#my body is legit having a reaction
athousandis · 5 months
i genuinely feel like i need to bash my head into the wall to stop thinking about how much pain this show has brought me tonight
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musical-chick-13 · 2 years
I’ve never felt the “I can fix them” impulse before, this is...a very strange feeling for me.
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echantedtoon · 2 months
EXPECTING: Upper Moons
This is just the reaction of the demons if you told them you were pregnant. It's been rattling around my mind forever and I had to write it out. Take it as a prequel to my Demon Dad's post, gonna do a P2 with the lower moons right after.
IMPORTANT: Daki will be included in Gyutaro's part and Zohakutan in Hantengu's cuz he's a part of Hantengu but both are PLATONIC ONLY!! Also I write Karaku strictly as the Relaxation clone instead of pleasure because everything I write is sfw.
Warnings for pregnancy mentions, Douma/Karaku ARE their own warnings, possibly some innuendos.
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"I'm pregnant."
-you told him as soon as you saw his form come to your shared home. It had been nearly three and a half months since you last saw your husband and nearly three months since you had come to the shocking conclusion that you both were about to become parents.
-You had to wait for a while because Muzan's business has his most trusted right hand man gone for weeks to months on end just to carry out business. You knew what you signed up for when you married the highest ranked demon but it didn't make your waiting anymore easy.
-You were worried and anxious the entire time you waited for him to come home. Staying up late a lot of the time to see if he'd be coming. So when he finally showed up expecting a hug and kiss you blurted it out from the pent up anticipation.
-His reaction was to freeze completely mid hug towards you, and just stand there and stare. He's the demon with the fastest reaction time besides Muzan, so he was able to process it rather quickly although color him surprised still.
-He's unsure what to believe at first. "That is... unlikely. You must have just been sick and lazy." He says referring to your recent weight gain and sickness. To which you inform him you had already seen at least two doctors and a midwife to confirm it all. He still doesn't believe it so you demand he look through the transparent world and take a look at you. If you WERE pregnant it'd confirm it if not then you both could find out what was wrong with you.
-He agrees and you stand still as half lidded bored eyes stared at you. Before six eyes widened in complete shock as they zero in on your middle. His body goes rigid as ice... before those six eyes roll up into his skull and he falls over with a heavy THUD!! sound echoing in your home. He didn't faint because you were pregnant, he fainted because of the extra life in your body.
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"I'm pregnant."
-You've been feeling a bit sick lately. At first thinking it was nothing but a stomach bug and it'd pass a few days with rest, but even after two weeks, even your lover got concerned and said you should be looked over by the cult's resident doctor. Well surprise surprise.
-He legit doesn't even register it. It flies right over his head when you first tell him. "That's nice, Dear! Did the doctor figure out why you're sick lately?" He blinks as you slam your forehead into the dinner table. "Was it something I said?"
-Look sometimes he's really smart other times he's stupid af.
-It doesn't register in his mind until he's in the middle of a sermon and it finally registers in his mind why you've been angry with him and what you said. He ends up quickly cutting the meeting short and leaving to find you quickly.
-Ends up being kicked out of your shared bedroom for a month begging to be let back in- "Lotus Blossom. Sweetie pie. Honey bunny! Please let me back in! I'm sorry!" Your response was to open the door and throw a blanket and pillow for him to use before angrily slamming it back shut. He ended up curled up on the ground in front of your door continuing to beg until you finally give in and opened it.
-Genuinely excited but he's definitely going to be dumb about a few things. ALL of the Kizuki are horrified Douma reproduced especially Muzan and Akaza.
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"I'm pregnant."
-He's absolutely stunned for the longest moment. When you told him you two needed to have a serious talk he was bracing himself into receiving news that you wanted to break up with him or a demon had been lurking about with how serious your tone was but never in his hundreds of years living was he expecting THIS.
-He stands there blinking and opening and closing his mouth mimicking a fish for the longest ten minutes of both of your lives..until the questions start in a panic. "Are you sure?! Is this a bad joke?! Did you see a doctor yet?! What did he say?! Are you SURE you're not just sick or something?!" He's not asking to be mean. He just wants to be sure this isn't just a bad day dream gone wrong.
-You answer all his questions calmly. Yes you saw a doctor. Yes you're pregnant. No it's not a joke or sickness.
-He goes silent again for a few seconds..before big tears gather in those pretty lashes of his and he lets out a choke as he wraps his arms around you and happy cries into your shoulder. He feels like the most blessed man in the world!
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"I'm pregnant."
-Ever see a woman faint from shock? You knew your husbands' main body was an older gentleman but he was a powerful demon so you weren't exactly expecting him to freeze, shriek out in complete shock/fear, and then faint to the floor with a thud sound.
-It left you blinking at him as Karaku and Urogi laugh and point before Aizetsu gives them both a smack upside the head in Sekido's place.
-Safe to say he was pretty scared and shaken up.
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-Sekido.exe has stopped working. Angry man just freezes up and lets his jaw drop in shock looking like a dam goldfish making both Urogi and Karaku laugh at his reaction. Give him a while. It's gonna take at least an hour for him to let it sink in and a whole ass week for him to come to terms with it. He's not angry about it but he is shocked. So very shocked.
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-As soon as the two words leave your mouth he's whipping around at Karaku with a scowling, accusing face. "What the hell did you do?!" "What?! Why are you signaling ME out?!" "Take a guess!"
-Is surprisingly very calm about the situation. Groaning and rubbing his temples annoyed. You're surprised by his lack of surprise but his answer is pretty acceptable- "You have six husbands. I was expecting it to happen eventually."
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-Like his fellow clones is shocked at first but Urogi's and Karaku's laughter as well as the sound of Hantengu fainting pulled him out of it enough to smack the two in Sekido's place to shut them up.
-Is one of the more serious ones. Cries and hugs you tight asking if you're feeling ok and if you need anything right at that moment. Give him a moment he's very emotional right now.
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-It doesn't register for him at first. He's too busy laughing at Hantengu and Urami yelling at Karaku and Sekido's shocked face to really comprehend what he just heard.
-Big bonehead so it's not really hitting home until ten minutes in when it dawns on him. He freezes in his tracks for a solid ten seconds mouth open in a shocked smile..before making a choked ostrich noise and snapping back to you shocked but overjoyed in happiness. Expect him to push Aizetsu off you to hug you tightly.
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-Like Urogi he doesn't register it at first too busy laughing at Hantengu/Sekido and arguing with Urami to notice what you said but Aizetsu knocking his head made him realize what exactly happened.
-Stands there for almost as long as Sekido really. But eventually like Urogi he's absolutely happy with the news and overjoyed. Also low-key takes credit for everything annoying everyone.
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-Like Sekido he's mostly shocked but it quickly turns to jealousy, annoyance, but still mostly shock. He's used to being the youngest so it's pretty much a jealous older sibling fit. But eventually he does warm up to the idea of becoming a big brother/uncle figure, but he won't admit it.
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"I'm pregnant."
-(Ik but just for this let's just go with it.) Legit stops in the middle of making his latest vase to whip around and look at you wide eyed. Something he NEVER does! You can insult, assault, jabber on, and anything else you can think of but if he's in the middle of making art, nothing is going to interrupt him unless it's Muzan demanding his attention. However he does stop and look at you when you tell him which is a feat in of itself.
-He doesn't seem to notice at first only mumbling an 'uh huh' as he continues before he just ends up stopping molding the clay in his hands and whipping to you. There's a moment of you both just staring at one another before he just replies- "....Oh."
-He's not sure what to think tbh.
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"I'm pregnant."
-Gyutaro.exe has stopped working. His entire brain becomes a big error blue screen as he just ends up staring at you along with Daki for the longest time. Both siblings shocked his girlfriend had just come up to them and announced her news so bluntly.
-Gyutaro eventually reacts first giving you a deep frown. "Oh haha. Very funny! Cut the shit out! I fucking hate jokes!" He gets angrier when you get mad and INSISTS that it's not a joke. It takes a few minutes of you arguing and yelling at him(which you usually NEVER did) to get it through his head.
-It then dawns on him that you probably weren't joking. He's asks you multiple times panicked if you were SURE and if you were really really REALLY sure! You yell yes every time until he finally stops talking. Going extremely quiet before all the color drains from his face, his eyes roll back, and he faints.
-Daki absolutely laughs when she does finally process everything as well and thinking her brother's reaction is the funniest thing ever! However she's genuinely happy to become an Auntie already planning to dress them up and parade them around her. Is also super confident it's gonna be a girl.
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"I'm pregnant."
-Surprisingly very calm reaction. She simply stops playing for a moment to regard you very calmly like nothing is out of the ordinary and asks you one question. "Are you absolutely sure?" You confirm it and she simply nods before just going back to playing her biwa. "Very well but YOU are taking care of everything that involves it. If you need to go anywhere I'll do that for you but that's it."
-She respects your choices but sets her boundaries early.
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"I'm pregnant."
-Shocked and actually let's out a- "What the fuck?" outta shock.
-Much like Gyutaro gets very mad at first thinking you're joking and after arguing with you for a long time finally gives up on it being a joke but denies you're actually pregnant despite you insisting that you weren't. He's too stubborn to admit it and doubts it still until you literally drag him by the arm to the nearest doctor who surprise, surprise confirms you both are actually going to be parents.
-Kaigaku doesn't say anything. Still doesn't say anything as you both leave and go home until you ask him what he's thinking about. "I think I really regret that last date night."
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simp-ly-writes · 8 months
Harvey's Proposal
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Pairing: SDV Harvey x Reader
Summary: The details, location, and everything else to do with the lead up to and actual proposal of Harvey to the Reader.
Warnings: swearing, slight angst?- just some miscommunication that leads to a HEA.
A/N: Harvey is legit my comfort writing character whenever I get frustrated with another plot.
