#my blood ones will tear you apart while laughing and acting like it was a totally normal and sweet thing to say
flowerandblood · 1 day
The Fall from the Heavens (40) (End)
[ canon • Aemond x Strong • niece female ]
[ warnings: description of childbirth, breeding and lactation kink, sex content, smut, angst, fluff ]
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[ description: A cool distance turns into friendship and more when two children see that they can find refuge and understanding in each other. However, naïve dreams collide with the reality in which every event has consequences and what once could have been love becomes a dark, newly painful obsession. Angst, sexual tension, obsession, violence, madness, very dark Aemond. ]
The story in this series is an alternate reality from the oneshot Stay and love, leave and die, in which Aemond reads the letters his niece has sent to him over the years. They are the same characters and it shows what would have happened between them − I have changed the background story from their childhood slightly for the sake of the plot.
Characters & Series Moodboard Lady Strong Moodboard Aemond & Lady Strong Moodboard Aemond & Lady Strong Childhood
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Next chapters: Masterlist
Nothing terrified her more than giving birth. During the night, she often dreamt that she was dying an agonising death, that her husband was ordering her womb to be cut open as her grandfather had done to her grandmother.
She would then wake up drenched in a cold sweat and sigh with relief when she realised it was only a dream. She didn't tell her husband about it because she knew he would have been furious at the mere suggestion that he could do something so monstrous to her.
To her surprise and the initial panic that gripped her, though she would never have expected it, the presence of Alicent and Alys eased her delivery. The two experienced women told her exactly how she should sit and when to walk, how she should breathe, when to push and when to rest, stroking her hair and her back.
They comforted her with warm words, told her how perfectly she was doing, how brave she was, that everything would be well, that she could do it.
She felt like her baby was about to tear her apart, moans and screams erupted from her throat as if she were a monster or an animal, tears of exertion and suffering running down her cheeks hot with emotion.
"– I can see the head, Princess – the baby is placed in the right position – all is well – when I tell you, push –" Alys said, peering at her from between her thighs, and she nodded quickly, feeling relieved at her words, thinking that she would not die.
That she would give her husband a son and end the war.
She screamed, clasping her hand over Alicent's palm as she tried with effort to bring her offspring into the world, this brutal act unknown to the man full of blood and fluids, sickening and beautiful at the same time, giving life.
And suddenly she was relieved when something large finally slid out of her body and began to quiver. Alys smiled, as if she was genuinely happy about what she was seeing.
"– it's a healthy little boy –" She said, and she laughed with joy while simultaneously crying from relief and exhaustion, tilting her head back, panting loudly.
When her son's umbilical cord was cut he was wiped quickly and given to her, rolled up in a soft white cloth so she could see him.
His hair was white.
She looked at Alicent, who pressed her lips together, tears one by one running down her face.
"I'm so happy for you, my love. I truly am."
When her husband was summoned, she had the feeling that he had survived her labour worse than she had – he walked into the chamber shaky and pale, breathing loudly through his mouth as if he was about to faint. When he closed them in his embrace, when he saw their child, there was a smile on his face that she had so rarely seen: wide, joyful, full of life.
They had a son.
They had an heir.
They had an heir to the throne.
The word was immediately sent out to Dragonstone and King's Landing along with the signatures of Daemon and the Queen to attest to the truth of the message.
Both Aegon and her mother arrived in Harrenhal to see that it was true, and were greeted by the head of Lord Larys Strong impaled on a spike, as promised by Daemon.
She ran out to greet her mother as soon as she noticed Syrax in the distance – Rhaenyra embraced her immediately as she slid from her saddle, sobbing with joy at the sight of her, kissing her forehead and cheeks.
"– my only daughter –"
Aegon was already waiting for her, together with her husband bent over the cradle in which their son lay.
Viserys looked at the newcomers with his big, bright eyes, hiding his face in his small hands, watching the historic moment when a settlement was to be written between her mother and her uncle that would change the order of succession by their agreement, establishing her and her husband as ruler-regents until their son reached the age of sixteen.
According to Rhaenyra's will, neither of them was to wear the crown or sit on the Iron Throne – that honour would be bestowed only on their son, Viserys, when he reached the right age.
She watched, cradling her son in her arms, who put his whole little hand in his mouth, mumbling something squeaky, as Aegon and then her mother put their signatures to their arrangements written down by the scribe, and she clenched her eyes shut, swallowing hard, knowing that it had finally happened.
This was the end of the conflict.
Although the atmosphere in Harrenhal was tense, and Aegon had immediately returned to the Red Keep, the exact date had been set for when she, her mother and her husband would appear in King's Landing to present the will of her mother and her uncle to the entire kingdom in the Great Sept.
She was horrified that what had remained only in her imagination was now to become a reality.
Her husband was to become King Regent and she was to become Queen Regent.
They were to rule the kingdom together.
She was not prepared for such a life and was terrified, her husband, however, seemed calmer and more confident than ever, as if he had been destined for it.
She trusted him and wanted to be his support.
Viserys was changing every day, growing in front of her eyes. It seemed to her that he had more of his father in him than of her, for he was a sweet but shy child, hiding his flushed face whenever anyone but her or his father looked into his cradle or touched him.
To her delight, her husband, although at first afraid to take him in his arms, began to do so to ease the strain on her and her back as their son began to grow heavier.
She watched from the sidelines as the physical contact began to bring them closer together – Viserys stretched his small, chubby hands towards him when his father merely leaned over him, and her uncle was taking him in his arms, whispering something to him, from which their son giggled loudly.
She knew that he wanted to be a better father to their son than the one he had.
Because of what was happening they were too tired to do anything at night other than sleep, so they cuddled exactly as they had when they were children, falling asleep with their foreheads touching each other, holding hands, silently reminding each other that they were not alone.
Her uncle loved watching her feed his son. When she took him in her arms and slipped her shirt off her shoulders, he always interrupted whatever he was doing and came over to them, sitting down next to her, looking silently at this mythological sight of a woman breastfeeding her offspring.
One night as she put their son down, sleeping peacefully with a belly full of her milk back into his cradle, her husband looked at her with a look she knew well. He licked his lips as he sat spread out on the bed, watching her entire figure from afar.
"– come here –" He commanded with a grimace from which she felt a pleasant shiver, his eye fixed on her expression of satisfaction.
"– it's time for your husband to taste you –"
She didn't think he meant it, but as it turned out, her childhood friend still managed to surprise her. His lips kissed her soft thighs and stomach, where white lines had formed, and although, indeed, her body looked different, he didn't seem to notice.
"– my brave wife – she brought my son and heir into this world – shouldn't I, as her husband, caress her every night in return? –" He gasped, sliding his tongue down between her thighs, his light, taunting lick traveling up her puffy bud made her throw her head back, all thirsty.
"– yes –" She exhaled, feeling in her loins more than ever how much she wanted it, how much she needed those words, her cunt swollen with arousal.
"– mmm –"
She almost cried out as his nose pressed against her warm, sensitive folds, and his tongue invaded deep between her slit, trailing its tip and teasing the spot from which her thighs trembled in the grip of his hand.
"– fuck – Aemond, oh, fuck –" She mumbled, rocking her hips so that her pearl rubbed again and again against his face, feeling the tension and tingling in her lower abdomen, in her hard nipples and lips, her hands clenched in his hair, begging him for more.
"– dirty little cunt – all sticky – am I wrong? – He cooed with a sneer and she shook her head, feeling a wonderful shiver of delight run through her body at his words as his tongue slowly built her path to fulfillment.
"– my wife is unmannerly – she can't even answer her husband – what a pity –" He hummed, rising on his arms, wiping his face with a grin. She looked at him with her eyes wide open, panting loudly, feeling her whole womanhood pulsing and quivering with desire.
"– n-no – please –" She muttered pleadingly, and he chuckled under his breath, delighted apparently at her condition.
"– what shall I do with you? – how to teach you good manners? – treat you like a mere wet-nurse? – a source of milk for my offspring? – hm? –" He sneered, making her turn red with embarrassment, her fingers clenched on his hot, naked body.
She squirmed, startled, when he suddenly leaned over her chest and pressed his face against her breast, enclosing her puffy, delicate nipple between his lips, and then began to suck greedily.
She heard him swallow her warm milk and moan low at the same time as her, as if something about the act aroused them both.
"– fuck – fuck, fuck, fuck, please –" She mumbled out and sighed as his knee hit her leg and forced her to spread her thighs – not letting go of her breast from between his lips, which he kept squeezed between his fingers, he blindly tried to meet her entrance with the tip of his cock, into which she herself guided it with her fingers, desperate, spreading her walls in front of him.
"– here – here, uncle – gods, yes, right here –" She mewled and threw her head back as he slammed into her with an aggressive, deep thrust, sliding into her with ease. She squealed when he put his arm under her back and suddenly lifted himself to a sitting position, pulling her against him.
He forced her to fit his hard, throbbing erection inside her again and again with sharp, quick thrusts while keeping his hands clamped on her waist and breast – his lips released her nipple and clung to her mouth, letting her drink her own milk, warm and sweet.
"– fucking delicious –" He exhaled, sliding his tongue down her throat, embracing her tightly, her full, swollen breasts bumping against his chest, rubbing against her oversensitive nipples again and again. Their bodies slapped against each other loudly, her walls slick and wet, welcoming him easily deep inside her.
"– I've missed this little cunt – gods, Rhaenys, 'm close –" He muttered, ashamed and flushed at not being able to persevere any longer after such a long break, and then groaned loudly in pleasure along with her, his mouth wide open in relief and bliss.
"– Aemond –" She panted, along with him coming down from their peak, her fleshy walls squeezing his half-hard, twitching manhood, the remnants of his seed filling her womb.
"– six – you promised me six more –" He muttered, and she nodded quickly.
"– yes – yes, my beloved –"
The day their little son was to be presented in front of the crowd and the terms of the agreement were to take effect was one of the most terrifying of her life. She and her husband had returned to King's Landing several weeks earlier to oversee the preparations and what was to happen.
They and their families had travelled in carriages to the Great Sept as agreed. She rocked their son in her arms, who would not be calmed, crying loudly, feeling her terror and fear, the thought that something would happen, that someone would betray them, that there would be a tragedy that would destroy everything.
"Give him to me." Said her uncle, and she pressed her lips together, handing him squirming, whimpering Viserys.
"There, there. Easy. Your mother is just very scared, but we are not in any danger." He whispered to their son, rocking him calmly. Viserys looked at him, putting his small hand into his mouth as was his custom when he was intrigued.
"– no –" She and her uncle said at the same time, but her husband forestalled her, pulling his hand from his mouth.
"– you can't do that –" He rebuked him, apparently believing that the several-month-old infant would comprehend the weight of his words.
However, it turned out that he did not when, after a moment, his little fingers reached his chubby face again. Her husband grabbed his arm to stop him from doing what he wanted.
"– he's stubborn just like you –" He said, looking at her reproachfully, as if it was her fault that their son was displaying behaviour incomprehensible to him. She sighed heavily, shaking her head.
"– you haven't replied to my letters for eight years and you're going to lecture me on stubbornness? –" She asked with raised eyebrows and saw her uncle press his lips into a thin line, exactly as he had when they were children and she had told him that Aegon the Conqueror spent nine nights out of ten with Rhaenys.
He was just as she remembered him.
"Did you hear that, son? Your mother never forgets anything." He muttered, looking her straight in the eye. She smiled at him with a sneer.
Her husband responded to her words with the same expression, grinning.
"Little tease."
When they finally arrived in the Great Sept, to her surprise, they were greeted with flowers and cheers; contrary to what she thought, the people of the kingdom were not in favour of a bloody solution to the matter and wanted peace above all else.
They went inside through a side entrance, her mother, her uncle and everyone else waiting on a large stone platform, onto which they stepped, accompanied by the solemn sound of trumpets.
"Heir to the Iron Throne, Viserys Targaryen, his father, King Regent Aemond Targaryen and his mother, Queen Regent, Rhaenys Targaryen." She heard the voice of one of the guards and looked at him in shock.
Rhaenys Targaryen.
Her husband had ordered that her real name not be read out, only the one he had given her.
That was how he perceived her.
Her mother looked at her, furrowing her brow, thinking something bad had happened, but she nodded at her with a smile, feeling tears under her eyelids.
The crowds began to cheer, and an overwhelming relief could be felt all around her, as if fresh air had suddenly filled her lungs, and she began to breathe again. She kissed the temple of her son, who snuggled into her body, terrified by the sudden screams and loud sounds, seeking refuge in her.
The more Viserys grew, the more he reminded her of his father. He quivered with contentment as her husband leaned over him with a book, showing him drawings of dragons, reading aloud to him the history of their lineage. When he was alone, he spent his days in the library, sitting in the exact chair her uncle had sat in when they were still children.
His role overwhelmed him and she knew it; he was a polite, composed and sensitive child. He had watched his father when, cold and mocking, he had dealt with members of the Small Council who had aroused his frustration, also spending a lot of time with his uncle, Prince Aegon.
"I took the throne from him. What was rightfully his as first son." He told her once, pale, bent over a book as usual. She ran her hand through his hair in a subconscious, maternal reflex and hissed when she felt the baby kick inside her abdomen.
