#my father has run a marathon every year for like. 20 years
dykeseinfeld · 10 months
btw all of my gideon nav jockposting is gospel bc while i'm not a jock my mother father sister and brother are all megajocks so i consider myself privy to the culture
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sappyspeare · 5 months
wymack and kevin hcs post-canon
currently writing a 5+1 of kevin and his dad trying to talk to each other without screaming and crying (mostly on kevin's part). so here are some hcs that i cant fit into it
after Kevin goes pro and Wymack retires and moves in with Abby, there is always obviously room for their foxes, but a small, single room for Kevin. it's unspoken that that is for Wymacks son, Kevin Day. he tells everyone who comes into the house that it's his son's room but they can use it while he's gone. Kevin will always stay there and they never talk about it.
They do eventually talk about Kayleigh. Wymack helps Kevin by telling him stories about his insane girl boss mother and they have a good cry about it.
Wymack Abby and some new foxes are watching a pro game where Kevin is playing and there's a moment where Kevin stands with his hands on his hips and yells at a player and all the foxes are like omg. it's mini wymack and wymack threatens to put them through a marathon
Wymack goes to all of Kevin's games. no matter where it is or when it is, he will be there because he is a proud father first and foremost
There is always a front-row seat kevin keeps for his father
Kevin calls Wymack every week to update him on life and stuff. the new foxes realise that wymack is significantly happier after a 20-minute call in the privacy of his office once a week
Wymack walks Dan down the aisle according to EC but have you considered he does it for Kevin too. because those two are his Kids bro
Wymack loves seeing how close Kevin and Abby are because i said so
Kevin and Abby try very hard to get Wymack to stop smoking and drinking and Abby is nice and patient and Kevin is ofc a bitch about it
anytime its a holiday Kevin Andrew and Neil will always come to see him. the others will come too but those 3 will come first and leave last
when Kevin gets his hall of fame moment he dedicates it to the man who taught him how to love the game and himself aka his dad and lets just say wymack needs a moment
kevin gets more tattoos over the years and also looks more like wymack as he gets older
sometimes when kevins in town wymack lets him run foxes practice and its always fun for the kids to see them standing next to each other, father and son because it just looks so Right until Kevin yells at them to run faster or get off the court
Wymack keeps in touch with all his foxes, but Kevin later learns that he also keeps contact with Jean which makes him. so happy because finally Jean has more good influences in his life
ALSO their first father son heart to heart is after rikos funeral where wymack is like 'so. do you want to get blackout drunk' and kevin obviously agrees
Kevin starts calling wymack Dad or sometimes Father after he graduates . sometimes he refers to him as Coach in interviews or in public but everyone knows who he means
Wymack buys the first racquet for Kevin's daughter (she exists in the EC)
(also i dont like thea. sorry. so smth smth kevin adopts a little baby girl and single-dads so hard that wymack is put to shame)
wymack loves his granddaughter like crazy and spoils the shit out of her
Kevin takes a rough hit during a game and Wymack almost charges into the court to take out the punk who tried to hurt his kid
wymack often gets badgered by media trying to get comments about kevin or the other foxes post-graduating and going pro and if hes in the mood he will give them a line about how proud he is of x kid but in such a cryptic way that only that kid could know what he means
this is especially true for neil and andrew but sometimes kevin calls him the next day like 'did u have to talk about the time i did X when they asked u for a comment on my game' and wymack is like. yes. next question
Wymack and Kevin argue a lot it is their love language
but god forbid you talk shit about David Wymack in front of Kevin or in any public space because not only are you bringing down the wrath of the Foxes on you, Kevin Day is a petty bitch and will ruin your life, your career, and your will to live if you fuck with his dad
and vice versa because who the fuck do you think you are messing with david wymack's kid?
TRAUMA ALERT: in the EC it says neil only cries when he gets the call about wymack. but consider: kevin has to make the call. goodnight
ok im done now i just have a lot of feelings
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richiehugs · 9 months
An old friend of a friend.
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Chris is your average 5'11 / 180cm Middle European guy with a remarried mom and a rich father. He used to spend his summers with friends and family in exotic places, or at some local beach.
He was a skinny boy in the early 2010's when he had just turned 18. He was a sporty guy, playing football and doing karate, and of course, he liked to party.
After his graduation, he got a job at an airfield as a security guard, and let's say, it wasn't as active as he might have expected.
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Because he started piling on the kilos. He was exercising less, but still going out with his friends and traveling with his family and his girlfriend. He was enjoying life, but life had some unexpected turns for him. He was becoming less and less active on social media, he wouldn't post anything shirtless anymore. He wouldn't take his shirt off anymore even around friends. He knew he got chubby, and he was feeling embarrassed (though it wouldn't stop his beer-bellied friends to mock him - what are friends for, right?).
But then, in 2017, he met a girl at his workplace. The circumstances of the end of his previous relationship are unknown to me. But he was starting to look happier. And rounder.
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He must have passed 100 kilos around 2018 - and 110 around 2019. His girlfriend was obviously pampering him, living at his parents house, they didn't have to worry about the slightest thing. Only his weight and his figure. His clothes were dangerously tight, showing every curve of his swollen body.
So he married her. He became a father. And then the pandemic happened.
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For anyone he knew from before, he got unrecognizable. From 2020 to 2023, he must have been bounced further up to 120, or even 125 kilo / 280 pounds. His double chin was covering his entire neck. His moobs were resting on his belly, which formed a round ball under his shirt. Sucking it in wouldn't help anymore.
Due to the pandemic, he had to leave his job as airports for closed. He started a job at IKEA as a sales manager. Must have been the stress and the IKEA food that turned even him to a meatball.
But sadly, before turning into Nikocado, another turning point - his wife left him. The reason is again, unknown, but my bet would be his ex gf.
His ex was starting to spend more time with him, and boom, they made up. The girl had become a fitness coach - some sort of freak running marathons and such. Well, Chris has never run a marathon - but he has tried running before.
He started off 2023 with 120+ kilos, beautiful, obese, an aspiring superchub, growing uncontrollably 20 pounds a year - by the end he must have dropped around 20 kilos. So at around 100 kg / 220 lbs, he remains thick, he still has a dadbod, but sadly his best days have faded away. His ex, the old-new gf changed him, his lifestyle, his perfect shape, but he is happy.
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This was the story of Chris, a friend of a friend. From 75 kilos to 125 kilos - and then back to 100. The pictures are from 2011 (18yo) to 2023 (30yo).
Not an influencer. Not sharing any names or socials. Please, don't reuse any of the pictures.
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wroteonedad · 1 year
Movies My Dad Would Like
I am writing this as if it isn't still a good two weeks until it's even Father's Day, but I have compiled a list of movies I think my dad would enjoy. Last week when I was home, I forced him into watching Into The Spiderverse and then showed him the trailer for Uncut Gems (we didn't have time to watch it after our movie marathon though). He really liked the Spiderverse one and he seemed to find the trailer for Uncut Gems interesting enough so it only makes sense to compile an entire list of films I think he might enjoy, right? Right? Also I am feeling extra erratic as I write this post because I am currently on the phone waiting for HMRC to answer so I can finally fix my messed up tax code. I love England.
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To add to that note of HMRC I have been on hold for 20 minutes already and I dread to think the size of the phone bill I'm going to receive, but my tax code will be fixed and my brain can stop going brrrrr... Let's discuss movies.
Whiplash (2014) directed by Damien Chazelle
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This film is about a dude who goes to a music school and is quickly noticed by scary bald jazz enthusiast Fletcher who recruits Andrew onto his team. This team is the prestigious lot, incredibly gifted at what they do, but this gift is brought to the extreme over the way in which Fletcher teaches them. The relationship is abusive and the lengths of punishment that Fletcher would go to in order to have every student sound perfect all the time,,, well it's terrifying. He scares me through the little screen.
It's a proper bloke film. There is a lot of action, but not really in the conventional guns bang bang bang way. Andrew bangs his drums until he physically cannot anymore, he endures a concussion and still shows up to rehearsal. It is the ultimate indie drama movie for every bloke and I think my dad would enjoy it because it is not slow burning and you grow to hate every single character in this universe.
Tag (2018) directed by Jeff Tomsic
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The ultimate man film about friendship, truly. This film is all about 5 friends who compete one month per year for a big game of tag. Run into work, at your mates wedding, you name it, you're getting tagged. Except in this movie one of the friends is getting married and he is the only person who hasn't been tagged ever.
The cast for this film include Jon Hamm, Jeremy Renner and Jake Johnson which is the holy trinity for any dad casted line up really. Though when I watched it, I was especially excited for Hannibal Buress being in it, love that guy.
Mid 90s (2018) directed by Jonah Hill
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This film follows the life of 13 year old Stevie trying to find the community and lifestyle that he thinks he belongs to. He finds this through the downtown skateboarding community. His mother isn't very attentive to his life and his brother is as the movie synopsis pretty much puts it, a big fat bully. This is visually very pleasing, but I don't think the film is as deep as it was trying to be.
As the film is directed by Jonah Hill, it is the perfect example for a dad movie to enjoy.
Dune (1984) directed by David Lynch
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Not the Dune that's just come out, the original one where the budget ran out towards the end of the movie and things start to look crazy to the point you can see the literal green screen clear as day.
It's literally just an action movie about a man in a different universe finding and looking after the rare spice without an entire war breaking out. But the David Lynch version is incredibly goofy, for example Leto is a fun little worm man. I added this version specifically to the list as I've been trying to get my dad to finish watching Twin Peaks and I think this adds to the multiverse of madness.
Boiling Point (2021) directed by Philip Barantini
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I want you to imagine Hells Kitchen, but if everyone was British and it was being aired on Channel 4. It follows the story of a head chef who has to deal with many personal problems as well as the balance of professional crisis, especially when the man he owes money to drops in at the end as the restaurant is on flames (metaphorically). A slow burning, but beautifully dramatic piece.
Pearl (2022) directed by Ti West
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Pearl is the prequal to X (2022), but it still feels important to watch X before delving into Pearl. Pearl is living on her isolated farm with her family where she has to overcome fears, concentrate on relationships and also figure out how to become one of the most famous people in the world. All while the influenza is spreading and the war is raging. Her dad has to be extra cautious with this as him catching it could kill him.
The whole movie becomes an ironic downfall into how Pearl loses her marbles and becomes a mass murderer instead of the dancer she so badly wanted to be.
Battle Royale (2000) directed by Kinji Fukasaku
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If I had to explain this movie in simple terms for my dad, this is the original Hunger Games. This is the movie adaption of Fortnite. But it's a lot better than that because you can't beat the original.
The film revolves around a futuristic land where the Japanese government forced a ninth grade class to travel to an island on a class trip where they are forced to kill each other until there is a crowned winner. Each student receives a package containing a map and a weapon of some form, some better than others and they are left to fend for themselves, receiving announcements at set times every day by their teacher to tell them who has died and which spots of the island to avoid at specific times.
Dad if you watch this movie, I found a dubbed version for you on Amazon.
You Don't Mess With The Zohan (2008) directed by Dennis Dugan
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They stopped making comedy movies like this shortly after this film dropped. This film is awful actually, but has the type of irony to it that makes it sort of funny in places.
Zohan is a terrorist. He stages his own death so he can travel to New York so he can pursue his lifelong dream to be a hairdresser. That's it, that's the movie. It's dumb, there are many points of the film that feel like they've aged like a sour milk, but it still maintains some level of dad humour that just makes sense.
At the end of this post I just wanted to add an extra note about me being on the phone to HMRC when I started writing this post up yesterday. It is all fixed, I'm getting a nice rebate. Cheers
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all-too-ric3 · 2 years
Prompt list (Fluffy):
Here’s my prompt list, send an ask with the number/s you’d like to to write about! Can’t wait. x
1. She meets the boy who lives in the apartment above hers and instantly falls for him.
2. It’s Valentine’s Day and she’s never received any cards or messages from anyone…until now.
3. She runs into her high school crush and reminisces about the time that they had a really cute moment.
4. A guy gets a plane ticket from his father so he can visit the girl that he’s been talking to online
5. He proposes to her by hiding the ring in her food
6. She meets her boyfriend’s family for the first time after dating for six months.
7. A girl is taking care of her sick grandmother but her boyfriend comes over and spoils her with snacks and a TV marathon
8. On their two-year anniversary, she thanks him with a list of all the reasons she’s so glad to have him in her life
9. A girl has been talking to this guy online but never expected him to be this cute in person
10. She posts the video of their first kiss online because it’s too cute not to share
11. The couple’s first kiss is ruined by an earthquake. They laugh it off
12. A couple holds hands for the first time
13. A couple moves into an apartment together and realizes they have very different styles of decorating
14. One of his work partners has become a very dear friend over the years, and it’s actually starting to look like something more than friendship
15, She has to have surgery and asks her boyfriend to take her on a cute date before she goes under
16. A guy finds an old picture of his friends at their prom. He also sees his dream girl in the picture. He shows up at his old friend’s house to ask if they can help him track down the girl
17. Two best friends tease each other a lot and engage in a playful “fight” that ends with them kissing for the first time
18. A guy goes on a blind date and learns that his date is the girl he gave a note to in elementary school
19. She just met this guy with the most amazing socks and she can’t stop thinking about them
20. A couple falls deeper in love during a snowball fight
21. “You took all the pillows so I'm using you as one.”
22. “Can you say that again?” “Were you not listening?” “No I was, I just like hearing your voice.”
23. “I’m pretty sure she/he’s my soulmate.”
24. “You come here often?” “Well considering I work here, yes.”
25. “You know, I think my parents would be proud if I brought you home.”
26. “This reminded me of you.”
27. Why do you have to look at me like that? It’s making me weak, please stop.”
28. “Oh god, how can you manage to switch from cute to sexy in under a second?”
29. “You’re hurt. Please just let me heal it.”
30. “Is this the moment that we kiss?”
31. “I desperately want to take you out for dinner and slow dance with you until the sun comes up, but I also want to grip your hair as I watch you writhing underneath me.”
32. “Every inch of you is the most incredible thing that God ever created.”
33. “Are you going to kiss or keep staring?”
34. “I’m not materialistic. I like being happy and having lots of sex.”
35. “Why didn’t you answer your phone? It was an emergency, I needed to tell you I loved you.”
36. “Every morning you kiss my forehead before I leave for work, why was it on my lips today?”
37. “We could be an epic novel of forbidden lovers, like Romeo and Juliet without the ending.”
38. “You’re unbelievably cute when you’re tired.”
39. “You getting so flustered is one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen.”
40. “How would you feel about spending the day in bed?”
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adultswim2021 · 3 years
Ephemera Week (2002)
It’s still ephemera week, and we’re still talking about John K. I said most of my piece on him in the last post, so don’t expect there to go full bore on this one, except I forgot to say he’s animation’s Jerry Lewis. His current stuff is basically Hardly Working. I will not elaborate, because I’m being mean to you0.
In March, Adult Swim advertised a run of one-off specials. A couple of them were already covered because they fell under the parameters of “Adult Swim original production”. They were Welcome to Eltingville (March 3rd) and Saddle Rash (March 24th).
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Day in the Life of Ranger Smith | March 10th 2002 - 11:00 PM (Originally aired on Cartoon Network in 1999)
This was one of two specials commissioned by Cartoon Network re-imagining Yogi Bear. The artist what took this assignment was John K, who I REEEAALLY skewered in last night’s post, didn’t I?
This is about Ranger Smith harassing animals and writing them up for violating park rules, basically. It’s short! I remember liking it at the time! Okay, maybe I’m going crazy here, but I distinctly remembered a part at the end where Ranger Smith is in bed and he solemnly confides in the viewer that the noises of wilderness give him nightmares and then it just ends. Did I imagine this? It does end with him in bed, but this doesn’t happen in the version on YouTube (which is from the Adult Swim airing). Huh.
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Boo Boo Runs Wild | March 10th 2002 - 11:15PM (Originally aired on Cartoon Network in 1999)
Boo Boo Runs Wild was another one of these stand-alone Yogi Bear John K specials. This one was 30 minutes long. The Ranger Smith short was a brief 7 minutes; I’m guessing they aired a couple Capt. Lingers or something to fill time.
This one is about Boo Boo reverting to his feral nature and causing BIIIIG problems! This special would later go on to be kind of a weird trolling thing Adult Swim would do where they aired it every Sunday for a few months, even promoting regularly. This was like 2006, I think? They’d also air it as part of April Fools. Is that Adult Swim admitting this special sorta sucks? Does it sorta suck? Again, I liked these at the time and REFUSED to actively rewatch these for this write-up. Sorry.
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The Jetsons: Father and Son Day/The Best Son | March 10th, 2002 11:45PM (Originally aired on CartoonNetwork.com in 2001) Our John K rock block ends with a pair of Jetsons shorts, Father and Son Day and The Best Son respectively. This is kinda the same deal as his Yogi Bear shorts, but these were exclusive for Cartoon Network’s website. I remember watching them on there. They are as bad as you’d expect late-period John K internet shorts to be, though the second short is a superior version of Spielberg’s A.I. (in that it’s shorter).
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Night of the Living Doo | March 17th, 2002 - 11:00PM (originally aired on Cartoon Network, 2001)
Night of the Living Doo originally aired as wraparound segments during a Halloween Scooby Doo marathon on Cartoon Network. It’s kinda like an episode of the Scooby Doo Movies, which shoehorned in a guest star each episode. Suddenly my man Dick Van Dyke be running a carnival and shit. That’s the Scooby Doo Movies. At the end of the night they played all the wraparound segments in one uninterrupted sitting, so the viewer could appreciate it as an actual full-on Scooby Doo episode. Night of the Living Doo functioned both as an extension of that series as well as a parody. The guests were Gary Coleman, David Cross, and the very cool band Big Bad Voodoo Daddy. It was all very self-deprecating and had jokes about the absurdity of Scooby Doo tropes. Well trod territory by this point, sure. But this is better than most irreverent Scooby Doo things. It didn’t hurt that I was a HUGE David Cross fan when this aired. Is this where I tell the stupid-ass story about getting mad at a message board guy for not liking David Cross? Sure. Okay, yeah. When this aired on Adult Swim a guy on Kon’s (hi Kon) message board posted something about not finding David Cross funny, shrugging that he didn’t get the hype. He cited this and his appearances in the Men in Black movies, and nothing else as proof for his lackluster comedy skills. It’s kinda like deeming Eddie Murphy as a bad comedian after watching Dr. Doolittle.
The point of this special is that David Cross is a little wooden and stilted, like in the old Scooby Doo Movies episodes. This poster revealed that he never heard David Cross’s stand-up or seen Mr. Show, explaining “I don’t watch puppet shows” A response that still baffles me to this day. Why Mr. Show isn’t a-- WHAT IS HE TALKING ABOUT? I’m not even sure if there was EVER a puppet on Mr. Show*. David wasn’t even a guest on Crank Yankers at this point! SO WHAT THE FUCK? To this day whenever mutual pals from that board get together and watch a movie or show and a puppet appears we make a joke about this guy. Good story? No? Fuck you.
Other stuff about this show: When it originally aired on Cartoon Network it was a little bit longer than the Adult Swim version. There’s a missing scene. I think it’s David trying to play an improv game with a mummy or something. At one point I had it on tape, but I’m not sure I kept it. Sorry.
*sorry to be coy here, but I do know of at least one puppet on Mr. Show, episode 204 there is brief footage of Grass Valley Greg putting on a puppet show for his staff. This CAN’T be the source of the confusion, can it? It’s literally like, 5 seconds.
This’ll teach me to skip a day cuz this really piled up. Thanks, guys. I love all the attention. It is my favorite thing.
I never really saw oblongs as something for the hot topic set. They had Invader Zim and Squee for that kind of shit. Oblongs feel like it was always directly targeting me: the shut-in comedy nerd who would appreciate will ferrell and the sklars being in a thing. Since they ended up doing the exact same show with Janeane Garofalo and David Cross a few years later it seems like that was the goal.
Yeah, I guess that also makes sense. There were a few elements that were kinda gothy but this show was mostly just Angus Oblong ahem, clowning around (puckering mouth to stifle laughter like Chris Elliott in Cabin Boy)
What are your thoughts on the other adult animation blocks of the past couple decades? Spike's notriously failed attempt. Animation Domination. Apparently Syfy has had their own going?
