#my balance from leg to leg……. and the towel thing which is supposed to be strengthening my shitty vmo
fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
I’m officially going back to work on Saturday <3
#just a two hour lunch cover. just to see if my knee can handle it or will try to kill me for standing for that long#but it feels like a big step. it feels massive to trust my knee like that again#gotta make sure i do all my exercises between now & then lol to make sure it’s as strong as it needs to be#but god i hate doing squats. i haaaate iiiiiittttttt#i hate doing the lateral band walk even more though. can i tell you a secret? i’ve skipped it the past couple of days#just couldn’t handle it on top of my lunges and my squats and standing on one knee on top of a pillow and swaying side to side to shift#my balance from leg to leg……. and the towel thing which is supposed to be strengthening my shitty vmo#and i thought the calf stretch was bad. BRO. i do the calf stretch ~240 times a day now. 120 per leg#the other night i woke up with one of those really bad cramps in my calf and i did the calf stretch and it went away#anyway. if anyone has any advice for doing squats when it feels like your kneecap may fall off if you do a squat; let me know#also let me know if you have any advice for doing a job where you have to stand and walk and stuff the whole time. and your knee feels like#it’s going to fall off. i am kind of freaking out ngl#i think i’m just going to dose myself up on painkillers; wear my brace and just do it#for god’s sake the assistant manager literally needs a knee replacement and she proceeds. i don’t need a knee replacement. i must be fine#personal
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twotitsjohndecaon · 2 years
Brighton Rock | Happy Little Day
Howdy folks finally posting this shit. This is a small lil series which I hope you like. Apparently I only write about fucking on vacations, but sue me.
Word Count: 5.9k
Warnings: Clubs. Drinking. Swearing probably. Lusting. Then sin, lots and lots of filthy shit, 18+ or else.
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“Y/N, stop laying around!” You opened your eyes and looked up to your teenaged cousin, Julie, who was looking at you with contempt. Your eyes adjusted to the bright sun. You were peacefully enjoying said sun on the beach in your new bikini when you were so rudely interrupted.
“I thought you wanted to go in the water?” you replied.
“It’s boring all alone and mum and dad won’t come in with me. And I don’t want to go in with Daniel either because then I’d just have to look after him the whole time. I wanna go in deep,” complained Julie, referencing her baby brother, your youngest cousin. You had kind of been forced to go on this trip. Your aunt and uncle had extra room in the accommodation and travel for their beach holiday to Brighton by accident, and them and the rest of your family didn’t really give you a choice as to whether you wanted to go or not. You didn’t mind too much. A beach vacation wasn’t the worst thing in the world, and you didn’t really mind this side of your family (except for moments like these). It was more the fact that no one gave you a choice in the matter which annoyed you. But here you were anyways, enjoying the sun and beach well enough. You sighed and stood up, dusting your legs off. 
“Fine. But only for a little bit and I don’t wanna go in too deep and you better not drown,” you said, walking off with Julie, who rolled her eyes. The two of you went in the water, shrieking at the cold at first and then giggling a little when the waves would bounce you up. Julie eventually went a little farther and you went a little closer to the shore. Your top half dried as you kicked some rocks around, feeling your feet sink in little by little with each wave. After a few minutes, Julie came back to join you. You kicked around a little more before Julie looked to the shore and then smiled deviously back at you. 
“What?” you asked. She crossed her arms.
“That guy’s staring at you,” she whispered with a nudge of her head. You looked to see who she was talking about, and lo and behold, a man did seem to be staring at you, luckily not too much at your body but still held an intense gaze. He was handsome you supposed at first glance, older, but before you made any other judgements you turned back to Julie.
“No he’s not. He’s wearing sunglasses too. You can’t tell if he’s staring.”
“Yes he is,” she giggled. “Oh well. Not my beach romance to throw away I suppose,” she said, heading back to sit by her parents. You rolled your eyes this time and looked at the man looking once more. He noticed you and gave you a smile, and you just crossed your arms over your chest a bit subconsciously before heading back for a moment to grab Daniel and put your sunglasses on yourself. You returned to the water, bending over to hold his arms up so he wouldn’t lose balance in the waves and so you could lift him up. Daniel was laughing and the man was still staring. You realized as you continued to lift Daniel up that by bending over to help him, you were giving this man a full on view of your ass from the back and tits from the front. You blushed a bit at this realization and picked up Daniel, standing fully up and went back to the towels laid out to dry off. You sat him down and laid out again next to Julie. 
“How’s your boyfriend?” She teased in a low voice so her parents couldn’t hear. 
“Julie, I’m not interested in some pervy guy who sits on the beach alone to look at girls’ bodies.”
“Even if he’s cute?”
“Yes, even if he’s cute. Now drop it,” you said, laying down completely.
After leaving the beach, taking turns cleaning up, and putting on a sundress for dinner. Before you all left, as the street lamps were beginning to turn on, you enjoyed the bugs chirping and the warm evening air. Your aunt and uncle had asked you to run to the store quickly to buy some food for Daniel, as he was an extremely picky eater at the moment and it would be closed by the time dinner was over. You had showered and gotten ready first too, so it made sense for you to go. Stopping in the M&S simply food down the road, you looked around the aisles to pick out some snacks for the baby. When looking to make sure you were getting the right type of cereal, you were just about to turn around and go to the check out when you nearly bumped into someone, muttering a “sorry” before looking to see who it was. You actually bumped into their chest first, looking up to see the man who had been staring at you by the beach, who looked considerably taller standing up. He smiled when he realized he was you. You hated admitting Julie was right, but he was lean, sharp, tan, and handsome, and his eyes were gorgeous. But that still didn’t make you any less creeped out by him since the encounter from earlier.
“Sorry, I should’ve been more careful,” he said, with what you hated to admit was a lovely voice as well.
“It’s no problem,” you said, wanting to end this conversation and get away from this guy. You started walking away when he kept talking. 
“I think I saw you at the beach earlier today,” he said. You stopped, turning half around. 
“Mm-hmm.” You weren’t gonna make this easy for him. The man seemed a little distraught at your closed off nature but kept trying. 
“I-I just wanted to say I’m sorry about that. I didn’t mean to stare so much and make you uncomfortable.” He said, taking a timid step closer. You didn’t move luckily and turned more towards him. You actually appreciated a bit him realizing what he had done and apologizing. You lowered your arms and met his eyes. 
“It’s— it’s ok.” You gave a small smile. Neither of you moved, and he took that as a sign to continue talking. 
“I promise I don’t make it so much of a habit,” he chuckled. He turned to the cereal to pick out the same box as you did. “Here for the nightly… cereal and applesauce?” He said. You chuckled a bit. 
“It’s for my baby cousin. And like you can talk,” you said, pointing out the fact he selected a box too. He chuckled.
“Touché. It’s for the morning. I’m Brian, by the way,” he smiled, and damn, you wish his smile wasn’t so lovely. 
“Y/N,” you replied. Silence fell between you two for a moment, and before you could even reconsider you asked, “why were you staring?” Even though you knew the answer. Brian chuckled again. 
“Because sometimes I can’t resist looking at a beautiful girl,” he smiled. The comment made you blush more than you would’ve liked. “See you around, Y/N,” he said, looking you up and down once more before heading to the till, leaving you flustered in the aisle.
“What took you so long? Rendezvous with your boyfriend?” Teased Julie before you headed out to dinner. 
“No. Shut up.” You said and she chuckled. By the end of the meal, you’d managed to forget about him, but when you closed your eyes for the night you couldn’t help but replay his hungry gaze up and down your body. 
In the morning, you’d mostly shaken the experience again. You and your family had a lovely time walking leisurely through the Victoria Gardens and appreciating the pavilion. You only minorly distracted yourself. You thought you’d seen him, a glimpse of his hair when walking past the street, but it had to have been your imagination. You scolded yourself in a way. Brian was on your mind more than you wished. And you still found him staring at you creepy but he didn’t seem too bad in the shop. The truth was, it had been a while since you’d been flattered so explicitly by someone so attractive, so you couldn’t help but appreciate the attention. You continued the day shopping and eating with your aunt and uncle, and headed back to the inn you were all staying at to clean up for dinner again. And by this point you’d pretty much forgotten about Brian again. Until you walked into the inn’s foyer, and there he was. You froze for a moment, your eyes widening and his as well, clearly an unexpected interaction. You prayed Julie wouldn’t notice him and tease you further for your obvious reaction and infatuation for the man when you affirmed you were the opposite the day before. But she didn’t seem to notice, and your aunt and uncle were none the wiser. You nearly paused as his gaze quickly switched from surprise to something else, something darker and hungrier. It made your stomach do a quick flip before you quickly composed yourself and caught up with your family. You quickly made your way to your room and locked yourself in the bathroom, taking a deep breath to calm yourself down from the situation. The two of you were at the same accommodation, making you bound to see each other. You weren’t sure if this terrified you or excited you. It was a mixture of both, and which one you wanted to admit least you were unsure. That night again, he pervaded your dreams and thoughts.
Your family’s activity for the next day was to spend the day at the pier playing all the arcade games and going on rides. You accompanied them of course. You spent the day racking up plenty of tickets which you redeemed for prizes worth less than a quarter of what you spent to get the tickets, much to Julie’s objection. She was upset you were more tactical at some of the games than her, but then you made it up to her by accompanying her on all of the amusement rides she wanted to go on, since your aunt and uncle had to watch the baby most of the time, but they took the odd turn themselves. Then, deciding she wanted a second go at beating you, you and Julie returned to the arcade, deciding to set a 30 minute timer to see who could win the most tickets in that time. You were fine with letting her have this one, so you only occasionally played the odd game while she went off in a frenzy on her own. As you were leaning over a pinball game, which didn’t even give out tickets, you felt a hand on your shoulder and turned around to see Brian. You stepped back in shock, instead falling a bit into the corner of the machine and beginning to trip. Brian luckily noticed and caught you by grabbing your waist. As he righted you, he kept his hands lingering for a moment.
“Careful,” he smiled, his face closer than it had even been. You looked into his eyes and got lost for a moment, enjoying his grip on you and his gaze. You shook your head and stood up as his hands fell.
“I’m beginning to think you’re stalking me,” you said, brushing yourself off a bit, “but thank you.” 
“Pleasure. And I’m not stalking you. Every time’s been a coincidence,” said Brian cheekily. 
“How can I believe you? I barely know you,” you said truthfully, but in a tone that suggested a bit of a challenge, like you wanted to know him more. Brian was magnetizing, and you felt to be a complete victim of his charm. Brian smirked in response and got a bit closer. You could breath him in a bit at this point, and it was addicting, however, he wasn’t close enough necessarily where it would be inappropriate for a stranger to be so close.
“You can get to know me more, if you like,” he said. You looked worryingly around for Julie. You knew that the timer the two of you had set up would be almost out by now. “Problem?” asked Brian, genuinely a bit concerned he’d made you uncomfortable.
“My cousin’s here. She can’t see you. I— I’d never hear the end of it,” you said with a bit of a chuckle, and a gaze that just about conveyed you were sorry you’d have to go. Brian nodded in understanding and smiled a bit once more.
“I understand,” he started. You were just about to move away when he grabbed your forearm lightly, and you whipped your head around to face him again, your hair flipping with the action and him catching its scent. It sent him slightly mad, but he composed himself. “But if you can manage a moment away, I’ll be at the 10 Below bar later tonight.” You stared at him. “In case you wanted to get to know me more,” he finished, letting your arm go and then walking away. You rubbed your arm at the spot where he held, not in pain, but to try to imprint the feeling in a way. You didn’t know what to make of his offer. He was extremely handsome, and seemed to have you under some sort of spell. But it seemed too convenient, and you couldn’t have your family know, because then they’d tell your parents and even though you were an adult all hell would break loose. You swallowed and composed yourself and found Julie, who boasted about her winning against you. You congratulated her, found your aunt and uncle, and returned to clean up again. However, this time, you didn’t go to dinner, which they had earlier than usual.
“Ready to go?” asked your Aunt Susan as she knocked on the door, your uncle and Daniel in tow. She, your uncle, and Daniel were sharing a room and you and Julie were sharing one with two beds next door. Julie went past you to the hallway to join them, and you were nearly about to as well, before you made a split second decision.
“Actually, I think I’m going to stay back,” you said. 
“Everything all right?” Aunt Susan asked, concerned. Julie looked at you strange. “Yeah. It’s just… it’s that time of the month and it’s just started,” you whispered, placing your hand over your lower stomach. “I’m fine. Just a bit uncomfortable and I think I should rest for tomorrow,” you said. Julie believed you, as you had been quiet since coming back. She chalked it up to the pain now but it was really because you were silently freaking out about Brian asking you out. 
“Aw, love, you go and rest. We’ll bring you back a sandwich and some chips?” said Aunt Susan. 
“If it’s no trouble,” you said. They nodded and headed on their way. You closed the door and sighed to yourself. Were you really going to do this? You found your answer as you rushed to the closet to ransack your suitcase for anything you could wear to a bar, something dashing. You hadn’t really packed anything because you’d assumed you wouldn’t be going out much on your family vacation with a teenage cousin, a baby, and your middle aged aunt and uncle. You really had nothing. “Shit,” you whispered to yourself. You quickly made your way out of the inn down the road, praying for any shops to be open still. Your family had gone to dinner earlier luckily, but it was still somewhat late for shops. After nearly jogging down the road, the only contender was a TK Maxx. It’d have to do. You threw something together, returned to the inn quickly to darken your makeup, and got all ready. You had to leave before everyone got back. You were about to run out of the door when you realized you’d need an excuse to be gone. You grabbed the inn’s notepad and pen and quickly scribbled down, took a walk to see if it would help and might stop by the shop. Y/N. You hoped that’d be good enough. You were in the clear and hadn’t realized you’d nearly been running to the bar you’d been walking so fast. You slowed down as you arrived and entered.
With a quick scan of the room, you didn’t see Brian. Taking a moment, you found the bathroom. You made sure you still looked alright, and took a deep breath to calm yourself down and panicked a bit. You and Brian never agreed on a time. But he had to show up at some point? Worst comes to worst, you figured, you could get some guy to buy you a drink if Brian never showed up. But you decided not to worry about that at the moment and went back out to the counter. The place was nice enough, it was nearly half-bar-half-club, but not so loud or dark. The lights were dimmed and there was ample seating, not all too busy this early yet. There was a stage where some musicians were chatting and tuning their instruments. You sat down at the bar and placed your order. You got something to sip on, maybe calm your nerves a bit but not make you unaware of anything. You sat sipping and people watching for a bit, and someone tried to approach you as you sat alone but you turned them down. The bar got busier and busier by the minute, but never too packed. Eventually, you felt a hand at the small of your back, and turned around to see Brian.
“You came,” you said, looking him up and down but not gracing him with a smile. You were still unsure of him. He was damn attractive in these lights, and it was a bit frustrating. 
“You came,” he reiterated. “I wasn’t sure if you would.” “Why? Think I was afraid?”
“A bit maybe. You looked a little spooked earlier,” Brian chuckled.
“That’s because you were stalking me.”
“Well that’s why we’re here, aren’t we? To prove I’m not some stranger who was stalking you?” You rolled your eyes a bit but smiled. Brian ordered a drink and topped yours up. 
“Thanks,” you said. Brian sat down and scooted his stool closer to you. 
“Besides, how do I know you weren’t stalking me?” Brian smirked. You smiled.
“I guess you’ll just have to believe me. I wasn’t.”
“Ditto,” he said, taking a sip. You admitted to yourself, you liked him. It was going well so far. Nothing seemed forced or awkward, it seemed like the innuendos and the flirting came naturally around each other.
“I can’t stay long,” you said. “Supposedly I’m sick,” you explained. 
“Ah,” he replied. “What’s your affliction?” 
“Women’s troubles,” you smiled, testing him a bit. Some of the more ignorant men in the world got grossed out at the mere mention of things like women’s anatomy, and you wanted to filter those out fast. Luckily, Brian chuckled again.
“That’s a mean one,” he said. “So you’re not from Brighton, then? Just here on holiday?” he asked. You nodded. “Me too. I’m in some part of Greater London at all times,” he chuckled.
“What keeps you there?” you asked.
“Work, mostly.”
“You’re one of those workaholics, then?”
“Ha, I try not to be, but sometimes the job demands it,” he said, staying ambiguous, not wanting his career to detract from the conversation like it had in other interactions he’d had. “And what about you, like the beach?” he asked.
“Fine enough,” you said. “I know you do, though,” you teased.
“I do? And how could you possibly know that?”
“Because you liked staring at my tits pretty well the other day,” you said teasingly, mixing your drink with your straw.
“Can you blame me?” he chuckled. You blushed and looked over to the side.
“So what, come to Brighton alone often?” you asked.
“No, not often. I haven’t been to Brighton in a while. But tell me more,”
“About what?”
“Yourself,” he said. You noticed the quick subject change, but brushed it off.
“Like, what’s my favorite color?” 
“I thought we were here so I could get to know you,” you said.
“Alright then. It’s black.”
“Black’s not a color.”
“Sure it is.”
“No, black is a lack of color,” you teased. He smiled at you and furrowed his brow bit.
“Well then what’s yours?” he asked.
“I don’t have one,” you said, drinking more.
“You’ve got to be kidding,”
“Why would I kid about that?”
“No, I believe you, I just can’t believe you’d tell me black’s not a color and then go on to say you don’t even have a favorite color yourself,” he laughed. “It’s the audacity.” You opened your mouth in feigned offense.
“Know what I think is audacious, Brian?” you said, leaning in close. Brian leaned in close himself. Your scent enraptured him in the most glorious way, and your wit was killer and everything about you made him desire you greatly. 
“What?” he said, his face close to yours. You looked at his lips momentarily, then back to his eyes.
“Inviting me to a bar without setting a time and assuming I’d show up,” you said, leaning away and finishing your drink. It was helping you feel lighter on top of everything. Brian tried to snap himself out of it. 
“Well I managed to luck out then, didn’t I?” he said.
“Most certainly,” you conceded. The jazz band had finished setting up and began to play with a quick announcement. You and Brian enjoyed the song, where halfway through he moved closer and slipped his hand around your waist, tentatively and then more firmly when you didn’t move away. You moved into him a bit more. As the next song started, Brian stood up and took your hand. 
“Care to dance?” he said. You nodded and grabbed his hand. The song wasn’t too lively or slow. He grabbed your waist again and you secured your arms around his neck (which was a bit of a reach) and swayed together, his hands slowly slipping lower and your hips slowly touching more and more. You could hardly handle it, Brian staring straight into your eyes so intensely. He was a charming, clever guy, and incredibly handsome, and you couldn’t help but feel attracted to him in a very literal and physical way. Brian was no better off. You were driving him crazy with your eyes back, your lips and the feel of you, your hair, everything. He gave in soon and put a hand on your jaw, and you gave him a smile and a look that said, I dare you, and that’s all he could handle before he brought his lips to yours. The kiss was intense, a bit messy and lustful but very deep. He pulled away soon after as the song finished again. You looked at him sorrowfully as you figured you should go, though you wanted to do nothing more than dance the night away. You didn’t, you couldn’t get attached to some guy you met on holiday. You’d have to leave soon and didn’t want to get hurt. So you leaned to his ear.
“I should go,” you said, trying to convey you were sorry for it. Brian looked upset too a bit, and nodded. Before you could break away again, he pulled you close suddenly and whispered into your ear, sending shivers through you as his breath hit your neck.
“158,” he said. You looked at him, confused. “I’m in room 158. Tomorrow after dark,” Brian finished. Your stomach swooped as you realized what he meant, and nodded, before parting away. You wrapped your arms around yourself to protect from the slight chill of the night as you quickly walked back to the inn. You opened the door to find Julie sitting in bed and reading. She looked up at you.
“Took you long enough,” she said, her brow furrowing when she noticed your appearance. “Where’d you get that from?” she said, referencing your clothes. You froze and panicked as you realized you’d forgotten to account for your going out clothes when coming back.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I packed this with me and changed to go on the walk,” you said, folding your arms again and quickly rushing to the bathroom again to undo your appearance. When you came out of the bathroom, she was back to her book. You sat down in your own bed. “You got my note then?” 
“Yeah,” she said mindlessly. “When’d you leave? It’s a bit late now.”
“When’d you all come back from dinner?” You asked, avoiding the question. 
“Just after 8. And you didn’t answer me,” Julie said. 
“I left just before 8. And then I walked down to the shop but it was closed and then took a long walk,” you said, hoping that’d be a good enough alibi. Julie just shrugged. To put the nail in the coffin, you suggested, “wanna watch some TV quick before bed?” Julie nodded and closed her book, and you flipped on some channels. The distraction seemingly worked.
As the two of you watched, you hardly paid attention, your stomach swooping and mind swirling at what happened just before with Brian. And on his preposition. Were you really going to sleep with some man you just met on holiday? A man who was older than you, who you barely knew? Were you going to sneak out during your family vacation just for sex? Would it be dangerous, a bad idea for your safety, or emotions? You’d always gotten attached quite easily. But then again, maybe mindless sex would be the best way to ensure you got the most out of this, that it could be a naughty secret fling and just that. Because at the end of the day, you weren’t going to ever see each other again once you leave your vacation. But all the other reasons too. You weren’t close to an answer either way, simply nervously mulling over everything. 
You fell asleep, and your family spent the next day relaxing on the beach once more, but you were anything but relaxed, a constant stream of worry of the right thing and desire and curiosity keeping you on edge. Dinner happened, and though the summer sun set late it did turn dark eventually. You laid in bed until Julie fell asleep, and breathed in. You shouldn’t go. But then you found yourself quietly closing the door and walking down the hall to room 158. The urge was too strong, and Brian was too addicting. You knocked on the door just past 11 softly, and the door opened to Brian who looked at you hungrily, towering over you. He didn’t say a word, didn’t have to as he immediately took your waist and pulled you inside, closing the door. The room was dim, and his grip tightened on you as he immediately captured his lips with yours. You devoured each other, his tongue slipping inside your mouth alongside yours. 
The kiss was intense, sustaining, and drove each of you crazy. He broke away after you both lost your breath, and you couldn’t even draw another one in before his lips fell to your neck, making you gasp. He nipped and sucked on the soft skin of your neck, moving around and to either side until he found the spot which made you arch into his body, his response being one hand falling to your ass to push you into him. Everything, his scent, his touch, made you melt into him and you could help but moan a bit. Brian growled at your noises and turned you around, kissing you hard again as he back you to the bed and lowered you down to the edge before forcing your legs apart with his torso, fitting himself against you. You were on your back and he was still standing, leaning over as he finished the kiss before pulling away. He gazed at you, a dark glare full of complete desire and satisfaction that he knew would be fulfilled. You couldn’t help but look at him the same. 
You climbed into place against the pillows before Brian knelt on the bed in front of you and started to unbutton his shirt, staring at you unfalteringly. He finished and discarded it to the floor, before grabbing your top and getting rid of it too. Brian gasped at your breasts before running his hands over them and putting his mouth back to your neck. He fondled you as you started to pant, his lips trailing down as they fell over your nipples and he lavished his mouth upon each. You whined at his effects, and he didn’t stay long before his lips continued down to your stomach before he lightly kissed the junction between your hip and your stomach, making you moan. He pulled your pants down quickly and did the same to his own, and you eyed his tented boxers. Before you could appreciate him more, he began to  kiss the insides of your upper thighs until you were writhing towards him. Brian smirked at the effect he was having on you, and sat up as he palmed himself for a moment and rubbed at you through your underwear with his thumb. Your hips pushed into him, begging him to give into what you desired, to make you feel good, though you knew he would. 
Brian ran his hands up your sides once more before leaning down and kissing you, before removing your panties, kissing each of your thighs once, and then dipping into your core. You cried out softly as he licked and sucked at you before dipping down and slipping his tongue inside, his nose rubbing against you. Your whines started out as constant whispers but grew more and more audible, though never too loud, never to reveal your hidden tryst. As he lifted his head once more, he made direct eye contact again, you meeting him, making everything more intense. His gaze was hungry and real, making you realize that it was him exactly who was in your most private places. You sighed and sobbed a bit as you got close, before Brian slipped two fingers inside of you, curling them up, your hips lifting with his fingers, and his mouth and other arm pinning you down, forcing you to endure him, his eyes never leaving yours until you couldn’t keep your eyes open. What your sight couldn’t supplement for you anymore, Brian filled in for your ears, lifting his mouth for a moment, saying, “Let go. Now.” commanding you, before lowering back down, and you gave in, your mouth locked into a silent scream as you felt the highest you’d been, like you were breaking apart out of pure pleasure. After thrashing around until your hips moved the opposite direction, attempting to leave the stimulation, Brian lifted off and out of you, rubbing your thighs until you opened your eyes again. Once you did, Brian just smirked at you and removed his pants, your eyes widening at his size. Before you had a chance to appreciate it enough again, Brian leaned over to kiss you, more softly this time again, and you reached a hand down to him, stroking him and rubbing him harder and harder, Brian making the most gorgeous low moan into your mouth. 