Her husband had told her the night before, kissing her rounded belly, that he had hoped that after three sons he would finally have a daughter, and indeed, she had hoped so too.
The whole kingdom benefited from how stable their relation was, how strong their partnership was, their union, their trust in each other.
"The matter of succession was unclear because, before his death, your grandfather said that Aegon should become King, even though he had forced the Lordships many years earlier to pay tribute to my mother as the heir to the throne. This caused both her rights to the throne and your uncle's to be challenged throughout the kingdom, and there was no way out of the situation except war, which would have destroyed us all. Your appearance was a sign from the gods." She said softly, and her son nodded, something like relief on his face. He stared ahead for a moment, playing with his fingers.
"Do you know when Princess Alyssa will return?" He asked quietly, as if embarrassed.
She raised her eyebrows in surprise, remembering that, in fact, Alicent, Helaena and her two daughters had travelled to the Old Town some time ago to visit Dareon.
"Well. I do not know that." She answered truthfully.
Alyssa was the youngest child of Aegon and Helaena, already born after the Targaryen family's great truce, and in accordance with this agreement, she lived with her parents in the Red Keep.
She had inherited her mother's beautiful, delicate beauty and her father's cheerful, loud character, while retaining her gentleness and warmth. She used to laugh and speak a lot, hence it seemed to her that her son, withdrawn and quiet by nature, watched her from afar with indulgence and irritation rather than curiosity.
"Are you fond of her?" She continued, wanting to get more out of him, and he simply nodded.
"She is kind." He replied, playing between his fingers with the page of the book on his lap.
She smiled at him involuntarily, placing her hand on his shoulder.
"Let's write her a letter then."
Author's note: This is my most important, favorite and longest series since The Impossible Choice, Glass Cuts Deepest and The Man in the Black Mask and I must admit that I didn't expect it would have so many chapters. The story of Aemond and Rhaenys is special to me. Thank you for the wonderful reception of this series. There is also an epilogue coming, which you will read from the three diffirent perspectives: Viserys's, Aemond's and Rhaenys's.
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mossywizard · 1 year
“It might’ve sounded like a request but it’s a demand”
High if I didn’t fear being yelled at I would verbally say, I want to read in the park during this shit. But regardless, the desire is so much stronger
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nmakii · 3 months
Yan!Alastor with a sweet little doe reader that loves to stay close to them and is rather clingy? Cuddles are a must, light kisses on the chin, wanting to walk together with held hands, physical contact is basically their love language! 🥰 even going for his fluffy ears cause who wouldn’t?? I love your writing btw! It makes me happy whenever you have something new for us ❤️
— yandere!alastor x clingy!reader
— AGH!! this made me scream thank you sm i love you!!! violence warning! pure yandere fluff 😲
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is in love with how clingy you are! you refuse to leave his side, and he didn’t even need to force you! alastor loves a submissive darling who’d do what he desires without asking
not to mention how innocent you are! how did such a sweet little doe such as yourself get into hell? st. peter must have been mistaken!
because of your pure nature, alastor would only want the best things for his darling! just promise him to be his forever, and the rest of hell will be in the palm of your hand.
alastor himself isn’t one for physical touch though. he doesn’t mind keeping you at his side nor does he mind the kisses, don’t get it wrong, he adores your kisses! touching his ears though may be harder to adjust to.
he hates the reminder that he is a prey animal, he himself enjoys being the predator. your gentle touch against his fluffy ears and antlers as he twitches under your touch makes him quite uncomfortable to the fact you’re touching his weakest and most sensitive spot.
eventually, he grows to accept the fact that to be yours, he must make some sort of sacrifice. and if it’s this, so be it…
although, because of your clingy behavior, it only raises his possessiveness. seeing you even talking to someone else would make his blood boil.
especially if it is someone alastor has conflict with; seeing you even be approached by lucifer or vox would make him jealous; his smile would grow strained, his murderous intent thick in the air, enough to cut with a knife.
against lucifer or fellow overlords, alastor wouldn’t act upon it. despite his huge ego, he knows better than to pick a fight with demons who are more powerful than him.
to those who are lesser than him… unfortunately, they’re not as lucky.
of course though, being the gentleman he is, he refuses to taint your soul with all the carnage and bloodshed he commits to keep you as his sweet doe.
‘LIVE ON AIR’ the neon sign in alastor’s broadcast station lit up as the speakers across pentagram city came to life. a man begging for his life, screaming as various noises were heard. one could only assume the radio demon was tearing his soul to pieces.
the sound of flesh being ripped apart was gruesome as the sinner’s bloodcurdling screams grew weaker. the sound of his corpse being hit against the walls of the station at least 40 times until alastor threw the body onto the floor.
when the man screamed no more, alastor’s voice was heard, sighing deeply, as if all his pent-up stress had just been released before joyful music started playing in the background. “good evening, sinners! take this broadcast as a reminder not to mess with what belongs to me! lest you’d like me to feast on your screams.” alastor warned before he laughed maniacally. and then he was gone once more.
after releasing all of his fury, he returned back to your shared bedroom, his cute little doe in pretty jammies he bought for you. so comfy in bed while hugging a plushie of a manically-cute red kitty, the antlers on its’ head resembling alastor’s. “alastor, what took so long?” you pouted as he began to retire in his nightwear, first taking off his bowtie.
“forgive me, my doe. there were many things to cover tonight on my radio broadcast…” he smiled, pinching your plump cheeks; so yummy and jiggly under his touch. “could i make it up to you tonight?” he smiled widely.
“ugh, then hurry up, please?!” you hit the sheets in frustration. “ahaha… just be patient, my darling.” he patted your head, getting into bed with you. turning off the lights before he wrapped his lanky arms around your waist, burying his face in your hair and leaving a trail of light kisses over your head.
the next time you’d see alastor’s broadcast station, a peculiar skeleton is pinned, adding a grotesque look to the hotel
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aethelwyneleigh27 · 3 months
Orange Peel Theory With Cod Characters
Would they peel an orange for you? (Scenario based on the test from TikTok)
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Characters Included: John Price, Simon "Ghost" Riley, John "Soap" MacTavish, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, Alejandro Vargas, Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra, Valeria Garza, Farah Karim, Kate Laswell, Alex Keller, König, Kim "Horangi" Hong-jin, Keegan P. Russ, Gary "Roach" Sanderson, Nikolai Belinski, Philip Graves, Vladimir Makarov.
This is probably one of the only times I'll be using the color orange, AHAHAHAHA. As you can tell I wouldn't be okay with the camp half-blood uniform as an Aphrodite kid. Writing this as I'm sick with a cold, my nanny since childhood peeled my oranges for me while telling me to finish all of it because it's vitamin C.
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Mansplaining this but the Orange Peel/Peeling Theory surrounding TikTok started with one girl talking about her experience with her ex peeling her oranges for her. It soon turned into a theory/test where people ask their partner to peel an orange for them, something as small and effortless as peeling an orange as that act of service represents their willingness to do things for their partner and if they refuse then that's seen as a red flag because it means that if they're unwilling to do that small thing for them then same case scenario for something big that requires a sacrifice.
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They peel it for you almost immediately, no words needed, just you staring at the orange. Grabbing it from the bowl of fruits and meticulously tearing the skin with their thumbs, being careful not to make much of a mess and to not bruise the orange.
It's not a secret that they like to do this, offering other little things like opening doors for you, peeling the skin of apples if you don't feel like eating it and slicing it up for you with a multipurpose camping knife, putting their hand on the edge of a nearby cornered things so it wouldn't be as painful if you hit your head picking something up.
Characters: John Price, Simon "Ghost" Riley, John "Soap" MacTavish, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, Farah Karim, Kate Laswell, Alex Keller, König.
Would tease you once you ask them to peel it for you but will peel it. Would even hand feed it to you, you have to give them a kiss for every orange they separate. If you tell them you don't like the pith (the white stringy part) then they'd take it off for you.
They probably would ask you to peel some for them too some time around soon but you're more than happy to do it for them.
Characters: John "Soap" MacTavish, Alejandro Vargas, Valeria Garza, König, Kim "Horangi" Hong-jin, Keegan P. Russ, Nikolai Belinski.
You probably should've worded it better, you told them you felt like an orange.. "I feel like a tomato" is what you hear back. You laughed and clarified that you felt like eating the fruit.
"Oh.." they stopped to think if you had any oranges at home at the moment and they got up and peeled it for you, bringing a plate back of two peeled and pulled apart oranges with a glass of water for you.
Characters: Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra, Alex Keller, Gary "Roach" Sanderson.
He'd throw the orange at your head, telling you to peel it yourself.
Characters: Philip Graves, Vladimir Makarov.
Taglist: @wishesforyou @puff0o0 @simping4konig @simp4konig @blingblong55 @azereus @rustic-guitar-notes @shadofireshinobi @thelightdjinnofpalestine @09maruchan @anonymuslydumb @skeletalgoats @icarustypicalfall @ghosts-cyphera @fawnchives @connorsui @capuccino192 @miss-gms-and-the-rotten-womb @celestialhole @the-second-sage @starryylies @everlastingmoonlightsworld @keiva1000 @iexiam @drewsmusee
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radioisntdead · 2 months
Good evening my dear! Indeed I can!
I'm on a songfic fix at the moment so hopefully you don't mind me turning this into one, if you do just let me know and I can write a proper oneshot, drabble or headcanons
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Murder, Alastor being weird, mild angst, OOC, the ending is a bit muddled because lack of motivation hit me like a TRUCK.
The song I chose for obvious reasons
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You seem to replace your brain with your heart, You take things so hard and then you fall apart
You always had what one would call a bleeding heart, tears would overflow at the slightest instance, you fell onto the ground? Tears, you saw a rabbit munching on a carrot? Tears fell because it was just SO cute, you sobbed as you stabbed a guy to death, blubbering out apologies saying you wouldn't have to do it if he had JUST kept his mouth shut and didn't say those awful, awful things.
You try to explain, but before you can start
You met Alastor when the two of you were alive, he was an aspiring radio host at the time and well, your father ran a rather popular radio station.
Those "Cry baby" tears come out of the dark
You were considered the favorite child, (or the only child depending on the route you go) and Alastor knew that, he wasn't above using people to climb up the social ladder.
Someone's turning the handle to that faucet in your eyes
Everything was planned out, like how the two of you met, he found out what places you frequented, choosing a cafe to be the place to run into you.
You had accidentally poured warm coffee on his clothes, you cried out apologies as you patted him dry with napkins, offering to pay for drycleaning.
You pour it out where everyone can see
And that was it, it started with him charming you, asking you out for coffee, lunch, dinners and eventually he had you hooked.
Your heart's too big for your body, it's why it won't fit inside
Him eventually catching feelings for you was just the icing on the cake, a bonus, you and him felt similarly to certain affections.
His mother quite liked you as well asking him to bring you by again when you met her the first time.
You pour it out where everyone can see
As the relationship grew, he became a prominent radio personality, eventually proposing to you leading to marriage.
They call you cry baby, cry baby
Alastor was supposed to be working late that night, you weren't expecting him to come home as you washed the blood off of your hands, blood stained the bathroom sink, dried tears leaving faint streaks on your face.
But you don't fucking care
"Mon étoile?"
You slowly turned around as if you were in a horror movie, the one person you didn't want to see you like this.
Cry baby, cry baby
You burst into tears falling onto the ground, not even trying to explain yourself, Alastor grinned and moved next to you, gently wiping away your tears taking silent joy from them.
So you laugh through your tears
You laughed as Alastor gave a light smooch onto your face.
Cry baby, cry baby
And that begun a new era of your relationship,
You'd act as bait luring in the folks you and Alastor felt like taking away their living privileges.
'Cause you don't fucking care
You lived like that for years, taking many lives, shedding many tears, a killer couple.
Tears fall to the ground
Unfortunately all good things come to an end.
You'll just let them drown
Alastor went to dispose of a body while you cleaned up the aftermath.
You'll just let them drown
The police showing up and breaking the news to you that your dearest Alastor was shot in the head and attacked by dogs shattered you.
Cry baby, cry baby
You spent your days crying, barely being able to organize a funeral that no one other then you attended, after all who would attend the funeral of a murderer.
You're all on your own and you lost all your friends
You were alone now, sure your family urged you to move back home, you were still a sweetheart with a bleeding heart to them, you just fell for Alastor's schemes, that no one saw coming.
You spent your days crying, clinging on to any remnants of Alastor, your social life took a huge hit.
You told yourself that it's not you, it's them
They whispered behind your back, theorizing if you were apart of the murders or not, if you knew, if you were truly innocent.
You're one of a kind and no one understands
You were found dead in your home, alone.
But those "Cry baby" tears keep coming back again
You woke up in hell, you knew you probably weren't going to heaven but still!
Someone's turning the handle to that faucet in your eyes
Tears swelled up in your eyes but you wiped them away before they could fall deciding to look around and assess your situation.
You pour it out where everyone can see
Wandering around you passed by a shop with a radio present in it, reminding you of your dear Alastor.
