits of information into your pretty head before the test.
“Lovely of you to join us, Mr. Diggory.”
It was with seconds to spare that Cedric made it to class, and he kept his head low with a sheepish smile at the professor's jab. He got to his desk without any further issues and continued to daydream about his favorite girl.
He didn’t understand why he couldn’t just tell you of his feelings. You were friends, barely, but Cedric thought it enough to permit a date. And you never shied away from him, never rejected the hugs or cheek kisses. But something was stopping him, and each time he thought he'd mustered up the courage to ask you out on a proper date something in his mind would tell him that it just wasn’t the right time.
Cedric huffed as he pulled out his quill, having put off the inevitable long enough, and got to work on the first few arithmancy problems put on the blackboard.
“Oi! Ced, you gonna put your name in the cup?” Ernie Macmillan called from a few feet away.
Cedric and his friends had a free period, all of them deciding to go take a look at the elusive Goblet of Fire.
“Not unless you do it first.” Cedric laughed.
There was no way he’d compete in some tournament, he had enough responsibilities as it was.
Ernie gave a sarcastic laugh as he caught up with Cedric’s group, “Oh I’d love to, really, the possibility of getting killed always seemed rather exciting, but I’m under age. Right shame, that is.”
“Oh sure it.” One of Cedric’s friends commented before pulling Ernie into a headlock, a friendly gesture for sure, but Ernie did not appreciate the manhandling seeing as it messed up his robes and hair.
“Ced, I’d walk tall if I were you.” The same friend that had Ernie in a headlock whispered to Cedric.
Cedric didn’t need to ask what he meant, not when he walked into the room where the goblet was and there you were sitting with a few of your housemates, all adorned in the blue and silver scarves evidently to keep warm from the fresh rain that fell.
You were whispering about something with your friends, a square of paper held carefully between your finger tips. He connected the dots and assumed you were deciding on whether or not to put your name in the Goblet, and that was enough motivation for him.
“Ernie give me a piece of paper.”
“What? You're serious?” Ernie asked incredulously.
Cedric nodded, as he turned around hastily, “Yeah, come on mate, give me a piece of paper.”
You were making your way to the goblet already.
Cedric was quick to write his name and school before jogging toward you, only hoping the cup could read his rushed handwriting.
“Y/n, are you putting your name in?” He attempted to make small talk, watching as you paused just before the age line.
“Huh? Oh, yeah. You too?” You asked, the task at hand and now the boy making you rather nervous.
Cedric looked down at his paper with a nonchalant shrug, “Oh yeah, thought I might try my luck.”
“Come on, Ced!”
“Yeah, put it in Ced!”
He cringed at the calls from his friends, but relaxed as he watched you giggle at their antics.
“Together?” You asked, a small smile playing on your lips as you nudge your head in the direction of the goblet.
Cedric nodded and you both walked past the age line and to the cup, hands reaching up simultaneously. He gave a countdown before you both dropped your names in, and lucky you did it when you did because the Weasley twins were running in and starting a raucous around the area.
“I’ll see you later, Ced.” You waved at him as you walked back to your friends.
The time had come and Cedric sat at the Hufflepuff table with his knee bouncing. Truthfully he regretted putting his name, what if he is called? He can’t handle school, quidditch, clubs, and a tournament. So he begged Merlin his name would not be coming out of that list.
With two down and one to go, he got even more nervous. This was it, and he did not have a good feeling about this.
“And the Hogwarts Triwizard Champion is… Y/n L/n.”
He let out a breath upon first realization that it wasn't him. Then he paused for a moment as he thought about the name that had been called, your name had been called. He whipped his head around to find you in the crowd of cheering Ravenclaws, somehow spotting your wide smile just as you were being pushed to join Dumbledore. He caught your eye and offered a thumbs up as you just shrugged, face glowing with excitement and pride.
With the first task Cedric watched from the edge of his seat. You were battling a dragon and he wished it were him instead of you. And as you managed to get the egg, leaving the battle with a few burns and bruises but alive, he planned to ask you out. He’d finally be able to ask you out on the date he’s been planning in his mind for so long.
But then he saw you celebrating with your friends, and as you turned to look at him with soot on your face and a beaming smile he thought,
Maybe I should wait, let her celebrate then I’ll ask.
Then the Yule Ball was coming up and he decided he’d just have to ask you, only every time he tried his mind stopped his mouth from forming the words, and each time he had to live through the flash of disappointment that would cross your face when you realized he wasn’t going to ask you.
And when he did ask you to the Yule Ball, it was completely not how he thought it would go, the day still haunts him.
Cedric was on his way to your first class, he was planning to ask you to the Yule Ball. Today was the day, he decided, today was the day he was going to suck it up and start a relationship with you.