It wasn’t long before he couldn’t take it anymore, and guided himself into you. You gasped as he slid in all the way, stretching around him pleasurably and he started to move. He was deep and hard and both of you whined into each other’s mouths, too preoccupied to continue kissing as you felt each other inside out. There was something so naughty, lustful, and exiting about the experience, but also somehow deep and gentle just as much, even though Brian was plowing into you with the subtly of a semi truck. He sped up and you grabbed his back and tugged on his hair hard, trying to contain your noises as he buried his face in your neck. 
“Fuck, fuck, I’m close already,” he said, moving a hand down to rub at you. You were close too, your body unable to remain composed with how Brian was taking you. You moaned louder at first before quieting down out of necessity, Brian’s chin and nose tucking further into your neck with the pressure, his breath making you shiver. The muscles in his arms flexed near the side of your head as he barely held himself up on his elbows, but used them to thrust into you even harder. You sobbed out as he hit a deeper spot, finishing all over him. Brian was unable to take you contracting hard around him, moaning brokenly before pulling out of you and finishing over your stomach before collapsing on top of you. Both of you hyperventilated for a moment as you came down before Brian’s nose nudged yours, the two of you lazily kissing before your breathing settled. You moved away slightly, brows knitted together.
“The mess—“ you started.
“It’s alright. I can clean it up,” Brian said softly as he kissed you a bit more. Brian hopped up on shaky legs to do such and returned, cleaning the both of you off. He threw the hotel towel to the floor and laid down next to you, grabbing you close and kissing you again before intertwining your legs and rubbing his nose softly against yours. You grabbed his hand and met his eyes, and he gave you a soft smile back.
“You’re gorgeous, Y/N. And absolutely incredible,” he whispered. 
“You’re just saying that because I just slept with you,” you whispered back with a grin. Brian exhaled with a soft chuckle before pulling you closer, both of your eyes falling closed with exhaustion. You wanted nothing more than to just stay like this all night, or maybe forever, just be with him, because it felt amazing whenever you were around him. You couldn’t even stand to feel afraid of such a feeling as he held you close. You opened your eyes to see his still closed and untangled your hand, running it up his arm to stroke his face. He opened his eyes to see you looking upset back at him.
“You have to go, don’t you,” Brian whispered, his face giving away no emotion but his smile falling. 
“Yeah,” you breathed back. Brian sat up, bringing you up with him, pulling you onto his lap to give you one last deep kiss before pulling back, it saying everything the two of you felt, that you wished you could stay, through your expressions. But alas, you pulled away and put your clothes back on, smoothing down your hair quickly before opening the door, looking back at him once more. He smiled and looked at you reassuringly back, and you smiled as you closed the door softly. You quickly ran back to your room, opening the door as quietly as possible. The room was still dark, and Julie was still fast asleep. You sighed in relief as you climbed into bed yourself, passing out blissfully and a bit sore from your little rendezvous. Maybe this holiday was a good idea after all.
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tnlbarth-blog · 1 year
July 23 2023 - 8:24pm
Trigger Warning: Body Horror, Talk of Hospitals, Wreckless Driving
Warning: All people places and things resembling any real people places or things are merely coincidence and are not to be taken as such.
Some of my favorite memories of my father weren't always happy. I know that sounds weird but it's true. A lot of those memories were during times when I was scared.
A great example is the day I ended up getting stitches and staples.
We were celebrating my brother's birthday. All the kids were outside playing while the adults were inside hanging out and checking on us from time to time. We were playing Red Rover. And I was called so I ran to break the chain that our "opponents" created with their arms. I ran hard and fast and broke through. I lost my balance and slid a good foot on my knees. My side cheered until I stood up.
It turns out there was glass hidden in the grass. I landed on the glass when I hit the ground. The force of me sliding caused the glass to slice through my leg. I didn't feel it and in fact I didn't even know it had happened. The other kids all ran inside leaving me behind. Confused I started to walk around the yard picking up the toys we had brought out as I called after them telling them we needed to follow the rules about going inside.
As I made my way to the house after collecting the toys I watched as all the parents came out my mother and father heading the herd. Michel (a paramedic on his day off.) another of the adults ran up to me and told me to lay down. I was scared I didn't know what was going on. I did as he told me and pulled out a towel and pressed it on my leg. But not quick enough. I ended up seeing my leg sliced open and its flesh split like a book.
My father came up to us as Michel told him to call 911. But being poor and not being able to afford an ambulance for me, my father scooped me up as Michel told us to keep pressure on my leg. My father rushed us to his car, put me in the passager side and got in on his side. And took off.
It's important to note earlier that week he had surgery on his knee and wasn't supposed to lift anything heavier than 10 pounds. And being an 9 or 10 years old I was clearly heavier than that.
Anyway, he told me to put my leg up on the dash (which normally he would have never let me do.) So I listened and then he drove me to the hospital. He had a manual car or a car with a shifter in it. Which is important because as he drove he kept one hand on my leg keeping pressure on it. He kept his other hand on the shifter and he steered the car with his knees.
By this time the shock was starting to wear off of me and I was scared. My father kept telling me that everything was going to be fine. (But looking back I think he was telling himself that more than he was telling me.)
When we got to the hospital my father carried me in through the emergency doors. I could feel his body shaking and his breathing was elevated. No one was at the counter. I remember my father shouting for help. I was so confused and scared but between calling for help he kept reassuring me I would be fine.
Soon a nurse came and grabbed a wheel chair and my father put me down. He told them what happened. They quickly brought us back and numbed me up. My father never left my side holding my hand as they cleaned me up and put 15 stitches and 16 Staples into my leg.
I honestly don't remember much after that. My father brought me home and everyone asked how I was. But I remember how big of an impact that day made on me. My father became my hero that day. The best part is he didn't screw up his knee again from that.
Looking back I know he was as terrified as I was if not more so. But to me he was so calm and fearless. He was amazing like a super hero.
Every time I look down at my leg now after his death I think of him and how much he loved me.
TNL Barth
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hyunsuks-beanie · 3 years
Sunghoon NSFW Alphabet
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Mellow speaks: Everyone's favorite NSFW Alphabet is back, y'all!! I have five requests for this series as of now, and I'm here to deliver on that! Sunghoon is the first one of the lot, and I had so much fun writing this one like, this might as well become my fav one in the entire series hehe (until the Yeonjun one comes up at least xD). Hope you guys enjoy reading this, bc I thoroughly loved writing it. My inbox is open as always, and everyone is welcome!
Tagging: @freckledwinterfalls
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A = Aftercare
(What they’re like after sex)
He'd be such a tease oh my goodness. The moment he comes down from his high, he'll start annoying the hell out of you, saying stuff like "You were honestly so tight for me" or "Your pretty voice must have woken the neighbors up." But he means well, and even while he's saying borderline lewd things, he will be taking amazing care of you, wiping you gently with a warm towel, careful not to apply too much pressure to places where he knows you're sore. Things go south pretty often, his lips which were supposed to place butterfly kisses to your lips and skin end up leaving open-mouthed ones as you think, "Here we go again."
B = Body part
(Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He's pretty much in love with his entire body (as he should be), but if he were to pick one part, it'd probably be his legs, which have been supporting him all his life, first as a figure skater and now as an idol. Even with you, he loves how they give him the strength and balance he needs to show you a good time without going weak too soon. As for you, there's just something about your face that gets him going, your beautiful lips and pretty cheeks being his favorite targets for both, gentle kisses and quick slaps mid-sex. The way your features contort into pure pleasure when you're doing it just fills him with pride, knowing he's the one who's showing you heaven.
C = Cum
(Anything to do with cum basically)
Sunghoon often tends to fall asleep on top of you after having sex at night, his cock buried deep inside your vagina, especially after an somnophiliac episode. And so, it just fills him up with lust yet again when he watches his seed, mixed with your fluids, seeping out of your hole when he finally pulls away after hours. You look way too gorgeous to handle in that instant, and more often than not, it leads to to fresh new round.
D = Dirty Secret
(Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Sunghoon seems like the type to be really big on somnophilia, but he'll never tell you just what he feels whenever he catches you asleep. The way his mind quickly fills up with nothing but images of you writhing under him, looking like an angel wearing his clothes, your eyes blown out and half-lidded at the same time, sleep and arousal at constant odds with each other. You look like the purest person on earth to him at that moment, and he can do nothing but ruin you, absolutely ruin you.
E = Experience
(How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He can be quite cocky inside the bedroom, but in reality, he's still quite nervous in his mind, knowing that he's not the best when it comes to being experienced. Sure, he's a fast-learner, but that doesn't mean he's not scared of not meeting your expectations. But little does he know that he's amazing at whatever he does, and when he decides to pleasure you, he only stops when all thoughts in your emind escape, only his name remaining.
F = Favourite Position
(This goes without saying)
Missionary, because he loves to watch the way his length moves in and out of you, and the way your boobs jiggle as you bounce your hips against his. Gives him even more chances to tease the shit out of you, his eyes trained on your face as he raptly studies the way your expressions change every so often.
G = Goofy
(Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
He's quite intent on pleasuring you and himself, and so, goofing around inside the bedroom is much less common than him downright teasing you, degrading you at every chance he gets. But the smirk that's plastered on his face as the words slip past his lips is more than enough to have you rolling your eyes till they're stuck to the back of your skull, your own lips curved into a smile as you come with retorts every so often.
I = Intimacy
(How are they during the moment, romantic aspect-)
Despite being a tease and borderline asshole half the time, Sunghoon does know how to turn the mood of the room romantic in an instant, that pretty mouth of his spewing sweet compliments and confessions of love when he's not degrading the life out of you. But even his teasing is a way of showing his love for you, and you know it, well-aware of the fact that he's teasing you because he feels comfortable around you.
J = Jack Off
(Masturbation headcanon)
Sunghoon isn't particularly big on masturbating, your face and expressions being half the reason he hits his climax in the first place. Sure, he might agree to guided masturbation (with you on FaceTime, no less) every once in a while, but he usually sees jacking off as a hassle and would rather wait for you to help him. Even when you're sound asleep, he'd rather pound into you and wake you up than touch himself to the sight of your sleeping form. One thing he is quite keen on, though, is having you touch yourself in front of him while he does the same.
K= Kink
(One or more of their kinks)
Sunghoon really seems to be into somnophilia, and I think he would propose the same quite early on into your relationship. Even if don't consent, I see him as being turned on at the sight of you sleeping, but if you do, be prepared to be woken up super rudely to the best pleasure you could feel, at least once a week. There's nothing he loves more than to fuck your bleary-eyed, semi-asleep self into oblivion. Another kink I see him as having is definitely a degradation kink, perhaps with a hint of dumbification. He just loves calling you out for being weak for him, even though he finds it equal parts adorable and arousing. Expect him to call you all sorts of lewd names, his hand choking your neck as you enjoys your expressions.
L = Location
(Favourite places to do the do) The practice room is definitely one of his favorites, he just loves the way your reflections make you look even more fucked out than you already are, and the way the screens get all fogged up thanks to your steamy session. If you take interest in going ice-skating with him every once in a while, then soon enough, he would also take to banking you inside the locker room or perhaps even on the bleachers, booking the place just for the two of you, so that he can have sex with you without any interruptions.
M = Motivation
(What turns them on, gets them going)
As I said before, what really gets Sunghoon going is watching you sleep, your small and innocent form as you wear his clothes. The sight is capable of getting him hard in record time, and he wouldn't have it any other way. Another thing that turns him on is when you talk back to him, especially when he's angry/frustrated. He loves seeing the fire in you, though he would never admit to it, pretending to be pissed off to mask how horny he is.
N = NO
(Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
I feel like Sunghoon wouldn't be into bondage. Like, he definitely won't allow you to tie him up, wanting to always be the dominant one inside the bedroom. But obviously, if it's about tying you up, then he's gonna be all game for it.
O = Oral
(Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
He'll be the biggest tease whenever he's eating you out, speeding up when he has you teetering on the edge and pulling away only to leave you hanging, a smirk on his face. He is capable of making you cum multiple times, and edge you for hours at the same time. True devil, I swear. When he's on the receiving end though, he enjoys pulling on your hair and degrading you even though he's the vulnerable one. He loves it when you deepthroat him, thrusting his dick into your mouth until he's balls deep or until you gag. He just thrives on the sight of you so fucked out for him.
P = Pace
(Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
The pace depends on how much he wants to tease you. If he's in a jolly mood, expect him to go slow, teasing and edging the hell out of you but also throwing in a couple of sweet words that make you putty in his hands. On the other hand, if he's pissed off or if you're getting on his nerves, good luck to you because he's going to be relentless, not stopping until you're crying and begging.
Q = Quickie
(Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
As I said, he's usually into slower and longer sessions, wanting to overstimulate and draw you out for as long as your body can hold. Quickies are a thing only when you're really getting on his nerves or when he quickly needs to get a release and show you who the dom is, typically resulting in him dragging you to the closest equipment room/practice room.
R = Risk
(Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
As long as you're the one being experimented on, he's game for pretty much everything unless something comes across as blatantly weird/gross to him (fluid play and stuff like that, methinks). But other than that, he's down to try all sorts of things with you, from food play to somnophilia (duh), or from costume play to borderline (or full-fledged) BDSM.
S = Stamina
(How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Sunghoon can go on teasing you for hours on end, but that's usually when he makes use of his fingers or his mouth. When he's actually using his member though, he can still go for at least two rounds, or can draw you out for much longer, pulling out just before you reach your release. He surprisingly has amazing control, refusing to let go till he has you whimpering under him.
U = Unfair
(how much they like to tease)
The most unfair person you'll ever find, periodt. He literally thrives off you being an absolute mess for him, and he won't rest until he's satisfied with the amount of times he has made you beg for him. He will edge you at first, making you feel like you'll never reach your release. And then, it's all overstimulation, your body being sore from the sheer number of climaxes you have experienced. And obviously, there's also the lewd and downright vulgar pet names that are reserved only for you.
V = Volume
(How loud they are, what sounds they make)
A majority of the time, the sounrw he makes are actually the constant words of teasing that he subjects you to, mixed with a couple moans and groans of your name, especially when you give him head or when he enters you at last, his thick girth making often making him tell you just how tight you are for him.
X = X-Ray
(Let’s see what’s going on in those pants)
This man exudes big dick energy, and I refuse to believe that he's small in any way. He's definitely big if not huge, and being the gentleman he is, I see him as keeping himself quite well-groomed too. He for sure won't disappoint, and his length is going to leave you sore the next day.
Y = Yearning
(How high is their sex drive?)
Sunghoon is always horny as long as things are about you. There isn't a moment where he doesn't want to pounce on you, and the smallest of nods from you are all he needs to drag you to the bedroom (or any room that's close by) for some fun. He's always eyeing you, a smirk on his face and a dirty comment ready at his disposal.
Z = Zzz
(How quickly they fall asleep after) Sunghoon likes to stay awake for at least a little while after you're done, wanting to show you some love (interspersed with lots of teasing yet again) while he lies on top of you, his dick still inside your hole. He usually falls asleep after you, a soft "I love you" escaping his lips as he peppers you sleeping face with kisses, before giving in to sleep himself.
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gloryofluv · 3 years
Situations that end with MC Walking Away Brothers and Datables (-Luke)
This is supposed to be funny, humorous, fluffy, and teasing. Obviously, insinuations are there.
I didn't do Luke because you shouldn't walk away from children or dogs. Haha! No, really, I just didn't want to do one for him so apologies.
MC walked into the library to see Lucifer. He hadn’t seen them as he turned over several books on random shelves. He also took books from one shelf and placed them on other shelves. MC watched for two minutes before clearing their throat.
“What are you doing?” MC asked.
Lucifer jumped and turned around with an eyebrow raised. “Nothing, and if I were you, I’d keep this to yourself.”
MC shakes their head and leaves. So Satan was right. Lucifer goes out of his way to fuck with him.
MC was walking by the bathroom and stopped at the door after hearing someone wailing.
Wait… that was Mammon singing that song they played for him. Treasure by Bruno Mars. How fucking cute! MC ducks closer to the door and smiles brightly. Damn, he was cute. Was he singing about them?
MC sneakily opens the door to see Mammon in the bathtub. He was holding up Goldie and singing. Ugh.
MC moves to shut the door, but he sees. “MC, wait! It’s not what it looks like!”
Moving down the hallway as fast as they can, Mammon was trying to hold up his towel. “Wait! MC! Come on!”
Leviathan showed MC his recent picture compilations he was creating for TSL and Rui-chan on his editing software. It was impressive.
Levi gets up to retrieve a figure he modeled one of the frames out of when MC clicks the other project he had minimized. Oh, boy, they shouldn’t have done that.
“MC, I have the,” he stopped dead.
The project was massively just about MC. Quite a few of the shots were of them together. He even had little hearts littering the frames.
“Levi, I love you, but I have to go,” MC murmured with the brightest blush and left the room.
MC and Satan decide to go to the cat shelter. They were petting all the cats and feeding them treats. It was all in all a great day.
However, when MC glances over at Satan, where he’s ducked down to a pair of kittens, he was holding up his hand, and their little paws would touch his palm.
“Good, one more time,” Satan said.
“W-what are you doing?” MC asked.
Satan glanced over with wide eyes. “Teaching them to high five…” he trailed off.
MC put their hands on their cheeks and walked out of the room. All of this to hide the incredible blush and giddy laughter they were suppressing.
MC was skipping up to Asmo’s room to tell him about this sale. It was awesome, and he was going to obsess.
However, when they opened the door, they regretted it. Asmo was making out pretty hardcore with Solomon on the bed. Appalled? Shocked? MC didn’t know which.
“There’s always room for my other human!” Asmo giggled when he caught sight of MC.
Solomon covered his face. “Asmodeus, really.”
MC clapped a hand over their mouth and turned in a mechanical fashion before retreating.
“I’m never opposed to a humane threesome!” Asmo called after them.
MC was working out with Beel. Well, more that he was working out, and they were putting chips in his mouth. It was a very gratifying experience. Both would laugh and enjoy this ridiculous routine.
It was all going like a well-oiled machine. Well… until Beel bit MC’s finger. Now it wasn’t that hard, but hard enough to make them jerk backward.
“Oh, MC, I’m sorry!” Beel puffed as he stopped his pushups.
MC took their finger to their mouth and grumbled. “That hurt, but I’m okay. You won't hurt me again, Beel.”
“Did Beel try to eat you like in your dream? I was hoping for screams and not whimpers,” Belphie murmured with a smirk as he turned over on his bed.
MC turned beyond what was considered red on the color spectrum. “I gotta go,” they rushed out and climbed off the floor.
“Wait, MC, I promise I won’t eat you!” Beel shouted as he rushed after them.
“Or he’ll try lower!” Belphie snickered.
MC was relaxing with Belphie in the sitting room. He was resting against their shoulder, and MC’s legs were over his lap. It was a typical evening of lazy bones being lazy cuddle buddies.
Asmo scrunched his nose while walking into the room. “It’s really unfair,” he started.
MC glanced over. “What?”
“Why is Belphie always getting to sleep with you! You never sleep with me!” He cried while crossing his arms.
“Because I do it better, Asmo. MC likes to be on top,” Belphie murmured through sleep.
MC’s eyes grew as Asmo rolled his. “Yeah, sure, like anyone would believe you fuck better than me.”
“What do you think the pillow is for? Muffled cries,” Belphie smiled over at Asmo.
MC puffed and stood up, nearly toppling over the table. Their hands landed on it for balance.
“Thank you for assuming the position, MC,” Belphie chuckled.
Needless to say, MC bolted from the room with bright mortification.
Magic. Always magic and human experiences. Today was no exception while they were practicing in the sitting room at Purgatory Hall.
They were working on transformative magic. Advanced and complicated.
“Now, watch, the strings will change to bracelets,” Solomon declared as he performed the spell.
MC bobbed their head as the white string did change into silver bracelets. “Cool.”
Simeon glanced over from his book. “Always talented, Solomon.”
Luke looked up from his phone and seemed wholly unamused by the situation.
“Now, it’s your turn.”
MC made the gesture and sputtered on the words. Instead of the string on their wrists turning into bracelets, they coiled around their hands and connected in a binding. MC gasped and struggled as they tried to climb off the ground.
“I didn’t realize you liked being tied up. I would have offered in private,” Solomon teased.
MC’s cheeks filled with blood and tripped as they moved toward the exit of the room.
“Solomon!” Simeon groaned.
Solomon was laughing. “I didn’t mean it. Well, maybe just a little, MC.”
They didn’t give him the chance to tease them anymore. MC struggled with the front door and began to march down the path.
“MC, you look like a demon meal like that! Come back,” Solomon called out, trying to catch them scurrying off. He laughed while following them all the way back to House of Lamentation.
They were cooking together because he offered lessons. MC was always happy to help and learn to perfect a skill.
“Very good,” Barbatos nodded at MC finishing the sauce.
“Thanks, Barbatos. You’re going to get me cooking well enough to put any human to shame,” MC laughed.
“Maybe, but you were a proficient cook beforehand,” Barbatos said.
“I’ll have to cook for you sometime. Just tell me what you’d like to eat,” MC smiled.
Barbatos blushed and cleared his throat. “Anything you would like to make, MC. It isn’t often someone would like to return the favor for me.”
MC glanced over to see Barbatos had turned to the large pot on the stove. “I mean it. Whatever you want, Barbatos. I’d like to do something nice for you.”
“Why don’t you go see if we have any fresh greens?” He murmured.
MC scowled at the demon but agreed. They walked to the other side of the kitchen and went into the fridge. Glancing at the side, MC could see Barbatos subtly wiping his eyes through the reflection.
“Hey, Barbatos, I’m going to run to the restroom. I’ll be right back,” MC said and left the kitchen.
“Thank you,” Barbatos murmured as they left.
Diavolo and MC were walking together through RAD as Barbatos trailed. They were on the way to a meeting, and MC was headed to lunch. This was usual, rare, but something not out of the norm. He would get his human questions in during these moments.
“MC, I heard the oddest thing from Asmodeus the other day,” Diavolo declared.
“What did he say now?” MC questioned with suspicion.
“There’s this game that you and he play. It has to do with figures of some sort,” Diavolo hummed.
“Figures?” MC asked.
Diavolo tapped his chin and glanced back. “Barbatos, what was it called again?”
“Daddy or Uncle energy, I believe, my lord,” Barbatos said while stifling a smile.
“Ah, yes, that one. Is this one of those parental human games?” Diavolo inquired while staring at MC.
Ded. one hundred percent. “No, um, Lord Diavolo, I gotta go,” MC puffed and tried to gesture toward the cafeteria.
“Wait, but he said you saw me as a father type? That’s very sweet,” Diavolo beamed with the smallest hint of mischief.
“Bye, Lord Diavolo! Bye, Barbatos!” MC rushed out and sprinted toward the cafeteria.
“I just wanted to say thank you,” Diavolo called after them with a bout of laughter.
Asmo was killed later that night. (Not really, but it could happen…)
Simeon and MC were in the kitchen of Purgatory Hall, baking. They had just finished the batter for the fingerprint cookies with a celestial recipe. Simeon was his usual serene self.
“Simeon, how long are these going to take?” MC questioned with the timer in hand.
“Put the timer on for fifteen minutes, and we’ll check then. I still am not confident that Solomon doesn’t tinker with the oven for experiments,” Simeon laughed.
MC set the timer and grinned. “I wouldn’t put it past him.”
“He is a very unique human,” Simeon noted with a smile.
MC laughed while picking up the towel on the counter. “Here, let me help you clean up. You have some flour on your face.”
Simeon bent enough so that MC could clear his features of the flour, all the while beaming. It was a very cozy experience to bake with the angel. He took the towel from MC’s hand and nodded.
“Let me assist. You have some as well,” he noted and wiped their cheeks with soft swipes.
Simeon’s eyes were focused on the task.
“Simeon! Solomon took my hat for a spell again!” Luke yelled as he walked into the room.
MC jumped and accidentally pressed their lips to the space just next to Simeon’s mouth. “Oh, my God!” MC puffed and bounced back.
That just made it even worse. MC clapped a hand over their mouth and rushed from the room. Fire was cooler than their face. How were they ever going to explain that?
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narutogwriting · 3 years
A Misunderstanding
⋇✦ Pairing: Kiba Inuzuka x Reader
⋇✦ Genre: fluff; one shot
⋇✦ Synopsis: You and Kiba were getting close until Naruto got in the way. If you ask Kiba, Naruto ruins everything.
⋇✦ CW: none
⋇✦ Length: 3.6k+
⋇✦ Inspiration: request by @writing-x-reader
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If there was one person in Konoha who could push Kiba’s buttons just right, it was Naruto. Everything about that twerp pissed Kiba off. He was loud (so was Kiba), obnoxious (so was Kiba), arrogant (again, Kiba), and everytime he opened his big mouth, Kiba wanted to pop him. Naruto had always got on Kiba’s nerves, and after their fight in the preliminaries of the chunin exam, even more so. He couldn’t believe he lost to a wimp like that!
In reality, though the two would never admit it, they were just a little bit too alike in all of the worst ways. And apparently, that drifted over to their taste in women.
“Naruto, stop!” You giggled, thrashing in his arms. Naruto had come up to you from behind, wrapping his arms around you and picking you up.
“You gotta go in sometime! I’m just helping.” Naruto teased as he attempted to drop you into the water you’d been avoiding submerging yourself in. To keep from falling in, you wrapped your arms tightly around his neck, your legs doing the same around his waist. The two of you were cracking up with laughter. Naruto was spinning around, trying to loosen his grip.