Spike was irredeemably bad. People think this shit is easy. Animation Domination is sorta legit, but it’s anchored by mostly crap. That ADHD thing was kinda good and underrated. Is that still going on? I wish I were more diligent about watching/recording that. Some of them bumpers were good. Also, we mustn’t forget MTV’s oddities. They were kinda the first cable network to court Adult Animation as their thing. They deserve some kind of credit for that. I’m sure they’re doing fine.
I'm having a nice big thing of spaghetti for dinner with some chicken parm? Jealous?
I’ve never had those are they good
What does Ephemera mean? Why is this happenening? Why aren't you talking about 10 Home Movies episodes in a row like a good boy.
In dude time, my friend. In dude time
What would be your Adult Swim dream come true?
Having a complete archive of Adult Swim blocks on a harddrive like Don Giller has with his Letterman archive. Even the commercials and shit. I know of a guy who was a regular taper of the entire block from night 1 but I’m not sure he kept up with it when they went nightly. I should ask him if he still has his tapes, huh?
That or they bring back the BUILD YOUR OWN DVD thing but with blu-rays and you can make your own bumps, which was a different thing they had. THEY SHOULD COMBINE THEM. And you can master it in SD if you wanna put 10 hours of stuff on a disk.
All this is archival bullshit dork shit. Real answer: Clay Croker comes back from the dead and every block is hosted by Space Ghost. That’d be it, right?
If anyone has genuine/better answers please write in with them I wanna keep this conversation going. ‘kay?
McDonalds reintroduces limited edition Adult Swim Toys. You can get them all (plus an extra to keep wrapped for collectors purposes) but you have to spend 20 dollars at McDonalds to grab them all. This is the last day of the promotion. You have to personally eat everything you buy but you can take it home. You can only buy one of each food item. What are you getting? I know the longer the mailbag message is the quicker you are inclined to give some glib remark but indulge this one for once.
Oh wow. I’m literally going to take this seriously. I’d roll in as breakfast was ending. Get myself a McChicken Biscuit and a Bacon Egg & Cheese McGriddle, hashbrowns and a Coffee. Gobble that knob on down. Wipe my mouth with a napkin. It’s lunchtime, bitch. Big Mac, Large Fries, BIG ass soda. You feel me, dude? Lemme tally up. Okay, probably need more. 20 piece nugget. Take that home cuz I’m probably gonna have to save some for dinner. That’s probably 20 bucks right there, especially if you go to the McDonalds on Burnside where all the menu items are more expensive because of the amount of security they have to hire (did you know that different McDonalds have different prices even in the same city? I didn’t until very recently). If this somehow doesn’t satisfy my price point I get a Vanilla shake and eat it anally DURING my BIG D squirt sesh, so it’ll spend as little time in my body as possible. Wait, do I get something for this? I might do this tomorrow just cuz. It sounds like a funky thing to do
Do you think you'll open an Adult Swim mueseum at some point? You seem to be the only steward of its history.
Unless I’m hired to by a large corporation, probably not. Also I don’t think I actually have much in the way of merch other than DVDs. I stopped being a DVD completist at some point around Freaknick The Musical. Oh, I never EVER bought a Robot Chicken DVD, EVER. I literally had a nightmare once that one appeared in my collection.
Hey! Please keep us abreast any time you put more of your garbage on eBay. Maybe you can put your wedding dress on there, you big girl.
Fucking sexist/trasphobic behavior.
Check out my eBay auctions I got season 18 of NCIS up there and some other things :)
The Ripping Friends blow chunks. I don't care if a rapist or the opposite of a rapist (a virgin who volunteers, lol) made it. It sucks a high hard one like when Ozzy banged the Cheiftan's Wife in that Black Sabbath TV Funhouse cartoon. Tell me more.
Tell you more?
Name one rap song you tolerate lol. You can't say anything by weird al or marky mark.
I guess I like the song the pest sings from the motion picture The Pest
Are there any good podcasts on adult swim?
The official one hosted by Matt Harrigan is good, but I’ve only bounced around on it. I don’t know if there’s any formal recap ones. I simply don’t know!
Buddy, you are BANNED for LIFE from my MAIL BAG! You drive me CRAZY!
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rachelbethhines · 4 years
Tangled Salt Marathon - Queen for a Day Part 2
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So this is the continuation of my review for Queen for a Day. My personal favorite episode in the series, but it does have some flaws that needs to be pointed out. 
You can find the first part here  https://rachelbethhines.tumblr.com/post/622226424477171713/tangled-salt-marathon-queen-for-a-day-part-1
Summary: The King and Queen are stranded in the blizzard and Eugene and the Pub Thugs must rescue them. Meanwhile, Varian rushes to ask for Rapunzel's help freeing his dad, but Rapunzel tells him that she can't help him because of the blizzard, leaving Varian feeling betrayed. Rapunzel orders the evacuation of the island, but then remembers about a legend told earlier by Xavier about an underground machine with the power to change the way of the blizzard. 
The Show Tells Us Things that Contradict What We’ve Already Seen
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No they didn’t. 
If it was up to Frederic you’d all be jailed, hanged, or banished. Don’t try to pretend now that the King is somehow better than any other leader when it’s his crack down on crime is what causes 75% of the conflict in the first season. 
Rapunzel gave you a second chance. She’s the one to thank. And she only did that because she befriended you, not because she thought the system unjust.
Look at All This Time Spent On This Very Important Note, No Way the Writers Would Dumb Enough Not Follow Up On This Finely Crafted Set Up.
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Why is Season Three So Bad!!!!?????
Evacuation is a Dumb Plan to Begin With
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So throughout the episode Rapunzel is being pressured into evacuating the populace off the island. With the idea that, as an island, they’d be cut off from food supplies and whatnot. 
Which is beyond dumb because they’re currently inside a castle. Castles are built specifically for withstanding sieges. They should have all the supplies and room that they need right there for weeks if not months. 
Everyone is acting like risking exposure is somehow a better option then just staying put, inside the comfy palace.
Also keep in mind no one knows that this is a magic storm. They think it’s just a regular blizzard and it’s not even been one day of snow. You’re telling me that King Frederic is such a poor leader that can’t even keep the kingdom stocked for one day? 
You know what. I'd believe that. Corona is a shittly runned country that can’t handle emergencies. 
Cass Can Clearly See and Hear What’s Going On
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The show will later act as if Cass didn’t know the truth about what happened between Raps and Varian, but that’s a load of bull. She clearly sees and hears Varian talking about the rocks and his dad. In short, Cassandra winds up looking like a horrible person because of poorly thought out framing. 
Rapunzel Has More Options Here But She Doesn’t Explore Them
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Look Rapunzel being inexperienced and not knowing what to do, leading to her making poor decisions; is a perfectly fine set up for a conflict. And the choices she makes are understandable. 
However the show acts like these were the only options available to her; stay and help her people or go with Varian right then, and that’s simply not the case. 
Here’s a list of things she actually could have done.
Send someone else with Varian. Cass isn’t doing anything right now. She’s not needed for the evacuation, as evidenced by her going with Raps to the demantius device later (a task that she doesn’t actually help much with) and she already is in on your secret about the rocks and is friends with Varian. Alternatively there are other guards you could have sent with him, but Cass is the best option for the job.
Keep Varian with her until the storm was over with. He could have helped with the demantius device and then you both could have gone to Old Corona afterwards. 
Order the evacuation and then actually go with Varian. Once again, Rapunzel isn’t honestly needed for the evacuation, as evidenced by her taking off to find the demantius device later. She also. at the this point, doesn’t know if the demantius device is real nor does she have a plan in place yet to use it. It would have been a worse idea, yes, but it’s still an option that she failed to consider. (Unless they came back to the device after failing to save Quirin, cause it’s fiction and the writers can decide the time frame however they want) 
Go check up on Varian after fixing the storm. 
None of these options would have saved Quirin, obviously, but any one of them would have given Varian the emotional support that he needed. So while it’s understandable that Rapunzel did what she did, it’s still not excusable. 
Therein lies the failure of the show. It tries it damndest to excuse the protagonists at every turn even when they do quite clearly mess up, all while shifting all the blame onto an easy scapegoat. The series then acts like, we the audience, should just blindly accept it’s manipulation as fact. 
The Show Implies That the Heroes Just Threw A Child Out Into A Deadly Blizzard
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Rapunzel’s ‘orders’ falls on deaf ears and that’s honestly on her. She’s in charge and ergo she needs to keep her guards in line. It’s up to her to give clear and concise orders. 
Cause what we see is the garuds dragging away a 14 year old begging for help and next we see him, he’s back out in the snow storm. The snow storm that’s been deemed a national emergency and could potentially kill people stuck out in it.  
If the show didn’t intend for us to think that Stan and Pete just chucked the poor kid out the door, than it needed to establish that Varian left of his own accord. But it doesn’t do that. So everyone is Corona just winds up looking like an bunch of asses instead. 
Rapunzel Breaking Her Promise isn’t the Point
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The show gives way too much focus on Rapunzel’s promise. Because not being able to keep a promise is understandable and something that everyone experiences. No, in truth what Rapunzel does here is much worse than that. She fails at her responsibilities as a leader, as an adult, and as a decent human being. 
Her promise to Varian doesn’t actually matter. Her friendship with Varian doesn’t actually matter. Her even knowing him doesn’t matter. 
Had Varian came to her as a stranger with this same problem and she failed to help him, she’d still be in the wrong. This is a child in need that she ignores. A subject that she is in charge of and responsible for.  
Once again, I’m not hating on Rapunzel here. I’m fine, glad even, for the protagonist to make a mistake. But the show fails to even acknowledge that what she did was a mistake to being with; hence the real problem with the character.
Let’s Talk About ‘Daddy’ and How The Creators are Full of It
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OK so there was some debate about whether or not Varian actually said the word ‘daddy’ in this scene. It was confirmed by one of the creators, Chirs, that yes, Jeremy Jordan (Varian’s VA) ad libbed this line and that the writers decided to keep it. 
Which, in of itself, is fine. This scene still hurts like hell and is the most powerfully emotionally hitting scene in the show. It’s awesome. 
The problem is the Chris’s reasoning for including the line. 
According to the creator, Varian saying the word ‘daddy’ means that’s still immature and not ready yet to know whatever secrets Quirin is keeping from him. 
OK first off, calling you father ‘daddy’ does not make you immature. What a stupid thing to say. My siblings and I are all in or 20s, 30s, and 40s, and we still call our father ‘daddy’ as well. (We’re quite spread out in ages) 
Secondly, what secrets!? We’re never told what Quirin is hiding from his son. Varian never learns the truth of any earth shattering secret that involves him. 
We get lots of behind the scenes hints that the writers prematurely cut Varian out of the plot in later seasons, despite his conflict not being resolved and the fact that he was presented as being integral to main plot.
We’re never given a real reason why Varian’s story so poorly was edited out and any excuses that the series creators, Ben and Chris, have given is nothing but that same BS as this line here and I’m going to call them out on it.   
Xavier and Monty Should Have Been Streamlined Into One Character
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Xavier is given no real introduction and yet he’s suddenly an important part of the main overarching plot. Nor do we ever get any backstory for him or insight into why he does what he does and knows what he knows. He’s just there to give exposition and that’s it. 
Meanwhile Monty is given a whole episode worth’s of introduction and insight, but then proceeds to add nothing to the series afterwards. 
Just imagine if Monty and Xavier were made into one character. Introduction, insight, plus actual story importance. As an added bonus, it would have forced Raps to deal with someone she doesn’t get along with in order to save the kingdom. Which would counterbalanced the ‘friendship saves the day’ bs of later seasons along with the idea that anyone who doesn’t kiss Rapunzel’s royal arse is a villain.
Once Again, Why Do you Know this Legends and No One Else, Xavier? 
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It’s lazy writing. You need to either set these things up beforehand or give reason for them later.
Pascal’s Story Makes Far More Sense After This Scene
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The consequence of showing things out of order is that context is lost. 
I Love the Reprise but it Gives the Game Away too Early
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The writing team can’t decide where they want Varian’s fall into villainy to start and where to have it’s ‘twist’. This is suppose to be foreshadowing, but having it then undermines the ‘surprise betrayal’ in The Alchemist Returns. Not to mention that Varian doesn’t actually do anything truly ‘villainous’ until Secret of the Sundrop anyways. 
In short this scene winds up being pointless and the insistence of having a shocking reveal later winds up being redundant. Which in turn then becomes a poor excuse for not featuring a episode dedicated to Varian’s side of the story. 
I still love this episode, and I’m saddened that most of the series does not live up to this quality nor its own hype. On its own Queen for a Day is 40 mins of wonderful entertainment. As part of the an on going story it’s a bitter reminder of the disappointment to soon follow. 
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wisherbysharlight · 4 years
YOOOOOOO MY FREN........ THAT TROPEY BEACH AU IS GIVING ME L I F E RIGHY NOW!!!!! id love to hear some of the other LAMP scenes you mentioned...... as well as any angst you didn't include............ 👀
Tw for not exactly abusive parenting? Just kinda toxic. -Roman has known since he was 3 that his parents expected a lot from him Sit up straight and be polite and be nice to Mommy and Daddy's friends and we'll let you play on the beach later 
  -Remus always had the same expectations, but to a lesser degree. Roman was already the Golden Child after all, an 'heir and a spare' and all that nonsense But if Roman was good, then they got to go to the beach, and Remus liked the beach too, so he put up with being Slightly Worse so his brother would look even better 
   -Their roles solidified when Roman woke up to Remus sitting straight up in bed, white as a sheet, and turning to him with haunted eyes. Remus couldn't talk, that night. But his parents did take him to talk to a really nice lady named Ms. Picani((yes i AM making emile a legacy therapist)) who taught him that many people are subjected to nasty thoughts but that doesn't mean they were bad 
Their parents called him imaginative. Remus felt like it sounded like a curse next to when they called Roman creative
-So Remus and Roman both wore a mask. Roman pretended to give a shit about meetings and mergers and getting a law degree and taking over for his parents. Remus pretended it didn't hurt when they told him he could be "whatever he wanted" but laughed when he said CEO
Remus didn't think his parents even know the dichotomy they created. Roman was bitterly sure that they did. They clung closer to each other, spending every spare hour out on the water, their surfing prowess unquestionably on the same level and keeping them from turning on each other
-Remus quietly helped Roman stay awake in school when he stayed out all night sitting and waiting for the perfect waves to catch. Roman quietly fed Remus the information he learned when their dad had him sit in on "man to man" chats with other leaders.
-When they turn 14 they both tell their parents in no uncertain terms that they will absolutely be working at uncle Thomas' restaurant like Remy did when he turned 14, thank you very much. Their parents think it's a good lesson in responsibility. The twins think its a great reason to get out of the damn house.
-They drag their friends along with them. Virgil becomes a junior lifeguard with a passion Roman had yet to see in him, watching over everyone like a hawk. Logan gets to read under an umbrella. Patton is charming as hell as a bus boy and he and the twins quickly become waiters despite technically being too young(they just can't carry the alcohol for two years)
-There's still stuffy dinners that alternate with nights alone just the two of them in the house as their parents jet set around the world, but now they have somewhere to be every single day Thomas Actively encourages them to use the private beach for surfing when they have time off, and they love it because they can just grab their boards on their lunch breaks and go
-It is out on these lunch break surf and chats that a plan falls into place, as it normally does, when Remus just says the first thing that comes to his mind Roman knows what he wants now, and so does Remus, and who better to get it than the Creativitwins(coined by Patton, LOVED by the twins)
-By the time the Main Timeline happens(when they're all 18) the brothers have Solidified the plan 
They've both enrolled at the same elite school(much to their parent's condescending surprise, seeing as how Remus' grades are actually better than Roman's), both majoring in business, but they swap majors without telling their parents. Remus takes Entrepreneurship and Business Analytics, and minors in pre-law, and Roman takes Management.
-Roman knows, deep down, that once the jig is up he might lose all the money they put away for him. So, when he sees that there's an amateur competition on the island with enough prize money to get them both through at least a few semesters of school he leaps at it
-He trains Non Stop. He hasn't told LAM about the plan and they get super duper concerned about him 
-Thomas and Roman end up in a screaming match because Roman is clearly not sleeping and when Remus can't get through to him he sends Thomas and tells Roman he’ll handle their parents
This is when it comes out that Thomas is living Roman's dream that he feels he doesn't deserve, feels like he's failed as the Golden Child and hasn't earned the right to go after what he truly wants
At the Same Time Remus has shown up in Roman's place to a Very Important Dinner because he knows its just time to let the cat out of the bag. His father pulls him aside and tells him that he cannot afford any "outbursts" and that this is a "very serious meeting". Remus gives a sickly sweet grin and goes in anyway, smoothly makes rounds to say hello to all the customers who come to the resort and is joking and laughing with three of them within 15 minutes. His father is so taken aback he actually doesn't hear one of his other colleagues ask if he's alright.
Janus shows up to back him up about 30 minutes in and Remus brings him around to introduce, and the two of them charm the pants off of the few people they hadn't met yet, forcing the Twin's parents to confront their own biases against their son. Roman turns his phone off so he won't see his father calling. Him Remy and Thomas are having a disney marathon, anyway
-Roman doesnt go home til morning. When he gets there, both his parents are sitting at the table with Remus. They all have tears in their eyes and look like theyve been there all night. He'd gotten the text from Janus when he turned his phone on, knew that it had gone well, or he'd be genuinely concerned. The first thing his father says is, "We're sorry"
They have a discussion, and it feels a little bit like the business discussions he always sits in on, slightly stiff and with everyone still not really comfortable with each other, but at the end his mother hugs him for the first time in what feels like years and tells him she's proud that he worked so hard towards what he really wanted, and that he reminds her of herself at his age trying to break into the business world, and he cant truthfully say that isn't the best thing he's ever heard in his life
-Their parents arent perfect. Remus will say something slightly off kilter and they will visibly wince before they can correct themselves. Their mother will still attempt to baby Remus and put Roman on a pedestal. Their father will still turn to Roman for his opinion before Remus. They both pitch a fit when Roman insists on transferring to a local school to save money. But there's progress made.
-And on the day of the competition, Thomas comes up to Roman when he stops by the restaurant to get Luck with a key on a lanyard that says "Thomas Sanders Beach Emporium - Surf and Swim Shop". He'd purchased the small surf shop next to the resort from a local who'd wanted to move inland. 
"Ro, I know you still want to go to college and that's fine. But know you are the only one I want running this, even if I have to wait." 
Roman bursts into tears IMMEDIATELY and Patton has to hug him for like a full 20 minutes to calm him down
-And then, as we all know, THEY WIN THE COMPETITION. And they don't need the money for college anymore, so they take it and give it all directly to Thomas for the shop, and the twins own it together but Roman runs it while Remus is off being one half of the Ultimate Power Couple on the mainlaind
And Now That You’ve Survived the Angst Train, here’s EPILOGUE
-Roman takes over the surf shop as soon as he graduates, of course. 
