#my cinnamon apple! my babie! my HUSBAND!
solosikoasgf · 1 year
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solo sikoa on wwe's the bump
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cottoncandy-cult · 4 months
Gentle Hold
Yami Sukehiro X Pregnant Wife! Reader
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(Y/n) sighed softly, hand rubbing her swollen belly as she made her way down the stone halls of the black bull's base. Her back was aching, the baby was do in a months time and she couldn't wait for all this pressure inside of her to be released. "Hey (Y/n), you ok? Do you need help down the stairs?" Asta had come around the corner, noticing the heavily pregnant woman and her obvious discomfort. "No thanks, Henry put those handrails up so I should be fine. I just can't keep laying in bed, my back is so tense." She had her free hand on her hip, trying to arch her back some to relieve it as she walked. "If you say so, I know you aren't supposed to take real baths when you're like that but maybe Captain Yami knows something that could help. He has been reading a lot when he goes to the bathroom, he has like a parenting book in each stall." Asta chuckled, smiling when he saw his captain's wife started to giggle. As unserious as the captain could be, Yami had been doing his best to prepare. He wasn't necessarily easily embarrassed, just naturally private about certain things. "He should be back from the captain's meeting at the capital soon, Fenral went with him so it shouldn't be long now." Asta continued on his way, the woman smiling with a nod and thanks before making her way down the steps towards the kitchen.
She was really wanting a banana muffin; she didn't want nuts in it though. Just a nice, soft and fluffy banana muffin. The thought had her belly rumbling, her waddled steps getting faster. "Hey Charmy, can we have muffins? I could really use something banana." When she approached the couch Magna was quick to stand and help her sit, being as devoted to her husband as he was Magna took great care of his captain's wife in his absence. "Coming up! I was just craving something sweet!" Charmy was quick to gather the sheep cooks, though it was clear banana muffins weren't the only things on the menu. To distract herself from her growing hunger, (Y/n) settled on a nice cool glass of milk. Before long Charmy had laid out several baked goods, while she had originally only been craving banana muffins the site of glazed honey banana buns had her mouth watering. That was where she was when Yami found her, her legs swinging happily in her seat as she ate a baked apple cinnamon roll. She had been going down the line, trying one of everything she could. Refilling her milk when needed, she happily enjoyed the warm and soft desserts.
"This looks good, you enjoying yourself darlin?" Yami sat next to her, kissing her cheek in greeting as he put out his cigarette. (Y/n) nodded with her mouth full, her cheeks full of soft goodness. Swallowing her bite, she looked up at her husband, wide smile on her face. "You've gotta try some of this, the cinnamon banana bread is so good." She took a drink of her milk once more, watching as Yami smiled at her from the corner of her eye. "Yeah? I guess I could use a snack before dinner." He took her advice and grabbed some of the bread, taking a bite of it with a soft hum. "Yeah, it's pretty good. I've tried something like this from the bar I drink at in the capital sometimes, but theirs is pretty dry." He tapped his fingers on the table, Vannessa happily fixing him a drink as she snacked on a cupcake. They all often took snack breaks together, it would normally start with one or two of them but then it would slowly grow as conversations were had. Yami had slipped an arm around his wife's waist, large hand sprawling across her stomach to feel the pressure of their child against his palm. He was always quietly affectionate with her; he was never obscene with it, but he never failed to make their relationship and his own feelings known.
His ring never came off his finger, she had heard from Magna how Yami put off gambling and worked more to buy their rings and pay for the wedding. That conversation had killed any anxiety she had about their engagement and their next big step in life. Her own hand came to rest over his, gently squeezing as she finished her current snack and snuggled up to him. Giggling as some of the younger squad members playfully gagged over their display, Yami simply rolling his eyes as he took another bite of his bread. "Julius wanted me to give you somethin' for the baby, he was out wizard watching again and saw this weird little stuffed animal and thought it was cute for some reason." Yami pulled out a stuffed animal, it was an odd amalgamation of animals. An otter body, a beaver tail, webbed feet and duck bill. The look of it had (Y/n) laughing, her hand coming up to cover her mouth as her eyes shut. "He is so ugly oh my god." She shakily took the stuffed animal, flipping it around to look it over though her giggles never stopped. "He is so ugly it's almost cute, where do you even come up with something like this? I didn't know alcoholics could sew." That comment made her husband snort, chuckling to himself as he shook his head. He did admit that the stuffed animal was quite odd, Julius in general had a very particular taste in items if William's mask was anything to go buy. "You know Julius, he somehow manages to find the most outlandish items… when he isn't making them himself." He sipped his beer, running his hand through her hair as she continued to look over the stuffed animal with a curious stare. "Can't say he isn't original…"
"I'm gonna go put this in the nursery so it doesn't get lost, if I eat too much more, I won't have room for lunch." She says this while picking up chocolate chip banana muffin, waddling her way to the steps as Yami watched her with a chuckle. Of course he stood to follow, finishing his drink and popping a whole muffin in his mouth. He wanted to enjoy his time with her today since it was interrupted by a captains meeting, so he followed her up to the nursery and made sure she didn't lose her balance on the steps. Until finally he leaned against the door frame, watching her place the stuffed animal on top of a small dresser that already had several on top of it. "Just one more month, you ready to pop yet?" Yami chuckled, walking in as he wrapped his arms around her waist and her own arms came to rest over his. "Mhm, I feel like I have a boulder in my body, my back aches and I have to pee all the time." She sighed softly and tilted her head back, closing her eyes as he shifted slightly to gently lift her belly with his large hands. Relief flooded her features as she hummed softly and gently squeezed his hand, she loved when he did this as it was one of the few times she felt relief these days. "I see, gives us another reason to count down the days then huh?" His thumbs stroked the curve of her stomach as he supported her body with ease, he used to work out just to get her attention and feed his ego, but it was really paying off now. "I'm kinda scared to be honest, if this baby is anything like you it's gonna be a giant." She giggled, her thumb stroking the top of his hand. As the wife of a magic knight captain, she knew her baby would be delivered by an experienced doctor, but she just knew by how heavy the baby set in her stomach that this was gonna be one hell of a birth. "I mean, at least we know the baby is gonna be healthy? Everything will be ok, the doctors aren't gonna let you suffer." Yami kissed the top of her head, having already gone over the procedure with Owen several times and so he knew there were things for pain she'd be given to reduce the stress on her and the baby. "I know, I trust Owen. I just know it's gonna wreck my body and I'm not excited for it." She sighed softly, turning her head to nuzzle the side of his neck.
"Yeah, can't blame you there. But once this baby is out, all you'll have to do is lay back and we'll handle the rest. I mean, you'll still need to nurse the baby, but we'll make sure you have time to rest." Yami pressed a kiss to her forehead, doing his best to soothe her anxiety. "I know you all will, we're the black bulls after all and we take care of each other." (Y/n) responded with a smile, she had confidence in her squad and knew she'd simply have to have faith. "You wanna go sit outside for a bit until lunch, the weather is nice, and the fresh air will do you good. You've been couped up inside all day." He swayed softly, basking in her natural body heat and breathing in her scent. He had his own anxiety about the birth, but he knew he'd just have to have faith that everything would work out. "Sure, the breeze through the window has felt nice all day. I wanna see how the garden is doing." Yami carefully lowered her belly, moving to lift her up into his arms as he carries her out the room. (Y/n) would get embarrassed at first when he would do this type of thing, but now she was just glad to snuggle with him and be off her feet without being stuck in bed. He brought her out back to the garden, sitting in a chair in the center of the garden and resting her on his lap. She sat across his legs, leaning against his chest as she lifted her head to look over the colorful flowers. One of her husband's large hands rubbed her back, large fingertips gently pressing into her muscles and rubbing out the tension as best he could.
He couldn't have her lay face down for a proper back massage, so he had to settle for trying to rub her back when she was sitting up. "Charmy has done really good at taking care of the flowers, all that experience growing fruits and veggies must really pay off for her." (Y/n) spoke with a smile, she loved her garden but once she got a bit deeper into pregnancy, she couldn't care for it the way she would have liked so she had to ask Charmy to take care of it until she was able to get back out there. "Yeah, she's pretty good in the garden and kitchen. We really lucked out with the variety in this squad." Yami chuckled, leaning against the back of the seat as he tilted his head back and closed his eyes. A soft warm breeze flowed past them, the sweet scent of the flowers carried on the wind and reinforced the calming scene around them. Yami never expected any of this, he had never thought much on love until his wife came into his life. Now here he was, married with a baby on the way and a squad of misfits that would always have his back. Life was turning out better than he expected, and he wasn't about to let this kind of peace slip through his fingers any time soon.
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shhh-secret-time · 8 months
rahhhh i’m such a fan of your writing omg and I never request stuff so i’m very nervous to send this but can I Pretty Please ask for something w kyle who’s usually more of a sub being asked to like Go Crazy Dom and at first he’s nervous but then like completely gets into it and wrecks reader’s shit please…. thank u for yr service🙏🏼
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Oh lovelies you never need to be nervous when sending requests, I know it can be intimidating but believe me I say this truly makes my day!
That being said, I hope you don't mind that I've combo the request with someone else's! I'm getting a lot of Kyle and I wanna make sure everyone gets a little of what they want! And there is filth ahead so get your bibles ready. Sinners the lot of you.
Me too
Warning: NSFW, Slight choking, Dom!Kyle, Sub!Reader, Breeding Kink, Oral, Strong Language
Pairing: Kyle x Fem!Reader
Notes: Shout out to the roommate who talked me through making a Danish so I didn't have to google it lmao.
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The smell of brown sugar and cinnamon filled the air swirling around in your small kitchen. The morning light peeks through the curtains of the circular window in front of the sink, you smile at the view of lilac and orange seemed to blend. You've read things online where people compared the morning sky to painting where the paint seemed to just melt together, and it seemed like one of those days. If you were better with a camera, you'd take a picture just to share it. That and the fact that you had a pair of arms wrapped around your waist and a very sleepy curly red-haired man nuzzling into your shoulder.
Your husband Kyle was never a morning person, for all his perfections and his strict schedule keeping, when the morning sun would greet him, he'd return the greeting with a groan and a feeble attempt to hide. You were trying to revive the poor man by making a pot of coffee, the warm brown liquid was the only thing that brought him back to the land of the living. The man ran off of coffee, you were sure the Tweeks owed half their business to him. With the coffee pot humming its little tune and the smell of ingredients laid out across the counter this morning just seemed perfect. Now if only your husband didn't have to leave and go to work if he could just stay with you and keep you warm.
The crisp morning air seeped into the house and sure you could change out of the basketball shorts you stole from him, and the large T-shirt you stole from him, oh the fluffy socks you stole from him but then you wouldn't smell like him. Because he would be leaving after he got through with his morning routine, and you'd be alone in this cold little house.
"What's with the face baby?" His voice broke you out of your little pout, the sleepy gravel laced in each word sent a shiver down your spine.
"What face? I'm making apple and brown sugar Danishes..." You say with a little smile on your face knowing full well he was going to keep bugging you about this.
"Hm... that’s why you had your lip poked out. And your brows were doing that thing." How did he know? He still had his face buried in you, now pushed into the crook of your neck.
You only hum in response as you focus on the apple in your hands, the knife gliding across the skin of the ruby red fruit. He knew better than to mess with you while you were handling dangerous kitchen tools, so he waited until you finished. Once you finished slicing the apples you gently placed them into the lemon water mixture, it would keep the apples fresh while you worked on the rest of the pastry. Next your hands find the mixing tool and begin to pull together nutmeg, brown sugar, butter, salt, and finally the cinnamon. Because you didn't have a lot of time in the mornings, knowing your husband had little time, you prepared the flour before he even stirred.
"You can't ignore me forever; I'm just going to keep bugging you until you tell me why you made such an adorable face." Kyle reminds you that he's still latched onto you by placing a lazy kiss on your neck, his lips trailing down towards your shoulder touching any skin that's exposed by the baggy shirt.
Every little kiss pulled you further and further away from your mixing, you couldn't help but melt under his affection. That didn't stop you from trying. You try squirming away from his lips, pushing your cheek against his face to nudge it out of the way.
"Baby, I'm trying to make you breakfast. Do you want to go to work hungry?"
"Hmm no, but if it means getting you to talk then I can suffer a little." He responds by tugging you back against him pulling you away from the bowl, the only shield against his wondering lips.
Kyle turns you around and lifts you up so you're facing him, using the counter so that you can look him in the eye. He's lucky you already put the ingredients you needed in the bowl, it didn't matter how pretty he looked with his messy bedhead and his soft green eyes, if he ruined your work, he'd get more than a pout. You expect him to move his hands from under your thighs, but he doesn't, instead he slots himself in between your legs and keeps the warmth of his palm on your exposed skin.
"No where to run now, come on love talk to me."
You look away for a moment, the heat from his hands was almost as warm as the blush on your face. "I- was just thinking about how lonely it is sometimes when you leave for work. I miss you..." You finally cave, how can you not under his gaze especially when it softens as you speak.
Kyle lets out a soft 'oh' that seems to drag out along with a sigh. He places a soft kiss on your cheek, one of his hands leaves your thigh and cups the side of your face his lips aren't on. "I'm sorry, you know getting out of bed is one of the hardest things I do every morning. I want nothing more than to stay wrapped up in the blankets with you."
This is why you didn't want to say anything, it was a selfish feeling. He was the one going out to provide for you both, he was the one who had to leave the house while he insisted that you stayed home to relax. When you first married Kyle, it was one of the first things he expressed he wanted, the need to take care of you and pamper you. It was a dream at first, having all that time to yourself and your hobbies and the only thing you needed to focus on was keeping the house clean.
Kyle pulls your face towards him, his index finger hooking under your chin to guide you back to him. His face drops to a frown when he sees the look on your face, his eyes studying you carefully.
"Hey, why don't we go out tonight? We can get some dinner and maybe catch a movie?" He's trying and it's so sweet, the way he doesn't seem to even mind your selfishness.
"That sounds nice. I'm sorry Kyle." You smile at him giving him a little kiss on the nose.
"Why are you sorry? You didn't do anything wrong."
"It's just-...you're the one that has to work and I'm being, I dunno clingy?"
"Baby you're not clingy. Honestly, I love that you want me here. I want to be here." If he wasn't already smiling at the way you kissed his nose, he definitely has a love filled grin now.
"I know and it makes me feel bad for telling you. Like, it's probably already hard enough for you to go to work."
Kyle goes quiet for a only a moment before shaking his head, the red curls bouncing from side to side as he does. He sighs softly and looks at you with heavy lidded eyes. The love in his smile matches the soft greens of his eyes.
"You're so sweet. Such a wonderful wife, you know that? I can't believe I'm this lucky to have married someone so considerate." Between his barrage of compliments and the way he peppers your face with so many soft kisses you can't argue back. "You're not making my life harder by wanting me to stay, I'm not burdened by you, I promise. Have I ever been the kind of guy to keep that kind of thing quiet?"
No. If Kyle Broflovski felt strongly about something you would hear it. It was honestly one of your favorite things about him, you never had to guess how he felt or if he wasn't upset and was too afraid to tell you. There were moments where he needed time to sort out his feelings or he'd explode, and he swore he'd never do that to you. Not you, not the person he bound his life to.
"There's more to this isn't there? Come on love, what is it?" Kyle Broflovski was also very good at reading you, turns out.
You pressed your lips together as your hands worked up towards his hair, carding your fingers through his fiery red curls. He hummed in delight at the way your fingers felt against his scalp, if you didn't want to risk ruining the moment, you'd compare him to a cat.
One should feel honored that Kyle would even allow them to see his hair when he was a kid, now here you were touching it and even massaging his scalp. You swore if you had enough time, you'd have him purring in your hands.
"I was just thinking about a way to not make the house so lonely."
"You want me to see if I can't start working from home? It'll be a little difficult, but I can-"
"No, no. I mean that would be awesome but no. I mean like...what if we had a little us running around? You know?" You whisper letting your voice drop as if someone could be listening in on your conversation.
Kyle's eyes widen and you watch his face turn a bright red, the freckles on his face pop against his skin. You've never seen him react like that, even before you were married in those early dating stages. Sure, there were times where he got nervous, times where he felt his heart speed up when he looked at you, times where he was puddy in your hands and you could pull a side of him that he'd never show anyone else.