Masterlist | Taglist | edited.
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You had noticed your doctor acting strange recently, he made less eye-contact than usual, became generally less communicative with you and had been leaving the house during odd times for "scheduled appointments." Yet when you contacted Maru for who he was meeting with that afternoon she said that the tables were clear for the day.
The furthest devils of doubt from the back of your mind began digging their way front and forward to your thoughts as panic soon took over every interaction you counted with Harvey in recent memory. You 100% thought he was preparing himself to break up with you as you were mentally preparing yourself for the heartbreak
One day, when Harvey comes back from the clinic without a speck of usual tiredness gracing his features has your heart stopping in the kitchen as you turn off the sink, drying your hands to face him. You watch as he stands there still- coat and scarf still off as your ears begin to ring. You were not ready for the announcement, not now- not ever.
Sadness began to creep onto your features, a few tears in your eye as you shook your head- not even listening to what he had to say. You watch through blurred vision as he races his way across the tiles- boots slipping from the recently moped floors. You feel as he pulls you into his warmth- long arms wrapping around your frame in a gentle yet firm grip.
You shook your head still as he squeezed you that bit tighter, he presses kisses onto the top of your head as you drop your body weight onto him- your knees giving up in your overwhelming sadness. Your hands shake as you try and pull away as you feel Harvey let you go.
The doctor stands there still- afraid of what you had yet to tell him, afraid of what caused you to have such a reaction. "A-are you alright my love?" Harvey asks, a few tears in his own eyes as he watches you suffer through what he has yet to understand- he wants to help you through whatever it is you are facing.
You cringe as you sniffle loudly and hiccup into a sentence, wiping your face against your sweater as you turn away to face the sink once more- not baring to look at him anymore. "Why did you not tell me earlier, Harvey?" you asked with grief.
Harvey stares at your back with split-second shock of trying to organizing the information of the situation- just like a medical report. "If I had known that you hadn't been feeling well recently, and- and not wanting to go on a walk with me this afternoon. I would never pressure you into going- darling. That I promise you, I'm so sorry if it came out that way, I'm so sorry that all this stress on my part is coming into our relationship-"
You turn around quickly as Harvey takes a step closer, you watch as his hand rises gently before your own and falls just as quickly to his side. "We were in a relationship Harvey!- we were meant to work things out! Go through life together without need to glance forwards or back, all I ever would need is to look to my side and see you there. That is life- what I thought to be and what I dreamed of. I CAN HELP with the stresses Harvey, I can help with the shit, with the fucked, with the world-ending beliefs. And is is not just that I can- its that I would- I would have without a second thought if you were to just have told me what was going on inside."
You take a deep breath of air in, trying to calm down your breathing as you grab a glass of water from the tap. You watch out of the corner of your eye as Harvey stands there still, tears like waterfalls down his cheeks- staining his dress-shirt and making it bleed all the way down to his heart.
He takes of his glasses, wiping his eyes with the backs of his hands before dropping to his knees. You drop your glass in a panic, racing to the floor as well as his head falls into your lap- you feel his ragged breaths as you rub his back. He sobs endlessly- gripping onto your pant leg- afraid to let you go.
Subconsciously you hand makes its way towards his tangled hair, combing your fingers gently through the knots as sigh out, leaning over to press a kiss to the top of his head. Once pulling away, he raises his head, resting his forehead against your own with closed eyes as he whispers out into the near silent kitchen.
"I am such an idiot," you feel his soft cries turning into laughs as you tense once more, "why would you say such a thing about yourself?" you ask in an equally broken tone.
"When thinking back- my recent actions or rather lack there of have been nothing less than... well shit. I'm sorry for all the secrets, some lies and my lack of presence. In my world- I was beyond worrying of slipping something up about my actions but it appears I have done that nonetheless."
Harvey takes a deep breath, eyes opening to capture your own as he fixes his glasses and pushes a hand through his hair- an action that signals he is outputting stress. "What I mean to say is that I love you so greatly- my dear. More than I can even put to words, to think, to know and even categorize what something like what we share can feel- I, I am always at a loss when it comes to you. Lost in the time we share together, lost in your smiles, your laughter, the presence you grace me with. I am the luckiest man alive and perhaps the most undeserving as of late. I love you- and it is you that defines what the word love is and it is only you that places these feelings and definitions into actions that I can only do my best to express."
Harvey shifts up slightly, proping himself up on one knee as you gasp, world spinning yet again as you experience a whiplash of emotions. You cry harder and crane your head back into joyous laughter as he does the same before calling you to face him once more.
"And besides the poor timing, the lack of romanticism, composure on my end and setting of this all. I can only hope that when I present you with this ring, you will help me to greater define what our love can look like, what actions we choose to take together, and make me able to look past, look forward, and to only see you in it all. Will you marry me?" Harvey asks, the ring shining underneath the warm artificial light of the flicker bulb that flutters just like your own heart.
You cry out a yes, you both falling against the tiles as you stare up at the ceiling and in one another arms. With the ring placed on your finger, you hold it up into the light as it refracts all around you- looking towards Harvey you connect smiles and relax to the word that is future.
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╰┈➤ A/N: currently crying over this, brb. (hope you enjoyed reading!).
↳ Taglist: @lovelybee666
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lover-of-mine · 5 months
it’s so interesting that with previous love interests, it was normal and fine to not ship them and to still want buddie in the future, but now, we have to sit down and shut up and accept that it’s never happening and B/T are forever
oh no wait, it’s not interesting, it’s annoying and confusing and frankly just weird. misogynistic and borderline fetishistic
shipping non-canon couples, especially ones with 6 years of history and love and shared experiences, is the norm in literally every fandom, but now suddenly it’s wrong and how dare we
a fair few of the people saying this are also, conveniently, the ones implying that B’s bisexuality is tied to T and T alone and if we don’t ship them, we don’t support bi!B
how. very. interesting! /annoying/confusing/weird
So interesting. Dude, I got called homophobic because I didn't immediately look at them in 703 and decided they were true love. In 703. Because I didn't look at the shoulder touch and immediately started shipping them. Homophobic with all the letters. I got yelled at. After 703. Legit almost deleted this whole blog over some of the things that got sent. I was legitimately crying with friends who are not in the fandom if I was being unreasonable or insane or whatever else I got called for not jumping in instantly and to ask if I was actually doing something wrong. People were saying we were being weird about queer storylines. That we needed to shut the fuck up and enjoy the way Oliver Stark was gonna make out with a hot guy. That not being on board the ship meant that we had an unreasonable and ridiculous necessity of making sure Eddie was the only guy for Buck. Literally every single person in this fandom hc Buck 1.0 also hooked up with guys. Most people never acted as if Buck needs to be guided through his queerness by this hot older guy. Oh, wait, no, they did. With T. People automatically decided that Buck needed a queer Yoda. That he needed someone to hold his hand and be a guide. They added a fucked up power dynamic from the get go. With no information, Buck was already a baby that needed his hand held through his own sexuality. And let me tell you one thing, I know for a FACT that if it was Eddie, the automatic reaction wouldn't be putting T in this idealized experienced gay guide position when that would've made more sense (not that I think any of them needs a guide) because Eddie is the one with the body count you can count with one hand and a weird relationship with sex. But somehow I'm the one who's weird about Buck's sexuality. I don't want Buck to explore. I need Buck to only have loved Eddie. Sure. Look, I don't wanna multiship. The same way everyone is allowed to ship whatever the fuck they want, I'm allowed to not ship whatever the fuck I want. If it was a woman no one would've been in my inbox basically demanding I make the same level of analysis I make for buddie for them (let me tell you one thing too, if I made the level of analysis I do with buddie with bt, no one would like what I have to say ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯) but I'm still getting asked for it for some reason when I never indicated I ship the two.
But I'm not allowed to have any critical thoughts about anything involving bt or else I'm being weird and that's the mild term that's being used. I can't point out the fact that T left Buck in a curb and failed to communicate shit properly even though it happened in canon. I can't say that I think it felt kinda callous for him to say "they had henleys in the 80s" to Buck being upset T didn't dress on theme (also, the job requires them to change into a uniform by nature, he could've put a colorful shirt and indulged Buck a little bit there without it interfering with the way he was on standby but I can't say that or else I'm a hater). There is no criticism allowed in the ship but somehow I'm the one being weird. I don't think Buck should be in a relationship. I think Buck is still exhibiting the same patterns when it comes to love interests. And yes, I would feel the same way if it was Eddie. Buck doesn't know how to be happy alone and he will never be happy in a relationship until he learns that. I was saying that when it was Natalia and getting praised for my understanding of Buck's character. Now I'm locking Buck onto Eddie. Buck's bisexuality is only valid if he's actively kissing a guy for some people but I'm the one being weird. BT have so many visual parallels to bucktaylor, but if I say that's a bad sign I'm being a hater. I need to sit my ass down, ignore six seasons of buildup, accept that it's over, and that now making Eddie queer and getting buddie together would suck because it would destroy the friendship they built so bt are endgame and gonna get married and somehow I'm the one who's being weird about queer relationships and attaching Buck bisexuality to a person. The fandom lost its fucking mind when they saw Oliver kiss a guy and, yeah, it does feel misogynistic and borderline fetishizing. But somehow I'm the one getting blocked by half the fandom when I'm not even pointing everything I want out. I lose at least one mutual every time I even suggest maybe we should look at things a bit more critically. I have to sit here and justify things to an insane degree while people's reaction to any of the criticism is "uH BuT T Is hOt aNd hE Is a gUy sO It iS DiFfErEnT oKaY?" Critical thinking skills went out the window because now there's a guy involved and that's fucking weird. People are straight up erasing Eddie, the actual main character of the show, Buck's established partner of years, Buck's best friend, the only person in canon who never left Buck in any capacity, because some guy kissed Buck and, he, uh *check notes* treats Buck as an actual human being? so that means he's perfect. It's nuts. The bar is hell.