You were waiting just outside of the classroom, he had five minutes.
“Y/n, can I speak to you for a moment?”
Nodding, you broke away from your friends to a secluded area a few feet away.
“What’s up, Ced?” You looked up at him and he could’ve sworn he’d melt.
“Would you- Do you want to go to the Yule Ball… with me?” He asked, the heat on his cheeks making him more nervous.
“Oh, Cedric.” That was not the tone he was expecting.
You hated to tell him, really you did, and you wished he would’ve asked sooner but he didn’t and there was nothing you could do without being a complete ass.
“Someone’s already asked me. I’m going with George Weasley.”
It was one of his more embarrassing moments that he wished not to talk about. He left you to go to class with assurance that all was well and the next week he asked Cho to accompany him.
The dance was fun though it would’ve been better if he didn’t have to watch you and George dance together, leaning impossibly close to each other as you tried to speak over the music, and the slow dances were by far the most painstaking, but Cedric got through it.
The second task came around and again Cedric found himself, knee bouncing, lip biting, on the edge of his seat as he waited for you to come up from the water. His cheers were deafening the moment he saw you break through the surface of the water, best friend in tow. You had come in first place and Cedric was more than happy upon noticing that George was not the one you were saving from the lake, meaning you were still free and single. He decided the perfect time to tell you would be after the entire tournament, stress of the tasks gone, he’d be able to finally ask you out.
When the third task started rounding the corner, Cedric realized his crush had turned to something more. The way your hair fell, your laugh sounded, and voice floated through the air like the sweetest song. He was completely in love with you, your kindest and your wisdom, and your terrible habit of procrastinating that caused you to walk around with your know shoved in a book on certain days, a telltale sign that you had a test in the coming class. And maybe if he had told you about his feelings sooner, he would’ve known that your feelings mirrored his exactly.
“Ced, mate, she’ll be fine. Stop bouncing your leg, you're shaking the whole bloody row.” His friend tried to assure him, the annoyance of Cedric’s movement evident in his tone.
Cedric didn’t have the heart to tell him that it wasn’t her safety that had him anxious, he knew you were beyond capable of not only getting through the maze but getting through first. What made him anxious was that this was the last task and he no longer had the safety net of telling himself he’d wait until after the tournament to tell you about his feelings. He was less than excited about a possible rejection.
The task went on, hours turned to minutes, and now his anxiety was starting to tilt more toward your safety as the time ticked. It didn’t help when Fleur and Viktor forfeited, each looking worse than the other. But he was able to calm himself enough to listen to his friends gab on as he waited for you and Harry to make your way back.
The scream was what caught his attention, he had been turned listening Ernie talk about anything and everything to pass the time. The scream sounded painful, an ear splitting, blood curdling scream that made him wince. His eyes followed Fleur's eyeline, and his heart dropped as he caught sight of you on the floor with Harry shaking over you.
Cedric was out of his seat instantly, making his way down to where you were. He wasn’t shy with pushing people out of his way, making sure he got to you, making sure you were alright.
“She told me to bring her body back. She told me to bring her body back and then she just stopped moving.” Harry cried.
Cedric felt himself freeze at the words. Your body. He had never heard of anyone referring to someone as a body, at least not someone living. The words flashed through his mind as he threw himself to the ground next to you. Your body, not you, not Y/n, just your body, as if you weren't there.
“Get Madam Pomfrey, she’s not dead. Not yet.” Dumbledore said to Snape, his voice carrying a deadly seriousness as he went from telling people what to do for you and listening to Harry as he yelled about someone being back.
Everything happened very quickly, within the next hour you had been taken to the medical wing and had been treated for your injuries. Hexes and dark magic Cedric had never even heard of, you were now being treated for and he couldn’t help but curse himself as he was losing hope in you recovering.
Now at hour five, you had been in this room longer than you had been in that maze. Cedric refused to leave, no matter the pushes and pleas from Madam Pomfrey and even his head of house, Professor Sprout.
He wouldn’t leave, not now, not ever. He had wasted too much time waiting and now he was paying for it as you made him wait, wait for an answer as to whether or not you’d pull through.
The chair he was sitting in was unforgiving on his back, but the dull ache was of no importance to him at the moment. With his hand holding your smaller, colder, and paler one, he couldn’t bring himself to care about his dull pains.
“I’m too late.” He admitted to himself, suddenly feeling the tears sting his eyes.
“I always thought I had time, time to tell you that I love- I love you, Y/n.”
You were silent, hand still limp and it made his heart hurt.