In the bedroom it was you who took the lead. Maybe it was because Kyle was so busy being "dominate" in other parts of your relationship that when it was time for love making, he just wanted to let someone else have control. Being able to shut his mind off and just focus on the wonderful feeling you gave him was what heaven felt like, he was sure. And he was just lucky you liked the role, that you took to it so easily. There was no shame in his eyes, he just wanted to keep what you both did between you two. The world didn't need to know what went on behind closed doors. But the way he looked at you told a different story.
"You...want a baby? My baby?" His voice matches your level, but his voice seems to dip lower than his usual sleepy voice.
"Who else? I know we haven't really talked about it, but I think we're in a good spot and we'd make really good parents."
When Kyle doesn't respond you squirm a little on the counter, shifting in his hold that seemed to tighten around your thigh. You watched as he took a deep breath, and his eyes fluttered shut. Then he grabbed his phone and began tapping away against the screen. You went to move so you could give him the privacy he needed as your eyes caught the little text bubbles being sent. You tried your hardest not to read what he was texting but his hand on your thigh squeezed around the soft flesh, a silent warning to keep still. The way his jaw shifts and the veins in his arms poke out makes you tilt your head in confusion.
"I called off." His voice breaking the silence makes you jolt, that and the way he tosses his phone to the side.
"What?! Why!? I don't want to be the reason you're staying home." You try to protest further but you're cut off by the way his lips slam into yours.
"I've got plenty of sick days I never use. You're sitting here in my clothes talking about wanting my baby. And god damn it I didn't even want to go in today anyway." He growls in between the kisses, emphasizing each word.
"I always wear your clothes though! I don't see-... Kyle did asking for a baby get you worked up?" You ask pulling him back from your lips by his hair, he usually likes when you tug on the roots.
He lets out a small moan, but it's cut off by another growl, he grabs your hands holding your smaller wrists in his one hand. Pinning them above your head against the cabinets behind you makes you gasp, and your eyes widen. This was a new side to him that had your core pulsing with desire.
He didn't need to answer, you got it from that alone, but he did. "You have no idea how long I've been thinking about wanting to fill you up. How bad I wanna cum in you until there's no question that you're pregnant."
You shutter and whimper at the way he speaks to you, his dirty talk working its magic. As the years went on, he worked on trying to keep it out of his vocabulary, but in moments like this where he gets worked up it would slip out.
But it never came out like this, you never realized how much you liked Kyle like this. You never saw the looks he would give you when you were so busy taking care of Ike. The way his eyes would linger with a dark hunger behind them as you took care of his baby brother like it was second nature. Thoughts of your own kids grabbing at your hip and hugging your leg, a baby in your arms and another one in his. How jealous he was that Stan told him one night that he was trying with his partner for kids. How Kenny already had one with another one the way. Kyle wanted his kids to grow up with theirs, maybe they'd be best friends like they were.
More importantly he wanted to see you pregnant, the need to take care of you was ingrained so deeply that he wanted this. Needed this. His cock was aching already over the fact that you brought it up and he didn't have to. You came to him wanting a baby and fuck he was going to give you one. Especially if you kept whimpering and pressing your body against his like that.
"Who's getting worked up now? Do you like that idea? C'mon talk to me Mama." Oh, the way he called you that was dangerous, his hot breath ghosting over your exposed collarbone.
"I-I-" You can't get it out, the way your head is spinning and the way his lips are working, making his mark on your skin. You yelp when his teeth sink in and his grip on your wrists tightens. "I do! I-I want you!"
He seemed to like that, liked the way you beg for him so easily. You feel him smirk into your skin and his free hand push up your shirt. His fingertips glide across your skin finding your breasts, there he gives your nipple a sharp pinch, rolling the nub between his index finger and this thumb. "You sound so pretty like this; I should have done this forever ago.... I'm gonna let your hands go so I can get this shirt off you. You keep them there." Kyle wasn't asking, not the way he clicked his tongue and rolled your nipple.
You cry out and nod, barely able to verbally respond, the pain was intoxicated something you didn't even know you liked. If this was how he was acting from just talking about putting a baby in you, you couldn't wait until he was actually fucking you. For now, you'd play his game, keep your hands above your head so he can slip the faded T-shirt off you.
"I never get tired of this." Next comes your shorts, he unties the strings keeping the baggy basketball shorts up and around your waist. His hands working on pulling them down until they pool beneath his feet, kicking them to the side. "I can't believe you thought for a second I would be upset with you for wanting me to stay home. Fuck, I'm glad you said something. Guess I don't have to worry about going to work hungry hm?" He returns to your neck, but he doesn't stay for long, he kisses a heated trail down to your breasts.
There his lips latch onto your hardening buds. His tongue swirls around the pink flesh hungrily sucking until they're red and sore. Each little cry and moan you let out only encourages him to give the other side the same attention. All the while his hands work on opening your legs to him.
His attention is pulled away when he feels your soaked cunt. Expecting to find your panties, he growls and looks down at you. You don't know how he went from looking you in the eye, to almost hovering over you with such a dangerous look. How he made you feel so small like you were prey.
"Was this a part of your plan? Make those adorable pouting faces and get me to fuck you on the kitchen counter? Wear nothing under my clothes so I can dive right into that delicious looking pussy?" You moan and throw your head back, not just from how filthy he spoke but from how he bit the inside of your thigh.
Teeth marks marking up and down your plump perfect thighs, they were perfect to him. Perfect in the way they felt under his teeth, perfect in the way they filled his hand, perfect in the way you tasted. All of you was perfect.
"Oh fuck~" You're nearly cut off by another gasp as his nips turn to kisses against your slit.
"Keep moaning like that, it goes so well with my breakfast." The way his tongue slipped through the lips of your cunt against your bud made your gasp turn to moans.
Kyle devoured you like you were his last meal, his tongue swirls around your nub like he had your breasts. You couldn't help as your hips rolled against his tongue chasing pleasure with greed, but he stops you with a firm hold on your thighs. His teeth graze your bud as a warning, a silent demand for you to sit still, but if the way he spoke and pinned you down was anything to go off of; you needed to keep pushing. So, you pushed against his hold again, squirming against his mouth.
When Kyle pulls back and clicks his tongue, it isn't until you see the look in his eyes that you know you're in trouble. "I kept my hands up like you told me to...w-what is it?"
"You know what. I'm trying to eat my meal in peace and you're making it very hard. Quit being a brat."
"But I was just-"
Kyle cuts you off again, but not with his lips or his own words, but from his hands wrapped around your throat. The tips of his fingers applied a healthy amount of pressure to cut off just enough air to make your head spin. His eyes narrow down at you as he forces your head up.
"You were just...what? Arguing with me? No, I think you were going to say, I'm sorry I won't move my hips again. I'll keep still so you can eat."
He waits. Waits for you to nod before letting your throat go, then he waits another second looking at you expectedly. As you gasp for air your tongue traces your bottom lip. "I... I’m sorry and I'll keep still so you can eat."
"Good girl."
Oh. Oh. Maybe you were more of a switch than you thought. Maybe it was just the way he said that with that delicious purr. At this moment you didn't really care to put a label on it, you were just burning from the praise. Not like you had a lot of time to think about it anyway, not when he knelt back down and started eating you out. His lips latched onto the sensitive nub pulling a moan from you as he sucked, his tongue flicks over it again and again. He's attentive to every sound you make from the way your muscles flex and bounce under his touch. All but humming when your yell for God or his name.
Throwing your head back, you swore you were seeing stars when he shook his head back and forth. The friction had you clenching around nothing and your nails digging into the wooden cabinets behind you.
"Kyle baby, I'm gonna cum. Please let me cum. I-I've been good I did what you told me!"
When he doesn't say anything, you have to fight the urge to grab him by the head and force him to look up at you. Slowly he looks up at you and the little flicker of fire behind them tells you all you need. It takes everything in your power not to close your eyes as you cum around his tongue, even more so when his tongue begins to greedily lap it up. You mewl and squirm trying to pull away from him, but he won't let you, won't let you move from his hold. Nothing you could have baked for him would taste as perfect as you do.
"So sweet~. Hmm always taking care of me." Kyle rubs his lips against your thighs again, wiping the slick off his jaw.
As he stands back up, he can't help but admire his work. The way your skin is marked with his teeth marks, the purple bruises on your thighs shaped like his hand, and now the way your face is flushed a dark red as you try to catch your breath. You can't quite read what's going on in his head, but he's got that look like he's thinking about something. The way his brows knit together and his eyes flicker from you to around the room.
Then he hums, picks you up and carries you over to the kitchen table. You shiver when the cool wood hits your back but it's a distant complaint as he hovers over you. Somewhere between the counter and the table he's slipped off his plaid bottoms and his boxers. Discarded somewhere with your clothes, you click back into reality as he pulls his shirt over his head. Most of his freckles are covering his shoulders, dusting across the pale skin and down his back. He raises a brow at you when he catches you admiring just how handsome he really is. It's only morning and he's already got you so dazed and worked up.
"Got something to say Mama?"
Fuck you were really beginning to like that, "just thinking about how incredibly lucky I am. We're gonna make some really pretty babies."
He smirks at you, the kind that would have made you fall to your knees if you weren't laying on the table. "Yeah? I was just thinking the same thing. How fucking beautiful you are. How pretty you're gonna look when I finally paint your insides."
You cover your mouth to stop the moan from slipping out of your mouth, but once again he stops you and pins your hands by your side. "No. Let me hear you. I need to hear you begging for my cock. Beg me to fill you up."
It takes a few teasing glides of his cock over you folds and a few more growls before you finally cave. The way the words roll of your tongue is like sin. "Please Kyle, I want you to fuck a baby into me. I want it so bad; it has to be you. Only you!"
"Fuck!" His own resolve crumbles just as the tip of his cock slips back down to your begging hole.
This isn't the first time you've felt him without a condom but this time it felt so different. Knowing he wasn't going to pull out this time was exciting, the fact that he could just let go and take you however he wanted. To claim you with his cum. You're so caught up in your own thoughts you don't even feel the way he puts your legs up on his shoulders, or his curls brushing against your face. It isn't until he finally sheathes himself into you that you snap out of it. You moan next to his ear when he bottoms out in you, the way your thighs burn feels so good.
"Your cunt's choking me, trying to milk me already baby? Don't worry I'll give you every last drop." Kyle lulls his head to the side as he begins lazily rocking into you.
You're almost folded in half from the way he has you under him, knees pushed back towards your shoulders. Kyle's got your hands still pinned by the side of your head; fingers intertwined with yours. Normally his eyes would flutter shut, he'd give into the sensation of his cock nudging into your walls, but this time he keeps them open. Like he is trying to memorize every time your lips form that cute little 'o' and a moan comes spilling out. The way your moans pitch up when he hits that delicious spot. The way you pant and beg for him to go faster.
That's when he shifts, the loving hold and lazy thrusts turn to fast paced fucking. Love making is always there, you never doubt that, but the way he's got his hands around your waist pulling you back onto his cock feels so raw. He slams into you with a newfound force neither of you knew he could muster. Your eyes roll to the back of your head, stars dancing across your vision. He rewards you with his own moans and grunts, the further his cock head pushes past your walls the faster he brings you to climax. Now that your hands are free from his strong grip, you place them on his forearm’s nails digging into his flesh. He hisses but it only seems to push him further.
"Come on baby. Cum around my cock. Yeah, just like that. Just like that!"
You arch your back and give him all you have. Your walls finally grip his cock as you reach your peak. Between your heart beating in your ears and the way he slams back into you, it's almost too much. Kyle finds a way to keep you on the line without pushing you too far. You feel the way his hips begin to stutter, and his moans become ragged. You know he's close.
"Yeah. Fuck you feel so good, I'm gonna- gotta fill you up. Take it!" He groans and then you feel his hot seed against your walls. Pushing up into your cunt, he plugs your hole with a final slam of his hips.
You and your husband lay there against one another, panting heavily until your breathing slows down to match one another. You can feel his lips pressed against your neck and his eyelashes tickle your skin. When you move your hands to his hair again, he knows you're okay, he presses a few short kisses onto your soft lips. Kyle feels you smile against his lips, and he doesn't even bother stopping the lazy one that comes across his.
"Never seen that side of you. I like it." You purr finally able to talk now that you've slowed down.
"Hm, keep that in mind when we do this again."
"Oh baby, we've got all day. It's Friday. I'm going to treat you to dinner like I promised. After that I'll take you upstairs and we're going to do this again. And again. Aaaaaand again. I'll keep my cock plugged in you like this and we'll go to sleep." His fingers push back into your hair, pushing it out of your sweaty face.
"J-Jesus Kyle." You shutter under his touch, unable to stop the way your walls flutter around him again. You can feel his cock bob in response, and when he slides his hardened member out slowly; you feel every little vein like he wants you to memorize it.
"Gotta make sure you're pregnant. My perfect, beautiful, wonderful wife deserves to be a mama. And what kind of husband would I be if I didn't give her exactly what she wants?" Kyle smirks down at you with newfound energy.
It was going to be a long morning, maybe you could convince him to let you finish making those pastries but you had a feeling that would be a battle. Especially since he's already started thrusting back into you. Maybe a few more rounds wouldn't hurt, you could always have him put the baked goods in the oven. After all he was doing so well already.
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stvharrngton · 2 years
the cabin
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a/n: request for my bestie @sweetiestevie​ <3 i hope you like it i’m sorry it’s not super long :( 
pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader
word count: 2.2k
warnings: smut, 18+ minors dni, cursing, oral (m receiving), unprotected sex, sub!steve, dad!steve and daddy kink all rolled into one (first time writing that so if it’s awful i apologise lmao)
The lit fireplace crackled in the dim living space as the wind whipped outside the cabin. The room filled with festive scents of cinnamon and spiced apple as the candles you lit flickered in the background.
Your daughter had been long put to bed, tuckered out and grizzly after a long day of playing outside in the snow. Your extended weekend vacation at the log cabin proving its worth in tiring her out, allowing for a smooth running bedtime and more importantly, alone time for you and Steve.
It didn’t consist of much, simply enjoying each other’s company. You curled up on the couch, Steve’s head in your lap and your fingers carded through his wild hair, nails scratching lightly at his scalp, the other nursing a large glass of wine he’s so kindly poured for you.
A glance down at your husband; his eyes closed, features awash with calm, his lips slightly parted, the light scratch of stubble that decorated his chin. He looked so peaceful, so pretty.
Leaving one hand in his hair, your fingers traced over the soft skin of his cheek, stopping to trace over every mole and freckle, tickling the slight scruff on his jaw. A sigh leaving his lips as your thumb rubbed along his bottom lip, pursing together to form a pout to kiss the pad of your thumb.
Your fingers travelled lower, brushing over his neck and the smattering of chest hair that peaked out from below his shirt. They continued down his pecs, stopping to lightly pinch at his nipples before they reached the hem of his t-shirt, delving beneath the material. Your nails lightly scratched at his stomach, the happy trail that sat there.
Steve leaned up on his elbows now, large palm reaching for the back of your neck to bring him closer to you. Your noses brushed along each other’s, your lips finally pressing to his. This kiss was slow, lips and tongues moving together languidly. Your fingers never left the skin beneath his shirt, your soft touches setting Steve’s skin alight.
You deepend the kiss, fingers tugging at the ends of his hair now, pulling little content sighs and moans from the man below you. It was bliss when you got to steal moments like these alone, whimpers and groans swallowed between kisses, hands wandering and dancing over aged skin. It made you both feel like teenagers again, like kissing in the back of a movie theatre, like getting a little too handsy at a party.
Steve was sat up with you now, only breaking the kiss to lose his shirt. His hands were in your hair, letting one fall to your waist to bring you closer. Your delicate fingers rested on his thigh, tracing over the soft material of his pyjama pants. They inched higher, fingertips ghosting over his semi hard cock, a throaty groan escaping from Steve’s mouth.
You broke the kiss now, lips a little wet and swollen, eyes glassy and cheeks flushed. You braced yourself on Steve’s shoulders before you swallowed the dry lump in your throat. Your eyes cast aside,
“Why don’t you take a seat over there?” nodding to the side to the large plush armchair that was next to the fireplace, “Let me take care of you, Stevie?”
Steve swallowed as you continued to palm him over his pants, “Yeah,” he breathed, “fuck yeah.” nodding eagerly.
You watched as he padded over to the chair, legs spread wide and arms on either side of the arms. Your breath hitched in your throat a little at the sight, you sauntered after him kneeling in between his thighs.