Yes, I know this is not everyone in the fandom and I know this is not everyone who ships them but if what I'm saying feels like a personal attack to you maybe you should do some thinking. Anyone can ship anything, you want to ship them go off, power to you, the weird part here is the way some people are demanding other people ship it too. We could all be coexisting if people didn't get weirdly comfortable demanding shit from other people in the fandom and deciding their opinion is the only one that matters so they need to call out anyone who thinks differently, but alas, that's too much to ask.
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portgasdwrld · 1 year
Strawhat reactions to a chiropractor or massage therapist joining their crew? (Sfw) I know they get injured and could use it.
I love those random ideas lately 😭helps me out if my writer block💕
📂Strawhat + chiropractor/massage therapist reader joining their crew
Mostly them reacting to you proposing them a session
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He’s so fucking excited. He’s jumping everywhere, begging to be your first client. He’s already laying down in your office to have his body cracked, but then you realize as you do it that his body is literally made of rubber and it’s impossible for you to work on him. When you tell him the news, he’s whining and tells you to try again😭 He’s all pouty so you decide to massage him and that put him out to sleep real quick. He went from sulking to sleeping. When he woke up, he commented about how good this was and truly he never felt this alive in a while.
He would totally refuse at first and complain about how he doesn’t need it and how he only needs to rest a little (a good nap), and he will be fine. But then you actually try to convince him to do it, as you saw how much his body had to go through with his training, the battles, his poor sleep position… He finally agrees only after Chopper tells him how it can better his performance and make him feel more relaxed. He barely admits that it did in fact made him feel better, but now he jumps to the occasion whenever you propose it 🚶🏻‍♀️
Nami & Robin
The girls are so freaking happy especially Nami. She pretty much asks you for a session whenever she feels sore after working hard on maps or when she had to fight. She chats to you about life and tell you some gossips. She loves to make conversation and treat it a bit like a spa day.
Robin was down to try it, but she usually use her devil fruit if she feels sore somewhere and need to release some built up tension, because of stress or battles. Basically, she never needed someone for that, but after Nami told her how amazing you were, she gave it a try. She’s mostly silent and take this time to relax her body and empty her thoughts.
He’s a bit scared at first because he heard some people talk about horror stories at the chiropractor. He heard some people got their bones cracked with no going back to normal or how some doctor were secretly psychopath 💀💀💀 To say the least, he really didn’t see the appeal to risk his life like this 😔 If you poke fun at his ego, he might do it just to prove it to you that he isn’t scared (his legs are shaking the moment he enters your office). He has difficulty relaxing which put you off , You have to wait for couple minutes, make him sips some relaxing tea. When it finally happens, he’s bragging about how cool it is and how everyone should do it🙄 there is legit nothing to be scared off pfff???
I don’t know why, but I get the feel Sanji would somewhat be shy 😭 When you ask him if he wanna have a session to help with his stress, he would just look at you like 😳?? He would try to make analogy to food, like it’s a bit like how he hit(?) the meat before cooking it so it’s tender, but in that case it’s gonna make him relaxed. You kinda just stare and nod because whut 😭 He honestly could use it with all the cooking he does and the fights. He loved it but he got flustered a lot. He was red-shy when he left 🚶🏻‍♀️
He’s a skeleton.
Finally FRANKYYY, this man was BORN for this. He is so excited and is so talkative. He asks you when you started and why did it became your profession. He pretty much tell you to only focus on the back of his body because it’s less solid than the rest of his cyborg body. So you went in for a massage and he’s really vocal through it. As it ends, he tells you he’s happy you joined and he will be a regular which makes you laugh because you two are literally on the same boat lol 😭
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crabsnpersimmons · 1 month
Crabs this is Noa you need to help me I'm in love with your restaurant AU I need more I love food and you combined it with the dca I can't I ca
Uhh what's in the menu? :D
legit every meal i have is inspiration for this AU 😂
as for the menu, welllll most of it is based on Hong Kong style cafe foods (because that's what inspired me at first), but the specials change regularly and go into many different cuisines.
the boys also specialize in different things too:
Sun specializes in healthy, nutritious meals. he’s also the most interested in learning all about food, from farms to cooking methods. if you ask him to surprise you, he’ll discretely scan you and determine what your body needs and will cook something accordingly.
You are surprised as a bowl of soup appears in front of you, held by a gold hand. You follow that hand to it’s owner—meeting Sun’s blank eyes staring down at you.
“I… didn’t order a soup,” you stutter.
“You appear to be low in iron today,” Sun responds in his monotone voice before turning away, then adding, “There is more if you need it. It's on the house.”
Without a further word, Sun returns to the kitchen.
The smell of the soup wafts to your nose and you decide to dig in. It’s a fairly clear broth yet surprisingly flavourful—the kind of soup that takes more than a day to properly steep and simmer to extract all the flavours from it’s ingredients. Despite that, the soup was clear of any dregs at the bottom—just the way you like it.
You feel your face warm—from the soup or from the attention, you’re not entirely sure.
You might take his offer for seconds.
Moon specializes in everything indulgent! juicy fried chicken? the cutest pastries? he loves them all and he’s always experimenting with new recipes. sure he recognizes the importance of a healthy meal, but sometimes you just need a boost, yknow? food is more than fuel, it can be something to be enjoyed.
When you stepped into the restaurant that morning, Moon could already tell you were off to a rough start. He watched from the kitchen window as you ate your breakfast, staring dryly at your phone.
And then he had an idea. Ooooohoohoohoo, clever Moon!
“Gooooood morning, starlight,” Moon walks over to your seat at the bar table. “How’s your breakfast? Would you like some dessert with it?”
You groggily look up from your phone, and nod, barely registering what he said. Then before you know it, Moon is gone and back again with a warm plate of french toast.
Moon wasn’t kidding when he said dessert—the toast is thick enough to be a cake! When you cut off a manageable bite, you realize it’s actually two slices of toast, sandwiching a gooey filling.
You take a bite and you’re surprised by how delicate and rich it is. The toast melts in your mouth and leaves behind the aroma of butter and eggs and the delightfully chilled sweetness of condensed milk coats your tongue.
Your expression must betray your reaction, because you see Moon smiling back at you so sweetly.
Eclipse is the main front of house, waiting tables and charming customers. and he’s also the barista, preparing a variety of drinks (and sometimes putting on a bit of a show while doing so). he can cook as well, but he leaves it mostly to Sun and Moon.
You have no idea how you got here. You decided to stop by the restaurant, only you forgot that today was their day off. However, you’ve learned that the chefs live in the apartment above the restaurant, which explains why Eclipse found you and let you in.
Now you were seated at the empty bar table, while the charming barista prepared you a drink.
“Here we are,” Eclipse gently places a glass in front of you.
Based on the colour, the ice, and the straw, you take a guess, “Iced coffee?”
“Half correct,” Eclipse chuckles and pours himself a glass as well. “It’s one of my old boss’s favourites. It’s called ‘yuenyeung’, a mixture of milk tea and coffee.”
“Oh, so ‘yuenyeung’,” you grimace at your butchered pronunciation, “means ‘tea-coffee’, I guess?”
Eclipse smiles. For the short while you’ve known him, you have learned you do not trust that smile. “No, ‘yuenyeung’ refers to a pair of mandarin ducks that look very different, male and female. They’re a symbol of conjugal love—a pair of two different elements coming together as one.”
You freeze as Eclipse chuckles and clinks your glass with his. “It’s more fragrant when it’s served warm, but it’s too hot for that today. I’ll save that treat for a day you need the warmth.”
He’s right. It is too hot for this today. You take your glass and sip on the straw, Even chilled, the aroma of black tea, coffee, and smooth milk is strong on your tongue.
Even after downing your entire glass, you still feel too hot.
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this feeling flows both ways | m33
Description: Twitter's reaction to the relationship. Y/N and Tony Stark feud. Max has newfound fame.
part two of do i wanna know?
Pairing: max verstappen/nepo-baby!reader
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starkfamilysupremacy: 'this fact is disputed' i'm sobbing 😭 - ironmanisbatman: he had to call elon up
steverogerssupremacy: i love their relationship
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maxverstappen1: A little rest before the Austrian GP. #OrangeArmy
890 comments 912,128 likes
y/n_stark: the y/n effect is real - maxverstappen1: 😇💪🏽
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tony: Stark Industry's New Venture '16
129 comments 294,290 likes
eattherichfoundation: sick and tired of seeing billionaires 🤮
bombasticsideeye12: The entire campaign sucks lol
oneinsertgal55: see if he actually helped the poor instead of staying a billionaire i'd actually support him but like
y/n_stark: beautiful! 🥰
comments have been restricted.
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Max Verstappen: I mean honestly at first, I was a little nervous. I don't talk to superheroes everyday. It was a little adorable at first, according to my sweet girlfriend. I couldn't stop asking [Mr. Stark] about the Battle in New York and of course, his superhero co-workers. But then it sorta moved to more difficult parts, I felt like a superhero fighting a villain in that moment - but of course Tony is not a villain. He's a nice guy. Oh gosh, I've said too much.
Interviewer: Was there ever some threatening? Because a lot of people in social media joke about the billionaire being protective of his only child.
Max Verstappen: No, not at all. [laughs] that's all I'm allowed to say.
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from "i'll bring her home at 6 sir!" to "she calls me daddy too"
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82 comments 9,294 likes
y/n_stark: THIS IS LEGIT
vivlorien6: Max Chadstappen 🥶
archiemenon: Pretty sure that he EATS the rich 🥶
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y/n_stark: NO BCS WHAT IS THIS 😭 Pls don't turn my bf into one of those sigma alpha males 🙏🏻 (will delete later, ruins my feed.)