What actually ended up happening was the big idiot tripped, losing his balance and sending you both splashing into the waves. You came up spluttering, spitting out water and splashing him, all the while a big smile was on your face.
“Naruto, stop,” Kiba mocked to himself in a high pitched voice with a roll of his eyes. He crossed his arms, leaning back on his towel, unable to tear his eyes away from the sickeningly cute scene. “Give me a break.”
Akamaru gave a small bark that came out more like a high pitched whine. It was a sound that basically said: you’re a jealous baby. Kiba shot his canine companion a glare. “Yeah, what do you know? It’s not like you’ve ever had a girlfriend.” He pointed out.
“Are you seriously arguing with Akamaru about a girl?” Ino huffed as she laid her towel out next to Kiba’s. She lounged onto her stomach, resting her head on her folded arms. “Put some sunblock on my back, will you? I don’t want to burn.” Kiba rolled his eyes, but complied with his friends requested. He squirted the sunblock into his hands, rubbing it between them before massaging it into Ino’s shoulders.
She hummed happily.
“What are you over here pouting about, anyways?” Ino asked Kiba. “We’re at the beach! It’s the first time we’ve all had off in like, forever! You should be enjoying yourself. Not crying over some girl.”
Huffing, Kiba finished lathering Ino’s back before he flopped out onto his own towel. “I’m not crying over some girl!” He argued. “Naruto’s just annoying! He’s so loud; why does he want the whole beach to hear what he’s doing!?” His point was made as a high pitch scream came from the ocean. Naruto practically flew out of the water before he realized it was only seaweed that his foot had touched. He scratched the back of his head sheepishly as you tossed the offending object away.
Ino laughed, rolling to her side and propping her head up in her hand. “Give it a rest already, would ya?” She teased him. “Yeah, Naruto’s annoying, but you’re not gonna fool anyone pretending that that’s the reason you’re in such a bad mood.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Kiba muttered.
“Oh come on. You’ve been in love with her for like, ever. It’s getting embarrassing at this point.” Ino glanced over to where you and Naruto were still playing in the waves. “What’s so great about her anyways?”
Wasn’t that the question?
Kiba had had a crush on you since your academy days. You were cute, strong, and always so active. Kiba really liked that. You guys had spent a lot of time together before graduating the academy and being placed on separate teams tore you apart.
The two of you had always gotten along really well. Once you were both chunin, you got sent on plenty of missions together. It was just more alone time to get to know you better and for his little crush to turn into something more.
He’d been planning on asking you out sooner; he really was! But despite how confident, borderline cocky, Kiba pretended to be, he was actually really nervous about the whole thing.
What if you rejected him!? Not only that, but what if you rejected him and then got weird around him? Didn’t want to talk to him anymore?
So he’d decided to put it off, focus on getting to know you more and try and gage and see if maybe you felt the same way about him. There were plenty of times where he did think you returned his feelings. When you laughed a little too long at his joke or played with your hair as you talked or touched his arm while you walked by… But he knew you were just a nice, friendly person who was easy to get along with.
What if he had just misread your signals?
Kiba figured he had plenty of time; he wasn’t too stressed about it. But he should have been.
Because just like that, Naruto was home, and everything had changed. It took him off guard. He didn’t recall you and Naruto being particularly close when you were younger, but once he got home you two became almost inseparable. You were always together, always hanging out and talking with your inside jokes. And just like that, you slowly drifted from Kiba’s life. His spot was quickly filled by Naruto, and he couldn’t see a place where he fit in your life anymore.
Now, for example. How was he supposed to go out and talk to you when you were so wrapped up in Naruto? It would just be weird, like he was intruding on something.
“Worry about yourself…” Kiba finally muttered to Ino, putting his head down. This beach trip sucked.
Ino rolled her eyes, pushing herself to her feet. “Cmon,” She told Kiba, kicking his side lightly. “Get up. I’m not gonna let you just mope over here all day.
It took some poking and pushing, but finally Kiba caved, getting up to go along with whatever it was that Ino wanted him to do. And honestly? That was the best decision. She kept him busy with the rest of their friends, playing volleyball and football and swimming in the ocean. Once Kiba got swimming, it wasn’t so bad anymore. He was still bummed about you and Naruto, the only two of the group not joining in on the fun. The two of you were content to hang out on your own.
But Kiba was able to let himself get distracted and have a good time. By the time the sun was starting to go down, he was exhausted and starving, ready for the bonfire you all planned.
“Let’s go get some firewood,” Ino nudged Kiba who nodded in response. There was a beach front store not too far off that sold some. “See, now that wasn’t so bad, was it?” Ino asked as they walked. “You just need some fun and sun to make it all better.” She winked at him.
Kiba laughed, rolling his eyes. “Yeah, yeah, I give. You were right.” He admitted with reluctance. “It’s just weird, though. Are those two just so in love that they can’t even come and hang out with their friends? Like, cmon…”
Ino sighed. She guessed Kiba wasn’t completely over it, but she couldn’t help but agree. “It was really weird. Like, we were all supposed to be spending time together and hanging out, but they just stayed off in their own little world… They could’ve done that anywhere.” She shrugged.
Kiba felt validated by Ino’s agreement which made him feel a little bit better about the whole thing. “Yeah, whatever. I don’t even care anymore.” He lied as they bought firewood before heading back to the group. Ino cocked her head at him. She didn’t believe him for a second, but would let him pretend for now.
Once they returned to everyone else, the group made quick work of getting a bonfire started. The hotdogs were pulled out with the old wire coat hangers to roast them with. It was the best part of the beach trip, when everyone would wind down after a crazy, exciting day and just get to relax with one another.
There was always the inevitable pairings that happened too. There was something about the beach air that made people want to cozy up in front of the fire and share some intimate moments.
Kiba was one of them.
But looking around, you still weren’t by the campfire, a fact that caused Kiba to frown because--surprise surprise--neither was Naruto.
His mind was running wild with thoughts of what the two of you could possibly be doing.
After a short while, the two of you did appear, walking up the sand from the water. Kiba’s eyes were locked on the place where Naruto’s arm was wrapped around your waist. He narrowed his eyes. Well, in his mind, that settled it. You and Naruto were obviously together, no question. The realization hit Kiba like a blow to the stomach.
This sucked.
To make matters worse, you were heading right for him.
Naruto helped you as you lowered yourself down besides Kiba at the campfire. “I’m gonna grab us some sticks and hot dogs,” he said, leaving you and Kiba alone.
“Hey,” you smiled at Kiba. “I’ve barely seen you all day. Are you having a good time?”
Kiba glanced at you, inwardly groaning. God, why did you have to be so pretty? So sweet? His heart was fluttering just looking at you and then instantly felt like he was being snapped in two thinking about you being with Naruto.
“Yeah, just dandy.” Kiba muttered, looking back to the food on his plate and surprising you with his shortness. He never shut down conversations with you like that.
“Uh, well, what have you been doing?” You tried. Kiba only shrugged in response.
“Hanging out.” And awkward silence followed.
Ino watched the painful scene as she stood next to Sakura. “This is pathetic,” she sighed, smacking her forehead. “He’s like a hurt puppy! He needs reinforcements…” She took her own plate, walking over and plopping herself down at Kiba’s side. “Nice of you to join us,” Ino teased you, leaning over Kiba’s shoulder.
Your eyes lingered over the closeness between the two before looking away. “Yeah.” Is all you said.
Naruto came back with two hot dogs on a stick, handing one to you, oblivious to the awkward tension lingering in the air. “Here you go,” He grinned, sitting beside you. Kiba didn’t miss the way you perked up at Naruto’s presence. He rolled his eyes, turning his attention back to Ino.
The night lingered on and did his best to ignore your and Naruto’s presence you despite sitting right next to him.
Ino, in defense of Kiba, played up her platonic affection with him. She did say she’d be his reinforcements, after all. She laughed just a little louder at the jokes he told and touched his arm just slightly more than normal. While making smores, she even took the mushy marshmallow from her stick and fed it to Kiba, licking her fingers off after.
For your part, you moved in closer to Naruto, uncomfortable and burning green with envy. Couldn’t those two get a room? Did they absolutely need to do this here, in front of everyone?
And of course, what’s a bonfire without games?
“Tenten, truth or dare?”
“Truth.” “If you had to kiss one person in this group, who would it be?”
Cue the blushing and whooping as Lee nudged Neji playfully.
“I dare myself to eat all the crackers!” “Choji, that’s not how you play!”
“Ino, truth or dare?”
“Dare, obviously.”
“I dare you to go skinny dipping in the ocean!”
Ino pushed to her feet, tossing her hair over her shoulders. “No problem!” Everyone cheered, jumping up after her to walk down to the water.
Kiba watched Naruto pull you to your feet, again placing his arm around your waist. He scoffed in annoyance, stomping down to the sand and leaving you behind.
Once everyone was down there, all eyes on Ino expectantly. She stared back, eating up the attention. Her eyes scanned the group before landing on Kiba. “I need a partner, though.” She said, grabbing Kiba’s hand and pulling him with her.
Kiba grinned, shooting a glance your way. If you were with Naruto, you probably didn’t care what he did, but he wanted to make sure you were watching either way.
“Let’s do it.”
Again, everyone cheered as Kiba and Ino began to strip, tossing their clothes to the floor and taking off into the ocean. “Fuck it’s cold!” Kiba yelled as he splashed into the waves, laughing. They probably stayed inside the water for less than a minute, but when they came back out, you and Naruto were gone.
Of course.
Kiba wasn’t having too much fun after that. Everyone headed back to the bonfire. Kiba took a seat far away from you, but couldn’t help but notice the way Naruto was shooting him glares. It went that way for about another hour when night had fallen completely.
Kiba did his best to ignore Naruto, but he couldn’t do it anymore. He wanted to pound that idiot into the floor.
Finally, Kiba pushed to his feet, ignoring the looks he got from everyone else as he stomped over to where you sat with your head leaning on Naruto’s shoulder. “You got a problem?” He spat at the blonde.
Naruto glowered up at Kiba, not moving from his spot with you next to him. “Beat it, Kiba.” He snapped back. “You’re not wanted over here.” Kiba looked at you, but you had your eyes locked on the bonfire, refusing to glance in his direction. He gritted his teeth, looking back to Naruto.
“You wanna run that by me again, douchewad? Or too busy being obsessed with your little girlfriend?” Kiba didn’t mean to drag you into anything or to be a jerk to you specifically, but he was so mad. So mad from watching you cuddle up to Naruto, be all lovey dovey with him and just forget about your friendship completely! How could you do that to him?
Naruto was on his feet in a second, shoving Kiba. “You better leave her out of it,” he warned.
“Or what?”
You’d had about enough of this. You struggled to your feet, wincing slightly. “Can you knock it off!?” You snapped at Kiba, startling him with the harshness of your tone. “You’ve been a jerk all day! You don’t need to come over here and start shit!”
Kiba crossed his arms, narrowing his eyes as he looked at you. He was hurt by your words, but of course he didn’t want to show it. “You’re one to talk!”
With a frustrated yell, you surprised him by taking his hand and pulling him after you. “H-hey,” He stuttered, but you ignored him, continuing to pull him until the two of you got down to the water. “Hey, you’re limping.” He noticed suddenly.
You stopped, dropping his hand and turning to face him. “Yeah, I’m limping. I stepped on a sea urchin earlier. Naruto practically had to carry me back up to the bonfire it hurt so much.
Kiba stared at you, blinking as the realization slowly crept in. “Oh… Was that why Naruto had his arm around you earlier?” He asked, almost sheepishly.
Cocking an eyebrow, you tilted your head. “Huh? Yeah, why?” You asked, confused by his observation.
He blushed, glancing away from you over to the ocean, grateful for the dark to hide his red face. “No reason…”
With a sigh, you crossed your arms. “Kiba, what is going on with you? You’ve barely even looked my direction all day. When you do talk to me, you act like a jerk. What gives? Did I do something that upset you?”
Kiba sighed, running his hands through his hair, trying to decide what to do. Was this really a conversation he was ready to have? Probably not. But it looked like he didn’t have a choice. It was now or never.
“Look, I know I haven’t talked to you much today, but you’ve been so wrapped up with Naruto. Pretty much every day you’re wrapped up with him! We were getting so close and then the second Naruto came home, you dropped me! Whatever, I get you have a boyfriend and all, but that doesn’t mean you have to just forget about me, does it?”
He sighed, shoving his hands in the pockets of his swim trunks. There, it was out. He was beyond embarrassed by the conversation, but he said it. Now you knew.
You blinked, a little confused as you processed Kiba’s words. “Boyfriend?” You asked him. “Kiba, Naruto’s not my boyfriend.”
Looking back at you, he frowned. “Then why have you been by his side all day instead of hanging out with me?”
“You were with Ino all day!” You pointed out. “I didn’t want to go over there and ruin your good time.”
“I was only with Ino cause you were with Naruto!” Kiba countered. “All day! And you two were disappearing together, and then when he had his arm around you, well, I thought it was ‘cause you two were together! And then you were all cuddled up on him, and he was glaring at me… What was I supposed to think?!”
It was quickly becoming clear to you what had happened. You couldn’t help but snicker just a little bit, making Kiba frown even more. “What’s so damn funny!?”
Now it was your turn to blush. Cheeks red, you looked to the sand, fidgeting nervously with your hands. There was something you’d wanted to tell Kiba for a long time, but you weren’t sure if you were ready. Things had been so weird lately; the timing never seemed right. But after the mess that was today, the two of you were together, in the sand, staring at the ocean waves; it seemed like the perfect moment was now.
“Kiba, Naruto spent all day trying to make me feel better… You were so flirty with Ino, rubbing in her sunscreen; I didn’t want to see that. So when you all went off together, we stayed on our own so I wouldn’t have to see her all over you. Then she was feeding you marshmallows. You even went skinny dipping with her! Naruto’s just been a good friend today. That’s it.”
Realization was slowly dawning over Kiba. He crossed his arms, cocking an eyebrow as he stared down at you. “Really?” He muttered, a smirk slowly starting to pull it’s way over his lips. “And why do you care whether or not Ino flirts with me, huh?”
Your face went red. “Why do you care if Naruto’s my boyfriend!?” You shot back at him.
The two of you locked eyes, staring each other down and willing the other person to be the first to break. But Kiba had already been on the edge all day long, and he couldn’t hold it in any longer.
“Maybe I wanted to be your boyfriend…” He grumbled reluctantly, averting his eyes from yours.
He didn’t see it, but a grin broke out over your face. Had he really just said that? You were suddenly giddy with excitement, bouncing on your toes as you began to laugh.
“You can just say no, ya know! You don’t gotta laugh!” Kiba snapped, shooting you a glare, but you just shook your head, throwing your arms around him to hug him.
Just like Kiba, you'd been hoping for this moment for so long! Meeting Kiba in the academy had been one of your favorite parts of the whole experience; definitely the most memorable. He'd been one of the people you were most excited to see. There was a point after where you hardly saw him, but once you started going on missions together, everything changed for you.
There's something about those late night conversations when everyone is asleep that brings people closer. You get to know someone in the dark better than you ever do in the day.
But your days together weren't so bad either. It didn't take spending too much time with Kiba before you started to catch feelings. He was so funny and witty; you couldn't deny you were attracted to that couldn't-care-less attitude. He just played it so cool, and he wasn't bad on the eyes either.
You'd wanted to tell him how you felt, but you were terrified that he didn't feel the same. Now those fears were out the window
”I’m not saying no, you idiot!” You teased him, looking up at him. “I do want to be your girlfriend!”
It took a moment for the words to sink in; for Kiba to really get what you were saying. When he did, he began to smile, hugging you back. “Wait, for real?” He asked, his cheeks flushed in pleasure. He couldn’t believe this! He’d wanted to ask you out for so long… Why had he wasted so much time being scared?
Kiba pulled away from the hug just enough so he could tangle his hand in your hair as he leaned down, brushing his lips softly against yours. You weren’t having any of that, grabbing him by his shirt and pulling him into you, kissing him deeper, which Kiba of course returned without hesitation.
Kissing you was everything he ever thought it would be. Your lips were soft, moving perfectly in time with his as you pressed yourself into him. God, he’d wanted this for so long. Kiba didn’t think anything would ever come close to the feeling he got being able to hold you in his arms. He didn’t want it to ever end.
When you finally broke apart, you were both grinning.
Kiba helped you limp back up the beach to the bonfire. This time, he didn’t mind when you sat next to Naruto. He sat on the other side of you, wrapping his arm around your shoulder as you leaned against him.
“About damn time!” Naruto cried out with an exasperated sigh. “Geez you two are annoying. I thought you’d never get together!”” “I hate to agree with Naruto…” Ino sighed from across the fire. “But he’s right. Though I do take some credit for this .” She smiled at Kiba.
You both rolled your eyes, but smiled nonetheless as Kiba leaned down to kiss you again. This was a long time coming, but you were worth the wait.
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luxwritesfanfic · 3 years
400 LUX
Sherlock wants to cut things off but the reader thinks he should really think it over. Or, the one where Sherlock isn’t one for saying “I love you”, but he has always offered you a sword. Thanks for reading!
Sherlock Holmes/Reader
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You could hear the water running in the bathroom as you slipped down the hall to make coffee, your phone in one hand pressed against your ear as Mary went on and on about all the things that you two needed to do today and the other hand held your shear kit that you barely used. It was a few days  before the wedding and things were in full swing for you as Mary’s bridesmaid and Sherlock as the best man. Mary, God bless her, was having a breakdown every other day and it was all you could do to not to set her off by picking the red velvet with buttercream over the vanilla cupcakes.
“— and we need to go by the florist today, too, and I probably should stop by and speak to the DJ... and John, he’s not worried about any of it! He’s asking for tea and biscuits as if I’m not already balancing the most important day of our lives!” Mary was talking at a mile a minute and as she continued the never ending list of tasks she had set for the two of you, you began situating all of your supplies to cut Sherlock’s hair. He had insisted you do it before the wedding, and not even your lack of experience was enough to convince him to just go to the shop with John. Sherlock’s hair was something he took very seriously so you were unsure as to why he’d even ask you to do this.
Speaking of the devil, you rounded the hallway and started for the bathroom.
“One second Mare.” She didn’t miss a beat and continued right on talking once you muted her, and you wondered if this is how John felt talking to Sherlock. Knocking on the door before walking in, you fought through the steam to find a comb on the counter.
“If we’re going to be in here at the same time, you might as well join me.” Sherlock’s head popped out from behind the shower curtain, his hair and face sudsed up and glistening from the water. The longer you realized you had actually been thinking about taking him up on his offer, the quicker you knew that you had to get back to your task at hand and get out of the line of fire. You pulled open some of the drawers and rummaged through them.
“Yeah, I’m sure you’d love that.” Hoping that the steam was thick enough to hide your growing blush, you turned back to the vanity and opened the mirror cabinet. “I need you to hurry up. Mary’s having a-“
“You would, too.” You could hear the smirk in his voice and that was enough to make you roll your eyes. Luckily for you, the mirror door was hiding your face from his prying eyes. Smug and darling as always, your man was. You snuck a peek at him and realized he’d moved back from the curtain and resumed washing his hair.
“Seriously, Mary will probably have a heart attack if I don’t leave within the hour. If you love me, five minutes.” You shut the cabinet and slipped out of the room to finally return to your phone call.
“Sorry M, I’ll be there as soon as I can. Sherlock is being Sherlock.”
“Now you’re really starting to sound like John. How’s his suit fit? Does he need any adjustments? That reminds me, I should call the tailor! Be a doll and bring something to eat on the way? Love you!” With that she hung up, leaving you in the dust trying to comprehend if she actually was speaking words or Simlish.
“Four minutes, fourteen seconds.”
You turned back to him while you gestured for him to sit down so you could wrap the towel around his shoulders. His hair was still pretty wet so you wouldn’t have to spray it much.
“What are you talking about?”
Sherlock only smiled to himself in response, and you figured he’d just moved on from that conversation already. Combing out small sections of his hair and clipping the rest up, you asked again.
“Are you sure you want me to do this? I really don’t mind going to your usual stylist with you. I don’t want to mess you up for the wedding.”
“Y/N, I told you already, if I’ve asked you to do it it’s because I want for you to do it. It’s only just a trim. Come on with it.
So you began at that, snipping away little by little. You had cut John’s hair for him a few times right before a date but his was much easier than Sherlock’s and it grew like a weed so even if you did mess up, his date could hardly tell. You told Sherlock all about your plans with Mary for the day and he seemed to be listening intently but you could tell his mind was wandering. You knew him better than you knew yourself.
Moving to stand in between his legs to trim his face framing pieces, you asked him about his plans for the day.
“Hm,” he started, resting his fingers tips lightly on your hips in front of him, tapping away as he thought out his answer. “Mycroft insists he has words for me, despite my telling him to keep them to himself, so I suppose I’ll be seeing him at some point. John is coming here to talk wedding...” which you were almost certain really meant a case, “and I want to tell Mrs. Hudson you’ve decided to give up your flat entirely to live here.”
You had just finished trimming his hair when he had said that and luckily so because you were sure you would have chopped off a lot more than needed being caught by surprise like that. Running your fingers through his hair to be sure you didn’t miss any sections, you contemplated what exactly was happening between you. You had never really brought up completely moving in even though it was true that you practically already did. You hadn’t slept in your own bed in months because you always chose the opportunity to sleep with Sherlock. Moving in seemed like a dream but you always had it in the back of your mind that one day Sherlock would have a change of heart and change his mind on whatever the two of you were, and you didn’t want to be without if that happened.
When he realized you still hadn’t replied to his request, his eyebrows furrowed as he looked up at you. “Is there really that much to think about? John said you’d say yes if I made it clear I was the one asking you to. Had I not done that?”
You couldn’t help but smile, because seriously, what could you have possibly done to deserve the opportunity to love someone as... well, Sherlock, as Sherlock. He was everything everyone said he was, but he had shown you willingly that he was also so much more. You’d choose the life with him, whether it was one of a house and kids and a white picket fence or if it was one that consisted of running around London in the rain because Sherlock swore he saw something suspicious and the only viable option was to run after it. You would choose him. Every single time.
Even with all of your declarations of love, you two had never said talked about the fact that you were definitely exclusively dating which often hindered a conversation of the future. You had told him you loved him more times than you could count but he had never said it back and you were okay with that. He didn’t have to reciprocate it for it to be true. But, it did leave room for doubt that this might not always be what Sherlock chooses.
You thought of all the ways you could bring it it up and realized that straightforwardly was the only way to go. You brought your hands from his hair to hold his face and rubbed your thumbs in slow circles and he relaxed on the spot. He was putty in your hands, as much as he hated to admit it.
“I just don’t want you to feel stuck with me. It’s a big step. And if it ends up making you miserable, I just- I don’t know. I don’t want to be the one to make you miserable.” Your voice was soft as you spoke and you realized that with Sherlock’s bangs being much shorter now, you got to see more of his pretty face. Although, currently, it was contorted as he worked through trying to comprehend what you were saying to him. Blinking away at you for what seemed like forever, Sherlock cleared his throat and took your hands from his face and into his own instead.
“I’m... not sure I understand. I don’t mean to be rude at your expense but if I wanted to leave you, I would. I could rather easily. Just as easily as you could leave me. But you won’t. And I won’t... I’ve tried to show you in all the ways I know how. So would it not make sense for us to live together?”
It slowly started making sense for you and you could slap yourself for being so blind. Sherlock had let you take the lead in a lot of aspects in his life recently that you couldn’t explain what for. He urged you to pick out the next case he would work, allowed you to pick out his new microscope (Y/N, they’re the same color. Pick one. I don’t know Sherlock! I feel like this one is cool grey and this one is light grey, it makes a difference!), and now you were cutting his hair, the most important part of his appearance from his point of view. He trusted you to make the right choice every time and there really was no right choice, your choice was the right choice.
You were pulled from your thoughts as you phone began to ring with Mary’s picture posted on the screen.
“Shit, I’m so late! She’s seriously going to kill me.” Your gaze drifted from your phone to Sherlock who surprisingly patiently awaiting your answer. “Tell Mrs. Hudson as soon as John gets back from holiday that you two will start moving my stuff over. And make a little space for me in your closet, okay? I need more than just a few drawers.”
Sherlock smiled at you like you like he did when you called him brilliant and that was your highest honor to date.
You expected the usual slick remark but he simply said, “You’ll have what you want. Mary will be calling again in about 30 seconds. You should really be hailing a taxi right about now.”
And there he was, the Sherlock you wouldn’t change for the world. You wished you had time to tell him to shove it where the sun doesn’t shine but alas, duty calls. You kiss him like you mean it- because you do, and rush off to your friend’s rescue but not without stopping in the doorway.
“I love you, Sherlock Holmes. But even more importantly than that, I trust you. I’ve had the time of my life fighting dragons with you and I’d happily spend the rest of my life doing it if you’d let me. It’s nice to know that you will. I just thought you’d like to know.”
Just like that, you turn his world upside down as you rush down the stairs, leaving him speechless. He thought his story was one that would be written about him and him alone and as sure as he used to be in that, he’d come to the realization that he was just as sure that two was better than one.