-Patton becomes a Divemaster/Ocean Archeaologist and gets to spend all his time in the water 
-Logan becomes an Oceanographer who creates super detailed and beautiful diagrams 
-Virgil becomes a marine biologist specializing in rescue and release and they buy a house across the street from the restaurant
-Remy takes over the restaurant and Emile opens a practice right on the island and Remile live in the apartment above the restaurant
-Dukeceit move inland towards the city so Remus can get his MBA and Janus can have some Night Noise and Janus gets his law degree and they are a Power Couple 
But they always take at least a month where they are either off or working remotely and rent a house on the same block as Remile and LAMP and surf and hang out at the restaurant and beach and relive that One Summer Of Pure Happiness and Freedom
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metaldragoon · 4 years
2020 wasn’t that bad of a year for me.  I had to make a couple sacrifices; no basketball and no swimming, but otherwise my life was pretty un-disturbed.  I wasn’t able to visit my family but I don’t even have a good relationship with them so “missing holidays” with them also meant “not having extreme anxiety about not being a disappointment.”  I like going out to eat at restaurants and obviously couldn’t do that either, but it also meant “you have a lot of money saved up now.”  So I don’t even consider either of those negatives.  Swimming is a bummer though, I had a bit of an ambition to start triathlon training and I really suck at swimming.  My goal was 750m in 10 minutes, but it was a struggle to even swim 750m a day and it’d take me about 20 minutes.  I think I was down to like 17 or 18 minutes when the pool closed down but I still had a long, long way to go.  My best friend is a lifeguard and he said 10 minutes isn’t that hard, and while he’s obviously a little detached from what a normal swimming time is for an untrained swimmer, I was mind-blown by him doing 50m in 25 seconds with literally never trying to time himself once in his life.  750m 10 minutes is also the minimum requirement to be a lifeguard where he works he said, so that’s why I made it my goal.  But that will take a little while longer before I can ever get back in to it.  Transitioning to the subject of basketball, I used to play quite a lot in my youth and as a 6′5″ guy with some good athleticism you know I don’t need any sort of skill to still be good.  But having the knees of an 80 year old make it an issue with basketball being like the most loading-all-your-weight-directly-in-to-your-knees sport in the world.  I believe it was around 2014 when I stopped playing in leagues and this year I was planning on reuniting with my old high school friends to enter some tournaments this year and terrorize northern BC and AB.  I’m not as explosive any more so I was hoping to hit the gym and work on my outside shot ‘cause I at least know I will always be a good defender with my size and intelligence, and I went to one single pick up game this year, the same night Rudy Gobert tested positive for COVID.  It went okay, I had 0 stamina and even trying to rebound a basketball felt awkward much less lining up a jump shot, and then the guys I met up with were like “okay that’s the last game of the year” and I haven’t been able to ball since.   But there was a decent amount of positives.  I rolled through year 3 of my marriage and I think it’s going pretty swimmingly.  No children yet though I’d still like some, but every year I kind of keep thinking “wow I’m so much more knowledgeable and in a more stable position in my life, thank god I didn’t introduce a child in to my previous environment.”  Not that I’m a toxic shithead where no child can thrive, but I just think the more I wait the more super-father I can become.  It’s always been like a life ambition to be a parent for me, like it felt important that my life is incomplete if I’m not able to do this and a lot of that also meant procreating and y’know, my child being a tall white quarter scottish/norweigan infant, but I’ve definitely been coming around to adoption and now don’t really care about having a child who has the same genetic information as me.  I guess that’s all I have to say for now, wife and I are still discussing it and I’m sure it’ll be a few years, but, just a change of perspective I’ve had. I hopped back on to my Tetris grind recently as I’ve had four weeks off of holidays all packed in to the end of the year, I think it’ll be a trend that continues, but I don’t know for sure or anything.  I made sort of a break through in controls that helped optimize my play a lot, and just last week I was able to get PBs in APM and 20/40/1000 line sprints from about a year and a half ago, so I’ve already adjusted to the changes that took me a while to get used to.  My 20 and 40 line times are 30.626 and 60.708 seconds which is a little frustrating how close I am to clearing those rounded number milestones, but that’s a goal for 2021 I suppose.  I could probably break them right now but just haven’t gotten lucky.  I question if my fingers can really get any faster though, I think hand speed is a hard thing to develop as an old man, but world record is almost 4x faster so at the same time it’s a little foolish of me to think I’m near any sort of physical limit. My other last tangible success is running.  I haven’t run since mid November because of winter in Edmonton ain’t worth it to me, I literally took all my holidays in winter simply for the sake of not having to drive to work as often.  But yeah, I was definitely in the best running shape of my life.  I’d been tracking my PRs all year, I’ll just quickly list them 100m: 13.8 200m: 33.3 400m: 1:08 800m - 2:48 1000m - 3:31 1 mile - 6:19 2 mile - 13:23 5K - 21:12 10K - 43:36 15K - 1:13:58 10 mile - 1:19:29 20K - 1:38:54 Half Marathon - 1:44:04 A lot of these I didn’t particularly work on setting, they just happened to get recorded by my watch while I was running longer distances.  I’m not a sprinter at all as my times clearly indicate, I think anything under 1KM times are all pretty accomplishable by anyone who wants to work on them.  I used to be run low 12 for 100m but I think I’m too old for that these days, the 200m was literally the first time I ever ran it, I just was never interested back when I was in track as a kid, 400m is kind of disappointing too because I was running 1:21 when I was 10 years old and I’ve only managed to shave 13 seconds off.  800 was just on the way to some other run so I don’t even really count it as a time, I think I could have definitely been 2:35 if I tried.  3:31 for the 1KM I did once to try and pace my friend for 3:45 and then I sprinted the last 200m so I coulda been quicker there, 1 mile I never attempted to run but I really wanted to get sub 6 minutes, I think I could but I’m not sure why I never attempted to run one.  2 mile is something I actually did run a lot, my neighbourhood is 2.5 KM, 3.2 KM is 2 miles, so I would quite often run it in the morning.  My ultimate goal for a pace is 4:12/KM so once I hit that with my 2 mile run (4:10/KM pace) I didn’t push it further.  5KM and 10KM were both done on track where I actually spent the few surrounding days prepping for my run and are the two I’m proudest of, particularly the 10 KM, and the longer distances were all just set while I was trying to run a half marathon.  My goal is an hour and a half for the half marathon, so while 14 minutes doesn’t seem extremely far it still is quite tough for me, I need to shave 45 seconds every KM 21 times in a row.  I signed up for my first half marathon since 2014 for September 2021.  My official PB is only 1:51 so I’m already better than I ever was, but I hope to train all year to shave off that last 14 minutes.  My tangible improvement on a weekly basis with running was pretty comforting for my mental health.  29 has always been the age of physical peak for men, everything beyond is a decline until the end, but I never really felt plateaued throughout this year.  I ran over 1200 KM last year, the last half of the year I was going for 50KM a week which I’m hoping to keep up again this year while also pushing even further as long as my body can hold up.  I still get a lot of stingy injuries that cause me to miss a couple days here or there, but for the most part it went pretty well.   Uh, I don’t even know what the point of writing all this was I guess.  Just wanted to share that I continued to progress in life, which I guess is the only purpose I have in life, continue to better my life, and I can definitely say I’m better now than I was a year ago, and looking forward to continue an upward trajectory for 2021.  Happy New Years.
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nickelkeep · 5 years
Slice of Your Pie
Pairings: Dean/Cas, Naomi/Zachariah Rating: Mature Word Count: 6900 Warnings: Homophobic Language, Sexism, Dean going off.  On Ao3
It wasn't like Gabe to call before noon. Usually, because Castiel was working and Gabe knew better, but also because Gabe would be in the middle of a busy shift at one of his bakeries. Castiel hesitantly picked up the phone, grateful for the week off from his job.
"Gabe, are you in prison?"
"Come on, Cassie. Is that the only reason I would call you?" Gabe's voice was boisterous yet nervous. "I'm just checking in on my favorite baby brother."
"I'm your only baby brother." Castiel pulled the phone away from his ear to confirm the time. "Shouldn't you be elbow deep in flour or something, right now?"
"Nope. All three shops are under control, and I took the week off to fly in. Staying with Mom and Dad, you know?" Gabe's happy charade was faltering, and Castiel had a feeling of what was coming. "It's always great being home. Especially when I get to spend time with my favorite brother."
"Still, your only brother. Did Anna say no to you crashing at her place?" Castiel leaned back in his couch and kicked his legs up on the coffee table, careful to not disturb the stack of papers he had been grading.
"Anna's out of town until Thanksgiving, and something about she doesn't trust me to not burn down her house."
Castiel laughed. "That's a legitimate concern. Are you asking to crash here?"
"Actually, no. Mom and Dad have left me alone, for the most part." Gabe let out a heavy sigh, as though he had been burdened with the most laborious task on the planet. "Are you coming for Thanksgiving?"Castiel pulled the phone away and looked at the clock on it for the third time. "Gabe, have you been drinking?"
"Look, I told them it would be pointless, but they didn't listen. They want all three of us there for the holiday. Dad said he's getting up there in age, and he wants to be surrounded by his children and non-existent grandchildren."
"Like he's getting grandchildren from any of us." Castiel rolled his eyes. "No. I'm not coming."
"You know that's not going to fly." Gabe suddenly sounded exhausted. "Me and Anna will be here."
"Great, then he's got his two kids, happy marriage and white picket fence. Make sure you pick up a dog for him before you leave."
"Castiel, please. Don't make me beg. Or sic Anna on you."
Castiel pinched the bridge of his nose and squeezed his eyes shut. "Anna's smart enough to not call or to tell our parents to piss off."
"It's just a couple hours on one day. You can cold shoulder them and give them the good old silent treatment." Gabe's voice took on a subtle hint of pleading. "Help me get them off my case and yours."
"I'm much happier spending my Thanksgiving at home with take out and a movie marathon. I might be alone, but at least I'm not getting attacked every other word out of their mouths." Castiel rubbed his forehead, trying to erase the thought of going to his parents for the holiday.
"That was one year, Cassie."
"Excuse me? What fiasco have you been watching?" Castiel stood up and moved to the kitchen to get a beer. "'Why are you single, Castiel?' 'Are you over your phase, Castiel?' 'Castiel, are you going to find a nice woman and give us grandkids?'" Castiel scoffed. "Don't even get me started on the digs they take at my job."
Gabe took in a suction of air, indicating that he was working on an idea. After a pause, he spoke up. "Bring a date."
"Right, like I'm going to find a guy to date me in less than a week." Castiel rolled his eyes.
"There are escort services, Cassie." Gabe paused. "Wait, that's it. There's also Craig's List. See if you can find a date for the day."
"That's ridiculous."
"I'm serious, hop on, look in the area, and check out casual encounters. That's got to be someone else looking for someone to spend the day with."
Castiel rolled his eyes and grabbed his laptop off the coffee table. "I thought that was for more... intimate encounters."
"HA! Like I'd send you to that part of the website. I certainly don't want to picture my baby bro doing the do with a dude."
"But, you just want me to bring a random person to Mom and Dad's to keep them off your back and mine." Castiel cradled the phone between his ear and shoulder as he typed in the address for Craig's List. "Look, I make no promises. If I don't make it, you can tell them that their worst fear came to fruition."
Gabe laughed. "That you married some random guy behind their backs, and you're moving to Venice to be Gondolier Captains."
"Maybe that one would push father over the edge." Castiel laughed. "Maybe this isn't a bad idea. I'll call you tomorrow with a definite answer. You and I both know either are good."
"That's my Castiel." The warm affection caused Castiel to smile. "Please give it a sincere look over, ok?"
Castiel promised to give it the old college try and disconnected his call with Gabe.
He pulled up the Casual Encounters section of Craig's List and was surprised to find out how right Gabe was. Many people were offering their services for Thanksgiving company. As he scrolled through the ads, one with an interesting title caught his attention.
Alone on Thanksgiving? Want to stop the ‘Why are you still single?’ questions?
I’m a 35-year-old guy with a GED and a loud, beautiful muscle car that’s older than I am. When people try to guess my age, I get anywhere from 32-38 depending on if I’ve taken the time to put on clothes that aren’t holey jeans and flannel shirts and do my hair. I work as a cook in my friend’s restaurant and tend bar for an aunt when I need extra cash. So if you’re looking for a platonic person to be your SO for a day, I can do it.
I am bisexual, so I don’t care if you’re male or female.
At your request, I can:
Hit on family members (including your parents).
Start an argument over politics and religion (I’m a liberal atheist).
Propose to you (I have a ring that works perfectly for this).
I can also act drunk as a skunk, but I personally don’t drink. I’ve been sober for a few years now. Need a ‘drunken’ fistfight started? I’m your guy.
I’m not looking for payment other than the free meal that comes from accompanying you.
Castiel smiled. This was perfect. It was a guy, he would appear to be less than to his folks, and he promised that he could cause a ruckus. Castiel quickly clicked the contact link and got their number to text them.
[1:00 PM Castiel:] Hi, I just found your add on Craig's List. Is your thanksgiving dinner date offer still open?
He waited several minutes, scrolling through a few more adds, just in case, when his phone's notification for a text message went off.
[1:07 PM 555-555-6767:] Hey, yeah. I didn't think anyone was interested, or it got buried. Name's Dean. You?
Castiel smiled, this crazy idea might actually work.
[1:09 PM Castiel:] My name is Castiel, and I am very interested in you pissing off my parents.
Castiel hit send and realized he needed more information about the random stranger he invited to Thanksgiving with him. As he got ready to send a request to meet in public, Dean beat him to it.
[1:12 PM Dean:] Interesting name there. You free in about an hour to meet? Would kinda like to see you and talk to you before I conform. It also sells the dating thing better. [1:15 PM Dean:] Any particular place where we can meet?
Castiel sighed out a breath of relief before sucking in a breath of panic. Where could they meet?
[1:17 PM Castiel:] A cup of coffee or tea, maybe? I only know of Right Ground, but they're good.
[1:19 PM Dean:] Oh hell yeah! My friend is the owner. The petite redhead?
[1:20 PM Castiel:] Charlie, right? I've seen her a couple of times.
[1:22 PM Dean:] Perfect! I get off soon and can head right over.
[1:24 Castiel:] Sounds good. What should I look for?
[1:30 Dean] Black Impala. She's my pride and joy. If you're looking for me, Sandy Brown hair, Green Eyes, lots of freckles, and uh...
[1:31 Castiel:] What?
Castiel tilted his head in confusion as he waited for Dean's reply. Was this going to be where he mentioned he had a humpback?
[1:36 Dean:] I'm a bit bowlegged. I've been told it's a bit of a turnoff, but I figured I'd be honest upfront.
Castiel let out a laugh of relief.
[1:38 Castiel:] There is nothing wrong with bowlegs. I've heard they make some things easier. 😘
As soon as Castiel sent the message, he instantly wished he could take it back. Instead, he quickly sent a follow-up message.
[1:39 Castiel:] I'm going to go get ready. See you in about 25 minutes.
Castiel let out a huff of air while waiting for lighting to strike, or a boulder to be dropped on him.
[1:41 Dean:] LOL! See you soon, dude. (Dude, right?)
Castiel didn't get a chance to respond as he quickly hopped in the shower and got ready to meet Dean for the first time.
Castiel had arrived slightly ahead of his and Dean's arranged meeting time. He didn't see a black Impala anywhere, and when he walked inside, there were no men that matched Dean's initial description. Castiel headed to a corner seat that he normally tried to grab when he went to get coffee and found it surprisingly empty.
He sat down, facing the entrance with his back against the wall. A little kernel of self-doubt starting to grow in the back of his mind. Charlie was behind the counter, and he briefly wondered if Dean texted her to tell him to keep an eye for him.
Castiel went to grab his phone to check the time when the low rumble of a muscle car stopped him. He stole another glance at Charlie, and a huge smile crept upon her face. Castiel looked out the front windows. Dean's black Chevy Impala pulled into a spot, and out exited Adonis himself.
Dean didn't give himself enough credit when he described himself. The sandy brown hair was styled short and looked as though it would be soft for Cas to run his fingers through. And the freckles! Dean was a walking star map, and Cas wanted to trace his fingers along the freckles he could see. The only thing he couldn't see were Dean's self-proclaimed green eyes.
Once Dean entered the cafe, Charlie yelled to him and ran out from behind the counter. She wrapped her arms around him and started animatedly yelling at him for not checking in often enough. Dean graciously accepted her punishment and walked further into the shop. Castiel could finally make out the bowlegs that Dean appeared to be self-conscience about. If anything, the legs emphasized everything perfectly.
Castiel shook his head once, twice, and a third time for good measure. This was supposed to be a professional business interaction. He stood up while sliding out of the booth and walked over to Dean and Charlie. "Hello, I'm sorry for interrupting, but are you Dean?"
Charlie looked at Castiel and smiled before looking back at Dean. "You come to my shop for a date, Winchester? Not to see me? I'm offended. Now you don't get that slice of pie." She punched Dean in the shoulder.
"Hey! It wasn't my idea, it was Cas'. He said he liked your coffee." Dean looked at Castiel.
"He is right, I can show you the text message." Castiel reached for his phone in his pocket before finding his hand being swatted away. 
"I believe him, and you. Gotta give the old man shit, though."
"Old man?" Dean blinked in shock. "I'm offended."
Charlie shrugged and walked back around the counter. "If you two want drinks, get up here and order before we have the final rush of the day."
"After you, Cas." Dean gestured. "Also, is Cas ok? Not sure how to pronounce your full name."
"Cas - Tee - Ell. But Cas is fine. If anything, it would infuriate my mother and father more." Cas smiled. "My brother calls me Cassie, I hate it, but I let him get away with it."
"Okay, one brother. Any other siblings?" Dean smiled at Cas.
Cas blushed from Dean's smile, "I have my brother Gabriel and my sister Anna."
"Are they part of the deal? Or are they off-limits?" Dean asked. "I mean, I clearly know you want me to go after your pops at the very least."
"You can jab at them if they jab at you." Cas conceded. "Looking for someone to come with me was actually Gabe's idea. So he may not appreciate being a part of the prank."
"Okay. We can play that by ear."
Cas tilted his head. "You said you wanted to see if we clicked before you agreed to the whole thing."
"What do you think I'm doing?" Dean winked. "So, tell me about your parents?"
The pair got up to the counter before Cas could answer, and Charlie sat down two cups in front of them. "Dean, black americano with room for cream. Cas, if I remember correctly, spiced chai latte."
"Thank you, Charlie," Cas responded as he went to grab his wallet.
"I threw it on Dean's tab. You two have a fun date." Charlie winked at them and shooed them so she could get to the next customer.
Dean blushed and looked at Cas and mouthed Sorry before picking up his cup and walking over to where they kept the cream.
Cas took the opportunity to grab his booth back and waited for Dean to join him. "So, you asked about my parents?"
"They're the targets, right?"
"Yeah." Cas nodded and took a sip of his drink. "My mother is Naomi, my father is Zachariah."
Dean held a finger up as he finished taking a drink. "Your family highly religious?"
"What gave that away?" Cas tried to hide his disdain, but by the look on Dean's face, he wasn't doing a good job.
"Gabriel, Castiel, Zachariah... Pretty sure there's a Naomi in the bible too." Dean placed a finger on his lips. "Not too sure about Anna."
"Prophetess in Luke's Gospel," Castiel responded.
Dean nodded in quiet contemplation. He paused a moment, and Castiel could see the gears turning. "Safe to assume you're gay or bi?"
"Very much Gay. I've been told it's a phase my whole life. My parents keep asking when I'm going to bring a girlfriend home. You're the first 'boyfriend' I'm bringing home." Castiel took another sip of his drink.
"Got it. What do you do for a living?"
"High School English Teacher." Cas scoffed. "Reason number two hundred fifty-one I'm a disappointment."
"Being a teacher is a disappointment?" Dean shook his head. "Well, I'll make sure that they know I'm a cook by day, bartender by night. I'm sure they'll love that."
"Your sarcasm is perfect. They both hate sarcasm, despite it being their first form of communication." Cas leaned back in his chair. "They definitely look down their noses at people too."
"Well, I'm sold. Food, chaos, and spending time with an attractive man?" Dean rested his elbows on the table and rest his chin on his knuckles. "This may be one of my best Thanksgiving in years." Dean winked. "What time should I pick you up?"
Over the next few days, Cas found himself texting back and forth with Dean frequently. He kept trying to remind himself that it was just so they could get to know each other so they could pass off as a couple on Thanksgiving. However, with the way that Dean flirted, it was harder and harder to keep that line from blurring.
[Wednesday 3:47 PM Dean:] Hey Cas, I know I'm supposed to be an asshole, but should I attempt to bring something with me?
Cas laughed, picturing how his mother would react if she were brought a gift from Dean.
[3:49 PM Cas:] You don't have to bring anything at all, although the image of my mother turning up her nose is both amusing and disappointing.
[3:51 PM Dean:] So, bring a six-pack of cheap beer. Got it.
[3:52 PM Cas:] You're incorrigible.
Cas found himself setting a special notification for Dean's text messages. He fought hard against doing it, as they were going to go their separate ways after Thanksgiving. Still, it seemed like something you would do for a significant other.
He heard the notification go off, and he picked his phone up again.