823 comments 45,692 likes
LandoNorris: Don't show me your attitude, if I show mine...you might forget yours 😏 - y/n_stark: this one is actually better -- y/n_stark: MY ACCOUNT WILL BE A MAX VERSTAPPEN MEME PAGE FOR THE NEXT 24 HRS.
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y/n_stark: pov ur my dad after making his first suit
89 comments 258,129 likes
maxverstappen1: my heart
tony: pov ur my dad after making me* - y/n_stark: bro had to put oil in his body for his parts to work
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y/n_stark: yes to today, yes to yesterday, and yes to tomorrow. tagged: maxverstappen1
928 comments 456,293 likes
Charles_Leclerc: Congratulations!
maxverstappen1: Mrs. Verstappen soon 🧡💙 - y/n_stark: yes to that too 💗
tony: congratulations are in order! 🥂
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maxverstappen1: I'd like to hang out with you, all my life. 💗
0 comments 1,283,120 likes
comments are restricted.
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Y/N Stark: Max is a very traditional man. He pays for everything. He's a willing provider. When it came to our engagement, he asked my dad if he was allowed to propose. I wasn't in the room when he asked.
Tony Stark: He was cute with his European accent. He didn't have to work to have my approval. He asked and I gave it.
Y/N Stark: You didn't ask him if his intentions were pure?
Tony Stark: I believe that I should be asking you, but - we had a serious talk about marriage and Max is a good guy. He'll keep her safe and feed her through the long winter.
Y/N Stark: Gosh, another game of thrones quote.
Tony Stark: Comes with the name.
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brittscafe · 8 months
hii!! can i request the captains x reader where she has small breasts and she's kind of insecure about it
ughhhh yesss, small breast queens come together bc I am right there with you 😭
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Jushiro: My man is such a sweetheart and he doesn't care about your breast size. He can start to tell when you're feeling insecure about your breast size when you're staring at them in the mirror, wishing you had bigger breasts so they would fit your shirt better. He'll wrap his arms around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder. He'll whisper about how he loves every inch of your body, while his hands are massaging your breasts.
Shunsui: He knows that you have smaller breasts, but he doesn't care, but he loves you no matter what. Although when you see the other women in the soul society with fuller breasts, it makes you insecure. During intimate times with Shunsui, you start to stray away from him and not really focus on what's going on. You don't let him touch your breasts and then it clicks for him.
He definitely brings it up during an intimate moment which kind of isn't the best time, but whatever. Shunsui will hold eye contact with you and go on a whole rant about how he doesn't care about your breast size. He makes sure to give them lots of love; kisses, touching, squeezing, etc.
Byakuya: It doesn't even notice how small your breasts are when his fingers are kneading into your flesh during intimate moments or when his lips are sucking on your sweet skin. He's such a gentleman so that kind of stuff doesn't matter to him. He doesn't love you for your body.
So when you bring up how you're insecure about your breasts, he'll sit you down, cup your face and explain how he doesn't care about that and he loves you for you, not your body.
Toshiro: this man literally does not care about the size of your breasts and in fact, I think he prefers them to be smaller, but he doesn't really care. I think because Rangiku always accidentally shoves her breasts in Toshiro's face, he likes the size of yours.
He'll comfort you his words, telling you how much he likes them and he prefers them to be small, which makes you feel a little better. Of course, he reassures you that he doesn't care about the size of them, no matter what.
Kenpachi: Legit doesn't notice your breast size. Of course he likes to see them, but he doesn't focus on them all the time. It takes a lot of courage for you to speak up about how you feel since you don't know how Kenny is going to react.
He furrows his eyebrows and literally takes off your shirt, examining the size of your breasts.
"Small, huh? I don't think so. They're perfect," Kenpachi comments with a firm tone. You're stunned by his sweet reaction, but that's probably all you'll get from him tbh.
Shinji: He honestly probably feeds into your insecurity by making some playful comments. He doesn't mean to, but Shinji likes to tease you for literally anything. He can tell when his comments are getting too much when you start to pull away from him.
He pulls you into his lap and cups your face, apologizing and rambling about how sorry he is that he made you feel like that. He promises to never make comments again. At the end, he'll pull up your shirt and cover your breasts in soft kisses.
Mayuri: Hmmmm this one is going to be challenge. He shrugs it off the first few times you tell him that you don't like how small your breasts are. He really sees how much it effects you when you're out together in public, seeing other woman with larger breasts and you cover yours.
Literally forces you to sit down with his hands on your shoulders, staring into your eyes as he explains how you shouldn't be the tiniest bit insecure. Your face is burning hot as he's literally just spilling out how much he loves you and he'll lock you up if you say something degrading about your breasts again.
Kensei: I think that he's so chill that he doesn't even notice how insecure you're starting to become. It's only when you start to push his hands away from your breasts or when you turn his face to the side when he tries to look at them.
At first, he's really confused until you explain that you hate how small your breasts are. He's in disbelief, wondering how you could ever hate a part of yourself that he loves deeply. He makes sure to show his love for your breasts, massaging them and fondling them with gentle hands and love.
Rojuro: My man is soooo goddamn sweet and understanding. He can instantly tell when you're insecure about your breasts. He'll pull you aside and have a chat with you about how you shouldn't be insecure bc he loves you no matter what.
Honestly, he'll probably pull out his guitar and play you a song. It might be a cringy, but deep down it means a lot to you.
Sajin: I mean come on now. He understands you sooo damn well because he's hated who he was forever. He was ashamed to be seen without his face covering, but you make him feel like there's no need to wear it again.
He sympathizes with you sooo deeply and he just holds you in his arms, whispering how much it doesn't matter how small your breasts are and that he likes them anyways. He won't let you go until you feel better.
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deadmandead10845 · 7 days
Brady - Fat2Fit2Fat
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(243lbs) Brady works at an insurance agency in Kansas City. He’s far away from everything, and hates his job. He hates commuting and has two acquaintances and no real friends. He’s let himself go pretty badly, but he doesn’t have the will power to hit the gym or change any part of his life. Thankfully, he’s been at his company for 10 years and earns a 3 month sabbatical with full pay to use.
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(243lbs) Brady took the first part of his sabbatical to hike in the mountains solo. He stumbled upon what looked like an abandoned shack with smoke coming out of the chimney. He knew nightfall would be soon so he wanted to ask the local if he could crash at their place for the night. He knocked on the door and it opened itself. He let himself in and called.
BRADY: Hello!!!
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(243lbs) A mysterious figure appeared around the corner. The woman introduced herself as Cora.
CORA: I’ve been practicing witchcraft in the mountains since I was little and now I am the only one left. Some witch will reveal too much about herself and then she’s hunted by the locals. I chose to reveal my house and myself to you because I can tell you’re not from here and you have an open mind.
BRADY: I definitely have an open mind. I came here to the mountains to find myself. I am on a sabbatical trying to find some sort of motivation.
CORA: What is one thing you don’t have control over that you wish to have infinite control of?
BRADY: *looks down at his soft out of shape body and looks up*
His body has always been a sense of insecurity that made him feel inadequate and less than because he wishes he was fit.
CORA: Nothing with power, career, money?
BRADY: I just want to like how I look and control what I look like.
CORA: *rummages through the cabinet and throws some leaves into what looks like a brewing potion. Once all the ingredients were stirred in, the liquid began to glow a pale orange color.*
BRADY: Is this legit going to help me?
CORA: You drink and find out. Or you can go beg your doctor for Ozempic and forget you came here. At least this is free!
BRADY: I’m not being drugged right now?
CORA: You are, just not a bad kind.
BRADY: *takes the vial of orange liquid and drinks it*
CORA: How do you wish to look?
BRADY: I just want to lose like 75 pounds.
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(165lbs) Brady’s pants fell down immediately and his blue polo shirt wore him like a dress.
BRADY: Holy shit I must be hallucinating.
CORA: You’re not but I figured you’d have this reaction. Sleep it off.
Cora snapped her fingers and Brady’s vision blacked out.
Brady woke up in his hotel room down at the base of the mountain. He walked to the bathroom and sure enough he was completely thin. He went to put on an outfit and quickly realized nothing in his suitcase would fit him. Everything he had was a 40” waist and all his shirts were XL. He ran through the closest Walmart holding his shorts bunched up in his hand hoping he wouldn’t drop them and bought a new pair of 30” waist shorts. He was so happy.
After his 3 months concluded, he returned to Missouri and submitted his 2 week notice. He wanted a fresh start where he could show off his new skinny body and get laid for once. He was a gay man living in the Midwest with approximately 5 blank Grindr profiles within a 25 mile radius.
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(149lbs) Brady packed up all his belongings and moved to Miami. He looked in the mirror and audibly said “I wish I was a twink.” And in the blink of an eye another 15 pounds disappeared off his body. He met Javi at Twist, the local gay club near his apartment. After almost 2 years, the two fell in love and became inseparable and lived together. Javi told Brady he should start going to the gym and getting big arms and a six pack because he wasn’t super into twinks. Brady quietly looked at himself in the bathroom mirror once or twice a week asking for just 1 pound more trying to subtly get larger for Javi without alerting him to his powers given to him by the witch.
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(195lbs) Brady had gotten extremely fit and did no work for it. The potion he took two years ago was unbelievable. Javi loved Brady’s new extremely fit body and Brady loved the attention. Brady however, wasn’t sure he loved how he looked. Javi was going away on business to Houston for a month, so Brady booked himself a trip to Hawaii by himself to hopefully ground himself.
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(210lbs) Brady wished another 15 pounds of muscle onto his body before he left for Hawaii. He wanted to look his best for the beach so he could post photos of his body online for attention. He wasn’t the happiest, so the online attention helped. Once he landed in Hawaii he took the private boat to the small isolated island resort he had booked.