“My beautiful Y/n,” He brought his hand to gently caress your face, “I fell in love with your smile, it was always the best part of my day, and the look you give me in class whenever something funny would happen. I fell in love with the way your hair would glow in the sun, giving you a halo that seemed so natural around your head. And I fell in love with the way you procrastinate, yet somehow manage to get incredibly high marks on your tests, and the way you’d light up any room you walked into. I fell in love with you, Y/n.” He gave a sad laugh at his rambling that turned to a choked breath.
Cedric feared the worst, that he had truly wasted his time waiting.
He froze. The sound was small, almost missed but it most definitely was not from him.
You let out another sound, and your eyebrows furrowed this time.
“It’s alright, I’m here.” Cedric cooed as he moved closer to your head.
“Yeah, it’s me, it’s Cedric. You’re ok, love, just relax.”
You shook your head as you tried to sit up, eyes opening just barely, but the movement made you incredibly nauseous so you decided against it. You had heard him, you heard everything but it was difficult for you to tell him you felt the same way at the moment.
“Mmm,  love you.” It was all you could manage before you had to close your eyes again and take a moment to recuperate.
“Yeah, love you, can I get you any- what?” Cedric paused.
“Love you too, Ced.” You smiled, eyes still closed.
Cedric felt his heart soar, you were alive, you were alright, and you were in love with him.
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karlajoyner · 4 years
Stressed Out (Sunset Curve x Reader)
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A/n: So starting off I've made a master list that I'm posting real soon for you all to access my stories without the scrolling. In order to post it I have to update my post about my requests/taglist and soon because I do get a lot on that comments that ask for more Charlie or more Owen and I wanna give you guys that but I also wanna make sure that I get through the requests that you guys send me with plots and storylines. It just makes it like a thousand times easier to have something to work off of. Opposed to me coming up with my own storylines that I have to do a lot of reading on my own to get my gears working! But again thank you guys for the comments! And finally I wanna say thank you for sending in your requests and your feed back. It is much appreciated!
Disclaimer: Alex is bi in this one not taking away from the fact that he's gay in the show it just runs best for this storyline! There is no Bobby btw! Haven’t written a foursome with 3 guys before so it might suck ass. And it’s not much but it’s something so enjoy my fellow fantoms!
Warnings: Smut (18+)
I internally groaned walking into school. I wasn't the worst student. But by far I certainly was not the best. Which is why I had a reputation since I first arrived to high school.
That and I was in a band with 3 of my best friends. Who all happened to be guys. Hot guys at that.
Which automatically made me the schools slut. It was fine with me but the boys didn't like the label.
No matter how true it was.
"Hey y/n heard you gave Mike Dawson a blowjob this weekend. Just when I thought you couldn't be anymore of a slut"
"Mind your fucking business Hayley" I heard a familiar voice speak up for me. A smirk spreading on my face as I felt an arm wrap around my shoulder.
"Did she come to you right after Patterson? What's it like to be her sloppy seconds?" Hayley Becker spoke with a wicked evil smirk plastered on her face.
"Fucking amazing actually. God the long nights we have. It's so great" I heard another familiar voice from my left. A large hand intertwining my fingers with theirs. She rolled her eyes clearly not expecting my boys to speak up for me. But then again neither was I.
"Bitch" I spoke as the bell rang.
"Just watch your back y/l/n" She said before turning around and walking away.
"She will!" Reggie shouted after the dark haired girl. The three of us expectantly looking at our bandmate.
"What? I didn't even get to tell her we would too" I sighed shaking my head at the boy.
"Thanks for sticking up for me guys but I can do that myself"
"We know. But your our girl. And apart of this band so we're kinda obligated" Alex spoke as the four of us walked to first period.
"Your really not"
"Come on y/n you know we're still gonna do it"
"I know and I only let you today cause I can't deal with that bitch at this time of day. I mean seriously it's 8:00 o'clock in the morning. Does she not have anything better to do than spread rumors about me?"
"Apparently not. So you and Jake Mills behind the church?" Reggie asked.
"Didn't happen considering I was with you idiots all weekend. You know your the only guys I touch" I bit my lip hearing the three of them chuckle.
"Yeah well it better stay that way. I don't wanna hear Trevor O'Connor bragging about banging you in the boys locker room again"
"Schools golden boy?" I questioned.
"He tried starting the rumor yesterday during p.e but we quickly shut it down" Reggie explained as I stopped a few feet away from the science room to continue talking.
"So Hayleys boyfriend wants to bang me? Wow"
"Yeah but don't even fucking thing about" Luke said pushing me up against the lockers beside us.
"I wasn't. Unless you guys piss me off" I grinned pushing him off of me. Opening the door a few feet away and walking in.