[4:00 PM Dean:] If I were a betting man, I'd bet that you liked it though.
Cas found that he couldn't disagree.
Cas' parents, completely surprised that he was coming and bringing a date, asked Cas to arrive around 3 PM on Thanksgiving.
Dean showed up at 1:30 PM.
"Hey, Cas." Dean stood in the doorway to Cas' apartment and leaned against the doorframe.
Cas couldn't help the smile that grew across his face. Dean was dressed up in a nice pair of jeans with a black tee-shirt and an open deep red button-up. "Hello, Dean." He stepped back to let Dean in. "You're early."
"I hope you don't mind. I was a little nervous." Dean smiled sheepishly. "Meeting the parents is kind of a big deal."
"That was the whole deal, Dean. You join me, free dinner, you make them regret telling me to come to dinner."
Dean's smile dropped a little, so slight that Cas almost missed it. "Right. I knew that."
"Everything okay, Dean?" Cas stepped closer and placed his hand gently on Dean's shoulder.
"Yeah, of course." Dean's face betrayed his words, but Cas let it go. "I figured I could also come over and help you load anything that might need to go with us in the car."
Cas frowned, unhappy at seeing this side of Dean. "Want to take a seat? We have some time to kill."
"Actually, can I hit the head? Then we can pack up Baby. You said it takes about 45 minutes to get there on a good day, and there is some traffic."
"Yeah," Cas responded as he pointed to the hallway. "First door on the left." He watched as Dean stepped away, wondering what changed so drastically.
Dean quickly finished up in the bathroom and found Cas in the kitchen, juggling a casserole and a couple of pies. "Dude, please tell me your pies are good."
"As long as they don't hit the floor, they should be." Cas smiled and allowed Dean to take them off his pile. "I remember Charlie teasing you about pie, so I stopped in special to ask what kind you like."
"Pecan?" Dean asked, a huge grin coming back across his face when Cas nodded. "Dude, you went to Charlie to ask her? Why didn't you just ask me?"
"I wanted it to be a surprise, to thank you for this week." The next words escaped Cas' lips before he could stop them. "I'm glad that at the very least, I got to make a new friend out of this."
"Well yeah, Charlie's awesome," Dean responded without missing a beat.
Cas rolled his eyes. "I mean you, Dean."
"I, uh..." Dean's cheeks flushed scarlet as he stuttered over his words. "You're awesome too, Cas."
"Come on, then, let's go load up your car." Cas held up the casserole dish and nodded his head towards the front door. "Sooner we get there, the sooner we can leave."
The pair of them quickly loaded up the car, and Dean handed Cas his phone to punch in his parent's address. The first few minutes of the drive were quiet, as Cas appreciated the roar of the engine. 
"So, uh, Cas." Dean broke the silence once they got on the highway. "Question for you."
"I'm listening." Cas looked over at Dean and took a moment to admire his outline, highlighted by the sun. 
"Well, we determined that we've been together for a few months and that we met when you came by my place of work. But, uh, are you ok with a little PDA to sell it?" Dean's cheeks turned bright red again, as though he were embarrassed to ask.
Cas slid a little closer to Dean to be able to reach his hand and hold it. When his skin brushed against Dean's, it was as though sparks of electricity shot through his body, and Cas shivered involuntarily.
"Okay there, Cas?" Dean stole a glance at Cas and smirked, before returning his eyes to the road.
Cas nodded as he found his words lacking. They enjoyed the rest of the ride in comfortable silence, only the music and the occasional hum from Dean filling the car.
Once they arrived, Cas took a moment to look at Dean and give him a final once over. The shade of red he was wearing was enticing and made his freckles and eyes pop more than Cas would have thought possible. It had taken all of Cas' willpower to not trace over them with his finger.
"Ready, Cas?"
"I am." Cas nodded before looking up at their dreaded destination.
The pair got out of the car, and Dean took Cas' hand before going to the trunk. Cas looked down at their hands and felt a soft warmth against his cheek. He turned to find that Dean had kissed his cheek.
"Sorry, I should have asked first." Dean apologized, running his free hand through his hair.
"Dean, you already asked, and I had given you permission." Cas smiled and let out a little sigh. "Let's grab the stuff and get this over with."
Dean popped the trunk and handed the pies to Cas, grabbing the casserole, before closing it back up and following Cas to the house. Cas had shifted the pies to one arm and rang the doorbell. His hand immediately went back to Dean's, and he tried his hardest to not let his nerves show.
"You don't just walk into your parent's place?" Dean tilted his head in confusion. "Even if you don't get along, isn't it home?"
"This place has never been home, Dean," Cas replied, clipping his response as the door opened.
A stoic, cold woman answered the door, looking down at them, despite the pair being taller than her. "Castiel. You came." She scrutinized Dean more thoroughly. "And you brought a friend."
"Mother, I told you I was bringing my boyfriend." He turned to look at Dean and smiled. "This is my significant other, Dean."
Naomi's lips pulled in to a tighter pout. "That term wouldn't be correct, Castiel. Come in. You know where to set them up." She stepped back into the house, allowing them entrance.
"I make two pies and your favorite cheese and spinach casserole," Cas mentioned as he walked past. "I'll need to borrow the oven for five minutes once the turkey is done."
"I don't know, Castiel." Naomi picked up her pace to walk in front of them. "You should have asked if the oven would be available to cook things in."
Dean stared in disbelief at the way Naomi was talking down to Cas. "You mean you can't spare five minutes to make the cheese gooey again? I didn't realize heat was a limited resource."
"Excuse you?" Naomi placed her hand on her chest in shock. "Castiel, you will keep your friend in line."
"Boyfriend, Mother. But he's right. This is your favorite dish. I made it just for you. You don't want it warm?"
Naomi rolled her eyes as the pair set down their food offerings. "I'll figure it out." She glared at Dean. "Why don't you go find your father? He should be in the TV Room watching the game."
"Football. Sure. Let's go, Cas." Dean watched as Naomi cringed at the shortened version of her youngest son's name.
Cas tried to not laugh as he led Dean to the TV Room. He leaned in close to Dean to whisper about Zachariah. "Dean, he absolutely hates his name being shortened to Zach, and he hates the Eagles."
"Oh, I am all over this." Dean winked and wrapped his arm around Cas' shoulder.
"Father?" Cas inquired as they entered the room. 
"Castiel. You came." His eyes traveled to Dean. "And you brought a friend."
"This is my boyfriend, Dean." Cas felt the words falling easier from his lips. "Dean, this is my father, Zachariah."
Dean unwrapped his arm off Cas' shoulder and extended his hand to Zachariah. "Please to meet you, Zach."
Zachariah stiffened, and his eyes became cold as ice. "Zachariah, please." He took Dean's hand and shook it.
"Of course, sorry about that, Zachariah. I'm just a nickname kind of person, ain't that right, Cas?" Dean took his hand back and wrapped his arm around Cas' shoulders again, leaning in to touch their foreheads together.
Cas could see the vein in his father's forehead start to throb. "Castiel, do you have no respect for your name?"
"I do, as does Dean. But my name is archaic, and sometimes it's just easier to shorten it." Cas looked at his father and stood his ground.
"Hey, I'm sorry, Zachariah." Dean stepped between the two. "Cowboys vs. Eagles, right?" He pointed at the TV.
"You watch sports?" Zachariah asked, his doubt not hidden at all.
"Hell yeah!" Dean hopped over the back of the couch and landed next to Zachariah on the sofa. "Just cause I like to suck a dick every now and then, doesn't mean I can't like sports." He leaned forward and grabbed some crackers off a platter on the coffee table. "Oh shit, Eagles up, 21-3! Fly Eagles, Fly!"
"Castiel, a word!" Zachariah demanded, scrambling out of his seat. Dean looked at Cas in worry, not relaxing even when Cas gave him a gesture indicating he'd be fine.
Cas followed Zachariah into the kitchen, where Naomi was mashing potatoes. "Who is this bastard friend of yours?" Zachariah hissed, grabbing Naomi's attention to join in.
"He's not a bastard, and he is my boyfriend," Cas emphasized the word boyfriend for the umpteenth time since arriving. 
"You are in a phase, Castiel. We've found some nice girls who are very interested in you." Naomi added. Before she could continue; however, the front door opened, Gabe and Anna walking in.
"CASSIE!" Gabe called out, causing both of their parents to cringe. "You came home!" He dropped Anna's duffle bag in the foyer and bolted into the kitchen, trying to pick up his younger brother in a bear hug. "You seriously need to stop growing!"
Anna walked up behind Gabe and pushed him to the side, wrapping her arms around her younger brother. "Hello, Castiel. I've missed you." She pulled back and offered an apologetic smile. "Gabriel told me you were bringing your boyfriend to dinner. Is he here?"
"Castiel's friend is in the TV Room," Zachariah responded before Cas could. "And he is a rude, ungrateful, little prick."
"I can assure you it's not little." Dean walked into the kitchen. "Sorry, I heard the commotion, and I just wanted to make sure Cas was ok." Dean walked over to Cas and wrapped his arms around Cas's waist. "Gonna introduce me, babe?"
Cas melted into Dean's embrace, allowing their actions to cross into new territory. "Dean, this is my older brother Gabe and my older sister Anna."
"I've heard all about you two." Dean lets go of Cas long enough to shake their hands before holding Cas again.
"Well, why don't you all go into the TV Room. Your father and I will finish up dinner." Naomi responded coldly, clearly annoyed by Dean's presence.
"That sounds like a plan. Get that damn football off the TV." Gabe responded.
"But the Eagles are winning. They're hands down the best team in the NFL this year, wouldn't you agree, Zach?"
If looks could kill, Zachariah would have killed not only Dean but all three of his children as well. Gabe, sensing his father's temper rising, herded Dean and his siblings out of the kitchen. "Jesus, Cassie, where did you find this one?"
"Took your advice." Cas shrugged.
"Word to the wise?" Gabe looked at Dean. "Keep him."
"Dean, you don't happen to have any siblings, do you?" Anna asked.
"Brother, half-brother, and an adopted sister. I'm the oldest." Dean tilted his head. "Why?"
Gabe and Anna exchanged looks before Anna followed up with another question. "They single?"
Dean laughed, a rich, warm sound that made Cas melt. "Sammy's not. I don't know with Adam, but he's the youngest of us all, barely legal. Charlie's single, and flaming lesbian."
Anna looked at Gabe. "Sorry, guess I win this round."
"Wait, Anna, you too?" Cas' head tilted in shock and confusion.
She looked over Cas' shoulder to see if their parents were listening. "Bi, Castiel. I'm Bi."
Castiel looked in shock at Anna, then turned to Gabriel. "Are you going to drop a bombshell on me too?"
"I don't care about gender?" Gabe responded.
"What? When?" Cas palmed his forehead and sat on the sofa.
Both Gabe and Anna had the decency to blush. Anna responded first. "I figured it out in college."
"I've dated many people over the years, Cassie. I just didn't always bring them home to mom and pops." Gabriel added.
"You're so much braver than the both of us," Anna whispered. "You brought Dean home with you."
Dean sat on the sofa next to Cas and wrapped his arm around him. He leaned in and quietly spoke into Cas' ear. "Want me to prank them, too?"
Cas burst out laughing, shaking his head and throwing his arms around Dean's neck. "I know why you two did it," Cas stated while hugging Dean tight. "I don't even think I can be mad."
"Dinner time," Naomi announced, appearing in the doorway to the TV Room. "We would appreciate no hanging all over each other at the table, Castiel." Naomi turned her nose up and walked back towards the kitchen.
"Let's go knock out this wonderful holiday, shall we?" Gabe clapped his hands together.
The dining room was awkwardly quiet as the all entered and took their seats. Naomi stood at her place and looked at Zachariah. "Grace, Dear?"
Zachariah nodded and clasped his hands together.
Lord, bless this food and grant that we May thankful for thy mercies be; Teach us to know by whom we're fed; Bless us with Christ, the living bread. Lord, make us thankful for our food, Bless us with faith in Jesus' blood; With the bread of life our soul's supply, That we may live with Christ on high. Amen.
When none of his children nor Dean responded, Amen, Zachariah cleared his throat. "I said, Amen."
Gabe and Anna quickly said it, and Castiel murmured it, but Dean refused to say it.
"Dean, is there something wrong with your voice all of a sudden?" Zachariah shot another deathly stare at Dean.
"Nope, my voice works just fine. I just don't do religion." Dean shrugged. "Guess you could say I'm an Atheist."
Cas flinched as he heard his mother gasp and prepare to yell at him. However, before she could get a word out, Dean spoke up.
"Are you about to yell at Cas? Cause Cas says Grace before every meal. I respect that he does. You know why?" Dean picked up the bowl of mashed potatoes and scooped a heap onto his plate. "Cause Cas doesn't force me to believe something I don't. He's kind, he's caring, and he's understanding. Clearly, you two didn't teach him that." Dean scooped a heap of potatoes on Cas' plate then passed the bow to Anna.
"How dare you!" Naomi spat. "You are a guest in this home."
"Yeah, let me tell you how guestly it's felt since I entered your house." Dean stabbed at the plate of turkey on the table and grabbed a few slices for himself and a few for Cas. "You both refuse to acknowledge my relationship with your son. You both have looked down on me for being a man who is attracted to men and women. God forbid I slip that I work two jobs." Dean smiled sarcastically. "Oops."
Dean passed the fork to Anna, who was staring at her mother as though she would explode. "You know, Naomi. How would you feel if I told you the farce between you and Zachariah here were invalid and not real?"
"We are one man, one woman. That's how it was created. You don't find any instances of your perversion in nature." Naomi gripped the edge of the table.
"Actually, Mom," Anna spoke up. "This last trip for NatGeo? I told you where they sent me. I was in the Savannah. I saw gay and lesbian animals everywhere."
"And the rangers released a document saying that the animals learned it from homosexual humans." Zachariah pointed sharply at his daughter. "You will speak when spoken to."
"You're going to tell the smartest person at the table to shut up?" Dean let out a low whistle and took a bite of a roll he had grabbed. "Man, I'd listen to everything she has to say. She works for National Fucking Geographic." He turned to Cas. "I'll still talk books with you all the time, though, sweetheart." He leaned in and kissed Cas' cheek.
"I said there would be no hanging over each other!" Naomi slammed her hands down on the table.
Dean snorted. "Me, kissing Cas' cheek, is not hanging all over him." He rested his hand on the small of Cas' back. "I bet a hundred dollars if Anna had brought along a boyfriend, or Gabe a girlfriend, you'd call a kiss on the cheek cute."
"Leave." Zachariah's voice sent a chill through the room. "Gabriel can take Castiel home."
"Like I'm going to leave Cas here to take more of your abuse. How long have you been telling him that he's wrong?" Dean whipped his head to Naomi. "How long have you been calling him a pervert?"
"We've never called him that." Naomi defended.
"Mom, you literally just did." Gabriel finally spoke. "You just called being Gay a perversion." 
"Castiel isn't gay," Zachariah spoke up.
"Yeah, he is, Dad." Anna stared at her father. "And I'm bisexual. When I told you two about my boyfriend, Rupert? I was actually talking about my girlfriend, Ruby. Ruby and I broke up, and I couldn't properly mourn that relationship because I didn't have a mother who understood me."
"Well, if we're all coming out. I have slept with more dudes than I have fingers." Gabe added. "I've also slept with as many women. I've slept with as many non-binary people. And you know what? I've also slept with Trans people. Love is love, and attraction is attraction."
Naomi looked as though she were about to faint, and Zachariah pointed a knife at Dean. "This is your fault."
"MY FAULT?" Dean yelled, finally raising his voice. "I just met Gabe and Anna today. They were queer long before I met them. I'm dating Cas, who came to me and asked me out. Tell me how this is my fault."
"You made them think it was ok to share this information."
"And you made them feel like they were less than nothing. You're the problem here. Not me, not a single one of your children."
Cas stared at Dean in awe. No one had ever come to his defense so quickly, and here Dean was also defending his siblings. "Dean, I think we should go."
"That's the first smart thing you've said all night, Castiel." Naomi snapped.
"Oh no, you did not." Dean turned to face the Ice Queen at the end of the table. "Did you seriously just call my boyfriend stupid? You know, your youngest son? The person I fall for more and more each time I talk to him?"
"You know nothing about this family, and you came in here and–"
"Ok, Boomer." Dean cut Naomi off, and Gabe spat out his drink laughing. "Cas, let's grab the food you brought and head back."
"Get out of my house!" Zachariah shouted.
"Already working on it." Dean shot off a one-fingered salute and stood up with Cas and followed him to the kitchen.
Dean quickly found the two pies, while Cas found his casserole hidden in the fridge. He pulled it out and frowned, showing Dean. "She was never going share."
"Cas," Dean set down the pies and took the casserole, setting it down as well. He pulled Cas into his arms and held him tightly. "I'm sorry if I did too much."
"I think you could have kept going." Gabriel entered the kitchen. "Cassie, you brought pies? Trying to one-up me?"
"Dean likes pecan pie. You usually bring pumpkin." Cas melted into Dean's embrace, determined to make sure it wouldn't be the last time Dean held him like that.
"Touché." Gabriel let out a sigh. "Got room for two at your place?"Anna entered the kitchen. "Go pack your things, Gabe." She looked at Cas. "Your address still the same? We're not staying here."
"You're just going to crash with me? How do you know I don't have a roommate?"
Anna cut Cas a look. "You two are a new couple, you haven't moved in together yet."
Gabe called to them from the foyer. "Let's roll before they figure out how to trap us here."
"Coming, Gabe," Anna replied. "Meet you at your place, Cassie?"
Cas' face lit up at his sister calling him a nickname - even if it was one he wasn't particularly fond of - and not Castiel. "Yeah. Same address." He reluctantly pulled out of Dean's arms and grabbed the casserole, placing it in Dean's hands. "We should escape too." Cas picked up the pies and followed Anna out of the kitchen.
"Yes, sir." Dean smiled and followed the siblings out of the house.
Once back at Cas' apartment, this time with two siblings in tow, Dean helped Cas get the food in the house and prepared to leave.
"Where do you think you're going?" Gabe tilted his head in confusion, a trait all three siblings shared.
"I messed up a lot for you guys today. I'll let the three of you have your Thanksgiving together."
Gabe and Anna looked at Cas, who took Dean's hand into his. "I know we haven't been together long."
"Yeah, when did you find him, Monday, after we hung up?" Gabe smirked.
"Shut up, Gabe." Cas, Anna, and Dean said in unison.
Cas waited to see if Gabe would say anything else before continuing. "When I did this, I didn't think it would be more than a business arrangement. But I want this to be more. Please, Dean?"
"I'm not sure why, you still want that after today, but I would be lying if I said I didn't want more with you." Dean pressed his forehead against Cas'.
"Well, that settles it." Anna smiled. "Welcome to the family, Dean."
While Gabe and Anna set up in the guest room, Dean called up Charlie, and Cas ordered some Chinese food. Within a few minutes, Charlie was banging on Cas' door, bringing gifts of rolls and croissants and coffee from the Cafe. The two fiery redheads were introduced and instantly hit it off.
Their dinner arrived shortly after, and they all curled up on the various chairs and sofas together. They took turns picking movies to watch and created their own Thanksgiving.
As the night crept upon them, Charlie apologized but reminded them that she had to get up early for Black Friday shoppers who would hit up her cafe for coffee and breakfast. She exchanged numbers with Anna and told them to not be strangers.
Dean got up to go, and Cas grabbed his hand. "You said you're not working tomorrow. That the restaurant was closed for a long weekend."
"I did." Dean smiled at Cas. "I also don't want to impose. You have a full house right now, and I'm not sure if Gabe or Anna are claiming the couch."
Cas tilted his head in exasperation. "Did you think I wanted you to sleep on the couch?" He looked around, Anna had run to the restroom, and Gabe went to go grab a couple more of the chocolate croissants Charlie had brought. "I want you to stay with me tonight."
"You do?" Dean swallowed - hard. "Are you sure?"
"I wouldn't have asked if I didn't want you to." Cas stood up and led Dean back to his bedroom. "We don't have to go that far tonight," Cas added as they entered the room. "I'd actually prefer that we didn't.