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(175lbs) Brady hated how he looked so he wished 30 pounds off his body because he thought a leaner look would suit him and he tried to walk around the beach and feel comfortable but he really wasn’t sure why he wasn’t comfortable with himself. Brady had an idea, he went to the surf shop in the lobby and bought himself a pair of 2XL swim trunks and went up to his room. He bought himself a case of beers and drank away. He got in the mirror looked at himself and asked for a dad bod.
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(280lbs) Brady, still very much in shape but much larger (100lbs larger to be exact) walked down the beach with his beer gut and massive arms. He was happy. He actually liked how he looked. No one recognized him from earlier and all the other guests just thought he was a new arrival to the resort. Brady went back to the surf shop and bought a 2XL Hawaiian shirt before returning home to Florida.
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(305lbs) Brady was a huge guy. He wished himself even bigger and squeezed himself into the premium economy seat he booked on points and flew home to Florida. He spent nearly 12 hours total on the plane and when he walked in the door felt like everything was all wrong. He was skinny Brady in Florida, not big and beefy. Javi was due to arrive at any minute. When Brady heard the lock turning, he ran to the bathroom and wished his body back to his 195lb self.
Javi found the 2XL shirts and asked and Brady told him he was trying oversized fashion and didn’t like it, so he threw the shirt away. Brady couldn’t stop thinking about his little escape he had in Hawaii and after a few months went back to the bathroom and wished to be a bit bigger. Javi hated it so much. Javi kept telling Brady to hit the treadmill and to eat less.
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(243lbs) Brady was back at the same weight he was before he met Cora the witch. However, he had so much muscle on his body he was a lot smaller than Javi still hated it. Brady loved his small belly and missed playing with the belly he once had when he was an insurance agent back in Missouri. The two attended couple’s therapy to no avail. Ultimately, it let to Brady and Javi breaking up. Javi kicked Brady out of the apartment. Just to get back at Javi, Brady lost all the weight before coming to the apartment to collect his belongings.
Brady needed a new start so he called one of his buddies in New York who was starting a boutique insurance agency and cofounded it with him.
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(327lbs) Brady wanted a fresh start in New York so he bought a 3XL hoodie and sweat at the last Walmart before the Holland tunnel, and sat in traffic looking in the mirror and wished to be fat. He’d never been as big as he was now. He watched his body tighten the dress of a hoodie he had put on and fill it out. Compared to last week in Miami, he was completely unrecognizable. He was truly starting over. Once he showered in his apartment he got a look at his new fat body covered in stretch marks and rolls. Brady was generally happy with his size. The only drawback and he couldn’t find much clothing in the city stores that fit him well so he was barely able to dress well.
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(327lbs) Four years went by and Brady’s joint venture had taken off. He was able to buy an apartment and afford more than ever. He seemed very content. He was overworked. One fateful day on the train he dozed off. In his dream he was even fatter than he is now. The dream was so vivid he could feel his body sloshing with every step.. when in reality the jerky subway train was sloshing him around. He missed his stop and rode the train to the end asleep. In the dream, Brady said he wanted to get fatter and…
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(415lbs) He woke up. His shirt had ridden up his entire belly and his pants completely ripped. He was huge. Brady embarrassed walked to the next departing train that would get him home attracting the stares of everyone for the lack of clothing he had one, especially for his size. Brady decided to take several months remote from work after that, to give his business partner a believable timeline for his nearly 100lb weight gain.
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(415lbs) Brady went to Industry, a New York gay bar and opened up his shirt in hopes he would find a chub chaser. Unfortunately he just got stares.
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(451lbs) Brady had to get an entire new suit made for him because of his sheer girth. His seamstress couldn’t believe the size of him. She had made him his suit four years ago when he weighed more than a hundred pounds less. Brady knew it wasn’t going to last long because he planned to put a little more weight on. His business partner couldn’t believe the size of him either. Brady needed to remove the armrests on his desk chair so he could fit.
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(485lbs) By the summer, Brady had willed another 35lbs onto his body. He attended a big party on Fire Island having fun with his friends. All of the sudden he saw a familiar face.
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BRADY: Javi???
JAVI: Hiiii…. Have we met?
BRADY: Javi it’s me
JAVI: Where have we met you look so familiar??
BRADY: It’s me, Brady
JAVI: Brady who?
BRADY: Your ex boyfriend.
JAVI: There is just no way. I thought you lost all the weight you put on.
BRADY: Then I gained it back, and then some
JAVI: Holy shit Brady you look awful, do you need me to get you a nutritionist? I am worried.
BRADY: No not at all. I am super happy the way I look.
JAVI: Weren’t you happy when half of Miami wanted to f*ck you?
BRADY: No, but I am happy now.
JAVI: Can I ask how much…
BRADY: How much I weigh?
JAVI: ….
BRADY: Four Hundred Eighty Five pounds last I checked. I don’t really fluctuate.
JAVI: God, this is just insane to me..
Javi walked away.
About 10 minutes later, Javi’s friend Andres walked by and…
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ANDRES: Brady?
BRADY: Andres long time no see
ANDRES: I’m sorry Javi said all that… he’s just insecure and projecting on you.
BRADY: Yeah that’s why we broke up all those years ago.
ANDRES: Well, let me tell you. I like the change
Andres grabbed Brady’s belly from underneath and leaned in and kissed Brady on the cheek. He began to walk away.
BRADY: Wait a second, Andres!
Brady grabbed Andres’s hand and pulled him back for a real kiss. Andres’s hand found its way back to under Brady’s belly jiggling it while the pair made out.
Javi watched from a distance fuming with anger.
BRADY: Does a guy like me get to ask you for your number?
ANDRES: Definitely.
Javi walked over
JAVI: Wow Andres making out with my fat ex in front of me is really classy.
ANDRES: Sorry you’re too superficial to understand what a big guy can give you.
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(508lbs) After texting for weeks, Andres invited Brady to go golfing with his friend.
ANDRES: Hey big fella.
BRADY: Hey handsome, ready to play?
ANDRES: Yes it’s been a while.
BRADY: It’s been too long for me too.
ANDRES: Shirt’s a bit small Brady…
Brady, embarrassed tried to pull the shirt down over his belly. He knew it was way too small but wanted to test Andres.
BRADY: Wow, I seem to have grown out of it…
ANDRES: Been a while since you wore it?
BRADY: I think this fit me when we met a few weeks ago.
ANDRES: Are you going to try to tell me it shrunk in the wash then?
BRADY: No, I just have put on about 25 pounds since that pool party and haven’t bothered to go shopping.
ANDRES: Wha— … how?
BRADY: Guess I’ve been hungry
Andres knew that Brady was the man for him in that moment. The two began dating.
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(528lbs) Brady had gotten into the bad habit of putting 15lbs on every time he was going to be seen at an event to show that he was a growing man. He attended one of his friend’s backyard weddings and knocked over one of the displays with his huge belly.
Everyone who saw him at this point was asked if he was doing ok or if he needed anything. Some of the attendees even offering to give him a doctor referral for weight loss drugs. He assured them he was perfectly ok.
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(600lbs) Brady admittedly took it too far. Brady had weighed in at 551lbs this morning. He had some room in his suit and had a big event for his company. He and his business partner were announcing the sale of their company to a big insurance company. He stood on the scale and watched the number go up until he hit 600lbs on the dot.
He was now basically 75lbs heavier than he was 4 months ago. After the sale of his company, Brady was to retire with enough money for him and his grandchildren (if he ever had any) to live comfortably.
When he got home, he totally forgot he would be facing Andres.
ANDRES: Brady…
BRADY: Hey honey.
ANDRES: Something is different
BRADY: What happened.
ANDRES: You look different. Something is just off.
BRADY: I am not sure what you are talking about.
ANDRES: Wait. Is that the suit you had made last week?
ANDRES: Then why does it look like it’s about to pop.
BRADY: Oh yes something is different.
BRADY: I got fatter.
ANDRES: Since this morning?
BRADY: Babe I think it’s time I tell you something.
Brady explained to Andres the whole story about his past life in Missouri. His sabbatical, meeting Cora the witch. He explained how he lost all the weight for Javi. Went to Hawaii and experimented with his body in different sizes.
ANDRES: What do you expect me to believe you have powers or something?
BRADY: Watch this
Brady walked into the bathroom, and willed himself to be a twink again. He walked out weighing 150lbs adorned with abs.
Andres walked to the kitchen and splashed cold water in his face. He couldn’t believe his eyes.
BRADY: I would never tell anyone about this.
ANDRES: You chose to be fat?
BRADY: If I didn’t I wouldn’t be living with the man of my dreams so let’s not.
ANDRES: Ok you’re scaring me you look emaciated.
BRADY: Oh yeah.
The two started to make out while Brady’s body slowly inflated back to 600lbs. Brady’s face filled out and his abs disappeared. Slowly a belly started to form along with soft supple moobs. His love handles expanded outward and his body started to widen. His thighs began to push against each other as they filled with fat.
Andres was so horny watching his boyfriend blow up to such a massive size and came hands free when he watched the fat pad swallow up Brady’s dick.
ANDRES: So how much do you weigh now?
BRADY: Let’s go see
The scale read 600 pounds.
Brady maintained 600 pounds for a while and about a year and a half into dating Andres, knew it was time. He popped the question getting down on one knee.
He couldn’t get back up after getting down which was very hot to Andres, who eagerly said yes.
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(705lbs) Brady returned to the mountains. He bought three aur plane seats and filled them up with his girth. He struggled but he hiked his way all the way up to Cora’s hut wearing a suit to thank her for her potion that changed his life.
Brady knocked on the door which immediately opened. His belly knocked over a beaker off the table which led to Cora running into the room.
CORA: How did you get in here??
BRADY: I opened the door.