"Gentlemen. And Ms. y/l/n. Your late"
"Sorry Mrs. Daniels we had to deal with something"
"And did this something give you tardy passes"
"It did not"
"Detention. All of you"
"That's nothing new to them Mrs. Daniels"
"Shut the fuck up Hayley" I scoffed taking my seat beside Alex.
"Ladies stop it before I send you to the principal"
"Yes Mrs. Daniels" Hayley and I spoke in sync.
"I can't believe Luke dated her" I whispered towards Alex glaring at the blonde bimbo.
"Why would I be? I already have him. And I could have her boyfriend too if I wanted him" I said taking down the notes on the board.
"Mrs. Daniels I can't focus on the lesson because they're distracting me with their talking" Hayley spoke pointing an accusing finger at us.
"We are not!" I shouted sitting up.
"Yes you are probably talking about who your gonna whore around with next"
"Yeah it's your boyfriend if you don't check yourself Hayley"
"Trevor would never do that!"
"I'm pretty sure he would"
"Ladies principal office right now" I scoffed standing up.
"Wait!" Luke shouted standing up. Everyone's heads whipping toward him. He made his way over to me groping my left boob.
I scowled at how hard he squeezed glaring at him.
"Dickhead" I muttered.
"Mr. Patterson! You too principals office" We looked at the other two boys expectantly. Alex immediately rolling his eyes before standing up.
"We could do this the easy way or the hard way Mrs. Daniels"
"If she goes we go"
"I cannot send you two away for absolutely no reason Reginald" Mrs. Daniels spoke challenging the boys.
I close my eyes preparing myself for what came next. Alex was quick to slap my ass while Reggie pulled me in for a sweet kiss. Immediately earning gasps from my classmates.
"Now I can do it. Office all of you! And detention today after school!"
I groaned walking out of the principals office with my bandmates.
"Detention for 3 weeks. Seriously?"
"To make it worse we have to spend 2 of those with Hayley" I spoke seeing the blonde talking with Trevor just a few feet away. Being sure to send them a harsh glare, I finally turned back to the boys.
"Hey you'll be with us everything's gonna be fine" Reggie said throwing an arm around my shoulder leading me away to our next period. That we conveniently had together.
"No it won't. I also have to chaperone the stupid homecoming with Hayley" I cried wanting nothing more than for the day to be done for.
That afternoon we spent in detention not leaving until late afternoon. Due to the fact that my detention went on longer than the boys.
I walked into the studio behind Luke not really in the mood to practice.
"What's wrong y/n/n? You seem down" Reggie asked as I plopped back onto the couch.
"I'm just tired is all. And a little stressed out"
"But we've gotta practice baby, for our next gig. Sunset Curves so gonna rock that book club" Luke said picking up his six string. I watched as Alex and Reggie sent him a glare, the boy immediately putting it back down.
"Or we could take a day off" He spoke coming to sit to my left while Reggie was on my right.
"That sounds amazing" I mumbled feeling Alex begin to massage my shoulders from behind. I craned my neck allowing him more access. Now feeling a little more relaxed than before.
"So tell us y/n/n why are you stressed out?" Luke asked as I shut my eyes.
"Well for starters I'm so gonna get my ass beat when I get home" I sighed feeling Reggie begin to rub my arm to comfort me. Something he did often with how anxious I got.
"And there's just nothing I want to do more than run your ex girlfriend over with a bulldozer" I mumbled hearing a chuckle escape their lips.
"Sounds like a plan" Alex said as Luke intertwined our fingers.
"We'll make a day out of it. Just us four and a bulldozer" He joked making me giggle. The laugh got caught in my throat as I felt a soft kiss on the side of my neck.
"Seriously guys? Not today. No way" I spoke opening my eyes.
"We just wanna help you relax"
"That's what you said last time. I couldn't walk right for 2 days" I mumbled the last part.
"We'll be gentle" Reggie spoke.
"I know you will Reg. It's them I'm worried about" I spoke earning a pointed look from Alex.
"Okay Luke"
"Am I that rough?" He asked a frown forming on his face.
"Sometimes" I admitted feeling a little bad.
"Gee I'm sorry baby" Luke spoke kissing the back of my hand.
"It's okay. I like it when I'm in the mood" I said watching as Alex walked around the couch.
"Well then boys why don't we help our girl relax for today" Alex said bending down in front of me. I bit my lip as he spread my legs open feeling a slight breeze hit my covered core.
"Well there's no need for your skirt or these" Alex spoke toying with the waistbands of both my skirt and panties.
I shimmied out of them with ease leaving me exposed to my best friends like I'd been many times before.
"She just gets prettier every time"
"And wetter"
"Mind if I taste baby?" Luke asked. I nodded my head, watching as he dipped his long fingers in between my folds. Moaning as he pulled them back up to see them glistening with my cum.