Your heart's too big for your body, it's why it won't fit inside
The tears started pouring, and before you could do anything else, someone touches your shoulder.
You pour it out where everyone can see
You've been down below for who knew how long now, bring found by Mimzy of all people, a good friend of yours, and Alastor's.
They call you cry baby, cry baby
Mimzy showed up at Alastor's home banging on the front door, you stood a few feet away from her, He opened it displeased at the sudden visit but he smiled wide nonetheless.
"Mimzy dear, pray tell why you are banging on my door at this unholy hour?" He asked, simply hearing his voice the waterworks began as Mimzy pulled you out from where you stood.
But you don't fucking care
Alastor's eyes ever so slightly widened, it hadn't been that long since he died, he suspected you would follow suit eventually but not this quickly.
Cry baby, cry baby
"I believe this one is yours, they've been crying on and off, it's driving me crazy" Mimzy said shoving you into Alastor as you grinned up at him through blurry eyes
So you laugh through your tears
"I missed you." You said as Alastor touched your face, brushing a claw over it, you, much like him and every other sinner looked different from when you were alive, you had permanent gold tear streaks stitched into your face, how ironic.
Cry baby, cry baby
Alastor simply grinned, wiping away a tear.
"You haven't changed a bit, Mon étoile."
'Cause you don't fucking care
"You can pay me back for reunitin' ya lovebirds later!"
Mimzy laughed before running off to do who knows what, making a swift exit for plot convenience.
Tears fall to the ground
And that was that, you were finally reunited.
You'll just let them drown
While Alastor was given the name of The Radio demon you were referred to as the Crying demon,
How original.
Cry baby, cry baby
While Alastor stuck fear with a smile, hearing you wail in the distance stuck fear into others, you'd apologize as you ripped sinners apart just like you did in life.
You'll just let them drown
You watched as Alastor developed a cannibalistic taste for sinners, he opted to bring you sinner hearts as a token of affection,
You teared up from how sweet the extremely messed up act was.
Cry baby, cry baby
You also watched as Alastor's personal hygiene got worse, to the point where you'd chase him down with a sponge and a bucket of water, or before bed with a toothbrush and some toothpaste.
Much to his chagrin he was never able to escape you chasing him.
You'll just let them drown
Alastor's more sadistic tendencies were revealed in full force, with him biting and pinching your cheeks just hard enough to make you cry.
It wasn't a deal breaker but it did weird you out at first.
I look at you and I see myself
Alastor brought you to the Hazbin hotel after Husk and Niffty were pulled from wherever,
You quickly gained an affection for the hotel and it's residents, Alastor may have been using the hotel for his own entertainment but you genuinely believed in Charlie's dream of redeeming sinners.
And I know you better than anyone else
Becoming another parental figure for the princess you showered her with advice and familial affection, saying if you had a child you'd want them to be just like her.
And I have the same faucet in my eyes
Vaggie wasn't spared from the parental affection either, Alastor might not have been fond of her but you were.
So your tears are mine
You eventually became like the hotels therapist, a very prone to crying therapist but a therapist none the less.
You and Charlie tended to cry together especially if the two of you decided to put a emotionally charged movie on for movie nights
They call me cry baby, cry baby
You cried when extermination day happened, taking out exorcists left and right, your tears were filled with anger as you witnessed what happened to Sir Pentious.
But I don't fucking care
You cried tears of joy when the hotel was rebuilt and when Alastor came back from wherever he was.
Cry baby, cry baby
"You are an complete and utter MORON,"
"Mon étoile, W̴̝̖͙̩̹̓͆̏͌̒̔̑͐̕h̶͔̲̄ă̵̟̥͙̥͖͚̋̍̓̓̇̕ţ̶̧͇̞̟͈͔͉̦͋̄͂̌́̉͗ ̸̛̟̖̰͛͐̂̌̃d̷͎͍̦̩̯̂̐̈́̒̇͜ͅï̷̙͎͙̱̲̾̓̓̂d̵̛̛̲̤̺̟͒̈́̽́̑̈́̈͜͠ ̴̬̥̱͓̊̒͛ȳ̶̢̢̛̛̘͓̱̱̭̩̣͈̈́̀͋͘͝ő̴͓̜̥̪͇͙͉̞̜ủ̴̢̖͙̞͈̳̈́̑̋̂̉̈ ̵̩̈́̋̂̾̓̎̌̕̚j̶̛̗̲͚͖̼̻̥͕̚ù̸̫̯̎s̷̛̹̠̠̰͇̬̟̤͖̃̋͋ť̵͇̹͕̞͌ ̵̢̹͖̯͆̀̽́̎̐̐̽̆̃c̴͍̼̤̓̉̃̒̕͠a̶͖̙̭͂͋̓l̸̢̧̨͙̯̹̯̱̳̏̈́̀l̷̡͖͉̟̼̳̹͙̏́̄̃͋ͅ ̶̧͓͍͑m̶̨̡̠̖͇̫͓̅̈́-̷̞̱̪͓̞̅̈́͊̇̎̐͝"
"Don't pull that radio demon bullshit with me right now Alastor! How hard was it to arm yourself? You aren't invincible to ANGELIC WEAPONS!"
You shouted at Alastor as you paced around your newly restored shared room, first aid kit open, bandages wrapped around, angry tears in your eyes.
If you were anyone else, you would be dead for rubbing salt into the still aching wound.
Alastor sighed and swung one leg over the other, crossing his arms intending to wait until your 'temper tantrum' was over.
I laugh through my tears
Normally he rather liked your tears, in a Alastor way, but they were annoying to him in this instance.
Cry baby, cry baby
You grabbed his face, locking your eyes with his,
"You could've died, You would've left me again."
"I won't leave you again."
You asked dropping your hands from his face only for him to hold them in his hands.
'Cause I don't fucking care, Tears fall to the ground
With the hotel rebuilt, bigger, more grand then before, sinners began to trickle in.
Wanting to give redemption a shot,
Some wanted to see someone they knew that more then likely ended up going above, some had nothing left to lose, some just wanted to change, hating what they've become since they fell below.
I just let them drown, Cry baby, cry baby
You quite liked how things were developing, seeing Charlie's face light up when hotel residents improved, getting clean from addiction, proving to be better.
I just let them drown, Cry baby, cry baby
Alastor originally got involved in this place for his own entertainment or otherwise, bringing you with him, he didn't think that his darling crybaby of a wife would get attached.
But maybe he was getting attached too, not that he would ever admit it even to you.
You'll just let them drown, They call you cry baby, cry baby
You and Alastor sat comfortably on the couch in his radio tower, with you laying on his shoulder, his arm gingerly wrapped around you.
I just let them drown
"Al, look how cute they are!"
You said as you held your phone to Alastor, you had to remove a few qualities in order to keep the phone, you didn't mind since you mostly used it to communicate with the hotel residents or look at animal videos on the Internet anyways.
He simply hummed as he grimaced at the phone, you were trying to show him a group of hellborn kittens,
"We should get a cat,"
"We already have a cat."
"Husk doesn't count."
You said frowning as Alastor moved his hand to your cheek, pinching it until tears swelled up in your eyes.
Cry baby, cry baby
You were sobbing at the red creature you held in your arms,
"It's adorable!" You sobbed out holding the catlike creature that you found on the side of the road much to Alastor's displeasure you wanted a cat, and you got a cat thingy
"It looks like Alastor."
Alastor squinted at the cat thing you were crying with pride over, he would throw the damned thing out the window but unfortunately you were already attached, and he preferred you to cry over literally anything else other then the failed clone of his.
You'll just let them drown
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Good evening folks! Thanks for tuning in! I scheduled this for Saturday so that should mean this is the last of the songfics! [For now anyways] [post-post edit, I LIED THERE WILL BE MORE SONG FICS THIS IS ONLY THE BEGINNING]
I wanted to go more into how Alastor would probably enjoy the readers crying but it got a little too weird.
Have a wonderful weekend folks!
253 notes · View notes
nctsplug02 · 1 year
just the filthiest filthiest mark smut
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GENRE: fluff | smut | best friends to lovers!
WARNINGS: protected sex, kissing, dirty talk, praising, fingering, spanking, oral sex (both F and M receiving), nipple play, doggy, hair pulling, squirting, missionary and spitting kink.
A/N: i genuinely do not know how to write a SUPER FILTHILY smut. so, you’ve been warned if it isn’t as filthily as you wanted.
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you sigh and do the walk of shame to mark lee’s car when he pulls up and quickly sets his car in park.
“don’t start.” you say as soon as you sit in the passenger side. “oh, cmon!” marks voice cracks. “i deserve to know— i’m your best friend— and, i picked you up!” mark presses on the gas.
you groan and lean your head against the window. “fine, but do you have some snacks that i can munch on?” mark reaches over and pulls open in glove department.
a small light shines and piles of candy wrappers are glistening under the light.
“just for you, brat.” mark leans back in his seat.
brat— the nickname he’d given you when you acted up that one day back in grade five.
“thanks, asshole.” you grab a kitkat and tear the wrapper open. “so,” you sigh and take a bite out of the two sticks. “long story short— my date didn’t show and.. i sat at my booth for about an hour.. looking like an idiot.”
mark laughs and you shove him. “hey! i’m driving here!” you roll your eyes. “don’t laugh then, idiot!” you grab another kitkat.
“wait, so who was the jerk that didn’t show?” mark glances at you. “lee donghyuck.” mark swerves and you panic. “mark lee, what the hell?!” your chest heaves and mark shakes his head.
“you were planning to go on a date with one of my best friends?!” you eye him. “so, what if i was?“ a small smirk grows on your lips. “is mark lee.. jealous?” mark sputters. “wh—what? n—no, no!”
his ears said other wise.. plus that grinned that he couldn’t hide.
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mark pulls up to your apartment and you sigh, climbing out and ducking your head slightly in. “thanks for ride, markie.” you tap the top of his car and turn to leave.
“y/n, h—hold on.” you turn and mark is jogging up to you. “look, im sorry for scaring you earlier in the car. i just.. wasn’t expecting you to be going on a date with one of my friends.”
you shake your head. “it’s fine.”
you look down at your phone and a snarl grows on your lips. “who is it? haechan?” you look up and shut your phone off. “yeah— jealous?” you tilt your head with a snarky grin.
mark stays silent. “well, i’m going inside. it’s late. goodnight—?” you stumble back when mark grabs your waist with one hand and uses the other to cup your jaw— his lips crashed onto yours.
marks lips had landed on your lips so harsh that you swore you could taste blood.
his lips tasted good.. weirdly good.
but, he’s been your best friend since the first grade.
holy shit, this is wrong!
“m—mark!” you push him and he stumbles back. “oh, my god. this.. that.. we can never do that. never.” you touch your bottom lip while guilt washes over marks face.
“i’m sorry, mark. i’m sorry.” you whisper and stumble towards your door where you pulled your keycard out and scanned it before walking in without looking back.
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“but, ma. it was weird. he’s my best friend!” it’d been a whole week since the mistaken kiss between you and mark.
“sweetheart,” your mother sighs and massages the aloe vera mask into your face. “you can’t keep hiding your feelings.” you crack an eye open. “what are you talking about, ma?” she sighs and sets the face roller down.
you sit up and face her. “my love..” she frowns. “i can see how madly in love you are with him.” you stutter. “ma, i—i don’t—?”
“sweetheart, you do. since the sixth grade when he asked you to the middle school winter formal dance. i could see the excitement in your eyes when you ran home and told me. you were jumping around.. and.. and squealing like a piglet.” you and her laugh.
“but, sweetheart, the spark in your eyes grew everyday even till today. and— before you ask how i know, mama knows best, my love.” you chew the inside of your cheek.
you softly laugh. “is it really that obvious?” she laughs and nods. “very.” you groan and grab a grape, tossing it in your mouth and chomping on the crunchiness.
you groan and fall flat on the bed. “you know how i went on a date yesterday?” your mother nods blowing on her fresh painted toe nails. “well.. it was.. his friend that i was supposed to go on that date with.”
“supposed to?” you groan, again. the memory of sitting in the booth for an hour, ordering water and tea until finally deciding to leave before having mark pick you up in his gray BMW M4.
“he stood me up, ma.” your voice whines and your mother laughs. “don’t laugh, ma!” she sighs and calms down. “how could anyone stand my gorgeous girl up?” you sit up and pout.
your mother coos. “it was so embarrassing when i had to call mark to come pick me up— i did the walk of shame.” your mother laughs, again. “then.. he kissed me after he dropped me off in front of my apartment complex.”
“oh, sweetheart. that boy.. that sweet boy..” she jolts up. “i’m talking about mark, by the way!” she confirms and you laugh. “not your shitty little date.” you whine, remembering the embarrassing moment of being stood up.
“you better get him before he moves on and finds someone else.”
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it’d been two days since the at home spa day with your mother.
and.. she’d soooommeeehoow convinced you to show up in front of his doorstep.. with nothing.
so, here you are standing in front of his house, waiting for him to come open the door.
you kick around, waiting for the door to open until it does. your body stiffens and jolts up straight. a gorgeous mark lee opens the door.
he was wearing black jeans and a fitted white button up. and his hair.. it was slicked up and to the side.