CORA: How did you find my house?
BRADY: I’ve been here before.
CORA: Who are you??
BRADY: Do you not remember me?
CORA: No, and I would.
She looked down at Brady’s belly.
BRADY: Oh right would this help?
Brady pulled out his phone and showed her a photo of him from about 10 years before. A photo of him and Javi together where he was less than 200lbs.
CORA: What was your name.. Bradley?
BRADY: Brady, close enough.
CORA: Did I do something wrong with the potion, brew it wrong?? I am so sorry!! Let me help you slim down.
BRADY: No, I am this big by choice. I could get down to this weight again any time.
CORA: Why?
BRADY: I was skinny for a while and I just didn’t like it. I was constantly making adjustments to my body so other men would see me as hot. My boyfriend left me when I decided to try out a *very slight* dad bod.
CORA: So you did this? You could’ve been half the size and still been fat.
BRADY: Well some days it just doesn’t feel like enough.
CORA: I never expected you to look like this. I expected you to have gotten massively jacked and been narcissistic.
BRADY: You were wrong
CORA: Very.
BRADY: I came here to thank you. It took me a long time to get up the mountain, but I knew that before long it would not be possible with my size.
CORA: You could’ve shrunken down to climb up here…
BRADY: But that isn’t me
CORA: Well I am happy.
BRADY: Being confident with my size and my body found me the best fiance ever.
CORA: You mean a chub chaser?
CORA: Right.
BRADY: Well I mean you would have to be to like me at this size anyways. People stare.
CORA: I am staring.
BRADY: Well thank you for doing this for me.
CORA: Any time. Here, let me get you something.
Cora made a green cocktail of ingredients. She bottled them up.
CORA: You two are getting married?
She said looking at the Lock Screen on Brady’s phone.
CORA: Wait until your wedding night to drink this. You both need to drink it for it to work.
BRADY: What is it?
CORA: You two will never break up or fight.
BRADY: This is perfect.
CORA: You also will never get health issues from your weight because you look like a heart attack waiting to happen.
CORA: So don’t have one before your wedding!
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(750lbs) Brady and Andres had a lovely wedding.
The two got married and after the reception concluded, drank the potions together.
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(785lbs) Brady loved going out and seeing the reactions on everyone’s faces seeing his size. He would eat for hours just for show and go home stuffed.
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(830lbs) Brady was walking through Central Park. Let’s be real, he was barely moving and barely waddling. Suddenly he saw a familiar face again.
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BRADY: Javi!!
JAVI: Holy fuck Brady you are huge.
BRADY: I know. Why are you here?
JAVI: I moved here for work. I got a job at an insurance company.
BRADY: You mean the one named after my last name that I just sold?
JAVI: Oh my god..
JAVI: What's new with you. I haven't seen you since you hooked up with my best friend at a pool party. I haven't seen him either that was so messy and rude of you.
BRADY: We got married.
JAVI: What…
BRADY: Yes we've been married for just about a year.
JAVI: Bet he didn't expect you to get fatter than you already were.
BRADY: He probably didn't but he loves it. He takes care of me and all the things I can't do anymore.
JAVI: I am so glad I left you before this happened.
BRADY: Me too. Next time you see me, I'm sure I'll be even bigger.
Andres walked up between the two of them.
JAVI: This is insane. You married him??
ANDRES: Yes.. of course
JAVI: Why did you let him get this big
BRADY: I’ll answer that. He likes his men big, and I wanted to get big.
JAVI: Is that why you tried to get a dad bod all those years ago?
BRADY: Yes, and now I weigh more than eight hundred pounds.
ANDRES: 830 to be exact.
Javi stormed away.
The end.
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strawbxrryanime · 4 months
Hello! Hope you have a nice day~ If you are accepting req, could you please do a prompt where Mitsuya s/o's wanting him to choke her for her new kink. Like, legit choking hurting her. I wanna know how would his reaction be since he is truly a gentleman but a wolf in a sheep's clothing KYAAAH gosh. Thank you for your time! <3
Sure! I'm always accepting requests dears!~ Back from my break!~
wrap your hands around my neck - mitsuya takashi x reader
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You started gaining this new thing that you have been wanting to try out on your own Husband for weeks even, almost to the point where it's been maddening you for more than a single day. Your new choking kink has developed over time, and you wanted to test it out on your beloved gentleman all about it.
In the heat of the moment, after a glass of wine as Mitsuya worked on his hard long days sewing beautiful clothing for you to wear, you began to kiss him, as it progresses more and more into something more deep. Mitsuya looks at you with such keen eyes, marvelling at your beautiful body as you lie on the bed.
"Choke me~" You uttered out to him, as Mitsuya nervously gulps.
"H-hm?!~ Is this a new thing you've been gathering Y/N?~" Mitsuya responds skeptically.
"Choke me!~" You smirked at him as you ran your fingers down your neck, enticing Mitsuya to take your neck however as it is. Mitsuya was a kind-hearted gentleman who wants to be gentle with you, but for the sake of trying new things, he'll be going hard on you tonight.
"Are you sure you?..." Mitsuya paused, as you kept enticing him to wrap his hands around your neck. "I want you to make my eyes pop out, wrap your hands around my neck~" You'd say to him in that fine tone of yours. Was it the wine? The wine that caused this mess? Or was it just you, enticing him to take a step further, wrapping his hands around your neck. Doing so, he takes off his shirt as the temperature grows hotter in the room.
"Heh... you've got to choke me harder than that, strong guy~" Your words made Mitsuya shudder again, this was new of you, and it seems like the room is constantly getting hotter than it already is, his muscular body admired by your lustful eyes. Mitsuya's eyes widen as he chokes even harder at your neck causing you to gag just a little bit, sending Mitsuya in for a treat.
"Y-Y/N, are you okay?~" Mitsuya shuddered, as he was concerned about your breathing. He still kept his hands wrapped around you though, unable to stop choking you.
"Harder!~" You chuckle out as the bliss of being choked by Mitsuya settles in. Oh, how your lovely husband just squeezes tightly on your neck upon visually treating you with his now naked body. "F-fuck Y/N~" Mitsuya was enticed to your gags and groans. "F-fuck!~" He rips off your clothes until you and him were both naked bare as he slams his cock down your hole, making you groan even more.
Mitsuya squeezes even harder down your neck more as you clench his cock deep inside your addicting hole as he thrusts and thrusts deep inside of you. "F-FUCK!~ Y/N!~" Mitsuya yells as you began to gag even more and groan for him too as he begins to thrust deeply into you, turning him on all the way even more. "So fucking sinful~" Mitsuya muttered as he kept groaning from his cock being squeezed to the oblivion as he kept choking you even more, pinning your head between the pillows while stuffing you with his fat cock.
"Agh!~ FUCK!~" Mitsuya then began to squeeze your neck even tighter as it was getting a bit harder to breathe. You try to etch onto his arms as his hands dig deep down your neck as you gag and choke even more, whilst Mitsuya just kept pounding straight into your tight hole deeper and deeper down at a fast rate.
"W-WAS THIS WHAT YOU WERE EXPECTING HM?~ Y/N!~ FUCKKKK!~" Mitsuya cried out as he kept thrusting more and more faster and faster, gripping your neck so tightly that you try to etch your way out but his arms just won't budge. You still smile and smirk however, but your neck is being choked all the way as you kept getting stuffed deeper and deeper. You grab his arms that are holding down your throat once again.
"Sorry Y/N~ I'm not even done yet~" Mitsuya said coldly as he kept going tighter against your neck hearing your gags and groans as he pounds even faster this time, his shaft barely unseeable from how fast his thrusts were. "FUUUCK!~" Mitsuya yells out and groans as he finally pounds even harder and faster. Faster and faster he goes, slamming against you hard, cock stuffing you so good as you clench all your might within your throat being squeezed.
"GAH!~ I'M GOING TO EXPLODE DEEP INSIDE OF YOU Y/N!~" Mitsuya yells out as he lets out another final rounds of fast and hard poundings before exploding inside of you, hot cum splurging inside as he squeezes your throat so hard that you began to black out. Eyes going all the way up, and fading to black after letting out the largest gag and groan ever.
"You're so fucking naughty Y/N~" said your Not-So "Gentleman" Anymore. He was a wolf in the sheets now, as he smirks at your unconscious body, neck bruised and marked by his hands, he lets go. As he kisses you deeply while you are blacked out. Keeping his cock inside your tight hole until every drop is absorbed inside of you. And only time will tell if he gets more deep into this new "kink" of yours.
"I love you Y/N~"
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minhosimthings · 9 months
How about Enha hyung line reaction to you taking over….like being dominant for the first time???? Idk I’m new 🫣
Oooh where are all my dom girlies at? This is a treat for y'all (I'm sorry if it's too short tho) also if this is @yunabi436 I will legit kill you Yuna (and kiss you too cause you're too pretty to resist)
More under the cut!
Even though Heeseung always likes to take the reins in your sex life, what with him being a natural dom, he had always had a fantasy of you domming him, bossing him around maybe even throwing a 'good boy' here and there. So it was safe to say, he was elated, when you first took over. Maybe you felt bored, maybe you wanted something new, but when you called him good boy and started giving him instructions as to how to properly eat you out, he was in heaven.
"Such a good boy for me aren't you Seungie?" Heeseung's ears couldn't have been more fulfilled, as he whipped his tongue through your delicious folds, "Ah-fuck-fuck I'm gonna cum. Lick up the cum darling, that's a good boy." Heeseung never wanted to take dominance ever again.
Jay always assumed he was the sub in your sexual relationship, although most of the time, he was the one calling you good girl and not the other way around as he craves so badly. So when you dared to take control for the first time, as you were humping him in his office.
"What happened babyboy? Too scared to fuck me in your office?" You teased him, as he moaned, the feeling on your clothed panties on his dick giving him more pleasure than ever.