“And I, you.”
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naoyas90dayfiance · 3 years
+18 | In the summertime | Dabi x Reader
Dabi x Reader
Warning: public sex
Word count: 3k of porn.
Summary: Dabi and you have fun at the beach, wink wink.
Author’s note: this piece is for my beautiful @aurelius-divus. This is my birthday gift for you even though I don’t know when it is. I hope you enjoy it, xoxo
Dabi turned his head at the loud "Baby!" he heard on his right; his eyes catch the enticing swing of your tennis skirt as you sped up to his side. A pleased grin showed on his face; he enjoyed how your hair swayed around and played with your body.
"You took your time," he said when you finally reached him. You greeted him with a kiss on his lips and noticed he had a folded sunshade with him; his free hand instantly grabbed you by the waist and pulled you towards his body.
"I had some issues getting here. It's not easy to find the way, you know?" You said near his face. He still hadn't let you go.
"It's a cool place. You'll like it." His hand took yours and softly pushed your knuckles to his lips; he let it go and snaked his hand behind you and lifted the side of your skirt. You felt how his staples caressed the side of your leg and how he cupped your butt with his palm. He squished you hard. A soft moan came out from your mouth.
"Let's go," he put his hand away and started to walk to the beach. Your flushed face caught up with him pretty quickly.
You got to his right side, he glanced at you and placed his hand on your right hip, first playing with the fabric of your clothing with his thumb, but soon you felt how he was traveling underneath your skirt. His fingers began tracing once again the outline of your bum, feeling how your skin reacted to his rough touch. It felt like he was teasing himself with your body.
His hand played with the band of your bikini, moving his fingers from your right butt cheek to the left one. Suddenly, the wind caressed your most intimate area as he slipped out the bikini bottom of your legs. You stood still in shock, winded eyes looked at your boyfriend's features in search of an answer, but you only found him smirking and pocketing your swimwear. You managed to see how the now-dark-brown edges of the polyester fabric were affected by his touch.
"Don't look at me like that. Come here," Dabi roughly pulled you to his side, his hand returning your naked bum. The people in a nearby restaurant could perfectly see his playful touches, but they were too far to be able to say something witty.
You stiffed your body against Dabi; your mind was still processing the event. You turned your head to face your boyfriend and asked him why he did it. He answered with a loud smack on your butt.
"I want to see you naked at the beach," Dabi bit your bottom lip, and his tongue caressed the hurting skin. Then, his rough lips gave you a loving peck. A caring glow was on his eyes when he resumed his posture, reassuring you that everything was an invitation to have some fun.
You got to the end of the boulevard and strolled down on the clear sand to make your way to the deep blue ocean. Dabi took your hand to help you with your balance. Soon enough, both of you found a spot that seemed comfortable enough to be in.
You took out of your tote bag a beach towel, and Dabi helped you set it. He took the large-sized sunshade and unfolded it, placing it securely on the sand so you could have enough privacy.
"I brought some snacks too," you said.
"We can unpack them later, I'm not hungry right now," Dabi said. He sat down and enjoyed the sneak peek of your naked crotch in front of him as your skirt lifted itself up when you leaned down to place your bag next to the beach towel.
"Do you think the water is cold?" You said removing your top, Dabi's eyes stared at your body and never moved away to glance at the ocean.
"I suppose." He removed his shirt and relaxed on his elbows. He moved his face to one side, so he could get a more detailed view of your ass while you were fidgeting with your clothes. "Are you taking off your bikini top too?"
You turned in his direction, catching his Cheshire smile that widened when you threw your t-shirt to his face. You did the same thing with your flowered bikini top; and your skirt landed on his chest. His expression was blissful when your naked figure strolled to the ocean.
Dabi almost let out a laugh when he saw you pulling back from the water. He thought that it might be too cold, but he discarded that idea as you still went in there.
His eyes locked on how your legs and your behind when you started to disappear in the blue sea. The tips of your hair played with the ocean, caressing it on the surface until you dived.
Dabi kept looking at your gorgeous figure dancing on the water, enjoying how entertained you were in the place he picked for your date. His favorite moment was when you stopped your playful time in the water, stood with your feet grounded on the sandy bottom, and turned around to face him. He saw how the droplets of water on your body made your breasts shine under the sun. He felt the blood pumping to his nether regions.
You noted his gaze on your body, and with a wave you made him realize he was staring for too long, but Dabi held his stare as he didn't want to miss out on how your pretty bum peaked out of the ocean when you tried to dive once again. He loved too much how your legs teased him when they went in and out of the water. He directed his hands to the growing outline on his shorts.
You swam back to the surface and noticed his naughty gesture; you decided to lock eyes with him in the distance. You stood on your two feet again and showed him how your wet hair caressed your body and framed your figure, especially your breasts. Your hands seductively went from your hips to your breasts, feeling both of them with light squeezes. As a final teasing gesture, you slapped your mounts, getting them to dance under your touch. Both of you smirked at your shenanigans, and you went back to the water to swim a little bit more as your boyfriend kept palming his hot erection.
Not too long afterward, you walked out of the water. Dabi's eyes darted to your vulva, enjoying how your pussy lips shined like the rest of your body. He felt his cock twitch under his touch as he played with his wet tip.
Strolling your way to Dabi, you could appreciate your boyfriend's hard cock straining against his shorts. He welcomed you with a smile, and you asked him to make some space for you to sit next to him. However, he had a better idea and pointed at his crotch.
Following his dirty plan, you placed your delicious wet bum on top of his cock. You felt the result of your teasing against your skin, a hard dick twitching under you. Your insides clenched at the sensation.
Dabi, still resting on his elbows, guided one of his hands to your body. First touching your pretty cheek, then your neck, and he made his way to your breast, which he slapped lightly, mimicking what you had done earlier. Your bouncing tit made him twitch harder under you, making you squish your insides as he kept pulsing his boner against your bum.
Dabi's breathing became heavy as he moved his hand from your breast to your belly, appreciating your soft skin and how different it was from his own. He pushed his hand further down until he met your precious Venus mount.
His rough fingers caressed your inner thighs with an up-and-down motion; he then squished the skin when he felt a little bit of fat under his touch. The harshness of his staples made you shiver.
His fingers started to went inside your thighs, moving to your already damped sex. He caressed your slit with his middle finger, collecting your moisture. At the feeling of your wetness Dabi groaned, and his cock pulsed even harder against your ass. It was looking for some friction. You slightly parted your legs with a pleased smile on your face.
Dabi directed his finger to your clit. He felt it with up-and-down touches; then, he started to draw circles on it. Your nipples perked, and you placed your hands behind you to keep yourself on top of him, your chest popping out.
Dabi took more moisture from your pussy and used it as lube on your clit, circling it faster. He propped himself up with his supporting hand and went straight to lick and bite the fat of your tit, leaving some light marks on the skin.
He added another finger to his touches and guided his hand to your clenching entrance. He pushed his index and middle finger inside your pussy to gather more of your wetness and went back to your clit. He used both fingers to caress the sides. His mouth went to your nipple, and he sucked and bit it to keep you moaning.
The whistle of a pair of strangers passing way made you turn your head to shore. You saw a couple walking by and looking at the show. You clenched harder when you understood that you were being seen. Dabi took note of your reaction and bit your nipple harder to get a loud moan from you. The couple was giggling and they kept their way along the shore.
A few minutes after, a group of friends now got near you. Dabi pushed the fingers he was using to tease you inside you, his thumb working on your clit. He took a fast pace that had you parting your legs until you showed the upcoming group how your boyfriend was working inside you, pushing his finger in and out. You played with your unattended perked nipple, pinching it. Dabi's mouth was on your other tit; he kept biting your yummy skin and leaving marks of his teeth on it. Your moaning was a melody to him.
The group approached you, but this time they were trying to pretend they hadn't seen the pornographic show in front of them and walked by as quickly as possible.
Dabi lifted his face from your boob to stare at your pleasured face as he harshly circled your clit with his thumb and pumped you with his fingers. Suddenly, he took his hand out of your legs, leaving you clenching on yourself. You looked at him, whining and demanding for an answer on why he stopped, but you were met at the sight of your boyfriend cleaning his fingers with his tongue; he licked his palm and the back of his hand until there were no traces of your wetness left. He then got closed to you and gave you soft pecks on your lips.
"What if you put your ass in the air?" Lust was clouding his eyes as he requested you to get on all fours.
You complied with his request; both of you shifted on top of the beach towel until he was kneeling behind you and your pussy was feeling the cool air of the day. You supported yourself on your forearms, giving him a beautiful look at your swollen pussy.
The warmth of his naked and hard cock was a strong contrast when he pressed it against your slit, coating his tip with your arousal and feeling how your pussy's lips welcomed his cock between your legs. After some empty thrusts on your vulva, Dabi aligned himself with your entrance and pushed himself in slowly; when his head was in, he pulled back, leaving you empty; then, he pushed himself back in a few times. He adored how your pussy stretched out for his red and hot mushroom head.
Dabi pushed himself in you one more time, sticking his pulsing cock's length inside your clamping pussy. He took you by the hips and rocked himself back and forth; the inches of your pussy caressed all of his ridges, stroking his dick. A few soft moans came out of your mouth as you arched your back further, giving Dabi a better angle to stick himself inside you.
Dabi's sack swung faster when his pace became rougher, his fingers now digging themselves into your skin. His cock pushed and massaged your insides; it mixed your arousal with his, to then take the juices out with his mushroom head. Your warm fluids turned cold when they slid down the back of your legs.
The sensations made you moan louder to the point that the waves couldn't cover your pleasure sounds. You could only grip yourself to the towel beneath you and look into the calm landscape as Dabi's thighs slapped against the back of yours.
Each of his thrusts pushed the air out of your lunges. It came out of your lips as a seductive "Ah". On the other hand, Dabi's grunts were erratic like his breathing. It was shallow, and his repetitive gasps came out of his parted lips when he dug his swollen cock in you.
You felt his nails bruising your skin when he pounded into you. He crouched over your figure, and his drops of sweat fell on your back and turned cold on your skin. He kept pushing the hungry head of his cock deep inside your puffy walls. Dabi loved how you swallowed him good with your velvety pussy.
Dabi straightened himself up, his gaze fixed on how your ass moved against his rough thrusts. He pulled a hand away from your hips and made it land hard on your ass cheek. You let out an audible moan of surprise, that shortly was followed by ones of pleasure when you felt your boyfriend pushing his cock down your pussy and his hand smacking repeatedly your butt.
Tears were forming in your eyes, but they didn't drop because he stopped altogether. You turned your head around and saw him meeting your ass with his face.
Dabi got near your unmarked butt cheek and dug his teeth on the skin, almost chewing it; he then kissed the bruised skin tenderly.
He moved again to almost the top of your behind and bit your skin harshly. After that, he used his lips and tongue to caress the love mark. Lastly, he went near your folds and playfully bit the skin until his mark was tattooed in them; he kissed the skin once again.
Dabi noticed how your hole was clenching, calling him to finish what he started. But before doing what was asked, he stuck his tongue out and circled your entrance, licking the mix of both of your juices oozing out of your pussy. He pushed his tongue inside; you felt the thick muscle caressing the first inch of your cooch. Dabi took his tongue out and then resumed his position behind you; he pushed his cock again inside you.
His hands were on the side of your face, his body on top of you; with the new position, he gained momentum to pull out and push in repeatedly, gaining loud whimpers from you. Your pussy kept clenching continuously on his shaft, and his head was dropping more precum inside you.
From your peripheral view, you could see how a man was getting near you, but when he realized the scene performing in front of his eyes, he turned around quickly. You kept moaning shamelessly, and Dabi pushed with more strength until your abdomen started to contract. Your pussy's walls pressed against him, milking him.
He propped himself up again and took you by your damp locks, pulling your hair towards him and causing a delicious pain that made you clenched violently around him. Dabi let out a loud moan and kept thrusting until your pulsing orgasm washed over you like a wave. Not soon after, his cock pulsed inside you and shot his cum in you, you felt how his hot seed filled you up, but he didn't stop thrusting, enjoying himself inside your pussy.
After you emptied his balls, he pushed back and opened your butt cheeks to see how his cum was dripping out of your hole. He took some of it on his fingers and tasted both of your orgasms.
Dabi sat behind you and caressed your backside as you were trying to get your breath back. He guided his hands along your curves even when you propped yourself up o and placed your body against his chest.
You looked up to him, and he kissed your forehead, praising you for the great time you had together.
"Wanna clean yourself in the water?"
"I can't walk right now," you said. A playful smile was on his face. You saw how he put his trunks back, and then he placed his arms behind your back and under your legs.
He took you in his arms and walked with you in them to the sea. You hugged his neck.
When the water covered his hips, he placed you down, making you float on the sea. The sudden coolness of the water made you shiver, and he reassuringly squeezed your shoulder.
You let the water clean the mess both of you created on your legs as you pressed yourself against his chest. He embraced you back and enjoyed the heat of your pleasured body on his skin.
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Hunter (Revenant x Reader)
Part 1 of 2 of the chapter “Hunter & Prey”. [Full chapter on AO3.]
Theme: The trios game is here, and Revenant's plan comes to fruition after days of planning.
Warnings: Male dominance, threats of violence, descriptions of violence, sharp objects, pain, bipolar, depression, mania, fluff.
Reader's Notes: Revenant (Apex Legends) x Reader, reader is female.
Writing Notes: Can I write non-fluff? Maybe? Or perhaps I need to maximize fluff to balance? I guess you'll find out.
First Chapter | Previous Part (Styptic & Canine)  | Next Part (Hunter & Prey)
Revenant manages to wake you up in the middle of the night with nothing but his incessant nuzzles and purring. His new chassis may be deluxe, but he can't seem to control how much he wants to show off all its features. He's holding you from behind, completely enveloping you in a warm hold, his nuzzles starting on the back of your neck and making their way around to the side of your neck. You've definitely slept some, but not quite enough to feel awake.
You reach up and begin lightly petting the top of his snout. His bovine skull emits a long, deep purr that can only be described as a very happy growl. He almost seems to be in a trance in his new body, as if something in the code is different, and he's acting out of something reminiscent of instinct. It's nice. He's almost like one of his prowlers. You extend your snout pets to reach from nose to the top of his head, and his purrs extend to last the length of each stroke. He leans into your pets, hoping for a firmer touch, which you try your best to comply with.
You roll over to face him, causing him to pull away a little. He looks at you with a little concern initially, like you might be upset, but you quickly quell him by holding his visage in both of your hands, pulling it close to yours. In truth, you're not sure what you're doing, but you can tell he likes it. His new silicone tongue licks your nose lightly, surprising you but not enough to make you pull away. He definitely has some software changes, whether he realizes it or not. He's definitely acting more like an animal. You slip your hands down to feel his giant mane, made of locks of fur. It feels both soft and fluffy; you can't help but run your fingers between each lock as you pet it. You work out any tangles you find, causing him to purr with delight over the free grooming. The tip of his nasal cavity presses into your nose, intentionally tickling you with his breaths.
"You should sleep," he manages to get out in his purrs.
"Nah, I'm just going to be watching the game tomorrow. You're the one who has to work." You whisper to him, massaging his neck through his fur.
He sighs a small moan at your massage, clearly giving up on his request in favor of getting more affection. He reaches out and holds your waist, softly brushing your sides in return. His head tilts up, revealing his throat. You carefully move your hand to touch it, moving all the way from the tip of his chin down to his clavicle with a soft touch. His breathing slows as you caress him, turning his purr into a low hum and vibrating in your hand. Eventually, his maw opens up, emitting a scary but relaxed hum and revealing his fangs. He's clearly enjoying every moment of it.
"Little skinsuit." You hear him mutter quietly. You pause for a moment, acknowledging him. He closes his mouth and locks eyes with you, pushing his nose into your face and huffing in it. He doesn't immediately speak, just nuzzles you on the side of your face, intentionally breathing into your ear to get you to wince from the tickling feeling. He shoves his tongue right on your face, licking you like a dog.
"Ack, what is it?" You lift your hands up to your face to defend your face from further onslaught. He pushes his snout into your hands and licks them instead. "Rev... Are you okay?"
He stops, pushing his snout through your hands and touching the tip of your nose.
"What are you supposed to taste like?" He finally utters. You're a bit taken aback by his question.
"I don't really know, why? Do I taste strange?"
"Honeysuckle. That's what I taste." He pulls you right into him, enveloping your whole body. "I haven't had a real tongue in so long. I don't remember what anything is supposed to taste like anymore." He sounds saddened by his conclusion, but you can't get your hands free to comfort him. You shove your face in his mane instead, snuggling up against him. You struggle to find any words to say, but try to come up with something.
"Hey, Revenant?" He doesn't respond, but it's safe to assume you have his attention. "I like you no matter what." You retreat into his mane as deep as your face can go, unsure of how he will react.
You feel his body heat up, and his claw cup the back of your head. His head tucks around your shoulder, and his legs surround you to pull you into his frame. His spare arm wraps around you, and his body starts to rattle in a purr. You carefully wrap your hands around his waist and softly caress it, unable to press into it like his other body with leather allows. You're stuck otherwise, so you make a small kissing gesture and noise into his mane, unsure if he hears you.
"Sleep, my little skinsuit. Before you convince me to forfeit this game." He purrs in your ear, brushing your hair with his fingers. You're not sure what he means; you've asked him to do no such thing, but you let yourself snuggle up against his heat, easily drifting to sleep as he coos at you.
• • • •
You wake up in a mess of damp fur, mouth open and now dry as a desert. You close your mouth and pull your face away from the sopping mats of fur, emitting a sound similar to a snore as you breathe through your nose again.
"Didn't realize you'd be the one to get me wet, skinsuit." Revenant teases, running his claws through his soaked mane. "Your dreams must be real fun for you to drool all over me like that." You snap to as you realize what you've done.
"Oh no, I'm sorry!" You pull away and try to dry him off with the sheets, to no avail.
"Don't be sorry, this is perfect." You ignore him, sitting up to dry him off at a better angle. He lets you, but you quickly abandon the sheet and go grab a towel from the bathroom. As you rub into his mane, he looks up with you with something that feels like a smile, but you can't be sure. Either way, he seems to be enjoying it. He lets you continue as he slowly sits up, leaning into your rubs and purring under his breath. You get as much of your drool out of his mane as possible, but eventually you finally have to give up and pull the towel away.
Revenant makes his way out of bed, satisfied by your work, although you don't feel the same. He stands tall over you, looking down at you with curiosity and adoration. He pushes his hand into your hair and rustles it.
"Don't look so dejected, you didn't ruin anything." He reads your mind; you feel like you've destroyed his favorite chassis with drool of all things. "Trust me, I was banking on you making a mess. It'll all work out in my favor. Shut off your little brain and let me do the thinking, just trust me." His voice growls seductively as he pokes the tip of your nose with his claw.
"Now, go eat before I force feed you. Your girlfriend should be here in an hour or so to watch the match with you." His voice is so smooth but growly. "I need to go prepare. Take care of yourself, skinsuit. I expect you here when I get back." And with that, he turns heels and confidently glides out the door, gone for the day.
You stare for a few moments, deeply hoping he will reappear so you can stare some more. Even his gait is so alluring, so confident, so strong. He is focused, powerful, and yet so secretive. You may not be sure how to respond to his flirtatious gestures, but knowing he is possessive of you is an honor he clearly doesn't give to many. What did you do? Does it matter? You want him to come back and make your face turn red again, tease you into forgetting about your depression, and treat you like his most prized possession. You want to make him melt with snout rubs, warm him, and delight him with your inherent shyness. You finally feel comfortable, but--more importantly--you feel attached.
You come back to reality, quickly scrambling to find the television remote, turning it on to the main event. They're still talking about Loba from the previous match, throwing up pictures all over the screen. How long can they talk about the same thing and still not run out of things to say? You sigh, knowing they will have to let up as the opening of the game starts.
You move over to the kitchenette and start warming up your leftovers. Chinese for breakfast is the sign of a good day, in your opinion. Some people say it's better the next day, but you can't wholly agree. It's different, not better or worse, but you love both. With your appetite finally back, you almost feel like waiting for it to finish, but you know showering while it heats up and cools off enough to eat is the wise choice.
• • • •
You answer the door, seeing Sherry bashfully waving to you with an unsure smile on her face.
"Hey Sherry, Rev told me he--"
"Put in a request for me to come and keep you company, right?"
"Yeah, I hope it's not too much trouble." You step aside so she can enter, which she does.
"So that's what he told you, but do you know what he really asked?" She reels around, fancying a tease as her finger twirled in the air.
"Oh no..." You trail off, already expecting something embarrassing. Sherry makes her way to the couch, throwing herself down and patting the seat next to her to invite you over.
"Oh, nothing that bad. He specifically asked me to make sure you were having a good time and safe. He requested that I not let you get sad, even if I had to--" she clears her throat, preparing to make a direct quote, "--encroach on my territory again." She giggles at the choice of words not even looking up to see your cheeks turn a light pink. He's definitely partially influenced by his software, that's the kind of thing a prowler would say if they could speak. Although, he is possessive on his own too.
"To be fair, you did shove my face in your tits right in front of him..." You sit down next to her, pulling your legs up to cross them.
"I dunno, the way his head tilted made me think he might have liked it." She throws her arms around you for a hug, relishing in pulling you in despite your pulling away.
"You're just as bad as he is." You sigh, accepting the hug that is forced on you.
"Oh? Maybe I can gang up on you with him sometime."
The innuendo isn't lost on you, making you grimace in further realization that you've surrounded yourself with people who tease you with questionable remarks. Sherry lets you go, turning her attention to the television.
"So, got any insider information on what we're about to see?" She lets you off the hook, for now.
"Well, sounds like our favorites are teamed up, for one." She beams, clearly excited at being able to root for the same team. "Second, Revenant has been teasing some grand plan for a while... apparently he's not fond of--" you nod towards Loba holding Revenant's scarf on the screen, "--that. He plans to erase it from everyone's minds."
"Not going to lie, that's the most exciting thing I've heard in ages leading up to a match." Sherry snuggles into the plush couch. It makes sense, she's been working here since before you started. Heck, she's the one who got you the job. She's probably heard everything when it comes to hype, and is likely unaffected by the commentator's excitement anymore. A Legend having some grand scheme for a match would be way more promising. "I'm just glad Revenant and Wattson are on the same team. It means I don't need to root against your shiny metal boyfriend." She smirks at you.
"You'd date Wattson if you could." You retort, trying to fend off her wit.
"Oh! So you are dating!" Ah, shit. You didn't mean to imply that. "So how is he? Is he everything you dreamed? Does he satisfy you?" She's so excitable, despite your answer being completely predictable.
"It's not like that." You turn away, hoping she won't push it.
"It's not like that--yet." She has to push the envelope, every time. She just can't let anything go. "I think he likes you. I bet he's thinking about you right now."
"When there's blood to be spilt? Fat chance." You finally see an opening for a comeback, and you take it. Sherry looks at you with shock, until it melts into a beaming smirk.
"It's cute how much you like him." She finally says.
"Oh, shut it." You leave it there, happy with the ceasefire, knowing you'll likely lose ground if you push it.
The television starts announcing the teams, showing Revenant with Wattson and Wraith. The camera holds on Revenant, standing in the middle and in front of his teammates in the drop ship, giving the commentators time to fawn over his unusual chassis. The floral language they use to describe the viciousness of his new body makes you chuckle as you think about how much he loves snout rubs. You feel a little badass for once; after all, you've tamed the unholy beast they seem so reverent of.
Revenant turns his head, locking optics with something off screen. The camera pans to see who, and a familiar masked face appears. If Bloodhound could have an intense look, this was it. It was a primal look, a pure determination that could only be described as a hunter locking eyes with a most dangerous prey. This is what Revenant meant. This was his plan. There was no chance this would end without a fight for the ages. His animalistic appearance only added to the allure of this soon-to-be battle.
"Hey, why don't we watch the team channel?" Sherry breaks your immersion in the game.
"The what?"
"Oh my--you've been here almost as long as me! How do you not know these things?!" You shrug, still not sure what she's talking about. "Every room gets a special team-specific feed with communications and everything. We should watch it if Wattsy and Revenant are together." She gets up and grabs the remote, clicking a button as she returns, causing the perspective to shift and the commentators to fall silent. You can hear the team instead, loud and clear. Why didn't you know about this?
Sherry bops you on the back of the head before returning her attention to the television.
The voices come through loud and clear on this channel.
"Are you sure about this?" Wattson asks, looking up at Revenant's massive frame.
"Yeah, this seems like a good way to get knocked out early." Wraith crosses her arms, sounding equally skeptical.
"I don't need you to trust me, but I'm going to be chased down. I need to drop separately and lose their trail. I need you to kit up without me, and I will meet you where you are." Revenant must be referring to Bloodhound.
"And what if we're targeted for landing as two instead of three? Not to insult your intelligence, but this seems particularly unwise." Wattson is always so sweet, even when she's not very fond of who she's speaking to.
"You'll need to drop cold. Drop within running distance to me and I will come to your aid if you're targeted." Revenant insists. Wattson sighs, clearly unsure of how to change his mind.
"Very well, please do not get us all killed, even if it is in your programming." Wattson relents.