“Let’s take these off, baby,” you cooed, fingers hooking beneath the waistband as Steve lifted his hips to allow you pull them down his legs. The warm air of the cabin hitting is cock made him hiss through his teeth, the sight of you knelt before him making his thighs clench.
You kissed all along his legs, over his thighs, licking a stripe up his cock, your other hand cupping his balls, “You gonna let me make you feel good, baby?” you asked, lips pressing a soft kiss to his tip, “Show you what a good man you’ve been, what a good Daddy you’ve been, hm?”
Steve moaned all pretty, head slumped back against the chair, eyelids heavy and gaze lustful, “Yeah, yes,” his thumb stroked across your cheek, “fuck- please, please.”
You wrapped a hand around his throbbing cock, vein protruding and tip leaking. You pumped him lazily at first, pace slow and teasing as you licked and mouthed at his heavy balls. Steve let out a loud groan, teeth digging into his bottom lip to stifle his noises.
You chuckled at his expression, brow furrowed and eyes clenched shut, fingers curling into the arms of the chair, holding on for dear life. You quickened the pace a little, mouth leaving his balls to spit on his dick.
The scene before him so obscene, so dirty, Steve couldn’t help but whimper as your hand glided up and down his cock. You squeezed his tip between your fingers, thumb swiping over the precum from his slit.
“Oh,” Steve squirmed, hips canting upwards into your hand, “fuck, oh baby, please.”
“Doing so well, Stevie, so good, baby.” you praised, voice low and sultry, knowing it would send a twinge right to his cock. Steve was fucking himself into your fist now, desperately chasing his own high but you weren’t ready for him to cum just yet.
So you slowed your hand, watching as his chest heaved, his head lulled back and eyes staring at the ceiling. You hummed as your lips left wet kisses along his thighs and up to his stomach, fingers reaching up to tweak his nipples.
The sweetest whimper escaped Steve’s lips, all desperate and needy. His fingers scooping your hair into a makeshift ponytail as your lips encircled his tip now, tongue swirling.
You pushed slowly until you felt the tip brush the back of your throat, tears welling at the corner of your eyes as Steve filled your mouth. You breathed through your nose as you pulled off him, a string of saliva still connecting you to his wet cock.
You went back for more, head bobbing up and down his length, hands planting Steve’s hips into the plush of the chair, “You- you look so pretty like this, fuck, oh my God.”
Whining around his cock, you couldn’t help but slide your fingers between your thighs, fingers circling your clit lazily, slick spreading over your pussy. Steve’s desperate moans and fucked out expression going straight to your core.
You sucked his cock with everything you had, wet and sloppy, Steve cursing every time his tip brushed the back of your throat. Hand twisting at the base, squeezing and pumping as your spit dribbled down to his balls.
“Fuck, you’re so beautiful,” he groaned, “feels s’fucking good.”
You felt him tense all over, fingers tugging at your hair as you pulled off of him. You wiped the spit from your mouth with the back of your hand, eyelashes fluttering up at Steve.
“Shit,” be breathed, “‘m so close, baby.”
“Yeah?” you asked, hands stroking up and down his muscular thighs.
It was on the tip of your tongue. A word you never dared mention in the bedroom before, not in this context, always too anxious that it would kill the mood. It was silly really, the nerves that bubbled in your stomach every time you thought about saying it but you knew Steve wouldn’t view you any differently.
But you were so riled up, heart thumping beneath your chest. Steve’s hair a little wild from how his fingers tugged at it, lips pink and chest panting. Cock throbbing against his stomach, your pussy dripping.
“Stevie,” you mummered.
“Hmm?” he hummed, thumb coming to brush the apple of your cheek, stopping at your lips, a rasp from his throat when you took it into your mouth, sucking.
“Tell me,” you whispered, “what does Daddy want?”
Steve’s jaw went slack, mouth hanging agape, every inch of his body tensing as those words left your mouth. He huffed through his nostrils, eyes rolling to the back of his head.
“Oh,” you breathed a sigh, a little relief, “you like that? Like it when I call you Daddy?”
He groaned, throat thick and dry. His cock growing impossibly stiffer, begging to be touched and sucked, begging to be fucked dry.
“Yeah,” he breathed, “yeah, I like it, fuck.” Your thighs clenched at his admission.
Steve nodded, urging you to stand up, “C’mere,” he whispered. Hands reaching for the satin of your nightie, eyes bulging when he saw you were bare underneath. Steve pulled you into his lap, arms wrapping around your waist, pulling you flush to his chest.
Your fingers found his hair, brushing the stray strands from his forehead, your cunt aching at the feeling of his cock snug between your folds.
“What do you want, Daddy? Want me to make you feel good?” you rocked back and forth now, a slow dirty grind of your hips.
“God,” Steve whined, “ yes, fuck. Please fuck me, baby please,” his hands splayed across your ass now, pushing and pulling your hips faster, “Need you t’get on my cock.”
“Yes, Daddy.” you moaned at the neediness in his voice, reaching behind you to grab his length, sliding him through your slick before sinking down him.
You both moaned at the stretch, Steve’s teeth nipping at your shoulder to silence himself. Mustering every bit of stamina in his body he could find to keep himself from climaxing right there and then.
“‘M not gonna last long, shit,” he cursed under his breath, hiding his face in the crook of your neck.
“S’ok, Stevie,” you whispered, lips pressed over the shell of his ear, “gonna fuck you real good.”
You began to move your hips now, hands braced on his broad shoulders as you rocked back and forth on his cock. The tip sat so deep it brushed that sweet spot with every roll, and Steve was a wreck beneath you.
Fingers digging into the plush skin of your hips, gripping so tightly. Head back against the top of the chair, leaving his neck exposed for you to press your wet lips to it.
“Cock feels so good, Daddy,” you mewled, hips working faster and harder now, your ass bouncing, the sound of your skin slapping against each other’s filling the room.
“Yeah?” Steve asked, eyes glassy, a low moan leaving his throat, “just like that, fuck.”
The stretch of his cock buried inside you and the filthy words you both spoke to each other drove you insane, fingers slipping down your body, one hand playing with your tits as the other found your clit. You keened above Steve, the coil in your stomach tightening as you felt his gaze on you.
“C’mon,” Steve groaned, “cum for Daddy,” eyes focused on where your fingers rubbed, “such a pretty girl.”
“Oh,” you whined, fingers circling faster, hips bouncing harder, “yeah, fuck, Daddy.” Muscles clenching and fingers stuttering as you reached your climax, chest heaving and legs shaking. Breathy pants escaped your lips as you moaned a mix of incoherent curses and chants of Steve’s name.
“Good girl,” he cooed, “good girl baby, fuck-”
Steve never let your hips stop, urging you to grind your hips into his, his own orgasm close behind yours. He was desperate now, wanting nothing more than to cum, than to fill you up. He was so fucked out, his head a little fuzzy, muscles tense and whines needy.
You mustered enough energy in you to keep going, to keep Steve from fucking himself into you. You held his chin between your thumb and finger, pressing his lips to yours. It was messy, a clash of tongues and teeth, desperate and needy.
Your hips picked up the pace again, slamming back and forth onto Steve’s cock and the man all but near died at the sight of you. Body sweaty from your orgasm, tits bouncing in his face with every thrust of your hips. Tired and fucked out moans tumbling from your lips.
“Fuck, ‘m gonna cum, baby.” Steve groaned, toes curling into the plush expensive rug on the floor, thighs clenching.
“Want you to cum for me, Daddy, please,” you cried, “fill me up.”
Steve whined, eyes rolling to the back of his head at your words, strings of curses and your name escaped his lips as he squeezed your hips tight. Muscles tensed as he reached his high, stuffing you full of his cum, chest heaving.
You laid against his chest, fingers stroking up and down his bicep soothingly, letting him come down from his orgasm. You watched as his chest rose and fell with every breath his lungs gave, eyelids fluttering shut at the sight.
Steve breathed a fuck into the warm air, fire place still crackling in the background. His arms circled your waist, his cock still buried in your cunt. A shallow chuckle worked its way past his lips,
“So, how long have you kept that one in the trunk, huh?”
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siempre-bucky · 2 years
Robert 'Bob' Floyd x Reader
Summary: Bob's asked the question: "What's your favorite part about fall?" and it's something you couldn't find in SoCal. Seeing that he misses home, you give him his favorite thing.
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The fire crackled, and blue eyes followed golden embers as they fell to the sand. Bob sat with his knees to his chest, chin resting on the top of knees as he laughed at something Mickey said. "Fall in San Diego fucking sucks," Mickey groaned, tipping his head back to show his distaste. 
"Too hot," you hummed. Your arm was snaked around Bob's toned bicep. The closeness from your husband only added to the warmth. You didn't mind, you thought the sheen of sweat on his forehead was rather sexy. 
The squad started swapping stories of cold autumns filled with changing colors and the scents of apples and pumpkins. "What's your favorite thing about fall, Baby on Board? You've been typically quiet this evenin','' Jake smirked from his spot across the fire. 
The WSO thought about it, his eyes looking to the sand. He missed home during this time of year. He missed the smell of cinnamon in his mother's kitchen, the way the cool breeze hit his face as he rode his beloved horse through the farm, and the way you cuddled beside him during scary movies. His favorite though was a little silly and he'd rather not be made fun of by his tipsy friends. 
You noticed the way he tensed up and began to fiddle with the black band on his left hand, a habit reserved for when he was nervous. "The cold air," he said with a nod of his head and a crooked smile. 
What a liar. 
You questioned him about it on the drive home. "Bobby," you started, shifting in your head to face him better. "What's your favorite part about fall?" 
Bob knew you could see right through him. He let out a nervous laugh and shook his head, "It's silly," he replied, looking over at you with a pretty smile on his thin lips. 
"You know it's not silly to me, my love." 
There was a small pause while the blond gathered his thoughts and tried to muster an ounce of confidence. "I like the leaves," he said, unsure of himself. 
"The leaves," you repeated softly. 
He nodded shyly. "Back home, I could open the door and the leaves would be on the doorstep. We would walk down the street looking for the one that would crunch the most. Can't really do that out here, especially not in Lemoore." 
You reached for his hand, curling your fingers around it until he relaxed under your touch. He didn't talk about how much he missed his family’s farm back home; made his eyes watery. "That's not silly at all, Bobby." 
He nodded sheepishly, embarrassed by his own admission. "Made me miss home a bit. Ma sent me a couple of pictures from the pumpkin patch—I miss it."
His confession stuck with you into the late hours of the night, curled up next to him as he slept peacefully beside you. You played with the short curls that were splayed on the pillow and your mind was working overtime. Bob wasn't able to take time off until Christmas time—the leaves would be gone and snow would cover the ground. 
With a small grunt, you rolled over and grabbed your phone. Another grunt escaped you as the bright light hit your eyes, squinting and you opened your messages app and began typing. 
It took a few days of looking longingly at the front door, watching the mailman drive past with nothing larger than a letter, but there he was: your savior in a light blue uniform. He was taken aback by how abruptly you opened the door. 
"Floyd?" He asked, looking at the cream colored label on the box. 
"Yes, thank you," you answered cheerfully, taking the large box in your hands. 
You practically ripped it open as you kicked the door close behind you. Inside was something to lift Bob's spirit, if you couldn't take Bob home, you'd bring home to him. 
Ziploc bags held the driest leaves his family could find. His mother lovingly drew little hearts and leafs with black Sharpie on the front. You gently pushed down with your fingertips, a few of the golden leaves crunched under your touch. A bright smile made its way to your lips, perfect.
Bob woke up shivering, goosebumps littered his pretty skin and the barely there warmth of the thin blanket wasn't helping. San Diego must've frozen over. He sniffed, the scent of cinnamon instantly hitting his nose. The cold air from the air conditioner suddenly didn't matter, he felt like he was back home; he was comfortable. 
"Good morning, Bobby," you greeted kindly as you sat near the edge of the bed. He smiled, his hand coming out from under the blanket to hold the side of your waist. 
"Did you turn the air conditioner down?" He asked through a yawn. 
"I did," you responded proudly. He could hear the grin in your voice as you spoke, so he opened one of his eyes and formed a face. "I got a surprise for you." 
That got him up. 
He put on his glasses and the burnt orange flannel you had hanging on the door for him before you held his hand to guide him through the house. "Breakfast?" He asked as he saw a stack of pancakes on the small table. 
"Pumpkin and cinnamon," you added, "but that's not the surprise." 
His eyebrows raised, a small crooked smile forming on his lips. His face reminded you of the shy boy you knew all those years ago, the one who was never good at asking for what he wanted and was always surprised when he got it. “W-what is it?” 
“Open the door,” you told him, nudging your head towards the front door. 
He kept his eye on you as he carefully walked to the front door. His hand wrapped around the cold metal doorknob. The door opened with a creek and when he looked down, his breath hitched in his throat. 
The leaves his mother sent you covered the doorstep. Beautiful shades of orange, red, and brown went all the way down the driveway. “Honey,” he managed, not trusting his voice. Bob was overwhelmed with emotion, he was transported back home with the cold on his back and the leaves in front of him. 
“I know we couldn’t go this year,” you started, snaking your arms around his waist, pressing your cheek to his shoulder blade. “I messaged your mom and she sent me these. Do you like it?” 
He smiled and after a moment of watching a brown leaf drift into the grass he nodded. “Yeah,” he murmured, “So much.” Your eyebrows gently furrowed at the broken sound of his voice. He took a step away from you and you let him go willingly. “Can I?” 
Bob stuffed his hands in his shorts pockets until his watch hit the hem of the material. He took one step down and then another, the leaves cracking under his bare feet. His eyes fluttered closed and he inhaled the earthy scent, his mind made up the smell of the barn and the distinct smell of his former home. 
He walked slowly down the driveway with his chin tilted to the warm sun. A gust of wind hit his face and his curls fell on his forehead, the blowing leaves brushing against his legs. Bob made it to the end of the sidewalk before opening his eyes, adjusting to the brightness as he looked at you and the prideful smile you had on your face. 
“Wanna join me?” he called out. 
You nodded happily and wasted no time rushing to his side, sliding your hand along the lower part of his back. “You look happy, Bobby.” 
Bob placed a kiss on your temple, “I am happy.” 
“Wanna come inside and eat?” 
He looked to the ground again, his eyes instantly going to a withered leaf—the driest one he’s seen yet. “In just a second,” he chuckled, bouncing over to the lone little leaf. Bob joyfully lifted his foot off the ground, savoring the anticipation before setting it down. The satisfying crunch made him giggle, a smile you’d never forget displayed on his pretty face. His cheeks dusted with a childlike rose. The blond adjusted his glasses and looked back at you, extending his hand. “Now we can.” 
Bob sat happily at the table, silent yet his body language told you everything you needed to know. His eyes were glued to the front window, watching (more like daydreaming) the leaves that waited for him. You sat across from him, just looking at him in admiration; he looked his best when he was comfortable and happy. 
His fingers itched to go play in the leaves, scoop them up and throw them as high as he could make them go. “Bobby,” you said in between bites. He looked up at you,  “Just go.” 
His blue eyes lit up, then did his best to calmly place his fork on the table and rose from his seat. “Thank you!” he cheered, coming around the table to kiss your cheek. “I love you so much.”  
You happily watched the grown man play in the leaves like a child, your coffee cup pressed to your smiling lips. 
Spirits lifted. 
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whatthebodygraspsnot · 7 months
#canon divergence where they get drunk as hell on hot toddies one night and keep calling each other papa bear and baby bear
.....can i have this? pretty please? how can i get this? what can i do?
one (1) beautiful kiss is my fee
it’s a dark and chilly night. spring is just around the corner, but before it comes, winter’s using its icy clutches to snatch them up one more time.
ian is grumbly (“we’re so close to tomatoes mick 😩 i can practically taste em”) but mickey sees it as an opportunity to trap his husband in for the night and get him good n liquored up.
they’ve been on a bit of a hot toddy kick for a lot of winter, claiming that it’s something they can be overly decadent about because what they’re spending on ingredients, they’re saving on their heating bills - their internal temps and shared body heat rendering their furnace unnecessary.
they’ve tried apple cider toddies, ginger, even a coffee recipe that left them both grimacing at each other after a single sip, never to drink again.
tonight it’s a tried and true favorite - bourbon, honey, a lil cinnamon stick that mickey always ends up puffing on like a cigar to make ian laugh. he’s returning with their third round (it’s very cold, okay?) and ian is a heavy-lidded, slightly swaying angel where he’s waiting for him on the couch, the blanket bunched over his lap.