"Spit on it, that's a good boy." You'd say to Jay, before he rams his dick into you, moaning loud enough for all the employees in the building to hear. "Oh you're doing me so good." You moan as his dick hits your exact g-spot, "Maybe I'll give you head later as a present." Jay never dommed you after that.
Jake had an affinity for sex toys. Dildos, vibrators, cuffs you name it, he loved them wrapped round his princess' cunt. But he had always wanted to have a collar round his neck, the chain stuck to your hand. He craved to be commanded, to obey your every request and to hear your praises. So when you tried out the new collar you bought on him, he was out of this world with his happiness.
"Ah ah fuck- mommy" he'd moan, while you were sucking him dry. You'd look up at him, stopping and wiping your mouth. "It's mommy is it now?" You tease him, hands pulling the chain of the collar, making him moan louder than ever, "Call me that again." He'd sputter out a string of swears along with his new name for you while you'd keep pulling the chain, thinking of riding him to discipline him more.
It is a strong belief of mine that Sunghoon has not a single sub cell in his body, not even a nucleus of subbiness. So he's very cocky when you decide, one day, to randomly take control.
"Aww my princess wanted to take control did she?" Sunghoon would tease, his hands on your throat while his dick pounded into you. He had feigned enjoyment for a few minutes calling you 'mommy' but as soon as you actually got confident, Sunghoon flipped the switch, clutching your hips tightly and flipping you onto your stomach.
"You really thought you could be in-charge?" He would say, pounding his dick into your butt, as you bury your face deeper into the pillow, "Cute attempt princess."
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k0yaz · 2 months
Helloooooo I'm not the Acheron anon but I'm probably just as down bad as the both of you she's literally everything to me and I absolutely love the way you've been writing her so I'm dragging my down-bad self to your box to ask for more crumbs 🥺
If it's not too much trouble can I request a one-shot with vampire Acheron? I've had thoughts about her white-haired emanator form (I mean have u seen her stance in the character info menu when in the ult IT'S SO GOOD AHHHHH) and I just feel like she'd be a very convincing vampire in that form. Can be sfw or nsfw I'll leave the decision up to the chef ;)
Sorry this isn't super concrete or anything it's my first time sending an ask but I couldn't help myself... Next time I crawl back into your ask box I'll try and give u more to work with I promise 😅
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Pairings: acheron x fem!reader
CW: sfw, female reader, vampire au, vamp acheron my beloved, suggestive, blood, yummy, slight horror scary oooooo, it’s ok yall will be fine it’s just acheron being weird, I WROTE THIS AT 2 AM and I’m too eepy rn, I’m scared it didn’t turn out good, fluffy yay, not proofread.
A/N: i love all the other acheron lovers here yall are amazing ALSO I AGREE ON THE WHITE HAIR FORM PART IT LEGIT REMINDED ME OF A VAMPIRE and off topic but yall should’ve seen me when I was first pulling for her when she came out back then I was PRAYING like someone pull me off the fucking ceiling atp 🕯️
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Blurry sights of the dim candlelight filled your vision as you blinked opened your eyes, your entire body limp and splayed out on the mattress. Each deep breath made your chest rise and fall rhythmically, scanning the room for any oddities present. A sudden sense of uneasiness washed over you upon remembering where you were, hands scrambling to your throat and brushing your fingers along your skin to find any traces of a bite.
A relived sigh blew from your lips upon failing to find any sign of the woman you were currently living with potentially sipping your throat as if it was a hearty snack. Acheron never drank any blood from you, nor had she even attempted. She’d usually cocoon herself in a random spot within the manor whenever hunger overtook her, attempting to control herself as shivers racked her body each time. It wasn’t the most pleasant sight to say the least. You found yourself engulfed with a sense of alarm each time you saw one of Acheron’s unnerving reactions.
The way her blood red eyes drilled into you made your pulse nearly cease from pure terror, stomach nearly dropping as your chest tightened in those moments. However, Acheron never mauled you like your internal self told you she would. Your thoughts exaggerated a bit, sure. But a vampire allowing you to live with her without anything in return couldn’t help but raise a few suspicions within you, she surely wanted your blood, right?
You were still a bit wobbly in your movements when you rose to your feet, heavy lidded eyes blinking groggily as you shouldered the heavy red curtains to the side. Faint rays of the orange light diffused into your room, giving view to the small cemetery garden located right below the large mansion. The solid stone tombs stuck out of the ground firmly, piles of soil scattered at the foot of the gravestones. You couldn’t help but think to yourself at the halfwitted thought process that could’ve gone into placing a cemetery garden right next to a vampire’s residence, also striking in the possibility that Acheron could’ve been the reason for half of the tombs in there.
The thick crimson curtains barely allowed any light to pass through, their deepened color bearing an uncanny resemblance to blood. Still a bit uncoordinated, you decided to pace around your room in circles to recollect yourself, bare feet thudding against the spruce flooring.
“You’re awake.”
The sudden low voice struck your body upright, slowly turning around to be met with Acheron’s piercing eyes. You rubbed your elbow bashfully as your chest tightened once more, feeling a sense of clawing fear once more within you. You couldn’t help it, she was terrifying. Every time she’d walk up behind you or toward you, even with good intentions, your heart felt like threads had wrapped around the beating muscle, and tugged outward to bury the threads within it.
“Sorry if I startled you.” Acheron replied coldly, seemingly being able to sense your fear. You let out a pathetic cough in response, attempting to cover up your initial trepidation. “Right- ah..don’t worry about it, Acheron. I’m just a little tired.”
Nodding, Acheron rolled her shoulders back as a stretch before turning away from you. You tilted your head at her avoidant behavior, the evident ominous feeling lingering in the air. She had always been the quiet type, yet something seemed…off. Shrugging, you shouldered past Acheron silently, keeping your gaze locked onto the ground or the ceiling—anything but her.
Your muscles tensed upon feeling her skin graze yours, puzzled at the odd feeling. It was warm, yet cold at the same time. The specks of vermillion cracking up her arms and seeping down the collar of her neck felt different from her bare skin. Yet the strangest thing was, she had tensed up as well as you brushed your shoulder against hers, as if she feared you just as much as you feared her. However, that couldn’t be the case.
After heading to the first floor of the manor, you couldn’t help but pick up on the thick ominous atmosphere clouding the entire place. The housekeepers themselves were shaken up too, all disheveled as if they hadn’t gotten a wink of sleep the previous night. A heavy feeling seemed to weigh down your body, as a sense of caution rang within your head. It was as if gravity had tripled, yet the day didn’t seem off, just normal like usual.
You mulled over all the possibilities as to why such an unsettling tension plagued the entire space, not being able to think of even one. That was until the faint sound of ragged breaths grew louder and louder, each breath increasing in volume than the last. The noises formed a disturbing bitterness piling up inside your throat, making you recoil physically as you heard how strained and guttural each cycle of inhales and exhales were. No doubt, it was probably Acheron.
Swallowing back your fear, you headed up the stairs slowly, time nearly stopping as your breath hitched with each anticipated step. You felt like a large, heavy stone was resting within your stomach as you stood before the door, a sliver of dim light peeking through the slight opening. Acheron’s huddled form made you feel all the more worried, brows furrowing and wrinkling up your face as you saw her body twitch occasionally.
Her white hair draped down her back and over her shoulders as her back hunched over, nails digging into her own arms as she hissed in pained intake of air through her fangs. You gently creaked the door open, making her jerk in response, but still facing away from you. Although you were afraid of Acheron, it hurt to see her like this, in pain and keeping to herself.
You began in a hushed voice as to not startle her, reaching a hand out carefully. She was quick to snap her head around, fingers nearly bruising her hugged arms. You drew your hand back to your chest as it seemed to instinctively repel from Acheron’s bloodthirsty gaze. Her hand was pressed against her mouth as she squeezed her eyes shut. It almost seemed like…she was in pain? Surges of pity for this poor woman’s famished state began to race through your mind.
“Sorry.” She croaked out hoarsely, trying to keep her voice indifferent yet evidently failing. You felt your heart almost burn at the sting of guilt you felt when she apologized, wanting to take her in your arms and hold her tight. You felt like you were in love with her all over again-
Wait, love?
You feared her, why was your brain suddenly spewing nonsense claiming to be in love with her?
No. That wasn’t it.
The reason you’d avoided Acheron was due to the way you couldn’t properly articulate your feelings to her. How you wanted to grow closer to this alluring woman and caress her cheek, whispering into her ear tenderly. How you wanted her fangs to dig into your throat and swallow each drop of your blood carefully like a divine meal she’d be honored to consume. Fear was just a mask used to avoid the fact that you’d fallen in love with someone your kind would’ve killed in an instant. Someone who your parents had always told you to beware of.
You quickly circled your arms around Acheron, squeezing her as you leaned into her back. Her expression softened, her breathing still heavy, yet seemingly calming down at your touch.
She nodded at your upfront question visibly ashamed and embarrassed. You only pulled her to your chest, pale strands tickling your face as you buried your face into her silky hair. Acheron rested her hand atop yours which was encircled around her stomach, shaky sighs pushing past her parted lips periodically. Your thumb massaged soothing circles against her skin, eyes gently closed as you pressed a kiss to the shell of her ear.
“It’s alright. I’m here.”
Her eyelids drooped in comfort as she felt warmth course through her veins, her breathing still echoed throughout the manor, yet it seemed to calmed down quite a bit. Acheron slowly began to regain some semblance of calmness, her heavy lidded eyes locking up onto you from below. You simply flashed her a soft smile, finding it useless to hide any longer as you pulled her to your chest.
And it didn’t take long for you to unbutton your collar, tilting your neck to the side.