"This is new, but it feels like forever at the same time." Cas continued, "Did you mean what you said?"
Dean wrapped his arms over Cas' shoulders. "I've meant every word I said today, but what phrase comes specifically to mind?"
"That you fall for me more and more each time we talk?"
 Dean leaned forward and pressed his lips against Cas', a soft caress that left them breathless. "One-hundred percent, Cas."
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animeniacss · 4 years
6 Years - Hoseok x Reader - Chapter 20 - Anxiety
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Synopsis: 6 years. That’s all it can take to take another look at someone and see that they have completely changed. You were once an eager 20-year-old, with your dreams all in view, and Jung Hoseok at your side to view them with you. However, after a break up the end of your junior year of college, everything seemed different. Now, you’re a recently divorced single mother of two, and your life is nowhere near what you thought it would be. However, after reuniting with Jung Hoseok, you may just be able to capture a little bit of that exciting youth you once knew so long ago.
Feat. BTS Members, Nayeon (TWICE), and Yuna (itzy) 
Genre: Romance, SingleMother!AU, Past Relationship, Drama, Some Depictions of Violence/Domestic Abuse
Length: approx. 4.4k words 
Chapter 20 - Anxiety
           Min Ja may only be five, but that weekend was the worst weekend of her life. Her dad took her and Hyo Bin to the park, and they watched movies and had a fun time, but all Min Ja could think about was what he had told her. That Mr. Hobi moving in meant her Dad couldn’t come back in, and that Mr. Hobi was doing this on purpose? Why would he do something on purpose to make her Dad upset? But…if Dad moved back in, would that mean he and Mommy would be a happy family like he promised, or would they go back to fighting? No, no! She had to trust her Daddy; she didn’t want him to be sad. By Sunday, she spent the entire day in bed, not wanting to get up, no matter how much Hyo Bin and her father tried to lure her out with candy and games in the living room. She stayed in bed until her father had to take her and Hyo Bin back home, before dinner time.
           “Min Ja, are you upset because of what we talked about?” Weong-Bin asked curiously, and his daughter glanced up at him.
           “A little. I want to see you and Mr. Hobi every day, but you said I can’t. That makes me really sad.” Weong-Bin sighed.
           “I’m sorry that makes you sad, sweetie. But if you want Mommy to be happy, it has to be that way. And I can make Mommy really happy, I told you, I worked really hard to fix my mistakes, remember?” Min Ja nodded. “Good.” He held her hand tightly as they exited the elevator and went to your apartment door. Weong-Bin knocked, and it took a minute, but the sound of footsteps headed to the door grew louder before you opened the door. Your hair was a bit messy, and you wore some throwaway clothes that were covered in dust and dirt. Despite your disheveled appearance, you were beaming as you opened the door.
           “Mama!” Hyo Bin shouted in glee, reaching out to hug you. Without missing a beat, you held her tightly and kissed her cheek.
           “Hi, my princess~.” You cooed happily. “Did you have fun with Daddy all weekend?”
           “Uh-huh.” She said. You looked down at Min Ja, who walked up to you as you knelt down to her level.
           “Hi, sweetie.” You smiled, pulling her into a hug. She hugged you back tightly. “I missed you so much.”
           “You too, Mommy.” She said. Once you stood up, you set Hyo Bin onto the floor. Min Ja took her hand and led her into the bedroom so they could put their bags away. When they were gone, you turned to Weong-Bin.
           “She seems to be okay. Did you talk to her?”
           “I said I would.” He smiled a bit. “She spent all day in bed today, though.” He saw you frown. “But she’ll be alright, I think. She’s just a bit confused now, but she’ll come around.” Hearing that made you relaxed a little bit.
           “Thank you.” You said softly. Weong-Bin nodded. “I’ll see you Wednesday, then.”
           “Alright.” He said. “I’ll call the girls later.” As he waved you off, you closed the door and sighed. It was so uplifting, and you hoped that whatever Weong-Bin had said, it would help her feel better. But for now, all you could do was head into the bedroom and help the girls unpack and catch up on their weekend.
           Min Ja seemed to be doing just fine, telling you about what they did with their Dad on Saturday. She was beaming as she talked about it until you asked about what kept her in bed this morning. Her smile fell into a frown, and she pressed her pointer's fingers together.
           “I was just tired, I think.” She said simply. “Daddy said I could stay in bed until we had to come home.” You sighed, smiling a bit as you ruffled her hair.
           “Well, okay then, as long as you’re feeling better now.” Min Ja nodded, resting her head on your shoulder as you rubbed her back. Hyo Bin was sitting with you as well, stacking up some of her blocks. Min Ja sat beside her and took some blocks of her own, putting them wherever she could to help Hyo Bin make a big tower. You smiled a bit, fixing your hair as you watched the girls, happy to have them back with you again. Weekends with Weong-Bin were torturous for you.
           As the three of you sat in the bedroom, enjoying each other’s company, you heard a knock on the door. A loud, high-pitched voice called your name, and the three of you looked up. As you stood up, stretching out your legs, you turned to the kids.
           “Girls, I’m going to get dinner started in a few minutes, okay? Just let me know if you need anything.” Min Ja nodded, both girls turning back to their little block creation as you went to the door. Opening it, you saw Hoseok standing there, panting. It looked like he was drenched in sweat, but he was grinning the minute he opened the door and saw you. “It looks like you ran a marathon. Another long day of rehearsal?”
           “Yeah, my kids love to run me through the wringer.” He said, stepping into the apartment. He went to lean in for a kiss, but you pulled back, smiling as you saw him pout. “Hey.”
           “Go shower first, you stink.” You teased, pushing him playfully into the apartment, “Then I’ll give you a whole bunch of kisses.”
           “Aaah, a whole bunch?” he asked, eyes going wide. When he saw you nod, he playfully hurried towards the bathroom, making you smile slightly. As he passed the bedroom, he saw the door propped open, getting a slight view of the girls occupying themselves with blocks. He stopped in his tracks, propping the door open and smiling. “Hey girls.” He said happily. “What are you doing?”
           “I think we’re making a house.” Min Ja said, looking up at him. “Hyo Bin is in charge this time, so I’m just doing what she tells me.” Hoseok smiled a bit. “…You smell.”
           “Heh…hehe, I just got home from work that’s why. I’m sure Mr. Jimin smells the same way after he dances for 3 hours straight.” Min Ja pursed her lips a bit.
           “…No, Mr. Jimin always smells really good when I give him hugs.” She said. Hoseok laughed a bit, before finally leaving the room and heading to take a shower. While he was showering, and the girls were busy, you began to get started on pasta. You were in the mood for some Western cuisine recently, thinking the change of pace would make everyone happy. You got to work, making some pasta and frying some chicken to mix together in a delicious combination. As you stood by the oven, watching the pasta cook, you heard the sound of the shower turning off and footsteps eventually approaching the kitchen. You kept your eyes on the pasta but saw Hoseok approaching out of the corner of your eye.
           “Mmmmm, I was promised a bunch of kisses~.” Hoseok cooed as he got closer. You looked over to him and smiled. “Now that I’m clean, I plan to get them~.” Without missing a beat, he hurried up to you and pulled you into his arms, making you squeal out in delight, giggling as Hoseok wasted no time peppering you with kisses. It took a few minutes of playful pleading, but you finally got him to back up.
           “I need to finish cooking, you lunatic.” You said with a playful grin, returning to the stove. Hoseok opened the fridge as he shook some leftover water droplets from his hair, leaning down to grab a Sprite from the fridge. Cracking it open, he let out a satisfied hum as he eagerly began to drink the beverage.
           “Did Weong-Bing talk to Min Ja?” he asked curiously.
           “It seems like he did. She seems to be doing okay. He said she stayed in bed today, though. She must be trying to sort it all out in her mind.” Hoseok nodded as he watched you cook. “Which is good, because I want to mention to her that we’ve been talking about moving in.” He smiled a bit, passing you the Sprite so you could take a sip.
           “Do you think she’ll make it okay?” He asked.
           “I think if we word it correctly and be honest, she’ll be okay over time.” You looked at him. “I feel safe knowing that you’re here. I think the girls will too.” Hoseok smiled happily.
           “That means a lot to me.” He said softly. “If you really think it’s the right time, then maybe we could look into-.”
           “NO!” You both heard a child shout from behind you. Looking over, you saw Min Ja standing at the entrance of the kitchen. Her eyes were wide, and they were welling up with tears. It looked like her little body was trembling.
           “Min Ja…” you gasped. Quickly, you turned off the stove and walked over to your daughter. Kneeling down, you blinked. “How long have you been here?”
           “I heard you scream…” she sniffled. “But when I came out here, Mr. Hobi was giving you kisses and you looked happy….” A small smile formed on your lips at first. “But then you said you wanted Mr. Hobi to move in….” she sniffled. “And he can’t, Mommy! He can’t!”
           “Min Ja…” you frowned. “Min Ja, please, calm down.” You soothed gently. “Mr. Hobi is here all the time; you don’t want him to move in and see you every day?” Min Ja was silent at first, but she eventually shook her head.
           “No! No, he can’t! What about Daddy?! What about Daddy? I want Daddy back! Mr. Hobi can’t move in, he can’t!” The next thing you knew, she began to cry in absolute hysterics. You quickly pulled her into a tight hug, rubbing her back as she clung to you, sobbing and begging you not to let Hoseok move in, he couldn’t move in! “P-pleeeeease, Mommy, noooooo.” She sniffled.
           “Min Ja, Min Ja look at me.” You said softly, tilting her chin to look at you. She was still sniffling. “We don’t need to worry about it right now, okay? No need to cry….” You felt your heart shattering with every tear you saw drip down your daughter’s face. How could you even suggest this when Min Ja was not ready? “I would never do anything that makes you sad, okay?” Min Ja nodded, sniffling as much as she could and wiping her nose when it became too much. Hoseok walked over, kneeling down and handing her a tissue. She hesitated, but took the tissue from him and wiped her eyes and nose.
           “…I-I’m sorry…” she sniffled, looking at Hoseok. He only offered her a kind smile.
           “Sorry for what? Don’t be sorry, Min Ja.” he said gently, running a hand through her hair. “Mommy and I don’t want to do anything that will make you and Hyo Bin upset, okay?” Min Ja nodded, and her body finally stopped shaking like a leaf. You pulled her into your arms, giving her another tight hug as you felt her arms wrap around you and nuzzle into you.
           “Do you want to go back inside and rest until dinner?” you asked her gently. “Or do you want to stay out here with me and Mr. Hobi?”
           “I wanna stay with you, Mommy…” she choked. You glanced at Hoseok, who was already getting onto his feet.
           “I’ll finish dinner, then.” He offered, smiling happily. “Go on inside and relax.” After a moment, you let out a soft breath and nodded, standing up with Min Ja in your arms. As Hoseok went back to the stove, turning on the flame and watching the chicken and pasta as it finished cooking, you took Min Ja back into her room. Hyo Bin was standing by the door, eyes cast up at you curiously. The yelling of her older sister must have worried her too.
           “What’s wrong, Mama?” she asked curiously as you stepped into the bedroom. Slowly, your legs gave out and you held your girls tightly in your arms, silence overtaking the three of you for the next few minutes until Hoseok said dinner was ready.
           “I’m so sorry about that.” You said softly, sitting at the kitchen table as you served both yourself and Hoseok some tea. Dinner was silent, and dessert was a bit more talkative, but after Min Ja’s meltdown, the apartment seemed as if it had shifted, and nobody really knew what to say. The girls went to bed pretty much straight away, you even skipped the bath tonight because you just physically couldn’t. Hoseok was sure to keep his distance this time, not joining in reading bedtime stories or saying goodnight. He didn’t want to make Min Ja anymore upset tonight. When you returned, you practically collapsed into his arms.
           “Don’t apologize.” He assured, threading one of his hands through your hair. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”
           “Obviously I’m not making this any easier for her.” You said. “I thought she was okay after she put you in that picture, but she wasn’t. I thought she was okay after Weong-Bin talked to her, but she seems to have gotten worse!” You groaned. “Either Weong-Bin fucked up what he said, or he said something that had the exact opposite effect.” Glancing at your phone, you sighed. “I’m going to call him. He’s still up, probably out flirting up his coworkers again.” Hoseok watched as you stood up, grabbing your phone and walking towards the balcony door, pressing the phone to your ear. It rang, and rang, and continued to ring.
           You’ve reached Cho Weong-Bin. Unfortunately, I can’t come to the phone right now. Please le-.
           “Voicemail, of course.” You sighed, hanging up. “I don’t buy that he’s asleep at 7 p.m. I’m calling him again.” You heard Hoseok call out your name, but when he saw you put the phone to your ear, he only chuckled. It rang, and rang, and rang again.
           You’ve reached Cho-.
           “He’s doing this on purpose.” You huffed, hanging up once again and tossing your phone onto one of the counters. You rested your elbows against the counter, your hands pulling at your hair. “I can’t believe I was so selfish. Min Ja is going through all of this and all I can think about is making you move in, even when she’s not ready. I knew this would happen.” Hoseok sighed, finally getting out of his seat and walking over to you. He turned you to face him, untangling your hands from your hair and setting them at your sides. He saw your eyes were watering and he quickly lifted his hand to wipe those tears away. “Sorry…” you said.
           “Jeez, this family loves to apologize to me It’s gonna boost my ego.” You chuckled a bit, resting your head against Hoseok’s chest. You felt Hoseok’s arms wrap around you tightly as if he was trying to squeeze the guilt out of you. “It’ll all happen in time, you know.” He said. “Let’s worry about getting Min Ja to feel better.”
           “Okay.” You said softly, letting out a frustrated sigh. “Want to watch a movie or something to get the depressing air out of this apartment?” Hoseok chuckled, his beaming smile helping heal you already.
           “I’ll go pick one~.” He said giddily, hurrying into the living room. As you watched him, you turned back to the table. Grabbing the tea, you set the empty cups into the sink and filling them with some water and quickly wiping them down. Once they were clean, you headed into the living room and plopped down on the couch. Hoseok plopped himself down beside you and turned off the lights, allowing the glow of the TV to be your source of light.
           You’ve reached Cho Weong-Bin. Unfortunately, I cannot come to the phone right now. Please leave a message after the beep, I promise I’ll get back to you soon. *BEEEP*
           “Weong-Bin, pick up.” You said into the phone, trying to hide your frustration. was already Monday, and you were heading into work still trying, but getting no result since you started last night. He didn’t call the girls Sunday night like he promised, he didn’t return any of the voicemails and texts you had been sending him. “Come on. You can’t avoid me forever; you need to pick up the girls Wednesday.” Though you were reluctant to even send them with him until you had a straight answer, you really had no choice. “Please call me. If I don’t hear from you, don’t think I’m going to let you take the girls Wednesday. I’ll pick them up early.” You a frustrated huff, you quickly closed your phone and stuffed it into your bag. As you passed the doctors and older nurses, you said your hellos before entering the backroom and putting away your belongings. Jungkook was already there, locking up his little locker of stuff he had, and he turned to you.
           “Good morning~.” He said happily. When he saw how annoyed you were, he pouted. “Are you alright? You look awful.”
           “Weong-Bin again. Still won’t answer my calls.” Jungkook sighed.
           “He’s probably guilty. Once, I totally broke my mom’s old vase and the guilt ruined my so bad I hid at my friend's house for a week and didn’t answer the phone.”
           “And what happened?” you asked, amusement in your voice.
           “She was even angrier. But the point still stands, he’s guilty of something.”
           “Trust me, I know. He did the same crap when he was having an affair.” Closing your locker, you shrugged. “But he can’t hide forever.” Jungkook chuckled as the two of you went to the secretary table to prep for the day before the doctor’s office officially opened. You tried to remain focused, but you were getting absolutely nowhere with Weong-Bin. It was bothering you that he wasn’t answering, he must have no excuse, and Jungkook was right, he must be guilty of whatever he did to Min Ja.
           Whatever he did to Min Ja…, just thinking that made you want to put your fist through the table. However, you didn’t know anything. Min Ja wouldn’t tell you what he told her, she would just start crying about it and apologizing constantly. It upset you so much. But there was nothing you could do about it until you heard from Weong-Bin. Your eyes looked up at the clock as you finished wiping down the counters and counting down the hours until you could get off work. You needed to talk to Weong-Bin.
           Work was busy, so before you knew it, the time was flying by. If Jungkook wasn’t on the phone with a customer, you were, and if you weren’t dealing with a patient, then he was. Nurses kept running up to you asking you to push through prescriptions, make copies, and whatever else was needed for the doctor’s sake. By the time 4 hit, you were using a wall to prop you up.
           “Why are my busy days always so brutal?” You asked, opening your locker. Jungkook looked completely unphased, grabbing his stuff and running a hand through his hair. “I’ll never understand how you manage to look as if you’ve been relaxing on a beach all day, every day.” That made Jungkook’s cheeks tint pink and a smile formed on his lips.
           “I have good stamina from working out.” He said simply.
           “Fair enough.” You said. Just as you finished gathering your belongings, you heard the sound of a buzzing coming from your phone. You quickly pulled it into view. “Oh God, please be Weong-Bin.” You begged, pulling the phone up to your face. However, instead of seeing Weong-Bin’s name on the Caller ID, the one time that would ever happen, you were met with the phone number from Min Ja’s teacher. “What the-. Why is the teacher calling me?” You quickly answered the call and put the phone to your ear. “Hello?”
           “Yes, Miss. Cho. This is Mrs. Song, Min Ja’s teacher.”
           “Yes, hi. How are you? Is everything alright?”
           “Yes, yes. Min Ja went home with San-Ha and her mother when the school day ended. This is something different. Uhm, are you free tomorrow afternoon?”
           “Afternoon? Yes, I am. Why?”
           “I wanted to see if you and Min Ja’s father were available to meet with me after school for a meeting.” You felt your heart sink. Oh God, a meeting with her teacher? Was this a good thing? Did Min Ja start acting out in school too? Your mind was racing, and you tucked hair behind your ear as you turned away from Jungkook.
           “Uhm sure! I can be there if you just give me time. I’ll work around my job hours. I’ve just been having trouble getting into contact with my ex-husband, so it may-.”
           “I already called him.” She said. You blinked. “He said he would be free whenever you had the time this week.”
           So, he can call back the teacher but not the mother of his children? Yeah, let’s see that bite him in the ass. You thought to yourself. “Okay, then I can get there right when school lets out.”        
           “Fantastic. I’ll see you then.” You nodded, hanging up the phone and letting out a deep sigh.
           “Everything okay?” Jungkook asked curiously, putting a hand on your shoulder. You glanced over at him and offered a small smile.
           “Min Ja’s teacher wants to have a meeting with me and Weong-Bin.” You said simply. “So, I need to look into leaving a bit early so that I can make it to the school on time.” Waving Jungkook off, you went to hopefully talk to your boss about leaving slightly early the next day. Even after it was approved, and you headed home to your girls after that, you couldn’t help but be worried about what that meeting would hold.
           That night, as you put Min Ja and Hyo Bin to bed, Min Ja pressed her fingers together.
           “Mommy, my teacher said you and Daddy are going to talk to her tomorrow.” She said softly. You nodded, sitting on the end of her bed.
           “That’s right. Mr. Hobi is going to take you and Hyo Bin to the park while we talk.”
           “Did I do something bad?” she asked curiously.
           “I don’t know, did you?”
           “N-no,” she said quickly. “I promise, I didn’t do anything bad.” You smiled, kissing her head gently and rubbing her back.
           “Okay, then don’t worry. Just get some rest for now, okay? Let Mommy and Daddy worry about the meeting.” Min Ja nodded, laying fully in bed as you covered her with the blankets. “Goodnight, honey. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
           “Goodnight…” she said softly. You watched her close her eyes and snuggle deeper into bed as she tried to fall asleep. Once you saw her breathing even out slightly, you snuck your way out of the room.
           Weong-Bin was standing outside the school building, arms crossed as he looked at his watch. The school was letting out in 10 minutes, and you had just texted him that you were on your way, having just gotten Hyo Bin from daycare. He didn’t respond, but he got the text. As he looked around, watching people pass on the nearby streets, he was also wondering why he was called to this meeting. Did Min Ja confide in her teacher about what was going on? Has she been acting out? What was she saying or doing to concern the teacher enough to call a meeting? Just as his mind began racing, he heard you calling out to him. Turning over, he saw you walking down the street with Hoseok at your side, carrying Hyo Bin in his arms. He groaned, turning to face you.