“hi.” you sigh and mark was speechless. his jaw was hung open and his eyes blinked repeatedly. “uh, i.. uh— i’ll just get to the point.”
“i came here to apologize. specifically for freaking out over our kiss which i think was very stupid of me. i usually don’t panic or freak out over anything.” you hyperventilate.
mark bites his lip. “y/n, now isn’t really a good time—?” you push past mark and walk down his hall.
“a few days ago i talked with my mom and she somehow convinced me to come here which, i am so sorry for barging in but, i really have to talk to you— or apologize.” your hands shake as you enter the kitchen.
“y—y/n—?” mark tries to run in front of you.
you stop and turn. “mark, im in love with you.” mark stops in front of you with his lips slightly parted.
someone clears their throat. “am i.. interrupting something?” your body stills.
holy fuck.
your head slowly turns toward the voice. “hi.” you squeak and wave. “hey, i’m celina. marks date— and, you?” you gulp and turn your head back to marks.
“woah, im sorry. i didn’t realize my.. my neighbor! i didn’t realize my neighbor had a date. wow, this was so rude of me to just barge in— i apologize!” you laugh and look behind you— thank god mark had two entry for his kitchen.
“i—i should go! nice meeting you celina! again, sorry!” you awkwardly laugh and leave through the second entry.
what the actual hell were you thinking??
that was definitely a sign that it isn’t meant to be.
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“maaaaa, it was so embarrassing!” you cry a whine into her chest. “he was on a date and i just, barged in like the kool aid guy telling him that i love him!”
your mother gasps. “you told him you love him? my love, i know you want to tell about how you feel for him but.. don’t be so upfront!” you whine and fall back on her bed.
“you always tell me to be upfront and straight forward.” you sigh and run your hands over your face. “sometimes you shouldn’t listen to me!” you and her laugh as you sit up.
“i messed up, ma.” your mother cups your face. “yeah, you did.” you softly laugh and sigh.
“should i get that?” your mother frowns and nods. “fine.” you huff and grab your phone.
you gasp. “ma, he texted me!” you jump up on your knees. “who? who?!” she jumps on her knees. “who other than mark, ma?!” you and her squeal for a good minute before calming down.
“he said, come over and let’s talk— please.” you bite your lip and your mother shows a shocked face. “go, now. i’m so serious right now, y/n. get out of my house and come back the next day to tell me what happened!”
you laugh and climb out of her bed. “ma, im nervous!” you say slipping on your shoes. “just go! take my car and go, sweetheart! you’ll be fine, i promise.” she gives you a kiss on the forehead and watches you walk out to her car.
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you bite your nail while walking back and forth in front of marks door. debating if you should knock or just turn and leave.
“well, i’m already here.” you sigh and pull your hand away from your mouth.
you clear your throat and straighten up before bringing your hand up and knocking on marks door. mid knock, the door swings open and your arm hangs in the air.
“hi.” mark sighs with a lopsided smile.
“hi.” you bite your lip and gulp.
“i was wondering when you’d knock.” what? “uh, i could see you pacing back and forth through my camera.” you look to the side to side before stopping when seeing his ring camera.
you look back at him. “oh.” you nervously laugh and mark finally invites you inside with an apology.
“so,” you swoop your skirt and sit on his couch. “why did you ask me to come here? i thought you had a date.. with celina?” mark sits across from you and rests his elbows on his knees.
“i cut our date short.” he answers plainly. “wh—what? why?” mark rubs his stubble. “i had to see you, y/n. i needed to talk to you a—after what you said.”
mark raises his eyes to yours and you bring your eyes to his fireplace.
“look, mark— what i said..” you sigh and push your hair back.
“did you mean it?” you bring your eyes back to his. your eye twitches and so does your jaw as you contemplate on what to say.
mark gets up and your eyes follow him. he walks around the coffee table and stops in front of you before sitting down on the table.
you felt like time had stopped with him.. being so close in front of you.
“tell me, y/n. did you mean what you said?” you wet your lips. “i—i did.” mark rests his elbows on his knees like before. “say it without stuttering.”
“i did and i do, mark. i.. love you.” mark softly smiles. “i didn’t ask before but, can i kiss you?” you follow along with the smile and nod.
mark cups your face and softly connects his lips with yours. no roughness and no blood this time.
the kiss was getting rougher and sloppier by the second and in the heat of the moment, you took marks hand and you brought it under your skirt.
“fuck,” mark pulls away and looks down before looking back up. “you’re drenched, baby.” you tipped your head back and sighed when he pressed his fingers more on your clit.
mark pushes your skirt up and looks down. “god, you’re adorable.” mark softly giggles at your panties— they were cotton with flowers printed all over it and a tiny little flower was sewed in the middle of the stretch-band.
“it was on sale at victoria secret!” you whine.
mark softly laughs. “may i?” mark tugs on the band and you nod, biting your lip.
mark pulls your panties down and holds them up. embarrassment washed over you when seeing the a wet splotch on the cotton material.
“mark, give it to me—?” you reach up to snatch it but mark reclines back. “ah ah, what do you think you’re doing?” he smirks and looks at the panties in his hand. “taking back what’s mine— give it—?” you try and reach for it, again but mark does the same thing.
“nice try, princess. this is mine now.” he bunches it up and tucks it in his back pocket. “what’re you gonna do with it, huh? wear it?” mark laughs. “shut up.” you yelp when he lands a soft smack on your clit.
mark lifts his hand to his mouth and sticks out his tongue, wetting his two fingers before slowly sliding them into your cunt.
you moan and slowly let your legs fall together. “no no no,” mark parts your legs with his free hand. “i want these open, you hear me?” you bite your lip and nod. “good.”
a tortured groan rumbled in your throat as mark slowly slipped his fingers within your walls. your walls tightened around his fingers every time the tip of his fingers brushed against your g-spot.
“m—mark!” you hum and softly gasp. your clit throbbed and throbbed. “do you like this, baby?” mark says, slowly thrusting his fingers.
you shake your head. “you don’t?” mark pauses and you whine. “mark, i want it faster.” marks lip curl into a grin. “you’re a needy one, aren’t you?”
mark intensifies his movements and rests his thumb on your clit. “ooohh, my god.” you shudder a moan and let your eyes roll back.
“mark!” his lips rest on your swollen clit and it catches you off guard. “oh, god— mark!” you cry out and tug on his locks.
his fingers scissoring inside you as his tongue swirls around your clit. he hums a chuckle when feeling your fingers tug tighter.
“oh, ffffuck!” you gasp, feeling him nibble on your clit.
the sounds of mark lapping up your juice fills your ears, along with the sounds of his fingers scissoring you rapidly.
you push mark away, his lips a bit swollen and red as he’s shoved away from you. “w—wait, m—mark!” the pleasure is too much.
“what’s wrong, baby? tell me how it feels, baby.” mark whispers and you struggle with speak. the air tightening around you as your orgasm sneaked closer. “cmon, baby.” mark slows down his moments and you whine.
“i—it feels.. amazing, mark.” you grasp the material of his couch and clench your jaw with a grunted, high pitched moan. “there you go, baby.” mark whispers, his fingers throbbing from how tight you clenched.
“oh, fuck.” mark pulls his fingers out and lifts them. “so perfect.” mark sighs and plops them on his tongue. mark slides his tongue between the two cum covered fingers and moans around them.
“m—mark, i just— i just squirted!” you stare in horror as he sucks on his fingers.
“princess, you taste so sweet.” he looks down at you and grins widely.
the image of you laid in front of him with your legs wide open and your pussy glistening, your chest heaving and your eyes fighting to stay open.
“god, this is embarrassing.” you groan. “hey,” mark grabs your jaw and shakes your head side to side, waking you back up. “we aren’t done yet, princess.”
mark lifts you up and fixes your skirt. “we’re taking this to the room, okay, princess?” you nod and wrap your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck.
once upstairs, mark lays you gently on his bed. “are you on birth control?” he asks and you nod. “but, could you please use a condom?” mark reaches above you and opens up his nightstand.
you hear rustling until a wrapper is heard. “i will always use a condom. never have i once slept with a women without wearing a condom.” you take the condom from mark and you rip it open.
“can i put it on?” mark softly laughs and nods. you sit up and wait until mark undresses himself. with excitement, you slide the condom on with a bit of marks help.
you lay back down and mark looks down at you— he admires you before nodding. “ready, princess?” you’re caught off guard by his question— too busy staring down at his cock.
it was both long and thick. maybe a good eight inch.
“ready.” you nod.
mark holds one of your thigh and slowly pushes himself in. your mouth parts and and your body tenses up. you let out a cry when mark made it half way.
now, it wasn’t like you were a virgin— you aren’t. but, his size was different compared to the other three guys you’ve slept with. they were thinner and below 6 inches.
“mark,” you exhale and rest your palm on his faint abs. “i’ll go slow, baby. don’t worry.” you shake your head. “n—no, i want it fast. j—just not now.” you exhale, again.
you look to the side when feeling mark interlace his fingers with yours. “i’ll go as slow as you want, baby. we can be here all night at this pace.” you softly laugh and so does mark.
after about several minutes, you had gotten over the slight burning sensation and had begged mark to pick up his pace.
“just like that, baby.” mark groaned and watched as your pussy swallowed his cock. “absolutely gorgeous.” he whispers and tightens his hand around yours.
you give a squeeze back and mark softly laughs.
“you’re so fucking perfect.” he whispers and presses his lips against yours. mark doesn’t let your lips go instead, he pounds his hips down on yours.
your moans being swallowed by mark as his cock hit your g-spot, over and over, again. mark pulls your leg onto his hip and roughly rocks his hips into yours. you bring your other leg up to marks hip and you lock your ankles together, pulling him closer.
“mark,” you moan, pulling away. “i’m— mark, im gonna—?” mark kisses you. “cum.” he finishes for you. “do it. i love how tight you get when you cum.”
and, so you do. your pussy tightens around mark when your second orgasm washes over you. “what a good slut.” mark coos and presses his lips on yours.
mark pulls away when your legs go weak. his cock stands hard as he grabs your hips and turns you on your knees.
“m—mark, my legs!” you giggle. your legs shook and quivered— and, if it were for marks arm around your waist holding you up, you would’ve collapsed.
mark uses his free hand and lands a spank on your ass. “look at this pretty flushed ass.” mark lands another spank on your ass and you whine. “mark, stop!” you swat his hand.
“sh, sh.” mark pushes down the upper half of your body and plants a kiss on your ass cheek. “stay still and let me hear those pretty noises while i fuck you, slut.”
mark pushes into you and your eyes fall shut but your mouth falls open with moans spilling out.
“that’s it, slut. let me hear your pretty sounds.” mark gathers your hair and yanks it back. “ah— mark.” you wince, your back aching from how much it arched.
mark hisses and squeezes your hips. “moan for me, baby. i love hearing how pretty you sound.” your mouth falls open and more moans spill out.
“fuck, im gonna cum.” mark exhales and tilts his head back. “y/n, wha—?” his head snaps back when feeling you slip off his cock.
you turn around and push mark back by shoving his shoulders. he falls on his ass with his legs laid out in front of him.
“baby, what are you doing—?” you sit on your knees and crawl forward, pulling the condom off and flinging on to the side. “baby—?” mark sighs when feeling your lips wrap around his cock.
“fuck, baby.” mark softly chuckles and you gasp when feeling a hand drop on your head.
his fingers tangle with your hair. mark lets out a string of curses as he pushes your head down and back up. you push away marks hand and he tsks.
“i’m a big girl, mark.” you say pulling off his cock.
he lets out a drowsy smile and gathers your hair, even the ones that stuck to your face with sweat.
you settled with a rhythm and flattened your tongue along his cock. mark moans and you smile at the sounds of pleasure he let spill from his throat.
“oh, fuck. oh, fuck, baby—?!” mark holds your head down and dumps his load down your throat before letting you up.
you gasp heavily and slap your hands down on marks thighs— which, he winces at. your eyes fall shut when feeling something land on your cheek then nose and then chin.
“you’re a piece of shit.” you laugh, opening your eyes to see mark still recovering from his orgasm. “you love it.” you roll your eyes.
mark reaches forward and wraps his hand around your nape, yanking you forward and connecting your lips with his.
he pulls away and pulls your jaw apart. you wait until a ball of saliva falls into your mouth, landing on your tongue. you swallow and open your mouth, again.
“good girl, baby.” mark softly laughs and rubs your cheek.
mark frees your jaw and lowers his eyes to your breasts. your eyes follow and mark cups your breasts from below.
“god, could you get any more gorgeous than this?” you bite your lip as mark moves closer, his mouth practically drooling over your breasts.
a soft moan is heard from you when mark wraps his lips around your nipple. he looked adorable from your view. just sucking on your tit and pinching the other nipple.
“oh, god.” you sigh and bring your hand up to his lock, tangling your finger in his locks and yanking them.