"So good" He whispered putting them in his mouth.
"Okay I want a taste now" Alex said opening my legs a little wider.
"Guys. A little help" I huffed as Luke and Reggie hooked themselves on each of my thighs to keep me still.
"Please" I begged getting more turned on by the second. The blonde didn't hesitate to latch onto my core. A loud moan escaping my lips.
"Oh fuck" I struggled to keep still as he moved his tongue skillfully through my folds. Lapping it inside and out as moans fell from my lips.
I whimpered as Reggie slowly began to rub my clit making the pleasure intensify.
"Use y-you're f-fingers" I mustered out Alex obeying my request sticking two fingers in my wet pussy. Picking up the pace. My eyes screwed shut as a familiar feeling of bliss coursed through me.
"Look at me baby" Luke muttered turning my head to look at him with his free hand. I opened my eyes looking into his blue ones covered with complete lust.
He was quick to smash his lips onto mine as the other two worked on building up my orgasm. Which wasn't far at the pace Alex was working on me.
"Holy shit!" I panted pulling away and throwing my head back at the amazing sensation of my orgasm hitting.
"You squirted princess" Alex grinned wiping away the liquids dribbling down his chin. I giggled at his swollen pink lips placing a quick peck to them.
"What now baby?" Luke asked rubbing his hand on my thigh.
I looked at the three boys before discarding any remaining clothes I had left. Watching as their eyes raked me up and down like many times before.
"Reg can you just fuck me today. I really need gentle" I begged as his cheeks turned bright red whenever I asked him to do something. Whether it was sexual or not.
"Sure beautiful" He smiled lopsidedly pushing his lips onto mine.
I sighed in content as he pushed me down on the couch. My head landing on Luke's lap giving me a little leverage.
"She's something else" Alex spoke to no one in particular.
"Your telling me" Reggie panted pulling away to undo his belt and jeans. I bit my lip looking up at the boy with the blue eyes. Who no surprise had a smirk plastered on his face.
"Condom" I heard Alex say presumably to Reggie. But I was too entrance in Luke's gaze wanting to include him. Upon hearing a ripping of a package I glance back at the boy who was hovering above me.
"I can do something for you after if you want" I bit my lip speaking towards Luke.
"It's okay baby. It's about you today" He said moving his hand down from my collarbone to my boob.
Reggie and I moaned simultaneously as he slowly entered me. Immediately stretching me out.
"So tight" He muttered beginning to move at a steady pace.
A squeal escaping my lips as Luke pinched my nipples paying close attention to each of them. He'd always been a boob guy.
I pulled Reggie down towards me our lips meeting in the middle as his speed began to increase.
Then there they were again. Fingers were now rubbing circles on my clit presumably Alex's sending my body into pure ecstasy.
I moaned loudly into Reggies mouth as I felt myself my inner walls clench around him. Earning a groan from the bassist. His thrust becoming more sloppy.
"Shit. Shit. Oh fuck" He cursed as his orgasm hit. Mine coming seconds after.
"Holy fuck Reg" I panted coming down from my high.
"That was pretty fucking hot princess" Alex spoke as Reggie got off of me to go throw away the condom.
"I try" I joked sitting up. Luke immediately removing his muscle tee and handing it to me.
"You do know this isn't gonna cover much up right?" I questioned him putting it on anyway.
"Who said we wanted you to cover up baby" He said pulling me under his arm. I sighed contently placing my hands on his bare torso.
"Anyways Reg why don't you go run her a bath inside the house" Alex suggested throwing me my panties that had been thrown onto the lazy boy.
"Got it!" Reggie said coming over and placing a chaste kiss to my lips before running out of the garage.
"I get to clean her up in the shower. Called it" Luke said as Alex wrapped his arms around my waist.
"Just as long as I get to put her to bed"
"Guys I've orgasmed twice today give me a break"
"Are you feeling more relaxed princess?"
Alex asked grinning at me.
"Much. Now if we could do that consistently for the next 2 weeks then I might be able to get through detention with Hayley without ripping her head off" I spoke earning a laugh from the two boys. Both of them knowing well that I wasn't joking.
Up Next: Carrie Wilson x Reader
Owen Patrick Joyner x Reader
Charlie Gillespie x Reader
Alex x Male Reader
Luke Patterson x Reader
Charlie Gillespie x Reader
@lolychu @headheartbellarke @bookish0918 @kcd15 @ifilwtmfc @moviesbooksandfandoms @lovesanimals @lavender-writer @kaitieskidmore1 @morganayennefertyrell @iloveteenwolf @ghostofmgg
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ma3fiore · 3 years
Just A Black Coffee
Warning(s) ⇾ profanity, 
Pairing ⇾ kuroo x gn!reader
Genre ⇾ fluff and some angst, college au,  mini-series
WC ⇾ 3.1k
Summary ⇾ You just got out of a toxic relationship and now you need a new place to stay. Your friend just so happens to know someone who’s looking for a roommate who can help out with the rent for the apartment.