“thank you, honey,” he grins, amused beyond belief with his own joke as he accepts the warm glass with both hands. it’s only interrupted when his sip leaves him sucking in quickly, cooling his mouth with a breath. “oo…that shit is too hot.”
mickey helps himself to the other end of the couch, “yeah alright, goldilocks,” remembering to at least blow on his first because this has to be their hundredth hot toddy of the season, and his husband is sometimes a simple man, bless his fucking heart.
and speaking of.
the sound of glass hitting their coffee table is mickey’s first warning of the approach. what comes next is the shifting of the couch cushions, ian helping himself to every inch of his personal space. “goldilocks, huh?” he murmurs through a drunken grin, lifting mickey’s glass now too and taking it away with great care. “think i’m more of a papa bear, no?”
mickey blinks. can’t help the smile that tugs at his own mouth. “no.”
but he’ll definitely take ian loving up on him, all that warm, spiced bourbon warming his belly. “mhm…”
“and who’s that make me, huh…?”
ian noses close, sharing his smile with him as their lips brush. “mm…baby bear, of course…”
mickey can taste the honey. the cinnamon. the deep, infectious desire to play as it radiates off his husband. “you callin’ me short?”
a beat… “no, baby…”
“think i’m more of a papa bear outta the two of us.”
ian’s big ol head lists back a little, his heavy-blink unconvinced. “no, baby…”
and really, how is that not an invitation to play?
“oh yeah,” mickey insists, using the space to flip the script and start crowding ian instead, pushing him back to the other end of the couch until he’s made himself sooo fucking comfortable in his lap. “you’re baby bear, on account-a how fuckin’ cute you are.”
ian looks up at him, trapped in now by mickey’s thighs squeezing him on both sides. “whole point of goldilocks is sizes, mick,” he slurs. like he’s really doin somethin with it. his big thesis statement. “papa bear’s biggest.” and of course those big ol arms wrap around mickey to prove it. “like me.”
mickey grins down at him from his seat in his lap. can’t deny that ian being so fucking huge is a very real turn on for him. but. “‘big’ don’t gotta mean size, ya know.”
“that right…?”
“uh uh,” mickey explains. and damn, fucking on the couch could be nice right now, huh? “‘big’… ‘papa bear’… s’all about power.”
ian blinks up at him. processes. and then slowly, his brows furrow in amusement. “mick…you want me to call you daddy, just fuckin’ say so.”
it’s got them both collapsing into a mess of drunken, breathy giggles, the wind whipping away outside as ian gains the upper hand and lowers mickey onto his back on the couch, following him down with a steamy “c’mere, baby bear.”
by the time they make it back to their drinks, they are no longer too hot.
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nicoline1998enilocin · 10 months
Fluffcember Day 11 | I'm s-mitten for you
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Pairing | Husband!Dad!Young!Tony Stark x Wife!Mom!Female!Reader
Word count | 1.6K
Summary | It's a perfect winter day outside, so you're all going to the Christmas market together. It's a fun afternoon filled with snow, lots of Christmas cheer, games, and festive snacks. In the evening you enjoy a nice cup of hot chocolate or warm milk and a Christmas movie, before having a big sleepover in the living room.
Rating | General (G)
Warning(s) | Use of pet names: Sunshine, Love/My Love, Munchkins, Baby Boy, Baby Girl, Little One, mentions of breastfeeding.
A/n | This one-shot is written for day 11 of my Fluffcember 2023 Challenge. Once more, I want to give an incredibly huge thank you to @ccbsrmsf1 for not only proofreading this one but also providing the GIF as well as listening to my ramblings of ideas. You're an absolute angel sent from heaven 🎄
Events Masterlist | Christmas market | @buckys-wintersoldier Masterlist | Holiday shopping | @sweetspicybingo
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Banners by @vase-of-lilies | Divider by @firefly-graphics | GIF: @ccbsrmsf1
Main Masterlist | Tony Stark Masterlist | AU Masterlist | Read on AO3
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Today is fun and memorable for yourself, Tony, and your three Munchkins because you will visit a Christmas market for the first time since Paxton was born almost a year ago.
Both Hudson and Orion have dressed themselves, and you're sitting on the couch while eating some fruit, watching TV, and breastfeeding your son while your husband, Tony, is whipping breakfast for himself and the twins.
''Sunshine, where did the cinnamon go?'' you hear from the kitchen. And you have just taken a bite out of a piece of apple, making you unable to answer, and it comes out in a stumbling mess.
''Where is it?'' he asked, his head poking around the corner because he didn't hear you.
''Sorry, I just took a bite of my apple! It's in the cupboard with the cereals and baking supplies, where it always is,'' you tell him, and he returns to let you know he found it so he can finish the waffles for the three of them.
It doesn't take long before the smell of waffles fills the air, and you close your eyes as you feel content. It's a nice winter day outside, and the house is filled with laughter, warmth, and an all-encompassing coziness.
Tony is making waffles, and the twins are coloring at the dining room table to keep themselves busy; you're catching up with the latest episode of RuPaul's Drag Race, and Paxton is almost falling asleep while feeding him. Perfect.
Your attention gets ripped from the TV screen when you see Tony walking into the room; his sweats hung low on his hips to reveal the perfect V leading into his pants, his abs on display, making your mouth water. He can walk around shirtless every second of every day, and you wouldn't complain for a second.
''I made one for you as well, Sunshine. Didn't want to leave my best girl out when I'm making her favorite breakfast,'' he tells you as he places the plate with the waffle next to you on the couch for easy access.
''What did I ever do to deserve such a sweet husband as you? I must have been a saint in a past life to deserve you, I swear!'' you say with a smile adorning your face. Tony leans in for a sweet kiss, leaving you hungry for more.
''Thank you for being my amazing wife, Sunshine,'' he whispers, followed by a kiss on your forehead before heading back to the kitchen to finish the waffles and have breakfast with the twins.
Paxton is a hungry boy this morning, and when he's done, you do not need to pump the excess, though you still make a mental note to bring it with you just in case.
When your fruit and waffles are gone, and Paxton is burped, it's time to head toward the Christmas market.
''I'm going to change this little hungry monster and get dressed as well, so I'll be right back,'' you tell Tony, who replies with a thumbs up as he just shoved the last piece of waffle into his mouth.
Paxton's diaper is changed in no time, and when you're dressing him in today's outfit, you feel a pair of strong arms sliding around your waist and pulling you closer.
''How's our Little One doing today?'' Tony asks as his head leans on your shoulder, and you let yourself melt into his touch while dressing Paxton.
''He's good; he's finally eating again, so I'm happy. I'm still bringing the pump in case he won't eat as much later, but I think it won't be necessary.''
He's been sick with a stomach bug for the last week, but now that he's healthy and eating again, he's his happy, chubby self and stealing everyone's hearts.
When you're about to finish dressing him, he lets out a huge yawn, making you giggle at how cute he is. He's the exact copy of his Dad, and you're very thankful to have gotten the gift of your little boy last Christmas.
''Someone's still a little sleepy, aren't you? That's okay, Little One; you can have all the naps you want today to regain some of your energy. Being sick for so long isn't nice, huh,'' you coo at him before picking him up and planting a loud kiss on both his cheeks, making him giggle uncontrollably.
''There's my happy boy again!'' you say before handing Paxton to Tony, who was already dressed in the outfit you laid out for him so you could match with him today.
''I'll be right with you if you can get everything ready and loaded; we'll be ready to go in about 10 to 15 minutes,'' you tell Tony, who nods, and as promised, 15 minutes later, you're fully dressed and in the car and off to the Christmas market.
''Mommy? Are we having a sleepover in the living room again tonight? It will be the first one with Paxton, too, and I want to sleep with all of you on the big mattress!'' he asks excitedly.
''Of course we will, Baby Boy! It's our tradition, after all! But before that, we will watch a Christmas movie, drink hot chocolate, and cuddle with everyone. How do you like that idea?'' you tell him, and both twins cheer happily in the backseat.
Tony grins widely, and his hand has found its home on your thigh, squeezing softly now and again. The drive to the Christmas market goes without a single problem, and you can park relatively close to the entrance, for which you're thankful.
You're about to get Paxton out of his car seat when you notice that he'd fallen asleep during the car ride, and you turn to Tony for help. You're usually carrying him at home when you're doing chores, but outside, you prefer to have Tony do it since you'll be walking a lot.
''He's a little sleepyhead today. Can you carry him in the cloth sling as we walk over the market?'' you ask him. Tony gets the sling ready for a smooth transfer and doesn't wake up once.
''You're still sleepy, huh? Are you comfortable in there, Little One?'' when he hears Paxton's soft snores, he kisses him on the crown of his head. When he's wrapped up and comfortable, it's finally time to stroll over the market and do some last-minute holiday shopping.
Hudson and Orion are holding one of your hands, and Tony has one hand in his pocket; the other is resting on Paxton's back over the cloth. It is a sight you will never get enough of, and you can't resist taking a few photos immediately shared in your family group chat.
''Mommy? Can we get a Santa plushy for Paxton's birthday?'' Orion suddenly asks when she's spotted a big Santa plushy, and she practically pulls you over to the stand.
In front of you is a big, 15'' crocheted Santa, and you can never say no to your daughter, so not even 5 minutes later, you're one crocheted Santa richer and $90 lighter, but it's all worth it to see the smile on your daughters face.
''He'll love it, Mommy, I know it!'' she tells you before running off to Tony so she can show him her present for Paxton.
After a bit more strolling, it's time to get something to snack on and a hot chocolate for everyone to warm up, and you have found the perfect stall. They sell hot chocolate with marshmallows and lots of different Christmas treats.
''Can we have a Cupcake, Daddy?'' Hudson asks, and Tony nods, ordering a red and green cupcake for the twins and a big slice of caramel pie for you and him to share, paired with hot chocolate for everyone.
''You can find a place to sit, and I will bring everything over in a minute,'' he tells you, and Hudson and Orion storm off to find the perfect spot while you're strolling after them, and it doesn't take long for them to find one.
''Who's ready for some hot chocolate and a snack?!'' you hear Tony say, and the twins instantly perk up at their Dad's question. The drinks and snacks are gone in no time, and before you know it, you're in the car back home, and your holiday shopping is officially finished.
When dinner is finished, Tony drags both the big mattress from the guest room and Paxton's travel bed down the stairs, and the living room is transformed into your own sleepover room.
With everyone wearing matching pajamas, you're getting ready to watch Home Alone before bed, and Tony is preparing hot chocolate for you and himself, and all three kids will have some warm milk during the movie.
Tony is sitting on the lounge part of your couch with you between his legs as you cuddled into his hold, and you're giving Paxton his last bottle of the day, and Hudson and Orion are cuddled up together under a big blanket as they're enjoying their warm milk too.
This is your favorite Christmas tradition, and when Tony places a soft kiss on your head before giving you a small, reassuring squeeze, you know it was the right choice to share your life with this man.
When the movie is finished, you transfer Paxton into his travel bed, and Tony and the kids have already found their place underneath the comforter, ready for you to join them.
''Is there room for one more, or do I have to tickle someone to make room?!'' you ask playfully, and you slide in next to Hudson before pulling him against you. Orion is cuddling with her Dad, and not long after, all four of you are asleep.
One thing is sure: Christmas has become much more enjoyable after you met Tony, and you wouldn't change anything for the world. Life has never felt this perfect, and you can't wait to do this with your grandchildren one day.
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neobubz · 1 year
Tension Release (M) Chapter 4 - New Friendship
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i am so sorry for the lack of updates. i was sick on two separate occasions. also, this section gave me such a headache to write because i could lead it toward many different directions. so, please forgive me. i hope you enjoy this chapter. oh, and chapters may not come out regularly as i’m in the process of cleaning and packing in order to move in the fall. so please follow and set up notifications so you know when the story is updated. thank you for your patience
Prologue || Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 || Chapter 3
Word Count: approx. 9.2k Pairing(s): fem reader jeno || fem reader x husband Warning(s): mature audiences only, 18+, explicit language, slow-paced, storytelling, cheating, infidelity, smut, oral (female receiving) Preview: Sighing and shaking his head Jeno takes one look up at your bedroom before sliding his hands into his pants pockets. “As much as it was nice talking to you Matthew,” he whispers to himself. “There’s no way in hell I’m going to walk away after today…” With a roll of his eyes Jeno disappears into the night.
Your eyes pop open as a sharp lightning bolt of pain shoots up your spine. Curling into a ball to find solace you’re stopped midway when a warm arm wraps around you tightly. Pulling you towards the person behind you. 
“Good morning babe,” Matthew snuggles up to you after placing a kiss on your cheek. 
“G-Good morning,” you manage to squeak out. Though the pain was strangely subsiding due to his body heat acting as a heating pad, there were still small sparks pulsating along the length of your back that has you wincing.
“How are you feeling?”
“Sore. My back is killing me right now. I think I overdid it yesterday.” 
And then some…
Sitting up abruptly Matthew leans over to see the speckles of sweat decorating your forehead and the small grimace on your face.  “Baby!” He rushes off the bed and over to your side bending down on his haunches to reach your eye level. “Baby are you okay? Do you want me to get you some Tylenol? Do you need some ice? Tell me how I can help you…”
Chuckling through the discomfort you reach out to which he instantly grabs hold of your hand kissing your knuckles. “Some Tylenol would be amazing right now.”
“Of course. I’ll be right back.” Leaving your side Matthew sprints downstairs to get you some pain killers. 
Yesterday absolutely showed you that you should have said no three times. One for Jeno, one for Matthew, and one for your own stupidity. Barely able to sit up on your own, you whimper propping yourself up to greet the new day. 
Grabbing your phone you find its 8:40AM. After all of the physical activity you passed out in Matthew’s arms at around 10PM. Your eyes scan your bedroom a soft smile coming to your face. After your rounds with Matthew you both apologized for your behaviors, promising the other to do better in the future. Then he proceeded to ask you to come back to your bedroom which didn’t take much convincing on Matthew’s part considering the quilt and sheets of the spare room need to be washed and dried. 
Both of you ending up shocked by how much of your squirt poured out of you. Honestly, you’d forgotten that was even possible. You had only squirted twice in your life. Once with some moron from the neighboring school who fingered your pussy so hard you squirted like a geyser but were sore for days, the other, with Matthew. 
Giggling, your face starts to warm. Yesterday was amazing! Your husband finally taking a leap of faith and entering a world of lust, on a Sunday, of all days — even the thought has your spent cunt clenching. Hopefully with a little time and patience on your part you’ll be able to have more days like yesterday. Of course, your back needs to hurry up and get better for the real fun to begin!
“Here we go,” Matthew comes in with not only a glass of water and your Tylenol but also a bowl that smells like apple cinnamon oatmeal. “Thought you might be hungry as well.”
“I’m famished! Thank you babe!”
Placing the tray on your lap, Matthew crawls back into bed next to you. Popping the pills quickly into your mouth, you down them with some lukewarm water. Smiling you glance at your wonderful husband. 
“You sure know how to treat a woman,” you place the tips of your fingers under his chin pulling him close to you. “Thanks for making me breakfast.” You kiss him gently.
“It’s the least I can do for being a jerk. I still can’t believe I acted like a child yesterday. Here you were upstairs, in pain, stuck in the bathroom, without breakfast, and I left you. What kind of man does that?” He pouts.
“A man who has been dealing with a lot. Truly Matthew, I’m sorry for that remark about getting a toy. I really didn’t mean it.”
“My love, we both know Roz would have gotten you something if she doesn’t have one for you on standby.”
“Matthew!!” You playfully slap his chest. “She’s not that much of a deviant!”
“Look me in the eyes and tell me she doesn’t already have a stock of her own!” He leans down his face inches from yours.
Avoiding his eyes you erupt in giggles. “Okay, so she has a few BUT!!! It’s not a stock. Just about six? I believe.”
“SIX?! Wow…I suddenly feel bad for Bill.”
“Oh stop,” you pat his cheek. “Bill is the one who suggested four of them. He likes how Roz reacts, plus, he’s the one controlling them.” Lifting up your spoon you blow gently on the steaming hot oatmeal. 