They walk over and stand tall near the open hatch, barely keeping themselves up and not falling into World's Edge. The wind makes it impossible to hear the communications, but you see Revenant pointing to a few places and Wattson making hand motions as if to discuss options. Wraith just keeps her arms crossed, looking like a badass behind them.
Revenant steps away from the two to step further inside the ship, leaning against the ship wall and appearing to sigh. You hear a voice pick up on his communications.
"You are not as clever as you think, bráð." Revenant turns his gaze to meet Bloodhound, who is haughtily ignoring their teammates in favor of stoking these flames. "You may have disguised your scent with that of your apprentice, but all I must do is hunt your apprentice in order to find you." Revenant huffs, unfazed. "I will be disappointed if this hunt is unworthy of my skills."
With that, Bloodhound turns away to face their teammates, returning to planning. Fuse and Caustic seem completely okay with Bloodhound's previous absence from the conversation, willingly taking time to catch Bloodhound up on their plans. Revenant moves back to his team, Wattson clearly having noticed the exchange over her comms.
"Making friends, are we? I did not think you had it in you." She chuckles a little. She's a bit sassy herself, no wonder her and Sherry get along.
Revenant blows a puff of breath out his nostrils and into his mic, refusing to acknowledge her question.
"You'd be surprised, I think our local murder machine is going soft on us." Wraith pipes up in a taunting manner. Revenant looks very concerned that she might expand on her statement, but Wraith clearly is just enjoying his somewhat panicked reaction, smirking at him with delight.
"Perhaps this is a story for another day. Our drop is coming up!" Wattson chirps, clearly getting a bit excited.
The comms go quiet, spare for the blowing wind near the hatch, before they all jump into the white abyss, the drone camera attempting to follow. As the camera breaches the cloud line, you can see the trails of the team splitting, two in one direction and the other in the opposite. A message appears on the screen reading: 'calling additional drone' before it follows Wraith and Wattson down below.
"Do you want to watch your big metal hunk?" Sherry teases you. "He went off by himself, so I don't mind watching him. I'm comfortable that Wattsy will just be picking up loot safely in that area. Nobody really drops over there."
"I'm being hunted as expected. Stay alive, you two. I'll be there soon." Revenant's voice can be heard over the television.
"Yes! How do we watch him?!" You pipe up, instantly concerned.
Sherry hits a button on the remote and a new visual appears. This new camera drone isn't at Revenant yet, but staring down Bloodhound instead. Bloodhound is looking back and fourth, clearly flustered. The drone hovers, refusing to move as it may give away positions of either Legend.
Bloodhound runs up to a bunker, opens the door, and immediately puts their gloved hands over their mask, as if they're smelling something pungent. They run over to the control panel, wiping the surface and sniffing their fingers. Suddenly, they look invigorated. Impressed, perhaps? It's hard to say. Bloodhound appears to speak into their communications mic and runs off in a full sprint, disappearing from the drone's view.
The drone watches longingly after Bloodhound's trail before it suddenly jostles, making the view blurred and incomprehensible. The camera slows, eventually able to capture an image. It's Revenant's visage, clearly holding the drone at arm's length while sprinting.
"I know you're watching, little skinsuit. Hug your girlfriend if you get too scared." The drone mic isn't as clear as his team comms device, but he's still understandable. "In fact--Sherry--keep her warm for me. You have my support, but I get her back as soon as this is done. Deal?" His voice is full of vitriolic flirting, if that description makes any sense. He crushes the drone and the screen becomes static. Sherry turns to you with a devious smirk.
"Oh, he's so kinky for you." She uses her deep voice and leans into you, wrapping an arm around your back. Your cheeks burn red. "You must have something special, huh? How else did you end up with a big dom daddy like--"
"Oh my fuck, please stop Sherry!" You burst from embarrassment, burying your face in your knees as you pull into your frame. "I can't handle you two teaming up."
She laughs, but not sadistically for once. She gives you a quick hug, a pat on the back, and changes the channel to the other, working camera drone.
"I'm fine, but I have another favor to ask." Revenant's voice brings you out of your human sphere. You don't recognize this area, it's not considered a hot spot.
"You're really pushing your luck today, rustbin." Wraith stays stoic about the whole thing, attaching a scope to a Havoc.
"Let's hear him out. What is it? I cannot promise I will agree to anything, though." Wattson is undeniably kind, but sounds like she's trying to be stern.
"If Bloodhound survives to the end with us, let me single them out and fight them alone. If I fail to finish them, you can kill them and take the match without me." Revenant plans to do what he originally teased you about: defeat your first favorite Legend. How did he find out it was Bloodhound? Or does he even know?
"The chances of that seem unreasonably low, and it seems quite risky, but if you really want to I will respect your wishes." Wattson says as she rummages through a supply bin, picking up some shield cells and batteries.
"The chances are actually strangely high..." Wraith almost mutters as she loads her Havoc. "Did you bribe some people to throw or something?"
"No, I gave the Hunter a challenge." Revenant says as he begins adding improvements to his RE-45, making a satisfying chunking sound as his mag extender slots in. "My mind is on making a spectacle of our battle, and the only thing on the Hunter's mind is surviving until they can kill me. Call it actualization."
"Yeah, you'd have no reason to pay your way to the top, you enjoy this too much." Wraith tests her scope by looking down the sights, apparently pleased with her meager kit for now. "Alright team, we need more equipment, let's move."
They all begin to move towards an area known as The Harvester. You had been dragged there and touched all the controls, doors, and climbed an excessive amount of the area. It makes you tired to even think about it.
"So, I have some actual questions though." Sherry brings your attention out of the television, so you turn towards her. There's not much point in watching until there are gunshots anyway. Otherwise they're just going to be finding more gear. "What happened to your leg?" She points to the puncture wounds on your calf.
"Oh, um--well..." You accidentally revealed it when you pulled your leg up on the couch. "He has a thing where he can't control himself for a few seconds after he reboots." She pauses, processing your response. It is a really odd string of words to put together.
"So... he's homicidal, and if you don't get away--"
"No, not homicidal. There is zero chance of that. More like possessive and overly passionate about it." You hope it makes sense. She pauses again, trying to process the meaning behind the words.
"So it's a sexual thing?" Of course she gets it all wrong.
"No, more like a 'nobody can have you' kind of thing, and then he got too worked up and clenched too hard."
"So... are you sure about this whole thing? What if this keeps happening? That's not okay." She seems genuinely concerned, and a bit unhappy.
"It was an accident, honestly. Sort of like tripping into someone and knocking them over." You try to make it as mild-seeming as possible, but you know she won't fully buy it. She sighs, crosses her arms, and shrugs a little. That's enough acceptance for now.
"So, follow-up question: are you sure you're safe?" It might as well be the same question, but you relent.
"I'm pretty certain."
"That's a horrible answer!" Obviously she'd be a bit upset that it's not complete certainty, but how can you lie to her? Nothing is completely certain.
"It's complicated, but this is a risk I'm absolutely willing to take." You surprise yourself with your own calmness. "I know this seems insane, but my life has only been better for every crazy decision I've made, and I need this to happen. Life is short these days, even if I die I want to do something better than nothing." Sherry stares at you with a dumbfounded look, apparently impressed by your short speech.
"I guess that makes sense, but if stuff gets too violent... please leave." She averts her gaze, looking down at her feet.
"I promise, but really, I'm quite happy." You hug her, and she hugs you back for a moment.
"So he must be really good in bed then, huh?" She ruins the moment, she absolutely has to. It's practically her purpose in life at this point.
"I don't know, to be honest." You try to sound as serious as possible to avoid further teasing.
"What? Are you kidding? He makes it sound like you guys are fu--"
"Don't say it please." You put your face in your hands, questioning why you're still so easily embarrassed by these things. You're always blushing, which seems to goad people like Revenant and Sherry into teasing you. It is a little fun, though. Their power trip of teasing seems to make them both so happy, and in a weird way you share in that happiness as a willing victim.
"Well, okay, but I hope you get some soon," she snickers, "Honestly I don't think it'll be much longer now, anyway."
Gunshots ring out on the television.
"I've taken hits! If you've got a sniper, try to cover me!" Wraith sounds hurt, despite phasing towards the opponents on a hill nearby. Revenant pulls a Longbow he must have found recently, doing his best to take shots at the opponents while Wraith closes the gap. The scope must not be the best, because you can clearly see his stature get frustrated as he whiffs his shots. The return fire seems just as poor, hitting at Revenant's feet and the wall behind him, leaving gaping bullet holes. Suddenly, you hear a crack as Revenant's shot lands, then another.
"One closest to you is weak," he quickly states.
"Got it, engaging." Wraith barely finishes her statement before she's downed her opponent. Without the fancy graphics of the public broadcast, you're not sure who is on the enemy team, especially with how far the drone is.
"Engaging on the opposite side! Someone is alone!" Wattson suddenly appears on the opposite side as Wraith, immediately engaging another body as Wraith moves in towards the final contender in the middle. The gunshots are really going now, but the camera drone has been staying near Revenant, who is hanging back taking sniper shots.
"I'm down, but he's hurting!" Wattson's voice comes over comms, prompting Revenant to switch to his RE-45 and sprint to close the distance. The drone lags behind slowly, not closing enough distance to make out the opponents.
Wraith curses over the audio as she and her opponent go down simultaneously, leaving one weakened contender to Revenant. He's closing the gap excessively fast; it looks like they're trying to use a med kit.
"I'm not wasting the bullet." You definitely watch Revenant's silhouette stab the other before the med kit is finished, prompting the whole team to be deathboxed. The drone suddenly kicks into high speed, catching up to Revenant. It makes sense that the drones shouldn't give away positions, but this was a little frustrating at times. They either have to stay side-by-side or it has to hang back.
Revenant goes to Wraith first, pulling a medical syringe in his fist. He pauses, looking down on her for a moment. He twirls the syringe in his fingers, stopping it so his thumb lands on the plunger and his pointer and middle finger brace the flange on the barrel. He kneels down to her, pinches the muscle near her shoulder, and injects it quickly. He tosses the empty needle in a different pocket on his belt and helps her to her feet. Wraith is staring at him with a strange but subtle smile. He huffs at her and turns to tend to Wattson.
"So you did pay attention." Wraith sounds soft for a moment, but it doesn't get a reaction out of Revenant, who is doing the same to Wattson.
"Have you ever thought of the long term effects of all these injections?" Wattson asks as Revenant helps her up.
Wraith clears her throat loudly, crossing her arms.
"Yeah, it can do crazy things for sure." Wraith says with a heavy layer of frustration.
"Oh, I am so sorry, I did not mean to dredge up old memories." Wattson shakes her hands in front of her as a motion of apology.
"Yeah, science these days tends to be used to ruin the lives of as many people as possible." Revenant adds.
They all stand there in a circle, silent. It's not an awkward silence, it's a mournful silence. Revenant's stare is deep in the distance. Wraith's body language exudes frustration over past traumas. Wattson looks at the ground, almost like in secondhand guilt for being a woman of science. The stillness hangs for an uncomfortable amount of time, before Wraith breaks it.
"Nothing we can do, we are who we are now." She sighs. "We're top seven now. We need to find some other deathboxes and pick up better gear. We're going to stay sneaky until we're down to the last two." She immediately begins running towards the center of the new circle, close to the giant ice-like structure known as the Epicenter. Revenant and Wattson immediately move to follow. More boring running for a while.
"Who do you think was on that team?" Sherry asks, understanding that there's not much point in watching these segments.
"I'm not sure either. Sneaky play is boring, but I can't argue with the results. I'm going to run and get snacks, do you want anything?" You stand up, wanting to move around after a long while of sitting. Sherry immediately lays down on the couch, taking up all the space you left.
"Sure, give me anything with that cheese powder crack on it." She shoots you finger guns.
• • • •
"Sherry, I'm not getting you more chips."
"No, you've literally had three and a half bags, you're covered in cheese dust, and I'm pretty sure you're an addict. How strong is your metabolism, anyway?" You're brushing dust off the couch, at this rate you might as well get a vacuum. You ate a half, and then Sherry destroyed the rest plus all the other bags you got. You wonder how on earth she keeps her thinner figure like this. She must be cut from a completely different cloth than you.
"I have the same metabolism as all of my tapeworms." She stretches, and attempts to wipe the dust off her pants. "Sadly this has been pretty uneventful so far. They're being so careful. Three teams left now, and it looks and sounds like the other two are fighting it out." The gunshots are weak and in the distance.
"We're kitted as best as we can be, we should approach this like we did last time." Wraith has a 30-30 Repeater now, extremely well-modded.
"Did you notice that we're in the circle and they are not? We should set up a bit of an obstacle course here!" Wattson chirps.
"We can actually use it to attract our opponents and engage them from afar too." Wraith is beginning to smile, seeing a good path to victory.
"Leave Bloodhound for me." Revenant mumbles, just as a reminder.
"You'll get your wish, we've got this." Wraith's smile is unusual for her, but it's hard not to be at least a little happy in the face of such a massive victory.
Wattson begins setting up electric gates in the area as the circle closes in from the distance, creating a strange set of gates around the Survey Camp, trying to get around and weave through cover. Wraith finds a spot away from the tangled mess, Revenant joining her.
"Do you think they'll win?" You hold your breath, not as sure as Wraith is.
"Of course, Wattson is with them!" Sherry pumps her fists together as if she didn't just eat an inhuman amount of crisps. How can she move so jovially with a stomach that must weigh as much as a brick?
Gunshots ring out, Revenant takes sniper shots at the last remaining team as they escape the incoming heat wall.
"Why did you give our position away!?" Wraith punches him in the shoulder, but he doesn't flinch.
"Use your portal to charge them, hit Bloodhound in the leg, and come back immediately through the portal. Let them follow." Revenant has no fluctuations in his voice. He's dead serious.
"This better work!" Wraith yells as she disappears, leaving a strange portal hole next to Revenant.
"Wattson, come throw down your Interceptor Pylon here, we need to make sure they come into the portal after Wraith." Revenant seems to have thought this through, but why does he want to fight up close?
Wattson throws it down and it immediately stops an incoming Knuckle Cluster, barely getting it up and running in time. Some incoming grenades meet the same fate.
"Excellent, thank you Wattson." Revenant sounds excited. Wattson pauses in minor confusion.
"You're... thanking me? You never do tha--"
Wraith appears in front of Fuse, Bloodhound, and Caustic. She pulls out her 30-30 Repeater and nails Bloodhound in the leg, taking many shots herself before retreating into the portal. Bloodhound takes a knee and begins using a med kit as Caustic and Fuse jump into the portal.
Revenant is unarmed on the other side, all his guns, grenades, recovery tools, and ammo on the ground around him. He's holding his sharpened arm right up against the portal's center, practically posing. Fuse first appears and is immediately skewered through the chest, exhaling in surprise. Revenant flicks his entire arm to the side, causing Fuse's corpse to fly off to the side, blood spewing everywhere out of the hole in his chest. He is deathboxed before he hits the ground. Revenant's other hand is already poised for an encore.
Caustic comes through second, taking the sharpened point in the neck. The blood is immediate and generous. Revenant lifts his body off his feet, letting the blood roll down his stabbing arm and drip everywhere. Caustic drops a live Gas Grenade as he dies, spitting blood. Revenant throws his body in much the same manner, and Caustic is deathboxed midair.
"Well, shit, that worked." Wraith has almost healed her injuries completely, Wattson watching over her and armed to the teeth. "I guess the rest is all yours, maniac."
"Do not make us wait too long, please! I am looking forward to this win!" Wattson helps Wraith up and begins to run in the other direction to escape the spreading gas.
Revenant immediately starts sprinting towards Bloodhound in a straight line with no gear of any kind. Not even a gun. He's thoroughly coated in fresh blood and looks like a monstrosity, surely he's going to be shot down.
"Is he trying to die?!" Sherry screams at the television. "They almost have it! What even is this?!" You wish you could defend Revenant, but in truth you have the same questions.
No gunshots come though. Bloodhound stands there, newly recovered thanks to their med kit. They're situated right near the tangle of electrical gates, arms crossed and waiting patiently. It doesn't take long for Revenant to meet them, standing tall and unarmed a few feet away, locking their gaze. Bloodhound begins throwing their guns, grenades, health items, and ammo to the side. They finish, staring down their opponent in a strange silence. You're glad you're on a private channel, this would be ruined by any crowd sounds or commentators talking over it.
Finally, Bloodhound reaches behind them and pulls out a beautiful axe. It looks ancient but well-maintained, certainly a relic from their sordid history as a hunter.
"Congratulations kill leader, how many did you kill to get to this moment?" Revenant asks.
"Fourteen bodies lay behind me." Bloodhound states very plainly. That's an insane number. Revenant growls happily at their answer. "I have fought hard to meet this moment. I will confess, you are more clever than I expected. I am sorry for underestimating you before. You brought your apprentice here and ensured she left her scent everywhere, then disguised yourself with the same scent."
You're stunned into silence. All that running around was to literally make it impossible for Bloodhound to hunt by scent alone. You almost felt happy to be a small part of this, in some way, but also a little frustrated at how hard that day was. It explains why Revenant took your shirt before, why it came back so grimy, why you had to touch everything, and why he wasn't upset that you drooled all over his mane. Is this simulacrum also a conniving genius?
"I noticed you didn't use your sonar to find me earlier." Revenant pries a little.
"It would be disrespectful to the honor of this hunt." Bloodhound is beginning to sound excited in a bloodthirsty manner. "You also have come unarmed, so I meet your challenge as my ancestors would."
Bloodhound shimmers the blade of the axe in the sunlight, proudly caressing its blade. They've got one knife, an axe, and their wits. Nothing more.
Revenant begins to sidestep, Bloodhound sidestepping to match, never leaving each other's gaze. They're circling each other, neither making the first move. Bloodhound breaks the silence with a thunderous declaration.
"May the Allfather bless this hunt!" They lunge forward, axe at the ready.
Revenant leaps to the side, avoiding them, immediately lunging to counter. His giant maw is wide open, going straight for Bloodhound's head. Bloodhound ducks, and plunges one of their smaller knives into Revenant's gut. They push the knife in hard enough that Revenant buckles at the torso and falls backwards, letting the knife slide out in Bloodhound's grasp.
Revenant's clawed foot hits Bloodhound right in the breathing mask, causing them to stumble backwards long enough for Revenant to get on his feet. Revenant lunges again, but uses his arm length to pick Bloodhound up and toss them through the electrified fence. Bloodhound lands on the other side, obviously hurting. A knife comes flying through the fence and chunks into Revenant's chest. Revenant grabs at it, clearly in pain from both his hits so far. He leaves it in despite his pain, knowing that Bloodhound can't have it back this way without getting close.
Revenant strafes to the side to see around the electric fence just to find nothing there. They've vanished in the web. Revenant begins to prowl around the inside of the fence with all its jagged nooks, looking for anything. Revenant keeps turning to look behind him, clearly expecting some kind of attack from behind. The heat wall closes in on the fenced in area, leaving only half of the area available. Revenant watches as the wall moves up close to his face, then begins to turn to leave.
Bloodhound leaps onto Revenant's back from behind the heat wall, their garb charred a bit from hiding beyond it. Bloodhound gets their axe around Revenant's throat and pulls so the handle begins to choke him, but Revenant throws himself backwards into the heat wall, burning Bloodhound. They shove the axe upwards in an uppercut-like fashion, stunning Revenant so they have time to dismount and leave the heat wall before swinging for another blow. The axe lands in Revenant's hip, but Revenant grabs it and holds it in place, lunging forward with his open jaw to bite. Bloodhound jumps back, avoiding the bite, but losing their axe in the process.
Bloodhound shows no fear, immediately lunging for Revenant's lower body, taking advantage of his shifted center of gravity and forcing him to fall forward, right on the knife in his chest. Revenant emits a horrid sound which is only compounded when Bloodhound pulls the axe from his hip. Bloodhound swings for the head, but Revenant shifts so his horn takes the brunt. Revenant grabs Bloodhound's leg and in one swift motion gets to his feet and throws Bloodhound like a ragdoll across the field, away from the fences. Revenant sprints towards them, leaning so far forward that he's nearly on all fours. It's bestial. Bloodhound is able to sit up just in time to save themself from a massive bite, but only by shoving their axe in Revenant's jaw to force it to stay open.
Revenant takes the opportunity to get his hands around Bloodhound's neck, claws fully out. Bloodhound retaliates by using their free arm to pull the knife from Revenant's chest, causing him to reel in pain. He still is unable to close his mouth, and Bloodhound isn't choking fast enough to save him from getting his throat slashed by the now freed knife. Revenant is forced to release Bloodhound completely and staggers backwards, holding his own throat now instead. You could be mistaken, but it looked like the inside of his mouth might have been injured from biting the axe too.
Bloodhound immediately throws the knife again, hitting Revenant in the thigh. He falls to a knee, giving Bloodhound enough time to get up and lunge, landing the axe right in Revenant's mask. With a twist of the wrist, their axe is free and Revenant's mask is cracked. Revenant's pain seems to convert to adrenaline, as he lets go of his throat and grabs Bloodhound's leg out from underneath them, causing them to land on the back of their head before Revenant goes in for a stab. Bloodhound deflects Revenant's arm stab with their axe. Revenant's arm chunks into the ground next to Bloodhound's head instead.
Revenant is making a disconcerting wheezing noise. There's tons of damage all over his body, and the pain must be unreal at this point. Bloodhound is banged up too, taking mostly concussive damage to the head. Their chest rises and falls rapidly, but you can't hear them pant through the breathing mask. Despite all the apparent hurt, you do not expect either of them are done.
Revenant lunges down for the bite and nails it this time, his maw right around Bloodhound's head. Bloodhound is bleeding immediately, but takes the opportunity to pull the knife again from his thigh. Revenant, now wise to the possibilities, uses his whole body to fling Bloodhound by their head to the side. Revenant is finally able to stand up completely, but he limps a little.
Bloodhound's head is bleeding pretty badly now, their blood splattered on the ground from being bit and thrown. They quickly get to their feet but quiver a bit while doing so. They seem confident now having their knife and axe at their side again.
"Allfather is pleased by this battle." Bloodhound states very factually. "Were it not for my weapons, I surely would have lost this fight long ago."
"Hate to break it to you, but you're still going to lose." Revenant's voice sounds wispy from exhaustion. He limps closer, and Bloodhound stands their ground.
Revenant ignores his limp just long enough to lunge, this time claws out and jaw open. Bloodhound sidesteps, but Revenant recovers quickly and turns to lunge again. Bloodhound is ready, and uses both the knife and the axe to stab and brutally chunk into his back as they take a massive bite to the waist, as well as an arm stab to the thigh. Bloodhound just begins wailing his blades into Revenant's back, who seems unwilling to release the hold he has. Bloodhound's waist is dripping blood and the cloth on their outfit is soaked crimson. Revenant's body seems to be giving out on him, but not before Revenant uses his spare arm for a stab towards the chest.
Bloodhound clearly plans to take it. They're unable to dodge or move, but before Revenant can land the blow, Bloodhound plunges the knife into Revenant's throat. Revenant's stab finishes, but his chassis goes limp right as Bloodhound is deathboxed from the stab to the chest.
The final camera shot of the fight is of Revenant's bestial chassis limply hanging off the edge of Bloodhound's deathbox, his head resting on the top like a mourner on a coffin. Then Revenant is deathboxed, ending the match.
The camera shifts to Wraith and Wattson who were watching the fight from afar, now waving in victory to the camera and celebrating. Wattson holds a Nessie plush toy over her head in victory, but where did it come from? As the camera zooms in, you see she's surrounded by a few. What the heck?
Sherry and you sit, stunned in silence. Sherry changes the channel to the public broadcast, and you hear the crowds reeling in cheers at the primal violence they just got to enjoy. The commentators are losing their minds over the ending, calling it 'The Allfather's Hunt' and practically gushing at the seams over the imagery of the Hunter and the Prey dying together. Wraith and Wattson are showered in confetti and champagne, although Wraith doesn't seem as much into the celebrations as Wattson is. Revenant really did make a spectacle out of the whole thing. Nobody was going to care about 'Loba the Scalper' after this.
Sherry seems conflicted. Normally she would be on her feet, screaming loud enough to warrant a noise complaint whenever Wattson wins. However, now she seems worried over what she just saw. She turns to you.
"This guy can and might kill you." She speaks very quickly and quietly. "I just watched him kill with no weapons, just brute strength. He can throw people and crush them and stab them and bite them, and he can absolutely break every bone in your body if he wanted." She looks down at her hands, as if to soak in the frailty of humanity. "I don't want you to end up like that."
"Sherry, I know. Trust me, I do. He's the strongest, most terrifying person I've ever met, but I'm not and will never be his target." You speak confidently. "He finds some kind of comfort in me and has taken a liking to me. He will not intentionally hurt me. Unintentionally it may happen, but he seems to know how to handle that when it does happen."
Sherry sighs.
"Do you love this guy that much?" She asks.
You pause. It's not a word you've really used yet to describe how you feel. Like, sure, but not full-on love. You think about it. You don't like throwing that word around.
"I am that fond of him, yes." You finally say. "I just want to see where it goes."
"If you're sure, just please don't get gored." Sherry stands up, a concerned look still plastered on her face. "I'm going to go clean and decorate Wraith and Wattson's room for them. I would do this one too, but Revenant never seems to like it."