AN: @luv4sakusa​ wanted to be included in my story so bad so I put her in 😒
j.a.b.c master list || next chapter
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Ch. 1: New Encounters 
It was two in the morning, you and your boyfriend were in a heated argument. You had just caught him cheating on you, but he was trying to deny it. “Why won’t you just fucking admit it!” Your throat was hurting from screaming so much. “I saw you on the couch with her and you dare to tell me that it was nothing!” Truth be told, you had known for a while now that something was going on, but you were in denial. You didn’t want to believe that your boyfriend of five years would do something like that. Yet here you are right now, confronting him. “Omg, you’re overreacting. I was just--” you cut him off “YOU WHAT? HUH? YOU TRIPPED AND YOUR TONGUE ACCIDENTALLY SLIPPED INTO HER MOUTH?” You didn’t want to start crying, yet your body said otherwise. He stared at you in silence before you stomped off to the bedroom. 
“Y/n what are you doing?” “Isn't it obvious? I’m packing my shit and breaking up with you.” You were shoving your things into your suitcase not bothering to fold any of your clothes. He scoffs, “Really? Where are you gonna go then?” “Anywhere without you seems good.” You had no clue where to go, all you knew was that you didn’t want to be near Daisho for another second. 
You zipped up your suitcase and pushed past him. He forcefully grabbed your arm causing you to turn around. “You can’t just leave me y/n,” he says almost menacingly. “I think I fucking can when I have a pretty valid reason.” You yanked your arm away from him and walked out of the apartment leaving him alone with the girl. As soon as you were out, you felt a sense of relief, but that soon went away as you realized that those five years you spent together were nothing. And your heart starts to ache even more the further you walk away. 
You were sat on a park bench, the autumn winds nipping at your nose. You looked at your phone and the time read 2:31 am. ‘I shouldn’t have left while it was this cold’ You go to your contacts and call your best friend Abby. “Y/n?” she says in a raspy voice. “What’s wrong, why are you up right now?” You sigh before telling her everything that happened. 
“So, yea I was wondering if I could crash at your place for a bit.” “Bitch of course you can! Fuck Daisho, his bitch-ass doesn’t deserve you.” You chuckle at her string of curses. “I’ll be over soon.” “Okayyy be safe.” 
You were thankful for having a friend like Abby. You stood up from the bench and made your way over to her apartment. You needed to start finding a place for yourself soon because you didn’t want to mooch off of your friend for too long. You knew she wouldn’t mind having you stay, but you didn’t want to be too much of a burden because she lived in a pretty small space. You got on the bus that led to her address and looked up some websites for apartment listings to pass the time.
By the time you arrived at her place, it was already 3 am. You knocked on her door waiting for her to come and open it. You wait there for a few minutes before the door slowly cracks open. “Hey hun,” she says with her eyes partially open. She invites you in and leads you to the living room to set your things down. 
“You can put your suitcase over here and there are some toiletries in the closet if you need them.” “Thanks, Abby, you’re the best.” “Of course,  you know I’d do anything for you.” “Yea I know.” “So how ya holdin’ up?” You stared at her in silence for a moment trying to recollect your thoughts. You thought you had cried it all out while you sat in the park earlier, so you were surprised when you felt tears streaming down your face. 
You didn’t want to cry over this anymore, but your emotions got the better of you. You held your head in your hands and kept sobbing, unable to stop the emotions from pouring out. Abby came over to your side and hugged you. She didn’t say anything. She just let you cry it out until you were able to compose yourself. Deep down she always had a bad feeling about Daisho ever since the day you announced you two were dating. She just didn’t want to say anything because you were so happy. To her, it felt like she was overstepping her boundaries. 
“Ok, I think I’ve cried about this enough for today.” “Well shit, I thought I was gonna have to hear you cry until class started.” You chuckled. “Oh shut up.” “I think it’s time we both go to bed, otherwise we’ll pass out from sleep deprivation in class.” She gets up and brings you some pillows and blankets. She bids you goodnight before going back to her room. You were glad she went back to her room because you didn’t want her to see you crying still. You felt bad that you called her so late so you told her to go to bed. You spent that night crying until you finally fell asleep.  
You woke up at 7 am, eyes still sore from all the crying you did. You felt so drained, but you had to get up and get ready for your classes. Getting up from the couch, you fold the blankets and place them neatly to the side. You open your suitcase and take out your clothes and some toiletries before heading off to the bathroom. 