“And they both like them?” Matthew whispers beside you. 
“Sure do! I mean she doesn’t talk about all that stuff but whenever he surprised her with a new toy she would tell me what it was like. Personally, if I had to choose a toy that we should try it would be the wand. After last night,” your face starts to warm. “I want to experience that again. Plus, I could always tease you with the wand too!” You smirk. 
Matthew looks at you confused. “How can you tease someone with a stick?” 
Pausing midair you turn to your sweet naïve husband. “Baby a wand is a vibrator.”
Nodding he settles down next to you. “A vibrator…I see…” suddenly his body becomes stiff as a board next to you. “Wait!!! Why do you want to use something like that on me?!” Shaking his head he moves away from you. “No, no, no…I can’t…that’s…that’s —”
Reaching out you grab hold of his wrist before he gets off the bed completely. “Baby, it was just a thought. I would never do anything to you that you weren’t comfortable with. Plus, this is something very far down the road. What we did last night tells me we don’t need to add any gadgets to the bedroom just yet.” 
“Is…Is there anything else you would like to try?” 
“Ummm maybe these vibrators that would go inside me and you can control the speed and power of the vibrations. That would be a lot of fun! Especially,” you pull him to you. “If it’s in public.” You kiss his nose.
“IN PUBLIC?!!!” 
“Yes! Picture it! We’re sitting across from each other at let’s say the dinner. Having a nice meal together when you pull out your phone, casually having it under the table and away from prying eyes. You turn on the vibrator when I least expect it,” your eyes become hazy just thinking about Matthew toying with you. “And all throughout the rest of the meal with people around me and knowing our town, plenty of people coming up to talk — I have to keep my reactions undetectable. No moaning, screaming, begging for more. Just a neutral expression for as long as I can handle it.”
Gulping Matthew wets his dry lips. “How long have you been thinking about this exactly?”
“We’d have to have a safe word or something that would let you know when to turn it up or down. Or when I can’t handle it anymore and I need to come. Yeah…”
Arching a brow Matthew watches you play out the entire scene in your head. Seeing your eyes fixated on something he can’t see. The cogs in your brain turning rapidly. The way your tongue slowly skates across yours lips as your mind slips further into your fantasy. To him, right here and now you’re the most beautiful person to ever grace this earth. Even if your mind is full of  impure thoughts at the moment. 
Leaning over he breaks you out of your daydream with a gentle kiss on the lips. 
“Wh-What was that for?” You giggle. 
“No reason. You just looked really beautiful while thinking is all.”
“Oh, so me thinking about the naughty things I want my husband to do to me somehow makes me beautiful.” 
“Stunning!” Matthew leans into you again, but this time placing his forehead against yours. “I still can’t believe what happened last night.” 
“Neither can I,” she nuzzle your nose with his. “Whatever happened let’s pray that it happens again.”
Smiling softly, Matthew starts to leave gentle kisses on your nose, cheeks, jaw, and heads for your neck.  “Did it feel good?” He asks while his lips gingerly move across your neck. 
Closing your eyes you succumb to him. It felt better than good, sweetie.”
“Maybe when you’re feeling better we can try again.”
Getting lost in his kisses, your arms fall from the tray of food on your lap.  “S-So, it felt good for you too?”
Smiling against your neck, Matthew kisses and sucks hard on your skin near your collarbone. “I wish we had thought about doing that before. Actually,” he pulls away. “I wish I did a lot of things for you and to you before yesterday. I know I’m not perfect and I have a lot to work on but I hope I made up for some of it yesterday.”
“What made you want to eat me out yesterday?”
Startled by your question, the warm and fuzzy mood dissipating quickly, Matthew stills beside you. His complexion growing darker the longer he waits to answer you. “I…well…I mean…” 
“Don’t get me wrong,” you quickly add thinking he’s questioning whether you wanted to have him taste you or not. “It was amazing! I want to feel your lips on me again as soon as possible because for someone who skipped the foreplay department of our marriage you sure knew your way around down there.”
His face now a bright red, Matthew turns away from you, fingers fumbling against each other. “I mean, well you see, I’ve always wanted too…but I couldn’t. How could I? It seemed so…so…”
Reaching out to him you turn his face to you with nothing but love in your eyes. “You always wanted to taste me?”
Lowering his head Matthew nods. “Yes. From the first time we were intimate I’ve wanted to know how you tasted. I just didn’t…no that’s not it…I couldn’t bring it up.”
“Why not?”
“How could I?” He looks at you with innocent eyes. “You’re so beautiful and amazing and strong and confident. To this day I still can’t help but stare at you wondering how I ended up being blessed to have you as my wife. I want to cherish you, respect you, hold you close. Not defile you or treat you like some…”
“Whore?” You giggle.
Scoffing Matthew nods. “Jeno said the same thing.”
Freezing, his mouth popping open in an ‘oh shit’ manner he turns his gaze from you. “Yes, yesterday, before he left.”
“You talked to Jeno?”
“Well, I mean we didn’t talk talk but we talked.”
“About our sex life?”
“Not in so many words,” Matthew gulps. 
“I see…” 
Sighing you pick up your spoon and begin eating again. It’s strange. When you talked to Jeno it was more ranting about your life and just wanting someone who doesn’t have a biased opinion give you some advice. Where things ended up should not have happened but it did. There’s no going back or taking back the fact you cheated on Matthew, but hearing Matthew say he talked to Jeno about you…it feels…odd…
As if the one person who you saw as your confidant has now been compromised — not having anyone else to talk to about things that really piss you off. 
Granted you did ask Jeno to get the details about Matthew’s problem but that was a completely different situation than what is going on now. Matthew spoke to Jeno about your intimate life and Jeno somehow convinced Matthew to devour your pussy? After the two of you fucked? That doesn’t make any sense at all…
“You’re mad aren’t you?” Matthew’s worried tone pulls you out of your thoughts. “I didn’t intend on talking to him. He just…he has this soothing nature about him. Sort of like you can talk to him about anything that’s on your mind and he won’t beat around the bush. He’ll tell you exactly what you need to hear. Baby, please!” Matthew holds your hands in his. “Please don’t be mad. I promise I won’t talk to him about us again.”
“I’m not mad,” you laugh trying to play things off as if you don’t mind. “In fact, I suppose I should thank him.” 
Nodding you go back to eating. It’s the sad but honest truth. What happened last night might be because of whatever Matthew and Jeno talked about. The primal feeling that was coursing through your body chasing not only your high but your husband’s high could in fact be thanks to Jeno. 
“Do you like talking to Jeno?” You ask. Shrugging he stares at you like a child terrified that at any second he’s going to get yelled at. “Do you want to continue to talk to him?”
“We didn’t really get to finish our conversation.”
“Jeno is very easy to talk to. I understand why you felt so at ease around him. I’m thankful that you finally feel comfortable talking to someone. If you want to continue talking to him go ahead. Plus, having a guy friend to talk about guy things might be just what you need.”
“R-Really?” Matthew’s face brightens. 
“Of course, there is just one thing we should keep in mind…” glancing down you take the final bite of your oatmeal. “Let’s just be careful not to talk about things we don’t want anyone else to know about. Okay?”
“Of course!” 
Smirking you move the tray off your lap before wiggling your brows at Matthew. “So, was it your idea or Jeno’s to eat me out yesterday?”
Sighing in both pain and relief you slide further into the nice warm water. Your muscles beginning to loosen up. Sitting on a chair next to you, Matthew watches over you carefully.
“What are the plans for today?”
“I called Mr. Smith and told him I’d be running late and to have everyone start without me. “We’re hoping to get the basement filled in today and work more on the outer foundations.”
“I was thinking of asking Mrs. Smith and maybe a few other girls to join me and pick out some furnishings. Though I’d love to get straight back to work I think I should take it easy for a while.”
“You shouldn’t have been hauling around bags of cement in the first place.”
“It helped clear my mind. I liked doing it. Plus,” you lean into him. “I was getting sick and tired of hearing half the towns wives lustful thoughts about men other than their husbands. Then again…I don’t want to hear their lustful comments about their husbands.”
Laughing Matthew shakes his head in disbelief. “Perhaps we should talk more about this town.”
“At the picnic yesterday,” he sighs heavily. “I felt your absence. Though I was born and raised here it took you not being by my side to show me that I truly don’t know anyone here. Yes, our congregation is a mixture of parents, grandparents, and families of people we went to school with who moved away — of course the people whom we did go to school with are still here as well, but I just know who they are and what they ask to be forgiven for. That’s it. I don’t know anything that goes on in their personal lives. I didn’t know how to talk to anyone excluding our parents.”
Staring up at Matthew both a feeling of pity and happiness fills your soul. Pity because he must have truly suffered a lot yesterday. Talking to everyone, making small talk, and just ensuring that everyone was happy and being taken care of — non-spiritually, was your job. Having to take on your roll yesterday must have been a lot for him. At the same time, seeing his sullen face shows just how much he needs you and that you are valued. Perhaps more so now than before. 
“You’ve never liked hearing about what’s going around.”
“I can’t help but wonder how much is gossip and how much is fact. Judging people is not up to me or to anyone else, it’s up to God.”
“Yet you judge Roz,” you quickly point out.
Lips curving into a deep frown, Matthew turns from you. “That’s because she’s trying to take you away and corrupt you,” he mumbles.
Giggling you reach out and touch his knee gaining his attention. “I’m not going anywhere. Plus we’d both miss our men far too much. But, as for this town I can assure you 90% is fact! Only 10% is gossip. The people here are crazy! Small towns bring out the true freaks if you know what I mean.”
“90% fact you say?” He moves from the chair down to you, his lips meeting yours in a light kiss. “Give me a little taste.”
“For starters, Bethany my hair dresser,” you begin.
“Is she the one who’s dating Tom down at the bakery?”
“Yep! She apparently slept around A LOT when we were in high school. Like a lot a lot! With people from our school’s rival! I mean yeah some of the guys we went to school with were total dogs and I’m not talking about their attitudes but to sleep with the guys from our rival school Ewwwww! They are complete assholes who have no respect for women at all! Like some of the stuff I heard would make you want to call the cops asap and have them investigated from some of the shit they pulled! Plus they were worse than the guys here in terms of looks! No offense to anyone but it’s true.”
Gaping at you bewildered Matthew tilts his head. “I heard about that. It surprised me. She only transferred to our district about a year and a half before you came. There were rumors about her being…easy, back in middle school. Very promiscuous,” he wiggles his brows.
“No!!!” You lean over the edge of the tub. 
“Yeah. I didn’t believe them she looked super innocent to me. She was also kind of sweet so I just figured the other girls were jealous.”
Waving him off you grab your washcloth and some soap. “Oh she told me she thought you were super cute. She even admitted to wanting to date you but you were far too innocent for her. So, she dated half the guys at our school,” you crack up.
“Bethany wanted to date me?!” Matthew gasps. 
“Ah huh, she said you were her type. Naïve, inexperienced, and ripe for the picking!”
“She told you this?!”
“Of course! We’re friends,” you laugh. “She has been my stylist for two years now. We became close after she did our hair for Roz’s wedding. Plus, she’s the true eyes and ears of this town. She knows everyone’s dirty little secrets!”
“My wife thriving on the towns’ gossip,” he sighs shaking his head amused.
“Hey! It’s only gossip if there are no facts to back it up. Bethany and the others always come with receipts.”
“What about the men?”
“Pfft,” you roll your eyes. “Don’t even get me started. First, let me ask you this, George who works alongside…Anna,” you roll your eyes again. “How long has he been married to Kim?”
“My dad married them when I was in middle school so maybe thirteen years? Give or take.”
“He’s cheated on Kim for half their marriage then.”
“Yep. Jun, at the salon, well he saw George and some blonde woman making out one night at a bar and since has seen him and that woman sneaking around late at night. So, he’s done a little digging and found out that George and this woman have been in contact with each other for years. 
“Pictures of them on ‘company retreats’ passing it off as just a friendly co-worker moment and blah blah blah, but he said the lip lock and their tongues down each other's throats clearly states that they are much much more.”
“Kim is a wonderful woman! How could he? They have children!!”
Shrugging you start washing your body. “They were young when they married, right? Fresh out of high school?”
“I think they didn’t have time to explore and find out who they truly were and what they actually want. It happens. My uncle the one back where I lived before,” Matthew nods. “He cheated as well. Actually, his wife cheated too.” You chuckle. “At our rehearsal dinner we had a long conversation about the sanctity of marriage. He told me that for him and his wife they were just too young. He said if they had waited until after college and truly got to know each other without the pressures of marriage they may have been able to make it last.”
“What about us,” Matthew whispers.
“What do you mean?” You rid your arms of soap.
“We got married young as well. What if…I don’t…promise me that it won’t happen with us.”
Stilling, your heart starts racing. Knowing full well Matthew isn’t talking about cheating but about the love disappearing you close your eyes, dip your washcloth into the water and pour some water on your chest. 
“Matthew, just because something happened to someone else doesn’t mean it will happen to us.” 
“I just…with the way I’ve been acting…” he mumbles. “I promise I’ll get some help for whatever is going on. I won’t let this marriage end because of me!”
Sighing you finish up and go to stand. Quickly Matthew helps you up but what he doesn’t expect is you wrapping your arms around him, your body soaking his night shirt and shorts. 
“This marriage will not end no matter what, do you hear me?” You state firmly. “I love you, Matthew. I’m in love with you. That will never change.”
Squeezing you tightly in his arms, he buries his face in the crook of your neck. “I love you too. Without you…I’d be lost.”
“Now, enough gossip talk for today. I need to get dried and dressed before Jeno comes over.”
“Or you could stay like this and scare him off.”
Lips move across yours lazily. Giggling your hand rests on Matthew’s cheek as he attempts to say goodbye to you for a few hours. It’s strange how all it took was a little release to get the two of you back to snuggling, kissing, and loving each other properly. Still, there is the fact that Matthew needs to get through whatever is holding him back from being inside of you for longer periods of time and from coming inside of you — deciding it wasn’t the time yesterday to talk to him about why he pulled out you opt to save it for another day. Preferably a time when you’re not in pain and can leave if the conversation becomes heated.
Then, there is the issue of whatever is going on between Jeno and yourself. Talking to Matthew about what your uncle told you brought on a wave of guilt you didn’t expect to feel. Yes, you cheated. But Matthew begging, pleading for you not to leave him and pleading for nothing to go wrong between the two of you is what’s killing you. 
When Jeno was inside you, when he kissed you, touched you, tasted you, and came inside you, a huge part of you wanted to be with him. To know what it would be like to be desired the way he desired you. The thrill of not being able to keep your hands off of the other in public, even the thought of it has your heart racing. 
With Matthew…everything is hopefully, someday, and perhaps. It’s always dangingling in front of you but strangely out of reach. Its not a guarantee and that’s what you want. A guarantee that you’ll be loved. A guarantee that when you look into his eyes the most salacious sinful thoughts of what he wants to do to you will bring out the animal in him. But with Matthew, that’s unlikely. 
Yesterday, though amazing, feels like a fevered dream. A manic moment where he acted on impulse instead of rationality. If you were guaranteed a husband that would thrill you more you would have never sought solace in another man’s arms. If you could only have lived in that moment with Matthew for the rest of your life…if only…
“I don’t want to leave you,” Matthew mumbles against your lips.
“Mr. Smith needs you,” you whisper.
“He’s the one leading the construction. I’m just there as support. People respect him. I’m not needed.” His lips trail down to your neck. 
Giggling, you arch your head back giving him more access. “I love feeling your lips on me.”
“Hurry up and get better,” Matthew peeks up at you. “Yesterday was amazing but you’re now very sore and it’s killing me to know I pushed you to this point.”
“I pushed myself, Matthew. Please don’t blame yourself.”
“Still I shouldn’t have —”
“Hello? Matthew?” Jeno’s voice echoes from downstairs. 
Exhaling deeply Matthew sits up. “I guess that’s my cue to leave.”
“Have fun today and don’t overwork yourself,” you give him one final peck on the lips before he pulls away.
“I promise. Just get some rest. I’ll see you in a couple of hours,” he strokes your cheek.
Rushing down the stairs Matthew smiles happily seeing Jeno waiting patiently at the front door. “Sorry for keeping you. She’s having a rough morning.”
Worried Jeno’s eyes widen darting to the staircase. “Is she okay?”