"Thanks for hanging out, Sherry. Don't worry, I'll be okay, I promise."
Sherry nods a little, then leaves the room, allowing you to stretch and relax until Revenant gets back. You wonder how long it will take this time.
• • • •
It's mid-afternoon, by now all the broadcasts should be finished up on all the different planets, where it should be later in the day. Morning matches are a theme here, but it lines up perfectly with the end-of-the-workweek evenings for other planets. It also means the lighting during the match is perfect. Sometimes the broadcast will be held off to make sure it shows at prime time on each planet, but that always means tourism to the planets where it's shown live is excessive.
Right about now, this planet should be clearing out from everyone who wanted to watch the Apex Game live today. Talos probably had it worse today, if you can call tons of tourism worse. After all, they must make bank in souvenirs, assuming the locals are one to sell souvenirs. You question if the people Bloodhound came from would be the type to do so. Probably not. Anyone who is willing to though: they must be rich.
It's been a few hours and despite last time, you cannot shake the anxiety that Revenant might never come back.
There's a knock at the door, to which you quickly go and open it.
"Oh, hello, just dropping this off, as requested!" This stout but strong mustached man with permanently squinted eyes rolls in a large deathbox on a caddy. He must work in a different section of the volunteers than you did, otherwise you would recognize him. He carefully lays the deathbox on the floor. You move to help, but remember when Revenant collapsed on you and realize you're not strong enough for this. This guy is impressively strong to be able to carry it. He wipes a bead of sweat from his head after finishing, and begins to roll his caddy out.
"Have a nice day ma'am!" He waves goodbye and shuts the door after himself. You turn to stare down at the deathbox.
Open it.
You want so badly to open it. You have to know. Yes, you need to know. Does his chassis really have all the parts a human does, or was his flirtatious teasing all a grand bluff?
Open it.
This box may not contain all the answers, but perhaps it can solve that one question. Does he really like you that way? Is it possible that he could like you that way? Or is it possible regardless of his body?
Open it.
Is this an invasion of privacy? Probably, but since when has he given you the same courtesy? If you're lucky enough, he won't be back in time to even notice.
Open it.
However, you don't think it's right. You meander to the bed and sit down, turning on the television to see more of the commotion. They're not going to stop talking about 'The Allfather's Hunt' anytime soon. This isn't a good distraction.
Open it.
Forget it, you start flipping through the channels. There's some sickeningly optimistic and colorful kid's show. Now it's news, listing off dozens of people murdered just in the city streets yesterday, per usual. Now it's a show about an unsolved murder from a few years ago. Now it's a documentary about the Frontier War. This isn't working.
Open it.
You grab your badge out of your pocket and leave the room, freezing outside of the door. Right, there's not a single soul back from the medical bay to talk to. You didn't know Wattson well enough to go knock on her door, and you're not sure where Wraith was moved to after Revenant busted her door. Even if you did, you don't know her that well either.
Open it.
You scan your card and reenter Revenant's room, stagger over to the box, and mess with the latch. Once unlocked, a button releases the door and it springs open.
Tears well up in your eyes. Why did you do this to yourself? He's lifeless, bent up into a tangle of limbs and parts to fit into the box. What did you expect? He looks like an old sarcophagus that was forcefully shoved into a box he could not fit in. His corpse is so beautiful, but so empty and void of life simultaneously, like an art piece left to rot in the elements. You can't help yourself. You have to get him out of there.
You move to one side of the box and leverage your legs to begin tipping the box. It's very heavy, but you have to do this. The box tips over its center of balance and rotates the rest of the way over, spilling Revenant's corpse onto the floor. You pull the box back upright so the opening faces the ceiling again, and get back up to run over to his body. His chassis is laid out now like a more normal corpse would be, although his limbs have fallen where they may.
You crouch down, letting your tears hit the chassis with a hollow thumping sound. You hold his hand, but there's nothing: no squeeze, no sharp points, not even a bashful resistance to such an act of affection. No amount of knowledge that he will come back can fix how you feel right now.
You struggle to pull his body into your lap. This may be lighter than his classic metal body, but it's still difficult to move it around. You silently weep, finally getting his crushing weight on your legs. You lean forward into his nuzzle and rub it, hoping for that awkwardly stifled joy he shows when he likes something. There's nothing, his eyes are void.
You begin to cry out loud.
You carefully cradle his head, ignoring the matted fur in the way. You rock back and fourth, crying into his cheek and begging him internally to wake up. The tears flow around and into the giant crack in his mask. He had wounds all over him, and you trace your fingers around each one. Hope is worthless; it can't fix him. You touch his horns he seemed so proud of. There's a massive break in one of them and the horn is almost loose off his skull. So much damage. So much pain. Your crying gets louder.
Why did you open it? Why did you have to be curious? At first you just wanted to look to see if he was bluffing about this body having sexual mods. You didn't bargain for the excessive and overwhelming grief of seeing him dead. You rock his body, mourning in utter despair, cradling his head so close to your chest that it hurts. You squeeze your eyes shut to try to hold back the tears, but it flows right through. Maybe not seeing the body will help.
You continue to sob and rock him for what feels like an hour. In truth, it's probably only ten or so minutes. It hurts so bad, even with your eyes closed the image might as well be etched on your eyelids. Your nose is stopped up from the crying, but you cannot find the energy to try to wipe it so it can breathe again. Your only air flows through your mouth in painfully hitched gasps between sobs of agony.
Suddenly, something cold and metal begins wiping away your tears.
You wince in surprise, but as you open your eyes you see nothing. You look side to side, panning the entire room, but there really is nothing. The door didn't open, you would have heard that. If Revenant was here, you would have seen him, right? You make sure to turn fully around and look behind you, maybe he's in your blind spot. No, nothing. What even was that? You turn back around.
You take a deep breath and sigh in disappointment, a few more tears escaping your eyes.
Hands cup around your cheeks, drying them again. You look up. He's on the ceiling, attached by his feet, but holding his hands downward to touch you. He's back in his normal, red body. He carefully releases himself from the ceiling one leg at a time, being careful to step behind you. He curls around you in a hug so your back is against him. He carefully pulls you backwards so the chassis in your lap rolls off of you, and he envelops you in his cool embrace. He uses a foot to push the corpse further away from you. He grabs your jaw to force you to face him as he leans his head forward to look at you.
"Why are you crying?" His voice is plain and without emotion, but his face--his eyes--have life. You begin to cry again in some kind of disbelief, forcing your body to turn towards him and hug him back. You grip the red straps on his chest and press your face against his metal torso, letting the tears roll down him. You won't let go. This one is alive.
He brushes your hair with his claws, lightly scratching your scalp as he does. His other hand rubs into your back, careful to press into your spine and knead it. His legs bunch up and cross around you.
"I was secretly hoping you would snoop around in my deathbox, looking for something you shouldn't." He sighs into your ear. "Instead you cry over me. What a disappointment when I was hoping to catch you being naughty. Do you really feel that attached to me already?" He squeezes you a little, but you can't stop crying to answer him. "You must, otherwise you wouldn't cry for me like this, despite knowing I will always come back."
He continues to try to soothe you as best as he can. He's warmed up and is now reflecting heat back at you. He nuzzles his mask into your shoulder. He takes breaks from brushing your hair to try to wipe away any tears that'd don't make it onto his chest.
"Idiot." He lets out a small chuckle. "You're making me soft." You can't respond, but your tears are finally beginning to run dry. "You know, they say the best way to know if you're loved is to attend your own funeral. Obviously, that's impossible for most. Thank you for attending mine, and showing me this." He unwraps his legs, scoops his arms under you, and stands as he lifts you up with him. You refuse to let go of his straps, although your arms have to extend to hold on as you lie back in his hold.
He brings you over to the bed and lays you down carefully. He touches his mask to your forehead, and begins to pull away. He catches on your grip on his straps. You're still trembling a bit and probably still have that ugly crying face you're self-conscious of, but you can't help it. He carefully starts to pry your fingers off of the straps, but you grip even harder. You're not letting go. You won't let go. What if he leaves?
He sighs, recognizing your distress. He lets go of your fingers and scoops you back up again, this time so you're sitting against his shoulder. He's so excessively strong, he barely even seems to be bothered by the weight of you. He walks you over to the computer desk and sits down with you, leaving you in his lap. His hands wrap around you and begin typing on a keyboard. You carefully touch his face, not paying attention to what he's doing.
He pauses, looks to you, and takes your hand for a moment. He pulls it to the ridge of his mask that has a lip-like tint and angle, pressing the back of your hand into it for a moment before releasing your hand and returning his attention to the computer.
For the first time since you opened that deathbox, you trust what you're seeing. He's back, he's alive, and he's okay. You let your body limply lean into his shoulder, release his straps, and let him handle your weight with his body. You close your eyes and remember how to breathe normally. There's no reason to have a panic attack anymore.
"Take a nap. You're more exhausted than I am somehow. I'll wake you up soon." You feel his hand forcefully guide your head over his shoulder where it can rest comfortably. "Don't argue with me, now. Just do as I say."
You really are exhausted from all the excitement and emotion. You snuggle up against him as he shifts his body to fit your comfort. He makes a slow, heavy breathing sound in rhythm with his typing, and occasionally lightly runs his fingers over your bare skin. You're gone soon after.
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fruitcoops · 3 years
So my finger is actually broken and it made me think about the series where Remus took a stick to the face and Sirius took care of him if you’re willing to do another part to that so I can live vicariously that’d be great
Hey lovely! I’m so sorry for the massive delay on this fic--hopefully, your finger feels better soon <3 Coops and O’Knutzy credit goes to @lumosinlove!
This fic also includes Cap and Logan being brothers, O’Knutzy fluff, and my personal favorite ask of all time:
Anon: We have seen protective Leo in action and he is an absolute badass, but what about the other 2/3 of O’Knutzy. Because gods know they would all protect their fairy gay mother if anyone were to mess with him in the slightest
TW for bruising, swelling, injury
Read the rest of the series here!
“Where is he?” Leo demanded as soon as the door opened. His mother would have been appalled by his lack of manners, but he was too worried to bother with pleasantries. “Is he alright?”
Sirius raised his eyebrows. “Hello to you, too, Knut. Harzy, Lo, how’s it going?”
“Depends,” Finn said. “How’s our favorite rookie doing?”
Logan took a more direct approach and kicked Sirius lightly on the shin. “Move, I want to see my future beau-frère.”
“Are they here?” a rough voice called from the living room.
“Don’t get up, Loops!” Leo shouted down the hall, making a beeline for the kitchen. “Are you feeling okay?”
There was a muffled curse from the other room, followed by footsteps; Leo scowled. “I’m not made of glass,” Remus huffed as he shuffled into the room with an ice pack in his hand.
All three of them hissed in sympathy and Leo felt phantom pain in his nose at the wide bruise across Remus’ cheekbones. “You should go lay down again, dude.”
“You made me soup?”
“You can only have it if you promise to rest.”
“I don’t have a concussion.”
“Your face looks like someone biked over it.”
“Rude. I’ll call your mother.”
“You don’t have her number.”
Remus shot him a look and turned to the others, who were watching in clear amusement. “Tremzy, a hand?”
“Can’t tell you. I want soup.” Logan ruffled his hair as he walked past; Remus batted him away, but he was smiling. It was even more crooked than usual with the latent swelling, and Leo felt a pang in his chest when he noticed the missing dimples. He looked so…not Loops. “Où sont les casseroles?”
Finn frowned and glanced in the Tupperware. “That’s not casserole, Lo.”
Sirius reached up and pulled a large pot down from the cupboard. “Pots, Harz. You’ve been dating these two for almost a year and you still don’t know French?”
Finn hopped up on the counter. “Keeps things interesting.”
Leo blew him a kiss and received a wink in return, making them both laugh. “Thanks again for bringing this over,” Remus said as Leo turned the stove on and grabbed a wooden spoon.
“Anything for the rookie, right? You look better than last night.”
“Yeah?” Hope lit in Remus’ less-swollen eye; he was still bruised to hell and back, but the puffiness had gone own significantly and a good night’s sleep seemed to have done him good.
“No thanks to the captain,” Finn snorted, swinging his legs until Sirius whacked him on the thigh with a spoon. “I swear to god he was just fucking with us in the groupchat.”
Remus raised his eyebrows. “What did you do?”
“I told the truth!” Sirius protested. “I don’t know why they’re all pissy.”
“You were so vague,” Logan groaned. He pulled his phone out of his back pocket and scrolled through the texts, then cleared his throat. “Home safe. Re is fine—"
“Get over here—”
“—getting lots of cuddles from Hattie,” Logan continued, ducking out of Sirius’ reach as he read aloud. Leo stepped closer to the stove to let them both run past. “Thanks for the messages. Thanks for the messages? Thanks for the fucking messages?”
“That was pretty vague,” Remus agreed, hiding a smile behind his hand when Sirius finally snatched Logan’s phone away.  
“I’m keeping this,” he threatened. “And I sent messages to people who reached out individually with questions, including your boyfriend.”
“Which one?” Logan asked with a smirk.
Sirius shook his head. “Knutty, will you be offended if I kick him out of the house?”
“Eh.” Leo shrugged, still stirring. “He could use some fresh air. Maybe put a bowl of water out with him.”
Logan grabbed a towel and rolled it up, snapping it at Leo’s ass; it connected with a sharp smack and he dodged the second attack by less than an inch. “Hey, cut it out!” Remus laughed. “He’s making me soup!”
“Yeah, Lo, we don’t want to leave the invalid in the hands of Cap’s cooking,” Finn drawled.
Sirius heaved a sigh. “You are all so mean to me.”
“I love you!” Remus said, putting a hand over his heart in mock-offense.
“You don’t trust my cooking either.”
He hesitated for half a second and Sirius spread his hands. “I trust most of your cooking. And all of your baking.”
Leo perked up. “Will you make cookies for us?”
“Come on,” he wheedled as bubbles began forming around the edges of the soup. “You know you want to.”
“He made some for the block party two weeks ago,” Remus said with a grin, leaning over to smell the thick steam. “I’m domesticating him.”
“He’s like a feral cat. Once you let him in and feed him, he starts making cookies and never leaves.” Logan slotted himself between Finn’s knees for a cuddle with a devious glance at Sirius.
“I regret knowing you,” Sirius muttered; the slight twitch at the corner of his mouth gave him away, and Leo smiled to himself as he pulled a few bowls out of the nearest cabinet. “Soup’s ready?”
“Soup’s ready. Where are we eating?”
“Well, Loops is eating on the couch so he can rest,” Logan said, ignoring Remus’ eye roll.
“I’m fine.” All four of them gave him a skeptical look and he threw his hands in the air in exasperation. “Alright, we’ll eat in the living room and pretend I’m on my deathbed. Jesus Christ.”
Leo gave him a playful nudge as he handed him a bowl. “That’s what friends do, right?”
Remus’ face softened and he bumped him back. “This was really sweet of you, Knutty.”
“What was I supposed to do, leave you here alone with only your fiancé and your dog for company?” He looked behind the kitchen island and paused. “Speaking of, where’s my baby?”
“I’ll get her.” Sirius wandered out of the room and they heard the back door open a moment later; after a few seconds of muffled noise, Hattie came barreling into the room in all her long-legged glory. One side of her fur was mussed into bedhead, but Finn dropped down and immediately smoothed it out again as he smothered her with affection.
“Oh, was somebody taking a nap on the deck?” Remus cooed, grabbing a handful of spoons from a drawer.
“I missed you so much!” Finn said, laughing as she licked his face. “So much, precious girl! It’s been too long!”
Hattie wiggled out of his hold and galloped toward Leo—she tripped over her too-big paws and rolled to a stop at his feet with a lolling tongue. “Oh, my munchkin,” he groaned, lifting her into a cradle hold. “Do you think your dads would be sad if I took you home with me?”
“Yes,” Sirius and Remus chorused.
“But I made them soup!” He stuck his lower lip out in a pout and held her closer to his chest. “It’s only fair.”
Logan turned a pleading look on Sirius. “You can’t say no to that face, can you?”
“Someday, you can have a sleepover. For right now, we’re going to eat soup and then make Remus take a nap.”
Leo declined to mention the fact that he had not answered the question and filed that particular information away for later use. For all his bluster and grumbling, Sirius was a softie for puppy eyes of any sort.
They gathered in the living room and carefully balanced their bowls so nobody spilled on the carpet. Remus curled up to make space for Sirius on the couch, while Logan perched on the armrest of Leo’s chair and Finn took the floor; Hattie made the rounds with a roving nose and tried to steal bites wherever possible, to little avail.
“This is really good,” Sirius said after a few minutes of hungry silence, shoving another spoonful of broth in his mouth. “Mon dieu, what is this?”
“Italian wedding soup,” Leo said, breaking a meatball in half. “Mom’s recipe.”
Logan raised an eyebrow. “You’re not Italian.”
“Not even a little.”
“You guys are the best, by the way,” Remus said. “This is exactly what I needed.”
“We would’ve beat the rookie up if you asked,” Finn informed him with a casual bite of soup. “Say the word, it’s done.”
Remus shook his head. “It was an accident. He tripped, I came up too fast, and it snowballed from there. Kid’s lucky he didn’t get a skate to the face when we fell.”
Logan blinked at him for a second. “You’ve seen your face recently, right?”
“No, actually, it’s a bit difficult to see my own face,” Remus said drily. “I’m sure it looks worse than it feels.”
Sirius raised his eyebrows, but made no comment. Leo wasn’t sure whether he wanted to know that story or not; seeing Loops in any amount of pain was hard enough. “Kind of ironic, right?” he said instead. “After all that time spent fixing us, you’re the one we get to take care of.”
Remus snorted. “How the turntables. Hestia did all the heavy lifting.”
“That Tupperware was heavy.”
“Do you want to tape me back together next time?”
“Don’t try me, Loops, I’ll do it and give you a moustache.”
They bickered and teased for the next half hour, long after their bowls were empty and Hattie laid down with a dramatic huff after her unsuccessful quest. Finally, Remus dozed off on Sirius’ shoulder, which they took as their cue to leave.
“Thank you again, guys,” Sirius said as they pulled their coats on. “This really meant a lot to both of us.”
“No problem,” Finn said with a shrug. “We were worried, and bringing over a little soup was easy.”
“It was good to talk to you both outside of practice,” Logan added, giving him a one-armed hug. “Keep us updated?”
“Bien sûr.”
“See you around, Capsicle.” Leo mock-saluted and Sirius laughed under his breath. “Take care of our rookie.”
“Will do, Knutty.”
Leo maneuvered his container around his seatbelt as Finn turned the car on, trying not to lose another lid down the crack between the console. “I’m glad we did that,” he said after a few seconds of comfortable silence.
“Me, too. Loops still looked pretty rough, though,” Logan said quietly.
The side of Finn’s mouth turned down a tick. “Next time we play the Ravens, that rookie is getting checked like he’s never been checked before.”
Leo’s back cracked as he stretched his arms over his head. “Oh, yeah, Kasey and I already have a plan. That kid is never even going to see the net.”
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bitletsanddrabbles · 3 years
It’s a good thing my main goal every November is ‘FINISH SOMETHING!” It means rather than inserting zombie attacks that will later get cut out again into my novel, I can try to oil the mental gears with fun little snippets from @alex51324 ‘s Island of the Gays.
I might clean this up for actual Ao3 consumption later. I might not. For now, have a silly thing about some silly boys.
Thomas stood in the entrance to the Beacon Printing press room and stared at the carnage in front of him. "What happened?" It looked as if one of the winter gales that had plagued the island two months prior had ripped through the room. It was even soggy enough, although the rain would have had to be black. Richard was sitting in a chair by the stove, one leg propped on the other, shoe off, in that singular manner that suggests a ricked ankle. His jacket was off, and the front of his shirt sopping wet. Kit was similarly damp and leaning next to him. Gordon, his face and front smeared black, was leaning against the press table, wiping at his face with what had once been a decent towel. The table itself didn't bear mentioning. "I was only gone five minutes!"
"Er," Kit started intelligently, standing, "Well, you see..."
"It weren't my fault!" Gordon interrupted him, his jaw jutting out defiantly. "I was doing everything right!"
Thomas was immediately suspicious of that statement, but all he said was, "Never said it was your fault, especially seeing as I don't know what 'it' is."
"It's nobody's fault, really," Richard gave his opinion, as he poked gingerly at his ankle. He winced. "Just...amazingly bad luck, that's all."
"Right!" Kit added in brightly. At Thomas's raised eyebrow, he seemed to realize that this didn't count as telling the other proprietor of the paper what had happened. "Well, you see, we wanted some tea. Some more tea, I suppose, since I'd already had some. Anyway, we'd put the kettle on while I worked on the page lay outs for page three. We were ready to print pages one and two, of course, and Gordon wanted practice using the press, so we decided to let him ink the plate."
"Alright," Thomas nodded. So far none of this seemed too dire. After all, unless someone set the press in motion the only thing that could go wrong with inking a press was getting too much ink on, or too little. Walking further into the room, intent on putting the food he'd picked up at the bakery down next to the biscuit tin, he discovered that the floor next to the press was also all over ink, with the tin of ink lying in the middle of the mess.
"Everything was going well. The tea was ready about the time Gordon got to work on the plate. Since I already had a cup, Richard was kind enough to bring the pot over and refill it," Kit continued with an overly bright smile and in what Thomas suspected was supposed to be a calm, reassuring tone. Gordon still had his jaw jutted out like a bull dog. "And then...well..."
"I sneezed," Gordon cut in. He threw the words into the middle of the conversation like they were a glove and he was challenging someone to a duel.
Thomas stared at him, caught off guard by the announcement. "You sneezed?"
"I'm surprised you didn't hear it from the bakery, honestly," Richard noted. The bakery was on the other side of the library from the press. "It was quite a sneeze."
"Quite right," Kit nodded, as if to lay any doubt that they were not speaking of any mere sneeze. "He sneezed hard enough to knock into the ink and knock it from its place, which, of course, made quite the mess."
"I can see that," Thomas noted, looking at the ground and Gordon. He couldn't tell if it had splashed up on the younger man's face or if it had somehow been flung upward as it fell, or maybe Gordon had gotten it on his arm and subsequently smeared it, but it was, undeniably, a mess.
"Anyway, at some point in the proceeding he sort of stepped back into me hard enough to knock me off balance," Kit continued the adventure. "Since Richard was just finishing refilling my cup, that knocked me into him. I'm afraid that I came down on his foot with mine, rather hard, and tea went...well...everywhere.."
"I see." Thomas nodded.
"It weren't my fault!" Gordon insisted again.
"No, I can see that," Thomas agreed readily enough. If anything he remembered the time at Downton Abbey when he'd just picked up the soup to take upstairs when the back of his throat suddenly started to tickle, sending him nearly double coughing. The then first footman had managed to save the soup, but the tongue lashing Carson gave him would have taken strips from his hide if the old man had used a belt. "As Richard said, it doesn't seem to be anyone's fault." He looked over the three of them. Between the ink and tea, their clothes had been universally ruined. None of them even looked really presentable, but someone should look at Richard's foot. "Right then," he nodded, reaching a couple of decisions. "No one's living above stairs yet, but there's water. Gordon, leave that poor towel alone and go wash off. Kit, you run and get Dr. Hartley. I'll do an initial assessment of Richard's foot while you're gone, but the doctor will have a better idea of there's a hairline fracture. Once we've got all that settled, those of us who can still move can start cleaning up. Sound fair?"
There was a chorus of agreement. Gordon disappeared up the flight of stairs to the flat above the shop. Kit vanished out the front door. Thomas gave Richard a wry look. "Isn't it nice not to be in service anymore?" he quipped.
"Indeed," Richard grinned back. "At least here the only messes we have to clean up are our own."
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mosshead-lover · 4 years
Fights lead to Confessions as Hate leads to Love.
Levi Ackerman x Reader
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Summary: You go over to your Captain’s to submit the work late at night. Only to get caught in the most unexpected turn of events.
Warnings : NSFW, maybe lil wild?
When you woke up from your what was supposed to be a tiny nap, It was already 10:30 PM. You curse yourself for dozing off. Luckily you were almost done with the work. Even so, you knew you had to face the captain's wrath. Lately, he had been dumping an unbelievable amount of paperwork on you. That too, after a whole day of training. Today's combat training was extra hard for you as he made you combat him till your limbs fell apart and this was after a dozen of laps that ware meant as a punishment for being slow during the warm-ups. But then, how could you keep up with the squad? You stayed up late to finish the paperwork that was due the next morning. He had strictly asked you to finish today's work by dinner. Your stomach grumbled. You wish you woke up at least in time for dinner. You bundled the papers and set off to submit them to him.
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"Captain Levi"
You call out for him before knocking.
There was no reply. You call out again. Still, there was none.
A ruffle of chill wind moved the door slightly, making you realise that it wasn't locked. You decided to let yourself in, for, you had forgotten to wear your coat and, the slim uniform shirt did no good. Moreover, you couldn't afford to get the bashing in front of everyone in the morning. Better face the consequences in private.
"Um. What are you doing here?"