           “You were almost late.” He said.
           “Well I had to go pick up Hyo Bin.” You said simply. Weong-Bin sighed, turning back towards the entrance of the school. You sighed, running a hand through your hair. “Why haven’t you been answering my calls?”
           “I’ve been busy.” He said simply. “My job is demanding, you know.”
           “Oh, please, cry me a river.” You scoffed, putting your hands on your hips. Weong-Bin glared down at you, but before either of you could continue to bicker, the doors of the school let out. Kids began hurrying out of the building, shouting and cheering in glee at the sound of the ending bell. Younger kids would meet with their parents and other friends before heading home, while older kids started going home solo. The three of you didn’t move, watching as the hoard of students began to thin out. As children began dispersing, you saw Min Ja’s teacher. Mrs. Song was a young lady, probably only a few years older than you. She had brown hair pulled up into a tight bun, and wore a pencil skirt with a nice blouse. She was a sweet young woman, who was well-liked by all of her students. When she caught your gaze, she smiled and took Min Ja’s hand. Min Ja looked up from the floor and took her hand, both of them walking towards you.
           “Hello, Miss. And Mr. Cho.” She said happily, shaking both of your hands. “I’m glad you could make it.”
           “Of course.” You said, nodding. “And this is Hoseok, my boyfriend.” When Hoseok introduced himself and shook Mrs. Song’s hand, you saw Weong-Bin clench a fist behind his hand. Glancing down at Min Ja, she looked up at you. “You’re going to go with Mr. Hobi, okay? We’ll come to get you when we’re done.” Min Ja’s wide eyes fell to Hoseok, who offered her a hand and a warm smile, fixing his arm that was holding Hyo Bin.
           “Come on~. We’re going to have some fun.” Min Ja nodded, taking his hand. “We’ll see you guys later.” He said happily. He looked at Mrs. Song. “It was nice to meet you.”
           “You as well~. Take care.” She said happily, watching as Hoseok led the girls down the road to the nearby playground. With them gone, Mrs. Song looked at the both of you. “Shall we?”
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m39 · 4 years
History of the Creed - Part 1: Assassin’s Creed 2
So… I’ve decided to do a marathon of my favorite game series, Assassin’s Creed (minus [probably] the first one) because Valhalla (which I’ll not buy until one year after its release) and some part of me decided that I should review them.
But wait a minute… I hear one you saying. Don’t you have over 250 Doom WADs to check?
Well, yes. But then again we kind of like to pile on new idea after another to do when there’s an opportunity. There is still the Galaxia WAD in make for one of you who liked my WAD reviews but I believe that the AC reviews will take a lead for now.
Also the reason that I’m not reviewing Assassin’s Creed 1 is because now when I think about it, it doesn’t sound that good as it was.
You are having a PTSD attack over flags, Templars and “side missions”.
Okay, let’s talk about something else. What I’ve decided to do is to play these games in a semi-completionist style, in other words: if there are some side activities in missions, I am not expecting to replay them to get it all 100% because I would go nuts restarting the mission/control point every time I failed this one, specific side activity. But the rest as in: all collectibles, side missions and places to clear? I’ll do my best to do them all… Even Odyssey…
I’m fucked.
But enough of that. Let’s talk about the game that is proclaimed to be the best game in this series.
ASSASSIN’S CREED 2 (The original PC release in Europe: March 5, 2010)
It is Italy in the early Renaissance times. You are Ezio Auditore da Firenze, a young lad from a family of nobles who’s head of the family, Giovanni, is an Assassin. One day you find it out when your father and brothers are imprisoned and the next day they end up executed so you swear revenge on those Templar MoFoes for what they did.
Ah, revenge, the good, old plot device that never gets boring when it’s done right. And by being done right I mean when it has a nicely written characters. And that character is Ezio. I mean, who doesn’t like him? This motherfucker oozes with charm and personality. And Roger Craig Smith only solidifies it. He even gets a good character development. Example: When Ezio kills the guy who betrayed his family, his next goal is to run away to Spain with his mother and sister. After living two years in his uncle Super Mario’s villa, training under his eye and reading about Assassins and Templars, while still wanting to escape Italy, he’s now having a doubts about this plan and not until the harsh talk with his uncle decides that he’ll help destroy the Spaniard’s band of goons and get a revenge on him.
The secondary characters are fine but that’s it. They are perfectly okay with few of them standing out like Leonardo da Vinci (seriously, your best friend is Leonardo. Fucking. Da Vinci.). The villains are also just okay. Some of them have a personality of a Saturday cartoon villain, some of them are more dimensional. Rodrigo Borgia however goes to the former group. I mean, I don’t find him terrible at all, it just I wish he were better. But props to Manuel Tadros for playing him. He did a very good.
Oh yeah there is also some stuff in the modern times. It’s not bad but it basically exists only to move the plot forward and give us a reason why you can see the stuff from the past. But hey, the Desmond Saga is still better than this Initiate bullshit of the modern days plot.
Assassin’s Creed 2 is basically the first game on steroids. You assassinate targets, you sometimes run using your parkour skills and sometimes fight with the enemies. There are some new stuff when you care this to Assassin’s Creed 1 like: Being able to use two hidden blades at once, healing yourself with medicine, shooting enemies with your loud hidden pistol, using smoke bombs, throwing money on the ground (LEAVE ME ALONE YOU BARD HYENAS!) and poisoning people, making them go apeshit (which I used only once in this run, in 13th sequence to be exact). Asides from the regular guards and archers there are three new types of enemies: Brutes, the heavy armored fatsoes, Agiles that can dodge your regular attacks and Seekers, who have a long ranged weapon and can easily find you in a haystack. You can also buy new, better weapon/armor and a bigger sacks for your knifes/medicine/poison. There is also a notoriety meter. When you fill it to 100% the guards will automatically be suspicious when you are in their line of sight. You can decrease it by ripping off posters, paying off heralds and killing the witnesses.
However, in spite of all of this crap that was added, this game feels easier than the first one. It’s not like it’s somewhat major con for me (I would rather play the game that is too easy than too hard) but I can understand some of you have a big problem with that. Imagine this: in theory, when you are spotted, you must use your abilities to run away from the enemies and use combat only as the last resort. But then I ask: why should you do that?! You are so powerful, you can destroy the entire Venetian army in 10 minutes! You are getting more durable and powerful with each sequence! Agiles can die by one counter attack! You can steal Brute’s/Seeker’s weapon, then one-shot them and then use their weapon to one-shot another fool who’s stupid enough to attack you! The fights are that easily! Sure it’s kind of tougher than I remember but still! Even if you don’t want to fight, smoke bombs helps you tremendously in both running away and fighting. Not to mention the enemies being stupid and that they couldn’t catch you most of the time.
Changing slightly the subject, you can also hire mercenaries/courtesans/thieves to help you distract guards. They are pretty helpful in missions, both the main ones and the side ones but outside of them they are rather useless because... well... I already explained you that.
Remember how in the first game you couldn’t swim? Well, now you can do this and use gondolas. Personally, however, I felt like I was faster on my own than on a venetian mini-boat.
There is many stuff to do in this game. Like much more than you think. You can for instance buy paintings, collect money from chests/codex pages/feathers, find glyphs and solve their riddles, (like in previous game) you can climb on viewpoints to reveal a huge chunk of map, deliver letters, race to beat the best time of members of the guild of thieves, beat up unfaithful husbands, collect 6 seals to get Altair’s armor and fund for renovations of many buildings in Monteriggioni. Most of this stuff gives you more and more money every 20 in-game minutes by increasing the town’s status (which you have to withdraw from your villa).
In other words, the predecessor of your typical, modern, Ubiconic game. Personally I enjoyed doing these stuff but be warned; if you want to go after feathers, check a guide on their locations (same with Monteriggioni’s roman gods’ statues). I know at least one guy who went insane after trying to find the last one in Tuscany.
Liquid Bogan (in the background): F̴e̸a̴t̸h̶e̵r̵e̵s̷ ̶a̴r̷e̵ ̵l̴i̸f̵e̶,̴ ̶b̶r̸o̷t̷h̸e̸r̶.̸ ̶W̷e̵ ̶m̵u̵s̴t̴ ̸c̷o̸l̴l̴e̴c̸t̵ ̷a̸l̸l̷ ̸f̸e̸a̶t̷h̴e̶r̴e̵s̵,̶ ̷y̵i̵s̵?̶
He’s definitely fine.
This is where it turns into mixed-bag. While the sound effect are still very good, the graphics however, didn’t age well. Sure, the landmarks still look awesome and I love some of the details like the fact that some dust from buildings comes off when you climb but the character models… I don’t think they survived the time after the game’s release. The textures look sometimes blurry as shit, facial animation looks from time to time wonky, it looks especially bad in cutscenes. Then again, I don’t think people liked how they looked even in 2009 since I remember watching a review from my native country and the reviewer said that the character models lack polish when you take a closer look.
The soundtrack though… Jesus. Like, what can be said about it after so many people said earlier? There is a reason why people are calling it one of the best soundtracks in video games of all times. I would choose you three of those worth a listening but asides from the first three in the official soundtrack (for obvious reasons) there is too much to choose. So, here’s the whole bloody soundtrack.
Even though I played the PC version (and I heard that the PC version was a mess at the beginning) I didn’t really had many problems. Framerate was constantly smooth and I didn’t notice any drop in it. There were however 2 nasty bugs. The first one crashed the game when you have to choose if you want to play the memory or not; it happened at least 3 times. The second was when trying to assassinate Antonio Maffei and that monk fucker decided to noclip himself into the tower. Like- What the- WHAT THE FU-
Technical Difficulties.
Maybe it was because I paid the nearby herald. I don’t know.
Despite its graphics getting somewhat dated and the game being kind of buggy, Assassin’s Creed 2 is still a fantastic game and I fully recommend it to you. Check it for yourself (if you haven’t already) and while at it, tell me your opinion about this game.
Thank you all for reading this long-ass review and I’ll see you next time.
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little-fandom · 6 years
We only see as far as the headlights - Chapter I: The First Ride
Alec spends most of his days studying law, writing articles for a local newspaper to pay for his apartment, and trying not to completely break down after his baby brother has been diagnosed with leukaemia. He’s a busy man, there’s no time for rest, and there’s for sure no time for love on his schedule.
Every single of Magnus’ days is the same. Work, home, drink and a marathon of Project Runway. Every day besides Wednesdays, when he comes to a local hospital as a volunteer and offers some comfort for its patients. Even if his life is boring, it’s stable. And he definitely needs stable after his last relationship. He’s not looking for love. It’s still too soon.
But when fate makes both of the men cross paths, they start to feel something special. Something they have never felt before. And even with their contrasting lives, there’s always time for some love, right?
read on ao3 
“I don’t think it’s working, Mr Fell.” Alec says as he begins to get up from the chair, but Mr Fell stops him with his hand movement.
“Just sit down for one more minute.”
Alec sighs and rolls his eyes but does as he’s told. Slumping back down on the chair opposite the doctor, he raises a questioning eyebrow at him. Their time is over for this week session, and Alec has no idea what more does he want him to say. They’ve already been through all the kinds of ‘how you’re feeling today?’ questions.
“Why do you think that?” His therapist asks then. “It’s only our second session.”
Because it doesn’t make me feel any better, Alec thinks, but doesn’t say.
Deep down he knows it will take time, before he opens up fully. It’s been hard enough to expose him to his siblings like that, and he still gave him only a part of his worries, since they were pushing. It’s a totally different thing doing it with a stranger.
Maybe it is a little easier.
But it’s not like he’s doing it willingly. Isabelle insisted on him to go and get some help, since she could see that this whole thing was bringing him down a little bit more with every day. Jace instantly agreed, and that’s why he’s here. On his second session with a psychologist, but not actually to make himself feel better, but his siblings.
At least he can do something to make Izzy and Jace feel better.
He wishes he could do the same with Max.
He knows that it’s getting worse. Can see it with every day he comes back here to the hospital. But there’s not much he can do, besides being there for him. He won’t magically invent a cure for cancer, no matter how much he’d love to.
But he also knows, that it’s been like that before. Even worse. And since Max is a constant patient in this hospital for basically two months, it’s been better. He has someone watching over him all the time, someone will notice if something is wrong and will inform them instantly. They take better care of him here, than Alec and his family back at the house. Even though it was five of them there, they’re always busy. His siblings and him have college to attend, plus their casual jobs, and their parents are mostly out in their law’s firm. Sure, it’s an important work, but is it more important than your own child...
Max was actually the only thing that kept Alec home. He didn’t want to be away from him, but since they were forced to hand him away to the hospital anyway, Alec took a chance at leaving their family home too.
Isabelle and Jace came along. They rented an apartment mostly using Alec’s savings, all of them got casual jobs, and somehow they manage. Even when it’s hard, it’s still better than living with his father back at the house…
“Alec.” Mr Fell’s voice brings him out of his thoughts.
“Yeah, sorry I…” He starts, but the doctor only waves his hand dismissively and repeats the question instead.
“Why do you think it isn’t working?”
Alec shrugs, but after only one hour spend with this man, he knows he won’t take this as an answer, waiting for the younger man to elaborate.
“I just…” Alec starts and exhales. “I don’t feel like I need to talk to someone. I’m doing fine. I have my siblings-“
“But you still refuse to talk to them about this.” Mr Fell gently interrupts.
“Because I don’t feel the need to.” Alec resorts quickly.
The therapist lets out a long exhale and nods, scribbling something in his notebook.
“You know it’s your choice, but I’d like to continue seeing you.” He states a little while later. “I’m sure we can work everything out.” He smiles a soft smile, and Alec reciprocates a bit.
Do it for them, Alec’s subconsciousness is telling him. They need you to do this more than you do.
So he just nods in answer and Mr Fell goes back to writing in his notebook before speaking again.
“Great, same time next week then?”
“Yeah.” Alec replies shortly, relieved that it’s finally time to get out of here.
“I’ll see you next week then. Take care, Alec.”
Alec nods again on his way out and lets out another breathe as the door shut behind him.
He quickly makes his way to Max’s room, which he shares with three other kids. Now, they all recognise Alec, since he’s a constant visitor here. As he comes through the entrance, he spots his brother and the way he lits up at the sight of Alec makes him smile.
“Hey, buddy.” Alec greets as he sits down on the chair near his bed. He waves his hand to the other children and they answer with some cute smiles. “How are you feeling today?” He asks then, running a hand through Max’s hair.
“A bit better than yesterday.” He replies. “But everything still kinda hurts.”
Alec nods and places a kiss to his forehead.
“I know,” He speaks then. “But it’ll get better. You just need to get through this.”
He doesn’t want to give him false hope, and believes he doesn’t. He’s not letting any thought about losing his baby brother creep into his mind. If he did, he’d completely broke.
They just sit in silence for a while, Alec’s hand still in his hair and then Max speaks again.
“Don’t you have school today?”
“I do.” Alec smiles as he answers. “But I’ll always find some time for you.”
The quirks of Max’s lips lift up a bit at Alec’s words.
“Okay,” Alec starts. “do you want to play some video games, or we could take a walk-“
“Actually, I don’t think like moving from bed today.”
Alec tries to hide his worry behind a smile. As he always does, when Max is feeling particularly bad, like today. He looks down at his brother, as the boy slowly closes his eyes and exhales heavily.
“What would you like to do then?” Alec asks, delicately sweeping hair from his brother’s forehead.
“Can you read me?”
Alec smiles at his request. Being 12, Max is more than old enough to read himself, but he still loves it when Alec does it for him. He used to read him to sleep when Max was just a baby, and somehow it became their routine. Every time Max had a nightmare, or just wasn’t feeling okay, Alec would come to his room and read him to sleep. When he was diagnosed with leukaemia, and then transported to the hospital the reading didn’t stop. Actually, it became more constant, since Max was feeling bad almost all the time, and it seemed like the only thing to lift him up a bit.
“Sure,” Alec answers without hesitation. “Which book?”
“’The Little Prince’?”
It’s their book. The one Max chooses the most often, but none of them is bored of it. Rereading it only makes the story more special and with every year, Max seems to understand it better, find out new things about it. Which both makes Alec proud and worried. But he doesn’t let it get too much to his head as he answers.
“You’ve got it.”
Soon, he needs to leave since he has an exam in business law today, and can’t mess it up. He exchanges his goodbyes with Max, and promises to be back soon, like he always does, and then he’s heading to the exit, where Jace should be already waiting for him.
But he doesn’t spot him anywhere on the parking lot. He checks the time again. 9:21, they set up for 9:15. It’s a really important exam, and if Jace forgot…
With a heavy sigh Alec dials his number and waits till his brother picks up. When he does, Alec doesn’t really let him finish his ‘hello’ as he asks.
“Jace, where the hell are you?”
“I was just about to call you.” His brother states and Alec can hear some background noise coming for the other line. “It’s frantic at work today, I can’t get out.”
“What do you mean? We set up for you to get me a ride to the university, I have an exam in half of an hour!”
“I know, but I’m sorry I really can’t. It’s a mess up here.” Jace sighs and Alec can imagine him rubbing his finger over his brow, as he always does when he’s thinking. “Can’t you take a bus?”
“A stop is like 20 minutes away from here, and another 20 to get to the university.” Alec resorts with frustration creeping into his voice. He understands that Jace works hard, and does appreciate it. He’s a busy man, with working for the advertising agency and studying business on the weekends. Jace’s job is nice, but it’s not really for him. He wasn’t made for sitting behind a desk. That’s why he took business classes after a year of studying physical education. His dream is to open up his own gym, and Alec does believe he can make it. He and Izzy do. Their parents don’t matter. They stopped awaiting any support from them a long time ago.
So Alec lets out another exhale, tone shifting from frustrated to resigned as he adds.
“There’s no way I’ll make it there on time.”
“I’m sorry Alec, really. Can you take the exam another day?”
His teacher is going to kill him for missing another test, but what else is there left to do.
“I knew sharing a car with you is the worst idea ever.” Alec grunts, scowling himself for not just taking the car anytime he wants, like Jace does. Their schedule only seem to work when his brother feels like it.
“Hey, you know way better than anyone that we can’t afford two cars.” Jace resorts.
“Then I should be the one taking it to school.”
“You have like 20 minutes to the university by bus-“
“Well, not from here! From home!” Alec raises his voice slightly, but then adds more calmly. “I get it, Jace, but next time just let me know earlier, so I can figure something out.”
“Yeah, sure. Sorry.” Jace answers, actually sounding a bit guilty.
“Just… get back to work.” Alec states. “I’ll manage. I’ll see you tonight.”
They quickly exchange goodbyes and as Alec hangs up, he growls in frustration and goes to rest is forehead against the cold wall of the building.
“Fuck.” He murmurs to himself and a few seconds later, he feels a hand on his shoulder.
“Are you okay?” Says a man’s voice. It’s a nice voice, Alec resorts and he almost turns around to face the stranger, but he doesn’t feel like taking out his anger on an innocent person, and right now he feels like he’s going to blow up with frustration if he even opens his mouth.
“Fine.” He manages, and then the hand on his shoulder disappears, but he doesn’t hear any footsteps that may announce the stranger is walking away, so what’s left for Alec to do, than to face him.
As he turns around and is ready to reassure again that he’s perfectly fine, but then, he finds himself face to face with probably the most beautiful man he’s ever seen.
And then the man smiles at him, and Alec decides that he’s definitely the most beautiful. His black hair is perfectly styled, dark brown eyes, lightened with some black shiny eyeliner at the edges. His outfit leaves no other impression than fabulous. Dark red shirt, peeking out of the long burgundy coat, paired with tight black trousers and simple black boots.
Alec finds himself lost at his words, and he just stands there with mouth slightly open, not able to choke out any other words.
After what feels like a lifetime for Alec, the stranger chuckles lightly, and then his voice sounds again.
“I’m sorry, but I kind of overheard your conversation on the phone.” He states, still smiling softly when he offers. “Do you need a ride?”