“you taste so sweet.. every part of you is so sweet.” he whispers and moves to the other breast. “oh, god, mark.” you gasp, pushing his head closer.
mark pulls away and his lips were slightly plumped with redness. “you look so cute.” you giggle, wiping his extra drool with your thumb.
mark grabs your hand and leans into your touch. “what do you say,” he brings his lips onto yours. “wash up,” he pulls off and then returns. “and i’ll order something for us?” you laugh against his lips and nod.
“alright, cmon. i wanna see how sexy you’ll look in my clothes.” you roll your eyes and laugh.
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“you know, hearing you say that you were supposed to go on a date with one of my best friends.. i was.. i was honestly furious.” mark says grabbing a chicken drumstick.
“i felt like someone had punched a hole in my heart.” you laugh and mark stammers confusingly. “wha— im serious! honestly, i’m actually serious. i went to his place and punched him right in the jaw.”
wow, mark lee? really?
“did you actually?” you ask, sipping on the cola in your cup. “i did and i.. would do it again but i wouldn’t. kind of hurt my knuckles.” he laughs.
“i’m glad we talked things out.” you say with a sigh. “i’m glad we did, too.” mark grabs another chicken.
you sigh, again, swallowing the skin of the crispy chicken. “my mom is gonna freak when i tell her about the amazing sex we just had.” you laugh and then mark follows.
“wa—wait—? wh—what?” his voice squeaks.
you giggle. “wait, do you tell your mom everything?” his half eaten chicken lays between his fingers. “i do. she’s my best friend.” mark takes a bite out of his chicken.
“mm..” he sets down his chicken on his plate. “so, that means you’ll also tell her that we’re dating, now?” you quirk an eyebrow. “since when, hm?”
mark clears his throat. “y/n, will you be my one and only girlfriend?” you smirk, hiding the fact that you were melting inside. “yes, mark lee. i will be your one and only girlfriend.” you giggle.
“good, because i wasn’t gonna let you go anyway.” he winks and you hide your smile with the drumstick.
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A/N: i genuinely was gonna write something that was like.. related to the title “punch” but i didn’t save it and it deleted! so, i’d already had the picture and divider so i just decided to write something else.
so if you’re reading it and thinking “what rje hell does this have to do with “punch” — nothing. it has nothing to do with this post.
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hii :) i love ur fics & i was wondering if you could do childhood friends to lovers with friends to lovers w/ miles morales (e-1610) where they're mutually pining but think that they don't feel the same but literally EVERYONE else sees it. bonus points if there's a confession in the rain or an accidental confession while crying when one of them gets seriously injured. sorry if my ask is either too descriptive or not descriptive enough thank you for your time <33
(Hello! Of course I can, lovely! Enjoy!)
Frontline Confessions
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Your guys' crushes on each other was practically orchestrated by y'all's parents
They always knew you guys would in some way like one another
You guys were best friends growing up, never leaving each other's sides
You also forced your parents to be friends just so you guys could hang out even more
You guys were always connected by the hip
If one was near the other was following closely behind
Miles and you always shared everything, sometimes you would come home at like 6 and your parents would be like
"Whose sweater is that?"
And look at each other knowingly
Rio and your mom were mostly excited, as Rio wholeheartedly approved of you as she thought of you like a bonus child
Everyone could tell you two liked one another, it was no secret
But you guys didn't even know you had feelings until you guys got older
Miles would do anything for you
And I mean anything
Constantly sketching you, you and him as a photo on his lockscreen, he was bursting at the seems trying to keep it in he was Spider-man, but you found out
You guys had those little kid marriages under the slides at recess
You and him fended off childhood bullies or one who teased you guys
Only you two needed each other honestly
You guys obviously had other friends but always were each other's number one
The one to walk with you anywhere just to hold your hand
You guys had "platonic" affection but really just acted together
So many people thought you two were dating when they saw you guys
Ganke actually thought you were dating for like 6 months
You guys denied it over and over but couldn't help but wonder if you guys would ever actually date
His mom was constantly teasing him about you
Half of your closet was really his because he knew he wasn't getting them back
You guys were always out with one another, getting food, hanging on top of rooftops, sneaking away from your parents
He sometimes swung you around on his web shooters
You guys would also hang out at Uncle Aaron's apartment
You were there with the good and the bad
And Miles really needed you in the bad
He was always outside knocking on your window, or sneaking inside or just standing in front of your apartment door
You guys had movie marathons or pulled out old photos of you two when younger
"Look at your missing tooth!"
"Well, look at this horrible ponytail! What is this?!"
"You cut off half of it!"
"Oh, right-"
You guys always were seen giggling, holding each other or laughing your heads off
Everyone would look and know
Begging to be put out their misery
Confessions didn't happen for a long, long time, until a certain time you were almost bleeding to death
"Holy- I'm so sorry, (Name)!"
Miles panicked, by your side and spitting out apologies as you bled, holding your newly adorned soon-to-be battle scar.
"Are you okay?" Miles asked, glancing behind himself as Peter fought, Gwen and the rest of your friends desperately trying to keep up without you guys.
"Are you okay to fight?" Miles asked, grimacing at you and even more so at the look you gave him.
"I think I'm dying, Miles!" You yelled, holding your side in the pain as Miles tried to help stop the bleeding.
"Don't die! You can't die!" Miles said once more, trying to convince himself more than your blood piled beneath you.
"Why not? I'm gonna anyway!" You bickered back, much less concerned for your wound than Miles.
"Because I still have something to still tell you!" Miles tried once more, his own small tears in the corners of his eyes at the thought.
He couldn't lose you.
"Tell me then! What's the point of holding it in now?!" You continued on, shaking your head as your hand was almost coated red.
"I can't!"
"Why not?!"
"Because I'm scared you won't like it." Miles revealed, shaking his head as you gave a look of disbelief.
"Who cares! I'm dying." You countered.
"I like you! I've liked you since we were kids! And I don't want you to die because I'm scared!" Miles yelled back, looking down at his hands as they both tried to stop the blood, making it better, somewhat.
Miles then noticed his mistake, not able to take back his words but instead being able to slowly look up at you, grimacing at himself.
You couldn't help but stare at Miles, barely believing your ears, much less now.
Much less with the boy you had liked since you were kids.
"...you like me?"
Miles stared at you for a moment, like the world went away as he took in your face as you spoke.
And suddenly, Miles laughed.
Miles laughed hard, the tears in his eyes turned to relief as he laughed. As your best friend, and maybe now more, laughed, you couldn't help but join in.
Miles then took a moment, turning it over in his head before he launched forward, bringing you in closer to him.
You and Miles stared at each other, closer than normal, then suddenly, you couldn't help but lean in and kiss him, one you wanted to do for so long.
The kiss wasn't long, but it was waited for, dreamt about and slow and passionate, lips moving together almost like they were meant to be.
Miles pulled away, not away from you but away enough he could laugh, smiling in victory.
"Have you wanted to do that for as long as I have waited to do that?" You laughed at the both of you, and so did Miles as he nodded.
"Yeah. Yeah I have." Miles shook his head, the same smile there as he hugged you, arms around your waist as he almost pulled you into his lap, but stopped.
"Ow, ow, ow!" You cried out, punching his arm, cause even if you liked each other, you were still best friends, and friends hit.
"I'm sorry! Shit! I'm sorry!" Miles cried out, wincing as he looked at the blood on his arm, wiping it away quickly.
"We gotta get you out of here." Miles said, tucking his arm under yours and starting to lift you to your feet, a bit too rough at your circumstances.
"You think I don't know that?!"
"Don't make me leave you here!"
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fandom-go-round · 7 months
👀 Astarion eating someone out on their period?
I added Wyll, Karlach and Shadowheart after we talked about this, hope you enjoy! I had Halsin here but told him he needed to get to the back of the line because he’s already too much on my mind.
Warnings: Period, Period Sex, Sex, Sexual Situations, Oral Sex, Reader has a Vagina, Blood, Mild Blood Kink, Mild Squeamishness Around Blood, Teasing, Multiple Orgasms, Overstimulation
He teases you all week and you want to scream. Astarion has a horrible habit of pinching you while you travel but this is much worse. He’ll lean over you, almost rub against you to get you to move. He inhales deeply and sighs, kissing your cheek before sauntering off. It takes you four days to crack; you corner him outside camp and ask what his problem is. Astarion is clear that you smell divine and he wants to eat you out, right here right now. If you accept you barely get a chance to breath; he’s on his knees and ripping into your pants.
He acts like he hasn’t eaten all week and to him it’s true. Nothing can compare to your blood on a good day but this? This is something completely different. This blood isn’t as sweet as from your neck but it has an undertone Astarion can’t get enough of. He hikes your legs over his shoulders, pushing you against the nearest rock or tree, he’s not picky. You feel like you’re halfway to cumming by the wild look in his eyes but Astarion is never one to disappoint.
You feel like you can’t breathe between orgasms, they come so fast. Astarion doesn’t need to breathe and he takes full advantage of it now, face buried in your cunt. His tongue in everywhere; inside, on your labia, on your clit. He never stops moving, never stops stroking and it drives you wild. You’ll have to beg to get him to stop, fingers tangled in his hair as you pull. He almost doesn’t, looking up and seeing the tears gathered in your eyes but pulls himself together. There’s always next month.
Karlach doesn’t give two shits you’re bleeding. It’s completely normal and even if you’re shy about it she’s not. She’s been waiting ten years to fuck, a little blood isn’t going to stop her. She doesn’t push you into anything of course but Karlach isn’t shy in letting you know she’s still very interested. You do your best to pretend that you haven’t been thinking about her offer all day but eventually you cave and swing by her tent. She’s over the moon you trust her and want to fuck. She’s not going to disappoint.
She wants you to ride her face. Is she going to get even messier? Fuck yeah. And she’s into it. The taste of blood doesn’t bother her and it’s the perfect angle to watch you fall apart. Usually, you’re shy about putting your full weight on her but right now you can’t help yourself. You hold onto her horns and just let her get to work, moaning and cursing. She loves sucking hard on your clit, the way your mouth falls open and the moans, gods, who knew her name could be that sexy.
Karlach isn’t going to stop until you ask her to. Or until you fall off. Which happens shortly after she rolls your clit between her lips and squeezes your ass. She almost doesn’t catch you when you start to sway, arms reaching up to catch you. She laughs at the look on your face, moving you so you can lay down. She goes to kiss you without thinking, only realizing halfway there that maybe you don’t want to. She’ll be excited if you do kiss her but isn’t bummed if you don’t. You will have to push her to clean up but it’s not hard; if you’re willing to return the favor she’s clean in record time.
Wyll isn’t going to notice on his own that you’re horny. He knows that you’re bleeding and gets whatever you ask for without complaint. He’s been bringing you your favorite food, making sure your tent is warm and generally being so charming it hurts. The others tease him for being a knight in shining armor but he loves being your hero. It’s only when he offers to give you a back massage to help with your sore muscles that he puts two and two together. You’re quiet until he gets to your lower back and the moan you give makes him freeze. Once you explain, a little embarrassed, what’s going on he’s more than willing to help you.
The blood does make him pause, mostly because he’s afraid of hurting you. Assure him that orgasming will help and he’s all in. Wyll is never going to mention that he dislikes the taste of blood because the look on your face when he licks at your skin is enough to get him hard in an instant. He focuses on your clit, half because you like it and half because it has less blood. He’ll use his fingers to massage your entrance, smirking a little as you get wetter.
He wants to drag this out and make you feel good. For someone who doesn’t like blood he’s invested. Wyll alternates from fingering you and flicking against your clit, stopping once you get close. You have to beg him to cum and he’ll smile and say ‘of course love’ before sucking on your clit so hard you see stars. His fingers work you through until you stop shaking and he goes to get water, making sure to clean you up. He’ll only kiss you if you give him permission, holding you close. Wyll loves that you feel good and waves off any attempts to help him get off; he just wants to hold you.
She desperately wants to tease you but holds herself back. You’ve been on edge all week and when she mentioned blowing off steam together, you looked like you could cry. You’re almost ashamed admittance that you’re on your blood moon makes her want to laugh but she doesn’t. Shadowheart does smirk at the shocked look on your face when she still offers to eat you out; a little blood isn’t going to deter her.
She loves that you’re more sensitive than normal, squirming and whining under her. Shadowheart has no problems pinning you to the ground, arms heavy on your thighs as she gets to work. The taste of blood isn’t as strong as she had assumed and it’s easy to get used to. It only takes a few long strokes of her tongue before your pushing towards her mouth and she nips you in warning.
You cum quickly but it’s hard to feel any embarrassment when Shadowheart doesn’t stop. She changes the hard sucks on your clit to trace your entrance, humming against your skin. You don’t have the will power to push her off and she smiles, leaving bloody kisses on your thighs. She won’t deny you if you get the courage to ask for another round, although she will tease you. Watching your face relax in pleasure is something she wants to see as much as possible. She’ll worry about the clean up later.
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
The masochist yan and a slighly sadistic reader
(injury mentions)
"You're going to die here...."
This man. An infatuated little creature responsible for concerns regarding your most frequent hunting grounds. The developing minds of mortals are at peak during the years they gain their place in the world. Filling their heads with hopes and dreams slashed by a greater hunger.