“She’s a little sore from yesterday. She took a bath and some pills so that should help ease some of the discomfort but I think she’ll need a good massage when the painkillers wear off.” He scratches the back of his neck. “I blame myself…”
“Why? You didn’t do anything to her…” Jeno mumbles as guilt washes over him.
“Well that’s not entirely true…you know how yesterday we were talking? And you mentioned that I should be a little less restrictive in my interactions with her?”
Tilting his head Jeno nods slowly. “Less restrictive?” He chuckles. “You mean when I told you to stop treating her like a porcelain doll?”
“Precisely!” Matthew claps his hands shouting joyfully. “Well… last evening…what I mean to say is…” he pulls at the collar of his t-shirt. “We’re friends, right? I can confide in you…?” He gulps loudly.
Friends? Jeno scoffs internally. “I would say we’re on friendly terms so yes you can confide in me.” Slowly at the sides of his arms Jeno’s hands ever so slowly ball up into fists.
“Well…we might have fooled around a little and things got out of hand and that’s why her back is killing her. It’s all my fault!” Matthew lowers his head in shame. “I shouldn’t have initiated anything. I shouldn’t have acted like I did…I don’t know what came over me… so any pain that she feels today is all because of me…I just hope she won’t be in bed any longer than necessary…”
Matthew goes on and on about how guilty he feels asking question after question and rationalizing what happened last night, letting a few things slip past his lips. The words, eating, pleasure, and you on top are the only things his brain picks up from Matthew’s babbling. 
“You don’t think she’ll be in bed longer do you?”
Shaking his head Jeno runs a stressed hand through his hair. “Well, any physical activity might have caused more harm than good, or it might have helped. She needed to get some kind of activity going on so her muscles can loosen up but maybe that went a little too far,” he tries his best to chuckle. “I’ll be sure to work out any kinks she might have. I know staying in bed isn’t her favorite thing in the world.”
“Tell me about it. She’s already talking about what she can do with the project once she’s better. I  would actually prefer it if she stayed far away from this project. I don’t want her to get ahead of herself and get hurt again.”
“She knows her limits so I wouldn’t worry too much about that. Plus, what is she supposed to do when you leave for hours to work on the house? Sit at home and knit?” Jeno chuckles. “She’ll be fine,” he claps a hand on Matthew’s shoulder. “She’ll have the women to keep her company and if need be I’ll help keep an eye on her.”
“Really?!” Matthew perks up. “You’d really help me watch out for her?”
“Of course.”
“You have no idea how much that means to me. Well, I better get going before Mr. Smith throws a fit. She’s upstairs in our room. She’s eaten some breakfast so you won’t have to worry about that. I’ll be back around 5 this evening. If you don’t have any plans I’d love to continue our conversation from yesterday over dinner.”
“Our conversation?” Jeno tilts his head. “About your bedroom situation?”
Rubbing the back of his neck Matthew chuckles. “You REALLY helped us.”
“Well, if it really helped, sure we can talk. Try not to tire yourself out today.”
“Will do! And thanks, Jeno.”
Sighing against the fluffy pillow on your bed you hear muffled voices downstairs. Your brain running over every scenario that could be discussed between Matthew and Jeno, but your mind keeps drifting back to Matthew’s confession of talking to Jeno about your love life. Yes, you talked to Jeno about it, but that’s different. Right…?
Suddenly footsteps start to ascend the stairs and for some strange reason you’re terrified to see Jeno. Yesterday, you were awkward, nervous, but excited. Today, after what happened between the two of you and then your husband…how can you dare look him in the eyes? 
His footsteps draw closer. A shadow creeps into view on the floor outside the master bedroom. Your heart beats like a drum in your ears. Your mind grows foggy. 
This is ridiculous! You scream internally. 
This is just Jeno! Your friend! Your best friend’s cousin! He’s practically family! There’s no need to be scared of him.
Jeno comes into view. Hair slicked back slightly. Eyes staring you down as he leans against the door frame. His arms and legs crossing with the most accusatory smirk on his face.
“For someone who got their rocks off twice yesterday you’re looking quite well.” He snickers.
“Fuck you, Jeno!” You grumble.
“You will once you’re better.”
Cheeks blazing with heat your head rises slowly. Eyes glistening with a million and one different emotions. “Wh-What?!”
Pushing off the wall, Jeno saunters ever so slowly towards you. His eyes staring you down as if he were the predator and you his prey. “A little birdie told me that you had some fun last night but now you’re sore.” Shaking his head he sighs. “I do blame myself for some of the soreness, but you,” he chuckles sitting down next to you. “You went overboard.”
“What all do you know?”
Shrugging, Jeno peers down at you. “Not a lot actually. Care to explain why your husband is worried sick about you?”
Turning from him you slide down into bed, your arms crossing over you as if to protect you from his judging gaze. “We just fooled around is all.”
“Fooled around, oh yes, that makes sense.” 
“What do you want a play by play?” You snap.
“No, but a little indication of how much pressure I’m going to need to use to help work out the kinks in your back would help.” Getting up he goes down to the foot of the bed. “Brace yourself.” He winks.
“Wh-Wha…AHHHHHH!!!” You scream when he grabs your ankles and yanks you down till your flat on your back. “Shit!!! What the fuck is wrong with you?!” You groan.
“That is for fooling around twice yesterday. I admit I shouldn’t have fucked you until your back was better, but you missy, what the hell were you thinking?! A second round when your back is so fucked up you can barely move on your own…are you crazy?!”
Not saying a word you do the only thing your body will allow you to do, flip him the bird.
“That’s mature of you.”
“And yanking me down like that is mature?!”
Now next to you, Jeno motions with his finger for you to turn onto your stomach.
“I can’t,” you whimper.
“Don’t make me flip you over. I won’t be gentle.” Groaning you flip yourself over in one breath. “See you could do it,” he gives your ass a light slap.
“Remind me to kick your ass when I’m feeling better.”
“I’ll be counting the days until you’re better.”
Crawling onto the bed and on top of you, Jeno straddles your hip. Sitting just below your bottom he pushes your loose fitted shirt up to your shoulders. Blowing on his fingers so that they’re not icy he starts to rub over your aching muscles.
A long moan moves past your lips as Jeno works his magic. “Fuck why do you have to be so god at this?”
Chuckling Jeno rubs over your lower back where most of the pain lies. “This is part of my job, you know. I should be good at it.”
“If you keep this up players may get hurt on purpose.”
Sliding his hands up your spine you melt into his touch. His hands curve around your shoulders giving them a little massage before slowly moving his way back down to right above your tailbone.
“Matthew invited me to stay for dinner tonight.”
“Oh?” You peek back to see a strange look on his face. “Matthew’s a wonderful cook. I don’t know what he’s planning on making but I’m sure you’ll love it.”
“He wants to talk to me about you and him.”
“I see…” Jeno’s hands still which causes you to look back again to see him looking down a darkness shrouding his face. “Jeno…” you whisper.
“What happened last night after I left?”
“Why does your husband want to talk to me about his problems fucking his wife?”
“You said that the two of you fooled around, right?”
“Yeah…but I don’t understand how that has anything to do with what you just said.”
“What did he do to you? Why are you in your bedroom and not the guest room?”
“Tell me!” He shouts. “I need to know why I’m going to have to give your husband advice about how to fuck the person I’m trying so hard not to fuck right now! Why does he want to talk to me? I know I agreed to this arrangement but that’s because it was just for you, because I —” sighing he slides off of you. “Did he fuck you last night?”
Struggling to get to your knees you manage to sit up enough to crawl back to your pillows to rest your back. “If you’re asking me if his penis went inside of me, yes. If you’re asking me if he fucked me like you did, the answer is no.”
“What the hell does that mean?”
“Matthew…” you sigh. “He’s going through something, like I said. Last night, hell, I should thank you for last night.”
“Please don’t.” 
“Come here,” you tap his shoulder with your foot. Glancing up and back he sees your arms opened wide for him. “Come here, Jeno.”
Rolling his eyes he scoffs. “I’m a grown ass man. I don’t need to be coddled like a child.”
“A woman has her arms open for you and you deny laying against her. Wow…”
“If it’s for pity then hell yeah I won’t go into your arms!”
“It’s not for pity. It’s for comfort. Something is bothering you. Jeno, as much as you helped me and were there for me, I want to be there for you.”
“I gave you a nice fuck that was it. I hardly think that constitutes as helping you and being there for you.”
“JENO!” You shout startling him. “Either get your pouting behind up here or leave now!”
Shocked his eyes dart across your face. Defeated he plops down on top of you. His arms encircling your waist while his head rests on your chest.
“I do need to thank you. Yesterday,” you giggle. “Yesterday you made me feel like I was someone to be desired. That I wasn’t made of glass. Matthew treats me with kid gloves but you,” your hand runs through his hair. “You treated me how I’ve always dreamed Matthew would treat me. To just fuck the shit out of me!” 
“Damn you have issues don’t you?” Jeno chuckles, glancing up at you.
“Yes, I do.” You say bluntly.
“I didn’t mean it like that…”
“I do have issues. What I want and desire go against what my husband finds suitable. However, last night after you left, something changed in Matthew’s demeanor. He looked at me like a husband who wanted to dive into the depths of lust and desire. For once in our whole marriage I thought this is it! This is what I’ve been waiting for.”
“So he did fuck you…”
“Yes, and no. It was only when he was going to come did he enter me. And even then,” you groan. “He didn’t finish inside of me. He never does.”
“And that’s a problem?” 
“Yes and no. When you came inside of me,” you start to feel your face getting warm. “I don’t know there was something very intimate about the act that I loved. I just wish Matthew understood how I feel about it.”
“Are you not going to tell me what happened? I mean who knows,” Jeno kisses your neck tenderly. “Maybe we can give it a shot too.”
“I was on top of him grinding against him. That’s it.”
Pulling away from you Jeno’s gaze goes from shocked to furious. “Well no shit your back is killing you! Are you crazy?! I tried my damndest to make sure your back wasn’t going to strain too much and here you are sputtering on top of your husband like a crazy person!”
“It was in the heat of the moment!”
“Heat of the moment my ass! That’s it, on your stomach! Now I’ve got to try to work out all of your stupid mistakes and then some!”
“Come on we were having a nice moment…”
“On your stomach now!!!”
“Je-Jeno…” your breath hitches as his fingers ghost over your inner thighs. 
“Hush, I’m working.”
“Are you?” You hold back a moan.
“This is a full body massage. You acted stupid and reckless so now we’re going through preventative measures.”
“And your hands between my thighs are for what reason?”
“Did I not speak clearly when I said full body massage?” 
Squeezing tightly at your quadriceps, Jeno moves his hands up over your pelvic bones and back down to your thighs. Now laying in your back after an eon of Jeno tortuously working out the severe kinks in your back he decided to give you a full body massage. Sort of a sorry for breaking you even more than you were already broken. However, every time he slides his hands up and down your thighs, his ring and pinky fingers ghost between your legs — ever so close to your core.
“You know you really didn’t need to give me a full body massage. I was fine after the back massage. This is a little much…” you squeak feeling his pinky finger graze your outer folds. “JENO!” 
Licking his lips Jeno looks down at you innocently. “What is it?”
“You know exactly what! You’re trying to touch me!”
“Sweetheart if I was going to touch you I would have already. Like I said this is a full body massage and I want to be as thorough as possible.”
“Thorough my ass…”
With one quick glance to see your gaze is off to the side Jeno slips his hands between your legs gripping your inner thighs. 
“I need to massage your inner thighs too. Geez you’re jumpy.” He tsks.
“I’m not…you’re doing this on purpose!” You gulp feeling your body become warmer the longer this massage progresses.
“Doing what on purpose?”
“Damn it, Jeno!”
Sliding his hands out from between your legs, he looms over you, his arms holding his body up. Lowering himself to where his breath cascades over your face he chuckles. “I promise nothing is going to happen unless you want it to happen. Yesterday,” he lowers himself more, the heat from his body mixing with yours. “Yesterday we were caught up in our emotions. Today, well, I don’t want to break you.” 
“Break me? How in the hell do you think you’ll break me?”
“Yesterday was a taste of what’s to come in the future,” leaning on one arm, Jeno’s other hand travels down your body gently until he cups your core. Your breath hitches as his eyes darken. “So do both me and your husband a favor and get better soon. Mostly for me though,” bending down he snags your lower lip between his teeth.
“Ahhhh!!!! Jeno!!”
“What?” He pulls back smiling sweetly. 
Your pelvis raises to meet his hand. Adding some pressure that you desperately needed to feel. “Help me…”
“Which way do you prefer?” He places a kiss on your lips. “Mouth,” he licks your lips. “Or fingers?”
“Mouth!!” You gasp when he rubs over your pulsing nub over top your pajama shorts.
“Excellent choice,” he growls before pulling away from you. 
“J-Just this…o-okay? Nothing more!” You try to lay some ground rules.
Settling between your legs, Jeno makes himself comfortable. “Of course. I wouldn’t think of doing more.”
“Jeno…” you whisper.
“Are you sure you’re okay with this?”
The room becomes quiet as the two of you stare into each other's eyes. Reaching up, Jeno grabs the waistband of your shorts as well as your underwear and yanks them down your legs until you can pull one leg out. Leaving the other leg entangled with your clothing, he pushes your right leg open to give him access to your soaking cunt. 
“Enough with those questions. If and when I have a problem with things you’ll be the first to know.”
Gripping onto the bed sheets for what’s about to come you brace yourself. But what happens next shocks you…
Leaning in, Jeno kisses over your mound gently. His lips barely touching you. Feeling as if a feather was lightly brushing against your skin. Taking his time to leave no area untouched you find this soft and sweet side very arousing and shocking. 
Not that you’re complaining but Jeno has an air about him that when he looks at you all you want to do is spread your legs and have him fuck the daylights out of you. To have him kissing your soaking outer folds with such tenderness is unexpected, but extremely enjoyable!
Looking up with a look in his eyes you haven’t seen yet, he spreads open your folds giving your clit a little smooch as well. Jerking slightly he continues his sweet actions until every part of your pussy has been shown some form of affection. 
“Jeno~~~” you moan gently.
Smiling lightly at the sound of you saying his name, he sticks out his tongue and licks a stripe from your entrance to your clit.
“Ahhh~~~ yes!!!”
Wrapping his lips around your overly sensitive bundle of nerves he suckles on your clit like a newborn babe — giving himself a break to breathe every now and then he doesn’t stop pleasuring you. He sucks, licks, and lapse all of your juices that seep from you. 
Your body coming alive as a particular swipe of his tongue at your entrance has your slick pouring out of you, Jeno does a good job of cleaning you up.
“You taste amazing,” he compliments with a loud slurp of your juices. “I should have done this yesterday!”
“My pussy is yours anytime you want it,” you say deliriously.
Peering up and seeing the rise and fall of your chest and your already fucked out expressions, Jeno lowers himself back to your pussy. “I wouldn’t say that if I were you…” He warns. 
Wrapping his arms around your thighs, he pulls you down closer to his mouth. Diving into your pussy with more vigor, he has your back arching in mere seconds. Gripping onto his hair you keep him right where you want him. His lips smooching your clit, his tongue flicking quickly over your bud driving you closer to the edge. 
Hips starting to grind against his face, he swiftly pushes down on your pelvic bones. “Don’t strain your back,” he pops up between your legs — face flustered pink, lips swollen, with your slick all over his lips and chin.
“Your mouth feels too good. I can’t help it.” You whimper. 
“When you’re better you can ride my face, okay? But for now,” he dives back down giving your pussy — entrance to clit, a long hard lick, “keep your back flat and your hips down,” he kisses your inner thigh.
“Fine…” you grumble.
“Good girl,” he whispers.
The moment Jeno whispers ‘good girl’ your body engulfs in flames. From your toes to the top of your head your body tingles with something you’ve never felt before. How could two simple words cause you to react in such a way. 
Now, the slightest touch from him has you moaning loudly. A mere flick of his tongue has your body sliding down closer to his mouth. Your breath choppy as you try to breathe. The air not making it quite to your lungs before another moan escapes you. Heart pounding in your chest and ears your stomach starts to churn. Heat pooling to your core, your hand flails to Jeno’s hair gripping on it tightly.
“Don’t you fucking stop, Jeno.” You groan.
Sucking on your clit harder, groan after groan comes from you. Wanting to twist and turn, to grind against his lips, to do something to quicken things to reach your climax you do the only thing you can do — fist the bed sheets until you can’t feel your fingers. 