It was him. He had just gotten out of the shower and wore nothing but a towel around his waist. The reminiscent water droplets on his torso only added to the sexiness of his abs. Your heart skipped a beat, and you had to remind yourself to breathe. While you were at it, Levi's ice-cold eyes were set on your erect nipples which were the result of the weather(or not).
He let out an annoyed sigh. Immediately aware of what he was implying, you tried to cover your nipples with the suspenders. You were embarrassed. Though, ironically, he was the half-naked one. You quickly set down the file on the desk nearby and saluted.
"The work is done, sir."
"Good, Thought you were dead."
(What an ass!)
"I apologise for being late."
"Whatever. Kitchen duty every night for three weeks."
You saluted and left. It took you everything you had to not smack him. After Levi shut the door behind you, You leaned back on his door and began thinking how exhausted you have been all these days. Physically and mentally. You didn't understand why he was so hostile towards you when, ever since you joined the cadet corps, all you ever tried to do was gain his appreciation. Heck, in fact, You joined the corps for him. Where did the captain that you had admired as a citizen within the walls go? Amidst all the chaos that went on in your head, You hated yourself for not being able to shake off the image of just-out-of-shower Levi.
Levi must have realised that you were still there. He opens the door without a warning and, you fall back into his arms. You quickly get up and stand straight.
"Were you fantasising having a piece of this, cadet?" He pointed at himself.
You were extremely embarrassed at his remark and couldn't take his shenanigans anymore.
"To me, it looks like the other way around, captain."
You smirked. You had had enough of him and, you spoke before thinking. Although, you immediately regretted it. Levi twisted your hand around and rammed you against the door, with your head sideways and left cheek pressing against the door. He positioned himself closer to your right ear.
"We are talking back now, aren't we?" He growled.
The words that escaped his mouth had nearly no impact on you compared to his breath against your skin.
"Should I punish you the old school way?"
A hint of naughty acquired his voice.
"Is that all you can do? So much for being The Levi Fucking Ackerman."
You kept your composure and pretended unintimidated when your inners went wild thinking of things that might happen.
"What did you just say to me?" He questioned in disbelief and utter shock.
*Slam!* He slapped your buttocks hard.
"Come on, say it!"
He challenged you.
*Slaps you again*
You start taking deep breaths to calm your nerves down. And then your body reacts the way it shouldn't when he squeezes the part that was still hot from the slaps before. A jolt of pleasure passes through your body and, you let out a feeble moan in reflex.
Sufficed with his so called punishment,He lets your hand go and moves away.
He says in an indifferent tone. Although, the bump under his clean white towel was screaming something else. He immediately turns the other side and waits for you to obey him. But you weren't done.
You walk over to him furiously, grip his shoulder and forcefully turn him to face you. You push him against the table and position your dominant hand upon his groin as if to say, ’Move, and I will crush your jewels.'
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Deep down, you knew Levi could easily turn the tables down without a scratch on his body. To your surprise, he gave in, resting his arms on the table and waiting for you to speak.
"Oh, Don't you dare imply this is one-sided."
You were perspiring from all the adrenaline rush and caught some breaths before continuing.
"Don't you think I know how you look at my back as I carry out the kitchen duty that you assign? Or when I bend over to clean the dust underneath the table, as you order me to?"
You were a tad satisfied as you began confronting your captain. Looked like he didn't want to take it anymore. He moved away from you in one swift move and used his leg to pull yours forward, making you lose balance and fall on the ground. He pinned you down and wasn't all that neutral anymore.
"It's a shame you think what I have for you is only physical. "
Before you could think, he tore your blouse with his strong arms, exposing more of your chest.
"Let me be what you think I am."
He affirms and holds you by the neck so you can't look away. He then bent down to devour you, as his other hand made its way down to your privates.
Your mind screamed ''It's wrong! Stop him" But, your body had already given in, swaying to the rhythm that his hand created down there. But, before he gained any more control over you, you had to say something. You push him away with all your might and sit up.
"It was you who portrayed my feelings as lust!" You almost scream in a teary voice. You take one deep breath and speak in a calmer tone.
"So, should I be what you see me as? "
You counter him and push him down as you throw his towel away. Levi lay bare naked. You sit on top and undo your remaining clothes, never once looking away. His eyes were locked to yours. You bend down, he meets you halfway and you both share one long kiss followed by several short ones. What started off slow gets hotter and furious with every second that pass. He runs his fingers down your torso as he sucks on your neck. You pull his head closer to your breasts as he began sucking and squeezing them. You lie back, throwing your arms on the ground as Levi pushes your legs apart. He seems proud at the sight of the flood that he solely caused. He resumes his work and goes down on you. This time you are not holding it back. You weren't fighting him anymore nor was he. You let out the most pleasant moans every time he hit the spots. His fingers and tongue worked magic on you. As he leads you to the peak, your legs are throbbing and urge to close down but he holds them away effortlessly. Finally, you release it and are in ecstasy, He trusts his hard rock sex into yours without giving you time to catch up. You didn't expect anything less.
"Oh! captain." You call him out on his move, followed by the sounds that could only be reactions to his thumping.
"Sssh, cadet y/n."
He bends down and kisses to shut you up while his other hand grabs your breasts. As the thumping picked up the phase, Levi groaned at every jerk against your tight walls. The wild noises that he let out only added to your pleasure. It was proof that he too had given in completely. He didn't worry about the thin walls of the camp anymore. You both take it to his bed and reach another climax, and three more before your mortal bundle of fleshes gave up. You stared at the ceiling wondering how tonight turned out. ’Tomorrow is uncertain’ You thought. Things could change or go back to normal. Either way, you will go back to being a superior and underling. This night could never happen again. You drifted to sleep with no expectations. Levi moved a strand of hair away from your face and looked at your peaceful resting face in admiration. He wondered why he was trying to push you away at all. He smiled at the thought of how this night could be the beginning of something new.
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atlabeth · 4 years
transferred part four - atla smau
TRANSFERRED - zuko x fem!reader
masterlist | part 3 | part 5
summary: trying to run from your past is hard, but falling for your brother’s roommate is even harder. little do you know that he’s falling for you as well.
warning: cursing
a/n: IM SORRY I KEEP SWITCHING POVS the one at the end is katara lmao
taglist:  @ourbestfriend-mishacollins , @lil-lex1 , @xxshad0wxb1rdxx , @zuko-is-the-sun​ 
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You slipped your phone into the back pocket of your jeans and got out of your car, taking a few moments to stretch out your arms and legs after the long drive. It was a little weird to think that this was going to be your new home and university, especially after so long in Kyoshi, but you were honestly looking forward to the change. After the disastrous breakup you endured, it was time for a new chapter. 
Your eyes instinctively snapped over to where you heard a noise, and a huge grin broke out on your face. Two people were coming out of the complex, and they were none other than your two roommates. 
“Sokka, Aang!” You yelled as you ran towards them. You barreled into Sokka and wrapped him in the tightest hug you could muster, looping Aang into it as well for a few moments before you pulled away, smiling so wide your face hurt. 
“Aang, it’s so good to see you, and Sokka — Sokka, you’ve gotten so tall!” You mussed up his hair with your hand which he swatted away. 
“It’s good to see you too, Y/N, but it hasn’t even been that long! And I don’t know how many times I have to remind you that you’re only a year and a half older than me!” 
“Sokka, I haven’t seen you since I moved to Kyoshi for college. It’s been far too long.” You gestured with your head for them to follow you as you started walking over to your car. “And Aang, it’s been forever since I’ve seen you too! You better be treating Katara well.” 
The shorter boy smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his head, faint red tinting his cheeks. “I like to think I am, we’re really happy together. She’s the best person that I know and the most beautiful girl ever and she always h-” 
“Okay, that’s enough! Seriously Y/N, you don’t have to whip out the interrogations right away.” Despite his complaints, Sokka gave you a genuine smile and you could tell he was just as happy to see you. 
“Whatever. I’m gonna need all the details on everything that’s been going on the past three years. The occasional facetime call has not been enough.” You went to the back of your car and opened your trunk where most of the boxes were, turning your head when you heard another car pulling up. 
“That’s Katara’s car!” Aang exclaimed. “That must be her and the other girls!” 
The car pulled in two spots away from you and as soon as it stopped, an auburn-haired girl jumped out of the driver's seat and streaked over towards you, wrapping you in an even tighter hug than you gave Sokka. 
“Suki!” She was practically suffocating you but you were so glad to see her that you didn’t even care. “I’m so glad you’re here!” 
“Like I would miss my best friend’s moving day?” The two of you pulled away and went through your increasingly elaborate handshake, ending in a hip bump that caused you both to dissolve into giggles. “You look amazing, Y/N. It feels like it’s been forever since we’ve been together.” 
“Well, we don’t have to worry about that anymore, because I’m here to stay! At least for the next four years.” You laughed and looked over to where your sister was helping Toph out of the car and gave her a wave. 
“As much fun as I’m having with all these greetings, we gotta start moving these fuckin’ boxes! At this rate, I’m gonna be sleeping outside.” You hugged Katara as well when she walked over, then you picked the first box up and motioned with your head for everyone else to get one as you started walking backwards towards the apartment. “Toph is the only one who’s exempt from this, everyone else gets a box and s-” 
You stopped in the middle of your sentence when someone bumped into you from behind, causing you to nearly drop your box. You were just as surprised when you felt hands on your waist, keeping you steady and helping you regain your balance. You turned your head and could immediately feel your cheeks heating up as you hastily moved away, laughing nervously and occupying yourself with the box in your hands. 
“Hey! Zuko! Nice to meet you! It is Zuko, right?” His golden eyes seemed to burn into you, but they were offset by his kind smile and the casual nod he gave you. 
“Yeah, that’s me. Sorry I’m so late, I was showering. I didn’t think you were gonna be here so soon.” He waved at Katara and Suki and they smiled back at him. 
He was even more attractive in person. His jet black hair, still a little wet from his shower, hanging just above his eyes was really doing it for you, and god, his eyes. They were intense, but more like a comforting campfire than a raging wildfire. You didn’t even realize you were staring until Sokka elbowed you. 
Your eyes widened slightly and you quickly averted them, adjusting your hold on the box and letting out another nervous laugh. “Now that we’re all here, how about these boxes, huh? I don’t have that much stuff because I’m broke, which is good for all of you.” 
You had gotten out of your flustered state by the time that everyone had a box in hand, save for Toph, and conversation flowed much easier while you and the rest of the group walked into the complex. 
“How was your drive, Y/N?” Zuko asked, holding the door open with his back as you all filed inside.
You shook your head and scoffed as you hit the button to call the elevator. “As boring as you can imagine. Traffic wasn’t horrible, but I swear I hit every single light on the way here. My music was the only thing that kept me sane.” 
“One pro of being blind is that I always have company in cars, but it also kinda sucks when the only source of conversation you have is Sokka or Katara,” Toph said with a teasing grin. 
“What?” Both of the aforementioned yelled at the same time, causing everyone except them to dissolve into laughter. 
“This is what I missed. I don’t even have to make up for three years of missed teasing because Toph’s had it taken care of.” You patted her on the shoulder as the elevator door opened and everyone filed in. “What floor are we on?” 
“Three. There’s a lot of foot traffic and we have some very annoying neighbors, but it’s one of the cheaper places here!” Sokka pushed the button and the doors closed. 
“Sounds.. fun!” You couldn’t really complain because you had practically begged for Sokka to let you live with him, plus you couldn’t afford anything more than splitting rent four ways in a cheap apartment. “Is there anything else I should know?” 
“Sokka never washes his dishes and only takes out the trash if you yell at him to do it. Zuko always leaves his towels on the ground but he’s a neat freak so the cleanliness of his room leeches into the rest of our apartment, it’s great. And I’m a perfect roommate,” Aang said with his smile that could convince you to give him everything you owned. 
“That is such a lie, Aang! I do everything that I’m supposed to do; your room is a mess that can’t even be cleaned up by Zuko, plus you stay up super late all the time talking on the phone to Katara! Thin walls buddy, THIN. WALLS.” 
“Do you want to talk about thin walls? Because you play your music as loud as possible, and somehow it’s always when I’m trying to study! And every time we drink, you become a huge mess.” After Zuko put his word in, the three boys all started arguing. You made eye contact with Katara and Suki; Katara gave you a sympathetic smile but Suki just grinned. 
“Alright, boys! We’re here, so kindly shut up.” You elbowed Sokka in the side as you walked out of the elevator, giving him an innocent smile when he scowled at you. “Lead the way, bro.” 
It took about ten minutes to get all of your boxes in the apartment with six people helping you, and though the girls wanted to stay they had to get back for some stuff relating to their classes. You thanked and hugged them all, and soon it was just you, your brother, your sister’s boyfriend, and the guy that you thought was hot. 
You spun around in the living room before collapsing onto the couch, spreading your arms out above you and sighing heavily. “I feel like I could fall asleep right here.” 
“I hope you can because that’s where you’re gonna be sleeping.” You looked up at Sokka with shock, and he stared back at you for about five seconds until he started laughing. 
“Ah, you should’ve SEEN your face!” He managed to get out through his laughter, wiping a tear from his eye. 
“Do you enjoy causing me pain?” 
“Very much so.” 
“You and Sokka are sharing a room, Y/N. Aang and I are in the other. And don’t worry, there are two twin beds in each so you don’t have to share share,” Zuko explained quickly. 
“Oh, fantastic. My boyfriend always snored a lot so I’ve gotten very good at tuning them out. You’re lucky that I’m the best roommate ever, bro.” 
“First you invade the sanctuary that is my home, and then the sanctuary that is the group chat for the home, and now you embarrass me in front of all of my friends for no reason? You are not my mom!” 
“Come on Y/N, we can show you around your room and the apartment.” Aang interrupted Sokka’s spiel, still going on in the background as the two of you walked over to a door with a large band poster on it. 
Zuko watched your retreating figure with a small smile on his face until you disappeared into the room, snapping out of his trance when Sokka started pulling him towards the room, grumbling about how ‘no one appreciates my genius’ and ‘can’t believe they left me’. 
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dracowars · 4 years
hii i love ur last fic🥺❤️i want to request a hc/fic where fem!reader goes sunbathing with draco n its all fluffy fluff fluff thank youu have a great day xx
you are my sunshine | draco malfoy
pairing: draco x reader
word count: 929
summary: where y/n and draco go sunbathing
a/n: uni starts again tomorrow which means i'm only able to post one imagine per week! i hope you enjoy this short fluffy imagine anyway~
warnings: teeny tiny bit suggestive, mentions of sunburn
universe: harry potter
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Pressing your hand against your forehead, you try your best to block the bright sun from shining directly into your face so that you can still see at least some of the letters in your book. Because of the rays of the sun, you close one eye and read the next passages until you hear the sound of a door opening and then closing again shortly afterwards.
Closing your book and putting it aside, you turn on the blanket from your back on your stomach to be able to look into the direction of the small, cozy house behind you.
After the war ended, you successfully graduated from Hogwarts and settled into this house on the east coast, far away from everything.
"Good morning, sleepyhead", you giggle while looking at you fiancé, who is now disorientedly standing on the patio with a bedhead, topless and with eyes barely open, looking down at you. It takes him a moment before he can process your words in his still by sleep clouded brain.
"Mornin'", he tiredly yawns and ruffles through his hair, his gaze switching from you to the shimmering sea in front of him. "A sight I could definetely get used to in the morning."
"Tsk, you pervert", you playfully roll your eyes at him when you notice his look on your body, which is only covered by a bikini, and quickly sit up, your legs crossed and a towel covering your lap.
"If you are already awake, then you can also join me down here", you suggest and reach out your hand, but he only looks at you with a knowing look as he steps down the stairs to your own little beach section. "I will also put suncream on you, I promise."
Suspiciously raising an eyebrow at you, he puts his hand in yours nevertheless and sits down next to you on the spread out blanket on the warm sand.
"Shall I remind you what happened the last time you told me the exact same thing?", he dryly says and puts his cold hands on your bare hips to pull you closer to him, making you shudder at the sudden coldness.
"Oh, come on, baby. That was one time!"
"One too much."
"How can someone be so resentful", you huff out while shaking your head in disbelief and shrugging your shoulders before you lie down on your stomach, your back facing the bright sun, and close your eyes.
Unfortunately, they jerk open again seconds later due to Draco taking one of the straps of your bikini top between his fingers, pulling on it only to then let it go, causing it to painfully slap back onto your sensitive skin.
"Leave me alone, you vampire", you hiss and push against his shoulder, with more force than expected, so that he suddenly loses his balance and falls backwards into the sand. Holding back a laugh, you turn onto your side to watch him sit up again with a murderous expression on his face.
"Oh okay, I just wanted to draw your attention to the fact that your skin is already turning red but nevermind", he nags, crossing his arms over his chest like a child.
Surprised by his sudden statement, you run your hand over the front of the strap, rethinking your words.
"Thank you."
"You are damn welcome. If you will excuse me, the vampire will crawl back into his dark cave now so the princess can continue to damage her skin", Draco explains with raised eyebrows and is just about to get up after his last word, but you grab his wrist and prevent him from going.
"Can you put some suncream on my back, please?", you pout and put on your best and most convincing puppy eyes so that he can't even think about refusing you. "Pretty please, Draco~"
"Alright, but only because I do not want you to end up with pain from a sunburn and also because I do not want to listen to your suffering. Turn around", he mumbles and you immediately do what he says, just not expecting him to open up your bikini top right after you turned around.
"What!? How else am I supposed to evenly spread the lotion?", he defends himself and puts the cold cream on your skin, giving you goosebumps that become even stronger when he puts his hands on your back in addition.
Enjoying his gentle touch, you softly sigh in contentment and close your eyes while the sun shines down on both of you and Draco does not have to have such a big problem with it anymore as he concentrates on getting the suncream to all the places.
After a few relaxing minutes his hands slow down their movement and when you feel a soft kiss on your shoulder blade, you have to happily smile. Opening up your eyes a crack, you discover how Draco has now laid down next to you in the sun, looking at you lovingly.
"You are beautiful", he states and you can't help but blush a little.
"You are unbelievable", you giggle and roll over to hug his side, wrapping your arm around his upper body, which has become quite warm in the meantime as well.
"So the sun is not that bad after all, if you can even lay down here with me, hm?", you tease him while drawing patterns on his soft skin with the tip of your index finger.
"What do I need the sun for if you are already brightening up my everyday, love."
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simpsamaa · 4 years
Tired Mom Squad Dating HC’s
 yes, it is I, simpsama. And I am back again with haikyuu dating headcanons. 
Today we’re doing the Tired mom Squad cause they deserve the world, and need a break from their hyperactive kids.
(these moms lowkey need a break)
Requests are open!!
Feel free to request anything!!
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Akaashi Keiji
my bby looks soo good in the SeASON FOUR-
they did him so good
Once you start to date this male you become the second mom
The team loves you
Akaashi is lowkey jealous-
Bokuto is really hyper around the two of you
Akaashi has to tell him to calm tf down-
and to get away from his s/o-
he enjoys simple PDA out in the public
Like holding hands and maybe short kisses
Bokuto will tease both of you if he sees you guys doing anything affectionate 
Lowkey loves it when you play or fix his hair
When he comes back from a game and his hair is sticking to his forehead and it’s kinda messy.
so you dry it with a towel and fix his hair-
he’s whipped for you
Loves to write small notes on snacks and put them in your locker
cause he’s adorable like that
and we love that he does that
he probably knows how to do basic things with hair
like tying it up, braiding
this man can do a lot with his fingers
when you two are alone he loves it when you lay on him
like he’s laying on his back while you’re laying on his stomach
just yk resting together
being cute
will send you good morning and good night texts at reasonable times
if he knows you stay up late he will send you texts to sleep
Will buy you things if it reminds him of you.
You have to lowkey tell him to stop wasting his money on you
thinks you’re the cutest thing in the world
‘You look really pretty today‘your face flushed as you read the words on the letter. “Oh, what’s this? Y/n-chan got a love letter?” Hana teased, catching the ears of other students.
“You’re so lucky!”
“I wish I got one”
“Who gave it to yo-” “I did“ Your hues glanced up to meet Keiji's green orbs. Girls and guys stepping back as he pulled you into his sturdy chest, causing squeals to come from the girls and guys around the two of you.
Keiji pulled you out of the group making more cheers and squeals come from the group. Your face flushed, “you know you could have told them that we were already dating,” you said, gripping your small hand in his large one. 
His green hues focused on you, giving you a small smile, “what’s the fun in that?” he asked making you let out a small groan. “But we’ve been dating for months, it’s that’s embarrassing,” you whined as Keiji took you to the rooftop.  
“But you’re cute when you’re embarrassed,” the male said bluntly making you blush even harder. “you can’t just say things like that!” you exclaimed, cheeks red, making the dark-haired male confused.
“But you are cute? I’m just telling the truth,” He said, brushing your hair behind your ear, as he gave your forehead a peck.
“I love you,” he whispered pressing his lips on to your pouting ones, you let out a satisfied hum before wrapping your arms around his neck, the male’s large hands falling to rest on your hips.
“I love you too”
“And I love you more”
We can thank Hana for taking a video of you two- thus making you guys the school’s prettiest and cutest couple.
I love this male-
I also think of him as an accidental tease
Him being very blunt with his feelings
though he does love to see you blush
it makes him all soft
you make him soft in general
Can cook
Will cook you lunch
if you can cook you both probably trade lunches with cute notes
Everyone thinks it’s adorable
calls you love, darling, sweetheart
100% Husband material
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Yaku Morisuke
I lob himm
so much
You guys meet cause you’re shorter than him-
you are the unofficial manager of the team
having to take care of hyperactive children Lev with Yaku
The team loves you as much as it loves Yaku
Though they don’t show how much they like Yaku-
but they show how much they like you
Bby has to come in and kick all his teammates away from you
is very into PDA
loves to hold your hand
grab your thigh
kiss you
will 100% kiss you in front of his team
and then the next day kuroo makes fun of both of you
Loves to walk you home after practice
If it’s late he’ll stay with you
because’s he’s yaku, he has extra clothes in his bag
like an extra uniform and sweatpants and a shirt kinda thing
he’s always prepared
If it’s been a hard day of practice and he gets bruises
he loves when you kiss over them
he goes ✨soft✨
and we love soft yaku
He also adores when you wear his clothes
cause they’re a bit too big for you
if you wear his jersey to a game
he’s gonna cry-
will play his hardest on those days to make you proud
will come home to bruises because of this
and will come home to you waiting to kiss them all
I love this bbyy if you didn’t know already
loves texting you 
and calling you when he can’t see you
Sends you adorable good morning texts and good night texts
He’s whipped
You stood in front of the door to the third gym, listening to the muffled sound of balls being spiked filled your ear. Closing your eyes you slowly opened the door, careful to not make a sound. 
Glancing up, you locked eyes with your boyfriend, a smile gracing his face before he pointed to the bench Coach Nekoma was sitting on. You gave him an adorable smile before walking over and giving the coach a small smile before sitting down.
watching as Yaku dove on the ground to dig the ball, your eyes widened as he let out a soft grunt. “Yaku-san are you okay?” Inuoka asked the third year, only to get a nod in response. 
Your eyes cast over the male’s form, watching a bruise bloom on his left knee cap. You let out a small smile before watching as the male stood up and gave Coach Nekoma a quick bow before going back into the game.
“Yaku would have sat out after that,“ the coach said making you look at him, “What do you mean?” you asked before averting your eyes to your hands. “when you’re here yaku acts stronger then he actually is,“ he simply answered before calling the boys to take a quick break.
You stood up from your spot on the bench to go see your boyfriend. The male was sitting with his back against a wall. “Mori-kun,” you said sweetly, making the brown-eyed male look up at you. “Y/n-chan!” He exclaimed before standing up, only to stagger a bit from the mishap earlier. “You should sit down,” you giggled, watching as the male followed your instruction. 
You squat down between his legs, balancing yourself on your toes. “Does your knee hurt?” you asked, your head tilting to the side. Yaku’s face flushed at how adorable you looked, “It kinda hurts” he mumbled, watching as you dropped to your knees, his bending up. 
His hues moved as he saw you press a small kiss on the blooming bruise on his knee, his face flushing a red as you took his left arm and pressed a few other kisses on his arms before pulling away to meet his eyes.
“Kisses make everything better,“ you said before you pressed a kiss onto his forehead.
“Yaku-senpai, stop kissing Y/n-senpai you have to teach me my receives,” Lev said, making you stand up and pull away from your boyfriend. “wow yaku-san, kissing in front of the first and second years.“ kuroo teased making both of your faces turn a bright red. 
“KUROO, LEV“ Yaku yelled as he chased the two around the gym. You watched with a smile at how adorable all of them were
“Morisuke-kun, I love you so much!”
I love this man-
as you can tell by my name-
Can cook basic things
Loves to have cooking dates with you
even if you both aren’t that good at cooking
loves dancing in the rain with you
just little things like that make his heart over the moon
10 billion percent husband material
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Semi Eita
This male makes me s w o o n 
and I LOVE him so muchh
You’re the manager of the boy’s volleyball when you guys meet
You get hit by ushiwaka’s spike and *plays anime ‘wow’ sound* he helps you go to the nurse and walks you back
and then you guys start dating after
Tendou loves to tease the both of you
was what the red-haired male said as he found out the two of you were dating
loves to call you babe. baby. love, darling etc.