It would make the most sense to station yourself in an environment full of these beings, however problems began your second week in. Someone noticed you. Unliked by his peers, but still to popular to be a target. You thought nothing of his pining stares while on school grounds - then they began to follow you elsewhere.
His eyes stalked you around the city, even narrowly discovering your hideout on a day you acted without caution. He belittled and harrassed any student you spoke to, leaving you without a meal for days. You feared he managed to figure out your secret, but that just didn't feel right. Regardless, he needed to be taken care of. A task proven to be easier than planned while also difficult due to how quickly he followed you - and the way he looked at you now.
"You're going to die here... yet you don't beg like the others..Why?"
His tongue brushes the gash in his skin, a distant, dazed out grin held to his brushed lips. Widen eyes keep track of every droplet of blood down your claws, dilated with fear - and an emotion you can not read. It's one of the most repulsive things you've seen on a human. Twisting preadtor into prey and swallowing you whole with how deep it ran. His uneven, slow breaths escalate into rapid huffs as he starts to laugh.
"You want me to beg for you? Then do it, freak. Fucking hurt me. Bet you're real pissed at me for getting in the way of your other catches. That's because I'm the only one you need. Why have a meal that's over in a second, when you can have a permant one who just needs a little time to heal?"
Erin whips out his pocket knife and slices down the center of his palm. He holds the blade under the bleeding wound and pressed the flat side in to increase the flow. A little apology for the aggravation he caused.
"Been weeks hasn't it? That tells me you can survive without food longer. I can give you my blood and pieces of my skin to hold you off for a while."
You aren't listening. Crouching onto your knees, hovering over him, you snatch his wrist and dive tongue deep into the growing pool of blood. Erin throws his head back at the sting of the exposed tissue being violated by your insatiable need - pain such a euphoric he has to clamp his free hand over his mouth to avoid making a sound. Your talons pierce his arm and he almost loses his head before you retract your tongue. You spit a mixture of blood and hot saliva in his face. Erin softly moans.
"Call me a freak again - and I'll tear you apart."
"Don't... threaten me with a good time"
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Not So Routine- Chapter 10
Summary: Your night at Rita's doesn't go to plan. But honestly at this point when does anything in your life go to plan.
Pairings: Eventual!Nessian x Afab!Reader Current!Mor x Afab!Reader
Warnings: Alcohol, violence, blood and swearing
Word count: 1520
Bookshelf Series Bookshelf
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You saw it the moment it happened. You had gone up to the bar to grab drinks for the group of you that had snagged a booth in the back. You were monitoring the crowd, your eyes eventually locking on Nesta and Emerie. Your mate said something funny to the female and her head tipped back in a laugh. Your eyes locked on Mor sitting in the booth behind them. Her eyes were glazed over and she had a look of shock on her face. You already knew what word was ringing through her head. Mate. 
Getting your drinks was forgotten as you winnowed to the spot beside her. Cassian was going on about how she just started acting weird and he didn’t know what was going on. You assured him that you had it covered. A blonde strand of hair was tucked behind Mor’s ear as you moved it. Her eyes finally moving from the Illyrian female on the dance floor to you. 
“Let’s go and get some fresh air.” She gave you a small hum in approval and you gave her a soft smile before winnowing the both of you to the alley outside the building. The air was cold and a shiver ran through Mor as she tried to pull her dress down. She had opted for a shorter one tonight in hopes of gaining Emeries attention. It had in fact done that but the female still hadn’t talked to Mor. 
You had decided to wear a longer dress with two slits running up both legs, all the way up to your hips. The straps to your dress were thin spaghetti straps that barely stayed up on your arms. The back of your dress was open leaving the night air to nip against the skin but you didn’t pay it any mind as your soul focus was on the blonde in front of you. 
“Emerie is my mate.” Her voice was breathless as she leaned her head back against the rough wall behind her. She let out a shaky breath before speaking again. 
“I have a mate.” Tears were streaming down her face. She brought a shaky hand up to her hair and ran her fingers through the strands. Her eyes were tightly closed. 
“She doesn’t even pay attention to me.” The words ended with a sob. A sob that broke your heart as she almost collapsed to the ground. You caught her before she went far and wrapped your arms around her securely. You held her while her body shook as each sob racked through her. 
The thought of winnowing you both to your apartment crossed your mind. But was quickly wiped away as you heard a group of males round the corner. Mor stiffened in your arms and you squeezed her against your body tighter. Hoping to shield her from the males. They seemed keen on just passing by you until one of them spoke up. 
“Wait, is that the Morrigan? Crying?” The words were slurred but his voice was malicious. You ground your teeth together willing them to just leave. 
“Just an emotional little female like the rest of them I guess. Don’t know how she’s a part of the court.” Another one of them spoke and more tears ran down your shoulder from where her head was tucked into your neck. She often questioned her place in the court. Wondered if she was there only because Rhysand was her cousin. 
“I’m gonna deal with them and then we’ll go back to my apartment.” You knew she could hold her own but you didn’t want her to have to do that in the state she was in. 
“Oh the bitch is gonna deal with us. I’d like to see you try.” You whirled around as the third guy piped up. You made sure to stand in front of Mor, shielding her from view the best you could. You spied three males in the alley with you. Your mind momentarily snapped to that day Devlon had dragged you to the field but you shook the thought away. 
“I’m gonna give you ten seconds to leave.” They all laughed at your sentence, you squared your shoulders and studied them quickly. They were all taller than you and bigger but you wouldn’t let that stop you. 
“I’m gonna have fun with you.” The words broke something inside you and you didn’t let the fear hold you back as you surged forward. You kicked the one that had spoken right between his legs. When he bent down to grab at his injured appendage you placed a hand on the back of his head and brought a knee up at the same time. A loud crack rang through the alley and you knew you’d broken his nose. Especially as you spotted the drops of blood on your leg and dress. 
He fell to the floor and then the next one was upon you. This one wrapped an arm around your neck and you knew he was trying to knock you out but you didn’t let him. You brought a heeled foot down on his own foot. He let out a grunt and eased his arms just enough for you to bend your head forward and bite into his arm hard. 
“You just fucking bit me.” You cranked your head back into his face and he stumbled backwards into the wall. His arms letting go of your neck. You spun around and punched him in the throat and he was on the ground in seconds gasping for air.
The third guy in the alley was looking at you in fear but you knew his ego wouldn’t let him back down from this fight. You were proved right when he ran at you. But you bolted to the side right as he went to grab you and tripped him with one of your feet. He went sprawling to the ground and you were already on him before he could even try to get up and run. You wrapped an arm around his throat and laid your hand into the elbow of your other as you squeezed as hard as you could. He clawed at your arm but you didn’t let the feeling of your flesh being shredded phase you. You pulled tighter and then his body went limp. 
Air came into your lungs quickly as you gasped for air. You stood up on shaky legs looking at the guy beneath you. When you finally turned around you expected to see Mor standing where you’d left her. But instead you were faced with four surprised faces. Your eyes grew wide and you stood there frozen as you waited to see what they were going to say. Mor called your name and came running over to you. She grabbed your arm and you finally looked down to see large gashes littering the skin. 
“Are you okay?” Your words cracked which wasn’t surprising since you had just been choked. 
“You’re asking me if I’m okay?” She gave you a bewildered look and you gave her a sheepish smile. 
“You’re crazy.” She whispered before surging forward and laying her lips upon your own. You stumbled back slightly in surprise, she had never been so open with affection in public before. You brought a hand up to her cheek and brushed your thumb along her cheeks where more tears were tracking down the skin. It dawned on you that intimacy was something she always needed when things got to be too much for her. An act to take her mind off of everything happening in her busy life. 
“Don’t ever do something like that again.” Her voice broke as she pulled back and laid her forehead against your own. 
“I can’t make any promises.” Your voice was low and teasing and she laughed. She broke apart from you seconds later grabbing your arm again. 
“Let’s go see Madja. I don’t want those to get infected. She also needs to examine your neck.” You were going to argue with her but she narrowed her eyes at you and you left it. 
“What the fuck just happened?” Cassian’s voice broke you out of your bubble abruptly. You turned back to the trio standing at the alleys opening and suddenly you were hit with an intense wave of dizziness. You stumbled to the side and scraped your arm against the alley wall that you hadn’t realized you were so close to. Mor grabbed you quickly and a low growl sounded out behind her. 
You both looked over her shoulder and saw Nesta baring her teeth. The bonds within you were practically signing with protectiveness. You noticed then that they were glowing bright. Eyes wide you glanced between Nesta and Cassian. Before another wave of dizziness hit you. 
“I think I need to lay down.” You whispered out, not sure who exactly you were whispering to. Mor’s lips were moving but you couldn’t make out what she was saying. Your vision started to blur and you had a faint sense of winnowing before being submerged in a sea of darkness.
A/N:I once again want to apologize that it has taken me so long to update this series. With that being said I do plan on focusing on writing more the next couple of days and hope to get more parts for this series as well as Alliance Maker out soon. As always likes, comments, reblogs and follows are much appreciated.
Tags(open): @kmc1989 @dream-alittlebiggerdarling @luvmoo @wolfsbane44 @acourtofinkandpapyrus @moonlwghts @maddietheshoe @hyemishii @fanboyluvr @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @pinksmellslikelove @waytoomanyteenagefeels @littlebbb @cat-or-kitten @brandywineeeee
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corpsebasil · 2 months
HC’s for Hunger Games Nikolai Au
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You won the games when you were fifteen. Whaaaaat a player, too. When it was down to the final two you, wielding the skills taught to you at illegal training academies, easily dispatched your opponent and earned the crown. Nikolai, your mentor, had been there to comfort you when the reality of the games began to catch up to you.
Wait here—
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^^me jumping into his arms after the games
“Nik.” Your voice is small when you sit up straight, legs slightly wobbly underneath you. Your mentor, Nikolai, has a frown on his face as he steps into the room. The Capitol has you shacked up in some sort of hospital; the hovercraft had taken you on a short ride after your extraction from the arena. “Nikolai, I…” You can only stare, eyes teary, a grief you don’t know how to convey tightening your chest.
“I know.” He murmurs, reaching your bedside in only a few short strides. You flinch at his touch, one foot still in the arena, but soon he’s found himself wrapped up in you. He doesn’t speak when you tremble. Just rubs your back, feeling your arms tighten around his waist like snakes. “That’s it. I’ve got you now, yeah?”
You sniffle at the soothing notes of his voice, so different from the screams that had haunted the arena. So much death. When you finally pull away to look up at him you’re slightly surprised to find his own blue eyes a bit teary. You force a weak smile.
“How bad do I look?” You joke, your words unsteady. Nikolai stares in silence for so long your heart begins to pound.
He reaches out carefully, one hand resting against the side of your dirty face. His clean thumb smooths a line through the grime and blood on your cheek, revealing the skin beneath. Your gaze tracks the lone tear that escapes his eye before he blinks quickly, nodding at you and backing up.
“Good to see you can take my advice.” He jokes, raising his brows in reference to your track record of not doing that at all in the arena.
“I won, didn’t I?” You scoff, but something about the way he’d looked at you, something about the fact way he’d been so gentle, had pulled at your heart.
“Don’t get cocky.” His grin is a slash of white. “Everyone is the Capitol is already singing your praises to high Heavens. I honestly think every single citizen had hearts in their eyes when you won.”
“Great.” You say drily. “Just what I wanted.”
The two of you share a fast smile before he nods to the door.
“Let’s go. I’d like to talk to your stylist for a minute before the interviews.”
Ummm more HC’s….
We’ll talk more about Coen, another OC of mine, in later HG series posts. But just know that basically he was tribute that you mentored with Nikolai when you were seventeen and he died. Yeah. RIP Coen you beautiful S.O.B. you were liked while you were here.
So you don’t get with Nikolai until you’re like. Twenty. Sorry but I don’t see you guys getting together sooner than that it just doesn’t make sense for the both of you.
So one day you’re at home in Victor’s Village for District Two. Your house, being farther from most of the others, ends up becoming Nikolai’s pretty much second home. You spend all your time together; you share your meals, even share your bed with him. Nothing happens in that bed, obviously, even if you’ve begun to look at him differently lately.
Let’s be so for real you never looked at him as just a friend throughout the entire time you’ve known him but the line just wasn’t crossed okay?
But the two of you had been sharing some wine and acting stupid, dancing around your kitchen as you played music on the stereo. When you both stopped, your arms around his neck, his around your waist, the two of you laughed for a second before you were looking up, your nose brushing the side of his when your turn your head.
You both freeze a bit, neither pulling very far apart as you get a good look at one another.
His blue eyes focus on yours for a moment before he’s dragging his gaze slowly down to your mouth, his hands on your waist tightening. You cant help it, honestly! Blame the wine okay! But suddenly you’re pulling him closer and somehow you’ve ended up on top of the kitchen counter and he’s kissing you deeper and deeper.
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^ me and him
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run-little-hero · 14 days
TW // Death threats, a little blood
“So this was your plan all along,” says Villain.
Hero has nothing to say back. The beginnings of a confession are lost somewhere in the chill of the beating rain. It’s not worth acknowledging. Villain has discovered the truth exactly as Hero planned for them to.