“Fuck! Yes! Yes!!!” You thrash your arms down onto the bed. “Faster!!! Please!!! Faster!!!”
Keeping his tongue out, Jeno bobs his head up and down while his tongue skates over your clit and entrance. Holding your folds wide open he slurps and soaks every inch of your pussy. Your body starts to tremble as the swiftness of his tongue starts to send you over. 
Legs starting to enclose around him your eyes roll to the back of your head. 
“Sh-Sh-Shit!!!!” You screech. “Ahhh fuck!!!!”
Pulling back from you, Jeno hastily rubs his fingers over your clit. 
“Fuck!!! Yes!!! Yes!!!”
A burst of liquid comes from you in a stream. Doing his best, Jeno bends down taking your squirt into his mouth. Clamping his mouth over your pussy, your juices have no other place to go but down his throat. Drinking you up, he takes every last bit of your essence. 
Body twitching and sensitive, Jeno lapse up some of your squirt that dropped from the corners of his mouth. Using his tongue he makes sure that you’re as clean as can be before coming up to you for a kiss.
“Thanks for that,” he smirks against your lips. “Was a little thirsty there.” 
“Tha-That was…amazing!!!” You wrap your legs around his waist. “Fuck, Jeno!”
Crashing his lips onto yours, you clean up the mess you made. Relishing in the taste of your essence, your eyes for a second time roll back into your head. But not before you lick over his neck to get the remnants of your slick. 
“Now I can’t wait till I’m better!” You sigh. Your head falling back against the bed.
Laying his body on top of yours,  you wrap your arms around Jeno securely. “Why?”
“If you made me come that much when I wasn’t able to do anything, imagine when I’m better and can ride your face!” You squeal.
Busting out in laughter Jeno buries his face in the crook of your neck. “You want to drown me don’t you?”
“Never!!! But I am certified in CPR if anything happens.” You giggle hugging him tightly.  
“Sweetheart! Jeno!!!” Matthew shouts as he walks through the door. Body drenched in sweat with a pizza and a small bag in hand. 
“She’s upstairs taking a nap,” Jeno raises a finger to his lips coming down the stairs as quietly as possible. “She passed out after the massage.”
“Well, we’ll have to save some pizza for her then.” He holds up the box. “I also picked up some soda on the way home.”
“Oh wow a pizza!!!”
“Didn’t know what you liked so I just got pepperoni and some Cola.”
“Perfect, let’s eat!”
Heading to the kitchen, Jeno offers to carry the pizza and the sodas. Setting them down at the table he glances over at Matthew who cools himself off with some cold water from the sink. The atmosphere light and less awkward then this morning. 
“Was she really tight today?” Matthew asks taking a seat at the table.
“Yeah, her lower back had a lot of tough knots but I think the pain meds and the massage will take away any discomfort.”
“It was my fault. After our conversation I got ahead of myself when I should have just let her rest.” Matthew states popping open a can of cola and sliding it to Jeno.
“Thanks,” Jeno takes a sip. “Exactly what was it about our conversation that led you to do whatever it was.” Curiosity getting the best of him, Jeno leans forward. “What exactly happened, if you don’t mind me asking.”
His face turning a bright pink, Matthew pops open his can of soda chugging a good amount down. “Uhhh, well, we kind of…we-we didn’t do it do it, but we did other things.” He fidgets in his seat.
“Wait, you guys didn’t fuck? Why not?” Jeno chuckles trying to keep the mood light, however inside his stomach churns in an uncomfortable manner. 
“You can’t expect me to fu…I mean have intercourse with my wife when she’s in pain!!!”
“I mean missionary’s always an option. It’s okay but not my favorite. Why not go with that?”
“Missionary?” Matthew peeks up from looking at his soda.
“You know when the girls on her back and the guys in between her legs. The typical position. Now me,” he leans in smirking. “While missionary is great, there’s something about the woman on top, or taking her from behind.” Jeno wiggles his brows.
Opening up the box of pizza Matthew takes out a slice and urges Jeno to start eating as well. “From behind…” he whispers. “An-And women like this?”
Munching on the slice of pizza Jeno shrugs. “Depends,” he takes a swig of soda. “Every woman is different. What does…oh shit…maybe I shouldn’t ask…” he laughs.
“Ask what?”
“I was just about to ask what your wife likes in bed.”
“I…I ummm…I know she likes oral,” his face brightens more. “Sort of found that out last night.” Realizing what he just said Matthew sits up straight. “DON’T TELL HER I TOLD YOU!”
“Anything we talk about is safe between us. I won’t say anything. I swear.” Seeing Matthew settle back down Jeno asks in a whisper, “so, she liked you eating her out?”
“A LOT!! I always wanted to try it but…it just felt…dirty, you know?”
“Nope.” Jeno chuckles. “Sex is a part of life. There are moments where it’s sweet and loving or passionate and aggressive and other times where it’s just downright nasty, but even in those moments it’s about the connection. Whether it’s with a lifelong partner or a one night stand. Two souls, two bodies connected for a brief time…That’s what I love about it.”
“How many people have you been with?”
“Three,” Jeno sighs. “Kind of lame when you think about it. My first time was when I was fourteen. She was a year older and I wanted to seem mature and it lasted all of thirty seconds I think. It was fucking embarrassing! So, when I did it for the second time, a different girl, I basically trained like I was aiming for the Olympics. 
“Figured out how to last longer and just realized that even if I came that doesn’t mean it was over. I always make sure that my ladies are thoroughly satisfied. If it takes multiple rounds, so be it. I just want both of us to feel fulfilled by the end of it.”
“And the third person?” Matthew asks. “I’m sure you’ve learned to master things by then.”
Clearing his throat, Jeno averts his gaze. “The third woman,” he says softly. “She was someone I didn’t really know. Someone I had heard about through an acquaintance. But the stories they told and how well a picture they painted of her, man…when I finally met her I couldn’t believe my eyes. 
“An absolute beauty. I fucked up in the beginning — said something I shouldn’t, but she was very kind and understanding. She made me feel…seen…you know?” Shaking his head Jeno exhales deeply pushing his can of soda away from him. “Well, anyway, I wish things turned out different but when we did have sex,” he snickers. “It was fucking amazing! The best I ever had. Of course it was…Her heart wasn’t available…”
“You guys broke up?”
“We were never together. She was…is…in love with someone else.”
“I’m sorry Jeno…I know there is someone out there for you. I mean look at me. I never would have thought I’d have such a beautiful wife but here I am!” Reaching over the table Matthew touches Jeno’s hand giving him a reassuring smile. “Just have faith and hang in there.”
Pretending to be embarrassed Jeno looks down and away. “Thanks…anyway…back to the subject at hand. So it seems like you took some of my advice about letting loose. Think you’ll do it again?”
“ABSOLUTELY!” Matthew beams. “Maybe not now though. I don’t want her to get hurt.”
“Yes, please try to keep the fooling around to a minimum.” Jeno laughs holding up his hands. “I think I might get carpal tunnel if the two of you do anything else.”
For the rest of the evening Jeno stayed and talked to Matthew. Strangely having quite a nice time. Matthew, despite being a man of God, was a pretty down to earth person. And yet, as he walks away from your home a darkness seems to surround him. Did he fuck things up for himself and you before the two of you truly experienced each other? Or is Matthew all bark and no bite?
Sighing and shaking his head Jeno takes one look up at your bedroom before sliding his hands into his pants pockets. “As much as it was nice talking to you Matthew,” he whispers to himself. “There’s no way in hell I’m going to walk away after today…” 
With a roll of his eyes Jeno disappears into the night.
✞ tag list ✞ if i forgot you or if you want to be added just let me know right here and i’ll add you. thanks and see you in the next part! @raquelvsblog @sfsrm-blog @matchahyuck @kikiisda1 @cheyehc 
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mangoposts · 8 months
Chris Sturniolo
My boy, my fwb, my sneaky link, my fiancé, my husband, my baby daddy, my man, my cinnamon apple, my orange red bull, my olive garden breadstick, my ham and swiss croissant, my fuzzy socks, my panera bread, my 6 piece nugget with extra sweet and sour, my double double with no tomato and animal style fries, my mcdonald’s sprite, my wingstop, my baby, my sugarplum, my girl, my roman empire, my dream man, my mental illness, my cream cheese bagel, my spicy tuna roll, my boyfriend
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jinsai-ish · 2 months
WHO WANTS A FOOD RANT?! What's that, you do and didn't even realize it till now?!
Right, so I love cooking when I have time and fresh ingredients. Not grocery store but like farmers market, home garden, chicken eggs from the coop. I've been growing my own fresh spices for a while now and I've extended to vegetables this year. Thanks to my grandfather, who was the son of German immigrants, I learned to be very good at taking either leftovers or food from cupboards to transform it with fresh ingredients.
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Cue the chili! Leftover roasted sweet potatoes and baby bella mushrooms. Tomato from the garden boosted with a can of fire-roasted. A little bit of frozen corn, onion from the store, fresh green pepper and jalapeno from my garden. Canned kidney beans. Sage and parsley and thyme from my garden, some paprika, red chili flakes, sea salt, and a pinch of cinnamon from the store. Apple cider vinegar to taste.
Ok, sounds like a mishmash and not to toot my own horn but it was Good. Like a complex flavor profile , noticeable sweetness from the potatoes (which also gives it a perfect not too thick or thin texture), some heat, and you don't taste the vinegar - it just cuts the sweetness and accents the other ingredients.
My husband? Says he really liked it but it was "too complex". Like, he could savor a few bites but probably wouldn't eat a full bowl and I'm just like DUDE! Your favorite food is Taco Bell!!
And it just kill me that people (my mom) throw carbs (potatoes/bread/pasta) together with mayo, the blandest cheese ever, and some unseasoned meat.
Like nooooo!!
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miidnighters · 7 months
Rainer leaves Flynn a basket of little loaves of bread-- blueberry lemon, cinnamon apple, babka, cranberry orange, the list goes on. She calls him and leaves him a voicemail:
"Happy Valentine's day, baby," her voice sounds grainier on the phone. "I left you a gift on your table, I hope you don't mind. The loaves freeze well, if you don't feel like sharing. And thank you. Okay, good luck out there. Goodbye!"
Flynn listens to the voicemail as he's making his way home - to be met at first with a very confused Elara, wondering who the hell broke in and why they only left a basket of bread.
Subsequent insistences of "that's just my friend Rainer," do not clear things up, so Flynn plays Elara the voicemail, hoping it will ease her mind long enough that he can skirt around her and snag one of the loaves to munch on.
This too backfires once Rainer's crackly voice comes through, and Elara lets out a delighted "She called you baby!"
The following conversation goes something like this:
"She calls everyone baby!" "Maybe, but she made you bread. That's not store bought." "Maybe she made everyone bread! Rainer's doing a religious thing right now, I don't know how much bread it involves."
Things devolve into a discussion of Lent, but when Elara's husband Ned returns home that night, she cordially invites him to try some of the bread that Flynnie's girlfriend made.
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bodrewritten · 4 months
Daughter of Discord Rewritten Chapter 11: Big Day, Big Day!
On the carriage ride to the castle, glitter sprinkled every corner and fabric draped shiny coats of the young teenagers.
The fillies sang and pranced around as their chaperones tried to pretend that they weren't as excited as the foals.
A force to be reckoned with, sugar belle and Fluttershy volunteered to escort most of the girls to the gala. Commandeering utmost respect, the two coached the newcomers on etiquette. The rest of the parents and couples arrived at the Grand Galloping Gala and greeted twilight and Cadence at the front.
"this place gives me the creeeeps..." Cadence said, smiling through her uncomfortable demeanor.
"oh my gosh, I know! Like why do castles feel so abandoned?"
"Luna and Celestia's normal house rooms aren't bad. They feel lived in. I guess the gothic architecture and the Corinthian columns don't make this place look too inviting."
The princesses chatted away as the rest of the guests went by.
Discord summoned a watch on his wrist so he could check the time. "Ugh! What is taking them all so long?"
"Hey m-m-mr. Dis.. Discord," Maple Cinnamon said. "How's my b-breath?"
"You asked me that five seconds ago. Your breath is fine, son."
"Sorry. I'm just so nervous!" The colt tugged at the collar of his tux. "Is-is it getting h-h-hot in here?"
"Now what's this all about?" Shining Armor asked.
"I think I know!" Discord exclaimed. "It's a girl, isn't it?"
"Uh..." the colt uttered. "Maybe?"
"This is going to be the night, squirt," Spike said, patting the boy on the head. "You're going to walk right up to her and ask her to dance."
"Who is it we're talking about?" the draconequus asked.
"Let me give you some advice, kid," cheese sandwich said to the colt. "The quickest way to a mare's heart is through her funny bone."
"We're here!" Pinkie chimed from the top of the stairs.
She and Taco Grandé arrived in matching outfits with cheese.
"Observe," the stallion whispered. "Pinkie, my cute little doll, you look lovely tonight! Here! I got you some flowers!"
He brought a bouquet of roses out of nowhere and handed it to his wife.
"Aw, Cheesy," Pinkie sighed, taking the bouquet in her hooves. "You shouldn't..."
She was cut off as the flowers blasted confetti in her face. The colt laughed and for a moment, the males thought Pinkie was going to blow her top, but instead, she laughed along with them.
"Oh, you!" she exclaimed, punching her husband playfully in the shoulder.
"but she's n-"
He found himself stuck on that word once the rest of the girls appeared at the top of the stairs. They were all dressed beautifully, but it was Dinky who caught his attention. She was wearing a baby blue cape with matching slippers, a series of muffins embroidered along the hem of her skirt. Her light blonde hair was pulled up in a bun, sitting perfectly upon her pretty head.
As her lashes fell gracefully over her golden eyes, Cinnamon Stick felt like he was going to faint. Spike had to slap him over the head to knock him back into consciousness.
"Now's your chance!" the dragon whispered. "Go get her, Tiger!"
The colt gulped and approached the girls.
"Wow, Maple!" Screwball exclaimed. "You sure do look..."
"Dinky!" Cinnamon squeaked. "You're...very...um...uh..." He blushed with embarrassment. "Pretty."
Dinky grabbed him by the cuff of his suit and straightened his tie, which was in fact straight until she messed with it. "You're my date, okay?"
"OHTHANKCELESTIA." The colt huffed.
Screwball smiled as the two walked together to the ballroom. She was not even bothered about Cinnamon Stick ignoring her.
"My, my, my," Discord said, gazing down at his wife and daughter. "Aren't you ladies gorgeous?"
"You're not so bad yourself," Fluttershy said slyly. "I'm not so sure Screwball got her looks from me."
"You know when you talk like that, there's no resisting you?"
As he pulled her in for a kiss, the younger fillies cringed. "EW!"
"Doesn't Apple Blossom look beautiful, darling?" Sugar belle asked Big Macintosh as she showed off their child.
"Eeyup," he agreed with a smile. She had finally got him to come out of his shell and wear his best evening dress to the event.
The night was perfect. Pink and gold lights from above shone onto the dance floor, lighting up the faces of each tenderly made up mare and filly, and sparkling in the cool radiance of the stallions and colts.
The music was from Mendelssohn's Midsummer Night's Dream, played warm and enticing, dipping and swooning as the ponies danced, embracing tight, until the music rose and crescendos to a high luster of intense longing.
"ma," Glory said, tugging on Rarity's gown. "Do you think... Dad's coming?"
The adult unicorn stiffened. "No doubt dear."
"I'm scared ma. What if he doesn't like me, or doesn't want to see me?"
"don't be, angel, you don't have to see him"
"You certainly did a splendid job, Rarity," Celestia said as she and her sister joined the group. "Every filly here looks like a princess, thanks to you!"
"I do my best," Rarity replied, cracking voice, and yet bold as ever.
"Your highness!"
All heads turned at the sound of Flash Sentry.
"The guests have arrived. Should we let them in?"
"Have the Cutie Mark Crusaders arrived yet?" Celestia inquired.
"Not yet, Princess," Shining Armor said.
"They must have gotten delayed," Applejack suggested. "Traffic can get pretty hectic."
"I have a solution," Twilight declared. "Pinkie Pie, can you and cheese handle the entertainment until the Crusaders get here?"
"You bet!" Pinkie chimed.
"Then open the doors," Celestia ordered.