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I promise my next work will be better
I hate how this turned out
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that one fucking color theory post but with trilogy characters
edit: image ids under the cut
image 1: image id: a tumblr post edited to look like characters from the ace attorney trilogy are speaking. adrian andrews says “So our local children’s hospital recently redecorated, but I’m not too sure they really thought things out” with a panicked, nervous expression. underneath her words is a picture of a white hallway a large red trail on the floor, as if someone dragged a corpse through it. dick gumshoe comments “Literally any other colour would’ve been a better choice guys.” with a sheepish expression. end id
image 2: image id: a tumblr post edited to look like characters from the ace attorney trilogy are speaking. pearl fey posts a chart that shows that the color red has more positive meanings (willpower, warmth, energy, power, enthusiasm, leadership, strength, love, determination, and passion) than negative meanings (danger, alert, war, lust, anger, stress, violence) and states “I’d like to point out that the colour red has more positive than negative meanings” with a joyful expression. lotta hart says “im sorry but this reply absolutely killed me red can mean whatever the heck you want it to mean, that is never going to change that this straight up looks like they DRAGGED A BLOODY BODY ACROSS THE FUCKING FLOOR 😂” with a happy expression. ema skye then says “Hi fun fact, colors do have meanings and there is a legit thing called color theory. Red does has more positive connotations than negative like the @mintymaiden said. Red is associated with more love, lust, passion than blood and death just like the chart shows you but if you want, here’s a link for you to check it out yourself. Also, check out “The Designer’s Dictionary of Color” by Sean Adams. Have fun learning something Xoxo -Designer What is Color Theory?” with a happy expression. end id
image 3: image id: a tumblr post edited to look like characters from the ace attorney trilogy are speaking. mia fey says “I think y’all are missing the point here.” with a disappointed expression. franziska von karma adds “You can theorize to Nebraska and back but that doesn’t change my immediate reaction which is that someone is literally dragging a corpse around” with an annoyed expression. miles edgeworth comments “I like that the presumption here is that “No One On Tumblr Has Heard of Color Theory, Let Me Explain in Depth” rather than simply acknowledging that the VISUAL EFFECTS of this particular color choice, applied in the manner it was, can still amount to “this is a hospital and that looks like blood” like, color *theory* doesn’t exist in a vacuum. If your design of choice for Blood Red Paint is asymmetric splatters and sploches against the wall, or in this case, a snail trail on the hallway’s floor, an infographic won’t override the viewers’ instinct.” with his arms spread, as if presenting an argument. end id
image 4: image id: a tumblr post edited to look like characters from the ace attorney trilogy are speaking. phoenix wright says “this post is the perfect summation of tumblr’s reading comprehension and critical thought abilities” with an exasperated expression. maya fey then, smirking, posts a picture of kirby pointing to a sign that reads “Color theory don’t Mean shit when You is Leaving Blood trails”. larry butz then says “Homicide detectives: why are you dragging that bleeding corpse around? Me, an intellectual: well you see it’s basic color theory…” with a smug expression. end id
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jessamine-rose · 11 months
⋆ Sunt Lacrimae Rerum ⋆
Of all devils, I didn’t think Lucifer would be the second to inspire his own one-shot. Fun fact, this idea was originally for my next set of WHB headcanons but it expanded into its own fic. Thanks for the brainrot and historical revelations, Lucifer 。゚(゚´ω`゚)゚。
Note:: Pre-release Lucifer, dacryphilia
♡ 0.8k words under the cut ♡
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As Lucifer’s lover, you are a willing subject to his desires. The taste of your tears, the sight of your crying face, his influence over your body—all of it constitutes his forbidden fruit, one he can never get enough of.
Unfortunately, due to your roles in Hell, the two of you rarely have time for each other. Days can pass in Lucifer’s absence, in the company of other devils, in a haze of longing and insecurity. At times, you wonder: Does he miss you? How can you retain his favor in spirit?
The idea comes in the form of a memory. Once, while browsing the internet, you came across a photo of vintage “tear-catchers.” According to the description, the aesthetic vials were used by mourning Victorians; a few were even found in ancient Greek and Roman tombs. Granted, you’re still alive and your lover prefers fresh tears, but it would be a nice keepsake. A small part of you forever in his possession.
Thus begins your mission to prepare a special gift for Lucifer! First, you ask your friends to help you acquire a tear-catcher. After a few questions and odd looks, Ppyong brings you to the best craftsman in Gehenna. The glass-blower is also confused by your commission, but it doesn’t take long for them to create a personalized tear-catcher.
Next, you have to fill the vial with your own tears. This is achieved by watching sad movies, cutting onions, and following tutorials on how to cry. Now the final step is to present it to your beloved and witness his reaction~
⋆ ✦ ⋆
“Oh, what’s this?”
As expected, the tear-catcher is a perfect fit for Lucifer. Gilt, black enamel, and scarlet beads form a serpentine design. A ruby, sculpted in the shape of a familiar horn, serves as the stopper. Most curious are the contents, a clear liquid of higher viscosity than water.
On his desk rests an opened box and untied ribbons. Carefully, you place the gift in his hands and offer a bright smile.
“Do you like it? It was made just for you!”
He accepts it, eyes alight with curiosity. “This fluid feels familiar. Is this…?”
Your smile widens. “Yup, these are my tears! You’re probably familiar with tear-catchers, right? I commissioned a craftsman to make one, then I used it every time I cried. What do you think?”
A product of your blood, sweat, and tears—minus the blood.
For a few seconds, Lucifer just stares at the gift. Black nails carefully grip the bottle, tilting it ever so slightly to make the tears flow. You remain in front of his desk, shifting your stance.
Finally, he looks up. Gold eyes make contact with yours, bright with amusement.
“It’s pretty,” he comments. “And I can only imagine the effort it took to fill it with your own tears.”
He likes it! “You’re welcome!”
“But I do wonder,” he continues. He sets down the bottle, curiosity overtaking his features. “You do know that tear-catchers are a hoax, yes?”
He takes your silence as an answer. “No such item existed in the Victorian era or any historical period. In reality, what humans call ‘tear-catchers’ are actually perfume bottles. One of this type would typically be disposed of once empty.”
“I…I see.” Your smile falters, pride giving way to chagrin. “Of course, someone like you would’ve immediately recognized it if they were legit. Ahh now everyone’s reactions make sense.”
Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.
A soft laugh interrupts your thoughts.
When you look up, the tear-catcher is off the desk. Lucifer holds it up to the light, a soft smile making its way to his face.
“Nonetheless, I appreciate the gesture,” he tells you. His eyes are blown wide, light against darkness. “And your pride was absolutely delicious, so do remain satisfied with your present. It will be of great comfort to me during our time apart.”
“I…all right!” Your cheeks remain flushed but no longer from embarrassment. “That is good to hear. At least my time wasn’t wasted.”
“Besides.” He rises from his desk, leaning closer to caress your cheek. “I prefer seeing your tears on your face. Won’t you indulge me again, ______?”
______: SEVEN DAYS!!
Satan: What are they talking about?
Ppyong: It’s not that big of a deal—
Sitri: We wanted to honor your dedication—
______: That’s how long you stood by and watched me cry into a fake antique! Do you know how difficult it was to deposit my tears into such a tiny bottle?!
Still hornii?? Read my other WHB fics <3
To think that I learned the truth of the tear-catcher because of an R18 game….y’all can also thank @diodellet for inspiring this idea during a chat about Genshin *cough* I highly recommend her Lyney fic *cough*
Among the devils we haven’t met yet, Lucifer piqued my interest by virtue of looking so pretty. I can’t wait to learn more about him~
Tag a WHB enjoyer!! @sparkbeast20 @2af-afterdark @pinkaditty @h2o2-and-baking-soda @paradivis @gr0tesquerom4ntica @dobaekki @obeythisass @karinyawhb22 @yanmaresu @jazeswhbvault @devilmen-collector
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lover-of-mine · 4 months
I think you should know this tag broke my heart
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You’re right, that is all he wanted, just to see her again and hear her voice. That’s what people say isn’t it, if I could just see them one last time, hear their voice, one last time….
It hurts they won’t deal with this like it should be dealt with.
I'm sorry but I have so many feelings about this. Eddie literally watched Shannon die. He literally sat there as life drained out her body and he had to keep looking because he didn't want her to be scared as she went. Because she needed him to be strong in that situation because he knew it was hopeless. He's a medic, he knows what people don't come back from, so Eddie's last memory of Shannon will forever be her dying in front of his eyes. Then he stumbled into someone who looked exactly like her and he finally had the chance to see something else. And the way Kim also sounds like Shannon. The first thing you forget about someone is their voice. And Eddie somehow tripped into someone who looks and sounds exactly like someone he loved and watched die. He just wanted more time to look at Shannon. And everyone in this situation took advantage of his grief. He loved Shannon and he lost Shannon in the most cruel of ways and Eddie himself said he didn't want sex from Kim, he clearly just wanted more time with someone he loved and lost and Kim was the perfect echo of that. He just wanted the chance to see Shannon again and that's perfectly reasonable and anyone in his situation wouldn't be able to walk away from that window. His grief is so complex and no one involved has the capacity to understand how he was feeling and they decided to punish him for the most human of reactions. No matter how you look at their relationship, she was a huge part of her life and he loved her. And he misses her. He just wanted to look at Shannon one last time and not see her death. Instead he got whatever happened and I legit want to sit down and cry for him. They will never deal with this particular aspect because they probably think that changing the scene from a kiss to a hug takes away that aspect for Eddie, but everyone in his life still got the wrong impression of what happened (because they didn't bother editing the actual fallout) and my heart is breaking for him so bad. He just wanted a bit more time and lost everything over it and the people in his life think he willingly hooked up with her when Kim barged in and forced him to deal with feelings she had no right messing with. It's heartbreaking.
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