They continue, “Get me to trust you, let you use me, make me believe we have a common enemy.” They step forward. Their voice hides beneath the pattering rain when they utter, “How blind I’ve been.”
Hero clenches their teeth, straightening. “Correct. But it took a lot of work to get this far, so don’t be too hard on yourself.”
Villain laughs. “Course. Should’ve known there was something wrong when you suddenly began to enjoy my company.”
“I do. Truly.”
“Well, that makes it all better.”
Villain has learned Hero like a language. Their structures overlap, their consonants and vowels the same. They are threads tied together, and Villain can’t find an end between them. How is it possible to know someone’s soul so intimately and still be betrayed by them?
Hero remains silent. Villain speaks up, “What now? Do you kill me?”
Their head tilts downward minutely, something only Villain can catch, as the motion tugs a string inside them as well. “You’d do the same thing in my position. You know it’s necessary.”
“None of this was necessary, Hero.” Making me care so deeply. Maybe they’re right.
But no, what else do they have if not their hatred, however feigned? Enemies in the eyes of the people, everything in the eyes of each other. Exploitation of this relationship has brought them closer, and Hero is thankful. Mirror images, they know Villain must be as well, deep down.
A spark of anger ignites in Hero, for Villain would dismiss them so easily. “It was. Betrayal doesn’t cut so deep for people like us. We can survive it. You’ve already assessed the damage and decided it won’t kill you.”
“‘We can survive it.’” Villain’s eyes burn hot, tears creeping forth. They feel like a fuse has been lit inside them. “You think I’ll forgive you when you intend to take my life? You think I’ll forgive you while I’m bleeding out?”
“Death often puts people in the mood to forgive. Compassion is more easily repaired than mortality.”
“We’re not like other people.” Hero and Villain now stand inches apart. “How do you expect to live without me?”
Hero locks eyes with Villain. “I think that will become abundantly clear once you’re dead.”
In an instant, Villain is pressed against the nearest wall. Hero is crushing their windpipe.
“D-don’t,” they grunt out. “You’re suppose t-to be a hero.”
Just as Villain begins to black out, the pressure on their throat relieves itself. They’re tossed to the ground, choking on rain.
“I’m saving so many people by snuffing you out. And avenging countless others.” They glare down at Villain, and it strikes Villain that this is the first time Hero has looked so furious.
Something about it is so amusing Villain can’t help but smile. “Don’t—” they cough, forcing the words to scratch their way out of their throat. “Don’t act like you care.”
“What?” Hero knows what Villain is getting at. They’re pulling an ugly truth out of Hero.
“You love me. For better or worse.”
“You’re a narcissist.”
“So?” They spit. “Don’t act like you care about saving anyone. This is about defeating your only weakness.”
Hero is silent. One of the best and worst parts of finding an equal is being known. Right now, there is nowhere to hide.
“I’ll still kill you,” Hero threatens.
“But do you have to?”
Villain stares up at Hero, holding them hostage through eye contact. “What if I loved you back?”
“It doesn’t matter.”
“Well, maybe it should. Maybe you should reconsider your plan.”
“No,” they growl. Suddenly, Villain is knocked back against the pavement, pinned in place by the body on top of them. There’s a blade at their throat. Where did that come from?
They catch their breath. Excitement is their foremost emotion. “We can be partners. I’ll give you a life worth living. We can be together every day.”
“I know better than to make deals with villains.”
“You said we could be saved.”
Villain feels the sting of the knife cut into their skin, just slightly. Hero is shaking.
“I am saving us. I’m preserving what we have. There is no world for us out there. Not together.”
Villain finds the strength in their left hand, and reaches towards the blade at their neck. Their hand covers Hero’s trembling fingers.
“There can be. Please,” they whisper. “Aren’t we worth saving?”
snippet #6
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Can you write a part 2 to your yandere joker fic?
Absolutely! Also I am so insanely flattered, I’ve never had someone ask for a part 2 before eeee
Yandere Platonic Joker x GN! reader!
Warnings: This is a yandere work, and as such contains themes of violence, abuse, manipulation and drugging. As this is the Joker, it will most likely be darker than my usual works!! Enjoy!!
You wake up with a leg that practically burns, and when you glance down, you see that your thigh had been wrapped in white gauze, which had been stained red by your own blood. It was weirdly well done for a madman. You wondered if Joker had made one of his henchmen do it.
Moving your leg makes it hurt, so much so that you gasp when the burning pain arches up your leg. You hadn’t been given any painkillers. Which wasn’t great when you had a stab wound, in an area with already existing nerve damage. You hope there isn’t any long term nerve damage, or damage to the muscles, or tendons.
“Okay. Okay just.. focus. You’ve been kidnapped by a madman who thinks you’re obsessed with him. Things could be worse.” Your voice cracks with hysteria, and you wince, shaking your head. You had to get your act together. You would prefer not to be another of the Joker’s long list of victims.
You glance around, and your stomach drops. The room is.. a room? It had clearly been outfitted from some sort of warehouse, with high ceilings and beams that crisscrossed, which made sense, you guess. Not a lot of people in Gotham would be willing to rent an apartment to the Joker.
The most damning thing, however, is the paintings, everywhere. Piled in the corner, leaned against the wall, some handing crookedly from nails. All with acidic green eyes or pale skin or a suit with the wrong colors. All yours.
You think you’re going to throw up. You don’t.
Your head snaps to the sound of a door handle, and you watch as it’s pushed open, heart racing. The old hinges shriek and groan.
“Hey! So.. what do ya think? Neat, right! Got all your paintings, right here, in a fun little gallery! Isn’t it great?!” Joker’s eyes never leave your face. You aren’t sure what it looks like, with how much pain you were in and your brain struggling to process much of anything but you feel your expression twist.
“Five out of five stars.” Your voice drips with sarcasm, and Joker laughs, a high pitched maniacal giggle that makes the hair on the back of your neck stand on end. You two were playing a game now, you knew, and Joker knew all the rules and could change them as he pleased. “Where are we?”
“Ah, ah, ah! No trying to pry any information out of me, I learned aalll the tricks from Batsy.” He chides, practically skipping to your bedside. You want to jerk away, but moving your leg sends a rush of pain so harsh it makes your vision go white.
“I don’t think I know nearly as many tricks as Batman.” You deadpan.
“It’s okay! You’re interesting in a different way.” Joker snorts, glancing at your damaged leg to the paintings to your face. You aren’t sure what he sees. “Although I don’t know why you would be talking to Batsy.”
He sounds almost.. jealous? Giddy? You can’t place it, and you don’t want to, and you measure your words carefully before you speak. Joker was a time bomb, almost literally, and any little thing could set him off.
“I never actually talked to him. He and the baby bats just stalked me for a while when you broke out of Arkham.”
“Hmph. Wants to keep you all to himself, now that not fair.” He huffs, and he slings an arm around you, pulling you close. The sudden movement jolts your leg, and the ragged gasp it tears from you practically echoes in the air.
You try not to freeze when you see the unhinged light in his eyes. You don’t think you manage.
“Did you ever talk to Batsy?” The sudden change in topic is.. discomforting, and you shake your head. You can’t think of anything to say.
“He showed up in your sketchbook a lot. All heroic poses and big shadows, it was so boring, really. I’m a much better subject to draw, don’t you think?”
His hand lands on the white bandages, and then he presses down.
You howl in pain, going to twist away, but he is deceptively strong, and keeps you there, even as you kick at him and try to pry his hand off your wound.
“Yes! You’re better to draw!” You gasp out, and he stops, grinning. You’d think that the bandage would be redder, or damaged. It isn’t.
“Good! I don’t like sharing my besties.” He laughs, and hums, glancing at your face. You’re shaking, and pale, you know. “It does suck your hurt though. We can’t do anything fun until you’re healed.” He huffs, sprawling back and dragging you with him.
“APPARENTLY we’re going to have postpone the trip to Ace Chemicals.” He huffs. “I was so looking forward to it, too.”
Your heart drops into your stomach, leaden. Ace Chemicals. Birthplace of the Joker, of Harley Quinn. A toxic cesspit of chemical waste and madness.
“I’m sure we can find something to pass the time. Now! Why don’t we get to painting, yeah? You’ve got a whole studio!”
Joker hops up, and when you take the paint brush from him, it’s already dripping with a toxic green. You paint, numbly, not really paying attention.
You would have to escape before your leg healed. Or Joker won his game.
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stitchthesewords · 8 months
A gift for @oh-snapperss for.... okay so this one ISNT actually for that one poll, i owe them this for something i have forgotten since but it was fun to write! Soft gritho kissing in the grass!
“I can’t believe you built me a highway to Decked Out!” Etho laughed, laying back in the artificial grass of his base while Grian sat over him. “I mean, I know you’re trying to act like you didn’t build it just for me but, come on Gri. I don’t think there’s a single hermit who could be that blind.”
Grian blushed, his headwings rushing to cover the rising pink of his cheeks. Etho’s base, half-finished and warmed by the desert sun, was probably just as good as place as any to have the other man embarrass him. “I mean – it's useful for me too! I use it all the time!” he huffed out, his headwings once again flapping against his face. That got a proper laugh out of Etho that only buzzed its way under Grian’s skin.
Grian sat back on his heels, the full length of his wings expanding out to shade them both from the jungle air. The bright green grass under his hand did not give way easily when Grian tangled his hand in it. Etho’s eyes settled back on his face, warm and content. Full of love – full of multiple kinds of love that mostly didn’t have a name. His mask was tugged down, the scar from his eyebrow to neck revealed in the noon sunlight. Grian didn’t get to see it very often. Etho’s face was a treat.
He wondered if everyone thought Etho’s face was a treat or if he was a special kind of afflicted for the man. Without realizing it, he let out a soft coo, and Etho’s smile only grew warmer.
“...Ya know...With Decked Out finished, we’re not going to be staying here much longer. I don’t think I’m gonna have time to finish my base,” Etho said, turning to look at the bit and bobs that weren’t really connected yet. “I’ve only been playing that game.”
Grian laughed, nodding his head. “Yeah, I don’t think I’m finishing my base either. I was thinking maybe for the next season I would try to actually base up with someone. Maybe even someone who wasn’t Mumbo!” He laughed as he spoke, his sentence ending on a high, trill note, and he leaned back down to smile at Etho.
Etho sat up on his elbows, and Grian met him halfway for a chaste little kiss. Something that was still new. Not overtly so, but they were still learning each other’s quirks. It was surprising what little things you picked up about someone only after you agreed kissing was on the table. Grian’s body slumped forward slightly to follow Etho as he pulled away.
The was the faintest memory – of the smell of the nether, the weight of diamonds forced together – the weight of trust. It sat on Etho’s chest like Grian did now. He reached forward and pulled Grian close again, the weight shifting with his memory, unable to tear himself from one while the other was going on. Grian’s mouth was soft against his, his hands didn’t know where to go besides to tangle up inside the gras. Etho’s hand stroked gently against the back of Grian’s elbow, feeling the way trust and comfort surged through his blood.
Etho felt insane, hearing faint ticking as his hand drifted up to grip Grian’s shoulder. They separated apart, a soft pant in the air. A question in Grian’s dark eyes while he studied Etho’s face. The warm jungle wind blew again and Etho let it carry the thoughts of a life-or-death game away with it. That’s not where they were. They weren’t forming an alliance of blood and sweat, they were dating and laying in the grass. With a deep breath he laid all the way back into the grass and stared up at Grian with eyes he commanded be soft.
His fingers brushed behind Grian’s headwings, a frown forming on his face as he found a loose feather. The wing stretched itself out to follow the feel-good scratch of Etho’s hand and Grian made a content noise in the back of his throat. All questions hidden in his brown eyes disappeared with a noise somewhere between a trill and a chirp, the wings fluttering as Etho’s hand pulled away.
Grian followed the drop of Etho’s hand, kissing him before resting his head softly on Etho’s chest, somewhere between the nook of his pec and arm but not quite in the shoulder. His legs splayed out to the other side, body twisted and resting rather uncomfortably so as not to press a hip bone or knee into Etho uncomfortably. He didn’t want Etho to get up.
The two lay in silence, listening to the jungle, listening to Etho’s comforts and relaxing for the first time that week since the phase’s shards were released. Grian’s hand found its way to tangle up in Etho’s jacket and he moved to press a kiss to Etho’s cheek. Etho smiled – this was far better than some diamond sword in the nether, he couldn’t help but think.
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winniethewife · 5 months
Why do we like to hurt so much? (Jake Lockley x Reader)
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A/n: Request by @sejanusxfan
Warning: light angst.
Words: 753
Jake stood in front of the mirror adjusting his tie as he trys his best to look as sharp as possible.
“Date tonight Jake?” Steven asks from the side mirror, a smile on his face.
“Hopefully.” Jake smirks back. Tonight was the night. He was going to convince her, that he was the one for her. after so many tries, so many rejections, he was going to do it.
“Not this again…She’s not interested you need to let it go” Marc spoke from the other side. Rolling his eyes at Jake, seemingly tired of his “obsession”.