You saw your reflection in the mirror and were startled at the image before you. Eyes all red and puffy and hair all tangled and sticking up. ‘Yikes,’ you thought. You quickly detangle your hair and wait for the shower to heat up. 
When you get out, you quickly dry yourself off and change into a fresh pair of clothes. After getting dressed and drying your hair, you met Abby at the kitchen for breakfast. 
“You gonna be okay going to school?” she questions while grabbing two plates, placing one in front of you. You take a seat at the counter and fix yourself some of the food she prepared. “I’m not gonna let this whole break up ruin my studies alright. I just have to hold myself together during the day and break down when I get home,” you say with a strained smile. She rolls her eyes at your remark and takes the seat next to you.
“I swear if I see him I’m gonna--” you interrupt, “You’re going to walk away and not cause any drama.” She looks at you with an unamused face. “I’m serious, I don’t want any drama. I said what I said and I have no reason to talk to him anymore.” She turns back to her food before responding. “Okay fine.” You shake your head as you see the look of disappointment on her face. “I’ll be fine, promise.” 
You two finished up your food and grabbed your things for school. Both of you rushed to the train station so you wouldn’t be late for class. You were still in anguish over the events that happened, but you were trying your hardest to ignore those feelings so you could focus on your studies. You were anxious about running into him because you felt like you would start crying again if you did. You didn’t want to have a whole breakdown in school. 
You pushed all those thoughts in the back of your head as you reached the front of the school. “I have my club meeting after school so you’re gonna be going home by yourself.” “That’s fine I have my part-time job today.” You bid your goodbyes as the both of you head to your respective classes. 
You head to the back of the classroom and take a seat. You didn’t feel like socializing with anyone at the moment. Mainly because you didn’t want anyone to notice how red your eyes were. You had tried to cover it up as best as you could but to no avail. You decided to look for more apartment listings as you wait for the professor to come to class. All the ones you found were either too expensive or looked like they would fall apart the second you walked in. Finally, the professor walks in and begins the class. 
You barely paid attention during the lecture. You were so tired from basically having zero hours of sleep and stressing out over how you were going to find a place to live. You weren’t that close with anyone in your class so you couldn’t even ask them for help. You had zoned out for the majority of the class.  The only thing that you obtained from the lecture was that you had a research paper due in the two weeks that was worth 25% of your grade. 
You feel a buzz from your phone and you look down to see what it was. 
*Message from Abby*
Abby: “Hey y/n, I just wanted to let you know my boyfriend is coming over later to hang, but don’t worry we won’t make you a third wheel :)”
Y/n: “If I walk in on both you being whores, I’ll kick you out of your apartment--”
Abby: “Whatever”
You turn your phone off and try to pay attention to the last ten minutes of the lecture. 
School was finally over and you quickly met with Abby to tell her that you might be coming home late because you had to cover for your coworker. “Okay, just remember to be safe, you never know what sketchy ass guy is gonna be around.” “Don’t worry I know how to take care of myself. I didn’t take those self-defense classes for no reason.”  She waves goodbye as she heads over to meet with her club. 
You walked over to the convenience store where you worked that was only a couple of blocks away from your school. You liked taking the night shifts because it was usually the least busy and it meant you could do some homework. That being said, you also had your fair share of creeps and drunks. You had bought pepper spray just in case anything happens. Though you hoped that you wouldn’t have to use it. 
When you arrived, the worker there got up to leave so you could take over. You didn’t have much to do. Your main tasks consisted of restocking shelves, mopping the floors, and managing the register. When it was just you in the store it kind of felt peaceful. Sometimes you’d just observe the people who walk by and other times you’d be lost in thought. However this time, you wanted to be away from your thoughts. You tried to put on some music to drown out your thoughts. For a while, it was working until you saw your ex walking hand in hand with the girl he cheated on you with. You were enraged at the sight. How could he move on so easily, while you were still stuck on it? Were you overreacting? Were you the only one who cared about the relationship? All these negative thoughts started to flood in. You were brought back to reality when you heard the bell from the door ring, signaling that a customer was there. You quickly brush off those thoughts and greet the customer. The last hour and a half went into cleaning the floors and doing a little bit of homework.  
By the time you finished your shift, the sun had completely disappeared. Although you were confident in your self-defense skills, you would still be nervous about walking home alone. You made sure that you had your pepper spray with you before locking up. You quickly shoot Abby a text saying that you were done with work and were on your way to the apartment. 