Flash Sentry saluted the princess and took one last look at Twilight before turning to carry out the order.
"Woo hoo!" thunder and lightning cheered when their idols came in for landing.
"You guys were awesome!" Lightning exclaimed.
"Bedazzling!" Thunder shouted.
"You always put on a great show," Applejack agreed. She kissed Rainbow Dash, then turned to rarity for another, only to be met with a turned head.
"you're not to kiss me. You've got Dash's sweat on you!" She teased and giggled. The two other mares play-fought to kiss her.
The crowd parted as two unicorn stallions in dark suits and sunglasses pushed through.
"Alright, alright, make way!" Snips exclaimed.
"Yeah, famous glam rock band, coming through!" shouted Snails.
At the sight of three mares following them, Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Rarity leapt for joy. The older mares squealed as they embraced their respective sisters.
"Would y'all stop growin'?" Applejack said as she got a look at all three of them
"look at'cha dude, Where you guys been?" Rainbow inquired
"We got stuck in traffic," Scootaloo explained.
On the other side of the ballroom, Thunder and Lightning were competing on who could kick their cup the highest. In order to win, they had to catch the cup as it fell. Thunder was about to beat Lightning. He was ready to catch his cup when something caught his eye.
"Dude!" Lightning cried. "You had that one in the bag! Why'd you drop it?"
When he did not answer, she looked in the direction he was staring. There was Apple Blossom, spruced up in a sparkling orange gown, her wavy hair swinging loose over her shoulders. Lightning gave her brother a sly look and nudged him in the side.
"What?" he said, snapping out of his trance.
"What are you waiting for? Ask her to dance!"
"okay... Okay, I got this..."
She sighed. "I didn't want to have to do this."
Lightning moved around Thunder and kicked him hard in the rear, sending him sliding across the floor. Apple Blossom turned her head upon hearing his cry, but did not have enough time to get out of the way. He collided into her and they both collapsed to the floor.
After helping her up, they stared at each other and said nothing for a while.
"Uh..." she uttered, her cheeks turning pink.
"You wanna...?" he started to ask.
She nodded. "Sure."
They smiled and made their way to the dance floor. Lightning let out a sigh of relief.
Over at the buffet table, Fluttershy was taking a sip of punch. She shrieked when a straw appeared in the glass and squirted the liquid at her. She heard a couple of snickers from under the table and lifted the cloth to find Discord and Screwball.
"About time! Not exactly how I planned it, though."
Meanwhile, maple Cinnamon and dinky sat and looked at the decorations.
"D-dinky, they b-b-blend-ded Greco-Roman architecture a...and g-gothic."
Dinky scruffled his hair and asked him about other decorations as he happily jabbered on.
"Oh, that was genius, my dear!" the draconequus said to his daughter. "Did you see they look on her face?"
"Well, if you didn't, you can certainly see it now."
The two stopped laughing when they finally noticed the Pegasus.
"Err," Screwball uttered, rubbing the back of her neck. "Sorry, mama. We were just having a bit of fun."
"we didn't know it was you!"
Fluttershy rolled her eyes but then smiled. "Think you can pull something on Pinkie? I want to get back at her for replacing my shampoo with mayonnaise last week!"
Screwball suppressed a giggle. "Mayonnaise in your...? I mean sure! I got an extreme whoopee cushion with her name on it!"
"Lead the way, my little abomination!" Discord laughed before they disappeared.
Rarity shook her head. "Oh, those two."
The unicorn was taken by surprise and nearly spat out her drink!
"oh now, don't do that!"
Her eyes shot open at the all too familiar voice. Her Ex was standing right in front of her. She narrowed her eyes at him.
"What are you doing here?"
Prince Blueblood was taken aback. "Well, I did receive an invitation."
"I don't have to talk to you, stay away from my daughter."
She attempted to get around him, but he blocked her path. "I also didn't know how else to find you!"
"I don't want you to find me. I don't want you in Autumn Glory's life. She doesn't need to end up like you."
"like a proper prince? Like a self respecting gentleman?"
"like a chauvinist snob!"
"I'd've never come if I knew you'd be a drama queen about it. A mare should respect the father of her child-"
With a huff, the angry unicorn stomped out of the ballroom, but not before slapping the stallion across the face with her napkin. Applejack saw the spat from afar and followed her friend outside. She found her over by a rose-bush, small tears streaming down her cheeks.
The unicorn sniffed and wiped away her tears. "You saw that, didn't you?"
"Y'all were pretty loud," Applejack replied with a shrug. "I figured somethin' was goin' on between you two. Mind tellin' me what?"
Rarity looked at the cowgirl. When it came to situations of the heart, it seemed Applejack was the one to turn to.
"she wants to see him so bad, but I don't want her to be like him."
The farm girl blinked. "Whaddya mean?"
"Prince Blueblood. He's such an egotistical maniac! But Autumn wants to know him. She wants to know why she's so different."
Applejack was surprised by this question. She had not given the issue much thought before. She sat next to her wife and comforted her.
"she has the right to know. She's royalty, she deserves that title princess more'n anypony."
Rarity sighed. "Why, Applejack? Why does she have to see him? You never knew your father, you're one of the most amazing ponies I know."
"Rarity, she has a right to the throne, at least. She's getting older, she needs to know things about her life or she'll never figure it out!"
"what if she chooses to live that life with him instead? What if she turns out to be a jerk like him?"
"I know she won't be a bad pony, even if she goes with him, because we raised her. Please Rarity, she deserves to know him. To know why you don't want her to see him-"
"NO! I don't want him to hurt her like he hurt me! She'll be so disappointed!"
Applejack sat and looked at the ground. She slinked her hoof around Rarity.
"Girl deserves to know her dad. Course, my parents had no choice..." She cleared her throat. "Rarity, she's mine and Dash's daughter too. Just... Think about it? I love you. I always will"
And she pulled her wife back into the party, and Rarity stopped her before she turned away.
"Please, we and Rainbow can talk about this, and then you're free to tell her anything you like."
Applejack smiled and kissed Rarity but was unable to face her for the rest of the night. Rarity couldn't ask why.
Twilight was chatting with Rainbow Dash and Soarin when some pony tapped her on the shoulder. When she saw who it was, she turned back to her friends, but they had left her alone with him.
"Twilight..." Flash Sentry began to say.
The Duchess hugged him. "I know, okay?"
"I need to talk to you."
"I promise, you mean a lot to me. I just can't see any pony romantically."
"I just... I know. I want you to know that I still want to talk to you. I want to be your friend, nothing else."
She smiled warmly at him.
No pony noticed the two pairs of glowing green eyes watching from the windows.
"The Grand Galloping Gala," Mantis whispered. "There's romantic drama around every corner! The perfect hunting ground! But we must focus on the task at hand. You know the plan?"
Prince Mothball ceased his search and answered. "Yes, Mantis."
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wildroseofarran · 1 year
Valentine’s Anthology || Bretan, Caldias, & Captain Issott || February 14, 2023
Leslie: {Text to Tristan} We're having a picnic when the girls are asleep. Out by the water
Tristan: {Text to Leslie} Oh yeah? Are we having it on the boat or do you wanna find a nice secluded spot somewhere
Leslie: {Text} Leaning towards the bridge out by the creek
Tristan: {Text} Then that’s where we’ll go
{Text} I’ll get us some wine
Leslie: {Text} Thanks baby
Tristan: {Text} I’ll be home soon. Anything else you want me to get?
Leslie: {Text} Mmmmmmm
{Text} Nothing I can think of
Tristan: {Text} I’d offer to take care of the food but we both know it’s better I stick with the wine
{Text} I’ll ask Meg to look after the girls for us
Leslie: {Text} If you want them to stay the night there.
{Text} Was just gonna do what my parents did, wait until I was asleep - or they thought I was
Tristan: {Text} She can just come over to our place and stay
{Text} All night is too long for them to be alone and I don’t intend to have you back before dawn
Leslie: {Text} Is that so?
Tristan: {Text} You can bet your bottom dollar, sweet thing
Leslie: {Text} Bet. See you when you get home
Guildias: {Text from Guildias} I will have you absent clothes before my arrival.
Callum: {Text from Callum} All clothes?
{Text from Callum} Even the lacy things I have on?
Guildias: {Text} Show me
Callum: {Text} That would ruin the surprise!
Guildias: {Text} Then leave those and surprise me
Callum: {Text} Actually, do you have a color preference?
Guildias: {Text} You look exquisite in black.
Callum: {Text} Then it’s your lucky day, husband mine
{Text} Any other requests?
Guildias: {Text} Do you harbor quiet desires?
Callum: {Text} Only the desire to make a memorable Valentine’s Day for my husband
Guildias: {Text} That's vague
Callum: {Text} But it’s true
{Text} Which is why I’ll be waiting for you in your garden
Guildias: {Text} Less vague
{Text} Shall I wear something specific?
Callum: {Text} Wear…..
{Text} Your favorite outfit
Guildias: Guildias stared at his phone a moment, curious if he should be concerned about his husband or not. Did he have a favorite he wasn't aware of? Did Callum actually want something?
Callum: {Text} Did I break you?
{Text} You went silent
Guildias: {Text} What is my favorite?
Callum: {Text} You would know that better than I would
Guildias: {Text} I don't.
Callum: {Text} Then just wear whatever you’re comfortable in
{Text} It won’t be on for very long anyway
Bo: Bo looked at his phone for what felt like the fifteenth time in ten minutes. It has been less, of course, but this was how it felt when Brett was absent like this. This hadn't been a regular everyday patrol that sent the ghoul outside of Edenton.
The wand in his hand was twirled and twirled again. Quintessence like static in his hands, ready to go off from some forgotten spell.
Brett: Whether it was a coincidence or the result of some latent psychic ability that had finally manifested itself, Bo wouldn’t have to wait long to hear from his ghoul.
{Text from Brett} Have you decided what you want for Valentine’s dinner?
Bo: {Text} That's what you have to say to me?
Brett: {Text} Just trying to distract you
{Text} You had an angel of death look on your face when I left the house
Bo: {Text} Are you safe?
Brett: {Text} I’m being safe, I promise
{Text} I’ll be back before you know it
Bo: {Text} Doubtful.
He didn't want to end it this way. Forced himself to write another text.
{Text} Just come home.
Brett: {Text} I will just as soon as I wrap things up here
{Text} You never answered my question
Bo: {Text} Apple cinnamon quinoa pancakes
Brett: {Text} Your wish is my command
{Text} Want anything on the side?
Bo: {Text} No
Bo: Minutes later.
{Text} Is there something you want?
Brett: {Text} Yep. I was planning to pick it up on the way home
Bo: {Text} This is a surprise?
Brett: {Text} Kind of? I had a little treat made for us
Bo: {Text} And I will see when you're home
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stupidassbi · 1 year
i wanna suck his dick so bad.
please god. send me this man to fucking RAIL THE SHIT OUT OF ME. graham, my beloved. my husband. setsuna, my baby, my betrothed, my lil cinnamon apple.
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unstable-bagel · 3 months
Literally the day after I made the post saying I officially tracked for seven days, I stopped tracking 😭 but now it’s been 8 days of me tracking so I’m making another post lol. I’m not active on here everyday but I might do like a weekly log of what I eat instead of a daily one like most people do
Daily limit: 1,162 cals
6/20: 555 total cals
- 22 chocolate covered pretzels: 385
- 27 skittles: 110
- sweet tea: 60
6/21: 1,173 total cals
- coffee: 80
- cheese burger: 300
- chicken ricearoni: 620
- idk what this was: 130
- Diet Coke: 0
- mini KitKat lemon crisp: 42
6/22: 1,110 total cals
- coffee: 145
- coffee again: 145
- Nutella: 600
- mini pretzels: 220
6/23: 1,750 total cals
- monster peachy keen: 10
- Dr Pepper: 240
- dinner idk: 900
- ramen: 440
- hot chocolate: 160
6/24: 1,158 total cals
- campfire smores chocolate: 52
- monster ultra Rosa: 10
- mcchicken: 370
- strawberry banana smoothie: 240
- ramen w/ yumyum sauce: 460
- Dr Pepper zero: 0
- campfire smores chocolate: 26
6/25: 1,008 total cals
- coffee: 117
- strawberry protein bar: 180
- Dr Pepper zero: 0
- one slice Hawaiian pizza: 280
- one slice pepperoni pizza: 150
- star crunch: 150
- sweet tea: 80
- green grapes: 51
6/26: 953 total cals
- coffee: 117
- chicken flavored crackers: 140
- blueberries: 12
- strawberries: 17
- two slices Hawaiian pizza: 560
- Dr Pepper zero: 0
- two bites pasta salad: 57
- apple cinnamon rice cake: 50
6/27: 957 total cals
- coffee: 127
- whole wheat bread: 120
- cream cheese: 50
- ham: 40
- spaghettios: 290
- Dr Pepper zero: 0
- Diet Coke: 0
- strawberry protein bar: 180
- star crunch: 150
On 6/23, I ate wayyyyy too much. But it was a shitty day. I got into a SUPER bad argument with my husband and needed my in laws to come pick me and my daughter up. Then my MIL made dinner and I didn’t know the cals so I just overly estimated. Then when I got home, my husband and I eventually made up and we spent some time together, eventually eating ramen. It was just not a good day overall
Honestly I think I ate way too much on all the days. But it’s difficult eating little while needing energy to take care of a baby, and with my husband making sure I eat. I was still under my limit most days, and I know I’m losing weight. I just need to slowly decrease my amount daily 🤧
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peacehopeandrats · 10 months
Halfway Through NaNo
Can not believe I'm this far through the month already. Life has been super hectic and will continue to be that way through December, it looks like. Crazy that I thought I would actually have time for things this school year. There'd be much more content if teachers just got paid a decent wage. Shoot. We ALL need to be paid a decent wage. All of you employees who sit behind counters or service tables, I see you. I know your struggle because my best friend lives it every day. People who can't even live from paycheck to paycheck are some of the strongest people I know.
Okay, off my soap box and on to the prompt. Had to roll again today, got this to make you hungry.
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"Come on, you should try some," Robin insisted, holding out a forkful of meat and rice toward Alice.
Alice shook her head. "I'm not you," she insisted. "You could eat anything when you were pregnant. I can't even look at a candle without this baby fighting against the heat."
"It isn't spicy, not really."
"It's curry." Alice made a face. "She won't have it."
"We aren't supposed to know if it's a boy or a girl yet." Robin's voice dropped to a whisper and her eyes darted around in search of Gideon.
Alice giggled. "Oh, I don't know. I just... Well, I don't want to call it 'it' or 'they' all the time."
Robin shrugged. "You don't know. Maybe this one will come out and turn out to be gender neutral. Out of everyone in Storybrooke, this family should be the LAST one to make assumptions."
Down the row of food stalls, Alice could see the men that made up the rest of their family. They walked along, together and yet not at all with each other in any way. Gideon strode with purpose from one food offering to another, staring briefly at what was on offer, then charging away again. Behind him trailed ... what were they calling each other? It certainly wasn't husbands or boyfriends, in fact they were working their hardest not to let anyone know they were together at all. Probably why there was so much distance between them, Alice realized, with a sigh.
"We can't judge them either," Robin huffed, nodding in the direction Alice was looking. "Even when we want to clap some sense into both of them."
"I just wish he could be happy."
Robin blinked. "How do you know he isn't? He's always smiling. Every time I come in the shop to visit you guys he seems cheerful."
"That's all an act. I'm sure of it." She sat back on the folding chair she'd taken and gazed skyward. "He's lonely and he doesn't have anyone in the world."
"He has us," Robin reminded her. "And they have each other."
Alice turned to gesture at Gideon, mouth open to ask if he LOOKED like someone who was with someone and instead she almost end up smacking him in the groin.
"Woah!" Gideon laughed and managed to sidestep, holding a bowl of something high above his head as if it were in danger of being slung from his grip. "Don't battle a man bearing gifts."
Sniffing the air, Alice felt her eyes go wide with anticipation. "What did you get?"
Gideon presented a fresh apple pastry to her, sprinkled with cinnamon and drizzled with either honey or caramel mixed with something white and creamy.
Alice's stomach growled happily. "Oh, THANK YOU!"
All Robin could do was shake her head and mumble around a bite of her own food. "We know whose baby that one is."
"Doesn't explain the curry," Alice insisted, poking her used fork toward her wife.
Gideon's face lit up in answer. "Curry?"
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