Eita adores your height difference
loves going behind you and giving you back hugs
Though he likes PDA
he only likes PDA when you guys are in private
if in public he’ll hold your hand and give you pecks
not anything big but still things that get your heart pounding
he loves it when you hold his hand in yours and kiss his knuckles and fingers
Eita has pretty fingers
fight me-
he gets so soft around you that his teammates make fun of him
loves to talk with you at night when you can’t sleep
if anxiety and insomnia haunts you and won’t let you sleep
he’ll help you sleep and take away those thoughts
can sing
If you can’t sleep and he knows that you can’t sleep
he will call you and sing you to sleep
his voice is very rough and d e e p 
sex demon voice
will blush when you mention it 
Eita blushing is l i f e
You groaned, closing your eyes after you checked the time on your phone ‘2:46 am’. it was a school night, you were supposed to have a biology test today, which was the reason you couldn’t sleep. Anxiety was creeping up on your back, you sat up before turning your phone on again. Pulling Eita’s hood over your head you clicked on your contacts before going to his contact.
You hesitated before clicking the call button. 
Hearing the familiar ringtone Eita set for your contact only. He unplugged his phone before answering your call.
“Yes baby?” he asked, his voice laced with sleep. You felt your face blush at how he sounded, “I uh, can’t sleep...” you trailed off, feeling guilt come in your stomach. What if he found it stupid? What if he thought you were dumb?
from the other side of the phone, you heard him shift in his bed. “is there a reason you can’t sleep?” he asked after a while. You let out a small sigh, “it’s the biotest isn’t it?” eita responded before you could answer. You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding before answering with a small and quick ‘yes’
“Y/n,” he said firmly, making you shift, knowing that you heard him, Eita let out a small chuckle. “You’re smart enough to pass, and you know that, “ he said before hearing you take a sharp inhale oh air. “but what if I fail?“ you questioned, so soft that Eita could barely hear it. “You won’t, I know you won’t and I believe you won’t,” the male said making your face turn a light pink. “yeah, yeah“ you sighed, a smirk coming onto eita’s face as he knew you were flushed.
“Can we facetime?” You asked, only to be met with the facetime pop up. you let out a smile before accepting it and seeing your boyfriend’s face. “I miss you” you mumble before moving to lay on your side.
“you just saw me a few hours ago, while we were studying,” Eita chuckled as he saw your adorable face. you let out a yawn before pulling your blanket over your shoulder. “Tired love?“ the ash haired male asked as he shifted onto his back.
“your voice makes me tired,” you sigh before rubbing your eye with the back of your palm. “oh really? so if I kept on talking you would fall asleep?“ Eita teased making your face turn, once again, a light pink. You’re so cute,“ He chuckled, you let out a small smile before closing your eyes.
“I love you Eita,” 
“love you more Y/n,”
Let’s just say you wake up still on face time with him, cause y’all are adorable like that🥺 
this man is so cute with you-
loves it when you wear his clothes
his shirts, hoodies, beanies, hats etc.
he loves how adorable and small you look in them
i feel like he’s the type of boyfriend who loves days where you guys just lay in bed doing nothing
loves to vook with you
if you can’t cook he’ll teach you
though it usually ends up with food everywhere and Eita’s hands on you
either way
1000000000% husband daddy material
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Sugawara Koushi
suga is lowkey a freak-
fight me
i love him 
so much
You guys meet cause you’re Daichi’s and Kiyoko’s friend!
You come into be a manager with kiyoko and when you step in the gym the first person you see is.. you guessed it Daichi cause this isn’t a typical romance anime
im jkjkjkjk
You talk with daichi and he introduces you to suga because you guys parent him too much
and you guys ✨click✨
and start dating after
You and Suga are the parents to the team
the both of you are always watching after the children Noya, Tanaka, hinata, kageyama, tsukki
Koushi adores how much you care about yachi
you act like she’s your younger sister
and he adores that
when you over work yourself he’ll make sure to calm you down
makes sure you drink lots of water, eat, sleep
and not overwork yourself again
Ya see, you think suga’s like an angel right?
he’ll tease you
mess with you
He lives to see you flustered
Sends you good morning and good night texts like the good boyfriend he is
Loves to walk you home
your parents love him
PDA is a must for him
Loves to hold your hand,
press kisses on your temple and adorable nose
I feel like he likes to kiss you in general
cause he’s like that-
“Y/n-chan you look adorable today~“ Suga whispered into your ear, lightly blowing into it. You jump in surprise, turning around to see your grey haired boyfriend. “Koushi that’s not nice,“ You pouted, a heavy red blush came onto your cheeks.
“You look even cuter now,” He cooed, making your face burn more before you wrapped your arms around Sugawara’s torso, burring your  face into his sturdy chest. 
“Stop teasing me, it isn’t nice,” You mumbled, your voice being muffled by his dress shirt. “You still love me“ He grinned, before snaking his hand between himself and your face to grab your chin, pulling it up so you make eye contact with him. “And you’re the cutest thing in the world,“ Sugawara let out a small smirk before leaning down to press a small peck on your pink, pouty lips.
Your eyes widened as he pressed a kiss onto your lips. Your arms moved from his torso up to his neck. You were going to lean in for more, only for the grey haired male to move back. “Did you want more?” He asked, looking at your figure, your pink lips glossy with spit, eyes wide open in shock, you looked like the most adorable thing in this world in his eyes.
“Koushi-kun be nice, or else i won’t kiss you for a month,“ you crossed your arms over your chest, locking eyes with Sugawara’s honey brown ones. “You wouldn’t,“ Suga started, his eyes widen with fake shock. “You’d be hurting me so much,“ He finished before grabbing your hands into his large ones, taking in how soft they were compared to his. 
“Well stop messing and teasing me,“ You said playfully rolling your eyes, before the grey haired male brought your fingers up to his lips, pressing soft kisses on your knuckles. 
You gasped before your face turn pink, watching as the male kiss your hands. “You have such soft hands Y/n-chan,” Suga said before looking up to catch your eyes. Your face burning even more. 
“I love you Y/n-chan“
“You’ll still love me even if i tease you“
We stan this boy-
Can cook
He cooks for the rest of the third years when they don’t eat-
Loves it when you two cook together
when the two of you act domestic he gets softer then he already is-
Mornings with suga are just ✨chef’s kiss✨
Ten billion percent husband material
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Iwaizuki Hajime 
I lob him sm-
my love for this male is higher then the taller bbuilding in the world
You and Iwa are the best pair
You guys meet cause the both of you are mutual friends with Oikawa
Yes Iwa and Oikawa are friends
And you and Oikawa are friends
He probably get’s the balls to confess when he hears from Oik’s fangirls that he’s going to confess to a girl he’s close with
And Iwaizumi first thought of you-
When Oik’s was going to confess to someone else-
He runs to the gym, to find you and Oikawa talking about how’s he going to confess
He yells across the gym
He just like-
confesses infront of the whole team-
And they all just fall to the ground laughing-
cause you and Oiks are COUSINS
✨not surprised gasp✨
And then you guys start dating💗
Iwai loves it when you guys cuddle on his bed
Just the two of you in each other’s presence 
And he loves the feeling of your soft skin against his rigged and hard skin.
Absolutely loves the fact that you’re so small compared to him
Once you and Iwai start dating 
the teams like
“Damn Iwa finally got a girlfriend“
and he’s like
which is like-
we stan first off-
and we stan soft Iwai vibes
The team is shookith when you’re able to calm him down
you just walk up to him and you press a kiss on his neck before telling him, “please calm down?”
and he just turns around and calms tf down-
Makki and Matsun love to teas ethe two of you
Oikawa is lowkey pissed because when he tries to tease Iwa he gets spiked in the face with a volleyball-
Iwaizumi likes PDA in private
in public he likes to hold your hand and he loves it when you kiss his fingertips
He goes ✨soft ✨
and we love a soft Iwaizumi
You watched as your hulk of a boyfriend stood up from the bed to open the blinds and windows, to let the chilly cold air from the outside in. You shivered once it met your skin, making goosebumps pop up on your silky skin.
“Cold?” Iwaizumi chuckled as he watched you pull the navy duvet over your chest. You let out a small sigh as the warmth enveloped you before answering his question, “Yes, now cuddle with me please?“ You asked, looking up at his form, locking eyes with him. 
Your question wasn’t answered with words, but action. Your boyfriend peeled the covers off you before hopping in the bed. Quickly going to pull you into his arms. “Hajime,” you started, looking up at him and running a finger through his short locks. “You’re freezing,” You stated bluntly, making the male chuckle once more before wrapping his large arms around you. 
“Then make me warm,” he replied, making your face turn a light pink, you weren’t cold anymore. Throwing your arms over your boyfriends sturdy chest, you hooked your fingers against his ribs before laying on top of him.
“Are you warm now?“ You asked, while Iwaizumi was thankful you didn’t see his face turn pink. He let out a stuttered ‘yeah’ before wrapping his arms around you, making you stay on his chest.  
“Why is your heart beating so fast? is it because of me?“ You asked, the side of your face laid directly over his heart. Your left hand came up, tracing shapes below his collar bone. 
“Mine is beating fast too,“ You said before sitting up, bringing one of his large hands, to place it over the left side of your chest. Your heart racing as you felt his warm hand. 
“You’re adorable, you know that?“ Iwaizumi chuckled as you slid back under the covers, laying back on his chest. “How?“ You questioned, your hand going back to tracing shapes on his chest. You felt his chest rumble again as he let out another chuckle. 
“You just are,“
“I love you Hajime“
“I love you more“
“No I do“
y’all are adorable together
Oikawa makes fun of Iwa simping over you
Iwaizumi is a huge simp for you.
I feel like Iwai can cook
But only the basics
Ten hundred thousand million billion percent husband daddy material 
Thank you my lovely readers for reading this long ass Head cannons list, cause it’s very long and took a long time, i think i started this in the middle of August, and procrastinated a lot- so-
Here’s the captain’s dating hc’s too if you want to read^
I love you guys💗
✨Thank you for reading✨
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shannygoatgruff · 3 years
Only Fan(s) - A Thriller
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Genre: Thriller
Pairing: Modern Ivar/OC
Warning: Language, sex, stalking, obsession, kidnapping, sexual assault
Rating: MA+18
Summary: Sometimes OnlyFans subscribers want a little more than internet pictures. Sometimes they want to be your ONLY fan…
Header by: @flowers-in-your-hayr
Thanks to @xbellaxcarolinax for being my beta.
Disclaimer: This story will deal with some topics that might be a little uncomfortable for some people. As always, I’ll try to tackle the hard stuff as tactfully as possible.
a/n: I know it’s been a minute. I’m always thinking about these stories because I want to finish them, just can’t seem to focus on writing at the moment.  Anyway, hope you enjoy.
Part iv - Date with Destiny
Finding Ivar Lothbrok should have been easy. Between the two of them, he was the stable one. He was the one with the iron-clad schedule that consisted of drinking, smoking, and partying. Torren’s schedule was a bit more... fluid. She tended to go wherever the wind, or whatever car she acquired, would take her. Naturally, Ivar had the occasional meet-and-greet, red carpet, and/or Comic-con engagement that he had to attend, still, he was pretty easy to keep tabs on. All one had to do was look at (stalk) his social media accounts, and his whereabouts were posted for everyone to see.
Knowing where he’d be and finding out where he lived were a different story. Torren had done her due diligence when it came to locating the town in which Little Kattegat was located. It only took about two days and a few Google image searches of the background of a few of the photos and she had it narrowed down to a general area in the Sierra Nevada Mountains.
From what she could tell, the closest town to where he lived was pretty small, and there were only a few large estates hidden in the woods. How hard could it be to find? She was willing to drive to every single house and knock on the door to find him if she had to. But it would just be easier if there was loud music and a bunch of cars in the driveway. That way she could tag along inside with the rest of the guests to get to her man. 
Her shirt landed in the pile of dirty clothes in the center of the bed, as she reached around to unhook her bra. “I really need to tell Baby Boo to stop putting all of his business out in these streets,” her brows furrowed as she shook her head, “What if some crazy, psycho bitch started stalking him, or some shit? Then I’d have to kill a bitch.” Torren’s head whipped around and she narrowed her eyes at his picture, still stuck on her wall, “Is that what you want? Huh? You want me to cut a bitch to prove to you how much I love you? I will, Bae! You know I would do anything for you. I’m your Ride or Die...” 
And being his Ride or Die meant that she needed to keep better tabs on him if she was going to protect him from someone crazier than her, God forbid.  She was only able to do so much on this prepaid phone, and going to the library to get online was becoming a pain in the ass. 
She’d considered stealing a laptop or iPad from the library but was still on the fence about the idea. Of course, the alternative meant going to stupid ass libraries and threatening little kids to get off the fucking computers, and that completely sucked ass. 
She always felt rushed when she logged onto her Bae’s Only Fans page from the public library. Without fail one of those little bastard kids would get the library Nazis to kick her off the computer, or bar her from the library altogether for watching porn. 
Ivar’s page wasn’t porn! It was art. It was sexy. It was love...his love for her. Stupid bitches. 
She had encountered far worse things than getting kicked out of the library, but some of these small towns usually only had one or two within their county limits. If she got banned, how was she supposed to check up on Ivar? In the time it took to log in until she got kicked out, she'd be lucky if she could check 2 of his accounts. What if he had some important information on another platform that she hadn’t checked yet? What was she supposed to do then?
Her relationship with Ivar was hanging in the balance, and she'd be damned if some snot-nosed kid or fucking uptight librarian would fuck that up. She needed a computer. But, on the flip side, when she finally got her man back, she wouldn't need one anymore. She could ask him directly what their plans were.
There was a lot to consider and that took time; time that she didn't have right now.
The thick layer of Nair shaving cream she had applied to her already hairless crotch, was just starting to tingle, signaling she had about 5 minutes left before the sweat-inducing, burning sensation would kick in alerting her to wash the cream off. Until then, she had time to consider an outfit for the night.
She knew Ivar well enough to know that he would want her to be sexy for him, but not so much to distract him from work. She could have gone for something slutty, like those skanky bitches he partied with. She could have gone for more demur, but then she would remind him too much of his bitch ex-wife and completely turn him off. The last thing she wanted on their first night back together was for him to be thinking about that bitch. She could have gone for a simple pair of jeans and a t-shirt, but Torren never did simple. 
No, Ivar would want her to be herself. That's what he loved about her. That's what attracted him to her in the first place. She would be sexy without being skanky; she would be demure without being a prude.
Fuck! It was already 7:33 p.m. How in the hell did she miss the beginning of his Live? Now she was running late.
She was supposed to be dressed and ready by the time his Live came on that way she could be out the door as soon as he finished. If she was going to make it to be on his Only Fans live stream tonight, she needed to get to his house before he got too distracted. Now, she’d have to watch his Live, while her cooch burst into flames before she had a chance to take a shower and finish picking out her outfit.
If there was one thing Torren was, it was punctual. It was bad enough that she was about 40 minutes outside of his town, but it could take her up to 2 or more hours to find his house. She only hoped that he didn’t plan on starting any real freaky shit on his Only Fans page until around midnight, cause it looked like she wouldn’t be getting there before then, anyway.  
With the smile still plastered on her face, Torren turned on the hot water for a shower, forgetting that the water didn’t get hot. She didn't mind, much, especially since the cold water gave her a break from the heat in her room. 
Phone in hand, she watched him, as she planted herself on the dirty bathtub floor, cross-legged, and started to get herself ready. Starting with her toes, she shaved each one, just below the knuckle, followed by her fingers, arms, pits, and each leg, from groin to ankle, three times. When the burning from her nether regions was so intense that she couldn’t tell her tears from the shower water dripping on her face, she quickly washed off the cream. 
All she could do was hope that she hadn’t broken the skin this time. The last time she had let that damn Nair stay on, just past burning, the skin broke and she bled. She was not having a bloody hoo-ha tonight. 
With that taken care of, she gently used the razor to remove any other pubes closer to the inside that needed to be removed. Then shaved her backside. When she had more time, she was going to get the internal hairs bleached, but she needed to find out what Ivar preferred. 
Shaving ate up so much of her time that she only had a few seconds to rub some body-wash that she had stolen from a drug store over her body and hoped it got rid of the smell of the summer heat. Her hair? Fuck it...she’d wash it another day, for now, this cold water would have to be enough. She’d spritz some perfume and hair spray in it and it would smell fine. 
Torren finished her shower, and walked out of the bathroom dripping wet, only using a towel to wrap around her hair. She was glad it was so hot in her room that her hair would air-dry quickly. She finger-combed her damp tresses to complete that ‘just got out of bed, but it's styled’ appearance. She knew how much he loved when her hair looked like that. It would remind him of freshly fucked hair. 
She spent extra time applying her makeup, even using an extra dark, thick application of eyeliner. She usually went for more subtle warm colors. They matched her tan skin tone better. But, tonight, she had bold, dark makeup, complete with varying shades of purple and blue eye shadows, and dark purple lipstick.
Torren was glad that she decided to match Ivar’s clothes this evening. The swim trunks and smoking jacket he wore would compliment her beautifully. She wanted everyone to know that they dressed alike, the way real couples do. If he was going for less is more, so would she.
She settled on black leather chaps that tied up on the sides, and tight blue boy shorts that left the bottom half of her ass cheeks exposed. The blue shorts brought out the blue swirls in his trunks; she knew he'd appreciate that touch. Her top was a blue bandanna that she wore as a halter with a short black leather jacket with tassels on the sleeves. 
They screamed “couple” in her eyes.
Completely satisfied with how she looked, Torren locked the door to her motel room and started down the hall. She deliberately stopped by the window and peered through the partially opened blinds of the people staying next door to her. She knocked on the window to get the attention of the young couple inside. Judging from their appearance, they were too strung out to know who she was, or that it was her music that they constantly banged on the wall about. She didn’t care. She still flipped them off before making her way to the stairs. 
Reaching her hand through the busted window of the blue Ford Taurus to unlock the door from the inside. Torren slid into the driver's seat and leaned over to find the two cords that she had pulled out from under the steering column when she stole the car. Flicking the cords together, she listened as the engine reluctantly turned over.
She put the car in reverse, looked in the rear-view mirror at her makeup, then pulled out of the spot. As she turned onto the road leading to the highway, she listened to the knocks, bumps, and hisses that her car made. There wasn't time to do much about it now; not when she was on her way to get her man. But, she made a mental note to do something about it later in the week. The only thing she could do was turn the music up louder to drown out the car noise.
Truthfully, she should have stolen a better car than the piece of shit Taurus that she found in the parking lot of the Quickie Mart while driving through Tulsa, Oklahoma. There were plenty of better cars there to choose from but no one would have wanted to take this one. It was so sad looking that she took pity on it. She had been doing the owner of this crap car a favor, by taking it off of their hands. 
The car was truly fucked. The oil light stayed on, and it drank gas like her mother drank liquor. The car had protested every inch of the ride across the three states that she traveled through in one day. She knew that it would only be a matter of time before that piece of shit breathed its last breath.
She needed to get gas again, but fuck that car. She had already refueled four times since she stole it. Gas wasn't cheap and she wasn't putting another dime in that gas guzzler. Speaking of money, she made a mental note to steal another credit card. It would only be a matter of time before the owner of the one that was tucked snugly between her left breast and strapless bra, would eventually realize that it had been lifted from the table in the diner, and canceled.
Laptop, butt bleaching, car, credit card, and more eyeliner from Walgreen's…her To-Do list was growing. She really needed to take some time off and take care of the necessities. Not tonight, though. She had other things to do. She couldn't do anything else, right now, but get to her man. Besides, once Lothbrok was by her side, he would help her remember all the things she needed to do.
As she came off of the highway exit smoke started billowing out from the engine. It backed up through the exhaust system, and came through the vents, inside the cabin. It was ironic – the air-conditioning vents in the car didn't work, but they seemed to work well enough to clog the inside of the car up with thick white smoke. She drove a few more miles before the smoke was so thick that she could no longer see. As she pulled the car over to the graveled shoulder of the road, the car knocked and shook, before it finally cut off.
Just her fucking luck.
She reached under the dash to flick the cords against each other again, trying to force the ignition to catch again, but it wouldn't. The engine had nothing left to give her. "Fuck Murphy and fuck his fucking law," she said calmly as she pulled the hood release.
She opened the car door, taking care to place both black, platform boots on the ground before lifting her backside from the seat. Placing her sunglasses on her eyes, she walked with one foot in front of the other to the front of the Taurus and placed her hand on the hood. It was hot, but not so hot that she couldn't feel under the front of the lever.
As she lifted the heavy metal hood and placed the rod in the slot to hold it in place, Torren let the smoke from the engine engulf her. It was quite a head rush breathing in the thick engine smoke through her nose, and exhaling it from her mouth. She patiently waited for the smoke to thin out before she bent, at the waist, over the engine. She didn't know what she was looking for, but she knew that someone would see her looking over the engine and stop to help her.
Now, if only someone would actually come down this dark stretch of road, she could be back on her way to Ivar.
It didn't take long before a pair of headlights rounded the bend of the road, just off to her right. Shifting her weight from one foot to the other, she accentuated the leather, chaps against her hips, and lifted her ass higher in the air, to catch the driver's attention. She couldn't help but smirk when she heard the tires of a large vehicle turn onto the graveled pavement in front of where she broke down. She didn't turn to face the car or the driver. She didn't care who they were or what they looked like. She had an appointment to keep and this pit stop was fucking up her timetable.
"You need some help?" A deep voice asked as its owner approached her.
Torren took a moment to peer around the hood, noticing that there were no other cars around. "Broke down," she answered, continuing to bear her weight from one hip to the other. She placed her hands on the metal frame of the car, arched her back, and looked at the man over her shoulder. "You know something about cars?"
"Yeah," he replied, moving around to her side, looking at her, and not the smoky engine.
She gave him half a smile, as she noticed him notice her. "You a mechanic or something?" She asked standing up. She rubbed her hands together to remove some of the visible engine soot while considering the guy in front of her. He was about 6 feet tall with a moderate build. He was dressed in blue jeans, a black t-shirt, and Timberland boots. He didn't look like he was more than 25 years old. Judging from the way he was looking at her and from the ring on his left hand, he wasn't too worried about her car, or his wife, for that matter.
"Nah, not a mechanic, but I work on my own car... in my spare time." He smiled when she did. She was gorgeous, in that slutty kind of way. She wouldn't be dressed like that and leaning over the hood of a car if she wasn't looking to have some fun. "Lemme take a look at it."
Did he work on his car? Hopefully, that meant that his ran better than hers did.
Torren moved over to the side and let him take the position under the hood. "I'll be right back," he explained before walking over to the bed of his F150.
Grabbing a flashlight from the trunk, he took a second to admire the view of her, from behind. If he could get her car moving again, she would hopefully follow him to this cheap motel he knew that was just up the highway.
He leaned in close, taking a whiff of her hair, "You overheated…want to check the coolant level."
She had heard him say something else but she had stopped listening; she was too busy watching the street. "You want me to try to start it?" she asked, removing her sunglasses before making her way to the driver's door. She wasn't sure if he answered or not. She had no intention of driving the Taurus again, even if he could get it started. She just needed to get something out of the car.
She slid into the seat and reached down on the floor. She found the hard metal object on the floor of the passenger's side and gripped it tightly. As she walked back around to the front of the car, she heard him talking, presumably about the car, or maybe he was asking her out. Who the fuck knows? She was on a tight schedule and all of his chatting was holding her up. She stood by the side of the hood, looking at the angle he was leaning over the hood. Quickly, she lifted her arm, and with one powerful blow, she struck him in the head with the crowbar that she used to procure her now-defunct car.
Torren stood over his body, looking at him intensely. God, it felt good. The rush of knowing that one minute this dude was towering over her, and the next he was on the ground. She had dropped his ass. She was the one with the power.
 "Thanks," she said, digging her hand in his pocket to retrieve his cash, credit card, and the keys to his truck. She wiped the blood on the crowbar on his shirt before walking to her new mode of transportation.
Torren sat in the truck's driver's seat and turned on the engine. She had managed to cross two things off of her To-Do list without even planning to.
Thank God the truck had air conditioning. All this heat and humidity was bound to make her hair frizzy. She cranked the AC up as high as it would go and sat still for a moment enjoying the cool air. After a minute, she adjusted the seat and tilted the rearview mirror to look at herself. She was starting to sweat and her eyeliner was starting to run just a bit at the corners of her eyes. She dabbed at the black liner to even out the lines, and then pushed the mirror back to where she could see. Giving the area another once-over, she made sure that no one else had seen her interaction with that guy on the ground, before pulling out from the gravel and onto the paved street.
"Ugh!" Torren yelled. Chester Bradley, the printed name on the credit card, had shitty taste in music. She pushed the stereo button on the steering wheel to do a scan of the radio. Anything was better than country music. Once she found some trap music on the XM radio, she turned up the volume and pulled back onto the highway.
Part iii/
Tags: @ideagarden-blog1  @youbloodymadgenius @xbellaxcarolinax @a-mess-of-fandoms @didiintheblog @conaionaru @peachyboneless @flowers-in-your-hayr @heavenly1927 @zuxiezendler @waiting4inspiration @saldelys @revolution-starter​
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