“Eh, you don’t know what I’m planning Guapo I’m sure to win her over this time.” Jake says as he pulls his cap down, before wandering off grabbing his keys and heading to the bar where he was going to meet her.
As Jake was almost at the bar, he spots her… on the arm of another guy. Jake felt his heart drop as he saw this. He tried not to let it show as he wanders over to them. He felt his blood boiling, this guy had his arm around his girl.
“Hola, preciosa.” Jake says with a smile. He was trying to act natural while assessing the situation.
“Hey Jake, this is my boyfriend Micha! Micha this is Jake, my best friend.” She says, Jake tried to pretend that didn’t hurt. He holds out a hand for Micha to shake.
“Pleasure.” He says lowly. As they walk inside he turns to her. “I’m gonna grab a drink.” He gives her a wink and wanders over to the bar. Ordering something strong. He didn’t know how he was going to get through this, the girl he was in love with was on another man’s arm. Maybe he could just…Get rid of him…it would be easy enough… He looks over at the girl and a smile reappearing as he looks at her. She may be smiling and laughing because of this other man, but soon it will be because of him, he know it.
Jake wipes the blood from his knuckles with a handkerchief as he sat in his car. That Micha guy wouldn’t be a problem anymore, he had beat the guy within an inch of his life and made him call her and break up with her. Now he just waited. Looking at his cell phone where he had left it on his dashboard. Just as he was starting to get antsy it buzzed. He picked it uo and looked at the caller ID it was her. He smiled.
“Hola, Lockley here,” He answers as if he wasn’t expecting her call. He hears her sniffle, she was crying.
“Um…Hey Jake… C-can you come over? I-I could really use a friend right now…”
“Princesa? What’s wrong?” He asks feigning concern. He knew what was wrong.  And he was going to make it all better.
“My…Micha broke up with me…and…I don’t wanna be alone right now.” Her voice broke and she started to cry again.
“Shhhh…..Hey, Hey sweetheart…I’m on my way bebita. Don’t you worry.” He turned the key to his car and started on his way.
 “Thanks Jake.” She said softly before hanging up. As he made his way to her apartment he couldn’t help but feel giddy. This time, this time she will fall for him. This time they will love each other. This time he will get everything he wanted. He knocks on her door, ready for this love to begin. She opens the door, tear stained cheeks. He puts on a concerned face and looks at her sadly.
“Preciosa…what did he do? Do you want me to find him?” He takes her into his arms and holds her close.
“No…its not worth it. I just want to sit on the couch and watch those stupid shows you like so much.” She pouts.
“Estúpido? No, Telenovelas are not stupid!” he says in mock offense. They sit down on her couch, he wraps his arm around her as they watch the show. He leans in and says softly in her ear. “You know, if you were mine, I would never let you cry.” She chuckles slightly.
“Stop teasing Jake, you know I don’t think of you that way.” She playfully punches him. it might have well been a real punch. He tried to disguise his hurt. He lets her cuddle into his chest and he sighs. Maybe…Maybe it would be better to just pretend, then let his heart get broken all over again.
Guapo: hansome
Hola, preciosa: Hello Gorgeous
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sirensvcubus · 1 year
Devils Kettles Infamous Man Eaters
Jennifer x Needy
-Instead of killing Jennifer, Needy joins her to reek havoc on those who have wronged them.
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ᴀ ꜱᴜᴄᴄᴜʙᴜꜱ ɪꜱ ᴀ ᴅᴇᴍᴏɴɪᴄ, ꜰᴇᴍᴀʟᴇ, ꜱᴇxᴜᴀʟ ᴘʀᴇᴅᴀᴛᴏʀ ᴡʜᴏ ꜱᴇᴅᴜᴄᴇꜱ ʜᴜᴍᴀɴ ᴍᴀʟᴇꜱ ᴛᴏ ꜰᴇᴇᴅ ᴏɴ ᴛʜᴇɪʀ ꜰʟᴇꜱʜ, ʙʟᴏᴏᴅ, ᴀɴᴅ ꜱᴏᴜʟ ɪɴ ᴏʀᴅᴇʀ ᴛᴏ ꜱᴜʀᴠɪᴠᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ɴᴏᴜʀɪꜱʜ ʜᴇʀ ꜱᴛʀᴇɴɢᴛʜ. ᴀ ꜱᴜᴄᴄᴜʙᴜꜱ ɴᴇᴇᴅꜱ ᴛᴏ ᴄᴏɴꜱᴜᴍᴇ ʜᴜᴍᴀɴ ꜰʟᴇꜱʜ ᴛᴏ ᴍᴀɪɴᴛᴀɪɴ ᴀɴᴅ ʀᴇꜱᴛᴏʀᴇ ʜᴇʀ ʜᴇᴀʟᴛʜ, ʙᴇᴀᴜᴛʏ ᴀɴᴅ ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀꜱ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇɪʀ ᴘᴇᴀᴋ. ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀꜱ ɪɴᴄʟᴜᴅᴇ ꜱᴇᴅᴜᴄᴛɪᴏɴ, ꜱᴜᴘᴇʀɴᴀᴛᴜʀᴀʟ ꜱᴛʀᴇɴɢᴛʜ, ꜱᴘᴇᴇᴅ ᴀɴᴅ ʜᴇᴀʟɪɴɢ, ᴀʟᴏɴɢ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʟᴇᴠɪᴛᴀᴛɪᴏɴ, ᴅᴇᴍᴏɴɪᴄ ᴛʀᴀɴꜱꜰᴇʀᴇɴᴄᴇ ~ᴛʜʀᴏᴜɢʜ ʙɪᴛɪɴɢ ᴏꜰ ᴀ ɴᴏɴ-ᴠɪʀɢɪɴ~ ᴘʜʏꜱɪᴄ ʟɪɴᴋꜱ, ᴀɴᴅ ɪᴍᴍᴏʀᴛᴀʟɪᴛʏ ɪꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴜᴄᴄᴜʙɪ ᴄᴏɴᴛɪɴᴜᴇꜱ ᴛᴏ ꜰᴇᴇᴅ ᴏɴ ᴘʀᴇʏ. ᴀ ɢɪʀʟ ᴄᴀɴ ʙᴇᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴀ ꜱᴜᴄᴄᴜʙᴜꜱ ɪꜰ ꜱʜᴇ ɪꜱ ɴᴏᴛ ᴀ ᴠɪʀɢɪɴ ᴀɴᴅ ɪꜱ ꜱᴀᴄʀɪꜰɪᴄᴇᴅ ɪɴ ᴀ ꜱᴀᴛᴀɴɪᴄ ʀɪᴛᴜᴀʟ ᴏꜰ ꜱᴇʟʟɪɴɢ ꜱᴏᴜʟ ᴏʀ ɪꜰ ᴀ ɴᴏɴ-ᴠɪʀɢɪɴ ɪꜱ ʙɪᴛᴛᴇɴ ʙʏ ᴀ ꜱᴜᴄᴄᴜʙᴜꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ʟɪᴠᴇꜱ.
Needy’s eyes scanned over the text and everything made sense, the creepy band -Low Shoulder- , the missing persons, the way Jennifers been acting, the night she was covered in blood, and why she kept seeing jennifer when she wasn’t there -physic connection. Jennifer was a demon, a succubus. What the hell was she going to do!?
“Hey Vagisil”
She heard Jenn from right behind her ear. She turned to see Jennifer hovering over her shoulder with a smirk, twirling a strand of her hair with her index finger.
Slamming the book she stammered, “Whats up Monistat?” Needy said taking off her glasses rubbing her eyes while staying focused on Jenn.
“Nothing on my end-“ she said calmly “what about you-“ she said with a menacing tone glaring at the collection of occult and paranormal research books.
“Light reading on… stuff.” She said witha quick smile.
“Light reading” she said raising her eyebrows looking at the vast collection of books. “God your nerd” she sighed and rolled her eyes. “You belive in this horse shit” she said picking up a book “trading your soul for immortality- power hungry woman turn to satan… duuu duuu duuunn” she scoffed. “This was probably written by some sexist delusional dude whos never talked to a woman” she stared at needy waiting for a response.
“Your a demon arnt you your killing people.”
“Boys and do i look like a demon to you” she laughed
“Well with the things your doing i-“
“I am doing what I have to, probably making the world a better place who needs stupid high school boys there nothing but toxic horn dogs”
“Chip isnt” needy said stern
“You may think that.. but your wrong, they all are, every last one pf them and you can deny that all you want but you and i both know if chip thought he had a chance he would jump me.” She said shaking her head. “ what are they good for anyway, was chip even good in bed? Now thats something Id bet my soul that he’s not, oh wait according to your library book I dont have one.” She said with a fake frowning face as she spun her fists by her eyes pretending to wipe tears. “ you have fun with your light reading” she said mockingly.
After that night Jennifer confessed to Needy what happened and what she has to do to stay alive. She explained how people were now drawn to her like never before and she was alluring and confident and could heal from almost any wound. “Im like an xmen n shit” She’d said.
She went to hop out the window but before she did turned to Needy.
“I always told you Needy that your more important to me than any guy, lately I feel like you have been choosing Chip over me. You have to make that decision very wisely, cause if you dont then i wont put you above all the boys, ha and you know what I do to boys” she sounded sincere but quickly turn to threatening.
Needy felt responsible, she let her get in that van, she should’ve tackled her before letting her even talk to those creeps. She had nightmares about Jenn getting stabbed and about the missing boys getting torn apart. She thought this might be due to a psychic connection. She knew what Jenn was doing was wrong but she knew if Jenn didn’t she would fall apart like arial turning into sea foam. In a way she envied her new abilites she noticed the way chips eyes were always focused on Jenn.
Jennifer was right, Chip was like all the other stupid high school boys…
After the dance as Needy laid there covered in blood dirt, and pool water next to a dying chip sobbing, she heard him utter a single sentence.
“I love you..” her heart throbbing and she gasped for air still sobbing
“I love you t-“
“You Jennifer” he gagged on blood “its always..” Chip gasped “been you” he sighed his final breath and his head dropped from her hands. Needy froze from sobbing she froze from everything. Her open mouth sealing as she swallowed her tears and took her hands away from his face quickly, letting his head smack to the floor.
She was going to kill him but she couldn’t Jennifer had already. She was going to kill..
H E R.
Crashing through her window box knife in hand screaming she leaped at Jennifer. As they tussled around the her bed fighting, Needy noticed how Jenn had gotten pale and her eyes had become red. Yanking her hair, the clump came out easily. They fought and gasped both tierd. While holding her neck choking Jennifer as Jenn held on to Needys choking her.. they looked in eachothers eyes both mornful, scared, angry, and loving all shown throughout their held gaze.
Needy felt the cold metal under her hot hands. Jennifers BFF necklace and with that she loosened her grip. Then so did Jennifer. Needy let go collapsing off of Jennifer onto her bed beside her. They both gasped.
“Heard what he said while I left. Bad time to say I was right?” She chuckled.
“Bite me.” Needy responded still angry.
Then slowly it occurred to her and as it did her so did it to Jennifer. They both turned their heads.
“You thinking what im thinking.” Jenn said tired.
“Fuck it, biffs (BFF’s) forever right.”
They rolled on there sides facing each other. Jennifer slowly moved towards her looking at Needy lovingly. She kissed her softly twice then kissed down to her neck. Her jaw opened with a roar and needy flinched hugging her scared as she bit Needy hard causing her to pass out.
When she woke up she saw moving trees through the window. She was in a car. She hissed noticing the sting of her headache and looked around she saw Jenn driving with a marked map circled in red sharped help up by the high school yearbook containing Jenns crossed out victims.
“You look cute when you sleep” Jennifer said.
“How long was I passed out?”
“You were dead for almost a day, just like me after I got stabbed by those low shoulder guys. More like low life guys heh. Kept some of those books after you returned them they said I had to bite hard enough to fully turn you, to kill you but not you know rip you apart. Also you weren’t a virgin so I knew it would work out but you had me worried. “
“I was dead..?”
“Deader than Colin after I left him looking like lasagna.”
“Where’d you get the car fro- Needy looked up to see blood splattered all of the passengers seat. It was Roman from the police academy who Jennifer used to be with. He was dead eyes staring to the floor pale cover in blood. Needys head turned in curiosity opening her mouth licking her lips.
“Knew youd be hungry got you a snack hope you dont mind I took a few bites wasnt feeling great, you took a lot out of me monistat.”
“He’s still warm if you want a bite, not very.. lively but I was thinking for dessert Low Shoulder, I think tonight might be their last show…” Jennifer said with a chuckle, smirking.
“Those low lives are gonna have the night of there lives.” Needy said smirking back at Jenn.
Needy’s jaw opened revealing sharp rows of teeth as she shrieked lunging into Romans cheek.
-this was my first fanfic so thanks 4 reading and baring w me ima huge fan of Jennifers body and its a great movie and I like the ending but this is definitely something I would prefer. Evil Needy and Jenn getting revenge together as a demonic couple hell ya. I added some details from the real movie some were small though sorry abt some spelling errors and stuff. Id totally be down for a part 2 if anyone’s interested but idk its my first tumblr post!! :)
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