Alec blinks a few time a bit taken aback at the offer, but when his brain actually come online, he manages a response.
“You expect me go get into a car with a total stranger?” He asks with a stern expression.
The man shakes his head lightly and chuckles again, before extending his hand.
“I’m Magnus.” He says, and before even thinking, Alec slides his palm into his. “See, not a total stranger anymore.”
Alec laughs briefly, before reminding himself that he hasn’t actually introduced yet.
“Well, Alec” Magnus starts again. “I might have heard that you’re headed in the direction of a university. Colmubia?”
“Yeah.” Alec nods and when they finally let go of each other hands, he finds himself surprised at how well they fitted together.
“Great, turns out I’m going in the same direction.” Magnus resorts and his smile brightens a bit. “And since we’re past the formalities, there’s no objection for you to accept my offer.”
“I don’t think that is how it works.” Alec says with a grin, and Magnus laughs again.
“Whoever told you that, lied.”
They laugh again, and there’s a moment of silence, before Alec speaks again.
“Look, Magnus it’s really nice of you to offer, but I don’t want to make you any trouble-“
“Nonsense.” Magnus interrupts gently. “It’s on my way Alec, I’ll just drop you off, it’ll take like two seconds. You won’t be taking basically any of my time, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
Alec just shakes his head a bit.
“No, Magnus, it’s fine. I’ll take a bus, or something-“
“Alec,” He begins again. “is that short for Alexander?” He asks, and Alec nods in answer. “Okay, so Alexander, can I call you that?”
“Sure.” Alec replies before he actually gets to think about it. there’s just something in a way his full name slips of Magnus’ tongue. Without any reprimand or accusation, like it always did when his parents were calling him by his full name. He longs for the word to be spoken again by Magnus, and he doesn’t need to wait long when Magnus picks back up again.
“Alexander, you’re not making me any trouble. Really. And, as I’ve heard, you’ve got an exam, which you definitely shouldn’t miss. Come on, you can’t be late.”
Magnus waves of his hand in the direction of where his car must be and as he throws Alec one last look he thinks.
Fuck it.
He’ll be as good as dead if he misses the exam. Better to get murdered by a beautiful man than your teacher.
So he finally nods, releasing a breath and Magnus beams at him as he leads them in a direction of his car.
A few steps later, they find themselves in front of an elegant black car. It’s simple, not too big, but not too small, just a perfect kind. Alec doesn’t know shit about cars, but this one looks like a one he’d like to own himself.
Magnus opens the door to the passenger’s side and gestures Alec in, to which he blushes slightly at the polite gesture. He quickly gets in, and Magnus swiftly circles the car to soon settle himself in the driver’s seat.
“Here we go.” He turns the key in the ignition and backs out from the parking lot.
They drive in silence for a bit, and Alec just feels weird. He’s known Magnus for like ten minutes, tops, and somehow he finds himself relaxed in his company. Maybe it’s the smile he flashes him every time they stop at a red light, or the way his eyes are focused on the road when he drives. Alec doesn’t know. But he’s never felt something quite like this before.
He looks around, taking in his surroundings. The inside of the car is just as nice as the outside. The seats are a light-maroon leather, with an stylish cockpit and steer wheel in black. Alec’s gaze wanders to Magnus’ hand on the stick shift, and that’s when he notices his neatly painted fingernails, an elegant dark blue with a bit of shiny glitter.
He realises that he got too caught up in his thoughts as he hears Magnus say his name, probably repeating it, assuming from his tone.
“Sorry, I zoned out for a moment.” Alec resorts as he shakes his head, as if trying to get the thoughts away.
“That’s all right.” Magnus just shrugs lightly. “Are you okay, tho?”
His eyes are still focused back on the road, but Alec swears he can see a glimpse of worry in them.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” Alec nods reassuringly, more to himself, since Magnus is still looking back on the road. “Maybe just a bit nervous.”
“What is this exam about?” Magnus asks and he sounds truly curious.
“Business law.” Alec exhales as he answers.
“Oh, a law student.” Magnus throws him another smile as he nods. “Did you study a lot?”
“Yeah, I did.”
“No worries then. You’ll pass.” Magnus assures.
Alec just lets out another breath, feeling a bit more calm. It sound so simple when Magnus says it.  He doesn’t know how he does it, but he actually believes his words.
Silence falls between them again, but it’s not that kind of uncomfortable one. It in fact feels a bit soothing, and Alec finds a moment to just breathe, before he’ll need to get out of this car to face the word again.
“So, your brother is not very reliable?” Magnus asks, breaking the silence and Alec laughs briefly at his words.
“It’s not one of his greatest qualities.” He states and Magnus hums in answer. “But he got held up in work, it isn’t really his fault.”
“So you share a car?” Magnus question next.
“In theory we do, but it doesn’t really work like that.” They both laugh briefly at his words. “We also live together. With my younger sister.”
“Must be fun.” Magnus resorts and Alec nods as a reply.
There are another few moments of silence, before Alec finally builds up a courage to ask.
“Do you study at the university too?”
“Oh, no.” Magnus makes a sound between a snort and a chuckle. “I’m way past that.”
“What do you do then?” Alec questions interested.
“I’m a chemist.” Magnus states. “I work in a lab nearby your collage. We mostly make cosmetics for some firms, but it’s a nice job. I did study chemistry at your university some time ago.”
“Sound nice.” Alec resorts with a smile.
“It is, really. The atmosphere is nice, I actually get to work with some of my friends. And I get to do something I truly like. I couldn’t really dream of a better job.”
Alec hums in answer and finds himself amused, listening to Magnus talk with such passion about his work. He might get a little lost in his thoughts again, but Magnus’ voice brigs him back to reality again.
“So you study law?” He prompts. “Any particular reason for it?”
Alec seems to think a bit about the answer. As a child, he always thought of becoming a lawyer. He wanted to be like his parents. But now, it’s not really the thought of making his parents proud that’s driven him into this. In some small part it might still be the urge of his parents, the fear of letting them down even more. But mostly it’s another thing.
“I guess I just want to do something good for people.” He finally replies. “Help them, you know?”
“Yeah, I get it.”
With that words, they basically reach the driveway of the university, and Alec realises he doesn’t really want to leave. He could stay with Magnus here and just talk. It’s nice, and Alec hasn’t felt like that in… ever really.
Magnus doesn’t push him to get out, he just turns to him and smiles softly.
“Don’t worry about the exam. I’m sure it’ll be fine.” He comforts again and Alec nods letting out a nervous breath. “But you do need to get going, if you want to make it.”
“Yeah, right I-“ Alec rambles again and Magnus chuckles. “I-, thank you, you really did save my life I-“
“It’s fine, really.” Magnus says, and as he puts his hand on Alec’s thigh in a reassuring gesture he can feel electricity and the pleasant fire caused by the touch. Alec does his best to supress the gasp, that wants to escape his lips.
“Thank you.” Alec just repeats at one exhale.
“Good luck on the test.” Magnus states then and Alec eventually moves to get out of the car.
“Yeah, I- , thanks.” Alec scowls himself for how much he can find his way with words now. “Have a good day at work.” He settles for that and for the last time, catches Magnus’ smile as he closes the door and heads to the building.
He quickly climbs the stairs to reach the hall, but before he gets to open the door to enter, a slim figure with long blonde hair is barring his way.
“Who drove you here?” Lydia asks, simply cutting to the point, not even bothering with ‘hello’. A stern expression on her face, hands clasped on her chest as she eyes Alec curiously.
“Hello to you too, Lydia.” Alec flashes her a tight smile.” What are you talking about?” He tries to circle his friend, but she doesn’t let him.
“I mean,” She puts a hand on his shoulder to stop him, pushing him back. “who gave you a ride?”
“How do you know I didn’t take the bus?” Alec questions as he finally looks down at her.
Actually, he knows why she does. After two years of friendship he learnt that Lydia sees everything, and hears everything. She knows every gossip going around the campus, every person. She’s the leader of the student council and pays attention to every single detail. Alec teases her that she doesn’t have a life, always stalking her friends, but he adores her for caring so much. When they found out Max was sick she’s been there for him. And even when they tease and poke at each other, he knows he can always count on her.
“You know, how I know.” She just states with a grin, and then continues. “I saw you getting out of that car, and I know it wasn’t yours and Jace’s, it wasn’t even your parents’, which would be rather concerning too-“
“You know what my parents’ car looks like?” Alec asks, his eyes widening. Lydia truly has eyes and ears everywhere, not only the campus it seems.
“Of course I know, but it’s not the point now, Alec.” Lydia carries on. “The point is, who drove you today.”
She just stands there and continues to look at him. He knows she won’t let go. She never does, but still, he tries to lead her on.
“It was a friend.”
Lydia only snorts to that.
“Alec, you and I both know that you don’t have any other friends, besides these ones I know.”
“Wow, thank you for believing in my social skills, Lydia.” Alec replies jokingly.
She rolls her eyes and picks back up regardless his comment.
“Why don’t you want to tell me? Who the hell was that?” She wonders, more asking the questions to herself, than to Alec, and as he tries to get past her once more, she stops him again. “Wait! Black car, mysterious person… Alec I swear to God, if you got yourself into some shady business-“
“You really think that less of me?” Lydia opens her mouth to reply, but he interrupts again. “No, I don’t do drugs or any other stuff, I’m not a part of any gang, I’m not selling myself.” He sighs. “What other worries of yours can I decrease, Lydia?” He adds more teasingly, but Lydia’s expressions turns more serious.
“Alec, of course I don’t think that of you. You know I’m just worried, with… everything that’s going on in your life.” She gently rubs his arm with her palm. “And, you can decrease my worries, but telling me who this mysterious person is.” She adds, already brightening up.
“Fine.” He finally gives in. “It was a guy I met at the hospital today. Jace messed up, and he offered me a ride, so I took it.”
Lydia’s expression turns even more suspicious, with a hint of fear behind it.
“Okay, who are you and what did you do to the Alec Lightwood I know?” She asks holding out her hand in a ‘hold up’ gesture, and Alec’s only answer is to roll his eyes at her.
“What the hell are you talking about?”
“Alec, I love you, but you don’t talk to people.” She shakes her head. “There’s no way you would talk to some stranger on the street, you would just brush him of.” A glint lits up in her eyes, and Alec sees the thoughts running through her brain in her eyes. “Unless…”
“Unless, what?” Alec asks unenthusiastically.
Lydia straightens herself and a playful grin is playing at her face as she prompts again.
“Was he hot?”
“Lydia!” Alec just grunts and finally circles her to enter the class. She chuckles as she follows close behind.
“Alec, that’s the only explanation. Are you lonely?” She teases. “Do you need some love in your life?”
“There’s no time for love in my schedule, Lydia.” Alec states simply as he pulls out his notes from his backpack to look through them again. “But business law exam is.”
“I don’t think love really cares about your schedule.” Lydia whispers, as she slides into a chair next to him.
He throws her one last glare as she grins back at him and then a teacher enters the hall.
For the first time in his life Alec was thankful for an exam, ‘cause Lydia didn’t get a chance to interrogate him even more. Unless for an hour. Right after the class ended she jumped on him with another wave of questions he really didn’t feel like answering.
So mostly, he didn’t.
Somehow he managed to go through the rest of the classes, and it was finally time to go home.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Lydia.” He says when they leave the campus, and he turns to head in the direction of a bus stop.
“Wait!” Lydia calls after him, after he takes a few steps. “You forgot?”
“Forgot, what?” Alec frowns. He quickly scans his daily agenda in his mind, trying to recall something other than the usual.
“We were supposed to study together today. For the law ethics exam?” Lydia reminds him.
Shit, he did forget.
Seems like his head is in totally different place today. He tries to reason with himself, that it has nothing to do with a handsome stranger he met this morning, but it’s a pointless fight. In every class today he caught himself thinking of Magnus. Of the way his eyes were focused back on the road, or the words of reassurance he offered him, or that smile he gave him when Alec was leaving the car…
“Alec!” Lydia’s yell pulls him out of his thoughts. “Too busy thinking of that hot stranger?” She teases and Alec just rolls his eyes.
“I wasn’t thinking about him.” He states, but by the way this words come out, he’s pretty sure he’s betraying himself.
“Sure you weren’t.” Lydia resorts sarcastically, of course hearing the change in his voice, then she comes closer to him. “But seriously, if you’re busy tonight we can reschedule. The exam isn’t in another week-“
“No, it’s fine. It just completely slipped my mind.” Alec admits. “Let’s go to my place.”
“Okay.” Lydia answers simply and together in comfortable silence they march to the bus stop. Then Lydia eventually breaks the silence, when they enter the bus. Her tone teasing and light, as she leans in to Alec. “So are you going to tell me more about that guy of yours?”
He grunts again. Lydia seems to enjoy this too much. He wishes he was able to keep his mouth shut around her. But her questioning eyes and stern expression are enough to make him talk. Lydia can be terrifying when she wants to. That’s how Alec knows she’s going to be an amazing lawyer.
But he doesn’t speak, when Lydia still rumbles about that guy, with an amused grin on her face.
Soon, they reach Alec’s apartment. He quickly unlocks the door, and lets Lydia in.
The flat itself isn’t much. They didn’t really afford a lot, when they decided to move out. But all Izzy, Jace and Alec have separate bedrooms (thank God, because Jace tends to bring girls home quite often). There’s a living room connected to the kitchen area, and one bathroom. It’s enough. If someone wants to stay over, there’s always a couch in the living room. They don’t really need anything more.
“Hi!” Isabelle speaks when they enter the apartment. “Lydia, it’s so good to see you!” She exclaims and moves to hug her. “What brings you here?”
“Hi, Izzy. Long-time no see.” The blonde girl states with a smile. “We’re going to study.”
“Of course you are.” Izzy puts her hands on her hips. “You always are. Seems like Alec only brings you here for you to be his teacher.”
The girls laugh as they all move to the kitchen, and Alec puts some drinks out of the fridge.
“We’ll see who’s going to be teaching who.” He mocks, and Lydia throws him a glare.
“So,” Isabelle prompts as he leans on her elbows against the kitchen counter. “How was the exam today?”
Alec doesn’t know how she does it, but Izzy seems to remember everyone’s schedule, with her own not being very carefree. She’s studying forensic pathology, first year, and she’s still getting used to all of the collage stuff. But that doesn’t make her any less observant. Maybe she just always notices how nervous Alec becomes when the exams are coming up…
“It was good.” Alec answers her question after a while, looking at Lydia who nods in confirmation.
“Wait, you got to take it today?” Suddenly Jace’s voice sounds as he makes his way to the kitchen to join the rest. He quickly greets Lydia, but mostly, his gaze remains focused on Alec. “You said there was no way you’d make it on time.” He adds with curiosity in his eyes.
“Alec got a ride...” Lydia begins in a chanting tone. “From a man…”
And here it goes.
“What?!” Isabelle exclaims, straightening from the counter. “From who? Do I know him? How does he look like? Is he handsome?-“
“Maybe one question at a time Izzy.” Alec scolds, not exactly meeting her eyes, but also turning from Jace’s inquisitive gaze.
At first sight, Jace may appear as the type of careless, irresponsible bad boy, who can have anything he wants. But it’s not exactly true. He does care about a lot of things, his family the most. He worries too, even when he tries not let it show. And since Alec’s mental health has been getting quite worse considering Max’s current state, he’s become rather overprotective. True, he is irresponsible sometimes. Especially after a night out, including a few drinks and a fight with some girl. He did broke the living room table (twice), but still, he’s a good person.
Another thing about the Lightwood siblings, is that they have developed some kind of obsession with Alec’s dating life. Growing up, he didn’t really have any love life. He realised he was gay around the age of fifteen, told his siblings a year later, which they all accepted with no judgement. He decided to come out to his parents at his eighteen birthday, and he did. That’s when hell broke loose. His father had nothing else to say, than that Alec’s a disgrace to his family. That he’s no man, and he’ll never be, unless he stops fooling around and gets a grip. He even threatened to throw him out of the house, and if not his mother, he probably would have. But she wasn’t very pleased with Alec either. They hadn’t even spoken for about a month, later they only talked to each other when they needed something…
He spend most of his life just being scared of who he is, and trying to repress all of these feelings. He was never really looking for love, always too busy with studying. He wanted to make his parents proud, and they hated him as a person, so he thought maybe he would be able to impress them with his achievements.
It didn’t work, but still he needed to keep his mind occupied.
He did have one boyfriend when he was starting college, Raj, but things between them didn’t really go so well…
After their break up, Jace became even more concerned and overprotective.
But earlier whenever there was an occasion, Alec’s siblings liked to take it. They tried to set him up a few times (to which he either refused, or it ended up being a total disaster), but mostly they just need to know everything to make sure Alec is okay. And he loves them for that, but can’t help the feeling that it’s him who's supposed to protected them, he’s their big brother, and they shouldn’t worry about him so much. He can handle himself. He just  needs to take care of his siblings first, that’s his job…
“So, who was he?” Jace asks, when Alec still refuses to meet his eyes.
“Come on, Alec, tell us!” Izzy beams enthusiastically.
Alec lets out a long exhale, but he knows there’s no point in trying to lead them on. They’ll find out anyway. Either from Lydia, or somehow from him.
“It was just a guy I met at the hospital.” He begins. “He offered me a ride, so I took it.”
“A total stranger?” His brother prompts.
“Well… yeah, I guess so.”
“Alec, you realise-“ Jace tries again, to which Alec jus growls in frustration.
“God, Jace I’m not five. If he had been a serial killer I would just run off or something.”
“I know,” Jace attempts with a little less judgement now. “I know, but you know I’m just worried.”
“Yeah.” Alec sighs. “But you don’t need to. I’m okay, and I’ll probably never see him again, so really, no worries.”
Jace still eyes him cautiously, but after a while nods, and lets it go. For now.
“Okay,” Isabelle starts now. “Since we can be done fearing for your life, now get to the details.”
She smiles teasingly, joining Lydia at the other end of the counter, and they both wait for him to elaborate.
“There’s nothing more to talk about.” He just states solely. “We drove, talked a bit and that’s all.”
“That’s all he’s been telling me the whole day!” Lydia grunts. “Seriously, it’ll be a miracle if you’ll get something more out of him.” She turns to Izzy with a resigned expression.
“Oh, don’t worry.” A smirk is creeping onto his sister’s face. “I have my ways.”
Alec just looks at her with brows raised in question to which she shrugs.
“First, what did you talk about?” She asks, and somehow Alec knows he doesn’t want her to get to that part when she’s threatening to embarrass him with their childhood stroies in front of his only friend, so he bends.
“Just work, and school.” He shrugs.
“Okay, what’s his name? He did get a name, right?” Isabelle continues.
“Yeah, I’m not stupid.” Alec snorts. “It’s Magnus.”
He feels his cheeks reddening with even a mention of his name. This isn’t normal, he thinks. Thinking about him, gives him this weird feeling in his stomach. He’s not sure if it’s good or bad yet.
Isabelle just smiles, less jokingly this time, as she prompts another question.
“Would you like to see him again?”
Alec doesn’t really need to think as his mind slips him an answer immediately. Yes, of course yes, a million times yes. And to be honest, it’s scary. Because Alec hasn’t let himself want something so much in a very long time. Or probably ever.
“It doesn’t matter.” He resorts firmly. “Even if I wanted to, it’s unlikely that we will ever meet again.” He swiftly turns to Lydia and adds. “Come on, we need to study.”
With that, he drags her out of the kitchen, ignoring any words of protest, and they head to his bedroom to study.
He needs to take his mind of off thinking about Magnus.
The rest of the week passes normally. He goes to classes every day, writes a few articles and sends them to a local newspaper, so he can get at least a bit of money. Before he knows it, it’s Wednesday again, which means it’s time for another session with Mr Fell.
It also goes smoothly, they talk, sit in silence, anything that makes him comfortable. Mr Fell doesn’t push, and Alec is glad he doesn’t. They both know it will take time for him to open up. Or at least Alec hopes so, he really wouldn’t like to waste Mr Fell’s time.
Soon, the session is over and when he heads out after briefly visiting Max, he hears his name being called. He turns and he’s met with that handsome face again.