 Upon your arrival home, you were greeted by a very loud and energetic guy, who you assumed to be Abby’s boyfriend. You were caught off guard by his liveliness, especially since it was pretty late. “Y/n, this is Bokuto, my boyfriend.” “Bo, this my friend that I was talking to you about.” You exchanged hellos before you went to the bathroom to freshen up. 
“Y/n I just solved all your problems,” your best friend announces to you as you exit the bathroom. “Uh how exactly?” you question with one eyebrow raised. “Bo, tell her” she nudges her boyfriend. You sat down next to them on the couch waiting for his response. “So, Abby told me how you’re looking for a place and I happen to know someone who’s looking for a roommate to share the rent.” Your eyes lit up immediately. “Omg really?!” you ask in excitement. “Yup, I can--” you interrupt “I’ll take it.” Both of them were startled by your immediate acceptance. 
“Damn y/n, you hate me that much.” You roll your eyes at her remark. “You know that’s not the reason why I wanna leave.” You turn back to Bokuto to ask who this person is just to make sure it wasn’t some sketchy weirdo. “He’s a friend of mine from high school, he goes to the same college as us. He’s a marketing major.” “Okay, he seems fine.” “Yea, I’ll tell him that you’re interested, and I can set up a time for you guys to get acquainted.” You were kind of excited to meet your potential new roommate. You just hoped that he wasn’t going to be an asshole like your ex. “Thanks so much, Bokuto.” “No problem y/n” he flashes a friendly smile. 
After a few hours of hanging out with each other, Bokuto had to go. Before leaving he gave you the address of the apartment, Kuroo’s contact information, and his own. He said he would tell you when Kuroo would be able to meet with you. “Aren’t you glad to have such an amazing friend like me?” she asks smugly. “Uhh if I’m not mistaken it was Bokuto who knows Kuroo not you.” you tease. “Okay, but who was the one who introduced you to him? Me exactly.” The both of you started laughing. “Ok, but seriously thank you for doing this. I’ll treat you to ramen sometime.” “You better.” 
A week has passed since that day, and Bokuto finally texted you saying that Kuroo was able to meet. You were waiting in anticipation. You were hoping that he didn’t already find someone else during that week of waiting. A wave of relief washed over you when you received Bokuto’s message with the details for the meeting. “So when are you seeing him?” she asks from the kitchen. “Today at 4.” You had about an hour to get ready. “Are you nervous?” “Yes and no,” you respond. “I just hope he doesn’t reject me,” you say while trying to pick out an outfit. “Bo said that he’d be fine with anyone as long as they’re able to pay the other half.” “Do you know anything about him?” you inquire hoping to get a little more information before meeting him. “The only thing Bo has told me is that they’ve known each other since high school and were rival teams for volleyball. Other than that, I’m as clueless as you.” You give her a slight nod. 
You finally picked out your outfit and went to go change. “Does this look okay?” She turns around to see what you had on. “Yea you look great.” You go back into the bathroom to look at yourself in the mirror one more time. “ARE YOU SURE?” you yell. “YES STOP WORRYING, YOU LOOK FINE!” she yells back. You leave the bathroom to grab your bag and head to the cafe. “Wish me luck,” you sigh. “Relax, it’s not a life or death situation,” she jokes. You wave goodbye and head over to the cafe, hoping that you wouldn’t arrive late.
You walk into the cafe scanning the area to see if he was there. You didn’t even know what he looked like so there was no point in trying to look. You feel a buzz from your pocket. You take your phone out to see a message from Kuroo.
Kuroo Tetsurō: “By the window.”
You look up to see a guy with spiky hair sitting by the window looking at you. You could feel his gaze piercing through you. Your heart started to race. You walked over hoping he wouldn’t notice how nervous you were. “Hey gorgeous,” he says with a smirk. “What’s your name?” His forwardness caught you off guard. “Uh I’m y/n,” you say as you took the seat across from him. “Can I get you something to drink?” he asks. “A black coffee is fine.” He gets up to order the drinks. As he gets up, you catch yourself admiring his looks but you quickly brush it off, especially when he’s going to be your future roommate. Besides you just got out of a relationship. Just as you brushed it off, he comes back with the drinks. 
“So why do you wanna be my roommate?” he asks you and you reply with “I just really need a place to live right now, I promise I’ll be a good roommate, and make sure to give the payments on time.” “Whoa whoa whoa there, I just asked for a reason not a whole life story,” he says in a teasing manner. You sit there, cheeks flushed with embarrassment. “Sorry didn’t mean to embarrass you, sweetheart.” Little did he know that it made you feel even more flustered. “Uhmm it’s fine,” you reply. Trying to ease the conversation from what just happened, you say in a cocky manner, “So do you want me or not?” Causing a chuckle to escape his lips. 
“This is going to be interesting.”
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