So when a not so unfamiliar stranger offers him a ride again, he doesn’t really hesitate to say yes.
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24 years of living in this world. It felt like... 23 years of age have been a minute ago. With... 22 career paths considered and... 21 roads taken, this blessed life in my... 20s has taken me to places I never thought I would go. On this year of 2000 and... 19, I would keep conquering mountains from... 18,000 feet and beyond. For it says in the Matthew... 17:20 that faith as small as a mustard seed can move mountains. It takes... 16 breaths to proclaim boldly that at one step towards... 15,000 and more to reach my goal, I have to keep moving with no turning back on Exit... 14, and to keep enduring till the end of the time. Not a strike of luck at the... 13 should stop from keeping my faith burning. For... 12 months, more eyes are watching for the best I can do. And troubles rise up to.. 11. But it should not stop me running this... 10k marathon, regardless of the results. Aim for the whole... 9 yards. Seize every moment for... 8 days a week. Let not your desires bring you to... 7th heaven. Let not your downfalls lead you to... 6 degrees of separation. Let Him take control your... 5 senses and your life. For in... 40 days and 40 nights, He fulfilled His covenant. All I can do is look at the God, 3 in one, Father, Son and Spirit, and be at His direction. It takes... 2 to win this marathon and fulfilled His best promises of this... 1 blessed life.
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ishabenjuria-blog · 6 years
hard and eat a diet high in protein and essential fats
The Best Supplements for Getting in Shape (And the Ones to Avoid)
If you’re serious about changing your physique,  you want to teach and eat within the right manner to build new lean muscle mass while burning unwanted fats. But education tough can dissipate your frame of nutrients, vitamins and different compounds essential for muscle gain and fats loss. Even with the excellent weight loss program viable, it is able to be fantastically difficult to get a majority of these vital factors – and that’s in which dietary supplements are available. From: https://www.thechiletimes.cl/
The chile times:These are the dietary supplements nearly every professional and examine agree have to be for your health plan. Click the hyperlinks (in alphabetical order) to have a look at every one in depth, consisting of professionals, cons and dosing approach.
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BCAAs – Your frame desires enough quantities of all amino acids a good way to maximise muscle boom. Of these, the three branched-chain amino acids (leucine, isoleucine and valine) are maximum essential. BCAAs are a extremely good supply of protein for folks who are dieting and counting calories.
Creatine – One of the safest and maximum-researched supps to be had, creatine is critical for aiding quick bursts of muscle contraction and explosive power. Great for weight schooling and energy sports activities, it's miles excellent taken after a consultation alongside a carbohydrate source.
Fish Oil – Omega 3 fatty acids are indispensable to our preferred fitness and offer blessings in a number of regions, which includes cognitive function, fats burning and hormonal output. Many of us warfare to get sufficient oily fish in our eating regimen so supplementing with a fish oil supp is one manner round this.
Greens – Similarly to fish oil, you can (and ought to) reap all the critical nutrients you want from a weight loss plan rich in leafy veggies, however in case your food plan is lacking in that regard, a vegetables powder can make up the shortfall. As a rule of thumb, ensure your selected greens powder incorporates good enough amounts of fibre, antioxidants, digestive enzymes and wheatgrasses.
Vitamin D – In northern climates that don’t revel in a top notch deal of sunlight in the course of the wintry weather, your vitamin D degrees can drop dangerously low. Testosterone output, bone density, energy manufacturing and ordinary mood can go through. After years of petitioning, UK public health bodies remaining yr in the end recommended on its supplementation. Heed their words.
Whey Protein – Whey is rich in the BCAAs that restore sore muscle mass and cause increase. What makes it a mainly beneficial supp is its high quantity of leucine (the maximum strong amino acid) and fast digestion. It's best pre or publish-workout, and may be mixed with casein for a meal replacement.
To Help You Look And Feel Younger
Age creeps up on us all. Little twinges emerge as aches and pains and preserving muscle tissues whilst keep the stomach at bay becomes a conflict of attrition against Old Father Time. But the warfare isn’t over but, and including these 3 supplements in your food regimen – so long as you continue to consume nicely, workout intelligently and get accurate-first-class sleep – can provide your frame a higher chance of staying preventing fit for longer.
Glucosamine For Stronger Joints
Glucosamine is an amino sugar and a prime aspect of cartilage, which is the stuff that absorbs the surprise to your joints whilst you run, carry or do plyometric drills like container jumps. As you age your cartilage begins to lose the pliability that protects your joints and so will become much less powerful at doing its job. Taking glucosamine, that is generally crafted from shellfish, can strengthen cartilage by way of stimulating the cells to provide proteoglycans, which could improve joint characteristic and mobility. Aim for 3 every day doses of 500mg.
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Glutamine To Add Muscle Faster
Glutamine is an amino acid that studies endorse minimizes the breakdown of muscles all through strenuous exercising in addition to improving muscle synthesis, that is the assimilation of the protein you consume into new tissue. Having good enough stages has also been linked to advanced mind and gut health. You need to already get enough of this compound from your weight loss program, however it is able to be worth taking a supplement in case you’re below plenty of strain or education tougher than everyday.
Greens Supplement For Better Overall Health
Make sure you eat as many servings of clean veg as possible each day – then attempt including a greens complement to fill any nutritional gaps you can have overlooked. Most powders incorporate a couple of servings of greens in conjunction with other exceedingly beneficial compounds you’d be loath to consume of their natural bureaucracy (assume algae and grasses). You can drink it directly – if you have no experience of taste – or mixture it right into a breakfast shake or smoothie.
Trainers’ Top Supplements
We went to 3 top coaches to find out which dietary supplements they swear with the aid of Vitamin D maintains my bones wholesome and my immune system fighting match “I most effective take a small amount of supplements as I try and get as a whole lot as I can from meals – but I continually take nutrition D. I know my body takes a pounding from the crazily stupid range of miles I run [Hughes has run 53 marathons in 53 days] but this vit allows modify absorption of calcium for healthful bones and supports my immune device to help me get better quicker.” – Amy Hughes, patience athlete, blogger and charity report breaker.
Fish oils keep my thoughts sharp and my frame organized to build muscle
“Omega three fatty acids in fish oils assist with hormone production – including testosterone, which is critical in case you need to construct lean muscle – and it’s additionally been proven to increase cognitive characteristic. People commonly lack first-rate fats intake however are reluctant to devour oily fish like mackerel, in order that’s another exact cause to take omega three supplements.” – Ben Mudge, PT and fitness model (benmudge.Com)
Whey protein shakes assist me maintain lean muscle once I’m at the pass
“If you’re looking to shed pounds it’s frequently tough to discover a meal on the road that’s excessive in protein however low in carbohydrates or fats, which is in which 20-30g of whey between feeds goes a protracted manner. It facilitates raise your protein intake for immediate recovery, curbs starvation and enables you keep away from any useless calories so that you can enjoy a huge, wholefood meal at other sittings.” – Andrew Tracey, practical health expert.
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riverheadbooks · 7 years
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READER HOROSCOPES FOR MARCH 2018 Plotting your destiny with matriarchal literati 
Welcome to March, my friend! It’s your birthday and you can cry if you want to, laugh if you want to, or curl up in an invisible corner with your journal -- you get it! But seriously, we can’t recommend a better way to usher in a new year than taking some time to reflect on where you’ve been, and where you’re hoping to go. Life comes at you fast, and this month will be no exception: things are changing quickly and there are a lot of factors outside of your control--but not all! What are some goals and milestones you set for yourself that, in hindsight, weren’t all that realistic? Use the wisdom and experiences you’ve gained since then to reset those expectations and adjust your methods to make your new goals more attainable. For a touching reminder of just how fickle and unpredictable life can be, your lucky book this month is a novel that explores the reality of loss and the joy of finding love and companionship anew. If you’re a dog lover, you’re really going to enjoy this one.
LUCKY BOOK: The Friend by Sigrid Nunez
This month has all sorts of interesting things in store for you, Aries. If that sounded vaguely ominous, well, we’re not taking it back. You know that old British motivational phrase (now defunct internet meme) that starts with “keep calm”? Yes. That one. That is your objective for the month. While ‘calm’ is not your typical or preferred setting, practicing a bit of serenity will come in handy when the plans you think you’re headed toward at 100 MPH go sideways. Rather than continuing to barrel toward them, try slowing down, and envisioning what else might be accomplished. Some doors just don’t stay open forever, unfortunately. But having an open mind in the face of unexpected challenges will take you far! If the disappointment of your temporarily thwarted plans is really getting to you, call a life time-out (that’s a thing) and disappear into your lucky book this month: a fascinating peek back to the ‘20s and 30’s and intersecting destinies of two women who had no idea what their futures held. The promise of a new day and all of the freedoms that accompany it can quickly overcome your previously held negative assumptions...but only if you let it. Go on, give it a try.
LUCKY BOOK: The Chaperone by Laura Moriarty
Congratulations to you, Taurus, for making it through February! Shortest month it may very well be, there were a few points that felt completely interminable, so we salute you. And good news: March is going to be much kinder. So relax: unclench, shed that tough exterior, let some of the light in! This month will reinvigorate your appreciation for art--either through new creations that you dream up, or by getting lost in someone else’s. Try to let out the child living inside you, as it will only widely expand your imagination and capacity for love and play. Yes, you’re an adult, you pay bills, you have boring responsibilities, but you’re also a person living in a world that has new wonders to offer every day, if you just let yourself look. It’s possible to use the insight and wisdom you gain every day from living your very grown up life to inform the art you make or take in--rather than letting it burden or exhaust you. Even negative experiences can be someone neutralized through a unique or humorous lens. Fortunately, the author of your lucky book this month is something of a master when it comes to this. This memoir takes you through the life of a girl whose father is a married Catholic priest, and all of the misadventures--hilarious, raunchy, heartbreaking--that comprised her unusual childhood. Past hurts and trauma can make way for a more enlightened (and brighter!) future, so shine on!
LUCKY BOOK: Priestdaddy by Patricia Lockwood
Welcome to March, Gemini! You’re quite the busy bee this month; does your calendar have any open nights left? No worries, we’re just teasing you. Sometimes you’re on, sometimes you’re not so on, but this month is your time! Enjoy meeting new people and charming the pants off of them; many of these relationships you establish now will prove mutually beneficial in the immediate future and further down the line. Of course, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be discerning. After every date, outing, or social event, do a solo recap of everyone you meet, ideas that were proposed, new ventures you’re considering. What are the pros, what are the cons? Think carefully and weigh all of your options; no one is expecting answers tomorrow, as you shouldn’t be, either! Maintaining a clear viewpoint and cool head will be essential this month, as there’s some family drama brewing (isn’t there always?). There’s no need for things to turn ugly as long you keep those lines of communication open, which unfortunately, is often much easier than it sounds. Remain cognizant of old wounds--sometimes, they go back for many years. No one knows that better than the family in your lucky book this month, whose young daughter goes missing, the manifestation of a generational curse. When her older sister sets out to find her, she uncovers a host of secrets that change their lives forever. Trauma has a way of uniting family, but healing together will bring you even closer. Don’t be afraid to reach out to the ones who know you the best.
LUCKY BOOK: Forgotten Country by Catherine Chung
Hey, Cancer. You’ve been working through some stuff lately, and it hasn’t felt very good. There come times when we have to pause what we’re doing, look around, and wonder why and how we got there. That’s kind of where you are right now: realizing that you’ve been going through the motions, not 100% into the roles you’ve been expected to play for some time now. If you’re questioning your place and second-guessing your enthusiasm, it’s okay! You’re not an automaton; people’s wants and needs change all the time. Pay attention to how you’re feeling as you navigate through the day: what’s wrong? What’s missing? Chances are, your dissatisfaction is showing in the parts of your life you see fit to share with others. Your group chats, your tweets, your Facebook statuses. Communicating your unhappiness is healthy, but be careful of where do you it. But more importantly, be prepared: what you’re putting out into the universe may come back to you sooner that you expect. When you gain freedom from the thing you feel is holding you back, what will you do next? The main character in your lucky book this month experiences much of the same anxieties and doubts that you’re facing this month, so dive in and take whatever wisdom you can from her intense emotional excavations. You’ll both come out the other side a bit spent, probably, but ultimately exactly where you’re supposed to be.
LUCKY BOOK: A Separation by Katie Kitamura
Listen to your heart, Leo! This month, let your compassion be your guide. What causes are you feeling called to? What news cycles have you followed diligently? What are the charities you consistently donate to? Take those passions and run with them: turn your care into tangible projects! Can you begin a fundraiser? Sponsor a trip? Hold a letter-writing marathon? It’s good to be concerned about things that are happening in the world, but what’s better is to figure out meaningful ways to put that concern to work in ways that feel feasible to you. But be aware: in taking on these projects, you’re going to be showing a side of yourself that others may not yet be privy to. This is how creativity works: when you envision a product that will go out into the world, you’re necessarily giving a piece of yourself that reveals what’s important to you. Scary, but worth it, wouldn’t you say? In your lucky book this month, you’ll encounter a young woman who is on the brink of freedom, but experiences a true crisis of choice when her siblings back home require much more from her than she feels equipped to give. And when a young man from a powerful political family enters the picture, the stakes are suddenly much higher. When is sacrifice worth the possibility of love? Let this book keep your fire burning as you set out to make the world a better place this month, Leo. You’ve got this.
LUCKY BOOK: Home Fire by Kamila Shamsie
Well hello there, Virgo! Your energy levels are off the charts this month, and it’s contagious! When you’re feeling determined, there’s precious little that can get in your way, and it’s beyond exciting when you feel like you’re getting closer and closer to achieving your goals. Continue to be strategic in how you move--in your relationships, at the office, with your friends--and be sure that you’re not allowing your drive to completely take over. There will come times when you feel certain that people that you’re doing business with just aren’t at your level, and subtly persuading them to do what you want is the best course of action. While we’re all for playing to your strengths (and sometimes, saving someone from themselves is the kindest thing to do!) be mindful of when you’re playing into this: are you genuinely trying to find a solution that works for all, or simply focusing on number one? Tunnel vision may feel enlightening at first, like you’re working toward a singular purpose, but in reality, it’s blinding. You have the power to be the sort of person you’d like to work with. During your well-deserved breaks, pop into the world of a young museum curator, who quickly finds herself completely of her depth. Two years after the tragic death of the last curator, she finds that the secrets and lies of the past live on in the museum and its staff, and she struggles to bear the weight of her new role within the mounting tension. You may not be an Alena--or the hapless new curator--this month, but sinking into a tale about a dysfunctional workplace can shed some powerful perspective on your role as peacekeeper where you work. When new tensions arise and lines are drawn in the sand, how will you respond?
LUCKY BOOK: Alena by Rachel Pastan
Libra, sit down, take a load off. You’ve been carrying a lot lately, and it may be time to look through some of the baggage you’re carrying, as it isn’t even all yours! Being a support system for loved ones is a beautiful gift, but within reason. How much of yourself are you giving, and how much time are you taking for yourself? What are your needs? Are they being fulfilled? It can be hard to feel good about withdrawing that helping hand when the people you love are depending on you, but if you’re empty, you’re not able to fill anybody else up. Slow down and acknowledge that you are just a human being, and you need to recharge just like anybody else. There are real consequences to running yourself ragged; you will not win any trophies for being the most tired, despite what you may think. Make a vow to yourself, or to another friend who you can rely on, that you will use this month to slow down and give yourself a breather. Find less labor-intensive ways to help, if you need to, or sub out for alternate systems of support that can help shoulder the load. Lose yourself in a book that is guaranteed to replenish you: witty, frank, and gorgeous meditations on how the victories in life, no matter how large or how small, change us for good, and for the better. You do so much, and give so much--know that the positive energy you’re putting into the world is making a real difference. Yes, you!
LUCKY BOOK: Small Victories by Anne Lamott
Change is hard, Scorpio. It’s unsettling, and sometimes downright scary. But it can also be a blessing. Consider this your warning: opportunities are coming this month that may uproot some significant aspects of your life. This is good thing, though--with change, comes growth! But use any anxiety you may experience at the prospect of this change to examine what’s going on internally. Are there places in your life where you know that you’re getting in your own way? Are you trapped in a cycle of bad communication in a relationship? Are you holding yourself back at work because you’re afraid of taking on additional responsibility? Is there a goal you’ve been putting off for months or even years because you’ve convinced yourself you’ll never reach it? Now is the time to end the negative self-talk and take a chance on yourself. Stop feeding the impulse to limit yourself; it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy! Keep your eyes open; don’t let yourself be caught off guard by the new opportunities coming your way. If you stay ready, there’s no need to get ready. Your lucky book this month is just what you need to keep you on your toes, Scorpio. Sometimes a bit of fear is a good thing....and this novel of power, desperation, and broken souls is absolutely designed to unsettle you just enough to keep you paying attention. Get swept away in a Fever Dream, and then wake up to the reality of a new day on the horizon. Good luck!
LUCKY BOOK: Fever Dream by Samanta Schweblin
It’s oh so quiet, Sagittarius. And thank goodness--life has just been rather loud lately, hasn’t it? March will be your month to spend more time alone, someplace peaceful, and just reflect on life. You’ll likely experience a burst of creativity--follow where that leads you, by all means. That story you abandoned months or even years ago: don’t be surprised if you finally find your ending. The face that’s been in your dreams: it may be time to rent a studio somewhere and get back into painting. However your creative energies want to make themselves known, let them. This intense introspection and processing of emotion is healthy, and it’ll feel amazing, too. Of course, this doesn’t mean you should shut yourself away from the world completely. Taking it to that extreme may result in an actual depression, so accept company when you feel up to it, and give your parents a call, too. They’d love to hear from you. Your lucky book this month is a collection of vignettes by a character who is rather like you this month. Charming, quirky, interrogative of herself, her surroundings, the random pleasures and annoyances of daily existence. Take these in bit by bit, or all in one sitting, however you feel is best. It’s your world, Sag. Sit back and enjoy it!
LUCKY BOOK: Pond by Claire-Louise Bennett
March is a tricky month, so watch out. You’re feeling pressured to perform--whether at work, at your side hustle, or both--and it’s more than a bit stressful. How this usually manifests in you is your need for competition: how are the others in your field doing? Is there someone you perceive as on your level, and are you alarmed that they may be ‘winning’? When these sorts of thoughts pop up, try to identify them for what they are (unnecessary! unhealthy!) and keep it moving. Giving in will only result in your needing to prove yourself in ways that maybe, in the short term, get you what you want, but you’ll be leaving some pretty annoyed and hurt friends in your wake. No one likes a sore winner, Cap. Think about where this pressure may be coming from--is it anxiety, insecurity, a distraction from a larger issue? You have the final say over your actions, no matter how strong your impulses may be. Second-guess your immediate responses when you feel yourself going to that place. And maybe take a few more naps! Being overly tired always makes you extra snappy. For even more R&R, your lucky book this month is a story collection perfect for transporting you away. Filled with tales that explore love, childhood, parenthood with a light touch of the fantastical, you’ll have no trouble coming back to center when everything just feels like too much. You can do this, Cap. Just remember to breathe.
LUCKY BOOK: Awayland by Ramona Ausubel
Whoa, there Aquarius! You’re go go go all March with barely any time to slow down. But is that actually true? With so many crossed signals (quick question: just how many times have dinner/happy hour/brunch plans been thwarted by time or venue mixups?) you’ve got to find a spare minute to catch your breath. Move with purpose, not just speed. This goes for all areas, but particularly in your career. Where are you going, and what is your strategy for getting there? This path that you’re on right now, are you positive this is the best one? If it’s not, get off of it! You won’t lose any time by making sure you’re in exactly the right place; you’re actually saving it. Never hesitate to redirect your steps when you realize that it’s time. And don’t be too proud to admit when you were the one who entered the wrong address in Google Maps (it happens!). For a riveting tale of mystery, thrills and reversals, look no further than your lucky book this month. An orphan is raised to assist in a daring, seductive heist, but when she comes to care for the mark in unexpected ways, plans go awry and true loyalties are revealed. When you need refuge from the breakneck pace of your daily schedule, this book will be your perfect armchair companion. Inhale, exhale. Then dive in.
LUCKY BOOK: Fingersmith by Sarah Waters
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